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When the sense of distinction

and separation is absent, you Nisargadatta

may call it love Maharaj


� �

While the domestic economy seems to be under macro-control,

India needs to guard against external macro-developments
INDUSTRY. IT IS A MISSION. that have the potential to hit economic bounceback

— Ramnath Goenka



hat do little-known environmentalist
Tulsi Gowda, transgender folk dancer TULSI Professor, Economics & Chairperson, Family
Matha B Manjamma, octogenarian JAYAKUMAR Managed Business at Bhavan’s SPJIMR
Mohammed Sharif and street vendor SOUMYADIP SINHA
Harekala Hajabba have in common

with the late ministers in the Narendra Modi ndia appears to be on the path to from Indians employed overseas, would be affected, since global in- covery in the US. The latest devel- crunch that is affecting the coun-
government, Sushma Swaraj and Arun Jaitley, recovery, as Diwali festival sales along with a decline in the net over- vestors would find it more lucra- opment of America passing a $1 try’s growth, the systemic crisis in
around the country seem to attest. seas investment income payments. tive to invest in AE bonds, affecting trillion infrastructure bill to ramp its real estate and construction sec-
or celebrities such as Kangana Ranaut and Ad-
The Confederation of All India To add to the current account sur- India’s balance of payments. FPI is up its highway, broadband and in- tors, and the government’s crack-
nan Sami? All of them are recipients of the lat- Traders (CAIT) announced an plus, high Foreign Direct Invest- not the most desirable form of cap- frastructure is likely to aid US re- down on top companies in order to
est edition of the Padma awards, among the overall sale of `1.25 lakh crore dur- ments (FDI) and Foreign Portfolio ital flow because of its volatility; covery further, creating jobs address income inequalities and
most prestigious civilian honours in the coun- ing the festival—a record sales fig- investments (FPIs) ensured that but FPI when into equity does con- and boosting that country’s make firms fall in line, business
try. Gowda has planted more than 30,000 saplings ure in the last 10 years as per the India added $31.9 billion to its for- stitute a desirable capital flow. Two, competitiveness. sentiments and consequently
in her native village, Manjamma battled poverty traders’ body announcement made eign exchange reserves in Septem- it would lead to a depreciation of Prospects of a recovery have al- growth have suffered. The Chinese
a day after Diwali. ber 2021. the rupee, with its attendant risks ready led the US to announce its de- slowdown could hit India through
and abuse to become a folk dancer, Sharif has
Consumption aside, industrial While the domestic economy of making our imports even cost- cision to start winding up some of the trade channel, given that New
performed the last rites of thousands of un- production too has witnessed seems to be well under macro-con- lier. Three, companies that depend its emergency stimulus measures Delhi’s two-way trade with Beijing
claimed dead bodies, and Hajabba set up a school growth. The quick estimates of the trol, India would need to guard on external borrowings would find introduced to tackle the pandemic- in 2021 was substantially higher
for underprivileged children with his meagre Index of Industrial Production re- against external macro-develop- their borrowing costs higher, af- led recession, starting with the ta- than the pre-pandemic levels. Bilat-
savings from selling oranges on the road. veal a 11.9% growth in August 2021 ments that have the potential to de- fecting their returns. More impor- pering of its monthly bond-buying eral trade with China was up by
Until 2017, Gowda, Manjamma, Sharif and over the corresponding period last rail recovery. We consider three tantly, a depreciation of the rupee programme. In October, the US Fed- 29.7% in the first nine months of
Hajabba, to name just a few of the ordinary and year, while the manufacturing sec- such developments that could im- would further weaken their posi- eral Reserve had indicated that such 2021, compared with the same pe-
tor has grown by 9.7%. The manu- pact India, together with the chan- tion since borrowings in US dollars tapering may commence from mid- riod in 2019. India’s exports in-
unknown citizens who won the Padma awards facturing Purchasing Managers’ nels through which such impact is would pinch them harder. November, with the Fed cutting its creased far more (by 64.5%) com-
this year, would never have dreamt of rubbing Index (PMI) at 53.7 and the services likely to be experienced. 2. Economic Recovery in Ameri- $120 billion per month bond buys pared to its imports, which rose by
shoulders with the country’s elite in the ornate Purchasing Managers’ Index at 55.2 1. Higher global inflation: Both ca: The US reported less than slowly. The Fed indicated recently 21.5%. In fact, India’s trade with
and cavernous halls of Rashtrapati Bhawan. in September 2021 indicate opti- advanced economies (AEs) and 300,000 jobless claims filed in the that it would start by cutting $10 bil- China is expected to cross the
That year, the government launched a website mism regarding economic activity. emerging market economies have week ending October 9—the lowest lion a month in Treasury bond and $100 billion mark by the end of 2021.
to receive nominations for the awards, making The Consumer Price Index- been experiencing higher infla- since the beginning of the pan- $5 billion a month in mortgage- Even for China, the growth in trade
based retail inflation at 4.35% in tionary pressures due primarily to demic. Such figures, together with backed securities—a total reduction with India has been among the fast-
the exercise transparent. But more than the
September 2021 was not only a elevated commodity and fuel pric- its inflation data that showed a 13- of $15 billion per month. Such re- est compared to its other major
nomination itself, the government changed the whole percentage point below its es. Central banks of both sets of year high of 5.4% in September covery and the resultant tapering trading partners.
selection process, expanding the bouquet of level in August 2021, but was also economies have consequently 2021, point towards economic re- would also affect US bond yields. These global macro-develop-
recipients outside the usual politicians, bureau- the lowest inflation rate in India started tightening their monetary The bond yields have already risen ments, with their potential for
crats, celebrities, Lutyens’ courtiers and lobby- since January 2021. policies to address such inflation. from 0.91% at the beginning of 2021 spillovers and spillbacks, will have
ists to include ordinary do-gooders and change- As regards the external sector, This has had the impact of increas- to 1.549 % in November 2021. The US to be cautiously monitored by In-
India recorded a surplus on its cur- ing global bond yields, especially tapering is likely to harden bond dian policymakers and factored
makers. In effect, the year marked the beginning
rent account of 0.9% of GDP. The those of AEs, including the US. yields further, with its attendant re- into policymaking, even as they
of the democratisation of the Padma awards. current account surplus recorded Higher bond yields have the poten- India’s two-way trade with China in 2021 was sults for India. pursue their goal of “maintaining
Until now, it was well known in Delhi’s elite seems robust, coming as it did tial to adversely affect India substantially higher than pre-Covid levels and 3. Chinese slowdown: China’s price stability while keeping in
circles that other than the real achievers, through a contraction in the trade through multiple channels. One, is expected to cross $100 billion by the year end. GDP growth in Q3 2021-22 slowed to mind ... growth”.
months of lobbying, networking and under-the- deficit, increase in net service re- the flow of capital into India’s stock So the slowdown there could hit our country 4.9%, which was below the 5.2% (Views are personal)
table dealings could land one the Padma awards. ceipts and increase in remittances markets through the FPI route forecast. With the massive fuel (
The credit for this rather revolutionary shift
has to be given to the current government. In
providing a level playing field, the Centre has
given due recognition to the work of those in
the margins. Law minister Kiren Rijiju was not FROM SPACE TO CONSCIOUSNESS: INDIC ARCHITECTURE – I
off the mark when he tweeted after the presen-
tation ceremony that the awards could now be These issues are as relevant to mal soul. This may not be quite how tus flower. Within that is a still
modern India where building ap- the ancients thought. They pro- smaller space, the human heart (hr-
called the People’s Padma. No wonder the loud-
pears to be a heedless, profiteering fessed perhaps far more integrated dayakasha). Within that space is
est applause was reserved for the likes of Gow- business. Indian urban architec- life-goals. the deepest truth.”
da, who received her honour barefooted and SHONALEEKA Associate Professor, Centre for Historical ture today displays an overwhelm- In early India, form and con- In metaphysical terms, the indi-
clad in traditional attire. KAUL Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University ing functionalism and monotony, sciousness were considered insepa- vidual atman (soul) mirrored the
apart from a confused poverty of rable, regardless of the character universal brahman (pure conscious-
form—the predominant impression of the building, and their union in- ness), and true knowledge was the

art of a quest for a culturally rooted prime force, architecture, contract- one gets from the mushrooming vested with cultural meaning and realisation of their unity, or the true
practice of architecture is asking ed and narrowed down rather than jungle of skyscraper-slums that the efficacy. Architecture was a self- nature of reality was their unity. In-
PROBLEM OF PLENTY fundamental questions such as
what did the act of building truly
expanded our lives and our sense of
reality? This is a question of both
urban core and peripheries alike
have become. While there is noth-
consciously undertaken project
which, like a yajna, was believed to
deed moksha (liberation) was not
some other-worldly pursuit but

mean? ‘Architecture’, from the physics and metaphysics. Ultimate- ing wrong with function and it is a be transformational, both for its jivan mukti (liberation in one’s life-
s a major agrarian crisis stares at Telan- Greek architecton (‘prime builder’), ly, however, it is perhaps a question necessary and sufficient impetus practitioners and clientele. This time) or the realisation in the here
gana, the ruling TRS and opposition BJP is fundamentally articulated space. of ethics: What is the practice of for building, the question really is two-part series draws on a couple of and now of that state of bliss arisen
are involved in a blame game rather than Or, as Aldo van Eyck evocatively architecture meant to effect in hu- what is the nature of function that central concepts of space from ear- from union with the infinite. Known
helping the farmer. Interestingly, the called it, “outlined emptiness”, the man terms? A separation or a con- is aimed at. Is it that of mere utility ly India, mandala and mandara, to as advaita (non-dualism), this trans-
problem is on account of bountiful pro- outlining performed via the action tinuum? A split or equipoise? Al- or is it that of purpose, a “lasting explore how form and spirit fused sectarian philosophy established
duction as there are better irrigation facilities of building, which encloses and ienation or belonging? human validity”; the two are vastly synergistically with a view to trans- itself as influential from very early,
contains space. These are questions that have different in terms of their social forming the individual partaker finding expression first in the Upan-
for the farmers now than in the past.
In Indic conceptions, however, agitated the minds of some thinker- and spiritual potential. and ultimately the community. ishads, then the syncretic Bhagavad
Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao argues right from the first millennium architects in the West like van Eyck What may ancient history tell us Returning then to the concept of Gita (2nd century BCE), down to Adi
that the Centre has abdicated its responsibility BCE, the word for space is akasha, and Christopher Alexander, who in this regard? Scholars speak of akasha, while retaining its essen- Shankara and Vedanta (9th century
of procuring all the raw rice produced in the which implies vastness, transcend- perceived a growing crisis of mind- two broad functions performed by tial qualities of infinitude and tran- CE onwards) and the nirguna bhak-
state during kharif. On top of this, he faults the ence and a phenomenon as all-en- lessness and disembeddedness in public architecture: sacred and sec- scendence, it could be of three dif- ti saints (14th–17th century).
Centre for saying that it would not take rabi compassing as the sky. Clearly then, contemporary architecture, and ular. To these the great temples and ferent kinds: in the middle, Of course one does not have to be
space as akasha was the opposite of went on to exhort a style of con- stupas of early India and the cities citakasha, mindspace that gave rise an advaitavadin to see that it is to
paddy in future on the grounds that it yields
anything finite, bounded or en- struction that felt like a built home- and palaces, respectively, can be as- to all activity and perception; above make manifest a culturally validat-
parboiled rice, which has no demand. But Tour- closed. So in this understanding, coming, “places where we can be signed. However, this binary is it- it, paramakasha, the infinite space ed idea of reality that most knowl-
ism Minister G Kishan Reddy, who represents architecture would be the paradoxi- what we really are”, or that tapped self a separation imposed by Euro- of nameless consciousness; and edge systems of early India strove
Telangana in the Union Cabinet, denies that the cal attempt to limit the limitless, into the eternal truth in the ordi- pean modernity, which expects the deep within, hrdayakasha, the in great epistemic unison. Archi-
Centre had said it would not buy all the kharif enclose the unenclosable. Which nary and every day. sacred nowadays to have a minimal space of the human heart. What’s tecture was no exception. Vastu
paddy and asserts that it would procure all the begs the question: Is architecture a In doing so, these architects right- role and the secular, perhaps, mini- more, appearing to confound all no- texts from the first and second mil-
raw rice for which it signs an MoU every year. contradiction in terms? ly apprehended the connection be- tions of scale and hierarchy, para- lennium CE, in the midst of the
And yet, humankind has been tween the surrounding built envi- makasha was exactly replicated in plethora of technical specifications
For the 2021-22 kharif, the state had signed an building and enclosing space for ronment and the psycho-social life hrdayakasha, or rather it reposed they offer, were ultimately about
MoU for 40 lakh tonnes in August but in Octo- millennia. So what does this transi- of the individual. They believed in deep within the latter. architecture as a means to an end
ber, the state had inflated the figure to 108 lakh tion from the unlimited to the lim- the transformative potential of ar- In the Taittiriya Upanishad (cir- greater than itself—architecture as
tonnes, which he says is very unrealistic. The ited, from the transcendent to the chitecture in facilitating the over- It is to make manifest a culturally validated ca 1000 BCE) this was expressed as meditation on the true nature of
state now has the unenviable task of asking contingent, do to space? In generat- coming of contradictions that peo- idea of reality that most knowledge systems nihitam guhayam parame vyoman: reality. Thus whether it was build-
farmers to switch to other crops in the rabi sea- ing an interior and an exterior, does ple and indeed societies felt within of early India strove in great epistemic “deep within the cave [-like heart] ing an altar, a temple or a city, archi-
building not also generate an artifi- themselves, and their attainment of of man lies infinite consciousness”. tecture at its highest became an in-
son beginning in December, which is sure to unison. ... Vastu texts ... were ultimately about
cial divide and duality or splitting a relaxed equipoise instead. They Here was the microcosmic paradox: strument of liberation.
result in a political backlash. If it does not, it asunder of experience? In forcing a emphasised the overcoming of du- architecture ... as meditation on the true the secret of outermost space is to (To be continued)
would lead to a bigger problem as the farmers separation between the world with- alities—the forced separation of in- nature of reality. Thus whether it was building be found in the innermost! As the (The author is editor of Eloquent
would be saddled with rabi rice, which would in and without, and ushering with- terior from exterior—as the key to an altar, a temple or a city, architecture at its Chhandogya Upanishad described Spaces: Meaning and Community
have no takers. Either way, the TRS government in the built interiors the bulk of our wholesome and harmonious build- highest became an instrument of liberation it: “within the city of brahman (in- in Early Indian Architecture)
would be in the soup. That is probably why KCR activities, has civilisation and its ings and communities. finite consciousness) is a small lo- (
is deftly turning the anger of farmers towards
the Centre as he knows paddy is a powder keg
that can go off at any time.
There is no gain from pointing fingers. It is
time now for both the Centre and the state to
Our unsafe hospitals of four newborns who were just Rains make us shudder Probing Rafale deal the people of the country, the author
come together and find a solution to the prob-
lem in the changed demand-supply scenario. As Hospitals, supposed to be a safe place for one-nine days old and yet to be named This is with reference to Just two days of Some documents relating to the alleged deserves appreciation. Theyyam—
patients to recover from illnesses, have by their parents. This bolt from the rain turn city roads into obstacle course kickbacks in the Rafale deal are said to enchanting in its content, colour and
the Centre has advised, the state could help rice become the most unsafe ( Killer blaze was blue comes soon after the inferno in for commuters (Nov 10). Rains should have reached the CBI in 2018. What steps costumes—is unfamiliar to many even
millers modernise their equipment to convert waiting to happen at MP hospital , a Maharashtra hospital. It is criminal bring cheer to the people, but Chennai were initiated based on the information in the state. Just staging Theyyam
rabi paddy into raw rice or ask the farmers to Nov 10). Political parties blame each negligence on the part of the officials residents shudder to even think that the documents revealed is not performances in art festivals for foreign
go in for alternative crops in rabi or do both. In other and enquiries are ordered, and who failed to get a no-objection of them. Besides inundating streets known. It is also not clear what prevents tourists would not make this art form
their anxiety to escape the wrath of the farm- that’s it till the next blaze. Concrete certificate from the fire department. No including main roads, the coming of the CBI or the government from pursuing popular in other parts of Kerala and the
ers, both the TRS and the BJP seem more inter- steps are needed to keep hospitals safe. ex-gratia payment can bring back the rains results in filth everywhere and a any action in the issue. rest of the country. The writer has also
N Nagarajan, Secunderabad lost children. It is high time all hospitals, foul smell in many parts of the city. The Samaga Dattatri, Bengaluru elucidated the historical, mythological
ested in blaming each other, conveniently over-
both government-run and private ones, government should be on the alert all and puranic background and touched
looking their immediate responsibility of Deaths of newborns are checked by the concerned authorities days of the year and make Chennai a Enchanting Kerala art form upon the costumes that the characters
saving the cultivators from the impending There has been another killer blaze in a for fire safety. better place to live in. For introducing The dancing Gods and wear in consonance with their nature.
calamity. hospital, this time swallowing the lives R Donjeba, Nazareth, Thoothukudi S Retnaswamy, Chennai Goddesses of Malabar (Nov 10) to Ravi Mannethu, Pullad


Chairman of the Board: Manoj Kumar Sonthalia Editor: G S Vasu
Resident Editor (Tamil Nadu): Anto T Joseph * Printed and Published by R.K.Jhunjhunwala on behalf of Express Publications (Madurai) Private Ltd. at First Floor, Door No.1/2, T.S.1802, 1803, Neela South Street, Nagapattinam – 611 001 and printed by him at V.C.Printograph S1, SIDCO Industrial Estate, Vadakku Palpannaichery, Nagapattinam – 611 002.
Nagapattinam: Vol. 5, No. 267. RNI Reg. No. TNENG/2017/72810. Phone No. 04365-242910. * Responsible for selection of News under the PRB Act. Copyright: Express Publications (Madurai) Private Ltd., All rights reserved. Reproduction in any manner, electronic or otherwise, in whole or in part, without prior written permission is prohibited.
New Delhi, Thursday, 11 November, 2021

Letters to the: Will Prosenjit

speak up for our hungry millions Let them eat apps
A model that ignores the messy truth of citizens’ lives
The Indian government has taken accept the figure of 3.9 per cent
umbrage at the Global Hunger Index malnourished children and weave an
ranking India 101st among 116 internally consistent narrative around it.
countries, below Bangladesh, Nepal One can argue that nutrition has indeed
and Pakistan, with the world’s highest improved dramatically: hence lower
child wasting rate among other enrolment in anganwadis and, logically
disquieting figures. Mistaking the enough, a smaller budget. That would
methodology employed, the be a perfectly viable construct, were it
government has challenged the not for other recalcitrant data. Mark
underlying data from the UN Food Zuckerberg might learn much from this
Sir — A French queen, out of touch with ground andAgriculture Organization, broadly about creating a metaverse. When we
reality, had asked citizens to eat cake if they did not corroborated by Unicef reports on The talk about the cyber-army of the ruling
have bread, only to meet a sticky end. The Bengali State of the World’s Children. It seems establishment, we usually think of trolls
actor, Prosenjit Chatterjee, has recently earned the improbable that UN agencies would on social media. But the truly crucial
wrath of people online after he complained to the conspire to “deliberately lower India’s operators are those shaping the serious
prime minister of India, Narendra Modi, and the rank”. Already before the pandemic, cyberstructures of governance.
chief minister of Bengal, Mamata Banerjee, that a India’s economic growth had There is no question of being a luddite. A
food delivery service had made a mistake with his declined. So had household nationwide welfare scheme needs
order — the service did refund his money. One expenditure. Rural families spent 10 comprehensive monitoring. In the
understands that a hungry mind is not expected to per cent less on food in 2017-18 than twenty-first century, this can only be
think logically, but perhaps now that Chatterjee in 2011-12. In December 2018, the done through computers. But it is one
knows what hunger feels like he will speak up for head of Niti Aayog asserted that thing to use computers to record and
India’s hungry millions who do not have a voice of “every third child is stunted, every analyse reality, another to simplify and
their own. After all, not everyone has the luxury of fifth child is wasted, every third child so well nourished at home that they can be ignored? On reinvent it. The latter course produces a
‘hangry’ rants. is underweight”, and over 50 per cent anaemic. The fifth coming to power in 2014, the National Democratic neat, pleasing model that leaves the messy truth of
Sir — The fact that tribal children as young as 12 National Family Health Survey reports increased Alliance government proposed to reduce the ICDS citizens’ lives unaddressed. The new ecology of
years old are being coerced into cotton farming in wasting, stunting and malnourishment between 2015-16 (anganwadi) budget by half. They were dissuaded, but governance does not merely divert money from the
rural Tamil Nadu is heart-rending. This is an age and 2019-20. These figures support the GHI’s data from the amount dipped steadily for three years, rising concrete problem. It subjugates the problem to a
when children should be in school, learning new roughly the same period — before the pandemic struck, modestly thereafter. It has fallen again: the allocation for removed, tractable, artificial order, a cybernetic ‘system’,
things and aiming for a better future. No amount of stalling the economy and shrinking the income of 97 per anganwadis alone in 2020-21 exceeded that of the new whereas the reality is neither orderly nor systematic. An
legislation seems to be able to solve the problem of cent Indians. composite Saksham scheme in 2021-22, covering four all-India digital health card was launched recently to
child labour in India. Efforts must be made to raise Yet the government’s riposte chiefly cites general post- services including anganwadis and the nutrition much acclaim. No doubt it can better coordinate medical
awareness about this evil. It must also be ensured pandemic measures rather than child-health statistics. campaign, Poshan Abhiyaan. Poshan Abhiyaan began in treatment across this vast country. But it does not itself
that the victims’ families do not feel abandoned; Food support, besides cereals, totalled one kilogramme 2017 with a three-year budget of Rs 9,000 crore. The constitute treatment: it can only do as much good as our
they should be encouraged to report the crime and of pulses per family per month; cash support per family entire sum was devoted to management and data medical services permit. Conversely, it will only validate
treated with empathy. Sir — It is shocking to learn for three months was usually Rs 500 and never above Rs collection, creating a computer platform for the purpose, services synching with its digital architecture. Whatever
that tribal children are trafficked to pollinate Tamil 1,000 per month. Cooked meals in schools and and inducing ‘behavioural change’. Not a paisa, it seems, does not, like a patient without a working smart card, will
Nadu cotton farms, where they are reportedly anganwadis were replaced by dry rations that, inevitably actually went to feeding children. The revamped Poshan simply be shut out. One cannot but ask: would not the
forced to work from dawn to dusk, that too for a in a poor family, were shared around. Even these benefits 2.0 set this right simply by linking the existing same money, spent on improving some basic facility in
pittance. Ironically, the local police, who are did not reach everyone. The government marshalled Supplementary Nutrition Programme to the earlier every government hospital in India, have brought more
expected to provide relief, have been known to another novel defence: its Poshan Tracker app, agenda. The familiar midday meal scheme has now been relief to the citizen? Again, digitizing the public
accuse the parents of the victims of poor monitoring anganwadis across India, reported similarly reinvented as PM Poshan Shakti Nirman. The distribution system might streamline food supplies and
upbringing of their children when they go to report malnutrition among only 3.9 per cent children in October MMS budget fell by 13 per cent between 2013 and 2018, prevent waste. As undoubtedly, it hurts many actual
the crime. Child labour is a punishable offence. 2021. This deeply comforting statistic implies a dramatic returning to the 2013-14 level only this year (or not, persons lacking ration cards or failing the biometric test.
One hopes that steps are taken not only to arrest the upsurge in child welfare precisely during the pandemic, allowing for inflation). The daily food allowance is Rs 5 Some have reportedly starved to death, while far more
criminals but also against the errant officials. Sir — even while the overall anganwadi and nutrition budget for small children and Rs 6.75 for older ones; in languish from malnutrition. We have all had keyboard
It is shameful that the prime minister, Narendra was reduced by nearly a third. A closer look seems called anganwadis, Rs 8, or Rs 12 for the severely malnourished operators telling us, ‘Sorry, our system won’t accept this.’
Modi, appreciated the pomp with which Diwali for. The Poshan Tracker is the second such app in three (3.9 per cent). These sums could have been raised by 20 For the privileged urbanite, such situations usually range
was celebrated in Ayodhya (“Ayodhya diyas shed years. Even its simpler predecessor had left anganwadi per cent by diverting the Poshan Abhiyaan budget to what from the comic to the mildly frustrating. For very many
light on oil plight”, Nov 7). Not a million diyas can workers struggling. Its data covers only 7.9 crore is, after all, the core need. Essentially, it seems, ‘Poshan’ Indians, it can mean becoming unpersoned, left without
divert attention from the fact that a massive section children, well under half the total for the relevant age has become a brand name, a marketing tool. It might food, money, treatment, or identity. The computer won’t
of the citizens of Uttar Pradesh cannot afford such group. In fact, anganwadi attendance dropped by 17 per enhance management and public relations; it will not, by know or care. It’s for us to remember there are humans
extravagance — children were seen collecting cent between 2014 and 2019. Are the remaining children itself, make for a better product. It is entirely possible to out there.
whatever little mustard oil they could from the unlit
diyas soon after Diwali. Passing off such
wastefulness as “glory” only highlights the truth
that this dispensation does not care for the people;
its only focus is creating an unreal image of itself.
One hopes that the people respond to such History may look at demonetization as an intervention that was devoid of economic logic and implemented arrogantly
indifference at the ballots next year. Sir —
Festivities are often an occasion to splurge. But this It is five years since demonetization was announced do with the rapid spread of smart technology
need not be the case. Rabindranath Tagore’s short by the prime minister. Demonetization was and fewer credit and debit card transactions.
story, “Kabuliwala”, taught us that it is the light supposed to be a revolutionary policy that would Significantly, a government attempting to
within that matters — Mini’s wedding did not have eradicate black money, improve tax collections, prevent the hoarding of cash introduced new
electric lights because the money was given away and move India on a path towards a cashless currency of higher denomination and smaller
to the poor vendor, Rahmat Khan. ut the ruling economy while preventing further generation of physical size. The more enduring effect of
regime of the day would not understand this. In black money. Five years is a good time to take demonetization has been the adverse impact on
Ayodhya, 36,000 litres of mustard oil were stock of the economic impact of demonetization. the informal sector. The liquidity crunch, even
liberally burnt to light 12 lakh diyas for Diwali. The The first objective — of flushing out hoarded for a few weeks, killed off numerous micro-
prime minister said that this held up our “ancient stocks of unaccounted cash — did not work. businesses. The impact was so deep and
culture” before the world, disregarding the fact that According to the Reserve Bank of India, by pervasive that it had a large impact on aggregate
half of the children in Uttar Pradesh reportedly December 31, 2016, about 99 per cent of the stock demand, leading to a decline in growth rates.
cannot afford milk and 30 per cent citizens do not of 500 and 1000 rupee notes had been returned to This was aggravated by the pandemic leading to
have roti to eat twice a day. It is unfortunate that an the central bank. Detailed analysis showed that the further loss of livelihoods. There were two
elected government can blindly ignore the plight of bulk of cash returned had come in large bundles: major consequences of this senseless policy-
they had obviously come from the very rich. The decision. The first was a growth in digital
citizens. Sir — The Bharatiya Janata Party seems
flushing out did not happen. More recent data transactions — not entirely due to the policy but
to have forgotten its primary duty as a political show that the cash to nominal GDP ratio dipped in appropriated by the government as its
party in power — governance. While it is clear to 2016-17 but climbed back to the pre-2016 level originator. The second is the tragedy of the
many that the show of lights on Diwali eve was just before the pandemic struck. After that, the collections or compliance. Regarding the third objective informal sector that was triggered by
only a gimmick to attract votes, one wonders if the ratio climbed sharply because of a reduction in nominal — India’s transition to a cashless economy — there is demonetization. Yet, the Centre remains in denial. History
electorate of the state will see through this act. Sir GDP. As far as tax collection is concerned, there is no evidence to suggest that digital transactions have grown may look at this policy as an intervention that was devoid
— The death of the veteran leader of the Trinamul evidence that demonetization has prompted higher tax significantly since 2016. However, this trend has more to of economic logic and implemented arrogantly.
Congress, Subrata Mukherjee, is a great loss.

Deadly love
THE THIN EDGE | World leaders and intimate holding
Between two ordinary people, the hug is always Honecker (picture). So enthusiastic are both men in
simultaneously an attack and an invitation. The attack expressing their International Socialist Solidarity that at
part is both parties saying, ‘I am moving forward to first glance it looks as though they are kissing mouth to
embrace you fully,’ and the invitation part, again mouth, rather than each other’s cheeks. About a decade
mutual, is both saying, ‘I invite you to embrace me after the picture was taken, the Berlin Wall fell and the
fully.’ In the old days, the hug was the ultimate gesture Soviet empire collapsed. An artist called Dmitri Vrubel
of complete trust because either person could stab the painted a large reproduction of the Brezhnev-Honecker
other in the back while holding them tight. photo on the side of the newly breached wall with the title,
Between leaders of nations or others in high office, the My God, Help Me to Survive This Deadly Love. The
hug takes on an added significance. World leaders satire and the disgust towards the two widely-hated
usually shake hands, sometimes preceded by a hand despots were very clear in the painting as well as in the
pressed to the heart or a namaste. The hug is normally title. Brezhnev was already dead but the disgraced and
used sparingly, to indicate great warmth, familiarity ejected Honecker lived to see the photos of the painting
and special friendship between two leaders and, by spread across the world as a celebratory marker
extension, their respective nations. Since the advent symbolizing the end of a particular cluster of tyrannies.
of newspapers and photography, and carrying over There must be a tremendous adrenalin rush you experience
into televised times, the first greetings between if you’re a leader of a big country attending a world
leaders have been mindfully and carefully used to summit. In that surge of body chemicals, you would be
create an image for wider dissemination. Handshakes, aware that you need to make an impression not only with
single-handed, double-gripped, with one person your counterparts but also with the all-important media.
gripping the other on the arm or above the elbow, the You would be aware of the contradictory pull of grace and
length and warmth of contact, have all been analysed dignity on one hand and the urge to create an impression
with the forensic, slow-motion attention usually on the other. If you had a good understanding of world
devoted to a tennis player’s or a golfer’s grip. For affairs, if you knew your stuff about the issues at hand, if
instance, among the many ways the presidency of you knew you were already respected as a leader by
Donald Trump has been mapped is through a series of others, then you’d be securely confident that your impact
clips of his handshakes and hug-exchanges with other world leaders: the serve the political purposes of both leaders. Sometimes the image is created would be felt in one-on-one conversations, in negotiations, in the speech
intimate holding of Theresa May’s arm, the little arm-wrestle between through mutual co-operation, sometimes not. Khrushchev’s successor, you would give to the summit. If, on the other hand, you were a self-
Trump and Putin, the schoolboy yank Trump would deploy to pull other Leonid Brezhnev, for example, liked to plant a socialist kiss on the leaders obsessed know-nothing, with only a shallow grasp of the matters at hand, a
leaders to himself, Macron’s and Trudeau’s varied counters to that, Angela he met, not excluding the unhappy-looking US president, Jimmy Carter, bit befuddled about social dynamics when confronted with powerful men
Merkel recoiling from an attempted embrace, and so on. Before Trump, you who Brezhnev ambushed with a kiss while shaking hands on a major and women from other cultures, then, like Donald Trump or some dictator
had the admiration for the grace and style of Barack Obama’s comportment missile-reduction accord. As with Trump’s handshakes and hugs, there is a of a banana republic, you might bumble about trying to hug people who
during summits. Well before that, you had Fidel Castro and the Soviet whole series of photos of Brezhnev kissing or attempting to kiss various didn’t particularly want to hug you. You may reach for close contact with
president, Nikita Khrushchev, hugging to show socialist solidarity and, world leaders; the ones who were under his thumb in the Warsaw Pact knew strangers in the middle of an unprecedented epidemic requiring physical
then, you had the antagonistic ‘Kitchen Debate’ between Khrushchev and better than to do anything other than enthusiastically kiss back, complete distancing between the most amicable of friends. You may then help create
the then vice-president, Richard Nixon, with photographs of Nixon actually with hand on the back of the neck. Brezhnev was not to know it, but one of images that turn you into an immediate laughing stock in international
tapping Khrushchev on the chest with a pointed finger. The image created his kisses backfired spectacularly down the time. There is a famous media, images that could, further down in history, give another meaning to
by two leaders shaking hands or hugging is usually deliberately intended to photograph of Brezhnev kissing communist East Germany’s boss, Erich the phrase ‘my god, help me survive this deadly love’. @English_epaper_Backup
mail us at >>

log on to @thegoaneveryday The Goan (Playstore) Thursday November 11, 2021

Need to strengthen palliative care

Global health care has been rede�ned by the Covid pandemic. The Indian
populace lacks awareness about the necessity of palliative care
Reject your sense of injury and the injury itself disappears.
Marcus Aurelius
>The writer is
Assistant Professor,
Goa Institute of
Management (GIM)

Dinner with Lobo


words hard to digest

he Covid-19 pandemic has resulted in

severe damage to the global popula-
tion, and is therefore resulting in the
n outspoken minister in the Pramod Sawant cabinet Mi- change of the global health care settings.
chael Lobo has taken campaigning to a di�erent level Covid-19 poses a higher risk of mortality for tion of about 80% inpatient admissions. One caregiver said, “They always give
patients with severe life-limiting diseases, Some patients postponed their appoint- two options: One is admitting in the hos-
by publicly announcing candidates for Siolim, Mapusa such as advanced cancers. Patient access to ments given the risk of potential infection. pital, the other one is taking care at home.
and Calangute, leaving the party leaders red-faced and health care might be impacted if resources All ten case studies conducted at Dilasa You decide what you want. The best thing
speechless. The rider is, Lobo has refrained from using are redirected to managing the pandemic. Palliative Care Goa included patients in is that he/she is with us, and his/her last
Moreover, due to rigorous infection control the last stages of their illness who had days can be spent with family and chil-
any party name, giving BJP the shivers either way and forcing the procedures, routine cancer care is limited in been referred there as a last resort due to dren. He/she is also comfortable and hap-
leadership to engage in a “dinner diplomacy”. terms of resources and availability. the pandemic and had no access to gov- py to stay in home”
At a function in Canca, Lobo took everyone by surprise as he an- The pandemic has and continues to ernment facilities. We observed that families were grateful
cause a major disruption of cancer servic- A patient with prostate cancer said, “if for access to medicines such as morphine,
nounced that his wife Delilah Lobo will contest from Siolim, Sudhir es in India. The national lockdown has ad- any word is available above excellent you Haloperidol, etc which are not available
Kandolkar from Mapusa, besides his candidature from Calangute versely a�ected the access to cancer care for can use that word for the care they are easily, oral chemo drugs, ointments, water
those who are in real need. Social distanc- giving to me. They are not worried about beds, tubes, collection bags and catheters
constituency and was optimistic of all three winning respective seats. ing, travel restrictions and �nancial issues working hours, or duty time. They are al- for free through home care services.
Lobo le� a lot to political interpretation as he spoke about how ar- pose problems in many households. ways ready to serve the patients.” In conclusion, the severity of the COV-
eas of Verla-Canca, Assagao, Anjuna and Siolim have su�ered over There was a reduction in the number of A breast cancer patient’s husband’s ID-19 pandemic has resulted in limit-
cancer centres o�ering clinical treatments, words were, “I wish I had shi�ed her here ed provision of palliative care services
the years due to a lack of people-centric development where even ne- and several hospitals changed their proto-
Governments a little bit earlier. We received good servic- throughout the country. Physicians and
cessities like water are not met. Without taking names, he launched cols to postpone operations and chemother- must urgently es in the government medical college but nurses who trained in palliative care have
a broadside against MLAs who are not accessible and questioned apy regimens in order to reduce the risk of recognize the because of the Covid situation they re- o�en been deployed to deliver emergency
how CM’s pet project Swayampoorna Goem could succeed if legisla-
problems arising from these procedures. A role of pallia- ferred her to a palliative care centre. Now care for people with COVID-19. In the con-
number of patients may be moved from the that she is in the last stage, counting days text of resource constraints, priority has
tors failed in their basic duties. curative stage to the palliative stage because
tive care during to leave us, the palliative care team is giv- been given to interventions aimed at sav-
of the delays in diagnosis and therapy. Both the COVID-19 ing us maximum care.” ing people’s lives over palliating discom-
However, the apparent calm shown by the Calangute MLA was not situations might have a negative impact pandemic and In Kerala, we went with a palliative fort among seriously ill people and their
good enough to mask the anger inside. His electoral pitch in Canca on cancer patients’ long-term survival and ensure that home care team and visited patients in families.
comes in sharp contrast to party discipline and order, and perhaps prognosis.
these services their own homes. During the early weeks Governments must urgently recognize
Given the circumstances and the burden of lockdown some rural areas missed or the role of palliative care during the COV-
unprecedented in BJP ranks, raising spec- on the healthcare system, palliative care are integrated delayed the services of palliative care. But, ID-19 pandemic and ensure that these ser-
The BJP which is ulations that he is ready to jump ship. can help to overcome these problems. There into the health a�er a few weeks it was reinstalled and vices are integrated into the health care
defending its turf against BJP, known for its centralized chain of is growing recognition of palliative care as care system in running smoothly. system in a creative way. It is essential to
a �ery opposition an integral aspect of cancer treatment, with The words from one of the caregivers focus on designing immediate strategies
command and party discipline, has been the ability to provide uninterrupted services a creative way. was, “During lockdown time we were in for e�ective implementation of palliative
onslaught will have to increasingly witnessing internal turbu- and improve the quality of life. It will also It is essential extreme fear about where we would have care during COVID-19. It is equally impor-
rework strategies and lence lately. If we may recall, in the later prevent unnecessary hospital admissions to focus on de- to go, what we could do in emergencies, tant to plan for long term strategies be-
do a �ne balancing act. and the use of health services through home signing imme- etc. But they came to our home and ex- yond the pandemic to strengthen the pal-
part of Manohar Parrikar’s tenure of 2017 care services. plained everything to us, we got the feel- liative care services in order to deal with
Dinner diplomacies will diate strategies
not help in di�using when his health was deteriorating, senior The researchers from Goa Institute of ing that somebody is there for us.” future disasters.
partymen had gone hammer and tongs Management (GIM) conducted an in-depth for e�ective Caregivers appreciated the competen-
such a complex issue, case study among 20 cancer patients who implementa- cy of the multidisciplinary team and their (This article is based on a study conducted
and de�ance from the criticizing decisions and airing contradic- received palliative care services during the
tion of pallia- calming presence. The patient and family by a team of GIM faculty --Dr Devi Nair,
tory personal views in public. Lobo had lockdown period from Goa and Kerala. were kept informed of the pros and cons
leadership at this stage During the COVID-19 crisis, the palliative tive care during of all available care alternatives, with no
Prof Sukhathankar, Prof Sreerupa and Dr
could only cost the party been summoned to Delhi even during care center in Goa - Dilasa observed a reduc- COVID-19 compulsions to follow any particular rule.
Krishnanunni )
a self-goal Parrikar’s regime for his unsavoury utter-
Come 2022 elections, and the BJP leadership is as silent as the
depth of the night with its backroom troubleshooting failing. Against
the background of a heated campaign that has picked up pace, the
Tussle at Vasco �sh market shall appoint in every government estab-
reality within is frightening for the BJP, and this is where the think
can be sorted out equitably The Christian community is not impressed lishment not less than four per cent of
the total number of vacancies in the cad-
tank of Amit Shah, CT Ravi and Devendra Fadnavis faces a dilem- Most BJP leaders have termed the recent meeting of Prime Min- re strength in each group of posts meant
The tussle between the �sh wholesalers
ma. The BJP has tall and winnable leaders in Lobo, Vishwajit Rane and the market �sh vendors in Vasco has
ister Narendra Modi with Pope Francis at the Vatican as a most to be �lled with persons with benchmark
and Atanasio Monserrate who are pitching for their spouses much historic one. They have also claimed that this historic meet has disabilities.
been going on for far too long. This has �nally shown that the BJP is not at all communal but a secular The government should not deny quota
against the hardline stand taken by the party high command against a�ected the commencement of the work party from India. Well, the BJP leaders are currently looking at in promotion to those who were appoint-
for the new �sh market as the �sh ven-
‘dynastic politics.’ dors have refused to shi� to the new mar-
the recent Pope-Modi meeting purely as a political ploy to influ- ed to a post under reservation policy
ence Christian voters ahead of the Manipur and Goa assembly for people with disabilities. Once that
Party’s election observer Fadnavis had recently admitted that BJP ket shed. It is learnt that the Mormugao elections next year. They are also hoping to use the Pope as a
Municipal Council (MMC) has issued post is identi�ed, the logical conclusion
can easily sail through if it shows unity and speaks in one voice. tool to strengthen its base in Kerala. would be that it would be reserved for the
notices to �sh wholesalers operating in The BJP has supported every attack and hate speech against
Going by the situation on the ground, the BJP portrays a picture of Kharewado to stop carrying out sale of specially abled who have been promot-
Christians since the last couple of years in India. Several states ed. The government’s policy of calling
a stark contrast as legislators are jumping the gun and making an- �sh. The wholesale �sh vendors have have enacted anti-conversion laws which are in violation of the persons with disabilities as ‘Divyangjan’
nouncements. Aspiring leaders like Utpal Parrikar, Sidharth Kuncal- reportedly hit back saying that they have Constitution. The BJP government in Karnataka recently initiated
been selling �sh caught by their canoes is not going to change anything funda-
ienker and Laxmikant Parsekar have started speaking their minds. an unconstitutional survey of Christian worshipping places. mentally until and unless the govern-
and that they should not be deprived of I therefore personally feel that our Prime Minister Narendra Modi ment decides to �x these lacunae in the
Lobo has said that he is ready to quit the party if he is not needed, but their livelihood. should �rst tell all state BJP governments to stop harassing the system.
It is true that while the wholesale �sh
has also added that he could win six out of the seven seats in Bardez. vendors sell their �sh in weights, the
Christian community on flimsy grounds. Yes, we Christians know
which political party is secular and which is rabid communal in KG VILOP, Chorao
The BJP which is defending its turf against a �ery opposition on- market �sh vendors sell the �sh in India.
slaught will have to rework strategies and do a �ne balancing act. shares. There needs to be a level playing Govt’s reality distortion
Dinner diplomacies will not help in di�using such a complex issue,
�eld. Hence the market �sh vendors too
need to sell �sh by weight. �eld is out in the open
and de�ance from the leadership at this stage could only cost the In business, the retail seller buys the The candidates for the Goa government
party a self-goal. goods from the wholesaler at a lower constable recruitment exams reportedly
price and sells it at a higher price thereby could not endure the normal physical
making a pro�t. The market �sh vendors ‘public authority’ despite all other Raj tests. Many developed fatigue, body pain
could buy �sh from the wholesalers and Bhavans across the country and even and renal problems. A doctor reported
sell it at a pro�t. Hence there is no ques- the Rashtrapati Bhavan being under the that 3 candidates in North Goa and one
tion of the marker �sh vendors losing purview of this law. in South Goa were referred to Health Cen-
their business. The move by Governor Pillai is most tres and were given painkiller injections
appropriate while sending a powerful
message on the need of a citizen-centric
which only aggravated their problems!
According to the nephrologist, they had
approach of transparency, openness
Governor’s move to lift veil no past history of kidney related diseas-
If no alliances, opposition needs
and accountability in governance. It is es! This brings to fore the shocking RTI
of secrecy commendable in the best interests of our democratic
principles and the Constitutional man-
response that over 33 lakh children in

to have pre-poll understanding We must commend our Governor PS

Sreedharan Pillai for li�ing that veil of se-
date of the RTI Act.
India are malnourished and a compari-
son with last years �gures shows a 91%
rise in 2021. The continued high prices of

crecy and opening the gates of Goa Raj fuel and cascading e�ect and a packet of
f the opposition parties in Goa are to be united to prevent splitting of votes
during the elections, if there are no pre-poll alliances, at least all the oppo-
Bhavan to embrace the Right to Informa-
tion Act. As required by the transparency
Quotas needed for specially chips now costing far less that an apple
or fruit/vegetables against the propagan-
sition parties should have a pre-poll understanding in which all the opposi-
tion candidates extend support to candidates that have the potential to win by
law, the Governor’s Joint Secretary has abled for due promotions da of the government’s “reality distortion
supporting common candidates so that there is no splitting of votes.
been appointed as the Public Informa- The apex court’s instructions to the Send your �eld” view of the nation’s health projec-
Would the opposition parties not rue if they lose particular seats merely be-
tion O�cer (PIO) while the Secretary Centre for giving reservation in promo- letters to us tion, still patting themselves on the back
to the Governor is the First Appellate tions to people with disabilities at the at editor@ for hasty demonetisation, Covid lock
cause of the splitting of votes? It is thus most important for the opposition Authority under the RTI Act.
parties to support common candidates by having a pre-poll understanding.
This brings to an end my protracted
earliest will bene�t the community. The down, high fuel prices.
In Goa where the size of electorate in each constituency is very small, every government has been using various The continued popularity of the Prime
vote would count if the margin of victory is very slim. litigation with our Raj Bhavan which delaying tactics to give the due bene�ts Letters must Minister for his projected decisive good
To thus reinforce one another, a comprehensive pre-poll understanding is the commenced at the State Information to the disabled community since 1995. be 150-200 intentions and booming economic
need of the hour. The opposition parties should not regret later because split- Commission and was now pending Supreme Court in its judgment had said words and recovery, hard work etc despite so much
ting of votes could lead to losing of particular seats. before the Supreme Court. For over a that instructions should be issued in mention the su�ering, vast disparities in the nation’s
decade the Goa Raj Bhavan was not sub- accordance with Sec 34 of the Rights basic citizens health and climatic devas-
ELVIDIO MIRANDA, via email mitting itself to the RTI Act by strangely of Persons with Disabilities Act 2016, writer’s name tation is a fact!
claiming that the Governor was not a which provides that every government and location JOHN ERIC GOMES, Porvorim

Printed and Published by: Pramod Acharya on behalf of Fomento Media. Editor: Joel Afonso (Responsible for selection of News under PRB Act). Disclaimer: Except for the editorials above, all columns and letters represent the views of the
Printed at: Elegant O�set Printers Pvt Ltd, Plot No 2/3/4, Thivim Industrial Estate, All Rights Reserved. concerned authors and do not necessarily reflect the view of The Goan Everyday’s Editor,
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E salaries of unskilled and
semi-skilled workers are
increased by the
Government, my first reaction is
one of gladness. The
Government has raised their
QRWEHFRPH&KLHI0LQLVWHUDVKHPD\KDYHKRSHG have believed that teachers, espe-
future society. As a consequence,
QR RSWLRQ EXW WR VXSSRUW &KDQQL·V HOHYDWLRQ the better the quality of society,
+RZHYHUKHZDVVRRQPLIIHGZKHQWKHQHZ&KLHI the higher would be our civilisa-
workers in India at its present
'HRO·V UHVLJQDWLRQ DQG WKH FOHDUDQFH RI D QDPH cially of small and medium busi-
nesses and industries would be
DFFHSWDEOHWR6LGKXDVWKHQH[W'*3PD\FDOPKLP scared away. They can't all afford
is an employer of machines, not
DQG6LGKXNQRZVLWZHOOKHLVEXUQLQJKLVEULGJHVIDVWZLWKHYHU\ERG\ZKRVWRRGE\ of men or women. True, it gen- not easily separate workers at the Grant Medical College. our population and the num-
KLPLQFOXGLQJWKHSDUW\KLJKFRPPDQG6RPHVHFWLRQVLQWKH6WDWH&RQJUHVVPDNH erates employment down the line when the industry runs into a This legislation added by ber of young men and women
XQFKDULWDEOHFRPPHQWVWKDWKHKDVDOUHDG\EHHQZULWWHQRIIDQGWKDWLWLVDPDWWHURI in the shape of transport, of can- slum. On top of the statutory the communist trade union seeking employment every
WLPHXQWLODIWHUWKH$VVHPEO\HOHFWLRQVZKHQKLVIDWHZLOOEHGHFLGHGRQFHDQGIRUDOO teens, of dealers of shops and wages are the trade unions. attitude led to an anti-employ- day, this kind of a free market
generally pushes the economy What the unions can be, one ment formula for India. A job for labour is required.
7KHKLJKFRPPDQGFHUWDLQO\GRHVQRWDSSHDUWREHRQKLVVLGH,WJDYHKLPDORQJ forward. But an efficient employ- would know if one has worked is better than none is our need. Remember, that agriculture
URSHZKLOHPDNLQJKLPWKH3&&FKLHIDQGKHEXUQWLWIDVW7KHOHDGHUVKLS·VPRWLYHLQ er is in constant search of reduc- in Kolkata or in Kerala. In the A person’s skill and qualifica- would be freeing more and
SURSSLQJKLPXSZDVWRHDVHRXW&DSWDLQ7KDWMRELVRYHU,WKDVVLQFHDGRSWHGWKH ing the number of heads per latter State, even the class IV tion will ensure him/her an more workers who are likely
SDWKRIOHDVWUHVLVWDQFHILQGLQJLWEHWWHUWRNHHSKLPFORVHUWKDQDIDU,WLJQRUHG6LGKX·V machine. The intent is to control workers know what the law adequate employment in any to come to industry and ser-
the unit cost of his product. The says. They do not need the case. For the rest, there should vice for jobs. At the rate we are
DQWLFVWLOOWKH\EHFDPHXQEHDUDEOHDQGSXWKLPRQQRWLFHZKHQKHTXLWKLVSRVW+H raw materials, packing, and elec- union leaders to argue for be a free market. Between a progressing, anything like full
DJUHHGWREDFNWUDFNDQG'HROZDVWKHVDFULILFLDOODPE)RUQRZKHKDVQRRSWLRQEXW tricity are supplied by others who them. person and a potential employment would remain a
WRPDNHKLPVHOIKHDUGLQWHUPLWWHQWO\LIRQO\WRLQVLVWWKDWKHZDVDPRUHGHVHUYLQJ control their respective cost of If we prefer full employ- employer there should be free- pipe dream. If the licence to set
FDQGLGDWHIRU&0WKDQ&KDQQL7KDWLVWKHRQO\ZD\KHFDQNHHSKLPVHOIYLVLEOHWLOO production. But the man to ment, a change of policy is 8=3DBCAH8B0= dom of negotiation of salary. up an enterprise is free, why
machine ratio, perhaps the required. A lot of labour pol- 4<?;>H4A>5 So that the employee is not control the wage level? That
employer is able to keep some icy has come from the treated unfairly, there should not only discourages employ-
control. The reality is that any- Industrial Disputes Act 1947, <0278=4B=>C>5 preferably be a minimum ment but also creates an
?82D1<; one who is skilled and can get a
job at C20,000 would not work
possibly the last legislation left
behind by the British
<4=>AF><4= monthly contract and a
monthly notice of termina-
atmosphere of minimum
for C19,000. The Government Government before it left after CAD48C tion. With his salary packet, An employee would expect
need not worry about his wages
and welfare. The scheme of min-
Independence. An extreme
left winger called Aneurin 64=4A0C4B he/she should get a nation-
alised bank draft payable
an increment every year.
Whereas a machine attracts
imum wages that the Bevan was in charge of Health 4<?;>H<4=C1DC exactly five years, hence for 25 depreciation which is a tax-free
Government tries to ensure, if and Labour. He gave Britain its per cent of his wage. This saving to the employer for
not enforce, is for those who are national health service which 0=4558284=C would represent his savings eventually acquiring a replace-
not easily employable; they do is supposed to provide total 4<?;>H4A like provident fund, gratuity ment machine. This practice
not have either the motivation or health care to every citizen free etc. So that the employee is alone shows a preference for
the skills to get a job on reason- of charge. Indians got the 2>=BC0=C;H assured of his dues for his a machine over man from an
able terms. By laying down a
minimum, the Government
Industrial Disputes Act on
which the entire labour ethos
;>>:B0C work life. The employer can
terminate his services with one
employer’s point of view.
More need to be said to advo-
obstructs his prospects of getting has grown. He did not realise A43D28=6C74 month’s pay in lieu of notice. cate wages that favour free
a job.
The next thing that happens
that India was not Europe and
we desperately needed
=D<14A>57403B The salary would be free and
depending on how much the
appointment without any
is a communal consensus among employment as all underdevel- ?4A<0278=4 employee is prepared to (The writer is a well-
entrepreneurs — that it is safest oped countries do. He visited accept. known columnist, an author
to avoid labour intensive activi- Mumbai before he demitted No other complication and a former member of the
ties. For one, such enterprises are office in 1952, and I have should come in the way of an Rajya Sabha. The views
expensive, and worse, one can- heard him speak for an hour appointment. With the size of expressed are personal.)

