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when i was little

I have a dream to become a public servant or better known as a public health department ... Why is

I was motivated to follow in the footsteps of my brother who was a college major in public health ... but
over time I now have a new ideal even though it is not far from the scope of community service ... why
do I suddenly think of becoming a nurse, even though from the past I had no thoughts at all about being
a nurse.

 So this is the story: at that time when I was in high school in the middle of high school precisely in the
middle or maybe the end of the semester there were a number of brothers from one of the health
colleges who came to school to come to promote the college and I tried to register myself there because
at that time a new student registration was also opened, but before that day approximately 3 days
before I knew if they would come to my school, that's where my ideals arose I thought maybe this was
the way God gave me to can help others who are sick and take care of him to recover and return their
smile back until the registration day I did not hesitate to follow the test.

Indeed, after that day I could feel the hesitation that really makes me confused, is this the right choice?
Can I do it in the future? Until the people around me were a little surprised why I would become a nurse.
But in the midst of the uncertainty I always prayed to God that this call I could live with wholeheartedly
and firmly in living it, so that as time went on the doubts began to fade and depend on the enthusiasm
to live it firmly. After that day I became excited in my study later in the College and left behind the lazy
habits I used to do during school

other than that ... I am always supported and encouraged by the family to realize my dreams ...

after graduating from high school

I registered at one of the universities in North Sumatra precisely at the campus of the campus ... I took
the faculty of nurses ..

after going through several selection processes and text to enter the campus.

praise my god was accepted in the campus I wanted ...

day after day ... I ran the process of advancing ...

I keep trying to try to study hard and learn the material of marriage and can balance between empathy
and knowledge to become a professional nurse.

future plan after I graduated from college ... I will try to open my own clinic ..

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