Unit 17 Negotiating Delivery

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Step 1: TIMING
- Date of delivery
- Delay and results of delay
- Place of delivery and alternatives
- Modes of Transportation to be used
- Shipping documents
- Transfer of risk and ownership
- Insurance

Stipulations in a contract
- Time of delivery
- Place of delivery
- Notification of delivery
- Instructions for delivery

1. Timing
1.1 What is the date of delivery?
Three key dates:
- The date of dispatch from sellers’premises
- The date of loading onto vehicle/vessel
- The date when the goods should arrive at destination
The principle:
- The date of delivery agreed is usually subject to the use of a term in Incoterms 2020
- The date of delivery is the date on which the last precondition is met
- The date of coming into force is usually a number of days
- Cutrevo-off date is a date on which the parties agree to terminate a contract when certain precondition(s) is
not met.

1.2. Stipulating the time of delivery

(1) Specific dates
- A fixed date: On 12 August, 20—
- The latest date: Not later than 12 August, 20—
- Within a specified period: In August, 20--
- Within a certain time at buyer’s or seller’s option:
The date of delivery shall be twenty-eight days after the date of coming in force of the Contract at the
Buyer’s option.
(2) Immediate shipment
Shipment shall be made immediately/ promptly/ without any undue delay/ as soon as possible (ASAP).
Subject to American law:
- “Prompt/immediate delivery”: within 5 days from the date of the signature of a contract.
- “ASAP/spot delivery”: within 5-10 days from the date of the signature of a contract.
Subject to UCP 600:
- “Prompt, immediate, ASAP or similar terms”: means within 30 days from the date of an issuance of L/C”
(3) Unspecific dates
- Shipment shall be subject to the availability of first steamer / shipping space / opening of L/C/ export

1.3. Timing and “Time is of the essence”

The principle
- According to Anglo-American Law: If time of delivery is of the essences and is not kept, a buyer is entitled
to send back the goods delivered and refuse payment. The contract will be terminated.
- This is not allowed by Continental Law.
Buyer’s favor:
Time is, and shall remain, of the essence of this agreement, and no acts of the Seller, shall constitute
waiver of this provision.

Seller’s favor:
Unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Seller the time stipulated for shipment shall not be of the essence
and may be extended by the Seller for a period not exceeding fourteen (14) days by notice thereof in
writing to the Buyer”

1.4. Excused delay

(1) Grace Period: “If delivery is not effected within two weeks of the agreed delivery date for reasons other
than Force Majeure, then the seller shall pay the Buyer 0.1% of the contract price” What is the grace
period? 14 days
- Notes: The grace period purpose is to facilitate early delivery
(2) Force Majeure
- ICC provisions incorporated
The Force Majeure (Exemption) clause of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC Publication No
421) is hereby incorporated in this contract.

Duties and Obligations of the parties in case of Force Majeure

- Party concerned shall notify the other party of such event as soon as possible
- Submit evidence of Force Majeure
- Take all possible measures to minimize the loss or damage
- To terminate the contract or to resume obligations after Force Majeure

Specimen clause
“If a Force Majeure situation arises, the party concerned undertakes to bring this event to the other party’s
knowledge within 15 days from the beginning of the event and to confirm by registered letter the occurrence
of the aforesaid event confirmed by the related Authority of the of the concerned party’s country, and
suspend the Contract. Further, the party concerned shall spare no endeavors to minimize any loss or
damage caused by Force Majeure. At the end of the event of Force Majeure, the party concerned shall be
granted reasonable time to resume the performance of the contract, on conditions mutually agreed upon by
both parties.”

1.5. Unexcused delay and the Buyer’s remedies (Consequences of Non-Excusable Delay)
The Principle
- Party at fault shall suffer fines;
- Wronged party shall terminate contracts
Types of compensation
(1) Liquidated damages:
- It is most commonly used because the motive is to bring a fair pre – estimated compensation to the Buyer
and to avoid expensive discussion in case of late delivery
- Limited by Anglo-American Law: 5%; Vietnamese law : 8%
(2) Penalties (Buyer’s favor)
- Damages are paid to compensate the buyer for a loss- a real or actual loss
- The motive is to terrorize the other party
- Not allowed by Anglo- American Law
(3) Quasi-indemnity (Seller’s favor)
- A compensation figure is fixed so low that, in effect, it releases a seller from responsibility for late
2. Location
- Place of delivery
- Notification of shipment
- Instructions for delivery
2.1. Place of delivery
The Principle: The place of delivery is the point at which the exporter passes responsibility for and risk to
the goods to a Buyer.
Stipulations in a contract
Place of delivery:
- Port of shipment/discharge/ transshipment (if any)/ destination
- Delivery shall be made FOB Saigon port, Vietnam, Incoterms 2020
- Port of shipment: Saigon port, Vietnam
- Port of discharge: Liverpool, U.K

2.2 Notification of delivery

Buyer’s obligation: (Under F-Terms)
- To notify the Seller of the availability of the vessel: Vessel’s name, ETA , ETD and all particulars about
the vessel: vessel capacity, nationality, flag…
Seller’s obligation
- First notification (before shipment): To notify the buyer of the availability of the goods for shipment, and
particulars, such as: Commodity, quantity, quality, packaging, marking, value…
- Second notification (after completion of loading): To notify the buyer of the completion of loading the
goods on board the carrying vessel, the actual quantity shipped, B/L and invoice No. and ETD, ETA…
Specimen clause:
“07days before the agreed time of shipment, the Seller shall advise the Buyer by telex/ fax the shipping
particulars such as: the quantity, estimated time of departure (ETD), estimated time of arrival (ETA) of the
vessel. Upon the completion of loading the Goods, the Seller shall telex/cable the Buyer the shipping
particulars such as: the actual quantity shipped, the value of the actual goods stated on the Invoice, Bill of
Lading No., ETD and ETA.”

2. 3 Instructions for delivery

Common instructions:
- Direct transport only
- Total shipment: in a lot
- Transshipment: allowed/ prohibited
- Partial shipment: allowed/ prohibited
- If a third party delivers the goods on behalf of the seller: Third party’s B/L acceptable
- If the voyage of the goods is short: Stale Bill of Lading acceptable

2.4. What if the goods are ready but delivery is impossible?

(The Buyer fails to arrange for the arrival of the vessel)
Specimen clause:
“If the vessel named by the Buyer fails to arrive on or before the agreed delivery date, then the Seller may,
at his discretion deliver the Goods to a bonded warehouse in the port of Saigon, and shall be deemed to
have fulfilled his delivery obligations under this Contract.”

2.5. What if the vessel is available but no cargo loaded?

=> The Seller fails to have the goods available for shipment
“In the event no cargo is available to be loaded on the nominated vessel at loading port, then dead freight
shall be paid by the Seller on the Buyer’s actual claim”

Practice 1. Fill in the gaps with the words given in the box
(1) Coming Into Force
approval, authorities, execution, force, necessary, null

This Contract shall come into 1 force after execution by both parties on the date of the last necessary 2
approval by the competent authorities in the country of the Seller and the Buyer. If the Contract has not
come into force within ninety days of 3 execution, it shall become null and void.
This Contract shall come into force after execution by both parties on the date of the last 4 necessary
approval by the competent5 authorities in the country of the Seller and the Buyer. If the Contract has not
come into force within ninety days of execution, it shall become 6null and void.

