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✓ give something away: give something because you do not want or need it.

Ex: She gave her old clothes away when she moved.

✓ give somebody away: show where somebody is or what they are doing, when they are
trying to keep this a secret.

Ex: Peter looked down, but his voice gave him away.

✓ give in: accept that you are defeated, surrender.

Ex: The enemy was forced to give in.

✓ give off something: produce a smell, heat, sound, etc.

Ex: The walls gave off a smell of paint for a week.

✓ give onto something: lead to a place.

Ex: The balcony gives onto the swimming pool.

✓ give out: stop working properly, become weaker.

Ex: After running for one hour, her legs finally gave out.

✓ give over = stop doing something that is annoying other people.

Ex: Come on, give over complaining!

✓ give something over to somebody = give responsibility for something to somebody.

Ex: The organisation of the meeting was given over to the secretary.

✓ give up = stop trying to do something, surrender.

Ex: Laura has decided to give up her piano lessons.

✓ give up something = give something that is yours to somebody else.

Ex: The kid gave up his seat to the old lady.

✓ give somebody up = end a romantic relationship with somebody.

Ex: After five years together, she eventually gave him up.

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1. After typing all day, my fingers gave _______

A. off B. out C. up

2. You shouldn't ______so easily.

A. give up B. give out C. give over

3. The old TV is giving ____ a bad smell.

A. off B. away C. up

4. The teacher ____the exam.

A gave in B. gave up C. gave out

5. When he finished school, he gave ____ his books

A. away B. out C. up

6. I knew that if I move, I would give myself _____

A. out B. off C. away


✓ go after: pursue (an object or a goal)

Ex: Emma went after her dreams and now she is an actress.

go along

✓ continue an activity

Ex: He added funny details to the story as he went along.

✓ agree with; accept; support an idea

Ex: Alex tends to go along with anything his wife says.

✓ go away: disappear

Ex: I still can't get the stain to go away.

The medication should make the pain go away.

✓ go back: return

Ex: Children go back to school after the holidays.

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✓ go by: pass

Ex: Put up your hand or the bus will go by without stopping.

Time goes by so quickly!

✓ go down: decrease/ reduce

Ex: The price of property has gone down a bit lately.

✓ go down with: become ill with a disease

Ex: Half the team has gone down with the flu.

✓ go for: try to achieve or attain

Ex: Jack trained hard and decided to go for the gold medal.

✓ go in for: Have something as a hobby

Ex: Anne really doesn't go in for sports.

go off:

✓ explode

Ex: A bomb went off in a crowded restaurant.

✓ ring/make a loud noise

Ex: A bomb went off in a crowded restaurant.

✓ no longer good to eat or drink

Ex: The milk has gone off. Don't drink it.

✓ go on: to continue

Ex: Sorry for interrupting. Please go on.

go out:

✓ leave one's home to attend a social event

Ex: Many young people go out a lot.

✓ stop burning; be extinguished

Ex: The lights went out before we got to the door.

✓ go over: to review

Ex: Please go over your answers before handing in your paper.

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go through

✓ experience

Ex: Pete went through a lot of pain after the accident.

✓ examine; study carefully

Ex: You should go through the contract before signing it.

✓ go with/ together: Match; harmonise with

Ex: That jacket doesn't go with the skirt.

✓ go without: Abstain from; skip

Ex: Tony had to go without lunch to finish the report.


1. They were party animals in college. They went ________ almost every night and rarely
came home before four o'clock in the morning.

2. I am sorry I interrupted you. Please, go _______. I really want to hear the end of your

3. Our neighbourhood’s car alarm went _______ several times last night, so I didn't sleep
well at all.

4. The project is classified by the military, so I am not allowed to go ________ the details.
Let's just say it's going to cost the government a lot of money.

5. The test is fairly complicated. I would suggest going ________ your notes from class a
couple of times before you try to take it.

6. I'll mail that letter for you. I go ______ the post office on my way to work.

7. Did you see that news report about the hikers who were lost in the mountains for more than
a week? I couldn't believe everything they went _______. Their story was absolutely

8. Jerry really struggled to keep his business going. But after months without any customers,
it finally went ______

9. I had the hiccups for over half an hour. Luckily, my friend Jane showed me a trick to make
them go _______.

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10. The doctor made Joe lie in a cold bath to help his fever go______

10 Common English Idioms

1. be over the moon: rất vui

Ex: She was over the moon about her new bike.

2. get a bang out of sth: tìm thấy thú vui từ thứ gì

Ex: Even as an adult, I still get a bang out of building sandcastles at the beach.

3. a piece of cake: dễ ợt

Ex: For him, taking tests is a piece of cake.

4. go the extra mile: rất nỗ lực

Ex: To be successful, you need to be willing to go the extra mile for your customers.

5. up – to – the – minute: rất hiện đại, mới nhất

Ex: Now we're going live to our reporter in Washington for up-to-the-minute news on the

6. on the go: rất bận rộn

Ex: I've been on the go all day, and I'm really tired.

7. keep one’s chin up: lạc quan

Ex: She's still keeping her chin up despite all her health problems.

8. read one’s mind: đọc được suy nghĩa

Ex: "How about a drink, then?"

"Ah, you read my mind!"

9. cost an arm and a leg: rất đắt

Ex: I'd love to buy a Porsche, but they cost an arm and a leg.

10. be all the rage: phổ biến

Ex: Long hair for men was all the rage in the 70s.

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