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Concept Of
By Shazwan Azman






Teaching has been my dream job right from childhood, and I have lived my life
shaping myself to meet its requirements. Now I will say I am ready to learning
new things in the process.


Because I have three month experience learning ict-Because I have what it

takes to fill the requirements of this job

I am the right person for this position because I am a self motivated and
dedicated person, who is open to new knowledge.

and have the passion to help others in a timely manner

Because I qualify for the position and I have skills and abilities needed for this
post. I am hungry to learn, I have acquired most skills needed here during my
studies and knowing myself as self motivated, hard working, quick learning and

As a stable, reliable person with high personal standards of excellence I can

contribute quality administrative support through excellent communication skills
as a member of a team. I am loyal and honest with a systematic and organized
approach to my work.

because i have high commitment, work hard, and learn quickly and good
cooperation with the team. I

You should hire me because I'm a very reliable and dependable person. I am
very self motivated and have a great ability to work on a team as well as by
myself. Also my experience in pondok tahfiz has taught me how to learn from
different people and to treat everyone with respect.

Bullying is an act of repeated aggressive behavior in order to intentionally hurt
another person, physically or mentally. Bullying is characterized by an individual
behaving in a certain way to gain power over another person.


Cyber-bullying is any bullying done through the use of technology. This form of
bullying can easily go undetected because of lack of parental/authoritative
supervision. Because bullies can pose as someone else, it is the most
anonymous form of bullying. Cyber bullying includes, but is not limited to, abuse
using email, instant messaging, text messaging, websites, social networking
sites, etc.[62

Your Child Being Bullied at School?

For most elementary and high school children school is a great place to learn,
socialize and build self-esteem. But for a child who is bullied, school can be a
place of terror. If you notice your child exhibiting any of the following 5 behaviors,
there is a good chance your child is facing bullies in elementary school,
middle school or high school.

School Bullying in Elementary to High Schools Sunday Night Flu

Many children who are bullied do not want to go to school. You might notice your
child behaving normally on the weekend but as soon as Sunday night
approaches your child might complain about feeling sick to avoid the bullies in

School Bullying in Elementary to High Schools May Cause An Increase or

Decrease In Appetite

Pay attention to your child's eating habits. When a child is having emotional
problems their appetite might decrease or increase dramatically.

School Bullying in Elementary to High Schools May Cause Your Child To

Lose Interest In Activities

Children who are bullied will isolate themselves from the outside world. You
might notice your child not going over to friend's house or participating in
activities they once enjoyed.

School Bullying in Elementary to High Schools May Cause A Drop In

Being a victim of bullies takes a toll on a child emotionally and physically.

Because of this, a child might not have the mental strength to care about their

School Bullying in Elementary to High Schools May Cause A Release Of


Your child might experience anger or violent outbursts at home. When your child
is emotionally attacked all day at school by bullies, they build up anger and
resentment. This release of anger often occurs at home where they feel safe to
express it.

Some Practical Solutions to School Bullying in

Elementary to High Schools

If you suspect that your child is being bullied, here are some practical solutions
to school bullying. Talk to your child about school. See if they get agitated or try
to change the subject. Let them know that you are there to help them. If your
child confides in you that they are being bullied at school, actively listen to them
and let them explore ways they would like to handle the situation.

Empower your child to talk to their teacher or the school principal about the
bullying and specifically the bullies who are bullying them. If your child talks to
the teacher and principal but the bullying does not stop, it is time for you to take
action. Schedule an immediate meeting with the principal and your child's
teacher and demand to know what action will be taken to stop the bullies from
bullying your child. Do not treat bullying as a natural part of growing up or believe
that it will all work itself out eventually. Bullying is a serious situation and has
caused some children to commit suicide. Stay actively involved with your child's
school and constantly talk to your child. Hopefully the solutions to school
bullying in this article will stop the bullying. After the bullying has stopped and
your child's life returns to normalcy, if you notice signs of depression or the
symptoms of bullying are still present, seek out the services of a counselor or
therapist. With your love and support, your child can regain the positive school
experience they had before they were bullied.


There are many reasons for the rise in bullying; lack of parental guidance, peer
pressure, drugs, alcohol, violence in the media and games, and the over all
destruction of family values. Children who are from broken homes, and those
with one parent families are the ones most likely to either suffer from bullying as
victims or are bullies themselves. Children who have strong family ties, and good
support systems are less likely to suffer from bullying than those without them.
Opening the lines of communication between parents and their children can do a
lot to reduce bullying.

