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Project Report

Theme: Alternative sources of energy

The Power of

SAI International School (Senior Group)

Gita Ramakrishnan XI

Loy Larvin XI

Abhay Nayak XI
This project is the result of combined effort of team members, teachers and the
school authority. It would have been impossible to make this project successful
without the help of Mr. Panigrahi Sir, Barun Sir and Satpathy Sir. They guided as
and showed the right path to achieve perfection in whatever we have done.

We shall be ever grateful to the school for the faith and confidence they have
shown in us and provided us with everything that was required. We also thank
B.Ramakrishnan, father of Gita, who has helped us a lot through his ideas and

Sometimes even small advices make great difference. We thank our friends who
were able to be part of this project and helped us to take it to the next step
through their suggestions. At last we would like to thank our parents for lending
us such beautiful support in every way possible

Thank you.
Mother earth is crying, she’s bleeding, she has done enough for her and now it’s
our turn to help her. This energy crisis can only be overcome through collective
effort and determination. I am glad we have begun understanding this problem
and are working for a better tomorrow.

I congratulate Gita, Loy and Abhay for having successfully compiled their thoughts
and action plan on alternative sources of energy, through their project “The
Power of Wind”. It was a pleasure for me to go through their project which
contains such innovative application of thought and technology.

I extend my heartfelt thanks to the school and to the administration for having
facilitated the project work in this institution.

A lot of research work and meticulous attention have gone into the making of this
project. I earnestly hope that this project turns out to be an eye-opener and
reveal the world about the true potential of wind.

Vice Principal

 Acknowledgement

 Foreword

 Synopsis

 Introduction

 Magenn Air Rotor System (MARS)

 Maglev Wind Turbine

 Vertical Axis Wind turbine

 Project Methodology

o Vertical Axis Wind Turbine (working model)

o Magenn Air Rotor System

 Observation

 India’s Wind Resource

o Bhubaneswar

 Conclusion

The Power of Wind


To promote the usage of wind power as a viable alternative source of energy

through different structures like Magenn, Maglev Wind turbine, and vertical axis
wind turbine. Our aim is also to construct a working model of vertical axis wind
turbine and prove its worthiness.


In present times it has become imperative for us to look for a sustainable

alternative source of energy to drive human race and its needs. Wind power is the
answer to our quest. Out of all sources of clean energy wind energy is the best.
Wind energy and its primitive technology have been around for hundreds of
years, yet it is untapped. This is because what we have the most is most ignored.
Now it’s time to alter our thought process and have a vision for a cleaner and
greener earth. If wind energy can be efficiently utilized then our dependence on
non-renewable source of energy would drastically decrease. In our project we
shall be discussing three types of ultra-modern turbines capable of harnessing
wind energy. They are:

Magenn Air Rotor System

Maglev Wind Turbine

Vertical Axis Wind Turbine


Circular permanent magnets,

Copper coil,

Pitch board,

Thermometer cover (axis),

Nib of pen refill,



G.I. rod,

Chart paper and other necessary craft things.


Wind possesses kinetic energy, which can be used to generate electricity. Wind
will rotate the turbines of a vertical axis wind turbine which will be attached to a
set of magnets and copper coils so as to produce electromagnetic induction and
thereby producing electricity. This can be detected using a Galvanometer.

Vertical Wind Turbines:

These structures have a vertical axis which can turn even at low velocities of wind.
This turbine is equally effective independent of the direction of wind. It can
handle speed over 100Km/h. It can be used for both commercial and home
purposes. Energy can be obtained at a very economical price.

Magenn Air Rotor System (MARS):

It is a high altitude wind turbine that rotates about a horizontal axis in response to
the wind generating electricity. These turbines are put in high altitude using
helium balloons. MARS captures the energy available in the 600 to 1000 ft low
level nocturnal jet streams that exist almost everywhere. The mechanism and the
built of this structure is such that it does not harm avian mortality and can be
used in accordance to the guidelines of airport authorities. It works with speed as
low as 2 m/s and is very mobile.
Maglev Wind Turbine:

This enormous structure has a vertical axis and vertical blades and its working is
based on the principles of magnetic levitation. This levitation is brought about by
using rare earth magnets. The vertically oriented blades of the wind are
suspended in the air above the vase of the machine through levitation and
thereby decreasing friction. It works at as low as 1.4 m/s. One large Maglev
turbine is capable of generating power as high a 1 Gigawatt, enough to supply
power to 750 thousand houses and has a life span of 500yrs!


