Dake, Finis, 1902 - Dake's Annotated Reference Bible The Holy Bible, Containing The Old A

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To my wife, Dorothy, and our children —

Finette, Rhoda Annabeth, and Finis, Jr. —

whose help on this work I gratefully acknowledge.

The purpose of this work is to give in ONE volume the helps a student of the
Bible needs from many books — Bible Commentaries, Atlas, Dictionary,
complete Concordance, Dispensational Truth, Topical Text Book, Bible
Synthesis, Doctrines, Prophetic Studies, and others.

Special features include nearly 9,000 informative headings which divide the text
and give a complete outline to all the Books of the Bible; 500,000 cross-
references throughout 35,000 notes and comments; a summary of interesting
facts at the end of each Book; the text emphasized with underlining where
helpful; and lists of all the commands, prophecies, promises, prayers, questions,
sins, apostasies, complaints, failures, plagues, judgments, healings, wars,
miracles, assassinations, kings, queens, dukes, lakes, rivers, farm products,
valleys, mountains, cities, empires, nations, etc.

All questions of the text and the prophecies are numbered in the side-columns;
and quotations from the O. T. are noted in the N. T. columns. Thousands of texts
are amplified and there are many renderings from various versions. Important
Hebrew and Greek words are given with definitions and various ways translated.
Obsolete and difficult English words are defined.

Parables, types, symbols, fables, allegories, figures of speech and numerous

idioms are dealt with. Alleged contradictions and seeming diflficulties of the text
are made clear. Bible and secular history are harmonized as well as the Gospels.

There are enlightening notes on astronomy, Bible animals, reptiles, birds,

insects, trees, plants, minerals, precious stones, weights, measures, coin values,
and other things which will enrich the reader's enjoyment of the Word of God.
Modern-day costs are given for the tabernacle of Moses, Solomon's temple, and
the sacrifices wherever they are mentioned throughout Scripture.
the sacrifices wherever they are mentioned throughout Scripture.

Furthermore, there is a guide showing how to read the Bible in a year on pg.
944, history between the Testaments (pg. 930), how to mark Bible prophecies
(index pg. 131), and a personal work course (pg. 943). Of particular interest to
ministers will be the wealth of sermon material in the 3,400 note columns—over
8,(XX) outlines on a great variety of subjects, and 2,000 illustrations.

Sunday school teachers and scholars will find much herein to help them with the
weekly lesson. Of special benefit will be the section of maps with symbols of
world empires, and charts of the Ages and Dispensations, the Tri-unity of Man,
the Tabernacle, the Holy Oblation, the Times of the Gentiles, the Underworld of
Departed Spirits, and the Books of Daniel and Revelation in picture form.

The general principle adhered to throughout is that of literalizing instead of

spiritualizing. Statements of fact and historical accounts are accepted as such.
THE RULE OBSERVED IS: Take the Bible literally wherein it is at all possible;
if symbolic, figurative or typical language is used, then look for the literal truth it
intends to convey.

During the author's 100,000 hours in 43 years of searching the Scriptures this all-
important and fundamental principle of interpretation has been strictly and
consistently followed. Novel interpretations have been rejected, and theories
supported by personal opinion alone have been laid aside.

In the preparation of this work, therefore, the aim has been to prove the
teachings of the side-columns with plain Bible references; and now, the reader is
invited to see for himself what these related passages actually say on any given
subject of the notes. In this way he will learn well the lesson of "rightly dividing
the Word of truth" (2 Tim. 2:15); and he will see that the Holy Bible is in perfect
harmony throughout.

This Bible is being prayerfully presented in the hope that it may be used of God
to bring a simple and clear understanding of His Word to the average pejson, and
that it will inspire him with faith to receive the full benefits of the Gospel for
body, soul, and spirit.

Concordance instructions are at the top of page one of the Index/Concordance.

Abbreviations: Ant. = Ante Nicene Fathers, Cant. = Canticles or Song of

Solomon, col. = column, cp. = compare, ms. = manuscript, mss. = manuscripts,
Solomon, col. = column, cp. = compare, ms. = manuscript, mss. = manuscripts,
Sanhed. = Sanhedrin, Sept. = Septuagint, and vol. = volume.

"Ante Nicene Fathers" refers to the writings of church fathers or church leaders
"before" (ante) the church council that met in 325 A.D. at Nicea.

"Josephus" refers to The Works of Flavins Josephus who was a Jewish historian
of the first century A.D. and wrote a history of the nation of Israel.

"Apocrapha" refers to the 14 books between the Old Testament and the New
Testament accepted as scripture by Roman Catholic, Greek Orthodox, and
Anglican Churches, but rejected as scripture by leaders of the Protestant
Reformation. Protestants accept 1st and 2nd Maccabees as accurate history only.

Symbols placed at the beginning or at the end of verses in the text indicates
prophecies, promises, commands, and new messages from God, as follows:

* —^prophecy ▲ —promise

• —command

■ —message from God


j This is what natural men and sinners expect of each otherbut godly men are
different and cannot bold grudges (Mt. 6:14-15; 18:21-35; Col. 3:13) k This was
allowed under law but not under grace (Mt. 5:38-48)

1 PerhapsJacob,in his foresight, had seen it wasbest to give such a command, not
because he was afraid that Joseph would do the wrong thing but to comfort and
strengthen his other sons concerning true repentance and confession m This
shows true compassion. Cp. 42:24; 43:30; 45:1-3; 46:29; 50:1

n The last of 5 times they fulfilled his dreams of 37:5-11. See42:6-9; 43:26, 28;

o Question 148. Tte last in Genesis

—^fc-Cont. from column2

toward others if he has only a measure of comfort. He will rather serve than rule
if there is any degree of hardship

15 Dan shall judge hispeople (v 16)

16 He shall be like a serpent in guile and cunning and overthrow those who
oppose him (v 17)

17 The salvation of Israel will come from God,not from the lion-like Judah, the
strong-ass traits of Issachar, or the cunning serpent-like skill of Dan (v 18) 18
Gad shall finally overcome his enemies after being overcome (v 19)

19 Asfaer shall be blessed and prosperous in his inheritance (v 20)

20 Naphtali shall be like a fleet hind let loose and be eloquent of speech^ 21)

21 Joseph shall be fruitful as a tree planted by the waters (v 22)

22 He shall be hated by others and suffer at their hands (v 23)

23 He shall be helped by God who will also send the Shepherd aiKJ Stone of
Israel (v 24-25)

24 He shall be blessed with material prosperity (v 25) (v25)

25 He shall have abundant offspring
26 He shaUbeblessed and Israel Aa 11 be upon hire forever (v 26)

27 Benjamin shall be a war-like and plundering tribe like the wolf (v 27)


1 Joteph lived In E^ypi 93ye«n ^od hit father's Jesccndinu lived there 2lb ycdfj.
Sec Chfoaolc>iiy ol Abrjtuii '» teed, p. J-3; E». 12:40: G«1,~3TT7

b It it siq^poted thji Joseph was about Jl years olJ when Ephrain' was born

c A Uo the 3rd )(eneraaon of the other too. Manauch (Num. 26:24)

^»- Coot, from column4

yeart younger than Jacob (47:2!j); 17 yean youn>{et than Sarah (23:1): ^2^
years youn^tcr than Ishmael (2Scl7); anJ 10 yean younger than Moies (Dt. Jl:.)
at death h Second n uriiity of Scripture (v 3-4) 1 Pint and last mention of a coffln
in the Bible.!, encatbeiuns with Ood and cads with man; it bc^Uns with creation
of the heavent above and ends with a col


in E^ypt. Coffins were not in ujc 3t::ong the Jewt at in Egypt (2 Ki. 13:21: Mt.
27:59-60; Jn.ll)

The dateless patt (LI)

The dateless past (Pr. 8:22-23; Jn. 1; 1; Acta 15:13; Eph. 3:9; Col, 1:18; Heb.
1:10; 11:3: 1 Jn. 1:1: Rev. 1:6; 3:14). VI is the iniroductioQ to the whole BiEle
and all ^story. for it marks the boundary between time and eternity. It it not a
summarized statement of what is to follow, fof it menDoru heaven first, while
the following verses mention the earth first. Job 38:4-7 makes it clear that the
heavens were created first else the stan could not have rejoiced when the earth
was created. This proves that v 1 refers to prior acts of God and the verses which
follow refer to the earth under a flood and judgment, and then restored to a
second habitable state, as before the curse of V 2

'Bara - create" defined (1:1)

'Bara - create" defined (1:1)

Heb. bara. to bring into being (Heb. H;3).lTied 7 times in Gen. 1-2. AU other
places made and make are used, thus proving the 6 days' work to be
mainlyreconstiuctive.In Gen. LI the universe it brought into existence: in
Cen.L21sea creatures are created:and inCen. ::27 man is created. Thus bara is
reserved for the introduction of the 3 great spheres of existence: the world of
manen natural life at in all living creaturet:and spiritual life represented by man.
See Original Creationt. p. 53

'Earth" defined (LI)

Called dry land (v 10), thus proving the earth was created dryand laterbecame
submerged in waterbecaute of sin (v 2; Pi. 104:5-9: 2 Pet. 3:5-9). the sin of
Lucifer and thePre-Adamites Om. 14: 12-14; Jer. 4s 23-26; Ezek. 28:11-17; Lk.
10:19) Ute of 'and" in cen. 1-2 (L2)

Anj it used 14ii umet in Gen. 1-2 to teparate the 102 recorded independent actt
of God. V 2 it at Independent of vlattotimeandtubject matter as all the other
separate acts of God.V 1 refers to the whole universe being created and inhabited
in the dateleu patt, while v 2 re ten to chaos Dec aute of sin. V 3-31 picture the
restoration of the earth at before chaos, and its second habitation with pretent
tuan and the new earth and water creaturetbrought into being about 6, 000 yean
ago Lucifer't flood (L 2)

TWt flood was more Jevattating and lasted longer than Soah't flood, for it
destroyed even vegetation (Gen.2:5-6; Jer, 4:23-26), while the 1 yr. and 17
daysofNoah't flood did not (Ccn. 'til, 22: 9:3). There it noco: Kience and the
Btblr. discoveries mutt bi-ther>n«'5, however.

. s still in Hi inlancy and the

■ of rocks uncertain. True

stale::.cnu of Cod's Word must alto be

The death of Josep h


I will nourish you, and your #24 'And J(l'jeph*s«id unto his
I will nourish you, and your #24 'And J(l'jeph*s«id unto his

little ones. And he comforted


15 The last days of Joseph

22 ' And ja'jeph Mwelt in t f,ipt, he, and his father's house: and JO $eph lived an
^ndred and ten years..

23 And J6 jeph saw "fe'phri-im's children of the third generation; the Children
also of M&'chlr the son of MS-nds seh were brought up upon J6 jeph's knees.

16 Joseph's prophecy

brethren, I die: and'^God will

them, and spake kindly unto| surely visit you, and brinR you

out of this land unto the land which he sware to A'brl-hAm. to 1 $aac. and to
jA'cob. 25 And JO seph took an^ath of the children of Is'ra-el, saying, 'God will
surely visit you, and'ye shall carry up my bones from hence.

17 Death of Joseph (Ex. 1:6; 13:19; Josh.24: 32; Heb.11:22)

26 So jO'seph died, being ^n hundred and ten years old: and they'•embalmed
him. and he was put in a "coffin in £'g?pt Summarv of Genesis

Date iDd plicc written either while the luthotwji t ineep-herderwlih Jettvo, at It
Sliui ai ID introduction to the liw - about 1688 B.C.

Author .Moiei.the law^veiaod leader of Ivael during the exodua and wlUeroeai
wanJeriniiS. See Moaei in lt>de»

Fto«jl ol juibocthiix ToewabUih proof of authonhlp for Geneili li to do to for the

emite Pentateuch - the fint 5book» of the Bible, called T he Law by the Jewt and
wliicb formed thebailjof the Hebrew theocracy. The word Pentateuch meani
five; andihepreieatbookiwere originally one writing in Saections. The leparation
Into S bookiiiihoughtdue to the Alexandrian translators of the Septuagim. bow
which came ibe preieni namei of the books at well at the word Pentateuch
16 proofs Moles wrote the Pentateuch:
1 ood coronianded Moses to write a book (Ex. 17:14; 34:27)

2 Moaesdid write a book (E>. :4:^-7.Niini :i3:2;Dt. 31:9)

3 He called hlibooC The book of the co.e:iant (EK.24:7). the book ol this law
(Dt. 28:68.61: 29t 20-27): and tall book ol the law TOt. 3ai0; 31:24-26). It
iociuded the whole Pentateuch which was considered by Jewj as one book in 5
lecUont 4 Copies of Motes' book of the law were to be ;i ade for kinijs (Dt. 17;

5 .>od recognized the book of the law as being written by Motes and
comrranded it to be the rule of conduct for Joshua (Josh. 1:1-8; 8:30-35) 6 lothua
accepted the b ook of the law as beinii written by Motet and copied it tpon two
mountaiDi (Dt. 11:26-32; Josh. 8:30-35). He added to the book, perhaps writing
the laii chapter (Dt. 34) about the death of Motet Qoih. 24:26) 7
JothujcomtraodedaUltraeltoobeythebo okofthelawof Motes Qoth. 23:61

8 During the Mdm it was the law:

(1) David recognized it (1 Chr. 16:40)

(2) Solomoo wat charged by David to keep it (1 Kl. 2:3)

(3) It wai found and obeyed by Jotiah and Israel (-2 Kl. 22:8: 23:1-24: 2 Chr.

(4) Jebouphat bad it uught to all Israel (2 Chr. 17:9) 34:14: 35:12)

(5) loath obeyed it (Z Ki. 14;6; 2 Chr. 23:11, 18)

(6) Amazlah obeyed it (2 Chr. 25:4)

(T) HereWah obeyed it (2 Chr. 30:1-18)

9 Propheu refer toitasGod't law written by Mo(es(Ita.8:20; Dan. 9:11: Mai. 4e 4)

10 Ezra and Nehemiahbothatcribe the book of the law to Motet (Ezra 3:2: 6:18:
7:6, 10. 14, 21, 25: .Neh. 1:7-9: 8;8, 14. 18; 10:28-29: 13:1) 11 Cbiin ascribed
the whole law, all 5booksof the Pentateuch toMowt(Lk. 24:27. 44wlthCen. 3:15:
12:1-3. Mk. 12:2t with Ex. 3 and Mk. 7:10 with Ex. 20:12; 21:17. See alto Jn.
12:1-3. Mk. 12:2t with Ex. 3 and Mk. 7:10 with Ex. 20:12; 21:17. See alto Jn.
1:17; 5c4f.; 7:19, 23) 12 The aponlei aicribed the law to Motet (Acu 13:39: 15:1.
5. 21: 28:23)

13 For inatetbaa3,500yeanithasbeen tne unified belief of all Jewish scholan

andtbecoiDnioapeoplethatMotetwrote the Pentateuch. Jewt frorr their earUett
history nevet quettioned it 14 Heathen writers - Ticitus. Juvenal. Strabo.
Longinut, Porphyry. Julian and ochert a.uee without quenloa that Motet wrote
the Penuteuch 15 Rcliiloutleaden among the heathen - Mohammed and others,
ascribe it to It Internal evidences prove one author Motes (1) The Pentateuch
was written by a Hebrew g)eaklng the Hebrew language

atv: -' '-;-,• the tentiments of Us nation. Moses fulflUed this requirement

-nttenbya Hebrew acquainted with Egypt and Arabia, their cuKorrs anc . ince
Lgyptianlearningwascarefulljrconcealedfrom foceigners.and wasfjpncMtaod the
royal family only. Motes wat the only known Hebrew who could have fulBUed
this requlreir^ent (Acu 7:22: Heb. 11:23-29) (3) There it an exact
correspondence between the nanativet and the inttltutlani, showing they both had
the tame author (4) The agreement in ttyle of the 5 booki proves a tingle author

(5) MoMt, hlmtelf plainly declared that he wrote thli law . See Ex. 244: Sum.
33:2: Dt. 31:9. 22

Theme: the creation, the fall, and redempdon of the human race through Jesut
Christ. Around this centers all divine revelation and Scripture truth. The book is
the teed-plot of the whole Bible and Is ettcnrial to the correct understanding of
every pan o^li. eneasisthe foundacloo on which all Ji vine revelation retts and on
which It is built up.'.« ixilyihai.hutit enters into, and lor ins a very integral part of
that revelaiioo. Every great doctrine ci Scripture finds Itt roou in Genedt In
germ, type, or tlmpU teveUUon . the origin of the heavens and the earth and all

.lepcnooal Creator and show that nothing was evolved

rcvral i nre-Adamite world and its dettrucUon before

earth to a second habitable state and give

>i we know thr:^' today; jnd to record the

unful career of

: to Ml law

■ wordt: 1,156

rophcclei: 123

.1 chapter, U":

iv >. vcnrt. .) chapicri have 34

Ji;71 ptomltrt;l26predlctk>at

.9. .». 10.

• . 9, 10.

' 7. 9,



,;'. .;, 2a. ):,:1, lu. a. 4L2i;4«:2; 4fl.-4j

tbcrcl thruu.'^ Ad the

hStt-f) .■ the ear) Sl-»n u ver.

longcK. vertec 4

11. 15. 13. 30. U.

Jisiink;mshed from man's interpreta-,,„ ■''»-m. When men fimr -

of the canh.thcn ri (overtbchistoni.ii > , - ^)

en. 1:1 and 1:2, there will ^ .>- .mfUct between the book of c'-enesis and science

Conunucd.column t
Made - not created (1:16)

'. They were createo cfore the earth was (i.cii. 1:1; Job JiJ;4-7), but during the
chaos caused by Lucifer't rebellion, they were forbidden to give light on farth
until judgment had been com-rl' ted Om. 14:12-14; J.-r. ♦:23-26; K.vk.28:11-17:
2 Pet. 3:5-8) a &ttb prophecy in oen. (50:24-25. fulfilled). Last prophecy In
Genesis. 3rd prt^hecy by Joseph,the prophet.lt coo-ccrntc.od leadlnxltrael out of
Egypt to the promlted land, and hit own body being taken out of E,:ypt. All wat
fulfilled in Ex, ia:la-Jo«h, 24:39

b Thit it Joseph's last prophecy. He had the gifts of prophecy and intcrprcta-doQ.
Ohat before him had the Holy Spirit, but he it the Itt to be spoken of as having
the Spirit In him (41:38) c Thit it what Jacob ^d uid to hlrv (4^:3-4, 15-lt:, 21)

d The last oath in Genesis

e Second time stated. Cp. v 24

f His body was not taken to Canaan at death as wat that of Jacob. It stayed in
Egypt about 144 years (Ex. 13:19; Josh. 24:3'..') g 65 years younger than
Abraham (25c 7); 70 yeart younger than iMac (35:28); 37

^ Continued, column 1

^^- Com, from column2

15 things the Bible does not say that

1 The beginning was 6,000 yean ago

2 The earth was created 6, 000 years ago

3 The 6 days'work of Gen. L-3-2:25 was the same as the original work of v 1

4 The earth was created chaos aixl flooded as in V 2 (Isa. 45:18)

5 The eanh was created waste and empty as in v 1 Osa. 45:18)

6 Light and darkness were created in day 1 of V 3-5. This is not true became
they were present in Lucifer's kingdom before Adam. When the earth "is flooded
because of sin (v2;Ps. 104:6-9; 2Pet.3:5-8) the heavens withheld lioht, causing
because of sin (v2;Ps. 104:6-9; 2Pet.3:5-8) the heavens withheld lioht, causing
the darkness of v 2 Qet.4r23 -26) 7 The clouds and water in them were created in
day 2 (Gen. 1:6-8). On the contrary, they had been giving rain on the earth all
through Lucifer's reign oo earth Gm. 14:12-14; Job 38:4-30) 8 The earth was
created in day 3 of 1:9-13. It was not, for it was brought into existence in the
beginning (v 1), and was in existence during the flood of v2,and during both
days 1 and 2 (v 2-8) 9Theearth was dry land for the first time in day 3 (v 9-13).
It was dry land from its creation in the dateless past, to the time it was flooded
because of sin (1:1-2; Ps. 104:6-9; 2 Pet. 3:5-8). It is called earth (dry land) in
Gen. 1:1

lOTheearthbrought fonh vegetation for the first time in day 3 (1:9-13). There had
been fruitful places in Lucifer's kingdom Q&i. 4; 23-26) 11 The sun. moon, and
surt were created in day 4. They were created in the beginning before the earth
ex-istcd (v 1; Job 38:4-7). The work of day 4 was the regulation of them in
connection with the restored earth 12Birds, beasts, and man were first created in
days 5 and 6, about 6,000 years ago. On the contrary, some were created for
Lucifer's kingdoip and were destroyed in Lucifer's flood of v2flsa. 14:12-14; Jer.
4:23-?6; 2 Pet. 3:5-81

13Adam was the first roan ever to li ve on the e a rth. Men a nd nail oris were on
eanh whenLucifer ruled (Iia.l4:12-14: Jer. 4c 23-26: 2 Pet. 3:5-8) 14The
heavens, the earth and all things therein are a product of evolution. They are not,
God created them all (v 1; Jn. 1:3; Eph, 3:9; CoL 1: ISIS; Rev. 4:11) 15Men as
we know then) today are the product of lower forms of K'^ or have come from
the Immediate past, from cave men and other low and un-inielli gent stages of
development. The Bible teaches that man was created perfect and highly
intelligent with abibty to name all other crp«r»d things. Since the day he was
created, ti in has fallen to be depraved and Ignorant compared to his original
creative makeup (2:7, 15-25; 3:l-'24; Rom. 1:18-32; 5t 12-21; Eph. 2)


4 divine acts in day 1 (1:5):

1 God said - divine purpose stated. Immediately day came and the divine
purpose was realized (v 3)

2 God saw - divine inspection and satisfaction (v 4)

3 God divided - divine division making UgErTnTliarkness distinct from each

otherinallparts of the earth (v 4)
otherinallparts of the earth (v 4)

4 God called - divine naming of light and darkness (v 5)

Thiswasall the workof day l.thesun, moon, stars, earth, waters, darkness, and
light having been created before day 1. The workof the6 days was simply the
restoration of theplanet earth to a second habitable state and the creation of a
new social system to take the place of the one Lucifer ruled over and caused tobe
destroyed in the flood of v 2 (Isa. 14:12-14; Jer, 4:23-26; Ezek. 28:11-17; 2 Pet.
3:5-8) 4 divine acts in day 2 (1:8):

1 God said -diviae purpose stated (v6)

2 God made -divine work of restoring the firmament or clouds to retain water

3 Goddividedwatersputbackin the clouds to giva^rain upon earth as when

Lucifer ruled (v 7)

4 God called - divine naming of the firmament (v 8)

5 divine acts in day 3 (1:13):

1 God said - divine permisdon and purpose stated concerning the earth and
waters (v 9)

2 G od called - divine naming of waters and dry land (v 10)

3 God saw - divine inspection and satisfaction (v 10)

4 God said - divine permission and purpose stated concerning plant Ufe (vU)

5 God saw - divine infection and satisfaction (v 12)

4 divine acts in day 4 (1:19):

1 God said - divine permission and purpose stated (v 14)

2 God made - divine regulation of solar system again (v 16)

3 God set - divine placing, as before the chaos of v 2; Jer, 4:23-26; 2 Pet. 3:5-8
(v 17)
4 God saw - divine inspection and satisfaction (v 18)

5 divine acts in day 5 (1:23):

1 God said -divine purpose stated^? 20)

2 God created - divine act of bringing new living creatures into existence for the
earth and roan (v 21)

^ God saw - divine inspection and satisfaction (v 21)

4 God blessed - divineiropartation of reproductive powers to fill the earth and

waters (v 22)

5 God said - divine conmiands for reproduction of fish and fowl (v 22)

9 divine acts in day 6 (1:31):

1 God said - divine purpose stated (1:24)

2 God made -divine formation of the bodies with His hands (1:25; 2:19)

3 God saw - divine inspection and satisfaction (1:25)

4 God said - divine plan lomake man and outline his work (1:26)

5 God created - divine work of creating(l:27; 2:7, 21-22; 5:1-2; 9:6)

6 God blessed - divine favor (1:28)

7 God said - divine commands to roan (1:28)

8 God said -divine provisiond: 29-30)

9 God saw - divine satisfaction (1:31) Thus, the work of the 6 days was now

finished.Ilbegan whenGod said, "Let there be light" (1:3). It ended exactly 6 24-
hour days later, with the chaotic earth made perfect a second time and inhabited
as it was in Lucifer's kingdom, before Adam's time. Everything was "very good,"
at once, proving that there was no long process of evolution from a few
molecules seeking to improve themselves (1:31) 4 divine acts in day 7 (2:2)
1 God ended - divine completion and perfection (2:1-2; Dt. 32:4; Eccl. 3:11)

2 God rested - divine repose (2:2-3; Ex. 20:11; 31:17; Heb. 4:4)

3 God blessed -divine invocation(2:3)

4 God sanctified - divine separation and dedication (2:3: Ex. 20:8-11)

"Let" defined (1:3)

Let is used 13 times in this chapten 17564 times elsewhere, and in no case is an
original creative actimpUed.The sense is made appear or made visible.
expressing permission and purpose in connection with already existing things.
The light, firmanent, waters, earth, darkness and all other things mentioned here
were already in existence, but had been thrown into chaos and the laws which
previously governed them had been made void. The very purpose of their
existence had been annulled because of sin. Now, in the restorationtoperfection
and original usefulness,God merely commands and the sun again gives light on
this planet, asit had done all through Lucifer'skingdom(Jer.4:23-26;2Pet. 3:5-8).
Thus the light of days 1, 2 and 3 camefrom thesunashasbeen the case every day
since.Cp. let in Gen, 13:8; 18:4; 24:14-18; Mt. 7:4; 13:30; 27:22; Jn. 14:1; Phil,
2:5 for the true sense 2 divisions by God (1:3):

2 times (v 4,7). Here division is made by God, Himself because He is the only
one who could restore day and night. In v 14-18 God commands the sun, moon
and starstodivideday and night forever, of themselves, by natural law without a
daily divine command. Both light and darkness had been created with the
universe i n the beginning. Here they are not created but divided as before the
chaos in v 2; Jet. 4:23-26-Ps. 104:6-9; 2 Pet. 3:5-8

"Firmament" defined (1:6)

Heb. shamayim. expanse, something ^read out (Job 37:18; Isa .40:22; 44:24: Jer.
10:12; 51:15). It is called heaven (v 8); clouds (Job 26:8; Ps. 77:17: Pr. 8:28). It
was created in the beginning as one of the heavens of v 1. It had served its
purpose of retaining water above the earth throughout Lucifer's reign, hue upon
his overthrow the earth was cursed by the firmament pouring out its waters and
causing the flood of Gen. 1:2; Ps. 104:5-9; 2Pet. 3:5-7.The heaven of heavens
and the clouds are distinguished in Scripture Qudg. 5:4; Ps. 147:8; Isa. 14:12-14;
Dan. 7:13). See Heaven In Index Division of the waters (1:6)
In the judgment on the original earth the vapoun condensed and fell upon the
earth; and because the sun was withheld from shining on the earth the waters
could not be vaporized again until the restoration of the sunlight. Hence, the
waters did not naturally abate from the earthinthe first universal flood of Gen.
1:2, as they did continually in the flood of Noah (Gen. 7: 24; 8:3, 5, 8, 12).
Because the waters were then divided again asbefore Gen, 1:2, natural laws took
care of flood conditions on earth in Noah's time. Waters and firmament were
both created in the beginning , and now were merely being restored as before the
chaos of v 2

Earth restored (1: 9)

Note that in day 2 part of the waters were placed in the clouds to give rain upon
earth(v 6-8; Job 38:4-30; Amos 5:8; 9:6). Now the rest are commanded to return
to the bowels of the earth, to river beds and low places of the earth created
forthemand where they were before being commanded to assist in causing the
flood of Gen. l:2.Cp. 7:11; 8:2; Ps, 104:8. Earth (dry land) then, could
immediately appear asbefore when it w a s originally created and inhabited (1:1,
9; Isa. 45:18) Asah - made" defined (1:7)

Heb. asah ,to m ake out of already existing material. It is the opposite of bara, to
create.See note g,l: l.It is translated made 659 times; m a ke 449 times; maker 16
times; makcth 59 ti ir es; makest 16times; maker 13 times; and madest 3 times.
When Scripture reads "in six days the Lord made heaven and earth" it refers to
their restoration in the 6 days after the curse of Gen. 1:2, and not to their original
creation in the beginning (Ex. 20:8-11; 31:17) 2 gjeat lights (1:14):

Heb. mawore, lightholders or lumi-naries(Ex. 25:6; 27:20; 35:8, 14, 28; 39! 37;
Lev. 24; 2; Num. 4:9,16; Ps. 74; 16; 90:8; Pr. 15:30). The object of the 2 great
lights is mentioned; that of the stars is not. They were to be the rulers of day and
night - regulating their length, the amount of light and darkness and the intensity
of their heat and cold. Here, the lights ate made not created. They were
originally created with other parts of the universe in the beanning , while now
they are made to fulfill their creative purposes again, in the newly restored earth.
The work of day 1 proves the existence of these lights at that time, for we have
merely the introduction of light and the division of day and night. Not only do
we have the fact that the sun existed, but also that the diurnal motion of the earth
on its axis was in operation The light of the first 3 days came from the same
source asthe light of the lasts days and 2,261, 990 (or more) daysofthe6,193(or
more) years from the restoration to 1959 A .D.See lengths of the 7 dispensations
more) years from the restoration to 1959 A .D.See lengths of the 7 dispensations
, p. 59

The lights shone upon the waters on days 1 and 2, but not upon the earth, for it
was under water until day 3. With earth restored, permanent regulation of the
planets in connection with it, as before chaos, was the next natural step 7fold
purpose of lights (1:14)

1 Divide day and night; Ught and darkness (v 14, 18)

2 Be for signs (v 14)

3 Be for seasons (v 14)

4 Be for days (v 14)

5 Be for years (v 14)

6 Give Ught on earth (v 15, 17)

7 Rule day and night eternally (v 16, 18; 8:22)

Source of lig ht (1:17)

Here is proof that the light of days 1, 2, and 3 came from the sun, which was
created before the 6 days of Gen. 1:3-2:25, and which had given light on earth
all throughLucifer's kingdom before Adam's time and before being commanded
not to give light on the cursed earth of Gen. 1:2; Jer. 4:23-26. Here we have
merely the regulation of the sun, moon, and stars in connection with the earth
which is restored to a second habitable state in day 3(1:9-13) The Solaric
covenant is now made guaranteeing the present life on earth forever. See 15
great covenants , p. 57

Created - not made (1:21)

Here the wexd created is used for the first time since v 1 (see note g, v 1). All
that wasdonein the interval was a re-anangement and restoration of matter. Now,
Ufe is introduced, which requires not simply constructive, but creative power.
All forms of animal Ufe in the air and in the waters are embraced in the
statements of this verse. In the first creative acts of God in v 1, the universe was
brought into existence; in the second creative acts the multipUed thousands of
bodies which were formed by God out of the ground are given self-existent and
bodies which were formed by God out of the ground are given self-existent and
self-productive Ufe, each after his kind (v 21; 2:19).Invl we have the origin of
thepre-Adaroic world and inv 3-31 we have the restoration of the earth to a
second habitable state and the origin of the Adamite world First blessing (1:22)

First blessing - 3 gifts from God:

1 Fruitfulness. Heb. parah ,bear fruit, the power of pro-creation (1:28; 8:17; 9:1,
7; Ps. 128:3)

2 MultlpUcation. H e b. rabah , t o increase

3 Occupancy of suit able places . Heb. mala , to replenish (note b,1:28).There no

doubt had been fish and fowl when Lucifer ruled (Jer. 4:23-26), but they were
destroyed because there was no sunUglit during the flood of 1:2; Jer. 4: 23-
26.Therefore,Gen.l:2 was a longer period than thatof Noah's flood which did not
destroy sea creatures

Creation of man (1:27)

In the third creative act of God the beasts and man were brought into be: ng (v
24-28. Cp. 1:1. 2). Their bodies were formed but their Ufe was created. Man's
creation alone was not merely accompUshed by a divine fiat, but was also the
subject of a divine council (v 26-28). So (as had been decreed by divine council)
God created man in His own image (v 27). Man was a work oT God. not of
molecules and monkeys. See IS factsdispro vingevo lutio n.r. 55

God's sabbath (heading. 2:1)

God's sabbath could not be the same day as roan's, for Adam was not created
until day 6 and had worked only one day.naming the animals (1:24-31; 2:7, 19-
25). There is no record of any sabbath for man for at least 2, 513 years after God
rested on the 7th day. The first sabbath for man is mentioned in Ex. 16:23-29. It
was a sabbath forlsrael only, as a sign between them and God (Ex,31:12-
18;Ezek. 20:12-24) tocom-memorate the deUverance of Israel from slavery - not
to commemorate God's rest day of over 2,513 years before (Dt. 5:15) Shebii -
seventh (2:2)

Heb. shebii , seventh. God ceased work on this day of the week of recreation, not
from fatigue, but from achievement (2:2-3). He had completed His work, and
was refreshed (Ex. 31:17). Men were told to rest Ukewise and refresh
was refreshed (Ex. 31:17). Men were told to rest Ukewise and refresh
themselves on the 7th ddy after 6 days of work (Ex. 20:8-11; 23:12; 34; 21).
This was a mere shadow or temporary picture of eternal rest (Col. 2: 14-17; Heb.
4:1-11) God's day of rest (2:3)

Had rested. God rested on that one day, not on every 7th day from then until
now. It was necessary for Him to work again when roan sinned (3:8-24), and not
only for G days a week. The redemption program is carried on 7 days a week.
Therefore, the 7th day was not sanctified or set apart for God's rest very long;
and there is no statement here or elsewhere showing that man was commanded
to rest, or that he rested every 7th day from this time forward. On the contrary,
no roan was commanded to rest every 7th day until 2, 513 years later. See 22
facts about the sabbath, p. Ill 16 Jehovah titles (2:4):

Jehovah-Elohim. The first occurrence of this title in hundreds of tiroes used. It

roeans the self-existent or Eternal Creator theElohim in covenant relationship
with His people. Jehovah really means the Eternal, the Immutable One, He who
WAS. and IS, and IS TO COME (21:33; Ex. 3:13-14; 6:3; Ps. 83:
18;Isa.l2:2;26:4).ThenameJehovahis combined with other words winch form
what we know as the Jehovah titles 1 Jehovah-Elohim - the Eternal Creator (2:4-

2 Adonai-Jehovah - the Lord out Sovereign; Master Jehovah (15:2. 8)

3 Jehovah-Jireh - the Lord will see or provide (22:8-14) ner (Ex. 17:15)

4 Jehovah-Nissi - the Lord ourban—

5 Jehovah-Ropheka - the Lord our healer (Ex. 15:26) peace (Judg, 6:24)

6 Jehovah-Shalom - the Lord our

7 Jehovah-Tsidkeenu - the Lord our righteousness 0er. 23:6; 33:16)

8 Jehovah-Mekaddishkem -theLord our sancUfier (Ex. 31:13; Lev. 20:8; 21:8;

22:9, 16. 32; Ezek. 20:12)

9 Jehovah-Saboath - the Lord of hosu (1 Sam. 1:3; etc.. 281 times)

10 Jehovah-Shammah - the Lord is present (Ezek. 48:35)

11 Jehovah-Elyon - the Lord most high (Ps. 7:17: 47:2; 97:9)

11 Jehovah-Elyon - the Lord most high (Ps. 7:17: 47:2; 97:9)

12 1 eh oVa h-Rohi - the Lord my Shepherd (Ps. 23:1) Maker (Ps. 95:6)

13 Jehovah-Hoseenu - the Lord our

14 Jehovah-Eloheenu - the Lord our God (Ps. 99:5. 8, 9)

15 Jehovah-Eloheka - the Lord thy God (Ex. 2a2, 5, 7) (Zech. 14:5)

16 Jehovah-ElohaytheLord my Cod


1 B efon pUou ot the field were in tbe~e<nb (v S). Il tppcJtl liui Ccxl created all
vcacuaoo In J itaic uf maturii'. :~hithjJ to be to tuttalnUfc of i: .i >.rciijiet 2 b - :
~ 1 of the field were la the earth to iuu« (v S)

3 Before ii b a d rained i«>on eanh after it wa« made dry ground (v S: I: »-I0)

4 n re ■ i I a man (Adatn) crcJ «: toil (V 5-7; 1:26-23)

Took uui ; .iiuiie toteacblhai tlicrc was DO tain on earth bcfotc Noah'i flood u fat
ftofn truth. It rcfcn to the time before plants and man were created. Thii it Jij rain
i4>on eanh froir tlie n^nal creation and aU

thro... r'I reii^ on earth it clear

froriJobj8:4-J. 25-30; P», 135c7; U7: 8: Pr.427-29; lu. 1*12-14; Jcr. lOt 12-
13.Clouds are rcfenod to as being In the very bc t giuuofl and they were made to
give rain oti tnc earth. There vit DO rain loibcCdays before Adam was created
and before vegetation was in the ground; but after that there was rain in seaioQ
all during the 1,656 years before Noah, as hasbcen ibe case ever since the flood
Mist at>d vapour (2:6)

Keb. cd. Trans. n)ist (2:6) and vapour Oob3«:27),Cod had just flnisbcd divid-ing
the waters, ^auang some to be retained by the clouds as before tbey fell to cause
ilie flood of Lucifer (1:2). There would naturally be vapours and fogs riang from
the earth and condent-iog into dew ai today. See Ps. 13Se7; I48;8;jcr. 10:12-13.
the earth and condent-iog into dew ai today. See Ps. 13Se7; I48;8;jcr. 10:12-13.
It could not mean that this is the way God watered the earth for 1,656 yean
between A Jam and Noab and that no man had ever seen it rain i^on earth until it
began to do to after the ark was made. If so.ihis woitld nullify the very purpose
for whichood made the clouds. 1 hit shows how rain is produced - from vapours
ascending to cold air, becoming con-deiued imo water that falls again in tbc
fom] of rain Adam (2:7)

Heb. adaro, ruddy, toflushorturo rosy; red. TWiword denotes Adam's origin, as
being made from the dust of the adamah. ground ot red soil. The word Adarr
wltliout the definite article de-(Kxes man or mankind in general (1:26; 2:5: Scl).
With the article it denotes th e man Adam (L 27; 2: 22: 3:12. 22,
24; 5c 1; 6:1-4). In Cen. 6c 5 and on through the remainder of the O. T.it
generally, though not always, refers to mankind o^rdeo of Eden (2:8)

Tbugarden was located in the eail ot Eden,whichwatevidentlya large district.

Two of the riven hatl well knowii names-Et^brates and Tigtis.Thc other two arc
notsoeauly identified.Cihon corrpassed Ethopia anJ may refer to the Nile. Pison
compassed Arabia. There Is no known ^>ot where phyrical features accord
exactly with the de-Ktiptlon here. The garden has been destroyed and the surface
of the earth changed Earth divided into continents

Il is clear from Ceo. 1ft 25: IChi. I: 19that the dry land was ooe solid tectioo and
together unul the time of Peleg, when the earth was divided into continents and
islanJi ai xc know it today. Mence, It li impotable to locate all these riven or the
garden of Eden spot. Even greater changes will take place at the 2nd advent of
ChrlA (lu. 11:15-16; 3* 1-17; 3!^ 1-10; iech, 14: 4-10: Rev. 1G:10-.:1). and
when the earth If made new again (Rev. 21:1-2, i-10) Location of Eden

Religtoui leaden have ^>eculaied about the location of Ec'cn, tuggcKlng places
from the third ticjven to the lowest pan of earth; fr"»" '■ • ■" '■ the south
polcs;and tiavc India/Icylon, Armenia, a;;. ^, :,._
pocairlaJSyrta,Penla,.^rabla,Babylun. Anyrla, Palestine, and Egypt, and even
MlMoud and Hub in America. It would be wise of all tu read and be content
with Ot. 2^24

4 gardens in Scilpturg
1 Lucifer'i j . ardcn of F J c n before Adam, wherx: an or. ~' ^ong the angels and
prc-AJj a. 23:11-17; Jer. 4:.::j-.6) 2 Adani'i garden of Eden where dn otigtaated
prc-AJj a. 23:11-17; Jer. 4:.::j-.6) 2 Adani'i garden of Eden where dn otigtaated
with Adamites (Cen. 2:8-3eZ4)

3 Garden of Gcthsemane where Satan was defeated and the crocs a wired (Mt.
•26:36; Jn. ItA)

4 Garden of resurtectioo whercChrltt triumphed over &n, death, hell and the
grave 00. 19(38-42: Rev. 1:18)

Eden (^8)

Hcb. Eden, pleasure; the Septuagint reads paradise (Ezek. 31:9, 16, 18; Joel 2:31

4 paradises in Scripture:
1-2 Eden iigenerallyrcferred to as a paradise by Kholan because the Heb.
pardace is tram, orchard (Song 4:13: EccL 2 5) and forest (Neh. 2:8), and icenis
to describe the garden (Geo. 2: 8-17). There were 2 Eden« Lucifer's (Ezek.
28:11-17): and Adam"^

3 Paradise in the third heaven - the planethcaven(2Cor. l2:l-4;Rev.2;7)

4 Paradise under the earth where the tlgtiteoui were held prisoners against their
wills (Lk. 16:25, and 23:43 with Mt.l'2;40; Eph. 4:8-10; Heb. 2; 14-15) Sumn'ary
of creative ages ('2:4):

Tbcfixst half of v 4 refers to the original creation (1:1); the last half to the work
of days 2,3, and 4. The first work was a creation, and the second a making o r a
restoration of Che clouds in day 2, the earth in day 3, and the solar syaeminday4.
With the words, iii the day that God made the earth and the Heavens(v4), we
have the commencement of anew section and a new narrative, cofuplete in itself,
to a great extent. V 1:3-2; 4 are the summary of the 6 days' work: '2:4-25 are a
mote de-uiledaccount of the workof days 2,3, 5, and 6. The first narrative states
what God did and embraces the universe and all things tberein.The second is
mainly a description of how the work of days 2,3, 5, and 6 was done. In the first
, the Divine Being is called Elohi m. indi-cadng creative relationship and infinite
power. In thc_second^ He ii called Jchovah-Flohim, indicating covenant
relationship and infinite power, so as to inpdre man with implicit faith Original
creations of God (1:1)

The original creations of God include the heavens, the earth and all things
The original creations of God include the heavens, the earth and all things
therein as first brought into being. They were made perfect the first time. Cen.
1:1 refers to the dateleu past or the beginningof the creative ages (Job 38: Ps.
8:3-8; 19tl-6:Pr. 8:22-31;John 1:3.10; Acu 17:24-26; Col. 1:15-18; Heb. 1:1-12;
11:3: Rev. 4:11), The 6 days of re-crealioo (Cen. 1:3-2:25 ate a part of and the
end of the creative ages, and have nothing to do with the original creations of the
heavens and Cod in ttic eternal past

ThatGod existed from all elemity is very clear in Scripture (Ps. 9a2; 93:2: Pr.
8:22-31; Mlc. i2: Jn. 1:1-3; Heb. a 14; Rev. 1:4-8: 4:8; 22:5.13). What He did In
all the dateleu past, besides create the spiritual, moral and material univctsciji
not revealed (Dl.29s29) Age of the earth (1:1)

We cannot uy bow old the earth is because we do not know Wt<EN the
beginning was. God's creation of iHc lieavi-ns and the earth in ttve bcjiinnlng
could have been millions and billions of yean ago. If (rcologists can prove the
age of t)i 'be what they i.lalin,weluv .ual authority

todlugree.1 ' oiitradict the

Bible, for it -eal any time

' • ' • 'I' 'he ejrth'i

1 certain,

. .. . 'u .jrth

It more f lete

were mil i . 'ore

tbedaysof AdaiD. ibe earth was cursed

and flooded, ii In Gen. 1: 2 becauae of an before the 6 days of re-creaUon In l:3-

2:25.Li»clfer wai already a fallen creature when he came into Adam's Eden,
having already ruled the earth, rebelled and caused the first flood (Gen. 1:2; lu.
14:12-14: Jer. 4:23-26; Ezck.'28:ll-17:Lk. lftl8;2Pet. 3:5-8) The drafuDfl of
Cod's plan

That the plan was drafted by all 3 memben of the divine Trinity Is evident from
Gen. 1:26-28; 3:22; 11:7: Isa.6:8; 46:10-11: AcU lScl8: Eph. L 4-11; 2:7; 3:5-
Gen. 1:26-28; 3:22; 11:7: Isa.6:8; 46:10-11: AcU lScl8: Eph. L 4-11; 2:7; 3:5-
11; 1 Pet. 1:20. The Bible is very clear as to there being 3 separate, distinct and
eternal persons In the Godhead. See 8'J proofs of a Trinity, p. '280 of the FTiI
God's plan is revealed in 3 distinct paru being carried out by these 3 persons.
One, now known as the F ather holds the headship in the plan orcrea-tion and
redemption of all things (1 Chr.29:Il: lCot.3:23: 11:3).Another, now called the
Son , carries out the representative duties of the plan. God, the Father, creates
and redeems BY Jesus Christ On. 1:3; Eph. 3:9: CoU I: 15-18: Heb. L-1-3; 1
Pet. 2:24), A third person,the Holy Spirit, actually executes the plan under the
direction of the Father and the Son (Gen. 1:2: Job 33:4; Lk. 1:35; Jn. 3:5: 14:16-
17, 26: 16:7-15: 2 Pet. L21) 30fold dispensational plan of Cod from

eternity past through eternity future


If the student will master the following 30 poinu and related scriptures he can
then rightly divide the word of truth (2 Tim. 2: IS); and the Bible will become a
plain and simple book to him 1 God in the eternal past (Ps. 90:2: 93:2: Mlc, 5:2:
Heb. 9tl4)

2 The drafting of God's plan (Eph. 3:11; Heb. 1:3; 11:3: I Pet. 1:20)

3 Crearionof the beavensUncluding the sun, moon, and stars (Cen. 1:1; CoU
1:15-18: Ps.8:3; 90:2: 9&5; 10'2: 25: Isa. 40:12, 26: 45:12: 48:13) 4 Creation of
the ipirit-world before Che creation of earth (Job 38:4-7: Col. 1:15-18)

5 Creation of the earth-made perfect the fint time (Gen. 1:1; Job 38:4-7; Isa.
45:18: Heb. 11:3)

6 Creadon of che world ( kosmos. social order) chat then was (2 Pet. 3: 5-8; Isa.
14:12-14: 45:18; Jer. 4:23-'26; Ezek. 28:11-17) 7 Lucifer's reign over the world
that then was Qsa. I* 12-14: Jer. 4:23-26: Ezek. 28:11-17; Col. 1:15-18). The
length of his rule is unknown 8 Other thrones, domioioos, principalities, and
powers placed over other parts of the universe (Col. 1:15-18; Eph. 1:21; 3:10; 1
Pet. 3:22) 9 The kingdom of God universal -God the Supreme Moral Governor
of the universe, and everything in harmony with Him Qob 38; Dan. 4:17,25,
32.35). The length of rule of tbe universal harmonious kingdom, before Lucifer's
rebellion is unknown 10 Lucifer, the original ruler of cbe planecearth. conceives
an idea chat he can obtain co^jperatioo of other angelic beings, dethrone God,
and become the exalted supreme riUer of the universe himself (Im. 14:12-14:
and become the exalted supreme riUer of the universe himself (Im. 14:12-14:
Ezek. 28:11-17: 1 Tim. 3:6) 11 Lucifer carries out his plans, falls through
pride,and fomentsrcbellionby slander and accusations against the Almighty,
causing hlsown earth-king-doir subjects and over one-third of God's angels (Rev.
12:7-12) to rebel against Mini. The earth enters its first sinful career flsa. 14:12-
14; Ezek. 28: 11-17: 1 Tim. 3:6).Length of the up-riring Is unknown Ij Lutifer
openly breaks relations wtthC'Odand llisgovernnicni. leading hi! rebels from the
appointed place of niobilination on earth into heaven In hisattcmpt
todethroneCod. he Is met by Michael and the faithful angels: and IS defeated,
being cast as hghtning backtothcearth (Isa. 14:12-14: E^ek. '28:11-17; Lk. I'-r.
18) !'l..i^*.'. «rr<i^t h iti-r'iLinii.1ii".>ii t' I '

b, -:...;,.

city, innabttant, aou all -

H<- then turns the eanh uj ■ - ,

and by means of a great flood inakcs

It empty and a waBc (Cen. I:2;fs.l04i 5-9: lu. 14:12-14: )er. 4:23-26: Ezek.
28:11-17: 2 Pet. 3:5-9).Length of tbe pre-Adamlle flood on earth is unkOowB

14 Rc-creauun of the heavens ai>d eanh In 6 Lteral 24-hour days. Tbe Spirit of
God moves ^poo the flooded eanh In the darkneu covering tbc waters. Light Is
restored; eanh Is broufttu to a second habluble Bate; new land-animals, flrii,
fowls, and vegecatloa are created; and Adam is made the new ruler of the eanh
In Lucifer's place (Cen..:2-3:?:;Ex.2ft8-ll:3l:l5:P». 104:6-9) 15 The eanh being
made perfect a second rime, all things In the universe are again In
harmcoywithCod as before Lucifer's rebellion, except Lucifer and his spirit
rebels who ate trill at large in the heavcnlies, being permitted to remain free to
firther God's planby testing man in the probationary periods of the human race
(Gen. 1:3-2:25: Job 1:6: 2; 1; Eph. 2:1-3: 6:10-18; Rev. 12:7-12) 16 THE FKST
PROBATIONARY PERIOD - Dltpensatioo oflnnocence. Length of this period:
only a few days (Gen. 2:17-3:24) 17 Lucifer (now the devil or advet-ury of God
and rran, called 'Saun') enten tbe restored earth, tempu man and causes hit fall,
thusregaicdng dominion of tbe eanh and all things therein (Cen. 3; Lk. 4; Jn.
12:31; 2 Cor. 4:4: Rev. 11:15: 2ft 1-10) 18 Rebellion is begun on the earth again
-by Its second ruler, A dam. Man is judged, Che eanh is cursed again: and it
enten iu second anful career, with all creatures being brought under the bondage
of sin and corruption (Gen. 3; Rom. 5:12-21: 8:19-23) 13 TheheaveiM and the
of sin and corruption (Gen. 3; Rom. 5:12-21: 8:19-23) 13 TheheaveiM and the
eanh which are now ( rince the restoration work of the 6 days, and since the new
curse on the eanh) await the time of the second renovation, and the third perfect
state, called the New Heavens and the New Eanh (2 Pet. 3c5-13; Rom. 8:19-23;
HSTl: 10-12; 12:24-28; Rev. 21-22) '20 THE SECOND PROBATIONARY
PERIOD - Dispensation of Conscience (Geo. 3:1-8:14). Length of this period:
1,656 yean (Gen. 5:1-29: 7:11) 21 THE THIRD PROBATIONARY PERIOD -
Dispensation of Human Government (Cen. 8:15-11:9). Length of this period:
427 yean (Cen.l 1:10-12: 9) 22 THE FOURTH PROBATIONARY PERIOD-
Dlspeosatloo of Pro raise (Geo. U:10-Ex.l2:51).Lengthofthisperiod: 430 years
(Ex. 12:40: Gal. 4:30) 23 THEFIFTH PROBATIONARY PERIOD -
Dispensation of Law (Ex. 13:1-Mt. 4il: 11:11: Lk. 16:16). Length of this period:
over 1,700 yean - from Moses to ChriK

24 THE SIXTH PROBATIONARY PERIOD -DitpensatiaaofCrace(Mt. 4:1-

Rev. 19t21;Jn. LIT). Length of this period: from the 1st to the 2nd advent of
Christ and the binding of Satan io che abyss ac Che end of chis age. Ic has
already lasted over 1,900 yean. The rapture, coiiipletioa of the first resurtectioo,
judgment of saints, judgment of na Ii ons, and the tribulation or Daniel's 70th
week uke place at the end of this age 25 THE SEVENTH PROBATIONARY
PERIOD - Dispensation of Divine Govemment.or.Millenniujn (Rev.2ftl-10).
Length of this period: 1,000 years (Rev. 20tl-10) '26 Satan loosed from the abyss
at the end of theMlllentuum, to deceive the nations and cause the last tcbellion
on eanh and the destruction of all human rebels (Rev. -0:7-10) 27 The second
tesurrec tion and final judgment at the end of tlie SliUenmum (Rev. 2a 11-15)

28 Earth's second sinful career ended with renovation of the immediate heavens
and the eanh by fire, and removal of all the curse and its effects (Rom. 8:19-23:
Heb. 1:10-1:; 12:24-■28; 2 Pet. 3:10-13) 2'J Confinement ofallspint and hu-nan
rebels of all ages lO tlic lake of fire f ore V c-r (Ita. 66:22-24: Mt.25:4l, "■ '^'••v.
14:'J-11; .OtlO-lS) tie New Heaveiu and the New

2.:... when the earth is perfect the

third time - the eietiul perfect aate

Continued.next page


with God all-in-all again (1 Cor. li 24-23), asbefore rebellion in the universe
with God all-in-all again (1 Cor. li 24-23), asbefore rebellion in the universe
headed by Lucifer ami Adarr (Isa. «5cl7; 66:22-24: 2Pet.3:13:Rev.21-22) The
ptc-Addinite world (1:2) 18 proofs of a pre-Adaroite world:

1 In Gen, LI we have the orianal creation of the heavens and the earth. This is
certainly pre-AJamite, for Adann was created rruch later as is clear Regarding
the original creation, the following facts rrake it clear chat the term in the
bezinnine used in Gen. h 1-2 does not refer to the tirre or woik of the 6 days of
Gen. 1:3-2:26: (1) Tbc word and (a^ stated in note p. 51) is used 148 times in
Gen. 1-2 to separate the 102 different acts of God. These acu are all independent
and imporunt. The and of 1:2 proves that the work of v 2 is entirely independent
of the work of v 1. While V1 records the original creation of the heavens and the
earth, v 2 records the original dryland, or earth, made chaos and flooded through
a great catastrophe which destroyed all life on a pre-A da mite earth (2) The
word was in v2is from the verb to become, not the verb to be, which proves that
the earth became waste and empty since its original creation and habitation in
the beginning. See note 1, 1:2

(3) The phrase without form in v 2 is from the Heb. tohu, meaaing~wa8te,
desolation.Itis trans.waste (Dt. 32:10); without forrr. ( Gen. 1:2; Jer. 4:23); vain
(Isa. 45:18: 1 Sam, 12:21): cogfuaoo (Isa. 24:10; 34:11: 41:29): empcy Qob
26:7); vanity Qsa. 40:17.23; 44:9; 59: 4); nothing Qob 6:18; Isa. 40:17): and
wilderness Qob 1-2:24: Ps. 107:40). It can be seen from these passages what the
condition of the earth was, in v 2 of Gen. I.God did not originally create the
earth in such a waste and ruined condition. It is stated in Isa. 43:18 that He did
not create the earth tohu (vain, waste, desolate), yet in v 2 it is this way.
Therefore, we are to conclude that the earth was made perfect, dry land,
beautiful, and inhabited originally, and that later it became etr.pty, waste and a
ruin because of sin (Dt. 32:4; Eccl. 3:11) (4) The Heb. for voij is bohu. emp-ty,
ruin, void. It is trans, void (v 2; Jer.4:23): and emptiness (Isa. 34:11). The Heb.
phrase tohu va bohu , waste and empty, describes the chaotic condition of the
earth at the time it was cursed and made flooded because of the sins of Lucifer
and the pre-Adaraitesjtcould not refer to the earth as originally created -
beautiful, perfect, dry land 2 The earth was created to be inhabited (Isa. 45c 18),
and was inhabited before the flood of Gen. 1:2 and the work of the 6 days of
Adam's time (Gen. L-3-2:25; Isa. 14:12-14: Jer. 4: 23-26: Ezek. 28:11-17; 2 Pel.
3:5-8). See note 1 (3) above 3 The earth is called dryland (Gen.
l:10)whichmeansGen,l: 1 could read, "In the beginning God created the heaven
and dry land." Since it was created dry (not wet and flooded as in Gen. l:2)tnen it
was immediately inhabited; and the flood of Gen. 1:2 was a curse, not a creative
was immediately inhabited; and the flood of Gen. 1:2 was a curse, not a creative
act. According to Ps. 136:6 the earth was originally created dry and "stretched
above the waters," not the waters stretched upon the earth (note g, Ps. 136:6).
This requites a pre-Adamite race whose sin brought such a curse 4 In Gen. 1:2
the earth is not only flooded with water but covered with total darkness , the sun.
moon, and stars having withdrawn their light, causing all life on earth tobe
totally destroyed. This requires a pre-Adamito world with vegetation, birds,
animals, and men as proved in Jer. 4:23-26, notes 5 We have the fact recorded in
Gen. 1:2 that the earth, the waters, and the darkness Wire already in existence
before the work of the 6 days wtnch began in Gen. 1:3 and continued until the
earth was restored to a second habitable state in Gen. 2:25. Thus, it is clear from
Gen, 1:1-2 (and related scriptures) thac (1) In the begintriTiB. the dateless

past, and not in 6 days about 6,000 years ago, God created the heavens,
including the sun, moon, and stars -all the heavenly bodies in space. See note h,
Ps. 136:7

(2) In the beginning or the dateless past, as in point (1) above. God created the
earth or dry land

(3) The heavens and the earth were created b y God , a personal and an eternal
Being; they were not the nrod-uct of molecules deciding to produce
innumerableoffspringof heavenly and earthly things (4) The heavens were
created before the earth was. Cp, Job 38:4-'7~

(5) Both the heavens and the earth were created before the earth was flooded

(6) The earth was created dry land. not wet and flooded (v 1,10;Isa.45:18)

(7) The waters that flooded the dry land or earth were created in the beginning
along with the earth, to cause tne dryland to become productive (Job 38:4-30),
and not to curse the eartti as in Gen. 1:2

(8) The darkness was also created in the beginning with day. or light, to help
sustain life on the earth Qch 38: 4-41) (9) The earth only was cursed, flooded,
and filled with darlaiess, not the heavens (v 2)

We. therefore, conclude that Gen. 1:1-2 proves a pre-Adamite world that
wasdestroyedina flood, which necessitated the making of the present A damite
world so that the original purpose of God concerning the earth could be realized
(Isa. 45:18) 6 It is further revealed in Gen. 1:2 that the Spirit of God began to
(Isa. 45:18) 6 It is further revealed in Gen. 1:2 that the Spirit of God began to
move upon the flooded earth and in the darkness to restore the dryland as before
it was flooded. This also confirms the factof a pre-Adamite world which was
destroyed, making it necessary to restore the earth to a second habitable state as
inthe6days of Gen. 1:3-2:25

7 In Scripture, aU instances of obscuring the sun and bringing consequent

darkness, and the two past cases of universal floods are revealed to be the result
of judgment, not creation (Gen. 6:8-8:22; Ex. 10:21-23: Isa. i 30; Jer. 4:23-26).
All predictions of such future darkness depict judgment (Mt.8:12: 24:29-31;
Rev. 6:12-17; 8: 12; 9:2; 16:10; Isa. 13:10; Joel 2:30-3:16; A roos S: 18-
20).Could we say that Gen. 1:2 is an exception and the only place in Scripture
where darkness and universal flood on the earth are not an act of judgment? If
then, as in other cases, these are the result of judgment. Gen, 1:2 definitely
proves there was a pre-Adamite world which was destroyed by darkness and
flood No one questions the flood of Noah's time being an act of judgment passed
upon free moral agents because of sin. No one doubtsthe existence of the free
moral agents before the flood actually came. Why, then, doubt the existence of a
pre-Adamite world which was destroyed by the darkness and flood of Gen, 1:2?
That this was even a worse flood than the one of Noah's time, and an act
ofgreater judgment in punishment of more horrible sins is clear from the outline
of contrasts below Wefindproof of two universal floods on earth, one in Lucifer's
day and another in Noah's, in Gen, 1:2; Isa. 14: 12-14; Jer. 4:23-26: 2 Pet. 3:5-8

20 contrasts between the 2 floods L u:ifer's Noah's

lEatthmade waste-Not made waste

(1:2; Jet, 4:23) (8:11-12,22) 2 Earth made empty-Not made empty

(1:2: Jer. 4:23) (6:17-22:3:16) 3Eartlimadetotally-Notmade totally

dark(l:2:Jer.4:23) dark (8:6-22)

4 No light from heav-Liglit from heaven (l:2;Jer. 4:23) en (8:6-22)

5 r.o days (1:2-5) - Days (8:1-22)

6 A11 vegetation - Vegeta tion left destroyed (1:2- (8:11-12. 22) 12; Jer. 4:23-

TNocontinaulabat-Contiiiual abating of waters off ing of waters off the earth (L

TNocontinaulabat-Contiiiual abating of waters off ing of waters off the earth (L
6-12) earth (8:1-14)

8 Waters taken off - Months ab a t i n g eanhinlday(l:10) off earth (8:1-14)

0Supernatural work-Natural work of of taking waters taking watcn off off earth
(1:6-12) canh (8:1-14)

lOGod rebuked the -No rebuke of the

waters (l:6-T2;Ps. waters (8:1-14)

104:7) 11 Waters hasted - Waters gradually

away (Ps. 104:7) receded (8:1-14) 12God set a bound - Bounds already

for waters (Ps. set(l:6-12; 8:2)


13 All fish destroyed -No fish destroyed, because sun with-only the land ani-
held from earth (1: mals (6:18-8:22) 2,20-23;Jer.4;23-26) 14 No fowls left (1: -
Fowls preserved 20; Jer.4:23-26) (6:20; 8:17)

15 No animals left - Animals preserv-(1:24-25:2:19) ed (6:20; 8:17)

16 No man left (1:26-8 men and women 28:Jer.4;23-26) saved (6:18)

17Nosocialsystem - A social system left (2 Pet.3:6: le ft (6:18; 8:22: Jer. 4:23-

26) 2 Pet. 2:5)

18No ark made to - An ark made to save life (Jer.4:23-save life (6:14-26; 2
Pet,3;6-8) 22; 1 Pet. 3:20)

19 Cause: faUofSa - Cause: wicked-tan (Isa. 14:12-14; ness ofman (6:5-Jer.4:23-

26;Ezek. 13) and fallen 23:U-17;Lk.l0:18) angeU (6:1-4) 20Resuln became -
Resulc aonew necessary to make creations made, new fish,fowl,land for all
things were animals,man,veg-preserved (64.8-etation (1:3--2:25) 8: 22) The
flood of Noah lasted over a year, yet vegetation was not destroyed. But, in
Lucifer's flood the fruitful place became a wilderness Qei. 4:23-26). New
vegetation had to be planted in the 6 days, for the earth was totally desolate
(1:11-12: 2:5, 8-17). This proveslhatLucifer's flood was on earth longer than
(1:11-12: 2:5, 8-17). This proveslhatLucifer's flood was on earth longer than
Noah's and without doubt, as judgment for a mote serious rebellion - a complete
rebellion of the pie-Adamite world 8 The command for Adam to replenish the
earth (fill it again) - not

g lenish it, proves that the earth had een filled before this (Gen. 1:28). God gave
the same command to Noah, after the second universal flood (ftl-2). Should we
conclude from His command to Noah to replenish the earth that He meant to fill
it Tor the first time, and not refill it? Substitute the word Ml (meaning supply for
the fijst time) in Gen. 9:1; Isa. 2:6; 23:2; Jer, 31:25; Ezek, 26:2: 27:25, as some
do inGen. 1:28 and see if it makes better sense. Whatever we conclude in these
other places where replenish is used, let us be consistent and give the same
meaning to Gen, 1:28

9 The fact that Lucifer had already ruled the earth and become a fallen creature
before Adam's time is proof that Adam and his race were not the first ones on
earth. We ate required to acknowledge thatSatan's fall was before Adam's time
because he was al-readya fallen creature when he came into A dam's Eden (Gen.
3: 2 Cor.ll :3). Hence, he roust have fallen with a pre-Adamite creation 10
According to Isa.14:12-14 J-udfer actually invaded heaven from earth, hoping to
defeat God and take His kingdom: but J.ucifer,hirnself was defeated and his
kingdom cursed. Before his defeat he had a throne and therefore a kingdom and
subjects to rule over. His kingdom was under the clouds, under the stars, and
under heaven; therefore, on earth. Having weakened the nations over whom he
ruled, and wanting to be UkeGod and take His place in heaven, Luciferled the
invasion of heaven, AU this had to be before Adam's day, for no such things
have occurred since Adam was created 11 In Ezek. 28:11-17 we have a picture
of Lucifer before he fell, as the anointed cherub or protector o f the earth,
asbeing full of wisdom and perfect in beauty, as rulingin a garden of Eden
(before Adam), as being created of God and perfect in his ways up to the time of
his falL The passage gives the reason for his fall and the result of it. The only
time this could have been true of Satan was before the days of Adam, thus
proving a pte-Adamite world 12 In Jer. 4:23-26 we have a full description of the
earth under a total curse, as in Gen. 1:2. It was desolate and empty, the heavens
had no light, the hills and mountain'! were undergoing convulsions, there was no
roan, no bird, no animal,no fruitful place,and no city left standing because of
God's fierce anger. The only time Jeremiah could have seen the earth without
form and void and totally dark and desolate of all life was at the same time
Moses saw it thus, and as recorded by him in Gen. 1:2.Thereneverhas been a
time from Adam until now when the earth wasin such a state (not even at the
time of Noah's flood), and there will never bea timeof suchacurse in the eternal
time of Noah's flood), and there will never bea timeof suchacurse in the eternal
future. The only time Jet, 4:23-26 could be fulfilled wasbefore Adam, for the
earth was in such a condition when the Spirit began the 6 days' work of restoring
it to a second habitable state (Gen. 1:2-21), Regarding the future, such will never
be the condition of the eanhagain,foratthe2nd advent Christ will begin to reign
over aU nations on earth forever, and of His kingdom there shall be no end (Gen.
3:22; ft 12; Isa. 9:6-7: 5*21; Dan. 2:44-45:7:13-14, 18. 27; Zech. 14; Lk. 1:32-
33; Rev. 1:6; 5a0; 11J.5; 20:4-10; 22:4-5),Even the renovation of the heaven and
earth at the end of the Millennium will not make the earth desolate as pictured in
Gen. 1:2 and Jer. 4:23-24 (see notes, Rom.8:19-25;Heb,l: 10-12; 12:25-28; 2
Pet,3:10-13).Therefore. Jer, 4:23-26 must refer to the same judgment as pictured
in Gen. 1:2, thus proving furthti that a real social system - men, birds, fruitful
places, cities - existed before Adam.

13 Ps. 104:5-9 speaks of God sending a flood on the earth after its creation, at
which time the waters stood above the mountains. V 7 identifies this as Lucifer's
flood, saying "At thy rebuke they fled." InthecaseofNoah'sflood, the watcn
slowly and naturally abated. Furthermore, v 9 makes it clear that this flood was
at a time when God set a bound for the waters "that they turn
notagaintocovcrtheearth," and that is what happened in the 6 days' work of Gen.
1:3-2:25. Thus,Ps. 104:5-9refers tothe same flood asGen.l:2 and proves the
existence of a pre-Adamite woild which was overthrown by a flood 14 Turning
to the N. T. we find that Jesus taught the fall of Satan from heaven, in Lk. 10:18.
When did he fall? Before A dam's time, for he was already a fallen creature
when he came into Adam's Eden (Gen. 3). Why did he faU? Because of pride
and wanting to exalt his earthly kingdom above God's (Isa. 14:12-16: Ezek,
28:11-17). What was the result of his fall? All of Satan's earthly subjects as well
as over one-third ofCod'sown angels fell with him (Rev. 12:3, 7-12); and
aUearth-nadoos were totally destroyed, alont; with vegetation, fish, fowls, and
animals (2 Pet. 3:5-8), Thus, Lk. 10:13 substantiates the teaching of 0,T.passages
regarding a pre-Adamite world 15 Jesus funhei uughi the overthrow of the pre-
Adamite world by plainly stating that the world had been overthrown. See note i,
Mt, 13:35

16 Paul also taught the overthrow of the pre-A damite world (Eph. 1:4: Heb. 1:3;
9t 26. See not^ at these scriptures and note i.Mt. 13:35). In Col, 1:15-18 he made
it clear that there are thrones, principalities, and powers in heaven and in earth,
visible and invisible. It should not be difficult then, to believe that Lucifer was
given one of these thrones and a kingdom to rule over,before he feU, That his
kingdom was on earthin a pre-Adamite period is indicated by the fact that he
kingdom was on earthin a pre-Adamite period is indicated by the fact that he
returned t o the earth after his fall, and moving with envy and jealousy brought
about the downfall of thj new earth-ruler, Adam, Why all this desire to usurp
man's dominion on earth if the earth was not one time Lucifer's place of
rulership? Even liis eternal punishment wUl be in the lake of fire under the earth,
which further proves his sin was in connection with the earth - and if so, when, if
not at ttie time of a pre-Adamite world?

17 Peter was very definite in his stateroems regarding a social system

overthrown before Adam, Sec Pre -Adaraites, p, 274 of the N,T, 18 John referred
to the overtlirow of the pre-Adamite world (Rev, 13:3: 17: 3, notes; also note i,
Mt, 13:35)

Thus, itis clear that both testaments Continued.nctt page



live proof of 3 rrc -». ji; ii woclJ.r':c | in an of » v»v».>uf, hejwen q» lieU.

u: 1

ptUloMpliy - uo( « (clutiaflc Ucl

:to iicavcn Stan T

of I

•i p. 0

foe t - in

Mu.i^t. >^-

ricatl) till

U)- Wh. '

jnd not
jnd not

Tticic, a : .

fwcrcc i^itt itoni a bciici moic piv—

AdamiiL' world

Crcatiwi not cvolmion (1:12)

The theory of evolution is tlui lU fomisof life den vcJ ^■.■ ,!ra Jual modification
froir ^ impletforn)j or from one ry form. It teaclics 3 proceu iii wliicli sotnethiiig
complex is developed byits«;lf from a simplebcginninn,!! jL-t la-ence of tlie
cause of cjl:. .rst uibst ' ' ' ■'-'t^ c i >• ufk-iq([ ■ Jiions from a lo«<t.i iu J .iKi.<.i
.v^i. of nutter and Ufe Til.- '•■ -.vv .if ,i-ni'ij L- ■■ Q 1 u 11 Ofl

cla: ■" matter

(ate: t material suiis, moons, stars, planets, and universes were formed by
themselves. Tliat of ofyanic.-volution icjclies that the vevictable and aiiinial
kini;Jon)i evolved from lower forms of life to wlui the> are todav Utter
fooliifaness of evoluuon

Evolutionists uo not Jeny the first came. Their tii^of, bi.iiiu witli matter or
sii)stance aUcady in existence.They believe i n priniitive nebulosity and powen
poMes; ' ^^ ■ ■"' ! js. They do not tr> t. >w these came to exist, — -. '^^ liieir

inherent powers.oriio*. : - to

be definite laws tiover . . so

that tlvcy could produce, wiiuoul failure, all ttiin^ as we now have tliera.
Tlteirtlieory docs not show why there it such bitter luueJ aviainsi tliu Cod of tlic
Bible as bein^ tliai first cao^e. It does uottoniiderproved fn is. but hat abtolute
faitli in a n'.^: uon wliicliiio fact lias ever • -cd

to prove. Its teac!. Ood. llie Bible, .:

continue to rob mui I.,'>i^^ > ..^-.^ . — . boys anJ itirU of their ample faith in

(^£^1 .... .:,. B.Kl.. _,i ,i,,i . <i. ig of eoi dll—

pll _ . Jif—
pll _ . Jif—

fcr .; irom a molecule

tlir. 1 tt.c present man;

and ado ' t>ow life

was inc.. .b'lt refuse to accept liie Bi: orlttin of all tlanas. T!; of denyina (jOd a :
in (.reation and at the sai . as having the o«ily (rut! Jject

Hunley sJld. 'Ii ■ ithedor—

trliie of evolution is ::;:■ '■'■ iilfiic lotliat of creation...' if.. ■ -■ ;■;■-


L '■••


cd ■

bL :i, each good tor the


f , i t e.itji.l ,

ex~ :rsl prOi en,

cv I of

a ' -ill

mi 'i o'

dc, oom;:


tiu In I
tiu In I

iiat. -■ »

froin warts oi.

'( f vcs -ire ^

4 lars ,j!:'.i. alUnc to spot

C '

It. lon-




. .jp-

: aniptubiatu


lit waves . les otion

.: from a

~ o r k i n g on nothing by not .>U> nothing, for nothing

bcK-ii . --. ■ mg

12 fallacies of evolution:
1 It acccpu heathen and pagan plii—

loion . r-, 1 nr. fvTi ;.. l ID l.Od.ChnSt,

tliL '-, and C.hris—

tia reek philoso—

phi: 'ty. Aristotle

tau leiiy. which is

the sau^ idc. evolutioiusts

who call It I .-es of impersonal et. ■ 1

2 It I. .. .dea of Bible creation by ^ o .Dlj.J torce is substituted for the creative

power of the personal and living (.>odwho created all itungs (Gen. 1:1. J0-'J8:
-2:7-22; 5c I--2: '>6; Jn. 1:1-4; Eph, 3:'>.Col. 1:15-18; ileb. 1:1-3) 3 It degrades
roan from creation by God in the image of Cod to a monkey ancestry. See Geo.
1:26-28; 2:7; 5:1-2

4 Itde-iuadesGod's imagetoametv bcast.See Gen. 1:26-28; 'Jl6; Jas. 3:3

5 It makes Christ, the second and last Adam, notlungmore than a mere beast. See
Gen. 1:26-28; 1 Cor. 15c45

6 It does away with the fall of man, for iiow cau a mere beast who has evolved
steadily from a niolecule to an intelligent being go backward and have a faU' See
Gen. 3; Rom. i 12-21

7 It docs away with Bible miracles and the supernatural in all its forms. The only
miracle or power of evolution is the inherent force of molecules. See Heb. 2:1-4

8 It docs away with the virgin birth, makes it impossible and unnecessary, and
makes Cbria a product of evolution in tile same sense tliai it does all other rocu.
See Isa. 7:14: 9e6-7; Mu I: 13-25

9Itc. "^ tidily resurrection of

Ctirist . i that it is conuary

to •■ ' ;'.iou of resident


iw .. w^..,..j .... ......^meiit, for according to evolution there was no fall of man
and therefore no sin to make atonement fof J<egeiietation by outside pi)«.. r It
and therefore no sin to make atonement fof J<egeiietation by outside pi)«.. r It
1!. Jirett opposite of the tL the only power ac-

€«.': . 'i:

11 ilOeiuet llii • of Christ and the final rest..: preservation of all liiiiiiu b> tile
personal acu of (.od

12 It docs away with I ' niy of tlie Bible as a real :^. Jm a

. ac-.1 the . is a

•.t'l r. ti

A Chfistiin must believe that:

I ri ' :

lllll It :

( 'Oil (2 1 in:. ^ L''. IIV [>,


', IKJt

td of I.. . Pet.

. r . • I . . I

11/2.26; Jn. 1:3-4; Eph. 3; 9; CoL I; 16-; ■■ ". ' ' ■• Rev. 4:11)

ill in till own iiii-

.,:,.■ !..■. foUy



Ufe to iDoukcy and

-. '2:7,19; 9t6; AcU

Ir.zo; i cur. lL7-9;Jas. 3:9)

4 All angels and ^ilrit bein»s were created by Cod fully mature and In-telligeut
(Ps. 104:4; Ezek-28:15; Col. 1:15-18; Rev. 4:11) 5 God created roan, animals,
fish, fowls, J ■ rroduce themselves ^ kinJ (Ceil. 1: 20-31; „ - , . -- ;

6 Jesus Christ is THE Son of God in J if .. I f f iTTT-the only be-Ji^ t that He

i$_A Soi. i^ all men ate (Cen. 3:15; Isa. 7:14; *6-7; Ml. 1:18-25; Lk. 1:34-35: Jn.
1:18; 3:16; PhlL 2:5-11: 1 Tiro. 3:16; Heb. 1:1-3. 8; Rev. 1:8-11) 7 The Holy
Spirit is a person, separate aixl distinct from both the Father 1 .. All 3 persons
have their ov. -laJyiSovil, and spirit and make i111. lYine Triniry(l Jn. 5c7; p.
280 of the N.T.) 8 The binb .^ff >^no .v A*; SUPERNAT.KAL.! :s the case of
all other n . r.-BOR'. . and OF THE HuLY "uaj without a human father (Gen.
3:15; Isa. 7:14; a 6-7; Mt. L18-25; Lk-1:34-35; Jn. 1: 1-14; 3:16-18; 1
Tim.3:16;Heb.l: 1-3) 9 The death of Christ WAS EXPIA-
TORY.notEXEMPLAKY. Hedied for aU men. Ills blood is the only atonement
for sin and by His stripes we are healed (Isa. 53: Mt. 1:21; 8:17; 26:28; Jn. 3: 16;
Acu 4:12; Rom. 8:.3: ICor. 1:18-24; 5:7; Heb. 1:3:2:9-13:9611-28: lOt 5-29: 1
Pet. 2:24: 1 Jn. 2:1-2: Rev. 1: 5: 5:8-10) 10 JesusChrist rose BODILY from the
dead. not SPIRITU ALL Y or AS A SPIRIT BEI.'.G . He is alive torevermore in
His earthly, tesunected flesh-and-bone body and represents meiibefoteGod as
their HighPiiest and Saviour (Lk.24i}9; Jn. la 17-18; Acts 1:3, 11; 2:22-34: 4j
10-12; Rom. 1:4: 8:11: 1 Cor. 15; 1 Th. 4:13-16; Phil. 120-21: Rev. 1:18; Zech.
13:6) 11 Jesus Christ ASCENO^'^ '^"'".'l' GLORY BODILY , and Wa.L COME
A GAIN IN LIKE MANNEK to rule the world eternally,put down all rebellion,
restore man's dominion and Lod's kingdom over all as before the falls of Lucifer
and Adam (Lk. 24:50-52; Acu 1:11: I Cot. 15:24-28: 2 Th. 1:7-10; Jude 14; Rev.
19t 11-21; Zech. 14) 12 Man IS A SINNLK fallen from aaa-inal righteousness
and a high, inteUl-gciit aiTvJ responsible place as head of the present cre.ition.
APART FROM Cod's redempbon grace is lost. Man is not THE

ENVIRONMEST . one who THROUGH SELF-CirLTURE can make good

(Gen. 3; Jn. 3:16; Rom. 5:12-21; 3:23-25: Heb. 1:1-3: 7:^5: <*22:1 Jn.l:9: '2:1-2;
Rev. 1:5; ' -11-15) 13 Man l_ D BY FAITH IN

OmiST.resuiangin A SUPERNATURAL r"'^'^ ■ 'Uys FROM ABOVE (MtTH

:i. 3:1-8, 16: Rom. 5:1; 2 ci. w ,. ph. 2:S-;>; Col, 1:14, 20; TlU 3c5; I Pet. 1:18-
23). He is NOT iyyrih!*i"> WtiKKS or BY NATURAL dEV& ' TROM
WITHIN and inrr—

Is, and plant-life ha ve and ARE UNDER A

CjjjoK. M.in chooses tn . ontinue in sin,

sickness, in^ siiffiTii.-s i^ t-irth inJ


r'fRlST wi.

' t cd to .' . 'On an2

cu{(■•». . r2-'Jl;

ii7-24;l' .ct. t:7-n:

Rev. 21:1 species has evolved from i i.>v.rr u. i higher plane of Ufe

15 All men w^ > .. . ..r,i , i.n.t ind

conform to I.od' '•'_

SAVf '. w" ' !• -1

tFc" 1

not conform to the plan of Cod for tsaa

w^m pA V rur r T FRS . PENAL: ' ■ XL BE

agn: ..Trr Tn

3r ' ~ -U; 20tll-16j

3r ' ~ -U; 20tll-16j

21 ^. p. 620

Al> 2c;.ij1 j! _ v-o tJt tusplanfor man in Scripture makes Him a Uar, and will
damn the soul. If some tluuugb ignorance of the Bible think that they can believe
in evolution a'v' •• ■• »'^^lc at the Mme time, tbey deceived by Satan, the 2 _. j'.
the world (2Cor. 4: 3-4; 11:14-15; Kc%. 12; 9). One cannot know the
sutcmenuof both the Bible and evolutionisu and believe botli. Nor can be be
neuuaU He must uke a sund either forCod and the Bible or for evolution and

15 facts disproving evolutiocr

1 The Bible In iuenurety condemns the theories ofboth costiiic and organic
evolution. It declares in no uncertain tenris that God created (brought into
existence)all the material and moral creations: the aaimate and inanimate things,
and that He it the flist and lag cause of allexiiting universes and the things
therein The Bible declares Cod created the heavens and the earth (Cen, 1:1; Ps,
3: 1-*, 13tl-7; 10-2:25-27;Isa.45d8);God created great whales and every Uviag
creature (Gen. 1:20): Cod created roan in His own image, in the Image of God c
reated He him; male and female rteated He them (Cen. 1:26-28; 2:7, 19-25: 5:1-
2; 3t6); All things were made by Him; and without Hiro was not any thing made
that was made Qt-L3); Cod created all things by Jesus Christ (Eph. 3:>. Col.
1:15-18); The , holding of all things by the word of is power (Heb. l:3); Tbou
hast created all things, and for Thy pleasure they ate and were treated (Rev.
4:11) 2 It is a law of nature that nothiag reproduces anything greater than itself.
If this is true of all species today, of which we have millions of examples, then it
was true originally. The vaa creations of matter and Ufe had to come into
existence by a superior power, not an inferior force. One thing is certain: all
intelligence and matter could not have come from one or any number of
molecules of uaiotclli-gencc. The most that has ever been done or can possibly
be done IS to demonstrate the law of improvement of a species through
bteedin.;and cultivation. No new species has been ot can be produced by
suchUw. If left alone the planu and animals would deiiener-ate, not improve
themselves in any de^iree, as seen in point 8 below Therefore, we must conclude
that no amount of unintelligent matter could produce intelligence or intelli,;e:it
beings - anything higher than itself. The intelligent and ir, numerable self-
producing species of creatures, each with iu own eternal and consistent traits,
disti:ict flavors, and infinite combinations of chemicals, could .levet be the
disti:ict flavors, and infinite combinations of chemicals, could .levet be the
product of unintelligent matter. Each one of the millions of creatures that
reproduce their own kind by fixed and eternal laws must be the work of an all-
powerful and all-wise Creator 3 The Bible declares (10 times in Gen. 1) that
everythin*; created by God was given power to reproduce its own ki -■ .'. ' • r
iMs law .7 ,.1:20—

23J. ii-'j* years iaiei it uaj ot been broken (Gen. 7:14). Now. after more

.v.... .- -.,., .... ._ .V,.. I... ,f ..."toJuc-

- isstiU

.. ,, ..,,. i ._: .-'ystet.

octopus, a turtle, frog, tish, ot crab. None of these have ever reproduced anything
except their own kind. No lowlycafth-worrahasever turned into a glider,
tarantula, scorpion, lizard, tortoise, snake, or .-ro-odllc. So bug. bird, or animal '
itsownkind or r. which waif :icw kind.

inevaluaan,Uciiccnoiic4:<toi a t>cbcf | tiicrciii (ocn. 1;1; ii'i, It^i Ps. iki-i.

-. Kcv. liOi .= ^6-27; 5c 10; I lb All men who teicct Christ and do

J from cr kind - a . a V. u' I' .1 1. ule itself. No wd a man and the misans-Unk is
still missing and cootinucd.nent page UIIMIJI - .


always will be

All this is quite remarkable in view of the fact that there are over 2,00(\000
different species of plant and animal life. Each species proves the law of
reproduction established by God - after his own kind. It is claimed that there are
more than 1, 000, 000 species of insects. Species of beetles number 250, -000:
buncrflies and moths 110,000; shellfish80,000; snails80,000; arachnids 60, 000;
flies 40, 000; barnacles, crabs, lobsters, and shrimp 25, 000; fish 20,000; bees
10,000; wasps 10. 000; worms 9, 000; ants 5, 000; birds 1,200; and cockroaches
1,000. Besides these, there are many species of larger animals, and over 180,000
species of plants. Species of fungi number 100,-000; algae 20.000; mosses
20,000; corals 5,000;and sponges 3,000,besides many other species of living
things All species exist in great variety, and the so-called proofs of evolutionists
things All species exist in great variety, and the so-called proofs of evolutionists
are merely variations, or minor changes within the same spccies.Outof billions
of living organisms and fossils there is no evidence of the slightest tendency to
evolve out of the original kind to which each belongs. There is only evidence o f
development and normal growth ;but these arc not evolution. Improvement of a
species and new varieties within the species ate not evolution. The theory of
evolution teaches transm utation, a change in nature, substance, form, and
alteration of essence by a slow and gradual processed mutancin from
onespeciesto an-othcr. and from the lower to the tiigher. This has never been
done, nor can it be done. In nature we find endless variety within each species or
kind.but no change from one species to another. Without a change of species
there can be no evolution. God has made life so that it interbreeds in closely
related variations; and when interbreeding is attempted between different kinds
of species it is found that there is an impassable gulf which cannot be crossed
Life multiplies abundantly. Onebac-tetium in 24 hours can
produce281.-500.000.000,000 descendents. A fly can lay 500 eggs in a season,
each of which can develop into a fly capable of layingSOOeggsofitsown. If
alleggs hatched and survived the original fly would have enough descendents in
6 months to covet the earth with flies, to a depth of about 50 feet. A common
potatobugissaid tobe capable of producing 60. 000 offspring in a season; a single
sunfish lays 30. 000. 000 eggs a seasoii;an oyster 100.000.000;a codfish
10,000,000;atoad20,000;spidersliave 2, 000 babies in one cocoon; a loggerhead
turtle lays 1, 000 eggs at a time; and a pair of meadow mice could produce
1,000, 000 offspringin a year.An elm tree produces 1, 584,000,000 seeds and a
barley seed 18,000 grains. But, out of the billions of yearly reproductions of
nature, not one monkey's tail has been produced by anything except a monkey.
There isnoproof of man in various stages from a molecule to a monkey, or from
a monkey to a man!

4 There can be no evolution without the power o f reproduction in living things.

Since reprod^jiction is a prior condition to evolution.it cannot be a product of it.
Hence, we face the logical necessity for the creation of life and its powerof
continued reproduction. The power of reproduction is not in the embryo, but
only in the mature parent. An egg cannot produce an egg. It is also true that the
egg is not improvable by itself. Improvement can come only in and tiuough the
mature form. Therefore, the parent-form of life must have been created in the
beginning to have produced an egg from which offspring alone can come 5
Science has proved that dead matter cannot generate Ufe; and that only life can
come from pre-existing Ufe. When test tubes were filled with hay and other
organic matter, when all life-germs were completely destroyed, when the tube
organic matter, when all life-germs were completely destroyed, when the tube
was hermetically sealed to exclude outer air. and while it was absolutely free of
living germs, not one vestige of life appeared. The attempt to get the living out
of the dead completely failed. The theory of spontaneous generation of
evolutionists has had tobe given up. It is now recognized that life can only come
from life. All life is dependent upon other life; the lower upon the highen the
simple upon the complex; the powerless upon the powerful; the impersonal upon
the personal; the unintelligent upon the intelligent; the non-existing upon the
existing; the natural upon the spiritual; the temporary upon the eternal. Nothing
can come from nothing or be produced by nothing 6 The argument of evolution
from embryology - that embryos of different forms of me are somewhat alike so
theymust have come from a common ancestor - has utterly failed, as have the
theories of natural selection, and the survivalof the fittest. The similarity of
embryos and their fast development to full growth are contrary to the principles
of the evolutionary hypothesis. The chief foundation of evolution is that of a
slow and tedious process over miUions and millions of years. This, the evolution
teachers have to argue due to the fact that no single example of evolution from
one species to another can be cited. Human and other embryos pass through
various stages of growth very rapidly. In the case of some the progress of growth
is so rapid that it is miraculous. Thus, evolutionists are forced to believe in
miracles, which they deny, in other fields, but sustain in their own, in the effon
to prove their claims. It is now known that there are radical differences between
the embryos of vertebrates(backboned animals) and invertebrates (animals
without backbones) i which we would not have if all things \ had a common
ancestor. Some similarity among embryos of all forms of life should be
expected, since all start ( individually from a single life-germ or a combination
of two

If a botanist would be asked the difference between an oak, a palm-tree, and a

lichen, he would declare that they are separated from one another by the broadest
line of classification. But if the germs of tliese plants were placed before him. to
choose one from the other,he could not doit.Undet the most powerful
microscope they would yieldnoclue.If analyzed by the chemist they would still
keep their secret. The same is true of the life-germ of various animals and
man.No one can teU which is which. What makes the little speck grow in the
millions of different kinds of creatures? What is there which the eye cannot see
that determines which of the many creatures it shall be? Only a personal and an
infinite intelligent Being could make such unfailing laws of reproduction -after
his kind 7 It is further argued that man and monkey are so similar that they must
have come from a common ancestor. This is neither sound logic nor sound
have come from a common ancestor. This is neither sound logic nor sound
science. Resemblance proves nothing but resemblance. Similarity proves nothing
but similarity. Resemblance and similarity run throughout aU natiue in things
that have no connection with each other. Resemblance or similarity on some
points is to be expected even though we accept creation by God. Such only
magnifies the fact of an intelligent operator. This is true whether it is the Creator
or a manufacturer as in every factory of man.The wheel, for example, is the
same in the wagon, the car, locomotive.and plane. But such similarity (Joes not
prove that the wagon evolved into an automobile, then into a locomotive, and
finally into a plane All animals and men have the same kind of faculties to
breathe, eat food, and perform other bodily functions, but no such similarity
proves close rela-tioiiship. r.od made them thus so that all could exist alike in the
same air and on similar foods. The dissimilarities between man and lower
animals. not only in body, but also in brain, spirit and soul faculties prove that
they are NOT vitally related. The differ-encesbetween man and monkey are so
wide that any single bodily part is sufficient in itself to prove whether it is a part
of mnn or monkey Evolutionists them selves confirm this fact by their
promptness in deciding whether a bone is from a monkey or a man. There are
hundreds of differences between the bodies of men and apes, and thousands of
differences bctwee.i these two in mental.moral, spiritual, and habitual matters
which prove evolution of man from apes or lower life an impossibility 8
Degeneration. The similarities between man and lower animals could be used to
prove a process of degeneration from man more than a process of evolution to
man. The Bible teaches that God made man before He made land animals - on
day 6. Therefore, man came first, and then the monkey (Geji. 2:7, 19-25).
Darwin's argument that plants and animals have within themselves tendencies to
vary of their own accord in many and all directions to an unlimited degree, has
been disproved many times. Mendel's experiments prove conclusively that plants
and animals, even under man's selective skill in breeding, do not tend to vary in
all directions and to an unlimited degree; but that the variations are within strict
limits and work according to fixed laws producing unvarying results. The theory
of natural selection and of inheritance of acquired characters has failed of proof.
The forms of vegetables, plants, and animals that man succeeds iniraprov-ing by
human selection and cultivation revert rapidly to type as soon as man's directing
skill is removed. In all roan's selection and cultivation he can work only within
the limits of the species. No change into new species has been pto-duced either
by natural or artificial selection. The lionlaw of st erili ty stands guard at the far
frontiers of the species and everything continues to reproduce after his kind
There is a certain potency of development implanted in all things, but such
potential powers are led out into actual development or improvement, not
potential powers are led out into actual development or improvement, not
through resident forces , as evolution teaches, but only through outside
intervention and intelligent helpTMan can develop the wild rose into the
American Beauty, or the wild pony into the Kentucky thoroughbred,by selection,
better environment, breedirvg, etc.,but it is most significant that these
improvements do not continue to increase, or even persist, when things are left
to themselves. The rose reverts to a wild rose if left alone, and the horse begins
to go back to its degenerated type the very minute man's skill is omitted If one
takes a flock of highly developed pigeons, with all their shades of color and
variety of mar kings.and turns them loose in the forest to see if they willimprove
or degenerate he will find in a few years that they have all returned to one type.
Compelled by an unfailing natural law. all will revert to common colors instead
of being a variety with beautiful markings. Improvements brought about by care
and selection in breeding will be gone, proving the law of evolution a failure The
same thing will happen to man. If he neglects himself he will revert to a worse
and lower type of man - like those who have been discovered on desert islands
orin jungles. If the mind is neglected it will degenerate into irobeciUty and
ignorance. Solitary confinement has the power to unmake men's minds and leave
them idiots. If the conscience is neglected it will run off into lawlessness and sin.
The soul that is neglected will go into ruin and depravity Only 3 possibilities are
before us; bal-ance . improvement only to a certain degree, or degeneration. The
Bible question is: How shall we escape if we neglect ? (Heb. 2:1-4). These 3
possibilities face every man. He has a desire to better himself and yet he is
constantly beset with a gravitation to sin and the law of death working in his
very being. We say that nature is full oflife, but in reality it is full of death. Plant
life and animal life are kept alive by a temporary endowment which gives power
over the elements that cause death. Withdraw the elements of life and the true
nature will be revealed. Life is merely the suspension of these destructive
powers - the sum total of the functions that resist death. Spiritual Ufe is the same
- the sum total of the functions that resist sin. If we neglect the use of these
powers death will result. The man who does notproperly use the powers toTive
is as much dead as a man falUng 500 ft. is as good as dead the first foot of the
faU. Unless he is stopped he isa dead man. One who continues to neglect Ufe is
dead. If we neglect, degeneration sets in. If we use the powers of Ufe to resist
sin, we Uve To use the argument that the savages of heathen darkness are more
Uke monkeys than men in the civiUzed world is no proof of evolution; it is
proof of degeneration. Man feU from original sinlessness and the highest degree
of intelUgence to the present status. Adam had more intelUgence the day he was
created than all men together have now. He could name all things and aU men
today who learn all their Uves cannot yet do this (Gen. 2:19) Degeneration
today who learn all their Uves cannot yet do this (Gen. 2:19) Degeneration
explains the present unci viUzed parts erf the world, and the so-called cave-men
-the Peking man. the Heidelberg, the Neanderthal, the Cro-Magnon roan and
others. A11 problems between true science and the Bible can be solved by the
facts of degeneration, or with the Bible truth of a pre-Adamite world.BeUef in
the pre-Adamite system allows that the eanh could be milUons of years old. Pre-
historic animals could have been a part of that system, as well as any different
type of man, if such is ever excluded from Adam's race by estab-Ushed proof.
See notes on the pre-Adamite wodd,p. 54

9 Fossil remains have been refened to as one of the strongest proofs of

evolution.But evolutionists themselves acknowledge that this proof is extremely
fragmentary, Umited, and obscure due to the fact of only a few fossil remains.
Hence, they are forced to guess without proof. The m issing Unks between man
and monkey have never been found. The manufactured bones of pre-historic
men are fakes. The Piltdown man, for example, was no man at all. The story is
that in a gravel pit in Sussex.Eng, .near Piltdown Common. 2 or 3 bits of a skull
bone, a piece of jaw-bone, and a tooth were found by different persons in
different places in different years. From these few scraps so-called scientists c
onstructed the Piltdown man and named it the Dawn-man of the dateless past.
From thesamebones another later type was made by another team of scientists.
Finally it was acknowledged that the jaw-bone and tooth did not belong to the
skull, but were those of a chimpanzee. The Java-man was built in Java from a
skull bone.leg bone. 2 molars, and plaster-of-Paris; the Heidelberg-roan wasbuilt
in Germany from ajaw-bone which was unquestionably human; the Peking-rnan
of China was made from human skuU fragmenu found in a cave, in 1929; the
Swanscornbe-man of England was made from the back and one side of a
woman's skuU; the Fontechevade-man of France was made from a part of a
skuU; the first Neanderthal-man was made from a skuU cap inCermany, which
one great Germanpathologist declared to be the cranium of an idiot; the A
usnalopithe-c usAfricanus-rnan of Africa was made from an ape skull found in a
number of other ape skuUs and bones in Africa; and the Hesperopithecus
Haroldcooku. the Nebraska-man, was made from a single pig tooth said to be 1,
000,000 years old,Pictures of these, the man-made specimens, have been the so-
caUed proof shown in school textbooks. Such are the hoaxes which are being
passed upon our innocent boys and girls by some educators in the name of

10 The old geological scheme to prove evolution has also been repudiated.
Instead of the older rocks being found at the bottom and the younger rocks at the
top, as would be the case if evolution were true, it is now found that
top, as would be the case if evolution were true, it is now found that
theoppositeisoftenthecase.This explodes the evolution-theory of natural building
up of the strata 11 The fact of two universal floods instead of one (one in
Lucifer's day and one in Noah's day) and a later division ofthe earth can easily
explain the fossil remains being where they are. In Lucifer's flood God turned
the earth upside down by earthquakes (Gen, 1:2, Continued, next page


ititoc loMl rciiijuit

1:1 r(».- .- trtf _.. ,

ooce). : .

WKUoulUitt cMUiMUskci JiKljuoanicui of GiXj

li II cvlJcni liiji many fi s. fioni J great c*tj«rniht.. toniboj la the sir Uowly buncj
b> mtlliun* of ycjr . Khooli of fiih, wfaicb have been : dicatiua of a viul They
arc not in j -crftcuwiih thcirhcaji-ihcii tails aixj cwr. which it the postdon m
wlucii a futi iMci when nvortiki-n hv jti enemy ot •?' ■ u tell us '■'' . )ne ATeJt

*'•- ' -' ' '"" "•''" ' ' . rhlj

happened JtLuLifer'jn nhc

canh was OiviJcJ into ,..^,,. ,ij

Thattberewa$jdivlJln«ofthc earth in thcdayiof Pcleg isr lear froni len. 10:25,Suth

a jhakinRup of the enure earth, as well as the flooj-i^ataurarihe of Lucifer't bnic
could have caused fotals to become deeply submerged Tbc Arctic regiont gjve
clear cvi-d«ai:e of a luJden cilamliy. In their cxxeniive fields of foMiUzed and
frozen inanimoths, where multiludes of giant creaiurei have been found, some
havebeendiscovend with their nom-achs filled with undigested food, and in some
inaancejwuh their mouths .ilso full of the rood they were eating. Ihis shows that
they were feeding quietly when the ciiBi came and that they were destroyed with
suddenness. That the Arctic regions had tropical climate when these beasts were
destroyed seems true, for they had tropical food in their mouths. Evidently they
were frozen immedi.uely when c;od withheld the sun, moon, and stars from
siuaing 00 the earth during Lucifer's flood (Cell, 1;Z: ha. 14:1^-14; Jer. 4: 23-26;
Ezek. -'411-17: Ps. 104:6-9; 2 Pec. 3:5-8) 12 KeBardingNoah'$nooO.C.odcom-
Ezek. -'411-17: Ps. 104:6-9; 2 Pec. 3:5-8) 12 KeBardingNoah'$nooO.C.odcom-
mandetJ male and female of every species to be kept alive in the ark to replenish
the earth after his kind when Uk flood was over (Ccn. 6: 18-2J; 7: 2-i6).Had the
evolutiunistsbeen right, tliis would have been unnecessary. Nuah could have
merely saved a couple of molecules, turiied them loose after the flood and
eventually, we coiJd lijve the innumerable living things jg.liII in all their
varieties IJ If evoluDon IS responsible for .ill the vast I rcJtioiistn space and the
endless v.ihetus of species of life on the iiinumor.iblc planets, then why is the
law not working iod.iy' \nJ why do we not have a< tu.il .ind unquestionable
uxaniples oftlK'vanous stages of evolution front the lowest to the lughcst
lonn$ofUfe''lfev<)lutionever worked. II tlioiildhe working today so that every
form or Uage of development could be Seen js proof that the lower forms of life
will eventuallybe the higherini he Jgcstoconic, Is It iioi str.inge that the process
lus been at asundstill for tfie pedod man has been on earth to observe the law of
evolution at work" Is It notstr.inge that man h.is not produced one example of
change from one species 10 another, not even to the losing of the monkey tall
and hair'

14 There is evidence now that the whole world and all in It are degener-aiin.j
and tiioving toward some 1 Umax Of judgment and re-( reaUon. instead of
evolving upward Into higher and bei-terfomii.lf! r^jwhl^ his closest to the dc ,nd
forces of in-

• nimatc n . j ufe, there is no

evidence of a surge upward. Not only •rethelawsofchemi. alaffmii. M.iti, and

unchanv'eablc as to i ,-

Qonsjjut there isa dlilntevr cncy downward instead of upwatu iliai s«5enii to-
hara. ten/e all matter. The tendency of atoms »f high aioml weight tobreak
upini.) oth<T .ii.""i .i< lower wdghl Ice lcnden< y ol all claic thatt': ttj,.
vegetable and I ,

16 The ew..,.i, - -■

Absurd - ittso-< I ttadictoty ilin

doubt regai ,

thaithcwurl ,i

w w*.^«u«^ »\JniK. Tciuulu trans, j as 3>;L-t and periods of dme Is no pr thai

they were 1,000 to7,000-y^_. ages or periods. An age is any period of time,
whether long or shon. A 24-houf penod is an age as much as any other length of
time. When these days. ages, ot periods of Ume of Gen. 1 are <learly Slated to
be ocdinary days and nighu made upofpenods of light and darkneu. as we know
days, then there is no reaion for making them long lid not C.od do the planet to a
second '," ; Icie Ills work of tl periods?

7;..^ .,--,>.■i-j.i> and 7,000-A"«r-d«y theories are anscrtptural in t!.. lijlii of

facts. If cither of these • true, then the waters re-v rliu ilic entire cartli at leau i,v
years before they were di VI. . .;; the eanh continued tobc Jusolaic anJ waste
another 1, 000 to 7, 000 ycarih.-fi'Tr vegetation ''•d. and i. Mil 00

lerl.OOL' us he-

•r.-d -'t.

. •>iiJ llJti ncre not *)/ 4, then how could

• »-•••• Ki'w on earth such a long

pcilod without sunlight'

m was

Jay 6.

i bcfoTi-the

. The year—

jxr man here by

coouacied ai it became cold: but ttpencet Mys it was a ;i thai

b«c«m« beaicd and .' ilr

ag0 of ■• 1 :■■ - Uru Jll uie wav

*"■«'■ into at Utile ai

*"■«'■ into at Utile ai

.:,ouc. ,,. ,.>.^ ,,„h

■ ' o tik-

- >' '■ '■ ' - yean.

1 tu 1 proves n.Khingbut the uiucUabil-liy of data w)u. h 11 used in the cffon to

prove divcrie coacluMoni

7 proofs 6 days were jA-iy. day* (15)

1 The fact that (.od named the Ught daj^and the Jarkneis night .cnding each
d»y*ri'' . jnd each night with

marnii^ ' r dayi and nights of

tfie b J..., • T,-ral as all days

andnlghisi' .•l,l:i.H,v!3,31)

' '*>•• ««- ."< 0 J, 18-2 Dineiln

Scripture and always o( a Uteral day unless Mualified as the day of the Lord. the
Jay ott.jd . the"3 ayot judgment. or unillarly limited by some other -
lualifyingitaicmcnt.ThcdayiofOcn. I are literal, because they are not so
quaUfled, they are numbered 1 to 7, and begin and end with an evening and
morning as all other ordinary 24-hr. days :i The word evening means dusk or
nlaht. It is found ndnies and is always iSedina Uteral sense. The word mom-
ina.means dawnjorbreakjjfjJai. It is found 187 time sand is always used in a
Utoral sense. Thisproves thai ^Tay and !Mht and Ught and darkness are Uteral
Jays and nights, an J regular periods of 24 hours regulated by the sun, moon, and
stars as commanded in v 14-18; 8-22; Job 38:12: Ps. iaf2; Jer. 3l:3&-37; 33:10-

4 The Ught of days 1,2. and 3came rtCTTi the same source as the Ught of dayi
4, a.e.and every day ince. The sun. moon, and stars were created before the
eanh(l: 1; Job 38:4-7), so tTey couldgive Ught onthewaten that covered the earth
in the first days and be permanently regulated in connection with the earth after
it became dry land on day 3
it became dry land on day 3

5 It is definitely stated in Ex, 20:8-11; 31:l4-17ihaK.od made (restored, not

created), the heavens (firmament, clouds, not the planet heaven where God
dwells) and the eanh in 6 days -the same kind and length of daysman is to
work.lt is as logical and scriptural to argue that man is supposed to work 6,000
yean (some would say 42.000 Aars) to make up his 6 days of labor 'before the
sabbath as to say the 6 days' work of God in Gen. 1 lasted 6.000 years. It is never
so argued about the days of Ex. 20, and yet, we do not have as clear proof they
arc Uteral 24-hour days, as in Gea 1 where the days are numbered and begin and
end with morning and evenii>g 6 Because some verdons trans, days

- J periods of time Is no proof

thai they were 1,000 to 7,000-year

.1:1 , JlUf .

wotran at' dayilteori.i

himself namlog the animals over a period of 1. OUO 10 7. UOO yean before
Eve was created fur him. Adam would then be from I. 000 to 7. UUU yean old
wtieii lie got married. To make luch ihcunci all the mure confusing. Ciod relied
the 7th Jay or from 1.000 to ;, UOO ycarsbctwecn crcaiin^ Eve and the faUof
man. This would make Adam from 2. OOu to 14,000 yean old by the amc he
fell, and yet he was only 130 yean old when beih was born.long after ibe faU
(5:1-3) 15 great covenants of Scripture (Heading, 1: 14)

1 Solaiic d: 14-18; & 22; Ps. 89t 34-37;Jer.3L 35-37; 33:19-26).TWscovenant

wasmadcbecweenGodandman, It promised that he would have eternal seasons of
frultfulneis and that he would continue forever - as long as the solar system
endurcs.In this connection definite promises were made to Noah, David and
oihen as seen in scriptures above 2 EdenicfL-26-3:24).TWswasmadc with i^^ani
and Eve before the fall and was conditional upon obedience (2:17)

10 articles of the covenant

(I)Be fruitful, not sterile (1:28)

(2) Multiply.increase human kind (1:28)

(3) Replenish the earth with men as before, when Lucifer ruled (I;'28)

(4) Subdue the earth (1:28)

(5) Rule allG od 's works (L 28;Ps,8)

(6) Till the ground and be a partaker of tlie garden (2:15) nne$(2:15)

(7)Protect dominion from ene-

(8) Freely eat of aU things except the tree of knowledge (1:29-30)

(9) Refrain from eating of the nee of knowledge (2:16-17)

(10) Fear the penalty for sin (2:17) 3 Adami£(3:14-19).This agreement wasmade
withAdam andEve after the faUand before the expulsion from the garden. It
ushered in the Oispensapon ofConscience. Thecovenaniconsisted of 2 parts (1)
The 5-fold curse on 25) A Thjserpent(3;14.15:Isa.65: B batan(3;15:Jn,

14-17; Ileb. 2:14-18)

C Thewoman(3:16:lCor. 11: 3: 14:34; 1 TJm. 2:11-15)

D The man(3:17-19; Ps. 90 9. 10; Rom, 5:12-21) 18-23)

E The ground (3:17-19:Rom,8:

(2) The promise (3:15), This In-d uded redemption and the removal of the curse
(Horn. 8:18-23: Rev. 22:3)

4 Cainic (4:11-15>. This was a pledge to Cam of vengeance on anyone who

found him and killed him

5 .Soamc (3:20-9:29V This contract was made with .\oah and the beasu of the
field after the flood and ushered in 'he Dispensation of Human Government. The
terms of the covenant were: (1) I tiat God would not curse the ground or UWng
creatures any more "while the eanh remaineth" (8:22; 9: 12. 16)

(2) That man should replenish the eanh forever (ft 1.12.16) (ft 2. 3)

(3) That man should mic the eariJi

(3) That man should mic the eariJi

(4) rhat animals should be eaten but not the blood (ft 3, 4)

(5) That there should be capital puiUslimentformurderen(ft5,6;Num.

(6) That the rainbow should be a sign of the covenant (ft 12-17)

(7) That the covenant would be eternal (ft 12, 16)

6 Abratiamlc (12:1-3). This was trade with Abraham after the confusion of
tongues when God saw that it was impossible to deal with the race as 1 wh'i'.r. It
ushered in the Dlspens a-4-8: 22:15-18: 26:l-.5; '28:3, 10-15). 1 he covenant
consisted of 2 pans (1) The 7fold promise: A "I will niakeof thee a great naUon-
(l'2:l-3; 13:16; 17:18-20; 2*: 34, 35; Gal. 3)

. ., „ B Make thy name great" (12: 1-3: Ex. 2:24, 25: 6:3-8)

C ■ I hoii Shalt be a blesdna" (12:1-3: Gal. LtlM. 14)

P "I win Meu them that bless thee- (12:1-3: ,Mt. J,S::il-46)

,. .o „f "•*"llf'lcssthce-(13:14-18: 1&:18-21: Gal. 3)

F "I will curse them that ciffse thee- (Zoch. 14: Mt. 2&31-46)

(' 'InltieeshaUaUthe nadoDs of the world be blcsted" (Du 28:8-14; Isa. 60:3-5:
66:18-21; Jn, 8:56-58; Gal, 3:16)

(2) rhe ligii of the covenant: clx-curacidon(iri-il: f.a, Uci) "

7 Hawtlc 06; 7-14),This was a covenant madcwlth Magarconcerning her seed

tlirough Islunael, Abraham's son. It concerned many generations and was in 3
parts (1) Commands (16:9) A Return and submit to Sarah B Call herson lshniael.
meaning God_shall_hear(l6rn)

(2) Promises

A Seed to be multipUed beyond number (16:10; 17:20-22)

B Ishamel to b e blessed and become a great nation O"?: 20; 2L17-18)

C Islunael to beget 12 princes (17:20; 25:12-18)

(3) Prophetical revelation: 12) A Ishinaeltobea wild manfie: B His hand to be

against every

man (16:12) against him fl6:12)

C Every man's hand to be D Ishmael to dwell In the

presence of his brethren (16:12)

8 SaraWc (17:15-19; 18: 9-15). This covenant made with Sarah, promised
cenain blessings to her and her offspring, Isaac, for many generations. It was in 2
pans (1) Commands

A Change her name from Saral to Sarah, meaning princess (17:15) B Call her
son Isaac (17:19)

(2) Promises

A To be blessed with a son (17:16-19: :e::0-15) dons(17:16)

B Tobemade a mother of naC To become a mother of many kings (17:16)

D Abrahamic covenant to be continued with Isaac (17:19)

E Abrahamic covenant to be continued with Isaac's seed forever 07: 19)

9 HeaUni} (Ex. 15:26; 23:25). This was made with Israel and all who desired or
chose tocome under the covenant of God as given to .Moses. It was in 2 parts (1)

A DiUgently hearken to God's voice (Ex. 15:26: Lev. 26:14-15)

B Dothatwhlch is right in His sight (Ex. 15:26) menu (Ex. 15:26)

C Give ear to His command—

D Keep all His statutes (Ex. 15:26: Lev. 26:3; 14-15)

E Serve the Lord (Ex. 23:25)

(2) Promises:

A "I will put none of these diseases upon thee" (Ex. I.'x26)

B "I am the Lord that healeth thee" (Ex. 15:26)

C "l will take away sickneu from the midst of thee" (Ex. 23:25)

TWscovenant wasmade a pan of the new covenant for Christ "took ourin-
firmitics andbare our sicknesses" (Isa 53: Mt. 8:17: I Pet. 2:24) 10 Mosaic or old
c o v e n a n t: also called the Old Festament (Ex.iii: 1-24: 8: 2 Cor, a-6-18). See
85 old and new covenant contrasts, p. 5(5l of M f 11 LeWtic fNum.SS: 10-14)

—, . -.,. ..-swas

given through Moses to Ptiinehas. the son of Levi, who was zealous for the Lord
and executed judgment upon rebels (Num. 25:1-9), It consisted of 2 great
promises (1) Peace and blessing to Levi's house (Num. 25:12) (Num. 25:13)

('2) A n everlasting priesthood 12 Palestinian (Lev. '26: in. 11:8-32; 27:1-30:20).

rliis covenant was made with Israel through Mosei and was con-diUoned upon
the obedience of the nauon. I here were 7 pans (1) Oisper si on for disobedience
(nt. 3ft 1: 28:63-68)

(2) Repentance while in dispersion (Dt. 30t2; Zech. 1'2:10-14)

(3) The return of the Lord (Dt. 30: 3; lech. 14; Acts 15:14-17)

(4) Restoration in the land (Dt, 30: 5: Isa. 11:1-12; Ezek. 37; Mt. 24:31)

(5) "National conversion (Dt. 30:6: Is*. 66; /-ech. 12:10-13; Rom. 11:26)

(6) Judgment of Israel's oppresson (Dt. 3ft 7: .'.ech. 14; Mt. 25:31-46)

(7) National prosperity (Dt. 3ft 9-10; Rom. 11)

13 Salt (Lev. 2:13; Num. 13:19). A covenant made with IsracKoiicetning tJJc
sacrifices they were to offer for-Continucd.next pa ^e


ever. See usage of salt in Mk.*49,50; Col. 4:6. In Palestine and suuounding
couDCries salt was used in making covenants; and if persons ate food with salt
in it, together, they became friends though they may have been enemies before.
The Arab expression is, "There is salt between us," or "He has eaten of my salt,"
wUchmeanspartaldng of the hospitality which cements friendship. Covenants
were generally coo-firmed atsacnficlalmealsand saltwas always present. The
covenant of salt pictured the everlasting friendshipbe-tweenGod and
Hispeople(Nurn.18:19) 14 Davidic (2 Sam, 7:1-17), This agreement was made
with David and his house through Nathan the prophet, and was conditioned upon
obedience as all other covenants. It was to be an everlasting CO v e n a n t,
containing 7 blesangs (1) A Davidic house forever(2 Sam. 7:13-16: Ps. 896 20-
37; Lk. 1:32-35)

(2) A Davidic throne forever(2 Sam. 7:12-16; Isa. 9:6,7; Lk. 1:32-35)

(3) A Davidic kingdom forever (2 Sam. 7:12-16; Isa. 95 6, 7; Lk. 1:32-35)

(4) A sure land for Israel forever (Gen. 17; 2 Sam. 7:10)

(5) N o more affliction from the nations forever (Dt.28:1-30:10; 2 Sam. 7:10)

(6) The Fatherly care of God forever (2 Sam. 7:14; 2 Cor. 6:15-18)

(7) An eternal covenant (2 Sam. 7:10-16; Isa. 9t6, 7; Lk. 1:32, 33)

15 New covenant (Mt. 26:28; 2 Cor. 3:6-18), This is the one made by Christ
(Heb. 8:6). It is still in force and includes all the terms, conditions, commands,
promises and benefits revealed in 27 books of the Bible-all of Matthew through
Revelation. See 85 old and new covenant contrasts, p. 201 of N. T.

Our solar system (1:16)

The svm which is about 93,000,000 mi. from the earth. It is 865,400 mi. in
diameter, weighs about 1,980,000, -000,000,000.000,000,000,000 tons, and is
considered a dwarf star compared to others. It is 1, 300, 000 times bigger than
the earth and 30(^000 times closet to us than any other fixed star. Itisa large
magnet, as are all the fixed stars and planets; and is the center of oui solar
system of 9 major planets, 31 known satellites, and innumerable meteors or
falling stan. The temperature of the sun on its surface is 12,000 degrees and at its
center is 40, 000, 000 degrees, names shoot up from its surface from 25, 000 to
500, 000 miles The sun rotates on its axis, making a complete lurnin about 25
500, 000 miles The sun rotates on its axis, making a complete lurnin about 25
days, and a circuit of theentire heavens once each year in conjunction with all
other fixed stars or suns, which move through space at a speed of 12 mi. a
second or 43,200 mi. an hour. The movement of these is at such a vast distance
from us that they appear to be almost at rest. The sun goes forth as a bridegroom
and as a strongman to run a race from one part of heaven to the other (P s. 19.1 -
7), the rapid speed being, as stated, 43,200 mi. anhour. Itsfamilyof majorplanets
turn on their own axis and all revolve around the sun at various distances, as
follows 1 Mercury, 3,000 mi, in diameter, revolves nearest the sun in a
36,00C^000 mi. orbit, in 88 days

2 Venus. 7,600 mi. in diameter, revolves in its 67,200,000 mi. orbit, as the 2nd
nearest the sun in 225 days

3 Earth, 7,927 mi. in diameter, is the 3rd nearest the sun, and travels in its
92,900,000 mi.orbit in 365 1/4 days

4 Mars,4,200mi.indiameter,is 4th from the sun uavelling in its otbit of 141, 500,
000 mi. in 687 days

5 Jupiter . 88. 700 mi. in diameter,is 5th and navels In iu483,300,000 mi. orbit in
almost 12 years

6 Saturn, 75,100 mi. in diameter, is 6th from the sun and travels in its 886,
100,000 mi. orbit around the sun, in 29 1/2 years 7 Uranus. 30.900 mi. in
diameter, travels in the 7th orbit of 1, 783,000, -000 mi. in 84 years

8 Neptune ,27,700 mi. in diameter, travels in the 8th orbit of 2, 793. 000, -000
mi. in about 165 years

9 Pluto, 3,600mi. indiameter,travels in its 3.666,000.000 mi. orbit around the sun
in about 284 1/2 years

The last 3 planets named have been

discovered in recent times: Uranus in 1781; Neptune in 1846; and Pluto in

1930.All the planetsbut these 3 appear to the naked eye asbright stars. Uranus is
faint; .Neptune fainter to the eye; Pluto is so faint that it was only discovered by
long exposure photographs with a powerful telescope The 31 known satellites
are moons. The earth has 1; Mars 2; Jiq>iter 12; Saturn 9: Uranus 5; and
Neptune 2. A number of other moons or satellites which are very faint have been
Neptune 2. A number of other moons or satellites which are very faint have been
discovered only in recent years. Asteroids or minor planets within the range of
telescopes number many thousands.lt is said that only 2. COO have been
photographed and no mote than 1,600 have been observed sufficiently to
determine their orbits with fair accuracy. Each year about 100 more minor
planets are detected,but only a score are followed to determine their orbits Many
comets have been seen. A dozen or so are picked up each year, but relatively few
return to visibility in 1,000 years. Their orbits are very elongated andtheycanbe
seen only a short time when they are near the sun. Most of them travel beyond
the distant planets and therefore, cannot be seen. Halley's comet travels about
3,2OCC0O0 mi. away from the sun Meteors are seenonly when they rush into
the atmosphere of the earth and burn up. They are the small shooting-stars often
seen at night. The air friction heats meteors to about 4, 000 degrees and thev are
first seen about 80 mi. above the earth. They bum up between 30 to 40 ni. above
it There are trillions of solar systems I beyond ours. Distances out there are I
measured by Ught-years. How far light travels in a year at the rate of 186,324
mi.a second, or about 5,800,000,000, -000 roi.is recognized as one light-year. It
takes light 400 years to reach us on the earth from the North Star;700,000 years
f(» it to reach us from the Great Nebula, the galaxy nearest our own; and
500,000,000 years for light to reachusfrom the faintest galaxy seen by our
telescopes Gravitation is the power that holds aU these heavenly bodies in their
own orbits in space. They orbit eternally with unerring precision so that man can
foretell with accuracy, hundreds of years in advance,the places of planets in the
heavens, and the exact hour, minute and second, when eclipses will take place
The earth and all the planets are round (Ps.l3:l-7;Isa. 40:22). The earth turns on
its own axis eastward at more than 1, 000 mi. an hour. Each year the earth
revolves more than 584, 000,000 mi. around the sun at the rate of 66, 700 mi. an
hour or 1,600, 000 mi. a day. The earth's revolution around the sun establishes
our year, its rotation on its I axis establishes our day. The 23 1/2 j degree
inclination of the earth's axis I and its journey around the sun cause the change
of seasons and varying lengths of night and day. The earth j requires 365 days, 5
hours, 48 minutes, ' and 46 seconds to complete one revolution around the sun;
and 23 hours and 56 minutes to ccHnplete one rotation on its axis The moon ,
mentioned 61 times in Scripture,is the earth's satellite, and revolves around the
earth. It is a dark, opaque body; and the ruler of night (L 14-18; Ps. 136: 9) and
seasons (Ps. 104: 19). The half turned toward the sun is always bright and the
other half unil-luminated and therefore, not visible. While the moon is going
once completely around the earth, different regions of the illuminated half are
turned toward us, causing the different phases of the moon. Just as the sun has a
north and south motion in a period of a year, so the moon has a similar motion in
north and south motion in a period of a year, so the moon has a similar motion in
a period of a month. It rises about 50 minutes later from day to day in the
month's cycle. It travels toward the east amongthe stars and makes a complete
circle each month. It is the nearest to earth of all celestial bodies, except meteors
and an occasional comet, being about 221, 000 mi. away at the neatest point and
253,000 mi. at the farthest point of its monthly cycle aroung the earth It is said
that there are more than 40.000,000,000,000. 000. 000. 000 (40

sextillion) stars, which are suns to other planets like our sun is to oui solar
system. Most of them are believed to be larger than our sun. The nearest star to
the earth, aside from the sun, is Alpha Centauii, about 4 1/2 light-years or
26,100,000,000,000 mi.from the earth. Others range from thisvasi distance on
into infinite space, beyond what any telescope can reveal, oiba clear night the
eye can see about 3. 000 stars or suns. There are about 30. 000, 000, 000 that
astronomers can photograph singly. The multitudes of other stars are so close
together as to appear to us, as a solid mass Some stars,as Antares(390,000,000
mi. in diameter) and Epsilon Aurigae (2,400,000,000 mi. in diameter) are giants
compared to our sun of only 865,400 mi. in diameter. The heaviest known stars
are said to weigh 100 times more than our sun which4Q turn,weighs 330. 000
times more the weight of the eani which is 6.000 million million million tons
The surface temperatures of stan range from 5,000 to 26,000 degrees and the
inner temperatures from 100,000 to 30,000,000 degrees F. Stars are supposed
tobemadeupof gasses. Atleast, all the elements we know would be turned.into
gasses at temperatures which exist on most of the surs. The most conspicuous
elements on our sun are hydrogen,calcium,sodium, magnesium, and iron. The
average density of our sun is much lighter than the earth. Its force of gravity at
the surface is about 28 times that of the earth. We are told that a man weighing
150 lbs.on earth would weigh about 2 tons on the sun

4 important questions answered:

1 How did God create and make the material universes? Heb.11:3 says "we
understand that the worlds were framed by the WORD of GOD. so that things
whichareseen werenotroade of things which do appear." It is reasonable to
believe that He used the same infinite care in original creation as in the
recreation during the 6 days of Gen. 1:3-2:25. However, in the 6 days God
FORMED with His hands, each of the livingcreaturesout of already existing
material (1:20-27; 2:7-25; Job 26:13; Rom. 9:20; 1 Tiro. 2:13); whereas,
originally, it was necessary for Him to bring material into existence as He
needed it to form things, which He did by His WORD. Cp. Rom. 4:17; 2 Pet. 3:5
needed it to form things, which He did by His WORD. Cp. Rom. 4:17; 2 Pet. 3:5
with Heb. 11:3 God formedicreated; made with hands (1) Both light and
darkness (Isa. 45:7)

(2) Heavens (Ps. 8:3; 19:1; 102:25; Isa.

(3) Earth(Ps.8:3.6; 90:2; 95:5) 40:12)

(4) Planets (Ps.8:3; Isa. 40:26; 45:12;

(5) All things (Pr.26:10) 4S:13)

2 When did God create and make the material universes '^ In the beginning is all
the Bible says regarding this (1:1). It was in the dateless past , and not in
the6days of 1:3-2:25, for the heavens and earth were already in existence by that
tim e.The Bible does not say 6,000; 6, 000,000; 6, 000, 000, 000; or 600, -000,
000, 000 years ago, but we know definitely that original creation of universes
tookplace more than 6,000 years agowhen Adam was created. See The pre-
Adamite world , p. 54

3 HowlongwasGodcreatingihema-terial universes' ^ Though this is not stated in

Scripture, we do have some facts in Gen. 1:3-2:25 concerning the recreation
which a re very interesting. God took one day to divide darkness and light on the
planet earth (1:3-5); anotherdayto divide the waters (1:6-8); a day to restore dry
land (1:9-13); a day to regulate the sun, moon, and stars in connection with the
restored earth(1:14-19); another day to create fish and fowl(l-20-23);and still
another onetomakeman and land animals (1: ■24-31). With this in mind, let us
consider how long it could have taken Him to create the 40, 000, 000. 000, 000,
-000. 000,000 (40 sextilUon) stars which astronomers say are out in space They
tell us that each one of these stars is a sun to other planets like our sun is to our
planetary system. We have 9 major planets and 31satellites which, counting the
sun, make 40 great bodies of material substance in this one system. If we
suppose that eachofthe stars (40 sextillion) has the same in its planetary system,
then there are 1, 520. -000.000.000,000,000. 000. 000 (1,520 sextillion) such
bodies which took that many days (or more) to create.Reduced to years we
should have the astonishing figure of 4,164,383,561,643,836.164.-383 years to
create these systems alone 4 Why did G od c reate and make the
materialuniverses'^ The answer is tohe inhabited with intelligent, free moral
agents, to whom He could reveal Himself, and who would enjoy His infinite
blessings and goodness.We are told that the earth was created to be inhabited
andnodoubt the same is true of other habitable planets (Isa. 45:18; Eph. 1:3-
andnodoubt the same is true of other habitable planets (Isa. 45:18; Eph. 1:3-
ll;2:7;3:9-ll;Col.l:15-19;Rev.4:ll; 12:12; 13:6; Dan. 4:35). According to
astronomers, about one-tenth of the planets, which number into the millions, are
in a temperate zone and could sustain life Ages and dispensations

Age - revolution of time:

1 Age -defined .TheHeb. ethandGr. aiion_mean anyperiod of time whether

I long or short; time; season. In this sense

j there are numberless ages Qob 38:23;

: Eccl. 3:1-17; 7:17; 8:6; 9:12: Isa. 49t8;

i Dan.8:17,19,23; 10:1; 11:24,27,29,35,

! 40; 12:1,4, 7. 9,11; Eph^i 7: 3:5-6,21)

2 Past ages Oob8:8; Isa.45:21: Ezek. ■ 26:20; Lk. 1:70; Acts 3:21; 15:18; 1 I
Cot. 2:7; Eph. 3:5-6: Col. 1:26) I 3 Present age (Mt. 13:22.39-40: Mk.

I 4:19;Lk.l6:8; 20: 34; Rom. 12:2; ICor.

1:20; Gal. 1:4; 2 Tim. 4:10; Tit. 2:12)

4 Futiire ages (Mt. 12:31-32: Mk. 10: 30; Lk. 20:35; Eph. 1:21; 2:7; 3:21; 1 Tim.

5 Creative ages ( Gen. 1:1-2:25: Rom. 1:20; Eph. 3:9; CoL 1:15-18)

6 5 main ages in time:

(1) The ante-chaotic age - from the original creation (l:l)tochaos (1: 2), during
which time Lucifer ruled the earth in perfection, before he fell and caused the
earth to be made chaotic and flooded (L1-2; Isa. 14:12-14; Jer.4:23-
26;Ezek.28:ll-17;Lk.l0:18; 2 Pet. 3:5-8). This age took in all the period of the
dateless pa St, the original creations, Lucifer's reign in perfection (E-zek. 28:15),
the period of rebellion by Lucifer and pre-Adamites, the actual war between
heaven and earth, culminating in the defeat of Lucifer and his armies
astheyinvaded heaven Osa.14:12-14; Lk. 10:18), and the chaotic period on earth
astheyinvaded heaven Osa.14:12-14; Lk. 10:18), and the chaotic period on earth
after the defeat of Lucifer's kingdom (1:2; Jer. 4:23-26; 2 Pet. 3:5-8). These
periods were of unknown length, and could be called the Eternal Past (2) The
ante-diluvian age - from thebeginningof the 6 days of restoration of the heavens
and earth to-a second habitable state (1:3-2:25) to the flood of Noah'stime; or,
from theTlood of Lucifer (1:2) to the flood of Noah (6:8-8:14). This age
included the dispensations of I nn o c e n c e and Conscience - 1,656 years (5:1-
32) (3) The present or post-diluvian agefrom the flood ofNoah(6:8-8:14) tothe
Millennium (Rev. 19:11-20:7). Tins age takes in 4dispensations Human
Government, Promise, Law, and Grace - already over 4,505 years by 1960 A.D.

(4) The age to come - from the 2nd advent of Christ (Rev. 19:11-21) to the New
Heavens and New Earth (Rev. 21-22). This age will last 1,000 yean (Rev. 20:4-
10) (5) The age of the ages from the end of the Millennium (Rev. 20:4-10) into
all eternity to come whenGod will move His capital city from the planet heaven
to the planet earth to reign for ever and ever (Rev. 11:15: 21:1-22:5; Gen.
9:12,16; 17:1-8; 2 Sam. 7; Ps. 89; Isa. 9:6-7; Ezek. 43:7; Dan. 2:44-45; 7:13-14.
18. 27; Lk. 1:32-33; 1 Cor. 15:24-28). This could be called the Eternal Future
Dispensation - a moral time:

1 Dispensation defined. The word it-self is not in the O. T.. but is used 4 times in
the N.T. (1 Cor. 9:17; Eph. l:10;3:2;Col.l:25).Thisdoesnotmean that there were
nodispensations in the O.T. program anymore than it means there was no devil
in O.T. times simply because the word d evil is not used in Continued, next page



the O. T. The I.J. atkonomu mrjia an

gelic or bumJD hli Ume God dd> -

JccotUing ici

^>ooii';Il!v. ..

n»i nil


2 ? 'tJiurcj or c.ic>. Ji tpeoMdott

2 ? 'tJiurcj or c.ic>. Ji tpeoMdott

(4i I r« for le^Hxiable jgcoo V of God in ejch one v)f God in jcrompluhinj: nu ]
or; ^'k-

(7) Failure ol re^KXidblc jgents

(SI Judtunent of God upon rctpon-iiblc jgenis

('J) God'i providon of recooalia-tion for fallen Jiicnti

When iheK J points regarding cjch age Of di^>cnutioa are understood,

ibenGod'spIan (of man as J whole becomes clear. Eachdispensjuon has lu own
particular beginning and ending; each is charicteri^ied by distinctive principles
of i.od's dealings; e,ich has a favorable beginning: a definite test; and eacbcndi in
failure aixj judgnieni, except the linjl aivj eternal one. Nothing but confusion can
arise from reading certain meanings into scripture that do not apply to a
particular a^e. In each. God has a definite and different i m ro ediatepurpose .all
working toward the ultimate purpote of ridding the umverse of all rebellion so
that all free moral agents will be willingly and eternally subject to God. Christ,
and the Holy Ghost, as originally planned, with God all in all forever (1 Cor. li
24-28: Rev. 21-22) In one age there may be some pan that may apply lo another
age.but to force the purposes of God to be the same in every age would be to
distort %ripiure and confuse the understanding. One should study the history of
eacbperiodcarefully, and the prophecies given in each that predict some definite
change in God's dealings or plan to the ultimate end. One must harmooize all
passages with the whole plan of God. as revealed in all Scripture. Then, the
student can see from Cotftitandpoini the many purposes and plans for free nx^ral
agents who prove worthy of eternal trust (Eph. 2:7; 3:11) 3 BijJle divided
dispensation ally (1) The original creations (1:1)

(2) The chaotic earth (1:2)

(3) Restoration of earth (1:3-2:14)

(4) Dispensation of Innocence (2: 15-3:21) 22-8:14)

(5j :iispcnsation of Conscience (3: ('■') Dispensation of Human Government

(8:15-11:32) Ex.12:37)

(7) Dispensation of Promise (12:1-

(7) Dispensation of Promise (12:1-

(8) DIspcnsaaonofLaw(Ex,12:58-Mt. 2:23) Rev. 19:10)

(9) Dispensation of Crace(Mu3:l-(10) Dispensation of Divine Cov—

emmeat, or Millennium (Rev. 19:11-20:15)

(11 . i.T^-r^jtionof faithful Anaels and t : ed - the New t<e.ivens

and'. ;:...:he eternal perfect Hate

(Rev. 21:1-22:5). See 3 Of old dlspcn-satlonal plan of Cod , p. S3

J dispentauotu of Scripture:

There are only 7 main diipensaUans which we know as man's probationary

periods. In God's plan these come between 2 other periods - the dispensation of
Angels (the anie-chaoiic age) and thediipenutionof faithful Angels and the
Redeemed. All 9 have ) out-aanding features in common Dispensation of Angelt
Ante-chaotic age (1. l-2j

1 Name . We call it the dispensation of Angels, because angels, not men. were
given rulershlp under i^od to administer the will of God and rule the earth and
<)lher planets (lu. 14:12-14; E.:ek. 28:11-17: MU 26:41: Eph. 1:21: • 10: 6:12:
Col. 1:15-18: I Peu 3: -.. -ev. 12:7-10: 20:10)

2 Length - from the time the earth was created In the pmerx-r o' .inR<'ls Oob
38:4-7) to the Ume • J defeat of Satan In Ms invau eD(U2: Isa. 14:12-14: Ezck.
2S: 1; -17;

Lk. IOC 18)

3 Fivorablc bcajiwlni^ -cl,

deWH, an^^ man ofin ihr ;ies

" - : ^ith



- lys


inl IF

II- . . . .-14

picitse his exalted puduon. with everything pctlcct he had t roost favorable b c g
I n 01 n g and could have rauirJiKo remain thus had he not e«-n an effon 10
dethrcoe ■ 17; 1 Tim. ScC) ■» ' est. . m-test for angelic rulers was the same as
for man. lo be subject to ' *' •"' •^'- " " ihat He com-

■ XI to walk in ■' in—



gels, or

sinis tra^ . ,

as weirarnn.nTiTir~Tr4)~

5 Purpctse of ^'od. His purpose was to test angels to see if they would remain
iructoliim before usingIbem eternally as trusted servanis. For this same reason
God tested man. Mis purpose for testing being alike for all free moral and
re^Kiotible ageius. Satan and others failed because (hey abode not in ihctruth
0n-8:44:Eph.3:9-l0:1 Tim. 5:21; 1 In..'. --1 •• ■■P.-t.2:4:Judet^-7) 6 : 'plnhing
His pun - js He restnct-ed the angels to walk in as the means of testing them
(E/ek. 2& 15: Jn. 8:44; Eph. 3: J-10) 7 Faihue.Some angelic beings failed to
continue in the truth (Jn. 8:44) and the w ays L.od made clear to themfEzek.
28:11-17). Over 1 /3 rebelled, including Lucifer, whowill be cast down lu eanh
with (beother rebellious angels inthc middle of the future tribulation (Rev. 12:4,
7-12). God found It necessary to charge them with folly (Job 4: H), sin
(2Peu'2:4;)ude6-7),and rebellion( lsd. 14;12-14:Ezek.28:ll-17;Kev.l2:7-12) 8
ludgroent for an. God prepared hell for the devil and his angels" (Mt. 25:

41). Some are in hell now (2 Pet. 2:4: Jude 6-7). Lucifer and those still loose
41). Some are in hell now (2 Pet. 2:4: Jude 6-7). Lucifer and those still loose
with him will eventually be put into hell (Mt. 25:41: Rev. 12:7-1'2: 20:10).
Immediate judgment came by their defeat anJ God's taking away from them their
rulership (Isa. 14:12-14; Ezek. 28:11-17). They would not be pseudo-rulers 01
eaithnow if Adam.the new ruler of the earth, had not fallen and submitted to
them (3:1-24: Rom. 5:12-21: Eph. 2:1-3: 4:27; 6:12: 1 Jn. 5:13-19: Rev. l-2:9-
12». Man now, in Christ, has power over them (Eph,6:l0-18; Jas.4: 7; 1 Pet.5c 7-
9) and will eventually have the entire dominion restored to him (Ps. 8:
Dan.7:18.27; Heb. ■2:9-18: Rev. 5:10: 20:4-6; 22:4-6) '

9 God's provision of redemption. In what way (ckJ offered reconciliation to

angels,and how many availed themselves of His grace is not revealed. I his isdue
to the fact that the Bible is not a history of the creation,fall,judgment or
redemption of angels, as it is ofnian. •V haleverls said about angels, demons,
pre-Adamltcs, and other creatures not of the present race and creation on earth,is
limited tothat which is ncc-essarytoreveali.od's plan for man. In I Tim. 5:21 we
read of elect angels; and the term is no doubt used ill the i.ime sense as elect
rncn who are redeemed. We theTTconcTuire ihalangels did have some means of
grace and reconciliation, and that some are called elect because they became
reconciled. GoJTwho ii all good, has always given mercy to rebels of the human
race. at>d we can believe that He was just as merciful to angels, demons, and
pre-A Jamlie rebels, providing them with ' grace bcfltUng their nature ve
puxposcs. Among those

■'■■ ■"•■•vi > '!.-Jwhen

11 con--. Mnthc

that huri .ill be

' J. Since h ■ arc to

be piuuit«:d,wc conclude (hat angels, as well as men, have been given some
means of grace even though not by blood sacriflce Earth's Hm inful career

Lucifer was t( ■• exalted In

pride; and heai. . li< followers

wererhcflrM (oaticnipt (he overthrow

of (.>od's government. I'hcy were re-g>onflble for earth's first Mnful career.
of (.>od's government. I'hcy were re-g>onflble for earth's first Mnful career.
Mad they remained true to God there would have b id and chaos as tnc>en.l:2: <
ire, no need of

the C days I'l 11-- -a to restore the earth to a second habitable s(aie,and no need
for the creaUon of new land animals, flsh, fowls, and man (o rule (he planet
earth. Lucifer and (he pre-A da miles would have continued to live on (he earth
and carry out (he plan of dominion over the eanh now designed for man. The
entire Bible message is centered around (he comple(e redemption of man which
includes ridding (he earth of all rebellion, so that in the new heavens and new
earth, (he ori0nal state of the universal kingdom of c-od will be fully restored,
and God will be all and all eternally (I Cor. ISc 24-28: Eph. 1:10: Rev. 21-22)
Earth's second sinful career

When Adam rebelled the earth entered i(s second sinful career. In God's plan, we
are now nearing (he end of Adam's rebellion.God is soon (o send Jesus Christ
wi(hthe armies of heaven (odefeat the armies of Antichrist and $eiz<: (he
governments of (his world. This, He will do in one day (Zeeh. 14:7) and for the
express purpose of se(ting up a riRh(eous government on earth forever. 1 he first
I, 000 years of the eternal kingdom will be for the purpose of putting down all
rebellion so as (o restore God's sovereignly in all paru of (he universe as before
Lucifer and Adam rebelled (1 Cor. 15:24-28: Eph. l:10;Rev.21-22). Saints, (he
redeemed ones of the human race from the time of Adam to the 2nd advent of
Christ, will be (he fmure kings andprier-under God and Christ to reign over (he
dominion originally given to Adam(Ps. 8;I$a.9>6-7:Dan.'2:44-45: 7:13-14, 18,
27:Zech. 14: Lk. 1:32-33; Acts 15:13-18: 2 Th. 1:7-10: Jude 14-15: Rev. 1:5;
5:10: 11:15: 20:4-6: 2'2:l-5)

7 dispensations of man:
IntbeplanofGod the 7 dispensations of man are between the '2 eternities -(he
e(emal past and (hee(ernal future: and between the former restoration of the
earth in Cdays (1:3-2:25) and (he final restoration (Rev. 21-22) I Dispensation of

(2:15-3:21) Ante-diluvian age (L3-8:22)

1 Name , so-called because man was (ested and pu( on probation while in
innocence (2:8-25; a-7)
2 Leng(h - unknown.but judging from Satan's de J lings tod ay he (ried (oca use
the fall of man immedia(ely. The dispens-^tion may have lasted less (han a
week, for we have no record of God resting after His first s.ibbath. Man bad not
yet had lime to visit andeal of the tree of life when the fall came (3:22-24). The
dispensation ended before man had offspring ('2:21-25: 4:1) 3 Favorable
beginnina f 1:26-30: 2:8-24).Everything was periled,anless, and under man's
dominion, with just one command to obey (2:17) 4 Test - not (o eat of the (ree of
(he knowledge of good and evil ('2:16-17: 3:6)

5 HurposeofGod -to see if man would remain innocen(andbe true tohisrrusi

under (he most favorable and perfec( conditions possi bl e ('2; 16-1'0. God
wanied (o lea him before he had offspring, so thai if he sinned (he entire race
could be dealt with alike through the ume inearu of grace which offers
redemption to all who desire i(, and proniisi-i •■leriial segregation from rede, n
■ I y lor all who fail to seek rec fRom. 5:12-21) (' ' ■' " -• . His

gOiXj ..no V *ii, uiu liic i I-uij' 1 ,111 ,'iij of

Saian were (he means used in (esting man losee if be would remain true (2; 16-
17: 3:1-6: Roro. 5:12-21: 1 Tim. 2:11-15) '' P/'lurc - (he fall (3; I -24: Rom. 3:
23: 5:12-21: 1 Tim. 2:11-15)

7 aeps In man's fall

(I) Doubt ol i.od's .Vord(3:l) (2 ' ..'Jin^toand misquotina God's


' Jiciing Gods Word (3:4.

Cp.tieii. 18:4, 20-24; Rom. 6:16-23:

8:1-13: l<"T.tlP-n:€: t-lliral. ', 19-21:'

(4) (3:5)

(5) Temptation (o (r ansgxeM God's Word (3:6; 2 Cor.11:3; 1 TliTi.2: 14) 6)

((i) 1 ransgrcssion of (jod's Word (3:

(7) Results of tranmxessing t.od's Word(3:6-19;Rora.5:12-21; Jas.l; 13-15)

(7) Results of tranmxessing t.od's Word(3:6-19;Rora.5:12-21; Jas.l; 13-15)

What man lost In (he fall

(1) Spiri(ual, physical, and eternal life (lu. 5'>'2: Rom. 5 12-21; Kph. 2)

(2) Communion wiih(.od0u.5>.2)

(3) Fellowship with animals (9(2)

(4) His full dominion over all (hings (Ps. 8)

(5) Freedom froio Sa(an 0a. 14:30; 2 Cor. 4:4: Eph. 6:10-18: Rev. 12:9)

(6) Perfect God-consciousness (2: 25; 3:7) Rom. 7)

(7) Full power to do good (6:5-7:

(8) Perfect self-con' .C:GaL

(9) Right (o (ree of li 1) 5)

(10) Garden-home (.;.! ). >. ^.-24)

(11) God's glory (Roro. 3:23)

(12) Rigtneousness and (rueholinew (Epli.4:22-24) lPe(.2:24)

(13) Perfec(heal(h(3;16-19:M(.8:17:

(14) All benefits of perfect union with God (Rev. 21:1-7: 2-2:1-3)

8 Judgment for sin (3:14-19.23-24). Because ofhis dn man reaped sickness, pain,
sorrow, misery, condemnation, death,lou of soul, fellowship and union with
Satan and demons, an inferior position, power to do evil and be evil, a life of
self-gratification, unclean lusts and habits, unbelief, separation from God,
hardships, sufferings, hell, elemaldaronaQon.and other curses too numerous (o
mention. Hebecame depraved (Rom. 1), darkened (Eph. 4:18), blind in mind (2
Cor. 4:4), defiled in conscience (Heb. 10:22), obstinate and rebellious (Isa.
28:14: Rom. 8:1-13), lusrful (Eph. 2:1-3), evil continually (Gen. 6:5), full of
abominations Qei. 17:9; Mk. 7:19-21; Rom. 1:18-32: 1 Cor. 6: 9-ll:Gal. 5:19-
21:Col. 3:5-10) and lose making all his offspring, widi all (heir faculties,
21:Col. 3:5-10) and lose making all his offspring, widi all (heir faculties,
constituted anful by nature (Rom. 5:12-21:Eph. 2:1-3), and children of the devil
by choice and practice On. 8:44; 2 Cot. 4:4; Eph. 2:1-3: 1 Jn. 3:8-10)

6 great curses on creation:

(1) Upon the serpent (3:14-15)

(2) Upon Sa(an (3:15: Rom. 16:20)

(3) Upon woman (3:16)

(4) Uponman(il7-19;Rom.5:12-21)

(5) Upon earth (3:17-19)

(6) Upon all creation (3:14-19; Isa. 65:25: Rom. 8:19-23)

9 God's provision of redemption (3: 15-21. Cp. Isa. 53; Mt. 1:21; '26:'28: Eph.
1:7). God promised a Redeemer who would come and restore man's dominion

11 Dispensation of Conscience
(3:22-9:14) Ante-diluvian age (1:3-8:22)

1 Name . So-called because man was tested (o see if he would obey his own
conscience regarding righr and wrong (6:1-7: Rom. 2:12-16). There were no
writren laws. The 10-commandmen( law had not been given (o Adam in the
previous dispen$ation(note d.26:2XHis only law was not to eat ol (he tree of (he
knowledge of good and evil; and after being driven out of the garden he did not
even have th.it law (Rom. 5:12-!•*). See Conscience in Index. Thlsdis-pensation
could be called (he age of freedom , for man was free to do .is he pleased until i(
became necessary for God to interfere 2 Length - 1.656 years. from Adam's fall
to 6D0th year of Noa^(5:l-29: 7:6, "Hi

-' ' i ning -a new bcginnin. :th inhabitantshav—

ing.i ni.i-uj(;c o:(.>od,and a new covenant withGOd (3:14-1:26)

4 lest. Obedience (o (he dic(a(cs of conscience as(origh( and wrong (3:22: 4:7.
4 lest. Obedience (o (he dic(a(cs of conscience as(origh( and wrong (3:22: 4:7.
15: 6:1-7)

J) Purpose of ("tod . Mis purpose now, since man knew good and evil, was to
guide him in the proper exercise of his conscience to do the right and refuse
thewron- ' nman(ha(aa-lybyot >ndHlswiUhe could be restored to lis original do-
miiuon and ge( rid of (he curse: and to

Continued. nex( page


test man under freedom of conscience and without resuaint or compulsion to see
if he would voluntarily choose right from wrong, and give service to Him instead
of Satan. If voluntary righteousness was rejected, then God planned to add laws
and punishments to enforce obedience for man's own good.God wanted roan to
see that, in his fallen state, he could not choose the best good of being and of the
universe, in himself, and that he was powerless to cope with the innumerable
fallen angels and demons whom he had now entered into voluntary union with
through sin, and who sought his eternal damnation. God wanted man to b e
brought to helplessness in himself so that he would tum to Him for help, grace,
and power against sin, Satan, fallen angels, demons, sickness, and suffering in
lie struggle to overcome thecurse. He wanted man to know that He was the only
true friend and helper, and that only through Him was there a way out of sin and
the curse, and an opportunity for restoration to original dominion 6 Means
ofGod in accomplishing His purpose. The conscience, freedom of the will,
without restraint and compulsion to choose the right or wrong, and the malice of
the devil were all the means ofGod to bring man to a place of uner dependence
upon Him for help and redemption from the curse. The conscience demonstrated
how exceedingly sinful man would become if he chose evil instead of good; the
full freedom of action demonstrated how far man would go in his rebellion
against God before it would be necessary for Him to Interfere for the good of
His own eternal plan; and the malice of Satanic forces demonstrated the contrast
between the two masters whom roan might serve while on probation. Such
freedom o f the wiU and conscience was what man chose in the fall; and soGod
permitted him to go to the full limit of wickedness that he might leam the folly
of his own choice, and that all coming generations might profit thereby 7 Failure
- 6fold (4:1-8:7):

(1) Failure of Adam (6:3, notes)

(2) Failure of Cain(4:1-16, notes)

(3) Failure of Cain's descendants (4:17-24,notes) 25-5:32, notes)

(4) Failure of Seth'sdescendants(4:

(5) Failure of thedaughtetsof men, who sinned with fallen angels seeking to do
away with pure Adamite stock through whom the seed of the woman was to
come (6:1-7, 11-13, notes) (6) Failure of all men in general (4: 1-26; 6:1-7; 7:1;
Mt. 24: 37-39; Lk. 17: 26-27; lPet.3:20;2Pet.2:4-5). Seel2 conditions ofNoah's
day, p.201 ofN.T.

8 Judgment for sin - the flood of Noah (6:8-8:14;Mt.24:37-39; lPet.3:18-21)

9 God's provision of redemption . His grace and mercy in sparing roan to liave
another chance and to continue in God's eternalplanforhira on the earth (6:8-22;
7:1; 1 Pet. 3:18-21). and preservation of clean animals for sacrifice so as to
continue faith in the coming Redeemer (7:2; 8:20-22) were provisions of
redemption for man after the flood. Men in those days were actually saved by
grace through faith in the coming Redeemer, as we are now saved bygrace
through faith in the Redeemer who has already come (6:8; Heb. 11; Eph, 2:8-9)
III Dispensation of Human Government


Present oi post-diluvian age

(Gen. 8:15-Rev. 19:10)

1 Name . So-called because human laws and human government wete instituted
to regulate man's life after a long age of freedom of-conscience.God now gave
Noah certain laws to govern the race by; and man was held responsible for self-
government The first civil laws since Adam

(1) Be fruitful, multiply, and replenish the earth (9:1, 7)

(2) Rule over animals (9:2)

(3) Allow animal food, instead of grains, herbs, vegetables only (9:3)

(4) Eat no blood of animals (9:4)

(4) Eat no blood of animals (9:4)

(5) Do not murder (9:6)

(6) Execute men who muider(9:6)

(7) KeepMycovenanteternally(9: 8-17)

Some of these laws have formed the basis of human laws in all ages since. It is
necessary to punish criminals, individuals, and nations (Rom. 13:1-6; lPet.2:13-
14);hence.law enforcement is needful as well as war under cenain circumstances
- when nations become criminal asa. 11:4-9; 65:20-25; Dan. 2:21; 4:17-25; 5:21;
7:1-25:8:20-25; 9:24-27; 11:2-45; Zech. 14; Rev. 19: 11-21) Human
govemmetKs are part of the moral government of God and are needed for the
preservation of human society on earth. Without law enforcement and
punishments no government could long endure. The chief aim of moral and civil
government is the highest good of all. Civil and family governments are
necessary in securing this end. It is the duty of all people to help establish,
maintain, support, and take part in human government for the preservation of
society 2 Length - from Noah's flood to the call of Abraham when75-years-old -
in all, 427 years (11:10-32; 12:5)

3 Favorable beginning. Man was rich in experience and wisdom, had true
worship, new laws, new covenant, promises of blessing, dominion of the earth,
and responsibility to rule himself forever (8:15-9:17) 4 Test . To obey the laws
of human government, rule faithfully, punish criminals, consecrate to God and
worship Him (8:20-9:17) 5 Purpose of God. To test man under a new standard of
conduct. He had failed to live right without laws and restraint by punishment of
civil rulers, now he wasforced toobeythe rightand reject the wrong (9:1-7) 6
Means of God in accomplishing His purpose. V ari ous laws of hum an gov em -
ment were given and government was established by God, with man now being
responsible to rule for the good of all 7 Failure - 4fo ld (9:18-11:9):

(1) Failure of Noah (9:20-24)

(2) Failure of Ham (9:22-27)

(3) Failure of the daughters of men at the second eruption of fallen angels in
their efforts to do away with pure Adamite stock through whom the seed of the
woman wastocome (9:1-6; 11: 1-9; 6:1-4, notes) (4) Failure of men in general.
Instead of scattering abroad on the earth according to God's repeated command
for men to "be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth" (Gen. 1:28; 8:17;
for men to "be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth" (Gen. 1:28; 8:17;
9:1). men united in an ungodly fashion (11:1-9). Pride, self-giatification, and
hero-worship became prevalent in this age. Seecom-ments on Nimrod and his
rebellion (note n. 10:8; p. 309ofN.T.) (8) ludgement for sin . During this
dispensation God confused and multiplied the languages of men. This forced
them to scatter abroad over all the face of the earth before it was divided (Gen.
11:1-9). Then, about 340 years after the flood. He divided the earth's land mass
into continents and islands—just as we find it today (Gen. 10:25; 1 Chr. 1:19).
This resulted in a far more effective and permanent separation of the different
peoples. Furthermore, it explains how the American Indians and various other
races came to be in different parts of the earth 9 God's provision of redemption.
It was faith in the coming Redeemer and the gospel, and sacrifices typifying
these truths (8:20; 12:8:Gal. 3:8; Heb, 4:2) IV Dispensation of Promise

(12:l-Ex. 12:37)

Present or post-diluvian age

(Gen, 8:15-Rev. 19:10)

1 Name . So-called because of the promises and covenants made with Abraham
and his seed. In this period God began to predict and emphasize the coming of
the seed of the woman tobe through a particularbranch of the race. There had
been a few predictions before, as in 3:15; 4:25; 9:24-27, but now Abraham's seed
was designated as the special line through whom Christ should come.In this age
many promises and predictions were made to this end (12:1-3; 17:7-8,19; 18:18;
21:12-13; 22:17; 26:3-4; 28:3-4, 13-15; 35:11-12; 49:10) I 2 Length - from
Abraham's call at 75

years of age to the exodus from Egypt -430years(Ex. 12:40;Gal. 3:14-17).See

twte o, 15:13

3 Favorable beginning. God now began to deal with a special branch of the race
(Abraham's seed) in the fulfillment of His plan. Not only did He promise that the
Messiah shonld come through them, but that the promised la nd would be given
to them eternally, asabasefor world missionary and governmental operations
(12:1-3, 7; 13: 14-18; 15:18-21; 17:7-19),and thatthe revelation ofGod should
come through them(12:l-3; 15:13-21; 17:l-21;Rom. 3:1-2; 4:1-25: 9:4-5; Gal.
3:8; Heb. 11:8-19) 4 Test. For Abraham and his seed the test was to have faith in
God .obey Him, remain segregated from all other nations, and evangelize the
God .obey Him, remain segregated from all other nations, and evangelize the
world (12:1-3; 15:4-6; 17:1-21; 26:3-4; 28:13-15) 5 Purpose ofGod. To choose
one roan through whom Messiah should come, to use him and his seed as His
representatives in the earth, and to give them C anaan as a base of operation
concerning Hisprogram amongmenin the gospel and in government eternally.
The second eruption of the sons of God among men had already begun and
giants werebeingbom. They were beginning to possess the very land God had in
mind for His own headquarters on earth (12:6).ItbeingHisplan to use the sword
of Israel to destroy these giants so as topreserve a pure line for Messiah to come
through, God allowed Abraham's offspringtobecomeagreat and mighty nation
down in Egypt.It was His further purpose toshow the heathen, through Abraham,
the difference between serving Him and other gods, and to make Israel an
example to all men physically, mentally, morally, spiritually, and financially, as
a nation enjoying theblessings of the trueGod, so that others should be won to
Him by suchbenefits.Neverwasthepurpose of God expressed more fully atrd
clearly to any people; and never before did a nation have intheir power such
means of blessing all nations and bringing about universal peace, prosperity, and
eternal salvation as Israel (12:1-3; 15: 4-6; 17:1-21; 26:3-4; 28:13-15; GaL 3:8-
14; Dt. 7:6-9) 6 Means ofGod in accornplishing His purpose. The call ofGod, the
covenants and promises.and the personal dealings of God were His means in
fulfilling His plan withlsrael(12:1-3; 17:l-21;Roro. 2:1-2; 9:4-5) 7 Failure - 5fold
(12:l-Ex. 12:40):

(1) Failure of Abraham (11:31-12: 6; 12:10-20; 16:1-16; 17:18; 20:1-18)

(2) Failure of Isaac (26:6-35; 27: 1-4)

(3) Failure of Jacob (25:27-34; 27: 1-33; 31:1-42; 33:14; 37:3)

(4) Failure ofthe sons of Jacob (37: 4-6; 38:1-30)

(5) Failure of Israel after the death of Jacob and sons (Ex. 2:11-14; 5:21)

8 Judgment for sin (Ex.1: 7-6:30).The judgment upon Israel was bondage in
Egypt " thebeginning of oppression by Gentiles to be carried on eventually by 8
world kingdoms. See 8 mountain kingdom s and Israel, p. 311 of N.T. and The
tiroes of the Gentiles, p. 873. The judgment upon Egypt was the 10 plagues. See
p. 110

9 God's provision of redemption. Israel had the gospel (Gal. 3:8; Heb. 4:2) and
the typical program of sacrifices which, in shadow, taught them of redemption
the typical program of sacrifices which, in shadow, taught them of redemption
through the Messiah (Ex. 12; 25:1-40:38; Lev. 1:1-10:20; 23:1-44) V
Dispensation of Law (Ex. 12:38-Mt. 2:23) Present or post-diluvian age (Gen.
8:15-Rev. 19:10)

1 Name. So-called because of the law given to Moses, which became part ofthe
rule of faith and practice during the period between Moses and Christ. Men
ofthis dispensation had the gospel also (Gal. 3:8; Heb. 4:2) 2 Length from the
exodus from Egypt to the preaching of the kingdom of Heaven by John the
Baptist, or from Moses to Christ - 1, 718 years or more (Mt. 11:12-13; Lk.
16:16) as follows (1) From the exodus to the entrance into Canaan, 41 years:

A Over a year at Sinai(Nuro. 10: 11-12)

B 40 years of wandering in wilderness (Num.14:33-34; 32:13; Dt.2:7; 8:2-4;

29:5: Josh. 5:6; Acts 7:23-42; 13:18; Heb. 3:9, 17)

(2) From the entrance into Canaan to the reign of Saul, over 520 years: (Number
of years) A Joshua in Canaan Gosh. 14: 7; 24:29) 30

B Elders who outlived Joshua

audg.2:7-3:7) ?

C 1st servitude (Judg.3:7-8).... 8 D Othniel, 1st judge Oudg. 3:

9-11) 40

E 2nd servltude Qudg.3:12-14).. 18 F Ehud, 2nd judge Oudg.3:15—

20) 80

G 3rdjervitude(Judg.3:31) ?

H Shamgar,3rdjudge{Judg.3:31),? 1 4ihservitude Oudg.4:1-3)... .20 I Deborah

and Barah, 4th and

5thjudges0udg.4:4-5:31)... 40 K 5th servitude( Judg.6:1-IO)... 7 L


8:32) 40

M Abiroelech,7thjudge(Judg.
M Abiroelech,7thjudge(Judg.

8:33-9:57) 3

N Tola,8thjudge0udg.l0:l-2)..23 O Jair,9thjudgeOudg.10:3-5).. 22 P 6th

servitudeO udg.lQ: 6-18).. 18 Q Jephthah,10thjudge(Judg.ll: 1-12:7) 6

R Ibson,llthjudgeOudg.l2: S Elon,12thjudge(Judg.l2;

12) 10

T Abdon,13thjudge0udg.l2:13-15) 8

U 7th servitudeC Judg. 13:1) 40

V Saroson,14thjudge0udg.l3: 2-16:31) 20

W Civil warOudg.n: 1-21:25).. ? X EU,15thjudge(lSam.4:l,

15-18) 40

Y Samuel,16thjudgej(l Sam.4:

1,15-18; 7:2-15; 8:1-5) _40

Total 520

The 450 years "until Samuel the prophet" of Acts 13:19-21 began perhaps with
the 1st servitude of point c, and continued through the time of EU as the 15th
judge and the one just before Samuel (points X and Y).Periods for which dates
are not mentioned in Scripture were evidently not taken into consideration in
Acts 13:19-21; and they are left unspecified in the above list. For this reason we
say the period in point (2) was over 520 years, and the whole length of the
dispensation o f Law was 1,718 years or more (3) From Saul t_o the Babylonian
captivity, over 513 years:

Reign of: (Number of years)

A Saul(Actsl3:21) 40

B David (2 Sam. 5:4) 40

C SolomonaKi.il:42) 40

D Rehoboam,after the kingdom

was divided (1 Ki.l4:21) 17

Rulers of Judah

E Abijam(lKi.l5:2) 3

F Asa (IKi.15:10) 41

G Jehoshaphat(lKi.22:41-42). 25

H Jehoram (2 Ki.8:16-17); 8

1 Aha ziah (2 Ki.8:25-26) 1

J AthaUah(2Ki.U;3) 6

K Joash (2 Ki.12:1) 40

L Amaziah(2Ki.l4:l-2) 29

M AzariahorUzziah(2Ki. 15:

1-2) 52

N Jotham(2Ki.l5:33) 16

0Ahaz(2Ki.16:1-2) 16

P Hezekiah, 6 years, before and 23 after the 10-tribe captivity

(2 Ki.18:1-2) 29

Q Manasseh(2Ki.21:l) 55

R Ammon(2Ki.21:19) 2

S Josiah (2 Ki.22:1) 31
T Jehoahaz,only3months(2Ki.

23:31 -33)

U Jehoiakim*(2ki.'2'3:3*6').".*.'. H V Jehoiachin, only 3 months (2

Ki. 24:6-16)

W Zedekiah{2Ki.24:18) JA

Total 513

The480-yearperiod ending with the 4th year of Solomon's reign (spoken of in 1

Ki. 6:1) began with the entrance of Israel intoCanaan and excluded the 111 years
of servitude and 3 years of confusion underAbimelech. It was the whole period
of Israel's security as a nation free from servitude and civil strife, up to that time
in Solomon's reign (4) From thebeginning of the Babylonian captivity through
the restoration to Neheroiah's day in the 20th year of Artaxerxes, 164 years:
(Number of years)

Continued, next page



A B«byloal«oc«ptlvliya«.2& U-i::2a!0i 70

B STriu^T^.-'.'. - ,. -..._3li» 3.: i

CCyi. j:ifF;ti l;l-4i 3:8;lu.4 9

D Cainbyx mu{ta» St 1-6:22) 1

I Dariui 1 orpcorineMaory (Ezi*5cl-6 J?) 35

F Xcrxei, thC'tthUnftofD*!!. lLl-3. 21

C AmKei»ei(Neh..: 1-191...20

Totil Ui
(Kelgalog ycjri of the Medo-Peniin ktotti above arc (huie ^ven in the
EncyclopcdU BrltaniUca)

(S) From the Uroe of restocatloo ftoni Babylon to the prcachltifl of the tdngdom
by Jolui the Baptist was 460 years which, added to totali of othcf pertodi above
make the 1,718 years or more in thisdispcntatioo. We arrive at the fltiure 480
years from a Kudy of Pan. *24-26 which speaks of 7 wccka andO'2 weeks (or a
total of 69'Kveas~). which would be 483 years to uke place from
thecommandrrent to resore Jo-ruulemtothe crucifixioo. Since John announced
the kingdom about 3 years before the crucin<don, we subtract thocc 3 yean to
fittd the approximaie length of this dispensation. Sec The 70 weeks, p. 877

SCrrZ: Althov^h the official length of the dispensation of Law was iBitli John
(Mt. 11:13; Lk. 16:16). there was a period of transidoa afterward, during which
dme Israel officially rejected Christ, the nation was abandoned (Mt. 23:39),
judgment took place at the crois when the law was abolished (CoL 2: 14-17) and
Isael was destroyed as a nation (in 70 A. D. ) and survivors were icattcted among
the nations (Lk. 21: 20-24) 3 Favorable beginning. Not rince the fall of roan had
any people expeil-CQced a more favorable beginning than Israel at the
bcginninB of the dispensation of Law.Theysaw the power of God in agns and
wonders in Egypt and the wilderness. (Remade peraonal appearances to them
(Ek. 24:9-11; Josh. 5:13-IS); and spoke with an audible voice (Dt. 5:2'2-
24),There were viable manifestations of Ills presence day and night (Ex. l*i 19-
21). Cod took sickneM from Ivael (Ex, 15:26: 23:25; Ps. 105c 37: 107:20): gave
them the riches of Egypt (Ex. 12:35: Ps. 105:37); gave them revelations and a
complete code of laws; made covenants with them: and gave them the go^>el
(Gal. 3:3; Heb. 4:2) 4 Tett. To obey the law of Motes in every deuil (Ex. 19:8;
24 3. 7)

5 Purpose of GckJ . Totest Isaeltosee If they would obey Him; to begin a

commonwealth of nations headed by Isacl and governed by men of His own
choice; to establish a visible system of warship that would picture the coming
redemptive truths in every detail; to bring about the complete destruction ofthe
giant racesby the sword of Isael to as to bring the Mesdah Into the world through
pure Adamite stock (at predicted In Gen.3:15): toglve Israel His complete
revelation for the whole human race which, according to Hit
promisetoAbrahani,Iuac, and Jacob, would make them a blcsiing to all nations
The entire O. T, was wrlnen in this dispenutlon. C'Od'i purpose in giving the law
was that the whole world might become guilty before lUro atvJ every mouthbe
«opped (Vom. 3:1 9-2U; 4; 15; 5tl3: 7:5-14; '.al. 4:21-31: il). The law was a
«opped (Vom. 3:1 9-2U; 4; 15; 5tl3: 7:5-14; '.al. 4:21-31: il). The law was a
shadow of good things to come and was added ^•••' <ii^ •<< n ins-gxcssion until
the ser Mt.
6 From Dan. 2:44-45; 7:13-14, 18, 22-27; Rev. 11:15 and odier scriptures we
learn t.-at all kingdoms of dus world will become the kingdoms of God and of
Christ. No passage even hints that these kingdoms will be made up entirely of
bom-again people or that the new birth is the necessary qualification for
continuing to live on the earth after God sets up His kingdom among men.
\v'hatwedo read of these kingdoms is that there will be sinners here at that time
(65:20), men wiU need to be judged and rebuked (2:2^; 11:3-5; Mic. 4:3),
kingdoms diat wUl not submit will be destroyed (60: 12), men will still need the
gospel of salvation (11:9; 52:7), diey will sail disobey ( Zech, 14:16-21), there
wiU be enemies here to put down (1 Cot. 15:24-28), and that the final act of
putting them down and bringing aU things to the complete obedience of God
wiU take place at the end of die 1,000 years (Rev. 20: 7-10) 7 Zech. 8:23 speaks
of heathen submitting be cause of hearing about God reigning in Zion-when
Jewish missionaries go out from Zion and Jerusalem to win them (cp. 52:7). This
indicates the entrance of sinners into the Milleruvium from a previous age 8
From Zech. 14:16-21 we learn that the people whoare left on earth after
Armageddon(not those bom in die Millennium after this battle) vdU be required
to obey the government arxl send representatives to Jerusalem year by year-or be
punidied. If all these were to be bom-again people there would be no question of
obedience and no threat of punishment 9InlCor. 15:24-28; Eph. 1:10; Rev. 20:'
-10 it is clear tiiat there will be enemies here throughout the entire 1,000 years;
so we must coiKlude diat thoseat the very first of the period will be sinners who
have entered the Millennium from a former age. The purpose of Christ's reign
will be to put these enemies luider His feet. The final conquering will take place
at the end of the 1,000 years, when Saun leads a final rebellion against God,
accompanied by all the sinners who .:ave lived through the Millennium 35
commands in Zechariahf Zech. 1:3):

1 Turn you unto Me (1:3)

2 Be not as your fathers (1:4)

3 Cry yet saying (1:17)

4 Run, speak to this young man (2:^

5 Deliver yourself, O Zion (2:7)

6 Sing and rejoice, O dau^ter of Zion (2:10)

7 Be silent, O all flesh, before die Lord (2:13)

8 Take away the filthy garments from him (3:4)

9 Let mem set a fair mitre upon his head (3:5)

10 Hear now, O Joshua the high priest, you and your fellows (3:8)

11 Lift upyoiu eyes now, and see what is this that goes fcath (5:5)

12 Get you hence, walk to and fro through the earth (6:7)

13 Take of them of the captivity , which are come from Babylon, and come the
same day, and go into the house of Josiah (6:10) 14 Take silver and gold and
make crowns, and set them on the head of Joshua die high priest (6:11) 15 Speak
unto him saying (6:12)

16 Speak unto aU the people of die land, and to the fxiests (7:5)

17 Execute true judgment (7:9)

18 Show mercy and compassions every man to his brother

19 Oppress not die widow, the fatherless, the stranger, nor die poor (7: 10) 20
Let none of you imagine evil against his brother in his heart

21 Let your hands be strong, you that hear My prop^iets these days (8:9)

22 Speakevery man truth to his neighbor (8:16)

23 Execute j udgm ent of truth and peace in your gates

24 Let none ofyou imagine evil in your hearts against his neighbor (8:17)

25 Love no false oath

26 Rejoice greaily, O daughter of Zion (9:9)

27 Shout, O daughter of Jerusalem

28 Turn to the stronghold, you prisoners of hope (9:12)

28 Turn to the stronghold, you prisoners of hope (9:12)

29 Ask you rain of die Lord in the time of the latter rain (10:1)

30 Open your doors, O Lebanon (11:1)

31 Howl, fir tree (11:2)

32 Feed the flock of the slaughter (11:^

33 Cast it unto die potter (11:13)

34 Take unto you yet the instruments of a fooUsh shepherd (11:15)

35 Awake, sword, against My shepherd, and against the man that is My fellow
(13:7) 10 visions of Zechariah (Zech. 1:8):

1 Spirit horses and riders - invisible agencies of God (1:7-17)

2 The 4 horns-Gentile powers, or kings that have scattered Judah , Israel, and
Jemsalem (1:18-19) 3 The 4 carpenters-Gentile powers or kings that have
scattered Judah


(1:20-2!) A Man with j measuring Unc -rettura -

tioeot Judah,Ui<cl, and jcmialcir)

undH tbc UemUh (2:1 -13) S loikna diehisbpdctt andS«un-ibc

Briaohorxl r.-ftorpd to bracl aod

fimn ^ :l-7)

SJodaw, „ -^ anJ iod'i Kf—

v«lM, the b: Sione—

conUns o( ' iu reign

7 The 2 Roldcn randl«'«dclii and 2 r. 1 sund -I . die 2 wmieiH'S 14:1 -14; ^.t•v.

8 TheflylngjcroU-judiimcnt on the wicked for Jlns (":' '■'

9 Women in an edt. iing and restoration of sa:,...„,. ^^:^-ll)

10 Tbe4duriotsand spirit hones-invisible agencies of God (6:1 -8)

Dispersion of Israel (Zech. 2:6) I have scattered you In all lands and among all
peoples as the four winds blow In all p.:r- • -h ■ earth (v 6). This was in : of Dt,
4:27: 28:64 and otJi^. ....„.: scriptures of the O. T. as well as some in me N, T.
(Uc 21:20-24). Since this nroniu. v the Jews have been cstabli;'! they went Into
sin again, i ■ (heir Messiah, and had to be scattered another time. It is frcm this
second scattering that they are now being gathered. They will continue to be
gathered until the 2nd advent of Christ; then the final ones will be brought back
toifaeirown land to live forever under the reign of Christ (Ua. 11:10-12, notes;
Mt. 34:31) For His own gloty (Zech. 2:8) This could read. For His own gtory. or
as the Sept. reads, "He behind glory sent Me'against (he nations that plundered
you. The Messiah is the one speaking here for the Lord of hosts , ajod the one
teferred to as I and Me. He tells Israel that the Lord of hosts hath sent Mc
unto(against) the nations (Gentiles)^}iich spoiled you: for he that touchethyou
toucneth the apple of His (the Lord of host's) eye... I (Messiah) will shake My
hand upon'Siem, and they shall be a spoil to thcuser«nts: and you shall know that
the Lord of hosts hath sent Me (v 8-11) Judah rejoicing (Zech. 2:10) Judah and
Zion, meaning all the tribes of Israel in ihc future restoration, are commanded to
sing and rejoice, for the Messiah has come to dwell in the midst of them. It is
Christ, and not God, the Father, who will dwell in the midst of Israel, in
Jerusalem, and in the holy temple of the Millennium (Ezek. 43:7; 4fi:35: Dan,
7:13-14; Zech. 14; Lk. 1:32-33; Rev. 11:15; 20:1-10). God, tJtt Father, will not
come to live in the midst of men on earth until He movesHis capital city, the
New Jerusalem, from the planet heaven to the planet earth after the Millennium
(Rev. 21:1-22:Q. Then , all three members of the Divine Trin-ity will live on
earth among men eternally Mountains of brass f Zech. 6:1) These mounuins
were evidently some on ifae planet heavei;,' agnone like them oo earth. L .i -.

areioeeuofgold,gdu. j.j><.a(Ls, and foundatiofugamiihedwith all manner of

precious stones, in heaven, it may reafonably be assumed that (here arc alsoasme
mountains of brass, as well as silver and gold (Rev. 21:9-21). There is no reason
mountains of brass, as well as silver and gold (Rev. 21:9-21). There is no reason
tor making these mounuins, horses, and chariots sym • bolic; if they were
rcprcscnuUvc of something the symbolism would be explained asm the otlicr
visions. Iiis evident that here we have a revelation of such literal creatures being
in existence-spirit beings who go to and fro through the whole earth tt God's
vcouls. It seems they travel from heaven to earth and back again wlicnrvcr
occasion re<iulrc$ it at in the case of the chariot, horses, and horsemen which
took Elijah to heaven (2 Ki. 2: 11), and those which protected EUsha (2Ki. C:14-
17) RcbuildinRol the temple (Zech. 6:12) Ezekieldevoted9full chapters to t!ie
subject of the rebuilding of the millennial ti-"-' ■ , •'"- anctuary, the holy obla:: :
isalem, as they wiU be wl..,. :... ..jh reigns (Ezek.

40:5-48:35): but Ik did not rc\ralt>iio tile ■ • ■ • ■ ■ . • ' -.riah 15 s . riit I

..;urc ;

will not

'; Jerusa-

, whot^ll

jfi, for

thathou the

, ;r\iL J. . , .akc

. :n—

coi ^i. 14:1-5).

Th«. -e will not be

bui 't of Christ to

ul^i ^ . of this world

(v 12 1-; : c\. ii:iJ)

O ld 3gf (Zech. 8:4) Thismu ■ tood in a figurative

sense a: . . to long life, and

not lakei; to nicj.-i thai men and women will be so feeble that they will

■' : . " ^ t is

this i. . . «1 u it-a j' Like an

har', Jo not sin and rc—

beUi .;^., ...iy (v 4-5; Isa. 33:

24; 35:5-7; 65:20-25; Mt. 25:34,46). F.ir -hovr who do not rebel, and who and
worthy of entrance into . earth after the Millennium, tlicrc will be no more death,
tears, pain, suffering, of any other part of the curse which causes men to grew
old and feeble (Rev. 21:2-7; 22:1-5) 4 fails of Israel (Zech. 8:19):

1 Fastof the9thdayof the4th monL. (Tammuju July). On that day die city of
Jerusatcm was broken up by Nebu-chadnez2ar (Jcr. 52:6-7) 2 Fast of the 10th
day of the 5th mondi (Ab . August). On that day the temple and houses of
Jerusalem were burned (Jet. 52:12-13) 3 Fast of the 3rd day of the 7th month
(Tigi. Of Ethanim. October), the day CcHaUah wasslain (Jer. 40:8; 41:1-3, 15-
lS) 4 Fast of die 10th day of the 10th month (Tebedi, January), the day the king
of Babylon set tiis face against Jerusalem (Ezek. 24:1-2) Note that all of these
facts had to do withcalamity upon Judah and Jerusalem-not one was in honor of
God, to serve Him. For this reason He told them that they did not fast unto Him,
but for themselves (7:5-C). Regardless of this however, the Lord predicted here
that even these fasts would be blessed and filled with joy and gladness when He
fully restored Jerusalem and the nation. Such fasts commemorating their
calamities would then be a joyful time because of the wonderful blessings upon
them in the days of their Messiah 2 chinas all naoons can do (2U:ch.8:21): 1
Pray to the Lord in Jerusalem (v 21 -22; 14:16-21; Isa. 2:2-4)

2 Seek the Lord (v 21-22)

These arc the two main things which God has sought to bring to pass on earth
from the earliest times of man's rebellion. It will have taken Him over 6,000
years to accompli^ His plan regarding this matter by the time these
predictionsare fulfilled. There will be some rebels in the Millennium who will
not choose to serve God, so Satan will be looted at the end of that per • iodtogive
them tJi' :ty they desire; he will lead-. attempt
them tJi' :ty they desire; he will lead-. attempt

to overthrow the governiiieni and take over the earth again. But theirs will be a
vain hope, for they will be defeated and destroyed (Rev. 20:7-10). In the new
earth, t! ihc millennial period wh. to live Inai: . to come, «jii be willing ' >odand
will honor and

worv ' ' ' . ' .lie

if -i all

(Isa.os..__ _-.. . ..... ....... ... ..ph.

1:10; Rev. 21:3-7; 22:1-5)

In tho»c t. .. is

reigning and it wiii become known in

all parr-of thr world, .-vrr. in the re-

>n, that

, this will

be 1.' :iations.

The: in the

■■H-cn lid

l..f, ■ . - uiat of

pco whether

cW i. ...., ii iKi. '•' J' 1 -"-"1 (v 23;

14:lo-21:Isa. 2:2-«: Mit.

liV- ■ ■ • • • •'■•• '

n dull b<
n dull b<



wc ■ , '"''


re....:- ;.-(14:)-21;lsa. 11:15; 30:1-.

and maybe years to est.. ini—

versal reign fully, bri.., mto

submission to it, have Uie iaws published and Uuglic to the people of the whole
earth, and to bt\nn J}out uni -versal peace and prosperity. The nur-poscof^the
1,000-year reign of Ctirist will be to put all enemies down anJ torid the entire
earth of its last rebels. This much we can rely upon, that the change will be made
as quickly as possible, that wars and banles will be avoided wherever they can
be, that much will be accomplished by miraculous powers being demonstrated in
the hcalingof the heathen and other -wise winning them over by the gospel
program, and that Christ's rule will DC one of patience and as much peace as
possible until the plan of God is fully realized and all rebels are destroyed (Isa.
C5:20; 1 Cot. 15:24-28; Eph. 1:10; Rev. 11:15; 20:1-10) 2 dispersions of Isarel (
Zech. 10:9): Thishas been done twice in the past-once when they were taken to
Babylon (2 Ki. 2o), and another time when Rome led them a way captive among
all nations(Lk. 21:20-24). It was predicted here that they would finally
remember God in aU countries where they lived with their children; and when
they would return to their own land (v 9). They were to be brought again to Pal-
esUne-gathered from all parts of the earth. In the complete fulfillment of this
diere would be 30 many returning that there would be no room to receive them
(v 10). This certainly suggests a great boom in Palestine and the East when the
Messiah reigns. In that time there will be a spiritual revival and men will walk
up and down in the name of the Lord, giving glory to Him (V 12)
ISdityophecyln Zech. (Zech. K):l-12) 27 predictions-unfulfilled:

1 The Lord will make bright clouds, and give rain to every one grass in the field
(10:1) 2 My anger was kindled againt the shepherds a0:3)

3 Ipuniaied die goats

3 Ipuniaied die goats
4 The Lord has made lidah as a goodly horse in the battle

5 They shall be as mighty men (10:5)

6 Ihey shall fight because the Lord is with them

7 The riders on horses shall be confounded

8 I will sDengihen the house of Judah (10:6)

9 I will save the house of Joseph

10 I will bring them again to place them 111 will have mercy upon them

12 They shall be as though I had not cast them off

13 I will heat them

14 They of Ephraim ihall be like mighty men (10:7)

15 Their heart shall rejoice as through wine

16 Their children shall see it and be glad Lord

17 Their heart shall be glad in the

18 IwiUhiss for t em andgatherihcm

19 They iiall increase ai they have increased (10:8)

20 They iiall remember Me In far countries and shall Live with their children
and oirr; '.•-— '"trg) 21 I will bring th ■ .tofmany co'H.rr,, ; . ,i . . .._., ,.,„ be
found for 2. . -Jirough the sea with

affUcuon, and smite the waves of die sea (10:11) up

23 All the deeps of the river stiall dry

24 The pride of Assyria slull be brought down

25 TTie ?rcptrr of Ejtypt *»I1 depart

26 I w: . the Lord

27 Tlk J down in His name (iUiiiig

17th aqd law rronhery ir /xrh. (12: 1-14:21. Onls ~~ led)



My shcp-

.; Ill -iiau r>t sniuieii

nsom stone for all people (1'.^:

_ lorse

WltJ. : •, :uJ.i:..- h! (i2:-l> 5 I will smite his rider w.th madness C I will open My
eyes upon the house of Judah

7 Iwii' ■■.— ■• -■ • •' people (di>

8 1 hi ly in their h' --.isa -

lem sh.1.. ... ..... „_. ... _.^ Lord


9 In that day I will moke the gover -nors of Judah like an hearth of fire among
the wood, and like a torch of fire in a sheaf (12:6) 10 They iiall devour all the
people round about

11 Jerusalem shall be inhabited again in her own place

11 Jerusalem shall be inhabited again in her own place

3 2 Ihc Lord shall save the tenu of Judali first (12:7)

13 In that day the Lord shall defend the inhabitants of Jerusalem (12:8)

14 He tliat is feeble among themat^ that day diall be as David

15 Thehouscof David will be as God, and as the angelof the Lord before them

16 In that day I will seek to destroy all nations that come against Jerusalem
(12:9) 17 1 will pour out upon the house of David and upon the innabitantsof
Jem -salem, die spirit of grace and of supplications (12:10) 18 They iialJ look
upon Me whom they have pierced

19 They shall mourn for Him, as one that mourns for his only son, and shall be
in bitterness for Him, as one that is in binerncss for his fintix)m 20 In that day
there shall be great mourning in Jerusalem, as the mourn -iiigof Hadad-rimmon
in die valley of Megiddon (12:11) 21 1 he land shall mourn,every family ap.-!-,
'• ■•: : "■::'?-i4) 2. _ ,da—

to the inhabitants of Jerusalem for sin and ' r.i,•.■.-, < n3:l)

2 .1 cut off the names

of . _ Ij:.J (•[•■.'T\

7A ilicy siiall no;

25 I will also cau . , , the unclean spirit to pass out of the land 2' .• man shal

thi ..or and n. .

to hiKi, You shall not Livt.; :oi you speak lies in the name of the Lord (13:;i) 27
In tfiji dav the ntophett iiall bo asj

40 i he houses shall be rifled

41 Tlie women siiall be ravis..ed

42 Half the city shall go forth into capti\irv

4 ' ■ jpic shall not

be 4". !

flK-'- ■ . . ■ .

He toug::i ui liie a.iy ol bank (14:^


45 His feet shall stand in that day upon the mount of Olives] which is before
Jcrusalera on the east (14:4) 4C ITie mount of Olives shall cleave in the midst
thereof toward the east and toward the west, and dicrc shall be a very great
valley 47 Half the mountain sliall remove tow aid the north, and half toward the
south 48 You shall flee to the valley of the mounuins as you fled from the
earthquake in the days of Uzziah, king of ]udah(14:5) 49 The Lord My God shall
come, and all the saints with You

50 In that day the Ught diall not be clear, nor dark (14:6)

51 It shall be one day which shall be known to the Lord, not day, nor night; but
at evening time tfierediall be light (14:7) 52 In that day living waters will go out
from Jerusalem; half toward the former sea, and half toward the hinder sea
(14:8) winter 53 Tliis will be in summer and in

54 ThcLord^llbe King overaUthe earth (14:S0

55 In that day there shall be one Lord, and His name one

56 All the land shall be turned as a plain from Geba to Rimmon soudi of
Jerusalem (14:10) 57 It shall be lifted up and inhabited in her place, from
Benjamin's gate to the place of the fint gate, unto the comet gate, and from the
tower of Hananeel to the king's winepresses(14: 10) 58 Men shall dweU in it

59 There shall be no more utter destruction

60 Jerusalem shall be safely inliabited

61 This shall be the plague wherewith the Lord will smite all the people that
have fought against Jerusalem; Their flesh shall consume away while they sund
have fought against Jerusalem; Their flesh shall consume away while they sund
upon their feet, and their eyes shallconsumeaway in theiiholes, and their tongue
will consume away in their mouth (14:12) 62 In diat day a great tumult from the
Lord shall be among them (14:13)

63 They shall lay hold every one on the hand of his neighbor

G4 Judah also shall fight at Jerusalem (14:14)

65 The wealth of the heathen shall be gathered round about, gold, silver, and
apparel, in great abundance 66 The plague will also be upon all the animals that
shall be in the army of the Antichrist (14:15) 67 Every one that is left of all the
nations that come against Jerusalem shall go up from year to year to worship the
King, the Lord of hosts, and to keep the feast of tabernacles (14:16) 68
"■\nioevcrwillnotcome upof all the familiesoftheearthunto Jerusalem to worship
the King, the Lord of hosts, even upon them there shall be no rain (14:17) 69 If
the family of Egym go not up, and come not, they will have no rain (14:18) 70
This will be the plague the Lord will smite the heathen and odier nations with
that come not up to keep the feast of tabernacles (14:18-19) 71 In that day there
shall be upon the bells of the horses, HOLINESS UNTO THELORD (14:20) 72
The pots in the Lord's house diall be like the bowls before the alur

73 Every pot in Jerusalem shall be HOLINESS UNTO THE LORD OF HOSTS


74 All that sacrifice shall come and take ihem and boil their sacrifices in them 75
In that day there shall be no more a Canaanite in the house of the Lord of hosts
Fellow of Jehovah (Zech. 13:7)

This verse stands wholly unconnected, unless we see it in the U^t of looking
back from future glory to the time of His rejection and sufferings, when Isa. 53
was fulfilled. The sword was to touch the life of One who was a Man and a
Fellow of Jehovah (v 7). TheHeb. for fellow is awmceih, from a primitive root
meaning to associate with;companionship; comrade; kindred man; another
fellow of the same kind and nature. It proves that diere is more than one person
in the Godhead. This Shepherd is a fe llow-God, another -God, a comrade-God,
an associate-God, a kindred -God. Only here is the viord trans.
fcliow;cLsc.vhcre it is trans. another fLev. 19:11; 25:17); and neighbour (Uv.
6:2; 18:20; 19:11. 15, 17; 24:19; 25:14,15); but even these renderings uplxoldie
idea that the reference is to another person of the same kind and nature. In this
idea that the reference is to another person of the same kind and nature. In this
passage both persons arc called Lord fv 7; 14:9). In V 6 -7 Jehovah speaks of
what Israel will say concerning the Messiah; in v 7 Jehovah calls the Messiah
My Shepherd, tlie Man that is My Fellow, and says: smite the Shepherd (My
shepherd, not Me) and the sheep shall be scattered: and I (the Lord of hosts) will
turn Mine hand upon the little ones. If ihe Lord calls another persor. My
Shepherd, and My Fellow , then there must be two persons referred to One
Father (MaL 2:10)

AllmenhaveonefatJierindie original created parent; God is not the creator ofeach

person after diat, as reproduced by maruTechnically, Cod only created one man
and one woman; all others are reproductions of the original pair. God gave man
and all other creatures power in themselves to reproduce themselves. To be a
child of^ God and have the authority tocaUHira Father, onesftould be born again
of the Holy Spirit and be adopted into His family (In. 3:3-5; Rom. 8:14-16).
Sinners ate not children cf God. The doctrine of tfie universal brotherhood of
men and the universal Fatherhood of God is foreign toScrip-ture. Men are either
children of the devilby choice and nature or children of God by choice and
nature. Cp. Jn, 8:44; Eph. 2:1-3; IJn. 3:8. This principle not only holds true in
sonshipand fathediood, but also in creation. One has to be created anew in Christ
to be considered created of God as an individual; otherwise he is a Creadon of
God only duough the creation of the first parents (2 Cor. 5:17-18; Eph. 2: 10;
4:24). Ine sinner, being a child of the devil, and destined to wrath (Eph. 2:1-3; 1
Jn. 3:8-10) becomes the creation of God only dirough choice and consecration to
the same end to which God is consecrated I change not (Mai. 3:6)

Icb-arpenot. This could only refer to basic character, and to keeping cove -
nant,nottoactsof judgment or mercy when needed. God has repented or changed
His mind when it became necessary because of free moral agents rebelling to the
point of judgment; andthiswasin keeping with His character. He is absolute in
holiness and justice, and is morally and divinely obligated for the good of all to
judge the few or all if need be-or to show mercy to one and all should they meet
the conditioiu of mercy, God does not and cannot change His original and
eternal plan and purpose, but He can and does change some ways and means of
fulfilling the plan. See Repent in Index The minor prophets:

The 12 prophets (Hosea through Mal-achi) are called the lesser or minor
prophets, not.because they are less ira-portant or less inspired, but only because
the prophecies are considered shorter. This is not technically true al -together,
for the book of Zechariah, having only 211 verses compared to Daniel's 357, has
6,444 words compared to Daniel's 5,175. Regarding the major prophets there are
6,444 words compared to Daniel's 5,175. Regarding the major prophets there are
others not so recognized which could have been c lassed as such if we regarded
the nimi -ber of predictions made. Moses and David made many more
predicuons than Daniel, for instance. In the Hebrew Bible the O. T. profrfiets
were divided into two groups: 1 The former prophets (Joshua to 2 Kings. See
Zech. 1:4; 7:7, 12)

2 The latter prophets (Isaiah to Mal-achi, with the exception of Daniel)

The book of Daniel was placed with the Hagiograt^a . Sacred '■"■'riters in the
Hebrew Bible, which included Psalms, Proverbs,Job, Ruth, Lamentations,
Ecclesiastes, Esther, Ezra, Nehemiah, 1 and 2Chronicles. Besides this division
and the above two the only odier one was die Law , or the 5 books of Moses.
The 12 minor Mophets were considered one nation. Of die 12 books, 6 are dated;
and they may be divided thus: 9 before the captivity, and 3 after it r'vsev'-i


Between the testajrents. Igael continued In her strjg^ej for existence and
restoration d unag the penod between Mala-chi and the events of the N. T. Ezra
and Nehemiah left a settled form of government in Palestine, ruled by a council
of elders and priests who forrr.ed an ecclesiastical court,and who interpreted the
law and en forced obedi • eoce. Triey were the Great Sypagogue of 120 memben
which ruled for 150 years, until Simon the Just, about 292 B.C.

They held that the law was given in a2foldform: the written law consisting of
brief official enactments, and the oral law ofmoie copious details passed down
fiom Moses to Joshua and the elden that outlived him, and on to the prophets,
being conveyed by Jeremiah toEzxa who gave it to theGreat Synagogue,to
whom Nehemiah gave a complete library of the sacred books (2 Mac.
213).TotheGreat Synagogue (of which Ezra wasthe founder and president) the
Jews owe acknowledgement for the 613 Precepts, and the oral tradition w ic .
may be coosidered the groundwork of the Talmud -referred toby Christ (Mt.
5:21, 27, 31, 33, 38, 43: 15:2-6; Mk. 3-li) and the apostles (Gal. l:14;Col. 2:8; 1
Pet. 1:18) as the tradition of the elden and doctrines and commandments of men
Ezra and Nehemiah set up synagogues in many towns for worship, schools of
Instruction, and local courts where rr.en were tried for crimes against the state
and society. Attached to each synagogue was a body of rulers - civil magistrates
and ecclesiastical preiyters. During this time Palestine was ruled by Persia and
formed only a part of a province under the Satiap of Syria In 331 B.C., after the
victories of Alexander theGreat, of Greece, over Persia, he took possession of
victories of Alexander theGreat, of Greece, over Persia, he took possession of
Syria, allowing the Jews to retain self-government and their own religion. When
he built Alexandria in Egypt, he invited manyjews to settle there, giving ihem
equal rights with his other subjects. It was here that the famous Septuagint
version of the O. T. into Greek was made, about 294-289B. C., by die Jews of
this city When Alexander died his kingdom was divided among his 4 generals, C
assandel took Greece and Macedonia; Lysimachus took Asia Minor; Seleucus
took Syria,Babylon, Persia, Media, and other eastern parts; andPtoloemy took
Egypt. Most of the 3rd century B.C. was taken up with wars between these rival
kings. During this time the Roman powerbegantobefeltandaftera series of
struggles the Romans conquered Greece and Macedonia, about 200B.C. Rome
fought Macedonia and Syria againlna war, 200-207B.C., and won.

Again, in 168 B.C. the Macedonian kingdom fought Rome, lost in the conflict,
and came to an end. Both Greece and Macedonia became a part of the Roman
empire In all this time (331-165 B. C.) the Syrian and Egyptian divisions of
Alexander's empire fought with each other, off and on, over the possession of
Palestine. It was during this time that Dan. 11:1-34 was fulfilled, ending with the
reign of AntiochusEpiphanes who took Jerusalem about 170 B. C. and polluted
the temple, compelling the Jews to sacrifice to idols. He erected the statue
ofjupitetonthe altar ofbumt offerings, sacrificed swine, burned the Scriptures,
and prohibited the worship of Jehovah. At tUs time the Maccabees arose - an
Asmoruan family. Under them the Jews became victorious. Jerusalem was
liberated and true worship of God was re-established in December, 165 B. C. It
was then the Feast of Dedication was instituted: and it continued until the time of
Christ, The Maccabean family were able to hold the main sway in Judea, but
were forced to make some terms with the Romans under whose protection they
retained considerable freedom In 47 B.C.JuliusCaesargave Hyrcanus and his
heirs aU rights of the high priesthood, and the right of appeal to Caesar for all
Jews. Exemption from all tribute every 7th year was also granted to the Jews
because they neither sowed nor reaped in that year. Furdiermore, they received
freedom from military service, and were given the right to meet and assemble
together according to their own customs and laws. All this was ratified by the
Roman senate In 44 B.C. For maintenance of order and general polineal
government a Rxjman official presided over all Syria In 37 B.C. Herod die
Great, by the aid of Roman troops, deposed the last Asmonian prince,
Antigonus, and became the nominal sovereign of the Jews, subject to Rome. He
betrayed his people to the Rom.ans, fostered im-m.orality,cultivated alien
customs, encouraged mistrust.corrupted the priesthood, and tTiassacred many
nobles. He built the temple on a magnificent scale.This loss of temporal power
nobles. He built the temple on a magnificent scale.This loss of temporal power
drove the Jews to a state of pride over the past and made them rebellious in heart
against the Romans. Pharisees, scribes, and lawyers became more esteem.ed than
priests and Levites. From the much confusion and conooversy among the Jews
over interpretations of the law and prophecy came ttie two great sects -the
Pharisees and Sadducees. When the nation rebelled against the Romans, in 70 A.
D,, they were defeated and scattered among the Gentile nations



TbaiC MB ",r7~ jueidoni In the C. T. In the f UDdetlheboii- -

1 Tea, hith Gcxi uld, Ye dull not e<i of every tree of the (irdeo? (3:1)

C Wbeie in thou' (X-9)

3 Who tolJ (bee (hit (boa wul DaJied'> (3:11)

4 Hm thou eaien of the me, whereof : r,->r'-^inAf.i thee thit thou »hoal«lc: ;)

5 ■»> 'io . '..! '.one "

6 vs 4:6)

7 w en'

8 If Ubu Joca weli, lii^lt iluu act be accepted? (4:7)

9 Where h Abel thy brother^ (4:9)

10 Am I my bta(ber'ikeeper''(4:9)

11 W»-- '-.-• •'KKi Jooe''(4:10)

12 w chat thou bAA done onto n.'.

13 >s ou ooc tell tne th*i the w*j •. tl2:18) (12:19) 14

15 li IKK the whole Uod before thee?(13:9)

16 What wUt Thou gltwme.jeeJou I go chUdlcis, and the steward of my houK IS

tfali EUezer of Oamascla' (15: 2) 17 WbsebyihaUIknowthU I ihaU Inbwlt It?

IS Wbeoce canien thou" (16:8) 1.1 Whither wflt thou Ro'(16:8)

20 Have 1 alio beie looked after Him that leetb me'' (16:n)

21 Shall a child be bom uoto him that is an hundred y««s old? (17:17)

22 Shall Sarah.that is ninety year* old bear? (17:17)

2 Where is Sarab thy wife-? (18:9) 2i After lam waxed old shall I have

pleasuK, my lord being old also?(18:


25 Wherefore did Sarab laugh, laying. Shall I of a swety bear a ctild, which am
old' (18:13) (18:14) 26 IsanyiMn^ioobardfartheLord''

27 Shall I hide ban Abraham that thing wbicb I do: Seeing that Abraham shall
steely beconv a great aodmigbry nation,aadalIibe aadoos of the earth ihaU be
bleued in him? (18:17-13) 28 WUt Thou also destroy the rlgh-eout taiih the
wicked? (13:23)

29 WUt Thou alio destroy and not spse the place for the fi^ righteous that are
therein? (18:2^

30 ShaU not (be Judge of all the earth do rig}x? (18:25)

31 WUt Thou destroy all the city for lack of five''(18:28)

32 Where are the men wUchcame In to thee this nighr'( 19:5) 12)

33 Hast thou here any besides' (19:

34 Lord, wilt Thou slay alio a righteous natioo? (20:4)

35 Said be not unto me. She is my *«et^(20:5) 9)

35 Said be not unto me. She is my *«et^(20:5) 9)

36 Whii hasttboudoDe iintous?(20:

37 What have I offended thee, that thou hast brought on me and on my kingdom
a great sin' (20:9) 38 What sawest thou, that tbou has done tha thloK'(20:10)

39 Who would have said unto Abraham, that Sarab should hive given children
suck'(21:7) 40 What alleth thee, Hagar'(21:17)

41 What mean these seven ewe lambs which thou bast Kt by themselves-(21:27)
offering'(22:7) 42 Where is the lamb for a burnt

43 What IS ttni betwixt me and ihee?(23:15)

44 Must I needs bring (fay tooagaui unto the laiKt from whence tbou earnest'
(24:5) 45 Who«edaughlerartthou?(24:23)

46 Is there room In ihy father's boise for us to lodge In' (24:24

47 Wherefore staoJest thou without? 4a Whose daughter an (hou?( 24:47)

49 Will (hou go with this nun'(24: 68)

50 Whtf manlstUs that walketh in the field to meet us' (24:65)

51 IfUbeso, wbyan:Iihus(25:22)

52 Wbai profit shdUl tiis blnhrigbt do to me" (25:32) (26:2^

53 Howsaiditthou,SheitmydKcr'

54 What is this thou hast done unto ui?(26:I0)

55 Wherefore cone ye to me, seeli^ ye hate me, and have seix me away from
you' (26:27) 56 Who an thou,my loo' (27:18)

57 How is It (hat thou hast bund It

lo jJcVV,


so-of blc


•'••hathtaken venl-'" . •-■len jve 1-1:36) J Jacob'^ .^:^i.c^ ^ blessing son'(21:37)

C. .. ._:,._„. Jo now unto thee,my 65 Hast thou but one blesdng, my father

66 Why iiaul d I be deprived also of you both in oik day' (27:45)

67 If Jicob take a wife of the dausbtpfi of Heth, such as these which arc " of the
land, what gd !o me'(27:46) 6? ••jreiTjc::, whence be ye'(29:4)

69 KnowyeLaban theson ofNahcT (29:5)

70 Is »K weU" (29:6)

71 Bw.ijse thou art my brother, she 1 therefore serve me for no .. . 5) 7-rt

iiitshaU thy wapesbe'(29:15)

73 What is (Ms thou hast done unto me'(29:25)

74 Did I not «rve with thee for Rachel" (29:25)

75 Wherefore then hast tbou beguiled me" (29:25)

-6 Am 1 in God's stead, who hath withheld from thee the fruit of the womb'
(30:2) 77 Is it a small matter that thou hast taken my bu^aod? (30:15)

78 Woutdesi thou uke away my son's mandrakes also' (30:15)

79 When shall I provide for mine own house also'(30:30)

80 What shall 1 give (hee'(30:31)

81 Isihereyet any portion or inheritance for us in our father's bouse' (31: 14) 82
Ate we not counted of him saangers'(31:15)

S3 ViAu tha a tbou done that thou ha St stolen »«ay unai'ares to me,and carried
away my daughters, as captives taken with the sword? (31:26) 84 Wherefore
didst tbou flee away secretly, and steal away from me; and didst not tell me, that
didst tbou flee away secretly, and steal away from me; and didst not tell me, that
I might have sent thee away with ninb, and with songs, with tabret, and
wlihharp? (31: 27) 85 And hast not suffered me to kiss my sons and my
daughten" (31:28)

86 Whaefore bast thou stolen my gods' (31:30)

87 What is my tre^ass? (3L-36)

88 What is my sin. that tbou bast so hotly pursued after me: (31:36)

89 Whereas thou hast searched 41 my stuff, what bast thou foiaid of aU tby
household stuff (Jl:37) 90 What can I do this day unto these my daughters, or
unto their children which they have bom? (31:43) 91 When Esau n.y brother.
..asketh thee, saying. Whose are thou' ( )2:17)

92 And whiihergoest lhou?(j2:17)

93 And whose are these before thee' (32:17)

94 What Is thy nare" (32:27)

95 Wherefore is it thai tbou dost ask after ri.y name" (32:29)

96 Who are thoK with thee'(33:5)

97 What i: ju by all this drove which i)

98 what liec .ciu n (33:15)

9'j -^h^ill no( their cattle and their substaoce ^nJ every beast of theln be
oun'(34:23) 100 Should he deal with our sitter at with an harlot'( *4:Jl) (37:8)

101 ^ha)t (hou indeed reign over us' 1 'u Indeed ha vedomlnioo

over -I

1 u'. Jiea(i!that thou bast


lt>-; .1.. .1 I jii. tby mother and thy brethren indeed come to bow down ounelvc"
lt>-; .1.. .1 I jii. tby mother and thy brethren indeed come to bow down ounelvc"
''•■•• '.. ''- earth'(37:10) 105 U> jcD feed the flock in 3)

106 WhA seekest (hou'(37:15)

107 Wha( profK li n if w <i .v oim brother, andconce 1.6)

108 Whither sJiaU . .

109 What wilt thou give nie,ttit'( tbou mayest come in unto me' (38:16)

110 Wilt (hougive me a pledge. dU thou tend K" ( ^«-17* (38:18)

111 Wbatpl. : give thee'

112 Where <, that was openly by the wiy );j« (J8:21) '^

113 How ban tbou broken forth? (38:

114 lluw then can 1 do this great wtckedneu. and sin against God' (39: 9) day?
(40:7) 115 Wherefore look ye so udly to—

116 Do not inierpretadons belong to cod" (40:8)

117 Can we find such a one as this Is. a man in whom the Spirit of Cod
ls'(41:3») 118 VAiy doye look one upon another? (42:1)

119 Whence come ye' (42:7)

120 Spake I not unto you. saying. Do not sin against the child: and ye would not
hear" (42:22) 121 What is this that God hath done unto us' (42:23)

122 Wherefore dealt ye so ill with me, as to tell the man whether ye had yet a
bto(her" (40:6) 123 1$ yoiff father yet alive? (43:7)

124 Have ye anotherbrotber'(43:7)

125 Could we certainly know that he would say. Bring yourbrother down" (43:7)
126 Is your father well, the old man of whom ye spate' (43:27)

127 Is he yet aUve' (43:27)

128 Is this your younger brother, of whom ye spake unto me' (43:29)

129 Wherefore have ye rewarded evil for good" (44:4)

130 Is not tbis it in which m.y lord dnnketh,and whe leby indeed he dlvln-
eth'(44:5) 131 Wherefore saith my lord these words? (44:7)

132 How then should we steal oK of thy lord's house silver or gold' (44:8)

133 What deed is this that ye have done'(44:15)

134 Wot ye not that such a man as I can cenainly divine? (44:15)

135 What shall we say unto my lord' (44:16)

136 What shall we speak? f 44:16)

137 How shaU we clear ourselves' (44:16)

13a Have ye a father, or a brother' (44:19)

139 Forhcwshalllgouptomy father, and the lad be not with me?(44:34)

140 Doth ay father yet live- (45:3)

141 What is your occupation? (46: 33)

142 What isyour occupation? (47:3)

143 How old an thou? (47:8)

144 Why should we die in thy presence" (47:15)

145 Wherefore shall we die before thine eyes.both we and our land' (47: 19) 146
Who are these? (48:8)

147 Who shaU rouse him up? (49:9)

148 Ami In the place of God' (50: 19)

58 Questions in Exodus;
149 Whyhave ye dene this thing, and have saved the men children alive? (1:18)
150 Shall I go and call to thee a ni«se of the Hebrew women, that she may nurse
the child" (2:7) 151 Wherefore smitest thou thy fellow" (2:13)

152 Who made thee a prince and a judge over us' (2:14)

153 Intendestthoutokillme. as tbou klUedest the Egyptian'(2:1^

154 How Is It that ye are come w toon to day? (2:18)

155 And where is he?(2:20)

156 why is It that ye have left (he man'(2:20)

157 Who am I,that I should gp unto Pharaoii. and that 1 should bring forth the
children of Israel out of Egypt' (3:11) 158 What 1$ His name'(3:13) 13)

159 What AaU 1 sav unto them' (3:

160 Wbatistbatai thine hand" (4:2)

161 Who hath made nun's mouth' (4:11)

162 Whon-.aketbthe dumb, or deaf, or tfic !^>ri:ia. or (he blind" (4:11) IC ! I (he
Lord" (4:11)

16; rontheLevlte thy brother (4.14)

165 WboistheLordthat I should obey His vdce to let Israel go' (5:2)

166 Wherefore do ye. Motet and Aaron, let the people from their workj" (5:4)
167 Whc--' -- '^ - - not fulfilled yourtasV both yesterday and tu..>;,.i> iiciciutore'
(5:14) 168 Wherefore dealest thou thus with thy servanu' (5:15)

169 Lord, wherefore ban Thou to evil entreated this people' (5:22)

170 Why is It that Tbou hast sent me" (5:22)

171 Howthen shall niaraohhear me, who am of inclrcumclsed lips'(6:12)

172 How shall Pharaoh hearken unto n«'>(6:30)

173 When shall I entreat for thee, and for thy servants, and for thy people, to
destroy the frogs from thee and thy houses, that they may renialn in the river
only" (8:9) 174 Shall we sacrifice the abomination of the Egyptians before their
eyes, and win they a<x stone us' (8:26) 175 As yet exal test thou thyself against
My people, that thou wilt not let then, ^o'- (9:17) 176 How long wilt thou refuse
to humble thytelf before Me'(10:3)

177 How long shall tUs man be a snare unto us'' (10:7)

178 Knowestthou not yet that Egypt is destroyed? (10:7) 8)

179 Who are they that shall go? (10:

180 What mean ye by this service?

181 What U this? (13:14) (12:0)

182 Why have we done (his, that we have let I srael go from serving us' (14: 5)
183 Because there were no graves in Eg)rpt, hast tbou taken us away to die in
the wQdemess? (14:11) 134 Wherefore hast tbou dealt thus with us, to carry us
fonh out of Egypf (14:11) 18S Is not this the word that we did tell thee in Egypt,
taying.Let us alone, that we may serve the Egyptians? (14: 12) (14:15) 136
Wherefore crlest tbou uiKo Me?

187 Who is Uke unto Thee, O Lord, among the gods' (15:11)

188 Who is Uke Thee, glorious in boUness. fearful in praises, doing

wanders'(15:11) 189 What shall we drink' (15:24)

190 Wba( are we. that ye murmur against us? (16:7)

191 What are we'(16:8)

192 How loDg refuse ye to keep My comm<indrr*Qtsand My laws? (16:28)

193 Why chide ye with me? (17:2)

194 Whereforeao ye tempt the Lord? (17:2)

195 Wherefore is ttls that thou hast brought us up out of Eg^t. to kiU us and our
chUdren and oix canlewitb thirst'(17:3) (17:^
chUdren and oix canlewitb thirst'(17:3) (17:^

196 WhatshaUIdounto this people'

197 IstheLordamongus.ornot? (17: 7)

198 What is tha thing that tbou doest to the people' (13:14)

199 Why sinest thou thyself alone, and all the people stand by thee from
morning uoro even'(18:14) 200 Wherein shall be Ueep?(22:27)

201 Lord, why doth Thy wrath wax hot against Thy people, which Thou baa
brought fonh out of (be land of Egypt with great power, and with a mighty band'
(32:11) 202 For ciischief did He bring them out, to slay (faem in the mountains,
and to consume them from (he face of (he eanh? (32:12) 203 Wba( did (lis
people unto thee, that thou hast brought so great a sin upon them" (32:21) 204

205 Wherein shaU it be knownhere that I and Tby people haw found grace in
Tby tigli? (33:16) 206 Is it not in that Tbou goest with us" (33:16)

3 questions in Leviticus :

207 Wherefore have ye not eaten the sin offering in the holy place, seeli« it is
most holy, and God hdth given it you to bear the iniquity of (be ctxigre-liation.
to ii.ake atonemen foe them befor (be Lord" (10:IT) 208 If Ihad eaten (he an
offering to day, should it have been accepted in the sight of the Lord' (10:19) 209
What ihaU we eat "he seventh year'(25:2^)

59 questions in Numbers:
210 Wherefore are kckeptback, that wemay not offer an offering of the Lord in
His appointed season among the chUdren of lnael"(9:7) 4) 211

212 Wherefore bast Thou afflicted Thy jcrvanr (11:11)

213 ^^terefore have 1 not found favour InThy slgtl,tbx Tbou layett the but-


den of all this people upon me? (11:11)

214 Have I conceived all tU s people? (11:12)

215 Have Ibegonen them,that thou shouldest say unto me, Carry them in thy
bosom, as a nursing father beareth the sucking child, unto the land which Thou
swarest unto their fathers?(11:12) 216 Whence shall I have flesh to give unto all
this pec^le? (11:13)

217 Who shall give us fleshto eat? (11:18) (11:20)

218 Why came we forth out of Egypt?

219 Shall the flocks and the herds be slain for them, to suffice them? (11:22) 220
Shall all the fish of the sea be gathered for them, to suffice them? (11:22) (11:23)
221 Is the Lord's hand waxed short?

222 Enviestthouformysake?(ll:29)

223 HaththeLord indeed spoken only by Moses (12:2) (12:2)

224 Hath He not ^oken also by us?

225 Wherefore Then were ye not afraid to speak against M y servant Moses?
(12: 8)

226 If her father had but spit in hex face, should she not be ashamed seven days?
(12:14) 227 Wherefore haththeLord brought us unto tlis land, to fall by the
sword, that our wives and our children should be a prey? (14:3) 228 Were it not
bener for us to return into Egypt? (14:3)

229 How long wiU this people provoke Me? (14:11)

230 How long will it be ere they be-UeveMe.forallthesignswhich I have shewed

among them? (14:11) 231 How long shall I bear with this evil congregation,
which murmur against Me? (14:27) 232 Wherefore now do ye transgress the
commandment of theLord? (14:41)

233 Wherefore then lift ye up yourselves above the congregation of the Lord?
(16:3) 234 SeemethitbutasmaU thing unto you,thattheGod of Israel hath
separated you from the congregation of Israel, to bring you near to Himself to do
separated you from the congregation of Israel, to bring you near to Himself to do
the service of the tabernacle of the Lord, and to stand before the caagre-gation to
minister unto them? (16:9) 235 Seek ye the priesthood also? (16: 10)

236 What is Aaron, that ye murmur against him? (16:11)

237 Is it a small thing that thou hast broughtusupoutofalandthat floweth with

milk and honey, to kill us in the wilderness, except thou make thyself altogether
a prince over us? (16:13) 238 Wilt thou put out the eyes of these men? (16:14)

239 Of God,the God of the spirits of all flesh, shall one man sin, and wilt
Thoube wroth with all the congregation? (16:22) (17:13) 240 Shall we be
consumed vith dying?

241 Andwhyhave ye brought up the congregation of the Lord unto this

wilderness,that we and our cattle should die there? (20:4) 242 And wherefore
have ye made us to come up out of Eg^t, to bring us in unto this evil place?
(20:5) 243 Must we fetch you water out of this rock? (20:10)

244 Wherefore have yebrought us up out of Egypt to die in the wilderness?

(21:5) (22:9) 245 What men are these with thee?

246 What have I done unto thee, that thou hast smitten me these three limes?
(22:28) 247 Am not I thine ass, upon which thouhastriddenever since I was thine
unto tUs day? (22:30) 248 Was I ever wont to do so unto thee? (22:30)

249 Wherefore hast thou smitten thine ass these three times? (22:32)

250 Didlnoteamestlysenduntothee to caU thee? (22:37)

251 Wherefore camest thou not unto me? (22:37)

252 Am I not able indeed to promote thee to honor? (22:37)

253 Have I now any power at all to say any thing? (22:38)

254 How shall I curse, whom God hath not cursed'' (23:8)

255 How shall I defy, whom the Lord hath not defied? (23:8)

256 Who can count the dust of Jacob, and the number of the fourth part of
Israel? (23:10) (23:11) 257 What hast thou done unto me?
Israel? (23:10) (23:11) 257 What hast thou done unto me?

258 Must I not take heed to speak that which the Lord hath put in my mouth?
(23:12) 17) 259 What hath the Lord spoken? (23:

260 Hath He said, and shall He not do it? (23:19)

261 Hath He spoken, and shall He not make it good? (23:1^

262 Told I not thee, saying. All that die Lord speaketh, that I must do? (23:26)
263 Who shall stir him >^? (24:9)

264 Spake I not also to thy messengers which thou sentest unto me, saying. If
Balak would give me his house full of silver and gold, I cannot go beyond the
commandment of the Lord, to do either good or bad of mine own mind: but what
the Lord saith, that will I speak? (24:12-13) 265 Why should the name of our
father be done away from among his family,because he hath noson?(27:4) 266
Have ye saved all the women alive? (31:15)

267 Shall your brethren go to war, and shall ye sit here? (32:6)

268 Wherefore discourage ye the hean of the children of Israel from going over
into the land which the Lord hath given them? (32:7)

33 questions in Deuteronomy:
269 How can I myself alone bearyour cumbrance, and your burden, and your
strife? (1:12) 270 Whither shall we go up? (1:28)

271 Is it not in Rabbath of the children of Ammon?(3:ll)

272 For what God is there in heaven or in earth, that can do according to Thy
works, and according to Thy might? (3:24) 273 For what nation isthere so great,
who hathGod so nigh unto them, as the Lord our God is in all things that we caU
upon Him. for? (4:7) 274 Whatnation isthere so great.that hath statutes and
judgments so righteous as all this law, whicn I set before you this day? (4:8) 275
Ask from the one side of heaven unto the other, whether there hath been any
such thing as tUs great tling is, or hath been heard Uke it? (4:32) 276 Did ever
people hear the voice of God speaking out of the mddstof tfie fire, asthou hast
heard, and live? (4:33) 277 HathGod assayed to go and take Him a nation from
the midst of another nation,by temptations, by signs, and by wonders, and by
the midst of another nation,by temptations, by signs, and by wonders, and by
war, and by a mighty hand, and by a stretched out arm, and by great tenors,
according to all that the Lord your God did for you in Eg^t before your eyes?

278 Now therefore why should we die? (5:25)

279 R)r who isthere of all flesh, that hathheard the voice of the living God
speaking out of the midst of the fire, as we have, and lived? (5:26) ■280 What
mean the testimonies, and the statutes, and the judgments, which theLord
ourGod hath commanded you? (6:20) 281 How can I dispossess them?(7:13)

282 What doth the Lord thy God require of thee, but to fear the Lord thy God, to
walk in all His ways, and to love Him, and to serve the Lord thy God with all thy
heart and with all thy soul. To keep the commandments of the Lord, and His
statutes, which ! commanded thee this day forthy good? (10:12-13) 283 Are they
not on the other side Jordan,bytheway where the sun goeth down, in the land of
the Canaanites, which dwell in the champaign over against Gilgal, beside the
plains of Moreh? (11:30) 284 How did these nations serve their gods? (12:30)

285 How shall we know the word which tte Lord hath not spoken? (18:21)

286 Whatman isthere that hath built a new house, and hath not dedicated it?
(20:5) 287 What man is he that ha fli planted a vineyard, and hath not yet eaten
of it? (20:6) 288 What man is there that hath betrothed a wife,andhathnottaken
hex? (20:7)

289 What man is there that is fearful and fainthearted? (20:8)

290 Wherefore hath the Lord done thus unto this land? (29:24)

291 What meaneth the heat of this great anger? (29:24)

292 Who shall go up for us to heaven, and bring it unto us, that we may hear it,
and do it?(30:ig 293 Who shall go over the sea for us, and bring it unto us, that
we may hear it, and do it? (30:13) 294 Ate not these evils com e upon us,
because our God is not among us? (31:17) 295 Howmuchmoreaftcrmy death?

296 Do ye thus requite the Lord, O foolish people and unwise? (32:6)

297 Is not He thy Father that hath bought thee? (32:6)

297 Is not He thy Father that hath bought thee? (32:6)

298 Hath He not made thee, and established thee? (32:6)

299 How should one chase a thousand, and two put ten thousand to flight, except
their Rock had sold them, and the Lord had shut them up? (32:30) 300 Is not this
laid up in store with Me,and sealed up amcngMytteasutes? (32:34) 301 Where
are their gods, their rock in whom they trusted. Which did eat the fat of their
sacrifices, and drank the wine of their drink offerings? (32: 37-38)

21 questions in Joshua:
302 Have not I commanded thee? (1:9) (4:6)

303 What mean ye by these stones?

304 What mean these stones? (4-21)

305 ArtThoufor us.or for our adversaries? (5:13)

306 What saithMyLord unto His servant? (5:14)

307 OLord God, wherefore hast Thou atallbrought this people over Jordan, to
deliver us into the hand of the Amorltes. to destroy us? (7:7) 308 What wiltThou
do unto Thy great name? (7:9)

309 Wherefore liest thou thus upon thy face? (7:10) 25)

310 What hast thou troubled us? (7:

311 How shall we make aleague with you? (9:7)

312 Who are ye? (9:8)

313 From whence came ye? (9:8)

314 Wherefore have ye beguiled us, saying. We are very far ftom you; when ye
dwell among us? (9:22) 315 Isnottfais written in the book of Jasher? (10:13)

316 What wouldest thou? (15:18)

317 Whyhastthou given me but one lot and one portion to inherit, seeing I am a
great people, forasmuch as the Lord hath blessed me hitherto? (17:14) 318 How
long are ye slack to go to possess the land, which the Lord God of your fathers
hadi given you? (18:3) 319 What trespass is this that ye have committed against
the God oflsrael, to turn away this day from follovang the Lord, in that ye have
builded you an altar, that ye might rebel this day against the Lord? (22:16) 320 Is
the iniquity of Peor too little for us, from which we are not cleansed until this
day, although there was a plague in the can gregatioo of the Lord, But that ye
m.ust turn away this day from foUowing the Lord? (22:17-18) 321 Did not
Achan the son ofZerah commit a trespass in tiie accursed diing, and wrath fell on
all the congregation of Israel? (22:20) 322 What have ye to do with theLord God
of Israel? (22:24)

92 questions in Judges:
323 Who shall go up for us against the Canaanites f&st, to fight against them?
(1:1) 324 What wilt thou? (1:14)

325 Why have ye done this? (2:2)

326 Hath not the Lord God oflsrael commanded, saying. Go and draw toward
mount Tabor, and take with thee ten thousand men of the children of Naphtali
and of the children of Ze-bulun? (4:6) 327 Is not the Lord gone out before thee?

328 Is there any man here? (4:20) 323 Was there a shield or spear seen

among forty thousand in Israel? (5:8)

330 Why abodest thou among the sheepfolds, to heat the bleatings of the flocks?
(5:16) (5:17) 331 Why did Dan remain in ships?

332 Why is his chariot so long in coming? (5:28)

333 Why tarry the wheel s of his chariots'' (5:28)

334 Have they not sped? (5:30)

335 Have they not divided the prey; toevery man adamselottwo; to Sisera a prey
of divers colours, a prey of divers coloixs of needlework on both sides, meet for
of divers colours, a prey of divers coloixs of needlework on both sides, meet for
the necks of them that take the spoil? (5:30) 336 Why then is all tUs befallen us?

337 Where be all His miracles which our fathers told us of, saying. Did not the
Lord bring us up from Egypt? (6:13) 338 Have not I sent thee? (6:14)

339 Oh my Lord, wherewith Aall I save Israel? (6:15)

340 Who hath donethisthing? (6:29)

341 Will ye plead for Baal? (6:31)

342 WiU ye save him? (6:31)

343 Why hast thou served us thus, that thou calledst us not, when thou wentest
to fight with the Midianites? (8:1) 344 What have I done new in comparison of
you? (8:2)

345 Is not the gleaning of the grapes of Ephraim better than the vintage of
Abiezer?(8:2) 346 What was I able to do in comparison of you? (8:3)

347 Are the hands of Zebah and Zal-muiuia DOW in thine hand, that we should
givebread untothine army? (8: 6) 348 Are the handsof Zebah andZal-munna now
in thine hand, that we should give bread unto thy men that are weary? (8:15) 349
What manner of men were they whom ye slew at Tabor? (8:18)

350 Whether is better for you, either that all the sons of Jerubbaal, which are
threescore and ten persons, reign over you, or that one reign over you? (9:2) 351
Should I leave my fatness.where-withby me they honour God and man, and go
to be promoted over the trees? (9:9) 352 Should I forsake my sweetness, and my
good fhdt, and go to be promoted over the trees? (9:11) 353 Should I leave my
wine, which cheereth God and man, and go to be promoted over the trees? (9:13)
354 VvTio is Abimelech, and who is Shechem, that we should serve him? (9:28)
(9:28) 355 Is not he the son of Jerubbaal?

356 And Zebul his officer? (9:38)

357 Why *ould we serve him'' (928)

358 Where is now thy mouth, wherewith thou saidst. Who is Abimelech, that we
should serve him? (9:38) 359 Is not this the people that thou hast despised?
should serve him? (9:38) 359 Is not this the people that thou hast despised?

360 Did not I deliver you from the Egyptians, and from the Amorites.from the
children of Ammon,and &om the Philistines? (10:11) 361 What man is he tha
will begin to fight against the childien of Am-mcD? (10:18) 362 Did not ye hate
me, and expel me out of my father's house? (11:'^

363 Why are ye come unto me now when ye are in distress? (11:7)

364 Shall I be your head? (11:9)

365 What hast thou to do with me, that thou art come against me to fight In my
land? (11:12) 366 Shouldest thou possess it? (11:23)

367 WHt not thou possess that which Chemosh thy god giveth thee to possess?
(11:24) 368 Art thou anything better than BalakthesonofZIppor.king of Moab?

369 Did he ever strive against Israel, or did he ever fight against them, WMle
Israel dwelt in Heshbon and her towns, and in all the cities that be along by the
coasts of Amon, three hundred years? (11:25-26) 370 Why therefore did ye not
recover them within that time? (11:26)

371 Wherefore passedst thou over to fight against the children of Amman, and
didst not call us to go with thee? (12:1) 372 Wherefore then are ye ccme up unto
me this day, to fight against me ? (12:3) 373 Art thou an Ephramite? (12:5)

374 Art Thou the man that spakest unto the woman? (13:11)

375 How shall we order the child, andhow shall we do unto them?(13:12)

376 What is Thy name, that when Thy sayings come to pass we may do Thee
hoQoix? (13:17)

3T7 Wby Mke« thou tbjt after My una. MNlag U b KKrrt n -^

378 b tbW D6TCT J iHg

thertanghwnofthybrcfr oor

^niypeofile.thit ttvu kocx to uke i >nfe of the unclrcunioKJ Phlllj-llne$'(14:3)

^niypeofile.thit ttvu kocx to uke i >nfe of the unclrcunioKJ Phlllj-llne$'(14:3)
J79 lUve ye c^Ued is to uke that ve luve"(14:15)

380 Ii It not io-(14:15)

3ei ShJlil tell u tbct

38? v^Tut ts sweeter e

383 Wlut U ncnser ujia a ucl (14.18)

384 b Dot her yoinser user fiirer than jhe'Cli:)

385 Who tuth J(Be tMi'' (15:6)

386 Wby are ye cone i4> anuost its" (15:10)

387 KnoweathouQot tlutthcPhUlj-uac« Are rulen over m" (15;U)

388 Wlut b tbli that thoa has dooe ■■o us (15:11)

389 Shan 1 die for thim. and fall Into the hand of the uncitcumcijed'' (15:13) 390
How canji thou uy, I lore thee, when thine hean i« not with me''(16: 15)

391 Whence cornea thou'(17:9)

392 Whobtoodhtthee hither (18:3) I

393 Whatmakeathou In tUi place" I (18:3)

394 What hart thou here'(18:3)

395 What »ay ye" (18:8) I

396 Are ye afll''(18:9)

397 Do ye know that there u In these hoosej an ephod, and teraphim, and a
graven image'(18:14) j 398 What Jo ye-(18:18) i

399 It Is better for thee to be a pries unto the home of one man, or that thou be a
priest unto a tribe and a family In Iwael'(18:19) 400 What aUeth thee, that thou
comest with such a company? (18:23)
comest with such a company? (18:23)

401 What have 1 more'(18:24)

402 What is this that ye tay onto me, : What alleth thee" (13:24) 1

403 Whither goest thou" (19:17) |

404 Whence comest thou" (19:17) I

405 How was this wickedness''(20:3) I

406 Wha wlckedncjs is this that Is ! doje arr.oog you" (20:12) '

407 wUch of us shall go up flr« to the battle against the children of Benjamin?
(20:18) 408 Shall i go up again to battle againn the children of Benjamin my
brother? (20:23) 409 Shall I yet again go out to battle ag^nst the chldren of
Benjamin my brother, or shall l cease" (20:28) 410 OLordGod of I»ael, wby
isthb come to pass in Israel, that theie should be to day ooe tribe lacking In
l«ael">(21:3) 411 Whobthcrearr.oo«alltlK tribes of Urael that came not up with
the coQRregatloa unto the Lord" (21:5) 412 How shall we do for wives for them
that remain, seeing we have sworn by the Lord that we will not give them
ofourdaugltersto wives" (21:7) 413 What ooe is there of tte tribes of Urael that
came not up to Mlrpeh to the Lord" (21:8) 414 How shall we Jo for wives for
thcni tha remain, seelns the women are dearoyeJ out ofBenj jrr.ln" (21:16) 16)


16 miestlooi In ruth:
415 Why will ye go with me"(l:ll)

416 An there yet any more sons in my womb, that they may be your huAands"
(1:11) 417 Would ye tatry for them till they were grown" (1:13)

418 Would ye suy for them from having husbands" (1; 13)

419 b tUs Naomi" (1:19)

420 Why then caU ye me Naomi, KCing the Lord hath testified again* fne, and
the Almighty hath afflicted me" (1:21) 421 Whose damsel b this' (2:5)
422 Heareathou not, my daughter' (2:8)

423 Have not 1 charged the yoing men that they shall not touch thee' (2:9)

424 Why have I found grace In thine eyes, that thou shouldea take knowledge of
nx, seeing I am a stranger" (2:10) (2:19) 425 Where hast thou gleaned to Jay"

426 w here wroufthiea thou" (i 19)

427 ShaU I not seek rea for tfwe, that it my be well with thee" (3:1)

428 AndoowbaotBoaz of ow kiitd-rcd, w) th whose maidens thou waa?(3:

429 Who ^n tbou'(3:9)

430 Vte an thou, my d4iighter'(3:l6)

!57 •argf.'ni in 1 Sjmuel:

•» -ju not" (1:8)

4oj f«by ii thy heart grieved' (1:8)

434 Am not 1 bener to thee than ten »ons (1:8) (1:14)

435 How long wUt tboD be drunken" 4J6 Why Jo ye such things' (2:23) 4 t7 IS a
Ulan tin against the Lord, who shall tntteat for him (2:25)

4j8 :)iJ ; plainly appear unto the

house of thy father, when they were

in Egypt m Ph-raoh's house" (2: J7)

I 439 DIJ I choose him out of all the

tribes of Israel to be Mypriea.to offer

upon siloe altar, to burn incense, to

I wear an ephoJ before Me'' (2:28)

I 44U Did I give unto the bouse of thy

father oU the offerings made by fire

of the children of Israel" (2:28)

441 Wherefore kick ye at My sacri—

I flee and at Mine offering, which I

I have commanded in My habitation;

I and hLOourea thy sons above Me, to

I niake yourselves fat with the chiefea

i of all the offerings of Israel My

people" (Cr^J) I 442 What is the tbng that the Lord I hath suid unto thee" (J:17) I
443 Wherefore hath the Lord smitten us to day before the PhlUsanes" (4:3) I 444
What meaneth the noise of thb great shout in the Camp of the tfebrews' (4:6) 445
Who shall deliver us out of the '■ hand of these mighty Gods" (4:8) I 446 rthat
meaneth the noise of this i tumult" (4:14) 16) 447 What is there dene, my son"

448 whaljhaUwedo wuh the ark of the (..od of iaael" (5:8)

449 -v hat shall we do to the ark of the Lord? (6:2)

450 w hat shall be the trespass offer-, Ing which we shall return to Him" (6:4) ]
451 W berefore then do ye harden your I hearu, as the Egyptians and Pharaoh I
hardened their hearu? (6:6) I 452 Did they not let the people go, ; and they
departed" (6:6) • 453 Who is able to aand before this holy Lord God" (6:20)

454 To whom shall he go up from US'

455 What shall we bring the man' (9:7)

456 What have we" (9:7)

457 b the seer here" (9:11)

457 b the seer here" (9:11)

458 On whom b aU the desire of Iaael'(9:20)

459 Is it not on thee, and on all thy father's house'(9:20)

460 Am iiot 1 a Benjamite, of the smalleaof the tribes of laael" (9:21)

461 And my family the lean of all the famiUesofthe Uibe of Beniamin" (9:21)

462 Wherefore then speakea thou so to me'(9:21)

463 Is it not because the Lord hath anointed thee to be capuin over His
Inhentence" (10:1) 464 Whatstialll dofotmyson?(10:2)

465 (Vhat IS this that is come unto the ion of Kl$h"(10:ll) (10:11)

•Ui6 b^aul also anioiig the propliets' ■VJI But who IS theit fatter" (10:12) 46ij b
Saul also among the prophets' (10:12) K-F

469 Whither went ye'(10:14)

470 -vce ye him whor:: the Lord hath chosen, itut tlierc is none like him among
all the people" (10:24) 27) 471 How shall tills man save us'(10:

472 What aileth the people that they weep" (11:5)

473 Who IS he that uid. Shall Saul reign over us" (11:12)

474 Whose ox have I taken' (12:3)

475 Whose its have I taken' (12:3)

476 Whom have I defrauded"( 12; J)

477 Whom have I oppie$>cd"( 12: ))

478 Of whose hand have I received any bribe tobllnd mine cyesthereMth" (12:3)
(12:17) 479 U it not wheat harvea to day"

480 What haa thou done" (13:11)

481 How much more. If haply the people had eaten freely to day of the «roil of
thdf enemies which they found" (14:30) 482 Had there not been now a much t^"-
--— • - -Jiter among the PhlUa-ti , ) ^o down after the Phllls-tJ '»

lou deliver them into the hand ol iaael? (14:37)

4-"' '.all Jonathan die, who hath wroj.'.t tiui great salvation In Ivael" (1-;:K>, *•"'
' 'HJg

o' ■ the

lo' ;... „^^,. , 14,

-*"' -Vhen thou waa mc

own sinht,waa thou tKJt ,. >. ..caJ

of the tribes of laacl. and the Lord anointed thee king over liraeP (15:17)

488 Wherefore then dida thou not obey the voice of the Lord, but dida fly upon
the spoil, and dida evil in the sight of the Lord'(15:19) 4S'i HaththeLordas great
delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the Lord?
(15:22) 490 How long wilt tliou mourn for Saul, seeing I have rejected him from
reigning ovei Israel? (1G:1) 491 How can I go" (16:2)

492 Comea thou peaceably? (16:4)

493 Are here all thy children"(l6:ll)

494 Whyare yeconie out to set your battle in array? (17:3)

495 Am not 1 a PhiUsuneandve ser-vanti to Saul' (17:8)

496 Have ye seen this man that is come up? (17:25)

497 What shall be done to the man that killeth this Philiaine, and uketh awaythe
reproach from laael? (17:26) 498 WhoisthisuncircumcisedRulis-tine. that he
should defy the armies of the living God' (17:26) (17:23) 499 Why camest thou
down hither?

500 With whom haa thou left those few sheep in the wilderness? (17:28)
501 What have I done? (17:29)

502 1$ there not a cause? (17:29)

503 Am I a dog, that thou comea to me with suves? (17:43)

504 Whose son is this youth? (17:55)

505 Whose son art tliou. thou young man? (17:58)

506 What can he have more but the kingdom? (18:8)

507 Who am 17(18:18)

508 What is my Ufe, or my father's family in laael, that I should be son in law to
the king? (18:13) 509 Seemeth it to you a lightthing to be a king's son in law.
seeing that I am a poor man,and lightly eneemed" (18:23) 510 Wherefore then
wilt thou sin againa innocent blood, to slay David without a cause? (19:5) 511
Why haa thou deceived me so, and sent away mine enemy, that he is escaped?
(19:17) 512 Why should I kill thee" (19:17)

513 Where are Samuel and David" (19:22)

514 Is Saul also among the prophets' (19:24)

515 What have I done ? (20:1)

516 What is mine iniquity ' (20:1)

517 What Is my sin before thy father, that he secketh my life? (20:1)

518 Why should my fatherhide this thing from me' (20:2)

519 Why shouldea thou bring me to thy father" (20: (>)

520 Iflknewceriainlytlutevil wcje detemiinedbymyfatheriocome upon thee, then

would not I tell It thee' (20:9) 521 Who shall tell me? (20:10)

522 What if thy father answer thee roughly (20:10)

523 Wherefore cometh not the son of Jesse to meat, neither yeaerday. nor to
day? (20:27) 524 Do not I know that thou haa chosen the son of Jesse to thine
day? (20:27) 524 Do not I know that thou haa chosen the son of Jesse to thine
own confusion, and unto the coifusion of thy motlier's nakedness' (20:30) 32)
525 Wherefore sliallhebe slain? (20: 5:r .Vlut hath he done' (20:32)

627 Wherefore shall he be slain'(20: 37)

528 Whv art thou alone, and no man with thee" (21:1)

529 Now therefore what is under thine hand (21:3)

530 Is there not here under thine hand spear or sword" (21:3)

531 Isnot this David the king of tte land''(21:11)

532 DIdtlicynoi sing one to another of him in dances, uying, Saul hath Uain hli
thousands, and David his ten thouunds" (21:11) 533 Wherefore then hav« ye
brought hi 14)

ofrrudmen.that ye have [>tou»;:ii inii fellow to play the mad man in my

presence" (21:15) i _2ii

535 Shall this fellow come Into ri.y house'(21:15)

536 Will t*ie son of Jeste give every one of you fields and vineyards, and make
you all captains of thousands, and capt: -' ' :r.dreds: That aU of yo" 'lai : againa
me. and there isi.i—:._. _.cweth me that my son hath made a league with the son
of Jesse, and there is none of you that IS sorry for me, or sheweth unto me that
my ion hath stirred up my servaix againa me, to He in wait, as at this day?
(22:13) 537 Why have ye conspired againa me, thou and the ion of Jesse, in that
thou haa given him bread, and a sword, and hast enquired of God for him. that
he should rise againa me. to lie in wait, as at this day" (22; 13) 538 And who is
so faithful among all thy servants as David, which b the king's son in law, and
goeth at thy bidding, and ishonourable in thine house? (22:14) 539 Did I then
begin to enquire of God for him" (22:15)

540 Shall 1 go and smite these Pblll»-tines? (23:2)

541 How much more then if we come to Keilah againa the armies of tte
Philiaines" (23:3) 542 Will the men of Kdlah deUver me up into h$ hand'

543 Will Saul come down, as thy servant hath heard' (23:11)
543 Will Saul come down, as thy servant hath heard' (23:11)

544 Will the man of Keilah deliver me and my men into the hand of Saul'
(23:12) 545 Doth not David hide himself with us in arong holds in the wood, in
the hill of Hachilah. which is on the south of Jeshimon' (23:19) 546 Wherefore
hearea thou men's words, saying. Behold, David seeketh thy hun?(24:9) 547
After whom is the king of laael come out" (24:14) (24:14)

543 After whom doa thou pursue?

549 Is this thy voice, my »n David' (24:16)

550 If aman findhisenemy, will he let him go well away" (24:19)

551 Who is David'(25:10)

552 Who is the son of Jesse" (25:10)

553 Shall I then take my bread, and my water, and my flesh that I have killed for
my shearers, and give it unto men, whom I know not whence they be" (25:11)
554 Doth not David hide himself in the hill of Hachilah, which is before
Jeshimon" (26:1) 555 Who will go down with me to Saul to the camp' (26:6)

556 Who can aretch forth his hand against the Lord's anointed, and be guiltless"
(28:9) 14) 557 Answerea thou not. Abner'(26:

558 Who an thou that criea to the king? (26:14) 15)

559 An not thou a valient man" (26:

560 Who is Uke to thee in laael? (26:15)

561 Wherefore then haa thai not kept thy lord the king" (26:15) (26:17) 562 Is
this thy voice, n.y son David?

563 Wherefore dothmylordthuspur-sue after his servant'(26:18)

564 What have I done" (26:18) 13)

565 What evil is in mine hand'(26:

566 Why should thy servant dwell in the royal city with thee? (27:5)
566 Why should thy servant dwell in the royal city with thee? (27:5)

567 Whither have ye made a road to day' (27:10)

568 Wherefore then la yen ihou a snare for my life, to cause me to die' (28:9)
569 Whom shall I bring up unto thee' (28:11) 12)

570 Whyhaathoudeceivednie'(28:

571 What sawea thou? (28:13)

572 What fomi ii te of (28; 14)

573 Why haa thou disquieted me, to bring me up" (28:15)

574 Wherefore then doa thou ask of me, seeing the Lord u depaneJ from thee,
and isbeconie thine enemy (2S; 16) (-9:3) 575 What do these Hebrews here "

576 bnot this David, the servant of Saul the king of Inael, which hath been with
me these days, or these years, and I have found no fault in hin: since he fell unto
me unto thb day? (29:3) 577 Wherewith should he reconcile himself unto his
maaer" (29:4)

578 Should It not be with the heads of these men" (29:4)


579 Is not this David, of whom they sang one to another in dances, saying. Saul
slew his thousands, and David his ten thousands? (29:5) 580 What have I done''

581 What hast thou found in thy servant so long as I have been with thee unto
this day, that I may not go fight against the enemies of my lord the king? (29:8)
(30:8) 582 Shall I pursue after this troop?

583 Shall I overtake them? (30:8)

584 Towhombelongestthou?(30:13)

585 Whence art thou? (30:13)

586 Canst thou bring me down to this company'' (30:15)

586 Canst thou bring me down to this company'' (30:15)

587 Who will hearken unto you in this matter'' (30:24)

125 questions in 2 Samuel:

588 From wtence comestthou? (1:3)

589 How went the matter? (1:4)

590 Howknowest thou that Saul and Jonathan his son be dead? (1:5)

591 Who art thou? (1:8)

592 Whence art thou? (1:13)

593 How wast thou not afraid to stretch forth thine hand to destroy the Lord's
anointed? (1:14) 594 Shall I go up into any of the cities of Judah?(2:l)

595 Whither shall I go up? (2:1)

596 Art thou Asahel? (2:20)

597 Wherefore should I smite thee to the ground? (2:22)

598 How then should 1 hold up my face to Joab thy brother? (2:22)

599 Shall the sword devour forever? (2:26)

600 Knowestthou not that it will be bitterness in the latter end? (2:26)

601 How long shall it be then, ere thou bid the people return from following
their brethren? (2:26) 602 Where fore hast thou gone in unto my father's
concubine? (3:7)

603 Ami a dog's head, which against Judab do show kindness this day unto the
house of Saul thy father, to his brethren, and to his friends, and have not
delivered thee into the hand of David, that thou chargest me to day with a fault
concerning this woman? (3:8) 604 Wlwse is the land? (3:12)

605 What hast thou done'' (3:24)

606 Why is it that thou hast sent him away, and he is quite gone? (3:24)

607 Died Abner as a fool dieih? (3: 33)

6 08 K now ye not that there is a prince and a great man fallen this day in Israel?
(3:38) 609 How much more, when wicked men have slain a righteous person in
his own house upon his bed'' (4:11) 610 Shall I not therefore now require his
blood of yoiff hand, and take you away from the earth? (4:11) 611 Shall Igo up
to the Philistines? ,(5:19)

/ 612 Wilt Thou deliver them into mine hand? (5:19)

613 How shall the ark of the Lord come to me? (6:9)

614 Shalt thou build Me an house for Me to dwell in? (7:5)

615 Why build ye not Me an house of cedar? (7:7)

616 Who am I, O Lord God? (7:18)

617 What is my house that Thou hast brought me hitherto? (7:18)

618 Is this the manner of man, O Lord God? (7:19)

619 What can David say mote unto Thee'' (7:20)

620 What one nation in the earth is like Thy people, even like Israel, whom God
went to redeem for a people to Himself, and to make Him a name, and to do for
You great dilngs and terrible, for Thy land, before Thy people, which Thou
redeemedst to Thee from Egypt, from the nations and their gods? (7:23) 621 Is
there yet any that is left ofthe house of Saul, that I may show him kindness for
Jonathan's sake? (9:1) 622 Art thou Ziba? (9:2)

623 Is there not yet any of the house of Saul, that I may show the kindness of
God unto him? (9:3) 624 Where is he? (9:4)

625 What is thy servant, that thou shouldest look upon such a dead dog as I am?
(9:8) 626 Thinkest thou that David doih honour thy father, that he hath sent
comforters unto thee? (10:3) 627 Hath not David rather sent his servants unto
thee, to search the city,
and to spy .t out, and to overthrow if? (10:3)

628 Is not thisBathsheba,the daughter ofEUam, the wife of Uriah the Hittite?
(11:3) 629 Camest thou not from thy journey? (11:10)

630 Why then didst thou not go down unto thine house'' (11:10)

631 Shall I then go into mine house, to eat and to drink, and to Ue with my wife?
(11:11) 632 Wherefore approached ye so nigh unto the city when ye did fight?

633 Knew ye not that they would shoot from the walP (11:20)

634 Who smote Abimelech the son of Jerubbesheth-' (11:21)

635 Did not a woman cast a piece of millstone upon him from the wall, that he
died in Thebez'' (11:21) 636 Whywentyenighthewall?(ll:21)

637 Wherefore hast thou despised the commandmentof the Lord, to do evil in
His sight? (12:9) 638 How will he then vex himself. if we tell him that the child
is dead? (12:18) 639 Is the chUd dead? (12:19)

640 What thing is this that thou hast done? (12:21)

641 Who can teU whether God wUl be gracious to me, that the child may live?
(12:22) 642 Wherefore should I fast? (12:23)

643 Can I bring him back again? (12: 23)

644 Why art thou, being the king's son, lean fra-n day to day? (13:4)

645 Wilt thou not tell me'' (13:4)

646 Whither shall I cause my shame to go? (13:13)

647 Hath Amaon thy brother been with thee? (13:20)

648 Whyshouldhegowiththee?(13: 26) (13:28)

649 Have not I commanded thee?

650 What aileth thee? (14:5)

650 What aileth thee? (14:5)

651 Wherefore then hast thou thought such a thing against the people of God?
(14:13) 652 Is not the hand of Joab with thee in this'' (14:19)

653 Wherefore have thy servants set my field on firC (14:31)

654 Wherefore am I come fran Ges-hur'? (14:32)

655 Of what city art thou? (i5:2)

656 Wherefore goest thou also with us? (15:19)

657 Should I this day make thee go up and down with us? (15:20)

653 Alt not thou a seer? (15:27)

659 Hast thou not there with thee

Zadok and AbLathar the priests? (15:

35) (16:2)

630 What meanest thou by these?

661 Where Is thy master's son?(16:3)

662 Why should this dead dog curse my lord the king? (16:9)

663 What have I to do with you, ye sons of Zerulah? (16:10)

664 Who shall then say. Wherefore hast thou done this? (16:10)

665 How much more now may this Benjamite? (16:11)

666 Is this thy kindness to thy friend? i (16:17)

I 667 Why wentest thou not with thy

friend? (16:17)

668 Whom should I serve? (16: 19) i 669 Should I not serve in the pre-Isence of
his son''(16:19) I 670 Shall we do after his saying?
his son''(16:19) I 670 Shall we do after his saying?

(17:6) (17:20)

671 Where is Ahimaaz and Jonathan?

672 Why didst thou not smite him there to the ground? (18:11)

673 Wherefore wilt thourun, my son, seeing that thou hast no tidings ready?
(18:22) (18:29) 674 Is the young man Absalom safe? ' 675 Istbc young man
Absalom safe? j (18:32) 676 Now therefore why speak ye not a word of bringing
the king back? (19:

! 10)

677 Why are ye the last to bring the king back to this house? (19:11)

' 678 Wherefore then are ye the last

to bring back the king? (19:12) i 679 Art thou not of my bone, and of my
flesh''(19:13) 680 ShallnotShemeibeput to death for this, because he has cased
the Lord's anointed? (19:21) 631 What have I to do with you, ye sons of Zeruiah,
that ye should this day be adversaries unto me? (19:22) 682 Shall there any nian
be put to

death "his day in Israel" (19:22)

683 Do 1 not know that I am this day king over Israel? (19:22)

634 Wherefore wentest not thou with me, Mephibosheth'? (19:25)

635 What right therefore have I yet tocryany more unto the king" (19:28)

686 Why speakest thou any more of the matters'' (19:28)

637 How loai have Ito live, that I should go up with ~he king unto Jerusalem?
(19:34) 688 Can I discern between good and evil? (19:35)

689 Can thy servant taste what 1 eat or what I drink'' (19:35)

690 Can I hear any more the voice of singing men and singing women? (19:35)
691 Wherefore then should thy servant be yet a burden unto my lord the king?
(19:35) 692 Why should the king reccm-pense it me with such a reward?(19: 36)

693 Wliy have our brethren the men of Judah stolen thee away, and have
brought the king, and his household, and all David's men with him over Jordan?
(19:41) 694 Wherefore then be ye angry for this maner'' (19:42)

695 Have wt eaten at all ofthe king's cost? (19:42) 42)

696 Hath he given us any giff (19:

697 Why then did ye despise us, that our advice should not be first had in
bringing back our king'' (19:43) 698 Art thou in health, my brother'? (20:9)

699 Art thou Joab? (20:17)

700 Why wilt thou swallow up the inheritance of the Lord'' (20:19)

701 What shall I do for you? (21:3)

702 Wherewith shall I make atonement, that ye may bless the inheritance of the
Lord? (21:3) 32) 703 Who is God, save thee Lord? (2^

704 Who is a rock, save our God? (22:32)

705 Is not this the blood of the men that went in jeopardy of their lives? (23:17) I
706 Was he not mos honorable of

three? (23:19) 707 Why doth my lord the king de- |

Ught In this thing''(24:3) ; 708 Shall 5e«n years of famine come

unto thee in thy land? (24:13)

709 Wilt thou flee three months before thine enemies, while they pursue thee?
(24:13) 710 Or that there be three day's pesti-lence in the land"? (24:13)

711 What have they done? (24:17)

712 Wherefore is my lord the king come to his servant? (24:21)

66 Questiqns in 1 Kings;
66 Questiqns in 1 Kings;

713 Why hast tlwu dene so? (1:6) j 714 Hast thou not heard that /donljah I the
300 of Hagglth doth reign, and David our lord knoweth it nof (1:11) 715 Didst
not thou, my lord,0 king,

I swear unto thine handmaid, saying,

I Assuredly Solomon thy son shall reign after me, and he shall sit upon my

! throne''(1:13)

j 716 Why then doth Adonijah reign?

1 (1:13)

I 717 What wouldst thoj? (1:16)

I 718 Hast thou said, Adonijah shall

: reign after me, and he shall sit upon

j my throne? (1:24)

! 719 Is this thing done by my lc«dthe king, and thou hast not showed it unro thy
servant, who should sit on the throne of my lord the king after Mm? (1:27) 720
Wherefore is this noise ofthe! enemy? (21:20)


728 Why hath theLord done thus unto this land, and to this house? (9:8)

729 Whatciticsarethc^ which thou hast given me, my brother? (9:13)

730 What hast thou lacked with me, that, behold, thou seckest to go to thine own
country" (11:22) 731 Are they not written In the book ofthe Acts of Solomon?

732 How do ye advise that I may answer this people" (12:6)

733 What counsel give ye that we may answer this people, who have spoken to
Tie, saying, Mak; the yoke which thy father did put upon us lighter^ (12:9)
Tie, saying, Mak; the yoke which thy father did put upon us lighter^ (12:9)
(12:16) 734 What portion have we In David?

735 What way went he? (13:12)

736 Art thou the man of God that camest from Judah? (13:14)

737 Why feignest thou thyself to be another" (14:6)

738 Who shall cut off the house of Jeroboam that day: but what? (14:1'^

739 Are they not written in the book ofthe chronicles ofthe kings of Judah?
(14:29) 740 Are they not written in the book ofthe chronicles ofthe kings of
Judah? (15:7) 741 Are they not wriaen in the book of the chronicles ofthe kings
of Judah? (15:23) 742 Are they not written in the book ofthe chronicles ofthe
kings of Israel? (15:31) 743 Are they not written in the book ofthe chronicles of
the kings of Israel? (16:5) 744 Are they not written In the book ofthe chronicles
ofthe kings of Israel? (16:14) 745 Are they not written in the book ofthe
chronicles ofthe kings of Israel? (16:20) 746 Are they not written in the book
ofthe chronicles of the kings of Israel? (16:27) 747 What have I to do with thee,
O thou man of God? (17:18)

748 Art thou come unto me to call my sin to temeni>rance, and to slay my son?
(17:18) 749 OLord my God, hast Thou also brought evU upon the widow with
whom I sojourn, by slaying her son? (17:20) (18:7) 750 Art thou that my lord

751 What have I sinned, that thou wouldst deliver thy servant Into the hand of
Ahab, to slay me? (18:9) 752 Was it not told my lord what I did when Jezebel
slew the prophets of the Lord, how I hid an hundred men of the Lord's prophets
by fifty In a cave, and fed them with bread and water? (18:13) (18:17) 753 Art
thou he that troii)leth Israel?

754 How long halt ye between two opinions? (18:21) (19:9)

755 What doest thou here EUjah?

756 What doest thou here Elijah? (19:13)

757 Go back again: foe what have I done to thee? (19:20)

758 Hast thou seen all this great multitude? (20:13)

758 Hast thou seen all this great multitude? (20:13)

759 By whom? (20:14) 14)

760 Who shaU order the battle? (20:

761 Is he yet aUve''(20:32)

762 Why Is thy spirit so sad, that 1 thou eatest no bread'' (21:7) j 763 Dost thou
not govern the kingdom of Israel? (21:7) 764 Hast thou killed, and also taken
possession? (21:19)

765 Hast thou found me, O mine

city being in an jptoar? (1:41)

721 Comest thou peaceably? (2:13)

722 Why dost thou ask Abishag the Shunammlte for Adonijah? (2:22)

723 Did I not make thee to sweat by the Lord, and protested unto thee, saying.
Know for a certain, on the day thou goest out, and walkest abroad
anywhither,thatthoushaUsutely die? (2:42) 724 Why then hast thou not kept the
oath of the Lord, and the commandment that I have charged thee with? (2:43)
725 Who is able to judge this Thy so great a people? (3:9)

726 Will God Indeed dwell on the earth?(8:27)

727 'The heaven and heaven of heavens cannot contain Thee; how much less this
house that I havebullded?(8: 766 Seest thou how Ahabhumbleth himself before
Me? (21:29)

767 Know ye that Ramoth inGUead is ours, and we be still, and take it not out
ofthe hand ofthe kingof Syria? (22:3) 768 Wilt thou go with me to battle to
Ramoth-gUead'' (22:4)

769 Shall we go against Ramoth— gflead to battle, or shall we forbear? (22:6)

770 Istherenotherea prophet ofthe Lord besides, that we might enquire of him?
(22:7) 771 Micaiah, shall we go against Ramoth-gllead to battle, or shall we
forbear? (22:15) 772 How many times shall I adjure thee that thou tell me
nothing but that which is true in the name of the Lord? (22:16)


m DldaodteQ thae ifast he woi<<i i o tpoi caynmmg me, but 18)

774 dbk) ttMll pcnauJe Alub, ihil be in<y so U(> AOJ (jkll 4l Raiuoth-

:. > jy >c:ii iiK S(>ixll oftfac

nelo q>M)i aalo ttaM?(22:

TTT Are ibey txx witnan In tiM book oftbecfatomcletof tte klngi of IsaeP

7"8 Are tbey not wiitton In tbe book oftbecbromcleioftbe kiogsof JuiUfa' (2:45)
113 tjueKloot In 2 Kln^K

T79 Is It Doi became there » not • God In ts«el,tbAtye go to enquire of tul'Utri>

tbeGodofEkxoa?(l:3) 780 Wby ire yttKV turnedb»cW?{t 5)

781 Is It not because there is noc a Cod in luiel.ilui tbou sendea to enquire
ofBiil-zebiA> tbe Covl of Ekroo''

7SC What manner of man was he wbscbcame tomeet ]K>u,and told you these
words''(1:7) 733 I sit not because there is no Cod in Israel to enquire of His
word'' (1:16) 784 Are theynoc written In the book ofibecbrooicles of tbe kings of
Israel? (1:18) 785 Knowest tbou that tbe Lord wiU take away thy masto from
tfay bead to day? (2:3) 786 Knowest tbou that tbe Lord will take away thy
master from thy bead tt)day^(2:5) (2:14) 787 wTjcreistbeLotd God of Elijah?

788 Did I not say unto jrou. Go noc? (2:18)

789 Wilt thou go wbh me against Moab to battle? (3:7)

790 Which way shall we go ap'»(3:8)

791 Is there not here a prophet of the Lord, that we may enquire of tbe Lord by
him" (3:11) 13) 792 What have I to do with thee? (3:

793 What shall I do for thee'' (4:2)

794 What ha s( tbou in tbe bo use "(4:2)

794 What ha s( tbou in tbe bo use "(4:2)

795 WliatistobedoDeforthee:'(4:l3)

796 Wouldesttbou be spoken for to tbe king, or to tbe captain of the hosf (4:13)
(4:14) 797 What then isto be dene for her?

798 Wherefore wilt tbou go to Uin today" (4:23)

799 Is it weU with thee" (4:26) 26)

800 Is it well with thy husband? (4:

801 Is it weU withthechUd? (4:26)

802 Did I desire a soo of my lord? (4£28) me? (4:28)

803 Did I not say. Do not deceive

804 Whatsboiddl set before an bun-died men? (4:43)

805 Am I God, to kill and to make alive, that this man doth send unto me uj
recover a man of his leprosy? (5:7) 806 Wherefore bait tbou rent thy

807 .\re not A b a n a and Pharpar, riven of Damascus, better than all the waters
of Isael' (5:12) 808 May t not wash in tbem, and be clean'' (5:12)

809 If ite ptophet had bid thee do some great thing, wouldest thou not have done
If (5:13) 810 How much rather then, when he saltbto thee. Wash and be clean"
(5: 13)

811 Shall there not then. 1 pray thee be given to thy servant two mules' bi»den of
earth" (5:17) 812 Is it weir (5:21) (5:25)

813 Whence comest thou, (ehari''

814 Went not mine hean with thee, when the man t«ned attain fron-his chanot to
meet thee" (5:26) 815 bit time to receive money and to receive .tamients. and
oliveyatds, and vineyarJs, and she«p, and oxen, and menservants, and
maidservants'^ (5:26) 816 Where fell if (6:6)
817 Will ye not show me wMch of « U for the Wii.- c' Ur^^l- (6:11)

818 How i! 5) 819<;hall : - ■ :21)

820 •^hjll i Jrite thei: " (6:21)

821 Wouldest thou imlte those whom thou hast taken captive with thy sword and
with thy bow" (6:22) 822 ;f the Lord Jo not help thee, whence shall I help

823 Out of the bamfloor. or out of the wiDerreis"(6:27)

824 What ailelh thee (6:23)

825 See ye how this sen of a murder—

orhalb Hut to take away mine head'' (6:32)

826 Is not tbe vuDd of Ui mattr's feet behind him" (6:M)

8.rr What should I wait for tbe Lord any loogc—

828 \ft\r Jd make windows in heaven. . .K..;u^sthinjbe"(7:2)

829 Why sit we here untfl we die" (7:3)

830 If the Lord should make windows la heaven, might such a thing be" (7: 19)
(8:3) 831 ShaU I recover of iMs disease''

832 Shall 1 recover of this disease " (8:9)

833 Why weepeth my lord' (8:12)

834 Ahat, Is thy servant a dog, that te should Jo iMi (treat thin,;" (8:13)

835 WhatulJ EUsha to thee" (3:14)

836 Are they not wrlnen in the book ofthe chronicles of the kings of Judab''
(8=23) 837 Unto whk:h of aU of US' (9:5)

838 Is aU weir (9:11)

839 Wherefore came this mad fellow to thee" (9:11)

840 Is it peace" (9:17)

841 1$ It peace'(9:18) (9:18)

842 What hast thou to do with peace"

843 bit peace" (9:19) (9:19)

844 What bast tbou to Jo with peace"'

845 b it peace. Jehu" (9:22)

846 What peace, so long as the whoredoms of thy mother Jeiebel and ter
wlichcrafli are so m.any'' (9:22^

847 Had Zimrl peace, who slew his master (:>:31)

84fi Who is oo my side'' (9:32)

849 WJ»?(9:32)

850 T wo kings stood not before him: how then shaU we stand? (10:4)

851 Who Uew all these? (10:9)

852 Who are ye" (10:13)

853 : s thine hean ngbt, as my heart IS with diy bean''(10:15)

854 A re they not written in the book ofthe chromclesofthe kings of Urael"'
(10:i4) 855 Why repau ye not the breaches of the house? (12:7)

856 Are they not written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Judab?
(12:19) 857 Are tbey not written in the book oftbechrooiclesofthekln^ of Ivael?
(13:8) 853 Are they not written in the book of thechroniclesofthekingsof Israel''
(13:12) 859 Why shouldest tbou meddle to thy hurt, ttut thou siMuldest fall,
even tbou. and Judah with thee' (14:10) 860 Are they not wrlnen in the book
ofthe cbronicles of the kings of Isaer (14:15) 861 Are they not written in the
book ofthe chronicles of tbe kings of Judah'' (14:18) 862 A re they lot written in
the book ofthechronicles of tbe kings of Israel? (14:28) 863 Aretbevnoi written
the book ofthechronicles of tbe kings of Israel? (14:28) 863 Aretbevnoi written
in tbe book ofthe chronicles ofthe kings of Judah'' (15:6) 864 Are they not
written in the book ofthe chronicles of the kingsof luaeP (15:21) 865 Aretteynot
written in the book oftbechroniclesof the kings of Judah'' (15:36) 866 Are they
not written In the book ofthe chronicles ofthe kinjis of Judah" (16:19) 867 What
coofl dence is tUi wherein tbou trustesr (18:19)

868 Uov on whom do« thou trust, that thou rebellest ae.ainst me'' (18:20)

869 Isnotthlihe. whose high places and whose altars HezeViah luth uken away,
and hath said to Judah and Jeru-ulen^. Ye shall worship before this alur in
Jeruialer ' (13:22) 870 How then wilt thou turn awa^ the face of one capuin of
tbe least of mymastet'sservants.and put thy trust on Egypt for chariots and

871 Am I now come up without the Lord against this place to destroy if (18:25)
872 Hath my master sent me to thy master. an<l ro tbee, to speak these
words''(13:27) 873 Hath he not sent me to the men which nt on the wall, that
they nay eat their own dune, and drink their own pisj with you" (18:27) 874 Hath
any of the gods of the nations delivered at all his land out of

the hand ofthe kltiR of Anyila?(18: 33)

875 Where are the gods of Hamath, and of Arpad" (18:34)

876 Where are tbe gods of Seph-^rv.i-H,-:.^, jnJ Ivah" (18:34)

■ ered Samaria out . 1) o7d wbujrc tticyainanKall the gods of the countries, that
have delivered their country out of mine hand, that itie Lord should deliver
Jerusalem out of mine hand''(13:35) 879 Thou hast heard what the kin-^s of
Assyria have done to all lands, by destroyinf! them utterly: and shalt thou be
delivered- (1!>.11) 880 Have the gods of the natloni delivered them which my
fathers have destroyed: as Gozan, and Haran, and Reseph, and the children of
Eden which were in Thclasar" (19:12) 881 Where b the king of Hamath, and the
king of Arpad, and the king of the city of Seph-arviim, of Hena. and lvah''(19:lT)
882 Whom hast tbou reproached and bUsphemed" (19:22)

883 Against whom hast thou exalted thy voice, and lifted up thme eyes

00 high? (19:22)
884 Hast thou not heard loo-j ago how

1 hiVi ioae it, and of ancient times that I have formed it? (19:25)

3S5 What shall be the sign that the Lord will heal m.e.andthat 1 shall go up into
the house of tbe Lord the third day'(20:?) 886 Shall the shadow go forward ten
degrees, or go back ten degrees" ( 20:9)

887 What said these men" (20:14) 833 From whence came they unto

thee? (20:14)

389 What have they seen in thine house''(20:15)

890 I sit not good, if peace and truth be in my days? (20:19)

391 A re they not written in the book of the chronicles of tbe kings of Judah?
(20:20) 892 Aretheynot written in tbe book ofthe chronicles ofthe kings of
Judab? (21:17) 833 Are theV not wrinen in the book of thechroniclesof the kings
of Judah? (21:25) 17) 894 What tiUe is that that I see''(23:

896 Are they not wrinen in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Judah''
(23:28) 896 Are they not wriuen in the book oftbe chronicles ofthe kings of
Judah" (24j5)

19 questions in 1 Chtonic leg

897 Shall 1 drink the blood oTthese men that have put their lives in jeopardy"
(11:19) 893 How shall I bring the ark of God home to me? (13:12)

399 ShaU I go up against the Philistines? (14:10)

900 Wilt thou deliverthem into mine hand" (14:10)

901 Why have ye not buUt Me a bouse of cedan?(n:6)

902 Wtio am I, Lord God, and what is mine house that thou hast brought me
hitherto" (17:16) 903 What can David speak more to Thee for the honour of Thy
servant? (17:18)

904 What one nation in the earth is like Thy people Isael. whom God... has
904 What one nation in the earth is like Thy people Isael. whom God... has
redeenied out of Egypt" (17:21) 905 Thinkest thou that David doth honour thy
falticx, that he bath sent comforters unto thee' (19:J) 906 Are not tiis servants
conie unto thee for to search, and to overthrow, and to spy out the Land" (19:3)
907 Are they not all my lard's servants" (21:3)

908 Why then dotb my lord require this thing" (21:3)

909 Why will he be a cause of tres-pau to Israel" (21:3)

910 Is It not I that conMiianded t)ie people to be numbered" (JL-IT)

911 Even 1 have sinned and done this evil indeed: but as for these sheep, what
bare they done" (21:17) 912 Is not the Lord your God with you'(22:18)

913 Hath He not given you rest on every tide" (22:1:?)

914 Who then Is willing to consecrate his service thb day unto the Lord" (29: 5)

915 Whoam I, and what is my people, that we should be able to offer to

wllUitgly after this V

47 que wioii'. If: ,cs

916 Who Tiis Thy people, that is so rJ : I

917 Who is «ole to bui! -n house, teeing the leaveii =n of heavens cannot contain
til.' r-:v) 918 Who am I then, that t shoidd ' inhouie, «ve only to bum

-•fore Him''(2:6) jij .^iii ,od in very deed dwell with men on the earth' (6:18) 920
WhyhaththeLorddo-^-'' • '"to thb land, and to this hou

921 Are they not written l- : ■mI'

of Nathan the ptophet, and in the propbccyof Ahijah the shilonite, and in the
visions of Iddo the seer againsi Jeroboam the son of Nebar (9:29) 922 What
counsel give ye me to re-ti«n answer to this people' (10:6)

923 What advice give ye that we may return answer to this people, which have
spoken to me, saying, £asesomewhatthcyokethatihy father did put upon us'
(10:9) (10:16) 924 What portion have we in David?
(10:9) (10:16) 924 What portion have we in David?

925 Are they not written in the book of Shemaiah the prophet, and of Iddo the
seer concerning genealogies" (12: 15) 926 Ought ye not to know that the Lord
God of Israel gave the klngdotr over Israel to David for ever, even tc
himandhissoisbya covenant of salt' ;i3:5) 927 Have ye not cast out the priests
oftbe Lord, the sons of Aaron, and the Levltes, and made you priests after tbe
manner of the nations of othei lands'(13:9) 928 Were not the Ethiopians and the
Lid)ims a huge host, with very many chariots and horsemen' (16:8) 929 Wilt
thou go with me to Ramoch-gUead?(18:3)

930 Shall we go to Ramocb-ftllead to battle, or shaU I forbear (13:5)

931 b there not here a prophet of the Lord besides, that we might enquire of
Urn? (13:6) 932 shall we go toRamoth-gilead to batUe, or shaU I forbear?

933 How many times shall 1 adjure thee that thou say nothing but the truth
tomeinthetTameoftheLord? (18:15) 934 Did I not tell thee that he would not
prophesy good unto me, but evil" (18:1'0

935 Wbo diall entice Ahab king of Israel, that be may go up and fall at Ramoth-
gilead'' (18:19) 936 Wherewith" (18:20)

937 Which way went the Spirit of the Lord from me to speak unto theC (18: 23)
938 Sbouldestthou help the ungodly. and love them that hate the Lord? (19: 2)
(20:6) 939 AIT not Thou God in heaven"

940 Rulest not Thou over all tbe kingdoms of the heathen" (20:5)

941 In Thine hand is there not power and might, so that none is able to withstand
Thee" (20:6) 942 AttnotThouoi* God, wbo didst dnve out itie inhabiunts of this
land before Thy people Israel, and gavest it to tbe seed of Abraham Thy friend
for ever" (20:7) 12) 943 Wilt not Thou Judge them? (20:

944 Vv'by hast Thou not required of the Levites to bnnp in out of Judah and out
of Jerutali >llection, according to the err of Moses the servant o: uic . orJ. and of
the congregarioD of Israel, for the tabernacle of witness" (24:6) 945
Whyaaosgreuyetheconimand-mentiofflri ord that ye cannot prosper

'j-r ^11 we do for the hundred

'j-r ^11 we do for the hundred

ulcuts wtach I have given to the army of Israel" (25:91

947 Why hast Thou -a ■ the

gods of the people, v.:. ■ not

del ■ • jwn people oJollhlne

ha:: i

94-' .\n tiiou madeofthekin. ■ sel" (25:16)

949 Why Wouldest thou be ... .u..,.

950 Why ibouldeft tbou meddle to thine own hurt, that thou shouldest fall, even
tbou, and Judah with tbee? (25:19) 951 Are tbey not written in the book oftbe
kings of Judah and Iaael?(25: 26) 952 Are there not with you. even with you.
tins against tbe Lord your


God? (28:10)

953 Why Aould the kings of Assyria come, and find water? (32:4)

954 Whereon do ye trua, that ye abide in the siege of Jerusalem? (32: 10)

955 Doth not Hezekiah persuade you to die by famine and by thirst, saying. The
Lord our God shall deliver us o'lt ofthehandofthe king of Assyria?(32: 11)

956 Hath not the same Hezekiah taken away hishigb places and his altars, and
commanded Judah and Jerusalem, saying. Ye shall washipbefore ooe altar, and
bum incense upon it? (32:12) 957 Know ye not what I and my fathers have done
unto all the people of otter lands? (32:13) 958 Wae the gods of the nations of
those lands any ways able to deliver ^ theirlandsoutofmindhand? (32:13) ^

959 Who was tliere among all the | gods of those nations that my fathers | utterly
destroyed, that could deliver | his people out of mine hand, that yo\« | God
should be able to deliver you out | of mine hand? (32:14) ]

960 No God of any nation or king- , dom was able to deliver his people out of
960 No God of any nation or king- , dom was able to deliver his people out of
mine hand, and out of the hand of my fathers: how much less shaU your God
deliver you out of mine hand? (32:15) 961 What have I to do with thee, thou
king of Judah? (35:21)

962 Who is there amaig you of all His people? (36:23)

9 quesiiops in Ezra:
963 Who is there a-.ong you of aU His people? (1:3)

964 Why should damage grow to the hwt of the kings? (4:22)

965 Who hath commanded you to build this house, and to make up this wall?
(5:3) 966 What ate the names of the men that make this building? (5:4)

967 Who commanded you to build this house, and to make up these walls? (5:9)

968 Why should there be wrath against the realm of the king and his sons?
(7:23) 969 What shall we say after this? (9:10)

970 Should we again break Thy commandments, and join in affinity with the
people of these abominations? (9: 14) 971 Wouldest not Thou be angry with us,
so that there should be no remnant nor escaping? (9:14) 24 questions in

972 rtTiy is thy countenance sad, seeing thou art not sick? (2:2)

973 Whydiould not my countenance be sad, when the city, the place of fathen'
sepulchres, Ueth waste, and the gates thereof are consumed with fire? (2:3) 974
For what dost thou make request? (2:4) be? (2:6) i

975 For bow long shall thy journey

976 When will thou return? (2:6)

977 What is this dnng that ye do? (2: 19) (2:19)

978 Will ye rebel against the king?

979 V.liat do diese feeble Jews? (4:2) '

979 V.liat do diese feeble Jews? (4:2) '

980 Wfll they fortify themselves? (4: '

981 Will they sacrifice' (4:2) 1

982 WUl they make an end in a day? (4:2)

983 wm they revive the stones out of the heaps of the rubbish which are burned?
(4:2) (5:8) 984 Will ye even sell your brethren?

985 Or shall they be sold unto us? (5:8)

986 Ougltyenot to walk in the fear of oui God because of the reproach of the
heathen our enemies? (5:9) 987 Why should the work cease, whilst I leave it,
and come down to you? (6:3) 11) 988 Should such a man as I flee? (6:

989 Who is there, that, being as I am, would go into the temple to save hU life?
(6:11) 990 Why isthe house of God forsaken? (13:11)

991 What evil filing is this that ye do, and profane the sabbath day? (13:17) 992
Did not your fathers thus, and did not our God bring all this evil upon us, and
upon this city? (13:13) 993 Why lodge ye about the wall? (13:21)

994 Did not Solomon king of Israd an by these things? (13:28)

995 Shall we then hearken unto you to do all this great evfl, to transgress against
our God in marrying strange wives? (13:27)

21 questions in Esther:
996 What shall we do unto the queen Vasbti according to law, because she hath
aotpeifonned the commandment of the king Ahasuerus by the chambei-lains?
(l:13) 997 Why transgressest thou the king's commandment? (3:3)

998 Who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this?
(4:14) (5:3) 999 What wilt thou, qijeen Esther?

1000 What is tiiy request? (5:3)

1001 What is thy portion? (5:6)

1001 What is thy portion? (5:6)

1002 ATiat is thy request? (5:6)

1003 What honour and dignity hath been done to Mordecai for this? (6:3)

1004 Who is in the court? (6:4)

1005 What diaU be done unto the man whom the king deUghteth to honour?

1006 To whom would the king delight to do hooour more than to myself? (6:6)

1007 'What is thy peticioQ, queen Esther? (7:^

1008 What is thy request? (7:2)

1009 Who is be, and where is he, that durst presume in his heart to do so? (7:5)
1010 Will he force the queen also before ne in the house? (7:8)

1011 How can I endure to see the evil that shall come unto my people? (3:6)

1012 How can I endue to see the destrjction of my kindred? (3:6)

1013 Whathave they done in the rest of the king's provinces? (9:12) 12) 1014
Sow what is thy petition? (9:

1015 Whatisthy request further? (9: 12)

1016 Are they not written in the book of the chronicles ofthe kings of Media and
Persia? (10:2) I 329 questions in Job:

1017 Whence com.est thou? (1:7)

1018 Hast thou considered My servant Job, that there is none like him in the
earth, a perfect and an upright man, one thatfeareth God, and escheweth evil?
(1:8) 1019 Doth Job fear God for nought? (1:9)

1020 Hast not Thou made an hedge about him, and about his house, and 1 about
all that he bath on every side? I (1:10) 1

1021 FromvAencecome«thou?(2:2) j
1022 Hast thou considered K!y servant Job, that there is none like him in the j
earth, a perfect and an uptighi man, one that feareth God and escheweth evil?
(2:3) '

1023 Dost thou still retain thine integrity? (2:9)

1024 What? (2:10)

1025 Shall we receive good at the hand of God, and shaU we not receive evfl?
(2:10) (2:11) 1026 Why died I not from the womb?

1027 Why did I not give \xp the ghost when 1 came out of the beUy? (3:11)

1028 Why did the knees prevent me ? (3:12) suck? (3:12)

1029 Or why the breast that I ^lould

1030 Wherefore is Ught ^ven to him that is in rrisery, and life unM the bitter in
soul: which long for death, b'jtitcometh not; and dig for it more than for hid
treasures; Which rejoice exceedingly, and are glad, when :bey can find the
grave? (3:20-22) 1031 Why is Ught given to a man whose way is hid, and whom
God hafli hedged in? (3:23) 1032 If we assay to commune with thee, wUt thou
be grieved? (4:2)

1033 But who can withhold himself from speaking? (4:2)

1034 Is not this thy fear, thy confidence, thy hope, and the uprightness of thy
ways? (4:6) 1035 Remember, I pray thee, who ever perished being innocent?

1036 Or where were the ri^eous cut off? (4:7)

1037 Shall mortal man be mart just than God? (4:17)

1038 Shall a man be more pure than his maker? (4:17)

1039 He put no trust in His servants; and His angels he charged with folly: How
miKh less in them that dwell in houses of clay, whose foundation is in the dust,
which are crushed before the moth? (4:18-19) 1040 Doth not their excellency
viucb is in them go away? (4:21)
1041 Call now, if there be any that will answer thee; and to which of the saints
wHt thou turn? (5:1) |

1042 Doth the wHd ass btay when he , hath grass? (6:5) (

1043 Or loweth the ox over his fodder? (6:5) I

1044 Can that which is unsavoury be eaten without salt? (6:6)

1045 Or is there any taste in the white of an egg? (6:6)

1046 WTiat is my strength, that I ' should hope'' (6:11)

1047 What is mine end.that I should prolong my life? (5:11)

1048 Is my strength the strength of stones? (6:12)

1049 Or is my flesh of brass? (6:12)

1050 Is not my help in me? (6:13)

1051 Is visdom driven qiiite from me? (6:13)

1052 Did I say. Bring unto me?(6:22)

1053 Or, Give a reward for me of your substance? (6:22)

1054 Oi, Deliver me from the enemy's hand? (6:23)

1055 Or, Redeem me ftom the hand of the mighty? (6:23)

1056 How forcible are right words! b\M what doth your arguing reprove? (6:25)
1057 Do ye imagine to reprove words, and the speeches of one that is desperate,
which are as wind? (6:26) 1058 Is there iniquity in my tongue? (6:30)

1059 Cannot my taste discern pet-verse things? (6:30)

1060 Is there not an appointed time to man upon earth? (7:1)

1061 Are not his days also like the days of an hireling? (7:1)

1062 WhenshaUI arise, and the night be gone? (7:4)

1062 WhenshaUI arise, and the night be gone? (7:4)

1063 Am I a sea. or a whale, that Thou settest a watch over me? (7:12)

1064 \^^lat is man that Thou shouldest magnify him? (7:17)

1065 And that Thou shouldest set TMne heart upon Mm'' (7:17)

1066 And that thou shouldest visit him every morning, and try him every
moment? (7:18) 1067 How long wilt Thou not depart from me. nor let m.e alone
tilllsvellow j

down my qjittle? (7:19) •

1068 I have sinned; what shall I do | unto Thee.O Thou preserver of men? !
(7:20) !

1069 WhyhastThousetmeasa mark against Thee, so diat I am a burden to

myself? (7:20) I 1070 Why dost Thou not pardon my transgression, and uke
away mine iniquity? (7:21) 1071 How long wilt thou speak these things? (8:2)

1072 How long shall the words of thy mouth be Uke a strong wind? (8:2)

1073 Doth God oervert judgment? (8:3)

1074 Doth the Almighty pervert justice? (8:3)

1075 ShaU not they teach thee, and teUthee, and utter words out of their hearf
(8:10) mire'? (3:11) 1076 Can the rush grow up without

1077 Can the flag grow without vater? (3:11) God'(9:2)

1078 How should man be just with

1079 Who hath hardened himself against Him and prospered? (9:4)

1080 He taketh away, who can hinder Him? (9:12)

1081 Who wm say unto Him, What doest Thou? (9:12)

1082 If God wiU not withdraw His anger, the proud helpen do stoop under Him.
How much less shaU I answer Him. and choose out my words to reason with
How much less shaU I answer Him. and choose out my words to reason with
Him? (9:13-14) 1083 If I speak of strength, lo. He is strong: and if of judgment,
who shaU set me a time to plead? (9:19) 1084 He covereih the faces of the
judges; if not, where, and who is He? (9:24) 1085 Iflbe wicked, why djen labour
I in vain? (9:29)

1086 Is It good unto Thee that Thou shouldest oppress.that Thou shouldest
despise the work of TMne hands, and shine upon the counsel of the wicked?
(10:3) 1087 HastThoueyesof flesh? (10:4)

1088 SeestThoua$manseeth?(10:^

1089 Are Thy days as the days of man? (10:5)

1090 Are thy years as man's days, that tboQ enquirest a fter mine iniquity, and
seatchest after m.y sin? (10:5-6) 1091 WUt Thou bring me into dust again?

1092 Hast Thou not poured me out as mUk, and curdled me like cheese? (10:10)

1093 Wherefore then hast Thou brought me forth out of the womb? (10:18)

1094 Are not my days few? (10:20)

1095 Should not the multitude of words be answered? (11:2)

1096 Should a man fuU of talk be justified? (11:2)

1097 Should thy Ues make men hold their peace? (11:3)

1098 When thou mockest, shaU no man make thee ashamed? (11:3)

1099 Canst thou by searching find out God? (11:7)

1100 Canst thou find on the Al-mi^ty unto perfection? (11:7)

1101 It is as high as heaven; what canst thou do? (11:8)

1102 Deeper than heU; what canst thou know? (11:8)

1103 If he cut off, and shut up, or gather together, then who can hinder Him?
(11:10) 1104 He seeth wickedness also; wfll He not then consider if^ (11:11)
1105 Who knoweth not such dungs as these? (12:3)

1106 Who knoweth not In aU these thatthehandof the Lord hath wrougli this?
(12:9) H) j 1107 Doth not die ear try words? (12: I 1108 And the mouth taste his
meat? ' (12:11) 1109 WUl he speak vickedlyforGod? (13:7) (13:7)

1110 And talk deceitfuUy for Him?

1111 WiU ye accept His person? (13:


1112 WUl ye contend forGod?(13:8)

1113 Is it good that He should search you out? (13:9)

1114 Or as one man mocketh another, do ye so mock Him? (13:9)

1115 ShaU not His exceUency make you a&aid? (13:11) (13:11)

1116 And Hu dread faU upoa you?

1117 Wterefore do I uke my flesh in my teeth, and put my Ufe in mine hand?
(13:14) 1118 Who Is he that wiU plead with me? (13:19)

1119 How many are mine iniquities and sins? (13:23)

1120 Wherefore hidest Thou Thy face, and boldest me for Thine enemy? (13:24)

1121 Wilt Thou break a leaf driven to and fro? (13:25)

1122 Wilt Thou persue the drystub-ble? (13:25)

1123 Dost Thou open Thine eyes i^)on such an one, and bdngest me into
judgment with Thee? (14:3) 1124 Who can bring a clean thing out of an
unclean? (14:-^

1125 Where is he? (14:10)

1126 If a man die. shaU he Uve again? (14:14) (14:16)

1127 Dost Thou watch over my sin?

1127 Dost Thou watch over my sin?

1128 Should a wise man utter vain knowledge, and fiU his beUy with the east
wind? (15:2) 1129 Should he reason widi unprofitable talk? (15:3)

1130 Or speeches wherewith he can do no good'' (15:3)

1131 Art thou the first man that was bom? (15:7) (15:7)

1132 'rtast thou made before the WUs?

1133 Hast thou heard the secret of God? (15:3)

1134 Dost thou restrain wisdom to thyself? (15:8)

1135 'What knowest thou that we kncv not? (15:9)

1136 What understandest thou, which is not in us? (15:9)

1137 Are the consolations of God smaU with thee? (15:11)

1138 Is there any secret thing with diee? (15:11)

1139 Why dost thine heart carry thee away? (15:12)

1140 What do thyeyes wink that thou tumest thy ^irit against God, and lettest
such words go out of thy mouth? (15:12-13) 1141 What is man. that he should

ItUt '-

114» !!e r*ieir. nomut uj rii uinu; jc*, tbe huvau ara not cleao in Hli

., .tm U..W fii>->i-M.-irr iSomlAkble too <nb ialqiiit7

ll« wa«re n It i^ -

1145 Shall viiD wcv.! 'u .c - 7

1146 Wlwt eaiboldeaeib ibe« ih*t thoo aattranar (lft:3)

1147 Tboogb 1 ipeak, my gzlef li Do( uiw«ge<t: aod ibough I foib«ar, wlut im I
Mied^(16:6) 1148 Are there oot mocken with me"" (17:2)
Mied^(16:6) 1148 Are there oot mocken with me"" (17:2)

1149 Doth not mine eye cootume In their prorocidoo" (17:?)

1150 Who is he thai x-lll strike haods wjihme->(17:3)

1151 ATiaeiinow my hope" (17:15) 115C M for my hope, who thall >ee

ir> (17:15)

1153 How loo (twill It be ere ye make an end of words" (1 S:2)

1154 Wberefare are we counted as beasu, and reputed rile in your sighT (18:3)
1155 ?ball the earth be fonalwn for thee" (13:4)

1156 '^hiU the rock be remored out of Ml pUce- (13:4)

1157 Howkjog will ye vex my »ii, and break me in pieces wab words? (19:2)

1158 Why do ye persecute me asGod, and ate oot satisfied with my flesh?
(19:22) 1159 Whypersectue we him, seeing the root of the matter b found in tne?
(19:28) 1160 Koowest thou not this o( aid, since man was placed upon earth?

1161 Where IS he'(20:7) 4)

1162 As for me, is my complaint to man" (21:4)

1163 Why should my g>(ift be troa-bled"(21:4)

1164 Wherefore do the wicked live, become old, yea, are mighty in po/er? (21:7)
1165 What is the Almiglxy that we should serve Him'(21:15)

1166 'aIui profit should we have, if we pray unto Him'(21:15)

1167 What pleasure hath he in his home after him, when the number of moodis
iscut ofTin the midst? (21:21) 1168 '^haUanyteachGodkno'ledge? (21:22)

1169 Mtiere is the house of the prloce?

1170 Where ate the dwelling places of the wicked''(21:28)

1170 Where ate the dwelling places of the wicked''(21:28)

1171 Have ye oot asked them that go by the way'(21:29)

1172 E)o ye not know their tokens, thai tije wicked it reserved to the day of
descructloo' (21:30) 1173 Who will declare his way to hit hce'(21:31)

1174 Who shall repay him for what he hath dooe' (21:31)

1175 How then comfott ye me in vain, -- . your answen there re-maL x>&
(21:34) llTtJ-—.1 - ^:. an be profitable unto Cod, as he that Is wise iray be
profitable unto hlmseir (22:2) 1177 Is It iny pleasure to the Almighty, that thou
art tiihteous" (22:3)

1178 b it gain to Him, that thou makest thy ways perfect" (22:31

1179 W111 He re prove thee for (ear trf thee? (22:4)

1180 WUl He enter with thee into judgment'(22:4) 5)

1131 Isnotthy wlckedr.» - •

1182 And tWne Ini juj- -(22:5)

1183 Is oot Cod in the height of heaven'(22:12)

1184 Thou uyest. How doth God know? (22:13)

1185 Cao(4e judge ihRMgh the dark

cloud" f2r:lT)

11 jfVeJ the old way

wWc - - uve trodden" (22:


1187 v.'hjt can the Almtglty do fix the:

i: e plead agaiui (se with

Hb lue^ po-er" (23:6)

lis? "e l!:- one mind,and who can turn

11 , ' ';!"« ire not Md—

deo .'to:;, tiie ■'lat

know HiR. not

1191 And If It it nL< so ac-, who



will tnaM m« a Uar, and make my «>eech nocUDg wonh" (24:25) 1192 U tfasra
any ouniber of Hb >>m dothiKX His light

1194 How then can mu be Justified

witV "oJ-CTr.it

he be cleao that is .:. (U5:4)

lli^ ibe si^n are oot pise in His dgbt. How much lea man, that is a worm? (25:6)
1197 AnJtheionof man, which is a worr

11 ' -: rhou helped him that

is wli.'K t viwer' (26:2)

1199 How uveit thou the arm that hath DO strength' (26:2)

i:00 How hast thou counselled him that hath no wisdonr (26:3)

1201 How hast thou plentifully declared the thing as it is' (26:3)

1202 To whom has thou uttered words" (26:4)

1203 And who«e spirit came from thee {■£■*)

1204 These are paroof Hb ways: but how little a portioq is heard of Him' (26:14)
1205 But the thunder of His power who can understand'(26:14)

1206 v^-hatlsthe hope of a hypocrite, though he hath gained, when God uk-eth
away his soul" (27:3) 1207 wiDGodhearhjscryv*ientrouble corr eth upon him"

120a Will he delight himself in the Almighry^'(27:10) (27:10)

1209 Will he always call upon God"

1210 All ye yourselves have seen it; why then are ye thus altogether vain'
(27:12) 1211 Where shall wisdom be found? (28:12)

1212 Where is the place of understanding? (28:12)

1213 Whence then cometh wisdom? (28:20)

1214 Where b the place of underStan dina'(28:20)

1215 Whereto migbt the strengthof their hands profit me, in whom old age was
perished'(30:2) 1216 Did not 1 weep for him that was in tioiiile'(30:25)

1217 Was not my soul grieved for the poor? (30:25)

1218 1 made a covenaix with mine eyes: why then should I think upon a
maid'(31:1) 1219 What portion of God b there from above" (31:2)

1220 And what Inheritance of the Almighty from on hliih' (31:2)

1221 Isoot destructioo to the wicked'(31:3)

1222 A nd a strange puni thment to the workers of Iniquit/' (31:3)

1223 Doth not He see my ways, and all my steps" (31:4)

1224 What then shall t do when God nseth up" (31:14)

1225 And when He visiteth, what shall I answer ' 14)

1226 Did not .Jeme in the womb make hir t i:io)

1227 And did not one fashion us in the womb'(31:15)

1228 Old I fear a zreat multitude, or

did the C'-i -' ^f fanuliet terrify

me. that .ce. and went not

out of iV .;34)

v. jst thou strive against


1230 should I lie againK my rlgix? (•M:«)

- Job, who - ■^iter (M:T) 1 cii :!im a charge

over 13)

I'^-ij r - :.o :uin oisposed the whole world' (34:13) 1 ■ ,. V. 11. ._.gQ jjg fj,^
hateth right "i ..; .._jj coademn falm that it

mo« ju«" ('34:17)

1236 b it fit to say to a king. Thou aie wicked" (34:18) (34:18)

1237 An !to •.rfiicei.Te jre ungodly?

1238 H. :^iat ac-certft*-- - • -es, not

'lenciiiiiofellian the poor'

mind {MiiJf

1242 ThinkesJ that thou uldr

■ to be ilgli, leousnes* is

rt, what advan-• •hee'(35:3)

V:aA And, what profit shall I have. If I be cleansed from my sin' (35:3)

l.:46 Ifihousinnest.what doest thou against Him? (35:6)

l\^A6 Orifthy tianigressans be mul-cirl'Cd, what doest thou unto Him? (36:6)
1247 Ifthoube righteous, what givest thou Him'' (35:7)

1248 Or what receiveth He of thine hand"(35:7)

1249 Whoteachetbus more than the beasts of the earth, and maketh us
wiserthantte fox b of heaven: (;5:11) 1250 Will He esteem thy riches'(36:


1251 Godexaliethby His power who teacheth like Him' (36:22)

1252 Who hath enjoined Him Hb way? (36:23)

1253 Or who can say. Thou hast wrought iniquity' (36:23i)

1254 Can any understand the spread -ings of the clouds, or the noise of His
ubemacle'(36:29) 1255 Dost thou know when God disposed them, and caused
the light of His cloud to shine" (37:15) 1256 Dost thou know the balancings of
the clouds, the wondrous works of Him wMch is perfect in knowledge' (37:16)
1257 How th> garments are waini, when He quieteth the earth by the south
wind'(37:17) l'Z58 Hast thou with Him spread out the sky, which is strong, and
as a molten lookins glass (37:18) 1259 ShaU it be told Him, that I speak? (37:20)

1260 Who is this that darkenethcoin-sel by words without knowledge'(38:2)

1261 Where wast thou when 1 laid the foundations of the earth' (38:4)

1262 Who hath laid the measures thereof, if thou knowest? (38:5)

1263 Or who hath stretched the line upon it? (38:5)

1264 Whereupon are the foundations thereof fastened? (38:6)

1265 Or who laid the comer stone thereof; when the moming stars sang together,
and all the sons of God stouted for joy (38:6-7) 1266 Or who shut up the sea
with doors, when it brake forth, as if it had issued out of the womb" (38:8) 1267
when I made the cloud the garment thereof, and thick datkness a swaddUngband
when I made the cloud the garment thereof, and thick datkness a swaddUngband
for it, and brake up for it my decreed place, and set bars and doors, and said.
Hitherto shalt thou come, but nc further and here shall thy proud waves be
stayed' (38: 9-11) 1368 Hast thou commanded the motning since thy days: and
caused the dayspring to know his place; that it might cake hold oftheendsof the
earth, that the wicked migbt be shaken out of lt> (38:12-13) 1269 Hast thou
entered into the springs of the sea? (38:16)

1270 Or hast ttx>u vAlked in the search of the depth? (38:16)

1271 Have the gates of death been opened unto thee' (38:17)

1272 Or hast thou seen the doon of the shadow of death' (38:17)

12" -rcelved the breadth

oft )

1 - .1 inc way where light

dwel .9)

l'~.. .-.^ fot darkness, where is

the place thereof, that thou shouldest take It to tV i>.iiin.j thereof, and that thou
sho - the paths to the bouse I' ' 19-20)

1 t thou it,because thou

wa« (38:21)

1277 (>r because the number of thy dap Is great • (38:21)

1278 >Ust thou enered Into the treasures of ttie snow" ( H:."?)

1279 Or hast tliou seen the treasures of the hail, wtuch 1 have reserved against
the time of troj -

the day of battle and war

1280 By what wayls the lig! which scattereth the east w. the earth'(38:24)
1281 Who hath divided a watercourse for the ovettlowiag of waters, or away

for the lightning oc thunder: to cause it to rain on the earth, where no man Id on
the wildemeu, wlereln there Is no man: to utbfy ttc desolate aisd waste ground;
and to cause the bud of the tender hetb lo spring fonh'' (3& 25-2TI 1282 Hath the
ralo a father'(38:28)

1283 Or who hath begotten the drops of dew? (33:28)

1284 Out of whose womb came the ice'(38:29)

1285 And the hoary frost of heaven, who hath gendered it" (38:23)

1286 Canst thoa bind the tweet influences of Pleiades, or loose the bands or
Onon" (38:31) 1287 Canst thou bring forth Matza-toth in his seasons? (38:32)

1288 Oi canst thou gjide Arcturus with his tons'(38:33)

1289 Koowest thou the ordinances of heaven? (38:33)

1290 Canst thou set the domioloo thereof in the earth" (38:33)

1291 Canst ibou' lift up thy voice to the clouds, that abundaiKe of waters may
cover thee? (38:34) 1292 Canst thou send lightnings, that they may go, and say
untc thee. Here we are? (38:35) 1293 Who hath put wisdom in tlie inward parts?

12^4 Or who bath given undersund-ing to the heart" (38:36)

1295 Who can number the clouds in wbdom? (38:37)

1296 Or who can suy the bottles of heaven, when the dust giowetb into hardness,
and the clods cleave fast together'(38:38) 1297 WUttbou bunt ttie prey for the
Uons? (38:39)

1298 Otfilliheappeuteofthe young lions, when they couch in their deos, and
abide in the covert to lie in wait? (38:39-40) 1299 Wboprovidethibrtbe raven his

1300 Knowest thou the time when the wild goats of the rockbnng forth? (39:1)

1301 Or canst thoa mark when the hinds do calve" (39:2)

1301 Or canst thoa mark when the hinds do calve" (39:2)

1302 Canst ihou nuinber the months that they fulfiU? (39:2)

1303 Or knowest the time when they bring fonh" (39:2)

1304 Who hath sent out the wild ass free? (39:5)

1305 Or who hath loosed the bands of tte wild ass" (39:5)

1306 Will the unicom be willing to serve thee, or abide by thy crib? (39:9)

1307 Canst thoubind the unicoro v4th his band in the furrow? (39:10)

1308 Or will he harrow the valleys after thee'(39:10)

1309 WUt thou trust him, because his strength is great? (39:11)

1310 Or wilt thou leave thylaboiv to him'(39:11)

1311 wm thou believe him, that he wiU bring home thy seed, and gather it into
thy bam? (39:12) 1312Gave$t thou the goodly wings unto the peacocks? (39:13)

1313 Or wtngs and feathen unto the osnrlch? (39:13)

1314 Hast thou given the horse strength" (39:19)

1315 Hast thou clothed his neck with thunder? (39:19)

1316 Canst thou make him afraid as the grasshopper" (39k 2m

1317 Doth the hawk fly by thy wisdom and xretch her wings toward the south"
(39:26) 1318 Doth the eagle mount up at thy command, and make her nest on
high" ( >9:27) 1313 Shall be that contendeth with the Almighy InOruct Him"

1320 I am vile, what shall I answer Thee" (40:4)

1321 Wilt thou also disannul My judg-n>ent?(40:3)

1322 wat thou condemn Me, that thou mayest be rlchteous' (40:8) 9)
1323 Ha«thouanarTTibkeGod'(40:

1324 Or cann thou thunder wah a voice Uke iam"(40:3)

1325 Canst thou draw out leviathan with an hook'(41:1)

1326 Othistongue withacord which thou letten down" (41:1)

1327 Canst thoupui an book intohb nose?(41:2)

1328 Ot boK his jaw through with a I thoro?(4l:2)


1329 Will he make many supplications unto thee? (41:3)

1330 Will he speak soft words unto thee? (40:3)

1331 Will he make a covenant vath thee? (40:4)

1332 Wilt thou take him for a servant for ever? (41:4) .

1333 Wilt thou play with him as witti a bird? (41:5)

1334 Or wUt thou bind him for thy maidens? (41:5)

1335 Shall the companions make a banquet of him? (41:6)

1336 ShaUthey part him among the merchants? (41:6)

1337 Canst thou fill his skin with barbed Uons? (41:7) (41=7)

1338 Or his head with fish spears?

1339 Shall not one be cast down at the sight of him? (41:9)

1340 None is so fierce that dare stir him up: who then is able to stand before
Me? (41:10) 1341 Who hath prevented Me, that i should not repay him? (41:11)

1342 Who can discover the face of his garment? (41:13)

1343 Or who can come to him with his double bridle? (41:13)
1343 Or who can come to him with his double bridle? (41:13)

1344 Who can open the doors of his face? (41:14)

1345 Who is he that hideth counsel without knowledge? (42:3)

164 questions in Psalms:

1346 Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing? (2:1)

1347 How long will ye tum My glory into shame? (4:2)

1348 How long will ye love vanity, and seek after leasing? (4:2)

1349 Whov^llshewusanygood?(4:6)

1350 O Lord, how long? (6:3)

1351 In the grave who shall give Tnee tlianks?(6:5) .

1352 WhatismanthatThouartmindful of him? (8:4)

1353 And the son of man, that Thou visitest him?(8:4) c cc r^

1354 Whysundest thou afar oft, U Lord? (10:1)

1355 Why hidest Thou Thyself in times of trouble? (10:1)

1356 Wherefore doth the wicked contemn God? (10:13)

1357 How say ye to my soul. Flee as a bird to your mountain? (11:1)

1358 Ifthefoundationsbe destroyed, what can the righteous do? (11:3)

1359 Who is lord over us? (12:4)

1360 Howlongwilt Thou forget me, O Lord? (13:1)

1361 For ever? (13:1)

1362 How long wilt Thou hide Thy face from me? (13:1)
1363 How long shall I take counsel in my soul, having sorrow in my heart daay?
(13:2) 1364 How long shall mine enemy bt exalted over me? (13:2)

1365 Have all the workers of iniquity no knowledge? (14:4)

1366 Lord, who shall abide in Thy tabernacle? (15:1)

1367 Who shaU dwell in Thy holy hiU? (15:1) 31)

1368 WhoisGod save the Lord? (18:

1369 WhoisarocksaveoutGod?(18: 31) (19:12)

1370 Who can understand his errors?

1371 My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me? (22:1)

1372 WhyartThou so fai from helping Me, and from the words of My roaring?
(22:1) 1373 Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord? (24:3) _

1374 Who shall stand in His holy place? (24:3) 8)

1375 Who is this King of glory? (24:

1376 Who is this King of glory? (24:

1377 What man is he that feareth the Lord? (25:12)

1378 Whom shaU I fear? (27:1) 1)

1379 Of whom shaU I be afraid? (27:

1380 What profit isthere in my blood, when 1 go down to the pit? (30:9) 9)

1381 Shall the dust praise Thee? (30:

1382 ShaU it declare Thy truth?(30:


1383 What man is he that desireth life, and loveth many days, that he man see
good? (34:12) 1384 Lord, who is like unto Thee, which deliverest the poor from
good? (34:12) 1384 Lord, who is like unto Thee, which deliverest the poor from
him that is too strong for him, yea, the poor and the needy from him that
spoUeth him? (35:10) 1385 Lord, how long wiU thou look

on? (35:17) (39:7)

1386 And now.Lord, what wait I for—

1387 WhenshaUhedie,andhisname perish? (41:5)

1388 When shaU 1 come and appear before God? (42:2)

1389 Where is thy God? (42:3)

1390 Why art thou cast down, O my soul? (42:5) , .("^^^^

1391 Why art thou disquieted in me.'

1392 Why hast Thou forgotten me? (42:9)

1393 Why go I mourning because oi the oppression of the enemy? (42:9)

1394 Where is thy God? (42:10)

1395 Why art thou cast down, O my soul'(42:11) me? (42:11)

1396 Why art thou disquieted within

1397 Thou art the God of my strength: why dost Thou cast me off? (43:2)

1398 Why go I mourning because ot the oppression of the enemy? (43:2)

1399 Why art thou cast down, O my soul? (43:5) ^ .. • ^

1400 And why art thou disquieted within me? (43:5) (44:21)

1401 ShaU not God search this out?

1402 Awake, why sleepest thou, 0 Lord? (44:23)

1403 Wherefore hidest Thou Thy face, and forgettest our affliction and our
oppression'' (44:24) 1404 Wherefore should I fear in the days of evil, when the
oppression'' (44:24) 1404 Wherefore should I fear in the days of evil, when the
Iniquity of my heels shaU compass me about? (49:5) 1405 WiUl eat the flesh of
bulls, or drink the blood of goats? (50:13)

1406 What hast thou to do to declare Mysututes.orthatthou shouldesttake My

covenant in thy mouth? (50:16) 1407 Why boastest thou thyself in mischief. O
mighty man? (52:1)

1408 Have the workers of iniquity no knowledge? (53:4)

1409 Doth not David hide himself with us? (54, tide) (56:7)

1410 ShaU they escape by iniquity?

1411 Put Thou my tears into Thy bottle: are they not in Thy book? (56:8) ^ ,
1412 Thou hast deUvered my soul from death: wilt not Thou deliver my feet
from falling, that I may walk before God in the light of the living? (56:13) 1413
Do ye indeed speak nghteous-ness, O congregation? (58:1)

1414 Do ye judge uprightly, O y« sons of men? (58:1) J

1415 Who, say they, doth hear? (59:

1416 Who wiU bring me into the strong city? (60:9) (60:9)

1417 Who wiU lead me into Edom?

1418 Wilt not thou, O God, which hadstcast us off? (60:10)

1419 And thou, O God, which didst not go out with out armies? (60:10)

1420 How long WiU ye imagine mischief against a man? (62:3)

1421 They say, WhoshaU see them? (64:5) 16)

1422 Whyleapye,yehigh hiUs?(68:

1423 They say. How doth God know?

(73:11) , . ,

1424 And is there knowledge in the

1424 And is there knowledge in the

most High? (73:11)

1425 Whom have I in heaven but Thee? (73:25)

1426 O God, why hast thou cast us off for ever''(74:1)

1427 Why doth Thine anger smoke against the sheep of Thy pasture? (74:

1428 O God how long shaU the adversary reproach? (74:10)

1429 ShaU the enemy blaspheme Thy name for ever? (74:10)

1430 Why withdrawest Thou Thy hand, even Thy right hand? (74:11)

1431 Who may sund in Thy sight when once Thou art angry? (76:7)

1432 wm the Lord cast off for ever? (77:7)

1433 WiU He be favorable no more? (77:7) ever? (77:8)

1434 Is His mercy clean gone for

1435 Doth His promise fail for ever -more? (77:8)

1436 Hath God forgonen to be gracious? (77:9)

1437 Hath He in anger shut up His tender mercies? (77:9)

1438 Who is so great a God as our God? (77:13)

1439 They said. Can God furnish a table In the wilderness? (78:19) 20)

1440 Can God give bread also? (78:

1441 Can He provide flesh for His people? (78:20)

1442 How long. Lord? (79:5)

1443 Wilt Thou be angry for ever ? (79:5) 4)

1444 ShaU Thy jealousy bum Uke fire? (79:5)

1444 ShaU Thy jealousy bum Uke fire? (79:5)

1445 Wherefore should the heathen say. Where is their God' (79:10)

1446 How long wilt Thou be angry against the prayer of Thy people? (80:

1447 Why ha St Thou then broken dom her hedges, so thataU they which pass
by the way to pluck her? (80:12) 1448 How long WiU ye judge unjustly and
accept the persons of the wicked? (82:2) 1449 Wilt Thou be angry with us for
ever? (85:5)

1450 Wilt Thou draw out Thine aiger to aU generations?(85:5) (85:6)

1451 WQtThou not revive us again?

1452 WUt Thou show wonders to the dead? (88:10)

1453 ShaU the dead arise and praise Thee? (88:10)

1454 ShaU Thy loving kindness be declared in the grave? (88:11)

1455 Or Thy faithfulness in destruction? (88:11)

1456 ShaU Thy wonders be known in the dark? (88:12)

1457 And thy righteousness in the land of forgetfulness? (88:12)

1458 Lord, whycastest Thou off my soul? (88:14)

1459 Whyhidesl Thou Thy face from me? (88:14)

1460 Who in heaven can be compared

unto the Lord? (89:6)

1461 Who among the sons of the mighty can be likened unto the Lord? (89:6)

1462 Who is a strong Lord Uke unto Thee? (89:8)

1463 Or to Thy faithfulness round about Thee? (89:8)

1464 How Lord? (89:46) (89:46)

1465 Wilt Ihou hide Thyself for ever?

1466 ShaU Thy wrath burn Uke fire? (89:46)

1467 Wherefore hast Thou made aU men in vain? (89:47)

1468 What man is he that Uveth, and shaU not see death? (89:48)

1469 ShaU he deUver his soul from the hand of the grave? (89:48)

1470 Where are Thy former loving-kindnesses, which Thou swarest unto David
in Thy truth? (89:49) 1471 Who knoweth the po»/er of Thine anger? (90:11) 13)

1472 Return, OLord, how long? (90:

1473 How long shaU the wicked triumph? (4:3)

1474 How long shaU they utter and speak hard things? (94:4)

1475 And aU the workers of iniquity boast themselves? (94:4) (94:8)

1476 Ye fools, when wiU ye be wise?

1477 He that planted the ear, shaU He not hear? (94:9)

1478 He that formed the eye, shaU He not see? (94:9)

1479 He that chastiseth the heathen, shaU He not conect? (94:10)

1480 He that teacheth man knowledge, shaU not He know? (94:10)

1481 Who WiU rise up for me against the evildoers? (94:16)

1482 Or who WiU stand up for me against the workers of iniquity?(94:16)

1483 Sh^U the throne of iniquity have feUowsWp with thee, which frameth
mischief by a law? (94:20) 1484 O yrhen wilt Thou come unto me? (101:2) ^ . ^

1485 Who can uner the mighty acts of the Lord? (106:2)

1486 Who can show forth aU His praise? (106:2)

1487 Who WiU bring me into the strong city? (108:10) (108:10)

1488 Who WiU lead me into Edom?

1489 Wilt not Thou, O God, who hast cast us off? (108:11)

1490 WUt not Thou, OGod, go forth with on hosts? (108:11)

1491 What aUeth thee, O thou sea, that thou fleddest? (114:5)

1492 Thou Jordan that thou wast driven back? (114:5)

1493 Ye mountains, that skipped Uke rams; and ye Uttle hiUs, Uke lambs?

(114:6) ^ ,

1494 Wherefore should the heathen say. Where Is now thelrGod? (115:2)

1495 What shall I tender unto the Lord for aU His benefits toward me? (116:12)

1496 What can man do unto me?

1497 Wherewithal shaU a young man cleanse his way? (119:9)

1498 When wilt Thou comfort me? (119:82)

1499 How many are the days of thy servant? (119:84)

1500 When wilt Thou execute judgment on them that persecute me? (119:84)

1501 What win be given unto thee? (120:3)

1502 Or what shaU be done unto thee, thou false tongue? (120:3)

1503 If Thou. Lord, shouldest mark Iniquities, who shaU sund? (130:3)

1504 How long shaU we sing the Lord's song in a strange land? (137:4)

1505 Whither shaU I go from 'niy Spirit? (139:7)

1506 Or whither shaU I flee from Thy presence? (139:7)

1506 Or whither shaU I flee from Thy presence? (139:7)

1507 Do not I hate them, O Lord, that hate Thee? (139:21)

1508 Am not I greived with those that rise up against Thee? (139:21)

1509 Who can stand before His cold? (147:17)

49 questions in Proverbs:
1510 How long ye simple ones, wiU ye love simpUcity? (1:22)

1511 And the scornful delight In their scorning, and fools hate knowledge?
(1:22) 1512 Why wUt thou, my son, be ravished with a strange woman, and
embrace the bosom of a stranger? (5:20) 1513 How Iwig wUt thou sleep, O
sluggard? (6:9)

1514 When wUtthou arise out of thy

sleep? (6:9) , ,= - v,-

1515 Can a man take fire m his bosom, and hisclothes not be burned ? (6:27)

1516 Can one go upon hot coals, and his feet not be burned? (6:28)

1517 Doth not wisdom cry? (8:1)

1518 And understanding put forth her voice? (8:1) (14:22)

1519 Do they not en that devise evU?

1520 HeU and destruction are before the Lord: how much more then the
heartsofthe children of men? (15:11) 1521 Wherefore is there a price In the hand
of a fool to get wisdom, seeing he hath no heart to it? (17:16) 1522 The spirit of
a man wiU sustain his infirmity; but a wounded spirit who can bear? (18:14)
1523 All the brethren of the poor do hate him: how much more do his friends go
far from him? (19:7) 1524 Most men proclaim every one his own goodness: but
a faithful man who can find? (20:6) 1525 Who can say, I have made my heart
clean, I am pure from my sin'' (20:9)

1526 Man's goings ate of the Lord; how can a man then understand his own
way? (20:24) 1527 The sacrifice of the wicked is abomination: how much mote
way? (20:24) 1527 The sacrifice of the wicked is abomination: how much mote
when he bringeth it with a wicked mind? (21:27) 1528 Have not I written to thee
exceUent things In counsels and knowledge, that 1 might make thee know the
certainty of the words of truth to them that send unto thee? (22:20-21) 1529
Ifthou hast nothing to pay, why should he take away the bed from under thee?
(22:27) 1530 Seest thou a man diUgent in his business? (22:29)

1531 WUt thou set thine eyes upon that which Is not? (23:o)

1532 Who hath woe? (23:29)

1533 Who hath sorrow? (23:29)

1534 Who hath contentions? (23:29)

1535 Who hath babbUng? (23:29)

1536 Who hath vounds without cause? (23:29) 29)

1537 Who hath redness of eyes? (23:

1538 When shaU I awake? (23:35) 1529 If thou sayest. Behold, we knew

it not; doth not He that pondereth the heart consider it? (24:12)

1540 And He that keepeth thy soul. doth He not know it? (24:12)

1541 And shaU not He render to every man according to his works? (24:12)

1542 For their calamity shall rise suddenly; and who knoweth the ruin of them
both? (24:22) 1543 Hast thou found honey? (25:15)

1544 Seest thou a man wise in his own conceif (26:12)

1545 Am not I In sport? (26:19)

1546 Who is able to stand before envy? (27:4)

1547 Doth the crown endure to every generation? (27:23-24)



1S40 S«e«i itaM • ma that li haay In Ml rfot<ii*(t9:20i

li43 •sboKjthiiceaJed JTlntohe*-veo. ■ "•' - icJ-'CJO:*)

U :-: ti^ihered the wiod in

hli : i >^ V •

ISSl MhotiiUibound the wtten in i Uinr.ent (J0:4)

ISSC Who hJlh eit^bUiheO M the enJi of the earth {^o■.4)

15Sj whatii tU> name. aoO w|ui h HiiBO'iD<>")e.>ftl>o<J aati tell'' ( tO: S)

ISM Leu I be fuU. «nd deny Tbee . *dJ uy. Who li the Lord'' (30:9)

1555 Wbai. my wn (Jl:2) (31:2)

1556 And whit, the wn of my womb" 1547 And whit, the loo of my vowj"

(jl:2) (31-10)

155^ w'boc4nfindavinviouj*«m*D'' jjmjertionjinEcclesiartes

1559 rtKit profit hath i man of iU hij Idtout which he tiketh under the «W>(1:3)
1560 l» there »ny thing whereof It may be uld. fee. this u new" (1:10)

1561 I taid of Uut^htet, It Is mad: and of miith. What Joeth if (2:::)

156'-' Whit ciDthe TT.an dothatcon.-ethafterthe ldn(;-'(2:12)

156J AJlt happeneth to the fool. » ithippeaetbeven to me: and why was I then
more wise (-15) 1564 And tow dieth the wise man"' (il6)

1565 Who knowetb whether he shall be a wiK nan or a fool'' (2:19)

1566 Mhat hath man of all his la-bour.andof the vexation of his heart, wherein
he hath laboured under the sun "(2:22) 1567 Who can eat. or who else can hasten
he hath laboured under the sun "(2:22) 1567 Who can eat. or who else can hasten
hereunto, more than I"^ (2:25)

1568 What profit hath he that vorketh '' to t^^ wherein te labouieih" (3:9) 1569
Who'KJKjweth the spirit of man that tioeth upward, and the spirit of tlK beast
that goetb downward to the earth" (3:21) 1570 There is nocWng better, than that
a man should rejoice In his own works: for that is his pordon: for who shall bring
him to see what shall be . after him' (3:2?) 1571 For whom do 1 labour and
bereave my soul of God" (4:8)

1572 How can one be warm alone" (4:11)

1573 Wherefore should God be angry at thy voice, and desnoy the work of tMne
hands' (5:6) 1574 When jioods increase, they are mcreased that eat them: and
«4ut good Is there 10 the owners thereof, saving thebeholdlnts of them with their
eyes'-(5:11) 1575 What profit hath he thai hath laboured for the wind" (5:16)

1576 Do not all go to one place" (6:5)

1577 What hath the wlie more than the fool" (6:?)

1573 What hath the poor, thai he kao«cth to walk before the Uvlng"(6:3)

1579 Whatlin.an the better? (6:11)

1580 Who knoweth what is good for nun In this life, all the days of hu vain life
which he ipendeth at a shadow^ (6:12) 1581 WK>ran tell a man what shall be
after him under the sun'' (6:12)

1582 Say not thou, wbails the cauK that the fouTiet days were better than these'
(7:10) 1583 Who can make that stzalght, wHch he hath made crooked" (7:13)

15d4 Be not righteous over much : neither nake thyieU over wise: why tbouldea
U»u destroy ihyiel'" (7:16) 1585 Be not over much •ricked, neither be tnou
foolish: why ihoolde* tl»ii die befof e thy time"' H: IT) 1536 That which is fat
on, and exceeding deep, who can Bnd it out" (7:24)

1587 Who is at a wiw muf! (8:1)

1588 Who'Knoweth the interpreudoci of a thlnR"(3;l)

1589 Who can uy unto him, Wkat doesl thou" (8:4)

1589 Who can uy unto him, Wkat doesl thou" (8:4)

159C Who can tell him whoi It shall be" (8:7)

1591 A rnancanooc tell what shall be: and what shall be after blm. who can teU
hln "(10:14) n questloot in ^fl of '^olomoo:

1592 Why iliould I be as die ijui twnetb aside by the flocks of thy
companions''(1:7) 1593 Saw yc him whom my soul loveth" (3:3)

1594 Who is this that cometh out of

L^ -. , 1 - • 111 ,r, of SKoke.

r^nkiooenie, ^.. ^.. ^, ,..i ercfunr (t:



1595 I have put off my coat: shall I put It CO' (5:3)

1596 I have washed niy feet: how shaU 1 defile theni (5:31

'.S9^ Whatli ihy tieloved more than ■. r J, I) ihou (alren a mong

.-. .1-A at 1! thy beloved more than another beloved, that thou doit so charge us"
(5:9) 1599 Whither is thy beloved gone, O thou fairest amoog women' (6:1)

1600 «Miher is thy beloved ti«ned aside (6:1)

1601 Who IS she that looketh forth as the morning, fair as the moon, clear as ttK
sun. and terrible as an army with bannen" (6:10) 1602 What will ye see in the
Shula-mlie' (6:13)

1603 Wholsthisthatcomethup from the wUdemess. leaning upon her beloved"

(9:5) 1604 What shall we do for our sister in the day when she shall be spoken
for (8:8)

190 questioos in Isaiah:

1605 Why should ye be stricken any more"'(1:5)
1605 Why should ye be stricken any more"'(1:5)

160€ To what purpose is the multitude of your sacrifices unto Me? (1:11)

1607 When ye come to appear before Me, who hath required this at your hand,
to tread My coutu'' (1:12) 1608 Cease from man, whose breath IS in his nostrils:
for wherein is he to be accounted of" (2:22) 1609 What mean ye that ye beat My
people to pieces, and grind the faces oftte poor''(3:15) 1610 What could have
been done nxxeio My vineyard, that I have n(X dooe in it' (5:4) 1611 Wbcrefoce.
when 1 looked that it should brios forth grapes, brought It forth wOd t?tiP«5"
(5:4) 1612 Whom shall 1 send and who will go for US' (6:3)

1613 How long' (6:11)

1614 Is it a small thing for you to weary men. but will ye weary my God also"
(7:13) 1615 Should not a people seek unto ttelr God" (8:19) 19)

1616 For the living lo the dead" (3:

1617 What wiu ye do In the day of vUitation.andlnibe desolation which shall

come frari far" (10:3) 1618 To whom will ye flee for help" (10:3) (10:3)

1619 Where will ye leave yo« glory"

1620 Are not my pnnces altogether kings''(10:8)

1621 Is not Calno as Carchemisb'' (10:9)

1622 IsnotHamath as Arpad"* (10:9)

1623 Is not Samaria as Damascus'' (10:9)

1624 Shalllnot, as 1 have done unto Samaria and her idols, so do thejeru-

. salem and her idols" (10:11)

1625 Shall the axe boastitaelf against him that heweth therewith' (10:15)

1626 Shall the saw magnify Itself against Um that shaketh If (10:15)

161:7 An thou become weak as we? (14:10)

1628 Art thou become like unto US'* (14:10)

1629 Is this the man that made the earth to tren.ble, that did sliake kingdoms:
that :i.ade the woild as a wilderness, and deiOuyed the cities thereof: that opened
not the house of pnsoocrs"

I (14:16-17)

I 1630 The Lord of ho«0 hath pi*po«ed,

and who shall disannul if (14:27) I 1631 tils hand is ictelched out, and who shall
ti«n It back- (14:27) I 16)2 What shall uDc then answer the

messengers of the naUon" (14:32) 16 !'ow say ye Into Pharaoh. lam

the son of the wise, the son of ancient

kuigs (ri:H)

!C A W^iae are they" (19:12) 16).'- Where are the wiKtrien"( 19:1?) I6X; How
shall wc escape''(20:6) 1637 Watchman, what of the nlghf (Jl:lli (21:11)

1638 Watchman, what of the oighf

1639 W'hatalleth tfiecnow thai thou art wholly gooe up to the houKtops" (22:1)
1640 What hatt thou here (22:16/

1641 Whom halt thou here, that thou

hastheweJ tliee out a sepuklire here, as he that bewetb him out a lerulchre
onhigh.and that gravelhan habitation for himself In a rock (22:16) 1642 a this
your Joyous city, whose ' antiquity is of aocleoi days ' (23:"T)

164.3 Who hath ukeii this counsel against Tyre, the ctowningcity, whose
mercharmsare princes, whose trafBck-ers are the honorable of the earth' (23:8)
1644 Who would set up bners and tlwms at^LJlnst me in battle" (27:4)

1645 Hath he niiitten him, as hf vnote those that sinae him''(27:7)

1646 Is be slain according to the slauglxet of them that ate slain by him'.'(27:7)
1647 Whom shall He teach knowledge (28:9)
1648 Whom shall He make to understand doctrine''(28:9)

1649 Doththe plowman plow all day to sow' (■:8:24)

1650 Doth he open and break the clods of his ground" (28:24)

1651 Doth be not cast abroad the filches, and scatter the cummin, and cast in the
principal wheat and the appointed barley and de in their place? (28:25) 1

1652 Who seeth us'' (29:15)

1653 Who knoweth us'' (29:15)

1654 Shall the work say to him that made It, He made oie nof ('29:16)

1655 ShaU the thing framed say to him that framed it. He had no understanding?
(29:16) 1656 Is it not yet a very Uttle while, and Lebanon shall be turned Into a
fruitful field, and a fruitful Held shall be esteemed as a forest" (29:17) 1657 Who
amoog uj shall dwell with the devouring fire" (33:14)

1658 Who among us shall dwell with everlasting burnings" (33:14)

1659 Where Is the scribe'' (33:18)

1660 Where Is the receiver^ (33:18)

1661 Where is he thai counted the towers''(33:18)

1662 What confidence is this wherein thou trustest" (36:4)

1663 Now on whom dost tbou trust, that thou rebelleSt against me? (36:5)

1664 Is it not he, whose high places and whose alian HezeJdah hath taken away,
and said lojudah and Jerusalem, Ye shall worship before this alur? (36: 1665
How then wilt thou turn away the face of one captain of the least of my master's
servanu, and put thy oust in Egypt for chariots and for | horsemen (36:9) 1666
Am 1 now come up wlthouithe Lord against this land to desaoy if:' (36:10) ,
1667 Hath my master sent me to thy roaster and to thee to speak these *«>tds"


1668 Hath he not sent me to the men that sit upon the wall, that they may eat
1668 Hath he not sent me to the men that sit upon the wall, that they may eat
ihelr own dung, and drink , their own piss with you" (36:12) 1669 Hath any of
the gods of the nations delivered his land out of the haal

, of the king of Assyria' (36:18)

1670 Where are the gods of Hamatb and Arpad" (36:19) '

1671 Where are the gods of Sephar-I Talm? (36:19) I

1672 Have they delivered Samana i out of my hand" (36:19) {

1673 Who are they amoog all the i gods of these lands, thai have delivered ttieli
land out of [iiy hand, that the . Lord should deliver Jerusalem out of my land"
(J6::0) 1674 Shalt thou be deUveted"f37:11)

1675 Have the gods of the nations delivered them whichmy fathenhave do-

, stroyed, as (-ozan, and Hatan, and Rezeph, and the children of Eden wMch
were In TeUssat" (37:12) 1676 Where Is the king of Haiiuth. and the king of
Arpad, and the king ofthecity of Sepharvalm, Heoa, and Ivah"(37:13) 1677
Whom ha SI thou reproached and blasphemed" (37:23)

1678 Against whoii. hast thou exalted , thy voice, and lifted up thine eyes on
high' (37:23)

1679 Hasi thou not heard long ago, how : have done it: and of ancle a times, ih*
I have formed if (37:'S) . 1680 w^al shaU : say" (38:15)

I 1631 mIui is the dgii that I shall go

up to the house of the Lord" (38:22) I 1682 What said these men" (3»:3)

1683 From wheocc came they unto thee" (39:3)

1684 What have they seen In tMne


1685 What shaU I cry (40:6)

1686 Who hath measured the waters In the tuUow of His hand, and meted out
1686 Who hath measured the waters In the tuUow of His hand, and meted out
heaven with the span, and coti>-prehetided the dust of the earth in a measure,
and welgtied the mouataios in scales, and the hiUs in a balaisce''

1687 Wl» hath directed the Spirit of the Lord, ot being lUs counsellor hath uught
Him" (40:13) 1688 With whom took He counsel, and who Lnsffucted Him, and
taught Him la the path of judameiE, and uught Him knowledge, and shewed to
Him the way of undemanding'' (40: 14) 1689 To whom then will ye liken God?

