Design & Fashion - October 2021

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Olga Prader - C'est Bien

Cpress 2021 ISBN 9783952471098 Acqn 31804
Pb 21x30cm 48pp col ills £18.75

The Struwwelpeter and other creatures cavort in a sunlit and happy garden. They all give in to
their craving to dig their fingers father inside an adventure reminiscent of both Warhol's 'In the
Bottom of My Garden' and Bruegel's 'Children's Games'. Graphic designer and illustrator Olga
Prader's whimsical colouring book makes sure we all know that strict virtue is a hoax. C'est bien!

The Best Dutch Book Designs 2020

CPNB 2021 ISBN 9789083173801 Acqn 31808
Hb 12x16cm 600pp col ills £39.50

This year a total of 295 entries were assessed for their distinctive qualities by a panel of experts
looking for outstanding work in areas such as content, design, picture editing, typography, choice
of materials, printing, and binding. The 'Best Dutch Book Designs 2020' presents a
comprehensive overview of the 33 selections made during this difficult yet rewarding process.
The catalogue includes detailed information about each publication, its technical execution, and
unique insights into the significant aspects that made each one a cut above the rest.

The Dutch Look At A House

Corraini Editore 2021 ISBN 9788875708412 Acqn 31820
Pb 22x22cm 40pp col ills £16.95

At first glance a children's book, Jeane D'aam's illustrated story is actually an introduction to
modern Dutch architecture. Everything starts with a square. A square can be rotated, doubled,
divided in two, and then again in four. Its corners can then be cut, stretched, and more. One page
at a time, the shape of a house begins to appear. The Dutch, however, love houses with low roofs
in the countryside, so these shapes change again to become hexagonal. In cities, on the other
hand, a lot of rectangular houses are needed, perhaps joined together by a bridge. Finally, by
adding doors, windows, and a touch of colour, this series of geometric shapes turns into perfect
Dutch houses.

Logo Land - A Compilation Of All The Municipality Logos Of The Netherlands

Lecturis 2021 ISBN 9789462264106 Acqn 31821
Hb 20x28cm 214pp col ills £30.95

The Netherlands consists of 352 municipalities, each with its own history, character, habits, and
even dialects. Sometime after Amit Biswas moved to the Netherlands in 2011, he became curious
about the meaning behind the logo of Eindhoven, where he lived. This soon became a full-on
investigation of all the municipality logos of the Netherlands. This book tells about the origin and
meaning of each logo and explains the shapes, forms, and colours that have been carefully
designed and visualised in each one. For the first time in Dutch history, 'Logo Land' compiles all
the logos that many take for granted and illuminates their fascinating stories in a superbly
researched effort.

The Papyrus Gang

Khatt Books 2021 ISBN 9789490939243 Acqn 31824
Pb 17x24cm 144pp col ills £16.95

Have you ever wondered why papyrus paper was produced only in Egypt? Or how and why this
ancient material is still being produced today, while the plant itself became extinct there many
centuries ago? Part graphic novel, part five-act play, 'The Papyrus Gang' takes readers on an
adventure to uncover the secrets of Egyptian papyrus today. The narrative is based on author
Alba Elbahrawy's personal search for answers and describes her journey based on real-life
anecdotes populated with intriguing characters. Each of the chapters is illustrated in a different
style by an Egyptian illustrator or comic book artist: Mostafa Youssef, Hani Mahfouz, Migo &
Makhlouf, Tawfig, and Andeel.

Illustrators Annual 2021

Corraini Editore 2021 ISBN 9788875709501 Acqn 31825
Pb 23x28cm 192pp col ills £57.50

Selected from among thousands of projects submitted by emerging or highly acclaimed

illustrators from all over the world, this collection presents the best of the Bologna Illustrators
Exhibition. It was no small task for jurors Beatrice Alemagna, ATAK (Georg Barber), Suzanne
Carnell, Kiyoko Matsuoka, and Maria Russo, yet the extraordinary range of works, in terms of
both quality and variety, are proof of their convictions. With a focus on illustrations for children,
the pictures are at once richly imaginative and deeply engaging. Whole new worlds are opened
up, with an endless cast of characters and creatures. Included are personal insights from each of
the five jurors.

Raghda Moataz - Absolute Egypt

Khatt Books 2021 ISBN 9789490939199 Acqn 31830
Pb 18x20cm 240pp col ills £47.95

Get ready for a whirlwind tour through local Egyptian streets, in which the everyday designs that
are part of the country's overwhelming but beautiful contemporary visual culture are highlighted.
Featured are basic design elements such as patterns, colours, and symbols, public designs
including street lettering, graffiti artworks and signs, and printed matter like books, stamps, and
newspapers. Collecting and celebrating Egypt's graphically rich environment, the book is a
testimony to its vitality. Writer and graphic designer Raghda Moataz developed 'Absolute Egypt'
for her bachelor thesis at the Faculty of Applied Sciences and Arts at the German University in

Arabic Typography - A Revised And Concise Sourcebook

Khatt Books 2021 ISBN 9789490939229 Acqn 31837
Pb 16x26cm 164pp ills £43.50

'Arabic Typography' presents a comprehensive study of Arabic letterforms, starting with a concise
historical overview of their development and styles, and proceeding to the design and
technological advances until the end of the 20th century. In a digital age when the widespread
integration of computer technologies has brought text-based information into many facets of
everyday life, it attempts to establish the foundations for Arabic type design by drawing lessons
from past practices and aesthetic conventions. After all, it is crucial that the enduring traits that
are relevant for innovation in future type design creations, functionality, and legibility are
recorded, analysed, and retained.

