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een pbaempyemen y THE OXFORD Concours nN Nas NORMA SHAPIRO AND JAYME ADELSON-GOLDSTEIN Phe i Oxford University Press A Classroom Lop Hoc 1. chalkboard bang 2. screen man énh 3, student hoe sinh 4. overhead projector may chigu Hen wong 5. teacher ido vien 6. desk ban B, Talk to the teacher. Nal véi gido vier. nt to the picture, rR (Chi vaa tranh (any. G. Write on the board, it én bang, °C. Listen to a cassette. Nghe cat set [Open your book, sich ra. J. Close your book Gllp B8ch ih K. Take out your pencil Chim bot en ton. 1. Put away 186 bat hi your pencil. "ung, Lop Hoc _A Classroom a 14, bulletin board Bing hs ban ‘bling thong cA yét th 11, cassette player 13. pencil sharpener 15. computer quadia chu dy cétsét ‘may got bat eh) may W tinh may ign ‘oan Bb Co Da Ff Gg Hh Jj Kk LI Nn Oo Fp Rr Se Tt Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz a 24, binder /notebook Bir hi tp each 06 916 17. chalkboard eraser 21. pencil eraser 25, notebook paper 29, picture dictionary ‘cl xda bang My trang idly fy dién inh 18, pen 22, texthook 26. spiral notebook 30. the alphabet bat sich Sai 66 gay 18 x0 shire 19, marker 23. workbook 27, ruler 31. numbers bait mau ‘sich lam bei tan thude 36 Use the new language. Share your answers. 1, Name three things you can open. 1. Do-you like to raise your hand? 2, Name thee things you can put away. 2. Do you ever listen to cassettes in class? 3. Name three things you can write with 3. De you ever write on the board? Personal Information Ly Lich a =| a et - am 8. t2r20" a ‘Herm? fe. ues, > SH, School Registration Form Miu Don Ghi Banh Hoe ho vatin 2 fstrame 3. mile tal 4 lastname tin hi 6 (ttt tn gm re 5. address 6. apt. ia cht clin nha 35 7. city 8. state 9. 21P code ‘ida Bang ehh oe telephone number 12 sex: 13, LI eae Social Security number 6 dbo thos! nam 36 an sinh 28 hoi 14, O female ni of bith 17, place of bith nigay sink nowy date) year ot gin (thing) (ray) (rim) re 18. sianatuce * apt # = apartment numbst cir ky A, Spell your name. ‘Banh vn tén. in don Talk about yourself, My first name is Sam. ‘My last name is spelied L-A:R-5-O-N. J.come from Ottawa. B. Fill out a form, . Print your name, \Vidt t8n b3ng chi in. Share your answers. 1. Do you like your first name? 2. Is your last name from your mother? father? husband? 4. What is your middle name? Truwng Hoc School 1. classroom 7. lockers 13. principals office Noe a6 vn phéng higu trading 2, teacher 8, rest rooms 14 principal ldo vien nha v8 sinh hipu tring 3. auditorium 9. gym 15. counselors office thinh oiong 9idng dudng hong Rip thé thao hing 06 vn + cafeteria 10. bleachers 16. counselor phong an wrdin ai evan wien 5. lunch benches 11, track 17. main office Ghé di 46 ng dn inva sn din kin vin ping chin 6. library 12. field 18. clerk th vide sin thu ky pt ‘More vocabulary Share your answers. instructor: teacher 1. Do-you ever talk to the principal of your school? gym teacher 2, Is therea place for you to eat at your school? administrator: principal or ether school supervisor 3, Does your schaol look the same as or different from the one in the picture? 5 Studyii a A. Look up a word. a seit the word oS Tim mot tr. ” Boe tt len D. Repeat the word, E Spell the word Lap tat te d6, Chép lai tr 06. Work with a partner Lam me voi a G. Ask a question, H. Answer 2 question. 