5aP]RTbCWT^2daX]bfX\bPRa^bbcWTCXcXRPRP;PZT1^[XeXP 0?
2B51;9>7>5GC1>449F949>7>5GC 4eTahbX]V[TPccPRZ
Sir — 'Fake news' appears to be a substan-
1bU3XU^^QYV\__Tc]Q^]QTU/ ^]0B70f^aZTab

tial problem in India for which one can- QhcWTD?
not entirely fix the Government. However, U^^[_a^^USaPX]PVTP]SbTfTaPVTbhbcT\b 6^eTa]\T]cXbP]
in November last year, the Supreme FPcTafPhbTbcPQ[XbWTSX]]^acWTa]2WT]]PX X]bd[cc^cWTf^aZ
Court questioned the Centre to explain SdaX]VcWT1aXcXbWad[TPaTf^acWaT_[XRPcX]V S^]TQhcWT\
,QGLDKDVWRJLYHDPDVVLYHSXVKWRUHQHZDEOH its mechanism against fake news, since it
is the responsibility of any Government
0cPcX\TfWT]cWTR^d]cahXbP[aTPSh 2^]VaTbbVT]TaP[bTRaTcPah
HQHUJ\WRUHPDLQDORZFDUERQHPLWWLQJFRXQWU\ to have proper control over this danger-
ous phenomenon by framing rigid laws

unfortunately social media has turned out _aPRcXRP[bcT_bP]SPS^_cPiTa^c^[TaP]RT \h[XUT0bbTa
SUHSDUHGE\*HUPDQZDWFKDQG1HZ&OLPDWH,QVWLWXWH7KHUHSRUWLVSUHSDUHG to be a massive player in shaping public _^[XRh c^fPaSb T]Ra^PRW\T]cb ^U ]PcdaP[ <P[XZP]S8cXTS
XQGHUWKHDHJLVRI&237KHLQGH[KDVWKH86RQWKHWKVSRWDQG&KLQDDWWK discourse in a democratic space. fTc[P]Sb 3d\_X]V ^U fPbcTb ^] SaPX]b cWTZ]^cc^QT

providers, nothing concrete has been bWPa_U^RdbcWTVaPeXch^UcWTRaXbXbR^] fa^]V [P]S dbT _PccTa]b d]bdbcPX]PQ[T
bXSTaX]VcWPcXcXb]^cP]Tf_WT]^\T]^] daQP]XbPcX^]UPX[daTc^RdaQWTPehT]Ra^PRW ¯<P[P[PH^dbPUiPX
either curb fake news or hold the per- 8³\TgRXcTSc^aTcda]
IRUORZHULQJHPLVVLRQDQGWKHSROLF\GHFLVLRQVWR petrator accountable for their action have
PQ^d]SP]ScWTaTP[TbcPcT\PaZTcXbQ^^\ _TaPcdaTfX[[aXbTc^" STVaTT2T[bXdbQh
X]VXcXbbW^RZX]VcWPcSd\_X]V^UfPbcTP]S !  CWT \TbbPVT Xb [^dS P]S R[TPa U^a c^=TcU[XgP]SQTP
ORZHUFDUERQIRRWSULQW,QGHHGLWLVDQDFKLHYHPHQW only made the situation complex and _[PbcXRb^]SaPX]bPaTRW^ZX]VcWTbTfTaPVT 2WT]]PXP]S^cWTaU[^^S_a^]TBcPcTb)PRc _Pac^UPR^\_[TcT[h
WKDWZHKDYHIRXQGDSODFHLQWKHWRSGHVSLWH challenging. Responsible users have [TPSX]Vc^fPcTa[^VVX]V0fX]S^fc^cWT ]^f^a_TaXbW SXUUTaT]cVT]aT
WKH SDQGHPLF ,W DOVR YDOLGDWHV RXU FRUUHFW time and again raised the issue to review
and amend the existing laws to meet the
DOO\OHDGVWRPRUHFDUERQHPLVVLRQ,QGLDSHUIRUPHG efforts by both policymakers and civil solutions in a time bound manner. The Dassault Aviation for ‘facilitating’ the sale
RQDOOSDUDPHWHUVH[FHSWWKH´SXVKIRUUHQHZDEOH societies have not been enough to controversy over thirty one border villages of Rafale jet fighters between 2007 and
HQHUJ\µFDWHJRU\7KHFRXQWU\VWLOOKDVUHODWLYHO\ address this lacuna within the overpow- along the Andhra-Odisha border, the 2012 lends a new twist to the scandal and
ering digital space. issue of utilisation of eight TMC of makes it an involved deal needing more
ORZSHUFDSLWDHPLVVLRQV+RZHYHUZHZRXOGKDYH Ranganathan Sivakumar | Chennai Janjavathi river and other issues do need unravelling. The fact that the payoffs were B^UPacWT?PZXbcP]
WREHH[WUDFDXWLRXVWRUHWDLQWKLVUDQNLQJ a little bit of cooperation between these paid during the UPA tenure inclines us cTP\WPbaTP[[hS^]T
7KH8QLWHG1DWLRQV6HFUHWDULDWKDVDGRSWHGD D85CD1D5C=ECDD1<;9D?ED two. Clearly, a mutually agreed decision to wonder if it were not an ‘all-party scam’. fT[[P]SX\_aTbbTS
QHZ\HDU&OLPDWH$FWLRQ3ODQ,WZDQWVWRDFKLHYH Sir — The meeting held between Chief will yield huge dividends for the States in We find it hard to reconcile to the justi- dbfXcWXcbR^]bXb
Ministers of two neighbouring States — terms of growth and development. It fication that no defence deal is clinched cT]c_TaU^a\P]RTb
DSHUFHQWUHGXFWLRQLQJUHHQKRXVHJDVHPLVVLRQVE\JHQHUDWLQJHOHFWULFLW\IURP Odisha and Andhra Pradesh — to find would be a win-win situation for States without kickbacks and the depletion of the
UHQHZDEOHHQHUJ\VRXUFHVE\&KLQDZLWKKLJKFDUERQHPLVVLRQVDQGYHU\ amicable solutions for long drawn issues and its people if they continue the dia- nation’s coffers in this way.
SRRUHQHUJ\HIILFLHQF\UHPDLQVDPRQJWKHKLJKHVWFDUERQIRRWSULQWFRXQWULHV,WLV is a right step towards reaching mutual logue meaningfully. It could not have been the case that ?21RWPXa\P]
KRZHYHUGRLQJSUHWW\ZHOORQWKHUHQHZDEOHHQHUJ\IURQWZKLOHLWLVDJUH\DUHDIRU benefits. These two States share not only DVG Sankararao | Vizianagaram middleman kept all the bribe proceeds to ¯AP\XiAPYP
borders but also unfulfilled dreams of themselves and did not distribute it to ‘other
,QGLD0HDQZKLOHWKH86SHUIRUPDQFHKDVLPSURYHGDIWHUWKH-RH%LGHQDGPLQLV development, apart from the rich histo- D8541CC1E<D451<G1C´B1619<µ entities’, read political leaders in power- FXcWX]cWT]Tgc
WUDWLRQPDGHVRPHKHDGZD\LQUHGXFLQJFDUERQIRRWSULQW,QODVW\HDU·V&&3,WKH ry. The decade old controversy over util- Sir — We can now say with certainty that cum-decision-makers. The Congress
86ZDVDWWKHERWWRPEXWWKLV\HDULWFOLPEHGVL[UDQNVWKRXJKLWVWLOOUHPDLQVYHU\ ising river water of Vamsadhara could the Rafale deal was shady and it was not should disclose what clout Sushen Gupta,
have easily been solved and the available free from the taint of kickbacks. The lat- who was allegedly close to Amit Shah and
ORZ7KRXJK,QGLDDWWKHPRPHQWLVKDSSLO\SODFHGDPRQJWKHWRSLWZRXOGQHHG 115 thousand million cubic (TMC) of est revelation by the French investigative Arun Jaitley, had with the UPA _[TcTcWT_a^RTbb
WRGRDORWPRUHWRUHWDLQWKLVVSRWLQIXWXUH,WKDVWRJLYHDPDVVLYHSXVKWRUHQHZ water could have effectively been utilised portal Mediapart that 7.5 million euros Government for Dassault Aviation to hire ^U<Tca^caXP[P]S
DEOHHQHUJ\ZKLFKLVFXUUHQWO\ODFNLQJ%HVLGHVWKHSUHVVXUHVRIGHYHORSPHQWDQG with equal share had the proposed Neradi were paid as bribe, euphemistically called or continue him as a middleman. VTcXc[Pd]RWTSU^a:P]_daXcTb
ULVLQJSRSXODWLRQPD\SXVKLWVFDUERQHPLVVLRQPDNLQJLWIDOOLQWKHUDQNLQJV,QGLD·V Barrage been constructed. ‘consultancy fees’, to middleman Sushen G David Milton | Maruthancode
It's good that both the parties agreed Gupta through his Interstellar
JRRGUDQNLQJFRPHVGXHWRLWVSROLF\IUDPHZRUNEXWLWQHHGVWREHLPSOHPHQWHGLQ to form an institutional mechanism with Technologies in Mauritius in guise of BT]Shh^daUUTTSQPRZcc^) D?2WXTU<X]XbcTa
ULJKWHDUQHVW)RUWKDWZHZRXOGQHHGDORQJWHUPSODQDQGDFRQFHUWHGHIIRUW @English_epaper_Backup both Chief Secretaries at helm to find ‘dubious IT contracts’ by the French firm [TccTabc^_X^]TTa/V\PX[R^\ ¯H^VX0SXchP]PcW
=4F34;78kC7DAB30H k=>E4<14A !!

gggTQY\i`Y_^UUbS_] UPRTQ^^ZR^\SPX[h_X^]TTak /CWT3PX[h?X^]TTak X]bcPVaP\R^\SPX[h_X^]TTa


he COP26 climate meet is full of

T promises as the desertification
threat to India and the world
increases. The meet is less on
concrete terms to bring down tempera-
ture but high on verbosity.
WKHLUGHDWKVZLOOEHDGLIIHUHQWNLQGRIIUHH]H struck the right chord. He has taken time
V WKH HQG RI D SURWUDFWHG ZDU WKDW LV FDXVLQJ DFXWH KXQJHU LQ till 2070 so that India's development is not
$IJKDQLVWDQ smothered by the reticence of the devel-
oped world. He says that the commitment
mate financing negotiations and the
$XJXVWDQGZLWKWKDWIDPLQHEHFDPHLQHYLWDEOH have not met their pledge of providing
Australia on the other hand are asking the
UN to play down the need to move away
from fossil fuels. The Inter-Governmental
panel on Climate Change says that 32,000 the need for limiting temperature and other sensitive zones leading climate model simulations suggest
submissions have been made by govern- C746;>148B between 2 degrees to 1.5 degree to serious crisis. About 97.85 mil- that rainfall, when it does occur,
ments, companies and other interested F0A<8=6D? Celsius before 2100. India's and lion hectares (29.7 percent) of will be more intense for almost
parties to dilute the issues of fossil fuel. 50BC4AC74 China's commitment has increased India's total geographical area the entire world, potentially
They are arguing that that the world 2;8<0C4270=64 hopes that zero emission is possi- (TGA) of 328.72 mha underwent increasing the risks of soil erosion.
does not need to reduce the use of fossil 8BC>05542C ble by 2070 but that again does not land degradation during 2018- Projections indicate that most of
fuels as quickly as the current draft of the remain a certainty. 19. In 2003-05, 94.53 mha (28.76 the world will see a 16 to 24 per-
report recommends. A West Asian coun- A08=50;; The globe is warming up faster. percent of the TGA) underwent cent increase in heavy precipita-
try's oil ministry has sought removal of ?0CC4A=B0=3 The climate change is to affect land degradation. The number tion intensity by 2100.
phrases like the need for urgent and accel- F0A<4A rainfall patterns and warmer increased to 96.40 mha (29.32 per- So, desertification means that
erated mitigation actions at all scales. The 0C<>B?74A4 atmosphere can lead to more rain- cent of the TGA) in 2011-13. there is overall land degradation
issue of temperature reduction by 2 20=;403C> fall in some areas and drought in About 83.69 mha underwent in water-scarce parts of the world.
degrees may remain on paper as they many others. It is expected to desertification in 2018-19. This Since large business lobbies are
press for slower action and temperature <>A4A08=50;; increase global poverty as water in was greater than the 81.48 mha in engaged in such activities, it has
limit be reduced to 1.5 degrees. 8=B><40A40B excess or shortage would play 2003-2005 and 82.64 mha in become difficult for any govern-
Australia does not accept the conclu- 0=33A>D67C8= havoc with human development. 2011-13. India witnessed an ment across the globe to stop
sion that closing coal-fired thermal <0=H>C74AB The global area of dry lands is increase in the level of desertifi- them though it causes deteriora-
power plants is necessary, even though the 8C8B4G?42C43 expected to expand as the climate cation in 28 of 31 states and Union tion of the economic productiv-
LVGHSRVLWHGZLWK$PHULFDQDQGRWKHU:HVWHUQEDQNV ELOOLRQIRU CoP26 objective is to end the use of coal warms. Various projections on territories between 2011-13 and ity of the land and its ability to
VPRVWO\XQVSHQWDLGPRQH\WKDWWKHSUHYLRXVUHJLPH that adds to the problem of greenhouse C>8=2A40B4 emission scenarios indicate arid 2018-19. farm the land for commercial or
VVWLOO$IJKDQPRQH\DQGLWQRZEHORQJV effect. OPEC also asks the IPCC to 6;>10;?>E4ACH lands will increase by 11 to 23 per- Forest covers are dwindling subsistence purposes. The degra-
WRWKHQHZJRYHUQPHQWRI$IJKDQLVWDQWKH7DOLEDQ delete lobby activism, protecting rent 0BF0C4A8= cent compared a 30-year period of all over Asia and various Indian dation includes the decline in
VGRPHVWLFHFRQ extracting business models. Saudi Arabia 4G24BB>A 1961 to 1990. This means that dry states too are amending their quality of soil, vegetation, water
wants deletion of the UN conclusion that B7>AC064 lands could be 50 to 56 percent of laws for increased "develop- resources or wildlife. Each of it
VHQRXJKPRQH\LQWKRVHIUR]HQ the focus of decarbonisation efforts in the the earth's land surface, a 38 per- mental activities" across. Tree affects the quality of life and
DFFRXQWVWRSD\IRULPSRUWHGIRRGWKDWZRXOGVHHPLOOLRQ$IJKDQV energy sector needs to move rapidly shift- F>D;3?;0H cent rise, by 2021. The arid regions felling and water erosion also is livelihood.
WKURXJKWKHFRPLQJZLQWHUZLWKRXWPDQ\GHDWKVIURPVWDUYDWLRQ6RZK\ ing to zero-carbon sources and actively 70E>2F8C7 will expand over southwest of causing heavy erosion as con- Director of research at the
WWKH86JRYHUQPHQWUHOHDVHLW" phasing out fossil fuels. 7D<0= North America, north and south struction activities are increas- Grantham Institute at Imperial
VEHFDXVHWKH8QLWHG6WDWHVQHYHUIRU Many developing countries are not 34E4;>?<4=C Africa and Australia, the ing. The Centre's commitment College, London, Joeri Rogelji,
JLYHVJRYHUQPHQWVDQGFRXQWULHVWKDWVXFFHVVIXOO\GHI\LWDQGSRLQWWR comfortable with the zero emission. Mediterranean and South and the states' priorities often says that various pledges at differ-
&XEDDV([KLELW1XPEHU2QHDVL[W\\HDUWUDGHHPEDUJR%XWF\QLFLVP Argentina, Norway and OPEC also chal- America. clash and the later play havoc at ent climate meets are still not suf-
lenge the contention. Norway argues the Now at Glasgow CoP 26, the ground level. ficient to meet the goals of the
H[SODQDWLRQIRUKROG UN scientists should allow the possibil- Australia and 123 other countries A McGill paper has found that Paris Agreement and CoP 26 still
VPRQH\DWIDFHYDOXH ity of capture and storage (CCS) as a signed an agreement to end defor- more airport constructions would has an important task. The tem-
$866WDWHDGPLQLVWUDWLRQRIILFLDOVDLGWKDWUHOHDVLQJWKHUHVHUYHV potential tool for reducing emissions from estation by 2030. There have create environmental problems, perature control the pledges need
LVQRJXDUDQWHHWKDWWKH7DOLEDQZLOODFWXDOO\XVHLWHIIHFWLYHO\WRVROYH fossil fuels. Even India had to resort to been many such declarations increase warming and other eco- to strengthen but, he says, the
SUREOHPV$QG8.SULPHPLQLVWHU%RULV-RKQVRQH[SODLQHGWKDWZH larger coal prospecting as its power sys- before. Such policies have to be logical issues. Since these have pledges do not match the ambi-
WZULWHDFRPSOHWHO\EODQNFKHTXHWRWKH7DOLEDQDXWKRULWLHVZHQHHG tem was reportedly coming to a critical adopted by different countries at become symbols of fast develop- tions.
WRHQVXUHWKDWWKDWFRXQWU\GRHVQRWVOLSEDFNLQWREHLQJDKDYHQIRUWHU stage and it had to keep the thermal power the domestic level. If these are not ment, across India, and in many The International Energy
plants running. implemented due to domestic other countries, more airports are Agency is unhappy with what the
URULVPDQGDQDUFRVWDWH The draft report accepts carbon could political pressure such declarations being constructed. Each adds to governments are trying to show
VPRQH\DQG play a role in the future but says there are would have little impact. degeneration. Recently in UP and they are doing. The governments
(The writer is a senior
VRPH$IJKDQVDUHDOUHDG\VWDUYLQJ:KDWULJKWGRWKH\KDYHWRKROGRQWR uncertainties about its feasibility. The CCS journalist. The views India never reneges on such the hilly states a number of air- need to have clear and credible
DKDYHQIRUWHUURU emerges as a vague term for continuing expressed are personal.) commitments but there are vari- ports are being constructed for policies. Ambitions count for lit-
WEHFRPHRQHDQGKRZORQJ with the fossil fuel. ous lobbies that are on reckless "better connectivity". tle if they are not implemented
ZRXOGWKDWWDNH"8QWLOWKHILUVWPLOOLRQVWDUYH"7KHVHFRQGPLOOLRQ" In 2015, the Paris Agreement stressed constructions in the Himalayas The IPCC says that various successfully.
F8;;4G?>B478BD=34AF>A;3;8=:B F0B9DBC0F0BC4358A42A02:4A
7KHYLHZV °=2?;4034A °19?;4034A

otwithstanding the crit- smuggled to Sri Lanka from British Rule, Chandrababu and the help of the satellite images. from January 1 till October ganja smugglers. We are

N icism by main
Opposition the Telugu
Desam Party (TDP) and Jana
Visakhapatnam, the Union
Home Ministry had to alert
the state to take stringent
his party leaders are trying to
paint a picture as if the ganja
issue has just cropped up now
In 2014 and 2015 the
Visakhapatnam police arrest-
ed 1,150 persons and seized
end this year.
At a time when the State
government has intensified its
observing zero tolerance
towards smuggling of ganja,
drugs and any other sedatives
Sena, the fact remains that the action. A meeting of DGPs of during YSRCP rule. The TDP over 50 tonnes of ganja and a operations and are trying to which cause harm to health
history of ganja or hemp in the four states held in leaders are conveniently forget- number of vehicles, however, end the menace, TDP is trying and spoil career of youngsters,"
North Coastal tribal belt in Bhogapuram of Vizagapatam ting the fact that their party no kingpin was then arrested. to show figures provided by said Director General of Police
Andhra Pradesh and neigh- 1=1B34ED;0?0;;8 district on October 10, 2016, Minister Ch.Ayyanna Patrudu While this is the scenario the police department to twist D Gautam Sawang.
bouring Odisha goes back to took note of the age-old ganja openly raised his voice against during 2014 and early 2019 in and say that ganja smuggling Police have filed more
centuries. transportation. The media Officers responsible for the top another minister and found Andhra Pradesh, within a few is thriving under YSR rule. cases in 2020 and 2021 com-
Police records and the published stories and analyses Administration in fault with the latter for con- days after YS Jagan Mohan Misinformation with regard to pared to previous years. On a
cases booked by the Narcotics on how ganja was being smug- Vizagapatam districts contain- ducting review meetings on the Reddy assuming charge as seizure of drugs in Mundra number of occasions, the DGP
Control Bureau, clearly estab- gled from the Andhra-Odisha ing the present three North steps being taken to eradicate new Chief Minister, the state port is also being spread by the has made it clear that ganja
lishes ganja smuggling from border during 2014 and in coastal districts of AP and five ganja smuggling ignoring the government took a firm stand opposition TDP. Despite cultivation has been prevalent
tribal areas on the borders of early 2019 during the TDP border districts of Orissa realities that the kingpins to suppress the ganja gangs. Central government agencies in the neighbouring States of
AP and Odisha even during rule. (under Madras Presidency) behind the smuggling were not The AP police have registered associated with the investiga- Odisha, Chhattisgarh and
the TDP rule led by N During the British Rule in were among over eleven hun- being booked. 2,040 cases under the tion of the case as also the Jharkhand and the contra-
Chandrababu Naidu in the India, the then administration dred witnesses who appeared At least people of the state Narcotics Drugs and DGP categorically clarifying band is being transported
undivided state of Andhra had appointed the Indian before the Commission and cannot forget the decision Psychotropic Substances that AP has no links to the from the border areas.
Pradesh and also in the resid- Hemp Drugs Commission. gave evidence as well as sug- taken by the then police heads (NDPS) Act against ganja seizure of drugs, the TDP The police department is
ual State after bifurcation of AP (The writer is Advisor, national The purpose of the gestions to overcome the prob- to take stringent action against smugglers and paddlers so far continues to carry out the working on a specific strategy
into two States. media and interstate affairs, Commission was to ascertain, lem. The Commission later the hemp cultivators in the this year. A total of 270 tonnes propaganda. to weed out ganja smuggling
During TDP rule, as ganja Government of Andhra Pradesh.
The views expressed are amongst others, the extent to published its conclusions. Visakhapatnam agency pock- of ganja has been seized by "The increasing number from the State with the coop-
smuggling was going on personal.) which the hemp plant is cul- Despite all these facts and ets on AOB and even decided arresting 5,415 persons of NDPS cases is an indication eration of the National
unchecked and also being @English_epaper_Backup
tivated in the provinces. records available right from to destroy the weed fields with involved in the smuggling that police are acting tough on Investigation Agency (NIA).
KRISHNAN SRINIVASAN Why Glasgow must India with 17 per cent of the
world's population is one among the
largest emitters of GHG and con-

be a game changer
he 26th Conference of Parties tributes about five per cent of global
(COP 26) to the United emissions. But India is fourth in
Nations Framework Conven- installed renewable energy capacity The scheme of an International Health
tion on Climate Change and non-fossil fuel energy has Organisation which was proposed by the
(UNFCCC) presently underway at increased by 25 per cent over the past Assembly of the League of Nations less
Glasgow is hailed as the most impor- seven years and at present is 40 per than a year ago, and which, I was hoped,
tant climate-related conference to cent of the total energy mix. would bring administrative health author-
date. Stalled for a year due to the India has been arguing for the ities in different countries into closer rela-
Covid-19 pandemic, this summit is controversial Common but Differ- tion with each other and facilitate the
significant as it has the primary entiated Responsibilities and institution or revision of international
objective of setting rules for the Respective Capabilities principle agreements for administrative action in
implementation of the Paris Agree- that the onus should be on the matters of health, has not yet been put
ment of 2015, which as a legally bind- developed countries, who need to into operation as fully as was intended,
ing and universal treaty was a land- accept their responsibility for the but it has done more than justify its exis-
mark achievement in over 20 years of majority of human emissions since tence. In connection with it an Epidemic
the UN’s climate negotiations. 1850 and who need to advance their Commission has been established which
According to the UN’s Emissions net-zero targets, draw up plans for has already achieved results of great value
Gap Report, the world is headed for a shorter-term climate goals, and in preventing the spread of typhus fever
2.7-degree Celsius (°C) rise in global deliver the finance essential for the and other epidemic diseases from Russia
temperature above pre-industrial lev- developing countries to adjust to cli- to Western Europe. The grave risks of the
els by 2100, which would result in mate action. spread of cholera from the parts of Russia
calamitous changes in the Earth’s cli- At COP26 India will underscore now affected by famine is recognised and
mate and disaster for most living the necessity to address climate it is proposed that representatives of the
species. The latest Intergovernmen- change in a way that incorporates Commission should pay a short visit to
tal Panel on Climate Change report equal allocation of carbon space, Russia in order to obtain first-hand infor-
reveals that emissions of greenhouse assistance for mitigation and adap- mation and evidence. It has been decided
gases (GHG) from human activities tation and resilience-building to organise at once a general service of
are responsible for roughly 1.1°C of actions, climate justice, mobilisa- epidemiological intelligence and public
warming since 1850, and unless there tion of investment, technology health statistics and to consider the best
are immediate, rapid and large-scale transfers and the importance of a way of disseminating such information. A
cuts in GHG emissions, controlling sustainable lifestyle for green and provisional committee has also been
global warming to 1.5°C or even 2°C comprehensive growth. Mr. Modi is appointed to ascertain approximately
will be out of reach. given to grand promises on the what are the amounts of opium, mor-
In Glasgow the attempt is to global stage, but his pledges will phine, cocaine, and other drugs enumer-
restrict temperature rise to 1.5°C, require almost instant shifts in the ated in the Opium Convention that are
which means that countries have to quality of governance, massive re- required for legitimate purposes in vari-
commit to reduce far greater emis- skilling, and making India much ous countries, with the object of devising
sions than they pledged at the Paris more attractive as an investment more effective measures of control.
CoP21. We receive warnings con- destination. Provided these aspects
stantly about climate change-induced can be delivered – and it is a huge NEWS ITEMS
extreme weather events: heat waves, ask - India can be a global beacon in
cyclones, floods, droughts and wild-
fires. The previous decade was the
arresting and reversing climate
change and ensuring sustainable PORT DEVELOPMENT
warmest on record and globe-warm-
ing emissions have risen faster than
At the COP26 summit, the IN SOUTH INDIA
anticipated. In order to limit the world’s nations have possibly the Madras, Nov 10
impact of climate change within tol- final opportunity to tackle global Though the report of the firm of marine
erable levels, global emissions need warming and commit to appropriate consulting engineers, Messrs. Wolfe, Barry,
to be halved by 2030 and net-zero tems with resilient infrastructure; methane emissions by 30 per cent by capacity to 500 gigawatts by 2030; GHG mitigation targets to keep the Lyster and Partners, on the question of
should be accomplished by 2050.? 3) Mobilising finance. Devel- 2030 from 2020 levels, and a Defor- � Meeting 50 per cent of energy 1.5°C goal alive. Whether the Paris port development in South India has not
oped countries to promise to raise at estation Pledge to stop and reverse requirements from renewables by Agreement will turn out to be a suc- yet been published in India, according to a
Four aims are sought at Glasgow: least $100billion annually to finance deforestation and land degradation 2030; cess depends on what transpires in Home correspondent it is understood that
1) Securing global net-zero by mitigation measures in the Third by 2030. � Reduction in the total project- Glasgow, while Covid-19 has provid- the experts in their recommendation to
mid-century and keeping 1.5° within World; ed carbon emissions by one billion ed an opportunity to build the global the Madras Government favour the selec-
reach with ambitious 2030 emissions 4) Working together for acceler- Prime Minister Narendra Modi tonnes from the present till 2030; economy with emphasis on a green tion of Tuticorin for extension as a deep
reductions; ated action on climate change has proposed a five-point � Reducing carbon intensity of recovery path. water port. The Arabian Sea ports were
2) Protecting communities and through collaboration. climate action strategy for India, the economy by less than 45 per cent excluded on account of the proximity of
The writers are, respectively, a Consultant at
natural habitats, restoration of Thus far, the two outcomes from namely, from 2005 levels by 2030; ICRIER, New Delhi, and a former foreign the Western Ghats. Negapatam has been
ecosystems, building warning sys- Glasgow are to curtail global � Taking non-fossil energy � Achieving net-zero by 2070. secretary. eliminated as offering no natural advan-
tages and the ports on the east coast south
of Madras are dismissed as only open

Illusory peace in Ethiopia

prospect of relative peace on the It also served as a lodestar for roadsteads. The cost of the enlargement
Horn of Africa. pan-Africanism as a founding mem- of Tuticorin harbour will be approximate-
It turned out to be a short-lived ber of the Organisation for African ly Rs 127 lakhs for the first stage, and Rs 25
fantasy. And there’s irony in the fact Unity — which, since renamed as the lakhs more for subsequent extension.
that the settlement with Eritrea African Union, is still headquartered
specifically mentioned in Abiy’s
Nobel citation has turned out to be a
in Addis Ababa (and has been
accused of leaning towards the Abiy
key component of the renewed con-
flict, with Eritrean forces accused of
Intriguingly, Haile Selassie was
some of the worst atrocities against known as Ras Tafari before he was Patna, Nov 10
Tigrayans and other ethnic minori- crowned emperor — and subse- A conference of representatives of munic-
ties after they joined hands with the quently hailed as the incarnation of a ipalities and district boards in the province
Ethiopian military. prophecy about a black emperor that of Bihar and Orissa this week discussed
Abiy imposed emergency rule particularly cha-r--med Caribbeans the Municipal Bill to be introduced short-
last week after it was reported that of African origin and spa-wned the ly in the Legislative Council. The Hon. Mr.
the TPLF had formed a coalition with Rasta-fa-rian tendency. Its best- M.S. Das, the Minister of Local Self-Gov-
other ethnic militias to topple his known adherent, Bob Marley, based ernment, who convened the conference
administration, and that the opposi- one of his most powerful songs, War, at Patna, declared that there was national
tion forces were barely 160 kilome- on a 1963 speech by Haile Selassie at awakening throughout the country. If
tres from Addis Ababa. the United Nations. there had been errors in the past in the
This has spurred fears that the Ethiopia has come a long way in administration it was due to a wrong angle
end of Ethiopia as we know it may be the decades since then yet seems of vision, but the angle of vision had
nigh. In the circumstances, it’s hard incapable of surmounting its ethnic changed now. We have the right to see
to ascertain the extent to which that divide. The advent of Abiy briefly things from an Indian point of view and
might be an exaggerated claim. It is looked like a game-changer, but that not from an Englishman’s point of view,
certainly not out of the question, and soon turned out to be an illusion. A he said. The distance between these two
tensions with neighbours alongside Norwegian academic has gone to the points of view is over six thousand miles.
occasional border conflicts may play extent of arguing that the Nobel com-
a role.
Ethiopia stands out in Africa as a
mittee should resign — given that the
2019 peace prize was not just unde-
country that managed to avoid being
colonised during the 19th-century
served, but actually encouraged Abiy
to become less consultative and con-
competition between a number of ciliatory. FUTURE
European states to grab a slice of the It was probably awarded with
continent. Ethiopian forces staved off the best of intentions but perhaps Lahore, Nov 10
an Italian invasion — only to be based on limited understanding and Four persons, all residents of Bhiwani,
occupied by Mussolini’s forces. But even less foresight — as in the case of were prosecuted for committing or con-
that subjugation lasted only five Barack Obama a decade earlier. spiring to commit offences under sec-
years, and after World War II the Human rights organisations as well tions 124A and 153A of the Indian Penal
MAHIR ALI subsequently a belligerent adversary. in 1991. If Mengistu’s brutal military Allied forces acknowledged Ethiopian as the UN have highlighted the war Code. Before the termination of the trial
Africa’s second-largest country regime claimed allegiance to Marxist assistance with the gift of Eritrea, a crimes — including horrific instances they all expressed contrition for the

here weren’t too many objec- by population appeared to be enter- precepts — which unfortunately won colony wrested from Italy. of sexual violence — that have been offences they had committed, and their
tions when Ethiopia’s rela- ing a more hopeful phase. But the it Soviet and Cuban support — so did That sowed the seeds for drawn- committed by both sides in Ethiopia readiness to abstain from agitation in
tively recent leader Abiy Ali illusion of a new trajectory was shat- the rebels in Tigray. out separatist endeavours that cul- during the past year. future. The Punjab Government has
Ahmed was awarded the tered a year ago, when the relatively Even though the TPLF represents minated in Eritrea’s independence in There’s no telling how or when therefore been pleased to withdraw the
Nobel Peace Prize two years ago. On new government went to war against little more than six per cent of the 1990s. Decades earlier, Ethiopia the current bout of violence will end. prosecution on receiving from each a
the face of it, he seemed to represent its Tigray province. Ethiopia’s ethnic diversity, it was the was seen as a stalwart in Africa’s fight One can only hope that it does, and written apology, in which he admitted his
a significant break from the nat-ion’s Tigrayan belligerence ostensibly dominant component of the coali- against European imperialism. The in circumstances that offer scope for guilt and gave an undertaking as to his
divisive past. Political prisoners were served as a provocation, but it didn’t tion that succeeded Mengistu until monarchy under Haile Selassie wasn’t a peace that current generations have future conduct in the following terms:- I
freed, and conciliatory gestures made come out of the blue. The Tigray Peo- Abiy emerged as a potent force out to antagonise the West, but rarely experienced. recognise that my action was foolish and
to poli-tical rivals. The Nobel citation ple’s Liberation Front (TPLF) was a whose initial measures earned global nonetheless offered support to liber- mischievous, and I ask for pardon in
specifically cited Addis Ababa’s peace key component of the coalition that accolades. The sense of relief after ation movements — including a Dawn/ANN. order to escape from the punishment
agreement with Eritrea, until the ousted the ostensibly left-wing gov- decades of conflict initially appeared passport that allowed Nelson Man- which I have deserved. I promise that I
early 1990s a part of Ethio-pia and ernment of Mengistu Haile Mariam to have some justification, given the dela to travel before his incarceration. will take no part in agitation against the
Government in future.
ACROSS 22 Like net company associated with
socialist, Sidney, in past (8)
7 Disadvantage of French river this
person's admitted (9)
1 Suitable to include Royal Society in
YESTERDAY'S SOLUTION describing this clue (5)
27 4A 9 most often in military store (7) 8 Child's turn? Yes, go freely (9) Delhi, Nov 10
28 Slight problem in Herts town from 1A 13 Gossip is too much for former East
4 New opening for old Lancashire mill
4A 7A (7) German (4) A large and distinguished gathering,
town creates competition (2,3)
29 It is briefly part of treatise (3) 14 Source, average over time, becoming including 28 Ruling Princes in all their
7 Period noted regularly in diary (3)
9 They succeeded Wrens in shake-up (7)
30 One dining getting attention, anxious to please (4-5) Eastern splendour, were guests at a ban-
10 Godlike spirit of strange mountain?
welcoming note? (5) 15 Some lacking cover having trust as at quet given last night at Maiden’s Hotel by
31 Starts to recall eagerly in Maidenhead, outset new insurance arranged (9)
Not quite (7)
splendid bubbly place (5) 16 Evasive conclusion of article on His highness the Maharaja of Bikaner,
11 Shape of shop, dire, unfortunately (8)
cathedral city (4) Chancellor of the Chamber of Princes, in
12 Sort dropping English – at home with DOWN 17 Drink knocked back first of December honour of His Excellency the Viceroy. The
good keyboard skill (6)
14 1A 4A 9 having answer rewritten, to
1 Enthusiast, hugging wife with son, at sea maybe? (4,5) party numbered 95 and besides members
cringes to seek favour (5) 21 Small amount at one time limiting
accommodate the German (9)
2 Managed Church farm (5) university (5) of the Viceroy’s Executive and other high
17 Clumsy writer going wrong way in
3 Disturbing spectre enveloping man – 23 Parent losing head – something else! civil and military officers, included several
Italian (5)
18 Chance introducing American water
leading to these? (3,6) (5) distinguished non-officials. The Maharaja
lily (5)
4 Ancient Roman calendar showing 24 Faith in Jedi, a habit brought up (5) of Bikanir proposed the toast of “the
period without food on island (5) 25 Americans' military vehicles'
19 4A 9 in 2021, famous jockey said (9)
5 With great care, search clubs mob temperature turning to variable (5) Viceroy,” but beyond thanking all for
20 Moral, reforming willingly in beginning
organised (4) 26 Uninteresting form of horse racing (4) accepting the invitation, he did not make
in Bucks town from 1A 4A 7A (6)
6 Little money for girl (5) any speech because, he said, he reserved
all he wanted to say for a similar future
NOTE: Figures in parentheses denote the number of letters in the words required. (By arrangement with The Independent, London) occasion when the Viceroy was shortly to
pay a visit to his State. @English_epaper_Backup
pg 5


11 NOVEMBER 2021

Sin of ‘commission’: Govt

silence on Rafale dubious
new angle — one involving alleged payment of commission to an Indian
businessman close to India’s ruling establishment — has now emerged in
the controversial inter-governmental deal signed between India and
France in 2016 for the purchase in a flyaway condition by India of 36
Rafale fighter aircraft from Dassault Aviation, which had been a long-term part-
ner of Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd.
On the strength of an investigation by a French media entity called “Mediapart”,
the facts that came to light in 2018-19, shortly before the last Lok Sabha election in
the summer of 2019, suggested that Dassault broke off its relationship with the pub-
lic sector HAL and was virtually coerced into striking a fresh partnership with the
Anil Ambani-owned part of the Reliance Group, which had been thought to be on
the verge of bankruptcy. Corruption of a huge magnitude was alleged based on the
fact that cost per aircraft had risen manifold compared to the deal for the same
Rafale fighter jets nearly concluded by the UPA government of Manmohan Singh.
The matter was dramatically but perfunctorily debated in Parliament. The CAG
looked into elements of it. The Supreme Court, in one of its more controversial
findings in recent decades, cleared the government
French dignitaries of wrongdoing in a case brought before it by leading
have not shied citizens, including two ministers of the erstwhile
BJP-led Vajpeyee government. The allegations hint-
away from being ed at actions taken by the PMO. With the court airi-
probed, but ly dismissing the case without going into key
leaders of our specifics, the government gained bragging rights.
democratic sys- That has now been brought into serious question
Clash of political cultures CHANNI A WEAKLING
tem remain cool by fresh facts investigated by “Mediapart” which
became public earlier this week. While the Rafale
to the idea of deal is for 7.8 billion euros, the new allegation is that
being questioned a defence broker in India, Sushen Mohan Gupta, was
paid a secret commission of 7.5 million euros to facil-
itate the Rafale contract. Documents carrying the details to this effect have been
lies ahead as 2024 looms national parties, Congress
Bowing to pressure
from state Congress
president Navjot Singh
Sidhu, the Punjab gov-
evidently lying with the CBI and the Enforcement Directorate since 2018, accord-
Though India and BJP. Since Rajiv
ernment led by
doesn’t have a Charanjit Singh Channi
ing to “Mediapart”. But these investigators and watchdogs of probity, which have
otherwise seen it fit to hound perceived opponents of the government, big and Shikha Mukerjee two-party system,
Gandhi launched the pan-
chayati raj system that on Tuesday removed
small, have been unmoved. Worse, it is suspected that a former CBI director, who the politics of the linked the party in power
A.P.S. Deol as advocate
prepared to act, was given marching orders in the middle of the night. Union, that is the at the Centre directly to
In a democratic dispensation it is expected that the government clear the air at
politics of exercising
the gram panchayats in general. This has come
the earliest in light of the fresh allegation. At a press conference, Congress, the the states by establishing
principal Opposition party, has alleged loss of exchequer to the tune of `41,000 power at the a route for funding just a few days after the
crores. If nothing else, it bears repeating that a Joint Parliamentary Committee Centre, has always Central programmes, CM asserted that “[he]

(JPC) be established forthwith in order to show that the government’s hands are lections, at politics of exercising been based on the state governments and may be poor but not
clean. Keeping silent, as in the Pegasus case, is likely to strengthen suspicions. every level, are power at the Centre, has regional/non-national
The Congress and the BJP have been slugging it out in the media. The CBI has going to be a always been based on the idea of a big, strong parties had to find new weak”. Now it is clear
remained silent. ED is silent. Interestingly, in France, a judicial probe into the series of con- idea of a big, strong ‘national’ party... ways to ensure that they that the chief minister
Rafale affair was instituted in June this year, based on “Mediapart” investiga- frontations over “national” party with a too have programmes
tions. Those who actions will come under scrutiny in France are former president political cultures right up sufficient majority in the Gandhi. Non-national recognised by the voters isn't as strong and
Francois Hollande, whose government inked the Rafale deal with PM Narendra to the mother of all battles Lok Sabha. Even when parties in opposition to in the most distant polling assertive as he claimed
Modi’s government, present president Emmanuel Macron, who was then econo- in 2024. That much is clear the party in power at the the BJP and to the booths as customised to be. It is well-known
my and finance minister, and then defence minister Jean-Yves Le Drian, now from Prime Minister Centre was fragile and Congress have reasons to schemes that meet their
France’s foreign minister. Such high dignitaries have not shied away from being Narendra Modi’s needed allies to survive, be wary of the two big most immediate needs that Mr Sidhu is an ego-
probed, but leaders of our democratic system remain cool to the idea of being ques- harangue at the BJP’s the model remained of a names. and fulfil their tist. But what of the
tioned. How good does that make India look? national executive meet big party with weak The Congress, as the expectations.
convened after a two-year satellites. reigning party across In almost every state CM? Both should be
gap in hybrid mode, with Aiming to win a third India, the original model election between now and changed forthwith.
Cricket: Turning a new leaf some attending in person
and others virtually.
After propounding the
term, the BJP is still
attached to the old strate-
gy of defending itself
of “double-engine
sarkar”, created the
precedents that underlie
2024, the territorially
“non-national” or region-
al parties will be locked in
N. Sadhasiva Reddy

nstalling Rohit Sharma at the helm, Team India is hoping to move on from the idea of cooperative feder- against a challenger with the centralisation of survival wars over
lows of the T20 World Cup. As a captain with an admirable IPL title winning alism way back, when Mr “national party” status. power and the practice of defending the right to rep-
record with Mumbai Indians, Rohit was the natural successor to Virat Kohli in Modi was India’s bright Its principal political tar-
get has been and is the
shifting responsibility resent the people living in
separate states within a
the white ball game at least and the appointment of K.L. Rahul as his deputy means new hope, the relation- and accountability to the
the line of succession has also been made clear. This means the adventurous crick- ship between the Centre Congress, as it simplifies states. The BJP has mere- multi-party system. What REALISING THAT due justice will
eter Rishabh Pant is not regarded as ready for additional responsibilities but then and states, in the BJP’s the fight into a past versus ly deepened the divide it boils down to is a ran- not be rendered in the Lakhimpur
he would have to demonstrate that he can cut out extravagant strokes he plays in assessment, has sunk to future contest or an elite between the Centre and dom example that illus- Kheri cold-blooded murder case
rushes of blood at the batting crease. Of course, this is not to forget that cricket is labelling the Opposition versus proletarian leader states by undermining the trates the nature of the involving the main accused Ashish
a game of chance and opportunity and that positive play is more often rewarded in of “family” parties as race. The model of two institutions of dialogue confrontation — the Mishra, son of Union minister Ajay
the white ball game. “enemies”, who peddle national parties compet- and accommodation like Centre’s rejection of the Mishra, in the Yogi’s state, the
Team India has much to do to restore its image across formats as its inability to “hate.” This hostility is ing helps the BJP dress up the Planning Commission Aam Admi Party’s Supreme Court has rightly pro-
measure up to the big occasions like the World Test Championship final has been reciprocated by the its Hindutva, hard-right, once was, or the Inter- request to clear its posed to appoint a retired high
well recorded. In fact, it would not be an exaggeration to call them the biggest Opposition and its new nationalist agenda. State Council recom- scheme of doorstep deliv- court judge who served outside the
chokers of the game currently. Their record of failures in six T20 World Cups after and perhaps unabashedly By recognising the mended by the Sarkaria ery of food rations on the state to monitor the investigation.
winning the inaugural edition in 2007 and in the last two 50-overs World Cups self-nominated messiah, Opposition as “family- Commission as a conces- grounds that the Food In view of the blatant murderous
since winning on home soil in 2011 in the Sachin Tendulkar era would bear that Mamata Banerjee. led” parties that peddle sion to the idea of Security Act does not attack on the hapless farmers and
out. Notwithstanding fine performance in the Test arena, particularly in Her description, and it’s hate and enmity, Mr Modi federalism and shared sanction such measures. the violence that erupted subse-
Australia, for too long it has been a story of failure to deliver when it matters probably a shared belief has acknowledged there’s responsibility. To concede defeat to the quently, it is paramount on the
most. among parties opposed to a new kind of challenge to There is, however, a BJP/Centre over improv- part of investigating agencies to act
Among the reasons spelt out for Team India’s miserable showing against the BJP about the current the BJP. In claiming the clear difference between ing access and establish- with conscience and see that the
Pakistan and New Zealand in Dubai was their attitudinal failure in preferring IPL status of the relationship, lead role in an Opposition the older and increasingly ing entitlement to some- murderers be given exemplary
over national duty as in prestigious multilateral events like World Cups. The IPL that it’s not a federalism assault on the BJP, state obsolete idea of a bunch of thing as basic as food safe- punishment. This becomes very
is far from the gold standard to judge cricketers by considering how they shorten of “partnership”, mean- by state, starting with Goa chaotic regional parties, ty by states will mean the important in view of the clout the
the boundaries to amp up the glamour quotient of big hitting superstars. As Team ing between equals, but that goes to be polls in family led as most of them beginning of the end of the main accused wields as the son of a
India move on with Rahul Dravid in the coach’s seat, it engenders hope that prej- it’s a hierarchy of “subor- February 2022, and then are, trying to forge an idea that regional parties minister.
udices will be shed in selection and that the team will shape itself into a better dination,” followed up by Tripura in 2023, Mamata alternative to challenge are better at identifying Tharcius S. Fernando
fighting force, particularly against teams which challenge them in less than her attack that the BJP Banerjee has taken the the national party in and fulfilling voters’ Chennai
favourable conditions in which grit is called for besides game skills. government at the Centre bull by the horns. power at the Centre and needs. Such schemes are
dishes out “step-mother- Accusing the Congress of the Opposition parties in not “populist”, buying
ly” treatment, is sufficient being indecisive, power in several states for voter programmes as old- WINNING COMBO
warning that the run-up inevitable given its failure decades. Tamil Nadu, style politicians invari-
the 2024 war will be a to identify a leader, she Odisha, West Bengal, ably and derisively label HATS OFF TO our selectors, who
series of battles fought in justified her pre-emptive Andhra Pradesh and them. These are intelli- have done a reasonably good job in
states due to hold elec- bid as a remedy to her Telangana, and off and on gent investments in build- selecting performing youngsters to
tions between now and question: “Why should Bihar and Karnataka ing human capital that play against the visiting New
then. Unless the the country suffer?” (this isn’t a full list) have have high rates of return Zealand team in the T-20 series.
Opposition’s fightback The Opposition may not been run for decades by in the long term, as econo- The best move is to rest some of our
state by state, as seems have met in a conclave to parties that are “non- mists like Gary Becker tired seniors and dropping the
the strategy now, collaps- endorse Ms Banerjee as national” in the sense that demonstrated, and fill the unfit Hardik Pandya. If only they
es either under the weight the face to fight Mr Modi they are based in specific gap between the Centre’s had taken this decision prior to the
of its own contradictions in 2024. But the geographies. In these grand programmes and a World Cup, our team could have
or buckles to the pressure Opposition has also not states, the ruling parties more granular response stayed back in Dubai. Anyway, bet-
of politically targeted shot down her launch of have fought off the to perceived gaps in ter late than never. We wish our
THE ASIAN AGE raids and investigations the Trinamul Congress in Congress or the BJP as access and delivery. In the new head coach and Rohit
by Central agencies. Goa, Tripura and Uttar challengers. run-up to 2024, state elec- Sharma’s young guns the best
KAUSHIK MITTER K. SUDHAKAR Each election between Pradesh. Misgivings that In each of these states, tions will be fought by against New Zealand, the probable
Editor Printer & Publisher
now and 2024 will chal- “Modiji is going to be there is a commonly regional parties in World Champions.
THE ASIAN AGE office is located at: lenge the old federal more powerful because of shared agenda, of finding defence of a multi-party, N. Mahadevan
New Delhi: Jawaharlal Nehru National Youth Centre, 219 Deen Dayal Upadhyay Marg, New Delhi-110002. Phone: design of authority, the Congress” are evident new routes to interface multi-location system of Chennai
(011) 23211124. power, responsibility and in the lack of enthusiasm and connect with voters democratic politics.
Published and Printed on behalf of and for accountability. Though among Opposition parties that both short-circuits
◗ Deccan Chronicle Holdings Limited, Jawaharlal Nehru National Youth Centre, 219 Deen Dayal Upadhyay Marg,
India doesn’t have a two- or non-national parties and bypasses the ever Shikha Mukerjee is a Every Monday the best letter of
New Delhi 110 002 at BFL Infotech Ltd., C-9, Sector-III, Noida -201301.
◗ London: Quickmarsh Ltd, 8th Floor, Block 2, Elizabeth House, 39 York Road, London, SE1 7NQ. party system, the politics invited to the August more centralising politics senior journalist in the week wins `500. Email:
RNI Registration number: 57290/94 of the Union, that is the meeting called by Sonia of governance of the two Kolkata

uring the height of the Covid-19 wave be submitted to chief secretary Iqbal Singh the hearing of the petition from the Nainital retire or be given an extension. Such deci-
last year, the Gujarat government Bains soon. bench to the principal bench in Delhi. The sions are usually known only close
deployed top IAS and IPS officers However, the medical community fears that high court has said it saw no reason to the D-Day. In terms of seniority though,
who held a degree in medicine to such appointments will not improve the con- for the case to be transferred since all bench- the current high commissioner to
Dilip Cherian tackle the pandemic in the worst-affected
areas. The move to use officers with adminis-
ditions of medical colleges in the state but
rather make matters worse.
es are equal and it cannot be suggested that
the principal bench in Delhi is a superior
the UK, Gaitri Issar Kumar, is in line to step
up. But, these days nothing can be taken for
trative as well as medical skills worked well bench. granted, as Mr Jaishankar himself knows too
Dilli Ka Babu for the state given the emergency-like
Much of Mr Chaturvedi’s career has been
spent in courts or battles with various state
The current round of postings is focused on
However, a proposal by the Madhya Embattled Uttarakhand whistleblower governments and the Centre. He was a the Middle East region. Pavan Kapoor who is
Pradesh government to appoint IAS officers Sanjiv Chaturvedi, who is a 2002-batch whistleblower in the forestry case in ambassador to the UAE will now be our
to run 13 medical colleges in the state has not Indian Forest Service (IFoS) officer, current- Haryana and later in the capital when ambassador to Russia. Mr Kapoor has been
been welcomed by the doctors. While senior ly posted as the chief conservator of forests in he was the chief vigilance officer of AIIMS replaced by Sanjay Sudhir who was the high

Madhya Pradesh babus of the health department have dis-

missed such reports, the state medical educa-
tion minister, Vishwas Sarang, has been cau-
Haldwani, has won a skirmish in his larger
battle with the Centre after the Uttarakhand
high court overruled the order of the Central
where he exposed several financial scams.
Currently, he is probing the alleged role of
forest officers in illegal construction and
commissioner in the Maldives. Our man in
Oman Munnu Mahawar replaces him.
Meanwhile, Dinesh Patnaik, who was direc-

ponders letting tious while saying that the proposal is being

studied and a decision will be taken only
after careful consideration.
The death of four infants in a fire at a
Administrative Tribunal (CAT) in December
last year.
Last year, Mr Chaturvedi, who is a
Magsaysay Award recipient and crusader
felling of trees in the Jim Corbett Tiger
Reserve. He has now won his day in court,
but his battles will continue.
tor-general of the Indian Council for Cultural
Relations (ICCR), is the new ambassador to
Spain and secretary, consular passports and
visas, Sanjay Bhattacharya is likely to

IAS officers run Bhopal hospital recently has focused atten-

tion on the state hospital administration.
Chief minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan has
against corruption, had filed a petition in the
Nainital bench of CAT alleging that the later-
al recruitment of joint secretary-level posts
Foreign policy wonks see in the recent major
reshuffle of diplomatic postings as a precur-
become our envoy to Switzerland.
There will likely be more churning at the
MEA in the weeks and months ahead, so

medical colleges been pressed into ordering a fire safety audit

of all government and private hospitals in the
state. Additional chief secretary for health
and education Mohammed Suleiman is con-
through the contract system was “arbitrary,
irrational and ridden with irregularities”
and needed to be probed. He also challenged
the 360-degree system for the appraisal of
sor to the retirement of foreign secretary
Harsh Shringla early next year. At this early
stage, it is not clear whether Mr Shringla
who has worked long and fruitfully with
watch this space for updates.

