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English for Grade 9 :



There are two kinds of written advertisements that are easily found in newspapers
namely display and classified advertisements.
-          Display Advertisement

No Aspects Display Advertisement

1 Topic Promoting Tunas Pencak Silat
2 Purpose To persuade the readers to join Tunas Pencak Silat
3 Target Readers         Parents
        Primary and Junior High School Students

There are many structures we can find in many advertisements. However, in this lesson, the core
of advertisement is headline, sub-headline, benefit (optional), and call-to-action.

-          Classified Advertisement

Classified advertisements consist of just a few lines in a column without pictures. 

Housework services. Need help to clean and Brand new 2-bedroom houses. Ceramic
fix your house? Services for your gutter, floors, big sinks, shower and bath. Near
fences, floors, ditches. Call Heri, market and bus terminal. Call
08131940257 RumahKita, 08159929439

1.     Definition
Advertisement is a commercial notification that has aim to encourage or persuade general society
to buy or to use the product or service offered in the advertisement.

2.  Social Function
-          To advertise                                              : untuk mengiklankan
-          To offer                                                     : untuk menawarkan
-          To promote                                                : untuk mempromosikan
-          To attract people to …                              : untuk menarik orang supaya …
-          To persuade people to …                          : untuk merayu orang supaya ….
-          To make people interested in …               : untuk membuat orang tertarik…

3. The Structure of the Text

The text structures of the advertisement are headline, sub-headline, pictures,
benefit (optional) and a call-to- action.

The information that we can find in the advertisement are such as goods/service,
varieties, price, time/place, contact number/email-address, and selling
points/promoting words.

Sumber Belajar

  Buku Penunjang Kurikulum 2013 Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris When English Rings The Bell,
Kelas IX,  Kemendikbud, Revisi Tahun 2015

  Buku Teks Pendamping Bahasa Inggris untuk Siswa SMP-MTs KelasIX, Penerbit Yrama Widya,
Tahun 2018
di March 10, 2019 
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Label: Bahasa Inggris, Kelas 9, Semester 2

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