1. Share a book. J. Help your pariner. ‘Bat cau hd “Tr lt cu ha. Ding chung quyén'sich, Gidp Ban, Work in a group Lam vige trong nhém K. Brainstorm a list L. Discuss the list Bgng nao 48 dua ra Tha ibn vis bn Hgts Ve hinh mot ban liet ke M. Draw a picture. N. Dictate a sentence, Bec lén mbt cu. (©, Pass out the papers. Phat bai ra, Follow directions Theo hung din Talk with each other. Nél chuya vol phau, Gach gy eC eb? ED fe 2 ec SSCA? eB? «C2? «D2 CED pen. = Ack? «Bo Write with Sign your neme in — S5 —— 5B5A2 CB? ¢C? 02 +E? — Spear ep> cco D> CED Eee ae aes R. Fill in the blank. S. Circle the answer, T. Mark the answer sheet. Bin vi che tréng oan ou ied. Banh dfs vio trang ta ii © © (w pencil Give me the pencil. my is pencil. That chalk That isray pencil marker 'U. Cross out the word, Gach bé che (66), ie) 1. sit —2. pencil awrite: —D book 3.reod ¢. chair V. Underline the word. Gach dui cher (65) sor W. Put the words in order, Xp cdc chir theo thir ty. X. Match the items, Rp chit/s6 thich hep. Share your answers. 1. Do you like to work in groups? 2. Do you like to share books? 3. Do you like to answer questions? Al ¥. Cheek your work, Kiém [gi bai lam. Z, Correct the mistake, Sita 15 4, I it easy for you to talk with your classmates? 5. Do you always check your work? 6. Do you cross out your mistakes or erase them? Everyday Conversation am Thoai Hang Ngay D. introduce yourself E. make sure you understand F. introduce your friend ‘gi thigu inh ‘nghe tal cho iy lot thigu bn ‘That's, Thank G. compliment your friend H. thank your friend ken thutting ban chm on ben Practice introductions. Practice giving compliments. ‘Hi, I'm Sam Jones and this is my friend, Pat Green That's a great sweater, Tomas, Nice to meet you. I'm Tomas Garcia. Thanks Pat. | ike your shoes. Look at Clothing I, pages 64-65 for more ideas. Bién Thoal The Telephone 1. telephone/phone ign thosi 2. receiver dng nghe 3. cord dy 4. local call goign —— 5. long-distance call goixa 6. international call oH di nu6e ngoa’ 7. operator han vign ting dai 8. directory assistance (411) 86 (411) gap 46 tm dign thoai 9, emergency service (911) dich vy khiin c&p 10. phone card thé dign thoal 11. pay phone didn thoai cdag céng 12. cordless phone ign thoat khong gidy 13, cellular phone ign thogi cm tay 14, answering machine Indy ted BO ign thot 15. telephone book cu6n nid gid dign thogi 16. pager may bio 88 dién thosi A. Pick up the reseiver Nie Gog nghe len, B. Listen for the dial tone. Nghe téng may. C. Depasit coins. Bé tin vao may. More vocabulary When you get a eall, we say you have the wrong numbe son of place that you didn’t want to D. Dial the number, Bam sé dign thos E. Leave a message. é tin hd igh F. Hang up the receiver, ac nay, Share your answers. 1. What kinds of calls do you make? 2. How much does it cost to call your country? 3, Do you like to talk on the telephone? Weather Thoi Tiét Temperature Nniet 6 Degrees Degrees Fahrenheit Celsius 6. sunny /clear 7. cloudy raining 9, snowing ining /quang dng may ma mwa 6 tuyét 10. windy 13. icy 16. thunderstorm 19, hail ooo ang a ‘gitng bao mada 1. foggy 14. smo 17. lightning 20. snowstorm 6 sung ma @ nhiém/66 Koi mis -ehép, bao tuys 12, humid 15. heat wave 18 hailstorm 21, dust storm fm néng (img dot) ‘bdo ma da baoest Language note: it i, there is Talk about the weather, For 114 we use, It's cloudy. Today it’s hot. It’s 98 degrees. For 15-21 we use, Theve’s a heat wave, Yesterday it was wann. it was 85 degrees There's lightning. 