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_ Mathod Matexial __ ion ee eu 06/68/94 _ 2» see akgieae ao uung 2 whet ub codalogue, 9 r “enlaloguing ih 0. uiny. af scitbing matwunt fe ee _eosy to ond so citty. eae the. matouals us who ) ds lice. =_ hey teeciaia ° — pa ele bp ae uta asduose ond also corffent detatts auch > digesent cotodogue > -_coltection ents ue. S exlbitien codalog uc. - option catatog ut. 2 cadatague Rajsonned > 1 ae signigicana rr catalougue * ti The. ates aste the past op publiged swasexch , TE ub sump Hondbook es dn. tha_asm cosd_, etthen small anc dosige ain sige. 6 corunte gus, $B8 unvited er sn poumalin? Ab our asuttst. 7 Sup nixicanta sp calalogues $- ee + catalog u0s a my ae phews f ca CO ’ ie ogeala -unbusst dhe ede aie Wer 20.Aug. 24. — pate: Ey a > & Extbition reat g- i an_oot_pubdication ith 8 ‘ 2,0,0 ss i 5 f. ; : Leeann Wd over e 2 eS ai > ° pb Lp ia ries ea 4, “> images uth detells (unclucle, cite, size ean at pes, year. op evecd tana Maen ee cnt One oociust. — > Text fis ao acti oa Ae > Asittst ptatlement. ny die ~ CATALOGUE RAISSONES > Man -axtt publication, a vehicle = oil oelevant data about. a ajay Ne histo —Sconogscaphy dhon the_ _attibutton rity ‘Be Guegtien , the ¥ ard —— in, diabhes ‘edie the. wostk of One apt. Kepsepented un collection, —The_xepesanc gousres_4o oF published _ also coves own coor ounce th, Sixe, 0 extesnal WalicoLn Geena a about tho Wwosks ase. Aifatlab eagle > Gi) collection. cababoguui these codalogu has the mecords —_meusium, gatlas 2691 unt collection. : Tagen sive bout the osdast 0 pe tdateo ae 2teAug. 21 pate +. _____ METHOD_MATERIAL aula We ART OBIERY > The fik st gall tinrernineatne pi Le i a se chess ah coal aaa sed but oe came dedicated to ost, oming the fusist oot meausuiuy. > hus cated og “aren teh") 2 An art. galley if a. Soom ox o ‘bunting ap a eran bile fon —— Er. sscnctsetiiang sliver a snacs Setioaa "Ae la at ery ud. a Ox Qo% : ob gexyve’ er eA > Most owt, aNtarios ‘open to the. wblic ox —commentiat unter ees Ox sale ant woxk . 0 vant postop +, __abit _coopexctive ox non peat 2 Ab. preted SOS REE umpdxtant: ouole. Ww) Areata cnnusion ad deine cart. “* ROLE_OF ART MALLERY + 3 et ty ontist ond talents but also _v the day tod. udBUes to thew wok, —ahich mang people cous not aura” Fh cx eabeh quay oh easing. 99 ° are gives the artist siepponbe. of the viewes 7 19) “2 poovides pdatposrn yox the yo genercollia aN hat 0380 sintes and per 4 rout ZENUDY —_amtist work. 2 ont gattasuts alo" enhoncss deta _ with _potopex lights boackgnpund te Rial dibolayedd ai e Gi: “7 Halse helpp to svoune political and pone) sau among common peophe.. _s KINDS Of ART {nMUERVe nai leeel > Polate. elf euin pallor us). 7a public ast Cyob- psopit un. : ae a ica igi esto al fa | endure — wlebatte ities é J WM 95. 8ep. Xd Date: ~_KINQS OF ART @AUWERY + i eey pewdypub Osganigghon =f) PUBLIC ART GAUERY. 3- Map by dt. ovement - moldowes, cultural unsdicutions punded) , Es —ownod) and esteutltshoed) by the goveunient.. ais ea a pubstio ln pen us +0 educate, and) "te _with school writer eh, ifn, ty. caller nine Siaraege ek = a Date: —= pulpit eulseriies may also -oeocelve bequssts._ _ and donations pon om unclividucla', touptea, . (OUP, Buran eanes 3 and othore coll eotfons Tosiecieve tex dectuctions, ‘avctis __wostks to donate to public qowtasiets collections, _- The_oim Oh public ant eoued uh to ___ educnite the pubolec cune_pxornoie, cont. on > ROLE OF PUBLIC AR GALERIES= __« Estibition op the oocTiLLor ck thyeugh their oun ____ epllentions ___* Thege. collection ww. shsough tho cdminidlyation — Date: allocated ae The gattercvs also vulay on. monsey stats thocough “Psuends'— af the, gortlosey whofe purpobe tly to_gupposet the. 9. adderates ‘thscougyh purdsetesing social ‘went aad cuctivities. S10 rue ‘edb utatio school , univers itez and the, fulbtie® They offers = eet devedopment _psto oom _sh.08—__ aa second oo and___ . ad 2 educators s. ae ~ oa — Date: 4 * he _genescal 150d Qovit Kala, Te sh mengiurn fies _on_the behaly the pubic. “They hove a moc. Ron the. collectipn.__ ie ~ Th PRIVATE (oALLERIES + __ a (gelh outn edt gailovies) : see > potivate golenies_oow com: Sea ay = Cctor a ol Wa wbufo- > tommetciad ost “gato cperate a buisnesse ea cllleaalal sgoc the own ery of the az —_—— Date: > chennai O rvesnment Meawsium, Madsias Mesum. (gecond oldest | ous anwaxk- Roya. scavi yosuma, paintings and =e > Thauan meaugunn (kotkata) _ irs This_meousium divided unto she gections endo Senge! pan ing. Muphatbaauntng, A ay ef. > shangin at ee sup (Mumbai) aso = ie wav axa, anita ghesgill * eee sctua pach ei _ovetwosake - niiaale ig ae a > Lali Kala Uebk 9 NE sional eahibtfon os} phokogaayly-— Date: > natfonad menugium new Detht 1949. x collection mun) atusee painting, Mod gun collection a Mughal Rapostivan.. 7 ca ie me Sang am. Thib cot exit This Boat et be a 7 AIPACS - All India fine ast ova Soceity. ee Dabed yodakp cow there. a 54 govesnment op India. open central; aaa eae DIFFERENCE BETWEEN PUBLIC AND PRIVATE = ART _cTALWERTES ». eTheseane geoup shows and cerretor based —e shows. [a *Retwospec tives ° yelwes sip anes collestosp le Spouce, ae I+ Acwigt and denduesany | = ie ce tollebosate ond nhl “al Gallery ‘i ee —— Date; qi * These arte low ah, band then ont on Date: * Posjolin oteq wrad. ° The cane sjots ae + Thavsbudget and poiivate. gastortes. qunanci y Becuno} ¢ Posto dtp Aubmizaion, *flexfble budget. ; cuccosi.diung days and thay woser. i B- consignmant Note - —— Tnoude un consignment note B= i — ostist panice | eee pul Ped of coUtiLLasr Bea Tite op dusuatién. 22: es making = ea et one thou, ur peotpatto = CAM en

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