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(Reading Remediation and Enhancement through
Appropriate and Developmental Strategies)
Education Program Supervisor, English


Innovation New
 Public elementary and secondary School
schools District
 School Heads and Teachers Division
PROJECT LOCATION: Schools Division
of ISabela
DATE DATE April 2020
June 2019 March 2020


Reading proficiency is essential for a wide variety of human activities - from

following instructions in a manual; to finding out the who, what, when, where, and why of an

event; to communicating with others for a specific purpose or transaction. It is a basic skill –

a lifelong skill that helps learners to their future successful participation in society, including

the workforce.

Without the ability to read well, opportunities for personal fulfilment and job success

inevitably will be lost (Andersen, 2017). It is in this premise why the Department of

Alibagu, City of Ilagan, Isabela 3300

(078) 323-0281; (078) 323-2015 Sdo Isabela
Education (DepED) anchors all its initiatives in making every learner a proficient reader at

his grade level by continuously fulfilling its mandate to produce productive and responsible

citizens equipped with “values and competencies that enable them to realize their full

potential and contribute meaningfully to building the nation.”

In February 2020, DepED launched Sulong EduKALIDAD as the department’s

response in raising the quality of the country’s basic education. Along this thrust, DepEd

outlined the mechanisms in raising the literacy skills of learners through the issuance of

DepEd Memorandum No. 173, s. 2019 titled Bawat Bata Bumabasa (3Bs) Initiative. This is

to ensure that all schools across the country focus all curricular interventions in developing

the reading skills of learners – an essential tool in improving learning outcomes.

This initiative is stemmed on the results of national assessments conducted for School

Year 2016-2017 such the Early Language Literacy and Numeracy or ELLNA (MPS- 64.55),

National Achievement Test for Grade 6 (39.95), and NAT for Grade 10 (44.06) which reveal

that there are still many learners who are struggling to meet the learning standards in literacy

and numeracy. This is corroborated by the results of the Programme for International Student

Assessment (PISA) in 2018 which show that among 79 participating countries and

economies, the Philippines scored the lowest in reading comprehension, recording an average

reading score of 340, more than 200 points below China (555) and more than 100 points less

than the OECD average (487).

In the Schools Division of Isabela alone, the NAT results for SY 2016-2017 show that

the division falls below the threshold of 75 percent as it recorded an overall MPS of 35.71

percent for Grade 6 and 44.79 percent for Grade 10. The low achievement levels in English,

Science, and Math appear to be caused by gaps in learner’s reading comprehension as proven

by the study of Garcia (2018) titled “Reading Comprehension Skills of Grade 6 Learners and

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(078) 323-0281; (078) 323-2015 Sdo Isabela
Its Relationship to their Academic Performance in Math and Science.” He found out that

there is a significant relationship among English, Mathematics, and Science low achievement

due to gaps in learners’ reading comprehension. The study reveals that there is a ‘very high

correlation’ of reading comprehension skills in English with the learners’ achievement level

in Mathematics as proven by r= 0.84 correlation. Between English and Science, the

correlation is recorded at r= 0.96 (very high correlation).

A closer look at the reading profile of the 776 elementary schools in the division

using the results of the Philippine Informal Reading Inventory (Phil-IRI) administered from

June to August 2020 show that only 43 percent of the 43,076 learners from Grades 3 to 6

achieved independent reading level, 34 percent at the instructional level, and 24 percent falls

under frustration level. What is more alarming is that two in every 100 learners are classified

as non-readers.

The best way to break the cycle of failure experienced by struggling readers is to

provide intervention as early as possible, and a functional school reading program that

captures the essential components of an effective reading instruction and intervention is the

right antidote (Santos, 2007). For a reading program to be effective, Diamond (2006)

suggests that it should include four essential components: (1) reading instruction and

remediation that address learner’s specific needs; (2) professional development that equips

educators with a solid knowledge base; (3) effective instructional tools that are aligned to the

knowledge base; and (4) school system that supports and nurtures implementation. These

components are all critical to the design, implementation, and sustainability of an effective

reading program which results to the improvement of learners reading competence.

