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1. Define Attitude - is an orientation that is organized around experiences that respond to an object,
person, or situation in a consistent way.

2. Identify the 5 types of Attitudes Therapies. Discuss briefly

 Kind Firmness- its characteristic is to be firm with depressed patients, forcing them to focus on
dull, unsatisfying, repetitive labor rather than sympathizing with their pain. The goal of loving
firmness and insistence on under-satisfying tasks is usually to help him channel his rage
outward. Because these patients have an underlying antagonism, the approach activities
supplied must be beneficial to them.

 No Demand Approach - Use on persons who are out of control. The therapist must
demonstrate caring behaviors in order to assure the person that they will not harm them
When they lose control, the therapist does nothing but wait for them to return. An orientation is
a collection of experiences that respond consistently to an object, person, or situation.

 Active Friendliness - Usually prescribed for schizophrenics who are reclusive and
indifferent. Shy, aloof, and socially isolated patient these patients are given tender loving care
and their personal requirements, such as bathing, brushing their hair, and clipping their
fingernails, are met.

 Passive Friendliness- Use on persons who are suspicious of others.  The therapist must make it
clear that they are available at all time. Pick an activity for them to do that they will be
successful at right away.

 Matter-Of-Fact- Use on persons who are irresponsible and manipulative. The therapist must
state and follow through on what they say, and not depart from it.

3. Identify the 3 D's of cognitive impairment of older person

 Delirium- occurs when a person has an abrupt change in mental status or bewilderment. It's
possible that the person has problems paying attention or thinking clearly. They may appear
bewildered or distracted Delirium is more serious than a "senior moment," which refers to
modest memory and comprehension issues that people experience as they age. It necessitates
medical attention and, in some cases, hospitalization.
 Depression - is thought to be a mental illness. It's also known as an affective disorder because it
means that one of your emotions isn't working properly. A disturbance of emotions or feelings is
one of its primary characteristics.
 Dementia - is a progressive and gradual decline in mental processing ability that affects short-
term memory, communication, language, judgment, reasoning, and abstract thinking.
a. know its symptoms of each

Symptoms of delirium:

 Acting disoriented.
 Anxiety.
 Hallucinations.
 Rambling.
 Rapid changes in emotion.
 Restlessness.
 Trouble concentrating.

Symptoms of depression:

 Anxiety, agitation or restlessness

 Slowed thinking, speaking or body movements
 Feelings of worthlessness or guilt, fixating on past failures or self-blame
 Trouble thinking, concentrating, making decisions and remembering things
 Frequent or recurrent thoughts of death, suicidal thoughts, suicide attempts or suicide
 Sleep disturbances, including insomnia or sleeping too much
 Tiredness and lack of energy
 Reduced appetite and weight loss or increased cravings for food and weight gain
 Feelings of sadness
 Angry outbursts, irritability or frustration, even over small matters

Symptoms of dementia:

 Flat affect.
 Laziness.
 Memory loss.
 Difficulty concentrating.
 Finding it hard to carry out familiar daily tasks, such as getting confused over the correct change
when shopping.
 Struggling to follow a conversation or find the right word.
 Being confused about time and place.

b. What are the directions of care of this impairment?

DELIRIUM- Early detection is very important. Maintain the person's safety, ascertain the cause of the
delirium, and treat as soon as possible.

DEPRESSION- Depression management necessitates a thorough assessment and accurate diagnosis. The
evaluation must be based on a thorough history, physical examination, and mental state examination.
History must be gathered from all possible sources, particularly the family. The diagnosis must be made.
Find out about the symptoms as soon as possible. Following the treatment plan can help a depressed
person; however, they should also be encouraged to be hopeful.
DEMENTIA- As the disease progresses, they will require more assistance at home. You are able to help
by attempting to comprehend how the person with dementia perceives their surroundings. Give the
individual opportunity to discuss any difficulties and participate in their own daily care.

c. Differentiate the 3 D's of this cognitive impairment

DELIRIUM - medical conditions may cause temporary disorientation or intellectual impairment.

DEPRESSION - It's possible that you'll be indecisive, and your thoughts will focus on failures and a sense
of hopelessness.

DEMENTIA - Gradual deterioration in cognitive, problem-solving abilities, and ability to function


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