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energetic (adj) /ˌen.əˈdʒet.ɪk/

having or involving a lot of energy (năng động, nhiều năng lượng)

Ex: He's very energetic, isn't he, for a man of his age?

lethargic (adj) /ləˈθɑː.dʒɪk/

having little energy; feeling unwilling and unable to do anything (bơ phờ, thờ ơ)

Ex: I was feeling tired and lethargic.

decisive (adj) /dɪˈsaɪ.sɪv/

able to make decisions quickly and confidently, or showing this quality (quyết đoán)

Ex: You need to be more decisive.

extrovert (adj) /ˈek.strə.vɜːt/

energetic and enjoying being with other people (hướng ngoại)

Ex: He's very extrovert, he loves to make speeches and talk, and he's a great advocate of his

to be good company (phrase)

to be an interesting and amusing person to be with (người bạn thoải mái, vui vẻ)

Ex: You'll like Rosie - she’s good company.

apathetic (adj) /ˌæp.əˈθet.ɪk/

showing no interest or energy and unwilling to take action, especially over something
important (lãnh đạm, thờ ơ)

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Ex: Young people today are so apathetic about politics.

reserved (adj) /rɪˈzɜːvd/

tending to keep your feelings or thoughts private rather than showing them (kín đáo, dè dặt)

Ex: The English have a reputation for being reserved.

subdued (adj) /səbˈdʒuːd/

less talkative or happy than usual (dịu, khẽ khàng)

Ex: She seemed a bit subdued at lunch - is she all right?

initiative (n) /ɪˈnɪʃ.ə.tɪv/

the ability to act and make decisions without help from other people (sáng kiến, chủ động)

Ex: Although she was quite young, she showed a lot of initiative and was promoted to
manager after a year.

go (n) /ɡəʊ/

the condition of being energetic and active (tràn đầy năng lượng)

Ex: He doesn't have much go about him, does he?


Fill in the blanks with the words from the box

extrovert subdued apathetic lethargic initiative

1. I shouldn't always have to tell you what to do, use your __________.

2. Most of the fans were ________, quietly waiting for the race to start.

3. People think I'm an _________ and I thrive on the attention but I actually don’t.

4. Are they too busy or so __________ they just don't care enough to put the flag up?

5. The mother took Amanda to a hospital March 1 when she was vomiting and ________.

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on the go (idiom)

very busy (rất bận rộn)

Ex: I've been on the go all day, and I'm really tired.

liven up (phrV) /ˈlaɪ.vən/

to become more energetic or in a better mood, or to make someone feel this way (năng động
trở lại)

Ex: She was subdued to start with, but after a while she livened up.

hang around (phrV)

to move or do things slowly (chậm chạp)

Ex: Go and pack but don't hang around - we have to go in an hour.

wary (adj) /ˈweə.ri/

not completely trusting or certain about something or someone (thận trọng, đề phòng)

Ex: I'm a little wary of giving people my address when I don't know them very well.

conscientious (adj) /ˌkɒn.ʃiˈen.ʃəs/

putting a lot of effort into your work (tỉ mỉ, cẩn thận)

Ex: Greg Smith is a conscientious and dedicated worker who will be an asset to your

particular (adj) /pəˈtɪk.jə.lər/

not easily satisfied and demanding that close attention should be given to every detail (tường
tận, tỉ mỉ)

Ex: He's very particular about the kitchen - everything has to be perfectly clean and in its

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sloppy (adj) /ˈslɒp.i/

doing work in a careless and inadequate way (cẩu thả, nhếch nhác)

Ex: The painters were very sloppy and the room looks terrible.

impulsive (adj) /ɪmˈpʌl.sɪv/

acting or done suddenly without any planning or consideration of the results (hấp tấp, bốc

Ex: She’s an impulsive shopper and often buys things she doesn’t need.

hasty (adj) /ˈheɪ.sti/

done in a hurry, sometimes without the necessary care or thought (hấp tấp, vội vã)

Ex: Don't be too hasty! Think carefully about what might happen.

spontaneous (adj) /spɒnˈteɪ.ni.əs/

happening or done in a natural, often sudden way, without any planning or without being
forced (tự phát, tự sinh)

Ex: His jokes seemed spontaneous, but were in fact carefully prepared beforehand.


Fill in the blanks with the words from the box

impulsive conscientious particular spontaneous liven up

1. The party was completely _____________ - we only decided that evening to have one.

2. She's so ____________ that she often works late without getting paid.

3. __________ behavior can be dangerous if you don't consider all possible outcomes.

4. I feel a bit tired at the moment but I'm sure I’ll _________ later in the evening.

5. He’s __________ about the clothes he buys and always takes ages to choose them.

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on the spur of the moment (idiom)

a decision, action, etc. is sudden and done without any planning (đột nhiên)

Ex: We just jumped in a car on the spur of the moment and drove to the seaside.

trustworthy (adj) /ˈtrʌstˌwɜː.ði/

able to be trusted (đáng tin cậy)

Ex: In this job we need someone who is entirely honest and trustworthy.

blunt (adj) /blʌnt/

saying what you think without trying to be polite or considering other people's feelings (lỗ
mãng, thằng thừng)

Ex: I'll be blunt - that last piece of work you did was terrible.

to speak one’s mind

to say what you really think, not what people want to hear (thẳng thắn mà nói)

Ex: He's certainly not afraid to speak his mind.

deceitful (adj) /dɪˈsit·fəl/

behaving in a dishonest way by trying to hide the truth or make other people believe
something that is not true (dối trá, lừa lọc)

