Lab Manual Activities

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18 ve To find the height of school building using the instrument (clinometer) by measuring angle of object elevation/depression. Let’sStart Consider aright-angled triangle ABO (Fig 18.1) right angled atB. c AB is the base and BC is the perpendicular and ZBAC = 0. In AABC, tano= BC ‘AB = BC=AB tan 0 a ‘Thus, if @ is known and the side AB is known, then BC can be calculated by equation (1). Materials Required 1. Angle measuring instrument (prepared in Activity 7). 2. Measuring tape (used by sportsmen) 3, Stick (1 m long) 4, Calculator Steps for the Activity R 1. Take a point A, 50 m away from the ‘school building (preferably in the playground). Use measuring tape- 2. At the point A, fix Lm ongstick as shown in Fig. 18.2. School building 8. Using the instrument, find the angle of elevation of the building at the top of the stick ax shown, Fig. 18.2, y 4. From Fig, 18.2, => RQ= QP: tan 0. Height of the building 5. When the author measured, the angle of elevation was 1 RQ = QP (tan 19°) = 50 x (0.3443) = 17.22 Height of the building = RS =RQ+PA = 17.2241 = 18.22 m. ( Suggested Exercise 1, Find the height of a tree/pole in your school playground from a distance of 10 m, 15 mand 20 m from the base of the tree. Take the mean of three heights obtained to find the height of the tree/pole accurately upto two decimal places. aa Objective Tomakea cone of given slant length and base circumference. Let’s Start A cone is a surface generated by a line by keeping one point fixed and by rotating one side along a closed curve. Fig. 24.1 represents a right circular cone. OP=histhe height ofthe cone 1 OB=listhe slantheight of the cone PB=ristheradiusofthe cone. Materials Required 1. White papers 2. Sketch pens 8. Adhesive 1 4. A pair of scissors 5. Geometry box , » Steps for the Activity 1. Ona white paper euta circle of given slant length say !=5 em. 2. Let AB be the given base circumference. If arc AB makes an _* angle @ atthe centre O of the circle (Fig. 24.2) then a 9 = 360 aR 2nl rs 360° = x (2nr)=360° x 5 4 Onl (2nr) = 360° a 8. Mark angle 0 as calculated in step (2) and leave a tab to fold (Fig. 24.3). y 4, Cut the sector shaded in red in Fig. 24.3 and foldso that the points A and B coincide (Fig. 24.4). } g Bi Fig. 24.4 5. Apply a little adhesive on tab and hold for some time to get the required right circular cone (Fig. 24.4). aa ‘To suggest a formula for the volume of a sphere experimentally. Objective Let's Start Werecall that the volume ofa right circular cylinder is nr?h (Fig. 28.1) 22 where m= (approx.) r=radius ofcylinder h=height of cylinder Materials Required 1. Asmall hollow plastic ball 2. Thick paper sheets 8. Adhesive (quick fix preferably) 4. A pair of scissors 5. Knife fy 6. Geometry box 7. Alittle quantity of grain (wheat preffered) 8. A tray or a plate, : 9. Tailor’s tape Steps for the Activity 1. Find the circumference of the plastic ball using tailor’s ' tape as shown in Fig. 28.2. When the author measured, the circumference came as 20 cm (approx.) Ifris the radius of sphere then 2nr=20 Fig. 28.2 20 _ 10X7_5 9 approx. ie: mm «22 2, Take two thick paper sheets of length 20 em and breadth (3.2 x 2) cm approx. with some margin for tab as shown in Fig. 28.3 av (3.22) av ‘adhesive to tab porti < in Fig. 28.4 ion and fold the two (2x2) | Fig. 28.4 Fig. 28.5 | | 5, paste these circles on one side of cylinds an = ical containers are 6, Thus the dimensions of cylindri radius =3.2em b height =2%3.2cm=2r=h 7, Volume of cylindrical container = mah = m0 2(2r) = 2708 8, Dimension of sphere are radius =3.2em= 9, Taking the knife cut a small portion of sph tomake a hole large enough to fill wheat in it. 10, Fill the wheat in the sphere and emptyitin thecyl 11, Wesee that three fillingsin sphere completely x volume of cylinde' ;Volumeofephere 5 rectangular sheets to form two cylindrical surfaces 28 two circles of 4, Cuttwo circles of radius 3.8 em each and mark cirele of 3.2m inside that circle as shown in Fig. 285. rical sheets in Fig. 284 to get two cylindrical et crical ball as shown in Fig. 28.7 jindrical container. fill the two cylindrical containers. 2x (nr) =4nr8

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