Share a babu experience! Follow .
ducting a high-level probe and the report will babus. The tribunal, however, transferred external affairs minister S Jaishankar will Let’s multiply the effect. @English_epaper_Backup
| THURSDAY 2021 2021


11 NOVEMBER 2021

Sin of ‘commission’: Govt

silence on Rafale dubious
new angle — one involving alleged payment of commission to an Indian
businessman close to India’s ruling establishment — has now emerged in
the controversial inter-governmental deal signed between India and
France in 2016 for the purchase in a flyaway condition by India of 36
Rafale fighter aircraft from Dassault Aviation, which had been a long-term part-
ner of Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd.
On the strength of an investigation by a French media entity called “Mediapart”,
the facts that came to light in 2018-19, shortly before the last Lok Sabha election in
the summer of 2019, suggested that Dassault broke off its relationship with the pub-
lic sector HAL and was virtually coerced into striking a fresh partnership with the
Anil Ambani-owned part of the Reliance Group, which had been thought to be on
the verge of bankruptcy. Corruption of a huge magnitude was alleged based on the
fact that cost per aircraft had risen manifold compared to the deal for the same
Rafale fighter jets nearly concluded by the UPA government of Manmohan Singh.
The matter was dramatically but perfunctorily debated in Parliament. The CAG
looked into elements of it. The Supreme Court, in one of its more controversial
findings in recent decades, cleared the government
French dignitaries of wrongdoing in a case brought before it by leading
have not shied citizens, including two ministers of the erstwhile
BJP-led Vajpeyee government. The allegations hint-
away from being ed at actions taken by the PMO. With the court airi-
probed, but ly dismissing the case without going into key
leaders of our specifics, the government gained bragging rights.
democratic sys- That has now been brought into serious question
Clash of political cultures CORRUPTION
Though Chief Minister Y.S.

lies ahead as 2024 looms

Jagan Mohan Reddy has
tem remain cool by fresh facts investigated by “Mediapart” which
became public earlier this week. While the Rafale been calling for corrup-
to the idea of deal is for 7.8 billion euros, the new allegation is that tion-free and transparent
being questioned. a defence broker in India, Sushen Mohan Gupta, was governance in the state.
paid a secret commission of 7.5 million euros to facil-
itate the Rafale contract. Documents carrying the details to this effect have been national parties, Congress Nobody appears to be
Though India and BJP. Since Rajiv
evidently lying with the CBI and the Enforcement Directorate since 2018, accord-
doesn’t have a
taking his directions seri-
ing to “Mediapart”. But these investigators and watchdogs of probity, which have Gandhi launched the pan-
otherwise seen it fit to hound perceived opponents of the government, big and Shikha Mukerjee two-party system, chayati raj system that
ously. Government and
small, have been unmoved. Worse, it is suspected that a former CBI director, who the politics of the linked the party in power local body employees
prepared to act, was given marching orders in the middle of the night. Union, that is the at the Centre directly to continue to behave as if
In a democratic dispensation it is expected that the government clear the air at the gram panchayats in corruption is their
the earliest in light of the fresh allegation. At a press conference, Congress, the politics of exercising the states by establishing
principal Opposition party, has alleged loss of exchequer to the tune of `41,000 power at the a route for funding birthright. Had there been
crores. If nothing else, it bears repeating that a Joint Parliamentary Committee Centre, has always Central programmes, a change, staff at ACB

(JPC) be established forthwith in order to show that the government’s hands are lections, at politics of exercising been based on the state governments and would have been rendered
clean. Keeping silent, as in the Pegasus case, is likely to strengthen suspicions. every level, are power at the Centre, has regional/non-national
The Congress and the BJP have been slugging it out in the media. The CBI has going to be a always been based on the idea of a big, strong parties had to find new jobless.
remained silent. ED is silent. Interestingly, in France, a judicial probe into the series of con- idea of a big, strong ‘national’ party... ways to ensure that they Govardhana Myneedu
Rafale affair was instituted in June this year, based on “Mediapart” investiga- frontations over “national” party with a too have programmes Vijayawada
tions. Those who actions will come under scrutiny in France are former president political cultures right up sufficient majority in the Gandhi. Non-national recognised by the voters
Francois Hollande, whose government inked the Rafale deal with PM Narendra
Modi’s government, present president Emmanuel Macron, who was then econo-
to the mother of all battles
in 2024. That much is clear
Lok Sabha. Even when
the party in power at the
parties in opposition to
the BJP and to the
in the most distant polling
booths as customised AMICABLE MEETING
my and finance minister, and then defence minister Jean-Yves Le Drian, now from Prime Minister Centre was fragile and Congress have reasons to schemes that meet their The meeting between Chief
France’s foreign minister. Such high dignitaries have not shied away from being Narendra Modi’s needed allies to survive, be wary of the two big most immediate needs Minister Y.S. Jagan Mohan Reddy
probed, but leaders of our democratic system remain cool to the idea of being ques- harangue at the BJP’s the model remained of a names. and fulfil their and his Odisha counterpart
tioned. How good does that make India look? national executive meet big party with weak The Congress, as the expectations. Naveen Patnaik to find amicable
convened after a two-year satellites. reigning party across In almost every state solutions for long-pending issues
gap in hybrid mode, with Aiming to win a third India, the original model election between now and between both their states is a right

Cricket: Turning a new leaf some attending in person

and others virtually.
After propounding the
term, the BJP is still
attached to the old strate-
gy of defending itself
of “double-engine
sarkar”, created the
precedents that underlie
2024, the territorially
“non-national” or region-
al parties will be locked in
survival wars over
step. Apart from rich history and
borders, the two states also share
unfulfilled dreams of development.

nstalling Rohit Sharma at the helm, Team India is hoping to move on from the idea of cooperative feder- against a challenger with the centralisation of It is heartening that both states
lows of the T20 World Cup. As a captain with an admirable IPL title winning alism way back, when Mr “national party” status. power and the practice of defending the right to rep- have agreed to form an institution-
record with Mumbai Indians, Rohit was the natural successor to Virat Kohli in Modi was India’s bright Its principal political tar- shifting responsibility resent the people living in al mechanism with both chief sec-
the white ball game at least and the appointment of K.L. Rahul as his deputy means new hope, the relation- get has been and is the and accountability to the separate states within a retaries at helm to find solutions to
the line of succession has also been made clear. This means the adventurous crick- ship between the Centre Congress, as it simplifies states. The BJP has mere- multi-party system. What their problems. The controversy
eter Rishabh Pant is not regarded as ready for additional responsibilities but then and states, in the BJP’s the fight into a past versus ly deepened the divide it boils down to is a ran- over 31 border villages along the
he would have to demonstrate that he can cut out extravagant strokes he plays in assessment, has sunk to future contest or an elite between the Centre and dom example that illus- AP-Odisha border, the issue of util-
rushes of blood at the batting crease. Of course, this is not to forget that cricket is labelling the Opposition versus proletarian leader states by undermining the trates the nature of the isation of eight tmc ft of Janjavathi
a game of chance and opportunity and that positive of “family” parties as race. The model of two institutions of dialogue confrontation — the river water among others need
Among the play is more often rewarded in the white ball game. “enemies”, who peddle national parties compet- and accommodation like Centre’s rejection of the cooperation.
reasons spelt out Team India has much to do to restore its image “hate.” This hostility is ing helps the BJP dress up the Planning Commission Aam Admi Party’s K.R. Srinivasan
reciprocated by the its Hindutva, hard-right, once was, or the Inter- request to clear its
for Team India’s across formats as its inability to measure up to the
big occasions like the World Test Championship Opposition and its new nationalist agenda. State Council recom- scheme of doorstep deliv-
miserable showing final has been well recorded. In fact, it would not be
against Pakistan an exaggeration to call them the biggest chokers of
and perhaps unabashedly
self-nominated messiah,
By recognising the
Opposition as “family-
mended by the Sarkaria
Commission as a conces-
ery of food rations on the
grounds that the Food WINNING MATCHES
and New Zealand the game currently. Their record of failures in six Mamata Banerjee. led” parties that peddle sion to the idea of Security Act does not This refers to your editorial
Her description, and it’s hate and enmity, Mr Modi federalism and shared sanction such measures.
in Dubai was their T20 World Cups after winning the inaugural edition
in 2007 and in the last two 50-overs World Cups since probably a shared belief has acknowledged there’s responsibility. To concede defeat to the
‘Ansals jailed, justice served’ (Nov.
10). The Uphaar cinema case,
attitudinal failure winning on home soil in 2011 in the Sachin among parties opposed to a new kind of challenge to There is, however, a BJP/Centre over improv- which has been dragging on for the
in preferring IPL. Tendulkar era would bear that out. Notwithstanding the BJP about the current the BJP. In claiming the clear difference between ing access and establish- last 24 years, appears to be nearing
fine performance in the Test arena, particularly in status of the relationship, lead role in an Opposition the older and increasingly ing entitlement to some- a just closure after prison terms
Australia, for too long it has been a story of failure to deliver when it matters that it’s not a federalism assault on the BJP, state obsolete idea of a bunch of thing as basic as food safe- were awarded to cinema owners
most. Among the reasons spelt out for Team India’s miserable showing against of “partnership”, mean- by state, starting with Goa chaotic regional parties, ty by states will mean the and real estate plutocrats for
Pakistan and New Zealand in Dubai was their attitudinal failure in preferring IPL ing between equals, but that goes to be polls in family led as most of them beginning of the end of the manipulating the evidence.
over national duty as in prestigious multilateral events like World Cups. The IPL it’s a hierarchy of “subor- February 2022, and then are, trying to forge an idea that regional parties Dr C. Ghanshyam
is far from the gold standard to judge cricketers by considering how they shorten dination,” followed up by Tripura in 2023, Mamata alternative to challenge are better at identifying Visakhapatnam
the boundaries to amp up the glamour quotient of big hitting superstars. As Team her attack that the BJP Banerjee has taken the the national party in and fulfilling voters’
India move on with Rahul Dravid in the coach’s seat, it engenders hope that prej- government at the Centre bull by the horns. power at the Centre and needs. Such schemes are
udices will be shed in selection and that the team will shape itself into a better dishes out “step-mother- Accusing the Congress of the Opposition parties in not “populist”, buying
fighting force, particularly against teams which challenge them in less than
favourable conditions in which grit is called for besides game skills.
ly” treatment, is sufficient
warning that the run-up
being indecisive,
inevitable given its failure
power in several states for
decades. Tamil Nadu,
voter programmes as old-
style politicians invari-
the 2024 war will be a to identify a leader, she Odisha, West Bengal, ably and derisively label
series of battles fought in justified her pre-emptive Andhra Pradesh and them. These are intelli-
DECCAN CHRONICLE states due to hold elec- bid as a remedy to her Telangana, and off and on gent investments in build-
KAUSHIK MITTER K. SUDHAKAR tions between now and question: “Why should Bihar and Karnataka ing human capital that
(GLWRU 3ULQWHU 3XEOLVKHU then. Unless the the country suffer?” (this isn’t a full list) have have high rates of return ,QGR6RYLHWWUHDW\
Opposition’s fightback The Opposition may not been run for decades by in the long term, as econo-
DECCAN CHRONICLE offices are located at: state by state, as seems have met in a conclave to parties that are “non- mists like Gary Becker
the strategy now, collaps- endorse Ms Banerjee as national” in the sense that demonstrated, and fill the By a staff reporter
Hyderabad: 36, Sarojini Devi Road, Secunderabad - 500 003, Ph: 040-27803930-4; Fax : 040-27805256 es either under the weight the face to fight Mr Modi they are based in specific gap between the Centre’s HYDERABAD, Nov. 10.
Vijayawada: No.C-3 & 4 Patamata, Industrial Estate, Auto Nagar, Vijayawada (A.P.), Ph: 0866- geographies. In these grand programmes and a
of its own contradictions in 2024. But the THE historic Indo-Soviet
2555284/2555287; Telefax: 0866-2555234
Visakhapatnam: Survey No.1/3A Beach Road, Near Kailasagiri Ropeway, Sector-9 MVP Colony, or buckles to the pressure Opposition has also not states, the ruling parties more granular response Friendship Treaty which symbol-
Visakhapatnam - 530 017 (A.P), Ph: 0891-2552333/2552334; Fax: 0891-2755285 of politically targeted shot down her launch of have fought off the to perceived gaps in ises the growing cordial relations
Rajahmundry: Vemagiri, Dhawaleswaram Rd, Rajahmundry, Ph: 0883-2417618/2417208; Telefax: 0883- raids and investigations the Trinamul Congress in Congress or the BJP as access and delivery. In the between the two countries and
2417208 by Central agencies. Goa, Tripura and Uttar challengers. run-up to 2024, state elec- their determination to help main-
Anantapur: Thapovan colony, Bangalore By-Pass Road, Anantapur - 515004, Ph: 08554-276903; Fax: Each election between Pradesh. Misgivings that In each of these states, tions will be fought by tain enduring peace, has been
08554-276904 now and 2024 will chal- “Modiji is going to be there is a commonly regional parties in welcomed spontaneously in both
Karimnagar: Survey No.1341, Vavilalapally Colony, Jagityala Road, Karimnagar - 505 001, Ph: 0878- lenge the old federal more powerful because of shared agenda, of finding defence of a multi-party, the countries.
2228908; Telefax: 0878-2220433 design of authority, the Congress” are evident new routes to interface multi-location system of This is the confirmed view of a
Nellore: Survey No.527/2, Burranpur Village, Venkatachalam (M), Chemmudugunta Panchayat, Nellore, democratic politics.
power, responsibility and in the lack of enthusiasm and connect with voters three-member Soviet delegation
Ph: 0861-2348581/82; Telefax: 0861-2348580
Chennai: SP-3 Developed Plot, Industrial Estate, Guindy, Chennai - 600 032, Ph: 044-22254747/ 48/50/51; accountability. Though among Opposition parties that both short-circuits that arrived in city today in con-
Advt Fax: 22254765/22254766/42305325 India doesn’t have a two- or non-national parties and bypasses the ever Shikha Mukerjee is a nection with the celebration of
Coimbatore: 77, Vivekananda Road, Ramnagar, Coimbatore - 641 009, Ph : 0422 2231255 party system, the politics invited to the August more centralising politics senior journalist in the Indo-Soviet Treaty month.
Gram: CHRONICLE Postal registration no: No. H/SD-348/2006-08 of the Union, that is the meeting called by Sonia of governance of the two Kolkata

uring the height of the Covid-19 wave be submitted to chief secretary Iqbal Singh the hearing of the petition from the Nainital retire or be given an extension. Such deci-
last year, the Gujarat government Bains soon. bench to the principal bench in Delhi. The sions are usually known only close
deployed top IAS and IPS officers However, the medical community fears that high court has said it saw no reason to the D-Day. In terms of seniority though,
who held a degree in medicine to such appointments will not improve the con- for the case to be transferred since all bench- the current high commissioner to
tackle the pandemic in the worst-affected ditions of medical colleges in the state but es are equal and it cannot be suggested that the UK, Gaitri Issar Kumar, is in line to step
Dilip Cherian areas. The move to use officers with adminis- rather make matters worse. the principal bench in Delhi is a superior up. But, these days nothing can be taken for
trative as well as medical skills worked well bench. granted, as Mr Jaishankar himself knows too
Dilli Ka Babu for the state given the emergency-like
Much of Mr Chaturvedi’s career has been
spent in courts or battles with various state
The current round of postings is focused on
However, a proposal by the Madhya Embattled Uttarakhand whistleblower governments and the Centre. He was a the Middle East region. Pavan Kapoor who is
Pradesh government to appoint IAS officers Sanjiv Chaturvedi, who is a 2002-batch whistleblower in the forestry case in ambassador to the UAE will now be our
to run 13 medical colleges in the state has not Indian Forest Service (IFoS) officer, current- Haryana and later in the capital when ambassador to Russia. Mr Kapoor has been
been welcomed by the doctors. While senior ly posted as the chief conservator of forests in he was the chief vigilance officer of AIIMS replaced by Sanjay Sudhir who was the high

Madhya Pradesh babus of the health department have dis-

missed such reports, the state medical educa-
tion minister, Vishwas Sarang, has been cau-
Haldwani, has won a skirmish in his larger
battle with the Centre after the Uttarakhand
high court overruled the order of the Central
where he exposed several financial scams.
Currently, he is probing the alleged role of
forest officers in illegal construction and
commissioner in the Maldives. Our man in
Oman Munnu Mahawar replaces him.
Meanwhile, Dinesh Patnaik, who was direc-

ponders letting tious while saying that the proposal is being

studied and a decision will be taken only
after careful consideration.
The death of four infants in a fire at a
Administrative Tribunal (CAT) in December
last year.
Last year, Mr Chaturvedi, who is a
Magsaysay Award recipient and crusader
felling of trees in the Jim Corbett Tiger
Reserve. He has now won his day in court,
but his battles will continue.
tor-general of the Indian Council for Cultural
Relations (ICCR), is the new ambassador to
Spain and secretary, consular passports and
visas, Sanjay Bhattacharya is likely to

IAS officers run Bhopal hospital recently has focused atten-

tion on the state hospital administration.
Chief minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan has
against corruption, had filed a petition in the
Nainital bench of CAT alleging that the later-
al recruitment of joint secretary-level posts
Foreign policy wonks see in the recent major
reshuffle of diplomatic postings as a precur-
become our envoy to Switzerland.
There will likely be more churning at the
MEA in the weeks and months ahead, so

medical colleges been pressed into ordering a fire safety audit

of all government and private hospitals in the
state. Additional chief secretary for health
and education Mohammed Suleiman is con-
through the contract system was “arbitrary,
irrational and ridden with irregularities”
and needed to be probed. He also challenged
the 360-degree system for the appraisal of
sor to the retirement of foreign secretary
Harsh Shringla early next year. At this early
stage, it is not clear whether Mr Shringla
who has worked long and fruitfully with
watch this space for updates.

Share a babu experience! Follow .
ducting a high-level probe and the report will babus. The tribunal, however, transferred external affairs minister S Jaishankar will Let’s multiply the effect. @English_epaper_Backup
NEW DELHI | THURSDAY, 11 NOVEMBER, 2021 Editorial 7
EDITORIAL Battle begins at home
A flawed policy? Nexus of Good An IAS officer in Pune crusaded to end domestic violence through mobilising ground-

he Bihar government is currently finding itself
level voluntary forces towards a ‘social revolution’ with ample political support

in a mess, where even its own allies are demand-
ing a review of the liquor ban policy of the state. outine noises of yell- by saying that “those who tor-
Five years down the line since the Nitish govern- ing and screaming, ment women during the lock-
ment passed one of the most stringent alcohol consumption accompanied with down would be institutionally
laws in the country, the tragedy in Bihar has come to haunt clatter of leather quarantined” — a departure
the conscience of people as around 35 people have been belt hitting a human being, from the Domestic Violence
killed in several districts of the state due to consumption were common sounds that Act, 2005 where the victim is
of low-quality alcohol. Though very unfortunate, the Bihar the neighborhood had grown shifted to a safe location. The
hooch tragedy reflects only the flashpoint of the problem. A used to in some parts of the news caught the imagination of
no less intense tragedy has been unfolding within the state ANIL SWARUP pristine hills surrounding Pune the people during the eventless
over the past five years in the form of a bootlegger economy city in Maharashtra. There was days of the lockdown and saw
— hitting the poor the most and depriving the state of the almost a set protocol that fol- its ‘15 minutes of fame’ in the
superfluous revenue it used to earn in the pre-ban period. lowed. After the cries had died form of memes featuring wives
Numerous news reports and analyses have borne testimony down, women from the neigh- warning their husbands of pos-
to the flourishing illegal economy on account of liquor trade borhood would gather to help sible institutional quarantine.
in the state. Now this problem is not restricted to Bihar only. the victim woman and nurse Senior political leaders, includ-
In fact, Bihar’s failure story appears to be a mere repeti- her bruises, but never once did ing MP Supriya Sule, held a
tion of that of other states like Gujarat, Haryana, Mizoram, they question her fate because, Facebook live session on the
Nagaland and Lakshadweep. Bihar certainly has failed to almost every day, one woman issue, and over five lakh people
learn a lesson from the past experiences of other states. The or the other seemed to have the attended it. News in media and
case of the state is now itself a subject of study, from which bad omen of suffering that fate social media focused on the
other states intending to go for similar measures can learn. at the hands of her husband or issue of domestic violence and
Bihar government’s experiment can safely be termed as a in-laws. raised public awareness about
failed initiative as it could not achieve its prime objective of But that evening, during the this sensitive issue. It also moti-
eliminating the evil of liquor consumption in the state half a Covid-induced lockdown, a vated thousands of women vol-
decade since its inception. Though the incidences of domes- group of three women quickly unteers in each village to work
tic violence against women In Bihar has fell since the impo- assembled and gathered cour- more diligently on the issue,
sition of the ban, it is not certain whether it is linked to the age to knock on the door while as they felt they were part of a
ban or not. As reported by the Indiaspend in October 2020, Around the yelling and screaming was larger mission to bring about a
cases of domestic violence under Section 498A of the Indian gathering pace. By knocking Women in each village worked more diligently as they felt they were part of a larger mission social revolution.
Penal Code (cruelty by the husband or his relatives) had 21,000 women on the door, they startled both During the last six months,
fallen 37 per cent since the ban, while the crime rate against intervened in the victim and the tormentor. interfering in households of group of elected Zila Parishad societies, to prevent domestic and several thousand docu-
women fell 45 per cent. Countrywide, during the same There was a deafening silence another caste. Undeterred, members, asking if there was violence and render support mented and undocumented
period, cases rose 12 per cent and the crime rate rose three
over 6,000 for a moment. The women at roughly 21,000 women inter- an increase in domestic vio- to the victims. Accordingly, a interventions later, a safe envi-
per cent. In any case, the fact remains that liquor consump- cases of the door knocked again. A vened in over 6,000 cases of lence in the peri-urban and three-member team — con- ronment for women has been
tion in the state continues to thrive in an economy that is domestic man in his early 30s opened domestic violence in the dis- rural areas of the district. sisting of an elected member created in their homes — a
not on records, that leaves almost no data — making it hard the door while holding a belt in trict and brought about a quiet There was no response for a from Panchayati Raj, an angan- place where most of them not
to be curbed. To have a rough glimpse of this economy, its violence in the his hand. The women began by social revolution in over three day. The message was posted wadi sevika of the woman & only live, but also work and
supply side can be split in two parts — one, the liquor com- district and asking him why he was beat- months, leading to the imple- again the following day. Several child welfare department and which is the core of their social
ing through illegal imports from neighboring states, and ing his wife. Too embarrassed, mentation of the Domestic members were either unaware a woman leader from a self- interactions. Many women have
two, low-cost hooch manufactured locally within homes brought a quiet the man stepped out of the Violence Act of 2005, as part as their focus was more on help group in the village — narrated that they have found
and at the village / town outskirts. On the demand side, it social revolution house and walked away. They of the Beti Bachao Beti Padhao infrastructure development was constituted in each ward. strength to voice their concerns,
must be understood that to many consumers, alcohol is nei- went behind him as the neigh- campaign. works rather than social issues. They were trained through a without the fear of being physi-
ther a necessary commodity nor a luxury. Its demand stems in over borhood stepped out of their Indrani Misra, a leading Some opined that there was series of zoom calls. WhatsApp cally assaulted. A small but sig-
from addiction which is very complex to curb. Since the
supply side may be dotted with a large number of power-
three months closely cluttered homes to see
the unfolding drama. He ran
pediatrician found an oppor-
tunity to broach this sensi-
no such problem in Pune Dis-
trict. The same day, the home
groups were created at the vil-
lage, cluster of villages, taluka
nificant change for equality has
begun from the home!
ful intermediaries, who would bypass legal barriers — thus into the darkness of the fields. tive issue of domestic violence minister of the state posted a and district levels to give them What a young, dynamic
claiming their own profit margins — the price of the alcohol The women returned back with her husband, Ayush video on social media, warn- a sense of community as they and visionary officer like Ayush
naturally multiplies several times. At the same time, amid to find the victim surrounded Prasad — a young IAS offi- ing against any form of domes- were geographically dispersed Prasad could do is a wonderful
increased prices and constrained supplies, demand for alco- by other women from the cer posted as chief executive tic violence. and the lockdown hindered example of Nexus of Good. He
hol remains very less deterred. In general, if a dividing line neighborhood and some men. officer, Zila Parishad, Pune. Impressed by the works group interactions. They were demonstrated that small but
is drawn to demarcate those who can afford alcohol in this The victim was very angry at She spoke rather passionately of ASHA workers during and instructed to work as an exten- significant and scalable steps
bootlegger economy and those who can’t, it may give some the group of three women for about the shadow pandemic before the pandemic, Ayush sion to women protection offi- can be taken by civil servants
idea as to how the consumption pattern and pocket burden ‘interfering’ in their household during a walk in their garden thought of taking forward the cers in each taluka, who were despite all the problems and
of the consumers is impacted after the ban. Since alcohol matter and for embarrassing and told him that authori- vision of the state government recruited during the previous limitations. Such officers also
consumption is mostly an addiction, it is very likely that her husband; and questioned if ties in Australia had made and effectively implementing decade. display how media can be lev-
people will go for alcohol to the maximum extent possible. they had never been beaten by arrangements for women suf- the Domestic Violence Act, The next step was to utilise eraged and politicians could be
So, the low-income consumers would probably consume their husbands. In some places fering from domestic violence 2005. He considered building the media to convey a few mes- taken into confidence to con-
low-quality harmful alcohol while paying more. While those in the district, the objection to to stay in hotels. Later that eve- a voluntary force of women in sages. While answering a ques- vey positive messages that can
who can well-afford alcohol consumption would continue the intervention also became ning, this was posted as a mes- each ward of gram panchayats, tion to the local press about lead to social transformation.
their routine consumption, again after paying extra price. about caste – women of a caste sage by Ayush on a WhatsApp and in townships and housing the initiative, Ayush responded Views expressed are personal
It can be summed up that a blanket ban on alcohol forces

Beneath the radar

low-income people to consume harmful alcohol and well-
off consumers to pay more for their routine consumption.
This high-price addiction commodity is a lucrative option
for middle men who have usurped the revenue options that
earlier rested with the government. It must be noted here
that Nitish Kumar is the same leader who, in his early days
as Bihar CM in 2006, openly liberalised the state’s liquor
economy. The revenue collections for the state from Indian-
made foreign liquor soared from Rs 87 crore in 2005-06 to
Rs 1,777 crore in 2014-15 — just a couple of years ahead of Global food system — dependent heavily on livestock farming — contributes a quarter
the ban. In fact, as per the Economic Survey of India, Bihar
is reported to have earned Rs 3,100 crore from excise duty of human-made greenhouse gases, but has failed to attract focus at COP26

on liquor in 2014-15. Now, if alcohol consumption in the
state reportedly continues to exist despite the ban, where is K Prime Minis- More sustainable means
the revenue going? It is apparently clear that intermediar- ter Boris John- Meat supply per person, 2017 more healthy
ies and neighboring states from where liquor is allegedly son launched the Average total meat supply per person measured in kilograms per year Healthy and sustainable
imported may be dividing these shares. It is perhaps a time CoP26 climate diets broadly overlap: Diets
when the Bihar government should look forward to revis- summit in Glasgow with the with small amounts of red and
iting its liquor ban policy. While its intent may have been EMMA GARNETT mantra of “coal, cars, cash and processed meat and high in
clear at the time of formulating the policy, and its action trees”. But thus far, the sum- vegetables, wholegrains and
may even have yielded certain positive dividends, it is clear mit has largely ignored the ele- pulses. There are some impor-
that there have been serious negative fallouts. Laws and pol- phant in the room. Or rather, tant exceptions: Oily fish ben-
icies are of dynamic nature and these must keep evolving. the cows, pigs, chickens and efits health but the fuel used
fish. by fishing boats means it gen-
The global food system is erally has higher greenhouse

DearEditor currently responsible for about

a quarter of all human-made
greenhouse gases, a figure that
gas emissions than plant-
based proteins, while many
fish populations are overfished.
is projected to increase. The Sugar, on the other hand, has
REVIVING EDUCATION increase in food system emis- a relatively low environmen-
sions alone threatens warming tal impact but doesn’t have
“Recover and Revitalize Education for the COVID-19 above 1.5 degrees Celsius. any nutritional value besides
Generation” is the theme of International Education There is no doubt we need calories.
Day 2021. The purpose of the theme is to strengthen to stop burning fossil fuels, but The Planetary Health Diet
and welcome the revival of education. Education, when reducing livestock consump- — a healthy diet designed to
provided appropriately, works as a key catalyst in the tion in high- and middle- minimise environmental dam-
development of children. Recently, Harekala Hajabba, a income countries is also vital age — recommends on aver-
resident of Mangalore, Karnataka, was awarded Padma to both protect the climate and age three small portions of
Shri, India’s fourth highest award given to a civilian, for restore nature. meat, two small portions of
bringing a change in primary education by providing Governments at CoP26 fish and seven glasses of milk
children of his village with school education. Fortunately, Even meat have pledged to halt defores- SOURCE: UN FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION (FAO) / OUR WORLD IN DATA a week. However, many of the
the concern raised on Indian education is reasonable but, with the lowest tation and cut methane emis- poorest people in low-income
with the delay in decision-making and strict action, passing sions 30 per cent by 2030. some cases be used to grow based foods which are high tion worldwide has quadru- countries eat less meat and fish
the buck across the whole nexus of the education system has
carbon footprint Eating lots of meat is a big plant crops for human con- in protein. pled as meat supply per person than this or don’t have access to
been a common phenomenon. More people like Hajabba has higher driver of both, but so far, no sumption. These animals also Livestock production has almost doubled (from 23kg healthy alternative foods. They
will keep on coming to the front to make the higher emissions than reduction targets have been produce substantial amounts and nature to more than 43kg) and the could benefit from increasing,
authorities realise their potential regarding the solutions to announced. of methane in their digestive Farmland takes up 50 per human population has more not decreasing, the amount of
the malaise in our education system. the highest The pledge to protect systems, which is a powerful cent of Earth’s habitable land than doubled (from three bil- animal products they eat. This
— ANUSHKA JAISWAL, UJJAIN via email emitting protein- nature signed by 45 govern- greenhouse gas. and the vast majority of that lion to seven billion). makes it even more vital that
ments didn’t mention meat The carbon footprint of farmland is used for livestock The number of animals people eating lots of meat, fish
NATURE’S FURY rich plant-based consumption at all, while beef and lamb is roughly three and their feed. Farming is the slaughtered each year has and dairy cut back.
foods the US agriculture secretary times higher than that of pork, leading cause of natural habitat consequently skyrocketed. There are many differ-
Nature seems determined to teach humanity a lesson. The claimed in an interview that poultry or farmed fish per 100g loss, which is the biggest threat The number of chickens killed ent policies that could make
year 2021 has seen so many natural calamities in the form Americans don’t need to pro- of protein and 24 times higher to wildlife. Beef production is each year has increased tenfold healthy and sustainable diets
of cyclones, floods and landslides. The heavy rains at the duce or eat less meat at all. than pulses such as beans and the top driver of tropical for- since the 1960s (from 6.6 bil- more accessible. These include
beginning of November have caused floods across south Here are four reasons why lentils. Livestock produces just est loss. lion to 68.8 billion), pigs have removing subsidies for live-
India, bringing widespread damage and destruction. less meat (and dairy) on our 18 per cent of global calories Eating more meat means almost quadrupled (0.4 billion stock farming, helping live-
This is one more warning to humankind to change its plates needs to be on the table and 37 per cent of protein, but that more natural habitat needs to 1.5 billion) and cows have stock farmers to transition
ways or else the planet is set to be doomed. Thanks to our at CoP26. is responsible for more than to be cleared and deforested increased from 0.2 billion to to alternative farming sys-
obsession with economic progress, we have been careless High carbon footprints half of food’s greenhouse gas and the diets of people in high- 0.3 billion. tems, making menus mostly
and treated environmental concerns with utter disdain. of livestock emissions. and middle-income countries Meat consumption is also plant-based and promoting
It is not very efficient to Small amounts of meat can be key drivers of global very unevenly distributed. behaviour changes through
The price for our follies will be paid by future generations.
feed plants to livestock when and dairy have a role in sus- deforestation. Conversely, Just as richer countries tend prominent positioning and
— ANTHONY HENRIQUES, MUMBAI via email we could eat the plants directly tainable food systems, while reducing meat consumption to have higher greenhouse gas cheaper prices for healthy
ourselves. Even though cows, some plants have quite high would free up land which emissions, they also tend to and sustainable food. Educa- sheep and goats can eat grass, environmental impacts and could be restored to benefit eat more meat. For example, tion and public information
unlike humans, they still need some nuts use lots of water. people and wildlife and store the average US citizen is sup- — while important — won’t
Log on to write letters to the editor or send them to lots of land for grazing which But in general, even meat with carbon. plied with 124 kg of meat a be enough by themselves. We You can also send your comments to The Editor, could otherwise store more the lowest carbon footprint Meat production has qua- year, whereas in China, Nige- need to step up to the plate: the
Millennium Post, Pratap Bhawan, 5 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi 110 002 carbon dioxide as natural for- has higher emissions than drupled since the 1960s ria and India it’s 61 kg, seven planet depends on it.  DTE
ests, grasslands or bogs, or in the highest emitting plant- Since 1961, meat produc- kg and four kg respectively. Views expressed are personal @English_epaper_Backup

4 THINK BusinessLine


thursday, november 11, 2021

Sticks, stones, carrots and Covid vaccination
We need both incentives and disincentives to make the vaccine drive a success
Correcting PCA rules And like everything else in Mumbai,
the  system  may  have  been  creaky
There are welcome tweaks by the RBI to PCA and slow, but it actually worked. My
certificate  was  checked  before  I
rules but banks may resent the high exit bar could board the train.
The  bigger  shock,  however,  was

ith  India  yet  to  devise  a  formal on the train itself. For a bulk of the
R SRINIVASAN long stretch from my suburban sta­
resolution  mechanism  for  dis­
tion to the Chatrapati Shivaji Maha­
tressed  banks,  an  early  warning ON THE OTHER HAND raj Terminus, I was the sole passen­
system  is  much  needed  to  alert ger in the first class compartment.
the regulator to slippage in bank performance for In all my years in Mumbai, this had

timely  intervention.  The  Reserve  Bank  of  India’s his  column  is  being  writ­ never happened before. Not on hol­
ten  in  Mumbai,  a  city idays  or  bandh  days,  not  during
(RBI) Prompt Corrective Action (PCA) framework, where  I  spent  nearly  two even really bad rain days and not on
devised to do this nearly a decade ago, has how­ decades  of  my  working the  last  or  first  services,  both  of
ever proved only partly effective. In the case of a life but am visiting after a gap of a which I had used frequently, given
few private banks such as YES Bank, RBI was forced few years. I am a huge fan of Mum­ my  peculiar  work  timings  as  a
bai’s public transport systems. Both journalist.  But  this  time,  the  train
to supersede the bank’s Board even without repor­ the bus service — aptly named BEST was nearly empty, heading towards
ted  numbers  breaching  PCA  thresholds  —  man­ — and  the  suburban  rail  network arguably  India’s  densest  office  ag­
agement  churn  in  such  cases,  offered  better  ad­ are  the  best  and  most  efficient  in glomeration and an area where the The nudge Both doses of Covid vaccines are mandatory for travel on Mumbai suburban trains EMMANUAL YOGINI
vance  warning  of  stress.  In  the  case  of  public the  country,  while  the  ubiquitous State  government’s  principal  of­
‘kaali-peeli’ —  the  black  and  yellow fices are also located. On a working doses delivered and around 70 per itaters  into  accepting  the  vaccine livelihood.  The  ‘no  salary’  order  is
sector banks, RBI has been criticised for sweeping
taxi  —  remains  the  only  cruising, day and during office hours to boot. cent  of  the  eligible  population will  now  require  a  new  approach. another,  something  which  other
too many of them under PCA based solely on their metered  urban  taxi  system  which Was  it  because  of  the  lockdown­ covered with the first dose — we are Simply  making  it  available,  or  ex­ governments as well as private em­
weak reported numbers, despite minimal risk of works. And is also affordable.  induced  pivot  to  work­from­home still a long way off from total cover­ horting  the  masses  through  mass ployers can emulate.
failure  given  their  Government  backing.  RBI’s So  when  I  had  to  travel  to  Nar­ in  most  organisations?  Not  quite. age.  media  or  public  announcements, At the same time, we also need in­
latest tweaks to the PCA framework, set to take ef­ iman  Point  at  the  southern  tip  of Most  offices,  both  public  and Overall,  less  than  30  per  cent  of won’t be enough. centives.  A  free  suburban  travel
Mumbai from my distant suburban private,  have  resumed  at  least  par­ the adult population has been fully pass for a month or a quarter with
fect from January 1, 2022, are to be seen in this con­ lodgings for an appointment, I nat­ tial work from office, as has the gov­ vaccinated.  Mumbai,  the  city  that Thane Corporation’s move the  second  dose  can  be  a  great  in­
text.  urally headed to the suburban train ernment.  The  roads  were  also never stops — indeed, cannot stop — Which is why a recent move by the centive to comply. 
The  revised  rules  propose  changes  on  three station. clogged with traffic. It was only the is  one  of  the  best  performers Thane  Municipal  Corporation Elsewhere, we could look at travel
fronts — the triggers to invoke That is because even at the best of train service which was seeing thin among  large  metros,  with  40  per (TMC) caught my eye. Thane is Ma­ or  subsidy  (DBT  or  PDS­linked)  in­
times, the suburban train crowds. cent  of  the  adult  population  (offi­ harashtra’s  largest  district  but  the centives. These have the dual bene­
Scan & Share PCA  against  a  bank,  the  man­ was  the  only  system Mumbai’s  suburban cially  around  92.4  million)  had eponymous  city,  across  the  creek fit of being both welfare measures
datory  actions  RBI  may  take Scan & Share
which gave you an accur­ train system used to carry been  fully  vaccinated  with  two from  Mumbai,  is  practically  a  sub­ as  well  as  growth  boosters.  The
after  it  and  conditions  for  a ate  estimate  of  travel 80  lakh  passengers  per doses. urb  of  the  maximum  city.  On more  the  number  of  people  who
bank to exit it. Rules currently time between Point A and day during normal times. But  60  per  cent  is  a  very  large Monday (November 8), the TMC de­ can get back to work (remember, 90
Point B in the city. By road Currently, the ridership is number. And closing that gap may creed  that  those  of  its  employees per  cent  of  the  workforce  is  in  the
allow  RBI  to  invoke  PCA,  if  a
— regardless  of  whether hovering  around  30­32 prove  more  difficult.  For  one,  the who  had  not  received  at  least  one informal sector), the better it is for
bank’s capital­to­risk weighted you were in a bus, a black­ lakh  per  day.  So  what  ac­ fear  of  Covid  which  prompted dose of the vaccine will not be paid the economy.
assets  ratio  and  Tier  1  capital and­yellow  or  your  Mer­ counts  for  the  missing many to take the first dose appears salaries.  For  good  measure,  the  or­ A combined  carrot  and  stick
ratio, Return on Assets (ROA), net Non­Performing cedes — there was no predicting the five million passengers? There is of to  have  evaporated.  There  is  also der  also  said  that  those  who  had policy  (most  countries  which  have
Assets  and  leverage  fall  well  short  of  statutory travel time because of traffic flows. course the devastation wreaked by considerable vaccine hesitancy, par­ taken one dose but failed to take the achieved  high  vaccination  have
Now,  with  most  of  the  city  dug  up the pandemic, which has shuttered ticularly among the poor. And then second  within  the  stipulated used  incentives,  if  not  disincent­
thresholds. Under the new regime, a negative ROA for  either  the  metro  or  the  pro­ tens  of  thousands  of  small  busi­ there  are  those  Mumbaikars  who period (a worryingly large number) ives)  is  required,  along  with  a
(effectively,  a  reported  loss)  will  no  longer  be  a posed  coastal  road,  it  has  become nesses.  There  is  also  work  from have  already  fallen  through  the will also not be paid. massive  education  drive  to  now
trigger for a bank to invite corrective action. This an even bigger game of chance. home,  but  that  applies  only  to  the cracks  —  itinerants  and  the Unions  and  activists  are  already reach  the  goal  of  full  vaccination
appears  sensible  because  the  accounting  profit creamy  layer  of  Mumbai’s  salaried homeless. up in arms. But the TMC move is a for all. And the more the number of
Maximum city workforce  who  have  both  devices Vaccine hesitancy is going to be a good  thing.  We  need  disincentives people fully vaccinated, the better it
for a bank is the residual sum left over after provi­ I was  surprised  to  find  that  one and network access. real  hurdle  in  achieving  universal to ensure that there is a real cost at­ is for society. After all, as UN Secret­
sioning  for  bad  and  doubtful  loans.  A  bank  that could only buy a ticket to travel on The  rest,  I  believe,  has  been  be­ coverage.  Without  universal  cover­ tached to behaviour which puts the ary General Antonio Gutierres poin­
proactively  provisions  for  possible  NPAs  and the suburban network if one could cause  of  the  vaccination  require­ age,  there  is  always  the  fear  of  a society at large at risk. The railway ted out, “No one is safe until all are
maintains  high  provision  coverage  may  report produce  a  vaccination  certificate, ment. Despite the impressive num­ fresh  resurgence  or  a  new  variant, travel  requirement  is  one  such. safe.”
that too with the final dose having bers  achieved  under  India’s or  worse,  of  the  disease  becoming Without  the  ability  to  commute,  a
losses, but is better protecting the interests of its
been  taken  at  least  14  days  prior. vaccination drive — over one billion endemic in India. Pushing the hes­ lot  of  Mumbaikars  will  lose  their The writer is a senior journalist
stakeholders than a bank that skimps provision­
ing  to  show  a  profit.  Some  of  the  corrective  ac­
tions  to  be  taken  by  RBI  once  a  bank  falls  under
PCA, have been left to its discretion instead of be­
ing mandated. Today, PCA rules require RBI to en­
force  higher  provisioning  norms  and  cap  man­
agement compensation. The new rules allow it to
Why a bad bank needs a sunset clause
take a discretionary call, perhaps to avoid denting
depositor  confidence.  The  existing  curbs  placed Without this there will be a problem of moral hazard. The core problem of wilful defaulters remains to be tackled
by the RBI on PCA banks lending to lower­rated or SUDIPTA SEN/PRASENJIT CHAKRABARTI non­performing  assets  (GNPA)  to The  history  of  successful  ARCs in the form of a sunset clause; a bad
unsecured  borrowers  have  been  diluted  and  re­ total asset ratio globally. Post­covid across  the  world  like  Resolution bank for perpetuity will pose long­

placed  with  more  generic  powers,  which  is n October 4, the Reserve stress  scenarios  estimated  by  the Trust  Corporation  in  the  US,  Se­ term risks to the financial stability
Bank  of  India  gave  li­ RBI pegs it at an aggregate GNPA ra­ curum  in  Sweden,  Danaharta  of of a country, like Huarong in China. 
cense  to  National  Asset tio in the range of 12.5­ 14.7 per cent. Malaysia  shows  that  the  effective­ Moreover, there should be a fair
Overall,  while  the  new  framework  rightly  af­ Reconstruction  Com­ ness of ARCs hinges on: (i) a focused and transparent mechanism while
fords  RBI  greater  flexibility  in  resolving  stressed pany  Limited  (NARCL),  popularly Role of bad banks mandate for setting up the ARCs, (ii) setting the haircut on the stressed
banks on a case­to­case basis, the roadmap it offers known as a bad bank.  The role of the bad bank is to estab­ limited lifespan of the ARC, (iii) mar­ assets by the NARCL. 
for a bank’s exit from PCA appears to run counter The role of the bad bank is to es­ lish a liquid market for NPAs with a ket­based resolution of NPAs.  The  pricing  mechanism  should
tablish a liquid market for Non Per­ promise that banks will be able to ensure that the net asset value (NAV)
to this. While such exit was earlier left to RBI’s dis­ forming Assets (NPAs) with a under­ sell their NPAs at a fair value. The pitfalls of the SRs is fairly priced, which will
cretion,  the  new  regime  requires  a  bank  to  stay lying belief that banks will be able to As a part of its NPA recovery mech­ NARCL  seems  to  have  a  focused boost the participation and liquid­
above  mandated  capital,  NPA  and  leverage sell their NPAs at a reasonable price.  anism,  India  already  has  a  slew  of mandate as stated in its proposal to ity in the SR market.
thresholds for four consecutive quarters to apply NARCL,  through  its  service  com­ measures  like  the  debt  recovery acquire  ₹2  lakh  crore worth  of While setting up a bad bank in the
pany/operational entity India Debt tribunals  under  the  Recovery  of stressed assets, but the absence of a form of NARCL is a step in the right
for exit. This may be a rather high bar. A troubled Resolution  Company  Ltd  (IDRCL), Debts Due to Banks and Financial In­ Bad bank The ifs and buts /ISTOCKPHOTO clause about the lifespan of NARCL direction  towards  financial  sector
bank  can  mend  its  capital  adequacy  or  leverage will  manage  the  resolutions  of stitutions (RDDBFI) Act in 1993, asset may  lead  to  a  moral  hazard  prob­ reforms; NARCL is just a palliative; it
quickly  with  infusion  from  its  promoter.  But these NPAs.  reconstruction  companies  (ARCs) The main reason for the limited lem. Public sector banks (PSBs), who is neither a cure nor does it prohibit
resolving legacy NPAs often requires it to pursue The  NARCL  will  acquire  these as  a  part  of  the  Securitisation  and demand is the average low debt re­ own 51 per cent stake in NARCL, may bad loans. 
stressed assets through 15 per cent Reconstruction  of  Financial  Assets covery  rate  of  only  27.8  per  cent, continue buying their own stressed Unless there is a strong political
business growth or margin­improving strategies
cash  and  85  per  cent  security  re­ and  Enforcement  of  Security  In­ with the most recent 2019­20 show­ assets  through  NARCL  leading  to will to recognise bad loans and sup­
that may not be possible while its hands are tied ceipts (SRs) in a phased manner, of terest  Act  (SARFAESI  Act)  in  2002, ing a debt recovery rate of 26.7 per the propagation and evergreening port legal infrastructure to address
by PCA.  which  ₹90,000  crore of  the  asset and the Insolvency and Bankruptcy cent.  of bad loans.  wilful  defaulters,  setting  up  a  bad
will be managed in the first phase.  Code (IBC) in 2016.  The NARCL is essentially an ARC Additionally  there  are  question bank may become a moot point.
A government  guarantee  will The secondary market of the Se­ with  only  two  distinguishing  fea­ marks  over  the  government  guar­
back  the  SRs  for  a  maximum curity  Receipts  (SRs)  issued  by  the tures  —  (i)  NARCL  is  intended  for antee of ₹30,600 crore in providing Sen is Assistant Professor, Jindal School of
amount of ₹30,600 crore, and the existing ARCs is quite illiquid. There dealing in big sized tickets, and (ii) liquidity and creating a market for Banking & Finance, O.P. Jindal Global
guarantee will be valid for a resolu­
tion period of five years. 
is a dominance of the selling­bank
in holding SRs, resulting in a limited
NARCL  has  a  partial  government
the NPAs.
To  increase  the  effectiveness  of
University, and Chakrabarti is Assistant
Professor, IIM Ranchi, Accounting &
Currently, the Indian banking sys­ demand for SR by other qualified in­ This  raises  an  important  ques­ the NARCL, the government should Finance Area. Views expressed are
tem  has  one  of  the  highest  gross vestors.  tion: will NARCL be effective? address the lifespan issue of NARCL personal

LET TERS TO THE EDITOR Send your letters by email to or by post to ‘Letters to the Editor’, The Hindu Business Line, Kasturi Buildings, 859-860, Anna Salai, Chennai 600002.

