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Rita Aryani
STKIP Panca Sakti, Bekasi
Jl. Raya Hankam No.54, Jatirahayu, Kec. Pd. Melati, Kota Bekasi, West Java 17414

This study aims to analyze the role of information technology-based management education in vocational
schools. The implementation of technology was conducted in several schools, covering managerial aspects as
well as academic aspects. This research utilizes a qualitative approach and descriptive method. Data obtained
through literature review and analyzed descriptively and qualitatively. The results show that technology-based
management education is essential to provide information to support and facilitate the management and
academic processes daily. It is important that schools invest in technology-based school systems to increase
the effectiveness and efficiency in school management generally.

Key words: management, education, information technology, school



Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis peran pendidikan manajemen berbasis teknologi informasi di
sekolah kejuruan. Implementasi teknologi dilakukan di beberapa sekolah, meliputi aspek manajerial serta
aspek akademik. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan metode deskriptif. Data diperoleh
melalui tinjauan pustaka dan dianalisis secara deskriptif dan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa
pendidikan manajemen berbasis teknologi sangat penting untuk memberikan informasi untuk mendukung
dan memfasilitasi proses manajemen dan akademik setiap hari. Penting bahwa sekolah berinvestasi dalam
sistem sekolah berbasis teknologi untuk meningkatkan efektivitas dan efisiensi dalam manajemen sekolah
secara umum.

Kata kunci: manajemen, pendidikan, teknologi informasi, sekolah

INTRODUCTION that the goals of education can be achieved.

