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Lesson 1

What did I know about assessment, measurement, and evaluation?

For me, assessment is about examining the capability of a person, whether this person is knowledgeable
enough to do a required task. On the other hand, measurement defines as a measure to know if this
person would fit in or not in its specified task by conducting a test. Lastly, the evaluation is to observe
the person or the performance, whether it is competent or needed to improve, and to know if it is

What do I want to know about assessment, measurement, and evaluation?

I want to know more about the differences between the three (assessment, measurement, and
evaluation) and what significance or specific situation that I might use as an effective teacher in teaching
with different strategies.

Lesson 2

How will I write behavioral learning objectives?

As a future teacher, I believe in writing behavioral learning objectives I need to know first and
understand the characteristics or key points of my student such as their strength and weaknesses. The
objective must coincide with the level of the students learning the lesson. It must be attainable and

In writing behavioral objectives, the first thing that I should do is to begin each behavioral objective with
a verb because the critical aspect of any behavioral objective is the verb selected to indicate expected
behavior from learning activities. Selecting the verb that will be used in writing Behavioral objectives is
its most critical aspect. Second, I will state each objective in terms of the learner’s performance. Lastly, I
will state each objective so that it includes only one general learning outcome.

Lesson 3

My unforgettable experience when taking a test is that when I was in my first year of college during the
first semester. I studied the day before I will take the test and memorizes every lesson that I need to
memorize. I remember that it is a moving exam type of test and it was my first time to encounter that
kind of exam. I thought I did well because all the question that was given were familiar to me but when I
am on the edge of finishing the test then I realize that the numbers were jumbled and I answer it by
sequence so I ended up failing the test because I didn’t hear the instruction of my teacher and she won't
consider it. It was the most traumatic experience that I had but there is no one to blame but me. I take it
as a lesson learned that I should always make sure to read and listen to every instruction before starting
to take any test or exam so that it will not happen again.

Lesson 4

1. What is blueprint?

Blueprint is a map and a specification for an assessment program that ensures that all aspects of the
curriculum and educational domains are covered by assessment programs over a specified period of
time. Blueprinting helps to match various competencies with the course content and the appropriate
modality of assessment.

2. Do you think planning a test needs a blueprint? Briefly elaborate on your answer.

Yes, I think planning a test needs a blueprint because it is used to guide and target item writing as well
as for test form assembly. At first, I thought blueprints are just for engineers and architects or others in
the same field but I'm wrong. It helps you through planning which questions will or will not be included
in your exam. Also, it helps you to assure that the coverage of the test content comes from the whole
period and to meet the learning objectives of the lesson.

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