Berberin Trên Cá Invitro

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Aquaculture Research, 2010, 41, 1095^1100 doi:10.1111/j.1365-2109.2009.02399.

In vitro antibacterial effect of berberine hydrochloride

and enrofloxacin to fish pathogenic bacteria

Defeng Zhang1,2, Aihua Li1, Jun Xie3 & Cheng Ji1,2

State Key Laboratory of Freshwater Ecology and Biotechnology, Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences,
Wuhan, China
Postgraduate School of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
Ministry of Agriculture, Freshwater Fisheries Research Center, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences,Wuxi, China

Correspondence: A Li, Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences,Wuhan 430072, China. E-mail:

Abstract gencies associated with infectious disease epidemics.

The use of chemicals and antibiotics, however, has
Berberine the main antibacterial substance in the rhi-
the potential to increase the frequencies of bacterial
zome of Coptis chinensis Franch, is used as an antimi-
resistance and this would have a negative impact on
crobial agent for a long time. This study was carried
the subsequent use of these agents to control infec-
out to investigate the potential of berberine alone or
tious disease in aquaculture. In addition, there is also
in combination with enro£oxacin against six common
a possibility that the enrichment of resistant bacteria
¢sh pathogens for use in ¢sh disease management in
or genes encoding resistance could have an adverse
aquaculture. The minimum inhibitory concentrations
impact on the use of antimicrobial agents to control
(MICs) of berberine hydrochloride against Aeromonas
diseases in humans and other land-based animals.
hydrophila, Pseudomonas £uorescens, Vibrio vulni¢cus,
Therefore, the use of chemicals and antibiotics is fa-
Edwardsiella ictaluri, Escherichia coli and Streptococcus
cing greater restriction in the aquaculture industry.
agalactiae were determined and to be 4500, 4500,
China is a major aquaculture country, accounting
4500, 300, 400 and 100 mg mL  1 respectively. The
for nearly 70% of the world’s total aquaculture output;
minimal bactericidal concentrations (MBCs) of berber-
however, there are so many kinds of ¢sh diseases
ine hydrochloride to E. coli, E. ictaluri and S. agalactiae
caused by pathogenic bacteria, such as Aeromonas hy-
were 300^500 mg mL  1. In combination with enro-
drophila, Pseudomonas £uorescens, Streptococcus spp.,
£oxacin, the MICs and MBCs of berberine hydrochlor-
Edwardsiella ictaluri and Vibrio spp., which caused se-
ide signi¢cantly decreased against E. coli and E. ictaluri
vere economical loss in aquaculture throughout Chi-
but not against Streptococcus dysgalactiae. These results
na. Looking for alternative treatments to ¢sh diseases
demonstrated that the berberine hydrochloride en-
caused by various bacteria, such as the use of Chinese
hanced the bactericidal e¡ect of enro£oxacin and vice
herb medicines or plant extracts, to replace, or reduce
versa. The synergistic bactericidal e¡ect of berberine
the reliance on antibiotics is thought as a solution to
hydrochloride and enro£oxacin suggest its potential
this problem.
use in ¢sh disease management in aquaculture. This
Traditional Chinese medicines in combination
is the ¢rst study on the inhibitory e¡ect of berberine
with chemical medicines has been given special at-
hydrochloride against ¢sh pathogenic bacteria.
tentions in the area of human medicine, veterinary
medicine and ¢sh disease control in China because
Keywords: berberine hydrochloride, enro£oxacin,
of the low price and low toxicity of traditional
¢sh pathogenic bacteria, synergistic e¡ect
Chinese drugs (Lu, Ding & Chen 2008).
Berberine [18,5,6-dihydro-9,10-dimethoxybenzo(g)-
1,3-benzodioxolo (5,6-a) quinolizinium], a naturally
occurring isoquinoline alkaloid, has been found in
Appropriate antimicrobial therapy represents one of roots and bark of various Berberis species [e.g., Ber-
the most e¡ective management responses to emer- beris vulgaris (barberry), Berberis aquifolium (Oregon

