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Session 2020-21
MsChandana Mandal, Deputy Commissioner, KVS RO Raipur
Shri A.K.Mishra, Assistant Commissioner, KVS RO Raipur
MrsB.Mishra, Assistant Commissioner, KVS RO Raipur

Shri N.K.Sinha, Principal,


Mrs AmitaSingh,KVBilaspur,
Sh .S. DasGupta KV Bilaspur
Mrs SunitaKhirbat KV BMY Bhilai
Sh Sanjay Kumar KV Jashpur
Sh Sushant Dey KV Kusmunda
Sh .A. Adhikari KV Raipur No.1(S-I)
Sh B R Gajpal KV Raipur No.1(S-II),
ShIndra Mohan Pandey KV Manendragarh
Mrs Archana Khare KV NTPC Koraba
Sh R Ranga KV Jhagrakhand
Sh R P Gupta KV Ambikapur
ShVikash KV Chirimiri


Mr. Amit Nath,KV Ambikapur




Unit Name of Unit/Chapters Marks

Electrostatics 16

Electric Charges and Fields

Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance

UNIT II Current Electricity

Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism 17

Moving Charges and Magnetism

Magnetism and Matter

UNIT IV Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Currents

UNIT V Electromagnetic Waves 18


Ray Optics and Optical Instruments

Wave Optics

UNIT VII Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter 12

UNIT VIII Atoms and Nuclei

UNIT IX Semiconductor Electronics: Materials, Devices and Simple Circuits 7



Unit Name of Unit/Chapters Deleted topics

Electric Charges and Fields Uniformly charged thin spherical shell (field
inside and outside).
Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance
UNIT II Current Electricity Carbon resistors, color code for carbon
resistors; series and parallel combinations of
Magnetic Effects of Current and
Moving Charges and Magnetism
Magnetism and Matter magnetic field intensity due to a magnetic
dipole (bar magnet) along its axis and
UNIT III perpendicular to its axis, torque on a
magnetic dipole (bar magnet) in a uniform
magnetic field;

Para-, dia- and ferro - magnetic substances,

with examples. Electromagnets and factors
affecting their strengths, permanent magnets.
UNIT IV Electromagnetic Induction and power factor, wattless current
Alternating Currents
UNIT V Electromagnetic Waves Basic idea of displacement current
Ray Optics and Optical Instruments Reflection of light, spherical mirrors,
Wave Optics (recapitulation) mirror formula , Scattering of
light - blue colour of sky and reddish
UNIT VI appearance of the sun at sunrise and sunset.
resolving power of microscope and
astronomical telescope, polarisation, plane
polarised light, Brewster's law, uses of plane
polarised light and Polaroids.
UNIT VII Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter Davison-Germer experiment
UNIT VIII Atoms and Nuclei Radioactivity, alpha, beta and gamma
particles/rays and their properties; radioactive
decay law, half life and mean life binding
energy per nucleon and its variation with
mass number
UNIT IX Semiconductor Electronics: Materials, Zener diode and their characteristics, zener
Devices and Simple Circuits diode as a voltage regulator

* Coulomb’s Law: -
          F = Kq1q2/r2
          Here, K = 1/4πε0 = 9×109 Nm2C-2 (in free space)

* Dielectric constant:- The dielectric constant (εr) of a medium can be defined as

εr = ε/ε0 = F1/F2Here, F1 and F2 are the magnitudes of the force between them in free space and
in a medium respectively.

* Electric field ( ) :- The strength of an electric field is measured by the force experienced by
a unit positive charge placed at that point. The direction of field is given by the direction of
motion of a unit positive charge if it were free to move.
           Unit of E is Newton/Coulumb

* Electric Dipole:- An electric dipole consists of two equal and opposite charges situated very
close to each other.For example HCl molecule.
Dipole moment P= q (2a)
Where q value of a charge of dipole and 2a is the distance between two charges

* Torque ( ) acting on a electric dipole  in a uniform electric field (E):-

           = pE sinθ
Here, p is the dipole moment and θ is the angle between direction of dipole moment and
electric field E.

* Electric Flux:- It depends on number of electric field lines passing through a surface
 Φ = (E)(ds)cos⍬

* Gauss Theorem:- It states that, for any distribution of charges, the total electric flux linked
with a closed surface is 1/ε0 times the total charge with in the surface.
         ⨜E ds= q/ε0

* Electric Potential:- V = kq/r

Potential difference, between any two points, in an electric field is defined as the work done in
taking a unit positive charge from one point to the other against the electric field.
WAB = q [VA-VB]
So, V = [VA-VB] = W/q

* Relation between electric field (E) and electric potential (V):-

          E = -dV/dx = --dV/dr

* Electric potential energy U or work done of the system W having charge q1 and q2:-

     W = U = (1/4πε0) (q1q2/r12) = q1V1

* Capacity:- The capacity of a conductor is defined as the ratio between the charge of the
conductor to its potential       C = Q/V

* Capacitance of parallel plate capacitor C= ε0A/d

* Capacitance of a spherical conductorCair = 4πε0R
* Potential energy of a charged capacitor (Energy stored in a capacitor):-
      W = ½ QV = ½ Q2/C = ½ CV2
1. Draw the pattern of electric field lines when a point charge +q is kept near an uncharged
conduction plate.

2. A charge of 10-10 C given to a sphere raises its potential from 1.5 V to 6.5 V. What is the
radius of the sphere?

3. A cylindrical capacitor has a length of 1 m and its inner cylinder has a radius of 5 cm. If the
outer cylinder has a radius of 50 cm, What is the capacitance .

4. A table tennis ball which has been covered with a conducting point is suspended by a light
thread so that it hangs between two metal One plate is earthed, while other is attached to
high voltage generator, the ball
A. hangs without moving
B. swings backward & forward hitting each plate in turn
C. is attracted to the high voltage plate and stays there
D. is repelled by earthed plate and stays there
Solution: By induction the tennis ball gets -ve charge and gets attracted to the +ve plate and
touches it. Charges are then shared Like chargesrepel and hence ball moves away & touches the
earthed plate which gives its charge and goes to initial position & process repeats.
5. What is the relevance of large value of K ( =81) for water?

Ans: It makes water a great solvent. This is because the binding force of attraction between
oppositely charged ions of the substance in water becomes 1/81 of the force between these ions
in air
6. Given a uniformly charged plane/ sheet of surface charge density σ = 2 X 1017 C/m2 .
(i) Find the electric field intensity at a point A, 5mm away from the sheet on the left side.
(ii) Given a straight line with three points X, Y & Z placed 50 cm away from the charged sheet
on the right side. At which of these points, the field due to the sheet remain the same as that of
point A and why?

Ans: (i) at A, E = σ/2εo

E = 1.1 X 1028 N/C
Directed away from the sheet
(ii) Point Y Because at 50cm, the charge sheet acts as a finite sheet and thus the magnitude
remains same towards the middle region of the planar sheet.
7. (a) Two isolated metal spheres A and B have radii R and 2R respectively, and same charge q.
Find which of the two spheres have greater : (i) Capacitance and (ii) energy density just outside
the surface of the spheres.
(b) (i) Show that the equipotential surfaces are closed together in the regions of strong field and
far apart in the regions of weak field. Draw equipotential surfaces for an electric dipole. (ii)
Concentric equipotential surfaces due to a charged body placed at the centre are shown.
Identify the polarity of the charge and draw the electric field lines due to it.

(b) (i) E = -
For same change in dV, E α 1/dr
where ‘dr’ represents the distance between equipotential surfaces. Diagram of equipotential
surface due to a dipole
(ii) Polarity of charge – negative
Direction of electric field – radially inward
08. Given two parallel conducting plates of area A and charge densities + σ & -σ. A dielectric
slab of constant K and a conducting slab of thickness d each are inserted in between them as
(i) Find the potential difference between the plates.
(ii) Plot E versus x graph, taking x=0 at positive plate and x=5d at negative plate.


1. The energy stored per unit volume of a parallel plate air capacitor is 4.427 J/m3. If the
potential difference between its plates is 1000 V. What is the distance between the plates ?
Ans: 10-3 m

2. Four charge of magnitude 2/3 nC, - 8/3 nC, and 2 nC and - 10/3 nC are placed at the
corners A, B, C and D of a square of side 0.02 m. What is the potential at the centre?
Ans: V

3. Which one of the following graphs represents the variation of electric field strength E
with distance ‘r' from the centre of a uniformly charged non conducting sphere?

4. The equivalent capacitance between A and B in the figure shown is

Ans: 2 C

5. A parallel plate capacitor has plates of unequal area. The larger plate is connected to the
positive terminal of the battery and smaller plate to -ve terminal. Let Q+ and Q- be the charges
appearing on the positive and negative plates respectively
A. Q+ > Q-
B. Q+ = Q-
C. Q+ < Q-
D. None of these
Ans: B
6. An infinite number of charges of equal magnitude ‘q' nC but opposite sign are placed
along x axis At x = 1, x = 2, x = 4, x = 8 ……… and so on. The electric potential at x = 0 due
to these charges will be
Ans: 6qV

7. A and B are two parallel plate air capacitors. A has square plate of side 1 unit
separated by a distance d. B has circular plates of radius 1 unit separated by the same distance
d. What is the ratio of Capacitances of A and B?
Ans: 7/22
8. Three point charges 4q, Q and q are placed in a straight line of length l at points distant
0, l/2 and l respectively. The net force on charge q is zero. What is the value of Q ?
Ans: -q
9. A parallel plate air-filled capacitor has a capacitance of 2 . When it is half-filled with a
dielectric of dielectric constant k =3 its capacitance become

Ans: 4 Micro F
10. A neutral hydrogen molecule has two protons and two electrons. If one of the electrons
is removed, we get a hydrogen molecular ion (H2+). In the ground state of H2+ , the two protons
are separated by roughly 1.5 Angstrom and the electron is roughly 1 Angstrom from each
proton. What is the potential energy of the system?
Ans: -19.2 e V
11. The magnitude of the electric field on the surface of a sphere of radius r having a
uniform surface charge density is
Ans: σ/εo
12. A charge of 8 mC is located at the origin. Calculate the work done in taking a small
charge of -2 × 10 -10 C from a point P (0, 0, 3 cm) to a point Q (0, 4 ,0 cm,) Via a point R (0, 6
cm, 9cm.
Ans: 1.27 J
13. A cube of side d has a charge q at each of its vertices. Determine the potential and
electric field due to this charge array at the centre of the cube.
Ans: v= , E= 0
√ 3 π ∈ob
14. Obtain the equivalent capacitance of the network in Fig. For a 300 V supply, determine
the charge and voltage across each capacitor.

Ans: Q1 = 10 -8 CV1 = 100 V

Q2 = 10 -8 CV2 = 50 V
Q3 = 10 -8 CV3 = 50 V
Q4 = 2×10 -8 CV4 = 200 V
15. If Coulomb’s law involved 1/r3 dependence ( instead of 1/r2 ), would Gauss’s law be
still true?
Ans: Gauss’s law will not be true.

Current Electricity
Mind mapping / Concept mapping

Concept Map


1. A 10 V battery o f negligible internal resistance is connected across a 200 V battery and a
resistance of 38 11. Find the value of the current in circuit.

E 200 10
Ans: I= = = 5A
r + R 038

2. The plot of the variation of potential difference across a combination of three identical
cells in series, versus current is as shown below. What is the emf of each cell?
Ans: Let E be emf of each cell and r be the total internal resistance of circuit. The equation of
terminal potential differenceV = 3E -Ir (1)

3. When electrons drift in a metal from lower to

higher potential, does it mean that all the free
electrons of the metal are moving in the same
Ans: No.

4. A steady current flows in a metallic

conductor of non-uniform cross-section. Which of these quantities is constant along the
conductor: Current, current density, drift speed, electric field?
Ans :Current is constant along a conductor.

5. A resistance R is connected across a cell of emf e and internal resistance r. A

potentiometer now measures the potential difference between the terminals of the cell as V.
Write the expression for ‘r’ in terms of E, V and R.
Ans: = ( _ )

6. A conductor of length L is connected to a dc source of emf V. If this conductor is
replaced by another conductor of same material and same area of cross-section but of length
3L, how will the drift velocity change?
Ans: vd= eVτ/lm
When the length is made 3L, the drift velocity becomes one third.

