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Students discuss their topics and ideas with a partnBr,
Students follow the step-by-step guide iorwritingrthe
beginning paragfaph, the middle paragraph, and the
ending paragraph.

StudAnt$r:pra*tice wriling details forlhe_ l$iyBn'dr*As,,,'.:..:.,,:.:::,-''.
I Strategy 1: Practice Writing Longer Sentences
A key to fluent writing is using a variety of sentences. A paragraph with short
sentences one after another would soon be boring and sound choppy. lt is
important for students to practice writing sentences of different length and structure
Students should practice adding various adverbial phrases, making compound
sentences with coordinating conjunctions, and making complex sentences using
subordinatin g conjunctions.


r Activities for Writing Longer Sentences

3. Practice w'iling Longor S€nlerces

A, Choose and complele lhe snten@. Discus you choic6.

'rcserwt.!oc!,ic.l.r:r€vi*ir,,rlr,.Jnrri.lri.!..!c1:oLroitrrlrl '"""F ln Activity 3A, students practice

1 Addup€ch playerbscors
adding adverbial phrases such as
2. Roll th€ dice
prepositional phrases, to-inf initives,
3. Soread lhe game mal on the fl@r
and present Participial Phrases.
4. Drop the cneckers n the game rack

, wih iurtci " a}xri! lil) pi!!cr.r ' !n tht qanic boad . anlnd:h rird

5. Drvde up the game money

6. Move lhe counrer clmkwise

7. 11 is one of ihe most PoPUld 9am6

8. ll :s a greal qame 10 play

. " evprlor. &es I . urc p ay I oulsid. i
.!...".> ln Activity 38, students practice making

r . ,ryto(y orr wil ' lie PaY I all tho ! I ( l

compound sentences with coordinating


I conjunctions such as and, but, for or, nor,

1. lt is afun and easygame- is I

2. lt is an exciting game. ftat is


so, andyet. Students also practice making
3. lt is a greatlamily game. Thai is
complex sentences with subordinating
4. lt is a spelling game. That is I conjunctions such as after, as, because,
before, if, so that, until, when, whenever,

5. lt is an adive game. That is i


6. lt is a chance game. ftat is !

why, where, and white.
I Strategy 2t Practice Writing',Detail*
Details make writing interesting and worth rgading. Eeaders can
visualize and understand the writing bettpg.1ryf1EB:the ideas are
further described with details such as fact$;:,examples, and
personal thoughts or feelings.


I have three goals this5ummer. I have three goals this summer. My first goal is to
My first goal is to learn how to learn how to play tennis. I am going to sign up for
play tennis. My second goal is to tennis lessons at the YMCA with my friends. The
read ten books before the lessons will be three times a week. My second goal is
summer is over. My third goal is to read ten books before the summer is over. I am
to keep my desk clean. going to visit the city library and check out books
every week. I have already made the list of the books
want to read. My third goal is to keep my desk

clean. My desk is usually very messy with piles of

things. This summeq I am going to put away my
things right away.

r Aetivities for Writing Deteills

A. Read tiE model e$ay on page 72 again, li,latch the id€ with the deiails and write the lette6.

; ,.
.. He ls a small ydlow Adobol, and tu
b I €n dale to Adobots rike my frends.
tusbms inlo a Chevrolei Camaro. I
""""! ln Activity 44, students practice identifying
ffiE€ c Are ae lm mry ngr'ng *eB
d. [ ts aso Fer€sing Io * obors Lm.fom nsrm l} nro ds rub. ptanFs yo the details that further describe the ideas in
oher6ds the model essay.

2. ldy robt
i is Bumbl€ho b6aus6 he
: as

-- _
hing donl likesbut the movre isthar thm,s too much
onry I
_ i
-! 1
r'olence. I

ln Activity 48, students practice writing details

for the given ideas. Thls will prepare them for
writing details for their ideas when they write
their own essays.
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Ilsuclauins a Saragla[il into an [ssay


My Gool Grandpa Paragraph

My grandpa is m-i, f'avorite retrative, and we sllare many

things rogether.

My Cool Grandpa

He is sixty five years old, but he looks li]<e he is only fift),. I{e
iives not fay from my house, so I can see him quite often" Wha
am I talking abcr-rt? IIv grandpal -tle, is my favorite relative" and
hcie-Jti-g- coolesi persqn I kr rqyg
1. What is an Essay?
An essay is a piece of writing on a specific topic. lt usually has three or
more paragraphs. There are three'parts to an essay: the beginning,:
the middle and the ending. i.

*a, The beginning paragraph introduces the topic of the essay.

The topic sentence of a paragraph develops into the
beginning paragraph of an essay.

j:1" The . deSCfibg thg main idgaS Of thg tOpiC.

:::,, ..,::r..,,.-: j:-i._:.-::::
The body sentences of a paragraph develop into a middle
paragraph with one main idea. The number of middle
paragraphs depends on the number of main ideas you want to
talk about in an essay.

*, The *n*ing paregraph adds one last thought to the topic. The
closing r"nten"" of a paragraph developJinto the ending
paragraph of an essay.

2. Thesis Sentence in the Beginning Paragraph

The beginning paragraph is to let the reader know the topic and get him interested in
reading the essay. You start with a few interesting sentences to grab the reader's attention
and write a thesis sentence which tells what the essay is all about.

ThgSiS SgntgnCg rta io my ralarirra and

farrarira relative,
mrr favorite ha is
anr{ he tha coolest
ic the nnnlacf person II know.
He is
of the Sampri-i"*v ^arc^n :'

3. Main ldea, Supporting ldeas and Details in the EtuE:dtnr€ F*r:13';:i11i*q,qi
The middle paragraph starts with a topic sentence that tells the main idea of the paragraph.
The following sentences show several ideas that support the main idea. Each supporting
idea is further explained by details. Details can be facts, examples or explanations.

::e:1:1 Er.+.;: { Toplc Sofience

,.1 I
Main ldea My grandpa and I share many things together.

Supporting ldea Details

3. When he comes over, I like "s*r He likes to listen to the music I like, and he is interested in
talking to him a lot. the books I read.
?* lt is really easy to talk to him about everything like my
school, my friends and my hobbies.
: ..-.. '..:
S. Sometimes he tells me :

, stories about what he did # lt is always fun to listen to his adventures.

when he was a kid.
S, He also takes me to fun - i?;: I like going cross country skiing with him.
places on the weekends.
He is really good because he was a nutionrt ski champion
when he was young.
#* He is the one who taught me how to ski.
4. Strong Sentences in the ffimeaimg Parasraph
The ending paragraph shares feelings or thoughts about the topic. There is no set format
to follow. You need a few strong sentences to wrap up the essay.

ln i.,'ty li*a*: L.'d;'tli,=;1; ll;, we will practice writing a simple essay

that has only one middle paragraph. Therefore, only one
main idea about the topic will be discussed in an essay.
Pqrt %
i.sxit My Country 14

x*ir 2 My Favorite Website

Lrniq3 My Favorite Season

Lrn*4 The Best Gift Ever

'ilnit 5 Last Weekend

l*;rx6 My Summer or Winter Goals 54

:'lTir***y e* '.i.:i:t="
3 i:*p* F** *t*::*,="
1. Warm up

A. Talk about the picture and read the essay.

My country, Iceland, is one of the most beautiful countries on Earth. It is an
island country. It is located in Europe, in the North Atlantic Ocean. About
320,000 people live here. Most of us speak English, but our offrcial language is
Icelandic, the language of old Vikings.
My country has marvelous landscapes with a mild climate. Iceland is ealled
the land of frre and ice. There are active volcanoes, geysers and hot springs.
Hekla is one of the famous volcanoes in the country. There are ice caps

and glaciers, and they cover LlVo of the land. Iceland is not as cold as
you might think. We have four mild seasons. The average high
temperature is around 13.3"C in the summer and 1.9"C in the
winter. We have long bright nights in the summer and short
days in the winter.
I am very proud of my country and its long history. The
Vikings, my ancestors, were the world's
greatest travelers. Iceland-born explorer,
Leifur Eiriksson, discovered America
more than 500 years before Columbus.

B. Discuss the questions about the essay.

1. What is lceland like? Where is it?

2. What is the population? What is the official language?

3. What are the landscapes like?
4. What is the climate like in lceland?
5. How does Jens feel about his country?
2. Praclice Vocabulary


1. ffi Sinoopore is one of the smollest countries on Eor:th.




B. Where is the count4f Choose and complete the sentences.

1. Brazil is the largest country in

There is to the east.

2.ltaly is a boot-shaped country in

There is to the south.

3. Singapore is an island nation in

It is located between Malaysia and

G. What do you see in the country? Choose and complete the sentence.

t!4ere$;?i, mountains plains rainforest river volcanoes

*#ix beaches desert islands lakes waterfalls

1. M
ry There are many high _: People go skiing in the winter.

ffil We have several active You never know when they will erupt.

:]#ii;r ' :

3. iffi,;,- . We have broad in the south. We grow rice there.

4. We have a It is home to many animals and plants.

5. We have the Nile. lt is the longest in the world.

ffi We have Niagara Falls. They are very famous


8. F
M -rll
There is a large, dry _***__ We hardly get any rain there.

They get very crowded in the summer.

' ; i. ' 1:- r'
We have long sandy --.-.---*-
rt##r huge
10. ffi We have _. They are so big that they look like the sea.

D. What is the climate like? Circle the correct word.

1. lt is very cold in the winter. lt rains / snows a lot in the mountains.

2.We get a lot of rain in the summer. lt's very hot and d, I humiO

3. Our winter is mild / cold . lt is nice and warm.

4. There are many wet / sunny days in the summer, but it rains too.

5. lt is warm and hot all year round. The temperature varies / doesn't vary much.
3. Practice llVriting Longer Sentences

A. Choose and complete the sentence. Discuss your choices.

F . .: r.- J-aU' +- - - ...-" ,..' ..' ' :' J:

i , of my country's history . with many large cities . in the summer . of Noruray f

1. The USA is a country'

2.1 am very proud

3. Oslo is the capital city

4. We get a lot of rain

. in the North Atlantic Ocean . droUfld my country . on the east coast

Ii:s:g:xt61t*:--*g==- . in the world Iil
i:firr:ia:g!:rr+ag+1:4iqr.1iLtll,.i: r,irr,::

5. lceland is located

6. My country is one of the most beautiful countries

7.The famous beaches are located

8. There are wonderful places to visit

B. Choose and complete the sentence. Discuss your choices.

. as cold as . as big as . as high as

j] ' colder than . bigger than . higher than


1. Mt. Fuji is not _*_S5_h!9t!_q9_ "* Mt. Everest.

2. Mt. Everest is Mt. Fuji.

3. The winter in lceland is not the winter in Finland.

4. The winter in Finland is the winter in lceland.

5. Moscow is not New York City.

6. New York City is Moscow.

4. Practice Writing Details

A. Read the model essay on page 14 again. Match the idea with the details and write the letters.

a. There are ice caps and glaciers, and they cover 11% of the land. il

i: b. The average high temperature is around 13.3"C in the summer and 1 .9"C
in the winter.
:i i..., .tr., ..,:.. .:: ,,.: .i... t'iia
,,t:Aaq11 c. There are active volcanoes, geysers and hot springs. fi
ri r 'I :i:i ' 'r"ir d. We have long bright nights in the summer and short days in the winter. i..:i

e. We have four mild seasons.
f. Hekla is one of the famous volcanoes in the country.

ldea Details

1. lceland is called the land of fire and ice.

2. lceland is not as cold as you might think.

B. Choose and write the details of the idea. Make your own sentences for question 4.

j . lt is called Uluru. . lt is in the lndian and Pacific Oceans. ..'

r . There are rainforests in the nofth. . lt is the largest rock in the world. ii.