10 Mé Ta BB Vat_Describing Things 1. little hand tay nhd- 2. big hand tay in 3. fast driver . meat closet ‘nguoi lai nhanh ti 40 gon gang 4. slow driver . messy closet nguedi Iai chim ‘th do bia bai 5. hard chai - goad don, ghé cig ‘chd mgoan 6, soft chair - bad dog ghd mom ‘ché hur 7. thick baok |. expensive ring fat book han dat tite ae ene, . cheap ring 8. thin book shan 8 tn quyén sich mong 9. full glass - beautiful view y day anh dep 10. empty glass ugly view ines coreat 11. noisy childven/ . easy problem: loud children bai toan db con t@ Bn Bo |. difficult problem/ 12. quiet children hard problem con té yen bai todin kno lang Use the new language. Share your answers. 1. Name thee things that are thick. 2, Name three things that are soft. 3. Name three things that are heavy. 1. Are you a slow driver or a fast driver? 2, Do you have a neat closet or a messy closet? 3. Do you like loud or quiet parties? u 1. blue 6. orange xanh née big maueam 2, dark blue 7. purple xanh dm tim 3. light blue 8. green want lat van Id cy 4. turquoise 9. beige (60g anh xanh int vang lat 5. gray 10. pink xm ong, Use the new language, Look at Clothing 1, pases 64-65. Name the colors of the clothing you see. That's a dark blue suit. 11. brown nau 12, yellow ving 13, red 14, white tring 15, black den Share your answers. 1. What colors are you wearing today? 2. What colors da you like? 3. Is there a color you don’t like? What is it? 1. The red box is next to the yellow box, on the left, Hop mau d6 6 sét bén trai ho 2, The yellow box is next to the red box, on the right, Hop mau t bén phai hop ni 3, The turquoise box is behind the gray bo» Hop mau éag Anh xanh & phia sau hop 4, The gray box is in front of the turquoise box. Hop mau xim 9 phia tre hop mau éng anh xanh 5. The dark blue box is Higp mau xanh dim & trong hop mau ndu wang, ‘More vocabulary near: in the same area The white box is near the black bax. 6. The green box is above the orange box, mma xen la ey 6 trén bi 7. The orange box is below the green box. Hop mau g dure hop mau anh 8. The white box is on the black box. 9. The black box is under the white box. 10, The pink box is between the purple box and the brawn box. far from: not near The red box is far front the black box, 13 4 Numbers and Measurements Con Sé Va Do Luvng Cardinals Sé Thutng 0 zero 11 eleven 86 khong muti mgt 1 one 12 twelve mot mudi hai 2 wo 13 thirteen hai mui ba 3. three 14 fourteen ba mudi bon 4 four 15 fifteen bon mdi kim 5 five 16 sixteen nam mui su 6 six 17 seventeen su musi bay 7 seven 18 eighteen bay muse tm 8 eight 19 nineteen am muti chin 9 nine 20 twemty chin hai murat 10 ten mu Tet first als $6 Thor Ty fiat oe 2nd second thir nh 3rd. third thir ba 4th fourth thi Sth fith thir nam 2 6th sixth thir sau 7th seventh tha Diy Roman numerals Sé La Ms tot vis 7 XXX noosa vil = 8 lh =3 K =9 Vo=na xX = 19 Voss Xv = 15 vi=6 Xx = 20 zone» a 22 30 40 50 80 90 100 ath sth 10th Mth 12th 13th 1th 30 twenty-one hai metal mnt twenty-two hai mai hai thiny ba muci forty én muci fifty rm mut sixty sau mudi seventy bay mui eighty tam mus ninety chin murat one hundred mgt tram eighth the tam ninth tha chin tenth ‘thes muei eleventh ther mudi mot twelfth tho mudi hai thirteenth tha mutiba