Financial inclusion and ATMs without  levying  any  charges  not ised  the  government’s  predica­ sector  though  is  increasing  with Don’t be complacent
Apropos ‘Banks operators hopeful only in rural areas but also in cit­ ment and have therefore not pro­ ₹5,753  cr  allocated  for  FY  2021­22 Apropos  ‘Coffee  growers  turn
of  RBI's  review  of  penalty  for  dry ies.  Notwithstanding  the  trans­ tested  higher  fuel  prices,  the but  the  same  is  not  in  tune  with cautious despite 25% rise in Arab­
ATM's  (November  10),  thanks  to port problems in loading cash on political  opposition’s  noise the mammoth plan and the target ica prices’ (November 10) is a long
the  government’s  financial  inclu­ ATMs,  a  minimum  penalty  must notwithstanding. which is being envisaged now. term advisory to Arabica growers
sion  initiative  crores  of  small be charged on banks if their ATMs The  edit  has  also  rightly  called The Centre needs to review and in view of the fact that such price
savers,  farmers  etc  have  opened run dry.  for greater prudence on the part of broaden  the  scope  of  attracting fluctuations have occurred many
bank accounts with ATM cards.  Katuru Durga Prasad Rao State governments. The culture of more  domestic  and  FDI  towards times in the past.
The  reduction  in  customers Hyderabad freebies  and  giveaways  to  even the RE sector.  Importantly,  Arabica  growers
flocking at bank branches is expec­ those who can afford to pay, at the With  a  view  to  accelerating  fin­ must  not  become  complacent
ted to help bankers focus on lend­ Rationalise govt expenditure expense of honest taxpayers, must ancing and investing in RE related and  become  unmindful  towards
ing. Though financial inclusion is The  editorial  ‘Fisc  on  track’ end. segments, setting up of an exclus­ input costs, which seldom comes
still  a  work  in  progress,  poor (November  10)  has  rightly  called V Vijaykumar ive  ‘Green  Bank’  on  the  lines  of down  and  becomes  an  unbear­
people/farmers  have  cultivated for  a  step  up  of  capital  expendit­ Pune erstwhile  Bharatiya  Mahila  Bank able  burden  when  prices  drop
the  habit  of  drawing  cash  from ure  while  avoiding  wasteful  rev­ for  catering  women  community, drastically.
nearby  rural  centres  through enue  expenses.  The  Centre’s India’s climate commitments would be ideal. At  the  same  time  the  drop  in
ATMs. prudent  management  of  its  fin­ Prime  Minister  Narendra  Modi  at Centre has to take all States and Robusta and black pepper prices,
One  can  imagine  the  plight  of ances in the first half of 2021­22 has the Glasgow Summit declared the UTs into confidence in implement­ another lifeline for growers, may
these people who go a long way to possibly been on account of the ex­ five point declaration of achieving ation  right  from  migrating  all not  be  eternal  and  the  growers
draw cash and find that ATMs have tra tax revenues from motor fuels. net­zero  emissions  by  2070,  500 street  lights  and  tagging  them  to must find a fair balance between
run out of cash. This is a problem This  was  necessary  in  the  face  of GW  fossil  fuels  by  2030,  reducing solar power and in boosting usage the  crops,  with  the  inclusion  of
that people living in cities too en­ unprecedented  expenses  on  ac­ carbon  emissions  by  1b  tonnes, of EVs and in adopting to the usage more  supplementary  crops  and
counter.  This  is  a  problem  that count  of  the  pandemic  —  free  ra­ cutting carbon intensity by 45 per of  ethanol  blended  fuel  etc  to activities  to  meet  fiscal  viability,
needs  to  be  addressed  both  y  the tions,  free  vaccinations,  etc.,  and cent and climate finance. reach the ultimate goal of net­zero in  view  of  the  uncertainties  of
banks and RBI immediately.  likely higher defence expenditure Except climate finance, all other emission. weather.
They  should  also  increase  the due  the  prevailing  geopolitical goal  points  are  actionable  items. RV Baskaran Rajiv Magal
number of ‘free’ ATM transactions situation. Surely citizens have real­ The  budgetary  allocation  for  RE Chennai Halekere Village (Karnataka)

Published by N. Ravi at Kasturi Buildings, 859 & 860, Anna Salai, Chennai-600002 and Printed by N. Vaidyanathan at Dangat Media Pvt Ltd, No. 22, Dighe MIDC, Vishnu Nagar, TTC Industrial Area, Dighe, Navi Mumbai-400701 on behalf of THG PUBLISHING PVT LTD., Chennai-600002. Group Editorial Officer: Krishna Prasad. Editor: Raghuvir Srinivasan (Editor responsible for selection of news under the PRB Act). ISSN 0971 - 7528
CM @English_epaper_Backup . ..... .... ...BM-BME


A false dichotomy Boosting capital markets Bitcoin is far from ‘green’

Gig workers have derailed the formal-informal divide Accelerating divestment and infra financing are vital It’s an energy guzzler and generates a lot of e-waste
PRASHANT KUMAR/ and  other  parts  informal  (time  man­ AKASH LAL/NITIN JAIN consensus with trade unions and relev­ MUKESH KWATRA mathematical puzzles in an energy­in­
SREELAKSHMI RAMACHANDRAN agement,  dynamic  work  relations), ant  ministries,  and  appointing  profes­ tensive process. This process, in most

he  formal/informal  dicho­ should  force  policymakers  to  realise n 2020, India’s capital market issu­ sionals to manage the process.  ryptocurrency  is  a  digital cases, often relies on fossil fuels, partic­
tomy  has  governed  Indian that  by  perpetuating  the  dichotomy, ances were approximately $250 bil­ Expedite infrastructure financing: currency that can be used to ularly coal. 
policymaking for decades.  our economic outlook is not anchored lion, raising India’s rank to ninth on India’s  $2  trillion  National  Infrastruc­ buy  goods  and  services.  To To  put  things  in  perspective,
What  the  dichotomy  fails on  ground  realities,  and  that  we  may McKinsey’s  Asian  Capital  Markets ture  Plan  requires  excellence  in  infra­ secure  transactions,  it  uses Deutsche Bank analysts estimated that
to  understand  and  encapsulate  is  the not be accounting for a very large sec­ Development Performance Index. Com­ structure financing. Stakeholders could blockchain  technology,  which  is  es­ if Bitcoin was a country, it would use
vastly changed economic models that tion that has the potential of changing pared  to  other  Asian  countries,  India’s identify bankable projects by sector, size, sentially a gigantic database of inform­ about the same amount of electricity a
have come into existence and are now our economic outlook dramatically.  performance  improved  steadily  in  five cost, economic benefit, and ease of im­ ation  that  cannot  be  altered  or year as Ukraine. 
deemed  legitimate  economic  struc­ In fact, the most visible example of years, with growth in private equity (PE) plementation,  and  create  a  ministry­ tampered with. In  March  2021,  Bitcoin’s  electrical
tures.  The  gig/platform  economy  in this unrealistic perspective is in policy investments, corporate bond issuances, wise  framework  to  continuously  mon­ There are lots of different cryptocur­ footprint was a little over 75 per cent of
particular, is one such model that has design,  especially  those  policies  that domestic  mutual  funds  and  equities, itor priority projects.  rencies  around  —  Dogecoin,  Ripple, Netherlands’  entire  energy  produc­
cemented its position over the last dec­ aim to elevate members of the informal and foreign portfolio investments. They could improve project develop­ Ethereum, etc — but Bitcoin is the most tion  and  about  9  per  cent  of  that  of
ade,  strengthened  by  its  criticality  in economy to the formal. For example, a But  how  do  India’s  capital  markets ment with a task force that monitors and popular. It was the first decentralised Russia.  Similarly,  there  are  various
the home­bound year we have all exper­ platform worker may not be in need of compare  with  those  of  developed  eco­ removes bottlenecks from high­priority cryptocurrency  introduced  in  2009. other researchers that claim how dis­
ienced. So why is it that when economic a Jan  Dhan  account,  as  any  monetary nomies?  Most  have  a  financial  depth projects,  empower  central  regulatory Bitcoin has inspired hundreds of imit­ astrous the virtual coin is to the envir­
savants  or  even  our  own  statisticians transaction  over  the  platform  already over 2.5 times that of India’s, with soph­ agencies’  investor  cells  to  implement ators, but it remains the largest crypto­ onment. According to reports, one Bit­
measure  India’s  economy,  this  new requires a formal banking process.  isticated markets and better fundraising best practices in governance and com­ currency by market capitalisation. coin  transaction  takes  1,544  kWh  of
paradigm is swept under, so to speak, The worker in this instance is exhibit­ for productive investments. India’s cap­ munications,  and  run  a  faster  dispute Public  blockchains  like  Bitcoin  are energy,  which  is  equivalent  to  the
the dichotomy rug? ing  characteristics  of  the  formal  eco­ ital markets show relative stability, mak­ resolution process. Finally, they could ac­ extremely  transparent.  The  nature  of power  that  can  keep  an  average  US
In its most simplistic definition, the nomy (paying taxes on assets, availing ing it possible to deepen them by taking celerate  project  financing  through blockchain technology means that all household running for 53 days.
platform/gig  economy  straddles  the formal  credit,  etc.)  but  is  still  con­ on more risk without suffering crises of funds  from  domestic  institutions,  for­ of  the  data  is  immutable,  traceable With the high energy consumption,
edges  of  both  the  formal  and  the  in­ sidered a member of the informal eco­ volatility  or  liquidity.  With  six  broad eign  sovereign  wealth  funds  and  pen­ and permanent, meaning anyone can the  virtual  currency’s  mining  pro­
formal, attracting millions, who do not nomy.  With  a  growing  number  of strategies, India could cross $700 billion sion  funds rapidly  set  up  the  Credit see  the  balance  and  transactions  of duces a large amount of e­waste (elec­
want  the  baggage  that people opting for flexibility in issuances by 2030. Guarantee  Enhancement any  wallet  address. tronic waste). 
comes  along  with  being  a of the gig economy, policies Sustain the long­term Corporation, and recycle as­ Nobody,  not  the  govern­ As  the  life  span  of  the
member  of  either  side  of being designed to formalise growth of mutual funds: In­ sets  by  reducing  the  min­ ment,  not  even  advanced devices that Bitcoin miners
the dichotomy. In fact, this our  economy  without  re­ dia’s  mutual  fund  industry imum  holding  period  for hackers  can  challenge,  al­ use  is  only  about  18
dichotomy  hurts  the  most cognising  this  cohort  of grew five times its size from concessionaires.  ter or delete what you own months,  a  lot  of  hardware
vulnerable section of work­ workers,  is  for  all  intents 2010 to $480 billion in 2020, Digitise financial assets: on the blockchain. is used quickly and eventu­
ers, the most.  and purposes, a wasted ex­ and could continue growing As of December 2020, the es­ ally  becomes  e­waste.  The
Which  is  why  dismant­ ercise.  by  widening  distribution, timated  market  value  of Complex process researchers  claim  that  the
ling  this  binary  system  is Policy  planning  has  al­ particularly to tier 2 and 3 cit­ gold in India was $1.6 trillion In  the  world  of  cryptocur­ e­waste  produced  by  Bit­
also necessary to smoothen ways attempted to target a ies,  with  cost­effective  tech­ — a major opportunity to tap rency,  ‘mining’  is  done  by coin  per  year  (24  kilo
frayed  labour  relations  of specific audience for a spe­ nology­led distribution and physical  asset  classes.  Gold complex  high­powered tonnes)  is  equivalent  to
the past few decades.  cific purpose.  partnerships  with  retail monetisation  could  create computers. Bitcoin miners that  produced  by  the
Dismantling  the  dichotomy  of franchises  and  e­commerce  firms.  In­ up to $100 billion in liquidity for long­ run  complex  computer  rigs  to  solve Netherlands.
Reinforcing inequalities formal  and  informal  and  adding  the novative  new  products  and  structures tenor  and  affordable  funding.  India complicated  mathematical  puzzles, Bitcoin  mining  consumes  a  hu­
Policymaking  targeted  at  retaining layers created by new models such as could further diversify investor portfo­ could also reduce its yearly import bill called proof­of­work (PoW), in an effort mongous  amount  of  energy  which
these categories as separate only serves the  platform/gig  economy will  allow lios — example, funds that invest in high­ by $4 billion with gold e­commerce.  to  confirm  groups  of  transactions leads to a bigger carbon footprint with
to reinforce inequalities and yet again policymakers to determine what inter­ rated  ESG  securities  and  international Seizing this opportunity requires sev­ called  blocks;  upon  success,  these every passing year. As the value of Bit­
fails to appreciate the changing realit­ vention  is  needed  where,  based  on  a securities.  eral  measures,  including  well­defined blocks are added to the blockchain re­ coin  increases  so  does  its  mining,
ies,  aspirations  and  desires  of  a  bur­ better understanding of the character­ Enhance therole of private capital:At regulatory  architecture  and  standards cord  and  the  miners  are  rewarded which  means  the  puzzles  become
geoning workforce.  istics of different groups. For example, its present growth rate, India’s PE mar­ to provide clear direction and supervi­ with a small number of Bitcoins. Other more complex and the companies in­
But  in  the  larger  picture,  such  in­ the  gains  made  in  formality  from  7.6 ket is the poster­child for India’s capital sion,  while  simultaneously  promoting participants in the Bitcoin market can vest in computing power. 
equalities are further exacerbated by its per cent in 2011­12 to 9.3 per cent in 2017­ markets.  For  this  to  continue  over  the market development — example, tax in­ buy or sell tokens through cryptocur­ While Bitcoin has been criticised for
pervasiveness in  economic  thinking 18,  are  coincidentally  in  the  same  era next  decade,  a  well­defined  product centives.  rency exchanges or peer­to­peer. long  for  its  negative  environmental
and  policy­making,  across  the  spec­ where the platform economy emerged strategy  is  essential,  i.e.,  low  volatility Grow sustainable finance:  India’s Bitcoin  has  been  booming  and  its impacts, its defenders still say a switch
trum. Our economy today is judged on and flourished. The recent recognition fixed income­oriented products for tra­ sustainable  funding  requirements price  exceeded  $60,000  in  October to renewable sources would reduce its
the  lines  of  formal  and  informal,  un­ of platform workers as a separate cat­ ditional  institutional  investors,  and could top $2 trillion by 2030 — calling for 2021, but its use of computer hardware carbon emissions. But the truth is, Bit­
willing to recognise the grey area that egory  in  the  new  labour  codes is  per­ high risk­return products for ultra­high new ways to finance and invest in ESG and energy is huge. Here are some of coin  still  uses  a  colossal  amount  of
the gig/platform economy brings to the haps a sign that this may be dawning net  worth  individuals,  such  as  long­ initiatives.  the reasons why Bitcoin is bad for the energy.
table.  on some. The longer we allow this now short equity strategy, distressed assets, India could reduce ESG funding costs environment. Cryptocurrencies  need  to  be  more
The 90.7 per cent to 9.3 per cent ratio defunct  dichotomy  to  define  how  we etc.  by lowering risk­weight assets, and man­ To quote Elon Musk, “Energy usage sustainable. They cannot ignore envir­
(as  per  PLFS)  is  less  applicable,  with  a view  the  Indian  economy  and  sub­ Accelerate the rate of disinvestment date public funds to enhance exposure trend over past few months for crypto­ onmental considerations if they want
growing section of the Indian economy sequently  design  policies,  we  risk  ig­ in  public  sector  companies: Disinvest­ to ESG securities.  currency  is  insane.”  Musk  was  refer­ to  gain  wider  adoption,  and  that
finding its place between the two.  noring the changing dynamics of the ments could be made more efficient by ring to the amount of energy required newer  and  greener  cryptocurrencies
The uniqueness of the platform eco­ Indian economic outlook.  identifying  a  strong  pipeline  for  disin­ The writers are, respectively, Senior Partner for the creation of “mining” of Bitcoin, will eventually eclipse Bitcoin.
nomy,  where  some  parts  are  formal vestment,  creating  an  efficient  ap­ and Senior Expert, McKinsey & Company, which is mined by high­powered com­
(that  is,  payments  and  credit  access) The writers are with Ola Mobility Institute provals process, engaging early to build Mumbai and New Delhi puters that compete to solve complex The writer is founder of Smiling Tree

November 11, 2001
Deal struck on Kyoto climate accord
World environment and energy ministers struck a
last­minute deal on Saturday on the details of the landmark
Kyoto pact to limit global warming, paving the way for its
implementation next year. Brushing aside rejection by the
world’s biggest polluter — the US — earlier this year,
proponents of the 1997 Kyoto Protocol convinced waverers
Russia and Japan to agree to work towards ratification. The
accord provides a detailed rulebook governing the complex
treaty aimed at limiting humanity's negative impact on the
Earth’s climate. 
Sterlite bid for HZL rejected
The Cabinet Committee on Disinvestment today rejected
Sterlite Industries’ bid for Hindustan Zinc Ltd but accepted
bids for two properties of Hotel Corporation of India (HCI)
which were put on the block under the disinvestment
programme. While the bid by Sterlite was rejected as it was
below the reserve price, the CCD accepted the lone bid of ₹153
crore by Mr Ajit Kerkar's Tulip Company for HCI's Juhu
Centaur Hotel. It also accepted a bid of ₹ 6.51 crore by Impact
Travel for Centaur’s 30­bed property at Rajgir. 
'Globalisation' a bad word: Chomsky
The word ‘globalisation’ is a misnomer, says Prof Noam
Chomsky, renowned linguist and political analyst. Contrary
to popular belief, ‘globalisation’ does not mean international
integration but concentration of unaccountable power in
private hands, he said while speaking on ‘September 11 and its
aftermath: Where is the world heading?' Prof Chomsky said
the “neo­liberal” economic policies pursued by powerful
forces in developed countries are a threat to the existence of
millions around the world. 

SHORT TAKE easy not so easy

bl two-way crossword 1997
UK seeks to retain ACROSS
1. Native of Liverpool (12) 
2. Arrive at as logical
1. Scouser turned villain, prude
2. Gather Hell suffers no loss (5) 
financial sector clout 8. Gift, sacrifice (8)  conclusion (5)  will show (12)  3. Message run ­­ or ran ­­ in Red
9. Flat­topped forage cap (4)  3. Commission involving 8. Saying one is willing to make a revolution (6) 
B ritain  has  outlined  plans  for
new financial regulation laws
following  its  departure  from  the
11. Industrial city in Italy (5) 
12. Old ­­­­­: the Devil (7) 
short journey (6) 
4. Make one suffer for
sacrifice (8) 
9. Military cap would make a
4. Make one suffer for his pun
perhaps (6) 
European Union, with the aim of 13. Oven­baked toast (4)  offence (6)  weapon with halves 5. State of rest I retain somehow
securing  long­term  UK  economic 15. Game betting on appearance 5. Passive state (7)  switched (4)  (7) 
growth  and  international of certain cards (4)  6. Adjoining (12)  11. Have a go at including one in 6. Being next door might be
competitiveness. 19. Shuffling, not 7. Mischievous spirits (12)  Italian city (5)  being in rough (12) 
The country finalised its divorce straightforward (7)  10. Fierce sea­monster (3)  12. Only a slight wound may 7. Noisy spirits set poet's girl in a
from the European Union late last 20. Following in search of (5)  14. Injurious defamation (7)  make one withdraw from whirl (12) 
year, but a Brexit trade deal omit­ 22. Flank (4)  16. Skittle (3)  race (7)  10. Crocodile partly given up by
ted the powerhouse financial ser­ 23. Seize goods for debt (8)  17. Object of obsessive 13. Food for an infant for us kids killer whale (3) 
vices sector and has hampered its 24. Without delay (8,4)  fixation (6)  to hold (4)  14. Malicious gossip as one left
access  to  the  continent.  Finance 18. Word, phrase chanted in 15. Is a long way off zero in a one living in Malta, say (7) 
Minister Rishi Sunak said the “pro­ meditation (6)  game of chance (4)  16. How to hold down 4 1/2
posals  will  support  the  future 21. Jewelled head­piece (5)  19. Devious, the way woman gallons of ale? (3) 
strength of the UK as a global fin­ holds visa back (7)  17. The sort of fixation he's fit for
ancial centre.”  20. Following out of fear around (6) 
SOLUTION: BL Two-way Crossword 1996
The  Treasury  said  its  proposals end of engagement (5)  18. Text chanted in the human
would allow for the “repealing of ACROSS 1. Back­up 8. Laugh 9. Scallop 11. Pretence 12. Stows  22. Was told one sounded sad for tradition (6) 
the majority of retained EU finan­ 15. Lint 16. Bin 17. Easy 19. Carve 21. Dividend 24. Traduce 25. Fling the team (4)  21. Papal dignity and the air it
cial services law that is no longer 26. Waders  23. Seize one's goods in raid the possibly imparts (5) 
appropriate for the UK”. DOWN 2. Ascot 3. Kilowatt 4. Prop 5. Slate 6. Burn 7. Shoe  street is involved with (8) 
In its recent budget, the govern­ 10. Prominent 12. Salt 13. Regarded 14. Tyke 18. Adage 20. Vicar  24. Immediately give way at this
ment  cut  taxes  on  Britain­based 21. Deft 22. Vain 23. Draw being made with rag (8,4) 
banks,  meeting  a  demand  of  fin­
ancial sector’s lobby group.  AFP
CM @English_epaper_Backup .. .... .. . ...BM-BME



The question of ends and means:

Let’s go by India’s Constitution
Whether ends justify the means may depend on contexts but the paths taken should be constitutional

the Constitution, and not a religious Gandhi had figured out a way to reach
book? He pursed his lips, shook his head moral clarity. In 1939, when B. Pattabhi
again, and left. Sitaramayya, a candidate most closely
Two things were apparent from our aligned with Gandhi’s thinking, lost
exchange. For the student, the basis of the Congress presidency to Subhas
what was right and what was wrong, or Chandra Bose, Congress leaders aligned
what was just and what was fair, was with Gandhi resigned. Gandhi told
rooted in faith, his own faith, and not in Bose that since Bose had a different
national law or international standards, approach, or different means to attain
SALIL TRIPATHI nor in reason. That would be fine up to a independence, those who felt loyal to
is a writer based in New York. Read point, but just as most faiths have good Gandhi should not encumber Bose, but
Salil’s previous Mint columns at points such as strictures against lying, allow him the freedom to constitute his cheating, stealing and so on, they also team as he saw fit. In the end, Bose
have uniquely unjust aspects embedded stepped down. Gandhi wrote to Bose,

Shake off complacency

within, including in their scriptures. who was at his home at Elgin Road
Those who are blinded by their faith in the city then known as Calcutta,

t the campus of an Indian law defend those injustices; those with wishing him well. He pointed out their
school a few years ago, after I slightly more evolved thinking insist profound differences. They must inevi-
ended my talk about the human- that it is misinterpretation and the ones tably sail in different boats, Gandhi

on fire-safety protocols rights responsibilities of business, a

student walked up to me and said he had
a question. Of course, I said. “You said
in your talk that the means you use to
with a fundamentalist view are deviant;
and some accept the faith’s limitations
and draw their inspiration from other
sources as well. But the student I had
wrote, unless either could change the
mind of the other. Their destination
may appear to be the same, but that was
the appearance, not reality.
achieve your goals are important,” he met seemed to believe that his faith had That clearly stated where their big
said, “That is what I have also learned all the answers. difference lay, between the means and
The Uphaar tragedy that’s back in the news after 24 years was once expected to serve India from the Ramayana. But then the Maha- The other interesting aspect was the ends. Both Bose and Gandhi wanted
bharata says that ends are important. certainty with which he spoke—he was independence. Both had different views
a wake-up call on safety lapses. But those lessons seem lost and our vulnerabilities too high Which is the right answer?” certain that the Ramayana glorified on how to get there. It was not only
I was intrigued by his question. The means, that the Mahabharata elevated about distance, nor about the path’s
debate between ends and means is as old ends, thus missing in this process the topography. It had to do with how you
as time. You could make a reasonable rich philosophical discussions within were going to walk the road. Gandhi

quarter century ago, fire in a fatality rate. At over 10,000 deaths a year, India argument justifying either, and the those texts that evaluated ideas by knew that the path he would not take
closed hall was emblematic of must perform better. Our safety guidelines, response would depend on the context. challenging them. The opposite of faith may appear to take him to a destination,
The student sought his answer from a is not necessarily ‘reason’; that would but it was not where he wanted to reach.
the case against free speech as an where they exist, are sketchy, while adherence literary epic that is revered by many be too binary. The opposite of faith, as Freedom obtained by spilling blood was
absolute right: yelling ‘fire’ in and enforcement are both weak. Even a small devout Hindus. But seeking guidance Salman Rushdie writes in The Satanic not the freedom he wanted. Violence
an enclosed space packed with sample would reveal that builders comply too from a faith-based text that’s important Verses, is doubt. It is doubt that compels would only breed more violence, and
people could cause stampede variably with our National Building Code of to many but not all people was puzzling, us to think through things and examine violence used to justify a goal, however
fatalities. In mid-1997, a real blaze at a Delhi 2016, on which state-level codes were to be especially for a law student. evidence before arriving at a conclu- desirable, would convince others in the
So I said that Gandhi had said both sion. Before embracing Buddhism, future that their goals too should be
movie theatre called Uphaar took 59 lives in a modelled. Though upmarket constructions ends and means are important and I’d Babasaheb Ambedkar explored all obtained through violence. That is why
tragedy held up back then as a sign of much often get all their clearances and go beyond the suggest he turn to Gandhi. He shook his faiths. While undergoing his appren- the ends did not justify the means.
that was wrong with Indian civic security. The list of must-dos, many still falter on keeping head vigorously. “I am a Hindu, sir, I ticeship towards mahatma-hood in To be sure, the Indian Constitution is
tragedy led to a trail of revelations, with sundry inbuilt safety systems in working condition. want to follow only my books,” he said. South Africa, Mohandas Gandhi read not a philosophical treatise. But it shows
lapses and word of jammed fire exits sparking a Routine checks and drills are conspicuous by But Gandhi was a Hindu, I reminded about all faiths and learnt from tradi- the path the nation must take, and the
him, and there are many Indians who are tions that were new to him. rules it must abide by, to honour the
furore, and was followed by a judicial spectacle their scarcity. We must update all codes to not. So what should they do? I asked. Gandhi learnt enough to keep the inalienable rights of every Indian,
that scorched the Ansal Group of developers mandate vulnerability audits and enforce the He kept shaking his head. He would windows and doors of his mind open; he regardless of language, sex, caste or
behind the cinema hall and was interpreted as closure of gaps. The need for hospitals to store follow his books, not others’ books, he made sure his feet were planted firmly faith. That’s the broader identity that
a wake-up call that India badly needed. It was oxygen, for example, puts them at higher risk. said quite firmly. on the ground and he would never get envelops Indians. However well written
an abject lesson: playing fast and loose with Protocols must therefore be calibrated by But you are a law student, I reminded swayed by the breeze. This was not and well intentioned, religious epics are
him. Shouldn’t you follow the law, and obstinacy; it was unshakeable because inevitably narrower.
safety norms was playing with fire. Urban rules varied levels of exposure to fire mishaps. The
were tightened and legal consequences played top court had asked for fire-safety audits of all
up. On Monday, a local court held Sushil and covid facilities, but it is unclear if it was done.
Gopal Ansal of the real-estate group guilty of Audit-wise, special attention must be paid to
tampering with evidence in the Uphaar case electrical wiring, jumbles of which are a hazard
and handed each a 7-year jail term and fine of that too many estate managers would rather
₹2.25 crore. In 2015, our apex court had fined camouflage than address. Casual disregard for New Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Kolkata, Chennai, Ahmedabad, Hyderabad, Chandigarh*, Pune* Friday, November 11, 2011 Vol.5 No.268 `3.00 32 PAGES

them ₹30 crore each for criminal negligence loose ends and electric sparks is so observably Q&A: FM has been extremely
supportive, says Sebi’s Sinha >14
TELECOM: Telemarketing firms work around new
The special ops guys
and released them from prison, where they common in the country that we have even
rules for bulk SMSes >12
VIEWS: A story of farmers on holiday >31
EXCLUSIVE PARTNER BANKING: S&P assessment differs with Moody’s
outlook on Indian banks >6
and firefighters around
had spent a few months. In the latest twist, a attained global notoriety for it. Some years ago,
SENSEX 17,362.10 ® NIFTY 5,221.05 ® DOLLAR `50.18 ® EURO `68.14 ® GOLD `28,765 æ `60 OIL $112.49 æ $2.03


the world have this great

Sale to unit QUICK EDIT

Italy seeks may add to Saarc

separate charge was upheld. Yet, whether we we responded with indignation to a joke on unity govt as
RIL’s troubles
T hese are the days of
bonhomie between
India and Pakistan. The

phrase. They say,

NEW DELHI prime ministers of the

T he directorate general of two countries have just

are generally safer today than 24 years ago this cracked by a British royal, but it rang true. EU dithers
hydrocarbons (DGH) has met in the Maldives
expressed concern on the sale and one cannot miss
of condensate from Reliance the “good chemistry”
Industries Ltd’s (RIL) lucrative between the two of them.
D6 block in the Krishna-Goda- One way to test how
vari basin to the company’s real this new friendship
own refinery in Jamnagar. is to see what happens
Ex-ECB official to head cials continued to dither and The development may bring in the South Asian
Greek crisis cabinet; pass the buck on how best to further trouble for the Mukesh Association for Regional

remains doubtful. Sadly, it still does. What our authorities should ‘Slow is smooth, and smooth
fight the worsening sovereign Ambani-promoted company Cooperation (Saarc).
European leaders, debt crisis. that is already under the lens The regional group
officials warn about Three senior ECB policy- for alleged irregularities in its has not realized
makers rebuffed pressure from development of the D6 block. its economic and
dangers of split in EU investors and foreign govern- DGH’s opinion was sought political potential as
ments to intervene massively by the ministry of petroleum the shadow of Indo-Pak
B Y P AOLO B IONDI & as a lender of last resort on and natural gas after state- ties has marred the
L EFTERIS P APADIMAS bond markets to shield Italy owned Hindustan Petroleum working of the group.
························· and Spain from rapidly spread- Corp. Ltd (HPCL) complained While individually,

On the same day as the Ansal ruling, four fix most urgently, however, is their neglect of
ROME/ATHENS ing financial contagion. to its parent ministry about the India and Pakistan enjoy

I taly moved closer to a na- “We have gone pretty far in manner in which RIL had cordial relations with

is fast’... Everything I’ve

tional unity government on what we can do, but there is called for bids for sale of the other Saarc countries,
Thursday, following not much more that can be ex- condensate around three at a multilateral level,
Greece’s lead in seeking a re- pected from us. It is now up to months back, and then award- matters are pretty much
spected veteran European the governments,” ECB govern- ed them. HPCL and RIL’s Jam- in a stasis. A regional
technocrat to pilot painful eco- ing council member Klaas Knot nagar refinery participated in free trade arrangement
nomic reforms in an effort to told the Dutch parliament. the bid. The latter won the bid. that will benefit all
avert a euro zone bond market Knot, who is also Dutch cen- Even as it sought DGH’s countries in the region is

infants lost their lives to a fire at Bhopal’s Kamla fire services. Across the country, they are
meltdown. tral bank chief, said bond-buy- opinion, the ministry also ask- yet to deliver meaningful
After four days of chaotic ing only had a temporary ef- ed the petroleum planning and gains. If peace is not
haggling, former European fect. ECB has bought more Talking peace: India’s Prime Minister Manmohan Singh shakes hands analysis cell to estimate the a distant dream, then
Central Bank (ECB) vice-presi- than €180 billion (around with his Pakistani counterpart Yousuf Raza Gilani on the sidelines of fair price for the condensate, the first step India and

accomplished in my
dent Lucas Papademos was `12.4 trillion today) of periph- the Saarc summit in Addu, the Maldives, on Thursday. Declaring their of which an estimated 10,000 Pakistan should take is to
appointed to head an interim eral euro zone bonds and trad- intent to open ‘a new chapter’ in ties, both the leaders noted ‘positive’ tonnes a month is being pro- strengthen economic ties
crisis cabinet charged with ers said it was active again in movement in their efforts to re-engage each other for economic between Saarc nations.
saving Greece from default, the market on Thursday, but cooperation. See Page 8 TURN TO PAGE 4®
bankruptcy and an exit from the purchases have failed to

Nehru Hospital. Shortly earlier, 11 people died understaffed, poorly funded and ill equipped
the euro zone. lower borrowing costs durably.
In Rome, former European Stepping up the scale of
Commissioner Mario Monti
emerged as favourite to re-
bond-buying would eventually
force ECB to start printing
Bad loans of DAMP DIWALI services that can be sold. Ac-
cording to media analysts, ad-
place Italian Prime Minister
Silvio Berlusconi within days
money with the risk of stoking
inflation, which was why the listed banks top
`1 trillion, may
Media firms prepare vertising yields have fallen
10-15% over the last three-four

life has been because

and lead an emergency gov- EU treaty had excluded such months.
ernment that would imple- action, Knot said.

rise further for advertising winter Analysts and media execu-

similarly in Maharashtra’s Ahmednagar Dis- for our vastly transformed urban spaces. In
ment long delayed reforms of ECB executive board mem- tives expect advertisers to re-
pensions, labour markets and ber Peter Praet said it was not duce spending over the next
business regulation. the task of the central bank to two quarters, as recession
Sources in Berlusconi’s con- intervene “when there are fun- B Y J OEL R EBELLO & B Y A NUSHREE C HANDRAN &
UNDER PRESSURE clouds loom over Europe and
party said he was now con- damental doubts about the sus- R AVINDRA S ONAVANE A BHILASHA O JHA the US, and high inflation, ris-
vinced it would be better not to tainability of some countries”. ························· ·························  Advertising revenue growth for both ing interest rates and slowing
call elections at the moment, Outgoing ECB chief econo- MUMBAI MUMBAI/NEW DELHI print and television could end up in economic growth at home
single digits
an abrupt reversal.
The billionaire media mag-
mist Juergen Stark earlier re-
jected calls for the central R ising interest rates, ad-
verse regulatory environ- A year that looked bountiful
in January, and even in  Ad revenue for television and print
media for the end of 2011 was pegged
dampen domestic consumer

trict Hospital. As many as 55 deaths within 10 2019, the Centre issued a model bill on these of that attitude.
nate has agreed to resign with- bank to act as lender of last re- ment in some businesses such April, is now beginning to look “Advertising follows eco-
at 14.6% and 13.5%, respectively,
in days after parliament ap- sort like the US Federal Re- as mining, and migration to a stark for media companies, by the Ficci-KPMG Indian Media nomic growth. It all depends
proves long-delayed economic serve or the Bank of England. computerized calculation of with poor sentiment and the and Entertainment Report, 2011 on how global developments
reforms demanded by Europe- In Brussels, a euro zone offi- bad debts have led to the gross slowing economy resulting in a impact India’s GDP (gross do-
 High inflation, rising interest rates
an partners. cial said there were no plans to non-performing loans (or non- fall in demand and, conse- and slowing economic growth have mestic product) growth,” said
Political and economic tur- use the bloc’s €440 billion res- performing assets, NPAs) of quently, advertising. dampened consumer sentiment Ajit Varghese, managing direc-
moil in Italy has spurred fears cue fund to help Italy, even listed Indian banks crossing `1 Worse still, the Diwali sea-  A liquidity crunch is forcing
tor at Maxus, GroupM India
of a possible break-up of the with a precautionary credit trillion in the quarter ended son, which usually sees a spurt advertisers to be cautious Pvt. Ltd, who expects advertis-
euro zone, with borrowing line. September. in advertising, didn’t seem to about ad spends ing revenue to grow 12-15%

months can be traced to hospital flare-ups in services for states to adopt. It had a few wel-
costs for Europe’s third-big- “Financial assistance is not Gross non-performing loans be as big as it usually does, over last year.
gest economy at unsustainable in the cards,” the official said. A for 36 listed banks have and, over the past few months, “It may not touch the utopi-
levels and the 17-nation cur- second official said: “ECB will swelled to `1.07 trillion, up average yields for most media and broadcast companies. It an expectation of 18% and
rency bloc unable to afford a be drawn like every one else by 33% from last year. More im- companies have been on their was not a great Diwali for more, as some media owners
bailout. the weight of gravity (to act).” portantly, the rise in bad loans way south. many of the media firms,” said had thought at the beginning
German Chancellor Angela Italian 10-year bond yields has been the fastest, quarter- Most news channels usually Nikhil Vora, managing director of the year,” he said.
Merkel, Europe’s main pay- steadied at around 7%, a level on-quarter, in at least the past do not have airtime to sell in of IDFC Securities Ltd. The print media business
master, called for broad politi- seen as unquestionable in the five years. the Diwali season given the “Advertising follows con- has been affected by negative
cal support for reforms in long term, due to signs that the Data for the 36 banks ana- surge of advertising, said Avi- sumer behaviour,” said Abdul trends in other businesses that

that state. All-India official records show that come tweaks, but financial outlays to upgrade
Greece and said she believed political deadlock may be eas- lysed by Mint shows that they nash Pandey, executive vice- Khan, senior vice-president at significantly contribute to its
Italy was winning back confi- ing. Rome paid less to sell one- added `14,273.62 crore of bad president and head of revenue Tata Teleservices Ltd. “The revenue, said Rajiv Verma,
dence, but political clarity was year treasury bills than many loans in the July-September at Star News, the news channel high rate of inflation, rising chief executive officer of HT
still needed in Rome. had feared. period, up 15% from the quar- run by Media Content and petrol prices, etc., have made Media Ltd, publisher of the

She rejected talk of a possi- But European stocks turned ter ended June. Communication Services (In- the Indian consumer go into Hindustan Times and Mint.
ble shrinking of the currency lower in choppy trade. Wall This is the fastest increase in dia) Pvt. Ltd, a joint venture his shell. He wants to hold on Many businesses, including
area, saying: “We only have Street pared gains after open- bad loans since the quarter between Star group (a subsid- to his savings, and brands real estate, banking and auto-
one goal, that is to bring about ing in the green. Asian indices ended June 2006, according to iary of News Corp.) and want to hold on to their ad mobiles, have been hit by poor
a stabilization of the euro zone slumped earlier on Thursday Anandabazaar Patrika (owned spends. It’s a vicious circle.” sentiment arising from factors

while our total count of fire accidents fell 40% fire departments have stayed insufficient.
in its current form.” TURN TO PAGE 5® by ABP Pvt. Ltd). “This year, Yield is a measure of profit- including inflation, high fuel
European Union (EU) offi- TURN TO PAGE 5® this wasn’t the case,” he added. ability used in businesses such prices and rising interest rates,
ALSO SEE “There is absolutely no as aviation, hospitality and ad- he explained.
Mint is also available for R6 with ALSO SEE >Govt puts strict terms on doubt that this year yields are vertising, where there is a fi-
Hindustan Times under a combo offer >WSJ: Dividing the tab prolongs pain >P23 pumping capital into PSBs >P6 under pressure for most print nite availability of products or TURN TO PAGE 4®

from 2015 to 2019, we still had much too high a This, too, amounts to playing with fire.


The stumbles that America’s fiscal debate should avoid

American families ( ier to offload containers, truck them to ware- informed Congressional debate, whatever licly-held debt as a share of GDP falling
BARRY EICHENGREEN Similarly, should the federal government, houses and distribute their contents, ena- the issue may be. between 2022 and 2024, as the US econ-
to combat climate change, invest in a net- bling producers to realize the efficiencies of But wouldn’t further deficit spending omy expands and interest rates trend up
work of charging stations for electric vehi- global supply chains. Better infrastructure create excess demand, aggravating an only modestly. In fact, between now and the
cles (EVs), just as it invested in America’s boosts GDP, which means more tax reve- already worrisome inflation problem? end of the decade, the CBO’s projections
interstate highway system? Or is this a prob- nues for servicing and retiring debt. Many schemes fuelling the US deficit are set show debt in the hands of the public as a

he US Congress has just taken an lem that can be left to the market, notwith- But the point applies equally to invest- to expire at the end of the year. CBO calcu- share of GDP—wait for it—falling from
important step towards implementing standing the existence of network effects ment in social infrastruc- lations project that the 102.7% this year to 102.6%. In other words,
President Joe Biden’s fiscal plans, by ( ture: Pre-K and lifelong deficit as a share of GDP there is no immediate crisis in the US of
passing a signature $1 trillion infrastructure Recent debates remind us that there is less learning yield a more pro- Spending hawks will fall ( debt sustainability (
bill ( Now we will see than full agreement on the desirability of ductive workforce. It also from 13.4% this year to Prudent governments budget for sur-
whether the Congressional Budget Office such programmes. But where there should applies to investments in should realize 4.7% in 2022. prises. An energy shock or geopolitical
(CBO), in its non-partisan wisdom, agrees be agreement is on how best to finance climate-change abatement This is an alarming event could precipitate a recession. There
that the companion plan for $1.75 trillion in them. And here the debate has been derailed and adaptation insofar as
that much state degree of ‘fiscal drag’. could be another novel coronavirus. Inter-

is professor of economics at
social and climate-related spending is fully
financed by additional taxes and other “pay
by warrantless fears of fiscal disaster.
Republicans and so-called moderate
these expenditures pre-
vent destructive climate
expenditure can Everyone seems fixated on
inflation and the US Fed-
est rates could rise faster than expected. It
has happened before. It is entirely appro-
the University of California,
Berkeley and author of many
fors”, as moderate Democrats evidently
Democrats insist that neither physical nor
social infrastructure should be deficit-fi-
events that cause eco-
nomic output to fall.
pay for itself by eral Reserve’s moves, but
perhaps they should be
priate for governments to borrow to finance
essential spending during an emergency.
books, including the At one level, this is precisely the debate the nanced. Having doled out trillions of dollars The debate about these raising overall asking how, with the gov- And once the emergency has passed, it is
forthcoming ‘In Defense of United States needs. It is a debate, funda- in pandemic relief, the US now has yawning programmes tends to be ernment vaporizing 9% of equally essential for governments to restore
Public Debt’. mentally, about what kind of society the US deficits and crushing debts. In the view of framed in terms of values. output capacity GDP, this lost spending and enhance their ability to borrow so that
should be and about the appropriate role of opponents, it cannot afford more. But it should also be a will be made up. they can deploy the same fiscal resources
government. Should government, to address What this argument misses is that here debate over rates of return But isn’t debt spiralling when the next crisis hits.
inequality, provide more support for child- the debate is about public investment, not and about which investments pay for them- out of control in the US? Having rocketed The challenge for the United States is to
care ( because it enables only transfer payments and public con- selves. European countries, including Ger- past 100% of GDP, public debt in the hands do so gradually, so that consolidation of
women to enter the labour force and fosters sumption. Productive public investments many, are currently having this discussion of the public is at unprecedented levels. Yet, public finances does not aggravate an
healthy childhood development, especially pay for themselves if they grow the denomi- ( Why the US is not having debt service as a share of GDP has barely already existing problem of fiscal drag. And
among disadvantaged youth? Or should it nator of the debt to gross domestic product it is something of a mystery. Or maybe it’s budged since the turn of the century, that means not sacrificing productive pub-
avoid this, as some argue, because taking (GDP) ratio. This is most obviously the case less a mystery than yet another indication of because interest rates today are just a third lic investments that more than pay for
childcare out of the household weakens of physical infrastructure that makes it eas- the difficulty of having any rational, as high. On current law, the CBO sees pub- themselves. ©2021/PROJECT SYNDICATE @English_epaper_Backup


The scarcely understood role of The fatigue of hearing about

climate goals minus roadmaps
humans within complex systems Little has been pledged to muzzle the exhaust of large car markets

Problems like climate change are best tackled with models of self-adaptive systems that account for human ethics and follies


is a Bloomberg Opinion columnist covering
industrial companies in Asia.

is chairman, HelpAge International and author
of ‘Transforming Systems: Why the World
Needs a New Ethical Toolkit’

hat a joke. The world’s biggest
car markets and automakers
won’t commit to a deal to elimi-

cientific advances since the European nate new vehicle emissions over the next Vehicular emissions are a problem that
Enlightenment in the 17th century and two decades. Volkswagen, BMW and must be tackled on priority HT
the technologies that have followed have Toyota Motor are unlikely to get on board
given humans the hubris that they can with an emissions pledge expected to be have plans to do this before 2035. In a
master the very nature that created unveiled at the CoP-26 climate summit in detailed evaluation of the commitments and
them. The poet Robert Frost prays: Glasgow because key governments are actions made by automakers that represent
“Forgive, O Lord, my little jokes on Thee, and I’ll reluctant, the Financial Times reported. It 80% of the market, Greenpeace found they
forgive Thy great big one on me.” The big joke that includes a commitment to “work towards weren’t doing nearly enough. The activist
God played on humanity, Frost implies, is to make all sales of new cars and vans being zero group notes that as countries and regions
humans believe they can be like gods, invent tech- emission globally by 2040, and by no later adopted stringent regulations on emissions,
nologies, and use nature and other species as eco- than 2035 in leading markets”, according some car manufacturers—under pressure—
nomic resources for their ‘rational self-interest’. to a version marked “final”. As of Tuesday, “formulated plans to deal with stricter laws
The Nobel Prize for Physics in 2021 has been Germany, China and the US, which and rules. But none of these plans is pro-
awarded, according to the citation, to Syukuro together represented 59% of global vehicle gressive enough to match the ambition of
Manabe, Klaus Hasselmann, and Giorgio Parisi sales in 2019, hadn’t signed up to it. the Paris Agreement.”
for “groundbreaking contributions to our under- This lack of commitment is absurd. The Meanwhile, a Washington Post investiga-
standing of complex systems”, and for “the physical transport sector is responsible for about a tion published this week found that several
modelling of Earth’s climate, quantifying variabil- quarter of the globe’s emissions. Passenger countries under-report their greenhouse
ity and reliably predicting global warming, and the vehicles are the largest chunk of this, releas- gas emissions to the UN. The gap, the news-
discovery of the interplay of disorder and fluctua- ing about 45% of carbon dioxide. If no meas- paper found, ranges from at least 8.5 billion
tions in physical systems from atomic to planetary ures are taken—which may end up being to as high as 13.3 billion tonnes a year—
scales”. The Nobel Prize in Economics was awarded the case—annual greenhouse gases in 2050 enough to have a meaningful impact on the
to Joshua Angrist and Guido Imbens for improving will be 90% higher than last year. The three planet’s temperature. So the problem is not
economists’ tools for understanding complex sys- countries avoiding these commitments even being measured correctly, and that
tems and to David Card for insights into wages and engineer, the weather and climate are dynamically us: such as the ‘cultures’ in which live. account for around 50% of the world’s CO2 means we’re in danger of chasing a moving,
labour markets using those tools. Thus, the awards adaptive (and potentially chaotic) systems. The third category of systems is ‘complex self- from burning fossil fuels. or even misguided, goal that may do little to
in both physics and economics are for contribu- A common feature of both, engineerable complex adaptive systems’, within which human agency is As the summit in Glasgow continues, the mitigate the damage already done.
tions to methods of modelling complex systems. systems and complex adaptive systems, is the a principal force. Humans have self-consciousness inability of the most important players to Policymakers are relying on big bold
Complex systems fall into three broad categories. exclusion of human intentionality as a primary and a capacity for deliberate action. With human look beyond their individual goals shows headlines, yet few are looking for focused
The first is ‘engineerable complex systems’ which force of change within them. Climate change has agency come complications of egos and ethics. why we’ve made so little progress on one of solutions to immediate problems. Those in
can be objectively understood. An engineer views a been caused by misguided human interventions. Humans want to have power over nature and over the biggest crises of our time. We hear about progress are not getting enough attention
system from outside it. He improves its design and Mankind’s “little jokes” are backfiring on the other humans too. Even when their actions are well- melting ice caps, floods and loss of lives con- or money. The days of overarching goals are
cleverly finds levers in the system to make it more survival of humans themselves. An accurate model intended, they are ill-informed because they do not stantly. At the same time, we read about bil- over: We need clear outcomes and targets
efficient in converting inputs into outputs. Systems of climate change must include human agency as a understand the system. This is the problem with lions of dollars of commitments and techno- that address specific problems, with a
models developed at Massachusetts Institute of force within the model. ‘scientific’ solutions for climate change based on logical innovations. Yet, we are not making defined way to finance them.
Technology and other engineering schools are A hundred years ago, path-breakers shook models of only the physical and biological world. significant progress. We must also work out what is getting in
suitable for mathematical computation because physics out of its Newtonian paradigm that had Macro-economists’ tend to model economies Even the most basic objectives are out of the way of EV adoption and manufacturing.
they do not include fuzzy, qualitative forces such ruled this academic discipline for two centuries. as machines, with inputs and outputs, and with reach right now. The CoP-26 meeting is Leaving it to the market is no longer an
as human emotions. In the Newtonian world-view, the universe is a nature and human labour as resources, and with about setting clear targets to make sure we option, and forcing regulatory deadlines is
The second category of systems is ‘complex machine composed of distinct parts. Einstein, levers to increase economic growth by pulling reach the commitments of the 2015 Paris a bit draconian at this point. Getting a better
adaptive systems’. Engineers can design systems on Planck, Heisenberg and Bohr took physics into the these (like the cost of finance). However, complex Agreement, the last meaningful climate handle on what automakers’ issues are—
clean sheets of paper. They can predict what the realms of relativity, uncertainty and unknowability. socio-economic-ecological systems are not summit. Chief among those is limiting rises whether it’s cost, technology, manufactur-
system they design will do because they can control Whereas these path-breakers had pointed out a machines whose all-round well-being can simply in global temperature to below 1.5° Celsius ing at scale or margins—would be a good
its starting conditions. Moreover, their models are need to understand the relationships among be improved with a universal goal for carbon and hitting carbon neutrality by 2050. In starting point. Should emissions become a
bounded; they are limited to the machine they are various parts, including human minds, a large reduction and by fixing a price of carbon, for September, United Nations Secretary-Gen- public infrastructure and urban planning
designing. On the other hand, processes of biologi- stream within physics continues to search for a example. Policies to solve systemic problems and eral Antonio Guterres warned that the issue where administrations encourage
cal and ecological evolution don’t begin with clean ‘final explanation’ of the universe within the com- achieve Sustainable Development Goals must be planet was on a “catastrophic pathway” to fewer vehicles, regular or electric? How do
sheets of paper. They are ‘path dependent’: what position of its tiniest particles (wondering whether guided by models of self-adaptive systems that 2.7° of heating, “breaking the promise made we nudge consumers to get on board? A few
was there before determines what follows. Farmers they are infinitesimal lumps, waves or strings). factor in the egos and ethics of human beings as six years ago.” million EVs may help but governments and
must understand the potential of their land and A search for an ultimate explanation of how well as the limitations of our minds. It’s staggering that key stakeholders companies should also address real fears
its surroundings to improve its productivity sustain- humans think, in the physics of the brain and the New insights in physics, as Nobel laureates noted won’t vow to do one of the most basic things. and anxieties. Public capital must guide pri-
ably. Moreover, natural systems are not bound flows of chemicals and pulses within it, has infected a 100 years ago, had already been expressed in Consider the new car emissions pledge: To vate money to priority areas.
tightly: what is around any subsystem affects what the science of the mind too. A century ago, para- ancient Vedic and Buddhist knowledge traditions. reach targets, road transportation needs to These are questions that few firms and
is in it. Plants and pests in neighbouring farms affect digm-changing winners of physics’ Nobel prizes Humans are only parts of complex ecological sys- be entirely decarbonized by 2050, accord- countries are addressing in their big picture
the conditions of a farm. The weather is an even had proven that the human mind can never fully tems; human perspectives are always subjective; ing to Greenpeace. fantasies. We must identify roadblocks to
more open system, with weather in close-by areas understand reality. Because it is a very small part of and it is never possible for humans to be detached Companies need to phase out internal real industry action and remove them
dynamically affecting the weather in our area. a vast system that shapes it. The ways we think are observers. The time has come for another modern combustion engine vehicles over the next before it’s too late. Or we’ll find ourselves at
Also, what the weather will become in a few hours formed by our histories—they are ‘path dependent’. enlightenment founded on ancient wisdom to save decade to get there. However, seven out 10 yet another summit, talking about yet more
depends on what the weather is right now. To an They are also shaped by what is happening around the world from a scientific apocalypse. of the biggest automobile groups don’t even ambitious goals. ©BLOOMBERG


Who would have thought bankers had hazardous jobs?