The vertical wind turbine has been built as a working model. Rectangular plywood
was taken as its base and two pillars of plywood were erected to support the
structure. The vertical turbine was built using pitch board and cellophane which
served as turbine’s blades. Three copper coils were wound clockwise each having
200 rounds. Three circular magnets were attached under the lower base of the
turbine, making sure it is just above the copper coils. The nib of a pen and the
cover of laboratory were used as the axial. The rotation of the turbine would
cause the magnets to rotate just above the coils thus causing electromagnetic
induction which would in turn generate electricity. For the construction of models
of Maglev and MARS pitch board, G.I rod, plastic container and thermocol were
used for giving these structures its proper shape.


 Magenn turbines are less expensive per unit electrical energy output and
can harness the lower jet streams.
 Magenn turbines can be useful in emergency deployments and disaster
relief situations.
 Maglev can run even at 1.4m/s and can produce 1GW power, with a
lifespan of 500yrs.
 Maglev reduces maintenance costs and has minimum friction.
 Vertical axis wind turbines can take up air from any direction.


Through our project we are able to show the real power of wind energy and its
advantages. This form of energy can be harnessed anywhere, even in
Bhubaneswar which has wind speed of 4-9 km/h (source: Airport forecasts). If
these forms of technology can be implemented in our nation, we can definitely
tackle the energy crisis without causing harm to the environment and allow our
emerging economy to boom. Although wind as a form of energy has already been
harnessed, this project provides an insight to the effective usage of wind for
maximum energy output in the most frugal way possible.
We believe tapping of energy as one of the future means to replace or at least
reduce the dependence on the conventional ways of producing electricity. We
chose wind energy as we believe that wind energy has distinct advantages over
other alternative methods like solar energy. The distinct advantages of harnessing
wind energy using these new devices are given in detail in the later part of the

Need for alternative source of energy –

We don’t enjoy the luxury of having plenty of fossil fuel; in fact 70% of the fossil
fuel needs to be imported. Harnessing alternative energy would not only help in
checking pollution but it would also help our country to grow economically. In a
booming economy like ours we must have plenty of energy to keep growing. To
sustain our vast expanding economy we must look beyond the conventional.

Why wind energy?

We think wind energy will be the most fruitful source of power for India in the
future because scientists have found out that jet streams have speeds ranging
from 150 to 300 mph, and geo-engineers have found out that harnessing 1%of
these jet streams is enough to provide power for every person on earth. Other
relevant reasons are:
 Wind power produces about 1.5% of worldwide electricity usage, and is
growing rapidly, having doubled in the three years between 2005 and 2008.
 Several countries have achieved relatively high levels of wind power
penetration, such as 19% of stationary electricity production in Denmark,
11% in Spain and Portugal, and 7% in Germany and the Republic of Ireland
in 2008. As of May 2009, eighty countries around the world are using wind
power on a commercial basis.
 Wind energy as a power source is attractive as an alternative to fossil fuels,
because it is plentiful, renewable, widely distributed, clean, and produces
no greenhouse gas emissions.
 Large-scale wind farms are connected to the electric power transmission
network; smaller facilities are used to provide electricity to isolated
locations. Utility companies increasingly buy back surplus electricity
produced by small domestic turbines.
 The total amount of economically extractable power available from the
wind is considerably more than present human power use from all sources.
 An estimated 72 TW of wind power on the Earth potentially can be
commercially viable, compared to about 15 TW average global power
consumption from all sources in 2005.

Modern Structures -

Now we possess technology which is very efficient and very capable to harness
wind energy giving maximum output at minimal cost.

The structures are:

Magenn Air Rotor System (MARS)

Maglev Wind Turbine

Vertical Wind Turbine

We shall look into these structures in a more detailed manner and especially
vertical wind turbine, of which we have made a working model.
Magenn Air Rotor System (MARS):
Magenn Power's high altitude wind turbine called MARS is a solution with distinct
advantages over existing Conventional Wind Turbines and Diesel Generating
Systems including: global deployment, lower costs, better operational
performance, and greater environmental advantages.
MARS is a lighter-than-air tethered wind turbine that rotates about a horizontal
axis in response to wind, generating electrical energy. This electrical energy is
transferred down the 1000-foot tether for immediate use, or to a set of batteries
for later use, or to the power grid. Helium sustains MARS and allows it to ascend
to a higher altitude than traditional wind turbines.
MARS captures the energy available in the 600 to 1000-foot low level and
nocturnal jet streams that exist almost everywhere. MARS rotation also generates
the "Magnus effect" which provides additional lift, keeps the MARS stabilized, and
positions it within a very controlled and restricted location to adhere to guidelines
of airport authority.