. lt is a continent, a country and an island, . More than one-thrrd of Australia is desert,


1. Australia is a country in the

southern hemisphere. It)

2. Australia has interesting


3. There is a famous rock in

the center of Australia.

4. There are many interesting

animals in Australia.
5. Write Your Beginning Paragraph The heginning paragraph introduces the topic of the essay.

A. Discuss your topic with a partner.

1. What is your country like? Where is it?

2. What is the population? What is the official language?

3. What are the landscapes like?

4. What is the climate like in your country?

B. Read the beginning paragraph of the model essay on page 14 again and complete the chart.

i .-' Writing Guide Questions Beginning Paragraph of the Model Essay

.What is your country like? My_ goun-try, _Iqglel{, ii 91.e 9f 1ba mg-s-t pgoltifyl
Where is it?
countries on Eorth.

*What is the population?

What is the official language?

G. Make a plan for the beginning paragraph of your essay and complete the chart.

Writing Guide Questions Beginning Paragraph of Your Essay

"What is your country like?

Where is it?

"What is the population?


What is the official language?

6. llllrite Your lttliddle Paragraph The middle paragraph describes the main idea of the topic.

A. Read the middle paragraph of the model essay on page 14 again and complete the chart.

Writing Guide Questions Middle Paragraph of the Model Essay

" Write the topic sentence. lvly country hos mqrvelous londscqpes with o mild

'What are the landscapes like? Icelond is called the land of fire qnd

. What is the climate like? fcelond is not as cold as yop mig_h_t t!i11k,

B. Make a plan for the middle paragraph of your essay and complete the chart.

Middle Paragraph of Your Essay

* Write the topic sentence. My country

* What are the landscapes like?


o What is the climate like?

How many seasons are there?
7. Write Your Ending Paragraph The ending paragraph adds one last thought to the topic.

A. Read the ending paragraph of the model essay on page 14 again and complete the chart.

Writing Guide Questions Ending Paragraph of the Model Essay

. How do you feel about your f om very proud of my country and its long history.
country and its history?

B. Make a plan for the ending paragraph of your essay and complete the chart.

Writing Guide Questions Ending Paragraph of Your Essay

. How do you feel about your

country and its history?

8. Complete Your Essay

>> Photocopy the writing task form on page 113 and complete your essay.

Step 1 Title Write the title of your essay.

_s11q2 les!ry1s eafgrry! .t-,-

Use the chart in Activity 5C and write it.
step3 Middle.Paragraph Use the chart in Activity 68 and write it.
Step4 Ending Paragraph
:.- Use the chart in Activity 78 and write it.

. -i1,"-p5-,1gyi:".1-n_a" Eai!.. - :
-T,"r9-ygyl":1gy go mfl<9 ngce.ssgv g_hglsgs-
'1. Warm up
A. Talk about the picture and read the essay.

National Geographic Kids

Natianal Geographic Ktds is my favorite website on the Internet.
It is a wonderful website for children. It provides information on

different animals, people and places.

I like Ncttional Geographic Ktds for two reasons. First of all, there
are a lot of interesting photos on the website. I really enjoy looking at

them. Just yesterday, I saw a picture of an aurora glowing over

Reykjavik, Iceland. It was amazing.I also saw a photo of a baby bobcat
the other day. It was so cute. Secondly, I can practice my English while
having fun on the website. I can always read interesting stories
about different animals, people and places. It also has fun
games in English, and I play them often.

I get on this website every day after I am done with

my homework. It is a wonderful website, and I
Iike it very much. If you are as curious as I am
about the world, you will like this website.
Log on and have a look today.

B. Discuss the questions about the essay.

1. What is Jens' favorite website on the lnternet?

2. What is the website like?

3. Why does Jens like the website?

4. Does Jens recommend it to his friends?

2. Practice Vocabulary

A. What is your favorite website? Look, choose and complete the sentence.

netv,rork places comics an$wgf8 p*ts

1. 2.

This is my favorite website. This is my favorite website.
It provides information on different It provides virtual
animals, people and and fun games.

3. 4.
g l(l&J
Arrrr Sormd
:fr'=:$ i&nqs

0 ffi
This is my favorite website. This is my favorite website.
It provides to all It provides a lot of useful
my science questions. about my school.


;ffiiB : &w..
,.. {+ @*- 6*s

This is my favorite website. This is my favorite website.

It provides a children's It provides a lot of interesting
to chat with friends. to read.
B. Why do you tike the website? Look, choose and complete the sentence.
gameq. photos homepage create help :
science project lunch menu virtualpet chat

& g ffi

1. There are many interesting of different animals.

2. There is my class on my school website.

3. There are many fun to play.

6 ffiffiffi

4. I can take care of a on the website.

5. I can get ideas for my

6. I can find out the at my school.

7. I can get on my science homework.

8. I can with my friends after school.

9. I can _* my own homepage on the website.

3. Practice llYriting Longer Sentences

. on the website . for children . {or many reasons . of interesting anirnals

1. I like National Geographic Kids

2. lt is a wonderful website

3. There are many photos

4. I can get a lot of information

. asmuchas lam . ascuriousas lam . as muchas ldo . asmanyquestionsasldo

5. lf you are about the world, you will like this website.

6. lf you like playing games you will like this website.

7. lf you have about science, you will like this website.

8. lf you are interested in comics , you will like this website.

B. Choose and complete the sentence using after. Discuss your choices.


1. I get on this website every day qfte!: I qry! dqne with my hqmework _

2. You can play games on this website

3. My virtual pet on the web is happy

4. I got the idea for my science project

5. Sometimes, my dad plays games with me

6. My mom always tells me to get off the computer

4. Practice Writing Details

A. Read the model essay on page 2,agaln. Match the idea with the details and write the letters.

a. I can always read interesting stories about different animals, people and places. i;

b. lt was so cute. !
c. I really enjoy looking at them.
d. lt also has fun games in English, and I play them often.
e. lt was amazing.

1. First of all, there are a lot of interesting photos on the website.

2. Just yesterday, I saw a picture of an aurora glowing over Rey(avik, lceland.

3. I also saw a photo of a baby bobcat the other day.

4. Secondly, I can practice my English while having fun on the website.

B. Choose and write the details of the idea. Make your own sentences for question 4.
. "':-: - .=:,..-& _.i r F
i -;*

' . I get answers faster there than from my parents, .

t^^!^- rL^.-^ rL^- r.--.^-
got the idea for my last project from this website.;:
.:] . lt is a great website for children.
. lt teaches science in a fun and easy way. t

i . t tfrink asking questions is a good way to learn. .

Everyone liked my project a lot. i

ldea Details

1. Scrbnce Made Simple is my

favorite website on the lnternet.

2. lt provides answers to all my

science questions.

3. lt provides wonderful ideas for

school science projects.

4. There is a science store.

5. Write Your Beginning Paragraph The beginning paragraph introduces the topic ofthe essay.

A, Discuss your topic with a partner.

1. What is your favorite website on the lnternet?

2. What is it like? Why do you like it?

3. What do you do on the website?

4. Would you recommend the website to your friends?

B, Read the beginning paragraph of the model essay on page 22again and complete the chart.

Beginning Paragraph of the ModelEssay

Ngt-lg$ 9-geeryp!!1!(!{: i: nv {s-vrlte vs!:tl-q

i * What is your favorite website?

on the fnternet.

'What is the website like?

C. Make a plan for the beginning paragraph of your essay and complete the chart.

i .-: Writing Guide Questions Beginning Paragraph of Your Essay

I " What is your favorite website?

"What is the website like?
6, llllrite Your Middle Paragraph The middle paragraph describes the main idea of the topic.

A. Read the middle paragraph of the model essay on page 22 again and complete the chart.

i = Writing Guide Questions Middle Paragraph of the Model Essay

; .Write the topic sentence. f like Notionol Geographic Kids for two reosons.

*Why do you like the website? tiryt pf ell, !\grg gfq 9 fot 9f i1t9r9Ltyyg_ pl,-ro_tos- on

Write 2 or 3 reasons and the website.


S-.q.q endly, I. c.qn .p-rsctic-e my-. E ngl i.q h try.h.i lq- h.ev i ng. f u n

qn the

B. Make a plan for the middle paragraph of your essay and complete the chart.

Middle Paragraph of Your Essay


*Write the topic sentence.

for reosons.

.Why do you like the website?

Write 2 or 3 reasons and -
7, llllrite Your f;nding Paragraph The anding panagraph adds one last thought to the topic.

A. Read the ending paragraph of the model essay on page 22 agatn and complete the chart.

Writing Guide Questions Ending Paragraph of the Model Essay

'How often do you get on the

I get on this website every day oftel I om dgne

with my homework. a

How do you like it?

Would you recommend it to
your friends? E


B. Make a plan for the ending paragraph of your essay and complete the chart.

Writing Guide Questions Ending Paragraph of Your Essay

" How often do you get on the

How do you like it?
Would you recommend it to
your friends?

8. Complete Your E$$ay

>> Photocopy the writing task form on page 113 and complete your essay.

Step 1 Title Write the title of your essay.

step2 BeginningParagraph I Use the chart in Activity 5C and write it.
Step3 Middle Paragraph : Use the chart in Activity 68 and write it.
1 _
E!9i19_ P"l? glPl Use the chart in Activity 78 and write it.
Step5 Revise and Edit
1. Warm up

A. Talk about the picture and read the essay.

Amazing Winter in lceland

My favorite season is winter. Sometimes it gets terribly windy, but the winter
in Iceland is not as bad as you might expect. In fact, it is quite mild. It snows
ofben, but it doesn't pile up in the city. Sometimes it even rains in the winter.
Winter is such a great season in Iceland. There are so many fun things to do.
We can go skiing, snowmobiling and dog sleddingjust outside the city. We can also
go swimming in an outdoor heated pool even when it snows. What I like best about
the winter is our Christmas tradition. At Christmas time, the whole city turns into
a winter wonderland. There are hundreds of thousands of
twinkling Christmas lights everywhere. I like walking

around the neighborhood with my friends as

we sing Christmas carols.
I really like the winter in Iceland. Besides
many exciting winter activities, I love
watching auroras in the sky on
winter nights. Come and visit
me in Iceland in the winter.
You will have a great time. l

B. Discuss the questions about the essay.

1. What is Jens' favorite season? What is it like?

2. What can Jens and his family do in the winter?

3. What does Jens like most about the winter in lceland?

2" Practice Vocabulary

A. What is the weather like? Look, choose and complete the sentence.

blcnm melt thunderstorms warm humicl fi0n300n s*asofi

5prrng r
"..- -..-, *'...*-,.."'.."e.

1. lt is nice and -_._ in the spring.

2. The snow starts to __'*.,*._ in the spring.

3. The flowers staft to **-,,-_ in the spring.

Summer ;
4. The weather is hot and *_ in the summer.

5. We get in the summer.

6. The is in the summer.

SNOWS chenge c*lors piies up sky win<iy c0(}ier

'€ _111i_1lj
f 7. The weather gets ***_ in the autumn.

8. Tree leaves in the autumn.

9. The looks bluer and higher in the autumn.

Winter 's

10. lt is cold and -_-___ in the winter.

11. lt often in the winter.

12. The snow _- in the winter.

B. What san you do? Look, choose and complete the sentence.

plant a garden build sand castles go skiing go hiking

go bike riding go on a prcnrc go apple picking fly kites

go to an amusement pbrk take pictures go swimming barbeque

1. We can 3. We can -.-_ : --, -,._,_"-" with flowers and vegetables.

2. We can 4. We can on the beach.

5. We can . 7. We can

6. We can 8. We can

9. We can in the backyard. 11.Wecan ___ _.-

10. We can 12. We can ,_,_- at the park.

3. Practice W:iting Longer Sentences

A. Choose and complete the sentence. Discuss your choices.

. about the spring . about the summer . about the autumn . about the winter

1. What I like best is our Christmas tradition.

2. What I like best is the color change in scenery.

3. What I like best is planting our vegetable garden.

4. What I like best is the camping trip.

B. Circle the correct word.

1. Winter is So':' 7{','rr*r"1', a great season.

2.fhe sky is flig-l,.such blue and high in the autumn.