1690 Whatllkcness will ye compare unto lUm''(40:18)

1691 Have ye not known? (40:21)

1692 Have ye not heard? (40:21)

1693 Hath it not beeo lold you Docn the beginning" (40:21)

1694 Have ye not understood from the foundations ofthe earth' (40:21)

1695 To whom then will ye liken Me, ot shall I be equal? (40:25)

1696 Why sayesttbou, O Jacob, and jpeakert.O Israel, My way is his from the
Lord, and my judgment is passed over from my God" (40:27) 1697 Hast thou not
known" f 40:28)

1698 Hast thou not heard, that the everlastingGod, the Lord, the Creator of tte
ends of the earth, falnteih not, neither is weary" (40:2^) 1699 Who raised up the
righteous man from the east, called him to his

, foot, gave the nations before him, and made him rule over kings' (41:2)

1700 Who hath wrought and done it, calling ibe generadoos from the beginning^
(41:4) 1701 Who bath declared fton the beginning, that we may know^ (41:26)

1702 And beforednie, that we may say. He is righieoi*'' (41:26)

1703 Who is blind, but My servanf (42:19)

1704 Or deaf, as My messenger that 1 senf (42:19)

1705 Who Is blind as he that is perfect, and blind as the Lord's servaa
1705 Who Is blind as he that is perfect, and blind as the Lord's servaa


1706 Who among you will give ear to this" (42:23)

1707 Who wm hearken and hear for the time to come" (42:23)

1708 Who gave Jacob for a spoil, and Israel to the robbers'' (42:24)

1709 Did not the Lord, He against wlum we have sinned" (42:24)

1710 Who aii.oag them can declare this and shew us former things'* (43:9)

1711 I wUl work, and who shall let It be"(4^3:13)

1712 Shall ye noi know if (43:19)

1713 And who, as 1, shaU call, and shall declare it, and set It in order for Me,
since ! appointed the ancient people" (+4:7) 1714 Have not I told thee fran that
time, and have decUred It" (44:8)

1715 IsthoeaCodbeside Me"(44:3)

1716 Who hjih fomied a god, or molten a graven image that is profitable for
nothii^ (44:10) 1717 Shalll make the residue thereof an abomination" (44:19)

1718 Shall I fall down to the stock of a tree (44:19)

1719 is there not a lie In my dght hand" (44:20)

1720 Shall the cUv uy to hlni that fashloneth it. What makest thou"(45:


1721 Otthywork,He hath no hands" (46:9)

1722 What begettest thou'' f45:lOJ

1723 What hast thou brougU forth" (46:10)

1724 Who hath declared this from •nclent dme''(45:21)

1725 Who hath told it frtan that time (45:21)

1726 Have not I the Lord" (46:21)

1727 To whom will ye Uken Me, and make Me equal, and compare Me, thit we
may be like" (46:5) 1728 WiU not ye docUre it'' (48:6)

1729 How should My name be polluted'' (48:11)

1730 Which among them hath decUred these things" (48:14)

1731 Can a woman forget Der suckiiig


cUld, that she should not have com-passloD on the son of her womb? (49: 15)

1732 Who hath begotten me these, seeing I have lost my children, and am
desolate, a captive, and removing to and fro'' (49:21) 21) 1733

1734 These, where had they been? (49:21)

1735 Shall the prey be taken from the mighty, or the lawful captive delivered''
(49:24) 1736 Where is the bill of your mother's divorcement, whom I have put
away? (50:1) 1737 Which of My creditors is It to whom I have sold you? (50:1)

1738 WhenIcame,wastherenoman? (50:12)

1739 When I called, was there none to answer'' (50:2)

1740 Is My hand shortened at aU, that it cannot redeem? (50:2) 2)

1741 Have I no power to deli ver?( 50:

1742 Who will con tend with me''(50: 8)

1743 Who is mine adversary^ (50:8)

1744 Who Is he that shall condemn me? (50:9)

1745 Who Is among you that feareth the Lord,thatobeyeththe voice of His
1745 Who Is among you that feareth the Lord,thatobeyeththe voice of His
servant,that walkethin darkness, and hath no Ught? (50:10) 1746 Art thou not it
that hath cut Rahab, and wounded the dragon? (51:

1747 Art thou not it which hath dried the sea, the waters of the great deep; that
hath made the depths of the sea a way for the ransomed to pass over? (51:10)
1748 Who an thou, that thou shouldest be afraid of a man that shall die, and of
the son of man which shall be made as grass; And forgettest the Lord thy maker,
that hath stretched forth the heavens, and laid the foundadons of the earth; and
hast feared continually every day because of the fury of the opptessor, as if he
were ready to destroy? (51:12-13) 1749 Where isthe fury of the oppres-JOt?
(51:13) 19)

1750 Who shall be sorry for thee?(51:

1751 By whom shall I comfort thee'' (51:19)

1752 V*athaveIhere,saiththeLord, that My people is taken away for nought?


1753 Who hath believed our report? (53:1)

1754 To whom is the arm of the Lord revealed? (53:1)

1755 Who shall declare His generation? (53:8)

1756 Wherefore do ye spend money for that which is not bread? (55:2)

1757 And your labour for that which satlsfieth not? (55:2)

1758 Against whom do ye sport yourselves? (57:4)

1759 Against whom make ye a wide mouth, and draw out the tongue? (57: 4)

1760 Enflaming yourselves with Idols under every green tree, slaying the
children in the valleys under the cllfts of the rocks? (57:5) 1761 Should I receive
comfort in these? (57:6)

1762 Of whom hast thou been afraid or feared, that thou hast not remembered
Me, nor laid it to thy heart? (57:11) 1763 Have not I held My peace of old,and
thou fearest Me not? (57:11)

1764 Wherefore have we fasted, say they, and Thou seest not? (58:3)

1765 Whaefore have we afflicted oui soul, and Thou takest do knowledge?
1765 Whaefore have we afflicted oui soul, and Thou takest do knowledge?

1766 Is It such a fast that I have chosen? (58:5)

1767 A day for a man to afflict his soul? (58:5)

1768 I sit to bow down his head ai a bulrush, and to spread sackcloth and ashes
under him? (58:5)

1769 Wilt thou call this a fast, and an acceptable day to the Lord? (58:5)

1770 Is not this the fast that I have chosen? (58:6)

1771 To lose the bands of vickedness, , to undo the heavey burdens, and to

let the oppressed go free, and that ye break every yoke? (58:6)

1772 Is It not to deal thy bread to the hungry, and that thou bring the

^ poor that aie cast out of thy house ?


1773 When thou seest the naked that thou cover him; and thatthouhide not
thyself from thine own flesh'' (58:7) 1774 Who are these that fly as a cloud, and
as the doves to thcli win -dows'(60:8)

1775 Who is this that cometh from Edom, with dyed garments from Boz-rah''

1776 This that is glorious in His apparel, travelling in the greatness of His
strength'' (63:1)

1777 Wherefore art Thou red in Thine apparel, and Thy garments like him that
Deadest in the winefat? (63:2) 1778 Where is He that brought them up out of the
sea with the shepherd of His nock'' (63:11)

1779 Where is He that put His Holy Spirit within him'' (63:11)

1780 That led them by theright hand ofMoseswIthHisglorious arm, dividing the
%«ter before them to make Himself an everlasting name'' (63:12) 1781 That led
%«ter before them to make Himself an everlasting name'' (63:12) 1781 That led
them through the deep, as an horse in the wilderness, that they should not
stumble'' (63:13) 1782 Where is Thy zeal and Thy strength, and sounding of Thy
bowels and of Thy mercies toward me'' (63: 15) 1783 Are they restrained?

1784 Why hast thou made us to err from Thy ways, and hardened our heart from
Thy fear? (63:17)

1786 WiltThouholdThypeace, and aRlict us very sore'? (64:12)

1787 Where is the house that ye build unto Me''(66:1) (66:1)

1788 Where is the place of My rest?

1789 Who hath heard such a thing'' (66:8) 8)

1790 Whohath seen such things''(66:

1791 Shall the earthbe made to bring forth In one day'' (66:8)

1792 Or shall a nation be bom at once''(66:8)

1793 Shall! bring forth to the birth, and not cause to bring forth? (66:9)

1794 Shall! cause to bring forth, and shut the womb? (66:9)

194 questions in Jeremiak

1795 What seest thou''(1:11)

1796 What seest ttou'' (1:13)

1797 What iniquity have your fathers found in Me, that they are gone far from
Me, and have walked after vanity, and are become vatn? (2:5) 1798 Where is the
Lord that brought us up out of the land of Egypt, that led us through the
wilderness, through a land of deserts and of pits, and of the shadow of death,
through a land that no man passed through, and where no man dwelt' (2:6) 1799
Where is the Lord? (2:8)

1800 Hath a nation changed their gods, which are yet no gods'' (2:11)
1801 !s Israel a servant (2:14)

1802 Is he a homebom slave'' (2:14)

1803 Why Is he spoiled? (2:14)

1804 Hast thou not procured this unto thyself, in that thou hast forgotten the
Lord thy God, when He led thee by the way? (2:17) 1805 And now what hast
thou to do in the way of Egypt, to drink the waten of SIhor?(2:18)

1806 Or what hast thou to do in the wayof Assyria, to drink the waters of the
river? (2:18)

1807 How then art thou turned into a degenerate plant of a strange vine unto Me''

1808 How canst thou say, I am not polluted,! have not gone after Baalim? (2:23)

1809 Whocan turn her away? (2:24)

1810 Where are thy gods that thou hast made thee? (2:28)

1811 Wherefore will ye plead with Me? (2:29)

1812 Have I been a wilderness unto Israel? (2:31)

1813 A land of darkness? (2:31)

1814 Wherefore say My people. We are lords: we will come no mote unto Thee?

1815 Can a maid forget her ornaments, or a bride her attire'' (2:32)

1816 Why trimmest thou thy way to seek love''(2:33)

1817 Whygaddest thou about so much to change thy way? (2:36)

1818 Ifa man put away his wife, and she go from him, and becomes another
man's, shall he return unto her again? (3:1) 1819 Shall not that land be greatly

polluted'' (3:1)
1820 Wilt thou not from this nme cry unto Me, My Father, Thou art the guide of
my youth'' (3:4)

1821 WiU He reserve His anger for ever? (3:5)

1822 Will He keep It to the end''(3:5)

1823 Hast thou seen that which backsliding Israel hath done" (3:6)

1824 How shall 1 put thee among the children, and give thee a pleasant land, a
goodly heritage of the hosts of nations? (3:19) 1825 Haw long shall thy vain
thoughts lodge within thee? (4:14)

1826 How long shaU I see the standard, and hear the sound of the trum-pef

1827 When thou art spoiled, what wilt thou do? (4:30)

1828 OLord,arenotThineeyes upon tte truth'' (5:3) (5:7)

1829 How shall! pardon thee for this''

1830 Shall! not visit for these things? (5:9)

1831 ShallnotMy soul be avenged on such a nation as this'' (5:9)

1832 Wherefore doeth the Lord our God all these things unto US'" (5:19)

1833 Fear ye not Me? (5:22)

1834 Will ye not tremble at My presence, which have placed the sand for the
bound of the sea by a perpetual decree, that it cannot pass It and though the
waves thereof toss them -selves, yet can they not prevail; though they roar, yet
can they not pass over it? (5:22) (5:29) 1835 Shall! not visit for these things?

1836 Shall not My soul be avenged on such a nation as this? (5:29)

1837 What will ye do in the end tlieteof? (5:31)

1838 To whom shall 1 speak, and give warning, that they may hear?(6: 10)

1839 Were they ashamed when they had committed abomination? (6:15)
1839 Were they ashamed when they had committed abomination? (6:15)

1840 To what purpose cometh there to Me incense from Sheba, and the sweet
cane from a far country? (6:20) 1841 Will ye steal, murder, and commit adultery,
and swear falsely, andbum incense unto Baal, and waU< after other gods whom
ye know not; and come and stand before Me in this house, which is caUed by
My name, and say, We are delivered to do all these abominations? (7:9-10) 1842
Is this house, which Is called by My name, become a den of robben in your
eyes? (7:11)

1843 Seest thou not what they do in the cities of Judah and in the streets of
Jerusalem''(7:17) (7:19) 1844 Do they provoke Me to anger?

1845 Do they not provoke themselves to the confusion of thdr own faces? (7:19)

1846 Shall they fall, and not arise?

1847 Shall he turn away, and not return? (8:4)

1848 Why then is this people of Jerusalem slidden back by a perpetual

backsUding? (8:5)

1849 No man repented him of his wickedness, saying, Whathave I done? (8:6)

1850 How do ye say, We are wise, and the law of the Lord Is with us? (8:8)

1851 They have rejected the word of theLord: and what wisdom is in them?

1852 Were they ashamed when they had committed abominations? (8:12)

1853 Why do we sit stiU? (8:14)

1854 a not the Lord In Zicn? (8:19)

1855 Is not her king In h«'' (8a9)

1856 Why have they provoked Me to anger with their graven Images, and with
the strange vanities? (8:19) 1857 Is there no balm In Gllead: Is there no
physician there? (8:22)
1858 Why then is not the health of the daughter of My people recovered? (8:22)

1859 I will melt them, and cry them; for how shall I do for the daughter of My
people? (9:7)

1860 Shall I not visit them for these things'? (9:9)

1861 ShaU not My soul be avenged on such a nation as this? (9:9)

1862 Who is the Wiseman, that may understand this? (9:12)

1863 Who is he to whom the mouth of the Lord hatk spoken, that he may declare
it, for what the land perisbeth and Isburned up like a wilderness, that none
passeth through? (9:12)

1864 Who would not feat Thee, O King of nations? (10:7)

1865 WhathathMy beloved to do in Mine house, seeinti she hath wrought

lewdness with many, and the holy flesh IS passed from thee? (11:15) 1866
Wherefore doth the way of the wicked prosper'' (12:1)

1867 Wherefore are all they happy that deal very treacherously? (12:1)

1868 How long shall the land mourn, and the herbs of every field wither, forthe
wickednessof them that dwell therein''(12:4) 1869 If thou hast run with the
footmen, and they wearied thee, then how canst thou contend with horses'' (12:5)
1870 If in the land of peace wherein thou trustedst, they wearied thee, then how
wUt thou do in the swelling of Jordan'' (12:5) 1871 Do we not certainly know
that every bottle shall be filled with wine'' (13:12)

1872 Where is the flock that was given thee, thy beautiful flock? (13: 20)

1873 What wilt thou say when he shall punish thee'' (13:21)

1874 Shall not sorrows take thee, as a woman in travail'' (13:21)

1875 Wherefore come these things upon me'' (13:22)

1876 Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard his spots? (13:23)

1877 Wilt thou not be made clean? (13:27)

1878 When shall it once be'' (13:27)

1879 Why shouldest thou be as a strangerin the land, andasa wayfaring man that
tumeth aside to tarry for a night? (14:8) 1880 Why shouldest thou be as a man
astonied, as a mighty man that cannot save? (14:9) dah? (14:19) 1881 Hast Thou
unerly rejected Ju—

1882 Hath thy soul lothed Zion? (14; 19)

1883 Why hast Thou smitten us, and theie is no healing for us'' (14:19)

1884 Are there any among the vanities of the Gentiles that can cause rain''

1885 Or can the heavens gfre shcwers? (14:22)

1886 Art not Thou He, O Lord our God''(14:22)

1887 Whither shall we go forth?(15:2)

1888 Who shall have pity upon thee, O Jerusalem? (15:5) 5)

1889 Or who shall bemoan thee? (15:

1890 Or who shall go aside to ask how thou doest? (15:5)

1891 Shall iron break the northern iron and the steel? (15:12)

1892 Why is pain perpetual, and my wound incurable, which refuseth to be

healed? (15:18)

1893 WUt thou be altogether unto me as a liar, and as waten that fail? (15:18)

1894 Wherefore hath the Lord pronounced all this great evil against us? (16:10)

1895 Orwhatisour iniquity? (18:10)

1896 Orwhatisour sin that we have committed against the Lord? (16:10)

1897 Shall a man make gods unto himself, and they are no gods? (16:20)

1898 The heart is deceitful above all thing:, and desperately wicked: who can
1898 The heart is deceitful above all thing:, and desperately wicked: who can
know it? (17:9)

1899 Where is the word of the Lord? (17:15)

1900 Cannot I do with you as this potter'' (18:6)

1901 Will a man leave the snow of Labanon which cometh from the rock of the

1902 Or shall the cold flowing waters that come from another place be forsaken?

1903 Shall evil be recompensed for goad''(18:20)

1904 Wherefore came I forth out of the womb tc see labour and sorrow that my
days should be consumed with shame? (20:18) 1905 Who shall come down
against us? (21:13)

1906 Or who shall enterinto our hab-itauons? (21:13)

1907 Wherefore hath the Lord done thus unto this great city? (22:8)

1908 Shalt thou reign, because thou closest thyself in cedar? (22:15)

1909 Did not thy father eat and drink, and do judgment and justice, and then



il wii -ell -ilh hln- (K:15)

1910 HejuJgedthecjLBeo? tHe ^oor andoeeJy: then it w»« .-w«i oat ihli to know

1911 li thU min Conuh x Jeipiic^ brofcemJol" (ii. J3)

191C li he 1 veuel wheirln li no pleuwe^-^:?)

1913 Whaefofeite they cut out. he todhli veJ, inj ite can into a UnJ j which they
know noc' (:r2;:9) 1914 Who h«th stood In (he countel of (he Lord, inJ'.at-V
know noc' (:r2;:9) 1914 Who h«th stood In (he countel of (he Lord, inJ'.at-V
r>«iceived «nd he*tJ Hn «o:

1915 Whohj; -Hliwofd, ind he*id lt''(:a:lrf)

1916 Am 1 a Cod i( h«od, uitb (he Lord. »Dd not » God *f»t off" (21. <)

1917 C*n iDy hide himielf in secret pUcej thai I ihall ix>( »ce hini?(2i:


1918 Do noli flu heaven an*earth. uiihthe Lord" (23:24)

1919 How loig ihall this be in (he hean of the prophets that prophesy Uei-(23:26)

1920 What Is (he chaff to the wheat"

1921 IsnotMy word like a fire- {~i: 29)

1922 And like a hammer that break-eih the rock In pieces" (23:29)

192J wbatistbe butdenof the Lord'' (23:33)

1924 What bwdeo? (23:33)

1925 What hatb the Lord answered? (23:35)

192$ What hitb the Lord spoken'' (23:35)

1927 What hath the Lord answered thee''(23:37) 37)

1928 What haththeLordspoken'>(23:

1929 What seest thou. Jeremiah'(24: 3) ed" (25:29)

1930 Should ye be utterly unpunish—

1931 Why bast thou prophesied in j the name of (he Lord, saying. This ' houK
shall be Uke ShUoh, and this city shall be deiolate without iDhabiunf (26:9)
1932 Didnot HezekiahkiDg of Judah andalljudah put him at all to death" (26:19)
1933 Did he not feat the Lord, and besought the Lord, and the Lord re- , peiKed
Him of the evil which He had \ pronounced against them''(26:19) 1934 whywdl
ye die, thou and thy people, by the sword, by the famine, aodbyihepesulence,as
the Lord hith ^Mken againt the nation that will not serve the King of Babylon''
(21:13) 1935 Wherefore should this city be Uid Vme-'(21:11)

1936 Why hast thou not reproved Jere-miahofAnaihoth, which makethhimself a

prophet to you^ (29:27) 1937 Ask ye luw, and see whether a man dotb uavaU
with child''(30:6)

1938 Wherefore do I see every man wlthhiihandson his loint, as a woman | lo

travail, and all faces turned into ' paleneu'' (J0:6) 1939 whyctiest thou for thine
affliction'' (30:15)

1340 Who IS this that engaged his hfcart to approach unto Me'' (30:21)

1941 lsEphrainiMydeatsan'>(31:20) '

1942 Is he a pleasant child'' (31:20)

1943 lk>w long wUl thou go about, Otboubackiliil:r)g daughter'' (31:221

1344 il (here any thing too hard for Me ki-Ul)

lsM6 Cooslderest (hou not wha( this people have ipokeo, uying. The two
families wttch the Lord hath chosen. He hatb even cast then, off (33:24) 1346
Will ye not receive instruction to hearken to My wads'* (35:13)

ld47 iiow dlditihou write aU these words ai hlj muuth" (36:17)

194d why hast thou written therein, uying. The kinti of Babylon shallcer-tainlyc^
'itroy this land, and shallca « fioni theoce is^an

and bea« i •- . ->) (37:17)

1949 Is there any tord from the Lord''

1950 What have 1 offende ' . --ihee.or againn thy letvaao. tMs people, tnal ye
have , prison ( i7:l(j) 1951 wbBC are now your propheu which propl«sied unto
you, uytoa. The king ol Babylon shall not ccvne against you, not agaiott tMs


1952 If 1 declare it unto thee, wilt thou not surely put me to deatli" (38: 15)

1953 If I give thee counsel, will thou not hearken unto me'' (38:15)

19' 'J certainly know that

Bji . ,( (he Amnionltei hath

jCi the son of Nethanlah to

- (40:14)

:j^i wherefore should he slay thee,

thai all thr lewi which are gathered

-. •" - . -'rred, and the


. ■ . ,,ai ye thisgreat

evil ;«, to cut off from

_ .. child and suck—

jh, to leave you none

•at ye provoke Me unto

wrath wHt] the works of your hands,

biwninu incense unto other gods in the

land of Egypt, whither ye be gone to

dwell, that ye might cut yourselves

off, and that ye might be a curse and

off, and that ye might be a curse and

a reproach among all the nations of

the earth- (44:7-9)

1957 Have ye forgotten the wickedness of your fathen. and the wickedness of
the kings of ludah. and yoiff own wickedness, and thewlckednesj of your wives,
which they have commlned In the land of iudah,and in the streets of Jerusalem"
(44:9) 1958 whenweburned incense to the queenof heaven, and poured out drink
offerings unto her. did we make her cakes to worship her, and pour out drink
offerings unto her. without our men" (44:19) 1959 Did not the L«d remember
them, andcame il not into His mind? | (44:21) i

1960 Seekest thou great things for thyself'(45:5)

1961 Wherefore have I seen them dismayed and turned away back''(46:5)

1962 Whoisthisihat cometh up as a flood, whose waters are moved as the rivers"

1963 Why ait thy valiant men swept away^ (46:15) (47:5)

1964 How long wilt thou cut thyself

1965 Othou sword of the LokI, how loigwill itbe ere thou be quief (47: 6)

1966 How can it be quiet, seeing the Lord hath given it a charge against
Athkelon, and against the sea shore? (47:7) 1967 How say ye. We are mighty
and strong men for the war''(48:14)

1968 What IS done" (48:19)

1369 Was not Israel a derision unto thee'' (48:27)

1370 Wat he found among thieves'' (48:27)

1971 Hath Isael no sons' (49:1)

1972 Hatb he no heir-* (49:1)

1973 Why then doth their king in-heii(Cad.and his people dwell in his
1973 Why then doth their king in-heii(Cad.and his people dwell in his

1974 Wherefore gloriesi thou In the valleys, thy flowing valley, O backsliding
daughter^ (49:4)

1375 Who shall come unto me?(49:4)

1376 Is wisdon no more in Teman'' (49:7)

1377 b counsel perished from the prudent''(43:7)

137d IstheirwisdOT. vanithed''(49:7)

1373 If grapegathererscome tothee,

would they not leave sonie gleaning


1 a be tha( shall altogether io -r(43:l'J)

Ijo. Mbu II a chosen man, that 1 may appoint over her" (49:19)

19b J Who 11 like Me" (4*19)

IJSt Who will appoint Me the time' (49;1J)

IJ-iA Who is that shepherd that will sund before Me''(49:13)

I'm who II a chosen man. that I may appoint over her'(50:44)

1386 who IS like Me' (50:44)

1387 Who wiu appoint Me the time?


1388 Who Is that shepherd that will stand before Me ' (50:44)

li que«ioiu in Lanieouuont: 1989 Is It nothing to you. all ye that pass by (1:12)

^here Is the corn and wine''

^here Is the corn and wine''

i.'-i what thing shall I take (o wii-neu ;« tliee" ('- 1 i) ('2: i:))

133-J w hat tM ng shall I liken to thee''

iJJi whatu.jll Ic^ual to thee, that I I niav comfort thee (2 11) I 19M Who can teal
thee" (2:13) 1395 li (hit the city ihai men call The perfection of beauty. The joy
of \ the whole earth' (J: I5i • 1996 shall the worsen eat their fruit, j and children
of a span long" (2 20) I 1997 Shall the priest and the prophet be slain in the
sanctuary (-':20> \99H Who Is he titat uiih. and it 1 pass, when the Lgrd cotT>- i
I not" (1:37) I i.'j V1 It of (he mouth of (he rrxjtt High proceededth not evil and
good? (3:38) 1

2000 Wherefore doth a living man complain, a man for (he punishmetx ' of his

2001 Wherefore dos ihou forget us i forever,and forsake us so longtime? (5:20) I

80 questions in Ezekiel:

2002 5ees( thou what tTey Jo'' (8:6)

2003 Even the great abominations • that the house of Israel commlneth here, that
I should go far off from My sanctuary" (8:6) 1

2004 Hast thou seen what the an- | cients of the house of Israel do In the
dark,everymaninthechambers of his imagery''(8:12) '

2005 Hast thou seen this"' (8:15)

2006 Hast thou seen this'' (8:17) j

2007 Is It a light thing to the house of Judah that they commit the abomi -nations
which they commit here'' (8: : 17) '

2008 AhLordGodI wilt Thou destroy ! all the residue of I »ael in Thy poixing '
out Thy fury upon Jerusalem'' (9:8) 2009 Ah Lord God! wilt thou make I a full
end of the remnant of Israef (11:13) '

2010 Hath not the house of Israel, i the rebellious house, said unto thee, What
doest thou''(12:9) 2011 What is that proverb that ye have in the land of Inael,
doest thou''(12:9) 2011 What is that proverb that ye have in the land of Inael,
saying. The days ate prolaiged, and every vision faileth''( 12:22) 2012 Have ye
not seen a vain vision , ' and have ye not spoken a lying divina-I tion, whereas ye
say. The Lord saith • it; albeit I have not spoken^ (13:7) i 2013 When the wall is
fallen, shall \ it not be said unto you. Where is the daubing whaewith ye have
daiiied it? (13:12) 2014 Will ye hunt the souls of My people, and will ye save
the souls alive that come unto you" (13:18) 2015 Will ye pollute Me among My
people for handfuls of barley and for pieces of bread, to slay the souls that
should die, and to save the souls alive that should not live, by your lying to My
people that hear your lies''(13:19) 2016 These men have set up their idols in their
heart, and put the numb -lingblock of their iniquity before their face: should I be
enquired of at all by them''(14:3) 2017 How much more when I send My four
sore judgments upon Jerusalem.

' the sword, and the famine, and the noisome beast, and the pestilence, to cia off
from it man and beast" (14: 21) 2018 What Isthe vine tree more than ' any tree,
or than a branch which it

amom the uees of the forest''(15:2)

2019 Shall wood be uken thereof ' to do any work" (15:3)

I 2020 Will men lake a pin of it (o I bang any vessel thereoi''(15:3)

2021 Isit meet for any work" (15:4)

2022 When il was whole. iiwasmee( I for no work: how mich leu shall it be

meet yet for any work, when the fire I hath devoured it, and It It bisned'!'( 15: I

2023 Isthlsofthy whoredon la sii all ' matter, tliat thou hast slain My chilJ—

ren.and delivered then tocausetheni topats through the fire for them? (16: I 20-

, 2024 Shall It prorper" (179) I 2025 Shall he not pull i^ the roots I thereof, and
cut off the fruit thereof, I that It wither" (17:9) •20 J6 Shall It prosper'' (17:10)
Jo2~ shall It not utterly wither, when i the east wind touchelh it"(l7:10) 2028
Know ye not what these ihingi mean" (17:1-2) I 2029 Shall it protpw" (17:15)
2030 Shall he escape thM doeth tucl things" (17:15)
I 2031 Shall he break the covenant. and be deUvereJ' (17:15)

2032 what mean ye, thiiye use this

proveih concerning the land of Inael,

uying, 1 he fathers have eaten sour

I grapes, and the children's teeth arc

I set - .' (18.'J)

he then live''(18:13) I •20>4 Why (18:19)

2041 ArenotMywaysequal''(18:29)

2042 Arenotyourwapunequal'>(18: 29)

2043 What il thy brother" (19:2)

2044 Are ye come (o inquire of Me" (20:3)

2045 Wilt (hou judge (hem" (20:4)

2046 What is the high place where-unto ye go'' ( 20: 29)

2047 Are ye polluted after the manner of your fathers'' (20:30)

2048 And commit whoredom after their abominations''(20:30) (20:31)

2049 Shall I be enquired of by you"

2050 Ah Lord (.od! they say of me. Doth he not speak parables" (20:49)

2051 Wherefore sighe« thou''(21:7)

2052 Should we then make mlnb? (21:10)

2053 What if the fword contemn even the rod''(21:13)

2054 Shall I cause it to retm into his sheath? (21:30)

2055 Wilt (hou judge the bloody city'' (22:2)

2056 Can thine hean endure, or can 'hinc hands be strong, in the days that I shall
deal with thee" (22:14) 2057 Wilt thou judge Aholah and Aholibah'' (23:36)

2058 Will they now commit whore-dotns with her. and she with them? (23:43)

2059 Wilt thou not tell us what these things ate to us. that thou doest so" (24:19)

2060 Shall it not be in the day when 1 take from them their strength, the joy of
then gUwy, the desire of their eyes. ar»i tKat whereupon they set their minds,
their sons and their daugliers. thai hethatescapethin that day shall ! come unto
thee, to cause thee to hear

I it with thine eats" (24:25-26)

' 2061 Shall not the isles shake at the

I sound of thy fall, when the wounded

I cry, when the slaughter is made in the

I midst of thee''(26:15)

! 2062 What City is like Tyrus. like

( the destroyed in the mldit of the lea''

(27:32) I 2063 VAlt thou yet saybeforelim that I slayeth thee, I am God*" (28:9)

2064 Whom art thou like in thy great-I ness'(31:2)

2065 To whom art thou thus like in glory and in greatness among the trees of
Eden" (31:18) (32:19) 2066 Whon ■■"''' ■»" "iss in beauty"

2067 If our' xi sand our tins be upon us, a:.. - - . - away in them ,

' how should we then live" (33:10) ! 2068 Why wUI ye die. O houw of ! laaef
(33:11) 25)

I 2069 Shall ye potsess the land" (33:

2070 Shall ye possess the land? (33: 26)

2071 I (he shepherds feed the flo-

'2072 see" et' it a small thing unto youto have eaten up the good pasture, but ye
must tread down your pa«ures" (34:18) 2073 And to have drunk of the Jeep
waters, but ye must foul the residue with your feet' ( (4 18)

2074 Can these bones live" (37:3)

2075 Wilt thou not show us what thou meanest by these" (37:1^

2076 Artthouccnieto take a spoil ?


20-7 Iha thou gathered thy company lo lake a prey" (38:131

20?" Tocarrv away silver and gold, to ■ - ' itoods. to take

a .

vu ' ::a:t ru . ::oi -now It" (38:14)

2080 Art thou he of whom I have

bring thee agauiit thr 20S1 Hast thou leeu "... ^ • '-)

16 i^uestions i n Da:iieL 2082" ' 'c «e your faces

worie • l^ldren which

are oi tu ji 'am\ ^ i. iui

2083 Why is the decree so hasty from the king-(2:15)


2084 An thou able to make known unto me the dream which I have seen, and
t>K interpretation thereof? (2:26) 2085 Is it true... do not ye serve my gods, nor
wonhip the golden image which I have set up? (3:-14) 2086 Who is that God that
shall deliver you out of my hands? (3:15)
shall deliver you out of my hands? (3:15)

2087 Did not we cast three men bound into the midst of the fire'' (3:24)

2088 Is not thisgreatBabylon, that ! have buQt for the house of my kingdom by
the mightof my power, and for the honor of my majesty:' (4:30) 2089 What doest
thou'' (4:35)

2090 Art thou Daniel, which art of thechildrenofthe captivity of Judah, whom
the king my father brought out of Jewry? (5:13) 2091 Hast thou not signed a
decree, that every m.an that shall ask a petition ofanyGod or man within thiny
days, save of thee, O king, shall be cast into the den of lions? (6:12) 2092 Is thy
God, whom thou servest continually, able to deliver thee from tlE lions? (6:20)

2093 How long shall be the vision concerning the daily sacrifice, and the
transgression of desolation, to give both the sanctuary and the host to be trodden
under foot? (8:13) 2094 How can the servant of thismy lord talk with this my
lord? (10:17)

2095 Knowest thou wherefore I come unto thee? (10:20)

2096 How long shall it be to the end of these wonders? (12:6)

2097 What shall be the end of these things? (12:8)

16 questions in Hosea:

2098 What shaU I do unto thee? (6:4)

2099 What shall I do unto thee? (6:4)

2100 How long will it be ere they attain to innocency? (8:5)

2101 What will ye do in the solemn day, and in the day of the feast of the Lord?

2102 Give them, O Lord: what wilt Thou give? (9:14)

2103 What then should a king do to us? (10:3)

2104 How shall I give thee up? (11:3)

2105 How shall!deliverthee?( 11:8)

2106 How shall I make thee asAd-mah? (11:8)

2107 How shall! setthee as Zeboim?

(11:8) ]\)

2108 Istheteiniquity inGilead? (12:

2109 Where is any other that may save thee in all thy cities? (13:10)

2110 And thy judges of whom thou saidsl. Give mie a king and princes? (13:10)

2111 What have I to do any more with idols? (14:8)

2112 Whoiswise, and he shall understand these things? (14:9)

2113 Prudent, and he shall know them? (14:9)

7 questions in Joel:

2114 Hath this been in your days, or even in the days of ycwr fathers? (1:2)

2115 Is not the meat cut off before our eyes, yea, joy and gladness from the
house of our God? (1:16) 2116 Who can abide it? (2:11)

2117 Who knoweth if he will return and repent, and leave a blessing behind him;
even a meat-offering and a Hrink-offering unto the Lord your God?

2118 Where is their God? (2:17)

2119 What have ye to do with me? (3:4)

2120 Will ye render me a recom -pence (3:4)

31 questions in Amos:

2121 !s It not even thus. 6 ye children of Israel'^ (2:11)

2122 Can two walk together, except they be agreed? (3:3)

2123 Will a lion roar in the forest when he hath no prey? (3:4)

2124 Will a young lion cry out of his den, if ne have taken nothing? (3:4)

2125 Can a bird fall in a snare upon the earth, and have taken nothing at aU?

2126 ShaU one take up a snare from the earth, and have taken nothing at aU?

2127 Shall a uumpet be blown in the x:ity and the people not be afraid?(3:6)

2128 ShaU there be evU in a city, and the Lord hath not done it? (3:6)

2129 The lion hath roared, who will not fear? (3:8)

2130 The Lord God hath spoken, who can but prophesy? (3:8)

2131 Woe to you that desire the day

of the Lord! to what end is it to you? (5:18)

2132 ShaU not the day of the Lord be darkness, and not Ught? (5:20)

2133 Even very dark, and no brightness in it? (5:20)

2134 Have ye offered unto Me sacrifices and offerings in the wilderness forty
years, O house of Israel? (5:25) 2135 Be they better than these kingdoms? (6:2)

2136 Or their border greater than your bolder''(6:2) 10)

2137 Is there yet any with thee? (6:

2138 ShaU horses run upon the rock? (6:12)

2139 WiU one plow there with oxen? (6:12)

2140 Have we not taken to us horns by our own strength? (6:13)

2141 BywhomshaUJacobarise?(7:2)

2142 By whom shaU Jacob arise?(7:5)

2142 By whom shaU Jacob arise?(7:5)

2143 Amos, what seest thou? (7:8)

2144 Amos, what seest thou? (8:2)

2145 When wiU the new moon be gone, that we may seU com? (8:5)

2146 And the sabbath, that we may set forth wheat, making the ephah sm.all,
andthe shekel great, and falsifying the balances by deceit? (8:5) 2147 That we
m.ay buy the po« for silver, and the needy for a pair o f shoes, yea, and sell the
refuse of the wheat? (8:6) 2148 ShaU not the land tremble for this, and everyone
mourn that dweUeth therein? (8:8)

2149 Ate ye not as children of the Ethiopians unto Me? (9:7)

2150 Have I brought up Israel out of the land of Egypt? (9:7)

2151 AndthePhiUstines from Caph-loc. and the Syrians from Kir? (9:7)

4 questions in Obadiah:

2152 Who shall bring me down to the ground? (v 3)

2153 Would they not have stolen tiU they had enough? (v 5)

2154 Would they not leave some grapes? (v 5)

2155 ShaU I not in that day... even destroy the wise men out of Edom, and
understanding out of the mount of Esau? (v8) 12 queaioos in Jonali:

2156 What meanest thou, O sleeper? (1:6)

2157 What is thine occupation? (1:8)

2158 Whence comest thou? (1:8)

2159 What is thy country? (1:3)

2160 Of what people an thou? (1:8)

2161 Why hast thou done this?(l:10)

2162 What shaU we do unto thee, that the sea m.ay be calm unto us? (1:11)

2163 Who can tell if God wUl turn and repent, and turn away from His fierce
anger, that we perish not?(3:9) 2164 WasnottJis my saying, when I was yet in
my country? (4:2)

2165 Doest thou well to be angry?

(4:4) 2166 Doest thou well to be angrywith

the gourd? (4:9)

2167 Should not I spare Nineveh, that great city, wherein are more than six-
score thousand persons that cannot discern between their right hand and their left
hand; and also muchcattle? (4:11) 23 questions in Micah:

2168 Whatisthe transgression of Jacob? (1:5)

2169 Is it not Samaria'' (1:5)

2170 Whatarethe high places of Judah? (1:5)

2171 Are they not Jerusalem? (1:5)

2172 Isthe spirit of the Lord straitened? (2:7)

2173 Are ttese His doings? (2:7)

2174 Do not My words do good to him that walketh uprightly? (2:7)

2175 !s it not for you to know judgment? (3:1) 11)

2176 Is not the Lord among us? (3:

2177 Now viiy dost thou cry out aloud? (4:9)

2178 Is there no king in thee? (4:9)

2179 :sthycounsellorperished?(4:9)

2180 What have I done unto thee? (6: 3) (6:3)

2181 Wherein have I wearied thee ?

2182 WherewithshaU I cone before the Lord, and bow myself before the high
God? (6:6)

2183 Shall ! come before Him with burnt offerings, with calves of a year old?

2184 WiU the Lord be pleased with thousands of rams, or with ten thousands of
rivers of oil? (6:7) 2185 ShaU I give my firstborn for

my transgression, the fruit of my body for the sin of my soul? (6:7)

2186 What doth the Locd require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and
to walk humbly with thy God? (6:8) 2187 Are there yet the treasures of
wickedness in the house of the wicked, and the scant measure that is
abominable? (6:10) 2188 ShaU ! count them pure with the wicked balances, and
with the bag of deceitful weights? (6:11) 10) 2189 Where is the Lord thy God?

2190 Who is a God Uke unto Thee, that patdoneth iniquity, and passeth by the
transgression of tlic remnant of His heritage? (7:18) 8 questions in Nahum:

2191 Who can stand before His in -dignation? (1:6)

2192 Who can abide in the fierceness of His anger? (1:6)

2193 What do ye imagine against the Lord? (1:9)

2194 Where is the dwelling of the Uons, and the feedingplace of the youngUons,
where the Uon, even the old Uon. walked, and the Uon's v*elp. and none m.ade
him afraid'/ (2:11) 2195 Who will bem.oan her? (3:7)

2196 Whence shall! seek comfoners for thee? (3:7)

2197 Art thou better than populous No, that was situate among the rivers
roundaboutit, whoseramipan was the sea, and her waU was from the sea? (3:8)
2198 Upon whom hath not thy wick -edness passed continually? (3:19)

12 questions in Habakkuk:
2199 Why dost Thou show me iniquity, and cause me to behold grievance? (1:3)

2200 Art Thou not from everlasting, OLord my God', mdne Holy One? (1:12)

2201 Wherefore lookest Thou upon them that deal treacherously,and boldest
Thy tongue when the wickedde-voureth the man that is m.ote righteous than he?
(1:13) 2202 Andmakestmenasthe fishes of the sea, as the creeping things, that
have no ruler over them? (1:14) 2203 ShaU they therefore empty tteir net, and
not spare continually to slay the nations? (1:17)

2204 ShaU not aU these take up a parable against him, and a taunting proverb
against him, and say, Woe to him that increaseth that which is not his! how
long? (2:6) 2205 Shall they not rise up suddenly that shall bite thee, and awake
that-shaU vex thee, and thou shaU be for booties unto them? (2:7) 2206 !s it not
of the Lord of hosts that the people shall labour in the very fire, and the people
shaU weary themselves for very vanity? (2:13) 2207 Ifthatprofiteth the graven
image that the maker thereof hath graven it: the molten image, and a teacher of
Ues,that the maker of his work trust-eththerein, to m.ake dumb idols? ( 2: 18)
2208 WastheLorddi5)leased againa the rivers? (3:8)

2209 Was Thine anger against the rivets? (3:8)

2210 Was Thy wrath against the sea, that Thou didst ride upon Thine horses and
Thy chariots of salvation? (3:8) No question in Zephaniah

8 questions in Haggai :

2211 Is it time for you^..to dwell

in your cieled houses, and this house Ue waste? (1:4)

2212 Why (1:9)

2213 Who is left among you that saw this house in her first glory? (2:3)

2214 How do ye see it now? (2:3)

2215 Is it not in your eyes in comparison of it as nothing? (2:3)

2216 ShaU it be holy? (2:12)

2217 Shall it be unclean? (2:13)

2218 Isthe seed yet in the bam? (2:


27 questions in Zechariah:

2219 Your fathers, where are they? (1:5)

2220 And the prophets, do they Uve for ever? (1:5)

2221 But My words...! commanded My servans the prophets, did they not take
hold of your fathers? (1:6) 2222 What are these? (1:9)

2223 How long wilt Thou not have mercy on Jerusalem and on the cities
ofjudah, against wtich Thou hast had indignation these threescore and ten

2224 What be these? (1:19)

2225 What came these to do? (1:21)

2226 Whither goest thou? (2:2)

2227 Is not dlts a brand plucked out of the fire? (3:2)

2228 What seest thou'' (4:2)

2229 Whatare these, my Lord?(4:4)

2230 Knowest thou not what these be? (4:5)

2231 Who art thou, O great mountain? (4:7)

2232 Who hath despised die day of smaU things''(4:10)

2233 What are these two oUve trees upon the right side of the candlestick and
uDon the left side thereof? (4:11) 2234 What be these two olive branches wHch
through the two golden pipes empty the golden oil out of themseVes? (4:12)
2235 Knowest thou not what these be? (4:13)
2236 What seest thou? (5:2)

2237 What is it? (5:6) (5:10;

2238 VAiither do these bear the eiiiah?

2239 What are these, my Lord''(6: 4)

2240 Should! weep in the fifth ironth, separating myself as I have done these
many years? (7:3)

2241 Did year aU fast unto Me, even to Me? (7:5)

2242 Did not ye eat for yourselves, and drink for yourselves? (7:6)

2243 Should ye not hear the words wli ch the Lord hath cried by the former
prophets, when Jerusalem was inhabit -ed and in prosperity, and the cities
thereof round about her, when man inhabited the south and the plain? (7: 2244 If
it be marvelous in the eyes of the remnant of this people in these days, should it
also be marvelous in Mine eyes? (8:6) 2245 rt'hat are these wounds in Thine
hands? (13:6)

27 questions in Malachi:

2246 Wherein haa Thou loved us? (1:2) (1=2)

2247 Was not Esau Jacob's brother?

2248 If then I be a father, where is Mine honour? (1:6)

2249 If 1 be a m.aster, whae is My fear? (1:6)

2250 Wherein have we despised Thy name? (1:6) (1:7)

2251 Wherein have ve polluted Thee?

2252 Ifye offer thetlind for sacrifice, l3it not evU''(l:8)

2253 If ye offer the lame and sick, is it not evil? (1:8)

2254 Offer it now unto thy governor; will he be pleased with thee, or accept thy
person? (1:8) (1:9) 2255 Will He regard your persons?
person? (1:8) (1:9) 2255 Will He regard your persons?

2256 Who is tliereeven am.ong ytJu that would shut the doors for naught? (1:10)

2257 Should I accept this at your hand?'(1:13) 10)

2258 Have we not aU one father? (2:

2259 Hath not one God created us? (2: 10)

2260 Do we deal treacherously every man against his brother, by profaning the
covenant of our fathers? (2:10) 2261 Wherefore? (2:14)

2262 Did not He make one? (2:15)

2263 Wherefore one''(2:15) (2:17)

2264 Wherein have we wearied Him?

2265 Where is the God of judgment? (2:17)

2266 Who may abide the day of His coming? (3:2)

2267 Who shaU stand when He appeareth?(3:2)

2268 Wherein shall we return? (3:7)

2269 WiU a man rob God? (3:8)

2270 Wherein have we robbed Thee? (3:8)

2271 What have we spoken so much against Thee''(3:13)

■2272 What profit is it that we have kept His ordinance, and that we have
walked mournfully before the Lord of hosts? (3:14) There are more than twice as
many questions In the Old Testament as in the New Testament, that is, 2,272 in
the one and 1, 022 in the odier. These 3,294 questions of the Bible cover almost
every phase of human life both here and hereafter. Furthermore, ihey reveal
many things atxJUtGod and His wonderful works and dealings with man and aU
other creations. Merely reading diem should prove a blessing to the seeker of
truth. Lessons can be learned from them and Ught received on a great number of
truth. Lessons can be learned from them and Ught received on a great number of



Pj\Hr ONE-TticClmaljn W orker;

1 Bill '■•' • '""" '- >-•' • '"". 28:l'J-W. Ik. 24:

4€ . . 12:1-3;

EpU.4:t-iJ: '.<: 1 im.-Z:i3: t:2: lleb. 4:12; I Pet. 3:15; P». l2C:5-o; Pr. 11:30; IM.
56:10-11; Dan. 12:3) : >, inipoctjncc ofChfistj jii

(1) Pcnoiial wock (Jn. 1:36-51: 1.1-U: 4:10-30: Acl$8:-'0-40:0:17: 1;):6-1J)

(2) ConaBemectliiBwofk(Mt. S:14-la; Mk. 2:1-IJ; Acts 2:42-47; 5:42: 10:23-43)

(:«) Prayer meeilnit work (Acti:): 1: 4:23-U: 12:5-1'J; 20:20; 28:30)

(4) J4ll work (ActJ 16:25-15)

(5) BiMciilioolwofk(Act5 10:9-10: 2Ki. C)

(6) Teachint;, preaching, healing work(Mt. 4:23-25; 10:1-20: Lk. 10:1-17; ActJ
2:16-47: 3:1-11; 5:12-16:6:8: 8:5-9: 9:32: 10:1-J1:17) (7) Open air - orcet work
(Mt. 5:1; 24:3: ACM 16:12-13; 17:22)

(8) Pastoral, tinsjionary, cvangcUs-ticwork(Ml. 16:15-20: Aclsl3: l-o; 15: 12:

Eplu 4:11-16: ITim. 3:5; 4:16) Note : pertunat work should be Joiic dally. It
reaches all classes: a b rot Iter (Jn. 1:4-45): rulers (In. 3:2; Acts 13: 6-12; 24:24-
Jt;; 26:27); outcastsfLk. 7:28); Christians (Acts 18:26-26); buiincss men (Mt.
4:18-22; Mk. '2: 14); iravcllcr-^d.lv. 20:30-37; AcU 8:26-30 (lk. 23:43; Jn. 4: 6-
30); ,; cts 17:17)

3 50 "do noc'i" lor Chrittlan workcrt:

(1) Oo not wait for impressions (2 Tim. 4:2)

(2) Do not ariiuc(Mt, 7:6)

(2) Do not ariiuc(Mt, 7:6)

(3) Do not always attempt to prove truthor spiritual things (Isa. 55: 10-11)

(4) Do not always try to explain spiritual thin({s (I Cut. 2:14)

(5) Do not be in the habit of tell-owncxperience-point tlic seeker to God's Word

(2 Tim. 2:15; 4:2) (6) Donot exalt self above the sinner (1 Cor. 3:19-23)

(7) Do not overwork the pawiial pronoun I". IHxalt Clirist(Jn. 16:13-16)

(8) Do not vtive Scriptures from hear-say. Have the Bible ready to ilivc (Roni.

(9) Uonot Imrryoverany scripture. Emphasize wliat is needful (2 Cor. 13:1)

(10) Do not raise unncccsvary objections. Sinners will do this (2 Tim. 2:15)

(11) Do not condcniii sinners wlio stand already condemned (Jn. 3:16-21)

(12) Donot insist on goiiitt to anal-tar or any special place of prayer. Insist on an
immediate surrender (2 Cor. 6:2) (13) Do not dwell on tlie sins and habits of a
seeker (2 Cot. 5:17)

(14) Do not iiive too many points (Mt. 10:16)

(16) Do uol permit one to lead you from one subject to another for the sake of
argumeia (2 Tim. 2:25) (16) Do not state your idea xr belief. I'ive what tie Word
says(ln. 16:7-11)

(17) Do not act victorious at proud wlien you score a poliit((>al. 2: H)

(IH) Do not be led to tlJe iwics (Jii.

1:3-5) (I'J) Do not tell sad stories. I'olni the sinner to Christ (In. 3:16)

(20) Do not talk all tiic lime. Am-wer the inquirer wisely (I I'et. H:IS)

(21) l\> not cross a seeker in nonessential ihlnnt. If you do not aaree with lilm
say notliliitt (Pr. 11:30) ('22) Donot leave one case lor Jiolticr unles% yon .itc
ilirouuh dealing willilhc prciviiluiH: (Mt. 1:16-20) (23) Do not talk too loud or
ttci excited. Be calm and prayerful (Jn. 1:1-13)
(24) Do not be over-zealous or force anyone to follow Christ (Mt. 7: 6; 10:16)

(25) Do not be indifferent to tlwse scckiiu t.od. If you are not working do not
lUndcr otlicrs(l Tim. 3:15) (26) Do not intrude. This may coiv-fuse tlic seeker
and the worker (1 Cor. 14:33)

(27) Do not interrupt any worker. Convers.itlon can wait (Rom. 13:10)

(28) Do not crowd around a seeker. Tlds may embarrass or confuse (1 Cor.

(20) Do not tell seekers to think it over. Bring to a decision at once

ifpossiblc(Mt. 13:19; 2Cor.6:2) (30) Do not liavc bad breath or no-ticable body
odor (I Cor.G: I'J-20)

(31) Donot be a liypocrite (Rom. 2: 21-24)

(32) Do not huny tlie seeker if he wants topray(Lk. 13:1-5; 18: 13-14)

(33) Do not tell persons tl«5y are saved. Tlie Spirit will beat witness (Rom. S:16;
I Jn. 1:9)

(34) Donot insist on keeping sinners on their knees (Lk. 18:9-14)

(35) Do not let a aiiner go away unsatisfied or doubtful if you can persuade liim
to have faith ui God's word (Eplu 2:8-0; 1 Jn.l: 0) (36) Do not insist thai a sinner
get saved the same way you did. Circumstances and dispositions arc different
(Jn. 3:16) (37) Do not emphasize emotions. Faith first; feelings next (Epii. 2:8-9)

(38) Do not lean on sinners. Their sins are heavy enougli(Jn. 16:8)

(39) Do not pray long prayers. Pray briefly along ttie line of thought you tiave
been directing the sinner (Dan. 9:20) (40) Do not be discouraged.Be faithful and
leave results with God (1 Pet. 5:8-9)

(41) Do not look upon any case as being lard (1 Tim. 1:15)

(42) Donot discuss church conditions or Ctiristian failures with sinners. They
know tiesc things(l Het. 2:21) (43) Do not act familiar with the opposite lex. in
general, men should work with men and women with women (1 Th. 5:22) (44)
general, men should work with men and women with women (1 Th. 5:22) (44)
Do not act indifferent to any human need (Rom. 12:11)

(45) Do not be discourteous, or make the sinner ttiink lie is unt<xich-ablc(Mt.

11:1 J)

(46) Do not try to force anyone to accept the Bible as God's Word (Ml. 7:6)

(47) Do not lose patience with weak people (Gal. 6:22-23)

(48) Do not be careless or half-hearted in dealing with men. Eternal souls arc at
stake (Lk. 19:10) (49) Do not lose siglit of the value of a soul. Jesus died thai
each man Mii){l>i live (Mk. 8:32; Jn. 3:16; I Cot. ti:20) (50) Donot fail lo
instruct new converts rcvMrJing liow to live a Clvistiaii lile (see point 4, below)
4 Qualifications lor CliflitUo wor kers:

(1) Wot' r I ■ ■ ' r. ,t:.,:;

IJnK . . 1 . ricd,

understands >.liriuiaii ux|>erieix:es, and doctrines lie will be powerless to lielp

otiicrs I low • - >■■•■

Ah; .iicr

andliopelesM) loi .*iik> ui oJiKom. 3:12. 23)

thaii.od sc i place ,

die ■ .!• I 11. .111. I'ly tlie full penally for uii(Kom. .'):>0: that He not only died
, but was hitfied , was resurrected, and is alive forever lo be your advocate
before Ood (1 Cor. 15:1-5: 1 Jn. 2:1-J); and tlial "He IS able to save them to the
uttetmosi that come unto Cod by Mini" (Heb. 7:25) C Confess iliat you are a
tinner, Ruiltv before God and hopelessly lost. As you pray realize thai If thou
HEART tlut God liath raised Him from tlie dead, tliou shall be saved. For WITH
THE HEART man belicveth unto righteousness; and WITH THE MOUTH
confession is made unto salvation... For WHOSOEVER SHALLCALL upon the
name of the Lord sliall be saved" (Rom. 10:0-10; 1 Jn. 1:0) D Rely on God's
promises, not upon your own feelings or theories (Rom. 1:IG)

E Declare and realize that you are saved by faith in tlie bloo<J of JesusChrist
E Declare and realize that you are saved by faith in tlie bloo<J of JesusChrist
and tlie gospel, and tliat you are furgivenbyGod and cleansed from all sin
because you luve met the terms of God which arc proper faith and confession of
sins (Jn. 3:16; Rom. 3:25: Eph. 2:8-9; 1 Jn. 1:9) ( 2) Christian workers must live
ri ght: How to get converted is tlie lirst pari.buthow to live a Cliristian life is the
last part. It is the imponant part How to live a Cliristian life:

A Believe the gospel and the entire Word of God at all limes, and walk in the
liglx as you receive it (Un. 1:7) B Walk by faith in newness of life rot by sight or
feeHng,"the just shall live by faith: but if any man draw back. My soul shall
have no pleasure in him" (Heb. 10:23-39; Rom. 6:1-23: 8:1-13: Gal. 5: 16-26) C
Read the Bible daily. Search It. Mediate on it day and niglit to feed and nurture
the spiritual life (Ps. 1:1-3; 119:105; 2 Cor. 10:4-7: Eph. 6:10-18; 1 Pet. 2:2) D
Pray to God daily as your heavenly Father in the name of Jesus Clirisi, casting
all your care upon Him, for He careth foryou(l Jn. 16:23-26; Pliil. 4:5-6; 1 Pel.
5:7) E Claim all t)ic benefits of the promises of God and appropriate by
faithallthai He liaspromised(2 Cor. 2 Pet. 1:1-4) F Keep your mind stayed upon
God(Isa. 26:3) and grow in grace, in all the virtuesof grace and of God (Phil. 4:8;
1 Pel. 2:4-10; 2 Pel. 1: 4-11: Jude 20-24) G Recoanizc at all limes your own
weaknesses as well as God's strength and keeping power (1 Cor. 10:12-13; 1 Pet.
1:5). Faith is the victory that overcomes the world (1 Jn. 5:1-4) II Confess the
Lord JesusChrist frequently and daily asyour personal Saviour (Mt. 10:32-33).
Be busy at soul-wiiinlng and keep occupied In all phasesof Christian wock
possible (Pt. 11:30; Dan. 12:3) I Avoid teniptatloosaiidshun wll companions (Ps.
I; Pr. 1:10-16; 1 Tim. 4:6-16). Resin sin and Satan (Jai.4:7; 1 Peu 5:8-0), make
friends Witt) God's people, and sQive to he a blessing to them and all others
(Rom. 12; 1 Cor. 13; Col. 3:5-10) J Attend church regularly ( Heb. 10:2.')), co-
operating with the pastor in all of lUs many labours (Mt. 28: 19-20; Acts 1:H; 2
Cor. 6:1; 2 Tim. '2:15; 3:15-17) K SeekGoiJconstantly forthe full anointing of
llic Holy Spirit, tlie fruit aikJiiifltof the spirit, and yield to, and obey the Holy
Spirit in allthings (Lk. 11:13; 24:40; Jn. 7:37-39; 14: 12-17; 15:26; 16:7-13; Acts
1:8; 2: 38-39: 5:32; Rom. 12; 1 Cor. 12; Gal. 5:lG-26: Eph. VI8; 6:10-18; 1 Th.
5:19) (" • •' -r ' ■ o w the Bible


( ii ' III! .11.. M »urKct> must wock in love :

God desires work from a loving and willing Iwart (Jn. 3:16; 1 Cor.


Uj 2 Cor. 5:17-21; 1 Jn. 3:1-4: 21)

(5) riirisiian work ers must have ■ "-.' ■ t. 17:26:21:

1; Jn. 10:10; 15:7. lb: Ur.-i-.i/. Heb. 11:6; 1 Jn. 3:21-22; 5:14-15)

(6) Christian workers musi use wisdom (Mt. 10:16: Jas. 1:5-8:3:15-18)

10 true element s of soul -winning :

A Tact - ability to do and say the the right tiling at tlie right time and place (Jn.
4:7-34: 8:1-11: Acts 8 : •28-39) B Contact -proper approach (Jn. 4:7-34: Acts

C K nowledge cleac understand -ing of the Word of God and how to use it (2
Tim. 2:15; 3:15-17)

D Faith absolute conviction regarding God, His word, and gospel re5ults(lsa.
55:10-11; Ml. 13:3-23; Heb. 11:6) E Love and compasdondevoUon to and
mercy on lost souls (Mt. 9:36; Lk. 19:10)

F Zeal - eagerness to win souls (Ps. 69r^Jn. 2:17; Rom. 9:1-2; 1 Cor. 9:19-27)

G Patience - self-con uol, calmness, endurance, perseverance, forbearance fGal.


H Faithfulness - true to duty, calling,\ow3,and obligations (Lk. 16:10-12; 1 Cor.

4:1-2; Rom. 12: 16:10-12; 1 Cor. 4:! 1-2; 1 Pet. 3:10-11)

I Appreciation -keenly avere and sensitive of the value of lost souls (Mk. 8:32-
:W: Jn. ):16; Rom. 9:1-2) J Responsibility -morally and legally obligated and
responsible for the salvation of lost souls (Mk. 16: 15: Lk. 24:47; Acts 1:8; Phil.
2:12-16) (7) 15 reasons why all should work :

A God has commanded it (Mt . 28:19-20; Mk. 16:15-20; Lk.24:47-50; Acts 1:8)

B Toshow the genuineness of their faithandlove (Jn. 15:10-14; Jas. 1: 22-27; 2 :

14-26; 1 Jn. 3:14-22) C God chose and regenerated tliem foe that purpose (Jn.
15:16; Eph. 2:10)
DChrist died that they might work (2 Cor. 5:15-21: Tit. 2:14)

E Scriptures were given to qualify them for work (2 Tim. 3:16-17)

F Sufficient help is offered to enable them to work (2 Cor. 9:8; 10:3-6; Eph.

G That they may be blessed and rewarded (Rom. 14:10; 1 Cor. 3:13-15; 2 Cor.

H That God might be glorified (Mt. 5:16; Jn. 15:8; Tit. 3:8)

I That they nugl* be patterns to others (Tit. 2:7; 1 Tim. 1:16; 1 Pet. 2:21)

J They have a stewardship com-niittcdtothem (Lk. 19:11-27; 1 Cor. 4:1-2)

K His their privilege (1 Cor. 1: 26-31; Eplu 3:8; 1 Tim. 1:11-12)

L It is the greatest wock (Jas. 5: 19-20)

M it pays well in joy and happiness (MaL 3:17; Ml. 19:29)

N Success is assured beforehand (Isa. 55:10-11; I Tim. 4:16; Jas. 1: 25)

O The world is lost (Jn. 3:16-21; 2 Cot. 4:4; 1 Jn. 5:19)

(rt) Where a Christian sliould work: In all the world-the uttermost parts of the
earth (Ml. 13:38:28:10-20; Mk. 16:15-20; Acts 1:8) (9) WhenaCliristian should
work: Now, not tomorrow (Jn. 4:35-36; 2 Cot. 6:1-2; Eph. 5:14-17). One does
not liavc to wait for an opportunity. He can start now-next dooc-with the first
person he meets, c'^od will hold all rcspontihie foe wliat is tlone in this nutter
(E/ek. 3:18; 1 Cot. 3:11-15) (10) How 1. in tijn work : by personal cv with all
one contacts ano ii.i-. n\e opportunity to speak to: by giviiv out tracts: by
witnessing publicly: ttf house to house visitation: by preaching, teaching, and
practicing the Word of God; and by all other available means


PART TWO - Quick answers to excuses

In doing personal work 3 things must be done by way of preparation:

1 Learn to give at least 2 Scriptures to answer each excuse given by the ooe dealt

2 Memorize the versesthat best answer the various excises

3 Learn the meaning of the verses and be able to answer excuses intelligently

Excuses of the weak and fearful:

The following is a list of the most commonly used excuses and scriptures that
will answer them 11 am too weak to live a Christian life (Ml. 1: 21; Isa. 26:3; 2
Cor, 9:

8: 1 Pet, 1:5: 1 Jn. 4:4; 5:4; Jude


2 The Christian Ufe is too hard to live (Pr, 13:15: Mt. 11:28-30; Rom, 6: 23; 1
Cot. 10:13; Gal. 6:7-8; Jas. 4:7; 1 Jn. 1:9) 3 I will have to give up too much(Mt.
6:33; Mk, 8:34-38; 10:29-31; Rom. 8:32; 1 Cor. 2:9; Ps, 34:9-10; 84: 11) 4 My
friendsand relatives would make fun of me (Mt. 5:10-12; 10:36-37; Jn. 15:18-20;
Rom, 8:18; 2 Cor, 6: 14-18; 1 Pet, 4:14) 5 I am afraid I cannot hold out (Rom.
14:4: ICor. 10:13; Phil. 1:6; 2 Tim. 1:12; Heb, 7:25: 1 Pel. 1:5; 2 Pet. 2:9) 6 I am
afraid I cannot forgive my ene -mies (Mt. 6:14-15; 18:27-35; Lk. 17:1-5; Eph.
4:32; Phil. 4:13; Col, 3:8) 7 There are some things I cannot give up (Rom. 6:11-
23; 8:1-5, 12-13; 2 Cor. 5:17-21; Col. 3:2; Tit. 2: 11-12; 1 Jn. 1:9)

8 I do not have enough feeling or conviction(Mk. 16:16; Jn. 1:12; 3:16-21; 16:8-
11; Rom. 1:16; Eph. 2:8-9; 1 Jn. 1:9) 9 It is too hard to get saved (Jn. 1:12; 3:15-
22; Acts2:38-39; 3:19; Rom. 1: 16)

Excuses of the deceived:

1 Ibelieve all will be saved (Mt. 7: 13-14: Mk. 16:16: Jn. 3:18; 1 Cor. 6:9-10;
Gal. 5:19-21; Rev. 21:8; Ps. 9:17) 2 I will have another chance after death (Pr.
9:17; Pr. 29:1; 1 Cor. 6: 9-11; Gal. 5:19-21; Rev. 20:11-15; 21:8: 22:14-15) 3 I
must become better before I become a Christian (Isa. 1:18; 55:7; 64:6; Jer.
13:23; Eph. 2:8-9; Tit . 3:5; 1 Jn. 1:9) 4 There is no harm in living like the world
(Jn. 15:18-19; 17:16; Rom. 12:1-2; 2 Cor. 6:14-18; 1 Jn. 2: 15-17; Jas. 4:4) 5
Salvation is not for everybody (Jn. 3:16; 6:37; Rom. 1:16; 10:9-13; Til. 2:11-12;
Rev. 22:17)
Rev. 22:17)

6 No one can really know that he is saved (Jn. 3:36; 5:24; Rom. 8:14-16; 2 Cor.
5:17-18; 1 Jn. 1:9; 2:3; 3:15; 5:13) 7 lam satisfied with my religion (Mt. 18:3;
14:6; 1 Cor. 6:9-11; Gal. 5: 19-21; Rev. 21:8,17; 22:14-15) 8 If I live right it
manen not what IbeUeve(Mt. 1:16; 16:16; Jn. 3: 14-22:8:24; 14:6; Acts2:38-39:
3: 19) 9 Ikeepthelaw, so I will be all right (Rom. 3:10-23; Gal. 2:16;3:6-29; Eph.
2:8-9; Jas. 2:10)

10 All men are children of God (Mt. 13:39; Jn. 8:44; Acts 13:10; Rom. 8:9-16; 2
Tim. 2:19; 1 Jn. 3:8-10; 4:1-5) 11 Head a good moral life and do the best I can
(Isa. 64:6; Lk. 16:15; 18:9-14; Rom. 3:10-23: Jas. 2:10; IJn. 3:8-10) 12 God will
save me when He wants to (Ml. 18:3; Mk. 1:15; 16:16: Lk. 13:1-5; 1 Tim. 2:4; 2
Pet. 3:9; Rev. 22:17) 13 God is too good to damn anyone (Mt. 7:13-14, 21; Mk.
1:15; 16: 16; Lk. 13:1-5; Jn.. 3:16-18:5:40; Pr. 1:24-33) 14 There are too many
things I cannot understand. (Way of salvation simple, Jn. 1:12; 3:16; Rom. 10:9-
10; 1 Jn. 1:9) Excuses of open rebels:

1 I do not believe in God (Ps. 14:1; Mk. 16:16; Jn. 3:16-18; Rom. 1: 20; 3:1-20;
Rev. 21:8: 22:15) 2 I do not believe iheBible to be the Word of God. (See Bible
in Index)

3 I do not believe in hell (Ps. 9:17; Isa. 66:22-24; Mt. 10:28; 13:38-50; 25:41,
46; Mk. 9:43-49iLk. 16:19-31;Rev. 14:9-11; 19:20; 20: 11-15; 21:8; 22:15) 4 I
do not believe in the atonement (Lev. 17:11; Mt. 26:28; Rom. 5: 6:21; Eph. 1:7;
Col. 1:20; Heb. 9: 22; 1 Pet. 1:18-23) 5 I do not believe in any church (Mk. 1:15;
16:16; Jn. 3:16; Rom. 1:16; GaLl:4; Eph. 2:8-9; 1 Jn. 1:7, 9) 6 I cannot believe
what I do not understand. (Point out many things one does not understand; 1
Cor. 2: 14; 2 Cor. 4:3-4) 7 I do not believe in the virgin birth (Isa. 7:14:9:6-7;
Ml. l:18-25:Lk. 1:31-35; Rom. 8:3: 1 Tim. 3:16; Heb. 2:9-18) 8 I do not believe
in a hereafter or immortality (Mt. 17:3; Lk. 16:19 -31; 23:43; Rev. 6:9-ll.(See
Immortality in Index) 9 I do not believe in the diety of Jesus Christ (Isa. 9:6-7;
Mic. 5:1-2; Mt. 1:18-25; Jn. 1:1; 5:19-23; PhiL 2: 5:11; Col. 1:15-18; 2:9; Heb.
1:1-8; 1 Jn. 5:7-8) 10 I do not believe in the bodily re -surrection of Jesus Christ
(Lk. 24: 39; Jn. 20:20-29; 1 Cor. 15; Zech. 13:6) Excuses of Backsliders:

1 God will not take me back (2 Chr. 7:14: Ps. 51; Ml. 18:21-35: Gal. 4: 19; 6:1;
1 Jn. 1:9; 2:1-2; Jas. 5:19-20; Rev. 2:5) 2 I have committed the unpardonable
sin(noteson Mt. 12:31-32; Heb. 6: 4-6: 10:26-29)

3 Icannotbe lost regardless of what I do (Rom. 6:16-23; 8:12-13; 1 Cor. 3:17;

3 Icannotbe lost regardless of what I do (Rom. 6:16-23; 8:12-13; 1 Cor. 3:17;
6:9-11; 9:27; Gal. 5:19-21; 1 Th. 3:8; 2 Tim. 2:12; Heb. 3:6, 11-12; 6:4-6; 10:26-
29; Jas. 5:19-20; 1 Pet. 2:20-22; Rev. 3:5; Ex. 32:32-33.(See Backsliding in
Index) Excuses of procrastinators:

1 Some other day; I have plenty of time(Pr. 27:1; 29:1; Isa. 55:6; Lk. 12:20; 2
Cor, 6:2; Heb, 2:3; 3:15) 2 I am too young to be a Christian (Eccl. 12:1, 13-14;
Isa. 55:6; Pr. 8:17; Ml. 18:3; 2 Cor. 6:2)





1 Gen. 1-2

2 Geo. 3 -5

3 Gen. 6 -9

4 Gen. 10-11

5 Gen. 12-15

6 Gen. 16-19

7 Gen. 20-22

8 Gen. 23-26

9 Gen. 27-29

10 Gen. 30-32

11 Gen. 33-36

12 Gen. 37-39

13 Gen. 40-42
13 Gen. 40-42

14 Gen. 43-46

15 Gen. 47-50

16 Ex. 1-4

17 Ex. 5-7

18 Ex. 8-10

19 Ex. 11-13

20 Ex. 14-17

21 Ex. 18-20

22 Ex. 21-24

23 Ex. 25-27

24 Ex. 28-31

25 Ex. 32-34

26 Ex. 35-37

27 Ex. 38-40

28 Uv. 1 -4

29 Lev. 5-7

30 Uv. 8-10

31 Uv. 11-13


1 Uv.

2 Uv.
2 Uv.

3 Uv.

4 Uv.

5 Num

6 Num

7 Num

8 Num

9 Num

10 Num

11 Num

12 Num

13 Num

14 Num

15 Num

14-16 17-19 20-23 24-27 . 1-3 . 4-6 . 7-10 . 11-14 . 15-17 18-20 21-24 25-27 28-
30 31-33 34-36

16 Dt. 1-3

17 Dt, 4-6

18 Dt. 7-9

19 Dt. 10-12

20 Dt. 13-16

21 Dt. 17-19
22 Dt, 20-22

23 Dt. 23-25

2 IKl. 11-13

3 1 Kl, 14-16

4 IKi. 17-19

5 IKi. 20-22

6 2 Ki. 1-3

28 31

24Dt. 26

25 Dt. 29

26 Dt. 32-34

27 Josh. 1-3

28 Josh. 4-6


1 Josh. 7-9

2 Josh. 10-12

3 Josh. 13-15

4 Josh. 16-18

5 Josh. 19-21

6 Josh. 22-24

7 Judg. 1-4
8 Judg. 5-8

9 Judg. 9-12

10 Judg. 13-15

11 Judg. 16-18

12 Judg, 19-21

13 Ruth 1^

14 ISam. 1-3

15 1 Sam.

16 1 Sam.

17 1 Sam.

18 1 Sam.

19 1 Sara.

20 ISam. 21-24

21 ISam. 25-28

22 ISara. 29-31

23 2 Sam. 1-4

24 2 Sam.

25 2 Sam.

26 2 Sam.

27 2 Sam.

28 2 Sam. 19-21
29 2 Sam. 22-24

30 IKi. 1-4

31 IKl. 5-7

April 1 I Ki. 8-10






5-8 9-12 13-15 16-18






7 2Ki,

8 2Ki,

9 2Ki, 10 2 Ki, 112Ki.

12 2 Ki. 20 -21

13 2Ki. 22-25

14 1 Chi. 1-3
15 1 Chr. 4-6

16 IChi. 7-9

17 IChr. 10-13

18 1 Chr. 14-16

19 IChr, 17-19

20 IChr.

21 1 Chr.

22 IChr.

23 2 Chr,

24 2 Chr,

25 2 Chr

26 2 Chr,

27 2 Chr,

28 2 Chr,

29 2 Chr,

30 2 Chr,

20-23 24-26 27-29 1-3 4-6 7-9 10-13 14-16 17-19 20-22 23-25


1 2 Chr. 26-29

2 2 Chr. 30-32

3 2 Chr. 33-36
4 Ezra 1 -i

5 Ezra 5-7

6 Ezra 8-10

7 Neh. 1-3

8 Neh. 4-6

9 Neh. 7-9

10 Neh. 10-13

11 Esther 1-3

12 Esther 4-7

13 Esther 8-10

14 Job 1-4

15 Job 5-7

16 Job 8-10

17 Job 11-13

18 Job

19 Job

20 Job

21 Job

22 Job

23 Job

24 Job
25 Job

26 Ps.

27 Ps.

28 Ps.

29 Ps.

30 Ps.

31 Ps.















IPs. 2Ps. 3Ps. 4Ps. 5 Ps. 6Ps. 7Ps. 8Ps. 9 Ps.

10 Ps.

11 Ps.

12 Ps.

13 Ps.

14 Ps.

15 Ps.

16 Ps.

17 Ps.

18 Ps.

19 Ps.

20 Ps.

21 Ps.

22 Ps.

23 Ps.

24 Ps.

25 Ps.

26 Ps.

27 Ps.

28 Ps.
29 Ps.

30 Ps,






























2 Ps. 112-114

3 Ps. 115-118 4Ps. 119

5 Ps. 120-123

6 Ps. 124-126

7 Ps. 127-129

8 Ps. 130-132

9 Ps. 133-135

10 Ps. 136-138

11 Ps. 139-141

12 Ps. 142-144
13 Ps. 145-147

14 Ps. 148-150

15 Pr. 1-3

16 Pr. 4-7

17 Pi. 8-11 12-14 15-18 19-21 22-24 25-28 29-31

-3 -6

18 Pt.

19 Pr.

20 Pr.

21 Pr.

22 Pr.

23 Pr.

24 EccL 125 EccL 4-26 EccL 7-9

27 EccL 10-12

28 Song 1-4

29 Song 5-8

30 Isa. 1-3

31 Isa. 4-6


July 1 Ps. 109-111

1 Isa.
2 Isa.

3 Isa.

4 Isa.

5 Isa.

6 Isa.

7 Isa.

8 Isa.

9 Isa.

10 Isa.

11 Isa.

12 Isa.

13 Isa.

14 Isa.

15 Isa.

16 Isa.

17 Isa,

















18 Isa.

19 Isa.

20 Isa.

21 Jer.

22 Jer.

23 Jer.

24 Jer.

25 Jer.

26 Jer.
27 Jer.

28 Jer.

29 Jer.

30 Jer.

31 Jer.
















1 Jer. 40-42
2 Jer. 43-46

3 Jer. 47-49

4 Jer. 50-52

1-5 1-3 4-7 -11 12-14 15-18 19-21 22-24

5 Lam.

6 Ezek.

7 Ezek.

8 Ezek.

9 Ezek.

10 Ezek.

11 Ezek.

12 Ezek.

13 Ezek. 25-27

14 Ezek. 28-30

15 Ezek. 31-33

16 Ezek. 34-36

17 Ezek. 37-39

18 Ezek. 40-42

19 Ezek. 43-i5

20 Ezek, 46-i8

21 Dan. 1-3
22 Dan, 4-6

23 Dan, 7-9

24 Dan, 25HOS. 26H0S.

27 Hos,

28 Hos. 11-14

29 Joel 1-3

30 Amos 1-3

October 1 Amos 4-6

10-12 1-4 5-7 8-10

2 Amos 7-9

3 Oba. - Jonah 4Mlc. 1-4

5 Mic. 5^7 6Nah, 1-3 7Hab. 1-3 8Zeph. 1-3 9 Hag. 1-2

10 Zech. 1-5

11 Zech, 6-10

12 Zech, 11-14

13 Mai, 1-4

14 Mt, 1-4

15 Mt. 5-7

16 Mt. 8-11

17 Mt. 12-15

18 Mt. 16-19
19 Mt. 20-22

20 Mt. 23-25

21 Mt. 26-28

22 Mk. 1-3

23 Mk. 4-6

24 Mk. 7-10

25 Mk. 11-13

26 Mk. 14-16

27 IJ<. 1 -3

28 Lk. 4-6

29 Lk. 7-9

30 Lk. 10-13

31 Lk. 14-17


1 Lk. 18-21

2 Lk. 22-24 3Jn, 1-3 4Jn. 4-6 5Jn. 7-19 6 Jn. 11-13 7Jn. 14-17 8Jn, 18-21 9 Acts
1 -2

10 Acts 3-5

11 Acts 6-9

12 Acts 10-12

13 Acts 13-14

14 Acts 15-18
14 Acts 15-18

15 Acts 19-20

16 Acts 21-22

17 Acts 23-25

18 Acts 26-28

19 Rom. 1 -4

20 Rom. 5-8

21 Rom. 9-11

22 Rom. 12-16

23 ICor, 1-4

24 1 Cor. 5-8

25 1 Cor,

26 1 Cor,

27 2 Cor,

28 2 Cor,

29 2 Cor,

30 2 Cor,


13-16 1-3 4-6 7-9 10-13


1 Gal. 1-3

2 GaU 4-6
2 GaU 4-6

3 Eph. 1-3

4 Eph. 4-6

5 FblL 1 -4 6CoL 1-4

7 1 Th. 1-5

8 2 Th. 1-3

9 1 Tim. 1-3

10 1 Tim. 4-6

11 2 Tim. 1-4

12 Tit. - Ph'm

13 Heb, 1-4

14 Heb.

15 Heb.

16 Heb.

17 Jas.

18 Jas. 3-19 1 Pet.

20 IPet.

21 2 Pet.

22 IJn. 1-2

23 IJn. 3-5

24 2Jn.. 3Jn., Jude

25 Rev, 1-3
25 Rev, 1-3

26 Rev, 4-5

27 Rev. 6-9

28 Rev. 10-13

29 Rev. 14-16

30 Rev. 17-18

31 Rev. 19-22

5-7 -10 11-13 1-2 -5 1-2 3-5 1-3


The New Testament



History of Jcsu* Christ - The Apoatle* - The Ncrw Covenant - Chribtiariit> -

Sermons - Promiies - Prophecies The Gospel of the King and Kingdom - Christ
i» Presented as Jehovah's King. "Behold thy King" (Zech. 9:9) I r., rtrivL.v
".Anointed" I'svd in NT

-.e thf nanir "Jesus" it

. .. iiif to drily, but In till

o( ihf Son of ("lod. wh.

ihe unoinlinK of the Spiril '.'

M-.irv alti-r II.- was born of Mary (Ml 1 \>>. Ji, : ••• I.. 11:1. r-'ilS: til 1 All-li>
"mad«'" Uini both lord anil t A^ts2;36). Tht-H»b

I- "Messiah" (Dan. 9:24-26: Jn. 1:4J: I J.'I b Son of Abraham atkl David by
I- "Messiah" (Dan. 9:24-26: Jn. 1:4J: I J.'I b Son of Abraham atkl David by
direct descent (v 2-16, Pom. »5), and by promise (Gen.12:1-3; CaL. 3:6-22; l$a.
11:1; Mt.22:41-4e; 2 Tim. 2:81 "Son of David" is useO 9 times of Christ in
MatThew Q:!. J:27: 12:23; 15:22:20: 30-31; 219. 15; 22:42). David ismen-
tiorted first because he was the most illustrious of His ancestors, as king and
pro()heiand because his line is angled out by later prophets as the one of
Abraham's seed through whom the Messiah was to come c tUiiory of A bra ham
(Gen. 11:26-25:11) J iUsiory of Isaac (Gen. 21:1-35:29) e History of Jacob
(Gen. 25:24-50:14) f Gen. 29:16-30:24; 1 Chr. 2:1-1 « See 1 Chr. 2:4-12; Ruih
4:13-22 for theiumcsofPharestojesjc(Mi. 1:3-5) h Four women in this geiiealotty
. Rahab and Ruth were Gentiles. Tatnar and Baihsheba were Jews. Thus Clirist
descended from both Jews and Gentiles. Rahab was an harloi Qas. 2:25), Both
Tamar and Bathsheba committed adultery (Gen. 38; 2 Sani. 11:1-5). Ruth was a
pure woman (Ruth 3:11) i Gr. gennao . when used of tlie father it means lo
L»egei or engender. When used of the mother it means to bring forth. Trans, be
bom (1:16); conceive (1:20); geDder (Gal.4:24); bear (Lk.l:I3) j Rahab Qosh.
2:1-24; 6:25; Jas. 2:25) k David's lirie in Mt. is the royal line through Solomon.
His line in Lk . 3:23-38 is through Nathan, another son (2 Sam. 5:14), and Iteli,
the father of Mary. Both lineswere necessary in fulfilling prophecy. God had
cursed Jechoniah (Coniah or Jeholachin)of the royal line and svointhat no seed
of his should ever sit on the throne of David and reign inJenisalemOer. 22:24-
30). God had also sworn to David that his line through Solomon would forever
dt on his throne(2 Sam. 7). The only way this could be fulfilled was for Jesus,
the Son of David througli Nathan and Mary, to become the legal heir to the
throne of David tlirougli Joseph of the kingly line (Lk. 1:32-33; Isa. 9:6-7; Rev.
5:5: 22:16). Jesus, being the foster Son of Joseph and the fir«-bom in the family,
became the legal heir to David's throne througli Joseph 1 Bathilieba (2 Sam. 11;
1 Ki. 1:11-31) mRehoboam (1 Ki. 1141-12:24) n Abijam (i Ki. 14:31-15:8) 0
JchDshaphat(l Ki, 15:'Z3-24; 22:2-60) p Jehorarn (2 Ki. 8:16-24)

q Azariah or 'JzziahfZ Ki. 15:1-7). Be-tweenjehoramand Uzziah tlireckings

reigned ttiatare not mentioned iniliis genealogy (Ahaziah, 2 Ki. 8:25-26;
Jehoarii. 2 Ki. 12:1; and Amaziah. 2 Ki. 14:1-2). All names are not ncc-cssaxy in
a royal genealogy r Jotham (2 Ki. 15:32-3«)

s Ahaz (2 Ki. lC:l-'20)

1 llezeklah « Ki. 18:1-20:20) L Manatseh (2 Ki. 21:1-18)

v Josiah (2 Ki. 22:1-23:30)

v Josiah (2 Ki. 22:1-23:30)

wjechoniah or Coniah (2 Ki. 246-16). Between him and Josiah were two more
kings tJiat an: not listed here Qchoa-haz and Jehoiakim, 2 Ki. 2331-24: 6).
Following liim /Icdekiah reigned and then the kingdom of Judah came to an end
(2 Ki. 24:6-25:30) X I Chr. 3:17-19; Ezra 3:2; 52

y The ^ men from here lo Josepli are not riieniioned elsewhere in Scripture

z 11 Joseph' s in Sccinture 5 in O. T .

1 Pre-miniaterial Events

(Mk. 1:1: Lk. 1:1: Jn.l:l)

1 Concerning; Jesus Christ

of th e generation s us*Chr ist, the 'son the son ofA brd-hSm.

Z Concerning ancestors (Lk. 3:23-38. IChr.1:1-4:23) (1) 14 lay generations

2'A brA-hAm begat l'$aac; and

•-'r^aac begat'JA'cob; and Jft'-cob begat'Ju das and his brethren;

I 3 And Judas begat'Phi'rSg and Z4 ri of'Thamar; and

I Ph4 res begat £srom; and

, Es'rom begat A'ram;

4 And Aram begat A-mln'a-dib; and A-min a-d4b begat N4-asson; and Na-isson
begat salmon;

5 And sal m6n begat Bfl'fiz of 'Ra chab; and B6 6z begat 6'bed of Ruth; and
6'bed Jfis'se;

(2) 14 royal generations

6 And J6s'se begat'^Da'vid the king; and Da'vid the king begat

1 generations; and from the carrying away into Bflb'?-lon unto Christ are
fourteen generations.

3 Concerning Jesus Christ: His virgin birth (Gen. 3:15; Isa. 7:14,9:6-7, Lk. 1:26-
56; 2:1-39,Jn. 1:14; Rom. 8:3; Gal. 4:4; 1 Tim. 3:16; Heb. 1:5-6; 2:6-9, 14-18)
18 • Now the birth of Je'jus Christ was on this wise : When as his mother Ma'rJ
18 • Now the birth of Je'jus Christ was on this wise : When as his mother Ma'rJ

' poused to Jd'seph, before they came together, she was found with chUdN)f the
H 6'K Ghost.

19 Then jO'seph her nusEpja3, being a'^just man, and not willing t0''make her a
publick example, was minded tcput her away piivily.

20 But while he thought on these things, behold,'the angel of the Lord appeared
unto him in a";dream, saying, J6'§eph, begat I thou son of Da'vid, fear not to
take unto thee Ma'rJ thy wife: for that which is conceived in her is of the Ho'l^
Gh 6st. ♦21''And she shall bring forth a son, and thou ' shall call his name ij£
sus: for he shalUsave i Sdl'o-mon of her that had been j his people from their'sins
l^/ie'u/i/eof U-rias; | 22 Now aU this was done, ! 7 And S61 o-mon begat R6-qi^
h might be fulfilled which

bd'am; and'"R6-b6am begat A-bi'a; and"A-bi a begat A'sa;

8 And Asa begat''J6s'a-phat; and J6s a-phat begat''J6'ram; and J6 ram begafO-

9 And 6-zi as begat Jd'a-th&m; and 'J6 a-tham begat 'A'chaz; and A'chaz begat

10 And'£z-e-ki'as begat M4-nds'ses; and "Ma-nassej begat A'mon; and A'mon

begat 'J6-si as;

11 And J6-si'as begat"J6ch-o-ni'as and his brethren, about the time they were
carried away to Bab'J-lon: (3) 14 lay generations

12 And after they were brought to Bab J-lon, J6ch-o-ni'as begat'Sa-lathi-el; and
Sa-lA-thi-el begat Z6-r6ba-b61; 13 And Z6-r6b a-btl begat A-bi'ud; 'and A-biud
begat £-li'a-kim; and £-li'a-kIm begat Azor;

14 And Azor begat Sa'd6c; and Sa d6c begat Achim; and A'chim begat £-li'ud;

15 And £-li ud begat £-le-4'-zar; and £-le-azar begat MSt'-than; and Mat'than
begat Jd'-cob;

16 And JA'cob begat Jd'sepb the husband of Ma'rJ. yf wi.om was bom J6'§us,
who is called Christ.
who is called Christ.

(4) Sum of Jewish ancestors: Abraham to Jesus Christ (Cp. Lk. 3:23-38)

17 '■So all the genera tion s from A'bra-ham to ua^viJ are fourteen generations;
and from Da'vid until the carrying away into BAb'^-lon art fourteen (Gciu 30:24;
Num. 13:7; I Chr. 25: 2; Ezra 10 42: Nclu 12:14) and 6 in N. T. (Mt. 1:16;
27:57: Lk. 3:24, iCT 30; Acts 1:23) a Mary, the wifeof Joseph, and the mother of
4 tons besides Jesus, and at least 3 daughters. See note d. l.k. 8:19 h 42
generations named, but some not listed here (note* p and v, v 8, 11) was spoken
of the Lord by the prophet, saying, *23"'6ehold, a virgin shall be with child, and
shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name £m-man'u-el, which being
interpreted is, God with US.

24 Then Jo'geph being raised from sleep did as the angel of the Lord had bidden
him, and took unto him his wife: 25 And''knew her not"till she had brought forth
her firstborn son: and he called his name jfi'sus.
4 Concerning the Magi from the East (Cp. 1 Chr. 12: 32; Dan. 1:17-20; 2:10-11,
21-29. 47; 4:18-27) NOW when Je'gus was bom ''in B6thl6-h«m of Ju-dje'd in
the days of H6r'od the king, behold, there came''wise men from the east to J6-
ru'sfl-16m, 2 Saying.'Where is he that is bom'King of the Jew§? for we have
seen his ' star in the east, and are come to worship him 3 When'Herod the king
had heard Ihese things, he was troubled, and all J6-ru sd-lftm with him

4 And when he had gathered all the'chief priests and'^cribes of the people
together, he de-n'anded of them where Christ should be bom.

5 And they said unto him. In Efth It-hSm of Ju-dtp'a: for (hu^ it is written bv the
prophet, «6'And thou B«th l«-h«m. in of the Scriptures and laws of l<rael,
keepers of all records, and were the lawyers and schoolmasters in Israel (Ezia 7
6-21; Neh. 8:1-13: Mt. 23:2-34; Mk. 9:11; 14:43: 15:1; Lk. 517; 22:66; 23:10:
Acts 4:5: 5:34; 1 Tim. 1:7) fuiailed in Mt.

X 2nd (). T. prophecy f (2:6; Mic. 5 2). Next.

a Espoual among Hebrewi was the only

legal pan of marriage, and could not be broken off except by a bill of divorce.
AU legal documents were signed and contracts completed at this time. All
contracts specified a time between the espousal and actual marriage relationship
(Gen. 29:18; IX. 20) b Lk. 1:35; Jn. 1:14: PWL 2: Hcb. 2 c Gr. dikaios .
righteous (v 19; 1349) d Expose her loptibUc shiimeand death.

as required by law (Dt. 2225-28) e Divorce her privately (DC 24:1-4) f Gabriel
(Lk. 1:26). Four such appearances to Joseph (1:20. 24: 2 13, 19) g First of 6
dreams in N. T. and all in Mt. 1:20; 2:12, 13. 19. 22: 2719 1st N. 1. prophecy in
.Mattticw (v 21, fulfilled, v 25). Next. 2 n Last of 7 pcrsoiis named before binh:
Ishmaul (Gen. 1611); IsaacJ Gcn. 17: 19); Solomon (1 Chr. 22 0): Josiah, (325
years before birth. 1 Ki. 13:2; 2 Ki. 22:1); Cyrus (175 years before binh, Isa.
44:28-45:1); John the Bap tist qk. 1:13. 60-63); Jesus (l:21) j Used 979 times in
the N. T. It is the eanhly name of God's Son. As God, Me was not called Jesus or
Clirist. Jesus is the Gr. fomi of the Heb. Yelioshua, rendered Jostiua 215 times,
meaning "Saviour' or"God Who is Salvation. " k Gr. sodzo. Used 94iimes in
theN. T. of salvation from sin (Mt. 1:21; Heb. 7:25): danger (Mt. 14:30: 27:42):
theN. T. of salvation from sin (Mt. 1:21; Heb. 7:25): danger (Mt. 14:30: 27:42):
spir i tual conflict (Jn. 1227; 1 Tim. ■4:16l: sickness (Jas. 5-15); hell (Jn. 3:16-
18: Mk. 16:16); slavery (Jude 5) 1 Gr. hamartia (note v, Jn. 129) m 1st O. T.
proph e cy fulfilled in Mt.

(1:23; Isa. 7:14). Next, 2-6 n Heb. idiom for co-habitation and

fatherhood (Gen, 4:1, 17, 25; 19:5) o She had other sons (note d, Lk, 8:19) p
Fulfilling Mic. 5-2, Bethlehem was 5

miles south of Jerusalem q Gr. magoi, wise men. Their number, nationality, and
country are unknowr.. They were a priestly hereditary caste that uttered
prophecies, explained omens, inierpreied dreams, and practiced divination (Dan.
2:2, 48; 4:9) r Question 1 . Next, Mt, 3:7

s Tacitus and Sueronius testify that in the East at this time there was a general
expectation of a king to be born in Judea who was to rule the wltole world.
Daniel predicted Ills coming and being " cutoff " to be 463 years after the post-
Babylonian captivity commandment to restore Jerusalem (Dan. 9:24-20). Jesus
was bom to rule and will do so forever after His second advent (Lk. 1:32-33; Jn.
18:37; Isa. 9: 6-7: Rev. ILIG: 22:1-5) t See Num. 24:15-19

u Herod the Great, son of Antipater, an Iduinean, and Cypros, an Arabian

woman. Antipater was madePtocura-tor of Judea by Julius Caesar, 47 B. C.
Herod was made governor of Galilee when 25 years old and was made king of
Judea. 37 B, C, He rebuilt thejew-ish temple (Jn. 220). At his death in 4 B. C. his
kingdom was divided. His son, Herod Aniipas, reigned over Galilee and Perea, 4
B. C. to 39 A. D. (Lk. 3 1-2). He killed John the Baptist (Mt. 14 1). Another son.
Archelius, was made ruler of Judea and Samaria (ML 2:2'2). He Is called
"PhiUp" in Mt. 14:3. Pllllip was succeeded by HcrodAgrippa 1, 37 A. D. In 40
A. D. he took over all the original territory of Herod the Great. He is mentioned
in Acts 12. ;!e was succeeded by Herod AgriPM II (Acts 25 13; 26:32) V Hcids
of the 24 courses (I Chr, 24) and of the council (Gt, Sanhedrin. Acts 5:21)

w Referred to 120 times in the Bible. Formerly secretaries to kings (2 Sam. H

17; 20:25. 2 Ki. 12 10; 22:3-12). Later, were copyists and interpreters

2 ST. MATTHEW 2, 3 Visit of the wise men Joseph and his family go to Egypt
John's preaching and baptism a Cluist will rule Israel and all other nations from
His second advent into eternity (Isa. 9:6-7; Dan. 2:44-45: 7:13-14. 27: Zech. 14:
Lk. 1:32-33; Rev. 11:15; 20:1-15; 22:4-5) b Israel is made up of 13 tribes, not
Lk. 1:32-33; Rev. 11:15; 20:1-15; 22:4-5) b Israel is made up of 13 tribes, not
only the ten so-called lost tribes. The terms "Jews" and "Israel" are used
interchangeably (note a, Acts 13:16)

c He thought he was sending them, but they did not go there at all. They
followed the star, no prophecy, to where He was bom. The star led them to
Nazareth (note d, v 11) d Not in the stable at Bethlehem where He was born, but
in " the house" at Nazareth where H e had lived since being presented to the
Lord 41 days after His birth (Lk. 2:7, 21-39). He was about two years of age by
now e Worship is only for divine persons (Rev. 19:10: 22:8-9: Lk. 2:13)

f 2nd of 6 dreams in N. T. (Mt. 1:20)

g See note f, Mt. 1:20

h 2nd N. T. prophecy in Mt. (2:13, fulfilled). Next, 3:10

i Satan knew that this " seed of the woman " was to crush his head and restore
man's dominion (Gen. 3:15; 1 Jn. 3:8), so he tried many times to kill Him before
He could get to the cross to defeat him (Mt. 26:3, refs.: Col. 2:14-17: IPet. 2:24)
j Indicating haste, proving the visit of the magi was at Nazareth. If they had been
at Bethlehem the family would not have gone to Nazareth to live before going
into Egypt, as inLk. 2:39. In no place is it stated that the magi went to
Bethlehem, that they obeyed Herod, that the visit was immediately after His
birth, or that the star led them to a manger. AU these are traditions passed on to
us k 3rd O. T. prophecy fulfilled in Mt.

(2:l5; Hos. 11:1). Next, 2:18

1 Gr. empaidzo. jeer, deride. This is

furtiier proof that they did not obey

Herod's orders to go to Bethlehem,

They scomedhim, nodoubtdetecting

his purpose in wanting to find the

child. The same word is used in Mt.

27:29-31: Lk. 18:32

27:29-31: Lk. 18:32

mThe magi found a pais, a child older

than a brephos, a newly born babe,

which the shepherds found over a year

before, at His birth (v 16; Lk. 2:16)

n 4th O. T. prophecy fulfilled i n Mt.

(2:18: Jer. 31:15). Next, 2:23, Ramah was 5 mi. north of Jerusalem .indicat-
ingthat Herod's slaughter of the children extended at least 10 mi. around
Bethlehem, including Jemsalem o 3rd of 4 angelic dreams of Joseph (Mt, 1:20;
2:13, 19) * Cont. from column 3 48) or after it (Acts 1:4-8; 2:1-11; 8:12-21:

The Holy Spirit is the agent to baptize into Christ and into His body (1 Cor.
12:13): Christ is the agent to baptize in the Holy Spirit ( Mt. 3: 11 ; Jn. 1:31-33);
and the minister is the agent to baptize into water (Mt. 28:19) o A sect of self-
righteous and zealous Jews who held to the letter of their interpretations of the
law and to their own traditions, regardless of whether they nullified the Word of
God or not They were Christ's bitterest enemies (Mt. 15:2; 23:1-33: Mk. 7:8-13;
Lk 11:42; Gal. 1:14; PhiL 3:4-6) p A radical and rationalistic sect who denied
tbe supernatural, angels, de mons, and resurrections held to. more or less, by the
Pharisees (Mk. 12:18; Acts 4:1: 5:15-17; 23:8) q Question 2. Next, v 14 r
Poisonous asps or adders, not ordinary snakes. Common ones are about 4 in, in
length and no thicker than a wire. They lurk under stones, and in the sand of the
desert, or in cracks of old walls and are very deadly and aggressive (Gen. 49:17;
Job 20:16; Isa. 59: 5; Acts 28:3) s Proof was required in genuine repentance to
discourage mere profession and outward show (Lk. 3:8-14; 19:8; the land of
Ju'dA, art not the least among the princes of Ju'-d&: for out of thee shall come a
Governor,"that shall rule my people''I§'ra-el.^

7 Then Her'od, when he had privily called the wise men, enquired of them
diligently what time the star appeared.

8 '^And he sent them to B6th'-16-hem, and said, Go and search diligently for the
young child; and when ye have found him, bring me word again, that I may
come and worship him also.
come and worship him also.

9 When they had heard the king, they departed; and, lo, the star, which they saw
in the east, went before them, till it came and stood over where the young child

10 When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy.

11 ^i And when they were come into'^the house , they saw the young child with
Ma'ry his mother, and fell down, '"and worshipped him: and when they had
opened their treasures, they presented unto him gifts; gold, and frankincense, and

12 And being warned of God in aMream that they should not return to Her'od,
they departed into their own country another way.

5 Concerning Jesus Christ: (1) Flight into Egypt

13 And when they were departed, behold, the angel of the Lord appeareth to
Jo'geph in a dream, saying,''Arise, and take the young child and his mother, and
fiee into E'gypt; and be thou there until I bring thee word: for Her'od wiU seek
the young child to'destroy him. 14 When he arose, he took the young child and
his mother'by night, and departed into E'gypt. ♦15 And was there until the death
of Her'od: that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet,
say-ing,*^Out of E'gypt have I called my son.

(2) Slaughter of Children: First plot to kill Jesus (Mt. 26:3, refs.)

16 •; Then Her'od, when he saw that he was'mocked of the wise men, was
exceeding wroth, and sent forth, and slew all the children that were in Beth'16-
hem, andinall the coasts thereof, froirTtwo years old and under, according to the
time which he had diligently enquired of the wise men.

17 Then was fulfilled that which was spoken by Jer'e-my the prophet, saying,

*18"In Ra'mi was there a voice heard, lamentation, and weeping, and great
mourning, Ra'-chel weeping for her children, and would not be comforted,
because they are not.

(3) Return from Egypt (Cp. Lk. 2:39; Hos. 11:1)

19 11 But when Her'od was dead, behold, "an angel of the

19 11 But when Her'od was dead, behold, "an angel of the

Lord appeareth in a dream to Jo'seph in E'gypt,

20 Saying, Arise, and take the young child and his mother, and go into the'Hand
of i§'ra-el: for they are dead which sought the young child's life.

21 ''And he arose, and took the young child and his mother, and came into the
land of I§'ra-el.

22 But when he heard that Ar-che-la'us did reign in Jii-dae'S in the room of his
father Her'od, he was afraid to go thither: notwithstanding, being warned of God
in a dream, he turned aside into the parts'bf Gal'i-lee: *23 And he came and
dwelt in a city called Naz'a-reth: that it might be fulfilled which'^wai spoken by
the prophets. He shall be called a Naz-a-rene'.

Sixth Dispensation: Grace. First to second advent of Christ (Mt. 3:1 - Rev. 19:
10). See other dispensations (Gen. 3:1; 4:1; 8:15; 12:1; Ex. 12: 37; Rev.19:11) 3

II Ministry of John the Baptist (11:2; Mk. 1; Lk. 3; Jn. 1:6, 15, 19; 3:23) 1
Threefold message I N those days came''John the fBap'tist, 8preaching in the
wilderness of Ju-dae'4, •2 And saying, Repent ye : for the''kingdom of heaven is
at hand.

*3 For this is he that was spoken of by the prophet'E-§a'-ias, saying, iThe voice
of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths

2 His simple life (Mk. 1:6;

Cp. Mt. 11:8)

4 And the same J6hn had his raiment'-'of camel's hair, and a 'leathern girdle
about his loins; and his meat wa^ocusts and wild honey.

3 His success (Mk. 1: 5; Lk.

3:7-15; Jn. 1:19-28)

5 yhen went out to him Je-ru'-sa-lem, and aU Ju-dae'i, and aU. the region round
about Jor'dan,
about Jor'dan,

6 And were"baptized of him in Jor'dan, confessing their sins.

4 Thirteen-fold message

7 ^ But when he saw many of the "Phar'i-sees and "Skd'dxi 5ee§ come to his
baptism, he said unto them,«0 generation of'^vipers, who hath warned you to
flee from the wrath to come? •8^ Bring forth therefore fruits meet for'repentance:
9 And think not to say within yourselves . We have A'bri-h^ to our father: for I
say tmto you, that God is able of these stones to raise up children unto A'bra-
him. • 10 "And now also the ax is laid unto the root of the trees: therefore ^
every tree which bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down , and cast into the 2
Cor. 5:17; 7:9-11) t 8 original words for "repent, " p. 34 u 3rd nT T. prophecy (v
10-12). Next, 5:3. Threefold: judgment (v 10; 7: 15-23); Spirit baptism (v 11:
Acts 1: 4-8; 2:1-39:11:14-18): and second advent (v 12: 13:30, 39-43, 49-50:
25:31-46) V See notes on Mt, 7:15-20

a Used 2 times (v 20-21). Called "land of thejews" (Acts 10:39), thus proving
that Jews and Israel were one people. All the tribes were still known (Mt. 19:28:
Acts 26:7; Jas. 1:1) b His obedience to all God's commands proves that he was a
man of good character and consecration to God c The region north of Samaria

d 5th O. T. prophecy fiilfilled in Mt. (2:23). Next, 3:3, "Spoken," not written by
the prophets, for no prophet recorded this as here stated e Son of Zacharias and
Elizabeth (Lk. 1:5-20, 39-80)

f Literally, baptizer On. 1:31).

g Preaching isa part of prophecy (1 Cor. 14:3). John was the greatest of prophets
in this respect (Mt. 11:9-11). He also foretold certain events (v 2-3, 11-12; Jn.
1:29-33; 3:30) John Preached 30 doctrines:

1 Repentance (3:2-8; Mk. 1:4)

2 Kingdom of heaven at hand (3:2)

3 Prophecy (3:3-12: Jn. 1:15-34)

4 Water baptism (3:11; Jn. 1:31)

5 Restitution (3:8; Lk. 3:8)

6 Godhness (3:3-10; 14:4)

7 Wrath to come (3:7; Lk. 3)

8 Against pride (3:9; Lk. 3:7)

9 Miracles (3:9; Lk. 3:8)

10 Heaven and hell (3:10-12: Lk. 3)

11 Spirit baptism (3:11; Jn. 1:33)

12 First advent (3:11; Jn. 1:29)

13 Second advent (3:12; Lk. 3:17)

14 Judgment on sin (3:10; Lk. 3)

15 Salvation (Lk. 3:6; Jn. 1:29)

16 Love to others (Lk. 3:11)

17 Honesty in business (Lk. 3:13)

18 Absolute justice (Lk, 3:14)

19 Jesus God's Lamb On, 1:29)

20 Jesus the Spirit baptizer (3:11; Mk. 1:8; Lk. 3:16; Jn. 1:33)

21 Jesus God's Son (jn. 1:34)

22 Jesus the sin-bearer (Jn. 1:29)

23 Unworthiness of man (Jn. 1:27)

24 Jesus the bridegroom (Jn. 3:29)

25 Greatness of Jesus (Jn, 3:30)

26 Jesus from heaven (Jn. 3:31-36)

27 Rejection of Jesus (Jn, 3:32)

28 Jesus the tmth (Jn. 3:30-36)

29 Jesus the Anointed (Jn. 3:34)

30 Jesus God's heir (Jn. 3:35) h See notes on Mt. 4:17; 13:11

i First of 21 times in N. T. (3:3; 4:14: 8:17; 12:17; 13:14; 15:7: Lk. 3:4; 4: 17; Jn,
1:23; 12:38-41; Acts 8:28-30; 28:25; Rom. 9:27-29: 10:16, 20; 15:12) j 6th O.T.
prophecy fulfilled in Mt. (3: 3; Isa. 40:3; Mai. 3:1). Next, 4:14

k Cp. 2 Ki. 1:8. Rough garments were a mark of prophets (Zech. 13:4; Mt.


1 Worn only by the poor. The rich used girdles of silk or linen, decorated with
gold, silver, and precious stones m A clean food (Lev. 11:22). Only the poor ate
locusts with butter or honey after they were salted and dried n Gr. baptidzo. from
bapto. to dip (Lk. 16:24; Rev, 19:13;Jn. 13:26); to overwhelm with suffering
(Mt. 20:22-23; Lk. 12:50); to bury into (Rom. 6:3-7: CoL 2:12) regardless of the
element used. See note a, Acts 8:38 7 Baptisms in S cripture : 1 John's baptism
in water (Mt. 3; Mk. 1: Lk. 3; 7:29-30; Jn. 1:31-33: 3: 23-26; 10:40; Acts
1:5:11:16:19:3) 2 Christ's baptism in water (jn. 3:22; 4:1-2)

3 Baptism in suffering (Lk. 12:50)

4 Baptism in the cloud and in the sea (1 Cor. 10:2)

5 Christian baptism in water (Mt. 28: 19: Mk. 16:16; Acts 2:38-41; 8:12-16, 36-
38; 9:18: 10:47-48; 16;15, 33; 18:8; 19:5; 22:16; 1 Cor. 1:13-17: IPet. 3:21) 6
Baptism into Christ and into His

4:5), because it is the only baptism that saves the soul and brings into the body
of Christ

2 Water baptism after one is saved (no. 5. above and note a, v 11)

3 Spirit baptism, the enduement of power for service. It cantakeplace before

3 Spirit baptism, the enduement of power for service. It cantakeplace before
water baptism (Acts 10:44-

^ Continued, column 1

apt Bay

body (Rom. 6:3-7; 1 Cor. 12:13; Gair3:27; Col. 2:12)

7 Baptism in the Holy Spirit (Mt. 3: 11, 14; 20:22-23; Mk. 1:8; 10:38-39: Lk.
3:16; Jn. 1:33: 7:37-39; Acts 1:5; 11:16; 19:2-3) 3 Baptismsfor Believers:

1 Into Christ or into His body at repentance and the new birth (no. 6,
above\.Called "one baptism" (Eph.


Tht temptation of Chnst

and. In tome cases, a:u.-: :.-...i .^ tbeHolySpidt(Acu9:17-U. I..i4-ii) 4 Christ who

knew no sin was baptized: Chiln subminc^i to baptism fot twQ/fcaioo» : 1 To
fulfill dgbteousness (vl5)



2 To be manifest to Israel (Jn.

5 Only a symbol of the death, burial, aadreairrectionof Christ 0 Pci.3:21)

6 Not eaeiEial to salvaiioc (1 Cor.


7 Faith in the blood of Christ btinai remisdon of sim (26:28; Rom. 3:24-25; 4:1-
25. 5:1-11. 8:2; 10:4-10; 1 Cor, 15:1-5; Eph. 1:7: 28-9: GaU 3: 19-29;Jn.
3:16;Acu 10:43:13:38-39: 1 Cor, 1:18-21; 1 Jn. 19: 5:1) 8 O. T. saints, including
Jobn and aU in U. 1:15. 41. 46. 67. 2:25-38 who were filled with the Spirit were
saved without water baptism 9 Christ forgave sins without baptism (Ml. 9:1-7;
Lk. 7:36-50; 18:9-14; 19: 1-9: 23:43; Jn. 4:49-53; 7:31; 8:30-31; 11:45; 1211.
42; Acts 3:1-11. 16: 4:10-12; etc) 10 It does not put away the fiUh of the flesh (1
Pet, 321. nae>
Pet, 321. nae>

b Sec notes on Jn. 7:37-39; Acu 1:4-8

c See note i, Lk. 3:17

d Mt. 8:12. 13:42-50; 18:8-9: 24:51: 25:41. 46; Mk. 9.43-49; Rev. 14:9-11:
20:11-15; 218: Isa. 66:22-24

e Question 3 . Next, 5:13, Jobn desiied tneSpitliTapUsm Clmstcameto give (Jn.

1 31-34). John wiilllsl (Lk, 1: 15), but PC vex baptized ~iih the Spirit, which was
not given Lmiil Chnst was alotifieJ (Jn. 7 37-39; Acts 14-3; ::33-:--?; ::::6) f
Both were sent of God and had to fulfill what they were serx to do

g AouU such saiements as " out o f the water" (v IC; Mk. 110). ' they went

down both into the ~ net.. . l^^ew ^cre

come up out of t':"~

39). » n j othen y

burial or by sprinkling ' h God claims Jesus as tiis own Son (Cp,

Mt, 17 5; Jn. 1228: Heb. 11-4) i To be texed like Adam (Gen, 3:6: 1

Jn. 2 1 >-17; 1 Cor. 15 46) J I hc40 Jayscome in before tl.c events

of Jn, 1:19-2:1

4 men tiwed 40 dayt

1 Moses (Dt. 9:9,18.25; 10:10) : Joshua (Ex, 24:13-H; r2: 15-17) 3 Elijah (1 Ki.
19:7-18) 4JeiUs(Mt, 4:1-11: Lk, 1:1-22) k Hanger always leaves after a few days
of fas anJ :■ i ims after i I '.; fast of about 40 I tons have be "xjdy.

The bream at this time becomes as sweet as ahiSv's. Anynormal Iteakhy r-rvMi
;» long without any iT" . nlv N.-ijns i f I c r

fait . i.

I Fir^ :ijin*--
I Fir^ :ijin*--

:c -ere at leas two sets of

: ptatloas. tttc first three iii

Lk. 4:1-13, after -hicU Satan left

rhdrt 'for a scjstjr". x\^ liii th/f


Ml I II iptiie you with

witeriii;' :L;.t:nt*nce: but he that Cometh therm* is mightier than I whoactESn I

am not w •'tr:hfQ|j^dlbapti/-

yoL „ le Hdit GhAst. an 1 mth lire:

12 Whose'fan is in his hand, and lis_*iU throufthly purge his floor, and gather
his wheat into the gamer; but fee wiU bum up the chafi with ^nouenchablc fire.

HI Final j^rrparation of Je-• us for Hia ministry: 1 Water baptism (Mk. 1:9; Lk.
3: Zl: Jn. 1: 31).

13 Then cometh J'jus from Gil l-lee to Jdrdan unto JAhn, to b< b aptized of him.

14 But J6hn forbad him, say-ing.'I have need to be baptized of thee, and comest
thou to me?

15 And Je sus answering said tmto him. Suffer if to be so now: f,,, .>,,,^ ..
v.ecometh'us to fulfil aess. Then he suf—

2 Spirit baptism(20:22;Mk. l:10;Lk. 3:22;4:18; Jn.l:32; 3:34, Acts 10: 38, Isa.
11:2, 42:1; 61:1; Rev. 14; 3:1;5:6) 16 And Je'§us, when he was baptized,' went
up straightway out of the water: and, lo. the heavens were opened imto him, and
be saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and lighting upon him: ■17
And lo a voice from heaven, saying,''This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well
3 Temptation (Mk. 1:12; Lk. 4:1. Heb. 2:9-18; 4 14; 5:9)

' T^HEN was Je jus led up of

A the spirit into the wilderness to_be te mpted of the devil.

2 And when he had fasted 'forty days and forty nights, he

wayafterward an hungred.

3 And when the tempter came to him. he said. If thou be the Son of God,
command that these stones be made bread. •4 But he answered and' said, It is
written,'Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out
of the mouth of God.

5 Then the devil taketh him up mto the holy city," and setteth him on a pinnacle
of the temple. >6 And saith unto him, U. thou be the Son of God, cast thyself
down: for : - • n, He shall give : harge

concerning ii.--- .mi m their hands they shall bear thee up, lest at any time thou
dash thy fool against a stone. • T '^ ~us said i:-"" '-—I. It i5 a?ain.' ". .t not *'_':

8 'ri him

upini'i .;i: mountain, an iiq-'ail the

' . ^ :iN I/I me world, and , of them;

3 Aii'i s;iith unto him. All these things yiU J.^ive thee, if

thou wiltlfall dowD and wonhjp


•10 Then saith Tc'sus unto him,

(. 1 tan: forjl
alt worship

1, and him

_ _ . .. . f.

11 Then the dcii Itavfth i..n\. and,' behold, an»;els ca me and

ministered unto

IV Ministry and teaching of Jesus (4:12-26:35, Mk.1:14; Lk. 4:14; Jn. 1:35). 1
Begins ministry in Galilee (Mk. 1:14; Lk. 4:14).

12 • Now when Je'jus had heard that<'Jdhn was cast into prison, he departed into

2 Rejected at Nazareth -moves to Capernaum (Lk. 4:28)

13 And leaving NSz'a-rSth, he came and dwelt in'Ca-per'na-um. which is upon

the sea coast, in the borders of Zib'u-I6n and Neph tha-lim: ♦ 14 Jhul it might be
fulfilled which was spoken by £-^'ias the prophet, saying,

15 The land of Zabu-lon, and the land of'N^ph tha-Iim, by the way of the sea,
beyond Jor'-dan, Gil'i-lee of the Gen tiles; 16 The people which sat in darkness
saw gre ar*^light; and to them which sat m the region and shadow of death light
is sprung up.

3 Begins to preach the Kingdom (Mk. 1:15. Cp. Mt. 4: 23; 10:7; 24:14)

•17 • From that time Je'gus began to preach, and to say. Repent , for the kingdom

heaven is at hand

4 Call of Peter and Andrew (Mk.l:16;Lk.5. Cp.Jn,l:40)

18 • And Je 5us, walking by the'sea of G41 i-lee, saw two brethren. Si men
called Pe ter, and'Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea: for they were

•19 And he saith unto them. "Tollow me, and I will make you tishers of men.<
20 And they straightway''left their nets, and followed him.

5 Call of James and John

(Mk.l:19; Lk. 5:10)

21 And going on from thence, he saw other two brethren, J4me§ the son of Z6b
e-dee and J6hn his brother, in a ship with Zfb e-dec their father, mending their
nets; and he called them.

22 And they immediately left the ship and their father, and followed him.

6 Second tour of Galilee (Mk. 1:38; Lk. 4:42. Cp.

Mt. 4:12; 9:35)

23 •^'"And J*'5us went about all G*l i-lee. tftchm^ in their synagogues,and
preachinethe gospel of the kingdom, ano'h ealina all manner of sickness aitd aO

a It was aboit 700 h. from here lo the

valley belo.. o A niisouotatlon of Ps. 91:11-12 ?. ."-ic<eJ fror; Dt. ; I;

lations agaic

:ori! Dl. 8.3

5 1J>

o 44,17:31; 2 1-3. I JD,

later in Spain, becoming the patron Mint of "^lin

P Firaira.

ary (Cr. thfcefol—

9:35, n< ■ )

q Gr. ' to r. . timet aiiu cure u unna

ill aboor (Ml.

ill aboor (Ml.

a An

re«iao of complete airreader. . n. and adoration

_ (rotri ■")' •' 1 '■ a the I: . which were:

1 Use Youi . L.i powers to supply ordinary and personal needs at my command

2 Prove rour sonship by special djm-ofuuaiion of God's protection. Be reckless

and make a side-show of Your power 3 Use my power, influence, worldly
organizations and kingdoms and be-come great among men whom You seek to
get power over d Mt. ILl-U; 14:1-12. note*

e Not mentioned in O, T,Xnoce x, 11 23)

f 7th O.T, prophecy fulfilled in .Mt. (4:14-16; Isa, 9:1-2). Sen. 8:17

gGen. 49:21; Josh. 19:32

h Gr. phos. underived andabsolutc light -the opposite of all darkness. Therefore,
used e^ecially of God (1 Tim, 6:16; 1 Jn. 1:5) and of Christ (Jn. 1: 4-10) i
Repentance is one of the main themes of the Bible, being found 110 times from
Gen. 6:6 to Rev. 16:11, See 8 original words for 'repent, ' p. 34

j Lit., kingdom from the heavens headed by Jesus Christ for the purpose of re-
establistiing the kingdom of God over tills rebellious pan of God's realm. Pnly
found in Nlanhew because it is the gospel of Jehovah's King. It is a
dispeosational temi and refers to .Messiah's kingdom on eantu Offered by both
Jotai aixl Jesus (Mu 3:2: 4:17; 10:7), It was reiected so was postponed until
Christ comes to set up the kingdom (Mt, U;12, 20-24: 27:22-25 Lk, 19:11-27:
Acts b 6-7; 3:13-26). It is now the realm oi profesaon (Mt. 13:11-17. 30, 38-43,
47-50). The parables of the kingdom apply to this age. At the end Chtist will
come and set up a literal earthly kingdom forever (Mt. 25:31-46; Rev. 11:15;
19:11-20:10; Zcch. 14; Isa, 9: 6-7; Dan, 2:44-45: 7:13-27; Lk. 1: 32-33), During
the first 1,000 years of His eternal reign He will put down all rebelUon and rid
the earth of all rebels. Then God wiD become all and all as before rebellion
(Rev. '20:1-10: 21:1-22: S; 1 Cor. 15:24-28; Eph. 1:10). Anything said of the
kingdom of heaven can abo be said of the kingdom of God, because the former
is only the earthly dispensational aspect o f the latter. There arc many things taid
of the kingdom of God however which cannot be said of the kingdom uf heaven
of the kingdom of God however which cannot be said of the kingdom uf heaven
(see note e, Mt, 1>24) k A fiesh water lake, called abo the Sea of Tiberias,
Geniicsaret and Chinnereth (Lk, 5:1; Jn. 21:1; Josh. 12:3; 13:27: Dt, 3 17) 1 First
of Clulst's disciples fla. 1:33-42>, iie returned to Ids fishing until his call with
his brothet.Peier (Mt. 4: 18; Mk, 1:17). He became one of the 12 apostles (Kit.
1j:2; Mk. 3: IS; Lk. 6:14; Acts 1:13). Mentioned in Mk, 1: 29; 13:3: Jn. 0:8;
12:22. Tradition says he - '^ "f '"'e tribe of Reuben, that he ed Scythia. becoming
R'l^ 1 ^u^:\ saint, arvJ that he was ■ _ Hid crucified in Greece or Scyt :.ij T) The
call to soul-winning compared ^ ' " c. To folicw IS an idiom IP (2 Kl. 6:l9)

I, I .. ... ... 1 .,. ,u ,n<.,i^ J,

:irsi inhfc

o fjiglish form of "Jacob." Brotticr of John and son of Zebedee (Ml, 4:21: 20:20:
Mk, 1:19; Lk, 5:10-11), One of the 12 apostles (Mt. 10 2: Mk. 3: 17: Lk. 6:14:
Acts 113). One of tluee to of

most Inn Mt. 17 13:3-4; martyr

l-2\.Tra tribe of :

Judah ttuuu;.;;. ij

priestly and

esus (Mk, 5:37: \ See also Mk. ' -14. First

i (Acts 12:

• >«.• was of the

jt father and of

-of both the

><:. that he

preached in Inuia -nn Peter, and

Christ's sermon on the mount

a Gr. nosos. trans, disease 6 times (Mt. 4:24; Mk, 1:34; Lk. 4:40; 6:17; 9:1; Acts
19:12); sickness 5 times (Mt. 4: 23; 8:17: 9:35; 10:1; Mk. 3:15); and infirmity 1
time (Lk. 7:21), Not malakia . "3isease in Mt. 4:23; 9:35; 10:1

b A district of 10 cities, of which Damascus was the chief

c See note on Demons, p. 632 of O. T.

d Gr. selenaizomai. from selene. the moon, to be moon-struck, that is, InsaDe.
Found only here and in 17:15.

e Gr. paralutikos. to be paralyzed (v 24; 8:6; 9:2; Mk. 2:3-9; Lk. 5:24; 5:18; Acts
8:7; 9:33)

f Always the result of a miraculous, God-honored ministry. Found 16 times in

Mt. and only 7 times elsewhere g Not known, so all speculation as to which one
is valueless

h Posture of oriental teachers.(Cp. 9:10; 13:1; 15:29; 18:2; 26:55; 24:3; Mk. 3:
32; 4:1; 9:35; 12:41; Jn. 6:3; 8:2). Men marvelled at the gracious words of His
mouth,not at Hisbodily gestures i Not the same sermon as in Lk. 6:17-49, which
was "in a plain. "

j Happy - used 9 times here of people who have godly characteristics as:

1 Broken s pirit (v 3; 11:28-30: Ps. 51:17; Isa. 5T:l5; 66:2)

2 Penitent spirit (v 4: Isa, 61:2; Jas. 4:9; 2 Cor. 7:9-11)

3 Mild-tempered, gentle spirit fv 5; 11:29; Ps. 37:11; 1 Pet. 3:4)

4 Hungering-thirsting spirit for righteousness (v 6; Ps. 3410; 42:1-3; 63:1; 84:2;

Jn. 7:37-39) 5 Compassionate and merciful spirit (V 7; 18:27; 1 Pet. 3:8)

6 Pure spirit (v 8; Phil. 4:8; 1 Tim. 1:5; 3:9; 5:22; 1 Pel, 1:22)

7 Spirit of wisdom and mediarion (v 9; Rom. 14:19; 1 Cor. 13)

8 Longsuffering and forgiving spirit (v 10-12; 10:16-28; 1 Cor, 13; 1 Pet. 3:14-
17; 4:3-19)
17; 4:3-19)

k 4th N, T, prophecy in Mt, (5:3-12). Eight prophetical promises are being

fulfilled. Will be completely fulfilled at the second coming of Christ, Next, 5:17

i An idiom for a strong desire (Jn. 7: 37, note)

m Gr. katharos . trans, clean (Jn. 13:11, note). This takes place at the new birth
(2 Cor. 5:17; 1 Jn. 1:9; 2:29; 3: 5-10:5:1-4, 18; Eph.4:24;^Th. 2:13) n Acts 5:41;
16:25; 1 Pet. 4:13

o Salt is a seasoning and preservative chemical, but if left on the bare earth, or
exposed to the sun, rain, and air it loses its savour and is worthless (Cp. Mk.
9:50: Lk. 14:34-35) p Question 4. Next, 5:46

q Believers become lights of divinity in th ekosmo s. social system of men. bee

note b, Mt. 4:16 r Gr. luchnos. oil lamp. Wax candles as we know them were
unknown in Bible times. Lamps were made of various materials-clay, brass,
silver, and gold, and \rtth one to several bowls ihto which the oil and a flax wick
were put to make light (Ex. 25: 31-35; 30:27). Oil was made of olives which was
used in cooking, lighting lamps, and personal adornment (Ex. 25:6; 27:20; 29:2.
23) s Gr. modius, about 1 peck t Lamp stand for lamps and extra oil u The
purpose of all good works among men is to glorify the heavenly Father (Jn.
14:12-15; 15:7-8; Tit. 2:14; Rev. 4:11) 15 things that glorify God:

1 BodilyheaLing(Mt.9:8:15:31; Lk. 5:25-26; 13:13; Acts 4:21)

2 Bodily resurrection (Jn, 11:4)

3 Christ's work of redemption (Jn. 13:3-32)

4 A nswered prayer (Jn. 14:13)

5 Bearing much fruit (Jn, 15:8)

6 CompletingGod'swork (Jn. 17:4)

7 Salvation ofGentiles(Acts 13:48)

manner ofdisease among the people.

24 And his fame went throughout aU*5yr'i-i: and they brought unto him all sick
24 And his fame went throughout aU*5yr'i-i: and they brought unto him all sick
people that were taken with divers diseases and torments , and those which were
possessed with "^ devils. and those which were ^imatick , and those that had the''
palsy ; and he healed thein .

25 And there followed him great multitudes of people from Gil'i-lee, and from
De-cSp'o-lis. and from Je-ru's5-l§m, and from Ju-dae'd, and from beyond


7 Sermon on the Mount (5:1-7:29). (1) Introduction

AND seeing the 'multitudes, ■ he went up into a^mountain: and when heNvas
set, his disciples came unto him: 2 Aiid he opened his mouth, and taught
them,'saying, (2) 8 beatitudes. Cp.Lk. 6:20

• 3 'Blessed are the poor in spirit : for*^heirs is the Idng—

dom of heaven.4

► 4 Blessed are they that mourn : for they shall be comforted.

Y^5 Blessed are the meek : for ) they shall inherit the earth.

► 6 Blessed are they which do 'h unger and thirst after righteousness: for they
shall be filled.

>7 Blessed are the merciful : for they shall obtain mercy.

'^8 Blessed are the "pure in heart : for they shall see God. ^9 Blessed are the
peacemakers : for they shall be called the ^ children of God. ~M0 Blessed are
they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of

►11 Blessed are ye, when men shall revile vou. and persecute

you, and shall say all manner

of evil against you falsely , for

my sake •12 "Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven:
my sake •12 "Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven:
for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.< (3) Similitudes of
believers (Mk, 4:21;Lk. 8:16; 11:33)

13 •" Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the^salt have lost his savour,''wherewith
shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be
trodden under foot of men.

14 Ye are the "light of the world. A city that is set on an hill carmot be hid.

15 Neither do men light 'a candle, and put it under 'a bushel, but on a'candlestick;
and it giveth light lu'.to all that are in the house.

• 16 Let your light so shine before men, "that they may see your good works, and
glorify your Father which is in heaven.

(4) Christ came to end the

law (Rom. 10:4)

• 17 '"Think not that I am come to^'destroy'the law, or the prophets: I am not

come to destroy, but to-^fulfil . 18 For verily I say imto you. Till heaven and
earth^pass, one 'jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be ful-

(5) Laws of the Kingdom (5: 17-6:18). A They are as binding as the laws of

M9 Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least ^commandments, and

shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but
whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called''great in
the'kingdom of heaven.

20 For I say unto you,'That except your righteousness shall exceed the
righteousness of the scribes and Phir'i-seeg, ye shall in no case enter into the
kingdom of heaven.

B They transcend the law of Moses (5:21-38): (a) On murder

•21 •" Ye have heard that it was said by them of old timeji^Thou shalt not kill;
'and whosoever shall kill shall be in danger of the judgment: •22 Buf"! say unto
'and whosoever shall kill shall be in danger of the judgment: •22 Buf"! say unto
vou. That whosoever is angry with his brother "without a cause shall be in
danger of the judgment: and whosoever shall say to his brother, "Ra'ci, shall be
in danger of thetoxmcil: but whosoever shall say. Thou 'fool, shall be in danger
of'hell fire< (b)On restitution and prayer (Lk. 12:58)

23 Therefore H thou bring thy gift to the altar, and there re-memberest that thy
brother hath ought against thee; •24'Leave there thy gift before the'altar, and go
thy way; first be reconciled to thy brother, and then come and offer thy gift.

(c) On civil suits

•25 Agree with thine"adversary quickly, whiles thou art in the way with him ;
lest at any time the adversary deliver thee to the judge, and the judge deliver thee
to the officer, and thou be cast into prison. 26 Verily I say unto thee. Thou shalt
by no means come out thence, ^ thou hast "paid the uttermost farthing.

(d) On committing adultery (15:19; 19:18; Gal. 5:19)

•27 "^ Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time,'*Thou shalt not
commit adultery: •28 But I say unto you /That whosoever looketh on a woman to
lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.

•29 And if thy right eye^ff end thee.'pluck it out, and cast it

8 Miracles among Gentiles (Acts 21:20) 4:10-11)

9 Gifts ministered properly (1 Pet.

10 Offering praise (Ps. 50: 23)

11 Good works(Mt, 5:16: 1 Pet, 2:12)

12 Man;yrdoms(jn, 21:19) 19-20)

13 Clean bodies (1 Cor, 3:16-17; 6:

14 Christian profession (2 Cor, 9:13)

15 Liberality (2 Cor, 9:13)

x With continual longing with the mind made up to commit the act if at all
x With continual longing with the mind made up to commit the act if at all
possible (Jas. 1:13-16). It becomes a state of the hean and is as deadly as theact
itself (1 Sam. 16:7; Mk. 7:19-23) y To cause a moral fall and loss of the soul by
some means

z Nothing is to be gained by changing the literal meaning

a 5th N, T, prophecy in Mt, (5:17-19, V 17-18 are fulfilled; v 19 is being

ftilfiUed). Next, 7:21

b Pull down as in Mt. 26:61

c First of 15 times Christ used this term (5:17-18; 7:12; 11:13; 12:5; 22:40; 23:
23; Lk. 10:26: 16:16-17; 24:44: Jn. 7: 19-23; 8:17; 10:34; 15:25) d Gr. plero. to
satisfy, expire, and to end by fulfilling like other prophecies when fulfilled (Mt.
1:22:2:15, 17. 23; 4:14; 8:17; 12:17; 13:35) e Gr. parerchomalf pass away, be
changed, or pass from one condition to another. They will never pass out of
existence, but they will bechanged and purified by fire becoming re-newed
again(Heb. 1:10-12:12:25-29: 2 Pet. 3:10-13; Rom. 8:21-24; Rev, 21:1). They
remain forever (EccL 1: 4: Ps, 72:17; 89:36-37; 104:5). They will pass away in
the same sense old things pass away when one becomes a newcreamre inChrist(2
Cor, 5:17-18) f "Jot" is the smallest letter and " tittle " tEe"smallest ornament
placed upon certain Hebrew letters. Every jot and tittle of the whole law or
contract at Sinai was fulfilled, ended, and abolished in Christ and " done away "
by Him when He made the new contract (2 Cor. 3:6-15; Acts 15:5-29: Gal. 3:
19-25:4:21-31; 5:1-5, 18; Eph. 2:15; CoL 2:14-17; Heb. 7:11-28; 8:6-13; 9:1-22:
10:1-18; Rom. 10:4) g The laws and commandments of the new contract are just
as binding as those in the old contract (Jas. 2:10). Thereareover
l.OSOcommandsin the new contract , plus many other teachings not expressed in
the form of commands. See N. T. commands, p. 313

h See notes e and t, Lk. 7:28

1 See note j, Mt, 4:17

j Note their self-righteousness in Mt. 12:22-30; 15:1-14; 16:12; 23:1-33; Lk.

11:39-54; 18:9-14; Rom. 10:1-3; Gal. 1:14; 2:14; PhiL 3:2-6

k Ex. 20:13: Dt. 5:17

1 Not a quotation of any scripture, so must be an old comment on it

mChrist speaks with authority in making the laws of the new contract (Mt. 7:29;
26:28; Jn. 1:17)

n Men must have just and lawful causes to be angry and even then they are to
keep their temper under strict control (Eph. 4:26). The fruit of the Spirit is
temperance or self-control (GaL 5:22) o An Aramaic word of utmost contempt
and scorn, as Eng. "You!" or, scoundrel) wicked rascal

p The Sanhedrin, composed of 71 judges presided over by the high priest, or a

local council of each synagogue composed of 3 or more men q Gr, moros, a
wicked reprobate, des-titute of all spirituality

r Gr. gehenna (Heb. Ge-Hinnim, Valley oTHlnnom), near J emsalem where

perpetual flres were kept to bum all refuse and purify the air to prevent
pestilence (Isa. 30:33; Jer. 7:31-32; 19:6-14; 2 Ki. 23:10). Used 12 times of hell,
the place of eternal punishment of the wicked (Mt. 5:22, 29, 30; 10:28; 18:9;
23:15, 33; Mk. 9:43-47; Lk. 12:5; Jas. 3:6), It is the same as " the lake of fire "
file v. 19:20; 20:11-15; 21:8); " furnace of fire " (Mt. 8:12; 13:42, 50; 22:13;
24:51; 25:30; Lk. 3:17): and a place of etemal " fire and brimstone " (Mt. 25:41,
46; Rev. 14:9-11; 19:20: 20:10-15: 21:8; Isa. 66:22-24). See note, Lk. 12:5

s A Christian requirement (Cp. Mt. 18: 15-17, 21-35)

t 228 times in Scripture; 24 times in the N. T. It means "a place of sacrifice" or

"a place to meet with God." Christians should have such a place (Mt. 5:23-24;
Heb. 13:10; Rom. 12:1-3) u Opponent at law. Under Roman law an adversary
could force his opponent to go before the judge (Mt. 18:28-30). If he would
senle on the way to the jud^e he would not be tried in court (Lk. 12:58-59) v In
the case of some debt wEx. 20:14: Dt. 5:18


Christ's sermon on the mount

. 1 Jn. 1;7: i: ). Se« ML. 18:

of the whole body going ^:28:U.1X5. iKXc:

- i; 18:

e Gr. .^r^l'.-o. ; c \\.-^ <. ("». '-:?); xjj—

e Gr. .^r^l'.-o. ; c \\.-^ <. ("». '-:?); xjj—

ISJ .14:

■»)■ tcJid

a w i I (Ml. (Acts

!5:30): 2'iL ^-«12;

- ' -1.^. Ui. lo. 16); and

Put tar.- Jivorcc and was

« by tut Jews, If the divorce wajgj^anteu for tomicaiion, a sin Cod looked upon
as tdosi ierioiu, the puningaway was legal,Christian,and sanctioned by Christ. It
made the contract null and void as jcfoce marriage (Cp. DC. 24:1-4) f A iegal
document dissolving the mar—

_ -. i--:^j^ Called " writing of di -

jt- (v 31; 19:7) aud " biU of

.i>. •• (IX. 24:1-3; Isa. 50:1;

Jcr. . 10:4). Sec notes. 19:1-

.-; : J --4; I Cor. 7

- ." . '.JO in the Bible mcan^: adul -

. >i nurned or single people (Ml.

.. 19:9: I Cor. 7:2; 10:8; 1 Th. 4:

':2n; incest fl Cor. 5:1; 10:

Lry and adultery in honor of

j..u^r. (2 Ctu. 21:11; Isa. 23:17:

r. IC:15, 2C. 29; Acu 15:20. 29:

i 1.25; Rev. 2 14-21; 14:3; 17:2-4: 18:

3-9; 19:2^. natural harlotry (Jn. 8:41;

I Cor. e;lJ-lS); spiritual harlotry

(EzeJt. 15:15. 26, 2>. Rev. r 9.-4;

'.-■ 3->. 1,1 2^: sodomy and male pros-

•■I I ■:..... ( .or. ';:J-:i; ileb. 12:10;

jjje 0-7. tioiti. 1:24-23; 2 Cot. 12:21;

GaU 5.19; Eph. 5:3; CoU 3:5). Do all

these scriptures apply to single people

only If not, then fornication does

not apply only lo single people as

some teach

h Adultery is unlawful relationshipbe-t w iu*n men and women, single or mar-.

iXjt of C'J limes the an is re-d to in Scripture, only two pas-speak of spiritual
adultery (Jet. -^ "•'■'•. 10:d7). This term is not use^J adcr sense of all forms "f <
'<' f'->micatlon. Ail

. but all for-

-To iseto

Jn. 3:17) oLev. 19:17-18: Mt. 22:39; Lk. 10:27 P Ex. 17:14-lf,: m. 7:1-2; 2.T3-C
^ 4 commands in v 44; 1 Love your encrnles T"

; un the on the

"' :i which

hcU. I luvc yj J. .' 4Vf ye?

• 30 And if thv p-hr hand f>fP»^d| do not e\ ■ .ins the


■•7 And if ve salute vour breth-rf thari

r publl-

•48 Be ye therefore ' perfect, even as your Father which is In heaven is perfect.

bvdy jhuuld t>c ca^t inter hell.

(e) On divorce and re-mar riage (19:3-9; U.16:18)

|»31 H hath been said. -'Whoso—

put away his wife.

• her a 'writing of


w!-wi: n:




iy t mto ynu . That



divorced cum

^ JO On making vows (Jameb 5:12; P:s. 15:4; 76:11)

•33 '. Again. ye_Ji.! :d

that it hath been sa: •i

of old time,- Thou shaii nu; lur-swear thvself, but shalt per-fcr • • :

•34 r

not ut aJi. iiLiLnL-r by neaven; for It is God's throne:

35 Nor by the earth; for it is his footstool: neither by J^-ry'sa-16m; for it is the
city of the great King.

3< Neither shalt thou swear by thy head, because thou canst not make one hair
white or black.

•37 But let your communication be. Yea, yea; Nay, nay: for whatsoever is more
than these Cometh of evil.

(g) On retaliation (Mt. 18: 21: Lk. 6:29, 17:1)

38 • Ye h • :rd that it

hath been --ye for an

eve, and a ' a tooth:

•i9£utls.; jj. That ye

resist not evii: uui whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn lo him the
other also.

•40 And if any man will sue ihSS >t the law, and take away thy coat, let him
have thy cloke also.

•41 "And whosoever shall corn-pej^ thee to go a mile, go with him twain.

•42 "Give to him that asketh thee, and from him " '1

borrow of thee fur: ,i


(h) On love (Lk. 6:27. Jn.l3: 34; 15:9; 17:26)

(h) On love (Lk. 6:27. Jn.l3: 34; 15:9; 17:26)

5 YJe have heartj that it hath been said, "Thou shalt l"ve thy neighbour, and'hate

•*^ ly unto you^ I^ove

' ;n that

in that


pc: -.ttute yiiu .

►45 liy^ ye nuiy be the children u( your Father which is ia heaven; for he
maketh his lua

2 BIcts Ilicni tlut curse you

3 Do good to those that hate you

4 I'ray for your pcxso uiois

■.• fo'jr of over l_j_ ti le N.T. 10 be

. Hence, the uoivcrs-tl

:hri: t en '.cr-there

: far

(i) On almsgiving (5:42; 6:1; 19:21; Lk. 11:41; 12:33)

^AKE'heed that ye do not ■^ your'alins before men, to be seen of them:

otherwise ye have no'reward of your Father which is in heaven. •2 Therefore
when thou doest thine alms, do not sound a trumpet before thee, as -the
h>T)ocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may have glory of
men. Verily I say unto you,*They have their reward.

•3 But when thou doest alms. let not thy left hand know what thy right hand
doeth: ►4 That thine alms, may be in secret: and thy Father which seeth in
secret himself shall reward thee openly.

{j)On prayer: cilone with God (Lk. 11:1; 18:1; Jn. 14:12; 15:7)

•5 •" And 'w^en thou prayest. thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they
love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the comers of the streets, that they
may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you. They have their reward. •6 But thou,
when thou prayest. enter into thy^loset, ai^when thou hast shut thy door, pray to
thy Father which is in secret; and'thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward
thee openly*

(k) On prayer; the Father's omniscience (Mt. 6:25; 11: 25; Rom. 11: 3 3)

•7 But when ye pray, use not

vain repcti' the heathen

do: for i: k that they

shall be hexrd for their much sneaking.

•8 Be not ye therefore like unto them :"f or vour Father knoweth what t' •■ have

of, before :m.

(1) On prayer: the model prayer (Lk. 11:2)

•»"Aft. -.re

pray ^ • i m

neaven. uailuwcd be t;.y name.

10-Thy kingdom come. ' Th>' will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.

11 Give us this day our daily bread.

•2 Ai! ■ r debts,

as we rs.

>3''A: , temptation, in evil:

7 For all to be saved (1 Tim. 2:4; 2 PeU 3:9) 12:2)

8 Not be conformed to world (Rom.

9 Possess own body inhoUness(l Th. 4:3-4: 1 Cor. .1:16-17; 6:19-20)

10 To ask what you will (Jn. lit 7)

M [>J not peti;iit u> to be overcome by evil but Jelivcr us from the evil one

a i, ^ iijcjti»-ns 5-8. Next, 6:25

b :i%-iM])^tcti. Used 17 times. They -ere despised by the Je«s. so any reference
to being leu than this class was ttieloNesi thlngthat could be said of anyone
religious. I'hey were classed with sinners (ML 9:10-11; 11:19:21: 31-32). Many
repented and were bap-tlzed(Lk. 3:12; 7:29). One of them became an apottle
(Lk. 5:27-29: 19:1-10) c Cr. teleios, complete in conformity to God's law«

What a Christian must be :

1 Broken Inspirit, burdened for others, nK:ek. humble, hungry for righteousness,
merciful, pure in heart. wise, patient, loving, joyful, and gracious (5:3-12) 2 Salt
to preserve and a light to shine (5:13-16)

3 A teacher and keeper of the truth (5:17-19)

4 Free from hypocrisy, selfishness, and gnidgcs (5:20-24)

5 A peacemaker (5:9. 25-26)

6 Free from lusts (5:27-30)

7 A family man (5:31-32^

8 Tnithful (5:31-37)

9 Non-resistem to misucaiment (5: 38-41)

10 Charitable, neighborly, and Godlike in society (5 38-47)

All this is possible throutU t

1 The new birth (2 Cor. 5:1 /: 1 Jn. 2:29; 3:5-10; 5:1-4. 18)

2 By walking and living in the Spirit (Rom, 3:1-13; GaL 5:16-20)

3 By proper use of Christian weapons (2 Cor. 10:5-7; Eph. 6:10-18; CoL 2: 6-10;
3:3-10; 2 Tim. 2:21) d Gr. pro sec ho. to hold the mind, pay strict attention to,
and spply one's self to (Acts 3:5; 8:C, 10: 1 Tim. 4:1; Lk. 21:34; Ileb. 21). The
phrase is used 29 times in each testament. See note e. Mt. 11:29

e Alms were acts of charity and only solicited by the unfortunate

1 Giviiig of: to be done with sim plicity (rf:l-4); with liberality (Dt. 15:11; Rom.
12:8); and cheerfully (2 Cor. 9:7) 2 Enioiiieda ev. 25:35: Dl. 15:7-11: Isa. 58:7;
Mt. 5:42; Lk, 11:41: 2 Cor. 9:5: i Tim. C:18)

3 Rewarded (Dt. 14:28-29; 15:10; Mt. 10:42; 19:21; Lk. 12:33)

4 Examples of ( Lk. 19:8; AcU 9:36: 10:2; 2 Cor. 3-))

f Third of 13 tiii'cs in MU Each good deed is to be rewarded if done wiih the

riglit mocive (Ml. 5:12; C:l. 18: 10:41-12; IC:27; Mk. 9:41; Lk. 0:23, 35: Rom.
14:10-11; 1 Cor. 3:8-15; 9: 17-18: 2 Cor. 5:10. CoU 2:18; 3:24: 2 Tim. 4:14;
Heb. 10:35; 11:26: 2 Pet. 2:13: Rev. 11:18; 22:12) g Actors - acting under a
mask; feigning principles not adopted, and passions not felt (Mt. 22:18; 23:28:
24: 51; Mk. 12:15). They literally soundec trumpets under tlie pretext of calling
the poor; tliough with no otlier deagn ilian to gratify self by giving alms in
the poor; tliough with no otlier deagn ilian to gratify self by giving alms in
public. See note. Job 27:8

h They have their receipt in fiiU

i An idiom of true humility

j rhc secret to the answer of secret prayer (7:7-il)

k Gr. Lamcion. storehouse, or room lor privacy or rciiteinent. secret clumber (v

6; 24:26; Lk. 12.3. 24) 1 Secret giving will be honored openly by God(Cp.

m See 18 facts about God in Mt. 5-7. p. :^J

n 23elements intheLocd's prayer, p. 34

ti The pra yer of believers for the coming kingdom and the second advent of
Christ (Zech. 14: Rev. 11:15: 19:11-20:10: Ml. 25:31-46) p 10 facts about God's

1 Pray for it to be done on eanh(v 10)

2 Maks doing It our meat (Jn. 4:34)

3 seek it as Christ did (Jn. 5:30)

4 Understand It (Eph. 5:17)

5 DO it from the heart (Eph. 6:6) C Live It (1 Pet. 2:11-17)


ChrisVs sermon on the mount

a Some critics omit tliis doxology, but out of over 500 codices wtiich contain
this prayer only 8 omit it b See Fasting and Prayer , p.629 ofO.T.

c Smear their faces witli ashes

d Praise of men is their full receipt

e The secret of reward in fasting (Cp. fasting of hypocrites, Lk. 18:11-12)

f See V 3, 4, and C

g Eastern treasures were of fine clothes, oolished armour, weapons of war, gold,
and jeweb. Moth and rust were as destructive to most of them as tiiieves h To lay
up treasures in heaven is to consecrate fully to God and to help all men who have
need. Even every cup of cold water given in tlie tight spirit will be rewarded
(Mt. 10:40-42) i Mansions and fumisliingsin heavenare secure from moths and
termites; metals are free from rust; precious stones are free from thieves; and all
hearts are safe from fear or loss forever j Reason for the advice of CoL 3:1-4

k Gr. luchnos, lamp fed by oil, burning for a time and then going out. Trans,
light 6 times (Mt. 6:22; Lk.U:34; 12: 35; Jn. 5:35; 2 Pet, 1:19; Rev. 21:23) and
candle 8 times (Mt. 5:15; Mk. 4: 21; Lk. 8:16; 11:33, 36; 15:8; Rev. 18:23:22:5)
1 Clear, not blind by ^lecks or cataracts. See note m,Lk. 11:34

m Gr. ponaros. wicked, diseased, blind, full of evil, asin Mt. 20:15; Mk. 7: 21-
23; Rom. 1:29-32; Gal. 5:19-21. Tothejews an evil eye denoted a covetous,
envious, evil man, perhaps able to " cast a spell" upon another and cause him
harm n Jn. 3:16-20; 2 Cor. 4:4; Eph, 5:11

o Suting an utter impossibility

p To hate here is an idiom of preference (Lk. 14:26, note). If men prefer sin and
SatantoGod, then they are of the devil (1 Jn. 3:8) and wiU be sent to heU with
Mm (Mt. 25:41) q The second time this impossibility is stated in this verse

r Riches (notes on Lk. 16:9-13)

s Do not worry, be over-anxious, fretfiiL 8 reasons why we should not worry :

1 Life is more than meat (v 25)

2 Body more than raiment (v 25)

3 Men greater than materials (v 25)

4 Men greater than fowls whom God feeds without their labour (v 26)
4 Men greater than fowls whom God feeds without their labour (v 26)

5 Worry cannot change body (v 27)

6 Men better than plants that do not worry about clothing (v 28-30)

7 God's providence is over aU creation, not only birds and plants that never buy,
sell, manufacture, or labour (v 26-32) 8 Worry is useless and sinful and must not
be tolerated (v 33-34)

Quit worrying because it is:

1 Sinful and produces fear

2 A disease causing other ills

3 Borrowing trouble that cannot be paid back pen

4 Brooding over what may not hap—

5 Creating trouble, misery, death

6 A burden borrowed from tomorrow and others who should carry it

7 weight that kills prematurely

8 Mental and physica l suicide

9 A grave-digger that ha s no sympathy

10 Needless and wastes time and effort that should be spent on worthwhile

11 A robber of faith, peace, and trust in a never-tailing, heavenly Father

12 A stumbling-block to others

13 A disgrace to Go? and should never be indulged in by Christians

14 Anxiety over what is nothing today aTiTIesitomorrow, in view of faith

15 A nticipating troubles which seldom come to those who trust God

16 Torment over something that will likely be a blessing if it comes

17 Living like an orphan without an heavenly Father

18 A crime against God,man, nature, and better judgment

For "thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever, A-m6n'.

(m) On prayer: conditions of answeredprayer {Mt. 7:7; 17:20; 18:18; 21:22; Mk.
9: 23; 11:22; Jn. 15:7) ► 14 For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your
heavenly Father will also forgive you:

15 But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive
your trespasses.

(n) On fasting (Mt. 9:15; 17: 21; Lk. 5:33)

•16 •; Moreover when ve''fast. be not, as the hypocrites, of a sad countenance:'for

they disfigure their faces, that they may appear unto men to fast. Verily I say
unto you,''They have their reward.

• 17 But thou, when thou fastest, anoint thine head, and wash thy face;

►18 That thou appear not unto men to fast, but unto thy Father which is in
secret: ^and thy Father,/which seeth in secret , shall reward thee openly.

(6) Warnings to believers (6:19-7:29): A Against trustin riches(13: 22;19:16; Lk.

12:15; 1 Tim. 6:17) •19 i Lay ■' not up for yourselves treasures upon earth,
where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: ^

•20''But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither 'moth nor rust
doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal :< 21 'For where
your treasure is, there will your heart be also.

B Against double-minded-ness (Lk. 16:9. Cp. Jas.l: 5; Heb. 10:38)

22 *'The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be

'single, thy whole body shall be full of light.

23 But if thine eve be'"evil. thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore
the light that is in thee be "darkness, how great is that darkness!
the light that is in thee be "darkness, how great is that darkness!

24'^*; No man can serve two masters: ''for either he will hate the one, and love
the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. " Ye cannot serve
God and'mammon.

C Against worry and anxiety (Lk. 12:22. Cp.PMl. 4:6; 1 Pet. 5:7)

•25 Therefore I say unto you, jTake no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or
what ye shall drink : nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. ' Is not the life
more than meat, and the body than raiment? 26 Behold the fowls of the air: for
they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into bams; yet your heavenly
Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they?

27 Which of you by taking thought can add one'cubit unto his''stattire?

28 And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how
they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin: 29 And yet I say unto you. That
even'S6ro-mon in aU his glory was not arrayed like one of these.

►SO'Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which to day is, and to
morrow is cast into the ""oven, shall he not much more clothe you,(0 ye of httle


•31 Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or. What shall we
drmk? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed ? 32 (For after all these^things do the
Gfen'tile? seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these

•33''But seek ye firs^ the'kingdom of God, and his'righteousness ; and all these
things shall be added imto you.< •34'Take therefore no thought for the morrow:
for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient imto the day
is the evil thereof.


D Against mote hanting(Lk. 6:41; Jn. 7:24; 8:7)

JUDGE'not, that ye be not judged. 2"^or with what judgment ye judge, ye shall
be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.
be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.

3 "And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest
not the beam that is in thine own eye?

4 Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out '^e mote out of thine eye;
and, behold, aljeam is in thine own eye?

•5 Thou^hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shaft
thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.

E Against careless dispensing of sacred things

•6 '' 'Give not that which is holy unto the' dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before
' gwine. legt they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend F
Against unbelief: the infinite Fatherhood of God and the certainty of answered
prayer (6: 25; Lk. 11: 5;18:1) ►7 «i "A,sk. and it shall be given

you; ' seek, and ye shall find;

* knock .and it shall be opened

unto you:

►g For^ every one that asketH

receiveth; and he that seeketk

findeth; and to him that knocb—

eth it shall be-'opened. 9 ^Or what man is there of you,

whom if his son ask bread, will

19 Mental cruelty to self and others

20 Foolish , for whatever is going to happen cannot be stopped by worry;and if it

doesn't happen, there is nothing to worry about. Should adversities actually
come, one may still be victorious by trusting in God t Questions 9-12. Next, v
30. Cp. contrasting values, Lk. 12:13-34

there is a limitation in answer there is a limitation of faith, not of God's will or

power y The door is never opened in the East until the one who knocks is first
power y The door is never opened in the East until the one who knocks is first
questioned (Lk. 11:5-8). Note the threefold assurance of an answer - receiveth,
findeth, it shaU be opened 7. Questions 19-21. Next, v 16

a About 25 inches. Cp. Lk, 12:25

bCp. Lk. 2:52; 19:3; Eph. 4:13

c 1 Ki. 9:14-28; 10:10; 2 Chr. 9:13-28

d Questions 13-16. Next, 7:3

e i.)rientals burned grass and straw to heat

their ovens (1 Ki. 17:10; Ps. 58:9) f 4 occurrences of "Unle faith":

i Concerning necessities oflife(v 30)

2 Concerning danger (8:26)

3 Concerning working miracles (14: 31)

4 Concerning food (16:6-12)

g The belly and back of the sinner make his god and these he worships in the lust
of the flesh, lust of the eye, and the pride of Ufe(l Jn. 2:15-17) h Hunt eagerly, as
in Lk. 15:8; 17:33

i Only 5 times in Mt. (6:33; 12:28; 19: 24:21:31, 43), but"kingdom of heaven" is
used 30 times. (See notej, 4:17) j See "righteousness," Rom, 3:26, note

k Do not fret about tomorrow, for the morrow wiU have its own troubles. The
care of each day is enough to master. Thoughtfulpreparationforthe future is not
rebuked, but fretting about it is condemned. See note s, 6:25

1 Do not find fault wiiii anyone except self or you will expose your own
criminal tendencies and disposition m Main reason not to do this (GaL 6:7-8)

n Questions 17-18. Next, v 9

0 Gr. karphos. a twig, straw, chaff, or any particle of dust (v 3; Lk. 6:41)
p Gr. dokos. a wooden beam (v 3; Lk. 6:41)1 Why concentrate upon the splinter
in your brother's eye, if you areblind to the log in your own eye?

q See also Lk. 13:15; Job 20:4-5; 27:8: Pr. 11:9

r Do not force truth upon rebels who reject it, or give holy things to faultfinders,
mote-hunters, evil speakers s Used figuratively of 9 classes:

1 Homosexuals (Dt. 23:18)

2 Anyone despised (1 Sam. 17:43; 24:14; 2 Sam. 9:8; 16:9; 2 Ki. 8:13)

3 Saunic powers (Ps. 22:20)

4 Wicked men (Ps. 22:16: .S9:6.14)

5 Falseprophets(Isa. 56:10; Phil. 3:2)

6 Deceived people (Mt. 7:6; Rev. 22:15)

7 Fools (Prov. 26:11)

8 Gentiles (Mt. 15:26-27; Mk. 7: 27-28)

9 BacksUders (2 Pet. 2:20-23)

1 Used figuratively of 3 classes:

1 Indiscreet women (Prov. 11:22)

2 Deceived people (Mt. 7:6)

3 Backsliders (2 Pet. 2:20-22)

u Gr. aiteo, to ask (Jn. 15:7; Mt. 21:22; Jas. 1:5-8; 1 Jn, 3:22; 5:14-16); to crave
(Ivlk. 15:43); to beg (Mt. 27: 58); to desire (Mk. 11:24); and to require or
demand (Lk. 1:63; 1 Cor. 1: 22; Lk. 12:48; 1 Pet. 3:15). The idea here is to
demand somediing that is due one because of family and redemptive rights. Five
times it is found in V 7-11. The first letters of ask, seek, and lyiock ^lell "ASK."
It is God's will that we ask and get what we want (Ps. 23:1; 34:9-10; 84:11; Mk.
11:24; Jn. 15:7. 16) V Seeking must be with the whole heart (Dl. 4:29; 2 Chr.
7:14; 11:16; 15:2; Pr. 8:17: Lk. 15:8; Col. 3:1; Heb. 11: 6; Jas. 1:5-8; 1 Pet. 3:11)
7:14; 11:16; 15:2; Pr. 8:17: Lk. 15:8; Col. 3:1; Heb. 11: 6; Jas. 1:5-8; 1 Pet. 3:11)
w The third way of getting an answer to prayer (Lk. 11:5-13; 18:1-8) . To ask
implies want; seeking implies loss; and knocking impUes need. One must ask
with confidence and humility; seek with care and application; and knock with
earnesmess and penevet-ance (Lk, 11:4-8) X No exception to the rule for
anyone. If there is it is because of the failure to ask in faith, nothing
wavering(Jas. 1:5-8), to seek diligently (Heb. 11: 6), and to knock with
importunity (Lk. 11:5-13; 18:1-8). The only reason for unanswered prayer to a
Christian is "unbelief" (Mt. 17:17-21; Jas, 1: 5-8; Heb. 11:5). Unbelief is caused
by wrong teaching (Rom. 10:17). The promises are unlimited (Ps. 34:9-10;
84:11; 91:1-12; Mt. 17:20; 21:22; Mk. 9:23: 11:22-24; Jn, 15:7, 16), so if

ST. MATTireW 8

Chrisrs twrmam an th* mount

The centurion's servant healed

lo the tolled C Ale III

Mk. n-191


. . inJ wjiiy, or any •. L. .; ..: :^ :.. j r Is a "good •.;.., .- .iil< t(j receive it and no K
:.•,: ^ I..11 the will of GoJ in the : ..-. t ii alreaJy 1 Us will or thia ....._;.. f V 7-11
is false .. A suiiiiii^y of all the tuachiugs of v 1-12. about jujjunc. fault-finJinR, '
y tilings, . - ..-..._ in fact.

11 IS the aim of iheU« aikl the prophets J Cp. Lk. 13:24- '.e the reaions

for entrance i. .^o ways (Ou

; 1 Ki, I0.2I. ^ Pet. 2:2. 15). -Iso the two dcjtinics here and in Ml. 25:46: Jn.
5:28-2J; GaU C:7-8. Up to physical death destruction can be canceller by
repentance (Lk. 13: 1-5. Jn. 3:16-20; Acts 3:19; Ijn. 1:9) and life can be
cancelled by sin (Gen. 217: c.ek. 18:4; Rom. 8:12-13) 1 to strict observance of
the u of V 12, arxl to repentance aiiu Kdlking the Christian way of life to the end
of the narrow way f An allusiaD to tlic careless anful way of life of the wicked,
intimating that it is easier to be revengeful dud covetous; to take advantage of
aaoL'ier to enrich self rather than walk according to the golJen rule g This way
aaoL'ier to enrich self rather than walk according to the golJen rule g This way
of life leads to destruction, which docs not actually come until the enJ of the
road (Rom. 6:16-23; 8: 12-13: GaU 5:19-21; 6:7-8; Meb. 9: 27). The reason is
that destruction can be cancelled by turning from sin to God (Acts 26:1:^) hTtiis
narrow way is leading to li fe but it cannot be given as an unforfeit-able nght
uiiiil the end of the narrow «ay(notc5onJn.e:27; 10:1-28; 15:1-8) 1 V, cp i^ay
from false prophets or tjjo-crs (note c, 1 Jn. 4:1)

J ■' ■ '' ' '" '-nown:

^ (V IS;

- i. 2^.:-J3, 2 Ti;:i, 3:5) ^rd state (v 15; 5:22, 28; 23..;.:-2-. Mk. 7:21-23)

3 By tlie kind of fruit Lii works produce.! (v 1C-2Q; 23:1-24; 2 Cor. 11: 13-15;
PWL 1:15-17:3:3. 17-19) i by i^c U.iJ of if'-iii in Joel fine* Caufe.itJ . 1' -/,■:
12:^3-17. 15:1-9; 16: 12; 23:1-;J3. 1 rim. 4:1-6; 6:3-5; 2 Tim. 3 1-H; 4:1-4: 2
Pet. 2) -iiK^ _ :

6 By ^UiUc t>a>_ki;tj (. i'i, i4.24;

Acts H: «-13; ! i:.",-!! 16:16-24; 2

Cor. . J 8-12; Rev.

13:1-; )

.itu .....


1 J 1 t >> this is true in iIm: natural r. t. , soit is la the spiritual. A man

• I ! b«" 1 'lint snd a anner at the

same r: i. 6;lC-23; 8:13)

ni iVfuf on professed

do not ! . . 15:1-8)

1' *'h .,. .. L.IoU.et.. in ML. (7.21-2.i. uiiiallilled. rtiU h, f ilTilled at the great
1' *'h .,. .. L.IoU.et.. in ML. (7.21-2.i. uiiiallilled. rtiU h, f ilTilled at the great
white thr> ni, llev.20: 11-15: Art« !7 •. "ll

o No pi in

Mean.. .ed,

"but he i!«ki d. My Father" (v 21; 1 1\ . 12:14;

Jas. 1:10-27; Ro<ii. 0.1o-23. 8:12-13)

p sec notes MU 4:17; 19:24

i ^" will be lost (V 13, 22; 20:

• -ill be saved (v 14; 22:

^) ' .^ - ■■ New. 8:26. ThU is

what Mine Will say. trying to escape

C Againat ■eUi.-< golden rule (Lk


I ij 1 cr D 3 .


ThwefAre all thine«« what


for llui> IS the Law and


H AgAinst wrong choices: two ways (6:24. 7:24; Lk. 6:47)

•13 • '^nter ye in at the'strail

gate:'for w gate, and

broad i^ thf leadcth to

! r.anv there be


'■* Uei..iw..c iirait IS the Ratc,| and narri-^w is the way,'•which 'eadeth ■ . and
few there be that

I Again:>t false prophets and deceptions (24:4, 24)

•15 ' 'gewjir4of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing;, but
inwardly they are ravening wolves.

15 'Ye shall know them by their fruits . '■Do men gather grapes ol thorns, or figs
of thistles?

17 'Even so every good tree

!i buili,

! -

-d . :he blew, and beat upon that . and^'fc-H: and great ua^ ;he fall of it.

28 And it came to pass, when J*'5us had ended these sayings,the people were
astonished at his doctrine: 29 For he taught them as one ! having authority , and
not as the

. J'Scribes, the
8 Jesus heals the leper (Mk. 1:40; Lk. 5:12)

WHEN he was come down from the mountain,'great multitudes followed him.

2 And, behold, there camera leper and'worshipped him, say

bringeth forth good fruit; but a corru pt ^ tree bringeth forth evil fruit.

18 A good tree cannot bring fonhevilfruit.neither con a corrupt tree bring forth )?
ood fruit

15'^ver>'tree tl: -hnot

forth pood fruit . i owp ,

an.i . the nre.

20 re by their fruits

ye shai; l-aiuw them.

J Against mere profession of 8alvation(Lk. 13:22-30)

21 " Not every on? that saitt unto me,''Lord, Lord, shall en tcr into the'kingdom
of heav en; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.< ►22 "
M^nv will «;av to me in tha< (lay,'Lord, I ■ f nui

prophesied i.. md iri

thy name have cast uut devils and in thv n.ime done man wonder*

I profess untc de—


ing. Lord, if thou wilt , thou canst make me clean.

3 And Je 5us put forth his hand, and''touched him, saying. I will • be thou
3 And Je 5us put forth his hand, and''touched him, saying. I will • be thou
clean.'And imme diaTelv his leprosy was cleansed.

4 And Je'$us saith unto him. See thou'tell no man; but go thy way, ihew thyself
ta the priest, and offer the gift that 'Mo'sej commanded, for a testimony unto

9 Centurion's servant heeded (Lk. 7:1-10)

5 * And when Je'jus was entered into Ca-per na-um, there came unto him
a'centurion, beseeching him, 6 And saying, Lord, my .--erv-ant lieth at home
sick of the palsy , grievously tormented.

7 And Je §us saith unto him,

I will come and heal him. TThe centurTon answered and said. Lord. I am not
worthy that thou shouldest come under my roof: "but speak the word ►23 And
them, I nc. part from i iniquity

K Agaii.,: ... foundations 47-49)

(7:13; Lk. 6:

24 Ih. iikthc

doeth them. i.M ui:i'.

a wise man. w i hi<

hoii I rock;

25 rain deKr^nde^!

orily, and my servant shall be healed.

9 For I am a man under authority, having soldiers under me; and I say to this
man. Go, and he goeth; and to another, Come, and he cometh; and to my servant.
Do this, and he doeth It.

10 When Je jus heard lY.'^he marvelled, and said to them that followed, Verily I
say unto

you, I have not found s o gr eat faith, no, not in'lj'ra-el. •TT And I say unto
you, I have not found s o gr eat faith, no, not in'lj'ra-el. •TT And I say unto
you,'That inany shall come from the east and west, and shall sit down with A
bra-him. and 1 jaac and jA'cob, in the'kingdom of heaven.'*

►12 But the children of the kingdom shall he cast nut into

" he


13 And Jf sus sdiu unto the

centurion, r.o thv way; and 5s > be it done ■ rvantwas

iHJini 111 tjiL-seijsame hour.

huu 2* And c\ cry one that heare

:t !i.:i l.w!. tur il

upon a rock. I

10 Peter's mother-in-law healed (Mk. 1:29: Lk. 4:38)

hell, but It IS Dot stated that tbuy actually did these things

To " do fh.-... ,, the leld test (note o. Jt" of people. '■ .ind result-in a fli^Ki (v 2.-
i-il) EaJern monsoons, floods, and winds do RTi^ • .'.; to strong houKS and
compi iroy some • 7th N.l, prophecy in Mt, (8:11-12.

unfiiinilcd, but will be fulhuedlnthc

MiUcnjaimi.Mt.25::U-44. .Next. 9:15 t Sec notes. Mt. 4:17. 19:24 u The Jews
who were first promised the kingdom (note d. Jn. 17:12) V See i»oten. .Mt.
13:42 w Tbeliw of faith(8 : jai, l.-S8; lleb. 11:6; Mk. ,)

a Gr.iK)t.iiiKi5,ncKrd(v25-j7;Kev,l.;:lS-16);rrveif7]'i. 7 tW;i/cv. ^j; 1-2);stream

(Lk.6:4b- , ipouts (Piri2:"7) b See Scrv . 1

c Normal fui :. --cr from God

d See note on ■ ^ *j)

d See note on ■ ^ *j)

c Christ ac j. 15:25)

f First of ospels. 84

times in Acu, anu IjO times in the rest of the N. T. Jesus is called "Lord." Jesus
calls Ittrnself " Lord " (Mt. 721-22; 21:3), as well as do prophets (Isa. 40:3 with
Mt. 3:3 and Mai. 3:1 with Mk. 1:2; Lk. 2:27); angels (Lk. 2:lll; and God and the
Holy Spirit fPs. 110: 1-5: Mt, 22:43-45: .Mai. 3:1; Acu 2: 36). T.VC L<;^rd's are
mentioned sitting side by side (P$. 110:1-5; Mt. 22:43-45) g Constant
questicMiingof God's will every time one prays is the greatest hindrance to
answered prayer. All men whobelievein God believe He can do all things, but
few believe He will. It is alwaysGod's will for every child ol His to get what he
wills(ML 7:7-11; 17:20; 21:22; Mk. 9:23; 11:22-24; Jn. 15:7. 16: Heb. 11:6; Jas.
1:5-8; 1 Jn. 3:20-22; 5:13-14). See note. Lk. 5:12

h First of ■■^ c.ises Jesus touched inheal-iiig people (V 3,15; 9:29; 17:7; 20:34;
.Mk. 1:41; 7:33; Lk. 5:13; 7:14; 22:51). Many others touched Him and were
healed (Mt. 9:21; 14:36; Mk. 3:10-5:28; 6:56; 8:22; Lk. 6:19) i God never says
"No" to anyone who comes to Him in faith (Mt. 7:7-11; 17:20; 21:22; Mk. 9:23;
11:22-24; Jn. 14:1-15; 15:7. 16; Jas. L5-8) j Notone gradual healing is recorded
in the life of Jesus. Some use Jn, 4:52: Mk. 8:23-25 as excuses for unbelief and
as proof of gradual healing, but in both cases the persons were healed within the
hour k Tell no man - tor 4 reasons:

1 He did not want to set forth His claim to Messiaiiship this early in His ministry
and hasten the controversy He knew that His works would cause. Even later He
forbad His disciples to make it known (Mt. 16:13-20). He made no public claim
of it at first. but simply did tlie works that the prophets had predicted the
Messiah would do (Ml. 11:1-6) 2 He wanted people to fulfill the law and offer
the testimony that Moses commanded in sucU cases (Lev. 14:4, 10, 21-22).
Ineachcase it would have to be known to thepnestshowone was cleansed and tills
should be sutti-cicnt proof of His Messialiship to the priests. The Jewisli rabbis
taugtit that cleansing lepers should be characteristic of the Mesaali, so His very
works proved it before He was forced by opposition to make such claim for
Himself 3 He wanted to shun popularity and human acclaim and the evil effects
of mob clamour to make Him King. When this did happen He got away from it
all(Jii. 6:15-21). By tills time He knew it was lime to declare Himself to the
people, so never again did He say, "Tell no man," as in Mu 8: 4; Mk. 8:26, 30;
Lk. 5:14; 3:56; 9:21
Lk. 5:14; 3:56; 9:21

4 Jcsiis set an example of putting healings to the test before testimony is given
for them. Any real hcalirtg will stand any kind ot test. Any person, maintaining
he is healed when he Is not, is unsciiptural 1 First of 80 times Moses is
mentioned iniheN.T. This is proof that he wrote Leviticus. Sec Lev. 14:4-32 m
Captain of 100 men, a 60th part of a Roman legion n A paralytic (note e, Mt.

o Gr. deinos. excessively, terribly (Lk. 11:^37

p Expreaing absolute faith in the power

of Clirlsi. I have autliority over 100

men who obey me to the letter when

I speak. You have autliority over de-

^^,1 one word from You will be

Ileal my servant. What faith I

q jcsii .r.c'uJ i i two things orjy :

1 ( n:" .T :^ ..jilile (v lu)

2 I iibeliet ot tr,e Jews (Mk. 6:6) r They were Jews (Mt. 10:5)


Jesus calms the tempest

A palsied man healed

a Peter was a family man, so he could not have staned celibacy in the Roman
Church (1 Cor. 9:5)

b See noteh, Mt. 8:3

c See noteb, Mt. 13:58

d 8th O. T. prophecy fulfilled in Mt. (8:17; Isa. 53:4). Next, 11:10

e Both Gr. words, lambano, to take in order to carry a^ay; to remove (v 17;
5:40), and bastazo. tobear or lift with the idea of removal (v 17 . 7:14), plainly
mean the same ... the Heb. nasa, to bear, to take the debt of sin and sickness
upon one's self, and carry it as his own (Isa. 53:4; Lev. 5:1, 17; 16:22; 20:19-20;
24:15). What was it He bore away by taking upon Himself''The case before us is
not sins, but our griefs (sicknesses), and sorrows (pains, Isa. 53:4; Mt. 8:17% He
did not bear them merely to eater into the fello.vshipof our sufferings, but to
deliver us from them. It would be useless for Him tobear them in our stead if He
stiUleftustobeat them. Naturally, sins were borne, but so were all sicknesses and
diseases and all evil which sinbrouglii intothe world (Rom. 8:17-24; 1 Pet. 2:24).
Such were not mere types o f spiritual diseases, a s some teach, but actual
diseases bome by Christ alona.with sin. The ultimate redemption by atonement
is not only to remove aU sins, but also all sicknesses with complete redemption
of body as well as soul (Rom. 8:11, 17-24;Phil. 3:21; Eph.5:27). If God deals
with sin now. He also deals with disease as clearly revealed in the whole truth
(Isa. 6:10; 61:1; Mt. 13:15: Jn, 10:10). " With His stripes we are healed " (Isa.
53:5; Mt. 8:17; 1 Pet. 2:24) f Feebleness of mind and body, malady, frailty,
disease, sickness, weakness. All this Christ bore on the cross, fulfilling Isa. 53.
Every infirmity is not a disease or sickness but all these are infirmities(Lk. 5:15;
7:21; 8:2; 13:11-12; Jn, 5:5). Priests had infirmities (Heb. 5:2; 7:28), but not
diseases or physical imperfections, for they had to be perfect physically (Lev.
21:17-24). All saints have infirmities or weaknesses of various kinds (Rom. 8:
26), but not necessarily sickness and disease (Rom. 14:1-2; 15:1). Paul had
infirmities or weaknesses in body because of the sufferings of 2 Cor, 11: 24-30;
12:5-10; GaL 4:13, but there is no indication that he had acknesses and diseases
that Christ died to take from him. His " thorn" was "a messenger (angel) of
Saun" who caused these beatings, stonings, etc. (2 Cor. 12:7). Any weakness in
body, soul, spirit, faith, ability, etc. is an infirmity. The sameGr. word astheneia
is tr^ns. weakness (1 Cor. 2:3; 15:43; 2 Cor, 12:9; 13:4: Heb. 11:34) and
infirmity (Rom. 8:26; 15:1; 2 Cor. 11: 24-30; Rom. 6:19; Heb. 4:15; 5:2; 7:28) g
Used only 4 times and always of bodily diseases (Dt, 28:59; 29:22; Mt. 8:17;
Mk.3:15). The word " sickn es?" isused 20 times and " sick " 88 times and not
once of spiritual sickness so often referred to by modem teachers. See notes on
Mt. 4:23-24

h See noteh, Jn. 1:51

i A poor excuse, for the dead were buried the same day of death and no one
i A poor excuse, for the dead were buried the same day of death and no one
would be following a teacher that day j Spiritually dead(Eph, 2; 1 Tim. 5:6),
bury the physically dead

k Gr. seismos. earthquake, and is so trans, elsewhere (Mt, 24:7; 27:54; 28: 2;
Mk. 13:8; Lk, 21:11; Acts 16:26; Rev. 6:12:8:5:11:13, 19: 16:18). The ordinary
word for storm is lailaps (Mk. 4:37; Lk, 8:23; 2 Pet. 2:17) I Indicating a deck
boat, not open

m Question 26. Next, v 29. (Mt, 6:30)

n T hi s musthavebeen caused by Satan to kill Christ (Eph. 2:2). Christ would

not have rebuked God if He had sent this earthquake. Note the two great things
here (v 24, 261

o Opposite Capernaum (v 5, 18, 28)

14 ' And when Je'§us was come Into^Pe'ter's house, he saw his wife's mother
laid, and sick of a fever .

15 And he''touched her hand, and the fever left her: and she arose, and
ministered unto them.

11 Demons cast out: many healed (Mk.l: 32; Lk. 4:40)

16 *' When the even was come, they brought unto him many] that were
possessed with devils : and he cast out the spirits with his word, and healed*^all
that were sick : •IT^That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by £-§a'ias the
prophet, saying, ' ^^imself took our •infirmities, and bare our^icknesses. ■«

12 Discipleship tested(Cp. 10:37; 16:24, refs.)

18 *" Now when Je'sus saw great multitudes about him, he gave commandment
to depart unto the other side.

19 And a certain scribe came, and said unto him, Master, I will follow thee
whithersoever thou goest.

20 And Je'gus sailh unto him, The foxes have holes, and the bird s of the air have
nests; but the"Son of man hath not where to lay his head.

21 And another of his disciples said unto him, Lord, suffer me first to go
21 And another of his disciples said unto him, Lord, suffer me first to go
and'bury my father.

•22 But Je'§us said imto him, Follow m e; and let the'dead bury their dead.

13 Jesus stills the storm (Cp. Lk. 8:22; Mk. 4:35)

23 *" And when he was entered into a ship, his disciples followed him.

24 And, behold, there arose a great^empest in the sea, insomuch that the'ship
was covered with the waves: but he was asleep.

25 And his disciples came to him, and awoke him, saying. Lord, save us: we

26 And he saith unto'^hem. Why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith? Then he

arose, and rebuked the winds and the sea; and there was a great calm. '

27 But the men marvelled, saying, What manner of man is this, that even
the"winds and the sea obey him!

14 Maniacs of Gergesa(Cp. Mk. 5:1-16; Lk. 8:26-36)

28 •■ And when he was come to the^other side into the country of thefGer-ge-
senes', there met him two possessed with devils, coming out of the'^tombs,
exceeding fierce, so that no man might pass by that way.

29 And, behold, they cried out, saying,^What have we to do with thee, Je'§us,
thou Son of God? art thou come hither to torment us before the time ?

30 And there was a good way off from them an herd of many swine feeding.

31 So the devils besought him,

saying. If thou cast us out. suffer us to go away into the herd of swine.

32 And he said unto them. Go. And when they were come out , they went into
the herd of swine: and, behold, the whole herd of "swine ran violently down a
steep place into the sea, and perished in the waters.

33 And they that kept them fled, and went their ways into the city, and told every
thing, and what was befallen to the possessed of the devils.
thing, and what was befallen to the possessed of the devils.

34 And, behold, the *'whole city came out to meet Je'jus: and when they saw
him, they besought him that he would depart out of their coasts.


15 Return to Capernaum: Heals palsied man (Mk. 2: 1; Lk. 5:17. Cp. Jn. 2:12)

AND he entered into a ship, • and passed over, and came into hisfown_citj\

2 And, behold, they brought to him a man sick^of the palsy , lying on a^bed: and
Jesus /seeing their faith said unto the sick of the palsy; Son, be of good cheer; ?
thy sins be forgiven thee.

3 And, behold, certain of the scribes said within themselves. This man

4 And Je'sus knowing their thoughts said.'Wherefore think ye evil in your


5 For 'Whether is easier, to say, Thy sins be forgiven thee; or to say, Arise, and

6 But that ye may know that the Son of man hath power on earth to forgive sins,
(then saith he to the sick of the palsy,) Arise, take up thy bed, and go unto thine

7 And he arose, and departed to his house.

8 But when the multitudes saw it, they marvelled, and glorified God, which had
given such ipower unto men.

16 Call of Levi or Matthew (Mk. 2:13; Lk. 5:27)

9 •" And as Je'gus passed forth from thence, he saw a man, named'^Mat'thew,
sitting at the receipt of custom: and he saith unto him, Follow me. And he arose,
and followed him.

17 Answers the Pharisees (Mk. 2:15-17; Lk. 5:30-32)

10 •" And it came to pass, as Jegus sat at meat in'the house, behold, many
10 •" And it came to pass, as Jegus sat at meat in'the house, behold, many
publicans and sinners came and sat down with him and his disciples.

11 And when the Phar'i-see§ saw it, they said unto his dis ciplesfWhy eateth
your Master with"publicans and'-''sinners?

12 But when Jesus heard that, he said unto them,'They that be whole need not a
physician, but they that are sick.

13 But go ye and learn what that meanethl'I will have mercy, and not sacrifice:
for I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance .

p Not Gadara where He healed only one maniac after He called the twelve (Mk.
5:1-20: Lk. 8:26-40) q Many tombs were cut in cUffs and afforded refuge for
numerous outcasts

r Questions 27-28. Next, 9:4. Demons know Jesus and their fate by Him (Acts
19:15). See Demons , p. 632 of O. T.

righteous (Mt. 9:12-13; Rom. 5:8; i Tim. 1:15) q Quoted from Hos. 6:6; 1 Sam.
15:22. 1 desire acts of mercy on your part rather than sacrifices. If your religion
makes you exalted and self-righteous and you consider yourself to be defiled by
associating with sinners, your sacrifices are in vain
5:10; 11:15; 20:1-10)

4 *And Lsaw thr ones, and they sat uponthem, and judgment was given unto
them: and / saw the souls of them that were Oaeheaded for the witness of Je'sus,
and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his
image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and
they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand


5 But the'"rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished.
" This is the first resurrection. ►6 °Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the
first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power, but thev shall be
priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him ''a thousand years.

(5) Satan's post-millennial career and doom (Isa. 24; 21-22): renovation of the
heaven and earth by fire (2 Pet, 3:7-13; Heb. 1:10-12; 12:25-28; Rom, 8:21) n
The resunection of the tribulation saintsandihetwo witnesses(6:9-ll; 7: 9-17;
11:12; 15:2-4: 20:4-6) complete the first resunection of all die righteous dead
before the 1,000 years (v 5) o A11 who have pan in the fiirsi restinec-uon are
blessed and holy. See The resunections , p. 880 of O. T.

p The Millennium , p, 311

about, and the beloved city: and fire came down from God out of heaven and
devoured them.

(6) Satan doomed to the lake of fire forever (Mt, 25:41)

10 And the_devil_that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and
brimstone,*where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day
and night for ever and ever .

(7) The second resurrection (20:4-5; Jn. 5:28-29; Dan, 12:2) and the final
judgment: the wicked dead (Acts 1 7: 31; Rom. 2:16) and fallen angels judged (2
Pet.2:4; Jude 6-7), All wicked angels, demons, and men cast to the lake of fire
forever (Mt, 5:22-30; 10: 28; 13:42-50; 25:30-46; Mk, 9:42-48; Heb. 6:2; 10:26-
31; Rev. 14:9-11; 19:20; 20:10-15) 11 And I saw a'^great white throne, and him
that sat on it. from whose face the earth and the heaven ''fled away; and there
was found no place for them.
was found no place for them.

12 And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were
opened: and another book was opened, which is the bock of life: and the dead
were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to
their works.

13 And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered
up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to
their works.

14 And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.

15 And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the
lake of fire.

(End of earth's second sinful career which started in Gen, 3)

4 The ages to come: the third and eternal perfect state (21:1-22:5). (1) New
Heaven and New Earth (Isa. 65:17; 66:22-24; 2 Pet, 3:13) AND I saw a''new
heaven and • a n ew earth : for the first heaven and the first earth'were passed
away ; and there was «no more sea.

8 promisestoovercomersarein each
9 Each has the same admonition to hear

I^Tohn is told to write in each case. .Vhea he finishes one letter he is directed
whom to write and what to write until the last is completed. Then he is told to
write the things which must be after the ch-rches (1:19; 4:1) 1 Satan's post-
Millennial career and doom:

1 .vhen the 1,000 years are up it will be time for the segregation and destruction
of all rebels, including Satan, and the renovation of the heavens and the earth by
fire, which will result in the New Heaven and New Earth (2 Pet. 3:10-13; Rev.
20:7-10; 21:1-22:5) 2 Satan, his angels and demons will be loosed from the
abyss(v 7;Isa.24:22)

3 Satan and hishosts will go throu^-oui the eanh to deceive the nations who have
not wanted the reign of Christ and who, in their hearts, have longed for an
opportunity to get rid of such strict laws and rigid suppression of their lusts (v 8;
Eph, '2:1-3) 4 The rebels will mobilize in the land of Gog and Magog, north of
Palestine in Asia and ascend upon Jerusalem from the north(v8.Cp. Ezek.38-39
which refers to the same part of the earth, but to an event before the Millenniurn)
5 The rebels from all pans of the earth will surround the camp of the saints and
the capital, Jemsalem ^v 9)

6 Fire will come down from Goa out of heaven and devour every rebel (v 9; 2
Pet, 3:10-13)

7 The devil will be taken and cast into the lake of fire forever (v 10)

b The beast and false prophet were cast intothelakeof fire 1,000 years before this
(19:20), They are still there after 1,000 years,proving that hell and eternal torm
(19:20), They are still there after 1,000 years,proving that hell and eternal torm
ent are realities. If one cannot bum up in 1, 000 years he will never do so (Rev.
14:9-11: Mt, 25:46; Isa. 66: 22-24) c 7 judgments of Scripture , p. 312

d Gr. pheugo , to flee. Trans, flee 28 times (Mt, 2:13: 3:7: 10:23; Jn. 10:5: etc.);
and escape fMeb. 11:34; 12:25). That it is used in a figurative sense here and in
Rev. 12:6: 16:20 is clear. If it were literal, the heavens and islands would notbe
in existence at this time, for two times they flee in the
tribulation(Rev.6:14:16:20). They will never pass out of existence for they are
eternal (Ps, 72:8-10,17: 78:69: 89:36; 97: 1-6; 104:5: Eccl. 1:4). The reference is
to the shaking of the heavens and the earth as if they were passing away(Ps.
18:7: 60:2; 68:8: Isa. 44:23; 54:10: 55:12; 64:1-3) e This willbe the result of the
renovation of the heavens and the eanhby fire (2 Pet. 3:10-13, notes). The New
Heavens and New Earth are mentioned in v 1: 2 Pet. 3:13; Isa. 65:17; 66:22-24

f Gr. parerchomai , pass from one con-diiion to another (note p, 2 Pet. 3:10)

g The large oceans covering about 3/4 of the eanh will be no more, but there will
be an abundance of rivers, lakes, and small seas on earth forever (Ps. 72: 3-17;
97:1-6; 146:6: Isa, 42:10: 60:5; 66:19; Ezek. 47; Zech. 14:3; Jer. 5:22; 31:35;
33:22; etc) 10 points of sirnilarity in the letters: (TTZO)

1 In nearly allot the letters there is a reference to one or more of the details of the
description of Christ in 1:12-16

2 Each is addressed to the pastor

3 Each church is commended for its works except the last one

4 Each church is rebuked except the seconu and the sixth

5 Each church is commanded to repent except the second, founh, and sixth. The
fourth has sin of which to repent,butis not commanded to do so 6 .Varnings of
judgment are given to all the churches except the second and sixth

7 Each church was moreconupt than a preceding oi:e except the first.second and
sixth. The first one was commended for 10 things, the last one condemned for 10


The holy city, new Jerusalem

The holy city, new Jerusalem



a 7 names of the city of God:

1 The Holy City (v 2; 22:19)

2 New Jerusalem (3:12; 21:2)

3 The Tabernacle of God (13:6 5; 2L3)

4 TheBride.theLamb's Wife(21:2,9)

5 The Holy Jerusalem (21:10)

6 The Heavenly Jerusalem (Heb. 12:

7 The Father's House (Jn. 14:2) 22^ It is called holy because there shall

never enter into it anything that defileth, that wotketh abomination, cr maketh a
Ue (21:27)

It iscalled new becauseofits etanal freshness and newness, not because it is new
in existence. It is as old as heaven and was promised to the earliest saints on
earth (Heb. 11:10-16; Ps. 93:2; 103:19) It is called the Tabernacle of God
because it is the dwelling place ot God

It is called the Bride. the Lamb's.Vife because it will be the eternal home ot the
redeemed of all ages(v 9; Heb. 11:10-16; 13:14; Jn. 14:1-3) It is caUed the
Heavenly Jerusalem because it is the Jerusalem in heaven and not the one on

It is called the Father's Hoase because it is the abode of God and His hea venly
fam ily (Jn. 14:1 - 3) b It will come down from heaven to be the capital of God
on the new earth (v 2-3, 9-22:5) c The city will be adorned with jewels like a
bride for her hu*and (v 19) d Godand His capital city will be among

men forever (v 3-7, 24-27) e Thisisthe final realization of the eternal plan of God
for man and the earth (Zech, 2:10-11; 8:3; Isa. 52:7; Ezek, 43:7) f 12 blessings
for man and the earth (Zech, 2:10-11; 8:3; Isa. 52:7; Ezek, 43:7) f 12 blessings
for men in the New Earth: 1 GoddweUingaroongthem(v3, 7)

2 God wiU be their God (v 3, 7)

3 God shall wipe away all tears (v 4; 7:17; Isa. 25:8)

4 No more death(v4; iCor. 15:24—

5 No more sorrow (v 4; 22:3) 29)

6 No more pain (v 4; Gen. 3:14-19)

7 All things made new (v 5)

8 Plentyof water of life(v6; 22:17)

9 Inherit aU things (v 7; Rom. 8:17)

10 Eternal sonship(v 7; 1 Jn. 3:1-2)

11 No more curse (22:3)

12 Freedom from ungodly neighbors (v 8; 22:15)

g Death will he destroyed at the end of the ViUeanium (1 Cor. 15:24-28)

h The former things refer to earth creation s~un3eFtEe^rse( 22: 3;Gen.3:1-19)

i bee 7 "new" things in Rev. , p. 312

j See " It is done" , p. 013

k 10 classes in eternal helL

1 The fearful. Gr. deilos , cowardly; craven; vile; worthless; miserable;

wTetched; and unhappy. Found only in v 8; y.t. 8:26; Mk. 4:40. In Sept. in IX.
20:8; Judg. 7:3, 10

2 Unbelieving. Gr. apistos. infidel, faithless (note g, 1 Tim. 5:8)

3 Abomlnable .Gr .bdelusso ,tocause to stink; make loathe some; feel disgust;
detest; have horror of; to be abominated. It refers to those polluted wixh
detest; have horror of; to be abominated. It refers to those polluted wixh
unnatural lust. Trans, abominable (v 8) and abhor (Rom. 2:22). This latter pa s-
sage refers to abominable immoral practices in connection -Ith idolatry
(2Chr.21:ll; Isa. 23:16-1'?; Ezek. 16: 15,26,29; Acts 15:20,29; 21:25; Rev. 2:14-
21; 14-.8; 17:2-4; 18:3; 19:2) 4 '■'.urderers .Gr. phoneus. Trans.only murderer (v
8; 22:15; ).'.U 22:7; Acts 3:14; 7:52; 23:4; 1 Pet. 4:15)

5 Whoremongers. Gr. pomois, fornicators ( 5 classes, p. 213)

6 Sorcerers. Gr. pharmakeusin. persons who by use of drugs, enchanted potions,

charms, and enchantments seek to produce supernatural effects in the Uves of
others. Only here; 22:15, 7 Idolaters. Those who practice idolatry and
abominable immoral acts in worship of idols, as in point 3, above

8 Dogs. False prophets and homo-sexualsare called dogs in Scripture(Dt. 23: IS;
Isa. 56:10^17 Phil. 3:2; Rev. 22:15) 9 Liars (Rev. 21:8: 22:15)

(2) The New Jerusalem, the capital of the universe, moved to the planet earth
from the planet heaven to be among men forever (21:9" 22:5. See 3:12; Jn. 14:1-
3; Heb. 11:10, 13-16; 12:22; 13:14; Gal. 4:26)

2 And I John saw th^olv city . new Te-ru'sa-lem> coming down from God put of
heaven, prepared %§■ a bride adorned for her husband.

►3 And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of
God is'' with men, and'he will 'dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and
God hinr^plf shall be with them, and be their God.

(3) The new and eternal peoples and conditions on earth (Gen. 8:22; 9:12, 16;
17:7, 19; 2 Sam. 7: 24-26; Isa. 9:6-7; 51:8; 59:21; Jer. 31:35-36; 32:38-40; Ezek.
37:24-28; 43:7; 48:35; Dan. 2:44-45; 4:3, 34; 7:13-14, 18, 27; Joel 3:20; Mic.
4:7; Lk. 1:32-33; Heb. 1:8; 12: 28; Rev. 11:15; 22:5)

► 4 And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no
more *death. neither sorrow, nor crying, nei ther shaU there be any more pain:
for the^former things are passed away.

► 5 And he that sat upon the throne said. Behold, I make all things'new . And he
said unto me. Write : for these words are true and faithful.

► 6 And he said vmto me.' It is don e. I am Al'phi and 0-me—

► 6 And he said vmto me.' It is don e. I am Al'phi and 0-me—

ga, the beginning and the end. I wiU give unto him that is

athirst of the fountain of the

water of life freely.

►7 He that overcometh shall

inherit all things; and I will be

his God, and he shall be my


(4) Eternal conscious punishment as aji eternal monument of God's wrath on sin
so that eternad generations will know that sin does not pay (Isa. 66: 22-24; Rev.
14: 9-11; 19:20; 20:10-15; Mt. 5:22-30; 10:28; 13:42, 50; 18:9; 23:15, 33; 24:51;
25: 30, 41, 46; Mk. 9:43-47; Lk. 12:5; Heb. 6:2; 10:26-31) ►•8* But the fearful,
and unbe-heving . and the abominable. and murderers, and whoremongers, and
sor cerers, and idolaters, and all lia rs, shall have their part in 'the lake
which'Tjumeth with fire and brimstone :" whichis the second death.

(5) The true bride of Christ (21:2, 9-22:5). A Her identity (19:7, refs.;21:2, refs.)

9 And there came unto me

one of the'seven angels which had the seven vials full of the seven last plagues,
and talked with me, saying, ''Come hither, I will shew thee theliride, the

10 And he carried me away in the spirit to a great and'high mountain, and

shewed me that great city,/the holy Je-ru'sa-lem, descending out of heaven from
God, B Outward appearajice of the New Jerusalem (21:2)

11 Having the glory of God: and her light was like unto a stone most precious,
even like a'jasper stone, clear as crystal; C The walls, gates, and

foundations (Heb. 11:10,

13-16; Jn. 14:2)

12 And had a wall great and high, and had twelve gates, and at the gates twelve
angels, and names written thereon, which are the names of the twelve tribes of
the children of is ra-el: 13 On the east three gates; on the north three gates; on
the south three gates; and on the west three gates.

14 And the wall of the city had twelve foundations, and in them the names of
the*twelve apostles of the Lamb.

15 And he that talked with me had a'g olden reed to measure the city, and the
gates thereof, and the wall thereof.

D The measurements (Cp. the earthly eternal city Jerusalem. Ezek. 48:30-35;
Joel 3:20)

16 And the city lieth foursquare, and the length is as large as the breadth: and he
measured the city with the reed.' twelve thousand furlongs. The length and the
breadth and the height of it are equal.

17 And he measured the wgll thereof, an'hundred and forty and four cubits,
according to the measure of a man, that is, of the angeL

E The materials in the New Jeruscilem

18 And the building of the waU of it was of jasper : and the city was pure gold,
like imto clear glass.

19 And the foimdations of the wall of the city were garnished with all manner of
precious stones. The first foundation was jasper; the second,'sapphire; the thirdT
a chalcedony; the fourth. an''emerald; 20 The fifth, "sardonyx: the sixth, ''sardius;
the se venth.

chrjsolyte; the eighth Tjeryl; the ninth, atopaz; the tehth/ a chrysoprasus; the
eleventh.' 'a jacinth; the twelfth, an'amethyst.

21 And the twelve gates were " Vwelve pearls ; every several

gate was of one pearl: and the'^treet of the city was p ure

goldf asitweretransparentglass.
goldf asitweretransparentglass.

10 Lovers of lies (Rev. 22:15) 1 The same as gehenna of fire (note m, Lk. 12:5)

m Vhat could be clearer that hell is a

real place: n The second death is the lake of fire, or

the seconj separation ftom God in hell

(2:11; 20:14; 21:8)

X The singular number here does not mean there is only one street in the city
any more than it does in 11:8.There are 12 great broadways going out of the 12
gates of the city (v 21). One is described in 22:1-2

y Not glass, but gold of a kind unknown to us on earth (v 21)

a These angels are redeemed men, for one of themj tells John that he is a prophet
(LI; 19:10: 22:8-9\. He is a man (v 17) b See The bride of Christ, p. 312

c The word bride is used only 5 times in connection with believers (Jn. 3:29;
Rev. 21:2, 9; 22:17). The word bridegroom is used 10 times in connection
withbeUevers (Mt. 9:15; Mk. 2:19-20; Lk. 5:34-35; Jn. 3:29). All these passages
ref^ to believers who will live in theNew Jerusalem, which is the bride, the
Lamb's wife (21:2, 9-10) d See The wife of Ch rist, p. 312.

e Here we have the revelation that the cityisnota cube, but a seriesof mountains
starting with low foothills just inadethe walls. For 1,500 miles the city ascends to
the hi^esc mountain o n which is located the heavenly tabernacle or temple in
which the scenes of Rev. 4-5 will be seen by all who visit the capiul building.
From this high mountain John could see the city, sneets, rivers, etc. below, as
partially described in v 9-27; 22:1-5. It is called Mount Sion ( 14:1; Heb. 12:22-
23); the mount ot the congregation iii the sides ofthenorthCIsa. 14:12-14); the
mountain of hTs holiness (Ps. 48:1. Cp. Zech. 6:1; Ps. 24:3) f The Holy City,
New Jerusalem:

1 Its names (note a, 21:2)

2 Its source and origin ( 3:12; 21:2, 10; Jn. 14:1-3; GaL 4r26; Heb. 9:11; 11:10-
16; 12:22; 13:14)
3 Its preparation (21:2; Jn. 14:1-3; Heb. 11:10-16; 13:14)

• 4 Its eternal location (3:12: 21:2, 9-10, 24-26; 22:1-5)

5 Its outward appearance (21:11-25)

6 Its walls, gates, and foundations (2L12-14; HebT lLlO-16)

7 Its measurements (21:15-17)

8 Its materials (21:10-21)

9 Its age (21:2)

10 Its streets (21:21)

11 Iisbuiliings (2L12; 7:15: 1L19; 14:15, IV; lS:l-8; 16:1,17; Jn. 14:1-3)

12 Itslightingsystem (21:23,25;22:5)

13 Its water system( 22:l; 7:17:14:7)

14 Its inhabitants (3:12; 12:12; 13:5; 21:2-5, 9; 22:3-4; Jn, 14:1-3; Heb. 11:11-
16; 12:22-23; 13:14)

15 Its traffic (21:24-27)

16 Its food (2:7, 17; 15:1-10: 22:2: Ps. 78:25; Lk-22:15-18, 28-30)

17 Its restrictio ns(2L8,27; 22:8-15)

18 Its rulers (22"^-5)

g A beautiful sea-green (note d, 4:3)

h The 12th will be the name of Matthias, who was numbered with the apostles
(Acts 1:26)

i A measure 12 1/2 ft. long (note a, 11:1)

j 1,500 mi. square

k 300 ft. at 25 in. per cubit

1 A blue stone, next to a diamond in hardness (V 19)

m A transparent stone - 4 kinds known:

1 A bluish white - most common kind

2 A dull milky veined-least valuable

3 A brownish-black - least beautiful

4 A yellow-red - mjost beautiful and valuable of aU. Only in East Indies

n A green stone (note f, 4:3)

0 An agate stone, bluish-white and red

p A blood-red stone (note e, 4:3)

q A gold like stone: a dusky green with yellow cast - a species of topaz

r A transparent gem of bluish-green

s A pale green gem with a mixture of yellow

t A yellowish green stone with a bluish hue of the chrysolite kind

u A stone of red color with a mixture of yellow - a cinnamon stone

V A stoneof purple or violet color,composed of strong blue and deep red. Cp.
these stones with those in the breastplate of the high priest fEx. 28:17-21) w No
natural pearls couldDethisbig,but God can m,ake pearls as large as He
wants,hence we do not have to doubt iheliteralness of these materials simply
because we cannot explain them in a natural sense

REVELATION 21, 22 The holy city, new Jerusalem Go<Ps eternal purpose in

a There will be a literal temple in the New Jerusalem (3:12: 7:15:11:19:14:

15,17; 15:1-8:16:1,17). The meaning is simplyihat men will no longer go to
15,17; 15:1-8:16:1,17). The meaning is simplyihat men will no longer go to
some building as the only place to meet withGod.as in the earthly temple at
jCTUsalem .for God and the Lamb will be visibly present among men to meet
with diem in all places (v 3-7, 22: 22:3-5) b The city onlyis referred to here.
There wiU be light from the sun and planets in the earth outside the city (Gen.
8:22: PS, 89:2-3. 29, 35-37: Jet. 31:35-36; Isa. 30:26) c The natural earthly
nations who have lived from the tribulation period through the Millennium will
multiply and replenish the earth and carry ois the original program of God on
earth as Adam and others would have done if man had not sinned (Gen. 1:26-28:
8:22; 9:12,16;17:1-9.1^. They ate the sheep nations of Mt, 25:31-46 d AUmen in
the New Earth will be saved from sin and be righteous eternally. The rebels will
be destroyed, but the camp of the saints will remain (20: 7-16) e All nations will
traffic in and bring their gifts into the city forever (v 24-26) f This refers to no
night in the city, but outside the city thae will be day and night etemaUy (Gen.
1:14-18: 8:22: Pi. 89:2-3, 29-37; Jer. 31:35-36) g Proving that all the nations of
the New Earth will have their names wrinen in the book of Life and be saved (v
24-27) h Besides the 12 great rivers flowing down the midst of the 12 great
broadways going through the 12 gates into all parts of the earth, there will be
innumerable fountains of water of life throughout the city and many lakes and
livers in the earth (22:1-2; 7:17; 14-. 7; noteg, 21:1) i This is a description of
only one ot the great broadways going through one of the 12 great gates (21:21:
22:1-2) j onboth sides of all the 12 great rivers flowing for 1,500 miles through
the 12 great broadways there will be rows of trees of life, each row being 1,500
mQes long, as described in v 2 k Preservation of life for the natural,
earthlynations,as well as for the resurrected saints (2:7: 22:2). There will be no
sickness, so no healing from disease, but eternal health and Ufe will come from
the leaves of the trees (21:4: 22:2-5). Cp. Gen. 3:22-24 1 There will be no more
of the curse that came as a result ofLucifer and A dam's rdieUlon. Conditions a s
before will prevail eternally and things will continue asif the curse had
neverbeen. All r^els will be confined to the lake of fire as an eternal monument
of God's wrath on sin and as a warning to coming generations in all eternity that
sin does not pay. The New Heaven and New Earth and die new peoples will be
the same ones wehave today only in a new state. AU things wiUbe made new ,
not new things will be made to take the place ot Uie old f21:5; 22:3) m The
servants will be the faithful angels, redeemed men, and aUother creatures that
have not rebelled or that have been redeemed from all possibility of rebellion in
aU eternity (Eph. 1:10: ICor. 15:24-28) n All creatures of the eternal state wUl
actually look upon God's face and His nameshallbe in their foreheads, as in 3:12;
7:1-8; 9:4; 14:1. They shall reign and help God administer the affairs of the
universe forever (v 5; 1:6; 5:10: Dan. 7:18, 27; Zech. 14:5; 1 Cor. 6: 1-2: 2 Tim.
universe forever (v 5; 1:6; 5:10: Dan. 7:18, 27; Zech. 14:5; 1 Cor. 6: 1-2: 2 Tim.
2:12; etc.) o Rev. 1:1-2; 19:9-10; 22:6-8 p Note g, 1:1

q Christ declares Ifls return to earth again many times (v 7, 12, 20: 1:7; Ml.
24:29-31: 25:31-46; Lk-17)

Nicolaiianes (2:6)

FoUowets ofNicolaus, a heretic. They are supposed to have been a sect

, F The temple (4:1, refs.)

; 22 And I saw^o temple therein: for the Lord God Almighty


G The light of the New Jerusalem

►23 .AndHhe city had no need of the Sim, neither of the piooA .

to shine in it: for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light

H Thetraific intheNew Jerusalem (22:14, Cp. Zech. 14:16; Isa. 2:2)

►•24 And the "nations of them which are'^saved shall walk in

blessed is he that^ keeneth the sayings of the prophecy of this book.

3 A common mistake in worship (Cp. 1:17; 19:10; Acts 10:25-26)

8 And I John saw these things. and heard them. And when I

;had heard and seen, I fell down to worship before the feet of the angel which
shewed me these things .

9 Then saith he unto me. See thou do it not: ''for I am thy fel-lowservant, and of
thy brethren the prophets, and of them which keep the sayings of this book:
worship God .

thelight of it: and the kings of the_earth_do'bring their glory and honour into it.
►•25 And the gates of it shall not be shut at all by day: for there shall be^ no
night there . ►26 And thev shall bring the glory and honour of the nations into
night there . ►26 And thev shall bring the glory and honour of the nations into

► 27 And there shall in no wise enter into it any thing that defileth, neither
whatsoever worketh abomination, or mak-eth a lie: ^ut they which are written in
the Lamb's book of life.
260 CHAPTER 22
I The rivers, streets and fruit of the New Jerusalem

AND he shewed me a pure ■"'* riTer of water of life, clear as crystal,

proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb.

► 2' In the midst of the street of it, and'on either side of the river, was there the
tree of life, which bare twelve manner of fruits, and yielded her fruit every
month: and the leaves of the tree were for the*healing of the nations.

►3 And there shall be' no more curse: but the throne of God

J The rulers of the Jerusalem


and of the Lamb shall be in it; his^ser^-ants shall serve

and him:

►4 And"they shall see his face: and his name shall be in their foreheads.

►5 And there shall be no night there; and they need no candle, ne ither light of
the sun; for the Lord God giveth them light: and thev shall reign for ever and
ever .

CONCLUSION OF REVELATION: 1 Confirmation of the book

6 And he said imto me. These sayings are faithful and true: and the Lord God of
the holy prophets sent ''his angel to shew unto his servants the things Vhich must
shortly be

4 Command not to seal the

book (Cp. Dan. 12:4)

*10 And he saith imto me.'^ Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: ^
for the time is at hand.
for the time is at hand.

5 Eternal state of men to be as they are when they die

► ll'He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be
filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy,
let him be holy still.

6 Christ's coming predicted

►12 And, hehold. /I come guick-ly; «and my reward is with me, to give every
man according as his work shall be. 13 * I am Al phi and 6-me'gi, the beginning
and the end, the first and the last.

7 The last blessing for those who keep the truths of the

book (Cp. 1:3, refs.)

tl4 ' Blessed are they that do his commandments, ' that they may have right to the
tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.

8 Last warning against sin and eternal punishment

i5* Fnr without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and
idolaters, and whosoever loveth and mak-eth a lie.

9 Authenticity of the book affirmed (1:2)

16 'I Je'§us have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things Ln the
churches. " I am the root and the offspring of Da'vid, and the "hright and
morning star.


2 Blessing for keeping the truths of the book (1:3, refs.)

►7 Behold, ^ I com e quickly:

10 An invitation to all men to be saved (Jn. 3:16)

►17 And "the Spirit and the bride say. Come. 'And let him that heareth say,
Come. And let him that is athirst cotne. And whosoevcLwiU, letjiim take the
Come. And let him that is athirst cotne. And whosoevcLwiU, letjiim take the
water of life freely.

of gnostics who practiced and taught impure and immoral doctrines, such as the
community of wives, that committing adultery and fomicauon was not siiSul,
and that eating meats offered to idob was lawful. This was amilartothedoctiines
of Balaam and Jezebel of Thyatira (v 6, 14-15. 20) 1?: Lk. 24:39, 51: Acts 1:11)

4 Paul (2 Cor. 12:1-8)

5 JoTiin" (Rev. 4:1-5:14)

6 \iany bodies of O.T. saints (Mt. 27:5i-o:*; Eph. A-.^-Ij)

7 All saved souls and sp irits not yet given tesutrecte-i bodies(EpHl 4:8-10; 2
cor, 5:8: PML 1:21-24; Heb.l2:23)

a The book ends with such a blessing upon men who hear, read, and keep the
truths of this prophecy (1:1-3; 22:7) b This isproofthat^the angelof 1:1; 19; 9-10;
22:6-10 is a redeemed man c These truths were to be understood and kept by all,
hence they are not hidden truths. They are simple and clear to all who will
believe them ,but hidden from those^who refuse to believe (2 Cor, 4:4) d Here
again emphasis is put on the fact of the immediate fulfillxnent of these events
which were to happen in consecutive order from John's day into eternity: first.the
things o f the churches up to the rapture (chs, 1-3); secondly, events between the
rapture and the second advent (chs. 4-19): thirdly, events of the Millennium and
the New Earth forever (chs. 20-22) e 13th N. T. prophecyin Rev. (22:10-12.
unfulfilled). Next, v 14.Verse 11 states the fact that a= a man dies he will be
forever so there will be do second chance to improve the life and character of
any lost one in all eternity. (Cp. Heb. 9:27) f See note q, v 7

g See notes, 1 Cor. 3:11-15

h See note u, 1:8

i 14th N.T. prophecy in Rev. (22:14-15, unfulfilled). Next, v 18. Only men who
obeyGod andkeep Iflscommandments are promised eternal life.not those who
profess and do not obey (v 14; note d, Jn. 6:27). See N.T. commands, p.'U3

j 2 eternal rights of the re -ee.~ea (v 14):

1 Pight to the tree of life

2 Right to enter the New Jerusalem k See note k, 21:8

1 see 1:1 m See 5:6-7

nRev. 2:28. Cp. Num. 24:17 o 2 that call to repentance (v 17):

1 The Holy Spirit (V 17; Jn. 16:7-11^

2 The bride-those who are married to Jesus Christ in every generation and who
WiU go to live in the New Jerusalem, which is the bride, the Lamb's wife (V 17:
21:2, 9-10) p 3 classes invited to come (v 17):

1 Those v,1io hear

2 Those who are thirsty

3 Those who will to come

A 11m, en are thus invited to come and partake of the water of life freely. See
Man a free moral agent, p. 264

10 facts about Jesus Christ (1:5):

1 &r. martus, wimess, martyr (v 5; note q, PML 1:3). Jesus was both a witness
and a martyr (Rev. 3:4: 1 Pet. ■2:24: Heb. 3:2) 2 The fijst-begonen of the dead
(v 5: 1 Cor. 15:20-23)

3 The prince of the kings of the earth (V 5). Gr. arcbon. Trans, prince (v 5; Mt.
9:34: 12:24; 20:25; Stk. 3:22; Jn. 12:31:14:30; 16:11:1 cor. 2:6-8; Eph.
2:2);ruler(Mt, 9:18,23;Lk.8:41; 18:18; 23; 1373^ 24-20: Jn. 3:1; 7:26, 48: A cts
3:17: 4:5, 8, 26: 7:27. 35UJ: 27; 14:5: 16:19; 23:5; Rom. 13:3); chief (Lk. 11:
15: 14: IV chief rula gri. 12-A2); and ■magistrate (Lk. 12:58) 4 He lo%-ed us (v
5. Cp. Jo. 3:16)

5 .Vashed us fro.m our sins in His own blood (v 5; Mt. 26:28: Ijn. 1:7)

6 Made us kings and priests unto God and His Father (v 6; 5:10; 20:4-6)

7 To Him. be ^ory and dominion for ever (v 6; Isa. 9:6-7: Dan. 7:13-14; Lk.
7 To Him. be ^ory and dominion for ever (v 6; Isa. 9:6-7: Dan. 7:13-14; Lk.
1:32-33; Rev. 11:15: 22:4-5)

8 He Cometh with clouds - visibly and bodily, as He went away (v 7; Dan. 7:13-
14; Mt. 24:29-31: Acts 1:11; Rev. 19^

9 They pierced Him (v 7: Jn. 19:34) 10 He is God (v 8: Heb. 1:8: Isa. 9:6-7; Jn.
1:1-2; Acts 20:28)

Examples of .men translated (4:1):

1 Enoch (in the natural body, Gen. 5: 24; Heb. 11:5; Zech. 4:14; Rev. 11)

2 Flijah (inthe natural body,2Ki. 2: 11; Zech, 4:14; Mai. 4:5-6: Rev. 11)

3 Jesus (in a resurrected body,Mk. 16:


The coming of the Lord


hings which must shortly (1:1: 22:6-10) proves it

to be

a 15th and last prophecy in Rev. (22:18-20, unfulfilled), A solemn warning that
appUes not only to the book of Revela -tion, but to all the Bible. One cannot
change God's eternal Word and escape His judgment. One cannot add to it or
take from it without having what is stated inv 18-19 literally fulfilled in his case
b The plagues are those of eternal heU a swell as many other kinds as refened to
in 9:20; 15:1, 6, 3; 16:21: 21:9. See Bible plagues, p. 317

c See N.T. prophecies , p.318

d 3 possibilities"

1 Names taken from the book of life (Ex. 32:32-33; Ps. 69:20-29; Rev. 3:5)
2 Pan taken out of the Holy City (v 19)

3 Pan taken out of the blessings written in this book (v 19)

The Lord's day (l:10>

A term used by early Christians of the first day of the week, the day of the
Lord'sresunection(v 10. See Sunday, p. 191). Romans set aside cenain days for
emperor worship and called them "the Augusteanday'.etc., so Christians set aside
Sundayas the day to worship God and Christ calling it the Lord's day 7 proofs of
prophetical appUcatioD: (1:20)

(1)V 3, 19; 4:1; 22:18-19 prove the whole book to be prophetical

(2) The term testimony of Jesusf 1:9; 12:17),whichis the spirit of prophecy
(19:10), proves it to be a prophecy

(3) The fact that every event of Rev. 4-22 must be after the churches proves it to
be a prophecy (1:19; 4:1)

(4) The term the»/ord of Goo proves a prophetical com munication^X^: 3, 9)

(5) Thin to pass (" prophecy

(6) The fact that the letters of Rev. 2-3 are as applicable as all the other letters
and books of the N.T. proves it to be prophetical (2 Tim. 3:16-17) (7) The
promises to the overcomers in Rev. 1-3 prove that the leners still apply to

Removal of churches (2:5)

Gr. kineo. tobe removed.Trans, re-move (v&); wag( Mt. 27:39; Mk. 15:2^;
mover of ( A cts 24:5);and move( Mt.23: 4; Acts 17:28; 21:30; Rev. si 14), Used
of an earthquake (Rev. 6:14). what could be the meaning of removing a church
because of sin? Certainly not taklngit to heaven as a reward for sin. The
roeaningisjudgment anddestruc-tion, for this is the only penalty for sin (Rom.
6:23; 8:12-13) 18 blessings to the overcomer (3:21):

1 The tree of life (2:7)

2 The crown of life f2:10; 3:11)

2 The crown of life f2:10; 3:11)

3 Escape the second death or lake of fire (2:11; 20:14)

4 The hidden manna (2:17)

5 A white stone and anew name(2:17)

6 Pan in the rapture (2:25; 3:11; iTh. 4:16; PhiL 3:21; CoL 3:4; 1 Cor. 15-23, 51-

7 Power over the nations (2:26-27)

8 Complete defeat of rebels (2:27)

9 The Morning Star (2:28)

10 Walk with Christ in white (3:4-5)

11 Name eternally in the book of life (3:5: 22:18-19)

12 Confesslonof namebefore God (3:

13 A pillarinGod's temple(3:12) 5)

14 Eternal abiding with God (3:12)

15 God's name upon him (3:12)

16 Name of the New Jerusalem upon him (3:12)

17 NewnameofChrlstuponhim(3:12)

18 Eternal throne and kingdom (3:21; 1:6; 5:10; 11:15; 22:4-5)

70 heavenly utterances (4:81:

First of 70 heavenly unerances in the book (4:8, 11; 5:2, 5, 9, 12, 13, 14;
6:1.3,5,6,7.10: 7:3, 10, 12, 13, 14; 8:5, 13; 9:14; 10:3.4,6.8, 9, 11; 11:
1,12,15.17. 19; 12:10; 14:2. 7. 8. 9, 13,15,18; 15:3; 16:1,5,7.17.18; 17: 1, 7,15;
18:2,4,21; 19:1,3. 4, 5, 6, 9,10,17; 21:3,5,6,9; 22:6,9, 10,20) 11 A warning to all
J18 For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy cf this
book,"If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him
the*plagues that are written in this book: ►19 And if any man shall take away
from the words of the book of this "^prophecy, <'God shall take away his part
out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are
written in this book.

12 Conclusion and benediction of Revelation and of the whole Bible

►20 He which testifieth these

things saith, "Surely I come quickly . A-men'. Even so. come. Lord Te'sus .

21 The grace of our Lord Je§us Christ be with you all. A-men'.


Summary of Revelation

Date and place; Written on Patmos about 96 A. D. (1:9)

Authon The apostle John (1:1; Summary of St. John)

Theme: The revelation (unveiling) of (from) Jesus Christ, which God gave to
Him to show unto His servants things (events) which must shonly come to pass
(1:1). These "things" were to take place from John's day to and including the
eternal events of the new heaven and new earth. The events are consecutive in
order with parenthetical passages inserted oetween the main events, which
explain cenain things that are to happen along with the main events but are not
the same as these events The book is in 3clearly defined divisions, the contents
of which follow each other in the order given, as follows:

1 The things which thou hast seen, i.e., the vision of Christ in the midst of the
candlesticks (1:12-20), which, together with the introduction to the whole book
forms chapter 1

2 The things which are, i. e., the 7 letters to the 7 churches in Asia Minor, or
present T urkey, to whom the whole book is addressed (1:19; 2:1-3:22). These
messages tothe churches applyto the whole churchage and until the rapture of the
church just before the future tribulation and coming of the Antichrist who will be
here for the last 7 years of this age(Dan. 9:27; 2 Th. 2:7-12; Rev. 6:1-19:21) 3
here for the last 7 years of this age(Dan. 9:27; 2 Th. 2:7-12; Rev. 6:1-19:21) 3
The things which must be hereafter , i. e., events after the rapture of the church
(1:19; 4:1-22:5). These include the scenes in heaven (Rev. 4-5), the 7 seals and
their parenthetical statements (Rev. 6:1-8:1), the 7 trumpets and their
parenthetical statements (Rev. 8:2-13:18), the 7 vials and their pareniheucal
statements (Rev. 14:1-19:21), the Millennium (Rev. 20), and the new heaven and
new earth (Rev. 21:1-22:5), and events of the conclusion (Rev. 22:6-21)
Statistics 66th and la St book of the Bible; 22 chapters; 404 verses; 12, 000
words; 9 questions; 53 verses of history; 10 verses o f fulfilled and 341 verses of
unfulfilled prophecy Christ's 7fold estimate of Laodiceans


1 Neither cold nor hot (v 15)

2 Lukewarm~sickeriiiig ( v 16)

3 Wretched . Gr. talaiporos, enduring toil: suffering hardship, as the most abject
slave (v 17: Rom. 7:24)

4 Miserable , Gr. eleeinos. pitiable, (V 17; 1 Cor. 15: l5)

5 Poor. Gr. ptochos, one who crouches, cnnges; a peggar. Trans. poor( v 17;
13:16; ML 5:3; 11:5: 19:21^0, 11; Mk, 10:21; 12:42-43; 14:5-7;Lk. 4:18; 6:20;
7:22; 14:13,21; 18:22: 19:8; 21: 3;jn. 12:5-8; 13:29; Rom. 15:26; 2Cor. 6:10;
Gal.2:10: Jas. 2:3-6); poor man pas. 2:2); beggarly (GaL 4:9); and beggar (Lk.
lf^20, 22) 6 Blind. Gr. tupblos. blind in ears, mind, and eyes. Used of spiritual
darkness (V 17; Rom. 2:19; 2 Pet. 1:9; Mt. 15:14), as well as physical blindness
(Jn. 9; etc.) 7 Naked. Gr. gumnos, naked; unclad; stripiof arms;defenceless.Trans
.naked fv 17:16:15:17:16: Mt. 25:36-4j;Mlc 14:51-52; Jn.21:7; Acts 19:16; 2
Cor. 5:3; Heb. 4:13; Jas. 2:15) and bare (1 Cor. 15:37) Men conscious In 3
realms (5:3):

1 In heaven (V 3,13; 6:9-11: 12:12: 13:6: Heb. 12:23; 2 Cor. 5:8)

2 In earth (V 3, 13; 12:12; 13:14)

3 Under the earth. Gr. hupokato , be-neath;below; underneath. Trans, under

(v3,13: 6|9; 12:1; Mk. 6:11; 7:25nX 8:16; Jn. 1:50-51; Heb. 28). All the wicked
go to heU underneath the earth at the time of physical death and are fully
conscious (V 3.13; 20:11-15; Lk. 16:19-31; Isa. 14:9: Dt. 32:22; Ps. 9: 17; 18:5;
conscious (V 3.13; 20:11-15; Lk. 16:19-31; Isa. 14:9: Dt. 32:22; Ps. 9: 17; 18:5;
116:3; Pt. 15:24) God's redemption terms ( 3:18)

Gt. agoradzo, to be in the marketplace; to do business there. The word is used

here in the sense ofdoingbuslnesswith God on His terms. Man sold himself a
slave to sin and Satan. God paid the price of His redemption. Man is now
obligated to meet God's termsof faith, repentance, and service If He wants to be
redeemed. The word is not used here of man actually paying a price in money,
goods, exchanging material things for the gold, raiment, and ointment of V 18,
but rather of his paying the price of renouncing Satan, repeia-ing of sins, and
consecrating to God in face of suffering persecution such as Christians must
suffer forChrist (v 19; 2 Tim. 3:12) 38 "great" things (6:12):

lVoice(l: 10:11:12:16:1,17:19:1:21:3)

2 Tribulation (2:22: 7:14)

3 Earthquake (6:12; 11:13; 16:18) 4Men(6:15: 11:18; 13:16; 18:23: 19:5, 5 Day
(6:17: 16:14) 18; 20:12) 6Powei(6:17; 18:1) 7Multitude (7:9; 19:6)

8 Mountain (8:8; 21:10)

9 star (8:10)

10 Furnace(9:2)

11 River (9:14; 16:12) 12City(ll:8: 14:8; 16:19:17:18:18:

16-21; 21:10)

13 Fear (11:11)

14 Voices (11:15)

15 Hail (11:19; 16:21)

16 wonder (12:1)

17 Red dragon (12:3, 9)

18 Eagle (12:14)

19 wrath (12:12)
19 wrath (12:12)

20 Authority (13:2)

21 Things (13:5)

22 wonders (13:13)

23 Thunder (14:2)

24 .Vlnepress (14:19)

25 sign (15:1)

26 Works (15:3)

27 Heat (16: 9) 28Day of God(16:14) 29Babylon (16:19; 17:5; 18:2, 10)

30Plague (16:21)

31 Whore (17:1: 19:2)

32 Admiration (17:6)

33 Riches (18:17)

34 MiUstone (18:21) 35God (19:17)

36 Chain (20:1)

37 White throne (20:11)

38 Wall (21:12)

The last promise in Scripture and concerns the secondadventof Jesus Christ to
the eanh. Being one of the most important doctrines of the HolyBible, this
isreferred to manyhundredsofiimesin both testaments.

In some Bible statistics it is claimed that there are 33,000 promises in

Scripture.But it must be remembered that there are not this many verses in the
Bible. See N.T. promises, p. 316

There are 750 promises in the N. T., but only 250 separate benefits due to the
There are 750 promises in the N. T., but only 250 separate benefits due to the
fact that many of the promises ate repeated in different books. Some are not in
the form of a promise, but the truths they contain make the basis of our claims
for gospel benefits, so they are listed as promises.Genetally,verses are Listed
with the book wherein the promise is found first Tribulation not world-wide (

1 The first 4 seals apply only to a 4th part of the earth (v 8)

2 The martyrdom ofthe saints in 6:9-11 is primarily Inside the Roman Empire
territory where the great whore of Rev. 17 dominates the 10 kings 3 The 144.
000 Jews of Rev. 7:1-8 are sealed from the nation of Israel in Palestine, for the
woman, national Israel, brings forth the raanchild (Rev. 12). since the nation is
notmadeupof all the Jews still scattered, then the whole prophecy centers around
Palestine 4 The great tribulation saints of 7:9-17 are martyred onlyin that pan
ofthe earth where the tribulation will be -the old Roman Empire territory, a s
proved in Rev. 13 dealing with the extent of Antichrist's reign 5 The 1st, 2nd,
3rd, and 4th trumpets are over only a third pan of the earth (8:7-12)

6 The 6th tru mpet causes only a third pan of men to be killed (9:18)

7 Jerusalem and Israel are the ones affected in the troubles of 11-1-13: 12:1-17

8 The Antichrist rule will be only over the 10 kingdoms ofthe old Roman Empire
territory (Rev. 13, notes)

9 The events of 14:8-20 concern Babylon, beast ■■•'orshippers, manyts, and

Armageddon in Palestine

10 The vial judgments are also limited to thekingdomof Antichrist (16:2, 10,12;
18:1-24). Even the second ad-ventislocal(Zech.l4:l-5;Rev. 19:11-21). Christ will
be reigning in Jerusalem before many people in the isolated pans of the earth
will know He is on earth (Isa. 2:2-4; 52:7; 66:19-21; Zech. 8:23) 4 earthquakes
in Daniel's 70th week (6:12V

1 Under the 6th seal in the first 3 1/2 years of the 70th week (v \ZS

2 Between the 7th seal and the first trumpet in the first 3 1/2 years (8:5)

3 Under the 7th trumpet in the middle of the week (11:19)

4 Under the 7th vial at the end of the week (11:13; 16:18) Zech. 14:4-8)
4 Under the 7th vial at the end of the week (11:13; 16:18) Zech. 14:4-8)

Jesus predicted many earthqtiakes for the last days as a sign of lis second advent
(Mt. 24:7; Mk. 13:8; Lk. 21:11). Several are mentioned in Bible history
(Amosl:l;Zech.l4:5;Mt,8:24; 27:51; 28:2; Acts 16:25).The greatest earthquake of
all will take place at the end of the Millennium (Hag, 2:6-7.21-22; Heb. 12:25-
29; 2 Pet. 3:10-13; Rev. 20:11). This will residt in the renovation of the heavens
and eanh. making the 3rd perfect earth, and the end ofthe earth's 2nd sinful
career (Rev. 21-22; Isa. 66:22-24) Why Dan not sealed (7:4)

AU, except Dan. The names of Dan and Ephiaim ate not mentioned here. The
names of Levi and Joseph take their places.To explain the omission of Dan,
manyuse Dt. 29:18-21.but which one of the tribes did not go into idolatry'' The
real reason for none of Dan being sealed here is that none are savants of God (v
3) at that time. Dan will be restored with the other tribes in the Millennium, so
the idolatry of Dan is no reason for the tribe being left out here(Ezek. 4«:30-35;
Rev. 21:12)




10 proofs of the rapture taking place in Rev. ~. 1:

Gr. metatauta, after these lIungs(note m.Jn. 5:1). TWs Gr. phrase is usej at
thebeginning and at enJ of this verse thus: " Afterthese things (after writing the
things concerning the churches of Rev. 2-3), I lookcJ. ..a doot was opened in
heaven: and the first voice... said.Coine up hither, and I will show thee things
which must be a fter these things" , that is.aftet the churches(4:l). This confijrT:s
and settles the question as to the time of the fulfill::'ent of all the events of Rev.
4-22. They MUST BE after these things of the churches, or after the rapture of
the church. The church is no longer on earth when the events of Rev. 4-22 take
place 1 Christ said the things of Rev. 4-22 MUST BE hereafter, that is, after the
churches, as proved above and also in note r,Rev. 1:19. If this is true, then the
church is raptured before these things of Rev. 4-22, and after t he things of the
churches of Rev.2-3. It the things which are (Rev. 2-3) con ce tn the church, then
the things which must be hereafter the things which are must concern events
after the churches. The church must be here during the time of the fulfillment of
the things concerning the churches, and it must not be here during the fulfillment
the things concerning the churches, and it must not be here during the fulfillment
of the things after the churches. The church then is raptured in Rev. 4:1 petween
the thing; ■''tach are (Rev. 2-J) and the t hings >.hich MUST BE hereafter, iEat
is, after the churches (Rev. 4-22) 2 The words church and churches mentioned in
the book up to the last verse of Rev. 3 are found 19 times in Rev. 1-3 and tiotone
time in the third division of Revelation which contains the things which MUST
Bt after the churches f4:l-22:5). They are found again in me conclusion of the
book (Rev.22:6-21), but only a fter the things whichMUST BEafterthe churches
are fully revealed. If the church were on earth during the fulfillment of Rev. 4-22
it certainly would be mentioned 3 The enthroned elders are representative of the
raptured saints and they are always seen in heaven after Rev, 4:1. See note a.
Rev. 4:4

4 The 70th week of Daniel will be the last seven yean of this age, during
whichtimeallofRev. 4-19; Mt. 24-25 will be fulfilled. This week concerns Israel,
not the church, therefore, the church must be raptured before this
week,asinRev.4:1.See Rapture. 230

5 There is noplace for the rapture of the church and O. T .saintsother than in
Rev. 4:1. The manchild and the great tribulation saints are the only com-
paniestobe saved and raptured during Daniel's 70th week and these are distinct
companies from the church and O.T. saints, as proved in notes on Rev. 4:4.
Therefore, the church is either caught up in Rev. 4:1 - after the churches of Rev.
2-3 and before the events coming after the churches of Rev. 4-22, or it is never
micntioned in Revelation as to its rapture. If it were to be caught up any time
during this week it surely would have been men-tiooed. The church could not be
the manchild or the tribulation saints, as proved in notes on Rev. 7, 12, and 14

6 InLk.21:34-36 wehave the promise of Jesus that the saved ^111 be ac=
counted worthy to escape all t hese things , and to stand before the Son of Man.
The things they will escape are those of Mt. 24;4-26; Uk, 21:4-19 and Rev. 6-19

7 In 1 Th. 5:1-11 we have another definite promise assuring us that saints will
escape the wrath of God (of Rev. 6-19). God has not appointed us to this wrath,
but to obtain deliverance through JcsusChrist so we canlive with Christ(lTh, 5:9-
11). Itow could saints comfort one another as stated in this scnptute and in 1 Th.
4:16-17; Tit. 2: 13 if the only hope they had was the coming wrath of God in the
future tribulation"

8 In 2 Th. 2:6-8 it is definitely shown that the rapture takes place before the
8 In 2 Th. 2:6-8 it is definitely shown that the rapture takes place before the
revelation of the a ntichrist and before the 70th week of Daniel. The events of
Rev. 4-19 will take place during this week, so the rapture must take place in Rev.

9 There is a rarkeJ chanecin God's attitude toward humianity in general, from

that of mercy (Rev. l-i)tothaiof judgmient (Rev. 4-19). The seals, trumpets, and
vials all picture judgment throughout Daniers70thweek. If the church does nut
go through any of these things, as proved already, then the rapture must take
place in Rev. 4:1 10 An individual or a body of individuals can be identified by
peculiarities and characteristics. If the church is to be on earth and isthe subject
of Rev.4-19, then its earmarks should be seen. But such are not to be found. On
the other hand, earmarks of Israel are seen throu^out the book after Rev. 4:1.
The earmarks of the church are seen up to this point only. This proves that two
different institutions arc dealt with in different parts of the book: first, the church
until its rapture in kev. 4:1; secondly, Israel a fter the rapture of the church to the
second advent of Christ (Rev. 4-19) 20 earmarks of Israel after Rev. 4:1:

(1) In Matthew, the Hebrew Gospel, there are 92 references to the O. T.; in
Hebrews there are 102; but in Revelation there 285. This proves the Jewish
character of the book after Rev. 4:1

(2) The word Lamb is used 27 times in Rev. 4-22 and not once in the church
section of Rev, 1-3. It is never used in the Pauline epistlesto the churches. It is
used only 4 other times in theN. T. and always in connection with Israel (Jn.
1:29, 36: Acts 8:32; 1 Pet. 1:19) (3) The terms the Lion of Juda h and the Root of
David are Jewish (Rev. 6:5)

(4) The 144, 000 of Rev.7:1-8; 14:1-5 are Jewish. They will be saved during the
events after the rapture

(5) The eventsof the seals, trumpets, and vials are a partial repetition of the
plagues upon Egypt and are for the same purpose-that of judgjngGentiles
fortheir mistreatment of Israel. They fulfill many O.T. prophecies of
punishments upon Gentiles because of their oppressions of Israel (Isa. 24:21;
26:20-21; 29:6-8;jer.30:6-9;Ezek.38-39; Dan. 12:1; etc.). Not one such
prediction is ever made concerning the church (6) Thetribulationof Rev. 6-19
concerns Israel (Jer. 30:6-9; Dan. 12:1; Mt. 24:15-22)

(7^ Daniel's 70th week concerns Israel and Jerusalem only(Dan. 9:24,27)
(8) The church age comes between the 69th and 70th weeks of Daniel, proving
that Israel is dealt with during the 70th week. See notes, Dan. 9:24-27

(9) The only saved Gentiles in Rev. 4-19 are the tribulation saints and they are
not the church (Rev. 6:9-11; 7:9-17; 15:2-4; 20:4-6). This confirms the Jewish
aspect of Rev. 4-10

flO) Theminisiryof the angelsaround me altar (8:2-5) is familiar to Israel only

(11) The mystery of God promised by me prophets is Jewish (10:7) ^12) The
temple, altar, temple worship, court of the temple, holy city, olive trees, ark of
the covenant, etc. of Rev, 11 are all Jewish, not Christian (13) The kingdoms of
this world becoming Christ's is the fulfUlment of Jewishptophets(ll: 15; isa. 9:6-
7;Dan. 7:13-14; Zech. 14:1-21; Lk. 1:32-33) (14) The woman an^ iranehild are
Jewish, as proved in Rev. 12, notes

(15) A dragon with 7 heads and 10 horns, showing rulershipof the nations that
have persecuted Israel in the times of the Gentiles, also proves a Jewish
connection(Rcv. 12). It could not be a fit symbol in connection with the church
(16) Michael (12:7) always stands for Israel (Dan. 10:13-21: 12:1)

(17) The remnant (12:17) is Jewish nsa. 1:9, note)

(18) Literal Babylon (16:17-21; 18:1-24) provesa Jewish connection,as seen in

Isa. 13-14; Jer. 50-51. The church has no relationship with 3abylon (19)
Armageddon and the iccond advent (16:13-16; 19:11-21) prove a Jewish
connection. Neither subject is ever used of the church (20) The Millenniu;-.' and
the New rarth were predicted in connection withlsrael hundreds of times(Rcv.
20-22; Isa. 2; 65; 66; etc.), but not once with the church 63 post-rapture events

The beginning of the 3rd and last division of Levelation - the things which
MUST BE AFTER THE CHURCHES (4: 1-22:5). These events arc from Reve-
v lauon only.iithcrs could be added from the prophets; Mt. 24; Lk. 21; etc. ,but
these arc enough to serve as an outline of post-rapture events 1 1st scab rise of A
ntichrist (6:1)

2 2nd seal: war (6:3-4)

3 3rd seal; famine (6:5-6)

4 4th seal: death and hell (6:7-3)

5 5th scaL first r.anyrs (6:9-11)

6 6th seal: wrath of God (6:12-17)

7 144,000 Jews sealed (7:1-8)

3 Tribulation mart>Ts worship (7:9-9 7th seal: silence in heaven(8:1) 17)

10 7 angels given 7 uumpets (8: J)

11 Priestly angel ministers (3:3-5)

12 7 angids prepare to sound (8:6)

13 1st trumpet: hail, fire, blood(8:7)

14 2na trumpet: sea to blood (8:8-9)

15 3rd trumpet: waters poisoned (8: 10-11)

16 4th trumpet planets darkened (8:

17 Angel announces 3 woes(8:13) 12)

18 5th trumpet: the first woe - loosing of denx)ns to torncnt men (9:1-12)

19 6th trumpet: the second woe - loosing of 200,000,000 demons to slay 1/3 of
men (9:13-21)

20 Temple and city defiled (11:1-2)

21 2 wimesses appear on earth (11:


22 Great earthquake in Jerusalem (11:13)

23 7th trumpet: announcements (11: 15-18)

24 Heavenly temple opened (11:19)

24 Heavenly temple opened (11:19)

25 Sun-clothed woman travails (12: 1-2)

26 Dragon attacks the manchild (12: 3-4)

27 Manchild caught up to heaven (12:5)

28 The woman flees for 3 1/2 years

29 .Var in heaven (12:7-12) (12:6)

30 Satan attacks the woman (12: 13-16)

31 Saun attacks the remnant (12:17)

32 Beast out of sea; Antichrist given power over nations (13:1-10, 18)

33 Beast out of earth; false prophet begins beast worship (13:11-17)

34'The 144,000 Jews, the manchild, presented to God (14:1-5)

35 Everlasting gospel preached by an angel (14:6-7)

36 Fall of Baoylon announced by angel (14:8)

37 Doom of beast worshippers announced by an angel (14:9-12)

38 Blessing to martyrs announced (14:13)

39 Harvest: Armageddon (14:14-16)

40 Vintage: Armageddon (14:17-2m

41 7 vial judgments prepared (15:1, 6-7)

42 Tribulation martyrs worship (15: 2-4)

43 Heavenlytaberaacleopcned(15:5—

44 lstvial:soreson n'en(16: 2) 16:1)

45 2nd vial: sea to blood (16:3)

45 2nd vial: sea to blood (16:3)

46 3rd v-ial: rivets to blood (16:4-7)

47 4lh vial: great heat (16:8-9) 4S Sthvial; darkness (16:10-11)

49 6th vial; Euphrates dried up (16:12)

50 3 unclean spirits: mobilization of nations to Armageddon (10:13-16)

51 7th\ial: jaeat earthquake - Uteial Babylon and other cities destroyed (16:17-
21; 18:1-24)

52 Kings of earth commit fornication with the great whore (17:1-5)

53 Greatwhore martyrssair.ts(17:G-7)

54 8th kingdom, formed (17:8-13)

55 var on the Lamb (17:14)

56 .Var onthegreat whore (17:15-18)

57 Marriage of the Lamb (19:1-10)

58 2nd advent of Christ (19:11-16)

59 An2elinvitationtobirds(19:17-18)

60 Battle of Armageddon (19:19-21)

61 Binding of Satan (20:1-3)

62 1st resurrection completed: Millennial reign of Christ begins (20 4-6)

63 Satan loosed on eartli (20:7)

64 The last rebellion on earth(20:8-9)

65 Satan >ent to hcU (20:10)

66 2nd resurrection: judgment of the wicked deaJ (20:11-15)

67 New heaven and earth: curse removed and para jise restored as before the faU
of man (21:1, i-S. 24-22:5)

68 God's capitalcity. New Jerusalem, descends to earth (21:2, :>-23)

10 blessings of the redeem.ed (7:15):

1 Sta n d before God's throne (v 15)

2 Serve God day and night (v 15)

3 Have God in their midst (v 15)

4 Hunger no more (v 16)

5 Thirst no more (v 16)

6 No oppressive sunlight any more (vl6)

7 Nouncomforubleheatanyraorefv
8 FedbytheLambforever(vl7) IB)

9 Plenty of tefteshing water (v 17) 10 No more sorrow (v 17; 21:3-7)

13 facts identifyi ng the 2 wimesses:


1 They are two men, not covenants, dispensations, etc. (v 3, 7-12)

2 They are Christ's wimesses (v 3)

3 "Ihcy -ill be given power in the future when they come to earth (v 3). This does
not require them to be men who have already exercised this power 4 They will
be prophets f v 3, 10)

5 They will prophesy tne last 42 months, 1260 days,3 1/2 years of this age (v 2-
3; 12:6,14; 13:5; Dan. 7:25; 12:7)
3; 12:6,14; 13:5; Dan. 7:25; 12:7)

6 They will be clothed in sackcloth (v3)

7 They are symbolized by two olive trees and two candlesticks which stand
before God (v 4; Zech. 4:11-14)

8 They were already in heaven when Zechariahprophesied, about 500 years

before Christ (Zech. 4:11-14)

9 John saw them in heaven about 96 A.D., so whoever they ate they are two men
nanslated to reside in heaven at least 500 ycarsbeforeChrist(v4;Zech. 4:11-14;
Mai. 4:5-6).This wiU exclude John the Baptist, Jolui the Apostle, and every
other manUving after 500 B.C.

10 They will be invincible for the 3 1/2 years of their m:inistry (v 5-7)

11 They will have power to destroy their enemies the same way their enemies
seek to destroy them (v 5)

12 They will be able to cause fire to come out of their mouths to devour their
enemies (v 5)

13 They will have power to stop rain all the days of their prophecy (v 6)

14 They will have power to turn the water into blood and smite the earth
withplagues asoften astheywill (v 6)

15 .vhenthe 1260-day ministry is finished the supernatural angelic spirit out of

the abyss will use the human Antichrist to kill them (v 7) 16 Since it is appointed
unto men once to die(Heb.9:27), it is certain that they are two men who have
never died » that they can die at the hands of the Antichrist in the future. This
excludes Moses or any other man who has already died as one of the wimesses
17 rhey wiU remain dead for 3 1/2 days and then be resurrected(v 8-11). This
ftither proves that jhey are two men who have never died and that they will not
be resurrected, immiortal men when they come from heaven to begin their
ministry 18 There would seem to be only two men in the Bible who could fulfil
these facts about the two wimesses. They are Enoch and Elijah. That Elijah will
be cncofthem is clearly predicted in Mai. 4:5-6. John theBaptist was never
Elijah, fulfiUi nil this prophecy. Hesaidthathe wasnotElijah(Jn. 1:21). He only
came in the same spirit and power of Elijah to prepare the hearts of men for the
Messiah's first advent in the way that Elijah wiU prepare their hearts for the
Messiah's first advent in the way that Elijah wiU prepare their hearts for the
second coming of the Messiah (Lk. 1: 17). Enochisthc onlyotherman translated
that he should not see death in his lifetime on earth (Gen. 5:21-24; Heb. 11:5; 2
Ki. 2). Both were prophets of judgirent (Jude 14-15; 1 Ki. 17-18). Both must
come back and die their own appointed death on earth as aU men must who
livebcfore the rapture (Heb. 9:27; 1 Cor. 15:51-58). If either Enoch or Elijah had
been translated in immortal, glorified bodies they would have been the first-
fruits of the lesui-rcction instead of Christ( 1 Cor. 15:20-23). This proves they
are in heaven in meir natural bodies. They will continue there until their return to
fulfil Rev. 11. The lives ofEnochand Elijah are parallel in every sense, so their
cases rise or fall together as to being the two witnesses





The sun-clothed woman (12:1)

1 Israel isoften spoken of as a woman rratried toGod under the terms of the old
covenant (Isa, 54:1-6; Jet. 3:1-14: Hos. 2:14-23) 2 The church is not once
symbolized by a woman, married or unmarried. It is never called the bride of
Christ (see p. 312). The church is spoken of as a man (note g.Eph. 2:15).
Therefore, the cESch could not be the sun-clothed woman of Rev. 12

3 The false church is spoken of as a woman, a great whore(Rev.l7),butthis could

not be the sun-clothed woman

4 The Bible mentions only 3 classes of people today: the church,the Jews, and
the Gentiles( 1 Cor. 10:32). A t the middleofDaniel's 70th week when the
woman travails and brings fonh the manchild, the church has been gone from the
earth for at least 3 1/2 years (notes t and y. Rev. 4:1). This leaves only 2 classes
after the rapture: Jews and Gentiles. The woman could not symbolize the
Gentiles, because they are the ones persecuting the woman. Therefore, the
woman must symbolize national Israel 5 Israel is the one primarily dealt with in
Rev. 4-19, not the church (see point 10, p. 306, col. 2)

6 The sun, moon, and 12 stars symbolize Israel, as proved in Gen.37:9-11

6 The sun, moon, and 12 stars symbolize Israel, as proved in Gen.37:9-11

7 The Jews are the only people in Scripture spoken of as going through travailin
the last Jays(v 2-5; Mt. 24.8; Mk. 13:8; Isa. 66:7-8: Jer. 30:6-9; Mic. 5:3; Zech.
12:10-13:1) 8 Israelis identifiedasthewomanby the wars against.her and her seed.
The same predictions of this woman are found in connection with Israel in the
0,T,solheymustbethesaroe(Dan. 7: 21: 8:9-14,24-25; 9:27; 11:40-45; 12: 1, 7;
Joel 3; Zech, 12:1-9; 13:8-9; 14:1-21) 9 The whole 70th week of Dairiel 9: 27
concerns Israel and Jerusalem,as did the first 69 weeks (Dan. 9:24-27). The
church is not once mentioned in connection with these last day events 10 The
persecution, flight, and protection ofthe woman in the wilderness prove her to be
Israel (v 6, 13-16):

(1) Isaiah (16:1-5) predicts the fUght of Israel into Moab and Edom, and m
ention s S ela or P etra, the a ncient capital of Edom as their headquarters during
the tribulation. The church is not the subject of any O. T. prophecy (2) Isaiah
(26:20-21) predicts the protecQon of Israel until the indignation (tribulation) be

(3) Isaiah (63:l-5)picturesChristln His second advent as descending from the

direction of Edom where the Israelites are to be protected. Cp, Mt. 24:27

(4) Isaiah (42:11-13) spe a k i n g of the Lord coming to earth to prevail over His
enemies predicts that the Jews in the wilderness and the rock (Sela) wUl sing of
Him (5) Psalms( 6>.6-12; 108:8-13)predict that God will reserve Edom fto:Ti
the Antichrist and refer to the leading of Israel into the strong city (Sela or
Petra). See notes k-r, Ps. 60:8-10

(6) Ezekiel(20:33-44)speaks of Israel Deing gathered back from the nations in

the last days and of her going into the wilderness where God will plead with her
as He did when she came out of Egypt, The two w'tnessesof Rev.

11 will be the ".Moses and Aaron" of those days

(7) Daniel (11:36-45) reveals the conquest of manycountries, including

Palestine, but predicts that Edom, Moab, and Ammon wiU escape him (the
Antichrist). This is the place reserved of God for Israel to be protected in the
wilderness 3 1/2 years (Rev. 12:6, 14) (8) Hosea (2:14-23) speaks of the
wilderness where Israel wUl flee from the Antichrist

(9) Matthew ( 24:15-22) predicts the AntichriSt brealdnghis 7-year covenant

(9) Matthew ( 24:15-22) predicts the AntichriSt brealdnghis 7-year covenant
with Israel (Dan. 9:27), the setting up of the abominationofdesolationinthe
temple at Jerusalem, and the flight of Israel fro mjudea into the mountains ot
wilderness during the great tribulation (10) Revelation (12:6,13-16) makes the
final prediction of Israel going into the wilderness to be protected 3 1/2 years
from the Antichrist The manchild (12:5)

15 proofs 144, 000 are the manchild:

1 It has been proved that the sun-clothed woman is national Israel. The manchild
then, could not be either the Gentiles or the church which is made up mainly of
Gentiles (Acts 15:13-18), The woman would have to produce her own kind,
according to the law of reproduction given by God (Gen, 1:21-28), Therefore, if
the woman is Jewish the manchild must also be JewisfuT he woman represents a
company of people. The manchild must also represent a
companyofpeople.Thereisnoother company in the events of Rev.4-19 that could
possibly be symbolized by the manchild other than the 144,000 Jews of Rev. 7
and 14

2 The manchild cannot be Christ because everything from Rev, 4:1 on MUST
BE after the cr.urcries of Rev. 2:1-3:22. How could John see the historical
ascension of Christ as happening among the things tobein the middle of Daniel's
70thweekor 3 1/2 years before the second advent of Chrisf!

3 The manchild cannot be the church as a whole, or in part, as some teach,

because the church is raptured in Rev. 4:1 before the events of Rev. 4-22 which
MUST BE after the churches (see 10 proofs of the rapture , p. 306) 4 The
manchild represents a company of all living people who will be translated
without seeing death. The woman brings forth either a dead or a living child, not
one partly dead and partly aUve. The dragon could not kill one already dead at
birth (12:4), The childis caught up toGod aUve as soon as it is bom (12:4-5). The
144,000are the only ones in all of the events of Rev, 4-22 (WHICH MUST BE
AFTER THE CHURCHES)that couldpossibly be the manchild whose life the
dragon tries to take (7:1-8: 14:1-5). Since the O.T. saints and church saints are
all resurrected to immortality by this time, it would be impossible for the dragon
to kill them. See p. 227, 230

5 Rev. 7:1-8; 9:4; 12:5; 14:1-5 give a complete revelation of the 144^000 -their
number, salvation, sealing in the forehead, protection through the first 6
trumpets, rapture under the 7th trum -pet as the manchild, and their destiny and
position inheaven after their rapture. If one of these passages is taken awaythe
position inheaven after their rapture. If one of these passages is taken awaythe
revelation about them is incomplete, ve have them on earth all throughthe first 6
trumpets(7:1-3,9:4), and in heaven immediately after the catching up ofthe
manchild in the 7th trumpet(14:l-5), soiftheyare not the manchild who is he and
how did the 144,000 get to heaven?' in Rev, 14:1-5 it is stated that the 144, 000
are before God's throne in heaven, having been redeemed FROM the earth and
FROM among men. They are an heavenly people the la St 3 1/2 yearsof the
tribulation. How and when were they translated if not as the manchild of Rev.

6 The time of the rapture of the 144,000 proves them to be the manchild. The
time of their translation is identical with tliat of the manchild (12:5; 14:1-5) 7
We have seen that the church and O.T. saints are to be raptured before Daniel's
70th week and the tribulation (note r. Rev. 1:19: p. 227. 230, 306), We have also
seen that the great multitude of tribulation saints will be killed mainly after and
raptured after the 144, 000 are in heaveD<notes, Rev,6:9-11; 7:9-17). The only
other company caught up besidesthese is the 144,000 and the only place for their
rapture is in Rev, 12:5.Therefore, the manchild and the 144,000 roust be the
same, if they are not the same, then we do not know whom the manchild
represents or how the 144, 000 get to heaven. Where is the revelation of their
rapture if not in 12:5^

8 Theplacewherethel44, 000 are, in 14:1-5 proves they will be inheaven

duringthelastS 1/2 yearsof the tribulation, so they must be raptured before then,
when, if not as the manchUd':' The Mt, Sionistheheavenlyone (Heb, 12:22-24;
Rev, 14:1, note f) 9 The 144.000 are flfSt-fruits toGod from Israel after the
rapture of every

saved Jew and Gentile ofthe church in 4:1. They are not saved when the church
is raptured or they would gs up also (1 Th.4:16; 1 Cor. 15:23). Since they are
saved after that - in the first 3 1/2 yearsofthetribulationand since they are in
heaven the last 3 1/2 yean of the tribulation, their translation must bethe same as
that of the manchild in Rev. 12:5, which isin the middle of the tribulation. If the
manchild, which represents a company of Jews from Israel, were to be saved and
raptured before the 144,000, then the manchild would be the first-fruits to God
from Israel and t»ot the 144, 000. But since the 144,000 are to be the ffrst-fruits,
then it is clear that they are the first Jews saved and raptured from Israel during
the tribulation of 7 years between the rapture of the church and the second
advent. Thisprovesthatthe 144,000 are the ones symboli zed by the manchild 10
There is only one company saved and raptured between the rapture ofthe church
There is only one company saved and raptured between the rapture ofthe church
at the beginning of Daniel's 70th week and the raptureofihe tribulation saints at
the end of this week. That company is symbolized by the manchild and clearly
revealed to be 144, 000 Jews(7:l-8; 9:4; 12:5; 14:1-5). Iftheyare not the
same,then there are two translations in the roiddle-of the week-one revealed and
the other not; the history of one given after reaching heaven and the other not;
the identity of one clearly stated and the other not. Thus, mystery after mystery
appears i f there are two companies instead of one 11 The 144,000 are
specifically sealed for protection to go through the trumpet judgments only (7:1-
3; 9:4). Immediately after the "tth trumpet, which includesallofRev.il: 15-13:18,
we see the 144, 0OOinheaven(14:l-5). The way God protects them from the
wTathof Satan under the 7th trumpet is by catching them up to God and His
throne ( 12:4-5). and by casting Satan out of neaven to the earth (12:7-12). The
dragon is full of wrath because theyhavebeen protected from the first 6 trumpets.
He seeks to destroy them under the 7th trumpet, but God translates them from
his wrath (12:4-5), Then the dragon tunw on the womian (12:13-16), He fails to
destroy her and is then exceedingly wroth turning on the remnant o f the woman
(12:17). These are protected from him by the two witnesses (11:3-12) and by the
new wars declared ag<iinst the Antichrist from the north and east of the 10
kingdoms (Dan. 11:44) 12 Tne woman, manchild, and remnantof the woman are
the only Jewish companies in Revelation (12:1-2, 5, 17), The 144,000 must
beone of these 3 companies, for they are sealed out of all the tribes of the
children of Israel (7:1-8). They ate in ao place mentioned separately from these 3
com-paniesasa4thcompanyandthereis no indication of them as such. Since they
are one ofthe 3 companies, which one'!' They cannotbe the womanor the remnant
for these remain on earth while the 144,000 are uanslated (14:1-5), The 144,000
therefore must b e the manchild 13 The 144,000 are the only ones that could
possibly fulfill the statements about the manchild in Rev, 12, The manchild and
the 144,000 represent a small company (7:1-9); they both are caught up to God
and His throne (12:5; 14:1-5); they both are delivered from the
wrathofthelragon(12:4-5; 7:1-8; 9:4; 14:1-5); and they both are an heavenly
people (12:5; 14:1-5), so must be the same company 14 Isaiah f66:7-8) predicts
Israel as bringing forth the manchild before she is delivered or saved at the end
of the tribulation(Zech.l2:10-13: l;Rom,11: 25-29), .Vho is the manchild that
Israel is to bring forth before her own conversion at the second advent if not the
144, 000 of Rev. 7:1-8; 14:1-5:-

15 Daniel( 12:1) also predicts the deliverance or translation of every saved Jew
at the time the great tribulation begins for Israel(Mt.24:15-22;Rev. 11: 1-3: 12:5-
6,13-17; 13:1-8; Jer. 30:6-9). Daniel says that everyone that shall be found
written in the book of life among His people wUl be delivered
written in the book of life among His people wUl be delivered
ftomthisgreattribulation(Dan, 12:1). The number of them written in the book of
Ufe is revealed in Rev. 7:1-8; 14:1-5. How are they to be delivered from this
tribulation except byrapture, as in Rev. 12:5; 14:1-5? If the woman and her
remnant were saved at the time of the translati 3 of the 144,000 godly Jews they
would also be translated. But, the woman, or the nation as a whole, is not saved
until 3 1/2 years later at the second advent (Isa. 66:7-8; Romu 11:25-29). The
remnant turns to God after the catching up of the manchild and after the
persecution and flight of the woman into the wildemess(Rev.l2: 17), Therefore,
the 144, 000 must be the manchild 4fold announcement (12:10):

1 To all concerned: now is come

f 1) Salvation (3) The kingdom of God (2) Strength (4) The power of Christ That
is, God and Christ have demonstrated theiipower over Satan and all
rebels,astheypredictedthey would in the plan of God. The great mystery of why
God has allowed the devil to continue operating against Him so long without
definite action to stop him is finally answered. C)elay in fulfilling this mystery is
no longer (notes d and e, 10:6-7) 2 To saints: the accuser is cast down and all
courts of heaven are clewed to Satan. The prosecutor of saints is lisst out of
heaven once and forever and saints will no longer be accused by him (v 10) 3 To
the inhabitants of heaven: rejoice, for Satan has access to heaven no longer (v

4 To the inhabltantsof earth: woe, for the devil is come down among you, having
great wrath,because he knows thathehas butl260daysor3 1/2 more years to be
loose before being confined to the abyss (20:1-3) This is the 3rd of the 3 woes
announced by the angel of 8:13.Cp. 9:12; 11:14. This 3rd woe is so much more
tenible than the torment of men for 5 m£)nths(9:l-12), and the slayingof one
third of men (9:13-21), that a special announcement is made of it here(v 12) 3
brands of Antichrist (13:17):

1 A mark (v 16-17; 14:9-11; 15:2; 16:2; 20:4-6). That this is different from
either the nameorthe number of his nameisclearfrom these scriptures. What kind
of mark it will be is not stated. It may be the emblem of his kingdom and thatis
not known.It will be a literal brand upon the right hand or forehead (13:16; 14:9)
2 The name ofthe beast (v 17; 14:11). It is not stated here or elsewhere what his
name will be, and all speculation is unscriptural and valueless. Men have chosen
no less than 35 names for the Antichrist,Theyhavemade him a reincarnation or a
resurrection of men from Nimrod in Gen, 10 on, including a number of
resurrection of men from Nimrod in Gen, 10 on, including a number of
conquerors of kingdoms and Judas Iscariot, Modern names hailed as the
Antichrist have included popes, Mussolini, Hitler, Stalin, and others. Many have
been chosen because their names inGreek would equal 666, On this basis many
others could be chosen, aU this is pure human speculation without Scrioture
backing 3 666,thenurnberof hisname (v 17-18; 15:2), This is the number of a
man, andisthe onlyone of the 3 brands that isgiven(vl8).ManyGreekand Hebrew
nameshave a numerical value of 666. The idea is that in the Greek and Hebrew
alphabets there is not a separate system of numbers, as in the English, The
lettersof these alphabets stand for numbers. The letters in the name ofthe fmure
Antichrist will have a numerical value of 666, We cannot know what his mark or
name will be,but we can all know what the numerical value of his name
wiUbe,for itis statedtobe 666. Since he will not come until after the rapture ofthe
church and until after the formation of 10 kingdoms inside the old Roman
Empirefnotes, Dan. 7:24; 2 Th. 2:7), and until the beginning of
Daniel's70thweek(Dan. 9:27),wecan alsoknowthat no man will be able to takehis
mark, his name, or the number of hisnamebeforethelast 3 1/2 years of this age
(Rev, 11:1-3:12:6,14; 13:5)





Exteoi of ADtJchrist's reign (13:16)

15 proofs Antichrist will not reipi over A roerica or be a world-wide dictator:

1 4 sutements in Rev. IJ nave led some to beUeve that Antichrist wUl liteiaUy
rule the whole world and cause every rran on earth to uke a mark or be killed.
They are: (1) Power wasaiveD aim over ALX kindreds, and tongues, and

(2) ALL that dwell upon the earth shaU worship Urn (except Chrisdans, V 8)

(3) He causeth ALL, both small and great,.. to receive a mark (v 16)

(■*) NOMANmighi buy or sell, save he that had the mark, name, or number

On the surface it might seem that these statements prove A ntichrist will be a
world ruler, killing all on earth who do not take his mark, name, or number. But,
the connary is true b e-cause ALL in these passages is simiply a figure of speech
- synecdoche in which a whole is put for a part, as we would say, "Everyone in
town" or "the whole country" or "ALL the people in the country were there last
night." If the UiUted States would m^ake a law that ALL MEN of all nations,
and tongues must register on a certain day or be killed, we would naturally unda-
staad the law to apply only to all men of all nations and tongues who are under
the government of the United States, not to the men of these nations and tongues
who are under other gov-erninents. The word ALL is used in a limited sense
hundreds of times in Scripture (Gen. 6:17; Josh, 6:21-25; 2 Sam.6:5, 15: iKi.
11:16-17; Mt. 3:5-6; Lk. 2:1-3; Rora. 1:8; 10:18: CoU 1:23; etc.) 2 Such
termsasin Rev. 13 have been used of other rulers and kingdoms who
didnotUtetally rule the whole world. It was said of Nebuchadnezzar-Wher
esoeyer the children of men dwell... hath made thee ruler over THEM ALL (
pan. 2:38), Of Greece -Which shall bear rule over ALL the earth (Dan. 2:39). Of
Rome - Shall devour the aHOLE earth (Dan. 7:23-24). None of these kingdoms
ruled the whole world 3 Rev. 13 itself limits the kingdom of Antichrist to the 10
kingdoms that are yet to be formed inside the old Roman Empire territory
fDan.7:23-24^. The beast has only 10 horns, not 65, plainly teaching that a
limited part of the earth willbe under A ntichrist (Rev. 13:1: 17:12-17) 4 Rev.
17:8-17 also limits the kingdom of Antichrist to thelO kingdoms -the 10 horns..
.are 10 kings,which have received no kingdom as yet, but receive power as kings
with the beast... diese shall give their kingdom unto the beast 5 In Dan. 7:7-8,23-
24 we have the definite location ofthe future 10 kingdoms. They are to be inside
(out of), not outside the old Roman Empire territory. America and many other
lands were never a part of the old Roman Empire, so they will not be a pan of
the 10 kingdoms to be formed in the last days inside that empire. No country
outside the 10 kingdoms will be ruled by A ntichrist and no mark of the beast
will be forced upon any man outside the kingdom of Antichrist 6 In Dan, 9:27;
11:40-45 Antichrist breakshis 7-year covenant v.ith Israel and takes over
Palestine and many other countries , "but these S HALL ESCAPE otit of his
hand, even Edom, and Moab, and the chief of the children of Ammon, " which
would be modem Jordan and Arabia. If these countries escape A ntichrist, these
on the border of Palestine which does not escape him, then it is surely
conceivable that many countries across the vast oceans will also escape him 7
The nation of Israel escapes the A ntichrist arriving safe in the wilderness of
Edom and \toab where they are protected of God for 3 1/2 years, or during the
Edom and \toab where they are protected of God for 3 1/2 years, or during the
time the whole world is s»?>-posed to be taking the mark of the beast (see point
10, p. 307. coL 1) 8 In Dan, 11:44-45 it is stated tlat the countries north and east
of the 10 kingdoms under A ntichrist will make war onhim. These countries too,

are not rulea by him and are not therefore forced to take the mark

9 In Rev. 16:13-16 we have 3 im-clean spirits like frogs going forth working
miracles through ambassadors, thus seeking the co-operation of many nations to
help A ntichrist against Jesus Christ at Armageddon.These will not havebeen
conquered by him or be under him or they would not have to be persuaded to
help him at Armageddon. If he ruled them and ±ey loved him enough to worship
him and take las mark, such demon mlnisiries would be unnecessary 10 In Rev.
13:4 we have proof that there are nations whom the Antichrist has not
conquered. If there weie 00 nations who were not under Mm-it would be foolish
to raise the question about who can conquer him 11 In Rev. 14:9-11 it is stated
that every wia who does take the mark of the beast, or his name, or the numiber
ofhis name, wiUbe sent to eternal hell without exception. If, as somie teach
today, A ntichrist will kill every man who does not take the m.arkofthebeast, and
if, as suted here, every man who do es take it will be sent to eternal hell, there
will not be one person left on earth to populate it in the MtUenniura
andtheNewEartluThussucha doctrine a s A ntichrist killing all on earth who do
not take his mark and worship him is literally untrue 12 The truth is that
Antichrist wiU make alawthataUtnhis 10 kingdoms must worship him and take
his mark, but the law will not and cannot be Utetally enforced in such a vast
territory in as short a time as 3 1/2 years. It would be imipossible for one human
A ntichrist to contact every man in the whole worid and to see that every man is
Wiled who does not uke his mark. To say that he could would be virtually
teaching that one man can do more in 3 1/2 yeanthan what God,Christ, the Holy
Spirit, angels, and all the redeemed men of over 1900 years have been able to do.
The gospel has been preached that long and still multiplied millions of men on
earth have never heard of the name of Jesus Christ. How could a new doctrine
and a new religion of thebeastbe made known to all the world in 3 1/2 years'*

One reason A nticl^st cannot enforce such a law even inside the Roman Empire
territory in 3 1/2 years isbecause of the wars between his 10 kingdoms and the
many nations north and east of his empire (Dan. 11:44). These wars will keep
him so occupied that he will not be able to pay full attention to the enforcement
of his religious laws. Then, too, there will no doubt be ways of avoiding such la
ws in certain localities as there are concerning any other man madelawXocal
officials,relative pulls, money,bribery, and many other things will enable some
in his kingdom to escape literal compliance to such a law. Guerrilla warfare
against A ntichrist canbe carried on in all parts of his kingdom, making it
impossible to enforce such a law literally Antichrist will come and go without
millions of people in various parts of the earth knowing that he ever existed.
This is true of Jesus Christ, and it will be true of Antichrist, Many peoples in the
interior of certain lands do not yet know that there have been two world wan in a
generation. Many do not know we have automobiles, airplanes, etc.

The Bible teaches that In the N'Jlleo-nium Christ willbe reigning in Jerusalem
for some time before His agents contact certain peoples on earth and seek to
bring them under His government (Isa. 2:2-4; 40:9; 52:7: 61:6; 66: 18-
21:Zech.3:23:14:16-21).Soit will be in the days of Antichrist 13 In Zech. 14:16-
21 it is clear that many from every nation, even those that are under Antichrist,
will be left aUve on the earth in the Milleimium. These will not take the mark of
the beast. If so, they would be sent to eternal hellbyChrist at His second advent.
Since they are left to enter the MiUen-niuro, it is proof that every man on earth
will not take the mark or b e killed. For example, Egypt is spoken of in Dan.
11:40-45 as not escaping the Antichrist, but we find Egyptians left to enter the
Millennium in Zech. 14: 16-21. So it will be with miany people of all the nations
under Antichrist. Some will not take the mark or obey his la wand yet escape
deathby him. Multitudes will bekiUed.butnotall (Rev. 7:9-11; 14:13: 15:2-4;
16:2; 20:4-6) 14 In Mt.25:31-46 wereadof many of all nations that are called
blessed of My Father who '-111 Inherit the millennial and eternal kingdom.
These people willnot take the markof thebeast or they would be sent to eternal
hell, as stated in Rev. 14:9-11, The baas of the judgment of the nations here is
their treatment of Israel. Such kind treatment of Israel could not be possible on
the part of any nation if all were directly controlled by A ntichrist 15
Theremnantofthewom.aninRev. 12:17 escape the mark of the beast and the
worship of Antichrist. This is made possible by new wars in the north and
eastofhisklngdom, forcing him. to let thero alone for the time being so as to
conquerthese new enemies. The ministry of the two witnesses helps protect them
the last 3 1/2 years. Then when Antichrist conquers his enemies after nearlyS 1/2
^ars of war he gathers his forcesagainstthejewsto destroythem. He is defeated by
Jesus ChristatArma-geddon before he even takes all o f Jerusalem, which by
some means has been suddenly delivered from Antichrist and Is back in Jewi^
hands (Zech. 14:14-15) Thus we conclude that a ntichrist will not rule America
or be a world-wide dictator; thathiskingdom willbe limited to the old Roman
Empire territory duringthe tim.ehe seeks to enforce the new beast worship; that
Empire territory duringthe tim.ehe seeks to enforce the new beast worship; that
he will be in constant wars with other nations during the whole 7 years he is here
(Dan. 7:23-24; 9:27; 11:36-45); that multitudes of all nations willescapethemark
of the beast and his worship: and that Antichrist will bedefeatedbyChrist before
he conquers aU of Asia, Europe, and Africa, as well as before he conquers die
Americas and all other parts of the wodd 18 kinds of "seven" ihiags in Rev.:

1 Churches (1:4, 11, 20)

2 Spirits (1:4: 3:1; 4:5; 5:6)

3 Golden candlesticks (1:12, 13, 20;

4 Stars (1:16, 20; 2:1; 3:1) 2:1)

5 Lamps (4:5)

6 Seals (5:1, 5)

7 Horns (5:6)

8 Eyes (5:6)

9 Angeis(8:2,6: 15:1,6-8; 16:1:17:

10 Trumpets (8:2, 6) 1; 21:9)

11 Thunders (10:3-4)

12 Thousand men (11:13)

13 Heads (12:3; 13:1; 17:3-8)

14 Crowns (12:3)

15 Last plagues (15:1, 6, 8)

16 Golden vials (15:7: 17:1; 21:9)

17 Mountains (17:9)
18 Kings or kingdoms (17:10-11)

20 dnngs done und er the 7th vial (T^TT)^

1 The earthly events between the rapture and 2nd advent end (4:1-19:21)

2 70th week of Daniel ends (Dan. 9:27)

3 Great tribulation ends(ll: 15-19: 21; Mt. 24:15-22; Dan. 12:1-7)

4 The judgments ofthe seals, trumpets, and vials end (6:1-19:21)

5 Wrath of God surted in the 6th seal ends (6:12-17: 16:17-19:21)

6 Two witnesses end their earthly career (11:3-14; 16:17-19:21)

7 Israel is liberated from Gentiles under Antichrist(12:l-19:21:Zech. 14)

8 Jerusalem delivered fro ni Gentiles n,k. 21:24: Rev. 11:1-19:21; Zech. 14)

9 Martyrdom of S3imsends(6:9-ll; 7:9-17: 15:2-4; 20:4-6)

10 Beast worship ends (13:1-18; 19:20)

11 Babjdon is destroyed (16:17-21J

12 Thetimesof theGentiles end(LK. 21:24; Rom. 11:25-29; Rev. 19:11-21)

13 Gentile world powers defeated at Armageddon (19:11-21; Zech. 14)

14 >.!any cities of the nations fall by an earthquake (16:17-21)

15 Great physical changes on earth take place (11:13; 16:17-21: Zech, 14:4)

16 First resurrection is completed (11:12: 7:9-17: 15:2-4; 20:4-6)

17 Day of the Lord begins (20:1-10)

18 Antichrist's reign ends(19:11-21)

19 Satan's reign on earth ends (19: 11-20:3; Isa, 24:21-2-2)

20 Second advent: eternal reign o f Christ begins (19:11-21: 20:1-10)

31 facts about literal Babylon (18:2):

Rebuilding ol Babylon

1 Babylon as a literal city is mentioned Ln the fulfill-ent of many things which

MUST BE after the rapture (14:8: 16:19; 18:1-24) 2 Zechariahpredicted the
rebuilding of Babylon (Zech. 5:5-11, note)

3 Babylon must again be a great commercial center (18:3-10)

4 Babylon must again be a great reUgious center (18:2-10, 23-24)

5 Ha sorceries will deceive all nations after the rapture (18:23; 2 Th.2:10)

6 Orders for the martyrdom of saints will go on from Babylon (18:24)

7 Babylon will be destroyed at the end of this age (16:19: 18:1-24; Isa. 13:19;
Jei. 50:40)

Time of the destruction of Babylon:

8 In the day of Israel's flnalresto-ration (16:17-20:6: Isa, 13:6-13; 14: 1-7; Jer,

9 In the day of the Lord (16:19; 18:1-24; Isa. 13:6-13)

10 At the end of the great tribulation (16:17-21; 18:1-24)

11 Under the 7th vial (16:17-21)

12 When the planets are affected (16:17-21:Mt.24:29-31;Isa. 13:10-11)

13 When the world is punished for its sins (18:1-24; Isa. 13:11)

14 When Israel is given rule over hei oppressors (Isa. 14:1-4)

15 .v'hen laael sings her triumph song (Isa, 14:3-17)

16 At the second advent (16:17-21; 18:1-19:21; Isa. 13:1-13; 14:5,25-27)

17 At the beginning of the Millennium (16:17-21; 18:1-20:10)

How Babjdon is to be desooyed:

18 By an earthquake (16:17-21)

19 Bya supernatural destruction (16: 17-21; 18:8, 10,17, 19, 21: Isa. 13: 6-13;
Jer. 50:20, 40; 51:8)

20 Suddenly in one hour (18:8-19; Isa. 13:19; Jer. 50:40: 51:8)

21 By fire from heaven (18:8-18: Isa, 13:19; Jer. 50:40)

22 With violence (18:21)

23 By the earth swallowing her (18: 21: Jer, 51:62-64)

24ByGod(18:8,20),asHe destroyed Sodom (Isa. 13:19; Jer. 50:40) Extent of

Babylon's destruction:

25 Willneverbeinhabitedagain(Isa. 13:20; Jer. 50:39-40; 51:29. 37, 43)

26 Arabs and shepherds will never dwell there afierwarc(lsa. 13:20)

27 Totally (18-21: Isa. 13:9-22: Jer. 50:3-40; 51:26-43)

28 Never to be found again (18:21)

29 Her site to be one ofthe openings of heU(19:3; Isa. 14:9-17: 66:22-24)

30 Ontheedgesofthishell hole desert creatures will dwell(Isa. 13:21-22)

31 Men vs-ill be astociiied at such destruction (Jer. 50:13)

Not one of the above passages has yet been literally fulfilled, so they must refer
to a future prosperity and destruction of Babylon, That a literal city is referred to
is proved by its predicted destruction along with the cities of the nations (16:19)
InN. T.timesBabylon was stillacity with a Christian church (1 Pet. 5:13). 500
yean later the Bab>donian Talmud was wrinen there. Since then it has not been
destroyed as required in the above references. Even today there is a city called
HUlah of nearlySOO. OOO population buIETust southof the old site of
andentBabylon.T he soil is exceedingly fertile and engineers estimate that the
andentBabylon.T he soil is exceedingly fertile and engineers estimate that the
Euphrates and Tigris rivers could irrigate 7,000, 000 acres in wipter and 3,000,
OOC in summer to grow varied crops. The whole cf the East is rich in oil and
other minerals. A commercial city called Babylon could b e made here in a few
snort years TMscitywOl be the capitalof Antichrist before he enters Palestine to
make thejewish temple Ms capital the last3 l/2yearsofthisage(Dan.ll:40-45; 2Th.
2:3-4; Rev. 11:1-2; 13:1-13). Even if we ignores all the O.T. prophecies above,
we should be forced to believe in a literal city for the fulfilment of Rev. 14:5;
16:17-21: 13:1-24






Mystery Babylon (17:11 13proofs the whorea religjous system :

1 playing the whore in symbolic language alwa ys refers to religious fornication

and idolatry (v 1-4; Isa. 23:17; 57:3-7; Jar. 3:2-9; Ezek. 16: 1-63: 20:30-32;
23:7-49;Hos.4:12-19; Nah, 3:4. Literal fornication must also be understood in
some of these) 2 Her caudng the many nations to commit fornication with her,
proves that idolatrous reUgious practices are being referred to, as in passages
above 3 She is not a political power for she is not classed as one with "the kings
of the earth". She only causes the kings andinhabitantsof the earth tobe drunk
with the wine of her fomication(v 2,4^. Since fornication here refers to religious
harlotry then her influence over the nations is through religion 4 The beast which
the woman rides is the 8th kingdom, made up of the many waters or peoples
inside the old Roman Empire territory(v 1,3,11,15). Since the beast itself is the
kingdom, the woman must be reUgion dominating the kingdom until she is
destroyed by it (V 12-17) 5 Theattireofthegreatwhoreiden-tifies her as a religious
system or as a whore committing spiritual fornication, duping political powers
by her whoredoms and idolatries (v 4). The purple, scarlet, precious stones,
pearls, and golden vessels indicate the wealth of the system. Cp. Ezek. 23:40-41

6 The golden cup in her hand, full of her uncleanness, spiritual fornication, and
abominations by which she dupespoliticalpowersprovesher to be a religious
abominations by which she dupespoliticalpowersprovesher to be a religious
power.Gp. Ezek. 23:29-31

7 Her name MYSTERY BABYLON indicates she is not Uieral Babylon.The

word mystery identifies her with the religiousntesand mysteriesof ancient
Babylon A ccording to Hi slop's" The T wo Babylons" which quotes 260
sources, the ancient Babylonian cult, started b y Nimrod and his queen,
Semiramis, spread among all nations. The objects of worship were the Supreme
Father, the Incarnate Female, or Queen o f Heaven, and her Son. The cult
claimed the highest wisdom and the most divine secrets. Besides confession to
priests there were many mysterious rites. Julius Caesarbecame head of the R07
man branch of the Babylonian Cult in 63 B.C. Other emperors held the office
until 376 A.D. when the emperor Gratian, for Christian reasons refused it
because he saw that Babylonianism was idolatrous. Demasus, bishop of the
Christian church at Rome, was elected to the headship in 378 A.D.and from here
on Babylonianism and organized Christianity became one. the rites of Babylon
were soon introduced into the Christian church. Heathen temples were restored,
beautified, and their rituals encouraged. Worship and veneration of
images,saints,relics, private confessions, penances, scourgings, pilgrimages, sign
of the cross,Christmas, Lady Day.Easter.Lent, and otha pagan rites and festivals,
little by httle, became a part of Christian worship 8 The name MOTHEROF
HARLOTS identifiesthe whore as a religious system (V 5). The harlots refer to
many branches which have sprung from her and have become as muchapostate
as the great whore herself. She is a symbol of apostate religions being linked
together after the rapture of the church to dominate the 10 kingsof the Revised
Roman Empire until Antichrist comes to full power over the 10 kingdoms by the
middle of Daniel's 70th week (v 1, 3. 9-17) 9 The name MOTHER OF ABO
MINATIONS OF THE EARTH IdenUfies her to be a religious system fostering
and tolerating aU the abominations that go with idolatry and spiritual
fornication. The word abominatio ns i s used manytimesof idolatry and
whoredoms associated with pagan worship (Dt.18:9-12; 29:17-18: 32:16-17; 1
Ki. 14:24; 2 Ki. 16:3-4; 21:2-11; Ezek. 16: 22-58; etc.). The great whore of the
future tribulation will be the mother of abominations in God's sight because she
will exceed all others in wickedness

10 Her drunkenness - being drunken

with blood of the martyrs of Jesus, provesbeyond doubt that she is a religious
institution. Only religion has Wiled the martyrs of Jesus in all ages,
Govemmentshave carried out the dictates of leaders in religion, doing the
Govemmentshave carried out the dictates of leaders in religion, doing the
actualkillingofsaintsbecauseof religion. Although ttiis prophecy speaks of the
future drunkenness of mystical B abylon after the rapture of the church, who
among us does not know of the martyrdom of 200,000, 000 people in the past
because they would not conform to organized religion?

5 classes tliat have martyred saints:

(1) Jews (Acts 7:61-60; 8:1: 9:1). Their religious prejudice caused many to be
put to death

(2) Pagans of the old Roman Empire. Historyrecordsihe martyrdom of many

Chtistiansby pagan emperors because of religious differences (3) Mohammedans
slew Christians in all their conquests

(4) Greek Catholics have also penecuted and martyred Christians

(5) Roman Catholics have been guilty of martyrdoms in many centuries and
many lands

Martyrdom of saints will again be revived in the old Roman Empire territory
between the rapture and the 2nd advent. In the first 3 1/2 years of Daniel's 70th
week, the great whore wiU murder the saintsof Jesus (17:6). In the middle of the
week when Antichrist comes to power over the 10 kingdoms the great wliore
will be destroyed and martyrdom of Christians will be carried on by the beast
and the 10 kings until the 2nd advent (13:1-18; 14:9-11: 17:9-17: 19:11-20:6}

11 The hatred and destruction of the great whore by 10 kings inside the Roman
Empireterritoryproveherto be a religious system dominating them until they cLre
of her and give 5ieir power to the A ndchrist.Tliey turn on the great whore and
destroy her so that the Antichrist might establish beast worsliip the last 3 1/2
years (17:12-17) 12 The woman sitsonthebeast itself, not on the heads and horns
in succession (vl.3,7,15).The7headsandlO horns on the beast are a part of him
and this istheonlysense in wfiich she rides the heads (v 9). Since the beast is the
8th worldempire(vll),itis clear that she is something separate from the empire,
and only rides or dominates the peoples of tfiat empire. What could she b e othei
than religion''

13 The angelic explanation of the great whore proves her to be a religious

system reigning over kings spiritually. TheGr.reads, "Andthe woman whom thou
system reigning over kings spiritually. TheGr.reads, "Andthe woman whom thou
sawest istheciiythegreat, which has a kingdom over the kings of the earth"
(17:18).Shehasa kingdom within the kingdoms and over them. She is tobe a
religious system inside the old Roman Empire territory; one that has
headquaners in a great city; and one that has a religious langdom or reign over
the kings of the earth We must recogni ze in the symbol two things: a great
religious system and a great city where she has headquarters. The great whore
will hold power over her loyal subjects, not through superior military forces, but
by the deceptions of her spiritual harlotry and abominations

18 reasons Babylon the city:

The above facts, together with the mysteries of the Roman part of Christendom
of baptismal regeneration, supposed changing of the bread and wine into the
body and blood of Jesus Christ, holy wa fers, holy waters, lights, candles,
confessions, and other ceremonies, mumbled in a language that tends to mystery,
have caused the majority of Bible students in all generations to hold that Rome is
the city of the prophecy. But there is another city which could be the intent of
the prophecy - literal Babylon itself, for the folio wing 18 reasons: 1 Literal
Babylon is definitely the subject of Rev. 16:17-21 and 18:1-24

2 Mystical Babylon is another subject inserted between these two passages, a

parenthetical one to explain the religious aspect of Babylon. (See 16 contrasts
between the two Babylons, note d, 18:2) 3 The fact that the great whore is called
mystery Babylon proves a connection with literal Babylon (17:5)

4 Literal Babylon is the site of the first great rebellion against God after the
flood of Noah (Gen. 11) and it will be the site of the last great rebellion (14:8;
16:17-21; 18:1-24) 5 Literal Babylon is always associated with demon religions
and idolatry in Scripture (Isa. 21:9; 47:9-10; Rev. 18:2-3, 23) 6 Many prophecies
concerning literal Babylon in both testa meats are yet unfulfilled asa,13:l-22;
14:1-27; 43: 14; 47:1-15; 48:20; Jer. 50-51; Zech. 5:5-11; Rev. 14:8; 16:17-21;
18:1-24). On the other hand,the cityof Rome is not once mentioned in any
prophecy, fulfilled or unfulfilled 7 Of all the empires taking part In the times of
the Gentiles - Egypt, A ssyriaj3abylon,Medo-Persia,Greece, Rome, Revised
Rome and Revived Greece, the capital city of only one (Babylon) is mentioned i
n prophecy with a latter day fulfillment.Memphis, Ninevah,Shushan,Rome,etc.
are completely ignored in prophecy, while the capital city, Babylon is mentioned
repeatedly. See scriptures under point 6 above 8 Never has itbeennecessary to re-
identify any city named in prophecy. Predictions in Scripture about Sodom,
identify any city named in prophecy. Predictions in Scripture about Sodom,
Gomorrha, Ninevah, Tyre, Sidon and others have been fulfilled regarding the
cities known by the names referred to In the various passages. Why should
Babylon be an exception? The word mystery simply defines the religious aspect
of the literal city - Babylon 9 Literal Babylon is the only city called the lady of
kingdoms (Isa. 47: 5, 7)

10 Babylon is the only city of the last days that will be the headquarters for
every demon and unclean spirit(18:2). If this be true, then Rome or no other city
will be the center of false religions fulfilling prophecy 11 Babylon is the only
city named making all nations drunk with the wine of her fornication (18:3). The
great whore unnamed i s the only other Babylon causing nations to be drunk
with the wine of her fornication, so the references must be to the same city -
mystery Babylon being the religious aspect of Literal Babylon (17:2) 12
Babylonistheonlycityin the last days to be the center of sorceries, enchantments,
etc. (18:23; Isa. 47:9-10, 12-13). Rome could not take Babylon's place in this 13
Babylon is the only named city singledoutastheobjectofGod's wrath and plagues
(16:19; 18:4, 6). If Rome was to be the great city fulfilling such prophecy it
surely would have been mentioned instead of Babylon, for Rome was weU
known at the time John wrote the Revelation.The very absence of the name
Rome is no mere accident. God never leaves us in doubt as to the true meaning
of His revelation of events to come 14BabylonistheonlycityGod commands His
people to come out of, in the la St days(18:4; Jer.50:4-9; 51:4-8,45). The
application of this to Rome cannot be proved by Scripture 15 Heaven is
commanded to rejoice overthe destruction of literal Babylon because God has
taken vengeance on her(18:20). This isthe same as judging the great whore o f
Rev. 17, proving that the great whore or mystical Babylon is the same asllteral
Babylon as far as a place or a city is concerned (19:2). The only difference is
that the great whore is the reUgious aspect of the city of Babylon 16 Babylon Is
the only city named which Is 10 be judged in the last days for martyrdoms
(18:24). Since both mystery and literal Baoylons martyr the saints there must be
some relationship. If two different cities as far from each other as Rome and
Babylon were to be guilty ofthe same things after the rapture, then two places
would be referred to and not one only as in 18:24

17 The 16 points of contrast, 7 points of similarity (p. 299) and 31 facts about
Babylo n (p. 308) ate in harmony with the idea that the oneBabylon, a literal
city, is the headquarters of the other, mystery Babylon, a religious system 18
Antichrist will be king of Syria with Babylonashis capital (Isa. 14:4). This wiU
fulfil Dan. 8:8-9,20-25:11: 35-45. The great whore will ride the beast
fulfil Dan. 8:8-9,20-25:11: 35-45. The great whore will ride the beast
(Antichrist's kingdom) in his rise to power overthe 10 kingdoms(17:3,7), It
should be recognized then, that die symbolizes a religion in his capital even
before he gets power over the 10 kingdoms of Revised Rome(17:12-17) What
religion is symbolized by the great whore with headquarters at Babylon? Could
apostate Christendom have headquarters inBabylon? That is possible, but not
probable due to the fact that the religion predicted is anti-Christian. Could it be
Mohammedanism,the religion of the eastern pan of the Roman Empire territory?
It could be as there ate about 416,600,000 Moslems compared to 480,000,000
Roman Catholics in the world.Moslems control the northern part of Africa,
including Egypt, all of Arabia, Trans-Jordan, Syria, Irak, Iran, Turkey and other
parts of the old Roman Empire territory. Catholicism is the prevailing religion in
A Ibania 3 ulgaria .Romania, Yugo-slavia, Hungary, Austria, luly,
Spainj'ortugal,France,andsome other parts of the old Roman Empire territory.
Between the two religions most of the old Roman Empire territory is covered
religiously, but this does not prove a thing regarding crfyStery Babylon of Rev.
17 [J

Babylon's could bea new religion entirely, or a revival of ancient sorcery,

witchcraft, enchantments, and astrology which characterized the ancient city. It
is clear that such will be the prevailing religion ofthe whole Roman Empire
territory in the last days, as in point 12, above Jesus predicted many false
prophets who would show great signs and wonders to deceive men just prior to
His coming to eanhagain(Mt.24:24). Paul predicted the coming of Antichrist
with allpower,agns, and lying wonders by the power of Satan (2 Thf 2:8-12;
Rev. 13:1-18; 19:20). All nations wiU be deceived by the sorceriesand
manifestations of demon powers concentrated in future literal Babylon (Rev. 9:
20; 14:8; 16:13-16, 19: 18:23; Isa. 47:9-10, 12-13) If Antichrist can start a
religion and martyr millions during the last 3 1/2 yearsofthisage(Rev. 7:9-17;
13:1-18; 14:9-11:16:2,6; 16:13-16; 19:20; 20: 4-6), then itstandsto reason that
mystery Babylon as a revival of ancient magism backed by a concentration of
demon powers dominating the nations oftheold Roman Empire territory from
Babylon could martyr many saints of Jesus during the first 3 1/2 years of
Daniel's 70th week and untilAntichrist comes to full power over the 10
kingdoms of Revised Rome (Rev. 17:1-2, 5-6, 12-17) As to Catnolicism and
Mohammedanism,both these religions would have to change completely to fulfil
prophecies of these events. Neither religion Is anti-God One thing seems certain
- mystery and literal Babylons are two aspects of the samecityandpowerthat will
fulfil prophecyin die last days after the rapture of the church. Mystery Babylon is
a religious system with headquarters in literal Babylon and wiU fulfil Rev. 17
until Antichrist comes to full power overthe 10kingdoms of Revised Rome in the
until Antichrist comes to full power overthe 10kingdoms of Revised Rome in the
middle of Daniel's 70th week (Rev. 17:12-17). Then Antichrist, who will be king
of Babylon (Isa. 14:4) and the A ssynan (isa. 10:20-27; 30:18-33; 31:4-32:20;
Mic. 5:3-15), wiU destroy this religious system and stan his own worship the last
3 1/2 years of this age (13:1-18; 14:8-11; 15:2-4; 16:2, 6; 17:12-17; 20:4-6) One
thing must be kept in mind, all these events will take place after the rapture of
the church, so mystery Babylon need not be some religion now prominent inside
the Roman Empire territory any mote than the religion Antichrist wQl start must
be some prominent religion now in existence. Religions can begin in one day
and so it will be easy for two religions (Antichrist's andBabylon's)bothto start
and martyr millions between the rapture and the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ





7 headed 10 homed beast (17:8^ The beast is a symbol of 3 things:

1 A supernatural angel out of the abyss, as required in points 1-6 below

2 A rnortal man, as proved in points 7-46 below

3 A kingdom, as proved in points 47-60 below

NIany fallacies ha ve come by not recognizing all 3 thi«gs in the samesy^-boL

Some passages apply to all three: some to only one

60 facts coDceming the beast:

6 tacts - the beast out of the .'byss:

1 Comesoutoftheabyss(ll; 7:17:8)

2 .ViU war on the 2 witnesses (11:7)

3 Will finaUy kiU the.~ (11:7)

4 Once lived out of the abyss (17:8)

5 Was in the abyssin John's Jay (17:

6 WillgointoperditioiK17:8) 8)

40 facts - the beast out of the sea:

7 WiU be a man (13:1. 18)

8 Has 7 syrriBoirc heads (13:1: 17: 3-11)

3 Has names of blasphemy (13:1; 17:3)

10 Ha5l0hDms;10crowns(13:l;17:3)

11 Is like a leopard, a symbol of the Grecian Empire (13:2; 17:3; Dan. 7:6)

12 Has the feet of a bear, a symbol of Medo-Persia (13:2; Dan. 7:5)

13 Has the mouth of a lioi», a symbol of Babylon (13:2; Dan, 7:4)

14 Receives power from, Satan (13:2; 2Th. 2:8-12; Dan. 8:24; 11:38)

15 10 kings give their power to him (17:12-17)

16 10 kings agree to give their power to him after he overthrows 3 of them

(17:12-T7rDan. 7:23-24)

17 Leais the 10 kings against Christ at rtrmagedaon(17:14; 13:19-21)

18 Will destroy the great whore (17:16)

IS Will be commandei-in-K;hief of aU earthly armies at AimageJ<lon (19:19)

20 .Vill be slain at Arrnageddon, proving him to be a mortal man(19:20; Dan.

7:11; Isa. 11:4; 2 Th. 2:8-12)

21 Istobe defeated by Christ (19:20)

22 WiU be cast into hell (19:20)

23 Will still be in heU 1,000 years later (20:10)

24 World will wonder after him (13: 3: 17:8)

25 .Villbe worshipped by men(13:3, 8, 16-18; 14:9-11; 16:2; 20:4)

26 .Vill speak blasphemies (13:5-6; Dan. 7:20, 25; 11:36)

27 Will be given power 42 m.onths, the last 3 1/2 years of this age (13:5; 19:11-
21; Dan. 7:25-27; 9:27; 12:7)

28 Will make waron saints (13:6; 14: 9-11; 15:2-4; 20:4-6;Dan. 7:21:8:25)

29 Will overcome saints and kill them (13:7; 14:9-11; 15:2-4; 20:4-6; Dan. 7:21)

30 .Villrule many nations (13:7; 17: 12-17; Dan. 7:23-24; 11:40-45)

31 Will have a co-worker, the false prophet (13:11-18; 16:13-16; 19:20)

32 Will have miraculous powers (13; 2-14: 16:13-16: 19:20; 2 Th. 2:8-12)

33 An image will be made of him (13:2,12-14; 14:9-11; 15:2-4: 20:4-6)

34 The image wiU be given life (13:

35 It wiU do personal acts(13:15) 15^

36 WiU brand men with a marK (13:16)

37 Or with his name (13:17-18; 15:2)

38 Or with the number of his name (13:18)

39 WiUkiUmenwho do not take his brands and worship him (13:15; 20:4)

40 .ViU use boycon (13:17)

41 WiU be opposed by angeU (14: 9-11)

42 .ViU cause men to be damned (14:9-11)

43 Will be opposed by men (15:^

43 Will be opposed by men (15:^

44 .VUl receive plagues (16:2, 10)

45 WiU have a throne and kingdom (16:10)

46 WiU league with Satan and demons in m)obilizingnations(16:13-16)

14 facts - the beast as a kingdo" :

47 Is tne dth kingdom (17:11-1

48 Is to be dominate., by the great whore until Antichrist comes to power

overthe 10 kingdoms (17:1-7, 12-17)

49 Existed before John's day (17:8—

50 Wasnotinjohn'sJay(17:8-ll)ll)

51 One head is killed (13:3)

•5z 1 heheaa willbe ma^je aUve (l3-3-14)

53 Is revived again in the last daysby Antichrist (17:10-17; Dan, 7:2^^

54 Succeeds 7 world empires(17:9-11)

55 5empireshad faUenbefore John's day - Egypt,Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persia,

and Greece (17:10)

56 The 6th kingdom (Roman Empire) was in John's day (17:10)

57 The 7thkingdo.-, (m.ade i^jof the 10 kingdoms inside the Roman Empire
territory) is not yet come ( 17:10-17; Dan. 7:23-24) 58 The 7th must continue a
short space before A ntichrist co::e= (17:10)

59 The 7thbecomesthe 8th kingdom when Antichrist gets fuU power over the 10
kingdoms (17:9-17)

60 The 3this one of the 7 kingdoms, that is, the 5th that had faUen before John's
day. Thisisinharmony with the facts that the beast was before the 6th and 7th and
is not during the 6th and 7th, and becomes the 8th after the 6th and 7th (17:8-11)
7 proofs Antichrist not from aby ss:
7 proofs Antichrist not from aby ss:

1 Only a person could be refened to in such statements as a beast coming from

the abyss. A kingdom could not possibly come from such a place. This would
mean that every person in the original kingdom would come back to live on
earth again. This is not taught ofonehum.anbeing in Scripture, much less of
thousands of people coming out to carryon with their originalUves and kingdom.
If only a person can be refened to, then it must be either an angel or a hu—jan
being who is no w confined to the abyss and -iU come out to fulflU this
prophecy. It is not necessary to hold that the bea st of the abyss must be a man
brought back from, the dead, or that the beastout of the abyss
andthebeastoutofthe sea must bethe same person 2 The Antichrist or beast out of
the sea of humanity miust be an orJinary mortal because he wlU die at
Armageddon (Dan, 7:11; 8:8, 22, 25; 2 Th. 2:8-9; Rev. 19:20). This would be
impossible if he were some roan resurrected and made imm.ortal during his
second Ufetim.e on earth 3 The doctrine of a resurrection of any man from
corruption to become a mortalagain anddieagain on earthin his second lifetime is
not taught in Scripture(Heb.9:27). Judas, Antiochus Epiphanes, or no other man
is an exception to the law of dying only once and after this the judgment .One
does not have to make the Bible conuadict itself in order to find an explanation
of aU facts 4 ThedocttiDe of a re-incantation is not oiKe mentioned in
Scripture,so this would be im. possible for any hum an being who
evetUvedonearth(Heb. 9:27; Rev. 20:11-15). To be re-incamated one would
have to be bom again in the flesh as a baby.grow to maturity, and go through
every process in his previous lifetime. This is utterly unscriptural. The next time
men are to live in bo dies is in the remrrection when their own grown bodies will
be brought fonh (Dan. 12:2: Jn. 5:28-29; 1 Cor. 15:20-58; 1 Th.
4:16;Phil.3:21;Rev.20:11-15) 5 The abyss is not the place of confinement for
humanbeings who die in theit one and only mortal lifetim.e. It is a place
forconfinementof demons and certain faUen angels (Lk. 8:31; Rev. 9: 1-21;
11:7; 17:8; 20:3,7). Human souls that ate righteous go to heaven at death
(2Cor.5:8; PhiL 1:21-24; Heb. 12:23; Rev.6:9-ll),The wicked go to heU(Lk.
16:19-31;Rev.20:ll-15,notes).Therefore, no human being could ever come out of
the abyss as the Antichrist 6 There is no scripture to prove that Antichrist wiU be
different from any other natural man in his lifetime as to his birth, death, etc. He
wiU merely be used by satanic powers in the last days.It is not necessary forGod
or Satan to caU anyone back from the dead to fulfiU any purpose on earth. If
some man in hi story could fulfiU the prophecies then some man who has never
died can fulfiU them. No re-incama-tion or resurrectionhasbeen necessary for
the operation of supernatural powers ofeitherGodorSatan at any time.

The only thing necessary is the complete yieldedness to the operator

7 That the Antichrist wiU be assassinated in the middle of Daniel's 70th week
and then rise from the dead as an immortal being and an incarnation ol Satan is
unscriptwal. The head wornd-ed to death and revived again has no reference to
Antichrist, but to one of the heads on the beast, which are aU kingdoms and not
menfl7:9-11).The Antichrist ismerelythenumanheadof the 8th kingdom. He is
not any one of the 7 hea js or 10 hoins.T hey symbolize other things before he
even com,es (Dan.7:23-24:Rev.l7:9-ll).A ntichrist wUl never be an incarnation
of Satan, for we see the dragon as a separate person from the beast in aU
Scripture (2 Th.2:8-9; Rev. 13:1-18; 16:13-16: 20: 10). Satan is an angel with his
own body and could never be on the inside of any man boiily (note n, Lk. 22:3)
Beast out of the abyss identified :

The beast out of the abyss is a sacanic angel and not the human spirit of som e
dead man. He does not incarnate himself in the hu.man Antichrist or beast outof
the sea,but merely uses him as a tool to re'^ ive the -Sth or Grecian kiiy-dom. as
the 3ih and last kingdom in iS" times of the Gentiles. This spirit ruled the old
Grecian Empire, the 3th of the 5 kingdoms that had faUen before John's day
(17:10). .yhen his kingdom feU he was confined to the abyss where he remained
during the 6th kingdom (theRomanEmpire, whichwas the one in existence in
Jota's day) and where he has been ever since. He wiU be confined to the abyss
until the 10 kingdoms are form, ed inside the Roman Empire to miake the 7tfa
kingdom of 17:10.He wiU then be loosed ana use the A ntichrist to revive the olc
Grecian Empire as the Sth kingdom of 17:11

This is what the angel meant wbeahe saij the beast was(had existed on earth
before John's Jay), and is not (on the earth in John's day); and shaU ascend out of
the abyss and go to perdition (17:8)

Kingdom/s of this world have always beencontroUedbygodlyor satanic angels

and warson earth are Icstot won as a result ofba tiles in the heavenUes between
the good and bad angels. God plans the rise and faUof certain kingdom,s and
Satan seeks to keep the prophetic ^Jotd from, coming to pa ss (lsa.24:21-23;
25:7;Dan.lO: 13-21: 11: l;12:l;Eph.6:12;Rev. 12:7-^2;16:13-16).InD3n.l0:12-21;
12:1 wehavethe satanic prince of Persia, the prince of Gtecia, Michael, Israel's
prince, and other angeUc rulers mentioned He is the prince of Grecia because:
1 The last visions ot Daniel concern the Grecian Emipire, its 4 diviaons, and the
rise of A ntictaist out of one of them (8:9. 20-25; 11:1-45) 2 The A ntichrist, the
earthlyheadof the Sth kingdom (which is a revival of the 5th kingdom that had
faUen before John'sday-17:10). will come from the Syrian division of the old
Grecian tm-pire(Dan.8:9,20-25; 11:36-45, notes). If he co,yesfrom theold
Grecian Empire and revives it, then it is definite that the spirit out of the abyss is
the prince of Grecia of Dan. 10:20

3 In Dan. 7:23-24 a ntichrist uses one of the 10 kingdoms, the Syrian kingdom,
to overthrow 3 others, that is, the others divisions of the old Grecian Empire of
Dan. 8:9,20-25. This points to the prince of Grecia as the beast out of the abyss 4
The bodyofthe beast of Revelation is like a leopard( 13:2), which, in Dan-iel 7:6,
symbolizes the old Grecian Empire, proving that the kingdom of Antichrist wUl
be mainly Grecian in character andpoUcy, as the Syrian division in Dan,8:9-
14,20-25; 11:21-45. This identifies the beastoftlieabyss as the prince of Grecia 5
Injoel3:6wiihZech. 9;13we have prophecies of the Grecian Empire in the last
days under A ntichrist, proving beyond doubt that the prince of Gtecia is the
spirit of the abyss. This revival of Greece wiU bethe head healed that was
wounded to death (13:3, 12-14). The 8th kingdom wiU be the Revived Grecian
Empire,not the Revised Roman Empire, which is the 7th bead on the beast

Beast out of the sea identified:

1 He is 3 mac (13:13; 2Th. 2:3). See points 7-4^, col. 1

2 Who is r^ A t present he is unknown - not any man now promioent

in world affairs

3 A'hen wiU be come? He will not CO me onthe sceneofaction untU after 10

kingdoms are forme J inade the old Roman Empire territory (Dan. 7:23-24,
note), and until after the rapture of the church(notesf-q, 2Th. 2:7-8). He will
come at thebeginningof Daniel's 70tb week(Dan.9:27;Rev.6:1-2). .yarning: any
speculation regarding any m^an as the Antichrist before then is pure human
guess-work and valueless 4 Where does he come from' : He wiU comeftom
Syria, as proved in Dan. 7: ■23-24; 8:9, 20-25; 11:36-45, notes

5 .Vhai .iUhebecaUed? See 15 titles of Antic-jist. p. 279

6 How long is ne lo be hete '^ For 7 years: 3 1/2 years getting power over the 10
kingdomi s inadethe Roman Em-piretetritory(Dan.7:23-24: 11:36-45); and 3 1/2
kingdomi s inadethe Roman Em-piretetritory(Dan.7:23-24: 11:36-45); and 3 1/2
jeats as ruler over them (Rev.l3:5).SeeT:-.e 70 w eeks , p. 877

7 Where is he to reiga? From Babylon the first 3 1/2 years, or during his rise
lopower(Isa. 14:4-17)and from Jerusalem the last 3 l/2years(Dan. 9:27; 11:
4,';;Mt, 24:15; 2 Th. 2:3-4;Rev. 11:1-2J

8 .yhai power will he have; He will receive power from. Satan (Dan. 8:24;
11:38-39- 2 Th. 2:8-12; Rev. 13:1. 4: 17:12-1'("). The spirit out of the abyss wiU
be Satan's agent ir. dominating the Antichrist (11:7; 17:8) 20fold power he wiU
have power to

1 Bla^heme God (13:5-6; Dan. 7; 8, 20, 25: 11:36)

2 Overcome saints (15:2-4; 20:4-6)

3 Overcomje Jews (13:7; Dan. 7:21; 12:7)

4 Conquer nation s (13:7; Dan. 7: 7-8, 19-24; 11;: 0-45)

5 Destroy mystery Babylon (17:126 KiU the two witnesses (11:7) 17)

7 Changetimes and laws (Dan. 7:25)

8 Understand mysteries (Dan. 8:23)

9 Do as he -iUs (Dan. 11:36)

10 Do miracles(13:13; 2 Th. 2:9)

11 Cause craft to prosper (Dan. 8:25)

12 Control money (Dan. 11:38-43)

13 Deceive many(1.3:1-13;2 Th.2:10)

14 Conuact with Israel (Dan. 9:27)

15 ControlreUgion(13:l-18; Dan. 11:

16 CoatrolUvesofm.en(13:12-18)36)
17 Control kings (17:12-17)

18 Cause nations to fear (13:4)

19 Fight against Christ (19:19-21)

20 Reign for 42 months (13:5)

For ever and ever (19:3)

Used 13 times in Revelation o£

1 Worship of God and the Lamb (1:6; 5:13; 7:12)

2 God Uvingfor ever and ever (4:9-10; 5:14; 10:6: 15:7)

3 God 4nd Christ reigning for ever and ever (11:15)

4 SmiOkeof eternal torment ascending up for ever and ever(14:9-11; 19:3)

5 Torment of the wicked forever and ever (20:10)

6 Saints reigning for ever and ever (22:5)

Heavenly horses m.entioned in Scripture (19: liy

1 Christ rides one (v 11,19,21). This is not the same as the white horse in Rev.
6:1-2, which is Antichrist

2 Armies ofbeaven ridethem (y 14)

3 EUjah was taken to heaven in a chariot drawnbyhorses (2Ki. 2:11-12)

4 EUsha was protected by many chariots drawn by horses r2 Ki. 6:17J

5 Zechariah saw many oorses - red, speckled,and wrlre,or. which rode God's
scouts sent forth into aU the earth (Zech. 1:3-11) 6 Zechariah sawhorses -
red,black, grisled, and bay horses, caUed spirits of the heavens that were
harnessed to chariots going forth through the whole earth witih scouts
forGoa(Zech. 6:1-8) 7 Paul taught that in heaven there ate creatures Uke those
wehave on earth, which means that horses are up there (Rom. 1:20: 1 Cor. 2:9)





3 .-nountain kingdoms and Israel


1 Egypt was the tirst kingdom to oppress Israel Ln the tirres of the Gentiles - that
period ot Israel's history fro—herbeginningasa nation in Egypt to the 2ndadvent
of Christ (Lk. 21:24; Rorr;, 11:25; Rev. 11:1-2). The words Egypt and Egypliap
are used 731 times in Scripture and in nearly every case with Israel. Even until
the Roman Empire" days, Egypt was Israel's bitter enemy, with the exception of
a few periods of friendship. Egypt was the place where Israel became a nation
and where they were oppressed over 30 years before Moses led them out of
bondage (Gen. 15:13-14; Gen. 37 through Ex. i5).Sheis mentioned many times
after this as the oppressor of Israel {1 Ki.l4; 2 Ki. 17: 13:21-19:38; 23:23-37;
25:25-26; 2 Chr. 14:9-12; 16:7-9; Isa. 30-31; Ezek. 29-32V A fter having
oppressed Israel off ana on for over 3,750 years, Egypt will be subject to
Antichrist in oppressingihem again under the 3th kingdom (Dan. 3:21-25; 11:40-
45), She will never be a great world power again (Ezek. 29:15), but will serve
the Lord along with Israel in the eternal kingdom (Isa.11:11-16; 19: 23-25;
27:12-13; Zech. 10:10-11; 14:16-21). See note c, Ps. 30:13

2 Assyria was the second great empire to oppress Israel in the_times_ofihe

Gentiles .FoundedbyNimrod(Gen. 10: ' 3-12) it was a kingdom inferior to Egypt
for 1,300 years. Then God al-i lowed her to chasten Israel (2 Ki. 15-16; 17-19;
23-24). The words A ssyria and A ssyrian are used 175 times and nearly always
in CQnnection with Is- ' rael. She oppressed Israel off and on for about 175
years. Antic.rist will be trie last Assyrian to oppress Israel in the times of the
Gentiles (Isa. 10:20-27; 14:25; 31:4-9; Mic. 5: 5-6).