fourteenth, tht mudi bn 1,000 101 ‘one hundred one mottram 18 mot 1,000 ‘one thousand mot ngan 1,001 ‘one thousand one mBt ngan é mbt 10,000 ten thousand mudi ngan 100,000 ‘one hundred thousand ‘mot tram ngan 1,000,000 one million gt trig 1,000,000,000 15th fifteenth this mus im 16th sixteenth ‘hit mudi sau 17th seventeenth shir mudi bay 18th eighteenth ‘hur musi tim 19th nineteenth ther muti chin 20th twentieth thi hai mural Con S6 Va Bo Lu’éng Numbers and Measurements Fractions Phan SO & Ea one-eighth 2, 1/4 one-fourth 3. 1/3 one-third 1/2 mgt phn tm mot phn tu mot phn ba SO B Tr 4.1/2 one-half 5.3/4 three-fourths 6 1 whole mot phn hai ba phn ta ‘cdiphiin motnta Percents Phin Tram tém mura phain trim 11, 100% one hundred percent @® ® ® o o 100% migt trim phan tram Chigu 100 7.10% ten percent — 10% mui phian tram oe 8. 20% — twenty percent ee 20% hai musi phn tram om fifty percent mam mui pin tim om | eighty percent od Dimensions Measurement Do Luding 12, centimeter [em sang met phan) 13. inch lin] ® ase Equivalencies Tirana Oueng 1 inch = 2.54 centimeters Tyord = 91 meters T mile = 1.46 kilometers EF IZinches = 1 foot bn Bae feet = = 1 yard 15, depth 17. width 1,760 yards: 1 mile chitu sdu_ chiéu rong More vocabulary Share your answers. measure: to find the size or amount of something 11. How many students are in class today? ‘count: to find the total number of something 2. Who was the fist person in class today? sm your home to your school? 5 hat 2. minute 3. hour 61:10 FAAS one-oh-five one-ten one-fiiteen mot gi nim Bt gid muri ‘mbt gi mudi kim five after one ten after one a quarter after one mot gi nam mat gis muro “mbt gid! mudi kam Way Ps 8. 1:20 9.1225 10. 1:30 We 1:35 one-twenty ‘one twenty-five one-thitty one thirty-five mbt git hal muoi mt git hal mci tam mgt gid ba mut mt ht ba mit kam twenty after one twenty-five after one half past one twenty-five to two mbt gity hai muoi mét. gid hai mui am mot gid roi hal gid kém hai mudi am 12 0 2 8 4 765 12. 1:40, 13. 1:45, 14. 150. 15. 1:55, ‘one-forty one forty-five onecftty one fity-five mgt gié bén mui -mét gids b6n mui lam Ot gid nam mudi mét gis nam mui km twenty to bwo 2 quarter to two ten fo two five to two hai gid kém hai muro hha gi km mur tam hai gis km mudi hal git kérm nd Talk about th Share your answers. What time is it? I's 10:00 a.m, What time do you wake up on weekdays? At 6:30 a.m. What time do you wake up on weekends? At 9:30 16 1. How many hours a day do you study English? 2, You are meeting friends at 1:00, How long will you wait for them if they are late? Thi Gio _Time 16. moming itv Newtoundiand 32, standard ti ‘More vocabulary ‘Share your answers. ‘on time: not early and not late 1. When do you watch television? study? ae ase do housework? 2, Do you come to class on time? early? late? The Calendar Lich Naaiy Trong Tuan 11, Sunday Chis nha | 2. Monday That hai 3. Tuesday Thitba |. Wednesday They Days of the week | 2 5. Thursday The nam Friday The sdu 7, Saturday Thit bay 8. year nam 9. month th day gay week, tin 18 weekdays agi (lim vie) trong tulin . weekend cui tun . date gy, thang, nam . today hom nay . tommorrow ngay mat yesterday him qua . last week tain trade JANUARY#: oO, £2) 3). 