Reydisp Evolution 32 Setting Software: Product Information

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Reydisp Evolution 32

Setting Software


Product Information


i For your own safety, observe the warnings and safety instructions contained in this document, if available.

Disclaimer of Liability Copyright

Subject to changes and errors. The information given in Copyright © Siemens 2021. All rights reserved.
this document only contains general descriptions and/or The disclosure, duplication, distribution and editing of this
performance features which may not always specifically document, or utilization and communication of the content
reflect those described, or which may undergo modifica- are not permitted, unless authorized in writing. All rights,
tion in the course of further development of the products. including rights created by patent grant or registration of a
The requested performance features are binding only when utility model or a design, are reserved.
they are expressly agreed upon in the concluded contract.
Document version: C53000-X7050-C026-1.01
Edition: 09.2021
Version of the product described: V9.85
Open Source Software
The product contains, among other things, Open Source Software developed by third parties. The Open
Source Software used in the product and the license agreements concerning this software can be found in the
Readme_OSSthe ReadmeOSS documents. These Open Source Software files are protected by copyright. Your
compliance with those license conditions will entitle you to use the Open Source Software as foreseen in the
relevant license. In the event of conflicts between Siemens license conditions and the Open Source Software
license conditions, the Open Source Software conditions shall prevail with respect to the Open Source Soft-
ware portions of the software. The Open Source Software is licensed royalty-free. Insofar as the applicable
Open Source Software License Conditions provide for it you can order the source code of the Open Source
Software from your Siemens sales contact – against payment of the shipping and handling charges – for a
period of at least 3 years after purchase of the product. We are liable for the product including the Open
Source Software contained in it pursuant to the license conditions applicable to the product. Any liability for
the Open Source Software beyond the program flow intended for the product is explicitly excluded. Further-
more, any liability for defects resulting from modifications to the Open Source Software by you or third parties
is excluded. We do not provide any technical support for the product if it has been modified.
The ReadmeOSS documents for the product can be found here:

Reydisp Evolution 32, Setting Software, Product Information 3

C53000-X7050-C026-1, Edition 09.2021
4 Reydisp Evolution 32, Setting Software, Product Information
C53000-X7050-C026-1, Edition 09.2021
Table of Contents
Open Source Software..................................................................................................................................3

1 Contents of the Consignment...................................................................................................................... 6

2 Hardware Requirements...............................................................................................................................6

3 Software Requirements................................................................................................................................7

4 Network Environment.................................................................................................................................. 8

5 Installation....................................................................................................................................................8

6 Features...................................................................................................................................................... 14

7 Support Centre........................................................................................................................................... 14

Reydisp Evolution 32, Setting Software, Product Information 5

C53000-X7050-C026-1, Edition 09.2021
1 Contents of the Consignment
Reydisp Evolution is available to download free of charge from the Siemens web page.
2 download options are available:

• Reydisp Manager – contains a complete suite of PC software tools for the configuration of all Reyrolle
numeric protection devices.

• Reydisp Evolution 32 V9.85 – PC software for the protection parameter configuration of Reyrolle 7SR1,
7SR2, 7SR45, and legacy devices.

Content and Structure of Download Version

Reydisp Manager
Download package Reydisp Manager Vx.xx contains Reydisp Evolution 32 V9.85.
The download also includes the User Guide and tutorial for using Reydisp Evolution 32.
The download does not contain the setting templates, which must be downloaded separately. If the setting
templates are already installed on the PC they will not be overwritten during this download and will still be
available to use.

Reydisp Evolution 32 V9.85

The download also contains the complete suite of Reyrolle Evolution and the standalone configuration tools as
listed below, as well as the latest version of the setting templates and documentation.
Article Number Tool Name Version
2973H80001 Reydisp Evolution 9.85
2975H80018 Communications Editor 4.00.04
2975H80014 Language Editor 2.03.01
2975H80007 Curve Editor 02.01.01

The download contains the latest release of device setting templates.