Management is a process of planning, and
Educational management is the study of how controlling resources to produce something
to organize resources to achieve goals that have effective. If linked in the world of education, then
been set productively and how to create a good the ultimate goal is in education. management will
atmosphere for people who participate in shape the education to be more directed so that the
achieving goals that are mutually agreed upon. results will be better.
In the National Education System Law Article Another goal of management education is the
1 paragraph 1 it is said that Education is a creation of students who are active in developing
conscious effort to create an atmosphere of their potential to have religious spiritual strength,
learning and learning process so that students self-control, intelligence, noble morals, and the
actively develop their potential to have religious skills needed by themselves. Thus, the child will
spiritual strength, self-control, personality, be useful in society, nation and country. So,
intelligence, noble character, and the skills needed education management is important to implement.
by them, society and nation. School management is the most important factor
The purpose of management education is in organizing education and teaching in schools
closely related to the objectives of education in whose success is measured by the achievements of
general, because management education is graduates, therefore in running leadership, must
essentially a tool to achieve educational goals think "information system" means in the
optimally. Education management is a process that administration of education in schools related
needs to be applied in the world of education so components such as: teachers, staff, parents of
students / community, government, students, and education management for the world of education,
others must function optimally which is influenced it can produce quality human resources that will
by the policies and performance of leaders by improve the conditions of education accompanied
promoting information technology. by other improvements.
Such a rapid challenge will be overcome if the 1. Education Management
influence of school leadership is concentrated on Educational management is the art and science
achieving the intended goals. The influence of the of managing educational resources to create an
principal's leadership besides catching up to atmosphere of learning and learning processes so
overcome the challenges mentioned above, such that students actively develop their potential to
as: creating openness in the process of providing have spiritual strength, self-control, personality,
education and teaching with information intelligence, noble characters, and the skills
technology. Creating a work climate based on needed by themselves, the nation's community and
information technology can be fun by country.
implementing management functions in the Educational management is an effort that
process of organizing education, such as focuses on the process of managing and
organizing planning, determining staff, being able coordinating various educational resources such as
to provide guidance and coaching towards teachers, educational facilities and infrastructure,
accelerating is a control of all activities of the such as libraries, laboratories, and so on to achieve
slightest deviation can be found so quickly educational goals and objectives. Educational
resolved. management is also indirectly involved in
In order for education to be more effective and educating the life of the nation, developing whole
efficient according to the needs and objectives, people, possessing knowledge and skills, a solid
management activities in the field of education are and independent personality and a sense of
needed as alternatives to the implementation of togetherness and national responsibility.
education, and as an effort to organize education In addition, education management is a matter
so that the future development of the education that must be prioritized for the continuity of
world regarding the desired goals. In addition, education, so as to produce the desired impact. In
management education also aims as a form of fact, many educational institutions do not have
search or determination of actions to be taken that good management in managing their education.
are oriented to the future. So, it convinces certain Visionary education, having a clear mission will
parties rationally that education will be carried out produce quality output. That's where the
effectively and efficiently. importance of management education is applied
Nowadays education in the world is Educational management is the study of how
increasingly competitive, competitors in the to organize resources to achieve goals that have
education field are getting tougher. Efforts to been set productively and how to create a good
improve learning, provision of facilities, and atmosphere for people who participate in
human resources to establish good relations for achieving goals that are mutually agreed upon.
cooperation with various related parties. In HAR Tilaar (2001: 4) Understanding education
vocational high schools, the use of information management according to HAR Tilaar is an
technology is also a factor in success and activity that implements educational plans or
advancement in the quality of learning. plans.
Information technology in vocational high According to Soebagio Atmodiwirio (2003:
schools in the future is not the only function as a 23), education management is a process of
supporting tool but as the main weapon as a planning, organizing, leadership to control
support for educational success, so that it can hold educational staff and educational resources to
well. achieve educational goals.
The mindset of human resources must be built Understanding education management
early to follow the development of information according to Oemar Hamalik (2007), is to unite
technology that is developing very fast. An several elements in education and then try to be
educator must be trained to think about how to developed and focus on achieving the goals of
form students who are creative, critical, educational management itself.
innovative, and also have an entrepreneurial spirit So it can be synthesized that education
and can solve problems by utilizing information management is everything related to managing the
technology. Therefore this study aims to find out, educational process to achieving the goals set,
analyze, and describe the role of information both short-term medium-term goals, and long-term
technology-based education management in goals.
vocational high schools to overcome problems by 2. Information Technology
utilizing information technology in education. According to Bambang Warsita (2008: 135)
With the role of information technology-based information technology are infrastructure
(hardware, software, useware) systems and The development of increasingly sophisticated
methods for obtaining, sending, processing, information and communication technology
interpreting, storing, organizing, and using provides opportunities for the world of education
meaningful data. to continue to improve quality and achieve
The same thing was expressed by Lantip and educational goals. Information technology is
Rianto (2011: 4) information technology is infrastructure that can be used to collect or provide
defined as science in the field of computer-based information that organizations need accurately and
information and its development is very rapid. without spending a lot of time so that it accelerates
Technology can be expected to be a facilitator. organizational performance.
Initially information technology was used only The role of information technology-based
limited to data processing. With the growing education management can be seen in school
development of information technology used only administration activities, for example teacher
limited to data processing . abscesses are now no longer manual but use
Information Technology is the study or fingerprints, besides that many software can be
electronic equipment, especially computers, for used to manage the data of all school stakeholders.
