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Health and Illnesses

When were you last ill? What was the matter with you? What were your symptoms?
I was ill about a month ago. I had a bad cold/ flu. I had a splitting headache and a sore throat. It hurt when I swallowed and I felt
sore all over. I couldn’t help sneezing and my nose was running and I was coughing. I was shivering with cold, my nose clogged up
and I felt sick. I vomited. I had a high temperature of 39 degrees. And I also had a pain in my chest. So I decided to see the G. P.

Did you go to the doctor? How did he examine you?

I went to the local health centre. I had to wait 2 hours in the waiting room which was full of patients due to the flu epidemic. When
the assistant shouted:’ next please’, I entered the consulting room. Before the doctor examined me, he had told me to strip to the
waist. He felt my pulse, looked at my tongue and throat which was inflamed. He also listened to my lungs and breathing with a
stethoscope and took my blood pressure. He diagnosed my illness and sent me to the laboratory for a blood test.

What treatment did he prescribe?

He prescribed me some antifebrile, and some menthol drops for my nose, a mixture for my throat, some pain-killers for my
headache and some pills. I had to take them three times a day after meals. I bought the medicine at the chemist’s. I had to stay in
bed for three days and I had to drink a lot of hot tea with lemon and keep warm. I was put on the sick-list and I had to stay off school
for a week.

How long did it take you to get well?

After following the doctor’s advice and taking the medicine I soon recovered from my illness. My friends came to see me and
wished me a quick recovery.

What do you do if you have a toothache?
If I have a toothache, first I take a strong pain-killer to stop the pain. It is very difficult to bring myself to go to the dentist’s
immediately. I am a bit afraid of the dentist. Although I know prevention is better than cure, I don’t go to the dentist regularly.

How does the dentist examine you?

I sit in the dentist’s chair and I have to open my mouth. He/she begins probing for cavities. When he finds one, he drills it and fills it
and asks me not to chew for 2 hours. If the aching tooth is too far gone, the dentist pulls it out. (Before that he anaesthetises my
nerves with an injection which is given to my gum.)

What are the commonest diseases in Hungary?
Perhaps flu is the commonest disease. There are a lot of people who suffer from different kinds of allergies or hay -fever, asthma.
Appendicitis, food poisoning, diarrhoea, and indigestion, constipation are common with children. More and more people suffer
from nervous breakdown, depression and insomnia. The most common cause of death are cancer, heart attack and stroke.

Which diseases take the heaviest toll of human lives?

Coronary heart diseases, circulatory disorders, cancer and AIDS(Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome).

What diseases did you suffer as a child? When I was a child, I had mumps and chicken pox.

What are the commonest children’s diseases?

The infectious diseases are: mumps, measles, scarlet fever, chicken pox, whooping cough, German measles.


What must we do to keep in good health? What should be done for healthy nutrition?
We should: We should not:
- avoid stress and do some exercises every day - eat any kinds of sweets and junk food
- spend more time in the fresh air - eat oily seeds like nuts, almond, sunflower seeds
- avoid eating fatty dishes not to be overweight - drink beverages
- eat more vegetables and fruit which contain a lot of
fibres and vitamins
- pay attention to proteins, vitamins, carbohydrates
and the mineral content of our food
- should eat cereals, corn and wheat products
- have different kinds of meat e.g.: chicken and fish
are said to be healthier than beef and pork.
- use oil and margarine instead of lard
- drink two or three litres of water or mineral water
- consume dairy products every day
What do you think of smoking, alcoholism and drug-taking?
Smoking affects a lot of people. It is very harmful to your health and can cause lung cancer. It should be banned at public places.
Alcohol ruins not only your health but you and your family’s life. We must do everything to prevent youngsters taking drugs.
Discos and pubs should be checked more often by the police and the dealers should be punished and sentenced more seriously.

Have you ever been in hospital?
No, I haven’t. / I was in hospital when I was a child. I had my tonsils removed. I was operated on for appendicitis. I was put on a
stretcher and taken to the operating theatre where I got local anaesthetics to sleep.

