9Th English Test First Term: Cousins Dad Best Friend Sister Uncle Brother Mum Wife Aunt English

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NAME: Juan Jose Rivas Ramirez GRADE: 9/2

1) Read and complete the text with the words from the table. You can choose each word only once. Then
answer the next questions.

cousins dad best friend sister

parents uncle brother grandpa

mum wife grandparents teammates

aunt English grandma Australia

Hello! My name is Sara and this is my favourite photo. This is my brother James. My sister Jessica, likes to make
funny faces. We live in a big house with our (1) Dad in London. We like doing many activities at the
weekends. I enjoy riding my bike in the park. My (2)Mum is very beautiful and she has long blonde
hair. My (3) Brother has short black hair and he likes swimming. My grandparents live next to our house.
We eat all together every Sunday at their house. They have a big backyard and my grandpa likes to play football
with my dad and my brother. My mum makes all the food with my (4) Sister. We sometimes call
my mum’s sister who doesn’t live with us in Britain. They live in Australia which is 20 hours far away from us. My
(5) Aunt and my uncle come in Britain every two years and they have got two children, Mary and John. Mary
is 10 years old and John is only 6 years old. He speaks (6) English very well. I miss my
(7) Cousins a lot and I can’t wait to play table games with them again. My dad’s brother is Nick and his (8) Wife is
Mary. They live in Italy. My (9) Bestfriend comes and sleeps with me every Saturday. Her name is Helen and she
is very beautiful. We like playing basketball and we are in the same school team. We practise every Monday and
Thursday for the match with our (10) Uncle

1. What is the name of Sara’s brother? James

2. What does Sara’s family like doing at the weekends? they like to do many activities

3. What does Sara like doing at the weekends? She really enjoys riding his bike

4. When does the family eat all together? Every sunday

5. How old is John? John is only 6 years old


1) "teaches students in a school":

A. student B. dentist C. teacher D. bus driver

2) "helps people in difficult situations ( trapped, fire, etc) " :
A. postal worker B. chef C. dentist D. firefighter

3) "works in a hospital and treats sick people":

A. doctor B. teacher C. student D. truck driver

4) "works in a post office and brings letters" :

A. student B. postal worker C. firefighter D. waiter

5) "cooks food in a restaurant" :

3 chef B. Police officer C. student D. teacher

4 3

2 1


6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

a)Intelligent a) Hardworking a) Relaxed a) Sad a) Busy

b)Smart b) Busy b) Lazy b)Funny b) Active
c)Concentrated c) Bored c)Depressed c) Tired
c) Clever

Auto- evaluación

Responde con honestidad y mucha sinceridad tu auto-evaluación. Coloca una (X) en la casilla
correspondiente :

Comprendo los temas

vistos en clases virtuales X
y en los contenidos de
las guías
Puedo explicar con mis
propias palabras los X
temas de las guías
Dedico suficiente tiemp X
al desarrollo de las guías
Soy puntual y
entrega de las guías
Participo activamente en X
los encuentros virtuales
La presentación de mis X
trabajos es excelente
Mi relación con la
profesora es respetuosa X
y amable
Escucho con atención y
acato las indicaciones de X
la docente
Demuestro cortesía,
respeto, gratitud y buen
trato tanto para mis
docentes, mis X
compañeros como para
los miembros de mi
Realizo con esmero,
cuidado y cariño mis
actividades escolares en X
Cuido y respeto mi X
entorno natural

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