(2) Force Majeure

available, default, delayed, inaction, limited, occurrences, otherwise , reasonable, regulations , unrest

If either party is prevented from, or 1delayed in, performing any duty under this Contract by an event
beyond his 2 reasonable control, then this event shall be deemed force majeure, and this party shall not be
considered in 3 default and no remedy, be it under this Contract or 4 otherwise, shall be 5 available to the
other party. Force majeure events include but are not 6 limited to: war (whether war is declared or not),
riots, insurrections, acts of sabotage, or similar 7 occurences; strikes, or other labor 8 unrest; newly
introduced laws or Government 9 regulations; delay due to Government action or 10 inaction; fire,
explosion, or other unavoidable accident; flood, storm, earthquake, or other abnormal natural, event.

(3) Liquidated Damages

breach, deduct, deduction, delayed , penalty, specified

If the Seller fails to supply any of the Goods within the period 1 specified in the Contract, the Buyer shall
notify the Seller that, a 2 breach of contract has occurred and shall 3 deduct from the Contract Price per
week of delay, as liquidated damages, not as a 4 penalty, a sum equivalent to one half percent of the
delivered price of the 5 delayed Goods until actual delivery up to a maximum 6 deduction of 8% of the
delivered price of the delayed Goods.

Practice 2: Case study

Case 1
Read this Coming into Force provision; then answer the question.
This Contract shall come into force after approval by the governments of the Seller and the Buyer,
however, at the latest by 31st December 20--.

Does this provision mean_______

A. That the contract will come into force on 31st December 20-- even if the two governments have not
approved it?
B. That the contract will become null and void if it has not come into force by 31st December

Case 2
The following clause is (lightly) adapted from a contract for the construction of hydroelectric project.
Fine Payable
If the Contractor fails to complete the Work at the fixed day, a fine shall be imposed upon him for the
period of delay until the Work is completed. The fine shall be as follows:
2% for the first week. Or any part of it.
4% for the second week, or any part of it.
6% for the third week, or any part of it.
8% per week for the fourth week, or part of it, and for all succeeding weeks.
The fine shall be calculated on the total contract value.

1. The clause uses the word “fine”. Does that tell you with certainty what kind of clause you are looking at?
(Penalty clause or liquidated damages clause?)
 YES  NO
2. After how long a delay does the contractor lose 100% of the contract price?
3. Do you think this clause is a penalty clause or a liquidated damages clause?
4. If the applicable law is the law of the State of New York, would the judge enforce this clause?
 YES  NO
Case 3
Dead on Time
In preliminary talks, Vietnamese Steel Importing Co. agrees with All Metal Co. in Japan to import goods
from Tokyo and the goods should arrive in Vietnam on or before 13th August 20--. When the contract is
drafted, it mentions the date as agreed—13th, August 20--. Because the Vietnamese company asks for a CIF
contract under Incoterms 2020, the delivery terms are accordingly agreed in the contract as follows:
Delivery CIF, Saigon port, Incoterms 2020, on or before 13th August 20--.

Can the goods arrive in Vietnam on or before 13 th, August? Why or why not?
Case 4
Force Majeure
Verbena Jute Makes sacks, sackcloth, and other jute products. Its standard contract includes this definition of
a force majeure event:
If either party is prevented from; or delayed in, performing any duty under this Contract by an event
beyond his reasonable control, then this event shall be deemed force majeure.

Which of the following events are "force majeure" events under this definition?
(Note: the word "control" needs some thought. An event is beyond the control of the exporter if (a) he could
not have foreseen it, (b) if he could not have influenced it, and (c) if he could not have taken reasonable steps
to avoid the problems that were likely to arise.)
1. A Volcanic eruption buries the factory in ash.
2. The annual flooding of the River Verb ruins some of the jute intended for use in making sacks.
3. A ban is issued on the export of jute products by a newly elected government.
4. A ban is issued on the export of jute products by a government that has been preparing legislation on this
subject for five years.
5. The workforce at the factory go on strike.
6. The dock workers in Port Verbena go on strike.
7. A lockout (Background: The workers have been striking for one day a week. The management locks the
workers out of the factory until they agree to end the strikes.)
8. Shortage of supplies (Background: The exporter cannot get the raw jute he needs from the supplier
because of a shipping delay.)
9. Shortage of Supplies (Background: The exporter cannot get the raw jute he needs from the supplier
because the Central Bank will not give him foreign exchange to pay the supplier.)
10. A fire burns down the factory.

Practice 3 English-Vietnamese translation

1. The Buyer shall not be entitled to terminate this Sale Contract for reasons of late shipment unless the
Buyer shall first have given the Seller fourteen (14) days written notice of its intention to terminate and the
Seller does not effect shipment before the expiration of that fourteen (14) days period, which period shall not
commence to run until the specified date of shipment or the last day of the extended period under Clause 7.2
provided always that if the Seller’s performance is affected by Force Majeure time shall not run during the
period performance is suspended.

Bên mua không có quyền chấm dứt Hợp đồng Bán hàng này vì lý do chậm giao trừ khi Bên mua phải thông
báo trước 14 ngày bằng văn bản cho Bên bán về có ý định chấm dứt HĐ và Bên bán không thực hiện việc
giao hàng trong thời gian 14 ngày đó, và khoảng thời gian này sẽ chỉ được tính từ ngày giao hàng đã được
quy định hoặc tính từ ngày cuối cùng của thời gian gia hạn theo điều 7.2 miễn là việc thực hiện HĐ của Bên
bán bị ảnh hưởng bởi Bất khả kháng, thời gian này sẽ không được tính vào thời gian trì hoãn thực hiện

2. In the event of late Delivery for reasons other than Force Majeure as defined in Clause 17 below, the
SELLER shall pay as liquidated damages and not as a penalty the sum of 1% of the value of the undelivered
part per Day of late Delivery up to a maximum of 10% of the Contract Price. Payment of liquidated damages
shall be due without the BUYER having to furnish proof of any loss, damage or injury.

Trong trường hợp chậm giao do nguyên do không phải Bất khả kháng như được định nghĩa ở Điều 17 dưới
đây, Bên bán phải thanh toán một khoản tiền coi như là bồi thường thiệt hại ước tính, không phải là khoản
tiền phạt tổng 1% giá trị phần hàng chưa được giao trên số ngày chậm giao lên đến tối đa là 10% Giá trị Hợp
đồng. Thanh toán bồi thường thiệt hại ước tính phải được thực hiện ngay mà không được yêu cầu Bên mua
đưa ra bằng chứng về mất mát hay tổn thất hay hư hỏng nào của hàng hóa hay tổn thương về người.

Practice 4 Vietnamese-English translation

1. Trường hợp hàng đã sẵn sàng giao theo lịch quy định trong hợp đồng này nhưng người mua không chỉ
định được tàu đến để xếp hàng, thì mọi rủi ro, thiệt hại hay bất kỳ chi phí liên quan nào đến hàng hoá sẽ tính
cho người mua chịu trên cơ sở đòi bồi thường thực tế của người bán.

