Yoseva Yuliana DH Ruju - Chapter 20

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Nama : Yoseva Yuliana Dh Ruju

No. Mhs : 202214232

Program Studi Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Sanata Dharma Yogyakarta

Ross, Westerfield, and Jordan, Fundamentals of Corporate Finance

Chapter20: Credit And Inventory Management
Questions and Problems

Soal 1. Components of Credit Policy.

 What are the basic components of credit policy?
 Syarat penjualan (syarat penjualan)
 Periode kredit
 diskon/potongan kas dan periode diskon
 Analisis kredit
Membedakan antara pelanggan "baik" yang akan membayar dan pelanggan
"buruk" yang akan default
 Kebijakan penagihan
Upaya dikeluarkan untuk menagih piutang

Soal 2. Cost of the Credit.

 Explain what terms of “3/45, net 90” mean. What is the effective interest rate?
 Artinya periode pembayaran hanya sampai batas 90 hari, jika dibayar dalam
waktu 45 hari maka akan mendapatkan potongan sebesar 3%.
 Credit terms of 3/45 net 90
Period rate = 3/ 97 = 0.03092783505
Period = (90 – 45) = 45 days
365 / 45 = 8.111111 periods per year
EAR = (1.03092783505)8.111111– 1 = 28.03%

Soal 3. Cash Discounts [Q&P no. 1]

 You place an order for 400 units of inventory at a unit price of $125. The supplier
offers terms of 1/10, net 30.
a. How long do you have to pay before the account is overdue? If you take the full
period, how much should you remit?
b. What is the discount being offered? How quickly must you pay to get the
discount? If you do take the discount, how much should you remit?

c. If you don’t take the discount, how much interest are you paying implicitly? How
many days’ credit are you receiving?
Input Area:

  Order (units) 400  
  Price per unit ($) $ 125,00  
  Terms of Sale a/b, net c  
  a 1,00%  
  b 10  
  c 30  

Output Area:

a How long account is overdue (days) 30  
  Remittance ($) $ 50.000,00  
b Discount (%) 1,00%  
  How long to get the discount (days) 10  
  Remittance ($) $ 49.500,00  
c Implicit interest ($) $ 500,00  
  Days’ credit (days) 20  

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