7. Write any two factors on which internal resistance of a cell depends.

Ans: The internal resistance of a cell depends on (i) distance (l) between electrodes. (ii) area
(A) of immersed part of electrode, and (iii) nature and concentration of electrolyte.

8. Two students ‘X’ and ‘Y’ perform an experiment on potentiometer separately using the
circuit given. Keeping other parameters unchanged, how will the position of the null
point be affected it (i) ‘X’ increases the value of resistance R in the set-up by keeping the
key K1 closed and the key K2 open? (ii) ‘Y’ decreases the value of resistance S in the set-
up, while the key K2 remain open and the key K1 closed? Justify.

Ans:(i) By increasing resistance R the current through AB decreases, so potential gradient

decreases. Hence a greater length of wire would be needed for balancing the same potential
difference. So the null point would shift towards B.
(ii) By decreasing resistance S, the current through AB remains the same, potential
gradient does not change. As K2 is open so there is no effect of S on null point.

9. Plot a graph showing temperature dependence of resistivity for a typical semiconductor.

How is this behavior explained?
Ans: Variation of resistivity with temperature is shown below:

Explanation: In semiconductor the number density of free electrons (n) increases with
increase in temperature (I) and consequently the relaxation period decreases. But the effect of
increase in n has higher impact than decrease of ρ. So, resistivity decreases with increase in
10. In the given circuit, assuming point A to be at zero potential, use Kirchhoff’s rules to
determine the potential at point B.
Ans:By KCL, current in DC branch I = 3-1 = 2A
Applying KVL along path ACDB,
VA + 2 + 2X2 - 4 = VB
=>VB = VA + 2 = 0 + 2 = 2V

11. State the principle of working of a potentiometer. Define potential gradient and write its
S.I. unit.
Ans: Principle of potentiometer - When a constant current flow through a wire of uniform
cross-sectional area, the potential drop across any portion of the wire is directly
proportional to the length of that portion.
The fall of potential per unit length along potentiometer wire is called the potential gradient.
The S.I. unit of potential gradient is volt/metre.

12. State the principle on which the working of a meter bridge is based. Under what condition
is the error in determining the unknown resistance minimized?
Ans: the working of a meter bridge is based on the principle of Wheatstone’s bridge. To
minimize the error in determining the unknown resistance, the position of balanced point
should be in the middle of meter-bridge wire.

13. Determine the current in each branch of the network shown in fig

Ans: For the closed circuit ABDA, potential is zero i.e.,

10I2 + 5I4 − 5I3 = 0 => 2I2+I4−I3=0
For the closed circuit BCDB, potential is zero i.e.,5(I2 − I4) − 10(I3 +
I4) − 5I4 = 0 I2 = 2I3 + 4I4 ... (2)
For the closed circuit ABCFEA, potential is zero i.e., −10 + 10 (I1) + 10(I2) + 5(I2 − I4) = 0
3I2 + 2I1− I4 = 2 ... (3) Therefore, current in branch

In branch BC = , In branch CD = In branch AD

In branch BD = and Total current =
14. In a metre bridge [in the given fig.Fig], the
balance point is found to be at 39.5 cm from the
end A, when the resistor Y is of 12.5 Ω. Determine
the resistance of X. Why are the connections
between resistors in a Wheatstone or meter bridge made of thick copper strips? Determine the
balance point of the bridge above if X and Y are interchanged .What happens if the

galvanometer and cell are interchanged at the balance point of the bridge? Would the
galvanometer show any current?

Therefore, the resistance of resistor X is 8.2 Ω.

The connection between resistors in a Wheatstone or metre bridge is made of thick copper strips to
minimize the resistance, which is not taken into consideration in the bridge formula.
If X and Y are interchanged, then l1 and 100−l1 get interchanged.The balance point of the
bridge will be 100−l1 from A.100−l1 = 100 − 39.5 = 60.5 cm . Therefore, the balance
point is 60.5 cm from A.



(A)If both Statement I and Statement II are true and the statement II is the correct explanation
of the statement I.
(B)If both Statement I and Statement II are true but statement II is not the correct explanation
of the statement I.
(C)If Statement I is true but Statement II is false.
(D) If the Statement I and Statement II both are false.
(E) If Statement I is false but Statement II is true.
Answer: A


(A)If both Statement I and Statement II are true and the statement II is the correct explanation of
the statement I.
(B)If both Statement I and Statement II are true but statement II is not the correct explanation
of the statement I.
(C )If Statement I is true but Statement II is false.
(D )If the Statement I and Statement II both are false.
(E)If Statement I is false but Statement II is true.
Answer: A


(i)Just after closing the switch

(a)2 mA (b)3 mA (c)0 mA (d)None of the above
(ii)Long time after the switch is closed (a)2 mA
(b)3 mA
(c )6 mA
(d )None of the above
(iii)Just after reopening the switch (a)2 mA
(b)3 mA
(c )6 mA
(d )None of the above.
Ans: (i) (c ) ,(ii) (a) & (iii) (a).

Q.1 The storage battery of a car h as an emf of 12 V. If the internal resistance of the battery is
0.4Ω, what is the maximum current that can be drawn from the battery?
Ans: I=30 A
Q.2 A battery of emf 10 V and internal resistance 3 Ω is connected to a resistor. I f the
current in the circuit is 0.5 A, what i s the resistance of the resistor? What is the terminal
voltage of the battery when the circuit is closed?
Ans:Resistance is 17 Ω and the terminal voltage is 8.5V
Q.3 A negligibly small current is passed through a wire of length 15 m and uniform cross-
section 6.0 × 10−7 m2, and its resistance is measured to be 5.0 Ω. What is the resistivity of the
material at the temperature of the experiment?
Ans: resistivity of the material is 2 × 10−7 Ω m.
Q.4 A silver wire has a resistance of 2.1 Ω at 27.5 °C, and a resistance of 2.7 Ω at 100 °C.
Determine the temperature coefficient of resistivity of silver.
Ans: Temperature coefficient of silver is 0.0039°C−1.
Q.5Which has a greater resistance-1kW electric heater or a 100W filament bulb both marked for
Ans:100W bulb has a greater resistance.
Q.6 A heating element using nichrome connected to a 230 V supply draws an initial current of
3.2 A which settles after a few seconds toa steady value of 2.8 A. What is th e steady temperature
of the heating element if the room temperature is 27.0 °C? Temperature coefficient of
resistance of nichrome averaged over the temperature range involved is 1.70 × 10−4 °C −1.
Ans: The steady temperature of the heating element is 867.5°C.
Q.7 Calculate the electrical conductivity of the material of a conductor of length 3m,area of cross
section 0.02mm2 having a resistance of 2Ω.
Ans:75x 106Ω-1 m-1.
Q.8 A cylindrical wire is streached to increase its length by 10%.Calculate the percentage
increase in resistance.
Q.9 A cell of emf 2V and internal resistance 0.1. is connected to a 3.9Ω external resistance
.What will be the p.d. across the terminals of the cell?
Ans:V= 1.95V
Q.10 A dry cell of emf 1.6V and internal resistance 0.01Ω is connected to a resistance RΩ. The
current drawn from the cell is 2.0A .Find the voltage drop across R.
Ans: r =1.1Ω
Q.11 In a potentiometer arrangement, a cell of emf 1.25 V gives a balance point at 35.0 cm
length of the wire. If the cell is replaced by another cell and the balance point shifts to 63.0 cm,
what is the emf of the second cell?
Ans: The emf of second cell is 2.25V.
Q.12 The number density of free electrons in a copper conductor is
8.5 × 1028 m−3. How long does an electron take to drift from one end of a wire 3.0 m long to its
other end? The area of cross-section of the wire is 2.0 × 10−6 m2 and it is carrying a current of 3.0
Ans: t=2.7 × 104 s.
Q.13 In a potentiometer circuit, a battery of negligible internal resistance is set up as shown to
develop a constant potential gradient along the wire AB. Two cells of
emfsE 1 and E 2 are connected in series as shown in the combination (1) and (2)(separately). The
balance points are obtained respectively at 400cm and 250cm from the point A.
Find E 1/ E2 .Ans: E 1/ E 2 =13:3.
Q.14 In the potentiometer circuit shown, the balance point is at X. State with reason where
the balance point will be shifted when (i)Resistance R is increased, keeping all parameters
(ii)Resistance S is increased keeping R constant.
(iii)Cell P is replaced by another cell whose emf is lower than that of that cell Q.

Ans: (i) R increased then pot.gradient decreases then balance point will shift towards B.(ii) no
effect (iii) balance point not obtained on the wire because pot.drop across the wire is less than
the emf of the cell Q.
Q.15 In a meter bridge, the null point is found at a distance of 33.7 cm from A. If a
resistance of 12 c is connected in parallel with S, the null point occurs at 51.9 cm from A.
Determine the values of R and S.

Ans: R=6.64Ω and S=13.1Ω




Two statements are given-one labelled Assertion (A) and the other labelled Reason (R).
Select the correct answer to these questions from the codes (a), (b), (c) and (d) as given
below. (a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A (b) Both A and R
are true but R is not the correct explanation of A (c) A is true but R is false (d) A is false
and R is also false.
1. Assertion: Magnetic field interacts with a moving charge and not with a stationary
Reason: A moving charge produces a magnetic field.
Correct answer: A
2. Assertion: A circular loop carrying current lies in XY plane with its center at origin having a
magnetic flux in negative Z-axis.
Reason: Magnetic flux direction is independent of the direction of current in the conductor.
Correct answer: C
3. Assertion: Magnetic field due to an infinite straight conductor varies inversely as the
distance from it.
Reason: The magnetic field due to a straight conductor is in the form of concentric circles.
Correct Answer: B
4.Assertion: The coils of a spring come close to each other, when current is passed through it.
Reason: It is because, the coils of a spring carry current in the same direction and hence attract
each other.
Correct answer: A
5. Assertion: The magnetic field at the ends of a very long current carrying solenoid is half of
that at the center.
Reason: If the solenoid is sufficiently long, the field within it is uniform.
Correct Answer: B
6. Assertion: Kinetic of a charged particle moving in magnetic field is constant.
Reason: Force acting on the charged particle is perpendicular to the velocity of particle.
Correct answer: A
7. Assertion: If a charged particle is moving on a circular path in a perpendicular magnetic
field, the momentum of the particle is not changing,
Reason: Velocity of the particle in not changing in the magnetic field.
Correct answer: D
8. Assertion: Vertical component of earth’s magnetic field is maximum at poles and minimum
at equator.
Reason: The declination is greater at higher latitudes and smaller near the equator.
Correct answer: B
9. Assertion: The voltage sensitivity may not necessarily increase on increasing the current
Reason: Current sensitivity increases on increasing the number of turns of the coil.
Correct answer: B
10.Assertion (A): If an electron and proton enter a magnetic field with equal momentum, then
the paths of both of them will be equally curved.
Reason (R): The magnitude of charge on an electron is same as that on a proton.
Correct answer: A
11. A magnetic needle free to rotate in a vertical plane parallel to the magnetic meridian has its
north tip down at 60° with the horizontal. The horizontal component of the earth’s magnetic
field at the place is known to be 0.4 G. Determine the magnitude of the earth’s magnetic field at
the place.
BH 0.4
B= = ×2=0.8 G
cos 60 1
12. If the magnetic field is parallel to the positive y-axis and a electron is moving along the
positive x-axis, which way would the Lorentz force act
D irection of B is+Y Axis∧direction of v is+ Xaxis
Direction of force will be along -⃗v × ⃗ B as electron is negatively charged. Therefore using
property of cross product or Flemings left hand rule the force will be along -Z axis of

13. Magnetic field lines can be entirely confined within the core of a toroid, but not within a
straight solenoid. Why?
Magnetic field lines can be entirely confined within the core of a toroid because toroid has
no ends. A solenoid is open ended and the field lines inside it which is parallel to the
length of the solenoid, cannot form closed curved inside the solenoid.
14. Two particles A and B with same charges and different masses (m A and
mB respectively) are moving in a plane inside uniform magnetic field which
is perpendicular to the plane. The speed of the particles are v AandvB
respectively and the trajectories are as shown in figure. Which of the two
has greater momentum.
m A v A mB v B
r A > r B hence > ⇒ m A v A >m B v B
qB qB
15. An α-particle and proton are projected with same velocity in a direction perpendicular to
magnetic field. What is the ratio of radius of circular path traced by the two particles?
r α mα q p 4 2 8
= × = × =
r p mp qα 1 1 1
rα 8
rp 1
16. Current I enters a uniform circular loop of radius R at M and flows out at N as shown in
figure. Obtain the magnetic field at the centre of loop.
Magnetic field of current I1 at point O
1 μ0 I 1
B 1=
⃗ Pointing inwards
4 2R
3I ⃗ μ0 3 I 1 3 μ0 I
I 1= ∴ B1 = =
4 2 R 4 4 32 R