2. Trường hợp không có hàng để bốc lên con tàu chỉ định đã sẵn sàng tại cảng xếp, thì cước khống sẽ do
người bán chịu trên cơ sở đòi bồi thường thực tế của người mua và người mua sẽ xuất trình những chứng từ
sau cho ngân hàng Việtcombank để nhận tiền bảo lãnh thực hiện hợp đồng (thời gian được tính là từ 20-25
ngày kể từ ngày mở L/C)


3. Trường hợp hàng hóa đã sẵn sàng để xếp lên tàu nhưng người mua không chỉ định được tàu để bốc hàng,
mọi rủi ro, thiệt hại, các chi phí liên quan đến hàng hoá sẽ do người mua chịu trên cơ sở đòi bồi thường thực
tế của người bán.
“If the Goods are ready but the vessel named by the Buyer fails to arrive on or before the agreed delivery
date, all risks, damages, costs related to the Goods shall be for Buyer’s account on the basis of actual
indemnification of the Seller


- Packaging
- Shipping marks
- Shipping documents

1. Packaging
- One primary duty of the exporter is to ship the goods in suitable packaging.
- According to Vienna Convention: Goods must be "adequate packaged". Goods do not conform to the
contract unless they are "contained or packaged in the manner usual for such goods"
Specimen clause:
“Goods are to be packed in new, strong, wooden cases suitable for long-distance ocean transport and are
to be well protected against dampness, shock, rust or rough handling. The Seller shall be liable for any
damage to or loss of the Goods attributable to improper or defective packaging”

Three packaging problems:

- Packaging of dangerous goods is subject to special regulations in all countries. The exporter should ask
for instructions from the buyer if dangerous goods are in question.
Việc đóng gói hàng hóa nguy hiểm phải tuân theo các quy định đặc biệt ở tất cả các quốc gia. Nhà xuất khẩu
nên yêu cầu người mua hướng dẫn nếu có hàng nguy hiểm

- Some national laws require fumigation of all containers entering the country.
Một số luật quốc gia yêu cầu khử trùng tất cả các container nhập vào nước này

- Agriculture-based, developed economies place severe restrictions on packaging materials. Hay, straw and
rice husks are often forbidden; wooden packaging must often be fumigated.
Các nền kinh tế phát triển dựa vào nông nghiệp đặt ra những hạn chế nghiêm trọng đối với vật liệu đóng gói.
Cỏ khô, rơm rạ và trấu thường bị cấm; bao bì bằng gỗ thường phải được hun trùng.

2. Shipping Marks
Standardized colours indicating the nature of the goods:
- Common goods => Black, dark
- Dangerous goods => Red
- Poisonous goods => Orange
Particulars required to be stipulated:
- Package/ Case/ Box Number
- Name of Consigner/Consignee
- Net weight/Gross weight/Tare
- Contract/Order/Bill of Lading/Letter of Credit/ Invoice No
Specimen clause:
On the surface of each package delivered under this Contract the following particulars shall be marked: the
package number, the measurements of the package, gross weight, net weight, the lifting position, the letter of
credit number, the words RIGHT SIDE UP, HANDLE WITH CARE, KEEP DRY, and the mark: DNP/36/Q

3. Shipping documents
The principle:
- Shipping documents must be in ____________ ______________with the conditions of the letter of credit.
Otherwise, payment is denied.

3.1 Types of shipping documents:

- Transportation by sea: Marine Bill of Lading
- Transportation by air: Airway Bill
- Transportation by road: Road consignment notes
- Transportation by rail: Rail consignment notes

3.2 Bill of Lading

(1) Functions of B/L
- As a document of title to the goods
- As a receipt from the shipping company and
- As a contract of carriage (transportation) of goods.
(2) Particulars in a B/L
- Information relating to the goods: General nature, leading marks & numbers necessary for identification,
number of packages or pieces, weight, quantity, the apparent condition of the goods.
-Information relating to the parties: Carrier, shipper, consignee
- Information relating to the voyage: Name of vessel, port of shipment/ trans-shipment/ destination, B/L
number, terms of contract (prepaid or collect), place of issuance of B/L.
(3) Types of Bill of Lading
According to the loading condition:
- Received for Shipment B/L: A shipping company issues it when goods have been given to the custody of
the shipping company, but they have not been placed on board. (là vận đơn được cấp trước khi hàng hóa
được xếp lên tàu, tức là hàng hóa thực tế chưa được xếp lên tàu.)

- On Board Shipped B/L: The shipping company certifies that the cargo has been received on board the ship.
( là vận đơn được cấp sau khi hàng hóa đã thực sự được xếp lên tàu tại cảng bốc hàng. Trên vận đơn có ghi
rõ ngày tháng giao hàng và tên tàu chuyên chở hàng hóa.)

According to the clauses stipulated on the B/L

- Clean B/L: it implies that there has been no defect in the apparent order or condition of goods at the time of
receipt or shipment of goods by the shipping company. (HH trước khi vận chuyển ở trong tình trạng tốt)
- Claused or Dirty (Unclean) B/L: It shows that the B/L is qualified which expressly declares a defective
condition of goods. (HH đã bị thiệt hại trước khi vận chuyển)

Common clauses:
Contents leaking
Packaging soiled by contents
Packaging broken / holed/torn / damaged
Packaging contaminated
Goods damaged/scratched
Goods chafed/torn/deformed
Packaging badly dented
Packaging damaged—contents exposed
Insufficient packaging

Notes: In accordance with UCP600, the following clauses do not make the Bill of Lading unclean:
Second-hand/reconditioned packaging materials used
Packaging repaired/mended/resewn/coopered
Unprotected, Unboxed

According to the legality (theo tính pháp lý)

Original B/L: it is often stamped “Original”, which can be negotiable. (Là vận đơn được ký bằng tay, có thể
giao dịch và hàng hóa có thể chuyển nhượng được)
Copy B/L: It is a copy of Original B/L, often stamped: “Copy” and is non-negotiable. (Là BẢN SAO của vận
đơn gốc, trên vận đơn này không có chữ ký tay, có dấu “copy” và thường không giao dịch được.)
According to the negotiability (theo tính sở hữu)
- To Order B/L: In this case, the B/L is issued to the order of a specified person. Vận đơn đc ký theo lệnh của
NH hoặc bên mua  chuyển nhượng trong mua bán xâu chuỗi
- Named B/L: it states the name and the address of the consignee. ( Là vận đơn thể hiện những thông tin như
tên, địa chỉ người nhận hàng & đơn vị vận chuyển hàng hóa và chỉ giao hàng cho người có tên trên vận đơn
đó, không chuyển nhượng được)

- To bearer B/L: the holder of the Original B/L is the consignee. (Là vận đơn không ghi tên người nhận
hàng, bất cứ ai cầm vận đơn này đều là chủ hàng và tất nhiên là có thể NHẬN HÀNG)

According to the voyage (theo hành trình chuyên chở)

- Transshipment or Through B/L: It is used when the journey covers several modes of transport from the
place of starting to the place of destination. (Là vận đơn được sử dụng khi hàng hóa phải chuyển tải qua
một con tàu trung gian khác.
- Direct B/L: for transportation without transshipment. (Là vận đơn được cấp khi hàng hóa được vận chuyển
từ cảng đi đến cảng đích mà không phải chuyển tải)

According to the freight charge

- Freight prepaid B/L: When the shipper pays the freight, then this type of B/L is issued with the words
“Freight paid”. (bên bán chịu trách nhiệm trả tiền cước cho hãng vận tải tại cảng bốc hàng/ sân bay đi)
- Freight to Collect B/L: When the freight on the B/L is not paid and to be collected at the point of
destination, it is marked “Freight Collect” and this B/L is known as “Freight Collect B/L”. (bên mua chịu
trách nhiệm trả tiền cước cho hãng vận tải tại cảng dỡ hàng/ sân bay đến)
According to the types of vessel
- Charter Party B/L: for transportation by tramp, it covers shipment on a chartered ship. (được phát
hành trên cơ sở các điều khoản của hợp đồng thuê tàu chuyến. Nó không thể hiện nghĩa vụ của các
bên mà chỉ được xem như “phụ lục” của hợp đồng thuê tàu và luôn ghi rõ “theo hợp đồng thuê tàu –
subject to … charter party”. Vận đơn tàu chuyến cũng chỉ được xem như là biên lai nhận hàng
và không có chức năng là chứng từ sở hữu hàng hóa.)
- Liner B/L (vận đơn tàu chợ): for transportation by liner. (được xem là một hợp đồng thuê tàu giữa
người vận tải và người gửi hàng. Đặc biệt Vận đơn tàu chợ có chức năng là chứng từ sở hữu hàng
hóa nên hoàn toàn được ngân hàng chấp nhận khi thanh toán bằng L/C.)

