Disparities in The Management of Ectopic Pregnancy: Gynecology

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Disparities in the management of ectopic pregnancy
Jennifer Y. Hsu, MD; Ling Chen, MD, MPH; Arielle R. Gumer, MD; Ana I. Tergas, MD; June Y. Hou, MD;
William M. Burke, MD; Cande V. Ananth, PhD, MPH; Dawn L. Hershman, MD; Jason D. Wright, MD

BACKGROUND: Ectopic pregnancy is common among young women. Use of methotrexate increased from 14.5% in 2006 to 27.3% by 2015
Treatment can consist of either surgery with salpingectomy or sal- (P<.001). Among women who underwent surgery, salpingostomy
pingostomy or medical management with methotrexate. In addition to decreased over time from 13.0% in 2006 to 6.0% in 2015 (P<.001).
acute complications, treatment of ectopic pregnancy can result in long- Treatment in more recent years, at a teaching hospital and at higher
term sequelae that include decreased fertility. Little is known about the volume centers, were associated with the increased use of metho-
patterns of care and predictors of treatment in women with ectopic trexate (P<.05 for all). In contrast, Medicaid recipients (adjusted risk
pregnancy. Similarly, data on outcomes for various treatments are limited. ratio, 0.92; 95% confidence interval, 0.87-0.98) and uninsured women
OBJECTIVE: We examined the patterns of care and outcomes for (adjusted risk ratio, 0.87; 95% confidence interval, 0.82-0.93) were
women with ectopic pregnancy. Specifically, we examined predictors of less likely to receive methotrexate than commercially insured patients.
medical (vs surgical) management of ectopic pregnancy and tubal con- Among those who underwent surgery, black (adjusted risk ratio, 0.76;
servation (salpingostomy vs salpingectomy) among women who under- 95% confidence interval, 0.69-0.85) and Hispanic (adjusted risk ratio,
went surgery. 0.80; 95% confidence interval, 0.66-0.96) patients were less likely to
STUDY DESIGN: The Perspective database was used to identify undergo tubal conserving surgery than white women and Medicaid
women with a diagnosis of tubal ectopic pregnancy treated from recipients (adjusted risk ratio, 0.69; 95% confidence interval, 0.64-
2006e2015. Perspective is an all-payer database that collects data on 0.75); uninsured women (adjusted risk ratio, 0.60; 95% confidence
patients at hospitals from throughout the United States. Women were interval, 0.55-0.66) less frequently underwent salpingostomy than
classified as having undergone medical treatment, if they received commercially insured patients.
methotrexate, and surgical treatment, if treatment consisted of sal- CONCLUSION: There is substantial variation in the management of
pingostomy or salpingectomy. Multivariable models were developed to ectopic pregnancy. There are significant race- and insurance-related
examine predictors of medical treatment and of tubal conserving sal- disparities associated with treatment.
pingostomy among women who were treated surgically.
RESULTS: Among the 62,588 women, 49,090 women (78.4%) were Key words: disparity, ectopic pregnancy, methotrexate, salpingectomy,
treated surgically, and 13,498 women (21.6%) received methotrexate. salpingostomy

T he incidence of ectopic pregnancy,

defined as the implantation of
a fertilized ovum outside of the endo-
Women with ectopic pregnancy typi-
cally are treated either medically with
methotrexate or surgically. Methotrexate
conservation, with some studies sug-
gesting no difference in intrauterine
pregnancy rates between conservative
metrium, varies between 1e2% in is administered via intramuscular injec- management and salpingectomy,7-9
the general population.1,2 Despite ad- tion and offers a noninvasive route of but others reflecting significant
vances in early diagnosis and manage- treatment. Surgical treatment most improvement in fertility with conser-
ment, complications that arise from commonly consists of either salpingec- vative management.6 At minimum,
ectopic pregnancy remain a significant tomy or salpingostomy with tubal the results support a thoughtful dis-
cause of morbidity and death in the preservation. With conservative man- cussion with patients about the risk-
first trimester. Using pregnancy-related agement via methotrexate or salpingos- benefit calculus in the context of
death estimates from 1991e1999, mor- tomy, close follow up with serial their reproductive goals and personal
tality rate was calculated to be 31.9 measurements of quantitative beta preferences.
per 100,000 cases of ectopic pregnancy.3 human chorionic gonadotropin is To date, little is known about the
In addition to acute morbidity, imperative to ensure resolution.4 patterns of care for management of
ectopic pregnancy may decrease future Multiple clinical criteria are used ectopic pregnancy in the United
fertility. to evaluate the suitability of patients States. We performed a population-
for medical vs surgical treatment.5 based analysis to examine the pat-
There are recent data that promote terns of care and outcomes for women
Cite this article as: Hsu JY, Chen L, Gumer AR, et al. the benefits of tubal conservation with ectopic pregnancy. Specifically,
Disparities in the management of ectopic pregnancy. Am
to optimize future fertility without we examined factors that are associ-
J Obstet Gynecol 2017;217:49.e1-10.
excessive risk of recurrent ectopic ated with medical management of
0002-9378/$36.00 pregnancy.6,7 However, data are ectopic pregnancy and tubal conser-
ª 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ajog.2017.03.001 conflicting with regard to actual vation among women who underwent
fertility outcomes in cases of tubal surgery.