2013, the bank’s chairman retires in normal It has been seen that defaulters on loans also need to grow their books and make prof- nel against job hazards. The category of per-
MADAN SABNAVIS course. In 2014, the NPA is sold to an asset always have their sympathizers; even the its. But when the chips are down and the sonnel covered could be decided by them. If
reconstruction company (ARC). It so hap- Reserve Bank of India had to withdraw its quality of assets deteriorates, or trouble a case arises, the insurer will bear the cost.
pens that after retirement, the chairman June 2018 circular which mandated NPAs to arises, as in the case of an NPA sold to an ARC Second, any case against a banker should
becomes a director on the board of this ARC. be taken for resolution under the Insolvency on terms the defaulter found unacceptable, be taken up by a specialized set of lawyers on
And in 2021 there is a non-bailable warrant and Bankruptcy Code (IBC). Unfortunately, then bankers are left to fend for themselves. the rolls of the Indian Banks’ Association, so

am now a member of the staff of this bank. issued against the ex-chairman (that is, eight too many businessmen think they have the What is the way out? The government has that a retired banker faced with allegations
Its interests are my interests. Psmith, the years after he retired), following a case filed right to borrow and not a big role to play, with a doesn’t have to run around in search of a
individual, ceases to exist, and there by the defaulter at a local court. The banker repay as they’re doing the new ‘bad bank’ being set up lawyer. If the person is in service, the bank
springs into being Psmith, the cog in the is arrested, and granted bail, but faces the nation a service. Never We must assure to take on the bad loans of would make the legal arrangements, but
wheel of the New Asiatic Bank; Psmith, the quadruple trauma of losses of reputation, lib- mind that when they do banks. Against the back- post-retirement cases need support too.
link in the bank’s chain; Psmith, the Worker. erty, health and money, as such cases can go well, their profits go to bankers a safety drop of the former banker’s Third, all such cases should be routed
I shall not spare myself.” on and on. This is a warning bell for bankers. shareholders and not the woes, will any bank will- through the ministry of finance, where a
This is a rather droll extract from PSmith They are not safe even after retirement. government. The typical
net against risks ingly sell its NPAs if deal special division should be created to ensure

is an independent economist
in the City by P.G. Wodehouse, who gave his
readers a flavour of what banks and bankers
This particular case highlights the risks
borne by a banker who is on the lending side
argument given is that the
economy has done badly
entailed by their values can be disputed in
court and bankers are at
order. Presently, the predominant view held
is that a government cannot intervene once
and author of ‘Hits & Misses:
The Indian Banking Story’
are like. The charm has definitely gone and
been replaced with trepidation. Behind the
or heading the organization. We have seen
several bankers in the dock following the
and so their business got
work if India’s personal risk? The govern-
ment needs to create a new
a case is sub-judice. Therefore, there must
be a pre-emptive mechanism in place to
doors of banks, the letters of the English high-profile default cases of Nirav Modi and It is clear that such cases banking reforms rule book to incentivize acquire prior knowledge of such a problem
Alphabet denote different words. While ‘A’ Vijay Mallya. Here, the supposed wrongdo- will be a reality, going bankers, or else they may before it arrives at the doorstep.
can be assets and ‘B’, banks, the letter ‘C’ ing was in disbursing credit. The focus was ahead, and there is a need are to succeed find procrastination the A safety net is required if banking reforms
leads to stumbles, as the acronyms of CBI, more on the bankers than the defaulters. But to protect bankers. best solution, especially are to succeed. There has been a lot of enthu-
CIC, CVC and CID come up. Yes, the new no one knows what happened to the bankers Banks are run on com- since heads of banks have siasm in setting up the new bad bank, which
world of banking in India remains humbled who faced a quadruple trauma. The present mercial lines. Today, this is also true of PSBs. fixed tenures and would rather not take may be a non-starter if the present case is not
and bankers continue to have a hard time. case is even more bizarre in this theatre of The idea of privatization hinges on these decisions that can haunt them years later. resolved soon. Also, progress on India’s
The recent case involving an ex-chairman the absurd because the defaulter has been banks turning profitable and thus into good First, just the way the government runs Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code could suf-
of a public sector bank (PSB) lays bare the heard on a case involving an asset sale by a purchases for prospective buyers. At the insurance programmes for health, life and fer further setbacks if bankers’ fears are not
trauma of being a banker. The bank lends bank to another company, but the person same time, PSBs have to carry out various farmers, we need a new ‘Prime Minister’s calmed. The current NPA case emboldens
money to a hotel in 2007. The loan turns into singled out is a retired banker who was not social-agenda programmes of governments Banker Bima’ scheme, under which banks defaulters, and, as aggrieved parties, banks
a non-performing asset (NPA) in 2010. In even on the scene when the sale took place. to ensure alignment with larger goals. They must pay premiums to insure their person- will likely get more defensive. @English_epaper_Backup




The case of demonetisation in India
Five years on, the trajectory of the policy demonstrates that popular narratives can trump economic facts 
demonetisation story in India is al­ er  assets.  However,  the  way  the ceiving end of the state and its re­
so  based  on  popular  myth,  the narrative was framed made it hard presentatives, the impact of demo­

Investigate the deal  folklore of black money and its as­
sociation with physical cash. The
for critics to explain their opposi­
tion.  To  denounce  it  outright
netisation  would  be  one  more
blow  in  a  series  of  blows  with
idea of demonetising large denom­ would  suggest  that  they  have  a which  they  had  to  perforce  deal.
The role of middlemen in both the bid process ination currency as a tool to flush vested interest in defending black At  least  in  this  instance,  there
and the Rafale sale agreement must be probed  Kaushik Jayaram out undeclared hoards of cash was money and corruption. would seem to be a measure of jus­
not new. It was done on two pre­ When it became clear that the tice  if  the  rich  really  did  suffer

ore than a year following the arrival of the first
batch of 36 Rafale fighter jets from France, the vious occasions, in 1946 and 1978, cancelled currency was being re­ more.

opular  narratives  play  a with poor results. But, unlike the turned to the banks in larger num­ Despite  the  overwhelming  evi­

controversy over L’affaire Rafale refuses to die
much bigger role in econom­ limited  impact  of  the  previous bers than expected, the narrative dence to the contrary, five years af­
down, notwithstanding the high quality of the planes ic policymaking than econo­ events,  the  demonetisation  in changed focus from black money ter  the  event,  the  Government
and their fit to the requirements of the Indian Air Force, mists  and  policymakers  acknow­ 2016  caused  widespread  disrup­ panies it is easily recognised and and fake currency to digital/cash­ does not acknowledge any failure,
which has been desperate to augment its fighter squa­ ledge. If, indeed, these narratives tion in the economy, whose costs understood by the common peo­ less payments, the latter being ele­ or have even a smidgeon of doubt.
drons. Mediapart, a French portal, has now published a are grounded more in myth than are still to be properly reckoned.  ple,  who  witness  corruption  in vated  to  some  higher  purpose Noticeably,  however,  there  have
set of alleged fake invoices, and claimed that Dassault reality, the impact of such policy Five years later, most observers daily life and see it play out in the than  what  it  actually  is,  a  mere been  no  tall  claims  of  success
Aviation paid middleman and defence contractor Sush­ can be devastating. The demoneti­ have  concluded  that  this  policy cinema,  newspaper  stories  or  in technological change. either.
sation of high­value currency in In­ was a failure. Very little of its de­ daily conversation over the years.
en Gupta over €7 million in kickbacks between 2007­
dia in 2016 is a classic case of poli­ clared objectives — of eliminating The very term, black money, is a Linked sub­themes A self­inflicted shock
2012, when the Congress­led UPA was in power, and has cy  based  on  faulty  narratives. black money, corruption, moving loaded phrase, where the specie it­ A key point in selling the story was Most of the studies, opinion polls,
claimed  that  the  CBI had  proof  of  this  since  October Paradoxically,  the  failure  of  the towards a “less cash and more dig­ self acquires a symbolic and a sub­ to introduce complementary sub­ media reports and anecdotal evi­
2018.  Earlier  investigations,  including  by  The  Hindu, policy does not appear to dent the ital  economy”,  or  increased  tax stantive form. The wealth, repre­ themes to reinforce the main nar­ dence  showed  an  overwhelming
had  revealed  procedural  violations,  raised  questions narrative and, consequently, there compliance — were achieved. Ex­ senting  ill­gotten  gains,  is rative and, at times, to obscure the support  for  the  policy.  Despite
over the high price of the fighters, the choice of offset is  very  little  price  to  pay  for  its pectations  of  windfall  gains  of perceived to be accumulated inva­ facts on the ground. Virtue signall­ personal  hardship,  long  queues,
partners, the removal of anti­corruption clauses, waiv­ failure. some ₹2 trillion­3 trillion failed to riably in stacks of currency notes ing  was  key:  appeals  to  national­ and  the  loss  of  income  and  sav­
materialise as more than 99.3% of and gold, hoarded in safes, boxes, ism and patriotism are always han­ ings, there was a degree of ambi­
ing the requirement of a bank guarantee among other
Across time, the impact  the  cancelled  notes  returned  to or  ingeniously  concealed dy,  while  modernity  and  change guity  in  criticising  the  decision.
issues related to the India­France Inter­Governmental Narratives are often intertwined in the banks. If black money had ex­ cupboards. are implied as means to progress Most tended to distinguish the in­
Agreement  (IGA)  signed  in  2016.  Mediapart’s articles the  cultural  belief  systems  of  the isted as stockpiles of illegal cash, The idea of dramatic action and towards some form of technologi­ tention from the reality. That the
point to the dubious role of middlemen both in the pro­ society.  Thus,  the  Great  Depres­ clearly all of it was very efficiently the  striking  of  a  powerful  blow cal utopia.  policy  was  good  but  perhaps  not
posal to buy 126 aircraft that was withdrawn, and later sion of the 1930s came to be asso­ laundered. If the objective was to against this wealth is deeply satis­ The call to sacrifice has deep re­ implemented  well  seemed  to  be
in the IGA for flyaway aircraft in 2016. In April 2021, Me­ ciated  with  the  excesses  of  the register a permanent upward shift fying psychologically. It is the stuff sonance  in  India,  as  elsewhere. the  main  theme.  This  effectively
diapart  had  detailed  that  the  French  anti­corruption “roaring twenties”, though many in the tax base, it failed miserably. of epics. The spectre of black mo­ The  act  (of  demonetisation)  was insulated the original sin — that the
agency had found that Dassault had accounted for pay­ economic  factors  were  responsi­ Perhaps the most telling evidence ney  has  been  invoked  frequently an  act  of  collective  sacrifice.  The very design of the policy ensured
ble. The Weimar hyperinflation of of the failure is that the cash­in­cir­ in  Indian  politics,  sometimes people  in  long  queues  were  re­ its outcome. 
ment of over a million Euros to a company run by Mr.
1921­24 is so deeply embedded in culation has now exceeded pre­de­ truthfully and more often cynical­ minded of the sacrifices of the sol­ The case of demonetisation de­
Gupta for the manufacture of 50 models of the Rafale — the  German  consciousness,  that monetisation levels. ly. The narrative of black money is diers  guarding  the  nation’s  bor­ monstrates  that  popular  narra­
the company does not specialise in making models — even  now,  nearly  100 years  after almost always couched in deeply ders and not to think of their own tives can trump economic facts. 
besides paying several million Euros in secret commis­ the  event,  German  society  trea­ Touching a chord moral terms.  suffering. Indeed, there was satis­ It is clear that where narratives
sions to offshore accounts and shell companies. It had sures  financial  stability  and  dis­ And,  post­COVID­19,  reliance  on It does not matter, as repeatedly faction in being told that the rich succeed there is very little political
also alleged that he had supplied classified documents trusts public debt. Fiscal conserva­ cash  is  much  higher,  and  with emphasised  in  several  economic had it worse. In reality, the sacrif­ cost. A failed policy that carries no
related to the IGA to Dassault Aviation even as talks bet­ tism  remains  the  dominant more higher denomination notes studies, there is nothing to distin­ ice  called  for  was  somewhat cost is likely to generate more such
narrative  and  has  inhibited  the in circulation. By every measure, guish  black  or  white  money,  ex­ skewed in its impact, and the suf­ policies.  Unlike  most  economic
ween  Dassault  and  the  Indian  negotiating  team  were
post­2008  recovery  in  Europe. demonetisation as economic poli­ cept in the way it comes into be­ fering of the poor was dispropor­ shocks, which could be traced to
deadlocked over the key issue of benchmark pricing.  Though the recent novel coronavi­ cy was a gross failure. But, as a nar­ ing.  Although  income  from tionately greater.  endogenous or exogenous causes,
In its price­redacted audit report on the Rafale deal, rus pandemic crisis has led to Key­ rative,  it  was  presented  and  re­ corruption or criminal activities is The  real  irony  lies  in  the  fact demonetisation  was  an  entirely
the CAG report, tabled in Parliament in February 2019, nesian remedies on steroids in ma­ ceived  in  an  altogether  different by  definition  black  money,  most that  the  moral  high  ground self­inflicted shock, which was ve­
while examining the earlier bid process between 2007­ ny  countries,  there  is  already  a light. Despite its manifest failure, black  money  is  earned  through claimed  by  the  demonetisation ry likely carried out as much in a
12,  had  pointed  out  procedural  violations  in  defence murmuring  of  fiscal  imprudence the  power  of  the  narrative  was perfectly  legal  activities  though narrative worked better than con­ sincere belief in the narrative as in
procurement  —  Dassault’s  technical  bid  was  rejected fuelling inflation.  such that it succeeded in creating a not declared to the tax authorities. testing narratives of observed real­ cynical political calculation.
Indeed,  narratives  in  econom­ favourable or positive view of the More importantly, black money is ity.  It  worked  because  it  under­
and later it was allowed to incorporate India­specific en­
ics,  as  in  other  social  sciences, policy.  not  really  kept  in  cash  except  in stood  the  nature  of  the  moral Kaushik Jayaram is a former central
hancements to meet bid­compliant qualitative require­ create  myths  which  endure  des­ The  folklore  of  black  money small quantities but mostly accum­ economy  of  the  poor.  For  the banker who worked for many years in an
ments. The report also unequivocally stated that the de­ pite  rational  appeal  to  facts.  The and the vivid imagery that accom­ ulated through real estate and oth­ poor, long used to being at the re­ international financial organisation
fence  acquisition  process  needed  reforms  and

The red truth of China’s ‘Common Prosperity Discourse’
streamlining — points that are buttressed by the new re­
velations that shed light on the role of defence middle­
men in mucking up the procurement process to favour
a particular vendor. At the very least, investigative agen­
cies such as the CBI and the ED must probe Mr. Gupta’s
Rather than making a radical break and realigning social relations, it seems intended to sustain the existing system
role in the bid process and the IGA. The Government transformation” of the country, in lighting  the  need  to  avoid  welfa­ existence in unfamiliar cities and
cannot just wish away the questions that are repeatedly achieving prosperity for all people rism, which he views as a trap for workplaces,  in  the  process,  con­
emerging about the Rafale deal and must open an inves­ in their material and spiritual (and nurturing lazy people, Mr. Xi’s po­ fronting mental challenges that ac­

tigation  into  the  procurement  process.  After  all,  de­ moral)  lives.  It  seeks  to  tame  the sitioning is in sync with the neolib­ company  their  physical  disloca­
excesses  generated  by  the  over eral logic that views redistribution tions  from  home.  Further,  his
fence preparedness and national security interests dic­
four  decade­long  Reform  and as anathema to economic growth. criticism of ‘involution’ and ‘lying
tate that operational readiness goes hand­in­hand with Opening  Up  (gaige  kaifang).  Des­ Laying emphasis on the require­ flat’  —  recent  popular  phenome­
Anand P. Krishnan
procedural propriety in defence procurement. pite achieving industrial transfor­ ment  of  high­quality  workers  for non,  of  rejecting  the  hypercom­
mation and technological growth, high­quality development, Mr. Xi’s petitive  culture  of  overwork  by
Death by hospital fire 
rom a regulatory crackdown widening  inequality  (income, prioritisation of the development tech  workers  and  urban  youth  —
on  tech  unicorns  to  clamp­ wealth, and region­based) and un­ pilot experiments for five years be­ and upgradation of human capital reveals the discouragement of and
While catering to demand during COVID­19, down  on  private  tutoring, balanced, or inadequate develop­ fore  national  implementation). for productivity is indicative of the intolerance against the online re­
from exhorting the rich to redistri­ ment are characterised as negative This  drive  desires  to  tighten  the Party­state’s  calculated  relation­ sistance  of  white­collar  workers
hospitals must ensure operational fitness bute wealth to fintech companies by­products that need fixing. Chi­ Party­state’s  control  over  mono­ ship  with  labour  that  is  rooted against  the  gruelling  ‘996’  work

here is no greater betrayal than when what peo­ forming  unions  for  their  work­ na’s Gini coefficient as per availa­ polies, regulate the private sector, purely in the extraction of value. schedules  (9  a.m.  to  9  p.m.,  six
ple  believe  to  be  safe  havens  turn  into  killing force, a series of verbal assertions ble  figures,  have  remained  bet­ expand  the  size  of  the  middle In  fact,  this  is  also  an  extension days a week).
fields. The large number of hospital fires being re­ and administrative measures have ween  0.46  and  0.49  for  the  last class, and check wealth accumula­ from his political report at the 19th
been  upending  people’s  lives  in two decades. Being abreast of hap­ tion.  There  is  an  emphasis  on Congress  of  the  CPC:  ‘build  an In a nutshell
ported in the last couple of years in the country, taking
China  over  the  last  few  months. penings around the world, the Par­ equalising  access  to  basic  social educated,  skilled,  and  innovative That  the  success  of  the  Chinese
victims at their most vulnerable, could well be a case of The common thread binding these ty­state is anxious about social dis­ services  but  going  by  past  expe­ workforce, foster respect for mo­ economic  development  model  is
criminal negligence and apathy. At least four infants are disparate  actions  together  is  the integration  and  political riences,  its  effectiveness  remains del  workers,  promote  quality built  on  labour  repression  is  a
reported  to  have  died  in  Monday’s fire  in  the  special term,  Common  Prosperity  (gong­ polarisation, which would end up uncertain. workmanship, and see that taking grim reality. The top­down author­
newborn care unit of Kamla Nehru Children’s Hospital tong fuyu). destabilising its authoritarian rule pride in labo[u]r becomes a social itarian  system  offers  concessions
in Bhopal. Early November, 11 patients died in a fire that and question its legitimacy.  Redistribution and labour  norm and seeking excellence is va­ from time to time to mitigate un­
broke out at the COVID­19 ward in Ahmednagar, Maha­ From start to present Parsing  through  the  speech,  it  is lued as a good work ethic’. Putting rest but severely cracks down on
Common Prosperity is not an en­ Roots in CPC congress notable  that  the  commitment  to the  onus  on  the  workers  for  self­ any bottom­up workers’ self­orga­
rashtra. In March this year, 10 people were killed in a
tirely new term, having figured in The building blocks for this cam­ State­led capitalism is intact, and improvement, these formulations nising (even the recent guidelines
fire that broke out in Sunrise Hospital, Mumbai. These all  political  reports  at  different paign lie in Mr. Xi’s political report the  pursuit  of  larger  economic are reminiscent of the vocabulary allowing unions among gig work­
are only the latest in a series of hospital fires that have, congresses of the Communist Par­ at the 19th Congress of the CPC in goals also remains steadfast. There used  in  the  corporate  human  re­ ers, it is the tech companies who
as per some estimates, led to the deaths of over 120 pe­ ty of China (CPC) since 1992. Ho­ 2017,  where  he  identified  the is little to no criticism of the phe­ sources  management  ecosystem. are  forming  them  rather  than
ople, most of them COVID­19 patients. Several minor wever, it has acquired momentum change in the principal contradic­ nomenon  of  conspicuous  con­ In imparting such a vision, the Par­ through  any  initiatives  of  work­
and major fires have been started in hospitals, the form­ under China’s President Xi Jinping tion  in  Chinese  society  from  ear­ sumption. Mr. Xi continues to en­ ty­state elides its responsibility for ers). Mr. Xi has identified Common
er causing damage to property and anxiety for patients, as a special campaign. He unveiled lier  years  —  between  unbalanced courage people getting rich albeit workers­centric  reforms  at  a Prosperity to be a long, arduous,
its action plan in his speech at the and inadequate development and in  a  more  controlled  manner  as systemic­level.  and  complex  process.  However,
and their loved ones, while the latter proved to be dead­
10th  meeting  of  China’s  Central the  people’s  ever­growing  needs dictated  by  the  Party­state. from the perspective of redistribu­
ly for patients but also for some hospital staff. In most of Committee for Financial and Eco­ for a better life. In fact, several as­ Though  he  wishes  to  divide  the On the margins still tion and labour — as evidenced by
these cases, hospital staff also had to see to the imme­ nomic Affairs in August this year; pects mentioned in the speech on cake well, he is silent on simulta­ Once  again,  the  long­pending  re­ the  increasing  precariousness  of
diate shifting of patients to other safer units. its text was published in the CPC’s Common Prosperity also figure in neously  increasing  its  size.  He form of the household registration workers and their continued polit­
The link that has been made out between rising hos­ theoretical journal, Qiushi, in Oc­ that political report — rather, Mr. specifies  that  the  action  plan system (hukou) — to integrate rural ical disfranchisement — this (Red)
pital fires and the burden of COVID­19 cases is not artif­ tober.  Like  with  Mr.  Xi’s  various Xi has chosen to give some extra should not be equated with egali­ migrant  blue­collar  workers  into “New Deal” looks more rhetorical
icial.  Hospital  administrators  and  forensic  analyses signature  political  concepts,  the push to a few of them to hasten re­ tarianism, and that excessive gua­ cities and giving them access to ur­ than  being  substantive.  Rather
have laid the cause for the historically high number of theoretical  design  for  this  ‘New sults  (such  as  a  proposed  law  on rantees  be  not  provided  even  if ban services — may very well conti­ than making any radical break and
Deal’ — as has been characterised property tax to regulate the highly China reaches a higher level of de­ nue to remain unfulfilled given the realigning  social  relations,  it  ap­
cases  that  hospitals  have  had  to  deal  with.  With  the
in some quarters — is believed to speculative real estate sector; the velopment and acquires stronger strong  pushback  from  city  offi­ pears to be intended to strengthen
number of cases rising in the first and second waves of have been provided by Wang Hun­ first  step  in  that  direction  is  the financial  resources  in  the  future. cials. Despite being the backbone and sustain the existing system. 
the pandemic, demand far exceeded capacity. Hospi­ ing,  member  of  the  Politburo Standing Committee of the Nation­ In doing so, he has signalled that of China’s economic metamorpho­
tals tried to expand their facilities to accommodate as Standing Committee of the CPC. al  People’s  Congress  of  the  Peo­ the  government  would  continue sis, the rural migrant labour (nong­ Anand P. Krishnan is Visiting Associate
many patients as possible, while there was scarcely any The  top­down  campaign  is ple’s  Republic  of  China  authoris­ its non­intervention in substantive mingong)  will  continue  to  nego­ Fellow, Institute of Chinese Studies,
time for infrastructure expansion. While beds and mat­ aimed at engineering a “profound ing  the  State  Council  to  initiate welfare  redistribution.  In  high­ tiate  their  second  class,  lonely New Delhi
tresses could be marshalled at short notice, and oxygen
cylinders, sometimes, with herculean effort, hospitals LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Letters emailed to must carry the full postal address and the full name or the name with initials.
could not add extra power lines, or distribute the load
with additional transformers or power units. Ventila­ Rafale ghost is back ■ There is clearly a lack of businessmen alleged to have conforms to the real story of democratic organisations
To read more letters
online, scan the QR code
tors were also pushed into use 24 by 7, certainly not the With the new revelations transparency in defence been a part of the chain of a socially committed lawyer, and progressive­minded
norm before COVID­19, and with high power require­ made by the French deals, and in India, various kickbacks. a stellar judge and an upright political parties had made an over the management of
ment for this, it naturally pressed existing infrastruc­ investigative portal, investigative agencies are Janga Bahadur Sunuwar, police officer who combined indelible impression flooding in Tamil Nadu and
ture into overdrive. Single air conditioner units were al­ Mediapart, of kickbacks in puppets in the hands of Bagrakote, Jalpaiguri, West Bengal to take the case to its logical enabling the lawyer to Chennai city and the
so operating full time. These resulted in electrical short the Rafale deal, one only governments. While the conclusion. Conforming to conduct the case with deep “measures that the AIADMK
wishes that the Supreme Congress ought to have Jai Bhim’s message this story, the director and social commitment. It is such and the DMK have
circuits, and possibly aided by the presence of flamma­
Court of India which had cancelled the deal in full, the The movie, Jai Bhim, has the actors have all played grassroots­level organisations undertaken”. Going by
ble substances — alcohol­based sanitisers, high oxygen earlier given a clean chit to BJP has not cleared doubts rightly attracted a lot of remarkable roles close to that have to be fostered and reports and visuals, it
and PPE kits — sparks grew into full­scale fires. It is es­ the deal reopens the case raised by the Opposition appreciation. A movie is one reality. The movie presents strengthened. Therein lies appears that the ruling party
sential for hospitals that pulled more than their share of and orders a thorough about the cost structure of which moves people and Jai the positive role played by the success of a society. in Tamil Nadu is trying to
the weight during COVID­19 to not only do fire safety au­ investigation. This is very the deal which only Bhim falls within that the lawyer, judge and the N.G.R. Prasad, alleviate the suffering of the
dits but also electrical audits, to ensure operational fit­ much required in view of escalated. The Government exception. It is not a police officer but the ground Chennai downtrodden. The Chief
ness, and specifically to ensure there are no fires. States the huge amount of tax has also not made it clear commercial venture. Second, reality is oftentimes Minister has been seen
may mandate it, or incentivise such a procedure in or­ payers’ money involved how the choice of certain it carries a strong message different. Unless people draw On the ground almost everywhere.
and, more importantly, private entities was made in about the conditions of the inspiration from the movie in Finding fault frequently, However, for the long term,
der to draw it up the priority list of smaller and medi­ national security and the connection with the various deprived sections of society that spirit, it would just without rhyme or reason, there needs to be a
um­sized  hospitals.  Hospitals,  after  all,  must  remain interests of the defence offset deals. It remains to be and the atrocities remain entertainment which and hurling barbs are a part world­class storm water
healing  zones,  and  to  ensure  that  fire  accidents  are forces. seen what action can be perpetrated on them by it ought not to be. and parcel of politics, drainage system in place.
avoided, must be a non­negotiable requirement. Tharcius S. Fernando, taken against the French those in power.  But beyond all this, one especially in Tamil Nadu. Mani Nataraajan,
Chennai company and high profile More than anything else, it should not fail to see that The newest round now is Chennai
CM @English_epaper_Backup M ND-NDE




Does India have a right to burn fossil fuels? A slogan no longer sectarian
Chalking out a greener path to development will help India rather than arguing for more coal production ‘Jai Bhim’ is inspiring various marginalised communities
and not just Dalits to bring about transformative change
more ways than one. Such an injus­
tice is not at the level of the nation­ munities and often tried to build social and
states  alone;  there  is  such  injustice class alliances to contest the incidents of so­
between the rich and the poor within cial injustices. Suriya’s character represents
nations  and  between  humans  and this  social  comradeship  between  Left  acti­
non­human  species.  A  progressive vists and the Ambedkarite political agenda.
Rohit Azad & Shouvik position on justice would take these On Chandru’s wall, we see a mural of Karl
Chakraborty injustices into account instead of nar­ Harish S. Wankhede Marx.  In  other  scenes,  various  symbols  of
rowly focusing on the framework of the  communists  (such  as  red  shawls  and
nation­states. Moreover, it’s a double flags, a small statue of Lenin) are shown to
There has been quite a lot of debate whammy  of  injustice  for  the  global Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar is often seen only suggest the hero’s close affiliation with Mar­
on  India’s  dependence  on  coal South  when  it  comes  to  climate as  a  Dalit  icon.  And  ‘Jai  Bhim’,  a  slogan xism. However, the film does not address the
against  the  backdrop  of  the  Confe­ change. Not only is it not primarily coined by Babu Hardas, a firebrand Ambed­ issue of class and social injustice through po­
rence  of  the  Parties  (COP26)  meet­ responsible, but the global South, es­ karite working class leader from Nagpur, is pulist Left rhetoric such as workers’ strikes
ing.  While  the  coal  lobbyists  may pecially its poor, will unduly bear the usually  considered  as  a  sectarian  greeting. and  mass  mobilisation.  It  resists  anti­esta­
have obvious interests in continuing effect  of  climate  change  because  of However, this salutation, which displays the blishment preaching. While the film critical­
that dependence, it comes as a sur­ its tropical climate and high popula­ reverence that the deprived sections have for ly demonstrates that state institutions such
prise when the progressive circles al­ tion density along the coastal lines. Ambedkar’s contribution to their emancipa­ as the police and the judiciary have failed to
so  provide  theories  to  justify  this. So,  arguing  for  more  coal  is  like tion, is emerging as a political slogan. It con­ safeguard the rights of the Irulars, it avoids
Despite  the  Environment  Minister shooting oneself in the foot. It is true nects and inspires diverse marginalised com­ populist mainstream solutions to tell the re­
adopting  a  similar  position  on  the that mitigation from the South alone munities towards social and political action. maining story. In the end, we see the court
eve of the COP26, the Government of will not make the difference required reprimanding and punishing the conserva­
India has, for the first time, made a to stop this catastrophe but burning Towards Ambedkar’s vision tive social elites and the police for assaulting
commitment to achieve the net zero more coal will not necessarily solve Actor  Suriya’s  film,  Jai Bhim, reasserts  the and exploiting a vulnerable tribal people.
target by 2070. It remains to be seen the problem either. validity of this slogan and extends its applica­ Chandru  does  not  have  a  ‘saviour  com­
whether the government will indeed But none of this answers how the tion to other subaltern groups. Based on a plex’. Instead, he emerges as an Ambedka­
walk the talk since the experience on wrongs  of  the  past  will  be  righted, real­life incident, the film demonstrates the rite hero who struggles to protect the life and
this count (or other issues) does not the  basic  premise  we  started  with. everyday crises in the lives of the poor and il­ dignity of the tribal people by adopting de­
necessarily inspire that confidence. A couple fills sacks with coal at the edge of the Jharia coalfield in Dhanbad, We  have  argued  in  this  very  new­ literate Irulars of Tamil Nadu. We see that the mocratic and legal apparatuses. Further, the
The  crux  of  the  theoretical  argu­ Jharkhand.  AP *
spaper that one of the ways in which police  illegally  arrest  Rajakannu  (K.  Mani­ film presents the victim Senggeni not as a po­
ment is that India needs to develop, this can be done is by making the glo­ kandan)  and  his  relatives  on  a  false  com­ werless and wretched spectator but as a dig­
and  development  requires  energy. er  forms  of  energy  available,  why and choice of techniques to address bal North pay for the energy transi­ plaint  of  theft.  His  pregnant  wife  Senggeni nified claimant of equal rights and justice. It
However, since India has neither his­ persist on the usage of coal? Normal­ the  issue  of  surplus  labour.  India tion in the South. Chalking out an in­ (Lijomol Jose) watches helplessly as the pol­ equally focuses on her brave struggle against
torically emitted nor currently emits ly the argument in favour of coal is didn’t quite resolve the two issues in dependent,  greener  path  to ice torture him. She finds a Left activist­la­ the  powerful  establishment  and  promotes
carbon  anywhere  close  to  what  the on account of its cost, reliability and its attempts of import­substituting in­ development may create conditions wyer Chandru (Suriya) who fights and wins her as a parallel protagonist of the story.
global North has, or does, in per cap­ domestic  availability. Recent  data dustrialisation which worsened dur­ for  such  negotiations  and  give  the her case in the Madras High Court (the cha­
ita terms, it has no reason to commit show that the levelised cost of elec­ ing the post­reform period. But it can South the moral high ground to force racter  is  inspired  by  Justice  Chandru  who Beyond ghettos
to declining dependence on coal, at tricity from renewable energy sourc­ address both today. The abundance the North to come to the table, like fought  the  case).  Her  victory  restores  the Though Ambedkar’s name is cursorily men­
least in the near future. If anything, es  like  solar  (photovoltaic),  hydro of renewable natural resources in the South Africa did at Glasgow. The cur­ faith of vulnerable communities in the law. tioned in the narrative, it is Chandru’s com­
the argument goes, it should ask for a and  onshore  wind  has  been  declin­ tropical climate can give India a head rent  lack  of  action  against  climate Ambedkar  had  envisaged  that  indepen­ mitment and Sangenni’s zeal to achieve jus­
higher and fairer share in the global ing sharply over the last decade and start  in  this  competitive  world  of change both in the North and South dent India would safeguard the fundamental tice  that  brings  them  close  to  Ambedkar’s
carbon  budget.  There  is  no  doubt is already less than fossil fuel­based technology.  South­South  collabora­ has been maintained by dividing the rights  of  the  marginalised  people.  He  cau­ vision of social justice. Thus, the title of the
that this carbon budget framework is electricity generation. On reliability, tions can help India avoid the usual working classes of these two regions tioned that democracy would collapse if in­ film  assumes  meaning.  It  inspires  diverse
an excellent tool to understand glo­ frontier renewable energy technolo­ patterns of trade between the North — the North justifying operating coal stitutions  failed  to  do  so.  Ambedkar  dis­ marginalised groups to also stake claims in
bal injustice but to move from there gies  have  managed  to  address  the and  the  South,  where  the  former mines  since  the  South  continues  to agreed  with  the  Marxists  for  undermining modern institutional mechanisms that have
to our ‘right to burn’ is a big leap. It is question of variability of such sourc­ controls  technology  and  the  latter emit more and the South negotiating liberal democratic principles and criticised been governed so far by caste elites. 
like arguing that since India was colo­ es to a large extent and, with techno­ merely  provides  inputs.  And  the for a higher share in carbon budget the  Socialists  for  neglecting  the  political With the expansive rise of the right­wing
nised,  it  has  a  right  to  do  the  same logical  progress,  it  seems  to  be high­employment trajectory that the based  on  the  past  emissions  of  the claims of the ‘lower’ castes and the so­called today, the fairness and legitimacy of state in­
and stopping the country from doing changing for the better. As for the ea­ green path entails vis­à­vis the fossil North. This is a deadlock. The need ‘untouchables’.  He  assumed  that  India’s stitutions are being compromised. The judi­
that is injustice. sy domestic availability of coal, it is a fuel sector may help address the is­ of  the  hour  is  a  global  progressive modern institutions would be accommodat­ ciary and the police are often obliged to fol­
For  development,  do  the  coun­ myth.  According  to  the  Ministry  of sue of surplus labour, even if partial­ agenda that does not pit the working ing of the deprived sections and protect their low the dictates of their political masters and
tries in the global South necessarily Coal, India’s net coal import went up ly.  Such  a  path  could  additionally class of the North against the South social and political interests. serve the interests of the social elites. Also,
need  to  increase  their  share  in  the from  ₹782.6  billion  in  2011­12  to provide decentralised access to clean but the working people of the world Till  the  recent  past,  the  Left  leadership Left­Socialist organisations, except in select
global  carbon  budget?  Thankfully ₹1,155.0  billion  in  2020­21.  India  is energy to the poor and the marginal­ as a whole resisting the global ruling kept a subtle distance from Ambedkar’s pol­ regions, have failed to inspire the poor, vul­
the  answer  is  ‘no’  and  it  does  not among the largest importers of coal ised, including in remote regions of elite in its aggressive and dangerous itical ideas. They viewed the socio­cultural nerable and depressed classes in achieving
come  at  the  cost  of  development, in  the  world,  whereas  it  has  no India. So, it simultaneously address­ model  of  competitive  emissions. symbols of the Dalits as disturbing working­ political  and  economic  transformation.  In
even in the limited sense as develop­ dearth of solar energy. es  the  issues  of  employment,  tech­ Even if one is pessimistic about this class unity. However, it is within the space of such a context, the slogan ‘Jai Bhim’ is mov­
ment is defined generally.  Two, why should the global South nology,  energy  poverty  and path  of  righting  the  wrongs  of  the local Left activism, especially in Tamil Nadu, ing beyond caste/regional ghettos and mobi­
be  aping  the  North  in  the  develop­ self­reliance. past, at the very least, it is better than Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh, that en­ lising marginalised communities, the youth
The question of development ment model it wants to follow? Dur­ the status quo. gagement with the Dalit question began. The and intellectuals to bring about transforma­
One, there is no doubt that economic ing the debates of post­colonial deve­ Types of injustice Left in these States acknowledged the contri­ tive change in social and class relationships.
development  requires  energy  but lopment  in  the  Third  World,  there Three, the framework of addressing Rohit Azad teaches economics at JNU, New bution  of  anti­caste  leaders  like  Jyotiba
Delhi, and Shouvik Chakraborty is a research
that does not translate into energy by were two significant issues under dis­ global injustice in terms of a carbon fellow at the Political Economy Research Phule, Periyar and Ambedkar in building so­ Harish S. Wankhede is an assistant professor at the
burning coal. If there are other clean­ cussion  —  control  over  technology budget is quite limiting in its scope in Institute, Amherst, U.S. cial consciousness among the deprived com­ Centre for Political Studies, JNU, New Delhi


Triumph of the turncoat FROM THE ARCHIVES


Eatala Rajender’s win has caused embarrassment Palace as hotel opposed

to the TRS and given a boost to the BJP
Mr. Tiwari, Leader of the ruling Party in the
Ravi Reddy All  the  while,  Mr.  Rajender City Corporation, assured the House to­day
claimed that he was being framed by [Bangalore, November 10] that the civic bo­
Six months ago, in the election to the the TRS leadership and vowed to take dy  would  not  grant  license  for  converting
Nandigram  Assembly  constituency, on  his  detractors.  After  a  brief  si­ the Bangalore Palace, property of the Maha­
West  Bengal  Chief  Minister  Mamata lence, he joined the BJP. He launched raja of Mysore, into a luxury hotel and shop­
Banerjee  was  defeated  by  Suvendu ‘Praja Deevana (People’s blessing)’, a ping  complex,  as  was  being  proposed.
Adhikari,  who  was  once  her  close padayatra, in Huzurabad constituen­ Moves were afoot to acquire the palace and
aide. A similar scene played out in Te­ cy and reached out to the electorate. the land surrounding it by the Corporation
langana recently. Eatala Rajender, a The  TRS  government,  meanwhile, for converting them into a garden. Replying
close confidante of Chief Minister K. began showering largesse worth hun­ to a question by Mr. Vatal Nagaraj, leader of
Chandrasekhar Rao, fell out with the dreds  of  crores  on  the  constituents the Kannada Chaluvaligars, Mr. Tiwari said
party leadership and resigned from and launched the much­hyped ‘Dalit that the Finance Committee had urged the
his MLA post in June this year. Earlier Bandhu’, a scheme to empower Da­ Commissioner to acquire the property and
this month, he won against the Telan­ lits in micro and small enterprises on prepare an estimate for turning it into a gar­
gana  Rashtra  Samithi  (TRS)’s  Gellu a pilot basis in the constituency. This den. (A project for converting the palace in­
Srinivas  Yadav  in  the  bypoll  to  the did not help the party. to  a  56­roomed  luxury  hotel  and  plans  to
Huzurabad  seat  by  a  majority  of build  a  swimming  pool  and  a  shopping
23,855 votes. This came as a surprise Elbow space in the BJP centre  in  the  sprawling  lawns  were  an­
given the highly charged atmosph­ A soft­spoken Backward Classes lead­ nounced recently.) Mr. Vatal Nagaraj urged
ere in which the election was  held er with a good following in the consti­ the  Corporation  to  acquire  the  palace  and
amid  allegations  of  dis­ tribution of tuency, Mr. Rajender’s latest victory the land belonging to it and preserve it as a
money.  is  bound  to  give  him  some  elbow historical monument which it was.
TRS  working  presi­ space in the BJP. While the bypoll
dent K.T. Rama Rao had turned  out  to  be  a  contest  bet­ A HUNDRED YEARS AGO NOV. 11, 1921
asserted  earlier  that ween  the  TRS  and  Mr.  Ra­
the result would be in jender, the result is bound Frequent transfers.
favour of the party. Gi­ to give a boost to the
ven  this  confidence, BJP which was an in­ It  has  often  been  reported  that  frequent
the  result  is  a  bitter significant  player  in transfers of Professors and Assistant Profes­
pill  for  the  TRS  lea­ the  constituency  till sors causes dislocation of work in any Col­
dership.  The  bypoll now. A senior BJP function­ lege and the charge is substantiated by the
to Huzurabad was the ary  says  that  Mr.  Rajender  will Chief Lecturer in Physics of the Arts College,
fourth  bypoll  in  the carve  out  a  place  for  himself  in  the Rajahmundry  who  states  “During  the  two
State  in  the  last  three saffron  party  ahead  of  2023  as  a years of its course this class (Physics class)
years. The results have been a mixed strong contender for the Chief Minis­ was handled by four or five lecturers in suc­
bag for the TRS. It won the Huzurna­ ter’s post along with State BJP chief cession and the continuity of the effect of in­
gar  and  Nagarjunasagar  bypolls  but Bandi Sanjay and Union Minister G. struction was broken and this, I believe, is
lost  to  the  Bharatiya  Janata  Party Kishan  Reddy.  Though  the  election chiefly the cause for such a low percentage
(BJP) in Dubbak and Huzurabad.  has no bearing on 2023, it has given of success.” Though the Principal, in the re­
the BJP something to boast about. port on the working of the College for 1920­
Switching camps TRS  leaders  are  trying  to  play 21 is not prepared to admit that constant dis­
A series of events beginning May this down the results with Mr. K.T. Rama location of work was the chief cause, yet he
year, around the time when the West Rao  claiming  that  the  outcome  will states that it is fairly obvious that it was one
Bengal  election  results  were  an­ not  have  any  significant  impact  on of the causes accounting for the failures in
nounced,  saw  Mr.  Rajender  being the State’s political scenario. But Mr. Physics. In the interests of students frequent
pushed to a corner. Mr. Rajender, a Rajender’s win is likely to halt defec­ transfers of Professors and Assistant Profes­
six­time  MLA  and  Minister,  was tions  to  the  ruling  TRS  from  other sors ought to be deprecated and in the inter­
stripped of his health portfolio hours parties at least for a brief while. It is ests of Professors and Assistant Professors
after a few beneficiaries of assigned also likely to embolden the disgrun­ themselves at least two years time should be
lands  in  the  Medak  district  com­ tled  elements  within  to  weigh  their allowed to judge fairly the effect of their in­
plained  to  the  Chief  Minister  that options.  struction in any one institution. With regard
their  lands  were  being  encroached Meanwhile, the Congress yet again to  accommodation  and  equipment  the  re­
upon by the Minister for expansion has to find answers to its dismal per­ port states that the question of moving the
of a poultry farm owned by his fami­ formance, an addition to the series of College to a site near the jail has been settled
ly. Two cases were filed on charges of poor results it has seen in the bypolls and the Government have approved the pro­
encroachment  against  him  and  a it has fought since 2019.  posal  to  acquire  certain  lands  for  the  con­
committee of senior IAS officers was struction of the Arts and Training Colleges at
appointed to probe the allegations. an approximate of Rs. 35, 381.
CM @English_epaper_Backup M ND-NDE
THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 2021 follow us:

A much warmer earth Fiscal consolidation Paytm finds buyers COVID­19 rages on Return of the prodigy

total appearances by

2.4 35 250
in degree Celsius, the rise in % is India's gross fiscal million is the number of

is the number of times
global temperature by the deficit in the first half of by which Paytm’s IPO reported COVID­19 former club talisman and
end of this century, even if FY22 as a % of its annual was oversubscribed at infections globally as of ace midfielder Xavi, who
new national pledges to Budget estimate. The Union the close of the final November 9. Cases are has now been named as
tackle climate change are Government consolidated its day of the sale. The still rising in 55 out of the coach of the FC
followed, according to the Climate fiscal position in the first half of FY22 company, which had already raised $1.1 240 countries, with Russia, Ukraine Barcelona team at a difficult moment.
Action Tracker report on Tuesday. “Even by limiting the gross fiscal deficit at billion from anchor investors, received and Greece at or near record levels of This is second only to Lionel Messi's 778
with all new Glasgow pledges for 2030, ₹5.3 trillion. In absolute terms, the $2.64 billion worth of bids for the reported cases since the pandemic appearances for the club. Barcelona
we will emit roughly twice as much in deficit was the lowest in the last four remaining shares on offer. Institutional started. The daily average number of stands a lowly ninth in the Spanish La
2030 as required for 1.5 degree Celsius,” years. It was possible primarily on investors bid for 2.79 times the shares cases has fallen by 36% over the past Liga and is precariously placed in the
the report said, referring to the account of the buoyancy in tax reserved for them, while retail three months, but the virus is still UEFA Champions League. Xavi was hired
aspirational goal for warming since collections. But it also came at the cost investors bid for 1.66 times. infecting 50 million people worldwide as coach after a stint with Qatar's Al
pre­industrial levels set down in the 2015 of lower transfers to the State Loss­making Paytm, formally called every 90 days due to the Delta variant. Sadd football club, where his team was
Paris Agreement. Greenpeace called on Governments and a slow pace of One97 Communications, offers a range By contrast, it took nearly a year to quite successful. Xavi as a player had
countries to agree to update their 2030 expenditure by the Union Government of services such as banking, shopping, record the first 50 million COVID­19 won 32 trophies, second only to Andres
targets. REUTERS itself. CMIE movie and travel ticketing and gaming. cases. REUTERS Iniesta among Spaniards. 



The distant dream of a clear sky

Why has air quality dipped to dangerous levels in north India? What role do the bursting of crackers and the burning of
stubble play in the severely receding air quality?
Jacob Koshy

B When there is adverse
The story so far: Post­Deepavali, Delhi —
and many of the cities in the adjoining
National Capital Region — have been
enveloped in a familiar pall of particulate
matter pollution. The Air Quality Index (AQI)
weather, the effect of key in several cities has breached the 450­mark
sources of particulate on a scale of 500. Anything above 400 is
matter pollutants that are categorised as ‘severe’. 
ever­present through the
year become amplified. How bad is the situation?
Air quality for over a week has been
B The smoke from crackers calamitous in most of north India. With the
as well as the metals they retreat of the southwest monsoon, moisture
contain have been identified levels have reduced and the cold dry air that
as key contaminants.
results from the overall drop in temperature
Stubble burning on
Deepavali also contributes
with the advent of winter starts to settle
to more than 40% of the down. There is also a significant drop in
overall increase in pollution. windspeeds during this time. When
windspeeds are over 10­15 kmph and
B The need for a joint­front
temperatures are warm, fine particulate
has led to the formation of matter rises and is goes into the higher
a Commission for Air Quality recesses of the atmosphere. But once the
Management monsoon retreats, and windspeed reduces,
pollutants take much longer to disperse. The

Farmers in Punjab and Haryana have
been incentivised to abstain from
burning stubble and there are
stringent fines to rein in errant ones.

entire Indo­Gangetic plain, covering large
parts of Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and eastern
Uttar Pradesh, constitutes an air shed,
meaning that roughly the same atmospheric
conditions prevail. Therefore, when there is 38% in barium levels in 2020 compared to Pradesh on a single day — during Deepavali that no State can control pollution in Clearing the smog: Public Works
adverse weather, the effect of key sources of previous years’ levels. However, there has week. Meteorological forecasts, before isolation. But it has been difficult to get all Department workers sprinkling
particulate matter pollution — road dust, been no significant improvement in Deepavali, had said that in spite of a rise in States on board. Farmers in Punjab and water from the tankers to curb
vehicle exhaust from transportation, from particulate matter pollution as many cities stubble burning these fires were unlikely to Haryana have been incentivised to abstain the air pollution in New Delhi
the burning of wood for heat and cooking such as Delhi, Lucknow, Kolkata and Bhopal contribute more than 5% of the pollution from burning stubble and there are stringent last week. R.V. MOORTHY

and from heavy industry — that are recorded a 60% to 80% increase on load. However, on Deepavali, these fires fines to rein in errant ones. However,

ever­present through the year become Deepavali day when compared with that in ended up contributing to more than 40% of implementation on the ground is weak. Only
amplified. previous days of the week. Such a the load. This was because of a change in the a limited fraction — 10­20% — abstain from
measurement does not account for changes wind direction, which, instead of moving burning, primarily because burning stubble
What role do crackers and stubble in meteorological conditions or increased east, turned north­westerly, bringing is the cheapest and easiest option. The fear
burning play? traffic observed during festivals, and with pollutants from stubble­burning States. of political reprisal means that fines are not
The smoke from crackers as well as the crackers being the most discernible variable Coupled with the fact that wind speeds were seriously pursued. However, the need for a
metals they contain such as nickel, lead and that is present during Deepavali, all changes near zero in Delhi, this led to a dramatic joint front has led to the formation of a
arsenic have been identified as key in air quality are usually attributed to increase in particulate pollution. Thus, both Commission for Air Quality Management, a
contaminants. The Central Pollution Control crackers. The burning of stubble, which crackers and stubble add to Delhi’s noxious full­time body with a Chairman, a core group
Board (CPCB) monitors both air and noise poses a unique air pollution challenge in air, but are significantly influenced by the of members and independent experts. 
levels at several places in the country few parts of North India, may end up increasing prevailing meteorology.  A paucity of people, who can enforce
days before and after Deepavali to measure pollution levels on Deepavali. Farm fires this measures on the ground, and the sheer scale
this. Since 2017, when the Supreme Court year were set to peak — and there are nearly What is being done about it? of the problem, which cannot be solved by
imposed restrictions on bursting crackers, 4,000­6,000 recorded instances of burning A major realisation that has come about quick fixes but only through systemic
the CPCB reported a reduction of as much as in Punjab, Haryana and eastern Uttar from years of facing the air pollution crisis is changes, are going to be the key challenges. 