Ex: She just assumes that elected leaders are cynical and deceitful.

devious (adj) /ˈdiː.vi.əs/

dishonest, especially in a complicated, clever or indirect way (thủ đoạn, ranh ma)

Ex: You have to be devious if you're going to succeed in business.

cunning (adj) /ˈkʌn.ɪŋ/

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able to get what you want in a clever way, especially by tricking or cheating somebody (xảo

Ex: If they were human, they would become cunning.

mislead (v) /ˌmɪsˈliːd/

to cause someone to believe something that is not true (lừa dối, làm sai lệch)

Ex: Millions of people were misled into buying these 'low-risk' investments.

tight-fisted (adj) /ˌtaɪtˈfɪs.tɪd/

unwilling to spend money (hà tiện, bủn xỉn)

Ex: Don't wait for Gillian to buy you a drink - she's too tight-fisted.

greedy (adj) /ˈɡriː.di/

wanting a lot more food, money, etc. than you need (tham lam)

Ex: You greedy pig! You're not having another chocolate biscuit!


Fill in the blanks with the words from the box

tight - fisted



on the spur of the moment


1. _______________________ I phoned a friend and arranged to go out.

2. He 's too ___________ to send birthday cards, even to his family.

3. You have a ________ mind, Mr Angel. Ever thought of a career in the police?

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4. He stared at the diamonds with ________ eyes.

5. She has a reputation for _______ speaking.

Vocabulary highlights

✓ energetic (adj): tràn đầy năng lượng

✓ lethargic (adj): bơ phờ, thờ ơ

✓ decisive (adj): quyết đoán

✓ extrovert (adj): hướng ngoại

✓ to be good company: bạn đồng hành thoải mái

✓ apathetic (adj): lãnh đạm

✓ reserved (adj): dè dặt

✓ subdued (adj): dịu, khẽ khàng

✓ initiative (adj): sáng kiến

✓ go (n): tràn đầy năng lượng

✓ on the go (idiom): rất bận rộn

✓ liven up (phrV): năng động trở lại

✓ hang around (phrV): chậm chạp

✓ wary (adj): thận trọng, đề phòng

✓ conscientious (adj): tỉ mỉ, cẩn thận

✓ particular (adj): tường tận

✓ sloppy (adj): cẩu thả, nhếch nhác

✓ impulsive (adj): hấp tấp

✓ hasty (adj): vội vàng

✓ spontaneous (adj): tự phát

✓ on the spur of the moment: đột nhiên

✓ trustworthy (adj): đáng tin cậy

✓ blunt (adj): lỗ mãng

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✓ to speak one’s mind: thằng thắn mà nói

✓ deceitful (adj): dối trá, lừa lọc

✓ devious (adj): thủ đoạn, ranh ma

✓ cunning (adj): xảo quyệt

✓ mislead (v): lừa dối

✓ tight-fisted (adj): hà tiện

✓ greedy (adj): tham lam


1. He was a little more ______ that the others, and answered my questions warily.

A. reserved B. lazy C. apathetic D. passive

2. She's not very _____ . She's never quite sure what she wants to do.

A. energetic B. lively C. active D. decisive

3. Even though they don't agree with what's happening, they're _____ to protest.

A. outgoing B. subdued C. quiet D. apathetic

4. I'm sure he enjoyed the evening. He didn't say much because he's _____ by nature.

A. passive B. subdued C. inactive D. quiet

5. He's always been very _____ so he hates not being able to do anything now that he's ill.

A. decisive B. active C. outgoing D. loud

6. It's always difficult to know what she's thinking because she's so _____

A. apathetic B. inactive C. subdued D. reserved

7. The successful candidate must have _____, as he or she will have to work without

A. action B. a go C. initiative D. decision

8. You're too _____. You should think before you act.

A. unconscious B. sloppy C. spontaneous D. impulsive

9. She lost her job because she was _____. She made far too many mistakes.

A. rash B. inefficient C. subdued D. incautious

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10. We didn't plan the celebration. It was _____.

A. impulsive B. rash C. hasty D. spontaneous

11. Don't be _____! It’s a bad idea to phone them while you're angry. Wait until you've
calmed down.

A. sloppy B. spontaneous C. rash D. careless

12. She was very _______ and told me quite simply that she didn't like me.

A. genuine B. open C. blunt D. sincere

13. She’s so _______. One minute she's your best friend, and the next minute she doesn't
want to know you.

A. deceptive B. two-faced C. deceitful D. misleading

14. The way he got me to do his work for him, without me realizing what was really
happening, was very _______.

A. devious B. misleading C. crooked D. false

15. Their brochure is full of ______ information. For example it says that all rooms are with
shower, but it doesn't say that in some cases the shower is halfway down the corridor.

A. misleading B. deceptive C. deceitful D. insincere

16. It was really _________ of her to keep talking when she knew that I was trying to

A. inconsiderate B. unsympathetic C. helpless D. ungrateful

17. I’ve been on the _____ since six o’clock this morning.

A. traveling B. house C. go D. cage

18. You've got to stop making decisions about your business _______ like this, or you'll end
up running it into the ground!

A. under your belt B. on the go

C. on the spur of the moment D. one of a kind

19. He had the reputation of being one of the most ______ and demanding of employers.

A. tight-fisted B. initiative C. go D. decision

20. When I woke up the next morning, I was dizzy, ______, vomiting and confused.

A. impulsive B. lethargic C. cunning D. blunt

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