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Test-taking Strategies
for Part V
Part V of the test consists of several short reading passages.
In your test booklet, you will see a set of questions and four possible responses for each
passage. You will be expected to choose the best response from the four choices.
There are 20 questions in all.
The passages are of various formats and are based on materials that are usually found in
everyday life and workplace situations.

• Advertisements (jobs, products or services, ... )

• Charts, graphs or tables (schedules, statistics .. .)
• Correspondence (Letters, e-mails, memos .. .)
• Forms (registration cards, questionnaires, orders.. .)
• Notices and signs
• Newspaper or magazine articles

The questions focus on:

• The general topic or purpose of the documents

• Specific details: place, time, people, cost, actions ...

The information needed to answer them is usually mentioned in the documents. But in
some cases, you may have to make inferences i.e. draw conclusions from the details

The Reading comprehension part of the test takes longer than the incomplete sentences
( Part JV) due to the time needed to read the passages. Some candidates run out of time and
do not complete it because they spend too much time reading and rereading the passages
and the questions.

The following tips will teach you how to manage your time better and increase your ability
to select the right response.

8.1 Read the questions and the introduction first

In passages such as advertisements, forms or notices, the questions asked are often about
the name of a person, the place or time of an event, details about organizational changes.
The best way for you to save time is to read:
• the questions before reading the passages.
• the short introduction sentence that precedes each passage. This sentence gives an
indication of the type of document (e.g. questions 99 and JOO referto the following
excerpt from a training manual).

By doing this, you will be able to:

• get a general idea of the topic and context of the document.
• identify the type of information required much faster.

Example 1

Read the following advertisement.

Discover the world of olive oil

• Visit our museum retracing the history of olive oil and enjoy our video
presentation explaining its production and various applications in
gastronomy, medicine and cosmetology.

• Half-hour guided tours throughout the year.

April I to October 31
7 days a week
10:30 - 11:30 - 2:30 - 3:30 - 4:30 - 5:30 - 6:30

November 1 to March 31
10:30 - 3:30 - 4:30 - 5:30
Closed Sunday through Tuesday

Admission tickets
Adults: 8 euros
Half price for children (under 12)

Now answer these two questions.

1. What is the admission charge for children? 2. When aren't there any guided tours?

(A) 4 euros. (A) At 3:30.

(B) 8 euros. (B) In October.
(C) 2 euros. (C) On Mondays in winter.
(D) 16 euros. (D) At 4:30.

(A) is the answer to question 1. This answer is not given directly. However, we can infer
that the admission charge for children is 4 euros because the passage indicates that adults
pay 8 euros and children half price.

By reading the question first, it is easy to guess that the answer is obviously in the section
about admission tickets.

The answer to question 2 is (choice C) On Mondays in winter. There are half-hour guided
tours at (A) 3:30 and (D) 4:30 aJI year long. Tours are also organized (B) in October but
not between Sundays and Tuesdays (which includes Mondays) from November J to March

By reading the question before reading the entire advertisement, you know instantly which
part of the passage you need to focus your attention on and therefore where you are the
most likely to find the answer.

j s.2 Unknown words I

Read the entire passage once.

Do not stop to try and understand unknown words. Instead, try to pick out key words and
phrases that you know.
Do not Jet unknown words stop you. Some candidates tend to waste precious minutes trying
desperately to guess what they mean. They develop a mental block about them thinking that
they contain essential information. As a result, they panic and often choose the wrong
answer or, even worse, do not answer at all.

To prevent such a thing from happening, apply the following technique:

I) Remember that the TOEIC Bridge test evaluates learners of various levels. So, it is
normal that some questions are harder than others.
2) Concentrate on the general meaning of the passage and use your knowledge of the
words you are familiar with to try and understand the unknown words.

Example 2

In the article below, the difficult words have been underlined. Try to read the article
without reading them. You will notice that you are able to get the main idea of the passage
even though you do not understand them.
Understanding the main idea might even help you guess the meaning of the difficult words.

Within the framework of their policy of improving

service quality, a growing number of banks offer
their individual or corporate clients online services
and analysts predict that by the year 2020 more
than 90% of all transactions will be carried out

Online banking allows clients to access a wide

range of financial services directly from home or
the office 24 hours a day. For example, they can
order check books, be informed whenever cash is
withdrawn from the account, transfer money
between accounts of the same network, pay their
utility bills and invoices.

