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CMACRA) ASHRAE) Malaysia Dresents 1 Day Seminar Update on Refrigerants: Upcoming Major Impact on the Air-Conditioning Industry 16 March 2017 (Thursday) 8,30am to 6.00pm PULLMAN KUALA LUMPUR BANGSAR NO.1, JALAN PANTAI JAYA, TOWER 3 ve 59200 KUALA LUMPUR — MALAYSIA DISTINGUISHED SPEAKERS PORTFOLIO. Dr. Eckhard A. Groll Is the Reilly Professor of Mechanical Engineering and also serves as the Director of the Office of Professional Practice at Purdue University. He joined Purdue University as an Assistant Professor in 1994 and was promoted to Associate Professor in 2000, to Full Professor in 2005, and to the Reilly Professorship in 2013. He received his Diploma in Mechanical Engineering from the University of the Ruhr in Bochum, Germany, in 1989 and a Doctorate in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Hannover, Germany, in 1994. Professor Groll teaches Thermodynamics and his research focuses on the fundamental thermal sciences as applied to advanced thermal systems, components, and their working fluids. Since joining Purdue, he has been the principal investigator (Pl) or Co-Pl on 100 research grants and 46 educational grants with a total budget of approximately $10.3, million. He has advised 22 doctoral students, 48 master students, 52 undergraduate project students, 67 visiting scholarsivisiting research associates, and 9 post-doctoral researchers. Currently, he advises 8 Ph.D. students, 10 master students, 1 Post-Doo, 3 undergraduate project students and 2 visiting scholars/visiting research associates. Dr. Groll has authored or co-authored 103 archival journal articles and 176 conference papers. He has been the co-author of 3 book chapters and the editor or co-editor of 7 conference proceedings. He holds 4 patents. He has given 73 invited lectures/invited seminars and 11 keynote lectures. He serves as the Regional Editor for the Americas for the International Journal of Refrigeration and is a Fellow of the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE). Ir. CHEN Thiam Leong DL & FASHRAE, FIFireE, FIEM, P.Eng, C.Eng, GBIAP CO-Chair Ir. Chen is a building services consultant with over 35 years’ experience and is involved in the development of numerous Malaysian Standards. He served in various National Steering Committees on Energy, Photo-voltaic & CFCs and acted as a National Expert on HCFC Phase-Out Ir, Chen regularly lectures in the Dr Chin Wai Meng Senior Manager of Daikin Research & Development Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. (DRDM) Dr Chin has been with the company for the past 27 years where his expertise is in the performance and reliability testing of air- conditioning units. He also has experience in the design and construction of psychrometric test laboratories. Presently, he is in charge of leading the Development Support Division which provides support services to the Product Development activities in the company. He has graduated international circuit under the ASHRAE Distinguished from Universiti Malaya with a Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Lecturer Program and first introduced HC refrigerants to the Engineering in 1990, and has oblained his PhD doctorate from local industry in 2000, Universiti Teknologi Petronas in 2011 Ir, Chen is a Past President of ACEM, IFEM and ASHRAE He was also appointed as the Technical Consultant to the Technical Malaysia Chapter, Working Group on APEC-ASEAN Harmonizetion of Energy and is Advisor to MARA since its inception. In recognition of Efficiency Standards for Air-conditioners in 2013. his contribution to the engineering fratemity, Chen was honoured with the ACEM Gold Medal Award in 2010. He has also contributed in the Working Group to revise Malaysian Standard MS1525: 2012 and MS 5151: 2011. In 2016, he was appointed by SIRIM as a member of the Working Group to draft a standard on flammable refrigerants. Shafizah Jabar Basha Assistant Director with Department of Environment Malaysia 16 years of working experience with the Department of Environment (DOE), Malaysia. She has experienced with the International Affairs Section particularly on — Multilateral Environmental Agreements. Involved in evaluation of environmental monitoring and pollution control on the basis of enforcing the Environmental Quality Act 1974. Currently working with the National Ozone Unit, Air Division dealing with the implementation of Montreal Protocol in Malaysia besides being involved in the negotiation for Montreal Protocol for the protection of ozone layer and the recent Kigali Amendment Also member of Technical Committee on Working Group of Flammable Refrigerant And Ecolabelling Product Criteria Document for Air Conditioners, Aminah binti Ali Senior Assistant Director in Department of Environment Malaysia Started working _with the Department of Environment (DOE), Malaysia since 1981. She has working experiences in many fields such as environmental education, developing environmental guidelines and international affairs, In 1995 she has been involved with Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer as one of the pioneer officers in the National Ozone Unit, DOE and still working in the same section to date. She has vast experiences in phase out projects of ‘ozone depleting substances in all sectors namely foam, aerosol, solvent, fire, refrigeration and air- conditioning. She has been involved as Malaysian delegate in many international meetings and seminars ‘on Montreal Protocol including the Meeting of Parties, the Executive Committee on Multilateral Fund for the Montreal Protocol as negotiator, paper presenters, moderator and panellist. The most recent meeting was the 28" Meeting of Parties to the Montreal Protocol whereby the negoliation resulted in the Kigali ‘Amendment on HEC. She also a member of Technical Committee on Clean ‘Agent for Fire Extinguishing System and member of Steering Committee for EU-Switch- ASIA Programme — Promotion and Deployment of Energy Efficient Air Conditioners in ASEAN ASHRAE ) Malaysia PROGRAMME SCHEDULE Chapter Time Presenter Topic 8.30 amto9.30am _| Registration 9.45 am to 10.30am__| Launching 10.30am to 11.00am__| Tea