JULY 2017 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 49.e1

Original Research GYNECOLOGY ajog.org

approximately 15% of hospitalizations

nationally.10 Hospitals included in
Trends in management of ectopic pregnancy
the dataset report data on all patients
who were treated within the given
A facility (inpatient and outpatient).
Perspective captures data on clinical
and demographic characteristics of
patients and diagnoses and pro-
80% cedures billed through International
Classification of Diseases, ninth revi-
sion (ICD-9), codes. Additionally,
60% Perspective captures drugs received by
patients and services rendered
through capture of billing and use
Treatment was classified as either
30% medical with methotrexate or surgical
with salpingostomy or salpingectomy.
Methotrexate use was identified
10% from hospital billing records; sal-
pingostomy (ICD-9 codes 66.01,
0% 66.02) and salpingectomy (ICD-9
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
codes 65.41, 65.49, 66.4, 66.5, 66.51,
Surgery Methotrexate
66.52, 66.62, 66.63, 66.69) were
identified based on ICD-9 procedure
B codes. Patients with codes for both
salpingostomy and salpingectomy
were classified as having undergone
90% Demographic and clinical data
included age at the time of the treat-
ment (<20, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34,
70% 35-39, 40-44, and 45 years), year of
the treatment, marital status (married,
60% single, and other/unknown), and pri-
mary insurance status (commercial,
Medicare, Medicaid, uninsured, and
40% unknown). Race was self-reported and
categorized as white, black, Hispanic,
and other/unknown. The Elixhauser
comorbidity index, a measure of un-
derlying medical comorbidity based
10% on defined coding, was used to classify
comorbid diseases in patients. The
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 index was classified into 0, 1, and 2
Salpingectomy Salphingostomy based on the number of comorbid
A, Use of medical vs surgical treatment for ectopic pregnancy. B, Use of salpingectomy vs sal- medical conditions.
pingostomy among women with ectopic pregnancy who underwent surgical treatment. Hospitals were categorized based
Hsu et al. Disparities in the management of ectopic pregnancy. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2017. on location (urban or rural), teaching
status (teaching or nonteaching),
hospital bed size (<400, 400e600,
Methods pregnancy who were treated from and >600 beds), and region of
Patients and procedures 2006 to the first quarter of 2015. the country defined within the
We used the Perspective database This all-payer database captures in- dataset (Northeast, Midwest, West,
(Premier, Charlotte, NC) to identify surance claims data from >500 acute and South). Annualized hospital vol-
women 15e60 years old with ectopic care hospitals, which represent ume was calculated for each