Magnetic field of current I2 at point O

3 μ0 I 2
B 2=
⃗ Pointing outwards
4 2R
I μ 0 I 3 3 μ0 I
I 2= ∴ ⃗ B2 = × =
4 2 R 4 4 32 R
B1=− ⃗
⃗ B2
Magnetic field at O is zero.
17. A straight wire of mass 100 g and length 2m carries a current of 3A. It is suspended in mid-
air by a uniform horizontal magnetic field B. What is the magnitude of the magnetic field?
For mid-air suspension magnetic field should be applied perpendicular to the wire so that it
experiences a force in vertically upward direction.
W =IlBsinθ as θ=900 ∴mg=IlB
mg 0.1× 9.8
B= ∨B= =0.163 T
Il 3 ×2
18. Two wires of same length are shaped into a square and a circle if they carry same current,
what is the ratio of their magnetic moment?
M 1 a2
M2 π r 2

2 πr =4 a hence r =
M 1 a2 a 2
= 2= 2
M2 π r 4a 4
π 2
19. A circular coil of ‘N’ turns and diameter ‘d’ carries a current ‘I’. It is unwound and
rewound to make another coil of diameter ‘2d’, current ‘I’ remaining the same. Calculate the
ratio of the magnetic moments of the new coil and the original coil.
M =NIA=NIπ r 2
' N
N×2πr=N′×2π×2r or N =
M ' =N ' Iπ ( 2 r )2= Iπ × 4 r 2 =2 NIπ r 2=2 M
M' 2
M 1
20. A closely wound solenoid 80 cm long has 5 layers of windings of 400 turns each. The
diameter of the solenoid is 1.8 cm. If the current carried is 8.0 A, estimate the magnitude of B
inside the solenoid near its centre.
B=μ0 n I
N=5 × 400=2000∴ n= =2500
B=4 π × 10−7 ×2500 ×8=8 π ×10−3 T
21. A long straight wire AB carries a current I. A proton travels with a speed ‘v’, parallel to the
wire at a distance‘r’ from it in a direction opposite to the current as shown in the figure. What is
the magnitude and direction of force experienced by the proton?
μ0 I
2 πr
μ0 I
2 πr
μ 0 Iev
2 πr
Force is repulsive
22. Two similar coils of radius R, carrying current 1A and √ 3A are lying
concentrically with their planes at right angles to each other as shown in figure. Find
magnetic field at the centre of the coils.

B= √ B21 +B 22
μ0 I μ0
B 1= =
2R 2a
μ0 I √ 3 μ0
B 2= =
2R 2 R
μ0 2 2 μ0 μ0
√ 2
1 + √3 ⇒ B=

23. In the magnetic meridian of a certain place, the horizontal component of the earth’s
magnetic fieldis 0.26G and the dip angle is 60°. What is the magnetic field of the earth and
vertical component of earth’s at this location?
B= =0.52G
cos 60
BV =BSinδ=0.52 × √ =0.45 G
24. A square loop of side 20 cm carrying current of 1A is kept near an infinite long straight
wire carrying a current of 2A in the same plane as shown in the figure. Calculate the magnitude
and direction of the net force exerted on the loop due to the current
carrying conductor.
μ0 I 1 I 2
F= l
2π r
F=2 ×10−7 ×2 ×1 ( 101 − 301 ) 20= 163 x 10-7
N towards the wire
25. A particle of mass m and charge q is in motion at speed v parallel to a long straight
conductor carrying current I as shown below. Find magnitude and direction of electric field
required so that the particle goes deflected
For passing undeflected, F E =−F B
F B=q(vi x Bk )=−q v B j
Magnetic force is along negative y axis
This is possible only , F E =qE acts along positive y axis
Or v=(E /B)i
26. The figure shows three infinitely long straight parallel current carrying conductors.
Find the
(i) magnitude and direction of the net magnetic field at point A lying on conductor 1,
(ii) magnetic force on conductor 2.

μ0 3 I
B 2= normally inward
2 πr
μ0 4 I μ0 2 I
B 3= = normally outward
2 π ×3 r 3 πr
μ I 3 2 5 μ0 I
B A =B 2−B 3= 0 (
πr 2 3 )
− =
6 πr
normally inward

μ0 I ×3 I μ 0 3 I 2
F 21= = Away ¿ 1
2 πr 2 πr
μ0 4 I ×3 I μ0 6 I 2
F 23= = Away ¿ 3
2 π ×2 r 2 πr
μ0 3 I 2
F 2=F23−F 21= Away ¿3
2 πr
1. An α-particle and a proton of the same kinetic energy are in turn allowed to pass through a
magnetic field B, acting normal to the direction of motion of the particles. Calculate the ratio of
radii of the circular paths described by them.
2 mKE
r =√
Ratio of radii 1:1
2. (a) A point charge q moving with speed v enters a uniform magnetic field B
that is acting into the plane of the paper as shown. What is the path followed by
the charge q and in which plane does it move?
(b) How does the path followed by the charge get affected if its velocity has a
component parallel to B?
(c) If an electric field E is also applied such that the particle continues moving
along the original straight line path, what should be the magnitude and direction
of the electric field E?
a. The charge q describes a circular path ; anticlockwise in XY plane.
b. The path will become helical.
c. Direction of Lorentz magnetic force is –Y. Applied electric field should be in +Y
direction and E=vB
3. A neutron, an electron and an alpha particle moving with equal velocities, enter a uniform
magnetic field going into the plane of the paper as shown. Trace their paths in the field and
justify your answer.
Direction of force experienced by the particle will be according to the Fleming’s Left
hand rule

4. (a) Draw the pattern of magnetic field lines for a circular coil carrying current.
(b) Two identical circular loops X and Y of radius R and carrying the same
current are kept in perpendicular planes such that they have a common
centre at P as shown in the figure. Find the magnitude and direction of the net
magnetic field at the point P due to the loops.
μ I R2
B1=B2= 0
4 2 ( x 2 + R2 )3 /2

B= √ B21 +B 22
μ 2 I R2
B= 0 √
4 π 2 2 32
(x +R )

5. Figure shows a long straight wire of a circular cross-section

(radius a) carrying steady current I. The current I is uniformly
distributed across this cross-section. Calculate the magnetic field in
the region r <a and r>a.
For r>a,
μ0 I 1
B= ∨B ∝
2 πr r
For r<a
' μ0 I ' ' I r2 '
B= where I = 2 ⟹ B
2 πr a
6..A toroid has a core of inner radius 25 cm and outer radius 26 cm, around which 3500 turns
of a wire are wound. If the current in the wire is 11 A, what is the magnetic field (a) outside the
toroid, (b) inside the core of the toroid, and (c) in the empty space surrounded by the toroid.
(a) B=0. (b) B=3 ×10−2 T , ( c ) B=0
7.A square shaped plane coil of area 100 cm2 of 200 turns carries a steady current of 5A. It is
placed in a uniform magnetic field of 0.2 T acting perpendicular to the plane of the coil.
Calculate the torque on the coil when its plane makes an angle of 60° with the direction of the
field. In which orientation will the coil be in stable equilibrium?
M=NIA= 10 Am2, τ=MBsin30= 1Nm
8.(a) Briefly explain how a galvanometer is converted into a voltmeter.
(b)A voltmeter of a certain range is constructed by connecting a resistance of 980 Ωin series
with a galvanometer. When the resistance of 470 Ωis connected in series, the range gets halved.
Find the resistance of the galvanometer
I g= , = ,G=40 Ω
G+ R G+980 2(G+470)
9. A long straight wire AB carries a current of 4 A. A proton P travels a 4 ×106 m/s parallel to
the wire 0·2 m from it and in a direction opposite to the current as shown in the figure.
Calculate the force which the magnetic field due to the current carrying wire exerts on the
proton. Also specify its direction.
μ0 I −18
F=qvB=qv =2.56 ×10 N away ¿ AB
2 πr
10. For two straight parallel metallic conductors carrying current assume that
attractive force is taken as negative and repulsive force is positive, represent
graphically the following:
(a) Force vs product of current when current in the two conductors are in the same
(b) Force vs product of current when current in the two conductors are in the opposite direction
(c) Force vs distance between the two conductors when current in the two conductors are in the
opposite direction.

1. Magnetic flux - Ø = B. A
2 Induced emf = rate of change of flux = d Ø / dt = Ø 2 - Ø 1 / t2 - t1
3. Induced emf in a coil I = E / R = BlV / R
4.Self-inductance L = Ø / I = - E / dI / dt
5.Mutual inductance M = Ø / I = Es / ( dI / dt)
6. Alternating emf e = (nAB ω) sin ω t = Em sin ω t
7. Alternating current I = e /R = Em sin ω t / R
8.The mean value of alternating currentImean = 2Io/ π = 0.636Io
9. Mean or average value of AC I mean = I ave = 0
10. RMS value of AC Irms = I0 / √ 2 = Imax / √ 2
11. Reactance due to inductance XL= ωL
12. Reactance due to capacitance Xc = 1 / ωC
13. Impedance in LCR circuit Z = √ [R2+ ( L ω - 1/ω C) 2]
14. At resonance XL=Xc , ω = 1 / √ LCf = 1 / 2π √ LC
15. Average power = ErmsIrms cos Ø
16Transformer Es /Ep = Ns / Np = Ip / Is
17.A series circuit L-C-R is connected to an a.c. source havingvoltage(i)L-C-R circuit(ii)phasor
diagram (iii) graphs of V and I versus ω t forthecircuit

Q.1.Define magnetic flux. Write its S.I. unit. Is it a scalar or vectorquantity?
Ans. Magnetic flux: It is defined as the total number of magnetic lines of forcepassing
normally through a given surface
It’s S.I. unit is Weber (Wb). It is a scalar quantity

Q2. (i) What is electromagnetic induction?

(ii)Describe,withthehelpofasuitablediagram,howonecan demonstratethatemfcanbeinducedina coildueto
the change of magneticflux.
Ans. (i) Electromagnetic Induction :Whenever magnetic flux linked with a closed circuit
is changed, an emf and hence a current is induced in the circuit. This phenomenon is
known as electromagnetic induction.
(ii) Demonstration :-When a bar magnet is either pushed towards or pulled away from coil as
shown, magnetic flux linked with the coil changes and galvanometer shows deflection. This
shows that emf is induced

Q.3. State Faraday’s laws ofelectromagneticinduction.

Ans. Faraday’s laws of electromagnetic Induction :
(i) Wheneverthereischangeinmagneticfluxlinkedwithacircuit,anemfisinducedinthecircuit.The
inducedemf lasts so long as the change in magnetic fluxcontinues.
(ii) Themagnitudeofinducedemfinacircuitisequaltotimerateofchangeofmagnetic
fluxlinkedwiththecircuit. i,e, e=N dϕ/dt =N (ϕ2-ϕ1) /t
Q.4 When a bar magnet is pushed towards or away from the coil connected to a galvanometer,
pointer in galvanometer deflects. Identify the phenomenon causing this deflection and write
the factors on which the amount and direction of the deflection depends.
Ans. Phenomenon :Electromagneticinduction
Factors : (i) Amount of deflection depends on the speed of movement of the magnet
(ii)Direction of deflection depends on the sense (towards or away) of the movement ofthe

Q5.A rectangular loop and a circular loop are moving out of a uniform magnetic field region to
a field-free region with a constant velocity v. In which loop do you expect the induced emf to
be constant during the passage out of the field region? The field is normal totheloops.
Ans. In rectangular loop

Reason :In the case of circular loop, the rate of change of area of the loop during its
passage out of the field region is not constant, hence induced emf will vary accordingly.
Q.6. StateLenz’slaw.
Ans. Lenz’s law :The direction of induced current is such that it opposes the change
in magnetic flux responsible for its production

Q7. Illustrate by giving an example, how Lenz’s law helps in predicting the direction of the
current in a loop in the presence of a changing magneticflux?
Ans:When north pole is moved towards loop, due to Lenz’s Law loop will repel it by
inducing current in anticlockwise direction. Similarly, when north pole is taken away
current will be induced in clockwise direction.
Q.8 Predict the polarity of the capacitor in the situation describedbelow:
[ Ans. A –positive

Q.9.A bar magnet is moved in the direction indicated by the arrow between two coils PQ and

CD. Predict thedirection of the induced current ineachcoil.