Alibagu, City of Ilagan, Isabela 3300

(078) 323-0281; (078) 323-2015 Sdo Isabela
The proponent captured all these components in Project Re-READS (Reading

Remediation and Enhancement through Appropriate and Developmental Strategies), an

innovative project in reading, that is geared towards improving learning outcomes by

strengthening the reading proficiency of learners, developing relevant and localized learning

resources,enhancing instructional competence of teachers, and nurturing a culture of reading

in all schools in the division.


This innovative project aims to improve the reading proficiency of learners.

Specifically, it aims to:

1. equip learners with reading skills to make them proficient and independent readers in

their grade level;

2. develop wide-range, relevant, and localized learning resources in reading;

3. capacitate teachers to become effective reading teachers; and

4. nurture a culture of reading in schools, communities, and various levels of

governance in the division, districts, and schools.


Project Re-READS (Reading Remediation and Enhancement through Appropriate

and Developmental Strategies) is a reading intervention project anchored on reading theories

and principles defined in Every Child A Reader Program (ECARP) and Bawat Bata

Bumabasa (3Bs) Initiative of the Department of Education (DepED). It is also grounded on

the principles of Developmentally Appropriate Practices and Early Language Literacy and

Numeracy (DAP-ELLN),

Alibagu, City of Ilagan, Isabela 3300

(078) 323-0281; (078) 323-2015 Sdo Isabela
Banking on the four pillars of Sulong EduKALIDAD, this project captures the four

components of a functional reading program: (1) customized reading instruction and

remediation that addresses learner’s specific needs; (2) professional development that equips

educators with a solid knowledge base; (3) effective instructional tools that are aligned to the

knowledge base; and (4) school system that supports and nurtures implementation. These are

all critical to the design, implementation, and sustainability of an effective reading program

which results to the improvement of learners reading competence (Diamond, 2006).

Along reading remediation and enhancement activities, this project shall adopt the

principles of explicit reading instruction which involves using highly structured and

sequenced steps to teach a specific skill (Gauthier, Bissonnette & Richard, 2013). The

integrated approach of teaching the “Big Six” of reading (oral language, phonological

awareness, phonics, vocabulary, fluency, and reading comprehension) shall also be used to

enable learners combine the six elements. These approaches are focused and target specific

domains of literacy and provide instruction that is tailored to the student’s needs and abilities,

develop their skill to construct meaning when reading, and heighten their engagement in the

tasks (Snow, 2008).

For capacity building activities, the ELLN Courseware and existing pedagogical

retooling programs shall provide inputs on the program implementation to teachers, school

heads and district supervisors. The program shall be implemented and sustained in the

schools through the Learning Action Cell (LAC) as a cost-efficient continuous professional

development for teachers, school heads, supervisors and parents. The development of wide-

range, relevant, needs-based, and age-appropriate learning resources and the establishment of

reading facilities shall also form part of the implementation of the project. Further, teachers in

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(078) 323-0281; (078) 323-2015 Sdo Isabela
other learning areas are also encouraged to include reading sessions using relevant content

area reading materials in their classes.

These interventions - along with established support systems from schools,

communities, and districts - are geared towards making every learner an independent reader

at his/her grade level, which will eventually result to the improvement of learning outcomes.

The implementation components which shall guide the direction of Project Re-

READS are listed as follows:

1. Profiling of Learners and Teachers

Results of national assessment, NAT, ELLNA, Phil-IRI, Teachers’ Needs

Asseessment (TNA), and inputs from program implementation review activities shall

serve as baseline data in the development of reading initiatives.

2. Designing of In-Class and Off-Class Reading Activities

The in-class and off-class reading activities shall be designed by the reading

specialists in the division to provide teachers suggested activities in the conduct of

reading intervention within and outside the reading class. The designed activities

emphasize direct, systematic, intensive, and sustained reading instruction/

intervention. The design also makes effective use of instructional time, provides

multiple reading opportunities, and employs a variety of reading assessments.

3. Development of Learning Resources in Reading

The reading materials to be developed by reading teachers, reading coordinators, and

supervisors shall cover all grade levels to ensure that both teachers and learners have

Alibagu, City of Ilagan, Isabela 3300

(078) 323-0281; (078) 323-2015 Sdo Isabela
access to a wide-range of contextualized reading materials during reading sessions.