According to the issuer

- Master B/L: issued by a carrier ( vận đơn do hãng tàu cấp cho người đứng tên trên vận đơn với tư cách là
chủ hàng (Shipper).)

- House B/L: issued by a freight forwarder. (vận đơn do Forwarder phát hành cho Shipper là người gửi hàng
thực tế (real shipper) và người nhận hàng thực tế (real consignee).

Other Bill of Lading:

- Stale B/L
- Surrendered B/L
- Seaway Bill

4. Risk, Title and Insurance

4.1 Transfer of risk
- Under Incoterms 2020, Risk passes from seller to buyer at the point of delivery
E.g.: In CIF term, Articles A4, A5 and B4, B5 define “Transfer of Risk”
Point of risk transfer: when goods are placed on board the vessel at the port of shipment.

4.2 Transfer of Title

- Not specified in Incoterms
- Subject to agreement between parties
E.g.: “Unless the parties state otherwise, title passes with risk”
- Seller’s favor: “Risk and title to the Goods shall pass from the seller to the Buyer on Delivery”
- Buyer’s favor: “Title to the goods shall pass from the seller to the buyer when the buyer receives the full
set of documents from the seller or the nominated bank”

4.3 Insurance
Types of insurance documents:
- Insurance certificate
- Insurance policy
Types of Insurance policy:
- Tailor-made policy: bảo hiểm theo yêu cầu riêng
- Open Policy: bảo hiểm trọn gói
- Floating policy: bảo hiểm bao
- Unvalued policy: bảo hiểm không định giá
- Valued policy: bảo hiểm định giá
- Time policy: bảo hiểm định hạn
- Voyage Policy: bảo hiểm chuyến

General Exclusion Clause excludes results of:

- Willful misconduct of the assured.
- Ordinary leakage, loss of weight or normal wear and tear.
- Importer packaging
- Inherent vice in the goods
- Use of Nuclear Weapons
- Insolvency of the owners (etc.) of the vessel
- Delay

Types of cargo insurance:

(1) Cargo Clause A: All risks (excludes war, strikes, terrorism)
(2) Cargo Clause B:
Loss of or damage to the subject – matter insured attributable to: fire or explosion, vessel or craft being
stranded, ground, sunk or capsized, overturning or derailment of land conveyance, collision or contact of
vessel craft or conveyance with any external object other than water, discharge of cargo at a port of distress,
earthquake; volcanic eruption or lightning
(3) Cargo Clause C:
Loss of or damage to the subject – matter insured attributable to: fire or explosion, vessel or craft being
stranded, ground, sunk or capsized, overturning or derailment of land conveyance, collision or contact of
vessel craft or conveyance with any external object other than water, discharge of cargo at a port of distress
Loss of or damage to the subject-matter insured caused by: general average sacrifice, jettison

Practice 1 Matching
1. Match the types of transportation documents and their definitions
1. Manifests A. It is issued by a trucking company for transporting goods by truck.
(Cargo &
Freight) F

2. Shipping notes B. - It is an evidence of a carriage contract by trains between the sender and the
E carrier.
- It serves as a receipt which is sent along with the consignment to the consignee.

3. Delivery orders C. - It is the receipt issued by the carrier in the acknowledgement of goods received
D on board (export cargo)
- It is subsequently exchanged for B/L.

4. Mate's receipts D. - It is issued by a carrier or his agent

C - It enables the consignee or forwarding agent to take delivery of the cargo (import
cargo) from the vessel.

5. Rail E. - It is issued by the shipper to the carrier requesting allocation of ship space. - It
Consignment is a shipper’s commitment to ship the goods and serves as the basis for preparation
Note B of B/L.

6. Road F. - It is prepared by the carrier's agent

Consignment - For freight forwarders to dealing with customs and port authorities. a. Cargo
Note A manifest: provides information regarding cargo on board. b. Freight manifest:
provides information regarding freight rates, surcharges, rebates, etc.

2. Match the types of B/L and their definitions

1. Shipped on A- The carrier does not contradict the particulars inserted by the shipper or made
board B/L C any adverse comments on B/L regarding the goods. (Người vận chuyển không
mâu thuẫn với những thông tin chi tiết do người gửi hàng đưa vào hoặc đưa ra
bất kỳ nhận xét bất lợi nào trên B / L về hàng hóa.)

2. Received for B - This is usually drawn to the order of the shipper, consignee or bank.
shipment B/L G - It is negotiable as it can be endorsed in favour of another person
- It is commonly used in commercial deals.

3. Clean B/L A C - This means that the cargo is on board the vessel.
- It confirms to the buyer that the goods have actually been shipped.

4. Unclean/ D. It covers transportation on the same vessel from the port of loading to the port of
Claused B/L I destination.

5. Letter O of E. Issued by the forwarder to the shipper to certify the shipper’s obligations to carry

Indemnity thư cam the goods to destination nominated by the shipper

kết bồi thường

6. B/L to a named F. Used for charter party

person N

7. Bill of lading to G- This means that the shipping company confirms having received the goods for
order B shipment by the vessel mentioned in the B/L.
- It does not provide as good a guarantee as the "shipped on board B/L" to the

8. B/L to bearer K H. It is issued by a carrier or MTO (Multimodal Transportation

- This is a door-to-door B/L.
- It is used for transportation by containers, mostly used for FCL (Full Container
Load) shipments.
- The carrier assumes full responsibility for any damage or loss

9. Direct B/L D I. The carrier has some doubt on the condition of the goods and make reservation
on B/L in order to protect himself from any claim. (người vận chuyển có một số
nghi ngờ về tình trạng của hàng hóa và thực hiện bảo lưu trên B / L để bảo vệ
mình khỏi bất kỳ khiếu nại nào)

10. Through B/L J. Issued by the forwarder to the shipper of LCL used both in airfreight and sea

11. Combined K. This is not commonly used in business transactions. A B/L can be to bearer
Transport B/L H if: - it is expressly stated so in the documents
- it is made out “to order” of a beneficiary without any mention of a consignee or

12. House B/L J L. The separate stages would be performed by different carriers by a process of
Characteristics: it contains a clause giving the carrier the right to trans-ship the
cargo. It contains a statement that the cargo will be trans-shipped at a particular

13. Charter Party N. - Name and address of the consignee are given so that the goods can be
B/L F delivered only to the named person.
- It is not commonly used in commercial deals.

14. Forwarder’s O. It is a shipper’s commitment to indemnify the carrier against all consequences
Certificate of arising out of the issue of a "claused bill of lading" in order to obtain a “Clean B/L”
Transport (FCT)

Practice 2 Use the words in the box to complete the clauses of a Bill of Lading below
(1) Delivery
authority, demand , disposal, entitled, handed, liability, regulation, store
Goods shall be deemed to be delivered when they have been 1 handed over or placed at the 2 disposal of the
Consignee or his agent in accordance with this FBL, or when the goods have been handed over to any 3
authority or other party to whom, pursuant to the law or 4 regulation applicable at the place of delivery, the
goods muss be handed over, or such other place at which the Freight Forwarder is 5 entitled to call upon the
Merchant to take delivery.
The Freight Forwarder shall also be, entitled to 6 store the goods at the sole risk of the Merchant, and the
Freight Forwarder's 7 liability shall cease, and the cost of such storage shall be paid, upon 8 demand, by the
Merchant to the Freight Forwarder.

