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Contents The Dungeon Coach

Medium Humanoid
Alkander’s Enchanting System 3
Enchanting..................................................................................... 3
Email thedungeoncoach@gmail.com
Enchanted Scrolls........................................................................ 5 Discord https://discord.gg/NpU932E
Traps, Riddles, & Puzzles 12 Facebook https://facebook.com/thedungeoncoach

Traps................................................................................................ 12 Resources for dungeon masters

Riddles............................................................................................ 14 YouTube. The Dungeon Coach YouTube Channel
Puzzles..............................................................................................15 I create weekly videos every Sunday to help make your
games more creative and more fun!
Mystic Arcanum 17 https://www.youtube.com/thedungeoncoach

Adventuring Gear 20 Past PDFs –Check out the other content I’ve published. I
will keep making more and more of my documents available
Dynamic Creature Appendix 23 online from my large list of homebrew content!

Bonus Level Up Perks 30

Support my work
Patreon. If you like the stuff I have here as digital resources
and want ALL of those and MORE, think about supporting
me over on Patreon!

I have many resources and you can get involved with what
I do over on my YouTube Channel too! Including Multiple
Reward Tiers and a GREAT community!
Creator: The Dungeon Coach (Alan Bjorkgren)
Playbook Captain / Lead Editor: Andrew Barnes
Playbook Layout / Formatting: Mark MacPherson
Project Managers: Andrew Barnes, Evan Bosco, Purius
Notice of Open Game Content: This work Uses Open Game Content pursuant to the Open Game
Art Captains: AvalonInk, ScatterbuG License, version 1.0a. and may be Used only under and in terms of that license. No portion of this
work other than the material designated as Open Game Content may be reproduced or used in any
Homebrew Council: Purius, Pagnabros, DarkAbyssKeeper form or fashion without written permission.

Product Identity: The following are hereby identified and designated as Product Identity, as
Creator Crew defined in the Open Game License version 1.0a, Section 1(e), and are not Open Game Content:
Pros: Nexus_2u DC Playbook, The Dungeon Coach, The Dungeon Company, The Dungeon Coach LLC, all The
Varsity: Schyler Fontenot, Andrej Panfilov, VitaminB, Reno Dungeon Coach product and product line names, logos and identifying marks including trade dress;
artifacts; creatures; characters; stories, story lines, plots, thematic elements, dialogue, incidents,
Jackson, Nemanja Radović, Elliott B, ArdisFoxx Art, ZackFMF language, artwork, symbols, designs, depictions, likenesses, formats, poses, concepts, themes
JV: DMTip and graphic, photographic and other visual or audio representations; names and descriptions of
characters, spells, enchantments, personalities, teams, personas, likenesses and special abilities;
places, locations, environments, creatures, equipment, magical or supernatural abilities or effects,
Art Crew logos, symbols or graphic designs; and any other trademark or registered trademark. Content that
Pros: Wasserbienchen has previously been designated as Open Game Content or is in the public domain is not included in
Varsity: UnderCatt3000, Victronicon, ArdisFoxx Art, this designation.
Pedro Lima Designation of Open Game Content: Subject to the Product Identity Designation herein, the
JV: James_Ech, Tartankiwi following material is designated as Open Game Content. (1) all material required to be Open Game
Content as part of the game rules, or previously released as Open Game Content, (2) all material
previously released as Open Game Content, (3) all previously released Open Game Content,
Editing Crew material required to be Open Game Content under the terms of the Open Game License, and public
Varsity: Evan Bosco, Andrej Panfilov, Schyler Fontenot domain material anywhere in the text.