3. The tree leaves become so / such colorful in the autumn.

4. Skiing is so',ll,such an exciting sport.

C. Choose and complete the sentence using when or as. Discuss your choices.

,,* ' I am at summer camp


* . we sing Christmas carols

I . we ptay rn tne snow

'1. I like walking around the neighborhood with my friends _g5*W*elmg_ehry*stmgs*ggf"e|s* .

2. We like watching beautiful autumn scenery

3. I like looking for snails

4. We like building sand castles

5. I like writing postcards to Mom and Dad

6. My dad likes taking pictures of us

4. Practice Writlng Details

A. Read the model essay on page 30 again. Match the idea with the details and write the letters.

a. we can go skiing, snowmobiling and dog sledding just outside the city.
b. At Christmas time, the whole city turns into a winter wonderland.
c. There are hundreds of thousands of twinkling christmas lights everywhere.

d. we can also go swimming in an outdoor heated pool even when it snows.

e. I like walking around the neighborhood with my friends as we sing Christmas

ldea Details

There are so many fun things to do.

2. What I like best about the winter is our Christmas tradition.

B' Choose and write the details of the idea. Make your own sentences for question 4.

' We plant cucumbers, tomatoes, and carrots. . Sometimes we can see smallanimals as we hike.

' Evefihing comes to life again in the spring. . I like the warm spring weather very furuch.- $

' lt feels good to walk up to the top. . I like looking for snails when we plant a garden. i'


1. My favorite season is spring. 1a


2.My family can plant a

vegetable garden in the spring.

3. We can also go hiking in the 3a


; 4. What I like best about the

spring is playing outside with
I my friends.
5. Write Your Beginning Paragraph The heginning paragraph introduces the topic of the essay

A. Discuss your topic with a partner.

1. What is your favorite season?

2. What is your favorite season like?

3. What fun things do you do in your favorite season?

4. What do you like most about your favorite season?

B. Read the beginning paragraph of the model essay on page 30 again and complete the chart.

Writing Guide Questions Beginning Paragraph of the Model Essay

. What is your favorite season? My fovorite seoson is winter.

. What is your favorite season


C. Make a plan for the beginning paragraph of your essay and complete the chart.

I , : Writing Guide Questions Beginning Paragraph of Your Essay

i . What is your favorite season?

My fovorite seoson is

i * What is your favorite season

6. llVrite Your Middle Paragraph The vniddle paragraph describes the main idea of the topic.

A. Read the middle paragraph of the model essay on page 30 again and complete the chart.

Writing Guide Questions Middle Paragraph of the Model Essay

\ffinter is such o great seoson in Icelond.

*What fun things do you do with i1

fhgre ale so many -fun thi3gs t9 do,

your family or friends?

.What do you like most about lVhot I like best obout the winter is our ehristmas tradition.
your favorite season?

B. Make a plan for the middle paragraph of your essay and complete the chart.

Writing Guide Questions Middle Paragraph of Your Essay

"Write the senl"n"": is such a great seoson in


"What fun things do you do with

your family or friends?

. What do you like most about

your favorite season?

7. Write Your Ending Paragraph ' Theending paragraph acids one Iastthoughttothetopic.

A. Read the ending paragraph of the model essay on page 30 again and complete the chart.

Writing Guide Questions Ending Paragraph of the Model Essay

. How do you feel about your T yelolly like the winter in fcelond.
favorite season?

B. Make a plan for the ending paragraph of your essay and complete the chart.

.- Writing Guide Questions Ending Paragraph of Your Essay

. How do you feel about your

favorite season?

8. Complete Your Essay

>> Photocopy the writing task form on page 1 13 and comprete your essay.

s!en1 Title , write

1|e ]_i!!e -o-l ygur
Step2 Beginning Paragraph Use the chart in Activity 5C and write it.
Step3 Middle Paragraph Use the chart in Activity 68 and write it.

,sl"pl !$ine lalaqSqlr , Use the chart in Activity 78 and write it.
Srep5 Revise and Edit , Read your essay and make necessary changes.
1. Warm up

A. Talk about the picture and read the essay.

Four Legged Friend Sparky

My dog is the best gift I ever got. I won't forget the day he came to me. It
was on my 10th birthday. Mom and Dad brought him home with a bow and a
happy birthday card hanging on his collar. He was 3 months old then, and I
named him Sparky.
Sparky is a wonderful dog. He is a good looking Siberian husky. His
eyes are dark blue, and his fur is black and white. He has a long bushy
tail. I take good care of Sparky. I feed him in the morning
and in the evening. I take him for a walk and play with
him after school. Sparky waits for me at the gate when I
come home from school. He wags his tail, jumps around
me, and licks my hands and face. He follows me
Sparky is such a great friend. He :.

trusts me completely, and I feel like I have

the whole world when Sparky is around. .'-

My day is never boring when I am with



B. Discuss the questions about the essay.

1. What is Jens' best gift ever?

2. When did Jens get it? Who gave it to him?

3. What does it look like? What does Jens do with it?

4. How does Jens feel about it?

2. Practice Vocabulary

A. What is your best gift ever? Look, choose and complete the sentence.

r..,l,ap{sp,for"Jrputer, r.:inliRe skates l cellphone .- game player - soccer shoes

i' aunt : r ,' i 'uncle ,'. i mom and dad i grandma grandpa
on in :-: next to i- under . in frant of

1. Mv are the best gift I ever got.

My gave them to me on my birthday.

They were a large box with a string bow.

2.Mv is the best gift I ever got.

My gave it to me last Christmas.

It was the Christmas tree.

3. Mv is the best gift I ever got.

My _ gave it to me on my birthday.

It was _ my pillow when lwoke up.

4.My are the best gift I ever got.

My **-- gave them to me for Christmas.

They were _*** my room on Christmas morning.

5. My is the best gift I ever got.

My _* gave it to me last week.

It was my desk when I came home from school.

B. What dces it lsok likq? \4fhat do you do with it? Ghoose and complete the sentence.

,.rii ff! wheels brake leather jurnp over

1. My inline skates are made of blue

2. They have four and a heel

3. I can go really fast around the corners, spin-stop and ---- -*- - manholes.

,lrhFthdglc,,,,=.,,,',' -,4'.:
portable surf lightweight

4. My netbook is . I can use it anywhere.

5. lt is very -,. lt weighs only 1 kg.

6. I can the lnternet, play games, and with my friends.

its sPikes kick stripes bottom

7, My soccer shoes are red with white on the side.

8. They have on the

9. I can the ball better on the grass.

::Sa ;.:l operate take $creen thumbs

10. My game player has a at the top and buttons at the bottom.

rr'ruDErrr-v L., rL'

n= E
dpray t.'---B
buttons text browse slim

13. My cell phone is black and _ _-

14. lt is touch screen, so it doesn't have number

3. Practice Writing Longer Sentences

A. Choose and complete the sentence. Discuss your choices.

. on rny 10th birthday . at the gate . around it . under the Christrnas tree

1. Sparky waits for me when I come home from school.

2. lfound my present

3. The box had a big red ribbon

4. My mom and dad gave it to me

. on Christmas day . oo lny netbook . with my soccer shoes on . around rne

5. I got my best present ever last year.

6. I can play soccer better on the grass

7. My dog wags his tail and jumps

8. I can browse the web

B. Choose and complete the sentence using when. Discuss your choices.

. I do my homework a I am finished with my homework . I opened the box

. I entered my room lfirst met him . I inline skate fast

1. Sparky was 3 months old

2. I was very surprised

3. I found a new netbook on my desk

4. I always feel excited

5. I usually take out my game player

6. I sometimes use my computer

4. Practice Writing Details

A. Read the model essay on page 38 again. Match the idea with the details and write the letters.

a. I feed him in the morning and in the evening.

b. He follows me everywhere.
c. I take him for a walk and play with him after school.
d. His eyes are dark blue, and his fur is black and white.
e. He wags his tail, jumps around me, and licks my hands and face.

ldea Details

1. He is a good looking Siberian husky.

2. I take good care of Sparky.

3. Sparky waits for me at the gate when ! come home from school.

B. Choose and write the details of the idea. Make your own sentences for question 4.

. I was very surprised to see it there. . lt is lightweight, so it is easy to carry.

: . lt is portable, so I can use it anywhere. . lt was my 12rh birthday present.

. I got it from my dad on my birthday. . ljumped off my bed to take a look.

ldea Details

1. My netbook is the best gift I


ever got.

2. lt was on my desk when I

woke up.

3.My netbook is very 3a

convenient to use. 2ra


4.1 can do many things on my 4a

5. Write Your Beginning Paragraph The beginning panagraph introduces the topic of the essay.

A. Discuss your topic with a partner.

1. What is the best gift you ever got?

2. When did you get it? Who gave it to you?

3. What does it look like? What do you do with it?

4. How do you feel about it?

B. Read the beginning paragraph of the model essay on page 38 again and complete the chart.
Writing Guide Questions :i Beginning Paragraph of the Model Essay

: t{y dog is the bes? gift I ever got.

"Who gave the gift to you?

When did you get it?
How did you get it?

C. Make a plan for the beginning paragraph of your essay and complete the chart.

i .,, Writing Guide Questions Beginning Paragraph of Your Essay

i * What is the best gift you ever got? is the best gift I ever got.

I "Who gave the gift to you?

I When did you get it?
I How did you get it?
6. llYfite YOUf Middlg Pafagfaph

A. Read the middle paragraph of the model essay on page 38 again and complete the chart.

i ;-.
Writing Guide Questions i: ftAiddle Paragraph of the Model Essay 1

*What do you do with the gift?

B. Make a plan for the middle paragraph of your essay and complete the chart.
..-- -.-ll
:: Writing Guide Questions j; Middle Paragraph of Your Essay
.Write the topic sentence.

.What does the gift look like? il


"What do you do with the gift?

7. Write Your Endlng Paragraph m*"rling p"rrgr*ph uaa, onu Lt, iirrgl'.'* r.;rr","o'..

A. Read the ending paragraph of the model essay on page 38 again and complete the chart.

Writing Guide Questions

* How do you feel about the gift?


B. Make a plan for the ending paragraph of your essay and complete the chart.

Writing Guide Questions Ending Paragraph of Your Essay

* How do you feel about the gift?


8. Complete Your Essay

>> Photocopy the writing task form on page 113 and complete your essay.

StepS Middle Paragraph I Use the chart in Activity 68 and write it.
Step4 Ending Paragraph i Use the chart in Activity 78 and write it.
Step5 Revise and Edit ! Read your essay and make necessary changes.
ii,i:,:::::t,t:ttt,t.f 't,'.:i,l,l,.:"lr
ri i r,lr:,' r.

1, Warm up

A. Talk about the pictures and read the essay.

U nforgetta ble Satu rday

After breakfast last Saturday morning, my dad took our family dog sledding.
My sister and I were very excited because it was our first time. I just couldn't
wait to meet the sled dogs. They are amazing animals.
We arrived at the meeting place right before noon. The guide was waiting for
us with his snowcat. We got on the snowcat and drove to the sledding station.
There were twenty five Greenland huskies at the station. The guide let us hug all
the dogs. They were such friendly dogs. At last, we got on the sled, and the dog
sledding began. The sled was pulled by seven huskies with the lead
dog at the front. They ran pretty fast, and I could feel the
sp€ed and air all around me. It was such a great feeling.
I didn't want the dog sledding to be over, but it
was soon time to come home. We took a lot of
photos with the huskies before
sayrng goodbye to them.
What an unforgettable
Saturday it was!