There are some studies that have shown that children who come from broken
homes harbor a lot of resentment, toward their fathers and mothers. Children act
out those resentments on their peers in places in school where they are least
likely to be caught. Children who become bullies usually pick on weaker children,
unpopular children, or children of whom they are jealous of.

Ways to Overcome Stress
There is an insidious problem that can sneak into your life and turn it upside
down. It can wreck your health, your relationships and your career.

Stress is a major problem for many people — a hectic, stressful job, a chaotic
home life, bills to worry about, and bad habits such as unhealthy eating, drinking
and smoking can lead to a mountain of stress.If your life is full of stress like mine
once was, there are some simple things you can do to get your life to a more
manageable level.

Now, your life will probably never be stress-free — I don’t think that’s even
desirable, even if it is possible, because stress is something that challenges us
and helps us grow at a reasonable level. But when stress gets too high, it causes
us to be unhappy and unhealthy.

It wasn’t that long ago when I was working long hours in a very stressful job, with
little time for my family. I had a lot of debt and too many bills. I was unhappy and
stressed out all the time.

1. One thing at a time. This is the simplest and best way to start reducing
yourstress, and you can start today. Right now. Focus as much as possible on
doing one thing at a time. Clear your desk of distractions. Pick something to work
on. Need to write a report? Do only that. Remove distractions such as phones
and email notifications while you’re working on that report. If you’re going to do
email, do only that. This takes practice, and you’ll get urges to do other things.
Just keep practicing and you’ll get better at it.

2. Simplify your schedule. A hectic schedule is a major cause of high stress.

Simplify by reducing the number of commitments in your life to just the essential
ones. Learn to say no to the rest — and slowly get out of commitments that aren’t
beneficial to you. Schedule only a few important things each day, and put space
between them. Get out of meetings when they aren’t absolutely essential. Leave
room for down time and fun.

3. Get moving. Do something each day to be active — walk, hike, play a sport,
go for a run, do yoga. It doesn’t have to be grueling to reduce stress. Just move.
Have fun doing it. ! Have fun each day, even if it’s just for a few minutes.

4. Develop one healthy habit this month. Other than getting active, improving
your health overall will help with the stress. But do it one habit at a time. Eat fruits
and veggies for snacks. Floss every day. Quit smoking. Cook something healthy
for dinner. Drink water instead of soda. One habit at a time.

5. Do something calming. What do you enjoy that calms you down? For many
people, it can be the “get moving” activity discussed above. But it could also be
taking a nap, or a bath, or reading, or having sex (which can also be considered
a “get moving” activity if you do it for longer than 5 minutes). Other people are
calmed by housework or yard work. Some people like to meditate, or take a
nature walk. Find your calming activity and try to do it each day.

8. Get creative. Throwing yourself into a creative activity is another great way to
de-stress and to prevent stress. I like writing, but others like to paint or play
music or sketch or make pottery or do interior design or build things.

Advantages And Disavantages Of Ict
In School
'If the next government does not take the steps to intensify the use of information
and communication technology (ICT) in our schools, a generation of children-
and a generation of adults as teachers- will have been put at enormous
disadvantage with consequences for the UK that will be difficult to
reverse.' (Stevenson et al., 1997)


• Giving to teacher chance to plan short, timed, tightly focused activities.

• Planning activities across a number of sessions to allow sufficient time for all
pupils to take part.

• up to date and real world technology...prepares the children for the modern

• Helps pupils research topics they are studying using a wide range of sources
other than just book from their school library,

• Aids the pupils to get an insight into technologies that they may later rely on in
future life.

• Using word documents it gives the pupils a chance to present their work in a
style that suits them.


The following disadvantages gives a list of objectives that staff and facilitators
may be required to deal with should problems occur throughout using the ICT

• Cost
• Training
• Distractions
• Reliability
• Damage
• Safety
• Hacking
• Resources (or lack of)

As you can see I have already listed disadvantages of ICT in education and all
seem costly. The initial equipment even though would be an investment and

learning aid is expensive. After the initial cost there is the fact of training the staff/
facilitators to use the equipment correctly as bad usage can cause incorrect
teaching to pupils. Also coming under cost is damage, as, if the equipment gets
damages then the damage repair fees are required to get the equipment back up
and running. Distractions such as the internet, computer games and email is also
a big disadvantage. Then we come onto safety and Hacking that is discussed on

How to be respectful teacher?
Always respect other people:

1 rule to be respectable person in any society is to respect the members of the

society. Whatever their age group, sex, and beliefs are, you just give respect to
each of them. Simply treat others the way you like to be treated. Say "Thank you"
to everyone who does something for you. It is a give and take strategy: give
respect take respect, simple.

