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2.1 Studies Examined Commitment as DV and IV …………………… 29
2.2 Studies Examining Communication ………………………………. 42
2.3 Studies Examining Trust as DV, IV and Interrelated IV in
Commitment Studies………………………………………………. 47
4.1 Import Category and Overall Response Rate.……………………... 93
4.2 Assessment of Non-Response Bias…...…………………………… 93
5.1 Respondents’ Profile……. ………………………………………… 97
5.2 Firm Profile……...…………………………………………………. 99
5.3 Firms’ Exporting Status and Import as Input of Export …………... 100
5.4 Descriptive Statistics ……………………………………………. 103
5.5 SEM Fit Indices Reported in this Study …………………………... 106
5.6 Summary of Initial Findings (CFA): Trust ………………………... 110
5.7 Summary of Initial Findings (CFA): Communication…………….. 111
5.8 Summary of Initial Findings (CFA): Cultural Similarity …………. 113
5.9 Summary of Initial Findings (CFA): Supplier’s Competencies …... 115
5.10 Summary of Initial Findings (CFA): Transaction-Specific
Investment…………………………………………………………. 117
Md._Abu_Saleh_Thesis 2006
5.11 Summary of Initial Findings (CFA): Supplier’s Opportunism…….. 119
5.12 Summary of Initial Findings (CFA): Environmental Volatility…… 120
5.13 Summary of Initial Findings (CFA): Knowledge and Experience… 121
5.14 Summary of Initial Findings (CFA): Commitment………………... 123
5.15 Summary of Overall (Initial and Final) Measurement Model …….. 125
5.15 Implied Correlation Matrix ………………………………………... 126
5.17 Summary of the Measurement Models Fit Statistics ……………… 129
5.18 Proposed Model: SEM Test Output, Fit Indices and Desired Fit
Level ………………………………………………………………. 130
5.19 Modified Proposed Model: SEM Test Output, Fit Indices and
Desired Fit Level ………………………………………………….. 132
5.20 Proposed Competing Model: SEM Output, Fit Indices and Desired
Fit Level …………………………………………………………… 133
5.21 Modified Competing Model: SEM Output, Fit Indices and Desired
Fit Level …………………………………………………………… 134


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