Have you ever broken any of your bones?

Last year I had a fracture. I had to go to hospital for an X-ray. Then the doctor put my arm/leg in plaster.

What departments are there in a hospital?

If you have an accident(e.g.: crash your car, fall down on a slippery road, burn your skin, have a serious wound) you are taken to the
casualty department. There are several other departments: internal medicine, operating theatre, gynaecology, maternity wards,
dermatology, ear-nose and throat department, neurology(psychiatrists work there), cardiology, radiology.

Do you have to pay for the medical treatment?

Yes, we do. We pay three hundred forint at every occasion when we go to the doctor. If it is an emergency situation, you pay more,
one thousand forint. You also pay a monthly contribution from your salary. But you can go to private practitioners; however they
are much more expensive.

Lung(s)-tüdő Bone-csont Brain-agy

Heart-szív Rib-borda Liver-máj
Kidney-vese Un/healthy-egészséges/egészségtelen Flu-influenza
Cold-megfázás Catch( caught, caught)- elkap Get ill-megbetegszik
Hurt-fáj, beüt, megsért vmt Cough-köhögni Sneeze-tüsszenteni
Feel dizzy-szédül Feel sick-hányingere van Have a headache-fáj a feje
Have a pain in….-fáj vmije Painkiller-fájdalomcsillapító Have a temperature/fever-lázas
Take temperature-lázat mér Appendicitis-vakbélgyulladás Bronchitis-hörgkurut
Cancer-rák Chickenpox-bárányhimlő Diabetes-cukorbaj
Diarrhoea-hasmenés Heart attack-szívinfarktus Insomnia-álmatlanság
Measles-kanyaró Mumps-mumsz Pneumonia-tüdőgyulladás
Asthma-asztma Rheumatism-reuma Ulcer-fekély
Stroke-agyvérzés Sunstroke-napszúrás Tonsillitis-mandulagyulladás
Infectious disease-fertőző betegség Epidemic-járvány Fatal disease-halálos betegség
Swollen-feldagadt Rash-kiütés Itch- viszket/viszketés
Shiver with cold-rázza a hideg Fracture-törés Nervous breakdown-idegösszeomlás
Short-sighted/long-sighted-rövid ill távollátó Blind-vak
Deaf-süket Dumb-néma Wheelchair-kerekes szék
Have a sore throat-fáj a torka Suffer from-szenved vmtől Faint-elájul
Injure-megsebesít Injury-sebesülés Wound-seb
Sprain-kificamít Scratch-lekarcol Bruise-horzsol
Blood preassure- vérnyomás Take the pulse-megnézi a pulzusát Examine-megvizsgál
Examination-vizsgálat Strip to the waist-derékig vetkőzni Listen to the heart-meghallgatja a szívét
X-ray-röntgen Dress a wound-bekötni a sebet Casualty/emergency room-sürgősségi ellátás
First aid-elsősegély Ambulance-mentőautó Surgery-rendelő
Polyclinic-sztk Doctor on duty-ügyeletes orvos Patient-beteg
Treat-kezelni Treatment-kezelés Medical certificate-orvosi igazolás
Check-up-orvosi vizsgálat GP(General Practitioner)-háziorvos Physician-kórházi orvos
Prescription-vény Paediatrician-gyerekorvos Prescribe a medicine-felír gyógyszert
Surgeon-sebész Nurse-ápoló Optician-szemész
Blood test-vérvizsgálat Urine test-vizeletvizsgálat Operating theatre-műtő
Strecher-hordágy Recover from-felépül vmből Vomit-hány
Bandage-kötés Plaster-ragtapasz Put in plaster-gipszbe tesz
Injection-szuri Vaccination-oltás Ointment-kenőcs
Drop-csepp Medicine-gyógyszer Pill/tablet-tabletta
Dentist-fogorvos Drill-fúrni Take out a prescription-kiváltja a gyógyszert
Fill-tömni Cavity-lyuk Pull out a tooth-kihúz egy fogat
Harmful-ártalmas Costly-költséges Tipsy-spicces
Drunk-részeg Sober-józan

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