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BASIC OIL TANKER & CHEMICAL TANKER CARGO OPERATION SSS aR ecclesia aah Gaius Aolanligs Figure 5.2 Cargo tank pipeline system of a product tanker é | Sekolah Tinggi limu Pelayaran (STIP) - Jakarta u BASIC OIL TANKER & CHEMICAL TANKER CARGO OPERA’ Pump room atrangement, Figure 5.9, Pump room pipeline system of a product _Fand-operated valves which are to be kept shut during loading should have their wheels lashed in the closed position. This serves the dual purpose of warning craw Members not to open the valves and of preventing such valves ‘walking back’ or pening due to vibration or cargo pressure Overboard sea discharge valves which #2 located in the pump room are the valves through which the clean ballast is @scharged prior to loading. When de-ballasting is completed such valves ma be ed in the closed position. Usually the Shore Liaison Officer will not permit Fading {0 commence until he has seen the lashings. The final fine setting will now = carried out with all ines being made common so that the cargo can flow to any ‘Erk, the low into each tank being controlled by that particular tank valve, ‘sn all the preparations ‘have been completed and the appropriate tank valves eened, the manifold valves will be opened and loading commenced. It is general Pe2ciice to cornmence loading into one or two tanks only, so as to ensure that the “=ssel has been lined up properly. A man should be stationed at the manifolds, #207 lo Instruct the shore to stop loading in the event of a leaking connection or Sy other safely oF cargo hazard. itis also common practice to load “groups of es. e.g. the wing tanks can be Joaded first and then ‘topped-up! during the loading Pe centre tanks. The term 'topping-up' is used to describe the operation whereby Sekolah Tinggi Ihnu Pelayaran (STIP) - Jakarta 7 BASIC OIL TANKER & CHEMICAL TANKER C. RGO_ OPERATION 2.3 MSDSS (Material Safety Data Sheet) “Example of MSDS Pesonat Protection Material Safety Data Sheet Kerosene MSDS a “Section 4: Chemical Product and Company Identification i ‘Product Name: Kerosene. = ‘Cantact Information: i Catalog Codes: Suxioce, inc 8 14025 Smith Rd. Ease: 3009206 ors1742 810 oven Tees 77296 | RTECS: oAsso0000 US Sales 1800 901-267 Internaiored Sales: 1281-441 4400 ‘Oedar Online: Science ab corm CHEMTREG @24HR Emergency Telephone}. cal: Synonym: Astai Oi, Coal Ol, Fuel Of Ne. 5. Decbsse, —_4-900-424'9300. | TSCA: TSCA 80) invention Kerosene CHE Not avaiable Kesosin, petoleum, Renge Oi, KT Kerosene Kerosene, !stermational CHEMTREC, call: 1-703 527 S887 frydrodosatlunzed, Kerosine For non-emergency assistance, call 1-264-241-4400 Chemical Name: Kerosene [Chemical Formola: Not available | | ‘Abeal Ol Jet A Fuel Jet Fuel JP-(JP-S Navy Fs f : Section 2: Composition and Information on igredients [case by Weight HID or “00 [ ares | 2 be ee ‘Toxicological Data on Ingredients: Kerosene: ORAL (LOS0): Ace: 16000 mag {Ret 20000 mika [Guines og} 2035 ‘malkg Rabb} Section 3: Hazards Identification: PoteaielAciteitatd Closes A A Pe ap Hazardous in case of skin contac (irtant), of eye contac (irkan), of ngeston’ of nhaliion. Signtly hazaidots m e300 of skis conta (parostr)Serore erence ean tesa don atanial Chronic Hatt Etec: Sight haarcoua cata of shin contact (ease) GARCNOGENIG EFF ECIS: Nol avaiable MUTAGENIC EFFECTS: tenes x hacia andlor oat TERATOGENIC EFFECTS, Not avaiable DEVELOPMENTAL TOMIETY Not ratle Thesibstance sues he naroue syst Th sbetaes ray bo fae to lo, Hays Ter cenal ronous aura (CNS): Repeated or otongod export to abularen ean pedos target erga aroogeTopeais eps oe Pan ‘pve mataral ray produce goneal ateratonaFheatt Sy av accomuletgn pane or any sen organs, pt | Sekolah Tinggi itm Pelayaran (STIP) - Jakarta 51 “| Sten Contact: BASIC