This may be in the print or digital formats subject to existing development guidelines,

procedures, and quality assurance measures of the Division Learning Resource

Management System.

4. Capacity Building for Reading Teachers

Developmental training design for reading teachers shall be adopted. This will focus

on explicit teaching, intensive reading intervention, and specialized reading

instruction to ensure that reading is explicitly taught in every class. The continuous

professional development of all reading teachers will be sustained through school-

based Learning Action Cell (LAC) throughout the year. The ELLN courseware and

existing pedagogical retooling programs shall be used during LAC sessions to ensure

alignment of learning opportunities to teachers’ needs.

5. Establishment of Reading Centers/ Clinic in Every School

The reading center/clinic shall be established in order to provide reading interventions

to struggling readers and non-readers. A Reading Coordinator shall manage the

reading center. The center should be packed with thematically arranged learning

resources in reading and other supplemental reading materials that are relevant and

grade-level appropriate. All schools shall allot 10 to 20-minute pleasure reading

session in the reading center. Reading teachers are advised to have their learners

choose any reading materials of their interest to be brought to the classroom to read it

together and/ or to share about it in the class.

6. Fostering Collaboration with the Community

Alibagu, City of Ilagan, Isabela 3300

(078) 323-0281; (078) 323-2015 Sdo Isabela
A partnership/linkaging mechanism shall be established in all schools to maximize

participation of internal and external stakeholders to the school reading program.

Schools may tap volunteers (parents, community leaders, and alumni) to take part in

the reading initiatives of the school.

7. Validation of Zero Non-Reader Class

A team composed of EPSs, PSDSs, and Reading Specialist shall be formed to assess

and evaluate the effectiveness of various schools’ initiatives in addressing the needs

of struggling readers and non-readers. This will be done randomly after the

administration of the Phil-IRI post test to give empirical data to the division on the

success of the project.

8. Rewards and Recognition of Best Implementers of Reading Initiatives

Awards shall be given to the most effective reading coordinators, reading teachers,

and school administrators to acknowledge their invaluable efforts and means in

increasing learning outcomes and achieving the goal of producing independent

readers in their schools.

Alibagu, City of Ilagan, Isabela 3300

(078) 323-0281; (078) 323-2015 Sdo Isabela


Highlight strategic Launching of Project Re- April 13, 2020 SDS, ASDS, Advocacy Buy-in of the project
importance and READS Chiefs, EPSs, materials 19,000
develop high level PSDSs
of commitment of Consultative conference on April 15, 2020 CID Chief, Commitment on the
stakeholders to the the project rationale, EPSs, PSDSs, Project Briefer __ implementation of the
project implementation components, Reading project
and timelines Coorinators
Assess the Profiling of instructional April 23-May EPSs TNA __ TNA Results
instructional needs needs of reading teachers 15, 2020 SEPS-HRTD Questionnaire
of reading teachers
Analysis and interpretation of May 18-22, SEPS-SMME Laptop, bond __ TNA analysis &
teachers need analysis results 2020 papers, and interpretation
Assess the reading Reorientation on the May 25, 2020 CID Chief, Manual on the Process flow Phil-IRI
levels of learners administration of Phil-IRI EPSs, PSDSs, administration 35,000 assessment
pretest and the utilization of Reading of Phil-IRI administration
electronic Phil-IRI forms Coordinators Assessment
Administration of Phil-IRI June 8-July 31, School Heads, Phil-IRI Class/School Reading
pretest in the 44 schools 2020 Reading Assessment __ Profiles
districts of the division Coordinators, Package
Monitoring of the EPSs, PSDSs,
administration of Phil-IRI June 8-July 31, and School M&E tool 75, 000 Consolidated analysis
assessment 2020 Heads of M&E
Alibagu, City of Ilagan, Isabela 3300
(078) 323-0281; (078) 323-2015 Sdo Isabela
Validation of Phil-IRI pre-test August 3-14, School Heads, Validation tool 37,500 Validated Phil-IRI
results 2020 Reading results
Analysis and interpretation of August 17-21, EPSs, PSDSs, Phil-IRI pretest
Phil-IRI pretest results 2020 School Heads, Laptop, bond _ analysis,
Reading paper, printer interpretation, and
Coordinators dashboard
Dissemination of Phil-IRI pre- August 24, EPSs, PSDSs, Phil-IRI results, _
test results 2020 School Heads, anlysis and Identified reading gaps
Reading interpretation
Equip learners with Designing of in-class and off- April 18-20, EPSs, PSDSs, CCs, laptop,
reading skills to class reading remediation and 2020 School Heads, bond paper, 203,250 Lesson exemplars and
make them enhancement activities Reading printer primers
proficient and Coordinators
independent Conduct of reading September 1, School Heads, Contextualized
readers in their remediation and reading 2020- March Reading reading Accomplished reading
grade level instruction 12, 2021 Coordinators, passages and ledgers of learners
Reading reading ledgers
Tracking of learners’ reading September 25, EPSs, PSDSs, Progress _
progress using a variety of 2020- March School Heads, monitoring tool Reading progress
assessment tools 12, 2021 Reading report
Adjustment of reading September 25, Reading Reading _ Adjusted reading
remediation and enhancement 2020- March Coordinators progress report remediation and
activities to master required 12, 2021 Reading enhancement activities
competencies Teachers
Enhance Conduct of Training- EPSs, SEPS- Training
instructional Workshop on Literacy July 9-11, 2020 HRTD, LFs materials 516,250 Capacitated teachers
competence of Instruction

