Vectors: GENPHY180: Lesson 2

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GENPHY180: Lesson 2
Topic Outline
• Scalar and Vector Quantities
• Properties of Vectors
• Vector Resultant
• Vector Components
Scalar Quantities
• A scalar quantity is a quantity that has magnitude
only and has no direction in space

 Length
 Area
 Volume
 Time
 Mass
Vector Quantities
• A vector quantity is a quantity that
has both magnitude and a
direction in space

 Displacement
 Velocity
 Acceleration
 Force
Properties of Vectors
• Vector diagrams are shown using an arrow or ray.
• The length of the ray represents the magnitude and the
direction of the arrow head represents the direction of
the vector.
• Symbols for vector quantities are usually shown in bold
with an arrow above the letter (eg. 𝐴 for vector A or 𝑣 for
Vector Diagram representing
• Magnitude of the vector is usually in italic or vector velocity
symbol with absolute value sign (eg. 𝑣 or 𝒗 ).
• The direction of the vector may be expressed due North,
South, East and West or expressed as an angle measured
clockwise or counterclockwise from the horizontal axis.
Vector Resultant
• The resultant is the sum/difference or the combined effect of two or more vector
• Vectors in the same axis (1D) can be added or subtracted depending on its
Example: Resultant of one-dimensional (1D) vectors
Vector Resultant
• Resultant of 2 two-dimensional (2D) vectors:

A. The Parallelogram Law

 When two vectors are joined tail to tail
 Complete the parallelogram
 The resultant is found by drawing the diagonal

B. The Triangle Law

 When two vectors are joined head to tail
 Draw the resultant vector by completing the triangle

Two forces are applied to a body, 12 N to the right and 5 N downwards. What is the
magnitude and direction of the resultant force acting on the body?

 Complete the parallelogram (rectangle)
 The diagonal of the parallelogram ac
represents the resultant force
 The magnitude of the resultant is found using
Pythagoras’ Theorem on the triangle abc 12 N
a d
Magnitude  ac  12  52 2

ac  13 N
12 b c
Direction of ac : tan   12
   tan 1  67  Resultant displacement is 13 N 67º
East of South
Vector Resultant
• Resultant of multiple two-dimensional (2D) vectors:

C. Graphical Method
 Aligning vectors head to tail and then drawing the
resultant from the tail of the first to the head of the

D. Component Method
 When vectors are two-dimensional, one method of
solving resultant makes use of the horizontal (x)
and vertical (y) components of a vector along the
axes of a rectangular coordinate system.
The Components of a Vector

• Suppose a car moves along a straight line from start

to finish. The displacement vector is shown by r.
• However, the car could also arrive at the finish by first
moving due east, then turning 90o, and then moving
due north.
The Components of a Vector

• The vectors x and y are called the x and y vector

components of r.
• Components are the horizontal and vertical parts of a
The Components of a Vector

• The components x and y, when added vectorally, convey

exactly the same meaning as does the original vector r.
• They indicate how the finish point is displaced relative to
the starting point.
The Components of a Vector

• In general, the components of any vector can be used in

place of the vector itself in any calculation where it is
convenient to do so.
The Components of a Vector

• The other feature of vector components is that x and y are

not just any two vectors added together to give the
original vector r …
• … they are perpendicular vectors.
• This perpendicular characteristic is a valuable asset in
problem solving, as we will soon see.
The Components of a Vector
• Any type of vector may be
expressed in terms of its
components, in a way similar
to that illustrated.
• If the magnitude and direction of a vector are known,
it is possible to find the components of the vector.
• The process of finding the components of a vector is
called “resolution.”
• As the next example illustrates, the process can be
carried out with the aid of trigonometry because the
two perpendicular components always form a right
When two (2) vectors are
other, you must use the
Let’s Practice
A man travels 120 km east
then 160 km north. Calculate the hypotenuse is
his resultant displacement. called the RESULTANT

160 km, N

c 2 a 2 b 2 c a 2 b 2
cresultant 120 160 
2 2 S
120 km, E


In the example, is asked for and since it is
a quantity, we need to report its direction.

W of N E of N
N of E
N of W
N of E
S of W S of E
NOTE: When drawing a right triangle that
conveys some type of motion, you MUST
W of S E of S
draw your components HEAD TO TAIL.
Example – Finding the Components of a Vector
A displacement vector r has a magnitude of r = 175 m and points at an
angle of 50.0o relative to the x axis.