49.e2 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology JULY 2017

ajog.org GYNECOLOGY Original Research

Clinical and demographic characteristics of the cohort stratified by methotrexate and surgery and multivariable
analysis of use of methotrexate
Methotrexate, Surgery, Methotrexate: adjusted
Variable n (%) n (%) P value risk ratio (95% confidence interval)
All 13,498 (21.6) 49,090 (78.4)
Age, y .02
<20 611 (22.1) 2,150 (77.9) Referent
20e24 2,667 (22.0) 9,443 (78.0) 0.96 (0.89e1.04)
25e29 3,927 (21.8) 14,096 (78.2) 0.93 (0.87e1.01)
30e34 3,653 (21.7) 13,156 (78.3) 0.92 (0.85e0.99)a
35e39 2,048 (20.4) 7,977 (79.6) 0.88 (0.81e0.96)a
40e44 548 (20.4) 2,145 (79.7) 0.89 (0.80e1.00)a
45 44 (26.4) 123 (73.7) 1.20 (0.91e1.56)
Year <.001
2006 784 (14.5) 4,626 (85.5) Referent
2007 856 (15.3) 4,744 (84.7) 1.08 (0.97e1.19)
2008 1,034 (17.6) 4,837 (82.4) 1.24 (1.09e1.40)a
2009 1,252 (20.7) 4,805 (79.3) 1.46 (1.29e1.64)a
2010 1,405 (21.0) 5,291 (79.0) 1.48 (1.32e1.65)a
2011 1,749 (22.5) 6,034 (77.5) 1.57 (1.40e1.76)a
2012 2,110 (24.8) 6,383 (75.2) 1.73 (1.54e1.94)a
2013 1,974 (24.7) 6,030 (75.3) 1.72 (1.52e1.95)a
2014 1,932 (26.8) 5,271 (73.2) 1.89 (1.67e2.14)a
2015 402 (27.3) 1,069 (72.7) 1.97 (1.70e2.28)a
Marital status <.001
Married 5,292 (22.7) 18,060 (77.3) Referent
Single 6,665 (21.4) 24,471 (78.6) 0.98 (0.93e1.02)
Other/unknown 1,541 (19.0) 6,559 (81.0) 0.87 (0.77e0.99)a
Race <.001
White 6,445 (22.2) 22,615 (77.8) Referent
Black 3,369 (21.3) 12,448 (78.7) 0.96 (0.90e1.03)
Hispanic 729 (19.4) 3,024 (80.6) 1.00 (0.87e1.16)
Other/unknown 2,955 (21.2) 11,003 (78.8) 0.95 (0.88e1.03)
Insurance status <.001
Commercial 6,800 (23.1) 22,680 (76.9) Referent
Medicare 144 (20.3) 567 (79.8) 1.05 (0.90e1.22)
Medicaid 4,053 (20.5) 15,725 (79.5) 0.92 (0.87e0.98)a
Uninsured 2,044 (19.9) 8,245 (80.1) 0.87 (0.82e0.93)a
Unknown 457 (19.6) 1,873 (80.4) 0.87 (0.78e0.97)a
Hospital location <.001
Urban 12,324 (21.8) 44,293 (78.2) Referent
Rural 1,174 (19.7) 4,797 (80.3) 1.03 (0.88e1.22)
Hsu et al. Disparities in the management of ectopic pregnancy. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2017. (continued)

JULY 2017 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 49.e3

Original Research GYNECOLOGY ajog.org

Clinical and demographic characteristics of the cohort stratified by methotrexate and surgery and multivariable
analysis of use of methotrexate (continued)
Methotrexate, Surgery, Methotrexate: adjusted
Variable n (%) n (%) P value risk ratio (95% confidence interval)
Hospital teaching status <.001
Nonteaching 8,130 (20.8) 31,042 (79.3) Referent
Teaching 5,368 (22.9) 18,048 (77.1) 1.16 (1.02e1.33)a
Hospital bed size .01
<400 7,450 (21.1) 27,798 (78.9) Referent
400-600 3,549 (21.9) 12,649 (78.1) 0.94 (0.81e1.08)
>600 2,499 (22.4) 8,643 (77.6) 0.84 (0.70e1.01)
Hospital region <.001
Northeastern 1,817 (20.6) 7,011 (79.4) Referent
Midwest 2,258 (21.5) 8,254 (78.5) 1.11 (0.90e1.36)
South 7,024 (22.3) 24,488 (77.7) 1.06 (0.88e1.27)
West 2,399 (20.4) 9,337 (79.6) 1.01 (0.82e1.23)
Comorbidity (Elixhauser <.001
comorbidity index)
0 12,322 (24.6) 37,802 (75.4) Referent
1 947 (9.9) 8,602 (90.1) 0.41 (0.38e0.44)a
2 229 (7.9) 2,686 (92.1) 0.32 (0.28e0.37)a
Annualized hospital volume b
28 (18-43) 25 (15-37) <.001 1.010 (1.007e1.013)a
Generalized estimating equations were fitted to account for hospital-level clustering.
P<.05; b Data are given as median (interquartile range).
Hsu et al. Disparities in the management of ectopic pregnancy. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2017.