A ssyria will be blessed in the eternal kingdom along with Israel (Isa. 11:16;
19:23-25). See note c, Ps. 80:13
3 Babylon was the third empire to oppress Isra el in the ri m es of the G entiles.
It isthe firstone mentioned in Daniel, and for this reason many Bible scholars
start the times of the Gentiles with Babylon. But it must be remembered that
both Egypt and A ssyria persecuted Israel before Babylon and much longer. ,vhy
start the times of the Gentiles with the third empire to oppress Israel merely
because Daniel saw those times from Us day forward'? He naturally could not
predict the oppressions o f Israel b y Egypt and Assyria for they were in the past
by the time he lived. Nevertheless, were they not oppressions by the Gen-ales'"
If so, then they rightly belong to the times of the Gentiles. Daniel saw them from
his day forward, while John saw the whole length of the times of the Gentiles
from Egypt to the Revised Roman Empire, the purpose being to identify the 3th
kingdom that will complete the tim«s of the Gentiles Babylon as an inferior
kingdom, helped Assyria against Israel(2Ki. 17: 24-30; 2 Chr. 33:11). She was
chosen of God to uke Judah captive foe 70 yeats(2Ki. 20;Isa. 39;Jer.
24).Babyion is mentioned in Daniel under the head of gold (2:37-33) and a Uon
(7:4-). The word Ba pylon is used 284 times m Scripture nearly always in
connection with israeL She will have a laner day part in oppressing Israel (Isa.
13-14; Jer. 50-51). See p. 308-309

4 Medo-Persia was the 4th empire to oppress Israel in the times of the Gentiles.
It is the 2nd one in Daniel as the breast and arms of silver(2:32,39),the
bear(7:5),andtheram (8:20). It is referred to only 53 linresin Scnpture, but in an
important role(2Ki. 17:6; 18:11; Isa. 13:17: Dan. 5; 10:13-21; 11:1-2; Ezra 1:1-
3: 4:1-9:9; Neh, 1-13). It will fulfill prophecy in the last days under Antichrist
(Ezek. 38-39).Medo-Persia persecuted Israel off and on for over 100 years. See
note c, Ps. 30.13

5 Greece was the 5th empire to oppress Israel in thetimesof theGentiles and the
3rd one Ln Daniel. It is sym^bolized in Daniel by the belly and thighs of
brass(2:32, 33), as the leopard (7:6), and as the he-goat (8:5-9,20-25).It is only
mentioned by name 9 times in Scripture, due to the fact it existed between the
Old and New Testament times. Sheis mentioned manytimes in the books of
Maccabees in the Apocrypha. Practically aU of Dan. 8, 11 an d 12: Rev. 6:1-3;
13:1-13; 17:9-17: 19: 19-21 must be understood in connection with Greece
which will be revived again as the ^th kingdom. Greece and the Syrian and
Egyptian parts of the empire persecuted laaeloff andon for over 250 yean. The
Grecian empire is the 5thhead on the beast of Rev. 17:9-11, which was (before
John), is not (In john'sday),andbecomes revived as me 8th and last kingdom to
oppress IsraeL She is the head that was wounded to death and madeaUve again
(13:3,12) 6 Rom e was the 6th empire to oppress Israel in the times of theGentil
(13:3,12) 6 Rom e was the 6th empire to oppress Israel in the times of theGentil
es and the 4th in Daniel. It is symbolized in Daniel as the legs ofiron (2:33,40),
the non-descript beast (7:7-3, 23-24), and tne 6th head on t.e beast (Rev.l7:9-17).
Rome oppressed Israel over 200 years and dispersed the Jews, 70 A. D. (Dan.
9:26-27; Mt. 24:1-3; Lk. 21:20-24. notes). It is from this territory that the next
two kingdoms will arise 7 Revised Rome will be the next em-pire m entioned in
Scripture as oppress-inglsrael in the times of the Gentiles. Thi' kingdom will be
made up ot 10 kingdoms inside t he Roman Empire territory in the last da ys. For
this rea son we caU it the Revised Roman Empire, not the Revived. It the Roman
Empire were to be revived it would be one kingdom mledby one man from
Rome, butinstead 10 separate kingdoms ruled by 10 kings and with 10 separate
capitals wUl be formed inside the Roman i Empire territory. This is symboUzed
in j Danielbythe 10toes(2:40-45) and 10 i horns (7; 7-8, 19-24), and by 10 horns
in Rev. 12:3; 13:1; 17:9-17 |

10 proofs toes and horns the same:

(1) The number is the samie (12:3: 13:1; 17:12: Dan. 2:40-45; 7:7-27)

(2) They all exist together and fight Christ at Armageddon (17:14; 19:11-
21:Dan.2:34-35,44-45: 7:3-14,21-27)

(3) They all exist after Rome and are a revision of it (17:12-17; Dan, 2:44-45:
7:7-3, 23-24)

(4) They will aUbe connected with the same beast at the same time (17: 12-17;
19:19-21; Dan. 7:8,11,21-27)

(5) The little horn of Dan.7:7-8,19-24, and the beast of Rev. 17:9-17 are the
same and will arise after the 10 kings and from among them (17:12-17; Dan.
7:7-8, 23-24) (6) They willbecome subject to the same man at the same time
(13:1-8; 17:12-17; Dan. 7:23-24)

(7) The kingdom of God and Christ wiUbe set up in the days of their existence
(17:14; 19:11-21; Dan. 2:44-45: 7:7-27)

(8) They will give their power to the same manforthe samelength of time (13:5;
17:3-17; Dan. 7:23-25; 12:7)

(9) The 10 horns are the same astne 7ihkiiigdom of Rev.l7:8-17.They succeed
the 6th kingdom ot Rome and precede the 3th or the Antichrist kingdom (17:8-
the 6th kingdom ot Rome and precede the 3th or the Antichrist kingdom (17:8-
17). The 10 toes and 10 horns of Dan. 2:40-45; 7:7-3,23-24 also come out of
Rome, succeed Rome and precede the kingdom of the little horn or the
Antichrist kingdom. Hence, they must be the same (10) The 10 horns in both
books reign both before and a fter the beast or Utile horn. Their reign before him
is different from that after him. Before he comestheyare independent, but after
he comes to power they are subject to him. They control the 7th; he controls
the8thkingdom.Therefore,tney must be the same 8 Revived Greece w ill be die
2nd of the future empires to oppress Israel in the times of tiie Gentiles and the
last world powet to do so. Antichrist will come out of the 10 kingdoms and
overthrow 3 of them. The others wUI submit to him thus formiing the 8th
kingdom (Dan. 7:23-24; Rev. 17:8-17). It wtU be defeated byChrist at His
second advent. This will end the times of the Gentiles The Millennium (20:6):

50 points about the Millennium:

1 DeStation . Latin . miUe, a thousand ,153152^ year. The phrase thousand years
is used 6 times in 20:1-7

2 It is the last aispensation for man before the final removal of the curse (22:3)

In Scripture it is called :

(1) The thousand years reign of Christ (20:2, 4, 5, 6, 7)

(2) The dispensation of the fulness of Draes(Eph, 1:10)

(3) Thedayof the Lord(seep.226, col. 4). Called that day many times in the
prophets (Isa. 2:11; 4:1; 19:21; 24:21; 26:1; Ezek. 39:22; 48:35; etc.) (4) The
world (age) to come (Mt. 12:32; Mk. 10:30; Eph,l:21; 2:7; 3:21)

(5) The kingdom of Christ and of God(Eph,5:5; 2 Tim.4:1; Rev. 11:15)

(6) The kingdom of God (Mk. 14: 25; Lk. 19:11; 22:14-18)

(7) The kingdom ofheaven(Mt. 3: 2; 4:17; 7:21; 8:11; 10:7; 18:1-4)

(8) The regeneration (Mt. 19:28)

(9) The times of the restitution Restoration) of aU things(A cts 3:20-21)

(10) The consolation of Israel (Lk. 2:25)

(11) The redemption of Jerusalem (Lk. 2:38)

(12) The kingdom of His dear Son (CoL 1:13: 2 Pet. 1:11)

3 Satan wiLlbebound(Rev.20:1-10)

4 It will be between the second advent and the New Heaven and New Earth
rnote h, 2, 19:19)

5 Tne kingdom will be literal and earthlyflsa. 9:6-7;Dan.2:44-45; 7:13-27; Zech,

14: Lk. 1:32-33: Rev. 5:10: 11:15; 20:1-10; 22:4-5) 6 It will be a theocratic
government (Isa.2:2-4; 52:7;Ezek. 43:7: Dan. 2:44-45; 7:13-14;zech. 14:1-
21;Mt. 25:31-46; Lk. 1:32-33; Rev. 11:15; 20:1-10) 7 Christ wiU rule under God
(Isa. 9: 6-7; Dan. 7:13-14; Lk. 1:32-33)

8 David will rule over all Israel under Christ (Jer. 30:9; Ezek. 34:24; 37: 24-28;
Hos. 3:4-5)

9 The apostles will rule over one tribe each (Mt. 19:28: Lk. 22:30)

10 All saints will have part in ruling as kings and priests (note k, 20:4)

11 World capital will be Jerusalem (Isa. 2:2-4; Ezek. 48: Zech. 14)

12 The kingdom will be world-wide (11:15; Dan. 2:44-45; 7:13-27: Zech, 14)

13 Certain classes will not inherit the kingdom (1 Cor. 6:9; Gal. 5:19-21)

14 Certain classes will be excluded from entrance into the kingdom (Mt, 5: 20;
13:39-50; 24:45-51; 25:31-46;Rev. 14:9-11) 15 The judgment of the living
nations atthe 2nd advent will determine who is worthy of entrance into the
kingdom (Mt. 25:31-46) 16 All nations wiiX be required to send representatives
to Jerusalem once a year to acknowledge Christ (Zech, 14:16-21; Isa. 2:1-4;
35:8-9) 17 The wicked dead will not be resurrected to live again in the
Millennium o r b e given a second chance (Rev. 20:4-6, 11-15; Heb. 9:27) 18
TheeanhwiUnotbedesolateduring the Millennium (Isa. 2:2-4; Zech. 14:16-21; 1
Cor. 15:24-28; Rev. 20: 1-10)

19 There will be civil and religious laws for allnations(Isa. 2:2-4; 9:6-7; 11:3-5:
19 There will be civil and religious laws for allnations(Isa. 2:2-4; 9:6-7; 11:3-5:
65:20; Zech. 14:16-21: 1 Cor. 15:24-28) 20 The Gentile nations wiU be located
in the partof the earth God gave to each nation and race (Dt. 32:8; Acts 17:26)

21 Israel wUI be given all the original promised land (Gen. 15:14-18; 17: 6-19:
Isa. 60:21; Ezek. 47:13-48:35J

22 The world-capital building will be the future Jewish temple at Jerusalem

(Ezek, 43:7; Zech. 6:12-13)

23 A river will flow out from under the temple southward and part into two
branches-one going into the Mediterranean and one into the Dead Sea, the
waters of which will be healed and have many fish (Ezek. 47; Zech. 14:8) 24
There will be earthly priests ana Levites serving in the future temple (Isa.66:19-

25 AU the former sacrifices, feasts, and rituals of the temple worship will be
continued as an eternal memorial of what they were types of before Christ
ftilfilled them (Ezek. 43:19-27; 44:5, 30; 45:17-25; 46:1-24; Zech, 14:16-21; Isa.
66:19-24) 26 The Holy Spirit will be poured out upon aU flesh (Isa. 32:5; Ezek,
36:25-27: Joel 2:28-32)

27 Universal knowledge of the L<xd will be manifest (Isa. 11:9: Zech, 8:22-23)

28 Jews will again be the missionaries to evangelize the nations (Isa. 2: 2-4;
40:9: 52:7; 61:6: 66:18-21; Zech, 8:23) 29 There will be one universal religion
(MaL 1:11; Zech. 14:16-21; Isa. 2:2-4; Joel 2:28-31; Jer. 31:31-36)

30 The glory of God will be continually manifest fIsa.4:4-6;Ezek.43:1-5)

31 Salvation in its fulness will be for all (Joel 2:28-32: Acts 2:16-21; Isa. 2:2-4;
11:9; 52:7; Heb. 8-10)

32 Divine healing for the body will be experiencedbyall(Isa. 32:1-5; 33: 24:35:3-
6; 53:5: Mt. 8:17; 1 Pel. 2:24)

33 There wUI be universal peace (Isa. 2:4; 9:6-7; Mic. 4:3-4: MaL 1:11)

34 Universal prosperity will be a reality(Isa. 2:2-4; 65:20-25;Mic. 4:4-5)

35 The financial system will be as in Israel (Gen. 14:20; 28:22 with Heb. 6: 20:
7:1-10: Mt. 23:23: Rom. 2:22; 1 Cor. 9:7-18: 16:1-3: MaL 3:10-12) 36 Full
7:1-10: Mt. 23:23: Rom. 2:22; 1 Cor. 9:7-18: 16:1-3: MaL 3:10-12) 36 Full
justice will be meted out to aU alike (Isa. 9:6-7; 11:3-5; 65:20-25; 66:1-2: Mt.

37 Human Ufe will be prolonged indefinitely (Isa. 65:20-25~r.Zech. 8:4)

38 Light from the planers'wUl be increased 7fold(Isa. 30^6; 60:18-22)

39 Animal natures willbe changed as before the faU (Isa. 11:6-8; 65:17-25;
Rom. 8:18-23)

40 Deserts wtU blossom again as a rose (Isa. 35:1-10; 55:12-13; Ezek. 36: 8-12;
Joel 2:18-27: 3:17-21; Amos 9; 13-15)

41 Love and righteousness will prevail (Isa. 9:6-7; 11:5:32:1-5:65:17-25)

42 The Jews wiU be the head of all nations under the Messiah(Dt.28:1-14)

43 The test for man will be to obey Christ, the resunected saints, and the laws
(Ps. 2; Rev. 2:26-27; 5:10; 11: 15: 12:5; 20:1-10) 44 Fruitful seasons will be
enjoyed withoutinterruption(Isa.30:23-25; 33: 20-21; 35:6-7; 41:17-18; 49:10:
Ezek. 34:26; 47:1-12; Zech. 14:8) 45 Material blessings will fill the earth (Isa.
29:17:30:23-24:32:15; 35: 1-7:41:19; 49:9-10; 51:3; 55:13; 60:5-17; 62:8-9; Jer.
31:27-28;E^<. 34:27; 36:25-35; Joel 3:18: Amos 9:13) 46 Waste places of the
earth will be restored to usefulness (Isa. 32:16-18; 49:19; 52:9; 61:4-5; Ezek.
36:8-38: Amos 9:14-15; Acts 15:13-18) 47 Great highways will cover the earth
(Isa. 11:16; 19:23-25; 35:7-8)

48 Normal increase of mankind (Gen. 1:26-28; 9:12;Isa. 9:6-7: 59:20: 65:20-25;

Jer-30:19; 33:22; Hos. 1:10)

49 lofold purpose of God in the Millennial reign ot Jesus Christ?

(1) To put down rebellion on earth, so that God maybe all and aU again as
before rebellion by Lucifer and Adam (lCor.l5:24-28;Heb. 2:7-9:Eph.l:10) (2)
To fulfill the everlasting covenants made with Abraham(Gen.l2; 13: 15; 17),
Isaac (Gen. 26), Jacob (Gen. 28), David (2 Sam. 7), and others (Mt. 26:28: 2Cor.
3:6-15; Heb. 7; 8; 9; 10) (3) To vindicate and avenge Christ and the saints(Mt.
26:63-66; Rom. 12: 19;Ps. 2; Isa. 63; Rev. 1:7; 6:9-11; 19: 1-10; 1 Pet. 1:10-12;
2 Tim. 4:7-8; Rom. 8:17-21) (4) T 0 restore Israel and deliver them from the
nations and make them the head of aU nations forever(A cts 15: 13-18;
nations and make them the head of aU nations forever(A cts 15: 13-18;
Mt,24:31: Isa. 11:10-12; Ezek. 20:33-44; Dt. 28) (5) To exalt the saints of aU
ages to a kingly and priestly position according to their works (Rom. 8:17-21;
14: 10: 2Cor. 5:10-11; Phil.3:20-21;CoL 3:4: 1 Pet. 1:10-13; 5:1-4; Rev. 1:5;
2:26-27; 5:10; 11:15-18; 12:5; 20:4-6j (6) To gather together in one all things in
heaven and in earth(Eph.l: 10)

(7) To judge the nations in righteousness and restore the earth to its rightful
owners (Isa. 2:2-4; 11:1-11: Ml. 25:31-46: Dan. 7:9-27) (8) To restore a
righteous and an eternal government on earth as originally planned (Isa. 9:6-7;
11:1-9; 42:

Continued, next page





1-5; Dan. 2:44-45; 7:13-27; Lk. 1:32-33; Rev. 11:15; 20:4-6; 22:4-5)

(9) To fulfill hundreds of prophecies coDcemlng the eternal reign o f the

Messiah (Dan. 9:24; 1 Pet. 1:10-13; Acts 3:20-21) (10) To restore all things as
before sin entered the world (Acts 3:20-21; Isa. 66:22-24; 2 Pet. 3:10-13;

50 The Millennium will end in one more short period of rebellion. Then the final
desuuction of all rebels wiU take place, lea Vina the saints, natural and
resunected, in charge of the eternal perfect earth (Rev. 20:7-10; 21:1-22:5; 2 Pet.
3:10-13; Isa. 66:22-24) 7 judgments of Scripture (20:11):

1 Judgment ol believers' sins in the cross of Christ (jn. 12:31-32)

(1) Subjects : believers as to an (Rom. 6:10; Heb. 9:25-28)

(2) Time: on the cross (Jn. 3:14; IPet. 2:24; Jn. 17:4)

(3) Place: Calvary(Lk,23:33;Jn. 19)

(4) Basis: Christ's perfect work (Jn. 3:16: 5:24; Rom. 6:8)

(5) Result: d eathtoChrist;lifetobe-lievers(Rom.4:l-24; 5:1-21; 8:1-16)

2 Believers' self-judgment throu^-out life (1 Cor, 11:31-32)

(1) Subjects: believers walidng in the light (1 jn. 1:7)

(2) Time: every day(Rom. 6:16-23; 8:l-13TIp[r. 4:22-32; CoL 3:5-17)

(3) Place: in the earth (Rom. 8:1-16; He'Fm:5-ll)

(4) Basis: obedience to God and His vVord(Jas. 1:22-25)

(5) Result: chastisement or approval from God (Heb. 12:5-11)

3 Judgment of Israel for her many centuries of rebellion(Ezek. 20:33-44)

(1) Subjects: the Uvlng Jews of the future tribulation (Zech. 12:10-13:1)

(2) Time: during the great tribulation (JerT^ 3-11; Mt. 24:4-15; Dan. 9:27; 12:1)

(3) Place: Palestine, Edom, and Moab (Zech. 12:1-14:21; Dan. 11:40-45; Isa.
16:1-5; Ezek. 20:33-44; Hos. 2:14-17; Mt.24:15-31; Rev.l2:6, 14) (4) Basis:
obedience to God and His Worcl(Jas. 1:22-25)

(5) Reailt: conversion of Israel as a nation at the2ndadvent(Isa. 1:27; 66: 7-

8;Jer.30:3-ll;Ezek.22:19-22;Zech. I 12:10-13:l;Mt. 23:37-39; 24-31; Rom.
11:25-29) 4 Judgment of angels for rebeUion against God (2 Pet, 2:4; Jude 6-7)

(1) subjects: fallen angels(2Pet.2: 4; jude 6-7; Rev. 12:7-12; 1 Cor.6:3)

(2) Time: at the great white throne judgmentafter the Millennium (2 Pet, 2:4;
Jude 6-7; Rev. 20:11-15)

(3) Place: before the great white throne in heaven (Rev. 20:11-15)

(4) Basis: obedience to God (2 Pet. 2:4; Ju'3eT-7; Ezek. 28:11-17)

(5) Result : eternal damnation in the lake of Are (Rev. 20:10:Mt. 25:41,46)

5 Judgment of believers' works (Roro. 14:10; 2 Cor. 5:10-11; 1 Cor. 3:11-15,

5 Judgment of believers' works (Roro. 14:10; 2 Cor. 5:10-11; 1 Cor. 3:11-15,

6 Judgment of the J^V}°8 nations at the 2nd advent (Mt. 25:31-46, notes)

7 Tudgment of the wicked dead (Rev. 20:11-15; Acts 17;31; Rom. 2:1^

(1) Subjects:

The wicked dead (v 5-6, 12-15) who are not judged at the judgment of the
nations 1, 000 years before (Mt. 13: 30, 39-50; 24:51; 25:3-46: Rev. 14; 9-
ll;19:20). These include all wicked menfrom Adam to end of Millennium (2)

AEncTofthe Millennium (v 7-15) B When heavens and earth are

renovated by fire (v 11; 2 Pet. 3:7-13;

Heb.l:10-12;12:25-29;Re. 20:11-15)

(3) Place: at the great white throne (v 11; Ps. 9:7-8). The throne is literal and the
white indicates absolute righteousness and justice of the judgment (Ps. 45:6-7;
96:10-13; Jn. 7:24; Acts 17:31; 2 Tim. 4:8), just as white robes indicate the
righteousness of the saints (19:8) (4) Basis: A Lawofconscience(Rom.2:12-8
Lawof memory(Lk. 16:25) 16) C Law of Moses (Rom. 2:12-16) D Law of
character (Heb. 3:8-10; Eph. 4:19) E Gospel (Rom. 2:12-16)

F Records of personal acts (Mt, 12:36:Lk. 12:2-9: Jn. 3:18: Rev. 20:12)

G Thebookof Ufe(Rev. 3:5: 13: 8; 17:8; 20:12,15; 21:27; 22:18-19; Ex. 32:32-
33; Ps. 69:28; Dan. 12:1; Lk. 10:20; Phil. 4:3) H The word of God (Jn. 12:48)

(5) Judges: A God the Father(vl2:Heb, 12:

23-24; 13:4; Rev, 6:10: Rom. 2:12-16) B GodtheSon(jn. 5:19-27: Acts 10:42; 2
Tim. 4:8; Rev. 19.11)

God wiU judge by Jesus Christ. The Father wiU decree, the Son wiU exe- ! cute
(Acts 10:42; 17:31; Rom, 2:16) ]

(6) Nature: It will not be a spiritual, i invisible, endless process but a defi '
nite,literal, visible, and personal trial \ inGod'scourtsimilartoa trial on earth i (V
nite,literal, visible, and personal trial \ inGod'scourtsimilartoa trial on earth i (V
11-15; Ps. 9:8; Mt. 7:2, 21; Acts 17:31; Rom. 2:12-16; Heb. 9:27) (7)
Universality: A The sea gave up the dead in it.

This could only refer to Dodies,for souls and spiritsofthe wicked dead do not
remain in the sea at physical death. They go to hell and await the resurrection of
their bodies (v 13; Lk, 16:19-31; Isa. 14:9). See HeU. p. 620-622

B E)eath gave up the dead that are in it.This could only refer to bodies, for the
body only dies at physical death (Jas. 2:26). Soulsare dead in trespasses and in
sins while yet in the body (Mt. 8:22; Eph, 2:1-9; 1 Tim. 5:6). Physical death
only, therefore, could be the reference C HeU delivered up the souls that are in it
(v 13). Souls and not the bodies of the wicked go to hell (see Hell, p. 620-622;
Lk. 16:19-31, notes) (8) Purpose: A To give every man a fair trial

before his eternal punishment (Acts 17:31; Ps. 9:8)

B To judge the secrets of men (Rom. 2:16)

C To judge idle words(Mt, 12:36)

DTo judge all the works, thoughts, actions, and sins of man (1 Tim. 5:24; 1 Pet.
1:17; Rev. 20:12-13; 22:12; Rom. 2:5-6, 12-16) E To mete out degrees of
punishment according to deeds (Mt. 7:2: 10: 15; 11:22-24; 12:41-45; 23:12-
14,33; Mk. 6:11; Lk. 10:14: 11:31-32; Rev. 20:11-15; 22:12) (9) Length: time in
judging all the ^ wicked is not known, but the length of the sentence for all
willbe etemal(Mt. 5:23-30; 10:28: 13:42-50; 18:9; 23:15, 33; 24:51: 25:41,46;
Mk. 9:42-48; Lk. 12:5: Heb. 6:2; 10:26-31;Rev. 2:11; 14: 9-11; 19:20; 20:10-15;
21:8; 22:15; Isa. 56:22-24) (10) Results: all in death and hell sent to the lake of
fire (v 14-15)

8 events between rapture and revelation (19:l)J

1 Presentation before God (Eph. 5: 27: CoL 3:4; 1 Th. 3:13)

2 Saints declared blameless (1 Th. 3:13: 5:23)

3 Settlement in mansions (Jn. 14:1-3; Heb. 11:10-16:13:14; Rev, 3:12)

4 Judgment of saints (Rom. 14:10: 1 Cor, 3:11-15: 2 Cor. 5:10-11)

5 Regular worship (Rev, 19:1-9; Lk. 22:16, 18)

5 Regular worship (Rev, 19:1-9; Lk. 22:16, 18)

6 Routineofliving(Lk.22:29-30; Jm 14:1-3; Rev. 1:6: 1 Cor, 2:9)

7 MarriageoftheLamb(Rev. 19:1-9)

8 Preparation forthe2nd advent,the battle of Armageddon, and the establishment

of an eternal government on earth(Rev.l9:11-21:20: l-10;Zech.l4) The bride of
Christ (21:9):

These verses(9-10) should settle once and forever what the bride of Christ is

What the bride o f Christ is not:

1 It is not Israel of O.T. rimes

2 It is not a part of the N. T. church

3 It is not the whole N.T. church

4 It is not the 144, 000 Jews

5 It is not the tribulation saints

6 It is not any single individual or any one special group of individuals oui of the

7 It is not any one denominarion or all the denominations combined

What the bride of Christ is:

It is " that geat city , the holy Jerusalem" (V 2,9-1 Oy This is what the angel
pointed out to John when he promised to show him the bride, the Lamb's wife -
the Holy City, the heavenly Jerusalem. What a simple revelation!

It is unscriptural to speak of any one companyofredeemedasbeingthe exclusive

bride of Christ, If the city, the New Jerusalem, is the bride, then all who go to
live in the Holy City mal<e up the bride and not just a part of them A11
redeemed will live in the city:

1 The O.T. saints were promised the New Jerusalem (Heb, 11:10-16)
2 The early church was promised the city(jn. 14:1-3: Heb. 13:14)

3 EveryChristian is promised the city (Rev. 3:12: jn. 14:1-3; Heb. 12:23)

4 The 144,000 Jews will b e there (Rev. 7:1-8: 12:5: 14:1-5)

5 The tribulation saints will go there (Rev. 6:9-11: 7:9-17; 15:2-4: 20:4-6j

Therefore, we conclude that since all saints in the first resurrection (from Abel to
the la St one saved in the future tribulation) will go to live in the New Jerusalem
that all such saints will be members of the bride. No one person, group of
persons, denomination, mansion, temple or any other building can be called the
city, the Lamb's wife. It takes all to be the city - the bride It would be scriptural,
however, to say concerning the redeemed,that they are now married to Christ
under the terms of the new covenant, that they are citizens of heaven,that they
have a hope of going to live in the New Jerusalem, and that because of this they
expect to bea partofthebrideofchrist or a part of the heavenly city. But no one is
actually a part of the bride until he begins to Uve in the city, which is the bride,
the Lamb's wife (v 9-10) Students forcenturieshave called the church the bride of
Christ but thisis unscriptural. The church will become a part of the bride when
its membersbe-gintolive in the New Jerusalem but it will not be the exclusive
bride of Christ, aU the redeemed of all other ages will also be a pan of the bride
(V 9-10) The wife of Christ (21:9):

Gr, gune , a woman, married or un-marned; a wife. Trans, woman 129 times and
wife 92times. That it refers to single women and widows as well as married
women is clear from Lk, 4:26; 10:38;jn.l9:26; 20:11-15:1 Tim,5:2, 14.
Therefore, the theory based upon ; this word that Israel is the bride of Christ
because she is miarricd to God is ] not proved.The Gr.for bride is numphe. , It is
trans , bride (jn. 3:29; Rev. 18:23; | 21:2, 9; 22:17) and daughter-in-law (Mt.
10:35: Lk» 12:53). The wife or bride here is the Holy City, the New Jerusalem,
and is the same as the wife in 19:7, which is the redeemed of all ages who
wUlhave part in the first resurrection and who will live in the New Jerusalem
forever. Just because the wife of 19:7is not called a bride is no proof that she is
not a bride. Are not all women who marry called brides'!' It is true that Israel is
married to God (see p, 307, col. 1), but this is no proof that she is the wife and
bride of Rev, 19:7; 21:2, 9; 22:17

8 proofs the Church is now married:

1 Jesus called Himself the bridegroom of Christians (Mt. 9:15; Mk. 2:19-20: Lk.
1 Jesus called Himself the bridegroom of Christians (Mt. 9:15; Mk. 2:19-20: Lk.

2 John called Christ the bridegroom fJn.3:29).TheGr. word for brideyoom in all
these passages is numpmos , a newly married man 3 Christians are married to
God and Christ underthe terms of the N. T. as Israel was married to God
underthe terms of the O.T. (Mt.26:28; Lk. 22: 20; 2 Cor. 3: Heb. 12:24)

4 Paul taught fliat Christians are married to Christ by the new covenant (Rom.

5 Paul taught that O. T. saints will notbe perfected apart from N.T. saints
fHeb.ll:40).This means that all will De perfected together as those who make the
inhabitants of the New Jerusalem, the Lamb's wife 6 Jesus in Rev. 22:16-17,
after the ascension, recognized that believers on earth were already His bride or
were to be a part of Ftts bride 7 Paul in ICor. 11:3; 12:12-28; Eph, 4:12-16; 5:25-
33 used the marriage relationship to illustrate and teach the relationship of Christ
to His church, proving Christians are now married to Christ 8 Paul taught that
believers ate now joined to the Lord or married to Him in one Spirit, as Israel
was in the O.T. days (Isa. 56:6; Jet, 50:5) Marriage of Christ completed

It is clear from the above that Christians are now married to Christ. It is also
clear from 2 Cor. ll:l-21:Rev. 19: 1-10that they are to have final marriage
festivities. The seeming difference maybe explained by Hebrew custom (note a,
Mt. 1:18). The betrothed parties were legallyin the position of a married couple
and unfaithfulness in this period was adultery(Dt. 22:23; Mt, 1:19). The
concluding festivities took place at the actual time of coming together as man
and wife at which time a marriage supper wasgiven. The marriage was
consummated by entrance into the wedding chamber. The marriage supper of the
Lamb in Rev. 19 is simply the concluding ceremony, not the marriage contract
entered into at conversion 7 "new" things in Revelation: (2llS)

1 Newnameforovercomers(2:l7; 3:

2 Newnamefot Christ (3:12) 12)

3 New Jerusalem (3:12; 21:2)

4 New songs (5:9: 14:3)

5 New Heaven (21:1; 2 Pet. 3:13)

5 New Heaven (21:1; 2 Pet. 3:13)

6 New Earth (21:1: Isa. 65:17: 66:22)

7 All things new, referring to the renewal of the heavens and earth and all things
previously cursed (21:1-22:5)

21 other "new " things in Rev, 21-22:

1 New city on earth (v 2-3,10-27)

2 New and visible presence of God the Father on earth (v 3-7; 22:3-5)

3 New earth conditions (v 4-7)

4 New water of life for all men on earth (V 6: 22:1, 17)

5 New realization o f eternal i n-heritances for all men (v 7)

6 Ne w segregation between godly and ungodly (V 8-27:22:15;Isa,66:22)-

7 New and eternal relationship (21: 3-10, 24-27; 22:1-5)

8 New eternal generations of natural people (V 3-7,24-27; 11:15; 22:4-5: Gen.

8:22: 9:12; 13:15; 17:7,19: Ex. 3:15: Dt. 5:29; 29:29; 2 Sam, 7:24-26; 1 Chr.
23:25;Ps. 45:17: 72:5; 89:4; 102: 12,24:106:31; 145:13; 146:10: Isa. 9: 6-7; 51:8:
59:21; Jer, 31:35-36; 32:38-40;Ezek.37:24-28: 43:7; Dan, 2:44-45; 7:13-14, 18,
27; L k, 1:32-33, 55: Heb. 12:28) 9 New traffic in the new city (v 24—

10 New river on earth (22:1) 27j

11 New food for the new natural people (22:1-2, 14)

12 New and eternal health (22:1-14)

13 New earth inhabitants - the resurrected people residing in the new Jerusalem
(21:2, 9-10: 22:1-5)

14 New location for the capital of the universe (21:2, 9-10, 24-27: 22:4-5)

15 New method of livingforever (22:

16 New kinds of fruit (22:2) 2)

17 New and eternal King and kingdom on earth(21:3-7: 22:1-5)

18 New unity between heaven and earth(21:3-7,24-27; 22:3; Eph. 110)

19 New and eternal responsibility of man in carrying out the original plan (21:3-
7, 24-27; 22:1-5; Isa. 45:18; Gen. 1:26-28) 20 New future for natural and
resurrected men (21:3-7, 24-27: 22:1-5: Eph. 2:7)

21 New and eternal tealization o f God's plan for man fulfilled (21:2-7, 24-27;





Restitution of all things (Acts 3:21):

The fallof mandoesnot do away with the original plan to replenish the earth with
natural people. It only postpones it until the time of the restitution of aU things
(Acts 3:21). Then all things will continue as they would ha ve if man had not
fallen If one can realize what wonderful conditions would be on earth today if
sin, sickness, death, and the curse had not come, and then transfer that idea to the
New Earth,he can fully understand the eternal conditions on earth. Children will
be bom eternally and natural life will continue perpetually. Planting,harvesting,
summer, winter, cold, heat, day, and night, times and seasons, and every other
pha se of natural life asbeforethe fall will be fully realized forever (Gen. 8:22;
9:12; Isa. 66:22-24; 2 Pet. 3:13) David's earthly kingdom will be the
headofallnaturalearthlykingdoms of Gentilesforever(v 24-26; 2 Sam. 7:11-17,24-
29; Ps. 89:3-4,35-37; Isa. 9:6-7; Ezek. 43:7-9; Dan. 2:44-45; 7:13-14, 18,27; Lk.
1:32-33; Rev. 11:15; 22: 4-5). These and all the wonderful conditions of the
Millennium on p. 311-312 will continue on earth forever <i32J "IT IS DONE"
(21:6) - WHAT IS DONE? (SLV 12-fold plan of God completed

1 Sinful career of immediate heavens and earth ended (21:3-7; 22:3)

2 Renovation of heavens and earth (2 Pet. 3:5-13; Heb. 1:10-12; 12:25-28)

3 "All things" made new (21:5)

4 AU rebels put down (1 Cor. 15:24-28)

5 Man purged of all possibility of rebellion (21:3-8; Eph. 1:10; 2:7; 3:11)

6 The curse removed (21:3-8; 22:3; 1 Cor. 15:24-28)

7 Earth turned back to God (Acts 3:21-22; 1 Cor. 15:24-28; Eph. 1:10; Isa.

8 Rebels judged and confined to hell (20:11-15; Mt. 25:41,46; Isa. 66:22-24)

9 God recognized again as Supreme Ruler of the universe as before rebellion

(21:3-8; 1 Cor. 15:24-28; Eph. 1:10; 3:11) 10 God's original plans for free wlUs
and the universe realized (Eph. 3:9-11)

11 God's form of government and His own being vindicated before all free wiUs
in the universe (Eph. 3:9-11; 2 Pet. 3:9) 12 God's throne and headquarters moved
from the third heaven and established on earth (21:3-22:5)

2 classes of eternal people (20:4):

If one will keep in mind that there will be two classes of eternal people, eternal
conditions on earth will be simple to comprehend:
297 Jealousy among brethren (Mt. 20: 24-28)

298 Shifting responsibility (Mt,23:l -4)

299 Working for praise (Mt, 23:5)

300 Loving chief seats (N'C 23:6)

301 Loving human pcaise. (Mt.23:7)

302 Loving human titles (Mt. 23:7-125

303 Shutting heaven against men (Mt, 23:13)

304 Living fietentious lives (Mt, 23:14)

305 Zeal in making men sinful(Mt,23:15)

306 Making false vows (Mt, 23:16-221

307 S trie tness in non-essentials, out looseness in morals (Mt. 23:23-2^

308 Zeal for outward show, but not inward cleansing (Mt. 23:25-26)

309 Being self-conceited (Mt.23:29-33)

310 Unreadiness (Mt, 24:43 -44)

311 Unwatchfulness (Mt. 25:1-13)

312 Slothfulness in business(Mt,25:14-30)

313 Unfaithful in trust (Mt, 25:45-51)

314 Denial of Christ (Mt. 26:69-75)

315 Denial of resurrection of Jesus (Mt. 28:12-15; 1 Cor. 15:1-19) 27)

316 Striving over leadership (Lk. 22:24—

317 Wilful bUndness to truth (In. 9:41; 15:22-24)

317 Wilful bUndness to truth (In. 9:41; 15:22-24)

318 Betraying Jesus (Jn. 19:11)

319 Arresting Jesus (Jn. 19:11) 19)

320 Crucifixion of JesusjTActs 2:23; 3:14—

321 Lying to the Holy Ghost (Acts 5:3)

322 Being stiffnecked (Acts 7:51)

323 Martyrdom of Christians (Acts 7:60)

324 Persecution ofChristians(Acts 8:1-3; 9:1-2; Gal. 1:13; 1 Tim, 1:13)

325 Seeking to buy power(Acts 8:18-23)

326 Opposition to me gospel (Acts 13:6—

327 FaiUire to glorif>' God (Rom.1:21) 12)

328 Unthankfukiess (Rom. 1:21)

329 Professing to be wise (Rom, 1:22)

330 Changing God's glor\' (Rom. 1:23)

331 Abandonment to lusts (Rom, 1:24)

332 Changing truth to Ues (Rom, 1:25)

333 Worshipping and serving creatures more tnan the Creator (Rom, 1:25)

334 Vile affections (Rom, 1:26)

335 Living contrary tonature(Rom.l:26)

336 All unrighteousness (Rom. 1:29)

337 Fornication (Rom, 1:29; 1 Cor, 5)

338 Wickedness (Rom. 1:29)

338 Wickedness (Rom. 1:29)

339 MaUciousness (Rom. 1:29)

340 Murders (Rom. 1:29; GaL 5:21)

341 Debates (Rom. 1:29; 2 Cor. 12:20)

342 MaUgnity (Rom. 1:29)

343 '.•.Tusperings (Rom. 1:29)

344 Backbiungs (Rom, 1:30)

345 Hatred of God (Rom, 1:30)

346 Despitefulness (Rom, 1:30)

347 Pride (Rom, 1:30)

348 Boastings (Rom. 1:30)

349 Evil inventions (Rom. 1:30)

350 Disobedience to parents (Rom, 1:30)

351 Without natural affection (Rom, 1:31)

352 Implacableness (Rom. 1:31)

353 UnbeUef (Rom, 3:3; 11:20)

354 Cursing and bitterness (Rom. 3:14)

355 Divisions (1 Cora:10; 3:3)

356 Effeminacy (1 Cor. 6:9)

357 Revilings (1 Cor. 6:9)

358 Extortion (1 Cor.6:9)

359 CounterfeitingChristianwork(2Cor, 11:12-20)

359 CounterfeitingChristianwork(2Cor, 11:12-20)

360 Wraths(2Cor.l2:20; GaL 5:19-21)

361 Strifes (2 Cor. 12:20; Gal. 5:19-21)

362 SwelUngs (2 Cora2:20)

363 Tumults (2 Cor, 12:20) 364Uncleanness(2Cor,12:21,noted) 21)

365 Lasciviousness(2Cor.l2:21;Gal,5:19—

366 Perverting the gospel (Gal, 1:7-11; 2:11-14)

367 Living in the flesh (GaU 3:3; 5:16-26; Rom. 6:14-23; 8:1-13)

368 Being puffed up (1 Cor. 4:18)

369 Falling from grace (Lk. 8:13; Gal. 1: 6-8; 4:9-11; 5:1-4; CoL 1:23; Heb.
12:12-15;2Pet.l:4-ll;2:20-22;Rev. 2:5).See BacksUding in Index 370

The sins above are most of those actually committed as recorded in Scripture.
The 2,713 commands ofthe law of Moses (p. 113of the O.T.),andthe 1,050
commands ofthe N. T. (p. 313-316) reveal many hundreds of other kinds of sins
that condemn men in every age See the following lists of soul damning sins (Mk.
7:19-21; Rom. 1:29-32; 1 Cor, C:9-10; 2 Gbr. 12:20-21; GaL 5:19-21; Eph.4:17-
32; 5:3-21; CoL3:5-10;lTim, 1:8-21; 4:1-8; 5:11-13; 6:3-10; 2 Tim, 3:1-13; 4:1-
4; Heb, 12:12-17; 1 Pet. 3: 8-13; Rev, 21:8; 22:15) Complete Concordance


Cyclopedic Index



Every word in the Bible is listed in this Index in alphabetical order, besides
many other words related to Scripture but not actually found in the text itself. A
number, in parenthesis, following a word tells how many times it is used in the
Bible. Aaron (403), for instance, means that the word Aaron occurs 403 times
Bible. Aaron (403), for instance, means that the word Aaron occurs 403 times
throughout the text of both Testaments.The number , without parenthesis,
following a subject or word indicates the page on which a comment is made
about that subject or word. If this number is followed by a dash and another
number thus; -1, it means the note wiU be found in column 1. The figure 4
written thus would mean column 4

A small letter of the alphabet precceding any page number is a reference letter
showingexactly where to find the comment in a certain column. For instance,
under Aaron (403), the subject. Brother of Moses, is followed by: d 68-1, This
means that itisdiscussed in note d, page 68, column 1. The New Testament
references and page numbers are distinguished with an asterisk. Had the note on
Brother of Moses been in the New Testament it would have been marked thus: d
oi-1*. Ofthe 12,143 Eng. Bible words below, about 89% or 10,822 have
complete references Symbols explained:

* by a verse indicates a prophecy ► indicates a promise

• indicates a command

■ shows a definite message from God

A (9,888). The flrstletlerof almost all alphabets. In Heb.it is aleph; in Gt. alpha

Aaron (406) , mountaineer. 74 facts Brother of Moses, d 68-1; c 136-4 First high
priest, f 68-1; k 93-1 First called Levlte, g 68-1

4 sons of, c| 70-1

Moses' helper, Ex. 4:14-Dl. 32:50

Garments of, Ex, 28:2-38, notes

Crown of, h 94-1

Weakness of, d 99-1

Ridiculous excuse for sin, d 99-1

On probation for sin, e 100-1

14 steps in backsUding, 119

21 acts in ministry, b 128-1

Priesthood confirmed by rod,f-n 176—

Priesthood renewed, e 176-4 1

Death of, e 195-1

Sanctified for 4 reasons, a 444-4

5 times mentioned in N. T.,Lk. 1:5; Acts 7:40; Heb. 5:4; 7:11; ft4

Christ 22 ways bener, 257* Aaronites (2), 1 Chr. 12:27; 27:17 Aaron's (30). 28
facts about: Rod, 3 things about, n 176-1; Ex. 7: 12; Num. 17:10; Heb. 9:4 Son,
1 time, Ex. 6:25 Sons, 16 times, Ex. 28:1; 29:28; Lev, 1:5-11; 2:2; 3:2-8;
7:31:8:13, 24; 9:12, 18; 24:9 Garments, Ex. 28:3; Ps. 133:2 Heart, Ex. 28:30
Forehead, Ex. 28:38 ConsecratioD, Ex. 29:26 Head, Lev. 8:12 Right ear. Lev.
8:23 Hands, Lev. 8:27 Beard, Ps. 133:2 Abaddon (1), angel of abyss. Rev. 9:11.
.■\b ad don is trans, destruction in Job 26:6: 28:22; 31:12: Ps.38:U; Pr. 15:U
Abagtha (1), one of 7 eunuchs, Esther 1:10 Abana (1),river of Syria, 2 Ki. 5:12
Abarim (4), mountain range east of Dead Sea,i 187-4; Num. 27:12; 33: 47: Dt.
32:49 ■Abase (4), to bring down, humble. Job
roU:Isa.31;4;Ezek.21;26;Dan.4:37 Abased (4), Mt, 23:12; Lk. 14:11; 18: nrPhn.
4:12 Abasing (1), 2 Cor. 11:7 Abated (6). decreased, lessened. Gen. 8:3-
U:Lev.27:18:Dt.34:7;Ju«ig.8:3 ■\bba (3), defined, k 52-^^ Mk. 14:36 Abda (2),
servant. 2 men , 1 Ki. 4:6; ^Teh. 11:17 Abdeel (1). servant of God, Jer. 36:26
Abdi (3), servant of Jehovah. 3 tnen. rcht.6:44; 2Chr,29:12;Ezral0:26' Abdiel (1),
servant of God, IChr. 5:15 Abdon (8), servitude. 4 men, Judg, 12: HTlo; IChr.
3:23,30:9:36: 2 Chr. 34:20. City in Asher, Josh. 21:30; 1 Chr. TTli Abed-nego
(15), servantof Nebo,Dan. 1:7: 2:49; 3:12-30. Called Azariah , Dan. 1:6 Abel
(15), vanlr>',Gen. 4:2-9. 25: Mt. 25:35; Lk. 11:51; Heb. 11:4; 12:24. A stone , g
300-1. A city, d 352-1. 6 things about , i 253-1* Abel-belH-maachah (2), city,
d352-1 Abel-n-.^irr., 2 Chi. 16:4 Abel-meholah (3). c 274-1 Abel-mizraim (1).
Gen. 50:11 Abel-shntimT l), Num. 33:49 Abez (1), g town. Josh. 19:20 Abhor
(19). 5 things to abhor : 1 Idols (Dt. 7:25-26)

2 Myself (Job 42:6)

3 Bloody men (Ps. 5:6)

3 Bloody men (Ps. 5:6)

4 Lying (Ps. 119:163)

5 Evil (Rom. 12:9)

5 things not to abhor :

1 God's people (Lev. 26:11-12)

2 God's judgments (Lev. 26:15)

3 Neighbors (Dt. 23:7)

4 The afflicted (Job 30:10)

5 Justice (Mic. 3:9)

Lev. 26:30, 44; 1 Sam. 27:12; Jer. 14:21: Amos 5:10; 6:8
AbhorTed(19).Ex.5:21;Lev.20:23; 26:


21; lKi.ll:25:Job 19:19; PSk22:24;

78:59; 89:38; 106:40; Pr. 22:14) Abhorrest (2). Isa. 7:16: Pom. 2:22 Abhorreth
(5),Job 33:20; Ps. 10:3: 36: 4: 167:18: Isa. 49:7 Abhorring (1), Isa. 66:24 Abi(l),
mother of Hezekiah. 2 Ki. 18:2 XBIa (3). 2 men , 1 Chr. 3:10; Mt, 1:7; —n. 1:3

Abiah (4),Jehovah is Father. Same as

Abi and Abia in meaning. 4 men -

1 woman, 327 Abi-albon (1), father of strength, 2

Sam. 23:31 6:24

Abiasaph (1), father of gathering, Ex. Abi athar (31).father of plenty ,e 317-4;

rTST^l*: 1 Sam. 22:20-22; 23:6-9:

30:7; 2Sam. 8:17; 15:24-35; 17:15;

30:7; 2Sam. 8:17; 15:24-35; 17:15;

19:11; 20:25; lKi.l:7-4-2; 2:22-35;

4:4: Mt. 2:26 Abiathar's (1). 2 Sam. 15:36 Abib( 6),tirsi month of Jewish

236: Ex. 13:4; 23:15:34:18; Dt.l6:l Abida (1), father of knowledge, 1 Chr.

1733 25:4

Abidah (1), father of knowledge,Gen. Abidan (5),fatherofajudge,Num.l:ll:

T:^: 7:60, 65; 10:24 Abide (81). 4 things to abide in:

1 The secret place (Ps. 91:1)

2 Christ On. 15:1-7; 1 Jn. 2:24-28)

3 The love of Christ (Jn. 15:10)

4 One's own calling(1 Cor. 7:20) Abideth (30). 9 things that abide for ever:

1 larth (Ps. 104:5; 119:90; EccLl:4)

2 Mt, Zion (Ps. 125:1)

3 God's wrath on sinners (Jn. 3:36)

4 Sons in God's house Qn. 3:35)

5 Faith, hope, love (1 Cor. 13:13)

6 God's faithfulness (2 Tim. 2:13)

7 High-priesthood of Christ (Heb.7:3)

8 Word of God (1 Pet. 1:23) 2:17)

9 The one who does God's will(l Jn. Abiding (9).Num. 24:2;Judg. 16:9,12;

TSam. 26:19:1 Chr. 29:15:Lk. 2:8; Jn. 5:38: Acts 16:12; 1 Jn. 3:15 Abi el (3),
father of strength. 2 men, r301-4; p 308-1 Abi-ezer (7), father of strength. 2 men,
father of strength. 2 men, r301-4; p 308-1 Abi-ezer (7), father of strength. 2 men,
Jodi.l7:2; Judg. 6:34; 8:2; 2 Sam. 23:27: 1 Chr. 7:18; 11:28; 27:12 Abi-ezrite
(1),descendant of Abi -ezer, Judg. 6:11 8:32

Al3i-ezerites (2), q 272-1; Ju^.6:24; Abigail (fTf, father of exultation Wife of

David, 1 319-4; 1 Sam. 25:3-~^. 27:3: 30:5; 2 Sam. 2:2; 3:3; 17: 25:1 Chi. 2:16-
17: 3:1 Sister of David, 3 348-4; 2 Sam. 17: ~ll^l Chr. 2:16 Abigail's gift to
David, g 320-1 lOfold plea of, to David, a 320-4 20 good qualities of, b 321-1
Abihail (6), father of might. 3 men -

1 woman, a 348-4

Abihu {12),He(God)is my father. Son

of Aaron, Ex. 6:23; 24:1, 9; 28:1;

Lev. 10:1: Num. 3:2-4; 26:60-61;

IChr. 6:3; 24:1-2

Abihud (1), father of honor, 1 Chr. 8:3

Abijah (20), Jehovahmy father. 4 men :

1 Son of Jeroboam (1 Ki. 14:1)

2 A priest of David (1 Chr. 24:10)

3 Kingofjudah(2 Chr. 11:20-22; 12: 16: 13:1-22; 14:1). Called Abiiam, g. 378-1

4 A returned exile(Neh.l0:7; 12:4,17) Abijam (5), father of light, 1 Ki. 14:

31; 15:1-8.C aUed Abiisllj^ic'i see

Abilene (l),province of Syria,Lk.3:l

Ability (7),Lev. 27:8: Ezra 2:69; Neh.

5:8: Dan. 1:4; Ml. 25:15; Acts 11:

29: IPet. 4:11

Abimael (2), God is my father, Gen.

Abimael (2), God is my father, Gen.

10:28; 1 Chr. 1:22 men:

Abimelech (65), father of the king. 4

1 King of Gerar, b 18-1 (Gen. 20:2-

-6:26) 2SonofGideoo, p 275-1 b-j 275-4 Oudg.8:31: 9:l-56:10:l;2Sain.ll: 3 Sonof

Abiathai(lClir. 18:16) 21) 4Kingof Gath(l Sam.21:10;Ps.34) Abimelech|s (2),
Gen.21:25; Judg. 9:53 Abinadab TT2), father of nobility. 4

men , 328 Abtnoam (4), father of pleasantness. Barak'sfather,Judg.4:6,12;5:l,12

Abiram (ll), father of loftiness. 2 men: 1 A rebel with Korah(Num.16:1-27; 26:9;
Dt. 11:6; Ps. 106:17)

2 Son of Hiel of Jericho (IKi. 16:34) Abishag (5), father of error. David's

nurse and last wife, 1 Ki. 1:3, 15; •2:17-22 Abishai (25), father of gifts. David's
nep&ew, 1 Sam.26:6-9; 2 Sam. 2: 13,24; 3:30; 10:10-14; 16:9-11; 13: 2-12;
19:21:20:6-10; 21:17: 23:18: 1 Chr. 2:16:11:20; 18:12; 19:11,15 Abishalom (2),
father of peace, IKi.

15:2, 10) Abishua (5), father of welfare, 1 Chr.

^74^5, 50: 8:4: Ezra 7:5 Abishur (2), father of a wall, IChr. 5r25'-29 IChr. 3:3

Abital (2). father of dew, 2 Sam. 3:4; Abitub (l), fatherofgoodness, IChr. 8:
Abiud (2).faiherofhonor,Mt.l:13 11 Abjects (l).lowmen,assassins,Ps.35:15 Able
(160j. Used of man as having various abilities,Lev. 25:49; Num. 1:20-45; 1 Cor.
10:13; 2 Cor. 3:6: Eph.3:18; 6:ll-16.Also used of God 15 things God able to do:
1 Give much more (2 Chr. 25:9)

2 DeUver from fire pan. 3:17)

3 Make men of stones (Mt. 3:9)

4 Destroy in heU (Mt.l0:28) 4:21)

5 Perform what is promised (Rom.

6 Reclaim backsliders (Rom,.11:23)

6 Reclaim backsliders (Rom,.11:23)

7 Make one to stand (Rom. 14:4)

8 Give grace to bear temptations (1 Cor. 10:13) 9:8)

9 Make all grace abound (2 Cor,

10 Do above all asking (Eph. 3:20)

11 Subdue all things (Phil. 3:21)

12 Keep all committed to Him (2 Tim. 1:12)

13 Succour the tempted (Heb, 2:18)

14 Save to the uttermost(Hd3.7:25)

15 Keep from falling (Jude 24) Abner (62), father of light, m 308-1

7 steps transferring kingdom, 332 Troublewithl!h-bosheth,1333-l; m De ath of,

b-e, 334-1 333-4

Abner's (1). 2 Sam. 2:31 Aboard (1). went on ship. Acts 21:2 Abode (69).
Defined, b 94-1* Holy Spirit a. upon, Jn, 1:32 Abode not in truth, Jn. 8:44 Make
our a. with him, Jn. 14:23 16 Abodes (1), abode,remained, Judg. 5: Abolish (1),
aU idols, Isa. 2:18 Abolished (5),made void. 2 things a.: 1 L aw of Moses (2
Cor.3:13: Epti.2:15)

2 Death (2 Tim. 1:10. Cp. Isa. 51:6; Ezek. 6:6) some

Abominabl e (23), detestable: loath—

6 tilings abominable to God:

1 Unclean things (Lev. 7:21)

2 Customs of pagans (Lev. 18:30)

3 Idols (2 Chr. 15:8; 1 Pet. 4:3)

4 Sins of men (Ps. 14:1: 53:1)

4 Sins of men (Ps. 14:1: 53:1)

5 Cheating (Mic. 6:10)

6 Lost souls (Rev. 21:8) Abominably (1). 1 Ki. 21:26 Abomination (75),

ble. See Abominations Abonun ation of desolation (2), h 27: l*" Abominations
(73): 20 in Proverbs, e 31, before God, e 216-4 643-1 Of the nations, Dt.18:9;
20:18: 29:17; 32:16;IKi. 14:24: 2Ki. 16:3; 21:2, 11; 2 Chr. 28:3: 33:2;
34:33:36:14 Of Israel ,Ezek. 6:11; 7:3, 8. 20; 8: 67X^7; 11:18, 21; 12:16; 14:6;
16:2,22,36,43,47. 51, 58; 18:13; 20:4, 7, 30; 22:2; 23:36; 44:6 Mother of. Rev.
17:4-5 Abound (19), excel; super-abound in.

Only once in O. T

8 things to abound in:

1 Blessings (Pr. 28:20)

2 Grace (Rom. 5:20; 6:1; 2 Cor. 9:8)

3 Hope (Rom. 15:13)

4 Sufferings of Christ (2 Cor. 1:5)

5 LiberaUty (2 Cor. 8:7)

6 Every good work (2 Cor. 9:8)

7 Everything (2 Cor. 3:7; 9:8; Phil, 1:9; 2 Pet. 1:4-8)

8 thanksgiving (1 Th. 4:1) Abounded (5), Rom. 3:7; 5:15, 20; 2

Cor. 8:2; Eph. 1:8 Th. 1-3

Aboundeth (3),Pr. 29:22;2 Cor. 1:5; 2

Abounding" (3).Pr. 8:24;1 Cor. 15:58; AbouH 613). Mt. 1:11:3:4 Col.:"'

Above (214),Gen. 1:7: Mt. 10:24; etc. Abraham ( 229), father of a multitude

History of, Gen. 11:27-25:11

History of, Gen. 11:27-25:11

3 generations, Adam to, j 10-1 Many servants, f 11-1

10 appearances of God to, k 11-1 Canaan promised to, 1 11-1 Fim mountaineer
on record, nll-1 First man on record to pray,p 11-1 Failed God, s, a 11-4 First
rich man on record, g 11-4 3fold compaiison of seed, d 12-1 Exploit of faith, j-k
12-4 Independence of, a 13-1

4 "look's" of, J 13-1

New experience of, n 13-1

Prophecy of seed of, o 13-1

Lived 175 years. Gen. 25:7

Many sons of, j 13-4

Perfection dem.anded of, n 14-1

Covenant with, conditional, a 14-4

Aden applied to, b 15-4

7 consecrations of, c 19-4

God's estimate of, f 19-4

Taught moral government, q 15-4

Bodily presence of God to, a 16-1

Poor excuse of, i 17-1

Test of, g 19-1

AS a prophet, b 19-4; m 20-4

Faith of. c 19-4

Mourning for Sarah, c 20-1

Mourning for Sarah, c 20-1

Provision for sons of. 20

Command to segregate, o 21-4

Second family of, p 22-4

Death of, d 23-1

10commandments unknown to,d 24-1

Understood resurrection, g 24-1

ofold obedience of, m 24-1

Second altar of, b 27-1

Company of nations from, a 34-4

Chronology of seed of, 35

The Abrahamic covenant, 57

Friend of God, e 711-1

Bosom of; c 80-1*

Stm living, c 25-1*: k 49-1*

3 things seen by, g 105-1* Had true faith, m 163-4* Children of, 1 203-4*
Covenant now in force, f 204-1* Father of all, p 267-1* Justified before law, k-0

4 things about, q 253-4* Justified 24 years before circumcision, a-b 163-4*

6 things about, n 253-1* Father of Jews and GentQes,c 163-4* Heir before the
law, f 163-4* .Abraham's bosom (2). Jewish name of paradise below, Lk. 16:22-
23. See HeU Abrahamic covenant, 57

Abraham's (19),Gen. 17:23; 20:18; 21:

11; 25:23: 24:15,34,52,59; 25:7,12,

11; 25:23: 24:15,34,52,59; 25:7,12,

19; 26:24; 28:9; IChr. 1:32; Lk.

16:22; Jn. 8:33-39; Gal. 3:29 Abram (53), exalted father. Gen, 11:

2^31: 12:1-18:13:1-18; 15:1-13;

16:2-16; 17:1-5:1 Chr.l:27; Neh. 9:7 Abram's (7), Gen. 11:26-31:12:17;

ISTTT 14:12; 16:1-2 Abroad (80). Gen. 11:4-9: Mt. 9:36:

nr^O; Jn. 11:52; 21:'23; Rom. 5:5;

Jas. 1:1; etc.

Absalom (102), father of peace History of, b 342-4; 2 Sam. 13:1-20:6 Plot to kill
Amnon, h-m, 343-1 Plot to bring home, a-f 344-1; a-e 344-4 g-h344-4:357

David's lack of wisdom concerning. Hair, 4 lbs. troy weight, a 345-1 Pride of, n
345-1 Tactics in stealing hearts, a 345-4

Coniplete Concordance - Cyclopedic Index

Lowest act of society, j 347-1 Death of. a, f 349-1 Monument of, h-i 349-1 15
steps in rebellion of, 357 Absalom's (5), 2 Sam. 13:4,20; 14:30; 17:20; 18:18
Absence (2), Lk. 22:6: Phil. 2:12 Absent (11). Gen. 31:49; 1 Cor. 5:3; TCor. 5:5-
9; 10:1, 11; 13:2. 10; PMl. 1:27; Col. 2:5 Abstain (6), 7 'abstain's, " 313*
Abstinence (1), fasting. Acts 27:21 Abundance (68), great plenty Complaint in, 1
Sam. 1:16 Rain in, 1 Ki. 18:41 Temple materials in, 1 Chr. 2ft2, 21; 2 Chr. 2:9;
4:18 10 tribes became part of Judah in, 2 Peace in.Ps. 72:7 Chr.l5:9

Out of the a. of heart, Mt. 12:34;

Lk. 6:45 Life does not consist of the a. of what

one possesses. Lk. 12:15 Grace in, Rom. 5:17 Revelations in, 2 Cot. 12:7
Abundant (13). 6 abundant things: 1 Goodness and truth (Ex. 34:6)

2 Honor (2 Cor. 12:23-24)

3 Grace (2 Cor. 4:15; 1 Tim. 1:14)

3 Grace (2 Cor. 4:15; 1 Tim. 1:14)

4 Inward affection (2 Cor. 7:15)

5 Thanksgivings (2 Cot. 9:12)

6 Mercy (1 Pet. 1:3) Abundantly (32)

Pardon, Isa. 55:7

Life, Jn. 10:10

Above all we can ask, Eph.3:20

Shed on us. Tit, 3:6 Abuse (3), 1 Sam. 31:4; 1 Chr. 10:4;

TCor. 9:18 Abused (1) her, Judg. 19:-25 Abusers (1) of themselves (1 Cot. 6:9)
Abusing (1) world, 1 Cor. 7:31 Abyss, q 561-4; m 567-1; c 596-4; 620; d 292-
1*; g 302-1*

Accad(l),city of Shinai, Gen. 10:10

Accept (25). Do not accept wicked

persons. Job 13:8-10;Ps.82:2;Pr.l8:5

Acceptable (23). 10 things a. to God:

1 Words and meditation (Ps. 19:14)

2 Prayer (Ps. 69:13)

3 Justice and judgment (Pt. 21:3)

4 Timeofsalvation(Isa.49:8;61:2)

5 Holy,livingsacrifices(Rom, 12:1)

6 Lives offered to God (Rom. 15:16)

7 Prayers for others (1 Tim.2:l-3)

8 Support of others (1 Tim. 5:4)

8 Support of others (1 Tim. 5:4)

9 Offering of spiritual sacrifices (1 (1 Pet. 2:5; Heb. 13:15) 20)

10 Suffering for well doing (1 Pet. 2: Acceptably (1). Heb. 12:28 Acceptance
(1). Isa. 60:7 4:9

Accegtaaon (2'i,worthyof,l Tim.l:15; Accepted f^9). 4 things a. of God:

1 Doing wedl (Gen. 4:7)

2 Perfect sacrifices (Lev. 22:21)

3 Work of iighteouaiess(Acul0:35)

4 Christian labor (2 Cor. 5:9) Acceptest (1) not persoos.Lk. 20:21 Accepteth (4),
Job 34:19; Eccl. 9:7; Hos. 8:13; Gal. 2:6 Acceptipg fl )no deli vex ance,Heb.ll:35
Access (3) to God by faith (Rom. 5:2;

Eph.3:12); and by the Spiilt/gl46—

1*; k 252-1*; E^. 2:18) Accho (l).town in Phenicia, Judg. 1:

31. Called Ptolemals. Acts 21:7 Accidents, e 552-1 Accompanied (4), Acts
10:23; 11:12;

20:4, 38 Accompany (1). Things that a. salvation, Heb. 6:9 AccompanyiDs (1), 2
Sam. 6:4 Accomplish (13):

1 Vows (Lev. 22:21; Jer.44:25)

2 Desire (1 Ki. 5:9; Isa. 55:11)

3 Diligent search (Ps.64:6)

4 Anger (Ezek.6:12; 7:8; 13:15; 20:8)

5 70yeats in desolations (Dan. 9:2)

6 Redemption (Lk. 9:31) AccompUshed (26) desire, Pt. 13:19

Warfare ot Jerusalem. Isa. 40:2 70 yean, Jer, 25:12. 34; 29:10 Afflictions in
Warfare ot Jerusalem. Isa. 40:2 70 yean, Jer, 25:12. 34; 29:10 Afflictions in
brethren, Heb. 5:9 Accomplishing (1) service ofGod, Heb. Accomplishmgit
(l),Acts21:26 9:6 Accord (16), one a.. Josh. 9:2; Acts —rTll;2:1.4€;4:24;5:12;
7:57; 8:6; 12:20; 15:25; 18:12; 19:29; PhiL 2:2 According (746). Men blessed a.
to: 1 Mercy (Ps. 106:45:109:26;Tit. 3:5;

2 Rlghteousness(Hs.35:24) lPet.l:3)

3 Own work(Pr. 24:12. 29:Mt. 16:27: Rom. 2:6: Rev. 2:23; 20:12; 22:12)

4God'sWord (Ps. 119:25, 28. 41.

5 Faith(Klt.9:29;Rom.l2:6;Tit.l:l)

6 Thegosp€l(Rom.2:16;2Tim.2:8)

7 Hispurpo$e(Rom.8:28: Eph.l:ll)

8 Election of grace (Rom.9:11: 11:

5: 12:6; Eph.l:4.7; 3:7.16; 4:7)

9 God's will (Rom. 8:27; Gal. 1:4)

10 His power (Eph, 1:19; 3:20; Phil.


Accordingl yG).He will repay.Isa.59:18

Account (j7).Give a. to God. Mt. 12:

36; Rom. 14:10-12; Heb. 13:17;

1 Pet. 4:5.Personal, e 218-4*

Accounted (12) worthy,Lk.20:35; 21:36

As sheep for the slaughter. Rom. 8:36


Faith a. for righteousness. Gal. 3:6 Accounting (1). Heb. 11:19 Accounts (1).
Faith a. for righteousness. Gal. 3:6 Accounting (1). Heb. 11:19 Accounts (1).
give a.. Dan. 6:2 Accursed (20). by hanging.Dt. 21:23 Thing. Josh. 6:17-18:7:1-
15:22:20 Sinner, at age of 100, Isa.65:20 Eneniies of the gospel.Gal. 1:8-9
Accusation (10), Ezra 4:6; Mt. 27:37; Mk, 15:26;Lk. 6:7; 19:8; Jn. 18:29; Acts
25:18; 1 Tim. 5:19; 2 Pet. 2: 11; Jude 9 12 examples of false accusation: 1
Against Joseph (Gen. 39:7-20)

2 Joseph's brethren (Gen. 42:9-14)

3 Mosc; (Num.16)

4 Ahimelech (1 Sam. 22:11-16)

5 David (2 Sam. 10:3)

6 Naboth (1 Ki. 21:10-13)

7 Mary (Mt. 1:19)

8 AgainstJesus(Mt.9=34; 26:59-61) 9Stephen(Acts6:ll-13) 25:2-7)

10 Paul (Acts 17:7: 21:28: 24:5-13:

11 Paul and Silas (Acts 16:20-21)

12 Job (1:9-10; 2:4-5) Accusations , 5 against God, h 291-4 Accuse (I?). See 12
examples above Accused (14). See 12examples above Accuser (1). Rev. 12:10
Accusers (9).Jn. 8:10; Acts 23:30. 35; 53rST 25:16-18; 2Th.3:3; Tit.2:3
Accuseth (1). Jn. 5:45 Accusing (1) thoughts. Rom. 2:15

Accustomed (1) to do evil.Jer. 13:23 Aceldama (1).field ofblood. Acts 1:19

Achaia (11).Greece. Visited by Paul.

Acts 18:12, 27: 19:21. Saints in,

liberal, Rom. 15:26; 16:5; 1 Cor.

16:15; 2 Cor. 1:1; 9:2; 11:10; 1 Th.

1:7-8 Cor.l6:17

Achaicus (1), belonging to Achaia, 1 Achan (6), noubler. Sin of, h 213-4;
Achaicus (1), belonging to Achaia, 1 Achan (6), noubler. Sin of, h 213-4;


Achar(l). 1 Chr. 2:7. See Achan Achaz (2).Gr. form of Ahaz .Mt.l:9 AcHbor (7).
mouse. 3 men. Gen. 36: 3^39; 2 Ki. 22:12-14; 1 Chr. 1:

49; Jer. 26:22; 36:12 Achim (2). Jehovah will establish. Mt.


Achish (21). serpent charmer, d 316-4 Achmetha (l),city of Persia, Ezia6:2

Achor (5),"a valley in Palestine,e 253-1 Achsa (l).Sameas Achsah, lChr.2:49

Achsah (4), anklet.Daughter of Caleb, a266-4:Josh.l5:16-17:Judg,l:12-13

Achshaph (3). sorcery. City in N. FaIeitine,Jo^.ll:l: 12:20; 19:25

Achzib (4), lying. City of Asher,Josh. 19:29; Judg. 1:31. City of Judah, Josh,
15:44; Mic. 1:14. Called Chezib and Cbozeba, Gen. 38:5; 1 Chr. 4:22 3:6

Acknowledge (16) Him in all ways.Pr.

"'sTn.>s.Sl:3: Jer. 3:13-14; Hos, 5:15 Truth, 1 Cor. 14:37; 2 Cor. 1:13 Ministers,
1 Cor. 16:18

Acknowledged X3),Gen. 38:26: Ps.32: 5: 2 Cot. 1:14

Acknowledgelh (1). 1 Jn. 2:23

. ^cknowledSng (3) truth (2 Tim, 2:25;

Tit. 1:1): and every good thing

(Ph'm 6) Acknowledgement (1) of mystery of

God. Col. 2:2 Acquaint (1) self with Him. Job 22:21 Acqu aintance (11). 2 Ki.
12:5-7; Job

\&: 15;42:11: Ps.31:ll; 55:13: 88:8.

18; Lk. 2:44; 23:49; Acts 24:23 Acquainted (2). Ps. 139:3; Isa. 53:3 Acquainting
(1). EccL. 2:3 Acquit (2). Job 10:14; Nah. 1:3 Acte(l). 1 Sam. 14:14 Acres (1) ,
(1). EccL. 2:3 Acquit (2). Job 10:14; Nah. 1:3 Acte(l). 1 Sam. 14:14 Acres (1) ,
Is-. 5:10 Act(3).ls.i. 28:2I;59:6:Jn.8:4 Actions (1) weighedby Him.l Sam.2:3
Activity (1). Men of.Gen, 47:6 Acu (66): "SfGod. Dt. 11:3-7: Judg, 5:11; 1

Sam:i2:7;Ps. 103:7:145:4. 6. 12;

150:2.See many acts of God under

God Ofl^"kings of Israel, from David to

Jehoiakim. mentioned in 1 Ki. 11:

41-44:45; 2 Ki. 1:18-24:5; 1 Chr.

29-29 a^t. t'hphnoknf: Acts of the apostl es: "TTTiist's last meeting with

(1:1-11) Prayer in upper room (1:12-14)

Choice of 12th apostle (1:15-26) Enduement of power (2:1-13) Promise of same

for last days (2:14 Appeal of Peter to Jews (2:22-.>G) 3.000 converted (2:37-41)
42-47) Wonderful state of early church (2: Establishment of church at Jerusalem:
signs and wonders; persecution (3: 1-7:60) Compulsory evangelization (8:1-40)
Conversion of Saul (9:1-19) Peace in the new chutches(9:20-31) Peter's ministry
(9:32-10:48) 18) Peter on trial before Christians (11:1-Continued evangelization
ofJews(ll: 19-21) First missionary work by the church

at Jerusalem (11:22-30) Persecution by civil powers(12:1-23) Increase of

Christianity (12:24-25) First missionary journey (13:1-14:28) First general
conference (15:1-35) Second missionary journey (15:36-18:22) 3) Third
missionary journey (18:23-20: Paul's trip to Jerusalem (20:4-23:30) Paul a
prisoner (23:31-26:32) Paul's joumeyto Rome (27:1-28:15) Paul's appeal to the
Jews (28:16-29) Paul's ministry in Rome (28:30-31) Adadah (1). festival. Town
in Judah, TosTi. 15:22 Adah (8), adornment. 2 women. Gen.

5119-23: 36:2,4,10,12,16 Adaiah (9), Jehovah adorns. 8 men . 2 Ki. 22:1: 1 Chr.
6:41: 8:21; 9:12; 2 Chr. 23:1: Ezra 10:29, 39; Neh. 11:5. 12 9:8

Adalia (1). honor. Haman's son,Esther Adam (31), red, i 6-1; 53. The Heb. word
adam occurs 560times and is generally trans, rn an and m an kind Creation of
and work of.Gen. 2:7,19-FaU of.Gen. 3 23
and work of.Gen. 2:7,19-FaU of.Gen. 3 23

Family of. m 5-1; d 6-1 Deceitful, Job 31:33 Only created son of God in human

race. 1 5-1: f 60-4*: Lk. 3:38 2fold sin of. 7 First and last, 1 Cor. 15:45
Kcbntiasts with Christ. 174* Still a sinner at age of 810,Gen. 6:3, note A name
of Eve, Gen. 5:2; and of

Christ, 1 Cor. 15:45 A city. Josh, 3:16 A dam ah (1). city of Naphtali, Josh.

r^3B. Called A^ami.Josh, 19:33 Adamant (2).hard,Ezek.3:9:Zech.7:12 Adami

(l).Josh, 19:33. See Adamah Adamic covenant, 57 Adamite, pertaining to
Adam's creation. See Pre-Adamite (before Adam's creation) Adam's (1)
transgression, Rom. 5:14 AJar (9). 12th month, Ezra 6:15; Esther ?:7, 13: 8:12;
9:1, 15-21. A city in Judah. Josh. 15:3. CaUed Hazor-Addar . Num. 34:4 <^
dbeel (2), God's dixipline. Son of TsHvael. Gen. 25:13; 1 Chr. 1:29

Add (31):

~A~fifth part, Uv.5:16; 6:5: 27:13: 15 19 27 31 15 yeaTstoUfe.2 Ki. 20:6: Isa.

38:5 Do not a. to His Word. Dt. 4:2; 12:32; Pr. 30:6: Rev. 22:18-19
Whatnottoa..629:Ps.69:27;Isa.30:l What to a.. 2 Pet. 1:5-8 14 things to a. . 629
Addan(l). city of Babylon. Ezra 2:59. Called Addon, Neh. 7:61 8:3

Addar (1) glorious, Benj-mite. 1 Chr. Added(15).These thingsshallbe added

unto you. Mt. 6:33: Lk. 12:31

Church a.to.Acts2:41,47: 5:14:11:24 Law a. because of sin,Gal. 3:19 Adder (4).

h 574-1; Gen. 49:17: Ps. ^TS":4: 91:13: Pr. 23:32 Adders'(1), poison under
lips,Ps. 140:3 A?Jeth (4). Job 34:37; Pr. 10:22: 16: SSTGal. 3:15 Addi(l),
ornament. Lk. 3:28 Xa^cied (1). given to. 1 Cor. 16:15 Addition (1). 1 KI. 7:30
Additions (2). 1 Ki. 7:29. 36 Addon (1). Neh. 7:61. See Addan Ader (l),a flock.
A Benjamlte. 1 Chr.

5:15 Adiel (3). ornament of God. 3_men, 1

CTir.4:36; 9:12; 27:25 Adin (4). adorned. 3 men , Ezra 2:15:

5:6: Neh, 7:20: IM^ 11=42

Adina (l), ornament, Reubenlte, 1 Chr. Adlno (l), ornament. An Eznite,2 Sam.
Adina (l), ornament, Reubenlte, 1 Chr. Adlno (l), ornament. An Eznite,2 Sam.

53:8 Adithalm (l).City of Judah, Josh.l5:36

Adjure (5). charge. 1 Ki. 22:16: 2 Chr.

18:15;Mt,26:63:Mk,5:7: Acts 19:13


Adjure J (-),charged. Josli.6:26; 1:

14:24 Adlai (It, weary. 1 Chr. 27:29 Adniah (5).City destroyed with Sodom,

Gen. 10:19; 14:2,8: Dt. 29:23: Hos.

11:3 \drnatha(l). Persian prince. Estlier 1:14 Administered (2). 2 Cor. 8:19. 20
AdministiaiBon (1). 2 Cor. 9:12 Administrations (1). 1 Cor. 12:5 Admiration C^.
Jude 16: Rev. 17:6 Admired (1). 2 Th. 1:10 Admonish (3). Rom. 15:14; 1 Th. 5:
12* 2 Th. 3'15 AdmonUhed (5), Eccl. 4:13:12:12;

jer. 42:19: Acts 27:9: Heb. 8:5 Admonishing (l)one anotlier,Col.3:16

Admonition (3), 1 Cor. 10:11; Eph.

B:4; Tit, 3:10

Admonitions. Reasons fot. k 594-4; 631 10 to hear God, a 206-1

4 to Ruth, t 291-1 14 to all men. f 438-1 16 to worship, d 438-4 8 in Ps. 95, k

593-1 3 for saints, f 594-1 12 fot saints, i 594-4

5 for saints. 1 596-1 14 for saints, i 597-1 5 for saints, r 602-1

t 603-4 a 612-1 g 616-4 n 616-4 q 617-1

4 for saints.

2 for saints. 4 for saints.

6 for saints.

11 to praise.
3 for saints, e 617-4 25 for saints, t 617-1 21 for saints. 631

10 to praise. 631

12 for saints. 631

7 for saints, 631 14 to praise, 635

4 to Titus, b •243-Adna (2), pleasure

30; Neh. 12:15 Adnah (2), pleasure

2 men, Ezra 10;

2 17:14"

men. 1 Chr.

T^20; 2 Chr. Ado(l). stix. commotion. Mk. 5:39 Adonl-bezek (3). lord of Bezek.

of Jerusalem. 1 266-1; Judg, 1:5-7 Adonijah( 26),Jehovah Is Lord, 3 men.

2 Sam'. 3:4: 1 KL 1:5-2:28: 1 Chr, 3:2; 2 Chr, 17:8: Neh, 10:16

Adonikam (3). my Lord has risen. 2 men. Ezra 2:13: 8:13; Neh. 7:1'5~

Adoniram (2). my Lord Is high, e 352-4; 1 KL 4:6; 5:14. CaUed Adoram, 2 Sam.
20:24: 1 KI. 12:18, and Hadoram, 2 Chr. 10:18

Adoni-zedek (2), lord of righteousness. King of Jerusalem, Josh. 10:1-3

Adopted sons, q 44-4*

Adoption (^the act of God whereby

a repentant sinner is made a member of the family of God, as If he had been bom
in the family; the placement as a son with all the tights and privileges of a son.
See r 208-1*: Rom. 8:15. 23: 9:4; Gal. 4:5; Eph. 1:5, Evidences of son ship
Include becoming a new creature (2 Cor. 5:17-18). being free from sin.
condemnation, and fear (Rom. 6:14-23:8:1-14: IJn. 1:7-9; 2:29; 3:5-10; 5:4.18).
condemnation, and fear (Rom. 6:14-23:8:1-14: IJn. 1:7-9; 2:29; 3:5-10; 5:4.18).
and being Spltit-led. anointed, and blessed (Jn. 7: 37-39; 14:12-17; 15:26: 16:7-
14; Rom.8:11-14; Gal.5:22-23) .Adop-tlon was planned before the dlstup-Hon of
the world (Eph. 1:4-5); accomplished on the cross Qn.19:30); and It Is
experienced personally at the new birth On. 1:12; 3:3-5. 16: Gal. 3: Rom. 8:1-
13) Blessings of:one receivesthe family 1 Love (Jn. 17:23: 1 Jn. 4:7)

2 Care(Lk.l2:27-33: Heb. 12:4-12)

3 Name (Eph, 3:14-15: 1 Jn. 3:1)

4 Likeness (2 Cor,3:18; PhU. 3:20)

5 SpIrit(Rom.8:14-16:Gal.5:16-26)

6 Service On. 14:12-15; 15:16)

7 Gifts and graces (Rom. 12; 1 Cor. 12: Gal. 5:22-23)

8 Inheritance(Rom.8:17:lPet.l:l-9)

9 Supply (Mt. 6:33; Phil.4:18)

10 Health (Mt. 8:17: Jn. 10:10; Rom. 8:11; 1 Pet. 2:24: 2 Jn. 2; Ps. 91)

11 Home On. 14:1-3: Rev. 21)

12 Fulness On, 1:16: 7:37-39; 5:32; Eph. 1. 3)

Adoraim (l). Fortified city. 2Chr.ll: 9

Adoram (2). 2 men, e 352-4. See

'Adoniram 233-1*

Adorn (2). 1 Tim. 2:9; Tit, 2:10; h

Aaorned (4), Jer. 31:4; Lk. 21:5: 1

Pet 3:5; Rev. 21:2 Adometh (l). Isa. 61:10 Adorning( l).lPet.3:3; 236*and 269*
Adrammelech (3), Adar is king. Son
Complete Concordance - Cyclopedic Index

of Sennacherib, 2 Ki. 19:37; Isa. 37:38. An Assyrianidol,2Ki.l7:31

AdramyTtium(l),ciry of Mysia.Acts 27: Adria (l).AdrratlcSea.Acts27:27 2
Adriel (2). flock of God. Son-in-law ^TkingSaul.l Sam. 18:19; 2 Sam. 21:8
Adullam (8). 1 251-4; 329 Adullamite (3), Gen, 38:1, 12, 20 Adulterer (3), Lev.
20:10; Job 24:15; nar?7:3 Adulterers (9),Ps. 50:18; Jer. 9:2; 23: 10; Hos. 7:4;
Mai. 3:5; Lk. 18:11; 1 Cor. 6:9; Heb. 13:4; Jas. 4:4 Adulteress (5), Lev, 20:10;
Pr, 6:26; Hos. 3:1; Rom. 7:3

Adulteresses (3), Ezek, 23:45; Jas. 4:4

Adulteries (5), Jer. 13:27; Ezek. 23:

43; Hos. 2:2; Mt. 15:19; Mk, 7:21

Adulterous (4), Pr. 30:20; Mt, 12:39;

16:4; Mk. 8:38 Adultery (40), sexual unfaithfulness of a husband or wife in

thought and act, h 5-1* and 207*. It is mentioned in alllistsofsinsof the flesh
(Mk.7:19-21; Rom.1:18-32; 1 Cor. 6:9-11; Gal. 5:19-21) 17 references to a. in
O, T., Ex. 20: '14: Lev, 20:10; Dt. 5:18; Pr. 6:32; Jer, 3:8-9; 5:7; 7:9; 23:14;
29:23; Ezek. 16:32; 23:37; Hos.4:2,13-14 23 references to a. in N, T., Mt. 5: 27-
35; 19:9,18; Mk, 10:11-12,19; Lk. 16:18; 18:20; Jn, 8:3-4; Rom. 2:22; 13:9; Gal.
5:19; Jas. 2:11; 2 Pet. 2:14; Rev. 2:22 3 cases with father's wife, m 141-1 Penalty
for, d l-4^ Lev.20:10;Gal, 5: 6 evU effects of, f 645-1 19-21

Adults, 2 evidences of, e 248-1* Adummim (2), a gorge on the Jericho toad to
Jerusalem, Josh, 15:7; 18:17 Advanced (4), 1 Sam. 12:6; Esther 3: 1; 5:11; 10:2
Advantage (4). Job 35:3; Rom. 3:1; 2

Cot, 2:11; Jude 16 Advantaged (1), Lk. 9:25 Advantagetb (1), 1 Coi. 15:32
Advent. See Second advent

TiTthings that end at, 878 Adventure ( 2), Dt. 28:56; Acts 19:31 Advenmred (1),
Judg. 9:17 Adversaries (35). enemies; opposers (Isa. 1:24; Lk. 13:17; 21:15;
Heb. 1 Cor. 16:9; Phil. 1:28; Heb. 10:27 Adversary (35), 1 Ki. 11:14, 23-25; Ps.
74:10; Mt. 5:25; Lk. 12:58; 18: 3; 1 Tim. 5:14. Satan is cMef a., 1 Pet, 5:8; k
373-4. See men as a., r 268-4* Adversities (2), 1 Sam. 10:19; Ps. 31:7 Advcrsiry
^10),2 Sam. 4:9; 2 Chr. 15: 6;Ps.lO:6; 35:15; 94:13; Pr. 17:17;
24:10;Eccl.7:14;Isa.30:20;Heb,13:3 Advertise (2), Num. 24:14; Ruth 4:4 Advice
24:10;Eccl.7:14;Isa.30:20;Heb,13:3 Advertise (2), Num. 24:14; Ruth 4:4 Advice
(9).Judg. 19:30; 20:7; 1 Sam, 25:33; 2 Sam. 19:43; 2 Chr. 10:9, 14; 25:17; Pr.
20:18; 2 Cor. 8:10 Advise (3), 2 Sam. 24:13; 1 Ki. 12:6: Tchr. 21:12 Advised
(2), Pr. 13:10; Acts 27:12 Advisement (1). 1 Chr. 12:19 Advocate (l),lawyer,t
275-4*; Up. 2:1 Aeneas (2), praise. Acts 9:33-34 AenoD (1), springs neat Sallm,
j 96-1* Afar (50). Used of distance and es-tiangement. Gen. 22:4; Ps, 10:1;
139:2; Lk. 16:23; Acts 2:38: Eph. 2:17; Heb, 11:13; 2 Pet. 1:9 Affairs (8), 1 Chi.
26:32; Ps. 112:5; Uan. 2:49; 3:12; Eph, 6:21-22; PhiL 1:27; 2 Tim, 2:4 Affect
(2). Gal. 4:17 Affected (2), Acts 14:2; Gal. 4:18 Affecieth (l),eye a. my heart.


Affection (6), 1 Chi, 29:3; Rom. 1:31; 2 Cor. 7:15; Col, 3:2, 5; 2 Tim. 3: 3; c
161-1* Affectionately (1). 1 Th. 2:8 Affectioned (1), Rom, 12:10 Affections (2),
Rom. 1:26; Gal. 5:24 Afflnlty (3), 1 KI. 3:1; 2 Chi, 18:1: Ezra 9:14 3:8

Afflim (3),Rom. 3:8; 1 Tim. 1:7; Tit. Afllict (35). Used of oppresnon (Gen.
15:13; 31:50; Ex. 1:11; 22:22-23; Num. 24:24), war and captivity (1 KI. 11:39:
Isa. 9:1; 51:23;Amos 6: 14; Zeph. 3:19), bodily torment Cfudg. 16:5-6,19-21),
fasting (Lev. 16:29-31; 23:27, 32; Isa. 68:5). making vows (Num. 30:13) God
does not afflict, 534 19

Affirmed( 3).Lk. 22:59;Acts 12:15:25: Afflicted (53), Used In same way as word

Uci (Ex, 1:12: Dt, 26:6; Ps. 129:1-2; Isa. 9:1; 58:3, 10; Heb. 11:37). The soul is
referred to a^ being afflicted 8 times; only Job's case ofbodily affliction is
referred Io0oo6:14; 30:11; 34:28), Affliction is distinguished from sickness (Jas,
5:13-14). Fasting is called affUction (Isa. 58:3. 10; Jas. 4:9). so scriptures
referring to God a s afflicting men should notbe understood as making them sick
in body (Ruth 1:21; Ps. 119:75; Isa. 53:4-7: Lam. 1:5,12).Both God and Christ
are spoken of asbeingafflicted(Isa. 53:4, 7; 63:9) and certainly no bodily disease
is meant. See 12 ways to be afflicted , 626; also c 263-4*. See AHlicnon
Afflictest (1), 1 Ki. 8:35 Afffictlon (75). Defined, x 268-4*; k 192:1*; 626 20
kinds of, f 555-4 12 facts about, 626 12 causes of, 626 12 purposes of, 626 12
promises in, 626 12 kinds of, 626 12 examples of, 626

Only once Is there a clear case of bodily disease referred to in 75 scriptures

where the word affliction is found (Job 30:16). Sickness,therefore, could not be
the prim ary ide a of Bible affliction. See Afflict and Afflicted above Afflictions
the prim ary ide a of Bible affliction. See Afflict and Afflicted above Afflictions
(13).Ps. 34:19; 132:1; Acts 7:10:20:23: 2 Cor. 6:4; Col. 1:24; 1 Th. 3:3: 2 Tim.
1:8; 3:11; 4:5; Heb. 10:32-33; 1 Pet. 5:9 Affording (1). supplying, Ps. 144:13
(1), sudden fear, 2 Chr. 32:18 Fifed (9). Dt. 7:21; Job 18:20; 39: 22; Isa. 21:4;
Jer, 51:32; Mk. 16:5-6;Lk, 24:37; Rev. 11:13 Afoot (2), Mk. 6:33; Acts 20:13
Afore (7),before. 2 Ki. 20:4; Ps, 129: 57 Isa. 18:5: Ezek. 33:22; Rom. 1:2; 9:23;
Eph.3:3.See Before band Aforehand (1). Mk. 14:8. See Before-Aforetlme
(7).Neh. 13:5; Job 17:6; Isa.

52:4:Jer.30:20;Dan.6:10;Jn. 9:13; Rom. 15:4, See Befotetime A fraid (193).

having tormenting fear

I was a. .Gen, 3:10; 31:31; Dt,9:19: Job 3:25; 32:6; Dan,8:17; Mt. 25:25 Sore a,
.Gen, 20:8; Ex, 14:10; Num. 22:3;Josh.9:24:l Sam.l7:24;Mk.9:6 He was a.
,Gen.28:17:Ex.3:6:1 Sam. 18:15; lChr,2L-30;Jn,19:8;ActslO:4 They were a . Ex.
14:10; 34:30; 1 Sam. 7:7; 2 KI. 25:26: Ps. 77:17; Lk. 8:35 Be not a, .Dt. 20:1;
31:6; Josh. 1:9: 11:6; 2 KI. 19:6; 2 Chr. 20:15; 32: 7;Ps. 49:16; 91:5;Pr.3:25; Isa.
10: 24; 44:8; Jer.bS; 10:5; 42:11; Ezek. 2:6; Mt. 17:7; 28:10; Mk. 6:50; Lk. 12:4
3 things not to be a. of, k 686-1 A&esh (l). Heb. 6:6 After (1.125). behind in
place (2 KI. 5:21); in search of Qudg. 13:18): later in time (Mt. 17:1); lower in
rank (1 Cor. 12:28): made like -patterned after (Gen.l:26-28);and following (Mk.
1:7. 17, 20. 36). See After these tblngs , m 98-1* Afternoon (1), Judg. 19:8
Afterward' (66), following in time or place. Gen. 10:18; 1 Sam. 24:5: Mt, 21:29;
Mk,4:17; 1 Cor. 15:23; Heb, 12:11 Afterwards (13). See Afterward A gab us (2).
locust. A i»ophet. Acts 11:28; 21:10 A gag (8). Defined, I 308-4; 1 Sam. ■"^5:8-

Messiah higher than, a 184-1 Agagite (5). Member of house of Agag.

Esther 3:1. 10; 8:3, 5; 9:24 Again (658). Defined, d 205-1* 7 things one can do.
175* 7 things one cannot do. 175* Agape , love-feast of Christians. Acts "^7^2,
46; 1 Cor, 10:16; 11:24; 2

Pet. 2:13: Jude 12 Against (1.607), toward, in opposition to.Gen. 4:8; 14:15;
15:10; 16:12; Mt. 5:11; Rev. 2:4, 14. 16. 20: 11:7: 12:7; 13:6; 19:19 Agar (2).
Hagar. Gal. 4:24-25 Agate (3)j:x.28:l9; 39:12;Ezek. 27:16 Agates (1). 118; g
722-1; Isa. 54:12 Age (41). time of, or length of Ufe. Various ages of Ufe from
birth to 969 years ate listed in Scripture. See Gen, 5. See Ages Aged(9).2 Sam.
19:32; Job 12:20; 15: 10; 29:8; 32:9; Jer,6:11; Tit. 2:2-3; Ph'm 9 Agee (1).
fugitive. One of David's mlgtay men. 2 Sam. 23:11
Agency, Defined. 330 1*

Ages (4).Defined.c 13-1*; e 34-1*; c 85-Past a,, 58; Eph. 3:5; Col. 1:26 Future,
58; Eph. 2:7; 3:21 Planned by God, h 253-1* Creative a., 53; 58 And
dispensations. 58 5 main a. in time, 58 17

Ageofthca, ,58:Eph.3:ll;lTim. 1: Since the world began,Lk. 1:70; Jn.

9:32; Acts 3:21; 15:18; Eph. 3:9 Present a., Mt. 13:22, 39-40, 49:

24:3; 28:20; Mk. 4:19:Lk. 16:8; 20:

34: Rom. 12:2; 1 Cot. 1:20;2:6; 3:

18;8:13:2Cor. 4:4; Gal. 1:4: Eph.

1:21; 1 Tim. 6:17: 2 Tim. 4:10;

Tit. 2:12 All a. .1 Cor. 2:7: 10:11; Heb. 1:2;

9:26; 11:3 Future'woild.Mt. 12:32; Mk, 10:30;

Lk. 20:35; Eph. 1:21; 2:7; 3:21;

Heb, 6:5 Ago (13), past time, as long ago (2 Ki.

19:25; Isa,22:ll; 37:26; Mt.H:21); ars ago (Ezra 5:11; 2 Cor. 8:10;

years ag 9:2; 12r

r); days ago (1 Sam. 9:20; Acts 10:30); and while ago (Mk. 9: 21; Lk. 10:13)

Agone (1), past time, 1 Sana. 30:13

■Agony (1). Extreme pain in mind and body, Lk. 22:44. Cp. Mt. 26:36-46; Mk.
14:32-42; Lk. 22:39-46; Heb. 5:7

Agree (7). Mt. 5:25; 18:19: 20:13; Mk. 14:59; Acts 15:15; 1 Jn. 5:8; Rev. 17:17

Agreed (8), Amos 3:3; Mt. 20:2; Mk, 14:58; Jn, 9:22; Acts 5:9, 40; 23: 20; 28:25
Agreement (6). 2 Ki. 18:31; Isa. 28: 15,18;36:16;Dan.ll:6:2Cor.6:16

Agreeth (2). Mk. 14:70; Lk, 5:36

Agriculture, The science of cultivating the ground, husbandry. Farming

originated with God (Gen. 2:15; 3: 19-23); it was man's firstemploy-ment(Gen,
1:28; 2:5, 15; 4:2; 9: 20), Seasons for such work were guaranteed by God forever
(Gen. 8:22; Ps. 107:36-38; Zech. 8:12). Blessings for crops were conditional
upon obedience (Ley.25:18-19; 26: 1-10; Dt. 28) 30 agriculture terms:

25:13-26; 26:1-32

Aground (1). on shore. Acts 27:41

Ague (1).burning, g 149-4; Lev. 26:16

Agut (1). gathered, f 664-4; Pr. 30:1

AD (18). an exclamation expressing

complaint per, 1:6; 4:10; Ezek, 4:

l4); grief ( Ezek, 21:15); malicious

joyfEzek, 25:3; 26:2; 36:2); regret

(lsa.l:4.24);and ridicule (Mk,15:29)

Aha(10),Ps. 35:21:40:15:70:3; Isa. 44:

16; Ezek, 25:3; 26:2; 36:2 Ahab (92). father's brother. 2 men A king, h-j 380-4; 1
KL 16:28-33; 17:1:18:1-46; 19:1; 20:2-34; 21:1-29:22:20-51:2 Ki,l:l; 3:1; 8:16-
29; 9:7-29; 10:1-30; 21:3, 13: 2 Chr, 18:1-19; 21:6-13; 22:3-8 A false prophet .
Jer. 29:21-22 Most wicked king of Israel, a 387-1 5fold humbling of. b-c 387-1
Ahafa's (2). 1 Ki. 21:8: 2 Ki, 10:1 Ahar ah (1), brother of Rah.lChi,8:l Aharhel
(1). brother of Rachel. 1 Chr. —?T^

Ahasai (I), mv protector. Neh.ll: 13 Ahasbal (1). shining, 2 Sam, 23:34

Ahasuerus (31). At least 3 men. 516: Ezra 4:6; Estherl:l-10:3;Daii.9:1
Ahasuerus' (1). Esther 8:10 Ahava( 3)^ a river, Ilzra 8:15, 21, 31 Ahaz (52),
possessor. 2 men, e 407-4; 5"Ki. 15:38; 16:1-20; 17:1; 18:1; 20:11:23:12:1 Chr.
possessor. 2 men, e 407-4; 5"Ki. 15:38; 16:1-20; 17:1; 18:1; 20:11:23:12:1 Chr.
3:13; 8:35-36: 9:41-42; 2 Chr. 27:9:28:1-27: 29: 19; Isa. 1:1; 7:1-12; 14:28;
38:8; Hos. 1:1; Mic. 1:1 4 sins of A., king of Judah, g 476-1

4 commands to, j 686-1

5 sins of A. .king of Judah.g 476-1 5 judgments on, h 476-1

Ahaziah (37). Jehovah holds. 2 men.

a 389-4;lKi. 22:40-51; 2Ki. 1:18; 8:24-29; 9:16-29; 10:13; 11:1-2; 12:18; 13:1;
14:13; 1 Chr. 3:11; 20:35-37; 22:1-11 Sin of A., king of Israel. 392 Sickness of,
c 390-1 Judgment upon, e-f 390-4 2:29

Ahban (l),brotherofintelligence,lChr. Aher (1). foUowing, 1 Cbi. 7:12 aE12).

brother, 1 Chr, 5:15; 7:34 XHah (4),brother of Jehovah, 1 Sam.

IT:3, 18; 1 Ki. 4:3; 1 Chr. 8:7 Ahlam (2), mother's brother, 2 Sam.

2^3; 1 Chr, 11:35 Ahian (1), brotherly, 1 Chr, 7:19

Ahiezer (6),brother of help, Num. 1:

r2rJ:25; 7:66.71; 10:25; 1 Chr,12:3 Ahihud (2), brother of honor, 2 men.

Ruih. 34:27; 1 Chr, 8:7 Ahijah( 20),brother ofjehovah. 6 men, TkX 11:29-30;
12:15; 14:2-18:15:

27-33: 21:22; 2 Ki. 9:9; 1 Chr. 2:

25; 11:36; 26:20; 2 Chr. 9:29; 10:

15; Neh. 10:26 Ahikam (19), risen brother, 2 Ki. 22:

n^4; 25:22; 2 Chi, 34:20; Jer.

26:24; 39:14; 40:5-16: 41:1-16:43:6 Abllud (5), brother of one bore. 2 men.

g 352-4; 2 Sam. 8:16; 20:24; 1 Ki.

4:3. 12; 1 Chr. 18:15 Ahimaaz (15),brotherof anger. 3 men,

TSOT-l; 1 Sam. 14:50; 2 Sam. 15:

TSOT-l; 1 Sam. 14:50; 2 Sam. 15:

27-30; 17:17-20; 18:19-29; 1 Ki,

4:15; 1 Chr, 6:8-9. 53 Ahlman (4). brother of a gift. 2 men.

lTum,13:22;Josh, 15:14; Judg.l:10;

1 Chr. 9:17 Ahimelech (17), brother of the king.

3 men. f 316-1; 1 Sam. 21:1-8;

22:9-20; 23:6; 26:6; 2 Sam. 8:17;

1 Chr. 24:3-31; Ps. 52 Abimelech's (1). 1 Sam. 30:7 6:25 Ahimoth (1).brother of
death. 1 Cli. Ahlnadab (l),Iiberalbrother, IKi,4:14 Ahinoam (7), brother of grace,

women, k 308-1; 1 Sam. 14:50:

25:43:27:3; 30:5; 2 Sam. 2:2; 3:2;

1 Chr. 3:1 Ahio (6). his brother. 3 men , 1336-1;

2'Sam. 6:3-4; 1 Chr. 8:14, 31: 9:

37; 13:7 Ahira (5),brother of evil. Num. 1:15;

5r29; 7:78, 83; 10:27 Ahiram 0),exaltedbrother.Num.26:38 Ahiramlies (l), Num.

26:38 Ahisamach (3), brother of aid, Ex. 31: 6; 35:34; 38:23 7:10

Ahishahar (1), brother of dawn, 1 CVi. Ahishar (1), brother of a singer, 1 Ki. 4:6
Ahithoptiel (20). brother of folly, i 345-4; :^Sam. 15:12. 31-34; 16:15-23; 17:1-
23:23:34; 1 Chi. 27:33-34 Infernal advice of. j 347-1 Committed suicide, k 347-
1; h 348-1 7foId counsel of.against D avid,a 347 -Wise counsel defeated, a 348-1
4 The Judas of the O. T., i 348-1 Ahltub (15). brother of goodness. 3 men.j 338-
4; 1 Sam. 14:3; 22;9-20; 2 Sam. 8:17; IChr.6:7-12,52: 9:11; 18:16; Ezra 7:2;
Neh. 11:11 Ahlab (1), townof Asher. Judg. 1:31 AWai (2). wishful, 1 Chr, 2:31;
11:41 Ahoah (1), brotheriy. 1 Chr, 8:4 Ahoite ( 5).descendant of Alioah,2 Sam.

2579, 28; 1 Chr. 11:12,29; 27:4 Aholah (5), her own tent. Symbolic name of
Samaria, Ezek. 23:4-5. 36. 44 Abollab (5). father's tent, Ex, 31:6; 3BT34; 36:1-
Samaria, Ezek. 23:4-5. 36. 44 Abollab (5). father's tent, Ex, 31:6; 3BT34; 36:1-
2; 38:23 Ahollbah (6), my tent is in her. Sym-boUc name of Jerusalem. Used by
Ezekiel along with Aholah to teach ccruin lessons to Judah, Ezek. 23: 4, 11, 22,
36. 44 Aholibamah( 8),tent of the high place. Wife of Esau .Gen. 36:2, 5, 14. 18,
25. A duke of Edom, Gen. 36:41; IChi. 1:52 Ahumai (l).brother of water.1 Chi.
4:2 Abuzam (1). possession, 1 Chr. 4:6 Ahuzzath (l),possession. Gen. 26:26 AI
(36), city of Canaan,Josh. 7:1-5; 8; 1-29; 9:3; 10:1-2; 12:9;Ezra 2:28: Neh. 7:32.
A city of Ammon, Jer. 49:3. Called Alath Gsa. 10:28). Alia (Neh, ll:inTrand Hal
(Gen. T2rS'; 13:3) Atah (5). falcon. Mother of Rizpah. 2 Sam, 3:7; 21:8-11, A
man. Gen.

Camplete Cor-cordance - Cyclopedic Ir.aex

36:24: 1 Chr. 1:40 Alatfa q). Isa. 10:28. See Al Al3e3 (1). Judg, 9:24 Aija (1).
Neh, 11:31, See Al Alj aloe (7), place of gazelles, A Levlte cItyIiiDan,Jodl.
21:24;Judg. 1:35;

1 Sam. 14:31; 1 Chr, 6:69; 8:13:

2 Chr, 11:10. A city in Zebulun, Judg. 12:12

Aijeletb Shahar (1). hind of the mom—

ing - Ps. 22 dtle Ailed (1). Ps. 114:5 Alletli (7). Gen. 21:17; Judg, 18:23-24; 1
Sam. 11:5; 2 Sam. 14:5; 2 Ki. 6:28; Isa. 22:1 AID (5), city of Simeon, Josli,
15:32; 19:7; 21:16; 1 Chr, 4:32. Called Ashac in 1 Chi. 6:59. A landmark in N.
Palestine, Num. 34:11. The 16ih letter of H*, alphabet (Ps. Airplanes . 467. T98.
882 119:121) Air (39), atmosphere, heaven, wind Fowls of a, mentioned 31
times. Gen. 1:26-28; 2:19; Mt,6:26;8:20; etc. Beating the a., 1 Cof, 9:26 Speak
into the a., 1 Cot, 14:9 Satan,prince and power of,Eph.2:2 Meet the Lotd in the
a., 1 Th, 4:16 Ajah (l), an Edomite tribe,Gen, 36:24 Ajalbo (3), g 249-1

<an (l),twisted. A Horite, Gen. 36:

57. Called Jakan in 1 Chr. 1:42 Akkub (8). cunning. 5 men, 1 Chr. 3:

ST; 9:17; Eaa 2:42,45; .Neb, 7:45;

8:7; 11:19; 12:25 Akiabbim (2), sc«pions. Chain of hills

in S, Palestine, Num. 34:4; Judg.

L-36, See Maaleh-Acrabbim Alaba5ter (3),k51-l';o66-l'; Mt.26:

TTTilc. 14:3; Lk. 7:37 Ali-~et'r. (Ij,concealment, 1 Chr. 7:8 AUrrrrtlech

(1),king's oak. Town in

Asher. Josh. 19:26 Alamoth (2), virgins. Either a muacal

instruiTient or a melody, 1 Chr. 15:

20; Ps. 46 Alarm (10). Sounding a. was done with

Sorns, and signified war and danger. Num. 10:5-9; 2 Chr. 13:12;

Jet.4:19:49:2;Joel2:1; Zeph. 1:16 Alas (16), an exclamation expressing

sorrow, pity, and alarm, Num.12:

11; 24:23; Josh, 7:7; Judg. 6:22;

11:35; IKi, 13:30; 2Ki. 3:10; 6:5,

15; Jer. 30:7; Ezek. 6:11; Joel 1:15;

Amos 5:16; Rev. 18:16, 19 Albeit ( 2), although, in order that,

Ezek. 13:7; Phlm 19 Alemeth (3), covering, 1 Chr. 6:60;

37357 9:42 Aleph. first letter in Heb. alphabet.

See Ps. 119:1 Alexander (6). defoider, Mk. 15:21;

Acts 4:6; 19:33; 1 Tim. 1:20; 2

Tim. 4:14 The great, a 869-4 Of Africa - Cyrene, c 32-4* A coppersmith, i 147-
1* A rich Jew, f 126-1* CoQvert of Paul, Acu 19:33 An apostate, 1 Tirr.. 1:20
Alexandria (3), city of Egypt, k 145-4; Acu 18:24; 27:6; 28:11 Alexandrians (1).
Acts 6:9 Alaum f3).r372-l; 2 Chr. 2:8; 9:10-11. Called almug, 1 KI. 10:11-12
Aliah (1), rublimity, 1 Chr. 1:51 Allan (1), sublime, 1 Chr. 1:40 Alien (5),
foreigner, Ex. 18:3; Dt. 14: 21; Job 19:15; Ps. 69:3; ha, 61:5 Alienate (l).to
estrange, Ezek,48:14 Alienated ("?), to be estranged, Ezek.
estrange, Ezek,48:14 Alienated ("?), to be estranged, Ezek.

23:"-23: Eph.4:18; CoL 1:21 Aliens (3), foreigners. Lam. 5:2; Eph.

2IT2; Heb. 11:34 Treated with justice,Ex. 22:21; 23:9 Not to be kings of Israel,
Dt. 17:15 Marriage with, foibidden, Dt. 25:5 9 examples - revelatiop to aliens: 1
Abimelech (Gen. 20:3-7)

2 Pharaoh (Gen. 41:1-28)

3 Balaam (Num. 22-24)

4 Nebuchadnezzar (Dan. 2; 4)

5 Belshazzar (Dan. 5)

6 Cyrus (2 Chr, 36:23; Ezra 1:1-5)

7 Magi (Kit, 2:1-11)

8 Centurian (Ml 8:5-13; Lk. 7:2-9)

9 Cornelius (Acts 10)

Alike (11), Dt. 12:22; 15:22; 1 Sam.

31J:24;Job 21:26:Ps. 33:15; 139:12;

Pt. 20:10; 27:15; EccL 9:2; 11:6:

Rom, 14:5 Alive (38). Defined, c 175-4 Went down a. into sheol,Num.16:33 I
make a. ,Dt.32:39; 1 Sam. 2:6 Waie cUld yet a,, 2 Sam. 12:18 Showed Himself
a. after Hispa^don, Acu 1:3 All be made a. , 1 Cot. 15:22

Was dead, and is a., Rev. 1:18 All (5.483). Signifies the whole of anything (2
Cot. 5:14), When used to designate a part instead of the whole, it isciUed
synecdoche. See e 41-4: e 58:1*; col. 1, 308"; Gen. 6:13,17, The context and
parallel passages will always make Itclear whether the absolute all ot a part of all
Is meant Allealng (1). asserting. Acts 17:3 AUegor> (1). j 205-1*; Gal. 4:24. A
story wherein the meaning is different from that which the words convey; an
extended metaphor. PIl-grlir.'s Progress, for instance, isa celebrated allegory 14
allegccies of the Bible:
allegccies of the Bible:

1 The trees aaointicg a king Qnd^ 9:7-21)

2 The shepherd psalm (Ps. 23)

3 The grape vine (Ps. 80:8-14)

4 Death to the body (EccL 12:3-7)

5 God's vineyard (Isa. 5:1-7)

6 The great eagle (Ezek. 17:1-10)

7 The lioness (Ezek. 19:1-9)

8 The bread of life Qn. 6:26-51)

9 The sheepfold and Shepherd(In.lO)

10 The vine Qn. 15:1-7) 3:10-15)

11 Building on the foundation (1 Cor.

12 Sarah and Hagar (GaL 4:21-31)

13 The whole armour (Eph.6:10-17)

14 Thistle and cedar (2 Ki. 14:9) Alleliiia (4). Gr. form of Halleli^jah ,

meaning Praise ye the Lord, ot Praise ye Jebovah. Rev. 13:

Allied (l)Jx)und by niarriage or treaty, Neh. 13:4

Allon (2), an oak. Son of Jedaiah. 1

Clir,4:37. Acity in Naphtali, Jodi. 19:33 Allon-bachuih (1), oak of weeping.

Burial place ofDebotah,Gen.35:8 Allow (3),Lk. lL-48; ACU 24:15; Rom.


Allowance (2>.Continjal a.,2K1.25:30

Allowance (2>.Continjal a.,2K1.25:30

Allowed (1) ofGod.l Th.2:4 14:22

Allowelji( l). Thing which he a., Rom.

AUitce (2)ba and bilng her, Hos. 2:14.

rSey a. through lusts of fledi, 2

Pet, 2:18

Almighty (53). See names of God, 64

I am A. God, Gen. 17:1; 35:11

I appeared by the name of A. God,

Ex. 6:3 Saw vision of the A. , Num. 24:4 The A. Kanered kings,Ps. 68:14 Under
the shadow of the .A. .Ps. 91 Inspiration from A. Job 32:8: 3cS:4 The voice of
the A.,Ezek.l:24; 10:5 Destruction from the A,. Isa. 13:6; Joel 1:15; Rev,
16:7.14; 19:15 AlT.odad (2). the agitatM.Gen. 10:26; TcBr. 1:20
Almoo(l).hidden.Levitecity.Josh,21; AlmoDd (2)JccL12:5;Jer.l:ll IS

Almon-diblathaira (2).starioD of Israel

in the wilderness. Num. 33:46-47 Almonds (8). Gen. 43:11; Ex. 25:333?TTr:19-
20; Num. 17:8 Almog qp.Ex. 17:4; Ps. 73:2; 94:17; rTS87;Pr. 5:14; Acts 13:44;
19:26; 21:27: 26:28-29; Heb. 9:22 Alms( 13),e5-4^ Mt.6:l-4;Lk. 11:41; n:33;
Acts 3:2-10; 10:2-4.31; 24:17 AL-;::eeds (1), Acu 9:36 ALT...ft (3). See Algum
Aloes (5j, perfume of aramatic wood, i ^T8-4^ Num. 24:6; Isa. 45:8; Pt, 7:17;
Song 4:14; Jn. 19:39 Alone (101 J. apart from other persons Let me a. .Ex.32:10;
Dt. 9:14 Let us a. .Ex. 14:12; Mk. 1:24; Lk, 4:35 Lethim a.. 2 Sam. 16:11; Jn.
11:48 LetE5"a..2KL4:27;Mk.l4:6;Jn.l2:7 Let" tEem a.. Mt. 15:14; Acu 5:38 Let
ITir. Lk, 13:8 1 am not a,, Jn. 8:16. 29; 16:32 You are Lord a,.Neh,9:6; 2Ki,
19:15 9 persocs left alone: 1 Adam (Gen, 2:13;

2 Jacob (Gen, 32:24)

3 Moses (Ex. 24:2)

4 Job's servanu Qob 1:15-19)

4 Job's servanu Qob 1:15-19)

5 Daniel (Dan, 10:7-8)

6 Jesus Christ (Mk.4:10; 6:47; Lk. 9: 18. 36; Jn. 6:15; 8:9; 16:32)

7 Elijah (Rom. 11:3) 8Paul(l Th. 3:1)

9 The high priest (Heb. 9:7) Along (30). Ex. 2:5; 9:23; Jer. 41:6 Aloof (1), apart.
Ps. 38:11


Aloth (1). a town

_ or district in

'alestine.in Adier. 1 K1.4:16 Aloud (20). 5 thliy s aloud:


T~A'ept (Gen. 45:2)

2 Cried (1 Ki. 13:27-28; Job 19:7;

Dan. 3:4; 4:14; 5:7; Hos. 5:8; KUc.

5:8; Mk. 15:8. Cp. Isa. 24:14;

54:1; 58:1)

3 ShoutedfEzra3:12;Ps, 132:16)

4 Sing(Ps.51:14; 59:16; 31:1:149:5)

5 Pray (Ps. 55:17)

Alpha (4). first letter of Gr. alphabet.

AtitleofCliist.Rev. 1:8.11; 21:6;

22:13. Cp. Isa. 41:4: 44:6; 48:12

Alphaeus (5). successor, 2 xen:

i Father of James the Less, and husband of Mary C-'^oj the sister of

iheVirgin Mary 0-linamj,i 118-1*;

q-r 90-1*. See Mt, 10:3; Mk.3:18:

Lk,6:15: ActsL-13,Called Cleophas

(Lk, 24:13; Jn. 19:25)

2 FatherofLeviorMatthew(Mk,2:14)

■Already (30). Has been a. ,Eccl. 1:10;

2712; 3:15; 4:2; 6:10 5:28

Committed adultery a. In heart, Mt.

Elias is come a., Mt. 17:12 3:18

Believeth not.,. a. condemned, Jn.

Dead a. . Mk. 15:44; Jn. 19:33

As though a. anained.PhiL 3:12, 16

Were a. perfect. Phil. 3:12

Mystery of iniquity doth a. wotk. 2

Th. 2:7 Some a.tumed after Satan J Tim.5:15 Resurrection past a., 2 Tim. 2:18
Abo (1,725J. He is a. fiesh. Gen. 6:3 For the rebellious a., Ps. 68:18
Lotda.ofsabbath,Mk.2:28: Lk.6:5 Faith is a. vain, 1 Cor. 15:14 He a. will deny
us, 2 Tim. 2:12 Flee a. youthful lusts, 2 Tim. 2:22 God a. bearing them, witness,
Heb,2:4 Altar (376). Defined, t 4-4*; b 256-1* 14 builders of, m 11-1 A place of
refuge, g 86-1 Represented acess to God,g 89-4 BloodoQ,lokenof acceptance, j
89-4 Brazen, a-g 92-4 12 daily happenings at, 119 Fire from heaven on, f 128-4
12 days dedication of, d-k 163-1 Cost of dedicatioo of, d 165-1 680-year-old a.,
f452-1 Golden, b 292-4* Altars (54). facts about, f 8-1 Built by, m 11-1 4 made
f452-1 Golden, b 292-4* Altars (54). facts about, f 8-1 Built by, m 11-1 4 made
by Moses, 117 As witnesses, c-j 261-4 Al-tascbith (4;. destroy not or coinq>t
not,PartoftitletoPs. Alter (4). Lev. 27:10; Ezia 6:11-12; Ps. 39:34
Altered (2). Estha 1:19; Lk, 9:29 ■Altereth (1). Dan, 6:8 ■Althoigh (16;.Ex,
13:17; Josh. 22:17; Tttih. 23:5; 1 Ki. 20:5; Esther 7: 4; Job 2:3; 5:6; 35:14; Jer.
31:32; Ezek, 7:13; 11:16; Hab, 3:17; Lk. 14:29; Heb, 4:3 Altogether (28j. Follow
that which Is a. just, Dt. 16:20 Ifa. hold peace. Esther 4:14; Job 13:5 You are a.
vain, Job 27:12; Ps. 39:5 True and righteous a. .Ps. 19:9 9 They are a.Ughierthan
vanity.Ps.62: Wast a. bom in sins. Jn, 9:34 A lush (2). desolattoD. Camping
place oT Ijtael in wfldemess. Num. 33i 13-14 36:40

Alvah (1). high. Duke of Edom.Gen, ■Alvan (1). sublime. A Horite.Gen, 36:

ST Alway (23). all the time. See .Alway s Always (62). aU the time; perpetually
I would not live a. .Job 7:16 Great men not a. wise.Job 32:9 He will not a.chide.
Ps. 103:9 I am witii you a.. Mt. 28:20 Ought a. to pray, not faint. Lk,18:l I do a.
things that please. Jn, 8:29 Thou hearest Me a, .Jn. 11:42 Mention you a. in
prayers.Rom.1:9: Eph. 6:18; PhU. 1:4; CoL 1:3; 2 Tim. 1:11; Ph'm 4 Thank God
a.. 1 Cor. 1:4; Eph. 5: 20; 1 Th. 1:2; 2 Th. 1:3 We are a. coofldent. 2 Cor. 5:6;

PhiL 1:20 Beready a. togive anrwet. lPet,5:15 Am (845). 159 "I am's" of
Scripture: ~S "I am's" of God. lli 15 -I am's-of Christ. 112 10 "I am's-of Job, 417

16 -I am's-of David. 417

13 "I am's" of Jesus Christ. 417

12 -I am's" of Paul. 417

65-1 am's-ofman.Gen.l8:12; 23:4; 25:30; 27:46: Ex. 4:10; Num. 11: 14; 1 Sam.
28:15; 1 KL 3:7; Job 7:4, 20; 9:28; 10:15: 12:3; 19:15, 20; 21:6:30:9,19,29;
40:4; Ps. 6:2. 6: 22.-6,14;25:16;3L-9,12,22;38: 6, 8; 40:12, 17: 52:8; 69:2-3, 8,
20, 29; 70:5: 71:7; 77:4: 88:4, 8, 15; 102:6-7, 11; 109:23; 119:19, 63,83,
94,107,141; 120:7,139:14, 18; 142:6; Isa. 6:5: Mt. 3:11; 8:9; Acu 20:26; 21:13;
Rom. 1:14-16: Gal. 2:20; Phil. 1:17 The -I am,- f 112-1*; m 116-1* Amad (1).
town In Asher. Josh. 19:26 Amar (l). labor. 1 Chr. 7:35 Arr.aiek (24;. warlike.
Son of Eliphaz.

dut.e of Edom.Gen. 36:12-16 Attacking Israel, a 32-4; Ex. 17:8-16 Vengeance

commanded, g-j 224-4;
Ex. 17:14-16; Dt. ■25:17-19; Num,

24:20 Judgment finally executed, 1 Sam.

15:1-32; 28:18; 2 Sam. 8:12; 1 Chr.

4:43 1:8,13

Amaleklte (3).l Sam. 30:13; 2 Sam. Amalekites (24). Dwelled in south

Palestine,Geo. 14:7; Num. 14:25,

43-45; 1 5am. 30:1, 18 Amam (1). city of Judah. Josh. 15c26 .Amana (li. a
mountain. Song 4:8 Anariah ( 16). Jehovah has said . 9 men.

rcH. 6:7-11, 52; 23:19; 24:23:

2 Chr. 19:11; 31:15; Ezra 7:3; 10:

42; Neh.l0:3; 11:4:12:2.13: Zeph.

1:1 Amasa (16).burdern bearer. 2 men, i

3?8-l; 2 Sam. 17:25; 19:13; 20:4-12; 1 Ki. 2:5. 32; 1 Chr. 2:17; 2

Chr. 28:12 Amasai (5). buden bearer. 3 men. 1

Chr. 6:25.35: 12:18; 15:24; 2 Chr.

29:12 Amashai (l).butden bearer ..Seh. 11:13 A.T;asiah (1). Jehovah is soaog, 2


Amazed (21). astonished. bewUdaed They shall be a. .Ex. 15:15: I$a.l3:3 They
were all a. .Mt. 12:23; 19:25; Mk. 1:27; 2:12; 6:51; 9:15: 10:32;

14:33: 16:8: Lk. 2:48; 4:36; 5:26;

9:43; ACU 2:7,12; 9:21 Amazement (2), Acu 3:10; 1 Pet. 3:6 Amazlah ?i"0),
Jehovah has strength. 4
men. 2 KL 12:21; 13:12; 14:1-23;

n7l-3: 1 Chr. 3:12; 4:34; 6:45; 2

Chr. 24:27; 25:1-27: 26:1-4; Amos

7:10-14 Ambassador (4), highest representative

sent by one government or riUer to

anotb5r,Pt. 13:17; Jer. 49614; Oba,

1; Eph. 6:20 Ambassadors (8), Josh. 9:4; 2 Chr. 32:

31; 35:21; Isa. 18:2; 30:4:33:7;

Ezek. 17:15: 2 Cot. 5:20 12 examples - ambassadors

1 Moses to Edorr. (Nu-t.. 20:14-21)

2 MosestoAmorites(Num.21:21-23)

3 Gibeooites to Inael Qosh. 9)

4 Israel to Amm.onitesOudg.ll:l-28)

5 Hiram to David and Solomon (2 Sam. 5:11; 1 Ki. 5:1); Solom.on to Hiram
(IKi. 5:i-7)

6 BcnhadadtoAhab(lKi.20:2-10)

7 AmaziahtoJehoash(2K1.14:8-U)

8 AhaztoTlglath-pQeser (2K1. 16: 9HoseatoSo(2KL17:4) 7-9)

10 Sennacherib to Hezekiah (2 KL 19:9-14)

11 Merodach to Hezekiah (2 KL 20: 12; 2 Chr. 32:31; Isa. 39)

12 Zedekiah to Egypt (Ezek. 17:15) Arr!bassa;e (l). ambassadors.Lk. 14:32

Am.be r( 2'..a yellowish brown vegetable resin. Ezek. 1:4. 27; 8:2 AmbltlCTJ for
righieousDcss, encoi*-aged. Gen. 1:26-31; Mt. 28:19-20; Mk. 16:15-20; 1 Cor.
righieousDcss, encoi*-aged. Gen. 1:26-31; Mt. 28:19-20; Mk. 16:15-20; 1 Cor.
12:31: 14:1; PhiL 3; 1 Tim. 3 6 examples - unselfish ambition: 1 .Abraham
(Gen. 12:1-3: 15:18-21)

2 Moses (Ex. 3-4; 32:7-14)

3 David (1 Sam. 16:1-13:24:1-22; 26:1-25;

4 Jesus Christ (Jn.5:30-36; 6:38; 7:15)

5 Paul (Rom. 9:3:GaL2:20;PhIL3:13)

6 Peter(IPet. 5:1-9; 2Pet.l:ll-16)

9 examples - selfish a.mbitlon:

mpK ei(Is

1 Lucifer(I$aJ4:i:-14;Ezek.28:U-17)

2 Babel builders (Gen. 11:1-9;

3 Aaron and Miria.'n C^'um. 12)

4 Absalom (2 Sam. 15:1-18:18)

5 Adonijah (1 KI. 1)

6 Haman (Esther 5:9-13: 6:6-9)

7 James and John (Kit. 20:20; Mk.10:

8 Ditrephes(3Jn.9-10) 35-45)

9 Simon the sorcerer (Acts 8:9-10) Ambush (7). josh. 8:2-21. Cp. Judg.

52J. 34; 20:29-41; 2 Chr. 13:13; Ambushes (1).Jer. 51:12 20:22

Ambushment (2;. 2 Chr. 10:13 Amb-jsL-ecu Q). 2 Chr. 20:22 .Amen (78). ttuly;
verily; so be It "ntTe of Christ. Rev. 3:14 L'sed to enforce a statement. Num.
5:22; Dt. 27:15-36: Neh. 5:13; 2 Cot, 1:20: Rev, 1:18; 22:20 used to sanction
prayer. 1 KL 1:36: 1 Chr. 16:36; Neh, 8:6; Ps. 41:13; 72:19; 89:52; 106:48; Jer.
28:6; Mt, 6:13; 1 Cor. 14:16; Rev. 5:14; 19:4
28:6; Mt, 6:13; 1 Cor. 14:16; Rev. 5:14; 19:4

Complete Concordance - Cyclopedic Index

Amend (6), 2 Chr. 34:10; Jer. 7:3-5;

2gri3; 35:15; Jn. 4:52 Amends (1), Lev. 5:16 Amerce (1), impose a fine, Dt.
22:19 Amethyst (3), precious stone of purple or violet color-next to a diamond'

in hardness (118; Ex. 28:19; 39:12;

Rev. 21:20) Ami (l).thebeginning.Servant of Solomon, Ezra 2:57. Called Amon .

Neh. 7:59 Amiable (1), lovely, Ps. 84:1 Aminadab (3), mykinsmanisgenerous.

Ancestor of Chiist,Mt.l:4; Lk,3:33 Amiss(4),improper, wrong, 2 Chi. 6:

37; Dan. 3:29; Lk. 23:41; Jas. 4:3 Amittai( 2),true, 2 Ki, 14:25; Jonah 1:1
Ammah (1). a hill, 2 Sam. 2:24 Ammi (1), my people. Son of Hosea, Hos. 2:1
Ammiel (6), people of God. 4 men, d

35^1; Num. 13:12; 2 Sam. 9:4-5;

17:27; 1 Chr. 3:5: 26:5 Ammihud (10), people of glory. 5 men.

n 343-4; Num. 1:10; 2:18; 7:48,

53:10:22; 34:20.28; 2 Sam. 13:37; ■

1 Chr. 7:26; 9:4 Amminadab (13), my kinsman Isgenerous. 4 men. Ex. 6:23;
Num. 1:7;

2:3; 7:12,17; 10:14;Ruth4:19-20;

1 Chr. 2:10; 6:22; 15:10-11 Ammi-nadib (1) - another form of

Amminajab . Song 6:12 Ammishaddai (5). people of the Almighty. A Danite,

Num. 1:12; 2:

25; 7:66, 71; 10:25 Ammizabad (1). my kinsman has en—

dowed. Sonof Benaiah, 1 Chr. 27:6 Ammoo (89), son of my people.

dowed. Sonof Benaiah, 1 Chr. 27:6 Ammoo (89), son of my people.
Descendants of Ben -ammi, son of Lot,

Gen. 19:38 Character of, Judg. 10:6; 2 Ki. 23:

13; 2Chr. 20:23: Jer, 27:3-9; Ezek.

25:3-6; Amos 1:13; Zeph. 2:10 Territory of. Nam. 21:24; Dt. 2:19;

]o±. 12:2; 13:10, 25; Judg. 11:13 Excluded from Israel, Dt, 23:3-6 Confederate
withMoab and Amalek,

Judg. 3:12-13 Haued of Israel, Neh. 4:7-8 Jews intermarried with, Ezra 9:12;

10:10-44 Kings of, 1 Sam. 11; 2 Sam. 10; 1

Chr. 19:1-2; Jer, 40:14; 41:10 Idols of, 1 Ki. 11:5; 2 Ki. 23:13. See Defeated by:

1 Jephthah (Judg. 10-12)

2 Saul (1 Sara. 11:11)

3 David (2Sam. 8:12:10:1-12:31)

4 Jehoshaphat (2 Chr. 20)

5 Uzziah(2 Chr. 26:7-8)

6 Jotham (2 Chr. 27:5) Prophecies concerning , Isa. 11:14;

Jet. 9:25-36; 25:15-21; 27:1-11;

49:1-6; Ezek. 21:20-32; 25:1-11;

Dan, 11:41; Amos 1:13-15; Zeph.

Ammonite (9),Dt, 23:3; 1 Sam. 11:12; 2 Sam. 23:37; 1 Chr, 11:39;Neh.

2:10, 19; 4:3; 13:1 Ammon

2:10, 19; 4:3; 13:1 Ammon

Ammonites (23). See scriptures under

Ammonitess (^, 1 KL 14:21, 31; 2

Chr. 12:13; 24:26 Amnon (25), faithful. 2 men, e 342-' ?r?Sam. 3:2; 13:1-39; 1
Chr. 3:lj i 4:20 I Amnon's(3), 2 Sam. 13:7-8. 28 Amok (2). deep. Priest. Neh.
12:7,20 Amon (19). builder. 3 men. 1414-4; Tki. 22:26; 2 Ki, 21:18-25; 1 Chr
3:14; 2Chr. 18:25; 33:20-25; Neh* 7:59; Jet. 1:2; 25:3; Zeph, 1:1; Mt.* 1:10. 6
dns of kingAmon. c 415-1 Among (1,323). I may dwell a. them. Ex, 25:8; 29:45-
46; Lev. 26:12; Num. 11:20 No plague a. them, Ex. 30:12-Scaner a. heathen,
Lev. 26:33 Strove a.themselves.Jn. 7:12,35.43; 9:16; 10:19; 12:19 |

Faith a. all nations, Rom. 1:5 Any a, you afflicted, Jas. 5:13 Any sick a. you, Jas,
5:14 ,

False teachers a, you, 2 Pet. 2:1 Amongst (2), Gen. 3:8; 23:9 1

Amome (14). hi^acder. Num. 13:

29, See notes under Amoiites Amorites (73).Descendants of Canaan. Gen.

10:15-16; 1 Chr, 1:13-14 Were Giants, Amos 2:9 Territory of.Gen. 14:7; Num,
13:29; 21:13; Dt, 1:4-44; 3:8-9; Josh. 5:1; 10:5; 12:2-3; Judg.l:35-36: 11:22
WickedneKof,Gen,15:16; 2Ki.21:ll Judgment foretold, Ex. 23:24; 33:2; 34:10-
11; Dt. 20:17-18 Hornets sent among, Joiu24:12 44 Intermarried with Jews, Ezra
9:1-10: Amos (8), burden. 2 men . Amos 1:1; 7:8-14; 8:2; Lk. 3:25 The prophet,
b 893-1 Book of Amos, 893-898 28 commands in A., a 894-4 3 visions of, g
896-4 Amounting (l).sum total.2 Chr, 3:8 Amoz (13). strong. Father of Isaiah,
5~Ki. 19:2, 20; 20:1; 2 Chr. 26:22;

32:20, 32; Isa, 1:1; 2:1; 13:1; 20:

2; 37:2, 21; 38:1 Amp hi polls (1), city in Macedonia,

Acts 17:1 AmpUas (1), enlarged. Christian at

Rome, Rom. 16:8 Amram (15), exalted people. 3 men,

ExrB:18-20; Num. 3:19; 26:58-59;

1 Chr. 1:41; 6:2-3. 18; 23:12-13;

1 Chr. 1:41; 6:2-3. 18; 23:12-13;

24:20: Ezra 10:34 Amramites( 2).descendants of Amram.

b 158-1; Num.3:27;lChr.26:23 Amram's fl) wife Jochebed,Num.26:59 Aniraphel

(2), powerful people. King

of Shinar in Abraham's time, Gen.

14:1, 9. Called Hammurabi. See

Code of laws, 1 44-1 Amzi (2),robust. 2 men , 1 Chr. 6:46;

Neh. 11:12 An fl, 660).one, any. Gen. 2:18-20;4:3 Anab (2), grape town. City of

Josh. 11:21; 15:50 Anah (12), fruitful in grapes. 2 men

and a woman, a 348-4; Gen, 36:129; 1 Chr. 1:38-41 Anaharath (1). gorge. City
of Ijsachar,

Josh. 19:19 Neh. 8:4:10:22

Anaiah (2).jah has answered. 2 men. Anak (9). long-necked, or giant. Son

oT Atba and father of the giant

Anakims,Num. 13:22-33; Dt. 9:2;

Josh, 15:13-14; 21:11; Judg. 1:20 Anakims (9), giants, e 200-1; g208-4;

ntn:28; 2:10-11, 21; 9:2; Josh.

11:21-22; 14:12, 15 Anamim (2), rock men.Descendants of

Mizraim, Gen. 10:13; 1 Chr. 1:11 Anammelech (1). king's rock. An

Assyrian Idol, g 410-1; 2 Ki. 17:31.

See note on false gods, 116 Anan (1). cloud. Returned exile. Neh.

Il):26 Anani (1). protected, 1 Chr. 3:24 Anani ji (2). protected. A man. Neh.
Il):26 Anani (1). protected, 1 Chr. 3:24 Anani ji (2). protected. A man. Neh.

3:23. A city inBenjamln.Neh. 11:32 Ananias (11),protected. 3 men, f 127—

ITActs 5:1-5; 9:10-17; 22:12; 23:

2; 24:1 Anarchy .Conditionsof.Isa.3; 2Tim. 3 Laws against, Ex. 22:28; GaL 5:13

9 examp les of anarch 1 Sodomites (Gen. 19:4-11)


2 Korah and company (Num. 16)

3 Ablmelech (Judg, 9)

4 Absalom (2 Sam. 15-18)

5 Sbeba (2 Sam. 20)

6 Jeroboam (1 Ki. 12) 7Baasha (1 Ki. 15:27-31)

8 Zimri (1 Ki. 16:9)

9 Athaliah (2 Ki. 11)

Anath (2), answer to prayer. Father of Stamgar, 3rd judge, Judg.3:31; 5:6
Anathema (1), accursed, 1 Cor. 16:22. Trans, accursed in Rom. 9:3; ICor. 12:3;
Gal. 1:8-9; and curse in Acts 23:12-14 Apathoth ( 16),answers to prayer. 2men.
1 Chr. 7:8; Neh, 10:19; A city of Levites in Benjamin, Josh. 21:18; 1 Ki.2;26; 1
Chr, 6:60; Ezra 2:23; Neh, 7:27: 11:32; Isa. 10:30; Jer, 1:1; 11:21, 23; 29:27;
32:7-9 Ancestors (1), forefathers. Lev. 26:45 Anchor (1) of the soul, Heb. 6:19
Anchon (3). Acts 27:29-30. 40 Ancient (26). 14 ancient things: 1 Mountains (Dt.

2 River CJudg. 5:21)

3 Times (2 Ki. 19:25; Ps. 77:5; Isa. 37:26; 45:21; 46:10)

4 Things (1 Chr. 4:22)

5 Men (Ezia 3:12; Ezek. 9:6)

6 Landmark (Pr.22:28)

7 Kings (Isa. 19:11)

8 Days (Isa. 23:7; 51:9)

9 People (Isa. 44:7)

10 Nation (Jer. 5:15)

11 Paths (Jer. 18:15)

12 High places^Ezek. 36:2)

13 Seals, 425

14 Dress, 437

Ancient headdress, 236^ 269* Aocient_o|_Da^(3), atitle of God the

Father, Dan. 7:9, 13, 22 Ancients a01. Means men of old (1

Sam.24:13;Ps.U9:100); resunected saints (Isa. 24:23); and elders of Is-
^nisa.3:14;Jer.l9:l; Ezek.7:26; ani-12; 27:9) Ancle (1), ankle, Acts 3:7 Ancles m.
ankles, Ezek. 47:3

And (50,672). See Uses of "and. " 51

Andrew (13).manliness.BrotherofPeter and one of the 12 apostles. See 1 3-4M

109-4*; Mt. 4:18; 10:2;Mk. 1:16.29; 3:18; 13:3; Lk. 6:14: Jn. 1:40-44; 6:8;
12:22; Acts 1:13. It is supposed that he was of the tribe of Reuben .Tradition
says he labored in Scythia, Greece, Thrace and LydIa, and that he was stoned
and crucified in Scythla. A writing of the 2nd century says he was imprisoned
and crucified in Achai a by the order o f the proconsul Eges, whose wife had
been estranged &om him bythe preaching of Andrew Andronicus (1). conqueror.
Kinsman of P aul who resided at Rome J?om.l6:7

Anesthesia. First on record, w 2-4

Anem (1)."2 springs. City in Issachar, Tchr. 6:73

Ang (3). waterfall. Ally of Abraham. Sen. 14:13, 24. A Levite city in Manasseh,
1 Chr. 6:"0
1 Chr. 6:"0

Anethothite (1). man of Anathoth, 2 Sam, 23:27 27:12

Anetothiie d). man of Anathoth.l Chr.

Angel (195). Heb. mal'ak , to dispatch as a deputy; a messenger; ambassador.

Gr.aggelos.tobring tidings; a messenger. The word angel is used of God, Christ,
men, and certain spirit beings. Common angels are teal personal beings with
personal bodies , personal souls including feelings, passions, emotions, and
desires, and personal spirits including all intellectual powers, as we understand
them. See Angels Of the Lord, q 271-4; 27T^ A divine being, 273 12 acts of,

Sent in answer to prayer, b 280-4 Angel's (2). Rev. 8:4; 10:10 632 Angels (93).
messengers. Doctrine of. Have spirit bodies, a 16-4 8 commands given by, f
16'-4 Dispensation of, past, 59 Failure of, 59, 632 Dispensation of faithful a, and
redeemed men, future, 62 Proofs sons of God are a., 63 5 proofs Angel was God,
n-q 88-4 8 facts about, 451 100 facts about, 632 1

Princes among,l,p 868-4; k-m839-In the book of Luke, u 56-1' Only4namedin

Scrlpture.878.e 56-Always wear white, e 122-4* 4* Ministry in Acts, c 132-1"
104 appearances to men, n 255-4* Amazed at God's plan, b 265-4* Sinned by
fornication, b 272-1*; k-q 283-1* Kept not their first estate, 1 283-1* Exan5)les,
etern al punishment, q 283-1* 4 bound in river Euphrates, c 292-4* 1/3 rebelled
against God.g 294-4* Can and do fight bodily, b 295-1* Are to be judged like
men, 312 Angels' (1) food, Ps. 78:25 Anger (232). a passion - sinful or
otherwise, according to its object or motive. See Angry Man's a. kindled (13
times), Gen. 30:2: 39:19; Num. 22:27; 24:10; Judg. 9:30; 14:19; 1 Sam. 11:6;
17:28; 20:30; 2 Sam. 12:5; 2 Chr. 25:10; Job 3Z-2; Ps. 124:3 God's a. kindled
(31 times), Ex. 4: 14; Num. 11:1, 10; 11:33; 12:9; Num. 22:22; 25:3; 32:10, 13;
Dt. 6:15; 7:4; 11:17; 29:27; 31:17; 32: 22; Josh. 7:1; 23:16; 2 Sam. 6:7; 24:1; 2
Ki. 13:3; 22:13; 23:26: 1 Chr, 13:10; 2 Chr, 25:15: Job 42: 7:Ps. 106:40;Isa.
5:25;ler. 15:14;17: 4; Hos. 8:5; Zech. 10:3 God provoked to a. f42 times). Dt. 4i
25; 9:7-8,18, 22; 31:29; 32:16,21; Judg. 2:12; IKi. 14:9; 15:30; 16:2. 33; 21:22;
22:53:2 Ki. 22:17:23:19; 21:15; 2 Chr. 28:25; 33:6; 34:25; Ezra 5:12; Neh.4:5;
Ps. 78:58: 106: 29; Isa. 5:25: Jer. 7:18-19; 8:19; 11:17; 25:6-7; 32:29-32; 44:3.
6; Ezek. 3:17; 16:26; Zech. 8:14:10:3 Slow to a., Neh. 9:17; Ps. 103:9; Joel 2:13;
Jonah 4:2; Nah. 1:3 Looked on them with a., Mk. 3:5 Put off all these, a., CoL
3:8 Provoke not children to a. ,Col.3:21 Uncontrolled,Gen.4:6:Pr. 12:16; 25: 28
3:8 Provoke not children to a. ,Col.3:21 Uncontrolled,Gen.4:6:Pr. 12:16; 25: 28

How pacified, Pr. 15:1, 18; 16:14; Warnings, wrong use of, Pr. 16:32; 17:14;
22:24-25; 30:33; Mt. 5:22; Eph.4:26-31 19-21

Source of sinful a. ,Mk.7:21; Gal. 5: Used of God, c 68-1; 264 12 things provoke
God to, c 68-1 10 reasons for God's, b 182-1

12 causes, God's a., 264 God's a., q 560-1

6 examples of a.. q 560-1 No proof of old man. t 37-1* Angered (1). Ps. 106:32
Angle (2),flshhook, Isa.l9:8; Hab.l:15 Anglo-Saxon theory , 367-409. See h-rael,
Jews Children explained, c 287-4 22 fallacies of Anglo-Saxons, 367: 370 409

82 proofs Jews and Israel same, 370-42 proofsjews are Israel of N.T., 400 30
scriptural ideas wrongly appUed.

403 20 proofs theory of no value, 408 Judah composed of aU tribes.e 374-1; b

375-1; 389

13 tribesmadeJewishnation,a409-4 Jews and Israel same people, 488; a

138-4* Angry (43). Used of God, c 68-1 Lord was a. (6 times), Dt. 1:37: 4: 21;
9:8.20: 1 Ki. 11:9; 2K1.17:18 God a. withthe wicked daily.Ps. 7:11 Be not hasty
in spirit tobe.EccL7:9 Whosoever Is a. without cause. Mt.

5:22 15 examples of men being a., 264 Be ye a. and sin not. c-j 211-1* Not soon
a.. Tit. 1:7 Anguish (17), agony, torture, pain Of soul. Gen.

42:21: Rom. Of 5>irit. Ex. 6:9; Job 7:11 Of heart, 2 Cor. 2:4 Trouble and a.
,Ps,H9:143: Isa.30:6 Distress and a. , Pr. 1:27 In childbirth. Jer. 4:31; 6:24;
49:24; 50:43; Jn. 16:21 Aniam(l),lament of people,1 Chr. 7:19 Anim (1),
fountains. City of Judah.

Josh. 15:50

Animals. Called evil (Ezek. 5:17);

wild Qob 3 9:15; p s. 8 0:13) ;tavenous

wild Qob 3 9:15; p s. 8 0:13) ;tavenous

(Isa. 35:9); venomous (Acts 28:4):

abominable (Ezek. 8:10); and

noisome (Ezek. 14:15) 2:19

Created, not evolved. Gen. 1:24-25;

Named by Adam. Gen. 2:20

Man's food. Gen. 9:2-3; Lev. 11; 1

Tim. 4:3-5 God'scare for,Gen.9:9-10; Mt, 6:26;

10:29: Lk. 12:6. 24; 1 Cor. 9:9 Cursed. Gen, 3; Rom. 8:20-23 Clean and
unclean.Lev.il; Dt. 14 Used as sacrifices. Gen. 4:4; 8:20; Lev. 1-7

Laws concerning, Ex. 20:10; 21:28—

36: 22:1-4: 23:5, 12; Lev. 19:19;

22:6-10; Dt. 22:4; 25:4; Pr. 12:10

Ruled by man,Gen. 1:26-28; 9:1-3:

Ps. 8 A. as gods of Egypt, 110 Men forbidden to lie with, Ex. 22:19 Men die like
a., EccL 3:19-20 Firstborn areGod's, Ex. 13; Num.3:13 Forbidden as objects of
worship, Ex.

20; Dt. 4:17 Toco-operate with God at Armageddon,Ezek, 39:17-21:Rev. 19:17

Can be tamed, Jas. 3:7

42 animals of Scripture: Apes Dromedary Mole

Ass Fish Mouse

Badger Ferret Mule

Bat Fox Onycha

Bear Frogs Ox

Behemoth Goat Pygarg

Boar Greyhound Ram

Bull Hare Roebuck

Cattle Han Sheep

Camel Hind Swine

Chamois Horse Unicom

Coney Kine Weasel

Deer Leopard Whale

Dog Lion WoU

See scriptures under each word, and list of Birds. Reptiles . Insects Anise (1). an
nerb about 3 ft,taU with small yellow fiowers and brownish, flattened, oval
seeds.Mt,23:23 Ankle. See Ancle Lk, 2:36

Anna (1). grace. Prophetess, f 59-1*; Annas (4). merciful. Associate high priest
wiA Caiaphas, i 59-4°; b 116-4^ c 126-1*: Lk. 3:2; Jn. 18: 13. 24; Acts 4:6
Annihilation - not taught in Scripture, f175-4; a 207-4; 1 211-4 Annul. See
Disannul Anoint (35). to pout oil upon, as a sign oTconsecratlon, Ex. 28:41;
29:7; 30:30; 40:15; 1 Sam. 9:16; 15:1; 16:3. 12; 1 Ki. 1:34; 19:15-16. K

Complete Concordance - Cyclopedic Index :^

was customary 10 anoint the head with oil (Mt, 6:17; Lk. 7:4€), and even the
body for burial (Mk. 14:8; 16:1). Eyes were anointed (Rev. 3: 18). In mourning,
anointing was omined (2 Sam. 12:20; 14:2;Dan, 10:3) Anointed (97). Used of
men, Mesdah, nJM^4:437 8 material tMngs anointed: 1 Tabernacle (Ex,50:26;
40:9; Lev. 8:10)

2 Altar (Ex. 29:36; 40:10; Lev. 8:11) 3Laver (Ex. 40:11) 15;

4 Fimiture of tabernacle (Ex, 40:95 Shields (Isa. 21:5)

6 Future temple (Dan. 9:24)

7 Pillan (Gen. 31:13)

8 Wafers (Ex. 29:2; Lev. 2:4; 7:12)

12 classes anoioted:

1 High priests (Ex. 29:7, 29; 40:13: Lev. 6:20; 8:12; Ps. 133:2)

2 Priests (Ex. 28:41; 29:7; 30:30; 40:13-15; Lev. 4:3; 6:20-22; 8:12,

3PropheU (1 Ki,19:16) 30)

4 Captives (2 Chr. 28:15)

5 KIngs(l Sam. 9:16; 16:12; 2 Sam, 2:4: 5:3; 19:10; 1 Ki.l:39; 19:15-16)

6 The dead (Mk. 14:8; 16:1)

7 The living (Ruth 3:3; Esther 2:12; Ps. 92:10; 105:15:Mt,6:17;Rev.3:18)

8 Guests (Lk. 7:46; 2 Chr. 28:15)

9 Thesick(Isa,l:6;Mk.6:13;Lk.l0: 34; Jas. 5:14: Rev. 3:18)

10 Twowitnesses(Zech.4:l4;Rev.ll)

11 Ministers(2Cor,l:21;lJn. 2:27-28)

12 Jesus Christ (Ps. 45:7; Isa. 61:1; Lk.4:18; 7:38, 46; Jn. 11:2: AcU 4:27:10:38;
Heb.l:9). Anointing of persons named in jjoints 10,11, and 12 Is by the Holy
Spirit, not ordinary oil Anotntedst (1). Gen, 31:13

Anolntest (1). Ps. 23:5

Anointing (28), 22examplesof,b 95-1

Special a. oil formula, f 97-1; Ex. 29:6-7; 30:22-33; 37:29

Of aU things, d 122-1
3 kinds of, 639

Destroyed because of the a., I$a.l0:27 With oil, Jas. 5:14 The a. which you have
received, teacheth you all things, 1 Jn. 2:27 2 anointings of Christ, j 29-4* Self
a., o 66-4* Mk.l:30

Anon (2), immediately, Mt. 13:20;

Another (435), different one; one more Appointed me a. seed. Gen. 4:25
Discover not a secret to a. ,Pr. 25:9 Let a. praise thee, Pr. 27:2 I will not give My
glory to a,, Isa.42:8 If a. come in his own name, him you will receive, Jn. 5:43 If
you have love one to a. ,Jn.13:35 Give you a. Comforter, Jn. 14:16 Let his
bishopric a. take. Acts 1:20 Duties of saints one to a. ,Rom. 12:5, 10, 16: 13:8;
14:13, 19; 15:5, 7, 14; 16:16: Gal, 5:13, 15. 26; Eph. 4:2,25,32: 5:21; Col. 3:9,
13, 16: 1 Th.4:9,18; 5:11: Heb.3:13: 10: 25; Jas. 4:11; 5:9, 16: 1 Pet. 1:22; 3:8:
4:9-10; 5:5, 14; 1 Jn. 1:7: 3: 11, 23; 4:7-12

Another's (5), Gen, 11:7; Ex. 21:35:

Jn. 13:14: 1 Cor. 10:24; Gal. 6:2 Answer (130). 9 meanings:

1 To reply to Qn. 19:9)

2 Make a defense (2 Tim. 4:16)

3 Respond In conversation (Dt.27:15;

4 Witness(Gen. 30:33) Dan.2:26)

5 Obey a call (Isa. 65:12) 14:12)

6 Give account (Job 9:3:40:2; Rom.

7 Render punishment to (Ezek. 14:7)

8 Correspond with(Gal. 4:25)

9 The petition of prayer granted (Pr. 27:7: Mt. 7:7-11: 21:22: Mk. 9:23: 22:22-
24: Lk. 1:1-13: 18:1-14; Jn. 14:12-15: 15:7, 16; Jn. 16:23-26: Heb. 11:6; 1 Jn.
3:21-23; 5:13-14) How you ought to a. every man. Col. 4:6 3:15

Readytogjve a.to every man,l Pet.

Readytogjve a.to every man,l Pet.

The a. of a good conscience, 1 Pet. Answerable (1),Ex. 38:18 3:21

An8wered( 486). 7dmesGod"answered"

1 Jacob (Gen. 35:3)

2 Moses andAaron(Ex.l9:19:Ps.99:6)

3 Samuel (1 Sam. 10:22; Ps. 99:6)

4 David (1 Sam. 23:4; 2 Sam. 21:1; 1 Chr. 21:28)

5 The man of God (2 Ki.7:19)

6 Job (38:1: 40:1, 6)

7 Habakkuk (Hab. 2:2)

Jesus answered 63 times - the word answered is used with the name Jesus
thismany times in the 4 gospels,besides being used many other dines with die
pronoun He, referring to Jesus Christ Answeredst (2). Ps. 99:8: 138:3 Answerest
(6).lSam. 26:14: Job 16:3; Mt.26:62; Mk.l4:60; 15:4; Jn.I8:22 Answeteth
(12).God a. me no mote, 1 Sam. 28:15, Cp. 1 Sam. 14:37: 28: 6: 2 Sam. 22:42
God that a. by fire, 1 Kl. 18:24 He that a. a manerbefore,Pr.l8:13 Money a.to all
things,Eccl. 10:19 Answering (31). Jesus a. (17 times), Mt. 3:15: Mk. 11:22, 33;
12:17: Lk. 4:12; etc. Answers( 3). Job 21:34; 34:36: Lk, 2:47 Ant (1), Pf. 6:6.
See Ants Ante-chaotic age - age before chaos, b 1-1; 59 59

■^nte-diluvian age - age before deluge, Anthroporr.ophisrri . ascription of hu-

man bodily parts, attributes, and passions to God, 548; Jn. 4:24, note Antichrist
(4). Defined, 279, 1 Jn. 2: 18, 22: 4:3; 2 Jo, 7. See Beast 7-yearcovenant with
Israel, g 27-1*: h 86-1*: Dan. 9:27, notes Image of, h 27-l»; a 50-4*: Rev. 13
Worship of, h 86-1»; h 228-4* Jews to receive him, f-g 99-4* Invasion of Israel,
i-o 27-1*; v 50-1*; a 50-4»: Dan. 11:40-45, notes That wicked, son of perdition,

228-4* Coming after power of Satan,s 228-4* Slain by Christ at Armageddon,p-

228-4*: a 302-1* 21 facts about, 230* 15 tiUes of, 279*

Some countries esc ape Mm, m 29i-4* 20fold power of, d 295-4*: 310* 20 facts
about, c 295-4* 7 proofs: white horse rider, 298* 10 ways armies destroyed, b
302-1* 3 brands of, 307* 308*

15 proofs not world-wide dictator,

7 proofs not from ab>'5s, 310*

8 facts about, 310* SymboUzed by the beast, 310* 5 classes in arnry of, 435
Future king of Babylon, r 692-1

3 things A. compared to, a 692-4

3 titles of, z 693-4

14 facts about, 735

6fold taunt of, 735

6fold oath of God to destroy, 736

The breaker, 906

5 latter-day truths, 915

The Assyrian of Mic. 5, c-d 904-4

3 ways armies destroyed, g 924-1

4 things about, 859

16 fallacies about, 874 The little horn , 874 .^irises from Syria, 879 7 facts
about, 880

King of the north, of Dan. 11, 879

Antichrists (1), 1 Jn. 2:18

Antioch (19), city of Syria founded by Seleucus Nicator, and named after his
father, Antiochus, A Christian center and missionary headquarters for
father, Antiochus, A Christian center and missionary headquarters for
evangelizing the Gentiles. See m 136-4;Acts6:5:11:19-27; 13:1: 15:22-35:
18:22: Gal. 2:11. Also a city in Pisidia, Acts 13:14, 19-26; 2 Tim. 3:11

Antiochus. Name of several kings of Syria after the death of .Alexander the
Great. See notes on p. 869-82

Antipas (1), likeness of his father. A Christian martyr. Rev. 2:13

■Antipatris (1). city built by Herod the Great, and named after his faflier,
Antipater, Acts 23:31

.Jintiquity (1), being old, Isa. 23:7

Anti-Semltismi. s 85-4* Chr.8:24

Antothijah (1), answer of Jehovah, 1

Antothite (2), inhabitant of .'^nathoth, 1 Chr. 11:28: 12:3

Ants (1),15 ways of, a 644-4; Pr, 30: 25. Several species in Palestine store up
seeds for winter. Some Asiatic and South American types construct habitations
with regular stories - sometimes30-40 of them. Their dwellings have large
chambers and numerous vaulted ceilings, long galleries and conidors, with
pillars or columns of perfect proportions. The largest chamber is located in the
center of the building and is much higher than the rest, aU galleries terminating
In It. The ceiling is more than 500 times higher than the bullders:if the same
proportions were used In human dwellings our houses would be high -er than the
largest pyramid in Egypt (which Is 480 ft, high and requires a base of 700 ft.
square to sitpport I it). Some ant houses are even said i to be 12-20 ft. high and
large 1 enough to bold a dozen men Anub (1). confederate, 1 Chr. 4:8 I Anvil
(1), blacksmith tool, Isa, 41:7| .■\ny (776). one out of many; some Is a. thing too
hard forGod,Gen,18:14 If a. m.an wiU do His will. Jn. 7:17 If a. man thirst, Jn.
7:37 If a. man serve Me, him will Father honor, Jn. 12:26 If a. man hear My
words, Jn. 12:47 If ye shaU ask a. thing in. JD. 14:14 , If a. man have not the
Spirit, Rom.8:9 If a. man's work abide, 1 Cor. 3:15 If a.man defile the temple, 1
Cor.3:17 If a. man think that he knoweth, 1 Cor. 8:2 8:3

If a. man love God, the same, 1 Cor. If a. thing be revealed, 1 Cor. 14:30 If a.
man have a quarrel, Col. 3:13 If a. man lack wisdom,Jas. 1:5 If a. man offend not
in word, Jas. 3:2 If a. err from the truth, J as. 5:19 If a. man speak, let him, 1 Pet.
in word, Jas. 3:2 If a. err from the truth, J as. 5:19 If a. man speak, let him, 1 Pet.
4:11 If a. minister,let him, 1 Pet. 4:11 If a. suffer as a Christian, 1 Pet.4:16. If a.
man sin, we have, 1 Jn. 2:1 If a. man love the world, 1 Jn. 2:15 If a. man hear
My voice,Rev. 3:20 If a. man worship the beast. Rev. 14:9 If a.man add to these
words,Rev.22:18 If a. man take away from. Rev.22:19 Anything (1). Job 33:32
Apace (3), swifUy, 2 Sam. 18:25; Ps, 68:12: Jer. 46:5 ■Apart (24), sanctify or
set apart, Ex. 13:12; Lev. 15:19; 13:19; Ps. 4:3: Ezek. 22:10; Zech, 12:12-14:
Mt. 14:13,23: 17:1, 19; 20:17: Mk, 6: 31: 9:2; Jas. 1:21 .^pelles (1), separate,
Rom. 16:10 Apes (2), 1 Kl. 10:22; 2 Chr. 9:21 Apharsachltes (2).colonists, Ezra
5:6; 6:6 Apbarsalhchites( l). colonists, Ezra 4:9 Aphatsites (1), colonists, Ezra
4:9 ■■Kphek (8), fortress. City in .\shet, p 251-4; J 298-1; Josh. 12:18: 13:4:
19:30. Called Aphik in Judg, 1:31, Also a city in Issachar, 1 Sam.4:1: 29:1;
audacity In N. Palestine, 1 Ki. 20:26-30; 2 Ki. 13:17 Aphekah (1). City in Judah,
j 298-1; Josh. 15:53 9:1

■^phi ah(l), striving.Benjamite, ISam, Aphik (1),272; j 298-1; Judg, 1:31

Aphrah (l),cityinBenjamin,Mic.l:10 Aphses fl) ,dlspersed.Priest,l Chr.24:15
Apiece (8), Sum. 3:47; 7:86: 17:6: 1 Kl. 7:15: Ezek. 10:21; 41:24; Lk. 9:3; Jn.
2:6 ■'Apocalypse . See Revelation Apocrypha ,14 uninspired books rejected
from our Canon of Scriptures,5iT ■\pollonia( l). City of Macedonia. Acts 17:1
■A polios ( 10),destroyer,or god of music. Eloquent preacher of the early
church. Acts 18:24: 19:1: 1 Cor. 1: 12: 3:4-6,22:4:6: 16:12; Tit. 3:13 A poll yon
(l),Rev. 9:11. See Abaddon ■'t post as y, total falling away or descr.-non of the
faith and true religion, Dt. 13:13: 32:15; 1 Tim. 4:1 3 acts of a., 440 3 classes
responsible for, d 747-1

20 stages of, 174*-

7 stages of, k 246-4*

Described, e 252-4*

Foretold, Mt. 24:9-14; 2 Th. 2; 1

Tim. 4: 2 Tim. 3: 4:1-4; 2 Pet. 2:

Jude 1-24 Warning against,! Chr,28:9;l5a.l:28:

Heb.6:4-8:10:25-29: 2Pet.2; 3:17 Judgments against, Isa. 65:11-16;

Jer. 17:5-6; Ezek. 3:20; 18:24-26;

33:12-18: Heb. 10:25-39: 2 Pet. 2:

17-22 Causes of, Mt. 13:20-21; 24:9-11;

Lk. 8:13: 11:24-26; 1 Tim. 4; 2

Tim. 3; 4: Heb. 3:13: 6:4-8; 10:

26-29 Security against, Jn. 15:6; 1 Cor. 9:

27; 2 Pet. 1: 1 Jn. 1:7

21 exaniples of, 284* Apostates, men guilty of apostasy

9 things to do to, b 213-4 Cities of, 9 things to do to, b 213-4 6 marks of, 238
God's vow 10, 238

6 judgments upon, 238

Can be former Christians, e-f 252-4* Sanctified men can become,p.252-4* Draw
back unto perdition, e 252-4*

7 judgments of, 259* Ultimate sin of, 259* Characteristics of a,, Mt. 23; 24{

Acts 20:28-31: Rom. 1; 2 Cor. 11: 12-15; 1 Tim.4; 2TIm.3: 4: Tit. 1:10-16:
Heb.6:4-8:10:26-29; Jas. 3; 2 Pet. 2: Rev. 3:15-17:13:11-18 Apostle (19).Rom.
1:1: 11:13: 1 Cor.

1:1; 9:1-2:15:9: 2Cot. 1:1: 12:12;

Gal. l:l;Eph, l:l:Col. 1:1; 1 Tins.

1:1; 2:7; 2 Tim. 1:1, 11; Tit. 1:1;

Heb. 3:1; 1 Pet. 1:1 2 Pet. 1:1 Apostles (55). Study of, a 142-1* Thrones of, m
21-4* Plot of James and John,n-o 22-1* 4fold commission, k 37-4* 4 pairs of
brothers among, n 64-1* Boldness of, o 126-1*: c 139-4*

Guts Qf, 1 IJ7-1

Liberated from prison, g 127-4* Showed right spirit, h 136-1* Contention

between, f 142-1* Compared to gladiators, b 178-4* 4 clear things about, f 182-
between, f 142-1* Compared to gladiators, b 178-4* 4 clear things about, f 182-
1* Angelic aposties, 257* 24 a, of the N. T., a 142-1* Aposties' (5), Acts 2:42;
4:35-37:5:2; 8:18 Apostieship (4), office of an apostle. Acts 1:25: Rom. 1:5: 1
Cot. 9:2; Gal. 2:8 Neh.3:8

.Apothecaries (1), makers of perfume. Apothecaries' (1), 2 Chr. 16:14

■Apothecary (4). m.aker of peifume, Ex. 30:25, 35; 37:29; Eccl. 10:1 Appaim
(2), nostrils, ICht. 2:30-31 ■Apparel (28), garment. See d-e 261-1*;256*: 269*.
11 kinds of apparel: 1 Ornamental (2 Sam. 1:24)

2 Mourning (2 Sam. 14:2)

3 Priest's (Ezra 3:10)

4 Cupbearer's (2 Chr. 9:4)

5 Royal (Esther 5:1; 6:8: 8:15;ACU

6 Glorious (Isa, 63:1) 12:21)

7 Strange (Zeph. 1:8)

8 White (Acts 1:10)

9 Modest (1 Tim, 2:9)

10 Goodly Oas. 2:2)

11 Gorgeous (Lk. 7:25) AppareUed (2),2 Sam. 13:18; Lk,7:25 Apparentl7 (l).
Num. 12:8

Appeal (2).' Acts 25:11; 28:19 Appealed (4). Acts 25:12,21,25: 26:32 Appear(
54).personal presence,c 221-1* Shall a. before Me, Ex. 23:15:23:17; 34:20-24:
Dt.16:16: 31:11; Isa.l:!?" Lord will a.. Lev. 9:4: 16:2; Judg.

13:21 He shaU a. In His glory, Ps. 102:16 That they might a. unto men to fast,

Mt. 6:16-18 Which a.beautifuIoulward,Mt.23:27 AU a, before judgment seat of


Rom. 14:10; 2 Cor. 5:9-10 Christ shall a. ,Mt. 24:30; CoL 3:4;
Heb.9:28: IPet, 5:4: IJn. 2:28; 3:2

Appearance (35) - outward, f 102-4*

Man looketh on outward a., 1 Sam.

16:7 The a. of cherubim described, Ezek,

1:5-28; 8:2; 10:1, 9 The a. of angel likebrass, Ezek. 40:3 The a. of God, Dan.
10:6, 18 The a. of horses, Joel 2:4 Judge not according to a. ,Jn, 7:24 Glory in a.
, not In bean, 2Cor. 5:12 Look not. .after outward a.,2Cor.lO:7 Abstain from aU
a. ofevU, 1 Th.5:22 Last a. of God to Moses, f 231-1 Appearances (2). Ezek.
10:10, 22 Appeared (6 9). 10 appearances of God: 1 To Abraham (Gen.12:7;
17:1; 18:1)

2 Isaac (Gen. 26:2, 24)

3 Jacob (Gen, 35:1, 7, 9; 48:3)

4 Moses (Ex. 3:2; 4:1, 5)

5 Israel (Num, 16:19)

6 Gideon Qudg. 6:12)

7 A woman Oudg. 13:3, 10)

8 Samuel (1 Sam. 3:21)

9 David (2 Chr. 3:1)

10 Solomon (1 Ki. 3:5; 9:2; 11:9) The glory of the Lord a., Ex, 16:10; Lev. 9:23;
Num. 14:10; 16:42; 20:6 Lord a. in the tabernacle, Dt. 31:15 Vision a., Dan. 8:1:
Acts 16:9 Angel a. ,Mt, 1:20; Lk. 1:11; 22:43 There a,Moses and Elias, MC 17:3
Christ a. .Mk. 16:9-14: Lk, 24:34 Salvation a, to all men,Tlt,2:11; 3:4 There a. a
great wonder in heaven. Rev. 12:1, 3 Appeareth (10). Lev. 13:14, 43: Dt. 2:30;
Ps. 34:7: Pr. 27:25; Jer. 6:1; Mai. 3:2: Mt. 2:13, 19; Jas. 4:14 Appearing (6).
unveiling, 1 Tim. 6:14; 2 Tim. 1:10; 4:1. 8: Tit. 2:13: 1 Pet, 1:7 Appease (1),
pacify. Gen, 32:20 Appeased (2), Esther 2:1; Acts 19:35 Appeaseth (1), pacifies,
Pr, 15:18 Appertam (2), to belong to. Num, 16: 30: Jer. 10:7 Appertained (3).
belonged to. Num.
belonged to. Num.

16:32-33: Neh. 2:8 Appertaineth (2).Lev^6:5: 2Chr.26:18 Appetite (4T. craving.

Job 38:39; Pr.

23:2: EccL 6:7: Isa. 29:8 Apphia (1). wife of Philemon. Ph'm

Complete Concordance - Cyclopedic Index

A. A. A. A.

2. Tradition says she was stoned to death with Philemon, Onesimas, and
Archippus in the reign of Nero Appi-fOTurri (1). A city. Acts 28:15 Apple (g^.
Tupil of die eve, e 554-4; dC 32:10; Ps. 17:8; Pr. 7:2; Um. 2:18; Zech. 2:8. A
fmit . Song 2: 3; 8:5; Joel 1:12 Apples (3), Pr. 25:11; Song 2:5: 7:8 Appbed (3).
Eccl. 7:25; 8:9, 16 Apply (4), Ps, 90:12; Pr. 2:2; 22:17; ^^:12

Appoint (41). select, ordain, q 242-1* A. me my wages, Gen. 30:28 A. officers

ove: the land,Gen. 41:34 A.thee aplace,Ex.21:13; 2Sam.7:10 A. over you terror,
Lev. 26:16 A. Levites and priests. Num. 1:50; 3:10; 4:19, 27 20:2

A. cities of refuge. Num. 35:11; Josh. A. him his portion with, Mt. 24:51 A. a
kingdom,Lk. 22:29 A. over this business. Acts 6:3 Appointed (126). selected,
ordained A. me another seed instead,Gen.4:25 A. moon for seasons,Ps. 104:19 ,
foundations of earth,Pr. 8:29 to destruction, Pr. 31:8 feasts, Isa. 1:14 times, Isa.
14:31; Acts 17:26 A. ordinances of heaven and earth, Jer. 33:25 A. other 70 also,
Lk. 10:1 A. a day. He will judge, Acts 17:31 A. us not to wrath, but to, lTh.5:9
A. a preacher, 2 Tim. 1:11 A. heir of all things, Heb. 1:2 A. unto men once to
die, Heb. 9:27 Appointeth (1). Dan. 5:21 Appointment (4). Num. 4:27; 2 Sam.

13:32; Ezra 6:9; Job 2:11 Apprehend (2).s 217-1*: 2 Cor.ll:32; PhU. 3:12 13

Apprehended (3), Acts 12:4; Phil. 3:12-Approach (19). 6 things not to a. ,Lev.
18:6, 14, 19; 20:16; 21:17-18 One thing cannot approach, 1 Tim. 6:16 12

Approached (2).2 Sam.11:20; 2 Kl. 16: Approachelh (1). Lk. 12:33 Approachuift
(2^. Isa. 58:2; Heb. 10:25 Approve (3)T Ps. 49:13; 1 Cor. 16:3; PMri:10
Approved (8). Acts 2:22; Rom. 14:18; rSTn-1 Cot. 11:19; 2 Cor. 7:11; 10:18;
13:7; 2 Tim. 2:15 Approvest (1). Rom. 2:18 Approveth (1). Lam. 3:36
Approvinj:; (1). 2 Cor. 6:4 Aprons (2). r 3-1; Gen. 3:7; Acts 19:12 Apt (4).
skilful, 2 Ki. 24:16; 1 Chr.
7:40; 1 Tim. 3:2; 2 Tim. 2:24 Aquila (6). eagle. Acts 18:2, 18, 26; Rom.16:3;
lCot.l6:19; 2TIm.4:19 AT (6), capital of Moab, Num. 21:15, 28; Dt. 2:9,18,29;
Isa. 15:1 Ara(l), strong. 1 Chr. 7:38 Arab (1), ambush. Josh. 15:52 A tab ah (2),
the plain, d 199-1; f 211-4; Josh. 18:18 Arabia (8) Wilderness.m b9&j.Countrv
southeast of Palestine, about 1,000 ml. long and 600 wide, 1 KI.10:15: 2 Chr.
9:14; Isa. 21:13; Jer. 25:24; Ezek. 27:21; Gal. 1:17; 4:25 Arabian ( 4). Neh. 2:19;
6:1: Isa. 13:20; Jer. 3:2 Arabians( 6). 2Chi. 17:11; 21:16; 22:1; 26:7; Neh. 4:7;
Acts 2:11. Ancestors were C ush (Gen.10:7); J^ktan (Gen. 10:25^^ Ishmael
(Gen.l7:20):Lot (Gen. 19:37-38): Esau (Gen. 36); Nahor (Gen. 22:20^^2?); and
Abraham and Keiurah (Gen. 25:1^^7^ Prophecies of: Isa.l3:20; 16:1-5; 21:13-
17:42:11; 60:7-Jer.3:2; 25:24; Dan. 11:41; Ezek. 20:33-38; Hos.

2:14-21; Mt.24:16:Rev.l2:6.13-17. These last 6 scriptures foretell of the

Arabians protecting Inael in the future tribulation Arad (5), fugitive. 2 men, k
251-4; Num.21:l; 33:40; 1 Chi. 8:15. Clty ofS.Canaan,Josh.l2:14;Judg. ifTS

Arah (4), wayfarer. 3 men. 1 Chi. 7:39; fzra 2:5; Neh. 6:18; 7:10

Aiam (10),high. 3 men. Gen. 10:22-53; 22:21; 1 Chr. 1:17; 7:34: Ml. l:3-
4;Lk.3:33.Countryof Syria and Mesopotamia . Num. 23:7: 1 Chr. ^TST 7:14-
Aramltess (1). femaleAramlte. 1 Chi, Aramaic . Ncttbern branch of Semitic
language, embracing Chaldee and Syriac. Language of the Jews after the
captlvity, Isa. 36:11. Parts of Scripture written in, are: Ezra 4:8-6:18; 7:12-26;
Jer.lO:ll; Dan. 2:4-7:28^

Aram-Naharaini (1), Aram of two

rivers. Also called Mesopotamia , b

21-1; Ps. 60, title

Aram-Zobah (l). Syrian kingdom of N.

Canaan, Ps. 60, title. See Zobah

Aran (2). wild goat,Gen, 36:28; 1 Chr.

1:42 Ararat (2), wilderness. District of Armenia and the mountain on whichthe
ark rested,Gen. 8:4; Jer. 51:27 Araunah (9), strong, a 357-1; 2 Sam, 54?B-24.
Called Oman . 1 Chr. 21:15-25. 5 things he did, 366 Arba (3), croucher. Giant
father of Anak.Josh. 14:15. A cityof Judah, later called Hebron . Josh. 15:13;
father of Anak.Josh. 14:15. A cityof Judah, later called Hebron . Josh. 15:13;
21:11 Arbah (1). Original name of Hebron, Gen. 35:27

Arbathite (2). native of Arba. 2 Sam.

53^51; 1 Chr. 11:32 23:35

Arbite (1), native of Arabia. 2 Sam.

Archangel (2). Chief angel, 1 Th. 4:

16; Jude 9 Atchelaus (1),people'schief,Mt.2:22 Archer (2). Gen, 21:20; Jer. 51:3
Archen( 12). Archervlstheartof using the bow and anow. 14 examples of. 1 18-4
Arches (14), colonade, Ezek. 40:16-36 Archevites (1). Samaritans, Ezra 4:9
.■\rcM (l)."citv of Ephraim,Josh. 16:2 Archippus (2). master of the horse.
Minister at Colosse, CoL 4:17; Ph'm 2 Archiie (5), native of Archi, 2 Sam.
15:32; 16:16; 17:5,14; 1 Chr. 27:33 Arcturus (2), a constellation. Job 9:9; 30!:; a
527-4 Ard (3), descent. 2 men. Gen. 4€:21; l>Jum. 26:40. CaUed Addar. 1 Chr.

Ardites (1). sons of Ard, Num. 26:40 Ardon(l), descendant, 1 Chr. 2:18 Are73.
002). Gen. 2:4; 6:9; 7:2; etc. Areli (2). valiant. Gen, 46:16; Num.

25:17 AreUtes (1). sons of Areli. Num.26:17 Areopagite (1).member of the

Areopagus or ancient court which was held on a hill of the same name in Athens,
Greece (Acts 17:34). It was made up of the most noble and rich men of Athens.
It exercised the right of capital punishment; had general oversight of all civil,
moral, and relitUO^s activities of the state; and was te?>onsible for the laws
being enforced and for public ofScials canying out their duties. The court could
summons any citizen for trial without any formal complaint. Its members were
selected for life;and the number of members was without restriction. The
Areopagus convened for 3 nights at the end of each month Areopagus
n).Marshm.Actsl7:19-29. Aretas (1), virtuous. Arabian king who sought to arrest
Paul, 2 Cor. 11:32 Argob (5). heap of stones. An Israelite,

Tki. 15:25. A district of Bashan,

210; Dt. 3:4,13-14; 1 Ki. 4:13 Arguing (1), Job 6:25 Arguments (1), Job 23:4
Aildal (1), the bull, Esther 9:9 Aridatha (1), great birth, Esther 9:8 Arieh (l),lIon
of Jehovah, 2 Ki. 15:25 Ariel (5), lion of God, Ezra 8:16; Isa, ?^l-7 Aright (5),
of Jehovah, 2 Ki. 15:25 Ariel (5), lion of God, Ezra 8:16; Isa, ?^l-7 Aright (5),
correctly. Ps. 50:23; 78:8;

Pr. 15:2; 23:31: Jer. 8:6 Arimathea (4), height. City 5 miles

north of Jerusalem, h 295-4; Mt.

27:57;Mk.l5:43;Lk.23:51;Jn.l9:38 Arioch (7), lion-like. 2 men . Gen,

14n, 9; Dan. 2:14-25 Arisai (l), Esther 9:9 Arise ( 148). Means Aet up (Gen.

19:15; 21:18); axend (Judg. 20:40;

2 Sam. 11:20); rrount up( Ps. 89:9);

appear (Mai. 4:2; Jon.4:8); awake

(Hab. 2:19). rouse (Mt. 2:13, 2(5);

stir up (Lk. 15:18; 17:19; Eph. 5:14) Ariseth (ID.I Kl. 18:44; Ps, 104:22;

112:4; EccL 1:5; Isa. 2:19-21; N ah,

3:17: Mt, 13:21; Mk. 4:17; Jn. 7:

52; Heb. 7:15 Arising (1). Esther 7:7

Aristarchus(5),best ruler. Acu 19:29; 20:4; 27:2; Col. 4:10; Ph'm 24

Anoobulus (1). best counselor, Rom.

16:10 Aik (226). 3 aiks of divine command,

1 65-4; 117. 4 arks of Scriptige:

1 Noah's ark: Size of, 41 Windows of, h 6-4; 41 16

Dlrectionsforbuilding.Gen. 6:14-Noah's family saved by,Gen.6:18;

Ml 24:38; Heb. 11:7; 1 Pet.3:20 Animals savedby,Gen.6:18-9:19

2 Ark of bulrushes, k 65-4; Ex.2:3-5

3 Ark of the covenant. 117; Ex.25:

ro-^2: n 294-1'; 1-m 250-4* As a symbol, 117 16 names of, 117 Captured,c 298-
4; b 299-4 8 miracles because of, d 299-1 New cart for, m 299-4; i 336-1 5
movings of, k 300-1 8 titles of, in Chronicles, a 436-1 Contents, Ex. 16:33-34;
25:16-21; Num.. 17:10; Heb, 9:4 How and by whom carried. Num. 3:

30-4:6: Josh,3:6-14; 6:6; ISam.

4:3-22 11:19

4 Heavenly ark . Heb. 8:5: 9:24; Rev. Arkite(2), descendantofCanaan,Gen.

10:17; 1 Chr, 1:15 Arm (67). 8 meanings in Scripture:

1 Power (Ex. 6:6; 15:16; Dt. 4:34: 5:15; Ps. 10:15; 44:3:89:10:98:1)

2 Military strength (Num.31:3; Ezek. 30:20-25: Dan. 11:6,15, 22,31)

3 Posterity (1 Sam. 2:31)

4 Upper limbs of the body (2 Sam. 1:10; Dan.l0:6;Mk. 9:36; Lk.2:28)

5 Vengeance(lsa.48:14: Ezek.20:336 TrustOer.l7:5;Ezek.31:17) 34)

7 Strength Oer. 48: 25)

8 Support (Isa. 51:5) Armageddon (1). Defined, k 298-1*

Battle of, k 701-4; c-g 729-4; d-f 904-1; c-i 921-l:c921-4; k 922-4; b-f 927^; b
27-4*; h-j 298-1*; h 301-4* 14proofsEzek.38-39 refer to, 855 20i^old
destruction of Gog, d 843-1 3 results of, f 843-1 One day banle, g-h843-4; m
923-4 Callforfowls to, k 843-4; a-b 844-1 4fold purpose of God in, c 844-1
Supernatural army at, 899 Jerusalem half taken at, g-h 923-4 God the Father at, 1
923-4 3 ways armies destroyed at, g 924-1 Supper of the Great God,g 301-4* 44
facts about, g-h 301-4* Antichrist slain at, a 302-1* 10 ways armies destroyed
at,b 302-1* Blood up to horses' bridles, n 574-1 Scriptures about, Isa. 63; Ezek,
38-39; Joel 2-3; Zech. 9:12-17; 12:4-9; 14:1-21; Mt. 24:27-31; 2 Th. 1: 7-10;
2:8-12; Jude 14: Rev. 14:14-20; 16:13-16; 17:14; 19:11-21 Armed (30),
2:8-12; Jude 14: Rev. 14:14-20; 16:13-16; 17:14; 19:11-21 Armed (30),
equipped for battle,Gen. ni4: Num. 31:5; 32:17-32; Dt. 3:18;Josb.l:14;4:12;6:7-
13;Judg. 7:11; 1 Sam. 17:5,38; 1 Chr. 12:2-24; 2 Chr. 17:17; 28:14: Job 39:21;
Ps.78:9; Pr.6:ll; 24:34; Isa. 15:4; Lk. 11:21 Anrienia( 2). a district north of
Assyria between the Black and Caspian seas (2K1.19:37; Isa.37:38). Called the
kingdom of Araiat.Jer. 51:27. See Togarmah and Ashkenaz Armholes (2),
meaning armpits Qer.

38:12); and elbows (Ez€kri3:18^ Armies (42).Military age. Num. 1:2-37^6:2; 2

Chr. 25:5 Exemption, Num. 1:47-50 Drafting, 1 Sam. 14:52 Standards, Num.
2:2-34: 10:14-25 Uniforms, Ezek. 23:6,12; Nah. 2:3 Standing. 1 Sam. 13:2; 1
Chr. 27; 2

Chi. 1:14; 17:12-19; 26:11-15 Mobllizanon.Num. 10:9; Judg.3:27; 6:34; 20:21; 1

Sam. 11:7; 13:3-4 Tactics. Gen. 14:14-15; Judg, 9:43; 1 Sam. 11:11; 13:17: Josh,
8; Judg. 9:25-34; 2 Sam. 5:23-25; Isa. 8:8; Jer. 6:6 Divine assistance,Ex.l7:11-
12; Josh. 10; Judg. 7; 2 Ki. 19:35; Zech. 14; Rev. 19 Victory celebrated, Judg. 5:
1 Sam. 18:6; 2 Chr. 20:28; Num.31:25-47 Officers: co m m a n d e r-in-chief (1
Sam.l4:50; 2 Sam. 2:8: 8:16:19:13; 20:23): generals (Num. 2:3-31; 2 Chr, 17:12-
19); captains of 50's. 100's,and l,000'5(Num.31; ISam. 17:18; 2 Ki. 1:9) Great
militarv leaders: Abraham (Gen. 14); Mqses (ExTTT; Num. 21; 31); Joshua
Qosh. 6-12); Gideon Qudg. 6-8); Saul (1 Sam. 11-15); David (1 Sarn7T8-30;
2Sani. 5; 8; 18); Asa (2 Chr. 14); Jehoshaphat (2 C157T7; 20); Uzziah (2 Chr.
26) Amioni (1). Fortress, 2 Sam. 21:8 Armour (24), equipment of a soldier
Offensive weapons: anow.battle-ax. battering ram,bow.chariots, dagger, dart,
engine, javelin, rod.

sling, spear, sword Defensive weapons: breastplate,

brigandine, coat of mail, girdle,

greave, habergeon, helmet, shield Christian armour.See 8 212-1*; Rom.

13:12; 2 Cor. 6:7; 10:4; Eph. 6:

10-18; 1 Th. 5:8 ArmouAearer (18),Judg. 9:54:1 Sam.

14:7-17: 16:21:31:4-6: 2Sam. 23:

37: 1 Chr. 10.4-5; 11:39 Armoury (3). Neh. 3:19; Song 4:4: Jer. Arms (29). See
Arm 50:25
Army (80). See Armies Aman (1), agUe, 1 Chr. 3:21 Amon (25)jiver which m
akes the north

Eorder of Moab, Num, 21:13-28;

22:36: Dt. 2:24, 36; 3:8-16; 4:48;

Josh. 12:1-2; 13:9, 16; Judg. 11: Arod (1), wild ass. Num. 26:17 13 Arodi (1),
Gen. 4«:16 Arodites (1), Num. 26:17 Aroer (16). nudity, r 251-1 11:44 Aroerite
(1). native of Aroer. 1 Chr. Arose (174). Ex. 1:8; 2 Sam. 12:20; Mt. 9:25; Jn.
3:25; Acts 6:1:19:23:

23:7, 10; 27:14; Rev. 9:2 Arpad (4). spread out. City near

Damascus. 2 KI. 18:34; 19:13; Ua.

10:9; Jer. 49:23 Arphad (2).Isa.36:19; 37:13. See Arpad Arphaxad (10). one that
releases. Son

ofShem.Gen. 10:22-24; 11:10-13;

1 Chr. 1:17-24; Lk. 3:36 Array (34). form of battie lines. Judg.

20:20-33; 1 Sam. 4:2; 17:2-21; 2

Sam. 10:8-17. Clothing, 1 Tim.2:9 Anayed (11). clothed. Gen. 11:42; 2

05175:12; 28:15; E.ither 6:11; Mt.

6:29; Lk, 12:27: 23:11; Acts 12:21;

Rev. 7:13; 17:4; 19:8 Arrest -to make a prisoucr. l2 examples: TTbseph (Gen.

2 Pharaoh's servants (Gen. 40:3)

3 Sons of Jacob (Gen. 42:17)

4 2 Israelites (Lev. 24:12; Num.15:34)

5 Samson (Judg. 16:21-25) 6Micaiah (1 Ki. 22:27)

7 Kings(2Kl,17:4; 25:27-29) 13)

8 Jeremiah (Jer. 32:2; 37:4-21; 38: 1 9Jesu5 Christ (Mt. 26:57; Jn.l8:12) ' 10
Aposties (Acts 5:17-18:12:1-10) 11 Paul and Silas (Acts 16:19; 21:30)

12 Christians (Acts 9:2) Arrived (2). Lk. 8:26: Acts 20:15 Arrogancy
(4).haughtiness. 1 Sar,'. 2:

3: Pr. 8:13; Isa. 13:11; Jer. 48:29 Arrow (16). 1 Sam. 20:36-37; 2 KI. 9: 54;
13:17; 19:32; Job 41:28; Ps. 11: 2; 64:7; 91:5; Pr. 25:18; Isa. 37:33; ; Jer. 9:8;
Lam. 3:12; Zech. 9:13 Arrows (51). 8 a. of God. 196 The a, of God, Num. 24:8;
Dt. 32: 23, 42; 2 Sam. 22:15; Job 6:4; Ps. 7:13; 18:14; 38:2; 77:17 Jonathan's a.,
1 Sam. 20:20-38 Of the wicked,Ps. 57:4; 58:7; 64:3 Used in hunting (Gen.
21:20; 27:3); war (1 Sam. 31:3; 2 Sam. 22:15); cK^nation (Ezek.21:21); as a sigi
(1 Sam. 20:20-42; 2 Ki. 13:if) 7 figurative uses, g 565-1 I Arson . See Ex. 22:6;
Ps. 74:7-8. 3 examples. Judg. 15:4-5; 2 Sam. 14: 30; 1 Ki. 16:18 Art_(483). This
word Is used 2 ways in Scripture - as afonn ofihe verb to be (Gen.3:14. 19; 4:6.
11; 12:117 131 etc.) and to designate skill.craft and cunning (Ex. 30:25; Acts
17:29; 19:19) Artaxences (14), great king, 3 men. E2ia4:7-U: 6:14; 7:1-21; 8:1;
Ne£ 2:1; 5:14; 13:6 Artaxerxes' (1). Ezra 4:23 Artemas (f). whole. Tit. 3:12
Artificer (2). skilled workman. Gen.

¥257Isa. 3:3

Artificers (2). 1 Chr. 29:5: 2Chr.34:ll

Artillery (1). weapons. 1 Sam. 20:40

Arts (1), and sciences, 436: Acts 19:19

60 arts and skills referred to:

Apothecary Armour Beaten work Brass Baker Barber Brick Calker Candle
Carpenter Carving






















Confectioner Perfume

Parchment Scribe












Manofwar Husb an dman Plaister Fishermen Shepherd Engine

Complete Concordance - Cyclopedic Index

Gardener Silver-Idol Goldsmith smith Image

Aruboth(l) .district in J jdah, 1 Ki.4:10 A rum ah (1). lofty. A city, Jjdft.9:4l

Arvad (2), place of fugitives. A fom-Hed island near Zidon,Ezek.27:8.11
Arvadlte (2). inhabitant of Arv ad, Gen.

Ton?; 1 Chr. 1:16 Arza(l). firm., 1 Ki. 16:9 AsT3,369). Signifies Uke (1 Pet.
3:8); while (Acts 20:9); for (KU. 6:12); beca use On. 15:12): "aTcerthe manner
Qob 31:33); likeness in quality, notquanityf?.lt.5:48i; equallty On. 5:23);
limitatiop (1 Pet. 4:15-16); time (Lk. 8:5; 15:25); cause( l Cot. 37T)T concession
Qn. 7:10; 2 Cor, 11:21); and illustration (Isa. 20:3) Asa (59^.physician. 2 men. 1
Ki. 15: ^8-33; 16:8-29; 22:41-46; 1 Chr. 3: 10; 9:16; 2 Chr. 14:1-13; 15:2-19;
Ki. 15: ^8-33; 16:8-29; 22:41-46; 1 Chr. 3: 10; 9:16; 2 Chr. 14:1-13; 15:2-19;
16:1-13; 17:2; 20:32; 21:12; Jer. 41:9; Mt. 1:7-8 Asahel (18), whom God made.
4 me a, TSam. 2:18-32; 3:27-30; 23:24; 1 Chr. 2:16; 11:26; 27:7; 2 Chr. 17:8;
31:13; Eaa 10:15 14

AsaUah(2)Jehovahmade,2Ki. 22:12-Asaiah (6), Jehovah made. 4 m.en, 1 CT5.

4:36; 6:30; 9:5; 15:6, 11; 2 Chr. 34:20 Asaph (45), assemibler. 5 men, 2 Ki.
18:18, 37; 1 Chr. 6:39; 9:15; 15: 17-19: 16:5-7,37; 25:1-9; 26:1; 2 Chr. 5:12;
20:14; 29:13,30; 35:15; Ezra 2:41; 3:10; Neh. 2:8:7:44; 11: 17,22; 12:35, 46; Isa.
36:32; and in the titles of Ps. 50. 73-83 Singer of laael c 570-4 ISfold complaint
of, t 585-4 11 requests of, b 586-1 16 requests of, rr. 586-1 15 requests of, b 587-
4 Asaph's (1), Isa. 36:3 Asareel (l).God is joined, 1 Chr.4:16 AsatelahG
).uptowardGod,lChr.25:2 Asa's( l)'heartwasperfect,lKl. 15:14 Ascend (13),
climb; rise up of own power, Joi. 6:5; Ps. 24:3; 135:7; 139:8; Isa.l4:13-
14;Jer.lO:13; 51: 16; Ezek.38:9; Jn.6:62; 20:17; Rom. 10:6; Rev. 17:8 Ascended
(19). Angel a. .Judg. 13:20 Thou hast a. on high, Ps. 68:18; Jn.

20:17; Eph. 4:8-10 No m.anhatha.into heaven, Jn. 3:13 David not yet a. to
heaven, Acts 2:34 They a. up to heaven,Rev. 11:12 Ascendeth (2), Rev. 11:7;
14:11 AK:endiDg (5),GeD. 28:12; 1 Sam. 28: 13; Lk. 19:28; Jn. 1:51; Rev. 7:2
Ascension of Christ, m. 95-4*

3 things done at, c 210-4* Ascent (4). Num. 34:4; 2 Sam. 15:30;

m. 10:5; 2 Chr. 9:4 .Asceticism, a philosophy of extreme self-denial of natural

and divinely permitted institutions and bodily passions.Rebuked, Mt. 11:19; Lk.
7:34; CoL 2:20-23; 1 Tim.. 4:1-8 Ascnbe (3). impute, Dt. 32:3:Job 36:3: A
scribe d ( 2), 1 Sam. 18:8 Ps. 68:34 Asenait< 3), dedicatedtoNeit,Egyptian
goddess.Gen. 41:45,50:46:20 Aser( 2).Asher.Lk. 2:36: Rev. 7:P Ash(l), a tree.
Isa. 44:14 46:20 XsEamed (126) ,confused through guilt, oneatofdisgrace,2Ki.
2:17; 8:11 Holy persons not a,, Isa. 50:7; 54:4; Rom. 1:16; Heb. 2:11; 11:16 2
tWngs not to be a. of, t 44-4* Causes of being a. , Jer. 14:3-4; 15:

9; 20:11; 31:19; Rom. 6:21 How sense of being a. is lost, Jer. 6:

15; 8:12; 1 Tim. 4:2; Tit. 1:15

How delivered from being a., Rom.

1:16; 2 Tim. 1:16-18; 1 Pet. 4:16

How to esc ape being a. in the future,

Mk.8:38; Lk. 9:26; 2 Cor. 5:17-18

7 things to be a. of:

1 Self (Num. 12:14)

2 Idolatry (Isa. 1:29)

3 Trust in man (Isa. 20:5)

4 Envy (Isa. 26:11)

5 Larceny 0er. 2:26)

6 Fotsakina God (Fer. 17:13)

7 Iniquities (Ezek. 43:10)

Ashan (4), smoke. Levitical city in

JmJah, Josh. 15:42; 19:7; 1 Chr. 4:

32; 6:59

Ashbea (1), adjuration, 1 Chr. 4:21

Asfabel (3), man of Baal. Son of Ben—

Jamin, Gen. 46:21; Num. 26:33; 1

Chr. 8:1 Nuni.26:38

Ashbelites (1). descendanu of Ashbel,

A^cbenaz (2), fire that spreads, 1 Chr.

1:6; Jer. 51:27. See Ashkenaz Ashdod (20).ravager.CityofPhmstla. Josh. 11:22;

15:4€-47;1 Sam. 5:1-7; 6:17; 2 Chr. 26:6; Neh. 13:23-24; Isa. 20:1; Jer. 25:20;
Amos 1:8: 3:9; Zeph.-2:4; Zech. 9:6. Called ■Azotos, Acts 8:40
Ashdodites (l), Neh. 4:7

Ashdothites (1), Josh. 13:3. Ashdodites

Ashdoth-pmah (3), springs of Piagah,

Dt. 3:1"/; Josh. 12:3; 13:20 Asher (42), happy. Son of Jacob by Zllpah.m429-4;
Gen.30:13; 35:26; 46:17; 49:20; Ex. 1:4: Num. 1:40-41; 26:44-47. Also a city in
Ma-nassah,Josh.l7:7; IKi.O^.CaUed A set in N.T. . Lk. 2:36; Rev. 7:6
Prophecies concerning tribe of A., Gen. 49:20; Dt. 33:24: Ezek. 48:2; Rev. 7:6.
Not prominent in Israel's history; did not produce one deliverer Asherites (1).
Judg, 1:32 Ashetah. totem-pole type of god, 106 Ashes (43). Used In ceremoni
al cleans-ings. Num. 19:17-18: Heb. 9:13 All ashes taken outside camp. Lev.
1:16: 4:12; 6:10-11: Num. 4:13 A symbol of 4 things: 1 Human
frailty(Gen.l8:27:Job 30:19) 2Hummation Qob 42:6: Ps. 102:9; Isa. 58:5; Ezek.
28:18; Dan. 9:3) 3 Mourmng(2 Sam.l3:19;Esther 4:1-3) 4Vdnity (Isa. 44:20)
Ashirna( l),idolofHamathinthe form of a goat without hair, c 410-1; 2 KL 17:30
Ashkelon (9), weighing. City of Philis-tla7judg.l4:19;jer. 25:20:47:5-7: Amos
1:8; Zeph. 2:4-7; Zech. 9:5 Ashkenaz (l).Gen.l0:3.See AstKhenaz Ashnah(
2).brlghl.City.Josh.l5:33, 43 A shpen az (1), horse -nose, D an. 1:3 Ashriel (1),
God is joined, 1 Chr. 7:14. Called Asriel ,Num.26:31; Josh.l7:2 Ashtaroth (11),
giant city of Bash an. Josh. 9:10; 12:4: 13-T2, 31; 1 Chr. 6:71. Also an idol
goddess. Judg. 2:13; 10:6: 1 Sam. 7:3-4; 12:10; 31:10. See Ashtoreth Asherathite
(1), native of Ashtaroth, 1

Chr. 11:44 Aihterotb-K am aim ( 1) .city of giants in

B ashan. Gen. 14:5 Ashtoreth (3), female idol of Philistia, Zidon.and Phenicia,y
267-1; 1325-4. Supposed tobethe wife of Baal, andthe queen of heaven (Jet.
7:18; 44:17). Worshipped also by Israel in times of apostasy (Judg. 2:13; 10:6; 1
Sam. 7:3-4: 12:10: 31:10; 1 Ki. 11:5,33: 2 Ki. 23:13). Her priests were eunuchs
in women's attire (1 KL 14:24). Women devotees were prostitutes for the male
devotees whose lustful orgies formed the main part of the worship, which was
carried on in temples, gardens, and high places (1 Sam. 31:10; 1 Ki. 14:23; Isa.
29; 57:5: 66:17; Hos.4: 13-14; Jer, 2:20; 3:13). Thecultof the goddess came from
Babylon where Ishtar was worshipped with immoralritesbybandsof men and
women Ashur (2). hero, 1 Chr. 2:24; 4:5 Ashurltes (2). descendants of Ashur, 2

Sam. 2:9; Ezek. 27:6 Ashvath ( 1). bright, 1 Chr. 7:33 Asia (2l), meaning Asia
Minor and the western pan of the Roman Empire (Acts 2:9; 6:9; 16:6:19:10-
Minor and the western pan of the Roman Empire (Acts 2:9; 6:9; 16:6:19:10-
31:20: 4,16-18: 21; 27; 24:18; 27:2; 1 Cot. 16:19; 2 Cot. 1:8: 2 Tim. 1:15; 1 Pet.
1:1; Rev. 1:4, 11) Aside (72). Used of detour (Ex. 3:3-4; Warn. 22:23; Judg.
14:3); leavin pathof obedience (Ex. 32:8; Dt 32; 3:12-16; 5^:14: 31:29; Josh. 23:
6; Ps. 14:3; 40:4): leaving v inue (Num. 5:12-29): being Jet f


fRuth4:ll: ceasiDg to foUow (2 Sam 2:21-23): setting »-.ethin^ ^^J^' self (2 Ki,
4:4,1; dolEz. iajuspce ffsaT itT^n putting off clotr.:3s0 n.T3:4); havlnga private
conference (Acts 4:15; 23:1§; 26:31); mortifying self-Ufe (Heb. 12:1; 1 Pet. 2:1)
AsJelT l). made by God, 1 Chr. 4:35 AsIcflOS^. Used of inquiry (Gen. 32: 29;
Dt.4:32; 1 Cor.l4:35); seeking counsel (Num. 27:21; Hos. 4: 1^; making a
demand (1 Sam. 12: 19; Mt.21:24);maki ngrequest (Gen. 34:12;Ps.2:8: 7:11):
making known (2 K1.2:9; 2 Chi.l:7): Teg&ing (Acts 3:2); and praying Qet. 6T6;
Mt. 6: 8; 7:7-11; 18:19; 21:"22;Jn.l4:12-15; 15:7. 16; 16:^3-28: Jas. 1:5-6; 4: 2-
3; 1 Jn. 3:22; 4:15-16) Defined. u6-4*

2-ask's", 313*

How to a., v-w 6-4* 1 19-1»

Why not beard when we a., x 6-4*;

Assuranceof an answer wben a.,a 7-1* What to a. for, a 7-1* 12 things to a. for.
w 23-1* Asked (116). A. a hard thing, 2Ki. 2:10 A.wisdom and knowledge.
2Chr.l:ll A. not after thee, Rom. 10:20 Askest (3). Judg. 13:18; Jn. 4:9; 18:21
Askeih( ll),Gen.32:17;Ex. 13:14: Dt, 5T?ti; MIc. 7:3: Mt. 5:42; 7:8; Lk. 6:30;
11:10; Jn. 16:5; 1 Pet. 3:15 Asking (7). 1 Sam. 12:17; 1 Chr. 10: 13: Ps. 78:18:
Lk, 2:46: Jn. 8:7; 1 Cor. 10:25, 27 Askeloo (3). city of Phllisda, 1 266-
3TTudg.l:18; 1 Sam. 6:17; 2 Sam. 1:20 Asleep (16). Judg, 4:21; 1 Sam, 26: :ep

Aidiut (8). level plain. Son of Shem

and ancestor of Assyrians, h 184-4;

Gen. 10:11. 22; Nuin. 24:22-24;

1 Chr. 1:17; Ezek, 27:23; 32:22;

Hos. 14:3 Asshurim (1). mighty ones,Gen. 25:3

Assigned (3), Gen. 47:22; Josh, 20:8;

jam. 11:16 Assir (5), captive. 2 m.en, m 424-Assist (1). support, Rom. 16:2

Associate (1), assemble, Isa. 8:9 Assos (2), seaport of Mysia, Acts 20:

13-14 Assur( r).Ezra4:2; Ps. 83:8. See A^hur Assurance (7),full and sustained
conT^Song 7:9; Jonah 1:5; ML 8:24;

26:40-43: Mk.4:38: 14:40; Lk. 8:

23; Acts 7:60; 1 Cor. 15:6. 18; 1

Th. 4:13-15: 2 Pet. 3:4

Afflah (1), bramble, Ezra 2:50

A snapper (1) ..A snap tneGreat,Ezra 4:10

Asp (1), venomous serpent, t 2-1*: Isa.

11:3 Aspatha (1), horse given, Esther 9:7 ■Asps (4), venomous serpents, t 2-1*;
Dt. 32:33: Job 20:14,16: Rom. 3:13 Astiel (2). vowofGod. Num. 26:31;
~^sh.l7:2.C aUed A shriel.l Cl».7:14 Asrielites (l) .sons ofAsriel,Num .26:31
■Ass (74). Fitstfaom to be redeemed, f 151:4 Saw God's body. Num. 22:23-35
Spoke to Balaam, e 182-1; 2Pet, 2:16 Male a. .Gen. 22:3-5; 42:27; 44:13;
Ex.22:4-10; 23:4-12:1 Ki.l3:13-29 Fem.alea.,Num.22:21-33;2Ki.4:24 Young
a,,Judg, 10:4; 12:14 Wild a. , Job 6:5: 11:12; 24:3; 39:5; Ps. 104:11; Isa. 32:14;
Jer. 2:24 Domesticated herds,Gen, 12:16: 24:

35; 32:5; 34:28; Job 1:3; 42:12 Burden bearers.Gen. 42:26; Isa. 30:6 Drawing
chariots, Isa. 21:7 Unclean animal,Lev. 11; 2Ki. 6:25 Laws concerning, Ex.
13:13; 23:12; 34:20; Lev. 11; Dt. 22:10 Symbol of Issachar, Gen, 49:14
Assassinations. 14in Scripture, 1379-1 Assault (2) and banery. Esther 8:11; Acts
14:5: b-c 86-1; a 86-4 Laws concerning. Ex, 21:15-27; Dt. 17:9-12; Mt. 5:38-39
8 exarnples of: 1 Cain killing Abel (Gen. 4:8)

2 L amech killing a young man (Gen. 4:23)

3 Jacob's sons upon Joseph (Gen.37)

4 Ehud killing Eglon (Judg. 3:15-22)

5 Jael killing Sisera 0udg.4:12)

6 .Amnon raping Tamar (2 Sam. 13)

7 JoabkiUingAbner(2 Sam.3:27-39)

8 JewskiUingStephen(Acu7:54-60) Assaulted (1), Acts 17:5

Assay (1), attempt. Job 4:2

Assayed (4), anempted, Dt. 4:34; 1

Sam. 17:39; Acts 9:26; 16:7 Assaying (1), attempting, Heb.ll:29 Assemble
(20).congregate: gather together A. men of Jud ah. 2 Sam. 20:4-5 A. outcasts of
Israel, Isa. 11:12 A. yourselves, Isa, 45:20; 48:14; Jer.

4:5; 8:14; Ezek. 39:17; Joel 3:11 A. all the beasts. Jer. 12:9 ■A.you out of all
countries,Ezek,ll:17 A. her that halteth. Mic. 4:6 .A. the kingdoms, Zeph. 3:8
Assembled (37), gathered together A. Israel, Ex. 38:8: Num. 1:18: JoA.

A. elders of Israel, 1 KL 8; 2 Chr. 5 A. children of A aron, 1 Chr. 15:4 ■A. aU

the princes of Israel, 1 Chr.28 A. chief priests and elders, Mt. 26: 3. 57; 28:12;
Mk. 14:53 A. Christians, Jn. 20:19; Acts 1:4;

4:31: 11:26; 15:25 Assemblies^(6),Ps. 86:14; Eccl. 12:11;

Isa.l:13; 4:5:Ezek.44:24;Amos 5:21

Assembling (2).Ex, 38:8: Heb. 10:25 Assembly (49). defined, h 147-1*

A.ofwIcked men, Ps. 22:16 A. of die saints, Ps. 89:7 A. of the upright, Ps, 111:1
A. of young men, Jer. 6:11 .A.of treacherous men.Jer. 9:2 .A. of mockers, Jer.
15:17 A.of great nations. Jer. 50:9 23 A. andchurchofthefirsttK)BD,Heb.l2:
Solemn a. .Lev. 23:36; Num. 29:35: Dt. 16:8; 1 Ki. 10:20: 2 Chr. 7:9; Neh. 8:18;
Joel 1:14; 2:15 Assent (1), agreement, 2 Chr. 18:12 Assented (1), agreed. Acts
24:9 Ass's (4). Gen, 49:11; 2 KL6:25; Job 11:12; Jn. 12:15 Asses (64). See Am

fidence and trust; unwavering conviction, Dt. 28:66; Isa. 32:17: Acu 17:31; CoL
2:2: 1 Th, 1:5; Heb. 6:11; 10:22
2:2: 1 Th, 1:5; Heb. 6:11; 10:22

35 conditions of, 237*

16 scriptures stating. 285*

How received, Jn. 1:12; 3:14-16; 5: 24; 6:47; Mk. 16:15-16; Acts2:38-39; 10:43;
13:38-39; Eph. 2:8-9; 1 Jn. 1:7-9; 3:5-10, 14-19; 4:7-16; 5:1-4. 10-18

Conditions of a. must be met. Lev. 26; Dt, 28: Mt. 10:22; Jn. 8:31-44; Rom.
11:22; 1 Cor. 9:27: 10: 1-13; GaL 5: Phil. 2-3; CoL 3: 1 Th, 5: Heb. 2:1-4; 3:7-
19; 4:1-13; 6:4-9:10:19-39; 12:14-15; Jas.l: 5-8: 2 Pet. 1:1-11

False a., Judg, 9:15; 17:13; 1 Sam. 17:41-44; 2 Ki. 8:12-13; Pt. 25:19; Jer. 6:14;
8:11; 14; 13-15; Jn. 13: 37-39. See Backsliders,Backslid ing. .Apostasy , and
.Apostat es Saints only have assurance of:

1 Election (Ps. 4:3: 1 Th. 1:4)

2 Redemption (Eph. l;7;lCot. 1:30)

3 Adoption (Rom.. 8:16: 1 Jn. 3:2)

4 Sonship (Rom. 8; 1 Jn. 3)

5 Salvation (Rom.l:16rrit.2;ll-14)

6 EternalUfeCJn.3:14-16:lJn.5:13)

7 God's unfailing love (Rom. 8:38—

8 L-nlonwilhGod(lCot.6:17) 39)

9 Peace with God (Rom.. 5:1)

10 Preservation ^om. 8:28-39)

11 Justification (Rom. 5:1)

12 Saoctification (Rom. 6:1-8:13; 1 Coc. 1:30)

13 Healing(Mt.8:17;Rom.8:ll;Jas. 5:14-16; 1 Pet. 2:24; 3 Jn. 2)

14 Resurrection to life (1 Cor. 15)

15 Heirship (Rom. 8:17-18)

16 Representacloo(Rom.5:12-21;Heb. 7:25; 1 Jn. 2:1-2)

17 Providence (Rom.. 8:28)

18 Glorification (Rom. 8:17-25)

19 Unfailing graceOn.l:16;Rom.3:24)

20 Propitiation (1 Jn. 2:1-2)

21 Guaranteed answento all prayers (ML 7:7-11: 17:20; 21:22; Mk. 9: 23: ll:22-
24;Jn.l4:12-15:15:7,16: Heb. 11:6; Jas. 1:5-8; 1 Jn. 3:21-22; 5:14-15) 22
Perfection (PhiL 1:6; 3:10-21; I Pet, 5:10; 2 PeL Ll-ll)

23 Fruit of the Spirit (GaL 5:21-22)

24 GifU of the Splrit(l Cot, 1:7; 12: 1-11; Rom. 12)

25 Fulness of God (Mt, 3:11; Jn, 7: 37-39; Acts 1:4-8; 2:38-39; 5:32; Eph. 3:14-

Assure (1) our hearts, 1 Jn, 3:19 Assiaed (3).Lev. 27:19; Jer. 14:13; 2

Tim. 3:14 Assuredly (9), 1 Sam. 28:1} 1 KL 1: tfTl^. 30; Jet. 32:41; 38:17:49:
12; Acts 2:36; 16:10 Asswage (1),assuage, meanlngtomake lessharsh; alleviate;
soothe; abate. Job 16:5 Asswaged (2).abated,Gen,8:l; Job 16:6 -Assyria (Il8). an
empire founded by Asshur, son of Shem (Gen. 10:11, 22). It became the 2nd
world empire to oppress Israel in the tirr.es of the Gentilat. Of the 151 rimes this
empire and Its people are mentioned in Scripture, 139 times the reference
isconnected with Israel's 175 years of oppression by them Became a nusc to
Judah, 2 KL 16; 2 Chr. 28:16-21; Ezek. 23:5-23; Hos. 5:13; 12:1 36

ArmyofA. desaoyedbyGod.ba. 37: Idols of, 2KL 17:31; 19:36-37 8fold boast of
king of, 435 6fold destruction of king of, 435 Subject of prophecy, Isa. 7:17-20;
8:4-7; 10:4-34:20:1-6: 37:29-35; 38:6; Jer. 50:17-18; Mlc. 5:6; Nah. 1:1-3:19;
Zech, 10:11 Israel to be gathered &om., in last days, Isa. 11:10-16; 27:12-13;
Zech. 10:10-11; Mt. 24:31 To be blessed with Israel in the Millennium, Isa.
Zech. 10:10-11; Mt. 24:31 To be blessed with Israel in the Millennium, Isa.
11:16; 19:23-25

Complete Concordance - Cyclopedic Index

Symbolized by a lion, Jer. 50:17-18; Nah, 2:11-13 7invasionsof Israel by A. ,h

406-4 Assyrian (13). Isa. 10:5. 24; 14:25; 19: 23; 23:13; 30:31; 31:8; 53:4; Ezek.
31:3; Hos. 5:13; 11:5; Mic, 5:5-6 Antichrist called the Assyrian because he will
come from A, terri-tory.Isa. 10:24; 14:25; 30:31; Mic. 5:5-6. See Antichrist
Conquered Egypt after death of Joseph, Isa. 52:4; Ex. 1:8-13 Fall of the
Assyrian, see Antichrist Assyrians (10), 2 KI. 19:35; Isa. 19: 2573^:36; Lam.
5:6; Ezek. 16:28; 23:5-9, 12, 23; Hos. 12:1 Astaroth (1), Dt. 1:4. See Ashtaroth
Astonied (10), astonished, Ezra 9:3-18:20; Isa. 5

14; Jer. Dan, 3:24; 4:19;

4; Job 17:8: 14-9; Ezek, 4:17; 5:9 Astonished (34), amazed; confounded A. at
tlie vision. Dan. 8:27 A. at His doctrine, Mt, 7:28; 22:33; Mk. 1:22; 6:2; 11:18;
Lk,4:32 A. at the doctrine of the Lord, Acts 13:12 Astonishment (21), defined, k
40-4*. Generally used in connection with great curses (Dt. 28:28, 37; 2 Chr,
7:21; 29:8; Jer. 25:9-11, 18; 29: 18; 44:12, 22; 51:37, 41; Ezek. 23:33; Zech,
12:4) Astray (22), away from the right path; wandering into error or evil; lost
Oxorassa.,Ex.23:4;Dt.22:l 67

Before... affUctedlwenta, ,Ps. 119: Gone a. like a lost sheep, Ps. 119t 176 53:6

All we like sheep have gone a., Isa. Israel went a. .Ezek. 44:10,15; 48:11 Sheep
gonea.,Mt. 18:12; IPet. 2:25 Gonea.,followlngBalaam,2Pet.2:15 Astrology , b
75-1* Astrologer (1), one who practices divination by stars, Dan. 2:10
Astrologers (8).Isa. 47:13; Dan. 1:20;

ii.il; 4:7; 5:7-15; b 75-1* Astronomy, science dealing with heavenly bodies, their
motions, magnitudes,di5tances,and phydcal constitution. See Solar system and
Evolution Astyages. husband ofEsther. and father of Cyrus, 490 Asunder (21),
apart. Combined with: TDTvide (Lev, 1:1775IS)

2 Clave (ground. Num. 16:31)

3 Parted Elijah and Ellsha, 2 Ki.

4 Broken (me. Job 16:12) 2:11)

5 Cleaveth (my reins. Job 16:13)

6 Break (bands, Ps. 2:3)

7 Cut (cords, Ps. 129:4; whole earth, Jer. 50:23; him,Mt. 24:51)

8 Rent (city, Ezek. 30:16)

9 Drove (the nations, Hab. 3:6)

10 Put (man and wlfe.Mt. 19:6)

11 Plucked (chains, Mk. 5:4)

12 Burst (bowels. Acts 1:18) 15:39)

13 Departed (Paul and Bamabas,Act5

14 Dividing(soul and spirit,Heb.4:12)

15 Sawn (body, Heb. 11:37) Asupplm (2), storehouses. These were

the temple treasuries, 1 Chr. 26:

15-17 16:14

Aryncritus (1), incomparable, Rom. At (1, 536), Gen. 3:24; Mt. 3:2; Rev.

22:10; etc. Atad (2),plac^ ofmoumingfor Jacob,

Gen. 50:10-11 2:26

Atarah (1). crown. A woman, 1 Chr. Ataroth (5), crowns. 3 cities. Num. 32;

3, 34; Josh. 16:2, 7; 1 Chr. 2:54 Ataroth-adat (l).crowtisof Adar,Josh.

IsTTs Josh. 16:5

Ataroth-addat (1), crowns of Addar, Ate (3), Ps.^06:28; Dan. 10:3; Rev.

10:10 Ater (5). bound. 3 men, Ezra 2:16,

?2: Neh, 7:21; 45; 10:17 Athach (1), lodging.City, 1 Sam.30:30 Athalah (l), J ah
Is helper, Neh.ll:4 Athallah (17), Jehovah afflicted. 3

men, a woman , a 402-1 Atheism . 10 facts about, 628

Athlests called fools. Ps. 14:1;

53:1; Eph. 2:12 17:21

Athenians (1).natives of Atheni, Acts Athens (6) , city in Greece, c 144-1*;

Sets 17:15-22; 18:1; 1 Th. 3:1 Athirst (5),Judg. 15:18; Ruth 2:9; Mt.

23744; Rev. 21:6; 22:17 Atblai (1), afflicted, Ezra 10:28 Atom bomb, 882

At one (l)7teconciUation of persons at variance ( Act s 7:26). See Atonement

Atonement (77), at-one-ment Definition anjd use of word, 119 3 trespasses
requiring a., c 123-4 Great day of, 132; 153; a 189-4

Cost, day of a., i 136-4; a 189-4 24 sets of "two's" on great day of, 1

136-4 189-4

Offerings on great day of, h 145-4; 7 major benefits of, g 542-4 God's ransom, e
542-1 Word found only once In N, T., Rom.

5:11 Necessity of a., because of:

1 The hoUness of God (Ex. 3:5; 15: 11; Lev. 19:2; Isa. 6:3)

2 The sinfulness of man (Gen. 3; Rom. 1:18-3:20; 5:12-21)

3 Thebteachbetween<3odandman. Both testaments recognize this breach, and

show how it may be healed (Heb. 7:25; 1 Jn. 1:7-9; 2:1-2) Reconciliation
withGod through a. is possible up to certain points:

1 Physical death (Heb. 9:27)

2 Committing unpardonable sin()4t. 12:31-32)

3 Becoming an apostate (Heb. 6:4-10; 10:26-29; 1 Jn. 5:16)

Means: in type C-ev. 1:1-8:34, Heb. 9:22); InreaUty(Mt, 26:28; Jn. 1: 29; Rom.
3:25-26; Gal. 3:13; Eph. 1-2; CoL 1:19-20; 2:14-17; 1 Tim. 2:4-6; Heb. 7:25-27;
9:1-29; 10: 1-19; 1 Pet. 2:24; 2 Cot. 5:17-21; 1 Jn. 1:7-9; 2:1-2; 3:5-10; Rev. 1:5;
5:9-10; 7:14) Source: God originated it (Gen. 3:21; Jn. 3:16; Rom. 5:8; 2 Cor.
5:7-21); foretold it (Gen. 3:15; 12:1-3; Isa. 53); devised it (Gen.3:21; Lev. 17:
11; Heb. 9:22); revealed It (Gen. 3: 15; Isa. 53; 1 Pet, 1:10-15); instituted Its
types (Gen. 3:21; Lev. 1-7; Heb. 10:l-19); completedlfae reality of it (Mt. 26:28;
Jn. 3:14-18; 19:30; 1 Cor. 15:1-23; Col. 2: 14-17; Tit. 2:11-14; 3:5-6; Rev. 1:5;
5:9-10; 7:14);and superintends the application and power of it On. 3:1-16; 2 Cor.
5:17-21; Tit. 3:5; IPet. 1:18-23; 2:2^ Extent: On. 3:16; Acts 2:21; 1 Tim. ■2:4-
6;4:10; 2Pet. 3:9; Rev. 22:17) Philosophy of a., 244* Benefits of a., see
Assurance Atonements (1), Ex. 30:10

Atroth (1),crowns. City, Num. 32:35

Attai (4), opportune. 3 men, 1 Chr. 2:35-36; 12:11; 2 Chr. 11:20

Attain (6). Used of acquire (Ps. 139: BTTr, 1:5); reach (Ezek.46:7; Acts 27:12;
PhllTmi); and achieve (Hos, 8:5) Attained (10). Used or reach (Gen. 47: g);
conie up to (2 Sam. 23:19, 23; 1 Chr.ll:21,25); foiind (Rom. 9:30); arrived at
(Rom. 9:31; Phil. 3:16); got hold of (PhlL 3:12); and conformed to (1 Tim. 4:6)
Attalla (1), seapon. Acts 14:25

Attend (11),Esther 4:5; Ps. 17:1; 55:2; STTl; 86:6; 142:6; Pr. 4:1,20; ;5:1; 7:24;
1 Cor. 7:35

Attendance(4), IKI. 10:5; 2 Chr. 9:4; 1 Tim. 4:13; Heb. 7:13

Ariended (3), Job 32:12; Ps. 66:19; Acts 16:14

Attending ( 1). Rom. 13:6

Agent (2), 2 Chr. 6:40; 7:15

Attentive (5), Neh. 1:6, 11; 8:3; Ps.

130:2; Lk. 19:48 Attentively (1), Job 37:2

Attire (3), Pr. 7:10; Jer. 2:32; Ezek. XtHred (1),Lev. 16:4 23:15

Audience (12).Gen. 23:10-16; Ex. 24:

Audience (12).Gen. 23:10-16; Ex. 24:

TTTTam. 25:24; 1 Chr. 28:8; Neh.

13:1; Lk. 7:1; 20:45; Acts 13:16;

15:12; 22:22 Augment (1), intensify. Num. 32:14 Augustus (3). venerab le. A
title of

Roman emperors. See h 154-1*;

Lk. 2:1; Acts 25:21-25 Augustus' fi). Acts 27:1 17

Aul (2),awl; punch, Ex. 21:6; Dt. 15: Aunt (1). loving. Lev. 18:14 Xusiere
(2),grave; stem,Lk, 19:21-22 Author (3), 1 Cot. 14:33; Heb. 5:9; 12:2

Authorities (1). IPet, 3:22 Authority (35). See Power Word used only twice in 0.
T., Esther

9:29; Pr. 29:2 23-27

Christ taught with a. .Mt. 7:29; 21: His works were with a.. Mk. 1:27;

Lk. 4:36 He imparted a, , Lk. 9:1 Claimed all a. in resurrection, Mt.

29:18; Eph. 1:21; PML 2:5-11; 1

Pet. 3:22 Disciples given same a. to continue

what Christ began. Mt. 10:1-8;

18:20; 28:19-20; Mk,16:15-20;Lk.

10:1-19; 24:49; Jn. 14:12-15;Acts

1:1-8; 1 Cor. 12

They exercised this a. .Acts 2:1-45;

3:1-12; 4:33; 5:1-16; 6:8; 8:19;

Rom. 15:18-19. 29; 1 Cor. 1:18.

24; 2:4-5; 4:19-20; 5:4; 9:18; 12:

1-11; 2 Cor. 4:7; 6:7; 12:9; Eph.

1:19; 3:7, 19-20; 6:10; 1 Th. 1:5;

2 Th. 1:11;2Tim. 1:7-8;3:5; CoL

Automobile. 882; c-d 908-1 1:9-14

Ava (l),ruln. Province in Babylon, 2

Ki. 17:25. Called lvah. 2Ki. 18:34;

AvaUeth (4), Esther 5:13; Gal. 5:6;

SITSTjas. 5:16 Aven (3), nothingness, 3 cities, Ezek.

3I):17; Hos. 10:8; Amos 1:5 Avenge ( 17). A. not.Lev. 19:18; Rom. 12:19 A.
children of laael. Num. 31:2-3 A. blood of His servants, Dt. 32:43 A. me of mine
adversary, Lk. 18:3-8 A. our blood. Rev. 6:10 Avenged (15). A. sevenfold,Gen,
4:24 My soul be a. on such. Jer. 5:9; 9:9 God hath a. you on her. Rev. 18:20 A.
blood of His servants. Rev. 19:2 Avenger (9). Num. 35:12; Dt. 19:6.
r2nosh..20:3-9; Ps. 8:2; 44:16; 1 Th. 4:6 Avengeth (2). 2 Sam. 22:48; Ps. 18:47
Avenging (3).Judg. 5:2; 1 Sam,25:26. Averse (1). unfavorable. Mic. 2:8 33 A
vim (1). villagers. City. Josh. 18:23 A vims (l).race of glanu, Dt, 2:23 Avltes (2),
villagers. A race of gianu.

Josh. 13:3; colonists. 2 Ki. 17:31 Avith (2), village. Gen. 36:35; 1 Chi.

ir46 Avoid (5), Pr. 4:15; Rom. 16:17; 1 Cor.

772; 2 Tim. 2:23; Tit. 3:9 Avoided (1). 1 Sam. 18:11 Avoiding (2). 2Cor. 8:20; 1
Tim. 6:20 Avouched (2). confess. Dt. 26:17-18 Await (1). ambush. Acts 9:24
Awake (36). Used of resurrection Qob 13712; Ps. 17:15; Dan. 12:2; Jn. 11: ll);
ptayM (Ps. 7:6; 35:23; 44:23; 59:4): extiortation (Rom. 13:11; Eph. 5:14); in
soPoquy (Ps. 57:8; 108:2); of rousing from sleep (Ps. 139:18; Song 2:7: 3:5; 8:4;
Mk.4:38; Lk. 9:32); and In connection with indifference Qoel 1:5; Rom. 13:11;
Eph, 5:14) Awaked (8). Gen. 28:16; Judg. 16:14; r^m, 26:12; 1 Ki. 18:27; 2 Ki.
Eph, 5:14) Awaked (8). Gen. 28:16; Judg. 16:14; r^m, 26:12; 1 Ki. 18:27; 2 Ki.
4:31; Ps. 3:5; 78:65; Jer. 31:26 Awakesi (2). Ps. 73:20; Pr. 6:22 Awaketh (3). Ps.
73:20; Isa. 29:8 Awakin g (1), Acts 16:27 Aware (5). Song 6:12; Jer. 50:24; Mt.

5550; Lk. 11:44; 12:46 Away (901). Used in connection with : Sent.Gen.12:20
Carried.Gen. 31:18 Drove."15:11 Turned. Num.l4:43 Taken." 21:25 Thrust, Dt,
13:10 Stole, "31:20 Brought," 26:13 Flee. "31:27 Rolled, Josh. 5:9 Steal, "31:27
Lead, 1 Sam. 30:22 Put, "35:2 supped," 19:10 Went, "38:19 Depart, 2 Sam. 7:15
Melt. Ex.15:15 Fade. " 22:46

Wear, " 18:18 Consumedjob 33:21 Pluck,Lev.l:16 Hasted.Ps. 104:7 Pine. "26:39
Chaseth.Pr. 19:26 Cast. "26:44 Scattereth," 20:8 Dried.Num.U:6 Cleanseth,"
20:30 Done. "27:4 Washed. Isa. 4:4 Go.Dt.l5:13 Vanish. " 51:6 Fray." 28:26
Withered. Mt. 13:6 Drawn, "30:17 Catcheth," 13:19 Fled.Judg.4:15 Pass. " 24:35

Swept." 5:21 Led.Jn, 19:16 Took, " 8:21 Drew. Acts 5:37 Ran, " 9:21 Caugk."
8:39 GetJ Sam. 23:26 Vanish, 1 Cor. 13:8 Flow Job 20:28 Passed. 2 Cor. 5:17
FeU. 2Ki. 25:11 Falling, 2 Th,2:3 Fly,Job 20:8 Fade,Jas. 1:11 Wiped,Pr. 6:33
Wipe.Rev. 7:17 Purge,Ps. 79:9 Take. " 22:19 Awe (3), Ps. 4:4; 33:8; 119:161
Awoke (8).Gen.9:24; 41:4-7. 21; Judg. 15720; lKi.3:15;Mt.8:25;Lk.8:24 A2C.
(10). axe. Dt.l9t5: 20:19; Judg. 9:48; 1 Sam. 13:20; IKi. 6:7; 2 Ki. 6:5; Isa.
10:15; Jer, 10:3; 51:20 Axe (1). Lk. 3:9 Mt. 3;l0

Axes (7). 1 Sam. 13:21; 2 Sam. 12:31; r Chr. 20:3; Ps. 74:5-6; Jer. 46:22; Ezek.
26:9 Axletrees (a. 1 KI. 7:32-33 Azal (1)." noble. Zech. 14:5 Azaliah (2).
Jehovah is noble. Father of Shaphan. 2 Ki. 22:3; 2 Chr. 34:8 Azaniah (l).lah Is
nearer. Neh. 10:9 Azareel (5),God Is helper. 1 Chr. 12: ?715:18: 27:22; Ezra
10:41; Neh. Azarael( l),Neh. 12:36 11:13

Azariah (49). Jehovah aids. 26 men,

f405-4 Azaz (1), strong, 1 Chr. 5:8 Azaziah (3). Jehovah is strong. 3 men. .

rC5i. 15:21; 27:20; 2 Chr. 31:13 Azfauk (1), pardon, Neh, 3:16 Azekah (7),
breach. A city.e 310-4 Azel(6). noble.l Chr.8:37-38; 9:43-44 Azem (2),fortress.
City. Josh. 15:29;-

r5:3. Called Ezem . 1 Chr. 4:29 Azgad (4). Gad is strong, Ezra 2:12;

Tn:2; Neh. 7:17; 10:15 Aziel. (D.God Is might, 1 Chr. 15:20 Aziza (1). robust,
Ezra 10:27 Azmaveih (8). death is strong. 4 men, 2Sam.23:31;lChr.8:36; 9:42;
Ezra 10:27 Azmaveih (8). death is strong. 4 men, 2Sam.23:31;lChr.8:36; 9:42;

33; 12:3; 27:25;Ezra 2:24; Neh. 12:

29 34:4-5;15:4

Azmon (3). strong. City in Judah, Num. Aznoth-ubor (1). peaks of Tabor. A^:

town in NaphtaU.Josh. 19:34 ]

Azor (2). helper. Ancestor of Joseph.

Mt. 1:13-14 Azotus d).castle.Acts8:40.See Asbdod Azriel (3). help of God. 3

men. l Chr.

5724; 27:19; Jer. 36:'5g Azrikam (6), mv help has risen. 4 men. ^

rC5. 3:23; 8:38; 9:14,44; 2 Chr.

28:7; Neh, 11:15 Aztibah (4), forsaken. 2 women , 1 Ki. .

22:42; lChr.2:18-19; 2Chr. 20:3l' Azur (2). helper.Jer. 28:1; Ezek. 11:1 Azzah
(3). Dt. 2:23; 1 Ki. 4:24; Jer.

25':20. Same as Gaza, which see Azzan (1), thorn. Num. 34:26 Azzur (l). helper,
Neh.l0:17. See Azur B

Baal (63). lord; possessor, x 267-4; p r69-l*. Sun-god of Phenicia, and the
supreme deity among the Canaanites and various other pagan nations. His full
tiUe was Baal-Shemalm (lord of heaven), the equivalent of the Gr. Zeus. Each
locality had its own Baal and the form ofworshlp varied from place to place. He
had many other titles as seen in 20 combined names in this Index Baal
worshipped in Israel under: 1 The judges Qudg. 2:10-23; 3:7; 8: 33; 10:6-10:1
Sam. 7:3-4; 12:10)

2 The kings (1 Ki. 16:31-33; 18:18; 19:18; 2 Ki. 3:2; 17:16; 21:3; 2 Chr. 17:3;
22:2-4; 24:7; 28:2; 33: 3; 34:4; Jei. 2:8, 23; 7:9; 9:14; 11:13,17; 12:16; 19:5;
23:13; 32: 29-35: Hos. 2:8. 13. 17; 11:2) Temples, altars, images of. 1 KI. 16:

32; 18:19; 2Ki.3:2:Jer.l9:5; 32:29 Human sacrifices offered to. 2 KI.

16:3: 21:6 2 men called B. . 1 Chr. 5:5; 8:30;

9:35, and a city of Simeon, 1 Chr.

4:33 - called B alath-beer J osh. 19:8 Baalah (5), mistress. City in N. Judah,

JosH. 15:29. Called Balah , Joii.

19:3; and BUhah. 1 Chr. 4:29. Also

a city in S. Judah, Josh. 15:9-10.

Called Kirjath-jearlm , which see.

A mountain in Judah, Josh. 15:11 Baalath (3), mistress. City in Dan, Josh

r^l4; 1 Ki. 9:18; 2 Chr. 8:6 B aalath-beer (1) .lady of the well. Josh.

Baal-berlth (2), lord of the covenant.

An idol in Shechem , Judg. 8:33;

9:4. Called TentET udg. 9:46 Baale (1), my lord. City of Judah, 2

Sam, 6:2 Baal-gad (3). lord of good luck. City

in N. Palestine, Josh. 11:17; 12:

7; 13:5 Baal-hamon (1). lord of the multitude.

One of Solomon's vineyards. Song

8:11. Called Hammon,Josh. 19:28 Baal-hanan (5). lord of grace. 2 men,

Gen.36:38-39;lChr.l:49-50;27:28 Baal-hazor (1). lord of the village. A

place belonging to Absalom, 2

Sam. 13:23 Baal-hermon (2), lord of Hermon. City

near Mt. Hermon.Judg.3:3; 1 Chr.

5:23 Baali (1). my lord. An appellation of

lehovah by Israel while in idolatry.

Hos. 2:16. See Baale Baalim (18). plural of 8aal. while see BaaUs (1). lord of
joy. Jer. 40:14 Baal-meon (3), lord of dwelling. City of Reuben, Num. 32:38; 1
Chr. 5:

8; Ezek. 25:9. Called Beth-meon

(Jer.48:23); Beth-baal-meon 0odi.

13:17); and Beon (Num. 32:3) Baal-peor (6), lord of Peor. Moablte

idol on Mt. Peor, Num. 25:3-5;

Dt. 4:3; Ps. 106:28; Hos. 9:10. Also

a god of Mldian. Num. 31:15-16.

Complete Concordance - Cyclopedic Index

Baal-perazlm (4), lord of breaches. A

place In the valley of Rephaim, 2

Sam.5:20; 1 Chr.l4:U.See Perazlm Baal's (1) prophets, 1 KI. 181^2 Baal-shalisha

(1), lord of Shalisha. A place Dear Gllgal, 2 Kl. 4:42 Baal-tamar (1), lord of the
palm. A

place near Glbeah, Judg. 20:33 Baal-zebiia (4),lord of flies. A god of

Phlllstla ,2 KI.1:2-16.Scc Beelzebub Baal-zepboD (3). lord of the north -

winter. A dty of Egypt, Ex. 14:29: Num. 33:7 Baana (2), son of affliction. 2rnen,

KT. 4:12; Neh. 3:4. See Baanah Baanah (10),son of afflicdon. 3 men.

TTam. 4:2-9; 23:29; 1 Kl.4:16; 1

Chr.ll:30: Ezra 2:2; Neh,7:7; 10:27 Baara (1), buming one. A woman. 1
Chr.ll:30: Ezra 2:2; Neh,7:7; 10:27 Baara (1), buming one. A woman. 1

CTir. 8:8 6:40

Baaseiah (1), work of Jehovah, 1 Cte. Baasha (28). boldness. 3rd king of 10

OlBes, 1 KL 15:16-33; 16:1-13;

21:22; 2 KL 9:9; 2 Cht. 16:1-6;

Jer. 41:9 Babbler (2), EccL 10:11; AcU 17:18 BabbUng (1), Pr. 23:29 Babblings
(2). 1 Tim.6:20; 2Tim. 2:16 Babe (6), Ex. 2:6; Lk. 1:41-44; 2:12-16; Heb. 5:13
Babel (2), confusion. Gen. 10:10; 11:9

Tower of, m 9-4 Babes (9). 2 characteristics of, c 248-1* "Babe" and "babes"
used of:

1 SucklingchIldTen(Ex.2:6; Ps.8:2: 17:14: Lk. 2:12, 16)

2 Tyrant (Isa. 3:4)

3 Unborn offspring (Lk. 1:41-44)

4 New and immature Christians (Mt. ll:25;21:16;Lk.l0:21;Rom.2:20; 1 Cor. 3: It

Heb. 5:13; 1 Pet. 2:2). See d 177-4*

Babylon (283), the gate of the god City of Babylon - past Built by Nimrod,Gen.
10:10; 11:1-9 Described, i 861-1 Peter wrote from, a 269-1* Has never
symbolized Rome, 309*

City of BabvlCTi - future To be rebuilt. 308* Center of last-day crimes, f 300-4*

31 facts about, 308* 18 proofs a literal city, 309* 16 contrasts with myxticalB,,d
299-4* 7sln:iilaritiestomyjticalB, ,d299-4* Final destruction, c-d 300-1*; c-d
300-4* 4 plagues to come, b 300-1* 30 articles of commerce, e 300-1* 3 worlds
enriched by, g 300-r 8 causes of doom, e 300-4*

Empire of Babylon Founded by Nimrod, Gen. 10:10 Called Shlnar, Gen. 11:1-9;
14:1-9; Isa. 11:11; Daa 1:2; Zoch. 5:11, and C halde a, which see. Also caUed
SbesEach In Jer. 25:26: 51: 41, and MeratFaim in Jer. 50:21

3 deportations to, b 486-4; h 799-4 14 reasons B. punished, 477

B. described, e 691-4; 734 lOfold final destruction of, 734 lOfoId desolation of,

4 fold destruction of, q 698-1

5 proofs-destruction of, 779

2 things to happen to, a 717-1

3 classes of scientists of, 674 B. in die latter days, 671

12 commands to, 741

3 symbols of B., 734

3 symbolic names of B., d 795-1

B. to be restored, e 918-4

Greater B. founded by Nebuchadnezzar, Dan. 4:30

Bible history concerns itself mostly with Neb uchadnezzar, 2 KL 17:24-30;

20:12-18:24:1-20:25:1-28: 1 Chr. 9:1; 2 Chr. 32:31; 36:6-20; Isa. 39bl-7; Jer.
20:4-6; 21:1-10; 22:25; 25:1-12:27:6-22; 28:2-14; 29:1-28; 32:3-36; 34:1-3;
35:11; 36:29:37:1-19; 38:23; 39:1-11; 40: 1-11; 41:2,18; 42:11; 43:3,10; 44: 30;
46:2-26; 49:28-30-,Ezek.l2:13: 17:12-20; 19:9: 21:19-21; 24:2; 26: 7:29:18-
19:30:10-25:32:11; Dan. 1:1; 2:1-37; 3:1-30: 4:6-30; MIc. 4:10

Bible prophecy mainly concerns It-self with the future and final destruction ofB.
under Antichrist, Isa. 13-14; Jer. 50-51; Dan. 2:37-44: 7:7-8,19-24: 8:9-25:9:27;
11:35-45:12:1-13: Rev. 14:8; 16:19-18:24

Symbolized by a great eagle, Ezek. 17; the bead of gold , Dan. 2; and a lion,
Dan. 7

The 3td wotld empire to oppress Israel in the times of the Gentiles but the first
one mentioned in the book of Daniel. Egypt and Assyria are not represented in
Daniel because of having already run their course in oppressing the nation before
Daniel's time. He prophesied only of the future kingdoms in the times of the
Gentiles which wouT3 oppress Israel from his day on to the 2nfl advent of
Christ. See 311* and 8-3
Christ. See 311* and 8-3

Mystery Babylon 13 proofs a religious system, 309" 16 contrasts with literal B.,
d 299-4* 7 similarities to literal B., d 299-4* Destruction by Antichrist, a 299-4*
Babylonian captiviry. 3 deportations, b 486-4 BabyloDians (4).inhabitants of
Babylon, Ezra 4:»; Ezek. 23:15,17. 23 3 statements about, 496 ISfold description
of, 502 Babylonish (1). Josti, 7:21 Babylon's (8). Jer. 32:2; 34:7, 21; 38: 3717",
18, 22; 39:13 Baca(1), weeping, Ps. 84:6. Cp. Judg. 2:1-6. The Heb. word for
Baca is trans, mulberry trees in 2 Sam. 5: 23-24; IChr. 14:14-15. In theR, V, it Is
balsam trees, which are called weepers because of their trickling gum. See Balm
Baachus, god of wine. His worship extended over much of the world long befwe
the time of Christ, degenerating to orgies of drunkenness and unspeakable
immoralities Bachrites (1), descendants ofBecher ofEphraim,Num. 26:35.See
Becher Back(153). Wife lookedb.,Gen. 19:26 Plowed upon my b., Ps. 129:3 Rod
forb. of fools, Pr. 10:13; 26:3 Stripes for the b. of fools, Pr. 19:29 Cast sins
behind b., Isa. 38:17 Israel slideth b., Hos.4:16 Looking b, is fit for the,Lk, 9:62
Hearts turned b. again. Acts 7:39 Keptb.nothing profitable. Acts 20:20 If any
man draw b., my soul, Heb. 10:38 Rom. 1:30

Backbiters (1), a 161-1*; m 262-4*: Backbileth (l).Ps. 15:3 BackbltiPj:; (D.Pr.

25:23 Backbitinas (l).2Cor. 12:20 Backbone (1).the spine, Lev.3:9 Backs (8).
Ex. 23:27; Josh. 7:8, 12; Judg. 20:42; 2 Chr. 29:6; Neh. 9: 26; Ezek. 8:16; 10:12
Backdde (3), Ex. 3:1; 26:12; Rev. 5:1 Backdlder (l). Pr. 14:14; 237: 284*
Backsliders, 23^-238' 284* Jews spued out, e 139-4 Gentiles spued out, f 139-4
BacksUdden Christians. a-I 139-1 God married to b., e 74^-4 Must obey or be
cut off, h 139-1 God's obligatloos to b., c 226-4; s-t 263-1; b 272-1; q 303-1 15
curses upon, d 226-4 30 curses upon, a 227-1 26 curses upon, x 227-4 21 curses
upon, f 227-4 56 thlngsGod promises to do to, 237 198 things men can do, 237 6
marks of b., 238 God's vow to b., 238; q 303-1

6 judgments of God upon, 238 God always pvmishes, e 262-4 They choose own
destiny, p 263-1 Mercy taken from Saul, h 337-4

7 discoveries of b., g 672-4 1

3 unchangeable facts about b., f 464-To be punished, h-1272-1*; f 564-4 Cast

away unless repent, q 571-1 5fold appraisal of, m 581-1

7 things about, a 611-1; r 263-4 A psalm for, a 611-1

12 examples of, a 661-4 99 ways of, 666 State of, b 13-4*; a 72-1 10 commands
12 examples of, a 661-4 99 ways of, 666 State of, b 13-4*; a 72-1 10 commands
for, 264*

4 promises to, 264* 12 facts about, 274*

No one can serve God and Satan at

same time, h-i 79-4* Many references about b., n 14-1* Become dead in sins
again, d 283-4* Can be renewed again, 207* Commands for, f 287-1*: e 749-1
Names blotted on of book of life, j 288-1*. See Book of life Removal of whole
churches, 305* 210 warnings to b., 284* 21 examples of being lost, 284*
Backsliding (12).227; 237-238; 284* Judgment because of, e 139-4 25 exctues
for, j 168-1 6 "IPs" of Dt. 28, b 226-4 Man's part in destiny, 237 198 things men
can do about b., 237

8 commands against, h 262-1

7 statementsGod departing from man, God's punishment for,b 272-1 287 Saul,
an example of, f 301-4; h 337-4 210 warnings against, 284* 21 examples of
being lost, 284* 16 xriptures on b. , Pr. 14:14; Jer 2:19; 3:6, 8, 11, 12, 14, 22;

8:5; 14:7; 31:22; 49:4; Hos. 4:16;

ll:7:!4:4. 4 facts about b. g "4"-4 16 causes of b. - failure in

1 Prayei(Mt.6:l; Acts 4:24:01.6:6-8)

2 Confessing Christ (Rom. 10:10)

3 Dally Bible reading (Jn. 5:39)

4 Keeping vows (EccL5:4-5;Ps.l5)

5 Church attendance (Heb. I0:25i 2 Tim. 2:22)

6 Preaching (2 Tim. 4:2)

7 Using liberty (2 Car. 3:17)

8 Walking In the Ught (1 Jn. 1:7)

9 Living by faith (Heb. 10:38-39)

9 Living by faith (Heb. 10:38-39)

10 Rejecting temptation (1 Cor. 10: 13; Heb. 4:14-16)

11 Bodily control (Rom. 12:1-2; 1 Cor. 3:16; 6:19-20; 9:27)

12 Control of the tongue (1 Cor. 10: 10; Eph. 5:4; Jas. 3). See Tongue

13 Living the new-creature life (2 Cor. 5:17-21: 6:14-18;Lk. 21:34)

14 Manifesting Christian gr a c e s (1 Cor. 13; GaL 5:22-23; 1 Jn. 3-4)

15 Redeeming the time (Eph. 5:16)

16 Respecting the rights of others in Christian living (Rom. 14; 1 Cor. 8, 10)

7 examples of being renewed:

1 Inael (Ju'Js. 3:5-10: 4:1-24;'5:1-7; 25; 8:33-35; 10:6-18; 1 Sam. 7; 1 KL 18; 2

KL 11:17-21; 18:22-23; 2 Chx. 17) 2 David (2 Sam. 12; Ps. 51)

3 Hezeklah (2 Ki.20; Isa. 38)

4 Manasseh (2 Chr. 33:11-13)

5 Jonah Qonah 2)

6 Peter (Mt.26:75; Lk, 22:31-34)

7 A Corinthian (1 Cot. 5; 2 Cot. a Backsliding s (4), Jer. 2:19:3:22:5:6:14:7 Bac)

<ward (18). Gen. 9:23; 49:17; 1

Sam. 4:18; 2 KI. 20:10-ll;Job 23:

8; Ps. 40:14; 70:2; Ija. 1:4; 28:13;

38:8;44;25;59:14: Jer. 7:24; 15:6;

Lam. 1:8; Jn. 18:6 Bacteria, j 135-4 Bad (18). good or b, (14 times). Gen.

24:50; 31:24, 29; Lev, 27:10-14,

33;Num. 13:19;24;13;Mt. 22:10;etc. B.clty, Ezia 4:12 B.food, Jer. 24:2 B.fish,
Mt, 13:48

B. deeds, give account for, 2 Cor.5:10 Bade (18). Used as a command (Gen.

4i3:17; Ex. 16:24; Num. 14:10; Mt.

16:12); an Invitation ak.l4:9-16);

saying good-by (Acts 18:21) Badest (1), Gen. 27:19 Badgers' (14) skins, 1 90-1;
Ex. 25:5:

25114; 35:7,23; 36:19; 39:34; Num.

4:6-25; Ezek. 16:10 Badness (1), Gen. 41:19 Bag (11). See q 109-1. 4 kinds:

1 Small mercham's b. (Dt, 25:13; Pr, 1:14; 16:11; Isa. 46:6; MIc. 6:11)

2 Shepherd's b.(l Sam, 17:40, 49). CaUed scrip In Mt. 10:10

3 Small jewel or money b. (2 Kl. 12:10; Job 14:17; Pr. 7:20; Hag. 1:6; Lk. 12:33;
Jn. 12:6; 13:29)

4Ladles' b. (2 KI, 5:23). Called

crisping plus In Isa. 3:22 Bags (3), 2 Kl. 5:23; 12:10; Lk. 12:33 Sahalsm. r 17-4*

Bahanimite (1), 1 Chr. 11:33. See Bahurim f5), young men. A place on

JeHcho road, k 346-4; 2 Sam. 3:

16; 16:5; 17:18; 19:16; IKI. 2:8 Bailth (1) ,house.C Ity of Moab ,Isa. 15:2
Bakbakkar (1), searcher. ALevlte, 1

ehr. 9:15 Bakkuk (2), bottle. Head of family of

ejales, Ezra 2:51; Neh. 7:53 Bakkukiabf 3) .em ptving. ALevlte.Neh.

11:17; 12:8, 25 Bake (8), Gen. 19:3; Ex. 16:23; Lev.

24:5; 26:26:1 Sam. 28:24: 2 Sam.

24:5; 26:26:1 Sam. 28:24: 2 Sam.

13:8: Ezek. 4:12; 46:20 Baked (4), Ex. 12:39; Num. 11:8; 1

Chz. 23:29; Isa. 44:19 Bakemeats (1), Gen. 40:17 Baken (9), Lev, 2:4-7; 6:17-
21; 7:9;

23:17; 1 KL 19:6 Baketh{l), Isa. 44:15 7:4-6

BalcgT S), Gen. 40:1-22; 41:10; Hos. Baken (7). Gen. 40:2; 1 Sam. 8:13 Bakers'
street (1), Jer. 37:21 Balaam (6l5)7 foreigner. Num. 22:5-54?^: 31:8, 16; Dt.
23:4-5; J«h.

13:22;24:9-10:Neh. 13:2:Mic. 6:5;

2 Pet. 2:15; Jude 11; Rev. 2:14 3 facts about, 158 Enchantment of, explained,

Tme prophet before backsliding, n

Reputation of, c 181-4 l&l-l

Knew Jehovah, e -o 181 -4; b-1 182-4

10 reasons God was angry at, b 182-1

Had Holy Spirit, o 183-4

35 f«cts about, 198

16 prophecies of, 198

7 appe!arances of God to, 198

Last mention of, in O. T., 198

3 sins of, a 272-4* Balaam's (3). Num. 22:25-27:23:5 Balac (1). Rev. 2:14. See
Balak Baladan (2), having power. King of Babylon, 2 Kl. 20:12; Ua. 39:1 Balah
(1), withered. City of Simeon, ~IosE. 19:3. CaUed Bilhah. 1 Chr.

4:29; and Baalah. Josh. 15:29 Balak (42). empty. King of Moab. 1181-"TTSum.
22:2-24:25; Josh. 24:9;Judg.
22:2-24:25; Josh. 24:9;Judg.

11:25; Mic. 6:5 Balak's (1), Num. 24:10 Balance (8). weighing scales. Job 31:6;

Ps. 62:9; Pr. 11:1; 16:11; 20:23; Isa.

40:12-15; 46:6 Balances (10), Lev. 19:36; Job 6:2; Jer.

i5i:10; Ezek. 5:1; 45:10; Dan. 5:27;

Hos.12:7; Amos 8:5; Mic 6:11; Rev.6:5 BaUncL'iRs (l), Job 37:16 Bald( 15)
.One case of baldness.2 Ki.2:23

Natural baldness not leprosy. Lev. 13: 40-43

B. men not fit for piesthood, Lev.21:20

Artificial baldness, by shaving, a sign:

1 Of mourning (Isa.. 22:12; Jer. 16:6; Ezek. 27:31; 29:18; Mic. 1:16)

2 Of Judgment and barrenness (Isa.3: 24; 15:2; Jer. 47:5; 48:37; Ezek. 7: 18;
Amos 8:10)

Artificial baldness to idols forbidden, Uv. 21:5; Dt. 14:1 Bald eagle (1). Mic
1:16 Bald locust f 1), a clean food. Lev. 11:22 Baldness (^. A cuise. Lev. 21:5;
Dt. 14: 1; Isa. 3:24; 15:2; 22:12; Jer. 47:5; Ezek. 7:18; Amos 8:10; Mic. 1:16
BaU(l), Isa. 22:18

Balm (6), a medicinal gum extracted

from balsam trees. Gen. 37:25; 43:11;

Jer. 8:22; 46:11; 51:8; Ezek. 27:17. It

was worth twice its weight In silver

Bamah (1).A high place, Ezek. 20:29

Bamotti (2), heights. Num. 21:19-20.

See Bemoth-baal Jodi. 13:17 Bamoih-baal (1). heights of Baal. Camp near river
Arnonjoii.13:17.See Bamotp 3and (18).Cc«-d or chain. Ex. 39:23; Job 39:10;
Arnonjoii.13:17.See Bamotp 3and (18).Cc«-d or chain. Ex. 39:23; Job 39:10;
Dan. 4:15, 23) A company of men, 1 Sam. 10:26; 1 KI. 11:24;
2Ki.l3:21;lC:hr.l2:18-21 A company of soldiers, Ezra 8:22 A Roman company
of soldiers of 600 -1,000 men,Mt.27:27:Mk.l5:16,note; Jn.l8:3,12,note;Actsl0:l;
21:31; 27:1 Banded (1), united. Acts 23:12 Bands (4S). Raiding parties, a 334-1;
i Herds of stock, Gen.32:7,10 334-4

Slaves, Lev. 26:13; Ezek. 34:27 Handcuffs, Judg. 15:14; 2 Ki. 23:33;
Eccl.7:26;Lk.8:29; Acts 16:28; 22:30 Companies of so ldiers,2Sam.4:2; 2KI.
6:23; 13:20; 24:2; Ezek. 12:14; 17:21 Courses of stars. Job 38:31 Cords, Job
39:5; Ps, 2:3; 107:14; Isa.

28:22; 52:2; Jer. 2:20; Ezek. 3:25 Ranks of insects, Pr. X:27 Rope, Acts 27r40
Ligaments of the body, CoL 2:19 Ban! (15), built. 10 men. 2 Sam. 23:36; rChi.
6:46; 9:4; Ezra 2:10; 10:29-38; Neh,3:17; 8:7; 9^4-5; 10:13-14; 11:22 Banished
(2). 2 Sam. 14:13-14 BanXshjpent (2). Ezra 7:26; Lam. 2:14 Bank (14j7~eage of
watercourse. Gen. 41:17; Dt.4:48: Josh. 12:2; 13:9, 16; 2Ki.2:13;Ezek.47:7, 12;
Dan, 12:5 A mound, 2 Sara. 20:15; 2 Ki. 19:32; Isa. 37:33 A money changing
table, Lk. 19:23 Banks (5) of water. Josh. 3:15; 4:18; 1 "CET 12:15; Isa. 8:7;
Dan. 8:16 Banner (3), flag, sundard, Ps. 60:4; Song 2:4; Isa. 13:2 Bannen (3),
flags, Ps. 20:5; Song 6:4,10

12 b. of Israel, g 155-4; a-b 156-1 Banquet (14), Esther 5^1-14; 6:14; 7:1-STTob
41:6; Dan. 5:10; Amos 6:7 RecUning at, q 66-1* Banqueting (1). Song 2^4
Ba.iquetings (1). 1 Pet. 4:3 Baptism (22). Defined, n 2-4*; b 73-4*: u 220-1* 7
baptisms in Scripture, n 2-4* 3 for believers today, n 2-4* B. by burial only, n
164-4*;u 220-1* B. of sufferings, k 75-4* For the dead, 175 One b., n 2-4*

Infant b., not taught In Scripture. First mentioned by Irenaeus, 200 A.D. and

opposed by Tcrtullian in the 2nd century. Became a practice in the 5th century

Rcguncraiion by b. .not taught in Scrip -turc, a 5-i*; o 60-1*; b 124-4*

Triune immersion became a practice in the 2nd and 3rd centuries in some sects

Ba piism into Christ, i 164-4*;a -b 204-4*

Con-.piete Concordance - Cyclopedic Index


piritual rojurrection, a 220-4*

1:4, 8:Lk. 1 Cor. 1:17

By Holy Spirit.not minister, u 220-1* True circumcision of lieart, t 220-1* Of

God, not minister, b 220 -4* Into the body, not into water or into the Holy Spirit,
m-n 185-4* Baptism in water, p-r 35-J*; i 146-1* True N. T. teaching on, a 132
-4* 10 reasons remission of sins not by, a 3-1*; o60-l*;b 124-4* iSreasons not to
remitsins, v 150-4* What it meant to Jews, a 124-4* A figure only,not
literaldeath,burial, and resurrection, o 267-4* True formula of, m 135-4*
Baptism in the Holy Spirit, c -h 103-1*;

m-n 122-1*; m-r 123-1*; 1 124-1*;

c 124^*; g-j 91-4*; c-e 204-1* Predicted, u 2-1* By Chrlst.notby the Holy
Spirit,Him -

self or by the minister, (94-1 4 conditions of receiving, c 10 3-J* 10 proofs for

all, k 41-4* WTiat it is, i 91-4* Not given before Pentecost, except to Christ, e 3-
1*; s 122-4* Summary of scriptures on, g 91 -4* For Gentiles also, i 135-4*
How received, h 91-4* VsTien received, j 135-4*; c -i 146-1* Christ died to give
it, e 204-1* Not for the world, e-f 112-4* Promised to all men, k 41-4*; d72-4*;
g 91-4*; c 103-1*; c 124-4* Baptisms (1), o 248-1*; Heb. 6:2 Baptist (l4), one
who baptizes in water, Mt. 3:1; 11:11-12; 14:2:16:14; 17:13; Mk. 6:14, 24-25;
8:28; Lk. 7:20, 28, 33. 9;19

Baptist's (1), Mt. 14:8 Baptize (9), Mt. 3:11; Mk STTS"; Jn. 1:26, 33 Christ sent
me not to b., Baptized (60). Note elements b. into: 1 In Jordan, or in water
(Mt.3:6.13-16; Mk.!:5, 8-9; Acts 1:5; 10:47; 11:1^, Ministers, not God or the
Holv Spirit, are the agents in this (Mt. 3:6,13; 28: 19;Mk. 1:8-9; Lk, 7:29-30; Jn.
1:28. 31;3:23;4:l-2;10:40;Actsl:5;8:38; 19:4; 1 Cci. 1:1Q

2 In the Holy Spirit or with th e Holy Spirit (Vr3:lTri:^k. l:S;Lk. 3:lff: Jn, 1:21-
33; Acts 1:5; 11:16).Christ, not the minister is the agent in this (Mt.3:ll;Mk.
1:8;Lk. 3:16;Jn. 1:31-33; Acts 1:4-8 witfi 2:33; 5:32; 11:17; Gal. 3:13-14) 3
IntojesusChrist orintoHisbody(Roro. 6:S^; lCor.l2:l5; GaU:^'^. The Holy Spirit,
Himself, not Christ or the minister is the agent in this (Rom. 6: 3-6 with 8:2, 13;
1 Cor. 6:11; 12: 13; CoL 2:12; Tit. 3:5) Bapuzest (1), Jn. 1:25 Baptizeth (2), Jn,
1 Cor. 6:11; 12: 13; CoL 2:12; Tit. 3:5) Bapuzest (1), Jn. 1:25 Baptizeth (2), Jn,
1:33:3:26 Baptizing (4),Mt.28:19:Jn.l:28-31; 3:23 Bar (7). Used 6 ways in
Scripture: "TBolt (Ex. 26:26-29; 35:11; 35:51 -34; 39:33; 40:18; Num. 3:36; Dt.
3:5) 2 Pole (Num. 4:10-12)

3 Fasten (Neh. 7:3)

4 Sides (Job 17:16)

5 Crowbar (Job 40:18; Ps. 107:16)

6 Son - a prefix as in Bar-jesus and Bar-jona, which see

Barabbas (11), son of the father, Mt. 27: 16-26;Mk.l5:7-15:Lk.23:18;Jn.l8:40

Barachel (2), God blesses, Job 32:2. 6 Barachias (1), God blesses, Mt. 23:35
Barak (:4), Ughtning, Judg. 4:6-22; 5:1, 12, 15; Heb. 11:32. See Bedan
Barbarian (-3), foreigner, 1 Cor. 14:11;

Col. 3:11 Barb3rians( 2),Acts28:4:Rom.l:14 28:2 Barbarous (l). uncivilized,o

156-4*; Acts Barbed( l), with sharp points. Job 41:7 Barber's razor (1), Ezeka:)
Bare (183). 14 uses in Scripture: TCive birth, 110 dmes (Gen. 4:1) 2 Pay for,
suffer loss (Gen. 31:39)

3 Susuin, hold up (Ex. 19:4)

4 Uncover, lay b. (Lev. 13:45)

5 Make bald, expose (Lev. 13:55)

6 Have dominion, rule (1 Ki. 9:23)

7 Conceive,be withchild(lChr.4:17)

8 Dominate (Neh. 5:15)

9 Stripclothesoff(Xsa.32:ll;47:2)

10 Manifest power (Isa. 51:^

11 Carry or lift up (Isa. 63:9)

12 Testify, bear record (Rev. 1:2)

12 Testify, bear record (Rev. 1:2)

13 Be fruitful (Lk. 8:8) Pet.2:34)

14 Make atonement for (Isa. 53:12; 1 Barefoot (4); 2 Sam. 15:30; Isa. 20:2-4
Barest (:'^.l Ki. 2:26; Isa.63:19;Jn.3:26 Barhumite (1), 2 Sam. 23:31. See Baha-
Bariah (l), fugitive, 1 Chr.3:22 rumite Bar-jcsus (1), son of a man namedjesus: a
sorcerer skilled in magic, i 138-1*;

Acts 13:6 I

Bar-jona (1). son of Jonas, Mt. 16:17 Bark (1), Isa. 56:10 BarTTed (1). peeled,
Joel 1:7 Bark OS (2). painter, Ezra 2:53; Neh.7:55 I Barley (37). long hair. A
bearded grain similar to wheat and native to Egypt

andPaIestine(Ex. 9:31; Lev. 27:16; Dt. 1 Battle

8:8; 1 Chr. 11:13; 2 Chr. 2:10; Ruth 1:

22; 2:17, 23; 3:2, 15-17; Isa.23:25;Jer.

41:8; Joel 1:11). Used for stock (1 Ki.

4:28); in offerings (Num. 5:15; Ezek.

45:13); for bread for the poor (Judg. 7:

13; Jn. 6:9, 13; 2 Ki. 4:42); and for

mo:iey( Hos. 3:2).Cost of (Rev. 6:6) Barn (4). Job 39:12; Hag. 2:19; Ml. 13:

30; Lk. 12:24 Bamabas( 29),sonof consolation.A Levite

called loses. Acts 4:36. A prophet - an

apostle and companion of Paul, Acts

9:27; 11:22-30; 12:25; 13:1-7,43-50;

14:12-20; 15:2-39; Gal.2:l,9-13; Col.

4:10. Called Jupiter by pagans. Acts

4:10. Called Jupiter by pagans. Acts

14:12-18. Separated from Paul tJirough

contention over Mark, Acts 15:36-39.

Reconciled to Paul, 1 Cor. 9:6 (proved

by the fact that 1 Cor. was written

after Acts 15:36-39) Barnfloor (1). 2 Ki. 6:27 Barns (4). Pr. 3:10; Joel 1:17; Mt.

Lk 12*18 Barrel (jj. 1 Ki. 17:12, 14, 16 Barrels (1), 1 Ki. 18:33 Barren (23). 7 b.
women, g 13-4

M akethb.women keep house, Ps.113:9

Blessed are the b., Lk. 23:29

Rejoice thou b., Isa. 54:1; Gal. 4:27

Neitfier b. nor unfruitful,2 Pet. L 3 Banenness (l),a curse, q 56-1*; Ps. 107:34
Bars (38). See Bar. Made ol wood (Ex. "25:26-29; 36: JTTu): brass (1 Ki.4:13);
and iron (Job 40:18; Ps. 107:16: Isa.45:2) Barsabas (2), son of Sabas. One or two

men in the early chiurch. Acts 1:23;15:22 Bartholomew (4).son of Tolmai.An

apostle, Mt. 10:3; Mk. 3:18; Lk. 6:14; Acts

l:13.Supposedly NathanieI, Jn.l:47; 21:2 Bartirpaeus( l),sonof Timaeus.Mk.

10:46 Baruch (26). blessed. 3 men. Neh. 3:20; 10:6; ll:5;Jer. 32:12-16; 36:4-32;

3-6; 45:1-2 Barzillai (12). men of iron. 3 men. 2

Sam. 17:27; 19:31-39; 21:8; 1 Ki. 2:7;

Ezra 2:61; Neh. 7:63 Base (18). Used 6 ways in Scriptme:

1 To be humiliated (2 Sam. 6:22; Ezek. 17:14; 29:14; Mai. 2:9)

2 Of a foundation(lKi. 7:27-43; 2 Ki. 16:17; 25:13-16; 2Chr. 4:14; Ezra 3: 3; Jer.

27:19; 52:17,20; Zech.5:ll) 3 Of wicked men (Job 30:8)
27:19; 52:17,20; Zech.5:ll) 3 Of wicked men (Job 30:8)

4 Of vile men (Isa. 3:5)

5 Of ignoble things (1 Cor. 1:28)

6 Of lowUness (2 Cor. 10:1) Baser (1),lower,more vulgar. Acts 17:5 Bases (16),
foundations, 1 Ki. 7:27-43; 2Ki. 16:17; 25:13-16; 2 Chr. 4:14; 1

Ezra 3:3; Jer. 27:19; 52:17. 20 |

Basest (2),lowest,Ezek.29:15; Dan.4:17 ,

Bash an (39), fruitful. RegionE. of Jordan, 1

Num. 21:33: 32:33; Dt. 1:4; 3:1-13; |

4:43-47:29:7; 32:14; 33:22; Josh. 1

BuUsofB., Ps. -22:12; Ezek. 39:18

HUl of, Ps. 68:15

Oaks of, Isa, 2:13; Zech. 11:2 |

Giant cities of, see The Arcjo b, 210 I Bashan-havoth-jair (1), Bashan of the

villages of Jalr, Dt. 3:14 Bashemath (6), fragrance. 2 women, Gen.

26:34; 36:3-17. Basmath in 1 Ki. 4:15 Bad<et (23), Gen. 40:17; Dt. 28:5, 17;

jet. 24: 2; Amos 8:1-2; Acts 9:25; 2Cot.

11:33 Baskets (15),Jer. 24:1; Mt. 14:20; 15:37;

16:9-10; Mk.6:43: 8:8-20; Jn.6:13. See

a,p 17-4'; m 41-4*; d 43-4*; h 100-1* Basmath (1), fragrance, 1 Ki. 4:15 Bason
(5) .Ex. 12:22; 1 Chr.28:17; Jn.l3:5 Basons (18). Ex. 24:6; 27:3; 38:3; 1 Ki.
(5) .Ex. 12:22; 1 Chr.28:17; Jn.l3:5 Basons (18). Ex. 24:6; 27:3; 38:3; 1 Ki.

7:40-50; Ezra 1:10; 8:27; Neh. 7:70

Ba5lard(2).f-h 222-1; Dt.23:2; Zech.9:6

Bastards (1^. Heb. 12:8

Bat (2), Lev. 11:19; Dt, 14:18

Bath (6), 1 bu. and 3 pts., the same as

an ephah (Isa. 5:10; Ezek. 45:10-14).

Also a prefix to certain names Bathe (18). Lav. 15:5-27; 16:26-28; 17:

15-16; Num. 19:7-3, 19 25 things requirinEr en tob., a 135-4 Bathed (1), ba.

Bath-rabbim (1), daughter of many. A gate in Heshbon, near 2 pools which are
compared to the eyes of the Shulamite, Song 7:4

Baths ( 9), 1 Ki. 7:26, 38; 2 Chr. 2:10; 4-5; Ezra 7:22; Ezek. 45:14

Bath-sheba (11), daughter of an oath, 2 Sam. 11:3; 12:24:1 Ki. 1:11-31; 2:13-19;
Ps. 51, title. Called Bathshua. 1 Chr. 3:5

Batfa-shua (l), daughter of prosperity. 1 Chr. 3:5. See Balfa-sheba

Bats (1), Isa. 2:"50

Battered (1), 2 Sam. 20:15

ing rar

78 victOTies of Israel, 635

13 civil wars of Israel, 635 3 jaeat battles of the futije: iWar in heaven (Rev.

2 Arrr.ageddon , which see

3 Gog and Magog (Rev. 20:7-10) Snow, hail reserved against the day of
3 Gog and Magog (Rev. 20:7-10) Snow, hail reserved against the day of

b. and war. Job 38:22-23 B. of that great day of God, Rev. 16:14 Gather therr;
together to b. ,Rev. 20:8 BatUe axe (1). Jer. 51:20 Battle bow (C), Zech. 9:10;
10:4 Battlement (1), e 221-1; Dt. 22:8 Battlenients (1), Jer. 5:10 Battles (6). 1
Sam. 8:20; 18:17; 25:28; IChr. 2G:27; 2Chr. 32:8; Isa. 30:32 B. in die
heavenUes, 475 Bavai (l), wishes. An exile,Neh. 3:18 Bay (6), tongue. Used in 3
ways "lAninletofaseaOosh. 15:2-5; 18:19)
2 A tree (Ps. 37:35) 7)

3 Red-browncolotofhorses(Zech.6:3-Ba^tb (l),asking,Neh.7:54.See Bazluth

Bazlulh (l) ,asking,Ezta 2:52.See Bazlith Bdellium (2), a resinous gum of Arabia
and India, said to be similar to true mynh. See Gen. 2:12; Num. 11:7 Be (6.758),
Gen. 1:28; 9:1; 17:1; etc. ~l4 he's for Christians, 313* 30 be Dot's for Christians,
313* 3 be sure's of the O. T., e 212-4 2 be sure's of the N.T., Lk. 10:11;
Beacon(l). light. Isa. 30:17 Rom. 4:16 Bealiahq ),Jehovah Is Lord, IChr. 12:5
Bealotfa (l),citizens.City, Josh. 15:24 Beam (15). Used of 5 things: 1 Snuctural
timbers (1 Ki. 6:6-9; 7:3-12; 2Ki. 6:2-5; 2Chr. 3:7; Neh. 2:8)

2 Weaver's b. (Judg. 16:14; 1 Sam. 17: 7; 2 Sam. 21:19; 1 Chr, 11:23; 20:5)

3 Foundation of eanh (Ps. 104:3)

4 Figuratively of a large pole com-pared to a splinter (Mt, 7:3-5; Lk. 6: 41-42)

5 Clouds, q 596-1 Bearr.s (12). See Beam Beans (2), 2 Sam, 17:28; Ezek. 4:9
Beai (212). Used9waysor more inBible: 1 Meaning an animal (1 Sam. 17:34-37;
2 Sam. 17:8: 2 Ki. 2:24; Pr. 17: 12; 28:15; Isa. 11:7; 59:11; Hos. 13: 8; Amos
5:19) 2 Tob., as a burden (Gen. 4:13; 13:6: 36:7;Ex.25:27;Jii. 16:12; Acts 9:15;
Rom.l5:l;Gal. 5:10; 6:2-5; Rev. 2:2) 3 Givebirth(Gen. 16:11; 17:17-21; 18: 13;
Dt. 25:6; Lk. 1:13)

4 TaketesponsibiIity(Gen,43:9; 44:32) 5B. witness pt. 5:20; Jn. 5:31; 8:18;

Rom. 8:16; 1 Jn. 1:2; 5:6)

6 To announce (2'Sam. 18:19-20)

7 Exercise authority (Esther 1:22; Pr. 29:2; Jer. 5:31; Dan. 2:39; Rom. 13:4)

8 Produce fruit (Jn. 15:2-8; Heb, 6:8)

9 Tolerate or suffer (1 Cor. 13: T) Beard (16), Lev. 13:29-30; 14:9; 19:27;

21:5; 1 Sam. 17:35; 21:13; 2 Sam. 19:

24:20:9; Ezra 9:3; Ps. 133:2; Isa. 7:20;

15:2; Jet. 48:37; Ezek. 5:1 Beards (4). Half shaved b,, c 339-4: 2 Sam. 10:4-5:
15:2; Jet. 48:37; Ezek. 5:1 Beards (4). Half shaved b,, c 339-4: 2 Sam. 10:4-5:

5 examples of b., p 611-4 Bearers (3), 2Chr, 2:18; 34; 13: Neh.4:10 Bearest (5),
Judg, 13:3; Ps. 106:4; Jn. 8: IsTRom, 11:18; Gal. 5:27 Beareth (25). See Beat - 9
uses, above Beating (22). HerbTTseed, Gen. 1:29

B. tabernacle. Num. 10:17, 21

B. ark,Josh. 3:3,14; 2 Sam. 15:24

B. 7 trumpets.Josh. 6:8,13

B. precious seed,Ps. 126:6


B. cross, Jn, 19:17

B. witness,Rom. 2:15; 9:1; Heb. 2:4

B. marks in the body, 2 Cor. 4:10

B.HIs reproach, Heb. 13:13 Bears (2), 2 Ki. 2:24; Isa. 59:11 Beast (277). Used 4
ways in Scripture:

1 Of animals - inferior to man (see Animals

2 Heavenly beings (Rev. 4:6-9; 5:6-14: 6:1-8: 7:11; 14:3; 15:7; 19:4)

3 Depraved men (1 Cor. 15:32; Tit. 1:12; 2 PeC2:12; Jude 10)

4 Symbolically of kingdoms and kings pan. 7:1-25; 8:1-25; Rev. 13:1-18; 17:8-
11) Bftast of the sea: (See Antichrist) 20 facts about, c 295-4* 20fold power of,
d 295-4*

3 brands of, 307* Extent of reign, 308* Symbol of 3 things, 310* 60 facts
coDceming, 310* 7 heads and 10 horns, 311*

Beast out of the eartk 10 facts about, b 256-1* Identification of, 310* Beast out
of the abyss 7 proofs Antichrist not from abyss, 310* Identification of, 310*
Beast's (1), Dan. 4:16 Beasts ( 155). See Animals and Beast Beat (36). to strike
Beast's (1), Dan. 4:16 Beasts ( 155). See Animals and Beast Beat (36). to strike
repeatedly B. gold into thin plates.Ex. 39:3 B. into a mortar. Num. 11:8 B. him
with a rod, Pr. 23:14 B. swords into plowshares, Isa. 2:4 B. plowshares into
swords. Joel 3:10 B. in every synagogue. Acts 22:19 Beaten (40). B. work of
gold. Ex. 25:18, 31736; 37:7-22; 2 Chr. 9:15-16 I B. oU, Ex. 29:40; Lev. 24:2;
Num. 28:5 B. with manystripes.Mk.l3:9;Lk.l2:47 B. with few stripes, Lk. 12:48
B. the apostles, Acts 5:40 B. thrice with rods. 2 Cor. 11:25 Beats St (2). Dt,
24:20; Pi. 23:13 Beateth( l) the air, 1 Cor. 9:26 21:32 Beating ( 3), 1 Sam. 14:16;
Mk. 12:5; Acts Beatitudes, verses in theBiblebeginning with Blessed, j 4-1*; m
11-1*. See m.any under Blessed and Blessing Beauties (1) of boliness, Ps. 110:3
Beautiful (23). 14 beautiful things: 1 Wom.en (Gen. 29:17; Dt. 21:11; 2 Sam..
11:2; Esther 2:7: 1 Sam. 25:3)

2 David (1 Sam. 16:12) , 3 Mt. ZioD (Ps, 48:2)

4 Everything made (Eccl. 3:11)

5 The Messiah (Isa. 4:2)

6 Garments (Isa. 52:1)

7 Feet (Isa. 52:7; Rom.. 10:15) ' 8 House (Isa. 64:11)

9 Flock Oer. 1-3:20)

10 Rod Oer. 48:17)

11 Crowns (EzA. 16:12; 23:42)

; 12 Israel, in symbol (Ezek. 16:13)

13 Sepulchres (Mt,23:27)

14 Gate (Acts 3:2, 10)

Beautify (3),Ezia 7:27;Ps.I4a4; Isa.60:13 Beauty (49). With glory 4 ti:r£s, Ex.
28: I 574O; Job 40:10risa. 28:1-5 ' B. of hoUness, t 559-4; 1 Chr. 16:29; 20:21;
Ps. 29:2; 96:9 B.perfect,P5.50:2:Ezek.27:3-ll:28:12 , Eyes shall seeKingin His
b., Isa. 33:17 No b. we should desire Him, Isa. 53:2 B.for ashes. Isa. 61:3 ! Bebai
(6), fatherly. 3 men, Ezra 2:11; I "MI; 10:28; Neh. 7:16: 10:15 Became (104).
Heb. hayah is trans, be-came 66 dmes (Gen, 2:7; 19:26; fx 4:3-4; 7:10-12; 8:17;
9:10; Num.12:10; , etc.); becam.est 2 times (IChr. 17:22; Ezek. 16:8); came to
9:10; Num.12:10; , etc.); becam.est 2 times (IChr. 17:22; Ezek. 16:8); came to
pass .505 times I (Gen. 4:3; 6:1; 11:2; etc.); become 67 tim.es ;Gen. 3:22; 18:18;
49:19; etc.); 1 come to pass 131 times (Gen.4:14; 6:13; 27:40); be in the sense of
become 5.081 times (Gen. 1:3,6, 9, 14: 3:5; etc.); ; and was in the sense of
become 3,042 : times (Gen. 1:2, 3, 4, 7, 9; 2:5; etc.). I There are 11 different
Heb. words u jed I for the other 14 times became is foand I in the O. T., and the
true sense in all cases is to become (Gen. 26:13; 44:32; I 2 Sam. 4:4; 2 Ki. 17:15;
1 Chr. 19:19; , 2 Chi. 27:6; Neh. 9:25; Esther 8:17; i Ezek. 31:5; Dan. 8:4; 10:15:
Oba. 12). I These factsprove thatGen. 1:2 should I havebeen trans.: And the
earthbecame (was) desolate and em.pty (without form and void) - showing that it
had been previously filled writh inhabitants and was full and fruitful when
Lucifer ruled It before Adam's timic (see p. 51-54) Becamest (2).l Chr. 17:22;
Ezek. 16:8 Because (1,186), in order that; on account oT Heb.3:19; 4:6

B. of your unbelief, Mt,17.^0; Mk. 6:6: B.He knew all men.Jn. 2:'-^ B. I tell you
the truth, Jn. o:45 B.I lay down My UfcJn. 10:17 B. I go to My Father, Jn. 14:12;
16:10, 16-17 B. I Uve ye shall Uve, Jn. 14:19 B. yea<knot,.. ask amiss, Jas.4:2-3
B. your sins are forgiven, 1 Jn. 2:12 B. you have known Him, 1 Jn.2:13-14 B.
you know the tnilt, 1 Jn. 2:21 B. he is botn of God, 1 Jn. 3:9 B. we love the
bretliren. 1 Jn. 3:14 B. we keep His commandments, 1 Jn.

3:22 B.gieatei Is He tiut is In you, ljn.4:4 B.as He is, so are we,l Jn.4:17 B. fear
hath :oniien:. 1 Jn. 4:13 B. He fint love us, 1 Jn. 4:19

Becba (5). firstborn. 2 ~ien, Gen. 46: 21; N'um. 26:35: 1 Chr. 7:6-3. Called
Bered. 1 Chr. 7:20. See Bachrites Becborath (1). first bnth, 1 Satr.. 9:1

Beckoned (6), Lk. 1:22; 5:7; Jn. 13:24j Acts 19:33: 21:40; 24:10

Beckocin; (2), Acts 12:17; 13:16

3ecorr.e U34). See Becarr.e

Becorr.eth (15). See Becar~

^ 93:

Complete Concordance - C y^ lu;->euic Index

Holiness b. thine house, Ps. 93:5 Excellent speech b. not a fool,Pr.l7:7 B.us to
fulfil allrighteouaiess,Mt,3:15 As b. saints, Rom. 16:2; Eph 5:3 As b. women
professing godliness, 1

Tim. 2:10 Behaviour as b. holiness,Tit. 2:3 Bed (90), defined , e 8-4* ~iri make
myb.in hell.Ps. 139:8 B is shorter than man can, Isa. 28:20 Take up thy b. ,Mt.
9:6; Mk. 2:9-12; Jn. 5:8-12; Acts 9:34

Two men In one b., Lk. 17:34 4

B.undefiled.but whoremongen,Heb.l3:

I win cast her into a b.,Rev. 2:22

Bedad (2), alone.Gen. 36:35; lChr.l:46

Bedan (2), son of judgment. 2 men. 1

Sam. 12:11;! Chr. 7:17. See B^rak Bedchamber (6),Ex. 8:3: 2 Sam. 4:7; 2
Ki.S:i2; ll:2;2Chr.2-2:ll; Eccl.10:20

Bedeiah ( D .servant of Jehovah,Ezra 10:35 Bed's (1), Gen. 47:31 BeHn iO).2
Sam. 17:28; Esther 1:6; Ps. ~n9t5; Song 6:2; Isa. 57:2; Hos. 7:14; A.'nos6:4;
V.ic.2:l;Mk.6:55; Acu5:15 Bedstead (1) of tiae giant Og, Dt. 3:11 Bee (1), Isa.

geellada (1), the Lord knows, 1 Chr. 14;

7.CaUed EUada, 2Sam.5:16;lChr.3:8

Beelzebub (7), lord of the dunghill, Mt.

■■1(3:25; r-2:-24-27; Mk.3:22; Lk. 11:15—

19. A name of Saun,prince of devils.

According to the history of religion s the

gods of one nation became the devils

of itsneighbors and enemies. Thus, this

god of PhEistia became the devil to

Hebrews. See Baalzebub

Been (319), pp. ofbe^ which see

Beer (2), welL 2 cines . Num. 21:16; I

~juag,9:21 I

Beera (1), well. A man, 1 Chr.7:37

Beerah (1), expounder. A man,lChr.5:6 !

Beer-elim (l),well of heroes,Isa.15:8

Been (2),m>an of the welL 2 men. Gen.'

~25r34: Hos. 1:1 '

Beer-lahai-rol. well of the Living One,,

or of Kiir. that seeth m.e, Gen. 16:14.

CaUed Lahai-roi, Gen. 24:62; 25:11

Beeroth( 6). The place where Aaron died,

Dt.lO:6. A city of the Hivites, x 257-1; e 334-4; Josh. 9:17; 18:25; 2 Sam.

4:2; Ezek. 2:25; Neh. 7:29

Beeroihlte (4), inhabitant of Beeroth, 2

Sam. 4:2-9; 23:37

Beeiothites (1). 2 Sam. 4:3

Beer-sheba (34).Dgansi,d 19-1; a-b 25-

1. The most southern city of Israel, and

tom.e of .Abraham and Isaac (Gen. 21:

14, 31-33; 22:19; 26:23,33; 28:10; 46:

1-5). Dan was the most northern city,

so tte expression Dan to B eer-sheb a becam.e a com.moB term for all Israel

CIudg.20:l; 1 Sam. 3:20; 2 Sam. 3:10;


Bees (3),Dt. 1:44; Judg. 14:8; Ps. 118:12

Beesh-terah (l).City,Josh.21:27.Called

■\sfatajotS T which see BeeUe (1). Clean food. Lev. 11:22 Beeves( 7)
J^v.22:19-21; Num.21:28-44 Befall (9).happen to,Gen.42:4, 38; 44! "^^49:1; Dt.
31:17,29; Ps. 91:10; Dan.

10:14; Acts 20:22 BefaUen (7), Lev. 10:19; Num. 20:14; St. 31:21; Judg, 6:13; 1
Sam. 20:26; Esther 6:13; Mt. 8:33 Befalleth (2), Eccl. 3:19 6efeU C5). Gen.
42:29; Josh. 2:23 "blm. 19:7; Mk. 5:16; Acts 20:19 Before (1,769). Used 7 or ~-
ore ways B. to be an huijandman.Gen. 9:20 B. to be a mighty one,Gen. 10:8 B.to
com.mlt whotedom. Num. 25:1 B. to declare this law, Dt. 1:5 B.tobuild the
ten;ple,l Ki.6:1; Ezra 5:2 B.to rwign (63 times), 1 Sam.3:2; etc. I B. to cut Israel
short, 2 Kl. 10:32 ; B.to preach, N'.t. 4:17 B. to show the disciples, Mt. 16:21
B.to be sorrowful, Vt, 26:37 B.lopubUsh, Mk. 1:45; 5:20 B.to teach, Mk. 6:2
B.to send them forth, Mk. 6:7 B.to cast out them that, Mk. 11:15 B.to amend, Jn.
4:52 B. both to do and to teach. Acts 1:1 B.to speak In other tongues. Acts 2:4
B.to be spoken by the Lord, Heb. 2:3 Before the world b., Jn. 9:32; Acts 3: 21;
Rom. 16:25; 2Tim.l:9; Tit. 1:2 B egat (211). Defined. ' 1-1*; n 93-1*: d ^^3-
4'.SeeGen.4:18; 5:3-32; 11:10-lChr.l;10-9:4'); Matt. 1:1-16 B. us with word of
truth,Jas. 1:18 Every one that loveth Him. that b., IJn.

5:1 Beaet (10),Gen. 17:20; Dt. 4:25; 28:41: 2Ki. 20:18; Eccl. 6:3: Isa. 39:7: Jer.
29:6: Ezek, 13:10, 14; 47:22 Begettest (2), Gen. 48:6: Isa. 45:10 Se'getteth
(3),Pr.l7:21: 23:24; Eccl.5:14 BeKear (3),lSam.2:8;Lk. 16:20-22 4 examples of
begging: IBartim.eusCMk. 10:46) 2 LazarJs(Lk. 16:20-22)

3 The bUnd m.an On. 9:8)

3 The bUnd m.an On. 9:8)

4 The lam.e man (Acts 3:2-5) Becgady (1), Gal. 4:9 SesgecTtS),Mt. 27:58: Lk.
23:52: Jn. 9:8

Behind ( 74).B.him ram caught,Gen.22:13 Cast .ill my sins b. back, Isa. 38:17
Casts;eb.back.Ezek. 23:35; IKi.149 Getb.Me,Satan,Mt. 16:23;Lk. 4:8 Come b. in
no gift,! Cor. 1:7 Those things which are b., Phil. 3:13 B. of the afflictionsof
Christ,Col.1:24 Full of eyes before and b. ,Rev. 4:6 Behold (1.-85).3.1 have
given,Gen.l:29 B.man isbecomeas one ofUs. Gen. 3: B. the people
isone,Gen.11:6 22

B.I was shapen in iniquity,Ps.51:5-6 B. how good and how pleasant,Ps. 133:1 B.
a virgin shall conceive, Isa. 7:14 B. a king shall reign in, Isa. 32:1 B.the lamb of
God, Jn. 1:29. 36 B.He cwneth with clouds. Rev. 1:7 the Lion of the tribe of.
Rev. 5:5 I com.e as a thief. Rev. 16:15 the tabernacle of God is. Rev. 21:3 I
make all things new. Rev. 21:5 I come quickly,Rev. 22:7,12

Begging (3),Ps.37:25:Mk.l0:46;Lk.l8:35 Begn (27). B. to possess, Dt. 2:24,


B.to m.agnify you,Josh 3:7 B.to smite fellowservants,Mt.24:49 B.to stand

without,knock,Lk. 13:25 B. to com.e to pass,look up,Lk. 21:28 B. at the house of
God, 1 Pet. 4:17 Beginnest (1), Dt, 16:9 Beginning (106). Defined, a 93-1* In
the b,.Gen. 1:1; Pr. 8:22-23; Eccl. 3:11; Is». 64:4; Mt. 19:8; Jn. 1:1; Eph. 3:9: 2
Pet. 3:4 B. of months, Ex. 12:2 of revenges, Dt. 32:42 of wisdom, Ps. 111:10; Pr.
of knowledge. Pr. 1:7 of sorrows. K'lt. 24-8 of - Iracles, Jn. 2:11 of the creation
of God, Rev 9:10


rSTtime (Gen. 2:5; 29:26)

2 Of presence (Gen. 6:11; 7:1; 10:9)

3 Preceding (Gen. 11:28: 1 Ki. 1:5)

4 Of acceptance (Gen. 17:18)

4 Of acceptance (Gen. 17:18)

5 Of guidance (Gen, 24:7)

6 Of keeping in rrlnd (Ps. 16:8)

7 Looking ahead (Pr. 4:25) Beforehand (5). Mk. 13:11; 2 Cor. 9:5; "I'Tim, o:24-
25;lPet. 1:11. See Afote—

hand Befocetime (11). Dt. 2:12; Josh. 11:10; ■ 2(5:5; 1 Sam.. 9:9; 10:11:2 Sam.

2 Ki.l3:5: Neh. 2:1; Isa. 41:26: Acts

8:9. See Afotetim.e Beg (3), Ps. 109:10; Pr. 20:4; Lk, 16:3 Began (170). Men b.
to call, Gen. 4:26

B.to multiply on the earth.Gen.6:1

B. B. B. B. B. B. From the b. of creation, Isa. 41:4,

46:10; 48:3, 5, 7, 16 From the b. of the eospel, 1 Jn. 1:1: 2:

7, 13. 14. 24; 3:11; 2 Jn. 5-6 Devil sinneth from, the b., 1 Jn. 3:8 Beginnings
(4),Num.. 10:10; 28:ll:Ezek. S^Tll; Mk. 13:8 38:28

Be£0tten_(24). Hath b. drops of dew. Job B. these things. Isa. 49:21 B. you thro
ugh the gospel.lCot. 4;15 B.us again, 269*; 1 Pet. 1:3 This day have lb. Thee,Ps.
2:7; Acts 13:33; Heb. 1:5; 5:5 Only b.Son,Jn.l:14,18; 3:16-18;ljn.4:9 First b. of
the dead, Rev. 1:5 Beguile (2), Col. 2:4, 18 Beguile: (5),Gen. 3:13; 29:25; Num.
25: IB; Josh. 9:22; 2 Cor. 11:3 BegtnUnE (1) unstable souls, 2 Pet. 2:14 Begun
(1^. B. in the Spirit,Gal. 3:3 flVa good work in you will, Phil. 1:6 B. to wax
wanton toward Christ, 1 Tim. 5:11 Behalf (13). Used to express: on the pan of
(Ex. 27:21; 2 Chr. 16:9); on the side of Oob 36:2):fot your sake (Rom,.16:19): in
interest of (! Cor. 1:4; 2 Cor. 1:11; Phil. l:29);inplaceof(:Cor. 5:12;8:24) Behave
(6).Dt.32:27:lChr. 19:13:Ps. 101: 2:Isa. 3:5: lCot.l3:5;l Tim. 3:15 Behaved (9), 1
Sam. 18:5,14,15, 30; Ps. I31;Mic. 3:4;lTh.2:10:2 Th. 3:7 2' Behaveth (l). 1 Cor.
7:36 ■ fiehavloig (4).lSam.21:13; Ps. 34 title: 1 Tim. 3:2: Tit, 2:3 Beheaded
(7).Dt.21:6: 2 Sam. 4:7: Mt. I ~T?nTJr>-lk. 6:16.-27: Lk. 9:9; Rev, 20:4 Beteld
(53).B.the woman.Gen. 12:14 B.aU the plain of Jordan. Gen. 13:10 B. serpent of
brass. Num. 21:9 . B.am.ong tte sim.pie ones,Pr. 7:7 B. all the work of God,
Eccl. 8:17 B. there was no m.an, Isa.41:28; Jer.4:25 B.the earth without
Eccl. 8:17 B. there was no m.an, Isa.41:28; Jer.4:25 B.the earth without
form.,Jer.4:23 B. wings plucked.. .thrones set... beast slain.. .hommade
war,Dan.7:4-ll, 21 B. Satan as Ughtning fall, Lk. 10:18 B.His glory, Jn. 1:14
B.alambithadbeen slain.Rev. 5:6 B. a great multitude. Rev. 7:9 Behemoth (1).
Job 40:15

16fold description of. b-d 546-4

Behgldea(4),Ps.lO:14;Mt.7:3:Lk.6:41-42 BehoIdet;. (4)Job 24:18; 41:34;


Jas. 1:24 Beholding ( 15). B. evil and good,Pr. 15:3 B. miracles and signs. Acts
8:13 B.as in a glass the glory, 2 Cot. 3:18 B.your order and faith,Col. 2:5 B.
natural face in a glass, Jas. 1:23 Behoved (2), Lk. 24:46; Hdj. '2:17 Being (288).
B. full of compassion, Ps. '3:33; S6:15;in:4;ir_:4;145:8 B. often
reproved,hardeneth.Pr. 29:1 B. 100 years old shall be. Isa. 65:20 B.a just man,
Mt, 1:19 B. fuU of the Holy Ghost. Lk. 4:1 B.by right hand of God. .Acts 2:33
B. justified freely. Rom. 3:24; 5:9 B. not weak in faith, Rom. 4:19 B.
fullypersuadedthat what,Rom.4:21 B. justified by faiih, Rom. 5:1 , B.made free
from, sin,Rom. 6:18,22 B. reviled, we bless. 1 Cor. 4:12-13 B.bom again, 1 Pet
1:23 B.dead to sins, 1 Pet. 2:24 B.ensamples to the flock, 1 Pet. 5:3 Bekah
(l).half shekel or 3a*; Ex. 28:26 Bel (3). god of Babylon, Isa. 46:1; Jer. ~^2:
51:44. See Bible factsabout. 116; 430 Bela ( 13).destruction.3_men,Gen. 36:32-
~337 Num..26:33-40; IChr. 1:43-44; 5: 3:7:6-7:8:l-3.Alsoa city,Gen.l4:2.8 Belah
(1). destruction, Gea 46:21 Belait^ (2), sons of Bela,Num. 26:38 Belch (1), to
guii out, Ps. 59:7 Begn (17). f 213-4: e 286-4; g 195-4* Belied (1).
misrepresented, Jer.5:12 Belief (1), faith and trust. 2 Th. 2:13 Believe (142),
have faith or trust in B.in the Lord. 2 Chr. 20:20 B. in His prophets, 2 Chr. 20:20
B.that I am able to do this, Mt. 9:28 B. the gospel, and repent, Mk. 1:15 i
B.inGod,b. also in Me,Jn. 14:1 i B. Me that I am in the Father. Jn. 14:11 B.Me
for the works' sake, Ja 14:11 B. oB the Lord Jesus Christ, Acts 16:31 B. not
every spiiit, 1 Jn. 4:1 If you can b. all things are,Mk. 9:23 Signs follow them,
that b. ,Mk. 16:17 Fools, slow of hean to b. .Lk, 24:25 .All that b.ate justified,
Actsl3:38-39 Must believe that He is, Heb. 11:6 Devils also b. and trem.ble,Jas.
2:19 One thing not to b., 313* 4 things to b., 313* Believe d (116). B. not, Dt.
9:23; Job2ft 24; PT. 78:22,32; 106:24; Mt. 21:32; Mk. 16:14; Lk. 20:5; 24:11 B.
00 Him.. Jn, 211; 7:31, 48: 8:30-31; 10:42: 12:42; Acts 11:17 Blessed are they
that b. and yet have not seen. Jn. 20:29 Abraham b. God, Rom. 4:3, 17. 18: Gal.
3:6; Jas, 2:23 Believers (2). .Acts 5:14; 1 Tim. 4:12 Called brethren , m 33-4* 7
things to receive as, h 12-1* To increase in knowledge, s 13-4* 2 blessings for, g
things to receive as, h 12-1* To increase in knowledge, s 13-4* 2 blessings for, g
14-1* Promised wants, p 17-1* Ptom.ised wisdom., e 25-1* All equal in Christ,
i, n 25-4* Warnings to, t 67-l^ 284-285* Power prom.ised all, w 54-4*; o 71-1*
Toeat in next life,d"'-4*; J 287-1* Must receive new fillings, n 126-4* A lesson
to all. e 45-4* 4 sins destroy unity of, p 45-4* j 5 signs to follow all, 52*

Commands for all, 313-316* I Greater than John, f 66-1* I Judgment of, 311-
312* I Self-judgment of, 311*

35 similitudes of, g 927-1 BeUevest (3).Lk. 1:20; Jn. 1:50; 11:26:

14:10; Acts 8:37; 26:27; Jas. 2:19 , Believeih (44). Defined, n 101-1*; 201*

Tde simple b. every word. Pr. 14:15 ' B. shall not n.ake h.iste. Isa. 28:16 .All
things possible to him. tiiat b., Mk. 9:23 ' He that b., Mk. 16:16; Jn. 3:18, 36:
6:35, 47; 7:38; 11:25: 12:44: 14:12: ' IJn. 5:5, 10

I Whosoever b.,Jn. 3:15-16:12:46:.Act» 1 10:43; Rom. 9:33; 10:11; 1 Jn. 5:1

With theheartnianb. unto,Rom. 10:10 B. all things, 1 Cor. 13:7 Believing
(3).Mt.21:-22;Jn. 20:27. 31; .Acu le-.M; 24:14; Rom., 15:13; 1 Tim, 6:2; 1 Pet.
1:8. See Unbelieving BeU(3), Ex. 23:34: 39:26 SSHies d), Tit. 1:12 Bellow (1).
Jer. 50:11 Bellows (1), Jer. 6:39 Bells (3),Ex. 23:33:39:25;Zech. 14:20 Belly
(49). Used 6 ways in Scripture : 1 Abdomeii(Ce.-. 3:14: Lev. 11:4-)

2 Abdominal cavity (>.'um.25:8; Lk, 15:16: 1 Cor. 6:13; PbiL 3:19)

3 The womb Qer. 1:5) f 103-1*

4 Innermost being (Jn. 7:37-39). See

5 Reception of knowledge (Ezek.3:3: Rev. 10:9-10)

6 Asasymbolofakingdom(Dan.i3^ Bellyofthe whale, Jonah 1:17: 2:1; Mt.

12:40 Belong (12). 6 things beloua to Go<t

1 Interpretations (G ea

2 Secretorunrevealedthings(Dt.2*29)

3 Shields of the earth (Ps. 47:9)

4 Mercies (Dan. 9: 9)

5 The redeem.ed (Mk. 9:41)

6 The issues from, death (Ps.68:20) Belonged (12), Josh 17:8; Lk. 23:7; etc.
Belongesi (l), 1 Sam. 30:13

Bel oDgeth( 20). 5 things belongeth toGod

1 Vengeance (Dt,.32: ,.5;Ps. 94:l:Heb.

2 Salvation (Ps, 3:8) 10:30)

3 Power (Ps, 52:11)

4 Mercy (Ps. 62:12)

5 Righteousness (Dan. ft7) Belonging (5). Num. 7:9; Ruth 2:3; 1

SarnT^lS: Ps. 26:17: Lk. .-10 Beloved (107). A term of affectionate endearment
comim.on in both lista-ments. See i48-4^ a 277-4*. Of the 45 times it is used in
theO. T.23 tlm.es are in the Song of Solomon. It occurs 62 tim.es In the N. T, 22
"beloved's" of Scrtptute:

1 Wives (Dt. 21:15-16)

2Benjam.in (Dt. 33:12)

3 Soloraoo C-'eh. 13:26; Pr. 4:3)

4 laael (Ps. 60:5; 108:6; Isa. 5:1; Jer. 11:15; 12:7; Rom. 11:28)

5 The shepherd lover (Song 1:12-1-^

6 The Shulamite (Song LIS; 2:3)

7 Daniel (Dan, 9:23: 10:11,19)

8 Corner (Hos. 3:1)

9 Christ (Kit. 3:17; 12:18; 17:5; Eph. 1:6; 2 Pet. 1:17)

10 Barnabas (Acts 15:25)

11 Paul (Acts 15:25)

12 Christians (Rom. 1:7; 12:19; 1 Cor. 4:14; 10:14; 15:58: 2 Cot. 7:1; 12: 19;
Phn. 2:12; 4:1; Col. 3:12; 1 Th. 1:4; 2 Th. 2:13: 1 Tim, 6:2; Jas. 1: 16,19; 2:5; 1
Pet. 2:11: 4:12; IPet. 3:1, 8,14-l-.lJn. 3:2,21:4:1-11: 3: Jr.. 2, .5; Jude 3, 17-20

13 AmpUas (Rom. 16:8)

14 Stachys (Rom. 16:9)

15 Petsis (Rom.. 16:12)

16 Timodiy (1 Cor. 4:17; 2 Tim. 1:2)

17 TycWcus (Eph.6:21; CoL4:7) ' 18 Onesim.'us (Col. 4:9; Ph'm 16) I 19 Luke
(Coh 4:14)

20 Philem.on (Ph'm 1)

21 AppMa (Ph'm 2)

22 Jerusalem. (Rev. 20:9) Beloved's (-2), Song 6:3; 7:10

I Bebhazzar (3).Bel protect the king. Dan. , 5:1-9,22-30; 7:1; 8:1; 862-4

Feast of, 561-4 I Terror of, 362-1

3fold promise of reward, 832-1 3fold effect of vision, 862-1 ' 6 sins of, 562-4

Slain by K'.edes and Persians, 363-1 Belteshazzar (10), Bel protect his life,

Can. 1:7: 2:26; 4:8-19; 5:12; 10:1 Bemoan (5;, Jer. 15:5; 16:5:22:10; 48: "il:
N'ah. 3:7 I Bemoaned (1). Job 42:11 I Bemoaning (1). Jer. 31:18 Ben (l).son of.
A Levite. 1 Chr. 15:18. A prefix to certain names 38

I Ben-ammi (1). son of m.y people .Gen. 19: I 6'enalah ( 42). Jehovah ha

n 338-4. 3 mighty deeds, e 355-4 I Benches (1). Ezek. 27:6 IglSJW.Ps. 11:2;
64:3: Jer. 9:3:46:9; ^0714,29; 51:3: Ezek. 17:7 Bendeth (2). Ps. 58:7: Jer. 51:3
64:3: Jer. 9:3:46:9; ^0714,29; 51:3: Ezek. 17:7 Bendeth (2). Ps. 58:7: Jer. 51:3
Bending (1). Isa. 60:14 I Beneath (28), under earth as contrasted

Con-iplete Concordance - Cyclopedic Index


with heaven,Ex. 20:4; Dt. 5:8: Josh. 2:11; 1 Kl. 8:23; Acts 2:19 Waters b. the
earth, Dt. 5:8 HeUb..Pr, 15:24; Isa. 14:9 Bene-berak (l)iCity of Dan, Josh. 19:45
BeneJictions of Scripture: 1 Melchizedek upon Abraham (Gen. 14:19-20) 24:60)

2 Bethuel's bouse uponRebekah(Gen.

3 Isaac upon Jacob (Gen. 27:23-29, 37: 28:1-4)

4 Isaac upon Esau (Gen. 27:39-40)

5 Jacob upon Pharaoh (Gen.47:7-10)

6 Jacob upon Joseph's sons (Gen. 48)

7 Jacob upon own sons(Gen. 49)

8 Aaron upon Israel (Num.6:22-27)

9 Moses upon the tribes (Dt. 33)

10 Half of tribes i^son others (Dt. 11: 29-30; 27:11-13; Josh. 8:33)

11 Joshua upon Caleb Qosh. 14:13)

12 Joshua upon 2 1/2 tribes (Josh. 22: 6-7)

13 Naomi upon Ruth (Ruth 1:8-9)

14 People upon Ruth (Ruth 4:11-12)

15 Eli uponElkanah (1 Sam. 2:20)

16 David upon the people (2 Sam.6:18)

17 David upon Barzillal (2 Sam. 19:3^

17 David upon Barzillal (2 Sam. 19:3^

18 Araunah upon David (2 Sam. 24:23)

19 Solomon upon Israel (1 Ki. 8:14, 55-58; 2Chr. 6:3)

20 Simeon upon Jesus (Lk. 2:34)

21 Jesus upon disciples (Lk. 24:50)

22 Paul upon Romans (Rom.l:7; 15:5-6, 13, 33; 16:20)

23 Paul upon Corinthians (1 Cor. 1:3; 2 Cor. 1:2; 13:14) 18)

24 Paul uponGalatians(Gal. 1:3; 6:16,

25 Paul upon Ephesians (Eph.l:2; 6:23-26 PauluponPhilippians(Phil.l:2) 24)

27 Paul upon Colossians (Col. 1:2)

28 Paul upon Thessalonians (1 Th. 1:1; 2 Th. 1:2; 3:16, 18)

29 Paul upon Timothy (1 Tim. 1:2; 6: 21; 2 Tim. 1:2; 4:22)

30 Paul upon Titus (Tit. 3:15)

31 Paul upon Philemon (Ph'm 3) 25)

32 Paul upon Hebrews (Heb. 13:20-21,

33 Peter upon Christians (1 Pet. 1:2; 5:10-11, 14; 2 Pet. 1:2-4)

34 John upon Christians (2 Jn. 3)

35 Jude upon Christians Qude 2)

36 John iflX)n the 7 churches (Rev. 1: 4-6; 22:21)

Benefactcrs (1). Kings, Lk. 22:25 Beneficence. Dt. 15:7-18; Ps.41:l; 112:

9; Pr. 3:27-28; 11:25; 22:9:25:21; 28:

27; Isa. 58:6-11; Ezek. 18:5-9; Mt. 5:

27; Isa. 58:6-11; Ezek. 18:5-9; Mt. 5:

42; 19:21; 25:35-45; Mk.9:ll; Lk.3:11;

11:41; Acts 6:1-4; 11:29-30; Rom. 15:

25-27; 1 Cor. 13:3; 16:1; 2 Cor. 8:19:15; GaL 2:10; Phil. 4:10-17; 1 Tim.

5:8, 16; Heb, 6:10; 13:16; Jas. 2:15;

IJn. 3:17 Benefit (5), 2 Chr. 32:25; Jet. 18:10; 2

Cor. 1:15; 1 Tim. 6:2; Ph'm 14 Benefits (3). Ps. 68:19; 103:2; 116:12 Bene-
jaakan (2). Num. 33:31-32 BeneyoleDce" (l). 1 Cor. 7:3 Ben-haJaJ (27). son of
the god Hadah, 1 Ki. 15:18-20; 20:1-34; 2 Ki. 6:24; 8:

7-9; 13:3, 24-25; 2 Chr. 16:2-4; Jer.

49:27; Amos 1:4 Ben-haU (1). son of might, 2 Chr. 17:7 Ben-hanan fp.son of
kindness,l Chr. 4:20 Beninu (1)". our son, Neh. 10:13 Benjamin (162), son of my
right hand Smen, d 429-1

History of, g 155-1

Numbering of, h 155-1

3 blessings of, t 233-1

Left-handed men ftomS. ,d 269-1

Not the ruling tribe, g 301-4 Benjamin's (4). Gen. 43:34; 44:12; 45:

14: Zech. 14:10 Benjamlte (9). Judg. 3:15; 1 Sam. 9:1,

21; 2 Sam. 16:11; 19:16; 20:1; 1 Ki.

2:8; Esther 2:5; Ps. 7 title Benjamites ( 8). Judg. 19:16; 20:35-43;

1 Sam. 9:4; 22:7; 1 Chr. 27:12 Beno (2). his son, 1 Chr. 24:26-27 Ben-qni (1).
son of my sorrow,Gen.35:18 Bent (8), Ps. 7:12; 37:14; Isa. 5:28; 21:
~IFrLam.2:4; 3:12; Hos.ll:7; Zech.9:13 Ben-zoheth (1). fatness, 1 Chr. 4:20
Bcon (l).aplace east of Jordan,Num.32:3 Beor (10), destroyer. 2 men, c 422-1.
Name is Bosor in 2 Pet. 2:15 Beta (1), gift. Gen. 14:2 Berachah (3), blessing, 1
Chr. 12:3; 2

Ch. 20:26 BeracMah (1), blessing, 1 Chr. 6:39 Beralah (I), Jehovah hath created.

Benjamite, 1 Chr. 8:21 Berea (3). A city. Acts 17:10-13; 20:4 Bereave (6). Eccl.
4:8; Jer. 15:7; Ezek.

6:17; 36:12-14: Hos. 9:12 Bereaved (5). Gen. 42:36; 43:14; Jer.

18:21; Ezek. 36:13; Hos. 13:8 7 examples of bereavement:

1 Abraham for Sarah (Gea 23:2)

■2 Jacob for Joseph (Gen. 37:34-35)

3 Joseph for Jacob (Gen. 50:1-4)

4 Egyptians for firstborn (Ex. 12:29-33) ■

5 Naomi for husband (Ruthl:3,5,20-21)

6 David for child (2 Sam. 12:15-23) !

7 David for Absalom (2 Sam. 18:33; Bereaveth (l).Lam. l:-'0 19:4)1 Berechiah
(10), Jehovah is blessing. 7

men. 1 Chr. 3:20; 9:16; 15:17, 23; ?, CEiFr28:12; Neh. 3:4. 30; 6:18; Zech. 1:1.
7 I

Bered (2), seed. A man, 1 Chr. 7:20. A city. Gen. 16:14 i

Beri (1), expounder, 1 Chr. 7:36 I

Beriah (11). unfortunate. 4 men. 1429-4 Beriites (l).soDs ofBetiah, Num. 26:44
Berites (1). perhaps a branch of the tribe of Asher, or young men, 2 Sam. 20:14
Berith (l),covenant,godof Shechemites, Judg. 9:46, See Baal-berlth Beroice (3),
victorious. Acts 25:13, 23; 26:30. One of the shameless women of Scripture. The
oldest daughter of Herod , Agrlppa I. Her first husband was an uncle and her
second a brother, Agrippa n, with whom die listened to Paul. Fcx | awhile she
lived with king Ptolomy of Sicily, then returned to her brother. Later she lived
lived with king Ptolomy of Sicily, then returned to her brother. Later she lived
with father and son, ' Vespasian and Titus i Berodach-baladan (1), bold, 2 Ki. 20:

12. See Merodach-baladan Beroihah( l).aplace.b 338-4; Ezek.47:16 Berothai

(l).a place,b 338-4; 2 Sam.8:8 Berothite (1), inhabitant of Beeroth, 1

Chr. 11:39. See Beerothite Berries (2), Isa. 17:6; Jas. 3:12 Beryl (8), 118; Ex.
28:20; 39:13; Song 5: 14; Ezek, 1:16; 10:9; 28:13; Dan. 10: 6; Rev. 21:20 7:52 1

Besai (2). treading down.Ezra 2:49; Neh. Beseech (65). to ask earnestly; beg I
b.Thee,showmeThyglory,Ex.33:18 Pardon.I b.Thee,Num.l4:19; Amos7:2 lb.
Thee, torment me not, Lk. 8:28 I b. you... by the mercy of God, Rom.

12:1 B. you to walk worthy of,Eph. 4:1 Be3eechuig( 3),Mt.8:5; Mk. 1:40;Lk. 7:3
[Beset (6), Judg. 19:22; 20:5; Ps. 22:12; ' ' "13^5; Hos. 7:2; Heb. 12:1 Beside
(125). Used 4 ways in Scripture: 1 In addition to (Gen. 26:1; 31:50)

2 Near to (Ps. 23:2)

3 Compared to (Dt. 4:35; 1 Sam. 2:2; 2 Sam. 7:22; 1 Chr. 17:20; Isa.43:11; 44:6:
45:5-6, 21; 47:8-10)

4 B. oneself mentally (Mk. 3:21; Acts 26:24; 2 Cor. 5:13)

Besides (8),in addition to. Gen. 19:12; i , 46:26; Rev. 7:13; 1 Ki. 22:7; 2 Chr.

18:6; Jer. 36:32; 1 Cor. 1:1b; Ph'm 19 ; ' Besiege (11). Dt, 20:12, 19; 28:52; 1
Sam. 23:8; 1 Ki. 8:37; 2 Ki. 24:11; 2 | Chr. 6:28; Isa. 21:2.Jer. 21:4,9 Besieged
(23). 5 cities besieged: 1 Rabbah (2 Sam. 11:1; 1 Chr. 20:1) , 2 Abel (2 Sam.

3 Tirzah (1 Ki. 16:17)

4 Jerusalem (2 KI. 16:5; 24:10; 25:2; Jer.32:2; 37:5; 39:1; 52:5; Dan, 1:1)

5 Samaria (1 Ki. 20:1; 2 Ki. 6:24-25; 17:5:18:9)

' Besieging . 5 acts in b. city, 814 Neh. 3:6 i Besodeian (1). famUiar with
Jehovah, Besom (3), a broom,Isa. 14:23 Besor (3). a brook, 1 Sam. 30:9-10,21
Besoug,ht (44), pp. of beseech Joseph b. btethren.Gen. 42:21 Moses b.God, Ex.
32:11; Dt.3:23 Davidb.God,2 Sam. 12:16 Devils b. Him, Mt. 8:31; Mk. 5:12
32:11; Dt.3:23 Davidb.God,2 Sam. 12:16 Devils b. Him, Mt. 8:31; Mk. 5:12
Paul b. the Lord thrice, 2 Cor. 12:8 Best (25). The most dearable of: 1 Fruits of
the land (Gen. 43:11)

2 The land (Gen. 47:6, 11)

3 The vineyard (Ex. 22:5)

4 The oil (Num. 18:12)

5 The wine (Num. 18:12)

6 The oUveyards (1 Sam. 8:14)

7 The sheep (1 Sam. 15:9, 15)

8 Gold (1 Ki. 10:18)

9 The house, theb. place (Esther 2:9)

10 Lebanon (Ezek. 31:16)

11 Robes (Lk. 15:22)

12 Spiritual gifts (1 Cor. 12:31) Bestead (1). entrapped, Isa. 8:21 Bestiality, f 87-
4; a 142-1 Bestir (1). rouse to action,2 Sam. 5:24 Bestow (9), give. Ex. 32:29;
Dt. 14:26; 2 Chr. 24:7; Ezia 7:20; Lk. 12:17-18; 1 Cor. 12:23; 13:3

Bestowed (14), gave, 1 Ki. 10:26; 2 Ki.

5:24:12:15; 1 Chr. 29:25: 2 Chr. 9:25;

Isa. 63:7; Jn. 4:38; Rom. 16:6; 1 Cor.

15:10; 2Cor.l:ll;8:l;Gal.4:1; ljn.3:l Betah (l). A city, a 338-4; 2 Sam. 8:8 Beten
(1). A city in Asher, Josh. 19:25 Beth, house. Used as a prefix in many names

Bethabara (1), house of the ford, r 93-4*;

Jn.l:28 Beth-anath (3), house of Anath. goddess

of Canaanites.Josh. 19:38; Judg, 1:33 Beth-anoth (1), house of Anath, a god.'

A city of Judah, Josh, 15:59 Bethany ( 11),date-house, a 72-1*; d 107-4*. A
town 2 miles from Jerusalem on ;

the eastern slope of Mt. Olives, Mt.

21:17:26:6; Mk. 11:1-12; 14:3; LkJ9:

29; 24:50; Jn. 11:1. 18; 12:1 Beth-arabah (3). house of the desert. A

city of Judah, Josh. 15:6. 61. A city

of Benjamin, Jodi. 18:22 Beth-aram (l).houseofheight.Josh.l3:27 Betfa-arbeT

(1), house of God's ambush.

Hos. 10:14 Beth-ayen (7). house of vanity, n 307—

1; Josh. 7:2; 18:12; 1 Sam. 13:5; 14:23;

Hos. 4:15; 5:8; 10:5 Beth-azmaveth (1), house of the strong

one of death, Neh. 7:28. See Azmaveth Belh-baal-meon (1), house of the lord of

dwelling. Josh. 13:17. See Baal-meon Beth-barah (2), house of the lord, f 274-1;
Judg, 7:24. See Bethabara Beth-birei (1), house of a creative one,

1 Chr. 4:31 Bedi-car ( 1) .house of pasture,1 Sam.7:ll Beth-dagon (2),house of

Dagon, city of

a god of PhUistia, Josh, 15:41; 19:27 Beth-biblathaim (1), house of the two

fig cakes, Jer. 48:22 Bethel (66),houseof God. A city, o 111; p 27-1; m 251-4; f
255-1 Bethelite (1), inhabitant of Bethel, 1 Ki.

16:34 19:27

Bethemek (1), house of the valley. Josh. Bether ( 1)", house of the mountains,

2:17 Bethesda (1).house of kindness, Jn. 5:2 Beth-ezel (1) .house of the
side,Mic.1:11 Beth-gader (1). house of the wall, 1 Chr.

2:51 Beth-gamul (1), house of the weaned.

2:51 Beth-gamul (1), house of the weaned.

Jer. 48:23 Beth-haccerem (2), house of the vineyard, 1 300-4; Neh. 3:14; Jer. 6:1
Beth-haran (1), house of hcighi. Num.

32:36. See Beth-aram Beth-hogla (1). house of partridge. Josh.

15:6. See Beth-hoglah Beth-hoglah (2). house of partridge, a

253-1; Josh. 18:19-21. See Beth-hogla Belh-horon (14). house of hoUowness. 2

cities: the upper city (Josh. 16:5; 1 kT7

9:17); and the lowercitv (Josh, 16:3; 2

Chr.8; 5;25:13).SeeJosh.l0:10-11:18:13-14;21:22:lSam. 13:18;lCht. 6:68:7:24

Bethlehem Euphratah (I), Mic. 5:2 Bethink (2), to lay to heart, or call to mind, 1
Ki. 8:47; 2 Chr. 6:37 Beth-jesimodi (1). house of the deserts,

Num. 33:49. See Beth-jeshimoth Beth-jeshimoth (3), house of the deserts.