Ans. Q to P through ammeter and D to C through ammeter

Alternatively: Anticlockwise as seen from left in coil PQ clockwise as seen from
left in coil CD

Q10The electric current flowing in a wire in the direction from B to A is decreasing. Find out
the direction of the induced current in the metallic loop kept above the wireas shown.

Q11. A bar magnet falls from height through a metal ring as shown in figure.
(i) Will its acceleration be equal to?
(ii) What will happens if the ring in the above case is cut so as notto form a
complete loop ? Justify youranswer.
Ans. (i) acceleration will be less than g ( a<g )
Reason :as the magnet falls, magnetic flux inked with the metal ring increases. By the Lenz’s
law, induced current in the ring opposes the downward motion of the magnet
(ii) acceleration will be equal to g (a=g )
Reason :when the ring has a cut, emf will be induced but no induced current flows through it.
Hence motion of the magnet is not opposed. Magnet will fall with acceleration equal to g

Q12. What are eddy currents ? How are theyproduced?Give two uses ofeddycurrents
Ans. Eddy currents :The induced circulating currents produced in the bulk piece of a
conductor, when it is subjected to a changing magnetic flux, are known as eddy currents
Produced:Eddy currents are produced when a bulk conductor is placed in a changing magnetic
Uses: (i) magnetic braking in electric trains
(ii) to produce heat in inductionfurnaces
(iii) electro magneticdamping
Q 13. A light metal disc on the top of an electromagnet is thrown up as the current is switched
on. Why ? Givereason.
Ans. Due to eddy currents set up inthedisc
Reason :As the current is switched on, eddy currents are set up in metal disc due to increasing
magnetic flux.
By Lenz’s law lower face of the disc will have the same polarity as that on the top end of the
Electromagnet, resulting in a repulsive force. Hence, it is thrown up
Q.14. What is meant by self induction?
Ans. Self induction :When a changing current is passed through a coil, an emf is induced in
the coil due to change in magnetic flux passing through it. This phenomenon is called self-
Q15. Define self-inductance of a coil. Write itsS.I. unit.
Ans. Self inductance :It is defined as the total magnetic flux linked with the coil, when unit
current flows through it.
Its S.I. unit is Henry (H)

Q16. A plot of magnetic fluxversuscurrentis shown in the figure for two inductors and ,
which of the two has larger value of self-inductance andwhy?

Ans. Inductor A

L= ϕ/I= slope
(Slope) A> (slope)B
Q17. Figure shows an inductor and a resistor connected in parallel to a battery through
aswitch.The resistance is same as that of coil that makes . Two identical bulbs are put in each
arm of the circuit.
(i) Which of the bulbs lights up earlier when S is closed?

(i) Will the two bulbs be equally bright after some time? Give reason for
Ans. (i) Bulb lights up earlier
Reason :induced emf across opposes growth of current in
(ii) yes, after some time both bulbs will be equally bright
Reason :after some time current reached its maximum value in
and self-induction plays no role
Q19.What is meant by mutual induction?
[Ans. Mutual induction :When a changing current is passed through a coil, an emf is induced
in the neighbouring coil due to change in magnetic flux passing through it. This phenomenon is
called mutual-induction.
Q20. Define Mutual inductance of a coil. Write itsS.I.unit.
Ans. Mutual inductance :Mutual inductance of two coils may be defined as the total magnetic
flux linked with one coil, when unit current flows through the other coil. Its S.I. unit is Henry

Q21. Figure given below shows an arrangement by which current flows through the bulb (X)
connected with coil B, when a.c. is passed through coil A . Explain the

(i) Bulb lightsup

(ii) Bulb gets dimmer if coil is movedupwards
(iii) If a copper sheet is inserted in the gap between the coils howthe brightness of the bulb
will change?
[Ans. (i) bulb lights up due to induced current in coil B because of mutual induction
(ii) when coil B is moved upwards, flux linked with it decreases, induced current
decreases so the bulb gets dimmer
(iii) eddy currents will be set up in the copper sheet, which will oppose the passage of
magnetic flux. Induced emf in coil B de creases hence brightness s of bulb willdecrease
Q22. Question 1: An inductor is simply a coil or a solenoid that has a fixed inductance. It is
referred to as a choke. The usual circuit notation for an inductor is as shown.

Let a current i flows through the inductor from A to B. Whenever electric current changes
through it, a back emf is generated. If the resistance of inductor is assumed to be zero (ideal
inductor) then induced emf in it is given by
e=VB-VA= - L di / dt
Thus, potential drops across an inductor as we movein the direction of current. But potential
also drops across a pure resistor when we move in the direction of thecurrent.
The main difference between a resistor and an inductor is that while a resistor opposes the
current through it, an inductor opposes the change in current through it.
Now answer the following questions.
(1) How does inductor behavewhen
(a) a steady current flow throughit?
(b) a steadily increasing, current flows throughit?

(c) a steadily decreasing current flows throughit?
(d) Name the phenomenon in which change in current in a coil induces EMF in coil
(a) As electric current is steady thereforedi / dt = 0; induced emf = e = 0 and the inductor
behaves as short circuit.
(b) in the expressione= - L di / dt as di / dt is positive EMF is negative. that is VB < VA.
That is back EMF is generated that opposes the increase in current.
(c )di / dt is negative, therefore EMF is positive. that is V B > VA. Forward EMF is generated
that opposses fall in current.
(d) Self induction.
Q23. Assertion and Reason of the following statements, mark the correct Answers as-
A - if both Assertion and Reason -- are true and Reason -- is correct explanation of the
Assertion. B - if both Assertion and Reason -- are true but Reason -- is not correct
explanation of Assertion. C - if Assertion is true but Reason -- is false.
D - if both Assertion and Reason -- are false. E - if Assertion is false but Reason -- is true

1. Assertion-- The mutual induction of two coils is doubled, if the self-inductance of the
primary or secondary coil isdoubled
Reason -- Mutual induction is proportional to self-inductance of primary and secondary coils
Answer - C

2. Assertion- Making and breaking of current in a coil produce no momentary current in

the neighboring coil of another circuit
Reason -- Momentary current in the neighboring coil of another circuit is an eddy current
Answer - D

3. Assertion- If primary coil is connected by voltmeter and secondary coil by ac source. If

large copper sheet is placed between two coils, induced emf in primary coil is reduced
Reason -- Copper sheet between coils has no effect on induced emf in primarycoil
Answer – A

4. Assertion- An electric motor will have maximum efficiency when back emf becomes
equal to half of appliedemf
Reason -- Efficiency of electric motor depends only on magnitude of back emf
Answer – C

5. Assertion- Armature current in DC motor is maximum when the motor has just started
Reason -- Armature current is given by I=E-e/R where e is back emf, R is resistance of
Answer – B

6. Assertion- Eddy current is produced in any metallic conductor when magnetic flux is
changed aroundit
Reason -- Electric potential determine the flow of charge
Answer - B

7. Assertion -- The quantity L/R possesses dimensions oftime

Reason -- to reduce the rate of increase of current through a solenoid should increase the time
constant L/R
Answer - B
8. Assertion- Faraday laws are consequence of conservation ofenergy
Reason -- In a purely resistive AC circuit, the current lags behind the emf in phase
Answer - C
9. Assertion- Only a change in magnetic flux through a coil maintain a current in the coil
if the current is continuing
Reason -- The presence of large magnetic flux through a coil maintains a current in the coil if
the current is continuing
Answer -C
10. Assertion- magnetic flux can produce induced emf Reason -- Faraday established
induced emfexperimentally
Answer –E

Q24. The peak value of emf in an a.c. is E0. Write its (a) rms and
b)average value over a complete cycle.
Ans. (a) Erms=E0/2 (b) Zero
Q25. The instantaneous current from an a.c. sourceis I=10 Sin 314t .What is the rms value of
AnsIrms = I0/√2=10x0.707=70.7 A
Q26. (i) Explain the term capacitive reactance. Write itsS.I.unit.
(ii) Show graphically the variation of capacitive reactance with frequency of the applied
alternating voltage.
Ans. (i)Capacitivereactance:The obstruction offered by a capacitor to the flow of alternating
current through it, is called capacitive reactanceIts S. I. unit is Ohm

(ii) Graph Xc Vs f

Q27. A lamp is connected in series with an inductor and an a.c. source. What happens to the
brightness of the lamp when the key is plugged in and an iron rod is inserted inside the
inductor? Explain.
Ans: Brightness decreases
Reason :When iron rod is inserted, inductance(L) increases
Z= √ [R2+ XL2]=√ [R2+ (ω L) 2] also increases and current decreasesHence
brightness( I2 Z)decreases

(i) Mention the factors on which resonant frequency of a series circuit depends.
Plot a graph showing the variation of impedance of a series circuit with the frequency
of applied a.c.source.
Ans. (i) Factors :values of inductance and capacitance
f = 1 / 2π √ LC

Q28.When an a.c. source is connected to a pure capacitor show that the average power supplied
by the source over a complete cycle is zero. Also plot a graph showing the variation of voltage,
current, power and flux in onecycle.
Ans.Wehave,V=V0Sinωt& I=I0 Sin(ω t + π/2) =I0 Cos ωt

Average power per cycle<p>=


1/T∫ VIdt

=∫ V 0 sin ω t I 0 cos ω t dt

=V0I0/2T∫ V 0 I 0 sin 2 ω tdt =0


Q29.An a.c. source of voltage V=V0Sinωtis connected one by one, to three circuit elements
X,Y and Z .
It is observed that the current flowinginthem,
(i) is in phase with the applied voltage forelementX
(ii) lags the applied voltage in phase by π/2 , forelementY
(iii) leads the applied voltage in phase by π/2 , for.element Z Identify the three

Ans. (i) X-Resistor (ii) Y- Inductor (iii) Z- capacitor

Q30. Write the principle of which atransformerworks.

Ans. It is based on the principle of mutual induction
i,e, whenever there is change in magnetic flux linked with a coil, an emf is induced
in the neighbouring coil
Q31. Why cannot a transformer works ond.c.?
Ans. d.c. cannot produce a changing magnetic flux in the primary and hence no emf will be
induced in the secondary
Q32. These days most of the electrical devices we use require a.c. voltage.Why?
Ans. (a) It can be stepped up/ stepped down
(b) It can be converted intod.c. (c) line loss can beminimized
Q33. In India, domestic power supply is at 220V,50Hz, while in U.S.A. it is 110V,50Hz. Give
one advantage andone disadvantage of 220V supply over110Vsupply.
Ans.Advantage–power loss at 220V supply is less than that at110V.

Disadvantage- 220V is more dangerous than 110V because its peak value (311V) is more than
peak value (155.5V) for 110V supply
Q34. Mention the two characteristic properties of a material suitable for making core of a
Ans. (i) Low coercivity/ Low retentivity (ii) High permeability
Q35. Why is the core of a transformer made of a magnetic material of highpermeability? increase the magnetic flux in the core, due to which flux leakage decreases & efficiency

Q36. Does a step up transformer violets the principle of conservation ofenergy?

Ans. No, In an ideal transformer input power is always equal to output power, due to which if
voltage increases, current is reduced in same proportion
Q37. Show a plot of variation of (i) magnetic flux and (ii) alternating emf versus time
generated by a loop ofwirerotating in a magnetic field in anacgenerator.

Ans. (i) (ii)

Practice Questions
Q1. Explain, with the help of a suitable example, how we can show that Lenz’s law is a
consequence of the principle of conservation of energy.

Q2. What is motional electromotive force (motional emf)?

