Andrei Merlescu: Director of Project Apario

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From The Desk of Andrei Merlescu

Director of Project Apario

On a personal note, I find it even more shocking that Ty Clevenger and his associates would accuse me and
Project Apario of engaging in a self-promotion campaign at the expense of Seth Rich without ever talking to me
or even knowing me. My work stands on its own merits, and if you think that a platform dedicated to helping the
public learn information published by our government (where the government has spent considerable efforts to
conceal those very records in a timely manner) that was self-engineered by me is going to bring harm to Seth Rich
or the movement behind seeking justice for his murder, then I can only conclude that you are misguided at best.
These kind of baseless accusations and innuendos against me or Project Apario is defamatory, materially false,
and highly offensive as I was deeply troubled by the unfortunate circumstances that Mr. Rich become so
infamous for in 2016.

It was Seth Rich’s tragic murder that forced me to wake up to the Democrat Party’s corruption and take
what Mr. Rich sacrificed himself for to heart. I was a lifelong Democrat and a passionate Bernie Bro in 2016. I
voted and shilled for Obama twice and I ignored every accusation made against Hillary Clinton as “Alex Jones
conspiracy theories”. I was a Young Turks monthly subscriber, and I debuted my YouTube show shilling for the
communist under a spell of illuminati mind control imposed on me as a child as a result of being a human
trafficking survivor who was adopted out of communist Romania in the 1980s. However, because of what Seth
Rich revealed, and later what Wikileaks revealed to the world about Hillary Clinton’s two face corruption, I
couldn’t vote for her. So, I voted Trump on election day and my life changed from then on. I knew it in the
moment after I cast my ballot for him. I’m a big fan of MJ… the one and only Michael Jackson. His words “if you
want to make the world a better place, take a look in the mirror and make a change” was at the heart of my
awakening to the lies and deception imposed on the public by carefully crafted intelligence psyops to
manufacture consent and enforce control. Seth Rich’s vision was to bring to light the dark secrets hidden within
the trenches of the DNC because if an organization needs to rely on cheating to win, they don’t deserve to win.
Those documents needed to be seen by the public and Seth Rich sought an outlet that would provide honesty and
integrity. He found Wikileaks for that but it seems more likely that instead he ended up getting caught in the
extremely corrupt surveillance state’s domestic spy operations where he found himself in emails being relayed
between officials at the FBI.
Through my own life’s struggles with communism and tragedy, I have overcome tremendous adversity
despite statistical odds being against me almost 99.9999999999% to nil in favor of, I should be dead today by all
reasonable accounts – let alone be able to bring to life a platform that few are capable of engineering personally
from scratch in literally a few weeks. Why did I sacrifice my career in Big Tech last year after working at Cisco
Systems and Oracle for a decade as a Senior Software Engineer to build Project Apario’s predecessor,
PhoenixVault (the proof-of-concept of Project Apario)? When I was laid off from work, I was blacklisted and
recruiters saw my credentials and were mind-blown why I was being passed up one place after another last year.
Why would I put myself through this? Survivor’s guilt. We owe it to the children who were lost to the evil and
corrupt forces that President Kennedy and President Trump have tried to warn everyone about. I know for a fact
that these networks exist, and they are real. I know for a fact because I was in their supply chain. I wonder if
Hunter Biden has ever seen my orphanage photograph that was published in catalogs worldwide in the 1980s that
resulted in my adoption. I wonder what the Bidens have been doing in Romania?
Both President Trump and President Kennedy have stressed the significant importance of the press and a
well-informed consenting governed society. Project Apario is a vision I have had since being a young child.
Imagine how the world would treat trafficked orphans like myself if they actually knew the truth and life and
consciousness and weren’t spellbound by abusive cognitive dissonance that is controlled by Babylonian mind
control through sex magick. President Kennedy said, and this is quoted on Project Apario’s home page because of
how significant and important it was to me personally that inspired me to build Project Apario.

For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy
that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence--on
infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on
intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by
It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into
the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military,
diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations.
- President John F. Kennedy

I used the grit and knowledge that God gave me to look in the mirror and make a change using the tools I
understood in the best ways I possibly can. I am a flawed human being who has suffered tremendously at the
hands of a very corrupt system for many decades. I have a dream that Project Apario will inspire the world to
value public discourse and make the change necessary to save all children from the horrific crimes of human
trafficking and specifically child sex trafficking. I am using what means I have at my disposal with the knowledge
I’ve learned from a decade in Big Tech to deliver to the public StumbleInto™. It’s completely free and if everyone
spends at least once a day for 3 minutes on it, you may be shocked at how much the world will improve. Michael
Jackson knew it. “If you want to make the world a better place, take a look in the mirror and make a change!” It is
evident in my own behavior and conduct online that I live by these words. I am a man of integrity and a man of
faith. It may shock you what is inside the Apario Network since as of writing this letter, only 4.8% of Project
Apario’s records has been seen and we are actively adding thousands of pages every week. We still have 95.2%+
left to research and if everyone contributes 3+ minutes a day to using StumbleInto™ we will discover the truths
that Kennedy told us they are hiding+
Project Apario has cost me personally, since launch over $7,000 to bring online. Nobody can donate to
Project Apario on GoFundMe or any other fundraising platform because no such fundraises or efforts exist. I did
not seek the $7,000 up front, and I didn’t ask anybody to pay me back. Project Apario does not sell merchandise
or pay for any marketing or advertising.
Project Apario is shared by voluntary grassroots word-of-mouth only where those community efforts have
resulted in over 33,377 unique visitors, has served over 99,000 unique pageviews, and has displayed 26,848
unique records in just 12 days since its launch. At our current cadence of research traffic, the entire repository of
data stored in Project Apario won’t be seen in full until February 2022. Project Apario does not require anybody
to pay me or the platform money to see any files released, including the Seth Rich files which only represent
0.0002% of what is available to research. Project Apario is a completely free platform to use to research OSINT
records, including the Seth Rich files, despite Ty Clevenger and his associates futile attempts at censoring Project
Project Apario provides an optional subscription upgrade to accounts that wish to modify records on the
Apario Network as a way of staking their candor. The infrastructure behind Project Apario is complex and
expensive. To date we have received less than $700 from Apario Memberships and that doesn't even cover 10% of
our initial costs were to bring the platform online, let alone cover anything close to what is required for next
month. When PhoenixVault was being offered in 2020, Premium Subscriptions were $100 per the advice of some
of the former associates with whom you have CC’d in your letter to me. Since purging myself from those
individuals with whom I feel are toxic and compromised, I have tackled major technical challenges to censorship
and I have formulated a platform that can operate on $10/month, a fraction of what was recommended to me
from associates connected to those you chose to CC. Currently, our renewal costs for August 2021 will be around
$1,700. Project Apario is voluntarily operating at a loss as circumstances in my own life have improved since the
Plandemic lockdowns have lifted and society is beginning to return to normal. I am creating marketing
multimedia content to display the capabilities and vision that I have for Project Apario. But according to you, I
need to cease and desist immediately because its “fraud”. Shame on me for trying.


Andrei Merlescu
Director of Project Apario

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