Josh. 12:3: 13:20; Ezek. 25:9. See

3eth-iesimoth Josh.l9:6

Beth-lepaoih (1), house of lionesses, Bethlehem (39).houseofbread.b 280-1.

A city in Zebulun.Josh. 19:15. A city

in Judah where the Messiah was bom,

KUc. 5:2; Mt. 2; Lk. 2:4. 15; Jn. 7:42.

Also the name of a man. 1 Chr. 2:51.

54; 4:4 Bethlehemite (4). inhabitant of Bethlehem,lSam.l6:l,18; 17:58; 2 Sam.

21:19 Betiilehem-judah (10), house of bread in Judah, Judg. 17:7-9; 19:1-18;
Ruth 1:

1-2,18; 1 Sam. 17:12. A term which

distinguishes this town from the one in

distinguishes this town from the one in

Zebulun. 6 miles west of Nazareth,

Josh. 19:15; Judg. 12:10 Beth-maachah(2),house of Maachah, d

352-1; 2 Sam. 20:14-15. See Abel—

belfa-maachah Beth-marcaboth (2). house of breadth,

or of chariots, JoshL 19:5; 1 Chr. 4:31 Beth-meon (1). house of retreat, Jer.

48:23. See Beth-baal-meon Beth-nimrah (2), house of the leopard,

Num.32:36;Josh.l3:27. See Nimrah Beth-palet (1), bouse of escape. Josh.

15:27. See Beth-phelet Beth-pazzez (1). house o f dispersion.

Josh. 19:21 Belh-peM (4). house ofPeor, j 202-4;

Dt. 3:29; 4:46; 34:6; Josh. 13:20 Bethphage (3). house of figs, c 47-4*;

Mt. 21:1; Mk. 11:1; Lk. 19:29 Beft-phelet (1). house of escape, Neh.

11:26. See Beth-palet Beth-rapha (1). house of the giant, 1

Chr. 4:12. See Rapha Beth-rehob (2). house of the street, 272;

e 339-4; Judg. 18:28; 2 Sam. 10:6 Bethsaida (7), house of fishing, c 44-1*-

b 69-l*;Mt. 11:21; Mk. 6:45; 8:22; Lk.

9:10; 10:13; Jn. 1:44; 12:21 Beth-shan (3). house of ease, a 256-1;

1 Sam. 31:10-12; 2 Sam, 21:12. See

Beth-shean Beth-shean (6). house of ease, a 256-1; Josh. 17:11-16; Judg. 1:27; 1
Ki. 4:12; 1 Chr. 7:29. See Beth-shan Beth-sbemesh (21), house of the sun, 1
254-1; a 300-1; o 405-1; 1 Sam.6:9-20; Jer. 43:13 Slaying50, 070 explained, i
300-1 Beth-shemite (2), Inhabitant of Beth-shemesh, 1 Sam. 6:14, 18 Beth-
shittah (1), house of the acacia, b 274-1; Judg. 7:22 Beth-tappuah (1), house of
the apple,
Jodi. 15:53

Bethuel (10), house in God, or dweller

inGod.Gen.22:22-23: 24:15-50; 25:20;

28:2-5.The name of a town. 1 Chr. 4:30

Bethul (1). a town. Josh. 19:4. Called

Bethuel . 1 Chr. 4:30 Beth-zur (4).house of rock, or bouse of the god Zur. A
man. 1 Chr. 2:45. A town Josh.l5:58; 2Chr.ll:7; Neh. 3:16 Betimes (5), in good
time, soon. Gen. 26:31; 2 Chr. 36:15; Job 8:5; 24:5; Pr. 13:24 Betonim (1), town
in Gad, Josh. 13:26 Betray ( 18). Only once in O. T., 1 Chr. 12:17. Used only
twice in N. T. apart from betrayal of Christ, Mt. 24:10; Mk. 13:12 Betiayal of
Christ Mt. 26:16-23,46; Mk. 14:10-18: Lk. 22:4-6; Jn. 6:64-71; 12:4; 13:2, 11.

Betrayed ( 19). Used only once apart from the tetrayal of Christ, Lk. 21:16
Betrayal of Christ. Mt. 10:4; 17:22; 20:18; 26:2, 24-25, 45-48; 27:3-4; Mk. 3:19;
14:21, 41-44; Lk. 22:22; Jn. 18:2-5; 1 Cor. 11:23 Betrayers (1). Used only of the
betrayal of Christ, Acts 7:52

Bettavest (1). Used only in connection

with the betrayal of Christ, Lk. 22:48

Betrayeth (3). Used only in connection

[ with the betrayal of Christ. Mk, 14:42;

Lk. 22:21; Jn. 21:20. Out of 32 times

betray and kindred words are used in

' Scripture, only 4 times is there a use

apart from the betrayal of Christ ,Betroth (4), Dt. 28:30; Hos. 2:19-20 BetiotEed
(9), Ex. 21:8-9; 22:16; Lev.

19:20; Dt, 20:7; 22:23-28 Better (116). To obey is b. than sacrifice, 1 Sam. 15:22
Lovingkindness b. than life, Ps. 63:3 17 b. things in Proverbs, 666 4 reasons 2 b.
Lovingkindness b. than life, Ps. 63:3 17 b. things in Proverbs, 666 4 reasons 2 b.
than 1, f 670-4 I 20 b. things in Ecclesiastes, 672 • Christ b. than prophets,
angels, Moses, ! otherpriests,Melchisedec, Abraham, Aaron,O.T. sacrifices,O.T.
heroes, patents. 257* B. for him that a millstone, Mt. 18:6; i Mk. 9:42; Lk. 17:2

B. to enter into Ufe maimed. Mt. 18:8;

Mk. 9:43-47 B. to marry than to bum, 1 Cor. 7:9 B. to be with Christ.Phil. 1:21-
24 B. than themselves,Phil. 2:3 B. hope, Heb. 7:19 ' B.testament.Heb. 7:22; 8:6
B. promises, Heb. 8:6 B. sacrifices, Heb. 9:23 B. and enduring substance, Heb.
10:34 B.country, Heb. 11:16 I B. resunection.Hd). 11:35 B. thing for us, Heb.
11:40 B.things thanthatofAbel.Heb. 12:24 ■ B. not to have known the
way,2Pet.2:21 Bettered (1), Mk. 5:26 Between (224). Enmity b. thee and the I
woman, thy seed and her Seed, Gen. I 3:15 1-17

I Covenant b. Me and all flesh. Gen. 9: Covenant b.Meandthee,Gen.17:1-17

Lord watchb. me and thee. Gen. 31:49 God sent evil spirit b., Judg. 9:23 Lord
judge b. me and thee, 1 Sam, 24:12 Lord dwellethb.chetubims, Ps. 80:1; 99:1;
Isa. 37:16; Ezek. 10:2-7 His fault b. thee and him alone, Mt.

18:15 Contention sosharpb, them. Acts 15:39 No difference b.Jew and Greek,

10:12 Middle wall of partition b. us.Eph, 2:14 One God, ..one mediator b. God, 1
Tim. 2:5 Between the testaments - history, 930 Betwixt (15). See Between
Token of covenant b. Me,Gen. 17:11 In a straitb. two, having, Phil. 1:23 Beulah
(l), married, Isa. 62:4 Bewail (6). Lev. 10:6; Dt, 21:13; Judg. 11:37: Isa. 16:9;
2Cor.12:21;Rev. 18:9 Bewaaed( 3).Judg.ll:28;Lk.8;52; 23:27 Bewaaeth (l). Jer.
4:31 Beware (27).S beware'so f O.T..P206-1 B. of 10 things, m 43-4*
14beware'sof N. T., 313*

Complete Concordance - Cyclopedic Index

Bewitched (3), to be overwhelmed wiA ' wooden to be led astisy, Acu 3:9,11;,
GaL 3:1 |

Bewtay (1). betray, Isa. 16:3 i

Be wiayeth( 3). to betray (Pr. 27:16); utter | nothing ^r. 29t24); make known Q-
Be wiayeth( 3). to betray (Pr. 27:16); utter | nothing ^r. 29t24); make known Q-
'.t. 26:73) j

Beyond (54). Usee 6 wa\-s

1 To the further side (Gen. 35:21)

2 Beyond the tirr.e (Lev. 15:25) I

3 Do more than (>.'um. 22:18; 24:13) 4B. or across (Dt. 3:20, 25:30:13;

Josh. 9:10; 13:8; 18:7)

5 B. the degree of capacity (Mk. 6:51; 2 Cor, 8:3: 10:14) ,

6 B. reason (GaL 1:13)

Bez^i (3), shining. 2 men. Ezra 2:17:

NeF. 7:23; 10:18 Bezuleel( 9),undgGod's shadow,v422—

4; Ex. 31:2; 35:30; 36:1-2; 37:1; 38:22;

1 Chi. 2:20; 2 Chr. 1:5: Ezek. 10:30 Bezek (3),place. Judg.1:4-4:1 Sam.11:8
3ezer (o),gold one. A man, 1 Clx. 7:37.

A city of refuge, Dt. 4i43; JoA. 20:8;

21:36. IChr. 6:78 Bible. 36 quotations NOT in. So?

9 characteristics of, o 556-1

6 blessings of, p 556-1

162 names and tiUes of, 636-637 ; n 15 things B. does not say, 51 556-1 B. di\-
ided dispensationally, 53; 59 Authors of, see Suinmarles of Books Statistics of,
see Suinmaries . and 521

4 examples, Bible readir.g, b 231-1 Must be obeyed, r 25-1*

Treasons not to be adiamed of, t44-4* 10 classes find B. hard to understand, 55*

7 reasons simple to understand, 55* Hints on understanding, q 47-!*; c 4£-

7 reasons simple to understand, 55* Hints on understanding, q 47-!*; c 4£-

1"; n 51-4*; n -53-4» 54-4*

8 proofs Mk. 15:9-20 is genuine, a So-called lost books of B.. 92*

7 reasons not understood, o 43-4*

9 ways given to men, g 240-1* A tribute to, 241*

21 names of, 241* Inspiration disciissed, 241* Degree tiie writers were inspired,
241* 20 proofs of inspiration, 241^ I 80 -4* •vTiat great men have said about,
243* 3 ways it is confirmed, .". 245-4* 4* Easy to understand, a-j 248-1; k 273-
Given in many parts and veys, 256* Law and interpretaaon of, f 200-1* 12 rules
of interpretation, d 39-1* Secret of undentanding, e 39-1* To be taken literally, t
44-4* Guide to reading B. in a year, 944 Final word of authcsity, k 80 -4* B.
maps and charts,end of liidex 4* 3 hindrances to growth Aereby, r 3c-Automatic
growth when sowed, g 39-1* Enemies of, u 84-4* 7 things about, t 44-4* A
weapon fat Christians, g 212-4* How received, d 224-1* Rightly dividing, 53;
241* Ministers of, f -56 -1* Custom of reading in pubUc, n-o 61-1* Wirf its
truth taken away, c 67-4* Moses' writings pan of, e 42-4* Bible iatroductioc
Names of the Bible, 508 How the Bible was given, 508 Languages of the Bible,
-508 Divisicxis of the Bible, 508 "■vTiat the Bible is not, 509 V.Tiat die Bible
is, 509 Canon of the Bible, -510 Fonnatirai of N.T, Canon, 510 The Apocryphal
books, 511 Insfaratlon of die Bible, 511 The Bible a revelation, 511 Genuineness
and authenticity of die Bible. 511 C iaims of die Bible itself, 513 Testimony of
secular history, 513 Ancient manuscripts, 513 hfumber of manuscripts, 513
Uncial manuscripts, '513 Cursive manuscripts, 513 Lectionarie.s, 519 Patristic
quotations, 519 Ancient versions, 520 How we got our Ehgli^ Bible, 520 Bibie
chronology, 520 How to interpcet the Bible, 53; 520 How to read the Bible, 520
Bible statistics, 521

Bible manners and customs: Slavery, i 13-4; fc _i-..d u5-4 Bargaining, f-h 20-1;
p-r 262-4* Guests, k-o 15-1; j 21-4; a 24-4*; b 30-l^ 1-0 66-4*; d-m 111-1*
Inheritances. 20; e 78-4*; i 204-4* Social ranks, e 25-4; c 44-1 Eastern bottles, d
18-4; i 606-4 Canving loads, d 18-4; h 39-4; d 51-4* Wotk ofworaan.e 21-1;
w27-l: s 75-1 Courtdup, dowry, rr.airiage, 1 2i^; b.

i 27-4; a-f 28-1; m-t 35-1; a 219-4;

V 254-1; a 281-4; a 1-4*; c 37-1*; np 96-1*; Ml. 25:1-13, notes Family life, d, m
V 254-1; a 281-4; a 1-4*; c 37-1*; np 96-1*; Ml. 25:1-13, notes Family life, d, m
22-4; a 25-4; q

271-1; k 43-i^k. o 66-i Rending clodies, 28 Well-diggijig, v 24-1 Death,

funerals, mourning, m 34-u;

i4€-l; c-d50-4; h-i 51-1: i 67-4;

j-k U8-4'; o 128-:; g 319-4; o 325-1;

; 3o4-l; n 3S4-4; d 342-1; e 404-4;

i 432-4; d 5"3-4; m 595-!; f 755-1;

c 40-l^g-i 65-4*; k 69-1*; w 81-4^

v 107-4^ ; 108-1* Shavin;, bathir.e, o 40-1; o 65-4; n

84-l;'a, i 22-0-4 Raising seed tc a brother, g 37-4 Ptuii^~e.".ts for crimes, f-g 38-


1; q 3S4-4: h 335-1;

530-4: b -53-4*; g 103-4*; q llS-1* Divining cups, k 44-1 Changing names, k

46-1; q 856-1 Using carts, f45-4 Laying or. of na-ids, a 49-1 Blood sacrifices
abomination to Egyptians, d '2-4 Human sacrifices, g 73-1 '

Posture in wayer, k 73-4 '

6 annua', feasts in Egypt, m 74-1 Feasts in Israel, h 75-4; 1 343-1 2 evenings for
Jews, k 75-4 Household furniture, h "1-4; k "6-4; h 202-1; d 812-4; a 42-4*
Spitting on another, c 135-4; p 170-1 idnsmar. redemption, 109; 294; d-j

292-4; c-h 292-4 FarmLig, f 210^; k 223-4; s 271-4; o

291-4; t 29C-1; k 292-4; d 384-1; s

38-1*: g 60-1* Making eunuchs, d 222-1 Houses, j 269-1; m 27:-l; c 531-4; c

36-4*; i49-4*; : 5:-4*;n72-l*: n 77-Using an ox-goad, a 269-4 1*

36-4*; i49-4*; : 5:-4*;n72-l*: n 77-Using an ox-goad, a 269-4 1*

Early Oriental locks, k-i 269-1 Riding white asses, 1 270-4 1

Men Ln aoartmena of women, j 2"0 -Roboer bands, m 270 -A; a 334-i; i 334-
Pagan army spoils, p 271-1 4

■.'■'omen welcoming victors, n 279-1;

i 336-4; 329 Spear by leader's tent, o 321-4 Sowing places widi salt, a 277-1
■.-.atches' of die night, j 273-4 In-TS, c 286-1 Stock food, d 286 -4

'••.oroer. at feet of men, e 293-1 Courts, i 293-4

Bowing befcse superiOTS, j 292-1 Seeking an interview, i 302-1 DtinkinE

horns, e 309 -4 Taking a pledge, g 311-1 Shepherd's equipment, k 311-4 Sisters
protected by brothers, e 343 -1

■vives of deceased kings, b 3£0-4 4 Right of assylum, sacred places, f 359-

Cutting flei in wciship, d 382-4

False fire on altars, e 382-4

Kissing idols, c 384-1

Gates, walls of cities, b-c 349-4

Debtor slaves, b 393-1

Bowing, i 15-1; q 315-4 354-4

Symbols of contempt, c, g 347-1; c

Te.nts for soldiers, a 352-4

Leading prisoners, e 415-1

Persian sacrifices of horses, g 416 -4

BUndL-ig capitives, e 419-1

Heads of conquered, g 432 -4

Declaration of war, c -503-1

Etiquette at Persian courts, g 517-1 ,

Building cities, h 45c-4 j

Blotting out accounts, c "14-1 {

Faith in snow water, b 528-1 '■

Clapping hands, i 569-1; k 825-1

Fasting, 629

Cakes made to idols, p 752-4

Maldng ponery, o-q 762-1

Mounts in siege of cities, b 778-1

Fishing, b 909^

Separate apartments, wordiip, j 923-1

Na'mes in royal genealogies, q 1-1*

Posture of teachers, h 4-1*

Forced services, m 5-1*; c 64-4*

Food, m 2-4*

Storehouses, k 5-4* '

Treasures, g 6-1* i

Fuel, e 6-4*

Souniding trumpets in giving, g 5-4*

Invitations, p ^4-r
Insult to kings, c -e 24-4*

Eati.oji.siii;. of friendship, k31-l;p lU-i* \

HospitaUtv, s 66-1; c 286-4; m 72-1* i ofe-4*; p 111-1* I

Greetings, salutations, d 32-4; w 70-4*

Gifts to win favor, g 32 -4; b 83 -4*

Phylacteries, b 25-4* I Passovers, a-I 30-1*

Synagogue worship, e 35-4*;n 61-P

Scourging, t 32-1*

Vinegar to drink, e 32-4*

Release of prisoners, c 32-1*: k 53-1*

Washing hands, riL-P: r 42-1* Eating neighbor's crop, k 37-1* Enemies, i 40-1*
Giving thanks, b 43-4* Garments, k 2-4^ d 54-4^ a-b 64-i' Wearing king's
garments, i 24-1* Shoe latchet, o ^,5-l» Linen cloth warn, c 52-4* Money bags, e
75-1* Kissing, c 27^; a, 166-4*: j 173-4* j Eastern travellers, t 96 -4* I Public
conversation, a, o 97-4^q233-Mark of honor, c 111-4* 1* i

Uentifying people, o 137-1* Oadis, i 20^; b 335-1; g 204-4 •vearing sandals, e

15-1; a 41-1* wearing veils, 1 22-4 Covering the bead, m 161-1 j Uncovering the
head, m 161-1 I

Going barefooted, f 224-1 ,

■%■ earing (Knamenis, a 21-4; d 22-1; ! d-j 102-4 U99-1 .

Jewelry worn by men, b 38-1; v 98-1; | Staff carried by men, c 38-1 Finger nail
polish, 216 Loins girded, g 75-1*

Headdress, 236*

l^ c 222-4*

Reading and praying, o 61-1*; b 184 Priestly blessings, k 91-4* Lifting up of

Reading and praying, o 61-1*; b 184 Priestly blessings, k 91-4* Lifting up of
hands, f 233-1* Concerning children, t 56-4* Shepherds and flocks, d 66-4
Money lenders, g 66-4* Gladiators, b 17c-4* Bibliomancy, 852

Bicte(3), youthful, 2 Sam. 20:1-22 Bid (17). Us ed 6 ways in Scripture:

1 Tocommand{Num. 14:10; Ml, 1;

2 To consecrate (Zeph, 1:7)

3 To say or :nvite C-'.t. 14:28; 22:9)

4 To tell ot advise (Mt.23:3)

5 Say good-bye (Lk. 9:61)

6 Sanction (2 Jn. 10) Bidden (14). 1 Sam. 9:13, 22; Mt,

3-8;Lk. 14:7-24. See usage under Bid Biddeth (l). 2 Jn. 11 Bidding ( 1), 1 5am;.
22:14 Bidkar( l),sharppain.2Ki.9:25 7:14

Bier ( 2), an open coffin. 2 Sam. 3:31; Lk. Bigotry . Isa. 6-5:5; Mk. 2:16: Lk.
9:49-50; 13:3-14; Acts 10:28, 45

6 examples of, n 206-1* BigUia (1). given by fortune, Esther L-10 sinz£^( 1., gi
ft of fortune, Esther 2:21 , gift of fortune,Eaher 6:2


m.en . j 488-4: Ezra 3:14; Neh. 7:/, 19; 10:16

(&), nappy.

2:2, 14 BUdad (5).Bel has loved. Job 2:11; 8:1;

13:1; 25:1; 42:9 BUeam (1). foreigner. City, 1 Chr. 6:70 Bagah (3), cheerfuL 2
m.en. 1 Chr. 24:

14; S'eh. 12:5, IS Bilpi (1), bursting forth, Neh. 10:3 Bilbah (11). timid. Jacob's
14; S'eh. 12:5, IS Bilpi (1), bursting forth, Neh. 10:3 Bilbah (11). timid. Jacob's

Gsa. 29:29: 20:3-7: 35:22-25: 37:2;

46:25: IChr, 7:13. A city. 1 Chr.4:29 Bilhan (4). timid. 2 men. Gen. 36:27: 1

Chr, 1:42; 7:10 Bill (7). 5 tines bill of divoice. Dt. 24: 1-3: Isa. 50:1; Jer. 3:8;
Mk. 10:4. 2 times bond ot writiiig of a debt signed by the"SEior, Lk.l6:6 -7.See
Divorce Sam.ple b. of divorce, f 46-1* BiUows (2), Ps. 42:7; Jonah 2:3 Bilshan
(2),searcher.Ezra 2:2; Neh.7:7 BL-r.:--al (1), proning, 1 Chr. 7:33 Bind (47).
Jsed 8 wavs in Sciiptige: 1 To fisten or tie (Ex. 28:28: 39:21; Josh, 2:18: Judg,
1.5:10-13; 16:4-11)

2 Making a vow (:Vum. 30:2-3)

3 To control 0** 33:31)

4 Keep in die heart (Pr.6:21; 7:3)

5 lO seal or shut up (Isa. 3:16)

6 Toheal(Isa.61:l:E2ck.'i4:leJ^os.6:!)

7 To overcom.e and have power over (>.!t.I2:29:16:19:18:18: .V..k.3:27: 5:3)

3 To im.pose upon others (Mt. 23:4)

Bindeth (9), Job 5:13; 26:3: 23:11; 30:18; 36:13;Ps.l23:7;147:3,-


Binding (5).Gen.37:7;43:ll: Ex. 28:3-2; :."u.m. 30:13: AcU 22:4

Bines (2). wanderer. IChr. 8:37; 9:43

Binnui (7). building up. 6 men. Ezra 8: 33;10:30,:38;Neh.3:24; 7:15:10:9; 12:3

Bird ( 27). Wandering b., Pr. 26:2; 27:8; Isa. 16:2 =.avenous b. ,l»a. 46:11; Ezek.
39:4 Speckled b., Jer. 12:9 Sym.boUzing demoot. Rev. 18:2

Bird's (1). Dt. 22:6

Bu3r(24). Clean b., Lev. 14:4 Used as sacrifices, Lev. 14 Singing of b. is come.
Bu3r(24). Clean b., Lev. 14:4 Used as sacrifices, Lev. 14 Singing of b. is come.
Song 2:12 As b. flying, so wiUtheLord, Isa.31:5 Pre-Adamite birds Qed,Jer.
4:24-26 B. of die air, Mt. 8:20; Lk. 9:58 Symbol of demons, Mt. 13:4,19,32

S. to help a! Armageddon, Ezek. 39:17; Mt. 24:28; Lk. 17:34-36; =ev. 19:17

33 birds of Sciirtjre: Bat I'ec Peacock

Bittern Heron Pelican

Cock Hoopoe Pigeon

Cormorant Kite Oiail

Crane Lapwmg Raven

Cuckoo Owl Sparrow

Crow Great owl Stork

Dove Little owl Swallow

Eagle Screech owl swan

Glede Osprey Swift

Gier eagle Ossifrage Turtle—

Hawk Ostrich dove

Night hawk Partridge Vulture

Birds' (1), Dan. 4:33

Birsha (1). thick. Gen. 14:2

Birth (15). 'Jntiir.ely b., Job 3:16; Ps. 5S:8;Eccl. 6:3 1:13-25

B. of Jesus Christ was on this wise, Mt. Manyshall rejoice at his b. ,Lk. 1:14
Blind from. b. ,Jn. 9:1 I travail in b. aji^ain until,GaL 4:19 Cried, travailing in b.,
Rev. 12:2 Purificatian after b., f 58-4* B. days of kings, k 15-4*: 1 39-4 B.
pangs, % .6-4*; il-4-1*; C 205-1* .New b. See Bom aaain Birthday
pangs, % .6-4*; il-4-1*; C 205-1* .New b. See Bom aaain Birthday
(3)/3en.40:20;Mt.l4:6;Mk.6:21 dfloDgs, 1 39-4; k IS-^*

BirtMj^ (10) of Esau, Gen, 25:31-34; 27:

iSTHeb. 12:16 Placing according to, Gen.43:33 3. given to Joseph, 1 Chi. 5:1-2
22 blessings of, 21 Birzavidi (l),olive-oU well, IChr.7:31 Bishlam. (1), peaceful,
Ezra 4j7 Bishop (4). 1 Tim. 3:1-2; Tit. 1:7: 1 Pet. 2:25 Defined, d .!5-!*

16 qualifications of, 236*; 24-J* Btiboprick (1), overseership. Acts 1:20 Bishops
(1), Phil. 1:1

Bit (3),Num.. 2L6; Ps. 32:9; Amos 5:13 Bite (7), EccL 10:8, 11: Jer. 8:17;
.Amos ~W^; Mic. 3:5: Hab. 2:7; Gal. 5:15 Siteth (2), Gen. 49:17; Pr. 23:32
Bithtah (l),daughter of Jehovah, 1 Chr. 4; BlttBon (1). gorge, 2 Sam. 2:29 18

3i:r-.yr.ia (2). province in Asia .Minor, h

-65-:*;AcU 15:7; 1 Pet, LI Bits(l), Jas. 3:3 BiHen (2), Num. 2L8-9 Bitter ( 37).
24bitter thinRsin Scripture: rCry (Gen. 27:34: Esdier 4:1) 2 Lives (Ex. 1:14)

3 Herbs (Ex. 12:8: Num. 9:11)

4 Waters (Ex. 15:23; Rev. 8:11)

5 Water C-ii'-^.. 5:18-27; Jas.3:11)

6 Destruction (Dt. 32:24)

7 Clusters (Dt, 32:32)

8 AfllictloD (2 Ki. 14:26)

9 Soul Qah 3:20)

10 Writings Oob 13:26)

11 Complaint 0<* 23:2)

12 Words (Ps. 64:3)

13 End (Pr. 5:^

14 Deceitful woman (Eccl. 7:26)

15 BackiUdiog Qez. 2:19) ; 16 Wickedness 0«.4:18)

17 Lamentation Oct. 6:26)

18 Weeping (Jer. 31:15) 13 Waning (Ezek. 27:31)

20 Day (Amos 8:10)

21 Nation (Hab. 1:6)

22 Husbands (CoL 3:19)

23 Envying and strife (Jas. 3:14)

24 Belly (Rev. 10:9-10) Blttedv O). B. ctwe, Judg. 5:23

B. dealt with, Ruth L20 ' B. weep. Isa. 22:4; 33:7

B. cry, Ezek. 27:30; Zeph. 1:14 I B. provoked, Hoj. 12:14 I 3. wept. Mt. 26:75;
Lk. 22:62 I Bittern (3), a bird of the hcioo family , inhabiting m.arshes and
swamps, Isa. . 14:23: 34:11; Zeph. 2:14 iBltterneo (22).B.of soul. 1 Sam. LIO; ,
Job 7:11:10:1:21:25; Isa. 38:15

B. of death. 1 Sam. 15:32

B. of heart. Pr. 14:10 I B. of spirit. Ezek. 3:14

B. for HI.T.. Zech. 12:10 ; Put away all b. .wrath. Eph. 4:31

Lest any root ofb. spring. Heb. 12:15

7 complaints of b.. g 528-3

10 examples of b., g 528-1 Bizioduah (1), place of Jah's olives,

Io»h, 15:28 Biztha (1). eunuch, Esther 1:10 Black (18). 10black things in

1 Hair (Lev. 13:31, 37)

2 Clouds (1 KI. 13:45: Jer. 4:28)

3 Decorations (Esther 1:6)

4 Skin through disease Qdb 30:30)

5 Skin because of sun (Song 1:5-6) 6NIgl«(Pr. 7:9) 14:2)

7 Gatesbecause of being burned Qer.

8 Body with dirt (Jer. 8:21; Lam. 5:10)

9 Horses (Zedi. 6:2,6: Rev. 6:5) 10 Sun (Rev. 6:12)

Blackg (1), Lam. 4:8 Blackish (1). Job 6:16 Olackness (6).Job 3:6; Isd. 50:3;
Joel 2:

6; N'ah, 2:10; ileb, 12:18; Jude 13 Blade (5).JudR. 3:22; Job 31:22; Mt. 13:

26; Mk. 4:28 Blains (2),inflamed abscess,Ex. 9:9-10 Blame (4).Gen.43:9;44:32:

2 Cor.8:20i

Eph. 1:4 Blamed (2). 2 Cor. 6:3; Gal. 2:11 Blameless (15). 3 blameless classes:

1 Christian laymen (^1 Cor. 1:3; Phil. 2: 15; 1 Th. 5:23; 1 Tim.5:7; 2Pet. 3:14)

2 Bishops (1 Tim. 3:2; Tit. 1:6-7)

3 Deacons (1 Tim. 3:10) Blaspheme (10). 2 Sam. 12:14: 1 Ki. 21:

10-13; Ps. 74:10; Mk. 3:28-29; Acti 26-11; 1 Tim. 1:20; Jas. 2:7; Rev. 13:6
Blasphemed (16). See scriptures under Blaspheme 4 things can be blasphemed:

1 God's name (Isa. 52:5; Rom. 2:24)

2 God, Himself (Isa.6{.:7; Ezek,20:27; Rev. 16:9-11, 21; Mt. 12:31-32)

3 The doctrine of God (1 Tim. 6:1)

4 The word of God (Tit. 2:5) 1:13 Blasphemer (D.Paul a former b. ,1 Tim.
Blasphemers (2). Acts 19:37; 2Tim. 3:2' Blasphemest (1). Jn. 10:36
Blasphem.etH (5).Lev. 24:16; Ps. 44:16; Mt. 9:3; Lk. 12:10 Blasphemies
Blasphem.etH (5).Lev. 24:16; Ps. 44:16; Mt. 9:3; Lk. 12:10 Blasphemies
(6).Ezek. 35:12; Mt. 15:19;

Mk. 2:7; 3:28; Lk. 5:21; Rev. 13:5 Blaspheming (1). Acts 13:45 Blasphemous
(2). Acts 6:11, 13 Blasphen.ously (1). Lk, 22:65 Blasphemy (14). Defined, a-b

Laws against, 113

5 laws against, g 146-4 First penalty for, a 147-1

Dayofrebuke,andb.,2Ki.l9:3;Isa.37:3 B. against Holy Spirit, Mt. 12:31-32; Mk.
3:29-30; Lk. 12:10 Christaccused ofb.,Mt. 26:65; Jn.l0:33 B. out of the heart,
Mk. 7:22 Work of the flesh. Col. 3:8 Upon his heads the name ofb. ,Rev.l3:l Full
of names of b. , Rev. 17:3 Blaa(8),Ex. 15:8; Josh. 6:5; 2Sam. 22: 16; 2 Ki. 19:7;
Job 4:9: Ps. 18:15; Isa 25:4; 37:7 Blasted (5). Gen. 41:6, 23, 27; 2 KI. 19:26: Isa.
37:27 . Blasting (5), Dt, 28:22; 1 Ki. 8:37: 2 Chr. 6:28: Amos 4:9; Hag. 2:17
Blast us (1). a branch. Acts 12:20 Blaze fl). to pubUsh, Mk. 1:45 Bleating (1). 1
Sam. 15:14 , BleatinRS (1). Judg,5:16 Blemish (62). a physical deformity
Sacrifices without(47 times),Ex. 12:5;

29:1; Lev. 1:3.10; 3:1,6; 4:3,etc. Priests without. Lev. 21:17-23 20

Punishment for causing a b.,Lev.24:9-Absalom without b., 2 Sam. 14:25 Christ

as a lamb without. 1 Pet. 1:19 Blemishes (2). Lev. 22:15: 2 Pel. 2:13 Bless (124).
4 promises to bless: 1 Abraham (Gen. 12:2-3; 22:17)

2 Sarah (Gen. 17:16)

3 Isaac (Gen. 26:3,24)

4 IsraelCEx.20:24; Dt.7:13;P5.132:15) Men are commanded to bless even

those who curse them(Mt. 5:44; Lk 6: 28; Rom. 12:14. Cp. 1 Cor. 4:12) Many

Men ofGodblessed orpromisedbless-ings on otiiets pt. 15:4,10,18; 16:15; Ruth

2:4; Ps. 115:12-18)

Men prayed for God to bless them (1 Chr, 4:10; Ps. 28:9; 67:1-7)

Men and angels are commanded to bless God Qudg. 5:9; Ps. 103:2, 20-22;
134:1-3: 135:19-20; 145:21)
134:1-3: 135:19-20; 145:21)

Men did bless God (Ps. 16:7; 26-12: 34:1; 63:4; 103:1-2; 104:1) Blessed (302).
See Bless above

Camplete Concordance - Cyclopedic Index

3 AbigaU'sblessing(lSam.25:23-29)

4 Victory over .Absalom (2 Sam.18:28)

5 Choice of Solomon as king (1 Ki. 1:48; 10:9)

6 Solomon's wisdom. (1 Ki. 5:7)

7 Templebeingcompleted(IKi.8:15)

8 Blessing upon Israel G Chr. 16:36)

9 God's own greatness (1 Chr. 29:10, 20; Ps. 18:46; 41:13)

10 Rebuilding the temple (Ezra 7:27)

11 Answered prayer (Ps. 23:6: 66:19)

12 Showing kindness (Ps. 31:21)

13 Loads of daily benefits (Ps. 68:19)

14 Giving strength and power (Ps.68:35)

15 Wondrous things done (Ps. 72:18)

16 Keeping His people (Ps. 124:6)

17 God's presence inearth(Ps.l35:21)

18 Revelation (Dan, 2:19-20)

19 Deliverance from firepan.3:28)

20 TheMessiah(Mt. 21:9; 23:39; Lk.l: 21God'sblessings(2Cor.l:3) 68)

20 TheMessiah(Mt. 21:9; 23:39; Lk.l: 21God'sblessings(2Cor.l:3) 68)

22 All spiritual blessings (Eph. 1:3)

23 The new birth (1 Pet. 1:3) 38beatitudes. Blessed (supremely happy)

12 things blesed by God:

1 Animals (Gen. 1:22)

2 Man (Gen. 1:28; 5:2)

3 The 7th day (Gen. 2:3)

4 Sons of .\'oah (Gen. 9:1)

5 Ishmael (Gen. 17:20)

6 Abraham (Gen. 24:1, 35)

7 Isaac (Gen. 25:11; 26:12)

8 Jacob (Gen, 35:9)

9 An Egyptian (Gen. 39:5)

10 Israel (DU 7:14; 12:7; 14:24; 15:14;

11 Obed-edom(2Sam.6:U-18) 16:10)

12 Christians (Eph. 1:3)

The word Tjlessed" is used 2 ways in giving praise to God; and In declaring
ble$sedness(supreme happiness)to man. Such statements to man are calledthe
bfeatiiudes 23jeasons men blessed (praised) God: 1 Shem's line chosen of God
(Gen. a 26)

2 Findingabrideforl5aac(Gen.24:27)


iuprj tha
are the men thac

1 Walk not in counsel of ungodly, stand not in way of sinners, sit not in seat of
scornful (Ps. 1:1)

2 Put their trust in God (Ps. 2:12; 34:8: 40:4; 84:12; Jer. 17:7)

3 Have sins forgiven, and to whom the Lord wiU not impute sin (Ps.32:1-2)

4 Respect not the proud, and do not turn aside to lies (Ps. 40:4)

5 Consider the poor (Ps. 41:1)

6 Are chosen by God to approach Him and dwell in His courts (Ps. 65:4)

7 Dwell in God's house (Ps. 84:4)

8 Have their strengthinGo<j(Ps.84:5)

9 Know the joyful sound (Ps. 89:15)

10 Are chastened by God (Ps, 94:12)

11 Keep judgment and do righteousness at all times (Ps. 106:3)

12 Fear the Lord (Ps. 112:1:128:1)

13 Are undefiledintteway(Ps. 119:1)

14 Keep His testimonies and seek Him with a whole heart (Ps, 119:2)

15 Walk in His ways (Ps. 128:1)

16 Sow beside the waters (Isa. 32:20)

17 Keep judgment and justice (Isa. 56:

18 Are poor in spirit (Mt. 5:3) 2)

19 Mourn (Mt. 5:4)

20 Are meek (Mt. 5:5)

20 Are meek (Mt. 5:5)

21 Dohungexand thirst afterrighteous-ness (Mt. 5:6)

22 Are merciful (Mt, 5:7)

23 Are pure in heart (Mt, 5:8)

24 Are peacemakers (Mt.5:9) 5:10)

25 Are persecuted for righteousnesshvlt.

26 Are reviled, persecuted, and ulked about falsely for My sake (Mt.5:11)

27 Will notbe offended in Me (Mt.U:6)

28 See and hear (Mt. 13:16)

29 Receive revelations (Mt. 16:17)

30 Believe and yet have not seen (Jn.

31 Endure temptation CJas.l:12) 20:29)

32 Continue in truth Qas. 1:25)

33 Read, hear, and keep the prophecy of this book (Rev. 1:3; 22:7)

34 Die in the Lord (Rev, 14:13)

35 Watch and keep garments and are not ashamed (Rev. 16:15)

36 Are called to the marriage of the Lamb (Rev, 19:9)

37 Have pan in the first resurrection (Rev, 20:6) 14)

38 Keep His commandments (Rev, 22: Blessedness (3). Rom, 4:6, 9; Gal, 4:15
Blessest (3). Num, 22:6; 1 Chr, 17:27; Ps. 65:10 Blesseth (8).Gen. 27:29; Num.
24:9; Dt,

15:6; Ps. 10:3; 107:38;Pr. 3:33; 27:14;

Isa. 65:16 Blessing (66). First b,. 52

Isa. 65:16 Blessing (66). First b,. 52

2 conditions of b., a 84-1; c 85-1; i 207-1; 364

5 conditions of b.. e 226-1

3 conditions of b.. n 364-4 2fold b., 1 555-4 4foldb., p 561-1

4 conditions of b., 495; h 762-1 12fold b. of God. 495

12 kinds of blessing:

1 Man's (Gen. 12:2; Zech. 8:13)

2 Birthright (Gen. 27:12-41)

3 Promises (Gen. 28:4: Heb. 7:6), or justification (Gal. 3:13-14)

4 Good crops (Lev. 25:21)

5 The opposite of a curse (Dt.30:l-19)

6 Riches (Pr. 10:22)

7 Prosperity and health(Isa.44:3)

8 Showers (Ezek. 34:26)

9 Material prosperity (>.laL 3:10)

10 All the blessings of the gospel for body, soul, and spirit, here and hexeafter
(Rom. 15:29)

11 Justification by faith {GaL3:13-14)

12 Praise (Jas. 3:10) Blesdnia (12). Deflned. a 549-1; j 208-1*

B, of heaven above. Gen. 49:25

B. of the deep. Gen. 49:25 B. of the breasts. Gen. 49:25 B, of thy father. Gen.
49:25-26 B. and cursings. Josh. 8:34 B. of goodness, Ps. 21:3 B. upon the head,
Pr, 10:6 B. of the faithful man, Pr. 28:20 B. come upon you, Dt. 28:2
1 wiU curse your b., Mai. 2:2 B. in heavenly places, Eph. 1:3 3 b. in Genesis 1-
2, o 2 -1

3 b.at Sinai, b 84-1 24 b. of Israel, i 149-1 21b. of obedience, 1202-1 27

conditional b. , 235 12 b. of obedience, e 210-4

10 b., walking with God, 210 21 b. of obedience, f 226-1 14 b. of Palestinian

covenant, c 211-1 5 b. , choosing God, s 230-1

2 b. ,keeping law, k 233-1

4 b. of Judah. k 233-4

5 b. of Levi, 1 233-4

3 b. of Benjamin, t 233-1

11 b. of Joseph, a 234-1

4 b. of Zebulun-lssacliar,b 234-1

5 b. of Gad, c 234-1 2 b. of Dan, d 234-1

2 b. of NaphtaM, e 234-1

3 b. of Asher. f 234-1

12 b. of the tribes, a 234-4 20 b. of the last days, 239 32 b. for man. 349

8 b, for obedience. 367 3 b. for obedience, g 458-1 16 b. of trust in God. j 552-4

3 b. from God. a 554-4

6 b, of heaven, 1 556-1

6 b. of the Word of God,p. 556-1 3 b. of God's name, c 556-4

8 b. of God, o 556-4

8 future b. ,q 556-4

14 b. for sheep, 1 557-4

10 b. for the meek, c 558-4

12 b. for David, 1 560-1

12 b. for the righteous, f 561-4

10 b. from God, 1 562-1; n 609-4

3 b. of trust, c 565-1

7 b. of mercy, d 566-4

10 b.for the righteous.m 592-4; d 610-4

14 b. for saints, b 597-1

5 b. for the psalmist, d 606-4

2 b. for saints, 1 611-4 30 b, from God. 624

20 b. for the MUlennium. 624 7 b. for waiting on God. 627 10 b. of the truth.

5 b. for the righteous, 631 10 b. of righteousness, 637

15 b. of Davidic covenant, 639 10 b. for obedience, b 642-1

6 b. of wisdom, p 642-4 12 b. of fear, p 652-1

3 b. of fear, u 655-4

22 b. in restoration, g 778-1

7 b. to those viio walk upri^tly.l 902-4 Allb. contingent upon obedience without
exception. Ex. 15:26; 19:5; 20:6; 23:22:Lev, 26: Dt.28; lKi.2:3-4; Mt. 10:22;
Col. 1:23; Heb. 3:6, 14; 6:11

Blew (23). Referring to blowing trumpets (13 times). Josh. 6:8-20; Judg. 3:27;
WIndb. ,Mt.7:25-27;Jn.6:18 6:24

BUnd (80). Used 2 ways in Scripture:

1 Of physical blindness (Ex. 4:11; Lev lftl4; 21:18: Mt. 9:27; 11:5; Jn. 9)

2 Of spiritualblindness(Isa. 56:10; Mt 15:14; 23:16-17.24-26; Rom. 2:19; 2 Pet.

1:9; Rev. 3:17)

B. leaders, t 16-4*; k 26-1* Blind-man's buff, a game, 1 88-1*

BUnded (5), Jn. 12:40; Rom. 11:7; 2 Cor. 3:14; 4:4; 1 Jn. 2:11

Blindeth (1). Ex. 23:8

Blind-folded (1). Lk. 22:64

Blindnes (7)". A curse. Gen. 19:11; Dt. 28:2Si"2Ki. 6:18; Zech. 12:4

B. in parthappened to Israel J?om.ll:25

B.ofthehean, Eph. 4:18

B. disqualified priests. Lev. 21:18

B. of animalsdisqualifiedthem for sacrifice. Lev. 22:22; Dt.l5:21; Mai. 1:8

B, miraculously given. Gen. 19:11; 2 KI. 6:18-23; Acts 9:8-9; 13:11

B. of spirit caused by hardness of heart and personal unbelief (Mt. 13:14-17;

Rom, 11:25; 2 Cor. 3:14-15; Eph. 4: 18); by Satan (2 Cor. 4:4); andby sin (2 Pet.


B. of spirit canbe healed. 2 Cor. 5:17-18;Eph.5:8;Col.l:13;l Pet. 1:18-23

B. of body can be healed, Isa. 35:5; 42: 7: Mt. 11:5; Jn. 14:12; 1 Pet, 2:24

4 causes of spiritual b.. e 702-1

9 cases of b., b 16-4 Block (1). Stumbling block. Isa. 57:14 Blitzkri eg, s 250-1

Blood (43 9). Life ofthe flesh. Lev. 17:11

B. first shed by Cain.Gen. 4:10-11 Shedding blood forbidden.Gen. 9:6 Eating

B. first shed by Cain.Gen. 4:10-11 Shedding blood forbidden.Gen. 9:6 Eating
blood forbidden.Gen. 9:4; Lev. 3:17: 7:26-27; 17:10-14; Dt. 15:23; AcU 15:20,
29 Penalty for shedding b., Gen. 9:5-6; Num. 35:19-33; Gal. 5:19-21 Token of
obedience, c-d 76-1 Use of b. , j 89-4: d 95-4 Applied to ears, hands, toes, 118
20 places b. applied, g 122-1 Sprinkled with oil, g 127-1 Woman's issue ofb. ,
130 Atonement for th soul, g 138-1 Christ's absolutely necessary to remit sins.
Mt, 26:28; Jn. 6:53-56; 19:34; AcU20:28; Rom, 3:24-25; 5:9; 1 Cor, 10:16;
11:25; Eph.l:7; 2:13; Col.l:14, 20; Heb, 9:6-28; 10:19-20,29; 12:24: 13:12.20:1
Pet 1:2,18-23; 1 Jn. 1:7; 5:6-8; Rev, 1:5-6; 5:9; 7:14; 12:11. See Atonement
Blood and water, Tn. 19:34. Itishftli>vpH by some that Christ's hea rt wa s
actually ruptured as a consequence ofthe mental agony and sorrow because ofthe
sins and sicknesses of men; that the blood flowed through the break into the caul
ofthe heart and became mixed with the water in the heart-sac; and that it was
poured out. Cp. Hos. 13:8 Bloodguiltinessh ). Ps. 51:14 Bloodthirsty (1). Pr.
29:10 Bloody (16). B. husband. Ex. 4:25-26 B.man.2 Sam.l6:7-8; Ps. 55:23;59:2
B. house. 2 Sam. 21:1 B. crimes. Ezek. 7:23 B.city, Ezek. 22:2; 24:6-9: Nah, 3:1
B, flux. Acts 28:8 Bloomed_(l), Num. 17:8 l-2;Hab.3:17 Blossom (6) .Num.
17:5;Isa.5:24:27:6:35: Blossomed( 1), Ezek. 7:10 Blossoms (2). Gen. 40:10;
Num. 17:8 Bl^TW.Blot me out of book. Ex. 32:32 Whosoever hath sinned
against Me, him wUl I b. out of My book, Ex. 32:33 B.outtheirname,Num. 5:23;
Dt 9:14; 29:20; 2 KL 14:27 19

B.outremembranceofAmalek,Dt. 25: B. out my transgressions, Ps. 51:1, 9 B.his

name out of book. Rev. 3:5 Blots. 8 things God blots out, 238 Blotted (6). Name
b. out of book of life Ps. 69:28; 109:13 B.out sins, Isa. 44:22; AcU 3:19 Aaron's
name b. out, 153 Blotteth (1). Isa. 43:25 Blottinj^ (1) out the law. Col. 2:14

7 uses of "blotting out", 153 Blow (39). B. alarm. Num. 10:5-10 B. with the
wind, Ex. 15:10; Ps. 78:26 B. of Thine hand, Ps. 39:10 B. the fire, Ezek. 21:31;
22:20 Bloweth (4) .Isa.l8:3; 40:7; 54:16; Joel 3:8 Blowing (4). Lev. 23:24; Num,
29:1; Josh, 6:9. 13 Blown (4). Job 20:26; Isa. 27:13; Ezek.

7:14; Amos 3:6 Blue (50). Used 42 times in connection withthecurtains and
furnishings of the tabernacle and temple (Ex, 25:4; 26: 1-4. 31-36; Num, 4:6-12).
and the garments of the priests (Ex, 28:5-37; 39:1-31). Also used of a ribon on
outer jarments. j. m 174-1; Num. 15:38 Bluenes (1) of a wound. Pr, 20:30 Blunt
(1). EccL 10:10 Blush ( 3), Ezra 9:6; Jer. 6:15; 8:12 Boanerges (l).sons of
thunder, Mk. 3:17 Boar (1), Ps. 80:13 Board (17). Ex. 26:16-21; 36:21-30
Boards (41). Of tabernacle. 94; Ex. 26: 1^29; 27:8; 35:11; 36:20-34; 38:7; 39:33;
40:18;Num. 3:36; 4:31 Of temple. IKi. 6:9. 15-16 Of ships. Ezek. 27:5; Acts
27:44 Figuratively of Shulamite. Song 8:9 Boast (20). Used 4 ways in Scripture:
27:44 Figuratively of Shulamite. Song 8:9 Boast (20). Used 4 ways in Scripture:
lOf vaunang self (1 Ki. ib-.lU^Chi. 25:19;Ps.49:6; 94:4; 97:7:Pr.27:l) 2 Of
selfish religious pride (Rom. 2: 17. 23: 11:18)

3 Of praise to God (Ps. 34:2; 44:8)

4 Lawful praise of others (2 Cor. 9:2; 10:8-16; 11:16)

10 things men b. about, f 163-1* Boasted (2). Ezd<. 35:13; 2 Cor. 7:14 Boasters
(2).a 161-l*;Rom. 1:30; 2 Tim.3:2 Boastest(l), Ps. 52:1 Jas. 3:5

Boasteth (4).Ps. 10:3; Pr, 20:14; 25:14; Boasting (9). Acu 5:36; Rom, 3:27; 2

Cor. 7:14; 8:24; 9:3-4; 10:15; 11:10.17 4 examples of boasting:

1 Goliath (1 Sam. 17)

2Ben-hadad (1 Ki. 20:10)

3 Sennacherib (2 Ki. 18:19; Isa. 38)

4 Disciples (Lk. 10:17)

Boastings (1). Jas. 4:16 16.30-32

Boat (6). 2 Sam. 19:18; Jn. 6:22; Acts 27:

Co:r.plete Concordance - Cyclopedic Index

Boats (1). Jn. 6:23

Boaz (23). fleetness. Hui>and of Ruth,

a 292-1: Ruih 2:l-:3:3:2-4::i.l Chr.

2;ll-12.CaUed Booz^ lt.l:5;Lk.3:32

Name of brazen pOlai, 1 Ki. 7:21; 2

Chr. 3:17
Chr. 3:17

Bocberu (2), youth. 1 Chi. 8:28: 9:44

BochiSL(2), a place of weeping,Judg. 2:

1-5 Bodies (31) of men. Gen. 47:18; 1 Sam. 5IIT2: Job 13:12; Jer.31:40; 33:5;
34:20 B. of cheritim. Ezek. 1:11, 23 Manyb. of saints arose. Mt. 27:52 Dishonor
their own b.. Rom. 1:24 Quicken yourmortalb..Rom.8:U 1 Present yourb. Living
sacrifice,Rom. li Youi b. members of Christ. 1 Cor. 6:15

Celestia] terrestrial b..lCor.l5:40

Love wives as own b;, Eph. 5:28 B. washed in pure water. H^. 10:22 Dead b, of
2 witnesses. Rev. 11:8-9 Bodily (4).Lk. 3:22; 2 Cor. 10:10; CoL 2:9; 1 Tim. 4:8

(173). 20 facts about the body: ruit ofb.(Dt, 28:; 30:9)

2 Whole b. cast to hell (\;t. 5:29-30)

3 Light of body, the eye (Mt. 6:22)

4 B. more than meat.clothesO'lt.6:25)

5 Bothb. and soul in hell (Mt. 10:28)

6 From hisb. went aprons (.■\cts 19:12)

7 B. of sin (Rom. 6:6)

8 Mortal b. (Rom. 6:12). See 620

9 Mortify deeds of b. (kom. 8:13)

10 Redemption of b. (Rom. 8:23)

11 Manymembersofb. (Rom. 12:4-5)

12 Not for fornication (ICor. 6:13-18)

13 TempleofSpirit(lCor. 3:16; 6:19) 14Glorify God in b.(l Cor. 6:20)

15 Must be kept under (1 Cor. 9:27)

15 Must be kept under (1 Cor. 9:27)

16 All acts of b. judged (2Cor. 5:10)

17 Becomes immortal (lCor.15:51-56)

18 Onlypartdiai dies at physical deadi Oas. 2:26)

19 Body-sleep, not soul-sleep, taught in Scripture. 38;; 22T

20 Wonder ofb., 618

See 15 commands about the b.,175*; and e-i 185-4*

The resurrected body

1 Like the present b. in outward appearance (1 Cot. 15:34-38) 38)

2 God makes all suchbodies (1 Cor. 15:

3 Becomes a sptritualb. (1 Cor. 15:44)

4 Will belike Christ's (Pha. 3:20-21) The bodyof Christ p^eUeven):

: pel ;nrisr

1 Made up of those in Christ (Rom. 12:5)

2 One bread and one b. (1 Cor. 10:17)

3 Made up of many members (lCor.l2: 12) (lCor.l2:13;Jn.3:3.5)

4 Men made a part of it by the Spirit

5 The church is the b. of Christ ^ph. 1:22-23; Col. 1:18. 24)

Body's (1), sake, which is the church.

Col. 1:24. Cp. 1:18; Eph. 1:22-23 Bohan (2), thumb, c 253-1: g 257-1 Boil (16).
defined, h-i 73-1. SeeBoUs Boiled (3)4Ki.l9:21; 2Ki.6:29; Job 30:27 Boiling (1).
Ezek. 46:23 Boils (2). tumors, Ex. 9:11; Job 2:7

On Egyptians, Ex. 9:9-11

On Egyptians, Ex. 9:9-11

On Hezekiah, 2 Ki. 20:7; Isa. 38:21

See Lev. 8:31;13:18-23:Ezek. 24:5 Boisterous( 1). defined,n 16-1*; Mt,14:30

Bold (11).Righteous b. as lion. Pt. 28:1.

See Boldness Boldly (15). Come b. to throne of grace,

Heb. 4:16. See Boldness Boldness ( 10). B. and access to God, Eph. 3:12; Heb.
4:16; 10:19

B. in judgm.ent. 1 Jn. 4:17 Examples of boldness:

1 Sonsof Jacob (Gen. 34:25)

2 Elijah (Rom. 10:20)

3 Jesus Christ QQ. 7:26)

4 Joseph (Mk. 15; 43)

5 Peter and John (Acts 4:13)

6 Paul (Acts 9:27-29)

7 Paul and Barnabas (Acts 13:46) Boiled (1). Ex. 9:31

Bolster (5), 1 Sam. 19:13; 26:7-16

Bolt (1), 2 Sam. 13:17

Bolted (1), 2 Sam. 13:18

Bond (19). Used 6 ways in Scriptige:

"Tb in ding by art oath (Num. 30:2-12)

2 Literal bonds (Job 12:18)

3 Binding by cove".ant(Ezek. 20:37)

4 Binding by Satan (Lk. 13:14-16)

5 Binding by lust (Acts 8:23)

6 Slavery (1 Cor. 12:13; Gal. 3:28; 6:8; CoL 3:11; Rev. 13:16; 19:18)

Bondage (39). slavery, Ex. 6:5-9; 13:3, 14; 20:2; Jn. 8:33; Rom. 8:15, 21; 1 Cor.
7:15: GaL 2:4; 4:3-9; 5:1; Heb. 2:15; 2 Pet. 2:19 6 things one can be a slave to: 1
Men (Ex. 1:14; 2:23; 6:5; Jn. 8:33)

2 Satan (Rom. 8:15, 21; Heb. 2:14-15)

3 False reUglon (Gal. 2:4)

4 The law (Gal. 5:1)

5 Worldly things (GaL 4:3)

6 Sin (2 Pet. 2:19-20)

Bondmaid (2). Lev. 19:20; GaL 4:22

Bondmaids (2). Lev. 25:44

BoBJiT.an (6),Gen.44:33; Dt. 15:15; 16:

12; 24:18. 22; Rev. 6:15 Bondmen (17).slaves.Gen. 43:13; 44:9;

Lev. 25:42-46: 26:13; Dt. 6:21: 7:8;

28:68; Josh. 9:23; 1 KL 9:22; 2 KL 4:

1; 2 Chr. 28:10; Ezra 9:9; Esther 7:4;

Jer. 34:13 Bonds (26). Used 2 ways in Scripture:

1 Of vows (Num. 30:5-7. 14)

2 Of chains Qex. 5:5; 27:2; 30:8; Acts 20:23; 23:29; 25:14; 26:29-31; Eph. 6:20;
PhiL 1:7-16; Hd). 10:34; 11: 36; 13:3) Bondservant (1), Lev. 25:39 Bondservice
(l).l Ki. 9:21 31
Bondwoman (3).Gen.21:10-13;Gal.4:23-Bondwomen" (3).Dt. 28:68; 2 Chr.

Estter 7:4 Bone (17). B. of my bones. Gen. 2:23 B. of lambs not to be broken.
Ex. 12:46 B, of cleaves to my skin. Job 19:20 B.of Him shall not
bebroken.Jn.l9:36 Bones (97). B. out of joint.Ps. 22:14 He keepethHis b. .notone
broken. Ps.

34:2c Health to b.. Pr. 3:8; 15:30; 16:24 Rottenness of b.. Pr. 12:4; 14:30 Valley
of dry b.. Ezek. 37:1-11 Full of dead men's b. . Mt. 23:27 Spirit hath not fledi
and b. .Lk. 24:39 Of His body, flesh, and b.. Eph. 5:30 Bonnets (6). Ex. 28:40;
29:9; 39:28; Lev.

8:13; Isa. 3:20; Ezek. 44:18 Book (190). B. of generations, g 5-1 B. written by
Moses. Ex. 17:14. note B.of wars of the Lord. Num. 21:14 B.of the law for
kings. Dt. 17:18 B.of the law in the ark. Dt, 31:'26 B. of the law in the mouth,
Jo<ii.l:8 B. written in by Joshua, Josh. 24:26 B. written by Samuel, 1 Sam.
10:25; IChr. 29:29 B.of Jasher. 2 Sam. 1:18 B.of acts of Solomon, 1 Ki. 11:41 B.
of the chronicles of the kings of Israel (15 times), 1 Ki. 14:19 B. of the
chronicles of the kings of Judah

(16 tim.es). 1 Ki. 15:7, 23 B. of the Idngs of Judah and Israel (7

times), 2 Chr. 25:26; 28:26 B. of the kings, 2 Chr. 16:11 B. of the covenant,
2Ki.23:21 B. of Nathan the prophet, 1 Chr. 29: 29; 2 Chr. 9:29 B.of Gad the
seer, 1 Chr. 29:29 B.of Shemaiah the prophet.2 Chr.l2:15 B. of Iddo the seer, 2
Chr. 12:15 B.of Jehu. 2 Chr. 20:34 B.of the records of Persia, Ezra 4:15 B.of the
chronicles, Neh. 12:23 B. of the chronicles of the kings of Media and Persia,
Esther 10:2 B. that is sealed. Isa. 29:11 B. of the Lord, Isa. 34:16 B. of Jeremiah.
Jer. 51:60 B. of the vision of Nahum. Nah. 1:1 B. of remembrance, MaL 3:16
B.of the generation of Jesus. Ml. 1:1 B.of the prophet Esaias. Lk. 4:17 B.of
Psalms. Lk. 20:42; Acts 1:20 Bcwk of life . Defined, b 579-4 7 proofs Aaron's
name In. 153 Aaron's name blotted out, 153 Aaron's nam.e re-written in, 153
Referred to 12 tim.es, 153 7 things called, 640 7 things about, 640 Namescan be
blotted out of, j 288-1* Bod« (8), EccL 12:12; Dan. 7:10; 9:2; Jn. 21:25; Acts
19tl9; 2 Tim. 4:13; Rev. 20:12 Booth (2), Job 27:18; Jonah 4:5 Booths (£0, a
507-1; Gen. 33:17; Lev.

23:42-43; Neh. 8:14-17 Booties (1), Hab. 2:7. See Booty Booty (3).prey;
spoils,Num. 31:32; Jer. 49;32.Zeph. 1:13. See Booties Purification of. a 192-1
spoils,Num. 31:32; Jer. 49;32.Zeph. 1:13. See Booties Purification of. a 192-1
Division of. b 192-1 Booz (3). Mt. 1:5; Lk. 3:32. See Boaz Border (158). Used 4
ways in Scripture; 1 Boundary (Gen. 10:19; Josh. 15:1-47)

2 Extremity (Gen. 49:13; Num. 20:16)

3 Edge of garment (Ex. 25; 25-27; 28: 26; 37:12-17; Mk. 6:56: Lk. 8:44)

4 Land.asland of wickedness (KiaLL 4) Borders (43). See Border

Of garmenu. 1. m 174-1; Num.l5:38

Bore (2). Ex. 21:6; Job 41:2

Bored (1). 2 Ki. 12:9

Bom7l54). brought in to life by birth Daughters were b.to them. Gen. 6:1 B. after
the flood.Gen. 10:1 B.unto trouble, as ^arks fly. Job 5:7 B.like wild ass's colt,Job
11:12 B.of wom.anisbut few days,Job 14:1 B.Jesus,who is called, Mt. 1:16 B.in
Bethlehem. Mt.2:l B. king of the Jews. Mt. 2:2

B.. not of blood, not of. Jn, 1:13 B. blind. Jn. 9:2,19,20, 32,34 B.in sins. Jn. 9:34
B.out of due time. 1 Cor, 15:3 B, of the fie sh, G al. 4:23.2 9; Jn. 3:6 B.of God, 1
Jn. 3:9; 4:7; 5:1-4.18 B.of water and of the Spirit, Jn, 3:5 B.of the Spirit.Jn.3:6,8

Boroaa.-iD. jD. 1:13; 3:3.7; IPet. 1:23 Defined, b-g 95-4*; 269» How to be bom
again, a, m 278-1* Not by water baptism, f 95-4*. See Baptism Whait brings the
experience, c 18-1* 4 things to do after being, n 44-1* Not natural birth, e-f 95-
4* Water of the new birth, f 95-4* Not Spiritbaptism.j 135-4'; c-i 146-1' In O. T.
days, p 303-1; p 205-1' 10 facts about the new birth. 207 15 proofscanbe more
than once. 207, See Regeneration 8 blessings of being, p 278-1'

Borne (30). B. chastisement. Job 34:31 B. reproach. Ps. 6ft7 B. our griefs. Isa.
53:4 B. their iniquities, Jer. 5:7 B.lewdness. Ezek. 16:58 B. shame,Ezek. 32:24-
25; 36:6; 39:26 B. burden and heat of day.Mt. 20:12 B.grievousburdens.Mt,
23:4; Lk. 11:46 B. witness of Me.Jn, 5:37 B. im.age of the earthy. 1 Cor, 15:49
B. tribulation. Rev, 2:3. See Bear Bonow (8).r 67-l;b 67-4:Ex73r22: 11: 2;
22:14; Dt. 15:6; 28:12; 2 KL 4:3; K!t. 5:42 I

Bonowed (3) Jx.l2:35; 2 Ki.6:5; Neh. 5:41

BoiTower (2). Pr. 22:7; Isa. 24:2

BoiTower (2). Pr. 22:7; Isa. 24:2

Bonoweth (1). Ps. 37:21

Boscath( l). city. 2 KL 22:1. See Bozkath

Bosom (41). B. of fools. EccL'TTS Shall men give into yourb. ,Lk.6:38 Bythe
angels into Abraham'sb. ,Lk.l6: Lazarus in his b. , Lk. 16:23 22

B. of the Father, Jn. 1:18 B.of Jesus. Jn. 13:23

Bosor (1), 2 Pet. 2:15. See Beor

Boss, b 551^

loses (1). pan of bucklers. Job 15:26

Botany. See under 84 words below:

~Algum Fig nee ALmond Fir tree .Aloe Fitch

Anise Flag

.•^pple Frankincense Ash Galbanum

Balm. Gall

B ariey G arlic Bay Gopherwood

Bean Gourd

Box Grass

Bramble Hazel Bulrush Heath


Boughs (Ig). Lev. 23:40; Dt, 24:20; 2 Sam. 18:9;Jobl4:9;Ps. 30:10-H;Song 7:8;
Ezek. 17:-23; 31:3-15; Dan, 4:12 Bought (44). B.aU of Egypt. Gen. 47:20 B. a
wife. Hos, 3:2 B. ID the temple. Mt, 21:12 B. potter's field. Mt.27:7 B. with a
price. 1 Cor. 6:20; 7:23 B.the whole human race. 2 Pet. 2:1 Bound (102).B. with
fetten. Gen. 22:9; 39b20; Judg. 16:21; 2 KL 25:7 B. wldi scarlet cord. Gen.
33:28 B. bv an oath. Num. 30:4-11; Acts 23: 12, 14, 21; Rom. 7:2 B. with 2 new
33:28 B. bv an oath. Num. 30:4-11; Acts 23: 12, 14, 21; Rom. 7:2 B. with 2 new
cords. Judg, 15:13 B.wlth fooUshness, Pt. 2::15 16

B.wlth powei.Mt.l6:19;18:18;Lk.l3: B.by spirit. Acts 20:22 B. by Uw, Rom. 7:2;

1 Cof. 7:27,39 B. by obUgatioo. 2 Th. 1:3; 2:13 Bounds (3).Ex, 19:12, 23;
23:31;Dt. 32: g; Job 14:5: 26:10; Acts 17:26 Bountifta (2), Pr. 22:9; Isa. 32:5

TuUy (5). Ps. 13:6; 116:7; 119:17; ^TCor. 9:6 BouctiMSMS (1). 2 Cor. 9:11
BouDty (31.1 Ki, 10:13; 2 Cor, 9:5 Bow (99). Used 8 ways In Scripture: "TT>f a
rainbow (Gen. 9:13-16) 2 Of a weapon (Gen, 27:3; 48:22)

3 Ofbowing down to others (Gen.27:29)

4 Ofbowing down to idols (Ex, 20:5)

5 Of marriage relationship (Job 31; 10^

6 Of Ustenlng (Ps. 86:1; Pr. 5:1)

7 Of death (EccL 12:3)

8 Of bowing down in worship (Eph. 3: 14; PhIL 2:10) See n 4G4-1

Bowed (78). Used of bowing down ia

1 Humility before othen (Gen. 18:2; 19:1; 23:7. 12; 33:3-7)

2 Prayer (Gen. 24;26. 48;

3 Worship (Ex. 4:31; 12:27)

4 Bendiig over because o f weakness (Gee, 47:31; 1 KL 1:47)

5 Deep humility before God(Ps. 35:14: 38:6; 44:25; 57:6)

6 Discouragem.ent (Ps. 145:14; 146:8)

7 Bending over because of latanic power (Lk. 13:11-16)

8 Death (Jn, 19:30)

Bowels (37). Used 2 m.ain ways

Bowels (37). Used 2 m.ain ways

1 Of Uteral bowels (Gaa. 15:4; 25:23; Num. 5:22; 2 Sam, 20:10; AcU 1:18)

2 Of deep companion and love (Gen. 43:30; 2 Cor. 6:12; PhU. 1:8; 2:1; CoL
3:12; 1 Jn. 3:17). See d 195-4'

Boweth (3), Judg 7:5; Isa. 2:9; 46:1 Bowing (4).Gen. 24:52; Pt. 17:11;62:2; Mk.

7:13-85: Judg. 6:38;









Pomegranate Bow; QT). Num

Camphire Hemlock Cane Hudc

Cassia Hyssop Cedar Juniper Chestnut Leeks Cinnamon Lentiles Cockle Lily
Coriander Mallow Com Mandrake Cucumber Melon Cummin Millet

Cypress Date Ebony Elm



















Mint Mulberry Mustard Mynh

Botch (2). boil: ulcer. Dt. 28:27. 35 Both (342). B.naked.m.an-wife.Gen. 2:25
B.sm.aU and great,Ps. 104:25; 115:13 B.richandpoor.PS. 49:2 B. young men and
maidens, Ps. 148:12 B.an abomination,Pr. 17:15; 20:10 B. houses of Israel. Isa.
3:14 B. soul andbody. Isa. 10:18: Mt. 10:28 B. prophet and priest, Jer. 14:18
B.man and beast. Jet. 21:6 B. young and old, Jer. 31:13 B.Jews and
Gentiles.Rom. 3:9 B. with agns and wonders, Keb. 2:4 B, gifts and sacrifices.
Heb. 9:9 B.the Father and the Son, 2 Jn. 9 Bogle (15). B. of water. Gen, 21:14. 1
"aToTmllk, Judg. 4:19 B.of wine. 1 Sam, 10:3: 16:20 B.of tears, Ps.56:8 Bottles
"aToTmllk, Judg. 4:19 B.of wine. 1 Sam, 10:3: 16:20 B.of tears, Ps.56:8 Bottles
(19). B. of heaven. Job 38:37 Old b. .ML 9b 17; Mk.2:22; Lk. 5:37 Newb.
.Mt.ftl7; Mk.2:22; Lk. 5:38 Bottom (20),Blood atb. of altar (9times), ExT^gt 12;
Lev.4:7-34; 5:9; 8:15 B. of sea,Ex. 15:5: Job 36:30 Veil rent from top to b,, Ml
27:51 ; Bottoms (1), Jonah 2:6 Bottomless (7) pit. p 168-^; g 302-1'; Rev. 9:1-2,
11; 11:7; 17:8; 20:1, 3, I See Hell I Bough~ hT. Gen. 49:22; Judg. 9:48-49: I
~IsariO:33; 17:6, 9

EccL 12:6; Zech. 4:2-3 Bowls( 24).Ex.25:29-34; 37:16-20; Num. ~?r7r7:84; 1

KL 7:41-42,50; 2 KL 12:

13; 25:15; 1 Chi. 28:17; Jet. 52:18-19;

Amos 6:6; Zech. 9:15: 14:20 Bowmen (l).Jer. 4:29 Bows (13). 326: n 404-1; 1
Sam. 2:4: 1 ~C5.12:2; 2 Chr. 14:8; 26:14; Neh, 4: 13-16; Ps. 37:15; 64:3; 78:9:
Iia. 5:28:

7:24; 13:18; Jer. 5LS6 Bowshot (1). Gen. 21:16 Box (8), 2 KL 951-3; Isa. 41:19:
60:13; "Hl 26:7; MJc. 14:3; Lk. 7:37 Boi(l). Joel 3:3 So2e_(2). Gen. 25:27;
Zech. 8:6 Boxing. 1 Cor. 9:26 Box tree . Isa. 41:19; 60:13 Bozez (1). A rock.e
306-4; 1 Sam, 14:4 Bozkath (1). Josh. 15:39. See Boscath Boaah (9). Ancient
city of Edom. Gen. 35^53; 1 C\s. 1:44,- Isa. 34:6: 63:1; Jer. 49:13,22; Amos
1:12; Mlc. 2:12

AdtyofMoab. Jer. 48:24

Eternal desolation. I 793-1 Bracelet (1), 2 Sam. 1:10 Bracelets (10). Worn by
both men and

wom.en, b 38-1; Gee. 24:22, 30, 47;

38:18,25; Ex. 35:22; Num, 31:50; Isa.

3:19; Ezek. 16:11; 23:42 Brake (73),B. trees. Ex, 9:25; Ps. 105:33

B. off golden earrings, Ex. 32:3

B. pitchers. Judg. 7:19-20

B.neck. 1 Sam. 4:18

B. rocks, IKL 19:11

B. rocks, IKL 19:11

B.idols.2 Ki. 10:27; 11:18; 18:4

B. brazen serpent, 2 KL 18:4

B. high places, 2 Ki. 23:15

B. altars. 2 Chr. 23:17; 34:4

B. staff of bread. Ps. 105:16

B. covenant, Jet. 31:32

B. bread. Ml 26:26: Mk. 6:41; 8:19; 14:22; Lk. 22:19; 24:30; 1 Cor. 11:24

B.leg3,Jn,19E32-33 Brake« (S). Ex. 34:1; Dl 10:2; Pt. 74:

13-14; Ezek. 29:7 Bramble (4), Judg. 9:14-15: Lk. 6:44 Bram.bles (1). Isa. 34:13
Brancfc( ;7).B.of candlestick.Ex. 25:33; B.. Israel, Ps. 80:15 37:17-19

B. .righteous,Pr. 11:28

B..Messiah. Isa. 4:2; 11:1; Jer, 23:5;

Con'.plete Concordance - Cyclupedic Index


.{3:15. Zech. 3:8; 6:12

B. .Christians, Jn. 15:;-6 Branches (73). B. of candlestick, Ex. 25: 31-36; 37:18-
22 Neh.8:15

B. for feast of tabernacles,Lev. 23:40;

B. ,2 witnesses, Zech. 4:11-14

B. ,ChiistiansJn. 15:5; Rom. 11:16-24

B. , Israel,Rom. 11:16-24 Brand (1) from the fire, Zech. 3:2 Brandish (1) sword,
Ezek. 32:10 B rands (1) on fire, Judg. 15:5 Braseii (28). B. rings for altar, Ex.
Ezek. 32:10 B rands (1) on fire, Judg. 15:5 Braseii (28). B. rings for altar, Ex.

B.altat,Ex. 35:16; 38:4-10,30; 39:39; 2 Ki. 16:14-17; 2 Chr. 1:5-6

B. pots and pans,Lev. 6:28; Mk, 7:4

B.censers, Num. 16:39

B.bars, 1 Ki. 4:13

B.wheeU, 1 Ki. 7:30

B. shields, 1 Ki. 14; 27

B. sea, 2 Ki. 16:17; 25:13; Jer.52:17

B, serpent, 2 Ki. 18:4

B. memorial, h 175-4

B.castings for the temple,) 454-4 Brass (124). First brass maker,Gen.4:22

Used in tabernacle, k 106-1

Making of, j 208-1 j

Serpent of.Num.21:9; 2Ki.l8:4;Jn.3:14

Great b. worker, 1 Ki. 7:14-47

Cherubim color of b. , Ezek. 1:7

Other beings color of b. , Ezek. 40:3

A symbol ofGreece. Dan.2:32-45; 7:19

God's arms, feet like b. in color, Dan.

Mountains of b. ,Zech.6:l 10:6

Sounding b. experience, 1 Cor. 13:1

Christ's feet like b., Rev. 1:15:2:18 Bravery (1), boldness, Isa. 3:18 Brawler (1),
noisy, quarreling person, i Tim.. 3:3 Brawlers (1), Tit. 3:2 Brawling ( 2),
contentious, Pr. 21:9; 25:24 Bray (2). harsh cry of an ass, Job 6:5.

Also to pound in a mortar, Pr. 27:22 Brayed (1), Job 30:7 Brazen. See Bra sen
Breach (20). Used 7 ways in Scripture: 1 Breaking forth (Gen. 38:29)

2 Bodnywound(Lev.24:20; Isa.30:26)

3 Breach of promise (Num. 14:34'*

4 Destruction (2 Sam. 6:8; 1 Chr. 13:11)

5 Wound of the spirit (Pr. 15:4)

6 Break in walls (Ezek. 26:10)

7 A gap (Ps. 106:23; Jer. 14:17) Breaches_ (15),JudR. 5:17; 1 Ki. 11:27;

2 Ki. 12:5-12; 23:5; Neh. 4:7; Ps. 60: 2; Isa. 22:9; Amos 4:3; 6:11; 9:11 Bread
(360). Staff of life, Ezek. 4:16; 5716; 14:13 Unleavened b. ,Gen. 19:3; Ex. 13:6-
7 Leavenedb., Ex. 12:15;13:3;Mt. 13:33 B. of affliction, 1 Ki. 22:27; Hos. 9:4
Original eucharist. Gen. 14:18 Feast of unleavened b. , Ex. 12:8-20; 13:3-7; Lev.
23:6-20 Rained from heaven, Ex.16; Jn.6:31-51 Used with sacrifices. Lev. 6:16;

26; Num. 15; Dt. 16:3-16 B. of wickedness, Pr. 4:17 B.of deceit, Pr. 20:17 B.of
idleness, Pr. 31:27 B. for the day, Mt. 6:11; 7:9 B. of false doctrine, Mt. 16:1-12
B.of life, Jn. 6:35. 48, 51 B. of sincerity and truth, 1 Cor. 5:8 Breaking b., Acts
2:42-46; 1 Cot. 10: 16-17; 11:23-28 Baking b. ,e 16-1*; k 41-4*; c 43-4*
Multiplied b., k 41-4» B.of Lord's supper, I 29-4* Breadth (89). B., length,
depth, and height of love, Eph. 3:18 B.of the earth. Rev. 20:9 B.and height of
city equal. Rev. 21:16 Break (141). Used 14 ways in Scripture: 1 To deliver
(Gen. 27:40; Jer. 30:8)

2 Destroy (Ex. 13:13; Jer. 51:20-23) 3B.throu^ (Ex. 19:21-24)

4 B. forth as a boil (Lev. 13:12)

5 B. a promise (Num. 30:2)

6 B. in pieces (Dt. 7:5; 12:3)

7 To plow 0er.4:3;Hos. 10:12)

8 B. contracts (Jer. 33:20)

9 B. wedlock (Ezek. 16:38)

10 B. commandments (Mt. 5:19)

11 B.open (Mc 9:17)

12 B. bread (Acts 20:7; 1 Cor. 10:16)

13 B.of day (Acts 20:11)

14 B. forth and cry (Gal. 4:27) Breaker (2), Mic. 2:13: Rom. 2:25 Breakest (1),
Ps. 48:7 Breaketh(17) J.me with tempest Job 9:17

B.me withbreach uponbreachJobl6:14

B. the cedars of Lebanon, Ps. 29:5

B.the bow, Ps. 46:9

B.the bone, Pr. 25:15

B.the rock, Jer. 23:29 Breaking(18).B. covenant, Ezek. 17:18

B. of breaa,Lk. 24:35; Acts 2:42,46

B.law, Rom. 2:23 Breakings (1). Job 41:25 Breast (18). B. of sacrifices, Ex.
29:26-27; Lev. 7:30-34; 8:29; 10:14-15 B.of kings, Isa. 60:16 B.of Jesus Christ,
Jn. 13:25; 21:20 A symbol of Medo-Persia, Dan. 2:32 Breastplate (28) of high
priest, 118; Ex. 25:7; 28:4-30; 29:5; 35:9. 27; 39:8-21; Lev. 8:8

B.of tighteousness,Isa.5ftl7;Eph.6:14

B. of faith and love, 1 Th. 5:8 Breastplates (2). Rev. 9:9, IT Breasts (27r. B.
satisfy thee,Pr, 5:19

B.Uke 2 young roes, Song 4:5; 7:3

B.Uke 2 young roes, Song 4:5; 7:3

B. like clusters of grapes. Song 7:7-8

B.like towers. Song 8:10

B. girded with golden girdles J?ev.l5:6 Breath (42). Defined, b 2-1

B.of life,Gen. 2:7; 6:17:7:15.22

B. of His(God's) nostrils, 2 Sam. 22:16

B.of his (man's) nostrils. Job 4:9

B.of his mouth. Job 15:30

B.of the .Almi^ty, Job 33:4

B.and his spirit. Job 34:14

B.of God, Job 37:10

B. given to all by God, .Acts 17:25 Breathe (4). Josh. 11:11, 14; Ps; 27:12;

Ezek. 37:9 15:29; Jn. 20:22

Breathed (4),Gen. 2:7;Jo*. 10:40; 1 Ki. Brealheth (1), Dt. 20:16 Breathing ( 2).
Lam. 3:56; .Acts 9:1 Bred (1), Ex. 16:20 ffreeches (5) of priests, Ex. 28:42;
39:28: Lev. 6:10; 16:4; Ezek. 44:18 Breed (2), Gen. 8:17; Dt. 32:14 Breeding
(1), Zeph. 2:9 Brethren (563). Used 7 ways in Scripture: 1 Of actual relatives in
the same fam-Uy (Gen. 9:22-25; 37:2-30)

2 Of relatives of kindred families(Gen. 13:8; 16:12; 24:27) 2:11; 4:18)

3 Of members of the same nation (Ex.

4 Of members ofthe whole race (Pr. 6: 19; Ml 12:49-50; Rev. 12:10)

5 Of Israelites (Lev. 25:46; Rom. 9:3)

6 Of Christians (Mt. 23:8; Jn. 21:23; Rom. 1:13; 8:12; 1 Cor. 1:10)

7 Of Christ's brethren - half-brothers. See r.40-4'; d 67-4*

7 Of Christ's brethren - half-brothers. See r.40-4'; d 67-4*

Brethren's (1), Dt. 20:8 Bribe (2), 1 Sam. 12:3; Amos 5:12 Bribery (1). Job
15:34 Bnbes(3),l Sam.8:3;Ps. 26:10; Isa. 33:15 Taking b. forbidden. Ex. 23:8;
Dt. 16: 18-19; 27:25 Judgment for taking b. .Job 15:34: Pr.

15:27; Eccl. 7:7; Isa. 5:23 Dangersofb. .Ex. 23:8; Dt. 16:19; 27: 25; Pr. 17:23;

5 examples of bribery:

1 Delilah Qudg. 16:5)

2 Samuells sons (1 Sam.8:1-3)

3 The false prophet (Neh. 6:10-13)

4 Judas Iscariot (Mt. 26:15; 27:3-9)

5 Soldiers (Mt. 28:12-15) Bnck_(7).Gen. 11:3; Ex. 1:14:5:7-16:

Isa. 65:3 Nah.3:14

Brickkiln (3). 2 Sam. 12:31; Jer. 43:9; Bricks (4). Ex. 5:8, 18-19; Isa. 9:10 BrjJe
(14). Used in 2 ways: 1 A newly married woman (Isa. 49:18j 61:10; 62:5; Jer.
2:32; 7:34; 16:9; 25: 10; 33:11; Joel 2:16; Jn. 3:29; Rev. 18:23) 2 The b. ,tbe
Lamb's wife (Rev. 21:?. 9; 22:17). See b 28-4*; c 303-4*

Brldechamber (3).Mt.9:15;Mk.2:19; 5:34

Bridegroom (23). Used 2 ways: 1 Of a newly married man (Ps. 19:5 Isa. 61:10;
62:5; Jer. 7:34; 16:9; 25: 10; 33:11; Joel 2:16; Mt. 25:1-10; Jn. 2:9; 3:29; Rev.
18:23) 2 Of Christ whorefened to Himself as a bridegroom (Mt. 9:15; Mk. 2:19-
20; Lk. 5:34-35). The only way in which this can be understood is in connection
with the bride,theLamb's wife - tile Holy City, the New Jerusalem of Rev. 21:2,
9. See b 28-4*; c 303-4*

Bridegroom's (1), Jn. 3:29

Bridle (9).2 Ki. 19:28; Job30:11; 41:13; Ps. 32:9; 39:1; Pr. 26:3; Isa. 30:28; 37:
29; Jas. 3:2
Britfles (1). Blood ud to b. .Rev. 14:20

Bridleth (1), Jas. 1:


Briefly (2). Rom. 13:9; 1 Pet. 5:12 Brier (3).Isa.55:13;Ezek.28:24;Mic.7:4 BHeis

(12).Judg. 8:7. 16: Isa. 5:6:7:23-"55:9:18; 10:17; 27:4; 32:13; Ezek. 2:6»

Heb. 6:8 Brigandine (1). Jer. 51:3

B rigandiries (1). Jer. 46:4 SrigJit (29). B. spots on body. Lev. 13:2-4719. 23-28,
38-39; 14:56

B. brass. IKi. 7:45; 2 Chi. 4:16

B.clouds. Job 37:ll;Zech.lO:l: MU7:5

B.Ught, Job 37:21; Ezek, 32:8

B. ivory. Song 5:14

B. arrows, Jer. 51:11; Ezek. 21:21

B. fire, Ezek. 1:13

B. sword.Ezek. 21:15; Nah. 3:3

B. iron, Ezek. 27:19 B.candle,Lk. 11:36 B. clothing. Acts 10:30 B. and morning
star. Rev. 22:16 Brightness (22). B. of Thy rising, Isa.60:3 B. round about, Ezek.
1:4,27-28; 8:2 B.flUed the court,Ezek. 10:4 B. of Lucifer.Ezek. 28:17 B. of the
stars forever, Dan. 12:3 B. above the sun. Acts 26:13 B, of His coming. 2 Th. 2:8
B.of His glory, Hei). 1:3 Brim (9), Josh. 3:15: 1 Ki. 7:23-26; 2 "Hi. 4:2-5; Jn. 2:7
Brimstone (15). B. and fire destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, Gen. 1^24; Lk.
17:29 B. will be the portion of the wicked in eternal hell, Ps, 11:6; Isa. 30:33 B.
will be rained from heaven upon the

armies of Antichrist, Ezek. 38:22 B. will be manifest by demons out of the pit in
tiietrIbulation.Rev. 9:17-18 Bring (726). Used 15 ways in Scripture: Tio sprout
forth (Gen. 1:11; 3:18) 2 Swarm (Gen. 1:20)

3 Bear or beget (Gen. 1:24; 9:7)

3 Bear or beget (Gen. 1:24; 9:7)

4 Give birth (Gen. 3:16; Isa. 66:8)

5 Take bom one place to another (Gen. 6:19; 19:5, 8,12; :":4)

6 Humble: b. down (Dt, 9:3)

7 Guide (Ps. 60:9; Hos. 2:14)

8 B, up a family (Hos. 9:12)

9 8. to memory (Jn. 14:26)

10 Enslave (AcU 7:6)

11 Rescue (Acts 23:24)

12 B. to nothing (1 Cor. 1:19,28)

13 B. to Christ (GaL 3:24)

14 Propagate (2 Pet. 2:1)

15 Accuse (Jude 9)

Bringers (1), 2 Ki. 10:5

Bringest (5), IKi. 1:42; Job 14:3; Isa. 40:9; Acts 17:20

Bringetb (70).B. down to hell, 1 Sam. 2:6 B. forth fruit in his season. Ps. 1:3 B.
heathen counsel to nought, Ps. 33:10 B.butter,blood, strife, Pr. 30:33
B.goodtidings,Isa.41:27;52:7:Nah.l:15 B.forthgood &mt,Mt. 3:10; 7:17-19 B.
forth good things, Mt, 12:35 B. forth new and old things. Mt, 13:52 B.
forthevflftTiIt,Lk.6:45;CoL 1:6 B. forth much fruit, Jn. 12:24: 15:5 B. salvation.
Tit. 2:11 B.in the fitstbegotten, Heb. 1:6 B.fonh sin, Jas. 1:15

Bringing (24). B. iniquity to remembrance. Num. 5:15 B.back xix king. 2 Sam.
19:10, 43 B. his sheaves with him, Ps. 126:6 B, sacrifices of praise. Jer. 17:26 B.
forth die fruits thereof. Mt. 21:43 B. sick folks, demon vexed. Acts 5:16 B. me
into captivity. Rom. 7:23 B. every thought into captivity. 2 Cat.
10:5 B. many sons to glory, Heb. 2:10 B. in a better hope did, Heb. 7:19 B. flood
1^)00 the world. 1 Pet. 2:5

Brink (6), Gen. 41:3; Ex. 2:3; 7:15; Dt.

"2736; Josh. 3:8; Ezek. 47:6

Broad.(35).Commandmentb., Ps.119:96 Justle against another in b. ways, Nah,

B.and narrow way>lt.7:13-14 2:4

B. their phylacteries, Mt. 23:5

Broader (1). Job 11:9

Broided ( 1). braided. B. hair, 1 Tim.2:9

Broidered (8).checkered.Ex. 28:4;Ezek. 16:10-18; 26:16: 27:7. 16. 24

Broiled (1), roasted. Lk. 24:42

Broken (186).B. Mycovenant.Gen.l7:14: Ps. 55:20: Isa. 24:5:33:8; Jer. 11:10

Ezek 17:19: 44:7 B.bandsof yoke. Lev. 26:13 B. staff of bread. Lev. 26:26 B.
ships, 1 KL 22:48; 2 Chr. 20:37 B. purposes. Job 17:11 B. heart, Ps. 34:18;
51:17; 69:20; lOS; 16; 147:3; Jer. 23:9 B. spirit, Ps. 51:17; Pr. 15:13; 17:22 B.
cisterns, hold no water, Jer. 2:13 B, without hand, Dan, 8:25 B.branches. Rom.
11:17. 19-20 B. body of Christ. 1 Cor. 11:24 B. middle wall of partition,
Eph.2:14 Bones of Messiah not b. ,Ps. 34:20; Jn. 19:36 Mt.21:44

Whoever falls on this stone shall beb.,

Brokenfooted (1). Lev. 21:19

BrokenhanJe"d (1). Lev. 21:19

Brokenhearted (2). Isa. 61:1; Lk. 4:18

Brood (1). LET 13:34

Brook (39). 8 brooks in Scripture:

TJabbok(Gen. 32:22-23)
2 Eschol P4um. 13:23-24)

3 Zeted (bt, 2:13-14)

4 Sinai (Dt. 9:21)

5 Besor (1 Sam, 30:9-10, 20)

6 KIdron(2 Sam, 15:23:1 Ki.2:27; 15: 13: 2 Ki.23:6. 12; 2 Chr. 15:16: 29:

16:30:14;Jer. 31:40). Called CedroD On. 18:1)

7 Cherith(lKi.17:3-7) On.18:1)

8 Kison - Kishon Oudg. 4:13; Ps. 83:9) Brooks (15), Num. 21:14-15; Dt. 8:7; 2

Sam.23:30; IKi.18:5; lChr.ll:32; Job 6:15; 20:17; 22:24; Ps. 42:1; Isa. 19:6-8
Broth (3), Judg. 6:19-20; Isa. 65:4 Brother (361). Defined, g 13-4*: r 40-4*

See Brethren for various meanings Brotherhood (2).Zech. 11:14; IPet. 2:17
Brotherly (5), Amos 1:9; Rom. 12:10; 1

Th. 4:9; Heb. 13:1; 2 Pet. 1:7 Brother's (35). Am I b. keeper,Gen.4:9

B. anger, fury. Gen. 27:44-45 Mote in b. eye, Mt. 7:3-5;Lk. 6:41-42 Occasion to
fall in b. way,Rom. 14:13 B. blood,Gen. 4:10-11 B. son,Gen. 12:5; 14:12 B.
daughter. Gen. 24:48 B. wife. Gen. 38:8-9; Lev. 18:16; 20: 21; Dt. 25:7-9; Mk.

Brothers' (1), Num. 36:11

Brought (859). See Bring B.to confusion, Ps.35:4. 26 B.to desolaticffl, Ps. 73:19
B. very low, Ps. 79:8; 142:6 B.to a piece of bread. Pr. 6:26 B. nothing into the
world. 1 Th. 6:7 B.Ufe and Immortality, 2 Tim. 1:10 B. again from the dead.
Heb. 13:20 B. in bondage by sin. 2 Pet. 2:19 B. forth a man child, Rev, 12:5, 13

Broughtest (13). Ex. 32:7; Num. 14:13; Dt. 9:28-29; 2 Sam, 5:2; 1 Ki. 8:51-53;
lChr.ll:2; Neh.9:7.15.23: Ps.d6: 11-12

Brow (2). Isa. 48:4; Lk. 4:29

Brown (4). Gen. 30:22. 33. 35. 40

Brown (4). Gen. 30:22. 33. 35. 40

Bruise (8),Gen. 3:15: Isa. 28:28; 53:10; Jer. 30:12; Dan. 2:40; Nah. 3:19; Rom.

Brj4sed (9).Lev. 22:24; 2 Ki. 18:21; Isa. 28:28; 42:3; 53:5; Ezek.23:3. 8; Mt. 12:

Briiisesj(l),Isa.l:6 20;Lk.4:18

Bruising (2).Ezek. 23:21; Lk. 9:39

Bridt (2), rumor. Jer. 10:22; Nah. 3:19

Brute (2), 2 Pet, 2:12; Jude 10

Brutish dD.Ps. 49:10; 92:6; 94:8; Pr, 12: 1: 30:2; Isa. 19:11; Jer. 10:8. 14. 21;
51:17; Ezek. 21:31

Bucket (1). Isa. 40:15

Buckets (1), Num. 24:7

Buckler (11), 2 Sam. 22:31; 1 Chr. 5:18; 12:8; Ps. 18:2.30; 35:2; 91:4: Pr. 2:7;
Jer. 46:3; Ezek. 23:24; 26:8

Bucklers (5). 2Chr. 23:9: Job 15:26; Song 4:4; Ezek. 38:4; 39:9

Bud (11), Job 14:9: 38:27; Ps. 132:17; Song7:12; Isa.l8:5; 27:6; 55:10; 61:11;
Ezek. 16:7; 29:21; Hos. 8:7

Budded (5).Gen.40:10;Num. 17:8; Song 6:11; Ezek. 7:10; Heb. 9:4

Buds (1). Num. 17:8

BuEet (2), strike. Mk. 14:65; 2Cor. 12:7

Buffeted (3). struck. Mt. 26:67; 1 Cor. 4: 11; iPet. 2:20

3ufld (160),First use, b. city,Gen. 11:4 B.him a house (family), 2 Sam. 7:27 B.
up an eternal throne, Ps. 89:4 B.upZion.Heshallappear.PS. 102:16 B .Jerusalem
unto the Messiah,Dan. 9:25 B. the temple of the Lord, Zech, 6:12 B.My church,
Mt, 16:18 15:16
Mt, 16:18 15:16

B. again the tabernacle of David. Acts B. upon this foundation, 1 Cor. 3:12

Butlded (50). First city b. since Adam, Gen.4:17.Citiesbuilt in pre-Adamlte

wodd. Jer.4:23-26 Noah b. an altar. Gen. 8:20 Abraham b. an altar. Gen. 12:7-8
Isaac b. an altar. Gen. 26:25 Moses b. an altar. Ex. 24:4 Israelites b. an altar.
Josh. 22:16 Zerubbabel b.an altar. Ezra 3:2

Buildedsi (1). Dt.6:10

Builder (1). Heb. 11:lo

Builders (14). B. of temple, 1 Ki. 5:18; TkT 12:11; 22:6; 2 Chr. 34:11 B.of the
second temple.Ezra 3:10 Stone b. rejected. Mt, 21:42; Mk. 12: 10; Lk, 20:17;
Acts 4:11; 1 Pet, 2:7

Buildest (5). Dt. 22:8; Neh. 6:6; Ezek. 16:31; Mt, 27:40; Mk. 15:49

Buildetii Q), Josh. 6:26; Job 27:18; Pr. 14:1; Jer. 22:13; Jodi.8:14: Amos 9:6:
Hab. 2:12; 1 Cor, 3:10

Bunding (37). Ye are God'sb. ,iCor. 3:9 We have a building of God, 2 Cor. 5:1
The whole b. fitly framed, Eph. 2:21 B, up yourselves on faith, Jude 20

BuUdtags(3), Mt, 24:1; Mk. 13:1-2

Buflt (16^. 18 things b . in Scripture: TAltars (Gen. 13:18; 22:9; 35:7) 2 Houses
(Gen. 33:17; Dt. 8:12) 3CIties(Ex. 1:11; Jodu 24:13) 4 Temples (1 Ki. 6:2-36;

5 FamiUes (1 Ki. 11:38)

6 High places (1 Ki. 14:23: 2Ki.l7:9)

7 Castles (2 Chi. 17:12; 27:4)

8 Towers (2 Chi. 26:9-10)


Comnlete Concordance ~ Cyclopedic Index

Comnlete Concordance ~ Cyclopedic Index


10 Wans (2 Chi.27:3:32:6; Neh.4:6) l

11 Bulwarks (Eccl. 9:14)

12 Forts Oer. 52:4) !

13 ineets (Dan. 9:25) 1

14 winepresses (N't. -.;33j I

15 Synagogues C-k. 7:5)

16 Works (1 Cor. 3:14)

17 Thechurch(Epb.2:;0:lPet.2:5)

18 ChrisDaa Uves (Col. 2:7)

Bukkl (5). mouih of Jehovah. 2 men.

Num. 34:22; 1 Chr. 6:5,51; Ezra 7:4 B-iiikiah( -)^wasiii.jol")an,lChf.-5:4.13

Bj1(1), St.n.Jewisr.r-:onth.llO:lKi.6:38 Bull (2), Job 21:1&; Isa. 51:20 Biinbck
(104), male ox over 4 years old; if used as sacrifice could not be castrated, Ex.
29:1-36: Lev. 1:5: 4:3-21;

3:1-17: 9:4-19; 16:3-27 BuUock's (3). Lev. 4:4-5, 16 BuUocks (45), .Vum. 7:87-
88; 8:12; 23:

29; 23:11-27; 29:13-33. See Bullock BuUs (101.Gen.32:15; Ps, 22:12; 50:13;,
T3r30; Isa. 34:7; Jer, 50:U; 52:20; Heb.

9:13: 10:4 B ulrush (1). papyrus or paper reeds of the

.NUc, Isa. 58:5 Bulrushes (2). Ex. 2:3; Isa. 18:2 Bulwarks (5), fortificatioos,Dt.
20:20; 2

Chr.2S:15: Px.48:13: Eccl.9:14: tsa.26:l Bunah (1), understanding, 1 Chr. 2:25

BimcE d). Ex. 12:22 30:6, BuDcbes( 3).2Sair..l6:l;lChr.l2:40;Isa.' Bundle (4),
Gen. 42:35; 1 Sam. 25:29;j
Gen. 42:35; 1 Sam. 25:29;j

Song 1:13: .^cts 28:3 |

Bundles (2). Gen. 42:35; M.t. 13:30 Bunnl (3). my undemanding. 3 .T.eD,

Neh. 9:4; 10:15: 11:15 Bjnden(69). Defined, b 691-1

B. cf the Lcffd,



It. Scripture :

1 Anv load carried bv men or animals (Num.4:15-!9,21-49; Jex. 17:21-2-0

2 ResDonsibilitv (Ex. 18:22; Mt. 23:4; lie"11:46; Acts 15:28; 2 Cot. 12:16; GaL
6:5; Rev. 2:2^

3 Cares of life (Ps. 5o:22; GaU 6:2)

4 Bondage fisa. 9:4; 10:27)

5 OtacLe of judgment (Isa. 13:1-23:1; Jer.23:33-38; Nan. i:i; Zech. 9:1; 12:1;
Mai. 1:1)

Burdened (2). 2 Cor. 5:4:8:13 Burdens (25). See Burden for meanings
Burdensome (5), Zech. 12:3; 2 Cot. 11: 9; 12:13-14; 1 Th. 2:6 Burial (6), 2 Chr.
26:23; EccL 6:3; Isa.

14:20; Jer. 22:19; Mt, 26:12; Acts 8:2 Burie- (104). Used 2 ways in Scripture:

1 Physical burial (Gen. 23:19; Lk. 16: 22: 1 Cor. 15:4)

2 Figuran\-e burial (Rom. 6:4; CoL B■driers (1). Ezek. 39:15 2:12) Burn (138).
Used 6 ways in Scripture: 1 B. in literalSie on earth (Gen. 11:3;
Ex. 29:13-25, 34; Lev. 1:9-17) 2B.wiJii anger (Gen.44:18; Ps. 89:46;

2 Cor. 11:29. See An^er)

3 B. in literal hell fire (Dt. 32:22. See

4 B. in jealousy (Ps. 79:5) Hell)

5 Hearts biffnini with trufli (Lk. 24:32)

6 Infla.—:ed sexual passion (1 Cor. 7:9) Buxned (97). Bu± b. v.-ith fire,Ex.3:2

While -using the fire b. ,Ps. 39:3 ^ ares gathered and b. in fire, .Mt.l3:40
Branches cast into fire and b., Jn 15:6 If aay man's works be b., 1 Cot. 3:15
Earth, works b. with fire, 2 Pet. 3:10

Buroetbd j). Lake which b. with fire and btin stone. Rev. 21:8. See Bign

Burning (5Ti. 3. lamp. Gen. 15:17 B.boil. Lev. 13:23-28 B.ague, Lev.-26:16
B.that is extretr.c in body, Dt. 28:22 B.lips and wicked heart,Pr. 26:23 B. instead
of beauty. Isa. 3:24 B. spirit, Isa. 4:4

B. wheeb on God's throne, Dan. 7:9 B. flame of hell, Dan. 7:11 B.lamps before
God's throne,Rev. 4:5 B. mountain fior. heaven. Rev. 8:8 B.lake of
fire,brimstone, Fxv. 19:20

Bumiiigs (3). Isa. 33:12,14; Jer.34:5

Bumisned (1), Ezek. 1:7

Burnt (364). B. offerings (259 times),


B.sacrifices (17 time^.Ex. 30:9; Lev.

1:3. 9-10; 8:21; 3tl7; Dt. 33:10 B.incense (15 tim.es),Ex. 40:27; 1 Ki.

3:3: 9:25: IL-S; 22:43: 2 Ki. 12:3 B.nees and grass, furore, R«v. 8:7

Burr (9>.Job 32:19: Pt. 3:10; Jer. 2:20;

~5r5; 30:3: Nah.l:13: Mk. 2:22; Lk. 5: 37; Acts 1:18

BuntiDg (1). Isa. SftU

Bjy( 3^. Used only of burying the body,

Bush (11),Ex. i::-4: Dt. 33:16; Mk. ~!5: Lk. 6:44: 20:37; .Acts 7:30-35 BuAel
(3), a dry measure. The Gr. in-dicates it would be about a peck of our
measure.See.Vt.5:15;Mk.4:21:Lk.ll:33 Bushes (3). Job 30:4-7; Isa. 7:19 Bushy
(1), Sooa 5:11 Susie J (1), 2 Chr. 35:14 Business (29). B. laws, 115 Newly
married men excused ftom b., Dt. 24:5 Ships do b. in great waters, Ps. 107:23
Man diligent in b., Pr. 22:29 Dreams through much b. ,Eccl. 5:3 Must be about
>.lyFather's b.,Lk.2:49 First b. in early church. Acts 6:3 Not slothful in b. ,Rom.
12:11 Busy (l). IKi. 20:40 Busybodies (2).l Th.3:ll; ITim. 5:13.

See g ■229-4*; t26£-l Busybody (1). 1 Pet. 4:15 But (3, 959).10exam3leso
fBuinow. 327 Butler (3), same as cup-bearer - one in charge of wines in
households of kings and other notables, Gen.40:1-23: 41:9 See Cupbearer
Butlers (1), Gen. 40:2 Butlership (1), Gen. 40:21 Butter (11), Gen. 18:8; Dt.
32:14: Judg, "ol^; 2 Sam, 17:29; Job 20:17; 29:6: Ps. 55:21; Pr. 30:33: Isa. 7:15-
22. See j 15-1; h-i, 348-4 Buttocks (3), 2 Sam. 10:4; 1 Chr. 19:4; Buy (56). See
Bought Isa.20:4

Buyer (3),Pr. 20:14: Isa. 24:2; Ezek. 7:12 Buyest (2), Lev. 25:14; Ruth 4:5
Buyeth (3)j'r.31:16: Mt.l3:44; Rev.l8:ll 3uz (3),conte~.pl. 2 men. Gen. 22:21;
TChr. 5:14: Jer. 25:23 Buzi (1), my contempt, Ezek. 1:3 Buzite (2). son of Buz,
Job 32:2, 6 By (2,60-2), Gen. 7:22; 9:5, 11; etc. 3ywa^-s (1). Judg, 5:6 ST^otJ
(o). Dt. 28:37: 1 Ki. 9:7; 2 Chr. 7:20; Job 17:6; 30:9; Ps. 44:14

Gen. 23:4-15: 50:5-14; Mt. 8:21-22 (4). 2K1. 13:21: Ezric. 39:12: 4:8: Jn. 12:7
urylngplace (7), Gen. 23:4-9, 20; 47: 30; 4$3(1; 50:13: Judg. 16:31

Cab (1), Heb. kab. A dry measiKe con—

taining about 1 quart, 2 KL 6:25 Cabbon(l),aplace in Judah,Josh.l5:40 Cabins

(1), vaults, cells, Jer. 37:16 Cabul (2). city. Josh. 19:27; 1 Ki.9:13 Caesar (21).
one cut out. Title of Rom an emperors in the N. T., Mt. 22:17-21;
one cut out. Title of Rom an emperors in the N. T., Mt. 22:17-21;

VJj. 12:14-17; Lk. 20:22-25; 23:2; Jn.

19:12-15: Acts 17:7; 25:8-21; 26:32;

27:24: 28:19

1 Augustus, Lk. 2:1

2 Tiberius, Lk. 3:1; 20:22

3 Claudius, Acts 11:28

4 Nero, Phil. 4:22 Caesarea (15). Seaport 30 mL north of

' Joppa, Acts8:40; 9:30; 10:1,24; 11:11; i 12:19; 13:22; 21:8. 16: 23:23, 33: I
25:1, 4, 6, 13

i Caesarea-PMlippi (2), town in N. Pales-I one visitedby Jesus,Mt.l6:13:

Mk.S:27 ' Caesar's ( 9).C. things. Mt. 22:21; Mk. I 12:16-17; Lk. 20:24-25 ' C.
Mend. Jn. 19:12 I C. judgm.ent seat. Acts 25:10 I C. household, PhiL 4:22 '
Cage (2). Jer. 5:27: Rev. 18:2 } CaipBas (9). seaxchei,Mt. 26:3, 57: Lk. I 3:2; Jn.
11:49; 18:13-28: Acts 4:6 j Cain (20), possession. First man bom of Adam's
race,Gen.4:1-25; Heb. 11:4; 1 Jn. 3:12: Jude 11 A city of Judah, JoA. 15:57 Line
of C., f 5-1 Daugbtes of C., n 6-1 Wife of C., 46

Covenant of C.. 57 3:36-37

Calnan (7). accpnsitioo.Gen. 5:9-14;Lk.

Cake ( 13) of bread, Ex. 29:23; Lev. 8:-26;

24:5; Num. 6:19; 15:20; Judg, 7:13; 2

Sam. 6:19; 1 KL 17:12-13; 19:6

C. of figs, 1 Sam. 30:12. Cp. 1 Sam.

25:18; 1 Chr, 12:40 Ephraim is a c, not turned, Hos. 7:8 Cakes (24), h 15-1. See
Cake Calah (2). a city. Gen. i^iTT-U CaIan-iti^( 3).Ps.57:1; 141:5: Ps. 17:5 C
alamlry (19).C. laid inbalance Job 6:2
alamlry (19).C. laid inbalance Job 6:2

Laugh at your calamines. Pr. 1:26 i C. com.e suddenly, Pr. 6:15; 24:22 ' C. of his
father, Pr. 19:13 C. ofMoab, Jer. 48:16 C. of Esau. Jer. 49:8 ; C. &om all sides,
Jer. 49:32 ^ Calamus( 3). sweet cane.l 97-4: Ex. 30: 23: Song4:14; Ezek. 27:19.
Cp. Isa. 43: ' 24; Jer. 6:20 Chalcol . Calcol (1), sustaining, 1 Chi, 2:6. See
Caldron (6). 1 Sam, 2:14; Job 41:20;

Ezek. 11:3. -1. 11; KUc. 3:3 Cal<fa>ns (3).2Chr. 35:13; Jer. 52:18-19 . Caitb
(32).bold. One of the ^ies and a ' leader of Isael after Joshua. Num. 13: I 6.30;
14:6.24-33: 26:65; 3^12; 34:19; Dt. 1:36: Jo*. 14:6-14: 15:13-18; 21:

12; Judg, 1:12-20: 1 Sam. 25:3: 1 Chr.

2:49; 4:15. Nam.e of 2 other men. 1 Chr.

2:18-19, 42, 50. A city, 1 324-4: 1 ,

Sam.. 30:14 I

Caleb-epbraiah (1), a place, 1 Chr. 2:34

Caleb's (4).Juds,l:13; 3:9; lChr.2:46-48

Calendar. Jewidi. 110 13:7-8

Calf (29).God and angels ate of c.. Gen.

Aaron'saoldenc. ,Ex. 52; Dt. 9:16-21;

Neh. 9:''l8: Ps. 106:19; .Acts 7:41 Used as sacrifices. Lev. 9:2-8 C. gods of
Samaria, Hos. 8:5-6 Failed c,. Lk. 15:23-30 Heavenly creature like a c. .Rev.4:7
CalTs d). Ezek. 1:7 9.27

CaKgs(2) ,men who calk ships, Ezek.27: Call (193).C.in dayoftiouble.Ps.50:15

C. upon His name, Ps. 99:6 C. evil good, and good evil, Isa. 5:20 C. His nam.e
Immanuel, Isa. 7:14; ML

1:23 C. unto Me,and I will answer, Jer. 33:3 ; C. His name Jesus, Mt. 1:21; Lk.
1:31 C. elders of tie church. Jas. 5:14 Before they c. I will answer.Isa.65:24
Wbosoeverdiallc. on name of the Lord shall be saved, .Acu 2:21; Rom. 10:13
Called ( 623). God c. to Adam,Gen. 3:9 14 e3c_amDles of busy men. 893 C. to
Called ( 623). God c. to Adam,Gen. 3:9 14 e3c_amDles of busy men. 893 C. to
Hagar, Gen. 21:17 C.to Abraham, Gen. 22:11, 15 C.toMoses.Ex.3:4; 19:20;
24:16;Lev.l:l C. Samuel, 1 Sam. 3:4-16 32

Shallbe c. the Son of the Highest, Lk. 1: Shall bee. the Son of God.Lk. 1:35 To
them who are the c, ,Rom.. 8:28 Not many noble are c., 1 Cor. 1:26 C, unto
liberty. Gal. 5:13 C. the sons of God, ljn.3:l C. unto the matriace of. Rev. 19:9
C.the Word of God, Rev. 19:13 Calledst (4), Judg. 8:1; 1 Sam. 3:5; Ps. 81:7;
Ezek. 23:21 19

CaUea(5), Mt. 19:17; MJt. 10:18;Lk. IS: Calleth (30). C. upon God. Job 1-2:4
Deep c. unto deep, Ps. 42:7 C, them all (stars) by name, Ps. 147: 4; Isa. 40:26 C.
His own sheep by name,Jn. 10:3 C. those thingswhichbe not, as though they
were, Rom. 4:17 CaUing( 24).C.a ravenousbird,Isa.46:11 C.to
remembrance.Ezek.23:19; Mk.ll; Stephen c.npon God. Acts 7:59 21

C. on nam.e of the Lord. Acts 22:16 Gifts and c. of God are. Rom. 11:29 You
see youi c. .brethren. 1 Cor. 1:26 Abide in same c. wherein, 1 Cot. 7:20 Hope of
your c.. Eph. 1:18; 4:4 Prize of the high c. of God,Phil.3:14 Called 'js with an
holy c., 2 Tim.l: 9 Partai<ers of the heavenly c., Heb. 3:1 Sara obeyed Abraham
c. Lord, 1 Pet. 3:6 Make c. and elecrion sure,2 Pet. 1:10 (6),Ps. 107:29; Jonah
1:11-12; Mt.

3:26; Mk. 4:29; Lk. 3:24 Calneh (2),city of .Assyria, Gen, 10:10;

Amos 6:2. See Calno and Caimeh iCalno(l), Isa. 10:9 See Golgotha Calvary (l),
d 32:4': b 89-4'; Lk. -23:33 Calve (2), )o6 39:1; Ps. 29:9 Calved (1). Jer. 14:5
Calves (18). Made 2 golden c., lKi.12: i S71i2: 2 Ki. 10:29; 17:16: 2Chr.ll: 15:
13:8; Hos. 10:5; 13:2 I C, of our lips, Hos. 14:2 . Grow up like c. in stall,
MaL4:2 Calveth a). Job 21:10 Came (2081).Gen.4:3, 8. See Became Camel
(9),Gen.24:64; Lev. 11:4; Dt. 14: 7: 1 Sam. 15:3; Zech. 14:15: Mt. 19:

24; 23:24; Mk, 10:25; Lk. 18:25 Camel's ( 3), Gea.31:34:Mt.3:4;Mk, 1:6 i
Camels ( 46).Herds of, Gta. 12:16: 24:35; I 30TiS; 1 Sam, 30:17; Job 1:3:42:12 I
C. described. 790 ' Used for riding (Gen. 31:17), for I ttaveiling cam.el-back
(Esther8: I chariots (Isa. 21:7), carrying burdens (1 Ki.l0:2; Isa.30:6), caiaUv(l
Sam, I 30:17), to provide milk (Gen. 32:15) I and cloffiw O't.3:4; Mk. 1:6)
Foibiddei as food. Lev. 11:4; Dt.l4:7 Camels' (3), Judg. 8:21, 26; 2 KL 8:9
earnest ( 2g), Gen. 16:8. See Became CaraoD (1), a place, Judg. 10:5

Camp (ii-S of Israel round the tabernacle, Ex. 14:19-20; 16:13; Num. :• 3-3!;
Camp (ii-S of Israel round the tabernacle, Ex. 14:19-20; 16:13; Num. :• 3-3!;
10:14-34:11:1-32:31:12-34 Lepers put outside of c., Num. 5:2 Certain activities
outside thee. .Num. 15:35; 19:3. 9; 31:13; Dt. 23:10; Heb. 13:11, 13; Rev. 20:9 I
Christ died without the c.,Heb.l3:12 I camped q), Ex. 19:2 Camphlre( 2) ,shrub
with fragrant flowers, Songl:14; 4:13.Notrelated to camphor Camw(
7).Num.2;32; 5:3:10:2-25;Amos 4:10

Can (229).C.maid fotgetomam.entsJer. 2:32 C.Ethiopian change skin JeT.13:23

3 C.two walk together in discord.Amos 3: No man c. serve two masters, Mt.
6:24 Cite blind lead the blind,Lk. 6:39 The Son c. do nothing of Himself, Jn.

5:19 I c. of M y own self do nothing, Jn. 5:3 0 No mane.come toMe,except,

Jn.6:44 I c. doalltMngstlaougb.PhiL 4:13 Lght nom.a.T can approach. 1 Tim.
6:16 Whoc. have compassion. Heb. 5:2 C. never take away sms, Heb. 10:1. U 30
things grace c. do, 226* Cana (4). a 94-IMn. 2:1.11:4:46: 21:2 Canaan (91).
lowland. Son of Ham.Gen. 9tT5'-27; 10:6.15: 1 Chr. 1:8.13 Land ofC.Gea 11:31;
17:8; 23:2 Usage in Scripture, h 11-1 Bordersof C.. e 195-4 Divisions of C. ,m
196-1 12fold description of. 209 Called: Palestlna (Ex. 15:14). land of Israel (1
Sam. 13:19). land of the Hebrews (Gai. 40:15). land of the Jews (Acts 10:39).
land of promise (Heb. 11:9), the holy Und (Zech. 2: 1-2), tte Lord's land (Hos.
9:3), Immanuel's land (Isa. 8:8), and Beulah (Isa. 62:4) C.ptotrised to Abraham
and seed eternally. Gen. 15:18-21; 17:8:26:3 Canaanite (14), inhabitaixs of
Canaan, and in some cases, descendants ofCa-naan.Gen. 12:6:13:7; 33:2; Ex.
23:28; 33:2; 34:11; Num. 21:1; 33:40; Josh.9:1; 11:3:13:3;
ZechJ4:21;Mt.lO:4:Lk.3:18 Canaanites ( 54). Sins of C., d 139-4; a 142:1. See
Canaanite Caaaar-tess (1). 1 Chr. 2:3 Canaanitish (2), Gen. 46:10; Ex. 6:15 C an
dace ( IT", c je^: ofEthiopia,Acts8:27 Candle (16), lamp, for candles as we know
them, were unknown then. See Mt. 5:15; Mk, 4:21: Lk. 8:13:11:33, 36; 15:8;
Rev. 18:23; 22:5 Cannes.(1), Zeph. 1:12 Ca::dlestick (41), lamp. See Candle C.
defined, t 4-1*

Oftabemacle417:Ex.-25:31-35; 26:35:

30:27; 31:8:35:14; 37:17-20; 39S37;

40:4,24; Lev, 24:4s Num. 3:31; 4:9;

Usedinhomes,2Ki.4:10;Dan. 5:5;Mt.
Usedinhomes,2Ki.4:10;Dan. 5:5;Mt.

5:15; MJc 4:21; Lk. 8:16: 11:33 Of the temple, 1 Cte. 28:15; 2 Chr, 13:

11. Cp. IKI. 7:49; 2 Chr. 4:7, 20 Used as a symbol of churches (Rev, 1: 12-20:
2:l,5),andof the 2 wimesses (Zech. 4:2,11; Rev. 11:4) CandleiTic.ksC l2)
4^m.ps.See Candlestick Cana['2),Isa.43:24Jer.5:20.See Calamus Canker (1),
sf«eading sore, 2 Tim.2:17 Cankered (1), rusted, Jer. 5:3 Cankervccrn (6), larval
stage of the locust, Joell;4; ■2:25; Nah. 3:15-16 Carjghf l) ,city.Ezek.27:23.See
caneh Car.niSaligr.. a-b 228-l;Lev, 26:29; Dt.

-S:.33-57; ^ KL 6:28-29; Jer. 19:9 Cannot (17 9). God c. tolerate hypocrisy, Isa.
1:13; Hos. 2:11 C. serve God and mammon,Mt. 6:24 C. see the kingdom of
God,Jn. 3:3 Center the kingdom, of God.Jn. 3:5 Scripture c.be broken, Jn. 10:35
Wodd c. receive Holy Spirit, Jn. 14:17 C.bear fhnt except abide in.Jn. 15:4
C.pleaseGod living in flesh,Rom. 8:8 ' C.inheritkingdotnof God, lCoe.l5:50 God
c. deny Himself, 2 Tim. 2:12 God c. lie, Tit. 1:2 ; God c. be tempted witli
evilJa$.l:13 I C. sin, 1 Jn. 3:9; 5:1-4, 18 I 30 things God c. do, 638

30 things grace c. do, 226* 20

Canst ( 50).C.notseeGod in glory.Ex. 33:

C. not be healed. Dt. 28:27 • C. not look on iniquity, Hab. 1:13 : C. make me
clean, Mt, 8:2; Mk. 1:40 If thou c. beUeve, aUtMngi, Mk. 9:-23 Canticles. Song
of Solomon Capernaum (16), city, headquarters of Christ, X U:4»; Mt. 4:13; 3:5;
11:28; 17:24: Mk.1:21; 2:1; 9:33:Lk. 4:23-31; 7:1; 10:15; Jn. 2:12:4:46:6:17-
24.59 Caphtborirr. (l).people of Caphtot,! Chr.

1:12 Caphloc( 3), Dt. 2:23: Jer. 47:4; Amos 9:7 Caphtotlm (1), Gen. 10:14
Caphiorims (1). j 201-1; Dt. 2:23

Cappadocia (-2), province in Asia,f 265—

l^ Acts 2:9; 1 Pet. 1:1 Captal n(139).Ofanarmy,Dt.20:9; Judg. lb?; 1 Sam. 14:50;
1 KL 2:32: 16:16

Of tribes. Num. 2

Of a thousand, a 116-4^
Of a thousand, a 116-4^

of diousands, Num.31:4S; 1 Sam.17:18

Of a hundred, see Cepturian

Of hundreds, 2 Ki. 11:15

Of fifties, 2Ki. 1:9; Isa. 3:3

Of the guard. Gen. 37:36: 2Ki.25:8

Oftheward.Jer. 37:13; 39:9-13; 52:12

Of the temple. Acts 4:1; 5:24-26

Of salvation. Heb. 2:10 12

Of theLord'shosu, Josh,5:14; 2Chr.l3:

Captains (119). Num. 31:14-54 CapHveTsg).Ledcaptivlty c. ,Ps. 69:181 EpE".

4:8. Cp. Heb. 2:14-15 26

Taken c. by Satan at his will, 2 Tim. 2: Leadc, silly women laden, 2Tim.3:6
Captives(4 3) .Permitted as wives,Dt.21:U Proclaim liberty to c., Isa. 61:1
Preach deliverance to c. ,Lk, 4:18

Complete Concordance - Cyclopedic Index


6 Be persuaded to follow (1 Cor. 12:2; Gal. 2:13; Eph. 4:14; Heb. 13:9)

7 Support (Rev. 17:7)

CatrylDR (8),1 Sam. 10:3; Ps. 78:9; Jer.

1:3; Mt. 1:17; Acts 5:10 Carshena (1), spoUer, Esther 1:14 Cart (15). 1 Sam.
6:7-14: 2 Sam, 6:3; 1

Chr.l3:7;Isa.5:18;28:27-28:Amos2:13 Carved (13). C. images, Judg. 18:18; 2

Chr. 33:7. 22; 34:3-4
C. walls. 1 Kl. 6:18-35; Ps. 74:6

C.beds. Pr. 7:16 Carving (2). Ex. 31:5; 35:33 ■ 6:3"

3:1, 14; 5:31; Col. 1:9) 6 For the same reason (Phil. Caused (92). See Cause


carvmRs . ,.

Case(8).£x. 5:19; Dt. 19:4; 22:1; 24:13;

Ps. 144:15; Mt,5:20: 19:10; Jn. 5:6 Casement ( 1). window, Pt. 7:6 Treatment of
c.,Mum. 31:9-20; Judg. Cases (1), 1 Cor. 7:15

16:21; Dt.20:14; 2 Sam. 12:31; 2Ki. [ ggSphia (2),place in Persia.Eaa 8:17

8:12; 15:16; Isa. 51:14; Zech. 14:2 Kindnesstoc..2KL 25:27-30; Ps.l06:4€

Exalted.Gen.4b39-45;Esther 2:8;Dan.l Captivity (121) of Israelites foretold. Lev.
26:33; Dt. 28:36 Of 10 tribes. 2Ki. 17:6,23-24; 18:9-12 Ofjudah. 2Ki. 24:11-16;
25:1-30 Turned the c. of Job. Job 42:10 70 years c. of Judah, h 697-4
Bringingmeintoc.tosin.Rom.7:23 5 Bringing every thought into c. ,2 Cor.lO: -..
Led c. captive, v 210-1*; a-c 210-4*; Ps. 68;18; Eph. 4:8 Leadedi into c. go into,
Rev. 13:10 Carbuncle (3). 118; Ex. 28:17; 39:10; Ezek. 28:13 Carbuncles (1).
Isa. 54:12: i 722-1 Carcas (1). severe, Esther 1:10 Carcase (34). dead body, Lev.
11:8-40; Dt.l4:8: 28:26;lKi.l3:22-30; Mt.24:28 Carcases ( 20) Num. 14:29-33
Carcbemish (2). city on the river Euphra tes.Isa. 10:9; Jer. 46:2.See Charchemish

Care (20). C. of world, Mt. 13:22

Took c. of Mm. Lk. 10:34-35

Doth God take c. for oxen. 1 Cor. 9:9

C. of aU the churches. 2 Cor. 11:28

Take c. of the church of God,1 Tim. 3:5

Casting aUyourc. upon Him,lPet.5:7

Careah (1), bald head, 2 Ki. 25:23

Cared (3),Ps.l42:4;Jn. 12:6; Acu 18:17

Careful (1), 2 Ki. 4:13; Jer. 17:8; Dan

3715;Lk, 10:41; PhiL 4:6,10;Tit.3:8

C. f(W nothing, v 217-4*

Carefully ( 4). Dt. 15:5; Mic. 1:12; Phil

2:28: Heb. 12:17

Carefulness (4).Ezek. 12:18-19; 1 Chr.1

7:32; 2 Cor. 7:11 30:9

Careless( 5) Judg.l8:7; Isa.32:9-U; Ezek.

Carelessly( 3).Isa.47:8;Ezek. 39:6;Zeph.

2;]^ 5 34

Cates( 3).f 86-4*; Mk. 4:19;Lk. 8:14; 21: Carest (3),Mt.22:16; Mk. 4:38; 12:14
Careth (7),Dt. 11:12; Jn. 10:13; 1 Cot, 7:32-34; 1 Pet. 5:7 Caring (1). 1 Sam, 9:5
Carmel ( 26). A mountain range on the

Mediterranean near Haifa,IKi. 18:19—


33:9; 35:2; 37:24; Jer. 4€:18; 50:19;

Amos 1:2; 9:3;Mic.7:14;Nah.l:4. A city

5; 1

Casluhim (2).people of Mizraim, Gen.

10:14; 1 Chr. 1:12 Cassia ( 3). aromatic plant, ptobablycin-namon.Ex. 30:24; Ps.
45:8; Ezek. 27:19 Cast (509). Used 20 ways in Scripture: FDisinherit or expel
(Gen.21:10; G al. 4:30) 2 To throw (Ex. 7:10-12; Jn. 6:37)
3 Toe.lots Oosh.l8:6-10; Ps. 22:18)

4 Covet (Gen. 39:7)

5 Overthrow (Ex. 15:4)

6 Give birth ^x, 23:26)

7 To c. metal (Ex. 25:12; 26:37)

8 Driveoul(Lev.20:23;Mt.8:16:10:1)

9 Of falling fruit (Dt. 28:40)

10 To destroy (1 Ki. 9:7)

11 Scatter Qob 40:11; EccL 11:1)

12 To break (Ps. 2:3)

13 Be discouraged (Ps. 42:5-6, 11)

14 Throw off (Ps. 55:22)

15 To join (Pr. 1:14)

16 BuUd (Ezek. 4:2; 21:22; 26:8)

17 Set up (Dan. 7:9)

18 Make void (Dan, 8:12)

19 Get rid of faults (Mt. 7:5)

20 Reject On. 6:37) Cast away. 3 things to c., 313*

in Judah. Josh. 12:22; 15:55:19:25^

Sam. 26:2-40 Carmelite (5).l Sam, 30:5: 2 Sam. 2:2;

3:3: 23:35; 1 Chr. 11:37 Carmelitess ( 2). 1 Sam. 27:3; 1 Chr. 3:1 CamU
(8),'vinedresser. 3_men,Gen. 46:
(8),'vinedresser. 3_men,Gen. 46:

&; Ex. 6:14; Num. 26:6; Josh. 7:1, 18;

1 Chr. 2:7; 4:1; 5:3 Carmites (1), sons of Carmi, Nuir. 26:6 Carnal ( 11). Defined
, h 166-1*; c 177-4*; I am c.. Rom. 7:14 d 249-4*

C. mind enmity againstGod. Rom. 8:7

C. things. Rom, 15:27; 1 Cor. 9:11

C.Christians, ICoi. 3:1-4

C. weapons, 2 Cor. 10:4

C. commandments, Heb. 7:16

C. ordinances, Heb. 9:10 CamaUv (4), Lev. 18:20; 19:20; Num

5:13; Rom. 8:6 Carpenter (3), Isa. 41:7; 44:13: Mk. 6:3 Carpenter's (1), Mt.
13:55 Carpenterr (9),2Sam.5:ll;2 Ki.l2:ll; 22:6; 1 Chr. 14:1; 2 Chr. 24:12; Ezra

3:7; Jer. 24:1; 29:2; Zech. 1:20 Carpus( l).fruit. 2TIm. 4:13 17:22

Carriage ( 3) J)aRRageJudg.l8:21; 1 Sam. Carriages (3).baggage.Isa. 10:28;


Acu 21:15 Carried (144). See meanings under Carr^' earnest (1). Ps. 90:5
Cairieth (3). Job 21:18;27:21; Rev. 17:7 Carry (90). Used 7 ways in Scrlptiae: 1
To carry a load (Gen. 42:19; 50:13; Lk. 7:12; 16:22; 24:51; Acts 3:2)

2 Lead at drive (Gen. 31:18; 1 Ki. 8: 47: 2Ki. 17:6; Mt. 15:1)

3 Sustain or protect (Isa. 46:4)

4 Atone for 0sa. 53:4; Mt. 8:17)

5 Overwhelm or be moved by (Ps. 90:5; Job 21:18; Rev. 12:15)

1 thing not to c., 313*

God obligated IOC. away, b 887-4 Cast down, j 567-1; c 568-1 Cast off, o 234-
4* Castaway ( 1). o 182-4*; 1 Cor. ft 27 Castedst (l). Ps. 73:18 Ca5test (3).Job
4* Castaway ( 1). o 182-4*; 1 Cor. ft 27 Castedst (l). Ps. 73:18 Ca5test (3).Job
15:4; Ps. 50:17; 88:14 Casteth (16). C. wicked down.Ps. 147:6

C. out devils through the. Mt, 9:34; Mk, 3:22; Lk, 11:15

C. out fear. 1 Jn. 4:18

C. them, out of the church. 3 Jn, 10 Casting ( 21). C. a net, Mt, 4:18; Mk.l:16

6. o\R devils, Mk. ft38;Lk. 9:29

Clots, Mk. 15:24

C. gifts into treasury. Lk, 21:1-2

C. down imaginations. 2 Coi, 10:5

C. all care upon Him, 1 Pet. 5:7 Castle (9), 1 Chr. 11:5-7; Pt. 18:19;

Acu 21:34-37: 22:24: 23:10. 16, 32 Castles (6). Gen. 25:16; Num. 31:10; 1

Chr. 6:54; 27:25; 2 Chr. 17:12; 27:4 Castor and Pollux, a ship. Acu 28:11 Catch
( 14). C. Sre.

C. Bre. Ex.

"CTwife.' Judg. 21:21

C.words.l Ki.20:33: Mk.12:13:11:54

C.ths poor, Ps.lO:9

C.prey. Ezek. 19:3. 6

C.men. win souls, Lk. 5:10 CatchetK 3). Lev.l7:13; Mt.l3:19: Jn.lO: 12
Caterpiller (5). 1 KL 8:37; Ps. 78:46; Isa. 33:4; Joel 1:4; 2:25 Caterplllen
(4).2Chr. 6:28; Ps. 105:34;

Jer. 51:14, 27 Catholic epiales, or General epistles -the 7 from James

Jer. 51:14, 27 Catholic epiales, or General epistles -the 7 from James
throughjude, as distinguished from the 14Pauline epistles, Romans through
Hebrews Cattle (149). A terrousedof sheep, goats, an3 cattle. The flocks of sheep
and goau were sometimes called small cattle as distinguished from the bo-vineor
large stock (2 Chr. 35:8-9) Caught (37). Spirit c. away, AcB 8:39 CTuplo 3rd
heaven, 2 Cor. 12:2-3 C. you with guile, 2 Cor. 12:16 Cup together in the air, 1
Th, 4:17 C up to God and His throneJRev.l2;5 Caul (12). Large lobe of Uver.Ex.
2ftl3. 22; Lev. 3:4-15; 4:9; 7:4: 8:16, 25: ftlO, 19 Pericardium or perhaps the
chest surrounding the heart, Hos. 13:8 Cauls (1),netted caps,474; Isa. 3:18 C
ause (227). Used 6 ways in Scripture: rXperson,thing.or event that makes
something happen (Gen. 7:4; Ex. 9: 18: Lev. 26:16: Mt. 5:32:1*3)

2 A person's c a se or sute of affairs (Num. 27:5; Dt. 1:17; Job 5:8: 13:18; 23:4:
Ps. 35:1)

3 To the end (Jn. 18:37)

4 Because of Qer. 7:7.34; 2 Cor,4:16)

5 For this reason (Rom. 1:26: l3:6;Eph.

it to rain. Gen, 2:5 I

C a deep sleep to fall on.Gen. 2:21 C.me to be fruitful.Gen. 41:52 C the sea to go
back. Ex. 14:21 C. great joy. Acu 15:3 Causeless (2). 1 Sam. 25:31; Pr. 26:2
Causes (T).Ex. 18:19. 26; Dt. 1:16; Jer.j 3:8: Lam. 2:14; 3:58; Acts 26:21 i
Caus^st (2). Job 30:22; Ps. 65:4 Causeth (32). C. the curse.Num.5:18-27 |
Cthemto wander.Job 12:24; Ps.l07:40 C vapors to ascend.Ps. 135:7; Jer. 10: 13;
51:16 C. shame. Pr.l0:5: 14:35; 17:2:19:26, C. sorrow. Pr. 10:10 C. righteous to
go astray.Pt. 28:10 C her to commit adultery. Mt.5:32 C. us to triumph in Christ.
2C(W.2:14 Causeway ( 2), ICto. 26:16,18 33:12 CausiDg(
4),Song7:9;l3a.30:28Jer.29;10: Cave ( 32) dweUets.Gen. 19:30:1 Sam.22: rr?
-4:3-10; 2 Sam. 23:13: 1 Ki, 18:4-1 13; 1ft 9; 1 Chr. 11:15 |

Used as grave,Gen. 23:9-20; 25:8; 49: 29-32; 50:13; Jn. 11:38 Cave's (1). Josh.
10:27 Caves ( 6). Judg. 6:2; 1 Sam. 13:6; Job 30: 6: Isa. 2:19; Ezek. 33:27; Heb.
11:38 Cease (70). Day and night shall not c., "Sen: 8:22

4 things that v.lU cease:

1 Wicked from troubUng (Job 3:17) |

2 Wats(Ps. 46:9; Isa. 2:2-4)

3 Ariogancy of the proud (Isa. 13:11)

4 Lewdness (Ezek. 23:27. 48)

4 things commanded to cease:

1 Anger and wrath (Ps. 37:8)

2 C. from own wisdom (Pr. 23:4)

3 C from man (Isa. 2:22)

I 4 C. not to give thanks (Eph. 1:16) I Ceased (32). Manna c., Josh. 5:12 ! C. to
answer Job. Job 32:1 1 Windc.,Mt,14:32;Mk.4:39;6:51;Lk. ' When He c.Lk. 11:1

' C not to teach and preach. Acu 5:42

Offence of the cross c. .GaL 5:11 1 Suffered in flesh hath c.. 1 Pet. 4:1 I Ceaseth
(10).Ps. 12:1; 49:8; Pt. 26:20; I Isa. 16:4: 24:8; 33:8; Lam. 3:49; Hos.

7:4: Acu 6:13 : Ceasing (7).lSam.l2:23:Actt 12:5; Rom. 1 1:9; 1 Th. 1:3; 2:13;
5:17; 2 Tim. 1:3 I Cedar (50). C wood, xatlet, and hyssop, I Civ. 14:4-6, 49-52;
Num. Ift6 2 C.woodforDavId'shouse,2Sam.5:ll; 7: I C.woodfortemple, IKi. 4:33;
5:6-10; I .6:9-20,36; 7:2-12; ftll;lChr. 22:4 I C. wood for 2nd temple, Ezra 3:7
Word used figuratively, 2 KL 14-9; Ps. 92:12; Ezek. 17:3. 22-23; 31:3 I Cedars
(24). See Cedar Cedron (1). brook. Jn. 18:1. See Kidron Celebrate
(3).Lev.23:32.41;Isa.38:18 Celestial (2). heavenly. 1 Cot. 15:40 Cellars (2). 1
Chr. 27:27-28 Cenchrea (2) .city. Acu 18:18; Rom.l6:1 Censer (12),Lev. 10:1;
16:12; Num. 16: 17-18. 46; 2 Chr. 26:19; Ezek. 8:11; Heb. ft4: Rev. 8:3-5
Censers (8).Num.4:14; 16:6.17,37-39; IKL 7:50; 2 Chr. 4:22 I Census takers.
351; n 356-1 Centurion (20). captain of 100 soldiers in a Roman legion. The
duties of centurions were to drill their men, inspect their arms. food, and
clothing, and command diem in the camp and field 9 centurions of N. T.: 1 One
who ha d great faith (Mt. 8:1-13: Lk, 7:1-10)

2 One in charge of the crucifixion (Mt, 27:54; Mk. 15:39-45; Lk. 23:47)

3 Cornelius, the first Gentile convert (Acu 10:1-48)

3 Cornelius, the first Gentile convert (Acu 10:1-48)

4 One who rescued Paul C^cu 21:32; 22: 25-26)

5 One who helped Paul (Acts 23:17)

6 One who assisted in taking Paul to Caesarea (Acts 23:23)

7 Another who assisted In taking Paul to Caesarea (Acts 21:32)

8 One commanded to keep Paul (Acu 24:23)

9 Julius who look Paul to Rome (Acu 27:1-43; 28:16)

Centurion's (1). Lk. 7:2 Centurions (3), Acu 21:32; 23:17-23

Cephas (6). rock. Jn. 1:42; 1 Cot. 1:12;

3:22; ftS; 15:5; Gal.2:9. See Peta_ Ceremonies(1). a 133-4: N um. 9:3 Certain
(196). 72 "carta In "things: TTTace (Gen. 28:11; Lk, 11:1) 2 Man (Gen. 37:15;
Jn. 5:5; 11:1)

3 Adullamlte (Gen. 38:1)

4 Canaanlte (Gen. 38:2)

5 Rateeveryday(Ex,16:4;2Chr,8:13)

6 Men (Num.ft6: Acu 15:1; 17:34)

7 Children of Israel (Num.l6:2; Dan,l;

8 Fact (Dt. 13:14) 3)

9 Number (Dt. 25:2)

10 Women (Judg.9:53: Mk.5:25; 7:25)

11 Levites Oudg. 19:1; 1 Chr. 16:4)

12 Sons of BeUal Qudg. 1ft 22)

13 Additions (1 KL7:29|) UEdomites (1 Ki. 11:17)

13 Additions (1 KL7:29|) UEdomites (1 Ki. 11:17)

15 Officer (2 Ki. 8:6)

16 Y^ars (2 Chr. 18:2; Dan. 11:13)

17 Heads (2 Chr. 28:12)

18 Chief of the fathers (Ezra 10:16)

19 Men of Judah (Neh. 1:2)

20 Days (Neh. 1:4; 13:6; Dan. 8:27)

21 Portion (Neh, 11:23)

22 Priesu (Neh. 12:35; Lk. 10:31)

23 Jew (Esther 2:5; Acu 18:2, 24)

24 Elders (Jer. 26:17; Ezek. 14:1; 20:1)

25 Poor (Jer. 52:15-16)

26 Chaldeans pan. 3:8)

27 Jews (Dan. 3:12; AcU 14:19)

28 Saint Pan. 8:13)

29 Scribes (Mt. 8:19; ft3) 30Ruler (Mt, ftl8; Lk, 18:18)

31 King^lt. 18:23; 22:2)

32 Householder (Mt, 21:33)

33 Pharisees (Mk. 12:13)

34 Poor widow (Mk. 12:42; Lk. 21:2)

35 Young man (Mk. 14:51; AcU 20:9)

36 City (LK 5:12)

36 City (LK 5:12)

37 Centurion's servant (Lk. 7:2)

38 Creditor (Lk, 7:41)

39 Lawyer (Lk, 10:2^

40 Samaritan (Lk, 10:33)

41 Village (Lk, 10:38; 17:12)

42 Rich man (Lk, 12:16; 16:1. 19)

43 Beggar (Lk. 16:20)

44 Blind man (Lk. 18:35)

45 Nobleman (Lk. Iftl2; Jn.4:46)

46 Sadducees (Lk. 20:27)

47 Maid (Lk. 22:56)

48 Sedition (Lk, 23:19)

49 Season (Jn, 5:4)

50 Greeks On, 12:20)

51 Part (Acu 5:2)

52 Water (Acu 8:36)

53 Disciple (Acu ft 10. 36; 16:1)

54 Vessel (Acu 10:11; 11:5)

55 Brethren (Acu 10:23; 17:6)

56 Church members (Acts 12:1)

57 Prophets and teachers (Acts 13:1)

57 Prophets and teachers (Acts 13:1)

58 Sorcerer (Acu 13:6)

59 Damsel (Acu 16:16)

60 Lewd fellows (Acu 17:5)

61 Phflosophers (Acu 17:18)

62 Strange things (Acu 17:20)

63 PoeU(AcU 17:28)

64 Disciples (AcU 19:1; 21:16)

65 Things (Acu 23:17: 25:26)

66 Orator (Acu 24:1)

67 Questions (Acu 25:IS)

68 Prisonen (Aas 27:1)

69 Island (Acu 27:16. 26)

70 Creek (Acu 27:39)

71 Contribution (Rom. 15:26)

72 DweUingplace (1 Cor. 4:11) 12 Certainlv( 3 0).C.I will be with thee ,Ex.3:

Riches c. make themselves wings. Pr.

23:5 C tils was a righteous man.Lk. 23:47 Certainty (7). Josh. 23:13; 1 Sara.
23:23; Pr,22:21: Dan, 2:8;Lk. 1:4: Acts 21:34; 22:30 Certified (2). Ezra 4:14:
Esther 2:22 Certify ^5).2 Sam,15:28;Ezra 4:16; 5:10; 7:24; GaL 1:11 Chafed (1),
2 Sam, 17:8 Chaff (14). C, carried awayby wind,Job 21:18: Ps.b4; 35:5;
Hos.l3:3:Dan.2:35 C. burned, Isa. 5:24: Mt, 3:12; Lk.3:17 Wicked like c. .Ps.
1:4; 35:5; Isa. 17: 13: 29:5: 33:11 29

Chain 0-3) of gold. Gen. 41:42; Dan. 5:7-C as fetter, Acu 28:20; 2 Tim. 1:16
Chain 0-3) of gold. Gen. 41:42; Dan. 5:7-C as fetter, Acu 28:20; 2 Tim. 1:16
Great c. In Ms hand. Rev. 20:1 Chains (36). C of gold, Ex. 28:14-24: J^l-lS;
Num. 31:50; IKi. 6:21; Song 1:10; Isa. 40:19 C asfettenjer.3ft7; 40:1; 52:11:
Nah, 3:10; Mk. 5:3-4:Lk. 8:29; Acu 12:6-7' 2L33 C, of darkness, d-e 272-1*:
2Pot, 2:4 Everlasting c., Jude 6 19

Cha lcedony (1). precious stone.Rev. 21; Chalcol (1). sustaining. 1 KL 4:31. See

Calcol Chaldaeans tD.Acu 7:4. See Chaldeans Chaidea (7T.Jer. 50:10;51:24.35:


11:24: 16:29: 23:15-16 Chaldean (2). Ezra 5:12; Dan. 2:10 Chaldeans (66).
ordinary Inhabltanu of

Chaidea.Job 1:17: Isa. 23:13; 43:14; 47:1-5:48:14-20; Jer. 21:4-ft. 22:25; 24:5;
25:12; 32:4-43; 33:5: 35:11; 37: 5-14: 38:2-23; 3ft8: 40:9-10 14fold descrlptioa
of. i 909-1 Learned and wise men of the East. Jer. 50:35; Dan, 1:4; 2:1-10; 4:7;
5:7-11 Chaldeans' (1). Jer. 3ft5 ChalJees 0.3). Gen, 11:28-31: 15:7: 2

Cj.'Tiplete Concordan

Ki.24:2: 25:4-26; 2Chr,36:17;Neh.9:7 Chaldees' ai. Isa. 13:19 Chalkaones ( 1).

Isa. 27:9 CiiaUengeth f l). Ex. 22:9 Chanjber fg7). room, Gen. 43:30; Judg. 3:24;
15:1; 16:9. 12; 1 Ki. 1:15; 2 Ki. 1:2; 4:10-11; Acts 9:37-39; 20:8 Chamberinc;
(1). iUicit and habitual sexual relationship, Rom. 13:13 Chamberlain (6), v 37-1;
2 Ki. 23:11; Estlier2:3,14-15;Actsl2:20;Rom.l6:23 Chambeilains (9), eunuchs in
charge of harems, Esther 1:10-15; 2:21; 4:4-5; 6:2. 14; 7:9 Chambers (65),
rooms, 1 Ki. 6:5, 10; 1 Chr. 9:26,33; 23:28; 28:11-12; 2Chr. 31:11; Ezra 8:29;
Neh.l0:37-39; 12:44 C.of heaven,clouds,Ps.l04:3,13; 105:30 C. of death, rooms
of sheol, Ps. 7:27 C. of future temple, Ezek. 40:7-44; 41: 6-26: 42:4-13; 44:19;
45:5; 46:19 Chameleoo (1). a lizard that can change its colors, Lev, 11:30
Chamois (1), wild goat. Dt, 14:5 Champaim fl), flat open country, Dt. 11:
Champio n (3).l Sam. 17:4,23,51 30 Cha naan (2),Acts 7:11; 13:19.See Canaan
ce - Cyclopedic Index

Chance (6). Dt, 22:6; 1 Sam. 6:9; 2 Sam. 1:6; EccL 9:11;LI<. 10:31; ICor. 15:37
Chancellor (3^. Ezra 4:8-9, 17 Chanceth (l). Dt. 23:10 Change_(26). C, of
garments. Gen. 35: 2; Judg, 14:12, 19; Zech. 3:4 C. one thing for another. Lev.

33; Job 17:12 C. from life to death. Job 14:14 C. of creation, P«. 102:26;Heb.
33; Job 17:12 C. from life to death. Job 14:14 C. of creation, P«. 102:26;Heb.
1:12 C. times and laws, Dan. 7:25 C. glory to shame, Hos. 4:7 C. nand, Hab.
1:11 C. of customs. Acts 6:14 C.natuial use to perversion,Rom.1:26 C. my voice.
Gal. 4:20 C. our vile body, Phil. 3:21 C.ofthelaw,Heb.7:12 God does not c.
character, Mai. 3:6 ChangeofVepue. Acts 23:17-35; 25:9-11 Changeable TirrIsa.
3:22 Changed (45). 22 things changed: 1 Wages (Gen. 31:7, 41)

2 RaIment(Gen,41:14;2Sam. 12:20)

3 Color (Lev. 13:16, 55)

4 Names (Num. 32:38; 2KI. 24:17)

5 Behaviour (1 Sam. 21:13) 33)

6 Prison garments(2KI, 25:29; Jer. 52:

7 Heaven and eariii (Ps.l02:26; Heb.l: 8Glory(Ps,106:20;Jer.2:ll) 10-12) 9

Boldness of face (EccL 8:1)

10 Gods (Jer. 2:11)

11 Judgments (Ezek. 5:6)

12 Visage (Dan. 3:19)

13 Word (Dan. 3:28)

14 Hean (Dan. 4:16)

15 Countenance (Dan. 5:6-10; 7:28)

16 God's portion to Israel (Mic. 2:4)

17 Minds (Acts 28:6)

18 Glory of God O^om. 1:23)

19 Truth of G od (Rom. 1:25)

20 Body to immortality GCor.l5:51-52)

21 The righteous into image of Christ (2 Cor. 3:18)

21 The righteous into image of Christ (2 Cor. 3:18)

22 Priesthood and law (Heb. 7:12) Changers (1) of money, Jn. 2:14 Chapgers' d)
money, Jn. 2:15 Chang© (7).Gen,45:22; 2Ki. 5:5, 22-23, Job 10:17; Ps, 55:19

7 Moses to Israel (Dt. 27:11)

8 Josihua to Israel (Josh. 18:8)

9 Moses to Israel (Josh. 22:5)

10 Boaz to his young men (Ruth 2:9)

11 Saul to Israel (1 Sam. 14:28)

12 Joab to messenger (2 Sam. 11:19-20)

13 David to captains (2 Sam. 18:12)

14 David to Solomon (1 Ki. 2:1,43)

15 God to His prophet (1 Ki. 13:9)

16 God to Israel (2 Ki. 17:15, 3^

17 David to Solomon (1 Chr. 22:6)

18 JehoshaphafstoLevites(2Chr.l9:9)

19 God toCyrus(2Chr.36:23;b:zral:2)

20 Nehemiah to porters f:>eh. 13:19)

21 Mordecai to Esther(Esther 2:10,20) |

22 God to fallen angels Qob 4:18)

23 Jeremiah to Baruch Qer. 32:13)

24 Jonadab to sons 0er. 35:8) |

25 Jesus to disciples (10 times, Mt. 9: i 30; 12:16; 16:20; 17:9; Mk. 1:43: 3: 12;
5:43; 7:36; 8:15,30; 9:9: 10:48; Lk. 5:14; 8:56; 9:21) 26 Captain to boy (Acts
5:43; 7:36; 8:15,30; 9:9: 10:48; Lk. 5:14; 8:56; 9:21) 26 Captain to boy (Acts
23:22) Chargedst (1). Ex, 19:23 Charger (18). platter. Num. 7:13-85; I

\T* Ta.Q 1-1. \ #1. /»-r»r-i-trt

Josh. 11:4-9; 17:16-18; Judg. 4:3-16; 1 Sam. 13:5; 2 Sam. 8:4; 10:18; 1 Chx.
19:7; 2 Chr. 1:14 9 proofs c.not automobiles, c-d 908-1 C, ofGod, Ps. 68:17 C.
of fire. 2 Ki. i-11-12; 6:17 C. of Nineveh, Nah. 2:3-4, 13; 3:2

Charitably (1). Rom. 14:15

Charity (27). divine love C. edifieth, 1 Cot. 8:1 C. most Important grace, 1 Cor.
13 C.must be impelling force,1 Cor. 16:14 C. must be put on. Col. 3:14 C, Is a
commandment, 1 Tim. 1:5 C, must be followed, 1 Cor. 14:1; 2

Tim. 2:22; 3:10 C. must be fervent, 1 Pet. 4:8 C, covers multitude ofsiiis,lPet.
4:8 C.must be added, 2 Pet. 1:7

Charmed (1). Jer. 8:17

Oiarmer (1). Dt, 18:11

Charmers (2), Ps. 58:5; Isa.

Cbarmlng fl). Ps. 58:5

Chanan (2), Acts 7:2-4. See Haian

Chanagst (1), Job 14:20

Changeth f2l. Ps. 15:4; Dan. 2:21

ChapgiDg f lK Ruth 4:7

Channel fl). Isa. 27:12 8:7

Channels.(3),2Sam.22:16;Ps. 18:15: Isa.

Chant (1). Amos 6:5

Chant (1). Amos 6:5

Chapel (1). Amos 7:13

ChaEltet (13),head of a pOlar, 1 KL 7:

16-31; 2KL25:17; 2Chi.3:15;Jer.52;22 Chapiters (16). Ex. 36:28; 38:17-28; 2

KL 7:16-42; 2 Chr. 4:12-13; JeL52:22 Chapmen (1). merchants, traders, 2 Chr.

CliaBt(l), cracked, broken, Jer. 14j4 Character of saints. See Saint

C. of wicked. See Sins and Wicked Charashim (1), a valleyT 1 Chr. 4:14
Charchemlsh fl). 2 Chr. 35:20. See Carchemlsh Charge (101). Keep My c.. Gen,
26:5; Ezek. 44:16; Zech. 3:7

Keep the c. of the Lord, Lev. 8:35; Num. 9:23; 1 KI. 2:3

Keep HIsc., Dt 11:1 cWeablef 5).2Sam. 13:25;Neh. 5:15;

2 Cor. 11:9; 1 TIl 2:9; 2 Th. 3:8 Charged (51). 26 examples, people

charged: See 1 Th. 2:11;1 Tim. 5:16

1 Ablmelech to his people (G en. 26 :U)

2 Isaac to Jacob (Gen. 28:1)

3 Captain to Joseph (Gen. 40:'©

4 Jacob to sons (Gen. 49:2?)

5 Pharaoh to Ms people (Ex. 1:22)

6 Moses to judges (Dt. 1:16)

Chasteneth(5) J5t.8:5;Pt.l3:24; Heb.l2:

Charts aiid maps . Seeendoflndex Chase (6). Levr26:7-8. 36; Dt. 32:30;

Josh. 23:10; Ps. 35:8 Chased (13). Dt. 1:44; Jodi. 7:5; 8:24;

10:10; 11:8; Judg, 9:40; 20:43; Neh. 13:

10:10; 11:8; Judg, 9:40; 20:43; Neh. 13:

28; Job 18:18; 20:8; Isa. 13:14; 17:13; ChaKth(l). Pr. 19:26 Urn. 3:52

Chasing (1). 1 Sam. 17:53 Chaste|(3),2Cor.ll:2; Tit. 2:5; lPet3:2 Chasten (6^.2
Sam. 7:14; Ps. 6:1; 38:1; Pr. 19:18; Dan, 10:12; Rev. 3:19

Chastened (8).Dt. 21:18; Job 33:19; Ps.

69:10; 73:14; 118:18; 1 Cor. 11:32; 2

Cor. 6:9; Heb, 12:10 Chastenest (1), Ps. 94:12 6-7

chastening (6). Job 5:17; Pr. 3:11; Isa. 26:16; Heb. 12:5-11

5 degrees of c. upon Israel, b 150-1

Joy through c., e 150-4

8 results of c., 627

4 causes of c., e 565-1

40fold complaint In c,, f 565-1

Purpose of c., o 565-4

3 examples of c., k 642-4

True c., o 254-1*

Not sickness with Christians, n 254-1*;

8 reasons for c., k 254-4* 259»

Chastise (lO^.Lev.26:28: Dt. 22:18; IKi.

12:11-14; 2 Chr. 10:11,14; Hos. 7:12;

10:10; Lk, 23:16, 22 Chastised (5), 1 Ki. 12:11, 14; 2 Chr.

10:11-14; Jer. 31:18 ChastlsemeDt (5\. Dt. 11:2; Job 34:31; Isa. 53:5; Jer. 30:14;

Chasdseth d). Ps. 94:10

Chatter (1). peep, chirp, Isa. 38:14

Cbebar (8).river in Babylon,Ezek. 1:13; S:15, 23; 10:15-22; 43:3 Check (1). Job

-^:er (l), 1 KI. 7:17

ledoclaomer (5). servant of Lagamar,

ntn-in Aai*^. ^«« 1,1.1 11

a pagan deity. Gen. 14:1-17 nieck (9).lKi. 22:24; 2Chr. 18:23; Job l6:10; Ps. 3:7;
Lam. 3:30; Joel 1:6; Mic. 5:1; Mt. 5:39; Lk. 6:29

Cheeks (5), Dt. 18:3; Song 1:10; 5:13; Isa. 50:6; Lam. 1:2

Cheer( 10),Dt. 24:5;EccL 11:9; Ml 9:2;

l4:27; Mk.6:50; Jn. 16:33; Acts 23:11; Cheereth fl).Judg.ftl3 27:22,25,36

Cheerful (4).Pr. 15:13; Zech. 8:19; 9:17; Cheerf'illy (1) .Acts 24:10 2Cor.9:7

Cheerfulness (1), Rom. 12:8 Cheese (2). 2 Sam. 17:29; Job 10:10 Cheeses (1), 1
Sam. 17:18 Ctielal (1). completion, Eaa 10:30 Chelluh (1). union, Ezra 10:35
Cheli^ (2), wicker basket. 2men. 1 Cti.

4:11; 27:26

Chelub^(l) .binding together,! Chr. 2:9 Chemarlms (1), idolatrous priests, Zeph.
1:4. The Hd). word is trans, idolatrous Mt. 14:8, 11; Mk. 6:25, 28 C bargers(
3).platters.Num.7:84: Ezra 1:9 Charges (6). 2 Chr. 8:14; 31:16-17; 35: 2; Acts
21:24; 1 Cor. 9:7 Chargert (1), 2 Sam. 3:8 Chargiiig (2). Acts 16:23; 2 Tim, 2:14
Chariot (62). Second c. of king. Gen. 51745; 2 Chr. 35:24 C. of fire, 2 Ki. 2:11-
12 Cloudsac.ofGod,Ps.l04:3 7; 43:17 C.drawnbyasses,camels,horses,Isa.21: C.
drawn by spirit hcKses, Zech. 6:1-3 I Chariots (113) of war. Ex. 14:7-28; 15:4;
priesU(2KL23:5);and priegs( !los!.To:5) Coemosh ( 8).national god of Moab,d
priesU(2KL23:5);and priegs( !los!.To:5) Coemosh ( 8).national god of Moab,d
181-1; Num. 21:29; Judg, 11:24; 1 KL 11:7. 33; 2 KL 23:13; Jer. 48:7, 13, 46.
See False gods . 116 Chenaanah ( 5). subduer. 2 men. 1 KL 22:11, 24; IChr.
7:10; 2Chr. 18:10, 23 Chenani(l), planted. Neh. 9:4 Chenaniah (3), Jehovah is
firm. 2 mg i.

1 Chr. 15:22, 27; 26:29

Chephar-baammonai h) .citv.To.^h lSr9.i Chepiiijah (4). dtv. To^. 9:17; 18:26;

Ezra 2:25; .N'eh. 7:29 Chaan (2),lute.Gen. 36:26; IChr. 1:41 Cberethlir.s a). k
324-4; Ezek. 25:16 Chereilutes( 9l.k 324-4; o 338-4; 1 Sara, 30:14; 2 Sam, 8:18;
15:18; 20:7. 23; 1 KL 1:38. 44; IChr. 18:17; Zeph. 2:5 Cheridi (1). 1 KL 1:2
Chertdied (1). 1 KL 1:4 Cherisbea (2).Eph. 5:29: 1 Th,2:7 C herith (2). a brook,
1 KL 17:3-5 Cherub (30). Singular word; the plural is cheri±>im
.KameofaDlace,F.ZTaC>;.S9: Neh, 7:61; and a living angelic being. See Ezek.
9:3; 10:2-14 C. of gold on ark,Ex. 25:19; 37:8
Godridesonac.,2Sam.22:ll;Ps.l8:10 In the temple, 1 KL 6:24-27; 2 Chr. 3: 11-12.
Future temple, Ezek. 41:18 Lucifer an anointed c. that ruled the earth before
Adam, Ezek, 28:11-17. See Pre-Adamite world Cherubims (64). Hying angelic
beings Detailed description of, k-r 806-1; a-c 806-4; m 807-4; g 811-4; c 813-1;
a 813-4 Protected wayoftree of life,Gen. 3:24 C. of gold on aris.Ex. 25:18-22;
37:7-9 MadeoncurtaIns,Ex.26:l,31; 36:8,35 God dweUedberweenc.,Num. 7:89;
1 Sam.4:4; 2 Sam. 6:2; 2 Ki. 19:15; 1 Chr. 13:6; Ps. 80:1; 99:1; Isa. 37:16 Made
in temple,! Ki.6:23-35; 7:29,36; 8:6-7; ! Chr. 28:18; 2 Chr. 3:7-14; 5:7-8; Heb.
9:5 In future temple, Ezek. 41:18-25 Living creatures discribed,Ezek. 1:1-28;
8:1-3; 10:1-20; 11:22 Cherubims' (1). Ezek. 10:5 Cbesalon (1). a landmark. Josh,
15:10 Chesed (1). increse. Gen. 22:22 Chesil (1). a city, Jodi. 15:30 Chesnut(2)
trees,Gen. 30:37;Ezd<. 31:8 Chest (g). 2 KL 12:9-10; 2Chr. 24:8-11 Chests (1).
Ezek. 27:24 Chesulloth (1), a city, Josh. 19:18 Chew (3). Lev. 11:4; Dt. 14:7
Chewed fl). Num. 11:33 Cheweth (8).Lev. 11:3-7,26; Dt.l4:6-8 Che^ fl).a
place,Gen. 38:5, Perhaps Achzlb and Chozeba. which see CMckens g). Mt.
23:37 Chide (4).Ex. 17:2; Judg. 8:1; Ps. 103:9 Chlpig (1). Ex. 17:7 Chidon (1). 1
Chr. 13:9 Chief (336). 43 "chief' things: rCaptain (Gen. 21:22, 32; 26:26) 2Buaer
(Gen. 40:2,9,21-23; 4L-9) 3 Baker (Gen. 40:2,16, 22; 41:10)

4 Man (Lev. 21:4)

5 Levlte (Num. 3:32; IChr. 15:16,22)

6 House (Num. 25:14-15)

6 House (Num. 25:14-15)

7 Fathers (Num. 31:26; 32:28; 36:1)

8 Things (Dt. 33:15)

9 Rulers (2 Sam. 8:18; Jn. 12:42)

10 Officer (1KL9:23)

11 Guard (1 KL 14:27)

12 Priest (2 KI. 25:18; 2 Chr. 26:20)

13 Prince (IChr. 7:40)

14 Men (lChi,8:28; lChr.24:4: 26:12)

15 Porter (1 Chr. 9:26)

16 Governor (1 Chr. 29:22; Jer. 20:1)

17 Singers (Neh. 12:43; Hab, 3:19)

18 Musician (In title of 58 psalms)

19 Place (Pr. 1:21)

20 Friends (Pr. 16:28)

21 Spices (Song 4:14)

22 Nations Oer. 31:7)

23 Ointments (Amos 6:1)

24 Priests (65 times. Mt. 2:4; 16:21)

25 Seats (Mt. 23:6; Mk. 12:39)

26 Elders (9 times. Mt. 21:23; 26:47)

27 Scribes (14 times. Mt, 2:4; 16:21)

27 Scribes (14 times. Mt, 2:4; 16:21)

28 Captains (Mk. 6:21)

29 DevQ (Lk.ll:15)

30 Pharisees (Lk. 14:1)

31 Rooms (Lk, 14:7; 20:46)

32 PubUcan (Lk. 19:2)

33 Speaker (Acts 14:12)

34 Brethren (Acts 15:22)

35 City (.-\cts 16:12)

36 Women (Acts 17:4)

37 Ruler of the synagogue (Acts 18:8)

38 Jews (Acts 25:2)

39 Men of the island (Acts 28:7)

40 Corner Stone (Eph.2:20; lPet.2:6)

41 Sinner (1 Tim. 1:15)

42 Sheplerd (1 Pet, 5:4)

43 AposUes (2 Col 11:5; 12:11) Cbiefest f9l.l Sam, 2:29; 9:22; 21:7; 2

Chr. 32:33; Song 5:10; Mk. 10:44; 2 Col 11:5; 12:11 Chienv<
31Jlom.3:2JhiL4:22:2Pat.2;in Child (198). Known by doings, Pl 20:11 Train up
a c. In the way, Pr. 22:6 Foolishnessboundinheanof, Pr. 22:15 Withhold not
correction from ,Pr.23:13 C.left to himself bringeth.Pr, 29:15 Unto us a Child is
bora, Isa. 9:6 A little c. shall lead them, Isa. 11:6 C. die 100 years old, Isa. 65:20
Delivered of a man c., Isa. 66:7 A virgin shall be with c., Isa. 7:14 Humble
himself as Uttie c. ,Mt. 18:4 Twofold mate the c.of hell,Mt23:15 Woe to them
with c. ,Mt,24:19 C. grew, waxed strong, Lk. 1:80; 2:40 C. of the devil. Acts
with c. ,Mt,24:19 C. grew, waxed strong, Lk. 1:80; 2:40 C. of the devil. Acts
13:10 I When I was a c., I spake, 1 Col 13:11 i Devour her c. as soon. Rev. 12:4
I C, caught up to God, Rev. 12:5 I 10 uses of word in Isaiah, b 688-1
Childbearing( l). 1 Tim. 2:15 CfiilJbood (2).l Sam. 12:2;EccL 11:10 Childish
(1). 1 Col 13:11 ; Childless (7).Gen. 15:2; Lev. 20:20-21; . 1 Sam. 15:33; JeL
22:30; Lk. 20:30 Children ( 1. 735). C. of Israel (used 626 times). Gen. 32:32;
45:10; 46:8 C, of 12 tribes. Num. 1:10-42; 7:24-78 C.ofJudah(33 Times),
Josh.l4:6;15:l C.of Lot,Dt,2:9; Ps. 83:8 C. of Esau, Dt. 2:12 C.of Amman,
Dl2:19 C.of the Anakims, Dl 9:2 C.ofBeLial,Dt. 13:13; Judg. 20:13 C.of the
East,Judg.6:3,33; 7:12 C.of the captivity, Ezra 2:1-61; 6:16, 19-20; 10:7, 16;
Neh. 7:6-73 C.of Abraham ,Mt.3:9;Lk.3:8;GaL3:7
C.ofGod>lL5:9;Lk.20:36;Rom. 8:16.

21; 9:8. 26; GaL 3:26; i-j 85-1* C.of the kingdom. Ml 8:12; 13:38 C. of the
bridechamber. Ml 9:15 C. of the wicked. Ml 13:38 C.of the Highest, Lk, 6:35
C.of the resurrection, Lk. 20:36 C.ofUght Jn.l2:36; Eph,5:8; 1 Th.5:5 C. of the
prophets. Acts 3:25 C.of the flesh, Rom. 9:8 C. of the promise, GaL 4:28
C.ofdisobedience.h 209-1*; Eph 2:2: 5:6; CoL 3:6 C.of wrath, k 209-1*; Eph.
2:2 C.of the day, 1 Tli.5:5 C. of the devil, IJn. 3:8-10 Little c.Jn.2:l,12-18. 28;
3:7. 18; 4:4; 2 commands for c. .b 212-1* 5:21

Examples of humility, b 45-4*

4 reasons c. to obey, c 212-1*

5 ways to carry c., c 719-1 Age of accoontabllty unknown.1 21-1* When named,
f 57-4*

C^,drenJs_(18).C. of chUdren.Gen 45:

10; Ex."34:7; 2 Ki. 17:41; Ps. 103:17;

128:6; Pl 17:6; Jer. 2:9; Ezek. 37:25

C.bread. ML 15:26; Mk, 7:27-28

Child's (4),Ex. 2:8; 1 KL 17:21: Job 33:

25; ML 2:20 3:3

Chlleab (1). perfection of fatter, 2 Sam.

Chlllon (2). wasting away. Ruth 1:2, 5

Chfllon's fl). Ruth 4:9

-IiT(l). a place, Ezek. 27:23 iham (4), pining. 2 Sam. 19:37-40; C himney
(l),Hos.l3:3 Jer.41:17

Chinnereth (4). A district,Josh. 11:2 A city of NaphtaU. Josh, 19:35 The sea
ofGalilee.Num.34:11; Dt 3:17; Joiul3:27. See Chinneroth.CInneroth. Gennesare
i, Galilee ChInnarotti( g)'josh. 11:2; 12:3. See Chinnereth, ?
tnnaroth,Gennesaret.GalDee Chios (1), an Island. Acts 20:15 Chirp and chatter,

^—-u (2), 9th month of Jewish calen-ar(our December),Neh. 1 •!; Z^ch. '':1
Chidon (1), strengui, Num. 34:21 Chlsloth-tabot (l).a place. Josh. 19:12

Chtttto (6), the Island of Cyprus, Num 24:24; Isa. 23:1, 12; Jer. 2:10; Ezek, 27:6;
Dan, 11:30

Chiun (1). god of Phenicia, Amos 5:26 Chloe (1), tender shooL A woman at
Corinth, 1 Col 1:11

Chode (2). past tense of chide, a 179-1;

Gen. 31:36: Num. 20:3 Choice (21). C. sepulchres. Gen. 23:6 C.vine, Gen. 49:11
C.vows, Dt, 12:11 C. and godly young men, 1 Sam, 9:2 C. men of Israel, 2 Sam.
10:9; 1 Cht 7:40; 19:10; 2 Chr. 25:5 C.city, 2Ki. 3:19 C, fir trees. 2 Ki. 19:23;
Isa. 37:24 C. sheep. Neh.5:18 C. silver and gold,Pr. 8:10,19; 10:20 C.cedan.Jer.
22:7; Ezek. 31:16 C. bones, Ezek. 24:4 C. of the flock, Ezek. 24:5 Choices. See
Choose.Chose. and Choaen Godmadechotce sl34tijnes), Num. 16: 7; i7:5;Dt,
7:6:12:5-26; 14:2.23-25;

15:20; 16:2-16; 17:8-15; 18:5-6; 21:

5; 23:16; 26:2; 31:11; 1 Sam.2:28; 10:

24; 2Sam.21:6;l Ki. 14:21; Neh. 9:

7; Zech. 1:17; 2:12; Job 15:5; Ps. 65:

4; Acts 15:7; etc, Man madechoices( 40 times).Ex. 17:9;

4; Acts 15:7; etc, Man madechoices( 40 times).Ex. 17:9;


2 Sam.l6:18; 17:1; 24:12; 1 Ki.I8:23.

25;lChr.21:10-ll;Job7:15; 9:14; 34;

4;Ps. 25:12; Pr. 1:29; 3:31; Isa. 7:15;

41:24;Ezek,21:19; Phll.l:22;Heb.ll; 25 God recognizes man's power tochoose

Con.pletc Concordance - Cyclopedic Index



and N^-ill hold him responsible for choices,lChr.21:10-ll;Pr.l:29;3:31;

Mk.16:15-16; Lk.l3:l-5;Jn.3:14-18, 36; 2Tlm. 2:4-5; 2Pet. 3:9; ljn.l:9; Rev.
22:17 Man recognizes his own power of !_P<

choice Jo^.24:15:Job34:4.33;Pr.l:29 Man Is commanded to make choices.

tlt.36:15; Josh.24:15; lChr.21:10-11: Pr. 3:31; Lk. 13:1-5; Acts 2:38.See
scriptures, 227, 237-238, 263, 284* Choicest (2), Isa. 5:2: 22:7 Choke (2), Mt.
13:22; Mk. 4:19 Choked (6).Ml.l3:7;Mk.4:7;5:13:Lk.8:7. Choler
(2),Dan.8:7:11:11 14,33

Chopse (57).See scripturesunder Choices i. life, Dt. 30:19 Josh.24:15

C. you diis day whom you will serve. Did not c. fear of the L(Kd,Pr. 1:29
Cboosea (2), Job 15:5; Ps, 65:4 Chooseth (3).Job 7:15; Isa. 40:20:41:24
Choostng qi.Heb. 11:24 Chop (1), Mic. 3:3 Chot-ashaii (1), city, 1 Sam. 30:30
Chorazia ^.city.Mt. ll:21;Lk.lO:13 Chose (29) . 18 examples, making choice:
TTallen angels c. wives (Gen, 6:2) 2 Lot c. plains (Gen. 13:11)

3 Moses c. able men (Ex. 18:25)

4 God c. Israel (Dt, 4:37; 10:15)

5 Joshua c. warriors (Josh, 8:3)

6 Israel c.God (Josh. 24:22)

6 Israel c.God (Josh. 24:22)

7 Israel c. new gods (Judg. 5:8)

8 Saul c, warriors (1 Sam. 13:2)

9 David c, stones (1 Sam. 17:40)

10 Joab c. warriors (2 Sam. 10:9)

11 Job c, for others (Job 29:25)

12 Davidc,wayoftruth(Ps.ll9:30,173)

13 Israelc,idolatrousgardens(Isa.1:29)

14 Israel c. hei own ways (Isa. 66:3)

15 Christc.di>ciples(Lk.6:13; Jn. 6:70; 13:18; 15:16. 19; Acts 1:2)

16 Mary c. the good (Lk. 10:42)

17 Pharisees c. chief rooms (Lk. 14:7)

18 Paul c. Silas (Acts 15:40) Chosen (121). See Choices and Chose

A good name rather to be c. ,Pr. 22:1 C. In furnace of afflictioa, Isa. 48:10 This
is the fast I have c.. Isa. 58 They have c, their own ways, Isa. 66:3 My servant
whom I have c., Isa. 43:10; Mt. 12:18 Many called, few c, ,Mt.20:16; 22:14
Christ, the c. of God,Lk. 23:35 Ye have note. Me, but I have.Jn. 15:16 C. you
out of the world, Jn. 15:19 He is a c. vessel, Acts 9:15; 22:14 God hathc. the
foolish, weak, de^iised things, 1 Cor. 1:27-28 Hath not God c.the poor.Jas. 2:5
C. of God and precious, 1 Pet. 2:4, 9 Cbozeba (1), city of Judah, 1 Chr. 4:22
Christ (558). See Messiah Name defined, a 1-1* 18 introductions of, 112
Endorsed Moses as autiior, h 133-1

Divlnltv of Christ Number of times name used, a 1-1* Called by Divine titles, f
7-4*; f 96-4* His divine credentials. 1 11-1* Deity of, e 7-4*; u 16-1*; b-e 93-1*
Accepted worship as God. u 16-1* A separate person &om the Father and Holy
Spirit, e, k 18-1*; 280» 14 testimonies of Sonship. e 18-1* A rock and stone, m
18-l*;k48-4»; h
560-4; 624 Present onmipresence of, j 20-1* Was David's Lord, o 25-1* The
ooly begotten Son of God, e 33-

!•; q 44-4»j n, u 93-1* Creative power, a 37-4^ Son of God. a 1-1»; u 15-1*: k
52-1' Power of His name, x 54-4* No eternal sonship as deity, d 57-1*
MemberofDivineTriiiity,b63-l*. See StItlesof.l 69-4» Trinity God's beloved Son.
c 84-4* Object of worship, m 91-4* The Uving Word, b 93-1* Before and after
John, a 9B-4*

7 witnesses of, a 94-1*

One with the Fatei, i-q 98-4*: 105* Fellow God, 930 Unlimited in power, a 99-
1* Sealed by God, e 100-4* Creation wasby Him,d 93-1*; a 219-4* One wlA
God. k 107-1*; 105 Proved conuct with God.b 108-1* The "I am," f 112-1*; m
116-1* Not everywhere bodily, s 112-4* His 3 estates, t 115-1* Equal with God,
a 115-4* Made both Lord and Christ, o 124-1* Called the Holy One.k 125-1*
8fold Prince, n 125-1* Angel of the Lord, o 130-1*; b 293-1* Seen at God's right
hand,e 131-1* Called Lord Jesus, p 133-1* 8fold description of, 1 286-4* 20
facts about, b 301-4* 12fold Stoneship of, r 604-1 Declared to be God's Son, 1,
m 160-1* Called Jehovah, g 183-1* WasGod (1 person of deity) from eternity, i-
j 216-P An eternal Being, a, e, 219-4* 12 facts about, see Firstborn, 222* 14
facts about, 231' Fulness of theGodheadbodily, 231* Planned the ages, 256*

8 facts about, 256* 10 titles of, d 256-4*

5fold character and position of, 258*

8 facu about, 269^

10 things about, 274*

10 things concerning, b 275-1*

3 witnesses of His Sonship, a 278-4* Alpha and Omega, u 286-1*

Humanity of Ctaist Greater than 3 things, v 13-1* 7 prophecies of. g 12-4* Had
great compassion, j 9-4* Wisdom of, r 15-4*; b, f 49-1* Had half-brothers, half-
sisters, bl5-4*; r 40-4^; d 67-4* Humanity of, p 23-1*; r 93-1* Son of Abraham
and David, b.k 1-1* SonofMary(Miriam),u 15-1*; q40-4* Son of man. r 52-4*: h
94-4* Sooship refers to humanity, not deity, d 57-1*; u 58-1*; f 139-1* 7 prayers
94-4* Sooship refers to humanity, not deity, d 57-1*; u 58-1*; f 139-1* 7 prayers
of, in Luke, p 60-1* A Jew of tte tribe of Judah. j 93-1* Had a seamless garment,
f 118-1* Concerned for His mother, j 118-1* Jesus of Nazareth, w 123-4* The
sinless One, 269» 2 things He is caUed, a 289-4* Character of, k 568-4 Groaned
In the Spirit, i 43-4* Weeping and walling,s 83-4*; q 108-1*

Chfldhood of Christ Genealogy, k 1-1*; a-b 60-4*

4 women in His genealogy, h 1-1* Birth expected, s 1-^

Binh (Mt. 1:18-23; Lk. 2:1-52)

Age when MagJ visited, m 2-1*

Learned a trade, p 40-4*

Limited in knowledge,a 51-1*; q 98-4*

Not bom in December, p 58-1*

Of a poor family, j 58-4*

Handled by Simeon, u 58-4*

Had a true "kenosis", d 59-4*; Isa. 7:

14; 9:6-7; U:l; 50:4; Heb.2:17; 5:8 Wrapped in swaddUngbands,b 58-4* 10 facts
about childhood, k 59-1* A son of the law, m-o 59-1* Wisdom at age of 12, r
59-1* His teachers, t 59-1* Foster father, m-o, w 59-1*; t 60-1* Genealogy
difficulties explained, a-b 60-4*

Prepararion for mininry Water and Spirit baptisms (Mt. 3:16) His 3fold test, c 3-
4* His education, r 102-1* Necessary He became human, f 246-1* His ears open
to God, k 566-1

Kllnistry of Christ Purpose of first advent, i 2-1* Called a Nazarene, d 2-4*

Claimed by God as His Son, h 3-1* First words of, 1 3-1* History of mlnstry
(Mt, 4:12-26:35) First travelling evangelist, p 3-4* Abolished Mosaic law, f 4-4*
Gave new laws, m 4-"? 8-^

Made Capeniaum His headquarters, c Fir St recorded forgiveness in N.T.,g 8-4*

Delegated authority, j 8-4* Came to save sinners, p 3-4* Put out mockers, r 9-1*
3fold ministry of, h 9-4* Compassion of, j 9-4* Sought God's wiU, o 9-4*
Answered JohntheBaptist.l 11-1* First general invitation, a 12-1* Started
building the church, n 18-1* Healed all without excepdon.b 15-4* Prayed with
eyesopen.c 16-1*; c 108-4* His prayer Ufa, h 16-1* 16-4*

Broke customs, not laws.i. m 12-1*; h Paid taxes, x, a 19-1*

2 triumphal entries into Jerusalem, m 22-4*. Cp. 5 entries, 148-1"

His power, s 23-1* Gifts of, 1 24-4*; i 36-4*; c 63-1* Silenced enemies, p 25-1*
End of pubUc ministry, a 29-4* Secret disciples of,k33-l*; a-b 80-1* 15 events
of His last days. 1 33-1* Power over wild beasts, w 35-1* Known by demons, j
35-4*; h 39-4* Ignored ceremonial cleansing, 1 36-1* Angered at hypocrisy,
137-1*; k63-4* Fearless and bold, d 37-4* Alone with God. f 38-4*; c 42-1*
Power over the elements, d 39-4* Knew when men were healed, k 40-1*

3 close disciples of, t 40-1* Visit to home town, n 40-4* Multiplied bread, k 41-

Did miracles by Holy Spirit, k 41-4*;

g 42-1*; Acts 10:38 66-4*

His power to forgive sins, h,k 36-4*; p 7 things He did, healing one who was

deaf, p 43-1* Cursed the fig tree, o 47-4* Contrasted with others, h 62-1*; u 62-
4* Had many disciples, e 65-4*; e 74-1* Lord of Sabbath, c, j 63-4* 32 tilings
came to do, s 63-1* A preacher, v 64-1*; 1 65-1* Confirmed Scripture, j 48-4*
True confessloo of, o 48-4 Greater than John the Baptist,e-f 66-1* Confirmation
of His claims, o 52-4* Answered questions, i-j53-r 6 proofs of MessiahsUp. q65-
4*; d 88-4* Fulfilled the law, t 58-4* When 30 years of age, s 60-1* Fame of,
161-1*; q 61-4^ 2fold ministry of, t 61-1* Miraculous escape, i 61-4* Power
over diseases, b 62-1* Why forbad demons to speak, g 62-1* His miracle of fiA,
r 62-1*: a 62-4* Gift of discernment, c 63-1*: i 63-4*; m 95-1*; c 66-4*; d 97-
1* Never stayed where unwelcome,f 68-1* Dealings with sinners, k 66-4*
Dealings with hypocrites, k-1 66-4* How supported, a 67-1* Answered prayer
of demons, h 68-1* Mistaken for Elijah, q 68-4* Transfiguratioo (Mt, 17; Lk. 9)
His true mlssioo, g, m 70-1* Rejoicing In spirit, q 71-1* Rdjuke of Martha, c 72-
1* Proof of power, k 72-4*
4 years of ministry, i 76-1* Last trip to Jerusalem, e 76-4* Kingdom postponed,
f 83-1* 99-4* Confirmed invitation of Pentateuch, 1 3 puriScarioQS of temple, c
84-1* Purpose of His mission, f78-l*

Last 5 days of teaching, g 84-1* Refused to woiJ< a miracle, o-p 88-4* The
green tree, m 89-1* Challenging His enemies, t-u 102-1* Wrote on the ground, c
103-4* The true light, h 93-1* Introduced to Israel, y 93-1* The term Messiah
defined, o 94-1* Discerned Peter, r 94-1* Discerned Nathanael, a 94-4* Not a
baptizer in water, i 96-1* Healed at the pentagon (In. 5) God bore witness of, v
99-1*; c 99-4* Rejected human kingship, j 100-1* His miracle of the ship, o
100-1* Sent by God, m 113-4*: Knew 2 things, m 101-4* lOfold testimony of
disciples, t 115-1* 43 times claimed sent of God, m 113-4*; o 115-1* Once
withheld doctrines, t 114-1* His longest prayer, e 115-1* Had power of life, i-j
115-1* Refused to condemn further, k 103-4*

5 feasts attended by Him, a 107-1* Worked In Father's name,e 107-1* 3 great

miracles performed, b 109-1* Lost only 1 disciple, b 115-4* Prayed for unity of
disci pies, u 115-1* 7 things prayed, for disciples, u 115-1* 10 claims in Jn. 17, c

Lived adiversified life, g 116-1* Spared lives of enemies, n 116-1*

Protected disciples, p, t 116-1*

-Approved of God by miracles.x 123-4*

Fulfilled prophets, s 125-1*

Preached peace, g 135-1*

12 contrasts with Adam, 174*

Was sinless, h 166-4*

4 reasons He was sinless, 17?

7 contrasts with Adam, 1 189-1*

Poor, yet rich, 1 196-4*

Set forth in prophecy, g 203-4*

Set forth in prophecy, g 203-4*

7 steps in His humiliarion,h 216-1*

Humbled Himself, 1 216-1*

7 steps in His exaltation, m 216-1* A public servant, f 250-1*

4 things He did not do, 270*

Blessiiii^s of Clyist Example to mlnisten of today, k 9-1* 14 ways to be like

Him, f 10-4* 4 things about, g 12-1* 18 blessings of, t 36-1* GentUes blessed
by, i 93-1* 10 reasons Jews killed Him, 105* 16 things finished by Him, 121*
20 blessings in, g 278-4* Bride of Cbrlst,a city,c 303-4*; 312* Wife of, 312*
Marriage of, 312*

Doctrines of Christ 3 arguments of, q 12-4* Teaching on divorce, a 21-1*

Teaching concerning Caesar, p 24-4* Teaching on vows, v 25-1*

8 woes pronounced by, o 26-1* Last plea to Israel (Mt. 23:37-39) His greatest
prophecy (Mt. 24-25) Wamingof false Christs(Mt. 24:5,24) His answer to Judas,
1 30-4* Promised all trudi, d 39-1* 4» Taught great truths, Mt. 5-7;Lk. 6;n 74-
Hls use of the word Father , r 71-1* 40 lessons from, n 74-4*

Advice on mammon, a, e 79-4* Answering questions of enemies J 84-1* 16

lessons on sheep, h 106-4* Ask me nothing, f 114-4*; i-1 114-4* 12 great
lessons, 121* 111-1*

Washed feet of dlsclples,q,s 110-4*; d-p

Public opinion of Christ Slandered by many, 1 11-4* 12 modem statements

about, r 17-4* Rejected of moD, b, d 24-1*; s-v 117-1*: a-q 117-4* His greatest
crime (?), o 76-1* Hostility to Him, b 81-1* False concepts of first advent, a 82-
4* 4fold description of, i 24-4*

2 great testimonies of, n 32-4* Accused of insanity, b-c 38-1* Josephus'

testimony of, o 52-4* A mystery to Pilate, j 53-1*

A stumbling-block, c 59-1* 2fold reason for rejecrioo of, g61-4* Testimony of

John the Baptist, b 66-1* Description unknown, m 82-4*; 743 Rejection of, d
84-4* 3fold testimony of, m 84-1*
3 accusations against, h 88-4* Innocence declared, j-1. t 88-4* Rejected by His
brethren, g 102-1* Why Jews hated Him, h 102-1*;105 Enemies attempted to
stone Him J105-1*; 1 107-1* One of 5 accused of madness,! 106-4^ Hated
without a cause, p 113-^ Life-story Incomplete, q 120-4*

4 classes against Him. h 126-4*

A stumblingstone to others, h 168 -4* Bore sicknesses of all men, e 8-1* Bore
infirmities of all men.e 8-1* Bote sins of all men,c 164-1*; x 251-1*; a 252-1*: h
266-4* Dead 3 full days and nlghu, r 13-1* Gave Himself ransom for all, g 22-
4* Became our substitute, h 22-4* Ate the passover, a 30-1*; c-q 87-1* His cup
In Gethsemane, c 30-4* Only repeated prayer of, f 30-4^ Hlshourof suffering.h
30-4*; m 109-^ Held His peace, m31-l*; a 32-1* Insulted by His enemies, t 31-
1* Bound as a criminal, i 31-4*
6 witnesses to His Innocence, n 31-4* RoasoD He would not save self4 32-4*

7 sayings on the crt»s, r 32-4* Dismissed ^Irit, a 33-1*; h 54-1* CruclfixloB of.
d 29-4*

Redernpdve minlsyy of Clirist Crucified Wednesday,l,n 33-1*; q 86-4*

Resurrected Sunday, a 33-4*; a, j 54-4*; k 69-1*; s 97-4* Angels first testified to
His bodily resurrection, h 33-4* Touched before first ascension.k 33-4* Sealing
His tomb, q 33-4* Angels ministered to Him, x 35-1* 3 anointings, j 29-4^; b
66-4*; 1109-1* Sore amazed, g 52-1*; e 54-4* Fell from exhaustion, I 52-1*
Trialof,g,1.1,0 52-4*; f53-l*;b 88-4* 9fold mockery by soldiers, g 53-4*

Complete Concordajice - Cyclopedic Index

Fulfilled the law, k 165-4*; 201

4 tedernptive acts, a 167-4* The Passover Lamb, n 179-1* Oui sin offedng, h

2 things He died for, c 204-1*

3 drinks offered, k 53-4* Time of death, 1 53-4*: b 54-1* Mockery by enemies,

o 53-4* Purpose of death, q83-4*: j 115-1* Hardest suffering of all, d 54-1*
Made way of access to God, i 54-1* Why special burial of, r 54-1* First and last
recorded words, X 59-1* Kooosis of, d 59-4*; h 70-4*; 218* Plot against His
life, m 86-4* Conquest of heU, c 80-1*

7 great predicticms of, m 82-1* His victory, q 83-4* Evenu of last days, c 84-1*
Submitted to His enemies, h 84-4* Agony in the garden, s-u 87-4*

5 classes arrested Him, f 88-1*

5 crosses at the cruclfudon, 132-4* Sufferings necessary, j 90-4* Conquered

Satan, q 83-4*:m 50-4*

3 things He was "made", r 93-1 Took away sin, u 93-4*

7 things In John of, k 100-1* Teachings oTTBy Rabbis, h 102-4* His last week
7 things In John of, k 100-1* Teachings oTTBy Rabbis, h 102-4* His last week
here, h, x 109-1*; j-k

110-4*: b 117-1*

8 lessons from wheat, n 109-4* Was lifted up to draw men, i-j 110-1* Opposed
to Satan, c 113-1* Completed His work, q 115-1* Questioned by Pflate, k 116-
4* Answers the high priest, 1 116-4* Injustice to Him, n 116-4*

10 times led by others, u 116-4*

Last words on the cross, m 118-1*

Gave up His soul, o 118-1*

His side pierced, a 118-4*

Condition of His tomb, a 119-1*

His judgment taken away, o 132-1*

Died for us. r 164-1*

5 reasons He gave Himself, 207*

AboUshed law by death, e 209-4*

Descended to heU, f-I 210-4*

10 works of, 214^

2 conquests of, 222*

Death assures salvation, k 225-1* 1*

MedlatorbetweenGod and man,b 233—

Gave Himself ransom for all, c 233-1*

4 acts of, u 238-1*

2 benefits of His death, a 243-1*

3 ways obtained great name.t 245-1* Tasted death for all, s 245-4* Offered 1
offering for sin, k-x 251-1* Joy setbefore Him helped to endure the sufferings, e
254-4* 8 facts about, 258*: g 267-4* A perfect sacrifice, 259* Finished
sacrifice, 259* Victorious sacrifice, 259*

3 purposes of His suffering, h 267-4*

4 things He did, 269*

3 reasons for His death, 269* 7fold example of, 270* Prophecies fulfilled In,
318* lOfold suffering, n 579-1 30 facts about, 624 Post-resuncectiqn ministry of
Christ First resunected bodily to enter the immortal state, a 188-4* Given power
after resunectlon,b 34-1 Commanded all teachings obeyed,d 34-Commlssioned
disciples (Mt.28:19) 1' Changed to different form, o 54-4* 21 proofsresurrected
bodlly,d-k 91-1*; k 120-1*; d, h 124-1*; a 165-1* Power to retain Identity, e 90-
4* Appeared to disciples (Lk. 24) Opening Scriptures to others, c 91-4* Left
peace to disciples, v 112-4* Appeared to Mary, h 119-1* Ealing after
resurrection, v 101-1*; a "Touchmenot", n 119-1* 101-4*

His brethren, d67-4*:p 119-1* Gave disciples power, a 119-4* Manifestadons

after resurrection, n,q

119-4*; I, k 120-1* Questioned Peter, 1 120-1* CommlssIOBed Peter, n 120-1*

Post-resurrection ministry, e 122-1* 15 things discussed, k 122-1* Discussion
Spirit baptism, n 122-1* Proof of His resurrection, 1 135-1* 514 witnesses, h
188-1* Resunectlon a guarantee, h 139-1'

m 144-4* 2 major events fulfilled. 1 124-1*

A«censton ministry of Christ Now at tiglr hand of God, n 25-1* 2 ascensions, n

70-1*; m 95-4*; a 122—

4*; Jn. 20:17; Acul:9 Saviour, w 58-1*; y 58-4*; r 97-4* Prince of Peace, d 58-
4*; 733 Perfected, r 76-4*: v 245-4* Redemptloo by Him, e a3-l* Lamb, a
symbol of,t 93-4*: c 289-4*

Baptizer in the Spirit, f 94-1*

Led captives to heaven, c-d 33-1*; e

Salvation by, b 96-1* 246-1'

Salvation by, b 96-1* 246-1'

Purpose of resurrection, 1 112-4*

3 reasons He went away, a 114-4*

A 7fold way, 121*

21 reasons for greater works, 121*

The theme of the gospel, h 160-1*

Baptism into Christ, i 164-4*

10 things by, k 172-4*

5 things He was made to us, p 176-4*

9thIngsHewasmade forus, p 176-4*

Foundation of church,m 18-1*; p 177-4*

Body of. b 185-4*

17 things bj^ 190*

Baptism Into, a 204-4*

Must be put on. b 204-4*

Believers one in Him. c 204-4*

7 things He Is to us. d 209-1*

3 things done in ascension,c 210-4*

Gave gifts to men, d 210-4*

14fold headship of, 213*

16 facts about, 214*

Mystery of, 214*

Mystery of, 214*

Sat down at God's right hand,q 245-1*

Captain of our salvation, u 245-4*

The great sanctifler, w 245-4*

Our High Priest, g 246-1*

The first apostle, j 246-1*

Has an eternal priesthood,! 247-4*

Ministers in heavenly sanctuary, f 250—

1*: g 251-4* Mediator of N, T., m 249-4*; u 251 -1* Intercessor for saints, q
249-4* The new and living way, m 252-1*

11 things Christ better than, 257* 15 ways better than prophets, 257* 35 ways
better than angels, 257*

7 ways better than Moses, 257* 5 ways better than Jodiua, 257* 10 ways better
than priests, 257*

8 ways better than Melchisedec, 257* 7 ways better than Abraham, 257* 22
ways better Aan Aaron, 257*

20 waysbener than sacrifices, 257*

12 ways better than O. T. heroes, 257* Has an eternal human body, 258* 7 facts
about, 258* A Master BuQder, 259* Healing by His stripes, b 267-1* Must
confessHlm tobesaved,a278-l* A Good Shepherd, e 267-1* 3 things He

21 reasons can be known,b 275-4* 2 commands to abide in, d 276-4* 3fold

condition of fellowship with, r Vision of, i-1 286-4* 288-4 3fold Invitation of, q
288-4* Prevailed to open the book, b 289-4* 7fold description of Lamb, k 289-
4* Hlgh-priestly work in heaven, u 291-1* 10 facts about, 304* 7fold estimate of
Laodiceans, 305* 18 things restored by, 629

Millennial ministry of Christ Legal heir to David's tnrone, k 1-1* Rule of, a 2-1*
Millennial ministry of Christ Legal heir to David's tnrone, k 1-1* Rule of, a 2-1*

2nd advent. 782{ u 2-1*; m 81-1* Lands on Mt. OUvet, j 923-4 Priesthood and
kingsiiip of, i-j 919-1 An eternal king, a 57-1* The salvation of Israel, c 59-1*
Destruction to accompany 'iai advent 1, r-t 81-1* His kingdom &om heaven,
1117-1* Bom King of the Jews, n 117-1* 3fold office, 25«*

To land at Jerusalem, 2nd advent, r-t Given dominion, c 531-1 286-1*

24 things He wlU do, g 580-4 14 facts about, c 601-4 Christ's (16). C. sake,Rom.
15:30; ICor, 12:10; Eph. 4:32

4:10; 2 Cor, Ye aicC.and Christ IsGod's,lCor.3:23 C. servant, 1 Cor. 7:22

Afterward they that are Cat His coming, ICor. 15:23 C. gospel, 2 Cot. 2:12 In
C.stead Jje ye reconciled,2Cor.5:20 He Is C., so are we C.. 2 Ccj. 10:7 If C,,then
Abraham's seed,GaL 3:29 They that are C., have crucified the fiesh with
affections ana lusts. GaL 5:24 Seek own.Dot things.. .are C..Phil.2:21 Partaken
ot C. sufferings, 1 Pet. 4:13 Christs( 2).FalseC. Jvlt.24;24;Mk.l3:22
Christadelphianlsm r 17-4*

Christian (2), h 136 --:*; Acu 26:28; 1 Pet Only one kind of C. ,b 28-4* Personal
work of. 943-944 Obligation. 229* True behavior of. 22r Life a growth, o 273-
4* True sacrifices of, f 256-1* Vlrtuesof C.. 269»

4 stages C. experience. 1 275-4* 10 facu about C. hoUnee. 628 10 facu about

suffering, 270*

5 facu about suffering, 270*

21 facts about suffering, 270* 10 rewards for suffering, 270*

Christianity, defined, a 218-1* 4fold sum ofC., a 218-1* Confirmed the law of
Moses, j 163-1* Confirmed by Abraham and David, k 163-1* A
moldtofOTmChristinmen.q 165-1* An open religion, c 184-1* 6 principles of,

Christians (1), those who are Christ-like. Acts 11:26

3 blessings of C., b-d 172-1* Mustbe one in unity,k 115-4*; d 204-4* Howtobe
3 blessings of C., b-d 172-1* Mustbe one in unity,k 115-4*; d 204-4* Howtobe
in unity. 1172-1*; k 178-1*; "Cannibal" C.q205-4* d 185-4* Forbidden
fellowship with some.q 179-lOfold state of. 213* 1* Slavery and C. ,k-o. 180-4*

15 commands for C.. 214*

6 things c. should not suffer. 420 Circumcision and C..see Circumcision

4 things about C.. 1 216^?

3 things dead to C.. c 220-4* Daughters of. f-1 181-1* Widows of, m 181-1 12
obligations of, w 221-4* Heathen rites and C,, j-r 181-4* Law on drinks of, 222*
10 rules for C., m 183-4* How to know one, b 200-^

7 equal blessings of C., e 204-4* Law 00 traditions, 222*

32 things C. must to do, 222* 3 major qualities of C. ,o 223-4* 35 things

exhorted to do, 159* Why separated, k 105-4* 10 dally duties of C, 158* After
the rapture, x 225-1* Escape destruction, d 225-4* Escape future tribulation, g
225-4* Escape the wrath of God, i 225-4* All holy and beloved, 231*

7 ways to spoil, 231*

Warning against being spoiled, 231* Various warnings to, c-q 246-4*; a 247-1*;
c 248-4*; 1255-1*;b-c 255-4*; 256* Trials of, h-i 260-1* The worid and C,, b
264-4* At death go to heaven, m 225-1* True behavior of, 227*

8 Christian hopes, 227*

3 commands for, j 235-1*

6 things C. must foUow.l 235-4*

4 duties of, 23r

3 symbols of, j 238-4*

Lack of growth rebuked, a-j 248-1* 2 things manifest maturity, j 248-1* Should
provoke to love,x>252-l* Should exhort one another, a 252-4* Can become
apostates, e-p 252-4* 10 things about C. ,o 253-4* Can fall grace, i205-4*:1255-
l*:284 Can turn away from God, c 255-^ 14 commands to, m 255-4*
2 blessings for. f 256-4* 22 warnings for, 256* Partakers of heavenly calling,
25T Heirs of salvation, 257*

18 safeguards for C., 257* 10 comm.ands for, 258*

7 things C. can do, 259*

7 remembrances of past life, 259* 12 tilings C. hope for, 259* Temptations to

sin, z 260-1* 7 commands for C., 264* Must be holy, g 265-4*: a 267-1*

4 things believed by, o 265-4*

7 experiences of C., p 265-4*

5 tilings C. must lay aside, d 266-1*

3 facu about C., j 266-1* 4thlngsabout Jewish C.,u 266-1* Jews contrasted
withC. .i.l 266-4* Must obeyhumangovemments. k 266-C, are enlightened, p
266-4* 4» Called to suffer trials, z 266-4" Their power of attorney, g-1 114-4*

8 commands for C., m 268-4* Salutations of C., v 119-1*

7 commands for, 269* 12 commands for, 270* Humility of, 12 facts. 270* How
to know one. e-g 275-4* 3 things C, must know, I 276-4* 3 blessings of C. ,c

7 final commands to, m 283-4*

3 things C. must do, w 287-4*

4 things promised, x 287-4* 4 promises to C.,h 288-1*

8 commands to C., o 171-1* 20 duties of C, c 171-4*

Christian Science. 117-4* Chronicles f37). potes on, 421 Ctronology. Bible, 59-
61; 520

Various differences in, a 364-4 Chrysolite (1) ,precious stone,Rev, 21:20

Chrwoprasusfl ) ,procIous stone Jlev. 21:20 ChiA a),an aUy of Egypt. Ezek.
30:5 CSm" (l),a city.b 338-4; 1 Chr. 18:8 cEiich (80). Defined. 158*

O. T. c., Acu 7:38. See Israel Spiritual experiences of O. T. c., 158* Ministry of
O. T. c., Acu 7:38. See Israel Spiritual experiences of O. T. c., 158* Ministry of
O. T. c., see Priesu Christ, head ofN.T.c. . Mt. 23:8-10; Jn.l3:13; 15:1-8; Acu
2:33, 36; Rom. 8:29; 9:5; lCor.ll:3; 12:5;Eph, 1:10, 22-23; 4:15; 5:23-32;
CoLl:13.18,245 3:ll;Heb.3:3,6:Rev.l:13,20;2:l, 12 Christ , the foundation of. 1
Cor. 3:11; 12:28; Eph. 2:20-28 Discipline In c.. Mt, 18:15-18; Acts 5:1-11; 13:6-
11:1 Cor. 4:18-5:6; 6:4 Purpose of c. see Program of. 159* Origin of. Eph. 1:3-5;
5:25-32 Whobelongtoc. .Mt.l6:18;Eph. 2:19-22 with Eph. 5:26-27 Not founded
at Pentecost, for it began wliii Christ and His call of disciples. Mt, 4:18-19. 21-
22; 10:1-8; Lk. 10; Acu 1:15-26; ICor. 15:5-7. What happened at Pentecost was
the endue-ment of power upon the c. for service (Mt,3:ll; Lk. 24:49; Jn.7:38-39;
14: 16-17.26; 15:26; 16:7-13; Acts 1:4-8). Such things as membership roll (Acu
1:15; 1 Cor. 15:6). voting (Acu 1:15-26). ordination of ministers (Mt. lOj Lk.
10). commission (Mt. 28:19-20). regular rneetings (Lk.24:33.49-52;Jn. 20:19.26;
Acts D. laws and many doc -rritw< wete all evident before Pentecost. Not the
slightest reference can be found indicating the beginning of the c. at Pentecost
Aposdes were recognized as leaders both before and after Pentecost. Actt 1:15-
26; 2:14.42-47; 4:33.37; 5:1-16. 18-29; 6:1-7; 8:14; 11:1-18, 22-30; 15:2, 23
Other officers were added, Acu 20:17, 28;lCor. 12:28-30; 2Cor. 5:20; Eph. 4:8-
11;Phil, 1:1.Forordlnation of c. ofHcers. see Ordain Church leaders had authority
to: 1 Make decisIons(Acu 6:1-7; 15:2-19)

2 Execute judgment(Acts5:1-11; 13: 6-13; 1 Cor. 4:21; 5:1-8)

3 AppointofBcer3(Act5l4:23;Tlt.l:5)

4 Impart spiritual glfu (Rom. 1:11; 1 Tlm.4:14;2Tim. 1:6; He±).6:l-2). Cp. Acu
8:14-15; 9:17; 19:1-7

5 Confirm the Word (Mk. 16:15-20; Rom. 15:18-19. 29; Heb, 2:3-«

6 Transact business (Acu 1:15-26; 14:27; 20:17) Tlm.3:5)

7 Care for churches (2 Cot. 11:28; 1

8 Settle doctrinal dilutes and make laws (Acu 15; 16:4; ICor.4:17; 7: 17; 11:2.
34; 14:37)

9 Settie differences (Acu 15; ICoc. 6; Gal. 2)

10 Bind and loose (Mt, 16:18-19: 18: 18; Jn. 20:22-23)

11 Rule churches (Heb. 13:7. 17)

12 Oversee the woiic in general (Acu 15; 20:28; 2C<w.ll:28:Gal.3:1-15)

13 Reprove, rebuke, and exhort (1 Th. 5:14; 1 Tim. 6:3-5; 2 Tim. 4: Tit, 1:13;
2:15; 3:10)

14 Maintain perfect unity (Rom.l2:16: 1 Cot. 1:10; 2 Cor. 3:11; Eph. 4:1-8; PhlL
1:27; 1 Pet, 3:8)

15 Maintain sound doctrine and Christian Uvlng (Rom. 16:17; 1 Cot. 7: 17;
16:1-2; 1 Tim. 3:15)

16 Conduct conferences affecting the universal church (Acu 1:15-26; 15: 1-41;

17 Permit local churches to select their own leaders(AcU 1:23-26; 6: 1-7; 13:1-5;
14:23; 15:2. 4, 30; 2 Cor. 8:19) 18 Discipline members (Mt.l8:15-18; ICor. 5-6;
2Cor. 2:6-7; 2 Th,3:6-1^ 2Coc,9;ll:8)

19 Carry on relief woA (ICor. 16:1-2;

20 MaA rebels and deny them fellowship (Rom.l6:17-19: PhiL3:17-l?)

21 Forgive and extend fellowship to penitenu(Mt,18:21-35: 2Cor.2:6-11)

22 Recommend fellow Christians by letten (1 Cor, 16:3; 2 Cor. 3:1-2)

23 Send missionaries (Acts 13; 15:27)

24 Receive support for ministers (Rom. 2:22; ICor. 9;GaL 6:6; Phil. 4:10-13; 1
Th, 5:12-15; Heb. 7:1-11)

25 Demand obedience and respect (Eph.4:ll-16;lTh,5:12-14:1 Tim. 3:1-7; 5:17-

20; Heb. 13:7. 17)

26 Recognize men of like faith (Acu lil5; 2:47; 2 Pet. 1:1; Rev. 3:4)

27 Demand faithfiilness in church attendance (Acts2:40-47; 1 Th.5:11-23; 1

Tim. 3:15; 4:11-16; 2 Tim. 4:1-7; Heb. 10:25) 28 Require members to live as
ministers do (ICor, 11:1; Phil. 3:17-1?)
29 Evangelize tiie worid(Mt.28:19-20; Mk,16:15-20;Lk.24:49; Acu 1:4-8)

Ofpcers of the church are called:

1 Bishops and deacons (PhIL 1:1)

2 Elden and overseers (Acts 20:17,28)

3 Ambassadors (2 Cor,5:20)

4 Apostles,propbets,evangeIlsts,pastors.teachen (Eph,4:ll;l Cor.12: 28; Acts


5 Servants (Rom, 16:1; 2 Cor. 4:5)

6 Ministers (2 Cor. 3:6-15)

7 WOTkets (2 Coi. 6:1)

8 Stewards(lCor.4:l-2;lPet.4:10)

9 Witnesses (Acts 1:8; 5:32)

10 Messengers (2 Cor. 8:23)

11 Fishers of men (Mt. 4:19)

12 Laborers (Mt, 9:38; 1 Th. 3:2)

13 Preachers (Rom. 10:14; 1 Tim. 2:7). There are 2 main kinds ofofflcers (1)
Business elders or deacons; (2) Preaching elders or bishops. See d 22-4*: and
Bishop Apostolic succession not taught:

1 Christ gave no such authority to Peter.He was just one of many (Eph. 2:19-22;
1 Pet. 5:1-9; Rev, 21:14)

2 James had equal authority with Peter (GaL 2:1-10) 15:13-19)

3 James was general chairman (Acts

4 Peter not Infallible (Gal. 2:1-11)

5 Peter only an elder (1 Pet, 5:1-9)

6 Power to bind and loose given to all disciples (Mt. 18:18; Mk. 16:15-20;
Lk.24:49; Jn. 14:12: 20:22-23; Acts 1:4-8; 2:43; 1 Cor. 12; Heb. 2:3-4) 7
Peternot the Rock or foundation of the church (Mt. 16:19; 1 Cot. 3:11; Eph.

8 Church at Rome not begun or cared for by Peter (Acts 2:10; Rom. 1:8; 15:23)
(1 Pet, 5:13)

9 Peter wrote from Babylon,not Rome

10 Peter had no authority over Gentile churches(Actsl5;GaL2;2Cor,ll:28)

11 Paul ignored Peter altogether if he was in Rome at the time he wrote or

ministered there (Rom. 16; 1 Cor, 16:15-24; CoL 4:7-18) 12 Peter was in Judea
ministering wtaen some claim he was in Rome (Acts 9:32-11:18:12:1-19; Gal. 1:
18-2:18) 13 There Is no reference In Scripture indicating or suggesting church
authority In Rome

Laws of c., see Commandments. 313* Ordinances of c,, see Ordinances 96 terms
dedioiating the church:

1 Tbe body of Chnst (1 Cot. 10:16: 12:27; Eph, 4:12)

2 One body (Rom, 12:4-5; 1 Cot. 10: 17; 12:12-13, 20; Eph. 2:16; 4:4; CoL
3:15) -i-16; 5:23)

3 The body (1 Cor. 12:14-25; Eph.

4 The whole body (1 Cot. 12:17; Eph.

5 His body (Eph, 1:23; 5; 30) 4:16)

6 The body, the church (CoL 1:18)

7 His body, whichisthe church (CoL 1:2«

8 TheCtei«aCor,12:12-13).Christ, the head of the church, and the many members

of His body make the complete anointed body 9 One new manfEph.2:15) ,not

10 A perfect man (Eph. 4:13)

11 Babes in ClHst (1 Car, 3:1-3)

12 The branches On. 15:1-10)

13 FriendsCIn.l5:15-16) 5:30)

14 Members of Christ (lCor.6:15;Eph.

15 Ambassadors of Christ(2Cor, 5:20)

16 Witnesses (Acts 1:8; 5:32)

17 The episUeofChrist(2Cor, 3:1-5)

18 The church of God (Acts 20:28; 1 Cor, 1:2; 10:32; 11:22; 15:9:2 Cor. 1:1;
Gal. 1:13; 1 Tim, 3:15)

19 The church of the Living God (1 Tim. 3:15)

20 The pillar and stay of truth (1 Tim. 3:15). The great truth the church is to
i5)holdIs the headship of God (1 Cor.ll: 3:15:24-28; Eph.l:10;PhlL 2:11; CoL
1:15-19), which crutii Lucifer did not abide in (Jn. 8:44; Isa,14:12-14;Ezek.
28:11-17), and which he is now denying (1 Jn. 2: 18-23) 12:23) 21 The church
of the Firstborn (Heb.

22 The house of God (1 Tim. 3:15)

23 The house (Mt,l 0:25; 2 Tim, 2:20-24; Heb, 3:6)

24 HabltadoD of God (Eph. 2:22)

25 Holy temple (Eph. 2:21)

26 A spiritual house (1 Pet. 2:5)

27 The buildiDg(Eph. 2:21; lCor.3:9)

28 God's bunding (1 Cor. 3:9)

29 Lively stones (1 Pet. 2:5)

30 The household of God (Eph. 2:19) See Mt. 10:25

31 The household of faith (GaL 6:10)

32 The children of God (Ut, 5:9)

33 The Qrstfrults of His creatures (Jat LIS)

Complete Concordance - Cyclopedic Index


34 The sons of God (Rom. 8:14; 1 Jn.

35 The famUy of God (Eph. 3:15) 3:1)

36 TheelectofGod(Rom.8:33;Tlt.Ll)

37 The called of God (Rom. 8:28; 1 Cot,l: 9,24-26; Eph.4:l-5;CoL3J5)

38 A chosen generation (1 Pet. 2:9)

39 Tbe flock of God (1 Pet. 5:2-3)

40 The flock (Mt. 26:13; Lk. 12:32; Acts 20:28-29)

41 One fold(Jn. 10:16)

42 The sheep (Mt. 26:31; Jn. 10:1-18, 26-27; Heb, 13:20; 1 Pet. 2:25)

43 My lambs (Jn, 21:15) 5)

44 The sect oftheNazarenes (Acts 24j

45 Christians (Acts IL 26; 26:28; IPet. 4:16)

46 Saints (60 times. Acts9:13,32,41; 26:10; Rom, 1:7. 8:27; 12:13)

47 Believers (Acts 5:14; 1 Tim, 4:12)

48 BelovedofGod(Rom.l;7; 2Th.2:13)

49 Holy brethren (Heb. 3:1)

50 The true circumcision (Phil. 3:3; Rom. 2:29; CoL 2:11-17)

51 FeUowcItizens (Eph. 2:19)

52 Disciples(Mt,5:l; 10:1; Jn,20:19)

53 The faithful (Eph. 1:1; CoL 1:2)

54 Followers of God (Eph, 5:1)

55 Heirs of God (Rom. 8:17)

56 God's hudjandry (1 Cor, 3:9)

57 God's heritage (1 Pet. 5:3)

58 Kings and priests (Rev. 1:6; 5:10)

59 A royal priesthood (1 Pet. 2:9)

60 A peculiar people (i Pet. 2:9)

61 An holy priesthood (1 Pet. 2:5)

62 Vessels of mercy (Rom. 9:27)

63 Vessels of honor (2 Tim. 2:21)

64 Wise men (1 Cor. 10:15)

65 Worshippers (Hd), 10:2)

66 Woikers (2 Cor, 6:1)

67 A sweet savour of Christ (2 Cor.2:l5)

68 The righteousness ofGod(2Cor. 5:

69 MinistersofGod (2 Cor. 6:4) 21)

70 The salt of the earth p^t, 5:13)

71 One bread (1 Cor, 10:17)

72 The light of the world (Mt. 5:14)

73 A glorious church (Eph. 5:27)

Universal church

74 My church (Mt, ifi:18)

75 The church (Mt 18:17: Acu 2:47; 5:11; 8:1-5; 12:1-5; Eph, 1:22; 5: 23-32;
CoL 1:18, 24)

76 The churches of God (1 Cor. 11:16; 1 Th. 2:14; 2 Th. 1:4) 16:4)

77 The churchesofthe Gentiles(Rora.

78 The churches of Christ (Rom. 16:16)

79 The churches(Acts 9:31; 15:41;16: 5; 19:37; ICor. 14:34; 2Cor. 8:19-24; Rev.
2:7-29; 3:6-22; 22:16)

80 All churches of the saints (1 Cor. 14:33)

Sectlooal churches

81 ChurchesofGalatIa(lCor.l6:l;GaL

82 Churches of Asia (lCor.l6:19) 1:2)

83 Churches of Macedonia (2 Cor,8:l)

84 Churches of Judea (Gal. 1:22)

85 The 7 churches which are In Asia (Rev, L4,11,20)

Local churches 16; 19

86 The church in ifaeir house. 1 c'ct.

87 The church of the Thessalonians (1 Th.l:l; 2Th.l:l) 5:i4)

88 The church that Is at Babylon(l Pet

89 The church of Ephesus (Rev, 2:1)

90 The church in Smyrna (Rev. 2:8)

91 ThechurchinPergamos(Rev.2:12)

92 Thechurchinrhyatira(Rev.2:18)

93 The church in Sardis (Rev. 3:1) 7)

94 The church In Philadelphia (Rev. 3:

95 Thechurchof theLaodiceans(CoL 4:16; Rev. 3:14)

96 The assembly (Jas. 2:2) Only one true c., o 18-1* Role in this age, h 15-1*

5 blessings of c., I 133-4*

1st and 2nd periods of c., h 134-1*

8 great thjnjg of c,, c 127-1*

How constituted, o 18-1*; m 185-4*

In the wlld«ness, b 130-1*

Discipline In c,, c 20-1*

The mother c,, b 136-4*

7 reasons for excommunication,d 20-1*

Called man - not woman, lady, virgin,

bride, g 209-4*; 230* Called te, 2 Th. 2:7, See 230* 16 factslbout c., 214* N. T,
program for c,, 159* Not the bride of Christ, 230*; 312* Illustrated, 214*
program for c,, 159* Not the bride of Christ, 230*; 312* Illustrated, 214*
Removal of local c., 305* 20 activities of c., n 187-1* Missionary work of c, ,c
136-4*;x 137-4* 2 erron concerning the c. ,j 198-1* Notcompared to a woman J
198-1*;230* First doctrinal controversy of c., o 140-4; f 141-1* Building of the
c., d 148-4* Names of the c., k 173-4; m 233-4* C. of God (9 times), d 176-1*
Confusion In the c., d 184-4^ Foundation of the c., q 209-4*

Instructs angels, b 210-1*

Glorious c., 214*

The body of Christ, h 219-4*

8 proofs now married to Christ, 312* Churches (35). C, had rest from
persecution. Acts 9:31

C, confirmed. Acts 15:41

C. estabUshed, Acts 16:5

C. robbed. Acts 19:37; 2 Cor. 11:8

C. of Gentiles, Rom, 16:4

Cof Christ, Rom. 16:16 1:4


C. of the saints, 1 Cor. 14:33

Cof Ada, 1 Cor, 16:19

C. of Macedonia, 2 Cor, 8:1

CofGalatia, Gal. 1:2

Cof Judea,GaL 1:22

The 7 c,Rev. 1:4,11,20

The Spirit saith to. Rev. 2:7, 11, 17, 23, 29; 3:6, 13, 22. Cp, 22:16 Chu^(2),
crafty, miserly, Isa. 32:5-7 Churlish (1) hard, severe, rough, 329; 1 Churpingd ),
Pt. 30:33 Sam. 25:3
Pt. 30:33 Sam. 25:3

Chushan-rishathaim f4).blackne3Sofin—

IquItles.Judg. 3:8-10. Next to longest

word in Scripture, Cp. Isa. 8:1 Chuza (1), modest, Lk. 8:3 Cleled ( 4), ceiled.
2Chr. 3:5; Jei. 22:14t

Ezek. 41:16; Hag. 1:4 CleliJK (l). ceiling. 1KL6:15 COicia (8), province of Asia,
Acu 6:9;

15:23, 41; 21:39; 22:3; 23:34j 27:5;

GaH:21 Cinnamon (4).j 97-1; Ex, 30:23; Pr. 7:

17; Song 4:14; Rev, 18:13 CInneroth (l),lKL15:20.See Chlnnereth glrcle (1), Isa.
40:22 Circuit (3) J Sam.7:16: Job 22:14: Ps.l9;6 CIrculo a).EccLL6 dlrcomclse
(10^. Gen. 17:11: Dt 10:16; 30:6; Josh. 5:2-4;Jer,4:4; Lk, 1:59; Jn,

7:22; Acts 15:5; 21:21 Circumcised (39).Gen. 17:10-27; 21:4;

35:15-24; Ex.l2:44-48;Lev,12:3;Josh

5:3-7;Jei, 9:25; Acu7:8; 15:1,24; 16:

3; Rom. 4:11; 1 Cor. 7:18; GaL 2:3; 5:

2-3; 6:12-13; Phil, 3:5; CoL 2:11, For

3 classes to be c,, see c 14-4 CIrcumcIdnqf Z). Josh, 5:8; Lk. 2:21

Penalty for not c,, e 14-4 Circumcision ( 36L Use of. a 15-1: dl31-On 8th day, d
131-1 l;g-hl29-^

C. of the heart, e,h 162-1

4 kinds of unclrcumcislon, 145* True c. ,e-h 162-1*; t 220-1* Laws of c, ,1-j


C performed 00 sabbath, Jn, 7:23 Gospel of c,,Gal. 2:7-12 Cmade with hands,
Eph. 2:11 C made without hands,CoL 2:11 Circumspect (1).Ex. 23:13
Eph. 2:11 C made without hands,CoL 2:11 Circumspect (1).Ex. 23:13
Circumspectly (1). d 211-4*; Eph. 5:15 CIs(l),sameas KIsh of O. T. Acul3:21
^^p (4), 2K0^:31; Pr. 5:15; EccL

12:6: Isa. 36:16 Cisterns (1). Broken c. let. 2:13 Cides (446), 2 holy c., e 720-4
C. of refuge, a 197-1; a 204-4; a-d 218-4; d-e 258-4

15 c, of Reuben, a 252-4 125 c, of Judah, a 254-4 6 c. of Manasseh, a 256-1 18

cof Simeon, 1 257-1 18 c, of Zebulun, f 257-4

16 cof Issachar. h 257-4 22 cof Aster, a 258-1

25 cof NaphtaU, e 258-1 18 e. of Dan, h 258-1

26 cof Benjamin, 258 23cof Kohathites, b 259-4 13 c, of Gershom.ites, g 259-4

12 c, of Merarltes. b 260-1 10 cof Gadites, 265 62c.ofManasseh, 265

Sum of Levlte c., d 259-1 Suburbs lot Levltes, g 260-1 Not over c. of Israel till
Son, Mt. 10:23 Teach and preach in their c., Mt. H: 1 Began to uiibraid their c ,
Mt. 11:20 Authority over 5,10 c,, Lk, 19:17-19

Citizen,(2),Lk, 15:15; Acts 21:39

Citizens qi.Lk. 19:14 10 duties of c , a 171-1*; 175*

City (862), First c, since Adam, o 4-4 Before Adam, Jer. 4:23-26 C of David, h
433-1, Cp, Lk. i 11 C.of God on earth, Ps, 46:4; 48:1-8; 87:3; Rev, 20:9 CofGod
in heaven, Heb,11:10-16 22; Rev. 3:12; 21:2-22:5,14,19 C of Samatla revival.
Acts 8:5-9 Ordain elders in every c ,TIt, 1:5 Looked for a c., Heb. 11:10
Prepared for them a c., Heb. 11:16 We seek one to come, Heb, 13:14

Clairvoyance, 1 Sam. 28:13-14 Clamorous fl).nolsv.demandinp,Pr 9;1.T

Clamour (1).continual uproar,Eph.4:31 Clap (6).Job 27:23; Ps, 47:1; 98:8; Isa.

55:12; Lam. 2:15; Nah.3:19 Clapped (2),2KL 11:12: Ezek, 25:6

a 549-1

CLppeth (l),Job 34:37 Classes . 16 c, blessed

3 sinful c.c 549-1

4 raging c. ,1 549-1

2 c damned, c 582-1 6 c.inPs.107, g 599-1

4 C.God teaches, c 605-1

2 c, of peculiar people, j 612-1

5 c, commanded to praise, p 612-4 4 c, nigh to God, a 616-4

6 c. of nelghbof s, 624

12 c that can be saved, 624

3 c. that need wisdom, e 641-4 6 contrasted c,, t 650-1

6 common c, ,p 652-4; o 657-1

10 characteristics of 10 c., a 663-4; j

4 contrasted c. ,d 663-4 664-1 8 characteristics of 8 c., d 663-4

10 common c. ,1 663-4; i 664-1 4 'c of neighbors, m 664 2 c to bless, 313* 2 cto

comfort, 313* Clauda(l), an Island, Acts 27:16


Clvfl service, school fcx, Dan. 1:3-21 Civil was. 6 In Joshua an d JudgeSj C

16 during period of kings, 629

13 In Israel, 635 CUd (2), 1 KL 11:29; Isa, 5ftl7

Claudia (1), woman disciple,2Tlm.4:21 Claudius Caesar f a. Acta 11:28; 18:2

Claudius LysJas q), Acu 23:26 Clave (14). 2 uses, meaning: 1 Split (Gea 22:3;
Num. 16:31; Judg, 15:19; 1 Sam,6:14: Ps,78:15; lsa.48:21)

2 Cling to (Ge n. 34:3; Ruth L14; 2 Sam. 20:2; 23:10; 1 KL 11:2; 2 Kl, 18:6;
Neh. 10:29; Acu 17:34)

Claws (3) ,Dt 14:6; Dan.4:33; Zech.ll;16

Claws (3) ,Dt 14:6; Dan.4:33; Zech.ll;16

Clay (33). Used In making castings of metal, 1 KL 7:46; 2 Chr. 4:17 Bodies
made of c. Job 4:19:10:9; 13:

12; 33:6; Isa. 64:8 Out of miry c , and set, Ps. ^0:2 Used In pottery,Isa. 29616;
41:25; 45:

9; Jer. 18:4-6; Rom. 9:21 Symbol of democracy Inside the Roman

Empire, Dan. 2:33-45 Used to anoint eyes, Jn. 9:6-15

Clean (131). C. and unclean beasU,Gen.

772-8; 8:20; Lev, 10:10; 11:47; Dt.14

C and unclean persons. Lev, 13:6-59;

14:57; Ezek. 44:23 C passed over. Josh. 4:1, 11 The fear of die Lord Is c,Pi. 19:9
Create In me a cheart,Ps. 51:10 4 c flying creeping things, a 130-1 Wash you,
make you c,, Isa. 1:16 Sprinkle c. water upon you,Ezek.56:25 Thou canst make
me c , Mt. 8:2-3; Mk. 1:40-41; Lk. 5:12-13 You c the outside, Mt, 23:25:Lk. IL
39 Heart pirity.m 4-1*; h 111-1* Linen white and c.Rey. 19:8,14

Cleanness( 5).2Sam.22:21.25:P»- 1B;20 24; Amos 4:6 43:22

Cl£anse.(27).C. altar, Ex. 29:36; Ezek. Chouse,Lev, 14:49,52; 2 Chr.29:15 C.me

from secret faulu,Ps. 19:12 C me from my sin,Ps, 51:2 How can young man
c,hisway,Ps,119:9 C the land,Ezek. 39616 C sanctuary, Ezek. 45:18 C lepers,
raise dead, Mt. 10:8 Cflrst the InsIde.Mt, 23:26 C ourselves from all, 2 Cor. 7:1
Sanctify and c. It with, Eph. 5:26 C your hands, ye sinners, Jas, 4:8 C us from

Cleansed (37). Men c,, Lev, 14:4-31; Women c, ,Lev, 15:28 15:13

C the chambers, Neh. 13:9 C from my sin. Job 35:3 C.my heart In vain. Pi. 73:13
C from leprosy, Mt.8:3; 11:5; Lk. 4:27; 7:22; 17:14, 17 What God base, Acu
10:15; 11:9

Clean 8eth( 3) Job 37:21; Pr. 20:30; lJn.l;7

Cleansing ( 10).Lev. 13:7. 35; 14:2, 23, 32; 15:13; Num. 6:9; Ezek. 43:23; Mk.
Cleansing ( 10).Lev. 13:7. 35; 14:2, 23, 32; 15:13; Num. 6:9; Ezek. 43:23; Mk.
L44; Lk.5:14. lOwasMngs,! 133-1

Cj£aL(15).Gen.24:8,41; 44716; Ex,34:7; 2 Sam. 23:4; Ps. 51:4; Song 6:10; Isa.
18:4; Amoi8:9: Zech.l4:6; 2Coi.7:ll; Rev. 21:11.18; 22:1

Clearer (1). Job 11:17

Clearing (2).Num. 14:18; 2 Cor. 7:11

cEa3iJ5),Job 33:3; Mt. 7:5; Mk. 8:25;

42; Rom. 1:20

Cleamess (1),

--■^.. Ex, 24:10

Cleave (301, 2 meanings: 14:4)

1 To spUt (Lev. 1:17; Hab. 3:9; Zech.

2 Tocllngto(Gen.2:24;Di.4:4;10:20; Mt.l9:5; Acu 11:23; Rom. 12:9)

Cleaved (3), 2 KL 3:3; Job 29:10; 31:7

Cleaveth (13). 2 meanings;

1 SpUt pt. 14:6; Job 16:13; Ps. 141:7; 7; EccL 10:9)

2 Cling to Oob 19:20; Ps.41:8; 44:25: 119:25: Jer, 13:11; Lk, 10:11)

Complete Concordance - Cyclopedic Index

Cleft (2), Dt, 14:6; Mic. 1:4 CgHs_(5),Song 2:14; Isa. 2:21; Jer.49:

15; Amos 6:11; Oba. 3 Clemency (1). mercy. Acts 24:4 Clement (i).
merciful,Phil. 4:3 Cleopas (1). renowned father, Lk.24j 18.

See Cleophas and Alphaeus :ieophas a). Jn. 19:25. See Cleopa; Clerk -
towTKlerk (1). Acts. 19:55

c!i7r (l), 2 Chi. 20:16 eETTs Cl), Job 30:6 CUW il). Ex. 33:22 CEEs d), Isa.
c!i7r (l), 2 Chi. 20:16 eETTs Cl), Job 30:6 CUW il). Ex. 33:22 CEEs d), Isa.
57:5 Climb (4). Jer.4:29; Joel 2:7-9; Amo8 9:2 CUmbed (2). 1 Sam. 14:13; Lk.
19:4 CUmbeth (1), Jn, 10:1 peTTl), Jer. 48:37 "See Cloke Clods (6), Job i-'S;
21:33; 38:38; Isa. 28: ^WHos. 10:11; Joel 1:17 Cloke (7). Isa. 59:17; Mt. 5:40;
Lk. 6:29; ^15:22; 1 Th,2:5; 2Tim.4:13; IPet. 2:16 C. of covetousness, j 223-4*
Close (11). Num. 5:13; 2 Sam, 22:46; 1 Chr. 12:1; Job 28:21; 41:15; Ps. 18:45;
Jer. 42:16; Dan. 8:7; Amos 9:11; Lk, 9:36; Acts 27:13 Closed (11),Gen. 2:21;
20:18; Num.16: 33; Judg.3:22; Isa.1:6; 29:10; Dana2:9; Jn. 2:5; Mt. 13:15; Lk.
4:20; Acts28:27 Closer (1). Pr. 18:24 Closest (1). Jer. 22:15 Closet (2), Joel
2:16; Ml. 6:6; k 5-4* Closets (1), Lk. 12:3 Cloth (18),Num.4:6-
13;Dt.22:17;lSam. "TM3; 21:9; 2 Sam, 20:12; 2Ki. 8:15; Ua. 30:22; Mt. 9:16;
27:59; Mk. 2:21; 14:51-52 Clothe (16) ,Ex.40:14; Esther 4:4; Ps. 132: 16-18; Pr,
23:21; Isa. 22:31; 49:18: 50: 3; Ezek. 26:16; 34:3; Hag. 1:6; Zech. 3:4; Mt, 6:30;
Lk, 12:28 21

Clotbedn 3).C.withcoatsofskiDS.Gen.3: Cwiih a robe. Lev, 8:7; 1 Chi. 15:27 C.

In scarlet, 2 Sam. 1:24; Pr. 31:21 C, with salvation, 2 Chr. 6:41 C, with
sackclothJEsther4:2; Rev, 11:3 C, with worms. Job 7:5 29

C. with shame. Job 8:22; Ps. 35:26; 109: C. with skin and flesh, Job 10:11 C.
with majesty and strength, Ps. 93:1 C. with honor and majesty, Ps. 104:1 C. with
cursing, Ps. 109:18 C. with righteousness,Ps. 132:9 C. with desolation, Ezek.
7:27 C. with Unen, Ezek. 9:2-3, 11: 10:2-7; Dan.l0:5; 12:6-7: Rev. 15:6; 19:14
C. with broidered work, Ezek. 16:10 C. with blue, Ezek. 23:6 C. most
gorgeously, Ezek. 23:12 C. with all sons of armor,Ezek. 38:4 C. with strange
apparel, Zeph. 1:8 C, with filthy garments. Zech, 3:3 C. in soft raiment,Mt, 11:8
C. with camel's hair, Mk/ 1:6 C. with purple, Mk. 15:17; Lk. 16:19 C. in a long
white garment, Mk. 16:5; Rev. 1:13; 3:5; 4:4 C. with a new body, 2Coi.5:l-8 C.
with humility, 1 Pet. 5:5 C, with white robes. Rev, 6: 9-11; 7:9 C. with a cloud,
Rev. 10:1 C, with the sun. Rev. 12:1 19:13

C. with a vesture dipped in blood. Rev. Naked and ye c, me,Mt. 25:36-43

Clothes n OD.Rendingc.,22 examples. 28 C. not waxen old in 40 years, Dt. 29:5
C, waxed not old.Neh. 9:21 5

C. laid by themselves, Lk.24:12; Jn. 20: Return notback to take hisc, Mt. 24:18 If
1 may but touch His c, ,Mk. 5:28 Wrapped Him in swaddling c. J>k.2:7,12
Spread their c.ln the way,Lk.l9:36 Clothest (l),Jer.4:30 Clothing (19). C. was
sackcloth, Ps.33:13 C. was wrought gold. Ps. 45:13 C. is silk and purple.Pr.
31:22 Strength and honor are her c. ^^^31:25 Garments of vengeance fore.
31:22 Strength and honor are her c. ^^^31:25 Garments of vengeance fore.
.Isa.59:17 C. of blue and purple, Jer. 10:9 Sheep's c. ,Mt. 7:15 Soft c, ,Mt, 11:8
LoDgc.Mk, 12:38 Bll^t c, ,Acts 10:30 Gay c. ,Jas. 2:3 Cloth^( 4),Ex. 31:10;
35:19; 39:1,41 Cloud (107). Token of covenant,Gen. 9 "Pfflar of a c.by day,Ex,
13:21-22; 14: 19-24; 16:10;40:34-38;Num. 9:15-22; 10:11-12,34; 11:25;
12:5.10; 14: 14; 16:42: Dt. 1:33; 31:15; Neh. 9tl9; ICor. 10:1 Thick con Sinai at
giving of law, Ex.

19:9, 16; 24:15-18; Dt. 5:22 C. filling the temple. 1 KI. 8:10-11;

2 Chr. 5:13-14; Ezek, 10:3-4 C. and smoke of Millennium, Isa. 4; 5 Locd ildeth
on a c. ,Im. 19(1 Sins blotted out as a c., Isa. 44:22

Fly as a c, Isa. 60:8

Bright c. overshadowing. Ml. 17:5; Mk.

9:7; Lk. 9:34-35 Christ ascended in c. (Acts 1:9) and

wiU come in one, Lk. 21:27 Baptised in a c., 1 Cor. 10:1-2 C. of witnesses,
Heh,12:l Clothed with a c. ,Rev. 10:1 2 witnesses ascend in c. ,Rev. 11:12 wTiite
c,, Rev. 14:14-16 Clouds (49). C. drop water, Judg. 5:4, 2

Sam.22:12;Job 26:8; 36:28: Ps.77:17 Faithfulness reaches to thee, ,Ps.36:5 The

chaiiot of God, Ps. 104:3 Truth reaches to the c. ,Ps. 108:4 C, in pre-Adamite
world, Isa. 14:14 Christ coming in c,, Dan. 7:13; Mt.

24:30; 26:64; Lk. 21:27; Rev. 1:7 C. dust of His feet, Nah. 1:3 Saints caught up
in c., 1 Th. 4:17 Cloudy (6), Ex. 33:9-10; Neh. 9:12; Ps.

99:7: Ezek. 30:3; 34:12 Clouted (1), patched. Josh. 9:5

Clouts (2). patches, Jer. 38:11-12

Cloven (2),parted,Dt. 14:7; Acts 2:3

Clovenfooted (3).Lev, 11:3,7,26 Clubs, stavesTi 30-4*

luster (5), Num. 13:23-24; Song 1:14;

Isa. 65:8; Mic. 7:1 Clusiers (7),Gen.40:10;Dl.32:32;lSam.

25:18; 30:12; Song 7:7-8; Rev. 14:18 Cnidus (1), a city in Asia, Acts 27:7 Coal
(4), 2 Sam. 14:7; Isa. 6:6; 47:14; Lam, 4:8 Coals (25). Censer full of c., Lev.lS:

C. of fire, 2 Sam. 22:9, 13; Ps. 18:12-13; Ps. 25:22; Song 8:6; Ezek. 1:13

Heap c.of Are on Ms,Rom, 12:20 Coast (61). Used of borders (Num. 13:29;

20:23; 22:36; 34:3-11) and sea coasts

Ooii. 15:12; 19:29; Zeph. 2:5-7; Mt.

4:13; Lk. 6:17) Coasts (51). See use under Coast Coat (23).C.of many
colors,Gen.37:3-33 "CTof high priest, Ex. 28:4; 38; 29:5; Lev. 8:7; 16:4

Samuel's yearly c., 1 Sam. 2:19

C.of mail, j 310-4; 1 Sam. 17:5,38

C.of Christ, Jn. 19:23

Fisherman's c. ,Jn. 21:7 Coats (14). C.of skins. Gen, 3:21

d. of priests, Ex. 28:40; 29:8; 39:27; 40:14; Lev. 8:13; 10:5

Neither two coats, Mt. 10:10; Mk. 6:9; Lk, 9:3. Cp.Lk. 3:11

Showing c. and garments. Acts 9:39 (12), Ml, 26:34, 74-75; Mk, 14:30, ^2; Lk,
22:34, 60-61; Jn. 13:38; 18:

27. Used cmly in connection with the

betrayal of Christ Cockatrice ( 1) .a most deadly serpent.Isa, Cockatrice' (2).Isa.
11:8; 59:5 ' "'

Cockatrices (1). Jer. 8:17

Cockcrowing (1). Mk. 13:35
Cockcrowing (1). Mk. 13:35

Cockle (DTa stinking weed. Job 31:40

Coffe r (3). a small box. 1 Sam. 6:8-15 Q (1). 151-1; Gen. 50:26

diations (1). meditations, Dan. 7:28 ;old (18).

_ t., heat eternal,Gen. 8:22

. out of the north. Job 37:9 C. very powerful,Ps. 147:17 C. weather.Pr. 25:20;
Jer. 18:14 C. walen.Pr. 25:25; Ml. 10:42 C. day, Nah. 3:17; Jn. 18:18; Acts 28:2
Clove,Ml. 24:12; Rev. 3:15-16

Col-bozeh (2). all-seing. Neh,3:15; 11:5

CoUar (1). Job 30:18

'ollar$(l). Judg, 8:26

Collecri(» (3),2Chr.24:6.9;lCor.l6:l College (2). 2KL 22:14; 2 Chr, 34:22

Collops (1). slice of fat, Job 15:27

Colony ( 1). Acts 16:12

4 "come's" to the thirsty, p 722-1 C. unto Me, all ye that. Mt. 11:28 C. ye blessed
of My Father,Ml. 25:34 C. ye after Me, I will make, Mk. 1:17 C.ye yourselves
apart, Mk, 6:31 Cover into Macedonia, Acts 16:9 Cup hither,! wUl
show,Rev.4:1 C up hither.Rev, 11:12 C, hither, Rev. 17:1; 21:9

Comeliness (5). fsa. 53:2; Ezek. 16:14; 27:10: Dan. 10:8; 1 Cor. 12:23

Comely (16). C person, 1 Sam. 16:18 C proportion, ]dD 41:12 C. praise, h 561-
4; Ps.33:l; 147:1 C. going, Pr. 30:29 C eating,Eccl. 5:18 C countenance. Song
2:14 C parts, 1 Cor. 12:24

Comers (l),Heb. 10:1

Colors. See Black, Blue, Brown. Crimson.

Red. Purple, Scarlet . White CoIo»e (1), a city, d 219-1*: Col. 1:2 Colossians.
See Book of, 219* Colour (13). See Colors C.of bdellium. Num. 11:7 Cin the
ci?),Pr. 23:31 C. of amber, Ezek. 1:4,27; 8:2 C ofbumished brass, Ezek. 1:7;
ci?),Pr. 23:31 C. of amber, Ezek. 1:4,27; 8:2 C ofbumished brass, Ezek. 1:7;
Dao.10: C.of beryl, Ezek. 1:16; 10:9 9

C of terrible crysial,Ezek. 1:22 C of purple and scarlet. Rev, 17:4 Coloured

(1),Rev. 17:3 Colours ( 12).Many c.,Gen. 37:3,23,32 Diverse,, Judg. 5:30; 2
Sam.l3:18-19; 1 Chr. 29:2; Ezek. 16:16; 17:3 Stones with fair c., Isa. 54:11 Colt
(15). Used only twice apan iromthe triumphal entry of Christ, Gen.49:11; Job
11:12 Prophecy Uttered over 500 yean before it was fulfilled by Christ, Zech.
9:9 C. on which Christ rode, Mt. 21:2-7; Mk. 11:2-7; Lk. 19:30-38; Jn. 12:15
Colts ( 3).Gen. 32:15; Judg. 10:4; 12:14 Come (2,078). It shall come to pass is
used 110 times, only 5 of wtdch are in N.T.

Comest (29). C Thou to me. Ml. 3:14 Remember me when Thou c. into Thy
kingdom, Lk. 23:43. See Come and Came 13:10

Cometh ( 277) .By pride c. ,contendon Jr. Blessed is He that c. in. Mt. 21:9;
23:39 He that c.toMe.c-e 101-1*; Jn.6:35.37 Faith c.by hearing.Rom. 10:17
Then c, the end, when He. 1 Cor. 15:24 Wrath of God c.on.Eph. 5:6; CoL3:6
Day of the Lord c. as a. 1 Th. 5:2 C.with 10.000'sof His saints.Jude 14 He c. with
clouds. Rev. 1:7

Comfort (65).Chearts.Gen. 18:5; Judg, TST^ 8; CoL 4:8; 2 Th. 2:17 C ye My

people, Isa. 40:1 C of the Holy Ghost, Acts A31 C of the Scripture S.Rom. 15:4
C.of love, Phil. 2:1 C. one another with, 1 Th, 4:18 C yourselves together, 1 Th,
5:11 C the feebleminded, 1 Th. 5:14

9 sources of c., a 606-1 2 classes to c, .313*

Comfortable (2),2 Sam.l4:17; Zech,l:13 Comf(gtablY( 5). 2 Sam. 19:7; 2 Chr.


22; 32:6; Isa. 40:2: Hos. 2:14 Comforted (36). 15 examples people c.:

1 Isaac after mother died (Gen. 24:67)

2 Judah after wife died (Gen. 38:12)

3 Joseph c. brethren (Gen. 50:21)

4 Ruth c.by Boaz (Ruth 2:13)

5 Bathsheba by David (2 Sam. 12:2-^

6 David after Amnon died (2 Sam, 13:

7 Job after his trial (Job 42:11) 39)

8 David c.by God (Ps. 86:17)

9 David c. self (Ps. 119:52)

10 People c.by God (Isa.49:13;52:9)

11 Lazarus c. by God (Lk. 16:25)

12 Paul, Silas by brethren (Acu 16:40)

13 Disciples by miracle (Acts 20:12)

14 Paul by TItus (2 Cot. 7:6)

15 Paulbydisciples(lTh. 2:11:3:7) Comfortedst (1), Isa. 12:1 Comfortei TS).Eccl.

4:1; Lam. 1:9; 16:

JB. 14:16, 26; 15:26; 16:7

Comfocters (5),2 Sam, 10:3; 1 Chr. 19b 3; Job 16:2; Ps. 69:20; Nah. 3:7

Comforteth (5). Job 29:25; Isa. 51:12; 66:13: 2 Cor. 1:4; 7:6

Comfortless 0-). Jn. 14:18

Comfort3 (2).Ps.94:19; Isa.57:18 2

ComlnR( 99).Who may abide day, Mal.3: Before die c. of the great, Mai. 4:5 C
in His kingdom, Mt. 16:28 advent Sign of Thy c. ,Mt. 24:3. See Second Cin the
clouds of heaven, Mt. 26:64; Mk. 13:26: 14:62 C up out of the water, Mk. 1:10
Waiting for c, of the L«d. 1 Cor, 1:7 They that are Christ's at His c., 1 Cor.
15:23; 1 Th. 2:19; 3:13; 4:15;5:23.. See Rapture C. of the Lord, 2 Th. 2:1, 8-9;
Jas. 5: 7-8; 2 Pet. 1:16; 3:4,12; 1 Jn. 2:28 C down from God, Rev. 21:2

Comings (1), Ezek, 43:11

Command (103).Commandments which I

—i:.m.Ci2; 8:1; 11:8-13.22; 13:18; 15:5 Words I c. .X>t. 6:6; 12:28; 28:14
Judgments I c.. Dt, 7:11 Statutes I c., Dt. 8:11; 10:13; 27:10 C your children to
observe, Dt,32:46 C deliverances for Jacob,Ps. 44:4 C.ye Me the wotk of My
hands,Isa.45:11 If ye do whatsoever I c. you,Jn. 15:14 These things I c. you, Jn.
15:17 Unto the married I c., 1 Cor, 7:10 We c. you, 2 Th.3:6. 12 These things c.
and teach, 1 Tim. 4:11

Commanded (446). 41 examples.^^oele

~t"God(274times.Gen.2:16; 3:11. 17;

2 Pharaoh(Gen,12:20; 47:11; Ex.L-17)

3 Jacob (Gen. 32:4,17-19)

4 Joseph (Gen. 42:25; 44:1; 50:2,12)

5 Moses CLev,9:5; 10:18; Num, 16:47)

6 Joshua Oosh. 1:10; 4:8,17; 6:10)

7 Officers of laael Qo^ 3=3)

8 Boaz (Ruth 2:15)

9 Jesse (1 Sam. 17:20)

10 Saul(l Sam. 18:22)

11 Davld(2Sam.4:12;18:5;lChr.22:2)

12 Absalom (2 Sam, 13:28)

13 King of Syria (1 Ki. 22:31) 14Jehoiada (2Ki, 11:5, 15)

15 Ahaz(2 Ki. 16:15-16)

16 King of Assyria (2 Ki. 17:27)

17 Josiah (2 KL 22:12; 23:4, 21)

17 Josiah (2 KL 22:12; 23:4, 21)

18 Asa (2 Chr. 14:4)

19 Hezekiah (2 Chr. 29:21-30; 31:4)

20 Nehemiah (Neh. 13: 9-22)

21 Ahasuerus (Esther 1:10,17; 6:1)

22 Esther (4:13)

23 Mordecai (Esther. 8:9) 24Rechab (Fer. 35:6-18)

25 Jeremiah Oer. 36:5-8)

26 Zedekiah Oer. 37:21; 38:10.27)

27 Christ (Ml. 10:5; 14:9.19; 15:4)

28 An unknown master (Ml. 18:25)

29 pnate (Mt, 27:58)

30 Rulers of Iffael (Acts 4:15. 18)

31 Ethiopian eunuch (Acts 8:38)

32 Herod (Acts 12:19)

33 Magistrates (Acts 16:22)

34 Claudius (Acts 18:2)

35 Roman captain (Acts 21:33. 34)

36 Ananias (Acts 23:2)

37 Felix (Acts 24:23)

38 Festus (Acts 25:6)

39 Centurion (Acts 27:43)

39 Centurion (Acts 27:43)

40 Paul (1 Th. 4:11; 2 Th. 3:10)

41 An angel (Rev. 9:4) 32:23 Commandedst (4).Neh. 1:7-8; 9:14; Jet.

Commander (1). a title of Messiah, Isa.

55:4 Commandest (3), Josh. 1:16-18; Acts 23:3 Commandetii (13). Ex. 16:32;
Num. 32:

25; Job 9:7; 36:10.32; 37:1^ Ps. 107:

25; Lam. 3:37; Amos 6:11; Mk. 1:27;

Lk. 4:36; 8:25; Acts 17:30 Commanding (4).Gen.49:33; Mt. 11:1;

Acts 24:8; 1 Tim. 4:3 Commandment (177). C, of the Lord (46

times. Num.4:41,49; 9:18-23:14:41;

33:2). See Commanded I have per formed thee, of, 1 Sam. 15:13 C, of the Lord
is pure. Ps. 19:8 Cis exceeding broad. Ps. 119:96 C is a lamp, law a Ught. Pr.
6:23 First and great c. .Ml. 22:36-38 A new c. I give unto you. Jn. 13:34 This
IsMyc. .That ye love. Jn. 15:12 C brought sin.Rom. 7:8-13 First c. with promise.
Eph. 6:2 End of the c. is charity. 1 Tim. 1:5 Disannuling of the c., Ufb. 7:18 To
turn from the holy c., 2Pel.2:21 C of us the apostles, 2 Pel. 3:2 This is Hisc.That
we should.l Jn. 3:23 Commandments (170). Mv commandments (34 times),Gen.
26:5; Ex. 16: 5SnO:6;Lev. 26:3 His commandments (43 times),Ex, 15:

26; Dt.6:2; 8:11; 13:4; 26:17; 27:10;

28:15 Thy commandments (26 times), Eaa

9tl4; Neh. 9:16, 29; Ps. 119:6,10.19 Commandments of theLord ( 26 times),

Lev. 4:2,13,27; 5:17; Dt.8:6; 10:13; 20c.inLk,12,v 75-4* 11:28

6 titles of Bible using. 636 C. must be kepi.n 112-4*; s 113-1* Extent to keep c,
,t 113-1*; b 113-4*

10 commandments Not knoMi to Adam or Abraham ,d 24-1; Only part ofthe

law,b-d 89-4 112
law,b-d 89-4 112

20 facts about, 112 Found only 3 times in Scripture. 112 4th one left out of N.
T.. 112 In the O. T. and N.T. .116 Done away.k-m 203-1; d 209-1; 201*
Received by Moses, n 203-1 Second place given, c 204-4 Are statutes and
judgments, e 204-4 Penalty foi breaking. 116 Commands. 2.713 in lawof Moses.

Thousands more in O.T.See Summary of eachbook ofthe O.T. and marginal

notes 1,050 in N.T. ,313-316*

4 c. for kings, c 549-4 lOc.ofPs. 34, k 562-1 17c.ofPs. 37, b 564-1

50 c.to praise God, a 569-4 7fold command to praise, 1 569-4 2 c. for all men, n

5 c. for saints to obey, h 570-4

5 c. for saints to trust God,e 575-4

9 c. for saints to worship God, a 577-1 2 c. for saints to hear God, a 584-1

8 c. for I«ael, e 586-1 4 c. for judges, q 587-1

6 c, for Mints to play music,b 617-1

4 c, to be perfect, 624

10 c.to have courage,625

5 c. for sons, f 658-4

6 c. for sons, 1 658-4 4 c. for sons, a 659-1

18 c. about hearts, g 659-1 8 c. for sons. 666

Complete Concordance - Cyclopedic Index


4 c. for sons, 667

2 c. to those who pray, 475 Commend (7), Lk, 23:46; Acts 20:32;

Rom. 3:5; 16:1; 2 Cot. 3:1; 5:12; 10:12 Commendation (2), 2 Cor. 3:1
Commended (6).Gen.l2:15; Pr.l2:8;EccL

8:15;Lk. l6:8; Actsl4:23; 2Cor. 12:11 Commendeth (4),Rom. 5:8; 1 Cor. 8:8;

2 Cor. 10:18 Commendlns (1), 2 Cor. 4-2 Commission (1). Acu 26:12

To Jews only, a 10-1*

ToaUtheworld,alO-l*;a34-4*;k 87—

The great c., a 34-4^ 4*

Commissions (1), Ezra 8:36 Commit (7^. Not c, adultery, Ex. 20:
l4n>t,5:18:Mt.5:27; 19:18; Lk. 18: 20; Rom. 2:22; 13:9; Jas. 2:11

Ye c. adultery, Jer. 7:9

They c. adultery, Jer. 23:14 13-14

Your spouses shaU c. adultery, Hos. 4:

Causeth her to c. adultery, Mt. 5:32

Doth c. adultery, Mt. 19:9

Them liiat c. adultery,Rev. 2:22

C. fornication, 2 Chr. 21:11; Isa.23:17; 1 Cor. 10:8; Rev. 2:14

C. whoredoms. Lev. 20:5; Num. 25:1; Ezek. 16:17.34; 22:43; Hos. 4:10,14

C. trespass,Lev. 5:15; 6:2; Num. 5:12; 31:16; Joi. 22:20

Cany ofihese things, Lev.5:17; 18:26

C. Iniquity, 2 Sam. 7:14; Jer. 9:5; Ezek. 3:20; 33:13

C. my spirit, Ps.31:5
C.thy way unto the Lord,Ps. 37:5

C.thy works unto the Lord,Pr. 16:3

C. wickedness, Pr. 16:12

C. great evil, Jer. 44:7

C. abominations, Ezek. 8:17

C. lewdness,Ezek. 16:43; 22:9; Hos,6:9

C. fabehood.Ho8.7:l

Jesus did not c. Himself to, Jtu 2:24

C. things worthy of stripes,Lk. 12:48

C. to thy trust true riches,Lk. 16:11

C. things worthy of death,Rom. 1:32

C. sacrilege, Rom. 2:22

C. to faithful men, 2 Tim. 2:2

C. sin, Jas. 2:9; 1 Jn. 3:9

C. the keeping of souls to, 1 Pet. 4:19 Committed ( 91) . 16eyilthlD)ac. bymen:

1 Trespass (Lev. 5:7; Josh. 7:1; 22:31)

2 AbominatIoDs(Lev.20:13; Jer.6:15)

3 Sins(Dt. 21:22; Ezek.33:16;Jas.5:14)

4 Lewdness Qudg. 20:6)

5 Wickedness (1 Ki. 8:47;Ezek. 16:27)

6 Transgression (IChr.lO: 13; EzekJ6:

7 Inlquiry (Ps. 106:6; Ezd<.33:13) 26)

8 Two evUs Cfer, 2:13) 37)

9 Adultery Oer. 3:8-9; 5:7; Ezek. 23:

10 ViUany (Jer. 29:23)

11 EvUs (Ezek, 6:9; 20:43)

12 Fornication(Ezek.l6:26;lCor.l0:8)

13 Whoredoms(Ezek,23:3,7;Hos.l:2)

14 Murder (Mk. 15:7)

15 Lasciviousness (2 Cot. 12:21)

16 Ungodly deeds Oude 15)

7 good things c. to men:

1 Oraclesof God (Rom. 3:2) IT)

2 Dispensation ofthe gospel (1 Cor. 9:

3 Word of reconciliation (2 Cor. 5:19)

4 Go^el of uncircumcision(Gal.2:7)

5 Glorious gospel (lTim.l:ll;6:20)

6 Good thing (2 Tim. 1:14)

7 His Word (Tit. 1:3) Committeg (1), Hos. 5:3 CommittetB (19). 4 eyils

1 C,adullery(Lev.20:10;Pr.6:32;Ezek. 16:32;Ml.5:32: 19:9; Mk. 10:11-12; Lk.


2 C. iniquity (Ezek. 18:24,26; 33:18)

3 C. fornication (1 Cor. 6:18) 4C. sin On. 8:34; 1 Jn.3:4,8)

3 C. fornication (1 Cor. 6:18) 4C. sin On. 8:34; 1 Jn.3:4,8)

Committing ( 2). Ezek. 33:15; Hos.4:2 Commodious (1). Acts 27:12 Common
(21).C.people,Lev.4:2/; Jer.

C.death.Num. 16:29 26:23;Mk.l2:37

C. bread, 1 Sam. 21:4-5

C. things, Jer. 31:5; Acts 2:44; 4:32

C. sort, Ezek. 23:42

C.haU,Mt. 27:27

C. prison. Acts 5:18

C. faith. Tit. 1:4

C. salvation,Jude 3

What God has cleansed call not c. or unclean. Acts 10:14-15,28; 11:8-9
Commonly (a. Mt. 28:15; 1 Cor. 5:1 Commonwealth ( I) ,citizeuship,Eph. 2:12
Commotion (1), Jer. 10:22 Commotions (l).Lk. 21:9 Commune f3). Gen. 34:6;
Ex. 25:22; 1

Sam. 18:22; 19:3; Job 4:2; Ps. 4:4; 64:

5; 77:6 Communed a 8).Gen. 23:8; 34:8.20; 42;

24; 43:19; Judg. 9:1; 1 Sam. 9:25; 25:

39; lK1.10:2;2Ki.22:14; 2 Chi. 9:1;

EccUl:16; Dan. 1:19; Zech. 1:14; Lk,

6:11; 22:4; 24:15; Acts 24:26 Communicate (4^.GaL 6:6; PhIL 4:14;

1 Tim. 6:18; Heb.l3:16 Communicated (2),GaL 2:2; Phil. 4:15

Communication (6). 2 Sam. 3:17; 2 Ki, 9:U;Mt.5:37;Eph.4:29:Col.3:8;Ph'm 6

Communications( 2)J.k.24:17;lCor.l5; 1^ Cor.6:14; 13:14
Communion (4).h 200-4*; 1 Cor. 10:16; 2 Cornmuiiion with dev'ls. 1 Cor.

Familiar spirits Communini ^ (2),Gen. 18:33; Ex.31:18 Communism.

iinscriptural,r 59-4*; ql26-Communitv spirit, h 124-4* 4^

Compact (1). Ps. 122:3

Compacted f 1). Eph. 4:16 CompanieJ (l). Acts 1:21 CompanleT (lT). C. of
armed men 0udg.

7:16. 20; 9:34-44; 1 Sam. 11:11; 13: 17; 2 KL 5:2: Job 6:19; Isa, 57:13; Ezek.
26:7 C.ofLevites,l Chr. 9:18 C. of king's servants, 1 Chr. 28:1 C. of singers, Neh.
12:31, 40 C. of merchants, Isa. 21:13 C. of disciples, Mk.6:39 Companion ( 13).
Wife given to c. .Judg, 14:20; 15:2-6 C. of David. 1 Chr. 27:33 C.to dragons and
owls,Job 30:29 C. to them that fear Thee, Ps. 119:63 C.of fools,Pr. 13:20 C. of
sinners, Pr. 28:7, 24; Isa. 1:23 C. in gospel labor, Phil. 2:25 C.LD
tribulation,Rev. 1:9 Companions ( 21).C.of Israel. Ezek.37:16

C.of Daniel, Dan. 2:17 C.in oavel to Paul, Acts 19:29 C. In reproach, affliction,
Heb. 10:33 Companions' (1). Ps. 122:8

Company ( 86). C. of nations,Gen. 35:11 C. of Istimaelites, Gen. 37:25 C. of

Korah, Num. 16:5-16; 26:9; 27:3 C.of prophets, 1 Sam. 10:5,10; 19:20 C.of
those who publish it,Ps, 68:11 C.of disciples,Lk, 6:17 C. of Christians, Acts 4:23
C. of priests, Acu 6:7 C.of angels, Heb. 12:22 C.. meaning companionship. Pr.
29:3; Rom. 15:24; lCor.5:9.11;2Th. 3:14

Comparable (1). Lam. 4:2

Compare (4)". Isa. 40:18; 46:5; Mk. 4:30;

2 Cor. 10:12 Compared (5). Ps. 89:6: Pr. 3:15:8:11;

Song 1:9; Rom. 8:18 Comparing (2), 1 Cor. 2:13; 2 Cor. 10:12

Comparison (4). Judg. 8:2-3; Hag. 2:3;

in Scripture:

Mk. 4:30 Compass (39). Used 6 wa^ in Scrip '

Mk. 4:30 Compass (39). Used 6 wa^ in Scrip '

1 Border or ledge (Ex. 27:5; 38:4)

2 Goroundabout(Num.21:4Josh.6:3-7)

3 Surround (2 Chr. 23:7; Jer. 31:22)

4 Cling to O's. 26:6)

5 Vault,circle,arch(Pr.8:27) 44:13)

6 Instrument for making a circle (Isa. Compassed (43). Waves of death c. me,

2 Sam. 18:15. Cp.Ps.l8:4; 116:3 Sorrows of hell c. me, 2 Sam. 22:6; Ps.
Manybullsc. Me, Ps. 22:12 18:5

Dogs have c. Me, Ps. 22:16 Innumerable evils c. me,Ps. 40:12 Terrors... c. me
about,Ps. 88:16-17 Words c. me, Ps. 109:3 Floods c. me about.Jonah 2:3.-5
Jerusalem c. with aiinies.Lk. 21:20 C. with infirmity, Heb, 5:2 C. with so great
cloud of, Heb. 12:1 C. camp ofthe saints. Rev. 20:9

Compassest (1), Ps. 139:3

C!ompasseth (5),Gen. 2:11-13; Josh. 19:

14; Ps. 73:6; Hos. 11:12 Compasnng (3), 1 KI. 7:24; 2 Chr. 4:3 Compasaon
(40).DefiDed.j 9-4*; n 247-4*

Princess liad c. oa baby Moses,Ex. 2:6 David had c. on Saul, 1 Sam. 23:21 God
had c. on Israel, 2KL 13:23; 2

Chr. 36:15; Ps. 78:38 Chitstcon followers,Mt. 9:36; 14:14; 15:32; 20:34; Mk.
1:41; 5:19; 6:34; 8:2; 9:22; Lk. 7:13 King c. on servant, Mt. 18:27 Good
Samaritan c. on man,Lk. 10:33 Father c. on prodigal son,Lk. 15:20 Hebrews c.
on Paul, Heb. 10:34 God full of c,P 5.86:15; 111:4; 112:4; 145:8

Examplesof no c.,2Chr.36:17;Mt.l8:33 Ministers must have c., Bdb. 5:2 Having

c., one of another, 1 Pet. 3:8 Shutteth up his bowels of c., 1 Jd.3:17 Have c..
making a difference. Jude 22 Compassions (2).Lam.3:22; Zech. 7:9 Compels),
Lev. 25:39; Esther 1:8; Mt.
: Mk. 15:21; Lk. 14:23 Compelled (6). m 5-1*; 1 Sam. 28:23; 2

Chr. 21:11; Mt. 27:32; Acts 26:11; 2

Cor. 12:11; GaL 2:3 Compcllest (1). Gal. 2:14 Complain (4). Judg. 21:22; Job
7:11; 31:

38; Lam. 3:39 Complained (21. Num. 11:1; Ps. 77:3

Complainers fl). Jude 16 Complaining (1), P s. 144:14

Complaint (9). 1 Sam. 1:16; Job 7:13: 9:27: 10:1; 21:4; 23:2; Ps. 55:2; 142:2 18
reasons for c.. f 572-4 ISfold c.of Asaph,t 585-4 16fold c. against God. 630
Complaints fl). Acts 25:7 Complete (3)Xev.23:15:CoL2:10:4:12 Composition
(2). Ex. 30:32, 37 Compound (1), Ex. 30:25 CompouncTeth (l).Ex. 30:33
Comprehen"3T 2). Job 37:5; Eph, 3:18 Comprehended (3). Isa. 40:12; Jn. 1:5;
Rom. 13:9 Conanlah (1), Jehovah has established,

2 Chr. 35:9. See Cononiab Conceal (6), Gen. 37:26; Dt. 18:8; Job

^:11; 41:12; Pr. 25:2; Jer. 50:2 Concealed (2). Job 6:10; Ps.40:10 CoDcealeth
(2).Pr. 11:13; 12:23 Conceit (5)JPr.l8:11; 26:5,12,16; 28:11 Conceits (^,Rom.
11:26; 12:16 Conceive (14).Cataec..Gen.30:38-41 Thou shall c.. and bear a son.

13:3. 5, 7;Lk. 1:31 In sin did my mother c. me.Ps. 51:5 Avlrgin shaU c., and bear
a scm, Isa.

7:14; Mt. 1:23. Cp. Isa. 9:6-7 Sarah received strength toe.Heb.U:U C. mischief.
Job 15:35; Isa. 59:4 C. chaff. Isa. 33:11 Conceived (46). Gen. 4:1. 17; 16:4-5;
21:2:25:21; 29:32-35; 30:5-39; 38:3-18; 1 Sam, 1:20; 2 Sam, 11:5; Job 3:3 That
which is c.is of the.Mt, 1:20 C. a plan. Acts 5:4 When lust hath c. it
bringeth.Jas.l:15 Conceiving (1).Isa.59:13 J:ll CoDceptloD
O).Gen.3:16;Rutfa4:13; Hos, Conceptions. 7 miraculous c.. j 295-1 Concern (2)7
Acts 28:31; 2 Cor. 11:30 Concemeth (2).Ps. 138:8; Ezek. 12:10 Concern lng"(
227). relating to. Gen. 5:29i 42:21; Jet. 14:15; 18:7-9; 23:15 C. Jesus Christ.
Lk.24:19.27,44; Rom. 1.' C.klngdomofGod, Acu 19:8 3; 9:& C. virgins, 1 Cor.
7:25 C. spiritual gifu, 1 Coc. 12:1 C. collection for the sainu, 1 Cor. 16:1 C.
reproach. 2 Cor. 11:21 C. the former conversation, Eph. 4:22 C.Christ and the
church.Eph. 5:32 C. giving. PhiL4:15 C. your faith. 1 Th.3:2 C. ihem which are
asleep. 1 Th. 4:13; 1 Tim. 1:19; 6:21; 2 Tim. 2:18; 3:8 C. things to come. Heb.
asleep. 1 Th. 4:13; 1 Tim. 1:19; 6:21; 2 Tim. 2:18; 3:8 C. things to come. Heb.
11:20 C.the fiery trial. 1 Pet. 4:12 C. His promise, 2 Pet. 3:9 Concialoo (1).
mutilation. cuttiiig.PhIL Conclude (1). Rom. 3:28 3:2

Conduded(3). Acu 21:25;Rom.ll: 32 ;G aL Coocludon (l).EccL 12:13 3:22

Concord (1), 2 Cor. 6:15 Concourse (2).Pr. 1:21; Acu 19:40 Concubine (22). a
mistress considered a wife of inferior rankby Jewish custom. In O. T. times
(Gen. 22:24; 35:22; 36: 12; Judg. 19; 20:4-6; 1 Chr. 1:32). Con-cii}lnes were not
wedded with the usual ceremonies of marriage and they had no share in
famllygovemment. Their children were treated differently from those ofthe fully
recognized wife. In the gospel program the use of concubines is classed as
fornication and adultery ConcitInes a7).Gen. 25:6; 2Sam. 5:13; 15:16; 16:21-22;
19:5; 20:3:1 Ki. 11: 3; 2 Chr. 11:21; Danj^:2-3. 23 14 examples of c.. m 285-4
Cqncupl8cence( 3) .undue or illicit sexual desire; inordinate appetite or desire;
lust (Rom. 7:8; CoL 3:5: 1 Th, 4:5) Condemn( 24).to judge; pronounce guilty of
crime at wrong (Mt. 12:41-42; 20: 18; Lk.6:37: 11:31-32; Jn.3:17; 8:11; IJn.
3:20-21) Condemnation ( 12).This Is the c.Jn.3:19 Shall not come Into c., Jn.
5:24 Now no c. to them in Christ, Rom. 8:1 Administration of c., 2 Cor. 3:9 Fall
into the c. of devU, 1 Tim. 3:6 Receive greater c. ,Jas. 3:1 Condemned( 21l .C.by
thy words.Mt.12:37 Condmen not.ye shall not be c. J.k.6:37 Believeth on Him is
not c. ,Jn. 3:18 C. sin in the flesh, Rom. 8:3 Sound speech cannot be c.. Tit. 2:8
Condemned (1). Rom. 2:1 Condemneth (4). Job 15:6; Ft. 17:15; Rom. 8:34;
14:22 Condemning (2). 1 Ki. 8:32; Acu 13:27 Condescend (1). Rom. 12:16
Condition T i). 1 Sam. 11:2 Conditions (1). Lk. 14:32 Conduct (3). 2
Sam.l9:15,31; lCor.l6:U Conducted(2), 2 Sam. 19.40; Acts 17:15 Conduit
(4),2Ki. 18:17; 20:20; Isa.7:3; Coney (2).Lev. 11:5; Dt. 14:7 36:2

Confection (1).Ex. 30:35 Confectionajries (1). 1 Sam, 8:13 Confederacy (3). Isa.
8:12; Oba. 7 CopfeJerateO ),Gen.l4:13;Ps.83:5; Isa. Conference (1).GaL 2:6 7:2

Conferred (4).l Ki. 1:7; Acts 4:15; 25:

12; Gal. Irl6 ConfeB(28).C. sins.Lev. 5:5; Num. 5:7 <t. iniquities.Lev. 16:21;
26:40 C.Thyname.lKi.8:23.35;2Chr. 6:24-C. transgressions, P s. 32:5 26

C.Christ,Mt.lO:32; Lk. 12:8;Rom.lO:9 C.to God,Rom. 14:11 C.that Jesus is

Lord,Phil. 2:11 C. faults, Jas. 5:16 15

C. that Jesus is the Son of God. 1 Jn. 4: If we c. our sins, 1 Jn. 1:9 Confessed
(7).Ezra 10:1; Neh. 9:2-3;Jn.
(7).Ezra 10:1; Neh. 9:2-3;Jn.

1:20; Acu 19:18; Heb. 11:13 Confesseth O). Pr. 28:13; 1 Jn. 4:2-3 Confesslng(
3).Dan.9:20; Mt.3:6;Mk, 1:5

Confession (61. losh. 7:19: 2 Chr. 30:22; Ezra 10:11; Dan. 9:4; Rom. 10:10; 1
Tim. 6:13 4fold c.of Adam.c 3-4 6fold c.of faith.r 263-1 CoDfldence (38). False
c.. Judg. 9:26; 2 Kl. 18:19; Jo63Tr^;Pr.25:19 True c.J's.65:5;118:8-9;Pr.3:26;
14:26 No c.In the flesh,Phil. 3:3. 4 Ifwe hold fastthec.,Heb.3:6,14; 10:35 Then
have we c. towatdGod,lJn.3:21 This is thee. wehaveinHlm.l Jn.5:14 Confidences
(1). Jer. 2:37 Confident (g).Ps. 27:3; Pr. 14:16; Rom.

2:19; 2 Cor. 5:6-8; 9:4; Phil. 1:6,14 Confidently (1). Lk. 22:59 C onfirm (13). C.
thy words. 1 KI. 1:14 i.the kingdom. 2 K 1.15:19 C. ihlne Inheritance, Ps. 68:9
C. the feeble knees, Isa. 35:3 C.the word. Ezek. 13:6 C. the covenant. Dan. 9:27
C.the promises,Rom. 15:8 2:8

C.you unto the end,l Cor. l:8;2Cor. Conflrmatlofl (2).Phil. 1:7; Heb. 6:16 Con
firmed (13).C.to Thyself Thy people, 2 Sam.7:24 10

C.thelawinJacob,2Chr.l6:17;Ps. 105: C. His words, Dan. 9:12; Acu 15:32 C.

testimony of Christ, 1 Cor. 1:6 C. unto us the gospel, Heb. 2:3 Confirmeth O).
Num. 30:14; Dt. 27:26; Isa. 44:% 15:41

Congrmlns O). Mk. 16:20; Acts 14:22; Congscadoo (1) of goods. Ezra 7:26
Conflict (2)."Phn. 1:30; CoL 2:1 Conformable (1). Phil. 3:10 Cooformedj S).
Rom. 8:29; 12:2 Cqnfomd (5). Gen. 11:7-9; Jer. 1:17; 1

Cor. 1:^7 Confounded (50). Not c.. Ps. 22:5 Let them be c. .Ps. 35:4; 40:14;

71:13; 83:17; 12965 The mooQ Aall be c.. Isa. 24:23 Came together and were c..
Acu 2:6 C, the Jews at Damascus, Acu 9:22 He that believeth on Him shall not
be c, .1 Pet. 2:6 Confiis^d (2).Isa. 9:5; Acu 19:32 Cqnfusion
(25)Jestialitvl8C.J.ev.l8:23 Incest is c. .Lev. 20:12 Molten images are
c.,Isa.'41:29 God not author of c.. 1 Cor. 14:33 Envying and strife are c. .Jas.
3:16 Congealed (1). hardened, frozen, con-verted &ora a fluid to a solid
condition (Ex. 15:8) Congratulate (1). 1 Chr. 18:10 Contgegation (364). C. of
Israel (24 times).Ex. 12:; 16:9; 35:4 C. of Judah,2Chr. 20:5: 30:25 C. of
tiie Lotd.Josh, 22:17; IChr. 28:8; C.ofGod. Neh. 13:1 MIc.2:5
C. of the righteous.Ps. 1:5 C.of the people, Ps. 7:7; 107:32 C.of the poor, Ps.
74:19 C.of the mighty, Ps. 82:1 C. ofthe saints, Ps. 89:5; 149:1 C.of the dead,Pr.
21:16 Tabernacle ofthe c. (134 times), Ex.

27:21; 28:43; 29:4-44; 30:16-36 The people of the c. ,Lev. 16:33 The
wholec..Lev.4:13; Num.3:7; 14:2 Rulers ofthe c. .Ex. 16:22; 34:31 Elden of the
c. .Lev. 4:15 Tentof thee. .Ex. 39:40; 40:7.22.24 All the c, .Num. 15:33; 27:2
Conjjegadons(3).Ps. 26:12:68:26; 74:4 Coniah (3). Jehovah doth establish. Jet.

22:24-28; 37:1. See Jeholachln Conies (2). Ps. 104:18; Pr. 30:26 Cononlah (2),
Jehovah has established.

2 Chr. 31:12-13. See Conanlah Conquer (1).Rev. 6:2 Conquering (1), Rev, 6:2
Conquerors (1), Rom. 8:37 h 219-4

Conquest laws. 115; b 195-4; 1206-4; d-CcHisclence ( 31).Deflned.h 103-f:

236* Dispensation of Conscience, 59

Complete Concordance - Cyclopedic Index

C. in religion, t 42-1* 12 kinds of c. 236* Facidtyofconviction,Jn. 8:9; Acts 23:

1; 24:16; Rom. 2:15; 9:1; 13:5; 1 Cor, 8:7-12; 10:25-29; 2Cor. 1:12; 4:2; 5: 11; 1
Tim. 1:5, 19; 3:9; 4:2; 2 Tim. l:3;Tit. 1:15: Heb. 9:9,14; 10:2.2?; 13:18; 1 Pet.
2:19; 3:16,21 Consciences (1). 2 Cor. 5:11 Consciousness after death , n-o 99-
l*.See ImrnoruUry Consecrate (14), devote; separate; dedicate; give wholly over
to God (Ex. 28: 3,41; 29:9. 33-35; 30:30; 32:29; Lev. 8:33; 16:32;Xum.6:12;
lChr.29:5; 2

Chi. 13:9; Ezek. 43:26: Mic. 4:13) Consecrated (14).Ex. 29:29; Lev, 21:10;
Num. 3:3; Josh. 6:19; Juds;. 17:5, 12; 1 Ki.l3:33; 2Chr. 26:18; 29:31,33; 31:6;
Ezra 3:5; Heb. 7:28: 10:20.See Consecrate for meaning Consecration (9).Ex.
29:22-31; Lev. 8: J_, J9. 31: Num. 6:7-9 Of priests, 119 7fold c. of Ruth, b 291-4
Consecrations (4).Ex. 29:34; Lev, 7:37; 7c.ofAbraham,cl9-4 8:28-31

Consent (15), Gen, 34:15-23: Dt. 13:8; Judg, 11:17; 1 Sam.11:7; IKi. 20:8: Ps.
83:5; Pr. 1:10; Hos. 6:9; Zeph. 3:9; Lk. 14:18; Rom. 7:16: ICor. 7:5; 1 Tim. 6:3
Consented ( 4). 2Ki. 12:8; Dan. 1:14; Lk.

23:51; Acts 18:20 Consentedst (1), Ps. 50:18 I

Consenting (2), Acu 8:1; 22:20 ConaJer (66).C.my meditation.Ps. 5:1 C. Thy
Consenting (2), Acu 8:1; 22:20 ConaJer (66).C.my meditation.Ps. 5:1 C. Thy
heavens, the work of,Ps. 8:3 C.my trouble, Ps. 9:13 C. mine enem.ies,Ps. 25:19
C. mine affliction. Ps. 119:153 C. how Hove Thy precepts. Ps.ll 9:159 C.the
ways of the ant, Pr. 6:6 C. the work of God, Eccl. 7:13 C. youi ways. Hag. 1:5-7
C.themies,Mt.6:28 C.the ravens,Lk. 12:24 C. what I say, and the L<xd,2Tim. 2:7
C. the Apostle, HighPriest, Heb. 3:1 C. one another to provoke, Heb. 10:24 C.
Him that endured such, Hd>. 12:3 10 things to c., r 74-4* 4 things to c. ,313*
Considered (16). C, Job, Job 1:8; 2:3 Ic, ,Pr. 24:32; Eccl. 4:1, 4, 15; 9:1; Dan.
7:8; Acts 11:6 I c. the homs, there came up, Dan. 7:8 He c.
nothisownbodydead,Rom.4:19 Considerest (2),Jer. 33:24; Mt. 7:3 Considereth
(9),Ps. 33:15; 41:1; Pi, 21: 12; 23:22; 29:7; 31:16; Isa.44:19;Ezek, 18:14.28

Considering( 4). Isa. 57:1; Dan. 8:5; Gal. Consist (1). CoL 1:17 Conaisteth (1),
Lk. 12:15 Consolation (15).Jer. 16:7; Lk. 2:25; 6: 24; Acts4:36;15:31:Rom.
15:5; 2 Cor. 1:5-7; 7:7;Phil. 2:1; 2 Th, 2:16; Ph'm 7; Heb. 6:18
Consolations(3).Job 15:11: 21:2; Isa.66:U Consorted~ (T). associated. Acts 17:4
Conspliacy ( 10). 2 Sam. 15:12; 2 Ki. 12: 20; 14:l5; 15:15.30; 17:4; 2Chi.25:27;
Jer. 11:9; Ezek. 22:25; Acts 23:13 Conspirators (1). 2 Sam. 15:31 Conspirecf
llg),Gen. 37:18; 1 Sam. 22:8. 13; IKi. 15:27; 16:9,16; 2Ki. 9:14; 10: 9; 15:10.25:
21:23-24; 2 Chr. 24:21-26: 33:24-25; Neh. 4:8; Amos 7:10 Constant (1). 1 Chi.
28:7 3:8

Constantly (3) J'r.21:28; Acts 12:15: Tit. Con stellacions d).star groups,
Isa.13:10 Constrain (l)Tq 142-4*; Gal. 6:12 Constialned (6).2 KL 4:8: Mt.
14:22; Mk.

6:45; Lk. 24:29; Acts 16:15: 28:19 Constiaineth (2).Job 32:18; 2 Cor. 5:14
Constraint "H). 1 Pet. 5:2 Consult (1), Ps. 62:4 Consultation (1), Mk. 15:1
Consulted (13), 1 Ki. 12:6-8; IChr. 13:1; 2 Chi. 20:21; Neh. 5:7; Ps. 83:3-5;
Ezek. 21:21; Dan.6:7; Mic. 6:5: Hab. 2:10; Mt. 26:4; Jn. 12:10 Consultei (1). Dt,
18:11 ConsuUeth (1). Lk. 14:31 Copsume (53). use up, eat or drink up, kill,
waste; but never annihilate C, the land by famine.Gen. 41:30 C.(km) them. Ex.
32:10-12; 33:3-5> Num. 16:21. 45; Dt, 5:25; 7:16. 22| 2 KI. 1:10-12; Jei. 14:12
C. (make blind) the eyes.Lev. 26:16 C. it (eat It up).Dt. 28:38. 42 C.(dle) for
iniquity, Ezek. 4:17 C. (destroy) these kingdoms, Dan. 2:44 C.(uje) upon youi
lusts, Jas,4:3 Consumed (96).DTOu8htc.me,Gen.31:40 C. (defeated) them.l KI.
22:11; 2 Ki, 13:19; 2 Chi, 18:10; Jer. 44:12.18 C, with hunger,Ezek, 5:12; 34:29
C, one another by strife,GaL 5:15

Consumeth (4).Job 13:28: 22:20; 31:12|

Consumeth (4).Job 13:28: 22:20; 31:12|

Isa. S: 24 Consuming( 3).Dt.4:24: 9:3;Heb. 12:29 Consummation (1). Dan. 9:27

Consu.-npuon (5). A disease common in Egypt, f 149-4: Lev. 26:16: Dt.28:22

Destruction. Isa. 10:22-23; 28:22 Contain (7), 1 KL 8:27; 18:32; 2 Chr. 2:

6:6:18;Ezek.45:ll;Jn.21:25;lCor.7:9 Contained (5), 1 Ki. 7:26, 38; Rom. 2:

14; Eph.2:15: 1 Pet. 2:6 Containeth (1).Ezek. 23:32 ContainiaR" (l).Jn. 2:6
Contemn (2) .to despise, scorn, condemn, Ps. 10:13; Ezek. 21:13 Contemned (4).
Ps. 15:4; 107:11; Song

8:7; Isa. 16:14 CoDter-iaeth (1),Ezek. 21:10

Condnueth (5). Heb,

Job 14:2; Gal, 7:24; Jas. 1:25

3:10! 1

Conterr.potaries. Only4 generations be-iween Adam and Abraharn. Methusaleh

wasconiemporaiy with Adam 243 years (Gen. 5:5, 27). Noah was contemporary
with MethusalehMo yeat^ (Gen. 5:27; 7:6). Shem was contemporary with Noah
447 years (Gen. 7:6; 11:10-11). Abraham was contemporary with Shem 150
years (Gen. 11:10-12:4). Isaac and Jacob were contemporaries of Abraham -
Isaac for 75 years (Gen. 21:5; 25:7), and Jacob for 15 yeais (Gen. 25: 7-2:^.
Thus the earliest revelations of God and the story of creation could have easily
passed from mouth to mouth from Adam to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob
Contempt (10), Esther 1:18; Job 12:21;

"31:34; Ps. 107:40; 119:22; 123:3-4; Pr. 18:3; Isa. 23:9; Dan. 12:2

Contemptible (4) Jvlal.l:7.12; 2:9; 2Cor.

CoDlen'.ptuously (1) .Ps.31:18 10:10

Contend(14),Dt.2: 9,24;Job 9:3; 13:8;Pr. 28:4;EccL6:10; Isa,49:25; 50:8: 57:16:


Contended (6), Neh. 13:11, 17, 25; Job 31:13; Isa. 41:12; Acts 11:2
Contendest ( 1). Job 10:2

Contendeth( 3), Job 40:2; Pr,29:9; l5a,4ft

ContendlDiz (l),Jude 9 25

Content (Ig).Be c, with wages,Lk. 3:14 State I am,to be c,Phil, 4:11 Food and
raiment,be c,, 2 Tim. 6:8 Be c, with that you have, Heb, 13:5

Contention (9), Pr, 13:10; 17:14; 18:6i 22:10; Jer, 15:10; Hab, 1:3; Acts 15:39;
Phll.l:16; lTh,2:2

Contentions (6). Pr, 18:18-19; 19:13:23:

: 29; 1 Cor, 1:11; Tit, 3:9

i Contentious (5).Pr, 21:19; 26:21; 27:15; Rom. 2:8; 1 Cor. 11:16

Contentment (1). 1 Tim. 6:6 53

Tim. 5:5 Continuing (4), Jer. 30:23; Acu 2:46;

Rom. 12:12; Heb. 13:14 Conttadicting (l).Acts 13:45 Connadiction (2), Heb. 7:7;
12:3 Contrariv.-iseT S). 2 Cot. 2:7; GaL 2:7; 1 Pet 3:9 Contrary ( 24).If ye walk
c.to Me... Then will [ also walk c. to you in My fury. Lev. 26:21-28,40-41 18:13

C.to the decrees.. .the law. Acts 17:7; C. to the name of Jesus, Acu 26:9 C.to
nature,Rom. 11:24 10

C.to the doctrine,Rom.l6:17; 1 Tim. 1: C.the one to the other,GaL5:17 C.to all
men.l Th. 2:15 Contribution (1), Rom. 15:26 Contrite (5),Ps. 34:18; 51:17; Isa.
57:15; Conaoversiesd ), 2Chi. 19:8 66:2

Controversy ( 13).8 sources of c. ,b 171-4* C. with nations, Jei. 25:31 C. with

the inhabitanu, Hos. 4:1 C. with Judah, Hos. 12:2 C. with His people, Mic. 6:2
Without c., great, 1 Tim. 3:16 Convenient ( 9), Pi.30:8; Jer. 40:4-5; Mk. 6:21;
Acu 24:25; Rom. 1:28; 1 Cor. 16: 12; Eph. 5:4: Ph'm 8 Conveniently ( 1). Mk.
14:11 CoDvenu, uDsctiptural. f 115-4* CoDversapt (2). Josh. 8:35; 1 Sam.
25:15 Copyersaiion (20). conduct, behavior, manner of life, citizenship. See u, z
192-1*; 1 215-4* Upright c., Ps. 37:14: 50:23 C. in the world, 2 Cor, 1:12; Gal,
1:13: Eph. 2:3; 4:22 1:27
1:13: Eph. 2:3; 4:22 1:27

Let youic.beasbecomethsaints,PhiL Our c. is in heaven, PhiL 3:20 Be example

In c., 1 Tim. 4:12 Your c.be without covetousness, Heb.

13:5, 7; Jas. 3:13 Be holy in c.. 1 Pet. 1:15, 18; 2:12; 3:1, 2, 16; 2 Pet. 2:7; 3:11
ConversloD (1),right about face; returning; turning back; turning again. See Acu
15:3; g 14-1*; j 38-4*; 1193-4*; a C. of disciples, k 38-4* 571-4

C. commanded,! 125-1* Blessings of c. ,t 125-1* Doctrine of c., 159* 4

blessings of, e 814-4 Convert (2). one who has turned back to God. See Isa.
6:10; Jas. 5:19-20 Converted ( 9). turned back, retuined, Ps, 51:13

Continents , whep made as they are now, Continual ( 33). C. buint ofTerlng. Ex.

42; Num. 28:3,,31; 29t 11, 16, 19, 22, 25, 28, 31, 34, 38; Ezra 3:5;
Neh. 10:33: Ezek. 46:15 C. bread. Num. 4:7 C. showbread, 2 Chr. 2:4 C. feast by
a merry heart, Pr. 15:15 C. dropping and contentious wife, Pr.

19:13; 27:15 C. coming of widow to judge,Lk.l8:5 C. sorrow for souls, Rom. 9:2

Continjally (80). Imaginations of the heart only evil c., Gen. 6:5 Cause the lamps
to burn c. ,Lev. 24:2 Seek His face c., 1 Chr. 16:11 Praise shall c,be in mouth,P$,
34:1 I am c. with Thee,Ps, 74:23 Bind tbem c. upon heart, Pr, 6:21 Lord shall
guide thee c, ,Isa. 58:11 Thy God whom you serve c,, Dan. 6:16 C, in the temple
praising,Lk. 24:53 Give ourselves c, to prayer. Acts 6-4 Offer sacrifice of praise
c,, Heb, 13:15

Continuance (5), Dt. 28:59; Ps. 139:16; Isa. 54:5; Rom. 2:7

Continue (38). Defined, g 221-4*

C. following God, 1 Sam. 12:14 That God may c. His word, 1 Ki. 2:4 If ye c. in
My word, then are, Jn. 8:31 C.ye in My love, Jn. 15:9 C. in the grace of God,
Acu 13:43 C. in the faith, Acu 14:22 Shall we c. in sin, that grace, Rom. 6:1 If
you c. In His goodness, Rom. 11:22 If you c. in the faith, CoL 1:23 C. In prayer,
and watch, CoL 4:2 If c. In faith and charity, 1 Tim. 2:15 C. in the things which
you, 2 Tim.3:14 Let brotherly love c., Heb. 13:1 10 blessings If c.. g 221--? 10
tilings to c, in, d 140-4* 3 things to c. in, 313* Continued (29). C. praying, 1
Sam. 1:12 C. all night In prayer,Lk. 6:12 28
C. with Me In My temptations,Lk. 22: C. with one accord In prayer, Acu 1:14 C,
steadfastly in apostles', Acu 2:42 C.his speech untilmidni^, Acu20:7 C. fasting,
taking nothing, Acu 27:33

Isa. 60:5: Mk. 4:12 Be candbehealed bodtly,Mt. 13:15;

Jn. 12:40; Acu 28:27 Except ye become c., and become as little children ye shall
not enter, Mt. 18:3 When you arec, strengthen,Lk. 22:32 Repent, and be c., Acu
3:19 Converteth (1) a brother who has back-sUdden, Jas. 5:20 Converting (1) the
soul. Ps. 19:7 Converts (1), those turned back again to God, Isa. 1:27 Convey
(2), transport, 1 KL 5:9; Neh.2:7 Conveyed (1), transported,Jn. 5:13 Convicted (
1), proved guilty, convinced, reproved, Jn. 8:9 Conviction. See Convicted for
meaning 7 means of c. of sin, h 341-4 6 causes of c., h 103-4*

7 examples - conviction of sin:

1 Adam and Eve (Gen. 3:8-10)

2 Joseph's brethren (Gen,42:21-22;44: 16: 45:3; 50:15-21)

3 NInevah0onah3;Mt,12:41:Lk,ll:32)

4 Jews (In, 8:9; Acu 2:37-39)

5 Judas (Mt. 27:3-5)

6 Felix under preaching (Acu 24:25)

7 PhlUppian jaUer (Acu 16:30) Convince (2). Convict and persuade concerning
a falsehood,Tit. 1:9; Judg, 15

Convinced (4) ,persuaded. Job 32:12; Acu 18:28: 1 Cor, 14:24; Jas. 2:9

Convlnceth (1),persuades,Jn,8:46

Convocation (16) ,an assembly or general gathering of people. Always with toly,
meaning sacred and sanctified gather -ings. Ex, 12:16; Lev. 23:3-36; Num.
28:18, 25-26: 29:1, 7, 12

Convocations (3), Lev. 23:2-4, 37

Convulsions , o 61-4*
Convulsions , o 61-4*

Cook (2), 1 Sam. 9:23-24

goors (l),l Sam. 8:13

e3orT2).Gen. 3:8: Lk. 16:24: j 269-1

gooi (l),Medltenanean island, Acts21d

gopTed (1), Pr.25:l

Coping (l).arch in a building, IKI. 7:9

Copixg (1). bronze, Ezra 8:27 4:14

Coppersmlth (l), worker in brass, 2 Tim.

Copulation (3), act of sexual union,Lev. 13:1671^, 18

Copy ( 9). Dt. 17:18; JoA. 8:32: Ezra 4:11.

"53:5:6; 7:11; Esther 3:14; 4:8; 8:13

Cor (1). a measure (liquid and dry) of

10 1/2 bushels, the same as an homer,

which was equal to 10 baths or 10 ephahs

(an ephah being 1 bushel and 3 pints).

See Ezek. 45:14

Coral (2). referring to the red or precious

coral growing 2400-3000 ft. below the

surface of the Mediterranean and

Adriatic seas - not the white reef so

commonly known.See Job 28:18: Ezek.

27:16 d42-4*;Mk.7:ll

Corban (1), a gift or sacrificial offering.

Cord (6), Josh. 2:15: Job 30:11; 41:1:

EccL4:12: 12:6; Mic. 2:5 Cords (26). C. of tabernacle posu, Ex.

35:18; 39:40; Num.3:26,37; 4:26,32 C. that bound Samson, Judg. 15:13-14 C.of
affliction,Job 36:8 C. of bondage, Ps. 2:3

C.of the wicked, Ps. 129:4

C.of sins, Pr. 5:22

C.of vanity, Isa. 5:18

C. as ropes, Jer. 38:6-13

Con borders of garmenu, Ezek. 27:24

C.in the scourge of Jesus, Jn. 2:15 Core (1). hard. Jude 11 Coriandei( 2) .spice
Jx.l6:31;Num.ll:7 Corinth ( 6) .city of Greece. Acu 18:1; 1ft l;lCor,l:2;2COT.
l:l,23;2Tim.4:20 Corinthians (2). Acul8:8: 2Cor. 6:11 Conr.orant( 4) .an unclean
sea-fowl about the size of a goose,Lev. 11:17; Dt. 14:

17: Isa. 34:11; Zeph. 2:14 Com (101). A word used for wheat and barley, not the
Indian com

C. (wheat) of Egypt, Gen. 41:5-42:26; [ 43:2; 44:2; 45:23; 47:14; AcU 7:12

C. of fiist&uits.Lev. 2:14-16

I C. plucked by disciples. Mt. 12:1; Mk.

2:23: Lk. 6:1 5:18

I Threshed by oxen, 1 Cor. 9:9; 1 Tim,

Cornelius (10), sun-beam. Acts 10:1-31

Cornelius (10), sun-beam. Acts 10:1-31

Comer (37). C. stone. Job 38:6; Isa. 28:

16:Eph. 2:20; IPet. 2:6

Head-stone of the c.,Ps.ll8:22;Mt. 21: 42; Mk. 12:10; Lk. 20:17; Acts 4:11; 1
Pet. 2:7

C.of housetop, Pr. 21:9; 25:24 Comers (39). C. of tabernacle, Ex. 26:23

C.of altar.Ex. 27:2-4; Zech. 9:15

C.of die field,Lev. 19:9; 23:22

C.of heads and beards,Lev. 19:27

C.of tte house,Job 1:19 Rev,7:l

C, (directions) of the earth, Isa. 11:12;

C.of the streets, Mt. 6:5 Comet (7). 1 Chi. 15:28; Ps. 98:6; Dan.

3:5. 7, 10, 15: Hos. 5:8 Comeu (2). 2 Sam. 6:5; 2 Chi. 15:14 Cornfloor (1).
wheat-floor. Hos. 9:1 Comse (1). Mk. 6:29 Corpses( 3).2Ki.l9:35;
Isa.37:36;Nah.3:3 Correct (7). Ps. 39:11; 94:10; Pr. 29:17; Jer. 2:19; 10:24;
30:11; 46:28 Corrected (2), Pr. 29:19; Heb. 12:9 CorTecteth (2),Job 5:17; Pr.
3:12 Conecdon" (l^.C. forchlldren and fools, Pr. 3:11; 7:22; 15:10; 22:15: 23:13

C.for sainu, 2 Tim. 3:16 Corrupt ( 32). C. earth. Gen, 6:11; Rev.

C, flesh,Gen, 6:12 19:2

C. breath. Job 17:1

C, wounds, Ps. 38:5

C, men, Ps, 14:1; 53:1; 73:8 C. doings, Ezek. 20:44. C, words, Dan. 2:9; 11:32
Ctiee and fruit, Mt. 7:17-18; 12:33 C.the Word of God, 2 Cor. 2:17 Cold man,
Eph.4:22 C. communication Eph. 4:29 C minds, 1 Tim, 6:5; 2 Tim, 3:8
Cqmipted (14), C way. Gen. 6:12
C Egypt, Ex. 8:24

C Israel,Ex. 32:7; Dt. 9:12; 32:5; Judg, 2:19; Ezek. 16:47; Hos. 9:9

C. wisdom,Ezek. 28:17

C. doings, Zeph. 3:7

C. covenant, Mai. 2:8

C. minds, 2 Cor. 11:3

C riches, Jas. 5:2 Corrupters (2), Isa. 1:4; Jer. 6:28 CotTupteth (1). Lk. 12:33
Corruptible (7). C. body of man, Rom. 1:23; 1 Cot. 15:53-54

Spirit of man not c. ,bui immortal, 1 Pet. 3:4. See Immortality

Resurrection body not c., 1 Cor. 15:53

C.and Incorruptible crowns, lCor.9:25

Word of God not c., 1 Pet. 1:18-23 Corrupting (1). Dan. 11:17

Comiption (21), HolyOne not to seec,, Ps. 16:10; Acu 2:27-31; 13:34-37 AU
creation now in bondage of c., Rom.

8:21; 1 Cor. 15:42-50; GaL 6:8 C.of sin, 2 Pet. 1:4; 2:12, 19 CorrupQy (2), 2
Chr. 27:2; Neh. 1:7 Cosam (i).most abundant.Lk. 3:28 Cosmology, 436 24; Lk.

Cost( ^.2 5am. 19:42; 24:24; 1 Chi. 21: Estirnated modem prices: 1 B ullock
(over 4 ye ars old) $ 325.00.

256,00 24,300.00

1.047.890.95 20,281.80
20,766.60 , 30,158,000.00

. 5.190,915.00 5,130,000.00


6, 274.80 27,014.90

999.80 896.40 896.40

1,536.00 99.60




23.10 790,000.00 1,580,000.00


2 BuUorheifer, 1 year old

3 Asheep.goatjamb.or ram

4 Camel

5 An ass

6 Pigeon or turtledove

7 Quail

8 Barleyflour,perbushel

9 VvTieatflour,per bushel
9 VvTieatflour,per bushel

10 Wine.pei quart,....

11 Oil.pet quart

12 CaveofMachpelah.a

20-4 ;

13 Jacob'sgift, c 32-1

14 Daily offerings,! 96-1, 1,718 yrs. to Christ. 35,698.383.00

15 Metals In tabernacle , kl06-l

16 Altar dedicated, d 165-1

17 Daily offerings fori' year, b 188-4

18 Booty, d 192-1....,

19 Lambs, public expense, 193

20 Passoverlambs,193

21 Public expense of other sacrifices, 195

22 Feastof unleavened bread,b 189-1

23 Tabernacle feast,193

24 Day of atonement,a 189-4

25 Firstfruits, 189

26 Monthly sacrifices,172

27 Pentecost feast,f-g 189

28 Sabbathofferingsii92

29 Yearly sabbath offerings, 192

29 Yearly sabbath offerings, 192

30 Feast of trumpets. 195

31 Daily offering.b 188-4

32 Wave sheaf, d 145-1

33 Cleansingrichleper. d 134-1 ,77.

34 Cleansing poor leper. d 134-1 rT.

35 Job'sloss, g 522-1,"

36 Job "s gain ,e 547-4,

37 Jewish nation sold d 518-1

Costliness n^. Rev, 18:19 ^2Siy(6).lKi, 5:17: 7:9-11; Jn, 12:3; pip7l),2Chr.32:28

CoSage (2). Isa. 1:8; 24:20 Conagesfl^.Zpph 9.fi

C|«?). Gen, 49:4; Job 7:13; 38:40; r • V i ,'\™s 3:12; Lk, 5:19, 24 Couched
(2).Gen.49:9: Num. 24:9 goucpr(2), Amos 6:4: Acts 5:15 Couchethg). Dt. 33:13
C.ouchiag_(l), Gen. 49:14 Souchinspla.ee (1). Ezek, 25:5 Could (166). None
thatc. .Gen. 41:8. 24 C no longer.Ex. 2:3; Jer, 44:22; 1 Th. Al. 5. CouldnoL
occurs 113 times in tne 166 times could is used in Scnpture

5 things men "conlH" H/^■

1 sung stones (judg. 26:16) "

2 Use bofli hands equally (ichr, 12-2)

3 Handle spear and shield (2Chr, 25:5) * flay instruments (2 Chr, 34:12) 5 Heap
up words against otheis(Job 16:4) ^ things men Vpuij npf j Q.

1 Dwell together in peace (6en. 13:6

2 See (Gen, 27:1; 48:10:1 Sam. 3:2)

3 Speak kindly to (Gen, 37:4)

4 Refrain himself (Gen. 45-1)

5 Answerhim (Gen,45:3; 2 Sam. 3:11)

6 Drink (Ex.7:21.24; 15:23; Ps. 78:44)

7 Bring bee in Egypt (Ex. 8:18)

8 Stand before Moses (Ex, 9:11)

Complete Concordance - CvcIo ppH,.^ t,.h....

CouncUsfa.il lo-l'; Mt.l&:17: Mk. 13:9

Coun^r(143).C.of Balaam, Num. 31:16

C. of God, Judg. 20:18, 23; Lk, 7:30i

Acts 20:27; Heb. 6:17 C. of Ahithophel, 2 Sam. 15:31-17:23 C.of famiUar spirit,
1 Chr, 10:13 C. of the wicked. Job 10:3; 21:16 C.of the ungodly, Ps. 1:1 C.of the
poor, Ps, 14:6 C.ofLord.Ps. 33:ll;Pr. 19:21;isa 19-17; Jer, 23:18:49:20:50:45 Job

Coui]sened(4).2Sam.l6:23: 17:15 21: Co'ri"^:ier(14). 2Sam. 15:12; 1 Chr, 26:

14; 27:32-33; 2Chr, 22:3; Isa. 3:3; 9:6; 40:13; 41:28; Mic, 4:9; Nah, 1:11 U:34
£ounselor(3),Mk, I5:43;Lk, 23:50:Rom, £2UBMer5X21),2 Chr, 22:4; Ezra 4:5;
l"}^^^- 8:25;Job 3:14; 12:17; Ps. 119: r^/';n"-^^= 12:20; 15:22; 24:6; Isa. 1:26;
19:11; Dan, 3:2-27; 4:26; 6:7 Counwls.(12), Job 37:12; Ps. 5:10; 81: 12: PS.1.-5;
12:5; 22:20; Isa. 25:1:47: 13: Jer. 7:24; Hos, 11:6; Mic. 6:16; 1

Cor. 4:5 Count (26). C. my life dear. Acts 20:24 C. all things but loss,Phil. 3:8 C.
them but dung, that I, PhU. 3:8 C. you wonhy of calling, 2 Th. 1:11 C. him not
as an enemy, but, 2 Th, 3:15 C, It aU joy when ye fall,Jas 1:2

£ounted (40). c. it for righteousness. Gen. 15:6; Ps. 106:31; Rom, 4:3-5 C.Wise
if hold peace, Pr, 17:28 C. worthy to suffer for. Acts 5:41 C. worthy of the
kingdom, 2 Th. 1:5 C. me faithful, putting me, 1 Tim. 1:12 C. worthyof double
honor. 1 Tim. 5:17 C.theblood ofthe covenant, Heb, 10:29
Countenance (52),C. fell.Gen, 4:5-6

hl^^Pi-** n n*- 00.cn. r>__ « ,.^

8:64; 2Chr, 4:9; 6:13: 7:7; 24:21:29: 16:Jer.26:2;Ezek.8:7.16: 10:3-5 ; ^ ,r®

prison. Jer. 32:2-12: 33:1; 36: 10 20:37:21:38:6, 13,28: 39:U-15 ^-.oi the
millennial temple, Ezek 40: 14-47; 41:15; 42:11-14; 43:5: 44:17-27:45:19:46:1,
20-22 11-2

C.of the future trlbulaUon temple,Rev Courteous (1),1 Pet. 3:8 Co^ouay(2),Acts
27:3; 28:7 Coiuts (25) Two to temple, 2 Ki. 21:5; "35712; 1 Chr. 28:12: 2 Chr.
33:5 That I may dweU in Thy c, ,Ps. 65:4 A day in Thy c. is better,Ps, 84:10
Flourish in c.of our God,Ps. 92:13 Enter into Hisc, with praise, Ps.l'oO:4 C.of
My holiness, Isa. 62:9 ' ' I King's c, ,Lk. 7:25 Couan (1). Ofiflafijj.e 57-l»: Lk.
1:36 Couans_(l).Lk.l:58 Covenant (292). Defined, a 250-4* N.oahicc,, 57; Gen.
6:18; 9:1-17 '^ parties to Noahlc c, , a 8-4


Fierce c,, Dt. 28:50; Dan, 8:23

7 -,%',! ^t"l-/=^^= ^^^ 2:2-3; EccL '.o. Mt. d:16

Beautiful, goodlyc. ,1 Sam,16:12; 25:3

Faorc, ,1 Sam. 17:42

Cheerful c.Pr. 15:13

Angryc.Pr. 25:23

Comely (attractive) c. .Song 2:14

Excellent c.. Song 5:15

Troubled c, Ezek, 27:35


Like Ughtning,Mt 28:3

Glorious c,, 2 Cor, 3:7

Glorious c,, 2 Cor, 3:7

As the sun,Rev. 1:16 Countenances, (2). Dan. 1:13,15

8 coanges and reasons, why i 29-1 CountervaU(l), equalize,Esther 7-4

C.ounteth(3)Job 19:11; 33:10;Lk.l4:28

CounDn£_(l),EccL 7:27

Countries (55). Gods of c., 2 Ki. 18:35


laael to be scattered among aU c Ezek, 6:8; 11:16; 12:15; 20-23-41-' 22:15;

29:12; 30:23-26; 36:19 Israel to be gathered out of all c ler 23:3-8; 32:37; Ezek.
11:17; 20-34-34:13; 36:19-24 ^

Manyc,shallbeoverthrown,Dan 11:40-Counttir^(188).Getoutofthyc,,Gen 12-1

Return unto thy c,, and thy. Gen, 32:9 Toss thee like a ball into c, Isa 22-18
Israel to be gathered from, Jer, 31:8 Jacob fled into Syria, Hos, 12:12 God's spies
into N, and S., Zech, 6

Prophet not accepted In own c,, Lk 4-24

Bener.heavenlycl 253-4*; Heb.il: 16

CouDtrYrnenJ2),2Cor.ll:26; 1 Th. 2:14

^^^P^^?^" together.Ex. 26:6-11; 00:10; 39:4

■^r^°i° °'i^}>^^- Pairjudg.l9:3:2 Sam, 13:6; 16:1; Isa. 21:7-9 Coupled (12), Ex,
26:3, 24; 36:10. 13 16, 29; 39:4; 1 Pet. 3:2 '

Abrahamicc, ,57;Gen.'l5:18; 17:1-21 Mosaic c- , 57; Ex, 24:7-8 8 parts of

Mosaic c., 117 Done away,k-m 203-1; 201*

4 names of Mosaic c, ,b 204-4 Mosaic c, faulty, Heb. 8:7

^^7:f.3(; 2 0'' "' ^^^•^- °'-"=8-32; 15 conditions of Pal, c ,b 211-1

14 blessings of Pal, c,, c 211-1

5 curses ofPaLcd 211-1 D|^c!icc,.57;2Sam,7; 1 Chr. 17

15 blessings of Davidic c,, 639 21 terms of Davidic c, .c 590-4 Davidic c,

eternal, j 778-4 Everlasting c, .Gen. 9:16; 17:7. 13.19; ^«%^-^2 Sam. 23:5: 1
Chr. 16:17

Isa. 55:3: 61:8; Jer, 32:40; Ezek 16—

60; 37:26; Heb, 13:20

PerEgnialc. ,Ex,31:16:Jer,50:5 42

C.with Abraham,Isaac,JacobJ.ev 26:

C.of salt, 57: Num. 18:19

Chri st mediator of benerc. ,b 254-4»; Heb, 8:6

New c. with Israel, b-e 775-4

jDewc,Jer,31:31;Heb,8:8,13; 12:24

New, ratified, 258*

85 old and new covenant contrasts, 201' S^venanAreakers (1), Rom. 1:31
^^^WiJChr. 7:18; Hag. 2:5;

Covenants.(3).Rom. 9:4; Gal. 4:24; Eph. 22 man made c., a 19-1 Facts about c, ,i
31-1 15 great c, of Scripture, 57 22-5

Coxer(7^.C.faceofeaith.Ex.lO:5;Num. C, nakedness. Ex, 28:42 C. thee with His

feathers, Ps, 91:4

Asthewa'^sc,thesea,Isa,ll:9: Hab. 2:14

C. a multitude of sins, 1 Pet, 4-8 Covered (105), Mountainsc,Gen 7-20 C,

nakedness of father,Gen. 9:23 C. land with frogs, Ex. 8:6 C,camp with quails,
Ex. 16:13 C. wagons, Num. 7:3 C. with sackcloth, 2 KI. 19:1-2 C. transgressions
as Adam, Job 31:33 C,sins,Ps. 32:1; Rom. 4:7 ' Soveredst (2).Ps. 104:6; Ezek.
16:18 C2vereFr2), Dt, 22:12; Ps. 104:2

C. breeds many sins, 92» 14 examples of c., 92* Reward for hating c., Pr, 28:16
C. breeds many sins, 92» 14 examples of c., 92* Reward for hating c., Pr, 28:16
Comes from the heart, and damns, Mk.

7:22; Rom.. 1:29-32 ^V^'^^l^-Ah^-12:15; Eph.5:3; CoL 3.5; lTh._:5: Heb, 13:5;
2Pet, 2:3

Cow (6),Lev, 22:28; Num.l8:17; Job "1-10; Isa, 7:21; 11:7; Amos 4:3

Cow's (1). Ezek. 4:15

Cozfl). thorn. 1 Chr, 4:8

Co^i (C^. deceitful. Num. 25:15.18

Crackling (1). Eccl, 7:6 I Cracknels m. cakes, 1 Ki,14:3

Craft (6), Used 2 ways in Scrip ture:

1 Oi deceit (Dan. i:2S: Mk. l4:l)~See p.STT.col.J.poiniiD 22).SeeAru

2 A trade (Acts 18:3; 19:25-27; RevH^ Craftlness_(5). I2£fiii£j.g I94-r;job


Lk. 20:23; 1 Cor. 3:19; 2 Cor. 4:2; tpli.4:14. 7examplesof, k84-4«

C£aflsman(2).Di. 27:15: Rev 18-22 Cr^tffi]en(7).2Ki. 24:14-16; 1 Chr 4:
14;Neh.ll:35:Hos,13:2;Actsl9:24 38


Cra£(l), Job 39:28 Crane (2), a large bird. Many grow 4 ft mgh and have a wing
spread of 8 ft,* see Isa. 38:14; Jer 8-7 Crashing (1), Zeph.l:lo CravedT ll.Mk.
15:43 Craveth fD, Pr. 16:26 CreateT 8). Defined . 51 C. in me a clean heart,Ps
51-10 Lord will c. upon every home, Isa 4-5 I c, darkness, evil, Isa, 45:7 I c, truit
of Ups, Isa. 57:19 I c, new heavens, Isa. 65:17 IcJ^usalem rejoicing. Isa, 65:18
Created (45), How, when, and why, 58; Isa. 43:7; 45:18; Rev. 4:11 God c,
heaven and earth. Gen, 1:1; ha 42:5: 45:12. 18; Rev, 10:6 God c, great
whales,Gen. 1:21 Godc,man,Gen,l:27; 5:1-2; 6:7; Dt. 4;
32;Isa,43:7:45:12;lCor.a-9;Col3:10 God call things. Eph. 3:9; Col. 1:16: Rev.
10:6 Createth(l), Amos 4:13 Crea^(6).Mk.lO:6; 13:19; Rom. 1:20, 8:22; 2 Pet,
3:4; Rev, 3:14 °L'!?°f=-'5''^"-'■■'--"25, notes Original c. ,53; b-d 646-4 C.of
man. 52 C.not evolution, 55 Purpose, d 219-4* Creator (^ EccL 12:1; Isa.40:28;
man. 52 C.not evolution, 55 Purpose, d 219-4* Creator (^ EccL 12:1; Isa.40:28;
43:15; Rom, 1:25; 1 Pet, 4:19 •■^■'■o.

Cou2lsth_ (2), Ex, 26 :i 0;'36:17

, .. ..,.^, ^„. ^, C5^pg:(10)JEx,26:4-10; 28:27: 36:119 Dnve them out Qosh,

15:63.-17-12- Coupling (l),2Chr.34:ll 17; 39:20

Judg. 1:19) "^ • Judo 2-141 Coyage (19). Good c,. Num, 13:20; Dt.

10 Stand bef{>re enemies Oosh. 7:}2-WTo'^'-^°'^- ^=6' ^' l^: 10:25; 2Sam:

11 Prnn^„„„» ,.._..« f y?^?- '•■l'^- 10:12; 1 Chr. 19:13; 22:13-28-20—

Ezra 10:4; Ps. 27:14; 3L-24 ' ' '

Took c,, 2 Chr, 15:8; Acts 28:15 Coaageous (5), Josh, 1:7; 23:6; 2 Sam 13:28; 2
Chr. 32:7; Amos 2:16

11 Pronounce words Qudg. 12:6)

12 Expound riddle Qudg. 14:14)

13 Stand to minister (1 Ki 8-11)

14 Enter the temple (2 Chr". 7:2)

15 DiKem (Ezra 3:13; Job 4:16

16 Endure terrors Oob 31:23)

17 Prevail (Isa. 7:1)

18 Profit (Isa. 30:5)

19 Read or interpret Pan, 5:8 15)

22 Be hid (Mk. 7:24)

23 Believe On, 12:39)

24 Be justified (Acts 13:39)

^ItHVl' W-Jr.'^'- ^"^^ 16:28: Dan. 2:47; Mk, 14-37: Jn. 19:11

Colter (1) blade of disk on plowto cut

the son. 1 Sam. 13:20

Coulten q). 1 Sam. 13:21 153-4'

C0ffidr(23), Danger of c,. Mt, 5:22rn

C^ewsj^t. 12:14; 28:59; Mk, 14:55:

15:l;Lk,22:66;Jn.n:47: Acts 4:15—

2of2t:lf "''=''='°='^-^-2S=24=

CoufageousWd). 2 Chr. 19:11 Coa^(35). Drderly succession. 1 Cht. 27:1-15:

28:1; 2 Chr, 5:11; Ezra 3^ 11; 1 Cor, 14:27 Earth out ofc.Ps. 82:5 Eph.2-2

Way or manner of Ufe, Jer. 8:6; 23:lb-Fulfilled cor career. Acts 13:25; 20: ^24; 2
Tim. 4:7 1.7;2Th.3:l

Straight cor voyage. Acts 16:11; 21-Cycle of nature, Jas.3:6 Course s (18). Stars
in orbiu. Judg, 5:20

23:6; 27:1; 28:13,21; 2Chr,8:14: 23:8; 3L-2,15-17;35:4,10; Ezra 6:18 Water c.,
Isa, 44:4

5oun(:i21).C,of tabernacle, Ex. 27:9-19;

35:17-18; 38:9-31: 39:40; 40:8 33—

Ley.6:16, 26; Num.3:26-37; 4:26-32*

C.of the temple, 1 KI. 6:36; 7:8-1^

-j^"-^^i^\.i.j, uL. zz:iz; Ps. 104:2 Covered (27).Lovec.aUsins,Pr 10-12 Prudent

man c. shame.Pr. 12:16 C. transgression seeks love. Pr, 17:9 C. sins shall not
prosper. Pr 28:13 Anointed cherub that c, .Ezek.' 28:14

C2VSrina(47).Noahremovedc,.Gen,8.-13 I hick clouds are c.to Him. Job 22:14

C. cast over all people. Isa. 25:7 c, narrower than he can. Isa. 28:20 tvery
C. cast over all people. Isa. 25:7 c, narrower than he can. Isa. 28:20 tvery
precious stone c. .Ezek. 28:13 Desttoy thee, c cherub, Ezek. 28:16 C. altar of
Lord with tears, Mai, 2:13 Hair given her for c . 1 Cor. 11:15

e2verings^(2).Pr, 7:16: 31:22 i kinds of c.g 159-1

S2veiL(3).Ex. 25:29; 37:16; Num 4-7

Q°}iSIlO). U»d 5 way. In ^Hj.r„^. :

0,'^'*^ ''^y ^ Sam i!b:'20 )ob ib: I 21; Ps. 61:4; Isa. 16:4; 32:2) i A '^°\^^^ way (2
KL 16:18) '

3 A shelter (Isa. 4:6)

4 A hiding place 0ob 38:40)

5 A den or lair Oer. 25:38) Coi|t (8). Commands not toe. Ex 20—

17: Dt 5:21; Mic, 2:2; Rom,7:7; 13:9 rlj^fr^'^- • ICor. 12:31; 14:39; 313*
Coveted (3) Josh.7:21;Acts 20:33; 1 Tim Covetetl(2).Pr, 21:26: Hab, 2:9 6-10
Coveip (9>. Wicked blesses c., Ps.l0:3

Creative app<, b 1-1; 53 Creature (29). Moving c,Gen 1:20 Living c, on earth.
Gen, 1:21 24-219: 9:10-16: Lev, 11:16 "

Lmngcor angelic being,Ezek 1-20-22:10:15,17,20 CoLl-23

Preach gospel to every c,, Mk.l6:15; Earnest expectation of c., Rom, 8:19 Thee,
was made siljject to,Rom.8:20 The c, shall be deUvered,Rom, 8:21 Nor any
c^jhaU be able, Rom. 8:39

^ ? t °.V ^- • °^^ ''^g'- 2Cor, 5:17; (->al. b:17

Firstborn of every c. Col 1:15 Every c.of God Is good, 1 Tim 4:4

Crgaturgs (12), Isa, 13:21; Ezek. 1:5-19: 3:13; Jas. L-18; Rev. 8: 9

Creditsr (3),Dt.l5:2; 2Ki.4:l;Lk.7:41

Cteiton(l). Isa. 50:1

Ct^(l).Acts 27:39

20; Ezek. 38:20; 2 Tim. 3:6

Crge£etil_(14), Gen. 1:25-30; 7:8,14 21-8:17-19;Lev.H:41-46: 20:25; Dt.4:18'

CreeDtag(29),Gen. 1:24-26: 6:7,20; 7-14.21-23; 8:17-19;Lev,5:2:11:21-29 41-

44; 22:5; Dt. 14:19; 1 Ki 4:33-Ps.' 104:25:148:10; Ezek,8:10; 38:20; HoT

nL -r - ^ '• "'CKeoDiessesc Phari^es were c.Lk, 16:14

C stiaU not inherit kingdom ofGod, 1

Cor. 5:10-11; 6:9-10; Eph. 5:5 Command not to be c, ,1 Tim, 3-3 Sign of the last
days. 2 Tim, 3:2 ' Mark of an apostate, 2 Pet. 2-14
Covetouaess09)Xawsonc,114;e 74-4*

Siemarion^ Josh. 7:15;'"i Ca.Tsi'i,^ CreEt(l),Jude4 :Cr£scen^.increase. 2Tim.