2.Always respect yourself:

If you respect yourself people respect you. Belief in yourself and your abilities, if
you have shortcomings then remember one thing nothing in this world is perfect.
Treat yourself with respect, don't ever let yourself down.

3.Be self-assured:

When you are aggressively self assured of your rights and values you
automatically rise up in other's estimations. Being assertive does not mean that
you should be rude. People are more willing to help and bend for someone who
is both direct and respectful.

5.Always keep control on your negative feeling:

Most of the time you meet people who are annoyed and make you annoyed. It is
very difficult to respect such people, so keep control on your anger. It is the most
hard thing to do but you can do it by doing these things when you get impatience:

• take a long breath

• remember this words " Just calm, Just calm" or any other words of same
meanings and repeat these words in your mind
• If possible avoid such kind of people

6.Always meet your commitments:

When you keep your words and do what you say, people start loving you. There
is no substitute for it It is very hard to keep your respect level up without this. If
you start following this principle, it will bring you very respectable in the eyes of
other people.

7.Always keep on improving:

Always look for the weak points in your personality, to do this you can take help
of your close friend or your family member. Improve these lacks of personality.
When you get the respect and popular in your society don't be proudly and
contented on that. Look for excellence and watch other respectable persons
lives, learn from them.

To be an effective teacher.. You must go

on with lifelong learning
learning is a great activity. It expands your viewpoint. It gives you new knowledge
you can use to improve your life. Even if you discount the worldly benefits, the
act of learning can be a source of enjoyment.

But in a busy world, it can often be hard to fit in time to learn anything that isn’t
essential. The only things learned are those that need to be. Everything beyond
that is considered frivolous. Even those who do appreciate the practice of lifelong
learning, can find i difficult to make the effort.

Learning is not confined to childhood or the classroom, but takes place

throughout life and in a range of situations. During the last fifty years, constant
scientific and technological innovation and change has had a profound effect on
learning needs and styles. Learning can no longer be divided into a place and
time to acquire knowledge (school) and a place and time to apply the knowledge
acquired (the workplace).

How To Increase Knowledge An
1) Always have a book.

It doesn’t matter if it takes you a year or a week to read a book. Always strive to
have a book that you are reading through, and take it with you so you can read it
when you have time. Just by shaving off a few minutes in-between activities in
my day I can read about a book per week. That’s at least fifty each year.

3) Get More Intellectual Friends

Start spending more time with people who think. Not just people who are smart.
But people who actually invest much of their time in learning new skills. Their
habits will rub off on you. Even better, they will probably share some of their
knowledge with you.

4) Guided Thinking

Albert Einstein once said, “Any man who reads too much and uses his own brain
too little falls into lazy habits of thinking.” Simply studying the wisdom of others
isn’t enough, you have to think through ideas yourself. Spend time journaling,
meditating or contemplating over ideas you have learned.

5) Put it Into Practice

Skill based learning is useless if it isn’t applied. Reading a book on C++ isn’t the
same thing as writing a program. Studying painting isn’t the same as picking up a
brush. If your knowledge can be applied, put it into practice.

6) Teach Others

You learn what you teach. If you have an outlet of communicating ideas to
others, you are more likely to solidify that learning. Start a blog, mentor someone
or even discuss ideas with a friend.

7) Clean Your Input

Some forms of learning are easy to digest, but often lack substance. I make a
point of regularly cleaning out my feed reader for blogs I subscribe to. Great
blogs can be a powerful source of new ideas. But every few months I realize I’m
collecting posts from blogs that I am simply skimming. Every few months, purify

your input to save time and focus on what counts.

8 ) Learn in Groups

Lifelong learning doesn’t mean condemning yourself to a stack of dusty

textbooks. Join organizations that teach skills. Workshops and group learning
events can make educating yourself a fun, social experience.

9) Unlearn Assumptions You can’t add water to a full cup. I always try to
maintain a distance away from any idea. Too many convictions simply mean too
few paths for new ideas. Actively seek out information that contradicts your
10) Find Jobs that Encourage LearningPick a career that encourages
continual learning. If you are in a job that doesn’t have much intellectual freedom,
consider switching to one that does. Don’t spend forty hours of your week in a job
that doesn’t challenge you.