OIL TANKER & CHEMICAL TANKER CARGO OPERATION Eye Comtact [Check for and remove any canfact anses. in case of contac: ienedately Tush eyas with play of wale fora east 19. inues Ges tneciealatlenion "suse of contact immnedeaty uch chin with plenty of water Cover the entatad sk with an emote. Remove concaminaied pling end shoes, Wath coding boforo rowse. Thowughy cleas shoas fore saise, Get fnesial atontinn Serfous Skio Contact: Wash wttia infecart soap and cover he contaminated sin with an antibactorl cream. Seek imroediate medical _ateition. Inhalation: IFinfaleg remove so kesh ar Ho breathing, give acta rspiravon If pmathing s feu, gve aaygen Get medica! | atonton meaty | Serious inhalation: Evacuata th victim fo a sale cea 22 econ ae poesble Loosen tht doshing such 282 cola, bel orwalsthand If breathing is aficut adminietr oxygen. I tha viel. not breathing, perform mouth-o-mouth resuscitaion, WANING: {may be hacaréour othe person providing ad o Give mouth lo-moui resuscitation whan the nated tonal toxic, iectous of corrosive, Sack immediate medical ateson. Ingestion: { swallowed, do NOT duce vorting.f swalowed. do rot inducs vomiting arless decid to do 30 by medical personnel ‘Never ove aything by mouth tan unexvetious person, Loosen taht cething such asa coll, be, bet rvaiktband, Get meal ateniioninmediately ‘Serious ingestion: Not avaiable Secon & Fre and © plosion Oat Boney ie Pouca ‘Auto-lgnition Temperatare: 210°C (61077) ah Sn 696 CSE (00 Cpe) fides inks OEE LEO oa eae a a Explosion Hazards in Presence of Various Substances: Fs of elon othe rosin pasanes of mestarcal pac Not avisle Res exer of haptic preberce of state diecharge: Not aalabie Fire Fighting Media and instructions: Flammable iu, mechube in water. SMALL FIRE: Use ORY choral powdor LARGE FIRE: Use water spray ot og Cao! ‘contig vessels with ler el in otder to provers proseure oui up, aulagnscn ar explosion ‘Spocial Remarks on Fice Hazards: Not avaliable Special Remarks on Explosion Harards: Not avalaba 32 Basic Oil And Chemical Tanker (BOCT) | BASIC OIL TANKER & CHEMI TANKER CARGO OPERATION {Foxe tarvmable uid, msokible or very shi soluble water: Potsonous bul Keap sway Tom hast Keep away from | Souréesofigniton. Stop leaki wAhout isk: Absoib wah DRY earh, sae or ofernon combustble materia Bs not got water Insige container D> not toch spiled‘mateal. Use wafer spray to raduce vapors. Prevent Sty nto oar, Basomonts or confined ateas, dike fneaded. Call for eesctance on depocal "Seation 7 Handling ind Storage | Precautions: ‘Keep locked ut Keep sway oni neat. Kasp avayttom saurcea of gnion. Ground a equipment contig nisstiat Do ‘at ingest Do.not breathe gassed vagerapray. Woar utable protective cling. In ease of mucin venation, wear stiable respiratory equipment. ngesied, sek medical advice mimeciately and show the cartaste r the label vad ‘eetoet wth sian and eyes Koop away fom incompalbles such 2s oniding agents Storage: ‘Stor ina sogregeied and approved area Keep conizine na con, well venblated area. Keep container igh closed and sealed unl ready for use, Avo all posse saircas of ton tapark orate} _ Section 8. Exposure Controle/Personal Protection Engineering Controls: Provide exhaust veniation ot ether anginening contol 1 hoop the airborne concentrations of vapors below tir espoctne ‘hfesnald imu'value.Cisurs that eyewash sistinns and safely showers are proximal athe work salon focaion Persanal Proveetion: ‘Splash goggios. Lab cout Vapor respater Be sure to usw an approvediverafind respratar or eauivaent Gloves Personal Protection in Case ofa Large Spl: Splash: goggles Tul su Vapor teaptator Bovis Gloves. A sel cotained breathing apparatie should bo uned to avoid halation ofthe produc. Seqyested protacve chang might not be suffient, consul a apaciak BEFORE handing this