r 2009 Aihua Li
Journal Compilation r 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1095
Antibacterial e¡ect of berberine hydrochloride and enro£oxacin D Zhang et al. Aquaculture Research, 2010, 41, 1095^1100

grape), Berberis aristata (tree turmeric) and Tinospora pathogenic to ¢sh. All bacterial strains were stored
cordifolia]. The extracts of these species have been at  80 1C as usual. Before testing, the archived bac-
used as an antidiarrhoeal drug and an antibacterial teria were removed from the ultra freezer, allowed to
agent, and now it has been synthesized. Berberine thaw to room temperature, cultured in broth and in-
has a wide range of pharmacological e¡ects. It can in- cubated at 25 1C for 24 h to reach the log growth
hibit fungi, such as Candida albicans, Candida tropicalis phase of the isolates.
and Candida glabrata (Nakamoto, Sadamori & Hamada In this study, brain heart infusion media (BHI, Ox-
1990). Berberine sulphate has been demonstrated to oid, Basingstoke, UK) for E. ictaluri and S. dysgalac-
reduce the infectivity of bacteria, fungi and protozoa tiae, trypticase soy broth (TSB) and tryptonic soy
in both animals and humans (Subbaiah & Amin 1967; agar (Difco Laboratories, Detroit, MI, USA) for the
Amin, Subbaiah & Abbasi 1969). Berberine hydro- other bacteria were used to culture bacteria in this
chloride, the most commonly used form of berberine, study. For the culture of V. harveyi, a ¢nal concentra-
in combination with £uconazole can result in potent tion of 2% of sodium chloride was supplemented to
synergistic action against £uconazole-resistant C. al- the media (Donovan & van Netten 1995).
bicans in vitro (Quan, Cao, Xu, Zhao, Gao, Qin & Jiang
2006). Furthermore, berberine is the best starting
structure to look for new cationic alkaloids with dou- Antimicrobial agents
ble isoquinolinoid skeleton, acting as antifungal
The antimicrobials tested in this study included arti-
agents (Enriz & Freile 2006).
¢cially synthesized berberine hydrochloride powder
The aims of this study are to explore the potential
(purity, 97.1%) and enro£oxacin powder (purity,
use of berberine alone and together with chemical
99.1%). Both chemicals were obtained from Wuhan
antimicrobials and antibiotics, in order to substitute
Jiuzhou Shengnong Pharmaceutical (Wuhan, Hubei
or cut down the wide use of these chemical antimi-
province, China). They were dissolved in appropriate
crobials and antibiotics in aquaculture, which had
solvents (PBS, pH7.4) to make stock solutions, and
caused a series of environmental and food safety pro-
then further diluted in BHI or TSB. After ¢ltration
blems. For this purpose, Escherichia coli, E. ictaluri,
through sterile a 0.22 mm membrane, stock solutions
A. hydrophila, P. £uorescens,Vibrio harveyi and Strepto-
were frozen at  20 1C until use. The concentrations
coccus dysgalactiae were selected to test because they
of stock solutions of berberine hydrochloride and
are the most common ¢sh bacterial pathogens in Chi-
enro£oxacin were 1000 mg mL  1 (pH 6.4) and
nese aquaculture practices. This work will be the
1000 mg mL  1 (pH 7.0) respectively.
starting point to study the underlying mechanism of
the activity of berberine and berberine combined
with antibiotics to the pathogens.
Minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC)
and minimal bactericidal concentration
(MBC) assays
Materials and methods
The MIC was determined by a broth microdilution
Bacterial strains and growth conditions
method with Mueller^Hinton broth (Becton Dickin-
Five archived strains of ¢sh pathogenic bacteria and son Italia, Milan, Italy), according to the procedures
one strain of E. coli listed in Table 1 were used in the outlined by the National Committee for Clinical
present study. All strains except E. coli were isolated Laboratory Standards (Clinical and Laboratory
from diseased ¢sh and originally con¢rmed to be Standards institute/National Committee for Clinical

Table 1 Strains of bacteria tested in this study

Strains Host fish Year of isolation Location of isolation

Streptococcus dysgalactiae (0722XY) Acipenser schrenckii 2006 Hubei province, China