Alibagu, City of Ilagan, Isabela 3300

(078) 323-0281; (078) 323-2015 Sdo Isabela
reading teachers Provision of technical
assistance on the use of direct, September TA Accomplishment
systematic, intensive, and 2020- March EPSs & PSDSs TA tool 18,900 Report
sustained reading instruction 2021
and intervention.
Conduct of school-based School Heads,
Learning Action Cell (LAC) June 2020- Reading Minutes of LAC
on reading instruction, reading March 2021 Coordinators, session and
assessment, and development Reading LAC Plan _ accomplishment report
of LRs in reading. Teachers
Equip school heads Provision of technical
and reading assistance to school heads and
coordinators with school reading coordinators on June 2020- EPSs & PSDSs TA tool 18,000 TA accomplishment
technical skills in the development and August 2021 Report
the development implementation of functional
and School Reading Program
implementation of Provision of TA to school
functional School heads and school reading June 2020- EPSs & PSDSs TA tool 18,000 TA accomplishment
Reading Program coordinators on designing March 2021 Report
reading remediation and
enhancement activities based
on the specific needs of
Monitoring of the conduct of EPSs, PSDSs,
off-class or in-class reading June 2020- & School M&E Tool 225, 000 M&E accomplishment
remediation and enhancement March 2021 Heads report
Develop Call for the development of April 20, 2020 EPS-LRMS Memo, LR Developed LRs in
competency-based learning resources in reading Development __ reading
age-appropriate, Guidelines
and contextualized Quality assurance and May 6-June 6, LRQA Team QA tool & Quality assured and

Alibagu, City of Ilagan, Isabela 3300

(078) 323-0281; (078) 323-2015 Sdo Isabela
learning resources finalization of developed LRs 2020 developed LRs __ finalized LRs
in reading in reading in reading

Establishment of reading June-August, School Heads, Quality assured _ Reading center/clinic

centers/clinics in schools 2020 Reading and finalized
Coordinators LRs
Evaluate the extent Administration of Phil-IRI February 1-12, EPSs and Phil-IRI post __ Phil-IRI post test
of implementation post test 2021 PSDSs test package results and analysis
of Project Re-
READS Validation Phil-IRI post test February 15- EPSs, PSDSs, Phil-IRI post
26, 2020 School Heads, test results 37,500 Validated Phil-IRI
Reading post test results
Post evaluation of the March 18,2021 EPSs, PSDSs, Validated Phil-
implementation of Project Re- School Heads, IRI post test __ Post evaluation results
READS Reading results and
Coordinators accomplished
M&E tools
Adjustment of project March 29, EPSs, PSDSs,
implementation mechanism 2021 School Heads, Post evaluation __ Adjustment plan
for continual improvement Reading results
Highlight best Search for Most Innovative February 15- CID Chief, Memo and
practices of schools Reading Teachers and Schools March 12, EPSs, & PSDSs contest 18,000 List of awardees
in the 2021 guidelines
implementation of Awarding of Most Innovative March 29, CID Chief, Memo, trophies, 17,550
School Reading Reading teachers and schools 2021 EPSs, & PSDSs certificates, and
Programs list of awardees