Hàng hóa sẽ được coi là đã được giao khi chúng đã được bàn giao hoặc được sắp xếp theo yêu cầu của
Người nhận hàng hoặc đại lý của người đó theo FBL này, hoặc khi hàng hóa đã được giao cho bất kỳ cơ
quan có thẩm quyền hoặc bên nào khác, theo quy định của luật hoặc quy định áp dụng tại địa điểm giao
hàng, hàng hóa phải được bàn giao hoặc nơi khác mà tại đó Người giao nhận hàng hóa có quyền gọi
Người bán đến nhận hàng.
Người giao nhận hàng hóa cũng sẽ có quyền lưu trữ hàng hóa do Người bán chịu rủi ro duy nhất và
trách nhiệm của Người giao nhận hàng hóa sẽ chấm dứt, và chi phí lưu kho đó sẽ được Người bán trả
cho Người giao nhận hàng hóa theo yêu cầu.
(2) Limitation of Freight Forwarder's Liability
accepted, ad valorem , equivalent, gross, inclusive, liable, limit, nature

Subject to the provisions of subclauses 8.4. to 8.9 1 inclusive, the Freight Forwarder shall in no event be or
become 2 liable for any loss of or damage to the goods in an amount exceeding the 3 equivalent of 666.67
SDR per package or unit or 2 SDR per kilogramme of 4 gross weight of the goods lost or damaged,
whichever is the higher, unless the 5 nature and value of the goods shall have been declared by the
Consignor and 6 accepted by the Freight Forwarder before the goods have been taken in his charge, or the 7
ad valorem freight rate paid, and such value is stated in the FBL by him, then such declared value shall be
the 8 limit.
Chiếu theo các quy định của điều 8.4. đến 8.9 bao gồm 1, Người giao nhận vận tải trong mọi trường hợp
sẽ không phải chịu trách nhiệm 2 đối với bất kỳ mất mát hoặc hư hỏng nào đối với hàng hóa với số
lượng vượt quá 3 tương đương 666,67 SDR cho mỗi kiện hàng hoặc đơn vị hoặc 2 SDR cho mỗi kg của
4 tổng trọng lượng của hàng hóa bị mất mát hoặc hư hỏng, tùy theo giá trị nào cao hơn, trừ khi 5 tính
chất và giá trị của hàng hóa do Người gửi hàng khai báo và Người giao nhận vận tải chấp nhận 6 trước
khi hàng hóa được nhận chở, hoặc giá cước vận chuyển theo giá trị đã thanh toán, và giá trị đó được
Ngừi gửi hàng nêu trong FBL, thì giá trị được khai báo đó sẽ là giới hạn.

Practice 3 Study the case below and answer the questions

Pacific Exports is a new company founded in Verbena to export textiles. The company anticipates sales of
about $500,000 during its first year of operations, with most orders between $1,000 and $30,000. Since
Verbena is an island, consignments of goods always travel by ship. The company wants advice on the best
kind of insurance for its CIF contracts.
What would you recommend among the choices below?
In each case be ready to give your reasons.
1. A. Tailor-made policies B. Floating policy C Open cover
 There is no need for a full insurance policy to be negotiated for each order

2. A Valued policy B Unvalued policy

 This allows claims for the loss of expected profit if the goods are destroyed or damaged

3. A Voyage policy B Time policy C Time and voyage policy

 This policy maintains insurance cover on the goods even if there is a delay

4. A Cargo Clause A B Cargo Clause B C Cargo Clause C

 Debatable. For the exporter, Cargo clause C is cheapest. Further, nothing more is required under
CIF contracts. However, the buyer may be very unhappy if the textiles are lost and the insurance
arranged by the exporter fails to offer the expected compensation. The exporter and the buyer should
discuss this clause

5. A Institute War Clauses B YES C NO, DEPENDS ON…

 Depends on route and political situation

6. A institute Strikes Clauses B YES C No, DEPENDS ON…

 Depends on social and political situation. Normally cover against strikes is recommended

Practice 4 English –Vietnamese translation

1. For large pieces which may be shipped on deck and the inflammable and dangerous Goods, the Seller
shall be responsible for their proper packing and take protective measures as stipulated in Appendix 1.
 Đối với những hàng kích thước lớn phải vận chuyển trên boong tàu và những hàng hóa dễ cháy và nguy
hiểm, người bán sẽ phải có trách nhiệm đóng gói đúng cách và phải có những biện pháp bảo vệ như được quy
định trong Phụ lục 1

2. To ensure correct erection of the Contract Equipment, the loose accessories in packages shall be labeled in
English by the Seller, note clearly name of main equipment, accessories, marks and their position in
assembling drawing, enable the Buyer to identify the accessories, on the assembling drawing.
 Để đảm bảo lắp dựng chính xác các thiết bị hợp đồng, những phụ kiện rời trong bao kiện sẽ được người
bán dán nhãn bằng Tiếng Anh, ghi rõ tên thiết bị chính, tên phụ kiện chính, mã hiệu và vị trí của chúng trong
bản vẽ lắp ráp để người mua dễ xác định những phụ kiện này trên bản vẽ lắp ráp

3. The responsibility of the Freight Forwarder for the goods under these conditions covers the period from
the time the Freight Forwarder has taken the goods in his charge to the time of their delivery.
 Trách nhiệm của Bên Giao nhận hàng hóa theo những điều kiện này giới hạn từ thời gian Bên giao nhận
hàng đến thời gian nhận hàng

4. The Freight Forwarder shall be liable for loss of or damage to the goods as well as for delay in delivery if
the occurrence which caused the loss, damage or delay in delivery took place while the goods were in his
charge as defined in Clause 2.1, unless the Freight Forwarder proves that no fault or neglect of his own has
caused or contributed to such loss, damage or delay.
 Bên Giao chịu trách nhiệm đối với tổn thất hay thiệt hại về hàng hóa cũng như việc chậm giao nếu việc
giao nhận gây ra tổn thất, thệt hại hay chậm giao diễn ra trong thời gian thuộc trách nhiệm của bên Guao nhận
như xác định tại điều 2.1, trừ khi bên Giao nhận chứng minh được rằng bản thân bên Giao nhận không có lỗi
hay sao lãng trong việc gây ra những tổn thất, thiệt hại hay chậm giao đó.

5. If the goods have not been delivered within ninety consecutive days following such date of delivery as
determined in Clause 6.3., the Merchant may, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, treat the goods as
 Nếu hàng không được giao trong vòng 90 ngày liên tục kể từ ngày giao hàng như xác định trong điều
6.3, Bên gửi hàng có thể, trong trường hợp không có bằng chứng khác, xem là hàng hóa đã bị mất

Practice 5 Vietnamese-English translation

1. Người bán sẽ cho đóng gói hàng tùy theo hình dáng và các đặc điểm khác nhau của hàng và sẽ thực hiện
các biện pháp bảo vệ cho hàng khỏi bị ẩm, mưa, han rỉ, ăn mòn và va chạm.
 Goods are to be packed by the Seller in connection with their shape and different characteristics and
the Seller shall take measures to protect the Goods against dampness, rain, rust, erosion and shock.