Edwardsiella ictaluri (HSN-1) Pelteobagrus fulvidraco 2006 Hubei province, China
Pseudomonas fluorescens (56-12-10) Ctenopharyngodon idella 1956 Hubei province, China
Aeromonas hydrophila (XS9141) Hypothalmichthys molitrix 1991 Hubei province, China
Vibrio harveyi (Ecgy0204) Lutjanus erythopterus 2002 Guangdong province, China
Escherichia coli (ATCC25922) A American Type Cultures Collection (ATCC) strain

r 2009 Aihua Li
1096 Journal Compilation r 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Aquaculture Research, 41, 1095^1100
Aquaculture Research, 2010, 41, 1095^1100 Antibacterial e¡ect of berberine hydrochloride and enro£oxacin D Zhang et al.

Table 2 Results of MIC test of berberine hydrochloride by a checkerboard titration method using 96-well
against six strains of bacteria polypropylene microtitre plates. The ranges of drug
dilutions used were shown as listed in Tables 4^6.
Berberine hydrochloride concentrations The media, inocula and conditions were the same as
(lg mL  1)
those for MIC tests. The fractionary inhibitory con-
Strains 500 400 300 200 150 100 70 40 centration (FIC) index for combinations of two anti-
microbials was calculated by the formula
XS9141 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
56-12-10 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 FIC index ¼ partial FIC berberine
0722XY       1 1 þ partial FIC enrofloxacin
HSN-1    1 1 1 1 1
Ecgy0204 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 where partial FIC is the concentration of drug in com-
ATCC25922   1 1 1 1 1 1 bination/MIC of single drug.
1, represents visible bacterial growth; , represents no visible The result of the sum allows to know if the
bacterial growth. combination resulted in synergism, indi¡erence or
ATCC, American Type Cultures Collection; MIC, minimum inhi- antagonism, according to following criteria:  1,
bitory concentration.
synergistic; 1^2, indi¡erence;  2, antagonistic (Ca-
solari, Rossi, Baggio, Coppi, Zandomeneghi, Ruberto,
Laboratory Standards 2006), and an initial inoculum Farina, Fabio, Zanca & Castelli 2004).
of 5  105 CFU mL  1 was used. In brief, 50 mL BHI or
TSB was added to each well of 96-well plates, 50 mL of
drug solution with appropriate concentration was
added to the ¢rst well, and then a serial twofold dilu-
tion was processed (it was not true for berberine hy- Antimicrobial activity
drochloride, the detailed concentrations of the series
Minimal inhibitory concentrations of berberine hy-
wells can be seen in the following tables), giving a
drochloride against E. coli, E. ictaluri and S. dysgalac-
series of tested concentrations for berberine hydro-
tiae were 300, 400 and 150 mg mL  1, respectively,
chloride and enro£oxacin, as listed in Table 2. Fifty
and were shown in Table 1. These ¢ndings demon-
microlitres of inocula with a concentration of
strate that berberine possesses good activity against
106 CFU mL  1 logarithmic organisms was added to
these organisms, especially against S. dysgalactiae.
each well, mixed thoroughly and incubated at 25 1C
Table 2 shows the MICs of enro£oxacin against six
for 24 h in a moist chamber before the visual determi-
strains of bacteria, A. hydrophila, P. £uorescens, S. dys-
nation of MICs. Wells without antimicrobial agents
galactiae, E. coli, V. harveyi and E. ictaluri; they were
and wells without bacteria were set up and incubated
0.4,1.6, 0.8, 0.025, 0.8 and 0.025 mg mL  1 respectively.
as controls. The ¢nal concentrations of bacteria
These ¢ndings show that enro£oxacin was much
adopted were 5  105 CFU mL  1. Minimal inhibi-
more e¡ective against E.coli and E. ictaluri than
tory concentration was de¢ned as the lowest drug
against the others.
concentration at which observable growth was
The results of antibacterial testing of berberine hy-
drochloride in combination with enro£oxacin
Minimal bactericidal concentrations of berberine
against E. coli, S. dysgalactiae and E. ictaluri are
hydrochloride and enro£oxacin alone or in combina-
shown in Tables 3^5.
tion were determined by subculturing 10 mL of the
The MICs of berberine hydrochloride in combina-
test dilutions without visible growth in MIC experi-
tion with enro£oxacin against E. coli or E. ictaluri is
ments on to a fresh drug-free solid medium and incu-
lower than that of berberine hydrochloride alone or
bating further for 18^24 h. The lowest concentration
enro£oxacin alone against the two organisms. The re-
of each drug that resulted in 499.9% reduction in
sults shown inTable 3 indicate that sub-MIC of berber-
the initial inocula was taken as MBC.
ine hydrochloride increased the antibacterial e¡ect of
enro£oxacin against E. coli and E. ictaluri. Minimal in-
hibitory concentration of enro£oxacin against E. coli
Combination antimicrobial susceptibility
decreased from 0.025 to 0.0125 mg mL  1 when there
was 50 or 100 mg mL  1 of berberine hydrochloride in
In interaction studies, E. ictaluri, E. coli and S. dysga- microtitre plate wells. When 150 or 200 mg mL  1 of
lactiae were used to test the antibiotic combinations berberine hydrochloride was used, the MIC of enro-

