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Name_________________ Class__________________

Secondary Science Lab Report Template ø

The research question I will try to answer is: how can we prove the greenhouse
gasses effects on global warming?

Write a prediction for
each factor, what do
you think will happen? 

Use the keywords and

scientific ideas to
explain why you think
that will happen.
Your predictions must
each have a ‘because’
and show your scientific
We will set up different situations and a control.


The control :

Draw a diagram with

your installation and
label the parts of the
diagram with all your

To see if my hypothesis is correct I will measure the temperatures every 5


Time elapsed Control 1 2

5 minutes
10 minutes
15 minutes
20 minutes
25 minutes
30 minutes

Present the results (temperatures over time) as a graph.
1. Describe what your results show:
Our results show that…..

Before the experiment in my hypothesis I predicted that…. Restate your Prediction/hypothesis
(CLAIM+ a little of your background
evidence and reasoning) and say if you
think your results (new EVIDENCE)
supports what you predicted or not. 
Now you must explain your results
scientifically (REASONING):  use the key
words and theories from the unit to
With my results from this experiment I can see that I was (correct/incorrect). I explain why you got the results that you
was (correct/incorrect) because my evidence shows…….. did.
Fair Test: My experiment (was/was not) a fair test because…..

If I could do the experiment again, I would improve it by……..

This would be an improvement because……..

Reliability: My results are (reliable/unreliable) because…..

If someone repeated my experiment I believe that they (would/would not) get the same results because…..

As we collected ___________ results then I believe we (have enough/do not have enough) results to make a
clear conclusion because…..

To make my results more reliable in the future i will….

This will make the test more reliable because……..

Changes? During the experiment we made the following changes to the method of our experiment….

We made each of these changes because…….

Next Experiment? If I was to make another experimental aim using the same research question it would be…..

I think this would be a good question to test because-----.

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