2. Hàng hoá sẽ được đóng trong các bao bì tốt dể đảm bảo an toàn khi chuyên chở trên biển và đất liền và
đảm bảo lưu kho một năm tại hiện trường mà không bị han rỉ hay hư hỏng theo khuyến nghị của người bán.
 Goods shall be packed in proper packaging to ensure safe transportation on sea and land and
guaranteed in a year storage at the site without rust or damage as recommended by the seller.

3. Trường hợp xảy ra tổn thất hay thiệt hại đối với hàng hóa trong một chặng chuyên chở cụ thể trong quá
trình vận tải đa phương thức, bên Giao nhận được giới hạn trách nhiệm đối với tổn thất hay thiệt hại đó theo
quy định của hiệp ước hay luật quốc gia thẩm quyền.
 In the event of loss or damage to the Goods during a particular carriage during the course of
multimodal transport, the Freight Forwarder shall be liable for the limitation of liability for such loss or
damage in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement or law of authority country.

4. Trừ khi Bên Gửi Hàng đã công bố bản chất và trị giá hàng gửi và được qui định trên vận đơn này, và cước
phí đã chi trả, thì trách nhiệm của bên Giao nhận, khi áp dụng, sẽ không vượt quá US$500 một kiện hoặc,
trường hợp hàng không gửi theo kiện, tính theo đơn vị cước phí tập quán.
 Unless the nature and value of the consignment shall have been declared by the Shipper and specified in
this bill of lading, and the freight has been paid, the Freight Forwarder's liability, where applicable, shall
not exceed US$500 per parkage or, in the case of goods not sent in packages, in customary freight units.

5. Nếu Bên Giao nhận chịu trách nhiệm về thiệt hại sau khi hàng chậm giao, hoặc về các thiệt hại hay tổn
thất phát sinh, không phải là những tổn thất hay thiệt hại đối với hàng hóa, trách nhiệm của Bên Giao nhận sẽ
giới hạn ở khoản tiền không vượt quá mức gấp hai lần cước phí theo hợp đồng vận chuyển đa phương thức
cho việc vận tải đa phương thức theo vận đơn này.
If the Forwarder is liable for damage due to delay in delivery, or for any consequential damage or loss,
other than loss or damage to the Goods, the Forwarder's liability shall be limited in an amount not to
exceed twice the freight under the multimodal transport contract for the multimodal transport under this
bill of lading.
Unit 19 INCOTERMS 2020
1. Transfer of risk and cost
Term Transfer of risk Transfer of cost Method of Type of Notes
type transport cargo

EXW When goods are When goods are Any/ multi – any Domestic use, when
placed at seller’s placed at seller’s modals seller is unfamiliar to
premises or at premises or at export
another named another named place

FCA When goods are When goods are Any/ multi - Containeri
deliver to first deliver to first modals zed
carrier carrier

CPT When goods are At named place of Any/ multi - Containeri

deliver to first destination modals zed

CIP When goods are At named place of Any/ multi - Containeri When buyer wants
deliver to first destination modals zed seller to obtain
carrier insurance

DAP When goods are When goods are Any/ multi - Any
placed on the placed on the modals
arriving means of arriving means of
transport of transport of
destination destination

DPU When goods are When goods are Any/ multi - Containeri
placed at disposal placed at disposal of modals zed
of buyer at a buyer at a named
named terminal of terminal of
destination. destination.

DDP When goods are When goods are Any/ multi - any Seller is liable for
placed on the placed on the modals import Clearance
arriving means of arriving means of
transport of transport of
destination destination

FAS When goods are When goods are Sea Bulk

placed alongside placed alongside Cargo
vessel vessel

FOB When goods are When goods are Sea inland Bulk
placed on board at placed on board at water way Cargo
named port of named port of
shipment shipment

10. CFR When goods are At named port of Sea inland Bulk Points of transfer of
placed on board at destination water way Cargo risk and cost are
named port of different

11. CIF When goods are At named port of Sea inland Bulk Points of transfer of
placed on board at destination water way Cargo risk and cost are
named port of different, when buyer
shipment wants seller to obtain

2. Allocation of costs
Term Carriage Loading Main Unloading Insurance Export Import
type contract cost carriag cost at clearance clearance
at origin e/ destination

EXW Buyer Buyer Buyer Buyer No Buyer Buyer


FCA Buyer +Seller: if Buyer Buyer No Seller Buyer

named place obligation
is seller’s

+Buyer: if
named is not

CPT Seller Seller Seller +Seller: if No Seller Buyer

+Buyer: if
contract not

CIP Seller Seller Seller +Seller: if Seller Seller Buyer

+Buyer: if
contract not

DAP Seller Seller Seller Seller??? No Seller Buyer

DPU Seller Seller Seller Seller No Seller Buyer

DDP Seller Seller Seller Buyer No Seller Seller

FAS Buyer Buyer Buyer Buyer No Seller Buyer

FOB Buyer Seller Buyer Buyer No Seller Buyer

CFR Seller Seller Seller +Seller: if No Seller Buyer

+Buyer: if
contract not

CIF Seller Seller Seller +Seller: if Seller Seller Buyer

+Buyer: if
contract not

3. The uses of each group

Group E: E-term – 01 Term: EXW

- The level of risk for the seller is at its lowest
- The seller only makes the goods available to the buyer at the seller’s own premises.
- It could be used when the seller does not wish to assume any obligation with respect to the loading of
- The buyer should take into account of the possibilities of prohibition of exportation, quota, regulations on
imports and exports in the seller’s country, otherwise, the goods cannot be cleared. (Người mua cần tính
đến các khả năng cấm xuất khẩu, hạn ngạch, các quy định về xuất nhập khẩu tại nước của người bán, nếu
không, hàng hóa không thể được thông quan.)
- If the buyer wishes to avoid the obligation of export clearance, the stipulation “EXW, Saigon port,
Incoterms 2020. The Seller shall be liable for the goods clearance for export” should be added in their sale

Group F: F-terms: 03 terms: FCA, FAS and FOB

- Main carriage not paid by seller
- The seller is responsible to deliver the goods to a carrier named by the buyer.
- The buyer is responsible for contract for carriage and pay associated freight costs.
- The "named place” or “named port of shipment" is domestic to the seller.
- If the seller cannot obtain the full set of shipping documents from the carrier, he should get any documents
evidencing that the goods are shipped to the carrier.
- Under F Terms, and under FCA unless otherwise agreed, the seller arranges and pays for the pre-carriage
in the country of export

Notification of delivery:
- The buyer should notify the seller of the time and place of delivery, the weight or quantity (in case of
tolerance at buyer’s option) in a timely manner in order to facilitate the process of delivery by the seller.
- If tolerance is at the seller’s option, notification of weight or quantity to the buyer is essential so that the
buyer can arrange proper insurance in a timely manner.
- Người mua nên thông báo cho người bán về thời gian và địa điểm giao hàng, trọng lượng hoặc số
lượng (trong trường hợp dung sai theo lựa chọn của người mua) một cách kịp thời để tạo điều kiện thuận
lợi cho quá trình giao hàng của người bán.
- Nếu dung sai là tùy chọn của người bán, thông báo về trọng lượng hoặc số lượng cho người mua là cần
thiết để người mua có thể thu xếp bảo hiểm thích hợp một cách kịp thời.