Find the x and y components.

Example – Finding the Components of a Vector
A displacement vector r has a • Solution 1 The y component can be
magnitude of r = 175 m and obtained using the 50.0o angle and
points at an angle of 50.0o sin θ = y/r:
relative to the x axis.
y = r sin θ
Find the x and y components.
= (175 m)(sin 50.0o)
= 134 m
• In a similar way, the x component can
be found using cos θ = x/r:
x = r cos θ
= (175 m )(sin 50.0o)
= 112 m
Example: What are your missing components?
Suppose a person walked 65 m, 25 degrees East of North. What
were his horizontal and vertical components?

To solve for components, we often use the trig functions

H.C. = ?
sine and cosine.

V.C = ?
25˚ 65 m adjacent side opposite side
cosine  sine 
hypotenuse hypotenuse
adj  hyp cos  opp  hyp sin 

adj  V .C.  65 cos 25  58.91m, N

opp  H .C.  65 sin 25  27.47m, E
A plane moves with a velocity of 63.5 m/s at 32 degrees South of
East. Calculate the plane's horizontal and vertical velocity

adjacent side opposite side

cosine  sine 
H.C. =? hypotenuse hypotenuse
32˚ adj  hyp cos  opp  hyp sin 
V.C. = ?

63.5 m/s
adj  H .C.  63.5 cos 32  53.85 m / s, E
opp  V .C.  63.5 sin 32  33.64 m / s, S
• Here we see a table being
y=25 N
pulled by a force of 50 N at
a 30º angle to the 30º
x=43.3 N
• When resolved we see that
this is the same as pulling  We can see that it
the table up with a force of would be more
25 N and pulling it efficient to pull the
horizontally with a force of table with a
43.3 N horizontal force of
50 N
A boat moves with a velocity of 15 m/s, N in a river which flows with
a velocity of 8.0 m/s, west. Calculate the boat's resultant velocity
with respect to due north.

Rv  82  152  17 m / s
8.0 m/s, W
15 m/s, N
Tan   0.5333
Rv  15
  Tan 1 (0.5333)  28.1

The Final Answer : 17 m/s, @ 28.1 degrees West of North

A plane moves with a velocity of 63.5 m/s at 32 degrees South of East.
Calculate the plane's horizontal and vertical velocity components.

adjacent side opposite side

cosine  sine 
H.C. =? hypotenuse hypotenuse
32˚ adj  hyp cos  opp  hyp sin 
V.C. = ?

63.5 m/s
adj  H .C.  63.5 cos 32  53.85 m / s, E
opp  V .C.  63.5 sin 32  33.64 m / s, S
A storm system moves 5000 km due east, then shifts course at 40 degrees
North of East for 1500 km. Calculate the storm's resultant displacement.

Horizontal Component, X Vertical Component,Y

1500 km 𝐴𝑥 = +5000𝑘𝑚 𝐴𝑦 = 0
40 𝐵𝑥 = +1500 𝑐𝑜𝑠40 𝐵𝑥 = +1500 𝑠𝑖𝑛40
5000 km, E H.C. = +1149.1𝑘𝑚 = +964.2𝑘𝑚

Σ𝑥 = +6149.1𝑘𝑚 Σ𝑦 = +964.2𝑘𝑚
5000 km + 1149.1 km = 6149.1 km
Example A storm system moves 5000 km due east, then shifts course at 40 degrees North of
East for 1500 km. Calculate the storm's resultant displacement.

Σ𝑥 = +6149.1𝑘𝑚 Σ𝑦 = +964.2𝑘𝑚
𝐵 Magnitude:
1500 km
V.C. 2 2
40 𝑅= 𝚺𝒙 + 𝚺𝒚
5000 km, E H.C. 2 2
= 6149.1 + 964.2 = 𝟔𝟐𝟐𝟒. 𝟐 𝒌𝐦
5000 km + 1149.1 km = 6149.1 km 𝚺𝒚 +964.2
𝜃= tan−1 = tan−1
𝚺𝒙 +6149.1
R = 𝟖. 𝟗𝟐° 𝑵 𝒐𝒇 𝑬
964.2 km

6149.1 km The Final Answer: 6224.2 km @ 8.92
degrees, North of East

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