hospital and estimated as 4 times women with medical vs surgical ectopic pregnancy, we included all
the quarterly mean of the number of treatment and between salpingostomy of the clinical, demographic, and
patients with any treatment at a given vs salpingectomy using c2 and Wil- hospital characteristics in our multi-
hospital. coxon rank-sum tests. Trends in variable models. Similar generalized
treatment were compared using the estimating equations models were
Outcomes Cochran-Armitage trend test. To developed to examine predictors of
The outcomes of the analysis included examine predictors of medical treat- salpingostomy and complications
medical vs surgical treatment and ment, generalized estimating equa- among women who underwent surgi-
salpingostomy vs salpingectomy tions that included all demographic cal treatment. All analyses were con-
among women who were treated sur- and clinical characteristics that ducted with SAS software (version 9.4;
gically. A composite metric of any were available in the dataset were SAS Institute, Cary, NC). All statistical
complication was analyzed among used to account for hospital-level tests were 2-sided. A probability value
surgical patients and included hem- clustering. Given that previous of <.05 was considered statistically
orrhage, venous thromboembolism, studies of other surgical procedures significant.
shock, transfusion, renal failure, res- often have noted that race and
piratory failure, bacteremia, sepsis, insurance status are associated with Results
pneumonia, other infection, and other treatment choice, a priori we hy- Among the 62,588 women who were
complications. pothesized that these factors may also identified with ectopic pregnancy,
be associated with treatments for 49,090 women (78.4%) underwent
Statistical analysis ectopic pregnancy. However, given the surgery with salpingectomy or sal-
The demographic and clinical char- limited previous data that have pingostomy, and 13,498 women
acteristics were compared between described predictors of treatment for (21.6%) received medical treatment

49.e4 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology JULY 2017

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Clinical and demographic characteristics of surgery patients stratified by salpingostomy and salpingectomy and
multivariable analysis of predictors of salpingostomy
Salpingostomy, Salpingectomy, Salpingostomy: adjusted
Variable n (%) n (%) P value risk ratio (95% confidence interval)
All 5719 (11.7) 43,371 (88.3)
Age, y <.001
<20 379 (17.6) 1,771 (82.4) Referent
20e24 1373 (14.5) 8,070 (85.5) 0.82 (0.74e0.90)a
25e29 1770 (12.6) 12,326 (87.4) 0.66 (0.59e0.73)a
30e34 1425 (10.8) 11,731 (89.2) 0.53 (0.48e0.59)a
35e39 682 (8.6) 7,295 (91.5) 0.42 (0.37e0.47)a
40e44 85 (4.0) 2,060 (96.0) 0.19 (0.15e0.25)a
45 5 (4.1) 118 (95.9) 0.19 (0.08e0.44)a
Year <.001
2006 600 (13.0) 4,026 (87.0) Referent
2007 721 (15.2) 4,023 (84.8) 1.16 (1.05e1.29)a
2008 621 (12.8) 4,216 (87.2) 1.00 (0.88e1.13)
2009 606 (12.6) 4,199 (87.4) 0.98 (0.87e1.11)
2010 632 (11.9) 4,659 (88.1) 0.96 (0.85e1.08)
2011 697 (11.6) 5,337 (88.5) 0.91 (0.81e1.03)
2012 706 (11.1) 5,677 (88.9) 0.86 (0.76e0.97)a
2013 612 (10.2) 5,418 (89.9) 0.81 (0.71e0.92)a
2014 460 (8.7) 4,811 (91.3) 0.72 (0.62e0.83)a
2015 64 (6.0) 1,005 (94.0) 0.51 (0.39e0.67)a
Marital status <.001
Married 2293 (12.7) 15,767 (87.3) Referent
Single 2751 (11.2) 21,720 (88.8) 0.92 (0.87e0.97)a
Other/unknown 675 (10.3) 5,884 (89.7) 0.90 (0.76e1.07)
Race <.001
White 3043 (13.5) 19,572 (86.5) Referent
Black 1068 (8.6) 11,380 (91.4) 0.76 (0.69e0.85)a
Hispanic 325 (10.8) 2,699 (89.3) 0.80 (0.66e0.96)a
Other/unknown 1283 (11.7) 9,720 (88.3) 0.86 (0.77e0.96)a
Insurance status <.001
Commercial 3150 (13.9) 19,530 (86.1) Referent
Medicare 49 (8.6) 518 (91.4) 0.70 (0.53e0.93)a
Medicaid 1596 (10.2) 14,129 (89.9) 0.69 (0.64e0.75)a
Uninsured 722 (8.8) 7,523 (91.2) 0.60 (0.55e0.66)a
Unknown 202 (10.8) 1,671 (89.2) 0.74 (0.64e0.86)a
Hospital location .89
Urban 5163 (11.7) 39,130 (88.3) Referent
Rural 556 (11.6) 4,241 (88.4) 0.94 (0.75e1.17)
Hsu et al. Disparities in the management of ectopic pregnancy. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2017. (continued)