B. Discuss the questions about the essay.

1. What did Jens' family do last Saturday?

2. How did they get to the sledding station?

3. What did they see there?

4. How did Jens feel about the sledding?

2. Practice Yocabulary

A. what did you do last weekend? Look, choose and complete the sentence.
hiking movies home skiing apple picking fishing bike riding amusement park

1. We went at the lake last Sunday.

2. We went last Sunday.

3. We went last Sunday.

4. We went last Sunday.

5. We went to an last Sunday.

6. We went to the last Sunday.

7. We went last Sunday.

8. We stayed and relaxed last Sunday.

B. How did you like it?

.:.:.tifqd,,l .., :,,.l.

1. We were to go skiing. We love skiing in the winter.

2. The rollercoaster was . We screamed all the way.

3. lt was to take the gondola to the top of the mountain.

4. We were when we saw a snake on the hiking trail.

5. lt was to run a 10 km marathon.

6. We were after the long walk to the top.

C. ltllhat did you do atlday? Choose and complete the sentence.

life vests lsft fishing polos

1. We home early in the morning right after breakfast.

2. We put on the before we got on the fishing boat.

3. We cast our and waited.

to the movies soft drinks

4. We went after lunch.

6. We bought some popcorn and

wild flowers paeked naturstrail

7. We our lunch in our backpacks.

8. We went on a in the mountains.

trees, insects and small animals.

favorite,cookies rented relaxed

10. We all day at home.

11. We a movie and watched it together.

'12. We helped Mom bake our -,,_**

orchard apple picking apple cider

13. We drove to our grandma's apple

14. We went all afternoon.

15, We ate fresh apples and drank a lot of

3. Practice Writing Longer Sentences

A. Ghoose and complete the sentence. Discuss your choices.

. to ski down the slope . to be over ' to rlde the roller coaster ' to meet the huskies

1. I didn't want the sledding It was so much fun.

2. I couldn't wait . They are my favorite dogs.

3. lt was so exciting fast.

4. We were a little scared at the amusement park.

. help her . hug allthe dogs " fish with him . climb the trees

5. The guide let us at the sledding station.

6. My dad let me on the boat.

7. My mom let us in the kitchen.

8. Our grandma let us at the orchard.

B. Choose and complete the sentence using because. Discuss your choices.

. it was our first plane ride 'we wanted to go on a nature trail

. we wanted to relax and take it easy . we were fishing on the boat
. we love to ski in the winter . the movie was very popular

1. My dad took us hiking

2. We stayed home all day

3. There were a lot people at the movies

4. We were very excited to go skiing

5. We wore life vests

6. My sister and I were very excited

4. Practice Writing Details

A. Read the model essay on page 46 again. Match the idea with the details and write the letters.

a. The guide let us hug all the dogs.

b. The guide was waiting for us with his snowcat.
c. The sled was pulled by seven huskies with the lead dog at the front,
r. :. r,.1 '

B€!ails,., d. They ran pretty fast, and I could feel the speed and air all around me.
e. We gott on the snowcat anr
and drove to the sledding station,
f. They were such friendly dogs.


j 1. We arrived at the meeting place right before noon.

| 2. There were twenty five Greenland huskies at the station.

i 3. At last, we got on the sled, and the dog sledding began.

B. Choose and write the details of the idea. Make your own sentence for question 4.

. We woke up early in the morning. . We wore our life vests before getting on the boat. ii

. We packed our lunch and fishing poles. . My dad caught the biggest fish ever that day, i


i 1. Last Saturd€ry, my dad took

I me and my brother fishing
at the lake.

: 2. We took our motor boat on

the trailer.

i 3. At last, we cast our fishing

pot"s in the water.
i 4. We came back home late.
5. Write Your Beginning Paragraph The beginning p"rugr"pt, in,roJu.", tr,",opic of the essay

A. Discuss your topic with a partner.

1. Did you do anything fun or go anywhere last weekend?

2. Where did you go?

3. What did you do first? What did you do next? What did you do after that?

4. How did you feel at the end of the day?

B. Read the beginning paragraph of the model essay on page 46 again and complete the chart.

Writing Guide Questions Beginning Paragraph of the Model Essay

"What did your family do last 4!!g, p-,gqkfqt lggt s-g|yf9gy ryr91ni1e-, my -og{ Ig-gr,
sqr f-gailv asg ltedaile-:

C. Make a plan for the beginning paragraph of your essay and complete the chart.

Writing Guide Questions Beginning Paragraph of Your Essay

*What did your family do last my family

6. Write Your Middle Paragraph The middle paragraph describes the main idea of the topic.

A. Read the middle paragraph of the model essay on page 46 again and complete the chart.

Writing Guide Questions Middle Paragraph of the Model Essay

Wa orrived ot the megting ploce qigfl-t bgf91e 1ogn,

"What did you do?
What happened?
: Write 3 things and explain.

Thera were twenty five ireenlond huskies of the sfotion.


At lost, we got on tha slad, ond the dog sledding begon.

B. Make a plan for the middle paragraph of your essay and complete the chart.

Middle Paragraph of Your Essay

"What did you do?

What happened?
Write 3 things and explain.
7. Write Your Ending Paragraph The ending paragraph adds one last thought to the topic.

A. Read the ending paragraph of the model essay on page 46 again and complete the chart.

Ending Paragraph of the Model Essay

. How did you feel at the end of I didn't wont the dog sledding to be over, but it wos
the day?
soon time to come home.

B. Make a plan for the ending paragraph of your essay and complete the chart.

Writing Guide Questions Ending Paragraph of Your Essay

. How did you feel at the end of

the day?

8. Gomplete Your Essay

>> Photocopy the writing task form on page 113 and complete your essay.

Step 1 Title
Step2 Use the chafi in Activity 5C and write it.
Step3 Middle Paragraph Use the chart in Activity 68 and write it.

.-' Use the chart in Activity 78 and write it.


, Read your essay and make necessary changes.

l, Warm up
A. Talk about the picture and read the essay.

Getting Ready lor Summer

My summer vacation lasts for almost three months. It is a long time, and it
is also a great time to have some fun. This year,I am going to set some goals
and get ready for my summer vacation.
I have three goals this summer. My first goal is to learn how to play tennis.
I am going to sign up for tennis lessons at the YMCA with my friends. The

lessons will be three times a week. My second goal is to read ten books before
the summer is over. I am going to visit the city library
and check out books every week. I have already .,i<e
made the list of the books I want to read. My third
goal is to keep my desk clean. My desk is
usually very messy with piles of things.
This summer, I am going to put away
my things right away.
I feel good that I have set my E

summer goals. I am confident that I will

reach my goals and feel proud at the end of
the summer. I have no doubt that I will
have a great vacation.

B. Discuss the questions about the essay.

1. How long is Jens' summer vacation?

2. How many goals does Jens have for this summer?

3. What are his goals?

4. How will Jens feel at the end of the summer?

2. Practice Vocabulary

A. What is your vacation for? Ghoose and complete the sentence. Discuss your choices.

1. lt is time to with my friends.

2. It is time to a family vacation.

3. !t is time to for the next semester.

4. lt is time to with my school work.

5. lt is time to with my family.

B. What are your goals for winter? Ghoose and complete the sentence.

1. My goal is to learn how to

2. I think snowboarding is than skiing.

3. lwill snowboarding by the end of the winter.

-,...,.-,,i. :-r::.-':i:r :r.::.:lir'ti,.,.i.:'-!:_-,:.'t:,.:,:,:t,':.r.1.:,.

.QX€lQ$e:. ., l:,.lrtgg.$W.S.,$ :,,-,',.:1:.,,,,

4. My goal is to regularly during my winter vacation.

5. I am going to stay in the winter.

6. I will take lessons with my friends.

7.My goal is to learn how to

8. I want to skate on the outdoor with my friends.

9. First, I will have to learn to keep my on the ice.

C. Wlrat are ysur goels fqr sumrfier? Choose and complete the sentence.

hardest lessons butterfly stroke

1. My goal is to learn how to swim the

2. lt is the -*_-____ __-_ stroke in swimming.

3. I am going to take swimming three times a week.

treasure box sea shell collection look for

4. My goal is to make a.

5. I will go to the beach and - interesting sea shells.

6. I am going to clean them and put them in my

watch stars constellations locations

7. My goal is to find five in the summer sky.

8. I am going to learn their names and - in the sky.


skateboard Ess-board practice

10. My goal is to learn how to

11. I think the Ess-board is more fun than the

12.1am going to riding it every day.

sign up scuba dive exciting

13. My goal is to learn how to _ - __ in the ocean.

14.I am going to - _-_ _ _ . for the Junior Open Water course.

w 15. lt will be to see all the different fishes.
3. Practice Writing Longer Sentences

A. Ghoose and complete the sentence. Discuss your choices.

. to scuba dive . to set summer goals . to play outside . to learn the names

1. Summer is a great time

2. lt is important before the vacation starts.

3. My goal is to learn how in the ocean.

4. lwant of different trees and flowers.

. for ffiy best friend . for the fall semester . for three months . for tennis lessons

5. I am going to sign up at the YMCA.

6. I am going to get ready

7. My summer vacation lasts

8. The sea shell treasure box is

B. Choose and complete the sentence using before. Discuss your choices.

. the winter vacation . I put them in my treasure box . the summer is over
. ljump into the pool . I go to the library . I go to bed

1. I am going to read ten books

2. I am going to sign up for a sport at the YMCA

3. I am going to clean the sea shells

4. ! am going to make the reading list

5. I am going to write in my diary every night

6. ! am going to do some warming-up exercises

4. Practice Writing Details

A. Read the modelessay on page 54 again. Match the idea with the details and write the letters.
ji;tgi *ia;!ae*it;+ti46ii.e#*-i*.i.]:@d6-+*E+;jdi+l--!",sd "-.

i*.: ".
I am going to sign up for tennis lessons at the YMCA with my fr
,r',.,,,:,,.' ,r,,.,, ,
b. My desk is usually very messy with piles of things. ti
'$ r* *; i*
-r&ffi:"r c. I am going to visit the city library and check out books every week $

.: .-l,IlI"-- d. The lessons will be three times a week. *

''' :,,:'.:r.1';:,:ii::.r-:
e. I have already made the list of the books I want to read. *
r -rr.i^
$ f. This summer,
^, I am ^^i^^ *a
r ^6 going
to n.,*
put away my +h;^^^ right ^..,^. ,
things -:^h+ away. *
:']1ii1i6;r5;#i:3*. ',


1. My first goal is to learn how to play tennis.

2. My second goal is to read ten books before the summer is over.

3. My third goal is to keep my desk clean-

B. Choose and write the details of the idea. Make your own sentences for question 4.

j . I am going to make the book list first. . I am going to get a nice notebook to write in. $,

,.€ . I . lwillwrite every night before I go to bed.

am going to go out and play every day. $
. I will sign up for a sport at the YMCA. . I will go to the library every Friday and check out books. :
1.r,1=g1:9+:$c$11t+E**xl+.*' '

ldea Details

1- My first goal is tg stay active 1a

during the winter vacation.


2. My second goal is to write in 2a

my diary every day.


3. My third goal is to read two 3a

books a week.

4.|.am looking fonryard to my 4a

winter vacation.
5. Write Your Beginning Paragraph The beginning paragraph introduces the topic ofthe essay.

A. Discuss your topic with a partner.

1. How long is your summer or winter vacation?

2. How do you want to spend your vacation?

3. What are your goals for the vacation?

4. How will you feel at the end of the vacation?

B. Read the beginning paragraph of the model essay on page 54 again and complete the chart.

Beginning Paragraph of the Model Essay

. How long is your summer or

winter vacation?
What is your vacation like?