storing, analyzing, and distributing any Technology-based education is a system that
information, including words, numbers, and utilizes technology to the greatest extent possible
images (Oxford dictionary, 1995). Information in teaching and learning activities. The technology
Technology is technology that combines that has been widely developed for Education is in
computing (computers) with high-speed the electronic fields such as computers and the
communication lines that carry data, voice and Internet.
video (William & Sawyer, 2003). The use of technology in the education process
This information technology is a combination has become a basic requirement. Countries with
of computer technology that consists of hardware the best education systems compete with each
and software to process and store information with other in creating and developing technology to
communication technology to channel support the education process.
information. METHOD
Here communication technology is used as a The author uses a qualitative approach and
means of channeling information while the literature study method with descriptive-
information is processed and stored in a computer. qualitative analysis data obtained through various
From some of the definitions above information relevant sources and references as well as related
technology includes a combination of computer scientific studies.
technology and telecommunications technology A qualitative approach is a comprehensive
itself. Computer as hardware with software that approach or strategy for finding or obtaining the
serves as a means of processing and storing data required data. An approach is a process, principle,
that will be sent via communication channels. and procedure that we use to approach problems
3. The Role of Information Technology Based and find answers. Actually, the approach is
Education Management influenced or based on the theoretical perspective
The development of information technology in that we use for conduct research, while the
recent years has been developing at a very high theoretical perspective itself is a framework of
speed. So this development has changed and made explanation or interpretation that allows
people paradigm in finding and obtaining researchers to understand data and connect
information, which is no longer limited to complicated data with other events and situations.
newspapers, audio-visual and electronic Like the theory, the qualitative approach is
information, but also other sources of information also measured based on its usefulness, and can not
through the internet. be assessed whether a method is true or false. To
One of the fieldst has had a significant impact examine the results of research correctly, it is not
with the development of this technology is the enough just to see what researchers find, but also
field of education, where basically education is a how researchers arrive at their findings based on
process of communication and information from the strengths and limitations of the method used.
educators to students containing educational The understanding of research methods are
information, which has educative elements as trying to understand the specific techniques in
sources of information, media as a means of research. Some people assume that the research
presenting ideas, ideas and educational material as method consists of various research techniques,
well as the students themselves (Oetomo and and some equate the research method with the
Priyogutomo, 2004), some elements of this research technique. But clearly, whatever research
element get a touch of media technology methods or techniques we use, whether
information. quantitative or qualitative, must be in accordance
with the theoretical framework that we assume.
Then, the qualitative approach also makes it before, both in terms of planning, organizing, and
easier to deal with double reality, and this evaluating classrooms.
approach presents directly the nature of the E-learning is a form of learning that utilizes
relationship between researchers and respondents. electronic media and Information and
It is more sensitive and more adaptable to the Communication Technology (ICT) that allows
many attenuations of shared influence and to the learning material to be delivered to students
patterns of values encountered. Therefore, it is without the limited learning process in a space. E-
expected to be able to analyze more deeply and learning is developing very rapidly from time to
interpret conditions or relationships. time so that it makes learning activities much
In conclusion, qualitative approaches are, easier, more effective, and efficient. The success
ongoing processes, consequences that are of e-learning programs is supported by several
happening or phenomena that are developing. The concepts namely information technology,
study was conducted by analyzing and interpreting planning, administration, management and
the available data. Basically this research puts adequate economic tools. It should also be noted
emphasis on subjectivity to interpret an issue. the role of the facilitators, lecturers, staff, how to
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION implement, how to adopt new technologies,
1. Information cycle facilities, costs, and activity schedules.
Various kinds of data obtained will be obtained E-Learning, therefore, can be implemented in
in such a way as to form information that is easily vocational high schools that only apply face-to-
understood and accurate. Following are the stages face learning systems, in Vocational Schools that
or cycles needed to produce information apply the concept of distance learning. In essence,
(Soetedjo, 2006): SMKs are not much different from the lecture
process at universities, which of course with the
support of appropriate information technology,
will be able to facilitate the implementation of e-
Learning at the SMK level.
According to Koswara (2006) there are several
teaching strategies that can be applied using e-
learning technology as follows:
 Learning by doing.
Learning simulations by doing what you want
to learn; an example is a flight simulator, where a
prospective pilot can be trained to fly a particular
aircraft as he is training with an actual aircraft.
Many methods are used to collect data. Data is Learning by doing is defined as learning by
a recorded fact about an object. Retrieval of data doing. Learning by doing means that we prioritize
can use the sampling method. In the process of acting rather than theorizing. People who do
inputting the data obtained is input into the things that they didn't know before, then they
application system and processed. Processing willingly do it. as a result, they will know
activities in accordance with existing procedures. something, that is called "learning by doing".
At the output stage the output of the processed  Incidental learning.
data will be displayed in the form of complete It is learning something indirectly. For
information. Appearances can be seen as soft on a example, studying geography by doing "virtual
computer or hard as a report. The results of trips" to tourist areas.
information that have been processed and intact Incidental learning is a form of learning that is
will be distributed to relevant parties. Example: experienced by. It has an advantage because the
the final grade of an education management lessons are learned from everyday life experiences
student can be seen by all students on a page or that are centered on learners. This kind of learning
site that has been provided. is basically learning from life experiences that
2. The role of information technology-based have a very broad scope such as learning activities
education management from experiences that are consciously designed by
a. E-learning students to learning activities from the experience
The virtual class, substantially, should be no of success and failure that befell yourself.
different from the real class. The lecturer plans to This kind of learning activity is often not given
build a virtual classroom and use all technologies enough attention by parents, teachers, school
