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Adaptasi Skala Mindful Attention Awareness Scale (MAAS)

No Item Asli Terjemahan Terjemahan

. Bahasa Indonesia Bahasa Inggris
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1. I could be experiencing some Saya mungkin I may experience
emotion and not be conscious of mengalami suatu a certain emotion
it until sometime later. emosi tertentu dan and not be aware
tidak sadar of it until some
tentangnya sampai time later.
beberapa waktu
2. I break or spill things because of Karena ceroboh, Because I am
carelessness, not paying tidak waspada, atau careless, not alert,
attention, or thinking of karena sibuk or because I am
something else. berpikir tentang hal busy thinking
lain, tanpa sengaja about other things,
saya merusakkan I accidentally
barang. break things.
3. I find it difficult to stay focused Saya merasa sulit I find it difficult to
on what’s happening in the untuk fokus pada focus on what is
present. kejadian yang happening.
4. I tend to walk quickly to get Saya cenderung I tend to walk too
where I’m going without paying berjalan kaki fast regardless of
attention to what I experience terlampau cepat anything else I
along the way. tanpa pass along the
menghiraukan hal way.
lain yang saya
lewati di sepanjang
5. I tend not to notice feelings of Ketika badan saya When my body
physical tension or discomfort terasa tidak feels
until they really grab my nyaman, saya uncomfortable, I
attention. mengabaikannya ignore it until the
sampai rasa pain becomes
sakitnya menjadi unbearable.
tak tertahankan.
6. I forget a person’s name almost Saya melupakan I forget someone's
as soon as I’ve been told it for nama seseorang name as soon as
the first time. segera setelah kami we meet.
7. It seems I am “running on Sepertinya, saya It seems, I'm
automatic,” without much berperilaku secara behaving
awareness of what I’m doing. otomatis, tanpa automatically,
memahami apa without
yang sedang saya understanding
lakukan. what I'm doing.
8. I rush through activities without Saya tergesa-gesa I rush through my
being really attentive to them. dalam beraktivitas, activities, without
tanpa paying attention to
memperhatikan apa what I am actually
yang sebetulnya doing.
tengah saya
9. I get so focused on the goal I Pikiran saya My mind gets
want to achieve that I lose touch terbawa pada hasil carried away with
with what I’m doing right now to akhir yang ingin the end result I
get there. saya capai, want to achieve,
sehingga saya so I ignore the
mengabaikan process I am
proses yang tengah working on to
saya kerjakan achieve it
untuk meraihnya
10. I do jobs or tasks automatically, Saya melakukan I do work
without being aware of what I'm pekerjaan secara automatically,
doing. otomatis, tanpa regardless of what
memperhatikan apa I am doing.
yang sedang saya
11. I find myself listening to Ketika orang lain When other
someone with one ear, doing berbicara, saya people are talking,
something else at the same time. hanya setengah I only half listen
menyimak karena because at the
secara bersamaan same time I am
saya sibuk busy doing other
melakukan hal lain. things.
12. I drive places on ‘automatic Saya mengemudi I drive to a place
pilot’ and then wonder why I ke sebuah tempat with “auto” mode
went there. dengan mode and then wonder
“otomatis” dan why I went there.
kenapa saya pergi
ke tempat tersebut.
13. I find myself preoccupied with Saya merasa I felt burdened
the future or the past. terbebani dengan with the future
masa depan dan and the past.
masa lalu.
14. I find myself doing things Saya merasa bahwa I felt that I do
without paying attention.
saya mengerjakan things without
segala sesuatu really paying
tanpa benar-benar attention to them.
15. I snack without being aware that Saya memakan I eat snacks
I’m eating. jajanan tanpa without realizing
menyadari apa what I am eating
yang sedang saya

Adaptasi Skala FoMO

No Item Asli Terjemahan Terjemahan

. Bahasa Indonesia Bahasa Inggris
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1. I fear others have more Saya takut orang I fear that other
rewarding experiences than me. lain memiliki people will have
pengalaman yang more valuable
lebih berharga experiences than I
daripada saya. do.
2. I fear my friends have more Saya takut teman I am afraid that
rewarding experiences than me. saya memiliki my friend has
pengalaman yang more valuable
lebih berharga experience than
daripada saya. me.
3. I get worried when I find out my Saya merasa I feel worried
friends are having fun without khawatir ketika when I find out
me. mengetahui teman- that my friends are
teman saya having fun
bersenang-senang without me.
tanpa saya.
4. I get anxious when I don't know Saya merasa cemas I feel anxious
what my friends are up to. ketika saya tidak when I don't know
tahu apa yang what my friends
sedang dilakukan are doing.
teman-teman saya.
5. It is important that I understand Penting bagi saya It is important for
my friends "in jokes." untuk memahami me to understand
teman-teman saya my friends are
"dalam lelucon/ "joking".
6. Sometimes, I wonder if I spend Terkadang, saya Sometimes, I
too much time keeping up with bertanya-tanya wonder if I'm
what is going on. apakah saya spending too
menghabiskan much time
terlalu banyak keeping up with
waktu untuk what's going on.
mengikuti apa yang
sedang terjadi.
7. It bothers me when I miss an Saya merasa I feel disturbed
opportunity to meet up with terganggu (tidak (uneasy) when I
friends. tenang) ketika have to miss the
harus melewatkan opportunity to
kesempatan untuk meet with friends.
bertemu dengan
8. When I have a good time it is Ketika saya When I'm having
important for me to share the bersenang-senang, fun, it's important
details online (e.g. updating penting bagi saya for me to share the
status). untuk membagikan details online
detailnya secara (e.g., by updating
online (mis., the status).
9. When I miss out on a planned Ketika saya When I miss a
get-together it bothers me. melewatkan acara planned get-
kumpul-kumpul together, it will
yang telah annoy me/make
direncanakan, itu me feel disturbed
akan mengganggu (uneasy).
saya/ membuat
saya merasa
terganggu (tidak
10. When I go on vacation, I Ketika saya pergi When I go on
continue to keep tabs on what berlibur, saya tetap vacation, I keep an
my friends are doing. mengawasi apa eye on what my
yang dilakukan friends are doing.
teman-teman saya.

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