DC Playbook, Copyright © 2021, The Dungeon Coach, The Dungeon Coach LLC. All rights reserved.
Version 1.0
Not for resale or redistribution. Permission given to print or copy for personal use only


Traps, Riddles, & Puzzles
Traps Tweaks: You can adjust the way each trap works in a multitude
of ways, ranging from doors blocking the exit, to angry
dungeon denizens springing to action as trespassers are
Acrobat’s Folly spotted. This can change the way some of the clues are placed
Hallway with a gap jump that’s an Illusion + combustible poison gas. within the corridor, altering how the trap can be avoided.
Of course, you can also
Setup: A 50ft-long, 5ft-wide corridor sports a 20ft-long pit in make the pit be real,
the middle. The ceiling is 20ft-high. The pit looks as if it’s rather than illusory,
30ft-deep, with sharp spikes at the bottom of it. 7ft above the but think about
pit, two horizontal bars are placed 10ft between each other. resources expended
They look sound, as if the way forward is to swing across to build such an
from bar to bar. obstacle instead of
In reality, the pit is actually only 3ft-deep, has no spikes at the applying relatively
bottom, and an illusion is placed above it that makes it look simple magic.
deeper and more dangerous than it is.
Trigger: Each bar activates a separate trap when more than
20lbs of pressure is applied to it. An Acrobatics Check is
required to latch onto a bar.
• First bar: A trapdoor opens on the ceiling directly above
the pit and releases a poison cloud into the corridor. Each
creature within 10ft of the pit must make a Con Save.
Failure: A creature takes Poison damage and is Poisoned
for 1 hour. Success: A creature takes half damage and is not
• Second bar: A small iron rod jutting from the center of the
pit releases a spark, causing the poison cloud to catch fire.
Each creature within 10ft of the pit must make a Dex Save.
Failure: A creature takes Fire damage. Success: A
creature takes half damage.
Counters/Prevention: An Investigation Check is
required to decipher that the pit’s dangerous
visage is an illusion. It can also be checked
manually by throwing something down the
pit, touching the illusion’s surface, etc. This
can either grant ADV on the Investigation
Check or reveal the illusion’s existence.
Once the illusion is deciphered, the sparking
rod at the bottom of the pit can also be
seen clearly.
Small chutes are located on the walls at
the edges of the bars. Whenever sufficient
weight is applied to a bar, it sinks a little
lower, traveling down the chute. These can
be spotted by making a Perception Check.
The trapdoor on the ceiling can be spotted
with a higher Perception Check.
A PC might fail the Acrobatics Check and
fall into the pit outright, revealing it to be
an illusion.


Puzzles Once the last gem is placed in the correct pattern, an audible
grinding sound echoes through the room as the door
slides open.
Colorful Gems Hints/Clues: Alternate solutions to solve the puzzle open up if
A series of gems that need to be correctly socketed into a pedestal in you don’t require one of each color on the diagonals. A check
order to proceed. could hint at some history or lore about a young ruler that
Setup: This puzzle is located on a podium in the middle of lived here at one time and had four favorite colors. They’d
a room in a dungeon, the way forward blocked by a giant decorate the nearby rooms with alternating stripes, but not
sealed door. On the podium is a large square stone faceplate necessarily in the same order for each room.
with 4 smaller square quadrants etched into it. Each smaller Tweaks: You can have these gems all be of the same kind
square is further broken down into 4 more squares, creating (eg. all sapphires, but a variety of colors) or different types
a 4x4 square arrangement. Three gems are shown socketed of gems, such as rubies, emeralds, sapphires, and topaz. The
into one square each, as shown below (colors added to show important thing is that these gems are each of the same size
the quadrants). and cut and vary only in color. To make it easier for your
party, you can have more gems start out socketed into their
respective squares.
- - - Green This makes an excellent puzzle to spread across multiple
sessions. Perhaps the party cannot solve this puzzle when first
- Blue - - discovered because they haven’t come across the gems. Later
on, sacks of gems that were looted by others are recovered
Yellow - - - by the party.

- - - - If you have a player that is proficient with a jeweler’s kit that

has raw gems of identical color, they could possibly create the
correct cut for each gem, at the GM’s discretion, which is a
great way to reward creativity and use of resources.
The socketed gems are blue, green, and yellow, each of which
cannot be removed and look to be the same size, shape, and
cut. The missing 13 squares appear to have empty spots that
you can socket gems into. These 13 gems can be found either
throughout the large room with an extensive search, or
perhaps in previous rooms or on various NPCs throughout
the dungeon. There are 16 total gems, 4 of each color: blue,
green, red, and yellow.
Resolution: The solution is to have one of each color in each
row, column, full diagonal, and quadrant. Once a matching
row or column of 4 is filled in correctly, stop the group and
interject that the 4 stones glow together for a second before
dimming back down. This will give them a good hint as they
discover that it has something to do with the order of colors
within each row and column. This pulsing can continue if
they don’t catch on that one of their lines was correct. First the
group must acquire the stones as determined by you, and then
once all are in hand, they can socket them into the appropriate
position. One possible solution is shown below (though there
may be alternate solutions).