Now read questions 1 and 2 and try to answer them.

1. What is this article about? 2. What is the purpose of this article?

(A) Electronic games. (A) To inform about online services.

(B) Phone bills. (B) To close a bank account.
(C) Banking services. (C) To ask questions.
(D) Opening hours. (D) To attract new readers.

1 (C)
2 (A)

8.3 Inferences

The information needed to answer a question is not always stated directly. Therefore, you
may need to make inferences (i.e. draw conclusions) from the information provided in the

Example 3

Read the following newspaper article.

In a press statement released yesterday, Global West announced

the construction and fitting-out of a new terminal located right in
the city center.
This new facility will welcome passengers (with or without
luggage) who want to check in from 3 to 24 hours prior to
departure. This service will allow Global West passengers to
choose their seats and obtain their boarding passes without delay.
Services operated by Global West also include a shuttle service
by coach to the airport available every day from 6:00am to

Now read the question below and try to answer it.

What is Global West?

(A) A luggage manufacturer.
(B) An airline company.
(C) A bank.
(D) A restaurant.

Choice (B) is the right answer. Though it is not clearly stated, you can infer from
information given in the article (terminal, passengers, check-in, departure, boarding pass,
and service by coach to the airport) that Global West is an airline company.

j s.4 Repeated words I
Some of the words used in the reading comprehension passages may be repeated in the
question and the four statements.
Being able to identify them can be very helpful. .. but also misleading in some cases.

Example 4

Read the following sign.

a{{ rooms fu{{y 6oo{ea
until the end of
the Theater Pestiva{

Ring 0805 23 100

for more information.

Where would this sign most likely be seen?

(A) In a bookstore.
(B) A store seJling rings.
(C) A hotel.
(D) A theater.

Though choice (C) does not repeat the same words as in the sign, it is the correct answer.
The sign explains that all the rooms (or bedrooms) in the hotel are reserved due to a theater

Choice (A) repeats the word book from the sign but is used as a noun referring to an object.
In the sign, it is used as a verb meaning "to reserve".

Choice (B) repeats the word ring from the sign but is used as a noun. In the sign, it is used
as a verb meaning "to phone" or "to call".

In choice (D), the word theater is repeated from the sign but refers to a festival, not to the


Exercise 1

Look at the following company profiles.


Status Parent company Status Subsidiary (] 00%

owned by Satoshi)

Nationality Japanese Nationality Dutch

Founded 1968 Founded 1972
Headquarters Kobe Headquarters Leeuwarden
Business activities Home and personal Business activities Pet nutrition and
care products health care products

Number of 125,000 Number of employees 25,000

Worldwide turnover $68,000,000 Worldwide turnover $8,000,000
Main markets Japan, USA, UK, Main markets Holland, Luxemburg,
Germany, Holland Belgium, Germany

Match the questions in A with the responses in B.


Where does Satoshi sell its products? • Norway

• 1968
• Cars
• 25,000
How many people does Satoshi employ? • Holland
• Home decoration products
• 125,000
What does Klemp produce? • Finland
• 68,000,000
• Food for animals

Exercise 2

Read the fol lowing letter.