FCRA changes: ease of monitoring vs crippling curbs

What are the new amendments to the Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act, 2010? Why are NGOs moving court against the changes?
transfer the received funds for utilisation. rational link between designating a

K. Venkataramanan
The designated bank will inform particular branch of a bank with the
The story so far: The Supreme Court authorities about any foreign remittance objective of preserving national interest.
has reserved its judgment on petitions with details about its source and the It is also inconvenient as the NGOS might
challenging the validity of amendments manner in which it was received. be operating elsewhere. They have also
introduced in 2020 to the Foreign In addition, the Government is also cited the recent Supreme Court judgment B The FCRA sought to
Contribution (Regulation) Act, 2010, authorised to take the Aadhaar numbers on the alleged use of Pegasus spyware to consolidate the acceptance
aimed at tightening the curbs on NGOs of all the key functionaries of any argue that ‘national security’ cannot be and utilisation of foreign
allowed to receive foreign funds. While organisation that applies for FCRA cited as a reason without adequate contribution and to prohibit
such contributions from
NGOs that have termed the amendments registration or for prior approval for justification.
being used for activities
as harsh and arbitrary, the Government receiving foreign funds. Another change detrimental to national
has argued that its intended to streamline is that the portion of the receipts allowed What does the Government say? interest.
the flow of funds and to enhance as administrative expenditure has been The Government has contended that the
transparency and accountability.  reduced from 50% to 20%. amendments were necessary to prevent
B NGOs questioning the law
foreign state and non­state actors from
consider the prohibition on
What is the background to the 2020 to introduce some new restrictions. that NGOs find too restrictive. An What is the criticism against these interfering with the country’s polity and transfer arbitrary and too
amendments? The Government says it did so because it amendment to Section 7 of the Act changes? internal matters. The changes are also heavy a restriction.
Foreign donations received by individuals found that many recipients were wanting completely prohibits the transfer of NGOs questioning the law consider the needed to prevent malpractices by NGOs
and organisations in India have been in compliance with provisions relating to foreign funds received by an organisation prohibition on transfer arbitrary and too and diversion of foreign funds.
B The Government has
regulated by law since 1976. The Act was filing of annual returns and maintenance to any other individual or association.  heavy a restriction. One of its Preventing possible diversion of funds is maintained that the changes
since repealed and re­enacted with fresh of accounts. Many did not utilise the Another amendment mandates that consequences is that recipients cannot also the reason cited for reducing the are needed to prevent
measures and restrictions as the Foreign funds received for the intended every person (or association) granted a fund other organisations. When foreign administrative expense component, as malpractices by NGOs and
Contribution (Regulation) Act, 2010. The objectives. It claimed that the annual certificate or prior permission to receive help is received as material, it becomes some organisations tended to inflate the diversion of foreign funds.
law sought to consolidate the acceptance inflow as foreign contributions almost overseas funds must open an FCRA bank impossible to share the aid if the actual expenditure incurred.
and utilisation of foreign contribution or doubled between 2010 and 2019. The account in a designated branch of the recipient NGO does not have the means The provision of having one
foreign hospitality by individuals, FCRA registration of 19,000 organisations State Bank of India in New Delhi. All to distribute on its own. Even the court designated bank for receiving foreign
associations or companies, and to was cancelled and, in some cases, foreign funds should be received only in wanted to know whether this means that funds is aimed at making it easier to
prohibit such contributions from being prosecution was also initiated. this account and none other. However, one organisation funding other monitor the flow of funds. The
used for activities detrimental to national the recipients are allowed to open organisations for designated activities is Government clarified that there was no
interest. How has the law changed? another FCRA bank account in any completely prohibited. need for anyone to come to Delhi to open
The FCRA was amended in September There are at least three major changes scheduled bank to which they could Lawyers have argued that there is no the account as it can be done remotely.
CM @English_epaper_Backup S ND-NDE
thursday, november 11, 2021

| II


A literal
melting pot
A discussion on five books
that explain climate change
and the road forward
Sudipta Datta

As  world  leaders  participate  in  the  UN  Cli­

mate Change Conference, hosted by the U.K.
and Italy, from October 31 to November 12, in
Glasgow and initiate steps to mitigate global
warming, we profile five books, which urge
the world to listen to nature. 
In Half­Earth,  Our  Planet’s  Fight  for  Life
FROM THE ARCHIVES (W.W.  Norton  &  Company,  2016),  the  final
book of his trilogy on the environment, noted

Amid a raging pandemic, a
biologist  Edward  O.  Wilson  proposed  that
“only by committing half of the planet’s sur­
face  to  nature  can  we  hope  to  save  the  im­
mensity of life­forms that compose it”. Unless
humanity learns a great deal more about glo­
bal biodiversity and moves quickly to protect

changing fiscal framework 
it, we will soon lose most of the species com­
posing  life  on  Earth,  he  writes.  “The  Half­
Earth proposal offers a first, emergency solu­
tion  commensurate  with  the  magnitude  of
the problem: I am convinced that only by set­
ting aside half the planet in reserve, or more,
can  we  save  the  living  part  of  the  environ­
The Government’s announced fiscal policy stance and the fiscal regime it is running seem contradictory ment and achieve the stabilization required
for our own survival.” The Pulitzer Prize­win­
produce a variety of essential services. With Economic Survey, propose a different viewpoint ning Wilson said setting a goal of protecting

Dipankar Dasgupta
annual output shrinking by an estimated 7.7%, it is altogether. Debt financed fiscal spending, half the earth is necessary because “people
Recently, the Government cut excise duty on straightforward to conclude that unemployment according to them, could well be a driver of understand and prefer goals”.
petrol and diesel by ₹5 and ₹10, respectively, to has risen significantly. And the accompanying growth. It can improve the standard of living of In  her  2021  book,  Under  the  White  Sky
ease inflation and give consumption a boost. In price rise will be the unemployed persons’ worst the entire population, without necessarily (PRH), Elizabeth Kolbert is critical of techno­
B The Economic Survey this piece dated February 24, 2021, Dipankar nightmare. The result will be severe inequality. removing inequality.  logical  interventions  to  bring  nature  back.
proposed that debt financed Dasgupta argues how high tax burdens showed a A Government’s fiscal expenditure, Professor She blames the human species of the Anthro­
fiscal spending could be a contradiction between the Government’s fiscal Changed philosophy Blanchard points out, has stronger multiplier pocene  epoch  of  having  an  unprecedented
driver of growth without policy stance (favouring expenditure to boost As far as shrinkage in output is concerned, it is the effects during recessions than during booms. In power over the planet and yet doing everyth­
necessarily removing growth) and its actual regime (high indirect unavoidable lockdown that needs to be blamed an economic boom, state expenditure may crowd ing  to  take  ecosystems  to  the  brink  of  col­
inequality. lapse. The book, written at a time when the
taxes). Edited excerpts: rather than the Government’s mismanagement of out private expenditure on account of a rise in the
There used to be a time — and this was well the economy. The associated inequalities though interest rate. During recessions, private average global temperature is over a degree
B Noted Economist Olivier before India began to globalise — when each expenditure is low in any case, on account of a Celsius above pre­industrial temperature, is a
Blanchard states that the Union Budget announced sales tax increases on CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC rise in precautionary savings and the grim state of result  of  field  trips  Kolbert  took  to  places
debt­to­GDP ratio can be where the situation is calamitous. The only
tobacco products, especially cigarettes. The According to the Economic Survey, India’s long­term expectations. The Government’s fiscal
prevented from exploding if
demand for cigarettes being somewhat inelastic, expenditure produces positive growth and this in option in these places is a technological inter­
the rate of growth of GDP average interest rate and growth rate over
happens to be higher than the rise in tax was expected to be a shot in the turn can generate a feel good factor for the private vention, which Kolbert is uneasy about. The
the last 25 years (leaving out FY 2020-21) question she asks after each trip is whether,
the sovereign rate of arm for the revenue­starved Government of our sector over time. What will prevent the
interest. poor country. have been 8.8% and 12.8% respectively Government from sinking into a debt trap? after doing so much damage, we can change
India is less poor now, having risen to the rank Professor Blanchard shows that the debt­to­GDP nature to save it.
B Excise duty increases go
of an emerging market economy. Yet, COVID­19 cannot be delinked from policy and, as political ratio can be prevented from exploding if the rate Amitav  Ghosh  has  tackled  the  climate
against the very principle of has ushered in a cataclysm. As opposed to a opponents will argue, COVID­19­linked income of growth of GDP happens to be higher than the question in two books, the just­released The
Blanchard’s argument which Budget estimate of 3.5% for fiscal deficit, the inequities ought to have been addressed through sovereign rate of interest.  Nutmeg’s Curse (Penguin) where he links glo­
emphasises maintainable revised estimates show a 2.7 times larger deficit of higher taxation of the rich. Even though such According to the Economic Survey, India’s bal  warming  to  colonial  policies,  and  The
debt and expenditure as the 9.5% for FY 2020­21. Moreover, a comparison of criticism does not lack wisdom, it appears that the average interest rate and growth rate over the last Great  Derangement (Chicago  University
vehicle of development. the Government’s revised Budget estimates with philosophy underlying the Government’s 25 years (leaving out FY 2020­21) have been 8.8% Press, 2016), where he examines our inability
the original Budget estimates reveals a fall in economic policy framework has changed.  and 12.8% respectively. Hence, Professor to grasp the scale of the problem at the level
receipts from every source of taxation except In this context, it is well worth our while to Blanchard’s condition is satisfied, so that debt of literature, history and politics. “My ances­
excise. The revised Budget shows a rise of pursue Volume 1 of the Economic Survey 2020­21. financing of recession ought not to raise FRBM tors,”  he  writes,  “were  ecological  refugees
₹94,000 crore on account of excise duties alone. Chapter 2 of the document considers the basics of issues involving fear of future taxation to address long  before  the  term  was  invented.”  Ghosh
Presumably, the increase comes from the fiscal policy with reference to Olivier Blanchard’s past debts. The philosophy of the Economic narrates a story he heard from his father: one
much­debated excise duty increases on petroleum 2019 presidential address to the American Survey appears to be that expenditure causes day in the mid­1850s, the great Padma river
and diesel. As far as the Budget documents go, the Economic Association. Professor Blanchard’s view growth, rather than distributional equality.  [now  in  Bangladesh]  suddenly  changed
excise duty rise will hardly compensate for the may appear to run counter to our own Fiscal This, of course, is not to support excise duty course drowning the village and forcing the
huge falls in other tax revenues. It is not Responsibility and Budget Management (FRBM) increases, for it goes against the very principle of inhabitants  to  move  west.  He  says  he  later
surprising, therefore, that despite the excise rise, Act, according to which the fiscal deficit must be the Blanchard argument, which emphasises realised that an energy surrounds us, an all­
the fiscal deficit continues to be higher than the capped under 3.5% or so. The idea underlying the maintainable debt and expenditure as the vehicle encompassing  presence  that  may  have  its
Budget estimate.  prescription was that a fiscal deficit automatically of development as opposed to increased tax own purposes about which we know nothing.
Given the nature of the products on which the transformed to Government debt. Such debts burdens. Therefore, there appears to be a As he researched for a book on the Sundar­
excise duty has gone up, prices of commodities along with their servicing liabilities have a contradiction between the Government’s bans, he jotted down in his notebook: “I do
will rise in general, directly or indirectly. This is tendency to magnify over the years, thereby announced fiscal policy stance and the fiscal believe it to be true that the land here is de­
because all these commodities fall either in the imprisoning Governments in debt traps. This regime it is actually running. But then, Professor monstrably alive…” Portents of change could
category of final goods, which individuals leaves little room for growth enhancing Blanchard’s argument requires the growth rate to be seen in receding shorelines and a steady
purchase for personal consumption, or in the expenditure. exceed the rate of interest, which was not the case intrusion of sea water into lands that used to
category of intermediate goods, which are used to Professor Blanchard, and following him the in FY 2020­21. be cultivated.” If you travel around the islands
of Sundarbans, the villagers always point to­
wards a receding river or at a village which
was either nearer or further away. 
In The Nutmeg’s Curse, Ghosh uses a com­
mon spice – nutmeg, believed to cure plague –
THE DAILY QUIZ to  link  violent  colonial  ambitions  which
Today's quiz is based on newspapers and newspaper editors. erased languages and a way of life to ecologi­
cal devastation. 
“It is worse, much worse, than you think,”
warns David­Wallace Wells in his 2019 book,
1 A former editor of The Hindu, this person was
also the general secretary of Swaraj Party for a
short while in the 1920s and was part of the
4 India's oldest running periodical first started
as a weekly in 1822, ran as a bi­weekly paper
from 1832 to 1855 and has been a daily since. It is
F Name this newspaper that
was started by Mahatma
Gandhi in South Africa in 1903
The Uninhabitable Earth: Life after Warming
(PRH). “We  are  currently  adding  carbon  to
delegation in the Second Round Table Conference published in Gujarati and was set up by a and was later edited by his son the atmosphere at a considerably faster rate,
along with Mahatma Gandhi in talks with the Parsi­Zoroastrian scholar, Fardunjee Marzban. Manilal Gandhi. 
Name the newspaper.
by most estimates, at least ten times faster.”
British in 1931. Name him.

2 The title “Sardar” was not only used to
address the freedom fighter and India's first
Home Minister Vallabhbhai Patel, but another
5 Among the members of the Oversight Board,
created by Facebook to regulate its content
and policies with a mandate to even overturn the
statesman and journalist also. This person was company’s decisions, is a former editor of a
briefly the editor of Hindustan Times and much prominent newspaper. The newspaper, under his
later after Independence, served as the editorship, broke several investigative stories, Please send your answers to
Ambassador to China. Name him. including the Wikileaks’ released Cablegate stories
and the Edward Snowden whistle­blower
Previous day’s answers to the
3 The editor of one of the United States' most
respected and best­selling newspapers for
nearly a decade from 2012 to February 2021, this
revelations. Name the journalist and the
newspaper. daily quiz : 1. Maulana Abul
Kalam Azad, 2. Alexander
journalist was also featured in the Oscar­winning Kerensky, 3. B.N. Rau, 4.
film Spotlight. The film sheds light on an intensive
investigation led by The Boston Globe into H.N.Kunzru, 5. Tukaram Omble,
systematic child abuse by Roman Catholic priests 6. V.R. Krishna Iyer
in the Boston area. Name the journalist who was
Early Birds
also managing editor of The Boston Globe when
the investigations took place. Rahul Panwar | Husain
Zoopdiwala | RahulSai
Veyikandla | Murtuza Qureshi |
Compiled by: Srinivasan Ramani Sidhant Saurav
CM @English_epaper_Backup S ND-NDE

BJP, TRS indulging in petty politics AP should give up its adamant attitude
W ho is right and who is wrong? The
state claims that Centre is not co-
keting season (KMS) 2021-22 till Mon-
day including Telangana benefitting
nal MoU with the State government its
commitment was to buy 40 lakh MT of
cation due to availability of water for irri-
gation, improvement in underground wa-
I t is very surprising to know about the one hour protest by the TDP
cadres against petrol prices. is doesn't serve any purpose. Aer the
Centre cut the petrol and diesel prices, many states volunteered to reduce
operating in purchase of paddy. Centre 11.57 lakh farmers. The paddy procure- rice. When the crop was midway the ter levels etc. But what one cannot agree their VAT in order to give some more relief to consumers. But some states
says farmers across the country includ- ment is progressing smoothly during State government realised that the yield is that farmers in Telangana are very like Andhra Pradesh and Telangana are adamant in this regard for the
ing Telangana benefited in Kharif mar- KMS 2021-22 at MSP from farmers, as could be 108 LMT and hence the centre happy and are buying cars as claimed by reasons well known. In AP, Jagan govt is following the footsteps of their
keting season to the tune of Rs was done in previous years, the union would first fulfil its commitment of buy- the chief minister? predecessor in this regard. Hope the opposition party will act in a wise
41,066.80 crore. government said. ing 40 lakh MT. Can the state refute every day we are seeing reports that manner and play a constructive role to get real benefit to people.
Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao But here the two main political par- this? farmers rue lack of amenities at market Venkata Seshasai Deevi, Narasaraopet
thundered that they will hold massive ties TRS and BJP are locking horns and The Centre also says that the State yards. At enumamula, one of the biggest
rallies in 12 constituencies with lakhs they seem to transgress all limits of de- has given in writing that it will not sell agricultural market in Asia, farmers are
of farmers (No Covid rules apply here) cency as far as the language is con- parboiled rice in future and promised not able to find accommodation in the Judiciary is the saviour
and if need be will go to Delhi and stage
dharna to protect the interests of the
cerned. CM calls BJP leaders ‘dogs’, BJP
leaders says they will put the CM in jail.
‘Touch me and State will be on boil’ re-
to set up rice bran oil mills and upgrade
equipment to fortify rice kernels so that
they do not break into small pieces during
market and surrounding areas. Some
farmers have committed suicide waiting
at the market yards.
A er dragging for a pretty long time, ie. more than two decades,
Uphaar case has reached at an incisive conclusion. Not only the
families of the victims will heave a sigh of relief ; but the verdict will go a
Politically, such statements may en- torts CM. processing. If the State feels that the centre Seeing all this, it appears that the BJP long way making everyone comprehend and discern how dangerous
thuse the rank and file, but such acts Both the parties are in power one at is discriminating against TS and was not and TRS want to keep the poll heat on till could be the tampering of the documents and evidences in a sub-judice
do not lead to resolving any problem. Centre and one in State. Can’t they come speaking truth, what can be a better way ensuing MLC elections under local body case. As any disregard and inadvertence for the law and malfeasance with
Governments holding dharnas sounds straight with facts minus rhetoric and than putting before the people’s court as quota are over. Another scenario could the judicial system can really be perilous, should be sternly dealt with. In
illogical and does not help in any way. present their case effectively before the to what is the reality and how the centre be that the BJP is creating a situation for a country like that of ours only judiciary is the saviour.
The Centre claims that it had procured people and leave it to their wisdom to was cheating the people of the state? TRS to turn against it just as it did with Dr Sunil Chopra, Ludhiana
over 210 lakh metric tonnes (LMT) of decide who is right and who is wrong? Undoubtedly the area under paddy cul- TDP during last general elections and
paddy from 13 states during kharif mar- The Centre says that as per the origi- tivation has increased in TS after bifur- leading to its near decimation.

Sharing knowledge can empower many

TALKING OF classes proved to be triggers that
set off a process of investigation
ment, that come with the work,
with modest remuneration to
more the interesting and useful
things I find. A ‘win – win’ situa-
humanitarian acts, as also for some
of the most unfortunate examples of
MANY THINGS which, in a most rewarding fash- boot. Pleasure and gratification be- tion, as it is called. Not a ‘zero – rivalry, hatred and atrocities in hu-
ion, ended in the discovery of new ing the primary rewards, the mon- sum’ game, as the expression goes, man history.
and exciting vistas of knowledge. etary incentive acts as an optional in which someone has to lose History is it replete with instances
As a matter of fact, I think I can extra, as it were; an incentive to be something in order that someone of religious bigotry leading to blood-
state, without exaggeration that I, thorough and diligent. else gain it. shed and wars as between the Jews
perhaps, learnt much more, in the Living in the digital era, with A cascading process accompa- and Christians, the Christians and
decade that has followed, than all the advantage of having easy ac- nies the act of teaching, with the the Muslims and, in more recent
that I had learnt in the four cess, not only to contemporary teacher retaining intact the shared times, the Hindus and the Muslims
decades earlier. technology, but also devices such knowledge in spite of having etc., strangely, in each instance, both
Another very gratifying out- as mobile phones and computers, passed it on in full to the pupils, sides swore by their respective Holy
come was the manner in which the makes preparatory research much some of whom may, in the future, Books!
Dr Mohan Kanda students’ ability, to analyse case quicker and with far less drudgery. become teachers and repeat the e lives of Mother Teresa, on the
studies (from my own experience From the comfort of one’s home, process. And, as noted earlier, the one hand, and that of Adolf Hitler,

y granddaughter, Gay- on the other, serve as striking exam-
athri, recently told me ples of a similar paradoxical situa-
that she along with two
other classmates had begun to take
tion. Hitler relied on the so called
superiority of Aryan race as the in- Welcome steps by AP, Odisha
lessons for those belonging to jun-
ior classes in her school at Hong
Kong. According to her, she was
spiration for the campaign of perse-
cution and genocide against the
Jews. And faith was the source which
T he meeting held between chief ministers of neighbouring states,
Odisha and Andhra Pradesh to find amicable solutions for long
drawn issues is a right step towards reaching mutual benefits. ese two
not only finding it an interesting guided Teresa in her efforts to spread states share not only borders but also unfulfilled dreams of development,
task, but also a process of learning. the message of peace, joy, love and apart from rich history. e decade old controversy over utilising river
e ‘teachers’ apparently found the compassion while providing succour waters of Vamsadhara could have easily been solved and the available
younger ‘students’ much brighter and help to millions of people. 115 tmc of water could have effectively been utilised with equal share,
than they themselves were at that While I was serving as a Joint Sec- had proposed Neredi barrage been constructed.
stage! retary in (what was then known as) It's good that both parties agreed to form an institutional mechanism
at conversation really set me the Ministry of Agriculture, and at with both chief secretaries at helm to find solution in a time bound man-
thinking. If, at that tender age, the behest of the then Secretary ner.e controversy over thirty one border villages along Andhra Odisha
these girls can begin the process Agriculture Kamal Pande, I started border, the issue of utilisation of eight tmc of janjhavathi river waters,
of sharing the fruits of their expe- an innovation, in the shape of an in- and other issues do need a little bit of cooperation between these two, but
rience with younger people, how ter-division ‘flyer’, called ‘care to will have huge dividends in the form of development. It would be a win
much more of that could be done, share’? It lasted only for a short while. and win situation for both states to continue the dialogue meaningfully.
I asked myself, by people much But, while it did, it proved to be an Dr D V G Sankararao, Nellimarla
older and with far more exposure? effective method, of disseminating
“Shared joy is a double joy; to my colleagues, information re-
shared sorrow is half sorrow” goes garding matters of interest to them, Police still induce fear in public
a Swedish proverb. ere are say-
ings, in almost every language in
the world, conveying the same
which I had picked up from various
sources. And, very oen, the re-
sponses received from them, in
D r. Suravajjula's Moot Point on 'Jai Bhim' (THI,Nov.10) is worth read-
ing, albeit like a movie review, and the quote, 'In order to uphold
democracy, now and then one must be authoritative' is inspiring. In the
spirit. Similar to joy and sorrow Living in the digital era, with the advantage of having easy turn, enriched my knowledge of the days of absurd movies this movie has an introspection into the society
are experience and wisdom. ey subject. and the suffering of the oppressed and the oppressor.
come with exposure and efflux of
access, not only to contemporary technology, but also We are all familiar with the saying Whatever be the form, obviously the police carry the infamous and
time. Always provided, of course, devices such as mobile phones and computers, makes which says that, if you give a fish to notorious image as brutes who stand for custodial deaths. e police
that one is not, as the saying goes, a hungry person, you only give him ethos and ethics have gone into wild and infamous police and politician
’a rolling stone that gathers no preparatory research much quicker and with far less a meal; but if you teach him to fish, nexus is true as we see everywhere. e custodial death of Dalit
moss’! drudgery. From the comfort of one’s home, and without you give him a livelihood, or em- Mariyamma pricks any conscientious citizen. In India aer 75 years of
About ten years aer relinquish- power him with the ability to feed Independence 'Jai Bhim' Ambedkar should be turning in his tomb.
ing office as a Member of the Na- the hassles of travel, one can reach out to a larger number himself, and others, in the future. Dr T Ramadas, Visakhapatnam
tional Disaster Management Au-
thority, (a five year tenure
of people, in a greater number of places, than ever before us, much more can be shared,
than merely concrete and material
following my superannuation from things, such as food or money.
service), I began to mentor young as an administrator, as well as and without the hassles of travel, teacher frequently finds his original Knowledge and experience,
people preparing for the civil serv- those constructed theoretically), one can reach out to a larger num- source of knowledge enriched by when shared, can go that much far-
ices examinations. Soon, what be- improved considerably, as a result ber of people, in a greater number the act of sharing. e same is also ther, and have a more lasting and
gan as a device for filling spare of the process of interaction be- of places, than ever before. true of the sources of wisdom and sustainable impact. A Prophet can
time, (which one finds in abun- tween teacher and pupil. And the Having been a student of math- experience we had discussed in ear- preach, a teacher educate, a trainer
dance aer retirement), became an
absorbing and demanding task.
icing on the cake was that, one was
not doing the whole thing gratis.
ematics, and an aficionado of cos-
mology, I feel that a teacher’s wis-
lier pieces, such as the Holy Books
of religions, the lessons from the lives
impart skills and a philosopher
show the path to enlightenment,
Rather than the pastime, which Not, mind you, that money mat- dom is comparable to the ‘negative and times of great people and leg- to thousands of followers, students
it was originally meant to be, it be- tered anymore. Still, one tended to energy reservoir’ postulated by J.V. ends and sayings in different lan- or trainees, the process enriching
came a passion and a source of im- be that much more serious, and Narlikar and Fred Hoyle in the guages. at once, both giver and taker.
mense satisfaction and happiness. sincere, in preparation, as well as context of their famous (but dis- An unfortunate aspect of this (The writer is former
e most interesting part was that,
all the experience earlier gained,
performance, with the feeling that
one was being compensated for the
carded, later in light of subsequent
developments), Steady State e-
phenomenon we are discussing is
that the qualities of love and hatred
Chief Secretary, Government
of Andhra Pradesh) 
Bommai leaves for Delhi to
and knowledge acquired, notwith-
standing, I had actually begun to
Clearly, people are prepared to
ory of the Universe.
e more you took out of the
also appear to share the same pro-
clivity. Both multiply upon being
(The opinions expressed in this col-
umn are that of the writer.
discuss election strategy
learn much more, in order to be pay for what you know. One can original source, the more it had to shared. e Holy Bible and the Holy The facts and opinions expressed here BeNGALURU: Chief Minister
able to perform effectively. combine the desire to keep active, give. e more I dig into my past Quran, for instance, have been cited do not reflect the views Basavaraj Bommai on Wednesday
Questions that arose during the and the satisfaction, and fulfil- for sharing with the students, the as inspirations the most noble and of The Hans India) le for New Delhi to meet top BJP
leaders and discuss strategies on
elections to the state Legislative

Birthday gift of 50 lakes made

Council. If BJP succeeds in obtain-
ing a majority in the council, it
will create a history.
Bommai is likely to meet up
with the Prime Minister Narendra

Namratha Nandish country’s ‘Alpine Girl’

Modi, BJP President J.P. Nadda
and other top leaders as the elections to 25 seats of the council known as
the upper house is seen as "crucial". Aer the defeat at Hangal Assembly
constituency, the ruling BJP, especially Chief Minister Bommai, wants to
prove his abilities to win elections.

T he 33-year old Namratha

Nandish, who earned the so-
briquet of the 'Alpine Girl' by
problem in her knee, my eyes vir-
tually popped out in surprise, but
all my apprehensions faded on
"During my last visit I suffered
Acute Mountain Sickness (AMS)
as the height was around 13,000 Petrol pumps in K’taka overcrowded
trekking to 50 alpine lakes in
Jammu and Kashmir in a record
time of four months, says it just
seeing her determination.
"Undoubtedly, she is the first
female who has completed 50
feet at Murgan top. But, then my
inner strength and support of
Tahir and my family made me
e ver since the Karnataka government cut fuel prices, vehicle owners
from bordering districts in Kerala and Maharashtra are swarming
petrol pumps in Karnataka as petrol is cheaper by Rs 5 and diesel by Rs 8
started as an idea. lakes in one season as no one has achieve it". a litre in the state. e Kerala and Maharashtra governments have not
Namratha told reporters, been able to achieve the feat of Talking about the hospitality announced any cuts on fuel prices so far.
"Nothing was predetermined. It covering 50 Alpine Lakes in one of the local people, she said, "The
all started with an idea of my season spread across the Kashmir people are so hospitable and
husband, Abhishek who insisted Valley, to the best of my knowl- warm here that I want to spend Meesho most downloaded
on a visit to Srinagar in previous edge", Syed said. more and more time with them.
winters. He wanted to see the Namratha started her expedi- I didn't feel like going as the peo- e-commerce app globally
frozen Dal Lake. tion from the Tulian Lake and ple here made me feel one among BeNGALURU: Homegrown social commerce platform Meesho on
"We started our journey to ended it at Shilsar Lake in Anant- them. Wednesday announced that it has become the most downloaded e-com-
Kashmir Valley on January 26 to aggravate the pain. Back home cal trek leader, who accompanied nag-Kishtwar region of J&K. "Kashmir is a wonderful merce app globally in October 2021. Meesho saw over 57 million down-
and checked into a local hotel. I in Bengaluru, she works as an her to most of the lakes, recalls Recalling her expedition, she tourist destination and involving loads across the App Store and the Play Store from August to October,
had done my homework and had HR manager in an IT company. meeting the 'Alpine Girl'. said, "I have trekked around 460 more and more women as guides 2021, as per App Annie, making it the most downloaded app across all
decided to trek 33 lakes during "Work from home facility due "When I interacted with her kms over 31 days. to trekking groups would defi- categories in India.
the season as a birthday gift to to the pandemic came handy and and she told me about her dream, "I wanted to do only 33 lakes nitely increase the number of
myself. I turned 33 this year". I decided to achieve my goal dur- I normally asked whether she as a birthday gift to myself, but women visitors into the Valley
Arthritis did not deter the re- ing the trekking season in 2020 had any medical condition. then "yeh dil mange more'. I de- and this can become an alterna- Read more at
solve of Namratha although the which started in mid June", she "The moment she told me cided to reach the feat of 50 tive business for the local
cold in the mountains is believed said. Syed Tahir, Namratha's lo- about some kind of an arthritis lakes. women". (Bengaluru edition) @English_epaper_Backup

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Volume XXVII Number 302
NEW DELHI | THURSDAY, 11 NOVEMBER 2021 ratio of total (mostly informal) employment to working
age population was about 2.5 per cent lower in the
July-September quarter of 2021, compared to January

Carbon tariffs 2020, and about 4 per cent lower than in 2017-18, itself
a very bad year for the employment and labour force
participation. Furthermore, both CMIE data and var-
India’s attitude at the WTO needs to be constructive ious micro surveys indicate that average earnings
amongst the re-employed were significantly lower

he 12th Ministerial Conference of the World Trade Organization (WTO) than in pre-Covid times.
is fast approaching. It is to be held from November 20 onwards in Various organisations (such as Azim Premji
Geneva, and will focus on a new agreement regarding fishing sub- University and Pew Research Centre) have estimated
sidies; progress on pandemic-related intellectual property issues and sharp increases in the number of India’s poor as a
trade restrictions; and questions on how to incorporate climate change-related result of the Covid shock, ranging from 75 million to
issues into trading norms. Of course, broader questions about WTO reform, over 200 million at different points in 2020-21. Because

Dualism and its

of differences in definitions, timing and coverage, it is
including fixing the broken dispute settlement system, will never be off the
difficult to compare and assess these estimates. One
radar. India is being seen as a broad impediment to addressing many of these
can perhaps conjecture that if the national poverty
questions; the WTO’s secretary-general visited New Delhi last month, and ratio was about 23 per cent in 2017-18, it might well
United States Trade Representative Katherine Tai is to visit in the next few

have shot up to 30-35 per cent in 2020-21, with sharper
days to relaunch the US-India Trade Policy Forum after a four-year gap during increases in rural poverty rates than urban. But such
the Donald Trump administration in Washington. Ms Tai will reportedly seek conjectures would have to await validation (or rejec-
to mend fences with India on issues as wide-ranging as digital policies, tariffs, tion) through large sample surveys of household con-
and regulatory barriers; if progress is achieved, India might well be re-admitted sumption. Qualitatively, it is clear that poverty
to the crucial Generalised System of Preferences programme, which would Employed vs jobless, formal vs informal, urban vs rural—the increased greatly during the ongoing tragedy of Covid
allow barrier-free access to US markets for Indian exporters. Environment- and the associated lockdowns, with many millions of
related trade questions may also be on the agenda. pandemic has exacerbated the divide, with lasting non-poor slipping into poverty.
Thus, in these fundamental dimensions of income
The intransigent attitude of Indian trade negotiators might be in line with
historical precedents but does not take into account a changed world, new
consequences for the economy and consumption, Covid has substantially sharpened
economic dualism in India. It has also quite clearly
technology, and the possible benefits of greater market access. The question of

ndia has been characterised by significant eco- 12 and 2017-18 recorded by the official, published worsened economic dualisms associated with
incorporating environmental concerns into trading rules is a perfect example nomic dualism and disparities over many years. employment/labour force surveys for those years. employed vs jobless, formal vs informal, urban vs rural
of an issue where greater imagination and initiative are required from the The fundamental divide between the income, These showed a tripling in overall unemployment as and asset-rich vs asset-poor. It has also hurt education
Indian bureaucracy. For decades, India — alongside other developing econ- wealth and life chances of the rich minority versus well as in youth unemployment rate and a massive deeply, with greater damage to the non-rich, who have
omies — has opposed the incorporation of labour or environmental standards those of the far more numerous poor households is decline in female labour force participation. been unable to participate effectively in various chan-
into multilateral trading rules. This was for good reason, as these could translate a result of several other dimensions of economic Then came the Covid pandemic and the nation- nels of online education as schools and colleges have
into protectionism by rich nations with higher such standards. But the world dualism, including: Urban vs rural; formal vs infor- wide lockdown imposed in late March 2020, which struggled to revive education.
has moved on since the contentious GATT negotiations decades ago. Lowering mal; land (and other assets)-owning vs landless; led to the April-June 2020 quarter GDP plummeting The substantially increased economic dualism in
employed vs jobless; well-educated vs ill-educated; by 24 per cent and the full fiscal year GDP dropping our already dualistic economy is likely to exert lasting
tariffs on crucial environmental goods — such as, say, solar panels — to zero
and rich vs poor states. Overlaying these largely eco- by 7.3 per cent, according to official (probably opti- negative influences on our economic and social tra-
may well not be in India’s interests and those of other emerging economies.
nomic dimensions of disparity are social ones such mistic) estimates. This was associated with unem- jectory in the medium and long run. These might
But the broader claim that sustainability has no role to play in the trading as high caste vs low caste, majority ployment soaring above 20 per- include a reduced potential for economic growth; the
architecture is insupportable in the age of climate crisis. The high political Hindus vs minority Muslims and cent in April and May and labour persistence of a very weak employment and poverty
leadership will have to remind India’s negotiators that the national interest is males vs females. Economic dual- force participation also declining situation; rising social and political discord; and height-
wider than they imagine. This was, after all, what happened at COP26. ism is obviously multi-dimensional, sharply, cumulating to over 100 ened vulnerability to geopolitical challenges.
The fact is that, unless India is in the room where these decisions are with the trends in the various million people losing their liveli- There are no easy solutions to these problems.
being made, they will be made without India’s interests in mind. Consider dimensions changing over time. hoods in those months, according But economic and social policies can clearly ame-
the question of “border adjustment” mechanisms, which essentially put a Broadly speaking, the acceleration to data from the Centre for liorate the situation. The central focus of remedial
tax on the implicit carbon emissions in imports. The European Union has of economic growth and structural Monitoring the Indian Economy policies has to be the expansion of job opportunities
already moved towards imposing such a tax, which may become a fait accom- change since the 1980s reduced the (CMIE). The loss of jobs and earn- in both the formal and informal segments of the
minimally defined headcount ratio of ings was disproportionately economy. Higher rates of employment will raise
pli whatever India’s position at the WTO would be. Other markets will inev-
absolute poverty from above 50 per focused on the non-agricultural incomes and consumption, possibly with a positive
itably follow suit, and India will be left out in the cold. This is a sub-par out- cent in the 1970s to around 20 per cent informal sector, comprising casual feedback loop, reduce poverty and strengthen over-
come. India’s negotiators need to be primed with facts and figures regarding
the structure of fuel taxes in India and the implicit price of carbon this
in 2011-12, the last year for which offi-
cial poverty estimates based on large
A PIECE OF labour and small and micro enter-
prises in manufacturing and serv-
all economic growth. In broad terms, the best ways
of increasing employment are well-known. They
implies. They should also present positive and constructive suggestions sample surveys of household con- MY MIND ices and contact-intensive service include: Strengthening rural employment guarantee
about how such national taxation can fit into a broader trans-national carbon sumption expenditure conducted by SHANKAR ACHARYA sectors generally (both formal and programmes; encouraging labour-intensive man-
pricing scheme. Just saying “no” at the WTO will not pay India any dividends. the National Sample Survey are pub- informal) including retail trade, ufacturing for both domestic and external markets
It must strive to turn the conversation to its advantage. licly available. A survey of household hospitality, travel and tourism. The through better policies; enhancing learning out-
consumption was done by the National Statistical phased lifting of the national lockdown from June comes in schools and overall skill-development;
Office (NSO) in 2017-18 but the results were not pub- facilitated a fairly swift recovery of output in many removing regulatory impediments to employment

Fencing farm risks lished. Newspaper reports based on a leaked version sectors, especially among the larger, more formal
indicated substantial increases in rural poverty in sev- enterprises. Official data suggests recovery of
eral major states and an overall increase in the poverty quarterly GDP to the pre-Covid levels by the end of
expansion in all areas; strengthening programmes
for public health and basic health care; raising the
national tax to GDP ratio to undertake more expen-
Ways must be explored to ensure reasonable returns ratio for the first time in four decades. This was not at 2020, only to be followed by another plunge during diture on public goods like education, health, roads
all surprising given the slow economic growth in the the second Covid wave of March-June 2021, and and some other forms of infrastructure; and, of

ven as the international prices of agricultural commodities are ruling last years of the United Progressive Alliance govern- again followed by a smart recovery thereafter. course, improving the business climate to nurture
high, the freshly harvested summer (kharif) crops in India are selling ment and twin shocks of demonetisation in late 2016 However, the recovery in jobs and earnings was higher private investment.
at below the government-fixed floor prices. The official farm prices and the painful transition to goods and services tax in much slower, especially in the preponderant informal
data for October indicates that most kharif crops were traded, on aver- 2017-18. Furthermore, a rise in the poverty rate was sector, accounting for around 85 per cent of national The writer is honorary professor at ICRIER and former chief
entirely consistent with the well-documented sharp employment. So, while India’s stock markets enjoyed economic adviser to the Government of India.
age, up to 33 per cent below their respective minimum support prices (MSPs).
deterioration in employment conditions between 2011- an extraordinary boom and unicorns proliferated, the Views are personal
Cotton and sugarcane were among the only few exceptions. The rates of some
oil-bearing crops like groundnut and soybean also tended to look up in recent
months, but the trend was blunted by the government by gradually lowering

Labouring under illusions

the basic import duty on key vegetable oils.
True, the decline in the prices of farm products in the post-harvest peak
marketing season is not unusual, but this has attracted greater notice this year
in view of the ongoing agitation by the farmers. Legally guaranteed MSPs is one

of the two main demands of the protesters; the other being the annulment of urgaon, the city that accounted for a signifi- raphies many time zones away, creating the begin- state does not have an unemployment problem.
the three new controversial farm laws. The softening of farm prices, though cant amount of Haryana’s GDP long before it nings of the bustling, chaotic urban agglomeration. Combating CMIE’s data that showed an unemploy-
conducive to keeping inflation down for the benefit of consumers, denies fair became Gurugram, is unlikely to see an Unlike the well-planned, well-lit, manicured Noida, ment rate of 35.7 per cent for the state, Manohar Lal
immediate mass exodus of businesses following the the eastern extreme of the area designated the National Khattar claimed the correct figure was 9 per cent. And
returns to the growers, thus, disturbing the much-desired balance between the
notification of this troublesome law mandating 75 Capital Region, Gurgaon offered a view of the extremes if, according to him, the fact that many employed
interests of the consumers and producers. It also affects farm incomes, which per cent of locals in private enterprises from January of new India. Singapore-style glass and concrete struc- youth registered on the exchanges for better jobs, the
determine the rural demand for goods and services. 15 next year. That’s because the law applies to new tures soared on roads that reflected Gurgaon’s recent real number would be 4-5 per cent.
The situation, as it exists today, has put the very concept of support prices hires earning up to ~30,000 and having lived five years status as a village. Grid power remains so problematic So if there is no employment problem as such, then
in the dock. What is the point in routinely announcing — and even regularly or more in the state. But with the example of another that no self-respecting facility comes up without a gen- the labour reservation imposition on the private sector
hiking — the MSPs for over 20 crops if these are to remain only on paper? The vibrant metropolis that declined on erator. Near non-existent public is redundant. If it is aimed at Jat youth who have been
national agricultural situation report, released by the National Statistical Office the back of a headlong flight of cap- security has meant that exclusionary demanding inclusion in Other Backward Class to gain
recently, shows that only 24.7 per cent of the total crop produce is traded at ital, Calcutta before it became gated communities pushing up government jobs, it is even more pointless. These
higher than the official benchmark prices. Such a state of affairs is avoidable, Kolkata, it is possible to imagine a against the slums whose denizens youth, erstwhile agriculturalists facing diminishing
especially given that over half the country’s total households rely fully or partly similar future for the millennium city serve them have become the leitmo- returns from shrinking land inheritances, are unlikely
from here on out. tif of the city. to work in the factory, clerical, wait-staff or menial jobs
on agricultural income for their livelihood. Besides, the government is commit-
Militant labour policies com- Yet, against the odds, unlike implicit in the salary cut-off of the reservation law.
ment-bound to ensure 50 per cent profit to the growers over their paid-out costs
pounded a poor security environ- orderly Noida or the functional dis- Still, any new outfit setting base in the state or one
and the imputed value of family labour (A2+FL formula). ment for capital in West Bengal and cipline of Chandigarh, it’s Gurgaon that’s looking at expanding will have to waste time try-
No doubt, the demand for making MSP a legal right cannot be conceded. It encouraged the business community that attracts the big names from ing to find locals to fill these jobs or convince a state
is neither practical nor economically feasible. The government cannot be to relocate, taking with it that unique around India and the globe, inspector that they cannot find them. When Gurgaon’s
expected to purchase the entire marketable produce at the MSP. Nor can private progressive multiculturalism that is recording more foreign presence weak infrastructure is factored in, the attractions of
trade be mandated to do so. But denial of reasonable returns to the farmers is feted nowadays in a thriving cottage
industry of nostalgia on social media.
SWOT per square km — corporate and res-
idential — than any other city in
Delhi and Noida as attractive alternative options will
suddenly grow. Worse, when the policy will inevitably
also economically unfair and socially ill-advised. Ways and means need to be
explored to ensure reasonable returns for the farm produce. From this viewpoint, Labour policies in the shape of a KANIKA DATTA India. Migrants from all over India make little difference to local employment, expect
it may be worth considering the resurrection of the farmers’ income protection new hiring law is likely to provoke a crowded in for jobs from the most riots of the kind that saw Indian citizens from the east
scheme, floated in 2018 but set aside without giving it a fair trial. Named imagi- similar exit of capital from Gurgaon. menial to most sophisticated, adding to its dyna- fleeing Mumbai and Bengaluru not so long ago.
The development of Haryana’s golden goose has mism. That has brought in its wake the boom in Gurgaon has suffered the depredations of state gov-
natively the Pradhan Mantri Annadata Aay Sanrakshan Abhiyan (PM-ASHA),
thrived despite reflecting all the worst contradic- goods and services. Where upscale restaurants first ernment policy in the past. In the late nineties, it was
the scheme was aimed essentially at hedging the growers’ marketing risks. It tions of post-liberalisation India. It isn’t the state opened in Delhi and then followed with Gurgaon prohibition that cost the state so much revenue that it
had three components, two of which still seem worth trying after suitable capital but it is certainly its principal city, contrib- branches, the sequence is often reversed now. brought down a government. In the early noughties it
revamping. These include procurement-based market intervention by public uting the bulk of the state’s revenues. Its proximity This fin de siècle scenario is very much a pre-Covid- was a chief minister who appropriated Gurgaon’s reve-
sector agencies in select areas for key crops, as is being done today; and the to the National Capital and the booming real estate 19 phenomenon. Today as the glittering facades of nues for his own constituency, which cost the city
price deficiency payment system to recompense farmers for the shortfall in expansion led by DLF created a bustling metropolis Cyber City echo with the emptiness of employees still decent civic infrastructure. Somehow, none of this
price realisation compared with the “model prices” based on region-specific by default. Here, where decent-sized property could working from home, malls struggle to attract footfalls made a material difference to the hectic pace of cor-
production costs. Unless some workable mechanisms are evolved to make farm- be acquired without the cumbersome power-of and massive towers along the newer reaches of the porate activity. But constraining the private sector’s
ing economically viable, it may be hard to pacify the irate farmers. attorney route and sky-high costs of a New Delhi city lie empty, stoking jobs and demand should be the right to hire freely could well be the coup de grace . As
realty deal, foreign companies set up their back first thing on the mind of the state government. Yet with Calcutta/Kolkata, it will probably take a decade
offices and IT-enabled services hub to serve geog- two months ago, Haryana chief minister claimed his for Gurgaon/Gurugram to feel the difference.