break 11.00 am to 12.30pm Dr. Eckhard A. Groll Update on Refrigerants: Past, Present and Future In the recent decades, the refrigeration and air conditioning sciences have been in a state of flux primarily because of the phase-out of ‘ozone-depleting CFC and HCFC refrigerants, and secondarily because of environmental concems related to the direct global warming impacts of some of the replacement reffigerants. Due to these concerns, there is significant worldwide interest in using substances that are naturally occurring in the biosphere as refrigerants, which are considered benign to the environment and are termed “natural working fluids”. Surprisingly, many of these substances were already used as refrigerants at the dawn of the refrigeration technology in the late 1800's. Thus, when looking at the refrigerants of the future, it is essential to understand which substances have been Used in past. This presentation provides a detailed review of the past and present refrigerants, and proposes refrigerants and their respective technologies that could be Used in the future. An assessment of their characteristics related to choice of one versus another, and an identification of trends set by these choices will be 12.30pm to 2.00pm Lunch 2.00pm to 3.00pm Ir. Chen Thiam Leong Title of paper: Flammable Refrigerants & Refrigerants Beyond The first generation of refrigerants was all about accepting anything that worked, heralding the era’ of Natural reffigerants. The second generation addressed concerns on safety (flammability), toxicity & durability, and saw the emergence of the Synthetic era. The third generation refrigerants: sought to protect our ozone layer, resulting in the demise of CFCs followed by HCFCs. Today's fourth generation seeks to arrest global warming, and inevitably completing the circle back to the first generation refrigerants, So what's next after the latest emerging HFOs and Naturals? Are we ready and prepared to move past the era of Synthetics and Naturals to a future of Non Rs? 3.00pm to 3.30pm PROGRAMME SCHEDULE Aminah binti Ali The Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol: HFC Phase- down ASHRAE ) Malaysia Chapte ‘The Kigali Amendment is an amendment to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer adopted by the 26th Meeting of Parties to the Montreal Protocol on 15 October 2016 in Kigali, Rwanda. The Amendment adds Powerful greenhouse gases hydro fluorocarbons (HFCs) to the list of substances controlled under the Protocol to gradually reduce HFC use by 80-85 per cent by the late 2040s. 3.30pm to 4.00pm Shafizah Jabar Basha Regulations on Refrigerant Management : Updates and initiatives Tn line with the requirements under Environmental Quality (Refrigerant Management) Regulations 1999, Malaysia has conducted the Refrigerant Service Sector (RSS) Training for Technician since 2007. Initially, the trainings were conducted by 29 ‘Authorized Training Centre (ATC) throughout the country. The ATCs were identified by the Department of Environment (DOE) through the cooperation mainly from the Government sector which were The Manpower Department, The Ministry of Youth and Sports and The Ministry of Rural and Regional Development and the private sector particularly the workshops. Under HCFC Phase-out Management Plan (HPMP), the programme continues covering both’ the refrigeration and air conditioning sector (RACs). To date there are 51 ATCs throughout the country. The objectives of the training are to educate and to carty out good practices in handling ODS besides certifying qualified and competent technicians. The Government has taken initiative by upgrading the system via online (e-CSTP) to enhance its pplication and accessibility to all related sectors. 4.00pm to 4.15pm Tea break 4.15pm to 5.00pm Dr Chin Wai Meng Introduction to HFC 32 refrigerant To overcome two main environment issues faced by the world, i.e. ozone layer depletion and global warming, the harmful chioro-flouro carbon (CFC) and hydro-chloro-flouro carbon (HCFC) refrigerants widely used in the air-conditioning industry must be replaced with new altematives which are less harmful to the environment. Such refrigerants must have zero ODP (Ozone Depletion Potential) and low GWP (Global Warming Potential) while maintaining high system energy efficiency and which are safe to use. One such candidate is the hydro-flouro carbon (HFC) R32 refrigerant which has zero ODP and low GWP of 675 (modified 473). This presentation will give an overview of the thermodynamic and_mild-lammability properties (ASHRAE Class A2L) of this refrigerant. Risk assessment studies of the refrigerant have indicated a very small risk of fre with various types ‘of air-conditioning equipment. Nevertheless, the servicing and maintenance of such equipment requires trained and qualified personnel. 5.00pm to 5.45pm Closing ASHRAE ) Malaysia REGISTRATION FORM ; Chapter 1 Day Seminar Update on Refrigerants: Upcoming Major Impact on the Air-Conditioning Industry 16 March 2016 (Thursday) 8:30am - 6:00pm PULLMAN KUALA LUMPUR BANGSAR NO.1, JALAN PANTAL JAYA, TOWER 3 59200 KUALA LUMPUR ~ MALAYSIA REGISTRATION FE RM4oo ~ MACRA and MASHRAE members (all fees are before G 500 — IEM, ACEM, MGBC members RM550 ~ PUBLIC Sortie. Organisation / ow oe Participant Name Goyer) eMail Membership No Fees (RM) Grand Total Closing date for re; Registration is on fi Registration will only be considered when full payment and regist ived within the stipulated closing date Contact Person: Mr Chine Wai Tong @ o12 E-mail: my / Mail: MACRA, No.2’ 58200, Kuala Lumpur M, Jalan Kuchai Maju, Kuchai Enterprencurs’ Park, Off Jalan Kuchai Lama, We are pleased to enclose herewith our erossed cheque/ money order No for the sum of RM_____ issued in favour of “Malaysian Air-Conditioning & Refrigeration Association”. Account No: 1407-300-1010-8411 with Alliance Bank. I/We understand that the fee is not refundable if I/we withdraw aft accepted by the Organizer but substitution of participants will be considered If I/ we fail to attend the Seminar, the fee paid is not refundable. my/our registration is Name of Company: Contaet Person:

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