The Magenn Power Air Rotor System (MARS) is a patented high altitude lighter-
than-air tethered device that rotates about a horizontal axis in response to wind,
efficiently generating clean renewable electrical energy at a lower cost than all
competing systems. This electrical energy is transferred down the tether to a
transformer at a ground station and then transferred to the electricity power grid.
Helium (an inert non-reactive lighter than air gas) sustains the Air Rotor which
ascends to an altitude for best winds and its rotation also causes the Magnus
effect. This provides additional lift, keeps the device stabilized, keeps it positioned
within a very controlled and restricted location, and causes it to pull up overhead
rather than drift downwind on its tether.

All competing conventional wind generators use bladed two-dimensional disk-like

structures and rigid towers. The Magenn Power Air Rotor system is a closed
three-dimensional structure (cylinder). It offers high torque, low starting speeds,
and superior overall efficiency thanks to its ability to deploy higher. The closed
structure allows Magenn Power to produce wind rotors from very small to very
large sizes at a fraction of the cost of current wind generators.

MARS 100kW Performance Specifications

Rated Power 101,000 Watts

Size (Diameter x Length) 45 ft x 100 ft (plus blade height of 22 ft each)

Shipping Weight Under 13,000 lbs

Volume of Helium 200,000 cubic feet

Tether Height 750 ft standard - up to 1,500 ft optional tether length

Start-up Wind Speed 2.5 m/sec - 5.6 mph

Cut-in Wind Speed 3.0 m/sec - 6.7 mph

Rated Wind Speed 12.0 m/sec - 26.8 mph

Cut-out Wind Speed 24.0 m/sec - 53.7 mph

Maximum Wind Speed 30.0 m/sec - 67.1 mph

Temperature Range -40¼C /-40¼F to +45¼C/+113¼F

Generators 100 kW Total

380 V 3 Phase 50 Hz, 480 & 600 V 3 Phase 60 Hz or

Output Form
Regulated DC

Warranty One Year

Life Cycle 10 to 15 Years

Price (USD) (Estimated) Rs.50,000

Environmental concerns:

Visual Impact
Wind turbines are highly visible structures often opposed by homeowners or real
estate developers owning land near a proposed site. Several studies have shown
that opposition often diminishes after the turbines are in place as homeowners
find the structures aesthetically pleasing and realize their environmental benefits.
Thus, opposition related to visual impact can be reduced through careful
arrangement of the wind turbines, rendering them impressive against a landscape
and through the education of the benefits of wind energy. Less opposition arises
in rural settings where farmers are often paid rent or fees by the owners of the
Magenn Power has an added benefit in that our MARS units may be deployed
much higher above surrounding terrain than conventional systems, thus capturing
more wind. Conventional systems are positioned in areas where winds are higher
such as coastal areas and high terrain. These locations are typically at greater
distances to customers. MARS, due to its ability to reach greater winds at higher
altitudes can be placed closer to demand centers, reducing transmission line costs
and transmission losses.

Avian Mortality
Birds and bats occasionally collide with wind turbines, as they do with other tall
structures such as buildings. However, collisions with Magenn's Air Rotors should
be significantly less.
Birds and bats tend not to fly into objects directly in front of them. Birds can see
these objects and bats can sense them. Current terrestrial wind turbines are large
fast-moving blades slicing through the air, hitting birds and bats from the side
without the animals sensing the presence of blades. In contrast Magenn wind
turbines are three-dimensional, softer objects. Birds and bats will more easily be
aware of the turbine's presence.
A large number of studies have addressed this issue. The findings indicate that
overall, bird deaths due to wind turbines are low, especially when compared to
other manmade structures.

The distinct advantages of the Magenn Air Rotor System design are as follows:
 Magenn Air Rotor System is less expensive per unit of actual electrical
energy output than competing wind power systems.

 Magenn Power Air Rotor System will deliver time-averaged output much
closer to its rated capacity than the capacity factor typical with
conventional designs. Magenn efficiency will be 25 to 60 percent. This is
hugely important, since doubling capacity factor cuts the cost of each
delivered watt by half.