A rod of length is moved horizontally with a uniform velocity in a direction perpendicular to its
length through a region in which a uniform magnetic field is acting vertically downward.
Derive the expression for the emf induced across the ends of the rod.
Q3. A metallic rod of length is rotated with a frequency, with one end hinged at the centre in a
uniform magnetic field as shown. Derive an expression for-
(a) induced emf and induced current in therod
(b) magnitude and direction of the force acting on therod
(c) power required to rotate therod

Q4.. Describe briefly three main useful applications of eddy currents.

Q5. Derive the expression for the self-inductance of a long solenoid of cross sectional area ,
length , and having turns per unit length.
Q6.(i)Derive an expression for the mutual inductance of two long coaxial solenoids of same
length wound one over the other.
(ii) Write the factors on which the mutual inductance of a pair of solenoids depends.
Q7. Two concentric circular coils, one of small radius and the other of large radius such that
are placed co-axially with centres coinciding. Obtain the mutual inductance of the arrangement.

Q7. An a.c. voltage V=V 0Sinωt is applied across a pure inductor of inductance L . Find an
expression for the current flowing in the circuit and show mathematically that the current
flowing through it is lags behind the applied voltage by of phase π/2 . Also draw (a) phasor
diagram (b) graphs of V and I versus ωt for the circuit.

Q10.When an a.c. source is connected than ideal inductor show that the average power supplied
by the source over a complete cycle is zero. Also plot a graph showing the variation of voltage,
current, power and flux in one cycle.

Q10. An alternating voltage V=V0Sinωt is applied to a series combination of a resistor and a

capacitor. Using phasor diagram, derive expressions for impedance, instantaneous current and
its phase relationship to the applied voltage. Also draw graphs of V and I versus ωt for the
Q11. Draw a schematic diagram of a step up/step down transformer. Explain its working
principle. Deducethe expression for the secondary to primary voltage in terms of the number of
turns in the two coils. In an ideal transformer, how is this ratio related to the currents in the two
coils ?
Q12.Describe briefly any two energy losses, giving the reason of the iroccurrenceinactual
transformer. How are these reduced ?
Q13. (i) Explain with the help of a labelled diagram, the principle and working of an ac
generator and obtain expression for the emf generated in the coil.
(ii) Draw a schematic diagram showing the nature of the alternating emf generated by the
rotating coil in the magnetic field during one cycle.
Calculate the rms value of the alternating current shown in figure.

Q14. Figure shows two identical rectangular loops (1) and (2), placed on a table along with a
straight long current carrying conductor between them.
(i) What will be the direction of induced currents in the loops whenthey are pulled
away from the conductor with the same velocity?
(ii) Will the emfs induced in the two loops be equal ? Justify youranswer.

Electromagnetic Spectrum:
The classification of electromagnetic waves according to wavelength/ frequency is the
electromagnetic spectrum. There is no sharp division between one kind of wave and the next.
In order of increasing wavelength/decreasing frequency:-
γ -rays, X-rays, ultraviolet rays, visible rays, infrared rays, microwaves and radio waves

Type of Production Properties Uses
y - rays (i)have highest penetrating power, but very (i) used in treatment of cancer
small ionizing power &tumor
(ii)affect photographic plate (ii) used in detecting flaws in metal
(iii)the frequency range from 500 kHz to castings
about 1000 MHz. (iii)used in nuclear reactions
X - rays (i)ionize the gas through which they pass (i)used in detecting fractures in
(ii)produce injurious effect on human body bones
(ii)used in detecting
faults,cracks,haws& holes in metal

Ultraviole The sun is (i)can cause ionisation &pramotechemical (iii)used

(i)used ininchecking
studying mineral
animportant Reaction samples
Rays source of UV (ii)when allowed to fall on metals can (ii)used in destroying bacteria
rays. cause emission of electrons &sterilizing surgical instruments
(iii)cause skin cancer when exposed to them (iii)used in preserving food stuff
(iv)used to check forged documents in
VisibleL i g h t (i) shows the phenomenon of the
(i)itforensic labsthe sense of vision
reflection, refraction (ii)it provides the information about
(ii) from about 4 x 1014 Hz to about 7 the world
x 1014 Hz..
Infrared by hot bodies (i) absorbed by most of the (i) used in treating muscular
Rays and molecules. materials strain
(ii) raise the temperature of the object (ii)used in photography during fog,
on which they fall rain or Smoke
(iii)produce intensive heating effect (iii) used in greenhouse effect
(iv)used in checking of purity of
(v)used in remote control of

Microwave In Klystron tube (i)produce heat when absorbed by matter (i)used in radar system for aircraft
(ii)obeys laws of reflection & navigation
refraction (ii)used in detecting the speed of cricke
(iii)These are short wavelength radio ball,tennisball,speed of
waves with frequencies in the gigahertz vehicles etc.
(iii)used in cooking (microwave
(iv)used in long distance
communication system via
geostationary satellite
Radiowave by accelerated Obeys laws of refraction &reflection (i) used in wireless
motion of communication
charges in (ii) used in radio,T.V.& cellular
wires. phones

Mnemonics to memories it
Gandhiji’s X-ray is Used Vigorously In Medical Research

Important Questions and Answer
1. What is meant by transverse nature of electromagnetic wave? Draw a diagram showing the
propagation of an electromagnetic wave along the x direction, indicating clearly the directions of
the oscillating electric and magnetic fields associated with it.(AI-2010,2008)
Ans:- E.M. waves are transverse in nature i,e, E & B are perpendicular to each other as well as
perpendicular to the direction of propagation of the wave.

2. Express velocity of propagation of e.m. waves in terms of the peak value of electric & magnetic
Ans:- ~
3.optical and radio telescopes are built on the ground while X- ray astronomy is possible only
from satellites orbiting the Earth. Why?
Ans. The earth’s atmosphere is transparent to visible light and radio waves but absorbs X-rays.
Satellites orbiting the earth at a height of 36000 km, where atmosphere is very thin and X-rays
are not absorbed.
4. The small ozone layer on top of the stratosphere is crucial for human survival. Why?
Ans. Ozone layer absorbs ultraviolet radiation from the sun and prevent these radiations from
reaching the earth which causes cancer.
5. Identify the following electromagnetic radiation as per the wavelength given below. Write one
application of each.
(a) 10-12m (b). 10-4m (c.) 106m
Ans:- Identification:- (a.) gamma rays use- radiotherapy (b.) Infrared rays use – haze photography
( c). long radio wave use in radio communication
6. Write the order of frequency range and one use of each of the following electromagnetic
radiations (i) Microwaves (ii) ultraviolet rays (iii) rays

Ans. (i) microwave used in radar system (ii). infra red used in treatment of muscular complaints

7. The oscillating magnetic field in a plane electromagnetic wave is given by BY = 8 X 10-6 sin (2
x 1011 t + 300 )] T
a.Calculate the wavelength of electromagnetic wave?
b.Write down the expression for the oscillating electric field.
Ans. a. = 3m,

b. EZ = 2400 sin (2 x 10 11 t + 300 )]
8. - Suppose the electric field part of an electromagnetic wave is given by
E = (3.1 N/C) cos [(1.8 rad/m) y + (5.4 X106 rad/s) t ]i

(i) What is the direction of propagation?

(ii) what is the wavelength ?
(iii) what is the frequency ?
(iv) what is the amplitude of the magnetic field part of the wave ?
Ans. (i) negative y -axis
(ii) = 3.5 m
(iii) = 86 X 106 HZ
(iv) B = 10-11 cos [(1.8 rad/m) y + (5.4 X106 rad/s) t ]
9. A point source of E.M radiation has an average power output of 800W
a) Find the max value of electric field at a distance 3.5m from the source.
b) What will be the max value of magnetic field?
c) What will be the energy density at a distance 3.5m from the source?
Ans;- . I = P/4πR2 = UAV.C = 1/2 C0 E02 .C
(a). E0= IP/2πR2 x C0.C
= I800/2π x (3.5)2 x 8.854 x 10-12 x 3 x 108
= 62.6 V/m
(b)Max value of magnetic field B0= E0/C = 62.6/3x 108= 2.09 x 10-7T.
(c)Total energy density at 3.5m is
U=1/2C0E02 = 1/2 8.85x10-12 x (62.6)2
= 1.73 x 10 – 8 J m -3
10. EM waves travel in a medium at the speed of 2 x 10 8 m/s. The relative permeability of the
medium is 1. Find the relative permittivity of that medium.
Ans. v = 2 x 10 8 m/s , µr = 1 , c = 3 x 10 8 m/s
Speed of EM wave in the medium v = 1 / √µε
= c / √µrεr
Or εr = c 2 / v 2 µr = (3 x 10 8 )2 / (2 x 10 8 )2 x 1 = 2.25

A.Both assertion and reason are True, and reason is the correct explanation .
B.Both assertion and reason are True, but reason is not the correct explanation .
C.Assertion is True , but reason is False .
D.Both assertion and reason are False.
1. Assertion: Electromagnetic waves do not require medium for their propagation. Reason:
They can’t travel in a medium.
Answer: C
2. Assertion: A changing electric field produces a magnetic field.
Reason: A changing magnetic field produces an electric field.
Answer: B
3. Assertion: X-rays travel with the speed of light.
Reason: X-rays are electromagnetic rays.
Answer: A
4. Assertion: Environmental damage has increased amount of Ozone in atmosphere. Reason:
Increase of ozone increases amount of ultraviolet radiation on earth Answer: D
5. Assertion: Electromagnetic radiation exert pressure.
Reason: Electromagnetic waves carry both - Momentum & Energy.
Answer: B
6. Assertion: The EM waves of shorter wavelength can travel longer distances on earth’s surface
than those of longer wavelengths.
Reason: Shorter the wavelength, the larger is the Velocity of propagation.
Answer: C
7. Assertion: EM waves follow Superposition principle. Reason: Differential expression of EM
wave is linear. Answer: A
8. Assertion: Sound waves cannot travel in vacuum, but light waves can.
Reason: Light is an electromagnetic wave - but sound is a Mechanical wave.
Answer: A
9. Assertion: The Microwaves are better carriers of signals than radio waves.
Reason: The electromagnetic waves do not require any medium to propagate.
Answer: B
10. Assertion: Transverse waves are not produced in liquids and gases.
Reason: Shorter the wavelength, the larger is the Velocity of propagation.
Answer: B

Gamma rays are used in radiotherapy to Treat cancer. They are used to spot tumors. they kill the
living cells and damage malignant tumor.

1 Q) what is the source of gamma rays?

a) radioactive decay of nucleus b) accelerated motion of charges in conducting wire
c) hot bodies and molecule d) klystron valve
2 Q) how is wavelength of gamma rays
a) low b) high c) infinite d) zero
3 Q)choose the one with correct radiation order? a) alpha>beta>gamma b)
beta>alpha>gamma c) gamma>beta>alpha d) gamma>alpha>beta
4 Q) what is other use of gamma rays?
a) used to change white topaz to blue topaz b) used in aircraft navigation
c) used in kill microbes d) checking fractures of bone
1) a 2) a 3) c 4) a

Practice questions
1. Which of the following has the shortest wavelength Microwaves, Ultraviolet rays,
X-rays .
2. What is the ratio of speed of infrared and ultraviolet rays in vacuum ?
3. Write an expression for the speed of e.m. waves in free space.
4. For an electromagnetic wave, write the relationship between amplitude of electric and
magnetic fields in free space.
5. Why are microwaves found useful for the radar systems in aircraft navigation 6 . Which
of the following electromagnetic radiations has least frequency :
UV radiations, X-rays, Microwaves
7. A charged particle oscillates about its mean equilibrium position with a frequency of 10 9
Hz. What is the frequency of the electromagnetic waves produced by the oscillator?
8. What physical quantity is the same for X-rays of wavelength 10-10 m, red light of
wavelength 6800 and radiowaves of wavelength 500 m?
9. Give one uses of each of the following:
a. Microwave b. Infra-red wave c. Ultra violet radiation d. Gamma rays
10. Identify the following electromagnetic radiation as per the wavelength given below. Write
one application of each.
a. 1mm b. 10 - 3 nm
11. Arrange the following electromagnetic waves in order of increasing frequency :
rays, microwaves, infrared rays and Ultraviolet rays
12. Name the following constituent radiations of electromagnetic spectrum which-
(i) are used in satellite communication/in radar and geostationary satellite
(ii) are used for studying crystal structure of solids
(iii) are similar to the radiations emitted during decay of radioactive nuclei
(iv) are used for water purification/ are absorbed from sunlight by ozone layer
13. In a plane electromagnetic wave, the electric field oscillates sinusoidally at a frequency of 2 x
1010 Hz and amplitude 48 V .
(a)What is the wavelength of the wave?
(b)What is the amplitude of the oscillating magnetic field?
(c)Show that the average energy density of the E field equals the average energy
density of the B field. [c = 3 x 108 m/s]
14. Suppose that the electric field part of an electromagnetic wave in vacuum is E = {(3.1 N/C)
cos [(1.8 rad/m) y + ( 5.4 x 106rad/s)t]} .