The humane factor content is based on his experiences and

lessons from turning around Best Buy, a
retail company in America, between 2012
Many Indian firms need a
turnaround. Unlike standard turnaround
literature, Mr Joly advocates an
formula—to me, a “patented Tata
formula” — may work for Air India!
Mr Joly explains how he had to
One last reference from the Joly
book: What happens if the majority
shareholder has disagreement or
and 2019. The ideas espoused are in the intriguing algorithm: “Always start with reorient his own mind to a new way of unhappiness with the direction of the
company’s initiatives — creating genre of Good to Great, Conscious people, always end with people, and thinking when he heard Jean-Marie company as seems to be happening in
employment, reskilling staff, delivering Capitalism and Firms of Endearment. generate human energy.” He exemplifies Descarpentries, CEO of Honeywell ZEEL-Invesco and Dish-Axis cases?
fair incomes to people, while greatly The author asserts, “I firmly believe his mysterious statement through his Bull, explain his winning approach. Dick Schulze, the founder of Best
expanding economic activity. Did I that it is business’s business to get experiences at Best Buy. One surprise—the purpose of a Buy, retired in 2012 after the then CEO
serve the nation? Of course, despite any involved in societal issues.” Imagine corporation is not had been fired. As the majority
mean-mouthed minister thinking Community and CSR activity? Yes, applying the Joly to make money — shareholder, Mr Schulze wished to
BOOK REVIEW otherwise. Maybe, I even contributed sure. What happens in the formula to Air India THE HEART OF A
and a bigger mitigate his concerns by taking the
more than many others. Having worked unbelievable reality of India is as Tata gets ready to surprise, focus on company private. This accelerated the
R GOPALAKRISHNAN 50 years in Unilever and Tata, I may be different: If a firm runs a public occupy the pilot’s Author: people first, decline in share prices, apart from
pardoned for thinking, like Alfred campaign showing an inter-religious seat. The pink Hubert Joly business second creating disruption to morale.

umans yearn for a simple world. Marshall did in 1910, that “if India had a marriage, or a same-sex relationship or papers want to know Publisher: and finance last! As the new CEO, Mr Joly writes, “A
The reality is that we coexist with score or two of men like Mr Tata, India uses an Urdu expression for a Hindu about the plans for HBR Press What if these company fighting with its majority
opposites: The humble and the would soon be a great nation.” festival, then from the dark recesses of rationalisation, ideas were applied shareholder seemed crazy to me.” So, he
pompous, the good and the bad, the Hubert Joly’s new book, The Heart of obscurantism, there emerge forces and aircraft Pages: 304 to the Air India met Dick Schulze, schmoozed with him
greedy and the generous. According to Business, is of the goodie variety. It is voices that disapprove, threaten, and refurbishment, Price: ~1,250 turnaround? The until Mr Schulze softened. After
the Chinese, those who conquer the about how corporate leaders can create damage that firm’s property? Recall a route optimisation, current loyal but establishing a relationship, Mr Joly drew
opposing yin-yang, conquer the world by humane and passionate companies, public functionary in Madhya cost cutting, badly bruised the line of control with Schulze, “I am
combining complementarity between which, as a byproduct, achieve Pradesh, shamefully and openly retrenchment, and employees may really good at taking input, but I am
opposing forces. impressive growth and great profits. disapproving of a company’s other blood sports. What if the Tata plan initially be stunned, curious thereafter, terrible at taking directions, as, I suspect,
Research on corporate goodies and Unfortunately, do-good stories interest advertising approaches; worse still, he is to start the turnaround with people, and hugely energised to make a tidal you are.” By the time Hubert Joly retired
baddies abound. Opinion is divided people less than baddie stories. Look at gets away with his shenanigans end with people, and, in the process, wave of the turnaround efforts. Time in 2019, the total shareholder return to
between two extremes: One is that all the Netflix menu of offerings, or, for that because his chief minister would not generate human energy? In a sense, that will tell. When I took over as Chairman shareholders was 335 per cent compared
corporations are greedy bloodsuckers, matter, a morning newspaper anywhere. speak up. Such reality tests Mr Joly’s has been the Tata DNA for over a century, of Unilever Arabia, the first to 104 per cent for Standard & Poor’s.
and another is that corporations are a In an insanely bad-deeds world, conviction so far as India is concerned. isn’t it? However, left-brained, analytics- appointment I made was not the It has been a delight to review
positive force for human good. During Mr Joly’s book stands out—to me, like a Mr Joly is right, but which firm wants driven commentators could find such Operations or Marketing Director, it this book and taste the soft
my career, I have been involved with my lone candle in a dark room. Much of the to risk damage to its properties? human-driven gibberish as soft. The Joly was the Human Resources Director! marshmallow inside. @English_epaper_Backup @English_epaper_Backup @English_epaper_Backup
6 comment & analysis the daily guardian
thurs day | 11 november 2021
new delhi


Students’ mental health

concerns amid the pandemic
WHO stated that 20% of children and adolescents suffer from a disabling mental illness
worldwide. Epidemiological studies from India suggest nearly 10-15% of those aged 16 or below
suffer from a diagnosable psychiatric disorder. Pandemic has just added to the woes.
tal illness worldwide. Epide- vide room and scope for
miological studies from In- interventions at all levels of
dia suggest nearly 10-15% of the schooling span. There’s
those aged 16 or below suffer a need to train manpower in
opinion from a diagnosable psychiat-
ric disorder. Suicide rates in
school for child/adolescent
mental health at various
Indian adolescents appear to levels of schooling especial-
DR SURAVI SHARMA KUMAR be several-fold higher than ly the teachers and student
anywhere else in the world peer groups on screening
accounting for 25% of deaths and preventive aspect of the
in boys and 50-75% deaths in mind management.
post COVID mental wellbe- girls aged 10- 19 yrs. The government agencies
ing that would bring in its Schools have an unprec- and NGOs have an impor-
much-needed presence to edented opportunity to tant role to play in advocacy,
in-person schooling. These improve the lives of young awareness and comprehen-
policies were needed all the people and the authori- sive and continuous training
more when the highly infec- ties should recognize this of man power for the wellbe-
tious variants are still doing strength of schools as a ing of the future generation.
the rounds and the corona- change-maker in the young As a powerful socializing
virus seems likely to become world. It is progressively agent schools play a crucial
a permanent feature of life becoming necessary to ex- role in the transformation
which in most likelihood will pand their role in providing of cognitive, linguistic and
Schools have an unprecedented opportunity to improve the lives of young people and the authorities should recognize this strength
push and pull the school life services for overall devel- of schools as a change-maker in the young world. psychosocial competencies
years to off and online mode opment and wellbeing. Au- and creating happy, healthy

irtually every school every now and then. thorities governing schools and harmonious schools
in the nation closed Our kids have come out must recognize and respond What students missed during Covid-19 waves are not only for mental health wellness
in March 2020, re- of the toughest times on the to the diverse mental well- of children, who are crucial
placing in-person school- planet and have been doing ness needs of the students academic classes but, sports activities, field trips, musical demographic dividend and
ing with online piecemeal the best they possibly can, accommodating both differ- activities, while handling anxiety and economic precarity all the most important national
education programmes. physically and mentally, for ent styles/rates of learning asset.
The learning setbacks over the little time they’ve been and different states of men- throughout. Now, they must leap into the future, with the school’s Lastly, about policy and
the last one and half years on this earth. Now that the tal health they’re in. Thereby practices of mental health,
range from grave for all kids are returning to school, ensuring not only quality
help. We now need professionals or trained personnel to teach India is yet to develop a
groups of students to cata- we must know that the role education but guiding them the children ways to improve their moods/minds— practicing comprehensive approach to
strophic for poor children. of schools need to be reimag- develop mental resilience school mental health promo-
As a parent of two school ined and enhanced. School to counteract stressors of yoga, meditation and most importantly teach them the concept tion. Currently child mental
going kids, from the start I in a student’s life is not just life; and these all should be health policy is non-existent
have felt that the elected of- academic, it’s also about enabled through an appro-
and ways to bring in mental resilience to stressors of life. in spite of the dire conse-
ficials had been more con- overall development— life priate curriculum, teaching quences of the COVID times.
cerned about reopening skills, social and emotional strategies and resource sup- The five year plans until re-
bars and restaurants than intelligence. The COVID port. leap into the future, with the mental resilience to stressors There’s a need for a mis- cently, have set aside only a
Photo by Anna Shvets for
safely reopening schools that control measures have tak- What students missed school’s help. We now need of life. Schools should make sion/drive to provide help to Pexels. few crores for mental health
hold the futures of millions en a toll on the children, and during COVID waves are professionals or trained available a space within middle and high-schoolers of the entire country with the
of children in their hands. we have the mental health not only academic classes personnel to teach the chil- the school premises where deal with challenges and the damage kids have suf- child’s mental health pro-
This continues to be pain- statistics from WHO which but, sports activities, field dren ways to improve their youngsters can immediately build social connections. fered during the pandemic. motion receiving a very low
fully evident as the states paints a bleak picture. trips, musical activities, moods/minds— practicing find a counsellor or trained Community programs of Schools have the role and priority. Lot of complexities
enter yet another pandemic WHO stated that 20% of while handling anxiety yoga, meditation and most adult to talk with who can both government and non- opportunity to contribute exist in multiplicities of laws
school year without enforc- children and adolescents and economic precarity all importantly teach them the identify problems such as govt agencies must mobi- to development of children related to mental health and
ing public health policies for suffer from a disabling men- throughout. Now, they must concept and ways to bring in depression and anxiety. lize helping hands to repair and adolescents and pro- the associated disabilities.


Delhi meeting sent out ‘hanDs off afghanistan’ message to Pak, China
An interesting endorsement the two coordinated the eration and coordination” given by the NSA meeting to walk into Afghanistan in
of the regional security move, especially since the among these countries to to a United Nations role in the name of providing aid
meet on Afghanistan, held very next day, on Thursday, ensure a “peaceful, secure Afghanistan assumes im- and building the BRI, and in
in New Delhi on Wednes- China is scheduled to attend and stable Afghanistan”. portance. the process turn that coun-
day, came from unexpected a meeting being hosted by There was strong condem- As for China, it is obvious try into their vassal state,
quarters—from the Tali- Pakistan on Afghanistan. nation of terrorism and that the countries that par- whose sole reason for exis-
ban. Taliban spokesperson The meeting is also being consensus that Afghan ticipated in the New Delhi tence is to provide tribute to
Zabihullah Mujahid told the attended by the US, Russia territory should not be meeting recognise that the the “emperor” in Beijing.
media in Kabul that their and a representative of the used for sheltering, train- Chinese are getting into The NSA meeting also has
“Islamic Emirate” was op- Taliban government. ing, planning or financing Afghanistan to serve their to be seen in the context of
timistic about the regional In fact, information is any terrorist activities; that own interests—to ensure the meeting in Islamabad
meeting being hosted by that attempts were made there should be “collective that the Uyghur militants the very next day, which is
India. He said this even by the Chinese side to dis- cooperation” against “radi- operating from the north- one way of telling the US
though the Taliban gov- suade Russia from partici- calisation, extremism, sep- ern parts of Afghanistan in particular that without
ernment was not invited pating in the meeting and aratism and drug traffick- do not foment trouble in Pakistan there cannot be
for the meeting, as India thus stop Afghanistan’s ing”; that any government Xinjiang province, home to peace in Afghanistan. It is
and the other countries Central Asian neighbours, in Afghanistan should be China’s Uyghur population; also an attempt to send out
attending the meeting do on whom Russia has a inclusive, with represen- Prime Minister Narendra Modi meets the NSAs of seven countries including five Central Asian and to extract the $1 trillion the message that the Delhi
tation from “major ethno- countries, Russia and Iran, in New Delhi on Wednesday. National Security Adviser Ajit Doval worth mineral reserves that meeting is at best a side-
not recognise the “Islamic huge hold, from visiting chaired the Regional Security Dialogue on Afghanistan. ANI
Emirate”. It looks like that New Delhi. The plan was political forces”; that the Afghanistan has including show, and the “big boys”
even the Taliban, at least in clear—to ensure that no Afghan population, which quite open about the role Minister. Observers will not ing of Pakistan and their possibly the world’s largest will be in Islamabad. How-
public, are unwilling to toe one participated and thus is facing a humanitarian cri- it played in defeating the easily forget the trips that “overtures” to India asking deposit of lithium, which is ever, the Islamabad meeting
the Pakistani—and thus India was humiliated. But sis, should be provided with United States in Afghani- the ISI chief, Faiz Hameed, Delhi to resume commercial the most important min- may have attendance, but
automatically Chinese— the fact that Russia and the help in an “unimpeded, di- stan by using the Taliban. undertook to Kabul to calm flights to that country, apart eral needed for batteries will it be able to chart out a
line that India does not Central Asian republics, as rect and assured manner”. Its role in harbouring and things down after the clash from reinstating scholar- for IT devices. China has road map for peace? How-
matter in Afghanistan. The well as Iran participated in Importantly, the joint nurturing the Taliban on its between the followers of ships for Afghan students, offered $31 million in aid to ever much the arsonist may
meeting hosted by National the conference, proves that statement emphasised on own territory has been an Baradar and Sirajuddin would not have gone down the Taliban government. It claim to be the firefighter, it
Security Adviser Ajit Doval they are willing to carve a the need to have “respect open secret; or how it pro- Haqqani, in which Bara- well with GHQ. Whether is not known how much of will still remain the arson-
saw participation from Ta- foreign policy independent for sovereignty, unity and vided the Taliban with both dar himself was injured; or not India decides to have that aid reached the people ist. Left to Pakistan, and
jikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Ka- of Chinese-Pakistani inter- territorial integrity and men—read, terrorists—and while also ensuring that diplomatic relations with of Afghanistan. The cash China, Afghanistan will
zakhstan, Uzbekistan and ests and influence. It also non-interference in its materiel to fight the Afghan Pakistan’s “proteges” get the Taliban government in starved Taliban, who ap- become an even bigger se-
Turkmenistan, apart from showed that they believe (Afghanistan’s) internal af- government, and later the important portfolios in the the future will be a matter of parently do not even have curity threat not only to the
Russia and Iran. Pakistan that there is no solution to fairs”. It was a message to Resistance force at Pan- Taliban government. From discussion and debate, but fuel to run their vehicles, region, but also to the rest of
did not participate, with its the Afghanistan problem both Pakistan and China to jshir valley. In fact, post the all accounts, the govern- at present it should try and have been saying that China the world. It is to pre-empt
NSA, Moeed Yusuf dismiss- without India playing a stop treating Afghanistan as fall of Kabul on 15 August, ment in Kabul is controlled provide humanitarian aid to is one of their most impor- such a situation that New
ing the possibility of attend- part in bringing peace to their backyard to nurture Pakistan went to the extent by the Haqqanis, and is the people of Afghanistan tant allies and have been Delhi hosted the security
ing the meeting by stating “a that war-torn country. terrorists and use it for their of derailing the US choice thus under the thumb of and take the lead in ensur- largely silent about China’s meet and found resonance
spoiler (India) cannot be a The message from the own strategic goals. That for Prime Minister, Mullah Rawalpindi General HQ. ing that the aid is distrib- ill-treatment of the Muslim from other countries in the
peacemaker”, while China Delhi meeting was clear: the Taliban are in power in Baradar, apart from install- However, there is also spec- uted under international Uyghur population. It is region.
stayed away citing schedul- that there should be “close Kabul today is because of ing its pet terrorist, Sirajud- ulation that the Taliban supervision. It is in this expected that the Chinese
ing problems. Obviously, consultation, greater coop- Pakistan, which has been din Haqqani as the Interior are not completely trust- context, that the emphasis will take this opportunity Joyeeta Basu @English_epaper_Backup
t h e su nday gua r dia n
t h u r sday | 11 nove m b e r 2 0 2 1
new de l h i legally speaking 7
Crime & soCiety

of female foetiCide and its

Causes in india WHAT’S WOMANISH
will have a separate family.
3) There’s a belief that the
medical conditions, infringe
the right to revocation and
meaning of this section.
4)Section 313. Causing
or causing it to die after its
birth, and does by similar
FOETICIDE? son will carry the name of As we all know that wom- the right to health, which Miscarriage without wom- help that child from being
Womanish foeticide is the the family in future still the anish foeticide is a crime radiate from right to life as an’s consent born alive, or causes it to
analysis procedure of revocation to
terminate womanish fetus
girl has to carry the hubby’s
and social wrong for the
future of women. Hence,
guaranteed under Compo-
sition 21 of the Constitution.
Whoever commits the of-
fence defined in the last an-
die after its birth, shall, if
similar act be not caused in
from the womb of the mama 4) This is a prestige issue we should notice the causes Right to revocation is a spe- tedating section without the good faith for the purpose of
TRIPTI BHUSHAN before taking birth after the in society for parent and for womanish foeticide in cies of right to sequestration, concurrence of the woman, saving the life of the mama,
coitus recognition tests like grandparent to have a boy Indian society. Womanish which is again placarded a whether the woman is quick be penalized with imprison-
an ultrasound check-up. baby in the family besides infanticide or womanish fe- continuance of the right to with child or not, shall be pe- ment of either description
Womanish foeticide and in- having a son. ticide is primarily because of life under Art 21 of the Con- nalized with ( imprisonment for a term which may extend
among women as well as deed any coitus recognition 5) There’s a stress on the coitus determination. Some stitution. for life) or with imprison- to ten times or with fine.
profitable participation, test is illegal in India. It’s the new bridegroom of the fam- measures are ment of either description Section 316. Causing death
which are both particular- shame for the parents who ily to give birth to a manly 1) Law must be enforced, THE INDIAN PENAL for a term which may extend of quick future child by act
ly low in countries where are despairing for a baby child so she’s executed to go and one should be surely pe- CODE, 1860 to ten times. amounting to reproachable
womanish foeticide is boy as well as croakers do- for coitus recognition and nalized if plant shamefaced 2. Sections 312-316 of the 5)Section 314. Death homicide
prominent, and an unstable ing revocations especially repeal if girl baby. for this unkind exercise. Indian Penal Code (IPC) caused by act done with in- Whoever does any act un-
population rate exists along- for this. 6) Ignorance, instability, 2) Endless cancellation of deal with confinement and tent to beget miscarriage der similar circumstances,
side. The government origi- and poverty of people in so- license should be done if it’s death of an future child and Whoever, with intent to that if he thereby caused
nally supported the prac- CAUSES OF FEMALE ciety are also major reasons going on in medical practice. depending on the inflexibil- beget the confinement of death he’d be shamefaced of
tice to control population FOETICIDE for girl baby burden. 3) Marketing of medical ity and intention with which woman with child, does any reproachable homicide, and
growth. The Preconception Womanish foeticide has Science and Technological tools specifically for illegal the crime is committed, the act which causes the death does by similar act cause the
and Prenatal Diagnostic been in practice for ages es- advancement and service- coitus determination and penalties range from seven of similar woman, shall be death of a quick future child,
Techniques (PCPNDT) Act pecially for the families who ability have made this veri- revocation should be a bane. times of imprisonment and penalized with imprison- shall be penalized with im-

omanish foeti- was passed in 1994, making have a preference only man- tably easy task for parents. 4) Parents must be fined fine to life imprisonment. ment of either description prisonment of either de-
cide is one of the coitus-picky revocation ille- ly child. Several religious, Impact of womanish foeti- who want to kill their girl 3)Section 312. Causing Mis- for a term may extend to ten scription for a term which
most sensitive gal. It was also amended in social, fiscal and emotional cide on the coitus rate- baby. carriage times, and shall also be liable may extend to ten times.
and burning issues not only 2003 holding medical pro- are the reason for wom- Coitus rate denotes the rate 5) Juggernauts and forums Whoever freely causes a to fine.
for India but for the whole fessionals fairly responsible. anish foeticide. Thus, the of ladies to males in a specific should be regularly held to woman with child to mis- Still, shall be penalized CONCLUSION
world. It’s a general suppo- Still, the PCPNDT Act has time has been changed now region. Numerous practices apprehensive of youthful carry, shall, if similar con- either with ( imprisonment Forthcoming is the name
sition that advanced coun- been inadequately executed much still, numerous rea- like womanish foeticide couples. finement be not caused in for life) or with the disci- of your girl child; history
tries with better knowledge by authorities. sons and beliefs are ongo- and womanish infanticide ( 6) Women should be ap- good faith for the purpose pline above mentioned, If is the name of your mama.
rate may have better coitus Womanish foeticide is the ing in some families. Some killing a baby girl after her prehensive so that they can of saving the life of the the act is done without the This is the reality that NO
rate but this supposition is aborting of a girl foetus in main reasons for womanish birth) have had a contrary be more attentive to their woman, be penalized with concurrence of the woman. PRESENT, NO PAST, NO
questioned if one looks at the womb before its com- foeticide are influence on the coitus rate. rights. imprisonment of either de- Explanation-It isn’t essen- FUTURE WITHOUT GIRL
the data.This process began plete growth. Why? This is 1) Generally, parents do Therefore, it rises and pro- scription for a term which tial to this offence that the CHILD. Womanish foeticide
in the early 1990s when because that it’s womanish? not want a girl baby because motes numerous social im- VARIOUS LAWS may extend to three times, lawbreaker should know is self-murder. So, save the
ultrasound ways gained Womanish foeticide has they’ve to give a big quantum moralities. IN INDIA FOR THE or with fine, or with both, that the act is likely to beget girl child and secure the fu-
wide use in India. There come a shy and shocking as a dowry at son’s marriage. As per the decennial In- FUTURE and, if the woman be quick death. ture. There will be the dan-
was tendency for families verity of our nation. In India 2) There’s a faith that girls dian tale, Coitus Rate of In- 1. Section 312 of the Indian with child, shall be penal- Section 315. Act done with gerous results of the wom-
to continuously produce a strong fondness for sons are always consumer and dia is107.48. It means107.48 Penal Code 1860 read with ized with imprisonment of intent to help child being anish feticide. Demography
children until a manly child over son. People ask lower boys are the only patron. males per 100 ladies in the Medical Termination of either description for a term born alive or to beget it to die reports advise India that in
was born. This was primar- families with comparatively Therefore, Parents under- 2019. Thus, India has 930 Gestation Act, 1971 where which may extend to seven after birth. Whoever before the coming twenty times
ily due to the large sexist lesser sons by abuse medical stand that son will earn plu- ladies per 1000 males. So, all the restrictions assessed times, and shall also be li- the birth of any child does there will be a failure of mis-
culture that exists in India technologies. It’s one of the tocrat for the whole life and India has48.20 womanish therein, including the time able to fine. Explanation-A any act with the intention ters in the marriage request
against women. This is re- main motives for declining watch their parents still girls population compare to51.80 limit of 20 weeks, other than woman who causes herself of thereby precluding that substantially because of the
flected by knowledge rates coitus rate. will get married a day and manly population. the bones to insure good to miscarry, is within the child from being born alive adverse coitus rate.

Crime investigation

reCalling of Witnesses: a Boon or a Bane for the

Criminal JustiCe system? seeks to highlight that a judge the Code (a) to summon makes it a double-edged At times the defence or the personal reasons of the wit- that purpose the essential-
has the power to summon or any one as a witness, or (b) sword. prosecution can make an ar- ness and further unavoid- ity of a person to be recalled
examine a material witness. to examine any person pre- To see how section 311 act gument to re-call a witness able reasons. So, the defence and re-examined has to be
A Court may summon any sent in Court, or (c) to recall as a double-edged sword we on the grounds that his/her might use section 311 not just ascertained. To put it differ-
analysis person to be a witness or ex-
amine any person attending,
and re-examine any person
whose evidence has already
will have to look at an exam-
ple. Let’s assume that two
statement has casted doubts
in the mind of the court or
to recall the witness for sub-
stantive reasons of genuine
ently, while such a widest
power is invested with the
who is not a witness, at any been recorded. On the other witnesses are contradict- maybe is conflicting in na- doubt but to also put a hold Court, it is needless to state
MASEEH SYED YAZDANI stage of the investigation, hand, the second part is ing each other and due to ture as section 311 allows to the trial or delay the trial that exercise of such power
trial or other procedure un- mandatory and compels this reason, the judge can’t the lawyers of the parties to some extent. These con- should be made judicially
der this Code. the Court to take any of the comprehend the reality of to make such an applica- cerns have been clarified and also with extreme care
aforementioned steps if the the matter and hence, calls tion to the court. There is no by the Supreme in Natasha and caution.”
fence. These witnesses can be ANALYSIS OF THE new evidence appears to it back one of the witnesses limitation on the purposes Singh V CBI (State), where Many defence lawyers
The general bias in India called if the judge feels that SECTION THROUGH essential to the just decision through the powers given to on which recalling can be the Supreme highlights that don’t examine the prosecu-
towards the adversarial their contribution is essential INDIAN CASE LAWS of the case.” him under section 311. This done, however this reason the provisions under Section tion witnesses in the initial
decision-making system is in deciding the outcome of The Supreme Court in sev- It can clearly be seen that re-examination of a witness must be genuine in nature. 311 must not be misused; the stages of the trial just to ask
evident. We have a neutral the case. This section allows eral cases while examining the Supreme Court has ex- is known as recalling of a Depending on the judge’s court stated that, for a re-examination of wit-
judge that decides a par- the judge to take an initiative Section 311 has in essence plained in great detail how witness. If there is a genu- discretion the witnesses can “Power must be exercised nesses under section 311,
ticular case by listening and and expand his decision- stated that the aim of section the section is to be imple- ine blockage or a doubt in be recalled, however, section judiciously and not capri- however, a sensible judge
weighing the arguments pre- making capabilities by going 311 is to discover the truth mented and what meaning the chain of circumstances, 311 provides flexibility for ciously or arbitrarily, as any wouldn’t allow such appli-
sented by both sides. On the beyond the witness list that which is the predominant the section carries with it. then re-examination of wit- the parties to revisit in case improper or capricious exer- cation just because he/she
other hand, in an inquisito- has been presented by the beauty of the criminal pro- The distinction between nesses is a genuine solution. of any mistakes made in the cise of such power may lead would sense what a frivo-
rial decision-making system defence and the prosecution. cedure code. One such exam- the first and second part of However, this provision can initial phase of the trial. The to undesirable results. An lous reason is and to some
the judge is actively involved So, in the larger adversarial ple can be seen in Hanuman this section relies on just be enforced using two path- Supreme Court expanded on application under Section extent would also be able to
with the lawyers in an at- system that India has there is Ram Vs State Of Rajasthan & two mere words, “may” and ways, firstly the court can do the same in Hanuman Ram Vs 311 CrPC must not be allowed identify the genuine inten-
tempt to get justice; the judge an injection of an inquisito- Ors on 13 October, 2008 the “shall” as highlighted by the it Suo Moto and secondly the State Of Rajasthan by stating only to fill up a lacuna in the tions of the defence lawyer.
in this system is not just a rial tool such as 311 and due Honourable Supreme Court supreme court which goes parties can also seek the per- that, case of the prosecution, or of The part of section 311 that
decision-maker but is also to this reason, this section stated that, on to show how integral each mission of the court. Heeralal “Sometimes the examina- the defence, or to the disad- can be misused makes it an
involved with the purpose can be regarded as one of “The object underlying Sec- and every word is in deter- Alias Nimma vs State Of M.P. tion of witnesses as directed vantage of the accused, or to extremely important provi-
of finding the truth. Even the most integral sections in tion. 311 of the Code is that mining the rationale behind also saw the supreme court by the Court may result in cause serious prejudice to the sion and also highlights how
though India doesn’t have the criminal procedure code. there may not be failure of any section in the criminal take stand for the Suo Moto what is thought to be “filling defence of the accused, or to it is at the crux of it, a double-
a full-fledged inquisitorial This section also encourages justice on account of mistake procedure. This judgement aspect of Section 311 by stat- of loopholes”. That is purely give an unfair advantage to edged sword.
system, our criminal proce- judges to take more part in of either party in bringing the is important as it provides a ing that, a subsidiary factor and can- the opposite party. Further,
dure code has inserted some the procedural part of the valuable evidence on record standalone elongated expla- “It is settled in law, if the not be taken into account. the additional evidence must CONCLUSION
aspects of it into our criminal case by involving themselves or leaving ambiguity in the nation of Section 311. conditions under this provi- Whether the new evidence not be received as a disguise Section 311 even though put
judicial system. One such el- deeper into the case. statements of the witnesses The procedure of the trial sion are satisfied the Court is essential or not must of for retrial, or to change the as an inquisitorial initiative
ement is seen under Section Section 311 of the CrPC examined from either side. once the independent wit- can call a witness not only on course depend on the facts nature of the case against ei- in our Criminal Procedure
202 of the criminal proce- states that, The determinative factor is nesses summoned is by the motion of either the pros- of each case and has to be ther of the parties.” Code is regularly being mis-
dure code, which deals with “Any Court may, at any whether it is essential to the the court is that the court ecution or the defence, but it determined by the Presiding These clever tactics on part used by lawyers to delay tri-
private complaints. Through stage of any inquiry, trial or just decision of the case.” examines the witness and can do so on its own motion.” Judge.” of the defence can easily be als, however, this problem
this section whenever there other proceeding under this Further the case also sheds then gives a chance to the The same ratio is also high- Now, the part in which law- resolved if the judge identi- has a very simple solution
is a doubt, the judge can ask Code, summon any person light on the extent to which prosecution and the defence lighted in the case of Mohan yers request re-examination fies frivolousness of the ap- which calls for an alert and
the police to further inves- as a witness, or examine any Section 311 can be interpret- to examine the witness too. Lal Shamlal Soni vs Union Of of witnesses is often misused plication by the defence and active judge. The double-
tigate the matter, this is an person in attendance, though ed, by stating that, Technically here, the chief India where the Supreme by lawyers and even more decides the merit of the sec- edged nature of this section
inquisitorial initiative. An- not summoned as a witness, “The section is manifestly examination is done by the Court states that, by defence lawyers to delay tion 311 application purely on can very easily be addressed
other one of such inquisito- or recall and re- examine any in two parts. Whereas the court then followed by the “At the risk of repetition it the trial as you’re essentially genuine substantive doubts. if a judge can identify the
rial tools can be seen when person already examined; word used in the first part is examinations by the pros- may be said that Section 311 going back to examining The Supreme Court in Raja- intention through a witness
we take a look at Section 311 and the Court shall summon “may”, the second part uses ecution and the defence. The (then Section 540) allows the a witness that has already ram Prasad Yadav Vs State Of is being re-called by the de-
of the criminal procedure and examine or recall and re- “shall”. In consequences, procedure brought in by sec- court to invoke its inherent been examined. A witness Bihar & Anr (2013) expanded fence or the prosecution. It
code, which allows the trial examine any such person if the first part gives purely tion 311 is what makes it an power at any stage, as long as examination can take a long on how a 311 application is essential that the through
court to call independent his evidence appears to it to discretionary authority to a integral tool for India’s crimi- the court retains seisin of the period of time and requires a should be looked at by stat- the help of the judicial sys-
witnesses, i.e., the witnesses be essential to the just deci- Criminal Court and enables nal judicial system. However, criminal proceeding, without lot of initial procedure such ing that, tem, Section 311 gets the pos-
that haven’t been listed either sion of the case.” it at any stage of an enquiry, section 311 doesn’t serve this qualifying any limitation or as issuing of summons, a “The paramount require- itive recognition that it very
by the prosecution or the de- In essence this section trial or proceeding under one and only purpose which prohibition.” delay can be caused due to ment is just decision and for rightly deserves. @English_epaper_Backup
8 policy & politics the daily guardian
thurs day | 11 november 2021
new delhi


india has the Potential to beCome

the toP serviCes exPorter in the
world: Piyush goyal
$89 bn Services Trade surplus in FY 2020-21. Rs. 56,027 crore released
under various export promotion schemes, said Goyal
that led to rise through
the tough times faced by

Analysis the sector, Shri Goyal said

that tough times don’t last,
but tough people do. He
expressed his admiration
TARUN NANGIA for the selfless service of all
frontline workers during
the COVID 19 pandemic.
The Minister said that
in 2020, India became the
7thlargest services export-
added that Services trade er in the world, moving up
surplus was $89 bn in FY the ladder by two positions.
2020-21 and it has been the Services PMI rose to a dec-
largest FDI recipient (53% ade high of 58.4 in Oct’21,
of FDI inflows 2000-2021). he said.
The theme of the Global Emphasizing that India
Services Conclave 2021 was had the potential to become
‘India Serves: Exploring the top services exporter
Potential Growth Sectors in the world, Shri Goyal
Beyond IT/ITes’. said that Services is boost-
Emphasizing that Service ing India’s transition from
sector is our competitive ad- an assembly economy to a
vantage, powered by Skills, knowledge based economy.

he Minister of Com- Startups and IT Solutions, Global sentiments are
merce and Industry the Minister said that to- changing from ‘why India’
Piyush Goyal today day, Indian services have to ‘why not India’, he said.
said that India is poised to the twin power of univer- Observing that India
achieve services export tar- sal acceptance & universal has transformed from be-
get of $1 trn by 2030. attraction. ing the ‘Back office’ to the
He was addressing the Lauding India’s commit- ‘Brain office’ of the world,
gathering at the ‘Services ment to enable ‘work from Shri Goyal said that today,
Export Promotion Council- Home’ during the pan- India’s Services export etc. prefer India for herit- eral-free Automatic Loans ing States in formulating He appreciated the sector said. He also said there is a
Global Services Conclave demic, Shri Goyal said that, largely comprise of IT/ITes age, art and culture studies. for Businesses, including a comprehensive export for not pursuing incentives need to expand markets for
2021” in New Delhi today. while services trade re- and stressed that we need The Minister assured that MSMEs. Rs. 56,027 Crore strategy with districts as but standing on its competi- Legal/Accounting profes-
The Minister said that mained depressed in other to focus on other potential the Government was ac- was released under various Export Hubs. tive strength. sionals.
Services are a key driver of countries, India’s services growth sectors. tively pursuing market ac- Export Promotion schemes. Piyush Goyal said that the Charting the way forward, Quoting Shri Atal Bihari
India’s economic growth. sector showed immense The Minister listed certain cess opportunities (FTAs) He spoke of India’s initia- Government as a facilitator the Minister said that we Vajpayee, Shri Goyal said
He added that services resilience. crucial sectors which can and working on a scheme tives in Skill development, and enabler, helped Indian must introduce more stand- that “Our aim may be as
sector provides employ- “Sectors like tourism, hos- catapult India’s services alternative to SEIS. especially in emerging ar- Services to grow & touch ards & improve quality. We high as the endless sky, but
ment to nearly 2.6 crore pitality, etc. which suffered sector on a high growth tra- He said that the Govern- eas like AI, Big Data, Ro- lives across the globe. He must move up the value we should have a resolve in
people and contributes ap- due to COVID-19 is show- jectory such as higher Edu- ment supported service botics, etc. emphasized that Zero Gov- chain in services and pick our minds to walk ahead,
proximately 40% to India’s ing revival signs” he added. cation. He observed that sector through Aatmanirb- The Minister also high- ernment interference has areas where our strength hand-in-hand for victory
total global exports. He Appreciating the spirit students from US, Canada har Bharat Package, collat- lighted the need for assist- enabled IT sector to excel. lies and expand on that, he will be ours”.


CommerCe ministry arm, sePC holds idea exChange

meeting to boost exPorts top service provider and tourism, can contribute to Sunil Talati, Vice Chair-
that services are boosting the growth of services sec- man, SEPC,while conclud-

Analysis India’s transition from an

Assembly economy to a
knowledge-based economy.
tor exports, once IT/ITes
reach a plateau and that
it’s a matter of time before
ing the event thanked the
Ministry for their valuable
and continuous support
Mr. Goyal also said “India we become the 3rdtop ser- towards SEPC. He further
VIVEK PANDEY has transformed from be- vices exporting country in added, “Our endeavor at
TARUN NANGIA ing the ‘Back Office’ to the the world”. SEPC is to see it getting
‘Brain Office’ of the world”. Dr. Abhay Sinha, Direc- recognized across vari-
Maneck Davar, Chair- tor General, SEPC,while ous sectors and receiving
man, SEPC,asserted that setting the tone of the government support at
SEPC aims at achieving a event, said, “In 2021, In- every stage in the next two
15% CAGR in the FY 2021- dia’s total services exports years”. He also insisted
Services Export Promotion bn in FY 2020-21 and it has 22 for the services sector to were $206 bn, falling by Shri. Piyush Goyal to en-
Council (SEPC) organized been the largest recipient of achieve the target of $240 only 3% despite the pan- able ease of exporting ser-
its maiden Global Services FDI receiving nearly 53% of billion and beyond. He demic. It not only showed vice to grow and strength-
Conclave 2021 on 9th No- the total FDI inflows into further added, “This Con- enough resilience but also en the sector.
vember where industry the country during 2000- clave shall help us in find- attracted attention from the The conclave witnessed
stalwarts and government 2021. Emphasizing that in ing ways in which other policymakers for making a some very distinguished
officials gathered to share the services sector India sectors, such as hospital- noticeable contribution to- speakers such as Darpan
their views on the improve- has competitive advantage, ity, education and medical wards economic growth.” Jain, Joint Secretary, De-
ment and way forward for powered by Skills, Startups partment of Commerce;
the Services Sector. and IT Solutions, the Min- Amit Yadav, Director Gen-
The Global Services Con- ister said that today, Indian eral, DGFT; Atul Dhawan,
clave 2021 saw experts from services have the twin pow- Chairperson, Deloitte In-
the government, services er of universal acceptance dia; Sunil Joshi, Executive
industry, exporting com- & universal attraction. Director, Policy Matters,
munity, academia, and poli- Lauding India’s com- ECGC; and Mr. Ved Mani
cymakers outlining a road- mitment to enable ‘work Tiwari, COO & Officiating
map for India to achieve the from Home’ during the CEO, National Skill Devel-
target of $1trillion by 2030. pandemic, Shri Goyal said opment Corporation, Prof.
Piyush Goyal said that that while services trade (Dr.) Neharika Vohra, VC,
services are a key driver of remained depressed in Delhi Skill and Entrepre-
India’s economic growth. other countries, India’s neur University, Dr Devi
He added that the services services sector showed im- Shetty, Chairman and
sector provides employ- mense resilience. “Sectors Founder Narayana Hospi-
ment to nearly 2.6 crore like tourism, hospitality, tal to name some, who took
people and contributes etc. which suffered due to part in a detailed discus-
approximately 40% to In- COVID-19, are showing sion on ‘how to promote
dia’s total global exports. revival signs”. Further, he the growth and develop-
He further added that ser- added that India has the ment of the services sector
vices trade surplus was $89 potential to become the exports. @English_epaper_Backup
t h e da ily gua r dia n
t h u r sday | 11 nove m b e r 2 0 2 1
new de l h i medically speaking 9



Drugs MAy WOrsEN DIsEAsE by senior author Gen-Sheng HCC is the most common hepatocytes -- a major cell

According to research pre-

sented at the Society for En-
painful or heavy periods and
pre-menstrual symptoms.
56 per cent of respondents
reported an overall change
in their menstrual cycles
Feng, PhD, professor of pa- type of primary liver cancer type in the liver -- allowed docrinology annual confer- since the beginning of the
thology in the UC San Diego and the sixth most common the Myc oncogene to dra- ence in Edinburgh, women’s pandemic, with 64 per cent

recent study led by School of Medicine and of type of cancer in the world. matically accelerate HCC reproductive health has been reporting a worsening in
an international molecular biology in the Di- It is also among the deadli- growth. disrupted as a result of the pre-menstrual symptoms
team of researchers vision of Biological Sciences, est. The overall prognosis They found that inhib- psychological burden of the and 54 per cent experienc-
reveals a previously unreal- reveal a previously unreal- for survival is grim, with a iting Shp2 induced an COVID-19 pandemic, and ing reduced sex drive.
ized complexity in cancer ized complexity in cancer five-year relative survival unexpected complex im- affected women need addi- Rates of severe depres-
development, one that raises development, one that raises rate of just 18.4 percent. mune-suppressive envi- tional medical and psycho- sion, anxiety and poor sleep
concerns and caution about concerns and caution about The causes and progression ronment in the liver, which logical support. were more than double those
targeting Shp2 in oncological targeting Shp2 in oncologi- of HCC are multifactorial, disturbed clearance of The findings indicate that from pre-pandemic levels for
treatments. cal treatments. complex, and poorly un- tumor-initiating cells in the stress and sleep disturbance women of reproductive age.
The findings were pub- “This finding will have derstood. Treatment is dif- early stage of disease and related to the pandemic Menstrual cycle distur-
lished in the journal Cell Re- a profound impact in the ficult and limited, making it exacerbated tumor progres- has had adverse effects on bances were associated with
ports. In recent years, much cancer field, as both the increasingly urgent to find sion at later stages. women’s menstrual cycles. increased levels of men-
scientific effort and funding pharmaceutical indus- new therapies. “These unanticipated The study suggests that fur- tal distress and poor sleep
have focused on developing try and research labs are By creating genetically results may shed light ther studies are necessary amongst the women sur-
drugs that target an enzyme Shp2 has also been shown to promote the growth and survival putting huge efforts and engineered mouse models on understanding tumor to establish the longer-term veyed.
of many types of cancers.
with the unwieldy name of resources into searching and doing single-cell RNA- recurrence, the primary impact of the pandemic on Dr Maher asserts, “Our
Src homology 2-containing also been shown to promote a tumor cell is introduced for and making chemical sequencing, Feng and col- reason why most cancer female reproductive health. findings highlight a real need
protein tyrosine phospha- the growth and survival of into it. Drugs that inhibit compounds to target Shp2. leagues found that Shp2 was patients die. Many cancer The COVID-19 pandemic to provide appropriate medi-
tase 2 or more briefly, Shp2. many types of cancers. Shp2, the thinking goes, We believe a new, effec- required by tumor cells for patients respond well to pri- has had a detrimental ef- cal care and mental health
Shp2 is a phosphotyro- Indeed, Shp2 is the first would attack cancer cells in tive therapeutic strategy HCC development, which mary treatment, which often fect on the lives of our global support to women affected
sine phosphatase; its job identified oncoprotein in a way different from other must address the second- validated and reinforced gives patients and doctors population. by menstrual disturbance,
is to remove phosphates the family of tyrosine phos- therapies, providing new ary tumor-promoting mi- thinking that Shp2 present- an initial sense of excitement Negative impacts on our given the unprecedented psy-
from protein tyrosine resi- phatases. Oncoproteins are hope for cancer patients. croenvironment generated ed an ideal target for new or hope. But once a tumor mental health have been chological burden associated
dues, aiding and abetting proteins encoded by an on- But in the new study, re- in response to the primary cancer therapies. relapses, hope dims and compounded by significant with the pandemic.”
signal communications cogene, which can cause the searchers at the University (Shp2) targeting com- But they also discovered disappointment arises,” said changes to our daily lifestyle, This is the first study to
within cells. But Shp2 has transformation of a cell into of California San Diego, led pound.” that removing Shp2 from Feng. eating, and exercise hab- demonstrate that women
its. Stress is a known factor continue to experience repro-
that can disturb women’s ductive health disturbances
DIABETEs menstrual cycles by affect- one year into the pandemic
ing hormone levels, as well and that this is associated

gALECTIN-1 LINKED TO rIsK Of TyPE 2 DIABETEs as causing sleep and body

weight disturbances.
Stress hormones can di-
with increased levels of psy-
chological distress and poor
sleep. Further investigation
CORRESPONDENT levels in their blood suffer Galectin-1, a protein ex- analyzed in order to assess rectly inhibit sex hormone will contribute to a greater
WASHINGTON less kidney damage. pressed by fat cells as well the relation to risk of de- release, whilst sleep distur- understanding of the extent
According to a new study, “This is probably not as as other cells, is involved in veloping type 2 diabetes, bance is associated with in- of reproductive health dis-
elevated levels of the pro- strange as it might sound. both the regulation of in- around 18 years after the fertility and increased belly ruption and guide our future
tein galectin-1 is associated My own personal theory flammation and the func- sample was initially col- fat is also associated with practice and health policy.
with an increased risk of is that the actions of galec- tion of fat cells in the body. lected. menstrual dysfunction. “This study was conducted
developing type 2 diabetes tin-1 found in the kidney Five years ago, the research The authors do not pro- To investigate the impact at a relatively early stage of
about 18 years later. are linked to inflammatory team at the University of pose that galectin-1 should of the pandemic on repro- the COVID-19 vaccination
The findings of the study processes, whereas the ac- Gothenburg presented become a new tool in pri- ductive health, Dr Michelle programme, so the length
were published in the Galectin-1 may be associated with an increased risk of diabetes tions of galectin-1 in the results from a study of in- mary care to predict who Maher, as part of a research of the pandemic and effec-
journal ‘Diabetologia’. Re- time, this protein seems to diabetes. In a general popu- adipose tissue appear to dividuals with newly diag- will develop diabetes, but team led by Dr Lisa Owens in tiveness of the vaccine may
searchers at the University be a protective factor for the lation, galectin-1 may be as- be largely linked to meta- nosed type 2 diabetes and this is a step forward in Dublin, surveyed over 1,300 influence future findings,
of Gothenburg and Lund kidneys among type 2 dia- sociated with an increased bolic processes. Thus, we healthy controls. better understanding the women in April 2021. In ad- further investigation with
University found that el- betes patients at high risk risk of diabetes, but in pa- can expect to see different The study incorporates disease. One of the most dition to standard measures objective, measurable data is
evated levels of the protein for diabetic nephropathy. tients with a subtype of dia- mechanisms at work and analyses of blood samples serious complications of depression, anxiety, and needed... We are planning to
galectin-1 are linked to an The researchers pointed betes that increases the risk different outcomes for the from more than 4,000 par- is chronic kidney dis- sleep quality, the survey also provide support for women
increased risk of develop- to both negative and posi- of kidney damage, galectin-1 same protein,” said Eman- ticipants, collected between ease, which about half of asked about their menstrual affected by menstrual cycle
ing type 2 diabetes about tive links between the pro- appeared to be beneficial, as uel Fryk, one of the study’s 1991 and 1994. Galectin-1 those who have type 2 dia- cycles. abnormalities by develop-
18 years later. At the same tein galectin-1 and type 2 patients with high galectin-1 lead authors. levels in blood samples was betes develop. Menstrual disturbances ing psychological support
included irregular, missed, workshops”, adds Dr Maher.


Editorial dirEctor
Managing Editor


Pankaj Vohra
Both moderate and strenu-
LONDON Printed and Published by
ous exercise alleviate symp-
Scientists at the Francis toms of anxiety, even when Rakesh Sharma for and on
behalf of MJP Media Pvt Ltd.
Crick Institute have found the disorder is chronic, a
how the immune system study led by researchers at Printed at:
Good Morning India
triggers an emergency den- the University of Gothen-
Media Pvt. Ltd,
dritic cell response during burg shows. Khasra No. 39, Village Basai
infection, with dendritic The study, now published Brahuddin Nagar, Gautam
cells at the site of infection in the Journal of Affective Buddha Nagar, Noida,
being reinforced by new cells Disorders, is based on 286 Uttar Pradesh, (U.P.-201301).
which travel from the bone patients with anxiety syn- Published at :
marrow. The researchers monitored dendritic cells in mice infected with drome, recruited from pri- B-116, Okhla Industrial Estate
The findings of the study the flu virus, which also causes human disease. They found that, mary care services in Go- Phase-I, New Delhi - 110020
after infection, new dendritic cells are released from the bone
were published in the jour- marrow and travel to the site of infection. thenburg and the northern For those who exercised at a relatively low intensity, the chance of improvement in terms of anxiety The Editorial offices:
nal ‘Science Immunology’. part of Halland County. Half symptoms rose by a factor of 3.62. 275 Captain Gaur Marg
Dendritic cells have an im- lung act as a map, guiding be transported, meaning a of the patients had lived with intensity was 4.88. Partici- sessions three times a week, (CBT) and psychotropic Sriniwaspuri Okhla
portant role in the immune the new dendritic cells to the greater chance of finding all anxiety for at least ten years. pants had no knowledge of under a physical therapist’s drugs. However, these drugs New Delhi - 110065
system, detecting infectious exact location of the virus. the right T cells. Their average age was 39 the physical training or guidance. The sessions in- commonly have side effects, Mumbai Office: Juhu Hotel,
bacteria, fungi or viruses that Caetano Reis e Sousa, se- The importance of this years, and 70 percent were counseling people outside cluded both cardio (aero- and patients with anxiety Juhu Tara Road, Santa
have entered the body and nior author and group leader process is demonstrated women. Through drawing their own group were re- bic) and strength training. disorders frequently do not Cruz-West, Mumbai-400049.
alerting T cells that recognise of Crick’s Immunobiology as, when the researchers of lots, participants were ceiving. A warmup was followed respond to medical treat- Chandigarh Office: SCO-7,
and attack the invader. lab said: “Dendritic cells are blocked new dendritic cells assigned to group exercise “There was a significant by circle training around ment. Long waiting times Sector 17-E, Chandigarh-
However, there are few like lookouts, strategically lo- travelling to the site of in- sessions, either moderate or intensity trend for improve- 12 stations for 45 minutes, for CBT can also worsen the 160017
dendritic cells in healthy cated in low numbers around fection, the mice initiated a strenuous, for 12 weeks. The ment -- that is, the more in- and sessions ended with a prognosis. rni rEgistration no.
tissue like the lungs which the body. These low numbers weaker immune response to results show that their anxi- tensely they exercised, the cooldown and stretching. The present study was led DELENG/2010/31355
means that, on infection, are adequate for their role in the virus. And when these ety symptoms were signifi- more their anxiety symp- Members of the group that by Maria Aberg, associate
their numbers need to be monitoring for an invader, mice were infected for a sec- cantly alleviated even when toms improved,” states exercised at a moderate level professor at the University Postal rEgn no.
DL(S) -17/3366/2013-15
boosted. This poses the ques- but when infection strikes, ond time, they were not as the anxiety was a chronic Malin Henriksson, a doc- were intended to reach some of Gothenburg’s Sahlgren-
tion of where do these extra they need to be reinforced. protected from re-infection. condition, compared with a toral student at Sahlgrenska 60 percent of their maxi- ska Academy, a specialist in For Subscriptions and
cells come from? Our study shows that backup “Understanding more control group who received Academy at the University mum heart rate -- a degree general medicine in Region Circulation Complaints
In their study, the research- is rapid and comes from the about how the immune sys- advice on physical activity of Gothenburg, a specialist of exertion rated as light or Vastra Gotaland’s primary
ers monitored dendritic cells potential reservoir of den- tem works could help in- according to public health in general medicine in the moderate. In the group that healthcare organization, Mahesh Chandra Saxena
in mice infected with the flu dritic cell precursors in the form future treatments and recommendations. Halland Region, and the trained more intensively, the and corresponding author. Mobile:+ 91 9911825289
virus, which also causes hu- bone marrow, in a process vaccine design for a range of Most individuals in the study’s first author. aim was to attain 75 percent “Doctors in primary care CHANDIGARH
man disease. They found we’ve dubbed an ‘emergency’ different infectious diseases. treatment groups went Previous studies of physi- of maximum heart rate, and need treatments that are in- Contact: Suman Singh
that, after infection, new den- dendritic cell response.” For example, knowing about from a baseline level of cal exercise in depression this degree of exertion was dividualized, have few side Mobile: + 919555309181
dritic cells are released from ‘Backup’ is needed as den- this immune boost means we moderate to high anxiety to have shown clear symptom perceived as high. effects and are easy to pre-
For All Advertising Queries
the bone marrow and travel dritic cells transport patho- can now start to think about a low anxiety level after the improvements. However, a The levels were regularly scribe. The model involving Contact: Suman Singh
to the site of infection. genic material from the in- ways to harness the process,” 12-week program. For those clear picture of how people validated using the Borg 12 weeks of physical train- Mobile: + 919555309181
This process is regulated fected lungs to lymph nodes added Caetano. who exercised at relatively with anxiety are affected by scale, an established rating ing, regardless of intensity, E-mail: suman.singh
by a receptor, called CCR2, where the corresponding The researchers will con- low intensity, the chance exercise has been lacking up scale for perceived physi- represents an effective treat-
which binds molecules called T cell that recognises the tinue their work studying of improvement in terms to now. The present study is cal exertion, and confirmed ment that should be made isn 0976 - 0008
chemokines made by other invader can be alerted to the role and response of of anxiety symptoms rose described as one of the larg- with heart rate monitors. available in primary health
cells in the infected tissue. launch a targeted attack. dendritic cells to infection, as by a factor of 3.62. The cor- est to date. Today’s standard treat- care more often for people
The varying levels of CCR2- The more dendritic cells, well as in response to tumour responding factor for those Both treatment groups ments for anxiety are cog- with anxiety issues,” Aberg
binding chemokines in the the more material that can formation. who exercised at higher had 60-minute training nitive behavioral therapy says. @English_epaper_Backup
mail us at >>

log on to @thegoaneveryday The Goan (Playstore) Thursday November 11, 2021

Need to strengthen palliative care

Global health care has been rede�ned by the Covid pandemic. The Indian
populace lacks awareness about the necessity of palliative care
Reject your sense of injury and the injury itself disappears.
Marcus Aurelius
>The writer is
Assistant Professor,
Goa Institute of
Management (GIM)