Device Drivers and Documentation

Device templates are part of the installation package.
Some device templates may need to be installed separately if the device has had a firmware revision after the
release of the Reydisp Evolution 32 installation package.
Additional device setting template installation packages can be found on the website.

2 Hardware Requirements
Recommended PC/Computer Hardware
To work with this PC software, you need a PC or laptop computer with the following minimum specifications
independent from the used operating system version:

6 Reydisp Evolution 32, Setting Software, Product Information

C53000-X7050-C026-1, Edition 09.2021
• Intel® CoreTM i3-6100U, 2.30 GHz S-ATA with at least 8 GB available storage capacity 4 GB of RAM (8 GB

• Graphic display HD ready 1280 x 1024 or 1376 x 768 Pixels

• Keyboard and mouse

• USB port
If you are dealing with comprehensive projects with several protection devices, for example, Siemens recom-
mends using a PC meeting the latest standards of performance.


i If you use a laptop computer with power management, then Siemens recommends using Reydisp Manager
2 on that laptop computer while it is attached to an external power outlet. This avoids power drops due to
energy saving modes of the laptop computer running on batteries.

3 Software Requirements
Operating Systems
Reydisp Evolution 32 is an application whose functionality has been designed especially for the fo1.
Microsoft Windows 10 (64-bit)

• Windows 10 Professional (Version 1607 and higher)

• Windows 10 Enterprise (Version 1607 and higher)

Microsoft Windows 7 (64-bit)

• Windows 7 Professional with Service Pack 11

• Windows 7 Enterprise with Service Pack 11

• Windows 7 Ultimate with Service Pack 11

Reydisp Evolution 32 requires that .NET 2.0 framework is installed prior to running Reydisp Evolution 32.
Reydisp Evolution 32 V2.10 has not been tested for the following operating systems:
Microsoft Windows 10 (64-bit)

• Windows 10 Home (Version 1607 and higher)

• Windows 10 Enterprise (up to Version 1511)

• Windows 10 Professional (up to Version 1511)

Microsoft Windows 8 (64-bit)
Microsoft Windows Server (64-bit)

• Windows Server 2012 (as a work-station computer)

• Windows Server 2008 R2 with Service Pack (as workstation computer)

If you use these operating systems, it is at your own risk.

1 Including security update KB3033929 or any of the superseded patches

Reydisp Evolution 32, Setting Software, Product Information 7

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4 Network Environment
Compatibility with other Software
Reydisp Evolution 32 V9.85 can be used for viewing waveform records downloaded from the relays data files
by Reydisp Manager.

5 Installation
A single download package is provided on the website and is labelled Reydisp Manager. This package includes
Reydisp Evolution 32 but does not contain the setting templates or USB drivers.

• Close any running Reydisp Evolution and Reydisp Manager applications. Remove any USB cable
connected to a relay, you will be reminded to disconnect it before continuing.

• Please refer to the download and installation instructions provided in document C53000-X7050-C015-1
for Reydisp Manager.
If upgrading an existing installation the USB drivers and setting templates already installed will not be over-
Download for Reydisp Evolution is available.
The installation instructions are provided for Reydisp Evolution 32 V9.85.
Reydisp Evolution is supplied as a self extracting installer. Before installing the user must allow the installer to
make changes to the PC by selecting Yes.

[sc_ReydispEvolution_SettingsChanges, 1, --_--]

Figure 5-1 Reydisp Evolution Settings Changes

On running this file the following dialog box appears, displaying the version number. Click Next to begin the

8 Reydisp Evolution 32, Setting Software, Product Information

C53000-X7050-C026-1, Edition 09.2021
[sc_ReydispEvolution_SetupWelcome, 1, --_--]

Figure 5-2 Reydisp Evolution Welcome Screen

The disclaimer dialog box appears; after reading the disclaimer, check I accept… then click the Next button
to continue.