seli\,c(l.""0 !::lOU tnLs V1A..ess&1ge fY'OVIA.. /;Iii\, l.11\,teY'll\ c&1fe 1,11\, R.DVIA..e. FOY' tne Li;ist
tn r ee V\A..Oli\,tns, rve beeli\, wo .... ~i.11\,g &1t tne . . ece-pti.oli\, ctes~ of &1 noteL i.11\, tne
celi\,teY'. It Ls &1 c(eV1A..&11i\,c(\,gjob. 1 n&ive to SVIA..t.Le &1LL c(&i l::l &111\,c( -p&l l::l &1tteli\,tLoli\, to &1 Lot
of SV1A..&1LL c(et&ii.Ls. Ml::l boss Ls &1 veY'l::l c(i.ff,,cuLt VIA..&111\,. I c&ili\,'t be&1Y' ni.VIA...
U.fe is so ctLffeY'eli\,t here coV1A..-p&1Y'ec( to New yor ~. It Ls &1 Lot quLeteY' &1~ tne fooc(
Ls c(
l'VIA.. l1&1VL""0 &1 gY'e&1t ti.1/11(,e, &1Ltnougn &it fi.Y'st i.t was quLte c(i.ff,,cuLt because I
couLc(li\,'t s-pe&1~ tne L&1""0u&1ge, &1~ fi.11\,cti.""0 &1 -pL&1ce to tlve w&isli\,'t e&isl::l. -sut Oli\,l
of VIA..l::l coLLe&igues i.11\,vi.tec( 1/11(,e to share nu &1p&1rtl/ll(,eli\,t Lii\, tne subu r bs of 'R.OV1A..e.
It's &1 bi.t Sl/ll(,&1LL, but i.t's fuLL of cn&1Y'&1cteY' &111\,c( I Love i.t. IS&1cvi VIA..OY'li\,L""0 I vii;ive to
C&ltcn &I tY'&ILli\, to go to WOY'~.
Tvl&lli\,~ !::lOU so VIA..ucn foY'tne Woli\,c(eY'{uL bi.rtnc(i;il::l gi.ft. "CoLc( WLll\,c(" LS IIV..l::l
fi;ivo r i.te b&11i\,c(. 1 Love tne ~i.11\,c( of V1A..usi.c tnel::l V1A..&1~ - now c(i.c( !::lou fi,vi.,c( out? 1
~e-p Li.steli\,t.11\,g to tni.s Ct:> &1LL tne ti.1/11(,e.
weLL, tn&1t's &1LL fol" vi.,ow.
H-o-pe to ne&1Y' fY'oVIA.. !::lou soow, c; w..l::l Y"eg&1Y'c(s to !::louY' ft1V1A..LL!::l.

The words in the first column are all from the letter sent by Kelly. Match them with their
definitions in the second column.

• To have or continue to have something in one's possession .

• To continue doing something, or to do it repeatedly .
Keep • To cause to stay in a particular place or state .

• A group of carriages connected together and pulled by a railway

engine to carry people or goods.
Train • To teach someone some specific skills in order to prepare them for a
job, activity or sport.

• To seize something, especially something that is moving through the

Catch • To find and capture a person or animal trying to escape.
• To get on a train, bus or aircraft in order to travel to a destination .

• A large, strong, wild animal with a thick furry coat and large claws
which lives especially in cold regions.
Bear • To carry or take something to a place .
• To accept, tolerate, or endure something/someone unpleasant.

• To turn or cause something to turn .

Wind • A current of air moving across the earth's surface .

• Place in a hotel or office building where people go when they first

Reception • A formal party at which important people are welcomed .

• Gentle, helpful and caring towards other people .

Kind • Sort, type .

Exercise 3

In Part V of the test, you are usually asked questions about points which are mentioned in
the passages. It may not always be the case, though. One of the questions may be about
"What is NOT included ... ", "Which strategy is NOT implemented ... ", "Which aspect does
NOT change ... "
Some candidates tend to select the wrong response when they do not pay attention to the
word "NOT". Therefore, it is important to read the questions carefully and not too quickly.

Read the following passage.

Good news!

This is a special offer sent only to our most loyal customers. Click on the link
below for full details on our exclusive price savings or call 0800 525 028. Our
customer service staff is standing by.
You can order over the web or by fax.

If you wish to modify your profile or unsubscribe from this newsletter simply
send us an e-mail requesting removal from our mailing list.

Now mark these sentences true or false.

o This document is a greetings card.

o You must send an e-mail to get details about the products.

o Customers cannot change their profiles.

o Customers have to send an e-mail to unsubscribe from the newsletter.

o Customers have to call 0800 525 028 to stop receiving special offers.

o By clicking on the link, customers can get more information.

o This offer is sent to all customers.

o Products can be purchased by sending a fax.

Exercise 4
Skilled professional carpenter, residential building to
commercial construction, can perform a variety of installation
and maintenance works: replace windows, ceiling tiles, and
doors, as well as change Locks, mend broken desks, cabinets,
chairs, etc.

High quality service, 7 days a week, at the cheapest rate

For free estimates call
Nathan Sutherland
(728) 482 96 00

Match the questions in A with the responses in B.

• An evaluation of the cost.
• No service on weekends.
What kind of document is this? • A newspaper article.
• Furniture repairs.
• A form.
What is mentioned? • Prices are high.
• An advertisement.
• An invitation card.
• A free desk.
What do you get if you call? • Ceiling tiles.
• Furniture sale.
• A chair.


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