Jacopo Miliani - La Discoteca

Viaindustriae 2021 ISBN 9788897753681 Acqn 31811
Pb 17x25cm 182pp col ills £36.75

This book draws from the research done for the film 'La Discoteca' by Jacopo Miliani. It contains a
rare selection of flyers, ephemera, and posters that transport us to the Italian LGBTI+ nightlife
scene from the 1970s to the 2000s. The collection of materials and items highlights how
nightclubs can become places where exchange, transformation, and relationships, as well as
significant social and political actions, can happen. The publication is the outcome of a
collaboration between the "Flavia Madaschi" Documentation Centre of the Cassero LGBTI+
Centre in Bologna, the Luca Lucati Archive, and the gay-themed monthly magazine 'Babilonia'.

Mark Gowing - Inside The Oblong

Formist Editions 2021 ISBN 9780648596356 Acqn 31817
Pb 17x24cm 288pp col ills £44.50

Spanning two decades of work, this portrait of leading Australian designer Mark Gowing's
uncompromising process features posters for commercial clients, exhibitions, film, music, and his
own personal practice. Gowing explores the rhythms, proportions, and dynamics of the poster
format's oblong space as a means to experiment with and challenge the dialogue with the viewer.
He examines varying levels of typographic and cultural coding, while also pushing the boundaries
of his craft. The book features an essay by John L. Walters, editor of 'Eye' magazine, in which he
discusses Gowing's belief that the process of good poster design can uncover new visual

Richdig By Wiedemann & Mettler

Everyedition 2021 no ISBN Acqn 31866
Hb 17x24cm 112pp col ills £41.75

Pascale Wiedemann and Daniel Mettler present 'Richdig', published with their intervention at the
Jelmoli department store in Zurich (October 2021). At the site, nineteen shop windows display a
word in cursive writing. The design is orange neon on a light blue background, while each word is
a maximum of 250 centimetres wide and dances restlessly in the imaginary heaven of products.
The words are nouns and adjectives, German and English. They are words used in everyday life
or short messages, but there are also words that describe a quality. All are slightly misspelled, but
in such a way that it does not necessarily change their pronunciation. A minor shift in reality.

Viral - Biennale Internationale De Design Graphique De Chaumont

Le Signe Design 2021 ISBN 9782957204427 Acqn 31868
Pb 22x30cm 384pp col ills £33.75

The catalogue of the third edition of the International Graphic Design Biennial, organised by Le
Signe, Centre National du Graphisme, examines the role of virality in today's society. Through
essays and interviews contributed by the invited designers and curators, it illustrates the
biennial's 2021 edition and highlights young creators as well as major artists of the graphic design
scene, with the 29th International Poster Competition of Chaumont. In addition, it covers the solo
exhibitions by Fanette Mellier, the Iranian studio Kargah, Michel Le Petit Didier, and Michiel
Schuurman, plus presentations such as VIRAL, DEMO Festival, Club Collecte, and the student
competition show.

Vietnam War 3
World Photo Press 2021 ISBN 9784846532475 Acqn 31795
Pb 19x26cm 288pp col ills £37.25

The third in a series of catalogues that contain fascinating memorabilia from the Vietnam War,
this volume once again combines comic-style panels with page after page of photographs and
objects from the American military quagmire in South-East Asia that lasted almost two decades.
A large part of the publication features fighter jets, bombers, helicopters, and other aircraft. Other
themes range from jungle fatigues and an array of patches from both United States and South
Vietnamese units, to essential equipment like rifles, canteens, and headgear. In addition, a
special section on amateur and outsider art reproduces paintings and drawings of military action
in the jungle.

Celestino Piatti - Everything I paint has eyes

Christoph Merian Verlag 2021 ISBN 9783856169503 Acqn 31882
Hb 20x23cm 410pp col ills £69.95

Swiss graphic artist and illustrator Celestino Piatti (1922-2007) designed more than 500 posters
and 6,000 book covers during his prolific career. His graphic renderings of emotions and
imaginative images have marked the visual memory of several generations and are still impactful
today. With a wealth of iconic works as well as previously unpublished discoveries from the
family's private archives, this opulent, large-format book follows the story of a designer obsessed
with his profession. Discover details about Piatti's artistic career and highlights from his
extraordinarily diverse oeuvre. In addition, today's experts in graphic design analyse and
contextualise individual works.

Scripts And Calligraphy - A Timeless Journey

KAPH 2021 ISBN 9786148035401 Acqn 31903
Hb 24x28cm 204pp col ills £42.75

'Scripts and Calligraphy: A Timeless Journey' exhibition and its publication present the origins of
the Arabic script and the development of the art of calligraphy. It pays tribute to Saudi and
international master calligraphers, contemporary artists and designers. It highlights the artistic
relationship between calligraphy and artificial intelligence, in order to demonstrate the
timelessness of Arabic calligraphy and its endless journey towards the future of art.

Kittybunnypony - Patterns (Special Edition)

Documents Press 2021 ISBN 9791197025532 Acqn 31930
Hb 17x23cm 264pp col ills £50.95

The South Korean home decor brand compiled their charming patterns into this publication, as a
tribute to their past work and to inform their future work. Since its inception in 2008,
kittybunnypony has created over 150 patterns, and over 100 of them have been reproduced in
high fidelity print to simulate the look and feel of the original physical fabrics. Each fun design is
accompanied by descriptions spanning topics such as production obstacles, sources of
inspiration, and anecdotes. For a more in-depth look into operations, the book contains interviews
with domestic and international collaborators, as well as kittybunnypony's very own designers.

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