(a) What is the direction of propagation? (b) What is the wavelength ?

(c) What is the frequency ? (d) What is the amplitude of the magnetic field part of the
wave? (e) Write an expression for the magnetic field part of the wave.


A. Both assertion and reason are True, and reason is the correct explaination .
B. Both assertion and reason are True, but reason is not the correct explaination.
C. Assertion is True , but reason is False .
D. Both assertion and reason are False .
15.Assertion: The energy contained in a small volume through which an em wave is passing,
oscillates with the frequency of the wave.
Reason: Energy density of the wave is given by : 1/2 e0 E2 .
16.Assertion : Like Light radiation, thermal radiations are also e.m. radiations . Reason: Thermal
radiations require no medium for propagation .
17.Assertion : X-rays cannot be deflected by electric or magnetic fields . Reason: These are
electromagnetic waves .
18.Assertion : EM waves are transverse in nature .
Reason : Waves of wavelength 10mm are radiowave and microwave .
19.Assertion : Dipole oscillations produce em waves.
Reason: Accelerated charge produces em waves.


The electromagnetic (EM) spectrum is the range of all types of EM radiation. Radiation is
energy that travels and spreads out as it goes – the visible light that comes from a lamp in
your house and the radio waves that come from a radio station are two types of
electromagnetic radiation. The other types of EM radiation that make up the electromagnetic
spectrum are microwaves, infrared light, ultraviolet rays, X- rays and gamma rays.
Q1The classification is roughly based on?
I) Wavelength and frequency of waves. II) Production and detection of waves. III) The way of
travelling of waves. IV) Year discovered.
Q2Which of the following is NOT an example of EM RAYS. I) Radiotherapy(medicine).
II) Checking fractures.
III) Sterilisation. IV) Explosives.
Q3Identify the pair having highest frequency and highest wavelength EM WAVES.
I) UV rays and X- rays II) Gamma rays and Microwaves.
III) Gamma rays and Radio waves. IV) Radio waves and UV rays.
Q4What physical quantity is the same for X rays of wavelength 10-10m, red light of wavelength
6800 Ao and radiowaves of wavelength 500m?
I) Speed in vacuum (c) II) frequency (f)
III) Scattering IV) Energy (e)
Answer of practice question
1. Ans. X-rays 2. Ans 1:1 3. The speed of an em wave in free space is 4.

5.Due to short wavelength, microwaves have high penetrating power with respect to
atmosphere and are not diffracted by the obstacle in the path of their propagation
6.Ans. Microwaves 7. 109 Hz 8. Speed
9.A. radar b. treatment of muscular complaints c. sterilizing surgical instruments d.
radiation therapy.
10.A. microwave used in radar system b. infra red used in treatment of muscular
11.Ans. Microwaves, infrared rays, Ultraviolet rays, rays
12.Ans. (i) microwaves (ii) x- rays (iii) - rays (iv) UV rays 13.14.
15. D, 16. B , 17. A, 18. C 19. A
20 1. Ii) production and detection of ways 2. Iv) explosives 3. Iii) gamma rays and radio
3. I) speed in vacuum


1. Refractive index

2. Apparent shift

3. Relation between critical angle and refractive

index .
4. Refraction at spherical surface

5. Lens formula

6. Lens makers formula

7. Magnification (m) = I/O = v/u

8. Power of lens

9. Combination of lens

10. Relation between i, e and δm

11. Prism formula

12. Magnifying power of simple microscope (final image at D)

m = 1 + D/f

(final image at infinity)

m = D/f
13. Magnifying power of compound microscope

(final image at D)

(final image at infinity)

14. Magnifying power of Telescope

Length of tube

Work function-The minimum amount of energy required by an electron to just escape
from the metal surface is known as work function of the metal.
One Electron Volt (1eV)-It is the kinetic energy gained by an electron when it is
accelerated through a potential difference of 1 volt.

Photon-According to Planck's quantum theory of radiation, an electromagnetic wave

travels in the form of discrete packets of energy called quanta. One quantum of light
radiation is called a photon.
The main features of photons are as follows:-
(i) A photon travels with the speed of light.
(ii) The rest mass of a photon is zero i.e., a photon cannot exist at rest.
(iii) Energy of a photon, E = hv
(iv)Momentum of a photon, p =mc
Photoelectric Effect: -The phenomenon of emission of electrons from a metallic
surface when light of appropriate frequency (above threshold frequency) is incident on
it, known as photoelectric effect.
 It’s experiment was performed by Heinrich Hertz.
 It was explained by Einstein and he also got Nobel Prize for this.
Photoelectric Effect experimental setup-

Factors which Effect Photoelectric Effect:-

( i) Effect of intensity of incident radiations (ii) Effect of intensity of incident radiations
on photoelectric current: For frequency of on photoelectric current: For frequency of
radiations as constant radiations as constant

(iii) (iv) The stopping potential Vo depends on(i)

radiations on stopping potential: For The frequency of incident light and (ii) the
constant intensity nature of
(iv) emitter material
# For a given frequency of incident light, the
stopping potential is independent of its

=(1/2)m vmax  K max


# From this graph between frequency ν,

stopping potential Plank's constant (h) can be
Slope of this graph = h/e
Law of Photoelectric effect-
1. For a given photosensitive material and frequency of incident radiation, (above
the threshold frequency), the photoelectric current is directly proportional to the
intensity of light. The saturation current is directly proportional to the intensity of
incident radiation.
2. For a given photosensitive material, there exists a certain minimum cut off
frequency below which no photoelectrons are emitted, howsoever high is the intensity
of incident radiation. This frequency is called threshold frequency.
3. Above the threshold frequency, the stopping potential or equivalently the
maximum kinetic energy of the photoelectrons is directly proportional to the frequency
of incident radiation, but is independent of its intensity.
4. The photoelectric emission is an instantaneous process. The time lag between
the incidence of light radiation and the emission of photoelectrons is very small, even
less than 10-9 s.
De-Broglie Hypothesis-
According to de Broglie, every moving particle is associated with a wave which
controls the particle in every respect. The wave associated with a particle is called
matter wave or de Broglie wave.
h h
λ= =
p mv
This is known as de-Broglie equation.
De-Broglie wavelength of a particle of De-Broglie wavelength of an electron
kinetic energy K- accelerated in potential difference V


 Energy of a photon  If V0 is the stopping potential,
hc the maximum kinetic energy of the
E =hʋ = ejected photoelectron,

K = 12mv max 2=eV0
 Number of photon emitted  Kinetic energy of De-Broglie

P Waves K = 12mv 2= P2/2m
per second N =
 Momentum of photon  Momentum of De-Broglie
hʋ h E Waves P =√ 2 mK
P = mc = = =
c ℷ c
 Equivalent mass of photon  Wavelength of De-Broglie
hʋ E h h h h
m= = = Waves ℷ = = =
c 2 c 2 cλ p mv √ (2mK )
 Work function W0 = hʋ0 =  De –Broglie Wavelength of an
hc electron beam accelerated through a
= potential difference of V volts is
h 1.23
ℷ= = nm =
√ (2meV ) √V
12.27 0
 Einstein’s photoelectric  De –Broglie Wavelength
equation associated with gas molecules of mass
m at temperature T kelvin is

λ = K = Boltzmann
√ (2mKT )

 Kinetic energy of  The value of hc = 12400eV A0

photoelectron is given by
 Kmax = 12mv 2= hʋ - W0 = h(ʋ hc
 The Value of = 1240 X 10
c c e
- ʋ0) = h ( - ) -9
eV m
ℷ ℷ0


1. Write the expression for the de-Broglie wavelength associated with a charged particle
having charge q and mass m when it is accelerated by a potential.
Ans: The charged particle as a mass m and charge q. The kinetic energy of the particle is equal
to the work done on it by the electric field
E = qV
mv2 = qV => P = √ 2 mqV

2. Define intensity of radiation in photon picture of light.

Ans: The photon incident on unit area of a surface in unit time.

3. Define the term stopping potential in relation to photoelectric effect.

Ans: The value of negative potential of anode at which photoelectric current in the circuit
reduces to zero is called stopping potential.

4. The stopping potential in an experiment on photoelectric effect is 1.5 V. What is the
maximum kinetic energy of the photoelectrons emitted?
Ans:KEmax = eV0 =>KEmax = 1.5 eV

5. The maximum kinetic energy of a photoelectron is 3 eV. What is its stopping potential?

Ans: KEmax = 3eV => 3eV = eV0 => V0 = 3V

6. The stopping potential in an experiment on photoelectric effect is 2 V. What is the

maximum kinetic energy of the photoelectrons emitted?

Ans: KEmax = eV0 = e(2V) = 2 eV

7. Ultraviolet radiations of different frequencies ν1, ν2 are incident on two photo sensitive
materials having work functions W1 and W2 (W1>W2) respectively. The kinetic energy of
emitted electrons is same in both the cases. Which one of the two radiations will be at the
higher frequency?
Ans: KE = hν – W
(KE)1 = (KE)2
hν1 – W1 = hν2 – W2 here W1> W2 => ν1> ν2

8. A proton and an electron have same kinetic energy. Which one has greater de-Broglie
wavelength and why?
h h
Ans: λ = = , λ >λ
p √ 2 mK e p
mass of the particles. Now slope of B is Greater it represents mass is smaller.
9. The de-Broglie wavelength associated with an electron accelerated through a potential
difference V is λ. What will be its wavelength when the accelerating potential is increased to 4
Ans: λ= Ȧ for V = 4 V
λ= Ȧ = 6.135 Ȧ
10. Write Einstein’s photoelectric equation. State clearly the three salient features observed
in photoelectric effect which can be explained on the basis of above equation.
Ans: Einstein’s equation for photoelectric effect
hν = KEmax + W0
KEmax = h (ν – ν0)
c c
KEmax = h( − )
λ λ0
Three salient features
(i) Threshold frequency for KEmax≥ 0 => ν ≥ ν0 Photo electric effect takes place
(ii) KEmaxof photoelectron ν > ν0 => KEmax α (ν - ν0)
(iii) Effect of intensity of incident light : The number of photon incident per unit timr per
unit area increases with the increase of incident light

11. Draw suitable graphs to show the variation of photoelectric current with collector plate
potential for (i) a fixed frequency but different intensities I1>I2>I3. (ii) a fixed intensity but
different frequencies ν1>ν2> ν3.

12. Write Einstein’s photoelectric equation in terms of the stopping potential and the
threshold frequency for a given photosensitive material. Draw a plot showing the variation of
stopping potential versus the frequency of incident radiation. V0
Ans: hν = KEmax + W0
KEmax = hν – W0
But W0 = hν0
KEmax = hν – hν0 ν
eV0 = h (ν – ν0) V01
V0 = (ν – ν0)
Slope the graph gives ratio of value of plank constant (h) V02
and electronic charge (e)
13. An α-particle and a proton are accelerated from rest by the same potential. Find the
ratio of their de-Broglie wavelengths.

h h λα mp q p 1
Ans: λ =

p √ 2 qVm
√ =
mα q α 2 √ 2
The two lines marked A and B in the given figure show a plot of de-Broglie wavelength
λ versus , where V is the accelerating potential for two nuclei 21 H ∧31 H .
(i)What does the slope of the lines represent? (ii) Identify which of the lines corresponded to
these nuclei.