Dinner with Lobo


words hard to digest

he Covid-19 pandemic has resulted in

severe damage to the global popula-
tion, and is therefore resulting in the
n outspoken minister in the Pramod Sawant cabinet Mi- change of the global health care settings.
chael Lobo has taken campaigning to a di�erent level Covid-19 poses a higher risk of mortality for tion of about 80% inpatient admissions. One caregiver said, “They always give
patients with severe life-limiting diseases, Some patients postponed their appoint- two options: One is admitting in the hos-
by publicly announcing candidates for Siolim, Mapusa such as advanced cancers. Patient access to ments given the risk of potential infection. pital, the other one is taking care at home.
and Calangute, leaving the party leaders red-faced and health care might be impacted if resources All ten case studies conducted at Dilasa You decide what you want. The best thing
speechless. The rider is, Lobo has refrained from using are redirected to managing the pandemic. Palliative Care Goa included patients in is that he/she is with us, and his/her last
Moreover, due to rigorous infection control the last stages of their illness who had days can be spent with family and chil-
any party name, giving BJP the shivers either way and forcing the procedures, routine cancer care is limited in been referred there as a last resort due to dren. He/she is also comfortable and hap-
leadership to engage in a “dinner diplomacy”. terms of resources and availability. the pandemic and had no access to gov- py to stay in home”
At a function in Canca, Lobo took everyone by surprise as he an- The pandemic has and continues to ernment facilities. We observed that families were grateful
cause a major disruption of cancer servic- A patient with prostate cancer said, “if for access to medicines such as morphine,
nounced that his wife Delilah Lobo will contest from Siolim, Sudhir es in India. The national lockdown has ad- any word is available above excellent you Haloperidol, etc which are not available
Kandolkar from Mapusa, besides his candidature from Calangute versely a�ected the access to cancer care for can use that word for the care they are easily, oral chemo drugs, ointments, water
those who are in real need. Social distanc- giving to me. They are not worried about beds, tubes, collection bags and catheters
constituency and was optimistic of all three winning respective seats. ing, travel restrictions and �nancial issues working hours, or duty time. They are al- for free through home care services.
Lobo le� a lot to political interpretation as he spoke about how ar- pose problems in many households. ways ready to serve the patients.” In conclusion, the severity of the COV-
eas of Verla-Canca, Assagao, Anjuna and Siolim have su�ered over There was a reduction in the number of A breast cancer patient’s husband’s ID-19 pandemic has resulted in limit-
cancer centres o�ering clinical treatments, words were, “I wish I had shi�ed her here ed provision of palliative care services
the years due to a lack of people-centric development where even ne- and several hospitals changed their proto-
Governments a little bit earlier. We received good servic- throughout the country. Physicians and
cessities like water are not met. Without taking names, he launched cols to postpone operations and chemother- must urgently es in the government medical college but nurses who trained in palliative care have
a broadside against MLAs who are not accessible and questioned apy regimens in order to reduce the risk of recognize the because of the Covid situation they re- o�en been deployed to deliver emergency
how CM’s pet project Swayampoorna Goem could succeed if legisla-
problems arising from these procedures. A role of pallia- ferred her to a palliative care centre. Now care for people with COVID-19. In the con-
number of patients may be moved from the that she is in the last stage, counting days text of resource constraints, priority has
tors failed in their basic duties. curative stage to the palliative stage because
tive care during to leave us, the palliative care team is giv- been given to interventions aimed at sav-
of the delays in diagnosis and therapy. Both the COVID-19 ing us maximum care.” ing people’s lives over palliating discom-
However, the apparent calm shown by the Calangute MLA was not situations might have a negative impact pandemic and In Kerala, we went with a palliative fort among seriously ill people and their
good enough to mask the anger inside. His electoral pitch in Canca on cancer patients’ long-term survival and ensure that home care team and visited patients in families.
comes in sharp contrast to party discipline and order, and perhaps prognosis.
these services their own homes. During the early weeks Governments must urgently recognize
Given the circumstances and the burden of lockdown some rural areas missed or the role of palliative care during the COV-
unprecedented in BJP ranks, raising spec- on the healthcare system, palliative care are integrated delayed the services of palliative care. But, ID-19 pandemic and ensure that these ser-
The BJP which is ulations that he is ready to jump ship. can help to overcome these problems. There into the health a�er a few weeks it was reinstalled and vices are integrated into the health care
defending its turf against BJP, known for its centralized chain of is growing recognition of palliative care as care system in running smoothly. system in a creative way. It is essential to
a �ery opposition an integral aspect of cancer treatment, with The words from one of the caregivers focus on designing immediate strategies
command and party discipline, has been the ability to provide uninterrupted services a creative way. was, “During lockdown time we were in for e�ective implementation of palliative
onslaught will have to increasingly witnessing internal turbu- and improve the quality of life. It will also It is essential extreme fear about where we would have care during COVID-19. It is equally impor-
rework strategies and lence lately. If we may recall, in the later prevent unnecessary hospital admissions to focus on de- to go, what we could do in emergencies, tant to plan for long term strategies be-
do a �ne balancing act. and the use of health services through home signing imme- etc. But they came to our home and ex- yond the pandemic to strengthen the pal-
part of Manohar Parrikar’s tenure of 2017 care services. plained everything to us, we got the feel- liative care services in order to deal with
Dinner diplomacies will diate strategies
not help in di�using when his health was deteriorating, senior The researchers from Goa Institute of ing that somebody is there for us.” future disasters.
partymen had gone hammer and tongs Management (GIM) conducted an in-depth for e�ective Caregivers appreciated the competen-
such a complex issue, case study among 20 cancer patients who implementa- cy of the multidisciplinary team and their (This article is based on a study conducted
and de�ance from the criticizing decisions and airing contradic- received palliative care services during the
tion of pallia- calming presence. The patient and family by a team of GIM faculty --Dr Devi Nair,
tory personal views in public. Lobo had lockdown period from Goa and Kerala. were kept informed of the pros and cons
leadership at this stage During the COVID-19 crisis, the palliative tive care during of all available care alternatives, with no
Prof Sukhathankar, Prof Sreerupa and Dr
could only cost the party been summoned to Delhi even during care center in Goa - Dilasa observed a reduc- COVID-19 compulsions to follow any particular rule.
Krishnanunni )
a self-goal Parrikar’s regime for his unsavoury utter-
Come 2022 elections, and the BJP leadership is as silent as the
depth of the night with its backroom troubleshooting failing. Against
the background of a heated campaign that has picked up pace, the
Tussle at Vasco �sh market shall appoint in every government estab-
reality within is frightening for the BJP, and this is where the think
can be sorted out equitably The Christian community is not impressed lishment not less than four per cent of
the total number of vacancies in the cad-
tank of Amit Shah, CT Ravi and Devendra Fadnavis faces a dilem- Most BJP leaders have termed the recent meeting of Prime Min- re strength in each group of posts meant
The tussle between the �sh wholesalers
ma. The BJP has tall and winnable leaders in Lobo, Vishwajit Rane and the market �sh vendors in Vasco has
ister Narendra Modi with Pope Francis at the Vatican as a most to be �lled with persons with benchmark
and Atanasio Monserrate who are pitching for their spouses much historic one. They have also claimed that this historic meet has disabilities.
been going on for far too long. This has �nally shown that the BJP is not at all communal but a secular The government should not deny quota
against the hardline stand taken by the party high command against a�ected the commencement of the work party from India. Well, the BJP leaders are currently looking at in promotion to those who were appoint-
for the new �sh market as the �sh ven-
‘dynastic politics.’ dors have refused to shi� to the new mar-
the recent Pope-Modi meeting purely as a political ploy to influ- ed to a post under reservation policy
ence Christian voters ahead of the Manipur and Goa assembly for people with disabilities. Once that
Party’s election observer Fadnavis had recently admitted that BJP ket shed. It is learnt that the Mormugao elections next year. They are also hoping to use the Pope as a
Municipal Council (MMC) has issued post is identi�ed, the logical conclusion
can easily sail through if it shows unity and speaks in one voice. tool to strengthen its base in Kerala. would be that it would be reserved for the
notices to �sh wholesalers operating in The BJP has supported every attack and hate speech against
Going by the situation on the ground, the BJP portrays a picture of Kharewado to stop carrying out sale of specially abled who have been promot-
Christians since the last couple of years in India. Several states ed. The government’s policy of calling
a stark contrast as legislators are jumping the gun and making an- �sh. The wholesale �sh vendors have have enacted anti-conversion laws which are in violation of the persons with disabilities as ‘Divyangjan’
nouncements. Aspiring leaders like Utpal Parrikar, Sidharth Kuncal- reportedly hit back saying that they have Constitution. The BJP government in Karnataka recently initiated
been selling �sh caught by their canoes is not going to change anything funda-
ienker and Laxmikant Parsekar have started speaking their minds. an unconstitutional survey of Christian worshipping places. mentally until and unless the govern-
and that they should not be deprived of I therefore personally feel that our Prime Minister Narendra Modi ment decides to �x these lacunae in the
Lobo has said that he is ready to quit the party if he is not needed, but their livelihood. should �rst tell all state BJP governments to stop harassing the system.
It is true that while the wholesale �sh
has also added that he could win six out of the seven seats in Bardez. vendors sell their �sh in weights, the
Christian community on flimsy grounds. Yes, we Christians know
which political party is secular and which is rabid communal in KG VILOP, Chorao
The BJP which is defending its turf against a �ery opposition on- market �sh vendors sell the �sh in India.
slaught will have to rework strategies and do a �ne balancing act. shares. There needs to be a level playing Govt’s reality distortion
Dinner diplomacies will not help in di�using such a complex issue,
�eld. Hence the market �sh vendors too
need to sell �sh by weight. �eld is out in the open
and de�ance from the leadership at this stage could only cost the In business, the retail seller buys the The candidates for the Goa government
party a self-goal. goods from the wholesaler at a lower constable recruitment exams reportedly
price and sells it at a higher price thereby could not endure the normal physical
making a pro�t. The market �sh vendors ‘public authority’ despite all other Raj tests. Many developed fatigue, body pain
could buy �sh from the wholesalers and Bhavans across the country and even and renal problems. A doctor reported
sell it at a pro�t. Hence there is no ques- the Rashtrapati Bhavan being under the that 3 candidates in North Goa and one
tion of the marker �sh vendors losing purview of this law. in South Goa were referred to Health Cen-
their business. The move by Governor Pillai is most tres and were given painkiller injections
appropriate while sending a powerful
message on the need of a citizen-centric
which only aggravated their problems!
According to the nephrologist, they had
approach of transparency, openness
Governor’s move to lift veil no past history of kidney related diseas-
If no alliances, opposition needs
and accountability in governance. It is es! This brings to fore the shocking RTI
of secrecy commendable in the best interests of our democratic
principles and the Constitutional man-
response that over 33 lakh children in

to have pre-poll understanding We must commend our Governor PS

Sreedharan Pillai for li�ing that veil of se-
date of the RTI Act.
India are malnourished and a compari-
son with last years �gures shows a 91%
rise in 2021. The continued high prices of

crecy and opening the gates of Goa Raj fuel and cascading e�ect and a packet of
f the opposition parties in Goa are to be united to prevent splitting of votes
during the elections, if there are no pre-poll alliances, at least all the oppo-
Bhavan to embrace the Right to Informa-
tion Act. As required by the transparency
Quotas needed for specially chips now costing far less that an apple
or fruit/vegetables against the propagan-
sition parties should have a pre-poll understanding in which all the opposi-
tion candidates extend support to candidates that have the potential to win by
law, the Governor’s Joint Secretary has abled for due promotions da of the government’s “reality distortion
supporting common candidates so that there is no splitting of votes.
been appointed as the Public Informa- The apex court’s instructions to the Send your �eld” view of the nation’s health projec-
Would the opposition parties not rue if they lose particular seats merely be-
tion O�cer (PIO) while the Secretary Centre for giving reservation in promo- letters to us tion, still patting themselves on the back
to the Governor is the First Appellate tions to people with disabilities at the at editor@ for hasty demonetisation, Covid lock
cause of the splitting of votes? It is thus most important for the opposition Authority under the RTI Act.
parties to support common candidates by having a pre-poll understanding.
This brings to an end my protracted
earliest will bene�t the community. The down, high fuel prices.
In Goa where the size of electorate in each constituency is very small, every government has been using various The continued popularity of the Prime
vote would count if the margin of victory is very slim. litigation with our Raj Bhavan which delaying tactics to give the due bene�ts Letters must Minister for his projected decisive good
To thus reinforce one another, a comprehensive pre-poll understanding is the commenced at the State Information to the disabled community since 1995. be 150-200 intentions and booming economic
need of the hour. The opposition parties should not regret later because split- Commission and was now pending Supreme Court in its judgment had said words and recovery, hard work etc despite so much
ting of votes could lead to losing of particular seats. before the Supreme Court. For over a that instructions should be issued in mention the su�ering, vast disparities in the nation’s
decade the Goa Raj Bhavan was not sub- accordance with Sec 34 of the Rights basic citizens health and climatic devas-
ELVIDIO MIRANDA, via email mitting itself to the RTI Act by strangely of Persons with Disabilities Act 2016, writer’s name tation is a fact!
claiming that the Governor was not a which provides that every government and location JOHN ERIC GOMES, Porvorim

Printed and Published by: Pramod Acharya on behalf of Fomento Media. Editor: Joel Afonso (Responsible for selection of News under PRB Act). Disclaimer: Except for the editorials above, all columns and letters represent the views of the
Printed at: Elegant O�set Printers Pvt Ltd, Plot No 2/3/4, Thivim Industrial Estate, All Rights Reserved. concerned authors and do not necessarily reflect the view of The Goan Everyday’s Editor,
Karaswada, Mapusa, Goa. Editorial O�ce: Third Floor, Fourth Estate (Kamat Metropolis), St Inez, Panaji 403 001, Goa. Publisher and Owners.
Published at: Villa Flores da Silva, Erasmo Carvalho Street, PO Box 31, Margao 403 601, Goa. Ph: (0832) 240 5950 or mail us at For circulation issues, please call (0832) 2450000 or mail: @English_epaper_Backup For advertising related queries, please call: 2405988 or mail:
Editor’s Uttarakhand-Culture and Traditions
Desk Uttarakhand having
strategic location has a
unique landscape.High eco-
logical, cultural, religious,
sa ‘Kedarkhand’ and
There are sufficient ref-
erences in the great Indian
ditions, language, dialect,
fair, festivals, customs, be-
liefs, Rituals, values, food
habits, dresses, ornaments,
and beliefs provide oppor-
tunities of integration. Apart
from worshipping the natu-
ral elements people also
Dhauli, Birahi , Nayyaar,
Saryu, Ramganga , Pindar,
Kosi, and Kali river valleys .
Rituals of Mahabharat re-
invites participation of more
than 35, 00000 devotees,
covers a distance of 280 kms
in the higher Himalaya, tak-
spiritual values, rich worship the su- lated narratives take place ing a trekking time period of
biodiversity, myths, pernatural powers only in the river valleys situ- 22 days. Festivals like Maun,
folklores, unique including the ated in the Ganga and mass fishing festival, draws
socio-religious dead of their own Yamuna valleys. a crowd of 30000 village

The root cause of

practices, temples, family members. The faith patterns also folks.The tradition of pro-
holy shrines, scenic It is believed determine the ecology of cession of deity is not
places, snow clad that various forms cultural practices. The pre- merely religious but has cer-

Chennai’s distress mountains, thick of the folk deities dominant faith systems ini- tain political value which
forest cover, plant appear in the hu- tially were Shaiva and can benoticed through the
species make it a man body and this Shaakta cults. With the pas- specific routes marked for

during rains lies in favourite destina-

tion for tourists,
travellers, bird
whole process is
c a l l e d
‘DevAvataran (in-
sage of time Krishna cult
also entered in the form of
Naagarjaa and Ramol. It was
the movement of deity
which cannot be taken by
other deity. There are hun-

mismanagement watchers, adven-

turers, mountain-
which the humans
in followed by the Vaishnava
cult with the entry of
dreds of moving deities in
Garhwal Himalaya like-

of its water bodies

eers and pilgrims. dance as deities AdiShankaracharya and res- Mahasu, Chandika Devi,
As mostly, Lord and bless the toration and re-consecra- Uma Devi, Jakh etc. the Pro-
Shiva, Vishnu and devotees which is tion of the image of Vishnu cession of deity has another
Shakti (Mother known as in Badrinath. Parallel to the flavour when it is shifted
Unexpected floods point to the Goddess) are wor- JagarNritya. The classical cults run the wor- from its shrine to seasonal
need for better urban planning shipped in this re-
gion hence; almost all the epics of Ramayana and Arts.
Pandava dance is
held in more than 2000 vil-
ship of indigenous deities
numbering in
shelter and again when it
goes to its main shrine from
to face extreme weather events temples and shrines are Mahabharata which high- The regional dialects lages of andRamlila is the t h o u s a n d s l i k e M a h a s u, the seasonal shelter. The
dolis of Badrinath,
Tamil Nadu is reeling under the fury of the north- dedicated to one of these light not only the like-Jaunsari, Srinagariya, most popular and the larg- Nandadevi, Bhairava,
east monsoon with heavy floods forcing a near shut- deities. The pilgrimage/ physiographical impor- Salani, Rathi, Bangani, est theatre performed al- GolluDevata, Bagdwaal, Kedarnath, Gangotri and
down in Chennai. At least four people have died in Tirthyatras have not only tance of Garhwal Himalaya Ranwalti, Gangadi and oth- most in every village. Maniknath, Bagnath, Yamunotri are always
the city after rainwater inundated large parts of the helped to build up historical, but its religious and ritualis- ers are spoken and the Ramman (Mask dance of Malainaath, Gangnath, shifted to their seasonal
residential areas and commercial hubs late last week. bio-physical, socio-cultural, tic traditions. The literary dance forms in- shelter from their main
Schools and colleges were closed and railway traf- and economic perspectives sources clearly indicate as- clude Bhotia, shrines after a period of
fic disrupted. Though the low pressure formation in but also contributed signifi- sociation of many Rishis and Cholia, Jhora, six months. Lord
the Bay of Bengal, which caused the heavy down- cantly to a comprehensive other pioneering personali- Mukhota (Mask Badrinath resides at
pour, has lost its severity, there is fear that the city understanding of Hima- ties with Garhwal Himalaya Dance), Chanchri, Joshimath, Kedarnath at
may see floods of the scale it experienced in 2015, layan landscapes. such as Rishi Kanva is asso- Jhumelo, Chhapeli, Ukhimath, Ganga at
when over 400 people died as record rain fell dur- In a landscape liveli- ciated with modern Naati, Taandi. The Mukhba Village and
ing the wettest November in a century. hood, socio-cultural prac- Kotdwara (kanwashram), popular traditional Yamuna at Kharsali vil-
As in 2015, an extreme weather event is blamed tices (i.e., spiritual experi- Rishi Agastya with folk Songs include lage during winters.
for the flooding — more heavy rainfall is predicted. ences, music, dance, folklore, Agastyamuni and Rishi Mangal, Chaiti, The earthquake –re-
Climate experts have warned that such extreme customs, etc.), and natural Jamdagni with Than village. Chopati, Bajuband, sistant houses peculiar
weather events are likely to be frequent in the com- resource management Significance of the Khuded, Jaagar, to the architectural iden-
ing years. The solution lies in preparedness to face practices (i.e., biodiversity Garhwal Himalaya can also Panwada, Chhoda, tity of Yamuna valley said
storms, floods, sea ingress. Cities like Chennai also conservation, agriculture, be judged through its Harul, Jagar etc. to be 5000-year-old by
face extreme water stress in summer months. Since watershed management, world-famous Char Dhams’ GindiMela, the Archaeology depart-
the 2015 rain in Chennai, the impact of which was etc.) evolve. which are dedicated to the MaghMela, Bagwal, ment of our University.
exacerbated due to poor reservoir management, the The beauty of this re- Brahminical deities of Lord Harela, Phooldei, Briefly speaking the sub-
administration has done extensive work to build gion has also been Vishnu, Lord Shiva, Goddess Bissu Mela, Igaaspresent upper Alaknada valley) is AachhariMaataris and oth- stratum of the culture is pre-
storm water drains in flood-prone areas and eulogised in the Skanda Ganges and Yamuna respec- very interesting ritual. now listed as the intangible ers. The deities are also as- dominantly agro-pastoral
declogged the city’s two rivers, Adyar and Cooum. Puran and the scriptures tively. Apart from this there Nanda devi Raj Jat, Ramman, world Heritage by UNESCO sociated with the four ele- which has achieved a per-
But much more has to be done, especially since the describe the presence of are many folk deities, wor- Paandavlila, Chakravyuha, which itself defines unique- ments of nature, i.e., earth, fect synthesis with the clas-
root cause of the city’s distress during rains lies in Gods in the serene sur- shiped in different valleys Panchkoshi Yatra, Jakhnritya ness and value of such folk fire, water, sky, and air. The sical culture of the subcon-
mismanagement of its water bodies.The unplanned roundings of the which gives the identity of exhibit rich yatra traditions. traditions of Garhwal region. deities of fire and rain are tinent
growth of the city has led to the filling up of lakes Chardhams. Haridwar has ‘DevBhumi’ to Garhwal Though tough and rugged The geographical phe- the Yaksas, Nandadevi, deity (Dr. Nagendra Rawat
and tanks and shrunk wetlands. For instance, the been the entry point for Himalaya physiographical setting al- nomena minutely differen- of earth is Bhoomyaal, deity and Prof. DR Purohit) De-
shopping hub of T Nagar was built on a lake bed Gangotri, Yamunotri, Garhwal is inhabited by lows a communication gap tiate cultural patterns on the of earth and water is Naag, partment of History and Ar-
and the city airport came up on the floodplains of Badrinath, Kedarnath and the people belonging to a between remotely inhab- basis of river valleys. Thus sky is represented by the chaeology Department of
Adyar. Similarly, the city has expanded in the south since ages the pilgrims vis- number of ethnic groups ited communities and rest the cultural patterns vary in sounds of Dhol. Folk and Culture Hemvati
to encroach on a large wetland, Pallikaranai, where ited these shrines by trek- and castes which have their of India but these proces- Tons, Yamuna, Bhagirathi, NandadeviRajjat, a 12 yearly Nandan Bahuguna Garhwal
residential colonies, institutional areas and even a king.The Adiguru Shankara- indigenous culture and tra- sions, customs, traditions Mandakini, Nandakini, processional performance, University
large garbage dump have been built. A mass rapid charya trekked all the way to
transport system has severely restricted the flow in Garhwal from Kerala in the
Buckingham Canal, which was designed also as a 8th century AD. The foreign-
protective barrier against floods and sea ingress. ers like Lord Curzon,
Over 300 lakes, tanks and canals have disappeared Atkinson, Tilman also
in the past decades and, according to the adminis- trekked and identified new
tration, over 1.5 lakh illegal constructions choke the
cityscape. This is the story of most Indian cities that
have been callous about precious natural assets
such as rivers, streams and lakes, which were the
primary reason for the evolution of these habita-
trekking routes in this re-
gion. Garhwal Himalaya is
well known not only for its
natural beauty, but also for
its cultural splendour and
COP26: Bold commitments to
tions as urban centres.
Chennai will have to reclaim at least a part of its
lost water spaces and preserve whatever is left, in-
cluding its two rivers which have been reduced to
large drains, in order to better withstand the vagar-
flavour. The name ‘Garhwal’
is also associated due to its
forts and fort licks which
came into existence in late
medieval period. In
put gender equality at forefront
ies of climate-change-induced weather events. Skandpuranait was known Countries and Action Coalition members clean energy; and has biodiversity cooperation. Progress was wel-
non-state actors and other actors, included signed on to the multi- Sweden announced comed by Sabra
have come forward Bolivia committing to pro- stakeholder Gender and En- new measures to firmly em- Noordeen, Special En-
with new commit- mote the leadership of ergy Compact at COP26. bed gender equality within voy for Climate

WRWWO celebrates Diwali with ments and initiatives

that will strengthen
the resilience of
women and girls, especially
indigenous, Afro-Bolivian,
community and rural
Ecuador committed to
strengthen leadership, ne-
gotiation, and decision-
all their climate action, in-
cluding a work plan to inte-
grate a gender perspective
Change of
Maldives, who spoke
at the event.

patients of Jagjivan Ram Hospital women and girls in

the face of climate-
related impacts,
women, through their par-
ticipation in the design of
sustainable development
making capacities within
women’s organisations
working on climate. Ecuador
in all the core operations of
the Swedish Environment
Protection Agency (EPA).
The Maldives co-
leads the Feminist Ac-
tion for Climate Jus-
Western Railway
Women Welfare Organiza- while empowering projects. The UK tice coalition, along-
tion (WRWWO) has always them within climate Bolivia also set out how side Costa Rica. These
rendered unconditional action, at COP26 committed to re- $223 million announcements help
help for the welfare of rail- Gender Day in flect gender data in funding build momentum in-
way employees and their Glasgow. in its Nationally will address ternationally to drive
families. Under the leader- These new com- Determined the dual implementation of
ship of Smt. Tanuja Kansal - mitments build upon Co nt r i b u t i o n s challenges the Gender Action
President of WRWWO, many in excess of $139 mil- (NDCs), and to of gender in- Plan agreed at COP25,
such noble works have been lion in pledges al- work with UN equality and ahead of the sixty-
undertaken over Western ready made towards Women to pro- climate sixth session of the
Railway. In yet another ex- the UN Women-con- mote the use of change. The Commission on the
ample of this kind gesture, vened Action Coali- gender break- COP26 Presi- Status of Women
WRWWO has made gener- tion on Feminist Ac- downs in official dency also (CSW66) in March
ous donations to Western tion for Climate Jus- national statistics funded six 2022 which will focus
Railway's Jagjivan Ram Hos- tice, launched at the on environment female ne- on gender equality in
pital for the benefit of the Generation Equality and climate gotiators the context of climate
patients. Forum in Paris in July. change. also committed to representing less-devel- change, the environ-
According to a press re- During the ‘Ad- Canada continues to prioritising the most vulner- oped countries to partici- ment and disaster risk
lease issued by Shri Sumit vancing Gender support women’s leader- able women and children pate and attend COP26 reduction.
Thakur – Chief Public Rela- Equality in Climate ship and decision-making in and developing them as through the Women Del- Indigenous leader
tions Officer of Western Smt. Tanuja Kansal - President of Western Rail- Action’ event held on climate action and ensures agents of change in climate egates Fund. Tarcila Rivera Zea said:
Railway, to bring cheer, way Women Welfare Organization (WRWWO). Doc- Tuesday, countries that 80 per cent of its $4.3 change adaptation efforts; The US promotes gen- “Mother Earth is only
laughter and joy on the oc- tors and staff of JRH, Mumbai Central with fruits set out bold new billion climate investments to increase analysis on the der equity and equality in one when all of hu-
casion of Diwali, WRWWO gifted by WRWWO for the patients. steps and ambitious over the next five years tar- impact of climate change mitigating and responding manity has equal
made generous donations pledges to ensure cli- get gender equality out- decisions on women; and to to climate change as a stra- rights. All of us need to
to inpatients of Jagjivan Smt Tanuja Kansal - Presi- mendable welfare works mate action is gen- comes. integrate violence preven- tegic priority of the US Gov- make a real effort to
Ram Hospital. Fruits were dent of WRWWO for her and has served the diverse der-responsive and Canada is also pursuing tion into climate action. ernment National Strategy stop the negative cli-
distributed to 165 patients kind gesture. These gifts & innumerable welfare re- to improve women’s investments to link environ- Germany announced a on Gender Equity and mate impact in our
admitted in JRH. The ben- received from WRWWO, quirements of Western Rail- leadership and ment and socio-economic new Gender Strategy under Equality; investing at least territories and lives. It
eficiaries praised the kind were distributed by Dr way staff. It has also been meaningful partici- data, including gender its International Climate Ini- $14 million of the Gender is the responsibility of
gesture and shared their Hafizunnisa - Medical Di- generous with financial as- pation in climate ac- through a Census of the En- tiative (IKI) which will pro- Equity and Equality Action all leaders and busi-
happiness on the joyous rector of Jagjivan Ram Hos- sistance and also in provid- tion. vironment; leading the mote gender-transforma- Fund toward gender-re- ness actors to guaran-
day. Principal Chief Medical pital & her team of senior ing relief materials, ration Progress, from Equal by 30 campaign to tive approaches in interna- sponsive climate program- tee dignity for future
Director of Western Rail- doctors. kits, setting up vaccination Generation Equality advance gender equality in tional climate and ming. generations.”
way and Medical Director Shri Thakur further camps, etc. during the re-
of JRH also expressed their added that WRWWO has cent toughest times of
heartfelt gratitude towards done several such com- Covid pandemic.

Shubhra Ranjan IAS embraces tech., eyes expansion NASA delays human lunar landing to 2025
NASA “reserved the right to thorough evaluation of roughly 40,000 miles past
targets to double number of centres and treble student enrolment by FY24 Washington,
Hit by legal challenges, make multiple awards, a NASA’s source selection pro- the Moon, before returning
Shubhra Ranjan IAS billion-dollar industry, there says Shubhra of the seats in UPSC during the US space agency said on single award, or no award at cess for the human landing home. “Going forward,
(SRIAS), one of the most re- are only a handful of coach- Deshmukh,Co-Founder & the last three years. Wednesday it is pushing all”. Amazon founder Jeff system (HLS), and we have NASA is planning for at least
nowned coaching institutes ing institutes with compe- Executive Director, Shubhra The Institute has been back its goal of returning Bezos’ space venture Blue already resumed conversa- 10 Moon landings in the fu-
for Civil Services Examina- tent faculty members. Most Viraj EduTech Private Lim- streaming classes livefrom humans to the Moon, eye- Origin finally lost out on its tions with SpaceX,” Nelson ture, and the agency needs
tions conducted by UPSC,is of them, unfortunately, are ited. its flagship Delhi centre to ing a crewed lunar landing lawsuit against NASA. said.“It’s clear we’re both ea- significant increases in
planning to double its foot- concentrated in Delhi. There A pioneering feature all the regional centres. in 2025 instead of 2024 as The judgement by the ger to get back to work to- funding for future lander
print from 20regional cen- is a genuine demand for that sets SRIAS apart from Teachers also conduct sepa- part of its ambitious Artemis US Court of Federal Claims gether and establish a new competition, starting with
tres to 40 centres in tier 2 quality UPSC coaching in other providers in the rate Q&A sessions across all mission. The US space last week put an end to Blue timeline for our initial lunar the 2023 budget,” said
and tier 3 cities to provide a tier 2 and tier 3 cities in In- coaching industry is that it centres to clear the students’ agency was expected to Origin’s quest to develop a demonstration missions,” he Nelson. In the meantime,
fair learning opportunity to dia. Technology has enabled offers aspirants offline doubts. SRIAS has also pick two lunar lander proto- lander for the space agency, added. Prior to the surface there are efforts to reduce
every civil services aspirant us to bridge that gap to a coaching, online coaching launched Tablet Courses types (including one of Blue while upholding NASA’s se- mission, NASA is focused on costs and streamline opera-
in India. With its eyes set on certain extent, but we want as well as a combination of wherein studentsare pro- Origin’s) but funding cuts lection of SpaceX to develop the Artemis I uncrewed and tions underway. NASA has
$25 million revenue by to go the extra mile and both. The unique hybrid vided a Samsung Galaxy Tab from the US Congress led and demonstrate a modern Artemis II crewed flight tests issued a request for informa-
FY’24, SRIAS is also targeting democratise access to lead- model combined with its A7 Lite Tablet (WiFi+LTE, 32- the agency to select Elon human lunar lander. around the Moon. tion to industry to maximize
an increase in enrolment ing-edge content, peda- distinctive mentoring GB)exclusively configured Musk-run SpaceX over Blue In a fresh statement, Nelson announced the efficiencies in the Space
from 9,000 students to gogy and mentoring for stu- programme launched in the to use the Shubhra Ranjan Origin. In retaliation, Blue NASA Administrator Bill Orion spacecraft develop- Launch System (SLS) enter-
16,000 UPSC & 10,000 SPSC dents all across India.Our wake of the Covid pan- Tablet App.The course lec- Origin applied to the US Nelson admitted that owing ment cost now is $9.3 billion prise and also has asked in-
aspirants. multi-modal learning ap- demic, proved itself when tures are relayed on the tab- Government Accountability to “recent lawsuit and other from fiscal year 2012. dustry partners to build
“There is ahuge de- proach offers students flex- SRIAS’ students bagged 8 of let, followed by Q&A ses- Office (GAO) in April, and factors, the first human land- The Artemis II mission spacesuits and provide
mand-supply imbalance ibility and choice to enrol for the Top 50 ranks in the re- sions. Hundreds of course put SpaceX’s lunar lander ing under Artemis is likely includes sending astronauts spacewalk services for Inter-
that exists today in the Civil courses through our tradi- cent UPSC CSE 2020 results. lecturesare also available in contract on hold for 95 days. no earlier than 2025.” aboard Orion farther into national Space Station and
Services coaching industry tional classrooms, our tab- SRIAS’ students have consis- recorded format on the tab- The GAO squashed its “We’re pleased with the space than any humans Artemis programme mis-
in India. Despite it being a lets or our regional centres,” tently secured almost 10% let. challenge, arguing that US Court of Federal Claims’ have ever travelled before, sions. @English_epaper_Backup
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दै निक जागरण, राजस्थाि पत्रिका, दै निक भास्कर, ह द
िं स्
ु ताि, िवभारत टाइम्स, त्रिज़िस स्टैंडडड, अमर उजाला,पिंजाि
केसरी, उत्तम ह न्द,ू जिसत्ता, लोकसत्ता, ररभूमम, द पायिीयर,जागरूक टाइम्स, राष्ट्रीय स ारा, दै निक हरब्यूि, युवा
गोरव, भारतीय स ारा, स्विंतिंि वाताड, सीमा सिंदेश, दै निक सवेरा,एक्शि इिंडडया, मदरलैंड वॉइस, दे शििंध,ु ह माचल दस्तक,

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THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Life laughs at you when you are unhappy. Life smiles
at you when you are happy. But, life salutes you when you make others happy."


FREE PRESS Land of the brave awaits knight in shining armour

FOR FREE FLOW OF TRUTH Punjab’s free fall from the top of the per roads and bridges at focal points by and large Thus, the anachronistic mismatch between ce-
capita income and growth rate table to the remain on paper. real procurement and production.
middle has impacted the state’s pysche in A direct fallout of deindustrialisation is an Even so, the farmers’ agitation is unlikely to

Identify bribe-takers Insight ways that outsiders cannot grasp. The showy
lifestyles of the uber-rich few obscure the dis-
tress of the indebted many. The desperation to
unemployment rate higher than the national
average. Punjab is one of the five worst states
in this respect. Nor have governments invest-
affect the outcome of the elections. Farmers
are not a homogenous class and have different
concerns, so they vote along lines of caste,

in Rafale deal �Bhavdeep Kang export unemployed, under-educated youth to

Canada or Australia, or any part of the west-
ern El Dorado that will accept them, is just
ed in education and skill development. Sociol-
ogists link joblessness to the high incidence of
drug and alchohol abuse among the youth.
community and religious identity, although
analysts tend to identify the rural vote with
Jat Sikhs and the urban vote with Hindus.

he Bofors and Rafale deals have one thing in common. s the curtain lifts on the 16th episode of one symptom of the malaise. The trouble is that the political discourse in With the Congress in shambles, the AAP is
In the case of the former, it was Swedish Radio which re- ‘Punjab assembly elections’, a mud- The deindustrialisation of Punjab was a Punjab revolves around agriculture, because the frontrunner. If anyone can usher in the
ported first that a bribe was paid to Indian politicians, dled scenario presents itself. Four sig- tragedy foretold. At a time when other states politics is dominated by the land-owning Jat elusive ‘hope factor’, it is Arvind Kejriwal, a
bureaucrats and middlemen by the Swedish gun manufactur- nificant players are in the fray. None of them were wooing industry with incentives like tax Sikh community. Industry gets short shrift, genuinely ‘new’ face and the only one with a
er in a deal worth $1.4 billion. Nobody questioned the utility of has a distinctive agenda. The mood is dark, holidays, cheap power, low-cost land, capital and rarely figures in assembly debates, be- good track record in governance. But at the
the 410 field Howitzer guns India purchased. They played a sig- and the ‘hope factor’ is missing. Can a hero subsidy and ease of doing business reforms, cause it is of no concern to legislators from ei- end of the day, he is an outsider. The Congress
nificant role in the Kargil war. In the case of the Rafale deal un- emerge and infuse a sense of optimism in a Punjab was going in the opposite direction. ther the opposition or the ruling party. is relying on the ‘dalit’ factor, courtesy Chief
der which 36 fighter aircraft were bought, a French media com- state that has been in steady decline for over High power tariffs and rates of taxation esca- Power tariffs for industry are high because of Minister Charanjit Channi, but will have to
pany, Mediaport, has reported that a bribe of €7.5 million was two decades? lated the costs of business. Add to that the on- the overriding compulsion to provide free pow- contend with AAP and the SAD-BSP alliance,
paid to middlemen by aircraft manufacturer Dassault Avia- Whether it is the resurgent AAP, the ruling slaught of cheap Chinese goods. er to the agricultural sector. Cesses intended for which appeal to the same bloc. It has gone to
tion through some firms in Mauritius between 2007 and 2012. Congress, the marginalised BJP, the frag- The SMEs that could afford to relocate, left. development are used to meet the ever-increas- great lengths to appease maverick PCC chief
When the Rafale deal was struck on September 23, 2016, mented SAD or the ‘martyred’ Captain The once-thriving industry of Punjab became ing subsidy bill. As arrears mount, so do bor- Navjot Singh Sidhu, in the hope that he will
mainly at the initiative of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the Amarinder Singh (still the tallest leader in the a wasteland. Garments shifted to Madhya rowings and debt servicing charges, leaving bring in Jat votes.
Congress had alleged that kickbacks were involved. However, state), the rhetoric is the same: preserve the If the alliance between Captain Amarinder
the party could not come up with any evidence whatsoever to
pin down the government. The Supreme Court also refused to
Panth, repeal the Farm Laws 2020, wave the
‘Khalistan’ bogie, tackle drug abuse and most
Four significant players are in the fray for the Punjab assembly Singh’s Punjab Lok Congress and the BJP
pans out, a resolution to the farmers’ stir is es-
intervene, forcing the Opposition to sulk on the sidelines. In of all, continue and expand the freebie cul- polls but none of them has a distinctive agenda. The mood is sential. After all, the Captain was the first CM
the meantime, the aircraft proved itself a deterrent in the re- ture of Punjab. to speak out against the Farm Laws and still
cent showdown India had with China in the Leh sector. No- The inconvenient truths of a state-on-the- dark, and the ‘hope factor’ is missing maintains that he is opposed to them.
body, not even the Congress, questions the usefulness of Rafale brink have no place in electoral grandstand- Then there’s Punjab’s historic anti-cen-
to strengthen India’s air defence. ing. As the head of the sixth state finance com- Pradesh, pharmaceuticals to Haryana, steel very little for capital investment. trism. The Captain’s strong nationalist streak
The question is whether a bribe was paid to strike the deal. mission recently observed, Punjab has the to Chhattisgarh. Machine tools, sporting The agricultural sector’s dependence on free on the one hand, and commitment to federal-
Mediaport even specifies the amount paid. Now, there is a full- highest per capita expenditure on salaries and goods, woollens - all have suffered. Hero Cy- power stems from the fact that most farmers ism on the other, appealed to voters. While he
fledged war of words between the Congress and the BJP. The pensions, the highest per capita debt and debt cles, synonymous with Ludhiana, is among are locked into the water-intensive wheat-pad- is on the same page as the BJP on the former,
ruling party has called the Indian National Congress (INC) as servicing charges, and the lowest capital ex- the handful still soldiering on. dy cycle. The social costs of agricultural prac- he will have to convert the latter to anti-Con-
an ‘I Need Commission’ party. What lends credence to the penditure. And no amount of moustache- Punjab was already at a geographical disad- tices in Punjab are profound: diminishing wa- gressism. He carries the burden of anti-in-
BJP’s attack is that the period when the bribe of Rs 65 crore twirling or chest-thumping by politicians can vantage, as a landlocked border state without ter tables, pollution of soil, water and air and cumbency and non-performance, but could
was paid was between 2007 and 2012 when the Congress was in obscure these harsh facts. easy access to a major port. Raw materials rural indebtedness. R&D in agriculture focus- well prove a spoiler for the Congress.
power at the Centre. The deal was struck two years after the Earlier this year, the state government was and goods must be transported over great dis- es mainly on new varieties of wheat and rice, One can only hope that at least one of the
Modi government came to power in 2014. severely jolted by a NITI Aayog report that tances, so freight costs are high. Another pain rather than crop diversification. parties or alliances in the fray will produce a
One possible scenario is that commission was collected from said Punjab’s per capita income had fallen be- point for industry is the lack of adequate in- Rolling back or even rationalising farm sub- meaningful manifesto with a credible plan for
the French company when the negotiations for purchase of 126 low the national average, and indignantly frastructure. Successive governments have sidies would be the kiss of death for any politi- an economic turnaround, and belie the pre-
Medium Multiple Combat Aircraft were initiated. The Man- contested the figures. Whether Punjab is be- failed to address these issues. cal regime bold enough to join the dots between vailing sentiment that no matter who wins,
mohan Singh government wasted nearly seven years without low or marginally above the national average, So, Punjab is simply not competitive vis-a- competitive sops and the state’s economic col- Punjab will continue to lose.
buying a single aircraft. The Congress also has a point — why there’s no getting around the unpleasant vis other states and shows no desire to make lapse. Farmers are determined to maintain the
does the government not order an inquiry into the kickbacks truth that it trails behind Haryana and Hi- the transition to high value-added products status quo, and thus, are easy prey to rumours The writer is a senior journalist with 35 years of
paid by Dassault Aviation? The slugfest over Bofors cost the na- machal Pradesh, states that were carved out and services. Forward-looking policy initia- that output and input subsidies in the form of experience in working with major newspapers and
tion enormously, yielding precious little. Nonetheless, the Me- of its territory. tives like industrial parks and development of MSP, power and fertilisers, will be phased out. magazines. She is now an independent writer & author
diaport revelation necessitates an inquiry to identify and pun-

Textiles - II: Indian apparel could be an apparition

ish the persons who took the bribe in the name of the nation.

Supreme, but not in

superintendence of case
production capacities, or even export. It is India thus has a consumption structure that is
only when the quota system was abolished at sharp variance with the rest of the world. In-
Policy that the textile industry began growing again. dian garments focus on the use of cotton, while

he exasperation of the Supreme Court over the way the It was populism that stunted the apparel the world has opted to use more MMF fibres.
Uttar Pradesh government has been tackling the
Lakhimpur Kheri killings is apparent in its loud think- Watch industry in India and prevented the setting up
of integrated facilities under one roof.
Protection works in strange ways to ren-
der industries uncompetitive. India appears
ing. The Bench headed by Chief Justice of India NV Ramana As a result, the industry moved to other to have specialised in the formulation of
plans to entrust the task of monitoring the investigation to a for-
�RN Bhaskar countries. As Arvind Subramaniam points such policies.
mer judge of another high court. The court is upset over the out in his brilliant talk on the Indian econo- There are many who praise the textile parks
lackadaisical manner in which the state has been dealing with When people learn no tools of judgment my, India failed to grow even when China be- policy and the PLI scheme for T&A. The best
the case and its own inability to bring the investigation back on and merely follow their hopes, the seeds of gan moving out of textiles. China had recent- analysis of the disadvantages of the PLI
track. What is happening is a reflection of the limitations under political manipulation are sown. ly vacated businesses worth around $150 bil- scheme can be found in the speech by Arvind
the division of powers between the executive and the judiciary. — Stephen Jay Gould lion on account of higher wages. India, at Panagariya. Arvind Subramaniam too refers
True, the Supreme Court is, as the name itself suggests, the best, gained just 15 per cent of that. to the short-sightedness of the PLI scheme.

supreme judicial institution. However, it can only issue orders y every reckoning, Indian legislators Such findings were also borne out by No- Already WTO data shows India’s share of ex-
which have to be implemented by the executive. In the instant should have known that business should mura in 2019. It too pointed out how -- that of ports slipping.
case, it is local police who have to investigate the case and pun- be left to businessmen. Each time, sagac- the 56 companies that sought to move out of Textile analysts have another complaint
ish the guilty. There are two main cases, one in which a convoy ity was abandoned in favour of populism. China as labour costs were climbing -- only about the PLI. Is this incentive meant to sub-
of vehicles led by the son of a Union Minister, which deliber- So, it was with the rationing out of capital three opted to come to India. India’s allure sidise capital expenditure? The PLI does not
ately ran over a gathering of farmers blocking the road at for industry, the licences required for enhanc- was fast fading. promote labour-intensive sectors. Currently,
Lakhimpur Kheri. Five persons, including a journalist, were ing production, the quota system for doling Flawed policies: Just look at the numbers. In- the subsidies and incentives make the strong
crushed to death. out export rights to the favoured, the import dia’s share of the textile and apparel (T&A) It was populism that stunted the stronger, and the weak weaker. Already, both
In an instant violent reaction, the farmers lynched three of the duties to protect a few favoured domestic pro- export market (in 2019) was just 3.4 per cent. apparel industry in India and GST and other policies (like MMF pricing)
BJP workers to death. While one was a deliberate attempt to ducers, and now the rules behind the PLI (pro- China’s was 31 per cent. Even Bangladesh had have caused the textile industry to shrink.
overawe the farmers and “teach them a lesson”, the other was a duction-linked incentives). It was always the performed better than India at 8.5 per cent prevented the setting up of Finally, the PLI gives the bureaucrat more
spontaneous, though unacceptable, reaction to the attack. The
minister’s son was present in the convoy and he allegedly wield-
same story. Policymakers thought they knew
how business ought to be done. The result, in-
and is still growing. A closer look shows that
China continues to remain strong despite
integrated facilities under one power to decide who should be on the list and
with what benefits. It queers the pitch for al-
ed a gun. Yet, police refused to arrest him initially. It was only af- variably, was loss of business, industrial sick- higher costs. What hurts India is the absence roof. As a result, the industry location of capital that businessmen are bet-
ter the Supreme Court’s intervention that Ashish Mishra was ness, and consequently, loss of market share. of an ecosystem that failed to develop because ter at deciding.
arrested. The attempt is more to protect him than to punish Babus as gods: It was logical that apparel of flawed policies.
moved to other countries As for textile parks, analysts believe that the
him, though there is forensic evidence that his gun was used, ei- should have become the most profitable sec- The government’s inability to enter suitable best thing that the government could do is to
ther for self-protection or to scare the mob. tor for the textile industry, with the highest FTAs (free trade agreements) with importing few chosen industrialists, it has begun pro- get the same consultants who helped set up
The apex court has fears that the one-man inquiry commis- value added. Instead of allowing the industry countries is one factor. Bangladesh, Vietnam, tecting domestic industry by increasing tar- the textile parks in Vietnam. Not a single In-
sion headed by former judge of the Allahabad High Court, Jus- to climb the value chain, India made low- and even Pakistan, have extremely favourable iffs. India has one of the highest tariffs dian textile park comes close to that model. In-
tice P K Srivastava, which has been tasked with submitting an hanging segments more attractive. So, small- FTAs as far as T&A exports are concerned. In- among T&A exporting countries. One of the stead, like the infamous SEZ (special econom-
inquiry report into the October 3 incident, might not be able to er cottage enterprises flourished. They were dia needs to move fast on this front. items that has seen tariff increases is man- ic zone) policy announced by the previous
do justice to the task. It is a moot point whether the retired content with making simple apparel like kur- Its inability to stomp out the recourse to made fibres (MMF), which is a key input in government, this too will become more of a
judge of another high court is better equipped to do the tas. The move into more capital-intensive and reservations without merit has only encour- garment exports. real estate play than an industry asset.
job when police and the administrative machinery are con- sophisticated apparel-making (of items like aged many states to clamour for sons-of-the- Protectionism: As a result, while India is com- Can India’s garment exports see a boost?
trolled by those very persons who want to protect the guilty. A shirts and jackets) was retarded. Policymak- soil reservations. fortable with cotton and silk – it is the largest Best to keep your fingers crossed.
better option would be for the apex court itself to monitor the ers wanted to play god. They wanted to decide The government’s penchant for populism producer of both – the policy on MMF has
case on its own. which promoter should be allowed to expand goes even further. To curry favour from a hurt the textile industry. The author is consulting editor with FPJ


Globalisation: Harmony of economics and spirituality
— Rajyogi Brahmakumar Nikunj ji

lobalisation has been seen as a planetary only a fraction of the society.
phenomenon, which has always appeared As everyone knows, globalisation is only a small
under several aspects: informational, cul- bit of economic philosophy or policy, and one must
tural, economic or political. Although some ana- know the all-inclusive worldview or philosophy of
lysts consider it a beneficial phenomenon, other which it forms a part. Without viewing it in the full
analysts have called it into question for its disas- context, one may have an erroneous view of it.
trous effects on developing nations. During the last Like, the globalisation of business and trade with-
two decades, there has been a growing trend to- out a global view of the society as a global family
wards globalisation of trade and commerce and a would lead to social tensions and economic strife,
free-market economy. Academic economists be- which we are experiencing today.
lieve that these steps would give a spurt to forces of Also, globalisation in economics is an outward-
competitiveness, efficiency, better job opportuni- looking view. If it has no corresponding inward-
ties and generation of more wealth and prosperity. looking view, it would unleash bitter competition.
But one has to consider not just these benefits but In the absence of the inward-looking balancing
also the overall consequences of globalisation and forces, it would lead to stark materialism and com-
free play of market forces. No one can deny that mercialism, diminishing or setting at nought the
every human action emanates from a person's values of sympathy, kindness, compassion, world-
awareness of a set of values — right or wrong, and brotherhood, co-operation and so on.
so also globalisation, too, is based on a set of val- Thus, it would not only destabilise the financial
ues. Competitiveness, efficiency, etc., form just one markets but create disharmony in human rela-
set of values. One has to see what kind of forces tions as well. It would then become a potent an-
these values further set in motion and what is the tithesis of the moral and spiritual view. Hence it
overall effect or result of these forces on the socie- should be clearly understood that globalisation in
ty as a whole and not just on the businessmen and business and trade, without its spiritual counter-
industrialists and their employees who constitute part, would be a distorted value.
(Spiritual organisations keen to be featured in this space contact :

Chinese set up posts in Ladakh area ONE FLEW OVER THE NEST #FoamingYamuna THURSDAY’S SWIPE
THE FPJ NEWS SERVICE / NEW DELHI, AUG. 26: Greatest environmental irony, ground water used in Delhi to settle the foam over surface
water, of polluted river Yamuna. Yamuna is in ICU and it's been offered paracetamol by
Prime Minister Nehru disclosed in the Lok Sabha today that Delhi Jal Board, height of misgovernance and falsehood.
Chinese were virtually in control of the 20 kilometres Vimlendu Jha@vimlendu
demilitarised zone in Ladakh, where India had not established
civil or military posts. I'd think declare a code Red. No swimming. Definitely no dipping in the water. Stop
using it for any sort of water for the city. And immediately set up an enquiry panel to
He said that the Chinese had set up a number of civil and report back in a given period. And set up constant monitoring teams. Also somebody
military posts in that region. In the NEFA area India had some needs to resign.
civil posts. One Big Zero@OBZ_dechen
He also officially disclosed that since April this year, the Chinese
All govts are spending billions of Rupees to appease masses for vote bank. Why they are
had made 10 intrusions into our territory and also committed an ignoring environment because masses don't care for environment. When a common person
equal number of violations on our air space. Protests had been will prioratize env for his health over freebies then only govts will be serious to care for it
lodged with the Chinese Government on these provocative akrawat@akrawat2003
activities and the Colombo Powers were also informed about the
Cleaning Yamuna needs coordinated effort on part of Delhi, Haryana and UP govts. On
matter. The Prime Minister also confirmed that the Chinese the Delhi side, AAP has started the process rolling of cleaning Yamuna. At the moment
officers were touring Pakistan border areas. they are trying to keep the toxic foam and effluents out through barricades and boats.
Pak denial Andolanjeevi Cauliflowerputri@Sun_e_strokes
However, he said Pakistan Foreign Office had issued a denial.
Letters should be limited to 150 words and must be sent via e-mail. Letters may be edited for clarity or space. E-mail: @English_epaper_Backup @English_epaper_Backup

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