Descriptive Text Choose The Right Answer! Text 1 Trafalgar Square Is A Public Square in Central London. It Was Built To Commemorate The

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Chapter 4

Descriptive text


Text 1
Trafalgar Square is a public square in Central London. It was built to commemorate the
British victory in the Battle of Trafalgar. At the center of the square stands Nelson’s Column,
guarded by four lion statues. The square is surrounded by museums, art galleries and historic
buildings. It is used for community gatherings and demonstrations. It attracts millions of visitors
to come to this London landmark.

1. What is the monologue about?

A. A great battle
B. Trafalgar Square
C. A museum in London
D. A historical monument
E. A historical building in London
2. What was the square named after?
A. A battle
B. The architect
C. A large demonstration
D. The British Commander
E. A large community gathering

Text 2
A one-hour drive from my house is the most beautiful are in the south of New Zealand.It is
called “The Green Park”.People from different parts of New Zealand and different countries
often come here on holiday.
The green park is a very large of natural forest and there are a lot of animals that live
there.Horses and donkeys walk everywhere and sometimes you can see deer,cows and ducks
crossing the road.
What I like about The Green Park is that the colours of the forest change during the year.In
autumn,the leaves are red and gold and in the spring everything is purple and different shades
of green.The three are always colorful and different.
Tourist often prefer to go to the small vilages in The Green Park with pretty houses to stay in
and traditional restaurant to dine in.Visitors are not allowed to camp in any pat of The Green
Park.I love to walk along the river,because there you can see the true heart of the forest.
3. What is The Green park?
A. A zoo
B. A forest
C. A reservation
D. An amusement parks
E. A conservation area
4. What does the third paragraph tell us about?

A. The Green Park in spring
B. The Green Park in autumn
C. The colours of trees in the Green Park
D. The different kinds of trees in the Green Park
E. The colour changes of the leaves over the year
5. How can the visitor enjoy the true heart of the forest?
A. By dining a traditional restaurant
B. By staying in the pretty houses
C. By going to the small vilage
D. By walking along the river
E. By camping in the forest

Text 3
Sea World is the best place to enjoy marine life. It is located in Jaya Ancol Dreamland Park,
that covers about 4500m2. It is one of the most popular sites. People can enjoy watching
thousands of marine creatures that are housed in several aquariums, such as the main tank, the
shark aquarium, the freshwater area, and the dugong area. It is said that the main tank is the
biggest aquarium in Southeast Asia. Under the main tank, there is an 80m long-transparent-
tunnel. People can pass through the tunnel to observe the marine creatures closely.
6. What can we enjoy in Sea World?
A. Many tanks
B. Water sports
C. Conservation
D. Beautiful Tunnel
E. Marine Creature
7. What is special about the main tank?
A. It is very big
B. It is the most popular
C. It is filled with fresh water
D. It contains many big fish
E. It contains marine creature
8. How long is the tunnel?
A. 45 meters
B. 80 meters
C. 450 meters
D. 800 meters
E. 4500 meters

Text 4
Panjang Beach is a very famous beach in Bengkulu. It faces the Indian Ocean and stretches
for about 7 km. The beach is still very unspoiled. It has crystal-clear sea water and magnificent
waves for surfing. The ideal time for surfing is early morning on a high tide. The beach is also
well-known for its fine white sand and pine trees that make the view of the beach stunning. It is
an ideal place to play beach soccer and volleyball. It is expected that one day Bengkulu could

host an international beach soccer or volleyball game. To reach Panjang Beach is very easy
because it is only a minute away from the city center.
9. What is the text about?
A. Water sports
B. Surfing on a beach
C. Visiting Bengkulu
D. A beach in Bengkulu
E. International sports games
10. What makes the beach ideal for surfing?
A. It has large waves
B. The beach is long
C. Its view is stunning
D. The tide is very high
E. The sand is fine white

Text 6
Brisbane is the capital of Queensland, which is located in the north east of Sydney. Brisbane
has grown bigger and swallowed surrounding cities, like logan, Beenleigh and Redcliffe.
Thirty years ago, Brisbane was considered a big country town because the city was a sleepy
place. The buildings were old and classical because they were built in the colonial area. Others
were wooden houses. High-rises were very rare. Skyscrapers were only found in the inner city
and the roads were not crowded.
However, Brisbane has grown fast in these three decades. The warm weather in Queensland
encourages people to move to Brisbane, in the south-east Queensland. It’s not surprising that
Brisbane has expanded towards both Caloundra and the Gold Coast. In the west, it stretches to
Toowomba. The growth of Brisbane reminds people of Los Angeles. That’s why people call
Brisbane Bris Angeles.
11. Which state does Brisbane belong to?
A. Queensland
B. Beenleigh
C. Redclife
D. Sydney
E. Logan
12. 2What does the ‘High-rise’ mean?
A. The demographic growth
B. The economic growth
C. The skyscrapers
D. The weather
E. The density
13. Why did people call it a sleepy place thirty years ago?
A. It was a nice place to spend leisure time
B. It was a nice place to go for a picnic
C. It was a city for old and retired men
D. It had many old colonial hotels