 Wind farms can be placed closer to demand centers, reducing

transmission line costs and transmission line loses.
 Magenn Air Rotors are operable between 2 meter/sec and in excess of
28 meters/sec.

 Magenn Air Rotors can be raised to higher altitudes, thus capitalizing on

higher winds aloft. Altitudes from 400-ft to 1,000-ft above ground level
are possible, without having to build an expensive tower, or use a crane
to perform maintenance.

 Magenn Air Rotors are mobile and can be easily moved to different
locations to correspond to changing wind patterns. Mobility is also
useful in emergency deployment and disaster relief situations.

These points are mutually inclusive. The advantages above combine to make
Magenn the most cost-effective wind electrical generation system.

Maglev Wind Turbine:

Renewable energy produced from the wind has garnered much attention and
support in recent years but is often criticized for its low output and lack of
reliability. But now a super power wind turbine has come along that may be just
what the renewable energy industry needs. The Maglev wind turbine, which was
first unveiled at the Wind Power Asia exhibition in Beijing, is expected take wind
power technology to the next level with magnetic levitation.

Magnetic levitation is an extremely efficient system for wind energy. Here’s how
it works: the vertically oriented blades of the wind turbine are suspended in the
air above the base of the machine, replacing the need for ball bearings. The
turbine uses “full-permanent” magnets, not electromagnets — therefore, it does
not require electricity to run. The full-permanent magnet system employs
neodymium (”rare earth”) magnets and there is no energy loss through friction.
This also helps reduce maintenance costs and increases the lifespan of the
Maglev wind turbines have several advantages over conventional wind turbines.
For instance, they’re able to use winds with starting speeds as low as 1.5 meters
per second (m/s). Also, they could operate in winds exceeding 40 m/s. Currently,
the largest conventional wind turbines in the world produce only five megawatts
of power. However, one large maglev wind turbine could generate one gigawatt
of clean power, enough to supply energy to 7,50,000 homes. It would also
increase generation capacity by 20% over conventional wind turbines and
decrease operational costs by 50%. If that isn’t enough, the maglev wind turbines
will be operational for about 500 years!

Construction began on the world’s largest production site for maglev wind
turbines in central China on November 5, 2007. In the US, Arizona-based Maglev
Wind Turbine Technologies will be manufacturing these turbines. Headed by long-
time renewable energy researcher Ed Mazur, the company claims that it will be
able to deliver clean power for less than one cent per kilowatt hour with this new
technology. It also points out that building a single giant maglev wind turbine
would reduce construction and maintenance costs and require much less land
than hundreds of conventional turbines. The estimated cost of building this
colossal structure is Rs 212 crores.


 1 Maglev is equivalent to 1000 standard wind mills.

 As it works on magnetic levitation, friction is minimum which reduces

maintenance costs.

 The minimum speed required to run is 1.4 m/s or 5.04 km/h.

 It can produce power up to 1 Giga watt.

 It can produce enough energy to light up 7,50,000 homes.

 Its life span is 500 yrs!

 Initial capital investment required is Rs 212 crores as against a nuclear plant

whose cost of building is at least Rs 1000 crores.
Vertical Axis Wind Turbine:
Vertical-axis wind turbines (or VAWTs) have the main rotor shaft arranged
vertically. Key advantages of this arrangement are that the turbine does not need
to be pointed into the wind to be effective. This is an advantage on sites where
the wind direction is highly variable.
With a vertical axis, the generator and gearbox can be placed near the ground, so
the tower doesn't need to support it, and it is more accessible for maintenance. It
is difficult to mount vertical-axis turbines on towers, meaning they are often
installed nearer to the base on which they rest, such as the ground or a building
rooftop. The wind speed is slower at a lower altitude, so less wind energy is
available for a given size turbine.
Air flow near the ground and other objects can create turbulent flow, which can
introduce issues of vibration, including noise and bearing wear which may
increase the maintenance or shorten the service life. However, when a turbine is
mounted on a rooftop, the building generally redirects wind over the roof and
these can double the wind speed at the turbine. If the height of the rooftop
mounted turbine tower is approximately 50% of the building height, this is near
the optimum for maximum wind energy and minimum wind turbulence.


 A massive tower structure is less frequently used, as VAWTs are more

frequently mounted with the lower bearing mounted near the ground.

 Designs without yaw mechanisms are possible with fixed pitch rotor

 The generator of a VAWT can be located nearer the ground, making it

easier to maintain the moving parts.