Group C: “C-terms”: 04 terms: (CFR, CIF, CPT and CIP)

- The seller is responsible for contracting for carriage and paying for main carriage of the goods, but not
responsible for additional costs or risk of loss or damage to the goods after shipment and dispatch
- C-terms evidence shipment contracts.
- C-terms are of the same nature as F-terms in that the seller fulfils the contract in the country of shipment.
- The essence of the C-terms is the seller is relieved of any further risk and cost after he has duly fulfilled his
contract by contracting for carriage and handing over the goods to the carrier and by providing for insurance
under the CIF and CIP terms.
- Under CIF and CIP, the seller is obliged to take out insurance under maximum cover i.e. Clause A

Group D: “D-terms”: 03 terms (DAT, DPU and DDP)

- The seller is responsible for all costs and risks associated with bringing the goods to the place of
- D- terms evidence arrival contracts.
- Except “DDP”, the seller does not have to clear for import in the country of destination.
- D-terms are used if the buyer does not wish to bear risks and costs associated with the goods in the process
of bringing the goods to destination.

Practice 1. Complete the table below by inserting the party (Seller or Buyer)
GROUP Pre Terminal Export Main Terminal Import On
carriage handling clearance Carriage handling clearance carriage
charge charge
(THC) at (THC) at
origin destination

E Buyer Buyer Buyer Buyer Buyer Buyer Buyer

F Seller Seller Seller Buyer Buyer Buyer Buyer

C Seller Seller Seller Seller Buyer Buyer Buyer

D Seller Seller Seller Seller Buyer/ Seller Buyer/ Buyer


Practice 2. Read the followings and choose the best answer in accordance with Incoterms 2020
1. Incoterms 2020 is _____________issued by ICC for interpretation of most commonly used trade
terms in foreign trade.
A. legal stipulations, which must be applied in a sale contract.
B. a set of rules, which is an optional use by parties to a sale contract.
C. a set of legal standard stipulations.
D. all are wrong
2. The purpose of Incoterms is to __________________
A. make clear about the responsibilities of sellers and buyers, transfer of risk and cost of the goods from
sellers to buyers.
B. help the parties to a sale contract to avoid unnecessary conflicts, disputes, litigations during their contract
C. A&B are wrong.
D. A&B are correct.
3. Incoterms can be applied in_________________
A. international contracts only
B. domestic contracts only
C. both international and domestic contracts
D. all are wrong
4. Incoterms does not cover the transaction of…
A. invisible goods
B. software
C. technology transfer
D. All of these
5. Incoterms does not refer to the obligations of the parties in_________________
A. making delivery of the goods.
B. packing and marking
C. transfer of ownership
D. obtaining insurance
6. In terms of means of transportation, Incoterms is divided into_____________
A. 5 groups
B. 4 groups
C. 3 groups
D. 2 groups
7. In terms of liabilities for risks and costs, Incoterms 2020 is divided
A. 5 groups
B. 4 groups
C. 3 groups
D. 2 groups
8. If the seller supplies the goods under D group, he should stipulate the clauses of Force Majeure or
total liabilities to exempt him from liabilities for damage, loss or compensation caused by the events
beyond his control.
A. True
B. False

9. If a buyer purchases the goods under EXW, he should incorporate the clause of termination of
contract in case he cannot clear the goods for export in the seller’s country.
A. True
B. False
10. In the event of buying the goods under E, F groups, in order to make the goods safe in transit, a
buyer should add more obligations of the seller in packing and marking for the goods in conformity
with the types of the vehicles or vessels he arranges.
A. True
B. False
11. If contracts are concluded under CFR or CPT terms, sellers should stipulate expressly the types of
the means of transportation to avoid any damage or loss of the goods in transit.
A. True
B. False
12. If contracts are concluded under CIP or CIF terms, unless otherwise stated by buyers, seller’s
obligation is to obtain insurance for the goods under ____________
A. clause A
B. clause B
C. clause C
D. clause D
13. If contracts are concluded under CIP or CIF terms, buyers should stipulate expressly the insurance
clause, such as name of insurer, types of cover… to protect his rights.
A. True
B. False
14. If a contract is concluded under C terms, it is considered as _____________
A. a shipment contract
B. an arrival contract
C. a destination contract
D. None of these
15. Which of the following stipulations is (are) incorrect?
A. Delivery shall be made C&F Incoterms 2020
B. Price is understood CIF landed, Incoterms 2020.
C. Delivery shall be made FOB under the tackle, Incoterms 2020.
D. All of these.
16. Which of the following stipulations is correct?
A. Delivery shall be made FOB stowed, Incoterms 2020.
B. Delivery shall be made DAT Hongkong port, subject to Incoterms 2020.
C. Delivery shall be made FOB, Khanh Hoi port, subject to Incoterms.
D. Delivery shall be made CNF, Thu Duc Terminal, Hochiminh City, Incoterms.
Practice 3. Read the usage of 11 Rules in Incoterms 2020 and decide if the following statements are
True or False
1) It is more suitable for domestic use. T
2) Under EXW rule, the Seller’s liability is the maximum. F
3) Seller is responsible for loading goods onto a collecting vehicle. F
4) Export Clearance fees are for Seller’s account F
5) If Seller is unfamiliar to exporting business, it is advisable not to use EXW Rule. F
6) Risk to and cost of the goods will pass from seller to buyer when goods are placed at the disposal of the
Buyer at the agreed point. T
7) Under this rule, goods can be transported by any mode. T
1) Loading cost at origin is for seller’s liability and account. T/F
2) Export clearance is for Buyer’s account F
3) Buyer is responsible for main carriage T
4) In any case, delivery is deemed to have been complete when goods are loaded onto the arriving vehicle. T
5. Seller is obliged to give notice to the buyer when delivery is completed. T
6) If the carrier does not take delivery, the Buyer bears all risks of loss of or damage to the goods. T
7) This rule can be used for all modes of transport. T
1) Under this rule, the seller fulfils its obligation to deliver when when the goods reach the place of
destination. F
2) Under this rule, risk passes and costs are transferred at the same place. F
3) CPT requires the Seller to arrange transportation. T
4) This rule is used irrespective of modes of transport. T
5. The cost of loading at origin is for the Buyer’s account. F
6. The cost of unloading at destination is for the Seller’s account F/T
7. CPT is often used with Combined Bill of Lading. T
1) CIP is the same as CPT in nature except under CIP, the Seller has an obligation to obtain insurance for the
Buyer. T
2) Under this rule, if the buyer does not wish to have more insurance protection, seller is required to obtain
insurance only on minimum cover, i.e Clause A T
3) The insurance shall cover the price provided in the contract plus 10% (i.e., 110%) and shall be in the
currency of the contract. T
4. The Seller is advised to supply the goods under this rule because he will find no risk of the carrier’s failure
to take delivery of the goods. T
1) "Terminal" includes any place, whether covered or not, such as a quay, warehouse, container yard or road,
rail or air cargo terminal. T
2) Unloading cost at terminal is for the Seller’s account. T
3. Delivery is completed only when the goods have been unloaded from the arriving means of transport and
have been placed the disposal of the buyer at the named terminal. T
4. DAT is used for transportation by sea only. F
1) Unloading cost at the named place of destination is for seller’s account. F
2) If a contract of carriage requires the seller to bear unloading cost at destination, the seller is not entitled to
recover such costs from the buyer unless otherwise agreed between the parties. T
3) DAP requires the Seller to pay import duties. F
4) Under this rule, the seller is responsible for contracting for the carriage of the goods to the named place of
destination. T
1) DDP represents the maximum obligation for the seller. T
2) DDP is the only rule in Incoterms 2020 which requires the Seller to make import clearance for the goods. T
3) If the parties wish the buyer to bear all risks and costs of import clearance, the DAP rule should be used. F
4) The Seller is obliged to the Buyer to make an insurance contract. F
5. This rule is used only when the buyer is unfamiliar to import business. T

