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Princess Sarah B.




What do you think will happen when the world’s mechanisms will stop completely? And
describe how does the earth would it be looked like?

- I think when the world’s mechanisms will stop completely then all plate tectonics
movement will also stop completely. Tectonic plates shift on top of a weak, fluid layer of rock
called the asthenosphere. The asthenosphere is part of the Earth’s upper mantle, and while it’s
a layer of solid rock, it gets so much heat and pressure from below that it flows like a liquid.
When molten hot rock pushes up from Earth’s core, it moves in opposite directions along the
asthenosphere until it cools, and sinks back down towards the core. This process is called
convection, and it’s what causes huge chunks of land to slide, separate, or collide. Plate
tectonics explain how we got from one place to another. For the world’s mechanisms to stop
then tectonic plates will also stop moving then the result is that the Earth’s mantle will have to
be too cold for convection to occur. If that were to happen, then it means the Earth’s outer
core has likely solidified and also became cold. Normally a liquid layer, the outer core, transfers
heat between the inner core and the mantle. But if that heat-transfer process breaks down,
Earth either becomes a planet of ice, or a fireball. On one hand, if heat can’t reach the mantle
or Earth’s crust, then the whole planet might freeze. But then again, plate movement helps our
planet regulate its internal temperature, since the convection process cools down hot molten
rock from the Earth’s core. Convergent plates come together to form impressive mountain
chains and terrifying volcanoes. But without the world’s mechanisms there will be no plate
tectonics, Earth will simply stop making new ones or new landforms. The mountains we have
now would erode over a few million years, turning into low, rolling hills. Our planet would
eventually flatten out, with more land ending up underwater. On the bright side, there’d be
fewer natural disasters. Without subduction zones, where two convergent plates meet,
earthquakes would be rare, and even then, they wouldn’t be very powerful. Volcanoes, for the
most part, would be out of commission, since the world’s mechanisms and tectonic activity is
generally what causes their eruption. But if volcanoes are not present, then so is Earth’s
magnetic field. Our magnetic field is powered by convection currents within Earth’s iron outer
core. But if this process fails, we lose our magnetic field. And without our magnetic field, the
earth has no more protection from deadly solar wind. The Sun would consume our atmosphere,
sucking up the air we breathe, and boiling away the oceans wherein because of the intense
heat that we will receive from the sun all living things will burn especially humans, animals, and
plants. At that point, life on Earth becomes impossible. When the world’s mechanisms will stop
completely then as I said the core would solidify and will become cold wherein when this
happens gravity will also not be present where all living and non-living things such as the
atmosphere, air, oxygen, water, people, cars and animals will just float away and living things
will not be able to breathe much longer since without gravity, the air in the atmosphere has no
reason to hang around, and it would immediately leap into space. Thus, without an
atmosphere, any living thing would die immediately and anything liquid would boil away into
space. In other words, no one would last long or survive if the planet didn't have gravity. And
lastly, when the world’s mechanisms will stop completely then the natural cycle on earth would
not happen like the cycle of minerals that geologic events produce for example earthquakes,
volcanic eruptions from a volcano wherein these geologic events releases important minerals
that living things need in order to function so when that cycle is not present anymore then our
bodies will not function well and all living things will eventually die. I think that when the
world’s mechanisms will stop completely the earth will look plain, dull, and would eventually
flatten out, with more land ending up underwater. But if there are no mechanisms in the
world then gravity will no longer be present meaning there will be no atmospheric pressure
bringing the boiling temperature of water super low. This will vaporize most of the water
wherein in result the bodies of water will disappear or might go into space and then vaporize.
So without water on earth, it will really look dry. And when the world’s mechanisms will stop
completely the creation of different landforms would not happen anymore so earth will not be
livable anymore and it will look plain, dull, dry, boring, and flat.

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