Trail Map To Interesting Places in My Hometown: (Poblacion Tabuc, Mambusao, Capiz)

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My hometown is not much but when

Trail map to interesting places in my you snatch a closer look, you will discover
stunning and interesting places in it.
hometown Among these places are the Mambusao
Old Bridge, Mambusao Town Plaza, and St.
(Poblacion Tabuc, Mambusao, Capiz) Catherine of Alexandria’s Parish.
Mambusao Old Bridge is a historical site
that’s nearly a century old. Underneath it
lies the Mambusao River. The folks here
usually say that only the beautiful can
cross this bridge. The next one is the
Mambusao Town Plaza. It’s the heart of
Mambusao and the ideal place for joggers
and bikers. It possesses numerous elegant
plants and mesmerizing fountains. Last
but not least is St. Catherine of
Alexandria’s Parish. It may look ordinary
on the outside, but don’t be fooled! When
you set foot inside this church, your eyes
will take hold of a breathtaking view. The
church is still under renovation though.
However, this also means it will only get
more beautiful. Have you ever been to one
of these places? What do you think of it?

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