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Gypsum plaster for construction is not used at all at the present time in Pakistan, despite the presence of
high quality gypsum, CaSO 4, 2H 2O (5 to 6 billion tons) available, to large extent, near the existing
infrastructure and utilities that lend itself to economic open cast mining. Gypsum plaster is a well known
proven technology with a wide range of uses in buildings due to the fact that it is inexpensive, easy to use
product and employed universally. Over 200 million square meters are produced every year in Europe. Iran
and Thailand, for example, consumes more than 8 million tons per year of gypsum plaster. The major
factors responsible for its non-utilization in Pakistan were (i) low cost of cement in the past; (ii) traditional
use of cement in construction; and (iii) conservative nature of builders, engineers, architects and masons.
Now the cement prices have soard from Rs 210 to Rs 300 per 50 kg bag that fall beyond the purchasing
power of common man. This calls for searching other cheap and better cementatious materials. In this
context, Gypsum plaster/gypsum plaster blocks is the answer, that can reduce at least ten percent
consumption of cement i.e. 2.5 to 3.0 million tons by introducing gypsum in building industry. This shows
that at least 25 to 30 gypsum plaster plants of 1,00,000 tons/year capacity need to be set up, immediately.
The demand of gypsum plaster will further increase for the construction of big and small dams as announced
by the Government of Pakistan, export to Afghanistan and consumption of cement for housing. The housing
backlog as given in 5 year plan (2005-2010) is 6 million units, in 2005.


2. The benefits of using gypsum as a building construction material are as under:

 Energy Saver: conversion temperature of making gypsum plaster is 120 oc to 150 oc, clay bricks
900 oc and cement 1450 oc.

 Highly efficient in thermal and acoustical insulation, fire resistant, humidity controller and cost

 Quick in implementation, provide steady and flat surface, dries and hardens quickly, reduces
finishing work and maintenance.

 The processing technology involved in converting the raw material gypsum, into the end product
gypsum plaster is simple and suitable for large, medium and small scale operations.

 The energy consumption is much less than that of alternative binding material such as cement and
lime, therefore, encourages using wide variety of fuels.


 all non-load bearing internal partition and ceiling boards;

 all internal wall plastering to be done by using gypsum plaster; and
 to provide an introduction for development planners in government or to donor countries/agencies
to the potential for increased exploitation of currently un-utilized/under utilized high quality huge
gypsum deposits of Pakistan.


3. Geological reports indicate potential reserves to be 4,442 million tons above surface and 472 million tons
down to a dip depth of 30 meters over an area of 1,150 square kms. It has been confirmed that the
composition obtained at other sites in the Kohat area, in terms of percentage of gypsum which vary from
88% to 98% designated as very high and pure. It is well suited to plaster manufacture. These deposits are
also of Eocene age, crops out abundantly south and east of Kohat in a succession of anticlines and synclines.
Table-1: Location, Resources/Reserves, Quality and Accessibility of major Gypsum/Anhydrite Deposits

Location Resources/ CaSo4. 2H2o Accessibility

Quality %
A. Salt Range; Punjab
 Daudkel 53 million tons 90% 6 Kms south east of Daudkhel
railway station; Mianwali;
 Burikhel 23 million tons Over 86% 24 Kms north-west of
Mianwali; Punjab
B. Suleman Range; Punjab
 Rakhi Munh 27 million tons 85% 65 Kms west – south – west of
D.G. Khan; Punjab
 Safed Koh-Rodo Area 15 Million tons 90% Northern most extremity of
the zindapir anticiline
c. Kohat gypsum/anhydrite deposits D.G. Khan; Punjab
 Kohat Area 4.442 million tons 88% to 98% 26 metalled road from Kohat;
above surface and 472 NWFP
million tons down to a
dip depth of 30
Total major Gypsum/Anhydrite 5,057 million tons


Small to Medium Scale production

4. Many developing countries have established small to medium scale gypsum plaster production plants by
using variety of locally available often low grade fuels. In this context they use both direct and indirect
heating methods. The methods deployed includes non-permanent and permanent kilns, open pan kilns and
enclosed kilns, kettles and rotary kilns and pressure kilns or autoclaves.

Large Scale quality Gypsum Plaster Production

5. Western European countries are in a position to supply all types of plants from manual plaster factories to
panel plants as well as necessary expertise. Modern kiln and associated equipment can be supplied
and set up within a short period of time period (3 to 4 months) for the immediate assistance to
earthquake survivors. The gypsum plaster blocks so prepared are directly useable for construction
provided that gas is already available in the gypsum deposit area. In this context, gas is available at
Kohat and Daudkhel areas where large and high quality gypsum deposits are available. The
production capacity of typical plant is 180 or 500 tons/day and does not need any civil work. The major
equipment used are jaw crushers, screens, hammer mills, worm conveyors, calcining kilns, batching mixers,
moulding machines, driver, cranes, grippers, turning table etc. Most of the equipment can be manufactured
in Pakistan. The drawings of the kiln as supplied by Alphaplatre of France are enclosed. Salient features of
the proposed plant are as under:

Description of the Plant:

6. The kiln, manufactures from stainless steel, is of very recent design and incorporates a number of
technical innovations. The kiln is a vertical type with gypsum powder feed from the top and extraction of
gypsum plaster from the bottom. The feed spills over a series of cones, the centers of which are placed at
the center of the kiln and which slow down the rate of fall of the gypsum powder.

7. The kiln is to operate using natural gas only which is injected through a downward facing nozzle from
within the series of cones. For the hot gas to escape it has to descend to the bottom of the kiln then rise
through the cones and the descending gypsum powder. The heat exchanged drives off the water of

8. The principal innovation concerns the fact that the kiln operates under pressure of a few bars more than
ordinary atmospheric pressure. For this it is supplied with a compressor that also serves to inject air for
combustion. A screw system for both raw material and the fired product serve to maintain pressure in the

9. The manufacturers claim that very high quality gypsum plaster can be produced that can often meet
ceramic moulding quality. This is because under slightly higher pressure a small proportion of about 15%
alpha plaster is produced along with the beta plaster, enhancing the hardness characteristics. The kilns
have a rated production capacity of 150 to 180 tons per day. For a 100,000 t/year plant 2 kilns are required.
The kiln is delivered pre-assembled, its installation connection and starting up are carried out in 2 weeks.
Moulding machine can be fitted directly under the kiln outlet. The gas consumption is about 223 kw/ton of


10. All testing facilities regarding recognizing gypsum, testing gypsum plaster (consistency, freedom from
coarse particles, bending or transverse strength, mechanical resistance, setting time, expansion on setting,
soundness, chemical tests etc) are available in the country.


11. Fortunately Pakistan is blessed with huge, high quality gypsum deposits, natural gas and utilities,
Chemicals used for the acceleration or retardation of setting process of gypsum plaster and rockwool as
insulating material are also available. Further most of the equipment except kiln and drier can be
manufactured in Pakistan.


This is the first of its kind plant in Pakistan and its implementation has to be initiated with caution. Matters
of crucial importance are:

 Construction of dependable plant;

 Sufficient implementation of management and operation knowledge; and
 Establishment of marketing channels.

This calls for involvement of many disciplines. However, initially the following disciplines may be involved:

 Geology and Mining.

 Processing and quality control.
 Mechanical Engineering and Fabrication.
 Architects and Structural Engineers.
 Marketing and Financial Analysts.
 Equipment supplier (foreign) and foreign consultants.

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