1) FAS means that the seller delivers when the goods are placed alongside any mode of transportation. F
2) This rule should be used only for bulk commodity, not for containerized goods. T
3) Under this rule, the Buyer is obliged to contract for carriage of the goods F
4) The cost of loading at origin is for the Seller’s account. F
5. The buyer must give the seller sufficient notice of the particulars of the vessel within the agreed time. T

1) Under this rule, delivery is complete when the seller has delivered the goods by placing them on board the
vessel nominated by the buyer at the loading point. T
2) FOB should be used only for containerized goods only. F
3) The trimming and stowage costs on the vessel at the port of shipment are for the Seller’s account. F
4) If the vessel nominated by the buyer fails to arrive on time and is unable to take the goods, any additional
costs arising therefrom shall be for the Buyer’s account. T
5. The buyer must give the seller sufficient notice of the vessel name, loading point and, where necessary,
the selected delivery time within the agreed period. T
1) The point of delivery under CFR is the same as FOB. T
2) Under this rule, Risk and costs are transferred from the seller to the buyer at destination. F
3) If the goods are containerized, it is not advisable for the parties to use this rule. T
1) CIF and CFR are of the same nature except that under CIF rule, the Seller is obliged to the buyer to make
an insurance contract. T
2) Under this rule, the Buyer should demand that insurance shall be contracted with underwriters or an
insurance company of good repute. T

Practice 4. Compare FOB and FCA rules in Incoterms® 2020

- Seller is responsible for:
+ Checking the goods before delivery
+ Making customs clearance for export
+ Bear all costs associated with an export licence

- Seller is not responsible for:

+Obtaining insurance and arranging carriage

- Buyer is responsible for:

+ Arranging carriage
+ Making customs clearance for import


1 Mean of Sea or inland water way Any or multi-modals


2 Point of cost When goods are placed on When goods are loaded onto the
transfer board the vessel at the port of vehicle nominated by a buyer

3 Point of risk When goods are placed on When goods are delivered onto the
transfer board the vessel at the port of first carrier

4 Type of cargo Bulk Cargo Containerized cargo

5 Loading cost For seller’s account At seller’s premises: for seller’s

at origin account

At another named place: for

buyer’s account

Practice 5. Write down the correct rules for the definitions below, subject to Incoterms 2020

1. The seller is responsible for all costs associated with delivering the goods, excluding import duties, to the
named point or place of destination at the country of importation. Risks transfer from the seller to the buyer
when goods are placed on the arriving means of transport at the buyer’s country. DAP

2. The seller delivers the goods, export cleared, close to the side a vessel, and does not bear risk or costs once
the goods have been handed over. FAS

3. The seller is responsible for contracting and paying for main carriage, insurance excluded, and risk of loss
or damage to the goods once will pass to the buyer when the goods are shipped to the first carrier. CPT

4. The seller is responsible for all costs and risks associated with delivering the goods to the wharf at the
named port of destination. DDP

5. The seller is responsible for main carriage by sea, insurance excluded, but not responsible for additional
costs or risk of loss or damage to the goods once they have been delivered on board the vessel at the port of
shipment. CFR

6. A seller is responsible for export clearance, obtaining insurance for his buyer, contracting for main
carriage and paying associated costs for bringing the goods to a named place at buyer’s country. Risk
transfers to the buyer when goods are delivered to the first carrier. CIP

7. A seller is responsible to make export and import clearance, contract for main carriage and pay all
associated costs for bringing the goods to a named placed at the buyer’s country. DDP

8. A buyer is responsible contract for main carriage, make import and export clearance, bear all risks once
the goods are available for loading onto a vehicle at his seller’s premises. EXW

9. A seller is responsible to make delivery at a named container yard in his country. Risks and costs transfer
from the seller to his buyer when the goods are delivered to the first carrier nominated by the buyer. FCA

10. A seller is responsible to deliver the bulk goods on board the vessel at the port of shipment, pay
insurance and main carriage for bringing the goods to the port of discharge. CIF

Practice 6. Specify the obligations of the party (Seller/Buyer or No party) under Incoterms 2020 to pay
for the costs of the rules below: (The first row has been done as example)
Obligations \ RULE FCA CIP DAP FOB

Contract for main carriage Buyer Seller Seller Buyer

Freight Forwarder Buyer Seller Seller Buyer

Documentation Fees

Origin Terminal Charges Buyer Seller Seller Buyer

Vessel Loading Charges Buyer Buyer Seller Seller

Destination Terminal Handling Charges if Seller Seller Buyer Buyer

contract of carriage excludes this charge

Insurance No Seller No party No party


Practice7. Choose the appropriate rule under Incoterms 2020 used in the following transactions
- Exporter: in HCM City, Vietnam
- Importer: in Osaka, Japan
- Commodity: Rice
- Quantity: 10,000 MT
- Destination: Osaka, Japan.

Select the most suitable term under Incoterms 2020 in the following cases:
Case 1:
- Seller is responsible for export clearance, arranging transportation methods, payment for main carriage,
- Point of delivery: when the goods are delivered to the first carrier in Vietnam.
Your answer: CIP Osaka, Japan

Case 2:
- Seller is responsible for export clearance, arranging transportation methods, payment for main carriage,
- Point of delivery: when the goods are available on the arriving means of transport at destination.
Your answer: DAP Osaka, Japan

Case 3:
- Seller is responsible for export clearance, arranging the vessel on behalf of the buyer.
- Buyer pays main carriage at destination, and insurance.
- Point of delivery: when the goods are placed on board the vessel at Saigon port.
Your answer: FOB Saigon port

Practice 8. Consider the case below and answer the questions:

ABC Co. Ltd (Vietnam), a seller, signed a contract of rice, with a buyer , XYZ Co., Ltd. (Singapore). The
quantity is 10,000 MT, the price is USD350/ MT FOB Saigon port, Vietnam (Incoterms 2020). Port of
loading: Saigon port. Payment is made by L/C at sight.

1. When does risk pass from the seller to the buyer?

Your answer: when the goods are placed on board the vessel at Saigon port

2. Who is responsible for obtaining insurance for the goods?

Your answer: No parties

3. When the goods are delivered to the carrier at the port of Saigon, is the title (onwership) to the goods
transferred from the seller to the buyer at this point? Why or why not?
Your answer: not yet. It is transferred to the buyer when the buyer receives the shipping documents from the

Practice 9. Consider the case below and answer the questions:

An seller from the USA, supplies a shipment of packing equipment to a buyer in Hochiminh City, under CIF
rule (Incoterms 2020). The port of loading: South Lusiana, USA, the port of discharge: Saigon, Vietnam.
Answer the following questions:

1. What is the point of risk transfer from the seller to the buyer?
Your answer: when the goods are placed on board the vessel of South Lusiana, USA

2. Which is the place named after CIF rule?

Your answer: CIF Saigon port, Hochiminh city, Viet Nam

3. Which party is responsible for obtaining insurance? And under which clause?
Your answer: the seller, under Clause A (unless otherwise stipulated in the contract

4. Who is insured?
Your answer: the buyer

5. Which party is responsible for claiming for insurance if loss or damage to the goods arises in transit?
Your answer: the buyer

6. Which party is responsible for export clearance?

Your answer: the seller

7. Which party is responsible for import clearance?

Your answer: the buyer

8. Which party is responsible for carriage?

Your answer: the seller

9. Who is responsible for obtaining Bill of Lading from a carrier?

Your answer: the seller

10. Which party must pay for carriage?

Your answer: the seller

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