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150 feet Ishwariya Road, Kalawad Road, Rajkot – 360 110


150 feet Ishwariya Road, Kalawad Road, Rajkot – 360 110
Recognized by: CCIM and Department of AYUSH
Affiliated to Gujarat Ayurved University

150 feet Ishwariya Road, Kalawad Road, Rajkot – 360 110

Sanskrit Name:-Latakaranja
Regional names: - Kanthe Karanja,Karanjava (Hindi), Kanchaka,Kanka (Guj.)
Latin name: - Caesalpinia crista Linn.
Family: -Leguminosae
Useful part: - Seed,Root,Leaves
Indications:-Vishamajwara,Krimi,Shotha,Kustha,Prameha & Udarashoola
Dosage: - Swarasa:-10- 20 ml, Churna:-1-3 gm
Therapeutic uses:-
 Vishamajwara-Seeds of Latakaranja are powdered and administered with equal
quantity of Maricha Churna in case of Vishama Jwara.
 Yowanpidika(Pimples)-Seeds of Latakaranaja is grounded with Godugdha and applied
in case of Yowanpidika(Pimples).

Formulations: -Vishamajwaraghni Vati,LatakaranjaBija Taila

Dr. Leena Shukla Dr.Manish Pamnani

Professor & HOD Asst.Professor
Department of Dravyaguna Department of Dravyaguna
Rainy Season Precautions for Asthma
Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease that causes problems to the airways that carry
air to the lungs. In layman's term, asthma is difficulty in breathing. As per the report of
the World Health Organization (WHO), India has around 15-20 million asthma patients.
Many asthma patients experience asthma attacks during rainy season, let's see why
and how rain affects your asthma.

What Makes Asthma Worse in Rainy Season:

1. Increased pollen

One of the prominent causes of asthma is rain-dispersed pollen. In the rainy

season, a number of pollens in the environment increase causing asthma
attack. These pollens increase due to various reasons such as dampness in
the air, fungus, extreme weather conditions. Its adverse effect is mostly seen
at night.

2. Toxic Gas

During the monsoons, there is a possible precipitation of toxic gases such as

sulphur, sulphur dioxide, and nitrogen dioxide. These toxic gases make it
difficult for the asthma patients to breathe properly and eventually causing an
asthma attack.

3. Increased fungus

The dampness caused due to gloomy weather and constant rain increases the
growth of fungus in the surroundings along with dust. These pollutants are
infectious to asthma patients as they cause bronchial disorders.
4. Viral infection

With monsoon, various viruses and bacteria enter in the environment. These
viruses and bacteria cause multiple allergies to asthma patients ending up with
asthma attack.

Other than this the emotional factors like anger, excitement, fear or excessive exercise
also create breathing problems. It is important to understand that asthma cannot be
cured; however, it can be controlled. Let's see how.

How to manage asthma in rainy season?

 The asthma patients should avoid every contact with pet animals. They should be kept
away from the patient's bedroom.
 Keep the damp places like toilets, bathroom free from fungus by cleaning them with
bleach, disinfectants, detergents etc.
 Fumigate the damp areas.
 Asthma patients should not skip their medicines. Have a balanced diet with the advice
of an expert dietician.
 Wash all the rugs, pillow covers, bed sheets with warm water
 Avoid cold food items.
 Mild fomentations are preferable.

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