r 2009 Aihua Li
Journal Compilation r 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Aquaculture Research, 41, 1095^1100 1097
Antibacterial e¡ect of berberine hydrochloride and enro£oxacin D Zhang et al. Aquaculture Research, 2010, 41, 1095^1100

Table 3 Results of MIC test of enro£oxacin against six Table 5 Inhibitory test of berberine hydrochloride com-
strains of bacteria bined with enro£oxacin to Streptococcus dysgalactiae
Enrofloxacin concentrations (lg mL  1)
Enrofloxacin (lg mL  1)
Stains 1.6 0.8 0.4 0.2 0.1 0.05 0.1/4 0.1/8
Agents and concentration 1.6 0.8 0.4 0.2 0.1 0.05 0
XS9141    1 1 1 1 1
56-12-10  1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Berberine hydrochloride (mg mL  1)
0722XY   1 1 1 1 1 1 300       
HSN-1        1 200       
Ecgy0204   1 1 1 1 1 1 150       
ATCC25922        1 100   1 1 1 1 1
70   1 1 1 1 1
1, represents visible bacterial growth; , represents no visible
40   1 1 1 1 1
bacterial growth.
0   1 1 1 1 1
ATCC, American Type Cultures Collection; MIC, minimum inhi-
bitory concentration. 1, represents visible bacterial growth; , represents no visible
bacterial growth.

Table 4 Inhibitory test of berberine hydrochloride com-

bined with enro£oxacin to Escherichia coli (ATCC25922) Table 6 Inhibitory test of berberine hydrochloride com-
bined with enro£oxacin to Edwardsiella ictaluri (HSN-1)
Enrofloxacin (lg mL  1)

Agents and Concentration 0.1/2 0.1/4 0.1/8 0.1/16 0.1/32 0 Enrofloxacin (lg mL  1)

Berberine hydrochloride (mg mL  1) Agents and concentration 0.1/2 0.1/4 0.1/8 0.1/16 0.1/32 0
Berberine hydrochloride (mg mL  1)
200     1 1
300      1
150     1 1
200     1 1
100    1 1 1
150    1 1 1
50    1 1 1
100    1 1 1
0   1 1 1 1
50    1 1 1
1, represents visible bacterial growth; , represents no visible 0   1 1 1 1
bacterial growth.
1, represents visible bacterial growth; , represents no visible
ATCC, American Type Cultures Collection.
bacterial growth.