4:10 I Crete (5), Acts 27:7,12,13,21; Tit. 1:5 |Cretes.(l),Acts2:ll CreaMs(l), Tit.
1:12 C^7^,Mt. 26:74; Mk. 14:68, 72; Lk. 22:60; Jn. 18:27, Used only in
connection wltii betrayal of Christ Cnb (3),Job 398 9; Pr. 14:4; Isa. 1:3 Cned
(199), Used Ig s^npfn-A nf-1 Remorse andbIttemess(Gen, 27:34) 2 Sounding an
alarm (Gen. 39:14-18)

3 A herald (Gen. 41:43; Zech. 1:4)

4 Desperation (Gen. 41:43.55)

5 Command (Gen. 45:1; Rev. 14:18)

6 Oppression (Ex. 2:23; 5:15)

7 Prayer (Ex. 8:12; 15:25; 17:4; Num

n^^^^o'^^^'- ^' 15: *=35 6:6:1 Sam. 7:9:12:8-10; 15:11; MU5:22:20:30—

8 Fear (Ex. 14:10; Mt. 8:29; 14:26) 31)

9 Complaint (Num. 11:2)

Cjmalete Concordance - Cyclopedic Ir.dex

Cjmalete Concordance - Cyclopedic Ir.dex

,7: CO)

; 18:2:13b 17)

IC Victory In battle Qui

11 r^joicias 0--i.21:9)

12 Demant.' p.lt. 27:23; Jn. 13tl5)

13 Mob violence (Acts7:37; 13:28-32)

14 PreicMng (J--1'-'^: ;-3. i")

15 Veneeance (Pev. 6:9-11)

16 Praise to God (F.ev. 7:10)

17 AnnouDcerr.entp.ev, 10:3

18 Birth pangs (Rev. 12:2) Cries (l).Jas. 5:4 Criest(5),Ex. 14:13; 1 Sam. 26:14;
Pi. ^TITlsi. 57:13; Jer. 30:15

Cneth (lT),c 4-4; Gen.4:10

Del.vei the ceedv-lien he c. J>s.72:12

W:sJomc.,?r. 1:20-21; 8:3; 3:3 Criir.e (2), Job 31:11: AcB 25:16:

Tbe aghest c. ,c 213-4

An-.ostde?lofibIec..h223-4 Laws

Criir.eg (2).Ezek. 7:23: Acts 25:27. See Cnn:soo (5).2Chi.2;7.14; 3:14: Isa.l:18:
eH^jtl).Acul4:8 Jer.4:30

Crispinc-pjis (I. purses. Isa. 3:22 Crisp us (2 , c jrleJ, Acts 18:3; lCor.l:14
Crookb-ckt (li.Lev. 21:CC Crooke: (14). C. generation, Dt. 32:5

C. serpent, Job 28:13; Isa, 27:1

C. serpent, Job 28:13; Isa, 27:1

C. ways, Ps, 125:5; Pr. 2:15

C. thing!, Isa, 42:16

C.places, Isa. 45:2

C.paflis.Lam, 3:9

C. and perverse nation,PhIL 2:15 Crop (2), craw of bird (Lev. 1:16); and

cutting off (Ezek. 17:22) C::::e: " . cut, Ezek. 17:4 ':.-:-;r; . ::bUcal. 2 kinds

1 _:-er or texTjal crincisrr.. This

32:LK.-3::6;J.i.l3:n-31;lCot,l:17-!3: Gal. 5:11: 6:l--!4:Erh.2:16:PhiL 2:3; >:13;

CoUh-O: 2:14: Heb. 12:2 Synibolofsolf-Jeiual,Mt.lO:38;I6:24: Mk.3:34:K::i:Lk.
3:23:14:27 Syrr.bol of t:ie shame and the sufferings of Christ borne by
Christians, I Cor. 1:17; Gal. 5:U: 6:12-14 Sup-erscnption on the c., 55*
Crossway (I), Oba. 14 Crouch (l). ! Sam. 2:36 Croucheth (1), Ps. 10:10

CAit '4-3). A measure said by some to

be 18 iflches; fa y others 21 or 25 iuches.

This work uses the 25 inch cii>it, a

6_f» Lk.l2:25

Can add one c. to his stature, Mt. 6:27;

Ci*Its(206). Size of Noah's ark, 41

Crow (7).Jsed only of betrayal J>U. 26:34,

75:Mk,U: 30,-2:Lk.22:34.61;Jr..l3:38 Crown (66^. 30 crovns of astipture:

th the text o: Scripture, seek L-.; :; iytertain the exact wording of e^:' : -•:• as it
carre frorr. the hands o:': -^ . _■.:.or. Frorr. earliest tiries the Je -: -;:. e: certain
cnticisrr. to their i-'.:-. -: i.Tgs in the selection of the books and sertle~.ent of the
text,as seen in tbe rr.atgiDal notes of the Hebiev ScripturesJTbe early church
fathers also corr.pared M5S.withS.T.books,noting their differences, if any, and
judging the books the coDtinued th; arrive at me exact textoftbeoriginaL SiiKe
the reformation —;any odien . --^tV. ,■•. have continued it with the ever
iDcreas- ^•°'' ~" ^'' ing discoveries of MSS. and ancient -=r;^— ,^ j . versions,
patristic quotatioos. lectioo-t:^^^}-' aries, etc. It rr.ust be recognized ^^^
Ic'r^'iged ices, if any, and judging see lu crowns, oooiai srr.s4lves. The
Reformers Cr2iiIied(o).Ps.3:o:Pr. i :s work in their day. to' ^^---1 •-J','"v'9 PT,rt
rf>Tt nf the original. Crow :;eat (.). rieb. 2: TSf die ark (Ex. 25:11-25)

2 Of high priest (Ex. 29:6; 33:30)

3 Of golden altar (Ex. 30:3-4; 37:26)

4 Oftableofshowbread(Ex.37:10-ie)

5 Of anointing oil (Lev. 21:12)

6 Oftheheadpt.33:20;2Sarrul4:25)

7 Of kings (2 3am. L-IO; 12:3i>;2Ki. 11:12; 1 Cli.20:2; Song 3:11)

8 Of queens (Esther 1:11: 2:17)

9 Of gjoty (Pr. 4:9; 16:31; Isa. 28:5; 1

10 Of rr.an (Pr. 12:4) ?el.5:4)

11 Of the wise (Pr. 14:24)

12 Of old men (Pr. 17:6)

13 Of royalty (Esther 2:17; 6:8)

14 Of pride (Isa. 28:1,3) 19:2-5)

15 Of thorns (N5t. 27:29; Mk, 15:17; Jn,

16 Of corruption (1 Cor. 9:75) 19)

17 Ofthe soul winner (PhIL 4:l;lTh.2:

18 Of rizhteousness (2 Tim. 4:8)

18 Of rizhteousness (2 Tim. 4:8)

19 0f Uie Oas. 1:12:P.ev. 2:10:3:11)

20 Of Israel (?.ev. 12:1)

21 Of Christ (Rev. 14:14; 19:12) 9) •22 OfgXoryandhoaot(Ps.8:5; Hd3.2:7

23 Of knowledge (Pr. 14:18)

24 Of the year (Ps. 65:11)

25 Of lovingkindness (Ps. 103:4)

26 Of Sabeans (Ezek, 23:42)

27 Of elden (Rev. 4:4,10)

28 Of dennons (Rev. 9:7)

29 Of Satan (Rev. 12:3)

30 Of .Antichiist (Rev. 6:2: 13:1) See 10 crowns. 666: also 330:1 182-4*

3:5;Pr. 14:18; Song 3:U; ; Heb. 2:9 7 Crow est (i), Ps. 65:11 :03:4

Size of tabernacle, Ex. 25-27. 35-38. notes

Of Solomon's tenr.ple. IKL 5-7. notes; 326 326

Of Zerubbabel's temple.Ezra 6, notes;

Of millennial te.-nple. Ezek. 40-46, notes note

Of image of NebJchadnezzar.Dan.3:l.

Of Sew Jerusalem. Rev. 21:17. note Cuckow (2). an UDcleanbIrd, perhaps the

sea-m.eworgull.Lev. 11:16; Dt. 14:15 Cucumbers,(2). Sum, 11:5; Isa. 1:8 Cud
(3).Lev. 11:3-7, 26: Dt, 14:6-8 Cumbered (1), weighed down; hindered.

asbyaburden: cro'±>led: hampered(^k. Cu.-J3ereth( l>,Lk.l3:7 10:40)

Cumbrance" (l), trouble, burden, Dt. 1:12 Cumi (1 ■, ?/>., 5:41. See Talitha
cumi Cum-ip (4i seed, e -26-1*; Isa. 28:25-27; V.t. 23:23 Cunning
(33).C.hunter.Gen. 25:27

C.work.Ex. 26:1. 31; 28:6, 15; 31:4:

4 Any m.an giving a wife to Benjamin Oudg. 21:18)

5 -.nyone eating that day (lSatii.14:24) Cursedst (^.Judg, 17:2; Mk, 11:21 Curses
( 7). Sum. 5:23; Dt. 28:15.45: 29; 2t^21. 27; 30:7; 2 Chr. 34:24 18 c. of
scripture, 36

6 con creation.59 53 conditional c.. 153 15 c. for SI"., d 226-4 30 c. for sin. a
227-1 21c. for sui.f 227-4 26 c. for sin. X 227-4 124 c. for sin. d 228-1 12 c. for
sin.b 226-1 6 reasons for c.. 237 20 c. for sin, e 228-1 5 c. for sin,t 230-1

C:iisest (l). Sjm i.2:o C-irseth( 10).3er..--2:3; ^7:Lev. 20:9; 24:15:

20:20; 30:11: V.l. 15:4; Mk, 7:10 CursinE (12),Sum.. 5:21; Dt. 28:20; 30:

15; 5 Sam. 16:12; Ps. 10:7; 59:12; 109:

17-13: Pr. 23:24; Rom, 3:14; Heb. 6:8: Cursinss (l),Josh,8:34 Ias.3:10

Cigtaln (26),Ex.26:2-12; 36:9-17: Num. 3l^: Ps. 104:2; Isa. 40:22

Thin c. aro-ond earth, 450

27:29; £x.21: Sum. 24:9; Pr.

35:33-35; 36:8, 35: 39:3, 8 C. workman, Ex. 35:35; 38:-23: 1 Ki., Curtains
(30^.Ex,26:l-13;36:8-16; Sum,

7:14; Isa, 40:20 | 4:25; 2 Sam.. 7:2; 1 Chr. 17:1; Song 1:

C.pUyer.l Sam. 16:16-18 ' 5: Isa. 54:2; Jet. 4:20; 10:20; 43:23:

C.m.en,l Chr. 22:15: 25:7; 2 Chr. 2:7-1 Hah. 3:7. See h-o 91-l;h91-4

14; 26:15; Jer. 10:9 Cudi (8). bUck, 2 men. Gen, 10:6-8:1

C. tight hand. Ps. 137:5: Soug 7:1 C. artificer, Isa. 3:3 C. women. Jet. 9:17 C.
C. tight hand. Ps. 137:5: Soug 7:1 C. artificer, Isa. 3:3 C. women. Jet. 9:17 C.
knowledge, Dan. 1:4 C. craftiness. Eph. 4:14 Cunniiigly (1),2 ret. 1:16


Crowr.i.-2 (:), Isa. 23:8 ICrow

carelessness o f the scribes, in some cases, when all copies of Scripture were
wrinen by hand, lapses of memory, similarity in shape of letters, maned
copiesbeing used innanscribing.wrong dividing of words, omission by misuke of
a line or clause because of successive lines or clauses ending with the same
weeds, and intentional changes in rare cases or insertioo of marginal nc<es to
serve a church or party, all added to the need for textual criticism;. The Bible
reader of today,however .can be assured that the text In WsB ible: s about as
perfect and asneattbeotiginal asitcanbe. with but a very few minor exertions 2
Hi£her_^ criticism, deals with tlie analysis ofthebooks - their age,origin,
characteristics, and their connection with the external conditions and tbe state of
belief and life of the times when they are supposed to have been written. This
began in tbe 2nd century by die Gnostics who assailed the 0. T. as tbe worit of
an inferior deity. Since the 17th centtry such critics have m. a de Ezek. 23:42:
Zech. 6:11-14:

(37). Christ c., Mt. 26:2; 27:

22-44; 28:5; Mk. 15:15-32; 16:6:Lk.

23:23, 33:24:7, 20; Jn. igtl6-41 C. by Jews, Acts 2:23, 36; 4:10 C.by Gentiles,
Mt. 20:19; Mk. 10:33;

Lk. 18:32; .Acu4:27 C.by apostates,Heb. 6:6 Old man c. with Him, Rom.. 6:6
Believersbecom.ee. with Him,GaL 2: 2C: 5:24; 6:14 Crucify ( 14) .Mt.20;19;
23:34; 27:31-Jwlk. 15:13-27; Lk.2i 21; Jn.l9s6-15: Heb.6:6 Cruel( 19).C.
wTath.Gen. 49:7:Pr. 27:4

C. bondage,Ex. 6:9

C. venom of asps, Di. 32:33

C. hatred,Ps. 25:19

C. m.an.Ps, 71:4
C. m.an.Ps, 71:4

C. rae»s«iger, Pr. 17:11

C. jealousy. Song 8:6

C. day of die Lord, Isa. 13:9

C. lord, Isa. 19:4

C. invaders. Jet. 6:23; 30:14; 50:42

C. daughter of My people,Lam. 4:3

C.m.ockmgj and scourgings,Heb.ll;36 Cruelly (1). Ezek. 18:18 CrjeUy( 5), Gen.
49:5; Judg. 9:24; Ps.

rjeuy c a). Gen.

27*12 74'20" Ezek. 34*4 many vicious attacksootheBible They cru.-^s'( 3)

j^lt!l5:27;Mkl7:28:Lk.l6:21 have rejected die writing of die Penta-
cj^^\isam.26:ll-12,16;lKi. 14: teuch by Moses, claiming It was pro- -3^X7.12 14
16: 19:6: 2 Kl. 2:20 duced much later: dieyhave sought to cnlsh (4).'Job 39:15;
Lam. 1:15:3:34; do away with tbe supernatural elem;ent ^. > ^y Inthe losujry and
reli^on of the Scrip-crudied (7).Lev.22:24; Sum, 22:25; Dt. tures. Genesis Is
conndercd a legena: -^s^Jt,^,i9:5-A:lii.59^5:]et.ol:Z4 Exodus mmistwo-tby;
Josbia a ro- ^ry (180). See use under Cried maflce: the history of O. T. books un-
-^/.^ J^ for he Is a god^KZ 18:27

reliable; and none of the laws.noteven the 10 commandments, are held to be

Mosaic. .MoDOthelsmi is held to have come in wtdi Amos and Hosea, and
Jehovah. Himself i $ looked upon as merely a tribal god of an eadiei period. The
ark, tabernacle, jwlesthood, and feasts are supposed to be post-ex^c, as well
aschs. 40-66 of Isaiah and most of the Psalmj. Daniel is said to be the work of
tbe Maccabean age. TheS.T

Cried with loud,bitter c. .Esther 4:1 I c. out for wtoog.but am. Job 19:7 I c.
aloud, but there Is do. Job 19:7 1 c. unto Thee. Job 30:20; Ps.56:9:61:2 I c. in the
day tim.e,Ps.22:2 He shall not strive, nor c., Mt, 12:19 C. day and night unto
Him.,Lk. 18:7 Stones i.mmediately c. out.Lk. 19:40 Wherry we c,
AbbaJ=atbei,Rom.8:15 Cried widi a loud c. to Him,Rjev. 14:18
Cap (67). 20 cups in Scripture: "I C. of Pharaoh (Gen. 40:11-21)

2 Of Joseph (Gea. 44:2-17)

3 Of the wicked (Ps. 11:6) '

4 0f David (Ps. 16:5;-23:5) 21),

5 OfdieLotd(Ps.75:8;lCor.lO:a:ll:|

6 Of salvation (Ps. 116:13)

7 0f fay Gsa. 51:17, 22; Jet. 25:15-| 17, 28; 49:12: 51:7)

8 Oftrem.bliDg(lsa.51:17; Zech.l2:2)

9 Of consolation Qer. 16:7)

10 Of .Aholah, Samaria (Ezek. 23:4,31)

11 Of Aholibah, Jerusalem, (EzeK 23:4, 31-33)

12 Of cold water (>.!t,10:42; Mk.9:41)

13 Of suffering (Mt. 20:22-23; 26:39-42; Mk. 10:38-39; 14:36;Lk. 22:42: Jn,


14 Of die S. T. C-'x26:27-28; Mk. 14: 23; Lk. 22:17-20; 1 Cot. 11:25)

15 Of blessing (Mt, 26:27; Mk. 14:23: Lk.22:17-20; lCor.l0:16:11:25-28)

16 Of devils (1 Coc. 10:21)

17 Of indignation (Rev. 14:10) i 18 Of the wine of ie fierceness of His

wrath (Rev. 16:19)

19 Of abom.inatioQS and filthiness of her fornication (Rev. 17:4)

20 Of destruction (Rev. 18:6) See 12 cups in Scripture , g 22-1*

C uiA e arer h ', Seh. 1:11 C--zi^t~' ( - .IKL 10:5; 2Chr. 9:4 Cps (r:,. - C21.
C uiA e arer h ', Seh. 1:11 C--zi^t~' ( - .IKL 10:5; 2Chr. 9:4 Cps (r:,. - C21.
28:17; Isa. 22:24: Jer. ;^&5; 52:19; Mk, 7:4. 8 Curdled (Ij.Job 10:10 Lk,9:l Cure
(5).Jet. 33:6; Hos. 5:13: ML 17:16: Cure: (4). Jer. 46:11; Mt, 17:18; Lk, 7:

21; Jn.5:10 Cures (1). Lk. 13:32 giiious (3). C. girdle, e 93-4: Ex. "28:8, 27-28:
23:5; 39:5.20-21:Uv.8:7

I C. works.Ex. 35:32 i C. ans.f 146-4»: Acts 19tl9 Curiously a).Ps. 139:15

Cunent (1). pre sent time. Gen, 23:16 Curse ( 100).C.not ground again/3en.8:21 I
C.him. that Ciiseth thee. Gen. 12:3 I C. not ruler of people. Ex. 22:28

C. not tbe deaf. Lev. 19k 14 I C. of bitter water. Sum.. 5:18-27 I C. Thee to Thy
face, Job 1:11: 2:5 Bless them, that c. you, ML 5:44; Lk. 6:28; Rixn. 12:14 '
Petabegantoc.,ML26:74:Mk, 14:71 ' Redeemed from.c.ofthelaw,Gal.3:13

Shall be no more c.,Rev. 22:3 ' 3 things God wiUc. ,n 229-1

Thtnm cursed by God:

is also mutilated and criticised u^nl ^-^^^^^J^Jf^:!^^

C. for wlae in the streets, Isa. 24:11

there Islittle left, according to critics, i for tbe sim.pie beUever in Chr.St tobe-1
lievc. An this, of coarse, is definitely I of Satanic origin and m.ust be rejected by
all lovers of God and tbe Bible. In our summ;aries we have given the trje C.in
tbe wUdemess.Mt,3:3; Mk. 1:3:

Lk.3:4; Jn,l:23 C. that he ot^bt not to live. Acts 25:24 C. .Abba, Father, GaL 4:6

Orthodox facu regarding these linr.gs Crjmal (5^. J<* 28:17, Ezek, 1-22. Rev,
Cros^-».Literal,>.'.t.27:32-50:Mk.l3:21-| 4:6: 21:11: 22:1

Cursed (72)

1 Adam (Gen. 3:14)

2 Tbe ground (Gen. 3:17; 5:2^

3 Cain (Gen. 4:11)

4 ^Uwhociise Abraham. andseed(Gen.

4 ^Uwhociise Abraham. andseed(Gen.

12:1-3; 27:29; Sum, 24:9)

5 12 sins (Dt. 27:15-26)

6 J stiis per. 11:3; 17:5; 48:10)

7 Any receiver (V-'al. 1:14)

Those cursed by m.an:

1 Canaan (Gen.9:25)

2 Simeon and Levi (Gen.49t7)

3 Builder of Jericho Qoii, 6:28)

Chr. 1:8-10; Ps. 7. title: Isa. 11:11 Cusban (l),Hab.3:7

CuAi(9),black,3mCT|k349-1; 2 Sam. "101-32: Jer. 36:14: Zeph. 1:1. Custody
(5), Sum. 3:35; Esther 2:3-14 Custorrf fig). C. of women,Gen. 31:35 C. of Israel,
Judg. 11:39 C. of priesu, 1 Sam.. 2:13; Lk. 1: 9 C. of die law, Lk. 2:27 '
C.ofdiefeast,Lk.2:42 : C.ofChrisLLk.4:16 I C. of prisoner released, Jn. 18:39

Tribute or c., Ezra 4:13, 20; 7:24; ML I gt9; 17:25: Vk. 2:14; Lk. 5:27 C.to
wlwm. c. ,Rom. 13:7 So sjch c. ,neither churches,1 Cor. 11:16 Customs (7). C.
of pagans. Lev. 13:30; Jer 10:3 3,note; 28:17

C.of'Moses,Acts6:14; 16:21; 21:21; 26: See 5ible m.angers and customs Cut
(31*. C. off in death. Gen. 17:14: 5:15; Lev. 7:20-27; Pr. 2:22 C. off from.
Israel.Ex. 12:15: Sum. 19t 13: 1 Ki. 9:7 C. off from, congregation, Ex. 12:19 C.
off from; his people, Ex. 30:33-38;

Lev. 17:10; 20:3, 17 C. off from. My presence. Lev. 22:3 C. off utterly. Sum..
15:31 C. off nations, Dl 12:29; 19:1; Josh.

23:4; Isa. 10:7: Jer, 48:2 C. off privy m.em;ber, Dl 23:1 C. off hand, Dl 25:12; 1
Sam. 5:4 C, off Jordan, Jodi, 3:13-4:7 C. off nam;e.Josh. 7:9; Iia. 14:22 C. off
Anakim.s, Josh. 11:21 C. off thumbs and toes, Judg. 1:6-7 C. off from tbe altar,
1 Sam.. 2:33 C.offhead,lSam,17:51;31:9;2 Sam. C.offkindness, 1 Sam.20:15
C. off enemies, 1 Sam. 20:15 C. off skirt. 1 Sam. 24:4-5, 11 C.off seed. 1 Sam..
24:21 C. off hands and feet. 2 Sam. 4:12; ML

5:30; 18:8; Mk, 9:43-45 C.offgarmenu.2 5amJ0:4; IChr. 19:4 C. off every msale.
1 Ki. 11:16 C.off house of Jeroboam;. IKi. 14:14 C. off the propheu. 1 Ki. 18:4
C.off house of .^hab.2 Chr. 22:7 C. off remicmbrance.Ps. 34:16 C.off evil
doers.Ps. 3":3.28.34,38 C. off man and bea$t,Ezek. 14:13-21 C. off Messiah,
Dan. 9:26 C.off horses, Mic. 5:10 C. off cities, Mic. 5:11 C. off witchcrafts, MIc.
5:12 C. off graven im.ages, >.'.ic. 5:13 26 C.offear..v^kU4:47: Lk.22:50
Jn.l8:10, C. to die heart, ? 124-!•; k 128-1'; .Acts Cudl(l).2KL17:30 5:33:7:54

Cut5ah (l).2KL17:24 Cjnest (l),DL24:19 gjtteth (6), Job 28:10; Ps. 46:9; 141:7:

Pri 26:6: Jer. 10:3; 22:14 Cutting (5),Ex. 31:5: 35:33; Isa. 38:10:

Hab.2:10;Mk.5:5 Cuttings (3).Lev.l3i28; 21:5: Jer. 48:37

Cymbal (1), 1 Cor. 13:1

Cymbals 0 6),a pali of plate-like metallic musical Instrum.ents played by being

clashed togcthei (2 Sam. 6:5: IChi. 13:8:15:16-19.28; 16:5.42; 25:1-6; 2 Chr.
5:12-13: 29:25: Ezia 3:10: Seh. 12:27; Ps. 150:5) Cypress (1) trees. Isa. 44:14

Complete Concordance - Cyclopeciic Index


Cyprus( 8).anlilaDd,o 148-4*; Acts 4:36; 11:19-20; 13:4; 15:39; 21:3, 16; 27:4

Cvrene (4),cityiaLibya,c 32-4*: ol36-4*; Mt. 27:32; Acts2:10; 11:20; 13:1

Cvrenian (2), inhabitant of Cyrene.Mk, 15:21; Lk. 23:26

CYreDiansa ).Acts6:9 Lk. 2:2

Cyrenius 7l).one who governs, f 58-1*;

Cvnis (22). the sun, 2 Chr. 36:22-23; Ezra 1:1-8; 3:7; 4:3-5; 5:13-17:6:3,
14;Isa.44:28:45:l;Dan.l:21;6:28;10:l Son of Esther, f 515-4; c 521-4 Fulfilled
prophecy, f 515-4; 490; 734 5 things C.was to do for God, q 715-1 14 things
about C., 437 14 nations conquered by C., v 715-1 Took Babylon from
about C., 437 14 nations conquered by C., v 715-1 Took Babylon from

Pabareh (1), a city of Issachar, Josh. 2L

28. See Daberath Dabbasheth (1). a place,Josh. 19:11 Daberath (?), a city of
Issachar, Josh. 1ft

12; 1 Chr. 6:72. See Pabareh Dagger (3), Judg. 3:16. 21-22 Dagqn (12), a god of
Philistia designed

as half man and half fish. See o 283

4; c-e, 299-1; Judg. 16:23; 1 Sam. 5:

2-7; 1 Chr. 10:10 Dagon's (1). 1 Sam. 5:5 Daily (63). D. tasks. Ex. 5:13,19

D. manna, Ex. 16:5

D. meat offering. Num. 4:16; 28:24

D.burnt offering,Num. 29:6; Ezra 3:4

D. portion for service, 2 Chr. 31:16

D. sonow of heart, Ps. 13:2

D. oppression,Ps. 56:1; Ezek.30:16

D. danger of being swallowed, Ps. 56:2

D.vows to perform,Ps. 61:8

D.load of benefits, P5.68:19

D. praise to God, Ps. 72:15

D. reproach,Ps. 74:22; Jer. 20:7-8

D. prayer, Ps. 86:3; 88:9

D. delight of God, Pi. 8:30

D. watch, Pr. 8:34

D.bread. Jer. 37:21; Mt.6:ll;Lk. 11:3

D. provision, Neh. 5:18; Dan. 1:5

D.sacrifice.l 96-1; Dan.8:ll-13; 11:31

D.lying, Hos. 12:1

D. teaching, Mt. 26:55; Mk. 14:49; Lk. 19:47:22:53; Acts 5:42

D. cross bearing, Lk. 9:23

D. in one accord. Acts 2:46

D. additions to the church. Acts 2:47;

D. ministration,Acts 6:1 16:5

D. searching of Scripture, Acts 17:11

D. death, 1 Cor. 15:31

D. care of churches, 2 Cor. 11:28

D. exhortation, Heb, 3:13

10 d. duties, a 593-4 Dalnties (3).Gen.49:20;Ps.l41:4:Pr.23;3 DatoQi(3)Job

33:20; Pr.23:6; Rev. 18:14 Dalaiah (1), Jehovah is deliverer, 1C hi. 3: Dale
(2).Gen. 14:17; 2 Sam. 18:18 24 Dalmanutha (l).city.e 43-4*; Mk. 8:10
Dalmatia" nT. a province on eastern shore of the Adriatic, 2 Tim. 4:10 Dalphon
(1).dropping.Esther 9:7 Dam (5). a mother bird.Ex. 22:30; Lev.

22:27; Dt. 22:6-7 Damage (6).Ezra4:22;Esther 7:4;Pr. 26:

6; Dan. 6:2; Acts 27:10; 2 Cor. 7: 9 Damaris (1).heifer. Acts 17:34 Damascenes
fl) .inhabitants of Damascus, 2 Cor. 11:32 Damascus(60) .city of Syria, i 12-4;
14:15; 15:2; 2 Sam. 8:5-6:1 Ki. 11:24;

15:18; 19:15; 20:34; 2Ki. 16:9-12; Isa.

7:8; 17:1-3; Acts 9:2-27; 22:5-11; 26:

12, 20; 2 Cor. 11:32; Gal. 1:17 Damnable (1). 2 Pet. 2:1 Damnation ( 11).Greater
d.. s 99-1*; Mt. 23:14; Mk. 12:40; Lk. 20:47

Eternal d. ,Mk. 3:29 2

Resunectionof d.,Jn.5:29.Cp.Dan. 12:

Receive to themselves d. ,Rom. 13:2

Eateth and drinketh d., 1 Cor. 11:29

Having d.,because they, 1 Tim. 5:12

D. of hell, Mt. 23:33

D. is just, Rom. 3:8

D. slumbereth not, 2 Pet. 2:3 Damned (3), Mt. 16:16; Rom. 14:23; 2 TO: 12

12 reasons for being d., g 641-4 Damsel (40), a young unmarried woman;

girl; maiden (Gen. 24:14-16,28,55-57;

34:3-12; Dt. 22:15-28: Mt. 14:11; Mk.

5:39-42; 6:22-28; Acts 12:13; 16:16) Damsel's (8).Dt.22:15-29;Judg.l9:4-9

Damsds(3),Gen,24:61; lSam.25:42:Ps. Dan (71),judge,e 28-4; 1-n 49-4 68:25
~Fcity,g 12-4; Gen. 14:14; Judg, 18: 29; 1KI.12:29-30; 15:20; 2Ki. 10:29;

D. to Beer-sheba, extreme nocdi and south of Israel, 1 Sam. 3:20; 2 Sam. 3:10;
17:11; 24:2. 15; 1 Ki. 4:25; 1 Chr. 21:2; 2 Chr. 30:5

Son of Jacob by Rachel's maid. Gen. 30:6: 35:25; 49:16-17

Numbering oftribe,Num. 1:12, 38-39; 2:25-31; 26:42

Numbering oftribe,Num. 1:12, 38-39; 2:25-31; 26:42

D. in prophecy, Ezek. 48:1-2,32 Dance( 8).Judg.21:21;Job 21:11;Ps. 149:

3; 150:4; Eccl. 3:4; Isa. 13:21; Jer. 31:

13; Lam. 5:15 Danced (6). Judg. 21:33; 2 Sam. 6:14;

Mt. 11:17; 14:6; Mk. 6:22; Lk. 7:32 Dances (6), Ex. 15:20; Judg. 11:34; 21:

21; 1 Sam. 21:11; 29:5; Jer. 31:4 Dancing (7).Ex. 32:19; 1 Sam. 18:6; 30:

16; 2 Sam. 6:16; 1 Chr. 15:29; Ps. 30:

11; Lk. 15:25 Dandle d (1),caressed, Isa. 66:12 Danger (T),Mt. 5:21-22:
Mk.3:29; Acts

19:27, 40 Dangerous (1), Acts 27:9 Daniel (83). God is judge. 3 men:

1 Son of David (1 Chr. 3:1)

2 A returning exile (Ezra 8:2; Neh.l0:6)

3 The prophet of the book of Daniel pan. 1:6-21; 2:13-49; 4:8,19; 5:12-29:6:2-
28; 7:1-2,15,28; 8:1,15,27; 9:2,22; 10:1-12; 12:4-9; Mt. 24:15: Mk. 13:14). See
Ezek. 14:14.20:28:3

Name defined, changed, 859

8 qualifications of wise men, i 856-1

A scientist, j 856-1

Contrasted with Joseph, t 856-1

Test of, a 856-4

Supernatural gift of, d-I, 856-4

Length of office, m 856-4:e 864-1

Danger of execution, a-o 857-1

Prayer to God, a-c 857-4

15 reasons for praising God,c 357-4 12 reasons for an answer, b 858-1 His
statements of God. d 858-1 Greater than other wise men, e 860-4 7foId
testimony of,p 862-1 Faultless in life and conduct, h 863-1 Worship of,i-k 863-1;
a-1 863-4 Visions of, g 864-1

10 requests of, h 867-4 3-week fast,d 868-4

Book of Daniel , 856-882 8 classes dedicating the image, c 859-1

16 angelic appearances, m 868-4

10 proofs Antiochus Epiphanes not the

future Antichrist, 872 How Antiochus became king, 872 The until passages, 875
12 time passages, 876 Deceitfulness of kii.gs, 876 History, chs. 1,3,5,6 Summary
of the book, 872 Visions,chs. 2,4, 7, 8, 9,10-12

The great image of Dan. 2: Purpose, q856-4;j 857-4 12 parts to the dream, c 858-
1 Last form of the Roman Empire, a 865-4 Miry clay of the image,c,e 858-4 Iron
of the image, c,e 858-4 Image interpreted, 873 The times of the Gentiles, 873
God's kingdom on earth to be the 9th of 9 great world empires, f-h 858-4 The
tree vision of Dan. 4: The vision, g 860-4 4fold Interpretation, b 861-1
FulfiUment, e 861-1; a-j 861-4

Vision of the 4 beasts of Dan. 7: 35fold vision, 863 15fold interpretation. 874 10
horns on the beast, a 865-4: 874 No Revived Roman Empire, b 865-4 A Revised
Roman Empire, b865-4 The little horn, c 865-4:874-875 Vision of ram and he-
goat of Dan. 8


The goat a symbol of Greece, h866-l 36foId vision, 875

Angelic interpretation, 877 4;877 4 divisions of Greece, n 866-l;b-d 866-4 main

subjects of the vision, 876 2,300 days, not years, 876 Dally sacrifices. X 866-4
The sanctuary, 16 proofs not the heavenly one, 876 Vision of 70 weeks of Dan.
9: 3 periods of 70 years, k 967-1 The 70 weeks explained, 877

Vision of wars of Daa 10-12: 8fold description of Christ, 878 Kings of the North
Vision of wars of Daa 10-12: 8fold description of Christ, 878 Kings of the North
and South 01:5-45) Revival of Grecian Empire, f 871-4 Antichrist from Syria,h-
k 871-4ia872-4 great events, d 872-1 i Danites (41. i 285-1; Judg. 13:2; 18:1, 11:
1 Chr. 12:35 Dan-jaan (l).i 356-1; 2 Sam. 24:6

Dannah (D.citv in Judah.Josh. 15:49 Para (1). bearer, i 422-4; 1 Chr. 2:6. See
Darda See Data

Darda (1). bearer, i 422-4; 1 Ki. 4317 Dare (5). Job 41:10; Rom. 5:7; 15:18; 1

Cor. 6:1; 2 Cor. 10:12 Darlc. a Persian coin (S5. 28), a 490-1 Darius (25). the
Restrainer or the Maintainer - a title of several kings of Me do-Persia: 1 Darius,
the Mede - Astyages, the husband of Esther and father of Cyrus (Dan. 5:31; 6:1-
28; 9:1; 11:1). See his 7fold decree, 863

2 Darius 1,called Darius llystaspis (Ezra 4:5, 24; 5:5-7: 6:1-15; Neh. 12:22;
Hag.l:l,15; 2:10;Zech.l:1.7; 7:1) 3 Darius n and Darius III who ruled after the
writing of the O. T. books. See 879

Park (43). 12 dark things:

1 Night (Gen. 15:17; josh. 2:5; Neh, 13:19; Pr. 7:9; Amos 5:8)

2 Skin by plague (Lev. 13:6-28, 56)

3 opeeches (Num. 12:8)

4 Waters (2 Sam. 22:12; Ps. 18:11)

5 Cloud Oob 22:13) c-e 534-1

6 Saying (Ps.49:4; 78:2; Pr. 1:6). See

7 Places (Ps. 74:20; Isa. 45:19; Lam. 3:6; 2 Pet. 1:19)

8 Mountains Qer. 13:16)

9 Stars (Ezek. 32:7)

10 Sentences (Dan. 8:23; Joel 2:10)

11 Day (Amos 5:8,20)

11 Day (Amos 5:8,20)

12 Heaven (Ezek. 32:8) Darken (1), Amos 8:9 Darkened (19). 12 darkened

1 Land (Ex. 10:15; Isa. 9:19)

2 Eyes(Ps.69:23;Eccl.l2:3;Rom.ll:10)

3 Heavens (Isa. 5:30)

4 Sun(Isa.l3:10;Mt.24:29;Mk.l3:24;

5 Joy (Isa.24:ll) Rev.8:12:9:2)

6 Day (Ezek. 30:18)

7 Moon Ooel 3:15; Mk. 13:24)

8 Right eye (Zech. 11:17)

9 FooUsh heart (Rom. 1:21)

10 Understanding (Eph. 4:18)

11 Third part of heavens (Rev. 8:12)

12 Sun and air (Rev. 9:2) Daritenelh (1) counsel. Job 38:2 Daikish (1) flesh. Lev.
13:39 Darldy (1) si^t, 1 Cor. 13:12 Darknegs (159).D.ofchaos.n l-l;Gen.l:2

Division ofd.from light.Gen. 1:4,18

P. in Egypt,Ex. 10:21-22; 14:20

D. on Sinai,Ex. 20:21; Dt.4:ll; 5:22

D. of eyes, Dt. 28:29

D. of death, 1 Sam. 2:9; Job 3:5

D. around the earth. Job 38:9

D. under God's feet, 2 Sam. 22:10-12;

D. under God's feet, 2 Sam. 22:10-12;

Ps. 18:9; 97:2 Pestilence walks in d. ,Ps. 91:6 People walk In d. have, Isa. 9:2 I
create d., Isa. 45:7 Zeph.l:15

Dayof Lord d.,Joel 2:2; Amos5:18-20; Cast into outer d., Mt. 8:12; 22:13;

25:30 P. over the land.Mt, 27:45; Mk.l5:33 Power of d. .Lk. 22:53 Light shineth
in d, ,Jn. 1:5 Men loved d. rather than, Jn. 3:19 Sun shall be turned into d., Acts
2:20 Turned from d. to light. Acts26:18 Cast off works of d. ,Rom. 13:12 No
communion light with d. ,2 Cor.6:14 Unfruitful works of d., Eph. 5:11 Rulers of
d., of this world, Eph. 6:12 Delivered from power of d. ,Col. 1:13 Ye are not in
d. , 1 Th. 5:4-5 Called you out of d. , 1 Pet. 2:9 Delivered into chains of d. ,2Pet.
2:4 In Him is no d. at aU, 1 Jn. 1:5 In everlasting chains of d. ,Jude 6 His
kingdom was full of d. ,Rev.l6:10 7 cases of d. ,110 Parkon (2).carrier.Ezra 2:56;

Pavid (1,032), beloved. The youngest

Parling ( 2). only one.Ps. 22:20; 35:17

Part (3). Job 41:26; Pr. 7:23; Heb. 12:20 Darts (4), 2 Sam. 18:14; 2 Chr. 32:5;

41:29; Eph, 6:16 Dash (7), 2 Ki. 8:12; Ps. 2:9; 91:12; Isa.

13:18; Jer. 13:14; Mt. 4:6: Lk. 4-11 Pashed (5), Ex. 15:6; Isa. 13:16; Hos.

10:14; 13:16; Nah. 3:10 Pasheth (2).Ps. 137:9; Nah. 2:1 Pateless past. 51 Dathan
(iorfount. Num. 16:1-27; 26: 28 15; 22:

Married angels. Gen. 6:1-4, notes D. of ZIon, proud-haughty, Isa.3,notes Sons

and d. prophecy, Joel 2:28: Acts 2:17; 21:9 Sols and d. of God, 2 Cor, 6:18
Believers are d, of Sara, 1 Pet, 3:6

9; Dt.ll:6; Ps. 106:17 Daub (1). Ezek. 13:11 Daii)ed (7),Ex. 2:3; Ezek. 13:10-
Daublng (l),Ezek. 13:12 Daughter (310) .Used 8 ways in Scripture: 1 In the
literal sense (Gen. 11:29; 20: 12; 24:23-24; 25:20; 26:34; 28:9)

2 Daughter-iB-law(Gen.U:31;Lev. 18: 15; 20:12; Rutii 2:2,20,22; 4:15)

3 Granddaughterorfemale descendant (Lk. 1:5; 13:16)

3 Granddaughterorfemale descendant (Lk. 1:5; 13:16)

4 Womenofacountryorplace(Isa.1:8; 23:10-12; 37:22; 47:1-5) 2:11)

5 Women of aparticularreligion (Mai.

6 Women in general (Pr. 31:29)

7 Personification of a town or place (Isa. 47:1; Ezek. 16:44-46)

8 Devotees to music (Eccl. 12:4) Daughter's (3)JLev.l8:10.17: Dt.22:17

Daughters (251) Jom to men.o 4-1; d 6-1

son of Jesse and Nahash; chosen of God to be king of Israel (Ruth 4:17-22; 1
Sam. 16)

Mother of P. ,b 304-1; a 348-4

Kills the giant, 1 Sam. 17

D. and Jonathan, 1 Sam. 18 25

2 1 attempts to killD.,lSam.l9:l-26; D.amongPhilistines.l Sam.27:1-29:11 P.

rescues his people, 1 Sam. 30

P. made king of Judah, 2 Sam. 1-2; 1

Chr. 11-13 P. and bouse of Saul, 2 Sam, 3-4 P. made king over aU Israel, 2 Sam.
5 P. establishes kingdom, 2 Sam. 6-10; 1 Chr. 14-20 P. sins and is forgiven, 2
Sam. 11-12 P. and sons, 2 Sam, 13-14 18

D. and Absalom's rebellion. 2 Sam. 15-D. restored to kingdom, 2 Sam. 19-20

Last acts, 2 Sam. 21-24; 1 KI. 1-2; 1

Chr. 21-29 Psalms

Composes psalms. See Summary of Predictions of David's throne and klngdom

being built again eternally, Isa.

9:6-7; 16:5; Jer. 17:25; 23:5; Amos 9:

11; Lk. 1:32-33: Acts 15:13-18 P. tobecomeklngoverall Israel under

11; Lk. 1:32-33: Acts 15:13-18 P. tobecomeklngoverall Israel under

theMessiahjer.30:9; 33:15-26; Ezek.

34:23-24; 37:24-25; Hos. 3:4-5 Pavid's 4foId appeal to Saul, 299

3 anointings of P. ,g 310-1; 328

6 facts about, o 310-1 Old in ways, o, v 310-1 Accused by brother, f 311-1

3 rewards for killing giant, m 311-1 3fold qualification of, g 311-4 5fold armour
of, j 311-4 Great prophet, 327 verses of prophecy compared to others, e 312-1

2 great lessons taught by, f 312-1 Perfect at using slings, j 312-1

21 attempts of Saul to kill, g 313-1

Growing fame.c 313-4

A musician for Saul, c 312-4

3 questions of, i 314-4 3fold lie of.j 316-1 Gathers mighty men.l 316-4 Provides
for parents, m 316-4 Great military leader, m 317-4 4fold assurance to, j 318-1

Twice P. spares Saul,l 318-4; d 319-1

3 blessings by, m 320-4 Unbelief in time of trial, s 322-1

7 results of unbelief, s 322-1 7 times betrayed, a 322-4 Pecepdon of, a 324-1

Gifts to his friends, i 325-1 God's choice of, 328

5 facts about, 328 Chronological events of life, 328 7fold answer of P. to

Goliath, 329 7 blessings of, 329 Disuess of, 329 Fear of, 329

4 classes joined, 329 First act of judgment, 329 Lament over Saul, p 331-1; c
331-4 Crowned king of Judah, e 332-1

An example for today, f 332-1; a 339-1 D. and Abnet, g 332-1 Large family, h
333-1 United with Michal. i-k 333-4 7fold curse on Joab, I 334-1 40-year reign,
n 335-1 Moves capital to Jerusalem, o 335-1 Cityof David's burg, p 335-1; a
335-4 Promised eternal throne, d-1 337-4; h 3promisesto,i337-4 439-4

Promised eternal house, 330; 1 337-4 Promised eternal kingdom,330; 1337-4

Promised eternal house, 330; 1 337-4 Promised eternal kingdom,330; 1337-4
Promised eternal nation,u 337-l;p 439-5greatrequestsof, a 338-1 4 Kingdom on
the Euphrates, J 338-1 Shields of gold, p 338-1 d 338-4 Collects material for
temple, p 338-1: Chief officers of, g 338-4 Love for enemies, f 332-1; a 339-1 7
steps to downfall, I 340-1

4 sins against Uriah, s 340-1 Plan to cover his sin, a 340-4 Failure of the plan,b-
k, w 340-4 Brought to repentance,) 341-1 Forgiveness of Absalom, 341
PaId4fold for sins,a 341-4

5 acts of God for, c 341-4 20fold reaping of,g 341-4

11 acts after death of child, c 342-1 Confession of faith In Immortality of

the soul, e 342-1 7 causes of rebellion against, 343 Patient suffering of, 343
Powerful warrior, 343 Another great mistake, f 345-1; 357 Complete surrender
to God,e34€-l;e-f WeepingonMt.OUves,k346-l 347-1 Betrayal of, n 346-1 4fold
Instruction to Hushal,s 346-1 Zeba's gift to David, d 346-4 Insult without
retaliation, m 346-4 1 L ast charge concerning Absalom,o 348-


Complete Concordance - Cyclopedic Index

Rebuked by Joab, c 350-1 Restored to kingdom,c 350-1 Provoked by Satan, 350

3 cansactions with Zeba.a 351-1 Puts away 10 concubines, h-i 351-4 8 chief
ofTicers of,b 352-4

4folJ distress of. f 353-4 6fold testimony of, d 354-1

8 accomplishments of, a 354-4

5 facts about, m 354-4

37 mighty men of, f 355-1; 361

A good trait in, o 356-1

Seers of, s 356-1

Desire to build the temple, 357

Desire to build the temple, 357

Another mistake of, 357

First to class men as sheep, 357

9 acts at death of Abner, 330 First 30 years of Ufe, 330 New war with
Philistia,330 Prayer to God, 330

6 acts making Solomon king, h 359-1 5fold charge to Solomon, i 359-4

2 things God did for, a 362-1

2 things D. did for God, a 362-1

2reasons did notbuild temple, i 363-4

Buryingplace of, 366

God's capital revealed to.c 369-4

God's standard of doing right,b 405-1

5 lists of sons of, i 423-4

52 mighty men of, 1 433-1

4 great things God did for, i 439-1 4 great requests of, q 439-4

4 commaniis to princes, d 444-1 13princesof, a 4-1-3-1

9 stewards over treasuries, a 448-4

8 other officers of,b 448-4

Last assembly of Israel to, c448-4

5 attitudes of, e 448-4

9fold charge to Israel, f 448-4 1

Per son al gift ofSlOO,000,000.00,c 450-8fold charge to Solomon, e 449-1

Received revelation of temple, a-b 449-4 449-4
Received revelation of temple, a-b 449-4 449-4

8fold charge to Solomon, e 449-1; c 9fold charge to Israel, d 449-4

3 last requests of, a 450-4

3 things he was full of. c 451-1 Sure mercies of D., 675 8 proofs D. will be king
in the Millennium, a 7 74-1 Kingdom of D. restored, b-h 898-4 God's testimony
of D. ,i 138-4* His line in Mt. and Lk., k 1-1* For scores ofDavld's acts.
testimonies, statements of confidence, requests, reasons for requests, vows,
blessings, complain ts,personalreferences,reso-lutions, exhonations, etc., see
notes in book of Psalms DayidIc covenant . 57; 357; a 439-1 21 terms of,c 590-4
15 blessings of. 639 David's (53). See David Dawn (2). Mt. 28:1; 2Pet.l:19
Dawning (5). Josh. 6:15; Judg. 19:26; Job 3:9; 7:4; Ps, 119:147 Day (1. 692).
Used 4 ways in Scripture: ~Tof daylight(Gen.l:5; 8:22; Josh.l:8) 2 A 24-hour
pedod of day and ni (Gen. 1:3-31; 2:2-3; Levt23:327i 12:40; 17:1; 2 Cor. 11:25)

3 A period of time. See 626

In the last d. ,1 will pour. Acts 2:17 Redeeming time, because d. ,Eph.5:16
Perilous d. shall come, 2 Tim. 3:1 D ays'( 13). Three J. journey,Gen, 30:26; Ex.
3:18; 5:3; 8:27; Num. 10:33; 33:8 Seven d. journey. Gen. 31:23; 1 Sam.

11:3; 1 Ki. 3:9 Three d. pestilence, 2 Sam. 24:13 Daysman (1),umpire, referee.
Job 9t33


DavgDring( 2).Iob38:12;a58-l*;LkJ:78 Daytime (7). Job 5:14; 24:16; Ps. 22:2;

42:8; 78:14; Isa. 4:6; 21:8 Deacon (2).l Tim. 3:10,13 Deacons (3).PML 1:1; 1

First ones chosen. Acts 6 Ordained d. ,1-m 128-4* Did miracles, a-c 129-1*

2 rewards for d. ,k 233-4* 10 quaUficaclons for, 236*

4 qualifications for wives of, 236* Dead (369). See Death for meaning ITEere
are the d. ,619-622

D. bodies only are put in graves, Ps. 79:2; Mt. 8:22; Rev. 11:8-9
D. bodies only are put in graves, Ps. 79:2; Mt. 8:22; Rev. 11:8-9

The soul and spirit ate immortal and leave the body at death. Lk. 16:22; 2 Cor.
5:8; Phil. 1:21-24; Jas. 2:26; Rev. 6:9-11. See Immortality The d. cannot praise
God, g-i 603-1. All such passages as the dead praise not the Lord refer to d.
bodies, for they only are lifeless,dormant.mortal, and tetumtodujt(Ps. 88:10;
115:17; Eccl. 9:5, 10) God not the God of d. bodies, but of
livingsoulsCMt.22:32:Mk.l2:27; Lk. 20:38). The resunection will bring forth
bodies, not souls which are immortal (Mt. 22:31; Lk. 20:35; Acts 17:32;
23:6:24:15,21; 1 Cor. 15:12-52;PhiL3:ll; Heb. 6:2; Rev. 20:4-6. 11-15) State of
the d. ,c 80-1*

Righteous canied by angels, b 80-1*

Baptism for the d., 175*

3 things to be d.to,c 220-4*

D. to sin,Rom. 6:2,11; 1 Pet. 2:24 D. to the law, Rom. 7:4 D. bodies to be raised
immortal, 1 Cor. 15:51-54. Souls now immortal, 1 Pet.
D.insin.Eph.2:l,5;CoL2:13 3:4

D. with Christ. Col. 2:20; Rom.6:2-13 D. in Christ rise first. 1 Th. 4:13-17 D.
while she Uves. 1 Tim. 5:6 D. works. Heb. 6:1; 9:14 D.faith.Jas. 2:17-26 Body
without piiit is d. .Jas. 2:26 D. bodies of righteous resurrected be-f<xe
Millennium and bodies of wicked after the 1.000years.Rev.20:4-6,11-15 Dead
Sea . called Salt Sea.k 196-l;f 852-4

Deadly (7). 1 Sam. 5:11; Ps. 17:9; Ezek. 30:24; Mk. 16:18: Jas. 3:8; Rev.
13:2.12 Deadness (1).Rom.4:19

4 Used flgutatlyely of opportune time

On. 9:4; 1 Th.5:5-8) 28 kinds of days, 626 10 things destroyed in d. of Lord, 734
28fold judgment in d. of Lord, 734 In that d., 472; 733 15 cunes of d. of Lord,
891 14 facts about d. of Lord, 913 Fire in d. of Lord, b 927-4 10 things end at d.
of Lord, a 689-i Third d. after crucifixion, k 69-1* Lord's d.. 305*; see" this day,
785 D. and night to be eternal. Gen.8:22 Dav's Ol.D. ioumev. j 383-1; q 59-1*;
NUm. 11:31; 1 KI. 19:4: Jonah 3:4; Lk, D. work. ICht. 16:37 2:44

D. decree. Esther 9:13 D. uproar, Acts. Ift40 D. of the Lord, c 890-4: 226* D. of
God, a-d, 273-4* 2 eventsbefore d. of the Lord, 230* Sabbath d., journey. Acts
God, a-d, 273-4* 2 eventsbefore d. of the Lord, 230* Sabbath d., journey. Acts
1:12 Days (831). See Day J ast d., g 49-rrn23-4». Sec 14 end-time expressions,
236* No letd. for man to live, Ex. 20:12; Dt. 4:40:5:16.33: 11:9,21: 17:20; 22:7;
25:15: 30:18:32:47: Ps. 34:12: 55:23; Pr,3:2: 9:11 Infant of d. .nor an
old.Isa.65:20 D. of a tree are the d. of, Isa. 65:22 Jonas was 3 d. and 3 nights,
Mt. 12:40 Suck In those d. But pray,Mt. 24:19 Except those d. be shortened, Mt.
24:22 After tribulation of those d. ,Mt. 24:29 As the d. of Noe were, Mt. 24:37
After three d. I will rise. Mt. 27:63 Forty d. tempted by the devil,Lk.4:2 Seen of
them forty d., Acts 1:3

Deaf (15).D.man,Ex.4:ll; Lev. 19:14; Ps. 38:13; Isa. 29:18; 35:5; 42:18: 43:8;
MIc. 7:16; Mt. 11:5: Mk. 7:32. 37; Lk.7:22 D, adder,Ps. 58:4 D. messenger, Isa.
42:19 D. spirit. Mk. 9:25 Deal (60). 17 wap to deal: rVorse (Gen. 19:9) 2 Falsely
(Gen. 21:23; Lev. 19:11)

3 Kindly (Gen. 24:49; 47:29; Josh. 2: 14; Ruth 1:8; 1 Sam. 20:8)

4 Well (Gen. 32:9)

5 Wisely (Ex. 1:10)

6 Deceitfully (Ex. 8:29)

7 Gently (2 Sam. 18:5)

8 Courageously (2 Chr. 19:11)

9 Foolishly (Ps. 75:4)

10 Subtilly (Ps. 105:25)

11 Bountifully (Ps. 119:17; 142:7)

12 Truly (Pr. 12:22; Ezek. 18:9)

13 Unjustly (Isa. 26:10)

14 Treacherously (Isa. 33:1; 4S:8:Jet. 12:1; Hab. 1:13; Mai. 2:10,15-16)

15 Prudently (Isa. 52:13)

16 Furiously (Ezek. 8:18; 23:25)

16 Furiously (Ezek. 8:18; 23:25)

17 Hatefully (Ezek. 23:29)

A tenth deal was a half-gallon measure. See Num.15:4; 28:13.21,29; 29:4,10,15

Dealer (1). Isa. 21:2 Dealers (2). Isa. 24:16 Dealest (2),Ex.5:15; Isa. 33:1
Dealeth (10).Judg. 18:4; 1 Sam. 23:22: Pr. 10:4; 13:16; 14:17; 21:24; isa. 21:

2; Jer.6:13; 8:10; Heb. 12:7 Dealing (l).Ps. 7:16 Dealing s (2). 1 Sam. 2:23;
Jn.4:9 Deals (19). Usedonlyof measuring floi«

and other products, a tenth deal being

one-half gallon (Lev. 14:10; 23:13.17;

24:5; Num. 15:6. 9; 28:9, 12, 20. 28;

2*3, 9, 14) E>ealt (57). 18 ways men dealt with others; "THard (Gen. 16:6)

2 Graciously (Gen. 33:11)

3 HI (Gen. 43:6)

4 Well(Ex.l:20:Judg.9:16;lSam.24:

18; 25:31; Ps. 119:65)

5 Proudly (Ex. 18:11; Neh. 9:10.16, 29)

6 Deceitfully (Ex. 21:8; Job 6:15)

7 Truly and sincerely Qudg. 9:19)

8 TieacheroudyCIudg,9:23:Ija.24:16; 33:1; Jer.3:20; 5:11; 12:6:Lam. 1:2;

Hos.5:7; 6:7; MaL2:ll.U)

9 Faithfully (2 Ki. 12:15; 22:7)

10 Wickedly (2 Chr. 6:37)

11 Wisely (2 Chr. 11:23)

12 Very corruptly (Neh. 1:7)

13 Bountifully (Ps. 13:6; 116:7)

14 Falsely (Ps, 44:17)

15 UnfaithfuUy (Ps. 78:57)

16 Perversely (Ps. 119:78)

17 Wondrously Qoel 2:26)

18 Subtilly (Acts 7:19)

22:26; Amos 2:8 Laws concerning d..Ex.21:2-6; 22:10-15; Lev. 25:14-17. 25-55;
Neh. 10: 31; Mt. 5:25-26. 40; 18:23-35 Debtor (4).Ezek. 18:7; Mt. 23:16; Rom.

1:14; Gal. 5:3 Debtors (5).Mt. 6:12; Lk. 7:41; 16:5;

Rom.^: 12; 15:27 Debts (2).Pr. 22:26; Mt.6:12



Decalogue . 10

Comm andments Decapolis (3). a 10-city district east of

Galilee.c40-l*;Mt.4:25;Mk.5:20;7:31 Decay (1). Lev. 25:35 Decayed

(2).Neh.4:10; Isa.44:26

Decayeth (3).Job 14:11;EccU0:18; Heb. . Decease (2).Lk.9:31;2Pet.l:15 8:13

Dear (7).Jer. 31:20; Lk.7:2; Acts 20:24; Deceased (2).ba. 26:14; Mt. 22:25 TpE.
5:1; Col. 1:7.13: ITh. 2:8 DeceU (34). EsSsei x 161-1*

Dearly gO). Jer. 12:7; Rom. 12:19; 1 Cor, i BlbUcal facts about d..b 30-1 10:14;
2 Cor. 7:1; 12:19; Phil. 4:1; 2 40 facts about, k 31-4

Tim. 1:2; Ph'm 1:1; 1 Pet. 2:11 Dearth (8).Gen. 41:54; 2 Ki. 4:38; 2Chr.

6:28; Neh.5:3;Jer.l4:l;Acts7:ll: 11:28 Death (363). Defined. 619; h 23-1; i 49-1

6:28; Neh.5:3;Jer.l4:l;Acts7:ll: 11:28 Death (363). Defined. 619; h 23-1; i 49-1
Deceitful (21).

TT; d 221-1* |

Giving up the ghost.Gen. 25:8; 35:29;

Lam.l:19;Acts5:10;Jas.2:26;m 523-| A change of state. Job 14:14 1|

Putting off body. 2 Cor. 5; 2 Pet. 1:14 > Taking the soul, Lk. 12:20; Jas. 2:26
Body returning to dust. Gen. 3:19 To be swallowed up, k 699-1 ; 12 statements
about, 450 |

6 things said - state of d., i 528-4

6 practices at d., e 760-4 I

7 proofs d. for sin not physical, h 822-1, Called deep. 881; o 107-4*; b 188-4* i
3 kinds oTdr. 619; 213*

Spiritual d. ,619; j 8-1*

Sinners go to heU at d. ,620

42 death-penalty sins. 16

7 examples of d. revealed, g 25-1

Penalties,Code of Hammurabi. 1 44-1

Modes of d. penalty. 115

7 general death-penalty sins, d 139-4

Jewish theory of d. .t 107-4*

D. passed tpon all by Adam, w 164-1*;

c 188-4* Not extinction of being, c 234-4* 2 things to die for. q 44-1*

Cancellation of d. ,d. g 7-1* Body only dies at physical d. ,1261-4* Christians go
to heaven at d. .m 225-1* 5 things to put to d.. 231* Ends probation on earth.
259* I long for d.but it cometh not Job 3:21 Choose d. rather than life,Job 7:15
259* I long for d.but it cometh not Job 3:21 Choose d. rather than life,Job 7:15
Shadowofd..Job 10:21-22; 12:22:16: ' 16; 24-17; 28:3; 34:22; 38:17;Ps.23:4; I
107:10.14; Isa. 9:2; Jer. 2:6; 13:16; i Amos 5:8; Mt. 4:16 |

Ind.no remembrance,Ps.6:5.Body only dies, so no bodilv memory. Jas. 2:26

Sorrows of d. compassed me. Ps. 18:4; 116:3 13:14:14:27

Snares of d. prevented me. Ps. 18:5; Pr. Dust of d. (provlngbody dies). Ps. 22:15
Terrors of^d. are fallen.Ps. 55:4 D. of His saints (Ps. 116:15) who live
foreverOn.3:16) .proving death claims the body , not the souHFas. 2:26)
Chambers of d.. Pr. 7:27 Love is stroDg as d., Song 8:6 I will redeem them ftom
d.. Hos. 13:14 Taste d.. Mt. 16:28; Mk.9:1: H*.2:9 Put Him to d. .Mt.27:l Passed
from d. unto life (Jn. 5:24) and never see d. (Jn. 8:51-52) could only refer to
spiritual d. .619; 213* Pains of d.. Acts 2:24 Wages of sin is d. (Rom. 6:23). not
physical or spiritual d.. but eternal d., which is the penalty for sin. 619 Free ftom
the law of sin and d. (Rom, 8:2). meaning eternal d., for even Christians die
physically (Heb. 9:27) D. is swallowed up in victory - when bodies become
immortal. 1 Cor. 15: 51-56 2:14-15

Destroy Satan who had power of d..Hd). Sin unto d. .IJn. 5:16-17 Keys of hell
and d. .Rev. 1:18 Second d. .Rev. 2:11: 20:6,14; 21:8 D. an enemy to be
destroyed at end of Millennium, 1 Cor. 15:24-28; Rev.

20:11-15: 21:4 Dealhs( 4)Jer.l6:4;Eaek.28:8-10; 2Cor.

Debase (1). Isa. 57:9 11:23

Debate( 4).Pr.25:9;Isa.27:8;58:4; Rom. Debates (1). 2 Cor. 12:20 1:29

Debir (14), speaker. King of Eglon, Josh. T3?3. A city In Judah, 265; Josh. 10:

38-39; 11:21; 12:13: 13:26; 15:7-15,

49; 21:15; Judg. 1:11; 1 Chr. 6:58 Deborah (10).bee. 2 women,Gen. 35:8;

Judg, 4:4-14; 5:1'^I5 Debt (7), 1 Sam. 22:2; 2 Ki. 4:7; Neh. ~Tb:31;Mt, 18:27-
32; Rom. 4:4

Security for d..Ex. 22:25-27; Dt. 24:6-13: Neh.5:3: Job 22:6; 24:9;Pr. 11:15;

Counter-deceit, d-f 33-4 D. is in the heart. Pr. 12:20; Jer. 14: 14; 23:26; Mk.
7:22; Rom. 1:29 13 deceitful thin; ;Pr.
7:22; Rom. 1:29 13 deceitful thin; ;Pr.

n:i^(Ps. 5:6; 45:1; 55:25; 165 2Matters(Ps. 35:20) 29:13)

3 Tongue (Ps. 52:4; 120:2; Mic. 6:12;

Zeph.3:13) 4Bow(Ps. 78:57; Hos. 7:16)

5 Work (Pr. 11:18)

6 Witness (Pr. 14:25)

7 Meat (Pr.23:3)

8 Kisses (Pr. 27:6) 9Favor0>r. 31:30)

10 Heart (Jer. 17:9)

11 Weights (Mic. 6:11)

12 Workers (2 Cor. 11:13)

13 Lusts (Eph.4:2^

Deceitfully (11).Gen. 34:13; Ex. 8:29!

21:8; Lev. 6:4; Job 6:15; 13:7; Ps. 24:4;

52:2; Jer. 48:10; Dan, 11:23; 2 Cot. 4:2 Deceitfulness( 3).Mt. 13:22: Mk. 4:19;

Heb. 3:13

eits(2).Ps, 38:12; Isa. 30:10



_eceivableness (1). 2 Th. 2:10

Deceive (27). D. not with lips, Pr. 24: Brret.37:9 Wear rough garment to
d.,Zech.l3:4 Take heed that no man d. you,Mt. 24: 4; Mk. 13:5: Lk. 21:8 They
shall d. the very elect, Mt, 24:24 D. the hearts of the simple,Rom. 16:18 Let no
shall d. the very elect, Mt, 24:24 D. the hearts of the simple,Rom. 16:18 Let no
man d. himself, 1 Cor. 3:18 Let no man d. you,Eph. 5:6; 2 Th.2:3; ljn.3:7 D. the
nations, Rev, 12:9; 20:3,8.10

Deceived (33). Be not d., 1 Cor. 6:9; 15:33; GaL 6:7 Adam not d.,but the
woman,1 Tim. 2:14 Deceiving and being d., 2 Tim. 3:13 D.. serving diven lusts.
Tit. 3:3 The devil that d. them. Rev. 20:10

Deceiver (5).Gen.27:12; Job 12:16; MaL 1:14; Mt. 27:63; 2 Jn. 7; a 281-4*

Deceivers( 3).2Cor.6:8; TIt.l:10; 2Jn.7

Deceiveth (6). Pr. 26:19; Jn. 7:12; Gal. 6:3; Jas. 1:26; Rev. 12:9; 13:14

Deceiving (2).2 Tim. 3:13; Jas. 1:22

peceivings (1).2 Pet. 2:13

Decently (1). lCor.l4:40

Deception. 15 examples oft

1 Satan - Eve (Gen. 3:4; 2 Cor.ll:3)

2 Abraham - kings (Gen. 12:13:20:2)

3 Isaac - Ablmelech (Gen. 26:7)

4 Jacob and Rebekah - Isaac (Gen. 27:6-23)

5 Jacob's sons-Jacob (Gen. 34:13-31)

6 Joseph's brethren - Jacob (Gen. 37: 29-35)

7 Joseph - his bretlien (Gen. 42-44)

8 GIbeonites - Jodiua (Josh. 9)

9 Ehud - king of Moab 0udg.3:15-30)

10 Delilah - Samson Qudg. 16:4-20)

11 David - Achish (1 Sam. 21:10-15)

12 Amnon - Tamar (2 Sam. 13:4-14)

13 Hushal - Absalom (2 Sam.l6:15-19)

14 Absalom - Amnon (2 Sam. 13:24-28)

15 Ananias and Sappblra - Peter (Acts 5:1-11)

Decided (1). 1 Ki. 20:40

Declriqn (2). VaUey of d. .Joel 3:14

Deck (2),Job 40:10; Jet. 10:4

PecFed (6). Pr. 7:16; Ezek. 16:11, 13;

Hos. 2:13; Rev. 17:4; 18:16 Deckeda (2),Ezek. 16:16; 23:40

Deckest (1), Jer.4:30 Decketh (l), Isa. 61:10

Declaration (4), Esther 10:2; Job 13:17;

Lk.l:l; 2 Cor. 8:19 Declare (95). 14 things to declare:

1 His glory among heathen (1 Chr. 16: 24; Ps. 96:3; Isa. 66:19)

2 The glory ofGod(Ps.l9:l; 96:3) 25)

3 His righteousness (Ps. 97:6: Rom. 3:

4 The works of God (Ps, 64:9; 73:28; 75:1)

5 The name of the Lord (Ps, 102:21)

6 His mighty acts (Ps. 145:4)

7 His greatness (Ps. 145:6)

8 His doings among people (Isa. 12:4)

Complete Co:'.cordaiice - Cyclopedic Index


9 His praise (Iia. 42:12; Mic.3:8) IC All their abominations (Ezek.l2:16; 23:36)

11 Tliy faithfulness (Ps. 40:10)

12 Thy lovingkindness (Ps. 88:11^

13 The gospel (1 Cor. 15:1)

14 God is light (1 Jn. 1:5) Declare Declared (41). Defined , i 93-?! See Declareth
(4). Isa. 41:26; Jer. 4:15; Hos.

4:12; Amos 4:13 1 Cor.2:1

Declaring (4). Isa. 46:10; Acts 15:3, 12; Decline fe.Ex. 23:2; Dt. 17:11; Ps. 119:

157; Pr. 4:5; 7:25 44:18:119:51

Declined (4). 2 Chr. 34:2; Job 23:11; Ps. Declinelh (2).Ps. 102:11; 109:23
Decrease (2). Ps. 107:38; Jn.3:30 Decreased (1).Gen. 8:5 Decree (49).D. of
Cyius.Ezra 5:13,17

D. of Darius, Ezra 6:1-12

D. of Artaxerxes.Ezra 7:13,21

D. of Ahasuerus, Esther 1:20; 2:8; 3:15; 4:3,8; 8:14,17; 9:1,13-14

D. of Esther, Esther 9:32

D. of God, Job 28:26; Ps. 2:7; 148:6; Pr.8:29; Jer. 5:22

D. of Ndsuchadnezzar, Dan. 2:9, 13-15; 3:10, 29; 4:6. 17, 24

D. of Darius die Mede, Dan. 6:7-26

D. of king of Nineveh, Jonah 3:7

D. of Caesar,Lk.2:l Decreed (5).Esther 2:1; 9:31; Job 38:10;

D. of Caesar,Lk.2:l Decreed (5).Esther 2:1; 9:31; Job 38:10;

Isa. 10:22; 1 Cor. 7:37 Decrees (3),Isa. 10:1; Acts 16:4; 17:7 Dedaii( ll).low.
2men. Gen. 10:7; 25:3;

1 Chr. 1:9,32. A district near Edom, Jer.

25:23; 49:8;Ezek.25:13; 27:15-20;38:13 Dedaoim (l),sons of Dedan.Isa. 21:13

Ded icate (4), Dt, 20:5; 2 Sam. 8:11; 1

Chr, 26:27; 2 Chr. 2:4 Dedicated (24). 9 things dedicated:

1 Houses pt. 20:5)

2 Silver and gold (Judg. 17:3; 2 Sam, 8:11: 1 Ki, 7:51; 15:15; 2 Ki. 12:4; 1 Chr.

3 Animals (1 Ki. 8:63; 2 Chr. 7:5)

4 Treasuries (1 Chi. 26:20-28; 28:12)

5 Tabernacle (Num. 7)

6 Solomon's tenple (1 KI. 8)

7 Zenbbabel's temple (Ezra 6:16-17)

8 Offerings and tithes (2 Chr. 31:12)

9 Old Testament (Hrt>. 9:18) Law concerning d. things.Lev. 27

DedicatiD^ (2). Num. 7:10-11 Dgj^caUoo (11), D. of altar. Num. 7:84-88; 2

Chr. 7:9 D. of teirple,Ezra 6:16-17 D.ofwaU,Neh.l2:27 D. of the house of David,
Ps. 30, title D. of the image, Dan. 3:2-3 D. feast of the Jews.Jn. 10:22 Deed (19).
act.Gen. 44:15; Judg. 19(30; 2Tam. 12:14; Lk.24:19; Col. 3:17; Jas.l:25; 1 Jn.
3:18 Deeds( 33), acts,Gen. 20:9; 2Chr. 35:27; Eaa 9:13; Ps. 28:4; 105:1; Lk.
11:48; Jn. 3:19-21; 8:41; Acts 7:22; Rom. 2:6; 3:20,28; 8:13; Col. 3:9; Jude 15
Deemed (l),Acts 27:27 Deep (64). Face of the d., Gen. 1:2; 7: iT;
8:2:Job38:30:Ps.l04:6;Pr. 8:28 D. sleep,Gen. 2:21; 1 Sam. 26:12; Job 33:15;
Pr.l9:15;Isa.29:10; Dan.8:18; 10:9; Acu 20:9 D. and secret things, Dan. 2:22 D.
things of God, 1 Cor. 2:10 D. poverty, 2 Cor. 8:2
1 have been in the d., 2 Cor. 11:25 Deeper (9).Lev. 13:3-4. 25, 30, 32, 34;

Job 11:8; Isa. 33:19 Deeply (3).Isa. 31:6: Hos. 9:9; Mk. 8:12 Deepness (1).ML
13:5 Deeps (4). Neh, 9:11; Ps. 88:6; 148:7; Deer (l).Dt. 14:5 Zech.lO:ll Defamed
(1). reviled, 1 Cor. 4:13 Defaming (1) .reviling,slanderingjer.20: Defeat (g).2
Sam. 15:34; 17:14 10

Defence (21). j 147-1*; k 150-1* God is my d., Ps. 7:10; 59:9, 16-17;

62:2-6; 89:18; 94:22 Wisdom and money are ad. ,Eccl.7:12 D. and confirmation
ofthe gospel, Phil, 1:7, 17 Defenced (9). Isa. 25:2; 27:10; 36:1; 37: 26; Jer.L-18;
4:5; 8:14; 34:7; Ezek.21:20 Defend (11), Judg. 10:1; 2 Ki.l9;34; 20 6; Ps. 20:1:
59:1; 82:3; Isa. 31:5; 37: 35; 38:6; Zecn. 9:15; 12:8 Defended (2). 2 Sam. 23:12;
Acu 7:24 Defendest (1). Ps. 5:11 Defending (1). Isa. 31:5 Defer( 5).Eccl.5:4;
Isa.48:9; Dan.9:19 Deferred (3),Gen. 34:19; Pr. 13:12; Acts DefeEreth (l).Pr.l9;ll

Defied (6). Num. 23:8:1 Sam. 17:36,45;

2 Sam. 21:21; 23:9; 1 Chr. 20:7 Defile ( 39). Not to d. thyself in adultery.

Lev. 18:20; Gal. 5:19-21 Not to d.thyself in bestiality. Lev. 18:23

D.notyourselveswithidols,Ezek. 20:7,


If any man d. the temple, 1 Cor. 3:17 Filthy dreamers d.the flesh, Jude 8 SeeMt.
15:18-20,notes:Mk. 7:20-23, notes; Rom. 1:29-32; 1 Cor. 6:9-10; Gal. 5:19-21;
Eph. 4:24-29; 5:3-6; Col. 3:5-10; 1 Tim. 1:10; Jude 8 for the things that defile
men 50 things that defile and damn: Evilthou^ts Ignorance Murders

Adulteries Unnatural affection

Fornication Implacability

Thefts Unmercifulness

Bearing false Abusing selves with

witness mankind
witness mankind

Blasphemies Revilings

Covetousness Extortion Wickedness Uncleanness (homo—

Deceit sexuaUty)

Lasciviousness Witchcraft An evil eye Hatred

Pride Variance

Foolishness Emulations

Unrighteousness Wrath Maliciousness Seditions Envy Strife

Debate Heresies

Malignity Drunkenness

Whispers Revellings

Backbiting Lying

HatingGod Idolatry

Despitefulness Inordinate affection Boasting Evil concupiscence

Evil things Filthy c o m m u n i -

Disobedience to cation parents

Defiled (71). See Defile Conscience being weak is d. ,1 Cor.8:7 Mind and
conscience are d. ,Tit.l:15 Thereby many be d., Heb. 12:15 Which have not
d.their gar men ts,Rev.3: Not d. by women,Rev. 14:4 4

Defiledst( l). Gen. 49:4

Defneth (9),Ex. 31:14; Num. 19:13:35: 33; Mt. 15:11, 20; Mk. 7:20; Jas. 3:6:
Rev. 21:27

De&aud (5). Lev. 1ft 13; Mk. 10:19; 1 Cor. 6:8; 7:5: 1 Th,4:6 2Cor.7:2
Defrauded (4). 1 Sam. 12:3-4; 1 Cor. 6:7;

Defif(5), Num. 23:7-8; 1 Sam. 17:10, egenerate (l). Jer. 2:21 25-26

tiUes of Ps, 120-134 Dehavites (1),settlers in Samaria,Ezra 4: Dekar d),lancer, 1

Ki. 4:9

Delaiah (6). God has raised. 5 men, 1 Chr. 24:18; Ezra 2:60; Neh. 6:10; 7:62;
Jer. 36:12,25 Delay (3),Ex. 22:29; Acts 9:38; 25:17 Pelayed (2),Ex.32:l; Ps,
119:60 Delayeth (2). Mt. 24:48; Lk. 12:45 Delectable (1). desirable, Isa. 44:9

Delicacie F(l), luxuries. Rev. 18:3

Delicate (5), dainty, polished, Dt, 28:

54-56; Isa. 47:1; Jer. 6:2; Mic. 1:16 Delicately ( 4),luxurioudv,l Sam. 15:32;

Pr. 29:21; Lam. 4:5; Lk. 7:25 DelicateDess( l),luxuriousness. Dt.28:56 Delicates
T^. delicacies, Jer. 51:34

Degree (6). 1 Chr. 15:18; 17:17; Ps. 62:

9; Lk.l:52; 1 Tim. 3:13; Jas. 1:9 Degrees (23). 2 KU 20:9-11; Ua. 38:8;

DeliciouiLly (2), luxuriously. Rev.18:7, 9 Delight (51), take pleasure in Gen. 34:

19;Num.l4:8;Dt. 10:15:21:14 D.in the law of the Lord,Ps. 1:2; 119:

16, 24, 47, 70, 77, 174 D. thyself in the Lord; and, Ps. 37:4 D. to do Thy will, O
God,Ps. 40:8 D. to know Thy ways, Isa. 58:2 D.in approaching God, Isa. 58:2 D.
in the law of God after, Rom. 7:22 I was daily His d. ,Pr. 8:30 A just weight Is
His d. ,Pr. 11:1 The uprigfi are His d. ,Pr. 11:20 They that deal truly His d. ,Pr.
12:22 Prayer of upright His d. ,Pr. 15:8

Delighted (12). 1 Sam,lft2; 2 Sam. 22: 20:T[ {^L 10:9; 2 Chr. 9:8; Neh. 9:25;
Esther 2:14: Ps. 18:19; 22:8; 109:17; Isa. 65:12: 66:4, 11

Delightest (1), Ps. 51:16

DeUahteth (13).Esther 6:6-9;Ps. 37:23;

lli-l; 147:10; Pr.3:12; Isa. 42:1; 62: 4: 66:3; Mic. 7:18; MaL 2:17
lli-l; 147:10; Pr.3:12; Isa. 42:1; 62: 4: 66:3; Mic. 7:18; MaL 2:17

DeiightiPg, 4 examples God d. in men, c 171-4

Delights (6). 2 Sam. 1:24; Ps. Ilft92,

143; Pr. 8:31; EccL 2:8; Song 7:6

6 things God d. in,c 171-1 Delightsome (1). Mai. 3:12 Delilah (6)7dainty one,
Judg. 16:4-18

7 sins of D. , 288

Deliver (296). set free; restore; rescue D. me, I pray,Gen. 32:11; Ps. 31:2 D.me
from transgressions, Ps. 39:8 D. mefrombloodguIltiness.Ps. 51:14 D. my soul
from lying, Ps. 120:2 D. us from evil. Mt. 6:13: Lk. 11:4 D. such an ooe to
Satan, 1 Cor. 5:5 D. us from this present evil world, GaL

1:4; Tit, 2:11-14

Deliverance (16). Great d., Gen. 45:7; Judg. 15:18; 1 Chr. 11:14 Lord's d. ,2 Ki.
13:17 Songs of d. ,Ps. 32:7 Preach d. ,Lk.4:18

Deliverances (1), Ps. 44:4

Delivered (291). See Deliver D, from lion and bear, 1 Sam.17:35-37 D. me from
my strong enemy, Ps. 18:17 D. me from the violent man,Ps.l8:48 D. me from all
my fears,Ps. 34:4 D. me out of trouble, Ps. 54:7 D. out of all afflictions. Acts
7:10 D. Him up for us all, Rom. 8:32 D. from power of darkness. Col. 1:13

Deliveredst (3).Neh.9:27; Mt.25:20-22

Deliverer (lO). Judg. 3:9, 15: 18:28; 2 Sam. 22:2; Ps. 18:2; 40:17; 70:5; 144: 2;
Acts 7:35: Rom. 11:26

DeUverest (2), Ps. 35:10; Mic. 6:14

Delivereth (13). Job 36:15: Ps. 18:48: 34: 7,17,19; 97:10; 144:10; Pr. 10:2; 11:4;
14:25: 31:24; Isa. 42:22; Dan. 6:27

Delivering (3)Xk.21:12; Acts 22:4; 26:17

Delivery (1). Isa. 26:17

Deluge . See Flood

Delusion (1). deception. 2Th.2:ll

Delu s ions (1). vexations, Isa. 66:4

Demand(4), Job 38:3; 40:7:42:4;Dan.4:17

Demanded (7).Ex.5:14; 2 Sam.11:7; Dan. 2;27;Mt.2:4;Lk.3:14: 17:20; Acts


Denias.(3), popular. A preacher and companion of Paul who backslid, having

loved this present world, g 222-1*; b 240-4': Col. 4:14; 2 Tim.. 4:10; Ph'm 24.
Cp. 1 Jn. 2:15-17

Demenius (3), belonging to Demeter. 2 men, Acu 19:24.38; 3 Jn. 12

Demons. See Devils and Spirit-world

Demonstration (1), 1 Cor. 2:4

Den (19). D. of lions, Ps, 10:9; Dan. 6:

~^-'2A; Amos 3:4 D. of cockatrices, Isa, 11:8 D. of robbers, thieves, Jer. 7:11;

21:13; Mk. 11:17: Lk. Ift46 D. of dragons (j ackals) Jer. 9:11; 10:22

Denied (19). Sarah d. God,Gen. 18:15 Peter d.Christ,Mt. 26:70-72; Mk. 14: 68-
70; Lk,22:57;Jn.13:38; 18:26-27 Jews d. Christ, Acu 3:13-14 D.the God
above.Job 31:28 D. before the angels and God,Lk. 12:9 D.the faithful, 1 Tim.5:8.
Cp.Rev. 2:13 D. My name. Rev. 3:8

Denieth (4>.Lk. 12:9; 1 Jn. 2:22-23

Denounce (1), v 230-4: Dt. 30:18

Dens (!5). Judg. 6:2; Job 37:8:38:40; Ps. 104:22: Song4:8: Isa. 32:14;Nah. 2:12;
Heb. 11:38: Rev. 6:15
Deny (23). Whosoever shall d. Me, him wTu I also d. , Mt. 10:33 Let him d.
himself, Mt. 16:24; Mk. 8:

34; Lk. 9:23 Thou Shalt d. Me thrice, Mt. 26:34-35,

75; Mk. 14:30-31,72; Lk. 22:34,61 D. there is a resurrection,Lk. 20:27 We

cannot d. it, Acu 4:16 2:12

If we d. Him, He also will d. us, 2 Tim. He cannot d. Himself, 2 Tim. 2:13 In

works d. Him, Tit. 1:16

Denying (4). 2 Tim. 3:5: Tit. 2:12; 2 Pet. 2:1; Jude 4 Gen.4ft 10

Depart (122). Sceptre not d. from Judah, Lest they d. from thy heart, Dt. 4:9
D.&om evU,Ps.34;14; Pr. 3:7:16:6,17 D.from snaresofdeath,Pr. 13:14; 14:27 D.
from hell beneath,Pr. 15:24 When old, he will not d. ,Pr. 22:6 D. from Me, work
iniquity, Mt. 7:23 D. from Me, ye cursed into,Mt. 25:41 D. not Jerusalem,but
wait. Acts 1:4 Wife not d. from husband, 1 Cor. 7:10 If she d. let her remain, 1
Cor. 7:11 If unbelieving d. ,let him, 1 Cor. 7:15 Desire to d. be with Christ, PhIL
1:23 D. from the faith, 1 Tim. 4:1 2:19 Name of Christ,d.from iniquity,2 Tim.

Departed (2171. Angel d., Judg. 6:21 The Lord was d. from him, Judg, 16:20
Glory is d. from Israel, 1 Sam. 4:21 Spirit d. from Saul, 1 Sam. 16:14 Lord d.
from Saul, 1 Sam. 18:12 God is d. from me, 1 Sam. 28:15 Lord is d. from thee, 1
Sam. 28:16 Glory of God d. from off, Ezek. 10:18 Ye are d. out of the way. Mai.
2:8 D. Into a mountain to pray,Mk. 6:46

Departeth (8).Iob 27:21; Pr. 14:16; EccL 6:4; Isa. 5ft 15; Jer. 3:20; 17:5; Nah.
3:1: Lk. 9:39 5ftl3

Departing (12>. D. away from God, Isa. D. frcxn Thy precepu, Dan. ft 5 All
Israel sinned by d. ,Dan. ftll D. from the Lord, Hos. 1:2 D. from the living God,
Heb. 3:12 7 slatemenu God d. from man, 287 7 statements man d. from God, 287

Departure (2). Ezek. 26:18; 2 Tim. 4:6

Deposed (l).Dan. 5:20 38:10

Deprived (3KGen. 27:45: lob 39:17: Isa.

Depth (12).Job 28:14; 38:16: Ps. 38:7: Pr.

Depth (12).Job 28:14; 38:16: Ps. 38:7: Pr.

8:27; 25:3; Isa. 7:11; Jonah 2:5: Mt. 18:


Depths (17). D. werecongealed.Ex. 15:8

BnngMy people again from d.ofthesea

and earth,Ps. 68:22; 71:20 Her guesu are in d. of hell,Pr. 9:18 Sin into the d. of
the sea, Mic. 7:19 Not known the d. of Satan, Rev. 2:24 Deputed (1). appointed,
2 Sam. 15:3 Deputies( 3),Estber8:9; 9:3; Acul9:38 Deputv (5).lKi.22:47: Acu
13:7-12; 18:12 Derbe (4) ,city ofLycaonia,Acu 14:6. 20; 16:1; 20:4 Deride (1),
ridicule, Hab. 1:10 Derided (2). sneered, Lk. 16:14: 23:35 Deristoo
(15),ridicule,mockery, scom-ful laughter. Job 30:1; Ps. 2:4; 44:13; 59:8; 7ft4:
llft51: Jer. 20:7-8; 48:26-27,39; Lam. 3:14: Ezek. 23:32; 36:4: Hos. 7:16
Descend (10). D. into hell. Isa. 5:14 D. into the pit, Ezek. 26:20; 31:16 D.into the
deep (abyss),Rom. 10:7 D. from heaven with a, 1 Th. 4:16 Descended (18). Lord
d. i^on it... in a cloud.Ex. 1ft 18; 34:5 Ascended or d.from heaven,Pr.30:4 Angel
of Lord d. from heaven, Mt. 28:2 Holy Ghost d. in bodily shape,Lk.3:22 D. first
into lower parts, Eph. 4:9-10 Descendeth (1).Jas. 3:15 Jn.l:51

Descending (8). Angels d.. Gen. 28:12; SpiritofGodc. ,Mt,3:16:Mk. l:10:Jn.

Cenain vessel d., Acu 10:11 1:32-33 New Jerusalem d. out of. Rev. 21:10
Descent (3), coming down, Lk. Ift37.

Genealogy or record, Heb. 7:3,6 Descrlbe( 4),write or inscribe Josh.18:4-8

Described ( '2), wrote or inscribed. Josh.

18:9; Judg. 8:14 Describeth (2). Rom. 4:6: 10:5 Description (1), Josh. 18:6
Descry dTTdescrfbe. examine Judg.l: 23 Desert (42). D. of Sinai,Ex. Ift2; Num.
uToTzin, Num. 20:1; 27:14 33:16

D. of the sea,Babylon, Isa. 21:1 D. blossom as a rose, Isa. 35:1,6 D. places where
Christ ministered. Mt. 14:13-15; Mk. 1:45; 6:31-35: Lk, 4: 42: 9:10-12 Deseru
(6). Isa. 48:21; Jer.2:6: Ezek.

7:27; 13:4; Lk. 1:80; Heb. 11:38 Deserve (1), Ezra ft 13 Deserveth q). Job 11:6
Deserving (1). Judg, 9:16 Desirable (3). Ezek. 23:6. 12. 23

Dealre( lll). Noble d., d 576-1; v 232-1* Thy d. shall be to husband. Gen. 3:16 I
Dealre( lll). Noble d., d 576-1; v 232-1* Thy d. shall be to husband. Gen. 3:16 I
d. to reason with God,Job 13:3 None that I d. beside Thee,Ps. 73:25 D. of
righteous be granted, Pr. 10:24 No beauty we should d. Him. Isa. 53:2 D. of aU
nations shall come. Hag. 2:7 If any man d. to be first, Mk. ft35 What things
soever ye d. ,Mk. 11:24 D. spiritual gifts, 1 Cor. 14:1 Having d. to depart and
be,PhlLl:23 If a man d. office ofbishop, 1 Tim. 3:1 D. a better country, Heb.
11:16 Things angels d. to look Into,l Pet. 1:12 D. sincere m.ilk of Word, 1 Pet.

Desired (50). A tree to be d. ,Gen. 3:e' Departed without being d, ,2Chr.21:20

Moretobed. than fine gold,Ps. IftlO One thing have I d. ,P$. 27:4 With desire
haveld. to eat,Lk,22:15 Satan hath d. to ha ve you, Lk. 22:31 D. to hear the Word
of God, Acu 13:7 Petitions that we d. of Him, 1 Jn. 5:15

Dedredst (2),Dt.l8:16: Mt. 18:32

Desires (3). Ps.37:4: 140:8: Eph. 2:3 Desire St (2),Ps.51:6, 16

Desiretfa (17). Whatsoever thy soul d.,

Dt. 14:26: 1 Sam. 2:16; 20:4; 1 KI.

11:37: Job 23:13 What man d. life,Ps;. 34:12 Soul of wicked d. evil,Pr. 21:10 Of
a bishop, he d. good thing.1 Tim. 3:1 Desiring (12). Mt, 12:46-47; 20:20; Lk.
8:20; 16:21; Acts ft38:lft31; 25:15: 2 Cor.5:2; 1 rh,3:6:1 TIm.l:7; 2Tim. 1:4
Denrous (6), Pr. 23:3: Lk, 23:8: Jn. 16: 19; 2 Cor, 11:32; GaL 5:26: 1 Th. 2:8
Desolate (148).Land d. .Ex. 23:29; Lev.

557^,33-35.43: Isa, 6:11:13:9; Jer.

4:27: 6:8; 7:34:12:11; 18:16; 25:38:

50:3; Ezek.6:U; 12:19-20; 14:16; 15:

8; 33:28-29 Let habitation be d.,Ps.6ft 25; Acu 1:20 Temple d. of sacrifices,

Dan. 9:27; 11:

31:12:11 38;Lk. 13:35

Your house is left unto youd. ,Mt, 23: Shall make her d. and naked,Rev. 17:16 In
one hour is made d. ,Rev. 18:19
one hour is made d. ,Rev. 18:19

Desolation (46), This land Into d., Lev. ^:3i: Jer. 25:11; 44:22 This house
become a d. ,Jet. 22:5

Cu:'V)^lete Concjrua:ice - Cyclopedic I:.uex

Edom a J. ,Jer.49:13-17

Babylon a J. ,Jer. 50:23

Egypt a d.. Joel 3:19

Nineveh a d. ,Zeph. 2:13

Abomination of d,,Mt.34:15:Mk.l3:14

D, of Jerusalem, Lk. 21:20; Dan. 9:2 Desolations (11). Ezra 9:9; Ps. 46:8; 74:

3; Isa. 61:4; Jer. 25:9, 12; Ezek. 35:

9; Dan. 9:2,18.26 4:8

Desgair (3) ,1 Sam. 27:1; EccL2:20; 2 Cor. DespaiieJ (1). C Cor, l:^ Desperate (-
•). Job 6:;6; Isa. 17:11 Desperately (l),Jer. 17:9 Despise (3 O. 15 ihinRS not to
despise: 1 My statutes G-ev. 26:15)

2 Husbands (Esther 1:17)

3 Wisdom and instruction (Pr. 1:7)

4 God's name (Wal. 1:6)

5 Government (2 Pet. 2:10; Jude 8)

6 Chastening (Job 5:17; Pr. 3:11; Heb. 12:5)

7 Work of God's hands 0* 10:3)

8 A hungry thief (Pr. 6:30)

9 Elderly parents (Pr. 23:22)

10 One of these little ones (Kit. 18:10)

11 Him that eateth not (Rom. 14:3)

12 Prophesyings (1 Th. 5:20)

13 '.!asteB (Tit, 2:15)

14 Abroken andconniteheart(Ps.51:17)

15 Youth (1 Tim. 4:12) Despised (59). 22 things despised:

1 Mistress (Gen, 16:4-5)

2 Birthright (Gen. 25:34) 20:13,16)

3 God's judgments (Lev. 26:43; Ezek,

4 TheLord(N"um.ll:20;2Sam,12:10)

5 Promisedland(Num.l4:31;Ps.l06:24)

6 The word oftheLord (Num. 15:31; 2 Chr. 36:16; Isa. 5:24)

7 Hui>and(2Sam.6:16; 1 Chr. 15:29)

8 CommandmentofGod(2Sara, 12:9)

9 Neigttors 0'-'eh,4:4)

10 Afflicted people Qoh 19:18)

11 God's reproof (Pr. 1:30; 5:12)

12 Poor man's wisdom (Eccl, 9:16)

13 Messiah (Isa. 53:3)

14 God's people Qer. 33:24)

15 The oath (Ezek.l6:59; 17:16-19)

16 Statutes (Ezek, 20:24)

17 Holy things (Ezek. 22:8)

18 Tbe law of the Lord (Amos 2:4)

19 The day of small things(Zech,4:10)

20 God's name (Mai. 1:6)

21 Others (Lk. 18:9; Jas. 2:6)

22 Christians (1 Cor. 4:10) Despisers (2). Acts 13:41; 2 Tim. 3:3 Despisest (1).
Rom. 2:4

Despiseth (16). God d. not any.Job 36:5 Void of wisdom d. neighbors, Pr. 11:12
A foold. father'^nstTuction,Pr.l5:5 A foolishman d. hismother.Pr. 15:20 Refuseth
instruction d. self.Pr. 15:32 He that d. you d. Mea,k.l0:16; 1 Th.4:8 Despisjpg
(l).Heb. 12:2 Despite (2).Ezek. 25:6; Heb. 10:29 Despiteful (3). Ezek. 25:15;
36:5; Rom. 1:30; c 161-1 14:5

De spite fully (3), Mt. 5:44;Lk, 6:28; Acu Desp-ondency, 8 examples of, 627
DestJDY. 2 destinies of men, d 7-1* Destitute (8), Gen. 24:27: Ps. 102:17;
141:8;Pt. 15:21;Ezek. 32:15; 1 Tim.6: 5; Heb. 11:37; Jas. 2:15 195-1*

D«noy (258). Defined, h 87-4; 1 10-4»; I will d. man,Gen. 6:7,13,17; 7:4 No

mote be flood tod.man ,Gen. 9:11-15 wm You d. righteous with.Gen.lS:23-
IwiUutterlyd.cities,Num.21;2 32

Ye shaUd. all this people, Num.32:15 D. all pictures, images. Num. 33:52
Utterly d.them.Dt. ::-2;20:17;31:3

Josh. 9:24; 11:20; Judg. 21:11 25

Shall not hurt nor d. in all, Isa. 11:9; 65: Woe... pastors that d. flock, Jer. 23:1 D.
thee, covering cherub, Ezek. 28:16 D. all wise men of Babylon, Dan. 2:12
Consume and d.untothe end,Dan.7:26 D. mighty and holy people, Dan. 8:24 By
peace d. many, Dan. 8:25 D, tbe city and sanctuary, Dan. 9:26 Seek to d. all
nations, Zectu 12:9 Not come to d. ,but fulfil, Mt. 5:17 Able to d.both soul and
nations, Zectu 12:9 Not come to d. ,but fulfil, Mt. 5:17 Able to d.both soul and
body, Mt.10:28 To steal, kiU, d. ,Jn. 10:10 Defile temple wiU God d, ,lCor.3:17
Through death d. him, Heb. 2:14 D. the works of the devil, 1 Jn. 3:8 Destroyed
(167). Many pastors d. My vineyard, Jer. 12:10 7:14

Kingdom, neverbed., Dan. 2:44; 6:26; Body of sin might be d. ,Rom. 6:6 D.of
serpenu. Num. 11; 1 Cor. 10:9 Lastenemybe d. isdeath, lCor.l5:26 D. them that
believed not, Jude 5 Desaoyer (7),Ex. 12:23; Judg. 16:24; Job 15:21; Ps. 17:4;
Pr. 28:24; Jer. 4:7; 1 Cor. 10:10 22:7:50:11

Destroyers (4). Job 33:22; Ua. 49:17; Jer. Destroyest (4), Job 14:19; Jer. 51:25;

27:40; Lk. 15:29 Dertroveth (8),Dt. 8:20;Job 9:22; 12:23;

Pr. 6:32; 11:9; 31:3; EccL 7:7; 9:18 Destrovin. (14). Utterly d., Dt. 3:6; 13t
15;Josh.ll:ll; 2Ki.l9:ll: Isa.37:11 Angel of the Lord d., 1 Chr. 21:12-15 D. stotn.,
Isa. 28:2 D.Uon,Jer. 2:30 D. wind. Jet. 51:1 D. mountain, Jer. 51:25 D.
weapon,Ezek. 9:1 Despuction (93). Mighty d., Dt. 7:23 Bitter d. .Dt. 32:24 Great
d.. 1 Sam. 5:9; Jer. 6:1 Deadly d.. 1 Sam. 5:9 Utter d..lKi. 20:42 Hell and d.,Pr.
15:11; 27:20 Pride goeth before d. ,Pr. 16:18 Broad is the way leadeth tod.
.Mt.7:13 Satan for d, of the flesh. 1 Cor. 5:5 Everlasting d,. 2 Th. 1:9 Drown
men in d. and, 1 Tim. 6:9 Swift d., : Pet. 2:1

Wrest scriptures to own d.. 2 Pet. 3:16 De«iuctions (3).Ps. 9:6; 35:17: 107:20
Detain (2),Judg. 13:15-16 Detained (1). 1 Sam.. 21:7 Determinate (1), Acts 2:23
Deterrrination (1), Zeph. 3:8 Deierrr.ine fIT7Ex, 21:22 Determined (30). 70
weeks d., Dan. 9:24 Pilate was d. to let Him go. Acts 3:13 Counsel d. before to
be done. Acts 4:28 Hath d, the times before. Acts 17:26 I d. not to know any
thing, 1 Cor. 2:2 Detest (l),Dt. 7:26 Detestable (6), Jer. 16:18; Ezek. 5:11; 7:20;
ll:18, 21; 37:23 Deuel (4),knowledgeofGod, Num. 1:14;

7:42, 47; 10:20. See Reuel Deuteronomy. Defined,a 199-1; f 217-4 Device (10),
2 Chr. 2:14; Esther 8:3; 9: 25; Ps. 21:11; 140:8; Eccl. 9:10; Jer. 18:11; 51:11;
Lam. 3:62; Acts 17:29 Devices (16).Job 5:12; 21:27; Ps. 10:2; 33:10; 37:7; Pr.
1:31; 12:2; 14:17; 19: 21; Isa. 32:7; Jer. 11:19; 18:12, 18: Dan. 11:24-25; 2 Cor.
2:11 Devil (60). Defined, s 101-4*; j 104-4* One chief d. .many demons.633-
635; Mt. 9:33: 12:24-28; Mk. 3:15-22; Lk, 11:15-20. See Satan Templed Christ
40 days, Mt. 4:1-11: Mk. 1:12-13; Lk. 4:1-13 Sows tares among Christians. Mt.
39: Mk. 4:15; Lk. 8:12 Hell prepared for, Mt. 25:41 Father of unsaved, Jn, 8:44;
Acts 13:10 Persuaded Judas to betray Christ JnJ3:2 Cause of sickness,Jn.
10:l0;Acts 10:38 Seekswayin alllives.Eph.4:27; 6:11-12 Condemned for sin, 1
Tim. 3:6 Ensnares saints, 1 Tim. 3:7; 2Tim.2:26 Has power of death, Heb. 2:14-
15 Must be resisted for victory. Jas. 4:7;
1 Pet. 5:8-9 Every sinner of the d., 1 Jn. 3:8-10 Angels also contend wlxh him,
Jude 9 Defeats some saints. Rev. 2:10 Deceives the whole world,Rev. 12:9 Will
be cast out of heaven in the mi d-dle of Daniel's 70th week,Rev.l2:7-12 Will be
defeated at Armageddon and put in the abyss. Rev. 20:2 Will cause the last
rebellion against God. thenbe confined to eternal hell. Rev. 20:7-10 The word
devil is also used of individual demons under the Devil or Satan. See Devils
below, and Demons, 632. The word is applied to Judas, as an adversary of
Christ, Jn. 6:70 A devil or demon may possess a person and cause: 14)
Dumbness (Mt.9:32-33; 12:22;Lk.ll: Blindness (Nit. 12:22) 24-30)

Grievous vexation (Mt. 15:22; Mk. 7: Convulsions, suicidal mania (KU. 17:

15-18: Lk. 9:37-43) Insanity (Mk, 5:1-18; Lk. 8:26-39) Uncleanness (Lk. 4:33-
36) Devilish (1), Jas. 3:15 4*

Devib (55). Defined, j 598-4;632:j 104-Doctrine of d., 632-633 of O. T. 100 facu

about d., 632-633 of 0. T. Always obey Christ, m 35-4* Knew Jesus as Son of
God, j 35-4* Have names, i 39-4* Have will power, k 39-4* Cause maladies, a
45-1*; h 68-1*. See Demons. 632; and Devil , above 10 acts of d. ,a 45-1*
Unclean d. ,1 61-4* Know God's plan for man, m 61-4* Intelligence of d., n 61-
4* D, are individuals, u 66-4* Go in and out of men atwillifper-mined by them.b
68-1* 10 facts about d., o 72-4* Blind men, 1 76-1* Locust demons, e,h 292-1*
Cavalry d., f-i 292-4*

Mt. -17 . 31;

D. D. D. D. D. D. D.

Pagans sacrifice to d., Lev. 17:7; Dt. 32:17; 2 Chr. 11:15; Ps. 106:37; 1 Cot.
10:20-21; Rev. 9:20 Possess men, Mt. 4:-24: 7:22; 8:16. 28-33; Mk. 1:32 Ruled
bv Satan, Mt. 9:34; 12:24-28 Subject to Christ. Mt. 9:34; 12:24-28; Mk. 3:15-22;
5:12; 16:9; Lk. 4:41; 8: 2, 27-38; 11:15-20; 13:32 Subject to believers, Mt. 10:1-
8; Mk. 6:13;9:38; 16:17; Lk. 9:1, 49; 10:17-19 Commune with men, 1 Cor.
10:20-21 Teach doctrines. 1 Tim. 4:1 Belie\-e in God, Jas. 2:19 Work miracles.
Rev. 16:14. Cp. 24:24; 2Th. 2:8-12;Rev. 13:12-Devise (16). D. cunning works.
Ex 4; 35:35 D. curious works, Ex. 35:32 hurt. Ps. 35:4; 41:7 deceitful matters,
Ps. 35:20 evil. Pr. 3:29; 14:22; Mic. 2:3 good. Pr. 14:22 froward things. Pr.
16:30 mischief, Ezek. 11:2 iniquity, Mic. 2:1 Devi^d (12). 2 Sam. 21:5; 1 Ki.
12:33; Esther 8:3, 5; 9:24-25; Ps. 31:13; Jer. 11:19; 48:2;51:12; Lam. 2:17;
2Pet.l:16 Devi^lh (8), Ps. 36:4; 52:2; Pr. 6:14, 18; 16:9; 24:8; Isa. 32:7-8 Devote
2Pet.l:16 Devi^lh (8), Ps. 36:4; 52:2; Pr. 6:14, 18; 16:9; 24:8; Isa. 32:7-8 Devote
(1), Lev. 27:28 Devoted (7). Lev, 27:21-29; Num. 18: HTPs. 119:38 Things d. to
God, i 151-l;e.g 151-4 10 things d. to priests, a 177-1 Devotions (1), objects of
woriip. Acts 17:23 Devour (71). D. the prey. Gen. 49:27 D. nesh, Dt. 32:42 D.
the cedan, Judg. 9:15; Zech. 11:1 D. strength by death. Job 18:13 D. Israel with
open mouth, Isa. 9:12 D. briers and thorns, Isa. 9:18; 10:17 D. by the sword, Jer.
46:10 D. by famine, pestilence, Ezek. 7:15 D. every green tree, Ezek. 20:47 D.
the palaces, Amos 1:10,12,14; 2:2, 5 D. widows' houses, Mt. 23:14; Kik. 12

40; Lk. 20:47 D. the adversaries, Heb. 10:27 D. her child as soon as. Rev. 12:4 If
bite and d. one anodier. Gal. 5:15 Seeking whom he may d., IPet. 5:8 Devoured
(53). See Devoui . v 268-4* D. and brake in pieces, Dan. 7:7,19 D. their judges,
Hos. 7:7 D. the great deep. Amos 7:4 3:8

D. by fire of My jealousy. 21eph. 1:18; D. living with harlots, Lk. 15:30 5 Fowls
d. them. Mt. 13:4; Mk. 4:4; Lk. 8: Fire from heaven and d.. Rev. 20:9 Devourer
(1). Mai. 3:11 Devouresr (1). Ezek. 36:13 Devoureih (10), 2 Sam. 11:25; Pr. 19:
28; 20:25; Isa. 5:24; Lam. 2:3; Ezek. 15:4;Joel2:3-5; Hab. 1:13;Rev. 11:5
Devouring (6). Ex. 24:17; Ps. 52:4; Isa.

■i9:S; 50^:27, 30; 33:14 Devout (9). Lk, 2:25; Acts 2:5; 8:2; 10:

2, 7; 13:50; 17:4, 17; 22:12 Dew (35). Symbol of blessing, i 26-1 D. of heaven.
Gen. 27:28, 39; Dan. 4:

15, 23; 5:21 D. dropped &om heavens, Dt. 33:28 D. on fleece only. Judg. 6:37-
40 D. of Hermon, Ps. 133:3 Who hath begotten drops of. Job 38:28 Thou hast
the d. of youth, Ps. 110:3 I will be as d. to Israel. Hos. 14:5 Diadem (4). tuifaan;
mitre; king's crown. Job 29:14; Isa. 28:5; 62:3; Ezek. 21:26 Dial (2). Sund., 415;
h 482-1 Igamond (4), US; Ex. 28:18; 39:ll;Jer.

17:1; Ezek, 28:13 Diana (5). Asiatic goddess with many breasts to signify die
mother of Ufe; her lower part was like a mummy. She was known as Cvbele
among Phry-gians; Ma among the Cappadocians; Aurgatis and Astane among
the Phoenicians; and Ishur among A ssyrians and Babylonians. See Acts 19:24-
35; nl46-4*; o-p 147-1* Diblaiin (1), two cakes, Hos. 1:3 Diblath (1). a place,
Ezek. 6:14 Dibon (9), washing. 2_ciries, Num.21: ~3(5r32:3, 34; Josh. 13:9. 17;
Neh. 11: 25; Isa. 15:2; Jer. 48:18. 22. See Di-mon and Dimonah aEon-gad l*?),
Kum. 33:45-46 Dibri (1), eloquent. Lev. 24:11 EM (998). D. die signs, Ex. 4:30
IT as the Lord commanded, Ex. 7:6, 10; Uv. 16:34; Num. 17:11; 20:27 D. not
IT as the Lord commanded, Ex. 7:6, 10; Uv. 16:34; Num. 17:11; 20:27 D. not
many mighty works, Mt. 13:58 D.hide Himself from them, Jn. 12:36 D.
foreknow, Rom. 8:29 D. fxedestinate, Rom. 8:29-30 D. all eat same spiritual, 1
Cor. 10:3-4

Grace d. more-abound, Rom. 5:20

Diddest (]), Acts 7:28

Didst (122). See Did and Do giaymus (3), twinTTh. ll:TSr20:24: 21:2

E>ie (316). Thou shalt siuely d. (sf)oken by God). Gen. 2:17; Ezek. 3:18-20;
33:8, 14; (spoken by man). Gen. 20: 7; 1 Sam. 14:44; 22:16; 1 Ki. 2:37. 42; Jer.
26:8 He shall d. in his sin, Ezek. 3:19-20; 18:18; 33:9, 18; Rom. 8:13 D. death of
righteous. Num. 23:10 If mand.. shallhe live again. Job 14:14 D. without
wisdom. Job 4:21 D. without knowledge. Job 36:12 Tomorrow we d., Isa. 22:13;
1 Cor. 15: D. in your sins, Jn. 8:21 -24 32

Shall never d.,Jn. 6:50; 11:26 In Adam all d., 1 Cor. 15:22 I d. daily, 1 Cor.
15:31; n 188-4* To d. is gain, Phil. 1:21 Appointed once to d., Heb. 9:27 14
proofs no set time to, g25-l;h89-l Died (199). The beggar Lk. 16:22

~THe rich man also d., Lk. 16:22 Christ d. for the ungodly, Rom. 5:6 Christ d.
for us, Rom. 5:8; 14:15 He d. unto sin once, Rom. 6:10 Christ d. for our sins, 1
Cor. 15:3 One d. for all, then, 2 Cor. 5:14 Jesus d. and rose again, 1 Th. 4:14
These all d. in faith, Heb. 11:13

Diest (1), Ruth 1:17

TSer(2), Jer. 52:34

TSetary , Health laws, 115 Dt. 14:21

Dieth (29). D. of itself. Lev. 7:24:22:8;

"T57Tn full strength. Job 21:23 D. in bitterness of soul. Job 21:25 D. he shall
cany nothing, Ps. 49:17 One d. so d.the other. Eccl. 3:19 Worm d. not,Mk. 9:44,
46, 48 D. no more, death has no. Rom. 6:9

Differ (1), 1 Cor. 4:7

Difference (12). Put d. between, Ex. 11: 7; Uv. 10:10; 20:25; Ezek. 44:23 God
Difference (12). Put d. between, Ex. 11: 7; Uv. 10:10; 20:25; Ezek. 44:23 God
put no d. between them. Acts 15:9 There is no d., Rom. 3:22; 10:12 D. between
man and wife, 1 Cor. 7:34 Have compassion, making d., Jude 22

Differences (1). 1 Cor. 12:5

Differedi (2), 1 Cor. 15:41; Gal. 4:1

Differing (1), Rom. 12:6

Dig (1.?). D. a pit, Ex. 21:33;Job 6:27 U. brass, Dt. 8:9 D. through wall, Ezek.
8:8; 12:5, 12 D. into hell, Amos 9:2 D. about it and dung it, Lk. 13:8 1 cannot d.,
to beg I am, Lk. 16:3

Digged (37). D. wells. Gen. 21:30; 26: 15-32; Num. 21:18; Dt. 6:11 D. a pit, Ps.
57:6:94:13; Jer. 18:20,22 D. a winepress, Mt. 21:33; Mk. 12:1

Diggedst (1), Dt. 6:11

Diggeth (3), Pr. 16:27; 26:27; Eccl. 10:8 Dignities (2). 2 Pet. ^ilOiJudeS Dignity
(4), Gen. 49:3; Esther 6:3; Eccl.

10:6; Hab. 1:7 Chr. 1:21

DiJclah (2), palm grove. Gen. 10:27; 1 Dilean (1), city of Judah, Josh. 15:38
DiUgence (lO), Pr.4:23; Lk. 12:59; Rom.

12:8; £ Cor. 8:7; 2 Tim. 4:9, 21; Heb.

6:11; 2 Pet. 1:5, 10; Jude 3 Diligent (15), Dt. 19:18; Josh. 22:5; Ps.

54r6: 77:6; Pr. 10:4; 12:24. 27; 13:4;

21:5; 22:29; 27:23; 2 Cor. 8:22; Tit.

3:12; 2 Pet. 3:14 Diligently (37). If d. hearken, Ex. 15: 26; Isa. 55:2; Jer. 17:24

Keep soul d. lest forget, Dt. 4:9

Teach them d. to children, Dt. 6:7

D. keep commandments, Dt. 6:17; 11: 13, 22; 28:1; Ps. 119:4
D. enquire, Dt. 13:14; 17:4

D. obey voice of Lord. Zech. 6:15

D. followed good work, ITim. 5:10

Reward that d. seek Him, Heb. 11:6

Looking d.lest any fail, Heb. 12:15

Enquired and searched d., 1 Pet. 1:10

8 things to do d., c 206-4 Dill, d 26-1*

lSrri(9), Gen. 27:1; 4«:10; Dt. 34:7; 1 TTm. 3:2; 4:15; Job 17:7; Isa. 32:3;

Urn. 4:1; 5:17 Diminish (8), Ex. 5:8:21:10; Lev. 25:16;

Dt. 4:2; 12:32; Jer. 26:2;Ezek. 5:11;

29:15 Diminished fS). Ex. 5:11; Pr. 13:11; Isa.

2l:l7; Jer. 29:6; Ezek. 16:27 Diminishing (1), Rom. 11:12 Dimnah (1), city in
Zebulun, Josh. 21:35 Dimness (1), Isa. 8:22; 9:1 Dimon (2), city in Reuben, Isa.

See Dibon and Dimonah Dimonah (1), Josh. 15:22. See Dibon and

DimorT Dinah (7), justice, d 29-1; Gen. 30:21; "MTT-IS. 26:46:15 Dinah's (1),
Gen. 34:25 Dinaites (l). people of the East, Ezra 4:9 IMneH", Gen.43:16; Lk.
11:37; Jn. 21:12

Dir.ed (1). Jru 21:15

!SHEabah (2). Gen. 36:32; 1 Chi. 1:43

Dim-ier (4), Pi. 15:17; Mt. 22:4; Lk. 11

33; 14:12 Diorr,siu5 (1). god of wine. Acts 17:34 Dionephes (1), nourished by
Jupiter, 3

Jn. 9 Mp(lO). D. in blood, Ex. 12:22; Lev. 4:6. 17; 14:6-16, 51

Jn. 9 Mp(lO). D. in blood, Ex. 12:22; Lev. 4:6. 17; 14:6-16, 51

D. in water. Num. 19:18; Lk. 16:24

D. in oil, Dt. 33:24

D. morsel in vinegar, Ruth 2:14 Diplomacy , 1 Cor. 9:20-23

10 examples of diplomacy:

1 Abiroelech (Gen. 21:22-23; 26:262 Gibeonites (Josh. 9:3-16) 31)

3 David (2 Sam. 15:32-37; 16:15-19)

4 The wise woman (2 Sam. 20:16-22)

5 Absalom (2 Sam. 15:2-^

6 Solomon(1 Ki. 5:1-2:9:10-27)

7 Ahaz (2 Ki. 16:6-9)

8 Tyre and Sidon (Acts 12:20 -22)

9 Paul athis trial (Acts 23:6-10)

10 Paul placating Jews (Acts 16:3; 21: 20-25)

Dipped (10). D. coat in blood. Gen. 37:31 D. in blood. Lev. 9:9; Ps. 68:23 D. in
honeycomb, 1 Sam. 14:27 D. 7 times in Jordan, 2 Ki. 5:14 D. in water, 2 Ki.
8:15 D. the SOD, Jn. 13:26 Vesture d. in blood. Rev. 19:13

Dippetfa (2). Mi. 26:23; Mk. 14:20

Direct (10). Gen. 46:28; Ps. 5:3; Pr. 3: 6; 11:5; Eccl. 10:10; Isa. 45:13; 61:8; Jer.
10:23; 1 Th. 3:11; 2 Th. 5:5

Directed (3). Job 32:14; Ps. 119:5; Isa. 40:13

Direcietfa (3). Job 37:3; Pr. 16:9; 21:29

Direction (1). Num. 21:18

Directly ( a. Num. 19:4; Ezek. 42:::

Kn( 3).Judg. 3:22; Ps. 18:42; Isa. 57;_.

TSsallow (1). Num. 30:5 4—

DisaUowed fS). Num. 30:5, 8,11; 1 Pet.

Disannu^ ^i.Job40:8;Isa. 14:27; Gal. 3:

Dhi.7.r:.::iz (3). Isa. 28:18 17

Di;ar..— ::e± (1). Gal. 3:15

pisa.-.-u:'-l-.g (1). Heb. 7:18

pi-a3:<:L-: (')■ Ps. 17:13

T:iuazocir.:ti (1). Pr. 15:22

Diikz>Jir.ie^ (1). Job 5:12

Discern (17). D. good and bad. 2 Sam. Wll; 19:35; 1 Ki. 3:9 D. clean, unclean,
Ezek. 44:23 D. right and left hands, Jonah 4:11 D. righteous and wicked, Mai.
3:18 D. face of sky, Mt. 16:3; Lk. 12:56 D. good and evil, Heb. 5:14

Discerned (4), Gen. 27:23; 1 Ki. 20:41; Pr. 7:7; 1 Cot. 2:14

Wscerner (1), Heb. 4:12

Discemedi (1). EccL 8:5

Discerning (2), 1 Cor. 11:29; 12:10

Discharge (1). Eccl. 8:8

D!;c^.^:^e: (1), 1 Ki. 5:9 Lk. 6:40

Dis^.:.e f_:j.Not above Mas., Mi.lO: 24: In the name of a d., Mt. 10:42 \\lio also
was Jesus' d., Mt. 27:57 He cannot be My d., Lk. 14:26-27, 33 The other d., Jn.
20:2-8; 21:7, 20
Disciples (244). Once in O.T. (Isa. 8:16) First one, 1 5-4* CaUing of d., m 3-4*
Left all to foUow Jesus, n 3-4* Warnings to d., b 10 -4* Not cowards if flee, c
10 -4* Highest goal of d., f 10 -4* To be scribes, n 15-1* Fear of. g le-l*
Ignorance of. g 17-1*; d 70-4* Powerless, faithless, g-h 19-1* Chief concern of.
a 19-4* A common mistake of, d 82-4*

3 things ordained to do, e 113-4* Unbelief of, q 54-4*; c 70-1*

12 reasons expect hatred, j 113-4*

A disgrace to, p 87-1*

Suffer persecution, k 113-4'; p 116-4*

Mark of true d., k 111^*

Power of attorney, g-1 114-4*

Not orjrfians, i 112-4*

lOfold testimony of, t 115-1*

Clean, i 113-1*

7 things prayed for, u 115-1*

Must remain in Christ, k, n 113-1*

All sent of God to woric, i 115-4*

Degree of obedience, a 113-4*

Sanctification prayed for, j 115-4*

Parmers widi Christ d 113-4*

Prayer for unity among, k 115-4*

Modem ones, b 70-1*

Secret of success in work, m 115-4*

Greatest error of, k 70-1*

Protected by Jesus, t 116-1*

True nature of d., e 70 -4*

Duty of d., q 70 -4*

4 things continued in, f 124-4* Commission of, a 71-1*

New fillings of Spirit, n 126-4* Power promised to all, o 71-1* New doctrines to
d., t 114-1*

Complete Concordance - Cyclopedic Ir.dex


bee darkly now. n 186-4* Disorderly, b 229^*

2 disturbing tilings, 229*

Thy d. fast not, Mt. 9:10-14; Mk. 2:18 D. do that which is not lawful, Mt. 12:

1-12; 15:2; Mk. 2:23; Lk. 6:1 Then all d. forsook Him, Mt. 26:56 Expounded all
things to d., Mk. 4:34 Tell His d. and Peter, Mk. 16:7 As John also taught his d.,
Lk. 11:1 Eat the passover with My d., Lk. 22:11 His d. believed on Him, Jn. 2:11
Baptized more d. than John, Jn. 4:1 Many went back and walked, Jn. 6:66 Fruit;
so shall ye be My d., jn. 15:8 D. were multiplied. Acts 6:1, 7 D. first called
Christians, Acts 11:26 D. were filled with joy. Acts 13:52 D. together to break
bread. Acts 20:7

Disciples' (1). Jn. 13:5

biscipleship . 10 tests of. v 10 -4*

3 requirements of, f 12-1*

True tests of, r 12-4*; p 38-l*;c 113-4*

4 requirements of, n 44-1* 4 demands of, t 77-4*

Discipline (1). Job 36:10. See Church and d., Mt. 16:19; 18:15-18; Rom. 16: 17;
Discipline (1). Job 36:10. See Church and d., Mt. 16:19; 18:15-18; Rom. 16: 17;
1 Cor. 4:19; 5:1-13; 16:22; 2 Cor. 2:6-10; 6:14-15; 7:8; 13:1-2, 10; Gal. 6:1; 1
Th. 5:14; 2 Th. 3:6. 14-15; 1 Tim. 1:19-20; 5:1-2, 19-20; 6:3-5; 2 Tim. 4:2; Tit.
1:13; 2:15; 3:10; 2 Jn. 10; Jude 22-23 Msclose(l). Isa. 26:21 Discomfited (9).
harassed; routed; destroyed, Ex. 17:13; Num. 14:45; Josh. 10:10; Judg. 4:15;
8:12; 1 Sam. 7:10; 2 Sam. 22:15; Ps. 18:14; Isa. 31:8 3i; :r.-:'Lr^(l). 1 Sam.
14:20 1 Sam. 22:2 Jer. 17:4 ■;:14, 19 Num. 32:7

Num. 21:4; 32:9; Dl. 42:4; Col. 3:21

|Ji-r.-'- ---:; (1). "om. A-.'Si ^:ho:.oi.:^J (C;, Mic. 7:6; 1 Cor. 11:4-5 DisinheritT
T). Num. 14:12 DL^maycti (:;]). Neither be d., Dt. 31: 8; Josh. 1:9; 8:J; J0:25; 1
Chr. 22:

13; 28:30; 2 Chr. 20:15, 17; 32:7; Isa.

41:10; Jer. 10:2; 23:4; 30:10; 46:27 D. and confounded, 2 Ki. 19:26; Isa.

37:27; Jer. 48:1 Dismaying (1), Jer. 48:39 19:41

Pi:-;';_: >3). 2 Chr. 23:8; Acts 15:30; Di::" ^-i.-.:e (6), Rom. 5:19; 2 Cor. 10:

it eternally possible for God to be all-in-all;aad this i%ill remove all doubt
concerning tiie eternal workinc of liis predestined plan for all creation lot the
generations that shall yet be brought into being during the endless ages to come
(1 Cor. 15:-4-28). See Plan Dispensationa 1 iy-. Bible divided d., 59-6^; 508-
509. See Dispensanon

Disperse (8). D. yourselves among, 1

SamT 14:34

Lips of wise d. knowledge, Pr. 15:7

Jews d. among the countries, Ezek. 12:

15; 20:23; 22:15; 29:12; 30:23-26 ■

Dispersed (10). 2 Chr. 11:23; Esther 3: 8; Ps. 112:9; Pr. 5:16; Isa. 11:12; Ezek.
36:19; Zeph. 3:10; Jn. 7:35; Acts 5: 37; 2 Cor. 9:9

Dispersion , of Israel, p. 237

Dispersion , of Israel, p. 237

Dispersions (1). Jer. 25:34. 3 main d .:

1 Of 10 tribes by Assyria, c 184-4; h 406-4; 2 Ki. 17

2 Of Judah by Babylon, m 407-1; b 486-i; 2 Ki. 24-25

3 Of Jews by Rome, Lk. 21:20-24 Displayed (1) because of truth, Ps. 60:4
Displease (5). Gen. 31:35;Num. 22:34;

1 Sam. 29:7; 2 Sam. 11:25; Pr. 24:18 Displeased (26).D. the Lord, Gen. 38:10;

Num. 11:1; 2 Sam. 11:27; lChr.2I:7 D. Moses, Num. 11:10 D. Samuel, 1 Sam.
8:6 D. Saul, 1 Sam. 18:8 D. David, 2 Sam. 6:8; 1 Chr. 13:U D. Ahab, 1 Ki.
20:43; 21:4 D. Darius, Dan. 6:14 D. Jonah, Jonah 4:1 D. chief priests, scribes,
Mt. 21:15 D. Jesus, Mk. 10:14 Disciples d., Mk. 10:41 D. Herod, Acts 12:20
Displeasure (5). Hot d., Dt. 9:19; Ps.


Sore d., Ps. 2:5. Cp. Judg. 15:3 Disposed (4), Job 34:13; 37:15; Acts 18:

27; I Cor. 10:27 Distx^L".g (1). Pr. 16:33 Di:Do:idcn (1), Acts 7:53 Di:po;:cs;
(2). Num. 33:53; Dt, 7:17 Di:?c:sed (2). Num. 32:39; Judg. 11:23 Diipuuaon (1).
Acts 15:2 Disputarions (1). Rom. 14:1 Dispute d), lob 23:7 Disputed (5). Mk.
9:33-34; Acts 9:29; 17:17; Jude 9 Disputer (l). m 176-4*; 1 Cor. 1:20 12
Disputing (5). Acts6:9; 15:7; 19:8-9; 24: Disputings (2). Phil. 2:14; 1 Tim. 6:5
Disquiei fl). Jet. 50:34 Disquieted (6). 1 Sam. 28:15; Ps. 39:6: 4?:5. 11; 43:5; Pr.
30:21 Disquiemess (1). Ps. 38:8 Gal.2:13

Dissembled (3). Josh. 7:11; Jer. 42:20: Dis;<:-b!ar; (1). Ps. 26:4 DL:s-2:iii (1).
Pr. 26:24 Du:^rui- (3). Acts 15:2; 23:7, 10 r>iid.~.ulaZLon (2). hypocrisy;
insincer-ir,-; ±^m. Rom. 12:9; Gal. 2:13 Dissolve (1). Dan. 5:16 Dissolved (8), j
194-4*; Ps. 75:3; Isa.

14:51; 24:19; 34:4; Nah. 2:6; 2 Cor.

5:1; 2 Pet. 3:11-12 Dissolvesi (1), Job 30:22 Dissolving (1). Dan. 5:12 Distaff
(f), spindle, Pr. 31:19 Distant (1). Ex. 36:22 Distil (2). Dt. 32:2; Job 36:28
Distinction (1). 1 Cor. 14:7 Distinctly (1). Neh. 8:8 Distracted (1), Ps. 88:15
Disgacdon (1), 1 Cor. 7:35 Distress (33). 21foldd., k 589-1
Disgacdon (1), 1 Cor. 7:35 Distress (33). 21foldd., k 589-1

25 statements of d., h 605-4

7 things to do in d., 1615-4

D. not Moabites, TX. 2.-9

D. not Ammon, Dt. 2:19

Every one in d., 1 Sam. 22:2

In my d. I called, 2 Sam. 22:7; Ps. 18:6; 118:5: 120:1

A day of troiible and d., Zeph. 1:15

Shall be great d. in Land, Lk. 21:23

D. of nations, Lk. 21:25 Distressed (11). Gen. 32:7; Num. 22:3;

Judg. 2:15; 10:9; 1 Sam. 13:6; 14:24;

28:15; 30:6; 2 Sam. 1:26; 2 Chr.28:20;

2 Cot. 4:8

Distresses (8). Ps. 25:17; 107:6. 13, 19,

28; Ezek. 30:16; 2 C«. 6:4; 12:10 Distribute (5), Jo*. 13:32; 2 Chi. 31:14;

Neh. 13:13; Lk. 18:22; 1 Tim. 6:18 Distributed (g). Josh. 14:1; 1 Chr. 24:3; 2

Chr. 23:18; Jn. 6:11; 1 Cor. 7:17; 2

Cor. 10:13 Distributed! fl). Job 21:17 Distributing (1), Rom. 12:13 Distribution
(2). Acts 4:35; 2 Cor. 9:13 Ditch (6). Job9:31; Ps. 7:15; Pr. 23:27; Isa. 22:11; Mt.
15:14; Lk. 6:39 Ditches (1), 2 Ki. 3:16 Divers (36). different in kind; various


=14^ (3).
2i; Lsa.

Discover (12). D. skirts, Dt. 22:30; Jer. 13:22. 26; Nah. 3:5 D. selves, I Sam.
14:8, 11 D. his own heart, Pr. 18:2 D. not a secret to another, Pr. 25:9 D. their
secret parts, Isa. 3:17 D. sins, Um. 4:22; Hos. 2:10 D. nakedness, Ezek. 16:37

Discovered (21). See Mscover D. foundations of earth, 2 Sam. 22:16 D. the

coverings of Judah, Isa. 22.-8 D. thyself to another, Isa. 57:8 D. iniquity. Lam.
2:14; Ezek. 16:57; 21:24; 23:18, 29; Hos. 7:1

Discovereth (2). Job 12:22; Ps. 29:9

Discovering q). Hab. 3:13

Discreet (3), Gen. 41:33, 39; Tit. 2:5

Discreetly (1). Mk. 12:34

Discretion (9). Ps. 112:5; Pr. 1:4; 2:11; 3:21; 5:2; 11:22; 19:11; Isa. 28:26; Jer.

Disdained (2). 1 Sam. 17:42 Job 30:1

Ksease (15). Defined, m 207-4; a 4-1* In what sense God responsible, d 80-4
When done away, d 80-4 Curses upon men, f 80-4 Healing of. See HeaUng and
Sickness Kinds of d., 632; 317* Shall I recover of this, 2 Ki. 1:2; 8:8 D.
exceeding great, 2 Chr. 16:12 In his d. sought not, 2 Chr. 16:12 D. of die bowels,
2 Chr. 21:15, 18 Loyis filled loadisome d., Ps. 38:7 Healed aU manner of, Mt.
4:23; 9:35 Power over all manner of, Mt. 10:1

Diseased (8). 1 Ki. 15:23; 2 Chr. 16:12; Ezek. S4:4, 21; Mt. 9:20; 14:35; Mk.
1:32; Jn. 9:2

Diseases (13). Put none of these d. upon you, Ex. 15:26; Dt. 7:15 Bring upon
vou all d., Dt. 28:60 Healeth all'diy d., Ps. 103:3 Many diat had d.. Mk. 1:34;
Lk.4:40 1 o be healed of their d.. Lk. 6:17 Power to cure d.. Lk. 9:1 D. departed
from them. Acts 19:12 V.Tiich had d. in die island. Acts 28:9

Pi:::;-e (1). Mt. 6:16

3-i;z;^:c (1). Jer. 14:21 29

3-i;z;^:c (1). Jer. 14:21 29

i:^:;.^:; (3), 1 Ki. 14:2; 22:30; 2 Chr. 18:

-^ :"J;ed (5). 1 Sam. 28:8; 1 Ki. 20:38; --: -; 2 Chr. 18:29; 35:22

l::r.::tA (l). Job 24:15

Jisfi (4;. Judg. 5:25; 2 Ki. 21:13; Mt.

■~5S:23; Mk. 14:20

Dishan fS). leaping. Gen. 36:21. 28, 30: IChr. 1:38, 42. See Dishon

Mdies_(3), Ex. 25:29; 37:16; Num. 4:7

Dishon (7), leaping. 2 men. Gen. 36: 21-30; 1 Chr. 1:38 -41. See bi±an in (2),
Ezek. 22:13,'~?7 isty (1). 2 Cor. 4:2

6; Epfi. ^:2;5:6;Col. 3:6; Heb. 2:2 Disobedient (13), 1 Ki. 13:26; Neh. 9:

26; Lk. 1:17; Acts 26:19; Rom. 3:30;

10:21; 1 Tim. 1:9; 2 Tim. 3:2; Tit.

1:16; 3:3; 1 Pet. 2:7-8; 3:-20 Disobeyed (1). 1 Ki. 13:21 Disorderly (3). 2 Th.
3:6. 7, 11 Dispatch (1). Ezek. 23?17 Dispensation (4). Defined . 58; c 182-4*| a
208-1*. See Ages 9 d. of Scripture7o5. See 53

9 features of each d., 59

7 d. for man. 53; 59; 213*

Of angels. Lucifer, and pre -Adamites, b 1-1; i 14:4*; 53; 58-59

Of Innocence. 59; Gen. 2:15-3:21

Of Conscience, 59; Gen. 3:22-8:14

Of Human Government, 60; Gen.8:15-11:32 12:37

Of Promise, 60:c 129-4*: Gen. 12:l-Ex.

Of Uw. 60; Ex.l2:38-Mt. 2:23 2

Of Grace, 61; Mt. 3:1-Rev. 19aO;Eph. 3:

Of Divine Government, 61; Rev. 19:11

Of the redeemed and faithful angels, 62; 213*; Rev. 21-22; Isa. 66:22-34

Of the fulness of tiroes, z 208-1; Eph. 1:10

5 kinds of dispensations, 213*

D. of die gospel. 1 Cor. 9:17;Col. 1:25 Dispensaconal dealings.9fold reason for

dishonour (111. Ezra 4:14; Ps. 35:26; 69; 19; 71:13; Pr. 6:33; Jn. 8:49; Rom. 1:
24: 9:21; 1 Cor. 15:43; 2 Cor. 6:8; 2 Tim. 2:20

1 Man is a free moral agent (p 263-1; f 19-4*; 264^

2 The wills of free creatures mustbe tested to see If they are willing to cooperate
with God for the greatest good of aU (Eph. 2:7) 3 Moral agents must prove therr-
selves true to become worthy of the confidence of the Creator before being
entrusted with the eternal administration of the universe (Eph. 3:9-11) 4 Free
moral agents must have their wills purged of all possibility of falling, so there
will be no possibility of marring God's plan sometime in eternity, through the
misuse of theirwiUs(l Cor. 15:24-28) 5 Free creatures with free wills must
eventually learn these lessons:

(1) ThatGod must be re5)ected and obeyed

(2) That His laws are final and just

(3) That He should, by His own position as Creator. Preserver, Governor, and
Lord, and by His history of justice and righteousness, be recognizedby all as the
Supreme Moral Governor of the universe (4) That God is the only absolutely just
and perfect Being - the only one capable and worthy of unquestionable authority
(5) That He does only those things which are for the common good of aU

(6) That sin does not pay and will never be excused
(7) That God's form of government is the only correct one

(8) That a loving and free siiimis-sion toGod isthe highest and most noble
principle of free moral government

(9) That justice and rigfateousaess mustprevail, or no society canbe eternally

preserved m the universe

(10) That consecration to the greatest good of aU is the true nature and highest
glory of the creature

(11) ThatGod ismerciful and forgiving to rebels who are penitent.and leam
obedience through their experiences

(12) That all the accusations of present rebels against God are untrue

6 God's plan is to restore man to his original position asbefore the fall, with full
dominion over all things (Dan. 7: 18. 27; Rev. 5:10; 22:4-5) 7 God's dealings
with free moral agents in hoUness and absolute justice to all alike, gives Him a
sound basis foi punishment of rebels -all who refuse toconform to the divine
plan (Mt. 25:41) 8 Dispensational dealings are necessary to assure lasting
benefits for the eternal society; they guarantee the preservation of God's eternal
plan which He purposed in Christ (Eph, 1: 10; 2:7; 3:9-10) 9 Such dealings with
man will make

Complete Concordance - Cyclopedic Index

D. seeds not sown together, Dt. 22:9 D. fabrics not to be used in the same

garment, Dt. 22:11 D.weights and measures an abomination to God, Dt. 25:13-
14; Pr. 20:10, 23 D. vanities, Eccl. 5:7 D. colours, Judg. 5:30; 2 Sam. 13:18-19;
1 Chr. 29:2; Ezek. 16:16; 17:3 D. odouis, 2 Chi. 16:14 D. sOTts of flies. Ps.
78:45; 105:31 D. diseases, Mt. 4:24; Mk.l:34: Lk. 4:40 D. places, Mt. 24:7; Mk.
13:8; Lk. 21:11 D. kinds of tongues, 1 C(x. 12:10 D. lusts. 2 Tiro. 3:6; Tit. 3:3
D. manners, Heb. 1:1 D. miracles and gifts of Spirit, Heb, 2:4 D. washings, Heb.
9:10 D. and strange doctrines, Heb. 13:9 D. temputions, Jas. 1:2

Diverse (8), different. Lev. 19:19; Es-ther 1:7; 3:8; Dan. 7:3, 7, 19. 23-24

Kversioes (3), different; varities;sepa-rate, ICor. 12:4. 6, 28 1:6

Divide (49). D. waters from waters. Gen. D. day and night. Gen. 1:14 D. Ught
and darkness. Gen. 1:18 D. the land. Num. 34:17-18, 29; Jodu 1:6; 13:6-7; 18:5;
Ezek. 45:1; 47:21-22 Take this, d. among selves, Lk. 22:17

Divided (69). D. light from darkness, and waters from waters. Gen. 1:4-7 Isles of
Gentiles d., Gen. 10:5 D. eardi into continents. Gen. 10:25 D. nations their
inheritance, Dt. 32:8 D. a watercourse. Job 38:25 Judah and Ephraim not to
remain d.; will become one nation, Ezek. 37:22 Kingdom shall be d., Dan. 2:41
Thy kingdom is d., Dan. 5:28 Their hearts were d., Hos. 10:2 Every kingdom,
city, house d. against itself shaU fall, Mt. 12:25

Divider (1). U<. 12:14

Divideth (10), Uv. 11:4-6, 26; Dt. 14:8; Job 26:12; Ps. 29:7; Jer. 31:35; Ml.
25'32" U<. 11:22

Dividing (7). Jcwiu 19:49-51; Isa. 63:12; Dan. 7:25; 1 Cat. 12:11; 2 Tim. 2:15;

4:12 Divination (12). b 75-l»; Num. 22:7; 23;

25; Dt. 18:10; 2 Ki. 17:17; Jer. 14:M;

Ezek. 12:24; 13:6-7; 21:21-23; Acts 16 Divinations (1). Ezek. 13:23 16

DJYJne (1^. 2 main uses In Scriptuie;

1 To make known or foretell (Gen. 44: 44:15; 1 Sam. 28:8; Pr. 16:10; Ezek.
13:9, 23; 21:29; Mic. 3:8. 11)

2 That which pertains to God (Heb. 9: 1; 2 Pet. 1:3-^

Dtvineis (7). Dt. 18:14; 1 Sam. 6:2; Isa.

44:25; Jer. 27:9; 29:8; Mlc. 3:7; Zech.

10:2 Divineth (l), Gen. 44:5 44-1.

Divining (1), Ezek. 22:28. See Cup, k

3 ways of d.. 827

Division (g). Ex. 8:23; 2 Chr. 35:5; Lk. 12:51; Jn. 7:43; 9:16; 10:19
Division (g). Ex. 8:23; 2 Chr. 35:5; Lk. 12:51; Jn. 7:43; 9:16; 10:19

Divisions (17). D. by tribes. Josh. 11:23 D. of sons of Aaron, 1 Chr. 24:1 D. of

the porters, 1 Chr. 26:1-19 D. of the famiUes, 2 Chi. 35:5, 12 D. and offences
among Chrisiians» Rom. 16:17; 1 Cor. 1:10; 3:3; 11:18

Divorce (1). Defined, e-f 5-1* 2 classes diat could not, b 222-1 Marriage and d.,
d-j 223-1 Not to remarry former wife, h-i 223-1 Reason for d., 237 Controversy
about, e 46-1* Examples of bill of d.. f46-l» 2 schoob among Jews, e 46-1* Law
of Moses on, Dt. 24; r 20-4* Causes for. b 21 -1*; m 20:4"; c -g 180 -A' D. and
remarriage, c 180-4»; a 181-1*

Dlvxtced (4). Uv. 21:14; 22:13; Num 30:9; Mt. 5:32. See Divace

IXvofcement (g). Dt. 24:1-3; Isa. 50:1; Mt. 5:31; 19:7; Mk. 10:4. See Divorce

Dizahab (1), abounding in gold, Dt. 1:1

Do (1,331). Depart from evil, d. good, Ps. 34:14; 37:3, 27 I deUght to d. Thy
will, Ps. 40:8 Leam to i well, Isa. 1:17 34:16 Lord is against them that d. evil, Ps.
10 do^s, of the N. T., 313* 10 do pot's of the N. T.. 313*

Doctor (1). teacher of the law, Acts 5:34

Doctors (2). Lk. 2:46; 5:17

Docgine (51). Defined, v 231-4; k 142-I*rq"234-1*. See Doctrines

4 simiUes of true, w 231-4 Acid test of true, t 102-1*

My d. shall drop as rain, Dt. 32:2 My d, is pure; I am clean. Job 11:4 I give you
good d., Pr. 4:2 28:9

Shall He make to understand d., Isa. The stock is a d. of vanities, Jer, 10:8
Astonished at His d.,Mt. 7:28; 22:33;

Mk. 1:22; 11:18; Lk. 4:32 Beware of d. of Pharisees, Mt. 16:12

Said in His d., Mk. 4:2; 12:38 My d. is not Mine, Jn. 7:16 He shall know of die
d., Jn. 7:17 Of disciples, and His d.. Jn. 18:19 The apostles' d.. Acts 2:42; 5:28
Astonished at d. of Lord, Acts 13:12 \%liat new d. is ihis, Mk, 1:27; Acts 17:19
Form of d. delivered you, Rom. 6:17 Offences contrary to &e d., Rom. 16:17
Form of d. delivered you, Rom. 6:17 Offences contrary to &e d., Rom. 16:17
Prophesying, or by d., 1 Cor. 14:6, 26 Aboutwithevery wind of d. ,Eph. 4:14
Teach no other d., 1 Tim. 1:3 Sound d., 1 Tim. 1:10; 2 Tim. 4:3; Tit.

1:9; 2:1 Good d., 1 Tim. 4:6 Give attendance to d., 1 Tim. 4:13-16 Labor in word
and d., 1 Tim. 5:1" God and His d., 1 Tim. 6:1, 3; 2 Tim.

3:16; Tit. 2:7. 10; Heb. 6:1; 2 Jn. 9 D. of baodsros, and of, Heb. 6:2 D. of
Balaam, Rev. 2:14 D. of the Nicolaitanes, Rev. 2:15, 24 Doctrines (5). See
Doctrine 40 d. that filled Jerusalem, c 128-1* Uving d.. d 130-4* 22 d. of Peter,
158* 30 d. of Jc*ui die Baptist, g 2-4* 30 d. of Paul, 158* 18 d. of God, 144*

7 major d.. v 223-4*

5 d. for aged women, d 242-4*

8 d. for young women, e 242-4*

4 d. for young men, f 242-4*

5 d. for servants, g 242-4*

6 d. for aged men, 243? 3 false d., 282*

D. of devils, 1 Tim. 4:1

Divers and strange d., Heb. 13:9 27:4 Dodai(l), beloved of Jehovah, 1 Chr.
Dodanim (2). a leader. Gen. 10:4; 1

Chr. 1:7 20:37

Dodavah (1), Jehovah is loving, 2 Chr. Dodo (5). losing. 3 men, n 355-1 Doeg
(6). fearful, s 3164; a, h-i 317-1 T^er (8).Evil d., 2Sam. 3:39; 2Tim. 2:9 ~Roud
d., Ps. 31:23 Wicked d., Pr. 17:4 D. of the Word, Jas. 1:23-25 D, of the law, Jas.
4:11 Doers (7). D. of the woric, 2 Ki. 22:5 Evil d., Job 8:20; Ps. 26:5 Wicked d.,
Ps. 101:8 D. of the law, Rom. 2:13 D. of the Word, Jas. 1:22 Doest (44). If thou
d. well. Gen. 4:7 V.Tien thou d. good, Dt. 12:28 When thou d. evil, Jer. 11:15 D.
thou well to be angry, Jonah 4:4, 9 When thou d. thine alms, Mt. 6:2-3 By what
authority d. tfiese. Mt. 21:23; Mk. 11:28; Lk. 20:2; Jn. 2:18

Wcxks Thou d. except God be, Jn. 3:2

Doeth (95), V/hosoever d. work therein,

^ 31:14-15; 35:2; Uv. 23:30 30

D. presumpmously, Uv. 6:3; Num. 15:

D. great things. Job 5:9; 9:10; 37:5;

Ps. 72:18; 136r4 \%'hatsoever he d. shaU prosper, Ps. 1:3 None d. good, Ps,
14:1-3; 53:1-3;

Rom. 3:12 Merry heart d. good like, Pr. 17:22 My sayings and d. them, Lk. 6:47
D. evil...d. truth, Jn. 3:20-21 D. His will, him He heareth, Jn. 9:31 Wrath upon
him that d. evil, Rom. 13:4 D. righteousness if bwn of, 1 Jn, 2:29 He that d. good
is of God, 3 Jn. 11 D. great wonders. Rev. 13:13 Dog (15). Defined - 12 uses, d-
e 222-4 9 ligurative uses, s 6-4* Literal, m 17-1*

Price of a dog or whore, Dt. 23:18 Lappeth with his tongue, Judg. 7:5 A (kad d.,
1 Sam. 24:14; 2 Sam, 9:

8; 16:9 DarUng &om power of d., Ps. 22:20 Noise like a d., Ps. 59:6, 14 As a d,
retumei to vomit, Pr, 26:11; 2 Pet. 2:22 9:6

Living d. better than dead Uon, EccL s (2), 2 Sam. 3:8; Isa. 66:3 "(24). See Dog
for uses of word lave compassed Me, Ps. 22:16 Dumb d., greedy d,, Isa. 56:10-
11 Give not that which is holy, Mt. 7:6 Bread, and cast to d.. Mt. 15:26-27 D.
came and licked sores, Lk. 16:21 Beware of d., evil workers, PhiL 3:2 Without
are d., sorcerers. Rev. 22:15 D oing (39). D. evil. Gen. 44:5; 1 Ki. ~T6:19; 2 Ki.
21:16 D. right, 1 Ki. 22:43 D. good, heaUng aU, Acu 10:38 Be not wearv In well
d., GaL 6:9; 2 Th. 3:13; 1 Pet. 2:15; 3:17; 4:19 Doings (51). Evil of your d., Jer.
4:4; 2irT2; 23:2, 22; 25:5; 26:3; 44:22 Amend d., Jer. 7:3. 5; 26:13; 35:15 Fruit
of d., Jer. 21:14;32:19;Mic.7:13 Doleful (2), Isa. 13:21; Mic. 2:4

Dominion (60). Ut them have d., Gen. 1:26-28 Zech. 9:10

He shall have d. from sea, Ps. 72:8; His d. from generation, Dan. 4:3 D. to end of
the eartii, Dan. 4:22 An everlasting d., Dan. 4:34; 7:14 Given Him d. and glor.-,
Dan. 7:13 Princes of Gentiles exercise d., Mt. Death no more d., Rom. 6:9 20:25
Sin not have d. over you, Rom. 6:14 D. forever, 1 Pet. 4:11; Rev. 1:6 Dominions
(2), Dan. 7:27; CoL 1:16 Done (548)'. D. great things, Ps. 106:21; 126:3; Joel
(2), Dan. 7:27; CoL 1:16 Done (548)'. D. great things, Ps. 106:21; 126:3; Joel
2:20 D. under the sun, EccL 1:14; 4:1; 9:3 D. many wonderful things. Ml. 7:22
D. mighty works, Mt. 11:20 D. all things well, Mk„ 7:37 D. unto edifying, 1
Cor. 14:26 D. decently, in order, 1 Cor. 14:40 D. away in Christ (the law), 2 Cor.
3 D. despite to the Spirit of, Heb. 10:29 Door (186). D. of die ark. Gen. 6:16 D.
posts of the houses, Ex. 12:7, 22 D. of the tabernacle, Ex. 29:4, 11, 42; 33:9-10;
Uv. 3:2; 4:4-7; Num. 3:25 D. of temple. 1 Ki. 6:33; Ezek. 8:16 D. of ray lips. Ps.
141:3 D. of sepulchre. Mt. 27:60; Mk. 15:46 D. of the sheep. Jn. 10:1-2, 7, 9 D.
of faidi. Acts 14:27 D. of utterance, CoL 4:3 D. of heart. Rev. 3:20 291-1*

D. of mercy to Gentiles, v 123-4*; o Oriental d., y 6-4* Doori<eeper (1), Ps.

84:10 Doorkeepers (2). 1 Chr. 15:23-24 Doon (67)7t). of house of Lord, 1 Sam.
3715; 1 Ki. 6:31-34; 7:50 D. of heaven, Ps. T8:23;Rev.4:l D. of my moudi, Mic.
7:5 Everlasting d., Ps. 24:7-9 Swinging d.. 675 Dophkah (2). a place. Num.
33:12-13 Dor (6), a place, Jo*. 11:2; 12:23; 17: 11: Judg. 1:27; 1 Ki. 4:11; 1 Chr.
7:29 Dorcas (2), a gazelle. Acts 9:36, 39 DOTt (56). D. thou not govern, 1 Ki.
21:7 D. diou retain integriry. Job 2:9 D. dwell among scorpions. Ezek. 2:6 D. not
thou fear God. Lk. 23:40 D. Thou wash my feet, Jn 13:6 D. diou steal, commit
adultery, and commit sacrilege, Rom. 2:21-22 Dote (1), Jer. 50:36 Doted (6^, to
be weakminded; be foolishly fond, Ezek. 23:5-20 Doth (203). God d. know.
Gen. 3:5 D. sanctif>- you, Ex. 31:13 God d. ulk with man, Dt. 5:24 Six diings d.
the Lord hate, Pr. 6:16 My soul d. magnify the Lord, Lk. 1:46 D. God take care
for oxen, 1 Cor. 9:9 D. not nature teach, 1 Cor. 11:14 D. not behave unseemly, 1
Cor. 13:5 Mystery iniquity d. already, 2 Th. 2:7 Wax old as d. garment, Heb.
1:11 Sin d. so easily beset us, Heb. 12:1 Bom of God d. not commit, 1 Jn. 3:9
Doifaan (3), a place. Gen. 37:17; 2 Ki. 6: Doting (1), to harp upon, 1 Tim. 6:4 13
Double (26). Restore d., Ex. 22:4, 7, 9 D. portion of Spirit, 2 Ki. 2:9 D. heart, 1
Chr. 12:33; Ps. 12:2 D. destruction, Jer. 17:18 D. honor for elders, 1 Tim. 5:17
D. minded man, Jas. 1:8; 4:8 Doubled (4), Gen. 41:32; Ex. 28:16; 39: 9; Fzek.
21:14 Doubletongue'd (1). 1 Tim. 3:8 Do'jbt (13)7Tgfined. s 16-1*; p-s 260-Life
hang in d., Dt. 28:66 1*

No d. ye are die people. Job 12:2 If ye have faith, and d. not, Mt. 21:21 ShaU not
d. In his heart, Mk. 11:23 D oubted (4), Mt. 28:17; Acts 5:24; 10: 1-?: 25:20
Doufatedi (1), R«n. 14:23 Doubtful (2), Lk. 12:29; Rom. 14:1 D. mitid, 12
heathen practices forbidden, b 75-1* DoufatlBg (4). Jn. 13:22; Acts 10:20; 11:
12; ITim. 2:8 Doubtless (7), Num. 14:30; 2 Sam. 5i 19; Ps. 126:6; Isa. 63:16; 1
Cor. 9:2> 2 Cor. 12:1; PhiL 3:8 Doubts (2), Dan. 5:12. 16 Dough (8), Ex. 12:34.
39; Num. 15:20-21]Neh. 10:37; Jer. 7:18; Ezek. 44i 30; Hos. 7^4 Dgye (18).
Sent forth a d.. Gen. 8:8-12 That I had wings of d., ?s. 55:6 Wings of a d.
Sent forth a d.. Gen. 8:8-12 That I had wings of d., ?s. 55:6 Wings of a d.
covered widi, Ps. 68:13 My love, my d., Song 2:14; 5:2; 6:9 I did moum as a d.,
Isa. 38:14 Ephraim Uke a silly d., Hos. 7:11 Spirit descending like a d., Mt. 3:16;
Mk. 1:10; Lk. 3:22; Jn. 1:32

Dove'3 (1). 2 Ki. 6:25

Doves (10). Song 5:12; Isa. 59:11; 60:8;

Ezek. 7:16; Nah. 2:7; Mt. 10:16; 21: 12; Mk. 11:15; Jn. 2:14-16

Doves' (2) eyes. Song 1:15; 4:1

Down (1.121). Lord came d., Gen. 11:5-7 I (Gck5 will go down, see. Gen. 18:21
WaUcing up and d. in it. Job 1:7; 2:2 Lord looked d. from heaven, Ps. 14:2 He
shall come d. like rain, Ps. 72:6 Uopard lie d. with kid, Isa. 11:6 Brought d. to
heU, Mt. 11:23 I came d. from heaven, Jn. 6:38 I Uy d. My Ufe. Jn. 10:15-18
Turned world upside d., Acts 17:6 PuUing d. of strongholds. 2 Cat. 10:4 Casting
d. imaginations. 2 Coc. 10:5 Broken d. middle wall of, Eph. 2:14 Holy Ghost
sent d. from, 1 Pet. 1:12 Cast d. to hell, 2 Pet. 2^4

DownfaiL See Lot, Caul, I>vld. Judas. etc. for steps leading to downfall

Downsitting ( 1). Ps. 139:2

Downward (5). 2 Ki. 19:30; EccL 3:21; Isa. 37:5l; Ezek. 1:27; 8:2

Dowry (^, Gen. 30:20; 34:12; Ex. 22: 17; 1 Sam. 18:25. See 6 kinds, t 33-1

Drag (2), Hab. 1:15-16

l^a^iJg (1), Jn. 21:8

Dragon (19). D. well, Neh. 2:13 Lion, d. shalt diou trample, Ps. 91:13 Slay d.
that is in the sea, Isa. 27:1 Wounded the d., Isa. 51:9 Great red d., Rev. 12:3-17;
13:2-4, 11; 16:12; 20:2

Dragons (16). A brodier to d., Job 30:29 Breakest me heads of d., Ps. 74:13 Shall
be habitation of d., Isa. 34:13; 35:7; Jet. 9:11; 10:22; 49:33; 51:37 Make a
wailing Uke a d., Mic. 1:8

Drams (6), Persian coins; in value each one equal to $5. 28 (1 Chr. 29:7; Ezra
Drams (6), Persian coins; in value each one equal to $5. 28 (1 Chr. 29:7; Ezra
2:69; 8:27; Neh. 7:70-72). See Daric

Drank (19). D. wine. Gen. 9:21; 27:25; ?T:34; Dt. 32:38; Dan. 1:8; 5:1-4 D.
water, Gen. 24>46; Num. 20:11; 1

Ki. 13:19; 17:6 Did eat, d., married, Lk. 17:27-28 D. of diat spiritual Rock, 1
Cor. 10:4

Draught (5). closet; sink; priw, 2 Ki. 10:57; Mt. 15:17; KOc. 7:19; Lk. 5:4, 9

Drave (13), drove, Ex. 14:25; Josh. 16: 10; 24:12, 18; Judg. 1:19; 6:9; 1 Sam.
30:20; 2 Sam. 6:3; 2 KI. 16:6; 17:21; 1 Chr. 13:7; Acts 7^45; 18:16

E^aw (75). D. water, Gen. 24:11-13, 19, 20, 43, 44; Jn. 4:7, 11, 15 D. near, Ex.
3:5; 1 Sara. 14:36, 38 4 D. out, Ex. 15:9; Uv. 26:33; 1 Sam. 31: D. water from
wells salvation, Isa. 12: D. all men unto Me, Jn. 12:32 3

D. away disciples. Acts 20:30 By which d. nigh unto God, Heb. 7:19 Ut us d.
near with a true, Heb. 10:22 If any man d. back. Heb. 10:38 Not of them who d.
back, Heb. 10:39 D. nigh to God, He will, Jas. 4:8

Drawer (1) of water, Dt. 29:11

ftawen (3) of water, Joi. 9:21-27

Dtawedi (12), Dt. 25:11; Judg. 19:9; Job 24:22; 33:22; Ps. 10:9; 88:3; Isa. 26:17;
Ezek. 7:12; Mt. 15:8; Lk. 21: 8, 28; Jas. 5:8

Drawing (2). Judg. 5:11; Jn. 6:19

Drawn (28). D. sword of God, Num. 22:

^ 31; Josh. 5:13; 1 Chr. 21:16 D. away from God, Dt. 30:17 D. sword of die
wicked. Ps. 37:14 D. unto deadi, Pr. 24:11 D. away of own lust and, Jas. 1:14
Dread (9), Gen. 9:2; Ex. 15:16; Dt. 1: ~^r^:25; 11:25; 1 Chr. 22:13; Job 13: 11,
21; Isa. 8:13 Dreadful( 9). Gen. 28:17; Job 15:21; Ezek. 1:18; Dan. 7:7, 19; 9:4;
Hab. 1:7; MaL 1:14; 4:5 Dream (74). Gen. 20:3-6; 3L-10-11. 24; STIB-10; 40:5-
9. 16; 41:7-32; Judg. 7:13-15; Dan. 2:3-45; 4:5-19; 7:1 Will speak to him in a d.,
Num. 12:6 Lord appeared to Solomon in, 1 KL 3 God speaks in a d., vision. Job
33 like diera diat d., Ps. 70:20; 126:1 A d. cometh through a, EccL 5:3 Shall be
as a d., Ps. 73:20; Isa. 29:7 Ut him tell a d., Jer. 23:28 17
as a d., Ps. 73:20; Isa. 29:7 Ut him tell a d., Jer. 23:28 17

Old men d. dreams, Joel2:28; Acts 2: Lord appeared in a d., Mt. 1:20; 2:13,
Being warned by d., Mt. 2:12, 22 19 Suffered because of a d., Mt. 27:19
Dreamed (19). See 34 dreams. 860 Dreamer (4). Gen. 37:19: Dt. 13:1-5

Dreamers (2). Jet. 27:9; Jude 8 14 d. of Scripture, c 17-4 False d. warned against,
Dt. 13:1-5 True d.used ofGod,Gen.37:5-10;Daii. 2:3-45; 4:5-19; 7:l;Mt.l:20:2:12
Dreamedi (2), Isa. 29:8 830

Dreams (21). 34 in Scripttire, g 856-4; 5d. in N. T., g 1-4* 20

Hated him because ofhisd,,Gen, 37:8, Interpreted our d., Gen. 41:12; 42:9

Complete Concordance - Cyclopedic Indg^


Dreamei of d., Di. 13:1, 3, 5 |

Answered him not by d., 1 Sam. 28:6, ; Scares! me widi d., lob 7:14 15

Divers vanities in many d., Eccl. 5:7 Forget My name by their d. ,Jer. 23:27
Prophesv'false d., Jer. 23:32; Zech. 10:

D. D. D. D. D. D. D.

Hearken not to your d., Jer. 29:8 2 Understanding in visions and d., Dan. 1:17;
5:12 17

Old men dream d., Joel 2:28; Acts 2: Dregs (3), Ps. 75:8; Isa. 51:17, 22 TSess"
(9), Gen. 2:15; 18:7; Dt. 28:39; 2 ■m^. 12:4; 13:5. 7; IKi. 17:12; 18:23-25
Dressed C7), Gen. 18:8; Lev. 7:9; 1 Sam. 55:18; 2 Sam. 12:4; 19:24; 1 Ki. 18:26
Heb. 6:7 Dresser (1). Lk. 13:7 Dressers (1), 2 Chr. 26:10 Dresseth (1), Ex. 30:7
Drew (S4). D. near. Gen. 18:23 D. water, Gen. 24:25 D and Ufted up, Gen.
37:28; Jer. 38:13 D back his hand. Gen. 38:29

ni^ to death. Gen. 47:29; 1 Ki. 2:1 him out of the water, Ex. 2:10 sword, Judg.
8:10; 20:2, 15, 17, 25 off the shoe, Ruth 4:8 near to battle, 1 Sara. 7:10 bows, 1
8:10; 20:2, 15, 17, 25 off the shoe, Ruth 4:8 near to battle, 1 Sara. 7:10 bows, 1
Ki. 22:34; 2 Chi. 14:8 the third part of stars, Rev. 12:4 Drewest (1), Lam. 3:57
Dried (39). D. up waters, Gen D. ears of corn. Lev. 2:14 D. grapes. Num. 6:3 D.
soul. Num. 11:3 D. up Red Sea, Josh. 2:10; Ps. 106:9 D. up Jordan, Josh. 4:23;
5:1 D. strengtJi, Ps. 22:15 D. throat, Ps. 69:3 20

D. vines, fig trees, Joel 1:12; Mk. 11 D. up arm, Zech. 11:17 D. up Euphrates,
Rev. 16:12 Driedst (1). Ps. 74:15 Dfieth (3), Job 14:11; Pr. 17:22; Nah. 1:4
Drink (374). First d. offering, e 34-1 Bible facts about d., 152; d 188-4 D.
offerings of the law, e 190 -4 Make father d. wine, Gen. 19:32-35 Rebekah
offers d. to Eliezer, Cen. 24 Could not d. of water, Ex. 7:18-24; 15: Saw God,
did eat. d., Ex. 24:11 23 D. offering. Ex. 29:40-41; Num. 15

5-10; 28:7-31; 29:6-39 Sat down to eat and d., Ex. 32:6 D. bitter water. Num.
5:24-27 Neither did eat bread nor d. water, Dt. 9:9, 18; Esther 4:16 D. waters
from own cistern, Pr. 5:15 Strong d. is raging, Pr. 20:1 Give d. a cup of cold
water, Mt. 10:42 D. the cup I shall d., Mt. 20:22-23 D. it new with you in the
kingdom, Mt. 26:29; Mk. 14:25; Lk. 22:18, 30 Eat. d.. and be merry, Lk. 12:19
Give me to d.. Jn. 4:7, 10 D. His blood. Jn. 6:53, 55 Let him come to Me and d.,
Jn. 7:37 Kingdom not meat, d., Rom. 14:17 D. same spiritual d.. 1 Cor. 10:4
Cannot d. cup of Lord, 1 Cor. 10:21 Eat or d., do all in name. 1 Cor. 10:31 As oft
as ye d. it, 1 Cor. 11:25 D. this cup unworthily. 1 Cor. 10:29 D. into one Spirit, 1
Cot. 12:13 Let us eat and d., for, 1 Cor. 15:32 Let no man Judge you in d., Col.
2:16 D. no longer water. 1 Tim. 5:23 Make all nations d.. Rev. 14:8 D. of wine
of wrath. Rev. 14:10 Given diera blood to d., Rev. 16:6 Drinkers (1). Joel 1:5
Drinketh (17). Earth d. water of rain fronTheaven. Dt. 11:11; Heb. 6:7 Poison d.
up my spirit. Job 6:4 Man d. iniquity lilce water. Job 15:16 Job d. scorning like
water. Job 34:7 Behemoth d. up a river, Job 40:23 D. My bloodbath eternal Ufe,
Jn. 6:54 Drinking (21). Eating, d. and dancing, rSam. 30:16; 1 Ki. 4:20 D.
himself drunk. 1 Ki. 16:9; 20:16 Jcrfin neither eating nor d., Mt. 11:18 Son of
man eating and d., Mt. 11:19 Eating, d.. and marrying. Mt. 24:38 Drinki (l), Heb.
9:10 Drive (57). Little by little I will d. *em, Ex. 23:28-30; 33:2; 34:11; Num
22:6, 11; 33:52-55; Dt. 4:38; 9:3-5 11:23 God will no more d. out. Josh. 23:13

Judg. 2:3, 21; 11:24 Could not d. them out. Josh. 15:63

17:12; Judg. 1:19-33 Rod of correction will d. it, Pr. 22:15 Driven (49). D. me
out this day. Gen.

Places whither I have d. them, Dt. 30:1; Jer. 8:3; 16:15; 23:2-8; 29:14-18; 32:37;
40:12; 43:5; 46:28; Ezek. 34:16; Dan. 9:7; Mic.4:6; Zeph. 3:19
40:12; 43:5; 46:28; Ezek. 34:16; Dan. 9:7; Mic.4:6; Zeph. 3:19

Jordan was d. back, Ps. 114:3-5 He was d. from men, Dan. 4:33 D. of the devil
into the, Lk. 8:29 Driver (2). 1 Ki. 22:34; Job 39:7 THvTth (4), 2Ki. 9:20;Ps.
l:4;Pr. 25: -•nr^k. 1:12 17:21

Driving (3). Judg. 2:23; 2Ki.9:20; IChr. Dromedaries (3), swift camels. IKi. 4:

58; Esther 8:10; Isa. 60:6. See 790 Dro medary (1), Jer. 2:23

n^ly doctrine shall d., Dt. 32:2

paijis d. fatness, Ps. 55:11

Clouds d. dew. Job 36:28; Pr. 3:20

Nations but d. in a bucket, Isa. 40:15

Dropped (6). Judg. 5:4; 1 Sam. 14:26;

5 Sam. 21:10; Job 29:22; Ps. 68:8; Song

Dropped! (1). Eccl. 10:18 5:5

Dropping (3), Pr. 19:13; 27:15; Song 5:13

Drops (4), Job 36:27; 38:28; Song 5:2;




TkT 22:44

Dropsy (1). a disease. Lk. 14:2

^ogts), Ps. 119:119; Pr. 25:4; 26:23;

"TiaT 1:22, 25; Ezek. 22:18-19

Drought (10), Gen. 31:40; Dt. 8:15; Job

Drought (10), Gen. 31:40; Dt. 8:15; Job

24:19; Ps. 32:4; Isa. 58:11; Jer. 2:6;

17:8; 50:38; Hos. 13:5; Hag. 1:11 Drove (11), Gen. 3:24; 15:11; 32:16; 33:
"STTx. 2:17; Num. 21:32; Josh. 15:14; 1

Chr. 8:13; Ps. 34, title; Hab. 3:6; Jn. Droves (1), Gen. 32:19 2:15

Drown (2). Song 8:7; 1 Tim. 6:9 Kowned (5), Ex. 15:4; Amos 8:8; 9:5;

18:5; Heb. 11:29 Drowsiness (1), Pr. 23:21

with blood, Dt. 32:42;


:17; 63:6

ler. 46:10 D. on Lord's fury, Isa. 51 D. with wine, Eph. 5:18 D. with wine of net
fornication, Rev, D. of the wine of the wrath of her fornication. Rev. 18:3
Drunkard (5), Dt. 21:20; Pt. 23:21; 26: 9; Isa. 24:20; 1 Cor. 5:11 Drunkards (6),
Ps. 69:12; Isa. 28:1-3;

Joel 1:5; Nah. 1:10; 1 Cor. 6:10

6 curses of. j 659-1

7 characteristics of, 667 Drunken (32). He drank wine, and was

arrrJen. 9:21; 1 Sam. 25:36 Stagger Uke a d. man. Job 12:25; Ps.

107:27; Isa. 19:14 D. with blood of saints. Rev. 17:6 DrunJ<enness (7), Dt.
29:19; EccL 10: 17; Jer. 13:13; Ezek. 23:33; Lk. 21: 34; Rom. 13:13; Gal. 5:21

8 examples of drunkenness:

1 Noah (Gen. 9:21)

2 Lot (Gen. 19:33)

2 Lot (Gen. 19:33)

3 Nabal (1 Sam. 25:36)

4 Uriah (2 Sam. 11:13)

5 Elah (1 Ki. 16:9) 20:16)

6 Ben-hadad and allied kings (1 Ki.

7 Ahasuerus (Esther 1:10-11)

8 Bebhazzar (Dan. 5:1-6) 3 examples - falsely accused:

1 Hannah (1 Sam. 1:12-16)

2 Jesus (Mt. 11:19)

3 The apostles (Acts 2:13-15) DrusilU (1), wife of FeUx, Acts 24:24 Dry (71).
Let d. land appear, Gen. 1:9

Called d. land earth . Gen. 1:10 Walked on d. land through Red Sea (Ex. 14:16-
29; 15:19;Neh. 9:ll;Ps, 66:6; Heb. 11:280, and Jordan (Josh. 3:17; 4:18, 22; 2 Ki.
2:8) D. upon the fleece. Judg. 6:37-40 His hands formed d. land, Ps. 95:5 D.
ground into watersprings, Ps. 107: 35; Isa. 32:2; 41:18; 44:3 Walketh through d.
places, Mt. 12:43 Dry shod (1). Isa. 11:15 Due (29). Rain in d. season. Lev. 26:
'4; Dt. 11:14 Give glory d. Him, 1 Chr. 16:29; Ps. 29:2; 96:8 Mt. 24:45

Meat in d. season, Ps. 104:27; 145:15; A word spoken in d. season, Pr. 15:23 In
d. tirae Christ died for, Rom. 5:6 Render wife d. benevolence, 1 Cor. 7:3 As one
born out of d. time, 1 Cot. 15:8 In d. season we shall reap. Gal. 6:9 Testified to
all in d. time, 1 Tim. 2:6 Exalt you in d. time, 1 Pet. 5:6 Dues (1), Rom. 13:7
Puetis. two. c 270-4 Duke (17). Defined , o 35-1; Gen. 36: ~T^43; IChr. 1:51-54
Dukes (15). 30 d. of Edora, Gen. 36:15-—?T;Ex. 15:15; Josh. 13:21; 1 Chr. 1:
14 d. of Edom. o 35-1 51-54

7 d. of Seir, d 35-4 11 d. of Edom. c 36-1 Dulcimer (3), a musical instrument,

Dan. 3:5. 10, 15 Dull (3) of hearing, Mt. 13:15; Acts 28: "~2T; Heb. 5:11

Dumah(4), silence. A man Gen. 25:14; 1

Chi. 1:30. A city, Josh. 15:52; Isa. 21:11

Durnb (29). I was as a d. man, Ps. 38:

13; 39:2. 9; Dan. 10:15 Tongue of the d. shall sing, Isa. 35:6 Sheep before
shearers is d. , Isa. 53:7 Thev are all d. dogs. Isa. 56:10 Thou Shalt be d.. Ezek.
3:26; 24:27 D. idols, Hab. 2:18-19; 1 Cor. 12:2 D. man, Mt. 9:32-33; 12:22;
15:30-31; Mk. 7:37; 9:17, 25; Lk. 1:20; 11:14 D. ass speaking with man's, 2 Pet.
2:16 Dung (28). D. gate, aSOl-l D. as fertilizer and fuel, a 501-1 D. used
figuratively, a 501-1 D. of sacrifices, Ex. 29:14; U-v. 4:11; 8:17; 16:27; Num.
19:5 Eat own d., 2 Ki. 18:27; Isa. 36:12 Used for fuel, Ezek. 4:12-15 Dig about
it, and d. it, Lk. 13:8 Count them but d., Phil. 3:8 Dungeon (13), Gen. 40:15;
41:14; Ex. 12: SSrier. 37:16; 38:6-13; Urn. 3:53-55 Dunghill (7), 1 Sam. 2:8;
Ezra 6:11; Ps. ■ TlSTl; Isa. 25:10; Dan. 2:5; 3:29; Lk. 14: Dunghills (1), Lam.
4:5 35

Dma (1),~ a plain in Babvlon, Dan. 3:1 durable (2), Pr. 8:18; Isa. 23:18 Dureth
(l), Mt. 13:21 Durst (9), dare, Esther 7:5; Job 32:6; mT. 22:46; Mk. 12:34; Lk.
20:40: Jn. 21:12; Acts 5:13; 7:32; Jude 9 Dust (107). Defined, z 2-1 God formed
man of d., Gen. 2:7 D. shalt thou eat all. Gen. 3:14 Unto d. shalt thou return.
Gen. 3:19 Seed as d. of the earth. Gen. 13:16; 28:14; 2 Chr. 1:9 Repent in d. and
ashes, Job 42:6 Remembereth we are d., Ps. 103:14 All of d., return tod., Eccl.
3:20 Speech out of d., Isa. 29:4 Nlany that sleep in d. shall, Dan. 12:2 Clouds are
d. of His feet, Nah. 1:3 Shake off d. of your feet, Mt. 10:14; Mk. 6:11; Lk. 9:5;
10:11; Acts 13:51 Duties (1), Ezek. 18:11 Duty ^5), Ex. 21:10; Dt. 25:5-7; 2
Chr. 8:14; Ezra 3:4; Eccl. 12:13; Lk. 17: 10; Rom. 15:27 Dwarf (1), Lev. 21:20
Dwell (338). D. in tents. Gen. 4:20; 9:27 at I mav d. among Israel, Ex. 25:8;
:9:45-46'; 1 Ki. 6:13; Ezek. 43:7-9 D. in booths. Lev. 23:42-43 D. in house of the
Lord, Ps. 23:6; 27:4 D. corner of housetop, Pr. 21:9; 25:24 Wolf d. with lamb,
Isa. 11:6 Let Mine outcasts d. in thee, Isa. 16:4 Spirit of God d. in you, Rom. 8:9
Cnrist may d. in your hearts, Eph. 3:17 In Him should all fulness d., Col. 1:19
Word of Christ d. in you, Col. 3:16 Know that we d. in Him, 1 Jn. 4:13 Heavens
and ye that d. in them. Rev.

12:12; 13:6 He will d. with them. Rev. 21:3 Dwelled (6), Gen. 13:7, 12; 20:1;

n?ri Sam. 12:11 Dwellers (3). Isa. 18:3; Acts 1:19; 2:9 Dwellest (19). D.
between cherubims, !!Tr 19:15; Ps. 80:1; Isa. 37:16 D. in the heavens, Ps. 123:1
D. in the gardens. Song 8:13 D. in Zion, Isa. 10:24 D. carelessly, Isa. 47:8 3
D. in the gardens. Song 8:13 D. in Zion, Isa. 10:24 D. carelessly, Isa. 47:8 3

D. in clefts of rock, Jer. 49:16; Oba. D. upon many waters, Jer. 51:13 Dwelleth
(57). D. between cherubims,

1 Sam. 4:4; 2 Sam. 6:2; 1 Chr. 13:6 D. in Zion, Ps. 9:11; Isa. 8:18

D. in secret place of the, Ps. 91:1 D. on high, Ps. 113:5 D. in Me, I in Him. Jn.
6:56 D. in you, shall be In, Jn. 14:17 D. not In temples. Acts 7:48; 17:24 Sin that
d. in me, Rom. 7:17-20 His Spirit that d. in you, Rom. 8:11 Spirit of God d. in
you, 1 Cor. 3:16 In Him d. the fulness of the, Col. 2:9 Holy Ghost which d. in us,
2Tlm. 1:14 New earth wherein d. righteousness, 2 Pet. 3:13; Rev. 21:1-7; 22:3
Howd. loveofGod in hliD, 1 Tn. 3:17 God d. in us. and His love, 1 Jn. 4:12 He
that d. in love d. in God, 1 Jn. 4:16

D. in a cave, Gen. 19:30

D. in the wilderness, C^n. 21:20-21

D. in the college, 2 Ki. 22:14

D. as a king in the army. Job 29:25

D. in ciry called Nazareth, Mt. 2:23

D. in Capernaum, Mt. 4:13

D. among us, and we beheld, Jn. 1:14

D. first in thy grandmotlier, 2 Tim. 1:5

Dyed (7). Ex. 25:5; 26:14; 35:7; 36:19; 35734; Isa. 63:1; Ezek. 23:15

D\ing (6), Num. 17:13; Mk. 12:20; Lk. 5:^2; 2 Cor. 4:10; 6:9; Heb. 11:21 7
regrets of a d. man, 450

Each (50). E. man his dreem,Gen. 40:5 Six fingers on e. hand. 1 Chr. 20:6
Seraphims: e. had six wings.Isa.6:2 Tongues of fire sat on e. one,Acts2:3 Eagle
(23). 3 traits of, k 232-1 Un^ean food.Lev.U: 13-18; Dt.l4:12-
SwiftbIrd,Dt.28:49;Job9:26 17

Cherubim have face of. Ezek. 1:10; 10:14. Cp. Rev. 4:7 Eagle's (2),Ps. 103:5;
Cherubim have face of. Ezek. 1:10; 10:14. Cp. Rev. 4:7 Eagle's (2),Ps. 103:5;
Dan. 7:4 ga3es(7).2 Sam. 1:23; Pt.30:17; Isa.40: 3l;Jer.4:13;Lam.4:19;Mt.24:28;
Lk. E.at Armageddon,b 27-4* 17:37

4 proofs saints not e. .201 Eagles' (2).Ex. 19:4: Dan. 4:33 Ear (120). 118; a 301-
4 Give e. to commandments,Ex. 15:26 Bore e. through with an. Ex. 21:6 Upon
rip of right ear, Ex. 29:20; Lev.

8:23-24; 14:14-23 Give e.to My woids.Ps. 5:1 IncUne thine e.unto Me,Ps.l7:6;
45:10 Give e. to my piayer.Ps. 55:1 Lord God opened Mine e. ,Isa. 50:4-5 E. of
wheat. Mk. 4:28 18:10.26

Cut offhise..Mk.l4:47;Lk. 22:50; Jn. Touched e. and healed him.Lk.22:51 Not e.

heard, neitheientered,lCor.2:9 If the e. shaU say. 1 Cor. 12:16 He that hath an
ear. let him hear. Rev. 2:7.11.17, 29; 3:6, 13. 22; 13:9 Eared (1).plowed. Dt. 21:4
EariDR( 2).pIowlng.GeD.45:6; Ex. 34:21 Early ( 86).E.In the morning(34
times). Gen. 19:27; 20:8; 21:14; 22:3; etc. E. on morrow, Judg. 6:38; 1 Sam. 5:4
E. rising, Jer. 7:13; 25; 11:7; 25:3-4; 26:5: 29:19; 32:33; 35:14-15; 44:4 E.wlll I
seek Thee, Ps. 63:1 E. and latter raln.Jas. 5:7 1:20

Earnesl(8). E. expectation,Rom ,8:19;Phll. E.of the Spirit, 2Cor. 1:22; 5:5 E. of

Inheritance.! 208-4; Eph. 1:14 Give the mete e. heed to, Heb. 2:1 Earnestly (16).
E. asked, 1 Sam. 20:6. 28 E. repaired. Neh. 3:20 E. deslieth the shadow,Job 7:2
E. protested, Jer. 11:7 E. remember, Jer. 31:20 E. prayed.Lk. 22:44; Jai. 5:17 E.
looked,Lk. 22:56; Acts 3:12; 23:1 E.covet the best gifts. 1 Coi. 12:31 E. desiring
to be clothed upon,2Cor.5:2 E. contend for the faith once. Jude 3 Eameth (l).
Hag. 1:6 Pr.25:12

Dwel 37

ling I •739

(52). 43,

D. in heaven, 1 Ki. 49; 2 Chr. 6:30

D. places to all generations. Ps. 49:11 D. pUce in Zion, Ps. 76:2; Joel 3:17 Any
plague come nigh thy d., Ps. 91:10 D. in Ught which no man, 1 Tim. 6:16 D. in
tabernacles with Isaac, Heb. 11:9

DwelUngplace (3). Num. 24:21; Jer. 51: 57;iror. 4:11

Dwellingplaces (5), Jer. 30:18; 51:30; Fzek. B:5; 37:23; Hab. 1:6

Dwelliiig_s (17). Israel had light in theii

d., Ex. 10:23 Wickedness is in theii d.. Ps. 55:15 Sure d.. and quiet resting, Isa.
32:18 Dwelt (227). D. in land of Nod, Gen. 4:16

Earring (5).Gen.24:22. 30.47; Job 42:11;

Earrings (12).Gen. 35:4; Ex. 32:2-3; 35: 22; Num. 31:50; Judg. 8:24-26; Isa.
3:20; Ezek. 16:12; Hos. 2:13 Kinds of. a 21-4; d 22-1; e 275-1 Used In Idolatry,
g 34-1

Ears (150). E. to hear, g 11-4*

"fairings in e. .Gen. 35:4; Ex. 32:3 E. of com.Gen. 41:5-27; Ruth 2:2 E. of the
people. Ex. 11:2; Dt. 32:44 E. of the Lord, Num. 11:18; Ps. 34:15: Jas. 5:4; 1
Pet. 3:12 E. to hear. Dt. 29:4

E. shall tingle. 2 Ki. 21:12 35:5

E.of the deaf shall be unstopped, Isa. E.dullofhearing,Mt,13:15; Acu28:27

E.opened.Mk. 7:33-35 E. uncircumcised. Acts 7:51 Teachers.having Itching e. ,2
Tlm.4:3 Tume. awayfrom the truth,2TIm.4:4

Earth (783). Defined , j 1-1; 51 First sinless career of, g 2-1 E. restored to 2nd
habitable state, 52 E.before Gen. 1:11 described. 53 Divided Into continents, 53;
J 421-1 Age of, 53 Facts about. 58 First sinful career. 59 Second sinless career.
59 Made perfect 3 times. 62 Third and eternal sinless career. 62 Foundations of.
473 8fold Judgment on. 473 Thin curtain around, 450 Tohu-waste, 480 Blood of
the. 496

8fold chaos oforiginale., j 749-4 6fold appUcacion of chaotic e., a 750-1 Endsof,
771.Perfectionof. 478

Circle of, 544

Purpose of creation, g 273-4* Formed by God's hands, g 245-1* 3 periods in
history of, f 273-1* Eternal home of man, c 304-1* Eternal generations of
natural people on e. See jSenerations Tobechanged,notannihilated,h245-r
Renovation of, e,i 167-1: e 245-1; f-k Time ofrenovation,i,n 273-1* 255-4*
Elements will melt, r 273-1* To be loosed from bondage,! 273-1* Works to be
destroyed, v 273-1* Burned up, defined, w 273-1* Red away, explained, d-g
302-4* To be made new, renewed,e 302-4* 12 blessings of new, f 303-1* To
have day and night forever,f 304-1* History and destiny of,c 558-1 To be
repleniiied forever, e 55d-l Eternal rulen of, h 558-1* Created above waters, g
612-4 5 proofs Jer. 4:24 refers to the original Godcreatede.,Gen.l:l earth,796

E.became desolate and empty,Gen.l: 2 To abide forever.Ps. 104:5; Eccl. 1:4

Eartten (10),Lev,6:28; 11:33; 14:5, 50; Num. 5:17; 2 Sam, 17:28; Jer. 19:1; 32
14; Lam. 4:2; 2 Cor. 4:7; r 194-1* Earthly (5), Jn, 3:12, 31; 2 Cor, 5:1; PhiL3:19;
Jas. 3:15 Earthquake fig). Defined, k 8-1*, Lord not in e, ,1 Ki, 19:11 E, in days
of Uzziah, Zech. 14:5 E. at crucifixion, Mt, 27:54 E, at resurrection, Mt, 28:2 E,
loosed Paul and Silas, Acts 16:26 E. of future tribulation. Rev. 6:12; 8:5; 11:13-
19: 16:18 21:11

Earthquakes (31. Mt. 24:7: Mk. 13:8;Lk. Manifesting God,m 126-4* Some by
Satan, n 8-1* 6 future, m 126-4* Earthy (4). 1 Cor, 15:47-49 Ease (20), E.
thyself abroad, Dt, 23:13 E. my complaint. Job 7:13 Men at e. .Job 12:5; 16:12;
21:23: Ps. 123:4; Isa. 32:9-11; Jer. 48:11; Amos 6:1; Zech. 1:15 Take thine e,
.eat.Lk. 12:19 Eased (2), Job 16:6; 2 Cor, 8:13 Easier (8).Ex, 18:22: Mt. 9:5;
19:24:Mk 2:9; 10:25; Lk. 5:23: 16:17; 18:25 Eadly(2).lCor.l3:5; Heb, 12:1 East
(157), E, country, 20

Con'-plete Concordance - Cyclopedic Index

Unclean things not be e, ,Lev. 11 Sin offering to be e, .Lev. 10:17 Zeal hath e.
Me up,Ps.69:9; Jn. 2:17 E. astes like bread.Ps, 102:9 Bread e, secret is pleasant.
Pr, 23:8 E. the fruit of lies, Hos. 10:13 E, of worms and died. Acts 12:23 Broken
bread, and e., Acts 20:11 Eater (3).Judg. 14:14; Isa, 55:10; N'ah, Eaters
(l),Pr.23:20 3:12

Eatest(3),Gen.2:17; lSam.l:8; lKi.21:5

Eateth^(54).E,and wipeth mouth,Pr.l3:25

E.not the bread ofldleness.Pr, 31:27

E, in darkness,EccL5:17

E. your master with publicans, Mt. 9:

11; Mk. 2:16: Lk. 15:2 E,My flesh,Jn. 6:54, 56-57 E. of this bread shall live, Jn.
6:58 E. bread with Me hath lifted, Jn. 13:18 Another who is weak e.
heitis,Rom.l4:2 Not judge him that e. ,Rom. 14:3 Because he e. not of faith,Rom.
14:23 E, and drinketh worthily, ICor. 11:29 E. and dtinkethdamnation,1 Cor. lL-
29 Eating (27). In next Ufe, s 51-4*

John came neither e, ,nor drinking,Mt,

11:18-19; Lk. 7:33-34 E. drinking, marrying, Mt. 24:38 E. and drinking such
things,Lk, 10:7 E, those things that are, 1 Cor, 8:4 In e. everyone taketh, 1 Cor.
11:21 Ebal (8),bare. 2 men. d 211-4; Gen, 36: 23: 1 Chr, 1:22, 40. A mountai n.
Dt. 11:29; 27:4.13;Jo5h.8:30-33 8:6

Ebed (6) ,slave. 2menJ udg.9:26-35: Ezra Ebedmelech (6), slave of the king, Jer.

38:7-12; 39:16 Ebenezer (3), stone of help, i 298-1; 1

Eber (13), a shoot. 8 men, i 184-4; Gen. 21-25: 11:14-17; Num. 24:24; 1

Sam, 4:1; 5:1; 7:12 Jber (i; ~TiH21. .

Chr, 1:18-25; 8:12; Neh. i"2;'20 Ebiasaph (3). father of gathering, ICli.

6:23, 37; 9:19 Eboo2(l),a black wood, Ezek. 27:15 35 Ebronah f 2), camp of
Israel, Num. 33:34-Ecclesiastes. book of, 668-673

uses of the east, 433 E. of Eden, Gen. 3:24; 4:16 People of the e, ,Gen. 29:1
E.wind,Gen.41:6,23,27;Ex, 10:13; 14:

21; Job 15:2; 38:24; Ps. 48:7; 78:26;

Isa,27:8: Jer. 18:17; Ezek.l7:10; 19:

12:27:26: Hos. 12:1; 13:15: Jonah4:8 Children of the cJudg, 6:3,33; 7:12;

8:10; 1 Ki.4:30; Jer.49: -28: Ezek,25:4,

10: Zech. 8:7: Mt.2:l Star in the e, ,Mt.2:2,9 Lightning out of the e, ,Mt, 24:27
10: Zech. 8:7: Mt.2:l Star in the e, ,Mt.2:2,9 Lightning out of the e, ,Mt, 24:27
Angel axending from thee, ,Rev,7:2 Kings of the e, ,Rev, 16:12 Easter
(l),pas3over. Acts 12:4; b 137-1* Eastward f40).E.in Eden,Gen, 2:8

Millennial river running e,, E zek.47:1

EasY (4).Pr. 14:6: Mt. 11:30; 1 Cor, 14:9;

Eat (653). Freely e..Gen.2:16 Jas.3:17

Thou 4alt not e.,Gen.2:17; 3:1-6,17

Blood shall ye not e..Gen.9:4iev.3:17;

7:26: 17:12-14; 19:26; Acts 15:20.29 God and angels did e. ,Gen, 18:8 Angels
did e,,Gen. 19:3 E. the passover,Ex. 12:7-48 E. unleavened bread,Ex.12:15; 13:6
God and men did e, and drink .Ex. 24:11 E., and not be satisfied. Lev, 26:26 E.
flesh of sons, Lev. 26:29 E. clean animals,Lev. 11; Dt, 14 E. angels' food, Ps.
78:25 E, the bread of wickedness. Pr, 4:17 E. honey, because it is good, Pr.
24:13 E. in temperance. Pr, 25:16 Butter and honey shall He e,,I$a.7:15 Lion e,
straw, Isa. 11:7; 65:25 E, this roU.Ezek, 3:2-3 What shall we e, ,Mt, 6:31 Take
e.; this is My body. Mt. 26:26 Did e. locust and wild honey. Mk. 1:6
E.withpublicans andsinners.Mk.2:16 No man e. fruit of thee, Mk. 11:14 E, such
things set before you,Lk.lO:8 Take ease.e., drink,Lk. 12:19 Meat to e. ye know
not of,Jn. 4:32 Doubteth is damned if he e. J^om.l4:23 E. no flesh while world, 1
Cor. 8:13 E. or drink do all to the, 1 Cor. 10:31 E. the Lord's supper. 1 Cor.
11:23-34 Let us e, and drink for. 1 Cor, 15:32 E. of the tree of life. Rev. 2:7 E. of
the hidden manna. Rev, 2:17 Take it, and e. it up. Rev. 10:9 Eaten (105), E.of the
tree.Gen, 3:11.17 Unleavened bteadbee.7days,Ex.l3:7

Ed (1). witness, an altar. Josh. 22:34 E3ar(l), a tower. Gen. 35:21 Eden (20).
delight. 2 men. 2 KI. 19:12; ?Chr. 29:12; 31:15; Isa. 37:12; Ezek, 27:23; Amos
L-5 Garden of E. in die Pre-Adamite world where Lucifer ruled.Ezek. 28:13
Garden of E. where Adam ruled,53;Gen. 2:8-15: 3:-23-24:4:16: Isa.51:3; Zzeik.
31:9-18: 36:35; Joel 2:3 Edenlc covenant. 57 23:24:30

Eder (3), a floclCjosh. 15:21; 1 Chr. 23: Edge ( 56), Of the sword,Gen. 34:26;
Ex. 17:13; Num. 21:24;Heb. 11:34 E.of the wndemess,Ex.l3:20;Num.33:6
E.ofthe curtain,Ex.26:4-10; 36:11-17 E. of the land of Edom, Num. 33:37 E. of
sea of Chinnereth, Josh. 13:27 Whet the e,, Eccl. 10:10 Children's teeth set on e.
,Jer. 31:29-30; Ezek. 18:2 2:12
,Jer. 31:29-30; Ezek. 18:2 2:12

Edges (4), Ex. 28:7; 39:4; Judg, 3:15; Rev. " dificatian (4). Rom. 15:2; 1 Cor.

2 Cor. 10:8; 13:10 Edified (2). Acts a31; 1 Cor. 14:17 Edifiedl (3), 1 Cot. 8:1;
14:4 5:11

Efflfy (3),Rom,14:19; lCor,10:23: ITim, ^mnp (g). 1 Cor, 14:5. 12, 26: 2 Cor,
12:19; Eph. 4:12.16. 29; 1 Tim. 1:4 Edom(87),red,Historyof,h-i,23-4: Gen,
25:30:32:3; 35:1-43; Num. 20 Future possession of Israel, k 200-4 Protected by
God. d-e, 201-1 5 things about, d 899-1 10 causes of destruction of, 1 899-1 10
reasons for judgment on, k 839-1 Prophecies of, b 899 -1 Dukes of. Gen. 36:15-
43 Kings of,Judg. 11:17; 2 Ki, 3:8-26; 1

Chi. 1:43: Ezek. 25:14; 32:29 ProphecIesofJ's.60;8-9; 108:9-10; Isa. 11:14: 63:1;
Jer, 49; Ezek. 25:12-14; 32:29: Dan, 11:41; Joel 3:19: Amos 1:6-11; 2:1; 9:12;
Oba. 1-8 Edomite (7),Di. 23:7; 1 Sam, 21:7; 22:9, 18, 22; 1 KI. 11:14; Ps. 52,
tiUe Edomites (13), c 179-4; Gen. 36:9. 43; 1 KL 11:1, 17: 2 Kl. 8:21; 1 Chr, 18:
12-13; 2 Chr. 21:8-10; 25:14-19; 28:17 E*ei_(8). city in Bashan. Num. 21:33:
Dt. 3:1. 10; Josh, 12:4; 13:12,31. A place in So. Canaan,Josh. 19:37 Effect (14),
None e., Num. 30:8; Ps. 33: 10; Mt. 15:6; Mk, 7:13;Rom. 4:14; 9:

6; 1 Cor. 1:17; Gal.3:17 No_e,and without e. . Rom.3;3; Gal.5:4 Effected (1),

completed, 2 Chr, 7:11 Effectual (6) ,e 224-1*; 1 Cor. 16: 9; 2 Cor.

1:6; Eph. 3:7; 4:16: Ph'm 6; Jas^5:16 Effectually (^.GaL 2:8: 1 Tim. 2:13
Effeminaie" (l).acatamite - a boy kept

for unnatural purposes, 1 Cor, 6:9 Egg (2).Job 6:6; Lk. 11:12

Eggs (7). Dt. 22:6: Job 39:14; Isa. 10:14;

5*5; Jer. 17:11 Mah^(2),heifer, 2 Sam.3:5; 1 Chr. 3:3 Eglaim (1), city of Moab,
Isa. 15:8 EglMi (13). circle. King of Moab, Judg. 3:12-17. City of Canaan, Josh.
10:3-5, 23, 34-37; 12:12; 15:30 Egypt (608), In Scripture, 736; Gen. 12: 10-
14:13:1-10; 37:25-50:26:Ex, 1:1-12:51; 1 Ki, 3:1; 8:9-65: 10:28-29 Length of
plagues in, c 69-4 Gods of E. judged, i 71-1; f 71-4; gj< 72-1; a, g 73-1; 110; c
73-4; g, m 74-1; c 75-1 6 annual feasts of, m 74-1 3 things seen in,k 228-1
lOfold desolation of, s 694-4; 737 Symbolized by a crocodile, I&a. 51:9; 8fold
salvation of, 737 Ezek. 29:3 10 acts of God in, 737 10 examples going to, a 770
salvation of, 737 Ezek. 29:3 10 acts of God in, 737 10 examples going to, a 770
-4 6 causes for destnicdon of, f 833-1 40 vean to be desolate, b 833-4 First
kingdom in the Times of the Gentiles to oppress Israel, See Times Prophecies of,
Isa, 11:1-16; 19:1-25; Jer.l6:14-21: 46:2-25: Ezek.30:4-25; Dan.U:41-
45;Joel3:19;Zech. 14:16-21 EgpYtian (23).Gen. 16:1-3; 21:9:25:12; 39:1-2: Ex.
1:19; 2:11-19; Lev. 24:10; Dt.23:7: 1 Sam. 30:11; 2 Sam, 23:21; 1 Chr. 2:34;
11:23; Isa, 11:15: 19:23; Acts 7:24-28; 21:38 Egyptian's (4),Gen. 39:5: 2 Sam,
23:21; 1 Chr. 11:23 Egyptians (97) Jlood sacrifices an abomination to. d 72-4 d
things boasted to, t 79-4 3 facts about, o 224-1 Wisdom of, s 129-4*; Acts7:22
11:29 Destroyed InRed sea,Ex.14:4-31; Heb. Ehi (1). unity. Gen, 46:21 EHd
(10). strong , 2 men. Judg, 3:15-26: "411; 1 Chr, 7:10: 8:6 Eight (80). 4 wagons,
e, oxen, Num,7:8 Served Mesopotamia e. years Judg,3:8 Abdon judged
e.yearsjudg,12:14 Jesse had e, sons, 1 Sam. 17:12 Adino slew e.hundred men.2
Sam,23:8 Josiahwase. years old when.2Ki,22:1 Jehoram reigned e, years. 2 Chr,
21:5 Aeneas paralyzed e. years. Acts 9:33 E. soulssavedby water, 1 Pet, 3:20

145 8-point outlines: Commands by angels, f 16-4 Changed countenances,) 29-4

Examples of prosperity, f 38-4 Things true science rejects, 55 Things not to
covet, s 85-4 Stonings of Scripture, k 82-1 Commands to Moses, h 84-1 86

Commands concerning national feasts. Commands concerning property in

trust, e 87-1 Commands to Israel, p 87-1 Abilities given by the Spirit, a 102-1
Sacred mountains in Scripture, 109 Acts of God in Exodus, 109; 111 Feasts of
Jehovah, 114 Offerings eaten,b 125-1 Accusations against Moses, b 174-4
Things to do dUigentiy, c 206-4 Things not to eat at home, a 212-4 Pagan
practices,b 218-1 Things God blots out, 238 Commands concerning backsliding,
h Blessingsofgiace,r262-l 262-1

Sins God will judge, r 262-1 Scientific and biblical facts, 265 Weak things in
Judges, a 269-4 Things Samson discovered, 288 Songs of Scripture, 290 Great
evils of Saul's cuise, d 307-4 Accomplishments of David, a 354-4 Ways to get
rid of sin, 367 Blessings of obedience, 367 4

Warnings against strange women,h372-Titles oftheaii<, in Chronicles,a 436-1

Reasons to praise God, g 438-1 Purposes in building temple, m 452-4 Human
activities end in death, c 524-1 Past blessings, o 556-4 Future blessings, q 556-4
Things God is,b 560-4 Reasons to praise God,p 561-4 Statemems of enmity, i
566-4 Proofs river is millennial, d 569-1 Requests of David, d 572-4 Things
about enemies, c 580-1 Commands to Israel, e 586-4 Reasons to praise God, j
586-4 Admonitions in Ps, 95,k 593-1 Reasons for admonitions, k 59i-4 Reasons
586-4 Admonitions in Ps, 95,k 593-1 Reasons for admonitions, k 59i-4 Reasons
to praise God. j 597-4 Reasons for God to hold His peace, k Eternal things.c
602-1 600-4

Times to pray, o 603-1 Beginnings, i 608-4 i

Similar points of Ps. 135 and 136, a 613-TMngs that constitute happiness.a 616 -

l.Cp.note j,Ml. 5:3 Eternal kingdom facts,! 616-1 Things God is to His people,
624 Things God has done, 625 Results of chastening, 627 Works of God, 627:8
requests of. 618 Examples of despondency, 627 Requests of David, 628 Reasons
for admonitions, 631 Reasons David wrote Ps, 119,638 Proofs David wrote Ps.
132.639 Acisof captives. 639 Things that bring life, u 642-4 Facts about a
foolish man.l 645-1 Fundamental principles of life J 652-4 Commands to sons,
666 Reasons not to respect persons.667 Classes at image dedication, c 859-1
Ingredients of happiness, j 4-1 Reasons not to worry, s 6-1* Cases touched by
Jesus, h 7-4* Parables of the kingdom, q 15-1* Women named in Matthew,b 17-
1* Things confirmed by Moses and Elijah at transfiguration, k 18-4* Things to
obey, f 19-4* Kinds of servants, e 22-4* Woes upon the hypocrites, o 26-1*
Original words for repent, 34* Kinds of binding, 34* Evil eye pictures, 43* I*

Examplesof proud being humbled.n 57-Examples of humble being exalted, o

Words for Master . 1 69-4* 57-1*

Figurative lamps, k 73-1* Things not known, 1 83-4* Filled with tte Spirit, 90*
Things bragged about, 92* Divine gifts for men, p 96-4* Pioofe Jn, 8 is genuine,
q 103-1* Examples of hearing sinners, d 106-1* Truths of resurrection, n 109-4*
Facts about the Father, b 116-1* Things ministers must be, 120* Things Christ
is, n 125-1* Great things of the church, c 127-1* Gifts of the Spirit in Acu, 1 1-
27-1* Things thatdonot save soul, m 134-1* Things that cleanse sin, v 150-4*
Reasons for women preachers, e 149-1* Ways that God speaks, 157* Facts of
the gospel, f 160-1* Commands to Christians, o 171-1* Sources of controversy,
b 171-4* Ways men are justified, 174* Resulu of justification, 174* Laws in
Romans, 174* Ways to tempt God. h 183-1* Ways to partake worthily, 190*
Things God is called, 200* Gifts of God, 213*

Examples of kneeling in prayer. 213* Commands for husbands, 214* Practices

of Christians, h 221-4* Hopes of Christians. 227* Things not the 2nd advent.
230* Commands to Timothy, p 239-1* Reasons for chastening, k 254-4* Proofs
Paul warning Christians^ 255-1* Facts about Christ, 256* Facts about Christ.
258* Things in heaven. 259* 1*
258* Things in heaven. 259* 1*

Characteristics of false wisdom, k 262-Characteristics of true wisdom, j 262-

Facts about Christ, g 267-4* 1*

Ways to win husbands, h-i 267-1* Commands to Christians, m 268-4* Facts

about Christ, 269* Facts at)out Tartarus, c 272-1* Blessings of the new birth, p
278-1* Uses of the word heart, 282* Proofs demon locusts literal, e 292-1*
Reasons the littie book of Rev. 5 and 10

are the same.p 299-1* Causes of doom on Babylon, e 300-4* Mountain

kingdoms and Israel, 311* Proofs beast of the sea a man, 310* Events between
rapture and the revelation (2nd ;dvent) of Christ, 312* Proofs church now
married to Christ, "Let usnot's" of N. T.,314* 312*

"Put away's" of N. T. . 315* Things to think on. 315* "Thou iialt not's" of N. T..
315* Eight-fold . -27 8-fold outlinec Prophecy to the serpent. 48 Confession of
Israel, f 225-1 4

Description of God '$ appearance.c 233-Judgment for disobedience, r 262-1

Description of unconquered lands, 265 Purpose of Deborah's song. 290 Plea for
Jonathan, e 313-4 Revival under Jehoiada. d 402-4 Charge of David to Solomon,
c 443-4 Grief of David, p 550-4 Vow of David, m 558-4 Request of David, a
567-4 CoofideiKie of David, f 573-4 Testimony of the psalmist, j 577-1
Exhortation to praise God. d 577-4

IndJctment of judges, p 587-1 Incentive to be righteous, b 604-4 Vow of David,

V 611-4 Gnef of David, 618 Wonh of man, 619

Confidence,627;AccusationofGod627 Deliverance by God, 627 Prayer for

deliverance, 627 Death and resurrection illustrated Command to teach, b 242-4*
Description of Christ,! 286-4» 3-i4 EiSteegn (22),Served Eglon e.years Judg,i
Vexedlsrael e. years. Judg. 10:8 '

Jehoiachin e.years old when,2Ki 24-8 Spirit of infirmity e. years,Lk. 13:11

41 18-point oiirlingc-Curses of bcnpture,36 '

Proofs of Pre-Adamite world, 54 Kinds of offerings, d 102-4 Ways holiness

used. 110 Introductions of Christ, 112 Contrasts of 2 kingdoms, e 21-4*
Contrasts of judgments, h ■''9-1* Facts about God in Mt. 5-7 34* Blessings of
Contrasts of judgments, h ■''9-1* Facts about God in Mt. 5-7 34* Blessings of
Christ, t 36-1* ' Facts about Judas, 55* Facts - rich man and Lazarus 92*
Doctrines of God, 144» '

Contrasts of flesh and spirit, 175* Mysteries of the Bible , rs* ThlDgs ministers
are caUed, 214* Prooft God can be seen, 22^* Safeguards for Christians,"^57*
Definitions of faith, 259* 26''-

Things Christians must be dead t^ Blessings to overcomers, 305* Facts

Identifying 2 witnesses, 306* Kinds of 7 things, 303* "Take heed's" of the N T
315» Requests of David, g 560-4*' Events of last 75 days of this age 88 Secrets
of long life, f 562-4 Reasons for complaint, f 572-4 Personal vows of David, n

Statements -God and sailors, m 599-4 secrets of victory over sin, n 604-4
Memorials in Scripture, m 612-1 Facts about Bible mountains 628 Things
restored by Messiah. 629 Facu about blessed men, 630 Facts about Satan's
character, 634 Things about God, 640 Facts about the slothful, a 655-4
Commands concerning hearts,g 659-1 Keasons for unanswered prayer,k 663-1
Proofs year-day theory wrong, 375 Parts to interpretation of Dan. 8 37"

E. year of Jehoshaphat, 2 Ki 3-1 1

E.year of Josiah, 2 Ki. 22:3; 23-23- 2 Chr. 34:8; 35:19 52-29

E.year of Nebuchadnezzar, Jer. 32-1-^mssn^lold^ Praise to God g 4^0-1

Prosperity 3?the wicked.r581-l Complaint, z 585-4. lA^e-om-, ^(38). t^ Hx.
2^30'; L^ev 9: 23-J 3q V '^^ 15:14, 29; 22:27; tzek, 43:27; Lk. 1:59; Acu 7:8;
PML 8 events one. day. d 127-4 Tk

l^i^Ll Ki. 6:38; 1 Ki. 12:32-13;

I cnr. 27:11; Zech. 1:1 Lj^_lKi.l6:29; 2 Ki. 15:8; 24:12;

E. person, 2 Pet, 2:5 u

V.b^lt°^: ""o^™^'ofGentUes,Rev.l7: j E|gha«h (1). 480th year, 1 Ki. 6 1

a^Z^),Gen. 5:25.26.28 Acts of God, k 584-1 '

Holy things of Scripture, 625

Complete Concordanc

Aprovince,Dan.8:2; a 866-1 32:24 Elamitej.(;), Ezra 4:9; Acts 2:9 29:3

Ei^^^O.-T.-'NTfT^onUasts. 201' ii^^E. gc«d or bad. Gen. 31:24,

E. In the warp or woof,Lev. 13:49-59 t. sun or moon, Dt. 17:3 E. great or small,
1 Sam. 20:2; 30:2 E. love or hatred, Eccl 9:1 E.depthor height, Isa. 7:11 t. hate
one and love the other,Mt.6:24 t.teu or hear some new. Acts 17:21 t. side of the
river. Rev. 22:2 ^^k^^-^ Judahite, 1 Chr. 2:27 EJ<i2S_(22), migration. City of
Philistia m266-4;Josh.I3:3;15:ll 45-4^-1*4.1.' Judg. 1:18; 1 Sam. 5:10; 6'16-17-

I'^'l;^ Vi'1-i^=jer: 25:20; Irn'o";

1.8, Zeph. 2:4; Zech. 9:5-7 I

taiKs(2).Josh.l3:3;lSam.5:10 | nim).Godhas adorned, 1 Chr.7:20 Qah (17). an

oak. 6 men. Gen. 36-41-7^i.4:18; 16:6-limd. 15:30; 17-i: 18:1, 9; 1 Chr. 1:52;
4:15; 9:8) A _,V3lleil Sam. 17:2,19; 21:9 "

Elam ^, high. 9 men. Gen. 10-22- 1

10*^2^9^■■ V ^=l^,=o^'' ^^^ 2:7,31: 8:'7;

10.2,26; Neh, 7:12, 34; 10:14; 12:42

Aco^ir.Gen. 14:1, 9; Isa. 11:11; 21:

2: 22:6: Jer. 25:25; 49634-39; Ezek!

«\ V)k ^~ ' ^•^' ■^*-" ^'-^ ''9:;

n .^ -AT'^°'^^5 ^^'^. Ezra 10:22;Jer tUifi.{5), city on Red sea, Dt 2:8-2 r, i.-
\.^=22;16:6. See Eloth ll^betiel (l),God of Be"niiI7Gen. 35:7 ^:lp^(7). God has
caUed, Gen. 25:4; 1 Chr. 1:33 Eldad_(2),God loves,Num. 11:26-27

Srapj20).E.brother,Gen. 10:21; 25:23: 1 KI. 2:22; Rom. 9:12

E. son,Gen. 27:42; Lk. 15:25

E. daughter,Gen. 29:16; 1 Sam. 18:17

E. daughter,Gen. 29:16; 1 Sam. 18:17

E. sister,Ezek. 16:46,61; 23:4

E. person or of the church, 1 Tim 5:1

t. women, 1 Tim. 5:2

E. of the church, 1 Tim. 5:19; 1 Pet.

Fi/"^-„^4i ^°- !■■ 3 J"-1-See Elders Elders (17^, rulers. Defined.TTsT-l*; g 140-
4'; V 234-1*; w 234-4» E. of Pharaoh's house. Gen. 50:7 E. of Israel, Ex. 3:16-
18: 12:21; 17-5 E.ofthepeople,Ex.lft7; Num.11:16 '4 t. ot the congregation. Lev.
4:15; Judo, t. of \,idian,Num.22:4,7 21-16

E. of Moab,Num.22:7

E.ofthecity.Dt.lftl2; 21:3-6,19-20 t. of GUead,Judg. 11:7-11

E.of Jabesh. 1 Sam. 11:3 E. ofmypeople,Ruth4:4; 1 Sam.l5:30 t. of his house. 2

Sam. 12:17 E.of Judah.2 Sam. 1ft 11: Ezek.8:l t. ot the priests. 2 Ki. 19:2; Isa.
37:2 t. 01 the Jews. Ezra 6:7.14 E.of every city. Ezra 10:14
E.ofthedaughtersofZion4,am 2:10

26:3. 47; 27:1; Lk. 22:66 E. of Israel in N. T.. Acts 4:8 E. in every church. Acts
14-23; Tit 1-5 t. and aposUes. Acts 15:2.4.6, 22^23 E. of the church, Acu 20:17:
Jas.5:14 E. that rule weU, 1 Tim. 5:17 E.of heaven. Rev. 4:4. 10; 5:5-14; 7-
11.13:11:16:14:3: 19:4 Preaching and business e i 128-4* Qualifications for.
145* 6 commands to.g 268-4* 24e of Revelation, a 289-1* 289-1*

7'^u^f.1;?l9'!r'"'''"^^'"^''"' ^

6 statements of, m. 294-1 .Eldest (14). Gen. 24:2; 27:1 15-44.12. ^^. 1:20; 26:5;
1 S^m. 17 13,14 Is—

Eleadaf'iif'-'3i'=^*^="'^8:ji8:9 PT^i, k^*^ 'S witness, 1 Chr. 7:21 il^(5),G«J has

descended City of ^J5Num.32:3.37:Isa. 15:4:ll:9; '-^il^^?°8f3SV"43^^^-^^^'
n^zar (72) God is helper. Tmen, m

H^f?- ^<^l-V^- ■^''™- 3=3^T20;'26^ ^8, 34^17; Josh. 24j 33; 1 Sam. 7:1-2- 2
2^-6'^:p''"^^^»^^=12: 23:21-22
El^(17) My e. (the Messiah) in whom

I delight. 1,3.42:1:1 Pet. 2:6 My e. (Israel), Inherit It, Isa. 65:9 j-ly e. long enjoy
their work, Isa. 65:22

Sfl'l f3:'27"- ^"^*^^' ^^ 24:

'^t?^ "''o^,- ^-/f ^*^>' '^'^- 24--31: Mk. 13:27; p 27-1*; n 27-4*

Avenge His owne. .Lk. 18:7: Rom.8:33 Put OT as the e. of God. CoL 3:12 E.
angels, 1 Tim, 5:21; b 235-1* Faith of God's e.. Tit. 1-1

'TT^TS!2"'fn^T°T3''^*«'^''«^^-2 Gentiles are abo God's e. ,k 223-1* |lsa4(l).

chosen. 1 Pet. 5:13 E^agM (6). selection: choice. Rom. 9: IITILS. 7. 28; 1 Th.
1:4; 2 Pet. 1:10

to His plan - and this Is His choice or elecdoD in the maner.By grace, men who
conform wiU become the elect and be saved.wHle those who do not wiu be
damned. Cp.Mk. 16:15-16; Lk, 13-1-0: Jn. 3:16-18; 1 Tim. 2:4-5; 2 Pet. 3-S^Rev
22:17. See Election, p. 784! Xhe choice was first on God's pan; and , It must be
accepted by men for them I to receive the benefits and become a I rttf^i = ,^* ^?
^' °' '^'»«n ones of God I CIn.l5:16;Eph.l:4; 2:10: 2Th.2:13)• menmusmake
theircallingandelec-noo sure as stated in 2 Pet. l:lo tl^ts, 4 In Scripture, 201; c
242-1* I E^i(3),Mt. 24:22; Mk. 13:20; 2 Tim I Til.;«i ^'f ^" ^^ scriptures refer to
mael only, as proved in note p. Mt.

Qf^2be;ISaeia).Gcd.theGod of Israel

A term Coin^H Kv ^-.^f<^ r-io_rt« '

e-l_Cvcl^o^ jedic Index ■';'3-l*; 2 Pet. 3:10-12

Fil "^F'Ples of power over, d 39-4* |ieEh.(l).an ox. A place. Josh. 18:28

EkY£n.(24).Moon and e. stars.Gen.37:9 E. curtains. Ex. 26:7-8; 36:14-15 E.

days'journey frorr, Horeb.Dt 1-2

e" vf f^'^7*»H't'^? reigDed.2 KI.23:36 t. yean Zedekiah reigned.2Ki 24-18

Lk'^"?'l*, ^'^ =8=16; Mk. 16:14: Lk. 24:9.33; Acts 1:26; 2:14
E, examples of hanging, j 247-1 E. admonitions, q 617-1*

J-J, 39:^, 52:5; Ezek. 26:1; 30:20 E. hour, Mt. 20:6. 9 m^(4) whom God
gave.2men,l 353-P,-;,^f"^21:19: 23:24:1 Chr-oTT^; 20:5

^9^ •■T?'^^ ?f God. A high priest, g 295-1; lSam.l:3-25: 2:11-27-3-1 ifi. 4:4-16;
14:3: IKI. --27' Pan o5"t,i rv^ ?nV**"^ °" *« cross. Mt, 27:46 EU|b (20) God is
fahter. 6nien.m 309-4 Eli^ (1). 1 Sam, 17:28

^ra^3-«^°V'^ '^°^8.2Sam, 5:16: 1 C tir. 3.8; 2 Chr. 17:17

Eiiidah^(l),Godisknowing,lKi 11-23

IMah (2). God is Jehovah, 1 Chi 8-27-Ezra 10:26 ichi 11-33

Elia^{2),Goddoeshide.2Sam.23:32: £aaKim(i4),Godsetsup. 4men .f697-l

lOfold exaltation of, e 557-i EMam (2), people of God, n 355-4; 2

Sam. 11:3; 23:34 cuj'h

^ii?'v^'-^°™ ofEUjah.m 44^*^5^ t.. which was to come.Mt. 11-14

T^^l^^'^^^ '??o^''^^16--14: Mk, 6:15; 8:28; Lk, 9:8.19; Jn. 1-21 25

fJlf^,^. ^}°^^ ^^^ E. ,Mt. 17:3-12:

Mk. 9:4-13; Lk. 9:30-33 CaUeth for E., Mt. 27:47-49; Mk.I5:35 Spun and power
of E. .Lk 1:17

cu"''^l'S!° °''^'*« passions. Jas. 5:17 EUas|2h(Q.Godhasadded.2men. Nun,.

I:14r2:14: 3:24; 7:42, 477T0?^0 |'iiinib(^).God restores Jmen,n 500-1

^iat^(2).God has come jE?:25:4,27 nidaTri),God has loved. Num. 34:21
EUSTlO). God Is God. 10 men, 1 Chr ^^: 6:34; 8:20-22; 1 1:4^-4 ^; l^li: 15:9.
11; 2 Chr. 31:13 ^''^^^l' EUfflai (1) looking to God. 1 Chi. 8:20 iK|r (15).God Is
help.l^m^h 20—


g"£beletj6). God of deUverance. 5 men. ^^aHr23:34; 1 Chr. 3:6-8; ftS^TE^^
p.f-.13 10:33. See EUphalet ElTs (1). 1 Sam. 3:l4 " nnibgth (^ God is
myoath.Lk.l:5-41 Elisabeth;s(l), Lk. 1:57 EU^^).Gr. form ofElisha,Lk.4:27
yi^(58).GodissalvaUon.lKi 19-16-1?: 2 Ki, 2:1-22; 3:11-14- 4-1- *«.=;. 8-6:32;
7:1; 8:1-14; 9:l:'l3.14.01 Test of. 392 -^

Head of schools of the prophets. 392 Instructions to armies.c 392-4 32 miracles

of. 394 404.4

Second one to resurrect dead.c 394-1- d Revealed secrets of Syria, a 396-1 Had
an invisible anriy, c-e 396-1 Captured army slnglehanded,f-j 396-1 Ensha^
(3),God is 5alvation,Gen. 10:4: IC^. 1:7; Ezek. 27:7 «="• •^"•*•

?^ama (17), God has heard. 7 men. ^^mXlO; il8: 7:48-53:10:22:T117^ 5:16: 2
Ki. 25:25: 1 Chr. 2:41; 3:6-8;

■■ ~— —"'Lw.^'^^.mc'-'oaoiisrac

A term coined by Jacob,Gen. 33:20

EiSSlgflii(4). rudiments of Jewish ordl

™*^' ^ ^°^-^*= ^^1-4:3. 9: and constituent pans of the universe r

EUboieph (1), God of harvest. IKI. 4:3 EUh^(lI).beisGod.5men.l Sam. 1:1;

17J"-12-2C; 26:7: TtTi^ Job 32:2-6 34:1; 35:1; 36:1

EUiah (6^, Jah Is God, 2men, a 381-1 ^of Ufe ofE.the TliEEIt^, a381-l 14 points
of similarity between E. and John the Baptist, a 381-1

2 commands concerning, d 381-1

3 times miraculously fed, a-c 381-1 First to resunect the dead, a 381-4
Proposition to Baal wonhippers.i 382-1; Fedbyanangel,382 a-f 382-4 t. and
immortality, 382 6fold answer of E. to God, 382

3l^-f:a"3%0^-T'"'°' ''''-•• P 63-word prayer brought fire, a 383-1 Killed prophets

of Baal.b 383-1 Posture in prayer, d 383-1 Miraculous race.e 383-1 Flight from
Jezebel, h-i 383-1 stui alive bodily, b 383-4 Out of God's will, d. f 383-4 4
commands to, h 383-4 3 anointings by, p 383-4 Knew time of tianslation, j 390-4
Gave double ponlonof Spirit, h391-l Trandatedbodfly,m 391-1 lb miracles of,
394 Appearance to Christ, k-1 18-4* One of 2 witnessesofRev.ll.v44-4*
Example of answered prayer, q 263-4* wdtlngof, 2Chr. 21-12

EUk°a Tlfr onf ^ "^ ^"^^ ^"-^ 4:5 ItT^ (1 .God Is rejector. 2 Sam. 23:25

^15-27^,fi"V^ ^ camp of Israel tx. 15.27; 16:1; Num. 33:9-10

Elimelec h(4).God Is king. Ruth 1:2-3;

SlmelecPs(2).Ruth4:3.9 il-3

EM^rW. looking to Jehovah. 5 men

10?2^- 97.^M^*,1-'^^= '=«= 26:3715^ iU.22, 27; Neh. 12:41

EUghal (l)^od has judged. lChr,ll:35 MIet(^God of deliverance! 2 Sam 5:16; 1

Chr. 14 7. See EUptelet

7^26:14 7: 2 Chr. 17:8; Jer. 36:12

pUshaphat (D.God Is judge. 2 Chr. 23:1 yilheba (l),God swears. Ex. 6:23

^^4^' '^°^ ^ ^^'^' ^ ^*"^' ^'■'^^'' 1 EM]ii(2).God my praise, Mt. 1:14-15 IUp^(4)
God ISptotector, Num 3:

^21t^= 1 Cbx. 15:8; 2 Chr. 29:13.

SeeHzaphan 7:30,35:10-18

fiisa S.Godls a lock,Num .1:5:^10 E^i^(20),God has possessed. 8 i^en

PpIs5te(l).N'ah.l:l b T^^

EUS^JTcIty of Chaldea.Gen.l41 9


to^ (1), God Is pleasant. 1 Chr. 11:46 |Ea^(6),Godglven.2ijen,b 495-1 Eloi

(gjTMy God, Mk. 15:'34~'
^^i;^;/°v?^''' ^offigEiCen. 26:34: 36: ^ 4€:14; Num. 26:26; Judg. 12:11-12
AtowDln Dan,Josh.l9t43

".""'^p^-^'an^nd). town in Dan.perhaps tEesamTa Elon^ 1 KL 4-9

EoqItes(l).Num.-SgT^ ^^'^

MSt (3),£x.4:10; Isa.3:3; AcU 18:24

r&/,^' God^wks.TTEF. 8:11-18

CaUed Hi phelei. 1 Chr.3:6 El^a^WT^of Paran. Gen. 14:6

^^^•y.^ft^f^^'' Hlm.Dt. 4 35. n, i • ^=60; Isa. 45:5-6 14 18 21. 22; 46:9-10; Joel
2:27 ' ' E.make the fruit corrupt.Mt. 12:33 E. believe Me for works. Jn. 1411
F,^SV^°' ^-^ '^ come. Rev. 2:16 ElS^(2) ,city in Dan Josh. 19:44; 21:23 fS/l).
city in Judah. Josh. 15:59 EltoCT(^,a city,Josh. 15:30; 19:4 Sgl^-65th Jewish
month. September.

El^(l),God my strength. 1 Chr. 12:5 Ej^(l).«5e.A sorcerer. Acts 13:8 "^^^^^.(2).

God given. 2jiien,l Chr. 12:

Elzaphan(2).God Is protector.Ex 6:22-Lev. 10.-4. See Ellzaphan

Embalm(l).Howdone.k-150-l:Gen 50-2

gSm" ^^'' ^^^' ^°'"^"^' ^- ^^ EmbalJTilDginNT ^ k 118-4* EmboldeDed fl). 1


cu^t, ,7^' • -c^iiiEaeiei

EUEfeaz (15). God Is dl^^^^TTmen ^^6:4-16: 1 Chr. ^35^3671^ 11: 41; 15:1;
22:1; 42:7-9

£^^£■^^(2).^ God is distinguished. 1

;—r"'t^"'^" v-^;. -i "-or. a Em6oldenetTin\tnh 16:3 i:mbrace(8).2 KI. 416; Job

24:8; Pr 4 TJJ5^:^EccL3:5:Song2:6:a-3;Ll'ri '-^^ifH^r^il,^!*"'-33:4; 48:10;
ES^a£in&.(2).EccL 3:5; Acts 20:10 Embroi jerriy FY 9fl.TQ

Embroiderer (2),Ex. 35:35: 38:23

^^iprilS: Ex. 28:18; 39: U; Ezek. 28:T3rRev. 4:3; 21:19; f 288-4*

Emeralds (1),Ezek. 27:16

^ff^.^fi';^^^^-^=^'-28=27: 1 Sam. o-b-12: 6:4-5, 11, 17 ,,

|SlSlsi3),agIantrace,Gen.l45;Dt.2:10-|™°eni (4).Ezek. 16:24-39; 17-22

Emmaniei d), God with us. Mi. 1:23

see Immanuel Isa. 7:14 Emmaiu (i).A vmage,d 90-4*: Lk 24-13

Emmor(l),Gr.forin o fHamor. an ass Acts |iaEOQOTalian,relJgI5IltT32 7-I6

Empire (l).EstEer 1:20

jm^Rs, Beginning of, o 9-1 8 ^at wodd e. .Rev. 17:7-14.notes 8 mountain

kingdoms and Israel 311* Daniel's visions. 864-882

|ffiEifil.(l).Dt. 20:19

|fflBl2X£d.(2). 1 Chr. 9t33: Ezra 10:15

IffiElosmait (1). E zek. 3 9t 14

EnipEfid(8).Gen.24:20; 42:35; 2Chr 24-

^I|^ 5:13: Isa. 19:6; 24:3: Jer, 48:

5l2Prieis (X). destroyers, Nah. 2:2

Emjtinea (1). Isa. 34:11

Empty (38^. None appear before S'.e e.,

Ex. 23:15; 34:20; Dt. 16:16 Borrow e. vessels. 2 Ki. 4:3 Sent widows away e.
Job 22:9 Nonh over the e. place, Job -6: " laael is an e. vine, Hos. 10:1 Findeth it
e., swept, and..Ml. 12:44 Rich sent e, away.Lk. 1:53 Sent him away e. .Mk. 12:3;
Lk.20:10j E-.-jI = t-OD (D.Rom. 11:14 I
Zrr. ^-z :ns ( 1) .strive to exceU.GaL5e20 |

Enabled (T). 1 Tim. 1; 12

Enaci fp.citv in Judah,Jodi. 15:34

Cjir.plete Concordance -Cyclopedic Index


Endigeth (59i. Mercy e. forever, 1 Chr. ISr3T.41: 2 Chr. 5:13; 7:3-6; 20:21; Ezra
3:11; Ps. 106:1; 107:1; 113:1-4. 29; 136:1-26; 138:8; Jer. 33:11 Anger e. bjt a
.Tiornent.Ps. 30:5 Goodness of God e. .Ps. 52:1 Peace e. as long as rr.oon.Ps.
72:7 Truth e. to all generations.P$. 100:5 Righteousness e. f<»ever.Ps. 111:3 His
praise e, forever. Ps. 111:10 Righteous judgments e. .Ps. 119:160 Thy name e.
forever, Ps. 135:13 Endiaing( 3).Ps.l9;9: 2Cor.l:6:Heb.lO:34 En-eglai.T f 1). a
place. Ezek. 47:1G a fountain. Num. 1:15: 2:29;| Enemies (2671.5 corr.parisons.
n 7&5-1


-,_^,.l),Ex. 14:2; Num. 1:50; 2:17 3:38; 10:31; 2 Sam. 12:28; Job 19:

12; Ps. 27:12; Zech. 9:8

Encamped (33-). Ex. 13:20; 15:27; 18:5; Nuin,33:10-46; Jodi.4:19;5:10; 10:5,

31-34; Judg. 6:4; 9:50; 10:17; 20:19; L Sam. 11:1; 13:16; 2 Sam. 11:11; 1 Ki.
16:15-16; 1 Chr. 11:15; 2 Chi, 32:1 .

Encanv2eth.(2). Ps. 34:7; 53:5

Zxirr-izi, (1) ,Ex. 14:9

£--:-^:-:e: (i), Dt. 13:10

L:c-.:.-e: (1). Jer. 27:i:» Eccl. 10:11

£ .c .^ .■■.-r.ent f3). Lev, 19:26;Num. 23:23:

tEcnantr^^tt (10),Ex. 7:11,22; 8:7,18; Num. 24:1; 2Ki. 17:17; 21:6; 2Chr. 33:

Encountered (l),Acts 17:18

Encourage (J^.Dt. 1:38; 3:28; 2 Sam. 11: 25; Ps. 54:5

7 duties to, p 170-4* 7 examples of love io,p 170-4* Untill.—.akee. footstool,Ps.

110:1;Mt. 22:44; V.k. 12:36; Lk. 20:43; Heb. 1: 13; 10:13 Love your e,, N'.t,
5:44; Lk. 6:27,35 Wlien we were e.wete reconciled, Rom, 5:10 Till put all e,
under feet, 1 Cor.l5:25 Fire from mouth devour e. ,Eev. 11:5 Enenuei*
(-3),Lev.26:34-39;Ezek.39:27 Enerr-v (107). Saul became David's e. continually,
ISarr;. 18:29 The Jews'e.,Esther 3:10; 8:1; 9:10,24 Counteth me as His e. ,Job
33:10 It was not an e. that.Ps. 55:12-14 If thine e. hunger,Pr.25:21;Rom.l2:20
Over all power of the e. ,Lk. 10:19 Last e. destroyed is death, lCor.l5:26


r J,r^ . J o^nn ,,. „-- Ftiendofworldise. of God,Ja5.4:4

^^l?#P^^r^??^V^^i?-,^°'-^' E°e-ys(3).Ex. 23:4; Job 6:23; Ps. 78:61

End (304). E. of aU flesh. Gen, 6:13 Latter e. of Job, Job 42:12 Making many
books no e. ,Eccl.l2:12 E. of the world. Ps. 19:4; Isa. 62:11; Sit, 13:39-40,49!
24:3; 28:20; Heb. 9; 26 E.of heaven, Ps. 19:4; Isa. 13:5 E, of the earth, Isa. 5:26;
42:10; 48:20;

49:6; Dan. 4:11,22 E. fiorr. the beginning, Isa. 46:10 E. of all nations.Jer. 30:11;
46:28 E.of sins,Dan. ft24 E. time, Dan. S: 17; 11:35,40; 12:4,9 E.of these things
is death, Rom. 6:21 E. everlasting life,Rom. 6:22 E. of the law, Rom. 10:4 E. of
sin and death, 1 Cor. 15:24 E. is destruction, PML 3:18 E. of their conversation,
Heb. 13:7 E.of the Lord, Jas. 5:11 E. of your faitii, 1 Pet. 1:9 E. of all things, 1
Pet. 4:7 E. according to works, 2 Cor, 11:15 VvTiose e. is to be burned, Udb. 6:8
E. of the commandment, I Tim. 1:5 World without e. ,Eph. 3:21 H<q>e finr.
unto the e. , Heb. 3:6 Confidence stedfast m e., Heb. 3:14 Full assurance of hope
toe., Heb. 6:11 Lattere. worsethanbeglnning, 2Pet. 2: Keep V.y works to thee.
.Rev. 2:26 20 Beginning and thee.. Rev. 21:6; 22:13 E. of the age, defined, a 27-
1* The e. ,190*; 269»; q 297-1* 5 things must do to the e. ,c 246-4* Endamage
(l),E2ia 4:13 Endanger (IKDan. 1:10 Er.:^-:ered (D.EccL 10:9 i EnTeIv^~(l),p
210-1*; 2 Pet. 1:15 En:e.v:-re: ^r , A;:; 16:10; ITh. 2:17 '
En.tr.c^: (t).Ps.28:4 £s:e : _: , 7th day God e.,Gen. 2:2 : of Job are e. , Job 31:40
3avid are e. ,Ps. 72:20 l^..:..^i Li e. ,and not saved, Jer.8:20 DevU had e. all
temptatioiBi.k.4-13 Supper being e. ,the devil, Jn. 13:2 Endefli (1). Isa. 24:3
Ending (1). Rev. 1:8

Endless( 2). 2 things, 1 Tim..l:4; Heb.7:16 En-dor (3). a city, a 256-1; Jo*.

1 Sam. 28:7; Ps. 83:10 Endow (1), Ex. 22:16 I

En:: f'l . E. of die earth, 771. See End i EDC-e:( -:i.£.witfagooddowrv.Gen.30:20

; E. with prudence, 2 Chr. 2:12 E. with understanding, 2 Chr, 2:13 E. with power
from on hi^,i91-4*;Lk. E. with knowledge Jas.3:13 24:49^

:i=;(l). Isa. 57:5 Enii^eJTl),Jet. 30:21 En-ganniiT. (3). 2 cities in Judah and

Issachar,Josh. 15:34; 19:21; 21:29 En-zedi (g).329. fountain of the kid. A

place oo west shore of Dead Sea, 329;

Jodi. 15:62; 1 Sam. 23:29; 24:1; 2 Chi,

20:2; Song 1:14; Ezek. 47:10 Engines (2). 2 Chr. 26:15; Ezek. 26:9 Enaafted (1).
Jas. 1:21 Ensrave (2),Ex. 28:11; Zech. 3:9 Engavea (1).2 Cot. 3:7 |naiveF(3), Ex,
28:11; 35:35; 38:23 Eu^iviD^(5),436; Ex, 28:11, 21, 36;


En-baddah (1). Josh. 19:21

En-hakk(^e fl>. Judg. 15:19

En-hazor (D.Josb. 19:37

Enjols rp.Ph'm 8 9:20

Eni^inei^a).Esther 9:31; Job 36:23; Heb.

En;^;:4 .E.sabbaths.Lev.26:34-43 t. :nberitaDce, Num. 36:8; Josh. L-15 E.

pieas'jre. Eccl. 2:1 E. good.Eccl. 2:24; 3:13; 5:18 E. works of their hands. Isa.
65:22 E. great quietness,peace,.Acts 24:2 E. aU things richly, 1 Tim. 6:17 Than
to e. pleasures of sin, Keb. 11:25
to e. pleasures of sin, Keb. 11:25

Enjoyed (1), 2 Chr.-36:21

Enlarge ( 10). Cen. 9:27; Ex. 34:24; Dt. 12:20; lft8; lChr.4:lC;Ps. 119:32; Isa.
54:2; Amos 1:13; SUc. l:16;Mt.23:5

Enlarged (11). 1 Sam. 2:1: 2 Sarr.. 22:37; Ps, 4:1; 18:36; 25:17; Isa, 5:14; 57:8;
60:5: 2 Cor. 6:11, 13; 10:15

Enlargerr.eat (D.Esther 4:14 2:5

Enlargeih (3). Dt. 33:20: lob 12:23; Hab.

Enlatpn; (1).Ezek.41:7

Enligfcep (D.Ps. 18:28

Enlightened (6), 1 Sam, 14:27-29; Job 33:30; Ps. 97:4; Eph,l:18; Heb, 6:4

Enlightening (l).Ps. 19:8

En-mlsphat fl).Gen. 14:7 Lk.23:12

En.Tity (3). Gen. 3:15; Num. 35:21-22; Carnal —.ind e. against God,Rom. 8:7
Abolished in His flesb e. ,Eph. 2:15 Having slain the e. thereby,Eph.2:16
Friendship of world e. wifli, Jas. 4:4

Enoch (12), initiated. 2 men, Gen 4:17-18; 5:18-24;Lk,3:37;Keb.U:5;Jude 14 A

city, first since Adam, Gen. 4:17 Walked with God, d-e 5-4 Age at present, f-h
5-4 Traoslatiao of, g 5-4 Facts about, 36 6 things about, j 253-1* Prophecy of, g

Epos (7),mortal. Gen. 4:26: 5:6-ll;Lk. 3:33. Called Enosh . 1 Chr. 1:1

I E.dmgenUy.V.t. 2:7,16

E. and searched diligently, 1 Pec 1:10 I Enquirest ( l).Job 10:6 i Enqidry( 2),Pr.
20:25; Acts 10:17 1 Enrich (2), 1 Sam. 17:25; Ezek. 27:33 1 Enriched (2),1 Cor.
1:5; 2 Cor. 9:11 Enricbest (l).Ps.65:9 En-rin-.-.on ( 1). city of Judah. Neh, 11:29
En-roeel (4), a 5>tlng near Jerusalem, c 254-1; c 348-1; Josh. 15:7: 18:16; 2
Sarr,. 17:17; IKi. 1:9 2:6
Sarr,. 17:17; IKi. 1:9 2:6

Ensample (3)Jhil.3:17;2Th-3:9:2Pet. Enta.-.ples (3), 1 Cor. 10:11; 1 Th. 1:7;

1 Pet. 5:3 En-she—.esh (2),a spring between Judah

and 3enjan-.in,Josh. 15:7; 18:17 Ensign (3). flag. Num. 2:2; Isa. 5:26; 11:10-12;
13:3; 30:17; 31; 9; Zech.9:16 Enagns (l).Ps.74:4 Ensnared (l).Job 34:30 Ensue
(1). pursue, 1 Pet, 3:11 Enungle (l).Mt.22:15 Entangleiy
3)Xx.l4:3;GaL5:l:2PeL2:20 Eciangleth (1), 2 Tim. 2:4 Er,-Tapr.iah (1). a
spirng.Josh. i: Enter (148), congregation, Dt. 23:1 E. into
j.idgment,Job23:4;34:23 E. into king's palace, Ps. 45:15 E. with thanksgiving,
Ps. 100:4 E.not path of wicked,Pr. 4:14 E. the gjorious land, Dan, 11:41 E. into
kingdom of heaven. Mt.

7:21; 18:3; 19:23 E, into thy closet, y.u 6:6 E. the strait gate, Mt. 7:13; Lk, 13:24
E. into Ufe halt, .\!t, 18:8-9; Mk. 9:43 E.into Ufe,keep cor-mandments, Mt.

13:17-_4;Mk. 10:15-25;Lk. 18:17-25 E. kingdom ofGod,M[.19:24:Mk 9-47

10:15-25; Lk. 18:17-25; Jn, 3:5; Acts 14:22 29

E. a.—ong you grievous wolves. Acts 20: E. into My rest, Heb. 3:11,18; 4:3, 5-
11 E. into the holiest by the. Heb. 10:19 E. into the temple. Rev. 15:8 E.into the
gates of city,Rev. 22; 14 Entered (97). Spirit e. into, Ezek. 2:2 E. devils into
hi.m,Lk. 8:30 E. devils in the swine,Lk. 8:33 E. into the cloud,Lk. 9:34 E.Saun
into Judas,Lk. 22:3; Jn. 13:27 E.sin into the wofld.Rom. 5:12 E.the law because
of sin,Pjjm.. 5:20 E.into bean of man the,l Cor, 2:9 '
E.notinbecauseunbelief,Heb.4:6 • E. once into holy place, Keb. ft 12,24 ! E.
deceivers into world, 2 Jn. 7

E. spirit of life into their. Rev. 11:11 , Enieteth(:0). E.into service, Num. 4:30, E,
Into thine heartj'r.2:10 35,39,43 I E.in at the moudi, }.!t, 15:17 i E.Dotinto the he
an, Mk. 7:18-19 i E. in by the door, Jn. 10:1-2 I E.into that within ven,Heb.6:19 ,
E. into the holy place, Heb, ft 25

Entering (46). E. can defile,Mk. 7:15 I E. the sepulchre,they saw,Mk. 16:5 E.

into His rest, Heb. 4:1 Enterprise (1). Job 5:12 I Entertain (1).Heb. 13:2 I
Entertaiiied (1), Heb. 13:2 Entice( 8).Ex. 22:16: Dt, 13:5; Judg. 14: 15: 16:5: 2
Chr. 18:19-21; Pr, 1:10

Enyyip^ rSK Rom. 13:13; lCor.3:3;Gal,

Enyyip^ rSK Rom. 13:13; lCor.3:3;Gal,

5:-2€; Jas. 3:14-16 Envyings( 2).207*:2Cor.l2:2&:Gal.5:21 Epaenetus (1).

praised, Rom. 16:5 Epaphras ( 3).charming. CoL 1:7; 4:12; pFi Epanhroditus
(2^.1ovelv.Phil. 2:25:4:18

Ephah (36),darkness, 2 men and a woman, a 348-4. Used 31 times as a dry

measure of a bushel and 3 pints. Tne sam^e as the path, a liquid rreas-jre. Ezek.
45: lC-!3r46:5-14; Zech. 5:c-l.

Ephai (1),Jer.40:3 4:17:5:24

ErteL(^).gloorny.Gai.25:4; IChr. 1:33;

E ^es-dam.min ( 1) .place in Judah.f 310—

4; 1 Sam, 17:1 E£heaan_(l), man of Ephesus, Acu 21:29

Ephesians (3) 4nhabitants of Ephesus,.Acts lft28, 34, 35 Epistle to e. ,208-214*

7 facu about E. ,f 287-1*

Ephesus ( 17). desirable, a city of Asia, e 145-4*; c 203-1*; Acts 13:19-21; ift 1-
35; 20:16-17; 1 Cot.l5:32; 16:3; Eph. 1:1; 1 Tim, 1:3; 2 Tim. 1:18; 4:12; Rev,
1:11; 2:1 Ephlal (l), judgm.ent, 1 Cbr. 2:37 E£hod(51),covering, Aman„ Num.
34:23 A sacred vestment vonx by the high priest, Ex. 25:7: 28:4-31; 2ft 5; 39:2-
22:Uv. 8:7 17:5:18:14-20

Used by idolatrous priests, Judg. 8:27; Samuel wore one,l Sam. 2:18,28 Worn by
com.m.on priests, 1 Sam. 14:3;

21:9; 22:18; 23:6-9; 30:7 David wore one,2 Sam.6:14; lChr.15:27 Israel to abide
many days without one, Hos. 3:4 Ephphatha (l).be opened,Mk. 7:34 Ephrain-.
(171), double ftuit. 2nd soo of Jos^h,Gen. 41:52; 46:20; 48:1-20 A great tribe in
;aael,c, z 49-1; c 155-1: c 156-4: a 423-4 Proud and haugfcty, 282

8 strifes caused by, 282

A mountain. Josh. 17:15-18; IftSO; 20: 7; 24:30,33; Judg. 2:9; 3:27; 4:5: 10: 1;
17:1, 8; 18:2,13; Iftl,16-18 A name used of the whole 10-trIbe kingdom in
prcqjhecy, Isa. 7:2-17; 9: 9; 11:13; 17:3; 28:1-3; Jer.7:15: Ezek. 37:16-19; Hos.
4:17; 5:3-14; 6:4-10; 7:1-11:3:9-11; a3-16; 10:6-11; 11: 3-12; 12:1-14; 13:1-12;
4:17; 5:3-14; 6:4-10; 7:1-11:3:9-11; a3-16; 10:6-11; 11: 3-12; 12:1-14; 13:1-12;
14:8; Oba.l: 19; Zech. ftlO-13; 10:7 A city, c 109-1*; Jn. 11:54 Eplialmite
(l).Judg. 12:5

4tes (S),Josh. 16:10;Judg,12:4-6 43:14-17; 50:23;

Endure (29). 2 things to e., 313* Lord shall e, for ever,Ps. ft 7; 102:12 Weeping
e. for a night,Ps. 30:5 His name shall e. forever, Ps, 72:17 His seed shall e.
forever, Ps.8ft 29,36 Glory of Lord e, forever, Ps. 104:31 He that shall e. to the
end. Mt, 24:13

- E.hardness as good soldiers, 2Tiin,2:3 Shall not e. sound doctrine, 2Tim.4:3 E.

afHictions, do work of, 2 Tim. 4:5 If ye e. chastening, God, Heb. 12:7 We count
diem happy that e., Jas.5:11

Endiged (8),Ps.81:15;Roiii,9;22: 2Tim 3:11; Heb. 6:15; 10:32; 11:27; 12:2-3

, Enosh (1), 1 Chr. ITT. See Enos Enough (32). I have e. ,Gen7T3:9 < It is e.
,Gen. 45:28; Ex. 9:28; 2 Sam I 24:16; IKi. Ift4; 1 Chr. 21:15 I 4 t'nings say not,It
is e. ,Pr. 30:15 3 enough's regarding disciples.p 64-^ Enqaire| 51).E. of God. Ex.
IS: 15; 1 Sam. ftWlKi. 22:5-8; 2 KL 3:11; 3:8; 22: 13-18; 2L30; 2Chr.l8:4-
7:34:21-24; Jer. 21:2; Ezek. 20:1 E. in His temple,Ps. 27:4 Enmared (34). E. of
the Lord, Judg. 20: STTTSam. 10:22; 22:10,13; 23:2-4; 28:6: 30:8; 2 Sam. 2:1;
5:19,23; 21: 1; 1 Chr. 14:10,14

, Enticed (3) Job 31:27; Jer.20:10; Jas.l: 14 ^eSo , Enticeth (l),Pr. 16:29

Enticing (1). 1 Cor. 2:4; CoL 2:4

Entire (l).Jas. 1:4

gpttlDced l), Num. 34:8; Judg. 1:24-25; , IKi, 18:46; -22:10; 1 Chr. 4:39; 2 Chr.
! 12:10; Ps.llftl30; Ezek. 40:15; 1 Th., ' 2:1; 2 Pet. 1:11 i ; Entrances (l),Mic. 5:6

Entreat (2).Jei. 15:11; Acts 7:6 |

Enceated (9).Gen. 12:16; Ex. 5:22; Dt. I :&d; Mt.22:6; Lk. 18:32; 20:11; Acts !
7:19: 20:3; 1 Th. 2:2

EntTeateth (l).Job 24:21

Entries (1), Ezek. 40:38

Entries (1), Ezek. 40:38

Entry q5). 2 Ki. 16:18; 1 Chr. ftl9; 2

~CS;4:22: Pr. 8:3; Jer. Ift2; 26:10; 36:| 10; 33:14; 43:9; Ezek. 3:5; 27:8; 40:; 11
40; 42:9* 46:19

Envied (6),Gen. 26:14; 30:1; 37:11; Ps. 10^:16; Eccl. 4:4; Ezek. 31:9

Envies (l).l Pet. 2:1

Enviest (1), Num. 11:29 ]

Envleth{l),l Cot. 13:4 I

Envious ( 4). Ps. 37:1; 73:3; Pr. 24:1,19

Eavlron (1).Josh. 7:9

Env2(2C). Defined, j 129-4*; u 161-1* BibUcal digest of. a 28-4 E. of Joseph's

brothen. h 36-4; Acts 7:9 E. slayeth tlie silly one. Job 5:2 E. is totMnness of
bones, Pr. 14:30 E.not the oppressor,Pr. 3:31 E.not dnners,Pt, 23:17 E., m.aider,
debate, deceit, Rom. 1:29 E., strife, railings, 1 Tim.. 6:4; Tit. 3:3; Jas. 4:5


Epliaim's (4). Gen

I Josh, 17:10 Ephrain q ), 2 Chr, 13:19

\ Epbratah (5). fhiitfuL 2nd wife of Caleb. called Ephrath. inotberofHur.lCtg.

I -2:19. 50: 4:4

! Ancient n a m, e of Bethlehem-Judah, Ruth 4:11; Ps. 132:6; Mic. 5:2

Ephradi ( 5). fruitfiiL An ancient name of BeMehem-Judah,i 291-1; Gen. 35: 16.
19; 447 Wife of Caleb. 1 Cbr.2:19.See Epteatah Ephrathite (3). man of Ephrath.
1 Sam, 1:1: 17:12; 1 Ki. 11:26

Erhjathites (D.Ruth 1:2

" ptgoc (13). fawn. An Hlttlie. Geo, 23: 8-17; 25:9; 4ft29-30; 50:13 A mountain.
Josh. 15:9

Epicureaps (1), followers of Epicurus, a philosopher bom in Samos 341B.C., and

who taught first In Asia and then in Athens, h 144-1*; Acu 17:18. His great
question of life was. What was the aim of life and how to attain it. He taught that
personal happiness and pleasure were the chief aim In Ufe, and that mian should
live so that he might attain to the highest and greatest satisfaction Epilepsy ,
defined.c 19-1*

Epistle (14).a letter, Acu 15:30; 23:33: Rom. 16:22; 1 Cor. 5:9; 2 Cot. 3:2-3; 7:3;
CoL 4:16; 1 Th. 5:27; 2 Th, 2:15; 3:14-17; 2 Pet. 3:1

Epistles (2). 2 Cor. 3:1; 2 Pet. 3:16

Equal (-1). To whom will ye make Me e., Isa. 40:25; 46:5 17,20

Way ofLord not e., Ezek. 13:25, 29; 33: Are not >.!y ways e. , Ezek. 18:25, 29
They are e. unto angels, Lk. 20:36 Making Himself e. v,-idi God, Jn. 5:18
Robbery to be e. with God,PhiL 2:6

Eauaiiti(2).2 Cor. 8:14

Equally (D.Ex. 36:22

Equals ( p.GaL 1:14

EQuitY (10).Ps.98:9; 9ft4; Pr. 1:3:2:9; l':26: EccL 2:21; Isa. 11:4; 5ft 14; MIc.
3:9; Mai. 2:6

Er (11). watcher. 3 m.eo. Gen, 38:3-7:

~?6:12:Num, 26:19; lChr.2:3; 4:21;Lk, 3:

Eran (p. watchful.Num.26:36 38

granites (P. sons of Eran. Num.26:36

Erasius (3).beloved. j men, Acu 1ft 22;

Complete Concordance - Cyclopedic Index


Rom. 16:23; 2 Tim. 4:20 Ere.(10),before, Ex. 1:19; Num. 11:33; 14:11; 1 Sam,
3:3; 2 Sam. 2:26; 2 Ki. 6:32;Jobl8:2:Jer.47:6;Hos.8:5:Jn.4:49 Erech (l),ciiy of
Shinar.Cen. 10:10 g;iaij (l),Gen. 33:20 Eri(C). watcher,Gen. 46:16; Num.26:16
Elites (1), sons of Eri. N um. 26:16 En (24). E. in hean.Ps. 95:10; Heb. 3:10 "Ti
in vision, Isa. 28:7 E.bytheit Ues, Hos. 4:12 E. .not knowing the Scriptures^',
t.22:29 Do not e, brethren, Jas. 1:16 Brethren, if any do e. , Jas. 5:19 E. ftoir. the
faith, i 235-4* 5

Errand( 3),Gen.24:35;)uJg.3:19;2 Ki.9: Erred (12). E. in spirit, Isa. 29:'24

TT^om the faith, 1 Tim. 6:10, 21

E. from truth. 2 Tim. 2:18 Eneth(2),Pt. 10:17; Ezek.45:20 Enor (13).Live in e., j
161-1*; 2Pet.2:18 Sinner from e. of way,Jas. 5:20 Led away with e, of wicked,
2Pet.3:17 Spirit of truth; spirit of e., IJn. 4:6 E. of Balaam. Jude 11 9:7

Enors (4).Ps.l9:12Jer.l0:15;51:18;Heb. Esaias (21),Gr. form of Isaiah , salvation

of Jehovah, i 2-4* Esar-haddon( 3).Ashurhasgivenbrothers.

2 Ki. 19:37; Ezra 4:2; Isa. 37:38 Esau (87). hairy. 30 lessons from. 22 Red and
hairy, k-1 23-4 6fold blessing, g 26-1 5 things he saw, 1 26-1 A cunning hunter.
Gen. 25:25-34 Cheated out of birthright. Gen. 27 Meeting Jacob in Canaan, Gen.
32-33 Edomites from.Gen. 36 C)ba.6-21

Prophecies concerning, Jer. 4*8-10; Jacob preferred. Mai. 1:2-3; Rom.9:13 A

fornicator, Heb. 12:16 10-18

Esau's (12),Gen. 25:26: 27:23; 28:5; 36: Escape (59). Send those that e. of them
unto the narions, Isa. 66:19 Edom and Moab e. Antichrist,DanJl:41 Egypt will
note. Antichrist.Dan.ll:42 E. damnation of hell, Mt. 23:33 Worthy to e. all
these,Lk. 21:36 Also make a way of e., 1 Cor. 10:13 They shaU not e. , 1 Th. 5:3
How e.ifwe neglect so great, Heb.2:3 Escaped (58). I only am e., Job 1:15-19 E.
with skin of m.y teeth. Job 19:20 E. edge of the sword, Heb. 11:34 E. corruption
in world, 2 Pet. 1:4 For if after they have e., 2 Pet, 2:20 Escapeih (6).l Ki. 19:17;
Isa. 15:9; Jet 48:19; Ezek. 24:26; Amos 9:1 Escaping (11. Ezra 9:14
Eschatology. doctrine of the last things siSasmture life, resurrections, judgments,
rapture, tribulation, second advent. Antichrist, conversion of laael. the
Millennium, and eternal destinies of man. See these terms in Index Eschew (1),
turn away from. lPet.3:ll Eschewed (1).turned from evil.Job 1:1 Escheweth (2).
turns from evil,John 1:8; Esek (l).aweU.Gen. 26:20 2:3

Esh-baalf 2).manof Baal.lChr.8:33;9;39 Esh-ban (2). intelligent, Gen. 36:26; 1

Clu.l:41 Esbcol (6), cluster. An Amorite.G en. 14: 13,24. A brook and a valley.
Num. 13: 23-24; 32r5rDt. 1:24 Eshean (1) . a city of Judah.Josh. 15:52 Esbek (l).
oppressor. 1 Chr. 8:39 Eshkaloailes (l).Josh. 13:3 Eshtaol (7)71 town of Dan. g
281-1 Eshtaulites (1),1 Chr. 2:53 Eshtemoa (5). obedience. A Leviie. 1 Chr.
4:17-19. A town i n Judah. Josh. 21: 14; 1 Sam. 30:28; 1 Chr. 6:57 Eshtemoh
(l).Josh. 15:50. See Eshtemoa Eshton (2).rest. 1 Clx. 4:11-12 Esli (l).God at my
side.Lk. 3:25 EroeciaUy (5).Ps. 31:11; Acts 26:3;GaL

6:10; 1 Tim. 5:17; 2 Tim. 4il3 Espied (2).Gen. 42:27; Ezek. 20:6 Eroousals (2).
married stale. Song 3:11;

Jet. 2:2. Custom of. a 1-4* Espou9£d(5).betrothed.2Sam. 3:14;Mt.

1:18; Lk, 1:27; 2:5; 2 Cot. 11:2 Es2i.(2), Josh. 14:7; Jer, 48:19 EsTom (2).
enclosure.Mt, 1:3; Lk. 3:33 Establish (44). Defined, u 160-1*, E, My
covenant.Gen.6:18; 9:9.11; 17:7,19, 21;Lev,26:9;Dt.8:18;Ezek.l6:60-62 E. thee
an holy people, Dt, 28:9 E, His word, 1 Sam. 1:23 28:7

E.his kingdom,2 Sam. 7:12; lChr.l7:ll; E. the throne, 1 Ki. 9:5; 1 Chr. 22:10 E.
thy seed forever,Ps. 89:4 E. the earth, Isa. 49t 8 E.the law, Rom. 3:31 E. the
second covenant. Heb. 10:9 Establlsfaed (74). E. My covenant. Gen. 9:17; Ex.
6:4 E. thy kingdom, 1 Sam. 13:13 E. thy kingdom forever, 2 Sam. 7:16

E.theearthforevet.PS. 78:69 E.the world by His wisdom.Jet. 10:12 E. in the faith.

Acts 16:5 E. on better promises, Heb. 8:6 E.by grace, Heb. 13:9 E. in the present
truth, 2 Pet, 1:12 EaabUsheth (3), Num. 30:14; Pr. 29:4; Dan. 6:15
Establishment (1). 2 Chr. 32:1 Estate (17)r^yal e., Esther 1:19

Low e,.Ps,136:23; Lk.l:48; Rora.l2:16

Great e. .EccL 1:16

First e. ,Jude 6 Estates (2).Ezek, 36:11; Mk,6:21 Esteem (5). Job 36:19; Ps.
119:128; Isa,

53:4; Phil, 2; 3; 1 Th,5:13 Esteemed (ID.Lighdv e.. Dt. 32:15; 1 Sam. 2:30;
53:4; Phil, 2; 3; 1 Th,5:13 Esteemed (ID.Lighdv e.. Dt. 32:15; 1 Sam. 2:30;


To judge who are least e.. 1 Cor,6:4 Esteemeth(4),Job 41:27: Rom. 14:5,14
Esteeming (l).Hefc. 11:26 Esttgr (53). Esther 2:7-22; 4:5-17; 5:1-TUi-.U; 7:1-8;
8:1-7; 9:12-32 Esther's (3).Esther 2:18; 4:4.12 Estimate (?).Lev. 27:14
Estir.iation (23). Lev, 5:15-18: 6:6; 27: i-27: Num. 18:16 Estimations (l).Lev,
27:25 Estranged (5).Job 19:13; Ps.58:3: 78:30;

Jer. 19:4; Ezek, 14:5 Etam (5) .wildbeast's lair. A man. 1 Chr.

4:3. A town in Judah. 2 Chr. 11:6. A village in Simeon. 1 Chr, 4:32. A rock.

Jlidi. 15:8-11 Eternal (47). Defined, g 76-1; r 29-1*; w 95-1*. See Ever and

10 e. tfaines.l S^F"

Past and future e, time, 58

Reign of God on earth e., o 80-1

E. kingdom, h 568-4

E. generations of natural people, r 570-1; i 596-1; o 606-4; 639

8 e. things, c 602-1 4 e. things.? 606-4 7 e. things, k 608-1

4 e. things, g 610-1 65 e. things, 622 E, 01am, 680

5 e, things, 733

9 e, things. 819

7 visions of e, things, c-d 844-4 E, God is thy refuge. Dt. 33:27 E. excellency,
Isa, 60:15 20 e. things, r 29-1* E, ages. '243* E. rest, 258*

E. torment, m-o 296-4^ 620-622 E. people. 313* E. damnation. Mk. 3:29 E.

powei and Godhead,Rom, 1:20 E, weight of glory, 2 Cor. 4-17-18 E, in die
heavens, 2 Cor, 5:1 E, purpose, c 210-1*; Eph, 3:11 E.King,l Tim, 1:17 E, glory,
heavens, 2 Cor, 5:1 E, purpose, c 210-1*; Eph, 3:11 E.King,l Tim, 1:17 E, glory,
2 Tim. 2:10; 1 Pet. 5:10 E. salvation. Hds, 5:9 E,judgment. Heb, 6:2 E,
redemption, Heb, 9:12 E. Spirit, Heb. 9:14 E. Inheritance. Heb. 9:15 E, fire.Jude

Eternal Ufe (30).Mt. 19:16; 25:46; Mk. 10:17.30; Lk. 10:25; 18:18; Jn, 3:15;
4:36; 5:39; 6:54.68; 10:28; 12:25; 17: 2-3; Acts 10:48; Rom. 2:7; 5:21; 6:23; 1
Tlm.6:12.19; Tit.l:2:3:7; 1 Jn.l:2: 2:25; 3:15: 5:11, 13, 20; Jude 21, Defined, m
115-1*; 121*; 279* Heb. and Gr. word for, g 76-1; 680 Olam-eternal, 680 A free
gift,h 165-4* 23 conditions of. d 100-4*; e 101-4* Not unforfeitable now, d 100-
4*; h 234-l*;b 238-1*; f 242-1*; e 271-4*

3 things one m.ust do for, f 107-1* One condition of, a 170-1* A hope, t 219-4*
Lay hold on, n 235-4* Must remain in Christ for. u-x 276-1* On a voluntary
basis. 264

10 things guarantee. 274* Only in Christ, f-g 278-4* 20 facts about, 278*

4 qualifications of, e 558-1 One thing guarantees, e 594-1

Eternity (1). Defined, g 76 -1

Dateless past, 51

God inhabits, Isa. 57:15

To be made up of time, o 209-1* Etham (4). camp of Israel. Ex, 13:20;

Num. 33:6-8 Ethan (7). firm. 4 men, f 422-4; o 589-4

2 vows of, q 589-4

2 sayings of, r 589-4

7fold prophecy of, g 590-1

2 requests of. h 590-1

Prophecy of David, a 590-4 Ethanim (l>.7tfa month of Jewishcalen-dar -

October. 1 Ki. 8:2. See Seventh

month Ethbaal (1). with Baal. 1 Ki, 16:31 Ether (2). a city of Judah allotted to
month Ethbaal (1). with Baal. 1 Ki, 16:31 Ether (2). a city of Judah allotted to

Simeon. Josh. 15:42; 19:7 Ethiopia (20).region of Africa, j 2-4 7 proofs Isa. 18
refers to. 736 Future defeat by Antichrist. 736 E, shall soon stretch hands.Ps.
68:31 E,In prophecy,Isa.l8; 43:3; 45:14; Ezek. 29:10; 30:4-9; 38:5-12; 3S:16:
Dan.ll: 40-45; Amos 9:1; Zeph. 2:12; 3:10 Ethiopian (8). Num. 12:1; 2 Chr.

Jer. 13:23; 38:7-12; 39:16 Ethiopians (13). 2 Chr. 12:3; 14:12-13; 16:8; 21:16:
Isa. 20:4; Jer. 46: 9; Ezek, 30:9; Dan. 11:43; Amos 9:7; ZeDh.2:12; Acts 8: -27
Edman (D.gift.l Chr. 4:7 Ethni (l),my gift, 1 Chr. 6:41 Eubulus ( l).good counsel,
2 Tim.4:21 Eunice (1).conquering well,2Tim. 1:5 Eunuch (7), v 37-1; Isa. 56:3;
Jer. 52: 25; Acts 8:27-39 Eunuchs (20), 2 Ki. 9:32; 20:18: Isa. 39: 7735:4; Jer.
29:2; 34:19; 38:7; 41:16; Dan, 1:3-18; Mt. 19:12; g 21-1* God hated making
men, g 224-1 Common in oriental courts, c 398-1 Euodias (1). fragrant A
woman at P hflli pi, Phil. 4:2 Euphrates (21). the good and abounding river. It is
the most important stream in western Asia, 1, 780 mileslong. Gen. 2:14; 15:18;
Dt, 1:7: 11:24; Josh. 1:4; 2 Sam, 8:3; 2 KL 23:29; 24:7; 1 Chr. 5:9: 18:3; 2Chi.
35:20; Jer, 13:4-7; 46: 2-10; 51:63: Rev, 9:14: 16:12 Euroclydoi} (1), stormy
wind, b 156-1*; Acts 27:14 Eutychus (1). fortunate. Acu 20:9 Evangelist (2).
abringerof good tidings.

Acts 21:8; 2 Tim. 4:5 Evangelists (1). Eph, 4:11 Eve (4). Ufe, or living. Gen,
3:20; 4:1; "TCor, 11:3; 1 Tim, 2:13 Even (1.270), From e. to e, shall be your
Tay. Lev, 23:32 E. length of days forever. Ps. 21:4 E. unto deadi I will guide, Ps.
48:14 E. thousands of angels, Ps. 68:17 E. such as are clean hearted. Ps. 73:1 E,
from everlasting to, Ps. 90:2 E.the most High,thy,Ps. 91:9 E, in laughter the heart
is,Pr. 14:13 E. a fool when he holdeth, Pr. 17:28 E. a child is known by his, Pr.
20:11 E. publicans the same, Mt. 5:46-48 E. unto the end of the, Mt, 28:20 E. the
Spirit of truth, Jn. 14:17 E. so the Lord ordained, 1 Cor. 9:14 E. as Christ forgave
you, CoL 3:13 E. so faith, if it hath, Jas. 2:17 E. the tongue Is a Uttle,Jas. 3:5 E.
the salvation of your, 1 Pet, 1:9 E. so, com<e. Lord Jesus, Rev, 22:20 Evening
(60), E, and morning. Gen. 1:5. 8, lai. 19.23.31. These mark the beginning and
ending of the 6 Uteral days of re-creation in Adam's time. God began His work
in the dark: hence He worked from evening to the next morning;
manusuallybegins his work in the day and counts time by morning and evening.
See notes cm Gen. 1 Morning and e.. 1 Sam. 17:16; 1 Chr. 16:40; 2 Chr, 2:4;
13:11; 31:3; Ezra 3:3: Job 4:20; Ps, 65:8; AcU 28:23 Evenings ( 1). Jer, 5:6.
Jews had 2 evenings every day. k 75-4; u 15-4* Eveningtide (2), 2 Sam. 11:2;
Isa. 17:14 Event (3).Eccl. 2:14; 9:2-3 Eventide ( 5).Gen. 24:63; Jo&, 7:6; 8:29;
Mk. 11:11; Acts 4:3 Ever( 447).Used.widi but few exceptions, widi for, for ever,
Mk. 11:11; Acts 4:3 Ever( 447).Used.widi but few exceptions, widi for, for ever,
meaning time out of mind, or time without end; eternal: everlasting. When a
limited time is refened it is clear in the passage, as in Ex. 21:6; Lev. 25:46.
When used of eternal things it should be so understood, a s in examples below.
See Eternal and Everiasting Live for e. .Gen. 3:22 Give to thy seed for
e,,Gen.l3:15:Ex.32: This Is My name for e, .Ex.3:15 13 Lord shall reign for e,
,Ex, 15:18 Throne ofhiskingdom fore,, 2 Sam.7: 13-29; 1 Chr, 17:12-27 His
mercy endureth for e,,l Chr, 16:34,

41; Ezra 3:11; Ps. 106:1: 136:1-26 Lord shall endure for e. .Ps. 9:7 The Lord is
kind for e,. Ps, 10:16 Thy throne, O God, is for e, .Ps. 45:6 Truth established for
e. .Pr. 12:19 Earth abideth for e, .Eccl, 1:4 Wwd of God stand for e,. Isa, 40:8
Salvation shall be for e, .Isa. 51:6 Righteousness shall be fore, .Isa,51:8 Saints
take kingdom fore, .Dan. 7:18 Messiahreign over Jacob fore.4-k.l:33

The Son abideth for e. .Jn. 8:35 Spirit abide for e. .Jn. 14:16 Christ high priest
for e.. Heb. 6:20 God liveth few e. .Rev. 4:10; 5:14 Cod and Christ reign on
earth for e., Rev. 11:15; 22:5 Torment for e. .Rev. 14:11; 20:10 E. .Olam, 680
Everlasting (93). Defined , g 76-l;o 209-1* 680. See Ever and Eternal
E,covenant.Gen.9:16;17:7,13.19;Lev, 24:8; 2 Sam, 23:5; 1 Chr, 16:17; Ps.
105:10; Isa. 24:5; Isa. 55:3; 61:8; Jer. 32:40:Ezek. 16:60; 37:26: Heb.13:20 E,
possession.Gen, 17:8: 48:4 God.Gen, 21:33; Ps. 41:13; 90:2 hills.Gen,49:26

priesthood. Ex, 40:15; Num, 25:13 arms. Dt. 33:27 doors.Ps, 24:7-9 mercy.Ps.
100:5; 103:17 E. remembrance. Ps, 112:6 E. righteousness. Ps. 119:142;
Dan.9:24 E, testimonies.PS. 119:144 E.way.Ps. 139:24 Pet.l:ll
E.kingdomJ's.l45:13;Dan.4:3;7:27; 2 E. dominion. Dan. 4:34: 7:14 E. Ufe. Dan,
12:2: Mt. 19:29; Lk. 18: 30; Jn, 3:16. 36; 4:14; 5:24; 6:27, 40, 47; 12:50; Acts
13:46; Rom. 6:22; Gal. 6:8; 1 Tim. 2:16 E. burnings. Isa. 33:14 E. joy. Isa,
35:10; 51:11; 61:7 E. salvation. Isa. 45:17 E, kindness. Isa. 54:8 E.Sign. Isa.
55:13 E.name.Isa. 56:5; 63:12. 16 E.Ught. Isa. 60:19-20 E.King. Jer. 10:10 E.
confusion. Jer. 20:11 E. reproach. Jer. 23:40 E, love,Jer, 31:3 E. foundation. Pr.
10:25 E. Father, Prince of Peace, Isa. 9:6 E. stiengdi, Isa. 26:4 E. shame and
contempt, Dan. 12:2 E. mountains, Hab, 3:6 E. ways of God, Hab, 3:6 E, fire.
Mt, 18:8; 25:41 E. p unishm ent, Mt. 25:46 E, habitations, Lk. 16:9 E.
destruction, 2 Th, 1:9 E. consolation. 2 Th, 2:16 E, honor and power, 1 Tim.
6:16 E.chains.Jude 6 E. goq>el,Rev, 14:6 E,, Olam. 680 11 e. things in Isaiah,
680 Evermore (26). Defined, g 76-1; 680 Throne established e,. 1 Chr. 17:14
Pleasure for e., Ps. 16:11 Do good, and dweU for e.. Ps. 37:27 Seek His face e.
.Ps. 105:4 Be in the midst of theme., Ezek. 37:26 Christ blessed for e,, 2 Cor,
.Ps. 105:4 Be in the midst of theme., Ezek. 37:26 Christ blessed for e,, 2 Cor,
11:31 Rejoice e, ,1 Th. 5:16 Son consecrated for e,, Heb. 7:28 lam aUve for e.,
Rev, 1:18 Every (1.195). God formed e. beast and e. fowl, Gen, 2:19-20 E,
imagination was evil,Gen, 6:5 E. moving thing shaU be meat.Gen. 9:3 E. beast is
Mine.Ps. 50:10 E. one of them is gone back.Ps. 53:3 E, day they wrest My
words, Ps. 56:5 E. day will I bless Thee.Ps. 145:2 E. word of God is pure, Pr,
30:5 E,thingbeautiful in histime, EccL3:ll E. one that asketh receiveth,Mt, 7:8 E.
knee shaU bow,Rom. 14:11 E. tongue shall confess to, Rom. 14; 11 E. eye shall
see Him, Rev. 1:7 E. man according to works. Rev, 22:12 EvI (2),desire.Num.
31:8; Josh, 13:21 gvTdence (7).Jer,32:10-16; Heb, 11:1 Evidences (7).Jer,
32:14.44 Evident (5). Job 6:28; Gal. 3:11; Phil. L-23; Heb. 7:14-15 Evidently
(2). Acts 10:3; Gal. 3:1 Evn (601). Defined, q 231-4; m 6-1* E.eye sins, 43* E.
dooe.r 99-1* E. thoughts,! 42-4* E. communications, q 188-4* 60 examples of
doing e. .290 3 things about e, speaking, g 562-4 5 reasons to hate e,. e 594-1
Tree of good and e,,Gen, 2:9,17; 3:5 E, report.Gen, 37:2; Num. 14:37
generations. Dt. 1:35; Mt, 12:39 diseases, Dt, 7:15: Ps.41:8 name,Dt, 22:14,19
enueated.Ex, 5:22; Dt. 26:6 befall in latter days. Dt, 31:29 spirit from the Lord.
Judg, 9:23: 1 Sam, 16:14-23; 18:10; 19:9 E. heart of unbelief. Heb. 3:12 Lord
repented Him of the e.. 2 Sam.

24:16; Jer.26:19.CpJer.l8:8; 26:13 Abhor that which is e. ,Rom. 12:9

Recompense to do man e.,Rom.12:17 Be not overcome of e., Rom. 12:21

Abstain from all appearance of ,1 Th.5: Let him eKhewe.,lPet.3:ll 22

EvUdoer (2). Isa. 9:17; 1 Pet. 4:15

EvUdoers (12). Ps. 37:1. 9; 94:16:119: 115: Isa. 1:4; 14:20; 31:2; Jer. 20:13;
23:14i 1 Pet. 2:12,14; 3:16

Evilfavouredcess (l),Dt.l7:l

Evil-merodach (2^.manof merodach, 2 KI. 25:27; Jei. 52:31

Evils (9). Dt. 31:17-21; Ps. 40:12; Jer.

~5TT3: Ezek, 6:9; 20:43; Lk, 3:19

EvolutioD. Defined. 55 Utter foolishness of, 55 True science rejects, 55 12

fallacies of, 55 16 things a Christian must beUeve,55 15 facts disproving, 55
fallacies of, 55 16 things a Christian must beUeve,55 15 facts disproving, 55

Ewe (7),Gen. 21:28-30; Lev. 14:10; 22:

~^; Num. 6:14; 2 Sam. 12:3

Ewes (3).Gen. 31:38; 32:14; Ps. 78:71

Exact (8).Dt. 15:2-3; Neh. 5:7-11; Ps. 89t22; Isa. 58:3; Lk. 3:13

Exacted (2).2 Ki. 15:20; 23:35

Exacteth (l).Job 11:6

Exaction (1). Neb. 10:31

ExactioDS (1).Ezek.45:9

Exactors q).Isa. 60:17

Exalt ( 2g)J.hom of anointed.l Sam.2:10 E.His name together, Ps. 34:3 E.the
Lord.Ps. 99:5.9 E. Him in the congregation,Ps. 107:32 E. my tteone above stars,
Isa. 14:13 E. himself, Dan, 11:36; 2 Th, 2:4 E. you IB due time, 1 Pet, 5:6
Whosoever e. himself shall, Mt. 23:12

Exalted (64).HiskiDgdom e. Num. 24:7 Mine bom is e. in the Lord, 1 Sam.2:1

Thou art e. head of all, 1 Chr. 29:11 Shall be e. above the Mils, Mic. 4:1 Humble
himself, shall be e,.Mt.23:12 E.toheaven,yll-4*:Mt.ll:33;LkaO:15 E. by the tigk
hand of God, Acts 2:33 Lest e. above measure, 2 Cor. 12:7 God has highly e.
Him, PML 2:9

Exaltest (1).Ex.9:17

Exalteth (9). Job 36:22; Ps. 148:14; Pr. 14:29, 34; 17:19; Lk. 14:11; 18:14: 2
Cor. 10:5; 2Th.2:4

Examination (l).Acts 25:26

Examine (5). Ezra 10:16; Ps. 26:2; 11: 28; 1 Cor, 9(3; 2 Cor, 13:5

Examined (6), Lk. 23:14; Acu4:9; 12: 19; 22:24, 29; 28:18
Examining (1), Acu 24:8

Example ( 8). Mt. 1:19; Jn, 13:15; 1 Tim. 4:12; Udb. 4:11; 8:5; Jas. 5:10; 1 Pet,
2:21; Jude 7

Examples (1). 1 Cor. 10:6 12 of younger chosen, 7

21 of visions of God, c 13-1 7 of barren women, g 13-4

9 of blindness, b 16-4 14 of dreamers, c 17-4 34 of feasts, n 18-1

14 of archery, 1 18-4

22 of covenants made, a 19-1

10 of cavedwellers, 19 36 of oaths, 20

5 of old men, f 23-1 3 of twins, j 23-4

12 of divided families, 24 7 of revealing deadi, g 25-1 12 of God with men, m


3 of rash vows, 27

7 of common vows, 27 28 of rending clothes, 28 18 of envy, a 28-4 12 of

polygamy, i 29-1

7 of God prospering men, j 29-1

9 of just men, 29

8 of changed countenances, j 29-4

6 of being alone with God, 31

10 of deceit, k 31-4

8 of prosperity, f 38-4 16 of men blessed, 41

10 of enduement of power, c 67-4 10 of leprosy, g 67-4 22 of anointing, b 95-1

5 of using wist pot, n 101-4

5 of using wist pot, n 101-4

14 of being angry, 110

7 of ordinances, 113

10 of profaning, f 142-4

9 of stonings, a 147-1

4 of delighting in men, c 171-4 7 of Spirit In men, I 188-1

4 of reading the Bible, b 231-1 7 of punishment by sword, e 233-1

6 of stubbornness. 236

11 of hanging, j 247-1

15 of men being angry, 264

15 of Spirit iroon men. m 268-4

10 of defeat through pride, h 279-1

14 of conciijines, m 285-4

3 of playing a whore, n 285-1

15 of man being called lord, 288 60 of doing evil in God's sight, 290 60 of being
punished for sin, 290 10 of being humbled, 290

Complete Concordance - Cvclopedic_Inde2t^

6 of exhorting to be yoog. a 298-4 3 of supernatural confusion, e 307-1

7 of demons ptc^hesying, d 313-1

3 escaping ttaough windows, h 314-1 16 of polygamy, 326 10 of debased horns,

326 10 of but now , 327

8 of women wiih men's names,a 348-4 12 of arrest. See Anest in Index

3 of guiding integrity, f 648-1 7 of perverseness, g 6 48-1 10 of Meekness, c

3 of guiding integrity, f 648-1 7 of perverseness, g 6 48-1 10 of Meekness, c

6 of God's anger, q 560-1

7 of shouting, j 569-4 10 of zeal, h 608-1

7 of answered prayer, m 613-1

14 of proving heU not grave, 621

10 of presumptuous sinning, 6'24

7 of waiting on God, 625

7 of perfection, 624; 625

5 of perfection, 624

12 of God's voice, 625

7 of God bearing man, 625

12 of affliction, 626

7 of trust, 639

5 of unity, 639

5 of disunity, 639

12 examples of anointing, 639

5provingwisemenwfll hear,m641 -1

5 of despising wisdom, s 641-1

5 of hearing instruction, t 641-1

5 of consenting not to sin, w 641-1

5 of sowing and reaping, i 641-4

5 of destruction for sin, j 641-4

5 of dwelling safely, 1 641-4

5 of getting wisdom, o 641-4

5 of preserving saints, a 642-1

7 of heart trust In God, w 642-1

4 of being self-wise, c 642-4

3 of chastening by God, k 642-4

4 of not being afraid, x 642-4

4 of withholding good, a 643-1

3 of not withholding good, a 643-1

3 of plotting evil, b 643-1

3 of strife without cause, c 643-1

2 of envyingnotoppressors,d643-l

3 of curse on the wicked, g 643-1 3 of blessing on the just.h 643-1

3 of avoiding wicked paths, b 643-4

3 of entering wicked paths, b 643-4

5 of Increasing Ught to men, e 643-4 5ofdari<ness in way of wicked, f 643-4 7

of pondering right path, 1 643-4

10 of man's ways before God,k 644-1

4 of men held by sin, n 644-1

5 of loving wisdom, m 646-1

3 of rebuking and beIngloved,r 646-1

3 of rebuking and beIngloved,r 646-1

4 of forsakingthingstolIve,n 646-4

3 of rebuking and being hated, q 646-4 3 of no profit to wicked, j 647-1

3 of righteousness delivering, k 647-1 4of destroying goods of wicked, m 647-2

of gathering In summer, p 647-1 1

6 of good remembrancer 647-1

4 of bitter remembrance, s 647-1 4ofrecelvlng commandments, 1647-1

2 ofbeing discovered, w 647-1

3 of stirring strife, z 647-1

4 of love covering sins, a 647-1 3ofsInningbymuchtalk, i 647-4 3 of wisdom in

speaking, j 647-4 6 of godly instrtKtion,! 647-4

3 of fools dying, m 647-4

5 of the Lord making rlch,n 647-4 4of righteous desire granted, q647-4

4 of joy in hope, v 647-4

4 of p>erishlng expectation, w 647-4 4 of sudden destruction, y 647-4

6 of shame through pride, d 648-1 4 of wisdom to the lowly, e 648-1 3 of

perishing hope, m 648-1

3 of righteous delivered, o 648-1 3 of joy in the righteous, r 648-1

3 of wicked perishing, s 648-1

6 of blessing by kindness, d 648-4 6 of troviling self,e 648-4

4 of deceitful workers, f 648-4

5 of reward by right sowing, h 648-4

6 ofbeing God's deUght, 1 648-4

5 of judging rebels, n 648-4

4of seed of righteous delivered,o 648-4

3 of liberality blessed, 1648-4

6 of wicked counsellors, e 649-1 4ofuseofthe tongue,x 649-1

7 examplesofGocl'sdeUght,c 649-4

4 of lying, z 649-1

3 of wicked being overthrown,h649-1

3 of righteous houses standing,! 649-1

4 of commending wisdom., j 649-1 3 ofbeing de?)Ised,k 649-1

2 of tilling the ground, n 649-1

2 of following vain persons,o 649-1

5 ofbeing snared by own lips, q 649-1

3 of deliverance, r 649-1

4 of fool's wrath, v 649-1 4 of prudence, w 649-1

4 of lying tongues judged, z 649-1

3 of cttllgent bearing rule, e 649-4

4 of sorrow prostrating men,g 649-4 3 of good news making glad, h649-4

5 of hating lying, o 649-4

5of wicked coming to shame, p 649-4

4 of pride causingcontendon, v649-4

3 of heart-sickness, b 660-1
4 of destruction for sin,c 650-1 4 ofbeing rewarded, d 650-1

7 of obtaining mercy, f 650-1

3 of laying self open to folly, i 650-1

4 of failure to correct sons, r 650-1

5 of faithful wicoesses.b 650-4 4 of false witnesses, c 650-4

3 of finding not truth, e 650-4

4 of following false ways.n 650-4 4 of end of wrong way, o 650-4

7 of strong confidence, e 651-1

4 of a hasty spirit, I 651-1

7 of destruction through sin, n 651-1

6 of righteous hope in death, o 651-1

7 of sin being a reproach, t 651-1

5 of turning away wrath, u 651-1

5 of grievous words, v 651-1 3 of God seeing evQ,x 651-1

3 of God seeing good, x 651-1 3 of wicked sacrifices, e 651-4

3 of hating reproof, k 651-4

4 of seeking knowledge, n 651-4

6 of hating own soul, n 652-1

4 of getting knowledge, o 652-1

5 of humility before honor, q 652-1

3 ofbeing clean in own eyes, t 652-1 5 of plans being esubUshed, v 652-1

8 ofbeing directed by God.b 652-4

7 ofpridebefore destruction, j 652-4 5 of wise hearts, m 652-4

4 of sowing strife,b 653-1

5 of righteous hoary heads, f 653-1

5 of slow to anger, h 653-1

7 ofbeing soon angry,i 653-1

6 ofbeing tested, o 653-1

2 of mocking the poor, q 653-1 2 of being punished, q 653-1 4 of beginning

strife, e 653-4 4 of condemning the just, g 653-4; 2 Sam. 23:3; Acts 3:14

7 of lack of wisdom, j 653-4

10 of losing friendship, k 653-4

4 of sparing words, y 653-4

5 of trust in God's name, k 654-1

5 of destruction throughpride,n 654-1 5 of humility before honor, o 654-1

4 of answeringbeforebearing,?654-1

2 ofbeing sxistained in trial, r 654-1

7 of remorse hard to bear, t 654-1

5 of death by the tongue, d 654-4

3 of Ufe by the tongue, d 654-4

8 of acting without knowledge, 1 654-4 5 of hasty action, m 456-4

5 of fretting against God, o 654-4

3 of answering first, x 654-4

3 of answering first, x 654-4

4 of deferring anger, d 655-1 4 of passing over sin, e 655-1

8 of plans that did not work, q 655-1 4 of reproof making wlse,c 655-4 8 of
intoxication, k 655-4

3 of ceasing from strife, n 655-4 5ofproclaimlngown goodness, s655-4

7 of kings obeying God, i 656-4

4 ofbeing more acceptable, m 656-4

2 of casting down confidence,m 657-1

5 of false wiinessespetlshlng,d 657-4 5 of human opposition to God, f 657-4 5 of

rod of anger failing, r 657-4

4 of overthrowing traitors,w657-4

5 of men given to appetites,g 658-4

3 of laboring for riches, h 658-4

4 of failure In adversity, e 659-4 3 of rejoicing over other, n 659-4

2 of mourning, n 659-4

6 of going forth to strive, c 660-4

3 of good news from afar,g 661-1

3 of failing curses, m 661-1

12 of returning to sin, a 661-4

5 of falling into own pit, 1 661-4

8 of not knowing the morrow, d 662-1 5 of praise from othen, e 662-1

5 of faithfulness, k 662-1

6 of honoring servants, f 662-4

6 of honoring servants, f 662-4

11 of righteous boldness, p 662-4 5 of good statecraft, r 662-4

5 of praising the wicked, d 663-1 5 of contending with wicked, e 663-1

4 of Ignorance In judgment, f 663-1

3 of covering sin, q 663-1

4 of confessing $in,r 663-1

5 of trusting own heart, g 663-4

4 ofbeing reproved often,! 663-4

2 of flattering, q 663-4

3 of fearing always, s 663-4

4 of hardening the heart, t 663-4 3 of ensnaring a city.b 664-1

3 of turning away wrath, c 664-1

4 of hating the upright, f 664-1

4 of seeking to preserve life.g 664-1

5 of wise answers, k 664-1

2 of keeping the law. s 664-1

6 ofbeing snaredby man-fear,c 664-4

5 of being brought low, x 664-4

4 of bsnor upholding humble,y664-4

7 men slow to obey, t 685-4

6 of deep sleep, 877

6 ofjews solving world problems, 857 2 of anger,n 359-1

6 ofjews solving world problems, 857 2 of anger,n 359-1

4of lltde faith. f 6-^ 2 of aeat faith, o-p 17-1*

7 of shaking before God, f 33-4»

9 of prostritioo before God.g 33-4* 7 of power, d 39-4*

1 of true falth.i40-l»

24 of thought ins, 1 42-4» 16 of murmuring, o 63-1* 7 of goodness, i 64--? 7 of

mercy, j 64-4'

5 of pleasina men, e t>9-P 7 of self-denial, a 69-4* 12 of fear, e 69-1*

12 of prayer, o 72-1* 12 of repentance, c 76-1* IC of self-exaltatioo, q 77-1* 7

of craftiness, k 84-^

9 of excuses, 92*

14 of covetousiess, 92*

10 of drunkenness, 92*

14 of sins remitted without watei

baptism, V 150-4!' 7 of God-fighters, 159»

6 of scourging, 159*

7 of loving enemies, p 170-4*

6 of evil, b 183-1* 12 of sorrow, g 1%-P 12 of giving, b 196-4* 12 of liberality,

b 196-4^

7 of godly sincerity, 200*

8 of kneeling In prayer, 213*

2 of justification by faith,c-d 261-4* Thessalonian e. of faith, q 223-1*

7 of suffering patience, t '263-1* 4 of walking riglr,b 266-^ 10 of humlUty, 270*

7 of suffering patience, t '263-1* 4 of walking riglr,b 266-^ 10 of humlUty, 270*

3 of judgment, a 272-1*

21 of falling from grace, 284*

30 of healing In O. T., 317*

38 of healing In N. T., 3ir Exceed (4), Dt.25:3; Mt.5:20; 2Cor.3:9 Exceeded (3),
1 Sam. 20:41; 1 KI. 10:23; Exceedesta ).2Chr, 9:6 Job36:9

Exceederh (1), 1 Ki. 10:7 Exceedipg( 59).E.great reward .Gen. 15:1

E. fruitful,Gen.17:6 :E. mighty,Ex. 1:7

E. bitter cry. Gen. 27:34

E. loud, Ex. 19:16

E. good land, Num. 14:7

E. joy,P$. 43:4; Mt. 2:10; Jude 24

E.broad commandment.Ps. 119:96

E. wise, Pr. 30:24

E. proud, Jer, 48:29

E. beautiful. Ezek. 16:13

E.hot, Dan. 3:22

E. glad, Dan. 6:23; Jonah 4:6; Mt, 5:12

E, dreadful, Dan. 7:19

E. WT0Ch,Mt.2:16

E. fierce, Mt, 8:28

E. sorry. Mt. 17:23; Mk. 6:26

E. sorrowful. Mt. 26:22, 38; Mk. 14:34


E. sinful, Rom. 7:13

E. weight of ^ory.2 Cor. 4:17

E, grace of God, 2 Cot. 9:14

E. greatness of power, Eph, 1:19

E. riches of His grace,Eph. 2:7

E.great and precious promIies,2 Pet.l:4 Exceedingly ( 42). Sinners e. .Gen. 13:13

Multiply e.. Gen. 16:10; 17:2

Trembled e. ,Gen.27:33

Erred e. ,1 Sam. 26:21

Hated her e,, 1 Sam. 13:15

Rejoice e. .Job 3:22; Ps. 68:3

Lusted e, ,Ps. 106:14

Strong e., Dan. 7:7

Amazed e, ,Mt, 19:25

Feared e. .Mk.4;41

Praying e,,l Th.3:10

Faith groweth e., 2 Th. 1:3 Excel (5). Gen. 49:4; 1 Chr. 15:21; Pi.

103:20; Isa. 10:10; 1 Cor. 14:12 Excelled (l).l Kl. 4:30 ExcelleDCv ( 25).E.of
dignity .Gen.49t 3

E. of power,Gen,49t3; 2 Cor. 4:7

E. of power,Gen,49t3; 2 Cor. 4:7

E. of Jacob, Ps. 47:4; Amos 6:8; 8:7

E. of knowledge, EccL 7:12; Phil.3:8

E. of the Lord, Isa. 35:2

E. of Israel, Nah. 2 2

E. of speech, 1 Cor. 2:1 Excellent (33),E. In power. Job 37:23

E. Is Thy name,Ps. 8:1, 9; 148:13

E. Is ThylovlngkindneB.Ps. 36:7

E. greatness. P J. 150:2

E. spirit In hLm, Dan. 5:12; 6:3

E. wisdom it found in thee, Dan. 5:14

E. way, 1 Cot. 12:31

More e,name than they,Heb. 1:4

E. ministry, Heb, 8:6

E, sacrifice, Heb, 11:4

E. glory, 2 Pet. 1:17 Excellest (l).Pr.31:29 Excelleth (3). EccL 2:13; 2 Cor. 3:10

Except( 73).E.Thoublessme.Gen.3a26 E.the LordbuQdthebouje.Ps. 127:1 E,tbe

Lord keep the cIty,Ps. 127:1 E. the Lord had left a remnant, Isa. 1:9 E. your
righteousness exceed, Mt, 5:20

Co mplete Concordance - Cyclopedic Index


E. yebe convened,become, Mt, !3: i E. it be for fornication, Mt. 19:9 E. those

days be shonened, Mt. 24:22 E.ye repent, ye shall, Lk. 13:2-5; Rev.2:
E.amanbebom again Jn.3:3-5 5,22 E.itbe given him from,Jn. 3:27 E. ye eat the
E.amanbebom again Jn.3:3-5 5,22 E.itbe given him from,Jn. 3:27 E. ye eat the
flesh of.Jn. 6:53 E. a corn of wheat fall, Jn. 12:24 E. ye abide in Me,Jn. 15:1-6 E.
there come a falling, 2 Th. 2:3 Excep ted (1), 1 Cor. 15:27 Excea( 4). Mt.23:
:5;Eph.5:18; IPet. 4:3-4 Exchange (6). Gen, 47:17; Lev. 27:10;
Job28:17;Ezek.4a:14;Mt,16:26;Mk,8: Excbanaen (l).Mt. 25:27 37

Exclude (IT. GaL 4:17 Excluded (1).Rom. 3:27 ExcommunicattoD. 3 grades,by

Jews, f 106-1' 4*

16 reasons for,among Christians, a 179-TN. T. reasons for, d20-l* Church leaden

and e., see Church ExciBe{3),Lk.l4:18;Rom.L-20;2Cor.l2:19 Excused (2).Lk.
14:18-19 Excuses, to Christ, i 8-1* N'o e. for sin,n 113-4* 9 examples of e., 92*
Excusing (1), Rom. 2:15 Execration (2), Jer. 42:18; 44i 12 Execute (32). E.
judgment, Ex. 12:12; Tsan6:3; Jer. 7:5-12; 23:5; 33:15 E. My judgmenu, 1 Ki,
6:12 E.judgments,Ezek.5:8-10:11:9; 16:41j 25:11; 30:14. 19 E. fierceness of My
anger, Hos. 11:9 E. wrath upon him tiiat,Rom. 13:4 E. judgment upon all,Jude
15 Executed (20).E. judgments. Num. 33:4 E. the justice of the Lord, Dt. 33:21
E. the priest's office, 1 Chr. 6:10 E.My judgments, Ezek. 11:12; 18:17
Executedst (l).l Sam. 28:18 Executes! (l).Ps. 9*4 ExecJieth (6). Ps, 9.16; 103:6;
146:7; Isa. 46:11; Jer. 5:1; Joel, 2:11 Ex^udng(3),2Ki.lO:30;2Chr.ll:14;22:8
ExecuPOD (1).Esther 9:1 E-T^ecuDon's . purpose of, e 213-4 Execuconet
a),Mk.6:27 Exerr.pted ^l).lKi. 15:22 Exercise (11). E.lovjngkindess. Jer. 9:24 E.
myself In great matters, Ps. 131:1 E. dominion... great authority, Mt. 20:
25;Mk.l0:42;Lk.22:25;d 22-4 E. thyself unto godliness, 1 Tim. 4:7-8 Exactsed

■2^ Hcb.5:14; 12:11; 2 Pet. 2:14 Exerciseth (1), Rev. 13:12 Exhort qS). Acts
2:40; 27:22; 2Cor. 9:5; TTE.4:1; 5:14; 2 Th. 3:12; 1 Tim. 2:1; 6:2; 2 Tim, 4:2;
Tit. 1:9; 2:6-9, 15; Heb.3:13;lPet.5:l;Jude3; v 138-1* Exhortation q O).
Lk.3:18;Acts 13:15: 20: 2;Rom.l2:8;l Cot.l4;3; 2Cor.8:17: 1 Th.2:3; 1 Tim.4:13;
Hd).12:5; 13:22 3 marks of true e., e 223-4* Exhorted (3). Acts 11:23; 15:32; 1
Th.2:ll Exhorteth (l),Rom. 12:8 Exhorting (4). Acts 14:22; 18:27; Heb.

10:25; 1 Pet. 5:12 E?j le (2). 2 Sam. 15:19; Isa. 51:14 Hales. 5 experiences of, m
914-1 Commanded to build temple, o 914-1 Promises concerning temple, p 914-

2 reasons not prosperous, r 914-1

3 curses for neglecting temple, s 914-1 Exodus, going out, b 65-1 Exflorcists q)
^cts 19:13
^cts 19:13

EXDecIadOD a4l.P». 9:18: fi?--.S; Pr 10:

28; 11:7, 23; 23:18; 24:14: Isa. 20:5-6;

^ech. 9:5; Lk. 3:15; Acts 12:11; Rom.

8:19; Phil. 1:20 Expected q).Jer. 29:11 Expectins f2). Acts 3:§; Heb. 10:13
Expedient ( T).Jd. 11:50; 16:7; 18:14; 1

Cor. 6:12; 10:23; 2 Cor. 8:10; lai Expel (2). Josh. 23:5; Judg. 11:7 Expelled (4).
Josh. 13:13; Judg. 1:20; 2

Sam. 14:14; Acts 13:50 Expenses (2). Eaa 6:4, 8 Rom.5:4

Experience (3). Gen. 30:27; Eccl. 1:16; Experiir.ea"t q). 2 Cor. 9:13 Expen (6). 1
Chr. 12:33-36; Song 3:8;

Jer. 50:9; Acts 26:3 Expired (9l.l Sam. 18:26; 2 Sam. 11:1;

1 Chr. 17:11; 20:1; 2 Chr. 36:10:Esther

1:5; Ezek, 43:27; Acts 7:30; Rev. 20:7 Exploits (2).Dan. 11:29. 32

Expound a). Judg. 14:14. Defined, m

39-4*: d 39-1*; I 157-4* Expomded (6) . Judg. 14:19; Mk. 4j34i

Lk. 24:27; Acts 11:4; 18:26; 28:23 ^EEH.(l).Heb,l:3 Eyressed (g).Num. 1:17; 1
Chr. 12:31;

16:41; 2 Chi. 28:15; 31:19; Ezra 8:20 Erpregly (3). 1 Sam. 20:21; Ezek.b3; 1 Th,
Extead r^.Ps.l09:12:Isa:66:12 4:1

Extended (2).Ezra 7:28; 9:9 Exten deth q).Ps.l6:2

Extinct (a.Job 17:1; Isa. 43:17

E3nol(4),Ps. 30:1; 68:4; 145:1; Dan. 4:37 Enofied (2), Ps. 66:16: Isa. 52:13
Exlortion( -).Ezek. 22;12:Mt. 23:25 |I Extomoner(3). Ps. 109: ll;Isa. 16:4:1
Cot.o: Extortioners f3).Lk. 18:11; 1 Cor. 5:10;
Cot.o: Extortioners f3).Lk. 18:11; 1 Cor. 5:10;

Extreme (D.Dt. 28:22

Extremiry (D.Job 35:15 Eye qiO). Single e.. m-o 73-1* E. of understanding, r
208-4* Evil e. sins, 43* Pr.23:6; 28:22 E. fore., Ex. 21:24; Lev. 24:20; Dt.
19:21; Mt. 5:38 21:25:12

E.not pity him, Dt, 7:16; 13:8; 19:13, E. was not dim,nornatural,Dt. 34:7 E. of
the vulture has not. Job 28:7 E. now seeth Thee, Job 42:5 Keep as apple
ofe.,Dt.32:10; Ps. 17:8; Pr. 7:2; Lam. 2:18; Zech. 2:8 E. offend tbce, pluck it,
Mt. 5:29:18:9 E. the light of the body, Mt. 6:22-23 BeamandmoteIne.,Mt.7:3-
5;Lk.6:41 E.of a needle,Mt. 19:24; Mk. 10:25 E. has not seen, not ear, 1 Cor. 2:9
E. cannot say to hand, 1 Cor. 12:16-21 Twinkling of an e., 1 Cor. 15:52 Every e.
shall see Him, Rev. 1:7 Eyebrows (1) , Lev. 14-9 Eyed (2).Gen. 29:17; 1 Sam.
18:9 Eyelids (9). Job 16:16; 41:18; Ps, 11:4; 1324; Pr. 4:25; 6:4,25; 30:13; Jer.
9:18 Eye's q). Ex. 21:26 Eyes (496). E. shall be opened,Gen. 3:5 E.of them both
were opened, Gen. 3:7 Frontlets between e. ,Ex. 13:9,16; Dt, 6:8; 11:18 Trance,
having e. open. Num. 24:2-16 E. of Lord are upon the,Ps. 34:15 To open die
blind e., Isa. 35:5:42:7 Seven e. ,Zech.3:9; 4:10; Rev. 5:6 In hell lifted up e. ,Lk.
16:23 E. fuU of adultery, 2 Pet. 2:14 Lust of the e.,1 Jn, 2:16 1ft 12

E. as a flame of fire. Rev. 1:14; 2:18; Anoint e. wifli eyesalve. Rev. 3:18 Beasts
full of e., Rev. 4:6,8 Wipe tears from e. .Rev. 7:17; 21:4 Eyesalve (1).Rev.3:18
Eyeserylce (2).Eph.6:6: Col. 3:22 Eyesight (l).Ps. 18:24 Eyewitnesses (2). Lk.
1:2; 2 Pet. 1:16 Ezar (l).help. 1 Chr. 1:38. See Ezer EzEil (1),beautiful. 1 Chr.
11:57 Ed>on (2). Splendor. 2 men. Gen. 46:16; Ezekias (2). Gr. form of
Hezekiah, Jehovah Is strength, Mt. 1:9-10

Ezekiel (2).God strengthens,Ezek. 1:3s Book of E,. 8Q6-g53 24:24

Vision of cherubim, Ezek. 1, 8, 10 Son of man, e 807-1 20 commands

commissioning E, , f

807-1 8 things happened to, i 807-1

4 commissions to, j 807-1 8fold description of, k 807-1 Eats scroll, 1 807-1; a-e
7 days of silence, d 808-1 A watchman, f 808-1

25 Pantomines in E., 816

16 things E. todoinPantomine, 810

5 acts in besieging a city, 814

E. to Ue on side 390 and 40 days, g-j

808^ Time of prophecies, c 811-4 Mark on foreheads in E., f 812-4 Gathering of

Israel in E., a-b 814-4 14 commands in Ezek. 20, b 823-4 5 commands in Ezek.
33, d 836-4 Valley of dry bones, Ezek. 37 The millennium, Ezek. 40 -48, notes 4
commands to, f 844-4 The millennial temple, Ezek. 40-48, notes U6 commands
of Ezek. 40-48, h 849-1 Future division of, b 850-1 Palestine in E., b-f 850-4
Sacrifices in Millennium, 1 851-1 Ezel (X). a stone, 1 Sam. 20:19 Ezem (D.city
of Simeon. 1 Chr. 4:29 Ezer (9).help. 6 tnen. Gen. 36:21-30; 1 "1!S.1:42; 4:4;
■?:2l; 12:9j Neh. 3:19; 12:42 Ez^Hiubei (4), camp of Israel, Num. l3:;^-36; Dan.
2:8; 2 Chr. 20:36 Ezioi^eberf a.lKl. 9:26; 22:48; 2Chr. Eznite q i. spear. 2Sam.
23:8 8:17

Ezra (2g|. my helper. 3 men, e 493-4 A ready scribe, h 495"^ 10 reasons sent to
Israel, c 494-1 14fold revival under, k 495-4

8 acu about, e 496-1

419-word prayer of, f 496-1

Book ofE.,p 488-498 Eaahite q^.lKL4:31: Ps.88-89 title Ezil (1). God Is help. 1
Chr. 27:26


Fable$(5). Found only in the N.T.,lTIm. 1:4; 4:7; 2 Tim. 4:4; Tit. 1:14; 2 Pet.

1:16. Defined. 1 232-1*; d 234-1*. A fable is a story or account, especially a

fictitious narrative feigned or invented to instruct or amuse, a tale devised to
enforce some truth or precept, or to introduce indirectly some opinion, in which
imaginary persons or beings as well as animals and even inanimate things are
represented as speakers and actors.The minds of Orientals were full of fables;
they spoke of beasts, trees, rocks, and other lower forms of creation as If they
they spoke of beasts, trees, rocks, and other lower forms of creation as If they
possessed human characteristics. Fables rejected by N, T. teaching were the
legends,myths,and falsehoods developed perhaps by popular fancy or
siiperstition, and such stories as had been fabricated to deceive. The
interpretation of (acceptable) fables and allegories must not be carried too far;
that Is, details must not be stressed. Only the main lessons must be emphasized -
the lessons made clear in the nanatives,as in those of Jotham (Judg. 9:7-20) and
Jehoash (2 Ki. 14:9). See Allegory Face (401). Used 12 ways in Scripture: TOf
the literalface (Gen.3:19;43:3; Mt. 6:17; Rev. 4:7; 22:4; Jas.l:23) 2 Surface of the
eanh (Gen. 1:2, 29; 2:6: 6:1, 7; 7:3-4, 23; 8:9)

3 BodIlypresence(Gen.4:14;Ex.lO:28)

4 Seeking the face, meaning to seek the audience and favor of God or man (Ps.
24:6; 27:8; 105:4; Pr. 7:15)

5 Hiding the face, meaning to with-drawfavor(Dt. 32:20;Job34:29; Ps. 13:1;

30:7; 143:7; Isa.54:8; Jer.33:5)

6 Asking God to hide His face, meaning to overlook (Ps. 51:9)

7 Man hiding the face, signifying humility and reverence (Ex. 3:6; 1 Ki. 19:13)

8 Covering the face with fatness - a sign of prosperity (Job 15:27)

9 A man covering the face of another -a sign of doom, as if he were dead already
(Esther 7:8)

10 Turning away the face - a sign of rejection Oer.2:27; 18:17; 32:33)

11 Hardening the face, meaning to harden self against mercy (Pr.21:29)

12 Being afraid of a face, meaning to be afraid of the person himself (Dt. 1:17)

When God's face is referred to as being seen, or men are spoken of as speak -ing
with Him face to face, it should be understood in the same literal way as we
understand like statements regarding men having such experiences with men
(Gen. 32:30; Ex. 33:11; Num, 14: 14; Dt. 34:10; Judg. 6:22; Rev. 22:4. Cp. 2 Jn,
12; 3 Jn. 14) .

Faces (71). F. of cherubim, Ex. 37:9 Fell on dielr f. .Lev. 9:24; Num. 14:5;
16:22, 45; 20:6; Judg. 13:20; 1 Ki. 18:39; 1 Chi. 21:16 F. like the f. of licms, 1
16:22, 45; 20:6; Judg. 13:20; 1 Ki. 18:39; 1 Chi. 21:16 F. like the f. of licms, 1
Chr. 12:8 Wipe away tears from all f., Isa. 25:8 Four f. ,Ezek. 1:6-15; 10:14-22
Two f.,Ezek. 41:18 Beasts fell on f. ,Rev. 7:11; 11:16 F. as f. of men, Rev. 9:7

Fade (6). 2 Sam. 22:46; Ps. 18:45; Isa. 64: 6; Jer. 8:13; Ezek. 47:12; Jas. 1:11

Fadeth (7).lsa. 1:30; 24:4:40:7-8; IPet.

Fading( 2).Isa.28:1.4 1:4:5:4

FaU(64). Money f.. Gen. 47:16 Eyes f. .Dt. 28:32; Job 11:20 God will not f.. Dt.
31:6-8; Josh, 1:5;

1 Chr. 28:20 Heart f. .1 Sam. 17:32 Spirit f. .Isa. 19:3; Isa. 57:16 Waters f.. Isa.
19:5; 58:11; Jer. 15:18 Wine f. .Jer. 48:33; Hos. 9:3 His compassions f. not,Lam.
3:22 Faith f. not.Lk. 22:32 Prophecies f.. 1 Cor. 13:8 F. of the grace of God.
Hdb. 12:15

Failed (12). Gen. 42:28; 47:15; Josh, 3: 16; 21:45; 23:14; IKl. 8:56; Job 19:14;
Ps.l42:4; Song5:6; Jer.51:30;Lam.4:17

Faileth (19).Money f. .Gen,47:15 Strength f..Ps. 31:10; 38:10; 71:9 Heart f..Ps.
40:12; 73:26 Flesh f. of fatness.Ps. 109:24 Spirit f.,Ps. 143:7 Wisdom f. ,Eccl,
10:3 Grass f., Isa. 15:6 Tongue f. for thirst, Isa. 41:17 Truth f. ,lsa. 59:15 Vision
f., Ezek. 12:22 Treasure that f. not.Lk. 12:33 Charity never f., 1 Cor. 13:8

Failing (2), Dt, 28:65; Lk, 21:26

Failure , of angels, men, ante-diluvians, Israel, and Church, 59-61

Fain (2), gladly, Job 27:22; Lk. 15:16

Faint (41). Esau was f. .Gen. 25:29-30

Inhabitants f. . Josh. 2:9, 24

People were f., Judg. 8:4-5; 1 Sam.

14:28. 31; 2 Sam. 16:2; 21:15 Giveth power to the f.. Isa. 40:29-30 Walk and not
f. , Isa. 40:31 Heart f. .Jer. 51:46; Ezek. 21; 15 Spirit f..Ezek. 21:7 18:1

Always pray and not f. (lose heart), Lk, We shall reap, if we f. not.Gal. 6:9 F.
Always pray and not f. (lose heart), Lk, We shall reap, if we f. not.Gal. 6:9 F.
when rebuked by Him, Heb. 12:3-4 Fainted (12),Gen.45:26; 47:13; Ps. 27: 13;
107:5; Isa. 51:20; Jer, 45:3; Ezek. 31:15; Dan. 8:27; Jonah 2:7; 4:8; Mt. 9:36;
Rev. 2:3 Faintest (D.Job 4:5 40:28

F aipte th (4),Ps. 84:2; 119:81; Isa. 10:18; Fainthearted (3). Dt. 20:8; Isa. 7:4;
Jer. Faintness (iT.Lev. 26:36 49:23

Fail (53)."DauRhteis were f,. Gen. 6:1; 12:11.14: 24:16; 26:7; 2 Sam. 13:1;
14:27; 1 Ki. 1:3-4; Esther 1:11; 2:2-7; 42:15; Pr. 11:22; Scmg 1:15-16; 2: 10-
13:4:1,7,10; 6:10:7:6; Amos8:13 Ruddy, f. countenance, 1 Sam. 17:42 F.
weather.Job 37:22; Mt.l6:2 F. 5)eech.Pr. 7:21; 26:25; Jer. 12:6 F. colors, Isa.
54:11 F. and good fruit. Jer. 11:16 F. heifer, Jer. 46:20 F. jewels, Ezek. 16:17,39;
23:26 F. neck, Hos. 10:11 F, mitre, Zech. 3:5 F. child. Acts 7:20 F. heavens.
Acts 27:8 F. speeches, Rom. 16:18 F, show in the flesb.Gal.6:12 Fairer (3),Judg,
15:2;Ps.45:2;Dan.l:15 Faireg (3). Song 1:8; 5:9; 6:1 Fairs (6),Ezek.
27:12.14.16,19,22,27 Faith (245). Defined, g229-1*:b 253-1*; Utiiy 2 times in
O. T,. f 232-4; Dt.

32:20; Hab. 2:4. See Trust Language of f. .e-j 171-1 6fold confession of. r 263-1
6fold statement of. e 481-1 Results of petsonal.b 47-4* Command to have, f 48-
1* Blessings of, d 265-1* Saves, r 66-4*

An important question about, h 6 7-4* Pasooal.o 40-1*; v68-4*;g82-4*

17 works of. s 254-1* 28 blessings of. 282*

Never too late to get results, a 68-4*

Only requirement of.b 68-4*

Prayer for.c 80-4*

All things possible with, d 80-4*

End-time f. .82*

Doubt is sin.p 172-1*

10 things about f,, 201*

2 blessings by, c-d 204-1*

2 blessings by, c-d 204-1*

Thessalonian exanples of. h 223-1*

Can be shipwrecked, 236*

20 facts about, 236*

18 definitions of, 259* Works and f. ,g-j,p-q 261-4* Justification by, 2 examples,
h 223-1* Little, 4 examples of, f 6-4* Perfect, example of, p 7-4*

Law of. w 7-4*

Can be seen, f 8-4*; e 36-4*

PuU of. n 9-1*

Touch of. m 40-1*

Continue in.r 40-1*

7 occurrences of thy faiifa. o 9-1*

Great, 2 exam.ples of, o-p 17-1*

Power of,n, q 19-1*; t 23-1*

Example of, i 40-1*

Walk of, j 253-1*

Work of, m 253-1*

Obedience of.n 253-1*

Reckoning of, s 253-1*

Test of, q 253-4*

Material blessings of, v 253-4*

Tribal blessing of, w 253-4*

Authority of,x 253-4*

Recognition of,b 254-1*

Declaration of,b 254-1*

Fearlessness of, f 254-1*

Protection of, g 254-1*

Preservation of, h 254-1*

Miracle of, i 254-1*

Deliverance of, k 254-1*

Victory of, m 254-1*

Triumph of,n 254-1*

Physical strength by, o 254-1*

Boldness of, p 254-1*

Integrity of, r 254-1*

Utter reliance on. q 254-1*

If ye have f.,Mt.l7:20; 21:21:Lk.l7:6

F. has saved thee.Lk. 7:50; 18:42

F. has noade thee whole, Mt. 9:22; Mk.

5:34; 10:52; Lk. 8:48; 17:19 Have f.In God,Mk. 11:22-24 Increase on f, ,Lk.
17:5 That thy f. fail not,Lk, 22:32 Through f. in His name. Acts 3:16 FuU of f.
and Holy Ghost, Acts 6:5-8; Ob€dienttof.,Acts6:7 11:24

Saw had f. to be healed, Acu 14:9

CoiTiolete Concordance - Cvclapedic Index

Continue in tte f., Acts 14:22; CoUl: 23 Opened the door of f., Acts 14:27
Purifying hearts by f., Acts 14:9 Churches established in f, .Acts 16:5 Sanctified
by f., Acts 26:18 Obedience to the f., Rom. 1:5; 16:26 Mutual f. .Rom.1:12;
Tit.l:4; 2Pet.l:l The just shall live by f., Rom, 1:17; GaL3:ll; Heb. 10:38; Hab.
2:4 Justified by f.. Acts 13:38-39; Rom. 3: 28-31; 4:5-20; 5:l-U;GaL2:16; 3:8,24
Walk in aeps of that f., Rom. 4:12 Strong in f., Rom. 4:17-20 Access by f. into
grace, Rom. 5:2 Righteousness by f. ,Rom. 9:30; 10:6 F. Cometh by hearing,
Rom. 10:17 Thou standest by f., Rom. 11:20 Every man the measure of
f.,Rom.l2:3 Weak in f. ,Rom. 14:1 What is not of f. is an, Rom. 14:23 F.by the
same Spirit. 1 Cot. 12:9 Abideth f. .hope,charity, 1 Cor. 13:13 Your f. is vain, 1
Cor. 15:11,17 Stand fast in the f., 1 Cor. 16:13 By f.ye stand. 2 Cor. 1:24 We
walk by f. not by sight, 2 Cot. 5:7 I live by the f. of the Son.GaL 2:20 Promise of
Spirit through f. .Gal. 3:14 Children of God ihrou^ f. ,GaL 3:26 F. which
wotketh by love, GaL 5:6 A fruit of the Spirit,GaL 5:22 By grace saved through
f., Eph. 2:8 Shield of f. .Eph. 6:16; 1 Th, 5:8 Made shipwreck of f., 1 Tim. 1:19
Denied the f., 1 Tim. 5:8 Cast off first f., 1 Tim. 5:12 Erred &an the f., 1 Tim.
6:10, 21 Unfeigned f. .1 Tim. 1:5; 2 Tim. 1:5 Overthrow f., 2 Tim. 2:18 Full
assiaance of f.. Heb. 10:22-23 F.is.Rom. 4:17; Heb. 11:1 Examples of f., Heb.
11:3-39 Author and finisher of f., Heb. 12:2 Let him ad« in f. nothing, Jas. 1:5-8
F. and works, Jas. 2:1-26 Prayer of f. save sick, Jas. 5:15 Resist stedfast in f., 1
Pet, 5:8-9 Add to your f. ,2 Pet. 1:5 F.overcomes the wwld, 1 Jn. 5:4 F. ooce
delivered to saints, Jude 3 Building on f., Jude 20 Faithful (82). Moses was f.
.Num. 12:7 God is f. ,Dt.7:9: 1 Cor. 1:9; 10:13; 1 Til. 5:24; 2 Th. 3:3; 2 Tim.
2:13; Heb. 10:23; 1 Pet. 4:19; 1 Jn. 1:9 A f. !pirit coDcealeth.Pr. 11:13 A f.
ambassador is bealth.Pr. 13:17 F.over a few things, Mt. 25:21-23 F.in
unrighteous mammon,Lk.l6:ll F. minister, Eph, 6:21; CoLl:7 4 f, sayings, 1 Tim.
1:15; 4:9; 2 Tim.

2:11; Tit. 3:8; c 232-4* F. witness. Rev. 1:5; 3:14 Be f.unto death, Rev. 2:10
Called, chosen, and f., Rev. 17:14 Faithfully (8). 2 Ki. 12:15: 22:7; 2 Chr. 19:5;
3L12; 34:12; Pr. 29:14; Jer. 23: 28; 3 Jn. 5 Faithfulness (19). Thy f. leacheth
unto the clouds,Ps. 36:5 Thy f. is unto all generadons, Ps.119:90 F. the girdle of
His reins. Isa. 11:5 Faithless (4), Mt. 17:17; Mk. 9:19; Lk.