Red Yellow Blue Green

Green Blue Yellow Red

Yellow Red Green Blue

Blue Green Red Yellow


Mystic Arcanum
Aquatic Blast
Cantrip, Evocation
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: 60ft
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
You send a concussive blast of water at another
creature that you can see. The target must
make a Str Save. Failure: The creature takes
1d6 Bludgeoning damage and is pushed back
5ft. If the creature takes Lightning damage
before the end of its next turn, it takes an
extra 1d6 Lightning damage.
This spell’s Bludgeoning and Lightning damage
increases by 1d6 when you reach 5th level (2d6),
11th level (3d6), and 17th level (4d6).

Arcane Reignition Corpse Bomb

3rd-level, Evocation 2nd-level, Necromancy
Casting Time: Special Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: 30ft Range: 30ft
Component: Special Component: V, S, M (a corpse made of flesh and blood)
Duration: Special Duration: Instantaneous
You attempt to reignite the magic of a spell that ended within
the last round. Make a Spell Check using your spellcasting The corpse of a creature, that is not an Undead or Construct,
ability (DC = 10 + the spell’s level). Success: You reignite the that you can see within range explodes in a burst of gore. Each
magic of the spell. When you reignite the magic of a spell, creature within 10ft of the corpse must make a Dex Save.
you treat it as a new casting of the spell with you as the caster Failure: The creature takes 5d6 Necrotic damage Success: A
using the same casting time and spell components required. creature takes half damage.

With enough information and research you might be able At higher levels: If you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd-
to reignite old spells from faint traces, or activate magical level or higher, the damage increases by 2d6 for each slot
properties that have long dissipated. level above 2nd.

DC Tip: Let them attempt to re-ignite a spell that is within

the last minute but have them make the check at DisADV or
add +5 to the DC. 5th-level, Evocation
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: Self (120ft line)
Components: V, S, M (a piece of obsidian worth 200gp)
Duration: Instantaneous
You blend fire and rock into a destructive force, tearing
apart the earth in bursts of flame and dirt in a 10ft-wide,
and 120ft-long line along the ground. Each creature in the
line must make a Con Save. Failure: The creature takes 4d6
Fire damage and 4d6 Bludgeoning damage, and is knocked
Prone. Success: The creature takes half damage and is not
knocked Prone.
At Higher Levels: If you cast this spell using a spell slot of
6th-level or higher, the Fire and Bludgeoning damage each
increases by 1d6 for each spell slot above 5th.


Equalizer Sling Messenger’s Bottle
Wondrous Sling (Attunement by a Small creature) Wondrous Trinket
This magic sling can help the smallest of heroes defeat the A creature holding this bottle can cast Message at will. When
biggest of foes. While wielding this sling, you are considered used in this way, the bottle disappears and reappears within
proficient and can use your Action to choose a creature within 5ft of the target, with the message written on a piece of
60ft of you that you can see. You fire a sling bullet that impacts parchment tucked inside.
its target with the force of a 5ft-radius boulder. The target
must make a DC 14 Dex Save. A creature that is Medium or
smaller has ADV on the Save. Failure: The creature takes
3d12 Bludgeoning damage. Success: The creature takes half
damage. You can use this ability once per long rest.

Eye Drops of Night

Wondrous Potion
This vial of clear liquid is furnished with a convenient
dropper. It has 5 uses. A creature that applies the eye drops
gains Darkvision 120ft for the next 8 hours. The creature also
has Sunlight Sensitivity while the effect persists.

