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Department was beause of the desire of myself and the support of

parents and families.from my childhood my dream was to become a
nurse.espelially the professional nurses who are done at the same
time i want to increase the familly’s level and make then happy .i
want to work mainly in the field of health because of the very wide
employ ment opportunities both at home and abroad.we can work
just like in hospitali,clinics,health centers health services can also be
lecfurers and much more.being a nurse is a very noble jon.we will be
appreciated day anyone if we provide the best service for patients
interacting with different people every day and caring for
people,helping others to lead healthy lives.

The role of nurses is very important in a health service.moreover

in hospitals,nurses have to plunge into society just to give them
knowledge of the importance of health for all of us.nurses also
conduct health education to prevent outbreaks of disease that often
arise among the community.i want to be a direct health worker,both
individual families and communities.namely and well-being and to
maintain and maintain health.

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