9:41; Jn. 20:27 FaU (251). Defined, i-j 169-4* F. into deep sleep. Gen. 2:21 F.of
m.an.Gen. 3; Job 31:33; Rom. 5: 12-21; 1 Cor. 15:21-22; 2 Cor. 11:3; 1 Tim.
2:14 A thousand shall f. at thy side.Ps. 91:7 Lord upholdeth all that f. ,Ps. 145:14
A praring fool shall f. ,Pt. 10:8-10 F.by his own wickedness,Pr. 11:5 Trusteth in
riches shall f., Pr. 11:28 Haughty sjWt before a f. ,Pr. 16:18 Hatdeneth his hean
shall f, ,Pr. 28:14 Perverse in ways shall f., Pr. 28:18 F.inio pit on the sabbath,
shall f, ,Pr. 28:14 Perverse in ways shall f., Pr. 28:18 F.inio pit on the sabbath,
Mt. 12:11 Both f.into the ditch, Mt. 15:14 Fall on this stone shall be.Mt. 21:44
Stars f. &om heaven, Mt. 24:29; Mk, 13:25; Rev. 6:13; 8:10 Satan as lightning f.
ftom.Lk. 10:18 F.by sword and be led,Lk. 21:24 F.on us.Hos. 10:8; Lk. 23:30;
Rev.6:16 Take heed lest he f,,lCot.lO: 12 12 F. intocondemnail0D,lTim.3:6;
Jas.5: F.into reproach and snare, 1 Tim. 3:7 F. into temptation and snare,1
Tim.6:9 F. after the same manner, Heb. 4:11 F. away.to renew them
again,Heb.6:6 F.into hands of living God, Heb. 10:31 F. into divers temptations,
Jas. 1:2 Do these things never f. .2Pet. 1:10 F. from own stedfastness, 2Pet.3:17
Fallacies. 7 f. about 1 Jn. 3:9, 279* 1 f. about the wafer, 1 29-4* 18 f. about the
Trinity, 2801* 14 f. about heU,621* 10 f. about God, 623

Fallen (75). Countenance f.,Gen. 4:6

Hair'f. off, Lev. 13:40-41

F. from heaven, O Lucifer, Isa.14:1—

Babylon is f. , Isa. 21: 9; Rev. 14:8; 18:2

F. asleep, 1 Cot. 15:6,18

F.from grace.Gal.l:6-8; 5:4;Heb,12:lS

From whence thou art f. .Rev. 2:5

Five are f. ,Rev. 17:10 FaUeg (l),Jer. 37:13 Falleth (28). Deep sleep f. on men,

■JTS; 33:15 Just man f. seven times.Pr. 24:16 Rejoice not when enemy f., Pt.
24:17 Where the nee f. there it,EccL 11:3 Ofttimes f.into the fire,Mt. 17:15 A
dividedhousef. ,Lk.H:17 14:4

His own master he standethor f.,Rom. Flower f. .Jas. 1:11; 1 Pet. 1:24 Falling.
(14). F. into a nance.but having

his eyes open. Num. 24:4, 16 Drops of blood f. down, Lk. 22:44 F. headlong his
bowels. Acts 1:18 Except come a f. away first, 2 Th. 2:3 Able to keep you from
f. ,Jude 24

Fallow (3),Dt. 14:5; Jer.4:3; Hos, 10:12

- -J,
- -J,

Fallowdeer (l). 1 Ki. 4:23

False (64)77 ways f. prophets are known, 2 symbols of f. prophets, c 272-4* 16

facts about f. prophets,b 296-1* 22 false diings: 1 Witness(Ex.20:16; Dt. 5:20;
Ps. 27: 12; 35:11; Pr.6:19; 12:17; 14:5; 19: 5. 9; 21:28; 25:18; Mt. 15:19

2 Report (Ex. 23:1)

3 Matter (Ex. 23:7)

4 Way (Ps. 119:104, 128)

5 Tongue (Pr. 120:3)

6 Balance (Pr. 11:1)

7 Lips (Pr. 17:4)

8 Balance (Pr. 20:23)

9 Gift (Pr. 25:14)

10 Vision Oer, 14:1-^

11 Dreams Qer. 23:32; Zech. 10:2)

12 Burdens 5.am.2:14)

13 Divinarion (Ezek. 21:23)

14 Oath (Zech. 8:17)

15 Swearers (MaL 3:5)

16 Prophets(Mt,7:15;24:U,24; ljn.4:l)

17 Christs (Mt.24:24; e 81-1*)

18 Accusation (Lk. 19:8)

19 Apostles (2 Cot. 11:13)

20 Brethren (2 Cor. 11:26; Gal. 2:4)

21 Accusers (2 Tim. 3:3; Tit. 2:3)

22 Teachers (2 Pet. 2:1; p 271-4*) Falsehood( 14).2Sam. 18:13; Job 21:34;



Ps. 7:14; 119:118; 144:8-11; Isa. 28:15;

57:4; 59.13; Jer. 10:14,- 13:25; 51:17;

Hos. 7:l;Mic.2:U Falsely (21). Deal f., Gea 21:23; Lev. 19:11; Ps. 44:17; Jer.
6:13; 8:10

Swearethf.,Lev.6:3-5; 19:12; Jer. 5:2; 10:4; Zech, 5:4

Testified f.,Dt. 19:18

Prophesy f. .Jet. 5:31; 29:9

Speaketh f., Jer. 40:16; 43:2; Mt

Accuse f. .Lk. 3:14; 1 Pet. 3:16

Science f., 1 Tim. 6:20 False religJoc. Laws against.U4;f-k 213-1

2 purposes of, j 213-1

Source of, d 375-4 Falsifying (1). Amos 8:5

Fame( 24).Joseph'sbrethren.Gen.46:16

9:9; Isa. 66:19

F.of God. Num. 14:15; Jo* F.ofJoshua,Jo<h.6:27 F, of Solomon, 1 Ki. 4:31;
10:1,7 F. of David, 1 Chr. 14:17 F.of Mordecai.Esthei 9:4 F.of Jesus, Mt, 4:24;
9:26,31; 14:1 Familiar ( 18). Spirits, 142; 481; b 75-1*; Lev.l9:31; 20:6.27; Dt.
18:11; 1 Sam. 28:3-9; 2Ki.21:6; 23:24; lChr.lO:13; 2 Chr. 33:6; Isa. 8:19: 19:3;
29:4 F. friends.Job 19:14; Ps.41:9 Famaiars(l). Jer. 20:10 Families (172). 12
divided, 24

Perpetual f., 218 AU f. ofeatthblessed,Gen.l2:3; 28:14 God setteth solitary in f.

,Ps,68:6 Makes f.Uke a flock. Ps. 107:41 F.of laael. Jet. 2:4; 31:1 F. of the earth,
Amos 3:2; Zech. 14:17 Family (123). F. laws. 114 TTofGod, 214* Every f.
mourn apart, Zech. 12:12-14 Family of Egypt go not up, Zech. 14:18 F. in
heaven and in earth is,Eph. 3:15 Famine (94).F.in the land,Gen. 12:10; SSTT;
42:5; 43:1; 47:4-20; Ruth 1:1 F. in Egypt,Gen. 41:27-57 F. as means of
punishment, Jer. 11:22; 14:12-18: 15:2:16:4; 18:21; 21:7-9; 24:10:27:8-13;
29:17-18; 32:24,36; 34:17; 38:2; 42:16-22; 44:12-27; 52: 6;Ezek.5:12-17; 6:11-
12; 7:15; 12:16; 14:13, 21; 36:29-30; Amos 8:11 F. for the word of God, Amos
8:11 F., nakedness, peril, sword. Rom. 8:35 Death, mourning, and f., Rev. 18:8
Famines (3). Facts about, r 11-1 13 f. in Scriptwe.r 11-1

Future f., Mt,24:7; Mk,13:8; Lk.21:ll Farrish (C),Pr. 10:3; Zeph,2:ll Far4shed (-
T.Gen.41:55: Isa. 5:13 Famous( 10).Nuir,. 16::. 26:9; Ruth4:11, 14; 1 Chr. 5:24;
12:30; Ps. 74:5; 136:18; Ezek. 23:10; jC:18 Fan (8).Isa, 30:24; 41:16; Jer. 4:11;
15: "77 51:2; Mt, 3:12; Lk, 3:17 Fanners (1), Jet. 51:2 Far (17?). Far be it from
Thee.Gen. 18: ;5; 1 Sarri. 20:9; Mt. 16:22 Be It f.from me, 1 Sam. 2:30; 22:15; 2
Sam. JO: JO; 23:17 Be not f.from me, Ps. 22:11. 19; 35:

22; 38:21; 71:12 F. from righteousness, Isa. 46:12-13 Gone f.from Me, Jet. 2:5
Their heart f.from Me.Ml,15:8;Mk. 7:6 Went into a f. country, Mt. 21:33; 25: 14;
Mk. 13:34; Lk. 15:13; 19:12 Not f. from kingdom, of God.Mk. 12:34 F. above
all principality, Eph, 1:21 Ye who were sometime f. off. Eph. 2:13 Ascended
f.above heavens, Eph.4:10 Christ, which Is f. better,Phil. 1:23 Fare (3).1
Sam.l7:18; Jonah 1:3; Actsl5: Fared (l),Lk. 16:19 29

FareweU( 4).Lk. 9:61; Acts 18:21; 23:30; Farm (l).Mt. 22:5 2Cor.l3:ll

Fanplng. 436 1:19:10:1

Farther (4), EccL 8:17; Mt. 26:39; Mk.

-arthing (3) ,11/2 cents,o 10-4*; Mt. 5:

•26; l6:29; Mk. 12:42 Farthings (l).Lk. 1^6 Fadiion (13).Gen. 6:15; Ex. 26:30;
37: 19; 1 KL6:38; 2 KL 16:10; Job 31:15; Ezek.43:11; Mk. 2:12; Lk. 9:29; Acts
7:44: 1 Cor.7:31;PhiL2:8; Jas. 1:11 Fashioned( 7).Ex. 32:4; Job 10:8;Ps. 119: 73;
139:16; Isa. 22:11; Ezek, 16:7; PhU.3:21; g-i 217-4* Fasbioneth (3).Ps.33:15;
Isa.44:12; 45:9 Fashioning (1). 1 Pet. 1:14 Fashions (1). Ezek. 42:11 Fast (85).
F. closed wombs,Gen. 20:18 F. asleep, Judg, 421; Jonah 1:5; 3:5; Zech. 7:5;
8:19; Mt. 6:16-18; 9:14-15; Mk. 2:18-20; Lk. 5:33-35; 18:12; Acts 27'9 Bound f.
,'judg. 15:13; 16:11 Abide f.by.Ruth 2:8.21,23 Fast (abstaining from food), 2
Sam. 12: 21, 23; 1 Ki. 21:9, 12; 2 Chr. 20:3; Ezra 8:21; Esther 4:16; Isa. 58:3-6;
Jer. 14:12; 36:9; Joe. 1:14; 2:15 10 things that do not constitute a f., b 724-1 724-

23 things that constitute a true f., c 20 blessings of a true f., g 724-1 Hold f.
.2Ki.6:32;Job 2:3; 8:15:27:6;

1 Th,5:21; 2 Tim. 1:13; Tit. 1:9 F. work, Ezra 5:8 Stand f. ,1 Cor. 16:13; Gal.
5:1; Phfl.

1:27; 41; 1 Th, 3:8; 2 Th. 2:15 If we hold f. the confidence, Heb. 3:6 Let us hold
f, the profession, Heb.4:14 Hold f,tlll I come. Rev. 2:25 Hold f, and repent. Rev.
3:3 Hold that f, thou hast. Rev. 3:11 Fasted (15). F. until even. Judg. 20:26; 1
Sam. 7:6; 2 Sam. 1:12 F. 7 days. 1 Sam. 31:13; 1 Chr. 10:12 David f.and wept, 2
Sam. 12:16.22 Ahab f. In sackcloth. 1 KL 21:27 Ezra f. and sought God. Ezra
8:23 .Nebemiah f. and prayed. Neh. 1:4 When he had f.40 days, Mt. 4 2 Church
f. and prayed. Acts 13:2-3 Fasten (5),Ex. 28:14.25: 39:31; Isa. 22: 6:5: 11:27 Fat
(130).Eating f.and blood, i 125-4 "FTof sacrifices, how used, Ex. 23:18; 29:13-
22; Lev. 1:8, IC; 3:3-17; 4:8-35: 6:12; 7:3-33; 8:16-26; 9:10-24; 10:15: 16:25;
17:6; Num,. 13:17 F. man, Judg, 3:17-22 Liberal soul be made f.,Pr. 11:25 Soul
of diligent be miade f., Pr. 13:4 Good report m.akethbones f. ,Pr. 15:30 Make
heart of this people f. , isa.6:10 All people feast f. things, Isa. 25:6 Fatfleshed
(2).Gen. 41:2.18 Father (963). Defined , j 25-4*

IsTJer. 10:4

Fastened ( 18). F. with a pin, Judg, 16:14 F, body to the wall, 1 Sam, 31:10
Foundations of earth f. ,Job 38:6 Nail f.in a sure place,Isa. 22:25 F, with naUs,
Isa, 41:7 Eyes f,on him,Lk,4:20; Acts 11:6 Viper f. on his hand,Acu 28:3

Fastening (l).Acts 3:4

Fastest ffi.Mt, 6:17

Fastest ffi.Mt, 6:17

Fasting (17), Doctrine of. 629 Secret of reward in f., e 6-1* 40 days f. possible, k
3-1* Jewidi f.. 82* 7 things not f. .x 156-1* Advice on f. .a 156-4* F. after Christ
left. 629 35 Bible examples of f..629 F. cure for unbelief. 629 laael assembled
with f., Neh. 9:1; Esther 43: Jei.36:6; Joel 2:12 Humbled my soul with f. ,Ps.
35:13 Chastened my soul with f. .Ps. 69:10 My knees weak through f. ,Ps.
109:24 King spent night in f.. Dan. 6:18 Daniel prayed with f.. Dan. 9:3 Kind
goeth not out but by f., Ml, 17: 21; Mk, 9:29 33

Aposaes'prayerwlthf..Act5l423; 27: Give selves to f., 1 Cot. 7:5;

Fastings (4).Esther9;31:Lk.2:37; 2Ctr.

Used of God, r 71-1*; d 108-4*

Call no man f. ,j 25-4*

One Father, c 926-1

Leave f.andcleave to wife. Gen. 2:24

F. of tent-dwellers,Gen. 4:20

F.of all handling harp, organ, Gen.4 21

F.of manynations.Gen.l7:4-5;Rom.4

17 F. -in-law.Ex. 18:1-27; Judg. 1:16 Honor f.and mother.Ex,20:12; Dt. 5:

16; Mt. 15:4; 19:19; Eph. 6:2 My f, and mother forsake me,Ps.27:10 Wise son
maketh a glad f.. Pr. 10:1 F. of a fool hath no joy.Pr. 17:21 Everlasting F., the
Prince, Isa. 9:6 We have Abraham to our f. .Mt, 3:9 Glorify your F., Mt. 5:16
Children of your F. . Mt. 5:45 Perfect, as your F. in heaven. Mt. 5:48 F. seeth In
secret, Mt, 6:4.6,18 Your F.knoweth what things, Mt.6:8,32 Heavenly F. also
forgive you, Mt.6:14 How much more shaUyourF.,Mt.7:ll Doeth the wm of My
F.. Mt. 7:21 First go and bury my f., Mt. 8:21 Spirit of your F. , Mt. 10:20
Confess also before My F. ,Mt. 10:32 Set man at variance withf. ,Ml. 10:35 Face
of My F. ,Mt. 18:10 Throne of His f, David.Lk. 1:32 Our F. which art in.Mt,6:9;
Lk. 11:2 Hate not his f. and mother,Lk. 14 26 F.and prodigal son,Lk. 15:11-32
F.Abraham send Lazarus,Lk.16:19-31 F. forgive them, for they.Lk. 23:34
F.Abraham send Lazarus,Lk.16:19-31 F. forgive them, for they.Lk. 23:34
Promise of My Father upon.Lk, 24:49 Worship the F. in ?)irit.Jn. 4:23-24 F.and
the Son equal,Jn. 5:17-45 F.send bread from heaven.Jn.6:27-65 F.bears witness
of Son.Jn. 8:16-56 Serve Me will My f. honor. Jn. 12:26 F.and Son related.Jn.
14:1-31 F. the huiandman.Jn. 15:1-8 Ask F. in My name,Jn. 15:16; 16:23 Prayer
to F. for unity, Jn. 17 Wait for promise of F., Acts 1:4-5 F.hath put in own
power. Acts 1:7 Received of F. die promise. Acts 2:33 F.of our Lord Jesus. Rom.
15:6; 1 Cor.
1:3; 11:31; Eph. 1:3; 3:14 Access by one Spirit into F. ,Eph. 2:18 I wiU be to
Him a F.,Heb. 1:5 Without f. .without mother. Heb. 7:3 Unto the F.of ^irits. Jas.
1:17 Fellowship is with the F. . 1 Jn. 1:3 Advocate with the F. .Jesus, 1 Jn. 2:1
F., Word, and Holy Ghost, 1 Jn. 5:7 Priests unto God and His F. ,Rev. 1:6
Fatheiless( 43).God concerned about. Ex. 22:22; Dt.10:18; 14:29; 16:11.14:24

17-21; 26:12-13; 27:19;Jer,7:6: 22:3;

Zech. 7:10; Mai. 3:5 Thou art helper of f. .Ps. 10:14.18 Father of the f. .Ps. 68:5
Defend the poor and f. ,Ps. 82:3 He relieveth the f.. Ps. 146:9 Judgment against
those who do not defend the f. .Isa. 1:17,23 In thee the f. find mercy, Hos. 143
Visit the f. and widows in. Jas. 1:27 Father's (147).F.house (70 times), Gen.
12:1; 24:7,23,38, 40; 28:21; 31:14

F.nakedness,Gen. 9:23; Lev. 18:8

F.servanu.Gen. 26:15; IKI. 11:17

F. sheep,Gen, 29:9; 1 Sam, 17:15,34

F.brothei.Gen. 29:12; Lev. 18:14

F.countenance,Gen, 31:5

F. concubine.Gen. 35:22; 2 Sam, 3:7

F. wIves.Gen. 37:2

F. flock.Gen, 37:12; Ex. 2:16

F. household.Gen. 47:12; Josh. 2:18

!^.hand.Gen.48:17; Jn, 10:29

F, children, Gen. 4ft 8

F. face,Gen. 50:1

F. sister, Ex. 6:20; Lev. 20:19

F.God, Ex. 15:2

F.God, Ex. 15:2

F. daughter,Lev. 18:11; 20:17

F.sIsier.Lev. 18:12

F. wife,Lev. 20:11; Dt. 22:30

F. meat. Lev. 22:13

F.bretlaen, Num. 27:7,10

F. skirt, Dt. 22:30; 27:20

F. family, 1 Sam. 18:18

F. concubines. 2 Sam. 16:21-22

F.loins.lKL 12:10; 2 Chr. 10:10

F. throne. 2 KL 10:3

Complete Concordance - Cyclope dic Index


F.son.Pr. 4:3

F. commandment, Pr. 6:20j Jer. 35:14 F. instruction, Pr. 13:1; 15:5 F. friend, Pr.
27:10 F. sins.Ezek. 18:14 F. kingdom, Mt. 26:29 F. business,Lk. 2:49 F. good
pleasure,Lk. 12:32 F. name, Jn. 5:43; 10:25; Rev. 14:1 F. house many mansions,
Jn. 14:2 F. commandments, Jn. 15:10 Fathers (532). Visiting the init^uity of f.
Ex. 20:5; 34:7; Num. 14:18; Dt. 5:9

1 sware to give your f., Dt. 1:8, 35; 6: 10,18; 7:8, 12-13; 8:1, 18; 9:5; 10: 11;
11:9,21; I3:r^ 1ft8; 26:3,15; 28: 11; 29:13; 30:20; 31:7,20; Josh. 1:6; 5:6;
21:43.44;Judg.2:1; Jer.ll:5,Mic 7:20; Lk. 1:72; Acts ■26:6; Rom. 15:8

Thou gavest unto their f., 1 Ki. 8:1,34, 40,48,14:15; 2 Ki. 21:8; 2Chr. 6:25,
31,38; Jet. 30:3; 35:15; Ezek. 36:28 F. have eaten sour grapes, Ezek. 18:2 F.
were not able to bear. Acts 15:10 F. provoke not children to wiath, Eph.
6:4; Col. 3:21 F. tempted Me, proved Me, Heb. 3:9 Fathers' (10). F, houses, Ex.
6:14 F. sepulchres, Neh. 2:3,5 F. idols, Ezek. 20:24 F. nakednesses, Ezek. 22:10
Fathoms (2), Acts 27:28 FatUn>^ (l).Isa. 11:6 Failings (5),1 Sam. 15:9; 2 Sam.
6:13; Ps. 66:15; Ezek. 39:18; Mt. 22:4 Fatness (17). F. of earth.Gen. 27:28, 39 F.
of the table. Job 36:16 F.of Thy house, Ps. 36:8 F. of the olive tree, Rom. 11:17
Fats.(2),Joel 2:24; 3:13 Fatted ( 5), 1 Ki. 4:23; Jer. 46:21; Lk. 15: Fatter (D.Dan.
1:15 23,27,30

Fattest (2).Ps. 78:31; Dan. 11:24 Fault (19). 3 men without f. , 1 Sam. 29: 3;
Dan. 6:4; Lk. 23:4-14; Jn. 18:38; 19:6-4 Tell him his f.,Mt. 18:15 If a man be
overtaken in f. ,GaL6:l 144,000 without f., Rev. 14:5 FaulUess (2).Heb.8:7; Jude
24 Faults (4). q 54-4*; Gen. 41:9; Hs. 19: 12; Jas.5:16; 1 Pet, 2:20 Faulty ( 2).2
Sam, 14:13; Hos. 10:2 Favour (70). I have found f. ,Gen. 18:3 Lord gave people
f. ,Ex. 11:3; 12:36 Compass him with f. ,Ps. 5:12 ShaU find good f. ,Pr. 3:4; 8:25
F.is deceitful - beauty vain,Pr. 31:30 In f. with God and man,Lk. 2:52 Having f.
with all people. Acts 2:47 Favorable( 4). Judg. 21:22: lob 33:26; Ps. 77:7; 85:1

Favoured (14i. Rachel was well f., Gen. Joseph was well f.,Gen. 39:6 Daniel was
weU f. ,Dan. 1:4 Favourest (l),Ps. 41:11 Favoureth a).2 Sam, 20:11
Fear(355).F.not, j 24-4: c 85-4,n 286-4' Whom not to f., 667

2 things not to f. ,u 570-1 4 things not to f., b 569-1

4 things to f. ,i 646-1

5 things to f. ,628; 667 5 things not to f., 667 7 things not to f. ,628 30 reasons to
fear God. 633 14 kinds of f. ,m 562-1

3 blessings of f.. u 655-4 12 blessings of f., p 652-1 12benefitsof f. ,667 Great f.,
g 124-4* Whom to f., 314* 3 things not to f., 314* F. of God, Gen. 20:11; 2
Sam. 23:3; "hr. 20:29; Neh, 5:15; Ps.36:l; 2Cot.

/:1; Eph. 5:21; d 206-1 F. thyGod.Lev.19:14,32; 25:17,36.43 F.the Lord thy God,
Dt. 6:2,13; 10:12,

20; 14:23; 17:19; 31:12.13,Josh.4:24 F.the Lord, Josh. 24:14; 1 Ki. 18:12;

2 KI. 4:1; Ps. 33:8; 34:9; Pr. 3:7 F. of the Lord. 1 Sam. 11:7; 12:14, 245

2 Chr. 14:14; 17:10; 19:7; Job 28:28;

2 Chr. 14:14; 17:10; 19:7; Job 28:28;

Ps. 19:9; 34:11; 111:10; Pr. 1:7. 29;

2:5; 8:13; 9:10; 10:27; 14:26-27; 15:

33; 16:6; 19:23; 22:4; 23:17; Isa.33:6;

Acu 9:31 Heart faUure from f. ,Lk. 21:26 Feaed (74), Midwives f. God, Ex. 1:17
CS>aaiah f. the Lord greatly, 1 Ki.l8:3 Job f. God, Job 1:1 God is greatly to be f.
,Ps. 89:7 Cornelius f.God, Acts 10:2 22:25

Fearea (3),Gen. 22:12; Isa. 57:11; Jet. Feareth (20). One that f. God, Job 1:8:

2:3; Acu 10:22 Blessed is the man that f. ,Ps. 112:1 Happy is the man that f. ,Pr.
28:14 In every nation he that £,. Acts 10:35 F.is not made perfect in.l Jn.4:18
Fearful (11).Ex. 15:11; Dt. 20:8; 28:58; Judg. 7:3; Isa. 35:4; Mt. 8:26; Mk. 4:40;
Lk. 21:11; Heb. 10:27, 31; Rev. 21:8 FearfuUv (l).Ps. 139:14 Fearfulness (3).Ps.
55:5; Isa. 21:4; 33:14 Fearin2^(8),Josh.22:25; Mk. 5:33; Acts 23:10; 27:17. 29;
Gal. 2:12; Col. 3:22; Heb. 11:27 Fears (4), Ps. 34:4; Eccl. 12:5; Isa. 66: 4; 2 Cor.
7:5 Fea st (122). Longest f.. h 514-1 Of the Jews, a 95-1*; m 103-4* Of
dedication, a 107-1* 8th day of f. of tabernacles, a 103-1* F, of unleavened
bread,Ex. 12:17; 23: 15; 34:18;Lev.23:6; Dt. 16:16; 31:10;
2Chr.8:13;30:13,21;35:17;Ezra6:22; Zech.14:16-20; Mt. 26:17;Lk. 22:1 F. of
firstfruits.Ex. 23:16; Lev. 23:6 F. ofpassover, Ex.' 34:25; Lev. 23:5) Mt. 26:2;
Mk. 14:1; Lk. 2:41; Jn.2:23 F.of tabemacles,Lev.23:34;Dt. 16:13;
2Chr.8:13;Ezra3:4;Jn.7:2;c 102-1* F.of ingathering, or trumpets, Ex. 23: 16;
34:22; Lev. 23:23-25 F. of weeks, or Pentecost, Ex. 34:22; Lev.23:15-
22;Dt.l6:10,16;2Chr.8:13 Deceiving when they f. with you, 2 Pet. 2:13; Jude 12.
See Agape - love feast F. of good things, 476 Feasted (1),Job 1:4 Feasting (7),
Esther 9:17-22; Job 1:5; Eccl. 7:2; Jer. 16:8 Feasu (32). 34 secular f., n 18-1 8
commands - national f., 86 3 annual f. for males, e 88-4; j 216-1 8 f. of Jehovah,
114; f 144-4 8 other f. of the Jews, f 144-4 3 commands concerning f., e 144-4

6 yearly f. ,h 188-4 How supplied, f-h 216-1 Oriental f. described,! 49-4* 2 f.

observed together, g 51-1*; a 51-4* F. of the Lord, Lev. 23:2,4,37,44 Solemn f.,
Num. 15:3; 2Chr. 2:4; 8:13; Lam,l:4; 2:6; Ezek. 36:38; 46:9;Hos. 2:11; Nah.
1:15; MaL 2:3 Set f. .Num. 29:39;lChr. 23:31:2 Chr.

31:3: Ezra 3:5; Neh. 10:33 Appointed f., Isa. 1:14 Love uppermost rooms at f.,
Mt. 23:6;
Mt. 23:6;

Mk. 12:39; Lk. 20:46 Spots in your f. of charity agape, love f. of the church,
Jude 12 Feattiered (2),Ps. 78:27; Ezek. 39:17 Feathers (7). Lev. 1:16; Job 39:13;

91:4; Ezek. 17:3, 7; Dan. 4:33 Fed (31). God f. me aU my.Gen.48:15 FTyouin
wilderness,Ex.l6:32;Dt. 8:16 F. thee with manna, Dt. 8:3 F. with bread and
water, 1 Ki.l8:4,13 Saw thee hungered, and f., Mt. 25:37 Desirlngtobef. with
crumb s.Lk. 16:21 I have f. you with milk, 1 Cor. 3:2 Feeble (20). F. catUe.Gen.
30:42 F. people, Dt, 25:18; 1 Sam. 2:5 F.Jews. Neh. 4:2

F. knees. Job 4:4; Isa. 35:3; Heb. 12:12 Not one f. person among, Ps. 105:37 F.
hands,2 Sam. 4:1; Jer, 6:24; 50:43: Ezek. 7:17; 21:7 Feebleminded (1), 1 Th.
5:14 Feebleness (1), Jet. 47:3

Feebler (1).Gen. 30:42

Feed (81). Defined, u 148-1*; 2 Sam. 5:2; 7:7:1 Chr. 11:2; 17:6; Isa. 40:11; jer.
9:15: -23:2-4; Ezek. 34; Hos. 4:16; Zech. 11:4-9.16; Jn. 21:15-17; Acts 20:28: 1
Pet, 5:2 5 things to f. ,314*

Commanded ravens to f.thee, 1 Ki. 17:4 F. Mm with bread of affliction, 1 Ki.

22:27; 2 Chr. 18:26 F. me with food convenient,Pr. 30:8 Cow and bear f.
together, Isa. 11:7 Wolf and lamb f. together, Isa. 65:25 F. you with knowledge.
Jer. 3:15 F. My lannbs, sheep. Jn. 21:15-17 F. the church of God, Acts 20:28 F.
your enemy, Rom. 12:20 F.the flock of God, 1 Pet. 5:2 Midst of throne shall f.,
Rev. 7:17 F.her there 1260 days. Rev. 12:6 Feedest (2).Ps.80:5: Song 1:7
Feedeth (8). Pr. 15:14; Song 2:16; 6:3; Isa. 44:20; Hos. 12:1; Mt. 6:26; Lk 12:24;
1 Cor. 9:7 Feeding (8). Gen. 37:2; Job 1:14; Ezek 34:10; Mt.8:30:Mk,5:U;Lk,
8:32; 17:7; FeediDgplaced KNah. 2:11 Jude 12

Fed (7). Gen. 27:12, 21; Judg. 16:26;

~7S 20:20; Ps.58:9; Eccl.8:4: Acts 17:27 Fe^ina_(2).Eph,4:19: Heb. 4:15

Only case of dependence on, c 25-4 Feet (251). 7 symboUc uses, 118 F.
washing, m 66-4*; q. s, 110:4*; d-m 111:1*; Gen. 18:4; 19:2; 24:32; 43:24;
Judg.l9:21;lSam.25:24;2Sam.ll:8: Jn. 13:5-14; 1 Tim. 5:10 Lawgiver firom
between f. .Gen. 49:10 Put shoes off thy f., Ex. 3:5; Acts 7:33 Under His (God's)
f. ,Ex. 24:11 Waihands andf. ,Ex. 30:19-21; 40:31 He will keep f. of saints, 1
f. ,Ex. 24:11 Waihands andf. ,Ex. 30:19-21; 40:31 He will keep f. of saints, 1
Sam. 2:9

Cut off hands and f., 2 Sam. 4:12

Diseased in his f., 1 Ki. 15:23

Put all things under f. .Ps. 8:6; 1 Cor.

15:25, 27; Eph. 1:22; Heb. 2:8 Make f.like hind's f.,Ps. 18:33 Dragon trample
under f. ,Ps. 91:13 Hasteth with f. sinneth.Pt. 19:2 Beautiful f.of preachers, Isa.
52:7; Nah.

1:15; Rom. 10:15 F. of seraphim, Isa. 6:2 F.of cherubim, Ezek. 1:7 F.of clay and
iron, Dan. 2:33-42 F. and arms of God, Dan. 10:6 Ashes under soles of f.,Mai.
4:3 Shakeoffdustoff. ,Mt.lO:14;Mk.6:ll; Lk. 9:5; Acts 13:51 Held Him by the f.,
Mt. 28:9 Two f. to be cast into hell, Mk. 9:45 Wash His f. with tears,Lk. 7:38-46
Behold My hands and f. ,Lk, 24:39 Showed them His hands and f., Lk.24:40
Anointed His f. ,Jn. 12:3 Apostles' f., Acts 4:35, 37; 5:2 Bruise Satan under your
f. , Rom.16:20 F. shod with gospel of peace.Eph.6:15 F. like fine brass. Rev.
1:15; 2:18 F. as pillars of smoke, Rev. 10:1 Sun, and moon under her f. ,Rev.
12:1 Fell at f.to worship,Rev. 19:10:22:8 Feign( 3).2Sam.l4:2:1 Ki. 14:5;
Lk.20:20 Feigaed(3),l Sam.21:13; Ps.l7:I; 2Pet.2;3 Feignedlv (l).Jer.3:10
Feignest (2).l Ki. 14:6; Neh.6:8 Felix (8). happy, j 152-1*; Acts 23:24-25; 24:3-
27; 25:14 Felix' (1). Acts 24:27 Fell (241). Countenance f. ,Gen. 4:5 Deep sleep
f. upon,Gen. 15:12 F.on his face,Gen. 17:3,17; Num.16: 4; Josh. 5:14; 7:6; 1
Sam. 17:49; 20: 41; 2 Sam, 9:6; 14:22; 1 Ki. 18:7: Dan. 2:46; Mt. 26:39; Lk,
5:12 F. on his neck. Gen. 33:4; 46:29; Lk.

15:20; AcU 20:37 F.on theii faces,Lev. 9:24; Num. 14: 5; 16:22,45; 20:6; Judg.
13:20;1 Ki. 18:39: IChr. 21:16 F. a lusting. Num. 11:4 F. down before the
Lord.Dt. 9:18, 25 Wrath f. .Josh. 22:20 Fear of the Lord f., 1 Sam. 11:7; 2Chr.

17:10; Rev. 11:11 F. upon her face, Ruth 2:10; 1 Sam. 25:

23; 2 Sam. 14:4 Fire of the Lord f., 1 Ki. 18:38 F.on my face, Ezek. 1:28; 3:23;

11:13; 43:3; 44:4; Dan, 8:17 Spirit of Lord f. on me, Ezek. 11:5 Great quaking f.
on them, Dan. 10:7 Seed f. on 4 kinds of ground, Mt. 13: 4-8; Mk. 4:4-8; Lk,
8:5-8 Judas by transgression f., Acts 1:25 Holy Ghost f., Acts 10:44; 11:15 On
8:5-8 Judas by transgression f., Acts 1:25 Holy Ghost f., Acts 10:44; 11:15 On
them which f., severity, Rom. 11:22 I f. at His feet as dead, Rev. 1:17 F. down to
worship. Rev. 5:8, 14; 7:11; 11:16; 19:4, 10; 22:8 FeUed (1). 2Ki.3:25 Feller (1).
Isa. 14:8 Fellest (1).2 Sam. 3:34 Fellin£_(l),2Ki.6:5 Felloes (l).lKi. 7:33 Fellow
(27). partner; companion, Ex. 2: 13; Eccl, 4:10; Isa. 34:14; Zech. 13: 7; Mt.
12:24; 26:61. 71; Acts 24:5 F. of Jehovah, 930 Fellowcitizens_(l), Eph. 2:19
FeUowdix iples (l),rn.ll:ifi Fellowheirs (1), Eph. 3:6 FeUowhelper (1).2 Cor.
8:23 Fellow helpers (1).3 Jn. 8 Fellowlabourer (2), 1 Th. 3:2; Ph'm 1
Fellowlabourers ( 2).PhiL 4:3: Ph'm 24 FeUovr-prisoner (2).Col. 4:10; Ph'm 23
Fellov.-prisoners (D.Rom. 16:7 Fellow^s ( DTTSam. 2:16 Fellows (13).Judg.
11:37; 18:25;2 Sam. 6:20;Ps. 45:7; 44:11; Ezek. 37:19; Dan. 2:13, 18; 7:20;
Zech. 3:8; Mt. 11:16; Acts 17:5: Heb. 1:9 Fellowsetvant (6). Mt. 18:29, 33; Col.

1:7; 4:7; Rev. 19:10; 22:9 FeUowservants (4). Mt. 18:28, 31; 24:

49; Rev. 6:11 Fellowship (17).Lev. 6:2; Ps. 94:20; Acts 2:42; 1 Cor. 1:9; 10:20;
2Cor. 6:14; 8: 4; GaL 2:9; Eph. 3:9; 5:11; Phil. 1:5; 2:1; 3:10; 1 Jn. 1:3-7; u 176-
1* Fellowsoldier (2).Phil. 2:25: Ph'm 2 Feliowworkers (1).Col. 4:11 Felt (
5).Genr27:22; Ex. 10:21; Pr. 23: ~35TMk. 5:29; Acts 28:5 Female (24). Created
male and f. ,Gen. IPTT; 5:2; Mt, 19:4; Mk. 10:6 Male and f. in ark. Gen. 6:19;
7:2-16 Male or f.sacrifices4^ev.3:l,6; 4:28-32 Fence (D.Ps. 62:3

Fenced (38). fortified. F. cities. Num. 32:17, 36; Dt. 3:5; 9:1; 28:52; Josh, 10:20;
14:12; 19:35: 1 Sam. 6:18; etc. Fens (D.Job 40:21 Ferret (1),Lev. 11:30

FeiTv (D,2 Sam. 19:18 Fervent (7). Acts 18:25; Rom. 12:11; 2 Cor. 7:7; Jas.
5:16: 1 Pet. 4:8; 2 Pet. 3:10, 12 Fervently (2).Col. 4:12: 1 Pet. 1:22 Fe^us (12).
joyful. Acts 24:27; 25:1-24; T04-25, 32 Festus' (1), Acu 25:23 Fetch (31).to
bring.Gen. 18:5: Ex. 2:5: 1 Sam.4:3;6:21;Job36:3; Acu 16:37 Fetched
(18),brought,Gen. 18:4; 1 Sam. 7:1; 10:23; 2Sam.4:6; 9:5:11:27:14:2 Fetcheth
(1). brings. Dt. 19:5 Fetcht (1),brought.Gen. 18:7 Feners (ll). Judg. 16:21; 2
Sam. 3:34; "TKir25:7; 2 Chr. 33:11; 36:6; Job 36: 8; Ps. 105:18; 149:8; Mk. 5:4:
Lk. 8:29 Fever (9). Dt. 28:22; Mt. 8:14-15; Mk. 1:30-31; Lk. 4:38-39; Jn. 4:52;
Acts 28:8; a 62-1*; d 157-1* Few (65). Left f. in number, Dt. 4:27; 28:62; Jer.
42:2; Ezek. 12:16 To save by many or f., 1 Sam. 14:6 Let thy words be f. .Eccl.
5:2 F. there be that And it, Mt. 7:14 But the labourers are f. .Mt. 9:37 Many
called, but f. chosen, Mt.

16: 22:14 Laid hands on a f.sick folk,Mk. 6:5 Beaten with f. stripes,Lk. 12:48 F.
things against you. Rev. 2:14,20 Fewer (1),Num. 33:54 Fewest (l).Dt.7:7
Fewness (1).Lev. 25:16

Fidelity (1). Tit. 2:10

Fidd_(289). Meditate in f. ,Gen, 24:63 Jonathan went into f., 1 Sam. 20:5-35
F.of the slothful.Pr. 24:30 3:12

Zion be plowed like f., Jer. 26:18; Mic. Rain to every grass in f. .Zech, 10:1
Consider Ulies of f,, Mt. 6:28 Clothe grass of the f., Mt. 6:30 Sowed seed in the
f. .Mt. 13:24-38 Treasure hid in a f. ,Mt. 13:44 Two in the f. .one taken,Mt.
24:40 Potter's f.,Mt. 27:7-10; Acts 1:18-19

Fields (58). Send waters on f. .Job 5:10 F.of the woods, Ps. 132:6 Went through
f.of com,Mk.2:23; Lk.6:l Sent into f. to herd swine,Lk. 15:15 Look on f., white
to harvest, Jn. 4:35

Fierce (41). F. anger. Gen. 49:7; Num. 25:4; 32:14; 1 Sam.20:34; Isa.7:4:13:
9.13; Jer. 4:8, 26; 12:13; 25:37-38; 30:24; 49:37; 51:45; Lam, 1:12; 2:3; 4:11;
Jonah 3:9; Zeph. 2:2; 3:8

F. wrath, Ex. 32:12; 1 Sam, 28:18; 2 Chr. 28:11,13; 29:10; Ps. 88:16

F. countenance, Dt. 28:50; Dan. 8:23

F. lion,Job 4:10; 10:16; 28:8

F. king, Isa, 19:4

F. people, Isa. 33:19

F. maniac, Mt. 8:28

F. mob,Lk. 23:5

F. men, 2 Tim. 3:3

F. winds.Jas. 3:4 Fierceness (12).Dt. 13:17: Tosh, 7:26; 2

Ki. 23:26; 2 Chr. 30:8; Job 39:24; Ps.

Ki. 23:26; 2 Chr. 30:8; Job 39:24; Ps.

78:49; 85:3; Jer. 25:38; Hos. 11:9; Nah.

1:6; Rev. 16:19; 19:15 Fiercer (1). 2 Sam. 19:43 Fiery (19). F. seipenu. Num.
21:6-8; Dt. 8115; Isa. 14:29; 30:6

F. law, Dt. 33:2

F. oven, Ps. 21:9

F. furnace, Dan. 3:6-26

F. flame, Dan. 7:9

F. stream, Dan. 7:10

F.daru, Eph. 6:16: 214*

F. indignation, Heb. 10:27

F. trial, 1 Pet. 4:12 Fifteen (24). Facts about serpent, 48

Facts disproving evolution, 55

Great covenants of Scripture, 57

Miracles by the rod,c 79-1

Great lessons. 111

Song composers, 239

Examples of men being angry, 264

Things folly to Israel, 265

Examples of Spirit upon men, m 268-4

Steps choosing Israel's king, g 302-1

Steps in Saul's downfall, 327

Uses of water, b 560-1

Requests of psalmist, m 579-4

Acu of God, f 582-1

Requesu of Asaph.b 587-4

Sins of the wicked, n 614-1

Reasons for an answer, a 614-4

Reasons God chooses babes, 618

Ways none like God, 626

Conditions of blessing, 630

Reasons to praise God, 635

TlUes of Bible using truth. 637

Things God has done,'537

Blessings of Davidic covenant, 639

Uses of larnp in Scripture, 639

Requests of David, 640

Reasons to be removed from whores,644

Ways of ants, a 644-4

Facu about kings, g 652-4

Reasons for praising God, c 857-4

Facts about God. 859

Complete Concordance - Cyclopedic Iiiciex

Causes of wtatb, ST"

Things giorify God, u 4-f*

Times to hear, g 11-4*

Events of crucifixion day.l 33-1*

Acts of elder son and Phansees, b 79-1*

Things discussed in40 days, k 122-1*

StagesofPaul's first journey,b 138-1*

Effecu of God's presence, 158"

Church tides, 153*

Things law cannot do, 174*

Commands about the body, 1"5*

Proofs men can be bom again more thai

once, 207* Time-statements regarding law, 207* Commands for Chnsuans, 214*
Classes law made for, 236* Things law unprofitable in, Co** F. cubits (31 ft. 3
in.) upward flood prevailed, covering mountains. Gen 7:2C F. years added to
Hezekiah,l$a, 38:5

Fifteenfold. Story of Hannah, 326 F, purpose of Proverbs, 643

Fifteenth (18), Ex. 16:1; Lev. 23:6, 34, 39: Num. 28:17; 29:12; Lk. 3:1; etc

Fifth (61). F. day.Gen. 1:23 24

F. part of land of Egypt, Gen. 41:34; 47: F.part addedin restitution,Lev, 5:16;

6:5; 22:14; 27:13-31; Num. 5:7 F,rib,2 Sam. 2:23: 3:27; 4.-6: 20:10 F. seal,Rev.
6:9 F. trumpet. Rev. 9:1 F. vial. Rev. 16:10

Fifties( 7).Ex.18:21.25; Dt. 1:15; 1 Sam. 8:12; 2 Ki. 1:14; Mk. 6:40; Lk. 9:14
Fiftieth( 4)Xev.25:lC-ll;2Ki.l5:23-27

Fifty ( 154). Kinds of hearts, f 17-4 TMngs that fill m.en, g 61-4* Marks of false
ministen, f 198-4* Facts about the N'.iUennium, 311* Tifles of B.ble using word
. 637 F.days - pentecost,Lev. 23:16 F. years old ministers retire. Num. 4; 3, 23,
30, 35-36, 39, 43, 47; 8:25 F. prophets hid in cave, 1 Ki. 18:4,13 F. men
consumed by fire, 2 Ki. 1:9-13 F.cubitsMghgallows,Esther 5:14: 7:9

Fifty-five, boasts of Paul, 200*

Fifty-ninefold testimony, 638

FIg_(40). Discussed, 324 F. tree, defined, q 27-4* Varieties of f., n 47-4* F. tree
cursed by Christ, o 47-4* Sewed f. leaves together,Gen. 3:7 Under his f. tree, 1
Ki. 4:25; MIc. 4:4; Zech.3:10 Lesson on faith by f. tree, Mc 21:19-22;
.Mk,ll:13,20--24 Lk.21:29

Parable of f.tiee, Mt.24:32; Mk. 13:28; Saw thee under f, tree.jD. 1:48-50 F.tree
cast unttaely figs. Rev. 6:13

Fight (107). Lord f. for you, Ex. 14:14; Dt. 1:30; 3:22; 20:4: 2 Chr. 32:8 F. with
prince of Grecia,Dan. 10:20 Lord f, against natioQs, Zech. 14:3 Judah will f. at
Jausalem, Zech.l4:14 Then would My servants f. ,Jn. 18:36 F. against God, Acts
5:39; 2a-9 F. the good f. o.' faith, 1 Tim. 6:12 Ye f. and war, yet have not, Jas.

Flghteth (3), Ex. 14:25: Josh. 23:10; 1 Sam. 25:28 Ps.56:l

Fighting (31.1 Sam. 17:19; 2 Chr. 26:11; 2 examples of f., e 146-4

FlRhtinp,; (2), 2 Cor. 7:5; Jas. 4:1

Figs (34). Discigyd . 324. See Fig take lump of f., 2 Ki.20:7; Isa.38:21 Baskets
of good and bad f., Jer. 24:1-8

Figure (7),xl64-l*; Dt.4:16; Isa. 44:13; Rom. 5:14; 1 Cor, 4:6; Heb. 9:9; 11: 19;
IPet 3:21

Figures (3).lKi.6:29;Acts7:43:Heb.9;24 F. of speech. See Proverbs. Poetry.

Fables. Riddles. Allegories, Types. Symbols , and Parables File ( 1). 1 Sam.

Flir(49). F. four barrels. 1 Ki. 18:33 F. mouth with laughing, Job 8:21 F. belly
with east wind,Job 15:2 F. mouth with arguments. Job 23:4 F. world with cities,
Isa. 14:21 F. water pots with water, Jn. 2:7 F. you with joy and peace,Rom.
15:13 F. up that which is behind, CoL 1; 24 F. up their sins alway, 1 Th. 2:16 F.
to her double,Rev. 18:6

Filled ns 9). 50 things men f.with.g 61-4^ Earth f. with violence. Gen. 6:11-13
Glory f. the house, 1 Ki. 8:10-11 Earth f. with His glory, Ps. 72:19 His train f.
the temple, Isa. 6:1 Mountain f. the whole earth. Dan.2:3S Righteousness, shall
be f., Mt. 5:6 F. all the bouse, Acu 2:2

FUleda (2), Dt, 6:11; Ezek. 27:33

FiUest (l),Ps. 17:14

fjlet q),Jer. 52:21

Filleted (3),Ex. 27:17; 38:17, 28

F{lleth (6), Job 9:18; Ps. 84:6; 107:9; 129:7; 147:14; Eph. 1:23

.nlleU_(8),Zx.:7:lG-H; 36:33; 33:10-19 Filling (1), Acts 14:17 lPet.3::i

Filth (4). Isa. 4:4: Nah. 3:6; 1 Cor. 4:13; Filtlaness (16). Moral, n 260-4*; p267-
4*; Ezek. 16:26; 24:13; 36:25; 1 Cot. 7:1; Eph, 5:4; Jas. 1:21; Rev. 17:4
Physical, Isa. 28:8; 2 Cot. 7:1 Material, 2 Chr. 29:5; Eaa 9:11 Fiuhv (16).
Deaoed. n ■2"-4 Man f. .Job 15:16; Ps. 14:3 Our righleousness as f. rags, Isa.
64:6 F. communication out of,CoL 3:8 F.lucre, 1 Tim. 3:3, 8; Tit. 1:7, 11; 1 Pet.
5:2 Vexed with f. conversation, 2Pei. 2:7 F. dreamers, Jude 8

He which is f., let him be f., Re v.22:11 FinaUv (e).2Cor.l3:ll: Eph. 6:10;Phil.

3:1; i:8: 2 Th. 3:1; 1 Pet. 3:8 Find_(156). Wearied to f. door,Gen. 19:11 F. grace
in sight man. Gen. 3-2:5: 33:8, 15: 34:U; 47:25:1 Sam.l:18;2 Sam.l6:4 F. grace
in sight of God, Ex. 33:13 Be sure sin will f. you out. Num.32:23 Who can f. 5
virtuous woman,Pr.31:l; Seek, and ye shall f. , Mt. 7:7 Few there be that f. it.,
Mt. 7:14 Ye shall f. rest to souls, Mt. 11:29 Lose life My sake, f. it,Mt. 16:25 I f.
no fault in this m.an, Lk. 23:4; Jn. 18:38; 19:4, 6; Acts 23:9 FiEdesi (2).Gen.
31:3-2; Ezek. 3:1 3:13 Fladeih( 25). Happy is man f. wisdom, Pr. F, a wife f. a
good thing, Pr. 18:22 Hand f. to do, do it with.EccL. 9:10 He that seeketh f. .Mt.
good thing, Pr. 18:22 Hand f. to do, do it with.EccL. 9:10 He that seeketh f. .Mt.
7:8 He that f. life shaU lose it, Mt. 10:39 F. it em.pty, swept, and. Mt. 12:44
Findins (ICT). Gen. 4:15; Job 9:10; Isa. 53:13; Lk. 11:24; Acts 4:21; 19:1; 21: 2-
4; Som. 11:33: Heb. 8:8 Fine (113). 7 modes of punishment. 115
F.Unen.Ex,25:4; 26:1, 31, 36; 27:9-13; -28:5-15; 38:9-23; 39t2-29 F.Qour, Lev.
2:1-7; 5:11; 6:20; 7:12; 14:10,21; 23:13-17; Num.7:13-79 F. gold, 2 Chr. 3:5-8:
Pr. 3:14; 8:19 F, copper, Ezra 8:27 F. flax, Isa. 19:9 F. brass. Rev. 1:15; 2:18 F.
linen is righteousness of saints. Rev. Finer (l),Pr. 25:4 19:8,14

Finest (2). Ps. 81:16: 147:14 Finger (26). F. of God. 1 72-4*; Ex. 8:19; nTlS; Dt.
9:10; Lk. 11:20 F. nan polish, ancient, 216 F. sprinkle blood,Lev. 4:6-34; 8:15;
9: 9; 16:14, 19; Num. 19:4 F. sprinkle oil. Lev. 14:16 Putting forth of the f,, Isa.
58:9 F. wrote on the ground, Jn. 8:6 F. in the nail prints, Lk. 20:25-27 Fingers
(15). 6 f, and 6 toes. 2 Sam. 21: 20; 1 Chr. 20:6 Heavens, the work of Thy f, .Ps.
8:3 Came forth a f, of a hand. Dan. 5:5 Biiden with one of your f, .Lk. 11:46
Fining (2).Pr. 17:3; 27:21 Finish (11).Gen.6:16; Dan. 9:24; Zech. "JT^Lk. 14:28-
30; Jn, 4:34: 5:36: Acts 20:24: Rom. 9:28; 2 Cot. 8:6 2:1

Finished (42). Heavens and earth L .Geo. Tent of coDgregadoo f., Ex. 39:32
Built house and f, it, 1 KI. 6:9 Numbered kingdom and f. it, Dan.5:26 F.tbe work
gave Me,Jn. 17:4 It Is f.: and He bowed, Jn. 19:30 I have f. my course, 2 Tim.
4:7 Sin, when f. brings forth, Jas. 1:15 Mystery of God f. ,Rev. 10:7 F. their
tesdmony.Rev. 11:7 lOOO years were f. ,Rev. 20:5 Finisher (l).Heb. 12;2 Fins
(5),Lev. 11:9-12; Dt. 14:9-10 Fii_(21). Trees, g453-l; IKi. 6:34:9:11; 2 KI.
19:23: 2 Chr. 2:8; 3:5: Ps. 104i 17; Isa. 37:24: 41:19; 55:13; 60:13; Ezek. 27:5:
31:8; Hos. 14:8; Nah. 2:3: Zech, 11:2 Instruments of f. wood, 2 Sam. 6:5 Timber
of f. ,1 KI. 5:8 Planks of f.,1 Ki.6:15 Rafters of f., Song 1:17 Flre(530). 12 uses
of, 201*; b 265:1* Perpetual f., c 124-4 F. falling from heaven, f 128-4; g 457-4;
2Ki. 1:10-14; 1 Chr. 21:26: 2 Chr. 7:1-3; Job 1:16: Rev. 13:13: 20:9 F. of
judgment, h-j 128-4: g 175-4 F. aBdbilmitonefromLotd,Gen.l9;24; Lk. 17:29 F.
with God's appearance,Ex. 3:2; 19: 18; 24:17; Ezek. 1:4-27; 8:2; 10:6-7; Acts
7:30 F. as a plague,Ex. 9:23-24 F.as a guide, Ex. 13:21-22; 14:24 F. and offering
to God, Ex. 29:18,25, 41: 30:20;Lev. 1:9,13:2:2-3,10-16: 3:3-16; 4:35: 5:12;
6:17-18; 7:5,25, 30-35; 8:21,28; 10:12-15; 22:27:23: 8.13,25.27.36-37 Saange
f.,Lev. 10:1-2; Num.3:4; 26:61 Pass through f. ,Lev. 18:21; 2 KL 16:3;

17:17. 31; 21:6; 23:10; 2 Chr. 28:3:

33:6; Jei. 7:31; Ezek. 20:31 F. of the Lord. Num. 11:1-3; 16:35 God a
consuming f.,Dt.4:;4:Heb.l2:29 Chariots of f.. 2 KL 2:11; 6:17 F. out of the
consuming f.,Dt.4:;4:Heb.l2:29 Chariots of f.. 2 KL 2:11; 6:17 F. out of the
mouth, Ps. 13:8: Rev.lLS F. of jealousy,Ps. 79:5; Ezek. 36:5 F. of-"Taih.Ps.
89:46; Ezek. 21:31 Ministers a flame of f. ,Ps. 104:4:633; Walking through
f.,Isa.43:2 Heb.i:7 Lord coming with f., Isa. 66:15-16; 2

Th. 1:7-10; Ezek. 38:22 Kindled a f. in anger. Dt. 32:22; Jer.

15:14; 17:4 Stones of f. , Ezek. 28:14-18 F. quenched by power, Dan. 3:22-27;

Heb. 11:34 1:14:2:18:19:12

Eyes like lamps of f., Dan. 10:6; Rev. F. of tribulation, Zech. 13:9 Refiner's fire,
MaL3:2 Holy Ghosi and f. ,Mt. 3:11; Lk, 3:16 Unquenchable f.,Mt,3:12;
Mk,9643-49; Lk,3:17 I

HeU f., not grave f., Mt. 5:22; 18:9 ' Furnaceoff.,Mt. 13:42, 50 Everlasting f.
.Mt. 18:8; 25:41 Cast them into the f. .Jn. 15:6 \

Cloven tongues like as of f.. Acts2:3 ' F. and vapour of sm.oke. Joel 2:30;

Acts 2:19 Heapcoab of f. upon head.Rom.12:20 Shall be tevealedbyf.. 1 Cor.

3:13-15 i ongue is a f., Jas, 3:6 Trialof f.,1 Pet. 1:7: 4:12; Rev. 3:18 Earth
renovated byf., 2Pet.3:7,10-13 Vengeance of eternal f. ,Jude 7 Pulling Item, out
of the f. ,Jude 23 Seven lamps of f. ,Rev. 4:5 F. and tnbulatioQ judgm.enis,Rev.
8:5-8; 9:17-13; 11:5; 16:8; 17:16: 18:8 Feet like pillars of f. ,Rev. 10:1
Tormented with f. and brimstone for ever and ever. Rev. 14:10-11 Lake of f.,
Rev. 19:20; 20:10-15; 21:8 Fir^rand (2).Judg. 15:4; Amos 4:11 Fijebrari33(
3),JudRj5:4;Pr.26:18: Isa.7:4 FuSiiES (4), Ex. :7:3:38:3: 2 KL 25:15; Jer. 5-2:19
Fires (1), Isa. 24:15 Jn. 2:6

Firkins (1). each one a 9 gaL measure. Flrrr: (7). Josh. 3:17; 4:3; Job 41:23-24;

Ps. 73:4; Dan. 6:7; Heb. 3:6 Firmament (17). Defined . 52; Gen. L-6-20; Ps.
19:1; 150:l;Ezek. 1:22-26; 10: 1; Dan. 12:3 First (420), i 90-1*; f 119-4*; 191* 6
important events of f. day, i 7-4 F. day of re-creatioo,Gen. 1:5 F. river of Eden,
Gai. 2:11 F. famine,Gen. 26:1 F. of nations. Num. 24:20 F. seek the kingdom of
God, Mt. 6:33 F.cast out the beam &om.,Mt. 7:5 F. cleanse that within. Mt.
23:26 F. commandment, Mt,22:38; Mk.12:29 F. day of the week.Mk. 16:2,
9;L.k. 24: 1; Jn. 20:1,19; .-^cts 20:7; 1 Cot.l6:2 F. called Christians, Acts 11:26
F. did visit the Gentiles, Acts 15:14 F.toJews,Rom, 1:16: 2:9-10 F. apostles, 1
Cor. 12; 28 F. man Adam, 1 Cor. 15:45 F,commandment wIthpromise,Eph.6:2
F.principles of the oracles, Heb. 5:12 F. covenant faulty, Heb. 8:7 F. loved US.1
F.principles of the oracles, Heb. 5:12 F. covenant faulty, Heb. 8:7 F. loved US.1
Jn.4:19 F. begotten of the dead. Rev, 1:5 F. love. Rev. 2:4 F. res unecdoD, Rev,
20:4-6 F.heaven and f. earth,Rev. 21:1 F. andthelast,Rev.l:11.17: 2:8; 22:13
Firsri?efioai5n (l).Heb.l:6 Figbom qrn.F. of creation, 222* •22 blessings of being
tte, 21 i Why f. chosen, 110 '

Redemptioo of f,, i 158-4 F. anLTias,Ex,13

F. of Egypt destroyed. Ex.12: Ps.78:51 Brought forth f. son. Mt. 1:25; Lk, 2:7 F.
among many brethren. Rom, 8:29 F. of every creatiie.CoL 1:15 F.from the
dead,CoL 1:18 Church of the F., Heb. 12:23 Fintfruit (2). bow used,b 225-1; Dt,
18; 4; Rom. IL16 Flrstfirjiti (32). Feast of.b-d 145-1; 153 Purpose of, e 145-1 F.
of all thine increase,Pr. 3:9 F. of the Spirit, Rom. 8; 23 F. of them that slept, 1
Cor. 15:20,23 F. of His creatures. Jas. 1:18 F. unto God and the Lamb,Rev. 14:4
Firstling (13). F. of beasts belonged t« Go<L Ex. 13:12; 34j19; Lev. 27:26; Num
. 18:15-17: Dt, 15:19; 33:17 F. of unclean animab were to be redeemed. Ex.
13:12: 34:-:0

Fiialings (6). Gen. 4:4; r.'um, 3:41; Dt. 12:6.17; 14:23; Neh. 10:36

Firaripe (4). Num. 13:20; Hos. 9:10: Mic. 7:1; Nah. 3:12

F^(34).Dominion overf..Gen. 1:26-28

"TTbf Egypt died. Ex, 7:18-21 F. gate. 2 Chr. 33:14. Neh. 3:3: 12:39 F. spears.
Job 41:7

F.in Dead Sea.Ezek.47:9-10 12:40 F.diat swallowed JonahJ:17: 2:10; Mt. F,

supplying tax mx)ney,Mt, 17:27 F. breakfast, Jn. 21:9-13

Pi^enren (l).Lk.5:2

Fisher's (l).Jn. 21:7

Fishers (7). Isa. 19:8; Jer. 16:16: Ezek. 47:10; Mt. 4:18-19; Mk, L16-17

Fisfaesp 7).Fear ofm.an-jpon f. ,Gea.9:2

F. miraculously .Tiultiplied^li, 14:17-19: 15:34-36; Mk. 6:38-43; 8:7 21:6

F. cauall miraculouslv.Lk. 5:6-9; Jn.

F. flavor different, I Cor. l=i:39

Fishhooks, sgears (2), Job 41:7;Amos 4:2

Fishing (1), Ji.. ;i:3

Fishpools (1). Song 7:4

Flshs (1). Jonah 2:1

Fist (2). Ex. 21:13; Isa. 58:4

Fists (1). Pr. 30:4

FIT (9). Lev. 16:21; 1 Chr. 7:11; 12:8;

~7ob 34:18; Pr. 24:27; Lk. 9:62; 14;35: Acts 22:22; CoL 3:18 SO^-l

Fitches (4), Isa. 28:25. 27:Ezek. 4:9;d

Fitly (4).Pr. 25:n:Song5:12;Eph. 2:21; 4:16


Ficteth (1). Isa. 44:13

Five (31 a). Commandsbefore fall, p 2-4 Decisions, 7

Reasons murder a great sin,r 3-1 Old m.en of Scripture, f 23-1 Sins of the
Philistines, q 24-4 Things Esau saw, 1 26-1 Facts about envy, a 28-4 Divine acts
in day 3, 52 Divine acts in day 5, 52 Facts about laael, f65-l Facts God testifies
to, i 69-1 Undtcu-mcised things, c 70-1 Things locusts did, g 74-4 Laws
cooceming the 7th day,k 76-1 Com.m.ands to stand stUl, n 73-4 Warnings to
oppresson, k 37-4 Com.m.andscoDceiEiag joatlce, a 38-1 Notable
pronouncem.eots, 112 Times God proved Israel. 116 Sins of priests, i 125-4
Cases of destruction by fire, j 128-4 Future destructiocs by fire, j 128-4 Laws of
Lev, 15. i 136-1 Sins warned against, d 149-4 Sins called tresspasses, 152
Promises not to forsake, c 204-1 Classes not enter congregation, e 222-1 Means
bringing I«ael on, a 225-1 Blessings of choosing God, s 230-1 Curses of
rejecting God,t 230-1 Sins of backsliders, u 230-1 Facts about hell, i 232-4
Ptiposes of Palestinian covenant, 239 Proofs the ca?ta:n was God,h 243-4 Lies of
Ptiposes of Palestinian covenant, 239 Proofs the ca?ta:n was God,h 243-4 Lies of
GIbeonites, p 247-4 Lords of the Philistines, 265 Acts of jealousy, g 276-1
Imiiatloo of worship, k 284-1 Conditions of deliverance, b 300-4 4 Things
madeSamuelblam,eless,h304-Things that nemiled, b 307-1 Things happened to
Philistines, d 307-1 Exalted boms, 326 Spiritual blessings of Saul, 327 Divine
things m.ancan depart from,328 Acts of God for DavIJ,c 341-4 Things about
David, m. 354-4 Kinds of sututes, i 361-4

Things that alwaysbringpeace, 1484-4 Facts about m.an's days, u 527-4 Great
sins charged to Job,l 528-4 Acts of the ungodly, 1 549-1 Blessings of the
ngIxeo'js.h 550-4 Requests of the psalmist, f 552-4 Reasons for asking help, b
553-1 Desires of the righteous, s 556-1 Scriptures of Ps. 22 in N. T., d 557-4
Blessngs to the godly, f 558-4 Things of God, a 561-1 TMngs to thirst for, e
-567-1 Personal references to Korah, c 570-1 Reasons not to feax wicked, v 570-
1 Commands for saints, h 470-1 Requests of David, v 572-1 Facu about God, a
589-1 Things God will do, f 591-4 Things holy, n 592-1 Reasons to hate evil, e
594-1 Things God has done,i 5^-1 Past acts of God, g 594-4 Kinds of hom.es, j
596-4 Admionitions to saints, r 602-1 Personal blessings, d 606-4 Things longed
for, k 607-4 Reasons for hope, i 611-1

Complete Concordance - Cyclopedic Index

Classes to praise, p 612-4

Reasons for praise, a 617-4

Examples of perfection, 624

Measuring lines, 624

Sins of the wicked, 628

Blessings of the righteous, 631

Con mands to sons, f 65S-4

Admonitions to n an,e 664-4

Things said of a husband, g 665-4

Facts about foolish worr.en, 666

Kinds of words, 667

Things not to fear, 667

Things to fear, 667

Classes that committed wick. ,b 7aiJ-4

Commands in Jer. 25, T'JJ

Things Christ will do, T98

Sins of Judah,b814-l;c 819-1

Acts besieging a city, 814

Things confessed, f 860-1

Signs to follow believers, 52*

Simeon's of the N. T., 90*

Customs fulfiUed, r 58-4*

Examples of pleasing men,e 63-1* i

Proofs "3rd day" relates to3 full daysj

k 69-1* !

Reasons n'any not saved, i 76-4* Classes arrested Jesus, f 88-1' Facts about the
law, 92* Beginning's, m 104-4* New experiences, b 125-1* AssutaiKes of
com'ersion, t 125-1* Greek words for baptisn., a 132-4* Blessings of the church,
i 133-4* Points of Paul's sern on, k 140-1* Qualifications of deacons, 145*
Things about Paul, o 150-i* Blessings of the gospel, a 155-1* Things not to
preach, 159* Ways gospel confirrrs law.j 163-1* P urposes of O. T. Scriptures, 1
169-1* Raptures in first resurrection, 175* Things God has chosen, o 176-4*
Points of judgrr.ent, e 179-1* Major sins of Israel, c 183-1* Commands to m.an,
a 188-1* Things before the end, 190* Works of God. g 195-1* Unclean things, k
195-4* Facts of godly sincerity, 200* Reasons Christ gave self, 207*
Possessions, j 208-4* Classes not to inherit kingdom, 213* Kinds of rrinisters,
214* Requests for PhiUppians, s 215-1* Things not to judge about, 222* Facts
214* Requests for PhiUppians, s 215-1* Things not to judge about, 222* Facts
of false cults, 222* Things to put to death, 231* Facts about false teachers, 237*
Things must do to the end,c 246-4* Things about Noah, m 253-1* Things about
Sarah, s 253-1* Things to do, d 254-4* Things m.ust lay aside, d 266-1*
ThingsPeter claimed to be, f 268-4* Things suffering consists of, 270*

"Ifs" of human experierx;e, 279* Secrets of answered prayer, 282* Blessings of

love, 28?

iiiject of Revelation, f 286-1* Counsel to Laodiceans, j 288-4* Supper of the

gjeat God.g 301-4*

Flxed (5).Pr.57:7; 108:1; 112:7;Lk.l6:26

Flail l),Job 8:11

Flagon (2).2 Sam. 6:19; 1 Chr. 16:3

Flagons( 3). Song2:5; Isa. 22:24; Hos. 3:1

Flags (3), Ex. 2:3-5; Isa. 19:6

nTf. of Israel, g 155-4; a-b 156-1

Flakes (l),Job 41:23

Flame (34). Lord appeared in f.,Ex. 3:2 Lord ascended in f. ,Judg. 13:20 Flame
goeth out of mouth. Job 41:21 His throne like fiery f. .Dan. 7:9 Body given to
burning f. ,Dan. 7:11 Behind them a burning f. ,Joel 2:3 I am tormented in this f.
,Lk. 16:24 F. of fire in a bush. Acts 7:30 His ministers of f. of fire, Heb. 1:7 Eyes
were as a f. of fire. Rev. 1:14; 2: IS; 19:12. Cp. Dan. 10:6

Flames (3).Ps. 29:7; Isa. 13:8; 66:15

Flaming (9). Gen. 3:24; Ps. 104:4; 105: 32; Isd. 4:5; Lam. 23; Ezek. 20:47; [
Hos. 7:5; Nah. 2:3; 2 Th. 1:8 , Flanks (6).Lev. 3:4.10,15; 4:9; 7:4; Job Flash
m.Ezek. 1:14 15:27

' Flat74).Lev. 21:18; Num.22:31; Josh.6:

Flitter (2).Ps. 5:9; 78:36 5.20

Flatlereth (6). Ps. 36:2; Pr. 2:16; 7:5; ■20:19; 28:23; 29:5

Flatteries (3).Dan. 11:21.32.34

Flattering (3). Job 32:21-22; Ps. 12:2-3; Pr. 7:21; 26:28; Ezek. 12:24; 1 Th.2:5 I
Flattery (2),Job 17:5; Pr.6:24

Flax (11), Ex. 9:31; Josh. 2:6: Judg. 15: • T^, Pr. 31:13; Isa. 19:9; 42:3; Ezek.
40:3; Hos. 2:5-9; Mt. 12:20

Flay (3).Lev. 1:6; 2 Chr. 29:34;Mic.3:3 Flayed (1), 2 Chr. 35:11 Flea (5), 1 Sam.
24:14; 26:20 Flel (148). Jacob f. from trouble,Gen.31 Joseph f. from,
temptation,Gen. 3ft 12 Moses f. from fear,Ex. 2:15; 4:3 David f. from certain
death, 1 Sam. 19 Woman f. into the wilderness. Rev. 12 Every island f. away.
Rev. 16:20 Earth and heavoi f. away.Rev. 20:11 Fleddesl (2).Gen. 35:1; Ps.
114:5 Flee (104). 4 things to f. from, 314* F. seven ways, Dt. 28:7,25 F. from
Thy presence.Ps. 139:7 F. out of midst of Babylon. Jer. 51:6 As if man did f,
from lion. Amos 5:19 F, from wrath to come. Mt. 3:7 Judea f. into mountains,
Mt. 24:16 F. fornication. 1 C<x. 6:18 F. from idolatry. 1 Cor. 10:14 F. these
things, 1 Tim. 6:11 F, youthful lusts, 2 Tim, 2:22 The devQ, and he will f.
.Jas.4:7 Death shall f. from them, Rev. 9:6 20 Fleece (9).Dt.l8:4;Judg.6:37-40;
Job 31: Fleeing,( 3)Xev.26:36; Dt.4:42; Job 30:3 Fleeth (9),Dt. 9:11; Job 14:2;
Isa.24:18; 48:19, 44; Amos 9:1; Nah. 3:16; 13

Comparisons: lascivious teachers Comm.ands to Sardis, e 288-1* |

Tilings about Laodiceans, e 288-4* j Proofs 24 elders represent raptured

saints, a 289-1* 290-4*

Times stm, moon, stars darkened, c-e Temples in history, c 293-4* Things
proved by prophecy of Rev.ll: 2, |

e 293-4* ofGrecIa,310*

Proofs beast of the abyss is the prince Things to charge, 313* TMngs to
consider, 313* "Go's" and Things to feed, 314* Things to remember, 31^ Things
to stand In, 315* Commands to submit, 315* 4

Five-fold. Blessings for obedience.m 19 Obedience of Abraham, m 24-1 Failiie

of Isael, 60 Majority report of 5)les, 164 Result in choosing God, b 230-4
of Isael, 60 Majority report of 5)les, 164 Result in choosing God, b 230-4
Character of Israel, 239 Reward foe faithfulness, d 260-4 Genuine repentance
ofIsael,s 277-4 Indictment of Saul,c 306-1 Armor of David, j 311-4 Charge of
God to men, c 360-1 Plea for justice, f 456-4 ConSdence of David,r 559-1
Destruction of enemies, k, m 574-1 True appraisal of backsliders, m 581-Food
from heaven, e 584-4 Envy of the wicked, q 602-1 Vow of the psalmist, j 613-1
Probation of men, 619 Doom of Satan, 635 Nature of the message, g 658-1
Condition of shepherds, h 838-4 State of sinners, 213* Testimony of Paul, w
240-1* Focmei state of apostates, 258* Character, position of Christ, 258*


Jn. 10:12 283-4*! nesh (410). 18coDtrasu widi spirit. 175*

irst major operation on body,Gen.2:21 Diseases of the f., Lev. 13-15 Life of f. is
in the blood,lev. 17:11 Eat f. of sons,Lev. 26:29; Dt. 28:55 F.be fresher than
child. Job 33:25 Health to all their f., Pr. 4:22 A sound hean is life of f. ,Pr.
14:30 Much study weariness off. ,Eccl. 12:12 Hell an abhorring to all f. ,Isa.
66:24 Pour out Spirit upon all f., Joel 2:28; Acts 2:16-21 Spirit hath not f. and
bones,Lk. 24:39 Word was made f. ,Jn. 1:14 Except eat f. of Son, Jn. 6:51-63
After f. .but after the Spirit,Rom. 8:1 Son in likeness of sinful f. .Rom. 8:3 If live
after f.. shall die. Rom. 8:13 Filthiness of f. and spirit. 2 Cor. 7:1 We do not war
after the f. .2 Cor.10:3 Thorn in the flesh, 2 Cor. 12:7 F.lusteth against
Spirit,Gal, 5:17 Works of f. are manifest,Gal. 5:19-21 Crucified f. with
affections,Gal.4:24 Soweth to his f. shall reap,Gal, 6:8 Having abolished in His
f, ,Eph. 2:15 Wrestle not against f, ,Eph.6:10-18 Have no confidence in f, .Phil.
3:3 God was manifest in f., 1 Tim. 3:16 In days of His f. prayed, H*. 5:7
Suffered in f. is free, 1 Pet. 4:1 Lust of the f.,ljn. 2:15-17 2Jn.7 Jesus Christ is
come in f.. 1 Jn. 4:1-3; F.upon him and ^liritin tain,job 14:22 Fleshhook (2). 1
Sam. 2:13-14 Fleshhooks (5).Ex. 27:3; 38:3; Num. 4: 14; 1 Chr. 28:17; 2 Chr.
4:16 Fleshly (4). 2 Cor. 1:2; 3:3; Col. 2:18;

Flight (3), Lev. 26:8; Dt. 32:3vj; IChr.

~lSrL5: Isa. 52:12; Amos 2:14; Mt, 24: 20; Mk. 13:18; Heb. 11:34

Flint (5), Dt. 8:15; Ps. 114:8; Isa. 5:28; 50:7; Ezek. 3:9

Flinty (l).Dt. 32:13

Floats (1). 1 Ki. 5:9

Floats (1). 1 Ki. 5:9

Flock (109).First sacrifice from,Gen.4:4 Led Thy people like a f., Ps. 77:20;

78:52; 80:1; Jer. 31:10 Fear not little f,, Lk. 12:32 F. of God which is among, 1
Pet. 5:2 Being ensamples to the f., 1 Pet. 5:3 14fold condition of f. of Israel, g

Flocks( 80).Gen. 13:5; 24:35; 26:14; 29: i-Si 30:36-40; 32:5-7; 33:13; etc.

Flood (43). Height of Noah's, 1 7-1 F.ofLucifer.b-c 596-4; Gen. 1:2; Jer.

4:23-26; 2 Pet. 3:4-8. See p. 54 F. of Noah,Gen. 6:17-9:28; 10:1; Mt. 24:38-

39;Lk.17:27; lPet,3; 2Pet. 2

Floods ( 19). 2 Universal, w 6-4; 54 Various kinds of. t "-l*;a 7-4* Effects of, h
7-4; k 8-1 32:6;69:2 F.ofungodlymen.2Sam.22:5:Ps. 18:4; Earth founded upon f.
,Ps. 24:2

Floor ( 19). Threshingfloor, Gen. 50:11; Ruth 3:3-14; Isa. 21:10; Hos. 9:2; Mic.
4:12; Mt. 3:12; Lk. 3:17 F. of the temple, 1 Ki. 6:15-16,30

Floors (D.Joel 2:24

Flotes (1),2 Chr. 2:16

Flour (58). Used in each offering, a 189—

TTTx. 29:2,40; Lev. 2:1-7; 5:11; 6:15-20; 7:12; 14:10. 21; 23:13. 17; Nura 15:4-
9; 28:5-28; 29:3-14

Flourish (13),Ps. 72:7,16; 92:7-13; 132: 18; Pr. 11:28; 14:11; EccL 12:5; Song
7:12; Isa. 17:11; 66:14; Ezek. 17:24

Flourished (2), Song 6:11; Phil. 4:10

Flouiisheth (2),Ps. 90:6; 103:15

Flo^jjishin^ (2),Ps. 92:14; Dan. 4:4

Flow (13) .All nations f. to visit and wot-

^^p Messiah. Isa. 2:2-4; Mic. 4:1 Symbol of prosperity, Joel 3:18 F. rivers of
^^p Messiah. Isa. 2:2-4; Mic. 4:1 Symbol of prosperity, Joel 3:18 F. rivers of
living water, Jn. 7:38

Flowed (3), Josh. 4:18; Isa.64:3; Lam.3:54

Flower (20). Carved on tabernacle furniture, Ex. 25:33; 37:19 F.of age,l Sam.
2:33; 1 Cot. 7:36 Frailty of man compared to f., Job 14: 2: 15:33; Ps. 103:15; Isa.
40:6-8; Jas. 1:10-11; 1 Pet. 1:24 Flowers (17). Carved on furniture, Ex. 25: 31-
34; 37:17-20; Num. 8:4 Used of menstiatIon,Lev. 15:24, 33 Flowsih (12)
,Lev,20:24; Num. 13:27; 14: 14; Dt. 6:3; 11:9; 26:9, 15; :0; Josh. 5:6

oweth ( OSTl

27:3; 31: Flowing( 12).Ex.3:8,17; 13:5; 33:3: Pr.

18:4; Isa. 66:12; Jer. 11:5; 18:14; 32:

22; 49:4; Ezek. 20:6, 15 Flute (4),Dan. 3:5-15


nuttereth (l).Dt. 32:11

Flux (1), Acts 28:8

(25).F.above earth. Gen. upon spoil, 1 Sam. 15:19 F. on a cherub,2 Sam,

22:11;Ps. 18:10 F. away as a dream. Job 20:8 F. away and be at rest, Ps. 55:6 F.
as a cloud, Isa. 60:8 F. into the wilderness. Rev. 12:14

Flying (11). F. creeping things, Lev. 11:

1,23; Ps. 148:10 Fiery f, serpent, Isa. 14:29; 30:6 As birds f., so wUl Lord, Isa.
31:5 F.roU.Zech. 5:1-2

Foal (3),Gen. 49:11; Zech.9:9; Mt.21:5

FoaTs ( 1),Gen. 32:15

Foam (1). Hos. 10:7

Foamedi (2).Mk. 9:18; Lk. 9:39


Wholly f. Lord,Num.32:12; Dt. 1:36;

Josh. 14:8-14 Left their nets and f. Him, Mt.4:20-22 Peter f. Him afar off.Mt.
26:58 Spiritual Rock f. them, 1 Cor, 10:4 Death and hell f. with him. Rev. 6:8
Armies of heaven f. Him,Rev. 19:14

FoUowedst (l).Ruth 3:10

Followers (8), 1 Cor. 4:16; 11:1; Eph. 5:

'1; pH1.3:17; 1 Th. 1:6; 2:14; Heb. 6: 12; 1 Pet. 3:13 Ps.63:8

Followeth( 15).My soul f.hard after Thee, F. after righteousness.Pr. 15:9; 21:21
F. after rewards, Isa. 1:23 F. not usj so we forbad him, Mk.9:38 F.Me not walk
In darkness, Jn. 8:12

Following ( 43) .Turn away from following

the Lord, Josh. 22:16-18, 23-29; 1

Sam. 12:20; 2 Chr. 25:27

Confirming Word with signs f., Mk. 16:

F. the way of Balaam. 2 Pet, 2:15 20

Folly ( 37). Wrought f. in Israel, Gen. 34:

"^f; Dt.2-2:21; Josh, 7:15; Judg. 20:6-10; 2 Sam. 13:12 Charged His angels with
f. ,Job 4:18 F. in Proverbs, 5:23; 13:16; 14:8, 18, 24, 29; 15:21; 16:22; 17:12;
18:13; 26:4-5, 11 F. In the prophets, Jer. 23:13

Food (54). Tree good for f., Gen. 3:6 Man did eat angels' f. ,Ps. 78:25 Who
giveth f. to all flesh, Ps. 136:25;
giveth f. to all flesh, Ps. 136:25;

146:7; 147:9; Job 38:41 Having f.,raiment be, 1 Tim. 6:8 Destitute of daily f.,
Jas. 2; 15

Fool ( 66).F.said in heart.Ps. 14:1; 53:1 A prating f. ,Pr. 10:8,10 He fliatuttereth

slander isa f. .Pr.lO:18 Hundred stripes into a f. ,Pr. 17:10 A f. when hold peace
is,Pr. 17:28 Every f. will be meddling,Pr. 20:3 Wisdom too high for f., Pr. 24:7
Answer not a f, .Pr. 26:4-5 A f. unereth all his mind.Pr. 29:11 A f. is full of
words, EccL 10:14 Say, Thou f. shallbein danger,Mt.5:22 Thou f.diis night thy
soul,Lk. 12:20 Thou f, that which sowest, 1 Cor. 15:36

Foolish (52). F. nation, Dt. 32:21; Rom. F.women,Job2:10;Pr.9:13 10:19

F. man. Job 5:2-3; Ps. 74:22; Pr. 14:7:

15:20; 29:9; Mt. 7:25 F.people.Ps. 74:18; Jer.4:22: 5:21 F.son.Pr. 10:1; 17:25:
19:13: 21:20 F. king, EccL 4:13 F. prophets, Ezek. 13:3 F. shepherd, Zech.
11:15 F. virgins, Mt. 25:2-8 F, heart, Rom, 1:21 F. things, 1 Cor, 1:27 F.
galatians. Gal. 3:1,3 F, talldng.Eph.5:4 F. and hunful lusts, 1 Tim. 6:9 F.
questions. 2 TIni.2:23: Tit. 3:9 F. men.l Pet. 2:15

Foolishly (12).Gen. 31:28; Num. 12:11; 2 Sam. 24:10:1 Chr. 21:8; 2 Chr. 16:9;
Job 1:22; Ps. 75:4; Pr. 14:17; 30:32: 2 Cor. 11:17. 21

Foolishness (20). My f, ,Ps. 38:5; 69:5 Hean of fools proclaim f. ,Pr. 12:23 F.of
fools is foUy.Pr. 14:24 Mouth of fools pours out f. .Pr. 15:2 Mouth of fools feeds
on f. .Pr. 15:14 F. bound in heart of child. Pr. 22:15 The thought of f. Is sIn.Pr.
24:9 F. comes from heart. Mk. 7:19-22 Preaching of cross f. .to, 1 Cor. 1:18 F. of
preaching to save, 1 Cor. 1:21 Wisdom of world f.widiGod,lCor.3:19

Fool's (7). Pr. 12:16; 18:6-7; 26:3; 27:3;


er Cl).Job 6:5

T Pet. 2:11 Flew (2). 1 Sam. 14:32; Isa. 6:6 Files (10),Ex. 8:21-31; Ps.
78:45:105: TP, EccL 10:1 FlIeth(4),Dt.4:17; 14:19; 28:49:Ps. 91:5
Foes (7), 1 Chr, 21:12; Esther 9:16; Ps. '1!7:2; 30:1; 89:23; Mt. 10:36; Acts2:35
Fold (9),Isa. 13:20; 65:10; Ezek. 34:14; ~Mrc.2:12;Hab.3:17;Jn.l0:16;Heb.bl2
Folden (l).Nah. 1:10 Foldeth (l).EccL 4:5 Folding (4), IKL 6:34;Pt. 6:10; 24:33
Folds (5), Num. 32:24.36; Ps. 50:9; Jer. 23:3;Zeph.2:6 Mk.6:5; Jn.5:3

Folk( 5).Gen.33:15; Pr.30:26; Jer.51:58: FoITs (l).Acts 5:16 Follow (84). 10

things to f.. 314*

Secret of Ufe, f 82-1* Goodness and mercy f. me,Ps. 23:6 If we f. on to know

Lord. Hos. 6:3 F.Me.Mt. 4:19; 8:22; 9:9; 19:21; Lk.

18:22:Jn.l:43;12:26; 21:19.22 Take i^ cross, and f. Me, Mt, 16:24;

Mk. 8:34; 10:21; Lk. 9:23 F. after charity, 1 Cor. 14:1 Some sins f. after, 1 Tim.
5:24 F, after riglieousness, 1 Tim. 6:11 F. peace with all men, Heb. 12:14
Example, f. His steps, i cet. 2:21 Ttese f. the Lamb,Rev. 14:4 Their works do f.
them. Rev. 14:13 Followed (108).Not whollyf. Num. 32:11

EccL 5:3; 10:2 Fools ( 42). Defined, a 553-4; q 4-4*: f 73-4*;h90-4*; d 178-4*;
1 198-4*; c 12 traits of. f 553-4 203-4*

3 definitions of, 642 8 things about, 1 645-1

3 comparisons of folly, h 645-4

4 examples of wrath, v 649-1 46 ways of f. .b 651-4

10 proverbs about f. .n 661-1 Maketh judges f. .Job 12:17 F. because of

transgression. Ps. 107:17 F.de^ilse wisdom and instrucrion,Pr.l:7 F. hate
knowledge. Pr. 1:22 F. make a mock at sin, Pr. 14:9 F. pour out foolishness. Pr.
15:2 F. feed on foolishness. Pr. 15:14 F. and slow of heart.Lk. 24:25 F. for
Christ's sake. 1 Cot. 4:10 Not as f, ,but as wise, Eph. 5:15 Foot (93). 2 examples
of bate f.,f 224-1 "FTfot f.,Ex.21:24; Dt. 19:21 Great toe of right f., Ex. 29:20:

8:23; 14:14. 17, 25. 28 Lest dash f, against a stone, Ps. 91:12;

Mt,4:6:Lk.4:ll F, from neighbor's house, Pr, 25:17 If hand or f. offend thee,Mt.

18:8 Trodden under f. the Son of, Heb. 10:29

Garment down to f. ,Rev. 1:13 Set right f. upoo sea,Rev. 10:2 Holy city tread
Garment down to f. ,Rev. 1:13 Set right f. upoo sea,Rev. 10:2 Holy city tread
under f. .Rev. 11:2 Footmen (12), Num. ll:21;;udc JO - 1 Sam.4-10; 15:4; 22:17;
2Sam, 8:4; 10: 6: 1 KL 20:29; 2 Ki. 13:7; 1 Chr. 18: 4; 19:18; Jer. 12:5 1:8

Footsteps (4)J's.l7:5: 77:19: 89:51: Song Footstool g g). .Make enemies f. ,Ps.
110: 1: NIL 22:44; Mk. 12:36: Lk. 20:43; Acts 2:35; Heb. 1:13; 10:13
EarthMyf.,Isa.66:l;NU.5:35;Acts7:49 For (8,762), meaning on
accountof;because of; in place of; in favor of; instead of; on behalf of; around;
about; concerning; and answering to; wMch meanings are always made clear in
the passages where found. For example, see note a,Mt. 3:11 Forasmuch (43).
Gen. 41:39; Num. 10: 31;Dt. 12:12; Isa. 29:13;Lk, 1:1; 1 Cot. 14:12; 15:58; 2
Cor. 3:3: Heb. 2:14; 1 Pec 1:18; 4:1; etc. Foibad( 5).Dt.2:37; Mt.3:14; Mk. 9:38;
Lk. 9:49; 2 Pet. 2:16 Jer.4L-8

Forbare (3). 1 Sam. 23:13; 2 Chr. 25:16: FoAea? (22), Ex. 23:5; Dt, 23:22; 1 KL
22:6.15; Ezek.2:5-7; 3:11,27; 24:17; Zech. 11:12:1 Cor. 9:6; ITh. 3:1,5
Fcibearance(2), patience; self-control, Rom. 2:4; 3:25 gorbeareth (g. Num. 9:13;
Ezek. 3:27 Fort:earij;,( 5).Pr.25:15: Jer. 20:9; Eph.

4:2; 6:9; Col.3:13 Forbid ( 37). God f.r24 times). Gen. 44:7, 17; Josh. 22:29;
24:16; 1 Sam. 12:23; 14:45; 20:2; 1 Chr. 11:19; Job 27:5; Lk. 20:16; Rom. 3:4-
6,31; 6:2,15; 7: 7. 13; 9:14; 11:1. 11; 1 Cor. 6:15; Gal. 2:17; 3:21; 6:14 TheLord
f..l Sam.24:6: 26:11; lKi.2L3 4 things not to f. .Mt. 19:14; Mk. 9:39; 10:14;
Lk.6:29; 18:16; 1 Cor. 14£39 Fofeidden (3).Lev. 5:17; Dt. 4:23; Acts Forbiddeth
(l).3 Jn. 10 16:6

FoibiJding; ( 4). Lk, 23:2; Acts 28:31; 1

Th, 2:16: 1 Tim. 4-3 Forborn (l).refrained. Jet. 51:30 Force (19). His eyes not
dim, nor his natural f. abated, Dt. 34:7 The violent take It by f. ,Mt. 11:12 I Take
Him by f. to make Him, Jn.6:15 Testament is of f, after, Heb. 9:17 i Faced
(7),Judg.l:34j 20:5; 1 Sam. 13: 12; 2 Sam. 13:14, 22.32; Pr, 7:21
Forces_(16).F.ofGentilescome.Isa.60:5. ! Honor the god of f.. Dan.ll: 38 11
Forcible (1). Job 6:25 Forcing ( 2). DL 20:19; Pr. 30:33 Fori.(1).Gen. 32:22
Fords ( 3).Josh. 2:7; Judg.3:28; Isa. 16:2 Forecast (2),Dan. 11:24-25 Forefathers
(2).Jer.ll:10; 2Tiin.l:3 FqrefioPt ao).Ex.26:9; 28:37; Lev. 8:9; ISam. 14:5; 2 Sam.
11:15; 2 Ki. 16:14; 2 Chr. 20:27; Ezek.40:19; 47:1 Forehead (16).Ex. 28:38;
Lev. 13:41-43; 1 Sam. 17:49; 2 Chi. 26:19-20; Jer. 3:3;
Ezek.3:8;16:12;Rev.14:9:17:5 Fweheads (8). EzA. 3:8; 9:4; Rev, 7:3j 9:4; 13:16;
141; 20:4; 22:4 Foreign, 3 nations and Israel, 237 Foreigner (2). Ex. 12:45; Dt.
15:3 Foreigners (2).Oba. 11: Eph. 2:19 Foreknew (l).Rom. 11:2. Election, 784
15:3 Foreigners (2).Oba. 11: Eph. 2:19 Foreknew (l).Rom. 11:2. Election, 784
Foreknow (1), y 167-1»; Rom. 8:29. Election . 784 1:2

Forgtaowledge (2). 269; Acts2:23; 1 Pet. ■ FaemosL(3),Gen. 32:17: 33:2; 2

Sam. 18:27


Forepart (5). Ex. 28:27; 39:20; 1 Ki. 6: 20; Ezek. 42:7: Acts 27:41

Forerunner (1). Heb, 6:20

Foresaw/ l), Acts 2:25

Foreseeing (l),Gal. 3:8

Foreseeth (2).Pr. 22:3: 27:12

Foreship (1), Acts 27:30

Foreskin (9). Gen. 17:11-2S; Ex. 4:25; Lev. 12:3; Dt. 10:16; Hab. 2:16

Foreskins (5). Josh. 5:3; 1 Sam. 18:25-27; 2 Sam. 3:14; Jer. 4:4

Forest (38). F. of Hareth, 1 Sam. 22:5 F. of Lebanon, 1 Ki. 7:2; 10:17,21 F. of

Carmel, 2 Ki. 19:23; Isa.37:24 F. of Arabia, Isa. 21:13 i F. of the south, Ezek.
20:46-47 I

Ffll£ai(3).2 Chr. 27:4; Ps. 29:9; Ezek.

FoteteU (1).2 Cor. 13:2 39:10

Foretold (2).Mk. 13:23: Acu 3:24

Forewarn (D.Lk. 12:5

Forewarned (1). 1 Th.4:6

Forfeited (1). Ezra 10:8

Fwoat (8).Gen,40:23;Judg. 3:7:lSam.

TSTST Ps. 78:11; 106:13. 21; Lam. 3: 17; Hos. 2:13

TSTST Ps. 78:11; 106:13. 21; Lam. 3: 17; Hos. 2:13

Forgave(8),Ps. 78:38; Mt. 18:27,32; Lk.

7:42-43; 2 Cor. 2:10; CoL 3:13 Forgavest (2).Ps.32:5; 99:8

Complete Concordance - Cyclopedic Index

[ Forger s (1). Job 13:4 Forget (54). Take heed lest ye f. the covenant of tte Lord,
Dt. 4:23 Beware lest you f. the Lord, Dt. 6:12; 8:11, 14. 19; 25:19; Pr. 31:5 Hell
aU nations that f. God, Ps. 9:17 I will unerly f. you, Jer. 23:39 Forgetful (2).
Heb. 13:2; Jas. 1:25

Forgetfulness (1), Ps. 88:12 Forgettest (a.Ps.44:24: ha. 51:13

Forgetteth (4), Job 39:15: p's. 9:12; Pr. 2:l7;;as. 1:24

Forgetting (1),Phil. 3:13

Forgive (53). When you hear, forgive, 1 Ki. 8:30-39, 50; 2 Chr. 6:21-30, 39 I
will f. sin, and heal, 2 Chr. 7:14 I will f. iniquity, Jer. 31:34; 36:3 F. us our debts,
as we f. ,Mt. 6:12 If ye f. men,Mt. 6:14; Mk. 11:25-26 If you do not f. men, Mt.
6:15; 18:35; Mk, 11:25-26; Lk. 6:37; 11:4 17:3 Ought rather f., 2 Cor. 2:7-10 He
is faithful, just to f,, 1 Jn. 1:9 Forgiven_(4-2). Blessed is he whose trans-Flee f.
,1 Cor. 6:13

To avoid f. ,let every, 1 Cor. 7:2

Worksof aesh, f. ,Gal.5:19;Eph. 5:3:

CoL 3:5 .\ngels gave themselves to f. ,Jude 7 Wine of wrath of her f. .Rev. 14:8;
17: 2,4:18:3,9:19:2 Mk.7:21

Fornications (3).Ezek. 16:15; Mt.l5:19; Fornicator C^. 1 Cor. 5:11; Heb. 12:16
FomicatonO ). e 179-1*; lCor.5:9-10; ~0 31; 31:6-8; Jo*.l:5

Forsake ( 57). He will not f. tlKe, Dt, 4: If ye f. Him., He will f. you, Dt. 31:

gression is f, ,Ps.32:l Thy sins be f., Mt, 9:2, 5; Lk. 5:20 It shall not be f. ,Mt.
12:31-32 Forgive and ye shall be f. ,Lk. 6:37 Her sins, which are many f. ,Lk.
7:47 For Christ's sake hath f.,Eph. 4:32
Having f. you all tresspasses, CoL 2:13 Sins, they shall be f. .Jas. 5:15 Your sins
are f., 1 Jn. 2:12 Forgiveness (7). Promised, q 561-1

Forged (I).Ps. 119:69

8 Bible examples of. q 561-1 Basis of. k 35-1*; k 48-1* Controversy over, i 8-4*
2 things necessary for, t 125-1* 10 reasons f.not by water baptism,a 3-1* There
is f. with Thee.Ps. 130:4 Holy Ghost hath never f., Mk, 3:29 To give repentance
and f., Acu 5:31 Preached f. of sins, Acts 13:38; 26:18 F. of sins, according to
the, Eph. 1:7 Through His blood, even f. ,CoL 1:14 Forgivenesses fl). Dan. 9:9
Forgiveth (2).Ps. 103:3; Lk.7:49 Forgiving ( 4^. Keeping mercy for thcu-sands,
f. iniquity, Ex.34:7; Num.1418 F.one another, Eph. 4:32; CoL 3:13 : Forgot
(l).Dt. 24:19 Forgotten (46). F. God that formed thee, Dt.32:18; Isa. 17:10; Jer.
2:32; 3:21; 13:25; 18:15; Ezek. 22:12; 23:35 F. My name,Jer. 23:27 F. the law of
God, Hos. 4:6 Not one Is f. before God, Lk. 12:6 F. the exhortation, Heb. 12:5 F.
that he was purged ftom, 2 Pet. 1:9 Forks (l).l Sam. 13:21 Fotm (24). Earth
without f.. m 1-1; Gen. iT2; Jer. 4:23-26 I f. light, create darkness. Isa. 45:7 F.
nor comliness, Isa. 53:2 He appeared In another f. .Mk, 16:12 F. of knowledge.
Rom. 2:20 F. of doctrine. Rom. 6:17 Who,being In the f.of God,PhiL 2:6 Took
the f. of a servant, Phil. 2:7 F. of sound words. 2 Tim. 1:13 F. of godliness. 2
Tim. 3:5 Formed (32). Man f. .y 2-1; Gen. 2:7-8; Isa. 43:7. 21; 1 Tim, 2:13 F.
every beast of Ae field,Gen. 2:19 Forgotten God that f. thee, Dt. 32:18 i F. the
crooked serpent. Job 26:13 j F. out of the clay,Job 33:6 F. the earth, P 5.90:2;
Isa. 45:18 F. the eye.Ps. 94:9 F. the dry land.Ps. 95:5 F. all things, Pr. 26:10
F.thee.O Israel,43:1 Christ be f. in you,GaL 4:19 Former (50). F. time, Ruth 4:7
F. manner, 2 KL 17:34, 40 F. age,Job 8:8 F. iniquities, Ps. 79:8 F.
lovingkindnesses, Ps. 89:49 F.tWngs.EccL Lll; Isa. 41:22:42:9; 43:9,18: 46:9;
48:3; Rev. 21:4 F.days.EccL7:10;Zech.8:ll: Heb.l0:32 F. desolations. Isa. 61:4
F.trot4)les, Isa. 65:16 F. heavens and earth, Isa. 65:17 F. estate. Ezek. 16:55 F.
raln,Jer. 5:24;Hos. 6:3; Joel 2:23 F. prophets, Zech, 1:4; 7:7,12 F. sea, Zech.
14:8 F. years, Mai. 3:4 F. treatise. Acts 1:1 F. conversation, Eph. 4:22
F.lusu.lPetLU Formeth (2).Amos 4:13: Zach. 12:1 Forms (g).Ezek-43:11

E«Si£SHon (36). Defined, g5-l*:207*

Saving for the cause of f.. Mt. 5:32

Except it be for f. .Mt, 19:9

Abstain ftom f.. Acts 15:20.29; 21:25;

Abstain ftom f.. Acts 15:20.29; 21:25;

lTh.43 The body is not for f.. 1 Cor. 6:13

16-17;Josh.-34:20; 1 Chr. 28:9; 2Chr. ! Take heed not to f.HIm.Dt.l2:19 15:; My

father and motiier f. me,Ps.27:10 Cease ftom anger, f. wrath,Ps. 37:8 F. not law
of thy mother, Pr.l:8; 6:20 Let wicked f. his way, Isa. 55:7 I will even f. you, Jer.
23:33,39 I will never leave, nor f., Heb. 13:5 Forsaken (74). F. the covenant, Dt.
295 SSTTkL 19:10 Lord has f. us.Judg. 6:13 F. God, and served other gods,

10:10-13; 1 Sam. 8:8; 12:10

F.commandments4KL18:18;Ezra 9:10

F.Me.2KL22:17; 2 Chr. 12:5; 34:25;

Jer.l:16; 2:13;5:7.19; 15:6; 16:11; 19(4

F. the Lord, and He has f. you, 2 Chr

24:20,24; 28:6; 29:6; Eaa 9:9 Why hast thou f.Me.Ps. 22:1; Mt.27:46 Have not
seen righteous f. ,Ps. 37:25 F, My law, Jer. 9:13 We have f. aU, and followed,
Mt.l9:27 Demas f. me, havingloved,2Tim.4:10 F. the right way, and gone, 2Pet,
2:15 Fotsaketh (6), Job 6:14 Ps. 37:28; Pr. 2: 17; 15:10; 28:13; Lk. 1433
Forsaking (2). Isa. 6:12: Heb. 10:25 Forsorr.uch (D.Lk. 19:9 Forsook (24). F. the
Lord, Judg. 2:12-13; 1076; 1 KL 9:9; 2 Ki. 21:22; 2 Chr. 7:22; 12:1 All the
disciples f. HIm,Mt. 26:56 F. all and followed Him,Lk. 5:11 All men f. me,2
Tim.4:16 By faith he f. Egypt, Heb. 11:27 Forsookest (2), Neh. 9:17-19
Forswear (1), Mt. 5:33 Fort (6), 2 Sam. 5:9; Isa. 25:12; Ezek.

472; 21:22; 26:8; Dan. 11:19 Forth(886).Letearthbtlng.Gen.L-ll-12 Let

watersbring f. Gen. 1:20-24 Sent f. from the garden.Gen. 3:23 Sent f. raven and a
dove. Gen. 8:7-12 Came f.out of Egypt. Dt. 4: 45-46:6: 12; 8:14 16:1-6; 23:4;
24:9; 25:17 Put f. thy riddle, Judg. 1413 She shall bring f. a Son, Mt, 1:21-23
She brought f. her firstborn, Mt. 1:25 Bring f. fruits of repentance. Mt.3:8 These
12 Jesus sent f. ,Mt. 10:5 I send you f. as sheep. Mt. 10:16 Send them. f. two by
two, Mk. 6:7 Send f.laborers Into.Lk, 10:2 God sent f. His Son,Gal. 4:4 God hath
sent f.HIs Spirit, GaL 4:6 Set f. for an example, Jude 7 She brought f. a
manchild.Rev. 12:5 Go f. to kings of earth.Rev. 16:14 FOTthwIth(10),Ezra6:8;
Mt. 13:5; 26:49; Mk. L-29, 43; 5:13; Jn. 19:34; Acts ft 18; 12:10; 21:30
F2iti£thi4), Num. 33:38; Dt. 1:3; 1 Chr. 26:31; 2 Chr. 16:13 Mic.7:12
F2iti£thi4), Num. 33:38; Dt. 1:3; 1 Chr. 26:31; 2 Chr. 16:13 Mic.7:12

Fortified (4),2Chr. 11:11; 26:9;Neh.3:8; Fortify (6). Judg. 9:31; Neh. 42; Isa. 22;

10; Jer, 51:53; Nah. 2:1; 3:14 Fortress ( 15). Lord is my rock and f., 2 Sam. 22:2;
Ps. 18:2; 31:3; 71:3 He I: my refuge and my f. ,Ps. 91:2 He ismygoodness
andmy f. ,Ps.l44:2 He is my strength andmy f.,Jer.l6:19 Fortress (2). Isa. 34:13:
Hos. 10:14 Foru (6). 2KL 25:1; Isa. 29:3; 32:14; Jer. 52:4; Ezek. 17:17; 33:27
Fatunatus(l).pro^erous.l Cor. 16:17 I Forty ( 14g). 11 separate f. days, f 7-1 54
events of f. years, 164 F. duties of brethren, 41* F.lessoosby Christ, n 74-4* 1*

F.doctiinesthat filled Jerusalem,c 128-F. persons not to fellowship, 27^ F.

days,Gen, 7:4.17; 8:6; 50:3; tx. 24 18; 34:28; Num. 13:25:1434;Dt. 9:9,
11,18.25; 10:10; 1 Sam. 17:16; IKL 19:8; Ezek. 4:6; Jonah 3:4; Mt. 4:2;
Mk.l:13; Lk,4:2; Acts 1:3 F. years,Gen. 25:20; 26:34; Ex. 16:35; Num.14:33-34
32:13; Dt.2:7; 8:2-4; 29:5;Josh,5:6:14:7; Judg, 3:11; 5:31; 8:28; 13:1; 1 Sam,
4:18; 2Sam. 2:10; 5:4; 15:7; IKL 2:11; 11:42; 2 KL 12: 1; 29:27; 2Chr. 9:30;
24:1; Neh. 9:21; Ps. 95:10: Ezek. 29:11-13; Amos 2:10; 5:25: .\cts 4:22;
7:23,30,36,42; 13: 18. 21; Heb. 3:9. 17 F. sockeu.Ex. 26:19. 21; 36:24-26 F.
stripes. Dt. 25:3; 2 Cor. 11:24

F. cubits, 1 KL6:17; Ezek,41:2; 46:22

F.baths,1 Ki.7:38

F. camels, 2 Ki. 8:9

F. shekels. Neh. 5:15

F. men. Acts 23:13, 21 Fortyfold complaint, f 565-1 Forti^(l), Gen. 18:29 Fopy-
two F. miracles of Moses, 109

F. let us's of N. T., 314*

F. death-penalty sins, 16 g-h301-4* Forty-four. F. facts about Armageddon,

F.providendal acts ofGod ,635 Fortyfive uses of voice . 625

Fottv-six ways of fools, b 651-4 Forward (47). Go f., Ex. 14:15; Num. 2:24 415;
1 Sam.4:24; 20:9; Job 23:8 Set f. ,Num, 2:17: 4:15; 10:17, 18,21, 22,25.23.35:
21:10; 22:1; 1 Chr. 22: 1; 2Chr. 34:12; Ezra 3:8-9; Job 30:13 That day f. .ISam.
16:13; 18:9:30:25 Went backward, not f., Jer. 7:24 Went straight f. ,Ejfck.
1:9,12; 10:22 Helped f.the afOictibo, Zech. 1:15 Forwardness (2), 2 Cot. 8:8; 9:2
Foi^t(63).F.In battle (58 times), Ex. ITTS; Num. 21:1, 23, 26; etc. Stars f. from
heaven, Judg. 5:20 F. with wild beasts at, 1 Cor. 15:32 F. a good fltht, 2 Tim.4:7
Angels f. and dragon f., Rev. 12:7-12 Foul (5), Job 16:16; Ezek. 34:18; Mt.

16:3; Mk. 9:25; Rev. 18:2 Fouled (1), Ezek. 34:19 FouleJfl (l).Ezek. 32:2 Found
(382). F. grace. Gen. 6:8; 18:3: 19:19; 30:14; 33:10; 39:4 47:29; 50:4 Ex. 33:12-
17; 34:9; Num. 11:11, 15; 32:5; Judg, 6:17; Ruth 2:10; 1 Sam. 20:3,29; 27:5; 2
Sam. 1422; Esther 5:8; 7:3; 8:5 F. water,Gen. 26:19,32 F. mandrakes. Gen.
30:14 F. a ransom. Job 33:24 F. it In the fields of wood, Ps. 132:6 F. In way of
righteousness,Pr. 16:31 F. with child of Holy Ghost, ML 1:18 F.blameless, 1
Tim. 3:10 F. no place of repentance, Heb. 12:17 No guile f. In His mouth, 1 Pet.
2:22 F. worthy to open, Rev, 5:4 Whosoever not f. written. Rev. 20:15 F. fault, q
42-1* Foundactoo (54). F. of the eartii laid by God,Ps. 102:25: Heb. 1:10-12 F.
stone, Isa. 28:16 F, of the world, i 14-4* F, of the apostles, Eph. 2:20 F. of
repentaooe, Heb. 6:1 FoimdatioDs (32),Of mountains J) t.32:22 F.of world, 2
Sam. 22:16; Ps, 18:15 F, of earth. Job 38:4-7; Ps. 82:5; Pr. 8: 29; 2418; Isa.
40:21; 51:13,16 F.of the hills,Ps. 18:5 F. of many generations. Isa. 58:12 F.of the
New Jerusalem, Heb. lL-10: 21:14.19 Founded (10), Ps. 24:2:89:11; 104:8:119b
152; Pr. 3:19: Ija. 1432; 23:13; Amos ft6; Mt. 7:25; Lk. 6:48 Foimda_(5),Judg.
17:4; Jer. 6:29; 10:9, Fon]dest( l).Neh.9t8 14:51:17

Fojffitain.(33), F, of Jacob, g 234-4 F.gate.b 501-1

F.of water,Gen. 16:7; Ps. 114:8 F.of Ufe,Ps. 36:9; Pr. 13:14 1427 F.of
Israel,P5.68:26 F.of living waters, Jer. 2:13; 17:13 F. of tears, Jer. 9:1

F. for stn and uncleanness, ZechJ3:l F. of her blood, Mk. 5:29 F. of the water of
life. Rev. 21:6 PouPtalns (15). F. of the deep. Gen. 7:llj 8:2; Dt. 8:7; Pr. 8:24-28
12 f. of water. Num. 33:9 Living f. of water. Rev. 7:17 F, of water, 1 KL 18:5; 2
Chr. 32:3-4; Isa. 41:18; Rev. 8:10; 14:7; 16:4 Four (305).Look's of Abraham, j
13-1 Parties of NoaMc covenant, a 8-4 Proofs Jacob took wives immediately,
Tlmesjosephgainedfavot.e39-1 30 Divine aas in day 1. 52 Divine acts in day 2,
52 Divine acts in day 4. 52 Divine acts In day 7. 52 Gardens n. Scripture. 53
Paradises xl Scriptue, 53 Acts of God. c 66-4;a 575-4:$ 238-1* Sons of Aaron, q
70-1 Parts to Pharaoh's army, e 78-4 Conditions of healing, c 80-4 85-4 Things
ca used Israel trotile.q 84-1; u Commands concerning oppresjlonj 87-Clasies
exempt from war, 115 4
exempt from war, 115 4

Thing* uught by Ex. 20:11,116 Altan made by Moses, 117 Distinctions - male
and female,g 125-1 Proofs Christ endorsed Mosaic authorship of Leviticus, h
133-1 4 ExamplesGod delighting In men. c 171-

Steps to stop plague, b 176-1 Acts of Moses, i 179-1 Assurances of God's

integrity, 185 Similes of true doctrine, 239 Uses of word rock. 239 Great
promises fulfilled, i 260-1 Commands to army, h 260-4 262-1 Commands
concerning false gods, m Things that provoke God, w 267-4 Reasons for God's
anger, a 268-1 Signs of God to Gideon, h 272-1 Sins of Israel,o 275-1 Sins of
Shechemites, x 275-4 Admonitions to Ruth, t 291-1 Accusations of Saul, m 317-
1 Titles of God, o 354-4 Major requests of Solomon.j 368-4 Raging classes, 1
549-1 Commands to kings, c 549-4 Traits of the wicked, a 550-4 Things to do
wholly, o 551-4 Times "How long" in Ps. 13, p 553-1 Things prove God good,b
558-4 Requests of David, 1 559-4; f 566-4; s 575-4; k 576-1 Requests of David,
f 566-4 Requests of the righteous, s 563-4 Causes of chastening, e 565-1 "PV of
Ps,42, d 567-1 Times not to feat.b 569-1 Things riches cannot buy, f 570-1 Sins
of the wicked, d 575-4 Lessons of trust, g 575-4 Resolutions of David, t 575-4
Judgments of the wicked, j 576-1 Ways to backslide, h 581-1 Commands to
judges, q 587-1 Things God is, e 591-4 Reasons to praise, d 592-1 i Personal
references ofpsalmist, j 592-Contrasts of God and man, f 595-1 Vows of
psalmist, g 597-1 4

Admonitions to saints,m 598-1; g 616-Reasons for praise, n 598-1 Requests of

the psalmist, q 598-1 Acts of providence, h 601-1 Reasons not to trust man.i
616-4 Requests for Israel, g 617-4 Requests for saints, i 617-4 Important rocks
of Scripture, 524 Commands to be perfect, 624 Reasons for an answer, 630
Classes whom God is nigh to, a 616-4 Admonitions, g 616-4 Things wisdom
bener than,o 642-4 Great men who fell by women, j 645-4 Things to fear,i 646-1
Great sins,p 653-1 Insatiable things, c 665-1 Inxrutable things, g 665-1
Disquieting things, h 665-1 Little wise things, j 665-1 Graceful things,k 665-1
Commands to sons, 667 Miraculous things, c 860-1 Divisions of Greece, 877
Angels named in Scripture, 878 Persian kings, 490. 879 Wcffnen in Chdst's
genealogy, h 1-1* Men who fasted 40 days, j 3-1* Commands for Christians, q
5-1* Things about alms, e 5-4* Times little faith rebuked, f 6-4* Reasons to tell
no man, k 7-4* Things Jalrusdid,j 9-"P "Till's" of N.T. ,d 10-4»: 34* Prophetical
promises, b 11-1* Things about Christ, g 12-1* Things redeemed from, g 22-4*
Kinds of substitutes, h 22-4* Prayers,] 39-4* Uses of brother, r 40-4* Things to
do to be saved, n 44-1* Sins that destroy unity, p 45-4* Blind men healed at
Jericho, q 47-1* Great truths, t 56-4* Classes to be happy, w 64-1* Kinds of
Jericho, q 47-1* Great truths, t 56-4* Classes to be happy, w 64-1* Kinds of
persecution, z 64-1* Classes to be punished, a 64-1* Half-brothers of Jesus, d
67-4* Contrasted gifts, d 72-4* Sins of unfaithful servant, a 75-4* I Ways to
strive , g 76-4* Things demanded of men. r 77-4* Questionings of Jesus,] 84-1*
Things Peter was sure of, q 101-4* Conditions of receivingSpirit.c 103-1*
Troubled things in John, s 111-4* Ways Spirit witnesses, u 113-4* Siisjects of
prayer, e 115-1* Sin-redempticm gardens, 1 118-4* Things continued in, f 124-
4* Classes against Christ, h 126-4* Accusations of Stephen, g 129-1* Facts: sum
of salvation, 129* Things Stephen saw,b 131-1* Things Philip preached, h 131-
4* Notable miracles, d 137-1* Things the church did, x 137-4* Laws for
Christians, c 141-4*

Complete Concordance - Cyclopedic Index


Kinds of uncircumcision, 145* "Ready's" of Paul, j 149-1* Accusations of Paul,

o 152-4* Things to seek, 163* Reasons to glory in trouble, k 164-1* Facts about
sinners, 1 164-1* Classes of Jews, o 164-1* Redemptive acts of Christ, a 167-4*
Choices of God, f 168-1* Reasons Christ had sinless flesh, 175* Parties in
Corinth, a 176-1* Clear things about apostles, f 182-1* Things must do to be
saved, k 182-4* Great blessings, n 192-4* Expressions of sufferings, s 194-1*
Comments on liberality, b 196-4 Things men must do, f 197-1* Benefits of
ministering, h 197-4* Great conquests, o 197-4* Proofs eagles not saints, 201*
Elect's of God, 201* Divisions of sin, 207*• Secrets of continued grace, 207*
Beggarly elements, 207* Things of Ephesians,k-1 208-4* Reasons children to
obey,c 212-1* Things of God's love, 213* Commands for wives, 214* Kinds of
spirit rebels, 214* Questions to consider, t 215-4* Kinds of weakness, f 216-4*
Points about Christians, 1 216-4* Things to practice, a 218-1* Conditions to
blessings, s 219-4* Ways gospel preached, 1 223-1* Conditions of escape, 227*
Faithful sayings, c 232-4* Facts of God, g 232-4; s 233-1 Things that save, s
233-1* Commands to young women, t 234-4* Qualifications: wives of deacons,
236* Duties of Cliistians, 237* Things about gifts, m 238-1* Acts of Jesus
Christ, u 238-1 Blessings of self-purging, o 239-1* Faithful sayings, 241*
Commands to Timothy, 241* Admonitions to Titus, b 243-1* Things
unprofitable, e 243-4* Ways to draw near to God, o 252-1* Things about
Abraham, q 253-4* Things about Moses, b 254-1 Comparisons, d 262-1* Kinds
of disposition, 264* Small things, 264* Things Christians believe, o 265-4*
Things about JewIshChristians.u 266-1* Commands in view of, h 268-1*
Blessings of suffering, y 268-4* Things Christ did,269» Persons to fellowship,
Blessings of suffering, y 268-4* Things Christ did,269» Persons to fellowship,
279* 4*

Things condemned in Pergamos,c 287-Thlngs against Thyatira,n 287-4* Things

promised, x 287-4* Things about Sardis. d 288-1* Things of Philadelphia, n
288-1* Companies of redeemed, a 289-1* Angels bound in Euphrates, c 292-4*
Plagues on Babylon, b 300-1* Earthquakes in Daniel's 70th week,30? Things to
believe, 313* Things to flee from. 314* Commands to love, 314* Things to
prove, 315* Things to rejoice in, 315* Thiags to seek, 315* "Thou shalt's" of N.
T., 315* Things which are littie,Pr. 30:24 Comersoftheearth,Isa.11:12; Rev. 7:1
Living creatures, Ezek. 1 and 10 31 Winds of heaven. Dan. 7:2; 8:8;Mt.24: Great
beasts, Dan. 7:3-17 Horns on he-goat, Dan. 8 Beasts of Revelation, Rev,4:4-10;
5:6-8: 6:1,6; 14:3 Angels bound in Euphrates, Rev. 9:14 Quarters of the earth.
Rev. 20:8 Fourfold (2).2 Sam, 12:6; Lk. 19:8

Prophecy of Jacob, h 46-1 Failure under Human Government,60 Description of

Canaan, v 66-4 Qualification for leaders, b 83-4 4 Commendation to 2 1/2
tribes.b 260-Admonition to men,k 263-4 A&suraoce to David, j 318-1 Repon to
Abigail, c 320-1 Message of God to Israel, 327 Lamentation for Abnet,o 334-4
Confidence in answered prayer,e 353-4 Distress of David, f 353-4

Vow of David, p 551-4 Confidence in God,m 559-1 Blessings of saints, p 561-1

Source of distress, 1 573-4 Desire of tie psalmist,c 588-1 Description of heU.c
614-4 Confirmation of God's existence, 624 Purpose of commands, g 658-1
Description of Christ, i 24-4*; 0 48-4* Great commission, 34*

Commission of the 12, k 37-4* Source of information, h 56-1* Testimony of

Paul, u 192-1* Praise for Thessalonians, g 228-1 Prayer for Thessalonians, 229
Ascription to God-Christ, 1 289-4* Heavenly worship, a 301-1* Announcement,
307* Four hundred thirty, o 13-1 Foascore (36)£x.i:l: Judg. 3:30; 2Sam.
19:32,35; Ps. 90:10; Song 6:8;Lk. 16:7

Foiysquare (10). Ex. 27:1; 28:16; 30:2; 37:25; 38:1; 39:9; 1 Ki. 7:31; Ezek.
40:47; 48:20; Rev. 21:16

Fourteen (25). Altar builders, m 11-1 Dreamers of Scripture,c 17-4 Examples of

archery, 1 18-4 Proofs no set time to die, g 25-1 Things men lost in the fall, 59
Ways kabod (glory) used,b 81-1 Reasons manna supernatural, k 81-4 Uses of
gaal 110 Examples of^being angry, 110 Prophetesses, 111 Times God is angry,c
191-4 Things to put away, m 263-1 Things that please God.r 305-4 Blessings for
sheep, 1 557-4 States of being, e 560-4 Kinds of fear, m 562-1 Reasons to obey
sheep, 1 557-4 States of being, e 560-4 Kinds of fear, m 562-1 Reasons to obey
God, c 593-4 Blessings for saints, b 597-1 Admonitions to saints, i 597-1; 635
Facts about the Messiah, c 601-4 Facts of man's creation, 618 Comparisons of
life's span, 619 Fallacies about hell, 621 Ways holiness is used, 627 Requests of
David, 630 Characteristics of Millennium, 631 Reasons for admonitions,631
Things that constitute happiness, 640 Facts of Daniel's 70th week, 877 Proofs
immortality of body, 881 Ways to be like Jesus, f 10-4* "Take heed's" of N.T. ,e
12-1* Testimonies of Sonship, e 18-1* Reasons Jews ate referred to,p 27-1*
Living ihlngs, 34* Marks of Phariseeism, f 42-4* Examples of covetousness,
92* Purposes of miracles, f 108-4* Realms of power, h 114-4* Works of Paul's
first journey, c 138-1* Examples of sins remitted without water baptism, v 150-
4*, See also note a 132-4 Facts of right-doing, 174* Requirements of God of
man, 1 224-4* Facu about Christ, 231* End-time expressions, 236* Commands
for Christians, m 255-4* Blessings of the blood, 257* Oaths of Scripture, 257*
Kinds of tongues, 264* ■beware's" of the N.T. ,313* "Hold's" of the N, T. ,314*

Fourteen-fold. Revival under Ezra,k 495-Providence of God, j 616-1 Headship

of Christ, 213*

Fourteenth (25),Gen. 14:5; Ex. 12:6,18; Lev.23:5;Num.9:3-ll;Acts 27:27; etc.

Fourth (82). F. day.Gen. 1:19 F. river is Euphrates,Gen, 2:14 F. generation, Gen.

15:16; Ex. 20:5;

34:7; Num. 14:18; Dt. 5:9 F. kingdom strong as iron, Dan. 2:40 F.beast dreadful
and,Dan. 7:7,19 F.beast is f, kingdom, Dan. 7:23 F. watch of the night, Mt. 14:25
F. things in Revelation, 4:7; 6:7-8; 8: 12; 16:8; 21:19

Fowl (31). F. of the air. Gen. 1:20-30; 2:19-20; 7:14-23; 8:17-20; 9:2; Ps.8:8
Path which no fowl knoweth.Job 28:7

Fowler (3).Ps. 91:3; Pr. 6:5;Hos. 9:8

Fowlers (l).Ps. 124:7

Fowls.(55). Figurative of Satan.k 39-1* F.came down uponcarcases,Gen.l5:11

Unclean f.,Lev.ll:13,20; Dt,14:20 Lessons to Christians, Mt. 6:26; Lk. 12: 24;
Acts 10:12; 11:6 Used at Armageddon, Ezek. 39:17; Mt. 24:28; Lk. 17:34-37;
Rev. 19:17,21
Fox (2),Neh,4:3;Lk. 13:32

Foxes (7). Judg, 15:4; Ps. 63:10; Song 2:15; Lam. 5:18; Ezek. 13:4; Mt. 8: 20;
Lk. 9:58; q 76-4*

Fragments (6). Mt. 14:20; Mk. 6:43; 8: 19-20; Lk. 9:17; Jn. 6:12-13

Frail (1),P$. 39:4

Frame ( 5). Judg. 12:6; Ps. 103:14; Jer. 18:ll;Ezek.40:2:Hos. 5:4 11:3

Framed(4).Isa.29:15-16; Eph.2:21; Heb.

Frameth (2).Ps.50:19: 94:20

Fraoklncense dTl.e 97-4; Ex.30:34;Lev. 2:1-16; 5:11; 6:15; 24:7; Num. 5:15; 1
Chr. 9:29; Neh. 13:5-9; Song 3:6; 4:6, 14; Mt. 2:11; Rev. 18:13

Frankly (l).Lk. 7:42

Fraud (2),Ps. 10:7; Jas. 5:4

Fray (3). to make afraid,Dt. 28:26; Jer.

^^33; Zech. 1:21

Freckled (l),Lev. 13:39

Freckles , diagnosed, a 132-4 o77-4*

Free(59).Moralagency,a 230-4; fl9-4*; 7 facts about, 264*. See Hreewill , Will ,

F. heart, 2 Chr. 29:31 Freely , Choice F. spirit, Ps. 51:12 Truth shall make you f.
,Jn. 8:32 Ye shall be f. indeed, Jn. 8:36 F. gift, Rom. 5:15-18 F. from sin, Rom.
6:18,22 F. from righteousness, Rom. 6:20 F. from the law, Rom. 7:3; 8:2 Bond
or f., 1 Cor. 12:13; Gal. 3:28; Eph.6:8; Col.3:ll; Rev. 13:16; 19:18 Christ hath
made us f. ,Gal. 5:1

Freed (2),Josh. 9:23; Rom. 6:7

Freedom (2).Lev. 19:20; Acts 22:28 F. from sin.r 275-1*

Freely (16). F. eat,Gen. 2:16; Num.11:5 F. offered to God,Ezra 2:68; 7:15 F.

Freely (16). F. eat,Gen. 2:16; Num.11:5 F. offered to God,Ezra 2:68; 7:15 F.
sacrifice, Ps. 54:6 F. love,Hos. 14:4 F. received, f. give, Mt. 10:8 F. speak. Acts
2:29; 26:26 F. justified by grace,Rom. 3:24 F. give us all things, Rom. 8:32 F.
receive knowledge, 2 Cor. 11:7 F. partaking of the fountain of Ufe, Rev. 21:6;

Freeman (2). 1 Cor. 7:22;Rev. 6:15

FreewUl (17). Offerings, e 190-4; Lev. 22:18-23:23:38; Num. 15:3; 29:39; Dt,
12:6, 17; 16:10; 23:23; 2 Chr. 31:14; Ezra 1:4; 3:5; 7:16:8:28; Ps. 119:108. See
their own freewill^ Ezra 7:13

Freewoman (3).GaL 4:22.23,30

Frequent (1). 2 Cor. 11:23

Fr«h (4), Num. 11:8; Job 29:20; Ps. 92:

Fresher(l)Job33:25 10;Jas.3:12

Fret (7).Lev. 13:55; 1 Sam. 1:6; Ps. 37:

177. 8; Pt. 24:19; Isa. 8:21 Fretted (1),Ezek. 16:43

Fretteth (l).Pr. 19:3

Fretting (3), j 134-4; Lev.l3:51-52; 14:44 Fried (?).Lev. 7:12; 1 Chr. 23:29
Priend (52). F. of bridegroom, n-p 96-1* Genuine f., a rare thing, c 346-4 Face to
face, as man to f. ,Ex. 33:11 God's f,, 2 Chr.20:7; Isa.41:8; Jas.2:23 David's f. ,2
Sam, 16:16 Mine own familiar f., Ps.41:9; Mt.26:50 A f. loveth at all times, Pt.
17:17 F. sticketh closer than a. ,Pr. 18:24 Faithful are wounds of a f. ,Pr.27:6
Trust not in a f. ,Mic. 7:5 F. of publicans and sinners. Ml. 11:19 F. lend me 3
loaves,Lk. 11:5-8 F. of world is enemy of God, Jas, 4:4 Friendly(3),
Judg.l9:3;Ruth 2:13;Pr.l8:24 Friends( 49i.Love enemies.hate f.,2 Sam, Job's 3
f.heardofaU,Job2:11 19:6 My f. scorn gob 16:20). flaner 0ob 17:-5), forget Clob
19:14), abhor Qob 19: 19) and show no mercv Qob 19:21) My f. stand aloof, Ps.
38:11 The rich hath many f. ,Pr. 14:20 A whisperer separateth f. ,Pr. 16:28 He
that repeateth a matter separateth very f., Pr. 17:9 He that hath f., must show, Pr.
18:24 Wealth maketh many f. ,Pr. 19:4 Wounded in house of f.. Zech. 13:6

2 kinds off., a 923-4

2 kinds off., a 923-4

F. of the mammon of.Lk. 16:9 Pilate and Herod made f. .Lk. 23:12 Lay down his
life for f. ,Jn. 15:13 Ye are My f. if ye do, Jn. 15:14 I have called you f. ,Jn.
15:15 Friendship (2).Pr. 22:24: Jas. 4:4 Fringe (2). Num. 15:38-39; k 174-1; g
Fnnses(2),Num.l5:38;Dt,22:12 221-1 Fro (25). Raven went to and f. ,Gen. 8:7
"Eyes ofLord run to and f., 2 Chr. 16:9 From going to and f.in earth Job 1:7; 2:2
Many shall run to and f. ,Dan. 12:4 God's scouts walk to and f. through the earth,
Zech. 1:10-11; 4:10; 6:7 Tossed to and f. by wind of doctrine. Eph.4:14 Fr2aL.
(14),Ex. 8:2-13; Ps. 78:45; 105:30

3 unclean spirits like f. ,Rev. 16:13 From,(4,575), Gen. 1:4, 6, 7, 14, 18;

2:2-3,6,10,22; 3:8,23; etc. Front (2). 2 Sam. 10:9; 2 Chr. 3:4 Frontiers (1).Ezek-
25:9 Front]ets_(3),Ex. 13:16; Dt.6:8; 11:18 Frost (6).Gen. 31:40: Ex. 16:14; Job
37: 10; 38:29; Ps. 78:47; Jer. 36:30

Froward (21),perverse;deceitful,x 266-4* F. generation, Dt. 32:20 F. things, Pr.

2:12; 16:30 F. mouth I hate, Pr. 4:24; 6:12; 8:13 F, tongue shall be cut out,Pr.
10:31 F.heart Is an abomination, Pr. 11:20; F. man soweth strife,Pr. 16:28 17:20

Frowardly fD.Isa. 57:17

Complete Concordance ~ Cyclopedic Index

Frowardness (3).Pr.2:14;6:14; 10:32

Frozen (1)."job 38:30. See Congealed

Fruit (200). Trees, j 140-4; t 14-1* F. trees in garden of E. ,Gen. 1:11-12,

29; 3:2-6 F. of the ground.Gen. 4 3 F. of the body.Dt. 28:4,11.18; 30:9 F.ln his
season, Ps. 1:3 F, of womb is His reward, Ps. 127:3 F, of their own way. Pr. 1:31
F. of the wicked is sin, Pr. 10:16 F. of righteous Is a aee,Pr. 11:30 F.ofhls mouth,
Pr. 12:14; 13:2; 18:20 F. of her hands, Pr. 31:31 F.oftheUps,l3a.57:19 F. of their
thoughts, Jer. 6:19 F. of doings, Isa, 3:10; Jer. 17:10; 21»

14; 29:5, 28; 32:19; MIc. 7:13 F. of lies, Hos. 10:13 F. of body for sin of soul,
MIc. 6:7 Neither f. be in the vines, Hab. 3:17 Good tree bringeth good f., Mt.
7:17 Corrupt tree bringeth evil f. ,Mi. 7:17 Tree good, and his f. good, Mt. 12:33
Gather f. unto life eternal, Jn. 4:36 Die bringeth forth much f. ,Jn. 12:24 Bear not
f. He takes away,Jn. 15:2 F.of Spirit Is,Gal. 5:22; Eph,5:9 Yields peaceable f. of,
f. He takes away,Jn. 15:2 F.of Spirit Is,Gal. 5:22; Eph,5:9 Yields peaceable f. of,
Heb. 12:11 Yields her f. every month. Rev. 22:2 The word f. as used by Paul,b

Fruitful (34). Be f,, Gen. 1:22. 28; 8:, TtTS:!. 7; 35:11 I wUl make thee
f,.Gen.l7:6; 28:3; 48:4| F. seasons, filling hearts. Acts 14:17 i F.ln every good
work.Col. 1:10

Fruits (42). F. meet for repentance, Mt. 3:8: Lk. 3:8 Know them by their f., Mt.
7:16 F. of your righteousness, 2 Cor. 9:10 Flist partaker of the f,, 2 Tim, 2:6 FuU
of mercy and good f. ,Jas. 3:17 Bare 12 manner off., Rev. 22:2

Frustrate (2),Ezra 4:5; Gal.2:21

Frustratetb (1), Isa. 44:25

Fryingpan (2),Lev. 2:7; 7:9

Fuel (5),Isa.9:5,19;E2ek. 15:4-6; 21:32 Fugitive (2),g 4-4; Gen. 4:12-14

FuglUves (4), Judg. 12:4; 2 Ku 25:11;

Isa. 15:5; Ezek. 17:21 Fulfil (24). F. her week,Gen. 29:27

F. your works, Ex. 5:13

F. Word of the Lord, 1 Ki. 2:27

F. the statutes, 1 Chr. 22:13

F. all Thy counsel, Ps. 20:4

F. all righteousness, Mt. 3:15

F.the law, Mt, 5:17; Rom. 2:27

F. the lusts of the flesh, G al. 5:16

F.the law of Christ, Gal. 6:2

F.the Word of God, Col. 1:25

F. the royal law, Jas. 2:8

F. the royal law, Jas. 2:8

F.HIswIU, Rev. 17:17

F. prophecy, defined, d 4-4':730-732 Fulfilled (82).TimesofGentilesbe f.Lk.

■Jl:24:893 24:34;Lk. 21:32

Shall not pass away, till all be f., Mt.

Until f. in kingdom of God, Lk. 22:16

Must be f. which were writtenj.k.24:44

F. their ministry. Acts 12:25 ;

John f. his course. Acts 13:25

Of law might be f. In us, Rom. 8:4

All the law f.ln one word,Gal. 5:14

The 1000 years be f. ,Rev. 20:3 2:3 Fuiailiag( 3).Ps.l48:8;Rom.l3:10;EDh. Full

(260). Iniquity of the Amorites is not yet f. ,Gen. 15:15. See Filled F. of
years,Gen. 25:8

F.of days,Gen. 35:29; 1 Chr. 23:1

F, restitution, Ex. 22:3

F.of the Spirit, Dt. 34:9

F. of spirit horses, 2 Ki. 6:17

F.of wrath,Esther 3:5

F. of indignation, Esther 5:9; Isa.30:27

F. of confusion. Job 10:15

F.of talk,Job 11:2

F.of trouble. Job 14:1

F.of sin,Job 20:11

F. of cursing and deceit, Ps. 10:7

F.of bribes, Ps. 26:10

F.of majesty,Ps. 29:4

F.of goodness,Ps. 33:5; Rom. 15:14

F. of righteousness, Ps. 48:10

F. of heaviness, Ps. 69:20; Phil. 2:26

F. of compassion, Ps. 78:38; 86:15; 111:4; 112:4; 145:8

F.of troubles,Ps. 88:3

F. of Thy mercy, Ps. 119:64

F.of travail, Eccl. 4:6

F.of evfl,Eccl. 9:3

F.of words,Eccl. 10:14

F. of judgment, Isa. 1:21

F.of Idols, Isa. 2:8

F. of the knowledge, Isa. 11:9

F.of deceit,Jer. 5:27

F. of perverseness,Ezek. 9:9


F.of wisdom,Ezek. 28:12

F.of bones, Ezek. 37:1

F.of power,Mic. 3:8; Acts 6:8

F. of lies and robbery, Nah. 3:1

F.of His praise, Hab. 3:3

F. of extortion, Mt. 23:25

F.of dead men's bones, Mt. 23:27

F.of the Holy Ghost,Lk. 4:1; Acts 6:3,

F. of leprosy, Lk. 5:12 5; 7:55; 11:24

F.of light. Lk. 11:34-36

F.of darkness.Lk. 11:34-36

F.of grace and truth,Jn. 1:14

F.of joy,Jn.l5:ll; 16:24;Acts2:28; IJn.

F. ofnewwine, Acu2:13 l:4;2Jn.l2

F. of good works. Acts 9:36

F. of envy, murder, debate, Rom. 1:29

F. of cursing and bitterness, Rom. 3:14

F. assurance,Col.2:2; Heb.6:ll; 10:22

F. proof of ministry, 2 Tim. 4:5

F. ofmercy and good fruits. Jas. 3:17

F.of glory. 1 Pet. 1:8

F.reward.2 Jn. 8

F.of odors. Rev. 5:8

F.of names of blasphemy. Rev. 17:3

F. of abominations. Rev. 17:4

F.of wrath of God. Rev, 15:7; 21:9 Fuller (l).Mk. 9:3

FiUler's (3),2 KI. 18:17j Isa. 7:3; 36:2 Fullers' (1).Mai. 3:2 Fully (13),Num. 7:1;
14:24; Ruth, 2:11; "TkI, 11:6; Eccl. 8:11; Nah, 1:10; Acts2:1; Rom. 4:21: 14:5;
15:19; 2 Tim. 3: 10; 4:17; Rev. 14:18 Fulness ( 25). F. of winepress, Nuni.l8:27

F. of earth, Dt.33:16; Ps.24:1; 1 Cor.lO: 26-28

F. of the sea. 1 Chr. 16:32; Ps. 96:11

F.of joy, Ps. 16:11

F.of the world. Ps. 50:12; 89:11

F.of grace. Jn. 1:16

F.of the Gentiles, Rom. 11:25

F.of the blessing of the. Rom. 15:29

F.of time,Gal. 4:4

F.of times, Eph. 1:10

F. of Him that filleth aU, Eph, 1:23

F.of God, Eph, 3:19

F.of Christ, Eph. 4:13

F. of Godheadbodily,Col.l:19; 2:9 FuAish(l),Jer. 46:4 Furbished (5). Ezek. 21:9-

11.28 Furious (6), Pr. 22:24; 29:22; Ezek. 5: 15; 25:17; Dan. 2:12; Nah. 1:2
Furiously (2).2 KI. 9:20; Ezek. 23:25 Furlongs (5),Lk. 24:13; Jn. 6:19; 11:18;

Rev. 14:20; 21:16 Furnace (29). Smoking f. ,Gen. 15:17

Went up as smoke of a f. ,Gen. 1ft 28; Ex. 19:18; Rev. 9:2

Iron f., Dt, 4:20: 1 KI. 8:51; Jer. 11:4

F.of earth, Ps. 12:6

F.of gold,Ps. 17:3; 27:21

F. of affliction, Isa. 48:10

Burning fiery f., Dan. 3:6-26

Cast into a f. of fire, Mt. 13:42,50 Furnaces (2).Neh. 3:11; 12:38 Fignish <4), Dt,
15:14; Ps. 78:19; Isa.

65:11; Jer. 46:19 Furnished (6), 1 KI. 9:11; Pr. 9t2: Mt.

22:10;Mk.l4:15;Lk.22:12;2TIm.3:17 Furniture (8), Gen. 31:34; Ex. 31:7-9:

35:14; 39:33; Nah. 2:9 Future, eternal. 58

F. punishment. See Hell Furrow (1), Job 39:10 Furrows (8), Job 31:38; Ps.
65:10; 129:3;

Ezek. 17:7,10; Hos. 10:4,10; 12:11 Further (21). Angel went f. ,Num. 22:26

Enquired of Lord f., 1 Sam. 10:22

Sea come and no f. ,Job 38:11

What need f. witnesses, Mt. 26:65; Mk. 14:63; Lk. 22:71 Furtherance (2).Phil.
1:12.25 Furthered (I).Ezra 8:36 Funhermore (14). Lord said f., Ex. 4:6

F. the Lord was angry, Dt. 4:21

F.EUhu answered,Job 34:1

F. we have had fathers of, Heb. 12:9 Fury(70). Walk contrary to you inf. .Lev.
56:28 25:15

Cup of fury. Isa. 51:17-22; 63:6; Jer.

Pour out My f. , Jer. 10:25; 42:18; Ezek. 7:8; 9:8; 20:8,13. 21; 30:15
Gaal (9), rejection, Judg. 9:26-41 Gaash (4). a hiU, Josh. 24:30; Judg. 2:

9; 2 Sam. 23:30; 1 Chr. 11:22 Gaba (3). a city of Benjamin. Josh. 18:

24; Ezra 2:26; Neh. 7:30. See Geba Gabbai (1). collector. Neh. 11:8

Gabbatha (1), judgment place, Jn.19:13

Gabriel ( 4). man of God. An angel, Dan.

8:16; 9:21; Lk. 1:19, 26. One of only

4 named in Scripture, 878; c 56-4* Gad (71), fortune; troop. 2 men, h 28-4;

n316-4;r356-l; d426-l;Gen.49:19 A tribe in Israel, g 154-4; Num. 1:25; 13:15:

34:14: Josh. 20:8; 21:7,38

5 blessings of, c 234-1 A river, 2 Sam. 24:5

David's seer, 2 Sam. 24:5-19; 1 Chr.

21:9-19; 29:29; 2 Chr. 29:25 Tribe of, in prophecy,Gen. 49:19; Dt,

33:20; Ezek.48:27-34; Rev. 7:5

Gadarenes (3),Mk. 5:1; Lk, 8:26.37 Gadara. place In Galilee,e 39-4* Gaddea
(l).Jer. 2:36 Gaddi (1), my fortune, Num, 13:11 GaMel (l),ble:t of God, Num.
13:10 Gadi (2), fortunate, 2 Ki. 15:14,17 Gadite (l),manftomGad,2 Sam. 23:36
Gadites (14). descendants of Gad.Dt. 3: 12,16; 4:43: 2ft 8; Josh. 1:12; 12:6; 13:8;
22:1; 2 Ki. 10:33; 1 Chr. 5:18, 26; 12: 8,37; 26:32 Gaham (1), flaming,Gen.
22:24 Gahar( 2).prostradon.Ezra 2:47;Neh,7:49 Gain (30).G. of money,Judg.
5:19 G.of wisdom, Pr. 3:14 Greedy of g. ,Pt. 1:19; 15:27 Unjust g. ,Pr. 28:8 G. of
oppressions, Isa. 33:15 Dishonest g., Ezek. 22:13, 27 G. time, Dan, 2:8 Lk.9:25

G.the whole world.Mt.l6:26; Mk. 8:36: G.by fortune telling. Acts 16:16 G. by
Image making. Acts lft24 G. of souls to God. 1 Cor. 9:19-22 To die is g.,Phil.
1:21 6:6

Godliness with contentment g., 1 Tim, , Buy, sell, get g.. Jas. 4:13 1 Gained
(10).Job 27:8: Ezek. 22:12; Mt. t 18:15; 25:17-22;Lk.l9:15-18;Acts27:21

Gains (1). Acts 16:19 ' Gainsay (l).Lk. 21:15

Gains (1). Acts 16:19 ' Gainsay (l).Lk. 21:15

Gain savers (1). u 242-1*; Tit. 1:9 [ 20 characteristics of. 243* Jude 11 [
Gainsaying (3). Acts 10:29; Rom. 10:21; i Gaius (5). gladness. 4 men. Acts
lft29: I 20:4; Rom. 15:23; 1 Cor. l:14;2jn. 1 , Galal(3),rollIng,lChr.ft 15-16;Neh.
11:17 Galatia (6). a province of Asia.e 265-1*; ^ Acts 16:6; 18:23; 1 Cor. 16:1; 2

4:10; 1 Pet. 1:1 I Galatians (1)inhabitants ofGalatia,Gal. j 3:l.Episae to, p. 202-

207* I Galbanum (1), a fragrant gum, d 97-4 Galeed (^. a memorial.Gen. 31:47-
48. Called Jegar-sahadutba. Gen. 31:47 I Galilaean (3), inhabitant ofGalilee,Mk.
14:70; Lk. 22:59; 23:6 Galilaeans( 5).Lk.l3:l-2;Jn.4:45:Acu2:7 GaUlee (72).
northern istrict in Palestine,c 2-4*; k 3-4*; s 94-1* Mentioned 61 times in
connection with i the Ufe of Christ, Mt. 2:22; 3:13; 4: 12-25; 15:29; etc. 1 Sea of
G. ,Mt,4:18;15:29:Mk. 1:16 i GaU (14).p 229-1; Dt. 2ft 18: Job 16:13 Gave Me
g. forMy meat,Ps.6ft21 Vinegar to drink with g. ,Mt. 27:34 Thou art in g. of
bitterness. Acts 8:23 Gallant (1), Isa. 33:21 Galleries (4), Song 7:5: Ezek. 41:15-
16; GaUery (l). Ezek. 42:3 42:5

Galley (1). Isa. 33:21 Gallim( 2),a town,l Sam.25:44; Isa.l0:30 Gallio(
3).$ucker,m 145-1*; Actsl8:12-17 Gallows (8). Esther 5:14; 6:4; 7:9-10; 8:7;
ftl3, 25 G amaliel (7),reward of G od. 2 men ,Num. 1:10; 2:20: 7:54,59; 10:23;
Acts 5:34; 22:3; 1 128-4*; 1 150-1* Gammadims (1). watchmen; warriors, Ezek.
27:11 Gamul (1). weaned, 1 Chr.24:17 GaE.(l),Ezek. 22:30 16:10;Ps.22:13
Gaped ( 2),stared with open mouth. Job Gaps (1),Ezek. 13:5 Garden
(51).Adam'sg.ofEden.53: Gen, 5r^l6; 3:1-24; 13:10; Isa.51:3; Ezek. 31:8-9;
36:35; Joel 2:3 Lucifer's g. of Eden. Ezek. 28:13 G. of Gethsemane. Jn. 18:1. 28
Gardener (l).Jn. 20:15 Gardensfl 2).4 redemption g..53:1 118-4* Gareb (3).
rough, 2 Sam. 23:38; 1 Chr.

11:40; Jer. 31:39 Garlands ( 1), Acts 14:13 Garlick (l).Num. 11:5 Garmeni( 85).
Joseph's g.,Gen.3ftl2-18 G.,leprosy.Lev. 13:47-59; 14:55 Unlawful to wear a g.
of two kinds o f fabric,Lev. 19:19; Dt. 22:11 Man not to wear g. of women,
Dt.22:5 A virgin's g. ,2 Sam. 13;18-19 Earth wax old like a g., Ps. 102:26; Isa.
51:6; Heb. 1:10-12 G. of praise, Isa. 61:3 God's g. white as snow, Dan. 7:9 A
prophet's g. , Zech. 13:4 Touch hem of His g. ,Mt. 14:36 Weddingg.,Mt. 22:11-
12 Angel's g. of white, Mk, 16:5; Lk.24:4 Hating g. spotted by the, Jude 23
Christ's g. down to feet. Rev, 1:13 Stole, outer robe or g.. d 54-4*

Garments (103),Rending g..28 Holy g.,k 136-4 G.of opposite sexes,c 221-1 G.in
Garments (103),Rending g..28 Holy g.,k 136-4 G.of opposite sexes,c 221-1 G.in
idol worship,c 221-1 G. of rich and poor, 1 2-4* Widow's g. ,Gen, 38:14,19
Priest'sg., Neh. 7:70-72

Theyparted Myg„Ps.22:18;Mi.27:35 G. of salvation, Isa. 61:10 Dyed g,in blood,

Isa. 63:1-3 Filthy g., Zech. 3:3-4 Enlarge borders of g,, Mt. 23:5 Many qjread
g.in the way,Mk. 11:8 Which have not defiled g. ,Rev. 3:4 Watcheth, and
keepeth g, ,Rev. 16:15 Garmlte (l),name of KeQah, 1 Chr. 4:19 Gamer_(2). bam.
Mt. 3:12; Lk. 3:17 Gatners (2).Ps. 144:13; Joel 1:17 Gamish( l).beautifv.Mt.
23:29 Garnished (5). 2Chr.3:6: Job 26:13; Mt.

12:44: Lk. 11:25; Rev. 21:19 GartS|M(13).lSam,10:5:13:3-4,23: 14: 1-5; 2Sam.

23:14; IChr. 11:16; 2 Cor. 11:32 Garrisons (7). 2 Sam. 8:6,14. 1 Chr. 18: 6,13; 2
Chr. 17:2; Ezek. 26:11 Gashmu (1), corporeal, Neh. 6:6 Gat
(20),got,Gen.lft27;Ex. 24:18;Num. ■TL30; 14:40; 16:27: 2 Sam. 8:13; etc.

Gate (262).Lot sat in g. ,Gen. Iftl Possessg.ofenemIes,Gen.22:17; 24:60 G. of

heaven,Gen. 28:17 Turn the battle to the g.. Isa. 28:6 G. of future temple, Ezek.
40:3-48; 46:1-19; 47:2; 48:31-34 Enter in at the strait g. ,Mt. 7:13-14 Strive to
enter strait g.,Lk. 13:24 12 Own blood, suffered outisde g.,H*. 13: Gates (143).
12 g. of Jerusalem, f 500-1 Broad and nanow g. .e-f 7-1* Prophecy of Joshua
about g., Josh. 6:

26. Fulfilled, IKi. 16:34 G. of hell not prevail, Mt. 16:18 12 g. of heavenly city,
Rev. 21:1-25 Enter through g. of city. Rev. 22:14

Gath (32), winepress. A city of Philistia, Josh. 11:22:1 Sam. 17:23; Ps. 56, title:
Amos 6:2; Mic. 1:10

Gather (165). G. yourselves. Gen. 4ft 1-2 G. elders of Israel,Ex. 3:16 G.My
salnts,Ps. 50:5 G. the dispersed of Judah, Isa. 11:12 G.all nations and tongues,
Isa. 66:18 G.you &om aU nations Jer.29:14; 31:8-8-10:32:37; Ezek. 20:34-41;
34:13: 36:24; 37:21; 39:17; Mt. 23:31 G.aUnations to Armageddon, Joel 3:2;
Zeph.3:8; Zech, 14:2,16; 16:13-16; Rev. 19:11-21 G. first the lares. Mt. 13:30 G.
out of His kingdom. Ml. 13:41 G. together In one allthings.Eph.l:10 G. them
together to battle,Rev. 20:8

Gathered ( 268).G.to his people.Geo. 25: 8,17; 35:29; 4ft29,33; Num. 20:24-26;
27:13;31:2;Dt.32:50;Judg.2:10 G. manna.Ex. 16:17-22; Num. 11:8 G. quails.
Num. 11:22-32 G. together as ptisoneK, Isa. 24:22 G.one by one, Isa. 27:12 G.
Num. 11:22-32 G. together as ptisoneK, Isa. 24:22 G.one by one, Isa. 27:12 G.
together in My name, Mt. 18:20 G. thy children together. Ml. 23:37 G. all
nations to judgment. Ml, 25:32 G.the vine of the earth. Rev. 14:19 G. armies
together, Rev. 16:16; 19:19

Gatherer (l),Amos 7:14

Gathetesi (l).Dt. 24:21

Gatheret h (17). G.waters of sea.Ps. 33:7 Heart g. iniquity to itself, Ps. 41:6 G.
together outcasts of Israel, Ps. 147: 2; Isa. 11:10-12; 56:8 G.her food in harvest,
Pr. 6:8 G. not with Me scanereth,Mt. 12:30 G.her chickens, but you, Mt. 23:37
G. fruit unto life eternal, Jn. 4:36

Gathering (11).Gen. l:10;49:10;Num.l5: 33; 1 Ki. 17:10-12; 2 Chr. 20:25; Isa.

32:10; 33:4: Mt. 25:24; Acts 16:10; 2 Th.2:l Gatherings (1). s 119-1*; 1 Cor.

Gath-hepher (l).a city, 2 Ki. 14:25

Gath-rimmob (4), a city. Josh. 1ft45; 21:24-25; 1 Chr. 6:69

Gaye (463).G. names to all.Gen. 2:20 G. also to her huiand. Gen. 3:6,12 G.him
tithes of all,Gen. 14:20 G. up the ghost. Gen. 25:8, 17; 35:29; Lk. 23:4€;Jn.
Ift30; Acts5:5; 12:23 G.favor,Gen,3ft21;Ex.ll:3:12:36;Acls G.charge,Gen. 28:6;
Ex. 6:13 7:10 G.Israel a saviour.2 Ki. 13:5 G.Job twice as much,Job 42:10 G.HIs
wctd: great was the, Ps. 68:11 G.Me gall for My meat, Ps. 6ft 21 G. My back to
the smiters, Isa. 50:6 G. sabbaths, statutes, Ezek. 20:11-12 G.them knowledge
and skill, Dan.l: 17

G.them power, Mt. 10:1; Mk. 6:7; Lk.

ftl; Jn. 1:12 G. Him vinegar,Ps. 6ft21; Mt. 27:34 G. only begotten Son,Jn. 3:16
G.Me commandment,Jn. 12:49; 14:31 G. them unerance. Acts 2:4 G. the
apostles witness. Acts 4:33 G. covenant of circumcision. Acts 7:8 G. them the
like gift. Acts 11:17

Complete Concordance - Cyclopedic Index


G.them iflj.Rom. 1:24, 26, 28 G. Himself for our sins,Gal. 1:4 G. Him to be head
over all.Eph. 1:22 G.some aponles, prophets,Eph. 4:11 G. Himself for it. Eph.
5:25 G. Himself a ransom for all, 1 Tim. 2:6 G. Himself for us, that He, Tit. 2:14
G. a tenth part of all, UdD. 7:2-4 G. untoHim to show the things, Rev.1:1
G.gloryto God of heaven. Rev. 11:13 G. him his power, throne, Rev. 13:2 | G.
power unto the beast. Rev. 13:4 G. up the dead in. Rev. 20:13 Gavest(34).G.the
woman tobe,Gen,3:12 G.the land, 1 Ki. 8:34. 4u, 48; 2 Chr.

6:25, 31. 38 G.the name of .Abraham. Neh, 9:7 G. right judgments and true.
Neh. 9:13 < G.good Spirit to instruct. Neh. 9:20 G. them saviours who sa
ved..N'eh. 9:27 G. Me work,words, glory, and disciples, Jn, 17:4-22
Gai(l).Jas.2:3 266-4; dl32-l»'

Gaza (19). strong. A city of Philistia, k' GazatMtes (1), men of Gaza, Josh.13:3
Gaze (1).Ex. 19:21 <

Gazer (2), a city, f 336-1: 2 Sam. 5:25;

1 Chr. 14:16, See Gezer

Gazez (2), shearer. ? Men. 1 Chr. 2:46

Gaan£_(l), Acts 1:11

GaziP^nock (2),Nah.3:6; Heb. 10:33 •

Gaziles (l),Judg. 16:2

Gazzam (2).Ezra 2:48; Neh. 7:51

Geba (12),d 336-1

Gebal (2),Ps. 83:7; Ezek. 27:9

Geber (2), strong. 2 men . 1 Ki. 4:13-19

Gebim( l),acityofBenjamin,Isa.lO:31

GeJaliah (31),Jehovah is great. 5 men,

2 Ki. 25:22-25:1 Chr. 25:3-9; Ezra 10: 18; Jer. 38:1; 39:14; 40:5-16; 21:1-18;
43:6; Zeph.l:l

Gedeon (1), Heb. 11:32. See Gideon Geder (l),i 251-4: Josh. 12:13 Gederah
(l),city of Judah,Josh. 15:36 Gederathite (l).man ofGederah, IChr.

Gederite (D.man of Geder. lChr.27:28 G ederoth ( 2). city of Judah. Josh. 15:41;

Chi. 28:18 Gederqthaim (1). a city. Josh. 15:36 ■, Gedor (7). Tortress. 2 men. 1
Chi. 4:4. 18; 8:31; 9t37; 12:7. A city. Josh. 15:58. A vaUev, 1 Chi, 4:39 Gehazi
(12). valley of vision, i 395-4; 2Ki. 4:12-36; 5:20-25; 8:4-5 Gehenna.
hell.nottbegiave.620;m 74-1* GeUloth (l).a place. Josh. 18:17 Gemalli (1).camel
ownei,Num. 13:12 Gemariah (5). Jehovah accomplished.2

men. Jer. 29:3; 36:10-25 Gender (2),beget; prodnce; bring forth.

Lev. 19:19; 2 Tim.2:23 Gendered (1),Job 38:29 Gendereth (21.Job 21:10;

Gal.4:24 Genealogies (S). 1 Chr. 5:17; 7:5-7; 9:1; 2Chr.l2:15; 31:19; 1 Tim. 1:4;
Tit.3:9 Genealogy (15), pefined. n 232-1*. 7 purposes Levi's g., 72 4

Various notes on g.,b-i 421-l:a-i421-G. of Jesus through Joseph, Mt. 1:1-16 G. of

Jesus through Mary,Lk. 3:23-38 Seel Chi. 4:33; 5:1.7; 7:9.40; 2 Chi. 31:16-18;
Ezra 2:62; 8:1-3; 7:5,64 General (2). 1 Chr. 27:34; Heb. 12:23 Generally ( 2). 2
Sam. 17:11; Jer. 48:38 Generation (95). TWs a. in O. T., Gen. 7:1; Dt. 1:35; Ps.
7L-18; 95:10 This g.in N.T..i 11-4*; s 27-4* Foiithg.. Gen. 15:16: 2 Ki. 15:12
Third g,, Gen. 50:23 G.tog..Ex.l7:16;Isa.l3:20;34:10. 17; 51:8;Jer,
50:39;Lam.5:19: Dan. 4:3. 34; Joel 3:20; Lk. 1:50 That g. .Ex. 1:6; Judg. 2:10;
Heb. 3:10 Third and fourth g.. Ex. 20:5; 34:7; Num.14:18; Du 5:9; 23:8; 2Ki.
10:20 Tenth g,.Dt.23:2-3 Perverse and crooked g., Dt. 32:5 Froward g..Dt. 32:20
Sn±)bom and rebeUious.Ps. 78:8 4 things wrong with any g.. Pr.30:11-14 Book
of g. of Jesus Cliist, Ml. 1:1 G. of vipers.Ml. 3:7; 23:33; Lk. 3:7 Evil and
adulterous g. .Mt. 12:39; 16:4 Faithless and perverse g, .Ml. 17:17 Adulterous
and sinful g. .Mk. 8:38 Faithless g, ,Mk. 9:19 Untoward g., Acts 2:40 A chosen
g., a royal, 1 Pet. 2:9 Generatio ns (118). Eternal g., e 8-4; f 67-1; r 570-1; i 596-
1; o597-4;o 14-15 g.. 155. b 294-4 606-4

20 g. from Adam to Abraham, a421-4 42 g. Abraham to Ckist.b 1-1 All g.,a 562-
1;Ex.3:15; Ps.72:5;79t 13; 85:5; 89:1,4; 100:5; 102:12,24; 106: 31; 119:90;
135:13; 145:13; 146:10 Perpetual a., Gen. 9:12; Ex.27: 21; Lev. 3:17; 6:18;
7:36:10:9; 23:14,41;Num. 10:8:15:15:18:23
7:36:10:9; 23:14,41;Num. 10:8:15:15:18:23

1,000 g., 1 438-1; Dt.7:9:1 Chr. 16:15;

Ps.l05:8 Truth hid from many g., 213*;Col. 1:36 Genesis. Book of. 1-50 30 laws
in G. ,115

Genesis Revelation

1 Book:beginning Endings 2Creation(l--2) Re-creation (21:1)

Lastrebemon(20:7) No more sin (21:4) No more cuise(22:3) Nomoredeath(21:4)
Man restored (21-22) Tree of life given back(22:14) 3 Satan'sfirst

4 Sin enters(3)

5 Curse (3)

6 Death (3) (3)

7 Man driven out 8TreeofUfe

taken from (3:20) (3) 9 Sonow enters

lOMarriageof the first Adam (2)

11 Man's dominion ends (3)

12Satan's dominion begins (3)

13 Satan's doom pronounced (3)

14MaH'srecord, one of strife

No sonow (21:4) Marriage of the second Adam(19) ,

Man's dominion re -

restored (21-22) Satan's dominion

ends(20:8-10) Satan's doom executed (20:10) Man's recotdjone of eternal peace

(21) Gennesaret( 3).a land. w 16-1*; Mt.l4:34; ?.'k. 6:53). Ala£e7 m62-l*;Lk. 5:1
Gentile (2),Rom. 2:9-10
Gentile (2),Rom. 2:9-10

5 simQes of G. defeat. 506

2fold proof of G. Ignorance, e 716-1 12 G. powers in fsophecy. e 789-4 7 G.

powers to be judged, b 829-4 Gentiles (128). Defmed .e20-l*;h24-1*; irT&2-4*;
a 202-4* Proselytes from, h 77-4 10 things could not do, 112 Did not have law
of Moses. 112 2.520-yeai theory of times of, disproved,b 150-1; 873 Were
tobeblessedfrombeginning,g-k 457-1; 476; s 24-1*; Acu 10, notes 6 things that
will destroy. 506

7 commands to, c 716-1

9wotld powers oppressing Jews.c 586-4 Governments of, symbolized,c 586-4

Salvation of, 476; g-h 761-1 ThetimesoftheG.,873:h 86-1*

6 reasons for judgments on, h 893 -1 Horns of tbe G,, i 916-4

2 things all G. will yet do, 929 i

7 reasons for judgment on, e 892-1 4 laws for Christian, c 141-4* Prediction of
salvation for, w 58-4*; i Blessed w1thlsrael,f-g 172-4* 155-1* G.to seek
Messiah,Isa.ll:10; 42:6; 49:6, 22; 60:3-16; 62:2; 66:19; Jet. 16:19; Mai. 1:11; Mt.
12:21; Lk. '2:32 Tobe ruled by Messiah,Isa.42:1 Had part in crucifixion of
Christ, Mt.

20:19; Mk. 10:33; Lk. 18:32 No difference between Jews and G. in salvation.
Acts 10:45-48; 11:18; 13: 46-48; 14:27:15:3-23; ■26:17-23:28: 28; Rom. 3:9,
29; 11:11-25; 15:9-18, 27: 1 Cor. 10:32; 12:13; Gal. 3:28; Eph. ill; 3:6-8; Col.
1:27; 3:11 Gentle (5), 1 Th. 2:7; 2 Tim. 2:24; Tit.

3:2; Jas. 3:17; 1 Pet. 2:18 Gentleness (4), 2 Sam. 22:36; Ps. 18:35:

2 Cor. 10:1; Gal. 5:22 Gently (2), 2 Sam. 18:5; Isa. 40:11 Genubath (2), theft, 1
Ki. 11:20 Geography, 436

Gera (9),gain. 4men. Gen. 46:21; Judg, ■~3rr5; 2 Sam. 16:5; 19:16-18: 1 Ki, 2:

8; 1 Chr. 8:3-7

Geiahi (5). Each one a 20th part of a

shekel (640) or a UtUeover 3^, Ex. 30:

13:Ley.27:25; Num. 3:47:18:16; Ezek.

Gerar( 10).circle. Cityo fPhili5ilnes,Gen.

~WI9; 20:1-2; 2SII-6, 20-26; 2 Chr.

14:13-14. A valley. Gen. 26:17 Geraesenes (l),Mt. 8:28 Geridm. (4),d 211-4: Dt.
11:29; 27:12;

Josh. 8:33: Judg, 9:7 Getshom (14),cast out. 4 men. Ex. 2:22; 18:3; Judg. 18:30;
1 Chr. 6:16-71: 15: 7; 23:15-16; :6:24; Ezia 8:2 Gershon (18). a
stranger,Gai.46:ll:Ex. 6:16-17: Num.3:17-25: Num. 4:22-41; 7:7: 10:17; 26:57;
Josh. 21:6. -27; 1 Chr. 6:1; 23:6 Gershooite (3), descendant of Gerdion, 1 Chr.
26:21; 29:8 Gasbonltes (9). descendants ofGershon, Num. 3:21-24: 4:24.27;
26:57; Josh. 21:33; 1 Chr. 23:7; 2 Chr. 29:12 Number of. f 160-1 7fold work of.
f 157-4; e 159-4 Gesham (1). firm. 1 Chi. 2:47 Geshem (3).rain.Neh,2:19: 6:1-2
Geshui "(8). bridge. A district east of Jordan. 2 Sam, 3:3: 13:37-38; 14:23, 32;
15:8; 1 Chi. 2:23; 3:2 Geshuri (2). Dt. 3:14; Josh. 13:2. See Geshuriies
Geshurites( 5),inhabitants of Geshui Josh.

12:5; 13:11-13; 1 Sam. 27:8 Get (117). 5C "get" commands of Scripture, 264 16:

G. wisdom and understanding.Pr.4:5-7;

G, you hence, Zech. 6:7; Mt.4:10

G.behind me, Mt. 16:23; Mk. 8:33;Lk. 4:8. Cp. Jas. 4:7; 1 Pet. 5:8-9 G ether( 2).
vale.Gen. 10:23; 1 Chr. 1:17 Getfasemane (2), oil press. A garden, a "30-4*; f
116-l^ Mt. 26:36; Mk. 14:32 Getteth(9). 2 Sam. 5:8; Pr. 3:13; 9:7; 15:32; 18:15;
19:8; Jer. 17:11; 48:44 Getting ( 3).Gen. 31:18;Pr. 4:7; 21:6 Geuel ^1). majesty
of God.Num. 13:15 Gezer (12). a city, c 250-1; f 336-1; Josh. T0?33; 12:12;
16:3.10; 21:21; Judg. 1: 29; 1 Ki. 9:15-17; 1 Chr. 6:67: 7:-28:

20:4. See Gazer Gezrites (1). o Ghost (109). Deflned. e 23-1

Giving up the g., e 23-1

41 facts about tbe Holy Ghost (See also Holy Spirit)

1 Found with child of (Ml. 1:18. 20)

2 Baptize with(Mt. 3:11; Mk. 1:8;Lk. 3:16; Jn. 1:33; .Acts 1:4-8; 11:16)

3 Can be blasphemied (Ml. 12:31-32; Mk.3:29; Lk. 12:10)

4 Equal in autiiority witii the Fatiier and the Son in water baptism (Ml. 28:19) 1

5 Speaks through men (Mt. 12:36; 13: ll;Lk. 2:26; Actsl:16; 13:2; 21:11; 28:25:
1 Cor. 12:3; Heb. 3:7 \

6 FUls men (Lk. 1:15, 41, 67; Acts 2:4; 4:8, 31; 9:17; 13:9, 52)

7 Comes upon (Lk. 1:35; 2:25; Acts ! 1:8; 19:6)

8 Can descend in bodily form(Lk.3:22)

9 Men can be full of (Lk, 4:1: Acts 1 6:3-5; 7:55; 11:24)

10 Teaches (Lk. 12:12; 1 Cor. 2:13)

11 Is given to all believers Qn. 7:37-39; Acts 15:8; Rom. 5:5) I

12 Has been sentCJn. 14:26; lPet.l: 12)

13 Can be received (Jn. 20:22; Acts 8: 15-19; 10:47; 19:2)

14 Gave commandmienu (Acts 1:2)

15 Is promised (Acts 2:33)

16 Is a gift (Acts 2:38-39)

17 Can be Ued to (Acts 5:3)

18 Bears witness(Acts 5:32; 20:23;Rom. 9:1; Heb, 10:15)

19 Can be resisted (Acts 7:51)

19 Can be resisted (Acts 7:51)

20 Can beglvenby laying on of hands (Act5 8:15-19: 19:1-6: Rom. 1:11; 1 Tim.
4:14; 2 Tim. 1:6)

21 Brings com.fon (Acts 9:31) ■22 Gives anointing and jxjwer (Acts 10:

38: Rom. 15:13)

23 Can fall on men (Acts 10:44; 11:15)

24 Canbepouredout(Acts2:16-21; 10:

25 Sends missionaries (Acts 13:4) 45)

26 Makes decisions (.Acts 15:28)

27 Direcu rronlsten (Acts 15:28)

28 Makes overseers (Acu 20:28)

29 Gives peace and joy (Rom, 14:17: 1

30 Sanctifies (Rom.15:16) Th.l:6)

31 Dwells in men (1 Cor, 6:19; 2 Tim.

32 Approvesm.en (2Cor.6:6) 1:14)

33 Communes with men (1 Cor. 13:14)

34 Inspired the gospel (1 Th. 1:5)

35 Renews men (Tit. 3:5)

36 Gives gifts (iCor. 12; Hds. 2:4)

37 Men are parukers of (Heb. 6:4)

38 Makes known by figure (Heb. 9:8)

39 Can move men (2 Pet. 1:21)

40 Is one in unity with both the Father and the Son (1 Jn. 5:7)

41 Helps in prayer (Rom. 8:26; Jude 20) Giah (1), a place, 2 Sam. 2:24 Giant (
8). G.cities ofBashan.Araob.210 Giants (12). G. of Gen. 6:4. i 6-1; p 6-1; 5^476
Second eruption of angels among men

in Canaan,l 11-4; g 201-1 Names of g., i 12-1: h 201-1 G. after flood of Noah, 14
Reproduced like ordinary men.n 171-1; 2 Sam, 21:16-22; 1 Chr. 20:4-8
Mentioned by Josephus.n 171-1 Great and tall, f-g 208-4 , Destroyed by Israel,
k-n 251-1; 1256-1

5 slain by David and men, e 353-1 ' Weapons of, p 310-4; h 353-1 12 fingers and
12 toes, p 353-1 inHiere confined at death, e 537-1 Offspring of angels. 62; 476;
a 25-1*1 a-h. -272-1*; k-q 283-1* ' Were powerful, Job 16:14 Glbbar (l).mighty
man,Ezra 2:20 Glbbetbon (6). a city. Josh. 19:44; 21: i 23; IKL 15:27; 16:15-17
Glbea (l),higblander, 1 Chr. 2:49 SJSeah (48),h 257-1; e 28fi-l: a 317-1 Glbealh
(l),h 257-1: Josh. 18:'^8 GIb€athite (l),manofGIbeath,lChr.l2:3 Gfl>eon (57).
265 4; Neh. 3:7

Glbeonite (2). man of GIbeoq. 1 Chr. 12:

Gfeeonites (5). 2 Sam. 21:1-9

Giblites (l).Josfa. 13:5

GiddalU (2).magnifyGod.lChr.25:4.29

Giddel (4). very great, Ezra 2:47. 56; Neh, 7:49, 58

Gideon (39). hewer. See notes on Judg. ^n-8:35: 272-276 4 signs of God to.h
-272-1; d-g 273-4 Apostasy of,c-i 275-1 3 things honored for, a 275-1 6 rewards
to, 282 20 facts about, 290 New name for, a 341-1

GideoDi (5).a hewer, r.um. 1:11; 2:22; 7:60.65; 10:24

Gidom (1). a place. Judg. 20:45

Gier eagle (2),Lev. 11:18; Dt, 14:17

GiH" (57), Take no g. or btibe.Ex. 23:8

"vTTcked takes a g.or bribe. Pr. 17:23 Man's g.makesroom for him,Pr.l8:16 G.in
secret pacifieth anger,Pr. 21:14 A g. destroyeth the heart,Eccl. 7:7 If bring g, to
altar, Mt. 5:23-24 Tbe g. of God, the Messiah, Jn. 4:10 Receive g, of Holy
Ghost, Acts 2:38 G. of God, the Holy Ghost, Acts 8:20 Poured out
g.ofHolyGhost, Acts 10:45 God gave them Uke g.. Acts 11:17 Impart »me
spiritual g. .Rom. 1:11 Free g. .justification. Rom. 5:15-18 G. of God is eternal
life, Rom. 6:23 Come behind in no g., 1 Cor. 1:7 G. of prophecy, 1 Cor. 13:2
Un?)eakableg.JesusChrIst,2Cor.9:15 G. of God, salvation, Eph.-2:8-9 G.of
grace,Eph. 3:7 G. of Christ, 4:7

I Neglect not the g., 1 Tim. 4:14 Stir up the g. of God, 2 Tim. 1:6 Tasted of
heavenly g.. Heb. 6:4

I Every good and perfect g., Jas. 1:17 Every m.an received his g., 1 Pet.4:10

Gifts (52). Defined, k 16-4*; s 234-1* EUsha's a. . k 41-4*

I 4 conaaoed g, ,d 72-4* 8 g. for m.en,p 96-4* 10 g. of the gospel, q 96-4* 8g,in

Acts, 1 127-1* G. of Spirit in Acts 1-8,145* Aie without repentance, m 170-1*

j Classification of spiritual g., 175*

I Study of spiiitual g. , j 185-1*

I G.of Spirit to be coveted, b 186-1*

' Best spiritual g.. d 186-1*

Spiritual g. exercised when backslidden, e 186-1* To fall (be superceded), j 186-


: Purpose of g,, s 160-1*; e-k 187-1*

I Use of g.in pubUc.a-f 187-4*

1 Spiritual g, can be neglected, 1238 -1* .Abraham gave g,tochIldren,Gen,25:6

Messiahreceivedg. formen,Ps. 68:18 He that hateth g. shall live,Pr, 15:27
Presented unto Him. g,, Ml, 2:11 Give good g, to your children. Ml, 7:11
CcaUing of God without, Rom. 11:29 Have g, differing according, Rom, 12:6
Concerning spiritual g., 1 Cor. 12:1 Diversitiesof g. .but same, lCor.l2:4 Another
g. of healing, 1 Cor. 12:9
g. of healing, 1 Cor. 12:9

i G.of healings, helps, 1 Cor. 12:28 Have aU g. of healing, 1 Cor. 12:30 Covet
earnestly best g. . 1 Cor. 12:31 Desire 5)iritual g.. 1 Cor. 14:1 Zealous of ^iritual
g., 1 Cor. 14:12 Gave g. unto men, Eph. 4:8 G, of the Holy Ghost, Heb, 2:4 God
testifying of his g., Heb. 11:4

Glhon (6). A river in Eden, Gen. 2:13.

j A spring in Jerusalem, 1 KI. 1:33, 38,

' 45; 2 KI. 32:30; 33:14 Gllalai (1), weighty.Neh, 12:36 Gilboa (8). A mountain,
a 323-1 Battle of. a-h 325-4: 330 12 tesulu of battle of, f 432-4 Gilead (99),
rough, 3 men, d 278-1 A city, Hos, 6:8; 12:11

1 A mountain,Gen.31:21-25; Dt. 3:12; Judg, 7:3; Song 4:1; 6:5 A land,Num.

32:1-40; Dt. 34:1; Josh.

22:9-32; Judg. 10; 1 Ki,4:19 BalmofG. , Jet, 8:22; 46:11 G. In prophecy, Oba,
1:19; Mic, 7:14;

I Zech, 10:10

i Glleadite (?), men of Gilead, Judg.l0:3;

I 11:1,40; 12:7; 2 Sam. 17:27; 19:31;

I 1 Ki. 2:7; Ezra 2:61; Neh. 7:63 23 facuaboutJephthah,theG.,h 278-1

i GIleadites (4).Num. 26:29; Judg. 12:4I 5; 2KI, 15:25

i GUead's d).Judg. 11:2

; Gllaal (il). Defined , e 243-1

' 14 reasons prominent, e 243-1

, First camp of Israel in crossing Jordan.

Josh,4:19-20; 5:9-10; 9:6; 10:6-15.43

G.in prophecy, Hos. 4:15; 9:16; 12:11;

Amos 4:4; 5:5; NUc. 6:5

Giloh (2), a town in Judah, Josh. 15:51;

T^m. 15:12 23:34

Gllonite (2). m.an ofGIloh, 2 Sam. 15:12;


Complete Concordance - Cyclopedic Index

Glmel (l),Ps. 119:17. title

Gimzo (1), a town in Judah, 2Chr.28:18

Gin (3). a bird snaie.Job 18:3; ha. 8:14;

Amos 3:5 Ginath(2),ptotectl0D.l KL 16:21-22 Ginnedio (1),great

ptotectioQ,Neh,12:4 GinnelfaoD (2). Neh. 10:6; 12:16, The same as Glnnetbo.
which see Gins (2).bird snares.Ps. 140:5; 141:9 GCJ (27). G . curious glldle. Ex.
29:5 ITTon sword, 1 Sam. 25:13: Ps.45:3

G.on 5ackclodi.2 Sam. 3:31; Im. 15: 3; 32:11; Jer.4:8; 6:26: 49:3; Ezek.

G.uploiDS,2KI. 4:29; 9:1 2'i:31

G. for burial. jD.:i:18

G. up loins of the mind, 1 Pet. 1:13 Girded (33).Loins g. .Ex. 12:11

G. with curious girdle,Lev. 8:7

G. them withgirdles.Lev. 8:13

G. with strength. 2 Sam. 22:40

G. sackcloth on loins. 1 Ki. 20:32

G. sword, 1 Sam. 17:39; 25:13

G. with gladness, Ps. 30:11

G. with gladness, Ps. 30:11

G. with power,?5. 65:6

G. wtdiatoweltowashfeet.Jn. 13:4

G. with golden girdles.Rev. 15:6 Girdest fD.Jn. 21:18 18:32; Pr.31:17 CIrdeth
(4). 1 Ki. 20:11; Job 12:18; Ps. Girding (2). Isa. 3:24; 22:12 Girdle (38). Curious
g. of the ephod, Ex. 23?4-8. 27-39; 29:5: 39:5. 20-29; Lev. 8:7

G.ofleather.2Ki.l:8:Mt.3:4; Mk.l:6

G. of righteousness, Isa. 11:5

G. of faithfulness. Lsa. 11:5

G. of Paul and bound him. Acts 21:11

Golden g. of Christ. Rev. 1:13 Girdles (6). f 383-1; Ex. 28:40; 29:9;

Lev. 8:13; Pr. 31:24; Ezek. 23:15; Rev.

15:6 Girgashite (1). 1 Chr. 1:14. See Girgashites and C-trgasite Gisgashites (5), a
people of Canaan dis—

possessedby IsTael,g 206-4; Gea,15:21;

Dt 7:1; Josh. 3:10; 24:11; N'eh. 9:8.

See Glrgadte Glrgadte (:i).Gen. 10:16 Girl (1).Joel 3:3

GSs(l),Zech.8:5 6:14;Rev.l:13

fnrr(4), girded, 2 Ki. 1:8; Jn. 21:7; Eph. gT^a (l).anenrive.Neh. 11:21 Gtttah-
hepherfl ) .toward G a th. Josh.19:13 Ginatm (^,a town,2 Sam.4:3: Neh.U;33
Gittite (8),b 336-4; 2 Sam. 6:10-11:15: 19-i2; 18:2; 21:19; 2Chr. 13:13:20:5
Gittites ( 2). inhabitants of G ath. b 336-4;

Josh, 13:3: 2 Sam. 15:18 and 84

Gtrtith( 3),Glttite harp.In title of Ps.8. 81,, Give (816). Used 8 ways in Scripture:
, m^o give (Gen. 1:15, 17; Pr. 1:4) 2 Asking in prayer (1 Ki. 8:36, 39; Ps.; 5:1:
, m^o give (Gen. 1:15, 17; Pr. 1:4) 2 Asking in prayer (1 Ki. 8:36, 39; Ps.; 5:1:
55:1; 60:11; 141:1)

3 To render thanks for (IChr. 16:8,28, 34, 41; Ps. 96:8; 106:1)

4 To permit (Ps. 132:4; Pr. 6:4)

5 To pacify (Rom. 12:19)

6 To yield to or obey (Eph. 4:27)

7 Take heed to (1 Tim. 1:4)

8 To anend to (1 Tim. 4:13-15) Given (500). See ways give is used SIver
(2),Isa.24:2; 2 CoT^J SlyeTt (12). Dt. 15:9-10; Job 35:7: Ps.

50:19; 80:5: 104:28:145:15; Pr. 6:35: Ezek. 3:18: 16:33-34; 1 Cor. 14:17

Giveth(125),Gen.49:21: Pj, 68:35: Pr. 2:6; 3:34; Jn. 3:34; 10:11; etc.

Gtvipy (29). Defined, n 5-1* 7 tilings about g, , 314* Secret of g.. 1 5-4»; d 196-
4* New concept of g. .b 85-4* How to give, g 197-1* 12 examples of g. .b 196-
4* Blessings of g,.e 197-1* 4 things to do in g,. f 197-1* G. them the Holy Ghos.
Acts 15:8 G. glory to God in faith, Rom. 4:20 G.heed to seducing spirits, 1
Tim.4:1 G. honor to the wife, 1 Pet 3:7

Gtzqnite d). 1 Chr. 11:34

Glad (8 9). G. he an, Ex. 4:14: Judg. 18: 50; IKL 8:66: Ps. 16:9 Exceeding g.,Pi.
21:6 G. in the Lord.Ps. 64:10; 104:34 G.ridings,Lk.l:19; 8:1 Be g..Ps.32:ll:
35:27:67:4; 96:11: Isa. 65:18; Joel 2:23; Zeph. 3:14; ML 5: 12; 1 Pet 4:13; Rev.

Gladly (8), Mk. 6:20; 12:37; Lk. 8:40; Acu2:41; 21:17; 2Cor. 11:19; 12:9.15

Gladness (46). G. of bean, Dt.28:47 Great g.. 1 Chr. 29:22; 2 Chr. 30:21:

Neh. 8:17 G. and singleness of hean. Acts 2:46 FUliug hearts with g., Acts 14:17
Anointed with oil of g,, Heb. 1:9

Glass (9).Job37:18:1 Cor. 13:12; 2 Cor.

~3TTB; Jas.l:23; Rev.4:6:15:2; 21; 18-21

~3TTB; Jas.l:23; Rev.4:6:15:2; 21; 18-21

Glasses (1), minors. Isa. 3:23

Glean (10). Lev. 19:10: Dt. 24:21; Ruth 2:2-23: Jer. 6:9

Cleaned (fa),J-da.20:45:RuthJ:3,17-19

Gleaning (5).Lev. 23:22; Judg. 8:2; lsa. 17:6; i4:13; Jer. 49:9

Gleanings ( l).d 14C-l:b 145-4;Lev.l9:9

Glede (l).a bird,Dt 14:13

Glistering, ( 2). 1 Chr. 29:2; Lk. 9:29

Glitter (1),Ezek. 21:10

Glittering (6).Dt 32:41; Job 20:25; 39: 23; Ezek. 21:28: Nah. 3:3: Hab. 3:11

Gloominess (2).Joel 2:2; Zeph. 1:15

Glorleg (l).Jer.49:4 10:17

Gloileth( 3).Jer.9:24; lCor.l:31; 2 Cor.

Glorfged (50), I will be g. . Lev. 10:3;

1^749:3: Ezek. 28:22; Hag, 1:8

Theyg.God,Mt 9:8; 15:31; Mk. 2:12;

Lk. 5:26; 7:16; 13:13: 17:15: 2.3:47;

AcU4:21: 11:13: 21:20

Holy Ghost not yet given.becausejesus

was not yet g. .Jn. 7:37-39 I have g, it, and will again,Jn. 12:28 Now is the Son
of man g, ,Jn. 13:31 God is g. in Him,Jn, 13:31-32 God answers prayer that He
may be g, in the Son,Jn, 14:13 Herein Is My Father g, ,Jn. 15:8 I have g. Thee on
eartii.Jn. 17:4 G. His Son Jesus. Acts 3:13 G. the wctd of the Lord. Acts 13:48
eartii.Jn. 17:4 G. His Son Jesus. Acts 3:13 G. the wctd of the Lord. Acts 13:48
G. Him not as God.but, Rom. 1:21 That we maybe g. together, Rom.8:17 Whom
He justified, He g. ,Rom. 8:3C ShaUcorr.etobeg.in,:Th.l:l&;c 228-
ChTistg,notHimself,Heb.5:5 1*

Glorifleth(l).Ps. 50:23

Glorify (25).G. Him.Ps. 22:23 G. Me.Ps. 50:15 Rev.l5:4

G. Thy name. Ps. 86:9, 12; Jn. 12:28; Holy Spirit shaU g-Me.Jn. 16:14 G.Thy
Son,that He may.Jn. 17:1 G.God by death,Jn.21:19 G. God in your body, 1 Cor.

Glorifying (3).Lk. 2:20; 5:25; 18:43

Glorious (45). G. in power, Ex. 15:6 G. in holiness,Ex. 15:11 G.In name, Dt

28:58; 1 Chr. 29:13;

Neh. 9:5; Ps. 72:19; Isa, 63:14 G, within,Ps, 45:13 G. tilings spoken of God, Ps.
87:3 G.woric,Ps. 111:3 G, honor of Thy majesty,Ps. 145:5 G. majesty of Thy
kingdom,Ps.145:12 G. branch of the Lord, Isa, 4:2 Crest, Isa. 11:10 G, tinone,
Isa. 22:23: Jer. 17:12 G. beauty, Isa. 28:1,4 G. voice, Isa, 30:30

G. Lord (Hei). addiyr, powerful, excellent, and Mighty One), Isa. 33:21 G.
apparel, Isa. 63:1 G, aim,Isa, 63:12 G. land. Dan. 11:16,41 G.holy
mountain,Dan. 11:45 G. things done by Christ.Lk. 13:17 G. liberty,Rom. 8:21
G.law of the past. 2 Cor. 3:7-11 G. ministration of Spirit. 2 Cor. 3:8 G. new
covenant, 2 Cor. 3:7-11 G. gospel of Christ, 2 Cor. 4:4 G. church, Eph. 5:27 G.
body. Phil, 3:21 G,powei,Col. 1:11 G. gospel ofblessedGod, 1 Tim. 1:11 G.

Gloriously (3),Ex. 15:1. 21: Isa. 24:23 ^3l5).D4£flfii256*.Use,b 81-1

joa $ g. described, a 90-1 7 times g, appeared, c 175-1 Joseph's g.ln Egypt, Gen.
45:13 G.of tbeLofd,Ex. 16:7-10; 24:16-17; 40:34-35; Lev. 9:6,23: Nuiri, 14:10,

21; 16:19.42; 20:6; IKi. 8:11; 2Chr.

5:14; 7:1-3; I$a,35:2: 40:5: Ezek.1:28;

3:23; 8:4; 9:3; 10:4, 18-19; 11:22-23: 43:2-5; 44:4 Garments of

g,andbeaury,Ex.28:2,40 Show me Thy g. ,Ex. 33:18, 22 Showed us His g,, Dt
g,andbeaury,Ex.28:2,40 Show me Thy g. ,Ex. 33:18, 22 Showed us His g,, Dt
5:24 G. (praise) to God, Josh. 7:19; 1 Sam, 6:5; 1 Chr, 16:28-29; Ps. 29:1-2 G.
departed from Israel, 1 Sam. 4:21 G. (tongue) rejoiceth,Ps. 16:9 Heavens declare
the g.of God,Ps.l9:l The King of g..Ps. 24:7-10 The God of g, ,P$.29:3 Lord will
give grace and g. ,Ps. 84:11 Crownof^oryJ'r.4:9;16:31;Isa. 28:5 G. of children
are fathers. Pr. 17:6 G. of young men is strengtii, Pr. 20:29 Not give My g. to
another, Isa. 48:11 My people have changed g., Jer.2:ll 3 things not to g. in, Jer,
9:23-24 The g. of all lands,Ezek. 20:6,15 Messiah given dominion, g,, Dan. 7:14
Come in g. of the Father, Mt, 16:27; Mk.8:38 SitonthroneofHisg.,Ml,19:28:
25:31 Coming with power and g, ,Ml, 24:30;

Mk. 13:26; Lk. 21:27 Come in His g. widi angels, Mt 25:31 G.of world kingdom
$,Mt 4:8; Lk.4:6

Solomon in his g. Mt6:29; Lk. 12:27 ManifesteJ forth His g. .Jn.2:ll Saw g. of
God and Jesus, .Acts 7:55 Changed g.of God into an,Rom. 1:23 Come short of g.
of God, Rom. 3:23 G.in tribuladon also,Rom. 5:3 CrucirieJ the Lord of g., 1 Cot.
2:8 Do aU to the g, of God, 1 Cot. 10:31 G, sun, moon, stars, 1 Cor. 15:40-43
Changed from g. to g,, 2 Cor. 3:18 Eternal weight of g, ,2 Cor. 4:17 Christ in you
hope of g. ,Col. 1:21 ShaU appear with Him in g. ,CoL 3:4
WhobeingbrightnessofHis g., Heb.1:3 Crowned with g. and honor, Heb, 2:7 G.
of God didUghtcn it Rev.21:U-26 Glorying (4).lCor. 5:6; 9:15; 2Cor. 7:4;
Glutton ( '2),Dt 21:20;Pr. 23:21 12:11 Gluttonous (2),Mt 11:19; Lk,7:34 Gnash
(-2),Ps. 112:1&; Lam. 2:16 Gnashed (2).Ps. 35:16; Acu 7:54 GDasheth (3)Job
16:9; Ps,37:12: Mk,9:18 Ga^shin; (7), Mt 8:12; 13:42, 50; 22: 13; 24:^1; 25:30;
Lk. 13:28 Gnat (l),Mt 23:24 Gnaw (l),Zeph, 3:3 Gnawed (1), Rev. 16:10
Gnosticisrr; - a philosophical and religious system teaching that knowledge ratha
than faith is the key to salvation. It swept over the church from Syria to Gaul like
an epidemic and caused much confusion among Christians from the 1st to the
6th century j main points of gposticism:

1 A claim to a higher and special knowledge of truth, a tendency to regard

knowledge as si5)eriorto faith, and an insight into new light which the ordinary
believer did not possess 2 The separation of m.atter and qjirit, the flesh being
essentially sinful and the source of all evil

3 The attempt in solving the problems of creation, and the origin of evil by a
creator as being distinct from the Supreme God 4 A denial of the true humanity
of Jesus Christ, looking upon the life of Christ, and especially His sufferings on
the cross as unreal 5 A denial of the personality of the Si5)reme God
6 A denial of tiie free wUl of man

I 7 A claim that spiritual communion withGod is attained through asceticinr. or

denial of pleasures and comforts of life; on the othei hand, an indifference to sin
leading to failure and licentiousness 8 A combination of certain Christian
doctrines with various pagan philosophies to lone down the distinction between
them. This appealed to many in the church who were dissatisfied with the
simplicity of the gospel 9 The O.T.Scriptures were tiie product of the Inferior
creator of the world, who was the God of the Jews, but not the true and Supreme
God It is regretuble that some parts of gnosticism are fostered by certain
elements of the church today. AU these points are fallacies and must be rejected
by Bible believers Go (1,479). G. forth of ark,Gen. 8:16

~S.to,let us,Gen. 11:3-7 G.DOtdowntoEgypt,Gen.26:2;JeT.43:2 G. not into way

of Gentiles, Mt. 10:5 G.and teach all nations, Mt 28:19 G.lnto aU the world,
preach the gospel to every creature, Mk. 16:15 5 "go's" for Christians, 314*

GoaTHoT^ 269-4; Judg, 3:31

Goa3s( -2),269-4; 1 Sam.l3:21; Eccl.l2:ll

Goat (35). Used in sacirifces,Gen. 15:9;

—Tev. 3:12:4:24: 7:23; 9:15; 10:16:17: 3: 22:27; Num. 15:27; 18:17; 28:22;
29:22-38: Dt 14:4-5: Ezek. 30:31 The scapegoat,Lev. 16:9-27 The he-goat,
symbol of Greece, Dan. 8 G, nations,Mt 25:31-46, noces Goaih fp.a place, Jer,

Goats (84), Skins used in deception of

"Tsaac by Rebekah,Gen, 27:9.16 Used to deceive Jacob.Gen. 37:31 Kid of the g.

(25 times). Num. 7:16—

86; 15:24: 28:15. 30; 29:5 WUd g,.PJ. 104:18 Nations symbolized by.Mt 25:31-
46 Used as sin offerings, Heb.9:12-19;10:4

Goats' (10).Ex. 25:4; 26:7:35:6. 23-26; 36:14; Num. 31:20; 1 Sam, 19:13-16 Pr.

Goatskins (1), Heb. 11:37

Gob (2). a place, 2 Sam. 21:18-19

ooElet (l),Song 7:2

God (4,379), Deity; Supreme Being;

"DTvlne One. See 44appearances of, 63 6 Heb. words for "God":

l ElcAim (2.701). plural of Eloah -Gods. The Supreme God; tiie Creator. Elohim
indicates the relation of God to man as Creator, and is In contrast with Jehovah
whichindicates Him in covenant relationship with creation. Elohim-Gods,
objects of worship,Gen. 1:1-2:3: 280 of N. T.

2Yehovah(6,437). Self-existent or Eternal One: Lord, The Jewish national name

of God. Where tians. God it is used with another name, .A donai . Lord. Adonai-
Jehovah,Lord God,Gen. 15:2, 8; Dt 3:24: 9:26; Josh. 7:7; etc.

3 El (220), Strength. El is the Saong andTlighty One;the Almighty;the most

highGod,Gen.l4:lS-22; 16:13; 17:1; etc.

4 Eloah (56). Deity; God, the Divine One, Dt 32:15.17; 2 Chr. 32:15: Neh. 9:17;
Ps. 18:31: 50:22; 114:7; 139:19; Pr. 30:5: Isa. 44:8: Dan, ll:37-39;Hab. 1:11; 3:3;
and 41 times in Job (3:4,23; 4:9,17; 5:17,etc.) 5 Elab (76), God. Found only in
Ezra 4:2ir5:l-17: 6:3-18; 7:12-27; Dan. 2: 11-47; 3:12-29:4:2-9:5:3-26:6:5-26

6 Tsur (1), Rock: Refuge, Isa. 44:8 One main Gr. word for "God":

Theos 0.284),Deity;the SiqiremeGod. Mtl:23; 3:9,16; 4:3-10; 5:8, etc. This word
is also used in various combinations, as foUows: 1 Theorr.acbeo. fight God, Acts
23:9. See 7 examplesofGod-flghters. 159*

2 Theomacbos. figll God. Acu 5:39

3 Theodidaktos. God taught. 1 Th.4:9

4 Theopneustos, God breatlusd, 2 Tim. 3:16

5 Tbeosebes ,God worshipper, Jn. 9:31

6 Theostuges. God hater. Rom. 1:30 7 Phllolbeos. God lover, 2 Tim. 3:4 8
Atbeos. without God.Eph. 2; 12
Atbeos. without God.Eph. 2; 12

Besides the above we find:

1 Kurios. Acts 19:20 - usually trans. Lord or Master, f 7-4* 8:5

2 Chrematizo , God admonished, Heb.

3 Chrematismos. answer of God, Rom,

Image and Ukeness of G., y-z 1-4 Gets to know things, u 2-4: q 6-1; m

15-4; h67-l; h 68-1: b 232-4 How G. knows evll,l 3-1 Personal plural pronouns
used of, x 1-4;

c 4-1;c 116-1* 4:h67-l

Goes from place to place, a 10-1; c 34-El-Elyon. p 12-1

El-Shaddai, m 14-1; a 34-4; r 43-1 Eats food, f, 1 15-1; q89-l; t 89-l;J-k

57i-4; d 77-4* Appeared to Abraham bodily,Gen.18 A don, a name of God,b 15-

4 FTasabody, e-115-1; f-hl5-4; g-h 32-1; q89-l; o 98-1; qlOO-1: a.e, 100-4; f
170-1:c-d 182-1: m 353-4; a-c

560-1; a 613-4: r 97-1*; a 99-4* Metes out penalties,! 15-4 Not omnlbody.but
omnipresent, n 154; h 368-4 Moral Governor of aU, q 15-4 34 -I will's" of G.
.16;k 24-l;127-l. El-Olam. f 19-1 See Wm

For His sake, k 24-4 12 examples ofbeing wltii men.m 27-1

7 men G. prospered, j 29-1 Ways of speaking to men,! 29-4 Wrestled

bodilywlthjacob. h 32-1 7 appearances to Jacob, m 34-1 Providence of, r 43-1

2 divisions by, 52

3fold blessing of, 52

Sabbath of, 52

Day of rest, 52

16 Jehovah-titles, 52
16 Jehovah-titles, 52

G. in the eternal past, S3

How He creates, 58

When creation took place, 58

How long G. was creating things, 58

Why did G. create all thlngi, 58

Names and titles of, 64; p 12-1; m 14-1: b 15-4; f 19-1; a 34-4; o 354-4; 437; m
555-4; p 593-1; r 71-1*; j 129-1*. See also notes above I am.d 67-1; I 105-1*

Makes personal inspection trips,h67-l

Gives man power to fulfil caU.c 67-4

Angerof,c 68-1

12 things provoke G. to anger, c 68-1

639 aco and works of G.. a 7-4; 31; c 66-4; k 79-1; 1 97-4; y 102-4; 109;

.110; 111: e 134-4; c 149-4: b 228-4; 235: g 263-1; 290; d 297-4; 326; p 337-1;
454; 475: h 525-1: f 544-1; u 549-4: n 551-4: f 569-1; d 575-1: a 575-4: e 576-4;
c 577-1; b 580-1: f 580-1: f 582-1: o 586-1: w 588-4: d 591-1: f 691-4; 1594-4;
g594-4; J 602-4; m615-4;619;625; 627; 635; 637: 639; h659-4;j 717-4; 737: g
196-1*; I 238-1*

g 94 facts aboutG .. 110; f 207-4: g 210-

i^omplete Concordance - Cyclopedic Index_


1; p 224-1; 239; c 338-1; 418; 441; 451; f456-1;c 487-1 1507-l;k527-l;f543-4;

545; 548:1 577-4; o 592-1; b 594-4; f603-l;630; 637; 639; 640; b 704-1; 1 7:13-
4; 8'J8: 34'; r97-l»; b 116-1*: 1163-4*: 229*; « J3:-4*: 280-JSJ*: i 907-1 716-1

4fiatTrihutesofG. , g 588-4: 623; 626; j 49 manifestations of G., e 128-4; o

4fiatTrihutesofG. , g 588-4: 623; 626; j 49 manifestations of G., e 128-4; o

353-4; g 555-1; h 555-1 64thiiiKsG.i s,b 560-4; a 561-1; a 569-1; a 580-1; e 591-
4; h 606-1; e 615-4;

g 616-1; j 173-1* 47 things G.is to man. k 79-4; n 87-4;

g 162-4; 210; d 353-4; d 603-1; 624 Revelation to Moses, i 68-1 Permits certain
things, s 68-4 Sought to kill Moses' son, a 68-4 Testified to Israel,h 69-4 Works
slowly, d 70-4 30 "1 am's" of, 71 Manifests power, o 73-1 Guides Israel, i 78-1;
g 166-4 Works good even when rejected,] 78-4 JAH, k 79-4; note k. Ps. 68:4
Eternal reign of G. on earth, o 80-1 Audible voice heard by men, g 84-1;
AjealOUsG.,p84-4 p-q 44-4*

Has been seen with eyes, 63; 86; q 89*

1; c-el82-l; g 93-4*: d 94-1*; c 288-4* Glory of G. described, a 90-1 Resigned

asleaderof Israel, movlngout

ofthelrcamp.w 99-1; q 99-4; h 100-1 Talked face to face with man,d 100-1 Basis
of blessing men.s 100-4 Wrote 2nd 10 commandments,j 101-4 Proclaims 10
things, 107 Identifies Himself. 109 7 demands upon Pharaoh, 109 25
introductions of, 112 Must be put first, 113 Location of His throne, n 120-1
Dealings with sinners, m 122-1 Ascribes law to Moses, a 129-1 5 remembrances
of.b 150-4 3thingsbelongtoG.etemally,c 151-4 Delights In men,c 171-4

5 characteristics of. a 172-1 Will not clear guilty, c. f 172-1

His ultimate purpose on earth, i 172-1 G. of all spirits, f-g 175-1 10 reasons
angrywithBalaam.b 182-1 Confirmed reality of own body.j 182-1 38 tilings that
please, m 183-4; r 305-4: 366

4 assurances of His Integrity, 185 14 times angry, c 191-4

8 arrows of, 1%

7 proofs He is the only G., 196

6 things He did at Baal-peor, a 203-1 Purpose in speaklngaudlbly, 1204-1

3 reasonschose Israel, g 204-1; How ioloveG.,k-l, 206-1

5 things He gave Israel, o 206-1 ObUgaUonsof, b 207-1

2fold work of G, for Israel, e 207-1

7 things to know about, f 207-1

7 things He did in the exodus, d 207-4 Method of testing Israel, j 207-4 Forbade
Moses to pray, f 209-1

3 things He will do,b 212-1

2 rejoicings of, a 228-4

3 things He wiU curse, n 229-1 8fold descriptloDofHls appearance,c Unity of,

235 233-4

6 things He requires of men, 235 His vow to apostates. 238

6 judgments on apostates. 238

8 things G. blots out, 238 Return to G. ,239

12 statements to Israel, 239 Faithfulness of, d 262-4

4 things that provoke, w 267-4

4 reasons for God's anger, a 268-1

12fold answer to Israel.r 277-4

Has a soul.b 278-1 287

7 statements of G. departing from men. Keeps covenant with men. 290

25 things G. sent, 290 4;b 539-4

33accusations against,h291-4;n531—

3fold character and gieatness.l 296-1

Repenting over Saul, m 308-4

3 ways He did not answer Saul,d 323-1

Records of, 326

Promises conditional, 327

Rejected by Israel, 327

9 acts of faithfulness, 328

Choice of David, 328

Evil spirit firom, 328

Name of G. used In swearing, b 335-1

He can and wiU take mercy &om, put

away, and pluck out, 237; h 337-4 3 great puiposesof.t 337-4: o439-4 5 acts of
G. for David, c 341-4 9 bodily paru of, m 353-4

9 attributes of His soul.c 354-1 Struggles with sinners, j 354-1 23 dealings of

G.by night, 357

10 accusations of G. , 425 *-10 demands of sinners, 431

14 things not able to endure, 427

15 works of G., 441

2 things for David, a 362-1; k 452-1 Dwells in Ught, i 368-1 h368-4 Will dwell
bodily and visibly on earth. Business conference in heaven,a-h 388-
4thingsknowsof allmen,b413-l 1 21 false concepts about. 418 Names of G,in
Job,451 God's size.c 453-1 To dwell with men. d 453-1 10 great acts of. 454
Glory fills temple, h 457-4

3 unchangeable facts, f 464-1 Name of G. in Esther, 516 7 facts about God's

throne, 502

5 things G. hates about women, 512 20 acts of G., h 525-1

3 slanderous concepts of, g 525-4 7 troubles G. keeps from, i 525-1 7 statements,

3 slanderous concepts of, g 525-4 7 troubles G. keeps from, i 525-1 7 statements,
man departing from. 287 26 true facts about, 418 30fold greatness of G., d 529-4
G.ls a person, p 528-4; n 245-1* 46fold greatness of, d 529-4: 629

16 accusations against G., n 531-4 G. does not afflict His children, 534 20
judgments of, i 531-1

14 facts about G. , 441

17fold accusation against,492

35 questions of, 478

23 questions of,b 545-4

2 things G. has done,k 681-1

2 things He WiU do, g 684-1

2 miraculous works of,e 690-4 736

6fold oath of G. to destroy Antichrist,

4 things G. has been to men, a 699-1 God's marvelous work, 503

7fold method of judgment,k 703-4 Sfold method of judgment, g 703-4

1 am He,u 711-1 God's"wltnesses, d-f 713-4

18 declarations of God's existence,491 12declarations ofGod'sexistence,680 14

things done for Cyrus, 437 G. speak and challenges,479 God's plan for man, 477
12fold omnipotence of, 674

6 offices of,k 716-1

10 things belonging to G., 485 The arm of,e 720-1

7 things He opposes, o 550-1 Tries hearts, g 551-1 Dealings with man.e.m 552-1

2 things He will cut off.c 553-1 7 bodUy parts of. i 555-1

3 objects of His mercy, d 556-1 G. of Jacob, d 556-4 Shepherd of Israel, i-j 557-
3 objects of His mercy, d 556-1 G. of Jacob, d 556-4 Shepherd of Israel, i-j 557-

4 tMngs prove Him good,b 558-4

5 facts about His anger, q 560-1

6 examples of His anger, q 560-1 4 In what sense He causes anything,c 560-A

Rock,h 560-4

Thinks of men,c 566-4: 619

Source of life, c 567-1

Purpose of, g 569-1

What He looks for,h 572-1

10 things He has spoken, k 575-1

7 things He was to David,b 575-4

2 things belong to, a 576-1

10 things He remembers, d 585-1 10 things He commands, d 585-1 10 ways He

gave men up.k 587-1

6 things He desUes.l 587-1 Oneoftwopersonsclaimingtobe holy,

j 588-4 17 things He has sworn about, e 590-4 Proofs of His existence, 1 592-4

3 things to the righteous, i 593-1

7 personal references, 1 594-1

3 reasons He pities His children,f 5 96 -1 Divine agency, c-d 597-1

2 purposes of.l 598-1 lOfold vow of,j 600-1

8 reasons for Him not to hold peace, k 600-4

HumiUty of, c 602^ 7fold blessing of, e 603-1 Holds men responsible,! 603-4
Happy (14 times in Ps.),k 609-4 107 facts about G, . 498; 545; m 755-4; i 907-1;
Happy (14 times in Ps.),k 609-4 107 facts about G, . 498; 545; m 755-4; i 907-1;
o 909-1 His promise of comfort, 546 63 facts about His body and person, 548
Solomon's use of word God , a 668-4 G. reigning in Zion, 6?!" , . , Why G. was
pleased with nie deam of Christ, 671 12fold omnipotence and omniscience

of, 674 142 declarations of the existence of,

680; i 716-1 No G, beside Me, 680

3 things G. will create, 502 8 things G. will do, u 710-4 7fold challenge of G.,
434 6 creative acts of, b 712-4 24thingsG.hasdone. and will do.494

4 great past works of G., f 715-1

6 present works of G.. g 715-1

33 acts of G., 475; 798, 850

6 offices of, k 716 -1

His challenge, 480

When G. cannot be found, 782

His ways and thoughts, 928

10 places G. dwells, h 723-4

4 statements of G., g 726-4 His program eternal, 745

3 things G. prefers to magnificent temple, i 729-1

Hatred of G. for worship of hypocrites. j 729-1 j 746-4

5 things G. remembers about Israel,

4 great works of G., k 751 -1 1 Sfold estimate of false prophets, j 759-3 things
G. is in day of^affUction, f


3 things G. is against, 1 767-1 16fold greatness of G., h 776-4

3 things G. is against, 1 767-1 16fold greatness of G., h 776-4

In what sense G. is the doer, a 803-1 8 diings G. will not do, b 803^

4 things G, has heard, e 804-1 7fold greatness of God, d 796-4

His body like man'sin size and shape, b 807-1

4 dungs G. made Ezekiel, 809

G. is always just, a-b 822-1 823-1 27 things G, did regarding Israel, a 10 things
G. compared to, 894 4sectets of perfect union with, i 888-3 ways G. has spoken,
1 888-4 4

5 great wctks of G., d 895-1

6 personal acts of G,, a 896 -1

7 mings G. hates, b 896 -1

Where G. places emphasis, c 896-1 3 great works of, b 898-1 His side of the
story, c 905-1

6 things G. does not reauire, g 905-1

7 attributes of, 908 Omnipotence of, j 907-1 27fold greatness of G., a 910 -4

6 things G. will consume, 913

8 great gatherings by G., e 912-4

3 things G. will get for Israel, a 913-4 G. unchangeable, f 914-4; 930 Sfold
displeasure of, e 916-4 G. to dwell among men in new earth. See ludah rejoicing
, 929

7 blessings ptomised by G., j 920-1

3 great creative works of G., g 922-4 120 proofs and declarations of G., h

716-1 3 realms He operates in,p 613-4 Omnipresent, defined, r 613-4 10 proofs

of His greatness, c 616-1 8fold character of, h 616-1 14fold providence of, j 616-
1 12 things He wiU do,c 616-4 5 works of His hands, 618 7 ways He visits man,
619 10 "ism's" In error about,623 10 arguments for His existence, 623 4fold
619 10 "ism's" In error about,623 10 arguments for His existence, 623 4fold
confirmation of existence,624 12 examples of His voice, 625 7 examples of
hearing man, 625 15 ways none like Him, 626 7 blessings of waiting on, 627
16fold complaint against, 630 30 benefits from,632 30 reasons for praise and
fear, 633 44 providential acts of, 635 5 repentings of, 636 How to make Him
happy, 638 22 reasons He is happy, 638 30 limitations of. 638

A searching G. ,640

7 things His book is called, 640

7 things about His book, 640

20 abominations to, e 643-1

7 things He delights in,c 649-4

Ancient of Days, k 864-4: a-b 865-1

1st and 2nd advents of, j 865-1

7 truths about G. , n 867-4

15 causes of wrath, 877

An Infinite Father, a 7-1*: c 72-4*

True glorifying of, t 17-1*

Not flesh and blood, i 18-1*

Visible evidences of,n 18-4*

God's wIU, a 20-1*

Love to.i 25-1*

7 examplesofshakingbefore, f 33-4*

9 examples prostrationsbefore.g 33-4*

Wills to heal aU.g-k36-l*: m-n62-4*

Wills to heal aU.g-k36-l*: m-n62-4*

Never says no to faith, j 36-1*

Accompanies Christ to earth, v 44-4*;

"Ifs" ofC.g.j 45-1* s52-4*

Compassion of.h 45-1*; s 170-1*

His will made plain, g.j 45-1*

Has different standard, g 46-4*

Must be wholly loved,b 49-4*

A name of, used by Jews, p 52-4*

Most High.w 56-4*; 630

Seeks only good of man, e 58-4*

Not Father of every man, f 60-4*

His will concerning sabbath, j 63-4*

Called Father 176 dmesbyjesus,r 71-1 Contrasted with man,82f; s 87-1* How He
dwells in man,n 86-4* Hated sabbaths because of sin.i 98-4*

Works on sabbaths, j 98-4*

Bore witness of Jesus, v 99-1*; c 99-4*

Has a voice and body, r 97-1*; a 99-4*;

a-c 560-1 How He draws men, 1 101-1* Hears sinners, d 106-1* Is able to keep
men, j 107-1* Is one with Christ, k 107-1* Is glorified in healing, not In
sickness, m 36-4*; I 82-4*; j 107-4* Head of the Trinity, a 113-1* TrueG,,n 115-
1* Wears white garments, e 122-4* Foreknowledge of, y 123-4*; 269" The first
prophet, f 125^* 2 things determined by.j 126-4* Seen at Christ's left hand.e
131-1* Leadings of, c-d 135-1* Living, m. 140-1*; t-u 223-4* Planned the ages,
a 141-4* 18 doctrines of, 144* How to find G.,e 144-4* Habitations of, d 148-4*
8 ways He speaks to men. 157* 15 effectsof Hispresence,158*.See also
8 ways He speaks to men. 157* 15 effectsof Hispresence,158*.See also
PowerofG.,el60-4* pl8-4*

Righteousness of, g, i 160-4; c 168-1* Wrath of G. ,j 160-4* Can be

understood,o 160-4* What He is against,k 160-1* What He forbids, n 162-1*
How He is justified, q 162-1* Not Notified by sin,r-u 162-1* Sovereignty of. d
168-1*: 213* Makes choices, f 168-1* Basis of His dealings, g 168-1*

6 diings constitute His will, a 170-4* Is faithful, t 176-1*

Can be pleased,n 176-4*

5 chosen things of, o 176-4* Wisdom of,h 177-1*

Pre-determination of, i 177-1* Gives increase to man,j 177-4*

7 things He WiU do.p 178-l*;p 275-1*

8 ways He can be tempted,h 183-1* Can be provoked,b 183-4* Comforts men, g


7 things He loves, g 197-1*

14 things He is able to do, h 197-1*;

n 283-4* Ministers seed to sowers, d 197-4* The great musician, e 197-4*

8 things He is called, 200*

9 things He has done for us, 213* Choice of G,, 213*

6 things G. has done for Christ, 213* 8 gifts of G., 213*

7 things He has done, 213* Love ofG.,213* Dwelling place of, 213* Family of
G., 214*

18 proofs He can be seen, 222*

14 requirements of, 1 224-4*

The trump of G., 227

A troubler of troublers, q 228-1*

2 things He chooses, x 228-4*

Not re5>onsible for loss of soul, 229*

The only Saviour, c 232-1*

2 things the wiU of, r 232-4* Provides salvation for aU, k 234-1* The only
Potentate, V 235-4* Source of immortaUty.x 235-4* DweUs In glory, y 235-1*;
k 275-1*

3 things He caniwt do, g 242-1* Head of Christ, a 245-1*

A person, n 245-1* 2 blessings from,k 247-4* Oatiiof G..e-1 248-4* His

hoUness, c 255-1* Planned the ages by Christ, 256* 12 things G. swears to.
258* Good gifts come ftom.e 260-4* No variableness in.g 260-4* 7 charges of
injustice, g 261-1* Lawgiver and judge, n 262-4* Lord of armies, k 263-1* No
respecter of persons, j 265-4 Oracles of G. ,n 268-1* Source of aU,l 275-1* A
trinity of persoos. 280* 4fold ascription to G.. 1 289-4* 7fold ascription to G. ,k
291-1* His plan to be realized,e 303-1* Redemptive terms of G. ,305* Goddess
f5)JKi.U:5.33;Actsl9:27,35,37 Godhead (3). Deity. Acts 17:29: Rom.

1:20; Col. 2:9 GodUness ( 15j. piety; reverence: feat of

God,p 233-4*: g 234-1*; lTlm.2:2, 10;

3:16; 4:7-8; 6:3-11: 2 Tim. 3:5: Tit.

1:1; 2 Pet. 1:3-7; 3:11 Godly (15),llkeGod.Ps.4:3: 12:1; 32:6:

Mal.2:15:2Cor. 1:12; 7:9-11:1 Tim.

1:4; 2 Tim. 3:12; Tit. 2:12; Heb. 12:

28: 2 Pet. 2:9; 3 Jn. 6 Characteristics of, g 550-4; j 4-1* Must be self-
controUed,n 4-4* A requirement of, s 4-4* 4 commands to, q 5-1* 10 things
must be, c 5-4*

Complete Concordance - Cyclopedic Index

Complete Concordance - Cyclopedic Index

God's (26). Drafting of G. plan, 53 G.plan for man, 58-62 G. moral government,
c 211-4 G. way of speaking to 2 men, o302-1 G. governor, 798

Tfold effect of G. dealings, g 753-1 G. way widi false fxophets, a-c 817-1 G.
compassions, o 888-4; g 901-1

Gods (239). True. 280*

Talse, 116; f 140-r

Strange, m 144-1*; Gen, 35:2-4; Dt.

32:16;Josh.24:20:Judg.lO:16; ISam.

7:3: 2 Chr. 14:3; 33:15; Jer. 5:19:

Acts 17:18

Judgment on g. of Egypt, 110-111; Ex.

12:12; Num. 33:4; Jer. 43:12 Bible facts about false g., 116; e 139-1 As g.
knowing good and evil,Gen. 3:5 Have no other g, ,Ex. 20:3: Dt. 5:7 G.of sUver
and gold,Ex. 20:23: 32:31 Shalt not revfle the g., Ex, 22:28 Whoring after other
g, ,Ex. 34:15-17 Molten g.,Lev. 19:4 God of g.,Dt.lO:17 13

Destniction to those serving other g, ,Dt, G.of wood and stone,Dt, 28:36 G.of
Amoiites,Josh. 24:15; Judg. 6:10 G. of Syria, Zidon, Moab, Ammoo, Philistines,
Judg. 10:6 Micahhadhouseof,Judg.l7:5; 18:24 G. ascending out of earth,l
Sam.28:13 G.ofthe hills. IKi. 20:23 G. of Sepharvaim, 2 KL 17:31 G. of the
nations, 2 Ki. 18:33; 19:12 G.of Hamath, 2 KI. 18:34 G.of the people, 1 Chr.
5:25; 16:26 G.of Edom, 2 Chr. 25:15 Ye are g. ,Ps, 82:1, 6; Jn. 10:34-35 Great
King above all g. ,Ps. 95:3 G. for every city, Jer. 2:28; 11:13 Spirit of the holy G.
.Dan. 4:8-9, 18: 5:11, 14 G. many and lords many, 1 Cot. 8:5 Unnatural g,, Gal.
4:8 Th.l:8

God-ward (3), Ex. 18:19; 2 Cor. 3:4; 1

Goest( 46). G. before them. Num. 14:14 G. to possess, Dt. 7:1; 11:10, 29; 23:

20: 28:21, 63; 30:16 WMther thou g. ,1 wru go, Ruth 1:16
20: 28:21, 63; 30:16 WMther thou g. ,1 wru go, Ruth 1:16

Goeth (136).G. in holy place. Ex, 28:29 G. upon paws.. .belly. Lev, 11:27,42
G,before you, Dt. 1:30; 9:3 Spirit of m an g. upw ard, EccL 3:21 Word g. out of
My moudi, Isa. 55:11 Heart g.aftercovetousness, Ezek,33:21 G.into perdition.
Rev. 17:11

Gog qi).roof. 2 men. 1 Chi. 5:4; Ezek. 38:2-18; 39:1-11. A land. Rev. 20:8 14
proofs G. a person, 855

2 invasions of Palestine by, 855 G. is Antichrist, 855;c-k 842-4

16 statements - Gog's army, e 842-4 20fold destruction of G., d 843-1 Gog's

defeat, h-k 843-1

Going (90). Used with: on (Gen. 12:9), down (Gen. 15:12), astray (Ex. 23:4),
out(Ex. 37:18),upon (J.ev. 11:20),over (Num. 32:7), forth (Num. 34:4), about
Oo±. 6:11), to (Judg. 19:18), against (2 Chr. 11:4), into Qob 33:28), to and no
(Ezek. 27:19); and of man's ways (Pr. 14:15; Ps. 40:2) Goings (26), See Going

Golan (4), a town in Bashan, Dt. 4:43: Josh. 20:8; 21:27; 1 Chr. 6:71

Gold (409). 7 things symbol of, n 90-4

3 crowns of, o 90-4

Used In tabernacle,k 106-1; Ex, 25:3—

39; 26:6-37; 38:5-36: 30:3-5; 36:

13-38; 27:2-28; 39:2-30 Shields of, p 338-1 Summary, work on temple, e 455-1;

KI. 6:20-35; 7:48-54; 10:2-25; IChr,

28:14-18; 29:2-7; 2Chr. 3:4-4:22: 9:

1-24 Used in 2nd temple, Ezra 1:4-11: 7:15-18; 8:25-33; Ndi. 7:70-72 Things
more valuable than g. ,Ps. 19:

10; 119:72,127; Pr, 3:14: 8:10, 19;

16:16: 22:l:Isa,13:12; lPet,l:7;Rev. Theheadofg,J)an.2:32-45 3:18

Gods of g., Dan. 5:4-29; Ex. 20:23 Presented to Christ, Mt. 2:11 Gospel minlsten
not to provide g. or

sUver (Mt. 10:9) and not covet it

(Acts 3:6; 20:33; 1 Tim. 3; Tit 1:7) G, found abundantly in heaven. Rev. 4:

4; 21:18, 21. See Golden Golden (6^. G. earrings. Gen. 24:22;

^02:2-3; Judg. 8:24-26 G. crowns,Ex. 25:25; Rev. 14:14 G.beUs.Ex. 28:34 G.

rings, Ex. 30:4: 39:20,38 G. altar,Ex. 40:26; Num. 4:11; 2 Chr.

4:19; Rev, 8:3; 9:13 G. plate.Lev. 8:9 G. spoons. Num. 7:26. 32, 38. 44, 50,

56, 62, 68, 74, 80, 86 G. emerods, 1 Sam. 6:4,17

G. mice, 1 Sam. 6:18

G. calves, 2 Ki. 10:29; 2Chr. 13:8

G. basons, 1 Chr. 28:17

G. vessels, Ezra 6:5; Dan. 5:2-3

G. sceptre,Esther 4:11; 5:2; 8:4

G.bowl.Eccl. 12:6

G. wedge, Isa. 13:12

G.clty, Isa. 14:4

G. cup, Jer. 51:7; Rev. 17:4

G. im.age, Dan. 3:5, 7,10.12,14,18

G, pipes. Zee h, 4:12

G. censer, Heb. 9:4; Rev. 8:3

G. candlesticks. Rev. 1:12,20; 2:1

G. girdle. Rev. 1:13; 15:6

G. vials,Rev. 5:8; 15:7

G.reed,Rev. 21:15. See Gold

G.rule.c 7-l«; e 64-4*;'g:^

16 laws of g. rule, e 64-4*

2 blessings of g,, rule, h 64-4* Goldsmith (3). Isa. 40:19; 41:7; 46:6 Goldsmith's
(1). Neh. 3:31 Goldsmiths (2). Neh. 3:8.32 Golgotha (5). the place of a skull, d
32-4*; Mt. 27:33; Mk. 15:22; Jn. 19:17 Goliath (5), the exile. A giant, h 310-4;
TTam. 17:4, 23; 21:9; 22:10; 2 Sam, 21:19; 1 Chr, 20:5

Armour of, i-p 310-4

Boaaof,328 2-3; lChr.l:5-6

Gqmer (6) .completion. A man. Gen. 10:

A people or tribe. Ezek. 38:6

A woman, wife of Hosea, Hos. 1:3 Gomonah fl9) .to overwhelm with water.

A city of sodomites destroyed by Are.

Gen. 10:19; 13:10; 14:2-11; 18:20; 19:

24-28; Dt. 29:23; 32:32; Isa. 1:9-10;

13:19; Jer. 23:14; 49:18; 50:40; Amos

4:11; Zeph. 2:9. Gomorrha Gomonha( 5).N.T. form of Gomorrah.

Mt. 10:15; Mk. 6:11; Rom. 9:29; 2 Pet.

2:6; Jude 7 Gone (212). Used with: out(Gen. 27:30),

2:6; Jude 7 Gone (212). Used with: out(Gen. 27:30),

to (Gen. 28:7), up (Ex. 16: 14), forth

(Ex. 19:1),into (Ex.33:8),aside (Num.

5:20), over pt, 27:4), away (Judg. 18:

24),back (Ruth 1:15), from (1 Sam. 14:

I'O; about (1 Sam. 15:12), In (2 Sam.

3:22-23), through (2 Sam. 24:8), with

(Ps. 42:4) Gonorrhea,! 135-1 Good (707). G. places, c 607-4

2 g, things to do, d 525-1

7 g.tWDgs. a 592-1

30 g, things, 631

6 g. deeds of the riglieous, k 563-1

G, Friday unscriptural, t 13-1*

It was g. ,Gen. 1:4.10,12,18,21,25.31

G. for food.Gen. 2:9; 3:6

G.and evIl.Gen. 2:9,17; 3:5,22

G. to have an helpmeet,Gen. 2:18-23

G.old age,Gen, 15:15: 25:8; lChr,29:

G.health,Gen. 43:28 28

G.land,Ex. 3:8: I Chr. 28:»

G, tidings, 2 KI. 7:9; Isa. 40:9; 41:27;

52:7; 61:1; Nah. 1:15; Lk. 2:10 G.Lord, 1 Chr. 16:34; 2 Chr. 7:3; Ezra
52:7; 61:1; Nah. 1:15; Lk. 2:10 G.Lord, 1 Chr. 16:34; 2 Chr. 7:3; Ezra

3:11; Ps. 34:8; 100:5; 106:1; 107:1 G.courage,Josh. 1:6, 9,18; 1 Cli. 28:

20; Ezra 10:4; Ps. 27:14; 31:24 G. success. Josh. 1:8 G. way, 2 Chr. 6:27; Pr.
2:9; Jer. 6:16 G. work, Neh. 2:18; 2 Tim. 2:21 G. deeds, Neh. 6:19; 13:14
G.statutes and commandments,Neh.9: G. spirit,Neh. 9:20;Ps. 143:10 13

G. day,Esther 8:17; 9:19,22 G.djings.Job 22:18;Ps. 103:5:Mt.7:ll G, man, Ps.

37:23; 112:5; Pr. 12:2 G. God, Ps. 73:1

G. understanding, Ps. 111:10; Pr. 3:4 G. doctrine,Pr. 4:2; 1 Tim, 4:6

G,name.Pr,22:l; EccL 7:1 G. merchandise. Pr. 31:18 G. reward. EccL 4:9 G.
wisdom,EccL 7:11 G. ointments. Song 1:3 G. smell. Song 2:13 G. figs, Jer.

G, soil,Ezek,17:8; Mt. 13:23; Mk, 4:20 G. pasture,Ezek. 34:14-18 G, fruit. Mt,

3:10; 7:17-19;Lk, 6:43 G. gifts. Mt. 7:11; Lk. 11:13 G. tree.Mt. 7:17-18; Lk.
6:43 G. comfort. Mt, 9:22: Mk, 10:49 G, treasure. Mt, 12:35; Lk,6:45 G, seed.
Mt. 13:24.27.37-38 G, Master. Mt. 19:16; Mk, 10:17 G.and faithful servant, Mt.
25:21-23 G, wiU toward men,Lk, 2:14 G.heart,Lk,8:15 G.pleasure.Lk. 12:32;
Eph. 1:5. 9 G.wine.Jn. 2:10 G. shepherd.Jn. 10:11-14 G. report. Acts 10:22;
22:12 G.conjcience,Acts 23:1; 1 Tim.l:5.19 G. or bad. 2 Cot. 5:10
G.hope.2Th.2:16 G.Uw.l Tim. 1:8 G. behaviour, 1 Tim. 3:2

G. minister, 1 Tim. 4:6

G. fight of faith, 1 Tim. 6:12

G.profession,! Tim. 6:12-13

G. foundation, 1 Tirr..6:19

G. soldier of Jesus Christ,2 Tim. 2:3

G.fldeUry, Tit. 2:10

G.word of God, Heb. 6:5

G. things to come, Heb.9:11; 10:1

G. conversation, Jas. 3:13; 1 Pet. 3:16

G. conversation, Jas. 3:13; 1 Pet. 3:16

G. stewards, 1 Pet. 4:10

G. works, Mt. 5:16; Jn. 10:32; Acts 9: 36; Rom. 13:3; 1 Tim. 2:10; 6:18; 2 Tim.
3:17; Til. 2:7,14; 3:8,14; Heb. 10:24 Good lier (1),1 Sam. 9:2 CooAiest (2).l
Sam, 8:16; 1 Ki. 20:3 Goodliness (1), Isa. 40:6 Goodly ( 32). G. raiment.Gen.

G. person,Gen. 39:6

G. words,Gen. 49:21

G. chad,Ex. 2:2

G.bonnets, Ex. 39:28

G. trees,Lev. 23:40

G. tents,Num. 24:5

G. castles. Num. 31:10

G. mountain, Dt, 3:25

G. cities, Dt, 6:10

G. houses, Dt. 8:12

G.youngman, 1 Sam. 9:2; 16:12

G. man, 2 Sam, 23:21; 1 Ki. 1:6

G. vessels, 2 Chr. 36:10,19

G.wings.Job 39tl3

G. heritage,Ps.l6:6; Jer. 3:19

G. cedars, Ps. 80:10

G. fruit, Jer. 11:16; Ezek. 17:23

G. vine,Ezek. 17:8

G. images, Hos. 10:1

G. pleasant things,Joel 3:5

G, price, Zech, 11:13

G. pearls, Mt, 13:45

G, stones and gifts,Lk. 21:5

G. apparel, Jas. 2:2 Goodman (6), Pr. 7:19; Mt. 20:11; 24:

43; Mk. 14:14; Lk. 12:39: 22:11 Goodness (48). 7 examples of, i 64-4*

Make My g.pass before you, Ex.33:19

Abundant in g. and truth, Ex. 34:6

LetsalntsrejoiceinThyg. ,2Chr.6:41

FiUeth hungry with g.. Ps. 107:9

Praise Lord forg., Ps.l07:15,21,31

If thou continue in His g., Rom. 11:22

G.a fruit of the Spirlt,Gal.5:22;Eph.5:9 Goodness' (1). Ps. 25:7 Goods (42),Gen.
14:11-21; Ex. 22:8-11; ~MtrS4;47; 25:14; Lk. 12:18-19; 15:12; 16:1; Acts 2:45;
ICor. 13:3; Rev. 3:17 Gopher (1) wood. Gen. 6:14 Gore (1), Ex. 21:28 Uoied
(1),Ex. 21:31 Gorgeous (l).Lk. 23:11 Gorgeously (2), Ezek. 23:12; Lk. 7:25
Gosnen (15). Province In Egypt, Gen. 45: 10; 4^: 28-34; 47:1-6,27; 50:8;

9:26. Aland In south Canaan,Josh. 10:

41; 11:16: 15:51 Gospel (101). Defined . 151*: 270*

3 g, facts, f 607-4

7 conditions of its benefits, d 616-4 Twin blessings of the g., o 761-4 Effects of
7 conditions of its benefits, d 616-4 Twin blessings of the g., o 761-4 Effects of
g.. y 10-1* Results of, j 15-1*: k 68-l^ v68-4»; 1-t 157-4* Facts of confirmed, c
56-1* 4fold source of, h 56-1* Nature of g, system, b 250-4* Law vs.g, ,m 71-4*
Brings dlvlsionj-k 75-4* l*;j 134-4* God's method ofpropagation, g, x 131-4
fundamental facuof, j 143-4*; b 188—

5 great blessings of, a 155-1* 1* Of God, f 160-1*

Easy to obey, o-q 168-4* 7 steps to g. faith, e 169-1* Man's responsibility to, a
188-1* Of circumcision. 1-0 202-4* Benefits only some, k-193-1*; c 247-1*
Chief purpose of,k 125-4* Secrets of Its powet, o 125-1* Sum of, 129*

6 results of, h 131-4* Promised by prophets, g 160-1* Christ the theme of,h 160-
1* Condition of, b 164-1*; a 174-4* Hid from some,j 194-1*

7 steps in 2. redempCLoD, 20"^ 15 things about the g., 207* Like a world
traveller, i 219-1* 4 ways to preach, 1 223-1* How demonstrated, 1-r 223-1*
How to receive It,p 223-1* World-wide In scope,d 232-4* Preached to O. T.
saints.b 247-1* Takes place of the law. i 249-4* 7 facts of the g..279*

G.of the kingdom Jk1t.4:23: 9:35: 24:14: G.of Jesus Christ. Mk. 1:1 Mk.l:14
Repent and believe the g. .Mk, 1:15 Preach g, to every creature, Mk. 16:15
Preach g. to the poor,Lk, 4:18; 7:22 Preached the g..Lk. 20:1; Acts 8:25; 14:7,21
G.ofthe grace of God, Acts 20:24 G.of God, Rom. 1:1; 15:16; 2 Cor. 11:

7: 1 Th. 2:2,8, 9; 1 Pet. 1:12. Jo G.of His Son,Rom. 1:9 G.of Christ. Rom. 1:16;
15:19, 29; 1 Cor. 9:12,18; 2Cor. 4:4; 9:13; 10:14; GaLl:7; Phil. 1:27; 1 Th.3:2
My g,, Rom. 2:16; 16:25 G.of peace, Rom. 10:15; Eph. 6:15 Dispensation of the
g,, 1 Cor. 9:17 Christ's g,, 2 Cor. 2:12 G.hid it is hid to, 2 Cor. 4:3 G. of
circumcision, G al. 2:7 G.of uncircumcIdon.Gal. 2:7 Preached g. to Abraham,
GaL 3:8 G. of your salvation, Eph. 1:13 G.a mystery revealed, Eph. 6:19
Confirmatioo of the g. ,Phil. 1:7 Truth of the g. ,GaL 2:14; CoL 1:5 Hope of the
g., CoL 1:23 Faith of the g., Phil. 1:27 Glorious g., 2 Cor. 4:4; 1 Tim. 1:11
Immortality to light through, 2 Tim. 1: G.preached to Israel, Heb.4:2 10

Everlasting g, ,Rev. 14:6

Gospels. Purpose of the 4, t 56-4* False g,, a 56-1*; 92*

Gospel's (3),Mk.8:35; 10:29; lCor.9:23

Gossip. 1 140-1; Lev. 19:16: Ps. 50:20; Pr. 11:13; 20:19; Ezek. 22:9

Got (7),Gen. 36:6; 39:12. 15; Ps. 44:3;

Tccl. 2:7; Jer. 13:2-4

Gotten (25), G.a man from Lord ,G en,4:1 G.all the glory,Gen. 31:1 G.HIm the
victory, Ps. 98:1 G, wealth by vanity,Pr. 13:11 G. victory over the beast. Rev.

Gourd (5),Jonah 4:6-10

guarts (1).2KL4;39

Govern (3). 1 Ki. 21:7; Job 34; 17; Ps.67:4

Government (4). Isa. 9:6-7; 22:31; 2Pet. Human g,, 60; 175* 2:10

Dispensation of Human G. ,60 Divine g., 61 Moral g.,c 211-4

Why human g. was Instituted, 60; 175*

Mosaic g.,Ex. 4:29-31; 18:13-26; ISk

7-8: Num.ll:16-25;Dt. 1:9-17; 27:1;

Monarchical g,, 1 Sam. 22:6-19:2

Sam, 1:13-16; 4:9-12; 11:14-17 Municipalg..Dt.l9:12; 21:2-21; 22:13-21; 25:7-

9; Ruth4:2-11; 1KI.21:8-14 ProvlDCial g. .Ezra 4:8-9; 5:2-6; 6:6; 8:36; Dan.
6:1-3; Lk. 3:1 Theocratic g. ,Ex. 19:3-8; 29:1-13; 1 Sam. 8:6-7

Governments (l). Defined .q 185-4*; 1 Cor. Human g, ,60; 175* 12:28

Dutyofg..f-l 171-1* G.of God, d 171-1* Duties of subjects of g., a 171-1* G,

must be supported, j-1 171-1* Weak g. , d 53-4* 7 facts about g,, 175* Jews and
human g., 269* G. must be obeyed,k-1 266-4* Purpose of g,, m 266-4^ God's
part in g,,m 587-1*
Governor (57). Joseph was g,, Gen, 42:6 G. ofthcclty, IKL 22:26; 2K1, 23:8 G,
of the remnant of Jews, 2Ki,25:23 G. of the house, 2Chr. 28:7; Jer. 20:1 G.of a
province,Ezra 5:3-14; 6:6-13 G. of Jerusalem, Neh. 5:14-18; 12:26 G.over cities
of Judah,Jer. 40:5 G.of Judah,Hag. 1:1; 2:2,21 G. over Israel, Mt. 2:6 Lk.3:l G.
of Jews under Rome, Mt. 27:2-27; G.of a feast,Jn. 2:8-9 G.of a ship, Jas. 3:4

Governor's (1), Mt. 28:14

Goverpors ( 21). G. of Isael.Judg. 5:9 G.ofthe country, 1 KI. 10:15 G. of the

sanctuary, 1 Chr. 24:5 G. of the people, 2 Chr. 23:20 G. over provinces, Esther
3:12 G. of Judah, Zech. 12:5-6 G.of children in education, GaL4:2

Gozan (5), 2 KI. 17:6; 18:11; 19:12; 1

Chr; 5:26; Isa. 37:12 Grace(166). Dispensation of,61: o 160-I^Mt. 2:23-3:1 G.In
O.T. times, n 100-1 7 requests for g., 107 17

Fulness of g, ,by Chrlst,f 93-4*: Jn. 1:14-Relgns over sin, f 164-4*: t 205-4*; b
205-4*: b 206-1*; r-t 271-1* See truth about grace, 226* Saved by g,,c 169-4*
New obligations of, p 205-4* 4 secrets of continued g,, 207* The truth about g.,
226* 10 things men can do to It, 226* 30 things R. cannot do. 226* 30 things g,
can do. 226* 3 great blessings of. h 242-4* Throne of g,, j 247-4* Predicted in
fulness, h 265-1*; a 265-4*

Complete Concordance - Cyclopedic Index


21 examples of falling from, 284* 210 wamiDgs not to fall frorr:, 284* Noah
found g, frorr God,Gen. 6:8 G. found by men - from men. Gen. 33: 8-15; 39:4:
47:29; 50:4; Ezra 9:3 G.foundbymen-from God,Ex. 33:12-17; 34:9; Judg. 6:17; 2
Sam. 14:22; Lk. 2:40 G. found by wotnen - from men, Ruth ■2:2, 10: 1 Sam.
1:18; Esther 2:17 G. promised all men.Ps. 84:11 G. comes through Holy Spirit,

12:10; Heb. 10:29 G. upon the early church. Acts 4:33; 11: 23; 13:43; 14:3, 26;
15:11,40; 18:27; 20:24, 32; Tit. 2:11 Justified freely by g. ,Rom. 3:24; 4:4, 16;
5:2, 15, 17, 21; Til. 3:7 G.didmuchmoreabound,Rom.5:20;6:l Not under law,but
g., Rom. 6:14-15 Elected by g., Romi. 11:5-6 By g. I am what I am, 1 Cor. 15:10
Receive not g, in vain, 2 Cor. 6:1 -Make all g. abound, 2 Cor. 9:8 My g.
sufficient for, 2 Cor. 12:9 Do not frustrate g. of God, Gal. 2:21 Ye are fallen
sufficient for, 2 Cor. 12:9 Do not frustrate g. of God, Gal. 2:21 Ye are fallen
from g.,Gal. 1:6-8; 5:4 Riches of His g, ,Eph. 1:7; 2:7 By g. are ye saved,Eph.
2:8-9 Come boldly unto tiirone of, Heb.4:16 Lest any man fail of g., Heb. 12:15
G. aglftfromGod.Jas. 4:6; lPet,5:5 Manifold g, of God, 1 Pet. 4:10 God ttie
sovxce of all g., 1 Pet, 5:10 Grow in g, and knowledge, 2 Pet. 3:18 Turning
g.into lasclviousness.jude 4 Word in last verse ofBIble, Rev. 22:21 Gracious
(30). I am g,, Ex. 22:27 G. to whom I will be g., Ex. 33:19 God merciful and g.
,Ex. 34:6; 2 Chr.

30:9; Neh. 9:17, 31; Ps. 103:8 God full of comipassion and g, ,Ps. 86:

15; 111:4; 112:4; 145:8 God righteous and g. ,Ps. 116:5 G, words that came
from.Lk. 4:22 Tasted that tte L^rd is g, , 1 Pel. 2:3 Graciously (4).Gen. 33:5.11;
Ps. 119:29; GrafTa ),Rom.ll:23 Hos.l4:2

CraTTed (5).Rom. 11:17-24 Grain (8). Amos 9:9; .Ml. 13:31; 17:20;
Mk.4:31;Lk.l3:19; 17:6; lCor.l5:37 Threshing g, ,g 60-1* Grandmother (1), 2
Tim. 1:5 Grant (22). G. redemiption of,Lev. 25:24 G.ihee thy petition. 1 Sam.
1:17 G. us Thy salvation,Ps. 85:7 G. to sit v,ith Me in throne. Rev. 3:21 Granted
(15). G. answer to prayer,1 Chr. iHO; Pr, 10:24 G. repentance unto life, Acts
11:18 G. dgns and wonders to be. Acts 14:3 G.to be arrayed in white. Rev. 19:8
Grape (8),Lev. 19:10; Dt. 32:14; Job 15: 33;5oDg2:13;7:12;IsaJ8:5;Jer.31:29-30
Grapegatberer (l).Jer.6:9 Grapegjtherers (2) . Jer. 49:9; Oba. 5 Grar^de^^nings
(1),MIc. 7:1 Grape; (So). '.vlteD ripened, k 170-4 25-45lbs.abunch,c 171-1;
Num.13:23 Eat all want of neighbor, Dt. 23:24 Brought forth wild g., Isa. 5:2-4
Fathers have eaten sour g, ,Ezek. 18:2 Grass ( 62)Xaw of reproductlon.Gen.1:11
Man's days like g. , Ps. 103:15; Isa.

40:7-8; Jas. 1:10-11; 1 Pet. 1:24 Nebuchadnezzar ate g,, Dan. 4:15-33 All green
g.burned up, Rev. 8:7 Not hun the g., but men, Rev. 9:4 Grasshopper (31. Lev.
11:22; Job 39:20; EccL 12:5 Grasshoppers (Tl.Nura. 13:33; Judg. 6:5; 7:12; Isa.
40:22; Jer.46:23; Amos 7:1; Nah.3:17 39

Grate(6),Ex.27:4; 35:16; 38:4-5,30; 39: Grave (67). G. not bell, a 416-4; d 589-
4; ?B-323; m 118-4*; f 124-1* 88 facts proving hell not g,, 620
Hdj.andGr.words for bell and g. ,620 Exam.ples using heU for g,, and a. for hell,
621 Other ridiculous concliisicDs if we

make hell the grave, 621 G. always the place ofie body, not the soul and spirit.
Gen. 35:20; 50:5; 2 Sam. 3:32; 19:37; 1 Ki. 13:30; Ps. 88:5; Isa. 53:9; Jn. 11:17;
12:17 G. also means to be sober, 1 Tim. 3:8, 11; Tit. 2:2 Graveclotbes (1), Jn.
12:17 G. also means to be sober, 1 Tim. 3:8, 11; Tit. 2:2 Graveclotbes (1), Jn.
11:44 Graved (2),TKi. 7:36; 2 Chr, 3:7 Gravel( 3).Pr.20:17; Isa.48:19;Lam.3:16
Graven (54). G. Images, 47 times, Ex, 5Ci4; Lev. 26:1; Dt. 4:16, 23, 25.5:8; 7:5,
25; 12:3; 27:15; Judg, 17:3-4; 18: 14-17,20,30-31; 2 KL 17:41; 21:7; 2 Chr.
33:19; 34:7; Ps. 78:58: 97:7; Isa, 10:10; 21:9; 30:22; 40:19-20; 42: 8,17; 44:9-
15: 45:20; 48:5; Jer, 8:19; 10:14: 50:38; 51:17.47; 52; Hos. 11:2; MIc. 1:7; 5:13:
Nah, 1:14; Hab. 2:18: Acu '^'■■-=> A wTiting.Ex.32:16;39:6;Job 19:24 G.
onpalm.softhehands, Isa. 49:16 G.on table of heart. Jer. 17:1 Grave's ( 1). mouth.
Ps. 141:'; Graves (21),tombs, a 416-4; Ex. 14:11;

CKi, 23:6; 2 Chr. 34:4; Job 17:1; Isa.

65:4; Jer. 8:1:26:23; Ezek.32:22-26;

37:12-13:39:11; Lk, 11:44; Jn. 5:28;

Rev. 11:8 53

Manybodiescameoutof g. ,.Mt.27:52—

See C-raye for proofs g. not heU

Graveth (1). Isa. 22:16

Graving (3).Ex. 32:4; 2 Chr. 2:14:Zech. G ravings ( 1), 1 Ki. 7:31 3:9

Gravity (2), 1 Timu 3:4; Tit. 2:7

Gray (5).Gen. 42:38; 44:29, 31: Dt. 32: "55; Hos. 7:9 Ps.71:18

Grayheaded (3), 1 Sam. 12:2; Job 15:10;

Grease (l).Ps. 119:70

Great (959). G. lights,Gen. 1:16

G, whales. Gen. 1:21

G. wickedness,Gen. 6:5; 3ft 9

G. city,Gen, 10:12; Rev. 11:8

G. nation,Gen. 12:2; 17:20; 18:18:21:

18; 46:3; Ex. 30:10: Dt. 4:6-8 G. name,Gen. 12:2 28:59

G. plagues,Gen. 12:17; Num.11:23; Dt. G. substance. Gen. 13:6; 15:14 G,

reward.Gen,15:l: Ps,19:ll; Mt.5:12 G. darkness,Gen. 15:12 Josh.l:4

G. river Euphrates, Gen. 15:18; Dt. 1:7; G. sin,Gen. 20:9; Ex. 32:21,30-31 G.
feast. Gen. 21:8 G. store of servants. Gen. 26:14 G.Stone,Gen. 29:2 G.
wrestlings,Gen. 30:8 G. deliverance,Gen.45:7; Judg. 15:18 G. company.Gen.
50:9 G. lamentation,Gen. 50:10 G. sight, Ex. 3:3 G. judgments, Ex. 6:6; 7:4 G.
anger, Ex. 11:8; Dt. 29:24 G. work,Ex. 14:31 G. power, Ex. 32:11; Acts 4:33
G.stature,Num.l3:32; Dt. 2:10, 21; 9:2 G.metcy,Num. 14:18; IKi. 3:6 G. honor.
Num. 22:17; 24:11 G. multitude. Num. 32:1 G. sea. Num. 34:6-7; Josh. 1:4; 9:1
G.andterriblewildemess.Di. 1:19: 2:7; G.cities.Dt.l:28: 6:10; 9:1 8:15

G. terrors, I)t, 4:34 G. fire, Dt. 4:36; 5:25; 18:16 G. voice. Dt. 5:22 G. wooden.
Dt. 6:22; 29:3 G. temptations, Dt. 7:19; 2ft3 G.God.Dt. 10:17; Rev. 19:17 G.acts
of God, Dt. 11:7 G. indignation, Dt, 29:28 G. thoughts of the heart. Judg. 5:15 G.
scarehings of the heart. Judg. 5:16 G. slaughter. Josh. 10:10; Judg, 11:33 G.
strength, Judg. 16:5-6.15 G. oath, Judg, 21:5 G. destriKtion. 1 Sam, 5:9 G,
thunder, 1 5am, 7:10 G, trembling. 1 Sam, 14:15 G. salvation, 1 Sam, 14:45;
Heb. 2:3 G, riches. 1 Sami. 17:25 G. victory, 2 Sam, 23:12 G. joy, 1 Ki. 1:40;
Acts 8:8 G,kindness, IKi. 3:6 G. people. 1 Ki. 3:9; 5:7 G. throne of ivory, 1 Ki.
10:18 G. disease, 2 Chr. 16:12; 24:25 G.goodness, Neh. 9:25, 35 G. King,Ps,
48:2; MaL 1:14 G. jealousy, Zech. 1:14; 8:2 G. faith. Ml. 8:10; 15:28 G.
commandment. Ml. 22:36-38 G. tribulation, Mt. 24:21; Rev. 7:14 G. signs and
wonders. Mt. 24:24 G.earthquake.Ml. 28:2; Acts 16:26 G. gulf fixed,Lk. 16:26
G, drops of blood,Lk, 22:44 G, grace. Acts 4:33 G. fear. Acts 5:5,11 G.
persecution, Acts 8:1 G. love. Eph,-2:4
G. mystery,Eph. 5:32; 1 Tim. 3:16 G. zeal, CoL 4:13

G. boldness in the faith. 1 Tim. 3:13 G. high priest, Heb. 4:14 G. cloud of
witnesses, Heb. 12:1 G. Shepherd of the sheep, Heb. 13:20 G. and precious
promises, 2 Pet. 1:4 G. hail. Rev. 11:19; 16:21 G. wonder in heaven. Rev. 12:1
G.red dragon. Rev. 12:3, 9 G.day of God Almighty, Rev. 16:14 G.Babylon,Rev.
16:19; 18:2,21 G. whore, Rev. 17:1,5; 19:2 G. white throne, Rev. 20:11 G.city,
the New Jerusalem, Rev, 21:10 Greater (77).G. licla.GeD. 1:16

G.than all gods, Ex. 18:11

G.and mightier nations. Dt. 4:38; 7:1;

9:1. 14; 11:23 G. abominations, Ezek. 8:6.13,15

G.damnation.Mt,23:14; Mk.l2:40; Lk.

G.witnessthanJohn,Jn.5:36 20:47

Servant not g. than his L«d,Jn. 13:16

G. worksthan these, Jn. 14:12

My Father is g, than I On. 14:28) and g,than all On. iO:29)

G.lovehathno man than diis.Jn. 15:13 Greatest (21).Mt. 13:32; 18:1-4; 23:11;

Mk.9;34ik.9:46;22:24-26:lCor.l3:13 Greatly( 87).G.miultiply sorrow ,Gen.3:16

Anger kindled g. ,Num. 11:10; 1 Sam. 11:6; 2 Sam. 12:5; 2 Chi. 25:10

G. ashamed, 2 Sam. 10:5; IChr. 19:5

G, humbled himself, 2 Chr. 33:12

G.to be praised,Ps. 48:1; 96:4; 145:3 Greatness (32).G. of arm,Ex. 15:7, 16

G.of miercy, Num, 14:19; Neh. 13:22

G.of Thy power,Ps. 66:3; 79:11

G.is unsearchable,Ps. 145:3

G.of the kingdom, Dan. 7:27

G. of His power to us. Eph. 1:19 Greaves (l),k 310-4; 1 Sam, 17:6 Grecia (3),
Dan, 8:21; 10:20; 11:2 Grecian, G. empire revived, j 921-1 Grecians(4 ) Joel
3:6;Acts 6:1:9:29:11:20 Greece (2). Zech. ft 13; Acts 20:2

Symbolized by brass. Dan, 2:39 21

Symbolized by a leopard. Dan, 7:6; 8:

Symbolized by an he-goat.Dan. 8 Greedily (3) Jr,21: -26; Ezek, 2 2:12; Jude 11

Greediness (1),Eph. 4:19 Greedy (g). Ps, 17:12; Pr, 1:19; 15:27; Isa. o6:ll: 1
Tim. 3:3,8 Greek (12),Mk, 7:26; Lk. 23:38; Jn, 1ft

20:Acts 16:1.3; 21:37; Rom.l:16:10:12;

Gal,2:3; 3:28; Col, 3:11; Rev, 9:11 Greeks (14). Jn. 12:20; Acts 14:1; 17:4,

12; 18:4,17; IftlO, 17; 20:21; 21:28;

Rom. 1:14; 1 Cor. 1:22-24 Green (41). G. herb, Gen. 1:30; 9:3; 2 KLlft26; Ps.
37:2; Isa. 37:27

G.poplar rods,Gen. 30:37

G. ears of com. Lev. 2:14; 23:14

G. tree, Dt. 12:2:1 Ki. 14:23; 2 KI. 17: 10; 2 Chr. 28:4; Isa. 57:5; Jer. 2:20;
3:6,13:17:2; Ezek.6:13; 17:24: 20:47; G. withs,Judg, 16:7-8 Lk.23:31

G. hangings, Esther 1:6

G.pastures,Ps. 23:2

G.bay tree,Ps. 37:35

G.oUve tree,Ps. 52:8; Jer. 11:16

G. figs. Song 2:13

G. leaves, Jer. 17:2

G.fir tree, Hos. 14:8

G. grass, Mk. 6:39; Rev.8:7 Greenish (2).Lev. 13:49; 14:37 Greenness (l).Job
8:12 Greet (15). 1 Sam. 25:5; Rom. 16:3-11; lCb:. 16:20; 2 Cor. 13:12; Phil.
4:21; Col. 4:14; 1 Th. 5:26; Tit. 3:15: 1 Pel.

5:14; 2 Jn. 13; 3 Jn. 14 Greeteth (1). 2 Tim, 4:21 Greetic; (3). Acts 15:23; 23:26;
Jas. 1:1 Greetings(3).Mt, 23:7:Lk. 11:43; 20:46 Herbs g.. Gen. 2:5

Grew ( ,. „ .

Childreng.bo(my.Gen.21:8.20; 25:27; 1 Sam, 2:21, 26; 3:19

Men g. great.Gen. 26:13:2 Sam, 5:10

Men g, worse with sickness. Mk. 5:26

John and Jesus g, strong in spirit. Lk. 1:80; 2:40, 52

Word of Godg,. Acts 12:24; 19:20 Grey (l).Pr. 20:29 Greyheaded (D.Ps. 71:18
Greybound7 l).Pr. 30:31 Grief (26). Defined .c 525-4

Job's g. was very great. Job 2:13

Eyes consumed with g. .Ps, 6:7; 31:9

FooUsh son g. to father.Pr. 17:25

Sorrows, acquainted with g,, Isa. 53:3 Griefs (1). Isa. 53:4 Grievance (1).Hab.
1:3 Gneve (5). 1 Sam. 2:33: 1 Chr. 4:10; Ps.

78:40; Lam. 3:33; Eph, 4:30 Grieved (40),God g.. Gen, 6:6: Ps. 95; 10; Heb.
3:10. 17

Daniel was g. in spirit, Dan. 7:15

Christ g, for hardness of hearts of men. Mk.3:5

Peter g, by Jesus, Jn. 21:17 Mk,3:5

Paul g,by girl. Acts 16:18

If brother be g, with meat, Rom. 14:15 Gneveth fa.Ruth 1:13: Pr. 26:15 Grieving
( 1).Ezek. 28:24 Grievous ( 38). G. famine,Gen. 12:10

G. sin,Gen. 18:20

G. mourning,Gea 50:11

G. swarm of flies, Ex. 8:24

G. murrain,Ex. ft 3

G. rain and haQ, Ex. 9:18, 24

G. curse, 1 Ki. 2:8

G. yoke of service, 1 Ki. 12:4

G. ways. Ps. 10:5

G.words.Pr. 15:1

G.burdens,Mt. 23:4; Lk. 11:46

G. wolves. Acts 20:29

G. chastening. Heb. 12:11

G. sore upon men.Rev. 16:2 Grievously (7), Isa. ft 1; Jer. 23:19:Lam.

1:8, 20; Ezek, 14:13: Mt.8:6: 15:22

Grievousness ('2).Isa. 10:1; 21:15

Grind_(7),Judg, 16:21; Job 31:10; Isa, 3: 15;47:2;Lam,5:13:Ml,21;44;Lk.20:18

Grinders (1), teeth, EccL 12:3 35

Gtinding( 3).Eccl.l-2:4;Mt.24;41;Lk,17:

Grisled (4),Gen. 31:10-12; Zech, 6:3-6

Grisled (4),Gen. 31:10-12; Zech, 6:3-6

Groan (7), Job 24:12; Jer. 51:52; Ezek. 30:24; Joel 1:18; Rom. 8:23;2Cor,5:2-4

Groaned (l).Jn. 11:33

Groaneth (l),Rom, 8:22

::o^r.:r..;; (9).Ex, 2:24:6:5; Job 23:2; Ps, c:-;; ;::9; 102:5.20;Jn,ll:38; Acts7:34

Groanings (3).Iudg. 2:18; Ezek. 30:24; Rom. 8:26 5ft 10

Grope (5).Dt.28:29;Job 5:14:12:25; Isa.

Gro?eth (l).Dt. 28:29 Acts 28:27

Gross( 4). Isa. 60:2; Jer. 13:16; Ml. 13:15;

Ground (193). Man formed of g. Gen. 2:7 Animals formed of g. .Gen. 2:19 G.
cursed.Gen. 3:17-23; 5:29 Holy g., Ex. 3:5

Familiar spirit out of g., Isa. 2ft4 Break fallow g.,Jer,4:3; Hos. 10:12 Pillarandg.
oftruth, lTim.3:15 23

Grounded (3). Isa. 30:32; Eph.3:17; Col.l:

Grove (17). Abraham planted. Gen, 21:23 Thou shall not plant a g,, Dt, 16:21
Gideon cut down the g. , Judg. 6:25-30 Madeag,(idol)JKi.l5:13;16:33;2Ki.
13:6:17:16; ■21:3-7;23:4-15;2Chr,15:16

Groves (24), Heb, asherah. meaning totem-pole type of gods, and trans. grove in
every passage above except Gen. 21:23 where it refers to Abraham planting an
ordinary grove of trees. It is also trans, groves in the following: Ex. 34:13; Dt.
7:5; 12:3; Judg. 3:7; 1 Ki. 14:15. 23; 18:19; 2 Ki. 17:10; 18: 4;23:14:2Chr.
14:3;17:6;lft3;24:18; 31:1; 33:3; 2Chr.33:19; 34:3-7; Isa. 17: 8;
27:9:Jer.l7:2:Mic.5:14. See Aiberah, Grow (38).G.every tree .Gen. 2:9 IM G.
into a multitude.Gen. 48:16 G. hair. Num. 6:5; Judg. 16:22 G.like a cedar In
Lebanon.Ps.92:12 G. grass, Ps. 104:14; 147:8 G.bones in the womb,EccL 11:5
G. Branch of the Lord. Isa, 11:1; 53:2; Jer. 33:15: Zech. 6:12 G. as the lily and
vine. Hos. 14:5-7 G. as calves in the stall, Mai. 4:2 G. up in Him in all
things,Eph, 4:15 G. by the Word of God. 1 Pet. 2:2 G.in grace and knowledge.

Groweth( 14).Ex. 10:5;Lev. 13:39; 25:5. 11; Dt, 2ft23; Judg, 1ft 9; Job 38:38;
Ps. 90:5-6; 12ft6; Isa. 37:30; Mk. 4: 32; Eph. 2:21; 2 Th. 1:3

Grown (23), When Moses was g. .Ex.2:11 Until beards be g. ,2 Sam. 10:5 As
plants g, up in youth, Ps. 144:12 G, over with thorns, Pr. 24:31 Hairs g. like
eagles' feathers, Dan. 4:33 When g.ls greatest herb, Mt. 13:32

Growth (2),.Amos 7:1

Grudge ( 3). Lev. 1ft 18; Ps.5ft 15; Jas. 5:9

Grudging (l).l Pet, 4:9

Grudjdng ly (1).2 Cor. ft7

Guara (50).Captain of the g..Gen. 37:36; W.l; 40:3:41:12; 2 Ki.25:8-20; Jer. 3ft
10-13; 40:1-5; 52:12-30 G.chamber, IKi. 14:28; 2 Chr. 12:11 Set him over die
g,, 1 Chr. 11:25 Chief of the g., 2 Chr. 12:10

Guards of the tomb, o 33-4*

Guard's ( 1).Gen. 41:10

Gudgodah (l).Dl.lO:7

Guest (l).Lk, lft7

Guestchamber (2).Mk. 14:14; Lk. 22:11

Guesu (5).TKi. 1:41.49;Pr. 9:18; Zeph. 1:7; Ml. 22:10-11

Guide (23). G. Arcturus.Job 38:32 Meek He will g, in judgment. Ps, 25:9 Lead
and g,me,Ps. 31:3 G,thee with Mine eyes, Ps, 32:8 Our g, until death, Ps. 48:14
Myg.andMineacquaintance,Ps.55:13 G. m.e with Thy counsel, Ps. 73:24 No
g.,overseer,or ruler, Pr. 6:7 G. feet in way of peace,Lk. 1:79 G.you into all truth,
Jn. 16:13 G.to diem that took Jesus, Acts 1:16 G.to the bUnd, Rom. 2:19 G.the
house, give none,l Tim. 5:14

Guided (5). 4 times Lord z. , b 482-1 G.her from birth,Job 31:18

Guides (2).Mt. 23:16, 24

Guiding (1).Gen. 48:14

Guile (ll). Ex. 21:14; Ps. 32:2; 34:13;

ToTTl; Jn. 1:47; 2Cor. 12:16; 1 Th. 2:3; 1 Pet. 2:1.22; 3:10; Rev. 14:5

Gunt (2^,Dt.lftl3; 21:9

Guiltiness ( 9).Geo. 26:10

Guiltless( 10)Jx.20:7; Num.5:31; 32:22; Dl.5:ll;Josh.2:19; 1 Sam. 26:^: 2 Sam.

3:28; 14:9; 1 KL 2:9; Mt. 12:7

Gullry ( 26). G. of sin. Gen. 42:21; Lev. iTn. 22. 27; 5:2-17; Num, 5:6; 35:
27.31; Ezek. 22:4

Complete Concordance - Cyclopedic Index

By no rr.eoDsclearing the g,, Num.l4:18 He isg,ofde5th.>.U.26:66:Mk,14:64

World become g, before God, Rom.3:19 G, of body and blood, 1 Cor. 11:27
Offend ooe point, g. of aU,Jas. 2:10

Gulf (1) In hades,Lk. 16:26

gun! (4), protected. Gen. 46:24: Num.

""^48; IChr. 5:15; 7:13

Gunites (D.sons of Guni.Num. 26:48

Gur(l),a place.2 Ki, 9:27

gE-baal (D.a town.2 Chi. 26:7

Gush a),Jer. 9tl3

guiSed (5). 1 Ki. 18:28; Ps. 78:20; 105: 41; Isa.48:21; Acts 1:18

Gutter (1),2 Sam. 5:8

Gutters (2).Gen. 30:38,41


Ha (2).Job 39:25

FTTahashtari (1), the courier, 1 Chr. 4:6 Habaiah (2) ,protection,Ezia 2:61;Neh.
7: Habakkiil< (2),err.brace,Hab.l:l; 3:1 63 The proi^et, b-c 909-1; g-h 910^
Gospel wctk piedicted, g 909-1 HabaziDiab( l),lamp ofJehovahJer.35:3
HaberReoD~ (3), coat of mail, Ex. 28:32; 39:23. Pointed shaft.Job 41:26
Haberieon^2) .coats of mail,2 Chi.26:14; Habitablea )J'r.8:31 Neh.4:16

Habitation (58).Prepare Him an h. ,Ex. 15:2; Ps. 132:5. 13 Thyholyh., Ex. 15:13;
Dt. 26:15 H.be desolate.Ps.69:25; Acts 1:20 The most High thy h. .Ps. 91:9
Judgrr.ent h. of His throne. Ps. 97:2 Heblessethh.of just,Pr,3:33 26

Deierminedbounds of their h, .Acts 17: i H. of God through the Spirit, Eph. 2:22
I Angels left own h. ,Jude 6-7 i

Becarr.e the h. of devils. Rev, 18:2 HabitatJons (20). Full ofh. of cruelty, Ps.
74:2C. Cp. Ge.i. 49;5 Receive you into everlasting h., Lk.16:9 Habor(3),ariver in
Mesopotamia,2 Ki. ~Tf^: 18:11; 1 Chr. 5:26 10:1

Hachaliah (2) Jehovah is hidden,Neh.l:l; Hachllah (3).a hill in Judah, 1 Sam. 23:

19; -26:1, 3 Hachmoni (1). the wise. 1 Chr. 27:32 Hachmonite(l ).sameas
Hachnioiu. lClg. 11:11. Called Tachirionlie .2 Sani.23:8 Had (3, 002),Gen, 1:31;
2:2-8, 22; 3:1; ~ir4-5; 6:6, 12; 7:9. 16; etc, Hadad (14). sharpness. 4 m.en. Gen,
36: 35-36; 1 KI. 11:14-25: 1 Cli. 1:30,46. 47. 50. 51. Dynasty of. 376 Hadadezer
(9). mighty help, h 338-1; 2

Sam. 8:3-12; 1 Ki. 11:23 Hadadrimmcc (1). a place, Zech. 12:11 Hadar (2).
s'ETrpness.Gen. 25:15; 36:29. CaUed Hadad. Gen. 25:15; 1 Chi.l:30 Hadarezer
(12). mtghtyhelp.h 338-1; 2 Sam.l0:16-19; lCht,18:3-10:19:16-19 Hadashah (1).
town in Judah Josh. 15:37 Hadassah (1).Esther, i 515-1;Esther 2:7 Hadattah (1).
new, a town, Josh. 15:25 Hades. See Hell Hadld( 3).shirpS2ra 2:33;Neh.7:37;
11:34 HaSai (1). resting, 2 Chr. 28:12 Hadoram( 4).Hador is high.Gen. 10:27;

ICIa, 1:21; 18:10; 2 Chi. 10:18 Hadiach (1). a land, Zech. 9:1 Hadst (21).Gen.
30:30; 31:42; etc. HaF(l). handle, Judg. 3:22 Hagab (1).locust.Eaa 2:46 Hagaba
(1).locust.Neh. 7:48 Haaat (12), flight, e 18-4; Gen. 16:1-16; 21:9-17; 25:12.
Called Agar. Gal.4:24 Hagarenes (1). sons of Hagar. Ps, 83:6 Haaanc covenant,
57 Ha£arite( l). descendant of Hagar. 1 Chi. 27;31 5:10.19-20

Hagarites (3) .descendants of Hagar,l Chr. Haggai (11), festal.Ezra 5:1; 6:14;
Hab. 1:1-3. 12-13:2:1. 13-14, 'ZO The prophet, d 914-1 The book of, 914-915 5
distinct messages, a 914-1 8 commands in 9ie book, 1 914-1 Haggeri(l),
wanderer, 1 Chi. 11:38 Hag^(2),festive,Gen.46;16;Num.26:15 Hagaiah (l). feast
of Jehovah. 1 Chi. 6:30 Haggites ( l).sons of HaggI,Num,26:15 Haggjtfa
(5).festal.2 Sam. 3:4: 1 KI. 1: 5. 11; 2:13: 1 Chr. 3:2 Hal (2), a city.Gen. 12:8;
13:3. Called ~S, Josh. 7:2-5: 8:1-29; 9:3; etc. Han(37).Laige,c -249-1: Rev.
16:21 2 h, storms of history, d 249-1 4 h, storms of prophecy, d 249-1 H. ,a
saluutlon.Mt, 26:49; 27:29: 28: 9; Mk. 15:13: Lk. 1:28: Jn. 19:3 Hailstones (5).
Josh. 10:11; Isa. 30:30; Ezek, 13:11-13; 38:22 Hair (63).Signification of.l 162-1
"Coat's h. curtains. Ex, 25:4; 26:7; 35: 6. 23, 26: 36:14; Num. 31:20 Used in
diagnosis,Lev. 13:2-41 Sign of .'.azarlte.Nuir;. 6:5.18-19

Not one h. perish, 1 Sam. 14:45:2 Sam.

14:11; 1 Ki. 1:52; Lk. 21:18 Pillow of goat's h. , 1 Sam. 19:13-19 .Absalom's h. ,
2 Sam. 14:11, 26 Plucked off h. .Ezra 9:3; Neh. 13:25 Instead of well set h. .Isa.
3:24 Nor was an h. singed, Dan. 3:27 H. of God, Dan. 7:9 Camel's h. , Mt. 3:4;
Mk. 1:6 H. used as a towel,Jn. 11:2; 1^3 Long h. for women. 1 Cor. 11:14-15
Braided h,. 1 Tim. 2:9; 1 Pet. 3:3 H. as h. of won'.en. Rev. 9:8

Hairs ( 15). Gray h,. Gen. 42:38; 4^:29. 31; Dt, 3-2; 25: Isa. 46:4: Hos. 7:9
H,Uke eagles' feathers. Dan. 4:33 H. aU numbered, Mt. 10:30; Lk. 12:7 H. used
as towel.Lk, 7:38,44 H. of Christ, Rev. 1:14 Ps.68:21

Hairy( 5).Gen.25:25; 27:11.23; 2K1.1:8;

Hakkatan (1).little one.Ezra 8:12

Hakkoz (1). nimble, 1 Chi. 24:10 7:53

Hakupha( 2),incitement.Ezra 2:51; Neh.

Halah (3).a place.2 KI, 17:6; 18:11; 1

Halak ('2),amountain.Josh.il: 17; 12:7

Hale (1).hail,Lk. 12:58

Hair(134).Gen. 24:22; Ex, 24:6; etc.

iTaTBuK D.a city.Josh, 15:58

Hall (l).a town,Josh, 19:25

Haling (1), arresting. Acts 8:3

HaU (8),Mt,27:27;Mk.l5:16:Lk.22:55; Jn, 18:28,33; 19:9: Acts 23:35

Hallelujah , praise ye Jehovah - Hall (hail) - El (God the Strong One, the
Creator) -Jah(Jehovah).meaning, HaU to God the Creator, and to Jehovah, the
Redeemer. See h 597-1; 8 hallelujah-psalms, f 602-4; Alleluia in Index
Hallohesh (1), the whisperer, Neh, 10: 24. Called Halohesh. Neh. 3:12

Hallow (15). set apan as holy. Ex. 28:38; ■29:1; 40:9; Lev. 16:19; 22:2-3.32; 25;
10; Num. 6:11; 1 K1.8:64: Jer. 17:22-27; Ezek. 20:20; 44:24

Hallowed (22). H.sabbath. Ex. 20:11 H. priest garments, Ex. 29:21 H.

things.Lev. 12:4; 19:8: Num. 5:10;

18:8; Dt. 26:13; 2 KL 12:18 H. the Lord,Lev. 22:32 H.the firstborn.Num. 3:13
H.bread. 1 Sam. 21:4-6 H. temple. 1 Ki. 9:3 H.name. 1 KI. 9:7;Mt.6:9:Lk. 11:2

Halohesh (1). the whisperer, Neh, 3:12. Called HaUobesh. Neh. 10:24

Halt (6),1K1.18:21; Ps. 38:17; Mt. 18:

"STMk, 9:45; Lk, 14:21; Jn. 5:3

. Halted (-2).Gen. 32:31; Mic. 4:7

Halteth (2).Mic,4:6; Zeph,3:19

Halting ( 1). Jer. 20:10

Ham (17). warm.Gen, 5:32; 6:10; 7:13;

S18-22; 10:1,6.20; lChr,l:4-8;4:40

Tabernacles of H.Ps.78:51 106:22

Land of H. .Gen. 14:5; Ps. 105:23. 27;

Sons of H. ,40

Harran(53).well disposed,b 516-4;Esther 3;1-15;4:7; 5:4-14: 6:4-14; 7:1-10; 8:

1-7; 9:10, 12. 24

Haman's (3).Esther 7:8; 9:13-14

Ham.math (l).a city.Joi. 19:35 Hammeciaiha (5), given by moon god.

3:1.10; 8:5; 9:10,24 Hammelech (2), Jer. 36:26; 38:6 Hammer( '?),Judg.4:21;
5:26; 1K1.6;7;

Hamuel (1). warmthofGod.lChr. 4:26

Hamam734),city In n.Canaan, c 196-1 Hamathite (2).Gen. 10:18; 1 Chr. 1:16

Hamath-zobah (1), a city, 2 Chr. 8:3

Isa. 41:7; Jer. 23:29; 50:23 Hammers(3).Ps.74:6: Isa.44:12;Jer.l0:4

Hammoleketh (1), the queen, 1 Cix. 7:18 HamjiiOD(
Z)Ta"cityJosh.l9:28;lCbr.6:76 Hammoth-dor (l),a city. Josh. 21:32 Hammuiab'^
c"odeof,e 12-1; 144-l;g82-4 Hamonah Ti).burial place, Ezek. 39:16 Hamon-gog
(2). multitude ofGog. Burial place of Gog's army.Ezek. 39:11-15 Han-or (12).an
ass.Gen.33:13: 34:2-26;

Josh. 24:32; Judg,9t28 Hamor's (l).Gen. 34:18

Hamul (3).pIty.GeD,46:12; Num. 26:21:

1 Chr. 2:5 HamuUtes (1). sons of Hamul.Num. 26:21 Ham.utal f3). kinsman of
the dew, 2 Ki.

23:31; 24:18; Jet. 52:1 Hanameel (4).God pitied.Jer. 32:7-12 Hanan(

12).gracious. 9rneD, 1 Chi, 8:23.
12).gracious. 9rneD, 1 Chi, 8:23.

'^r544; 11:43; Ezra 2:4^; Neh. 7:49;

8:7; 10:10.22.26; 13:13; Jer. 35:4 Hananeel (4).God Is giacious, Neh. 3:1;

lZ-39: Jer. 31:38; Zech. 14:10 Hanani(11). gracious. 5men . 1 KI. 16:1,

7; 1 Chr. 25:4, 25; 2 Chr. 16:7; 19:2 20:34;Ezia 10:20; Neh.l:2; 7:2; 12:36

Hananiah (29), Jehovah has favored. 14

" men. 1 Chr. 3:19-21; 8:24; 25:4,23r7

CEr26:ll; Ezia 10:28: Neh. 3:8, 30;

7:2:10:23:12:12,41; Jer. 28:1-17; 36:

12; 37:13: Dan, 1:6-19: 2:17

Hand (1,456). 7 symbolic uses H. of the Lord, f 299-1 H. against every

man,Gen. 16:12 H.undermythlghandswear.Gen. 24:2, 9: 46:4; 47:29 H. of Moses
made signs,Ex. 4:2-21 H. stretched forth to do miiacles. Ex. 7:.5: 8:5-6, 17; 9:3,
15, 22; 10:12, 21-22; 14:16, 21, 26 H.held up brought victory.Ex. 17:11 H.lald
00 sacrifices.Lev. 1:4: 3:2. 8.

13; 4:4. 24. 29. 33 H. of priest used in making sacrifices.

Lev. 8:23; 14:14-32; 16:21 Lof d's h. waxed short. Num. 11:23: Isa, H.lald on
Joshua,Num. 27:18 59:1 Open hand wide,Dt, 15:8,11 From right h. went fiery
law, Dt. 33:2 All saints in His h.. Dt. 33:3 Sword In His h. .Josh. 5:13 H. of Lord
against tbem.Judg, 2:15 H. of Lord heavy upon, 1 Sam. 5:6-11 H. with 6 fingers.
2 Ki. 20:6-8 At right h. are pleasures, Ps. 16:11 Lord upholdeth with His h. ,Ps.
37:24 10, 000 at Thy right h. ,Ps. 91:7 Satan stand at his right h. ,Ps. 109:6 Sit on
Myrighth. ,Ps. 110:l,5:Mt. 22: 44; 26:64;Mk.l4:62; 16:19:Acts2:25. 33-34;
7:55;Rom.8:34;Eph.l:2&;Col 3:1; Heb.l:3.13; 8:10-12; lPet.3:22 His h. stretched
out still, Isa. 5:25; 9: 12,17,21; 10:4 H, of Lord uponme,Ezek. 37:1; 40:1 H. of a
man wrote on wall, Dan. 5:5 Satan standing at right h., Zech, 3:1 Kingdom of
heaven at h. ,Mt.3:2;4:17; 10:7; Mk. 1:15 Stretch forth thy h. ,Mk. 3:5: Lk.6:10
Pluck out of Father's h. .Jn. 10:28-29 H. of Lord was with them. Acts 11:21
Right h. seven stars. Rev. 1:16,20:2:1 Righth. a book. Rev. 5:1.7; 10:2,10 MaA
In rigll h. ,Rev. 13:16; 14:9 Handbreadlh( 7iEx.25:25:37:r2;lKi.7:
In rigll h. ,Rev. 13:16; 14:9 Handbreadlh( 7iEx.25:25:37:r2;lKi.7:
2e.2Chr.4:5;Ps.39:5:Ezek.40:5;43:13 Handed (1), 2 Sam. 17:2 Handful (9),Lev.
2:2; 5:12; 6:15; 9:17; Num. 5:26: 1 Ki. 17:12; Ps. 72:16; Eccl.4:6; Jer, 9:22
Handfuls (5). Gen, 41:47; Ex, 9:8; Ruth ■2:16; IKi. 20:10; Ezek. 13:19
Handkerchiefs (l).Acts 19:12 Handle (11) ."^en.4:21; Judg, 5:14; ICbi. 12:8: 2
Chr. 25:5; Ps. 115:7; Jer. 2:8; 46:9:Ezek.27:29;Lk,24:39;Col,2:21 Handled(
3)Jzek.21;ll;Mk,12:4;lJn.l:l Handles (1), Song 5:5 2:15

Haadleth (3).Pr. 16:20;Jer. 50:16; Amos HandLing (2).Ezek. 38:4; 2 Cot, 4:2
HaDdq^.aid( 45).H.ofSarah.Gea,16:l;25:12 H. of Leah, Gen. 29:24:35:26 H. of
Rachel, Gen. 29:29; 30:4; 35:25 H. of the Lord,Lk. 1:38 Handmaiden (l).Lk.
1:48 Acu2:18

Hand.-74d€ns (3).Gen. 33:6; Ruth 2:13; HaDd-ad5"( ^,Gen,33:l-2;2Sam,6:20;

Isa. 14:2; Jer. 34:11, 16: Joel 2:29 Hands (456).Laying on of h., a 49-1; j 155-1;
m 21-1«; e 40-l»; c 55-1* Lifting up h..a 128-4 Working h. ,Gen, 5:29; Pr,
31:13-31 Ruling h. .Geo. 16:9 Innocent h. ,Gen. 20:5; Ps. 26:6 Decorated h.
,Gen. 24:22,30,47 Deceptive h. ,Gen. 27:16-23 Blessing h.. Gen. 48:14; Mt.
19:13-15 Weak h. ,Job 4:3; Isa. 35:3 Violent h. ,Ps.58:2 Idle h. ,EccL 10:18
Healingh., Mk. 6:2-5; 8:23-25:16:18; Lk.4:40; 13:13; Acts 5:12; J as. 5:14
Praying h.,1 Tim. 2:8 Creative h, ,Heb. 1:10-12; 2:7 Handstaves (1),Ezek. 39:9
Hapd'^-Tittrig ( 1), Col. 2:14 Handy^cxk (l),Ps. 19:1 Hanes (l),city of Egypt, Isa.

4ang (19). 7 modes of punishment, 115;

—Gen. 40:19; Num. 25:4; Dt, 21:22;

Esther 6:4; 7:9

H. all the law and prophets, Mt, 22:40

Venomous sexpent h.on hand,Acts 28:4

Lift up hands that h, down, Heb. 12:12

Hanged( 30).llexamplesbelngh.J 247-1

7 modes of punidiment, 115

Millstone h. about neck. Mt, 18:6; Mk,

9:42; Lk. 17:2 30:10:39

Whom ye slew and h, on a tree. Acts 5:

Hanget h (2),Job 26:7; Gal.3:13

Hanging (18).7 modes of puni&ment. 115

11 examples of h., j 247-1 Hangings ( 18) of tabernacle Jlx. 27:9-15;

35-17:38:9-18; 39:40; Num. 3:26; 4:26 Haniel (1). graceof God. IChr. 7:39
Hannah ( 13). grace, d 295-1; 1 Sam. 1:2-25r2:l, 21. Prayer of. 326

15fold story of, 326

10 predictions of, 326 Hannathon (1). a city, JoA. 19:14

Hcinniel (I), jace of God. Num, 34:23 Hanoch( o). dedicated.3 n.en.Gen. 25:4;

46:9; Ex.6:14; Num. 26:5; 1 Chr.5:3 Han ochites (D.sons of Han och J -um. 26:5
Hanan (11). favored. 3 r..en. 1 339-1; 2

San^..lC:l-4;lChr.l3:--6;Neh,3:13.30 Hap(l).luck.p 291-1; Ruth 2:3 Haphiaini

(1). a town. Josh, 19:19

HaplY (6).bychance. 1 Sam, 14:30; Mk. 11713; Lk, 14:29; .Acts 5:39: 17:27; 2
Cor. 9:4 41:22; Mk,10:32

Happen ( 4). 1 Sam. 28:10; Pr. 12:21; Isa. Happened (12). 1 Sam. 6:9; 2 Sam..
1:6; 20:1; Estha 4:7; Jet.44:23; Lk.24:14; Acu 3:10; Rom. 11:25; 1 C«, 10:11;
Phil. 1:12; 1 Pet. 4:12; 2 Pet. 2:22 Happeneth (6).Eccl. 2:14-15; 8:14; 9:11
Happier (I). 1 Cor. 7:40 HappinesS|i 14 things constitute. 640 Happy (26). H. am
I.Gen. 30:13 Deaned. c 154-4* 8 things that make one.j 4-1* 4 classes who are
h., w 64-1* When to be h..x 64-1* How to make God h. , 638 22 reasons God is
h. ,638 H. art thou,Israel,Dt. 33:29 H. aie thy men, 1 KI. 10:8; 2Chi. 9:7 H.
ismanwhomCodconects, Job 5:17 H.is m.an with quiver full.Ps. 127:5 H. is
people whose God is.Ps. 144:15 H. Is m.an that finds wisdom,Pr. 3:13 H. is man,
retaineih wisdom, Pr. 3:18 H. is man who has mexcy.Pr. 14:21 H. is m.an who
tiusts Lwd.Pr. 16:20 H. is m,an that fears always.Pr. 28:14 H, is man that keeps
tiusts Lwd.Pr. 16:20 H. is m,an that fears always.Pr. 28:14 H, is man that keeps
law.Pr. 29:18 H, are those who obey.Jn. 13:17 H. is the m.an who does not
condemn hlmselfin what he allows. Rom. 14:22 H. is the man that endures, Jas.
5:11 H, is the man who suffen for righteousness, 1 Pet, 3:14; 4:14 Hara (1),
aplaceln.Assyria,lChi.5:26 Harad^ (2), a place. Num. 33:24-25 Haran (18).road.
3men .c 21-1; Gen. 11: 26-3-2; 1 Chr.^746?23:9; Isa. 37:12 Aclty,Gen.U:31-32;
12:4-5; 27:43; 28: 10; 29:4: 2 Ki. 19:12; Ezek. 27:23, Called Charran. Acu 7:2-4
Hararite (5).mountaineer. 2 men. s 355-1 Haibona (1). ass driver, Esther 1:10
Haifaonah (1), ass driver, Esther 7:9 Hard (45). Is any thing too h. for the Lord,
Gen. 18:14; Jer. 32:17. 27 H. labour in childbirth. Gen. 35:16-17
H.bondage.Ex.l:14; Dt.26:6; Isa.l4:3 H.causes.Ex. 18:26; Dt. 1:17; 17:8 H. after
them.Judg. 20:45; 1 Sam. 14: 22; 31:2; 2 Sam. 1:6 H, questions, 1 KI. 10:1; 2
Chr. 961 H. thing to grant, 2 KI. 2:10 H. after God,Ps. 63:8 H. way for
transgressors,Pr. 13:15 H. sentences, Dan. 5:12 H. man. Mt. 25:24 H, saying, Jn.
6:60 H.tobe uttered. Heb, 5:11 H. to be understood, 2 Pet, 3:16 H, speeches
against God,Jude 15 Harden (12).3 wads irans.h., s68-4. See Ex.4:21; 7:3;
14:4.17; Dt.15:7: Josh. 11: 20; Isa. 6:6: Job 6:10; Ps. 95:8: Heb. 3:8. 15; 4:7
Hardened (33),H.heartsJx.7:13-14, 22; 8:15-19,32:9:7,12,34-35; 10:1,20. 27;
11:10; 14:8; 1 Sam. 6:6; 2 Chr. 36:13; Isa, 63:17; Mk, 6:52; 8:17 H. ^Irit,
Dt,'2:30 H. necks, 2 KI, 17:14; Neh, 9:16-17, 29; Jer. 7:26: 19:15 H. mJnd.Dan.

H. conscience, Heb. 3:13 Rom.9:18 Hardeneth (4), Pr. 21:29: 28:18: 29:1;
Harder (3),Pr.l8:19; Jer. 5:3; Ezek. 3:9

Hardyiearted (l).Ezek. 3:7

Hardly ( ?) .Gen. 16:6; Ex.l3:15; Isa.8:21:

Mt. 19:23; Mk, 10:23; Lk, 9:39; 18: 24; Acts 27:8 Ha rdness( 7),a-f, 14-1*; u37-
1*; k 42-1«;

Job 38:38; Mt, 19:8; Mk, 3:5; 10:5;

16:14; Rom. 2:5; 2 Tim. 2:3 Hate (2),Lev. 11:6; Dt. 14:7 Hareph (1), scornful, 1
Chr. 2:51 Hareth (l),a forest, 1 Sam. 22:5 Harhaiah (1), Jehovah protects,
Neh.3:8 Harhas (1), splendor, 2 Ki. 22:14 Haihur (-2), nobmty,Ezra 2:51: Neh.
7:53 Harirr (11). snub-nosed. 5 men. 1 Chr.

54:8;Ezra2:32, 39; 10:21, 32; Neh. 3:

11; 7:35, 42; 10:5, 27; 12:15 Harlph (2). eady bom, Neh. 7:24; 10:19

Harlot (40).Tarn aiplayed the h., Gen.38 "taEab the h. ,Josh. 6:17, 25; Heb.ll: 31;
Jas. 2:25 Samson's downfall by a h. .Judg. 16 Israel played the h, .Jer, 2:20; 3:1-
8; Ezek. 16:15-16, 28, 31, 35, 41; 23: 5, 19, 44; Hos. 4:15 Corner played the h.,
Hos. 2:5; 3:3

Complete Concordance - Cyclopedic Index

Given a boy for an h. .Joel 3:3

Make members of an h. , 1 Cor. 6:15

Joined to h. is one body, 1 Cot. 6:16 Harlot's (2),Josh. 2:1; 6:22 Harlots (7),1 Ki.
3:16; Pr, 29:3; Hos. 4:

14; Mt. 21:31-32; Lk. 15:30; Rev. 17:5 Harlots' (l),Jer. 5:7 Harm (16),Gen.
31:52; Lev. 5:16; Num.

35:23; - barn. 20:6; 2 Ki. 4:41; 1 Chr.

16:22; Ps. 105:15; Pr. 3:30; Jer. 39:12;

Acts 16:28; 27:21; 28:5-6,21; 1 Pet.3:13 Harmless (3).Mt.l0:16; Phil.2:15; Heb.

~772g Harmony of the Gospels, see headings H.of Samuel, Kings, and
Chronicles, see headings in these books

58 harmonies of Samuel, Kings, and Chronicles, 423 Hamepher (D.pantlpg. 1

Chr. 7:36 Harness (5), 1 Ki. 20:11; 22:34; 2 Chr, 9:24; 18:33; Jer. 46:4
Harnessed (l),Ex. 13:18 Harod (l),a place,c 273-1; Judg. 7:1 Harodlte (2). man of
Harod, 2 Sam. 23:25 Haroeh (1), the seer, 1 Chr. 2:52 Harorite (1), 1 Chr. 11:27.
See Harodite Harosheth( 3).town.f269-4;Judg.4:2-16 Harp (30), j 561-4; Gen.
4:21; 31:27; 1 "SaiTi. 16:16,23; Ps. 33:2; 98:5; 147:7; 149:3; 150:3; 1 Cor. 14:7
Harped (l).l Cor. 14:7 Harpers (2), Rev. 14:2; 18:22 Harpiqg (1).Rev. 14:2 Harps
(20),2Sam.6:5;lKi. 10:12; IChr. ~l3l?; 15:16, 21, 28; 16:5; 25:1, 6; 2

Chr. 5:12; 2 Chr, 9:11; 20:28; 29:25;

Neh. 12:27; Ps. 137:2; Isa. 30:32; Ezek.

Neh. 12:27; Ps. 137:2; Isa. 30:32; Ezek.

26:13; Rev. 5:8; 14:2; 15:2 Harrow (1),Job 39:10 i

Harrows (2), 2 Sam. 12:31; IChr. 20:3 Harsha( 2),enchanter,EzTa 2:52;

N'eh.7:54 Han (9), b 567-1; Dl. 12:15, 22; 14:5; ~T5r22; Ps. 42:1; Song 2:9,17;
8:14; Isa. Harts (2),lKi.4:23;Lam.l:6 35:6

Harum (1). exalted. 1 Chi. 4:8 Harumaph (1), flat-nosed, Neh. 3:10 Haruphite
(1), 1 Chr. 12:5 Haruz (1), active,2 Ki. 21:19 Harvest (60). Seedtime and h, are
as eternal as the earth, Gen. 8:22

Wheat h.,Gen.30:14; Ex. 34:22; 1 Sam.

Barley'h..Ruth 1:22; 2:21-23:2 Sam.21:9

Feast of h.. Ex. 23:16

Law of gleanings of h., Lev. 19:9; 23:

10-22; 25:5; Dt. 24:19 Gathers her food in h. ,Pr. 6:8 H, is past, summer ended.
Jer, 8:20 Sickle, for h. is ripe,Joel 3:13 H. is plenteous,but laborers, Mt. 9:37
Pray the Lord of the h. to, Mt. 9:38 H. is en<j of the world, Mt. 13:39 Four
months, then comethh, ,Jn, 4:35 H. of earth is ripe. Rev, 14:15 Harvestmaq
(2),Isa. 17:5; Jer, 9:22 Hasa cliah (l). Jehovah isklnd.lChr.3:20 Hasenuah (1).
violated. 1 Chr. 9:7 Hashabiah (15) ,wbom Jehovah esteems.ll men, IChr. 6:45;
9:14; 25:3,19; 26:307 2?TT7;2Cht, 35:9; Ezra 8:19.24; Neh. 3:17; 10:11; 11:15,
22; 12:21, 24 Hashabnah (1). Jehovah is a friend,Neh, 10:25 men. Neh.3:10; 9:5

Hashabniah (2). Jehovah is a friend, 2 Hashbadana (1), reason, Neh, 8:5 Ha diem
dj". astonished, 1 Chr. 11:34 HashiTionah (2).fatness.Num.33:29-30 Hashub
(4)■~thouizhtful.4_iTien. Neh. 3:11, 23; 10:23; 11:15 Hashubah (1^. esteemed,
1 Chr. 3:20 Hashum (5). rich.Ezra 2:19; 10:33; Neh.

7:22; 8:4; 10:18 Hashupha (1), nakedness, Neh. 7:46 Hagah (1), splendor, 2 Chr.
34:22 Hassenaah (1). thorny. Neh. 3:3 Hasshub (Inconsiderate. 1 Chr. 9:14
Ha|t_(1.067),Gen. 3:11,13-14,17;4:10. ~nr 12:18; 15:3; 18:5; 19:12; etc. Haste
(55). H. thee, escape. Gen. 19:22 Rebekah made h, ,Gen. 24:46 Joseph made h.
,Gen. 43:30 Moses made h. and bowed,Ex. 34:8 Manoah'swifemadeh.,Judg.
13:10 David made h., 1 Sam, 23:26 Makeh. to help me, O,Lord, Ps, 38:22;
40:13; 70:1, 5; 71:12; 141:1 He thatmakethh, tobe richj'r,28:20 That belie veth
shall not h., Isa, 28:16 Zacchaeus make h,and come.Lk. 19: 5-6 Hasted (24). He
h, to dressit.Gen. 18:7 Rebekahh.to draw water.Gen.24:18-20 IsraeJ h. and
passed over. Josh. 4:10 Sun h.not to go down. Josh. 10:13 Haman h. home
mourning.Esther 6:12

Haaen (8),1 KI. 22:9; 2 Chr. 24:5; Ps.

16:4; 55:8; Eccl. 2:25: Isa. 5:19; 60:22;

Jer. 1:12 Hasten ed (6). Gen. 18:6; 19:15: 2 Chr.

24:5; Esther 3:15; 8:14; Jer. 17:16

Hasteneth (l).Isa. 51:14

Hasteth (9).Job 9:26:40:23; Pr. 7:23:19: 2; 28:22; Eccl. 1:5; Jer. 4S:16; Hab. 1:8:
Zeph. 1:14

Hastily (8),Gen. 41:14; Judg. 2:23; 9:54; a Sam. 4:14; 1 Ki, 20:33; Pr. 20:21;
25:8: Jn. 11:31

Hasting (2), Isa. 16:5; 2 Pet. 3:12

Hasty (9).Pr. 14:29; 21:5; 29:20; Eccl. 5:

~^r7l9; 8:3; Isa.28:4; Dan.2:15; Hab.l:6

Hasupha (1).nakedness,Eaa 2:43

Hatach (4). a gift.Ezra 4:5-10

Hatch (2). Isa. 34:15; 59:5

Hatcbeth (l).Jet. 17:11

Hate (86). 12 things to h. , a 607-4 Sometimes an idiom of preference,? 6-l*;q77-

4*:Dt.24:3;Mal.l:3;Lk.l4:26 4thgeneration of them that h.Me,Ex.

20:5; Dt. 5:9 Thou shalt not h. brother,Lev. 19:17 WiU reward them thath.
Me.Dt. 32:41 H. me with cruel hatred. Ps. 25:19 H, me wrongfully. Ps. 38:19 H,
me without a cause.Ps, 69:4 H. evil, that love the Lord, Ps. 97:10 H. every false
me without a cause.Ps, 69:4 H. evil, that love the Lord, Ps. 97:10 H. every false
way.Ps. 119:104,128 H.valn thoughts, Ps. 119:113 H.and abhor lying,Ps,
119:163 H,them with perfect hatred, Ps.l39:22 Fools h. knowledge, Pr. 1:22 Six
things doth Lord h, ,Pr. 6:16 Fear of Lord is to h. evil,Pr, 8:13 Be weary of thee,
h, thee, Pr. 25:17 H. evil, andlove the good. Amos 5:15 I h. your feast days,
Amos 5:21 Love neighbor, and h. enemy. Mt. 5:43 Do good to them that h. you.
Mt. 5:44 wm h. one.love the other, Mt. 6:24 Many will h, one another, Mt. 24:10
H, not his father, mother. Lk. 14:26 World cannot h. you. but Me.Jn. 7:7 If world
h, you, you know. Jn. 15:18 VvTiat I h, that do I, Rom. 7:15 Marvel not if world
h. you, 1 Jn. 3:13 Nicolaitanes, which I also h. .Rev. 2:6 These shall h. the
whore. Rev. 17:16

Hated (60). Esau h. Jacob.Gen. 27:41 Lord saw Leah was h, .Gen. 29:31. 33
Brethren h. Joseph.Gen. 37:4-8 Murder where man not h.. Dt. 19:4-6 Law of h.
ones in family. Dt. 21:15-17 Amnoc h.her exceedingly,2Sam.l3:15 Absalom h.
Amnon, 2 Sam, 13:22 They h, knowledge,Pr, 1:29 Man of wicked devices is h.
,Pr. 14:17 Poor h, even of his own, Pr, 14:20 I h,Esau,andlaidhis,Mal.l:3 Shall be
h. of all men few, Mt. 10:22; 24:9; Mk. 13:13; Lk. 21:17 H. Me before it h, you,
Jn. 15:18 They h. Me without a cause, Jn, 15:25 World has h. them, because, Jn,
17:14 I loved,but Esau have Ih., Rom. 9:13 No man ever h, his own flesh, Eph,
5:29 Loved righteousness and h. ,Heb, 1:9

Hatetul(3),Ps.36:2:Tit.3:3: Rev. 18:2

Hatefully (1).Ezek.23:29

Haters (2).Ps. 81:15; Rom. 1:30;b 161-1*

Hatest (6), 2 Sam. 19:6; Ps. 5:5: 45:7;

50:17; Ezek. 23:28; Rev. 2:6 Hateth (30). Law concerning him that
Eryou.Ex.23:5: Dt. 7:10; 12:31 He diat h. suretiship is sure.Pr. 11:15 He that h.
reproof is brutish. Pr. 12:1 A righteous man h. lying. Pr. 13:5 He spareth his rod
h. son.Pr. 13:24 He that h. reproof shall die.Pr. 15:10 He that h. gifts shall
live.Pr. 15:27 He that h. covetousness, Pr. 28:16 Youi feasts My soul h. .Isa.
1:14 H. the light, neither cometh, Jn.3:20 H.hls Ufe in this world, Jn, 12:25 The
world h, you.Jn, 7:7; 15:19 He that h.hls brother is a. .1 Jn.3:15 H. his brother,
he is a liar. 1 Jn, 4:20 Hath (2.260).Gen.l:20;3:1.3;4:ll. 25; 5:29; 14:20; 16:2,11;
17:14; etc. Hatha± (l).a glft,l Chr.4:13 Hating (3).Ex, 18:21; Tit, 3:3; Jude 23
Hatipha (2).captive Jzra 2:54; Neh.7:56 Hatita (2).exploration. Ezra 2:42; Neh.
7:45 Hatredf l8). Hate with cruel h. ,Pr. 25:19

H. for my love,Ps. 109:3-5 I hate them withperfecth, ,Ps.l39:22 H. stiireth up

strifes,but, Pr. 10:12 Than stalled ax and h, ,Pr. 15:17 H. covered with lying lips,
Pr. 26:26 ixjve, h., envy under the sun perish at death, EccL 9:6 Old h.
dangerous, Ezek. 25:15 Perpetual h., Ezek-35:5 Great h., Hos. 9:7 21

H., variance, emulations, Gal.5:19—

Hac(l), Dan. 3:21

Hatdl (2^. decaying, Ezra 2:57;Neh. 7:59

Hattudi (5), contender, 1 Chr. 3:22; Ezra M-Neh. 3:10; 10:4; 12:2

HauRhtily( l).Mic. 2:3 Jer.4S:29

Haughtiness (5).Isa.2:11.17:13:11; 16:6; Haughty (15). 2 Sam. 22:28; Ps. 131:1;

Pr. 16:18; 18:12; 21:24; Isa. 3:16; 10: 33; 24:4; Ezek. 16:50; Zeph. 3:11 Haunt
(3), to resort to, 1 Sam. 23:22; "WSI; Ezek. 26:17 Hauran (2), a district, Ezek.
47:16-18 Have (3,848),Gen. 1:26, 28, 29, 30; 4: TO, 23; 6:7; 7:1,4; 8:21; etc. 7
"have's" of the N. T,, 314" Haven (5). harbor. Gen, 49:13; Ps, 107: 30; Acts
27:12 Havens (1). Fair, Acts 27:8 Havtlah (7). circle. 2nien. g308-4; Gen. 10:7,
29; 1 Chr, 1:9. 23. 2 places. Gen, 2:11; 25:18; 1 Sam. 15:7 Havln£(l 90),H.gifts
differing. Rom,12:6 H. same spirit of faith, 2 Cor. 4:13 H. nothing yet
possessing, 2 Cor. 6:10 H,predestinated us unto,Eph, 1:5 H, made known unto us
the,Eph. 1:9 H, a desire to depart, Phil. 1:21-24 H. boldness to enter into, Heb,
10:19 H, a good conscience, 1 Pet. 3:16 H, escaped com5>tion of, 2 Pet. 1:4 H,
the glory of God.Rev, 21:11 Havock (1), devastation. Acts 8:3 Havoth-jair (2),
tent villages of Jail, f 194-1; Num, 32:41; Judg. 10:4 Hawk
(5),Lev,ll:16;Dt.l4:15; Job 39:26 HayT 3),Pr, 27:25; Isa.l5:6; 1 Cor.3:12 Hazael
(23).God sees, 1 Ki. I9:15-17;2 Ki. 8:8-29; 9:14-15; 10:32; 12:17-18; 13:3,22-
25; 2 Chr. 22:5-6: Amos 1:4 Hazaiah (1). Jehovah sees. Neh. 11:5 Hazar-addar
(1). a place. Num. 34:4 Hazarded (IT. Acts 15:26 Hazat-enan (4). a place. Num.
34:9-10; Ezek. 47:17; 48:1 Hazar-gaddah (1). a town. Josh. 15:27 Hazar-hatticon
(1). a place, Ezek. 47:16 Hazarmaveth (2). court of death. Gen.

10:26; IClir. 1:20 Hazar-shual (4). a town In Judah, Josh.

15:28; 19:3; 1 Chr. 4:28; Neh. 11:27 Hazar-susah (l).a town,Josh. 19:5 Hazar-
susim (l).atown. 1 Chr. 4:31.The
susim (l).atown. 1 Chr. 4:31.The

same as Hazar-susah

HazazoD-tamar (1), ancient name of En—

gedi, 2 Chr,20:2, Hazezon-tamarf Gen.

Hazel (1). Gen. 3 0:37 14:7

Hazelelponi (1). the shadow looking on

me, 1 Chr. 4:3

Hazerim (1). villages, i 201-1; Dt. 2:23

Hazeroth ( 6). enclosures. Camp of Israel,

Num. 11:35; 12:16: 33:17-18; Dt. 1:1

Haze2on-tamat( l). ancient name of En—

gedi.Gen. 14:7. See Hazazon-tamar Haael(l), vision of God, 1 Chr. 23:9 Hazo
(1). vision.Gen. 22:22 Hazor (19), 3 places. Jo^i, 11:1-13; 12: ~nri5:23-25;
19:36; Judg. 4:2, 17; 1 Sam. 12:9; 1 KI. 9:15; 2 KI. 15:29; Neh. 11:33; Jer. 49t
28-33 He (9,964). Ps. 119:33, tlUe. Used of Tirael as a whole nation (r 261-1);
also used of the church (230*^, Otherwise It is used of God and man, u 711-1
Head (359). Used 12 ways in Scripture: 1 Of hea ds, bodily parts of all living
creatures (Gen. 3:15; 24:26; Ex. 12: 9; 29:6-19)

2 Of the top parts of things made by man (Ex. 36:29)

3 Of chiefs of families (Num. 1:4; 17: 3) .tribes (Num. 25:15) .people CJudg.
11:11; 2 Sam. 22:44). and states Gsa, 7:8-9; Hos. 1:11) 4 Of leading nation (Dt.

5 Of God being sovereign over all (1 Chr, 29:11; 1 Cor. 11:3)

6 Of ends of valleys (Isa. 28:1,4)

7 Of ends of streets (Isa. 51:20)

8 Of parting of ways (Ezek. 21:19-21)

9 Of chief comer stones (Ps. 118:22; Lk. 20:17; Acts 4:11; 1 Pet. 2:7)

10 Of headship of Christ over men and the church (1 Cor. 11:3; Eph. 1:22; 4:15;
5:23; Col. 1:18; 2:10,19)

11 Of headship of man over the woman (1 Cor. 11:3; Eph. 5:23)

12 Of headship of man over creation (Gen. 1:26-31; Ps. 8)

Ornament of grace unto h., Pr.l: 9; 4:9 Blessings on h.ofthe just.Pr. 10:6 Hoary
h. a crown ofglory.Pr, 16:31 Beauty of old men is gray h., Pr. 20:29 Coalsof fire
on h. J'r,25:22; Rom.12:20 Image's h. wasof fine goid, Dan. 2:32 Thou art this
h.of gold, Dan. 2:38 Nor was hair of h. singed, Dan. 3:27 Visions of my h., Dan.
4:5,10,13; 7:1 Hair of God's h. like pure, Dan. 7:9

When you fast anoint h. ,Mt. 6:17 Hath not where to lay h., Mt. 8:20 Hairs of h.
all numbered, Mt. 10:30 H.of John the Baptist, Mt. 14:8,11 H. of every man is
Christ, 1 Cor. 11:3

Woman have powei on h., 1 Cor. 11:10 His h. and hairs white. Rev. 1:14
Rainbow about His h,, Rev. 10:1 Her h. crown of 12 stars. Rev. 12:1 On His h.
many crowns,Rev. 19:12

Headbands (1). Isa. 3:20

Headloag Q),Job 5:13;Lk.4:29; Acts 1:18

Heads (l68).4h.,Gen. 2:10; Dan. 7:6 H.of houses, Ex. 6:14,25 H. over the people,
Ex. 18:25 H.of thousands.Num. 1:16; 10:4 H. of the tribes. Num. 30:1; Dt. 5:23
H.ofthe fadiers of tribes. Josh. 14:1; 19:51; 21:1 H.ofthe dragons, Ps. 74:13 H. of
Leviathan, Ps. 109:25 7h., 10homs,Rev.l2:3; 13:1; 17:3-9

Headstone (2),Ps. I18:22;Zech.4:7

Heady (1). 2 Tim. 3:4

Heal (40). H. now, O God, Num. 12:13 I wound, I h..Dt, 32:39 I will h. thee, 2
Ki. 20:5-8: Jer. 30:17 H,theIrland,2Chr,7:14 H. me,Ps.6:2; Jer. 17:14 H. my soul
(1 dme only),Ps. 41:4 H. them, Isa. 19:22 I WiU h. him, Isa, 57:18-19 I wHl h.
(1 dme only),Ps. 41:4 H. them, Isa. 19:22 I WiU h. him, Isa, 57:18-19 I wHl h.
their backslidings, Jer. 3:22; He willh. us, Hos. 6:1 Hos.l4:4

I will come and h, him,Mt. 8:7 Gave them power to h. all manner of

sickness, Mt. 10:1; Mk. 3:15;Lk. 9:2 H. the sick,Mt. 10:8; Lk. 10:9 Be
converted, and I should h. them. Mt,

13:15; Jn. 12:40; Acts 28:27 H.onsabbath,Mt.l2:10;Mk.3:2;Lk.6:7;

H.thebrokenhearted.Lk.4:18 14:3

Physician h. thyself,Lk.4:23 Power was present to h. them.Lk. 5:17 Would come

and h. .Lk, 7:3; Jn. 4:47 Stretching forth hand to h,, Acts 4:30

Healed (79). H.aU Israel, f 80-4 17

God h. Abimelech and people. Gen. 20: Cause him tobe thoroughly h,,Ex,21:19
Curses that cannot be h, .Dt,28:27,35

1 have h. these waters, 2 Ki. 2:21-22 Lord h. the people, 2 Chr. 30:20 Thou hast
h. me, Ps. 30:2

Sent word and h. them... not a feeble

one in all tribes, Ps. 105:37; 107:20 Be converted and be h., Isa. 6:10; Mt.

13:15; Jn. 12:40; Acts 28:27 With His stripes we are h., Isa. 53:5 Heal me, and I
shall be h., Jer. 17:14 Have h, that whichwas sick,Ezek.34:4 The waters shall be
h. ,Ezek. 47:8-11 Knew not that I h, them, Hos. 11:3 ClffIsth.them,Mt.4:24; 8:1-
17; 12:15, 22; 14:14; 15:30; 19:2; 21:14;Mk.L-34;

3:10; 5:23,29; 6:5,13;Lk. 4:40; 5:15:

6:17-19; 7:7; 8:2.36,43-47; 9:11,42:

13:14; 14:4; 17:15; 22:51; Jn, 5:13 Christians h. many. Acts 3:11; 4:14{

5:16; 8:7; 14:9; 28:8-9 Secret of being h, ,Jas, 5:14-16 By whose stripes were h.,
1 Pet. 2:24 His deadly wound was h. ,Rev. 13:3,12 Healer (1). Isa, 3:7

God the healer,e 80-4 lsa,30:26

Healeth (4).Ex.l5:26; Ps. 103:3; 147:3: HeaUng( 14). Defined, q 3-4*. Arise
Healeth (4).Ex.l5:26; Ps. 103:3; 147:3: HeaUng( 14). Defined, q 3-4*. Arise

h, in wings, Mai. 4:2, Cp, Isa. 53:5;

Mt.8:17 9:35; Lk. 9:6,11

H. all manner of sicknesses, Mt. 4:23; Miracle of h. was shown. Acts 4:22 H. all
that were oppressed by Satan,

Acts 10:38. See Healed 14 Heb. and Gr, words that refer to

bodily h,, 744 Gifts of h,,l Cor, 12:9, 30 H, of the nations. Rev, 22:2 First
physical h. ,e 18-1 Covenant of h., 57; a 166-1 4 conditions of h. ,c 80-4 H.
promised to all. f 80-4 H. In the atonement.c 97-1: a-b 166-1; e 8-1*; e 204-1*
H.foraUin Israel, f 143-4; a 166-1 God's will to h, all. 57; a 166-1 H.by prayer, a-
b 166-1 H. and chastening, 445 7 majorbenefitsof atonement,g542-4 10 kinds of
h,,g 566-4 H.by a touch,h 7-4* Instantaneous, j 7-4* In the atonement, e 8-1*; e
204-1* By Christ, e 8-1*; h 9-4*; b 15-4* How to detect genuine. 1 36-4*
Promises of h., Mk. 11:22-24; 16:15-20: Jn. 10:10; Jas, 5:14; 1 Per 2:24 As easy
to get as forgiveness, i 8-4* GlorifiesGod.m 36-4*; i 82-4*; J107-4* For
believers, g 14-1* By laying on of hands, e 40-1* How to get,r 17-1*

2 evidences of h, , j 40-1* How Jesus knew.k 40-1* 10 steps In h. ,n 40-1* From

a distance, a 40-4*

Complete Concordance - Cyclopedic Index

Another proof of, m 40-4*

For all men alike,m-n 62-4»

Proof of, h 68-4*

Can be seen.k 77-1*

A simple way of, f 82-4*

Personal faith necessary when one is capable of exercising It, g 8C-4*

True divine h.. h 82-^; i 98-1*

At the penugoo,q-y98-l*;a-n98-4*

ProofJesus is glorified by, i 125-1*

H.by the aposdes,b-c 127-4*

Results of h., o 133-4*

2kindsofh.,l 263-1*

2fold secret of, rr. 263-i*

35 facts about h., 264*

By His stripes all have.b 267-1*

30 cases of h, in O. T,, 317*

38 cases of h. in N'. T. ,317*

Innumerable cases of, 317* Healings (1). gift of, 1 Cor. 12:28 Health (17).
Defined .b 156-4*; 666

Laws of h. . 115; g 136-1; h-i 212-1; a 214-1; Ex. 15:26; Jas. 5:14-16

H. provided by God. a-b 166-1

God's saving h.,c 577-4; Ps. 67:2

God the h. of the countenance, Ps. 42: 11; 43:5

It shall be h. to thy navel, Pr. 3:8

H. to all their fie*. Pr. 4:22

Tongue of the wise is h. ,Pr. 12:18

A faithful ambassador is h, ,Pr. 13:17

H. to the bones,Pr. 16:24

Then... thine h. shall spring forth speedily, Isa. 58:8

I will restore h. to thee.Jer. 30:^7

I will bring h.and cure,Jet.33:6

This is for your h., Acts 27:34

I wish above all things that thou mayest pnspei and be in h. even as thy soul

prosperedi,3 Jn. 2 Healthy, q 63-1* Heap ( 38). Made an h,,Gen. 31:45-52

Red Sea stood up as h. ,Ex. 15:8 Jordan shall stand an h. ,Josb.3:13,16

H.of com (wheat or barley),Ruth3:7

Achan 's h. of stones. Josh. 7:26

Absalom's h, of stones, 2 Sam. 18:17

H, up words. Job 16:4

H. up wrath. Job 36:13 12:20

H. coals of fire on head, Pr. 25:22; Rom.

H. totherr.selvesteachers, 2 Tim. 4:3 Heaped (2). Zech. 9:3: Jas. 5:3 Heapeth
(?).Ps.39;6: Hab. 2:5 Heaps (19). H. of frogs. Ex, 8:14 H.of slain men,Judg.
15:16 H.of heads, 2 Ki. 10:8 H. of tithes-ofFetings, 2Chr. 31:6-9 H.of
rubbish,Neh. 4-2 Jerusalem to become h, ,Ps. 79:1; Jer.

9:11: 26:18; Mic. 3:12 Babylon tobecomeh.,Jer.50:26; 51:37 H^ar (535). 7

commands to h., 118 H. my voice: ye wives. Gen. 4:23 H. this dream,Gen, 37:6
H. now my words. Num. 16:8 H, the causes. Dt. 1:16 H. ,0 Israel, Dt. 5:1; 6:3-4;
9:1; 20:3 H, the word of the Lord, 2 Ki, 7:1; 20: 16; Isa. 1:10; 28:14; 39:5; 66:5;
Jer. 2:

4; 7:2; 9:20; 10:1; 17:20; 19:3; 22:2;

31:10; 44:24-26; Ezek. 6:3; 13:2; 16:

35; 20:47: 25:3: 36:4; Hos. 4:1 H.thou from heaven, 2 Chr, 6:21-39 H, my
35; 20:47: 25:3: 36:4; Hos. 4:1 H.thou from heaven, 2 Chr, 6:21-39 H, my
prayer, Ps, 4:1; 39:12; 54:2;

102:1; 143:1 H. instructions, Pr. 1:8; 4:1; 8:33 The deafh. ,Mt, 11:5; Lk, 7:22
Hearing h, not, Mt. 13:13-18 If he wiU h. thee. Mt. 18:15 If he will not bear
thee, Mt. 18:16-17 Take heed what and how ye h,, Mk.

4:24; Lk. 8:18 6;Mk.l3:7

H. of wars and rumours of wars, Mt. 24; The dead shall h. ,Jn. 5:25-28 Sheep h.
His voice.Jn. 10:3,16, 27 H. without a preacher, Rom. l0:14 Today if ye will h.
His voice. Heb. 3:7, 15; 4-7; Ps. 95:7 Swift to h., slow to speak, Jas. 1:19 If
know He h. us, we know, 1 Jn. 5:15 He that hath an ear, let him h., Rev. 2:
7,11,17,29; 3:6,13,20.22; 13:9 Heard (639).H. voice ofLord.Gen. 3:8-10 Lord h.
thy affliction,Gen. 16:11 God h. the voiceofthelad,Gen.21:17 Lord hath h, I was
hated,Gen. 29:33 God h. their groaning, Ex. 2:24; 6:5 I have h. the murmurlngs,
Ex. 16:12; Dt.l4:27 l;12:2;Dt.l:34;26:7

TheLord h. It and His anger. Num. 11: Ye h. His voice, Dt. 4:12; 5:23-28 Lord
h. voice of Elijah, 1 Ki. 17:22 1 have h. of Thee by the ear. Job 42:5 Lord h., Ps.
3:4; 6:8-9; 18:6; 2^-21; 28:6; 34:4-6; 40:1; 66:19; 120:1; Isa.

38:5; Jonah 2:2 I h. voice of the Lord, Isa. 6:8 I h. the voice of His words, Dan.
10:9 H. voice, seen His shape, Jn. 5:37 H.It. said thundered, Jn. 12:29

H. a voice. Acts 9:4; 22:7-9; 26:14 Eye not seen, nor ear h., 1 Cor, 2:9 I have
h.thee in a time accepted,2 Cor. Paradise,h.unspeakable,2Cot.l2:4 6:2 Which
voice h. intreated.Heb, 12:19 Voice from heaven we h. . 2 Pet. 1:18 Which we
have h.. 1 Jn. 1:1,3,5: 2:7 H. behind me a great voice. Rev. 1:10; 4:1; 10:4,8;
11:12; 12:10; 21:3

Heardest (12). H. His words out of the midst of fire, Dt. 4:36: Neh. 9:9, 27 H,
my voice, Ps. 31:22; Jonah 2:2

Hearer (2).Jas. 1:23-25

HeMer£(4), Rom. 2:13; Eph. 4:29; 2 Tim.

2:14; Jas. 1:22 Hearea(ll),Ruth iS; 1 Sam.24:9; 2Sam.

5:24; 1 KI. 8:30; 2 Chr. 6:21; Ps. 22:2;

5:24; 1 KI. 8:30; 2 Chr. 6:21; Ps. 22:2;

65:2; Mt. 21:16; 27:13; Jn. 3:8; 11:42 Heareth (51). He h. your murmurings.