E. It was a quiet city

Text 7
The National Museum is a place to preserve historical evidence of Indonesian civilization.
This museum houses a number of the finest works of art. The collections are separated into the
pre-historic era, colonization era, independence era and modern era. We can learn a lot from
the museum. We can easily get detailed facts about the existing collections. This museum is
appealing to visit.
14. What is the monologue about?
A. Tourist sites
B. Prehistoric museums
C. The National Museum
D. Appealing museums to visit
E. The finest works of art houses
15. What cannot we find in the museum?
A. Artworks from the independence era
B. Artworks from the colonization era
C. Artworks from the pre-historic era
D. Artworks from foreign countries
E. Artworks from the modern era

Text 8
Staying at the Dormy Inn Asakusa, in central Tokyo, we had our first experience, of seeing
the Tokyo Skytree. A section of the tower is very close to the hotel. During our stay, we took a
short walk from the hotel to begin our Tokyo Skytree adventure. We climbed up a steep trail
until we finally crested and had a glimpse of the Skytree, stretching out in front of us, seemingly
into infinity. We have been to several places, such as the Eiffel Tower in Paris, the KL Tower in
Kuala Lumpur, Sydney Tower in Sydney and of course the Statue of Liberty in New York. They
are all gorgeous but Tokyo Skytree gave us a new sensation, the challenge of a famous Japanese
quote: “You are not a real man until you have climbed the Skytree”.
16. What does the text about?
A. The Dormy Inn Asakusa
B. The statue of Liberty
C. The Tokyo Skytree
D. The Eiffel Tower
E. The KL Tower
17. What is Skytree?
A. A hotel
B. A tower
C. A statue
D. A big tree
E. A monument
18. Where is Skytree located?
A. In Kuala Lumpur

B. In the USA
C. In France
D. In Australia
E. In Japan

Text 9
Australia is the sixth largest country in the world and it is one of the most interesting places
to visit. The country is best known for its exotic animals, such as kangaroos and koalas. You can
see these animals at some of the country’s national parks. And there is the world’s largest coral
reef, off the eastern coast of Australia. It is known as the Great Barrier Reef. You can even see
the reef from space. The Great Barrier Reef is also home to many kinds of wildlife. There are
also more than 1,500 kinds of fish living in the reef. If you travel to Australia, you should take a
trip to the Great Barrier Reef.
19. What is the monologue about?
A. Kangaroos and koalas
B. The Great Barrier Reef
C. The uniqueness of Australia
D. The fauna living in Australia
E. The greatness of the Great Barrier Reef
20. Where is Great Barrier Reef located?
A. In South Australia
B. In Eastern Australia
C. In Western Australia
D. In Northern Australia
E. In the center of Australia
21. Where can we find kangaroos and koalas?
A. In the parks
B. In the jungles
C. In the National Parks
D. In the conservation areas
E. At the Great Barrier Reef

Text 10
Bena village is a Megalithic village in Bajawa, in Ngada regency. Thousands of tuorists come
to visit the village. It is located 2245 meter aove sea level. It is believed that Bena people have
resided in the village since 1,200 years ago or might be longer. Despite its age,Bena’s traditional
houses are still preserved in their original form.
In the area, there are 49 houses where nine clans live. Each clan has two main houses. One
house called saka puu,is for female elders. They placed a figure,called bhaga on the top of saka
puu. The other house is built for males. It is called saka lobo. On its roof, people placed a statue
that holds a machete and a spear. Each main house is accompanied by a plain house that has no
symbols,called kaka.
The houses are made from bamboo and wood from forest that surround Bena village. The
houses are docorated with pictures of animals. Each represents a particular aspect of life. A

horse symbolizes energy and reminds the Bena people to do their work with horse power.
Chickens remind them to go farming as early as possible. When the men go farming,the women
spend their time weaving. They display the woven fabrics in from of the house to let tourists
buy them as souvenirs.
Visiting Bena village will really give you an unforgettable experience. You will feel how
people live in harmony with nature.
22. What does the text tell us about Bena village?
A. it is in Bajawa regency
B. it is a megalithic village
C. it consists of 1,200 houses
D. it was built 2,245 years old
E. it is situated along the shoreline
23. “It is believed that Bena people have resided in the village. “ (par. 1)
The underline word is closest in meaning to .....
A. gather
B. leave
C. build
D. keep
E. live
24. Houses for female elders and males are called.....
A. Saka puu and Bhaga
B. Bhaga and Saka Lobo
C. Saka puu and Saka Lobo
D. Saka Lobo and Kaka
E. Bhaga and Kaka
25. Why did Bena people decorate their house with picture of a horse?
A. it aims to remind people to go farming as early as possible.
B. It symbolizes how people do their work with the strength of horses.
C. It display the souvenirs made by the women.
D. It reminds women to do weaving.
E. They breed horses.

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