that are suitable for the course being taught. An principals, and education policy makers because in
educator should create an effective learning general the understanding and attention of learning
environment in accordance with what was planned activities is prioritized in formal learning that
occurs in school spaces designed deliberately
systematic and can be controlled by educators and reports. Thus students are able to be actively
policy makers. The design and control of formal involved in learning materials and develop
learning activities in schools conducted by critical thinking skills.
teachers (educators) causes learning activities in Problem-based learning is a learning
schools to be dominated by knowledge from approach that presents contextual problems that
teachers and books, so that the knowledge gained stimulate students to learn. In classes that apply
from informal and incidental learning activities problem-based learning, students work in teams
obtained by learners in daily life outside of school to solve real world problems.
is less valued and recognized for its importance CBL is characterized by the existence of real
for school education. problems as a context for students learning
 Learning by reflection. critical thinking and problem solving skills and
Learn something by developing ideas / ideas gaining knowledge.
about the subject to be learned by providing initial CBL is the development of curriculum and
information teaching systems that stimulate problem solving
Learning that merely collects the knowledge strategies and basic knowledge and skills by
conveyed by the teacher to students, and uses placing students in active roles as daily problem
knowledge just to answer the exam held by the solvers that are not well structured.
school. It is to keep away from the meaning of The two definitions above mean that PBL or
learning for life. PBM is a learning atmosphere that is directed by
The dominance of formal learning activities is a daily problem.
based on classroom learning, which prioritizes CBL Model is defined as a learning model
learning from books and teachers causes learning that involves students trying to solve problems
not to live, learning that is independent of personal through several stages of the scientific method so
quality involvement, learning that is not directed that students are expected to be able to learn
by oneself, learning that does not touch on the knowledge related to the problem and at the same
development of attitudes, feelings, emotions, and time students are expected to have skills in
personality. solving problems.
This kind of learning is often criticized as a The CBL model becomes a learning approach
model of capitalist style education that encourages that seeks to apply problems that occur in the real
the formation of oppression, and the destruction of world as a context for students in practicing how
the courage to take the initiative to make changes to think critically and gain skills in problem
and independence in action. solving, as well as unforgettable to get knowledge
Learning is a part of the activities of human as well as important concepts from teaching
life, therefore life and the development of human material being talked about.
life are primary. Education serves as a tool to  Learning by exploring.
maintain human survival and develop a better Learn something by exploring the subject you
quality of life itself. Therefore learning activities want to learn. At the exploratory stage learners are
always have goals related to life, in accordance given the opportunity to use of the five senses to
with the choices determined by his the maximum extent possible to interact with the
responsibilities. As an activity that has a purpose environment. From this activity is expected to
for life, learning cannot be separated from the emerge questions that lead to the development of
desires, encouragement, and feelings and self- thought a high level that begins with the words
awareness of the subject of the culprit. why and how, the emergency of these questions is
 Case-based learning (CBL). at the same time an indicator of student readiness
Learn something based on cases that have towards the next phase. While in this phase the
occurred on the subject to be studied. This strategy teacher's role is to answer student questions,
can study a material by absorbing information provide questions to guide students to observe,
from expert sources about cases that have involve students in the science process and hone
occurred on the material. thinking skills and provide instructions. So, The
CBL is the use of various kinds of students' exploration of stillcontinues
intelligence needed to confront real world b. Administrative Activities
challenges, the ability to deal with new things Administration is a technique or way to serve,
and existing complexities. help, fulfill. Administration refers to the activity
Another understanding of problem-based or effort to help, serve, direct or regulate all
learning is the teaching method with a focus on activities in achieving a goal. Administration is the
real problem solving, the process by which business and activities related to implementing
students carry out group work, feedback, policies to achieve goals.
discussion that can serve as a stepping stone for Administration in the strict sense is an activity
investigations and investigations and final which includes: notes, correspondence, light
bookkeeping, typing, agenda. Administration in b) Teacher and Position Data
the broadest sense is the whole process of Each school must have a complete teacher
collaboration between two or more people to database and position. This makes it easier for
achieve goals by using certain infrastructure that is schools to conduct supervision.
efficient and effective. Following are examples of
the role of information technology-based
management education in school administration
1) Student Administration
Student administration itself can be defined as
the recording of students starting from the
admission process until the student graduates from
school due to graduation or other reasons. In
information technology-based student Figure 5.5 (Teacher data)
administration activities that must be input is 3) Financial administration
student data. In organizing education, finance is very
The data is completely entered in the form of important in the education process and the
student with address, citizenship status, parents potential that really determines the course of an
number. Furthermore, in student data there are educational process.
also parent data that is used as a complement to The financial component is a component of
student data. production that determines the process of
2) Officialdom administration conducting activities or teaching and learning in
Staffing administration is all activities/ schools with other components. Therefore all
activities related to the problem of the use of activities carried out by schools require costs both
employees or labor, in achieving its objectives. realized and not realized by the education
And the purpose of the administrator is to arrange provider. Following is an example of the
and control all activities in maintaining, application of school financial administration:
developing, obtaining and using employees in a) Tuition Fee
accordance with the workload, in achieving Educational problems are very complex, such
predetermined organizational / company goals. as: poor academic and service. They should be
Products based on information technology staffing avoided and eliminated, specially about paying
activities are as follows: school fees.
a) Teacher and employee attendance Payment system is a system that includes a set
of rules, institutions and mechanisms used to carry
out the transfer of funds to meet an obligation
arising from an economic activity. Payment
system is a system that deals with the transfer of a
sum of money from one party to another. The
media used for the transfer of value for money are
very diverse, ranging from the use of simple
payment instruments to the use of complex
systems that involve various institutions and the
rules of the game.So that, we should leave the
manual method with a lot of problems.