Magician’s Hat
Wondrous Trinket (Attunement)
This hat has been used to pull off all sorts of tricks. While wearing this hat, you get ADV on saves and checks made to resist or
escape being Restrained or Grappled. While you have this hat in your possession, you can use an Action to reach into the hat and
pull free one of the following:
• A familiar in the form of a rabbit that follows your mental commands and acts per Find Familiar. After 1 hour, or when reduced
to 0 HP, the rabbit disappears in a poof of smoke.
• A simple or martial weapon of any type, which you can immediately attack with. You are considered proficient with this weapon
and have ADV on the attack roll. Immediately after the attack, the weapon disappears in a fiery display.
• An invisible figure dressed in a magician’s assistant’s outfit. Aside from being clothed, this figure acts as if you had cast Unseen
Servant. After 10 minutes, or when reduced to 0 HP, it disappears in a poof of smoke.
• A bouquet of flowers worth 1sp.
You can use each of these features once, and must take a long rest to do so again.


Tommyknocker Lantern (1): Melee Attack +5 to hit, 1d8+3 Bludgeoning damage.
If the target is a flammable object, it is set aflame.
Small Fey
Throwing Stones (1): Ranged Attack 60ft +5 to hit, 1d8+3

AC: 13
Bludgeoning damage.
HP: 50 Knock: The tommyknocker knocks on stone within 5ft of it,
Speed: 30ft, burrow 30ft filling other creatures with a sense of imminent danger. Each
— creature within 60ft of the tommyknocker must make a DC 14
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Cha Save. Failure: The creature must use its Reaction to move
+3 +3 +3 0 +4 +3
up to its speed in any direction away from the tommyknocker. A

Prof. Bonus: +2 creature immune to being Charmed or Frightened automatically
Saves: Str +5, Dex +5, Con +5 succeeds on the save.
Senses: Darkvision 120ft, Tremorsense 60ft Spellcasting: Charisma (+5 to hit, DC 13)
Languages: Common, Sylvan, Telepathy 120ft
At Will: Guidance, Invisibility (self only), Light, Resistance
CR: 4
Tremors (1/day): The tommyknocker causes a tremor within
— 30ft of itself. Each creature touching the ground within range
Dynamic Features must make a DC 14 Str Save. Failure: The creature takes 4d8
Passives/ Auras Bludgeoning damage and is knocked Prone. Success: The
creature takes half damage and is not knocked Prone. If the
Avoidance: If the tommyknocker is subjected to an effect that
tommyknocker uses this ability inside of a cave or cavern, it
allows it to make a save to take only half damage, it instead takes
also causes rocks to fall. Each creature within 60ft of the
no damage if it succeeds on the save, and only half damage
tommyknocker that is also inside the cave must make a DC 14
if it fails.
Dex Save. Failure: The creature takes 6d8 Bludgeoning damage.
Earth Glide: The tommyknocker can burrow through earth and Success: The creature takes half damage.
stone. While doing so, the tommyknocker doesn’t disturb the
material it moves through. Bonus Actions
Knocker’s Warning: The tommyknocker warns a friendly
Strengths creature within 60ft of it of danger. The creature’s movement
Immunities: Charmed, Frightened speed increases by 5ft until the end of its next turn. In addition
Resistances: Bludgeoning, Piercing, Slashing to this, the creature can add a d4 to the next save or check it
makes within the next minute.
Vulnerabilities: Thunder
Earthen Wall: The tommyknocker raises a wall that gives it 3/4
Actions cover against a ranged attack that would hit it. To do so, the
tommyknocker must see the attacker. The 5ft x 5ft wall stays in
Mulitattack (2)
its place.
Pickaxe (1): Melee Attack +5 to hit, 1d8+3 Piercing damage
Phase Through Rock: As a Reaction to the tommyknocker
and the target’s movement speed is halved until the end of its
taking Bludgeoning damage from being struck by stone or earth,
next turn.
it reduces the damage to 0.

Revered by miners, tommyknockers live deep within
caverns, especially those that are frequented by humanoids,
and provide protection and mischief to the visitors of their
homes. These little fey, that look like a mixture of a gnome
and a mole with big ears and green skin, are known to steal
tools one day, and then warn miners of a danger the next day.
Every so often, however, a malicious one turns up, resulting
in deadly cave-ins that leave devastation in their wake.


OPEN GAME LICENSE Version 1.0a indicate compatibility or co-­‐‑adaptability with any Trademark or
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2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content that Rodney Thompson, Peter Lee, James Wyatt, Robert J. Schwalb,
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