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NAME: Felix, Joan Kyle P.




Meanne a 2nd year nursing student is having her annual check up. She is 5’4” and
currently weighs 51kgs. She is a full time student who lives in a dormitory near the school.
She is originally from Pangasinan but is in Baguio for college. She walks 10 mins everyday
going to school for her 730 class, goes home for lunch at 1230 and then back again to
school for her 2pm class. She buys food from the nearby food stalls as she walks to and
from her home, the usual budget meal, is her staple. If she passes by a fishball stand, she
buys and eat at the location so she do not need to prepare and eat in her dorm. She has
a stock of chips and cup noodles as her emergency food as she always see herself
hungry doing requirements late at night. Religion RC.

A. Given the situation above,

1. Determine the DBW of the client. 1 pt

2. Compute for the TER, 2 pts

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3. Determine TEA/ percentage distribution (CH), CHON and fats)- 3 pts

4. Determine the number of exchanges using food exchange list. -9pts

5. Develop a 24-hour meal plan. (inclusive of Breakfast, snack A, lunch, Snack B,
Dinner). 10 points

Food list No. of Breakfast Snack A Lunch Snack B Dinner

Veg List A 2 2
Veg List B 1 1
Fruit 3 1 1 1
Milk 1 1
Sugar 6 1 2 1 2
Rice 10 2 2 2 2 2
Meat list A 3 1 2
Meat list B 3 1 2
Fat 6 3 1 1 1

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means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited.2
24 hour meal plan

Breakfast Snack A Lunch Snack B Dinner

Fruit(1)– apple (1/2 Sugar (2)- 4 tsps Veg list A (2)- ½ Sugar(2)- 4tsps Veg B(1)- ½ cooked
of 8cm diameter) pineapple jam cooked kangkong, ½ condensed milk squash fruit
cooked tomato
Milk (1)- 1 cup fresh Rice(2) 4 slices of Rice(2)- 1 corn Fruit(1)- 1 slice
cow’s milk wheat bread Sugar(1)- 5g ube boil(12x4cm) and ½ papaya, ripe
(11-1/2x 6- haleya cup sweet potato (10x6x2cm)
Sugar (1)- 5g 1/2x1cm)
pastillas, gatas Rice (2)- 1 cup of rice Fat(2)- 2 tsps butter Rice(2)- 1 cup rice
(5x1x1 cm)
Meat list A (1)- ¾ cup Meat list A(2)- 1
Rice (2)- 1 cup of chicken liver galunggong
rice fried(14x3-1/2cm)
Meat list B (2)- ¼ and halaan cooked
Meat list B (1)- 1 chicken breast (6cm 1/3 cup
piece fried long) and 1 small leg
chicken egg (13-1/2cm long x 3cm Fat(1)- 1 tsp canola
diameter) oil
Fat(3)- 1 tsp
canola oil, 2 strips Fat (1)- 1 tsp
bacon(10x3cm) canola oil

Property of and for the exclusive use of SLU. Reproduction, storing in a retrieval system, distributing, uploading or posting online, or transmitting in any form or by any
means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited.3

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