Alibagu, City of Ilagan, Isabela 3300

(078) 323-0281; (078) 323-2015 Sdo Isabela
2020 2021
Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar
Preparation of project proposal                        
Finalization and submission of project proposal                        
Launching of the project                        
Profiling of teachers' instructional needs                        
Designing of in-class & off-class reading activities                        
Development and finalization of LRs                        
Conduct of Division Training on Literacy Instruction                        
Reorientation on the administration of Phil-IRI pretest                        
Administration of Phil-IRI pretest                        
Validation of Phil-IRI pretest results                        
Analysis, interpretation and dissemination of Phil-IRI results                        
Establishment of reading centers/clinics
M&E of reading instruction                        
Conduct of reading remediation and reading instruction                        
Tracking of learners’ reading progress using a variety of
assessment tools                        
Adjustment of reading remediation and enhancement
activities to master required competencies                        
Provision of technical assistance on reading instruction and
Administration and validation of Phil-IRI posttest                        
Validation of Phil-IRI posttest results                        
Post evaluation of Project-Re-READS                        
Awarding of most innovative reading teachers and schools                        

Alibagu, City of Ilagan, Isabela 3300

(078) 323-0281; (078) 323-2015 Sdo Isabela
To ensure proper implementation of the project, a Monitoring and Evaluation
(M&E) scheme shall be in place. This will be done in a monthly basis to keep track of the
progress of the recipients using the tool below.


School:________________________________ School ID:_____ District: ________
School Head:___________________________ Contact Number: __________________
Reading Coordinator:____________________ No. of Teachers: ___________________


Class Profile Filipino English

Grade Level Enrolment NR Frus Ins Ind NR Frus Ins Ind

***NR-Non-Reader, Frus-Frustation Reader, Ins-Instructional Reader, Ind-Independent Reader


Directions: Check the box that corresponds to your answer in each item using the
following scale.
E : Evident
EI : Evident but Inadequate
OP : On Process
NE : Not Evident
Indicators E EI OP NE
1. Included in the SIP various programs, projects, and
activities in reading instruction and intervention
2. Develops a functional reading program that captures
essential components of an effective reading instruction
and intervention
3. Maintains updated learners’ reading profile
4. Has complete and accurate records of Phil-IRI
assessment results
5. Has updated quarterly progress report in reading
6. Utilizes results of assessments as bases for reading
7. Institutionalizes reading instruction that emphasizes
explicit, systematic, and customized teaching

Alibagu, City of Ilagan, Isabela 3300

(078) 323-0281; (078) 323-2015 Sdo Isabela
8. Institutionalizes reading remediation activities that
provide multiple reading opportunities and employs
variety of reading assessments
9. Provides 20-minute reading pleasure in every
10. Tracks learners’ progress on a monthly and
quarterly basis
11. Develops wide-range, relevant, and contextualized
learning resources in reading
12. Puts up reading center/clinic with varied and
adequate print and non-print learning resources in
13. Utilizes results of TNA as basis for the development
of learning and development activities for teachers
14. Provides technical assistance to teachers on reading
instruction and remediation.
15. Institutionalizes coaching and mentoring programs
for reading teachers
16. Conducts LAC sessions in reading on a monthly
17. Fosters partnership with external stakeholders
through volunteer work and resource mobilization

Monitored by: Concurred by:

_________________________ __________________________
EPS/PSDS Signature & Date School Head Signature & Date

Alibagu, City of Ilagan, Isabela 3300

(078) 323-0281; (078) 323-2015 Sdo Isabela

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