JULY 2017 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 49.e5

Original Research GYNECOLOGY ajog.org

Clinical and demographic characteristics of surgery patients stratified by salpingostomy and salpingectomy and
multivariable analysis of predictors of salpingostomy (continued)
Salpingostomy, Salpingectomy, Salpingostomy: adjusted
Variable n (%) n (%) P value risk ratio (95% confidence interval)
Hospital teaching status <.001
Nonteaching 3797 (12.2) 27,245 (87.8) Referent
Teaching 1922 (10.7) 16,126 (89.4) 0.95 (0.79e1.15)
Hospital bed size <.001
<400 3,409 (12.3) 24,389 (87.7) Referent
400e600 1453 (11.5) 11,196 (88.5) 0.91 (0.75e1.12)
>600 857 (9.9) 7,786 (90.1) 0.97 (0.75e1.25)
Hospital region <.001
Northeastern 635 (9.1) 6,376 (90.9) Referent
Midwest 1215 (14.7) 7,039 (85.3) 1.51 (1.20e1.88)a
South 2318 (9.5) 22,170 (90.5) 0.99 (0.79e1.24)
West 1551 (16.6) 7,786 (83.4) 1.62 (1.26e2.08)a
Comorbidity (Elixhauser <.001
comorbidity index)
0 4,691 (12.4) 33,111 (87.6) Referent
1 812 (9.4) 7,790 (90.6) 0.82 (0.76e0.88)a
2 216 (8.0) 2,470 (92.0) 0.76 (0.66e0.88)a
Annualized hospital volume 25 (15-35) 25 (15-37) .02 1.001 (0.996e1.007)
Generalized estimating equations were fitted to account for hospital-level clustering.
P<.05; b Data are given as median (interquartile range).
Hsu et al. Disparities in the management of ectopic pregnancy. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2017.

with methotrexate. As can be seen in women who were treated at a noncommercial insurance coverage
the Figure, use of methotrexate nonteaching facility, patients at were all associated with a dec-
increased significantly from 14.5% in teaching hospitals were 16% more reased likelihood of undergoing
2006 to 27.3% by 2015; surgical likely to receive methotrexate salpingostomy. Compared with
management declined from (adjusted risk ratio [aRR], 1.16; 95% white patients, black (aRR, 0.76;
85.5e72.7% over the same time confidence interval [CI], 1.02e1.33). 95% CI, 0.69e0.85) and Hispanic
period (P<.001). Among those In contrast, women with noncom- (aRR, 0.80; 95% CI, 0.66e0.96) pa-
women who underwent surgery, sal- mercial insurance were less likely tients were less likely to undergo
pingostomy decreased over time from to receive methotrexate. Compared tubal conserving surgery. Similarly,
13.0% in 2006 to 6.0% in 2015; the with women with commercial insur- Medicaid recipients (aRR, 0.69;
rate of salpingectomy rose from 87.0e ance, Medicaid recipients were 95% CI, 0.64e0.75) and uninsured
94.0% over the time period (P<.001; 8% (aRR, 0.92; 95% CI, 0.87e0.98) women (aRR, 0.60; 95% CI,
Figure). less likely and uninsured women 0.55e0.66) less frequently under-
Table 1 displays the clinical and were 13% (aRR, 0.87; 95% CI, went salpingostomy than commercial
demographic characteristics of the 0.82e0.93) less likely to receive insured patients. In contrast,
cohort stratified by the receipt of methotrexate. compared with women who resided
methotrexate or surgery. Treatment in Factors associated with salpingos- in the Northeastern United States,
more recent years, management at a tomy among women who underwent patients in the Midwest (aRR,
teaching hospital, and treatment at surgery are displayed in Table 2. 1.51; 95% CI, 1.20e1.88) and
higher volume centers were associated Older age, more recent year of treat- West (aRR, 1.62; 95% CI, 1.26e2.08)
with increased use of methotrexate ment, the presence of medical were more likely to undergo
(P<.05 for all). Compared with comorbidities, nonwhite race, and salpingostomy.

