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Shenyang Aerospace University

Course Name: Introduction to Chinese Law

Lecturer: Mr. Qin Guoji

Assignment Topic: Comparison about legal philosophy

between China and your country

Prepared By

English name Barua Aniruddha

Chinese name 奥尼

Class No 1751520318
Student Id 175152031864
" Comparison about legal philosophy between China and Bangladesh"

Bangladesh is my country. Bangladesh is a south Asian country and one of the neighbouring
countries of China. China is a east Asian country.The word Philosophy is similar to the culture.
Being in the same continental ground, one can find some significant philosophy as well as
differences between these two countries.

In Bangladesh, in a professional meeting, we shake hands. At home, we welcome guests with
delicious foods and for close friends and close relatives, we embrace them warmly. Same in
China, although the Chinese people are more sensitive about physical touch and maintaining
personal spaces.
In Bangladesh, family comes first. We are taught from the very beginning of our childhood that
we must obey our parents and elders and never disrespect others. Also in China, children are
taught to do the same thing. Families and the societies hold the top priorities for most people in
the Republic of China.
Majority of people in China don't believe in any religion although some believes in Buddhism,
Christianity and Islam. In Bangladesh, Islam is the primary religion and majority of the entire
population are Muslims. There are also Christians and Buddhists too but their number is not so
significant although according to our constitution, Bangladesh is a religion-free country that
means people can believe and follow their religious beliefs without any hazard. Although
romantic love is still in Bangladesh.
In China, majority of people speaks in Mandarin, Cantonese and other ethnic groups speaks their
local languages. In Bangladesh, Bangla is the official language. And we celebrate on 21’st
February as the International Mother Language Day.
Bangladesh is a small country of 56,977 mi square and home to 164.7 million people when
China is the largest country in Asia and the second largest country in the world and home to
1.386 billion people. Having such vast geographical area cultural differences in China is no
shock but when we compare China to Bangladesh, the differences between two nations become
more clear.
China and Bangladesh are both agricultural countries. Rice is the main food and we also have
variety of fishes, vegetables and fruits and sufficient supplies of meat.
Chinese cuisine has a prestigious image in all well known restaurants in all over the world. The
cooking is so unique and different that adds different tastes to our tongues. When Bangladeshi
cooking has its own aristocracy although our eating habits are adapted from Arabic cuisines and
Indian dishes.
China having a vast geographical area, it has different climates in different places and they wear
clothes according to their needs. Less clothes in summer, warmer clothes in winter. Bangladeshi
people also wear casual dresses but there are so many restrictions because of our religious beliefs.

China having more than 5000 years of history makes it one of the most interesting civilizations
on earth. Yet, Bangladesh is a developing country. In early days, Bangladesh and China were
both ruled by the then British government that left a mark on both nations’ cultural behaviour.
Bangladesh and China are now good friends and political,economic and international
relationship are deepening gradually. Despite all the similarities and differences, "We are same
but we are different, We are different but we are same."

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