C. Make a plan for the beginning paragraph of your essay and complete the chart.

Beginning Paragraph of Your Essay

. How long is your summer or

winter vacation?
What is your vacation like?
6. Wfitg YOUf Middle Pafagfaph ' rherniddleparasraphdescribesthemainideaorthetopic.

A. Read the middle paragraph of the model essay on page 54 again and complete the chart.
| .- Writing Guide Questions il iddle Paragraph of the Model Essay Z

, Write the topic sentence. I have three gools ihis summer.

*What is your first goal?

l; My f irst gool is to leorn how to ploy tennis.

.What is your second goal? My second gool is to reod ten books bef ore the

Explain. summer is over.

.What is your third goal?


B. Make a plan for the middle paragraph of your essay and complete the chart.
i - :- -------- ---^.--.-1i-

: ,-: Writing Guide Questions 1i

Middle Paragraph of Your Essay

I . Write the topic sentence. ii I hove three goals this

i *What is your first goal?

; Exptain.

nWhat is your second goal?


I *What is your third goal?


I Explain-

7. Write Your Ending Paragraph The ending paragraph adds one last thought to the topic"

A. Read the ending paragraph of the model essay on page 54 again and complete the chart.

Writing Guide Questions

o How do you feel about your

How will you feel at the end of
the vacation?

B. Make a plan for the ending paragraph of your essay and complete the chart.

Writing Guide Questions Ending Paragraph of Your Essay

,' . How do you feel about your


; How willyou feel at the end of

tne vacation?

8. Complete Your Essay

>> Photocopy the writing task form on page 113 and complete your essay.

, _gl"t-l_ _rjllg _ i rylP lle-litle o-f your essay:

Step2 Beginning Paragraph : Use the chart in Activity 5C and write it.
Step3 Middle Paragraph I Use the chart in Activity 68 and write it.
Stop4 Ending Paragraph : Use the chart in Activity 78 and write it,
Step5 Revise and Edit i Read your essay and make necessary changes.
., .6
a 'i@=l
6 "''-."..
i: .

:,, B,
.a!:- 2ll,-.t

1. Warm up

A. Talk about the picture and read the essay.

A Game of Monopoly
What kind of games do you like to play? How about a game of Monopoly? All
you need is a Monopoly game set. It includes a game board, counters, dice, game
money, a deck of Chance cards, and another deck of Community Chest cards.
First, divide up the game money among the players and choose a counter t9
play. Also, decide who goes first by rolling the dice. Next, take ' e" €:f

turns rolling the dice and moving the counter clockwise on

the game board. After that, follow the instrrrction on
the square on which you land. You will get to do _
many things like buying a house or a building,
payrng the rent, or even going to jail. Finally,
at the end, add up each player's money and
property to see who wins the game.
Monopoly is a great game to play with my
friends or my family anytime. It is a lot of
fun, and it is also easy to play. Maybe that is
why it is one of the most popular board games
around the world.

B. Discuss the questions about the essay.

1. What board game does Jens like to play?

2. What is included in the game set?

3. What is the first step when playing the game?

4. How does Jens feel about the game?

2. Practice Vocabulary

A. What is isrcluded ir"l tlre Saifi* set? Look, choose and complete the sentence.

checkers(xz) game board game rack letter racks letter tiles wooden blocks

i- -"'-- : l-""
: t* Scrabble l I F$ Connect Four Jenga
::l :

1. lt includes a

3. All you need is 54 of the same size.

counters a deck of playing cards dice game board game mat spinner

]n War
.;):,: i6? Twister 8? Snakes & Ladders
l .:
-r4. , "'.'*
il * q (D,D
!: # il.iit - - *'n
i: # ,.,,;, ; a
il # 't:i: I O
,l # iri':l t *
1 #:.. ' #.


4. All you need is

5. lt includes a and a

6. lt includes a and
B. How do,you play the game? Choose and complete the sentence.

1. the game rack.

.W 2. Choose the checker color and


who goes first.

the checkers.

a checker in the game rack.

5. four checkers to win.


11. the game mat on the floor.

12. a caller.
T 13. Players around the mat.

14. The caller the spinner and a command.

For example, "Put your right hand on green."

15. Players the caller's command.

3. Practice Writing Longer $entence$

A. Choose and complete the sentence. Discuss your choices.

:, . . to see who wins the game . to connect four
,; to see who goes first . to start the game
':,ente..-y?..*+llgy+-.tig:::?esp:+ti+; of them I:

Add up each player's scores

2. Roll the dice

3. Spread the game mat on the floor

4. Drop the checkers in the game rack


.l . with friends . among the players . on the game board . &r'ouhd the world....*I

5. Divide up the game money

6. Move the counter clockwise

7. lt is one of the most popular games

8. lt is a great game to play

B. Choose and complete the sentence using wfiy. Discuss your choices.

j . everyone likes it . we play it outside

,j . anybody can win . we play it all the time
j . ,y teacher likes it . my grandma likes it
::::i+jiffinfili{alitl$iril-!njt{a5:I*iatir.iijf-@..L:Etr:!i-!l1ix.t}:lrli.i"rl {iililtsr{t.r:ii:1]@

1. lt is a fun and easy game. That is

2. lt is an exciting game. That is

3. lt is a great family game. That is

4. lt is a spelling game. That is

5. lt is an active game. That is

6. lt is a chance game. That is

4. Practice Writing Details

A. Read the model essay on page 64 again. Number the sentences in the correct order.

B. How do you play War? Look, choose and complete the sequence.

,,i . The player with the higher card wins both cards. . Each player takes a pile,
. Continue the game until one player wins all the cards, . Then play the next two cards. I

;:: -_

1. Divide the cards into two piles face-down.

2. Players take the top card and place it on the table face-up.

3. When the two cards are equal, there is a war. Put aside the tied cards.

Put one card face-up and the other face-down.

The player with the higher card wins the cards.

5. Write Your Beginning Paragraph The beginning paragraph introduces the topic ofthe essay.

A. Discuss your topic with a partner.

1. What kind of games do you like to play?

2. What do you need to play the game?

3. What do you do first? What do you do next? What do you do after that?

4. How do you feel about the game?

B. Read the beginning paragraph of the model essay on page 64 again and complete the chart.

,t: Writing Guide Questions Beginning Paragraph of the Model Essay

; .What kind of games do you

{h-gf fina of s_9n?1{9 yoy !it<e 1o-
ploy? How obgut
like to play?
s._sffe*el_ selePqly2:-::

.What do you need to play the al!yo1.n,e.9.!. is_ 9 M.g.lgpgfy g-gmg.s91,

I game?
, What is included in the game
i set?

C. Make a plan for the beginning paragraph of your essay and complete the chart.

l .-: Writing Guide Questions Beginning Paragraph of Your Essay

I * What kind of games do you Whot kind of games do you like to play? How obout o
i like to play?

eWhat do you need to play the

What is included in the game
6. Write Your Middle Paragraph The middle paragraph describes the main idea of the topic.

A. Read the middle paragraph of the model essay on page 64 again and complete the chart.

l ;..

Writing Guide Questions Middle Paragraph of the Model Essay

.What do you do first? First, divide up the game money among the ployers

Next? ond choose o counter to p!oy,

After that?

After thot, follow the instruction on the Sguare on

yv-high y9_9 lqt!,

B. Make a plan for the middle paragraph of your essay and complete the chart.

Writing Guide Questions Middle Paragraph of Your Essay

I *What do you do first?

After that?
7. Write Your Ending Paragraph The ending paragraph adds one last thought to the topic.

A. Read the ending paragraph of the model essay on page 64 again and complete the chart.

Writing Guide Questions Ending Paragraph of the Model Essay

. How do you feel about the Monopoly is o greot game to ploy with my f riends or
my fgnily olylimg,

B. Make a plan for the ending paragraph of your essay and complete the chart.

Writing Guide Questions Ending Paragraph of Your Essay

. How do you feel about the


8. Complete Your Essay

>> Photocopy the writing task form on page 113 and complete your essay.

Step 1 Title

i Use the chart in Activity 78 and write it.

1. Warm up
A. Talk about the picture and read the essay.


Do you like to play with robots? Then you will Iove ?ranEflorrners.It is a

movie about two races of transforming robots. Autobots are the good robots, and


Decepticons are the bad robots. Autobots try to stop Decepticons from conquering
the universe.
What I like about the movie is that those robots have their own personalities
and characteristics. I can relate to Autobots like my friends. It is also interesting
to see robots transform instantly into cars, trucks, planes and other objects. My
favorite transformer robot is Bumblebee because he is the funniest character. He
is a small yellow Autobot, and he transforms
intb a Chevrolet Camaro. The only
thing I don't like about the movie is

are too many fighting scenes.

This movie is for the whole family.
Everyone in my family enjoyed it. Boys
might like it more than girls, but my sister
Ioved it too. If you haven't seen this movie,
go and watch it with your family or friends.

B. Discuss the questions about the essay.

1. What movie is the review about?

2. What does Jens like about the movie?

3. What does Jens not like about the movie?

4. Who should watch the movie?

2. Practice Vocabulary

A. What movie is the review about? Look, choose and complete the sentence.

fami$,and*iendsliip' r:.fairyia.loeharaeters:: ."',' 6s1ng6lis6' , , ' glng'*lofig

1. Do you want to see many in one movie? Then, you will love Shrek.

2. Do you want to watch a movie about ? Then, you will love Finding Nemo.

4. Do you like Christmas ? Then, you will love Home Alone.

B. $Ihat is the movie about? Look, choose and complete the sentence.

clownfish - struggle little boy - take care of ' :'.'r,.''lo, Jy.:ogre'-,11,e.9s9g5. =.r-:*un;€$€&F€

j 1. lt is a movie about a named Shrek and a princess.

Shrek the princess from a fire-breathing dragon.

2. lt is a movie about father and son

They get separated and * to find each other in the big ocean.

3. lt is a movie about a young and a family of seven children.

She and the family must from the war.

4. lt is a movie about a left behind alone at Christmas time.

He has to _ __ himself and fight the thieves.

C. What do you or don't you like about the movie? Ghoose and complete the sentence.

1. What I like about the movie is that there are many characters.

My favorite is the Gingerbread Man. He is a talking cookie character.

2.The only character I don't like is Lord Farquaad, the bad

He the legs off the Gingerbread Man.

3. What I like about the movie is that it shows the father's true for his son.

Nemo's father will do anything to

4. ! also like this movie because it is about

Nemo and his friends try to from the fish tank together.

5. What I Iike about the movie is that it is a good movte.

You will feel after watching it.

6. I also like this movie because there are many great

My song in the movie is "Do-Re-Mi."

7. What I like about the movie is that it is a funny Christmas

It is fun to watch a little boy the thieves in his own home.

8. The only thing I don't like about the movie is that the brothers are '1"
to each other at the of the movie.
3. Practice Writing Longer Sentences

A. Ghoose and complete the sentence. Discuss your choices.

. find each other at the end . fight the thieves in his own home
. transform into cars and trucks . sing and dance on the stage

1. lt is interesting to see robots

2. lt is fun to watch a little boy

3. It is wonderful to see a family

4. lt is great to see the father and son

. with your fami$ . for the whole family . in your family . in your own home

5. This movie is

6. Everyone will enjoy the movie.

7. You can watch the movie at home.

8. Rent a movie and watch it

B. Ghoose and complete the sentence using lf. Discuss your choices.
. lou w?flt a snack at the movies . you like Christmas comedies
. you want to see cars and robots . you like to sing along
. you haven't seen this movie . loU woflt to relax at home

1. , go and watch it with your family or friends.

2. , watch Home Alone with your family.

3. watch The Sound of Music.

4. go and rent a movie.

5. get some popcorn.

6. , go and watch Transformers.