Ans: (i) The slope of the line represent
√2 mq
(ii) 21 H ∧31 H carry same charge as they have same atomic number λ √ V α The lighter mass
2 3
1 H represented by line greater slope i. e., A and similarly 1 H by line B.. For what kinetic energy
a neutron will the associated de-Broglie wavelength be 1.32 x 10 -10 m?(Given mass of neutron
1.675 x 10-27 kg)
h h h2
Ans: : λ = = => K= => K = 7.5 x 10-21 J
p √ 2 mK 2mλ 2

Directions: In each of the following questions, a statement of Assertion (A) is given followed
by a corresponding statement of Reason (R) just below it. Of the statements, mark the correct
answer as:
(A)If both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion
(B)If both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion
(C)If assertion is true and reason is false
(D)If both assertion and reason are false

1. Assertion: A photon has no rest mass , yet it carries definite momentum.

Reason: Momentum of photon is due to its energy and hence its equivalent mass.
(a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D

2. Assertion: Mass of moving photon varies inversely as the wavelength.

Reason: Energy of the particle = mass x (speed of light)2
(a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D

3. Assertion: In photoelectron emission, the velocity of electron ejected from near the surface
is larger than that coming from interior of metal.
Reason: The velocity of ejected electron will be zero.
(a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D
4. Assertion: A photocell is called an electric eye.
Reason: When light is incident on some semiconductor, its electrical resistance is reduced.
(a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D
5. Assertion: The de Broglie equation has significance for any microscopic or sub-
microscopic particle.
Reason: The de Broglie wavelength is inversely proportional to the mass of the object if
velocity is constant.
(a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D
6. Assertion:: A particle of mass M at rest decay into particles of masses m1 and m2,having
non- zero velocities will have ratio of de-Broglie wavelengths unity.
Reason: Here we cannot apply conservation of linear momentum.
(a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D
Answers Q1. (a) Q2. (a) Q3. (c) Q4. (c) Q5. (a) Q6. (a)


The photoelectric emission is possible only if the incident light is in the form of packets of
energy, each having a definite value, more than the work function of the metal. This shows that
light is not of wave nature but of particle nature. It is due to this reason that photoelectric
emission was accounted by quantum theory of light.

Q1. Packet of energy are called

(a) electron (b) quanta (c) frequency (d) neutron
Q2. One quantum of radiation is called
(a) meter (b) meson (c) photon (d) quark
Q3. Energy associated with each photon
(a) hc (b) mc (c) hv (d) hk
Q4. Which of the following waves can produce photo electric effect
(a). UV radiation (b). Infrared radiation (c). Radio waves (d) .Microwaves
Q5. Work function of alkali metals is
(a)less than zero (b)just equal to other metals (c) greater than other metals
(d) quite less than other metals
Answer Q1.(b) Q2.(c) Q3.(c) Q4.(a) Q5.(d)


1. The wavelength of electromagnetic radiation is doubled. What will happen to the energy
2. If the maximum kinetic energy of electrons emitted by a photocell is 4 ev. What is the
Stopping potential?
3. What is the energy associated in joules with a photon of wavelength 4000A0?
4. The photoelectric cut-off voltage in a certain experiment is 1.5V. What is the maximum
Kinetic energy?
5. Calculate the work function of a metal in eV. If its threshold wavelength is 6800A0?
6. What is the momentum of a photon of energy 120 MeV?
7. What is the de-Broglie wavelength (in A 0) associated with an electron accelerated through a
Potential of 100V?
8. Calculate the ratio of de-Broglie wavelength associated with a deuteron moving with
velocity 2V and an alpha particle moving with velocity V?
9. Two beams, one of red light and other of blue light, of same intensity are incident on a
metallic surface to emit photoelectrons. Which one of the two beams emits electrons of greater
kinetic energy?
1. An α-particle and proton are accelerated from rest by the same kinetic energy. Find the ratio
of their de-Broglie wavelengths
2. The work function of cesium metal is 2.14eV. When light of frequency 6 X 10 14 Hz is
incident on the metal surface, photoemission of electrons occurs. What is the (a) Maximum
kinetic energy of the emitted electron and (b) Stopping potential of the emitted photoelectron?
3. an experiment on photo electric emission , following observations were made;
( i ) wave length of incident light = 1.98 x 10-7m
( ii ) stopping potential = 2.5 V.
Find ( a ) kinetic energy of photo electrons with maximum speed ( b ) work function
4. For a photosensitive surface, threshold wavelength is 0. Does photoemission if the
wavelength radiation is (i) more than 0 and (ii) less than 0? Justify your answer.
5. Radiations of frequency 1015 Hz are incident on two photosensitive surfaces P and Q.
Following observations are made.
(i) For surface P, photoelectric emission occurs but photoelectrons have zero kinetic
(ii) For surface Q, photoelectric emission occurs and photoelectrons have some kinetic
energy.Which one of these has a higher work function?
If the incident frequency is slightly reduced, what will happen to the photoelectric emission in
the two cases?
6. . Monochromatic light of wavelength 632.8 nm is produced by a helium-neon laser. The
power emitted is 9.42 mW.
(a) Find the energy and momentum of each photon in the light beam,
(b) How many photons per second, on the average, arrive at a target irradiated by this
beam? (Assume the beam to have uniform cross-section which is less than the target area)
7. When light of wavelength 400 nm is incident on the cathode of a photocell, the stopping
recorded is 6V.If the wave of the incident light is increased to 600nm.Calculate the new
stopping potential?
8. The two identical photocathodes receive light of frequencies f 1 and f2.If the velocity of the
photoelectron (of mass m) coming out are respectively v1 and v2 , then show that
v12 - v 22 = (f -f ).
m 1 2
9. A blue lamp mainly emits light of wavelength 4500 A 0. The lamp is rated at 150 W and 8%
of the energy is emitted as visible light. How many photons are emitted by the lamp per
10. The following graph shows the variant of stopping potential V s with the frequency ( v) of
the incident radiation for two photosensitive metals X andY .
(i) Which of the metals has larger threshold wavelength? Give reason.
(ii) Explain Giving reason which metal gives out electrons having larger
kinetic energy, for the same wavelength of the incident radiation.

According to de-Broglie a moving material particle sometimes acts as a wave and sometimes
as a particle or a wave is associated with moving material particle which controls the particle in
every respect. The wave associated with moving material particle is called matter wave or de-
Broglie wave whose wavelength called de-Broglie wavelength, is given by λ = h/mv

1. The dual nature of light is exhibited by

(a) Diffraction and photo electric effect (b) Photoelectric effect
(c) Refraction and interference (d)diffraction and reflection.
2. If the momentum of a particle is doubled , then its de-Broglie wavelength will
(a) Remain unchanged (b)become four times (c) become two times (d)become half
3. If an electron and proton are propagating in the form of waves having the same λ , it implies
that they have the same
(a)energy (b)momentum (c)velocity (d)angular momentum
4. Velocity of a body of mass m, having de-Broglie wavelength λ , is given by relation
(a) v = λ h/m (b) v = λm/h (c) v = λ/hm (d) v = h/ λm
5. Moving with the same velocity , which of the following has the longest de Broglie
(a)ᵦ -particle (b) α -particle (c) proton (d) neutron.
Answer Q1.(a) Q2.(d) Q3.(b) Q4.(d) Q5.(a)
1. .Assertion: Photoelectric effect demonstrates the wave nature of light.
Reason. The number of photoelectrons is proportional to the frequency of light.
(a)A (b) B (c) C (d) D
2. . Assertion: When acertain wavelength of light falls on a metal surface it ejects electron.
Reason: Light has wave nature.
(a)A (b) B (c) C (d) D
3. Assertion:As work function of a material increases by some mechanism, it requires greater
energy to excite the electrons from its surface.
Reason:. A plot of stopping potential (V 2) versus frequency (v) for different materials,has greater
slope for metals with greater work functions.
(a)A (b) B (c) C (d) D
4 Assertion:Light of frequency 1.5 times the threshold frequency is incident on photo-sensitive
material.If the frequency is halved and intensity is doubled the photo current remains unchanged.
Reason:.The photo electric current varies directly with the intensity of light and frequency of light.
(a)A (b) B (c) C (d) D
5.. Assertion: The de-Broglie wavelength of a neutron when its kinetic energy is k is λ. Its
wavelength is 2 λ when its kinetic energy is 4k.
Reason:The de - Broglie wavelength λ is proportional to square root of the kinetic energy.
(a)A (b) B (c) C (d) D
6. Assertion:. The de – Broglie wavelength of a molecule varies inversely as the square root of
Reason: The root mean square velocity of the molecule depends on the temperature.
(a)A (b) B (c) C (d) D
Answers Q1. (d) Q2 (b) Q3 . (c) Q4 . (d) Q5. (d) Q6. (a)
Answer of practice questions
1. Half 2. 4 Volt 3. hc = 4.96 X 10 joule 4. 5 eV 5. W =1.825 eV
λd h/ pd mα v 1
6. 5.92 X 10 -24 Kg m/sec 7. 1.23 A0 8. λ = h/ p = m = 1 9. Blue Light

α α dv d

1. 1:2 2. (a) K max = 034 eV (b) 0.34 V 3.( a ) Kmax = 2.5eV ( b ) work function =
4. (i) No (ii) Yes
5. P has higher work function, photoelectric emission take place from Q but not from P

6. (a)The energy of each photon is given as:

The momentum of each photon is given as:


7. eV0 = hc (1/λ-w' ) , ∆ V0 = V02 – v01 = (1/λ-1/λ^’)
V02 = v01 -1.03= 6-1.03= 4.97 V
1 2hf 2hf 0
8. mv2 = hf – hf0 or v2 = -
2 m m
2h f 2h f 0 2h f 2 2h f 0 2 2 2h
v12= 1
- , v 22= - v1 - v2 = (f1-f2).
m m m m m
8 % of P 8 Pλ
9. N = = = 2.71 X1029 photon/second
E 100 hc
10. (i) X (ii) Y

1.All elements consists of very small invisible particles, called atom. Every atom is a sphere of
radius of the order of 10-10m, in which entire mass is uniformly distributed and negative
charged electrons revolve around the nucleus.
2. Experimental arrangement for α-scattering experiment and trajectory followed by α

3. Impact parameter is a perpendicular distance of the velocity vector of a-particle from the
central line of the nucleus of the atom is called impact parameter (b).

Where,K is KE of α-particle, θ is scattering angle, Z is atomic number of the nucleus and e is

charge of nucleus.
4. Basic assumption of Rutherford’s atomic model.
(i) Atom consists of small central core, called atomic nucleus in which whole mass and positive
charge is assumed to be concentrated.
(ii) The size of nucleus is much smaller than the size of the atom.
(iii) The nucleus is surrounded by electrons and atom is electrically neutral.
(iv) Electrons revolves around the nucleus and centripetal force is of eletrostatic nature.
5. Distance of Closest Approach At a certain distance r0 from the nucleus, whole of the KE of
α-particle converts into electrostatic potential energy and α-particle cannot go farther close to
nucleus, this distance (r0) is called distance of closest approach.

6. Angle of Scattering Angle by which a-particle gets deviated from its original path around
the nucleus is called angle of scattering.
7. Drawbacks of Rutherford’s Model
(i) Could not explained stability of atom clearly.
(ii) Unable to explain line spectrum.
8. Bohr’s Theory of Hydrogen Atom Bohr combined classical and early quantum concepts
and gave his theory in the form of three postulates. These are
(i) Bohr’s first postulate :An electron in an atom could revolve in certain stable orbits without
the emission of radiant energy, contrary to the predictions of electromagnetic theory.
(ii) Bohr’s second postulate(Bohr’s quantisation condition) : This postulate states that the
electron revolves around the nucleus only in those orbits for which the angular momentum is
some integral multiple of h/2π, where h is the Planck’s constant (= 6.6 x 10-34 J – s). Thus, the
angular momentum (L) of the orbiting electron is
quantised, i. e. L = nh/2π
As, angular momentum of electron (L) = mvr
∴ For any permitted (stationary) orbit, mvr = nh/2π
where, n = any positive integer i.e. 1, 2, 3, ….
It is also called principal quantum number.
(iii) Bohr’s third postulate(Bohr’s frequency condition): It states that an electron might make a
transition from one of its specified non-radiating orbits to another of lower energy. When it
does so, a photon is emitted having energy equal to the energy difference between the initial
and final states.
The frequency of the emitted photon is then given by
hv – Ei– Ef 
where, Ei and Ef  are the energies of the initial and final states and Ei >Ef .
9. Limitations of Bohr’s Model
(i) Applicable only for hydrogen like atom.
(ii) Does not explain the fine structure of spectral lines in H-atom.
(iii) Does not explain about shape of orbit.
10. Important formulae related to Bohr’s model of hydrogen atoms are given below:

11. Energy Level The energy of an atom is the least when its electron is revolving in an orbit
closest to the nucleus i.e. for which n = 1.
12. The lowest state of the atom is called the ground state, this state has lowest energy. The
energy of this state is -13.6 eV. Therefore, the minimum energy required to free the electron
from the ground state of the hydrogen atom is -13.6 eV.
13. (i) Emission Spectrum Hydrogen spectrum consists of discrete bright lines a dark
background and it is specifically known as hydrogen emission spectrum.
(ii) Absorption Spectrum There is one more type of hydrogen spectrum exists where we get
dark lines on the bright background, it is known as absorption spectrum.
14. The atomic hydrogen emits a line spectrum consisting of various series.