Figure 5.4 (Teacher and Employee

The teacher's attendance list at school must be
physically recorded so that a teacher's attendance
can be recapitulated for a certain period of time.
Manually recording the teacher's attendance list
can certainly lead to various problems such as
scattered data, difficulty in recapitulation to
review teacher activity, and so on. With the
existence of information technology makes it easy
for school administration activities to recap and
store teacher and employee absent data.
Journal, magazine service users will be greatly
helped if the library is able to provide easy access
to electronic journals, both of which are accessed
from local, global databases and those available in
Compact Disk and Diskette formats. Even cross-
service and information retrieval services can be
used by users with the help of information
technology such as the internet.
4) Multimedia / Audio-Visual Services
Multimedia / audio-visual services that are
used to be better known as "non-book material"
services are services that are directly in contact
with information technology. In this service users
can take advantage of information technology in
the form of Video Cassettes, Audio Cassettes,
Figure 5.6 (Database of student fees) MicroFilm, MicroFische, Compact Disks, Laser
Information technology is slowly eliminating Disks, DVDs, Home Movies, Home Theater, etc.
existing problems. By using the application for This service also allows for interactive media
payment, you will avoid the following matters: that can be used by users to do learning, etc.
long queues, inadequate clerk, lack of security, Another thing to note in the library services is
difficulty making reports and lost document. users who have limitations, such as poor vision,
b. digital library blindness, lack of hearing and other disabilities.
Digital libraries can be considered as Multimedia / Audio-Visual services allow libraries
information institutions in new forms or as to provide services to users with these criteria. As
extensions of existing library services. However, an example of the form of application of
digital libraries as managed information technology for that is Audible E-books, Digital
collections, which have related services, Audio Books, Info Eyes (Virtual Reference),
information is stored in digital format and can be Braille, etc.
accessed through the network. While James 5) Internet & Computer Station Services
Billington, librarian of the Library of Congress, in The internet is now a "star" in information
Purtini (2005), portrays a digital library as a technology. People are already familiar with using
coalition of institutions that collect distinctive the internet in their lives. For this reason,
collections electronically. inevitably the library must be able to provide
The application of IT in the field of library services through this media.
services can be seen from several things such as: Through the web media the library provides
1) Circulation Services information and services to its users. Besides that
The application of IT in the field of circulation the library can also provide internet access using
services can include many things including loan either a computer station or WIFI / Access Point
and repayment services, user statistics, that users can use as part of the services provided
membership administration, etc. Besides that, by the library.
cross service between libraries can also be done
which is easier to do if information technology has CONCLUSION
become part of this circulation service. Technology-based education management is
Current technology has made it possible for needed to provide information to support and
self-services in circulation services through simplify the management process. Information
barcoding and RFID (Radio Frequency Technology is an important factor for improving
Identification) facilities. The application of services while saving for education and has now
communication technology has begun to be used become one of the quality standards of an
as the use of SMS, Facsimile and the Internet. Education. Technology-based education
2) Reference Services & Research Results management provides outputs from information
The application of IT in reference services and management systems in the form of plans and
research results can be seen from the availability budgets, scheduled reports, special reports,
of access to browse electronic / digital reference analysis of problem situations, decisions for
sources and other library materials through review, and answers to questions.
electronic dictionaries, electronic directories, In the management of vocational secondary
electronic maps, research results in digital forms, education, Management Information Systems are
and others. means to provide facilities for School Institutions
3) Journal / Magazine / Periodic Services (Students, Teachers, Organizing School
Administration), Parents / Guardians of Students,
Government (Ministry of National Education), addition there are also applications of school
Other Parties (Government and private institutions websites, e-learning and digital libraries that
, NGO or any party that requires information on develop according to the needs of vocational
educational data) in obtaining information. In secondary education.

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