4. Practice Writing Details

n' neao.]fe mol1,dl o:.0:n:".'o""'* trre .etters

a. He is a smallyellow Autobot, and he transforms into a Chevrolet Camaro.

b. I can relate to Autobots like my friends.

r..Bet${t:,,:.. c. There are too many fighting scenes.
|: d. lt is also interesting to see robots transform instantly into cars, trucks, planes and
other objects.

ldea Details

1. What I like about the movie is that those robots have their own
personalities and characteristics.

; 2. My favorite transformer robot is Bumblebee because he is the

I funniest character.

3. The only thing I don't like about the movie is that there is too much

B. Choose and write the details of the idea. Make your own sentences for question 4.

: . They are all classic songs people like. . Her name is Maria, and she wants to be a nun.
. My family watches this movie at Christmas time. . My favorite song is "Do-Re-Mi."
. She teaches the children songs and dances.
. : Y. gly"gy-t_f".ls9o9 a'fter watching li


1. lt is a movie about a young woman
and a family of seven children. in

: 2. What I like about the movie is that

: there are many good songs.

3. lt is a wonderfulfamily 3a


) 4.1 like everything about the movie.

5. Write Your Beginning Paragraph The beginning paragraph introduces the topic of the essay.

A. Discuss your topic with a partnen

1. What movie is the review about?

2. What is the movie about?

3. What do you like about the movie? What don't you like about the movie?

4. Who should watch the movie?

B. Read the beginning paragraph of the model essay on page T2again and complete the chart.

., Writing Guide Questions Beginning Paragraph of the Model Essay

.What movie is the review about? I Do you like to play with lobots? Then you will love

*What is the movie about?


C. Make a plan for the beginning paragraph of your essay and complete the chart.

, Writing Guide Questions Beginning Paragraph of Your Essay

.What movie is the review about?

. What is the movie about?

6. Write Your Middle Paragraph The middle paragraph describes the main idea of the topic.

A. Read the middle paragraph of the model essay on page T2again and complete the chart.

i i, Writing Guide Questions Middle Paragraph of the Model Essay

.What do you like about

the movie?
What don't you like about the
What or who is your favorite

B. Make a plan for the middle paragraph of your essay and complete the chart.
:- Writing Guide Questions Middle Paragraph of Your Essay

.What do you like about

the movie?
What don't you like about the
What or who is your favorite
7. Write Your Ending Paragraph The ending paragraph adds one last thought to the topic"

A. Read the ending paragraph of the model essay on page 72 again and complete the chart.

Writins cuiJe C;"i*i"r,t Ending Paragraph of the Model Essay

*Who should watch the movie? This movie is for the whole fomily.
Would you recommend it to
your friends?

ff you haven't seen this movie, go ond wotch it with

B. Make a plan for the ending paragraph of your essay and complete the chart.
-. Writing Guide Questions Ending Paragraph of Your Essay

*Who should watch the movie?

Would you recommend it to
your friends?

8. Complete Your Essay

>> Photocopy the writing task form on page 113 and complete your essay.

Step 1 Title Write the title of your essay.

step2 Beginning Paragraph i Use the ehart in Activity 5C and write it.

Erljnsl?l?g..fq! i _Use_]hechartinActivity7Bandwriteit.

lj"os R=9yi".-_fl_Edil , I I.9-d y9y1e-ssay an_d makg n999ssary chanses.

1. Warm up

A. Talk about the picture and read the essay.

Special School Rules

At our school, we have several special rules. First, there is the lunch rule.
Our school offers hot lunch every day, but we can also bring packed lunch from
home. However, we must not bring sweets, chips, soda or chocolate. We are not
allowed to eat junk food at school.
There are afew rules about clothing and shoes. We must have our name
tags on all our clothes so that they don't get mixed up. AIso, we have to bring an
extra pair of pants and socks to school. We can change our clothes if we get wet
during recess. The shoe rule says we have to keep two
pairs of shoes, one for indoors and the other for
outdoors. With this rule, we can keep the school
floors clean and dry.
The last special rule is the birthday rule.
This rule is very interesting. It says we can

hand out birthday invitation cards only

when we invite everyone in our ,ji'nr Gl*irjon

class. I like this rule the best because

everyone gets invited to the party,
and no one gets hurt.

B. Discuss the questions about the essay.

1. What is the lunch rule at Jens' school?

2. What are the clothing rules?

3. What is the birthday rule?

4. Which rule does Jens like the best?


2, Practice Vocabulary

A. What are the rules? Look, choose and write. Match and complete the sentence.

wear oa) cheat ta:lk write corne bring get in line


sB $*

You must not or drink {'i ;' ofl desks or chairs.
2. You must not .. the school uniform to school.

3. You must ., in the classroom.

€i e 'f ,,
*iil 4::li*S
',{3:f {$;r

4. You must not {:r on the test.

5. You must not - loudlY il game players to school.

6. You must not in the library.


# o ffio € F?ffi

7. You must <, to use the bathroom.

8. You must o, to school on time.

9. You must ,, indoor shoes in the building.

B. What other rules are there? Choose and complete the sentence.

1. We must take turns food at lunch.

2.We should try to eat everything on the

3. We mustn't any food.

4. There is a rule on

5. We must wear gym suits and during class.

6. We can around easily in them.

7. We must not in hallways.

8. We have to walk on the of hallways.

9. This rule prevents bumping

take turns share recess

10. We can go out to the playground during

11. Everyone should the equipment.

12. We must


13. We must sit in our on the school bus while moving.

14. We must listen to the driver's at all times.

15. We must our arms and heads inside the windows.

3. Practice Writing Longer $entences

A. Choose and complete the sentence. Discuss your choices.

. about birthday parties . about shoes . about the lunch hour . about uniforms I

1. We have a rule . We have to wear indoor shoes in the school building.

2. We have a rule . We can go outside and play after we eat sur lunch.

3. We have a rule We have to wear a white shirt under the jacket.

4. We have a rule . We have to invite everyone in our class.

+=:i=5s;=iit++*:;5i#-+i"!.i!-i.n+1!:d&:i!::*;i!;!:!rr'iir;lji!:itiii,iil:{.1tiri|rri"',... -.

. at school . in hallways . with the equipment . on our clothes I

5. We must not run around

6. We must have name tags

7. We have to take turns on the playground.

8. We must not eat junk food

B. Choose and complete the sentence using when or because. Discuss your choices.

,: . we can get wet easily during recess . we invite everyone in our class ',:.

. there are the playground rules . we get inside the school building
i +i

,j . we don't follow the school rules . everyone gets invited to the party ii

1. We can hand out birthday invitation cards only

2. I like the birthday rule the best

3. We need extra clothes

4. We have to put on indoor shoes

5. Everyone is happy on the playground

6. We will get into trouble

4. Practice Writing Details

A. Read the model essay on page 80 again. Match the idea with the details and write the letters.

a. We can change our clothes if we get wet during recess.

.rl:Dbiailg,..l: b. With this rule, we can keep the schoolfloors clean and dry.
c. We are not allowed to eat junk food at school.


1. However, we must not bring sweets, chips, soda or chocolate.

2. Also, we have to bring an extra pair of pants and socks to school.

3. The shoe rule says we have to keep two pairs of shoes, one for indoors
and the other for outdoors.
r!*:1.}_iPi:JiJ-rIiE+r+-BBE=iffi .:=:

B. Choose and write the details of the idea. Make your own sentences for question 6.

. Everyone should share the playground equipment. . We don't want to bring dirt from outside.
; We don't want to bump into one another. . We shouldn't waste any food.
. We can run and move around easily in them.


t,,w3 myst finish oy1 lyl-"|.

2. We must walk on the left side of hallways.

3. We must take turns on the playground.

4. We must wear indoor shoes in the school building.


lt*"'u:lY":'gI' :':1" l" YvT :1"::

6. We must not eat or drink in the classroom.
, i
5. Write Your Beginning Paragraph The beginning paragraph introduces the topic of the essay.

A. Discuss your topic with a partner.

1. Does your school have many rules?

2. What kind of rules are there?

3. Why do you think there are those rules?

4. Which rule do you like the best? Why?

Writing Guide Questions Beginning Paragraph of the Model Essay

. Write the theme sentence. At our school, we have severol speciol rules.

What is the first rule you want First, there is the lunch rule.
to write about?

C. Make a plan for the beginning paragraph of your essay and complete the chart.

Writing Guide Questions Beginning Paragraph of Your Essay

.Write the theme sentence. At our school, we hove

'What is the first rule you want

to write about?
6. Wfite YOUf Middlg Pafagfaph .. rhemiddtlnarasraphdescribes-themainldeaorthetopic.

A. Read the middle paragraph of the model essay on page 80 again and complete the chart.

Writing Guide Questions Middle Paragraph of the Model Essay

* Write the topic sentence.

* What other rules are there?


B. Make a plan for the middle paragraph of your essay and complete the chart.

I '., Writing Guide Questions Middle Paragraph of Your Essay

There ore afew rules obout

.What other rules are there?

7. Write Your Ending Paragraph The ending paragraph adds one last thought to the topic.

A. Read the ending paragraph of the model essay on page 80 again and complete the chart.

Ending Paragraph of the Model Essay

The lost speciol rule is the birthdoy rule.

"What rule do you like the best?

f like this rule the best because everyone gets

I' invited to the porty, and no one gets hurt.

B. Make a plan for the ending paragraph of your essay and complete the chart.

-: Writing Guide Questions Ending Paragraph of Your Essay

.What rule do you like the best?


8. Gomplete Your Essay

>> Photocopy the writing task form on page 113 and complete your essay.

Step 1 Title
Step2 Beginning Paragraph i Use the chart in Activity 5C and write it.
Step3 Middle Paragraph I Use the chart in Activity 68 and write it.
sfeo4 Ending Paragraph Use the chart in Activity 78 and write it.
Step5 Revise and Edit
1. Warm up

A. Talk about the picture and read the essay.

.:.-::--:.,:,:,: -.r ''

Ocean Cousins
Can you tell the difference between an octopus and a squid? Octopuses
and squid have many similarities, but they are very different animals. Both
octopuses and squid have eight long arms, but squid have two more tentacles.
Octopuses have a round head, but squid have a long, slender head with a
triangular fin.
Octopuses and squid share similarities and differences in their lifestyles.
Octopuses usually live on the bottom of the ocean, and they live alone in dens.
Squid live in the open water and usually travel in groups. While squid actively
hunt after fish for their food, octopuses usually sit and wait for food to come
close. Both octopuses and squid have interesting
ways to protect themselves. When they are in
danger, they change their body color to blend
with their surroundings. They also shoot out a

cloud of dark ink to confuse their predators.

Octopuses and squid are great swimmers.
They can swim in any direction and change their
course quickly. It is always fascinating to watch
them move in the water. Surely, they are two
very interesting sea animals of the Earth.

