My Name Is Dayne: Im Also Fortin Years Old

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Mariana: ¿hi how are you?

Dayne: ¿very well thank you and you?

Mariana: fine, thanks my name is Mariana. Whats your name?
Dayne: my name is Dayne
Mariana: ¿Whats your last name?
Dayne: my last name is Hualca
Mariana: spell It, plis
Dayne: h-u-a-l-c-a eich yu ei el ci ei
Dayne: ¿where are you from?
Mariana: i'm from Bolivia
Dayne: ¿where in Tarija?
Mariana: Cochabamba
Dayne: ¿Whats your phone number?
Mariana: my phone number is 77631880
Dayne: ¿how old are you?
Mariana: i’m 14 years old and you
Dayne: I am also 14 years old im also fortin years old
Mariana: ¿what do you do?
Dayne: I'm a student, and you?
Mariana: I am also a student
Dayne: ¿where do you live? Wer du yu liv
Mariana: in Tiquipaya and you?
Dayne: too I live in Tiquipaya to ay liv in tiquipaya
Mariana: ¿wow that’s great, whats your favorito food?
Dayne: my favorito food is pique they sell it near my house may
favorit fuud is pique tey sel it niir my jaus
Mariana: I would like to try pique i never tried it.
Dayne: Do you want to go to eat at the restaurant that is near my
house? Du yu want to gu to it ay the reustaurant tat is nir may jaus
Mariana: yes of course it sounds great in the reustaurant
waitress Dayne: ¿hello haw can i help you? Hello haw can ay jelpiu
Mariana: hi i would like table two for please
Waitress Dayne: please follow me. Here is table for you plis follow mi
her is teibol for yu
Mariana: thank you could you give us the menú please
Waitress Dayne: yes of course here you are
Mariana: thank you
Waitress Dayne: can i get you anithing to drink?
Mariana: i'll have in Orange juice
Dayne: i'll have a strawberry juice
Waitress Dayne: great, i'll be back right naw
Mariana: would you like to travel somewhere?
Dayne: I wud like to trevol to Koria and you?
Mariana: I would like to travel to……..
Dayne: How great my parents and I are traveling to that country I
would like you to join as, you are a good friend
Mariana: Of course I would love when we can travel
Dayne: next month.
Mariana: okay. excuse me how much is It all together?
Waitress Dayne: It is sexteen dollars
Mariana: where you have thank you very much
Waitress Dayne: thanks to you come back soon
Dayne: It was nice meeting you Mariana, see you in a month
Mariana: Nice to meet you Dayne see you later.
Dayne: okay bye
in the travel agency (lo dice Mariana)
Dayne: hi, I'm calling you because I would like to reserve 2 rooms
Mariana: hello, when will you be staying White us?
Dayne: july twelfth
Mariana: ¿How long will you stay?
Dayne: only for 2 weeks
Mariana: what size room will you need?
Dayne: for me, my parents and one more friend, so two individual rooms
Mariana: I understand you would prefer the rooms for smokers or non-
Dayne: Non- smoking please, do you have a loundry service?
Mariana: yes we do. Put your dirty clothes in the box and leave It by
the door
Dayne: is there a pool in this hotel?
Mariana: yes. you are going to pay in cash or credit card
Dayne: can i pay with a debit card?
Mariana: sure that's fine. Your total is 38,89
Dayne: ok thank you
Mariana: debit card right
Mariana: i will send this confirmation by e-mail
Dayne: thanks for calling
Mariana: thank you bye
Dayne: hello mariana, we don't see you at the airport
Mariana: hello Dayne okay i see you in half an hour
Dayne: hi can i have your passport
Mariana: here you are
Dayne: what is the purpose of your trip?
Mariana: i am here on vacation
Dayne: how long will you stay in ... (el país donde quisieras ir)
Mariana: for 2 weeks
Dayne: do you have anything to declare
Mariana: no, nothing
Dayne: ¿how many bags are you checking in?
Mariana: four bags
Dayne: ¿are you travelling alone?
Mariana: I travel with a friend and her parents
Dayne: ¿whats is your occupation?
Mariana: i am student
Dayne: have you ever visited ... (el lugar donde te gustaría viajar)
Mariana: no, It is my first time
Dayne: ok that's all have a nice day
Mariana: thanks you too

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