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Number Line

The number line is used to represent real numbers. It is divided into positive and negative
numbers. The number between these numbers is zero (0), which is a neutral number that is
neither positive nor negative. Negative numbers are the opposite of positive numbers. Hence, for
every positive number, there is an opposite number that is negative. The value increases as you
move to the right side of zero and the value decreases as you move to the left side of zero.
Check the illustration of integers


Another concept that is important when performing the operations of integers is the absolute
value. This is the distance of a number from zero. This symbol “| |” is used for absolute value.
For example, |3| is read as “the absolute value of 3”.

Addition of Integers
Signs play an important part when adding integers. You need to take note of the signs in the
given expression.

a. Addition of Integers with Same Signs

When adding integers with the same sign, we just simply add the numbers of the same
sign and copy the common sign. How does it work in the number line? Let’s have the
following examples:

1. 2+4


From 2 (point of origin), just move four units going to the right because 4 is
positive. This will land on 6. So, 2 + 4 = 6.

2. -2 + (-4)

Note: Parenthesis is used to separate the operation from the negative numbers.


From -2 (point of origin), just move four units going to the left because 4 is
negative. This will land on -6. So, -2 + (-4) = -6.

What did you notice with the direction of the movements when you have the same signs?

b. Addition of Integers with Different Signs

When adding integers with the same signs, just subtract the numbers and keep the sign
of the number with the greatest absolute value. How does it work in the number line?
Let’s have the following examples:

1. 4 + (-6)


You need to add 6 units to get the answer but since you are adding a negative
number (opposite of 6, which is -6), you need to go in the opposite direction.
Counting 6 units from 4 going the left side, this will land on -2. So, 4 + (-6) = -2.

2. -3 + 8


You need to add 8 units from -3. Instead of going farther to the negative side, the
movement is going to the right side because you need to add a positive number.
This will land on 5. So, -3 + 8 = 5.

Why do you need to move in the opposite direction instead of going farther to the same

Here’s the summary on how to add integers based on the above discussion:

a. Addition of Same Signs

I. Add the numbers.
II. Copy the common sign for the final answer.

From the previous examples:

2+4 Given

2+4=6 Add the numbers.

2 + 4 = 6 (positive) Copy the common sign for the

final answer.

-2 + (-4) Given

-2 + (-4) = -6 Add the numbers.

-2 + (-4) = -6 (negative) Copy the common sign for the

final answer.

b. Addition of Different Signs

I. Get the difference between the numbers.
II. Copy the sign of the number with the greatest absolute value.

From the previous examples:

4 + (-6) Given

6-4=2 Get the difference between the


|-6| and |4| Get the absolute value of each

6>4 term, then compare.

4 + (-6) = -2 Copy the sign of the number with

the greatest absolute value.

-3 + 8 Given

8-3=5 Get the difference between the


|8| and |-3| Get the absolute value of each

8>3 term, then compare.

-3 + 8 = +5 Copy the sign of the number with

the greatest absolute value.

● Rules for Addition

Integer Sign of the Final Answer

Positive + Positive Positive

Positive + Negative
Negative + Positive

Negative + Negative Negative

* Copy the sign of the number with the greatest absolute value.

Subtraction of Integers
The subtraction of integers is similar to the addition of integers. It also follows the rules of
addition. Let’s subtract integers using the number line:

1. 3-2


You need to take away 2 from 3. You need to move 2 units going to the left side
because you are subtracting (or removing). This will land on 1. So, 3 - 2 = 1.

2. 3 - (-2)


You need to take away 2 from 3. What you need to take away is a negative
number. In this case, instead of moving 2 units to the left side, move 2 units to the
right side. This is because you are subtracting the opposite of the number
(negative). So, 3 - (-2) = 5.

3. -3 - 2


You need to subtract positive 2 from -3. Since the number to be subtracted is
positive, just move 2 units to the left side of -3. This is because you are removing a
positive number. This will land on -5. So, -3 - 2 = -5.

4. -3 - (-2)


You need to subtract -2 from -3. Since the number that will be subtracted is
negative, take the opposite direction of what will be taken. Move units to the right
side of -3. So, -3 - (-2) = -1

Here’s the summary on how to subtract integers based on the above discussion:

I. Copy the minuend.

II. Change subtraction to addition.
III. Get the opposite of the subtrahend.
IV. Perform the addition of integers.

From the previous examples:

3-2 Given

3-2 Copy the minuend.

3+2 Change subtraction to addition.

3 + (-2) Get the opposite of the subtrahend.

3 + (-2) = 1 Perform the addition of integers.

3 - (-2) Given

3 - (-2) Copy the minuend.

3 + (-2) Change subtraction to addition.

3+2 Get the opposite of the subtrahend.

3+2=5 Perform the addition of integers.

● Rules for Subtraction

Integer Sign of the Final Answer

Positive - Positive Depends*

Positive - Negative Positive

Negative - Positive Negative

Negative + Negative Depends*

* Copy the sign of the number with the greatest absolute value.

Multiplication and Division of Integers
Multiplication and division of integers take the same rules. Like the addition and subtraction of
integers, you need to be careful with the signs to come up with the final answer. There are only
two things you need to remember. When multiplying or dividing two integers with the same
signs, the answer is always positive. When multiplying or dividing two integers with the different
signs, the answer is always negative. Let’s use the number line to explain these concepts.

1. 3·2


3 · 2 is the same with 2 sets of positive 3 or 3 + 3. From zero, we need to count

three units twice going to the right side because these 3’s are positive. Zero will
be the point of origin for multiplication. This will land on 6. So, 3 · 2 = 6.