£oxacin against E. coli decreased further to Berberine hydrochloride did not increase the inhi-
0.00625 mg mL  1. In the same way, sub-MIC of enro- bitory e¡ect of enro£oxacin against S. dysgalactiae
£oxacin also enhanced the antibacterial e¡ect of ber- (Table 5). The FIC calculated was 1.
berine hydrochloride, lowered its MIC against E. coli The MBCs of berberine hydrochloride for E. coli,
from 300 to 50 mg mL  1 when 1/2MIC or 1/4MIC of S. dysgalactiae, E. ictaluri were 400, 300 and
enro£oxacin was used. The calculated FIC was 0.67, in- 500 mg mL  1 respectively. The MBCs of enro£oxacin
dicating a synergism e¡ect. for E. coli, S. dysgalactiae and E. ictaluri were 0.2, 3.2
A similar synergistic action against E. ictaluri be- and 0.1 mg mL  1 respectively. The MBCs of berberine
tween berberine hydrochloride and enro£oxacin hydrochloride in combination with enro£oxacin for
was observed (Table 6). Sub-MIC (450 mg mL  1) of E. coli, S. dysgalactiae and E. ictaluri were 0.00625
berberine hydrochloride can reduce the MIC of enro- mg mL  1 of enro£oxacin plus 300 mg mL  1 of berber-
£oxacin on E. ictaluri two to eight times, i.e., from ine hydrochloride, 0.4 mg mL  1 of enro£oxacin plus
0.025 to 0.003125 mg mL  1. In the same way, sub- 200 mg mL  1 of berberine hydrochloride and 0.00625
MIC of enro£oxacin can enhance the antibacterial mg mL  1 of enro£oxacin plus 300 mg mL  1 of ber-
activity of berberine hydrochloride, and allows the berine hydrochloride respectively. These results
MIC against E. ictaluri to decrease from 300 mg mL  1 demonstrated that the enro£oxacin enhanced the
go down to 50 mg mL  1. The FIC calculated was bactericidal e¡ect of berberine hydrochloride and
0.625. vice versa.

r 2009 Aihua Li
1098 Journal Compilation r 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Aquaculture Research, 41, 1095^1100
Aquaculture Research, 2010, 41, 1095^1100 Antibacterial e¡ect of berberine hydrochloride and enro£oxacin D Zhang et al.