Ex. 16:7 He h. cry of the afflicted, Job 34:28 The Lord h. and delivereth.Ps.
34:17 The Lord h.the poor,Ps. 69:33 He h, prayer of righteous, Pr, 15:29
Answexeth maner before h. ,Pt. 18:13 Whosoever h.these sayings,Mt.7:24-26 H.
word ofthe kingdom, Mt,13:19-20 He that h. you h. Me.Lk. 10:16 He that h.My
word, and, Jn. 5:24 He that is ofGod h. My words, Jn. 8:47 God h.not sinners,
Jn, 9:31 One of truth h. My voice, Jn. 18:37 He that knoweth God h. us.Jn. 4:5-6
According to His wUl, He h., 1 Jn. 5:14 I H earing (38). Heard of thee by h. of
the j ear. Job 42:5 Reprove after h. of ears, Isa. 11:3 But of h. words of the Lord,
Amos 8:11 I H. they hear not, Mt. 13:13-14 Their ears dull of h. , Mt. 13:15 I H.
and asking questions,Lk. 2:46 1 H. and seeing miracles. Acts 8:6 ] H. a
voice,butseelngnoman. Acts 9:7 I Faithcomethbyh. and h.by,Rom. 10:17 1
Receivedbyh,offaith,Gal.3:l-5 Ye are dull of h., Heb. 5:11 Seeing and h. vexed
his soul. 2Pet.2:8 Hearken (153).H.to my speech.Gen.4:23 ! H. to Israel your
father,Gen. 49:2 H, to the voice of the Lord, Ex. 15:26; Dt. 13:18; 26:17; 28:1-
2,15: 30:10 H, unto voice of my cry, Ps. 5:2 H, unto Me,!sa. 46:3, 12; 51:1, 4, 7;

55:2; Jer. 17:24, 27 H. my beloved brethren, Jas. 2:5 17 Hearkened (TD.H.to

voice of Fve,Gpn 3: H. to the vcace of Sarah,Gen. 16:2 H, not, but hardened his
heart. Ex, 8:15.

19; 9:12 Lord h, to voice of Israel, Num. 21:3 Lord h. to voice of a man, Josh.
10:14 God h.tovoIceofManoah,Judg,13:9 The Lord h. unto Jehoahaz, 2 KI, 13:4
The Lord h. to Hezeklah, 2 Chr. 30:20 The Lord h. and heard it, Mai. 3:16
Hearkenedst (l).Dt. 28:45 Hearkeneth"7 2),Pr. 1:33: 12:15 Hearkening (l).Ps.
103:20 Heart (821). 6 ways used, f 17-4 Where pride is conceived, x 208-1
Circumcision of the h,, i 210-1 Saul received a new h., f 301-4 10 things done
with all the h. ,367 7 things to do with the, o 604-4 18 commands concerning, g
659-1 i 6 things said In the, e 717-1 I Source of life, g-1 42-4* I Purity of the, 1
141-1* See 50 kinds of, f 17-4 The h. of the Bible, 742 2 facts about the h., h
761-4 Hearted^(8),wise,Ex. 28:3; 31:6; 35:10.

22, 25; 36:1-2, 8 Hsaith_(7),Gen, 18:6; Ps. 102:3; Isa, 30:

14; Jer. 36:22-23: Zech, 12:6 Heartily (1),Col, 3:23 Heart's (3).Ps. 10:3; 21:2;
Rom. 10:1 i Hearts (113). 50 kinds of, f 17-4 Hearts' (D.Ps. 81:12 Hearty
Heat (32). Cold and h.etemal,Gen. 8:22 , H.of the day,Gen. 18:1 I H.of anger,
Dt. 29:24 H. of the sun, Ps. 19:6; Isa. 49:10 H. of the ^Irit, Ezek. 3:14 H.of the
furnace, Dan. 3:19 10-12 Elements melt with fervent h., 2 Pet. 3: Sun light on
them.nor any h. ,Rev.7:16 Men scorched with great h., Re v. 16:9 Heated (2).
Dan, 3:19; Hos. 7:4 Heath (2).Jer. 17:6; 4«:6 Heathen (150),c 13-4; 117
Defilement of, c 139-4 Practices of, k 213-4; a-b Scatter you among h. ,Lev. Dt,
4:27-31: Ps. 44:ll-14;Ps, 106:35, 41,47; 126:2; Jer. 9:16; 18:13; Ezek.
11:12,16:12:16; 20:23; 22:4,15: 36: 19-36; 37:21; 39:28 Israel more sinful than
h., 2 Ki. 16:3; 17:8-15: 2Chr. 28:3: 3 3::-9: 36:14 Why h. tayie.Ps. 2:1; Acts 4:25
Give Thee h. for inheritance. Ps. 2:8 Declare His glory among h. ,Ps. 96:3 Learn
not w^y of h. ,Jer. 10:2 Gone a whoring among h. ,Ezek. 23:30 God's work
among the h., Hab, 1:5 Vain repetitions as the h. ,Mt.6:7 Lethimbe unto thee as a
h. ,Mt,18:17 Preach Him among the h.,Cal,l:16; 2:9 That God w ou Id justify the
h. ,Gal.3:8 11 facts about the h., 794 Heave (29) offerings, d 90-1; i, o 95-4; Ex.
29:27-28; Lev. 7:14, 32-34; 10:14-15; Num. 6:20; 15:19-21; 18:8-29; 31:29,41;
Dt. 12:6,11,17 Heaved (3).Ex. 29:27; Num. 18:30-32 Heaven (481). Defined , b-
c 219-4*; 622 Righteous go to h. at death, f 175-1; c 33-1*; 2 Cor. 5:8; Phil.
1:21-24 A material planet, h 211-1 Conferences in.g 467-1 50 facts aboil h. ,622
New h. and new earth, f 728-4 H. and earth sing. 741 12 qualifications for
entering, 624 Host of h.,q 866-1 6 men saw h. opened, s 35-1* 8 things about,
259* 3 periods of h. and earth, f 273-1* Musical instruments in, e 289-4*; c-d
War in h.,p 294-4* 296-4*

Temple in h. ,i 297-1* 3 times h. rejoices, a 300-4* Marriage in h, ,i 300-4*; c-k

301-1* Worship In h., a 301-1* 2 announcements In h. ,b 301-1* Armies In h., d
301-4* Horses in h. ,310* H. created by God as material planet, Gea. 1:1; 2 KI,
19:15; Isa. 45:18 Firmament called h. ,Gen. 1:8-20 Windows of h., clouds,Gen.
7:11; 8:2 Rain from h. .from clouds,Gen. 8:2 H. .earth owned
byGod,Gen.l4:19,22 Fire from h., Gen, 19:24: 2 KI. 1:10-14; 2 Chr, 7:1; Job
1:16; Lk. 17:29; Rev. 13:13; 20:9 God called out of h.,Gen. 22:11, 1.3 Stars of
h., Gen. J2:1T: 26:4; Ex, 32: 13; Dt. 1:10; 10:22; 28:62 Gate ofh.,Gen. 28:17
H.of heavens, Dt. 10:14; IKi. 8:27 Days of h. on earth, Dt. 11:21 Lord cast down
great stones from h, , Josh, 10:11 Sun stood still In h. ,Josh, 10:13 Lord
thundered fromi h,, 2 Sam, 22:14 H,God's dwellingplace,lKI.8:30, 39, 43, 49;
Isa. 66:1; Mt. 5:16 Take EUjah to h., 2 KI.2:1,U Inhabitants of h., 2 Chr. 18:18;
Ndi. 9:6; Dan. 4:35; Mt. 18:10; Rev.l3:6 Constellations of h., Isa. 13:10 Lucifer
fallen from h., Isa, 14:12 Lucifer Invaded h.,Isa. 14:13 23:24 God's presence fills
h. and earth, Jer. H. cannot be measured, Jer. 31:37 Kingdom of (from) h. ,Mt,
4:17 Coming clouds of h. ,Mt,24c30; 26:64 Satan fall from h. ,Lk, 10:18 Nam.es
wrinen in h. .Lk. 10:20 Caught up to third h. ,2 Cor, 12:2 Various scenes in h.,
wrinen in h. .Lk. 10:20 Caught up to third h. ,2 Cor, 12:2 Various scenes in h.,
Rev. 4:1-5:13; 14:1-20; 15:1-5; 19:1-14 Silence In h. for half hour. Rev. 8:1 Two
wonders in h. .Rev. 12:1-3 New h.isa.65:17:66:22:2Pet,3:13:Rev..;l Heavenly
(23). H. Father, Mt. 6:14. 26. 32; 15:13; 18:35; Lk. 11:13 H.host.Lk, 2:13

H.thIngs,Jn.3:12; Hd).8:5; 9:23 H. vision. Acts 26:19 H. bodies, 1 Cor. 15:35-54

218-1 ,26:33. 38:

' H. blessings, Eph. 1:3 208-1*

H. places, Eph. 1:3, 20; 2:6; 3:10; 1 H. kingdom. 2 Tim. 4:18 H.caUing.Heb. 3:1
H. gift, Heb. 6:4

I H. country, Heb, 11:16

H.Jerusalem, Heb, 12:22 Heaven's (D.Mt. 19:12

Heavens (131). H. which are now.h 2-1 16 facts about the h. ,622 3 h,,x 199-1*;
2 Cor. 12:1-4 God made earth and h., Gen. 2:4; Isa.

42:5; 45:13 Heaven of h, cannot contain God, IKI. 8:27: 2 Chr. 2:6: 6:18

; He that sitteth in h. ,Ps. 2:4 H. declare glory of God, Ps. 19:1

' By Word ofLord h. were made, Ps.33:6 H. are work of Thy hands, Ps. 102:25
Prepared His throne In h.. Ps. 103:19 Stretchcth out h. like curtain. Ps. 104: 2;
Isa. 40:22; 44:24: 45:12; 51:13 Create new h.and new earth. Isa. 65:17;

66:22-24: 2 Pet. 3:13; Rev. 21-22 Show wonders in h. .Joel 2:30 Shake h., Hag,
2:6. 21; Heb. 12:26

Four spirits of the lu , Zech. 6:5

H. were opened. Mi, 3:16; Nik, 1:10;

Acts 7:56 David has not ascended up to,Acts 2:34 Ascended up far above h, ,
Eph, 4:10 High Priest passed Into h., Heb, 4:14 Made higher tkin h., Ileb. ":-i)
Throne of Majesty in h., Heb. 8:1 Panems of thins;s in h, ,!ieb. 9:23 The h. were
of old. 2 Pet, 3:5-7 The h. shall pass away, 2 Pet. 3:10 H, being on fire dissolved,
2Pet. 3:12 Look for new h. and new, 2 Pet. 3:13 Rejoice Inhabitants of h. ,Rcv.
12:12 Renovation of lu , j 914-4; f •M:'-A Heavier (3).Job 6:3: 23:2; Pr. 27:3
12:12 Renovation of lu , j 914-4; f •M:'-A Heavier (3).Job 6:3: 23:2; Pr. 27:3

Heaviness( 14) in human experience,Ezra 9:5; Job 9:'.r?; Ps.69:20; 119:28;

Pr.lO: 1; 12:25; 14:13; Isa. 29:2; 61:3; Rom. a:2; 2Cor.2:l; Phil.2: i:6; Jas.4:9: 1

Heavy (40). H. hands. Ex. 17:1':

H. responsibility. Ex.18:18; Num.11:14

H, with fatness. 1 Sam. 4:18

H, hand of the Lord, 1 Sam. 5:6-11;

Job 33:7; Ps. 32:4 H, hair. 2 Sam. 14:26 H, yoke.l KI,12:4-14; 2Chr,10:4-14 H.
tidings, 1 KI. 14:6 H,heart, 1 KI. 20:43; 21:4; Pr. 25:20; 31:6; Mt. 26:37; Mk.
14:33 H. bondage, Neh. 5:18; Lam, 3:7 H,bi«dens, Ps. 38:4; Isa. 30:27; 46:1;

58:6: Mt, 11:28; 23:4 H. stones and sand, Pr, 27:3 H. ears, Isa, 6:10; 59:1 H.
sins, Isa. 24:20

H. eyes,Mt. 26:43; Mk. 14:40; Lk,9:32 Hebgr (13) .fellowship,6nien,G en,46:17;

Num,36:45; Judg.411-17; 5:24:1 Chr. 4:18: 5:13; 7:31-32; 8:17-22; Lk,3:35
Heberltes (l).sons of Heber, Num,26:45 Heber's (1). Judg. 4:21 Hebrew
(25),DefinedjC 9-4; d 12-4 H. monarchy, n 301-1 H, canon, 510

Earliest name for Abraham ((_.en,l4:13), and his descendants (Gen, 39:14, 17;
41:12; Ex, 1:15-19; 2:7-11; 21:2; Dt. 15:12; Jer,34:9-14;Jonah 1:9; PM1.3:5)
H.language,Lk. 23:38; Jn. 5:2; 19:13-20; Acts21:40; 22:2; 26:14; Rev.9:ll; 16:16
Hebrewess (1).Jer. 34:9 Hebrews (20). Land of. Gen. 40:15 Camp of, 1 Sam. 4:6
Descendants of Abraham, Gen. 43:32; Ex.2:13; 3:18; 5:3; 7:16; 9:1,13; 10:3; 1
Sam. 4:9; 13:3-19:14:11-21:29:3; Acts 6:1; 2 Cor. 11:22; Phil. 3:5 Book of H.,
245-259* Hebrews' (1).Ex. 2:6 Hjbroc (73) ,umon.2m£n,Ex.6:18; Num. 3:19; 1
Chr. 6:2, 18; 15:9; 23:12, 19; 24:23.2ciaes.b 20-1; 265 26:23-31 Hebronites
(6).Num. 3:27: 26:58; IChr, Hed£e (?),Job 1:10; Pr,15:19;Eccl, 10:8; Isa, 5:5;
Ezek, 13:5; 22:30; Hos, 2:6; MIc, 7:4; Mk. 12:1
H£dged(3iJob3:23;Lam.3:7;Mt.21:33 Hed£js(6),lChr,4:23;Ps,80:12; 89:40; Jer.
49; 3; Nah.3:17; Lk, 14:23 Heed (80), Defined and how used, d 5-4*
29"takeheed's" ofthe0,T,,Gen.31;24, 29:Ex. 10:28; 19:12; 34:12; Num. 23: 12;
Dt, 2:4; 4:9; 15, 23; 11:16; 12:13. 19,30; 24:8; 27:9; Josh. 22:5; 23:11; 1 Sam.
Dt, 2:4; 4:9; 15, 23; 11:16; 12:13. 19,30; 24:8; 27:9; Josh. 22:5; 23:11; 1 Sam.
19t 2; 1 Chr. 28:10; 2Chr. 19:6, 7; Ezra 422; Job 36:21; Isa. 7:4; Jer 9:4; 17:21;
Mai. 2:15, 16

I 29"take heed's" of the N.T, ,Mt. 6:1; 16:6; 18:10; 24:4; Mk, 424:8:15; 13: 5. 9,
23, 33: Lk, 8:18; 11:35; 12:15; 17:3; 21:8,34;Acts5:35; 20:28; 22:26; Rom.
11:21; 1 Cor. 3:10; 8:9; 10:12; Gal,5:15; Col. 4:17; 1 Tim. 1:4; 4:16; Heb, 3:12;
2 Pet. 1:19 Heel (6), Gen, 3:15; 25:26; Job 18:9; Ps, 41:9; Hos. 12:3; Jn. 13:18

Heiel$(4),Gen. 49:17; Job 13:27; Ps. 49: 5; Jer. 13:22

Hegal (3), venerable, Esther 2:8, 15, Called Hege. Esther 2:3

He ge (D.Esther 2:3. See Hegal

HeUer.(19),Cen.l5:9; Num. 19:2-17; Dt. 21:3-6; Juog, 14:18; 1 Sam, 16:2; Isa
15:5; Jer, 46:20; 48:34; 50:11; Hos. 4: 16; 10:11; Heb, 9:13

Heifer's (l),Dt.21:4

Height (61). H. of heaven. Job 22:12 H. of the stars. Job 22:12 The heaven for h.
,Pr. 25:3 Nor h. ,nor depth, nor any, Rom. 8:39 Length, breadth, and h., Eph.
3:18 Breadth and h, are equal. Rev, 21:16

Heights (2).Ps. 148:1; Isa. 1414

Heinous (1). Job 31:11

Heir (18).Gen, 15:3-4 21:10;2Sani. 14: 7;Pr.30:23;Jer. 49:1-2; MIc. 1:15; Mt.
21:38; Mk. 12:7; Lk. 20:14 Rom. 413;

Complete Concordance - Cyclopedic Index

3:1-; 6:i:

Gal. 4:1. 7, 30: Heb. 1:2; 11:7 HeiK (10). Jer. 49:2; Rorr. 4:14; C-aL 3:29; Til.
3:7: Heb. 1:14: 11:9; Jas. 2:5; 1 Pet. 3:7 Helah (2).rust. A won^ao . 1 Chr.4:5-7
3:7: Heb. 1:14: 11:9; Jas. 2:5; 1 Pet. 3:7 Helah (2).rust. A won^ao . 1 Chr.4:5-7
Helair. (2). a place. 2 Sam.10:16-17 Helbab (1), a tov»T]. Judg. 1:31 Helbon (1).
a village, Ezek. 27:18 |

Held (52). H. peace. Gen. 24:21; 34:5; Uv. 10:3; Sum. 30:7, 11,14; 1 Sam. |
10:27; 2KL18:36; Neh.5:8; Job 29:10; Ps.39:2; Isa. 36:21; 57:11; Mt. 26:63; '
Mk. 3:4; 9:34; 14:61:Lk. 14:4; 20:26; I Acts 11:18; 15:13 H. up hand,Gen.
48:17; Ex. 17:11 H. feast, 1 Ki. 8:65 !

H. tertimony, Rev. 6:9 HelJai ( 2). enduring. IChr. 27:15; Zech. Heleb (l).fat. 2
Sam.23:29 6:10

Heled (l),the world, 1 Chr. 11:30 Helek (2),portion,Nuir..26:30; Josh.l7:2'

Helek:tes (l).sonsofHelek.Nurr..26:30

Amos 6:14 Hemdan (1),pleasant,Gen. 36:26 He-Jock (2).Hos. 10:4; Amos 6:12
Ken-.s (1).Ex. 39:24

Hen (3). favor. A man. Zech. 6:14. A "lowl .Mt. 23:37: Lk. 13:34 ^l-.H

Hena (3). a city.

103:34 KI. 18:34; 19:13; Isa.

Hena dad (4). favor of Hadad, E2ia3:9; Neh, 3:18, 24; 10:9

Hence ( 30). Ps. 39:13; Mt. 4:10; 17:20; Lk,4:9; 13:31; 16:26; Acts 1:5; etc.

Hencefcyth( 33)/3en. 4:12; Dt. 17:16; Ps. 125:2; 131:3; Isa. 9:7. 59:21; Mt, 23:
39; 26:29; Jn. 15:15; Rom. 6:6; Eph. 4: 14-17; 2Tiir..4:8;Heb.l0:13; Rev. 14:13

Henceforward (2).Num. 15:23;Mt.21:l9

l^enoch (2)"7Tnitiaied. 1 Chr. 1:3. 33. The same as Enoch, which see

H epher (9), pit. 3 men, a city. Num. 56:32-33; 27:1; Josh. 12:17; 17:2-3; 1 Ki.
4:10; 1 Chr. 4:6: Il:26:o 251-4

, ^. Hepheritesfl ).sons of Hepher.Num.. 26:32

Heleir.( 2).strength.ICIg.7:35:Zech.fi:14 ^ephzi-bah (2).my deUgll is in her. A_

Hele2h(l),a town, Josh. 19:33 i woman , 2 Ki. 21:1. .A prophetic name Helez (5).
Hele2h(l),a town, Josh. 19:33 i woman , 2 Ki. 21:1. .A prophetic name Helez (5).
Uberallon, 2 Sam. 23:26; 1 of Jerusalem, Isa. 62:4

Chr. 2;3y; 11:27; 27:10 Her (1,630),Gen. 2:22; 3:6.15; etc.

Hell (1), elevation.Lk. 3:23 15 Herald (1),Dan. 3:4

He5ai(l),JebovahIsmyportion,Neh.l2: Herb (19).Gen. 1:11-30; 2:5:3:18; 9:3;

Hel]<a^(2l, a touTi Josh, 19:25: 21:31 Ex. 9:22, 25; 10:12-15; Dt,32:2; 2 Ki.

Kelkath-h^zzurL-Ti (1).2 Sam. 2:16 I 19:26: Job 8:12; 38:27; Ps, 37:-2; 104:

HeU (53). DefmeJ ; sheql, r 296-1: 366; ' 14: Isa. 37:27;-66:14

a 416-4: 610: d-e 692-1, hades , p. \ Herbs (18).Ex. 10:15: 12:8; Num. 9:11;

80-lM90*. Compleie notes, 620 -622 Wicked tosheol-hades at death, fl75—

1; 1 530-4; a 531-1 5 facts about h,, i 232-4 AU brought out to be judged, s 296-
1 4 things that inherit h,, m 684-4 Full consciousness in, e 692-1 Burn in lowest
h. , Dt. 32:22 Sorrows of h. ,2 Sam. 22:6; Ps. 18:5 Deeper than h. ,Job 11:8 H. is
naked before Him, Job 26:6 Wicked turned Into h. .Ps. 9:17 31 Soul not left in
h..Ps, 16:10; Acts 2:27-Go down quick Into h,,Ps. 55:15 Soul from the lowest h.
,Pr.86:13; 23:14 EMfllofh.,Ps. 116:3 If make my bed In h.,Ps. 139:8 Hailols and
h. ,Pr. 5:5: 7:27; 9:18 H,never full.Pr. 15:11; 27:20 Depart from h. beneath. Pr.
15:24 H. enlarged. Isa. 5:14; Hab, 2:5 H. &<xn beneath is moved, Isa. 14:9
Brought down to h.. Isa. 14:15: 57:9; Mt. 11:23 Agreement with h., Isa, 28:15-18
Cast down to,Ezek.31:16-17; Lk.l0:15 Speak out of midst of h.. Ezek. 32:21
Gone dovm to h., Ezek, 32:27 Dig into h., Amos 9:2 Out of beUy of h. .Jonah
2:2 Danger of h.fIre. Mt. 5:22 Destroy bothbody and soul in h., Mt, 5: 29-30;
10:28:18:9;Mk. 9:43-47;Lk,12: Gates of h., Mt. 16:18 5

More the child of h. .Sit, 23:15 Damnation of h., Mt. 23:33 Lift I?) his eyes in h.
,Lk, 16:23 Set on fire of h., Jas. 3:6 Sinned.bii cast down toh., 2 Pet. 2:4 Keys of
h. and death. Rev. 1:13 Death and h, followed. Rev. 6:8 Death and h. delivered
151, Rev. 20:13 All men in new earth permitted to see h, c-d 730-1; a 730-4
Death and h, cast into lake of flre .Rev.

Helm.(l).Jas,3:4 20:14

Helmet (S). i 310-4; 1 Sam.. 17:5. 38; Isa. 59:17; Ezek. 23:24; 27:10; 38:5; Eph,
6:17: 1 Th.5:8
6:17: 1 Th.5:8

Helmets (2). 2 Chr. 26:14; Jer. 46:4

Helc«i (5). strong. Num, 1:9; 2:7; 7:-24,


Hele(l 23).H.meet for him.Gen. 2:18-20 God has power to h,, 2 Chr. 25:8 A very
present h. in trouble, Ps. 46:1 My h, Cometh from the Lord,Ps. 121:2 I will h.
thee, Isa.41:10,14 H.thou mine unbelief, Mk. 9:24 Find grace to h. in need. Heb.

Hd^ed (24). Moses h, fliem. Ex, 2:17 Hitherto hath Lord h. us. 1 Sam. 7:12 ! In
day of salvation h. thee, I$a.49:8 Earth h. the woman. Rev. 12:16

Helper (9), 2 Ki. 14:26; Job 30:13; Ps.' 10:14: 30:10; 54:4; 72:12; Jer, 47:4;
Rom.. 16:9; Heb. 13:6

Helpers ( 7). lChr.i2:l.l»; job *13;EzeK.-3^5^8^^"ah,3:9; Rom; 16:3^ 2Cor 1~24

Helpeth (4), 1 Chr. 12:18; Isa. 31:3; Rom. 8:26; 1 Cor. 16:16

Hfclping (3).Ezra5:2;Ps.22:1; 2Cor.l:ll

Helps (2). .*cts 27:17; 1 Cor. 12:28

Dtni:10: 1 Ki, 21:2; 2 Ki, 4:39; Ps,

105:35: Pr. 15:17; 27:25: Isa. 18:4; 26:

19; 42:15; Jer. 12:4; Mt. 13:32; Mk.

4:32; Lk. 11:42; Rom. 14:2; Heb.6:7 Herd (22). H, of cattle. Gen. 18:7; Lev. 1:2-
3; 3:1; Dt. 12:21; 15:19

H. of swine, Mt, 8:30-32; Mk, 5:11-13: Herdman (1), Amos 7:14 Lk 8:32-33
Herdmen( 7).Gen. 13:7-8; 26:20; 1 Sam.

-1:7; Amos 1:1 Herds (33). H, of cattle. Gen. 47:17-18; Txn2:38; 34:3; Joel
1:18; etc. Here (160), Gen. 16:13; 19:12; Mt, 12: 41-4-2: Heb. 13:14; Rev.
13:10; etc. Hereafter (14). Isa. 41:23; Ezek. 20:39;

Dan. 2:29, 45; Mt. -26:64; Mk. 11:14;

Lk, 22:69; Jn. 1:51; 13:7; 14:30; 1 Tim,

l:16:?.ev. 1:19;4:1:9:12 Hereby(13),Gen. 42:15,33; Num. 16:28;

Josh. 3:10; 1 Cor. 4:4; 1 Jn. 2:3-5; 3:

16, 19, 24: 4:2, 6, 13 Herein (9). Gen. 34:22; 2 Chr. 16:9; Jn.

4:37; 9:30; 15:8; Acts 24:16: 2 Cor. 8;

10;.l Jn.4:10,17 Hcrgpf (2).Mt. 9:26: Heb. 5:3 Heres (l).a mountain,Judg. 1:35
Heresh (1). silence. 1 Chr. 9:15 Heresies (3), unorthodox doctrine or way
oflIfe,lCor.ll:19;GaL5:20:2Pet,2:l Heresy.(1),.Acts 24:14 Hereuck (1), an
agitator who creates

divisions and makesparties, Tit,3:lC Heretofore (3). Ex. 4:10: 5:7-8.14: josh,

3:4; F.uth 2:11; 1 Sam. 4:7; 2Cor. 13:2 Hereunto (2i.Eccl.2:2S: iPet, 2:21
Herewith (2i.Ezek. 16:29: MaL 3:10 Hentage (30), Canaan h,, of Israel, Ex.
6r5n35:12; 136:21

Israel an h., of God, Ps, 94:5

Children are an h. ,Ps. 127:3

Mine h, as a speckledbird.Jer. 12:9

Lords over God's h. .but.l Pet, 5:3 Heritages (1). Isa. 49:8 Henr.as (I'l,
Interpreter, Rom, 16:14 Hermes ( 1). gain, Rom, 16:14 Hermeneupcs. Defined. 1

12 rales o: interpretation, d 39-1*

See How :c ir.teigrei the Bibles 520, and Intelcceration Hermogenes (l), bom of
Hermes, 2 Tim.

Hermon a3),a mountain, Dt. 3:8-9; 4: 48: Josh, 11:3,17; 12:1,5; 13:5, 11; 1 Chr.
5:23; Ps. 59:!2; 133:3; Song 4:8 Henr.onites fl ).people of Hermon,Ps.42:6
5:23; Ps. 59:!2; 133:3; Song 4:8 Henr.onites fl ).people of Hermon,Ps.42:6
Herod (40). SOD of the hero. 3 men , u 1-4; Mt, 2:1-22; 14:1-6; Mk. 6:14-22;
8:15; Lk, 1:5; 3:1.19; a7-9; 13:31:23:7-15; Acts 4:27; 12:1-21; 13:1 Herodians
(3). those of a political party supporting the dynasty of Herod, Mt, 22:16; YX
3:6: 12:13 3:19

Herodias( 4).Mt.l4:6: .Mk. 6:19-22; Lk, Herodias' (2). Mt, 14:3: Mk. 6:17 ^ nfl)
,con quetor or hero.Rom. 16:11



Heron (2).Lev. 11:19: Dr. 14:18 23:35 He'rs (4).Dt. 21:15; 1 Sam. 25:42; 2 KI
~5I^: Job 39:16

Herself(42).Gen.18:12;20:5: 24:65: 38: 14: Lev. 15:28; 21:9; Rev, 19t7: etc.
Hesed(l), pity, 1 Ki. 4:10

Hdve(l),handle,Dt.l9:5 20; 14:26 ; HeAbon (38), a city, a 181-1; a 252-4—

HimTT).Ex, 28:33-34: 39:25-26: Mk, 9: ^<IEr2l:25-34; Dt. 1:4; 2:24-30;etc.

Hemam (1), faithful,Gen. 36:22

Heman (15). 4 men, g 422-4

Hemath (3). warmth. 1 Chr. 2:55; 13:5;

Hesfamoo rD.atnwn iDjudah.Josh.l5:27 Heth(14).temble,Gen. 10:15; 23:3-20;

25:10; 27:46; 49:52; 1 Chr. 1:13

Hethlon (2). a place, Ezek, 47:15; 4«:1 Hew (12).Ex. 34:1; Dt, 10:1; 12:3; 19:5:
IKL 5:6.18; 1 Cli. 22:2; 2 Chr, 2:2; Jer.6:6: Dan. 4:14. 23 Hewed (13).Ex. 34:4;
Dt. 10:3; 1 Sam. 11:7; 15:33:1 Ki. 5:17; 6:36; 7:9-12; 2 Ki.12-12: Isa.2-2:16:
Jer. 2:13; Hos. 6:5 Hewer (D.Dt.29:11 Hewers (9). Josh. 9:21-27; 1 KI. 5:15: 2
KL 12:12; 1 Chr. 22:15: 2 Chr. 2:10, 18; Jer. 46:22 Heweth (3). Isa. 10:15:
22:16; 44:14 Hewn (17). H. stone, Ex. 2&:25; 2 KL 57:6; 2 Chr, 34:11; Isa. 9:10
H. pillars, Pr. 9:1 H. trees, Mt, 3:10; 7:19; Lk, 3:9 H. tombs, Mt, 2~:60; Lk.
23:53 Hezekl (I). Jehovah is strength,! Chr. 8:17 Hezekiah (128). Jehovah is
strength. 3 men. 1 41&-1: 2 KL 16:20; 18:1-3^7 19:1-20; 20:1-21; 2L-
strength. 3 men. 1 41&-1: 2 KL 16:20; 18:1-3^7 19:1-20; 20:1-21; 2L-
3;lCht.3:13.23; 4:41; 2 Chr. 28:27; 29:1-36; 30:1-24; 21:2-20; 32:2-33; 33:3;
Ezra 2:16; .Neh. 7:21;Pr. 25:1; Isa. 1:1; 36:1-22; 37:1-21; 38:1-22; 39:1-8; Jer.
15:4; 26:18-19: Hos.l:l: MIc. 1:1 9 right tilings done by, a 410-4 4 rewards to.c

3 grounds for his trust, d 411-4

4 requests of, b 412-4 30-word prayer of,415 Sun-dial of, 415

3 arguments to God, 415 -25 right things done by,b 477-4 6fold appeal of, e 479-
1 6 things restored by, e 480-1 3 failures of, d 482-1 8fold prosperity of, e 482-1
7fold prayer of H., e 708-1 2 signs given to, q 709-1 Hezion (!). vision. 1 Ki.
15:18 Hezir( 2), swine. IChr. •24:15:Neh.lO:20 Hezrai( l). enclosed. 2 Sam.
23:35 Hezro (l). enclosed. 1 Chr. 11:37 Hezrop (17).shut In. 2 men, Gen. 46:9,
12; Ex. 6:14;Num. 26:6, 21; JoA. 15:3, 25; Ruth 4:18-19; 1 Chr. 2:5. 9, 18, 21,
24. 25; 4:1; 5:3 Heaonites (2), Num, 26:6, 21 Hezron's (1). 1 Chr. 2:24 Hid
(128). H. themselves,Gen, 3:8-9 H.him (Moses) three months, Ex. 2:2; He*,
11:23 Moses h,his face, Ex. 3:6 H, himself among stuff, 1 Sam. 10:22 H. afty in
a cave, 1 KL 18:4.13 Lord h. it from me, 2 KL 4:27 Nothing h. from Solomon, 2
Chr. 952 H. in the heart. Job 10:13; 17:4 Nothlngh. fTomheatthereof,Ps.l9:6
Word have I h, in my heart,Ps. 119:11 Search for her as for h. .Pr. 2:4 We h. oix
faces from Him, Isa. 53:3 I h. My face from thee, Isa. 54:8 Sins have h. His face
from,Isa, 59:2 H. it by Euphrates,Jer. 13:5-7 Repentance h, from, him, Hos.
13:14 City on a hill cannot be h.. Mt. 5:14 H. these things from wise, Mt. 11:25
H.In three measures of meal, Mt, 13:33 Treasureh,In a field, Mt. 13:44 If gospel
be h. it is h,, 2 Cor. 4:3 Hath been h, in God, Eph. 3:9 Been h. from, ages and,
Col. 1:26 In whom are h. all treasures. Col. 2:3 Life h. with Christ in God, CoL
3:3 H. themselves in dens and,Rev. 6:15 Hlddai (1). joyful: 2 Sam.23:30
Hiddekel (2). Gen. 2:14: Dan. 10:4 Hidden (17). H. untimely birth. Job 3:16
Times not h. from Almighty, Job 24:1 H.panmake me know wisdom, Ps. 51:6
H.wisdom,God c«dained,l Cor. 2:7 H. things of darkness. 1 Cor. 4:5 H. things of
dishonesty, 2 Cor. 4:2 H. Immortal m.an of heart, 1 Pet. 3:4 Eat of the h. manna.
Rev. 2:17 Hide (82). H. ftom Abraham,Gen. 18:17 I wHl h. Myself from, ttem,
Dt. 22:1; 31:17. 18; 32:20; Isa, 1:15 H, thyself by brook Cheriih. 1 KL 17:3 H.
me under shadow of winds, Ps. 17:8 H. me In time of trouble, Ps, 27:5 H, me In
His tabernacle.Ps, 27:5 I H. me lu secret presence, Ps, 31:20 H. face from my
sins,blot, Ps. 51:9 H, me from secret counsel, Ps, 64:2 -H^not from aje,Ps,23:9f-
55!4^69:17j 102:2; 143:7 H. the oiicasts, Isa. 16:3 H. a multitude of sins, Jas.
5:20 H. us from the face of Him, Rev, 6:16 Hidest (6). Job 13:24; Ps. 10:1:44:24:
5:20 H. us from the face of Him, Rev, 6:16 Hidest (6). Job 13:24; Ps. 10:1:44:24:
88:14; 104:29; Isa, 45:15 Hide* (15). H. counsel. Job 42:3 H.His face.Ps. 10:11
Darkness h,Dot from Thee.Ps, 139:12 H, hatred with lying llps.Pr, 10:18 Hiding
(6). Job 3L33; Ps. 32:7; 119:114: Isa. 28:17; 32:2; Hab. 3:4 Hiel (l).Goc liveth.
IKL 16:34 Hierapohs (1). city of Asia, Col. 4:13 HiiyaioD (1).; 552-1: Ps. 9:16
High (412). H. hiUs. Gen. 7:19 Most h, God, Gen. 14:18-22; Mk. 5:7 H. hand.
Ex. 14:3 H. priest.Lev. 21:10 H. ways.Lev. 26:22; Num. 20:17-19 H,places,(90
times), f 361-4; Lev, 26: 30; Num. 22:41 Most H,.Num.24:16;Dt. 32:8:1
Sam.-22: H. walls. Dt. 3:5; Rev. 21:12 14

H. m.ountains.Dt. 12:2; Ezek. 34:14 H. place (12 times), 1 Sam, 9:14, 19 H. and
lofty One that. Isa, 57:15 Daj-spring from on h, ,Lk. 1:78 49 Endued with power
fiom, on h. ,Lk.24: .Mind not h. dings, but. Rom. 12; 16 H. time wake out of
sleep. Rom. 13:11 When He ascended up on h. .Eph.4:8 Spirlraal wickedness in
h. .Eph. 6:12 Prize of h.calUngofGod.Phn,3:14 Higher (21), H. than any. 1 Sam.
10:23 Rock that is h, than 1, Ps. 61:2 H, than kings of the earth. Ps. 89:27 My
ways h. than your ways, Isa. 55:9 Stiiject unto h. powers. Rom. 13:1 Made h,
than heavens. Heb. 7:26 Hii^st (18). The H. .gave.Ps. 18:13 Higher than the h,
.EccL 5:8 Hosanna in the h, .Mt. 21:9; Mk.ll:10 The Son of the H, .Lk, 1:32 The
power of the H. .Lk. 1:35 The prophet of the H.. Lk, 1:76 Glory to God in tbeh,
,Lk.2:14;19:38 The children of the H. ,Lk.6:35 Highly (6). Lk. 1:28; 16:15: Acu
12:20; Rom. 12:3; Phil. 2:9; 1 Th. 5:13 Hi^minded (3) ,Rom, 11:20; 1 Tim.6:17;

2 Tim. 3:4 Highness (2).Job 3L-23: Isa. 13:3 Hich-priest (47). Use of term, f
258-4 Duties of.b 122-4;b 128-1; d-1 137-1; d-e 143-1; c 159-4: f 258-4 Support
of, b-d 177-4

86 high-priests of Israel, 236 , 10 facts about, f 258-4 I Som.e were seers, g 346-
1 1 Christas,Heb.-2:17; 3:1; 4:14-15; 5:5-10: 6:20: 7:26-2d;8:i; 9: IL,25;
10:21:13-11 I Hi^way( 16). H.of the upright, Pr. 16:17 Shall be an h. for
remnant, Isa.11:16 Shall be h, out of Egypt, Isa. 19:23 .An h. shall be thae. Isa.
35:8 An h. for our God. Isa. 40:3 Highways (10). Judg. 5:6; 20:31-45; Isa. 33:8;
49:11; Amos 5:16; Mt, 22:9-10; Lk. 14:23 Hilen (1), a city of Judah. 1 Chr. 6:58
HiJkiah ( 3 2), portion of Jehovah. 6 men. 2KL 18:18, 26.37; 22:4-14; 23:?rS^
Chr. 6:13. 45; 26:11; 2 Chr, 34:9-22; 35:8; Ezra 7:1; Neh. 8:4, 11:11; 12:7, 21;
Isa.22:20-22; Jer. 1:1; 29:3 Hilhlah's fl). Isa. 36:3 Hill (50), H. of foreskins. Josh,
5:3 H.coun try of Judah Josh.21:ll;Lk.l:65 H.ofGaash, Josh, 24:30; Judg, 2:9
H.of Moreh,Judg.7:l H, of God, Judg. 10:5; Ps. 68:15 H. of Hachilah, 1 Sam,
23:19; 26:3 H, of Ammah.2 Sam., 2:24 H. of Samaria, 1 KI, 16:24 H.of Zion.Ps,
2:6; Ua. 10:32;31:4 H.of the Lord.Ps. 24:3 H. of MIzai, Ps. 42:6 ■

Holy h. .Ps. 3:4; 15:1; 43:3; 99:9 Fniitfjlh..Isa.5:l H. of frankincense. Song 4:6
H.Gareb.Jer. 31:39 Mars'h.. Acts 17:22 HiUel (2) .praised greaUy Judg, 12:13-
15 Hnrr (l).2 Sam. 16:13 Hills (64). Everlasting h. .Gen. 49:26 Out of whose h,
you may dig. Dt. 8; 9 Land of h. and valleys. Dt. 11:11 Precious things of lasting
h, ,Dt. 33:15 Gods are gods of h,, 1 Ki, 20:23-28 Cattle on a thousand h. .Ps,
50:10 Lift up mine eyes to die h, .Ps.l21:l Exalted above the h.. Isa. 2:2; Mic.4:l
H, In a balance. Isa. 40:12 H. fall on us. Hos, 10:8; Lk, 23:30 Perpetual h. did
bow, Hab. 3:6 Him (6,512).Gen. 1:27: 2:15,18; etc.

Himself (410),Gen, 14:15; 13:2; etc. H. took our infirmities and bare o\x

sicknesses, Mt. 8:17 Satan h, transform.ed into. 2 Cor. 11:14 Gave H. for our
sins.Gal. 1:4 Make in H. one new m.an,Eph, 2:15 Made H.of no reputation, Phil.
2:7 He humbled H. .and became,PhiL2:8 Lofd H. shall descend. 1 Th. 4:16 Gave
H. a ransom for all. 1 Tim. 2:6 Gave H. for us. that He, Tit. 2:14 H.purged our
sins,sat, H*. 1:3

Complete Concordance - Cyclopedic Index

God H. shall be with them,Rev. 21: '. Hin (22). A 6-quan measire.Ex. 29:40;
^5:24;Lev.l9:36; 23:13: Num.15:4-10;

28:5-14;Ezek. 4:11; 45:24;46:5-14 Hind (3). a female deer.Gen. 49:21: Pr.

~S7T9; Jer. 14:5 Hinder (16). H. me not. Gen. 24:56

Back parts, 1 Ki. 7:25; 2 Chi. 4:4

Pointed part of a spear, 2 Sam. 2:23

The h.sea.Zech. 14:8

H. part ofaship.Mk. 4:38; Acts 27:41

H.the gospel, 1 Cor. 9:12 Hindered (6).Ezra 6:8; Lk. 11:52; Rom.

15:22; 1 Th.2:18; 1 Pet. 3:7 Hindereth (l),Isa. 14:6 Hlndemosi (2),Gen, 33:2; Jer.
50:12 Hindmost (3), Num. 2:31; Dt. 25:18; Josh. 10:19 9; Song2:7; 3:5

Hinds (4). female deer, Job 39:1; Ps. 29: Hliidr (3), 2 Sam. 22:34;Ps. 18:33; Hab.
HiDRes (2),l Ki. 7:50; Pr. 26:14 Hinnom (13), gratis. A man and a valley,

d iU-U Josh, 15:8; 15116; 2 Ki. 23:l6i

2 Chr. 28:3; 33:6; Neh. 11:30; Jer. 7:

31-32; 19:2-6; 32:35 Hip (l).Judg. 15:8 Rliah (2). destination, Gen. 38:1,12
Hiram (22),consecration. 2 men , f 335-4; k 452-4; 2 Sam. 5:11; IkI. 5:1-12;
7:13,40-45; 9:11-27; 10:11, 22; 1 Chr. Hiram's (l).l KL5:18 14:1

Hire (22).Myh. .Gen.30:18,32-33; 31:8 TTof a whore, Dt. 24:15; Mic. 1:7

H.shallbe holinesstoLord, Isa. 23:18

H. laborers In his vineyard, Mt. 20:1

Laborer Is worthy of his h. ,Lk. 10:7 Hired (34). H. servants, Ex. 12:45; 22: U;
Lev. 19:13; 22:10; 25:6. 40, 50, 53; Dt. 15:18; 24:14; Lk. 15:17,19

H.Balaam,Dt, 23:4; Neh. 13:2

H. house of Paul, Acts 28:30 Hireling (9).Job 7:1-2; 14:6; Isa. 16:14;

21:16; Mai. 3:5; Jn. 10:12-13 Hires (l),Mlc. 1:7 inrest (l).Ezek. 16:33 His
(7,554),Gen. 1:11,12; 21; etc. Rns(12),lKI. 9:8; Job 27:23; Isa. 5:26: ~7^8;
Jer,19:8; 49:17; 50:13; Lam.2:15-16; Ezek.27:36; Zeph.2:15; Zech.10:8 Hlsstng
(8), 2 Chr. 29:8; Jer. 18:16; 19: 8; 25:9, 18; 29:18; 51:37; Mlc.6:16 Hit (2), 1
Sam. 31:3; 1 Chr. 10:3 nnier (66), Gen, 15:16; Pr. 9:4; Mt. 8:

29; Rev. 4:1; 11:12; 17:1; 21:9; etc. Hitherto (18),Ex,7:16: Jn. 5:17; etc. Hlttile
(26), Ex. 23:28; 33:2; 34:11; 2

Sam. 11:3-21; 12:9-10; etc. HItUtes (22),j 39V-l;f ■206-4:Gen.l5:20;

Ex. 3:8,17:13:5:23:23;Num. 13:39;etc. Hjyite (8), Gen. 10:17: 34:2; 36:2; Ex.

53:28; 33:2; 34:11: Josh. 9:1; 11:3; 1

Chr, 1:15 Hlvltes(16),k 206-4; Ex. 3:8, 17; 13:5;

23:23; Dt. 7:1: 20:17; Josh. 3:10; 9:7;

11:19; 12:8; 24:11; Judg. 3:3-5; 2Sam.

24j7; 1 KI. 9:20; 2 Chr. 8:7 Hlzklahn ) .strength of Jehovah.Zeph.l:! Hlskliah (l),
Jehovah is strong,Neh. 10:17 Ho (3), Isa, 55:1; Zech. 2:6 Isa.46:4

Hoar (4), white,Ex. 16:14; IKi.2:6-9; Hoarfrost (l),Ps. 147:16 Pr.l6:31

Hoary (4),Lev. 19:32; Job 38:29; 41:32; Hobab (2).beloved.Num.l0:29:Iudg.4:ll

Hobah , Hod (2),glorv.Gen.l4:15JChr.7:37 Hodalahfl),honorei of
Jehovah,lChr,3:24 Hodaylah ( 3). honorer of Jehovah. 3 men.

1 Chr. 5:24: 9:7; Ezra 2:40 Hode* (1),new moon,! Chr.8:9 43 Hodevah (1)
.splendor of Jehovah .Neh. 7: Hodlah O) .splendor of lehovah.l Chr. 4:19
Hodllah (1) ■ splendor of lehovah. 2rnen.

a 348-4; Neh, 8:7; 9:5:10:10-18 Hogjah (4). partridge. Num. 26:33; 27:1:

3^:11; Josh. 17:3 Hoham(l), expelled, JoA. 10:3 Holsed (1). Acts 27:40 Hold
(184),Gen. 19:16; 21:18; Job 6:24;

Rom. 1:18; 2 Tim. 1:13; Rev. 2:14.15;

25; 3:3, 11; 18:2; 20:2; etc. Holden(12),2Ki.23:22-23;Job 36:8; Ps.

18:35; 71:6; 73:23; Pr. 5:22; Isa. 42:14;

45:l;Lk. 24:16; Acts 2:24; Rom. 14:4 Holdest (6). Esther 4:14; Job 13:24; Ps.

7l:4; Jer. 49:16; Hab. 1:13; Rev. 2:13 Holdeth(9) Job Z-3; 26:9; Ps. 66:9;Pr.ll:

12;17:28:Dan.l0:21;Amosl:5-8;Rev.2:l Holding (9). Isa. 33:15; Jer. 6:11: Mk. 7:

3; Phil. 2:16; Col. 2:19; 1 Tim. 1:19;

3:9; Tit. 1:9; Rev. 7:1 Holds(21) strong.Num. 13:19; 1 Sam, 23: T?^9; Dan.
11:24,39; etc. Hole (12),Ex. 28:32; 39:23; 2 KI. 12:9; "Song5:4; I$a.ll:8;
51:l:Jer.l3:4; Ezek. Hole's (1), Jer. 48:28 8:7

Holes (11), 1 Sam. 14:11; Isa. 2:19; 7:19; ~?5r22; Jer. 16:16; Mlc. 7:17; Nah.

Hag.l:6;Zech,14:12;Ml.8:20;Lk. 9:58 HoUer fH. Isa. 65:5

Hag.l:6;Zech,14:12;Ml.8:20;Lk. 9:58 HoUer fH. Isa. 65:5

HoUest (3), d 136-4; Heb, 9:3, 8; 10:19 HolilY fD.l Th.2:10 Holiness (43). 18
ways used, 110 Degrees of, h 130-4 3 laws of, q 142-1 God glorious in h. ,Ex.
15:11 Beautyof h., lChr.l6:29: 2Chr,20:21; Ps. 29:2; 96:9; 110:3 H.beconieth
Thine house,Ps. 93:5 I H. unto the Lord, Zech. 14:20-21 I Live in h. and
righteousness,Lk. 1:75 I Spirit of h.,Rom. 1:4 I Perfecting h., 2 Cor. 7:1

Created in righteousness, h. ,Eph.4:24 Unblameable in h,, 1 Th. 3:13 CaUed us

toh. , ITh. 4:7; ITIm. 2:15; Tit. 2:3; Heb. 12:10,14 HoUow (10),GeD.32: 25-32;
Ex.27:8; 38: 7; Lev. 14:37; Judg. 15:19; Isa. 40:12; Jer. 52:21 48:21

Holon (3). 2towns Josh.l5:51; 21:15: Jer. riolpen (5).helped.Ps. 83:8; 86:17; Isa.

31:3; Dan. 11:34: Lk, 1:54 Holy (581). H.Spirlt,see Spirit and Ghost Use of h. in
Pentateuch, a 121-1 10 most h. things of the law, a 121-1 28 persons and things
h., a 121-1 Eating h, things, 147 H. things, b 161-1 Holyday (2),Ps. 42:4; Col.
2:16 Homam (1), 1 Chr. 1:39 Home (51),Gen. 39:16: 43:16, 26: Acts 21:6:
lCor.ll:34:14;35: Tit.2:5: etc. 5 kinds of, j 596-4 Homeborn (2),Ex. 12:49; Jer.
2:14 Homer (ll), a 10 1/2-bushel measure. Lev, 27:16; Isa. 5:10; Ezek. 45:11-14;
Hos. 3:2 Homers (1).Num. 11:32 Homosexuals. See Sodomites Honest (7).Tk.
8:15; Acts 6:3; Rom. 12: 17;2Cor.8:21; 13:7;Phil.4:8; lPet.2:12 Honestly (3).
Rom. 13:13: 1 Th. 4:12; Heb. 13:18 Honesty (3).Proofof.a 197-lM Tim.2:2
Honey J 54). Land flowing with milk and ETTEx. 3:8. 17; 13:5; 33:3; Lev. 20:
24s Num. 13:27; 14:8; 16:13-14: Dt. 6:3; 11:9; 26:9.15; 27:3; 31:20; Josh. ' 5:6:
Jet. 11:5: 32:22; Ezek. 20:6.15 Manna like wafer and h. .Ex. 16:31 What is
sweeter than h. .Judg. 14:18 Sweeter than h. .Ps. 19:10; 119:103 Eat so much h.
as good.Pr. 25:27 Butter and h. shall he eat, Isa. 7:15 Meat was locusts and wild
h, ,Mt, 3:4 As sweetash. ,Ezek,3:3; Rev.l0:9-10 Honeycomb (^,r 307-4; 1 Sam.
14:27; Ps. 19:10; Pr. 5:3; 16:24; 24:13; 27:7; Song 4:11; 5:1; Lk. 24:42 Honour
(142). H, parents, Ex. 20:12; Dt.

5:16; Mt, 15:4-6: 19:19; Eph.6:2 Riches and h.in abundance. 2Cte. 17:5;

18:1; 32:27 Crowned with glory andh.,Ps. 8:5; Heb.

2:7,9; 2Pet.l:17 1 wiU deliver and h.him,Ps. 91:15 This h,have all the saints, Ps.
149:9 H.the Lord with substance,Pr.3:9 Before h.ls humility, Pr. 15:33; 18:12
Prophet Is not without h., Mt, 13:57 All men h.the Son, Jn. 5:23 Him wm My
Father h. ,Jn. 12:26 In h. preferring one another,Rom.12:10 His vessel in h,, 1
Th. 4:4 Counted worthyof doubleh.,lTIm.5:17 Vessel unto h., 2 Tim. 2:21 H. all
Th. 4:4 Counted worthyof doubleh.,lTIm.5:17 Vessel unto h., 2 Tim. 2:21 H. all
men... H. the king, 1 Pet. 2:17 Giving h, to the wife, 1 Pet, 3:7 H. and glory to
God, Rev. 4:9, 11; 5: 12-13; 7:12; 19:1, 7; 21:24. 26 6 classes to h. . 314* 13:50;

Honorable (30). H. women.Ps. 45:9; Acts His work is h..Ps. 111:3 H. counsellor.
Mk, 15:43 Marriage Is h. in aU. Heb. 13:4 Honouied( 9).Ex. 14:4; Ps, 13:18;
27:18; Isa.43:23; Lam. 1:8; 5:12; Dan. 4:34; Acts 28:10; 1 Cor, 12:26 Honourest
(1), 1 Sam. 2:29 Hon oureth (8).Ps. 15:4; Pr, 12:9; 14:31;
Mal.l:6:Mt.l5:8:Mk.7:6;Jn.5:23:8:54 HonouB (1), Acts 28:10 Hoods^ (l),Isa.
3:23 14:6-8

Hoof (12).Ex.lO:26;Lev. 11:3-7, 26; Dt.

Hoofs (6), Ps. 69:31; Isa. 5:28; Jet. 47: 3: Ezek. 26:11; 3213; Mic. 4:13

Hook (5). 2 Ki. 19:28; Job 41:1-2; Isa.

"37729; Mt. 17:27

Hooks (146). H, for tabernacle, Ex. 26: 32; 27:10-17; 36:36-38; 38:10-28
Pruning h., Isa. 18:5 Fish h. ,Ezek. 29:4; 38:4; 40:43

Hope (127), Hypocrite's h. .Job 8:13-14;

~27:8 Flesh rest in h., Pr, 16:9; Acts 2:26 lh.In Thy word,Ps. 119:81,114 H.ln the
Lord,Ps. 131:3; 146:5 H.In His mercy,Ps. 33:18; 147:11 H. deferred makes heart
sick,Pr. 13:12

H. of resurrection. Acts 23:6

Against h.believed in h.,Rom.4:18

Experience h, ,Roni. 5:1-5

Saved by h. ,Rom. 8:24-25

Abideth faith, h. ,love, 1 Cor. 13:13

Having no h. and without God, Eph,2:12

Christian's h.,Col. 1:23,27; 1 Th. 1:3;

Christian's h.,Col. 1:23,27; 1 Th. 1:3;


Tit. 1:2; 2:13; 3:7; Heb. 3:6:6:11-19;

7:19; IPet. 1:3,13, 21; 3:15: 1 Jn. 3:3

Ho£ed^(ll),Esther 9:11; Job 6:20; Ps lift

43; 74, 147, 166; Jer. 3:23; Lk. 23:8;

Acts 24:26; 2 Cor. 8:5; Heb. 11:1 Hope's (1), Acts 26:7 Hopeth (l),l Cor. 13:7
Hophni (5).strong.h 295-1; 1 Sam. 1:3; 2:34: 4:4,11,17 Hoping (2).Lk. 6:35; 1
Tim. 3:14 Hot (12), 2 mounts , b 196-1 Horam (1),Josh. 10:33 Horeb (17). a
mountain, Ex. 3:1; 17:6; "MI^: Dt. 1:2-19: 4:10-15: 5:2; 18:16; 29:1; 1 KI. 8:9;
19:8; 2 Chr. 5:10; Ps.

106:19; Mai. 4:4 Horem(l), consecrated. Josh. 19:38 Hot;hagidgad (2). Num.
33:32-33 Hon (4), fTee7Gen.36:22, 30; Num. 13:5; "TChr. 1:39

Horims (2). giant race, Dt. 2:12.22 Horite (1). son of Hori.Gen. 36:20 Horites
(3),a35-4;Gen. 14:6:36:21,29 Hormah (9),a city,c 200-4: j 251-4: Num 14:45;
21:3; Dt.l:44; Josh. 12:14; 15:30;

1*4; Judg.l:17;l Sam.30:30; lChr.4:30 Horn (36). Ox h., Ex. 21:29

Ram's h,,Josh.6:5

Anointed h., 1 Sam. 2:1,10

OU h. , 1 Sam. 16:1,13; 1 Ki. 1:39

H.of salvation, 2 Sam. 22:3; Ps. 18:2; Lk. 1:69

Exalted h. ,Ps. 92:10; 112:9; 148:14

H.of David,Ps. 132:17

H. of Moab,Jer. 48:25

H. of laael,Ezek. 29:21 21
H. of laael,Ezek. 29:21 21

LltUeh., Dan. 7:8,11,20-24; 8:5, 8-9.

H. of the Gentiles, Zech, 1:21 Hornet (2), Dt, 7:20; Josh, 24:12 Hornets (1), j 89-
1; e 207-4;Ex. 23:28 Horns (63). Defined, i 590-1; n 57-4*

5 uses of, 629

H. of Scripture, 326

H, of righteous,Ps. 75:10

H, of the wicked, Ps. 75:10

H. of ivory and ebony, Ezek, 27:15

lOh. ,Dan. 7:7-8, 20, 24; Rev. 12:3; 13:1: 17:3, 7, 12. 16

2h.,Dan. 8:3,6,7, 20

4 h.. Zech. 1:18-21; Rev. 9:13

7 h.. Rev. 5:6 3-5,34

Horonaim(4), place, Isa. 15:5; Jer. 48: Horonite (3),Neh. 2:10,19; 13:28 Horrible
(6). Ps. 11:6; 40:2; Jer. 5:30; 18:13; 23:14; Hos. 6:10 Horribly (2), Jer, 2:12;
Ezek. 32:10 Honor (4),Gen. 15:12; Ps. 55:5; 119:53;

Ezek.7:18 Horse (42), Used for riding and war, Ex. 1^:1,19-21; 1 Ki. 20:20, 25;
2 Chr. 23:15;Esther6:8-11; Job 39:18-19;Ps. 147:10; Isa. 43:17; Jer. 8:6; 51:21
Heavenly spirit h., 2 Ki, 2:11-12; 6: 14-17; Zech. 1:8; 6:1-6: Rev. 19:14 A
symbol of conquest, war, famine, death and hell. Rev. 6:1-8 Blood up to h.
bridle. Rev, 14:14-20 Christ on a white h., Rev. 19:11-21 Horsebac k (5). 2 Ki,
9:18-19; Esther 6: Horseboofs fl). Judg. 5:22 9-11:8:10 Horseleach (l).Pr. 30:15
Horseman (2), 2 KI, 9:17; Nah.3:3 Horsemen "(58). Generally with chariots and
war.Gen, 50:9; Ex. 14:9-28; 15: 19; 1 Ki, 1:5; 4:26; 9:19; Dan. 11:40

5 h,in Revelation 6,c-o 290-1* Hocses ( 103). 12 facts aboil, k 72-4

Laws concerning,a 217-4 Spirit h.. e 396-1; 2Ki. 2:11-12; 6:14-17; Joel 2:4;
Zech, 1:8; 6:1-6; Rev.
Zech, 1:8; 6:1-6; Rev.


Demons of pit like h. ,Rev.9:7-9,17

H. on earth, g 657-4

H.ln heaven,310* Horses' (2), Isa. 5:28; Jas. 3:3 Horns, god of Egypt, c 39-4
Hqsah (5), fleeing for refuge. A man, 1 "■CH"l6:38; 26:10-16. A cityJ oii.l9:29
Hosanna (6). peflned , b 23-1*. See Mt.

21:9, 15; Mk. 11:9-10: Jn, 12:13 Hosea (3),help, Hos, 1:1-2

The prophet, b-d 883-1

The book of, 883-889

26 commands in the book, 910

Predicted sabbaths aboUshed, j 883-4

Price of his wife, o 884-1

A wonderful man, q 884-4 Hosen (1),Dan,3:21 Hoshaiah (3),Godhassaved.

2men, Neh.

12:32; Jer. 42:1; 43:2 Hoshama (l),Jehovah hears, 1 Chr. 3:18 Hoshea (11).
salvation. 4 men, h 233-1;

k410-l; Dt. 3i44; 2Ki. 15:3u; 17:1-6; 18:1-10; 1 Chr. 27:20; Neh. 10:23
Hospitality (4).7folJ custom of. c 286-4: m 7;-l*: o 82-4*: Rom. 12:13; 1 Tim.
3:2; Til. 1:8; 1 Pet. 4:9 Host (180). Defined, i 2-1 God's h..Gen. 32:2; 2 Chr.
18:18 H.of Israel. Num. 2:4-30; 4:3: 10:14-26 H.of Canaanites.Judg. 4:2-16 H.
of Midianites.Judg. 7:1-22 H.of heaven. 2 Ki. 21:3-5; 23:4-5 H.of high ones on
high. Isa. 24:21 H.of heaven innumerable,Jer.33:22 I H.of the stars, Dan. 8:10

H.as giver of hospitality J..k.l0:35;Rom. , Hostages C2) , 2 Ki. 14:14; 2 Chr.

25:24 Hostilitv^ b 81-1*
Hosts (291). See Host. The term Lord of ~ Eoits is found '^rffmes, f 295^1 Hot
(31).Manna melted inh.sun,Ex.l6:21 H. wrath. Ex, 22:24; 32:10-22; Judg, 2:14:
3:8; 6:39; 10:7 H, displeasure, Dt. 9:19; Ps. 6:1; 38:1 H. heart, Dt. 19:6; Ps. 39:3
H. bread,Josh. 9:12; 1 Sam. 21:6 H. thunderbolts, Ps. 78:48 H.coals,Pr.6:28 H.
furnace, Dan. 3:22 H. oven, Hos. 7:7 H,iion,l Tim. 4:2 H. or cold men. Rev.
3:15-16 Hotham (1), seal, 1 Chr. 7:32. Same as Hothan Hothan (l),seal. 1 Chr.
11:44. Hotham Hothir (-), abundance. 1 Chr. 25:4. 28 Hody (l),Gen. 31:36
Hottest (1), 2 Sam. 11:15 Hough (1),Josh. 11:6 18:4

Houflbed (3)Josh.ll:9: 2Sam.8:4;l Chr. Hoig (94). Thai day, h. knoweth no man
Mt. 24:36,42,44,50:25:13 6* h. of cruciflxioQ. Mt, 27:45 9th h, of expiration,
Mt, 27:46 3rd h,of crucifixion, Mk. 15:25 H.of prayer. Acts 3:1 Hours (3),Jn.
11:9; Acts 5:7: 19:34 House (1, 984). Orientalh.courts.i 514-1 H.as a
family,Gen. 7:1; 12:1, 15 H.as a tribe, Ex. 2:1 H.as a building,Ex. 7:23; 8:24
H.as a nation,Ex. 16:31; 19:3 H.as a place of worship. 1 Sam. 1:7; IKi. 6:1-38;
7:1-51: 8:6-64 H. as a capitalbuildlng, Isa. 2:2-3 H. as the dwelling place of God

heaven, Jn. 14:2 H. as the human body, 2 Cor. 5:1 H. as the resurrected body, 2
Cor. 5:2 H, as a local church (1 Tim. 3:15) and as the universal church (Heb. 3:6;
1 Pet. 2:5; 4:17; Eph. 2:19-22) H. of laael and h. of Judah - terms used of two
divisions of the kingdom of Israel. See Anglo-Saxon theory Household (48). H.
as a family,Gen. 18: 19; 35:2; 47:12; 2 Sam. 6:20 H.as the temple and
servants,Isa. 36: 22:37:2 GaL6:10;2:19

H.as thebody of Christians.Mt. 10:25; Householder^ 4).Mt.l3:27.52: 20:1: 21:33

Househ olds_77). Gen. 42:33; 45:18; 47: 24; Num. 18:31; Dt. 11:6:12:7; Jodi.

10 h. saved, 143* 7:14

Houses0 36).Described■ n0-4*: c 36-4*.

See House H. full of good things, Dt. 6:11; 8:12 H. of the high places, 1 Ki.
13:32 H.of the sodomites, 2 Ki.23:7 H. continue forever, Ps. 49:11 H.of the gods
of Egypt,Jer.43:12 H, of widows devoured, Mt. 23:14; Mk, 12:40; Lk. 20:47 H.
of silly women, 2 Tim. 3:6 H.subvened by false teaching. Tit. 1:11

Housetop( 7).Pr. 21:9: 25:24; Mt. 24:17; Mk. 13:15; Lk. 5:19; 17:31; Acts 10:9

Housetops( 7).Ps. 129:6: Isa. 22:1; 37:27;

Jer.48:38:Zeph.l:5;Mt.l0:27;Lk.l2:3 How (531),Gen. 27:20; 28:17; Mt. 7:11;
Tn?. 3:23; Lk. 11:13; Acts 10:38; Heb.

2:3; 9:14; 10:29; Rev. 6:10; etc. Howbelt (64).Mt. 17:21; Mk.5:19; etc. Howl
(28), Isa. 13:6; Jer. 25:34; etc. HowTed (1). Hos. 7:14

Howling (6), Dt, 32:10; Isa. 15:8; Jet.

25:36; Zeph. 1:10; Zech. 11:3 Howllngs (1). Amos 8:3 Howsoever (4).Judg.
19:20; 2 Sam. 18:

22-23: Zeph. 3:7 Huge (1),2 Chr. 16:8 Hukkok (l),a place,Josh. 19:34 Hukok
(l).a place, 1 Cta.6:75 Hul (2), circle,Gen. 10:23; 1 Chr.l: 17 Huldah (2). weasel.
A prophetess. 2 KL

22:14; 2 Chr. 34:22 Humane laws, 115: d 221-1 Human . Length of h,life. m 10-

H. government, 60

H. sacrifices to gods, e 213-1

ft h. activities end at death, c 524-1

Complete Concordance - Cyclopedic Index

Humble (25). Refuse to h. self, Ex. 10:3 H. thee to prove thee, Dt. 8:2,16 H.
themselves and pray, 2 Chr. 7:14 He shall save the h. .Job 22:29 Forgets not cry
of h. ,Ps. 9:12; 10:12 A contrite and h. spirit, Isa. 57:15 Whosoever shall h.
self,Mt. 18:4; 23:12 Giveth grace to the h., Jas. 4:6-10 H. yourselves under, 1
Pet. 5:5-6 8 hi people exalted, o 57-1*

Humbled (28).10 examples ofbeing,290 H. soul with fasting,Ps. 35:13 H.

Himself,became obedient,Phil.2:8

Humbledst (1), 2 Chr. 34:27

Humbleness (1), Col. 3:12

Humblech( 7).lKi. 21:29;Ps. 10:10; 113: 6; Isa. 2:9; Lk. 14:11; 18:14

Humbly (2).2 Sam. 16:4; Mic.6:8

Humiliation (1). Acts 8:33

HumiUty (7). Pr. 15:33; 18:12; 22:4; Acts 20:19; Col. 2:18,23; 1 Pet. 5:5 True
h., i 5-4*

Humtah (1), a city.joi. 15:54

Hundred (584). Used many times with qthet numbers,Gen. 5:3-32; 6:3; etc.

Hundredfold(7),Gen.26:12; 2Sam.24:3; Mt. 13:8.23; 19:29; Mk. 10:30:Lk.8:8

Hundreds (28),Ex. 18:21-25; Num.31:14. 48. 52, 54; Mk. 6:40; etc.

Hundredth (3),Gen.7:11; 8:13; Neh.5:ll

Hunger (24). Suffer to h., Dt. 8:3 Bread from heaven for h,, Neh. 9:15 Young
lions suffer h. ,but,Ps. 34:10 Shall not h. or thirst. Isa. 49:10; Rev.

7:16; 21:3-7 Blessed are they that h.,Mt.5:6; Lk.6:21 Shall never h. ,Jn. 6:35 If
enemy h. feed him, Rom. 12:20 Idiom of desire, 1 4-1*

Hungerbinen (l).Job 18:12

Hungered (g)'. Mt. 21:18; Lk, 4:2

Hungered (9). Mt. 4:2; 12:1-3; 25:35. 37, 42, 44; Mk. 2:25; Lk. 6:3

Hungry (30). Fill h. soul with goodness, Pri07:9,36; 14«:7; Lk, 1:53 If enemy be
h. give him,Pr. 2&21 Deal thy bread to the h..Isa. 58:7,10 Hebecame h,and
would have,Actsl0:10 One h,,another drunken,1 Cor. 11:21

Hunt(l^.Gen,27:5;lSam.26:20;Job 38:

~3^ Ps. 140:11: Pr. 6:26; Jer. 16:16; Lam. 4:18; Ezek. 13:18-20; Mic. 7:2

Hunted (l).Ezek. 13:21

Hunter (4).Gen. 10:9; 25:27;Pr.6:5

Hunter (4).Gen. 10:9; 25:27;Pr.6:5

Hunters ( l),o 23-4; Jer. 16:16

Huntest (2).l Sam. 24:11; Job 10:16

Hunteth (1).Lev. 17:13

Hunting (g), 436; Gen. 27:30; Pr. 12:27

Huphann (1). protected. Num. 26:39

Huphamites (l).Num. 26:39

l|uppah (l)7coverlng. 1 Chr. 24:13

Hupplm (3), coast people. Gen. 46:21; 1 Ck. 7:12. 15

Hur(16).noble. 7 men. d82-4;Ex. 17:10—

Tl; 24:14; 31:2; 35:20; 38:32; Num. 31: 8; Joii.l3:21; IKi. 4:8; 1 Chr. 2:19-20.
50; 4:1-4; 2 Chr. 1:5; Neh. 3:9

Hurai (1),line-weaver, 1 Chr. 11:32

Huram (12). noble-bom, 1 Chr. 8:5; 2 Chr. 2:3-13; 4:11-16; 8:2,18; 9:10,21

Huri(l), line-weaver. 1 Chr, 5:14

Hurl (1),Num. 35:20

HurIeth (l),Job 27:21

Hurling (l).l Chr. 12:2

Hun (63).Young man to my h.,Gen.4:23 H. a woman with child, Ex. 21:22 If

you forsake Him He will turn and do

you h. .Josh. 24:20 Sweareth toownh.,changeih.Ps.l5:4 Not h. nor destroy In all

My holy

mountain, Isa. 11:9; 65:25 Theyhad no h. from the fire, Dan. 3:25 Poison shall
not hun them,Mk. 16:18 Nothing shallby any means h. J.k.10:19 Not be h. of
not hun them,Mk. 16:18 Nothing shallby any means h. J.k.10:19 Not be h. of
second death. Rev. 2:11 H. not the oil and the wine. Rev. 6:6 H. not the
earth,Rev. 7:3; 9:4 H. men five months. Rev. 9:10 Heads, with them they do h.
,Rev. 9:19 If any man will h. them. Rev. 11:5

HunM(3).Ezra 4:15; Ps.l44:10; lTim.6:9

Hurting (1). 1 Sam, 25:34

HuAiand (120). H. and father was chief of the household and priest of the home
in religious maners,but the first woman took the initiative,Gen. 3 Thy deare shall
be to h. ,Gen. 3:16 H. and Jealousy, Num. 5 H. and vows of wives. Num. 30:6-
14 H.hate wife.Dt, 24:3-4 Woman Is crown to her h. ,Pr. 12:4 Heart of h. safely
trusts,Pr. 31:11 ThyMaketisthyh.,Isa.54:5;Jer.31:32 Treacherously departs from
h, Jer.3:20 Law of, under law, Rom. 7:1-3 Every woman have her own h. ,1 Cor.
7:2 H. render to wife due, 1 Cor. 7:2 Wife i»t depart from h. ,1 Cor. 7:10 Be
reconciled to her h., 1 Cor. 7:11 H. not put away his wife, 1 Cor. 7:11

H. Is head of Ac wife,Eph, 5:23 Wife reverence her h. ,Eph. 5:33 H. of one wife,
1 Tim. 3:2; Tit, 1:6 As a bride adorned for h, ,Rev. 21:2

Husbandman (T).Gen. 9:20; Jer. 51:23; Amos 5:16; Zech. 13:5; Jn. 15:1; 2 Tim.
2:6; Jas. 5:7

Hudjandmen (21), 2Ki. 25:12; 2Chr. 26: 10; Jet. 31:24; 52:16; Joel 1:11 Parable
of vineyard and, Mt. 21:33-41; Mk. 12:1-9; Lk. 20:9-16

Hud)andry (2). 2 Chr. 26:10; 1 Cor. 3:9

Husband's (6),Num. 30:10; Dt. 25:5-7; Ruth 2:1

Husbands( 19).Youhave had 5h..Jn.4:18 8 commands for, 214* 2 commands for,

r 267-1* 8 ways to win,h-i 267-1* Unbelieving h. ,e 180-4* Ask their h. at
home, 1 Cor. 14:35 Submit to your own h, ,Eph. 5:22-24; Col. 3:18; 1 Pet. 3:1-5
H., love wives, even as Christ, Eph. 5:

25; Col. 3:19; 1 Pet, 3:7 H. of one wife. 1 Tim. 3:2.12; Tit. 1:6 Wives love their
h. .Tit. 2:4 Wives be obedient to own h. .Tit, 2:5

Hushah (1). passion, 1 Chr. 4:4

Hu5hai( 14).quick.p346-l;2Sam.l5:32-37; 16:16-18; 17:5-15; 1 KI. 4:16; 1 Chr.
27:33 Chr.l:45-46

Husfaam (4). passion. Gen. 36:34-35; 1

Hushathite (5). 2 Sam. 21:18; 23:27; 1 Chi. 11:29; 20:4; 27:11

Hushim (4). hasting. 2 men and a woman, a 348 -4; Gen. 46:23; 1 Chr. 7712;

Hu^ (2), Num. 6:4; 2 Ki. 4:42 8:8

Husks (l),Lk. 15:16

Huz(l). firm,Gen, 22:21

Huzzab (1), a place, Nah. 2:7

HYmenaeus (2), nuptial, j 239-1*; 1 Tim. 1:20; 2 Tim. 2:17

Hymn (2).Mt. 26:30; Mk, 14:26

Hymns (2), j 211-4*; Eph.5:19; Col.3:16

Hypocrisies (1). 1 Pet, 2:1

Hypocrisy (6). Isa. 32:6; Mt, 23:28; Mk.

12:15; Lk, 12:1; 1 Tim. 4:2; Jas. 3:17 Hypoccite (10). J3efined .d 527-I;g5-4* 2
illustrations of h,. e 527-1 See Job 13:16; 17:8; 20:5; 27:8; 34:30; Pr. 11:9; Isa.
9:17; Mt, 7:5; Lk. 6:42; Hypocrite's (l).Job 8:13 13:15

2 illustrations of a h. hope, e 527-1 Hypocrite3 (20).Job 15:34; 36:13; Isa. 33:

14; Mt,6:2-5.16; 15:7; 16:3; 22:18; 23:13-29; 24:51; Mk. 7:6; Lk, 11:44; 12:56
Defined, g 5-4*:d 527-1 21 characteristics of, 34* 14 marks of h,, f 42-4* 6
marks of h,. h 49-4* Their reward, h 5-4* Advice to h., q 6-4* Prayers.length of,
q 25-4* 14 sins of. 852 Hypocrliical (2).Ps. 35:16; Isa. 10:6 Hyssop (12).
Described , p 76-4. See Ex. 12:22; Lev. 14:4-6,49-52; Num. 19:6. 18;
lKi,4:33;Ps,51:7;Jn. 19:29; Heb. 9:19

I_(8, 982),Gen. 1:25, 30; 2:18; 3:10-17; 4:1.9.13-14,23; 6:7.13.17; etc.

I am's of the Bible. 417. See Am Ibhar (3), God chooses, 2 Sam. 5:15; 1 ~CW.
I am's of the Bible. 417. See Am Ibhar (3), God chooses, 2 Sam. 5:15; 1 ~CW.
3:6; 14:5 Ibleam (3), a town, a 256-1; Jo*. 17:11; Judg. 1:27; 2 Ki. 9:27 g?neiah
(1). Jehovah builds, 1 Chr. 9:8 lb nijar (l), Jehovah Is builder. 1 Chr. 9:8 Ibri (1),
a Hebrew, 1 Chr. 24:27 Ibzan (l).splendid. 11th judge.b 280-1 Ice (3). Job 6:16;
38:29; Ps. 147:17 pcliabod (1), inglorious, 1 Sam. 4:21 I-chabod's (1). 1 Sam.
14:3 Iconium (5). a city in Asia, Acts 13:51; 14>1. 19. 21; 16:2; 2 Tim. 3:11
Idalah (l). a town. Josh. 19:15 Idbash (1). honey-sweet, 1 Chr. 4:3 Iddo (14).
loving. 8 men. 924 r3Ie"(10),Ex. 5:8.17; Pr. 19:15; Mt. 20: 3-6; Lk. 24:11; 1
Tim. 5:13; j 13-1* Idleness (3).Pr.31:27;Eccl.l0:18; Ezek

16:49 Idol (15). Idol of Asa's mother. 1 Ki. 15:

13; 2 Chr. 15:16 Coniah a despised broken I.. Jer. 22:28 Christian and an i. .1
Cor. 8:4-7; 10:19 Idolater (2). 1 Cor. 5:11; Eph. 5:5 Idolaters (1). 1 Cor. 5:10;
6:9; 10:7; Rev. 5n^22:15. Marks of, 239

Stupidity of,12 facts, 680 Idolatries (IK 1 Pet. 4:3 Idolatrous (1). 2 Ki. 23:5

L practices and festivities, 116.119

Idolatry (5). 1 Sam. 15:23; Acu 17:16:

ICor, 10:14; Gal. 5:20; Col. 3:5

Places of i., e 89-1; o 723-1 Laws against, 113; e 149-1 Image worship and false
gods, 116 Immoralities in, 119, 138 Cure of i.. b 761-1 3 great "if's" of i.. f 213-1
Idols (101). 2 laws against, j 85-4 False gods of the Bible. 116 Round or rolling,
k 229-1 7fold challenge of God to i., 494 lOfold vanity of, w 716-1 Forms of. w
160-4* I. established, z 160-4* Cut off from God, 207* Turn nottoormakei.
J>ev.l9:4: 26:1 Material of,Dt.29:17;Ps.ll5:4; 135:15; Isa. 2:20; 31:7 I. defile,
Ezek. 22:3-4; 23:7, 30 Human sacrificesto,Lev. 18:21; 20:2-5: Dt. 12:31; 18:10;
2 Ki. 3:26-27:16: 3; 17:17-18; 21:6; 23:10; 2Chr. 28:3: 33:6;Ps.l06:37-
38;Isa.57:5:Jer.7:31; 19:4-7; 32:35;Ezek.l6:20-21; 20:26-31; 23:37-39; Mic. 6:7
Other offerings to. Ex, 32:6; 1 Ki. 18: 26: Isa. 57:6; 65:ll;Jer. 7:18; 19:13; 32:29;
44:17-25 Incense to, 1 Ki. 12:33: 2 Chr. 30:14; 34:25; Isa. 65:3; Jet. 1:16; 11:12-
17; Hos. 11:2 4€:7

Prayersto,Judg.l0:14;Isa.44:17;45:20: Music, dancing to, Ex. 32; Dan, 3 16 facts

about, q 712-1; n 755-4 Cutting flesh to, IKi. 18:28: Jer. 41:5
Kissing,lKi.l9:18;Hos.l3:2;Job31:27 Bowing to. 1 Ki. 19:18; 2 Ki. 5:18 Tithes
and gifts to. 2 Ki. 23:11; Dan.
and gifts to. 2 Ki. 23:11; Dan.

11:38; Amos 4:4-5 Annual feasts to, 1 Ki. 12:32; Ezek, 18:

6-15; 22:9; Dan. 3:2-3 Christians and i., Acts 15:20. 29; 21: 25: Rom. 2:22; 1
Cor. 8:1-10; 10:19. 28; 12:2; 2Cor. 6:16; 1 Th. 1:9; 1 Jn. 5:21; Rev. 2:14. 20;
9:20 Idumaea (1). land of Edom. Mk. 3:8 Idumea (4). land of Edom. Isa. 34:5-6;
Ezek. 35:15; 36:5; e 37-4*; d 706-1 If^(1.522).d 226-1; k 368-4; e 456-4; t 104-
1*: r 219-4*. All blessings from God are contingent upon meeting certains
conditions. See "iPs".234-285* If. when, and then. k 368-4; e 456-4 Igal (2).
delivered. 2 men. Num. 13:7; T"Sam. 23:36

Igdaliah (1). greatness, Jer. 35:4 Igeal (1), deliverer, 1 Chr. 3:22 Ignominy (1),
Pr. 18:3 Ignorance (18)Xev.4:2,13,22,27: 5:15-18; Num. 15:24-29; Acts 3:17;
17:30; Eph. 4:18: 1 Pet. 1:14; 2:15; a 273-1* Ignorant (16). Defined, a 273-1*
They are aU i., Ps. 56:10 6 things not to be i. of, w 160-1 Were i. and unlearned
men. Acts4:13 Not i. of his devices. 2 Cot. 2:11 Have compassion on the i.. Heb,
5:2 They are willingly i., 2 Pet, 3:5 Ignorantly (4). Num. 15:28; Dt. 19:4: Acts
17:23: 1 Th, 1:13 lim (2),aplace,Num.33:45;Josh. 15:29 Iie-abarlm(
2).aplace.Num.21:11; 33:44 Ijon (3), a place. 1 Ki. 15:20; 2 Ki. 15: ^W 2 Chr.
16:4 11:28:27:9

Dd<esh (3), perverse, 2 Sam. 23:26:1 Chr. Hal (1), elevated, 1 Chr. 11:29
ffl^lS), Gen. 41:3-4, 19-21, 27; 43:6; Dt. 15:21; Job 20:26; Ps. 106:32; Isa. 3: 11;
Jer. 40:4; Joel 2:20; Mic. 3:4; Rom. 13:10 Dluminated (1). Heb. 10:32
niustrationi. See Examples niyricujTi TI). a province, Rom. 15:19 Image (97). I
of Dan. 2, c 858-1; 873 Bodily i. of God, Gen, 1:26-27, notes; j 565-4; n 189-1*;
o 219-1' 1 221-1*; c 262-1* L worship in Christendom, 116 False gods of the
Bible, 116 L making forbidden, Ex. 20:4; Lev. 26: 1; Dt.4:16,23-25; 5:8; 9:12;
27:15 Micah's graven i. , Judg, 17:2-18:31 Manufacture of, Isa.40:19-20; 44:9-
17 L of jealousy, Ezek. 8:3-5 Great prophetic i., Dan. 2 Great i. of worship, Dan.
3 Original i. worship, Rom. 1:18-23 Conformed to i. of His Son, Rom.8:29 L of
earthly, heavenly, 1 Cor. 15:49 Changed Into samei. from, 2Cor.3:18 Christ,
who is the i. of God. 2 Cor. 4: 4; Col. 1:15; Heb. 1:3 Man is i. and^oryofGod.
ICor. 11:7;

Col. 3:10; Jas. 3:9 L of the beast. Rev. 13:14-15:14:9-11; 15:2; 16:2; 19:20; 20:4
Imagery (1). Chambers of. d-h 812-1 Image's (1), Dan, 2:32 Ezek. 8:12

Images (71). False gods of Bible. 116 Sculptured and carved i. ,k 211-4; 276
Rachel stole i. ,Gen. 31:19,34-35
Rachel stole i. ,Gen. 31:19,34-35

Commands to destroy all i,. Ex, 23:24: 34:13; Lev. 26:30; Num. 33:52; Dt. 7:5,
25; 12:3

L of mice and emetods, 1 Sam. 6:5-11 I, worship destroyed and revived many
times, 1 Ki. 14:9, 23; 2 Ki. 10:26; 11:18; 17:10-16,41; 18:4:23:14-24; 2 Chr.
14:3-5:23:17; 28:2; 31:1; 33: 19-22; 34:3-7 Provoked God to jealousy, Ps. 78:58;
Ezek. 8:3-5; Jer. 8:19

Imagination (14), Gen. 6:5; 8:21; Dt, 29: 19;31:21;lChr.29:18:Jer.3:17: 7:24;

9:14:11:8:13:10:16:12; 18:12; 23:17; Lk. 1:51

Imaginations (6). 1 Chr. 28:9; Pr. 6:18; Lam. 3:60-61; Rom. 1:21; 2 Cor. 10:5

Imagine (12).n 549-1; Job 6:26; 21:27: Ps. 2:1; 38:12; 62:3; 140:2; Pr. 12:20;
Hos. 7:15; Nah. 1:9; Zech. 7:10; 8:17; Acts 4:25

Imagjned (3).Gen. 11:6; Ps. 10:2:21:11

Imagineth (1). Nah. 1:11

Imla (2), fulness. 2 Chr. 18:7-8

IiTiTah (2). fulness, IKi. 22:8-9

Immaculate conception. The historic designation of the Roman Catholic dogma

and unfortunate fallacy invented by Pope Pius IX, Dec. 8, 1854, that
Marywasbom and preserved free from all stain of original sin.Thisis absolutely
false and contrary to Scripture which declares that ALL have sinned (Rom, 3:
23; 5:12-21), and to the fact that Mary herself claimed God was her Saviour
(Lk.l:47). Mary had a human father and wasbom in sin like all others. No
statement in Scripture supports this fallacy Imitators, p 178-4*; p 211-1*; a 217-
4*; a 229-4*; d 248-4*

Immanuel (2), God with us, Isa, 7:14; 8:8. Called Emmanuel. Mt. 1:23

Immediately (55). A word used only in the N, T. - 41 times in the 4 Go5)eIs out
of 55 times. It is used to emphasize the idea of5>eedin gospel acts, Mt,4: 22; 8:3;
14:31; 20:34; etc.

lmmer (10),talkative. 5rnen, lChr. 9:12; 24:12; Ezra 2:37,59; 10:20; Neh 7:40.
lmmer (10),talkative. 5rnen, lChr. 9:12; 24:12; Ezra 2:37,59; 10:20; Neh 7:40.
61;lI:I3;Jer. 20:1 1:17

Immortal (1). Defined, h 189-1*; 1 Tim.

Immortality (5). Of the soul, b.f.h. i.p 189-l:619;c-d 25-1*; k-1 49:1*; k74-1*; c
80-1*; h-1 85-1*: o 118-1*; c 124-1*; 270*. See Incorruptible God is i., X 235-
4'; 1 tim. 1:17; 6:16 All men have i., m 267-1* Abraham,Isaac, Jacob aUve,h-1
85-1' Brought to light by gospel, Rom. 2:7; 2 Tim. 1:10 25 proofs of i. of the
soul, 270* 21 proofs material and spiritual natures

are difTetent, d 865-1: A-U619-1

14 proofs of fiiture i. of the body in

resurrection, 881; 1 Cor. 15:53-54

Immutability ( 1). Heb. 6:17

Immutable n"). Heb. 6:18

Imna (1), "withdrawing. 1 Chr, 7:35

Imnah (^.prosperity. 2 men, 1 Chr. 7: 30; 2 Chr. 31:14

Impart (2), Lk. 3:11; Rom. 1:11

Imparted (2), Job 39:17; 1 Th. 2:8

Impediment ( 1), Mk. 7:32

Impenitent (1), Rom. 2:5

ImperiouTT l), Ezek, 16:30

Implacable (1). k 161-4; Rom. 1:31

Implead (1), Acts 19:38

Imiwrtunity (1), Lk. 11:8

Impose (1). Ezek. 7:24

Impose (1). Ezek. 7:24

Imposed (1), Heb. 9:10

Imix)ssible (9).Mt, 17:20; 19:26; Mk. 10: 27;Lk.l:37; 17:1; 18:27; Heb.6:4,18;
11:6 L to serve two masters, o 6-1* I. to be saint and sinner. 1 7-1* 3 things God
cannot do, g 242-1* 30 things God cannot do. 638

Impotent (4). Jn. 5:3-7: Acts 4:9; 14:8

Impoverish (1). Jer. 5:17 MaLl:4

Impoverish~ed (3). Judg. 6:6; Isa. 40:20;

ImpcLSoned TT). Acts 22:19

Imprisonment (2).Ezra 7:26: Heb. 11:36

Imprisonmeats (1). 2 Cor. 6:5

Impudent orPr. 7:13: Ezek. 2:4; 3:7

ImputatJCTi. doctrine of, 625

Impute (3).lSam. 22:15; 2 Sam. 19:19; Rom. 4:8

Imputed (8).Lev.7:18: 17:4;Rom.4:11, 22-24; 5:13; Jas. 2:23

Imputeth (2). Ps. 32:2; Rom. 4:6

Imputing (2). Hab, 1:11; 2 Cor. 5:19

Imrah (1), stubborn, 1 Chr. 7:36

Imri (2). rejecting, 1 Chr. 9:4; Neh,3:2 E7l4,130), Gen. 1:1, 6, 11-12, etc. ■~12
uses of, 213*

I. the name of, defined, b 34-4*

Dwelling i., defined, n 86-4* Inasrnuch (9|, Dt. 19:6; Ruth 3:10; Mt,

25:40,45; Rom. 11:13; Phil. 1:7; Heb.

3:3; 7:20; 1 Pet. 4:13

Complete Concordance - Cyclopedic Index

iDcamatJon, d 72-4

Incense (122). Alur of, a-c 96-4

Daily bumed, c 96-4

Holy, a 97-4 I

2 lessons about, s 56-1* !

Burned i. to other gods, Jer. 1:16; 7:9; 1X:13. 17; 19:4, 13; 44:3-25; 48:35

L burned in heaven. Rev. 8:3-4 Incensed ( 2). Isa. 41:11; 45:24 Incest. 10 cases
of, o 17-1

20commands against, c 138-4; h 15-4* IncUne( 16).LhearttoLord,Josh, 24:23

TTHTne ear,Ps.l7:6; 45:10; 71:2; 88: 2; 102:2; Dan. 9:18

I, my heart to testimonies, Ps. 119:36

I. thy heart to wisdom,Pr. 2:2

L thine heart to my sayings, Pr. 4:20 Inclined (13). He i.tome and heard my
prayer, Ps. 40:1; 116:2

I have L my heart to obey,Ps.ll9:112 iDclineth (1), Pr. 2:18 Inclose (1). Song 8:9
Inclosed (8),Ex. 39:6, 13; Judg. 20:43; Ps.l7:10; 22:16; Song4:12;Lam.3:9:Lk.
InclosiDgs (2),Ex.28:20; 39:13 5:6

iDConlinency (1). ICoi. 7:5 IncontinentT l). 2 Tim. 3:3 IncorraptiEle (4), L
corwn, 1 Cor. 9:25

I. resurrected bodies, 1 Cor. 15:52

L inheritance, 1 Pet. 1:4

LWord of God, 1 Pet. 1:23

L inner man, 1 Pet. 3:4, note Inconuption ( 4^. 1 Cot. 15:42-54 Increase (88).
Tithe aU i., Dt. 14:22, 55TT6:12; Pr, 3:9

If riches i., set not heart, P s. 6 2:10

Of i. His government no end, Isa. 9:7

L our faith, Lk. 17:5; 2 Cor. 10:15

He must i., I must decrease. In. 3:30

ApoUos watered,God gave i.,lCor.3:7

L fruits of righteousness, 2 Cor. 9:10; 1 Th.3:12; 4:10

Lof thebody,Eph.4:16; Col. 2:19

L unto more ungodliness, 2 Tim. 2:16 Increased (49). Water i., Gen. 7:17-18

Jacob i. exceedingly,Gen, 30:30,43

Isael i. abundantly, Ex. 1:7

Iniqmties i. ,Ezra 3:6

Backslidings i., Jet. 5:6

Sins i., Jer. 30:14-15

Whoredoms i. ,Ezek. 16:26; 23:14

Riches i. ,Ezek. 28:5

Knowledge shall be i. ,Dan. 12:4

Altars i., Bos. 10:1

Jesus i. in wisdom and statureik.2:52

Word of God i. .Acts 6:7

Word of God i. .Acts 6:7

Saul i. mcxe in strength. Acts 9:22

Lin numbers daily. Acts 16:5

Rich and i. with goods, Rev. 3:17 Increasest (l). Job 10:17 Increaseth (14),Job
10:16; 12:23; Ps. 74: , 23; Pr. 11:24; 16:21; 23:28; 24:5; 28:8; 29:16; EccL 1:18;
Isa. 40:29; Hos. 12:

1; Hab. 2:6; CoL 2:19 Increaang (1), CoL 1:10 Incredible (1), Acts 26:8
Incurable (6). 2 Chi. 21:18; Job 34:6;

Jer. 15:18; 30:12, 15; Mic. 1:9 Indebted (1), Lk, 11:4 Indeed ( 70),Gen. 17:19;
20:12; Mt, 3:11;

Rom. 6:11; 8:7; 14:20; 1 Tim. 5:3;etc. India (2), Esther 1:1; 8:9 IndiRnanon (41).
Defined , f 127-4*

L be overpast, Isa. 26:20

Pour out My i. ,Ezek. 21:31

Last end of the i. , Dan. 8:19; 11:36

Moved with i. against two, Mt. 20:24

Filled with i., Acts 5:17

Fiery i.,whichshall devour,Heb.lO:27

Cup of His i. ,Rev. 14:10 Inditing (1), Ps. 45:1 Industrious (1), 1 Ki. 11:28
Inexcusable (1), Rom. 2:1 InfaUible (1), Acts 1:3 Infamous (1), Ezek. 22:5
Infamy (2). Pr. 25:10; Ezek. 36:3 Infant (:2),lSam.l5:3;Isa.65:20;bl20-l* Infants(
3), Job 3:16; Hos.l3:16;Lk.l8:15 Inferior (4),Job 12:3; 13:2; Dan. 2:39; 2

Cor. 12:13

Infidel( 2),2Cor.6:15; 1 Tim.5:8; g 234-4*

Infinite (3), Job 22:5; 147:6; Nah.3:9

Infinrdties (12). f 8-1*; Mt. 8:17; Lk, 5: 15; 7:21; 8:2; Rom. 8:26; 15:1; 2 Cor.
Infinrdties (12). f 8-1*; Mt. 8:17; Lk, 5: 15; 7:21; 8:2; Rom. 8:26; 15:1; 2 Cor.
11:30; 12:5-10; 1 Tim. 5:23; Heb.4:15

InfirmitY (10).Lev. 12:2; Ps. 77:10; Pt, 18:14; Lk 13:11-12; Jn. 5:5; Rom. 6: 19;
Gal. 4:13; Hd5. 5:2; 7:28

Inflame (1). Isa. 5:11

Intlamation (2), Lev. 13:28; Dt. 28:22

Inflicted (1), 2 Cor. 2:6

Influences (1), Job 38:31

Infolding (1), Ezek. 1:4

Inform (l),Dt.l7:10 24:1; 25:2.15

Informed (6),Dan. 9:22; Acu 21:21-24;

Ingathering (2), Ex. 23:16; 34:22

IngratitudeT o-q 80-4*

Inhabit (lO).Num. 35:34; Pr, 10:30; Isa. 42:11; 65:21-22; Jer.l7:6;4«: 18; Ezek,
33:24; Amos 9:14; Zeph-1:13

I am

Inhabitant (33). L shall not say, sick, Isa. 33:24; 35:1-6 Babylon without i., Jer.
51:29; 37 Inhabitanu( 190). Dtlveoutthe i., Num. 33:52, 55; Josh. 8:26 All i. of
world stand in awe, Ps. 33:3 Give ear all i. of world, Ps. 49:1 L are as
grasshoppers, Isa. 40:22 Controversy with i. of land,Hos. 4:1 Lord defend i. of
Jerusalem, Zech. 12:8 Fountain opened to i. of, Zech, 13:1 L of eardi made to
drink of, Rev. 17:2 Inhabited ( 32). Scapegoat bear iniquities into a land not i.,
Lev. 16:22 Babylon never be L , Isa. 13:20 Jerusalem shaUbe i. again, Zech,
12:6; 1410. 11; Isa. 44:26; 54:5 Inhabiters (2). Rev. 8:13; 12:12 Inh^bilest (1).
Ps. 22:3 Inhabiteth C2), Job 15:28; Isa. 57:15 Inhabiting (1). Ps. 74:14 Inherit
(62). L the land. Gen. 15:7-8; 257^; Ex. 23:30; Dt. 3:28; 16:20 L the throne of
glory, 1 Sam. 2:8 Lthe earth. Ps. 25:13; 37:9, 11, 22 L all nations, Ps. 82:8 Wise
shall i. glory, Pr. 3:35 Lthe wind, Pr. 11:29 I.foUy, Pr. 14:18 L the Gentiles, Isa.
shall i. glory, Pr. 3:35 Lthe wind, Pr. 11:29 I.foUy, Pr. 14:18 L the Gentiles, Isa.
54:3 L My holy mountain, Isa. 57:13 Lord shall i.Judah, Zech. 2:12 Meek shall i.
the earth, Mt. 5:5 Shall i. everlasting life, Mt. 19:29 Lthe kingdom prepared for,
Mt. 25:34 Shall i. eternal life, Mk. 10:17; Lk, 10:25; 18:18 Lthe kingdom of
God, 1 Cor. 6:9-10;

1 Cor. 15:50; Gal. 5:21 I. the promises, Heb. 6:12 L all things, 1 Pet. 3:9; Rev.
21:7 Inheritance (232). Law of i.. Num. 26 Law of L for women. Num. 27 and
36 God divided nations their i., Dt, 32:8 Gave i. of land to tribes. Josh, 13-19 i
Give heathen for Thine i. ,Ps. 2:8 [ Good man leaves an i. ,Pr. 13:22 L gonen
hastily at the.Pr, 20:21 Future i. of Israel, Ezak. 46-48 Let us seize the i. ,Mt.
21:38; Mk. 12: 7; Lk, 20:14 Have him divide i. with me,Lk.12:13 Gave him
none 1. among all. Acts 20:32 L among the sanctified. Acts 26:18 Ifi.be of the
law,GaL 3:18 We have obtained an i. ,Eph. 1:11 Is the earnest of our i. ,Eph.
1:14 Glory of His i. in saints, Eph. 1:18 Hathanyi. inkingdomofGod,Eph.5:5
Partakersofi.of saints. Col. 1:12 Shall receive reward of i. ,CoL 3:24 Obtained by
i. a more, Heb. 1:4 Receive promise of eternal i. ,Heb.9:15 Should after receive
for i., Heb. 11:8 An i. incorruptible, 1 Pel. 1:4 Inheritances (1). Josh. 19:51
Inherited (gr.Num. 32:18;Josh. 14:1; Ps. 105:44;Jer.l6:19;Ezek.33:24;Heb,12:17
In heriteth (l), Num. 35:8 Inheritor (1). Isa. 65:9 Iniquities (55). Borne by

Many are mine i. and sins. Job 13:23 Possess L of my youth. Job 13:26 Thine L
infinite. Job 22:5 Mine i. gone over my head,Ps. 38:4 Mine i.have taken hold,Ps.
40:12 Blot out all mine i, ,Ps. 51:9 Fwgiveth all thine i. ,Ps. 103:3 Not rewarded
according to i.,Ps.l03:10 If you mark i.who would stand ,Ps. 130:3 He was
bruised for our i., Isa. 53:5 He shall bear their L , Isa. 53:11 L have separated
between, Isa. 59:2 Turn away from his i., Acts 3:26 Whose i. are forgiven, Rom.
4:7 LI will remember no more, Heb. 8:12; 10:17. Cp. Rev. 18:5 IniqTJJty (273).
Defined, 167 L of Amorites not yet full. Gen. 15:16 Visiting i. of fathers upon,
Ex.20:5; 34:7; Num. 14:18; Dt. 5:9 Stubbornness is as 1. , 1 Sam. 15:23 Commit
i. ,1 will chasten, 2 Sam.7:14 Plow i. ,sow wickedness. Job 4:8 Envious against
workers of i. ,Ps. 37:1 Wash me from mine Land purge,Ps.5L2
Iwasshapenini.andinsin,Ps. 51:5 If regard i. in heartLord.Ps. 66:18 By
mercy,truth Lis purged,Pr, 16:6 Soweth L shall reap vanity, Pr. 22:8 Only
acknowledge cWne i. ,Jer. 3:13 Turn from righteousness and commit L, Ezek.
3:20; 18:24. 26; 33:13, 18 Perfect until i. found in,Ezek, 28:15 Depart from Me,
workers of L Mt,7:23 Full of hypocrisy and L ,Mt, 23:28 Because i. abound,
love of, Mt. 24:12 Love rejoiceth not in i., 1 Cor, 13:6 Mystery of i. doth
already, 2 Th. 2:7
Name of Christ depart from, 2 Tim. 2:19 Redeem us from all i. ,Tii. 2:14 Loved
righteousness, hated i. .Heb. 1:9 Tongue fire, a world of i. .Jas. 3:6 Was rebuked
for his i., 2 Pet. 2:16

Injured (1), GaL 4:12

Injurious (1). 1 Tim. 1:13

Injustice (1), Job 16:17

7 charges of, g JGI-l* 13

Ink(4)Jer.36:18;2Cor.3:3;2Jn.l2;3Jn. Mbom (3), Ezek. 9:2-3, 11

Inn (5), a 68-4; o58-l*; Gen. 42:27;

~T3:21; Ex. 4:24; Lk. 2:7; 10:34

Inner (37) man,q 166-1*; v 290-1*; Eph.3:

Tlibuse, lKL6:27;Ezek.42:15 16

L court, 1 Ki. 6:36; 7:12, 50 Lchamber,lKi.20:30; 22:25; 2KL9:2 L parlours, 1

Chr, 28:11 L gate, Ezek. 8:3; 40:15-44 L temple, Ezek. 41:15 L prison. Acts

Innermost (2). Pr. 18:8; 26:22

Innocence, Dispensation of. 59

Innocencv (5).Gen. 20:5; Ps. 26:6; 73: 13; Dan, 6:22; Hos. 8:5

Innocent (38). L blood, Dt. 19:10, 13; 21:8-9: 1 Sam. 19:5; 1 KL 2:31 L person,
Dt. 27:25 Who ever perished being i. .Job 4:7 L from great nansgression.Ps.
19:13 L of blood of this just, Mt. 27:24

Innocents (2), Jer. 2:34; 19:4

Innumerable (7), Job 21:33; Ps.40:12; 104: 25;Jer.4€:23;Lk.l2:l; Heb.U:12;

12:22 I Inordinate (2), Ezek. 23:11; CoL 3:5 ' Inquest, Laws of, a-f 220-1 10
public acts at an i. , a 220-1 6 lessons from an L , a 220-1
Inquiation (3), Dt. 19:18; Esther 2:23; Ps.

Inscription (1), Acts 17:23 9:12

In^e (1). 1 Ki. 6:15 ! Insomuch (19), MaL2:13; Mt.8:24; etc. I Inspiration (2),
Job 32:8; 2Tim. 3:16 j Defined, i 68-1; c 353-4. See Bible Instant ( 8), Isa. 29:5;
30:13; Jer. iSTPS; 1 Lk,2:38;23:23;Rom,12:12;2Tim.4:2

Instantly (2),Lk. 7:4; Acts 26:7

Instead (38). Gen. 2:21; 4:25; Isa. 3:24

Instnict( 9).Dt,4:36;Neh, 9:20;Job40:2;

' Ps. 16:7; 32:8; Song 8:2; Isa. 28:26;

Dan. 11:33; 1 Cor. 2:16 7

Instructed (19).Linsong.lChr.l5:22; 25: B.i. ye judges of earth.Ps. 2:10 L in

kingdom of heaven. Mt, 13:52 L in way of the Lord. Acts 18:25 Lout of the law.
Rom. 2:18

Instrucier , s_C-;),Gen. 4:22;I Cor. 4:15

IssOiictiDg (I), 2 Tim. 2:25

Instruction (33). Hate L . Ps. 50:17 Open ears, seals their L , Job 33:16 To know
wisdom and i. ,Pr. 1:2-3 Fools despise wisdom and i., Pr. 1:7 Heat
i.ofthyfatiier,Pr. 1:8; 4:1;8:33; 13:1; 15:5 Take fast bold of L ,Pr. 4:13 Reproofs
of i. are way of life,Pr. 6:23 Loveth i. loveth kiwwledge.Pt. 12:1 Refusethl.
despisethownsoul,Pr.l5:32 Fear of Lord is Lof wisdom.Pr. 15:33 L of fools is
foUy. Pr. 16:22 Hear counsel, receive i. ,Pr. 19:20 Apply heart unto i., Pr. 23:12
Correcuon4.in righteouaiess, 2 Tim.3: Instructor (1), Rom. 2:20 16

InstruTTienl (8), Num. 35:16; Ps. 33:2; 92: 3; 144:9; Isa. 28:27; 41:15; 54:16;
Ezek. 33:32

Instruments (50). Of music, m 336-1; 1 Sam. 18:6; 2 Sam. 6:5; 1 Chr. 15:16;
16:42; 2 Chr. 5:13; 7:6; 23:13; 34:12; Ps.68:25; 87:7; 150:4; EccL2:8; Isa.
38:20; Dan.6:18; Amos6:5; Hab.3:19 Lof cruelty. Gen, 49:5 L of the tabernacle.
Num. 3:8 Lof ministry. Num.4:12, 26, 32 Lof war, 1 Sam. 8:12; 1 Chr, 12:33 L
Num. 3:8 Lof ministry. Num.4:12, 26, 32 Lof war, 1 Sam. 8:12; 1 Chr, 12:33 L
of threshing, 2 Sam. 24:22; Amos 1:3 Lof oxen,2Sam. 24:22; IKi. 19:21 I. of the
sanctuary, 1 Chr. 9:29 I. of all manner of^servlce,! Chr.28:14
I.ofDavid,2Chr.29:26-27; Neh.l2:36 Lof dea4,Ps. 7:13 Lofthechurl. Isa.32:7 Lof
slaying animals, Ezek. 40:42 I. of a foolish shepherd, Zech. 11:15 L of
righteousness, Rom. 6:13

Insult. 3 wan because of, f 340-1

EsIgrecUon (5).Ezra 4:19:Ps. 64:2; Mk. 15:7; Acts 18:12

Integration, a curse to laael, s ^62-4. See Segregation

Integri ty (16). Of heart, Gen,20:5-6; 1 KL 9:4; Ps. 26:11; 78:72 Holds fast Us L
.Job 2:3; 27:5; 31:6 I have walked in my L ,Ps.26:l, 11 Lof the upright shall
guide, Pt. 11:3 Just man walketh in his 1. ,Pr. 20:7

Intelligence (1), Dan. 11:30

Inlend| 4).Josh, 22:33; 2Chr. 28:13; Acts

Intended (l).Ps. 21:11 5:28,35

IntenJest (1). Ex. 2:14

InlenJing (3)Xk.l4:28; Acts 12:4; 20:13

Intent (11), 2 Sam. 17:13; 2 Ki. 17:14; 2KL10:19: 2Chr,16:l; Ezek.40:4;Dan.

4:17;Jn.ll:15; 13:28; Acts 9:21; 10:29; 1 Cor. 10:6; Eph. 3:10

Intents (2), Jer. 30:24; Heb. 4:12

Intercession (9). Isa. 53:12; Jer. 7:16;27: 18; 36:25; Rom.8:26-34; U:2; Heb.

Intercessions (1), 1 Tim. 2:1

IntercessorT I), Isa. 59:16

Intermeddle (1), Pr. 14:10

Intermeddleth (1), Pr. 18:1

interrr.ission (1), Lam. 3:49

Interpenetration, doctrine of, n 86-4*

Interpret (3), Gen. 41:8-15; 1 Cor. 12: 30: 14:5, 13, 27; d 39-1*: 1 94-1*

Interpretation (46). 12 rules of i. of the Bible, d 39-1. See Bfl)le and Dreams Lof
dreams,Gen.40:5,12, 16-18; 41: 11; Judg, 7:15; Dan. 2:4-45; 4:6-24 Lof
proverb,Pr. 1:6 Lof handwriting on wall, Dan. 5 I. of visions, Dan. 7-11. See
Vision L of names, Jn. 1:42; 9:7; Acts 9:36: 13:8; Heb. 7:2 Lof tongues, 1 Cor.
12:10; 14:26 Lof Scriptiie, 2 Pet, 1:20

Interpretations (2),Gen,40:8; Dan.5:16

InterpretedT IT). Dreams, Gen. 40:22; 41:12-13; Dan. 2 and 4 Ltongues, Ezra
4:7, Mt. 1:23; Mk, 5: 41; 15:22,34; Jn. 1:38,41; Acts4:36

Interpreter (4).Gen. 40:8:42:23; Job 33: 23; 1 Cor. 14:28

Interpreting (1), Dan. 5:12

Into (1,993),Gen. 2:7,10,15; 6:18, 19;

InT 3:5: 10:36; 16:13; 17:18; etc.

Intreat (15). L the Lord. Ex. 8:8-9, 28-S^9:28; 10:17; 1 KL 13:6 I. me not to
leave thee,Ruth 1:16 I People shall i. thy favor, Ps. 45:12 L favor of the prince,
Pr. 19:6 I. him as a father, 1 Tim. 5:1

Intreated (18). Isaac i. Lord, Gen.25:21 I Moses i. the Lord, Ex. 8:20; 10:18 j
Manoah L the Lord, Judg. 13:8

Job i. servants and wife. Job 19:16-17 Israel L the Lord, Heb. 12:19 Easy to be
i., Jas. 3:17

Intreaties( l), Pr. 18:23

Intreary ^1), 2 Cor. 8:4

Intrudin g (1), CoL 2:18

Invade (2), 2 Chr. 20:10; Hab. 3:16

Invade (2), 2 Chr. 20:10; Hab. 3:16

Invaded (5). 1 Sam, 23:27; 27:8: 30:1; 2KL 13:20; 2 Chr. 28:18

Invasion (1), 1 Sam, 30:14

Invent (1), Amos 6:5

Invented (1), 2 Chr. 26:15

Inventions (5), Ps. 99:8; 106:29, 39; Pr. 8:12; EccL 7:29 First L, Gen, 4:20-22 22
Modem i. , a 599-1; 882

Inventors (1). f 161-1*; Rom. 1:30

Invi^le (5). Rom. 1:20; CoL 1:15-16; 1 Tim. 1:17; Heb, 11:27. Defined, c 219-
4*; 222* Esther 5:12

Invited (3), 1 Sam. 9:24: 2 Sam, 13:23;

Inward (25). L friends, Job 19:19 Wisdom in the i. parts. Job 38:36 Their i. part
is very wicked, Ps. 5:9 Deslreth truth in i. parts, Ps. 51:6 Put my law in i.
parts.Jer, 31:33 Lpatt full of ravening,Lk. 11:39 Lman,Rom, 7:22; 2 Cor.4:16;

Inwardly( 3).Ps.62:4; Mt.7:15; Rom, 2:29

Inwards ( 20).Ex. 29:13-22: Lev. 1:9-13; 3:3-14: 4:8-11:7:3; 8:16-25; 9:14-19

Iphedeiah ( 1). Jehovah redeems, lChr.8:

Ir(l), watcher, 1 Chr. 7:12 25

Ea_(6), watcher. 3 men, i 352-4;2Sam. 20:26:23:26, 38:1 Chr. 11:28.40:27:9

Irad(2).wild ass. Gen. 4:18

&am(2), watchful,Gen.36:43; lChr.l:54

Ell), watching, 1 Chr. 7:7

Ejah (2), Jehovah sees, Jer. 37:13-14

Ejah (2), Jehovah sees, Jer. 37:13-14

Ir-nahash (1), snake-town, 1 Chr. 4:12

Iron (96). Firs: work in i. ,Gen. 4:22 Heaven i.,Lev. 26:19. Cp. Dt. 28:23
Bedstead of i. ,Dt.3:ll Lchariou, Josh. 17:16-18; Judg. 1:19 A city in NaphtaU,
Josh. 19:38 Lhanows,axes,tools, 2Sam.l2:31; 23: 7; 1 Ki. 6:7; 1 Chr. 20:3;
Jer.28:13 Frwn the midst of L furnace, Dt, 4:20; 1 KL8:51; Jer. 11:4 L did swim,
2 KL6:6 Lfot temple, 1 Chr. 22:3.14-16:29:7 Break them with rod of i., Ps. 2:9
FettersofL.PS. 105:18; 107:10.16 Lin image of Daniel 2:33-45 Lteelhand
claws,Dan.7:7.19 2

Conscience seared with hot L. lTira.4: Rule nations with rod of i. .Rev. 2:27;

12:5; 19:15 Breastplates of i. on demons. Rev. 9:9

Irons (I), Job 41:7

froTy , 2 Sam. 6:20;1 Ki. 18:27:22:15:

JoBl2:2;Ezek. 28:3-5; Amos 4:4:Mt. 22:16; 27:29,37; Mk. 2:17; 15:17-19,

Complete Concordance - Cyclopedic Index


26:Lk.23:ll, 38; Jn. 19:2-3, 15. 19;

Acts 26:28 Irpeel (l),city of Benjamin, Josh, 18:27 Ir-shei7iesh ( l),city of Dan,
Josh. 19:41 Iru (1), watch, IChr. 4:15 Is (6, 092),Gen. 1:11.29-30; 2:9; etc. Eaac
(127). Defined, m 14-4; i 18-1

Type of Christ, i 18-1; i 19-1; b.g 19-4

Type of believers, i 18-1

Failed God like Abraham, n 24-1

Sporting with wife, p 24-1

Proposed blessing to Esau, j 25-1

A prophet, f 25-4
A prophet, f 25-4

His great fear, g 25-4


Death, e 25-1; r 34-1

Still alive spiritually, k 49-1'

History of, Gen. 21-35 Isaac's (4),Gen. 26:19-32 Isaiah (32), Jehovah is
salvation.c 412-1; "TIoTd plea to, d 412-1 d 681-1

History of, 2 Ki. 19-20; 2 Chr. 26:22; 32:20-32; Isa, 1:1-39:8

Book of, 681-745

Subject of the book, f 681-1

Time of his prophecy, 732

19 woes in L , 512
5 ser\-ams in Isaiah . 434

10 commands in Isa. 55, 448 Tfold description of self. 737

6 woes in Isa. 5. c 684-4 2nd son of I,, 733

10 uses of cMld by L .b 688-1

La sign. 737

The prophet's travaU. 737; d-f 696-1

20 reasons for his vow. p 698-1

7 woes of Isa. 28. 472 L ip. the N. T. ,i 2-4*

Iscah (l). Gen. 11:29

Iscariot (11). man of Keriodi, Ml. 10:4;

Iscariot (11). man of Keriodi, Ml. 10:4;

26:14; Mk.3:19; 14:10;Lk.6:16; 22:3;

Jn. 6:71; 12:4; 13:3, 26; 14:22 Id±)ah (1), praising, 1 Chr. 4:17 Isbbak (2). See,
Gen. 25:2; 1 Chr. 1:32 Isbbi-benob (1), man dwelling at Nob, 2 Sam. 21:16 Ish-
bosheth( 12), man of shame, i-j 332—

1; 2 Sam. 2:8-15; 3:7-15; 4:5-12 Ishi (5), Heb. yishi .salutary. 4men. 1 Chr.
T731; 4:20,'45r5:24. Hd>. eeshi, my hujband. Used ofGod,Hos. 2:16 libiah (1),
Jehovah exists, 1 Chr. 7:3 Ishijah (1). Jehovah exists, Ezra 10:31 Ishma (1).
desolation. 1 Chr. 4:3 Ishmael (46),God hears. A wHd man.c-d 14-1; Gen,
16:11-16; 17:18-26; 25: 9-17; 28:9; 2Ki.25:23-25; 1 Chr. 1:28-31; 8:38; 9:44;
2Chr.l9:ll: 23:1; Ezra 10:22; Jer. 40:8-16; 41:1-18 Ishmaelite (1). 1 Chr. 27:30
Ish.-r.:.elltes (2l. Judg. 8:24: Ps. 83:6 Isr^-7-aeI's (1). Gen. 36:3 19

Istooiah (D.Jehovah heareth,lChr.27: Ish-.eeliie (1), 1 Chr. 2:17 Ish.-ieelites (4).

Gen. 37:25-28; 39:1 Ish.Terai (1). God keeps, 1 Chr. 8:18 I^od (1). man of glory,
1 Chr. 7:18 I&pan (1). firm, 1 Chi. 8:22 Idl-tob (2), h 339-4; 2 Sam. 10:6-8
I^uah( l), level. Gen. 46:17 Ishuai (l). level. 1 Chr. 7:30 Ishui (1). level, 1 Sam.
14:49 " E^d (9). Job 22:30; Isa. 34:14; AcU

27:16. 26; 28:1-9; Rev. 6:14; 16:20 Islands (7). Isa. 11:11; 13:22; 41:1; 42:

12-15; 59:18; Jei. 50:39 Isle (6). Isa. 20:6; 23:2-6; Acts 13:6: "58:11; Rev. 1:9

Isles (27). L of Genules. Gen. 10:5 Lof the sea. Esther 10:1; Isa. 24:15 L shall
bring presents. Ps. 72:10 L as a very small thing, Isa. 40:15 L shall wait for His
law, Isa. 42:4 L wait n>on Me, Isa. 51:5; 60:9 L of Chittim, Jer. 2:10; Ezek. 27:6
L of the heathen, Zeph. 2:11 13

Ismachi ah ( 1) Jehovah sustains,2Chr.31: Ismaiah (1). Jehovah hears, 1 CliJ.2:4

Ispah (1). bald, 1 Chr. 8:16 SaS (2. 540). Defined. 22 Word first used
collectively, s 33-1 Symbolism of, d 36-4 Purpose of God in,60; g 204-1; d 207-

5 facts about, f 65-1 Backsliding in Egypt, b 66-4 4 acts of God for, c 66-4
Government of, g 67-1; 197 Called son and firnbotD. t 68-4 Spared 5om
Egyptian plagues, a 72-4 Number of L leaving Egypt, b 77-1 Whole of so-joum.
c-d 77-1 Journey ftom Egypt, c-f 78-1; a 78-4 12 complaints of. Ex. 5:19. refs.
6 facts about L , f 79-4

4fold qualification of leaders, b 83-4

3 things Israel saw. k 83-1 Promises to, p 96-1; 117; f 150-4; k

225-1 3 things to know, s 96-1 Sin at Sinai, x-y 98-4

Used God's name in vain, y 98-4

7 accusations of by God, e 98-4 Immoral orgies, e 99-1

3 things I. did in Egypt, 109

An eternal nation, 119

5 degrees of chastening, b 150-1

8 conditions of restoration, 1 150-1 Joy through chastening, e 150-4 Age of
soldiers, j 154-1

Camps of, a 157-1

6fold blessing upon, f 162-4

10 times tempted God, k 172-1

Short history of, a 179-4; d 755-1

Victories, f 180-4: e-g 181-1

Assyrian captivity, c 184-4

7 facts about, 185 , i 212-4

7 statements about, 187

9fold victory over Midian, a 191-4

Saw and heard God. j 203-1

10 things to God. c 207-1

10 things to remember, d 210-4

12 things required of, c 212-1

9 things to observe, i 212-4

I. bom again, i 213-4; r 232-1; e 232-4 Called Syrians, m 224-1

3 facts about, n 224-1 8fold confession of, f 225-1 6fold declaration of, k 225-1
12 curses for sin, b 226-1

5 conditions of blessing, e 226-1 Regathering of,f 228-4:239: 444: 479

485: ; o 50-4»

4 experiences of. j 229-1

3 similes regarding, k 232-1 9 material blessings of. m 232-1 God's estimate of.
m, r 232-4 Dispersion of, 237; i 24-1* 3 great returns of, 239 7 results of
conversion, 239

6 mistakes of, e 248-1

6fold confession of faith, r 263-1 Divine protection, 264 15 things folly to, 265
Hardness of heart, m 267-4

7 servitudes of, g 271-4 7fold deliverance, o 271-4

First attempt at a kingdom, i 275-4 5fold genuine repentance of. s 277-4 First
prophet sent to. 280 23 nations fought, 290 Beginning of monarchy, n 301-1 15
steps in choosing a king, g 302-1 All, how used of. e 338-4 3~3ivisions of the
kingdom, f 351-4 Millennial land of L . 357 Kings of. 60; 358

7 invasions by Assyria, h 406-4 First captivities, m 407-1

3C civil strifes, 2 Ki. 25:25, heading

3C civil strifes, 2 Ki. 25:25, heading

3 deportations of Judah, b 486-4 7fold sinfulness of, 431

4 things that will unite, d 690-4 Protected in tribulation, W-X693-1 Flight into
wildemess, 496;307* 7fold call of, d 711-4

God's servant, 434

3 things called to be, d 713-1

12 things God has done for, 494

8 failures of, o 713-4

5 lost blessings of, 485

6 commands to, 741

120 plagues and wars of, 629 78 victories of, 635

13 civil wars of, 635 34 defeats of, 635

No 10 lost tribes, b 2-l»; a 2-4*; b 10-!•; i 17-1*; a 138-4'; k 154-4*; 367 Cities
of not evangelized, d 10-4* Evil people, i 11-4*; e 73-1* Stubborn people, h 11-
4* Increased sin of, b 13-4* Role in this age, f 15-1* Had 2 evenings, u 15-4*; k
75-4 Nights in I., i 16-1* Reverence of sacrifices, f 16-4* Offered salvation first,
h-1 17-1* Mistreated prophets, q 24-1* Punishment of, s 32-1*

4 things done to sons of, p 40-4* Travail of, v 28-4*; 1 50-1* Future defeat, a

Vain promise of, r 53-4* Inconsistencies of, c-d 63-4* Hardness of, u37-l«;h 71-

4»; u 130-4* Official cutting off, c 77-1* Replaced by Gentiles, m 77-4* Great
distress of, 84 Rejection of, d 84-4* 2 purposes of, 1 84-4* Redemption of. n 86-
1* Another sin of, g 117-1* L and Jews the same, a 138-4*: 370 AH sons
learned trades, a 145-1* Injustice of, c-d 154-1* Lawbreakers, c 162-1* Ignorant
of God, f 168-4* Fall of, g-q 169-4* First-fruli to God, o 169-4* Final salvation
of, j, m 170-1*
of, j, m 170-1*

Examples to warn Christians, j,m 2-167 stages of apostasy, k 246-4* 4* Why

Dan not sealed, 305*

8 mountain kingdoms and I., 311* Judgment of, 312*

Plagues in I.. 317*

372 sins of L, a-b 208-4; 239; o 275-1; m 277-4; a 409-1; j 507-4; b 598-4; 629;i
777-1; 790; h 818-1; d 823-1; 830; h, o 837-4; a 849-4; f 884-4; 894; d.j 895-5; q
896-1; f,n902-4; g, h 905-1

fteat increase in numbers, 671

7fold sinfulness of, 431

15 iraits of Jews, 485

Stubbornness of I., 485

The vvife of God. 782

Future of I.. 781; c 795-1

26fold state of L, h 724-4

Salvation of, 798

3 things L will know, p 725-4

4 requests for, g 617-4

9 tilings claimed by, 823 8fold confession of, 1 727-4 Proftetic (layer of, 830

2 future travails of, m 729-1; j 773-4; 915

Shej^erds of L , 788 Source of her help, a 749 -4 22 comparisons oi, 754

Shortest history of, d 753-1 4 tilings I. promised to be among Gentiles, e 768-1
All I. scattered, b 795-1; d 795-4
4 greater sins of L, d, g 812-1
5 basic sins of, c 819-1 lOfold sinfulness, a 819-4

3 times pimished, e 823 -1

5 periods of rebellion, h 823-4 5fold judgment on, g 826-1 ISfold conversion of,
f 840 -4 Symbolized by bones, Ezek. 37 All L restored, b-1 842-1 20 tilings God
wiU do for L in the wilderness during tribulation, a 884-1 Past turning to God. d
885-1 30 similitudes of, 913 12 reasons for destruction, 913

10 curses for sin, 913

2 great sins of. b 887-1

2 comparisons of, 1 887-1

10 reasons for destruction, 889

10 judgments on, 889

5 characteristics of, j 888-1

4 great judgments upon, c 894-4

5 judgments that did not break, a 895-1 8 tilings to "prepare", c 895-1

8 judgments for sin, j 905-1 16fold state of L . a 905-4 lOfold repentance, last
days, c 905-4 4 commands to future eternal I., k 912-4 20 reasons for L to be
happy. 1 912-1 7 commands to former generation, k

919-4 1919-4
4fold rebellion of former generation. Judgment on former generation, m

919-4 920-1
6 commands to new generation, m 4 fasts of I., 929

4 facts about Israel's king, b 921 -1 4fold kind of mourning, g 923-1 14

sutements of God to L, d 925-1 32 sins of Israel in Malachi . 927

IsraeUte (4), Num. 25:14; 2 Sam. 17:25; Jn. 1:47; Rom. 11:1

Israelites (18).Ex. 9:7;,Rom. 9:4; etc.

Israelitish (3). Lev. 24:10-11

Israel's (10). prince of God, Gen. 48:13; Ex. 18:8;Num. 1:20; 31:30,42,47: Dt.
21:8; 2 Sam. 5:12; 2 Ki. 3:11

Issachai (42). reward, a 29-1; d 428-4

In prophecy. Gen.4ft 14; Ezek.48; Rev.

7:7 24:21,25

Issbiah (2), Jehovah exists. 2 men, 1 Chr.

Usi^ (38). Of blood. 130; Lev. 12:7; 15: 25; Mt. 9:20; Mk. 5:25; Lk. 8:43
Running i., Lev. 15:2-33; 22:4 L . as an offspring, 2 Ki. 20:18: Isa.

39:7; Mt. 22:25 I. of waters, Ezek. 47:8

Issued (7).Josh. 8:22; Job 38:8: Ezek.47:

nrT2; Dan. 7:10; Rev. 9:17-18

Issues (2). Ps. 68:20; Pt. 4:23 I, of men and women, 130; 1 135-4

Isuah (1). level. 1 Chr. 7:30

EiHTl). level. Gen. 46:17

ItT6,875), Gen. 1:4, 6, 9, 10. etc.

gaUan (1). Acts 10:1

Italics, h 300-1
Italics, h 300-1

Italy ( 4). Acts 18:2; 27:1-6; Hd).13:24

Itch(l). Di. 28:27

ItcHnc (1). 2 Tim.. 4:3

Ithai (1), being, 1 Chr. 11:31

ItEamar (21).palm tree,Ex.6:23; 28:1; 38:21:Lev. 16:6-16; Num. 3:2-4; 4:28, 33;
7:8; 26:60; 1 Chr. 6:3; 24:1-6; Ezra 8:2 30:1

Itiriel (2), God is. 2 men, Neh. 11:7; Pr.

Ithmah (1). purity, 1 CBi. 11:46

Ithnan (1). a town, Jodi. 15:23 Ithrafl ) .excellence .n 348-1:2 Sam.17:25 Ithran
(3), exceUenu. 2 men. Gen. 36:26: 1 Chr. 1:41; 7:37 3:3

Ithream(2) .remnant,2 Sam. 3:5; 1 Chr. Ithrite (2), excellence, 2 Sam. 23:38; 1
Ithrites (l).lChi.2;53 Chr.ll:40

Its(l), Lev. 25:5

gjelf (50),Gen. 1:11-12; Rom.8:16,21, ~2gri4:14; 1 Cor. 11:14: 13:4-5; etc. Ittah-
kazin (1), a place. Josh. 19:13 Ittai (8). plowman. 2 m en. 2 Sam. 15: T^-22;
18:2-12: 23:25 Ituraea (1). a province. Lk. 3:1 37:13 Ivah (3).a district,2Ki.
18:34; 19:13; Isa. Ivory (13). 1 Ki. 10:18.22; 22:39; 2 Chr. ~M7.21;Ps. 45:8;
Song5:14; 7:4; Ezek, 27:6. 15: Amos 3:15; 6:4; Rev. 18:12 Izehai (1). bright
one. Num. 3:19 Izeharites (1). Num. 3:27 Izhai (8), bright one. 2 men. Ex, 6:18-
"STTNum. 16:1; 1 Chr. 6:2, 18, 38; 23:12-18 Izharites Q). 1 Chr. 24:22; 26:23-
29 Izrahiah (2) Jehovah shines. 2 men. 1 Chr. Israhite (1), 1 Chr. 27:8 7:3

Izri (1). former, 1 Chr. 25:11

Jaakan (1). intelligent, Dt. 10:6 Jaakobah (1). supplanting, 1 Cli.4:36 Jaala (1).
doe, Neh. 7:58 Jaalah ( 1). doe, Ezra 2:56 Jaalam(4),God hides,Gen, 36:5,14-18;
iChr. 1:35 Jaanai (1), Jehovah answers.l Chr.5:12 Jaare-oregim( l). m 353-1; 2
Sam.21:19 Jaasau (11. Jehovah maketh.Ezra 10:37 Jaasiel (D.God the Maker,
Sam.21:19 Jaasau (11. Jehovah maketh.Ezra 10:37 Jaasiel (D.God the Maker,
lChr.27:21 Jaazaniah (4), Jehovah hears. 4 men, e 780-1 32:35rSee7azer

Jaazer( 2),God aids, fl81-l,Num.21:32;

Jaaziah( 2) ,God consoles,l Chr.24; 26-27 Jaaziel (l),God strengthens. lChr.l5:18

Jabal (1), moving. Gen, 4:20 Jabbok (7).Gen. 32:22; Num. 21:24; Dt.

2:37; 3:16; Josii. 12:2; Judg, 11:13, 22 Jabesh( 12).drv.l Sam. 11:1-10; 31:12-13;
2 KL 15:10-14; 1 Chi. 10:12 Jabesh-gilead (12). dry GUead,Judg,21:

8-14; 1 Sam. 11:1. 9; 31:11; 2 Sam,

2:4-5; 21:12; 1 Chi. 10:11 Jabez (4), soirow. A man , c-d 424-4; 1 "CET 4:9-10.
A city. l Chi. 2:55 Jabin (7). intelligent. 2 kings, b 250-4; JostL 11:1; Judg, 4:2,
17-24; Ps. 83:9 Jabin's (D. Judg. 4:7 Jabneel (2). two cities, p 254-1 Jabneh (l). a
city, 2 Chr. 26:6 Jachan (D. troubled, 1 Chi. 5:13 Jachin (8). founding. 3 men.
Gen. 46:10; Ex. 6:15; Num. 26:12; IKi. 7:21; IChr.

9:10; 24:17; 2 Chr. 3:17; Neh. 11:10

Jachinitea (1). Num. 26:12 21:20

acinth (2). a precious stone, Rev. 9:17:

Jacob (446). supplanter, m 23-4 A plain man. p 23-4 First man-cook in

Scripture, s 23-4 6 proofs wrestled with God, 21; h32-l 30 lessons ftom, 22 77
years old when married, d 26-4 7fold blessing of Isaac to, f-j 26-4 Abrahamic
covenant confirmed in. h Stones of, q 27-1; j 31-1 27-1

Made first recorded vow, r 27-1 Deceived in marriage, c 28-1 Reaping what
sown, e 28-1 Conformed to custom, g 28-1 Family troubles, j 28-1 First to be
angr>- at wife, b 28-4 Wise head of house, a 30-1 4 proofs got both wives at
once, 30 Contends with Laban, i-j 30-4: j 30-1 Strategy with Esau, d 31-4 First
confessiaci, g 31-4 First prayer of deliverance, j 31-4 Visions of, k 31-4 $24,
000, 00 gifts to Esau, c 32-1 Lost faith temporarily, c 34-1 8 appearances of God
to, d 46-1 Company of nations from, a 34-4 Lack of wisdom, m 36-1 Interpreter
of dreams, f 36-4 Deceived by sons, p 37-1 Concern for Benjamin, i 41-4 A
large tribe, a 45-4; e 1-1* A prophet, h 46-1; f 49-1 Evil days, r 47-1 Prophecy of
12 tribes, 50 Still aUve ^lirituaUy, k 49-1* Chosen before Esau, c 168-1* Biiial
of, f 50-1
Jacob's (19). J. voice. Gen. 27:22 J. anger. Gen. 30:2 J. thigh out of joint. Gen.
32:32 J. daughter. Gen. 34:7. 19 J. heart fainted. Gen. 45:26 J. fiistijoin, Gea.
46:8 J. trouble. Jer. 30:7

C omplete Concordance - Cyclopedic Index

J. well, J 3t,-4' Jada (2). wise, 1 Chr. 2:28, 32 Jadau (1). favorite, Ezra 10:43
Jaadua (3).knowing.Neh.lO:21:12:11,22 Jadon (1). a judge, Neh. 3:7 Jael(6),a
wildgoatjudg, 4:17-2l'; 5:6.24 Jagur (1), a town. Josh. 15:21 Jah(l), Ps. 68:4. note
Japajfa (8). grasping, 5 men , 1 Chx. t: 2; 6:20.43: 23:10-ll;"5?r55; 2Chr.34.12
Jahaz (5).a city. Num. 21:23; Dt. 2:32; ~ju3g. 11:20; Isa. 15:4; Jer. 48:34 Jahaza
(1), a 252-4; Josh. 13:18 Jahaza|i.(25.city.Josh. 21:36; Jer.48:21 Jafcjzlah (1),
Jehovah reveals. Ezra 10:15 Ja'r.-ziel (6).God reveals. 5 men. 1 Chr.

12:4; 16:6; 23:19; 24:23; 2 Chr. 20:14;

Ezra 8:5 Jahdai (1). Jehovah leads, 1 Chr. 2:47 Jahdiel

(D.Godmakesglad.lChr.5:24 Jahdo fl). unioo, 1 Cte. 5:14 Jahleel (2).God
waits.Gen.46:14; Num. JahleeUles (l),Num. 26:26 26:26

Jahmai ( 1). Jehovah protecB, lCla.7:2 Jahzah d). a city, 1 Cte. 7:78
Jahzeel(2),God divides.Gen.46:24;Num. Jahzeeliies (D.Num. 26:48 26:48

Jahzerah(l). Jehovah pro tec ts.l Chr.9:12 Jahziel (1). God divides, 1 Chr. 7:13
Jail, f 146-4 Jailor (1). -Acts 16:23 Jaii(^.Enliglaenment. 4rnen. b-d 277-
"TTNum. 32:41; Josh. 13:30; Judg. 10:3-5: 1 Ki. 4:13; 1 Chr. 2:22-23; 20:5;
Esther 2:5 Jairite (1). 2 Sam.. 20:26 41

Jairus(2).enlightenrr.entH^lk.5:22;Lk, 8: Jakan (1). intelligent, 1 Chr. 1:42 Jakeh

(1), pious, Pr. 30:1 12

Jaki. (2),Ufts ig. 2men,l Chr.8:19; 24: Jalon (1). obstinate, ICa. 4:17 Iamb res
(1). opposet, 2 Tim. 3:8 Jarr.es (40). Eng. form of Jacob . Book of, 26(J-264*, 3
men so-called:

1 Son of Zebedee (Mt.4:21; 10:2-3; 17:1; Mk. 1:19.29:3:17:5:37; 9:2:10: 35,41:

13:3: 14:33; Lk. 5:10; 6:14: 8: 51; 9:28, 54; Acts 1:13; 12:2) 2 Son of Alphaeus
(Mt. 10:3; 26:56; Mk. 3:18: 15:40; 16:1; Lk. 6:15-16; 24:10; Acts 1:13)

3 Actual son of Joseph and Mary - the half-brother of Jesus Christ (Mt. 13:55;
3 Actual son of Joseph and Mary - the half-brother of Jesus Christ (Mt. 13:55;
Mk.6:3;Actsl2:17; 15:13:21:18:1 Cor. 15:7; Gal. 1:19; 2:9,12; Jas. 1:1; Jude 1).
Seeb 137-4*;a,t.ul41-4»;264*

JamJB (6).ptospeiity. 3men. Gen. 46:10; ~Exr&:15;Num. -26:12; IChr.


Neh. 8:7 Jaminites (1). Num. 26:12 Jamlech fl) .He makes to reign,1 Chr.4:34
Jangling (1). babbling, 1 Tim. 1:6 Janna (1). He will answer. Lk. 3:24 Jannes (1).
full of favor. A magician in Egypt. 2 Tim. 3:8. See Magicians Janoah (1), a city,
1 Ki. 15:29 Janohah (2). a city. Josh. 16:6-7 Janum (1). a city, Josh. 15:53


Jawbone (3), Judg. 15:15-17

Jaw-s (6). Job 29:17; Ps. 22:15; Isa. 30:

^ Ezek. 29:4; 38:4; Hos. 11:4 Jazer (11). A land. Num. 32:1-3; Josh. 13:25; 2
Sam. 24:5 A city, Jodi. 21:39; 1 Chr. 6:81; 26:31: Isa. 16:8-9; Jer. 48:32 A sea.
Jer. 48:32 Jaziz ( 1), shining, 1 Chr. 27:31

Jealous( 18). J.hu<i)and,g-j 161-l:Num. 5

God a j. God,Ex. 20:5; 34:14; Dt.4:24;

5:9: 6:15; JoA. 24:19: Ez^. 39:25;

Joel 2:18: Nah. 1::: Zech.l:14;8:2

Elijah a j.prophet for God,l Ki.l9:10-14

Paul a j. apostle forGod, 2Cor. 11:2

Jealousies (1). Num. 5:29

Jealousy (34). Of Aaron and Miriam,158 Law of j., 159; b-h 161-4: Num. 5
Spirit of j., g 161-1; h 161-4 5 acts of j., g 276-1 God provoked to j.,Dt. 32:16-
21:1 Ki.

14:22; Ps. 78:58 J. is the rage of a man,Pr. 6:34 J. is cruel as hell. Song 8:6
Image of j., Ezek. 8:3-5 God provokes others to j. ,Roni.10:19:11: Godly j. ,2
Image of j., Ezek. 8:3-5 God provokes others to j. ,Roni.10:19:11: Godly j. ,2
Cor. 11:2 11

Jearim (1), a mount. Josh. 15:10 Jeaterai (1). stedfast, 1 Chr. 6:21 Jeberechiah (
1), Jehovah blesses,Isa.8:2

-. See Jecboliah Jeconiah (7), Jehovah establishes, 1 Chr,

TI?45'; 12:20; 26:2 Jedidah (1), beloved, 2 Ki. 22:1 Jedidiah (1), beloved of
Jehovah,2 Sam.

Japheth (ll).eiCtension.Gen. 5:32; 6:10; 7:13; 9:18-27; 10:1-2,21; IChr. 1:4-5

Sons of, 40 Japhia (5), tall. 2 men. Josh. 10:3; 2

Sam. 5:15; 1 Chr. 3:7: 14:6. A town.

Josh. 19:12 Japblet (3). he escapes, IChr. 7:32-33 Japhleti (1), a place. Josh, 16:3
Japbo (1). a city of Dan, Josh. 19:46 Jarah (1). honey-comb, 1 Chi. 9:42 Jareb
(2), contender, Hos. 5:13; 10:6 Jared (6). descent.b 5-4: Gen. 5:15-20; ~Ll<r3:37

Jareaah(l) Jehovah nourishes.IChr. 8:27 Jarha ( 2). an adversary. 1 Chr. 2:34-35

Jarib (3),he contends. 3 men. 1 Chr. 4: "MTEzra 8:16: 10:18 Jarmuth (6). 2
cities, h 251-4; Josh. 10: 3-5:12:11; 15:35: &1:29; Neh. 11:29 Jaroah (1). new
moon. 1 Chr. 5:14 Jashen (1). asleep. 2 Sam. 23:32 Jasber( 2).upright.Jo^l0:13;
2Sam.1:18 Jasbobeam (3), people returning. 2 men, IChr. 11:11; 12:6; 27:2
Jashub (3).he returns. 2 men. Num. 26:

24; I Chr. 7:1; Ezra 10:29 Jashubi-lehemf l) .returned to Bethlehem .

Icbr. 4:22 Jashijaites (l).son of Jashii).Num.26:24 Jaslel (1), God is Maker, 1

Chr. 11:47 JasoD (5), healing. 2 men. Acts 17:5-9; Rom. 16:21 Jasper
(7),precious stone,Ex,28:20; 39:

13; Ezek.28:13: Rev.4:3; 21:11-19 Jatlmiel (1), God gives, 1 Chr. 26:2 Jattir (4),
a city, Jo A. 15:48; 21:14: 1

Sam. 30:27; 1 Chr. 6:57 Javan (7),supple. A man. Gen. 10:2-4; "TC&. 1:5-7;
Isa.66:19. Acity j:zek. 27:

13-19 Javelin (7), Num. 25:7; 1 Sam. 18:10-11: 19:9-10; 20:33

Jebus (4). ancient name of Jerusalem. ~ju3g. 19:10-11; 1 Chr. 11:4-5 Jebusi (2).
Ancient name of Jerusalem,

Josh. 18:16. 28 Jebusite (14). a member of a race in

Canaan. Gen. 10:16; Ex. 33:2; 34:11;

Josh. 9:1:11:3:15:8; 2 Sam. 24:16-18;

1 Chr. 1:14; 21:15-18, 28: 2 Chr. 3:1:

Zech.9:7 Jebuates (25). a tribe of Canaan, Gen.

l5:21; Ex. 3:8, 17; 13:5; 23:23; Dt.

7:1; 20:17; Josh. 3:10; 12:8; 15:63; 24:

11; Judg.l:21; 3:5:19:11; 2 Sam.5:6-8;

1 Ki. 9:20: 1 Chr. 11:4-6: 2 Chr. 8:7;

Ezra 9:1; Neh. 9:8 Jecamiah (1), may Jehovah establish, 1

Chr. 3:18. See Jekarniah Jecboliah( 1). Jehovah is able. 2 Ki. 15:2

>^chcr.ias (2; , .^Sovah establishes.

Gr.forjT. cf Jecxjr.iah, Mc.1:11-12 Jecoliah (1).Jehovah is able,2 Chr. 26:

3:16-17; Esther 2:6; Jer. 24:1:27:20; 28:4; 29:2 Jedaiah (13), Jehovah praised. 5

1 Chr. 4:37; 9:10;24:7;Ezra 2:36;Neh. 7:39:11:10;12:6-21:Zech. 6:10-14 Jediael

(6). God knows. IChr. 7:6-11;

! Jeduthun ( 13) .one who gives praise .1 Chr. I 9:16:16:38-42; 25:1-6; 2
Chr.5:12; 29:

14; 35:15; Neh. 11:17; and in tides of

14; 35:15; Neh. 11:17; and in tides of

Ps. 39, 62, and 77 Jeezer (1). help. Num. 26:30 Jeezeriies
(l).sonsofJeezer.Num.26:30 Jefj^r-s^^hadutba (1). Gen. 31:47
Jefuleleel(l),hepraisesGod,lChr.4:16 Jehalelel (1). 2 Chr. 29:12 Jehjetah ( 2),
Jehovah gjvesjoy. 1 Cli.

24:20; 27:30 Jebezekeia ),Godstrengtbens.lChr.24:16 Jehiah (l). Jehovah lives,

IChr. 15:24 Jehiel (15). God Uves. 11 men. 1 CIf.

9:35:11:44: 15:18-20; 16:5; 23:8; 27:

32; 29:8; 2 Chr. 21:2; 29:14; 31:13; 35:

3; Ezia 8:9; 10:2, 21, 26 22

Jehieli( 2) ,he livesby mercy ,1 Chr.26:21-JeMzkiah (1). Jehovah strengthens.2


28:12 Jehoadah (2),Jehovah a doms. 1 Chr, 8:36 Jeboaddan (2). Jehovah is

beauteous. 2

Ki. 14:2; 2 Chr. 25:1 Jehoahaz (23).Jehovah i5)holds. 3 men.

2 Ki. 10:35: 13:1-25; 14:1-17; 23:30—

34; 2 Chr. 21:17; 25:17-25; 36:1-4 Jehoash (17). Jehovah supports. 2 men.

2Ki.ll:21; 12:1-18; 13:10,25; 14:8-17 Jehohanan( 6) Jehovahisgracious. 6 men.

1 Chi. 26:3; 2 Chr. 17:15: 23:1; Ezra

10:28: Neh. 12:13. 42 Jehoiachin (10). Jehovah establishes, 2

Ki. 24:6-15; 25:27; 2 Chr. 36:8-9;

Jer. 52:31 Jehoiachin's (1). Ezek. 1:2 Jehoiaja (51).Jehovah knows. 5 men, 2

Sam. 8:18; 20:23; 23:20-22:1 Ki.l:8—

44; 2:25-46:4:4; 2 Ki. 11:4-17; 12:29; IChr. 11:22-24:12:27; 18:17; 27:5,

34; 2 Chr. 22:11; 23:1-18; 24:2-25;

34; 2 Chr. 22:11; 23:1-18; 24:2-25;

Neh. 3:6; Jer. 29:26 Jehoiakim (37), Jehovah sets up, 2Ki.23:

34-36:24:1-19; 1 Chr. 3:15-16: 2Chr.

36:4-8: Jer. 1:3; 22:18-24:24:1; 25:1;

26:1-27:20; 28:4:35:1; 36:1-32; 37:1;

45:1; 46:2; 52:2; Dan. 1:1-2

Jeboiarib (2), Jehovah pleads. 2 men. 1

Chr. 9:10; 24:7 Jehonadab (3),Jehovahis liberal.c 401—

1; 2 Ki. 10:15-23 Jehonathan (3). Jehovah has tuven .a men.

1 Chr. 27:25; 2 Chr. 17:8; Neh. 12:18 Jehor.ini (23), Jehovah is hich. 3 men. 1

Ki. 22:50; 2 Ki. 1:17; 3:1-6; 8:16-29;

9:24:12:18:2Chr.l7:8; 21:1-16; 22:1-U lehoshabeath (2). Jehovah is an oath. 2

Chr. 22:11. See Jehosheba Jehoshaphat (85). Jehovah judges. 5men.

2 Sam. 8:16; 20:24; 1 Ki. 4:3. 17; 15: 24; 22:2-51; 2 Ki. 1:17; 3:1-14; 8:16;
9:2,14: 12:18; 1 Chr. 3:10; 15:24: 18: 15; 2Chr.l7:l-12; 18:1-31; 19:1-8; 20: 1-
37; 21:1-12; 22:9. AvaUey Joel 3:2.12

Jehosheba (1).Jehovah is an oatfi. 2 Ki.

11:2. See Jetyshabeath Jehoshua (1), Jehovah is salvation. Num.

13:16. See Joshua Jehoshoah (1). Jehovah is salvation, 1

Chr. 7:27. See Joshua Jehovah (4). the Self-existent or Eternal One,Ex. 6:3, Ps.
83:18; Isa. 1'2:2; 26: 4. See God and Lord 4

Two seen together.c 17-1; i 19-4; b GOl—

16 J. titles, 52
16 J. titles, 52

6 things He is to His people, g 162-4

6fold description of, 502

5 ser\a;;ts of, 4 i4 4 acts of, b 699-4 J. waiting on man. e-f 703-1

8 things J. is to man, j 711-4 J. and John the Baptist, 470 A study of, !-j 630-4 ,

22 facts about J., 783; 913 '

3 things of J., n 725-1 , 2 questions about justice of, g 757-1

4 requests to J. , e 759-4 i

9 requests to J., r 761-4 8fold character of J., f 803-4 \

6 things J. will do for Israel, d 814-4

10 things about J., c 90C-4 Jews were Jehovah*sWitnesses,d 713-4

Jehovah-iireh (1). 52; Gen. 22:14 Jebovah-ni^ (l). 52; Ex. 17:15 Jehovah-
Saboath, f 295-1 Jehovah-Shalom (1), 52; Judg. 6:24 Jehozabad (4), Jehovah has
bestowed. 3_

.~en. 2 Ki. 12:21; 1 Chr. 26:4; 2 Chr,

TTTTS; 24:26 Jebozadak (2),Jehovah is just, 1 Chr. 6:

14-15. See Jozadak Jehu (52), Jehovah is He. 5 men, f 379-4 JeEuIibah (1).
Jehovah Mdes, 1 Cli. 7:34 jehiKal (1). Jehovah is able,Jer. 37:3 jehud (1). a city
of Dan, Josh. 19:45 Jehudi (4), a Jew, Jer. 36:14-23 Jehudijah (1), a Jewess, 1
Chr. 4:18 Jehiisb (1). coUector, IChr. 3:39 Jeiel (11), tieasure of God. 8 men , 1
Chr. "oTl; 15:18,21; 16:5; 2 Chr. 20:14; 26: 11; 29:3; 35:9; Ezia 8:13; 10:43
Jekabzeel (1). a city, Neh. 11:25 Jekameam (2), may kinsmen establish,

1 Chr. 23:19; 24:23 Chr.2:41 Jekarniah (2), may Jehovah establish, 1 Jekuthiel
(1), reverence for God, IChr.

4:lS Jemima (1). little dove. Job 42:14 Jem.uel (2),God islighl.Gen. 46:10; Ex.
Jeop aided ( 1) jisked, Judg. 5:18 6:15 Jeopardy (6),risk, 2 Sam. 23:17; 1 Chr.
Jeop aided ( 1) jisked, Judg. 5:18 6:15 Jeopardy (6),risk, 2 Sam. 23:17; 1 Chr.

11:19; 12:19; Lk. 8:23; 1 Cor. 15:30 Jephthae (l).Heb. 11:33. See Jephtlah
Jephihah (29). Jehovah will open, Judg. 11:1-40: 12:1-7; 1 Sam. 12:11

23 facts about, h 278-1 Vow and judgeship, j 279-1; a-e 279-4;

282; a 280-1 Jephunneh (16), for whom prepared. 2' men. Num. 13:6: 14:6, 30,
38: 26:65; j 32:12; 34:19: Dt. 1:36; Josh. 14:6-14; 15:13:21:12:1 Chr.
4:15:6:56:7:38 ■ Jerah( 2),tbemoon.Gen.lO:26;lChr.l:20 Jerahmeel (8). God is
merciful, IChr.

2:9. 25-42; 24:29; Jer. 36:26 JerahmeeUtes (2). 1 Sam. 27:10; 30:29 Jered ( 2)
.descent.l Chr.l:2:4:18 33

Jeremai (l). dweUinginheigtfs, Ezra 10: Jeremiah (146). Jehovah is high. Smen,
2 Ki. 23:31; 24:18; I Chr. 5:24; 12:4-13; 2 Chi. 35:25; 36:12-22; Ezra 1:1; Neh.
10:2; 12:1, 12. 34; JerJ:l-52:l:| Dan. 9:2 J. the prophet, 785; d-i 746-4 Book of J..
746-800 15 commands in Jer. 9, c 754-4 8 commands in Jer. 11. o 756-1
6 curses in book of, r 756 -1
2 proverbs rebuking J.. 794 12 commands in Jer. 13, 751

7 years of absence, b 758-1 The weeping prophet, a 759-4 4fold personal

testimony, q 761-4

8 commands in Jer. 19, f 763-1 lOfo Id complaint of J., (764-1 J. failed God, g
764-1 9fold confidence of J., i 7G4-1

lOioId cijsc ol J., a 7j4-4

■j coi:iniands to kin ■ o\ JuJah, i 7ii5-l

9 oilier commands in Jer.C2, i 705-1 .'> conimaiids iii Jer. 2'i, 7'>:.' 20 nations
driuki]!-. of God's Kratli, d, k 709-1 4 comniaiids in Jer. 20, 1 709 -4

10 commands in Jer. 27, f 770-4 12 commands to captives in Babylon,

b 772-4

lOfoId promise on oi>cdiencc, c 7fc7-l

51 commands in Icr. 50-51, a 795-1

lOfold distress of J.. o SOI-4

Jeremiah's (1). Jer. 28:10 16:14

Jeremias Tll.Gr. form of Jeremiah, Mt.

JeremotE (5), high places.~5 r.-.en, 1 Chr.

8:14; 23:23; 25:22; Ezra 10:26-27 Jeremy (2), shon for Jeremiah, Mt. 2:17; 27:9

Jeriah (2), Jehovah has founded, 1 Chr. Jeribai (1). contentious, 1 Chr. 11:46
Jericho (63), a city o f palm, trees. Dt. 34: 3; Josh. 2:1; 6:l-26.Se€ 264:1 71-4*
Plains. Josh. 4:13; 5:10; 2 Ki. 25:5 Waten of. Josh, 16:1 Walls of. Josh. 6: Heb.
11:30 4 blind men healed at, q 47-1* leriel (1), founded by God, IChr. 7:2 Jerijah
11:30 4 blind men healed at, q 47-1* leriel (1), founded by God, IChr. 7:2 Jerijah
(1).Jehovah has founded, 1 Chr.

Jerimqth (8), high places. 7 men, 1 Chr.

7:7-8; 12:5; 24:30:25:4; 27:19; 2 Chr.

11:18; 31:13 Jerioth (1). curtains, 1 Chr. 2:18 Jeroboam (102), struggle!. 2 men,
1 Ki.

11:26-40; 12:2-32; 13:1-34: 14:1-30;

15:1-34; 16:2-31; 2 Ki. 14:16-29 Jeroboam's (2). 1 Ki. 14:4, 17 Jeroham (10).
who is loved. 7 men, 1

Sam. 1:1; 1 Chr. 6:27-.34; 8:27; 9:812; 12:7; 27:22; 2Chr. 23:1; Neh. 11:12
Jerubbaal (14). o 272-4: Judg. 6:32; 7:1;

3:29: 9:1-57; 1 Sam. 12:11 Jerubbesbeth (1). o 272-4: 2 Sam. 11:21

Jeruel(l), foundedby God, 2Chr. 20:16 Jerusalem (812). AtKientnameof.ml2-4; f

248-4. See Jebus. Jebusi. Salem History of. f 248-4

18 names of. 260 Sieges of. 260 12 gates of. f 500-1 lOfold state of. 431 ' 14
future names of. 440 lOfold judgment before restoration, 1

19 sins: why J. destroyed, 786 J. rebuilt in Millennium, d-c 776-1 32fold lament
for J., 817 6 reasons J. judged, q 801-1 20fold lament for J., b 801-4 12fold
humiliation of, c 802-4 6fold taunt of J., g 802 -4

4 sins of J., b 809-1

5 reasons J. destroyed, a 813-1 Symbolized bv new-bom child, a 818-1

20 things God' did for J., c 818-1 14fold moral state of J., g 912-1 Destroyed, i
26-4»: c-d 86-1*: 1 89-1* Original headquarters of church, not Rome, 1 266-1*

Future destruction.b 298-4*; Zech. 14

Heavenly J., GaL 4:26: Hd). 11:10-16; 12:22; 13:14; Rev. 3:12; 21:2,10
Heavenly J., GaL 4:26: Hd). 11:10-16; 12:22; 13:14; Rev. 3:12; 21:2,10
Jerusalem's (3).l Ki. 11:13, 32; Isa. 62:1 Jerusha (l)7possession. 2 Ki. 15:33
Jerusbah (1). possession. 2 Chr, 27:1 Jesaiah (2). Jehovah delivers. 2 men. 1

Chr. 3:21: Neh. 11:7 Jesbaiah (5). Jehovah delivers. 4 men. 1

Chr. 25:3,15: 26:25: Ezra 8:7, 19 Jeshan^ (1). a city, 2 Chr. 13:19 Jesharelah( l).
upright toward God.1 Chr.

25:14 Jeshebeab (1). father's seat. IChr.24:13 Jesher (1). i^rightness, 1 Chr. 2:18
JeshL-.on (6). k 183-4; q 318-1 5:14 Jeshishai (1).Jehovah Is ancient, 1 Chr.
Jeshohaiah (1), humbled by Jehovah, 1

Chr. 4:36 Jeshua ( 29), Jehovah Is salvation, c 488-4 Jeshuah (1),Jehovah is

salvation. 1 Chr.

Jeshunm (3),uprightone.n 232-1 24:11 Jesiah (2). Jehovah exists, 1 Chr. 12:6;

K^O Jeamlel (1). God establishes, 1 Chr. 4:36 Jesse (46), wealthy. Ruth 4:17-22;
1 Sam. ~reri-22; 17:12-58; 20:27-31; 22:7-13; 25:10; 2 Sam. 20:1; 23:1; 1 KL
12:16; 1 Chr. 2:12-13; 10:14: 12:18: 29:26; 2 Chr. 10:16:11:18; Ps. 72:20; Isa.
11:1, 10:Mt,l:5-6:3:32:Act$ 13:22 Rom. 15:12 Jesting (1), Eph. 5:4 Jesui (1),
level. Num. 26:44 jesuiles (l). Num. 26:44 JesuTjn (1), ipright one, Isa. 44:2
Jesus (949),Gr. form of Joshua, meaning Jehovah is salvatlon.ot Saviour .j 1-4*;
k 130-4*: Mt. 1:21. See Christ and Messiah

Complete Concordance ~ Cyclopedic Index

Birth of,Mt. 1:16-2:23; Lk. 1:31-2:52 Twobaptisinsof,Mt,3:13-16;Lk.3:21-
Temptation of, \'t, 4:1-11, refs. 22 Ministry of, Kit. 4:12, tefs. Sufferings of, Mt.
26:36-■:7:66,ref5. Resurrection and postresurrection ministry, Mt. 28:1-28, refs.
See Christ Jesus' (10).Ml. 15:30; 27:57; Lk. 5:3; 8: 41; 10:39; Jn. 12:9; 13:23-25;
2 Cor. 4:5, 11 Jeiher (8), abundance. 5 men, n 348-1; Judg. 8:20; 1 Kl. 2:5, 32; 1
Chr. 2:17, 3 2; 4:17; 7:38 Jetbeth( 2),subjection,Gea36:40;lChr. Jettda'b
(l),acity,JoA. 19:42 1:51

Jelhro (10), excellence, Ex. 3:1; 4:18;

18:1-12. -ee notes p. 66 and 83 Jetur (3), defense,Gen. 25:15; 1 Chi. 1: ^17 5:19

Jeuel (1). treasure of God, 1 Chr. 9:6 Jeu<fa (8),he protects. 5 men. Gen. 36:5,
iClS; 1 Chr. 1:35: 7:10; 23:10-11; 2 Chr. 11:19 Jeuz (1), coinsellor, 1 Chr. 8:10
Jew (33). Defi:ied .iisage,370;-39:138* Mordecai of Benjamin .Esther 2:5-10:3
A. J. his brother, Jet. 34:9 Hold of skin of a J., Zech. 8:23 Peter the J. , Acts
10:28; Gal. 2:14 J. whose name was Bar-jesus, Acts 13:6 Aquilla the J. , Acts
13:2 Apollos the J., Acts 18:24 PaulofBenjaminaJ., Acts21:39; 22:3; 1 Cot. 9:20
Gospel to J. first, Rom.. 1:16; 2:9-10 J.outwardly and inwardly,Rom. 2:28 -29
Advantages of the J. ,Rom. 3:1 Gospel sameiothej, and Gentile, Rom. 10:12;
12:13; Gal. 3:28; Col. 3:11 Jew^(3),Pr. ll:22;20:15;Ezek. 16:12 JeweIs( 24).
Peaned .a 22-4; s 67-1 J. of silver. Gen. 24:53; Ex. 3:22; 12:35 J.of gold,Gen,
26:53; Ex. 11:2; 12:35: 35:22:Num.31:50-51; lSam.6:8,15; Job 28:17 Precious j.,
2 Chr. -0:25 Pleasant j., 2 Chr. 32:27 Rings and nose j., Isa. 3:21 Fair j. ,Ezek.
16:17,39; 23:26 Brideadornswithj.,Isa.61:10; Hos.2:13 ATjen I make i?) My j,
,KiaL3:lT Jewess (2). Acts 16:1; 24:24 Jewish (1), Fasts and feasts. 82*: a 95-
1*; Peny courts, f 261-1* a 102-1*

Fables, Tit. 1:14 |

4 things about J.Christians, u 266-1* Jewry (3), Dan. 5:13; Lk. 23:5; Jn. 7:1
Jews( 253).Use oftheterm., f 515-1. Of 84 ffmes in 0. T. used 43 times in Esther,
20 in Ezia,.N"ehemlah,and Daniel - of J. in exile. Used 169 times in N'.T. of all
the 13 tribes of IsraeLSee a 138-4* also Anglo-Saxon theory. 367: 483 J. and
Israel the same, 367:488:3 138-4* 6 things J. win say, 1 690-1 3 things God has
done for J.,k 714-1 Characteristics of J., 485

6 examples of J. solving great problems in human crisis, ? S57-4

3 charges against J.. m. S59-1

Vagabond J. ,s 146-4*

TrueJ. ,h 162-1*

Advantages of J. ,k 162-1*; a 162-4*

Blind to truth, j 193-4*

7 sins of, h 224-1* i J. in aU lands, d-e 260-1*; c 265-1*

J. in apostles' time, m 262-1* '

2 reasons J. stumbled, p 266-1* 144,000 J.of tribulatioQ,l-r 290-4*; g 292-1*; a-

e 296-4* j

Jews' a4). 2 Ki. 18:26-28; 2 Chr. 32:18; N"eh.l3:24;Esth. 3:10; 8:1; Isa. 36:11-
13-Jn.2:13; 7:2; 11:55; 19:42; Gal. 1:13-14

Jezaniah(2), Jehovahhearsjer.40:8; 42:1

Jezrt)el (22). unmarried. 2 women, c-f 386-1; IKL 16:31: 18:4. 13; 19:1-2; 21:5-
25; 2 Ki. 9:7-37; Rev. 2:20; o-s 287-4* ; Jezebel's (D. 1 Ki. 18:19 :

Je^r (3).fonr.ation. Gen. 46:24: Num.

■^5719; 1 Chr. 7:13

Jezerltes (l).aon of Jezer. Num. 26:49

Mah (1), Jehovah unites,Ezra 10:25 eT d). God unites. 1 Chr. 12:3 Jezliah (1),
Jehovah unites, 1 Chr. 8:18 Jezoai(l), ^lendid, 1 Chr. 4:7 JeziaMah
(1),Jehovahshines.Neh.l2:42 lezreel (36). God sows. 2 men, 1 Chr. 4:3; Hos. 1:4-
5 2Cities, Jodi. 15:56; 19:18; 2 KL 8-10 Valley of J., Josh. 17:16; Jucfe. 6:33
Tower of J. , 2 Ki. 9:17

Jezreelite(S),1 Ki.21:1-16: 2Ki.9:21-25 JezreeUtess (5). 1 Sam. 27:3; 30:5; 2

Sam.. 2:2; 3:2; 1 Chr. 3:1 Jibsam (1). lovely, 1 Chr. 7:2 Jidlapb (1). he weeps.
Gen. 22:22 Jimna f 1). prosperity. Num. 26:44 Jim.nah (1). prosperity. Gen.

Jimnites (1), Num. 26:44 Jiphtah (1). a city. Josh. 15:43 Jiphthah-el (2), a valley.
Josh. 19:14,27 Joab (137)~rjehov3h is father. 5 men. g Joab's ( 8). 2 Sam. 14:30;
17:25; 18:2, 15;

20:7-8, 10-11 Joah (11),Jehovah is brother. 4 men, 2 T<ri8:18-37; 1 Chr. 6:21;

26:4; 2 Chr.

29:12; 34:8; Isa. 36:3,11,22 Joahaz (1). Jehovah helps. 2 Chr. 34:8 Joanna (3).
Jebovah is grace, Lk. 3:27;
8:3: 24:10 Joash(4 9). Jehovah supports.8raen,e403—

4;Judg, 6:11-8:32:1 Ki.22:26;2Ki. 11:

2; 12:19-14:27; IChr. 3:11; 4:22; 12:3;

27:28; 2 Chr. 18:25; 22:11; 24:1-24;

•25:17-25; Hos. 1:1; Amos 1:1 Joatham ( 2), Jehovah is upright. Mt. 1:9 Job
(59). a desert. Gen. 46:13; Job 1:1-42:17; Ezek. 14:14,20; Jas. 5:11

Book of J. ,522-549

Book of J. not a miyth, a 522-1

50 lessons fromi book of J. , 430

References to aru and sciences, 436

Great Bible doctrines in book, 451

Names of God in book, 451

36 facts about God, 451

8 facts about angels, 451 21 facts about Satan. 412 36 facts about man. 451 333
"I's" of book, f 538-4

9 "ifs" of book. 483 Affliction of J. ,c 522-1; u 523-1 Description of J. , 486

12fold character of J. , k 538-4

10 acu of J. in calamity, 398 16fold character of, 412; k 538-4

2 great mistakes of, 420

74 charges of J. against God, 420 72 statements ofcondemnationof, 428 17fold
accusation against God, 492 5 accusations against God, h 528-1

3 .more false accusations ofGod, a 529-10 false accusations of God, 4'25 4

3 .more false accusations ofGod, a 529-10 false accusations of God, 4'25 4

16 accusations against God.n 531-4 3fold purpose of J,to complain,c 526-4

20fold complaint of God's dealings,432 8foldcomplaintofJ.,b 536-1

60 facts about suffering of J. ,429

4fold reproach of J., 1 524-4

4fold state of soul, f 528-1

7 bitter complaints, g 528-1

5 great sins charged to J., 1 528-4

6fold suffering of J.. f 532-1

7fold grief of J., j 532-4

7 classes turned against J.. 1 533-1

20fold grief of, 517

2 reasons for 17fold curse, k 523-1

17 cixses on birthday, j 523-4 12fold suffering of J. , f 539-4 S-fold suffering of
J., a 539-4

7 reasons manhood lamented, e 524-1

2 phases of his lamentation, d 538-4 4fold reaping of J., b 535-4

3 fold purpose of complaint, c 526-4 20fold complaint ofGod's dealings,432

12fold complaint and accusation of

God, 483 Bitterness of J. ,g 528-1 2 proofs of innocence, i 532-1 3fold request

of, i 533-4 15fold complaint against others,492 12fold picture of persecutors,
'h539-l 14fold persecution of, 1 539-1 12fold innocence declared, 540 3fold
denial of dishonesty, b 540-1
4 punishments willing to suffer, c-e 540-1
2fold denial of adultery, d 540-1 3reasons J.maintalned justice, h540-1 12fold
denial of inhumanity, j 540-1 4fold denial of covetousness, n 540-1 4fold denial
of idolatry, a 540-4 4fold denial of malignity, c 540-4 4fold denial of fraud, g
540-4 2 results of idolatry, b 540-4 9 facts in each test of J., 438 4fold
independence of J., c 526-1 Requests to his friends d,f 526-1; h 532-1 Reproofs
of his frlends,e-f 526-1; j 532-4 claim.sofJ.4-m. 523-4;g532-l 4 Plea to his
friends, 425 44statements of condemnation to friends, 466 His 3 friends, e-g,
523-4; h 524-1 7fold accusation of reaping, a 524-4 8fold reaping of the wicked,
n 524-4 20 judgments of God, i 531-1 4 accusations against man, b 532-1 7 facts
about man, e 530-4 30fold doom of wicked, k 532-4 30 judgments upon the
wicked, b 534-1 ISfold proq>erity of the wicked,d 534-4 30 sins of die wicked, a
536-4 14fold end of tte wicked, 441 4 conditions of blessing. 495 12fold
blessing of God. 495 2 great changes for all men. 425

God does not afflict His children. 534;

5fold meaning of acquaintance with

God. 486 486

15 blessings of acquaintance withGod^

6 things Christians shou Id not suffer, 420 5 purposes of God dealing with man,

541-1 2fold appeal of J. to God, 1 530-1 His reasons for immortality, 425 4fold
source of knowledge, 482 |

25 facts - natural and supernatural, b 14faclsaboutGod,441 538-1

7 troubles God keeps from,, 1 525-1 3 slanderous concepts of God, g 525-4'

26 true facts about God. 418

5 facts about man's days, u 527-4

6 things about state of deaths 528-4 3fold curse on the wicked, j 529-1 lOfold
6 things about state of deaths 528-4 3fold curse on the wicked, j 529-1 lOfold
past prosperity, e 538-4 ! Sfold past prosperity, i 538-4 j 6fold past security, 1
538-4 1 12fold past honor, f 539-1 8fold past honc«, i 538-4 Wealth of J. ,g 522-
1; e 547-4 HIsreasonings4 527-1: k 529-1; d 537-1 lOfold experience of Eliphaz,
451 15 sins of J. , according to Eliphaz, d

531-1 541-1
2fold reason of Elihu for speaking, b 15fold reason of Elihu for speaking, f

541-1 5 promises of Elihu to J., a 541-4 10 facts proving Elihu no mediator of I

God, c 541-4 8 enon Elihu accused J. of, d 541-4 8 sins EUhu accused J. of, k
542-4 4fold dealing of God with men, f 541-4 i Healing and chastening, 445 '

8fold correction of a rebel, ; 541-1 40fold vindication of God, 445

7 m.ajor benefits of atonemeni,g 542-4 3 great errorsElihu accusedJ.of,f 543-1

3fold vindication by God, h 543-1

5 claims of EUhu, c 543-4 19 facu about God, f 543-4 16fold application to J. ,g

543-4 ' 10 false accusations of. 478

34 great works of God. 411 15 works of God, 441 18 admonitions of Elihu. 411

35 questions by God. 473 Exam.ple of infinite perfection. 4~8 23 questions by

God. b 545-4

6 great sins of J.. g 546-1 13 commands of God to J., 1 546-1 God's 4 questions
to J., m. 546-1 Sfold challenge of God to J. ,n 546-1 lOfold answerof J. to
Jehovah, e 547-1 16 fold description of Behemoth, d 546-4 56fold deKription of
Leviathan, 548 Tfold statem.ent of ;ntefrity, f 537-4 3 blessings of J., g 547-4
3beautiful daughters of, j 547-4

His age. 1 547-4 !

62 accusationsofGod, 425; 492; a 529-4: n 531-4; d 537-4; m 539-1; b 539-4 I

30fold greatness ofGod, d 529-4 Job's (1). Job ill

jobab (9). howling, 5 men, e 250-4 Jochebed (2).Jehovah is glorv.Ex. 6:20:

jobab (9). howling, 5 men, e 250-4 Jochebed (2).Jehovah is glorv.Ex. 6:20:

Num. 26:59 Joed (1). Jehovah is witness, Neh. 11:7 Joel (20),Jebovah is God.
14men . 327

J. the ccophet introduced, a 890 -1

Book of . 890-892
50 commands in book of, 892
Members (31). M. as a shadow. Job 17:7 In Thy book my m. written, Ps. 139:16
One of thy m. perish, Mt. 5:29-30 Yield your m. as servants, Rom. 6: 13-19 Law
of sin in my m., Rom. 7:5, 23 Many m., one body, Rom. 12:4-5; 1

Cot. 12:12, 18, 20, 22-23, 27 M. one of another, Eph. 4:25; 5:30 Mortify your m.
on earth. Col. 3:5 Tongue among our m., Jas. 3:6 Lusts that war in your m., Jas.
4:1 Memorial (32). My m. to all, Ex. 3:15 M. between your eyes, Ex. 13:9 Write
this a m. in a book, Ex. 17:14 Stones for a m., Ex. 28:12, 20; 39:7 M. of blowing
trumpets. Lev. 23:24 M. bread. Lev. 24:7 Censers for a m., Num. 16:39-40 War
spoils for a m., Num. 31:54 Stone for a m., Josh. 4:7 M. of her, Mt. 26:13; Mlc,
14:9 Alms a m. before God, Acts 10:4 Memorials. 18 in Scripture, m 612-1
Memory (6). Ps. 109:15; 145:7; Pr. 10: 7; EccL 9:5; Isa. 26:14; 1 Cor. 15:2
Memphis (1). city in Egypt, Hos, 9:6 Memucan (3), impoverished, Esther 1: 14-
21 Men d. 646).Colors, types, k 8-4; j 9-1 Used in appearances of God, d 15-1

5 "old" m., f 23-1

7 m. prospered by God, j 29-1 9 just m. in Scripture, 29 Ways God spoke to m.,

1 29-1 9 m. received revelation, 1 29-4

6 m. alone with God, 31

7 m. of miraculous birth, d 281-1 9 things that moved m., f 281-1

7 statements God departing from, 287 7 statements m, departing from God,

287 7 examples of m, slow to obey, 1685-4 15 examples of Spirit ugon m.,m

268-4 15 examples of m. being angry, 264 6 classes of m., 624 6 m. set apart
from birth, m 746-1 6 common sins of m., b 838-1 6 commands to aged men,
243* 4 doctrines of young m., f 242-4* 2 classes of m., a 277-1*

Menahem (8), comforter, 2 Ki. 15:14-23

Menan (1). consoUng, Lk. 3:31

Menchildren (1). Ex. 34:23

Mend (l). 2T:hr. 24:12

Mending (2), Mt. 4:21; Mk. 1:19

Mending (2), Mt. 4:21; Mk. 1:19

Mene (2). numbered, r 862-4 Dan. 5:


Menpleasers (2), Eph. 6:6; Col. 3£2

Men's (23). Idols the work of m. hands, Dt. 4:28; 2 Ki. 19:18; Ps. 115:4 Lay
them on m. shoulders, Mt. 23:4 Full of dead m. bones, Mt. 23:27 Not come to
destroy m. Lives, Lk, 6:56 M. hearts faiUng for fear, Lk. 21:26 Worshipped with
m. hands. Acts 17:25 Some m. sins open before, 1 Tim. 5:24 Busy body other m.
matters, lPet.4:15 M. persons in admiration, Jude 16

Menservants ( 10). Gen. 12:16; 20:14; 24: 35; 30:43; 32:5; Ex. 21:7; Dt. 12:12; 1
Sam. 8:16; 2 Ki. 5:26; Lk. 12:45

Mensiealers( l). 1 Tim. 1:10 18:6

Mentruous (3).Isa.30:22;Lam.l:n;Ezek.

Mention(23). M. name of other gods,Ex. 23:13; Josh. 23:7 Make m. of Thy

righteousness, Ps. 71:16 Make m. of Thy name, Isa. 26:13; 49:1 Make m. of
God, Isa. 48:1; 62:6

Make m.of lovingkindness, Isa. 63:7

Make m. of you in prayers, Rom.1:9; Eph. 1:16; 1 Th. 1:2; Ph'm 4 Mentioned
(7). Josh. 21:9; lChr.4:38;2

Chr. 20:34; Ezek. 1G:56; 18:22-24; 33:

16 Meonenim (1), a plain, Judg. 9:37 Meonolhal n). my habitations, 1 Chr.

4:14 Mephaath (4), a city, a 252-4; Josh. 13:

18; 21:3; 1 Chr. 6:79; Jer. 48:21 Mephiboshcth (15'). destroying shame.2

men, f 339-1; 2 Sam. 4:4; 9:6-13;

16:1-4; 19:24-30; 21:7-8 Merab (3), increase, 1 Sam. 14:49; 18:


Meraiah(l), stubbornness, Neh. 12:12

Meraioth (7), Rebellion. 3 men, 1 Chr. 6:6-7, 52; 9:11; Ezra 7:3; Neh.ll:ll; 12:15

Merari (39). bitter. Gen. 46:11; Ex. 6: 16-19; Num. 3:17-36; 10:17; 1 Chr.6: 1-
7T;9:14:15:6.17;23:6, 21:24:26-27:26: 10, I9;2Chr. 29; 12:34:r2;Ezra 8:19

Merarites (1). j 158-1; a 160-1;a 160-4

Merathaim (1), name of Chaldea, Jer.

50:21 Merchandise (22). M. of men, Dt. 21: 14; 24:7; 2 Pet. 2:3; Rev. 18:11-13

M. of wisdom, Pr. 3:14

Father's house an house of m.,Jn. 2:16 Merchant (12). Gen. 23:16; Pr. 31:24;

Song 3:6; Isa. 23:11; Ezek. 27:3-20;

Hos. 12:7; Zeph. 1:11; Mt. 13:45 Merchantmen( 2). Gen. 37:28; IKi. 10:15
Merchants (28). Spice m., 1 Ki. 10:15

King's m., 1 Ki. 10:28; 2 Chr. 1:16

General m., Neh. 13:2iO; Ezek.27: 24

M.of Babylon, Rev. 18:3,11,15,23 Merchants' (1). Pr. 31:14 Mercies (Jb). His m.
are great, 2 Sam,

Waii 1 Chr. 21:13 Tender m., Ps.25:6; 51:1; 69:16; 77:

9; 79:8; 103:4; 119:77,156; 145:9 Sure m. of David, Isa. 55:3; Acts 13:34 By the
m. of God, that ye, Rom. 12:1 The Father of m., 2 Cor. 1:3 Bowels of m., PhiL
2:1; Col. 3:12 Mercies' (4). Neh. 9:31; Ps. 6:4; 31:16; 44:26 Merciful (38). M. to
Lot, Gen. 19:16 God m. and gracious, Ex. 34:6; Dt. 4:

31; 2 Chr. 30:9; Num. 9:31; Ps. 103:8 Withm. show seIf m., 2Sam. 22:25; Ps,

18:25 Kings of Israel m. kings, IKi. 20:31 Prayers for God to be m.,Ps. 26:11;

4, 10; 56:1; 57:1; 67:1; 86:3; 119:

58, 132; Lk. 18:13 M. man does good to own sou!, Pr. 11:17 Blessed are the m.
for they, Mt. 5:7 Be m. as your Father ism. ,Lk. 6:36 God be m, to me a sinner,
Lk. 18:13 Be a m. and faithful priest, Heb. 2:17 Mercurius (1), Mercury, Acts
14:12 Mercury, facts about, 58 Mercy (267). Hour of m., v 123-4* 7 examples of
m., j 64-4* M. triumphs over judgment, n 261-1* Thou hast magnified Thy m.,
Gen. 19 : 19 34:7; Dt. 5:10

Showing m. unto thousands, Ex. 20:6; M. seat, Ex. 25:17-22; 26:34; 30:6 M. on
whom I will show m., Ex.33:19 Prayers for m., Ps.4:l; 6:2; 9:13; 25: 16; 27:7;
30:10; 31:9; 51:1; 85:7;

109:26; 119:124; 123:3; Mt. 9:27; 15:

22; 20:30-31; Lk. 17:13; 18:38 His m, endureth for ever, Ps. 106:1;

107:1; 118:1-4, 29; 136:1-26; 138:8 Iniquity purged by m. and truth, Pr.16:

6 Do justly and love m., Mic, 6:8 7 Merciful, they shall obtain m., Mt.5: I will
have m., not sacrifice, Mt. 9: 13:12:7 11:32

That He might have m. on aU, Rom. Died without m, under two, Hev, 10:

28 Full of m. and good fruits, Jas. 3:17 Very pitiful and of tender m., Jas. 5:11
His abundant m. hath, 1 Pet. 1:3 Mercyseat (1), 117; Heb. 9:5 Meted (2).
Rebellious, 1 Chr. 4:17-18 Meremodt (6), elevation. 3 men. Ezra 8:33; 10:36;
Neh. 3:4, 21; 10:5; 12:3 Meres (1). worthy, Esther 1:14 Merlbah (6). water of
strife, Ex. 17:7; Num. 20:13, 24; 27:14; Dt, 33:8; Ps.81: 7 Meribah-Kadesh (l).
Dt. 32:51

Merib-baal (4). contender against Baal,

1 Chr. 8:34; 9:40. See Mephiboshcth

Merodach d). a Babylonian idol, Jer.50:2

Meradach-baladan (1). Meradachgives

a son, Isa. 39:1 Merom (2), a district near the springs of

a son, Isa. 39:1 Merom (2), a district near the springs of

Jordan, p 250-1; Josh. 11:5-7 Meronathite (2). 1 Chr. 27:30; Neh.3:7

Mcroz( l). a place, i 271-l;Judg.5:23 Merrily (1), Estlier 6:14 Merry (28).
M.hcatts through drink, Judg. 10:25; 19:G, 9, 22; Ruth 3:7; 1 San). 25:3G; 2
Sam. 13:23; 1 Ki, 21:7; 2 Clu. 7:10; Estlicr 1:10; Eccl.9:7;10: 19 22

M. heart in Proverbs, Pr. 15:13, 15;17:

Eat, drink, and be m., Lk. 12:19

Making m. over prodigal son, Lk. 15

Is any m., let him sing, Jas. 5:13 Metryhcarted (1), Isa. 24:7 Mcscch (1). 1609^:
Ps. 120:5 Mesha (4). freedom.. 3 kings, 2 Ki. 3: 4; 1 Chr, 2:42; 8:9, A place,
Gen, 10:

30 12-30
Meshach (15), agile, Dan. 1:7: 2:49; 3: Meshech (8), drawing out. 2 men. Gen.

10:2; 1 Chr. 1:5, 17; Ezek. 27:13; 32:

25; 38:2-3; 39:1 Meshelemiah (4). Jehovah repays, IChr.

9:21; 26:1-9 Meshezabeel (3), God delivers, Neh.3:

4; 10:21; 11:24 9:12

Meshillemiih (1), recompense, 1 Chr. Meshillemqth (2). retribution, 2 Chr.

28:12; Neh. 11:13 34

Meshobab (1), brought back, 1 Chr. 4: Meshu 11am (251. friend, 20 men . 2 Ki.

22:3; 1 Chr. 3:10; 5:13; 8:17; 9:7-12:

2 Chr. 34:12; Ezra 8:16; 10:15, 29;

Neh. 3:4-6, 30; 6:18; 8:4; 10:7, 20;

11:7, 11; 12:13-16, 25, 33 MushuUemeth (1). feminine of Meshul—

1am, 2 Ki, 21:19 Mesobaite (1). 1 Chr, 11:47 Mesopotariiia (7). Gen, 24:10; Dt.

Judg. 3:8-10; 1 Chr. 19:6; Acts 2:9; 7:

2 Mess (2). Gen. 43:34; 2 Sam. 11:8 Message (7). Judg. 3:20; 1 Ki, 20:12;

Pr,2e:6; Hag, 1:13; Lk. 19:14; 1 Jn. 1:

5; 3:11 Messenger (34). M. to Joseph. Gen. 50:16

M. to Saul, 1 Sam. 23:27

M. to David, 2 Sam. 11:19-25; 15:13

M. to Elijah, 1 Ki. 19:2

M. to Job, Job 1:14

M. to the sick. Job 33:23

M. to Jehovah, Isa. 42:19; Hag.l:13; MaL 2:7; 3:1; Mt. 11:10; Mk. 1:2

M. of Satan, 2 Cor. 12:7

M. to the churches, PhiL 2:25 Messengers (60). M. to Esau, Gen, 32:3-6

M, of Israel, Num. 20:14; 21:21

M. to Balaam, Num. 22:5; 24:12

M. of death, Pr. 16:14

M. of John, Lk. 7:24

M. of Jesus, Lk. 9:52

M. of the churches, 2 Cor. 8:23 Messes (1). Gen. 43:34 Messiah (2), Dan. 9:25-
26. See Christ
Defined. X 296-4; q 549^; a 1-1*; o 94—

AU nations blessed by, c 11:1; 1 27-1

Coming ruler of men, d-f 49-4

7 things in Genesis about, f 49-4

lOfold prophecy of M., 177

M. higher than Agag, a 184-1

Kingdom over all nations, b 184-1

12 facts about M., f 218-1

2nd prophecy of M., w 296-1

Virgin birth of M., 505

Immanuel, 505

5 names of M., 733

7fold anointing of M., s 689-1

2 things M. will not do, c 690-1

2 things M.will do, d 690-1

2 judgments M. will perform, e 690 -1

2 great qualities of M., f 690-1 4fold result of M. ministry, 733 7fold

establishment of reign, 435

3 offices of M., d 693-4 Prophecy of M., 738

10 blessings of M., 504

10 symbols of M., 738

Anointed of God, 437

Anointed of God, 437

12fold work of M., 741

3predicaonsofbirthofM.,p 718-1

Made new covenant, b 718-4

Loosed prisoners, d-e 718-4

Opening the ear of M., 1-m 719-1

9fold quality of reign, g 690-1

Animals tamed by M., 435. h 690-1

Work of M., e 718-4; 741

M. astonied, 742

M. disfigured, 742

Sprinkling marry nations, 743

M. growing up, 743

36fold suffering of M., 743

M. lacking in beauty, 743

Man of sorrows, 743

Grief defined, 743 743

10 proofs Christ bore sin and sickness.

Borne defined. 743

Carried defined, 743

Reception of M., 743, q 904-1

M. stricken, 744 ment, 744

M. stricken, 744 ment, 744

2 bodily references, making atone -

Our correction borne by M., S\9

Stripes of M., 81J

Healing power of M., 744

16 diings done to M., 819

M. a prisoner, SO.t

16 diings done for men in His suffering,

80.') M. buried with criminals, 80.) \/hy God was pleased witli His dcatli,

671 M. made sick, 80S 7 things M. suffered of God, 819 Complete sacrifice of
M., 818 12 rewards of suffering of M., 80.') M. bore iniquities, 80.t Reward of
the M., 805 Call of M., 781

4 things M. will be to Israel, 782 10 reasons M. anointed, 745 M. bom in

Bethlehem, p 904-1 Delivered of Israel, a 904-4 M. desire of the nations, 91.=)
M. dwelling among men, m 917-1 M. die Branch, g-i 917-4; e 919-1 Reign of
M. ori earth, e 924-1 7 claims of M., 1 719-1 Messias (2), Gr. from of Messiah.
Jn. 1: 41; 4:25

Met (45). Angels m. him. Gen. 32:1 Lord m. him, Ex. 3:18; 4:24; 5:3 God m.
Balaam, Num. 23:4, 16 Prophets m. him, 1 Sam. 25:20 A lion m. him, 1 Ki.
13:24 Melchisedec m. him, Heb. 7:1, 10

Metal in tabernacle, e-k 106-1

Metals. of Scripture:

1 Copper, brass (Ex. 38:8; 2 Ki. 25:13

2 Gold (1 KL 9:28; Job 28:17)

3 Iron and steel (Gen.4:22; Job 20:^)

4 Lead (Ex. 15:10)

5 Silver (Gen. 23:15)

6 Tin (Num. 31:22)

Mete (6). Ex. 16:18; Ps. 60:6; 108:7;

Mt. 7:2; Mk. 4:24; Lk. 6:38 Meted (3), Isa. 18:2, 7; 40:12 Meteorology, 436

Meteorology . 43(3 Meteyard (1). Lev, 19:35

Metheg-ammah (1). a place, 2Sam.8: Methusael (2), man of God, Gen. 4:18

Methuselah (6). it shall come, that is, the flood of Noah, Gen, 5:21-27; 1 Chr.
1:3. See Mathusala

Meunim (1). place of habitation, Neh.

7:52 Mezahab (2). water of gold. Gen. 36:

39; 1 Chr. 1:50 Miamin (2). fortunate. 2 men. Ezra 10:

25; Neh. 12:5 Mibhar (l). choicest, 1 Chr. 11:38 Mibsam (3). sweet odour, 2 men
. Gen.

25:13; 1 Chr. 1:29; 4:25 1:53

Mibzar (2). fortress. Gen. 36:42; 1 Chr. Micah (28). like Jehovah, 7 men, f

The prophet, d 902-1

The book of, 902-906

20 commands in Micah, f 902-1

4 great events of Mic. 4:6-8, a 904-1 Micah's (3). Judg. 18:18, 22, 31 Micaiah
(18), Uke Jehovah. A prophet.

IKi. 22:8-28; 2 Chr. 18:7-27 Mice (4) plague in PhiUstia, h 299 -4

Micha (4), like Jehovah. 3 men, k 339-1 Michael (15), like God. 10 men,
Num.13: 13; 1 Chr. 5:13-14; 6:40; 7:3; 8:16; 12:20; 27:18; 2 Chr. 21:2; Ezra 8:8

An archangel. Dan. 10:13,21; 12:1;

Jude 9; Rev. 12:7 25

Michah (3). Uke Jehovah, 1 Chr. 24:24—

Michaiah (7), like Jehovah. 5 men , a

348-4. A woinan. a 348-4 Micha 1 (18). Uke God, j 308-1

Saves David from Saul, p 313-4

4 sins of M., 1 314-1

Judgment on, j 336-4

M. restored to David as wife, 330 Michmas (2), a city, Ezra 2:27; Neh. 7: 3!

Called Michmash . which see Michmash (9). c 305^. See Michipas Michmelhah
(2). a city, Josh. 16:6; 17:7 Michri fl).~valuable. 1 Chr. 9:8 Mich tarn (6). graven
or permanent wnting

In titles of Ps. 16, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60 Midday (3), 1 Ki. 18:29; Neh. 8:3; Acts

2503 Middin (l). a city. Josh. 15:61

Middle (18), Ex. 26:28; Josh. 12:2;Judg.

7:19; 9:37; 1 Ki. 6:6-8; etc. M. wall of partition, Eph. 2:14 Middlemost (2).
Ezek. 42:5-6 Midian (3^, strife. Son of Abraham, Gen. 25:2-1; 1 Chr. 1:32-46
Moses married woman of M., Ex.2:I5-16; 3:1; 4:19; 18:1 Caused Israel to sin.
Num. 25:15-18; 31:3-9: Josh. 13:21 Warred on Israel, Judg. 6:1-8:28; 9:17 M. in
prophecy, Isa. 60:6; Hab. 3:7

Complete Concordance - Cyclopedic Index


Midianite (1). Num. 10:29 Midianites (24). Joseph sold to, Geo. 37: 28, 36 Wars
Midianite (1). Num. 10:29 Midianites (24). Joseph sold to, Geo. 37: 28, 36 Wars
with Israel, Num. 25:17; 31:2-7; ludg. G:2-33; 7:1-25; 8:1; Ps. 83:9 Midianiush
(3), Num. 25:6, 14-15 Midnight (13), Know not when master comcth, even, or
m., Mk. 13:35 At m. and say, lend me, Lk. 11:5 9 Bible events at midnight: 1
Deathoffirstbom(Ex. 11:4; 12:29)3)

2 Samson performed miracle (Judg. 16:

3 Boaz discovered Rudi (Ruth 3:8)

4 Babies exchanged (1 Ki. 3:20)

5 David rose to praise God (Ps. 119:62)

6 Bridegroom tookhisbride(Mt. 25:6)

7 Paul and Silas prayed (Acts 16:25)

8 Paul preached until (Acts 20:7)

9 Land was discovered (Acts 27:27) Midst (359), Gen. 1:6; 2:9; 3:3; etc.

M. things in Revelation, 1:13; 2:1, 7;

4:6; 5:6; 6:6; 7:17; 8:13; 14:6; 19:17;

22-2 Ex, 1:16

Midwife (3). h 34-1; Gen. 35:17; 38:28 ;

Midwives (7). Ex. 1:15-21

Migdal-el (l). tower of God, a city.

Josh. 19:38 37

Migdal-gad (1), tower of Gad, Josh. 15:

Migdol (4).~ tower, Ex. 14:2; Num. 33:

7* Jer 44:1* 46:14 Mifiht (474)'. Gen. 12:19; 13:6; n:18:etc. M. not sin against
thee, Ps. 119:11 M. be fulfilled, Mt. 1:22; 2:15, 23; 4:14; 8:17; 12:17; 13:35;
thee, Ps. 119:11 M. be fulfilled, Mt. 1:22; 2:15, 23; 4:14; 8:17; 12:17; 13:35;
21:4; 26: 56 M. only touch hem of garment, Mt.

14:36 M. beUeve. ..be saved, Ja, 1:7; 3:17 M. have life, Jn. 5:40; 10:10 M.
gather together in one, Eph. 1:10 M. show exceeding riches, Eph. 2:7 M. be
known by the church, Eph.3:10 Mitdttest (19). M. know Lord is God, Dt. 4l35"
M. fear the Lord, E>t. 6:2 M. be justified in sayings, Rom. 3:4 M. overcome
when judged, Rom. 3:4 M. war a good warfare, 1 Tim. 1:18 Mightier (13), Gen.
26:16; Ex. 1:9; Num. 14:12; Dt. 4:38; 7:1, 14; 11:23; Ps, 93:4; Eccl. 6:10; Mt.
3:11; Mk. 1:7; Lk. 3:16 Mighties (2). 1 Chr. 11:12, 24 Midttiest (1). IChr. 11:19
Mightily (11). Spirit came m. upon, Judg. 14:6; 15:14 Cry m. to God, Jonah 3:8
M. convinced the Jews, Acts 18:28 M. grew the Word of God, Acts 19:20 Power
worketh in me m.. Col. 1:29 Mighty (282). 40 m. things in Scripture : 1 Giants -

2 Hunter - rebel inearth (Gen. 10:9)

3 Nation (Gen. 18:18; Jer. 5:15)

4 Prince (Gen. 23:6)

5 God (Gen. 49:24; Dt. 7:21; Ps. 132:2)

6 Hand (Ex. 3:19; 32:11; Dt. 3:24; 4: 34; 5:15; 6:21; 7:8, 19; 9:26; 11:2; 26:8;
34:12; 2 Chi. 6:32)

7 Thunderings (Ex. 9:28; Rev. 19:6)

8 Strong west wind (Ex. 10:19)

9 Waters (Ex. 15:10; Neh. 9:11)

10 Power (Dt, 4:37; 9:29)

11 Destruction (Dt. 7:2-3)

12 Men of valour ^osh. 1:14; 6:2; 8: 3; 10:7; Judg. 6:12; 11:1; 1 KU 11:28)

13 Man of wealth (Ruth 2:1)

14 Gods (1 Sam. 4:8)

15 Waves of the sea (Ps. 93:4)

16 Acts of the Lord (Ps. 106:2; 145:4)

17 Kings (Ps. 135:10; Dan. 11:3)

18 Redeemer (Pr. 23:11) 13)

19 Wind (Isa. 11:15; Acts 2:2;Rev. 6:

20 Things (Jer. 33:3)

21 Army (Ezek. 17:17; 38:15; Dan. 11:

22 Wonders (Dan. 4:3) 25)

23 People (Dan. 8:24)

24 Sins (Amos 5:12)

25 Stream (Amos 5:24)

26 Tempest in the sea (Jonah 1:4)

27 Works (Mt. 11:20, 21, 23; 13:54, 58; Mk-6:2, 14; Lk. 10:13; 19:37)

28 Power of God (Lk.9:43; Eph. 1:19)

29 Famine (Lk. 15:14)

30 Prophet (Lk. 24:19)

31 Words and deeds (Acts 7:22)

32 In the Scriptures (Acts 18:24)

33 Signs and wonders (Rom. 15:19)

34 Weapons of warfare (2 Cor. 10:4)

35 Deeds (2 Cor. 12:12)

36 Angels (2 Th. 1:7; Rev, 10:1; 18:21)

37 Hand of God (1 Pet, 5:6)

38 Earthquake (Rev. 16:18)

39 City (Rev. 18:10)

40 Voice (Rev. 19:6)

Migron (2),city, 1 Sam. 14:2; Isa. 10:28) Mjiamin (2), fortunate, 1 Chr. 24:9;

Neh. 10:7 Mikloth (4). rods. 2 men. 1 Chr. 8:32;

9:37-38; 27:4 Mikneiah (2), possession of Jehovah, 1

Chr. 15:18-21 Milalai (1), eloquent, Neh. 12:36 Milcah (11), counsel. 2 women.

11:29; 22:20; 24:15, 24, 47; Num. 2C:

33; 27:1; 36:11; Josh. 17:3 1, W Milch (3), milk. Gen. 32:15; 1 Sam. 6: ^ IKi.

Milcom (3), an idol of Amraon,

11:5, 33; 2 Ki. 23:13. See Molech Mildew (5), Dt. 28:22; 1 Ki. 8:37; 2

Chr. 6:28; Amos 4:9; Hag. 2:17 Mile (1), about 4, 854 ft. (less than our ^mle),
Mt. 5:41 4:20

Mile turn (1), same as Milems, 2 Tim. Miletus (2), a seaport, Acts 20:15-17 Milk
(4^. Butter and m.. Gen. 18:8 Teeth wliite with m., Gen. 49:12 Land flowing
with m. and honey, Ex. 3:8, 17; 13:5; 33:3; Num. 13:27; 14: 8; 16:13-14; Dt.
6:3; 11:9; 26:9, 15; 27:3; 31:20; Josh. 5:6; Jer. 11:5; 32: 22; Ezek. 20:6, 15
Seethe kid in mother's m., Ex. 34:26 Churning m., Pr. 30:33 12-13

Fed you with m., 1 Cor. 3:2; Heb. 5: Desire sincere m. of Word, 1 Pet. 2:2
Military art, 436

Mill (2), Ex. 11:5; Mt. 24:41 Millennial. 15fold m. worship, h 690-4

Hiesing, 1 718-4
Hiesing, 1 718-4

evangelists-4 duties, o 720-4

riches, 819

M. M. M. M. M.

health, 745

temple, Ezek. 40-48, notes; g-h 919-1 M.river, b-g852-4;a-d853-l;a924-l M. holy

oblation, a 853-4; a-g854-1 M. city of Jerusalem, c-f 854-4 M. government, f
920-4 Millennium. Defined , 311* 10 proofs animals changed in, 435 Satan
bound, 1 698-4; Rev. 20. notes 6 blessings of the, 1 702-1; c 702-4 10 material
blessings of the, 1 703-1 Children born in, o 714-1 Death to continue during the,
Isa. 65: 20; 1 Cor. 15:24-28; Rev. 21:3-7 First 1000 years of eternal reign of
Christ to rid earth of all rebellion, h 568-4; 1 Cor. 15:24-28; Rev. 20-22 River
from the temple, d 569-1 21 facts about the, f 580-4 24 things Messiah will do, g
580-4 3 coming events of the, q 594-1 20 blessings of the, 624 lOfold prophecy
of the, 630 14 characteristics of the, 631 9 proofs sinners enter the, 928 Last
statements of Isaiah on, i 729-4 Shepherds of Israel during the, a 766-4 The M.
in Ezekiel, c-d 844-4 Sacrifices in the, 1 851-1; a-f851-4 Cost of sacrifices in
the, d 852-1 Marriage and children in the, b 920-1 Enemies put downin,n25-r;g
188-4* Qualifications entrance into, m 29-1* Purpose and end of, n 25-1*; g
188-4* ; z 208 1*; r 245-4* 50 facts about the, 311* 12 names of the, 311*
lOfold purpose of the, 311* 9 events of the, 319* 19 events after the, 319* Millet
(1), c 809-1; Ezek. 4:9 Millions (1), Gen. 24:60

335-4; f 371-1; j 433-1;

9:6, 20; 2 Sam. 5:9; 1 Ki.9:15,

24; 11:27; 2 Ki. 12:20; 1 Chr. 11:8; 2

Chi. 32:5

MiUs(l), Num. 11:8

RtETstone (9), Dt. 24:6; Judg. 9:53; 2

11:21; Job 41:24; Mt. 18:6; Mk.

MiUo (10), Judg.


9:42; Lk. 17:2; Rev. 18:21-22; 1 19-4* Millstones (2), Isa. 47:2; Jer. 25:10
showing affectation

Mincing (1), showing aitectauon gait. Isa. 3:16

Mind (96). Grief of m., Gen. 26:35 M. of the Lord, Lev. 24:12; Rom.ll:34;

1 Cor. 2:16 M. of man. Num. 16:28; 24:13; Dt.

18:6; 1 Sam. 2:35; Rom. 14:5 M. stayed on Thee, Isa. 26:3 Of doubtful m., Lk.
12:29 M. of readiness. Acts 17:11 M. ofhumiUty, Acts 20:19; Col. 3:12 A
reprobate m., Rom. 1:28 M. enmity against God, Rom. 8:7 M. of the Spirit,
Rom. 8:27 M. renewed, Rom. 12:2; Eph. 4:23 M. that is wilUng, 2 Cor. 8:12 M.
that is vain, Eph. 4:17 M. of lowliness, Ptiil. 2:3 M. earthly tilings, Phil. 3:19 M.
of the flesh, Rom. 8:5; Col. 2:18 M. of soundness, 2 Tim. 1:7 M. defiled. Tit.
1:15 8:6

Minded (15>. CamaUv m. is death, Rom. Spiritually m. is Ufe. Rom. 8:6 Sober
m., Tit. 2:6

Double m.. Jas. 1:8; 4:8

Mindful (10), 1 Chr. 16:15; Neh. 9:17;

"Ps. 8:1; 111:5; 115:12; Isa. 17:10; 2 Tim. 1:4; Heb. 2:6; 11:15; 2 Pet. 3:2

Minding (1), Acts 20:13

Minds (16). Speak your m., Judg. 19: 30 Chafed in their m., 2 Sam. 17:8 Made
m. evil affected. Acts 14:2 Changed their m., Acts 28:6 Their m. were bUnded, 2
Cor. 3:14 Hath bUndedthem. of them. 2 Cor. 4:4 Your m. be corrupted. 2 Cor.
11:3 Keephearts and m. through. Phil. 4:7 Disputings of corrupt m., 1 Tim. 6:5
Stir up your pure m.. 2 Pet. 3:1

Mine (635), Gen. 14:22; 15:3; etc. 30 I can of M. own self do nothing, Jn. 5: I
seek not M. own will, Jn. 5:30 Not to do M. own will. Jn. 6:38 My doctrine is
not M., Jn. 7:16 I seek not M. own glory, Jn. 8:50 Vengeance is M., Rom. 12:19

Mineral. M. wealth of Dead Sea, f 852 -4 M. substances of Scripture:

1 Bitumen (Gen. 11:3)

2 Clay (Isa. 29:16)

3 Earth (Gen. 1:22; 9:20)

4 Nitre (Pr. 25:20; Jer. 2:22)

5 Salt (1 Chr. 18:12)

6 Sand (Pr. 27:3; Jer. 5:22)

7 Sulphur (Gen. 19:24; Ps. 11:6) Mingle (2). Isa. 5:22; Dan. 2:43 Mingled (68).
M. hail and fire, Ex.9: 24

M. foods. Lev. 2:4-5; 7:10-12; 9:4 M. drink and tears, Ps. 102:9 M. wine. Pr. 9:5
M. people, Jer. 25:20, 24; 50:37 M. drink, Mk. 15:23 M. hail, fire, and blood.
Rev. 8:7 M. sea of glass with fire. Rev. 15:2 Miniamin (3), fortunate. 3men. 2

31:15; Neh. 12:17, 41 Mining. 434

Minish (1), diminish, Ex. 5:19 Minished (1), diminished, Ps. 107:39 Minister
(100). M.Joshua, Ex. 24:13 M. in priest's office. Ex. 28:1-4 M. in the holy place,
Ex. 28:43 M. in house of the Lord, 1 Chr. 26:12 M. of God, Rom. 13:4; 1 Th. 3:2
M. of the circumcision, Rom. 15:8 M. of Jesus Christ, Rom. 15:16 M. of carnal
things, Rom. 15:27 M. about holy things, 1 Cor. 9:13 M. grace, Eph. 4:29 M.
questions, rather than, 1 Tim. 1^4 M. to heirs of salvation, Heb. 2:14 Ministered
(37).Samuelm., ISam. 1:13 EUsha m. toEUjah,lKi. 19:21 Thousand diousands
m., Dan. 7:10 Angels came and m., Mt. 4:11; s 596-1 M. to the Lord and fasted.
Acts 13:2 Ministereth (2), 2 Cor. 9:10; Gal. 3:5 Ministering (9), 1 Chr. 9:28;
Ezek.44:ll; Mt. 27:55; Rom. 12:7; 15:16; 2 Cor. 8: 4; 9:1; Heb. 1:14; 10:11
Ministers (26). Defined , d 22 -4*; v 154-4* M. that do His pleasure, Ps. 103:21
M. a flame of fiie, 633; Ps. 104:4; Heb.

1:7 12 physicalqualificationsof O. T., 144 Age of O. T., c 159-1; e 166-1 12

qualifications for O. T., c 199-4 O. T.and N. T. m. ,264 9 classes of, 264
qualifications for O. T., c 199-4 O. T.and N. T. m. ,264 9 classes of, 264

6 kinds of N. T., 264 M. of the Word, Lk. 1:2 M. of Christ, 1 Cor. 4:1

M. of the new testament, 2 Cor. 3:6

M. of God, 2 Cor. 6:4

M. of Satan, 2 Cor. 11:14-15

First work of, c 10-1*

When to go as m., f 10-1*

Instructions to, Mt. 10; Lk. 10; 22

Support of, j 10-1*; n 182-1*

Not to gad about, 1 10-1*

Boldness commanded, i 10-4*

Reception by men, d-e 11-1*

To carry out full N. T. program, h 111*; 159 To give things new and old, p 15-
1* Duty of, a 36-4*; i 84-1*; g 128-1* Care of the body, d 41 -A* Of
synagogues, v 61-1* To capture men, i 62-4* 236*

Qualifications of,j 62-4*; d-f 233-4*; Warning to, m 63-4* Emblems of, p 70-4*
8 things they must be, 120* Ideal, e-u 132-1*

7 characteristics of good. 145* Characteristics of true, p 148-4* 31 things to be

approved in, j 195-1* 16 marks of false, f 198-4* 5 kinds of, 214* 18 things they
are called, 214* Purpose of, c 220-1* O. T. word for, s 398-1* Are over others, j
225-4* To be esteemed highly, k 225-4*

None to be a novice, d 233-4*

30 things about good, 237*

6 things to be an example in, 237*

Work of to be judged, 1 Cor. 3:12-15

Work of to be judged, 1 Cor. 3:12-15

Marriage of, Mt. 8:15; 1 Cor. 9:5; 1

Tim. 3:2, 12; Tit. 1:5-7 Call of, Mt. 4:18-22; 9:9: Lk. 10:1-2; Jn. 1:43; Acts 13:1-
3; 20:24; Rom.l:

1; 10:14-15; 1 Cor. 1:1, 27-28; 1

Cor. 9:16-18; 2 Cor. 5:18-20; Gal.

1:15-16; Eph. 3:7; 4:11-12; Col. 4:

17; 1 Tim. 1:12-14; 2:7;Tit. l:2;Heb.

5:4 Hospitality to, 1 Ki. 17:10-16; 2 Ki.4:

8-10; Acts 9:43; 16:33-34; 18:3, 26;

21:8-10; 28:1-10 Ordinationof, Mt. 10:Lk. 10; Acts 1:26;

6:5-6; 13:3; 1 Tim.4:14; 2 Tim. 1:6 35 things ministers called:

1 Fishers of men(Mt. 4:19; Mk. 1:17)

2 Laborers (Mt. 9:38; 1 Th. 3:2)

3 Lights (Jn. 5:35)

4 Apostles (Mt. 10:2; Acts 1:2)

5 Prophets (Eph. 4:11)

6 Teachers (Acts 13:1-3; Eph. 4:11)

7 Pastors (Eph. 4:11)

8 Evangelists (Eph. 4:11)

9 Ambassadors for Christ (2 Cor. 5:20)

10 Angels of churches (Rev. 1:20; 2:1)

10 Angels of churches (Rev. 1:20; 2:1)

11 Defenders of the faitli (Phil. 1:7)

12 Elders (1 Tim. 5:17; 1 Pet. 5:1)

13 Men of God (1 Tim. 6:11)

14 Messengcrsof churches(2Cor. 8:23)

15 Ministers of God (2 Cor. 6:4)

16 Ministers of Christ (Rom. 15:16)

17 Ministers of the gospel (Eph. 3:7)

18 Ministers of the Word (Lk. 1:2)

19 Ministers of the N. T. (2 Cor. 3:6)

20 Ministers of the church (Col. 1:24-25) 15)

21 Ministers of righteousness(2Cor. 11:

22 Overseers (Acts 20:28)

23 Preachers (Rom. 10:14; 1 Tim. 2:7)

24 Preachers of righteousness (2 Pet. 2:


25 Servants of God (Tit. 1:1)

26 Servants of the Lord (2 Tim. 2:24)

27 Servants of Jesus Christ (Phil. 1:1)

28 Servants of the church (2Cor. 4:5)

29 Stewards of God (Tit. 1:7) 4:10)

30 Stewards of the grace of God (IPet.

30 Stewards of the grace of God (IPet.

31 Stewards of the mysteries of God (1 Cor. 4:1)

32 Wimesses (Acts 1:8; 5:32; 26:16)

33 Workers together with God (2 Ccr. 6:1)

34 Sowers (Ps. 13:3-8; Mk. 4:3-20)

35 Shepherds (1 Pet. 5:1-4) Ministration (7), Lk. 1:23; Acts 6:1; 2

Cor. 3:7-9; 9:13 Ministry (22). M. of prophets, Hos. 12:10 Had obtained part of
this m., Acts 1:

17 Fulfilled their m., Acts 12:25 Addicted to m. of saints, 1 Cor. 16:15 M. of

reconciliation, 2 Cor. 5:18 M. be not blamed, 2 Cor. 6:3 For the work of the m.,
Eph. 4:12 Take heed to the m., Col. 4:17 Faithful, putting me into, 1 Tim. 1:12
Make full proof of thy m., 2 Tim.4:5 Obtained more excellent m., Heb. 8:6 3
kinds of m., p-q 223-4* Minni (1), a district, Jer. 51:27 Minnith (2), a place,
Judg. 11:33; Ezek.

27:17 Minstrel (2), 2 Ki. 3:15 Minstrels (1). p9-l*;Mt. 9:23 Mint (2), c 26-l*;Mt.
23:23; Lk. 11:42 RIpRkad (1), a gate, Neh. 3:31 Miracle (10), Ex. 7:9; Mk. 6:52;
9:39; —nr'23:8; Jn. 4:54; 6:14; 10:41; 12: 18; Acts 4:16, 22 Double m., 110

M. produced 14, 610 times, e 81-4 Miracles (27). M. did in Egypt, Num.14: 22;
Dt. 11:3; 29:3; Judg. 6:13 Beginning of m., Jn. 2:11 M. of Christ, Jn. 2:23; 3:2,
26; 7:31; 11:47; 12:37; Acts 2:22 M. of deacons. Acts 6:8; 8:6, 13 M. of Paul,
Acts 15:12; 19:11; Gal. 3:5 Gift of working of ra.. 1 Cor. 12:10, 28 Confirm die
gospeL Heb. 2:4 M. of false prophet. Rev. 13:14; 19:20 M. of demons. Rev.
16:14 Purpose of m., f 67 -4; g 81 -1; 264 3 m.of magicians, c 71-1 15 m. by the
rod, c 79-1 64 otJier m., c 101-1; 394 42 m. of Moses, 109 Water m.. Ill; 625 M.
in Israel and the church, g 200-1

3 m.of healing waters, h 391-4

14 purposes of m.. z 94-1*; f 108-4*

4 notable m., d 137-1*

Not by man's hoUness, h 125-1* Proof Jesus wasglorified, i 125-1* Miraculous.

Not by man's hoUness, h 125-1* Proof Jesus wasglorified, i 125-1* Miraculous.
7 m. biiths, d 281-1

Complete Concordance - Cyclopechc Index

22 ni. ways God protected laacl, k 300-4 Mixe fl5). M. of streets, 2 Sam. 22:43 ;
ka. 10:6; Mic. 7:10; Zech. 9:3; 10:5

Sunk in m., Ps. 69:2. 14; Jer. 3S:6. 22

Sow wallowingin the m., 2 Pet. 2:22 Miriam (15^. tebellion. Sister of Moses ,

Ex. 15:20. 21; Num. 12:1-15; 20:1;

26:59: Dt. 24:9; 1 Chr. 6:3; Mic.6:4.

A man or a woman. 1 Chr. 4:17 Mirnia_(l), deceit, 1 Chr. 8:10 Mirth ( 15). Heart
of fooU in housc of m. E^l. 7:4

Cause all her m. to cease, Hos. 2:11 Miry (4). Ps. 40:2; Ezek. 47:11; Dan. 2:

Miscarrying (1). Hos. 9:14 Mischief (46). M. (harm) befaU him, Gen, 42:4, 38;
44:29; Ex.21:22-23

Practised m. (eviO, Ex. 32:12,22; 1 Sam. 23:9; 2 Sam. 16:8; 1 Ki. 11:25

M. in their hearu. Ps. 28:3

Their lips talk m., Pi. 24:2

The wicked will fall into m., Pr. 24:16

Full of subtilty and m., Acts 13:10 Mischiefs (3). Dt. 32:23; Ps. 52:2; 140:2
Mi3c'fue_yous (S), Ps. 21:11; 38:12; Pr.

24:8; Eccl. 10:13; Mic. 7:3 Miserable (3), Job 16:2; 1 Cor. 15:19;

Rev. 3:17 Miserably (1). Mu 21:41 Miseries (2). Urn. 1:7; Jas. 5:1; a 263-1*
Misery (7).JudR. 10:16; lob 3:20; 11:16; Pr. 31:7;EccL 8:6; Um. 3:19; Rora.3:
Misery (7).JudR. 10:16; lob 3:20; 11:16; Pr. 31:7;EccL 8:6; Um. 3:19; Rora.3:

16 Misgab (1), a place, Jer. 48:1 Mishael (8). who is equal to God. 3 men .

Ex. 6:22; Lev. lOyi; Neh. 8:4; Dan.

1:6-7. 11, 19; 2:17 Midial fl). prayer. A ciry, JoA. 21: 30 Midiam (1), cleansing,
1 Chr. 8:12 Misheal fl), prayer, Josh. 16:26 Mishma (4). report. Gen. 25:14; 1

1:30:4:25-26 Mishmannah (1), fatness, 1 Chr. 12:10 Mishraites (1^, 1 Chr. 2:53
Mis?ereth ~(l). number, Neh. 7:7 Misrephoth-roairo (2). a place, w250-l:Josh.
11:8; 13:6 Miss (2) Judg. 20:16; 1 Sam. 20:6 KGSed f3). 1 Sam. 20:18; 25:15-21
Missing (2), 1 Sam. 25:7; 1 Ki. 20:39 Missions. 2 Ki. 17:27-28; 1 Chr. 16:23 ;
Ps. 18:49; 96:3; Isa. 66:19-21; Jonah

3; Mt. 24:14; 28:19-20; Mk. 13:10; 16:

15-20; Lk. 24:47; Acts 1^4-8; 10:9-48;

13:1-3, 27; 26:14-18; Rom. 1:11; 10:

9-14; GaL 2:8-9; Eph. 3:6-10; 1 Th.

1:5-9; Rev. 14:6-7 2:17

Mist (3), Gen. 2:6; Acts 13:11; 2 Pet. 2:

Before Adam, 53 Mistress (9). Gen. 16rf:-9; 1 Ki. 17:17;

2 Ki. 5:3; Ps. 123:2; Pr. 30:23; Isa.

24:2; Nah. 3:4 Misused (1). 2 Chr. 36:16 Mite (1). l/5cent. w 75-4'; Lk. 12:59
Mites (2), Mk. 12:42; Lk. 21:2 Mitfacah (2), a camp. Num. 33:28-29 Midmite
(1). 1 Chr. 11^^3 8;4:7

Numreqath (2), given by Mithra, Ezra 1:

Mine (13), Ex. 28:4, 37-39; 29:6; 39: ~W^l; Lev. 8:9; 16}4; Zech. 3:5 Mitylene
(l).eity of Lesbos, Acts20:14 Mixed f9). Ex. 12:38; Neh. 13:3; Pr. 23: 30; Isa.
1:22; Dan. 2^il-13; Hos. 7:8; Mixt (1), Num. 11:4 Heb.4:2

WIxTure (3). Ps. 75:8; Jn. 19:39;Rev. 14:10 Mizar (1). 1 567-1; Ps. 42:6 Mizpah
WIxTure (3). Ps. 75:8; Jn. 19:39;Rev. 14:10 Mizar (1). 1 567-1; Ps. 42:6 Mizpah
(23), beacon, n 31-1; Gen. 31: 49. A city of Benjamin. 1 Ki. 15:22; 2 Ki. 25:^3-
25; 2 Chr. 16:6; Jer. 40: 6-15; 41:1-16; Hos. 5:1. See Mizpeh Mizpar (1), fear,
Ezra 2:2 MLzpeh (23). watch-tower. A place in Gilead where Jacob and Laban
made a| covenant (Judg. 11:11, 29-34); a yal -j linear Lebanon (Josh. 11:3-8); a
ciff oTMoab fl Sam. 22:3-4); a city of Ju -dah flosh. 15:38); a city of Benjarnin
THam. 7:5-16; 10:17). See Mizpah; 1 250^;y 257-1; f 287-1; b 302^4 Mia aim
(4), fortresses. Gen. 10:6, 13; 1 Chr. 1:8, 11 U37

Mizzah (3). terror. Gen. 36:13-17; IChr. Mnason (1), diUgent seeker, Acts 21:16
Moab (167). progeny of father. Gen. 19: 3T. Territory: east of Dead Sea and
south of the river Arnon, Num. 21: Moses buried in, Di. 34 11-29

Oppressed Israel, Judg. 3:12-30 3 Land of Rutfi, Ruth 1:1-6, 22; 2:6; 4: National
god was Chemosh. 1 Ki. 11:

7, 33 Subject to Israel, 2 Sam. 8:2; 2 Ki.

1:1; 3:4-26 Future possession of Jews, p 200-1 M. in prophecy, Ps. 60:8; 108:9;
Isa. 15-16; 25:10; Jer. 48; Ezek. 25; Dan. 11:41; Zeph. 2:8-9


Moabite (T). Dt. 23:3; i Chr. 11:46; Ne'.i.

Moabites (19). Gen. 19:37; Num. 22.-4; Dt. 2:9-11, 29; Judg. 3:28; 2 Sam. 8: 2;
1 Ki. 11:1, 33; 2 Ki. 3:18-24; 13: 20; 23:13; 24:2; 1 Chr. 38:2; Ezra 9:1

Moabitess (g). Ruth 1:22; 2:2, 21; 4:5, 10; 2 Chr. 24:26

Moabitish (1), Ruth 2:6 12:17

Moadiah CI), festival of Jehovah, Neh.

Mock (12). Gen. 39:14, 17; Job 12:9; 21:3; Pr. 1:26; 14:9; Jer. 36:19; Lam. 1:7;
Ezek. 22:5; Mt. 20:19; Mk. 10: 34; Lk. 14:29

Mocked (21). Lot was m., Gen. 19:14 Ass m. Balaam. Num. 22:29 Samson m.
Delilah, Judg. 16:1-15 Elijah m. Baal prophets, 1 Ki. 18:27 Young men m.
Elisha, 2 Ki. 2:23 Israel m. God's messengers, 2 Chr.
30:10; 36:16 Herod m. by wise men, Mt. 2:16 Jesus m. by mob, Mt. 2-:29-31;
Mk. 15:20; Lk. 18:32; 22:63; 23:11, 36 M. at resurrection of dead. Acts 17:32
God is not m., Gal. 6:7

Mocker (1), Pr. 20:1

Mockers (5), Job 17:2; Ps. 35:16; Isa. 28:22; Jer. 15:17; Jude 18

Mockest (1), Job 11:3

Mockelh (5), Job 13:9; 39:22; Pr. 17:5; 30:17; Jer. 20:7

Mocking (5), Gen. 21:9; Ezek. 22:4; Mt! 27:41; Mk. 15:31; Acts 2:13

Mockings (1), Heb. 11:36

Moderately (1), Joel 2:23

Moderation (1). s 217-4'; Phi. 4:5

Modern inventions. 22 kinds, 882

Modernism . 12 modern religions and Christ, r 17^

Modest (1). 1 Tim. 2:9

Moist (1), Num. 6:3

Moistened (1), Job 21:24

Moisture (a. Ps. 32:4; Lk. 8:6

Moladah (4), Josh. 15:26; 19:2; 1 Chr. 4:28; Neh. 11:26

Mole fl). Lev. 11:30

Molech (8), naiionalgod of Ammonites, 116; e 139-1; o 141-1; i 130-4'; Lev.

18:21; 20:2-5; 1 Ki. 11:7; 2 Ki. 23:10; Jet. 32:35. See Moloch. Malcham , and
Milcom Moles (1). Isa. 2:29

Molid (1), begetter, 1 Chr. 2:29

Mollified (1), made soft, Isa. 1:6

Moloch (2). Amos 5:26; Acu 7:43. See Molech and p. 116

Molten (38).M.sea, 1 454-1; a-f454-4; m. 7:23; 2 Chr. 4:2 M. calf, Ex. 32:4-8;
Dt. 9:16; Neh. 9:18 M. gods. Ex. 34:17; Uv. 10:4 M. images. Num. 33:52; Dt.
9:12; 27: 15; Judg. 17:3-4; 18:14-18; 1 Ki. 14: 9; 2 Ki. 17:16; 2 Chr. 28:2; 34:3-
4; Ps. 106:19; Isa. 30:22; 41:29; 42:17; 44:10; 48:5; Jer. 10:14; 51:17; Hos. 13:2;
Nah. 1:14; Hab. 2:18 M. brass chapiters, 1 Ki. 7:16 M. looking glass. Job 37:18

Moment (22). Consume in am., Ex. SSTolNum. 16:21, 45 Try hirn every m., Job
7:18 In a m. die, Job 21:13; 34:20 His anger endureth but a m., Ps. 30:5 Lying
tongue but for am., Pr. 12:19 klngdomsof world in a m., Lk. 4:5 Inam., in the
twinkling, 1 Cor. 15:52 Affliction, but for am., 2 Cor. 4:17

Monasteries, unscriptural, f 115-4*

Money (150).M. lenders, g 66-4* Daric-$5. 28, Ezra 2:69; Neh.7:70-72 Penny -
17^, i 41 -4*; Mt. 22:19, note Fartiiing - 2/5 cent, n 49-1* Mite -1/5 cent, m 49-
4* Piece of silver -64^, 1 31-4*; g 146-1* Shekel of silver-64^, a 21-4 Shekel of
gold -$9. 69 1/2, a 21^ Pound (Gr. mina) -$17.00, h 83-1* Bekah (Heb.)-32^,
Ex. 38:26 Gerah (Heb.) - 3 1/5 cents, Ex. 30:13 Maneh (Heb.) -15shekels,

45:12 Talent of sil"er-$1,920.00. lKi.20:

39; 2 Ki. 5:22 Talent of gold - $29, 085.00, d 28-4';

Ex. 25:39; 37:24; 2 Sam. 12:30 Atonement m., e-j 96:4; a-c 97-1 Putteth not
m.out for usury, Ps. 15:5 M. is a defence, EccL 7:12 M. answereth all tfiings,
EccL 10:19 Shall be redeemed without m., Isa.52:3 Buy without m. and price.
Isa. 55:1-2 Spend m. for that which is, Isa. 55:2 Tribute m., Mt. 17:24-27; 22:19
M. in mouth of fish, Mt, 17:27 Gave m. unto soldiers, Mt. 28:12-15 Covenanted
to give him m., Lk. 22:5 He offered them m. that, Acts8:18-19 Love of m. root
of evil, 1 Tim. 6:10

Moneychangers (2). Mt. 21:12;Mk. 11:15

Monsters (1), Lam. 4:3 Month (329). Sec Jewisli calender . 110 First m. (31
times).Called Abib. Ex. 12:
1S;13:4: and Nisan. Neli. -:i; Esther

3:7 6:1.37

Second m. (12 times). Called Zif. 1 Ki. Third m. (5 times). Ex. 19:1; 2Chr. 15:

10; 31:7; Ezek. 31:1. Called Sivan

once, Esther 8:9 Fourth m. (5 times), 2 Ki. 25:3; IChr.

27:7; Jer. 52:6. Called Tammuz but

not found in Scripture as a month.

Found once as an idol, Ezek. 8:14 Fifdi m . (10 times).Called Abbutnot

found in Scripture. Num. i.i::lS:cic. Sixth m (7 times). Ezek. 8:1; Lk. 1:

26, 3?. Called Elul onlv once in

Neh. 6:15 Seventh m. (26 times). Gen. 8:4; Lev.

23:24-41. Called Etfianim once. )

Ki. 8:2; also called Tistirr but not

found in Scripture EiAih m. (5 times), 1 Ki. 12:32,33.

Called Bui one time, 1 Ki. 6:38 Ninth m .TTtimes), 1 Chr. 27:12; Ezra

10:9. CaUed Chisleu 2 times, Neh.

1:1; Zech. 7:1 lenth m. (9 times). Gen. 8:5; Jer.

39:1. CaUed Tebeifa once. Esther 2:

16 Eleventh m. (3 times), 1 Chr. 27:14;

Zech. 1:7. CaUed Sebat once, Zech.

1:7. Called also Shebat but not found

in Scripture Twelfth rn . (14 tiroes), 2 Ki. 25:27:

Esther 8:12. CaUed Adar 8 times,

Ezra 6:15; Esdier 3:7,T3rS:12; 9:121 Only one chapter names the whole 12

months by number, 1 Chr. 27:2-15 Yielded her frtiite very m., Rev. 22:2
Montfily (1) prognostjcaiors, Isa. 47:13 Months (59). Beginning of m., Ex. 12:2;
Num. 10:10; 28:11 Made to possess m. of vanity. Job 7:3 Forth new fruit
according to m., Ezek.

47:12 Ye observe days, m., times. Gal. 4:10 Tormented five m., Rev. 9:5-10 The
times of Gentiles continue 42 m..

Rev. 11:2 with Lk. 21:24 Antichrist reigns over 10 kingdoms 42

m., Rev. 13:5 Monuments (1), Isa. 65:4 Moon (50)7 Facts about, 58
Moonstruck, c 19-1* 12:1

Partof symbol of la-ael. Gen. 37:9:Rev. M. stopped byjoshua,Josh. 10:12-13

David's kingdom eternal asm., Ps. 89: 37 M. and stars rule by night, Ps. 136:9
M. U^t in Millennium as the present

sunUght, Isa. 30:26 M. darkened at 2nd advent, Joel 2:10,

31; 3:15; Mt. 24:29; Acts 2:20 M.to be darkened during tribulation.

Rev. 6:12; 8:12; 9:2; 16:10 Other prophecies of ra., Ps. 72:5-7;

89:37; Isa. 13:10; 24:23;60:19-20; 66:

23; Ezek. 32:7; Lk. 21:25; Rev. 21:23 New m. and sabbadis abolished, Isa. 1:

13-14; Hos. 2:11; CoL 2:14-17 Moons (11). New m., set feasts, and

sabbaths prominent in Israel worship,

1 Chr. 23:31; 2 Chr. 2:4; 8:13; 31:3;

Ezra 3:5; Neh. 10:33; Ezek. 45:17; 46:

3 New m. and sabbaths aboUshed, Isa. 1:

3 New m. and sabbaths aboUshed, Isa. 1:

13-14; Hos. 2:11; Col. 2:14-17 Morastfute (2), Jer. 26:18; Mic, 1:1 Mordecai
("58), bitter bruising, g 488-4. 2 men^ Ezra 2:2; Neh. 7:7; Esther 2: 5-10:3
Mordecai's (2), Esther 2:22; 3:4 More (545^. Defined, o 6-1' ~R~ just than God,
Job 4:17 M. pure than his Maker, Job 4:17 M. righteousness than God's, Job
35:2 M. precious than rubies, Pr. 3:15 M. and m.unto perfect day, Pr. 4:18 How
much m., Mt. 7:11; Lk. 11:13 Body m. than raiment, Lk. 12:23 M. than
conquerors. Rom. 8:37 M. disciples than John. Jn. 4:1 M. excellent name. Heb.
1:4 Moreh (3). A plain. Gen. 12:6; Dt. 11: 30. A hiU. Judg. 7:1 Moreover (159),
Gen. 45:15; Ps. 19:11;

Wt. 5:16; 18:15; Rom. 10:1; 15:1; etc. Moreshedi-gath (1), a place, Mic. 1:14
Moriah (5) ■ A~Iand . i 19-1; Gen. 22:2.

A mountain, 2 Chr. 3:1 Momonism, r 17-4* Morning (S25). M. and evening


literal days. Gen. 1:3-31, notes M. stars, o 544-1; Job 38:7 Lucifer, son of die m.,
Isa. 14:12 M. star. Rev. 228; 22:16 Morrow (103). Boast not thyself of to m.,

Drink, for to m. we die. Isa. 22:13; J Cot. 15:32

1 do cures today and to m.. Lk. 13:32 Today or to m. wc will go, Jas. 4:13 Know
no( wliat be on tlic ni..Jas.4:14

Morsel (10). Gen. 18:5; Judg. 19:5; Rutli

2:14; 1 Sam. 2:3C; 2S:22; 1 Ki. 17:11;

Job 31:17; Pr. 17:1; 23:8; Heb. 12:IC Morsels (1). P^. 147:17 Mortal (G). M.
man. Job 4:17

M. body, not m. irmcr man, Rom. 6: 12; 6:'ll; 1 Cor. 15:43-54; 2 Cor. 4: 11. Cp.
1 Pet. 3:4 MoruUty (1), 2 Cor. 5:4 Mortally (1), Dt. 19:11 Mortar (2), Num.
11:8; Pr. 27:22 Morter (11). Gen. 11:3; Ex. 1:14; Lev.

14:42, 45; Isa. 41:25; Ezek. 13:10-15;

22:28; Nah. 3:14 Mortgaged (1). Neh. 5:3 Mortify (2), to kill, crucify, subdue, d
221-1; Rom. 8:13; Col. 3:5 Mosaic covenant . 57. Sec Law of Mos -es

4 names of, b 204-4

85 contrasts with new covenant, 201* 6 main parts of die covenant, 117 Vetera
^!). a camp. Dt. 10:6 M::: -- f2). a camp. Num. 33:30-31 Mose; (clj), drawn out,
Ex. 2:10 Birth and parents, h-q 65-4; g 199-1 Age at adoption, 109 First anempt
to help Israel, d 66-1 Two sons, u 66-1; o 68-1; 109 Call back to Egypt, Ex. 3-4,
notes Contest with Pharaoh, Ex. 5-12, notes Leads Israel to Sinai, Ex. 12-19,
notes Receives the law, Ex. 20-24, notes 11 complaints of, Ex. 3:1, heading
Songs of, g 79-4

8 ascents-and descents on Sinai, h 83-4 Fatfier-in-law of M., 83 40-day fasts, b

90-1; m 98-1; i 101-4 Receives instticuons of tabernacle and priesthood, Ex. 25-
31 Builds ubcrnacle, Ex. 35-40 Requests to see God, p 100-1

12 acts of M., d-e 108-1 14 acts of M., a-b 108-4 Tabernacle of, 108

6 acts in Egypt, 109 42 miracles of, 109 30 prayers answered. 111

5 calU of God to, c 120-1

44 acts consecrating priests, c 126-4 Only prophet, priest, and king, b 127-1

5 acts of M., k 162-4

6 tiroes fell on his face, 164

10 murrourings against, i 169-4 Meekest man on earth, n 169-4 8 accusations

against, b 174-4

2 claims of, n 174-4

Sins of. i-1 179-1; p 179-4

Cut off from promised land, 1 179-1;

0 179-4
Prepares for death 8 ways, b 188-1 Ordains Joshua, g 188-1
7 times angry, c 191-4

Died on his binhday, m 199-1 Last plea to God, c 202-4 7 great predictions. 1

3 reasons chosen, g 204-1

3 limitations of, g 230-4

4 things knew about Israel, 1 231-4 2 charges of, o 231-4

2 positions held by, d 233-4 18 times called servant of God, n 234-4 Greatest of
pcopbets, a 235-1 Died youngest ol kin, q 234-4 Buried by God, P 234-4: ! 283-
1* M. in N. T., I 7-4*; n 36-1*; q 62-4* Flight and vision, j, p 130-1* Other
experiences of, b-j 130-1* Became ruler and deUverer, v-w 130-1* Mediator of
O. T., m 204-1* 4 diings about M., b 254-1* Had fearless faith, f 254-1*
Appearance after death, k 18-4*

Moses ' (19), Ex. 17:12; 18:1-17; 32:19; 34:29. 35; Lev. 8:29; Num. 10:29;Jo*.
1:1; Judg. 1:16; Mt. 23:2; Jn. 9:28; Heb. 10:28

Most (134). M. high God. Gen. 14:18-22; Dan. 3:26; Mk. 5:7; Heb. 7:1

M. holy place, Ex. 26:33-34; Num. 18:

10; 1 Ki. 6:16; 7:50; 8:6; 2 Chr. 4:

22; 5:7; Ezek. 41:4; 45:3; Dan. 9:24

M.holy unto the Lord. Ex. 30:10, 29. 36

M. holy offerings. Lev. 2:3, 10; 6:17,

25-29; 7:1; 14:13; 24:9; 27:28 M. holy altar. Ex. 40:10 M. holy diings. Num.
4:4, 19; 18:9;

1 Chr. 23:13; 2 Chr. 31:14; Neh. 7: 65; Ezek. 42:13

The m. High, Num. 24:16; Dt. 32:8;

2 Sam. 22:14; Ps. 7:17; 9:2; 21:7; 46:4; 47:2; 50:14; 56:2; 57:2; 73:11; 77:10;
78:17. 56; 83:18; 91:1, 9; 92: 1, 8; 107:11; Isa. 14:14; Um. 3:35-38; Dan.4:17,
78:17. 56; 83:18; 91:1, 9; 92: 1, 8; 107:11; Isa. 14:14; Um. 3:35-38; Dan.4:17,
24-34; 5:18-21; 7:18-

Complete Concordance - Cyclopedic Index


27;Hos. 7:16; U:7;Lk. 8:28; Acts 7:48 M. holy house, 2 Cht. 3:8, 10 M. blessed,
Ps. 21:6 M. upright, Isa. 26:7 M. proud, Jer. 50:31-32 M. rebellious, Ezek. 2:7
M. aorgeously clothed, Ezek. 23:12 M. desolate, Ezek. 33:28-29; 35:3-7 M.
miserable, 1 Cor. 15:19 M. holy faith, Jude 20 Mote (6), Mt. 7:3-5; Lk. 6:41-42
Niogi (10). Work of, c 885-4; Job 4:19; iJ:-^; 27:18; Ps. 39:11; Isa. 50:9; 51: 8;
Hos. 5:12; Mt. 6:19-20; Lk. 12:33 Motheaten (1), Jas. 5:2 Mother (244). Leave
father and m., Gen. 2:24; Mt. 19:5; Mk. 10:7; Eph. 5:31 M. of all living men.
Gen. 3:20 M. of nations. Gen. 17:16 Honor father and m., Ex. 20:12; Dt. 5:16;
Mt. 15:4; 19:19; Mk. 7:10; 10: 19; Lk. 18:20 Smiteth father or ra., Ex. 21:15
Cuiscth father or m., Ex. 21:17; Lev. 20:9; Pr. 20:20; Mt. 15:4; Mk. 7:10 Fear m.
and father. Lev. 19:3 Mother-in-law, Dt. 27:23; Ruth 1:14; 2:11, 18-19; 2:23;
3:1. 6, 16-17; Mic. 7:6; Mt. 10:35; Lk. 12:53 Despise not m. when old, Pr. 23:22
Peter's wife's m. healed, Mt. 8:14 Loveth father or m. more than, Mt.

12:46; 19:29; Lk. 14:26 Behold My m. and brethren, Mt. 12:49 M. kept these
sayings in her, Lk. 2:51 Without father, widiout m., Heb. 7:3 M. of harlots, and
of the. Rev. 17:5 Mother's (74). Seethe kid in ra. milk, EZ~23:19; 34:26; Dt.
14:21 Unto God from m. womb, Judg. 16:17 My God from My m. belty, Ps.
22:10 AUen to My m. children, Ps. 69:8 Filled, from his m. womb, Lk. 1:15
Second time into m. womb, Jn. 3:4 Lame from m. womb was. Acts 3:2 Cripple
from m. womb. Acts 14:8 Separated me from m. womb. Gal. 1:15 Mothers (7),
Isa. 49:23; Jer. 16:3; Lam. 2:12; 5:3; Mk. 10:30; 1 Tim. 1:9; 5:2 Mothers' (1),
Lam. 2:12 Motions (1). Of sin, Rom. 7:5 Mouldy (2). Josh. 9:5, 12 Mount (26^.
38 mounts in Scripture : TTA. Sephar (Gen. 10:30) 2 M. Seir (Gen. 14:6; 36:8-9;
Dt. 1:6) 3M. Gilead(Gen. 31:21-25; Dt. 3:12) 4 M. Sinai (Ex. 19:11, 18-23;

5 M. Horeb (Ex. 33:6; Dt. 1:2)

6 M. Hot(Num. 20:22-28; 21:4:33:37)

7 M. Abarim (Num. 27:12; Dt. 32:49)

8 M. Shapher (Num. 33:23-24)

8 M. Shapher (Num. 33:23-24)

9 M. Hermon (Dt. 3:8; 4:48)

10 M. Gerizim (Dt. 11:29; 27:12)

11 M. Ebal(Dt. 11:29; 2^^4:;Josh. 8:30)

12 M. Nebo (Dt. 32:49; 34:1)

13 M. Paran (Dt. 33:2; Hab. 3:3)

14 M. HaLak(Josh. 11:17; 12:7)

15 M. Ephron (Joh. 15:9)

16 M. Jearim ^osh. 15:10)

17 M. Baalah (Josh. 15:11)

18 M. Bethel(Josh. 16:1; 1 Sam. 13:2)

19 M. Ephiaim (Josh. 17:15; 19:50)

20 M. NaphtaE (Josh. 20:7)

21 M. Heres (Judg. 1:35)

22 M. Lebanon (Judg. 3:3)

23 M. Baal-hermon (Judg. 3:3)

24 M. Tabor (Judg. 4:6, 12, 14)

25 M. Zalmon (Judg. 9:48) 6)

26 M. Gilboa(l Sam. 31:l-8;2 Sam. 1:

27 M. 0Uvet(2Sam. 15:30; Zech. 14:4)

28 M. Carmel (1 Ki. 18:19-20)

29 M. Zion (2 Ki. 19:31; Ps.48:2, 11)

29 M. Zion (2 Ki. 19:31; Ps.48:2, 11)

30 M. of corruption (2 Ki. 23:13)

31 M. Moriah (2 Chr. 3:1)

32 M. Zemariam (2 Chr. 13:4)

33 M. Perazim (Isa. 28:21)

34 M. of Esau (Oba. 9, 19, 21) 14:1)

35 M.Sion(heavenly, Heb. 12:22;Rev.

36 M. of Samaria (Amos 4:1; 6:1)

37 M. Amana (Song 4:8)

38 M. Shenii (Song 4:8) Mountain (106). See Mount ; Mountains

Sermon"m. unknown, g 4-1*

M. of OUves, u 23-1*

M. of the Lord's house, Isa. 2:2-3; 30:

29; Mic. 3:12; 4:1-2; Zech. 8:3 M. of holiness, Jer. 31:23; Dan.11:45;

Joel 2:1; 3:17; Oba. 16; Zeph. 3:11 M. to pray, Mt. 14:23; 17:1; Mk. 3:13;

6:46; 9:2; Uc. 6:12; 9:28; Jn. 6:3 M. removed by faitli, Mt. 17:20; 21:21 M.
burning, Rev. 8:8 M. of brass, 929 Mountains (175). See Mount; Mountain 8
sacred m. of Scripture, 10^ 18 facts about Bible m., 628 M. of Ararat, Gen. 8:4
M. of Abarim, Num. 33:47-48 M. of the east. Num. 23:7 M. of Judah, Josh.

M. of Israel, Josh. 11:21 M. of Shamir and Jattir, Josh. 15:48 M. of Gilboa, 2

Sam. 1:21 M. of Zion, Ps. 133:3 M. of Bether, Song 2:17 M. of Samaria, Jer.
31:5 1:15

How beautiful upon m., Isa. 52:7; Nah. M. of brass, 929: Zech. 6:1 Flee to m.,
Mt. 24:15-16; Lk. 21:21 Remove m. by faith, Mt. 17:20; ICor. 7 heads and 7 m..
Mt. 24:15-16; Lk. 21:21 Remove m. by faith, Mt. 17:20; ICor. 7 heads and 7 m..
Rev. 17:9 13:2

Prophecies of m., Hos. 10:8; Ezek. 6: 2-3; 31:12; 33:28; 34:6-14; 35:12; 36:1-8;
37:22; 38:8, 20-21; 39:2-4, 17; Mic. 6:2; Hag. 1:11; Zech. 14: 4-5; Rev. 6:15-16;
16:20 ■ Moimted (IK Ezek. 10:19 Mounting (1). Isa. 15:5 Mounts (3), Jer.
32:24; 33:4; Ezek. 17:17 Mourn (45). M. for Sarah, Gen. 23:2 M. for Saul, 1
Sam. 16:1 M. for Abner, 2 Sam. 3:31 M. in my complaint, Ps. 55:2 Blessed are
they that m., Mt. 5:4 All tribes of earth m., Mt. 24:30 Be affUcted and m., Jas.
4:9 Mourned (22). Jacob m. for Joseph, Gen. 37:34 M. for Aaron 30 days. Num.
20:29 Samuel m. for Saul, 1 Sam. 15:35 BaAsheba m. for husband, 2 Sam. 11:26
David m. for son, 2 Sam. 13:37 Israel m. for Josiah, 2 Chr. 35:24 Disciples m.
for Jesus, Mk. 16:10 Mourner (1), 2 Sam. 14:2 Mourners (4). 1 262-4*; Job
29:25: EccL

12:5; Isa. 57:18; Hos. 9:4

Moumeth (ll). 2 Sam. 19:1; Ps. 35:14;

88:9; Isa. 24:4-7; 33:9; Jer. 12:11; 14:

2; 23:10; Joel 1:10; Zech. 12:10 '

Mournfully (1), Mai. 3:14

Mouming (51). Oil of joy form.. Isa. 61:3

M. three full weeks, Dan. 10:2 I Great m. in Jerusalem, Zech. 12:11 Great m. for
Rachel, Mt. 2:18 Laughter turned to m., Jas. 4:9 Days of m. for the dead, a 180-1
Mouse (2), Lev. 11:29; Isa. 66:17 Mouth (417). M. of the earth. Gen. 4: 11;
Num. 16:30-32; 26:10; Dt. 11:6 M. of beasts. Gen. 8:11; Num. 22:28 M. of men.
Gen. 24:57; Ex. 4:11-15 M. of welk. Gen. 29:2-10 M. of sacks. Gen. 42:27;
43:12; 44:1 M. of the Lord, Num. 12:8; Dt. 8:3; 2 Chr. 36:12; Isa. 1:20; 40:5;
Mt.4:4 M. of cave. Josh. 10:22 M. of the prophets, 1 Ki. 22:22-23; 2 Chr. 18:21-
22; Lk. 1:70; Acts 3:18-21 Set a watch before my m., Ps. 141:3 Praise
continually in ra., Ps. 34:1 Open dry m. wide and I will, Ps. 81:10 Out of
abundance of the heart the m., Mt. 12:34; 15:18; Lk. 6:45; Jas. 3:10 Open My ra.
in parables, Mt. 13:35 Out of m. defileth the man, Mt. 15:11 Out of m. of babes,
Mt. 21:16 Give thee a m. of wisdom, Lk. 21:15 Gentiles by my m., Acts 15:7
Every m. must be stopped. Rem. 3:19 Confess with thy m., Rom. 10:9-10
Muzzle m. of the ox that, 1 Cor. 9:9 M.of twoorthreewimesses, 2 Cor. 13:1 No
Muzzle m. of the ox that, 1 Cor. 9:9 M.of twoorthreewimesses, 2 Cor. 13:1 No
guile found in His m., 1 Pet. 2:22 M. speaking great swelling words, Jude
Swordof m.,Rev.l:16:2:16;19:15 16 Spue thee out of My m., Rev. 3:16 Fire out
of their m., Rev. 11:5 Out of m. water as a flood. Rev. 12:15 M. speaking great
things. Rev. 13:5-6 In m. was found no guile. Rev. 14:5 M. of the dragon. Rev.
16:13 Mouths (18). Gaped upon me with m., Psr~22:13 Kings shut m. at Hira,
Isa. 52:15 Shut the lion's m., Dan. 6:22; Heb. 11: M. must be stopped. Tit. 1:11

Fire out of m., Rev. 9:17-18; 11:5 Move (13). M. to jealousy, Dt. 32:21 Spirit
began to m. him, Judg. 13:25 In Hira we Uve and m., Acts 17:28 None of these
things m. rae. Acts 20:24 Moveable (1), Pr. 5:6 Moved (75). Spirit of God m..
Gen. 1:2 M. Me to jealousy with, Dt. 32:21 Shall never be m., Ps. 15:5 62:6 I
shall not be m., Ps. 10:6; 16:8; 30:6; M. with compassion, Mt. 9:36;14:14: Mk.
1:41; 6:34 M. with indignation, Mt. 20:24 M. with envy. Acts 7:9; 17:5 Be not
m. away from hope, Col. 1:23 M. widi fear, Heb. 11:7 Kingdom cannot be m.,
Heb. 12:28 M. by the Holy Ghost, 2 Pet. 1:21 14 Every mountain and island
m.,Rev. 6: Movedst (1). Job 2:3 Mover ( 1). Acts 24:5 Moyeth (^, Gen. 1:21, 28;
9:2; Lev. 11: 46;Job40:17; Ps. 69:34; Pr. 23:31; Ezek.



47:9 Moving (5), Gen. 1:20; 9:3; Job

Pr. 16:30; Jn. 5:3 Mower (1), Ps. 129:7 Mowings (1), Amos 7:1 Mown (1). Ps.
72:6 Moza (5), fountain. 2men. 1 Chr.

8:36-37; 9:42-43 Mozah (1), a city. Josh. 18:26 Much (284). M. less, 1 Ki. 8:27;
2ChT. 6:18; 32:15; Job 4:19; 9:14; 25:6; 34: 19 M. more from man, Ex. 36:5; Pr.
15: 11; 19:7; 21:27 M. more from God, Ezek. 14:21; Mt.

7:11; Lk. 11:13 M. more being justified, Rom. 5:9 M. more being reconciled,
Rom. 5:10 M. more grace abounds, Rom. 5:20 How m.more shall blood, Heb.
9:14 Mufflers (1). Isa. 3:19

Automobile m., 882-3 14:14-15

Mulberry (4). 2 Sam. 5:23-24; 1 Chr. Mule (9), 2 Sam. 13:29; 18:9; 1 Ki. 1:

33, 38, 44; Ps. 32:9; Zech. 14:15 Mules (11). M. in wilderness, b 35-4 Posts on
33, 38, 44; Ps. 32:9; Zech. 14:15 Mules (11). M. in wilderness, b 35-4 Posts on
m., Esther 8:10-14 Israel gathered on., Isa. 66:20 Mules' (1), 2 Ki. 5:17
Multiplied (44). M. exceedingly. Gen. 47:27; Ex. 1:7, 12, 20; Acts 7:17
Transgressions m., Job 35:6 Sorrows m., Ps. 16:4 23:19

\vTioredoms m., Ezek. 16:25, 29, 51; Disciples m.. Acts 6:1, 7; 9:31 Word of
God grew and m., Acts* 12:24 Grace and peace be m., 1 Pet. 1:2; 2 Pet. 1:2;
Jude 2 , MultlpUedst (1). Neh. 9:23 t

Multiplieth (3). Job 9:17:34:37:35:16 Multiply (46). Be fruitful and ra., Gen. !
1:22. 28; 8:17; 9:1, 7; 35:11 Greatly m. sorrow and. Gen. 3:16 i M. thy seed
exceedingly. Gen. 16:10; 1 17:2,20. Fulfilled, Ex. 1:7, 12, 20 i M. thy seed as
stars. Gen. 22:17; 26: 4. Fulfilled, Dt. 1:10; 10:22; 28:62 I 4 things kings not to
ra., Dt. 17:16-17 Multiplying (2). Gen. 22:17; Heb. 6:14 Multitude (243).Cannot
be numbered for m., Gen. 16:10; 32:12 48:19 '

Thy seed become a m. of nations, Gen. Mixed m., Ex. 12:38; Num. 11:4 M. of
mercies, Ps. 51:1; 69:13, 16 of words, Pr. 10:19 of thoughts, Ps. 94:19 6

of counsellors, Pr. 11:14; 15:22; 24:! of business brings dreams, Eccl. 5:3 i of
sins,Jas. 5:20; 1 Pet. 4:8 Word used 50 times of diose who followed Christ, Mt.
14:14; Lk. 12:1 | M. of disciples, Lk. 19:37; Acts 4:32 , Multitudes (23). Used 16
times of those who followed Christ, f 4-1*; y 37-4* i Jews jealous of ra., Acts
13:45 M. symbolized by waters, Rev. 17:1,15 | Mummies, k-1 50-1; h 51-1
Munition (2). Isa. 29:7; Nah. 2:1 Munitions (1), Isa. 33:16 Muppira (1).
obscurities. Gen. 46:21 Murder (9). v 161-1*; o 277-1* First and second m., e 4-
4; b 5-1 Penalty for m., r 8-1

5 reasons ra. a great sin, r 8-1 Involuntary and wilful, b-c 197-1 10 public acts at
inquesu, a 220-1

6 lessons from inquests, a 220-1 Murderer (20K Num. 35:16-31; 2 Ki. 6:

32; Job 24:14; Hos. 9:13; Jn. 8:44; Acts

3:14; 28:4; 1 Pet. 4:15; 1 Jn. 3:15 Murderers (10), 2 Ki. 14:6; Isa. 1:21;

Jer. 4:31; Mt. 22:7; Acts 7:52; 21:38;

1 Tira. 1:9; Rev. 21:8; 22:15 Murders (4), Mt. 15:19; Mk. 7:21; Gal.
5:21; Rev. 9:21 Murmur (9). Ex. 16:7-8; Num. 14:27, 36;

16:11; 17:5; Jn. 6:43; 1 Cor. 10:10

Murrnured_(19).M. against Moses, Ex. 15:

24; 16:2; 17:3; Num. 14:2, 29; 16:41

M. in tents, that is, in families, Dt. 1:27; Ps. 106:25:1 Cor. 10:10

Laborers ra., Mt. 20:11

Jews m. against disciples of Chiist,Lk. 5:30; 15:2

Jews ra. at Christ, Jn, 6:41

Disciples m. at doctrine of Jesus, Jn. 6:61; 7:32 Murmurers (1). Jude 16

Murmuring (21. f 168-1:0 51-1*; d 128-4*:Jn. 7:12; Acts 6:1 4

Murmurings O). 10 against Moses, i 169 -

16 examples of m., o 63-1*

M. of Israel, Ex. 5:19, heading Murrain (1). Defined, a 73-1; Ex. 9:3 Muse (1),
mediate, Ps. 143:5 Mused (1), mediated, Lk. 3:15 Mushi (8). withdrawn, Ex.
6:19; Num. 3: 20; 1 Chr. 6:19.47; 23:21, 23; 24:26,30 Mushites (2), Num. 3:33;

M. M. M. M. M.

Music, 436. Commanded, 1 211-4* See

Musick Musical (3), 1 Chr. 16:42; Neh. 12:36; EccT 2:8 Instruments not sinful,
631 Musician (55). In titles of Ps. 4-6, 8-9, 11-14, 18-22, 31, 36, 40-42,44-47,
49, 51-62, 64-70, 75^-77, 80-81,84-85, 88, 109, 139-140 Musicians (1), Rev.
18:22 Musick (16). 10 kinds of m. , a 618-1 8 kinds of m., n 594-1 M. and
dancing, a 6:13-1: Lk. 15:25 18 facts about m., 631 Instruments of m., ISam.
18:6:lChr.l5: 16; 2 Chr. 5:13; 7:6; 23:13; 34:12; Dan. 6:18; Amos 6:5 Daughters
of m., Eccl. 12r4 All kinds of m., Dan. 3:5, 7, 10, 15 Musing (1). raediuting, Ps.
39:3 Must (131). 15 "must's" of Scripture: "KCdie, Gen. 47:29; 2 Pet. 1:14 M.
serve the Lord, Ex. 10:26 M. eat, Ex. 12:16 M. walk, Ex. 18:20 M. work, Ex.
serve the Lord, Ex. 10:26 M. eat, Ex. 12:16 M. walk, Ex. 18:20 M. work, Ex.
18:20 M. publish the gospel, Mk. 13:10 M. be bom again, Jn. 3:1-8 M. worship
God in spirit, Jn.4:24 M. be saved, Acts 4:12 M. through much tribulation enter.

Acts 14:22 M. needs be subject, Rom. 13:5 M. put on immortaUty, 1 Cor. 15:53
M. all appear before judgment seat of Christ, Rom. 14:10; 2 Cor. 5:10 M. not
strive, 2 Tim. 2:24 M. beUeve that He is, and, Heb. 11:6 Mustard (a.c 14-4*; Mt.
13:31; 17:20; Mk. 4:31; Lk. 13:19; 17:6 Mustered (2), 2 Ki. 25:19; Jer. 52:25
Mustereth (1), Isa. 13:4 Muth-labben (l). Ps. 9, title Mutter (l)."~ha 8:19
Muttered (1). Isa. 59:3 Mutual (1). Rom. 1:12 5:18

Muzzle (3), Dt. 25:4; 1 Cor, 9:9; 1 Tim. My (5, 346), Gen. 2:23; 4:9, 13; etc.
Myra (1), a city. Acts 27:5 Myrrh (17). h 97-1; h 118-4*; Gen. 37: 25; 43:11; Ex.
30:23; Esther 2:12; Ps. 45:8; Pr. 7:17; Song 1:13; 3:6; 4:6,14; 5:1-13; Mt. 2:11;
Mk. 15:23; Jn. 19:39 Myrtle (6), an evergreen tree, Neh. 8: 15; Isa.41:19; 55:13;
Zech. 1:8-11 Myself (117). Ihidra., Gen. 3:10 M. used of God, Gen. 22:16; Ex.
19: 4; Nura. 8:17; 12:6; Isa.43:21;44:24 I would harden m. in sorrow. Job 6:10 I
abhor m. and repent in, J<i) 42:6 IflbearwimessofM., Jn. 5:31; 8:14,18, 28, 42,
54 I am not come of M., Jn. 7:28 I do nothing of M., Jn. 8:28 I speak not of M.,
Jn. 14:10 I sanctify M., Jn. 17:19 7-8

Mysia (2). a province in Asia, Acts 16: Mysteries (5). M. of kingdom of heaven,
Mt. 13:11; Lk. 8:10 M. of God, 1 Cor. 4:1; 13:2; 14:2 18 mysteries of Scripture,
175* Mystery (22). Defined, q 13-4* M. of God, i-j 220-1* M. of His will, y
208-1* M. of Christ, 214* 7 facts m. of godliness, 236* 7 facts m. of
lawlessness, 236* M. of the kingdom of God, Mk. 4:11 Be ignorant of this ra.,
Rom. 11:25 Revelation of the m., Rom. 16:25 I show you a m., 1 Cot. 15:51
Known unto us die m.of His will, Eph. 1:9; 3:3-9; 6:19; Col. 1:26-27; 2:2 M. of
the 7 stars. Rev. 1:20 7

M. of God should be finished. Rev. 10: M. Babylon the Great, Rev. 17:5, 7


Naam (1). pleasantness, 1 Chr. 4:15 Naamah (5),pleasant. -women ,Gen.4:

22;lKi.14:21, 21; 2 Chr. 12:13. A city.

Josh. 15:41 394-4

Naanran(16), pleasantness. 4 rnen . d

Healed of leprosy^^^a-f 395-4: Lk. 4:27 Naaman's (1), 2 Ki. 5:2 Naarnathite (4).
Job 2:11; 11:1; 20:1;

42:9 Naamites (1). Num. 26:40 Naarah (3). a girl. 1 Chr. 4:5-6 Naaraj_ (l).
youthful, 1 Chr. 11:37 Naaran(l), a city, 1 Chr. 7:28 Naarath (1). a city. Josh.
16:7 Naashon (l). enchanter, Ex. 6:23 Naasson (3). Gr. form of Naashon. Mt. 1:
4; Lk. 3:32 Nabal (18). fooUsh, k-q 319-4; ISara.

25:3-39; 30:5; 2 Sam. 3:3 Nabal's (4), 1 Sam. 25:14. 36; 27:3; 2

Complete Concordance ' Cyclopedic Index

Sam. 2:2 Naboth (22). prominence, 1 Ki. 21:119; 2 Ki. 9:21-26 Nachon's (1).
stroke, 2 Sara. 6:6 Nachor (2). noble, Josh. 24:2; Lk. 3:34 Nadab (20), Uberal.
4men. Ex. 6:23; 24: 1.9; 28:1; Lev. 10:1; Num. 3:2-4; 26: 60-61; 1 Ki. 14:-20;
15:25-31; 1 Chr. 2:28-30; 6:3; 8:30; 9:36; 24:1-2 Nagge (1), splendor, Lk. 3:25
Nahalal (1). a city, Josh. 21:35 Nahaliel (2), a camp, Num. 21:19 Nahallal (1), a
city. Josh. 19:15 Nahalol (1). a city. Judg. 1:30 Naham (1). consolation, 1 Chr.
4:19 NahamanI (1). comforter, Neh. 7:7 Naharai (T). snoring one, 1 Chr. 11:39
Nahari (1). snoring one, 2 Sam. 23:37 Nahash (9). serDent. 2 men , b-c 304-1; 1
Sam. 11:1-2; 12:12; 2 Sara. 10:2; 17:27; 1 Chi. 19:1-2. Mother of David , a 348-
4; 2 Sam.17:25 Nahath (5). descent. 3 men. Gen. 36: 13-17; IChi. 1:37; 6:26; 2
Chr. 31:' 13 I Nahbi (1), concealed. Num. 13:14 '■ Nahor (15). noble. 2men .
Gen. 11:22-29; 22:20-23; 24:10-24; 29:5; 31:53; 1 Chr. 1:26 I Nahor's (2), Gen.
11:29; 24:47 Nahshon (9), enchanter, Nura.l:7;2:3; 7; 12. 17; 10:14; Ruth 4:20; 1
Chr. 2: 10-11 Nahum (1), compassionate, Nah. 1:1

Book of, 907-908 Nail (8). Judg. 4:21-22; 5:26; Ezraft8;j IsT. 22:23-25; Zech.
10:4 Nailing (1), CoL 2:14, notes Nails (10), Dt. 21:12; 1 Chr. 22:3; 2 ~CTir.
3:9; Eccl. 12:11; Isa. 41:7; Jer.

10:4; Dan. 4:33; 7:19; Jn. 20:25 Nain (1). pasture. A city, Lk. 7:11 Raloth (6). a
place, 1 Sam. 19:18-23;

20:1 Naked (47). They were both n.,Gen. 2:25 I was afraid, I was n., Gen. 3:7-11
People were n. in worship, Ex. 32:25 N. came I out of womb. Job 1:21 HeU is n.
before Hiro. Job 26:6 2-4 Isaiah walked barefoot and n., Isa. 20: A true fast -
clothe the n., Isa. 58:7 N. and clothed me, Mt. 25:36-46 Fled n. and wounded.
Acts 19:16 All things are n. and open, Heb.4:13 If a brodier be n. and, Jas. 2:15
Poor, blind, and n., Rev. 3:17 Make her desolate and n. ,Rev. 17:16 Nakedness
(54). N. of Noah, Gen.9:22-23 Do not uncover n. (of 18 kinds of relatives), Uv.
(54). N. of Noah, Gen.9:22-23 Do not uncover n. (of 18 kinds of relatives), Uv.
18:6-19, 20:11-21 Famine, n., peril, sword, Rom. 8:35 Shame of n. oo not
appear. Rev. 3:18 Name (914). Defined, c 34-1' Adam gave n. to first woman.
Gen. 3: Called their n. Adam, Gen. 5:2 20 Make thy n. great. Gen. 12:2 This is
MY n. for ever, Ex. 3:15 Do not take n. of Lord in vain, Ex.20: 7; Lev. 21:6;
22:2, 32; Dt. 5:11 I

No mention of n. of other gods,Ex. 23:

13 Proclaim the n. of the Lord,Ex. 33:19;

34:5; Dt. 32:3 Call His n.Jesus, Mt. 1:21; Lk. 1:31 Call His n. Emmanuel, Mt.
1:23 In day n. (by thy authority), Mt.7:22; Mk.9:38; Lk. 9:49; 10:17 In the n. of,
Mt. 10:41-42; Jas. 4:10,

14 In My n. (by My authority), Mt. 18:5, 20; 24:5; Mk. 9:37, 41; 16:17; Jn.
14:13-14, 26; 15:16; 16:23-26 In His n. shall Gentiles trust, Mt. 12:21 The n. of
(authority of) die Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, Mt. 28:19 In His
n., Lk. 24:47; Jn. 2:23; 3:18 In My Father's n., Jn. 5:43; 10:25 Life through His
n., Jn. 20:31 In the n. of Jesus Christ, Acts 2:38; 4: 18, 30; 5:40; 9:27, 29; 1 Cor.
5:4; 6: 11; Eph. 5:20; CoL 3:17; 2 Th. 3:6 The n. of Jesus Christ of Nazareth,
Acts 3:6 Hisn. through faith in His n. .Acts 3:16 None other n. under heaven
given to be

saved. Acts 4:12 Baptized in the n. of the Lord Jesus.Acts

8:16; 10:48; 19:5 Through His n. whosoever beUevetii, Acts 10:43 16:18

In the n. of Jesus Christ come out,Acts Baptized in the n.of Paul, 1 Cor. 1:13
That I baptized in mine own n., 1 Cot. 1:15 19

Nameth n. of Christ depart, 2 Tim. 2: More excellent n. than mey, Heb, 1:4
Believe on the a. of liie Son of God, IJn.

3:23; 5:13, 14 Anew n.wrinen. Rev.2:17; 3:12

Not blot out his n.," Rev. 3:5 N. that sat on him was Death, Rev. 6:8 N. of the
star is Wormwood, Rev. 8:11 N. is Abaddon and Apollyon, Rev. 9:11 Lpon
heads n.of blasphemy. Rev. 13:1 N. of die beast. Rev. 13:17 Father's n. written
on. Rev. 14:1 The mark of his n., Rev. 14:11 The number of his n., Rev. 15:2
Uponhcr forehead n. written. Rev. 17:5 Last n. of Jesus Christ, Rev. 19:12-16
Uponhcr forehead n. written. Rev. 17:5 Last n. of Jesus Christ, Rev. 19:12-16
His n. shall be on foreheads, Rev. 22:4

Named (57). Rigjuly n. Jacob, Gen. 27: 36 16

Let my name be n. upon them. Gen. 48: Twelve, whom He n. apostles, Lk. 6:13
Siraon (whom He n. Peter), Lk. 6:14 Not where Christ wasn. ,Rom. 15:20
Family in heaven, earth is n., Eph. 3: 15 Let it not be once n. among, Eph. 5:3

Namely (23). Mk. 12:21; Rom. 13:9; etc.

Name's (29). For His great n. sake, 1 Sam. 12:22; 2 Chr. 6:32; Ps. 25:11; 31: 3;
79:9; 106:8; 109:21; 143:11 Hated of aU men for My n. sake, Mt.

10:22; 24:9; Mk. 13:13; Lk. 21:17 Forsake all for My n. sake, Mt. 19:29 Suffer
for My n. sake. Acts 9:16 Forgiven for His n. sake, 1 Jn. 2:12 Labored for My n.
sake. Rev. 2:3

Na.Ties (85). Adam gave n. to. Gen. 2:20 N.of Ishmael's sons. Gen. 25:13-16 N.
of Esau's sons. Gen. 36:10 N. of children of Israel, Gen. 46:8; Ex.

1:1; 28:9-29; 39:6-14 N. of sons of Levi, Ex. 6:16 N. of sons of Aaron, Num.
3:2-43 N.of men Moses sent. Num. 13:16 N.of the 12 apostles, Mt. 10:2 N.
written in heaven, Lk. 10: JO N. together at Pentecost, Acts 1:13-15 N. are in the
book of life, PhiL 4:3 N. of 12 tribes of the. Rev. 21:12

Nameth (1), 2 Tim. 2:19

Naomi (20). pleasant, Rudi 1:2-4:17

Naomi's (1). Ruth 1:3 1:31

Naphish (2). cheerful. Gen. 25:15; 1 Chr.

Naphtali (49), wrestling, f 28-4; g 429-1 Numberings of, a-b 155-4 2 blessings
of, e 234-1 N. in prophecy, Ps. 68:27; Isa. 9:1; Ezek. 48:3-4. 34; Rev. 7:6

Naphtuhim (2),inhabitants of Egypt.Gen. 10:13; 1 Chr. 1:11

Napkin (3). Lk. 19:20; Jn. 11:44; 20:7

Narcissus (1). astonishment, Rom. 16:11

Narcissus (1). astonishment, Rom. 16:11

Narrow (9). Num.22:26;Josh. 17:15; 1 Ki. 6:4; Pr. 23:27; Isa. 49:19; Ezek. 40:
16; 41:16, 26; Mt. 7:14

Narrowed (1), 1 Ki. 6:6

Nanower (1). Isa. 28:20

Nanowly (2). Job 13:27; Isa. 14:16

Nadian (41). gift. 9 irieii. 357 14 predicrions of, 357 21:2

Nathanael (6), gift of God. Jr.. 1:45-49;

Nathan-melech (D. king's gift, 2Ki, 23: 11

Nation (135). 10 th ings constitute a great n., f 203-1; Gen. 12:2; 17:20; 18:18;
21:18; 46:3 11

N. and a company of nations. Gen. 35: Holy n., kingdom of priests, Ex. 19:6
Foolish n., Dt. 32:31; Rom. 10:19 Blessed is n. whose God is, Ps. 33:12 Ungodly
n., Ps. 43:1 Righteousness exalteth a n., Pr. 14:34 Sinful n., Isa. 1:4 Hypocritical
n., Isa. 10:6 Shall a n. be bom at once, Isa. 66:8 Mighty-ancient n., Jer. 5:15
Wealthy n.,Jer. 49:31 Rebellious n. , Ezek. 2:3 Make them one n. in land, Ezek.
37:22 Bitter and hasty n., Hab. 1:6 N. bringing forth fruiu, Mt. 21:43 N. shall
rise against n. ,Mt. 24:7 Take away our place and n., Jn. 11:48 Jesus should die
for that n. ,Jn. 11:51 N. of the Jews, Acts 10:22 Crooked and perverse n., PhiL
2:15 Holy n., a peculiar people, 1 Pet. 2:9

Nations (334). Company of n., a 34-4 23 n. fought Israel, 290 Gospel to all n., e-
f 27-1* Father of many n., Gen. 17:4-6 Mother of n., Gen. 17:16 N. of earth be
blessed. Gen. 18:18; 22-18; 26:4 23

Two nations ate in diy womb. Gen. 25: A company of n. shall be of. Gen. 35: 11

Seed become multitude of n., Gen.48: Not be reckoned among the n., Num.

23:9 Amalek was first of n., Num. 24:20 Scatter you among the n., Dt. 4:27;

28:37,65; 30:1-3; Ezek. 12:15 Lend unto many n., Dt. 15:6; 28:12
28:37,65; 30:1-3; Ezek. 12:15 Lend unto many n., Dt. 15:6; 28:12

Rule ovtr many n., Dt. 15:6 Most High divided n. their, Dt. 32:8 A byword
among all n., 2 Chr. 7r20 Hell, all n. tliat forget God, Ps. 9:17 He is governor
among the n., Ps. 22: 23 67:2

Thy saving health among all n., Ps. All n. shall serve Him, Ps. 72:11 AQ
n.shaIlcaUHimblessed.PS. 72:17 All n.sliall flow unto it, Isa. 2:2 He shall judge
among the ii., Isa. 2:4 He shall sprinkle many n., Isa. 52:15 Iwillgatheralln.,
Isa.66:18-19; Jer.

3:17; Joel 3:2; Zech. 14:2 Gather you from all n. ,Jer. 29:14-18 Shall be no more
two n., Ezek. 37:22 Desire of all n. shall come, Hac. 2:7 Hated of all n., Mt. 24:9
Gospel a wimcss to all n., Mt. 24:14 Before Him all n. gathered, Mt.- 25:3l'
Teach all n., Mt. 28:19 Led away captive into aU n., Lk. 21:2'1 Obedience to
faith among all n., Rom.

1:5; 16:26 Give power over tfien., Rev. 2:26 Was to rule a n. with a rod. Rev.
12:5 All n. shall come and worship. Rev. 15: 4; Isa. 66:19-21; Zech. 14:16-21
Cities of n. fell. Rev. 16:19 ■.v'ithithe should smite n. ,Rev. 19:15 Deceive the n.
no more till. Rev. 20:3 Go out to deceive n., Rev. 20:8 N. of saved shall walk.
Rev. 21:24-26 Tree for healing of the n., Rev. 22:2 Native (1). Jer. 22:10
Nativity (7). Gen. 11:28; Ruth 2:11; Jet.

46:16; Ezek. 16:3-1; 21:30; 23:15 Natural (13). N. man, p 177 -1*; a -d 177-4*
Nor n. force abated, Dt. 34:7 Women changed n. use, Rom. 1:26-32 Without n.
affection, Rom. 1:31; 2Tim.

3:3 Spared not n. branches, Rom. 11:21-24 N. raan receiveth not things, 1 Cor.

14 Sown n. body, raised, 1 Cor. 15:44-46 N. face in mirror, Jas. 1:23 N. brute
beasts, 2 Pet. 2:12 Naturally (2). Phil. 2:20; Jude 10 Nature (12). Use against n.
,Rom. 1:26 Do by n. things of Law, Rom. 2:14 N. itself teach you, 1 Cor. 11:14
By n. children of wrath, Eph. 2:3 Took not n. of angels, Heb. 2:16 Parukers of
divine n., 2 Pet. 1:4 Naught (2). 2 Ki. 2:19; Pr. 20:14 Naughtiness (3), 1 Sam.
17:28; Pr. 11:6; JasT 1:21 Naughty (3).Pr.6;12; 17:4: Jer. 24:2 Naum (1),
compassionate, Lk. 3:25 Navel (4),Job40:16; Pr. 3:8; Song. 7:2; Ezek. 16:4
Naves (1), spokes, 1 Ki. 7:33 Navy (5). 1 Ki. 9:26-27; 10:11, 22 ?jay (51), Gen.
18:15; 23:11; etc. Communication be yea, yea, n., n., Mt. 5:37; 2 Cot. 1:17-19;
Jas. 5:12 Nazarene (1). native of Nazareth, Mt.

2:23 Nazarenes (1). a title of scorn for Chris -

tians, given by Jews, Acts 24:5 Nazareth (29), a village in Galilee where Jesus
was brought up, k 56-4*; h 61-4*; Mt.2:23; Lk. 1:26; 2:4, 39, 41: 4:16; Jn. 1:45-
46. He was called Jesus of N. by demons (Mk. 1:24; Lk. 4:16, 3^, by Jews (Mt.
21:11; 26:71; Mk. 10:47; 14:67; Lk. 18:37; Jn. 18:5-7), by His own disciples
(Lk. 24:19; Acts 2:22; 3: 6; 4:10; 10:38; 26:9), by angels (Mk. 16:6), and by
Himself (Acts 22:8) Nazarite Q). Defined, j 161-4; o 162-ITTJum. 6:2-21; Judg.
13:5-7; 16:17 Christ no N., j 161-4 10 commands for n., a 162-4 Lost days
before uncleanness, s-t 162-1 Must start over again if defiled, s-t 162-1 4

Ending consecration of, u 162-1; bl62-Vows of N., a 162-4 N. vines, c 147-1

Nazarites (3). Men and women, i 161-4 4fold pattern of divine relationship, b-u
162-1; 163; Um.4:7: Amos2:ll-12 4 examples of Nazarites: 1 Samson (Judg.
13:5-7; 16:17)

2 Samuel (1 Sam. 1:11)

3 Rechabites (Fer. 35) 7:33) 4JohntheBaptist(Mt. 11:18; Lk. 1:15;

Neah(l), a city. Josh. 19:13 NeapoUs (1), a seaport. Acts 16:11 Near (211).
Abraham drew n. Gen. 18:23 Good to draw n. to God, Ps. 73:28 Draw n. widi
their mouth, Isa. 29:13 Draw n. with true heart, Heb. 10:22 Nearer (2). Ruth
3:12; Rom. 13:11

Neariah (3). servant of Jehovah, 1 Chr.

3:22-23' 4:42 Nebai (1),' fruitful, Neh. 10:19

Ncbaiotli (2). liigh places. 1 Chr. J:'29; Isa. G0:7

Ncbajoili (2). hidi places, ocn. 25:13; 2S:0; CG::?

Ncballat (I), a town, Neh. 11:34

Ncbai (-5). aspect. 1 Ki. ll:2C; 12:2,

~rori5:l; 16:3, Jb. :A; 21:22; etc.

Ncbo (i:^, heiglit. A man. Ezra 10:43. A mountain. Dt. 32:49; 34:1. 2 cities.
Num. 32:3, 3S; 1 Chr. 5:S; Ezra 2:29

Nebuchadnezzar (60), Ncbo defend the boundary, c-d 418-1; b 419-1 12 things
captured by, c 41S-4 12 titles and symbols of, 760 Disease of, c S61-4 20 things
he learned, j 861-4 Pride; and advice to, i-j (ibl-l History of, 2 KL 24:1-11; 25:1-
22; 1 Chr. C:15; 2 Chr. 36:6-13; Jer. 27: 6-20; 28:3-14; 29:1-3; Dan. 1:1. IS; 2:1-
46; 3:1-28; 4:1-37; 5:2. 11, 18 Visions of N., Dan. 2 and 4

Nebuchadrezzar (31). c 418-1. Used only by Jeremiah and Ezckiel, Jer. 21: 2. 7;
22:25; Ezek. 26:7; etc. See Neb-

>.eb^::.i^^:: (1), Ncbo save mc, Jer. 39:

Neouzar-aoan (15).Nebo gives posterity. 2 Ki. 25:8-20; Jer. 39.-9-15;"40:l; 41:

10:43:6; 52:12-30

Necessary (9), Job 23:12; Acts 13:45; 15: 28; 28:10; 1 Cor. 12:22; 2 Cor. 9:5;
Phil. 2:25; Tit. 3:14; Heb. 9:23

Necessities (3), Acts 20:34; 2 Cot. 6:4; 12:10

Necessity (10). Lk. 23:17; Rom. 12:13; 1 Cor. 7:37; 9:16; 2 Cor. 9:7; Phil. 4: 16;
Ph'm 14; Heb. 7:12; 8:3; 9:16

Necho (3), conqueror, 2 Chr. 35:20-22; 36:4

Neck (59), Gen. 27:16, 40; 33:4; etc. Hanged about his n., Mt. 18:6 Yoke on n.
of disciples. Acts 15:10 Fell on Paul's n., Acts 20:37

Necks (18). Hardened n., 2 Ki. 17:14; J3eh. 9:16-17; Jer. 19:15 16

Walked with stretched forth n., Isa. 3: Laid down their own n., Rom. 16:4

Necromancer (1), Dt. 18:11. See b 75-1*

Nedabiah (1), Jehovah is bountiful, 1 Chr. 3:18

Need (49). Lend sufficient for his n., 15t. 15:8; 1 Jn. 3:17 I haven, to be
baptized, Mt. 3:14 Knows what diings we n., Mt. 6:8, 32 \>p'hole n. not a
physician, Mt. 9:12 Healed them that had n., Lk. 9:11 God shall supply all n.,
physician, Mt. 9:12 Healed them that had n., Lk. 9:11 God shall supply all n.,
Phil. 4:19 Find grace to help in n., Heb. 4:16 City no n. of the sun. Rev. 21:23
They n. no candle or light. Rev. 22:5

Needed (2), Jn. 2:25; Acts 17:25

Needest (1). Jn. 16:30

Needeih (6). Gen. 33:15; Lk. 11:8; Jn. 13:10; Eph. 4:28; 2Tim. 2:15; Heb. 7:27

Needful (6), Ezra 7:20; Lk. 10:42; Acts 15:5; Phil. 1:24; Jas. 2:16; Jude 3

Needle (2), d 21-4*; Mt. 19:24; Mk. 10:25

Needle's (1), Lk. 18:25

Needlework (9), Ex. 26:36; 27:16; 28: 39; 36:37; 38:18; 39:29; Judg. 5:30; Ps.

Needs (16). Gen. 31:30; 2 Sam. 14:14; Jer. 10:5; Mt. 18:7; Mk. 13:7; Lk. 14: 18;
Jn. 4:4; Acts 1:16; 17:3; 21:22; Rom. 13:5; 1 Cor. 5:10; 2 Cor. 11:30

Needy (38). Poor and n., Dt. 15:11; 24: it; Job 24:14; Ps. 37 21; 82:4; 109:16; Pr.
17; Jer. 22:16; Ezek.

:14; 72:13; 74: 31:9; Isa. 41: 16:49; 18:12; 22:29

Then., Job 24:4; Ps. 9:18; 12:5; 35: 10; 72:4, 12; 113:7; Isa. 14:30; 25: 4; Amos
8:4-6 I am poor and n., Ps. 40:17; 70:5; 86:1; 109:22 The affUcted and n., Ps.
82:3 Nee sings (1), sneezings. Job 41:18 N'e^e': , south country, h 170-4
NeAinah (1), stringed instruments, Ps.

61, title Neginoth (6), stringed instruments, titles ol Ps. 4, 6, 54, 55. 67, 76
Neglect (4), Mt. 18:17; I Tim. 4:14; Heb. Neglected (1). Acts 6:1 2:3

Neglecting (-), Col. 2:23 Negligent (2). 2 Chr. 29:11; 2 Pet. 1:12 Nehelamite (3),
a place, Jer. 29:24-32 NehemiafiT S). Jehovah comforts. 3 men , b 499-1; Ezra
2:2; Neh. 1:1-1237" Cupbearer, b 499-1 6 acts of N., h 499-1 Prayer of N., g
499-4; 501 20th year of Aruxerxes, 501 16 terms of the covenant, b 509-1 20
acts of, c 512-4 Nehiloth (1), inheriunces, Ps. 5, title Nehum (1), consolation,
Neh. 7:7 Nehushta (1), bronze, 2 Ki. 24:8 Nehustan (1). brazen, 2 Ki. 18:4
Complete Concordance - Cyclopedic Index


Neiel (1), a place, Josh. 19:27 N'cighboui (107). Defined, o-s 71-4*

N. Laws, 114

Not bear false witness against n., Ex. 20:16; Dt. 5:20; Pr. 24:28; 25:18

Bonowing from n., Ex. 22:14; Pr. 3:28

Lying ton.. Lev. 6:2; Pr. 11:9

Deceiving n.. Lev. 6:2; Pr. 3:29; 26:19

Defrauding n., Lev. 19:13; Eph. 4:25

Judging and rebuking n.. Lev. 19:15-17

Loving n. as self. Lev. 19:18; Mt. 5: 43; 19:19; 22:39; Lk. 10:27-36; Rom. 13:9-
10; Gal. 5:14; Jas. 2:8

Hurting n., Lev. 24:19

Se Uing to and buying from n., Lev. 25:14-15 Josh. 20:5

KilUngn., Dt. 4.-42; 19:4-11; 27:24;

Lending to n., Dt. 15:2

Trouble with n., Dt. 22£6

Giving shoe to n. in buying, Ruth 4:7

Sin against n., 1 Ki. 8:31; 2 Chi. 6:22

Slandering n., Ps. 101:5; Jer. 9:4

Despising n., Pr. 14:21

Enticing n., Pr. 16:29; Hab. 2:15

Enticing n., Pr. 16:29; Hab. 2:15

Debating cause with n., Pr. 25:8-9

Flattering n., Pt. 29:5

Envying n., Eccl. 4:4

Pleasing n., Rom. 15:2 Neighbour's (28). Coveting n. goods, Ex. 20:17; Dt. 5:21

Stealing n. goods, Ex. 22:8-11, 26

Adultery with n. wife. Lev. 18:20; 20: 10; Dt. 22:24; Job 31:9; Pr. 6:29; Jer. 5:8;
Ezek. 18:6, 11, 15; 22:11; 33:26

Eating from n. fields, Dt. 23:24-25

Buying n. goods, Dt. 25:14 17

Removing n. landmarks, Dt. 19:14; 27:

Remove foot from n. house, Pr. 25:17 Neighbours (21). 30 facts about, 138

Treatment of*^ n., h 140 -1

Speak peace to n., Ps. 28:3 Neighbours ' (1), Jer. 29:23 5:8

Neijyed (1) after neighbor's wife, Jer. Neidling (1), Jer. 8:16 NeijAlngs (1). Jer.
13:27 Neither (870), Gen. 9:11; 17:5; Mt, 6: 15; 7:6; Jn. 3:20; Eph. 4:27; 5:4;
etc. Nekeb (1), a city. Josh. 19:33 Nekoda (4), herdsman, Ezra 2:48, 60; Neh.
7:50, 62 Nemuel (3). God is spreading. Num. 26:

9, 12; IChr. 4:24 NeiDuelites (1). Num. 26:12 Nepheg (1)7 offshoot. 2 men . Ex.

2 Sam. 5:15; 1 Chr. 3:7; 14:6 Nephesh. See Soul Nephew (2). Job 18:19; Isa.
14:22 Nephews (2), Judg. 12:14; 1 Tim. 5:4 Nephish (1). cheerful, 1 Cbr. 5:19
Nephiihesim (1). expansions. Neh. 7:52 Nephdialiro (3). Gr. form of Naphtali .

Mt. 4:13, 15; Rev. 7:6 Nephtoah (2). opened, h 254-1 Nephuam" (1), expanse,
Ezra 2:50 Neptune. " facts about, 58 Net (16). Ught, n 308-1 fTereus (1). liquid,
Rora. 16:15 Nergal (1). lion. An Assyrian god, 116; 2 Ki. 17:30 Nergal-diaiezer
Rora. 16:15 Nergal (1). lion. An Assyrian god, 116; 2 Ki. 17:30 Nergal-diaiezer
(3). Nergal protect the

king. 2 meiL Jer. 39:3, 13 Neri (1). Gr. form of Neriah, Lk. 3:27 Neriah (lO).
lamp of Jehovah, Jer. 32:12, 16; 36:4-8,14, 32; 43:3-6; 45:1; 51:59 Nero. Roman
emperor, j 218-4* Nest (15). Num. 24:21; Dt. 22:6; 32:11;

Job 29:18; 39:27; Ps. 84:3; Pr. 27:8;

Isa. 10:14; 16:2; 34:15; Jer. 22:23;

48:28; 49:16; Oba. 4; Hab. 2;9 Nests (4), Ps. 104:17; Ezek. 31:6; Mt. ~Ob: Lk.

Net (39).Used many timesof naps men set for othen, Ps. 9:15; 10:9; 25:15; 31:4;
35:7-8; 57:6; Pr. 12 d2; 29:5

Kingdom of heaven like n., Mt. 13^47

N. for catching fish, Lk. 5:6; Jn. 21:8 Netfaaneel (14). gift of God. 10 men .

Num. 1:8; 2:5; 7:18-23; 10:l5; \Chi.

2:14; 15:24; 24:6; 26^:; 2 Chi. 17:7;

35:9; Ezia 10:22; Neh. 12:21, 36 Nelfaaniah (20). Jehovah gives. 4 men.

2 Ki. 25:23-25; 1 Chi. 25:2,12; S Chi.

17:8; Jer. 36:14; 40:8-15; 41:1-18 Nether (15). lower; under. Josh. 15:19; Judg.
1:15; 2 Chr. 8:5

N. millstone, Dt. 24:6; Job 41:24

N. parts of the earth, Ezek. 31:14,16,

18; 32:18, 24. Cp. lower parts of the

earth (Ps. 63:9; Isa. 44:23; Eph. 4:9)

and heart of the earth (Mt. 12?i0)

Nethermost (1), 1 Ki. 6:6

Nethermost (1), 1 Ki. 6:6

NethinimsT lB), temple servants, d 495—

1; a 505-1; 1 Chi. 9:2; Ezra 2:43, S8,

70; 7:7, 24; 8:17-20; Neh. 3:26-31;

7:46, 60, 73; 10:28; 11:3, 21 26

Netophah (2), a city, Ezra 2:22; Neh. 7: S[etophaihi (l). a vilUge. Neh. 12:28
Netophadiite (8). 2 Sam. 23:28-29; 2

Ki. 25:23;IChr. 11:30; 27a3-15;Jer.40: Netophathites (2). 1 Chi. 2:54; 9:16 8

Nets (13). 1 Ki. 7:17; Ps. 141:10; Eccl. 7:26; Isa. 19:8; Ezek. 26:5, 14; 47:10;
Mt. 4:20-21; Mk. 1:18-19; Lk. 5:2-4 Nettles (5), a plant. Job 30:7; Pr. 24: 31;
Isa. 34:13; Hos. 9:6; Zej^. 2:9 Network (7), Ex. 27:4; 38:4; 1 Ki. 7:18-20, 42;
Jer. 52:22-23 Networks (3). 1 Ki. 7:41-42; Isa. 19:9 Never (85). N. be moved,
Ps. 15:5; 30: STPr. 10:30 N. be ashamed, Ps. 31:1 N. forget Thy precepts, Ps.
119:93 N. satisfied, Pr. 27:20; 30:15 N. fuU, Pr. 27:20 N. shall be quenched,
Mk. 9:43, 45 N. durst, 1 100-1'; Jn. 4:14; 6:35 N. hunger, 1 100-1*; Jn. 6;55 N.
man spake like this nan, Jn. 7:46 N. taste death, Jn. 8:52 N. periih, Jn. 10:28 N.
die, Jn. 11:26 5

N. leave thee, nor foisake, Heb. 13: N. fall. 2 Pet. 1:10 Nevertheless (97), yet,
Lk. 13:33; 18:8; Acts 14:17; Rom. 5:14; 1 Cor. 7:2; Eph. 5:33; Rev. 2:4; etc.
New (145). N. gods, Dt. 32:17; Judg. 5:8 ~?4l cart, 1 Sam. 6:7; 2 Sam. 6:3 N.
moon, 1 Sam. 20:5, 18, 24;CoL 2:16 N. sword, 2 Sam. 21:16 N. garment, 1 Ki.
11:29-30 N. cruse, 2 Ki. 2:20 N. moons, 1 Chi. 23:31; 2 Chi. 2A; 8:13; 31:3; Isa.
1:13-14; Hos. 2:11 N. court, 2 Chr. 20:5 12

N. wine, c 123-4*; Neh. 10:39; 13:5, N. name, Isa. 62:2; Rev. 2:17; 3:12 N.
spirit, Ezek. 11:19; 18:31; 36:26 N. heart, Ezek. 18:31; 36:26 N. bottles, h 9-1*
N. cloth, e 9-1*

N. testament or new covenant, m-n 30-4*; Mt. 26:28; Mk. 14:24; Lk. 22:20; 2
Cor. 3:6; Heb. 8:8, 13; 9: 15; 12:24; Jer. 31:31 Excells the old covenant, g 193-
4* 85 contrasts with O. T., 201* Ratified, 258*

Program of, m68-4*; 159*; m 172-1* N. doctrine, Mk-1:27; Acts 17:19 N.

tongues, Mk. 16:17 N. birth, Jn. 3:1-8. See B<yn Again N. commandment, J
111-4'; Jn. 13: 34; IJn-2:7-8; 2 Jn. 5 N. lump, 1 Coi. 5:7 N. creature, 2 Cor. 5:17;
Gal. 6:15 N. roan - the chuich. Eph. 2:15; 4:13; the beUever . y 210-4*; Eph.
4:24; Col. 3:10 N. and living way, Heb. 10:20 N. Jeru^lem . 1 205-1*; o 253-1*;
e 256-1'; Rev. 3:12; 21:2, 9-10 7 names of, a 303-1* To descend to earth, b 303-
1* Not a cube, e 303-4* Doctrines of, f 303-i* Partial description of, a-n 304-1*
N. things in Revelation, 312* N. heavens and ru earth, Isa. 65:17; 66:22-24; 2
Pet. 3:13; Rev. 21-22 N, earth . Curse removed, 1 304-1* 12 blessings of. f 303-
1* Natural life perpetual, c-k 304-1* 21 n. things in me, 312* Events of the,
319* Newborn (1), 1 Pet. 2:2 Newly (2). Dt. 32:17; Judg. 7:19 Newness (2).
Rom. 6^i; 7:6 News (1). Pi. 25:25 Next (60). near; following in time, place or
order. Gen. 17:21; Ex. 12^4;Neh. 3£-19; Mk. 1:38; etc. 7:56

Neziah (2). illustrious, Ezra 2:54; Neh. Nezib (1). a city. Josh. 15:43 Nibhaz (1).
an idol, d 410-1 Nibdian (1). a city. Josh. 15:62 Nicanor (1). conqueror. Acts 6:5
Nicodemus (5). victorious, Jn. 3:1-9; 7:50; 19:39; o-p 95-1* Nicolaitanes (2).
304*: Rev. 2:6. 15 hiicolas (1). conqueror of people, Acts KicopoUs (1). a city.
Tit. 3:12 6:5 ^<ig , eI fl). black. Acts 13:1 Nigh (97). near, Gen. 47:29;Ex.
3:5;etc. Summei is n., Mt. 24:32; Lk. 21:30 Kingdom of God n., Lk. 10:9-U;
21:31 Youi redemption draweth n., Lk. 21:28 Word is n. tnee, even in, Rom.
10:8 Made n. by blood of Christ, Eph. 2:13 By which we draw n. to God, Heb.
7:19 Draw n.to God, He wiU draw n.,Jas. 4: Comingof Lord draweth n,, Jas. 5:8
8 "t (303).23dealingsof God by, 357 y and n. shall not cease. Gen. 8:22 Joseph
fled with Jesus by n., Mt. 2:14 Watch over flocks by n., Lk. 2:8 Continued all n.
in prayer, Lk. 6:12 Nicodemus came to Jesus by n., Jn. 3: 2; 7:50; 19:39 Angel
opened prison by n., Acts 5:19

Cometh as a thief in the n., 1 Th. 5:

2; 2 Pet. 3:10 Rest not day or n., Rev. 4:8 Serve Him day and n., Rev. 7:15
Accuse them day and n.. Rev. 12:10 No rest day or n. in hell. Rev. 14:11
Tormented day, n. forever. Rev. 20:10 No n. there. Rev. 21:25; 22:5 Nights (18).
40 days and 40 n., Gen, 7: 4, 12; Ex. 24:18; 34:28; Dt. 9.-9, 11,

18, 25; 10:10; 1 Ki. 19:8; Mt. 4:2 3 days and 3 n., 1 Sam. 30:12; Jonah

1:17; Mt. 12:40

7 days and 7 n., Job 2:13

taie, rise and fall, c 40-1. See Isa. 11:

taie, rise and fall, c 40-1. See Isa. 11:

~T^, 18:2; 19:5-10; Ezek. 29j4; Amos 8:8. Called Sihor. Isa. 23:3; Jer. 2:18

Nimiah (1), a city, Num. 32:3 48:34

Nimrim (2), clear waters, Isa. 15:6;Jer.

Nimrod (4). Defined, n 9-1; Gen. 10: 8-9; IChr. 1:10; Mic. 5:6

Nimshi fS). disc loser, 1 Ki. 19:16; 2 Ki. 9:2, 14, 20; 2 Chr. 22:7

Nine (49). Cases of blindness, b 16-4 Just persons in Scripture, 29 Men received
revelations, 1 29-4 Divine acts in day 6, 52 Penalties: mean ox, owner, d 86-4
Answers of Pharaoh, 109 Kinds of ministers, 264 Things that moved men, f 281-
1 Men ruled 40 years, 1 298-1 Parts to God's body, m 353-4 Personal attributes,
God's soul, c 354-1 Characteristics of the Bible, o 556-1 Requests of David, j
558 -4 Reasons to have courage, o 561-1 Things urged by the psalmist, i 551-4
New songs of the Bible 1 561-4 Commands for saints, a 577-1 Sources of
comfort, a 606-1 Things to praise, q 617-1 World kingdoms in Scripture, f 858-4
Symbols of world powers, c 586-4 Classes, s 6-4* Maids in Scripture, b 31 -4*
Prostrations before God, g 33-4* Prostrations before Christ, m 108-1* Kinds of
loosing, 34* Simon's in Scripture, 78* Examples of excuses, 92* Kinds of
salvation, m 126-1* Miraculous manifestations, 1 127-1* Gifts of Paul, 143*
Parts to fruit of Spirit, 145*; 175* Gifts of the Spirit, 145*; 175* Things God is,
in Romans, j 173-1* ThingsGodhasdone for us, 213* Proofs of Paul's
apostleship, b 182-1* Commands to Timothy, 237* Thiiigs about Paul, e 239 -1*
Cubits (18 ft., 9 in.) was the length of Og's bed, Dt, 3:11 Unthankful lepers, lk,

Ninefold. Mockery of Jesus, g 53-4* Fniitof Spirit, c 206-1*; 145*; 175* Former
state of Gentiles, 214* Charge to rich men, 23T*

Nljeteen (3). Gen. 11:25; Jodi. 19:38; 2 Sam. 2:30

Mjneteen& (4), 2 Ki. 25:8; IChr. 24: 16; 25:26; Jer. 52:12

Ninety (24). Sarah n. years old when Isaac was bom. Gen. 17:17 (the only place
where the word is used by itseli) Nineve (1). Lk. 11:32. See Nigeveh

Nineveh (18), d 900-1; e 90l^l 6 things N. did for mercy, h 901-1

Nineveh (18), d 900-1; e 90l^l 6 things N. did for mercy, h 901-1

8 causes of destruction of N., e 908-1 Founded by Asshui, Gen. 10:11-12 Both

Jonah and Nahum deal solely with

N., Jonah 1:2^:11; Nah. 1:1-3:7 Zephaniah also predicted fall of N., Zeph. 2:13

Used as example of repentance, Mt. tCnevites (1). Jonah a sign to, Lk. 11:30
Ninth (32). Hour of die death of Christ, Being 3K)0 P. M,, Mt, 27:45^6; Mk.
15:33-34; Lk. 23:44 Lame man healed in n.hour. Acts 3:1 Cornelius saw vision
then. Acts 10:3 Nisan (2). First month of sacred year, Neh. 2:1; Esther 3:7. See
Month and Calendar Nisroch (2). an idol, 2 Ki. 19:37; Isa.

37:38. See note on false gods , 116

Nitre (2), Pr. 25:20; Jer. 2;£2, note

No (1,377). N. God besides Me, Dt.4:

35; Isa. 43:10; 44:6;45:5, 21;47:8,10

N. man can serve two masters, Mt. 6:24

N. man hath seen God, Jn. 1:1S; 1 Jn.4:

N. wise cast out, Jn. 6:37 12

N. man can come to Me, except,

Jn. 6:44 N. man takes it from Me. Jn. 10:18 N. respect of persons with God,
Rom. N. not one, Rom. 3:12 2:U

N. man that warreth, 2 Tim. 2j4 N. more sea, death, and curse, Rev. 21:1-7; 22:3,

A city in Egypt, Jer. 46:25; Ezek. 30: 14-16; Nah. 3:8

Noadiah (^, Jehovah meets, Ezra 8:33; Neh. 6:14

Noah (51). Defined, k-1 5-4 2 jjersons called N., b 187-4 Rain before N., c 8-1;
53 Only pure Adamites left, a 6-4 10 commands to N., m 7-4 Not 120 years
53 Only pure Adamites left, a 6-4 10 commands to N., m 7-4 Not 120 years
building ark, m 6-4; c 8-1; i 10-1 Stay in die ark, k 7 -4. See Ark Age, o 5-4

Father of whole race. Gen. 10 Covenant with N., Gen. 9; 57 One of 3 men God
wimessed about,

Ezek. 14:14-20 A faidi-wortby in N. T., Heb. 11:7 A preacher, 1 Pet. 3:20-21; 2

Pet, 2:5

Noah's (2). Gen. 7:11, 13

Nob (6), a city, 1 Sam. 21:1:223-19;

~Weh. 11:32; Isa. 10:32 U

Nob ah (3), barking. Num. 32:42; Judg. 8:

Noble (7). Ezra 4:10; Esther 6:9; Jer.

^TTActs 17:11; 24:3; 26:25; 1 Cor. 1:26 Nobleman (3), Lk. 19:12; Jn. 4:46, 49
Nobles (30). A term used of great men and leaders of ancient nations, Ex. 21: 11;
1 Ki. 21:11; Jet. 27:20; Nah. 3:18

Nod (1), wandering. Name of the land of Cain's exile. Gen. 4:16

Nodab (l). a tribe, IChr. 5:19

Noe (5). Gr. fcsm of Noah , Mt. 24:37-

~35; Lk. 3:36; 17:26-27

iioaah (2), brightness, 1 Chr. 3:7; 14:6

Nohah (l), rest, IChr. 8:2

:6; Joel 2:5

Noise (85). N. of great shout, lSam.4:6 N. of chariots, 2 Ki. Loud n., Ps. 33:3
Jofyful n., Ps. 66:1; 81:1; 95:1-2; 98:4 N. of many waters, Ps. 93^1; Ezek. 1: N.
of thunder. Rev. 5:1 24

Noised (4), Josh. 6:27; Mk. 2:1; Lk. 1: 65; Acts 2:6 Rev. 16:2
Noisome (^, Ps. 91:3; Ezek. 14:15, 21;

Non (1), fidi, IChr. 7:27. See Nun

None (356). N. other than house oTCbd, Cen. 28:17 N. like the Loa-d, Ex. 8:10;
9:14 N. appear before Me empty, Ex. 23tl5 N. shall make you afraic^ Lev. 26:6
N. that doeth good, Ps, 14:3; 53:1-3; N. to take pity, Ps. 69:20 Rom. 3:10 N.
good but one, Mk. 10:18; Uc 18:19 N. other name under heaven. Acts4:12 N. of
His without Spirit, Rom. 8:9 N. other God but one, 1 Cor. 8:4 16

Noon (15). Dine with me at n., Gen. 43: Evening, morning, and n., Ps. 55:17
Nigh unto Damascus at n., Acts 22:6

Noonday (7), Dt. 28:29; Job 5:14; 11:17; Ps. 37:6; 91:6; Isa. 16:3; Jer. 15:8

Noontide (1). Jer. 20:16

Noidi (7). a city, Isa. 19:13; Jer. 2:16;

~U:U 46:14-19; Ezek. 30:13-16

Nophah (1), a city. Num. 21:30

Nor (684), Gen. 21:23; 45:5-6; etc. N. standeth in way of sinners, Ps. 1:1 N.
sitteth in seat of scornful, Ps. 1:1 N. sinners in congregation, Ps. 1:5 N. doeth
evil to his neighbor, Ps. 15:3 N. taketh up reproach, Ps. 15:3 N. are given in
marriage, Mt. 22:30 N. death, n. Ufe, n. angels... n. any other creature shall,
Rom. 8:38-39 N. idolaters, n. adulterers, n. effeminate. .. shall inherit the
kingdom of God, ICor. 6:9-10 N. crying, death, sorrow. Rev. 21j4

Nonh (132). Promotion from, Ps. 75:6-7 Lucifer invaded heaven in n., Isa. 14:
King of die n., Dan, 11:6-45 13

Nonfaern (2), Jer. 15:12; Joel 2:20

RortSwaid (2.^, Gen. 13:14; Ex. 40:22 Ram pusEing westward and n., Dan. 8>1

Nose (12). Flat n. a defect. Lev. 21:18 Wringing die n., Pr. 30:33 Rings and n.
jewels, Isa. 3:21

Noses (2), Ps. 115:6; Ezek. 39:11

Noses (2), Ps. 115:6; Ezek. 39:11

Nostrils (15). N. breadi of Ufe, Gen. 2: 7; 7:22; Isa. 2:22; Lam. 4:20

Until it come out your n., Num. 11:20 Spirit of God in my n., Job 27:3

Noi(6, 294), Gen. 2:5, 16, 18; etc.

Notable (5). Dt. 8:5, 8; Mt. 27:16; Acts

2:20; 4:16 Note (3). Isa. 30:8; Rom. 16:7; 2 Th. 3:14 Roted (1), Dan. 10:21

NodiinR (225). N. but good. Gen. 26:29 Hangedi earth on n., Job 26:7 N. hid
from the heat thereof, Ps. 19:6 N. better, EccL 2:24; 3:22 All nations are as tu ,
Isa. 40:17 Good for n., Mt. 5:13 N. impossible unto you, Mt. 17:20 Son can do
lu of Himself, Jn. 5:19 I can of Myself do n., Jn. 5:30 I do n. of Myself, Jn. 8:28
Without Me ye can do n., Jn. 15:5 In that day ask Me n., Jn. 16:23

Complete Concordance - Cyclopedic Index

Obtained (28). Eslher o. favour of the long, Esther 2:9, 15, 17; 5:2 O. part of this
ministry, Acts 1:17 O. mercy, 1 Cot. 7:25; 1 Tim. 1:13, 16 O. an irieritance, Eph.
1:11 O. a more excellent name, Heb. lA O. the promise, Heb. 6:15; 11:33 O. a
more exceUentministry, Heb. 8:6 O. eternal redemption, Heb. 9:12 O. good
report, Heb. 11:2, 39 O. wimess ne was ri^teous, Heb. 11:4 O. Uke precious
faith, 2 Pet. 1:1

Obtaineth (2), Pr. 12:2; 18:22

Obtaining (1), 2 Th. 2:14

Occasion (19), Rom. 7:7-11; 14:13; Gal. 5:13; 1 Tim. 5:14; 1 In. 2:10; etc.

Occasioned (1), 1 Sara. 22:22

Occasions (3), Di, 22:14, 17; Job 33:10

Occult powers, b 75-1*

OccupationT ^, Gen. 46:33; 47:3; Jonah 1:8; Acts 18:3; 19:25

Occupied (7), Ex. 38:24; Judg. 16:11; Ezek. 2-:16-22; Heb. 13:9
Occupiers (1), Ezek. 27:27

Occupietfa (1), ICor. 14:16

Occupy (7). Ezek. 27:9; Uc. 19:13 '

Occurrent (1), 1 Ki. 5:4

Ocran (5). troubler. Num. 1:13; 2:27; 1 7:72, 77; 10:26

Octogenarians. 6 in Scripture, f 351-1 '

Odd (1), Num. 3:48

Oded (3), aiding. 2 Chr. 15:1. 8; 28:9 '

OTwis.(2), 1 Chr. 19:6; Pr. 30:23

Odour (2), k 193-1*; Jn. 12:3; Phil.4:18

Odours (7), Lev. 26:31; 2 Chr. 16:14; Esther 2:12; Jer. 34:5; Dan. 2:46; Rev. |
5:8; 18:13 I

Of (26, 772), Gen, 1:2.6,10,14, etc. 1

OTf (502),Gen. 7:4; 8:3, 7, 8, etc. t

g|Tence (19). O. of heart. 1 Sara. 25:31 Till they acknowledge o., Hos. 5:15
Satan: thou art an o. to Me, Mt. 16:23 Conscience void of o., Acts 24:16
Through o. of one many be, Rom. 5:15 Rock of o., Rom. 9:33; 1 Pet. 2:8 O. of
the cross ceased, Gal. 5:11 See y 4-4*; c 114-1*; 1 172-1*

Offences (7), EccL 10?t; Mt. 18:7; Lk. 17:1; Rom. 4:25; 5:16; 16:17

Offend (25). Nothing shall o. them, Ps. 119:165 If ri^t eye o. pluck out, Mt.

18:8-9: Mk. 9^43-47 Out of kingdom, all that o., Mt. 13:41 O. one of Lhese little
ones, Mt. 18:6;

Mk. 9:42; Lk. 17:2 If meat make my brother o., ICot. 8:13 Whole law and o. in
one point. Jas. 2:10 In many things we o. all, Jas. 3:2
one point. Jas. 2:10 In many things we o. all, Jas. 3:2

Offended (25). Brother o. is harder to be won than a strong city, Pr. 18:19 Then
shall many be o.,Mt. 24:10 AU ye shaU be o. at Me, Mt. 26:31 Brother stumble
th, or is o., Rom. 14:21

Offender (2). Isa. 29:21; Acts 25:11 Offenders (1), 1 Ki. 1:21 Offer (23?). 10
diing s to o. God: Son (Gen. 22:2; 12:11-17; 16:10; 23:23. See Sacr~ fices

4 commands concerning, 1 88-4 Heave and wave o., d 90-1; d 125-4:

c-d 126-1; f 127-1; n 133-1; d 134-1; a 173-1; k 176-4 Laws of o., 113

7 things o. signified, i 120-1 Sweet savour o., d 120 -A; 152 Non-sweet savour
o., d 120-4; 152 Meat o., e 120-4; 122; e 190-4

5 kinds of meat o., h 120 -4 4 Peace o., a-c 121-4; k 122-1; el90-Female o., e

O. of priest and people, a 123-1 Sin o.; b 123-1 4

O. varied according to wealth, a 125-Pigeons and turtledoves in, c 123-4 O. for

the poor, 152 Trespass and ordinary o., e 123-4; h 124-1; f 125-1 Law of meat
o., h 124-4; 132 Burnt o., e 190 -4 Law of sin o., i 124-4 3 o. iDOSt holy, e 124-

8 o. eaten in holy place, b 125-1 Different types of sin o., i 123-1

3 kinds of peace o., i 125-1 Peace o., j 125-1; f 125-4; e 190^ O. eaten by offerer
and friends, e 125 - 4 Priest's portion of o., b 126-1 Summary of Laws of o., f

Cost of o. , a 127-1; d 134-1 Cost of o. on day of atonement, i 136-4 One place

of worship, b 138-1; a 212-1 O. to devils forbidden, c -d 138-1 Perfect animals
only for o., e-g 144-1

10 general facts about o., 153 Dedication of altar of o., d 165-1 5 kinds o. alur
dedication, h 165-1 Mondily o., 172 f-q 173-1 Amount of flour, oil, and wine
with o., 4 classes of o., c 173-1

4 sources of o., e 173-1 Ignorance o., c-e 173-4 Daily o., 187
Yearly cost of daily o..b 188-4 96-1 Cost of daily o., Moses to Christ, 1-1 Cost
of unleavened bread o., b 189-1

5 kinds of o., e 190 -4 Dtlnk o., e 190-4 Weekly sabbath o., 192

3 general things done with o., h 212-4 2 klndi,f 556-4; i-j 566-1; j 250-1*
Robbed Me In tithes aad o., MaL 3: 8 Office (46). O. of buUer, Gen.41:l-12 O.
of mid-wife, Ex. 1:16 O. of priest, Ex. 28:1-4, 41:29:1,9.

44; 30:30; 31:10; Heb. 7:5 O. of porter, 1 Chr. 9:22-26 O. of various kinds, 1
Chr. 9:31-32;

23:28; 24:2; Heb. ■':5

O. of king. 2 Chr. 24:11

O. of distribution, Neh. 13:13

O. of apostlesfaip, Ps. 109:8; Acts 1: 25; Rom. 11:13

O. ofablsfaop. 1 Tim. 3:1

O. of a deacon, 1 Tim. 3:10, 13 Officer (12). Defined v 37-1; Gen. 37:

36; 39:1; Judg. 9:28; 1 Ki. 4:5. 19;

22.-9; 2 Ki. 8:6; 25:19; 2 Chr. 24:11;

Mu 5:25; U. 12:58 2-7

Officers (58). O. of Pharaoh, Gen. 40:

O. of Israel, Ex. 5:6-19; Num. 11:16

O. of tens, hundreds, thousands, Dt. 1:15; 2 Ki. 11:15-18 Offices (5). 1 Sam.
2:36; 1 Chr. 24:3;

2 Chi. 7:6; 23:18; Neh. 13:14 Offscouriag (2). Lam. 3^45; 1 Cor. 4:13 Offsgri^
r-2).0. InMillennium. Isa.65; 20-2o. See G^rTfUOH^ etenul O. of God, 159*

Root and o. of David, Rev. 22:16 Oft (13), Mt. 9:14; 18:21; Mk. 7:3; 1 "Cot.
11:25; 2 Ccr. 11:23; Heb. 6:7 Ofiep (15). O. reproved hardeneth. Pr.
11:25; 2 Ccr. 11:23; Heb. 6:7 Ofiep (15). O. reproved hardeneth. Pr.

Spikt o. one to another, MaL3:16 How o. I would have gathered, Mt. 23:

37 As o. as eat this bread, 1 Cor. 11:26 Often's of PauL 2 Cot. 12:26-27 Sake
and o. infirmities, 1 Tim. 5:23 Plagues, as o. as they wiU,Rev. 11:6

Oftener C). Acts 24:26

Of renames (6).Job 33:29:EccL7:22;L 8:29; Rom. 1:13; 2 Cor. 8:22;Heb. 10:

11 18:2 Ofttimes (3), Mt. 17:15; Mk. 9:22; Jn. gg(22), long-iKcked, Num. 21:33;

33; Dt. lA; 3:1-13; 4^47: 29:7; 31: 4; Jodi. 2:10; 9:10; 12^i; 13:12, 30 -31; 1 Ki.
4:19; Neh. 9:22; Ps. 135: 11; 136:20 Bedstead 18 ft. 9 in. by 8 ft. 4 in., j 202-1

a (38), Gen. 18:30, 32; 19:18; etc.

Oiad (^, powerful. Gen. 46:10; Ex. 6:15

OheT d), 'tent, 1 Chr. 3:20

MTl99). Anointing o., f97-l

N. unclean of itself, Rom. 14:14 N. be done through strife, Phil. 2:3 Be careful
for n., but in, Phil. 4:6 The Law made n. perfect, Heb. 7:19 Perfect and entire,
wanting n..Jas. 1>4 Ask in faith, n. wavering. Jas. 1:6 Goods and have need of
n., Rev. 3:17

Notice (2), 2 Sam. 3:36; 2 Cor. 9:5

Notwllfastanding, (36). Ex. 16-.20; 21:21; Mt. 2:22; 11:11; Rev. 2£0; etc.

Nought (36). Jobl.-9; Acts4:11; Rom. 14: 10; 1 Cor. 1:28; 2:6; etc.

Nourish (5), Gen. 45:11; 50:21; Isa. 7: 21; 23:4:44:14

Nouridied (10), Gen. 4":12; 2 Sam. 12: 2; Isa. 1:2; Ezek. 19:2; Acts 7:20-21;
12:20; 1 Tim. 4:6; Jas, 5:5; Rev. 12:14

Nounsher (1), Ruth 4:15

Nounsher (1), Ruth 4:15

Nourishedi (1), Eph. 5:29

NourLshJg (l). Dt. 1:5

Nourishment (1), CoL 2:19

Kovice ('!'). 1 Tim. 3:6 2:23

Now Vl, 343). N. bone of my bones. Gen. N. Ilaiow thou fearest God, Gen.
22:12 N. I know Lord is greater, Ex. 18:11 N. dierefore (124 times), Gen. 12:19;
21:23; 2". A3; 29^32; 31^14; etc. Behold n. (13 times). Gen. 18:27, 31 But n.
(10 examples), 327 N. unto Him that is able, Jude 24 N. is come salvation, and.
Rev. 12:10

Number (176). N. dust. Gen. 13:16 N. stars. Gen. 15:5 N. them by their armies.
Num. 1:2-3, 18-49; 3:15-48; 4:23-41; 26:53; 29:18-37 Provoked David to n.
Israel, 1 Chr. 21 Teach us to n. our days, Ps. 90:12 Telleih n. of surs, Ps. 147>4
N. of disciples multiplied. Acts 6:1, 7; 11:21; 16:5. Cp. Rev. 7:9 N. of army of
torsemen. Rev. 9:16 N. of die beast. Rev. 13:17-18; 15:2 N. of whom is as the
sand. Rev. 20:8

Numbered (122). Cannot be lu for multitude. Gen. 13:16; 16:10; 32:12; 1 Ki. 8:5
These that were n., Num. 1:19-47; 2^4-33; 3:16-43; 4:34-49; 26:7-64 Hairs of
head n., Mu 10:30; Uc 12:7 N. with transgressors, Mk. 15:28 N. with the eleven
apostles, .Acts b26 5 classes not n., p 154-1

Numberest (3), Ex.'30:12; Job 14:16

Numl?ering (2), Gen. 41}49; 2 Chr. 2:17

Numbers (3). 1 Chi. 12:23; 2 Chr. 17:

HTPs. 71:15 171-1

Spiritual significance of, 117-118; a

Nun (30), fish. Ps. 119:105, titie

"Father of JoAua, Ex. 33:11; Num. 11: 28; Dt. 1:38; JoA. 1:1; etc.
Nuise (10), Gen. 24:59; 35:8; Ex. 2:7-

"Sn^th 4:16; 2 Sam. 4:4; 2 KL 11:2; 2 Chi. 22:11; 1 Th. 2:7

Nuised f2), Ex. 2:9; Isa. 60?4

Nursing (3). Num. 11:12; Isa. 49:23

Nurture (ij, Eph. 6:4

Nats (2). Gen. 43:11; Song 6:11. These were ie walnut, almond, pistachio, and
others 4:15

NvTD Aas (I), sacred to the muses, CoL

0(1.050), Gen. 17:18; 27:34. 38; Ps. 2:10; 3:3; Mt. 3:7; Rev, 16:5; etc.

Oak(15). Gen. 35:4-8; Josh. 24:26; Judg.

"STll, 19; 2 Sam. 18:9-14; 1 Ki. 13:14; 1 Chi. 10:12; Isa. 1:30; 6:13; 44:14;
Ezek. 6:13

Oaks (6). Isa. 1:29; 2:13; Ezek. 27:6; Hos. 4:13; Amos 2:9; Zech. 11:2

Oai (1), Ezek. 27:29

CaH (2). Isa. 33£1: Ezek. 27.-6

SaS (53). Making an o., g 87-1 Laws concerning o., Ex. 22:11; Lev.

5:4; Num. 5:19-21; 30:2-13 O. to Rahab, Josh. 2:17-20 Peter denied by an o.,
Mt. 26:72 Christians commanded not to make o..

