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The Progressive Fish-Culturist

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Formula Feeds for Channel Catfish

Waldon Hastings & Harry K. Dupree
Version of record first published: 09 Jan 2011.

To cite this article: Waldon Hastings & Harry K. Dupree (1970): Formula Feeds for Channel Catfish, The
Progressive Fish-Culturist, 32:1, 46-46

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total poundage, therefore, will be 100 search be made for water quantity and
pounds; the carrying capacity, 8 pounds quality, so that a highly compact unit
per gallon per minute. (capital outlay) as well as an efficient unit
Rates of exchange of less than 1 per (operating cost) can be built.
hour are undesirable, and values are not
included in these graphs. Many estab- Acknowledgments
lished hatcheries have this condition, how-
ever, and are "top heavy" with raceways, Mr. David W. Galvin reviewed this
often in series. These establishments are manuscript, and Messrs. T. B. Durling
inefficient. Often additional rearing units and William McClay provided editorial
have been added to a fixed water supply to assistance.
meet expanding programs--certainly a
questionable solution. References Cited
Of great importance--from a biolo-
gist's point of view as well as from an Burrows, Roger E., and Bobby D. Combs.
Downloaded by [North Carolina State University] at 19:41 01 December 2012

economist's--is understanding of the rela- 1968. Controlled environments for

tionship of rearing volume and available salmon propagation. Progressive
water. In conventional, rectangular, ce- Fish-Culturist, vol. 30, no. 3, p. 123-
ment raceways, a rate of exchange of 2 136.
per hour for the entire raceway complex
should be the goal; but the available water Haskell, David C.
and the production goals of the hatchery 1955. Weight of fish per cubic foot of
may dictate otherwise. In planning a new water in hatchery troughs and ponds.
hatchery, therefore, water quality and Progressive Fish-Culturist, vol. 17,
quantity are of extreme importance--the no. 3, p. 117-118.
first .from a biological standpoint, the
second from an economic standpoint. Piper, Robert G.
If little water is available, it may have 1967. An approach to establishing a
to be used more intensivelY. Under these loading capacity formula for trout
circumstances, the Burrows (1968) race- hatcheries. Proceedings, 18th Annual
way merits consideration because its de- (December 1967) Northwest Fish Cul-
sign makes efficient use of the available ture Conference, p. 12-13.
water; in other words, the Burrows pond
has a better performance factor. Further Willoughby, Harvey.
experimentation in design, to improve the 1968. A method for calculating carry-
performance factor, is very desirable. ing capacities of hatchery troughs and
No matter what the design may be, how- ponds. Progressive Fish-Culturist,
ever, it is extremely important that a vol. 30, no. 3, p. 173-174.


by: Waldon Hastings and Harry K. Dupree

(The Progressive Fish-Culturist, vol. 31, no. 4, p. 187-196)

ERRATA: Rations 5 through 12 (table 1) contained Chick Grower vitamin premix for
fish fed in ponds, whereas fish fed in aquariums received Special Fish vitamin premix.
Accordingly, references to "Special Fish vitamin premix" for rations 5 through 12 in
tables 3 and 4 should be changed to "Chick Grower vitamin premix."
46 JANUARY 1970

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