11) Start a Project Set out to do something you don’t know how. Forced learning
in this way can be fun and challenging. If you don’t know anything about
computers, try building one. If you consider yourself a horrible artist, try a

12) Follow Your Intuition

Lifelong learning is like wandering through the wilderness. You can’t be sure
what to expect and there isn’t always an end goal in mind. Letting your intuition
guide you can make self-education more enjoyable. Most of our lives have been
broken down to completely logical decisions, that making choices on a whim has
been stamped out.

13) The Morning Fifteen

Use the first fifteen minutes of your morning as a period for education. If you find
yourself too groggy, you might want to wait a short time. Just don’t put it off later
in the day where urgent activities will push it out of the way.

Educators have the opportunity to make a huge impact on students, but with that
opportunity comes many challenges. Many teachers wish their teacher training
programs did a better job of preparing them for these real classroom issues.
These seven challenges are the most common challenges that teachers face—
regardless of their location or training. Read these seven challenges and add
your own issue. Got a solution? Add it in the article comments to help others.
Great educators find ways to get past these challenges and succeed.

Top Eight Challenges Teachers Face This
School Year
In Georgia this May, after state funding for schools was cut by nearly $1 billion,
the state Board of Education voted to lift all class size limits. “We don’t have a
choice. We didn’t give them enough money,” said state school Superintendent
Kathy Cox.
And, of course, it’s the same story in states across the country. It’s tough for
educators—but even tougher for those kids who need their attention. “There are
a lot of geniuses sitting in the back of our classes, but they don’t get properly
taught in classrooms with more than 30 other kids,” said one Los Angeles
student in a recent news article.
Students today are technophiles. They love their video games—all fast-paced
and addictive—and they can’t put down their smart phones, iPods, and social
networks. And educators? They might also love new technologies, but even if
they don’t, they realize that technology often is the key to locking in a student’s
interest. The challenge is, how? Deitrya Anderson, a Tulsa teacher, puts those
phones “to an educational use” through a site called Wiffiti that receives and
displays student questions via text message. Others are using Twitter—sending
tweets to students to remind them of key points from the day’s lesson or use it as
a language arts tool. Even Facebook has its merits. Susan Colquitt, a New
Mexico teacher, says she uses it to answer her students’ questions and mentor
Remember Phoebe Prince? Or Megan Meier? Both girls committed suicide after
long, humiliating bouts with cyberbullies. Their deaths were tragic and unusual,
but many kids are struggling to cope with this particularly virulent form of bullying.
According to Pew Research, nearly one in three teens say they’ve been
victimized via the Internet or cell phones. A teacher’s role—or a school’s role—is
still fuzzy in many places. What legal rights or responsibilities do they have to
silence bullies, especially when they operate from home? To more clearly define
their prerogative, many schools are writing cyberbullying policies into their
handbooks, in effect forcing students and their parents to sign contracts that
allow schools to discipline them for Internet abuse. But prevention is the best
policy and experts say the answer is more conversation with kids. Peer models—
often from older high school grades—can be effective discussion leaders.
Often, it feels like there are just two kinds of parents: The ones hunkering in a
cave somewhere and the ones camping in your pocket. Unreachable? Or
unavoidable. Either way, teachers wish for the kind of parent involvement that
supports learning. Elusive parents usually have a reason for their mysterious

ways, like language fluency. In New Mexico, teacher Ricardo Rincon asks
students to host parent conferences. He also crafts homework assignments that
don’t assume parents have advanced skills. For example, instead of asking them
to supervise the addition of fractions, they might be asked to ensure their kids
read for 30 minutes at home.
What salary, educators ask. After paying the mortgage, student loan debts,
medical bills, utilities, car and food, what’s left? “With pay cuts, furlough days,
increased taxes and other bills, for the first time I am falling behind in my financial
obligation, ruining a 30-year record of perfect credit,” writes one fed-up California
teacher. “I feel my only route is retirement and possibly filing for
bankruptcy.”NEA’s campaign for professional pay for teachers and support
professionals is trying to change that.
Everybody from Michelle Obama to the Naked Chef Jamie Oliver has turned their
attention to that kid who can’t quite fit behind his desk in the back row. According
to the federal government, nearly one in five children and adolescents are obese
—nearly triple the rate of a generation ago—putting them in great risk of diabetes
and heart disease. The Child Nutrition reauthorization bill, which would establish
national nutrition standards for school food and provide more training
opportunities to cafeteria employees, needs support. It passed the Senate in
August and still needs a vote in the House. Some school districts are ahead of
the curve. In Oregon, as part of a growing effort to close inequities in hunger and
nutrition, using local produce and balanced meals, head cook Rhonda Sand has
been slicing up jicama spears and filling.


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