Discussion 2007). This result can be taken as a quality control

for MIC assay.
The MICs of berberine hydrochloride for theA. hydro- There were several researchers exploring the me-
phila, P. £uorescens, V. harveyi, E. coli, E. ictaluri and chanism behind the antimicrobial activity of berber-
S. dysgalactiae stains were  500,  500,  500, ine. There was a report that berberine sulphate was
400, 300 and 150 mg mL  1, respectively, which are bacteriostatic for streptococci and that sub-MICs of
much higher than those of commonly used antibio- berberine blocked the adherence of streptococci to
tics. S. dysgalactiae was most sensitive to berberine host cells (Sun, Courtney & Beachey 1988). Berberine
hydrochloride among the organisms tested in the speci¢cally blocks the synthesis and assembly of
present study. This ¢nding is in coincidence with a Pap ¢mbriae on the surface of E. coli CI6 cell in the
previous study, which showed that the antibacterial presence of 200 mg mL  1 berberine for 18 h (Sun,
e¡ect of berberine on Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus Abraham & Beachey 1988). In the presence of
subtilis were stronger than on E. coli (Wang, Yan & 1^50 mg mL  1 berberine, adhesion and intracellular
Gao 2006). This results show that berberine invasion ability of methicillin-resistant S. aureus were
hydrochloride can inhibit the growth of E. ictaluri, notably decreased (Yu, Kim, Cha, Kim, Lee, Choi &
E. coli and S. dysgalactiae at a concentration You 2005). Berberine was also found to have e¡ects
o400 mg mL  1, but berberine hydrochloride on toxins and plasmids of bacteria. Berberine might
alone did not show e¡ective inhibition against not allow the formation of active and intact cholera
A. hydrophila, P. £uorescens andV. harveyi in vitro even toxins (Modak, Modak & Venkatraman 1970). Berber-
at a concentration of 500 mg mL  1. Combination of ine also markedly inhibited the secretory response of
berberine hydrochloride and enro£oxacin showed a E. coli heat-stable enterotoxin in the infant mouse
signi¢cant synergistic action against E. ictaluri and model (Sack & Froehlich 1982). Berberine sulphate
E. coli (FIC 5 0.625 and 0.67 respectively), but did not has some e¡ects to eliminate the plasmids of E. coli
show such a e¡ect on S. dysgalactiae (FIC 51). Consid- (Li, Wang & Hu 1994). In conclusion, berberine is a
ering S. dysgalactiae is a Gram-positive bacterium, multifunctional antimicrobial agent, which has a po-
and E. ictaluri and E. coli are Gram-negative bacteria, tential to be used in aquaculture. Further studies are
does this mean that the synergistic action between de¢nitely needed to determine the exact underlying
berberine hydrochloride and enro£oxacin can mechanism of the antibacterial e¡ect of berberine
only occur on Gram-negative bacteria? Of course, it and the combination with antibiotics. Coptis chinen-
needs a more detailed study. This result clearly indi- sis Franch, which is an important Chinese herb and
cated that berberine hydrochloride has signi¢cant is an important source of berberine, has been used
antibacterial activity against E. ictaluri and E. coli widely in Chinese aquaculture to treat ¢sh diseases
when used together with enro£oxacin. The synergis- and to promote ¢sh immune system with di¡erent le-
tic action, however, has not been demonstrated vels of success (Commission of Chinese Veterinary
in vivo studies. Pharmacopoeia 2005).
The ¢nding that the antibacterial e¡ect of berber- Disease problem is a major threaten to aquaculture
ine hydrochloride on Gram-positive bacteria (S. aur- in China. Unfortunately, antimicrobial treatment is
eus, B. subtilis and S. dysgalactiae) was stronger than currently the major control method. However, as in
on the Gram-negative bacteria tested (A. hydrophila, many of other countries, antibiotics are facing tough-
P. £uorescens, V. harveyi, E. ictaluri and E. coli) prob- er control on the use on food-producing animals, in-
ably owes to the di¡erence of structure and function cluding on aquaculture ¢sh in China. Products from
of bacterial cell wall partly. plants are receiving greater attention for the substi-
Whether the combination of berberine hydro- tution of chemical antimicrobials for this purpose.
chloride and enro£oxacin can reduce the risk of The ¢ndings of the present study proved that a Chi-
development of resistant bacteria to both antimicro- nese herb extract, berberine, was e¡ective in control-
bials also need further investigations. ling some ¢sh pathogenic bacteria, suggesting its
Our results show that E. ictaluri and E. coli had potential as an antimicrobial agent for aquaculture
higher susceptibility to enro£oxacin than A. hydro- use, especially when used in combination with anti-
phila, P. £uorescens, S. dysgalactiae and V. harveyi had. biotics. By this way, it will reduce the usage of anti-
The MIC value of enro£oxacin against E. coli biotics to a certain extent.
(ACTT25922) was in accordance with that reported To our knowledge, this is the ¢rst study on the
previously (Lykkeberg, Halling-Srensen & Jensen inhibitory e¡ect of berberine hydrochloride against

r 2009 Aihua Li
Journal Compilation r 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Aquaculture Research, 41, 1095^1100 1099
Antibacterial e¡ect of berberine hydrochloride and enro£oxacin D Zhang et al. Aquaculture Research, 2010, 41, 1095^1100

¢sh pathogenic bacteria when in combination with Li L.J., Wang Z. & Hu W.Z. (1994) Elimination of drug resis-
antibiotics. tance plasmids from Shigella by nor£oxacin and berber-
ine. ChineseJournal of Infectious Diseases 12, 4^8.
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progress in integrative medicine in China. ChineseJournal
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their technical assistance. This study was supported Susceptibility of bacteria isolated from pigs to tiamulin
and enro£oxacin metabolites. Veterinary Microbiology
by the National Science and Technology Pillar
Programs (Grants No. 2006BAD03B04 and No.
Modak M.J., Modak S. & Venkatraman A. (1970) E¡ect of ber-
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r 2009 Aihua Li
1100 Journal Compilation r 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Aquaculture Research, 41, 1095^1100

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