B. Discuss the questions about the essay.

1. What does an octopus look like? How about a squid?

2. Where do they live? How do they hunt?

3. Can you think of other things they have in common?

2. Practice Vocabulary

A. What do the animals look like? Look, choose and complete the sentence.

Alligat*r Elephant Butterfly

Tig*r {rorodile Manatee Moth

Lions & Tigers tassel stripes coat manc

1. Lions have a tan coat with a long tail with a black at the tip.

2. Male lions have a , but female lions don't.

3. Tigers have a long thick reddish brown with black or brown

Alligators & Crocodiles wide pointed scaly bodies

4. Alligators and crocodiles have long powerful , and thick, skin.

5. Alligators have __., round, U-shaped snouts.

6. Crocodiles have longer, ............-.., V-shaped snouts.

Elephants,&Manatees,,., trunk grayish nose wrinkled

7. Elephants have a long ....._.-....-._, and manatees have a large

8. Elephants and manatees are both _._-.-- brown and have __ -_---*__* -__* skin.

Butterflies& Moths wrngs knobs legs antennae

9. Buttedlies and moths have six and two sets of

10. Both have .-_ , but butterflies have _-_ _-attheend.

B. What are the ahimals' lifestyles like? Ghoose and complete the sentence.

1. Lions live in open and savanna. Tigers live in the and wetlands.

2. Lions are social animals, and they live in a called a pride.

3. Female lions hunt together, while male lions defend their pride's

4. Tigers live a life. They live and hunt alone.

5. Alligators are animals and live around rivers.

6. Crocodiles are animals and live where a river meets the

7. Alligators and crocodiles eat and fish.

8. Alligators can even eat large turtles because they have more powerful

9. Elephants live on land, and manatees live in water. They both live in warm

10. Elephants and manatees eat only

11. To and pull grass, elephants use their trunk and manatees use their nose.

12. Elephants and manatees have an excellent of smell and hearing.

*le*s..*Fr.igl*[ Fl€ctsf',.,'rat rj{Sht,', {ie.flat drjrins'lhsday

13. Butterflies fly around , and moths fly around

14. Butterflies and moths drink flower and other fluids.

15. When butterflies rest, their wings

16. When moths rest, their wings

3. Practice Writing Longer Sentences

A. Ghoose and complete the sentence. Discuss your choices.

. on their antennae . with a triangular fin . with black or brown stripes . like elephants

1. Squid have a long, slender head

2. Butterflies have knobs

3. Manatees have toenails

4. Tigers have a reddish brown coat

. to defend their territory . to find flowers . to grab and pull grass

5. Octopuses usually sit and wait for food

6. Elephants use their long trunks

7. Butterflies and moths fly around

8. While female lions hunt, male lions stay behind

B. Choose and complete the sentence using when, until or because. Discuss your choices.

. they see a possible prey . they have a mane

. they rest . they eat about 70 kg of grass every day
. they are in danger . they have stronger jaws than crocodlles

1. Buttedlies sit with their wings standing upright

2. Alligators can even eat large turtles

3. Manatees don't stop grazing

4. Male lions look larger than female lions

5. Tigers sneak up on their prey quietly

_, octopuses change their color and hide in their surroundings.

4. Practice Writing Details

A. Read the model essay on page 88 again. Match the idea with the details and write the letters.
, r-|

a. When they are in danger, they change their color to blend with their surroundings. .::

b. Octopuses usually live on the bottom of the ocean, and they live alone in dens. i
c. They can swim in any direction and change their course quickly. il
d. They also shoot out a cloud of dark ink to confuse their predators. i
e. Squid live in the open water and usually travel in groups.
f. While squid actively hunt after fish for their food, octopuses usually sit and wait for i
food to come close. i

g. lt is always fascinating to watch them move in the water. ?


ldea Details

1. Octopuses and squid share similarities and differences in their lifestyles.

2. Both octopuses and squid have interesting ways to protect themselves.

3. Octopuses and squid are great swimmers.

B. Ghoose and write the details of the idea. Make your own sentences for question 4.
! . Eagles have a bigger body than hawks. . They have excelleni eyesight to spot their prey.
,f . They use their talons to catch and kill their prey. . They dive towards their prey at great speed.
. Eagles have a longer wingspan than hawks. . They can dive at a speed of '100 miles per hour.

ldea Details

1. Eagles and hawks are different
mainly in size.

2. Eagles and hawks share many

similarities in hunting style.

3. Eagles and hawks are fast divers.


4. lt's wonderfulto watch them fly.

5. Write Your tseginning Paragraph The beginning paragraph introduces the topic of the essay.

A. Discuss your topic with a partner.

1. Which two animals do you want to compare?

2. What do they look like? Do they look similar? Do they look different?

3. What are their lifestyles like? Are they similar? Are they different?

4. How do you feel about the two animals?

B. Read the beginning paragraph of the model essay on page 88 again and complete the chart.

Writing Guide Questions Beginning Paragraph of the Model gs"V

. Choose two animals to be Can you tell tha dlfferylce bgtwee_n gn octo-p_r1s
ond o squid?

. What do they look like? Octopuses gnd sguid have, mgny s{pil9f!.iei. blln

Do they look similar? they are very dlfferglt, o1!mgls_,, ,

Do they look different?

C. Make a plan for the beginning paragraph of your essay and complete the chart.

Beginning Paragraph of Your Essay

, * Choose two animals to be Can you tell the difference between


; *What do they look like?

Do they look similar?

r Do they look different?

6. Write Your Middle Paragraph The middle paragrapl'r describes the main idea of the topic.

A. Read the middle paragraph of the model essay on page 88 again and complete the chart.

'What are the animals' lifestyles

Are they similar?
Are they different?
Write 2 or 3 things and explain.

B. Make a plan for the middle paragraph of your essay and complete the chart.

:- Writing Guide Questions ii Middle Paragraph of Your Essay

*Write the topic sentence. ond

similarities and differences in their lifestyles.

.What are the animals' lifestyles

Are they similar?
Are they different?
Write 2 or 3 things and explain.
7. Write Your Ending Paragraph The ending paraEraph adds one last thought to the topic.

A. Read the ending paragraph of the model essay on page 88 again and complete the chart.

Ending Paragraph of the Model fssay

*What other similarities or Octopuses ond squid ore greot swimmers.

differences do the animals


What do you think about the Su1ely, they are-two very

" intelestlng seo
two animals?
the Earth.

B. Make a plan for the ending paragraph of your essay and complete the chart.

Ending Paragraph of Your Essay

.What other similarities or

differences do the animals

.What do you think about the

two animals?

8. Complete Your Essay

>> Photocopy the writing task form on page 113 and complete your essay.

Step I Title Write the title of your essay.

: Use the chart in Activity 5C and write it.
Step3 Middle Paragraph : Use the chart in Activity 68 and write it.

ijt4 E!u!1sl13gr1grr : Use the chart in Activity 78 and write it.

Step5 Revise and Edit . Read your essay and make necessary changes.
-..., .-.4.--..-.--, - -.---. -
1. Warm up

A. Talk about the picture and read the essay.



Hekla is a famous mountain in my country. It is not the highest, but it

is the best known. Hekla is located in the south of Iceland, and it is 1,491 m
high. It looks grand and beautiful from far away. It is almost always capped
with snow and clouds. Hekla is a great place to visit if you're in the
southern part of Iceland.
Hekla is a wonderful place all year around. It is a good place to go
hiking and climbing in the summer. There are easy paths, and it takes
about three or four hours to get to the top. In the spring, people enjoy
skiing on Hekla. There are ski slopes around the rim of the ctatet.
What people like to do in the winter is ride a snowcat to the
top of Hekla. A snowcat looks like a truck and a tank.
I love Hekla very much, but it scares me too.
It is not an ordinary mountain. It is a
volcano! The last time it erupted was in
the year 2000. No one knows
when Hekla will erupt

B. Discuss the questions about the essay.

1. Where is Hekla? How high is it?

2. What do people do there in the summer? ln the spring? ln the winter?

3. What is a snowcat?

4. Why is Jens scared of Hekla?


2. Practice Vocabulary

A. Where is the mountain? What does it look like? Choose and complete the sentence.

erater lake Jeju lsland highest

1. Hallasan is located on -* _, South Korea.

2. lt is 1,950 m high. lt is the -*- mountain in South Korea.

3. There is a at the summit.

icon Brazil cable car

4. Sugarloaf Mountain is located in Rio de Janeiro, - --...-. --,.-.-.

5. lt is only 396 m high, but it is an - -,- of the city.

6. There is a -*-- - line running to the summit.

mountain range summit Arizona

7. The White Mountains are located in the eastern part of

8. They are the second highest in the state.

9. The highest is 3,475 m high.

coast eruption volcanoes

1 0. Mt. Etna is located on the east - - -, - of Sicily, ltaly.

1'1. lt is one of the most active in the world.

12. The latest was in 2008.

cone-shaped most visited Holy

13. Mount Fuji is one of the "Three - Mountains" in Japan.

14.|t is an almost symmetrical -- " mountain.

15. lt is one of the mountains in the world.

B. What can you bee or do in the mountains? Look, choose and complete the sentence.

go r:ock climbing go hiking and,cl1ry1b;nn , go campingr go skiing and snowmobiting

wild flowers cable'car whole city sunset relax

1. We can in the mountains.

2. We can enjoy the ride to the summit.

3. We can on the cliff.

4. We can in the mountains.

5. We can in the mountains.

6. We can by the streams of the mountains.

7. We can watch the from the mountain.

8. We can enjoy seeing the from the mountain.

9. We can see and animals around the hiking trails.

3, Practice Writing Longer $entenoes

A. Choose and complete the sentence. Discuss your choices.

J.._ JEb\'

*'i:1.1tirfr. to the top of the mountain . in my country . with snow and clouds . of hiking trails

1. Hekla is a famous mountain

2. The mountain is capped

3. People like to ride a cable car

4. The mountain has 10 kilometers all around.

. to climb to the summit . to see the beautiful scenery from above

. to visit allyear around . to explore the mountain

5. The mountain is a great place

6. lt takes three hours

7. People ride a cable car

8. Hiking is a popular way

B. Choose and complete the sentence using and,but or because. Discuss your choices.
#r.ll* f*

. its latest eruption was in 2000 . it takes about three or four hours to get to the top
. cliffs can be steep and dangerous . there are always many things to do there
. it is the best known . you will love the view from the summit,i,?.fffi*l.aiaa]:i:q!:1L:Itjli}5i:+:,f 1l:iii.'.iiiiii'

1. It is not the highest,

2. There are easy paths,

3. Rock climbing is not for beginners

4. lt is an active volcano,

5. lt is not easy to climb to the top,

6. People love the mountain

4. Practice Writing Details

A. Read the model essay on page 96 again. Match the idea with the detaib and write the letters.

:, lt is a volcano! :..

. b. There are ski slopes around the rim of the crater. l::

i :::.1.'..:,r:..::..,,i.,:: c.
'l erupted was in the year 2OOO.
The last time it ur":':"*:::-:::1
',I1. ffiB.i.i -'rdu.rrrrrtirr .,^ hours.^,^^^++^+L^+^^ i
r,,.i:.,rt:lii]a,..:. d. There are easy paths, and it takes about-:::-
three or four -L^ to get to the top. ,::
:i: e. A snowcat looks like a truck and a tank. 1,


f. No one knows when Hekla will erupt again.


ldea Details I

1. It is a good place to go hiking and climbing in the summer.

: 2.ln the spring, people enjoy skiing on Hekla.

3. What people like to do in the winter is ride a snowcat to the top of Hekla.

4. lt is not an ordinary mountain.

B. Choose and write the details of the idea. Make your own sentences for question 4.

,1 . EverV tourist wants to ride it, , lt is only 396 m high.


, . You have to do rock climbing there. . lt runs every 20 minutes.

: . lt is not very high, but it is an icon of the city. . lt is not for beginners.

ldea Details

1. Sugarloaf Mountain is a famous ia

mountain in Rio de Janeiro. 1b

2. There is a cable car line to the

summit of the mountain.

3. There is a difficult trail to the top.

4. lt is the mountain everyone loves.

5. Write Your Beginning Paragraph The beginninE paragraph introduces the topic of the essay

A. Discuss your topic with a partner.

1. What is a famous mountain in your country?

2. Where is it? What does it look like?

3. What can you see and do there?

4. How do you feel about the mountain?

B. Read the beginning paragraph of the model essay on page 96 again and complete the chart.

:-: Writing Guide Questions Beginning Paragraph of the Model Essay

Hg!!o.i,q o fom9y1 mgynloi1 co!l-|ll.y_,

"What is a famous mountain .

in your country?
f! is not tle n!gfg{, by! it is thebesj lngryn,
Where is the mountain?
How high is it?
What does it look like?