49.e6 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology JULY 2017

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Complications stratified by salpingostomy and salpingectomy among surgery patients
Salpingostomy, Salpingectomy,
Complication n (%) n (%) P value
All 5719 (11.7) 43,371 (88.3)
Any complications 1337 (23.4) 15,150 (34.9) <.001
Hemorrhage 1163 (20.3) 11,950 <.001
Venous 1 (0.02) 13 (0.03) .60
Shock 32 (0.6) 1,199 (2.8) <.001
Transfusion 238 (4.2) 5,742 (13.2) <.001
Renal failure 1 (0.02) 68 (0.2) .01
Respiratory failure 15 (0.3) 277 (0.6) <.001
Bacteremia sepsis 1 (0.02) 41 (0.1) .06
Pneumonia 2 (0.03) 77 (0.2) .01
Other infection 11 (0.2) 253 (0.6) <.001
Other 113 (2.0) 1,474 (3.4) <.001
Hsu et al. Disparities in the management of ectopic pregnancy. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2017.

The overall perioperative complica- First reported in 1985, medical man- California, and Illinois, the relative risk
tion rate was 23.4% (95% CI, agement of ectopic pregnancy with for ectopic pregnancy among black
22.3e24.5%) after salpingostomy and methotrexate works via antagonism women was 1.26 compared with white
34.9% (95% CI, 34.5e35.4%) after sal- of the folic acid pathway in DNA repli- women from 2000e2003.20 Further-
pingectomy (Table 3). Hemorrhage was cation, which impairs growth of the more, the risk of death from ectopic
the most frequent complication. In a developing trophoblast.11,12 The optimal pregnancy was 6.8 times higher for black
multivariable model, complications regimen of systemic methotrexate is women compared with white women
remained 31% less common after sal- debated, although data suggest that the from 2003e2007.21 Although more
pingostomy (aRR, 0.69; 95% CI single-dose regimen is as effective as severe underlying disease in underserved
0.65e0.73; Table 4). Older women were the multi-dose regimen and is associ- minorities may account for a portion of
less likely than younger women to ated with lower cost and fewer side- the variation in care that we noted,
experience a complication; Hispanic effects.13-15 Wider availability of pathologic differences are unlikely to
(compared with white; aRR, 1.15; 95% methotrexate and use of early sonogra- account for all of the variability that we
CI 1.07e1.24) and uninsured phy have facilitated the growth noted.
(compared with commercial insurance; in medical management, as also seen in There has been little previous work
aRR, 1.12; 95% CI 1.07e1.17) patients other studies.16 When surgical manage- that has examined disparities in the
were more likely to experience a ment is selected, the decision of sal- medical and surgical treatment
complication. pingostomy vs salpingectomy is often of ectopic pregnancy.19 Using the
based on surgeon preference, patient Nationwide Inpatient Sample,
Comment history, and intraoperative appearance Papillon-Smith et al22 analyzed the
We noted substantial variation in the of the tubes; however, when cost- treatment of 35,000 women with
management of ectopic pregnancy in the effectiveness, recurrence risk, and ectopic pregnancy. The investigators
United States. Although the rate of future fertility are factored in, neither found that Asian/Pacific Islanders and
medical management with methotrexate appears clearly superior.4,6-9,17 those treated in rural hospitals were
is increasing, among women who un- Previous studies have shown that mi- less likely to undergo nonsurgical
dergo surgery, tubal-conserving sal- nority women are not only at increased management. This study was limited
pingostomy is being used less frequently. risk for the occurrence of ectopic preg- in that the data source captures only
There are significant race- and nancy but also are more likely to expe- inpatient encounters. We noted that
insurance-related disparities that are rience adverse outcomes.18,19 Among uninsured women and Medicaid re-
associated with treatment. Medicaid recipients in New York, cipients were less likely to receive

