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Understanding the Self

Introduction: Knowing Oneself


Name: ____________________________ Course & Section: __________________

(This assignment will be submitted on ________________.)
Instruction. Complete the following statements:
A Portrait of Yourself
1. The best thing(s) I ever did was (were)___________________________________ 
2. I wish I could lose my fear of______________________________________________
3. I know I have the talent to ________________________________________________
4. I enjoy people who ________________________________________________________
5. I admire __________________________________________________________________ 
6. I feel most productive when ______________________________________________
7. I am motivated by ________________________________________________________ 
8. I almost never ____________________________________________________________ 
9. My idea of fun is _________________________________________________________
10. Work is exciting when ____________________________________________________
11. The best advice I ever got was ___________________________________________
12. The thing I value most is __________________________________________________
13. If money were no object, I would _________________________________________
14. It is easy for me to focus on ______________________________________________
15. My idea of a perfect life is ________________________________________________
16. My best days are ________________________________________________________ 
17. My dream is _____________________________________________________________
18. I always wanted to ______________________________________________________
19. I look forward to _________________________________________________________ 
20. I spent too much time ____________________________________________________

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