C. Make a plan for the beginning paragraph of your essay and complete the chart.

, ,: Writing Guide Questions Beginning Paragraph of Your Essay

*What is a famous mountain is o fomous mountoin in my country.

in your country?
Where is the mountain?
How high is it?
What does it look like?
6. Write Your Middle Paragraph The rniddle paragraph describes the main idea of the topic.

A. Read the middle paragraph of the model essay on page 96 again and complete the chart.

wiitlrg e*a" cr";ti;;; t;

Middle Paragraph of the Model Essay
. Write the topic sentence.
:' Hekla is o wonderful ploce oll year oround.

u what can you see and do in the rt ls ! good efale to 9o hiking and climlil9 ln th3 ll.**"1,
Write 2 or 3 things and explain.


ii fn the spring, people enjoy skiing on Heklo.

do in the winter is ride o snowcat

to the top of Heklo.

B. Make a plan for the middle paragraph of your essay and complete the chart.

Middle Paragraph of Your Essay

. Writ" the topic sentence. is a wonderful ploce oll yeor oround
* What can you see and do in the
Write 2 or 3 things and explain.
7. Write Your Ending Paragraph The ending paragraph adds one last thought to the topic.

A. Read the ending paragraph of the model essay on page 96 again and complete the chart.

i :.t Writing Guide Questions Ending Paragraph of the Model Essay

. How do you feel about the I lgve- Hello y9ry.9119h, buJ it-:c_glgs me
ft is not on ordinory mountoin.

B. Make a plan for the ending paragraph of your essay and complete the chart.

Writing Guide Questions Ending Paragraph of Your Essay

. How do you feel about the


8. Complete Your Essay

>> Photocopy the writing task form on page 1 13 and complete your essay.

Step 1 Title i wrlte the title of your essay.

step2 Beginning Faragraph
Step3 Middle Paragraph
Step4 Ending Paragraph Use the chart in Activity 78 and write it.
Step5 Revise and Edit Read your essay and make necessary changes,
1. Warm up

A. Talk about the picture and read the essay.

Magnus Scheving the Sporticus

A famous person from my country is Magnus Scheving. He is a famous
gymnast, and he won several world competitions. Today, he is most well
known for his work for children.
Magnus Scheving encourages kids to live healthy and active lifestyles.
He wrote the book, Go, C,o LazgTbun!, for children. The book is about a
superhero, Sporticus. He teaches children about healthy eating
and physical fitness. He also teaches about sharing and being
kind to others. Magnus Scheving is also on the television show
for children,l,a.zgTbton. He plays Sporticus himself on the
show. Now, children all over the world can watch him on
television. In addition to the show, Magnus Scheving visits
schools and other places regularly. He wants to tell kids about
the importance of healthy living.
Magnus Scheving inspires me to live a
healthy life. I want to be healthy and active
just like him. I am proud that he is world-
famous, and we are both from the same
country, Iceland.

B. Discuss the questions about the essay.

1. Who is Magnus Scheving?

2. What is he famous for?

3. What does he encourage children to do?

4. How does Jens feel about Magnus Scheving?

2. Practice Vocabulary

A. Who is a famous person from your country? Choose and complete the sentence.

iecn' niekname saeeerplayer

1. Edison Arantes do Nascimento is a famous

from Brazil and a soccer of the world.

2. He is better known by his Pele.

instruments astronorner Joseon Dynasty

3. Jang Yeong-sil was a scientist and during the

of Korea.

4. He is famous for inventing many scientific

the Atlantic Ocean exp€rien-€si

5. Amelia Earhart from America was the first woman

6. She wrote best-selling books on her flying

dying ,,,, ,.,11U11: ,, '. 'lndia

7. Mother Teresa was a Roman Catholic from Albania.

8. She worked all her life helping the poor, sick and

people throughout and in other countries.

movernent leader', ..,'..,:,sp,eech.,.,

9. Maftin Luther King Jr. was a __ in the civil rights

in America.

'10. He is famous for his "l Have a Dream"

B. What does or did the person do? Choose and complete the sentence.

1. Pele is "The King of Football" of the world, and a of Brazil.

2. He made during his career as a professional soccer player.

3. He became the of the world.

4. He helped to improve the of the poor children in Brazil.

, but he became a great scientist.

6. He built a to study the courses of the sun, the moon and stars in the sky.

7. He invented water clocks and

8..He invented the water gauge and the too.

9. Amelia Earhart was twelve years old when she saw an airplane

10. She became the first woman pilot to cross the Atlantic Ocean

11. She other women to follow their dreams.

12. She wrote the book, 20 Hr, 40 Min., about her across the Atlantic Ocean.

13. Mother Teresa took her

14. She served poor and people all her life.

15. She the Missionaries of Charity in 1950.

16. She received the in 1979.

3. Practice tYriting Longer Sentences

A. Choose and complete the sentence. Discuss your choices.

. oroUhd the world . for his great inventions . on the show . by his nickname, Pele

1. He plays Sporticus himself

2. He is very famous

3. She helped poor and sick people

4. He is better known

. to be treated equally . to live heatthy lifestyles . to go after my dreams . to achieve their goals

5. He encourages children

6. They inspire me

7. She helped other women

8. He wanted everyone

B. Choose and complete the sentence using and,because or when. Discuss your choices.

. she saw an airplane for the first time . he had many great talents
. he won severalworld competitiong r she quickly began taking flying lessons
. she heard and understood God's call . he was a teenager

1. He is a famous gymnast,

2. She became a nun

3. She was thrilled by her first plane ride,

4. She was 12 years old

5. He was hired by the king

6. He began playing for minor-league clubs

4. Practice llUriting Details

A. Read the model essay 0n page lM again. Match the iGa with the detaits and write the letters.

a. Now, children all over the world can watch him on television.
b. He wants to tell kids about the importance of healthy living.
c. He teaches children about healthy eating and physical fitness.
d. He also teaches about sharing and being kind to others.
e. He plays Sporticus himself on the show.
f. The book is about a superhero, Sporticus.


1. He wrote the book, Go, Go LazyTown!, for children.

2. Magnus Scheving is also on the television show for children, LazyTown.

3. ln addition to the show, Magnus Scheving visits schools and other

places regularly.

B. Ghoose and write the details of the idea. Make your own sentences for question 4.

. The speech is about living in racial harmony. a It is on January 15, on his birthday.
. He was a leader in a civil rights movement. a He was also a pastor of a Baptist church.
. Many people were inspired by his speech. It became a national holiday in 1986.


1. Martin Luther King Jr. is a famous

person from America.

2. He is famous for his "l Have a

Dream" speech.

3. We celebrate Martin Luther King

Day every year.

4. He made a difference in the world.

5. Write Your Beginning Paragraph The beginning paragraph introduces the topic of the essay.

A. Discuss your topic with a partner.

1. Who is a famous person from your country?

2. What is he or she famous for?

3. What did he or she do?

4. How do you feel about him or her?

B. Read the beginning paragraph of the model essay on page 104 again and complete the chart.

Writing Guide Questions Beginning Paragraph of the Model Essay


. Who is a famous person from i, n fo*ous person f rom my country is Mognus

your country?

. What is the person famous for? He i1 o gymnast, and he won severcl world


c. Make a plan for the beginning paragraph of your essay and complete the chart.
'-.: Writing Guide Questions Beginning Paragraph of Your Essay

* Who is a famous person from

your country?

i . What is the person famous for?

6, Write Your Middle Paragraph The middle paraEraph describes the main idea of the topic

A. Read the middle paragraph of the model essay on page 104 again and complete the chart.

I + Writing Guide Questions Middle Paragraph of the Model Essay

. Write the topic sentence.

rWhat did the person do?

Write 2 or 3 things and

B. Make a plan for the middle paragraph of your essay and complete the chart.

i + Writing Guide Questions l

Middle Paragraph of Your Essay
.Write the topic sentence.

eWhat did the person do?

Write 2 or 3 things and
7. Write Your Ending Paragraph The ending paragraph adds one last thought to the topic.

A. Read the ending paragraph of the model essay on page 104 again and complete the chart.

Writing Guide Qu"rtion, Ending Paragraph of the Model Essay

. How do you feel about the Mognus Scheving inspires me to live o heolthy life.

B. Make a plan for the ending paragraph of your essay and complete the chart.

Writing Guide Questions Ending Paragraph of Your Essay

, " How do you feel about the

; person?

8. Complete Your Essay

>> Photocopy the writing task form on page 1 13 and complete your essay.

9l"rl -ri!9 i y:1Pl!"_!tr:_'f v_o_!IgT-lv_

:!:q? -B9_sitl'ls ryIlql?gh ; $91!? ?l3ftu:1iy'tvJ! ldwitelt
Step3 Middle Paragraph Use the chart in Activity 68 and write it.
,** **lirR***r*.{.{4.;'.5*Er*iri(*, p4{gl .xn' f '1r* ,l t*
Unitl tlamgl

i> Follffi the steps:and complete your es$ay.

Step'l' Title Write the tifle of Your essaY.

;;t B";iilirsi;;il;ph i U." in"
Activitv 5c and write it

Unitl . t{ amei Datel

>> Follow the steps and eomplete your essay.

st€p1.,Iiue Writethe titlerof your essay.

Step 2 Beginning ParagraPh Use the chart in Activity 5C and write it.
$tep3 Middle Paragraph . Use the ehari in Activity6B and write it.

Step4 Ending ParagraPh Use the chart in Activity 78 and write it

$tepS Revise and Edit Flead.your essay and make n€cessary changes.

photocopiable a e-future 2010

. words for describing countries . prepositional phrases wilh around, in, of, on,

Descrlptive . oceans and continents and with

lllly Country
Essay . words related to landscapes and . comparative sentences with as-as and

climate comparatives

. words related to popular websites . prepositional phrases with for of, and on
My Favorite Descriptive
!'i*= Website Essay
for children . comparative sentences with as-as
. activities websites offer . complex sentences wilh after
i"-*-,--.*-" "-'-"'-:

. words related to seasons and . prepositional phrases wilh about

My Favarite Descriptive
weather . usage of so and such
Season Essay
. activities related to seasons . complex sentences wilh as and when

. family members and relatives

. prepositional phrases wilh around, at, on,
: . words related to popular gift items
Th* Best Gift tver : under, and with
. words for describing parts of popular
,. . complex sentences wilh when
gift items

. weekend places and activities

. to-infinitives
Narrative . adjectives describing feelings
ii$'l:l l-astweekend
Essay . words and phrases related to weekend
. bare infinitives
iili''ri,i,ij i
i . complex sentences with because


. to-infinitives
My Sumrner or Expository . words and phrases related t0 summer
. prepositional phrases with for
Winter 0oals Essay or winter vacation activities
. complex sentences wilh before
M Writing, completing the series for
is the following series to My First
multi-paragraph essay writing. ln book students learn to write a
cohesive paragraph that includes a topic sentence, body, and a closing sentence. ln
books 2 and 3, students expand their ideas and develop their writing into multi-paragraph
essays. Paragraph and essay writing is guided through a comprehensive step-by-step
approach with the use of model essays. The series covers a wide range of interesting
topics so that students can practice and develop various writing skills along the way.

'o lnteresting Writing Topics

q UsefulVocabulary in Meaningful Chunks
*e, Activities for Writing Longer and More Cohesive Sentences
'r Activities for Writing ldeas and Details
+ Comprehensive Step-by-Step Guide to Paragraph and Essay Writing

e Student Book 1 2 3
.*'Teacher's Manual 'l 2 3

for downloadable resources;
MP3 files, worksheets, and
answer keys.

For young EFL beginners, be sure to pick up My First Writing!

"l'i',.- ,,
rsBN 978-89-5635-462-0

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