1. In every atom, the positive charge and mass are densely concentrated at the centre of the
atom forming its nucleus. More than 99.9% mass of the atom is concentrated in the nucleus.
2. Atomic Mass Unit (amu) The unit to express atomic masses is called atomic mass
unit. Atomic mass unit is defined as 1/12 th of the mass of carbon atom (C12).
3. Composition of Nucleus The composition of a nucleus can be described by using the
following terms and symbols.
(i) Atomic Number Z Atomic number of an element is the number of protons present inside
the nucleus of an atom of the element.
Atomic number = Number of protons = Number of electrons
(ii) Mass Number A Mass number of an element is the total number of protons and neutrons
inside the atomic nucleus of the element.
Mass number = Number of protons + Number of neutrons = Number of electrons + Number of
neutrons i.e. A=Z.+ N
4. Size of Nucleus If R is the radius of the nucleus having mass number A, then
5. Nuclear Density Density of nuclear matter is the ratio of mass of nucleus and its volume.



Q.1 . The K. E. of α particle incident on gold foil is doubled. How does the distance of closest
approach change?(Hint: radius is inversely proportional to the kinetic energy)
Ans: Half.
Q.2 What is the significance of impact parameter ?
Ans: Size of nucleus
Q.3 . The ground state energy of hydrogen atom is -13.6 eV. What are the kinetic and potential
energies of electron in this state ?
Ans: K.E=+13.6eV,P.E=2x(-13.6eV)=-27.2eV

Q.4 . In hydrogen atom, if the electron is replaced by a particle which is 200 times heavier but
have the same charge, How would its radius change ?(Hint: r α 1/m)
Ans: 1/200 times.
Q.5 . What is the ratio of radii of the orbits corresponding to first excited state and ground state
in a hydrogen atom ?(Hint: r α n2)
Ans: 4:1.
Q.6 Use Bohr model of hydrogen atom to calculate the speed of the electron in the first excited
Ans: For first excited state, n = 2, vn=1/137xc/n=1.09x106m/s.
Q.7 . Compare the radii of two nuclei with mass numbers 1 and 27 respectively.
(Hint &Ans: R α A1/3,1:3)
Q.8. State Bohr postulate of hydrogen atom that gives the relationship for the frequency of
emitted photon in a transition.
(Ans: . Bohr’s postulate of transition : When an electron makes a transition from higher to
lower energy level , a photon is emitted which have the energy equal to the energy difference
of two levels. hv=E2-E1.)
Q.9 Two nuclei have mass numbers in the ratio 1:2. What is the ratio of their nuclear
densities ?
Ans: 1:1 as nuclear density does not depend on mass number
Q.10 The value of ground state energy of hydrogen atom is -13.6 eV.
(i) what does the negative sign signify ?
(ii) How much energy is required to take an electron in this atom from the ground state to the
first excited state ?
Ans: (i) Negative sign shows that electron is bound with the nucleus by electrostatic force
(ii) En=-13.6eV/n2 ; n=1 for ground state & n=2 for first excited state,E=E 2-E1=-13.6/22-
Q.11 . Derive the Bohr’s quantization condition for angular momentum of the orbiting of
electron in hydrogen atom, Using de-Broglie’s hypothesis.
Ans: de-Broglie wavelength, λ=h/mv, for electron orbiting in nth orbit, 2πr=nλ ,now,mvr=nh/2π
Q.12 . Use Rydberg formula to determine the wavelength of α- line of balmerseries.Given R=:
Rydberg’s constant =1.03 X 107 m-1.
Ans: Here n1=2 and n2=3, 1/λ=R(1/22-1/32)=5R/36 and λ=36/5R=6990A0
Q.13 Write two important limitations of Rutherford nuclear model of the atom.

(Ans: Limitations of Rutherford nuclear model of the atom : (i) Electron moving in a circular
orbit around the nucleus would get accelerated. Therefore it looses its energy and hence it
would spiral into the nucleus
(ii) Due to continuously changing radii of orbits, electron will emit em waves of all
frequencies. Hence atom should emit continuous spectrum)
Q.14 The ground state energy of hydrogen atom is- 13.6 eV.
(i) what is the kinetic energy of an electron in the 2nd excited state ?
(ii) If the electron jumps to the ground state from 2nd excited state, calculate the wavelength
of the spectral line emitted.
Ans: (i) K.E=13.6/n2=13.6/32=13.6/9=1.51eV.
(ii) E=E3-E1=-13.6/32-(-13.6/12)=12.9eV=12.9x1.6x10-19J
E=hv=hc/λ and λ=1.02x10-7m
Q.15 Find the relation between the three wavelengths
λ1,λ2 and λ3 from the energy level diagram shown below
Ans: Ec-Eb=hc/λ1,EB-EA=hc/λ2 and EC-EA=hc/λ3
And we have 1/λ3=1/λ1+1/λ2
Q.16 . Using Rydberg’s formula, calculate the longest
wavelengths belonging to Lymann and Balmer series. In which region hydrogen spectrum do
these transmission lie ? Given:R=1.1x107m-1.
Ans: 1/λ=R(1/n12-1/n22), For Lyman series n1=1,n2=2 and λmax=1210A0lies in ultra violet region.
For Balmerseries,n1=2,n2=3 and λmax=6563A0 lies in visible region
Q.17 . When line in the emission spectrum of hydrogen atom obtained ? Calculate the
frequency of photon emitted during this transition
Ans: for Hα line/first line in Balmer series transition is from n=3 to n=2
1/λ=R(1/22-1/32)= 5R/36 and v=c/λ=4.7x1014Hz
Q.18 Use de-Broglie’s hypothesis to write the relation for the radius of Bohr orbit in terms of
Bohr’s quantization condition of orbital angular momentum
Ans: de Broglie Wavelength associated with electron in its orbit i.e. λ=h/mv
Only those waves survive which form standing waves. For electron moving in circular orbit of
2πrn=nλ=nh/mvn; and rn=nh/2πmvn
Q.19. In Geiger- Marsden experiment, why is the most of the –Particles go straight through the foil and
only a small fraction gets scattered at large angles ?
Ans. for most of the –Particles, impact parameter is large, hence they suffer very small repulsion due to
nucleus and go straight (right) through the foil
Q.20 . Draw a schematic arrangement of the Geiger – Marsden experiment for studying α-
particle scattering by a thin foil of gold. Describe briefly, by drawing trajectories of the
scattered particles, how this study can be used to estimate the size of the nucleus ? Draw a plot
showing the number of α particles scattered versus scattering angle .

Ans: Geiger-Marsden experiment (Rutherford’s –Particle scattering experiment) ;Referncert

book for diagram;

High energetic collimated beam of –Particles is allowed to fall on a very thin gold foil as
shown. The scattered - particles are observed through a rotating detector consisting of ZnS
screen and microscope.

Observations and Conclusions :

(i) most of the –Particles passed un deflected through the foil. It indicates that most of the
space in an atom is empty.

(ii) some –Particles were deflected through small angles and only a few (1 in 8000) were
deflected through large angles ( 900 ) to return back It concludes that whole of the positive
charge and almost whole mass is concentrated in a tiny central core known as nucleus.

(iii)The number of –Particles at a scattering angle is N (θ) α 1/sin 4 θ/2. It is due to the fact
that, scattering of -particles is in accordance with Coulomb’s force

Size of nucleus : It can be estimated by distance of closest approach

½ mv2= k(Ze)(2e)/r0 and r0= 2.5 x 10-14 m

Q.1 What is the ratio of radii of the orbits corresponding to first excited state and ground
state, in a hydrogen atom?(Hint: r α n2)
Q.2 State Bohr’s quantisation condition for defining stationary orbits?
(Hint: mvr=nh/2π
Q.3An electron and alpha particle have the same de-Broglie wavelength associated with them.
How are their kinetic energies related to each other? (Hint:λ=h/(2mK)1/2
Q.6 Two nuclei have mass numbers in the ratio 1: 2. What is the ratio of their nuclear
densities?(Hint: Nuclear density does not depend upon mass number)
Q.7Two nuclei have mass numbers in the ratio 8:125. What is the ratio of their nuclear radii?
(Hint: R=R0 A1/3)
Q.8Draw a plot of potential energy of a pair of nucleons as a function of their separations.
Mark the regions where the nuclear force is(i)attractive and (ii) repulsive. Write any two
characteristic features of nuclear forces.
(Hint: Refer to ncert book)
Q.9 Show that nuclear density in a given nucleus is independent of mass number A.

Q.10. A heavy nucleus X of mass number 240 and binding energy per nucleon 7.6 MeV is split
into two fragments Y and Z of mass numbers 110 and 130. The binding energy of nucleons in
Y and Z is 8.5 MeV per nucleon. Calculate the energy Q released per fission in MeV?
Q.11.The ground state energy of hydrogen atom is – 13.6 eV. What are the kinetic and
potential energies of electron in this state?(Hint: E=-13.6eV,K.E.=-E & P.E=-2K.E.)
Q.12.Find the ratio of energies of photons produced due to transition of an electron of
hydrogen atom from its
(i) second permitted energy level to the first permitted level and
(ii)the highest permitted energy level to the first permitted level

Q.13Explain the origin of spectral series/ lines of hydrogen atom using Bohr’s atomic model.

Q.14Draw the energy level diagram showing how the line spectra corresponding to
Lymann/Balmerseries occur due to transition between energy levels in a hydrogen atom

Q.15The ground state energy of hydrogen atom is -13.6 eV.

(i) what is the kinetic energy of an electron in the 2nd excited state ?

(ii) If the electron jumps to the ground state from 2nd excited state, calculate the wavelength
of the spectral line emitted.

(Hint: (i)K.E=13.6/n2) (ii) E=hc/λ

Q.16 A hydrogen atom initially in its ground state absorbs a photon and is in the excited state
with energy 12.5 eV. Calculate the longest wavelength of the radiation emitted and identify the
series to which it belongs.(Hint: Use formula for bohr’s spectral series.)

Q.17Using Rydberg’s formula, calculate the longest wavelengths belonging to Lymann and
Balmer series. In which region f hydrogen spectrum do these transmission lie ?

Q.18 Calculate the shortest wavelength of the spectral lines emitted in Balmer series
Q.19 Calculate the wavelength of radiation emitted when electron in a hydrogen atom jumps
from n=∞ to n=1
(Hint: E=E2-E1=hc/λ
Q.20Write the relation between mass number and radius of a nucleus
Q.21. In the ground state of hydrogen atom, its Bohr radius is given as 5.3 X10 `-11m . The atom
is excited such that the radius becomes 21.2X10-11m . Find
(i) the value of principal quantum number and
(ii) the total energy of the atom in this excited state.
Q.22. Calculate the de-Broglie wavelength of the electron orbiting in the state of hydrogen
Q.23. Write the expression for Bohr’s radius in hydrogen atom.

(Hint: r=n2h2/4π2mke2)
.Q.24 . How does de-Broglie explain the stationary orbits for revolution of electrons using
Bohr’s quantization condition ?
(Hint: mvr=nh/2π
Q.25 Using Bohr’s postulates, derive the expression for the total energy of the electron in the
stationary states of the hydrogen atom. Hence, derive the expression for the orbital velocity and
orbital period of the electron moving in the orbit of hydrogen atom.



paper 1

Blue print 1

Scheme 1

paper 2

Blue print 2

Scheme 2

paper 3

Blue print 3

Scheme 3


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