 VAWTs have lower wind startup speeds than HAWTs. Typically, they start
creating electricity at 6 mph (10 km/h).

 VAWTs may be built at locations where taller structures are prohibited.

 VAWTs situated close to the ground can take advantage of locations
where mesas, hilltops, ridgelines, and passes funnel the wind and increase
wind velocity.

 VAWTs may have a lower noise signature.

Project Methodology:

Vertical Axis Wind Turbine (working model) -


This project has been meticulously compiled taking into considerations of all
factors. The basic concept behind the working of vertical axis wind turbine is that
wind possessing kinetic energy strikes the blades of the turbine and rotates it. The
circular magnets are kept just above the copper coils and attached under the
lower base of the turbine. Once the magnet rotates over the copper coils it causes
electromagnetic induction because of change of flux and hence produces


Rectangular plywood of 15cm width was taken as base and two pillar like
structures made of plywood were erected to support the structure.

Then we used pitch board to make the upper and lower discs of the turbine
because they are light, strong and can be easily manipulated with. Two discs were
made of same radius i.e. 7 cm.

Plastic cellophane sheets were used to make blades because they are very light.
Several blades of dimension 4.5 cm x 13 cm were cut out.
Slits were made in the disc at an angle of 45 degrees and the blades were put into
it. Then fevibond was used as glue to attach these blades. This gave a crude
cylinder like structure.

We used the cover of Laboratory thermometer as our axis as it was strong, light
and of perfect dimension that was needed.

We have used the nib of a pen at the bottom of the axial about which the
structure rotates. We have chosen the nib because it is strong and on rotating it
would produce least friction and rotate smoothly.

Then this axial is put inside the discs and attached with glue.

Three circular magnets are attached under the lower base of the turbine, making
sure that all magnets have same polarity.

28 gage copper wire has been used to make three copper coils. Each copper coil is
of 4 cm diameter and 200 rounds. All the copper wires were wound in the same
direction. It was placed carefully making sure that it is just under the three
magnets, allowing a gap of 2-3 mm.

Another horizontal piece of plywood was taken and attached to the pillars giving
support for the axial to rotate.

Magenn Air Rotor System -

It was built by using chart paper slices as blades and a cylindrical plastic container.

The blades made of paper were attached to the container in the form of blades.

Two holes were made to facilitate the rotation of the turbine in horizontal axis.
The horizontal axis was made of thin iron GI rod. They also served the purpose to
erect the structures.

These structures were placed in a thermocol box so as to provide stability and

The model was tested in the natural environment, blowing manually and through
a hair blower. The working model that was built did run smoothly even at low
velocities. Considering the experimental errors the result was very encouraging
and gave hope that a professionally built structure would indeed help in reducing
our dependence on fossil fuel. This model shows a very good deflection in the
voltmeter, achieving values as high as 1.4-1.6 volts. Testing it in galvanometer
also showed a very good deflection.

India’s Wind Resource:

India possesses excellent wind energy resource especially along the entire
eastern coast, Gujarat and coast of Kerala. If we can harness the wind energy
available to us with high efficiency, then it could support many major power
consuming cities of our country.


According to various reports Bhubaneswar has the potential to be a good site for
harnessing wind energy.

The average speed of wind is stated to be between 4-20 km/h, which is good
enough to run these structures.


Establishing wind power generating stations would meet the demands of steeply
growing economy of our state. We have been facing problems when the
monsoons become very erratic, and as we are heavily dependent on
hydroelectricity and thermal power, our cause of worry becomes even greater.
Thus having such structures in our state becomes imperative.
Wind is omnipresent and so can be usable energy. Through this project we tried
to explore the various ways through which wind energy can be harnessed. I hope
we are able to send this message of urgency to act for the benefit of human kind.
For different places, depending on the requirement and wind availability different
structures can be used. Maglev, Magenn and Vertical axis turbine are all great
prospects for the use of wind energy. These projects on paper are not sufficient to
tackle the energy crisis, it requires implementation. If these structures are
properly implemented we are sure that at least we can ensure a safe and
comfortable life for our future generations. Time is running out, we have to adopt
these sources of energy as soon as possible, before it’s too late.

Britannica Encyclopedia – Volume – 18:364, Energy Conversion.

Report on “Wind energy potential in Tamil Nadu” by C .Raghanathan and

Prashanthi Devi, Dept. of Environmental Sciences, Tamil Nadu Agricultural

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