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What are included on the range of economic, social and cultural rights under the
a. Right to work, fair wages and safe and healthy working conditions
b. Right to form trade unions
c. Right to an adequate standard of living and social security
d. All of the above

2. How many countries have ratified ICESCR?

a. 71
b. 27
c. 37
d. 47

3. What is the obligation of every State Party signatory to the ICESCR?

a. To take steps, individually and through international assistance and cooperation,
especially economic and technical, to the maximum of its available resources, with a
view to achieving progressively the full realization of the rights recognized in the present
Covenant by all appropriate means.
b. To ensure territory or jurisdiction as delimiting criteria for the scope of and application
of the ICESCR.
c. To take all appropriate measures to eliminate discrimination against women and
advance gender equality.
d. To recognize the rights  "without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex,
language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or
other status,"[15] and to ensure that they are enjoyed equally by women.
a. Correct answer under Article 2 (1) of the ICESCR
b. The ICESCR does not mention territory or jurisdiction as delimiting criteria for the scope and
application of the treaty.18 Instead, it refers to the international or transnational dimensions of
the realisation of esc rights. Therefore it is suggested that a certain extraterritorial (in the sense
of international) scope was intended by the drafters and is part of the treaty.19 This is also clear
from the Preamble of the Covenant which contains a reference to ‘the obligation of States under
the Charter of the United Nations to promote universal respect for, and observance of, human
rights and freedoms’. There was consequently no need to limit explicitly the protection of esc
rights to those people resident in the territory of a State Party only.
c. State Party obligation for CEDAW
d. State Party obligation for ICCPR

4. It refers to the effect of the ICESCR beyond the border of State Parties.
a. Extraterritorial Scope
b. Interterritorial Scope
c. Interdependence and interrelatedness
d. Adequate standard of living

a. CORRECT ANSWER. the United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
has indicated that the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR)
may have an effect beyond the borders of States Parties, meaning that states may be bound by
their obligations under the treaty when acting extraterritorially. The present contribution aims
at researching the use of the notion of the extraterritorial scope of the ICESCR in the documents
adopted by the Committee, such as General Comments, Statements and Concluding
Observations. The article concludes that, although the Committee did introduce some basic
notions, it has never clarified at length, in-depth and systematically the notion of the
extraterritorial scope of State Parties’ obligations from a conceptual perspective. There is
therefore a need for the Committee to further develop the notion of the international scope and
application of the ICESCR, for example, by holding a day of general discussion and adopting a key
document on this topic which should contain concrete guidance to States Parties. The present
article provides examples of questions and issues that are relevant in order to gain a more
coherent understanding of the extraterritorial scope of the ICESCR from a legal point of view.

b. General rule
c. Interdependence and Interrelatedness are principles of human rights
d. Adequate standard of living is one of the rights protected under the ICESCR.

5. Which of the following are functions of the International Convention on Economic,

Social and Cultural Rights
a. Regular review of State Party reports
b. Hearing of individual complaints
c. Inquiry into grave violations of the Convention
d. All of the above

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