[sc_ReydispEvolution_License, 1, --_--]

Figure 5-3 Reydisp Evolution License Agreement

As previously described the download pack also includes the additional configuration tools. If these are not
required they can be deselected from the previous options and they will not be installed.
The choose components dialog box appears; select which components to install, note the USB driver is
compulsory … then click the Next button to continue.

Reydisp Evolution 32, Setting Software, Product Information 9

C53000-X7050-C026-1, Edition 09.2021
[sc_ReydispEvolution_Components, 1, --_--]

Figure 5-4 Reydisp Evolution Choose Components

Select the target location drive and destination directory for the application. Click Next to continue.

[sc_ReydispEvolution_InstallLocation, 1, --_--]

Figure 5-5 Reydisp Evolution Install Location

10 Reydisp Evolution 32, Setting Software, Product Information

C53000-X7050-C026-1, Edition 09.2021
[sc_ReydispEvolution_Users, 1, --_--]

Figure 5-6 Reydisp Evolution Choose Users

Select whether to install for a single user or everyone who uses the PC. Click Install to begin installation.

[sc_ReydispEvolution_Installing, 1, --_--]

Figure 5-7 Reydisp Evolution Installing

The progress dialog will be displayed. During the installation you will be asked to install the USB driver.

Reydisp Evolution 32, Setting Software, Product Information 11

C53000-X7050-C026-1, Edition 09.2021
[sc_ReydispEvolution_Installed, 1, --_--]

Figure 5-8 Reydisp Evolution Installed

Driver Installation
When this dialog box appears you need to confirm installation of a driver. The driver is a USB driver for use
with the devices that have a USB port on their fascia. Click Install to install the driver.

[sc_ReydispEvolution_DriverSecurity, 1, --_--]

Figure 5-9 Reydisp Evolution Driver Security Window

For some versions of Windows you may in addition get the following, or similar, information box. When this
box appears you need to confirm installation of the driver. Click Continue Anyway to install the driver.

12 Reydisp Evolution 32, Setting Software, Product Information

C53000-X7050-C026-1, Edition 09.2021
[sc_ReydispEvolution_DriverInstallation, 1, --_--]

Figure 5-10 Reydisp Evolution Driver Installation

At this point if everything has installed correctly the previous confirmation will be displayed. Click Finish to
complete the installation. If the Run box is checked Reydisp will now start.
The following shortcut icon will now appear on the Desktop.

[sc_ReydispEvolution_Shortcut, 1, --_--]

Figure 5-11 Reydisp Evolution Shortcut

With the Windows uninstaller, you can remove Reydisp Evolution 32 from your PC. During deinstallation, the
installer of Reydisp Evolution 32 removes all program files installed. The user-specific data like projects remain
Select Control Panel in the Windows start menu and open Programs > Uninstall a program.
In the list, select Reydisp Evolution 32 (Vx.xx.xx).
Click Remove to start the deinstallation. Follow the installation instructions.
Alternatively, select the Uninstall option which is located in the start menu below Reydisp Evolution 32.

Installation of Setting Templates

Setting templates for the devices will be installed with the Reydisp Evolution 32 installation. If the Reydisp
Manager V2.20 installation package was used the templates need to be installed.
The setting templates can be installed from a complete installation package for all devices or by installing the
setting templates for only a particular device and firmware.
The setting template files are installed be running the Install file.

Reydisp Evolution 32, Setting Software, Product Information 13

C53000-X7050-C026-1, Edition 09.2021
6 Features
Revision History
The revision history is documented in the PC software and is located in Reydisp Evolution 32 > Help
> Open version history.
Turkish language is supported from V9.85 onwards

7 Support Centre
Customer Support Center
Our Customer Support Center provides a 24-hour service.
Siemens AG
Smart Infrastructure – Digital Grid Phone: +49 911 2155 4466
Customer Support Center E-mail:

热线: 8008289887, 4008289887

传真: +86-025-5210 9237

14 Reydisp Evolution 32, Setting Software, Product Information

C53000-X7050-C026-1, Edition 09.2021

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