2. 3 · (-2)


3 · (-2) is the same as the previous example. Since the multiplier is negative, we
need to move to the left side of zero. This will land on -6. So, 3 · (-2) = -6.

3. -3 · (-2)


-3 · (-2) is similar to our previous examples. From zero, we need to move three
units twice going to the right side because the multiplier is negative instead of
going to the left side. This will land on 6. So, -3 · (-2) = 6.

These explanations are also applicable in the division of integers. This is the reason why
they have the same rules.

Here’s the summary on how to multiply and divide integers based on the above discussion:

I. Multiplying or dividing two integers with the same signs, the answer is always
II. Multiplying or dividing two integers with the different signs, the answer is always


-3 · (-2) Given

-3 · (-2) = 6 The answer is positive because the

integers have the same sign.

-3 · 2 Given

-3 · +2 = -6 The answer is negative because the

integers have different signs.

-8 ÷ (-4) Given

-8 ÷ (-4) = +2 The answer is positive because the

integers have the same sign.

8 ÷ (-4) Given

+8 ÷ (-4) = -2 The answer is negative because the

integers have different signs.

● Rules for Multiplication and Division

Integer Sign of the Final Answer

Positive× Positive
Positive÷ Positive
Negative× Negative
Negative÷ Negative

Positive× Negative
Positive÷ Negative
Negative× Positive
Negative÷ Positive

Exponent is a short way of writing multiplication of a number multiplied by itself. Let’s use the
given below to illustrate exponents.


Based on the given example, 6 is being multiplied by itself 3 times. Imagine writing 2 being
multiplied by itself 10 times. This will take some time when writing. This is where exponent comes
handy. Let’s simplify the following examples below.

1. 4


4 = 4 * 4 * 4 = 64

2. (− 2)


(− 2) = -2 * (-2) * (-2) * (-2) = 16

3. − 2


This seems the same from the previous example but the exponent is only raised
to the base 2.

- (2 * 2 * 2* 2) = - (16) = -16

4. 6


Any number raised to one (1) is equal to the number itself. So, 6 = 1. Why?

5. 5


Any number raised to zero (0) is equal to 1, except if the base is 0 and the answer
will be undefined. So, 5 = 1. Why?

PEMDAS stands for Parenthesis, Exponent, Multiplication, Division, Addition, Subtraction. This is
the order of how we perform operations given in one expression. Remember the following when
performing the series of operations:

1. Parenthesis - perform the operations inside the grouping symbols

2. Exponents - simplify expressions with exponents
3. Multiplication - whichever comes first between this two will be performed first

4. Addition - whichever comes first between this two will be performed first

Let’s apply these rules in the following expressions:

1. 2 + (4 - 5) * 3

2 + (4 - 5) * 3 Given

2 + (4 - 5) * 3 Perform subtraction inside the parenthesis.

2 + (-1) * 3 Perform multiplication.

2 + (-3) Addition will be performed last.

-1 Answer

2. -4÷(2 + 2) * 5 - 3

-4÷(2 + 2) * 5 - 3 Given

-4÷(2 + 2) * 5 - 3 Perform addition inside the parenthesis.

-4÷4 * 5 - 3 Perform division first.

-1 * 5 - 3 Perform multiplication next.

-5 - 3 Subtraction will be performed last.

-8 Answer

3 2
3. 2 ÷ (− 2) + 5 * (− 1)


÷ (− 2) + 5 * (− 1)
2 Given

2 ÷ (− 2) + 5 *(− 1)
2 Simplify the exponents.

8÷(-2) + 5 * 1 Perform division first.

-4 + 5 * 1 Perform multiplication next.

-4 + 5 Addition will be performed last.

1 Answer

2 2
4. ( 3 - (-5) ) ÷ 7( -2 + 3 )

( 3 - (-5) ) ÷ 7( -2 + 3 )
2 Given

( 3 - (-5) ) ÷ 7( -2 + 3 )
2 Simplify the exponent inside the parenthesis.

( 9 - (-5) ) ÷ 7( -2 + 3 )
2 Perform addition inside the parenthesis.

14 ÷ 7(1)
2 Simplify the exponents.

14 ÷ 7(1) Perform division first.

2 (1) Perform multiplication next.

2 Answer

2 3
5. -1 * ( 1 - (-1) ) ÷1 * (-1) - 1 + (-1)


-1 * ( 1 - (-1) )
÷1 * (-1) - 1 + (-1)
3 Given

-1 * ( 1 - (-1) )
÷1 * (-1) - 1 + (-1)
3 Perform subtraction inside the parenthesis.

-1 * (2) ÷1 * (-1) - 1 + (-1)
3 Simplify the exponents.

-1 * 4 ÷1 * (-1) - 1 + (-1) Perform multiplication first.

-4 ÷1 * (-1) - 1 + (-1) Perform division next.

-4 * (-1) - 1 + (-1) Perform multiplication again.

4 - 1 + (-1) Perform subtraction next.

3 + (-1) Addition will be performed last.

2 Answer

Translating Phrases/Sentences to Mathematical
Mathematics is a language translated into symbols. Instead of writing the expressions or
sentences into words, we use numbers, variables, and operators to come up with Mathematical
expressions and sentences.

Below are some phrases commonly used in addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Can
you determine which words/phrases belong to each operation? List down your answers.

plus the ratio of exceeded by product of

decreased by divided by more than of
the quotient of combined with less than greater than
diminished by times the fraction of sum/total of
increased by reduced by subtracted from multiplied by
the difference of per added to minus


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