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1.Education is first step in this direction. Also we need to change our mindset
and our harmful beliefs.
1.Gender Bias 2.Parents must teach basic values, discipline and responsibility to kids at home.
RAMYA Non teaching staff 2.Lack Of Respect By Students Also celebrities and

XIAO FANG Teaching Staff Food Problem For Outsiders College should introduce native mess in hostel

VIDHYA Non teaching staff Language Barrier College should offer english classes for everyone.Also we should use technology wisely for translation

By educating those not dealing with Water Scarcity. Also we should use
Advanced Technology related
SWATHI J.N Associate professor - SCOPE
Water Crisis to Water Conservation, Farming and Sewage systems. Clean water initiatives

1.By proper implementation of Law. Parent should be taught to have realistic

expectations from their
child. Also every citizen should report child abuse cases to police.
1.Child Abuse 2.Country should provide universal access to basic education at most subsidised
Nescafe Worker 2.Illiteracy rates.

First step is by empowering girls and providing them economic security.

Religious and traditional leaders can play a major role by voicing against these
1.Child Marriage evils.By supporting young people to be agents of
Mess Worker Women's Hostel change , we can continue this fight till these evils are discontinued from society.

1.By removing personal, family and social barriers in the process of family
planning.Tageting married
peoples to promote the importance of delaying and spacing children with
contraception.By educating
1.Lack Of Family Planning young peoples to use contraceptive the first time they have sex.
REVA JAGDEESH Sweeper Women's Hostel2.Poverty 2. Government should invest in affordable, quality child care and education,
Engineers have a big role in solving this problem. Municipality can employ
scientific methods like collecting, segregating and treating the waste before
ELENA HAMMELSTOC Lack Of Proper Waste Managementdumping it. Principle of Recycle, Reuse and Reduce must be implemented.
German Language Teacher

1. Top leadership must be educated about the impact of improved working

conditions on economy
and improved productivity of employees. Government should also uplift the
minimum standards of
working conditions with suitable implementation of laws.
1.Bad Working Conditions 2.Minimum wage must be raised and pay equity must be supported. Also
RAMASHEKHAR Men's Hostel Cleaner 2.Not Enough Salary technology must be developed to automate the less paying jobs.

1.Awareness must be spread about the harmful effects of wasting food and
habit of taking only
enough food in plate must be promoted.
2. Parents should give nutritious foods in different variety and flavours, so as to
stop children from
being tempted for junk food. Fast foods must be limited not banned. Also in
lunch, nutritious foods
must be there rather than snacks. Parents should aware there children about
1.Too Much Wastage Of Food side effects of excess fast foods and benefits of balanced diet in later life. they
VINOD KUMAR Mess Caterer 2.Lack Of Balanced Diet in Youth should set a good exampe for their children.

Mess must employ a force to keep students disciplined. Only Parents, Society
and Teachers can teach
RAJESHWARI PR North Veg Mess Caterer
Lack Of Discipline in Mess discipline to students by setting a good example for that

The use of Black money must be prevented in real estate to bring down prices.
Also more houses can
MUTHU Laundry Man Unaffordable Rent Prices be built on the outskirts of the city than in the main city to reduce costs.
Government and RBI should work faster on creating more cashless transaction
Lack Of Cashless Transactions facilities. Also banks
ARUN School teacher Facilities have to come up with required security features to makes these facilities safe.

Heavy fines should be imposed on anyone caught mistreating or abusing a dog.

Lot Of Abuse and Disrespect Also state department
HARIHARAN VIT Dog Trainer To Animals By Students should provide shelter for stay animals.

To employ dustbins at proper places. Also public awareness must be spread by

Students Not Maintain their NGO's , Institutions
BHARGAV Sweeper Surroundings Clean to keep the surrounding clean and about the positive effects of this.
Canteen workers should work more more efficiency to handle orders. Yoga
should be taught from school onwards To have better stress and anger
management. Parents and institutions must effectively counsel the child to
1.Lack Of Patience reduce to the usage of bad words.
VENKATESAN Canteen Worker 2.Overuse Of Abusive Language

1. We need to judge people on their actions rather than on their possessions

and should not think
much about what others will think of our possessions. We should also learn to
find happiness in non
material things and activity.
2.Parents should not fullfill every desire of their kids and should teach them to
1.Materialism be realistic, simple and
PAUL HOGGARTS Sand Artist - England 2.Lack Of Control Over Desires practical.
1.Awareness must be created about the impact of higher education on our lives
and society. Also
government must subsidise it because higher education is very expensive for
most of people
2.Management should define clear strategy and requirements. Then should
campaign aggressively
to make people adaptive to new technology.
1.Higher Education Enrollment 3.Govertment should be dedicated towards promoting research and should
2.Technology Implementation give proper funding for it.
SAMUEL JOHNSON Professor VIT Chennai 3.Research Corporate people can also help by promoting research in their area of interest.
1. Government should spread awareness on why cashless system is more
convenient, safer than
current system. Should also give incentives to people for using cashless
2. Parents and Schools should create a culture that esteems reading and
promoting reading skills from
1.Refusal Of People To Accept an early age. Institutions should develop curiosity in minds of students to
Cashless System know reason behind
2.Stupidity - Lack Of Intellect
K.ADHINARAYAN Chief Librarian - Periyar Library everyday things and to know basic sciences and skills.
By creating more jobs and creating powerful economy. Partnerships between
Industries and
MONICA SHARMA Unemployed Graduate Unemployment Educational Institutions would also help in reducing the skill gap in youth.
Community must change its mindset and come together to for a better
educational system. State
must set up proper infrastructure for providing education to unprivilaged
RAGHUVARAN M Sweeper Educational Disparity groups.
Education is the first tool. More educated citizen leads to less corruption.
Reforms in administration and finance management is needed. Government
1.Inflation process needs to be more transparent using modern day technology.State
VIDYAKARAN Non teaching staff 2.Corruption funding of election is a major reform
To increase police patrolling in night. By using state of art technology for
surveillance in public areas.
Unsafe Environment for Womens Also strict penalty must be there for offenders so no one can dare to do any
DIVYA GUPTA House Wife And Kids wrongdoing.

1.Parents should not wait for holidays and vaccations to connect with children.
Sunday breakfast,
Friday night game, Weekend shopping can bring family. Government should
come up with rules to
limit overworking by Parents , so that they can give more time to children.
1.Parents Giving Less Time To 2.The educational system should be such that engineers not only study for
Director of Arts Kids making money but also for
Department 2.Lack Of Vision and Aesthetic creating new technology and giving something back to society. Art and
ROBERT HAYDEN JR.Philippines University Sense In Engineers designmust be taught to engineering students also.
e technology wisely for translation

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