Ex. 2 Photosynthesis

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Experiment Overview:

Photosynthesis is the process through which plants use energy from the sun to turn
water, carbon dioxide, and minerals into glucose (food) and oxygen. This process is so
important to life on Earth! Not only do animals eat plants, but they also breathe in the
oxygen produced by the plants. When the animals exhale, they provide carbon dioxide
in return that can be used by the plants for more photosynthesis. Humans have also
found ways to mimic the natural process of photosynthesis to create a renewable type
of fuel – plant power!

In this exercise, you will observe the photosynthesis process taking place in leaves.
You will provide the leaves with carbon dioxide and light, and observe how the leaves
release tiny oxygen bubbles.

Experiment Materials:

 fresh spinach leaves

 hole puncher (or can use hard plastic straw)

 baking soda (sodium bicarbonate)

 liquid dishwashing detergent (only need a drop)

 1 plastic syringe (no needle, 10 mL or larger)

 2 clear cups

 1 measuring cup
 1 measuring spoon (1/8 teaspoon)

 light source (natural sunlight works, or you can use an artificial light)

Experiment Process:

Choose 2 kinds of leaves (ex. spinach, gumamela, water crest etc.): this works
best with broad, flat leaves and make sure to avoid punching holes from areas
with large veins.

Step 1

Use a measuring spoon to scoop out 1/8 teaspoon of baking soda, and fill your
measuring cup with 300 milliliters of water. Mix the baking soda into the water to create
your bicarbonate solution. When the baking soda dissolves in the water, it releases
carbon dioxide. This will be used by the spinach for photosynthesis. Pour this solution
into any cup and set aside.
Step 2

Fill your clean measuring cup with 200 milliliters of water and add a drop of liquid
dishwashing detergent to create a detergent solution.

Step 3
Pour half (150mL) of your bicarbonate solution into a clear cup. Place a drop of the
detergent solution into the bicarbonate solution. Make sure there is no suds. If you see
bubbles, continue adding small amounts of the bicarbonate solution to the cup until the
bubbles are gone.

Step 4

Using the hole punch, create 10 – 20 discs from the spinach leaves. Only punch holes
in smooth, flat areas and do your best to avoid large veins or the edges of the leaf.
Step 5

Remove the plunger from the syringe and add the discs into the syringe.

Step 6

Put the plunger back into the syringe and slowly depress it to expel as much air as you
can without crushing the leaves.
Step 7

Dip the tip of the syringe in the bicarbonate/detergent mixture and pull in about 3 mL of
liquid. Gently tap the syringe to suspend the leaves in the solution.

Step 8

Next, place your finger over the end of the syringe and pull back on the plunger to
create a vacuum.
Step 9

While keeping your finger over the tip to maintain the vacuum, swirl the leaf disks in the
syringe. After 10 seconds, remove your finger to release the vacuum.
Step 10

Repeat steps 8 and 9 to make sure the leaves take up the carbon dioxide. You should
observe the discs sinking to the bottom of the syringe. If this does not happen, you may
need to start over using fresh discs and new solution that has more baking soda.

Step 11
Pour the discs into the cup with the bicarbonate/detergent mixture and watch them sink
to the bottom. Make sure they don’t stick to the sides of the cup.

step 12

Expose the cup to natural sunlight or artificial light source for several minutes. Observe
and write down what happens as the spinach discs perform photosynthesis and give off
Share Your Results:

1. What happened to the spinach discs as they gave off oxygen from

2. What happens to the spinach discs when you turn off the light source?

3. What three things did you give the spinach leaves for them to perform


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