Oath's (2). Mt.l4:9;M3c 6:26 Jas. 5:12

Oaths (3). Ezek. 21:23; Hab. 3:9; Mt. ^^; e-1 248-4*; 258^ a-b 263-4* Custom
of sealing o., s 12-1 36 examples of making o., 20 Using God's name in o., b
335-1 God's o., Gen. 26:3; Dt. 7:8; 1 Chr. 16:16; Ps. 105:9: Lk. 1:73; Acts 2:30

Obadiah (20), wMshipper of Jehovah. 13 men , a 899-1 Book of, 899

Obal (l), bare. Gen. 10:28

Obal (l), bare. Gen. 10:28

Obed (11), worshipper. 2 men. Ruth 4: 17:22; 1 Chi. 2:12, 37-38; 11:47; 26: 7; 2
Chr. 23:1; Mt. 1:5; Lk. 3:32

Obed -edom (2), servant of Edom. 4 men , a 556-4

Obedience (12). Uws of, 114; i) 138-4 12 blessings of, 1 202-1 4 great benefits
of, n 240-1

Mote important than rituals, k 309-1 O. to the faith among all, Rom. 1:5 By o. of
one shall many, Rom. 5:19 O. unto righteousness, Rom. 6:16 AU nations for o.
of faith, Rom. 16:26 Women commanded o., 1 Cor. 14:34 Every thought to o.
of, 2 Cot. 10:5 Learned He o. by, Heb. 5:8 Unto o. and sprinkling of, 1 Pet. 1:2
10 examples of obedience : 1 hJoah (Cen.^:^. K; 7:5; Heb. 11:7)

2 Moses (Num. 27:12-22;Heb. 3:2-3)

3 Joshua (Josh. 10?40; 11:15) 22)

4 David (^Sam. 18:14; 25:28; Acts 13:

5 Hezekiah (2 Ki. 18:6; Isa. 38:3) 6Josiah(2Ki. 22£; 23:24-45)

7 Joseph (Mt. 1:24; 2:1^

8 Jesus (Jn. 5:30; 12:49-50; Heb. 3:2)

9 Disciples (Jn, 17:6)

10 Paul (Acts 23:1; 2 Tim. 1:3) Obedient(16). O. to His voice, Dt. 4:30 If willing
and o. ye shall, Isa. 1:19 Priests were o. to the faith. Acts 6:7 Make o. byword
and deed, Rom. 15:18 Became o. unto death, PhiL 2:8 O. to their own husbands.
Tit, 2:5 O. to their own masters, Tit. 2:9 As o. children not, 1 Pet. 1:14
Obeisance (9). Gen. 37:7-9; 43£8; Ex. 1§:7; 5 Sam. 1:2; 14^4; 15:5; 1 KL 1: 16;
2 Chr. 24:17 Obey (69). If you wiU o. My voice, 'Ex. 1S:5; 23:22; Dt. 13-i If ye
o. the commandments, Dt. 11:27 O. better than sacrifice, 1 Sam. 15:22 Winds
and sea o. Him, Mt. 8:27 Unclean spirits o. Him, Mk. 1:27 Ought to o. God
rather than. Acts 5:29 God has given them that o.. Acts 5:32 O. it in the lusts
thereof, Rom. 6:12 Children, o. parents, Eph. 6:1;CoL 3:20 O. masters m aC
things, CoL 3:22 If any man o. not our word, 2 Th. 3:14 O. magistrates, be
ready, Tit. 3:1 Salvation to all that o., Heb. 5:9 O. them that have rule, Heb.
ready, Tit. 3:1 Salvation to all that o., Heb. 5:9 O. them that have rule, Heb.
13:17 If any o. not the word, 1 Pet. 3:1 They that o. not the gospel. 1 Pet, 4:17
Obeyed (41). Because o. My voice. Gen. 21T8; 26:5; Heb. 11:8; 1 Pet. 3;6 They
o. not, Jodu 5:6; Judg. 2:2; 6: 10; 1 Ki. 20:36; 2 Ki. 18:12; Jei. 3: 13, 25; 9:13;
11:8; 17:23; 32:23; 40: 3; 42:21; 43^4-7; 44:23; Dan. 9:10-O. from the heart,
Rom. 6:17 14

Obeyedst (2). 1 Sam. 28:18; Jer. 22£1 Obeyeth (3). Isa. 50:10; Jer. 7:28; 11:3
Obeying (3). Judg. 2:17; 1 Sam. 15:22; I Pet. 1:22 Obil (1). driver, 1 Chi. 27:30
SEject (1), Acts 24:19 Oblation (33). Defined, a 121-1 Kinds of, Uv. 2A-12; 3:1;
7:14, 29r 22:18; Num. 18:9; 31:50; Dn. 9:21-27 Holy o., Ezek. 45-49, notes
Oblations (5), Lev. 7:38; 2 Chi. 31:14;

Isa. 1:13; Ezek. 20:40; 44:30 Obogi (4). a Place, Num. 21:10-11; 33: Obscure
(1).^. 20:20 43-44

Obscurity (3), Isa. 29:18; 58:10; 59:9 Observatior (1), outward show, Lk. 17:20
Observe (5^. 9 things to o., i 212-4 O. feasts, Ex. 12:17-24; Dc 16:1. 13 O.
sabbath, Ex. 31:16; 34:22 O. commandments, Ex. 34:11; Dt. 6: 25; 8:1; 12:32;
15:5; 28:1, 15 O. times. Lev. 19:26 O. My statutes. Lev. 19:37; Dt. 11:32;

16:12; Ps. 105^45; Ezek. 37:24 O. aU My words, Dt. 12:28; 28:58; 3b O. all the
law,Josh. 1:7-8 12

O. with the whole heart, Ps. 119:34 O. My ways. Pi. 23:26 Jonah 2:8

They that o. lying vanities forsake, O. their teaching, but not their practice, Mt.
23:3 28:20 Teaching them to o. all things, Mt. Ye o. days, months, GaL 4:10 21
O. diese things impartially, 1 Tim. 5: Observed (11). Gen. 37:11; Ex. 12rf^2;

Num. 15:22; Dt. 33:9: 2 Sam. 11:16;

2 Ki. 21:6; 2 Chr. 33.-6: Hos. 14:8;

Mk, 6:20; 10-,20 Observer (1), Dt. 18:10 Observers (1), Dt, 18:14 Observes: (1),
Isa. 42:20 Obser>-eth (1), EccL li?4 Obsolete~words. A few words of Scrip-
cTianged in meaning since and these are noted in the ttue have 1611 A. D.
margins Obstinate (2), Dt. 2:30; Isa. 48:4 Obtain (15). O. favour of Lord, Pr.
8:35 O. joy and gladness, Isa. 35:10; 5U11 O. kingdom by flatteries, Dan. 11:21
O. mercy, Mt. 5:7; Rom. 11:31; Heb. O. that world, Lk. 20:35 4:16
O. a corruptible crown. 1 Cor. 9:25 O. salvation, 1 Th. 5:9; 2 Tiro. 2:10 O. a
better resurrection, Heb. 11:35




o. o.

X. 22:29)

2 First of ripe fruiu (Ex. 22:29)

3 Animals (Ex. 29:36-41; Lev. 1

4 Gold and silver (Ex. 35:22-25)

5 Food (Lev. 2:1-1^

6 Salt (Lev. 2:13)

7 Property (Lev. 27)

8 Gifts (Mt. 5:24; Heb. 5:1; 8:3)

9 Sacrifice of praise (Heb. 13:15) 10 Prayers (Heb. 5:7; Rev. 8:3)

Offered (142). O. burnt offerings. Gen,8: 20; Ex. 24:5; 40:29; Lev. 7:8 O. gold,
jewels. Ex. 35:22-24 Am ready to be o., 2 Tim. 4:6 0. up prayers. Heb. 5:7

up Himself, Heb. 7:27; 9:7, 14 to bear the sins of many, Heb. 9:28 one sacrifice
for sins, Heb. 10:12 only begotten son, Heb. 11:17; Jas. 2:21 Offered (15), Lev.
6:26; 7:8-33; 17:8; 21:8: 22:21; Num. 15:4; Ps. 50:23; Isa. 66:3; Jer. 48:35; Mai.
2:12 Offering (718). First o., Gen. 4:3-5 O. of Isaac, Gen. 22 O. Thou didst not
desire, Ps. 40:6 Brethren for an o. to Lord, Isa. 66:20 Millennial o. Uws, Ezek.
40:38-46:20 O. up of Gentiles, Rom. 15:16 Given Himself an o. for us, Eph, 5:2
Through o. of body of Jesus, Heb. 10:10 By one o. perfected forever, Heb. 10:14
No more o. for sin, Heb. 10:18 Christ made only one o.,b, k 250-1*; k-x 251 -1*
Christ's o. efficacious, o 251-1* When no mote used for o., i 252-1* Offering
(264). Defined, c 121-1; m i47-T»; a 250-1* O. commanded of IsraeL Ex. 18:12;
(264). Defined, c 121-1; m i47-T»; a 250-1* O. commanded of IsraeL Ex. 18:12;
25:2-3; 29:14-42; 30:9-28; 35:5-29 Lev. 1:2-23:37; Num. 5:9-8:21; 15: 1-27;
18:9-29:28:2-31:29:1-38; Dt,

Amount of o. in offerings, h 189-1

Miracle of o., a 393-1

Oil of 10-\-irgin parable not a symbol

of the Holy Spirit, b 2S:4« OUve o., t 28-l»: 1 263-4*: Ex. 27:20 Rock poured
out rivers ot o.Job 29.-6 Anointest my head with o., Ps. 23:5 Anointed with o. of
gladness, Ps 45'-~ •

Heb. 1:9 ^ ■ ..

It shall be an excellent o., Ps. 141:5 Mouth smoother than o., Pr. 5:3 O. of joy for
mourning, Isa. 61:3 O. for lamp fuel, Mt. 25:3-8, notes Anoint sick with, Mk.
6:13; Jas. 5:14 O. used as medicine. Lk. 10:34 Hun not o. and wine. Rev. 6:6
ttled.(2), Ex. 29:23; Uv. 8:26 25 Ointment (271. O. compounded, Ex. 30: Made
by priests, 1 Chr. 9:30 Good name better than o., Eccl. 7:1 Flies in o. of
apothecary, Eccl. 10:1 Used as medicine, Isa. 1:6 Used daily on bo<fy, Lk. 7:37-
46 Christ anointed witfi, Mt. 26:7-12-Mk 14:3-i: Jn. 11:2; 12:3-5
PintinentsC5),Song 1:3; 4:10; Amos 6-6; Lk. 23:56; Rev. 18:13 Olam, eternal, g
76-1; 680 ^d7376). Defined/ 631 Old man . Satan o-p 164-4* 22 titles of the o.
man, f 195-1 Old Testament, abolished, 2 Cor 3-tph. 2:14-15; CoL 2:14-

Cast out, j-s 205-1*

85 ccMitiasu with N. T., 201* 5 purposes for using, 1 169-1* Spiritual

experiences of O. T., 158* 3 divisions of Hebrew O. T., 730 5 o. men in
Scripture, f 23-1 51 "old"thir^ of Scripture: 1 Man (Oen. 25:ii; 45:27; 44:20)
Complete Concorda nce - Cyclopedic Tndpv

One of best crops, Judg. 15:5 9}^v^^ (2). 2 Sam. 15:30; Acts 1.-12 ' ^bveyard (
1). Ex. 23:11

O^yeyarjds (5), Josh. 24:13; 1 Sam. 8:14;

2 Ki. 5:26; Neh . 5:11; 9:25 Olympas (1), heavenly, Rom. 16:15 ^f.^r (3),
2 Ki. 5:26; Neh . 5:11; 9:25 Olympas (1), heavenly, Rom. 16:15 ^f.^r (3),
talkative, Gen. 36:11-15; 1

Chr. 1:36 Pg^gBiC^. last letter of Gr. alphabet,

Rev. 1:8, 11; 21:6; 22:13 ^2«.(5), 1/10 ephah or about 3quarts

and 1 pint, Ex. 16:16-18, 32-36 ^12 (1), Ex. 16:22. See Omer

^ined dl. Mt. 23:23

Omnipotent flV all power. Rev. 19:6. God s infinite power must be sensibly
understood as operating within the bounds of His o .n revelation of Him -sell.
According to Scripture God has IT) 5:

2 Age (Gen. 25:8; 37:3; 44:20)

3 Uon (Gen. 49.-9; Job 4:11; Isa. 30:6)

4 Leprosy (Lev 13:11)

5 Fruit (Lev. 25:22; Song 7:13)

6 StOTe (Lev. 25:22; 26:10)

7 Time (Dt. 2:20; 19:14; Josh. 24:2)

8 Days(Dt. 32:7; Ps. 77:5)

9 Com (Josh. 5:11-12)

10 People (Josh. 6:21j Isa. 20:4)

11 Sacks (Josh. 9:4)

12 Bottles (Josh. 9:4; Mt. 9:17)

13 Shoes (Josh. 9:5, 1^

14 Garments (Josh. 9:5; Matt. 9:16)

15 Inhabitants (1 Sam. 27:8) ,16Men(lKi. 12:6-13; Ps. 148:12) 1. Prophet (1 Ki.

13:11, 25)
13:11, 25)

18 Husband (2 Ki. 4-1^

19 Gate (Neh. 3:6; 12:39)

20 Root (Job 14:8)

21 Way (Job 22:15)

22 Heavens (Ps. 68:33)

23 Landmark (Pr. 23:10)

24 King (Eccl. 4:13)

25 Pool (Isa. 22:11)

26 Counsels (Isa. 25:1)

27 Things (Isa. 43:18; 46:9; 2 Cor, <ie Creneraaons (Isa. 51:9)

^ o'^i^^J'^^''^' ^- °'85l2: 61:4)

30 Paths (Jer. 6:16)

31 Ronen rags get. 38:11)

32 Clouts-clothes (Jer. 38:11-12)

33 Skin (Lam. 3:-^

34 Adulteries (Ezek. 23:43)

35 Hatred (Ezek. 25:15)

36 Estates (Ezek. 36:11)

37 Goings (Mic. 5:2)

38 Nineveh (Nah. 2:8)

39 Women (Zech. 8:4)

39 Women (Zech. 8:4)

40 1 reasure (Mt. 13:52)

41 Wine (Lk. 5:39)

42 Prophets (Lk. 9:8, 19)

43 Disciple (Acts 21:16)

44 Man (Satan, o-p 164-4*; f 195-1*-Rom. 6:6; Eph. 4:22; CoL 3:9)

45 Uaven (1 Cor. 5:7-8)

46 Testainent-covenant (2 Cor. 3:l« 4. Wives' fables (1 Tim 4-7) '

48 Sins (2 Pet. 1:9) ' '

49 WOTld (2 Pet. 2:5)

50 Commandment (1 Jn. 2:7)

51 Serpent (Rev.l2:9: 20:2)" Oldness (1), Rom. 7:6 Olive (38). Dove had o. leaf.
Gen 8-11

O. oil, Ex. 27:20: 30:24; Lev. 24-2 trees already planted, Dt. 6:11; 8-8 tree
cherubim, 1 Ki. 6:23 tree doors, 1 Ki. 6:31-32 tree posts, 1 Ki. 6:33 . tree symbol
of ri^teous, Ps. 52-8 O. plants symbols of children, Ps 128-3 O. tree symbol of
Israel, Hos. 14-6-Rom. 11:17-24 '

O. trees symbol of two witnesses, Zech. 4:3-14; Rev. 11:4 11:17-24

Wild o. tree symbol of Gentiles,Rom O lives (15). Tread out o., Mic. 6:15 '
Mount of O., Zech. 14.-4; Mt 21-1 • 24:3; 26:30; Mk. 11:1; I3:3i 14:26' Lk.
19:29. 37; 21:37; 22:39: Jn. 8:i limited Himself to working within certain
limitations in some realms. Perhaps, It is not so much a question of what He
could possibly do, but what He morally allows Himself to do For example, He
cannot Ue (Tit. 1:2; Heb. o:l^, which means that He is abso -lutely tnjthful and
can be depended upon as being above lying. We say then that it is morally
impossible for Hun to Ue. As to being able to uner words which are the opposite
of tnith. such IS within God's power if He would Permit Himself to do so; but
He will not and for that reason it is declared that He cannot lie. The same is ture
He will not and for that reason it is declared that He cannot lie. The same is ture
in tfie exercise of o±er attributes of God. See 30 limitations of Tw^H, 638; and
iacts under the subject of God which give the true concept of Him.~ar the
supreme Moral Governor of free wills, as revealed in His plan for man
annipresent, everywhere present. God the Either, God the Son, and God the Holy
Spir:t are all present where there are beings with whom they have deal -ings; but
they are not omnibodv . that IS, dieir bodies are not omnipresent. All three go
from place to place bodily asotherbeingsin the universe do We know this is true,
for many scriptures speak of each person of die Mvine" Tnnity, as follows: 1
God the Father. See a 10-l;c34-4; h 67-1; and many facts under God

2 Jesus Christ, the Son of die FaHier He came from heaven into the world as a
person distinct from both the Father and the Holy Spirit - to Uve here, then
return to heaven and the Fadier to be seated on His right hand, from whence He
will come again. See Christ 3 The Holy Spirit. He is~s^5Uin of as moving upon
creation (Gen 1 • 2) coming into the midst (2 Chr. 20-14) i%Tv^^.^'°'" ^^^^^"
upon Jesui(Mt. 3:16; Mk. 1:10; Lk. 3:21 -22), and a—

biduig with or departing from men (Jn 1:32; 1 Sam. 16:14). He was to come

^^°?ej°^Wm abide among men (Jn. 14:1d. 26; la:26; 16:7-11)

Onnipresence then, is different from omnibody, and is governed by relationship

and knowledge of God. Like the presence of someone being felt by another who
is thousands of mile^ away, so it is with the presence of God among men (1 Cor.
5:3-4). See n 15-4; h 368-4: n 86-4* Ctanicient. all knowing. This also must be
understood in a limited sense, the same as omnipotence and omnipre-O. O. O. O.

sence. Many passages show clearly that God comes to know certain acts of free
and sovereign wills, and He does not plan or try to know from all eternity past
the infinite details regarding be -ings who are here now and others that will be
brought into existence in a 11 eternity to come. See u 2-4; q 6-1-m 15^: h 67-1; h
68-1; b 232-4 Qsm (18), a sheaf. 4 men , i 380-l:a-g 380-4; 1 Ki. 16:lT:35] 2 Ki.
8: 26; 1 Chr 7:8; 9.-4; 27:18; 2 Chr. 22:2; Mic. 6:16

^ (1. 929), the sun. A man. Num. 16: 1. A_city of Egypt, Gen. 41:45. 50; 46: ^0-
In hundreds of other places tie word is used as an ordinary pan of speech. Gen.
2:2; 4:15; etc.

^am(4), wealthy. Gen. 36:23; 1 Chr. 1:40; 2:26-28

^am(4), wealthy. Gen. 36:23; 1 Chr. 1:40; 2:26-28

SjanJS). strong. Gen. 38:4-9; 46:12-ura. 26:19; i ciir. 2:3

ftianisrik i 422-1

' ^ (59). Job 33:14; 40:5; Ps. 62:11-

^4:6; 76:7; 89:35; Heb. 6:4; etc.

^TV (i.'^3^-0-important thing, p 275-1* U. thing not to believe, 313* O. thing

not cast away, 313*

O. person to pray to, 315*

O. class to retuke, 315*

O. command to stand fast in. 315*

O. way to think, 315*

O. in number. Gen. 2:21; 11:1; 3, etc

O. in unity, j 206-1

One, two, o r more in Mnin,-

1 Evening and morning make'o. day (Gen. 1:5, 8, 13, 19. 23, 31)

2 Adam and Eve o. flesh (Gen. 2-24)

3 Man has become as o. o-Us ( as each separate person in the Godhead - pro\ing
plurality of personsin the o. God, Gen. 3:22) 4 The people is o. (but not o.
individual or person. Gen. 11:Q

5 The Lord (Tehovah) our God (Elohim. a plural noun) is o. Lord aehovah))' that
is, a unified Jehovah or Elohim. not o. in number as to persons (Dt' 6:4). T:?ere
are nvo and three per-SOTs called Jehovah (Gen. 19-24-Ps^ 110:1-5. notes) and
Go<i(28b')' ITie Heb. tor one here (5C 6:4) is echad which means untied as o ..
as well as o. in number; and certainly its use in this passage means com -posite
umty and not absolute umtyT Elohim is unified, not divided; this IS what is
stated here and vAat should be so understood in Mk. 12:29-32; Rom.3:30.
stated here and vAat should be so understood in Mk. 12:29-32; Rom.3:30.
^^Tien individuals of this' Divine Unity are intended that is very clear, as in 1
Cor. 8:4-6;Ej*. 4:4-6 where three persons are sin -gled out andrefenedtoinihe
same since as we refer to three men 6 Two sticks become o. stick when joined
together (Ezek. 37:16-19)

7 Two nations will become o. nation when joined together (Ezek. 37:22)

8 God made o. of two individuals -man and wife (Gen. 2:24; MaL 2-15-16; Mt.
19:5-6; Eph. 5-31)

9 I and My Father are o. (Jn. 10:30) Yet the Faflier is greater than the Son an.
14:28), and greater than all (Jn. 10:29) 10 Gather together in o. all the children of
God (Jn. 11:52)

11 That they aU (many individuals) maybe o. as We (God the Father and Jesus
the Soi^ are o. Hn. 17:11 21-23) 12 They (thousands of disciples) were of o.heart
and o. soul (Acts 4:32)

13 Many members (and many bodies) in o. body (Rom. 12:4-5; 1 Cor 12-12-28)

14 Many minds of o. mind (Rom. 15:5-6)

15 Any tw bodies become o.body when ,^ i?"'^'^ together (1 Cor. 6:16)

16 Two spirits become o. spirit when jomed together (1 Cor. 6:17)

17 Many persons become o. bread and o. body by partaking of o. bread (1 Cor.

10:17) ^

18 Ye are aU o. in Jesus (Gal. 3-28)

19 Gather together in o. allthingsin


Isa. 13:3 Chosen o., 1 Chr. 16:13 Strong o., Ps. 10:10; Jer. 8:16 Simple o., Pr.
1:22; 7:7 Fat o., Isa. 5:17; 10:16 High o., Isa. 10:33; (angeUc beings).

Isa. 24:21 Sanctified o., Isa. 13:3 Chief o., Isa. 14.-9 Terrible o., Iss. 25:4-5; 29:5
Careless o., Isa. 32:11 VaUant o., Isa. 33:7 Contrite o., Isa. 57:15 Wicked o., Jer.
2:33 Tumultuous o., Jer. 48:45 Holy o., Dan. 4:17 Notable o., Dan. 8:8 Upright
2:33 Tumultuous o., Jer. 48:45 Holy o., Dan. 4:17 Notable o., Dan. 8:8 Upright
o., Joel 3:11 Anointed o., Zech. 4:14 10

^esiiDus (2), profiuble. Col. 4:9; Ph'm a^eaphoms (2), bringing profit. 2Tim.

1:1d; 4:19 Onions (Vi. Num. 11:5 ^T239). Gen. 6:5; 7:23; 22:2; etc. O. believe.
Mk. 5:36; Lk. 8:50 O. begotten of the Father, Jn 1-14-18; 3:16, 18; Heb. 11:17; 1
Jn. 4:9 O. tme God. Jn. 17:3 O. to the Jews, Acts 11:19

' \n^TP°^- '*°™- 16:27; 1 Tim. 1: 17; Jude 25

O. he who now letteth. 2 Th 2-7

O. hath immortality, 1 Tim.'6:15-16

u. Luke is with me, 2 Tim. 4-11

O. in ineats, drinks, carnal ordinances

O. art holy. Rev. 15:4 Heb. 9:10

^ (5) a city. 1 Chr. 8:12; Ezra 2:33;

Neh. 6:2; 7:37; 11:35

^v^ard (1), Ex. 40:36

°^cha (1), c 97-4; Ex. 30:34

SMx (11). 118; Gen. 2:12; Ex. 25:7; 28—

9r20: 35:9, 27; 39:6. 13; 1 Chr 29•

2: Job 28:16; Ezek. 28:13

^ti (124). O. firmament. Gen. 1-20

O. place, Gen. 38:14

O. pit. Gen. 21:33

fields, Uv. 14:7, 53; 17:5

fields, Uv. 14:7, 53; 17:5

heaven and earth (Eph. 1:10)

20 Made both (Jews an^ Gentiles)o to

21 Y^rt^^■^^'^ "'^^ ^^P''- 2:14-16)

21 Ye (all beUevers) stand fast in o spint and o. mind (PhiL 1:27; 2-2)

22 He who sanctifies and they who are Mnctified are all of o. (Heb. 2:11)

o^ ?l^^ 1" °^ °- '"^'^ (1 Pet. 3:8) 24 These three (individuals-the Father Ae Word
or Son, and the Holy Ghosi) are o. (1 Jn. 5:7). The only sense in which diree can
be one is in unity-never in number of^r-^"^- ■^■e disciples, as in Jn. 17:11, 21-
23, for instance. \«re not to be -come o. person, o. individual, or o being with
only o. human body.o.' soul, and o. spirit. They were to become o. in unity,
consecrated to me same end to which God the Fa-Hotv Q °^ *^ ^°"' ^"<^ God
the Holy Spmt are consecrated - die highest good of all. They were to retain their
own bodies, souls, spirits and pe^nalities as individuals. So " " ^1* the Aree
Divine Kfember<; of the Divine Trinity - the separate persons in Eldiim always
retain their own personal body vessel, Num. 19:15 20

eyes^ Num. 24:3-4.15-16; 2 KL 6: hands. Dt. 15:8-11 treasure, Dt. 28:12 city.
Josh. 8:17 vision, 1 Sam. 3:1 flowers, 1 Ki. 6:18, 29. 32, 35 windows, 2 Chr.
13:17; Dan. 6:10 letter, Neh, 6:5 mouth wide, Ps. 81:10 O. rebuke. Pr. 27:5 O.
blind eyes. Isa. 42:7 O. valley. Ezek. 37:2* O. graves, Ezek. 37:12 O. book. Rev.
5:2-9; 10:2, 8 ^ened (137). Eyes were o.. Gen. 3:5-7 O. windows of heaven.
Gen. 7:11 O. mouth of the ass. Nimi. 22i28 Heavens were o., Mt. 3:16; Mk. 1:10
Knock and it shall be o.. Mt. 7:7-11 O. to us the Scriptures. Lk. 24:32 O. He
their understanding, Lk. 24:45 I see heavens o.. Acts 7:56 Heart the Lord o..
Acts 16:14; o 142-4* All things are naked and o., Heb 4-13 O. tfie seals. Rev.
6:1, 3, 4, 7, 9,' 12 u. the bonoraless pit. Rev. 9:2 I saw heaven o.. Acts 10:11;
Rev 19-11 Another book was o., Rev. 20-12 Openest (Z>. Ps. 104:28; 145:16 '
Openeth (2B-O. die matrix. Ex 13-2-l5r5i:19; Num. 3:12; 18:15 O. not His
mouth. Isa. 53:7 O. and no man sbunedi. Rev. 3:7 ^nin£(7), 1 Chr. 9:27; Job
12:14; Pr ^nS. 42:20; 61:1; Ezek. 20:21; Acu Openings (l). Pr. 1:21 17.3

Openly (15). Reward thee o.,Mt 6-4-6 I spake o. to world, Jn. 18:20 ' 18 Made a
show of them o., Col 2-15 9Pg""°" (3). Ps. 28:5; Isa. 5:12;'CoL 2: Operations
(1), 1 Cor. 12:6 12
2eiei(5).a place, 2 Chr. 27:3; 33:14;

Neh. 3.-26-27; 11:21 Oph" (13), rich, b 371-4 ^«iii (1), a city. Josh. 18:24
Ophrah (S). p 272-1 Opinion (3), Job 32:6. 10, 17 ^pinions (1), 1 Ki. 18:21

Opportunity r.-^ Mt, 26:16; Gal. 6:10; Phil. 4:10; Heb. 9PP0se(l). 2 Tim. 2:25

Opposed (1^, Acts 18:6

y. soul, and

spirit, yet they are one in perfect ->-k-^^^_ ■ x., r,cis ia:t> umty. This always
has been the case ^-^^--st (1), Job 30:21 and^always will be, as proved on p. ^:-
^|. (l\ 2 Th. 2:4 One?s'(2>. Acts 16:26 gilnons (1)_, 1 Tim. 6:20

2Ses (76). Unle o. (children in fami lies). Gen. 34:29; 43:8; 50:8; etc (beUeverj).
Mt. 10:42; 18:6-14 Young o. (birds), Dt. 22:6; Job 39:30; (animals). Job 39:1-4.
16; Isa 11-7 Mighty o. (horses). Judg. 5:22; (men),

Lk. 2i 11:15


LT3press(23). Do not vex'or o. a stranger, Ex. 22:21; 23:9; 23:16; 24:14 Do not
o. one another. Lev. 25:14-17 Do not rich men o. you, Jas. 2-6 22Eressed(38).
Shall be o. and spoiled Dtr28:29. 33 i^^iicu, Ps. 10:18

- 28:29, 33 Judge of fatherless and o..

Executeth judgment for o., Ps. 147:6 He was o. and afflicted, Isa. 53:7 Let the o.
go free, Isa. 58:6 All that were o. of devil. Acts 10:38 Oppresseth (5), Nura.
10:9; Ps. 56:1; Pr. 14:31; 22:16; 28:3 -:1

Oppressing (3). Jcr. 46:16; 50:16; Zeph. Oppression (24). 4 commands against, i
87-4 33:15

Oppressions (3). Job 35:9; Eccl.4:l; Isa. Oppressor (14). Job i:\S. lo:JO:Ps. 72:4:
Pr. 3:31; 28:16; Isa. 9:4; 14:4; 51:13; Jer. 21:12; 22:3; 25:38; Zech. 9:8; 10:4 87-
Oppressors (8). 5 warnings against, k Or (1,015), Gen. 13.-9; 17:12; 24:21; etc.
CSacle (17). A Divine utterance, 2 Sam. 16:23 The most holy place in the
temple, k 559-4; 1 Ki. 6:5-31; 7:49; 8:6-8; 2 Chr. 3:16; 4:20; 5:7-9; Ps. 28:2 The
law of Moses, Acts 7:38; Rom. 3:2 The gospel, Heb. 5:12 11

The Word of Cod, n 268-1'; 1 Pet. 4: Oracles (4), Acts 7:38; Rom. 3:2; Heb.

5:12; 1 Pet. 4:11. See Oracle Oration (1), Acts 12:21 Orator (2). Isa. 3:3; Acts
24:1 Orchard (1), Song 4:13 Orchards (1), Eccl. 2:5 Ord?-.! (5). j 37-4*; a 135-
4*; h 139-4*; mo-4*; i 177-1*; o 242-1* O. in their set office, 1 Chr. 9:22 O. a
place for My people, 1 Chr. 17: O. peace for us, Isa. 26:12 9

O. I in all churches, 1 Cor. 7:17 O. elders in every city, Tit. 1:5

Complete Concordance - Cyclopedic Index

Ordained (37). O. in Mt. Sinai, Num. O. a feast, 1 Ki. 12:32-33 28:6

O. to burn incense, 2 Ki. 23:5 O. him priests for high, 2 Chr. 11:15 O. singing,
music, 2 Chr. 23:18; 29: O. strength, Ps. 8:2 27

O. the stars, Ps. 8:3 O. Tophetofold, Isa. 30:33 O. thee a prophet unto, Jer. 1:5 O.
them for judgment, Hab. 1:12 O. twelve, that they should, Mk. 3:14 O. you that
ye should bring, Jn. 15:16 O. to be a witness. Acts 1:22-26 O. to be Judge, Acts
10:42; 17:31 O. to eternal Life believed. Acts 13:48 O. elders in every city. Acts
14:23 O. of apostles and elders. Acts 16:4 O. to Ufe, Rom. 7:10 13:1

O. powers of human government, Rom. O. before the world began, 1 Cor. 2:7 O.
to Uvc by the gospel, 1 Cot. 9:14 O. by angels. Gal. 3:19 O. we should walk in
them, Eph. 2:10 O. a preacher, 1 Tim. 2:7 O. for men in things, Heb. 5:1; 9:6 O.
high priest to offer, Heb. 8:3 O. to condemnation, Jude 4

Ordaineth (1), Ps. 7:13

Order (61). Set in o. tabernacle services, Ex. 16:17; 27:21; 39:37; 40: 4, 23; Lev.
1:7-12; 6:12; 24:3-8 Put household in o., 2 Sam. 17:23 O. the battle, 1 Ki. 20:14
O. of Melchizedck, u 247-i'; Ps. 110: 4; Heb. 5:6. 10; 6:20; 7:11-17, 21 Set in o.
many proverbs, Eccl. 12:9 Kingdom, to o. it, Isa. 9:7 Write in o. those things,
Lk. 1:1-3 O. of priestly courses, Lk. 1:8 Expounded in o., Acts 11:4 40

All things decently, in o., 1 Cor. 14: Every man, his own o., 1 Cor. 15:23 Set in
All things decently, in o., 1 Cor. 14: Every man, his own o., 1 Cor. 15:23 Set in
o. church services. Tit. 1:5

Ordered (4), Judg. 6:26; 2 Sam. 23:5; Job 13:18; Ps. 37:23

Ordereth (1), Ps. 50:23

Orderings (l). 1 Chr. 24:19

Orderly (1), Acts 21:24

Ordifiance (30), a decree, q 183-4*; f 250 -4*; c 251-1*; q 606^; Ex. 12:14-43;
13:10; 15:25; 22:9; Num. 9:14; 10:8; 15:15; 18:8; 19:2; 31:21 O. of David, Ezra
3:10 O. of oil, Ezek. 45:14 By a perpetual o.. Ezek. 46:14 13:2 O. of God -
human government, Rom. Submit to every o. of man, 1 Pet. 2:13

Ordinances (27), decrees, 113; Ex. 18: 20; Lev. 18:3-1; Num. 9:12; 2 Chr. 33:8
O. of heaven. Job 38:33; Jer. 33:25 O. of justice, Isa. 58:2 O. of moon and stars,
Jer. 31:35-36 O. in the church, 1 Cor. 11:2 2:15 Commandments contained in o.,
Eph. Blotting out handwriting of, Col. 2:14 O. of divine service, Heb. 9:1 Carnal
o., Heb. 9:10

Ordinary (1), Ezek. 16:27

Oreb (5), raven. Judg. 7:25; 8:3; Ps. 83:11; Isa. 10:26

Oren(l), pine tree, 1 Chi. 2:25

?!ggan (3). Gen. 4:21; Job 21:12; 30:31

Organs (l). Ps. 150:4 Oriental courryards. i 514-1

O. marmecs, 758; Mt. 26:1-13 Original Licairons . 53 Orion (3), a constellation,

b 5J7-1 Ornament (7). Pr. 1:9; 4:9; 25:JC; Isa.

30:22; 49:18; Ezek. 7:20; 1 Pet. ;!:4 Ornaments (14), 236*; c 261-1*; 269*; Ex.
33:4-6; Judg. S:21 -2G; Isa.. :1b -20; 61:10; Jcr. 2:32; 4:30; Ezek. 16: 7-11;
23:40 On camels, 1 274-4 22 kinds of o., 474 OTnan(ll), strong, 1 Chr. 21:15-28;

Chr. 3:1. See Araunah Orpah (g, hind, k 291 1; Rudi 1:4, 14 Orphans (1). Lam.
5:3. Sec Fatherless Osce (1). Same as lloshca . Rom. 9:25 Oshea (2). Same as
5:3. Sec Fatherless Osce (1). Same as lloshca . Rom. 9:25 Oshea (2). Same as
Joshua. Num. 13:8. 16 Ospray (2), a carnivorous unclean bird, Lev. 11:13; Dt.
14:12 Ossifrage (2). a carnivorous unclean

bird. Lev. 11:12; Dt. 14:12 Ostrich (2). Job 39:13 Ostriches (1). Lam. 4:3 I Other
(461). Gen. 4:19; 8:10. 12; etc.

SffleFs (69), Job 8:19; 31:10; etc.

i Otherwise (17). 2 Sam. 18:13; Mt. 6:1;

Othni (1). powerful. lClu.26:7 etc.

OihnieU T). God of power, u 254-1; Josh.

I 15:17; Judg. 1:13; 3:9-11; 1 Chr. 4:

13; 27:15 ' Ouches (8), sockets, Ex. 28:11-14, 25;

39:6. 13-18 I Ought (96). Gen. 34:7; 39:6; 47:18; etc. Brother has o. against you.
Mt. 5:23;

Mk. 11:25 O. not this woman being a. Lk.13:16 Men o. always to pray and, Lk.
18:1 I O. not Christ have suffered, Lk. 24:26 O. to worship, Jn. 4:20 O. to wash
one another's fect,Jn. 13:14 I O. to obey God rather than. Acts 5:29 O. to support
the weak. Acts 20:35 Nothing as he o. to know, 1 Cor. 8:2 O. to answer every
man. Col. 4:6 O. to walk to please God. 1 Th. 4:1 O. to give more earnest heed,
Heb. 2:1 ' O. himself also to walk, 1 Jn. 2:6 O. to lay down lives for, 1 Jn. 3:16 j
O. also to love one another, 1 Jn.4:ll I Oughtest (4), 1 Ki. 2:9; Mt. 25:27; Acts
10:6; 1 Tim. 3:15 i Our (1,442), Gen. 1:26; 5:29; etc. Ours (12). Gen. 26:20;
31:16; 34:23; "Tlum. 32:32; 1 Ki. 22:3; Ezek. 36:2; Mk. 12:7; Lk. 20:14; 1 Cor.
1:2; 2 Cor. ; 1:14; Tit. 3:14; 1 Jn. 2:2

Ourselves (51). Give o. continually to I prayer and ministry, Acts 6:4

O. also have firstfruit of, Rom. 8:23 ! O. groan within o., Rom. 8:23 I Not to
please o., Rom. 15:1 j If we would judge o. wc, 1 Cor. 11:31 Let us cleanse o.
from all, 2 Cor. 7:1 O. also were sometimes foolish. Tit. We deceive o., 1 Jn. 1:8

Assembling of o. together, Heb. 10:25 Out (2, 696), Gen. 2:9-10, 19, 23; etc.
guicast (l). Jer. 30:17 Outcasts (7), Ps. 147:2; Isa. 16:3-4; 27: 13; 56:8; Jer. 49:36

Outer (4). Ezek. 10:5; Mt. 8:12; 22:13; Outgoings (8). Josh. 17:9. 18; 18:19; 19:

14-33; Ps. 65:8 Outlandish (1). Neh. 13:26 Outlived (i). Judg. 2:7 Outmost (4).
Ex. 26:10; Num. 34:3; Dt.

30:4; Isa. 17:6 Outrageous (1). Ps. 27:4 Outrun (1). Jn. 20:4 Outside (8). Judg.
7:11-19; 1 Ki. 7:9;

Ezek. 40:5; Mt. 23:25-26; Lk. 11:39 Outstretched (3). Dt. 26:8;Jer. 21:5; 27:5
Outward (19). Man looketh on o. appearance, 1 Sam. 16:7; Mt. 23:27; 2 Cot.
10:7 O. man perish, yet, 2 Cor. 4:16 O. adorning of plaiting, 1 Pet. 3:3
Outwardly (2). Mt. 23:28; Rom. 2:28 Outwent (1). Mk. 6:33 Oven (12). Lev.
2:4; 7:9; 11:35; 26:26; Ps. 21:9; Lam. 5:10; Hos. 7:4-7; Mai. 4:1; Mt. 6:20, Lk.
12:28 Ovens (1). Ex. 8:3

Over (980). Gen. 1:18. 26, 28; 3:16; etc. Overcame (3), Acts 19:16; Rev. 3:21;
12: Overcharge (1). 2 Cor. 2:5 11

Overcharged (1). Lk. 21:34 33

Overcome (22). I have o. world, Jn. 16: Be not o. of evil, but o., Rom. 12:21 Of
whom a man is o., 2 Pet. 2:19 -20 Ye have o. wicked one, 1 Jn. 2:13-14 O. them
and kill them. Rev. 11:7 To o. saints. Rev. 13:7 Lamb shall o. them. Rev. 17:14
Overcome th (11). '.Vhosoever is born of God o. the world, 1 Jn. 5:4-5 To him
thato., Rev. 2:7, 11, 17; 26; 3:5,12. 21; 21:7

Overdrive (1), (.-en. 33:l:i

Overflow (10, Dt. 11:4; Ps. 69:2, 15;

Isa. 8:8; 10:22; 28:17; 43:2; Jer.47:2;

Dan. 11:10, 26, 40; Joel 2:24; 3:13 Ovcrflo^^ed (2), Ps. 7S:20; 2 Pet. 3:6
Overflow^til (1). Joel 3:15 Ovcrflowins '(ll), Job 2S:11; nS:25; Ua.

28:2. 15-16; ',0:28; Jcr. 47:2; Ezek.

13:11-].'>; 38:22; Hab. 3:10 Overflown (3), 1 Chr. 12:15; Job 22:16;
13:11-].'>; 38:22; Hab. 3:10 Overflown (3), 1 Chr. 12:15; Job 22:16;

Dan. 11:22 Overlaid (^5). O. wood with metals. Ex. 26:32; 36:34-36; 37:2-4. 11-
28; 38:2-28; 1 Ki. 6:20-32; 2 Chr. 3:4-10; 4:9; Heb. 9:4. Cp. 1 Ki. 10:18; 2 Chr.
9:17; Song 5:14

O. cluld. 1 Ki. 3:19 Overlay (13). Ex. 25:11-28; 26:20. 37;

27:2-6; 30:3-5; 1 Chr. 29:4 Overlaying (2). Ex. 38:17-19 OvcrUved (1). Josh.
24:31 Overmuch (1). 2 Cor. 2:7 Overpass (1). Jcr. 5:28 Overpast (2). Ps. 57:1;
Isa. 26:20 Overplus (1). Uv. 25:27 Overran (1). 2 Sam. 18:23 Overrunning (1).
Nah. 1:8 Oversee (2). 1 Chr. 9:29; 2 Chr. 2:2 Overseer (7), Gen. 39:4-5; Neh.

14. 22; 12:42; Pr. 6:7

Overseers (6), 2 Chr. 2:18; 31:13; 34: 12-17; Acts 20:28

Ovcrdiadow (2). Lk. 1:35; Acts 5:15

Overshadowed (3), Mt. 17:5; Mk. 9:7;

TX 57o3

Oversight (11). Gen. 43:12; Num. 3:32; 4:16; 2 Ki. 12:11; 22:5-9; 1 Chr. 9;23;
2Chr. 34:10; Neh. 11:16; 13:4; IPct. 5:2

Overspread (1). Gen. 9:19

Overspreading (1). Dan. 9:27 9:13

Overtake (17). Plowman o. reaper, Amos That day o. you as a thief, 1 Th. 5.-4

Overtaken (2), Ps. 18:37; GaL 6:1

Overtake th (1). 1 Chr. 21:12

Overthrew (12). O. Sodom, Gen. 19:25-29; Dt. 29:23; Isa. 13:19; Jcr. 20:16;
50:40; Amos 4:11 O. Pharaoh, Ex. 14:27; Ps. 136:15 O. tables, Mk. 11:15; Jn.

Overthrow (19). O. of Sodom, Gen. 19: 21-29; Dt. 29:23; Jer. 49:18; 2Pet.2:6 O.
righteous in judgment, Ps. 18:5 O. throne of kingdoms. Hag. 2:22 If it be of God,
righteous in judgment, Ps. 18:5 O. throne of kingdoms. Hag. 2:22 If it be of God,
ye cannot o. it. Acts O. faith of some, 2 Tim. 2:18 5:39

Overthroweth (5), Job 12:19; Pr. 13:6; 21:12; 22:12; 29:4

Overthrown (16). God hadi o. mc. Job The wicked sha 11 be o., Pr. 14:11 19:6
Many countries sha 11 be o., Dan. 11:41 O. in the wilderness, 1 Cor. 10:5

Overtook (10). Gen. 31:23-25; 44:6;Ex. 14:9; Judg. 18:22; 20:42; 2 Ki. 25:5; Jer.
39:5; 52:8; Lam. 1:3

Overturn (2), Job 12:15; Ezek. 21:27

Overturned (1), Judg. 7:13

Overtumedi (3), Job 9:5; 28:9; 34:25

Overwhelm (1). Job 6:27

Overwhelmed (8). Ps. 55:5; 61:2; 77:3; 78:53; 102, title; 124:4; 142:3; 143:4

Owe (1). Rom. 13:8

^ed (3). Mt. 18:24, 28; Lk. 7:41

Qwest (4). Mt. 18:28; Lk. 16:5-7; Ph'm

Oweth (1), Ph'm 18 19

gwi(lO), Lev. 11:16-17; Dt. 14:15-16; Ps. 102:6; Isa. 34:11-15

Owls (6), Job 30:29; Isa. 13:21; 34:13;

"53720; Jer. 50:39; Mic. 1:8

Own (589), Gen. 1:27; 30:25, 30; etc. Came to His o. and His o., Jn. 1:11 Lusts
of their o. hearts. Rom. 1:24 Sending His o. Son in the. Rom. 8:32 Spared not
His o. Son, Rom. 8:32 Cirawn away of o. lust and, Jas. 1:14 Sins in His o. body
on the, 1 Pet. 2:24 From our sins in His o. blood. Rev. 1:5

Owner (13). Ex. 21:28-36; 22:11-15; 1 Ki. 16:-24; Isa. 1:3; Acts 27:11
Owners (5). Job 31:39; Pr. 1:19; Eccl. 5:11. 13; Lk. 19:39

Owned] (2), Lev. 14:35; Acts 21:11

Ox (63). Laws concerning, Ex. 20:17;

21:28-36; 22:1-10; 23:4, 12; Lev. 7:

23; Dt. 5:14. 21; 14:4-5; 22:1-10; 25:4

On sabbath loose an o., Lk. 13:15; 14:5

Not muzzle o., 1 Cor. 9:9; ITim. 5:18

Oxen (100). Used in work, Num, 7:3-55; 1 Sam. 14:14; IKi. 19:19; Ps. 144:14
Sold o. and sheep, Jn. 2:14-15 Doth God take care for o.. 1 Cor. 9:9

Ozem (2), strength. 2 men . 1 Chr. 2:

15. 25
Ozias (2), strengtli. Another form of

Uzziah. Mt. 1:8-9 Ozni (1). hearing. Num. 26:16 SznTtcs (1), Num. 26:16

Paarai (1). devotee of Peor. 2 Sam. 23: Paces (1), 2 Sam. 6:13 35

Pacified (2), Esther 7:10; Ezek. 16:63

P^ieifictli (2). Pr. 21:14; Eccl. 10:4

Pacify (1). Pr. 16:14

Padar, (1). a place, Gen, 48:7

Padan-aram (10), the field of Aram, located in Syria and Mesopotamia, i.cn.
25:20; 28:2-7; 31:18; 33:18; 35: 0. 26; 46:15

Paddle (1). Dt. 23:13 7:47

Pad on (2). redemption, Ezra 2:44; Neh.

Pad on (2). redemption, Ezra 2:44; Neh.

Pagan practices , k 213-4; a-b 218-1

Pagans. 5 boasts of. c 707-1

Pagicl (5). God intervenes. Num. 1:13; 2:27; 7:72, 77; 10:26

Paliath-moab (6), governor of Moab. 2 men. Ezra~2:G; 8:4; 10:30; Neh. 3:11;
7:11; 10:14

Pai (1). a city, 1 Clir. 1:50

Paid (4), Ezra 4:20; Jn. 1:3; Mt. 5:26;

IF. 12:59

Pain (25). Flesh suffers p.. Job 14:22 Cliastencd witli p., Job 33:19 P. of travail,
Ps. 48:6; Isa. 13:8; 26: 17; Jer. 6:24; 22:23; Mic. 4:10 Before her p. came, Isa.
66:7 1 ravailcdi in p. together, Rom. 8:22 Gnawed tongues for p.. Rev. 16:10
Neither be any more p.. Rev. 21:4

Pained (5). Ps. 55~1; Isa. 23:5; Jer. 4: 19; JcxM 2:6; Rev. 12:2

Painful (1), Ps. 73:16

Painlulncss ( 1). 2 Cor. 11:27

Pains (4). f Sam. 4:19; Ps. 116:3; Acts

~5I?4; Rev. 10:11

Painted (2) face or eyes, h 400-1; d 722-1; 2 Ki.9:30; Jcr. 22:14

Paintcdst (1). Ezek. 23:40. Sec Painted

Painung (1). Jer. 4:30. Sec Painted

Pair (4). Amos2:6; 8:6; Lam. 2:24; Rev.

Palace (48). King's p.. 1 Ki. 16:18; 21:1; 2 Ki. 15:25; 20:18; 2 Chr. 9:11
Shwshan the p.. Ne-h. 1:1; Esther 1:2; 2:3-8; 3:15; 8:14; 9:6-12; Dan. 8:2 P. of
high priest. Mt. 26:3, 58. 69 Bonds manifest in all p.. Phil. 1:13 Palaces (33).
high priest. Mt. 26:3, 58. 69 Bonds manifest in all p.. Phil. 1:13 Palaces (33).
Ivory p., Ps. 45:8

Her hands in king's p.. Pr. 30:28 Devour p.. Amos 1:4-14; 2:2-5; 3:11 1 read in
our p.. Mic. 5:5 Palal (1). judge, Neh. 3:25 Pale (2). Isa. 29:22; Rev. 6:8 Palencis



Palestina (3). Ex. 15:14; Isa. 14:29

Palestine (1), k 692-4;Joel 3:4

Palestinian covenant. 57 7 acts of God in. b 228-4 When made, h 228-4; d 229-1
Different from Mosaic covenant.! 228-1 10 parties to the. 239 5 purposes of the.
239 An everlasting covenant, i 229-1 15 conditions of the. b 211-1 14 blessings
of die. c 211-1 5 curses of the. d 211-1

Pallu (4), distinguished, Ex. 6:14; Num.

~2S75-8; 1 Clir. 5:3

Palluites ( 1). Num. 26:5 33:9

Palm (37). 70 p. trees. Ex. 15:27; Num.

P. ot hand. Lev. 14:15. 26; Jn. 18:22

Jericho-cityof p. trees. Dt. 34:3; Judg. 1:16; 3:13; 2CI:r. 28:15

P. tree carvings in temple. 1 Ki.6:29-7:36; 2Chr. 3:5; Ezek.40:16-41:26

Righteous flourish like p.. Ps. 92:12

Used at triumphal entry. Jn. 12:13 9 Palmerworm (3). Joel 1:4; 2:25; Amos 4:
Palms (7) of die hands. 1 Sam. 5:4; 2

Ki.9:35; Isa. 49:16; Dan. 10:10; Mt.

26:67; Mk. 14:65; Rev. 7:9

26:67; Mk. 14:65; Rev. 7:9

Palsies (1).

paralysis. Acts 8:7 paralysis, c 4-1*; Mt. 4:24. 8:2-6; 9:3-10; Lk. 5:

Palsy (13)

3 cases of. Mt.

18-24; Acts 9:33 Paid (I). Jehovah delivers. 2 men. Num.

13:9 34:26

Paldcl (1). Cod delivers. 2 men. Num. Papacy. 16 proofs not Antichrist, 376

Pamphylia (5). province of Asia. Acts 2:

10; l!5:13; 14:24; 15:38; 27:5 Pan (7). Lev. 2:5; 6:21; 7:9; 1 Sam. 2: "T3;2Sam.
13:9; 1 Chr. 23:29; Ezek. 4:3 Pangs (9). Isa. 13:8; 21:3; 26:17; Jer.

22:23; 48:41; 49:22; 50:43; Mic. 4:9 Pannag (1). an article of commerce.

perhaps a grape honey product. Ezek.

27:17 Pans (Ex. 27:3; Num. 11:8; 1 Chr. 9:31;

2 Chr. 35:13 Pant (1), Amos 2:7 Panted (2), Ps. 119:131; Isa. 21:4 Panteth (2),

38:10; 42:1

BaritondnEs .Of Ahijah, IKi.11:29-39 Of Zcdekiah, 1 Ki. 22:11 Of Isaiah, Isa.

20:2 Of Jercmiali, Jcr. 19:1-13 40 p. of Scripture, 816

16 things Ezckiel to do in p. Paper (2), Isa. 19:7; 2 Jn. 12


Complete Concordance - Cyclopedic Index

Paplios( i). riiyOj'Cvprus. Aci-. 13:6,13

Paps (4). breasts, Ezck. 23:21; Lk. 11: 27; 2 ::29; Rev. 1:13

P apyrus , a tnaidi or vvai^;r plant abundant in Egypt used in making paper and
other products. Tlic paper made from sixh plants (called Pap>Tus and Papyri)
became die writing material o'' the ancient world, of which there arc
manyhandredsof thousands of fragments, dealing with many subjects Parable
(49). Defined, c 184-4; i 13-4'; n :0t.-4'

Parables (IC). 10 facts about, i 13-4*

7 reasons for speaking in, p 13-4*

8 p. in Mt. 13, q 15-1*

Many things unto them in p., Mt. 13: 3, 10, 13, 34-35, 53; Mk. 3:28; 4: 2-13, 33;
12:1; Lk. 8:10

Ezckicl also spoke in p., Ezek. 20:49 2 G parables of the O. T. :

1 Balaam's of Israel (Num. 23:7-10)

2 Balaam's of Israel (Num. 23:16-24)

3 Balaam's of Israel (Num. 24:3-9)

4 Balaam's of Israel (Num. 24:15-19)

5 Balaam's of Amalek (Num. 24:20) G Balaam's of Kcnites (Num. 24:21)

7 Balaam'sof Asshur (Num. 24:23-24)

8 Jotham's of trees (Judg. 9:7-18)

9 Nathan's of rebuke (2 Sam. 12) 14

10 Parable of woman of Tekoah (2 Sam .

11 Parable of smitten prophet (1 Ki. 20:39)

12 Parable of Joash (2 Ki. 14:9-10)

12 Parable of Joash (2 Ki. 14:9-10)

13 Job's parable (lob 27:1; 29:1

14 Parable of the vine (Ps. 80:8-16)

15 Isaiah's of vine (Isa. 5:1-7) 29)

16 Isaiah's of husbandman (Isa. 28:23—

17 Jeremiah's of wine (Jer. 13:12-14)

18 Jeremiah's of poaer(Jer. 18:1-11)

19 Ezekiel's of vine (Ezck. 15:1-8)

20 Ezekiel's of eagles (Ezek. 17:1-2-^

21 Ezekiel's of Uons (Ezck. 19:1-9)

22 Ezekiel's of vine (Ezek. 19:10-14)

23 Ezekiel's of women(Ezek.l6:l-63)

24 Ezekiel's of women (Ezek. 23:1-49)

25 Ezekiel's of pot (Ezek. 24:3-5)

26 Parable of the gourd (Jonah 4:10)

70 parables of the N. T.:

1 Bad trees (Mt. 3:10)

2 Threshing wheat (Mt. 5:12)

3 Salt of the earth fMt. 5:11^

4 Light of the world (Mt. 5:14-16)

5 Laying up treasures (Mt. 6:26; Lk. 12:249

6 Fowls of ail (Ml. G;26; Lk. 12:24)

6 Fowls of ail (Ml. G;26; Lk. 12:24)

7 LiUes of die field (Mt. 6:28-29)

8 Mote and beam in eyes (Mt. 7:3-5)

9 Dogs and swine (Mt. 7:6)

10 Earthly parents (Mt. 7:7-11)

11 The 2 ways (Mt. 7:13-14)

12 The trees and fruit (Mt. 7:15-20)

13 Ti.e 2 foundations (Mt. 7:24-29)

14 T!ie 2 classes of men (Mt. 9:11-13)

15 The 2 bridegrooms (Mt. 9:15)

16 The 2 kinds of oloth (Mt. 9:16)

17 The 2 kinds of bonles (Mt. 9:17)

18 Sheep among wolves (Mt. 10:1Q

19 The 2 sparrows (Mt. 10:29-31)

20 Tie 2 types of people (Mt. 11:7-9)

21 Children: 2 kinds (Mt. 11:16-19)

22 Scholars: 2 types (Mt. 11:25)

23 T:.e strong man (Mt. 12:29)

24 The sign of Jonah (Mi. 12:40)

25 The unclean spirit (Mt. 12:43-45)

26 Sower sowing seed (Mt. 13:3-23)

27 The ures and wheat (Mi. 13:24-43)

27 The ures and wheat (Mi. 13:24-43)

28 The mustard seed (Mt. 13:31-32)

29 The leaven (Mt. 13:33)

30 The hidden treasure (Mt. 13:44)

31 Pearl and great price (Mt. 13:45-46)

32 The fisher's net (Mt. 15:47-48)

33 Mixture of old and new (Mt. 13:5^

34 The plants (Ml 15:13-14)

35 The food of man (Mt. 15:10-20)

36 Leaven of Pharisees (Mt. 16:6-12)

37 Little children (Mt. 18:1-10)

38 Lost sheep (Mt. 18:11-14; Lk. 15)

39 Unmerciful servant (Mt. 18:23-35)

40 Labourers in vineyard (Ml. 20:1-16)

41 The 2 sons (Mt. 21:28-32)

42 The householder (Mt. 21:33^6)

43 The maniage feast (Ml. 22:1-14)

44 The fig tree (Mt. 24:32 -33) 44)

45 Goodman of die house (Mt. 24:43—

46 The faithful servant (Mt. 24:45-51)

47 The 10 virgins (Mt. 25:1-13)

48 The talents (Ml. 25:14-30)

48 The talents (Ml. 25:14-30)

49 Seed sown in ground (Mk. 4:26-29)

50 Master of the house (Mk. 13:34-37)

51 The 2 debtors (Lk. 7:41-50)

52 The good Samaritan (Lk. 10:30-37)

53 Importunate friend (Lk. 11:5-10)

54 The rich fool (Lk. 12:16-21)

55 The wedding trip (Lk. 12:35-41)

56 The faithful steward (Lk. 12:42-48)

57 The barren fig tree (Lk. 13:6-9)

58 The ambitious guest (Lk. 14:7-1^

59 The great supper (Lk. 14:16-24)

60 The tower (Lk. 14:28-30)

61 King coing to war (Lk. 14:31-33)

62 ITic lost coin (Lk. 15:8-10)

63 The prodigal son (Lk. 15:11-32)

64 The unjust steward (Lk. 16:1-13)

65 Unprofitable servant (Lk. 17:7-10)

66 The unjust judge (Lk. 18:1-8)

67 Pharisee and pubUcan (Lk. 18:9-14)

68 Traveller and pounds (Uc. 19:11-27)

69 The Good Shepherd (Jn. 10:1-18)

70 T' e vine and branches (Jfi. 15:1-18) Paradise (3). 4 places in Scripture, 53
Paradoxes of Scripture, Pr. 13:7; Mt. 10: 39; Jn. 12:25; 1 Cor. 3:18; 2 Cor. 6:4 -

10; 12:4-11; Eph. 3:17-19; PhiL 3:7;

o 109-i*

Parah(l), a city. Josh. 18:23 20

Paramours (1), illicit lovers, Ezek. 23:

Paran (11). a wilderness south of Canaan,

Gen. 21:21; Num. 12:16; 13:3.26; Dt.

1:1; 33:2; 1 Sam. 25:1; 1 Ki. 11:18;

Hab. 3:3 26:18

Parbar (2), pirecincts or suburbs, 1 Chr.

Parcel (6), Gen. 33:19; Josh. 24:32; Rudi

4:5; 1 Chr. 11:13-14; Jn. 4:5

Parched (9) corn, q 292-1; Lev. 23:14;

Josh. 5:11; Ruth 2:14; 1 Sam. 17: 17;;

25:18; 2 Sam. 17:28; Isa.35:7;Jer.n:6

Parchraeats (1), 2 Tim. 4:13; b 706-1

Pardon (iTIT Not p. your trans., Ex. 23:21

P. OUT iniquity, Ex.54:9; Num. 14:19; 1

Sam. 15:25; 2 Ki. 5:18; Ps. 25:11 God ready to p., 2 Chr. 30:18; Neh. 9:17; Isa.
55:7; Jer. 5:1; 33:8 Pardoned (3),Num.14:20; Isa.40:2; Um.
3:42 Par"donedi (l). Mic. 7:18 Pare (1), cut, Dt. 21:12 Parents (21). Used only in
N. T : Children rise up against p., Mt.l0:21; Mk. 13:12 P. went to Jerusalem
yearly, Lk. 2:41 P. betray children, Lk. 21:16 P. and Ae blind man, Jn. 9:2-3, 18-
23 Disobedient to p. ,Rom. 1:30; 2 Tim. 3: 2 children, 2 Cor. 12:14

Ought not lay up for p., but p. for the Children, obey your p., Eph. 6:1; Col.

3:20 Hid 3 months by his p., Heb. 11:23 Lack of wisdom in p. ,m 36-1; c 45-1
12 duties of p., g 203-1; 209 Honor p., i 16-4* Pa::r^: (•'>, Judg. 3:20-25; 1
Sam.9:22 1 Chr. 28:11 superior, Esther 9:9

Pa::.-: ',-)..

Parna-hl^ (1),

Parmenas (1), faithful. Acts 6:5

Parnach (1). nimble. Num. 34:25

Parosh (5). flea, Ezra 2:3; 10:25; Neh.

3:25; 7:8; 10:14

Parousia coming, 34* 9:7

Pardiandaiha (1), given to Persia, Esther

Part (209). P. My garments, Ps. 22:18.

fulfilled. Ml. 27:35; Mk. 15:24 42

Mary has chosen that good p., Lk. 10:

Unermost p. of the earth. Acts 1:8

P. of this ministry, Acts 1:17, 25 25

BUndness in p. happened to, Rom. 11:

Know in p., prophesy in p., ICot. 13:

9 Third p. of stars of heaven. Rev. 12:4 P. in die resurrection. Rev. 20:6 P. in the
9 Third p. of stars of heaven. Rev. 12:4 P. in die resurrection. Rev. 20:6 P. in the
lake of fire. Rev. 21:.8 P. out of the book of life. Rev. 22:19 Partaker (9), Ps.
50:18; 1 Cor. 9:10, 23; 10:30; 1 Tim. 5:22; 2 Tim. 2:6; 1 Pet. 5:1; 2 Jn. 11; m
192-1*; q 206-4* Partakers (22). 17 things to be p. of: 1 Spiritual things (Rom.

2 The altar (1 Cor. 9:13; 10:18)

3 One bread (1 Cor. 10:17)

4 The Lord's table (1 Cor. 10:21)

5 The sufferings (2 Cor. 1:7)

6 His promise in Christ (Eph. 3:6)

7 Grace (Phil. 1:7)

8 The inheritance (Col. 1:12)

9 The benefit (1 Tim. 6:2)

10 Flesh and blood (Heb. 2:14)

11 Heavenly calling (Heb. 3:1)

12 Christ (Heb. 3:14)

13 The Holy Ghost (Heb. 6:4)

14 Chastening (Heb. 12:8)

15 His holiness (Heb. 12:10)

16 Christ's sufferings (1 Pet. 4:13)

17 The divine nature (2 Pet. 1:4)

Partakest (1). Rom. 11:17 Parted (12). Gen. 2:10; 2 Ki. 2:11-14; Job 38:24; Joel
3:2; Mt. 27:35; Mk. 15: 24; Lk. 23:34; 24:51; In. 19:24; Acts 2:45 18

Parte* (3), Lev. 11:3; Dt. 14:6; Pr.l8: Parthians (1). Acts 2:9 Partial (2). Mai.
Parte* (3), Lev. 11:3; Dt. 14:6; Pr.l8: Parthians (1). Acts 2:9 Partial (2). Mai.
2:9; Jas. 2:4 PartiaLity (2). 1 Tim. 5:21; Jas. 3:17 Pa:u:u!a; (2). 1 Cor. 12:27;
Eph. 5:33 Pa:-__,:arlv (a.Acis 21:19; Heb. 9:5 Parties (l). Ex. 22:9 Parang (1).
Ezek. 21:21 Partition (2). 1 Ki. 6:21; Eph. 2:14

Partly (4). Dan. 2:42; 1 Cor. 11:18; Heb. 10:33 17

Parmer (3). Pr. 29:24; 2 Ccx. 8:23; Ph'm Farmers (2), Lk. 5: 7, 10 Partridge (2),
1 Sam. 26:20; Jer. 17:11 Pans (b4)". Thou shalt see My back p., Ex. 33:23 Secret
p., 1 Sam. 5:9; Isa. 3:17 Israel (fivided into two p., 1 Ki. 16:21 Uttermost p. of
the earth, Ps. 2:8; Mt.

12:42; Lk. 11:31; Acts 1:8 Lower p. of the ear^, Ps. 63:9; Isa. 44:

23; Epii. 4:8-9 Lowest p. of the earth, Ps. 139:15 Nether p. of the earth, Ezek.

32:18,' 24 Two p. shaU be cut off, Zech. 13:8 Great city divided into three p.,
Rev. 16:19 Paruah (1), flourishing, 1 Ki. 4:17 Parvaim (1), unknown gold
region, 2

Chr. 5:6 Pasach(l), divider, 1 Chr. 7:33 Pas-dammim (1), a place, 1 Chr. 11:

15. Called Ephes-dammin, 1 Sam. 17:1 Paseah (3). lame, j men . 1 Chr. 4:12;

Ezra 2:49; Neh. 3:6 Pashur (14), spliner. 4 men^ 1 Chr. 9:

12; Ezra 2:38; 10:22; Neh. 7:41; 10:3; 11:12; Jer. 20:1-6; 21:1; 38:1 Pass (826).
P. away defined, e 4-4*; 34; 273*; h 276-1* It came to p. (430 times), a 250-4
Passage (4), Num. 20:21; Josh. 22:11; 1

Sam. 13:23; Isa. 10:29 Passages (5), Judg. 12:5-6; 1 Sam. 14:

4; Jer. 22:20; 51:22 Passed (161), Gen. 12:6; 15:17; etc. 14 P. from death to life,
Jn. 5:24; IJn. 3: Death p. upon all men, Rom. 5:12 Old things are p. away, 2 Cor.
5:17 P. into the heavens, Heb. 4:14 First earth p. away, Rev. 21:1 Former things
are p. away, Rev. 21:4 Passedst (1), Judg. 12:1 Passengers (5),Pr.9:15; Ezek.
39:11-15 , Passest (5), Dt. 3:21; 30:18; 2 Sam. 15: | 33; 1 Ki. 2:37; Isa. 43:2 '

Passed! (38). My glory p. by, Ex.33:22 Days as a shadow p. away, Ps. 144:4 One
generation p. away, and, EccL 1:4 Fashion of world p. away, 1 Cor. 7:31 Love
of Christ p. knowledge, Eph. 3:10 Peace, p. all understanding, Phil. 4:7 T .e
of Christ p. knowledge, Eph. 3:10 Peace, p. all understanding, Phil. 4:7 T .e
world p. away, and the, IJn. 2:17 ^ Passing (13). P. love of women, 2Sam. 1:26
P. throu^ valley of Baca, Ps. 84:6 Shadow of Peter p. by night. Acts 5:15 I
Passion (1). sufferings. Acts 1:3 Passions (2), Acts 14:15; Jas. 5:17 Passover
(76). Defined, e 76-1 12

When and why instituted, c 29 -4*; Ex. 2 ways to prepare the, m-p 75-4 To be
observed eternally, m 76-4 8 commands about, d 166-4 10 times kept, in
Scripture, a 76-4 Not to be eaten at home, a 216-1 Preparation, r 29 -4*; a 51
-4*; 1 86 -4* Eaten by Christ, a-c 30-1*; h 51-4* How eaten, d 30-1* \%'hen
eaten, a, h 51-4* Bread and wine of, e, k, 1 30-1* Feasts of the Jews, a 95-1*
Number of sheep used yearly, b 95-1* Christ our p., 1 Cor. 5:7 Passovers (1). 2
Chr. 30:17 10 p. in Scripture, a 76-4 Past (51). Harvest is p., die summer is
ended, Jer. 8:20 25

Remission of sins that are p., Rom. 3: His ways p. finding out, Rom. 11:33 In
times p., Eph. 2:2-3, 11; Heb. 1:1 Who being p. feeling have, Eph. 4:19 Child
when she was p. age, Heb. 11:11 Darkness is p. and the true, 1 Jn. 2:8 Pastor (1).
a feeder of sheep, Jer. 17:16 Marks of a good p., 120*. See Pastors 8 things he
must be, 120* Pastoral epistles. 1 and 2 Timothy and Titus, because iliey were
addressed to two Ciiristian ministers in charge of churches Pastors (8). Jer. 2:8:
3:15; 10:21; 12:10; 22:22; 23:1-2; Eph. 4:11. See Pastor 24 qualifications of p.,
788 Pasture (20). Thy people the sheep of TEy p., Ps. 79:13; 95:7: 100:3 Shall
go in and out, find p., Jn. 10:9

Pastures (10). 1 Ki. 4:23; Ps. 23:2; 65: 12-13; Isa. 30:23; 49:9; Ezek. 34:18;
45:15; Joel 1:19-20; 2:22 Patara (1), a city in Asia, Acu 21:1 Pate (1), top of
head, Ps. 7:16 17

Path (23). An adder in tlie p., Gen.49: Angel in tlie p., Num. 22:24 Show me the
p. of life, Ps. 16:11 Thy word - light unto my p., Ps. 119:105 P. of the wicked,
Pr. 4:14

P. of the jus: is as, Pr. 4:18; Isa. 26:7

The p. of life, Pr. 5:6 Pathros (5), upper Egypt, Isa. 11:11; Jer.

44:1, 15; Ezek. 29:14; 30:14 Patlirusim (2), ancestor of Philistines,

Gen. 10:14; 1 Chr. 1:12

Paths (42). P. of righteousness, Ps.23:3 A11 p. of tiic Lord are mercy, Ps. 25:10
Thy p. drop famess, Ps. 65:11 He keepeth the p. of judgment, Pr. 2:8 He shall
direct thy p., Pr. 3:6 All her p. are peace, Pr. 3:17 4:2

We will walk in His p., Isa. 2:3; Mic. The restorer of p. to dwell, Isa. 58:12 Ask
for the old p., Jer. 6:16 Lk. 3:4 Make His p. straight, Mt. 3:3; Mk. 1:3; Make
straight p. for feet, Heb. 12:13

Pat;.way (1), Pr. 12:28

Patience (33). 2 blessings of, k 260 -1* Bring forth fruit with p., Lk. 8:15 In p.
possess your souls, Lk. 21:19 Tribulation worketh p., Rom. 5:3-4 Tl en with p.
wait for it, Rom. 8:25 Christian trait, 2 Th. 1:4; 1 Tim. 6:11; 2 Tim. 3:10; Tit.
2:2: 2 Pet. 1: 6: 2 Cor. 6:4 Faith and p. inherit promises, Heb.6:12 Run with p.
the race, Heb. 1^:1 Trying of faith worketh p. ,Jas. 1:3 Let p. have her perfect
work, Jas. 1:4 Hath long p. for it until He, Jas. 5:7 An example of suffering p.,
Jas. 5:10-11 P. of saints. Rev. 1:9; 2:2-3, 19; 3:10 ; 13:10; 14:12

Patient (9), Eccl. 7:8; Rom. 2:7; 12:12; 1 Th. 5:14; 2 Th. 3:5; I Tim. 3:3; 2 Tim.
2:24; Jas. 5:7-8

Patiently (6). Ps. 37:7; 40:1; Acts 26:3; Heb. 6:15; 1 Pet. 2:20

Patmos (1), c 286-4*; Rev. 1:9 7:4

Patriarch (2), e 124-1*; Acts 2:29;Heb. Patriarchs (2), Acts 7:8-9 Patrimony (1),
his fathers, Dt.l8:8 14 Patrobas (1). follower of father, Rom. 16: Pattern (14). P.
of tabernacle, Ex. 25:9 P. shown on mount, Ex. 25:40; Heb.8:5 P. of godUness, 1
Tim. 1:16; Tit. 2:7 Patterns (1) of ti.ings inheaven, Heb. 9: ~^

Pau ( 1), a city of Edom,Gen. 36:39 Paul (156), Unle. [xaved for 3 days, e 153-
1* A chosen vessel of God, j-1 133-1* His changed Ufe, n 133-1* Immediate
ministry, i 133-1* Destroyed Christians, w 133-1* Rejected by Christians, w
133-1* Proved Jesus was the Christ, z 133-4* Needed at Antioch, g 136-4*
Separation to God, w 137-4* 1st missionary journey, b 138-1* Success of 1st
journey, c 138-1* Used Jewish aynagogues, d 138-1* 5 main points of sermon, k
140-1* Resurrected, p-q 140-1* Circumcised Timothy, j 142-1* Refused
testimony of demons, u 142-4* A Jew of Benjamin, b 143-1* Beaten w:th rods,
d 143-1* Had all 9 spiritual gifts, 143* Visions from God, k 145-1* 2nd
missionary journey, 148* 3rd missionary journey, i 145-4*
4 "ready's" of, j 149-1*

3 points of misinformation, d 149-4* Took a Jewish vow,g-n 149-4*

5 things about, o 150-4* Apostle to the Gentiles, a 151-1* 3 offences of, c 151-

A Roman citizen, h 151-1*

No hypocrite, i 151-1*

Defence before Jews, a 151-4*

His strategy, d, g 151-4*

New title, e 152-1*

Accused by Jews, v 152-4*

12 days of trials, a 153-1*

3 major claims of, k 153-1*

His alms program, m 153-1*

2nd defence before Jews, w 152-1*

Appeal to Caesar, l-o 153-4*

Fame of, i 154-1*

His sum of God's requirements, 154*

His early life, f 154-4*

Chief defenderof Christians, o 154-4*

OverfMDwered by light, s 154-4*

3 things preached, e 155-1*

7 reasons Jews hate him, f 155-1*

7 reasons Jews hate him, f 155-1*

Was not a madman, k 155-1*

Journey to Rome, e 155-4*

Writings. See Romans through Hebrews

14 days of fasting, w 156-1*

Hailed as God, c 157-1*

3 things in his favor, d 157-4*

Well known at Rome, u 157-4*

30 doctrines of, 158*

History of, a 160-i*; Sammarvof Ro—

maru CalEngof, c 150-1* Set apart, e 160-1*

Complete Concordance - Cyclopedic Index

liad fulness of God, s 160-l*;gl7G-]*

Dialogue with Jews, e 163-!*

Struggle with sin (Rom. 7, notes)

Victory over sin (Rom. 8, notes)

10 reasons free from sin, a 166-4'

7 things persuaded of, h 172 -4*

7 things concluded, 174*

13 main arguments of, 175*

Determination of, d 177-1*

Weakness of, e 177-1*

Weakness of, e 177-1*

Method of preaching, f 177-1*

12 things asked of, j ISO-l*

9 proofs of apostlcship, b 182-1*

Arguing his rig is, d-n 1^2-1*

A willing servant, b 182-4*

Gospel principles o'', a-i 182-4*

Spoke in tongues, c 187-1*

Bom ojt of due time, n 188-1*

Least of die apostles, o 188-1*

4fold testimony of, u 192-1*

In a state of crucifixion, u 194-i*

Honesty of, a 197-1*

Not ashamed of Christianity, a 198-1*

Boasting of, a-g 198-1*; d-n 199-1*

200* Temptations of, g 199-4* 4*

Trip to heaven, v-w 199-1*; d-t 199-Thorn in the flesh, h-m 199-4* 3 things
afraid of, c 200-1* 55 things he boasted of, 200° His regret, n 202-1* Call and
revelation of, c 202-4* 3 years in Arabia, f 202-4* 2 things longed for, q 217-1*
12 great practices of, 218*

12 great desires of, 218* "urposc of his works, c 220-1* Fellowworkers of, a
222-1* Chief of sinners, c 232-4*

A pattern to all believers, f 232-4*

Asians betrayed him, b-e 238-4*

Asians betrayed him, b-e 238-4*

9 things known of, c 239-4*

Sfold testimony of, w 240-1*

7 facts about, i4!*

The aged, k 244-1* Paul's (g). Acts 19:29; 20:37; 21:8-11; ~231T6; 25:14 Paulus
(1), Acts 13:7 Paved (2), Ex. 24:10; Song 3:10 Pavement (9). 2 Ki. 16:17; 2 Chr.
7:3; Esther 1:6; Ezek.40:17-18;42:3;Jn.l9:

13 43:10 Pavilion (4), Ps. 18:11; 27:5; 31:20; Jer. Pavilions (3), 2 Sam. 22:12; 1
Ki. 20:12-Paw (2), ] Sam. 17:37 le Paweth (1). Job 39:21

Paws (1). Lev. 11:27

Pax (38). P. for loss of time, Ex. 21:19 P. as judges determine, Ex. 21:22 P. ox
for ox. Ex. 21:36 Thief be found, p. double, Ex. 22:7 -9 P. dowry, Ex. 22:17 P.
vows, 2 Sam. 15:7; Job 22:27; Ps.22: 25; 50:14; 66:13; 76:11; 116:14, 18; Eccl.
5:4-5; Jonah 2:9 P. tribute, 2 Chr. 8:8; Mt. 17:24; Rom. 13:6. Cp. paying debts,
Mt. 18:25-34

Payed (2). Pr. 7:14; Heb. 7:9

Payeth (1), Ps. 37:21

Payment (1). Mt. 18:25

Pe (1), Ps. 119:129 title

Peace (302). P. offerings (85 times and only in O. T.)., e 190-4 Universal p., a-b
682-4 Die in p., Gen. 15:15 Seek p. and pursue it, Ps. 34:14 Pray for p. of
Jerusalem, Ps. 122:6 Long life and p. shall tiiey add, Pr. 3:2 All aer paths are p.,
Pr. 3:17 The Prince of Peace, Isa. 9:6 7

Increase of government and p., Isa. 9: Keep i:im in perfect p., Isa. 26:3 Good
tidings, publisiieth p., Isa. 52:7 Chastisement of our p., Isa. 53:5 No p. to t!ie
wicked, Isa. 57:21 34 Not come to send p.on earti-.,Mt. 10: On earth, p. and
good will, Lk. 2:14 Coin p..Lk. 7:50; 8:48 My p. I give you, Jn. 14:27 Preach tlie
gospel of p., Rom. 10:15 Not autiior of confusion, but p., 1 Coi.
14:33 Fmit of t;e Spirit, Gal. 5:22 Preparation of gospel of p., Epli.6:15 Follow
p. witli all men, lleb. 12:14 To lake p. from Lhe eanii. Rev. 6:4

Peaceable (8), Gen. 34:21; 2 Sam. 20: 19; 1 Chr. 4:40; Isa. 32:18; Jer. 25: 37; 1
Tim. 2:2; Heb. 12:11; Jas. 3:17

Peaceably (12). Joseph's bret.ren could

not speak p. to:;im. Gen. 37:4 12:18

Lieti; in you, Uve p. wit: all men, Rom.

Peacemakers (1), Mt. 5:9

Peacocks (5k 1 Ki. 10:22; 2 Chr. 9:21; Job 39:13

Pearl (2), Mt. 13:46; Rev. 21:21

Pearls (8), q 538-1; Job 28:18; Mt. 7:6; 13:45; 1 Tim. 2:9; Rev. 17:4; 18:12, 16;

PccuUar (7). j C12-1; Ex. 19:5; Dt. 14:

2; 26:IS; Ps. 135:4; EccU 2:8; I it. 2:

14; 1 Pet. 2:9 Peda:.el (1). Cod redeemed, Num.34:2-S Pcda! zur (5). tic Rock
redeemed, Num.

1:10; 2:20; 7:54, 59; 10:23 Pedaia! (S). Jc'.ova delivers. G men,

2Ki. 23:36; 1 C j. 3:18-19; 27:20;

Neh. 3:25; 8:4; 11:7; 13:13 Pedigrees (1). Num. 1:18 Peeled (3). Isa. 18:2, 7;
Ezck. 29:18 Pccp(l). Pcepcd (l).Ua.H:19;I0:14 Peka. flD.open-eved. 2 Ki. 15:25-
37; 16:1, 5; 2 C t. 28:6; Isa. 7:1 Pekahia.. (3).Jcliovah iias opened, 2 Ki.

16:22-26 Pekod (2). a name of Clialdea, Jcr. 50:

21; Ezck. 23:23 Pelaia:: (3) Jchova'.: di$tinguisi.ed. 3 men ,

ICiut. 3:24; Nci.. 8:7; 10:10 Pelaliah (1), Jehovah judged, Neh.11:12 Pclatiah
(5). Jehovah delivers. 3 men . 1
(5). Jehovah delivers. 3 men . 1

Clir. 3:21; 4:42; Ncli. 10:22; Ezek. 11:

1-13 Peleg (7). division. Gcn.ll:16-19; IChr.

1:25. In his day t!:e earth was divided

into conunents. Gen. 10:25; 1 Chr. 1:

19 3
Relet (2), escape. 2men,l Chr. 2:47; 12: Peleth (2), swiltncss. Num. 16:1; 1 Chr.

33 Peletiiite (7). o 338-4; 2 Sam. 8:18; 15:

18; 20:7, 23; 1 Ki. 1:38,44; 1 Chr. 18:

17 102:6 Pelican (3), Lev. 11:18; Dt. 14:17; Ps. Pclonite(3), 1 Chr. 11:27, 36;
27:10 Pen (7), Judg. 5:14; Job 19:24; Ps. 45: 1; Isa. 8:1; Jet. 8:8; 17:1; 2 Jn. 13
Penalty . For sin. Gen. 2:17; Rom. 1:18-32; 5:12-21; 6:16-23; 8:12-13; g-k 808-
1; b-g 821-1; e-h 822-l;d837-1. See Death 42 dcatli p. sins, 16

2fold p. for spite work, c 87-1

P. for idolatry, g-h 87-4

P. for murder, b-c 86-1

P. for ministering naked, k 94-4

7 modes of dcatli p., 115

P. for dishonoring parents, Ex. 21:15

P. for kidnapping, Ex. 21:16 Penalties. 9 p. for mean ox and owner.

7 p.for carelessness, e 86-4

6 p. for stealing, a 87-1

P. of the 10 commandments, 116

7 death p., d 139-4

18 death p., 147

4 death p. for sons, c -d 220-4 4 death p. for sins, g 221-4 Pence (5), 17^,Mt.
18:28;Mk. 14:5; Lk.

7:41; 10:35; Jn. 12:5; j 41 -4* Peniel (1), the face of God, Gen. 32:30 Peninnah
(3). coral or pearl,e-l 295-1 Penknife (l).Jer. 36:23 Penny (9). 17^, Mt. 20:2-13;
22:19; Mk.

12:15; Lk. 20:24; Rev. 6:6; j 41 -4' Pennyworth (2). 17«t.Mk. 6:37; Jn. 6:7
Pentateuch . 5 books of Moses 2 objections Mosaic authorship, g 82-4 Use of
Jehovah in die, b 120-1 Use of if in the, f 120-1 Use of Holy in the, a 121-1 Use
of offering and oblation, c 121-1 Middle word and verse in die, f 130-4 16
proofs Moses wrote. Summary of Genesis Pentecost (3). Defined, j 145-1; h
123-1*. Feast of, 153; a-e 216-1 4 njmes of feast of, i 145-1 V/ord only in N. T.,
Acts 2:1; 20:16; 1 Cot. 16:8 Penuel (8). the face of God. 2 men. 1 Chr.4:4; 8:25.
A place where Jacob wrestled bodily with God, Gen. 32:31; Judg. 8:8-9, 17; 1
Ki. 12:25 Penury (2). Pr. 14:23; Lk. 21:4 People (2. 123). The p is one, Gen.
11:6 My p. (God's p. Israel), Ex. 3:7, 10; 5:1; 7:4, 16; 8:1, 8, 20-22;9:13. 17, 27;
10:3-i; 12:31; 22:25; etc. Treasiue unto Me above all p., Ex. 19:5 Thou art a
stiffnecked p.,Ex. 33:3-5;
95-l^ p 217-1* Each person to be cesurecred with his

own bod>-, b 188-4* All to be raised to immoitality in

bod>-. hg5-l*:f 18S-4* R. of die wicked, q 99-1*

All to get spirit bodies, i 189-1* 10 temporary resurrections, s 9-1* R. a great

dieme of apostles, b 123-r R, illusnated. 190* R, makes gospel effective, b 127-
1* 1.000 years between first and second resurrections, p-q 99-1*; m 302-1*
"•.Tien first r. ccinpleted, n 302-1* R, guarantees justice, m 144-4* Resurrected
saints eat food, d 77-4* Resurrected men wear c lodies, e 122 -4* No m.airiage
in the r., Mt, 22:23-31; Mk. 12:18-23; Lk, 20:27-36 First resurrected men, Mt.
27:53 Recompenses in r. of just, Lk, 14:14 Have done good, unto r. of life, Jn,
5:28-29 R, at die last day, Jiu 11:24 I am thi r. and the life, Jn. 11:25 R, of Christ
:ro\-ed bv witnesses. Acts

1:22; 4:33; 1 Cor. 15:1-13; k IJO-I* R, of Christ aedicted. Acts 2:31 Sadducees
deny die r., Mt. 22:23; VIk.

12:18; Lk, 20:27; Acts 23:8 Be also in likeness of His r.. Rom. 6:5 Facts CM die
r., 1 Ccr. 15:1-8 ImtxjTtance of the r., 1 Cor. 15:12-19 Certainty of r. of all. 1
Cor. 15:20-22 Time and order of the r.. 1 Cot. 15:23 Mediod of die r,, I Cor.
15:35-38 Nature of bodies in r.. t 119-1^ 1 Cor.

15:39-44 Necessit> of the r., 1 Cor. 15:45-50 Time, manner of r., 1 Cor. 15:51-
54 Attain to die out t., BiiL 3:11 R. of dead, a^of eternal, Heb. 6:2 Mi^t obtain a
better r., Heb. 11:35 Lively hope by the r., 1 Pet, 1:3 This is die first r., Rev.
20:5-6 Retain (7), Job 2:9; Pr.4:4: 11:16: EccL £:£; Dan. 11:6; Jn. 20:23; Rom.
1:28 Retained (S), Judfe, 7:8; 19:4; Dan, 10: 8, 16; Jn. 20:23; Ph'm 13 Retained
(3), Pr. 3:18; 11:16; Mic. 7:18 Repa'-iaroa . Under die law, k 5-1*

Undii: ^ce, 1 5-1* Renre(2), 2 Sam. 11:15; Jer. 4:6 Retired (2). Judg. 20:39; 2
Sam. 20:22 Return (260). R, to die ground. Gen, 3:19 R, to my country. Gen,
31:3, 13; 32:9 R, to Egypt, Ex. 4:18-21; 13:17; Num.

14:3-4; Dt. 17:16; Jer. 37:7 R, to his TXKsessioii, Lev. 25:10-41 R, unto t£c
Lord, Dt. 30:2-8; 2 Chr.

6:38; Jer. 3:12, 22; 24:7; 35:15;

MaL 3:7 R, , O Lord. Num. 10:36; Ps, 6:4; 80:

14; 90:13; Isa. 63:17 16

?„ and build the tabernacle. Acts 15:

P-enjued (ISo). R. unto the Lord. Ex.

Prayer r. to tuy own boscxn, Ps. 35:13 i.ne sun r. ten d^tees. Isa. 38:8 My
understanding r. to roe, Dan, 4:34 I am r. to Zion, Zech, 1:16; 3:3 Jesus r. in
power of Spirit, Lk. 4:14 The apostles r., Lk, 9:10 Seven'ry t. again widi joy, Lk,
10:17 One leper r. to give glory. Lk, 17:18 R, to Jerusalem with great. Lk, 34:
52; Acts 1:12; S:25; 13:13 R. unto die Shepherd a.^d, 1 Pet. 2:25

Reomieni fT). ?s."i46:4; Pr. 26:11; EccL 1:6; Isa.5o:10; Ezek. 35:7; Zech, 9:8

RerumiTj; (4). Isa. 30:15; Lk, 7:10: Acts 8:22; neb. 7:1 25

Reu (S), friend. Gen, 11:16-21; 1 Chr. 1:

Keil::-en (74>. behold a son, m 28-1 Sin of ?^ , a 34-1; p 36-4 Spared Joseph, q
3o -4 ■••"eak in wili power, 1 49-1 1

Numbering ana camjK, e 154-4; e 156 -Blessing of P^. h 232-4 Lost binhri^t bv
sL-i, e 425 -4 Prophecies of K, Ezek, 4£:6-7, 31; Re\-. 7:5

geabenite (1), 1 Chr. 11:42

Reubenites (15). Num. 26:7; Dt, 3:12-16; 1 Car. 5:6; 27J.6: etc.

Reuel (10). friend of God. 4 men . Gen.

"3^-17; Ex. 2:18; Num. 2:14; : Chr. 1:35-37; 9:8

Reumah (l). exalted. Gen. 22:24

Re\-eal (7). Job 20:27; Jer. 33:6; Dan. 2:47; Mt. 11:27; Uc 10:22; GaL 1: 16;
Phil. 3:15

Revealed (3S). Those diings which are r. belora unto us and, Dt. 29:29 Lcrd r.
Himself to Samuel, 1 Sam. 3:21 R. in my ears b>- die Lcxd. Isa. 22:14 Glory of
Lord shall be r,, Isa. 40:5 To whom is arm of Lord r., Isa. 53:1 Secret r. to
Lord shall be r,, Isa. 40:5 To whom is arm of Lord r., Isa. 53:1 Secret r. to
Daniel. Dan, 2:19, 30 A dung was r. to Daniel. Dan. 10:1 Covered diat shall not
be r.. Ml, 10:26 Hastr. diem to babes, Mt. 11:25 R, unto hiro by the Holy Ghost,
Lk. 2:26 Thou^tsof many hearts be r., Lk, 2:35 Day d*e Son of man is r., Lk.
17:30 Wrath r. from heaven, Rom. 1:17-18

Complete Concordance - Cyclopedic Index


Hath I. diem unto us by, ! Cor. 2:10 It shall be r. by fire, 1 Cor. 3:13 Faiih
afterwards r., Gal. 3:23 As now r. by holy apostles, Eph. 3:5 .■"hen Jesus shall
be r., 2 Th. 1:7 Man of sin be r., 2 Th. 2:3 Might be r. in his time, 2 Th. 2:6 Then
shall that wicked be r., 2 Th. 2:8 Ready to be r. in last time, 1 Pet. 1:5 Unto
whom it was r., 1 Pet. 1:12 '.•■■hen His glory shall be r., 1 Pet. 4:13 Of gl«y that
diall be r., 1 Pet. 5:1

Revealer(l), Dan. 2:47

Rcvealeth (6), Pr. 11:13; 20:13; Dan. 2:28-29; Amos 3:7

Revelanon (10). Defined, a 2SC-1* 3 sources of, a-c 7CT-1; b 903-1; j 18-R. of
Christ, 190' 1*

6 uses of the word, 207* R. of Simeon, n ofc -4*

R. of rig!iteous judgment, Rom. 2:5 R, of mystery, which has, Rom. 16:25 R. as

part of church services, 1 Cor.

14:6, 26; Gal. 1:12; 2:2; Eph. 1:17 R. (2nd advent) of Jesus, I Pet. 1:13 R. of
Jesus Christ, Rev. 1:1 The book of Revelation: From Christ, b 2S6-1' God gave
it to Christ, c 286-1* Purpose of, d 286-1* Subject of, f 286-1* V.Tien fulfiUed,
g 286-1* Signified by an angel, h 286-1* Transmission of, i 286-1*

3 classes blessed by, j 286-1* A prophecy, k 286-1*

7 rules that make it clear, k 286-1* To whom written, h 286-4* Vision of Christ,
i -t 286 -4*

8fold description of Christ, 1 286 -4* 3foldkey to, r 286-4* Angels in, b 287-1*
7 messages to 7 churches, c 287-1* 3foId application of letters, c 287-1*
7 messages to 7 churches, c 287-1* 3foId application of letters, c 287-1*
Dispensational application (?), c 297-7 facts about Ephesians, f 287-1* 1* Facts
about the 7 churches, chs. 2-3, Rapture of church, 306* notes 24 elders, a-b 289-

4 living creatures, e 289-1*; g 289-4* The 7-sealbook, i 289-1*; p 289-4*; 1

Rev. 5 and 10, aotes 26 unidentified angels, j 289-1* 13 loud voices, k 289 -1*
Heavenly tabernacle (4:1-5:1-^ Heavenly Lamb c, p 289-4*

5 horsemen (6:1-8, notes) Tribulation martyrs, r, w 290-1* 144,000 Jews(7:l-8;

9:4; 12:5; 14:1-5) Tribulation saints (6:9-11; 7:9-17; 15: 2-4; 20:1-6) Daniel's
70th week (6:1-19:21) 7 trumpets (8:7-13:18) Different voices, a 292 -4* Angel-
Christ (ch. 10) 2 witnesses (11:1-13) Sun-clothed woman (12:1-17) Man-child
(7:1-8; 12:5; 14:1-^ Red dragon (12:1-17; 16:13-16; 20:1-3) Beast (13:1-18;
17:1-17; 19:11-21; 20:10) False prophet (13:11-18; 16:13-16; 19: 20; 20:10

12 times Spirit speaks, e 297-1* 70 utterances, 305*

2 Babylons (14:8; 16:17-18:2^ Marriage ot the Lamb (19:1-10) 2nd advent

(19:11-21) MiUennium (20:1-10) 2nd resurrection and final judgment (20:11-
15) 2 resurrections (20:1 -15)

Last rebellion (20:7-10)

Renovation of earth (20:7-11) 5)

New heaven and new earth (21:1-22:

13 times: for ever and ever. 310* Revelations fZ). 2 Cor. 12:1. 7

6 new r., 227* 207* Revelongs (2); GaL 5:21; 1 Pet. 4:3; Revenge (5). Jer.
15:15; 20:10; Ezek.

25:15; 2 Cor. 7:11; 10:6 Revenged (1), Ezek. 25:12 4

Revenger (7). Num. 35:19-27; Rom. 13 Revenceis (1), 2 Sam. 14:11 RevenA&s
fl). Dt. 32:42 Reve.-.:-eih CJ). Nah, 1:2 Rever-am^ (1). Ps. 79:10 3

Revenue (3). Ezra 4:13; Pr. 8:19; Isa.23: Revenues (3), Pr. 15:6; 16:8; Jer. 12:13
Reverence (13), 643; Lev. 19:30; 26:2; 2 Sam. 9:6; 1 KL 1:31; Esther 3:2-5;
Ps. 89:7; Mt. 21:37; Mk. 12:6; Lk.20

13; Eph. 5:33; Heb. 12:9, 28 Reverenced (1), Esther 3:2 Reverend (1), a 602-1;
Ps. 111:9 Reverse (Sj. Num. 23:20; Esther 8:5 Revile (2). b 106-1 ~5Fn>lt. 5:11
Reviled (6). Mt. 27:39; Mk. 15:32; Jn.

9:28; 1 Cct. 4:12; 1 Pet. 2:23, 29 RevUers, est(2), ICor. 6:10;Acts i;3:4

Rev.U:igs (J).270*: Isa. 51:7; Zepti. 2:8

Re\-ivals. sign of, 1 G2-1*

ReyivcJ S). Neh. 4:2; Ps. 85:6; 138:7;

Isa. 57:15; Hos. 6:2; 14:7; Hab. 3:2 Revived (6), Gen. 45:27; Judg, 15:19; 1

Ki.17:22; 2 Ki. 13:21; Rom. 7:9; 14:9 Reviving (2). Ezra 9:8-9

Revolt (i^, 2Chr.21:10; Isa. 1:5; 59:13

Revolted (7). 2 Ki. 8:20-22; 2 Chr. 21: 8-10; Isa. 31:G; Jer. 5:23

Revolters f3>. Jer. 6:28; Hos. 5:2; 9:15

fecvoltm^ (1), Jer. 5:23

Reward (30). I am thy great r.. Gen. 15:1 Keeping them is great r., Ps. 19:11
Great is your r. in heaven, Mt. 5:12; Lk. 6:23, 35 No r. of your Father, Mt. 6:1
They have their r., Mt. 6:2, 5, 16 R. thee openly, Mt. 6:4, 6, 18 41-42 Prophetand
righteous man's t., Mt. 10: R. man according to works, Mt. 16: 27; ICor. 3:8, 11-
15; 2 Tim. 4:14; Rev. 22:12 He shall not lose his r., Mk. 9:41 Willingly, I have
r., 1 Cor. 9:17 Labourer is worthy of r., 1 Tim. 5:18 Just recompense of r., Heb.
2:2; 10:35

Rewarded (14). R. evil for good. Gen.

44:4; Ps. 35:12; 109:5 R. good for evil, 1 Sam. 24:17 Smallest acts r., gll-1*
Rewarder(l), Heb. 11:6 Rewardeth (g). Job 21:19; Ps. 31:23; 137: 8; Pr. 17:13;
26:10 Rewards (5). Num.22:7; Isa. 1:23; Dan. 51^5:17; Hos. 2:12 BasU of r., f
5-4*; b 77-4*; 1 177-4* R. promised, y 64-1*; c 77-4* •Nliere and when given,
q 177-4* 10 r. for obedience, b 642-1 Rezeph (2), a citv. 2 Ki. 19:12; Isa. 37:
q 177-4* 10 r. for obedience, b 642-1 Rezeph (2), a citv. 2 Ki. 19:12; Isa. 37:
Rezia (1). dcUght, 1 Chr. 7:39 12

Rezin (11). firm. 2 men, g 407-4 Rezon(l), lean, 1 Ki. 11:23 l^egium (1), 1 157-
1*: Acts 28:13 Rhesa (1). will, Lk. 3:27 Rhoda (1). a rose. Acts 12:13 Rhodes
(1). n 148-4^ Acts 21:1 Rib (5), Gen, 2:22; 2 Sam. 2:23; 3:27; "¥6; 20:10

Ribai f2). contentious, 2 Sam. 23:29;

IChr. 11:31 15:38

Ribband (1). ribbon, i-m 174-1; Num.

Riblah fll). h 196-1; Num. 34:11; 2 Ki.

k 178-4*: Ex. 22:

25733; 25:6-21; Jer. 39:5-6; 52:9-27 Ribs (2), Gen. 2:21; Dan. 7:5 2

Rich (81). Abram was very r., Gen. 13: R. shai; not give more, Ex. 30:15 Lord
maketh poor and r., 1 Sam. 2:7 Parable of r. and poor man, 2 Sam. 12 Hand of
diligent maketh t., Pr. 10:4 R. man's wealth ishis strong city, Pr.

10:15; 18:11 R. have many friends, Pr. 14:20 Labour not to be r., Pr. 23:4; 28:20
Messiah's grave was with r., ta. 53:9 Blessing of Lord maketh r., Pr. 10:22 Story
of the r. fool, Lk. 12:16-21 Story of r. and poor beggars, Lk. 16 He was r., yet
became poor, 2 Cor. 8:9 God, who is r. in mercy, Eph. 2:4 R. yoiuig ruler, Mt.
19:16-26, notes A hard thing for r., d 46-4* Can be saved, h 4€-4* 10 reasons
hard for some, g 82 -1* Warning to die, g 82-1*; b-h 263-1* No favorites of
God, i 82-1*

6 predictions about, b 263-1* Live in pleasure, 1-n 263-1*

7 facts: r. man of Lk. 16, 92* Richer (1). Dan. 11:2

Riches (9^. 9fold evidence of, n 668-4 10 true r., 213*

Asked not r. for diyself, 1 Ki. 3:11-13 Exceeded kings in r., 1 Ki. 10:23 R.,
honour come of Thee, 1 Chr. 29:12 Her left hand r. and honour, Pr. 3:16 R. and
honour are with me, Pr. 8:18 Trusteth in r. shall fall, Pr. 11:28 Give neither
poverty nor t., Pr. 30:8 Deceitfulness of r.. Mi. 13:22; Mk. 4:19 Choked with
cares and r., Lk. 8:14 Commit to you the true r., Lk. 16:11 R. of His goodness,
cares and r., Lk. 8:14 Commit to you the true r., Lk. 16:11 R. of His goodness,
Rom. 2:4 R. of His glory, Rom. 9:23; Eph, R. of this world, Rom. 11:12 R. of
wisdom, knowledge, Rom. 11:33 R. of His grace, Eph. 1:7; 2:7 Unsearchable r.
of Christ, Eph. 3:8 R. in glory, Phil. 4:19 R. of full assurance. Col. 2:2 Uncertain
r., 1 Tim. 6:17

Richly (2), Col. 3:16; 1 Tim. 6:17

Rid (6). Gen. 37:22; Ex. 6:6; Lev. 26:

~^\ Ps. 82:4; 144:7, 11

Riddance (2), Lev. 23:22; Zeph. 1:18

Ridden (1). Num. 22:30

Riddle (9^. Judg. 14:12-19; Ezek. 17:2

Ride (20^. R. second chariot. Gen. 41:43 R. on high places. Dt. 32:13

3:16 .1:18;

R. on white asses, Judg. 5:10

R. upon horses, Jer. 6:23; 50:42

R. upon chariots. Hag. 2:22 Rider (7), Gen. 49:17; Ex. 15:1, 21; Job

39:18; Jer. 51:21; Zech. 12:4 Riders (5), 2 Ki. 18:23; Esdier 8:10; Isa.

36:8; Hag. 2:22; Zech. 10:5 Ridedi (7), Lev. 15:9; Dt. 33:26; Esdier

6:8; Ps. 68:4, 33; Isa. 19:1; Amos 2: Ridges (1), Ps. 65:10 15

Riding (10), Num. 22:22; 2 Ki. 4:24;

Jer. 17:25; 22:4; Ezek. 23:6. 12. 23;

38:15; Zech. 1:8; 9:9 Rie (2), rye, Ex. 9:32; Isa. 28:25 RlTied (1), Zech. 14:2
Right (3o6). Shall not the judge of all the eardi do r., Gen. 18:25

R. hand of God, Ex. 15:6, 12; Ps. 110: 1, 5; Mt. 26:64; Mk. 14:62; 16:19; Lk.
20:42; 22:69; Acts 2:33-34; 5:31; 7:55-56; Rom. 8:34; Eph. 1:20; Col. 3:1; Heb.
20:42; 22:69; Acts 2:33-34; 5:31; 7:55-56; Rom. 8:34; Eph. 1:20; Col. 3:1; Heb.
1:3; 8:1; 10:12; 12:2; 1 Pet. 3:22

R. doing, Ex. 15:26; Dt. 6:18

R. ear, Ex. 29:20-22; Lev. 8:23; 14:14

R. hand, Ex. 26:20; Uv. 8:23; 14:14

R. foot, Ex. 29:20; Lev. 8:23; 14:14

R. side, 1 Ki. 7:39, 49

R. spirit, Ps. 51:10

R. padis, Pr. 4:11

R. diings, Pr. 8:6; 23:16

R. answer, Pr. 24:26

R. work, Eccl. 4:4

R. of redemption, Jer. 32:7

R. of inheritance, Jer. 32:8

R. eye, Zech. 11:17; Mt. 5:29

R. cheek, Mt. 5:39

R. mind, Lk. 8:35

R. ways of the Lord, Acts 13:10

R. hands of fellowship. Gal. 2:9

R. way, 2 Pet. 2:15

R. to the tree of Life, Rev. 22:14 Righteous (236). 2 warnings to the r., b 720-1

2 experiences widi the r., a 720 -1

4 blessings of r. at death, f 723-1

2 things for the r., k 649 -4 7 acts of the r., d 549-1

72 blessings of the, h 550-4; f 561-4; d 610-4; m 592-4; 624; 637

5 desires of the, s 556-1

6 good deeds of the, k 563-1

30 characteristics of die, g 566-1; b 604-4; 637

3 things r. show to men, 1 592-1 8fold incentive to be r., b 604-4

11 examples, boldness of die, p 662-4 God is 3 thii^ to the, i 593-1 2 things in

dwellings of die, i 604-1 21 evidences of righteousness, 626 17 things compared
to the, 626 59 facts about die, 626; 630; 636 5 blessings for the, 631

7 reasons why r. understand, 667

13 utles of Bible using righteous .



R. to rule the world, a

R. to be luminaries, b 15-1*

3 blessings for die, w 267-1*

Noah only r. one in his day. Gen. 7:1

Prayer to spare the r., Geiu 18:23-28

Let me die death of r., Num. 23:10

R. acts of the Lord, Judg. 5:11; 1 Sam.

12:7 4
12:7 4
The Lord is r., 2 Chr. 12:6; Ps. 129: He was r. in his own eyes. Job 32:1 In His
days r. shall flotuiii, Ps. 72:7 R, flouridi like palm nee, Ps. 92:12 Let r. smite me;
it shall, Ps. 141:5 A r. manhateth lying, Pr. 13:5 He hears prayer of die r., Pr.
15:29 Be not r. over much, Eccl. 7:16 Raise unto David a r. Branch, Jer. 23:5
When a r. man doth turn fiom his, Ezek. 3:20 24

When r. tumeth from his, Ezek. 18: R. turns &om righteousness, Ezek. 33: A r.
man's reward. Mt. 10:41 18

Came not to call r. to repentance,

Mt. 9:13; Mk. 2:17; Lk. 5:32 None r., no, not one, Rom. 3:10 Scarcely for a r.
man will, Rom. 5:7 Prayer of r. availeth much, Jas. 5:16 Eyes of Lctd over the r.,
1 Pet. 3:12 R. scarcely be saved, 1 Pet, 4:18 Jesus Christ the r., I Jn. 2:1 Isr.,
even as He is r., 1 Jn. 3:7 True and r. are Thy judgments. Rev.

16:7; 19:2 Let him be r. still. Rev. 22:11 Righteously (a. Dt, 1:16; Ps. 67:4; 96:

10; Pr. 31:9; Isa. 33:15; Jer, 11:20;

Tit. 2:12; 1 Pet. 2:23 Righteousness fSOn. Defined, d 163-1* 7 acts diat
constitute t., r 722-4 20 eternal principles of r., 828 God's r., 174* Christ's r., p
114-1* Man's r., p 114-1* 14 facts about r., 174* Results of r., f 165-4*

Counted it to him for r., Gen. 15:6;

Ps. 106:31 Lord render to every man his r., 1 Sam. 26:23; 2 Sam. 22:21, 25; 2
Chr. 6:23 Leadeth me in paths of r., Ps. 23:3 Lover., hate wickedness, Ps. 45:7
Judge world in r., Ps. 96:13 R. deUvereth from death, Pr. 11:4 R, exalteth a
nation, but sin, Pr, 14:34 R. the girdle of His loins, Isa. 11:4-5 Inhabitants of
world learn r., Isa. 26:9 A King shall reign in r., Isa. 32:1 R. of righteous will not
save him when he sins, Ezek. 3:20; 18:20-26; 33: 12-18 Bring in everlasting r.,
Dan. 9:24 Sow to yourselves in r., Hos. 10:12 Reasoned of r., temperance. Acts
24:25 'i\/ith heart man beUeveth unto r., Rom. 10:9-10; Gal. 5:5; Phil, 3:9 Made
unto us wisdom, r., 1 Cor. 1:30 The armour of r., 2 Cor. 6:7 Created in r. and
true, Eph. 4:24 Breastplate of r., Epiu 6:14 Crown of r., 2 Tim. 4:8 Should Uve
unto r.. 1 Pet. 2:24 13

New earth wherein dwelleth r., 2 Pet. 3: He that doeth r. is righteous, 1 Jn. 3:7
New earth wherein dwelleth r., 2 Pet. 3: He that doeth r. is righteous, 1 Jn. 3:7
Fine Unen is r. of saints. Rev. 19:8

Righteousness 'f4>. Ps. 143:11; Isa. 42: 21; Mt. 5:10; 1 Pet. 3:14

Righteousnesses (3), Isa. 64:6; Ezek. 33: 13; Dan. 9:18

Rightly (4), Gen. 27:36; Lk. 7:43; 20: 21; 2 Tim. 2:15

Rigour (5). Ex. 1:13-14; Lev.25:43-53

Rimmon (13). pomegranate. A man. 2 Sam. 4:2-9. Anidol, 2 Ki. 5:18. 2 cities.
Josh. 15:32; Judg. 20:45-47; 1 Chr. 4:32; 6:77;Zech. 14:10. A rock, Judg. 21:13

Rimmoii-parez (2). a camp. Num. 33:

Ring (11). Worn by kings (Gen. 41:42; tsther 3:10-12; 8:2, 8-10), and odi-ers
(Lk. 15:22; Jas, 2:2; t 78-4^. See


Ringleader (1).

Rings (44). R,

Rings tx.

Acts 24:5 _-,. , for tabernacle furniture, X.25:12-27; 26:29;27:4-7; 37:2-27 R, for
breastplate, Ex. 28:23-28 R. worn bv men and women, Ex. 35: 22; Num. 31:50;
Song 5:14; Isa. 3:21 R. connected with cherubim, Ezek. 1:18 Ringstraj<ed f 7>.
Gen, 30:35-40; 31:8-12 Rinnah (1), shout, 1 Chr. 4:20 Rinsed (3). Lev. 6:28;
15:11-12 RiQTfS). Tit. 1:6; 1 Pet. 4:4; 2 Pet. 2:13 Rioting f 1). Rom. 13:13
Riotous (3). Pr. 23:20; 28:7; Lk. 15:13 Ripq). 2 Ki. 8:12 ^(7), Gen. 40:10; Ex.
22:29; Jer.

24:2; Joel 3:13; Rev, 14:15-18 Ripening (1), Isa. 18:5 1:6

Riphath (2), crusher. Gen. 10:3; 1 Chr. Ripped (3). 2 Ki. 15:16; Hos. 13:16;

Amos 1:13 Rise (142). R. up early. Gen. 19:2; Ex. 8:20; 9:13 R, up. Lord, Num.
10:35 A Sceptre r. out of Israel, Num. 24:17 It is vain to r. up early, Ps. 127:2
10:35 A Sceptre r. out of Israel, Num. 24:17 It is vain to r. up early, Ps. 127:2
Sun r. on evil and good, Mt. 5:45 R. up in judgment, Mt, 12:41-42 R. die diird
day, Mt. 20:19; Mk.9:31 Nation r. against nation, Mt. 24:7 Many false prophets
shall r..Mt. 24:11 After diree days r. again, Mt. 27:63; Mk. 8:31 3:6

R. up and walk, Lk. 5:23; Jn. 5:8; Acts First to r. from the dead. Acts 26:23 If
dead r. not, 1 Cor. 15:15-16, 29, 32 Dead in Christ r. first, 1 Th. 4:16 R,,
measure the temple, Rev. 11:1 Saw a beast r. up out of die. Rev. 13:1 Risen (51).
Sun was r., Geiu 19:23 Glor\' of Lord r. upon thee, Isa. 60:1 Violence is r. up,
Ezek. 7:11 He is r. from the dead, Mt. 14:2; 27: 64; 28:7; Mk. 16:6-9, 14; Jn.
21:14 Now is Christ r., Rom. 8:34; 1 Cor. 15:13-14, 20; Col. 2:12; 3:1 Risest (2).
Dt. 6:7; 11:19 26

Risedi (14). R. to build Jericho, Josh, 6: Just man falls 7 times, r. up, Pr. 24:16
The daughter r. up against her modi-er, Mic. 7:6 Rging (39). R. in flesh. Lev.
13:2-43 R. up early and sending prorfiets, 2 Chr. 36:15; Jer. 7:13, 25; fl:7; 25: 3-
4; 26:5; 29:19; 32:33; 35:14-15; 44:4 R. up great while before day, Mk. 1:35 R,
again of many in Israel, Lk. 2:34 Rissah (a. a camp. Num. 33:21-22 Rites (I),
Num. 9:3 Ridimah (2). a camp. Num. 33:18-19 Rituals. 12fold emptiness of, 427
River (168). 22 rivers of Scripture : TTliver of Eden (C^n. 2:10)

Complete Concordance - C'.clopedic Index

2 Pisor."(Gen. 2:11)

3 GQion (Ger, 2:13)

4 Hiddeke! (Ger.. 2:14)

5 Euphrates (Gen. 2:14; 15:1S; Dt. 1: 7; U:24: Jodu 1:4; Rev. 9:14; 16:12)

6 The ri\^r of Egj-pt (Gen. 15:18)

7 TheNile(Geii. 41:1-18;Ex. 7:17-25)

8 Amtm (Dt.2:24-36; Szi-lC; 4:43)

9 Jabbok (Dt. 2:37; 3:16)

10 Kanah^odu 16:8; 17:9)

11 Kishon (Judg. 4:7. 13; 3:21)

11 Kishon (Judg. 4:7. 13; 3:21)

12 Gad (2 Sam. 24:5)

13 Gozan (2 Ki. 17:6; 18:11)

14 Ahava (Eaa 8:21. 31)

15 Chebar (Ezek. 1:1-3; 3:15, 23; 10: 15-22; 43:;^ 12)

16 New miilennial rivex (Ezek. 47:117 U!ai (Dan. S:2-6)

18 Abana (2 Ki. 5:12)

19 Jordan (2 Ki. 5:10; Mk. 1:5)

20 Kidron (2 Sam. 15:23; Jn. 18:1)

21 Pharpar (2 Ki. 5:125

22 Ri\"er of watei of lite (Rev. 22:1-2) River's (4). Ex. 2:3-5; 7:15; Num.24:6
Riven (IJ). R. to blood, Ps. 78:44

R. into a wilderness, Ps. 107:33

R. of water from eyes, Ps. 119:136

R, of Babylon. Ps. 137:1

R. of Egypt, Isa. 7:18

R. of Ediiopia, Isa. 18:1; Zeph. 3:10

R, of Judah. Joel 3:18

R. of oil, Mic. 6:7

R, of living water, Ja. 7:38 Rizpah (4).hot coal, 2 Sam. 3:7; 21:8-U Road a), I
Sam. 27:10; b 218-4 lEIr fCc). Seas r., 1 Chr. 16:32; Ps. 96: 1 ; ;::7;Jer. 31:35 i-
^:; :., Ps. 46:3; Jer. 51:55

Enerriies r., Ps. 74:4

Enerriies r., Ps. 74:4

Lions r.. Ps. 104:21; Isa. 5:29

Bearr., Isa. 59:11

Lord r.. Jer. 25:30; Hos. 11:10; Joel 3:16; Amos 1:2 Rxwed (5), Judg. 14:5; Ps.
38:8: Isa.

51:15; Jer. 2:15; Amos 3:8 10:3

Roareth (3), Job 37:4; Jer. 6:23; Rev.

Roaring (1^. P., of lion. Job 4:10; Isa.

ol25"-30; 31:4;Ezek^ 22:25;Zeph. i:;

?^ of die sea, Isa. 5:30; IJ<. 21:25

Devil, as a r. lion, I Pet, 5:8 Roaring s (1). Job 3:24 Roast (o). Ex. 12:8-9; Dt.
16:7; 1 Sam. "SITB; Isa. 44:16 29:22

Roasted (3). 2 Chi. 35:13; Isa. 44:19; Jer. Roasier. (^. Pr. 12:27; Isa. 44:16 Rob
(8), Lev. 19:13; 26:22; 1 Sam. 23: T; Pi. 22:22; Isa. 10:2; 17:14; Ezek.

:?::?; '.;al. 3:8 ?.:::^ (1^, Judg. 9:25; 2 Sam. 17:8;

?i. lli:dl; Pr. 17:12; Isa, 10:13; 42:

22; Jer. 50:37; Ezek. 33:15; Mai. 3:

8-9; 2 Cot. 11:8 Robber f5>. b 106-4*; Job 5:5; 18:9;

Ezek. 18:10; Jn, 10:1; 18:40 Robbers (11). Job 12:6; Isa. 42:24; Jer.

7:11; Ezek. 7:22; Dan. 11:14; Hos. 6:

9; 7:1; Oba. 5; Jn. 10:8; Acts 19:37;

2 Cot. 11:26; r 147-1* Robbery (T). Ps, 62:10; Pi. 21:7; Isa.

61:8; Ezek. 22:29; Amos 3:10; Nah,

3:1; PhiL 2:6 Rot?bedi a). Pr. 28:24 Robe (26). Priest's r., Ex. 28:4, 31-34; 55:5;
39:22-26; Uv. 8:7 27

Kingly r.. 1 Sam. 24:4-11; 1 Chr. 15:

R, of ri^teousiess, Isa. 61:10

Mock r. of Christ. Mt. 27:28-31; Lk. 23:11; Jn, 19:2-5

R. of prodigal son, Lk, 15:22 Robes fll). R. of kings, 2 Sam. 13:18; TRi.
22:10.30; 2 Chr. 18:9.29; Ezek,

R, of Pharisees, Lk, 20:46 26:16

R. of saints. Rev. 6:11; 7:9-14 Roboarn (1). Gi. fcam of Rehoboam.

Mt, 1:7

Robot, iB2 4

Rock (118). 2 figurative uses of, h 560—

A type of Christ, n 82-1

A false r., 205

4 uses of, 239

Smitten r., Ex. 17:6; Num. 20:8-11; Dt. 8:15; Ps. 78:16-20; Isa, 48:21

4 blessings from r., Dt. 32:4-18

R. Oreb. Judg, 7:25; Isa. 10:26

R. Etam, Judg. 15:8-11

R. Rimmon. Judg. 20:45-47; 21:13

R. of laael, 2 Sam. 23:3

LOTd is m> r., Ps. 18:2; 28:1; 31:2-3; 42:9; 62:2-7; 71:3
R. hi^r ihan I. Ps. 61:2 1

R. of salvation, Ps.62:2-7; 89:26; 95:

R. of offence. Isa. 8:14; Rom. 9:33; 1 Pet. 2:8

R. of thy strength, Isa. 17:10

Great r. in a weary land. Isa. 32:2

Upon this r. I will build. Mt. 16:18

Spiritual R., 1 Cor. 10:4 Rocks (23). 4 important i., 624

Clave r. for rivers. Job 2^:10

Go into holes of the r., Isa. 2:19-21; 7:19; Rev. 6:15-16 51

Earth did quake, ±c :. rer.t, }.'.i. 2,: Rod (86). R. of M'ises and God, Hx. 4: 2-4.
17-20; 7:9-20; £:5-17; 3:23; 10:13; 14:16; 17:5-9; Nun. 20:11 Aaron's r., Num.
17:2-10; Heb. 9:4 Rule with r. of iron, Ps. 2:9; Isa. 11: 4; 1 C<x.4:2I; Rev. 2:27;
12:5; 19:15 R. and staff comfon .Tie, Ps. 23:4 R, is for die back of him Pr. 10:13
That sparedi his r. hateth, Pr. 13:24 R. of correction will drive, Pr. 22:15 Beat
him with the r.. Pr. 23:13-14 R, fa the fool's back, Pr. 26:3 R, out of the stem of
Jesse, Isa. 11:1 Rode (15). R. upon camels. Gen. 24:61 lC~upon asses, Judg.
10:4; 12:14 R. upon mules, 2 Sam. 18:9; Esther 8:14 R. upon a cherub,
2Sam.22:11; Ps. 18: R, in a chariot. 2 Ki.9:!6 10

Rods (15). Stock conceived among r.. Gen. 30:37^1 Miracle r., Ex. 7:12 R. of
princes of Israel, Num. 17:2-9 liirice beaten with r., 2 Cot. 11:25 Roe(7), 2 Sam.
2:18; Pr. 5:19; 6:5; Song 2:9. 17; £:14; Isa. 13:14

Roebuck (4). Dt. 12:15, 22; 14:5; 15:22

Roebucks (1). 1 Ki. 4:23 5; 7:3

Roes (5). ! Chr. 12:3; Scmg 2:7; 3:5; 4:

Rogellm (2), a place, 2 Sam. 17:27; 19:

Rotigah q). outcry, 1 Chr. 7:34 31

Roll (28). R, of a book, b 70C-1; Isa. 8:

i; Jer. 36:2-32; Ezek. 2:9; 3:1-3;

Zech. 5:1-2

R, stones. Gen. 29:8; Josh. 10:18; ".

Sam. 14:33; Mk. 16:3 Written r. in Media, Ezra 6:2 R. in the dust, Mic. 1:10
Rolled (12), Gen. 29:3, 10; Josh. 5:9; Job 30:14; Isa. 9:5; 34:4; Mt. 27:60; 28:2;
Mk. 15:46; 16:4; Lk. 24:2; Rev. Roller (1). Ezek. 30:21 6:14

?T"^r. (1). Pt. 26:27 5^^ g). Isa. 17:13 Rolj (i). b 706-1; Ezra 6:1 25:4, 31
Ronamti-ezer (2), highest help, 1 Chr. ~.:r an (5) ."IT citizen. Acts 22:25-29; —
•2 ^ R, Empire symbolized by legs of iron and non-descript beast, e S64-4; Dan.
2 and 7, noies;3"3-d75 R. laws, c-d, g, r 143-1*; a 143-4*; t 144-1*; u 147-1*: e
151-1*; g 151-1*; e 153-1*; q240-4* Romans (6). Jn. 11:48; Acts 16:21-38;
25:16; 28:17 Rome (9). r 157-l^ Acts 2:10; 18:2; 19: "3723:11; 28:14-16; Rom.
1:7, 15; 2

Tim. 1:17 Roof (19), Gen, 19:8; Dt. 22:8; Job 29: "157 Ps. 137:6;Ezek. 3:26; Mt.
8:8; etc. Roofs (2). Jer. 19:13; 32:29 31

Room (32). R. in a house. Gen. 24:23-R,, meaning office or position, 2 Sam.

19:13; 1 Ki,2:35; 5:1. 5; 8:20 Rooms (7). Gen. 6:14; 1 Ki. 20:24; 1 Chr. ~?7S;
Mt. 23:6; Mk. 12:39; Lk. 14: 7; 20:46 18

Root (43). R, that beareth gall, Dt, 29: Judah shall again take r,, 2 Ki. 19:30 R. of
the righteous, Pr. 12:3, 12 R, of Jesse, Isa. 11:1,10; Rom. 15:12 Ax laid to r. of
trees, Mt. 3:10; Lk. 3:9 It had no r., Mt. 13:6; L.k. 8:13 Be plucked up by r., Lk.
17:6 If I. be holy, so are, Rom. 11:16 Love of money r. all evil, 1 Tim. 6:10 Lest
any r. of bitterness. Heb. 12:15 The R. of Da\id, Rev. 5:5; 22:16 Rooted (8). Dt.
29:28; Job 18:14; 31:8; Pr. 2:22; Zeph. 2:4; Mt. 15:13; Eph. 3:17; CoL 2:7 Roots
(20). Pluck them up by r., 2 Chr. 7:20; Ezek. 17:9 Branch grow out of his r., Isa.
11:1 Horns plucked up by the r., Dan. 7:8 Fig tree dried up from r., Mk. 11:20
Plucked up by tne r., Jude 12 Rope (1). Isa. 5:18

Rop5 (6). Judg. 16:11-12; 2 Sam. 17: "IS; 1 Ki. 20:31-32; Acts 27:32 Rose
(131). Cain r. up against Abel, Cen. 4:8 R. up early (23 times). Gen. 20:8; etc.
Sun r. up. Gen, 32:31 R, of Sharon. Song 2:1; Isa. 35:1 R, up from prayer, Lk.
22:45 R. up to play, 1 Ccr. 10:7 Pv. again the diird day, 1 Cor. 15:4 Chr;s[ r. . I
Cor. 15:12; 1 Ths.4:14 Smoker, up forever. Rev. 19:3 Rosh ri). head. Gen, 46:21
Rosicruaanism . r 17-4* 20

Rot (5). Numr5:21-27; Pr.l0:7; ba. 40: Rotten (5), Job 13:28; 41:27; Jer. 38:

11-12; Joe: 1:17 Rottenness (5). Pr. 12:4; 14:30; Isa. 5:

24; Hos. 5:12; Hab. 3:16 Roudi (7). Dt. 21:4; Isa. 27:8; 40:4; Jer. "Sl^ll Dan.
8:21; Zech. 13:4; Lk. 3:5


.. (0), Gen. 42:7, 30; ! Sam. 20: "Hi. 12:13; 2 Cltf. 10:13; Pt. 16:23

Rou.id (3!3). Gen. 13:4; 23:!7; 35:5;Ezek.

40:5-43; 41:5-19; Mt. 3:5; Rev. 4:3 Rouse (1). Gen. 49:3 Rovers (1), ! Chr.
12:21 Row (I-?), E.x. 2i:17-20; 30:10-13; Lev. "51:0-7; ! Ki. 6:36; 7:3, 12; Ezra
C:4; Ezek. 4C:23 Rowed (C), Jonah 1:13; Jn. 6:19 Rower; (1). Ezek. 27:^6
RowLn.^ (1). Mk. 6:48 Rows (16). Hx. 28:17; 39:10; Uv. 24:0; : Ki. C:36; 7:2^,
12, 16-20, 24. 42;

2 Chr. 4:3, 13; Ezra 6:4; Song 1:10;

Ezek. 46:23 Ro^a! (2£). R. dainties. Gen. 49:20

R. cities, Jo*. 10:2; 1 Sam. 27:5

R, bount\-, 1 Ki. 10:13

R. seed, 2 Ki. 11:1; 25:25; Jer. 41:1

R. majcstv, I Chr. 29:25

R. wine, Estiier 1:7

R, house, Esther 1:9; 2:16; 5:1

R, crown, Estiicr 1:11; 2:17; 0:8

R. commandment, Esther 1:19

R. commandment, Esther 1:19

R. estate, Esther 1:19; Dan. 0:7

R. apparel, Esther 5:1; 6:8; 8:15; Acts

R, diadem, Isa. 62:3 12:21

R, pa\-ilic«i, Jer. 43:10

R. law, Jas. 2:8

R. priesthood, 1 Pet. 2:9 Rubb:-(1). Lk. 6:1 ?^-:zi^. (2), Nch. 4:2. 10 ---::: (5),
Job 23:18; Pr. 3:15; 8:11; - : :; 21:10; Urn. 4:7 ■V--■■-^: (1). h 156-4*: Acts
27:40 Ruddy (4). 1 Sam. 16:12; 17:42; Song

o:10; Lam. 4:7 Rude (1), 2 Cot. 11:6 Rudiments (2). Col. 2:8, 20

Rue (1), an herb, m 73-4*; Lk. 11:42 RuTiJS (6, \fk. 15:21; Rom. 16:13; i 53-4*
-, - -., (1). compassionate, Hos. 2:1 ■ — :i), Ps. 89:40; Pr. 24:22:26:28; Isa. 3:6;
23:13; 25:2; Ezek. 18:30; 27: 27; 31:13; Lk. 6:49 D..;_„H CT), Isa. 3:8; Ezek.

2 Ki. 19:25; Isa. 17:1; 37:26 k. 21:15; Amos 9:11; Acts

Rule (66). To r, the dav and night. Gen. 1:16-18; Ps. 136:8-9 Husband iaU r.
over thee. Gen. 3:16 Babes and women r., Isa. 3:4, 12 The heavens do r., Dan.
4:26 Messiah to r. Mv people, Zech. 6:13; Mt.2:6; 1 Cor. 1&24-28; Rev. 19:15
Peace of God r. your hearts, CoL 3:15 R. of elders in churches, 1 Tim. 3:5; 5:17;
Heb. 13:7, 17, 24 Saints to r. nations. Rev. 2:27; 12:5 R. of Chiisnan walk,
1206^* Ruled (13), Gen. 24:2; 41:40; Jodu 12: "Tn^th 1:1; 1 Ki. 5:16; 1 Chr.
26:6; Ezra 4:20; Ps. 106:41; Isa. 14:6; Um. 5:8; Ezek. 34:4; Dan. 5:21; 11:4
Ruler (83). Nor curse r. of people, Ex. R. of My people, 2 Sam. 7:8 22:28 R. of
the house of C-od, 1 Chr. 9:11 Having no guide, ot r., Pr. 6:7 To be r. in Israel,
Mic. 5:2 R. of synagogue, Mk. 5:35-38; Lk.8: R. of the Jews, Jn. 3:1 41

Not speak evil of r., Acts 23:5 Ruler's (2). Pr. 29:26; Mk. 9:23 Rulers (74). R. of
canle. Gen. 47:6 R. of the congregation, Ex. 16:22 R. of thousands, hundreds,
and fifties, Ex. 18:21-25:2 Ki. 11:4, 19 R. of the substance, 1 Chr. 27:31 R, of
the king's work, 1 Chr. 29:6 R. of die city, 2 Chr. 29:20; Acts !7:6 R. of the
house of God. 2 Chr. 35:8 R, of provinces, Esther 8:9; Dan. 3:2 R, of the
house of God. 2 Chr. 35:8 R, of provinces, Esther 8:9; Dan. 3:2 R, of the
svnagogue, Mk. 5:22 R. of the people, Lk, 23:13; Acts 4:8 R. of civil
governments. Rom. 13:3 R. of die darkness of world, Eph. 6:12 Rulest (2). 2
Chr. 20:6; Ps. 89:9 Ruleth (14). 2 Sam. 23:3; Ps. 59:13: 66: 7; 103:19; Pr. 16:32;
22:7; Eccl. 8:9; 9:17; Dan, 4:17, 25, 32; Hos. 11:12; Rom. 12:8; Tit. 3:4 Tim.

Ruling (3), 2 Sam. 23:3; Jer. 22:30; 1 Rum ah (1). height. A city, 2 Ki. 23:36
Rumbling (1). Jer. 47:3 Rumour (9). 2 Ki. 19:7; Isa. 37:7; Jer. 49:14; 51:46;
Ezek. 7:26; Oba.!; Lk. 7: Rumoms (2). Mt. 24:6; Mk. 13:7 17

Rump (5). Ex. 29:22; Lev. 3:9; 7:3; 8: ■"5or9:19 49:22

Run (69). Branches r. over wall. Gen. ""Hsue of flesh r.. Lev. 15:3 R. upon thee,
Judg. 18:25 R. on foot, I Sara. 8:11; 17:17; 20:36; 2 Sam. 15:1; 18:19-23; 1 Ki.
1:5 Eyes of Lord r. to and fro. 2 Chr. 16:

9; Zech. 4:10 Waters r. conlinualty. Ps. 58:7; 78:16 Feet r. to evil, Pr. 1:16; Isa.
59:7 All rivers r. into sea, Eccl. 1:7

Eves r. down widi tears, Jcr.9:lt; 13:

17; 14:17; Lam. 2:1 S; Ezek. 24:16 Many r. to and fro, Dan. 12:4 .'rniy of Lord
sliall r.. Joel 2:4-9 R. to and fro to seek -.ord, .Amos 5:12 Chariots r. like
lid'tnimzs, Nah. 2:4 He may r. diat rcadctii it, Hab. 2:2 • <1uch r. in a race r. ail,
1 Cor. 9:24 R. with patience tlic race, Heb. 12:1

Runncst (1). Pr. 4:12

Runncdi (ll). Ezra ;:15; Job 15:26; 16: 14; Ps. 2o:5; 147:15; Pr. 18:10; Lam.
1:10; 3:4S:Mt. 9:17; Jn. 20:2; Rom.9:!0

Running (20. Kit! bird over r. water. CevT !4:5-€. 50-52 R, issue of the flesh.
Lev. 15:2; 22:4 Bathe in r. water. Lev. 15:13 Man r. a'.one, 2 Sam. 18:24-27 R,
waters ou: of own well, Pr. 5:15 Many horses r. to battto. Rev. 9:9

Rush (4). Job S:!l; Isa. 9:14; 17:13; 19:15

RuAed(3).Judc9:44; 20:37; Acts 19:29

Rudies (1). Isa. 35:7

Rushcth (1), Jci. 8:6

Rushing (8). Isa. 17:12-13; Jer. 47:3; Ezek. 3:12-13; Acts 2:2

RugelUsm (Jehovah's witnesses), r 17-4*

Russia. 2m odem fallacies about. 855 , vVii; be defeated, 3"4 ; Not die king of
the nocAi, 379 i Another fallacy about, 380 I Rust (3), Ml 6:19-20; Jas. 5:3

Rudi (13). friended p. 1291-1 In line of the Messiah, a 292-l;Mi. I 4 admonitions

to. t 291 -1 7fo!d consecration of, b 291 -4 Virtuous, i 293-1

Rye . See Rie

Sabachthani (2). Thou hast forsaken Mc,

Ml ^1-Mi Mk. 15:34 Sabaodi (2). hosts, Rom. 9:29; Jas. 5:4 Sabbadi (134). 22
facts about, HI Remember the s., c 77-4; !!6;u 205-1 Travel on the s., d T--4; j
383-1 Pinpose of the s., c 88 -4 S. given by Moses, 113 S. laws, 113 7
commands concerning the s., 119 S. a token of Mosaic covenanL 119 S. not fOT
Gentiles or church, 119 S. not commanded in N. T., 119 Eternal, but not for
church, 119 S. in Isaiah, 440

5 requirements regarding, p 724-4 Jesus' teaching on the s., m 12-1*; 1

77-1*; d 105-4* 4*

Brought bondage, m 12-1*: c-d, j 63-Necessary work on, 1 145-4; f 146-1;

d 154-1; p 12-l^ 1 77-1* '•■.eekly s., g 144-4 Ignorance of, w 12-1* The high s.,
m 33-1*; g 90-1* ■.•.Tiy s. made, p 37-1*; j 63-4* Finally hated by God, i 98-4*
God works on s., j-k 98-4* True obser\'ance of, j 98-4* First day s., i 90-1*; f-g
119-4* 10 reasons Christians keep Sunday in -

stead of Saturday, k 147-4* 10 reasons 4th commandment left out

of the N.T., 159* God promised to do away with the old

Jewish s. and law. 159i* No special s. commanded in N. T., e

171-4*: Rom. 14:5; CoL 2:14-17 18 proofs Sunday was observed by early
Christia.Ts, 191* All observance of days as helfrful to salvation is vain, m 204-
Christia.Ts, 191* All observance of days as helfrful to salvation is vain, m 204-
4* 20 things the Bible does not say about

the s., 191* AU sabbadis abolidied, d-p 220-4* Christian law on the s., 222* 2
Gr. words ftx rest, 1 247-1* S. not the seal oT&od, b 296 -4* 24 reasons
Christians observe the first day. 111 Holy s. unto tte L(xd, Ex. 16:23-29 7di day
s., Ex. 20:10; 3hl5: Uv. 23:

3; Dl 5:14 A changing s., h 85-1; III An holy day, a s. of rest to die Lord,

Ex, 35:2-3; Uv. 23:3 24

S. days in the new earth, Isa. 66:22-Jesus broke die s. according to the

Jewish concept. Ml 12:1-12; Mk. 1:

21; 2:23-3:4; Lk. 6:1-9; 13:10-16;

14:1-5; Jn. 5:9-18; 7:22-23; 9:14-16 All s. days aboUdied with the law of

Moses, Rom. 14:5-6; 2 Cot. 3:6-15;

GaL4:9-ll;Eph.2:14-15:CoL 2:14-17 I Sabbaths (35). Used only in O. T. I All s.

have ended, a 593-4

17th day s. char.gina s. .h 85-1; HI S. a token of Mosaic covenant, d98-l 22 facts

about s.. Ill I 24 reasons Christians observe the fint 1 day. Ill Don

Complete Concordance - Cyclopedic Index


5 kinds of s., b 146-1

Number of s., e 146 -1

Weekly s., g 144-4

Israel the only nation commanded to keep s., Ex. 31:13; Uv. 19:30; 26:2; EzeL
20:12-13, 16. 20-21, 24

Keeping s. by Israel waste commemorate their deliverance from bondage in

Keeping s. by Israel waste commemorate their deliverance from bondage in
Egypt, Dt. 5:15

Law of Moses and its s. were not for Gentiles or the church, Rom. 2:12-16; 3:2;
6:11-14; 9:4; 10:4; 14:5-6; 2Cct. 3:6-15; Gal. 3:19-29:4:21-31; 5:1; CoL2:14-17;
Heb. 7:12-22, 28; 8:6, 13; 9:15; 10:1. See 85 proofs ofdiis, 201*

God sware to aboUdi all s., Isa. 1:13; Hos. 2:11. This He did on the cross. Col.
2:14-17 Sabbatic year every 7 years, e 88-1; b 147-1; f 147^; Lev. 25; Dt. 15:9;

10. Every 50lh year there was a sabbath 2 years long, the regular sabbatic year
and the year of Jubile, b-e

147-1; f 147-4; Lev. 25 Sabeans (4). men of Seba, Job 1:15; Isa.

45:14; Ezek. 23:42: Joel 3:8 Sabta (1), breaking through, 1 Chr. 1:9 Sabtah (1),
breaking through. Gen. 10:7 Sabiecha (1), surrender, I Chr. 1:9 Sabtechah (1),
siurendet. Gen. 10:7 Sacat (2), hire, 1 Chr. 11:35; 26:4 5a^(9), Gen. 42:25-35;
43:21;44:I1-"I^TLev. 11:32 3:5-15

Sackbut (1), a stringed instrument, Dan. Sackcloth (46). Used of clothing for

in prayer and sorrow (except in Rev.

6:12), Gen. 37:34; 1 Ki. 21:27; Esther

4:1-4; Ps. 35:13; 69:11; Dan. 9:3; Mt.

11:21; Lk. 10:13; Rev. 11:3 Sackcloihes (l), Neh. 9:1 Sack's (3). Gen. 42:27;
44:1-2 Sa3E" (9), Gen. 42:25, 35; 43:12-23; 44:1; Josh. 9:4 Sacks'(1), Gen. 44:8
Sacrifice (218). One place of, a 212-1

2 kinds acceptable, d 571 -4

Typical, g 571-4

Perfect s.. 259*

S. finished by Christ, 259*

Spiritual s. . 269*

word first used of Jacob, Gen. 31:54

Moses demanded cinie for Israel to s., Ex. 3:18; 5:3-7,17; 8:8, 25-29; 10:25

Kinds of s., Lev. 1:1-7:37; Ps. 116: 17; Jer. 33:1; Amos 4:5

Present bodies a living s., Rom. 12:1

S. of praise, Heb. 13:15

S. unto devils, 1 Cor. 10:20

S. to idols, 1 Cor. 10:28

One s. for sin, Heb. 10:12 10:26

Remaineth no mote s. for sins, Heb. Sacrificed (33). S. to devils, Lt. 32:17

S. unto their gods, 1 Ki. 3:3

S. unto the Lord, 1 Chr. 29:21 22

S. unto all carved images, 2 Chr. 33:

S. their sons and daughters, Ps. 106:37

Christ our passover is s., 1 Cor. 5:7 Sacrificedst (1). Dt. 16:4 120-4

Sacrificer ~Duaes of, g-i 120-1; a-c Sacrifices (79). See Offerings

S. accepted by fire, t 4-1

Many kinds, d 83-1

Laws of s., 113

7 things s. stood for

S. of righteousness,
S. of joy, Ps. 27:6

S. of God are a broken spirit, Ps. 51:17

S. of praise, Jer. 17:26

Spiritual s., 1 Pet. 2:5 Sacrificeth (5), Ex. 22:20; EccL 9:2;

Isa. 65:3; 66:3; Mai. 1:14 Sacrificing (2), 1 Ki. 8:5; 12:32 Sacrilege (1),
profaning holy things,

Rom. 2:22 Sad (11), Gen. 40:6; I Sam. 1:18; 1 Ki. ~5I:5; Neh. 2:1-3; Ezek.
13:22; Mt. 6:

16; Mk. 10:22; Lk. 24:17 Saddle (4). j 19-1; e 135-4; Lev. 15:9;

2 Sam. 19:26; 1 Ki. 13:13, 27 Saddled (10). Gen. 22:3; Num. 22:21;

Ju.dg. 19:10; 2 Sam. 16:1; 17:23; 1 Ki.

2:40; 13:13, 23, 27; 2 Ki. 4:24 Sadducees (14). p 2-1*; c 25-1*; n 125-4*; e 127-
4*; Mt. 3:7; 16:1-12; 22:23—

34; Mk. 12:18; Lk. 20:27; Acts 4:1;

5:17; 23:6-8 Sadly (1), Gen. 40:7 Sadness (1), Eccl. 7:3 Mt. 1:14

Sadoc (1), righteous. Gr. form of Zadok, Safe (13), 1 Sam. 12:11; 2 Sam. 12:29.
"32; Job 21:9; Ps. 119:117; Pr. 18:10; 29:25; Isa. 5:29; Ezek. 34:27: Lk. 15:

27; Acts 23:24; 27:44; Phil. 3:1 Safeguard (1). 1 Sam. 22:23 Safely (21),
Uv.26:5; Ps. 78:53; Pr.31:

11; Zech. 14:11; Mk. 14:44; Acts 16:23 Safety (19), Dt. 33:12, 28; Ps. 4:8; 33:

17; Pr. 11:14; 24:6; 1 Th. 5:3 Saffron (1), Song 4:14

i 120-1 Ps. 4:5; 51:19

Said (3. 975). The terms God s. and die Tatd s. axe found over 350 times in the
O.'r., Gen, 1:3-29; 2:18, 23;etc. Adams., Gen. 2:23; 3:10-12 The serpent s., Gen.
3:1-4 Eve s., Gen. 3:2, 13; 4:1 The angel s.. Gen. 16:9-11; 19:14-21 Jesus s.. Mt.
4:4, 7; 8:10; etc. Satan s.. Mt. 4:3; Job 1:7-9; 2:2-4 Peter s., Acts 2:38-39; 3:6
Paul s.. Acts 15:36; 16:37 The four beasts s., Rev. 5:14 Mens., Rev. 6:11-16;
19:3 He that sat upon the throne s., Rev. 21:5-6; 22:6 Saidst (22), Gen. 12:19;
26:9; Ps. 27:8; "111747:7; Hos. 13:10; Jn. 4:18; etc. Sail (8), Isa. 33:23; Ezek.
27:7; Acts ~^:3, 16; 27:1-2, 17, 24 Sailed (15), Lk. 8:23; Acts 13:4; 14:26;
15:39; 18:18-21; 20:6-15; 21:3; 27:4-13 Sailing (3). Acts 21:2; 27:6-9 Sailors
(1). Rev. 18:17 21

Saint (5). Ps. 106:16; Dan. 8:13;PhiL4: Saints (95). Defined. 627; h 133-1' Not
to spend eternity in heaven, e 924-4 To rule the earth forever, m 865-4;

r 570-1; k 302-1*; c 179-4* Go to heaven at death, 2Cor. 5:8;PhiL 1:21-24; Heb.

12:22-23; Rev. 6:9-11 Come back to earth with Christ to reign, Zech. 14:1-5;
Jude 14; Rev. 19:11-21 Eat food in next life, j 287-1* Are to judge angels, e
179-4* 12 commandments for, j 212-1* 3 characteristics of, b 297-1*

6 reasons for martyrdom, 1 302-1* Where they spend eternity, 627;e 924-24
things constitute s.. 627 4

7 duties of resurrected s.. 640 7 admonitions for s., 631 10,000's accompany
God, Dt, 33:2-3 All s. are in Thy hand, Dt. 33:3

He will keep feet of s., 1 Sam. 2:9 Putteth no trust in His s., Job 15:15 Must
perform certain duties to God now, Ps.30:4; 31:23; 34:9; 132:9, 16; 145:10. See
Be lie vers and Disciples S. shall take the kingdom and reign forever, Dan. 7:18,
22, 27; Rev. 5:10 First s. resurrected bodily, Mt. 27:52 All s. to oe resurrected
bodily, Dan. 12:2; Jn. 5:28-29; 1 Cor. 15:20-35, 52-54; 1 Th. 4:13-16; Rev. 20:4-
6 Faith once delivered to s., Jude 3 Prayers of s. offered before God, Rev.

5:8; 8:3-4 Future martyrdoms predicted. Rev. 7:

9-17; 13:1-18; 14:12; 15:2-4; 17:6 Last earthly rebellion against s.. Rev. Saints '
(1), 1 Tim. 5:10 20:9

Saith (1,267). Gen, 22:16; 32:4; 41:55 Sake (144). 16 uses of word, 415
Sakes(31),Gen. 18:26; Lev. 26:45;etc. Sala (1), foundation, Lk. 3:35 Salah (5),
foundation,Gen. 10:24:11:12-15 Salarnis (1). a city, Acts 13:5 Salathiel (4), loan
of God. Gr. form of Shealliel. lChr.3:17; Mt. 1:12; Lk. 3:27 Salcah (3). a ciD.',
Josh. 12:5; 13:11; 1 Chr. 5:11. Called Salchah, Dt. 3:10 Salchah (1), a city, Dt.
3:10. See Sale (3), Uv. 25:27, 50; Dt. 18:8 Salem (-Q, perfect. Ancient name of
3:10. See Sale (3), Uv. 25:27, 50; Dt. 18:8 Salem (-Q, perfect. Ancient name of
Jerusalem, Gen. 14:18; Ps. 76:2; Heb. 7:1-2. Called UrusaUm on ancient tablets
Salim (1). a city near Aenon, Jn. 3:23 Sallai (2), exalted. 2 men. Neh. 11:8;
"HiZO 5Ieh. 11:7; 12:7

Sallu (3), exalted. 2 men . 1 Chr. 9:7; Salma (3).strengdi, 1 Chr.2:U, 51, 54
Salmon (6), peaceable, Ruth 4:20-21; Ps. 68:14; Mt. 1:4-5; Lk. 3:32 Salmone
(1). part of Crete, Acts 27:7 Salome (2). perfect. Mk. 15:40; 16:1 Salt (39). S.
Sea or Dead Sea, k 12-1; k 196-1; Gen. 14:3; Num. 34:3, 12; Dt. 3:17: Josh.
3:16; 12:3-5; 18:19 A similitude of Christians, o 4-1*; b-c 78-1* A symbol of
punishment, n 45-4* Pillar of s., Lot's wife. Gen. 19:26 Covenant of s., 57; Lev.
2:13; Num.

18:19; 2 Chr. 13:5 City of s., Josh. 15:62 Sowing places with s., Judg. 9:45
Valley of s., 2 Sam. 8:13; 2 Ki. 14: 7; 1 Chr. 18:12; 2 Chr. 25:11 S. a seasoning.
Job 6:6; Col. 4:6 A picture of desolation, Jer. 17:6 S. places in Millennium,
Ezek. 47:11 Salted (4). Ezek. 16:4: Mt. 5:13: Mk. 9:49 Salmess (1). Mk. 9:50
Saltpits (1). Zeph. J;3 Salu (1). exalted. Num. 25:14 Salutation (6), w-z 70-4*; v
119-1*; Lk. 1:29, 41, 44; 1 Cor. 16:21; CoL 4:18; 2 Th. 3:17 S. of Judas, j 30-4*
Salutations (1). Mk. 12:38 Salute (39), to greet, 1 Sam. 10:4; 13: W; 25:14; 2
Sam. 8:10; 2 Ki. 4: 29; 10:13 S. of Christians, Mt, 5:47; 10:12; Lk. 10:4; Rom.
16:5-22; 1 Cor. 16:19; 2 Cor. 13:13; PhiL4:21-22; CoL 4:15; 2 Tim. 4:19; Tit.
3:15; Ph'm 23; Heb. 13:24; 2 Jn. 14 S. of rulen. Acts 25:13 Mock s. to Christ,
Mk. 15:18 Saluted (9), Judg. 18:15; 1 Sam. 17:22; 30:21; 2 Ki. 10:15; Mk. 9:15;
Lk. 1: 40; Acts 18:22; 21:7, 19 Saluteth (5), Rom, 16:23; Col. 4:10-12; 1 Pet.

Salvation (163). Defined, m 126-1*; f

160-4*; 174* S. of Gentiles, 476; Acts 28:28; Rom.

1:16; 10:9-14; 11:11 S. for all, 671; a 20-1*

2 things related to, c 571-1 Difficult for some, g-h21-4*

2 things necessary, k 35-1* Secrets of, s-t 38-4*

3 things required, t 38-4* 7 benefits of, q 57-4*

7 conditions of, o 67-1*

7 things necessary to, 1 69-4*

i Strive for, g 76-4*

Not of 3 things, o-q 93-1*

I 3 things bring eternal s., d 110-4*

1 Sum of gospel of, 129*

I 8 things it is not, m 134-1* Not of works, p 141-1*

I How to get, m-o 143-1*

1 4 fundamental facts of, j 143-4* A hope, m 167-1*; f 225-4*

I 7 ways word used, 174*

I 7 agents of, 174*

Received through 2 things, x 228-4* 3 things necessary to, j 232-4* 7fold s., e
243-1* 3fold s., 269* 10 future blessings of, 269* Of God and of Christ, i 291
-1* First mention of, in N. T., g 8-4* The Rock of his s., Dt. 32:15 I rejoice in
Thy s.. 1 Sam. 2:1; Ps. 9: 14; 13:5

j Wrought great s. in Israel, 1 Sam. 11: 13; 14:45; 19:5 Horn of my s., 2 Sam.
22:3; Ps. 18:2

' The shield of Thy s., 2 Sam. 22:36 The God of the rock of my s., 2 Sam.

I Clothed with s., 2 Chr. 6:41 22:47 God of my s., Pr. 20:5; 25:5; 51:14 Restore
joy of Thy s., Ps. 51:12 Cup of s., and call upon, Ps. 116:13 Beautify meek with
s., Ps. 149:4 Draw water, wells of s., Isa. 12:3 Everlastings., Isa. 45:17; 51:6-8
PubUsheth s., Isa. 52:7 Helmet of s., Isa. 59:17; Eph. 6:17 Garments of s., Isa.
61:10 Raised up an horn of s., Lk. 1:69 All flesh shall see s. of God, Lk. 3:6 This
day is s. come to this, Lk, 19:9 S. is of the Jews, Jn. 4:22 Neither is s. in any
other. Acts 4:12 Day of s., Isa. 49:8; 2 Cor. 6:2 Godly sorrow worketh
repentance to s. not to be, 2 Cor. 7:10 Work out own s., PhiL 2:12 5:8

For an helmet the hope of s., 1 Th. S. through 2 things, 2 Th. 2:13 11 Grace of
God that bringeth s., Tit. 2: Heirs of s., Heb. 1:14 Neglect so great s., Heb. 2:3
God that bringeth s., Tit. 2: Heirs of s., Heb. 1:14 Neglect so great s., Heb. 2:3
Captain of their s. perfect, Heb. 2:10 Author of eternal s., Heb. 5:9 9:2S Second
time without sin unto s., Heb. Power of God through faith unto s., even the s. of
your souls, 1 Pet. 1:5, 9 Of which s. the prophets, 1 Pet. 1:10 Common s., Jutie 3
S. to our God, Rev. 7:10; 12:10; 19:1 Samaria (124). 8 sins of, e 828-1 Hill of S.,
1 Ki. 16:24-32 Capital of 10 tribes, 1 Ki. 20:1-17; 21:1, 18; 22:51; 2 Ki. 1:2-3;
3:1 Miracle of bUndness in, 2 Ki. 6:19-23 Famine, miracle of food, 2 Ki.
6:247:20 S. in prophecy, Isa. 7:9; 8:4; 9:9; 10: 9-11; Ezek. 16:46-56; 23:4, 33;
Hos. 7:1; 8:5-6; 10:5-7; 13:16; Amos 3:9-12; 4:1; 6:1; 8:14; Mic. 1:1-6 Jesus
passed through, Lk. 17:11; Jn. 4 Gospel taken to S., Acts 1:8; 3:1 -14 Paul
passed through. Acts 9:31; 15:3 Rival wonliipofS., g 97-1* b 706-1 Samariuu
(3), Lk. 10:33; 17:16; Jn. 8:48 Samaritans (7), 2 Ki. 17:29; Mt. 10:5; Lk. 9:52;
Jn, 4:9, 39, 40; Acts 8:25; q 70-1*; n 71-4*; u 104-4* Same (329), Gen. 2:13;
5:29; G:4: Mt.

3:4; 5:19, 46; Lk. 2:8; Acts 1:11 Samech (1). Ps. 119:113 title Samgar-nebo (1).
be gracious, Nebo,

Jer. 39:3 Samlah (4). garment, Gen. 36:36-37;

IChr. 1:47-48 Samos (1). an island. Acts 20:15 Samothjacia (1), an island, Acts
16:11 Samson (36), sun-man, or like the sun Miraculous birth, d 281-1

12 exploits of, m 281-1

Prayer of, i 282-4; s 283-4

3 love affain of, a 283-1 Betrayed for $3. 520. 00, h 283-1 Source of power of, c
283-4 Slew over 3,030 men, q 283-4

2 men won victory in death, d 284-1 New world of S.. 288 8 things learned. 288
Price for his foolishness. 289 History of, Judg. 13:1-16:30; Heb. 11:32 Samson's
(3). Judg. 14:15-20 Samuel (140). Defined . 1 295-4

4 predictions by, f 297-4 Judgeship of, b 301-1 First circuit judge, c 301-1 3fold
description of, f 302-1 Sons of, f 304-4

Blameless Ufe of, h 304-4; 328

Miracle of. i 305-1 10:13-14

Imitated by demons, 1 Sam. 28; 1 Chr.

Imitated by demons, 1 Sam. 28; 1 Chr.

12 facts - Ufe story, 327; 1 Sam. 1:120; 2:18-26; 3:1-21; 4:1; 7:3-15; 8:

1-22; 9:14-27; 10:1-25; 11:7-14; 12:

1-20; 13:8-15; 15:1-36; 16:1-13; 19:

18-24; 25:1; 28:3-20; 1 Chr. 6:28; 9:

22; 11:3; 26:28; 29:29; 2 Chr. 35:18;

Ps. 99:6; Jer. 15:1; Acts 3:24; 13:20;

Heb. 11:32

Sanballat (10), secret enemy, m 499-4;

Neh. 2:10. 19; 4:1-7; 6:1-14; 13:28 Sanctification (5). Defined, h 115-4*

j 172-4*; m 224-4^231^ How used in Scripture, h 141-4 7 personal agents in. h

141-4; b 155-1* Doctrine of. 231* Fallacy about, t 37-1* One means of
salvation, x 228-4* 3fold s.. 231*

30 proofs of instantaneous s., 231* 7 proofs of progressive s.. 231* 3 proofs of

complete s.. 231* S. by sacrifice of Christ, c 252-1* Gr. word hagiasmos is trans,
sanctification 5 times (1 Cor. 1:30; 1 Th. 4: 3-4; 2 Th.2:13; 1 Pet. 1:2) and hoU-
ness 5 times (Rom. 6:19, 22; 1 tKT'i: TlTTim. 2:15; Heb. 12:14) Christ is our s..
ICor. 1:30 Possession of body in holiness is proof of s. and is God's will, 1 Th.
4:3-4 S. is part of salvation, and is received with salvation, 2 Th. 3:13 S. is
brought about by the Spirit when one is made a new creature. 1 Pet. 1:2; 2 Cor.
5:17-18; Eph. 4:22-24 Utter simplicity of, 264 7 facts about s., d 151-1
Sanctified (62). First use of, p 2-1 Second use 2,500 years later, k 522-1

29 commands concerning dedicated things, a, c, e 151-1; e 151-4

God s. by man. p 233-1 Sanctified ones. 734 10 material things s., 231* 23
things s.. 231*

30 proofs when men are s.. 231* Famer hath s. and sent into. Jn. 10:36 S. by the
truth. Jn. 17:19; 1 Tim. 4:5 S. by faith, Acts 26:18 Cor. 6:11 S. by the Holy
Ghost, Rom. 15:16; 1 S. in Christ, 1 Cor. 1:2; Heb. 10:10-14 S. in the name of
Ghost, Rom. 15:16; 1 S. in Christ, 1 Cor. 1:2; Heb. 10:10-14 S. in the name of
Jesus, 1 Cor. 6:11 S. by the blood of the covenant, Heb. S. bv God the Father,
Jude 1 10:29

Sanctifieth (4), Mt. 23:17, 19; Heb. 2: 11; 9:13

Sanctify (70). Qadash . setapart. b 77-4 S. men and beasts, g 7 , -4 i 84-1 Men s.
selves, p 130 -4 Various uses of word, h 141 -4 15 commands to s., h 141 -4
Men to s. God. p 233-1 23 things men were to s.. 231* S. them through Thy
truth. Jn. 17:17 I s. Myself. Jn. 17:19 S. the church, Eph. 5:26 S. you wholly, 1
Th. 6:23 13:12

S. tlie people with His blood, Heb. S. the Lord in vour hearts, 1 Pet. 3:15

Sanctuaries (5). Lev. 21:23; 20:31; Jer. 61:51; Ezek. 28:18; Amos 7:9

Sanctuary (137), g 250-1* Command to make a s., Ex. 25:8 S. to be held in

reverence. Lev. 19:

30; 26:2 S. a place of praver, Ps. 73:17; 74:37; 134:2; 150:l'; Isa. 16:12
Millennial s., Ezek. 41:21-23; 42:20; 43:21; 44:1-27; 45:2-18; 47:12; 48:

Complete Concordance - Cyclopedic Index

Tnie s., Heb. 8:2 8-21

Sand (28). Seed as die s., Gen. 22:17; ^^:12; 1 Ki. 4:20,29; Isa. 10:22; Hos. 1:10;
Rom. 9:27; Heb. 11:12

Thoughts as the s., Ps. 139:18

House built upon s., Mt. 7:26

Last rebeb, number as s., Rev. 20:8 Sandals (2), a 41-l^ Mk. 6:9; Acts 12:8 Sang
(12). Ex. 15:1; Num. 21:17; Judg. ~dIT; 1 Sam. 29:5; 2 Chi. 29:28-30; Ezra
3:11; Neh. 12:42; Job 38:7; Ps.

7. title; 106:12; Acts 16:25 50-1*

Sanhedrin .D 4-4*;i-j 31-1*; k 32-4»; m Sank (2). Ex. 15:5, 10 Sansannah (1). a
city. Josh. 15:31 gap (1^. Ps. 104:16 18
53*^(1), preserver. A giant, 2 Sam.21: Saphit (1), a city, Mic, 1:11 Sapphira (1).
beautiful. Acts 5:1 Sapphiie (9), 118; Ex. 24:10; 28:18; 39: 11; Job 28:16; Lam.
4:7; Ezek. 1:26; 10:1; 28:13; Rev. 21:19 Sapphires (3). e 722-1; Job 28:6; Song

5:14; Isa. 54:11 Sara (2), princess. Gr. form of Sarah. Tlili. 11:11; 1 Pet. 3:6
Sarah (38), princess. Beautiful, tll-4

Only woman whose age at death is given in Scripture, a 20-1

First woman cook mentioned, s 23-4

5 things about S., s 253-1*

History of. Gen. 11:29-23:19; 24:36; 25:10; 49:31; Isa. 51:2; Rom. 9:9

Called Sara and Sarai, which see

Another woman called S., Num. 26:46 Sarah's (3), Gen. 24:67; 25:12; Rom. 4:19
Sarai (16), contentious. The original name ol Sarah. Gen. 11:29-31; 12:5-17;
16:1-8; 17:15 Sarai's (1). Gen. 16:8 Saraph (1). burning, 1 Chr. 4:22 Sardine (1),
a precious stone. Rev. 4:3 Sardis (3), a city and a church, Rev. 1: TT; 3:1, 4; a

4thirigs about the church at, d 288-1*

5 things commanded flie church at, e 288-1* h 288-1*

4 things promised the church at, Sardites (1), a family. Num. 26:26 Sardius (4), a
precious stone, 118; Ex.

28:17; 39:10; Ezek. 28:13; Rev. 21:20 Sardonyx (l), a precious stone. Rev. 21:20
Sarepta (1), a city, Lk. 4:26 Saraon(l), snares, Isa. 20:1 Sarid (2). a city. Josh.
19:10-12 Saron (1), Gr. form of Sharon. Acts 9:35 Sarsecnixn (1), chief of
eunuchs, Jer. ~55I!5 3:35

Saruch(l), branch. Gr. for Serug, Lk. Sat /iSl), Gen. 18:1; 19:l;~KTtr9:10: lk.
4:20; Acts 2:3; Heb. 1:3; etc.

People s., Mt. 4:16 10:12

Jesus s., Mk. 13:3: 16:19: Heb. 1:3;

Jesus s., Mk. 13:3: 16:19: Heb. 1:3;

Angel s., Mt. 28:2

God s.. Rev.4:2-10; 5:1, 7; 19:4; 21:5 Satan(53), adversary; accuser. See Devil

Eternal defeat of, v 3-4

Miracles of, c 71-1; h 213-1; m 106-4*

21 facts about, 412

First mention of, 424 1

S. provoked David, a 442-1; 1 Chr. 21:

20 proofs sickness work of, 484 S. and God, c 522-4

6 agents of S., f 522-4; p, s 523-1 Doctrine of, 633

25 facts about S., 633-634 Fall and origin of, 634

26 branches of work of, 634 War on saints, 634

18 facts about his character, 634 10 methods of S., 634

6 purposes of God in allowing him to continue, 634

10 duties of saints regarding, 635 4fold doom of, 634 Knowledge of, i 2-1* 113-

Usurper of man's dominion, q 3-1*; c Can heal, n 12-4*; r 27-1* SvmboUzed by

fowls, k 39-1* Eiefcat by Christ, m 50-4*; p 173-1* Pseudo-ruler of earth, b 61-
1* Cast out of heaven, 1 71 -1* Power over him promised, o 71-1* Causes
sickness, I 76-1* How he dwells in men, n 86-4* Fall of, n-o 104-4* Oppresses
men, j 135-1* Prince of the world, g 110-1* Is the old man , f 195-1; f-h 209-1*
Inspires men, s; 198-4* Uses many devices and wiles to deceive, h 193-!*; a
21C-4* 10 s\'mbols of, 201* Prince of power of the air, f 209-1* Hinders
ministers, k 224-1*

21 names and utlcs of. 270*

7 things S. compared to, 270* 25 works of, 279*

7 things S. compared to, 270* 25 works of, 279*

21 evidences one is a cliild of, 282* Tlie wcat red dragon, d 294-4*

Sansfiest (1), Ps.

Sadsfieth (3), Ps. 103:5;

Satisfy (10), Job 38:27;

15; '132:15; Pr

His 7 heads and 10 horns, f 294-4* His war in heaven, p 294-4* His chief
business on earth, d 295-1* Bound 1,000 years, 1 698-1; f-i 302-1* 6 things to
be done to, h 302-1* Post-millennial career, a 302-4* Accuser of die brethren,
Job 1:6-13; 2:1-7; Rev. 12:10 Opposer of brethren, Ps. 109:6; Zech.

3:1-2; Eph. 6:10-18; Rev. 12:11 Tempter, Mt. 4:1-10; 16:23; Mk. 1:

13; 1 Cor. 7:5; 2 Cot. 2:11; 11:14 S. cast out S., Mt. 12:26; Mk. 3:23-26 Steab
Wcrd from heart, Mk. 4:15 Fell from heaven, Lk. 10:18 S. has bound. Lk. 13:16
Dominates men. Lk. 22:3, 31; Jn. 13: 27; Acts 5:3; 26:18; 1 Tim. 5:15; Rev. 2:24
Causes bodily harm, 2 Cor. 12:7 Etestiovs the flesh, 1 Cor. 5:5; 1 Tim. Hinders
gospel work, 1 Th.2:18 1:20 Endues with power, 2 Th.2:9; Rev. 13: Synagogue
of S., Rev. 2:9; 3:9 2

'.vTiere S. dwelleth. Rev. 2:13 Deceiver of whole world. Rev. 12:9 Bound and
loosed from prison, Rev. 20

Saun's (1), Rev. 2:13

Satellites, 332

Saiest (2), Ps. 9:4; Ezek. 23:41

Satiate (2), Jer. 31:14; 46:10

Satiated (1), Jer. 31:25

Sadsfactiqn (2), Num. 33:31-32

SatLsJied T^. I shall be s. when I

SatLsJied T^. I shall be s. when I

awake with Thy likeness, Ps. 17:15

Meek shall eat and be s., Ps. 22:26;

36:8; 37:19; 65:4; Joel 2:26 Eyes of man are never s., Pr. 27:20 Three things
never s., Pr. 30:15 Travail of soul and be s., Isa. 53:11 145:16

107:9; Isa. 55:2 Ps. 90:14; 91: 5:19; 6:30; Isa. 58: 10-11; Ezek. 7:19; Mk. 8:4

Satisfving (2), Pr. 13:25; CoL 2:23

Saturn . Facts about, 58

Satyr (1). Defined, i 691-4; Isa. 34:14

Satvig (1). Defined, i 691-4; Isa. 13:21

Saucers , flying, 882

Saul (389). asked for. 3 men. Gen. 36:

~3T-38; ISam. 9:2-31:12; Acts 7:58-28:31

Saul - first king of Israel |

Chosen king of Israel, f 301-4 Received new heart, f 301-4; p 303-1 2 things said
of S., m-n 301-4 I

Talk with Samuel, n 302-4 Intruded into priest's office, j 305-4; | f 307-4 ■ I

Forced self in religion, a 306-1 Started right; ended wrong, k 302-4; I

c 304-4 5fold endictment of, c 306-1 Facing impossible odds, e-h 306-1 i
Foolishness of, o 307-1; d, s 307-4 I Not answered by God, i 307-4 6 nations
conquered by, f 308-1 4 sons and 2 daughters, i-j 308-1 3fold commission of, s

6 things he failed in, h 308-4 3fold sin of, e 3C9-1

4 ways claimed obedience, g 309-1

5 spiritual blessings, 327 Conversion and backsUding, 327 15 steps in his
downfall, 327 Holy Spirit taken from, f 301-4 A backsUder, f 301-4 Rejected of
God, r 309-1 Confession of, s 309-1

Evil spirit upon, c-d, 313-1; b 314-1 21 attempts to kill David, g 313-1 3attempts
to kill David with javelin,

c-g 314-1 Backslidden state of S., k 315-4 Killed 85 priests, q 316-4 Destroyed a
city through hate, q 316-4 Obsession to kill David, b 317-1

7 accusations of, g-m 317-1 Example of backsliding, o 317-4 Spared by David, 1

318-4; d 319-1

2 final requests of David, b 319-4

3 ways God did not answer, d 323-1 Experience with a witch, 1 Sam. 28 20 acts
of S. in his last days, 324

3 sons killed, c 325-4

S. inexcusable, 328

Remedy for mania, 328

lOfold effect of praise to David, 329

12 wars of his reign, 329

35 sins of S., 329

Acknowledgement of right, 329

6 things finally acknowledged, 330

9 proofs demon imitated Samuel, 330 Mercy completely taken from, h 337

7 relatives nung, 1-q 352-4 4 2 reasons for death of, k 432-4 Death of S., e-k

Saul of Tajsus Witness to death of Stephen, Acts 7:58

Great persecutor of Christians, Acts 8:

1-3; 9:1-5; 22:7-8; 26:11-15; 1 Cor.

15:9; GaU 1:13; Phil. 3:6; 1 Tim. 1:13

Conversion to Christianity, Acts 9:119; 22:1-16; 26:1-18 First and greatest

missionary to Gentiles, Acts 13-28, notes For odier notes, see Paul Saul's (31).
Used only of king Saul, 1

Sam. 9:3; 10:14-15; 18:5-28; 19:2 Save (232). Defined, k 1-4*. See Saved S. or
lose life, o-p44-l* 8 dungs diat do not s., m 134-1* S. from enemies, Judg. 6:14-
15, 36-37; 1 Sam. 4:3; 7:8; 9:16 S. from persecutors, Ps. 7:1 S. from affliction,
Ps. 18:27 S. from the Lion's mouth, Ps. 22:21 S. from reproach, Ps. 57:3 S. from
bloody men, souls of needy, Ps. meek of the earth, from trouble, Jer Ps. 59:2 .
72:13 , Ps. 76:9

S. S. S.

S. from sins, Mt. 1:21 S. from death, Mt. 8:25; Heb. 5:7 S. the lost, Lk. 19:10 S.
sinners, 1 Tim. 1:15 S. to the uttermost, Heb. 7:25 S. the sick, Jas. 5:15 S. soul
from death, Jas. 5:19-20 Not shortened that cannot s., Isa. 59:1 Righteousness,
mighty to s.. Isa. 63:1 Preaching to s. them diat believe, 1 Cor. 1:21 Cor. 2:2

S. Jesus Christ and Him crucified, 1 Both s. self and hearers, 1 Tim. 4:16 Saved
(104). Defined, k 1 -4*. See Save 4 times. Lords., a 482-1 7 tilings s. from, k 1-

2 things necessary to be s., e 35-1* 7 things necessary to be s., 1 69 -4*

5 reasons many not s., i 76-4* Secret of being s., b 86-1*

3 things necessary to be s., d 110-4* How to become s., m-o 143-1*

16 things s. from, b 156-4*

How to be s., c 169-1*

S. by grace, c 169-4*
S. by grace, c 169-4*

Shall be saved , explained, 55*

Lord s. Israel that day, Ex. 14:30; 1

Sam. 14:23 S. from enemies. Num. 10:9; Ps. 44:7 S. from adversities, 1 Sam.
10:19 S. from troubles, Ps. 34:6 S. from distresses, Ps. 107:13 S. from wrath
dirough Him, Rom. 5:9 S. by His Ufe, Rom. 5:10 S. by hope, Rom. 8:24 2:15

S. from death Ln childbearing, 1 Tim. Wall<eth uixightly shall be s.,Pr. 28:18

Look unto Me, and be s., Isa. 45:22 Endureth to the end shall be, Mt. 10:22
BeUeveth. ..shall be s., Mk. 16:16 Thy faith hath s. diee, Lk. 7:50; 18:42 If any
man enter... shall be, Jn. 10:9 '.Vhosoevercallethon name of theLwd shall be s.,
Acts 2:21; Rom. 10:13 What must I do to be s.. Acts 16:30-31 All Israel shall be
s., Rom. 11:26 By which we are s. if, 1 Cor. 15:2 By grace are ye s., Eph. 2:5-9

Who will have all men be s., 1 Tim. If righteous scarcely be s., 1 Pet. 4:18 S.
shall walk in U^t of, Rev. 21:24

Savest (3). 2 Sam. 22:3; Job 26:2; Ps. 17:7

Saveth (7), 1 Sam. 14:39; 17:47; Job 5: 15; Ps. 7:10; 20:6; 34:18; 107:19

Saving (12). Gen. 19:19; Neh. 4:23; Ps. 20:6; 28:8; 67:2; EccL 5:11; Amos 9: 8;
Mt. 5:32; Lk. 4:27; Heb. 10:39; U: 7; Rev. 2:17

Saviour (37). Defined, g 899-4; w 58-1* My refuge, my S., 2 Sam. 22:3 Lord
gave Israel as., 2 Ki. 13:5 They forgot God their S., Ps. 106:21 Shall send diem a
s., Isa. 19:20 Beside Me there is no S., Isa. 43:11 I die Lord am thy S., Isa.
49:26; 60: 16; Hos. 13:4; Acts 13:23 Spirit rejoiced in God my S., Lk. 1:47 This
day in city of David a S., Lk. 2:11 The Christ, ihe S. of world, Jn. 4:42 To be a
Prince and a S., Acts 5:31 He is the s. of die body, Eph. 5:23 Look for die S. die
Lord, Phil. 3:20 God, who is S. of all men, 1 Tim. 4:10 Appearing of our S.
Jesus, 2 Tim. 1:10 God our S., 1 Tim. 1:1; 4:10; Tit. 1: 3; 2:10; 3:4; Jude 25
Lord Jesus Christ our S., Tit. 1:4; 3:6 Great God and our S. Jesus, Tit. 2:13
Righteousness of God our S., 2 Pet. 1:1 Kingdom of our Lord and S., 2 Pet. 1:1!
Knowledge of die Lord and S., 2 Pet. 2:20: 3:18 2

Apostles of our Lord and S., 2 Pet, 3: Father sent Son to be S., I Jn. 4:14
Apostles of our Lord and S., 2 Pet, 3: Father sent Son to be S., I Jn. 4:14

Saviours (2). Defined, g899-4; w 58-1*; Neh. 9:27; Oba. 21

Savour (53), taste; flavor; fragrance

Lord smelled a sweet s., Gen. 8:21 Our s. to be abhorred, Ex. 5:21 Sweet s.
offerings, Ex. 29:18, 25, 41; Uv. 1:9-17; 2:2-12; 3:5-16; 4:31; 6: 15-21; 8:21-28;
17:6; 23:13-18; 26: 31; Num. 15:3-24; 18:17; 28:2-27; 29:2-36 A stinking s.,
Eccl. 10:1 His ill s. shall come up, Joel 2:20 If salt has lost s., Mt. 5:13 S. of His
knowledge, 2 Cor. 2:14 A sweet s. of Christ, 2 Cor. 2:16 S. of death unto deadi,
2 Cor. 2:16 S. of Ufe unto Ufe, 2 Cor. 2:16 To God for sweetsmelling s., Eph.
5:2 Savourest (2). mentally disposed; mind-ful, Mt. 16:23; Mk. 8:33 Savours (1),
odours, Ezra 6:10

Savoury (6), delicious. Gen. 27:4-31

Saw (547). Gen. 1:4, 10, 12, 18, 21, 25, 31; 3:6; 6:2, 5; etc. Men s. God, Gen.
18:2; Ex. 24:10-11 Dumb animal s. God, Num.22:23-33 A tool, Isa. 10:15. See
Saws S. their faidi, Mk. 2:5;'TI<7~5:20 S. miracles, Jn. 2:23; 6:2, 26 S. boldness.
Acts 4:13 S. glt^. Acts 7:55 S. angels. Rev. 7:1-2; 8:2 S. demons. Rev. 16:13 S.
souls. Rev. 6:9: 20:4

Sawed (1), 1 Ki. 7:9

Sawest (21). Ps. 50:18; Dan. 2:31-45; 4:20; 8:20; Rev. 1:20; 17:8-18; etc.

Sawn (1), Heb. 11:37 20:3

Saws (3), 2 Sam. 12:31; 1 Ki. 7:9; IChr.

Say (1,056), Gen. 12a2-13; 14:23; Mt.

"3:9; 4:17; 5:11-44; Rev. 6:3-7; etc.

Savest (40), Ex. 33:12; Jn. 1:22; etc.

Saying (1,440). Gen. 1:22; 2:16; Mt. 1: 20-22; 2:2, 13-20; 3:2-3, 14; etc

Sayings (31), Num. 14:39; Mt. 7:24-28; 26:1; Lk. 7:1; Rev. 19:9; 22:6


Scab (7), Lev ~?n Isa. 3:17 Scabbard (1), Jer. 47:6 Scabbed (2). Lev. 21:20;
22:22 Scaffold (1), 2 Chr. 6:13

10; etc. 14:56; Dt. 28:

Scales (10), Uv. 11:9-12; Dt.l4:9-10;

7oB~41:15; Isa. 40:12; Ezek. 29:4; Acts Scaledi (1), Pr. 21:22 9:18

Scall (14). Uv. 13:30-37; 14:54 Scalp (1). Ps. 68:21 Scant (1). Mic. 6:10
Scapegoat (4). Meaning of, o 136-4

10 things not taught of, 136; Uv. 16 Scarce (3). Gen. 27:30; Acts 14:18; 27:7
Scarcely (2), Rom. 5:7; 1 Pet. 4:18

Scarceness (1). Dt. 8:9

Scarest (1). Job 7:14 Scarlet (51). Defined , u 681-4 S. thread. Gen. 38:28-30:
Josh. 2:18-21 S. Unen, Ex. 25:4; 26:1, 31, 36; 27: 16; 26:5-15; 35:1-35; 36:8,

38:18-23; 39:1-24; Num.4:8; 2Sam.

1:24 S. and hyssop. Lev. 14:4-6, 49-52;

Num. 19:6; Heb. 9:19 Sins as s., Isa. 1:18 S. uniforms of soldien, Nah. 2:3 S.
colored beast. Rev. 17:3-4 Scatter (38). Men s. over eardi. Gen. 11:9 S. Israel
among the heathen, Uv.26: 33; Dt. 4:27; 28:64; Neh. 1:8; Ps. 106:

27; Jer. 9:16; 13:24; 18:17; 23:1; 49:

32-36; Ezek. 12:15; 20:23; 22:15;

Zech. 1:21 26

S. die Egyptians, Ezek. 29:12; 30:23—

Scartered (71). Men s. abroad. Gen.

S. Israel, Dt. 30:3; Ps. 44:11; Jer. 30: 11; 31:10; Ezek. 6:8; 11:16-17; 17: 21;
20:34, 41; 28:25; 29:13; 34:5-21; 36:19; Joe! 3:2; Zech. 1:19-21; Jn. 11:52; Jas.
20:34, 41; 28:25; 29:13; 34:5-21; 36:19; Joe! 3:2; Zech. 1:19-21; Jn. 11:52; Jas.
1:1: 1 Pet. 1:1 A nations, and peeled, Isa. 18:2-7 The sheep shall be s., Zech.
13:7; Mt. 26:31; Mk. 14:27 Were s. abroad as sheep, Mt. 9:36 Christians s., Acts
8:1-4; 11:19 Scatteredi (lO). Job 37:11; 38:24; Ps,-147:16; Pr. 11:24; 20:8, 26;
Isa. 24: 1; Mt. 12:30; Lk. 11:23; Jn. 10:12 Scatteruig (1). Isa. 30:30 Scent (3),
Job 14:9; Jer. 48:11; Hos. 14:7 Sceptre (14), d-e 49-4; Gen. 49:10; Num. 24:17;
Esdier 4:11; 5:2; 8:4; Ps. 45:6; Isa. 14:5; Ezek. 19:14; Amos 1: 5-8; Zech. 10:11;
Heb. 1:8 Sceptres (1), Ezek. 19:11 Sceva (1), dispose, Acts 19:14 Schin (1), Ps.
119:161, title Schism (1), division, 1 Cor. 12:25 Scholar (2), 1 Chr. 25:8; MaU
2:12 School (1), Acts 19:9 S. of the prophets, 1 Sam. 19:20; 2 Ki. 2:3; 2 Ki. 2:5,
15; 4:38; 6:1-7; i, y 303-1 329 S. in die home, Dt. 4:9-10; 11:19-20 S. at
convocations, Dt. 31:10-13

Complete Concordance - Cyclopedic Index


S. for state officials, 2 Chr. 17:7-10; Dan. 1:3-21

S. of Gamaliel, Acts 5:34; 22:3 Schooli:)a5ter (2), Gal. 3:24-25 Science

(2).~t)an. 1:4; 1 Tim. 0:20; 4 tr Scientific , 8 facts, 2C5 Scoff (1), Hab. 1:10
ScoTTers (1). 2 Pet. 3:3; 504 Scorch (1), Rev. 10:8 9

Scorclicd (3), Mt. 13:6; Mk. 4:6; Rev. 16: Scorn (10). Laughed to s., 2 Ki. 19:21;

2 CTir. 30:10; Neh. 2:19; Job 12:4; 22: 19; Ps. 22:7; Isa. 37:22; Ezck. 23:32; Mt.
9:24;Mk. 5:40; Lk. 8:53. See Esther 3:6; Job 16:20; Ps. 44:13; 79:4; Ilab. 1:10

Scorner(ll), Pr. 9:7-8; 13:1; 14:6; 15:

12; 10:25; 21:!1, 24; 22:10; 24:9; Isa.

29:20 7:5

Scomcrs (4), Pr. 1:22; 3:34; 19:_'9; Hos. Scomcst (2), Pr. 9:12; Ezek. 16:31 28
Scometh (,^, Job 39:7, 18; Pr. 3:34; 19: Scornful (3), Ps. 1:1; Pr.29:8; Isa. 28:14
Scorning (:^. Job 34:7; Ps. 123:4; Pr. 1:22 Scorpion (ii, Lk. 11:12; Rev. 9:5
Scorpions (9), s 208-1; b 72-4*; Dt. 8: 15; 1 Ki. 12:11-14; 2 Chr. 10:11-14;

Ezek. 2:G; Lk. 10:19; Rev. 9:3, 10 Scoured (1), Lev. 0:28 Scourge (12).
Defined, b 224-1; t 32-1*;
Defined, b 224-1; t 32-1*;

Job 5:21; 9:23; Isa. 10:26; 28:15-18;

Mt. 10:17; 20:19; 23:34; Mk. 10:34;

Lk. 18:33; Jn. 2:15; Acts 22:25 Scourged (4. Lev. 19:20; Mt. 27:26;

Mk. 15:15; Jn. 19:1 Scourges (1), Josli. 23:13 Scourgeth (1). Heb. 12:6 22:24

Scourging (l). By Jews, a-b 224-1; Acts

7 modes of punishment, 115

C examples of scourging, 159* Scourgings (1), Heb. 11:36 Scrabbled (1), 1

Sam. 21:13 26:4

Scrape (3), Lev. 14:41; Job 2:8; Ezek. Scraped CJ), Uv. 14:41-43 Screech (1).
owl, Isa. 34:14 Scribe (52), penman; public recorder Ezra a skilful s., h 493-4;
Ezra 7:6-21; Neh. 8:1-13; 12:26. 36

King's s., 2 Sam. 8:17; 20:25; 2 Ki. 12:10; 18:18, 37; 19:2; 22:3-12; 25: 19; 1
Chi. 18:16; 24:6; 27:32; 2 Chr. 24:11; 26:11; 34:15-20; Isa.36:3, 22; 37:2; Jer.
36:10-32; 37:15-20 Scribe's (2). Jer. 36:12, 21 Scribes (67). h 493-4; q 753-4; w
1-4*; f^2:4; 7:29; 9:3; 12:38

Righteousness must exceed, Mt. 5:20

Woe to s., Mt. 23:13-29; Lk. 11:44

Beware of s., Mk. 12:38; Lk. 20:46

Enemies of Jesus, Mt. 26:57; Mk. 14: 1; Lk. 11:53; 15:2; 22:2, 66 23:9

Enemies of the church. Acts 4:5; 6:12; Scrip (7), 1 Sam. 17:40; Mt. 10:10; Mk.
~5T8; Lk. 9:3; 10:4; 22:35-36; h 10-1* Scripture (32). See Bible and Word S. of
trath, Dan. T5T51

A name applied to Bible books :

1 To Genesis (Rom. 4:3 and Jas. 2: 23 with Gen. 15:6; Gal. 3:8 with Gen. 12:3;
GaL 4:30 with Gen, 21:10) IS)
GaL 4:30 with Gen, 21:10) IS)

2 To Exodus (Rom. 9:17 with Ex. 9:

3 To Leviticus (Jas. 2:8 with Lev. 19:18)

4 To DeuteronomY (1 Cor. 9:9 and 1 Tim. 5:18 with Dt. 25:^

5 To 1 Kings (Rom. 11:2 with 1 Ki. 19:10-1?)

6 To Psalms (Mk. 12:10 with Ps. 118: 22; Jn. 10:35 with Ps. 82:6; Jn. 13:18 with
Ps. 41:9; Jn. 17:12 with Ps. 69: 22-28 and 109:1-20; Jn. 19:24 with Ps. 22:18; Jn.
19:36 widi Ps, 34:20; Jn. 19: 37 with 22:16; Jn. 20:9 with Ps. 16:9-11; Acts 1:20
with Ps. 69:25; Gal. 3: 22 and Rom. 10:10-12 with Ps. 14:2-3 and 53:2-4; Rom.
10:13-18 with Ps. 5:9-10; 10:7; 38:1 and 140:3) 7 To Ecclesiastes (Rom. 10:10-
12and GaL 3:22 with Eccl. 7:20)

8 To Isaiah an. 7:42 with Isa. 11:1-2 and 9:6-7; Acts 8:32-35 with Isa. 53:7-8;
Rom. 10:11 with Isa. 59:7-8; 1 Pet. 2:6 with Isa. 28:10) 9 To Daniel (Dan.
10:21) 2)

10 To Mic^ (7n. 7:42 with Mic. 5:1 -

11 To Matthew (Tn. 2:22 with Mt. 16: 21, tefs.; Jn. 17:12 with Mt. 26:23-24; 1
Tim. 5:18 with Mt. 10:10)

It is clear from the above and many other passages that all the O. T. and N. T.
writings are considered Scrip ture (2 Tim. 3:16; 2 Pel. 1:25^. See Scriptures
Scriptures (21), b 240-1*. See Bible 6 names for die, a 556-1 To equip man for
service, o 240-1' How understood, o 16-4* A term applied to all die books of the
Bible, Mt. 21:42; 22:29; 26:54-56;

Mk. 12:24; 14:49; Lk. 24:27, 32, 45;

Jn. 5:39; .".cts 17:2, 11; 18:24-28; Rom. 1:2; 15:4; 16:20; 1 Cor. 15:3-4; 2 Tin:.
3:15-17; 2 Pet. 3:16 Quotations NOT in the Bible. 853 Scroll (2), b 706-1; Isa.
34:4; Rev. 6:14

Scum (5). Ezek. 24:6-12 Scurv-\ (2). Lev. 21:20; 22:22 Scytfuan (1), CoU 3:11
Sea (391). 10 seas in Scriptiire: 1 The salt sea.ortlieDead Sea (Gen. 14:3; Num.
34:3, 12; Dt. 3:17; Josh. 3:16; 12:3; 15:2, 5; 18:19)
2 Red Sea (Ex. 10:19; 13:18; 15:4, 22; 23:31; Num. 14:25; 21:4, 14; 33: 10-11;
Dt.l:l, 40; 2:1; 11:4; Josh. 2:10; 4:23; 24:6; Judg. 11:16; 1 Ki. 9:26; Neh, 9:9; Ps,
106:9, 22; 136: 13;Jer. 49:21; Acts 7:36; Heb. 11:29) 3 Sea of Cliinneroih (Num.
34:11; Josh. 12:3; 13:27). Also Sea of Galilee (Mt. 4:18; 15:29; Mk. 1:16; 7: 31;
Jn. 6:1) and Sea of Tiberias (Jn. 6:1; 21:1-7) IT) 4 Molten sea (1 Ki. 7:23-44;
Jer. 52:

5 Mediterranean Sea (Josh. 9:1; 15: 12; 23:4;Ezek.47:10, 19-20; 48:28)

6 The Egyptian sea (Isa. 11:15)

7 Sea of Jazer (Jer. 48:32)

8 Sea of CiUcia (Acts 27:^

9 Sea of glass (Rev. 4:6; 15:2)

10 The sea - aU large bodies of water (Rev. n-A)

Seafaring (1), Ezek. 26:17

Seal (2G^. Defined, c 132-1* :g 386-1

"STof Judah, a 38-1 S, of God, not the sabbath, b 296-4* S, law among My
disciples, Isa, 8:16 S, up vision and projjiecy, Dan. 9:24 S. the book until the
time, Dan. 12:4 S. of the righteousness of, Rom. 4:11 S. of mine apostlesliip, 1
Cor. 9:2 S. of Uvijig God, Rev. 7:2; 9:4; 14:1 S, up those things. Rev, 10:4 S,
not die sayings of this. Rev, 22:10 Set to his s. diat God is true, Jn. 3:33 Haying
this s,, the Lord, 2 Tim, 2:19 The 7 seals. Rev, 6:1-8:1 Shut him up. set a s,
upon. Rev. 20:3

Sealed (36), 213*; Dt, 32:34; Dan. 12:9 S, wifli king's seal. 1 Ki, 21:8; Esther

3:12; 8:8-10; Dan. 6:17 S. the covenant. Neh. 10:1 S. transgression in a bag. Job
14:17 S, book, Isa,29:ll; Jer. 32:1-14; Dan.

12:9; P^V. 5:1; 6:1-8:1 Messiah s., Jn. 6:27 S, fruit, Rom. 15:28 4:30

S. Christians, 2 Cor. 1:22; Eph, 1:13; S, 144,000 Jews, Rev. 7:3-8; 14:1-5

Sea lest (1), Ezek. 28:12

Sea lest (1), Ezek. 28:12

Sealeth (3), Job 9:7; 33:16; 37:7

Sealing (1) the tomb, Mt, 27:66

Seals (5). Ancients., g 386-1: 425 7 s. of^Rev. 5:1-9; 6:1-8:1, 289*-291*

Seam (1), Jn. 19:23

Search (4g). S. the land. Num. 10:33; I^, 32; 14:7, 26-38; Dt. 1:22 S. me, know
my heart, Ps. 139:23 S. the heart, I try reins, Jer. 17:10 S. for Me with whole
heart, Jer. 29:13 I will s. out My sheep. Ezek. 34:11 S. diligently for young child,
Mt. 2:8 S. the Scriptures, Jn. 5:39; 7:52; b-c 99-4* 34

Searched (20). Laban s, tent. Gen. 31: Joseph's brethren s,, Gen. 44:12 S, the
land, Num, 13:21, 32; 14:6, 34 S. the Scriptures daily, Acts 17:11 S. and
enquired diligently, 1 Pet. 1:10

Searchest (2). Job 10:6: Pr. 2:4

S earcheth (S), 1 Chr. 28:9; Job 28:3; 39: 8; Pr. 18:17; 28:11; Rom, 8:27; 1 Cot,
2:10; Rev, 2:23

Searchin g (5), Num. 13:25; ^7-R

Job 11:7; 1:11

Times and s,, brediren, 1 Th. 5:1 Scat (58). Mercy s,, Ex. 25:17-22; 26: 34; 30:6;
31:7; 35:12; 37:6-9; 39:36; 40:20; Lev, 16:2-15; Num. 7:89

S. of the scornful, Ps. 1:1

S. of the image of jealousy, Ezek, 8:3

Pharisees sit in Moses' s,, Mt, 23:2

Judgment s. of man, Mt, 27:19; Ja. 19:13; Acts 18:12, 16-17; 25:6-17

Judgments, of Christ, Rom, 14:10; 1 Cor, 3:11-15; 2 Cor, 5:10

Satan's s,, Rev, 2:13

S, of the beast. Rev, 13:2; 16:10 Seated (1), Dt, 33:21 Seats (11). Mt, 21:21;
23:6; Mk, 11:15; T5739; Lk, 1:52; 11:43; 20:46; Jas, 2: 6; Rev. 4:4; 11:16
Seatwaid (1). Ex. 37:9 Seba (4), old man. A mail. Gen. 10:7; ~TChi. 1:9. A land
in Ethiopia, Ps. 72: 10; Isa. 43-^ Sebat (1), lldi month of Jewish year -

our February, Zech. 1:7. See Month

15:'or 19:22

Pr. 20:27; Isa. 40:28; I Pet Searcliing s (1), Judg, 5:16 Seared (1^, 1 Tim, 4:2
Seas(2g. Gen. 1:10, 22; Dt, 33:19; Ps, ~^:2; Dan. 11:45; Jonah 2:3; etc. Season
(56), S, offering widi salt. Lev, Rain in due s,, Lev, 26:4; Dt, 11:14;

28:12; Jer. 5:24 Fruit in his s,. Ps, 1:3; Lk, 20:10 Meat in due s., Ps. 104:27;
145:15 Word spoken in due s., Pr. 15:23 Messiah to speak in due s., Isa. 50:4
Satan departed for a s,, Lk. 4:13 At a certain s. into die pool, Jn. 5:4 BUnd for a
s. for rebellion. Acts 13:11 In due s, we shall reap, if, GaL 6:9 Preach.,, be
instant in s,, 2 Tim, 4:2 Pleasures of sin for a s., Heb, 11:25 Rest for a little s.,
Rev. 6:11 Loosed for a Uttie s., Rev. 20:3 4* Seasoned (2), Lk. 14:34; Co). 4:6;
1221-Seasons (12). For signs and s.. Gen, 1:14 Changeth times and s., Dan, 2:21
The times and s, which ihe. Acts 1:7 Rain and fruitful s., Acts 14:17

Secacah (1), a place. Josh. Sechu (1), a place, 1 Sam. Second (168). S. time God
came to man, Sen. 22:15; 1 Ki. 9:2; 19:7; Jer. 1:13; 13:3; 33:1; Jonah 3:1; Acts
10:15 S. regathering of Israel, Isa. 11:11 S. commandment, Mt. 22:39; Mk. 12:
S. sabbath, Lk. 6:1 31

S, watch, Jn. 12:38 S, miracle of Jesus. Jn, 4:54 S. timejoseph made known. Acts
7:13 S. man is from heaven. 1 Cor. 15:47 S. benefit. 2 Cor, 1:15 S, admonition,
reject. Tit, 3:10 S, covenant, Heb, 8:6-7; 10:9 S, veil, Heb, 9:3, 7

appearance of Christ, Heb. 9:28 death. Rev. 2:11; 20:6, 14; 21:8 beast,.. s. seal.
Rev. 4:7; 6:3 angeL .. s. trumpet. Rev. 8:8 woe is past. Rev. 11:14 angel... s. vial.
Rev. 16:3 Second advent of Christ : Facts of, 782; 230* 10 things that end at the,
878 5 diings Christ will do at the. 798 4 blessings at the. 798 Predicted, u 2-1*
Called Parousia . 34* Pre-millennial. 34* Coming in glory, v 44-4*; n 50-4*
Stars falUng, 1 50-4* Revelation of Christ, m 81-1*; e 265-4* Not the rapture,
and not a part, stage, or phase of it, i 28-1*; m-t 81-1*; 10 signs of, i 85-4* 227*

24 Signs of, o 26-4*; r 27-4* Other signs of, i 86-1* Tim,e of, k 86-1*; 230*
Visible, b-m 27-4*; i 122-4:* Place of landing, j 122 -4* Begins the day of the
Visible, b-m 27-4*; i 122-4:* Place of landing, j 122 -4* Begins the day of the
Lord , u 123-4* 7 scriptures, contrasted with the rapture, 227* Coming with, not
for saints. 227* Date-setting for. reBiiked, 227* 2 great events before. 230* 30
testimonies proving, 230* Manner of. 230* 35 purposes of, 230* To look for,
237* All not to see the, h 29-1* Secondarily (1). 1 Cor. 12:28 Secret (6857 S.
places of man, Dt. 27: TS; 1 Sam. 19:2; Job 20:26; Ps. 10: 8; Jer. 13:17; 23:24;
49:10 S. things, Dt. 29:29; Job 15:11; Dan. S. errand, Judg. 3:19 2:22

S. name of God, Judg. 13:18 S. parts, 1 Sam. 5:9; Isa. 3:17 S. of God, Job 15:8;
29:4; Pr. 3:32 S. places of Uons, Ps. 17:12; Lam. 3:10 S. place of God, Ps.
18:11; 91:1 S. faults, Ps. 19:12

of die Lord. Ps. 25:14 of His tabernacle. Ps. 27:5 of His presence, Ps. 31:20
place of thunder, Ps. 81:7 sins, Ps. 90:8; Eph. 5:12 bread eaten is pleasant, Pr,
9:17 gift pacifieth anger, Pr. 21:14 Discover not a s. to another, Pr. 25:9 S,
places of hidden riches, Isa, 45:3 S, revealed to Daniel, Dan, 2:19, 30, S. alms,
Mt, 6:4 47

S. prayer, Mt. 6:4-6 S. fasting. Ml. 6:18 16:25

S. truths revealed. Mt. 13:35; Rom. S. chambers of false Christs. Mt. 24: S. acts
to be revealed, Lk. 8:17 26

S. orders of men. w 211-1*; a-i 211-4* Secretly (20). S. smiting neighbor. Dt,
THM; 2 Sam. 12:12; Ps. 10:9 9 Saul s. practiced mischief. 1 Sam. 23: A disciple
s., for fear, Jn. 19:38 Secrets (10). 10 kept s., 328

S. S. S. S. S. S, S,

6 s, of true wisdom, f 607-1

Law to protect s. of men, Dt. 25:11

S. of wisdom. Job 11:6

He knoweth s. of the heart, Ps. 44:21

Talebearer reveals, Pr. 11:13; 20:19

God reveals s., Dan. 2:28-29, 47

God to judge s. of men, Rom. 2:16

S. ofhis heart are manifest, ICor. 14:25

Sect (5). q 152-4*; Acts 5:17; 15:5; 24:

~5r2C:5; 28:22

Secundus (1), second. Acts 20:4

Secure (7), Judg. 8:11; 18:7, 10,27; Job 11:18; 12:6; Mt. 28:14

Securely (2). Pr. 3:29; Mic. 2:8 9

Security (1).S. of men by law. Acts 17: S. of beUevers. p 182-4*; p 133-1*; m

220-1. See note d. 100-4* 16 scriptures on assurance , 285 False s. promises

eternal Ufe without meeting conditions, 284*-285*. See Backsliders and
Backsliding Sedition (.5). Ezra 4:15-19; Lk 25; Acts 24:6 Seditions (1). GaL

—^— 2:20

Seduce (3J. Mk. 13:22; 1 Jn. 2:26; Rev

Seduced (3). 2 Ki. 21:9; Isa. 19:13; Ezek.

:19; 8:8 Heb. 12:

18 s. of long Life, f 562-4

Seducers (1). 2 Tim. 3:13

Seduceth (1). Pr, 12:26

Seducing (1). 1 Tim, 4:1

Seducing (1). 1 Tim, 4:1

To know. Gen, 2: upon. Gen. 11:5; 14; Rev. 1:7 To look toward. Job :i5:5 To
experience, Ps. 16:10; 27:13; 34: 8; Lk.2:26; Jn. 3:36; 8:51; 1 Pet. 3:10 To
understand, Isa. 6:9-10; Mt. 13:13-16; Jas. 2:24; 2 Pet. 1:9; Rev. 3:18 To keep
secret, Mt. 9:30 To enter into, Jn. 3:3; Eph. 3:9 To be under obligation, 2 Cor.
8:7; Eph. 5:15; 1 Th. 5:15; Heb, 12:25; 1 Pet, 1:22 To recognize, Heb, 2:8-9
Seed (276). S. of plants and trees. Gen. nil-12, 29 S. of the woman (Christ), Gen.
3:15 Serpent's s., Gen. 3:15 S. of animals, Gen. 7:3 Man's s,. Gen, 9:9; 12:7;
13:15-16; 16:10; 17:7-19; 19:32-34 Eternal s, of man. Ps, 89:4. 29-36;

Isa, 59:21; 66:22; Lk, 1:55 S, a symbol of Word of God, Mt. 13: 19 -38; Lk.
8:11; 1 Pet. 1:23; 1 Jn. 3:9 Mustards, faith. Mt. 17:20; Lk. 17:6 S. of God
(Christ), Gal. 3:16 Seed's (1). Isa. 59:21 Seeds (5). Dt. 22:9; Mt. 13:4. 32; Mk.
~OI; GaL 3:16 22

Seedtime (1). eternal on earth. Gen. 8: Seeing (116). Gen. 15:2; Mt. 5:1; 9:2;
13:13-14; Acts 2:15; 17:25; Heb. 4:14 Seek (243). 7 reasons to s. God. f 886-1

3 things to do to s. God. a 888-1

7 ways to s. the Lord, b 888-1

8 things to [gepare to s. God, c 895-1 3fold admonition to s. God, n 895-1

4 commands - secret of Ufe, 1 895-4 How tos. God, h 6-4*

4 things to s.. 315*

Thou shaft s. the Lord, Dt. 4:29

If you s. Him with all heart, Dt. 4:29

S. Lord and His scength. I Chr. 16:11

If thou s. Him. He will be found. 1

Chr. 28:9 Prepareth heart to s. God. 2 Chr. 30:19 That s. Lord shall not want, Ps.
34:10 Do good, s. peace, piursue it, Ps. 34:14 Heart Uve that s. God, Ps. 69:32 S.
Him with a whole heart, Ps. 119:2 S. me early shall find me, Pr. 8:17 S. them
that have familiar, Isa, 8:19 S. the Lord while He mav be found, Isa. 55:6 S. die
lost, Ezek. 34:16; Lk. 19:10 S. the Lord and David their, Hos. 3:5 S. Me and ye
lost, Ezek. 34:16; Lk. 19:10 S. the Lord and David their, Hos. 3:5 S. Me and ye
shall Live. Amos 5:4-14 S. righteousness, s. meekness, Zeph. S. first kingdom of
God, Mt. 6:33 2:3 S. and ye shall find, Mu 7:7; Lk. 11:9 I s. not Mine own will,
Jn. 5:30 I s. not Mine own glory, Jn. 8:50 Men might s. after the Lord. Acts 15:
17; 17:27; Rom. 2:7 Cor. 7:27

Unto a wife s. not to be loosed. 1 All s. their own. not the, PhiL 2:21 S. things
which are above. Col. 3:1 Them thatdiUgently s. Him, Heb. 11:6 Plainly they s.
a country, Heb. 11:14 We s. one(a city) to come, Heb. 13:14 Let him s. peace,
ensue it, 1 Pet. 3:11 Men shall s. death and. Rev, 9:6

Seekest (7). Gen, 37:15; Judg. 4:22; 2 Sam. 17:3; 20:19; 1 Ki. 11:22; Pr.2: 4; Jer.
45:5; Jn. 4:27; 20:15

Seeke* (41). Eagle s. prey. Job 39:29 He that covereth sin s. love, Pr. 17:9 Evil
man s. onlv rebellion, Pr. 17:11 He that s. findeth, Mt. 7:8; Lk. 11:10 Evil,
adulterous generation s. after a

Complete Concorcar.ce - Cyclopedic Index

sign, Mt. 12:39; 16:4 S. that which is gone astray. Ml .c.::Z Faihei s. such to
worshipHim, Jiu 4:23 Nooediais. after God,'Rom. 3:11 Love s. not her own, 1
Cor. 13:5 Seeking f 1-8. 10 blessings of. 3 888-1 lOfold iniensicy of s., d 5€"-: T
facts about s,, h 604-4 Merchant man s. pearls, Mt. 13:45 S. of Him a sign &Mn
heaver., Mk. 8:11 Parents s. the child Jesus, Lk. 2:45 Not s. my own profit, !
Cm. 10:33 The de\-il, as roanr.g lion, s. whom he rr.av devour, ! Pet. 5:8 Seem
(22), Josh. 24:15; 1 Cot. 11:16;

12:22; Heb. 4:1; Jas. 1:26; etc. Seemed (IQ. Mt. n:26; Lk. 1:3; 10:21: 24:11;
Acts 15:25-23; Gal. 2:9; etc. See roe di (2S). .-.av s. ri^t, Pr. 14: 15716:25 Even
what he s. tn have, Ut. 8:18 S. to be a setter forth of. Acts 17:18 S. wise ia this
wcsld, 1 Cor. 3:18 S. to be jO\ous, but, Heb. 12:11 Seemh (g, Pr. 19:10; 26:1
Seen (^2'd). S. God defined, g 93-4*; m 101-1* Bow shall be s. in the cloud.
Gen. 9:14 S. God face to face, Gen. 32:30; Judg.

6:22 My face diall not be s. expressing My

gloo-, Ex. 33:18-23; ! Tiro. 6:16 Thou Lord art s. face to face. Num.

14:14 We have s. God. Judg. 13:22 Not s. ri^teous fcssaken, Ps. 37:25 Mine eyes
have s. the King, die Lord.
Isa. 6:5 No roan hadi s, (comptebende^, Jn.

1:18; g 93-4«; ro lOl-l* 1 Jn. 4:12 S. His (God's) diape. Jn. 5:37 S.
(comprehended)*the Father, Jn. 6:46 S. Me hath s. die Father, Jn. 14:9 How he
had s. the Loni, Acts 9:27 lovisibie things clearly s. by visible things, Roni. 1:20
wTiom no roan hath s. nor can see, 1

Tim. 6:16. Co. Ex. 33:18-23, notes We have s. witfi out eyes. 1 Jn. 1:1-3
■'^Tiosoeva sinneih hai not s. (experienced) Him. 1 Jiu 3:6; 3 Jn U S^(21). a
prophet, I Sam. 9:9-19 ZadcA the s., 2 Sara. 15:27 Gad, David's s.. 2 Sam.
24:11; 1 Chr.

21:9; 29:29; 2 Chr. 29:25 29

Samuel die s., 1 Chr. 9:22; 26:28; 29: Heraan, David's s., 1 Chr. 25:5 Iddo die s.,
2 Chr. 9:29; 12:15 Hananidies., 2 Chr. 16:7-10; 19:2 Asaph the s., 2 Chr. 29:30
Judutfaun, the king's s., 2 Chr. 35:15 Amos the s., Amos 7:12 Seer's (1). 1 Sam.
9:18 Seers (6), 2 Ki. 17:13; 2 Chr. 35:18-19; ~Tu. 29:10; 30:10; Mic. 3:7 Sa&ii
(36). Thou God s. me. Gen, 16:13 S. how Ahab humbledi himself, I Ki,

21:29 20
S. tiiou a man, Ps. 22:29; 26:12; 2'r. S. naked, that ihou clotte, Isa. i-:~ '.•."hat s.
diou Jeremiah, Jer. 24:3 Amos, what s. thou, Amos 7:8; 8:L What s, diou
Zechariah, Zech. 4:2; 5:C S. thou this woman, Simon, Lk, 7:44 S. thou how faith
wrought, Jas. 2:22 ^Tiat thou s. write in a book. Rev. 1:11 Seeih (53). Uard s,
not as man, 1 Sam.

I?:7 S. every ccecious thing. Job 28:10 S. under me whole heaven. Job 2e:-4 S.
all his goings. Job 34:21 Now mine eye s. Thee, Job 42:5 Father s. in secret, Mt.
6:4, 6, 18 S. Abraham afar off, Lk, 16:23 S. the wolf coming, Jn. 10:12 S. the
light of this world, Jn, 11:9 S. Me, s. (understands) Him that sent Me, Jn. 12:45

What a man s.. why dodi he, Rom. S. his brother have need, 1 Jn. 3:17 Seethe
(8). boil, h 127-4; Ex. 16:23; 23:19; 29:31; 34:26; Dt. 14:21; 2 Ki. 4:28; Ezek.
24:5; Zech. 14:21 Seething (3), boiling, i Sam. 2:13; Job 41:20; Jer. 1:13

SecuD (3), cxi::cd. 2 r.icn . i Ki. lo:

34; . Chi. 2:21 -22 Seir (39). rough. A niaa. Gen, }6:-:0-~5l; IChr. l:3tf; 25:11-


taia. Gen. 14:6; 36:8-J; Dt. l._ JoSl 11:17; 15:10; 24:4; c 200 lairi. Cei;. ji;.}.
jC;C:. 2:4-23; 35: 5775*, 11:17; 12:7; Isa. 2i:ll Seiradi fl>. a cir>, Judci. 3:26
Seize (4. Jodi. 8:7; Job 3:6; Ps. 55:15; 3?tr 21:3c Seize* (1). Jet. 49:24 Sel^ (l).
An Edomite stronghold, g 405-"TTCaUed Sela (ta. 16:1). Selah (2 Ki. 14:7), and
Peja. 5"C. Place of future pro tec ti or. oi Isaei in die ttib-ulatioD, w-x 695-1;
736. See Sun -clotfaed voman. 307* Selah (7-5). Used once of Sela, die rock-
hewn cir,. of Edoin (2 Ki, 14:7), and 74 tiroes in Psalms and Habaklaik, h i 549
-4 4

I Sela-hammahlekoih (1), a rock, h 318-I Seled (2). exultation. 1 Chr. 2:30 I

Seieucia (1). a cir-- of S-.Tia, Acts 13:4 Self (5). Ex. 32:13; Jr-, 5:30; 17:5; 1
Coi. 4:3; Ph'ra 19; 1 Pet, 2:24 5. condemnation, 2 Sam. 24:17; Job 9:20; Pr.
-3:12-13; Mt. 25:25; Jn. 8: 9; Roti. 2:1 S. control, 1 Sam. 10:27; 1 Sam. 24: 1-
15; 26:l-20;Mt.26:62-63;27:12-14 S. deception, GaL 6:3; jas. 1:26 S. defense.
Mt. 27:11-14; Acts 2:37-40; 22:1-21; 23:1-7; 24:10-21; 26: 1-32 S. delusion
brought about bv; 1 Prospent\ (Ps. 30:6; 49:18; Lk. 12)

2 Obstinacy (Ps. 81:U; 2 Th.2:9-12)

3 Deception (Pr. 14s 12)

4 Pride (Pr. 30:12; Lk. IS: 11) 13)

5 'voiis andgiics(Klt. 7:21-22; ICot.

6 COTUidence in false security (Lk, 13:24-25; 1 Th. 5:3; Rev. ^.17)

S. exaltation, 10 examples, q . -.'

S. righteousness. Isa. 64:6

S. denial. Mt. 16:24-25; Lk. 14:26-33; Jn. 12:25; Col. 3:5-10; a eg-** Selfsame(
15). Gen. 7:13; 17:23-26; Ex.

12:17. 41, 51; Uv. 23:14-21; Dt. 32:

4£; Josh. -5:11; Ezek. 40:1; Mt. 8:13;

ICot. 12:11; 2 Cor. 5:5; 7:11 SelfwiU (1). Gen. 49:6. See Snffnecked

a?.d Srobbom Se;:v:_y (2). Tit. 1:7; 2 Pet, 2:10 Sell (3c). '5. birthri^t. Gen, 25:31

S. JoseDh, Gen, 37:27

S. daulhte:, Ex. 21:7-8

S. stock, Ex. 22:1 14:21

S. ptoojce, Ex. 25:14-47; Dt. 2:28;

S. -tDe-, Ezek. 30:12

S. ■:>..:_-:, ;oel3:8

S. tr.i ■ ; r.a-.-e ar^d give to poor, Ml. 19:::; ;■ .:-. :::C1; Lk, 12:33; 18:22

S. ='c ;^: ziz^ Jas, 4:13; Rev. 13:17 Selle: (4), -=^. 24:2; Eze!<. 7:12-13;



i-i-. ( 1, Ex. 21:16; Dt, 24:7; Butfa 4s 1; "c.:::2e; 31:24; Nah, 3:4; Mt. 13:44
;e.vscj:e (2). Ex. 26:4:36:11 Se-lvcsp . Ik, 21:30; Acts 20:30; 2 Chr.

c:o; .3:5; 2 Tim. 3:2; Jas. 1:22 Serr fl), name. Gr. form of Shero. Lk. rSFjfi 26:7

(Semacfaiah (1). Jehovah sustains. 1 Chr. Seraei (1). Gr. fcmn of Shimei. Lk.
3:26 is-^ah (2), a c;r.-, Ezra 2:35; Ndi, 7:38 ■^ir.^-.t ('-). Acts 5:21 :;-:.::(!), ?s,
105:22 ter.c (-1^. 34 times God to "send": ^~T~An angel (Gen, 24:7, 40; Ex. 23:
20:33:2) I 2 My fear before thee (Ex. 23:27) I 3 Hornets before diee ^x. 23:28;
Dt. 7:20)

4 Wild beasts amongyou (Lev.26:22)

5 Pestilence (Lev. 26:25; 2 Chr. 7:13) , 6 Faintness fLev. 26:36)

7 Cursing (Dt. 28:20; MaL 2:2)

7 Cursing (Dt. 28:20; MaL 2:2)

8 Thunder and ram (1 Sam. 12:17;! Ki, 18:1) 7)

9 Blast upon him (2 Ki. 19:7; Isa, 37: I 10 Li^tnings (Job 38:3^

; 11 S. from heaven.and save (Ps. 57:3)

12 S. fcxih His roercy. tnidi (Ps. 57:3)

13 S. out His voice (Ps. 58:33)

14M^ssicmaiies (Isa. 66:19-21; Mai. 3:1; Mt. 11:10; Mk. 1:2; Lk, 7:;~_

15 Serpents and cockatrices (,'er. :;

16 A sword after them (.e:. '•■.'.■'; 1-i;

17 Hunters and fishers (. =:. -.: 1 ',

18 Fanners (Jer. 51:2)

19 Evil arrows (Ezek, 5:15)

20 Famine and evil beasts (Ezek. 5:17)

21 My anger upon you (Ezek. 7:3)

22 My four sore ,udgments(Ezek. Ms21) I 23 A fire (Ezek. 39:6; Hos. 8:14;


1:4, 7, 10, 12; 2:2, c; Lk. 12:49) i4 Eii.ah UiC jxop!,e: (l.'.ai, 4:5)

25 S. you fortJi as sliccp (Mt, 10:10)

26 Not peace, but a sworu (Mt, 10:3^

27 S. forth .udsmcnt unto victor. (Mu 12:20) 31)

28 S. fortii His anacls (Mt. 13:41; 24:

29 Propi:etj Q.iu 23:34; Lk, 11:49)

30 S. iter- ■ -" • - -• -

31 The 49

32 Jesus Christ (Acts 3:M)

33 A Strom: ck^lusion (2 Th, 2:11)

34 S. It to die churches (Rev. 1:11) Sendcst f6). Dt, 15:13, 18; Jodl. 1:16;

2Ki. 1:6; Job 14:20; Ps. 104:30 Se^eA(15). Dt. 24:3; Ps. 104:10; 147:

15-18; Isa. 18:2; Mk. 11:1; 14:15: etc. Sending a'a. S, irotiiets. 2 Chr.36:15;
1^77:25; 25:4; 26:5; 29:19; 35:15;! 44:4 S. evil angels, Ps. 78:49 S. His own Son
in likeness. Rom. 8:3 Sendi m. a rock, f 306-4; 1 Sam. 14:4 Senir (2). a name of
Mt. Herroon, 1 Chr.

5:23; Ezek. 27:5. See Shemr Sennacherib (13). the moon-god has -n-creased
brodiers, 2 Ki. 18:13; 19:10-36; 2 Chr. 32:1-22; Isa. 36:1; 37: 17-21, 37 lOfold
message to S.. m 708-4 Sense (1), Neh. 8:8 aei5^ (1), : 248-1*; Heb. 5:14
Sensual (Z). carnal, Jas. 3:15; Jude 19 Sensuabtv, umestraioed self-granfica-tion,
EccL 2:24; 8:15; 11:9; Isa. 22: 13; 56:12; Mk. 7:19-21; Lk. 12:19-20; 16:25:
Rom. 1:18-32; ! Cor. 6:9-10; 15: 32-33; Gal. 5:19-21; CoU 3:5-10: Jas. 5:5; Jude
18-19 Sent (684). Lord s. Adam out. Gen. 3:23 ~FJoah s. birds. Gen. 8:7-12

Lord s. angels to destio>' Sodoro. Gen, God s. Joseph 10 preserve. Gen. 45:7-8
God s. Moses, Ex. 3:12-15; 5:22; 7:16 Uxd s. thunder and hail, Ex. 9:23 Lord s.
fiery serpents. Num. 21:6 Lord s. a propiiet, Judg. 6:8 God s. an ev-il s{»rit,
Judg. 9:23 Lad s. thunder and rain, 1 Sam. 12:18 Lord s. Nathan, 2 Sam. 12:1
Lord s. a pestilence, 2 Sam. 24:15 Lord s. Elijah, 2 Ki. 2:2-6 25-26 Lord s. Uons
among ibem. 2 Ki, 17: Lotd s. bands against )udah,2 Ki.24:2 Lord s. prophets to
them. 2 Chr.24sl9 Lord s. angel to cut off. 2 Chr.32:21 He s. out His arrows, Ps.
18:14 S. d;%-ers sorts of Hies, Ps. 78:45 S. darkness. Ps. 105:28 S. leanness, Ps.
106:15 He s. His word and healed, Ps. 107:20 Lord s, a word to Jacob, Isa. 9:8
God and His Spirit s. Me, Isa. 48:16 S. Me to bind 'brokenhearted, Isa. 61:1 Lord
s. me to iiophesy, Jer. 26:12 I have not s. mese ixopbets, Jer. 23: 21, 32; Ezek.
13:6 God hadi s. His angel, Dan. 3:28; 6:22 Lord s. out a great wind, Jonah 1:4
Lord s. to walk to and fro. Zech. 1:10 Lordhadi s. me, Zech. 2:8-11:4:9; 6:15
Lord s. to walk to and fro. Zech. 1:10 Lordhadi s. me, Zech. 2:8-11:4:9; 6:15
These twelve Jesus s. forth, Mt. 10:5 I am s. to losi sheep. Mt. 10:6; 15:24 Angel
Gatriel s. from God. Lk. 1:26 A man s. from God. Jn. 1:6, 8, 33 S. not Son to
condemn, Jn. 3:16-17 Father s. Jesus, Jn. 3:14-18, 34; 4:34; 5:23-24, 30, 36-38;
6:29, 38-44, 57; 7:16-18, 28-33; 8:16-18. 26-29, 42; 9:4; 10:36; 11:42; 12:44-49;
13:16-20; 14:24; 15:21; 16:5; 17:3, 18-25; 20:21; Acts 3:26 Lord has s. His
angel. Acts 12:11 Salvaticm.,. s, to Gendles, Acts 28:25 Preach,except diey be
s.,Rom. 10:15 Christ s. me hot to baptize. 1 Cor. 1:17 God s, forth His Son, GaL
4.-4 4s 6 God s. forth the Spirit of His Son, Gal, Ministenng spirits $. forth. Heb.
1:14 Holy Ghost s," from heaven, 1 Pet. 1:12 God s. His onl>- begotten Son, 1
Jn.4:9 S. Son to be croninanon, 1 Jn. 4:10 S. Son to be the Saviour, 1 Jn. 4:14 S.
His angel. Rev. 1:1; 22:6. 16 Sentence (11), Dt. 17:9-11; Ps. 17:2; Pr. 16:10;
EccL 8:11; Jer. 4:12; Lk. 23:24; Acts 15:19; 2 Cor. 1:9 Senre-ces (,2). Dan. 5:12;
8:23 --t".Ar. (4i. Ex. 15:7; Num. 13:27; 24: :_; :k.. - -

25:32 S. you froi.; dicir conipan., Lk, 0:22 S. Mc BamaDas arid Saul, Acts 13s2
S. us from !ovc of Ci'jisi. Rom. St 35 S. us from love of God, Rom. S:39 3e : c j.
a.-d touch net, 2 Cor. 0:17 L'ndcfilcd. s. from s-nncrs. Heb. 7:26 Separated (33).
S. vot from odier peo-dIc, Lev. 20:24:'Ezra 9:1; Neh. 9:2: yj r^asrs natics s .Z59*
10:28 S. you from die urxxan. Lev. 20:25 S. die sons of Adam, Dt. 32:£ Your
ituquities have s. between vou and Me, Isa. 59:2 S. die disc 1 pics. Acts 19:9 S.
unto the gospel of God. Rom. 1:1 S. me from moaier*s worob. GaU 1:15
'..'ithdiew and s. himself, GaL 2:12 Scparatg± (S). Num. 6:5-6; Pi. 10:28; 1":9;
~zcK 14:7 Separapn.: fl). Zech. ":3 Separacon (26). S. of women. Lev. 12: T:S;

S. of Nazar.tes, Num. 6:4-21 •vaterofs., Num. 19:9-21:31:23; b 178-1; b-c 17S-4

Sephar (1). a mcur.tain. Gen. 10:30 Se-tiarad n). a.n urJ-oiown place, Oba. 20
5ephap.-a;Tr. (6), a cir.- in Assvna, 2 Ki. :::24-3:: 1S:34; 19:13; !sa. 36:19; 37:13
isjr-ir.tfcsd). 2Ki. 17:31 "' " ^iZjT.'. , ir. Old Testament, 5-0

:e(o4).!!eb.aiidGf.wofds referto die place of die body at death, never to heU, the
place of the souls of wicked men who arc now confined in a state of
consciousness between death and resurrection. There is only one iieol-hades or
hell, whereas, on the other hand, each person who dies and is buged has his own
indi -vidual tomb. Gen. 23:6; Dt. 34s6; I Sam. l&;-:etc. See 5J0 13

Their throat open s., Ps. 5:9; Rom. 3: S. 01 Christ, Wl. 27:60-66; 28:1-8; Mk.
15:46: 16:2-8; Lk. 23:53-55; 24: 1-24; Jn. 19:41-42; 20:l-U;Acts 13:29 S. of
Divid and Atwaham, Acts 2:29; 7:16 Sepulchres (16). There are miUions of s.,
but orJv one hell. Gen. 23:6; 2 Chr.2L-20; 24:25; Mt.23:27-29; etc.

GI^ (1), f(

lolated, Neh. 11:9

^esa.-as (32). S. themselves frotn the nc!>~!h:.-Lgs, Lev. 22:2 S, ierrselvesto

vow a vow, Num. 6:2 S. the—.selves unto the Lord, Num. 6:2 S. hirr.sel; from
wine. Num. 6:3 S. place, Ezek. 41:12-15; 42:1-13 S. them at judgment of
nations, Mt.

Setah CZi. abundance. Gen,46:17; 1 Chr.

T35. Called Sarah. Num. 26:46

Serai ah (19), Jehovah is prince. 9 men . - S35-4;e488-t ~'S-^e

Sera prims (2). burning ones. 632; Isa.

Sered (7). ."ear. C^en. 46:14; Num.26:26

Seryius (1). Acts 13:7

Ser.car.t; (2). p 143-l^ Acts 16:35-38

Serpe.-: (5g). Defined, b 3-1; 47 1: :"i:•_ i:: ^: rie s. of Eden, 48 :;:!- a-;:r.i.. :o
the s. of Eden. 48 Brazcr. =.. l-r. 180-1; Num.2i:8-9; 2

Ki. 18:4; Jn, 3:14 Sharpened tongues like a s., Ps. 140:3 At last biteth Uke a s.,
Pr. 23:32 Leviadian the crooked s., Isa. 27:1 Fiery flying s., Isa. 14:29; 30:6 Ask
fish, give him a s., Mt, 7:10 As die s. beguiled Eve, 2 Cor. 11:3 Old s., called die
Devil and Satan, Rev. 12:9, 14-15; 20:2

Serpent's (2). Isa. 14:29; 65:25

Serpents (13). Rods to s., Ex. 7:12 Fiery s., k 180-1: Sum. CI:6: Dt. 8:15 4fold
sjmbol of, s lO-;*; Mt. '.0:16 Ye generation of s., Mt. 23:33 They Aa 11 take up
s., Mk. 16:18 Power to tread on s., Lk. 10:19 Were destroved of s., 1 Cot. 10:9
Tails lilte unto s., Rev. 9:19 1:26

Ser-g (5). branch. Gen. 11:20-23; 1 Chr,

Ser-g (5). branch. Gen. 11:20-23; 1 Chr,

^ervaiu (488). Defined, e 22-4»; h 48-WTo 160-1'; f 235-1*; a 242-1* S. of

Jehovah, the Messiah, 74--"44 S. of Jehovah, Israel, c 713-1 Slodiful s., 34*

Comnulsoty s., c 64-4* 27

S. <rf ser\-ants shall he be. Gen. 9:25-Abraham 's faithful s., Gen. 24 24 First
acknowledged s. of God, Gen. 26: Second s. of God, Ex. 14:31: Num. 12:7 Laws
concerning a s., Ex. 21:2-5, 20-26; Uv. 22:10; 25:6, 40-53; Dt, 15: 17-18:23:15;

Ser\ant's (9). Gen, 19:2; 2 Sam. 7:19; 1 Ki. 11:13, 34; 2 Ki. 8:19; 1 Chr. 17: 17-
19; isa, 45:4; Jn, :6:10

Servant (473). See Senant

23 s. of God. f 606—

6 examples of honoring s,, f 662-4

5 s. of Jehovah, 434

6 commands for s., g 212-1* 3 commands for s., w 266 -4* 5 doctrines for s., g

318 trained s. of Abraham, Geiu 14:14 Great store of s. of Isaac. Gen. 26:14 We
are unprofitable s., Lk. 17:10 1 call vou not s., Jn. 15:15

Complete Concordance - Cyclopedic Index


Kinds oF s., Rom. G, headings S. and masters, Eph. 0:5-0; Col. 3:22; 4:1; 1 Tim.
0:1; Tit. 2:9; 1 Pet. 2:18 S. of corruption, 2 Pet. 2:19 144,000 s. of God, Rev.
7:3-8 S. the prophets. Rev. 10:7; 11:18 3 2fold duty of eternal s., Rev. 19:5; 22:
Servants ' (4), Gen. 40:34; Ex. 8:24; Isa.

C3:17; 05:8 Serve (208). Elder s. younger. Gen. 25: -^3"; 27:40; Rom. 9:12
Servants s. 0 years, Ex. 21:2; Dt. 15:12 Fear the Lord and s. Him, Dt, 6:13 S. the
Lord with all thy, Dt. 10:12; 11:13; Josh. 22:5 Josh. 24:15
Choose you this day whom ye will s., S. the Lord with fear, Ps. 2:11 S. the Lord
with gladness, Ps. 100:2 No man can s. two masters, Mt. 6:24 If any man s. Me,
Jn. 12:26 6:6

Henceforth we should not s. sin, Rom. S. in newness of spirit, Rom. 7:6 By love
s. one another, GaL 5:13 S. the Lord Christ, Col. 3:24 S. the living and true God,
1 Th. 1:9 Purge from dead works to s. the Living God, Heb. 9:14 S. Him day and
night, Rev. 7:15; 22:3 Served (73). S. 14 years for wives, Gen. 29:20, 30; 31:41;
Hos. 12:12 S. other gods, Dt. 12:2; 17:3; 29:26; Jodi. 23:16; 24:2, 14-15; Judg.
3:6; 10:13; 1 Sam. 8:8; 1 Ki. 9:9; Jer. 16:11; 22:9 S. the Lord, Judg. 10:16; 1
Sam. 7:4 S. Baal, 1 Ki. 16:31; 22:53; 2 Ki. 17:16 S. idoli, 2 Ki. 17:12, 41; 21:21;
2 Chr. 24:18; Ps. 106:36 Chr.33:3 S. the host of heaven, 2 Ki. 21:3; 2 S. snange
gods, Jer. 5:19 2:37

S. God with fastings and prayers, ik, S. the creature more than, Rom, 1:25 S,
with me in the gospel, Phil. 2:22 Servedst(l), Dt. 28:47 Servest (2). Dan. 6:16, 20
Serve th (8). Num. 3:36; MaL 3:17-18; Lk. 22:27; Rom. 14:18; 1 Cor. 14:22;
GaL 3:19 Service (132). S. in the field, Ex. 1:14 S. of the tabernacle, Ex. 30:16;
39:40; Num.3:7-8; 4:37, 41; 7:5; 8:15, 24; 16:9; 18:4, 21, 23, 31; 1 Chr, 6:48 S.
in the holy place, Ex. 35:19; 39:1. 41 S. of the sanctuary, Ex. 36:1-3; Nimi. S. of
the Levites, Ex. 38:21 7:9

S. of the ministry, Num. 4:47 S. of the Lord, Num. 8:11; Josh. 22: 27; 2 Chr.
35:15 19

S. of the children of Israel, Num. 8: S. of song, 1 Chi. 6:31 S. of the house of

God, 1 Chi. 9:13;

25:6; 28:21; 29:7; 2 Chr. 31:21 S. of the house of the Lord, 1 Chr. 23: 24, 28, 32;
28:13, 20; 2 Chr. 24:12; 29:35; 35:2 S. of the sons of Asajii, 1 Chi. 25:1 S. of the
king, 1 Chr. 26:30 S. of the kingdoms of, 2 Chr. 12:8 S. of God, Ezra 6:18; Rom.
9:4; Heb. 9: S. of house of thy God, Ezra 7:19 6 S. of man, Ps. 104:14 S. of your
faith, Phil, 2:17 S. of divine ordinances, Heb. 9:1 Servile (IT), menial; that
which per-tains to slaves or servants. Lev. 23:7-8, 21, 25, 35-30; Num. 28:18-26;
29: 1, 12, 35 Serving (7), Ex. 14:5; Dt. 15:18; Lk. 10: 40; Acts 20:19; 26:7;
Rom. 12:11; Tit. Servitor (1). attendant, 2 Ki, 4:43 3:3 Servitude (2), 2 Chr.
10:4; Lam. 1:3 Servitudes. 7 in Judges, 60:a 271-4 Set (690^, S. lights in
firmaments. Gen. S. mark on Cain, Gea. 4:15 1:17

S, bow in cloud. Gen. 9:13 S. ladder up on the eaith. Gen. 28:12 S. up pillars.
S, bow in cloud. Gen. 9:13 S. ladder up on the eaith. Gen. 28:12 S. up pillars.
Gen, 28:18-22; 31:45;

35:14, 20; Dt. 27:2-4; Josh. 4:9 S. apan unto the Lord, Ex. 13:12 S. up the
tabernacle, Ex. 40 S. My face against. Lev. 17:10; 20: 3-6; 26:17 S. up brazen
serpent, Num. 21:8 S. feasts, Num. 29:39 S. king over thee, Dt. 17:14-15; 28:36
S. before you life, death, Dt. 30:19 S. the Lord always before me, Ps. 16:8 S. his
love upon Me, Ps. 91:14 S, him on high, because he, Ps, 91:14 S. up an ensign to
nations, Isa. 11:12 S. tfune house in order, Isa. 38:1 S. My glory among heathen,
Ezek. 39: S. up a kingdom, Dan. 2:44 21

S, forth to be propitiation, Rom, 3:25 S. some in the church, 1 Cor. 12:18-28 S.

Him at the right hand of, Eph. 1: 20; Heb. 8:1:12:2 S. your affection on things,
CoL 3:1 S. on fire of heU, Jas. 3:6 S. forth as an example, Jude 7

Sedi (8), substitute, f 5-1; s 6-4; Gen. "~iI!!5-26; 5:3-8; Lk. 3:38 Sethur (1),
hidden, Num. 13:13

Setter (1), Acts 17:18

Settcst (7), Dt, 23:20; 28:8. 20; Job 7:

12; 13:27; Ps. 21:3; 41:12 Setteth (22). Dt. 24:15; 27:16; Ps. 68:

6; 75:7; Dan. 2:21; Mt. 4:5; Jas. 3:6 Sermig(3), Ezek. 43:8; Mt. 27:66; Lk,
Semngs (1), Ex. 28:17 4:40

Settle (10). IChi. 17:14; Ezek. 36:11; ~33?R-20; 45:19; Lk.21:14; 1 Pet. 5:10
Settled (7), 1 Ki. 8:13; 2 Ki. 8:11; Ps.

119:89; Pr. 8:25; Jer. 48:11; Zeph. 1:

12; Col, 1:23 Settlesi (1). Ps. 65:10

Seven (435^. Steps in Lot's fall, k 11-4 Bairen women, g 13-4 Consecrations of
Abraham, c 19-4 "I will's" of God, k 24-1 Examples of deadi revealed, g 25-1
Examples of common vows, r 27-3 Appearances of God to Jacob, m 34-1 Laws
of prosperity, f 38-4 Proofs 6 days were 24 hr. days, 57 Steps in man's fall, 59
First civil laws since Adam, 60 Generations, h 05-4 Predictions of God to
Moses, i 70-4 Times God demanded liberation of Israel, f 74-1 Things not
observed at other passovers, t 75-4 Things God is to His people, n 87-4
Accusations by God, e 98-4 Things before seeing God, d 100-4 Demands of God
Accusations by God, e 98-4 Things before seeing God, d 100-4 Demands of God
on Pharaoh, 109 Cases of darkness, 110 Things without the camp, 112 Proofs
Gentiles not under the law, 112 Examples of ordinances, 113 Modes of
punishment, 115 Classes not to work on sabbath, 116 Things sacrifices signified,
i 120-1 General sins, d 139-4 Times glory appeared, c 175-1 Wars of the exodus,
d 180-1 Times Moses was wroth, c 191-4 Blessings 40 years earlier, g 199 -4
Results of war with Sihon, d 201-4 Results of war with Og, i 201-4 Things to
know about God, f 207-1 Things God did in the exodus, d 207-4 Things God is
to people, 210 Purposes of law to kings, g 217-4 Acts of God, b 228-4 Facts
about enemy of Israel, 237 Results of Israel's conversion, 239 Reasons enemies
victorious, 239 Proofs altar not rival worship, a 261-4 Servitudes of Israel, g
271-4 1

Greatmen of miraculous birth, d 281-Statements God departing from men,

287 287

Statements men departing from God, Sins of Delilah, 288 Miraculous

conceptions, j 295-4 Examples of demons prophesying, d Blessings of David,
329 313-1

Steps of transferring kingdom, 332 Steps to David's downfall, i 340-1 Means of

conviction, h 341-4 Steps in her request, g 371-4 Regrets of a dying man, 450
Reasons manhood lamented, e 524-4 Acts of a righteous man, d 549-1 Suggested
meanings of Selah, h 549-4 Times to pray, m 550-1 Things God opposes, o 550-
1 Requests of David, k 550-4 Denial's of David, b 551-1 Works of God, n 551-4
Reasons God ^ould answer, h 552-4 Future events, i 552-4 Bodily parts of God, i
555-1 Statements of trust, a 556-4 Favors from God, m 559-4 Strong things
saved from, i 563-1 Figurative uses of arrow^ g 565-1 Blessings for mercy, d
566-4 Reasons for singing praise, b 569-4 Reasons to praise, m 569-4 Examples
of shouting, j 569-4 Reasons to shout, k 569-4 Facts about the wicked, f 574-1
Things God is to David, b 575-4 Things God is, a 580-1 Works of God, b 580-1
Vows of the psalmist, f 580-1 Facts about die needy, a 581-1 Reasons for
teaching law, i 584-1 Sins alternated with wonders, b 584-4 Requests of the
psalmist, b 588-4 Things God has done, d 591-1 Things life and death areUke, 1
591-1 Good things, a 592-1 Facts about the wicked, e 592-1 Personal references
to God, 1 594-1 Facts about seeking God, h 604-4 Things to do wholly, o 604-4

Kinds of teachers, c 005-1 Examples, 642; 643; 648; 650; 651; 052;

653;654;656 Requests of tlie psalmist, a 608-1 Eternal things in Ps. 119, k 608-1
653;654;656 Requests of tlie psalmist, a 608-1 Eternal things in Ps. 119, k 608-1
Facts about prayer, h 609-1 Things about backsliders, a 611-1 Reasons for
deliverance, n 615-4 Things to do in distress, 1 615-4 Conditions: gospel
benefits, d 616-4 Examples of perfection, 6S4 Ways of waiting on God, 625
Examples of waiting on God, 625 Examples of God hearing man, 625 Blessings
of waiting on God, 627 Things not to fear, 628 Men called man of God . 630
Admonitions for saints, 631 Good persons and classes, 631 Classes who slander,
631 Vows of David, 636 Better things in Psalms, 636 Titles of Bible using
statute, 636 Examples of trust, 63'5 Official duties, resurrected saints, 040 Sins
of Abraham, 779 Things about harlots, q 644-4;d 645-4 Sinsof Judah,
702;769;777;906:909 Acts constituting righteousness, r 722-4 Things God
delights in, c 649-4 Characteristics of drunkards, 007 Reasons righteous
understand, 007 ProofsLucifer ruled men, 735 Purposes of predestination, 771
Things Messiah suffered of God, 819 Things used in sprinkling, 840 Ways to
seek the Lord.b 888-1 Blessings of the upright, 1 902-4;j 920-1 Baptisms in
Scripture, n2-4' Persons named before birth, i 1-4* Ways false prophets are
known, j 7-1' "Take's" for believers, h 12-1* Things for believers, h 12-1*
Prophecies of the Messiah, g 12-4* Reasons for parables, p 13-4* Reasons for
excommunication, d 20-1' Reasons marriage indissoluble , b 21-1' Sayings on
the cross, r 32-4* Examples shaking before God, f 33-4* Examples of power, d
39-4* Reasons Bible misunderstood, o 43-4* Facts about Christ's words, t 44-4*
Reasons Bible is simple, 55* Benefits of salvation, q 57-4* Examples of
goodness, i 64-4* Examples of mercy, j 04-4* Conditions of salvation, o 67-1*
Examples of self-denial, a 69-4* Things to do to be saved, 1 69 -4* Good points
of Martha, b 72-1* Contrasts of 2 sons, a 79-1* Prophecies fulfilled, m 82-1*
Examples of craftiness, k 84-4* Proofs of Christ's humanity, m 89-1* Lessons on
prayer, 92* Facts about Lazaius, 92* Facts about the rich man, 92* Contrasts:
Pharisee and publican, 92* Witnesses to the Messiah, a 94-1* Measures of the
Spirit, a 90-^ Things about Jesus, k 100-1* Things prayed, for believers, v 115-
1* Marks of a good pastor, 120* Witnesses to the deity of Christ, 121* Phases of
boldness, o 126-1* Kinds of power, a 127-1* Lessons to the Jews, g 127-'^
Commands to preach, m 135-1* Characteristics of ministers, 145* Reasons Jews
hated Jesus, f 155-1* Things not true fasung, x 156-1* Accusations of Jews by
Steven, 156* Added sins of the Jews, 156* Things about conversion, 159*
Examples of God-filters, 159* Classes to preach to, 159* Places to preach, 159*
Ways to preach, 159* Pioofsof world guilt, b 162-4* Steps of gospel faith, e
169-1* Duties to enemies, p 170-4* Examples of loving enemies, p 170-4*
Things Paul persuaded of, h 172-4* Uses of salvation. 174* Agents of salvation,
174* Conclusions, 174* Facts about justification, 174* Ways justification used,
174* Things men can do again, 175* Things men should not do again, 175*
174* Things men can do again, 175* Things men should not do again, 175*
Facts about human government, 175* Reasons no baptism for the dead, 175*
Facts about water baptism, d 176-4* "Things" of 1 Cor. 2, k 177-1* Good
tilings, j 179-1* Disorders in church, k 184-1* Contrasts: Adam and Christ, 1
189-1* Commands to watch, a 190-1* Blessings of sorrow, h 196-1* Blessings
of Corinthians, f 196-4*

Things God loves, g 197-1* Commands to Corinthians, a 200-4* Examples of

godly sincerity, 200* "Except's" of Scripture, 201* Equal Dlessings, e 204-4*
Secrets of victorious living, 207* Things Christ is to us, d 209-1* Dead things of
Scripture, 213* Things God has done, 213* "One's" in Eph. 4, 213* Duties of
ministers, 214* Blessings of perfection, 214* Outstanding facts, j 215-4* Steps:
Christ's humiliation, h 216-1* Steps: Christ's exaltation, m 216-1* Facts about
Epaphroditus, d 216-'? Things to put off, f 221-1* Major doctrines, v 223-4*
Sins of the Jews, h 224-1* Parting commands, 229* Proofs progressive
sanctification, 231* Ways to spoil Christians, 231* Steps in fall of women, u
234-4* Facts: mystery of godliness, 236* Facts: mystery of lawlessness, 236*
Last commands to Timothy, 237* Commands to Timothy, h 238-4* Things to
purge self from, n 239-1* Facts about Paul, 241* Stages of apostasy, k 246-4*
Steps obtaining help, k 247-4* Purposes of intercession, q 249 -4* Things by the
Holy Spirit, s 251-1* Commands for believers, n 252-1* Facts about the Word
of God, 258* Facts about Christ, 258* Kinds of tabernacles, 259* Things we can
do, 259* Judgments of apostates, 259* Remembrances, 259* Charges of
injustice, g 261-1* Sins of rich men, i 263-1* 1*

Examples: suffering, patience, r 263-Facts about backsliders, r 263-4*

Commands for Christians, 264*; 269* Experiences of Cliristians, p 265-4*
Manifold tilings, m 268-1* Blessings of the promises, m 271-1* Steps in
spiritual arithmetic, 274* Gospel facts, 279* Fallacies based on 1 Jn. 3:9, 279*
Final commands toChiistians, m 283-Facts about Ephesians, f 287-1* 4*

Acts of living creatures, e 289-1* Facts about 24 elders, b 289-1* Spirits of God,
d 289-4* Seals of Rev. 6:1-8:1, 289*-291* Trumpets of Rev. 8:7-13:18,
291*-296* Vials of Rev. 15:1-18:24, 297*-300* Trumpets prepared to sound, b
291-4* Trumpets are literal, c-f 291-4*; a-h 292-1*; a-i 292-4* 293-1*

Proofs Christ the Angel of Rev. 10, b Proofs Mt, Sion is heavenly, f 296-1*
Kinds of clouds, g 297-1* Proofs drying up of Eujiirates not the Turkish Empire,
g 298-1* Similarities of 2 Baby Ions, d 299-4* Facts about Satan's end, a 302-4*
Names of New Jerusalem, a 303-1* Examples of translation, 304* Proofs:
prophetical application of 7
prophetical application of 7

letters, 305* Proofs Antichrist not from abyss, 310* Proofs horses in heaven,
310* New things in Revelation. 312* "Abstain's" in N. T, 313* Things to avoid,
313* Things about giving, 31^ "Have's" of the N. T., 314* Things to keep, 314*
Sevenfold (0). S. vengeance. Gen. 4: 157^; Ps, 79:12 Restoration of stolen
property, Pr. 6:31 Light of sun in Millennium, Isa. 30:26 Melchizedek s. type of
Christ, 1 12-4 Blessing of Jacob, j 26-4 Description of evil man, p 38-1 Labor of
Israelites, s 65-1 History of Israel, a 179-4 Request and promise to Edom, b 179-
4 Location of word of God, 1 230-1 Advice of Jethro, a 83-4 Preservation of
Israel, o 271-4 Hospitality, c 286-4 Consecration of Ruth, b 291-4 Defence of
Ahimelech, n 317-1 Blameless life of Samuel, 328 Answer of David, 329 Cuise
of David on Joab, i 334-1 Covenant with God, c 485-1 Vow of David, b 565-4
Command to praise, 1 569-4 Resolve to praise God, a 574-1 Praise to God, 1
574-4 Appraisal of the wicked, 1581-4 4 " sevenfold's", k 586-1 Prophecy of
Ethan, g 590-1 Blessing of God, e 603-1 Testimony of David, m 611-1


Complete Concordance - Cyclopedic Index

Fall of Tian, 619

Result cf the revelation to Nebuchadnezzar, 359 Testimony of Daniel, p 862-1

Decree of Darius the Mede. 863 Christ a s. way, 121* Message to Creaans, c
243-1* Description of sinners, d 245-1* Salvation of the soul, f. -43-1* a' ay to
gel answers, 263* Example of Christ, 270* Ascription to Christ, k 289-^
Ascription to God, k 291-1* Estimate of Laodiceans, 305* Sevens (2), Gen, 7:2-
3 Seventeen (10). Gen, 37:2; 47:28; Judg, 8:14; 1 Ki. 14:21; 2 Ki. 13:1; IChr.
7:11; 2 Chr, 12:13; Ezra 2:39; Neh, 7:42* Jer 32:9 Comm'ands of Ps, 37, b 564-1
Things God has swoth about, e 590 -4 Things ri^teous are like, 626 Reasons for
making vows, 636 Better things in fcoyerfas. 666 Stages of Paul's 2nd journey, i
145-^ Things^ Jesus Christ, 190* Things "about law of Moses, f 202-1* Wctks
of die fledi, 207* Seventeenth (6), Gen, 7:11; 8:4; 1 Ki. 22:51; 2 ki. 16:1; 1 Chi.
24:15; 25:24 Seventh (119). S. day, 52; Gen. 2:2-3; £3(712:16; 13:6; 16:26-30;
20:10-11; 23:12; 24:16; 31:15-17; 34:21; 35:2; Lev. 23:3, 8; Num. 6:9; 19:12,
19; 28:25; 29:32; 31:19.24; Dt, 5:14; 16: 8; Josh, 6:4. 15-16; Judg. 14:15-18; 2
Sam. 12:18; 1 Ki, 20:29; 2 Ki, 25: 8; Ezek. 30:20; 45:20; Heb. 4:4 S. day new
diagnosis was made. Lev, 13:5-6, 27, 32-34, 51; 14:9, 39 5 laws concerning S.
day, k 76-1 S, mondi, see Montfi S, year. Ex, 21:2; 23:11; Lev.-25:4 S. sabbath,
day, k 76-1 S, mondi, see Montfi S, year. Ex, 21:2; 23:11; Lev.-25:4 S. sabbath,
Lev, 23:16 S, hour, Jn, 4:52 S, from Adam, Jude 14 S, seal. Rev, 8:1 S. angel.
Rev, 10:7; 11:15; 16:17 Seventh Day Adventism. r 17-4* Sevent\ (61),S,souls
from Jacob,Ex, 1:5 S. elders of Israel, Ex. 24:1-9; Num, 11:16, 24-25; Ezek.
8:11 S, brethren slain, Judg. 9:56; 2 Ki, 10:7 S, sonsof Ahab, 2 Ki, 10:1-7 21:14
S. thousand killed by plague, 1 Chr, S. years Tyre forgotten, Isa,23:15-17 S,
years capnvit. of Israel, Jer, 25: 11-12; 29:10; Dan, 9:2; Zech, 7:5 S, years of Ps.
90 explained, 630 S. years - 3 periods of, k 86T-I S. weeks of Dan. 9:24-27, 877
S, times seven's of years, 873; lev.

26, notes S, rimes seven to forgive, Mt, 18:22 S, other disciples, Lk. 10:1, 17 S.
four -be's' in N, T., 313* ; Sever (4),"5x78:22; 9:4; Ezek. 39:14;

YTu 13:49 Several (12), Num. 28:13, 21, 29:29: 10, 15; 2 Ki. 15:5; 2 Chr. 26:21;
28: \ 25; 31:19; Mt. 25:15; Rev. 21:21 |

SeveraUy (1). 1 Cor. 12:11 4:11

Severed (3). Lev. 20:26; Dt. 4:41; Judg, Severir/ (2). Rom. 11:22 Sew (2). EccL
3:7; Ezek. 13:18 Sewed (2). Gen, 3:7; Job 16:15 Sewest (1), Job 14:17 Seweth
(1). Mk. 2:21 Sex laws . 114; 138; i 140-4. See Sod-c—V , Aiuliei^.
Fornication.'■•■'h-re?Er SpT:. .r. ri). Jodi. 19:42. See Srial:~ Sn^^:-..: (2), a cirv,
Judg, 1:35; 1 K., i:':. Called Shaalabbin. Josh. 19:42

S'r.iil- :..^'-e (2). Inhabitant of Shaalbim,

2 Sam. 23:32; 1 Chr. 11:33 49

Shaaoh (2), union. 2 men, lChr.2:47—

Shaaxaira (2). 2 cities. I Sam. 17:52; 1

Chr.4:31; o 312-1. See Sharaim Shaadigaz (1). servant of the beautiful. A

chamberlain in Persia, Esther 2:14 Shabbeihai (3), bom on the sabbadu Z_

men. Ezra 10:15; Neh. 8:7; 11:16 SEacEa (1). lustful, 1 Chi, 8:10 Shade (1). Ps,
121:5 Shadow (73), S, 10 degrees back, 2 Ki. 5oT9-10; Isa, 38:8 Days as a s., 1
Chr. 29:15; Job 8:9; Ps, 102:11; 109:23; 144:4; EccL 6: 12; 8:13; Amos 5:8 S. of
death. Job 3:5; 10:21-22; 12:22; 16:16; 24:17; 28:3; 38:17; Ps, 23:4; 44:19;
107:10-14; Isa, 9:2; Jer, 2:6; 13:16; Mt. 4:16; Lk. 1:79 S, of Thy wings, Ps. 17:8;
36:7; 57:1; 63:7; 91:1 6
New kind of s, in Milleimium, Isa, 4: S, of a great rock in weary, Isa, 32:2 S,
healed the sick. Acts 5:15 10:1 S, of things to come, CoL 2:17; Heb. S. of
heavenly things, Heb. 8:5 No variableness or s. of turning in God, Jas. 1:17. Sci
S'r.adcw:r..: (3). Isa, 18:1; Shadow: (i), Song2:r

God 9:5

;zek. 31:3; Heb.

_ ; 4:6; Jer. 0:4

SraJrach (14). tender, Dan. 1:7; 2:49;

3:12-30. His Heb. name was Hanan—

iah. Jehovah has favored,

-» 21 19" 2*17

Shadv ('c), Job 40:21-22

Dan. i:u—

Isa. 49:2 Shaft (4), Ex, 25:31; 37:17; Num. S:4; Shagc (2). wandered, IChr.
11:34 Shahar (1). monuns, Ps. 22, title Shaharaim fl). two mornings, 1 Chr. 8:8
Shahazimah (1), a cits . Josh. 13:22 Shake (39). S. mvscL', Judg. 1G:20 S, the
head. Job 10:4; Ps. 22:7 S. die loir^, Ps, 69:23 S. Uke Lebanon, Ps. 72:1G S.
terribly die cardi. isa. 2:19-21 S. His hand, Isa. !0:32; l!:15; Zech. 2:9 S. die
heavens, Isa, 13:13; Joel 3:16; Hag. 2:6, 21; Heb. 12:?C S. the kingdoms, Isa.
14:1G; Mac. C:7 S. die eardi. Isa. 24:18; Ezek. 38:20;

Joel 3:16; Haa. 2:21; Heb. 12:26 S. off dust of feet, Mt. 10:14; Mk. 6: 11; Lk.
9:5 Shaked (1), Ps. 109:25 Shaker. (22). S. me to pieces. Job 16:12 S. reed, Mt.
11:7; Lk. 7:24 Powers of heaven shall be s., Mt. 24: 29; Mk. 13:25; Lk. 21:26
Pressed down, s. together, Lk. 6:38 The place was s. where, Acts 4:31
Foundations of prison s., Acts 16:26 S. in mmd, 2 th. 2:2 Those things which
cannot be s. may remain, Heb. 12:27 Shakedi (7). Job 9:6; Ps.29:8; 60:2;Isa.

10:15; 19:16; 33:15 Shaking (8), Job 41:29; Ps. 44:14; Isa. 17:6; 19:16; 24:13;
30:32; Ezek. 37:7; Shalem (1), a cit>-. Gen. 33:18 38:19
Shalim (1), a distnct,b302-l;lsam.9:4 ShaUsha (1), a district.c 302-1:1 Sam,9:4
Shall (7.752), Gen, 1:29; 2:23-24; 3:1, ~3^; 15-16, 18; 4:7, 12, 14-15, etc.
ShaUechedi (l). a gate, IChr. 26:10 Shalliim (27), retribution, 15 men. 2

Ki. 15:10-15; 22:14; IChr. 2:40-41;

3:15; 4:25; 6:12-13; 7:13; 9:17-19. 31;

2 Chr. 28:12; 34:22; Ezra 2:42; 7:2;

10:24. 42; Neh. 3:12; 7:45; Jer. 22:

11; 32:7; 35:4 Shallun (1), spoliation, Neh. 3:15 Shahnai {"Z), recompenser,
Ezra 2:46;

Neh. 7:48 Shalman (1). peaceable, Hos. 10:14 Shalmaneser (2). Shalman is

o j^ 27-3- 18'9 Shalt (1,566), Gen, 2:17; 3:14-19; 4:7. nST 6:14-16, 18-21; 7:2;
etc. Shama(l), obedient, IChr. 11:44 Shambles (1). slaughter-house: market.

ICor. 10:25 Shame (100). 6 causes of, q 76-1* 7 things never cause, q 76-1*
Turn My glory to s., Ps. 4:2 Pride cometh, thens., Pr. 11:2 Hid not My face from
s. and spitting, Isa. 50:6 2

S. and everlasting contempt, Dan. 12: Worthy to suffer s. for His, Acts 5:41 S.
for women to speak in, 1 Cor. 14:35 S. to speak of those things, Eph. 5:12
Afresh, put Him to open s., Heb. 6:6 Endured cross, despising s., Heb. 12:2 S. of
diy nakedness not, Rev. 3:18 Naked, they see his s., Rev. 16:15 Shamed (-Q,
watcher, A man. 1 Chr. 8: 12. See also Gen, 38:23; 2 Sam, 19: 5; Ps, 14:6 2:9

Sha-e^2cedness (1), k 233-1*; 1 Tim, 5h^-i:u: (2)r7er. 11:13; Hab. 2:16 Sha-
eiuUy (4). Hos, 2:5; Mk, 12:4; Lk.

20:11; 1 Th. 2:2 Shamelessly (1), 2 Sam. 6:20 Shamer (2)7 keeper. 1 Chr, 6:46;
7:34 Shamedi (1). Pr, 28:7 S"r.a":ar (2), destrover, Judg. 3:31; 5:6 ;r.^-K-:A (1),
fame, 328; I Chr. 27:8 :':.-^- .: i'4), a diom. Josh. 15:48; Judg, : : -1; ;CKr, 24:24
:/^: (1), desert, IChr. 7:37 i:, ^ -.;. (8), wasted. 5 men. 328; k ::: -; W-45: 4:17

i:.- (6), waste, 3 men. IChr. 2:

^. (1), deserts, IChr. 11:27

;:.^::;—-a (4), famous. 4 men. Num. 13:

~; : Chr. 14:4; Neh, 11:17; 12:18 Sharr.muah (1), famous, 2 Sam. 5:14 Sha-
sherai (1). heroic, IChr. 8:26 Srii^pe (2), lie 3:22; Jn, 5:37 5

Sr.a^e- (1), formed; developed, Ps, 51: 9:7 ^. ,. IChr, 5:12

Shaphan (30). coney. 3 men, m 415-1

Sha'phai (8), udge. 5 men . Num. 13: 5; 1 Ki. 19:16-19; 2 Ki. 3:11; 6:31; 1 Chr,
3:22; 5:12; 27:29

Shapher (2). a camp, Num, 33:23-24

■_ ), Rev,

(1), baldly.

Sharai (1), free, Ezra 10:40

Sha-ai (1), acitv. Josh, 15:36, CaUed

Shaaraim. J Sarn. 17:52 Sharar (1). firm, 2 Sam. 23:33 Share (1). '. Sam. 15:20
Sharezcr (2), protect. 2 men. 2 Ki. 19: 27; Isa. 37:28 Sharon (6), 2 places. 1 Chr.
5:16; 27:

23; Song 2:1; Isa. 33:9; 35:2; 65:10.

Called Saron. Acts 9:35 2;

Sharonitc (1). man of Sharon, I Chr. 27: Sharp (25). S. stone, Ex. 4:25; Job 41:30

S, knives, Josii. 5:2-3; Eze.k. 5:1

S. rock, 1 Sam. 14:4

S. pointed diin^. Job 41:30

S. arrows, Ps. 45:5; Isa. 5:28

S. razor. Ps. 52:2

S, tongue as a sword, Ps, 57:4; 120: 4; Pr, 25:18; Isa, 49:2

End of wicked s. as sword, Pr. 5:4

S, threshing instrument, Isa. 41:15

S, contention. Acts 15:39

S, twoedged sword, Pr, 5:4; Rev, 1:16; 2:12; 19:15

S. sickle. Rev. 14:14-18 Shaioen (2), 1 Sam. 13:20-21 ;^^r>-^c: (4). Ps. 140:3;
Ezek.21:9-11 i\^-x:r.c± (2), Job 16:9; Pr. 27:17 ;;u:fc: (2). Mic. 7:4; Heb. 4:12
":i:::, (2), Judg. 8:1; Tit. 1:13 ;:-ir-r.-:s (l), 2 Cor. 13:10

:^: (1), a cir.-. Josh. 19:6 Shas-haT TT). pale, Ezra 10:40 Shail-.a:--. (2i,
pedestrian, 1 Chr, 8:14, 25 Shaui (7). asked. 3 men . Gen. 46:10; ~E3cr6:15;
Num. 26:13; IChr. 1:48-49- 4:24' 6:24 Shaulites (l).sons of Shaul, Num, 26:13
Shave (14). Lev. 13:33; 14:8-9; 21:5; "ITura, 6:9, 18; 8:7; Dt, 21:12;'Judg.

16:19; Isa, 7:20; Ezek. 44:20; Acts 21:24 Shaved (4). o 40-1; Gen. 41:14; 2 Sam.

10:4; 1 Chr. 19:4; Job 1:20 Shaveh (2). a vaUey, Gen. 14:5. 17 Shaven (7). Lev.
13:33; Num, 6:19; Judg.

16:17, 22; Jer, 41:5; 1 Cor, 11:5-6 Shavsha (1). nobility. Another name c:

Seraiah, m 338-4; I Chr, 18:16 She (1,022), Gen. 2:23; 3:6, 12, 20; 4:1-^17. 22,
25; 8:9; 11:30; 12:14; etc. Sheaf (9). c 145-1; Gen. 37:7; Lev. 25: "IFTS; Dt.
24:19; Job 24:10; Zech. 12:6 Sheal (1). asl;ed, Ezra 1C:29 Shealoel (9). I asked
of God, g 914-1; Ezra 3:2-8; 5:2; Hag. 1:1-14; 2:2. 23 Shear (4), Gen. 31:19;
38:13; IX 15:

19; 1 Sam. 25:4 Shearer (1), Acts 8:32 ; .-^-:3 (3), ISam. 25:7-11; Isa. 53:7
':':_y^:.i7 (2), Jehovah has stormed, 1

::1Z:'.:,^ " [ /;. V:in.25:2; 2 Ki. 10:12-14

Shear-.a^nub (1), a remnant shall re-tun^'Sor. of Isaiah, Isa, 7:3

Sheath (;-), 5;-. 17:51; 2 Sam. 20:8; 1 tin. ::::", Zz:a 21:3-5, 30; Jn. 18:11
Sheath (;-), 5;-. 17:51; 2 Sam. 20:8; 1 tin. ::::", Zz:a 21:3-5, 30; Jn. 18:11

Sheaves (9), Gen. 37:7; Rudi 2:7, 15; Neh. 13:15; Ps. 126:6; 129:7; Amos 2:13;
Mic. 4:12

Sheba (32). an oath. 5 men, e 351-4. A city of Simeon, Joi. 19:2, A coun -nv, 1
Ki, 10:1-13; 2 Chr, 9:1-12; Job 6:19; Ps, 72:10. 15; Isa, 60:6; Jer, 6: 20; Ezek.
27:22-23; 38:13. A queen. IKi. 10: 9 steps in her quest, e 459-4

4 things queen of S. brought Solomon, f459-4

10 tilings o\-erv»-helmed her, g 459-4 Shebah (1), seven, A well. Gen. 26:33
Shebam (1). a_citv. Num. 32:3 Shebaniaii (7). Jeliovah has prospered.

4 men . 1 Chr. 15:24; Neh. 9:4-5; 10:

4, 10-12; 12:14

Shebarim (1). a place. JoA. 7:5 Sheber (1). oreaking, 1 Chr. 2:48 Shebna (9).
growing. _2men, d 697-1 Shebuel (3). captive of God. 2 me.i. 1

Chr. 23:16; 25:4; 26:24 Shecaniah (2). Jehovah has dwelt. 2

men. 1 Chr. 24:11; 2 Chr. 31:15 sEechaniah (8), Jehovah has dwelt. 6 men, IChr.
3:21-22; Ezra 8:3-5; 10: STTIeh. 3:29; 6:18; 12:3 Shechem (62). ridge. 3 men.
Gen. 34: 2-26; Num. 26:31; Josh. 17:2; 1 Chr. 7:19. A district. Gen. 33:18;
37:12-14, A cir, . Josh. 20:7; 21:21; 24:1, 25-32; Judg. 8:31; 9:1-57; 2hl9; 1 Ki,
12:1, 25; IChr. 6:67; 2 Chr. 10:1; u 374-1; 1460-4; p 129-4*. See Battle of S.. d-i
276-4 Sh echemites (l), Num. 26:31 Shechem's /a. Gen, 33:19; 34:26 Shed (52).
S. man's blood. Gen. 9:6; "Tev. 17:4; .Sum 35:33;Dt. 19:10;21:7

5. out bowels to ground, 2 Sam. 20:10 S. innocent blood, 1 Ki. 2:31; 2 Ki.

21:16: 24:4; Ps. 106:38; Pr.6:17: Isa. 59:7; Jet. 7:6; 22:3, 17; Joel 3:19

S. rijjitcous blood. Mt. 23:35; Lk.U:

50; Rev. 10:6 S, for manv for rcmissior. of sins, Mt,

26:28; Mk, 14:24; Lk, 22:20 S. I'ordi die Hoh Spint, Acts 2:33 S. love abroad in
hearts, Rom. 5:5 S. on us abundanth, Tit. 3t6 Sheddcr (1) of blood'. Ezek. 18:10
Shejdj± (2), Gen. 9:0; Ezek. 22:3 ;'-.::.:.; (1) of blood. Heb. 9:22 S'r.;^^\^ (5).
Shejdj± (2), Gen. 9:0; Ezek. 22:3 ;'-.::.:.; (1) of blood. Heb. 9:22 S'r.;^^\^ (5).
spreader of U.'ht, Num. i: 5; 2:10; 7:30-35; 10:18 Sheep (187). Broad tail s., c
95^ Men first classed as s., 357 10 men classed their kind as s., 357 14 blessinss
of Lord's s., I 557-4 Svmbol of lost and saved men. c 609

'l; 1 9-4^h 78-1*; Nations classed as

25:31-46, notes S. named and led. Laws conceminc s. 21:1; 22:1-10. 30 7:23;
22:19 22:40: 27:1

b 120-4*: d 267-1* s. and goats. N't.

e-c 106-4*

, Ex. 12:5; 20:24; 34:19; Lev, 1:10; ; 27:26; Num. 18:17; Dt, 14:4. 26; 15:19;

17:1; 18:3-4; 22:1 26:31

S, diaU be scanered, Zech, 13:7; Mt, Lost s. of house of Israel. Mt. 10:6 As s. in
midst of wolves. Ml. 10:16 As s. having no shepherd, Mt. 9:36 S, sold in the
temple, Jn. 2:14-15 S. and tlie Good Stiepherd. Jn. 10 Feed My s., Jn. 20:16-17
As a s, to the slaughter. Acts 8:32 As s. for sLau;:Jiter, Rom. 8:38 Jesus, that
great Shepherd of the s., Heb. 13:20 '.v'ere as s, goinc astray, 1 Pel, 2:25
Sheepcotc (2). sheepfold or walled en-closure for sheep, 2 Sam, 7:8; 1 Chr.
Sheepcotes (1), 1 Sam. 24:3 17:7

:;:-;: 1). m 106-1*; Jn, 10:1 £^^7^~~!2_(2). m 106-1*: Num. 32:16;

Sh- -

."s. 78:70 ^.'-: (1),sheep owner, 2 Ki,3:4 ^r.-;-: r nTclodling. Mt. 7:15 ;
..;r::.earers (3). Gen. 38:12; 2 Sam. Snefcps:-ir.s (15, Heb, 11:37 13:23-24

Sheet (2). Acts 10:11; 11:5 ^^^-i (2), Judg. 14:12-13 8:26

:..-:.i.-.ah (l), Jehovah has sou^t, IChr. 5h;,>.-: (41). S. of gold, $9. 69 1/2; s,

of silver, 64^, a 21 -4, See Money Shekels (95). Ex, 30:23-24; 3g:24-29;

Lev. 27:3-25; Num, 3:47-50; 7:13-86;

Ezek., 45:12. See Shekel and Money

Ezek., 45:12. See Shekel and Money

5-26; 46:12; NUi". 18-24; 2:3; 4:21

2 men. Gen, 38:

26:20; 1 Chr, 1:


S'r.e arJ'.es (1),sons of Shelah, Num.26:

Sh^lc-TJar. (10), whom Jehovah repavs,

5 u.en. IChr. 26:14; Ezra 10:394l:

Neh, 3:30; 13:13; Jer, 36:14. 26; 37:

3, 13; 38:1 1:20

Shele* (2), extract. Gen, 10:26; 1 Chr,

Shelesh (1). triplet, 1 Chr. 7:35

She lorn i (1). peaceable, Num, 34:27 Shelomith (9). tieaceableness, 5 men.

IChr. 23:9, 18; 26:25-28; 2 CEF.

20; Ezra 8:10.

1 Chr, 3:19


2 women. Lev. 24:11;


I Shelomoth (2). pacifications, IChr. 24: ' shelter (2). Job'24:8; Ps, 61:3
Shelumiel (5). friend of God, Num. 1: 6; 2:12; 7:36, 41; 10:19 Shem (17), name,
e 9-1; Gen. 5:32; ~O0; 7:13; 9:18-27; 10:1, 31-22. 31;
11:10-11; 1 Chi, 1:4, 17, 24. Sons of

S 40 Stiema (6). heard. 4 men. IChr. 2:43—

44; 5:8; 8:13; Neh. 8:4. A city . Josh. Shemaah (1). fame, 1 Chr. 12:3 15:26
Shemaiah (41). Jehovah has heard. 23

men. F375-1 Shemariah (^, Jehovah guards. 4 men,

I Chr. 12:5; 2 Chr. 11:19; Ezra 10:32, -il Shemeber (1), illustrious. Gen. 14:2
Sher e: CT), guardian, 1 Ki. 16:24 Shc~ :_: ' r), name of knowing. Num.

C ::-, " X. 17:2 7:19

Sh- ■-:. ( 1), name of knowing, 1 Chr. STT .-„:.-: (1), Num. 26:32 Sher :7^-- (3),
eighth octave, a musics: -.e.-TT.. iChr. 15:21; Ps. 6 and 12, titles Shemiramoth
(4), name of heights, 2

men, lChr7 15:18-20; 16:5; 2 Chr. 17:5' Sl^muel (3), heard of God, 2 men.

Num. 34:20; 1 Chr, 6:33; 7:2 Shen(l), a pUce. ISam. 7:12 Shenazar (1),
splendor, 1 Chr, 3:18 Shenir (2), Amorite name of Ml, Her-rr.on. Dt, 3:9; Song
4:8, See Senir SheoIT Heb. for hell, a 416-4; 620; de 692-1 Shepham (2). a
place. Num. 34:10-11 She pi-.ati ah (13). Jehovah has judged,

:: "c;; , 2 Sam. 3:4; 1 Chr. 3:3; 9:8;

ll:'; ::::6; 2 Chr.21:2; Ezra 2:4, 57;

8:8: Neh. 7:9, 59; 11:4; Jer. 38:1

Complete Concordance - Cyclopedic Index


Shepherd (42). As sheep that haye no

s. , Num. 27:17; 1 Ki. 12:17; 2 Chi.

18:16; Ezek. 34:5, 8; Zech, 10:2;

Mt. 9:36; Mk. 6:34 Lord is my s., I shall not, Ps. 23:1 Feed His flock like a s.,
Mt. 9:36; Mk. 6:34 Lord is my s., I shall not, Ps. 23:1 Feed His flock like a s.,
Isa. 40:11 I will set up a s. over them, Ezek.

34:23; 37:24; Zech. 11:16 Smite die s. and sheep will be, Zech.

13:7; Mt. 26:31; Mk. 14:27 32

S. dividedi dieep from goats, Mt. 25: The Good S., In. 10:2-18; Heb. 13:

20; 1 Pet. 2:25; 5:4 ShetAierd's (2), 1 Sam. 17:40; Isa. 38:12 Shepherdr (37). 4
items of equipment

of, k 311-4 S. of Israel in Millennium, a 766-4 S. of Israel, 788; Ezek. 34:1-10;

Lk, 2 14 sins of s. of Israel, e 838-1 4

5fold condition of s. of Israel, h 838-Sfold judgment on s. of Israel, i 838—

7 sins of false s., b 922 -4 4 Sherfierds ' (1), Song 1:8

Shcphi (1). baldness, 1 Chr. 1:40 Shepho (1), baldness, 1 Chr. 8:5 ShcA . j.an (l),
serpent-like, 1 Chr. 8:5 Sh„-:. (-), kindred by blood, 1 Chr. 7:24 Sherd (1).
fragment of pottery, Isa. 30:14 Sherds (1), broken ponery, Ezek. 23:34 Sherebiah
(8), heat of Jehovah. 2 men.

Ezra 8:18-24; Neh. 8:7; 9:4-5; 10>12;

12:8, 24 Sheresh (1), root, 1 Chr. 7:16 Sherezer (1), protect, Zech. 7:2 Sheriffs
(2), Dan. 3:2-3 Sheshach (2), a name of Babylon, Jer.

i'o:t&: 51:41 Sheshai (3), whitish, Num. 13:22; Josh.

15:14; Judg. 1:10 Shedian (5). Uly, 1 Chi. 2:31-35 Sheshbazzar (-Q. Heb. form
of the Bab -

vlonian Shamash -aba -usui. Oh, Sham -

ash, piotect the lather, o 488-1; Ezia

1:8-11; 5:14-16 Sheifa (2), subsuruted. Same as Seth. 2

men: a Moabite chief (Num. 24:17),

and Seth, son of Adam (1 Chr. 1:1) Shethai (1), star, Esther 1:14 Shethar-boznai
(4). bright star, Ezia 5:

3-6; 6:6-13 Sheva (2). vanity. 2 men , h 352-4 Shew (228). show. Gen. 12:1;
20:13; 24:

12; Ps.9:l; 18:25-26; Rev. 1:1; 4:1; etc. Shewbread dS). showbread. Table of,

Size of loaves, b 125-4; m-n 146-4

Two rows of s., a, o 146-4

S. most holy of all. b 146-4

8 commands concerning, m 146-4 David and the s., Mt. 12:4; Mk. 2:26 The
table and the s., Heb. 9:2

Shewed (136), showed, Gen. 19:19; 24:

14; Ps. 78:11; 105:27; Jn, 10:32; etc. Shewedst (2). showed, Neh. 9:10; Jer.

11:18 Shewesi (5). showest, 2 Chr. 6:14; Job

10:16; Jer. 32:18; Jn. 2:18; 6:30 Sheweth (20). showeth. Gen. 41:28; Ps.

18:50; 19:1-2; Mt.4:8; Rom. 12:8; etc. Shewing (15). showing, Ex. 20:6; Dt. 5:

10; Lk. 1:80; 8:1; Acts 9:39; 18:28; 2

Th. 2:4; Tit, 2:7-10; 3:2 Shibboleth (1). Judg. 12:6. See Sibboleth Shibmah (1). a
city. Num. 32:38 Shlcion (l). a city. Josh. 15:11 Shield (45). I am thy s., Gen.
15:1; Dt. 55129

Thou art my s., Ps. 3:3; 28:7; 33:20; 59:11; 84:9; 144:2; Pr. 30:5

S. of Thy salvation, Ps. 18:35

Lord is a sun and s., Ps. 84:11

His truth shall be thy s., Ps. 91:4

Taking the s. of faith, Eph. 6:16 Shields (23). Of gold, p-q 338-1

S. of brass, 1 Ki. 14:27; 2 Chr. 12:10 Shiggaion (1), praise, Ps. 7, title
Shigionoih (1), crying aloud, Hab. 3:1 Shihon (l). a city, Josh. 19:19 Shihoi (l). a
river, 1 Chi. 13:5. See Sihoi Shihor-libnath(l), a place, Josh. i5^ Slulhi (2).
darter. 1 Ki. 22:42; 2 Chi.

20:31 Shillum (1). a city, Josh. 15:32 Shi Hem (2), recompense. Gen, 46:24;

Num. 26:49 Shillemites (l). Num. 26:49 Shiloah (1), a stream in a conduit
between the upper and lower pools of the

fountain of Siloah oi Siloam and Gi—

hon, Isa. 8:6. See Isa. 7:3; 22:9; Neh.

2:15; 3:15; Jn, 9:7-11 Shiloh (33). A name of Jesus. Gen. 49:

10. A city ot Ephraim, J 256-1 Shiloni (1). sent one. Neh, 11:5 Shilonite (5).
nauve of Shiloh, 1 Ki. 11:

29; 12:15; 15:29; 2 Chr. 9:29; 10:15 Shilonites (1), men of Shiloh, 1 Chi. 9:5
Shil5hah (l). triplet, 1 Chr. 7:37 Shimea (4). famous. 4 men . 1 Chr. 3:5; 6:30,
39; 20:7 Shimeah {4), famous. 2 men . 2 Sam.

13:3, 32; 21:21; 1 Chr. 8:32 Shimeam (1), fame, 1 Chi. 9:38 Shlmeath (7),
annunciation, 2 Ki.

21; 2 Chi. 24:26 Shimeatfiites (l). 1 Chi. 2:55

Shimei (42)T.amous. 18 men , 1 346-4

Shimeon (1), hearing, Ezra 10:31

Shimhi (1). famous, 1 Chr. 8:21

Shimi (1). famous, Ex. 6:17 Shimiies (1), Num. 3:21 Shimma f 1). rumor, 1 Chi.
upon 67:1;

Shimon (1). desert, 1 Chr. 4:20 Shimrath (1), watch, 1 Chr. 8:21 Shimri (3).
guardian. 1 Chr. 4:37; 11:45;

2 Chr. 29:13. See Simri Shimrith (1), vigilant, 2 Chr. 24:26 Shimrom (1).
guardianship, g 250-4 ShJmron(4), watchfuL A man. Gen. 46: 13; Num. 26:24.
A city . Josh, 11:1; 19: Shimronites (1), Num. 26:24 15

Shimron-nTeron (1). a city, Josh. 12:20 Shimshai (4). sunny. Ezra 4:8-9, 17, 23
Shjnab (1), father has turned, Gen. 14:2 Shinar (7). a land, Gen. 10:10; 11:2; 14:
"XT; Isa. 11:11; Dan. 1:2; Zech. 5:11 Shine (32). Lord make His face s, 3iee,
Num. 6:25; Ps. 31:16; 80:3, 7; 104:15; 119:135 Arise, s., for thy light has, Isa.
60:1 Wise shall s. as the, Dan, 12:3 Let your light so s. before, Mt. 5:16 Then
shall righteous s. forth, Mt. 13:43 His face did s. as the sun, Mt. 17:2 Image of
God should s., 2 Cor. 4:4 Commanded light to s. out, 2 Cor. 4:6 Among whom
ve s. as Ughts, PhiL 2:15 Shined (9). Dt. 33:2; Job 29:3; 31:26; Ps. 50:2; Isa. 9:2;
Ezek. 43:2; Acts Acts 9:3; 12:7; 2 Coi. 4:6 Shineth (9), Job 25:5; Ps. 139:12; Pi.
4:18; Mt, 24:27; Lk. 17:24; Jn. 1:5; 2 Pet. 1:19; 1 Jn, 2:8; Rev. 1:16 Shining
(11), 2 Sam. 23:4; Pi. 4:18; Isa. 4:5; Joel 2:10; 3:15; Hab. 3:11; Mk. 9:3; Lk.
11:36; 24:4; Jo. 5:35; Acts 26:13 Ship (71). Built by Noah, Gen. 6:13-22 Jonah
boaided a s., Jonah 1:3-5 S. used in fishing, Mt, 4:21-22 S. used foi travel, Mt.
14:13-33; Acts 20:13, 38; 21:2-27:44; 28:11 Shi phi (1), abundance, 1 Chi. 4:37
Shiphmite (1). man of Shephan, 1 Chi. Shi phi ah (1), beauty, Ex, 1:15 27:27
Shiphtan (l). judicial, Num. 34:24 Shipmaster (2), Jonah 1:6; Rev. 18:17
Shipmen (3), 1 Ki. 9:27; Acts 27:27-30 Shipping (1), Jn. 6:24 Ships (39). S. of
Isiael, 1 Ki. 9:26; 22: 4S-49; 2 Chr. 8:18; 9:21; 20:36-37 Go down to the sea in
s., Ps. 107:23 S. in piophecv, Dan. 11:40; Rev. 8: 9; 18:17-19,'Cp. Isa, 60:9
Shipwreck (2), 2 Cor. 11:25; 1 Tim. 1:19 Shisha (iT, whiteness, 1 Ki. 4:3
Shishak (7), illustrious, b 378-1; 1 Ki.

11:40; 14:25; 2 Chi, 12:2-9 Shitiai (1). magisterial, 1 Chr. 27:29 Shittah (1), a
hardwood tree, Isa. 41:

19. It pioduced the shittim wood Shi trim (32). A hard wood, from the shittah
tree, used for the tabernacle furniture. Ex, 25:9-28; 26:15-37; 27: 1-6; 30:1-5;
35:7, 24; 36:20-36; 37: 1-28; 38:1-6; Dt. 10:3. A camp. Num. 25:1; Josh, 2:1;
3:1; Joel 3:18; Mic. 6:5 Shiveis (1). small pieces. Rev. 2:27

Shiza (1). splendor, 1 Chr. 11:42 Shoa (1), a place, Ezek, 23:23 Shobab (4),
Shiza (1). splendor, 1 Chr. 11:42 Shoa (1), a place, Ezek, 23:23 Shobab (4),
rebellious. 2 men , 2 Sam.5:

14; 1 Chr. 2:18; 3:5; 14:4 Shobach (2), pouring, c 340-4; 2 Sam.

10:16-18. Called Shophach, which see Shobai (2), bright, Ezra 2:42; Neh. 7:45
Shobal (9). oveiflowing. 3 men . Gen.

36:^0-29; 1 Chr. 1:38-40; 2:50-52; 4: Shobek (1), foisakei, Neh. 10:24 1 -2

Shobi (1). captor, b-c 348-4; 2 Sam.

17:27 Shocho (1). a city, 2 Chi. 28:18. See

Shochoh. Shoco , Socq , and Socoh Shochoh (2). d 310^3r5ee Shocho Shock (1).
Job 5:26 SHocI<s (l). Judg. 15:5 Shoco (1). 2 Chi. 11:7. See Shocho Shod (4>. 2
Chr. 28:15; Ezek. 16:10; Mk, 6:9; Erfi, 6:15 Shoe (9). Dt, 25:9-10; 29:5; Josh.
5:15; ~Rmh 4:7-8; Ps. 60:8; 108:9; Isa, 20:2 Shoelatchet (1), Geo. 14:23. See
Latch -

et, Isa. 5:27; Mk. 1:7; Lk.3:16; Jn, 1: Shoe's (1) latchet, Jn, 1:27; o 35-1* 27
Shoes (21). Put off s., Ex. 3:5; Josh. 5: 15; Acts 7:33

Old s,, clouted upon feet, Jodi, 9:5

Sold pool foipair of s., Amos 2:6; 8:6

S. not worthy to, Mt. 3:11; Acts 13:25

Latchet of s. I am not worthy to beat, Mk. 1:7; Lk. 3:16 Shoham f 1). onyx. 1
Chr. 24:27

Shomer (2), watchman, A man. 1 Chr. 7:32. A woman . 2 Ki. 12:21

Shone (7), Ex. 34:29-35; 2 Ki.3:22; Lk. 2:9; Acu 22:6; Rev. 8:12

Shook (12), 2 Sam. 6:6; 22:8; Neh. 5:

"T^Ps, 18:7; 68:8; 77:18; Isa. 23:11; Acts 13:51; 18:6; 28:5; Heb. 12:26

Shoot (21). S. at the upright, Ps. 11:2 S. out me Up, Ps. 22:7 S. in secret at the
perfect, Ps. 64:4 \Vhen they now s. lonh, Ui, 21:30

Shooters (1). 2 Sam. 11:24 32

Shooters (1). 2 Sam. 11:24 32

Shooteth (3), Job 8:16; Isa. 27:8; Mk. 4:

Shooting (2), 1 Chr. 12:2; Amos 7:1

Shorfiach (2). poured, c 340-1; 1 Chi. 19:16-18

Shoi^an (1). a city. Num. 32:35

Shore (17). Seed as sand of sea s.. Gen. 55':17; Heb. 11:12. Cp. 1 Sani. 13:5
Wisdom,-knowledge, and largeness of heart as sand of sea s., 1 Ki. 4:29
Multitude stood on sea s., Mt, 13:2 Jesus stood on the s.,. Jn, 21:4 11:6

Shorn (4), Song 4:2; Acts 18:18; 1 Cor.

Shoit (13). Is the Loid's hand waxed s.,

"TTum. 11:23 Began to cut Israel s., 2 Ki. 10:32 Triumphing of wicked is s., Job
20:5 Remember how s. my time is, Ps, 89:47 Come s. of glory of God, Rom.
3:23 Cut it s. in righteousness, Rom. 9:28 A s. work will the Lord make, Rom.
The time is s., 1 Cor. 7:29 9:28

Should seem to come s. of it, Heb. 4:1 Knoweth hath but a s. time, Rev. 12:12
Must continue a s. space, Rev. 17:10

Shortened (9), Ps. 89:45; 102:23; Pr. 10: 27; Isa. 50:2; 59:1; Mt. 24:22; Mk.l3:

Shorter (2). Isa. 28:20; Ezek. 42:5 20

Shortly (15). God will s. bring to pass, f^. 41:32. Cp. Rev. 1:1; 22:6 Bruise Satan
under feet s., Rom. 16:20

Shodiannim (2). LiLies. Ps. 45, 69, utles

Shosharmim-Edulh (1), lilies a testimony, Ps. 80, title

Shot (16). Gen, 40:10; 49:23; Ex.l9:13; Num. 21:30; 1 Sam. 20:20, 36-37; 2
Sam. 11:24; 2 Ki. 13:17; 2 Chr. 35:23; Ps. 18:14; Jer.9:S;Ezek. 17:6-7; 31:5,10

Should (444). Gen, 2:18; 4:15;Ps. 95:11; Mt.2:4; 5:29-30; Rev.6:4, 11; etc.
Shoulder (38). Water on s.. Gen. 21:14; 24:15, 45. Cp. Ps. 81:6; Isa. 10:27
Withdrew s. and hardened, Neh. 9:29 Government upon His s., Isa. 9:6-7

Shoulderpieces (4). Ex. 28:7, 25; 39:4,18

Shoulders (20)7 Gen, 9:23; Ex. 28:12; 1 Sam. 10:23; 1 Chr, 15:15; Mt, 23:4; etc.

Shouldest(73), Gen, 3:11; 14:23; Ps, 130: 3; Mt, 8:8; Jn, 11:40; 17:15; etc.

Shout (35), 13 commands to, j 569-4 S. at the rapture, 227* S, of a king among
them. Num. 23:21 S. at fall of Jericho, Josh, 6:5-20

Shouted (14), S, in idol worship, Ex. 32:17 S. for battle, Judg. 15:14; 1 Sam. 4:5;

17:20, 52; 2 Chi. 13:15 Sons of God s. for joy. Job 38:7

Shoutelh (1). Ps. 78:65

Shouting (13^, 7 examples of, j 569-4 7 leasons for s., k 569-4 Brought up aik
with s,, 2 Sam. 6:15; 1

Shoutings (1). Zech, 4:7 Chi. 15:28

Shovel (T). Isa, 30:24


Shovels (§), Ex, 27:3; 38:3; Num, 4:14;

1 Ki. 7:40-45; 2 Ki. 25:14; 2 Chi. 4:

11, 16; Jei. 52:18 12:54

Showet (4), Ezek, 13:11, 13; 34:26; Lk, Showers (9). Dt. 32:2; Job 24:8; Ps. 65:

10; 72:6; Jer. 3:3; 14:22; Ezek. 34:

26; Mic, 5:7; Zech. 10:1 Shiank (2). Gen. 32:32 Shied (1). 2 Ki. 4:39 5TiHn"es
(1). k 146-4*; Acts 19:24 Shioud (1). Ezek, 31:3 Shrubs (1). Gen, 21:15 Shua
(2). wealth, 1 Chr. 2:3; 7:32 Shuah (5). depression, 2 men. Gen, 25: 2; 38:2, 12;
1 Chr, 1:32; 4:11 Shual (2). fox, 1 Sam. 13:17; 1 Chr. 7:36 Shubael (2), Jehovah
has favoured, 1
has favoured, 1

Chr. 24:20; 25:20 Shuham (1). humility. Num. 26:42 Shuhamite^ (2). Num.
26:42-43 Shuhite (5). son of Shuah, Job 2:11; 8: 1; 18:1; 25:1; 42:9 Shulamite
(2). inhabitant of Shunem,

Song 6:13. In this name there is an

exchange of 1 for n, which is common

Shumalhiles (l). men of Shumah, 1 Chi. Shun (1). 2 Tim. 2:16 2:53

Shiuiammite (8), inhabitant of Shunem,

lKi.l:3.15; 2:17-22; 2 Ki. 4:12,25, 36 Shunem (3), a city of Issachai, Josh. 19:

18; 1 Sam. 28:4; 2 Ki. 4:8 15

Shuni (2). quiet. Gen. 46:16; Num.26: Shimites (1), sons of Shuni, Num, 26:15
Shunned (1), Acts 20:27 Shupham (1). seipent. Num. 26:39 Shuphanices (l).
men of Shupham, Num.

26:39 Shuppim (3), seipent. 2 men. 1 Chi.

7:12-15; 26:16 Shui (6), a wilderness soudiwest of Pal-esune. Gen. 16:7; 20:1;
25:18; Ex. 15: 22; 1 Sam. 15:7; 27:8 Shushan (21), e 514-1; Neh. 1:1; Esthei
1:2-5; 2:3-8; 3:15; 4:8, 16; 8:14-15; 9:6-18; Dan, 8:2 Shushan -edutfa . Uly of
the testimony, Ps. 60, title Shut (105). Lord s, him in. Gen, 7:16 Angels s. the
dooi. Gen. 19:6, 10 Priests s. doois of quaiantine. Lev. 13:4-5, 11, 21, 31, 50, 54;
14:38 S. up heaven, Dt. 11:17; 1 Ki. 8:35; 2 Chi. 6:26; 7:13; Lk. 4:25; Rev. 11:6
S. up womb, 1 Sam. 1:5-6 S. up His tendei meicies, Ps. 77:9 Open and none s.,
Isa. 22:22; Rev. 3: Dooi is now s. and my, Lk. 11:7 8

Risen up and s. die door, Lk. 13:25 Dooi being s, for fear, Jn. 20:19, 26 S. up
saints in fxison. Acts 26:10 S. bottomless pit. Rev. 20:3 Gates not s, at all. Rev.
21:25 Shuihalhites (l). Num. 26:35 ShudielaE T^, crash of breakage. 2 men .

Num. 26:35-36; 1 Chi. 7:20-21

Shutteth (a. Job 12:14; Ps. 16:30; 17:

28; Isa. 33:15; Lam. 3:8; 1 Jn. 3:17;

28; Isa. 33:15; Lam. 3:8; 1 Jn. 3:17;

Shutting (1). Josh. 2:5 Rev. 3:7

Shuttle (1), weavei's. Job 7:6

Sia (1), Neh, 7:47. See Siaha Sia

Siatia (1). congiegation. E^a 2:44. See

Sibbecai (2), coipse-Uke, 1 Chi. 11:29;

27:11 18; 1 Chi. 20:4

Sibbechai (2), coipse-like, 2 Sam. 21:

Sibboleth (l).Judg, 12:6, See Shibboledi

Sibmah (4). a city, a 252-4; Josh. 13:

Sibiaim (1). a city, Ezek. 47:16 19

Sichem (1). a city. Gen, 12:6. See Shechem 4*

Sick (88). 2 things foi s. to do, e 263-4 things foi elders to do, g 263-4*

What God will do for the, j 263-^^

Hope deferred makes heart s., Pr. 13:12

S. of love, 2 Sam. 13:2; Song 2:5; 5:8

None s. in Millennium, Isa. 33:24

Healing s. a duty of pastors, Ezek. 34:

4, 16; Jas. 5:14-16 8, 13

No s, sacrifices to be offered, Mai, 1:

All s. healed by Christ, Mt. 4:24; 8:

16; 14:14 S. of palsy, Mt,8:6; 9:2-6; Mk. 2:1-12 S. of a fevei, Mt, 8:16; Acts
16; 14:14 S. of palsy, Mt,8:6; 9:2-6; Mk. 2:1-12 S. of a fevei, Mt, 8:16; Acts
28:8 S, need a (Jiysician, Mt,9:12; Lk. 5:31 HeaUng s. commanded of disciples,
Mt, 10:1-8; Lk, 9:2; 10:9 A duty to visit s,, Mt. 25:36-44 Healing s, by laying on
of hands, Mk.

6:5; 16:17-18; Jas, 5:14-16 HeaUng s. by anointing with oil, Mk.

6:13; Jas. 5:14-16 S, biought into streets to be healed,

Mk, 6:56; Acts 5:15-16 HeaUng s, by sending handkerchiefs, Actsl9:12.See

Bible Plagues . 63-2;317* 22 Bible cases of being "sick ": 1 Jacob, old age -
death (Gen. 48:1)

2 An Egypuan - lestoied (1 Sam, 30: 13)

3 David's son - death (2 Sam. 12:15)

4 Jeroboam's son - death (1 Ki. 1^

5 Widow's son - restoted (1 Ki. 17:17)

6 Ahaziah - death (2 Ki. 1:1-17)

7 Ben-hadad - killed (2 Ki. 8:7-15)

8 Joiam - killed (2 Ki, 8:29-9:26)

9 EUsha - deadi (2 Ki. 13:14)

10 Hezekiah - recovered (2 Ki. 20:1-12; 2 Chr. 32:24; Isa. 38:1-9)

11 Daniel - recovered (Dan, 8:27)

12 Servant - healed (Mt, 8:6)

13 Peter's mother-in-law (Mt. 8:1-^

14 Palsied man - healed (Mt, 9:1-6)

15 Many -healed (Mt. 4:24; 14:14; Mk, 1:34; 6:5,13, 56; Lk, 4:40; Acts 5:15-16;
16 A son - healed (Jn. 4:46)

17 Lazarus - healed (Jn. 11:1-45)

18 Aeneas - healed (Acts 9:33-35)

19 Tabitha - healed (Acts 9:37)

20 PubUus - healed (Acts 28:8) 27)

21 Epaphroditus - healed (Phil. 2:26—

22 Tiorflimus(2 Tim. 4:20) Sickly (I), r 63-1* 1 Coi. 11:30 Sickness (201.
Defined. 1 207-1; g 8-1*.

In the O. T. God promises to take away s., Ex. 23:25; Dt. 7:15. The same is true
in the N. T. which is a better covenant, Mt.8:16-17; 17:20; 21:22; Mk. 9:23;
11:22-24; Lk. 11: 9-13; Jn. 10:10; 14:12-15; 16:23-26; 2 Cot. 3:6-15; Heb. 8:6;
Jas. 5:14-16; 1 Pet, 2:24 S. was a curse fot sin. Lev. 26; Dt, 28 S, of EUsha, 2 Ki,
13:14 S. of Jehoram, 2 Chr, 21:15-19 Make all his bed in s., Ps. 41:3 S. of
Hezekiah, Isa. 38:9-12

~ VT

Healing all manner of s., Mu4:25; 3: Disciples conimanded to heal ail s.

and'disease, Mt. 10:1-8; Lk. 9:2 In what sen^God is responsibie for s.. Curses
upon men, f 80 -4 d 80 -4

'»sTien s. done away, d 80-4 Immunity from s. provided, a-b 166-1 3 promises to
take away s., k 207-1 Lo\-e-s.. f 342-4 20 proofs s. Satan's work, 484 10
ewdences of venereal s., j 565-1 37 Bible diseases, infirmities, 632 S. borne by
Christ, e 8-1* 1*

Belief of Jews, Hindoos about, 1105-Causes of s., m-n 105-1* AH healed of s.

by Christ, b 15-4* All healed by apostles, b-c 127-4* 35 facts about si, 264*
Kinds of s., 632; 317* 28:59

Sicknesses (4). Of long continuance, Dt. S. beca-ise of sin, Dt. 29:22 S. bome by
Christ, e 8-1*; Mt. 8:17 Disciples ^ven power to heal s., Mt. 10:1-8; Mk. 3:15;
6:7-13; 16:17-18 List of s. , 632:3iT«.See Healing Siddim (3). a vale. Gen. 14:3,
6:7-13; 16:17-18 List of s. , 632:3iT«.See Healing Siddim (3). a vale. Gen. 14:3,
8, 10

Side f414). S. of ark, Ex. 2:5 S. posts of die door, Ex. 12:7-23 S. of river, Ex.
2:5; Jodi, 17:9 A 4ousand fall at thy s., Ps. 91:7 Raised up itself on one s., Dan,
7:5 Seas.. Mt. 13:1; Mk. 2:13; 4:1 Way s.. Mt. 13:4. 19; 20:30; Mk.4:4 Troubled
on every s., 2 Cot. 4:8; 7:5 On either s. of the river. Rev. 22:2

Sides f 48). Ex. 25:14, 32; 26:13, 22-23; Isa. 14:13; Amos 6:10; Jonah 1:5; etc.

Sidon f 14). fortified. A man. Gen. 10: 15. Called Zidon . 1 Chi. 1:13. A city .
Gen. 10:19; Mt. 11:21-22; 15:21; Mk, 3:8; 7:24, 31; Ij<. 4:26; 6:17; 10:13-14;
Acts 12:20; 27:3. See Zidon Sidomans (5), Dt. 3:9; Jostu 13:4-5; Judg. 3:3; i Ki.

Siege (17). Befcwre beginning a s,. Dt. 25':10-12 Results of a s., Dt. 28:53-57; 2
Ki. 6:

24-29; 25:1-3:153.9:20 How conducted, Dt. 20:19-20; Isa. 29: 3; Ezek. 4:2-8; 2
Chi. 32

Sieve (2), Isa. 30:28; Amos 9:9 31

SUTTS). Isa. 30:28; Amos 9:9; Lk. 22:

Sir^ (l). Amos 9:9

SlgHlT). Isa. 24:7; Urn. 1:4, 11, 21; Ezek. 9:4; 21:6-9

Sizhec (3). Ex. 2:23; Mk. 7:34; 8:12

l:-:.t:U V). Ezek. 21:7

S:ghe± (1), Lam. 1:8

Sigung (7), Job 3:24; Ps. 12:5; 31:10; 79:11; Isa. 21:2; 35:10; Jei. 45:3

Sidis(l). Um. 1:22

S:gh; (333), Pleasant to s.. Gen, 2:9

: av;ui in thy s., Gen, 18:3; Num. 11:

11, 15; Pojth 2:13 G.-i . -. -:-.• s., Gen. 19:19; 32:5; 33:

-., -i; •i-:29; Ex.33:13, 16-17; 34:9 Grievous in tfay s.. Gen. 21:11-12 Wicked in
s. of Lord, Gen. 38:7 Greats., Ex. 3:3 Right in His s., Ex. 15:26 In the s. of ihe
Lord, Num. 32:13; Dt.

4:25; 6:18; 9:18; 17:2; 1 Ki. 14:22;

Lk. 1:15; 2 Cc«. 3:21; Jas. 4:10 Ri^t in s. of die Lord, Dt. 12:25, 28;

21:9; 2 Ki. 12:2; 14:3; 15:3, 34; 16:

2; 18:3; 2 Ki. 22:2; 2 Chi. 20:32; 24:

2; 25:2; 26:4; 27:2; 29:2; 34:2 Evil in the s. of the Uxd, Dt. 31:29;

Judg. 2:11; 3:7, 12; 4:1; 6:1; 10:6;

13:1; 15:19; 1 Ki. 11:6; 15:26. 34;

16:7, 19, 30; 21:20; 22:52; 2 Ki, 3:

2; 8:18, 27; 13:2. 11; 14:24; 15:9,

18, 24, 28; 17:2. K; 21:2, 16, 20;

22:2,32,37:24:3,19;lChi.2:3; 2 Chi,

22:4; 33:2, 6, 22; 36:5-12 S. of aU Israel, Dt. 34:12; JoA. 3:7;

10:12; 2 Sam. 16:22; 1 Chr. 28:8 Wickedness in s. of the Lord, Dt. 17:2;

1 Ki. 21:25; 2 Ki. 21:2, 6 Cloud received Him out of s.. Acts 1:9 Right in the s.
of God, Acts 4:19; 8:21 Walk by faith, not s., 2 Cot. 5:7 S. of God, Acts 10:31; 2
Cot. 4:2; 7: 12; Gal, 3:11; 1 Th, 1:3; 2 Tim. 2:

Sights fit. Ik. 21:11 3; 6:13

Sign (76). S. in Sinai. Ex. 4:8

S. in Egypt. Ex. 8:23; Isa, 19:20 18

S. on the hands, Ex. 13:9; Dt. 6:8; 11:

S. of die sabbadi, Ex. 31:13-17; Ezek.

20:12. 20 S. in Israel, Josh. 4:6 S. to Ahaz, Isa. 7:11-14 S. to Hezekiah, Isa.

37:30; 38:7, 22 S. among the nations, Isa. 66:19 S. to house of Israel, Ezek. 4:3;
12: 6, 11; 14:8; 24:24-27 S. of Jonah. Mt. 12:38-39; 16:1-4;

Lk. 11:16-30 S. of Thy coming, Mu 24:3, 30; Mk.

13:4; Lk, 21:7 S. of die Messiah. Lk. 2:12. 34

Complete Concordance - Cyclopedic Index

S. expected of prophets. Jn.2:i£; 6:30

S. of circumciaon, Rom. 4:11

S. of tor.gues, I Cot. 14:22

S. in heaven. Rev. 15:1 S.gned (4). Dan. 6:9-13 Si "" '" "" ""

lanet (11), Gen. 38:18, 25; Ex. 28:11, 206; 39:14, 30; Jer. 22:24; Dan. 6: 17;
Hag, 2:23 Signets fit. Ex. 39:6 Signiflcanoc f 1). i Cot.-«H4:10 i:zr::.:i (^~ Acts
11:28; Rev. 1:1 i.-: [.--: (1), Heb. 12:27 Signif-/ (4). Acts 21:26; 23:15; 25:27; 1
Pet. 1:11 Heb. 9:8

S:z;;:-.:rz (4). Jn, 12:33; 18:32; 21:19; S:^ :.: (II). Defined, y 94-4* uooc s., J
306-4 S.of paea.u. k J13-4;a-b 2I«-l;btfO S. in Egypt, k 585-1; Ex. 7:3; 10:1-2;
Neh. 9:10; Ps. 78:43; Jer. 32:20-21; Acts 7:36 Supernatural s., 680 2 s. given to
Hezekiah, q 709-1 S. asked fOT. m 13-1* 5 s. to follow believen, 52* S. of
Christ's coming. See Second advent Purpose of s,. f 98-1* U^ts t(x s. and
seasons. Gen. 1:14 S. widi Moses. Ex. 4:9, 17. 28, 30 S. and wonders in Isael, j
776-4; Dt, 6:22; 7:19; 26:8; 29:3; 34:11; Josh, S, of the heavens, Jer. 10:2 24:17

S. of the nm.es. Mt. 16:3 Great s. and wonders bv false prophets, Mt. 24:24; Mk.
i3:22 These s. iaU follow diem that be-Ueve, Mk, 16:17 20

Confirming Word with s., Mk. 16:17-S. in the heavens, Lk. 21:11, 25 Many s. of
Jesus, Jn, 20:30; Acts 2:22 S. in the earth bencadi. Acts 2:19 S. and wonders by
believers. Acts 2: 43; 4:30; 5:12; 8:13; 14:3; 2 Cot. 12:12 Antichrist will
believers. Acts 2: 43; 4:30; 5:12; 8:13; 14:3; 2 Cot. 12:12 Antichrist will
exercise die power of Satan to do s. and wonders, 2 Th.2:9 S. and wanders and
gifts of the Spirit bear wimess of God. Heb. 2:4 Sflion (37). bruA, Num. 21:21-
34; 32: "WVu 1:4; 2:24-32; 3:2-6; 4:46; 29: 7; 31:4; JoA, 2:10; 9:10; 12:2-5; 13:
10-27; Judg. 11:19-21; 1 Ki.4:19; Neh, 9:22; Ps. 135:11; 136:19; Jer. 48:45
Sihor (3). c 252-1

Silas (13). lover of words. Acts 15:22-

~lori6:19-29; 17:4-15; 18:5. See Silvanus

Silence (34). Let lying Ups be put to s.,

Ps. 31:18

I was dumb widi s.. Ps. 39:2 34

He had put Sadducees to s,. Mt. 22:

AU the multitude kept s.. Acts 15:12;

21:40; 22:2 14:34-35

Let women keep s. in church. 1 Cot.

Let women learn in s,. 1 Tim. 2:11-12

Put to s. the ignorance of, 1 Pet. 2:15

S. in heaven about half hour. Rev. 8:1

Silent (9). 1 Sam. 2:9; Ps. 22:2; 28:1;

30:12; 31:17; Isa. 47:5; Jer, 8:14;

21ecli-2*13 18-19

Silk (-g, pi. 31:22; Ezek, 16:10 -13; Rev.

Silla (1), a place, 2 Ki. 12:20

Sniy (3), Job 5:2; Hos. 7:11; 2 Tim. 3:6

Siloah (1). Neh. 3:15. See Shiloah

Siloam (3). A tower bv die ixx)l of S..

Lk. 13:4. A pooL Jn. 9:7-lL See Shiloah

Sih-anus (4). 2 Cot. 1:19; 1 Th. 1:1; 2

Th, 1:1; ; Pet. 5:12. See Silas Silver (314). S uses in Scripture;

1 As money (Gen. 20:16; 23:15-16; Num. 7:12-85; Zech. 11:12; Mt. 26: 15;

2 To make jewels (Gen. 24:53)

3 Household vessels (Gen. 44:2-8; 2 Sam, 8:10; 1 Chi. 28:14-17; 2 Chi, 9:24;
24:14; Dan. 5:2)

4 False gods (Ex. 20:23; Ps. 115:^

5 Tabernacle constrjcnon (Ex. 26:19-32; 27:10-17; 36:24-36; 38:10-27)

6 Trumpets (Num. 10:2)

7 Miniature temples (k 146 -4^

8 A symbol of Medo-Penia, Dan. 2-SUverlin§s(l). Isa. 7:23 32-45 Silversmim

(l). Acts 19:24

Simeon f-^. hearing. 5 men. 90*

Blessing of, f 154-4

Prophecies of tribe of, Ezek. 48:24—

33; Rev. 7:7 Chr. 27:15

Simeonites (3). Num. 25:14; 26:14; 1

Similitude" (11>. a iiape; embodiment;

likeness; image, f 170 -1; a 203 -4; 204

likeness; image, f 170 -1; a 203 -4; 204

God has a s. and has been seen of

men. Num. 12:8; Jas, 3:9 AU Isael did not see the s. of God,

Dt. 4:12-16 Daniel saw die s. erf God, Dan, 10:5-10 S. of Adam's transgression,
Rom. 5:14 S. of Melchisedec. Heb. 7:15 SlmiUtudes (1). Hos. 12:10

Simon (67). hearing. 9 men. 78*

S:~.or.'s (7). Mk. 1:^0; Lk. 4:38; 5:3;

;.-.. 12:4; 13:2; Acts 10:17 S:~ple (20). Defined. 1641-1


7 blcsainas of die s,. Ps. 19:7; 116:0; 119:130; Pr. 1:4; 14:!5; 19:25; 21:1:
Simplicm (5). 2 Sam. 15:11; Pr. 1:22; Rom. 12:£; 2 Cot. 1:12; 31:3 Simri(l). -
Chi. 26:10. Sec Shinri

Sin (440). Defined, a-b ;74-;; v 93-4*

f135-1* Origin of s., 613:6*4. See Mns Co\-cnn<; of s., f3-4 Passed on through
fathers, not modi—

crs, r 84-4 One s. defeated Israel, f 245^

7 means of con\-icDon of. h 341 -4 S. a horrible diing, j 342-4; d 54-1* Result of

s.. e;9

20 things about confessed s.. 434

8 ways to get rid of s.. 367 Penalty i'ot s.. d 164-4*; f 369-4; 619 Freedom from
s.. 6.:4:Rom.t, notes AU men bom in s., 1 571-1

Basis of s.. o 114-I*; d 584-4

18 secrets of victwy over s., n 604-4

All transgression of law u s., a 605-1

Cost of s.. n 33-$*

Cost of s.. n 33-$*

How s. is cleansed, n 33-4*

True conviction of s., b o2 -4*

Outward and inward s., f 195-1*

10 facts about s.. 174*

3 diings that save from s., 190*

Motions of s.. p 165-4*

Law of s.. r 166-1*

Dead body of s., u 166-1*

Do not obe>- s.. i -n 166 -4*

Conquered by grace, f-g 164-4*

Dead to s., r 164-4*; Rom. 6:2, 11

ReaUt>- of s.. g-m 165-1* w 165-1*

S. has lusts of its own, h 165-1*

S. itself not temptation, i 165-1*

Deliverance from s.. 1165-1*

Cannot serve God and s. at die same

time, o 165-1*; w 165-4* 2 results of s., c 165-4* Wages of s., g 165-4* S. is

2fold, s 276-4*; c 122-4 S. of ignOTaiKe. Lev. 4:2, 13 S. offering (100 times),
Ex. 30:10; Lev. 4:3-16:27; 23:19; Num. 6:11-8:12; 29:5-28; Ezek. 40:39-46:20
S. of witchcraft, 1 Sam. 15:23 Made Israel s. (25 times), 1 Ki. 14: 16; 2 Ki.
23:15 Fools make a mock at s.. Pr. 14:9 Thou^t of foolishness is s., Pr. 24:9 That
die righteous s. not, Ezek. 3:21; 18:20-24; 33:12-16 S. of omission, Mt. 23:23
Taketh away s. of the WOTld, Jn. 1:29 S. no more, lest a worse, Jn.5:14; 8:11
Committeth s, is servantof s., Jn. 8:34 '■■/ho did s.. diis man ot parents, Jn. 9:2
Committeth s, is servantof s., Jn. 8:34 '■■/ho did s.. diis man ot parents, Jn. 9:2
Re{xove wotU of s., Jn. 16:8-9 22 AU under s.. Rom. 3:9. 20-23; Gal. 3: Lord
will not impute s.. Rom. 4:8 By one man s. entered WOTld. Rom. 5: 12-21
God's mediod<rfdeaUng with s.. Rom,

6:1-23, notes; 8:1-13, notes Body of s., Rom. 6:6 Should not serve s.. Rom. 6:6
Let not s. reign, Rom. 6:12-14 Free from s., Rom. 6:18. 22; 8:2 \>^atsoever is
not faidi is. Rom. 14:23 The sting of death is s.. 1 Cot. 15:56 Be ye angry, s. not,
Efiu 4:26 Man of s. be revealed, 2 Th. 2:3, 8 Them that s. rebuke before all. 1

Tim. 5:20 Through deceitfulness of s.. Heb. 3:13 Appeared to put away s.. Heb.
9:26 It we s, wilfully after. Heb. 10:26 Pleasmes of s. for season, Heb. 11:25 S.
so easily beset us, Heb. 12:1 'rtTien acts becMue s.. Jas. 1:13-15 Respect
perscms. commit s,, Jas. 2:9 ViTio did no s,. neither. 1 Pet. 2:22 Hath ceased
from s.. 1 Pet. 4:1 Cleanseth from alls., 1 Jn. 1:7-9 If we say we have no s., 1 Jn.
1:8 If any man s., we have an. 1 Jn. 2:1 S. is transgression of law, 1 Jn. 3:4 He
that commitiedi s. is of, 1 Jn. 3:8 Doth not commit s.. 1 Jn. 3:9 S. unto death. 1
Jn, 5:16 All unrighteousness is s., I Jn, 5:17 There is a s. nauntodeath. 1 Jn, 5:17
Degrees of s., Lk. 7:41-47; 12:47-48 Unpardonable s., Mt. 12:31-32; Mk.

3:29; Lk. 12:10; 1 Jn. 5:16-17

S. a reproach to any people, Pr. 14:24

Confession of s. necessary fOT fOTgive—

ness. Ps. 51; Rom, 10:9-10; 1 Jn. 1:9

Results of s., Mk. 7:19-21; Rom. 1:

18-32; 5:12-21; 1 Cot. 6:9-11; Gal,

5:19-21; 6:7-8; EA.4-5; CoL3:5-10

S. separates from God, Dt. 31:17-18;

2Chr. 24:20; Isa.59:l-2; Rom. 1:18-32

Wilderness of s.. Ex. 16:1; 17:1; Ntim.

33:11-12 A cir. m Egypt. Ezek. 30:15-lo Siiiicssi.css . Ps. 119:2; Isa. hlS; Mt. I:
21; .-.cu 24:10; Rom. 0:14-23; 8:1 -13; I Cot. 0:9-11; 2 Cot. 7:1; Gal. 0:lS-20;
21; .-.cu 24:10; Rom. 0:14-23; 8:1 -13; I Cot. 0:9-11; 2 Cot. 7:1; Gal. 0:lS-20;
CoU o:o-10; Phil. 1:9-11; 1 Tli. 3:13; 2 Th. 5:22; 1 Pet. 4:1; 2 Pet. 1: 4-11; 5:1-
4. IJi; Rev. 1:5 Sina (2). Sinai. Acts 7:30, 38 Sinai (37). A mountain . Ex. 10:1;
19: 1-23; 24:10; 31:i£; i4;J-4. 29-32; Lev. 7:38; 25:1; 20:4o; 27:34; Num. 1:1.
19; 3:1 -14; 9:1 -5; 10:12; 20:64; 28:6; 33: 15-10; Dt. 33:2; Judu. 5:5; Ncli. 9:1;
Ps. 68:8. 17; Gal. 4:24-25 Since (70). S. bcgiimini; of world, Isa. 04:4; Mt.
24:21; Lk. 1:70; Jn. 9:32; Acts 3:21; Rom. 16:25; Heb. 9:20 S, there was a
naaon, Dan. 12:1 S. the fadieis fell askxp, 2 Pcu 3:4 S. men were upon eaidi. Job
20:4; Rev. 10:18 Sincere (2). Phil. 1:10; 1 Pet, 2:2 Sincerely (3). Judg. 9:10-19;
Phil. 1:10 Sincenr, (7). Jo^ 24:14; 1 Cot. 5:8; 2 Cot. 1:12; 2:17; 8:8;
Efii.6:24;Tit.2: Does not exempt from guilt. Gen. 20 7 FOTgivcness must be
with s., Mt. 18: 35; Mk. 11:24-25; Lk. 11:4 Service to others must be wi tfi s..
Josh. 24:14; 2 Cot. 8:8; Eph. 0:5-7, 24; Tit. 2:7 Sinew (3i, Gen. 32:32; Isa. 48:4
Sinews (a).Job 10:11; 30:17; 40:17; Ezek. 37:6-8 24:7

Sinful (8). S. men. Num. 32:14; Lk.5:8; S. nanon, Isa. 1:4; Amos 9:8 S.
generation, Mk. 8:38 Sin exceeding s,, Rom. 7:13 S. fledi, Rom. 8:3 Sing (117).
7 commands tos., 1 56'J-4 23 vows to s.. Ex. 15:1; Judg. 5:3; 2 Sam. 22:50; Ps.
7:17; 9:2; 13:6; 27: 6; 57:7; 59:16-17; 61:8; 71:22; 75:9; 89:1; 101:1; 104:33;
108:1-3; 138:1; 144:9; 145:7; 146:2; isa. 5:1; 1 Cot. 14:15; Heb. 2:12 Inanimate
thongs s.. 1 Chr. 16:33 Singed (1). Dan. 3:27 Singer (2). 1 Chr. 6:33; Hab, 3:19
Singers (57). S. with instruments of music. 1 Ki. 10:12; 1 Chr. 15:16; 2 I Chr.
9:11; 23:13; Ps. 63:-;5; 87:7 Trumpeters with s., 2 Chr. 5:13; 29:28 Singeth (1).
Pr. 25:20 18:6

Singing (2^. S. and dancing. 1 Sam. i Mixed choirs. 2 Sam. 19:35; 2 Chi. 35:25;
Ezra 2:65; Neh, 7:67 S. widi instruments. 1 Chr. 13:8; 2 Chr. 1 30:21; Eph. 5:19.
notes; CoL 3:16 S. widi tlianksgiving. Neh, 12:27 S. of buds. Song 2:12 , Single
(2), Mt, 6:22; Lk, 11:34 3:22 ^inz'cness fS). Acts 2:46; Eph. 6:5;CoL ;:r.p,:a: (l).
Lev. 27:2 j:"-'' (-). k 718-4; Isa. 49:12 air-ite (2), tribe of Canaamtes, Gen. 10:
ITT: Cni. 1:15 ':-■-■ '"'>. ?s. 69:2, 14: Jer. 51:64; Mt.

14:.:, L;<. 5:7; 9:44 S.7.r.tc (I'.J). •••'hosoever hath s, against -•'e, w;;: ; biot out
of My boc^. Ex. , 32:33

I \'i'hat laael had to do when they s.,

Lev. 4:3-28; 5:5-13; 6:4

".vTiat any man has to do when he has

&.. Lk, 13:1-5; Rom. 10:9-10; 1 Jn. 1:9

Basis of udgment on men who have

s. .^ Rom. 2:12-16

6 accusations against men who s. :

1 Moses against laael (Ex, 32:30-33)

2 Joshua against Isael (Jodi, 7:11)

3 Nehemiah against Israel (Neh, 1:6)

4 Psalmist against laael (Ps. 78:17, 3^

5 Jeremiah against iaael (Jer. 40:1; 44:23; Lam. 1:8)

6 Hosea against Israel (Hos. 10:9)

6 cor.fegions of men who s. :

1 Phaiaoh (Hx. 9:27; 10:16)

2 Balaam (Num. 22:3^

3 Israel (Num. 21:7; Dt. 1:41; 1 Sam. 7:6; 12:10; 2 Ki. 17:7; Ps. 106:6; Jer. 3:25;
8:14, 20; Lam. 5:7; Dan. 9:5-

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