product Exposure Limits: Not avatale Section 9: Physical and Chemical Properties Physical state and appearance: Lguid (Cay hquid) Odor: Not availabe Taste: Not avaiable Molecular Welght: Not avaiable | Color: Yellow, Clear (ght) | pil (2% solniwater: Not applicable | Boiling Point 149°C 00.26) 225 0 Melting Point: Not availabe Cettical Temperature: Not availble |) Specific Gravity: 0.775. s10,Water=1) | | Vapor Pressure: | Wa (@ 20°C) | Vopor Dens: 4 (As — 1) - Volotiiy: Not avaetie i “Odor Threshold: Not vaiase pa 1 Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Pelayaran (STIP) - Jakarta 53, BASIC OIL TANKER & CHEMIC. L TANKER CARGO OPERATION Woterll Dist Coeit: Not availabe Joncity (a Water: Not avaiable Dispersion Propenies: No! avaiable Solubility: Insoluble cold water, hot wat Mico wih othor pottlourn solvents Section 40: Stability and Reactivity Data “Stability: The produce stale Instablity Temperature: Net avatante. Conditions of instability: Hea, ignition sources (sparks, Hames), iccampatte materials Incompatibility with various substances: Reactive wih ovidng agents ‘Corrosivity: Not considored lobe cowosive for metals and vlass. ‘Special Remarks on Reactivity: Nor silane “Special Remarks on Corrosivity: Not avai. Polymediestion: Wi not coeur ‘Section 14: Toxicological Information: Routes of Entry: Absothed thigh sen Eye contact Toxicity to Animale: Acute ora city (L250). 2538 mag [Rabb Conic Effects on Humans: MUTAGENIC EFFECTS: Mutagenic fr bacteria andor yeast Causes damage tothe folowing organs: the nenovs oysten May cause Gamage ta he folawing agai blood, kidhevs, ver, cal nervous System (CNS) ‘other foxie EHfects 00 Humans ‘acatdous ease of Skin contac (ertant) of ngaston. of whalaton (og Wael), Sigh hazardous x case of ck contact ipermeston) Special Remarks on Toxicity to Animale: Not avatabe, Speciel Remarks on Chronic Effects on Humans: May affect gonatc material mutagen) ‘Special Remarks on other Toxic Effects on Itumans: ‘ete Polenial Heath Efecs’ Ski Causes trocerate fo severe shin iitaon. Kan cause defating dematis, Eyes: fay eause oye lation Inalaton: May cause “estoy ractand mucous membrane ilaton and a butring sensation inife chest Because of ts relafvoy ov vostity, ovecexposure by nhulaton is uncemnmen aut Beall ocean poor {estlaied areas or by inhalation canst 6r-aeinnek_Symplows of halaion overexposure include cena! nevous system (CNS) cepression (vansenteuphora headache, abit. excrement, ging h the wars, weakness, hncoxtdiaboo, Conlison, decrentaton, drowsiness, wemor, somjoiones, haluchatons, sures, ca, Goat] May alfet te her (Caioc airings, iver, keys, and feupcaton(aspha, apnea, aeule puiionaly edema, dyspnes, Tosis, 0 Cyatioss) Ingestion Caunee gastontesines tract erisbon wh burning arnsatcn in mouth, esophagus, and siomach, 8) ¢6.minalp ain aausea,vomiting hypetmoli ity,diatchaa,headache,malaise Mayattact rspimton’ lHachorbronehi through accents purmonany aspiciion nhseh ean cause hypous chennai pneumoniis, and aorcardogenc ‘Bumonary edem, pulmonary henmantage, coughing, oestting dificult, acute or chionc pumonary edenia_emphy=urna fespiratary stimulation may aio affect re hear {¢yarhytunias, myocartal donession tachyearda), her, endocrine “stom (pancreas -hypoglvcenia). behaviocicenal nereous sysiem (symptoms silat to that ef mfalation} Chronve Potenaa! Health Eecs: balan, Repesied or xolonged mbalaton ray cause respratoty iract imation and afect behaviereenta rervous system wath syrotemne simular fo tat of acute mbalition Itray abso alec the blood (changes in white Blood cell ‘oat. ehanges in sum conpostion,pignented of riclaaied red blood cel, leuhopensa,normocyic anemia). cardovesculr | pa 54 Basic Oil And Chemical Tanker (BOCT) | Fo a

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