JULY 2017 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 49.e7

Original Research GYNECOLOGY ajog.org

treatment with methotrexate and were

less likely to undergo salpingostomy;
Multivariable model of factors that were associated with complications
black and Hispanic women were also
among surgery (salpingectomy or salpingostomy) patients
less likely to receive tubal-conserving
Any complication: adjusted risk ratio surgery.
Variable (95% confidence interval) The reasons underlying the disparities
Surgery that were seen in our study group, as
Salpingectomy Referent
throughout the obstetric and gyneco-
logic literature, are complex and myriad.
Salpingostomy 0.69 (0.65e0.73)a Without reliable insurance coverage,
Age, y women often experience delays in access
<20 Referent to healthcare, which leads to more
advanced disease at initial presentation
20e24 0.87 (0.82e0.93)a
and, thus, greater risk of morbidity and
25e29 0.88 (0.83e0.93)a death. This may help explain the reason
30e34 0.86 (0.81e0.91)a that uninsured women experienced
35e39 0.86 (0.81e0.92)a more complications in our study popu-
40e44 0.88 (0.81e0.95)a
lation. Early diagnosis and treatment is
particularly crucial, because a small,
45 1.01 (0.81e1.26) unruptured ectopic pregnancy affords
Year women more choice in treatment and
2006 Referent allows them to avoid surgery when
preferred. Additional rationale for the
2007 1.00 (0.95e1.06)
greater incidence of salpingectomy
2008 0.98 (0.91e1.04) among racial minorities may be the
2009 1.03 (0.97e1.10) preponderance of gonorrhea and chla-
2010 0.98 (0.91e1.05) mydia infections; black women are 7
2011 1.03 (0.96e1.10)
times more likely to contract chlamydia
and 14 times more likely to contract
2012 1.01 (0.95e1.07) gonorrhea compared with white women,
2013 0.99 (0.92e1.06) which likely leads to more severe un-
2014 1.02 (0.95e1.10) derlying tubal disease that is related to
2015 1.03 (0.93e1.14)
pelvic inflammatory disease.23,24 Finally,
little is known about patient preferences
Marital status and patient reported outcomes for
Married Referent women with ectopic pregnancy. This
Single 0.99 (0.95e1.03) is clearly an area that warrants
further study.
Other/unknown 0.98 (0.91e1.06)
We recognize a number of important
Race limitations. First, administrative data
White Referent lack many important clinical character-
Black 1.02 (0.97e1.06) istics that influence treatment selection
such as hemodynamic stability, betae
Hispanic 1.15 (1.07e1.24)a
human chorionic gonadotropin levels,
Other/unknown 1.13 (1.08e1.20)a and the size of the ectopic pregnancy. A
Insurance status priori, the goal of our study was not to
Commercial Referent examine the effectiveness of treatment
but rather to explore overall patterns of
Medicare 0.94 (0.83e1.05)
care. Second, current ICD-9 coding does
Medicaid 1.02 (0.98e1.05) not allow for the accurate distinction of
Uninsured 1.12 (1.07e1.17)a laparoscopy or laparotomy. Third, we
Unknown 0.95 (0.87e1.03) cannot exclude the possibility that
treatment was misclassified in a small
Hsu et al. Disparities in the management of ectopic pregnancy. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2017. (continued)
number of women. Likewise, although

49.e8 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology JULY 2017

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2014;21:914-20. Author and article information Supported by grants NCI R01CA169121-01A1
23. Newman LM, Berman SM. Epidemiology of From the Departments of Obstetrics and Gynecology (Drs (J.D.W.) and Dr. Hershman NCI R01 CA166084 (D.L.H.)
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24. Seifer DB, Zackula R, Grainger DA. Society Irving Comprehensive Cancer Center (Drs Tergas, Hou, Corresponding author: Jason D. Wright, MD.
for Assisted Reproductive Technology Writing Burke, Hershman, and Wright), Columbia University jw2459@columbia.edu

49.e10 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology JULY 2017

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