4) Ss ® z 2001 SUN “TUE WED THU % FRI SAT. z 3 4+ 5 6 7 9 10 7 12 B 14] 16) @ 17 18 19 20 21 23] @ 24 25 26] @ 27 28 29 30) 31 -@ MAY ¢- - this week tun nay. sU M TU W TH F SA ). next week tun tot » every day mi ngay (hang ngay) 22, once a week imi tun mgt in 23, twice a week mdi tuin hai Rin three times a week di tun ba Bin, 24, Talk about the calendar. Whar's today’s date? iv March 10th. What day is it? It's Tuesday. Share your answers. 1. How often do you come to school? 2, How long have you been in this school What day was yesterday? It was Monday. Lich The Calendar ‘Months of the year ‘Thang Trong Nam 25, January Thang mgt 26, February ‘Thang hal 27. March Thang ba a - 28, Apeil i i Thang tu 31 | 29. May Thang nim : AUG a z | Thang sau ee | By 32. August Thang tam 33. September ‘Thang chin 34, October ‘Thang mt 35. November Thang marti mit 36. December ‘Thang ma hat Seasons Mua 37. spring muan 38, summer he 39, fall tha 40. winter 0g 41. birthday gay sinh nbat 42, anniversary gay hy nim 443. legal holiday aay night 44. religious holiday gay 16 tn giao 45. appointment hen 46, vacation fghi/inghi he Use the new language. Talk about your birthday. Look at the ordinal numbers on page 14. My birthday isin the wimter. Use ordinal numbers to say the date, My birthday isin January Is June Sth Ws the fifth My biithdlay is on January twenty-sixth. 19 -@ 1.$.01=1¢ 3. $.10= 10¢ 5. $.50=50¢ a penny/1 cent a dime/10 cents ahalé dollar mbt haof mudi au ‘nam mua xu nite dia 4.5.25 =25¢ 6. $1.00 8 quarter/25 cents a silver dollar hhai me kim xu mbt dérla bac 7, $1.00 1 $10. 11. $50.00 a dollar ten dollars fifty dollars mot a rt nm mde Bs 8. $5.00 10. $20.00 12. $100.00 five dollars twenty dollars cone hundred dollars ram 3 Ways to pay Cach Ti Se mae 13. cash 15, credit card 17. traveler's check fiir mat thé tn dyng chi phidu dutch 14. personal check 16. money order cchi-phid ‘hi6u td bn tagn phié) More vacabulary Other ways to talk about money: borrow: to get money from someone and return it later a dollar bill oraone a ten-dollar bill or a ten lend: to give money to someone and get it back later a five-dolfar bill or a five a twenty-dollar Bill or a pay back: to return the money that you borrowed bweniy Mua Sam Shopping A. shop for E. keep 2. regular price 6. prive/cost mua aw gid thug gid ca B. sell return 3. sale price 7. sales tax ban trillol gid ha thué ban . pay for/buy G. exchange 4, bar code 8. total {ra tin / mua i lai ‘ay hithu ghi gid téng etna D. give 1. price tng 5. receipt 9 change eho th gia ten hhéa dan bien ning tien ‘More vocabulary Share your answers. When you use a creditcard to shop you get. bil in he rail, Bills list, in writing the items you bought a total you have to pay. 1, Name three things you pay for every month. 2. Name one thing you will buy this week. 3. Where do you like to shop? 2 I Description Tudi Tac Va Thé Chat 1. children 4. 6-year-ld boy 7. 13-year-old boy te6 con betrai 6tush thigw-nién 13 U6i 2. baby 5. 10-year-old girl 8. 19-year-old girl em be bégai 10st smisvena 19 1U6i 3. toddler 6. teenagers 9. adults wed nit thant thidu nig gus in 12, senior citizen bic gia cd ® @ 13. young 17. average height 21. average weight we cchibu cao trung binh ean ngng trang binh 14, middle-aged 18, short 22. thin slim frung nién th @y!thon 15. elderly 19. pregnant 23. attractive gue gla hia tha nghée ap dn 16. tall mang 24. cute a0 20. heavyset 8 thong nang ky 25. physically challenged ‘thuong tt 26. sight impaired blind mde kemimo 27. hearing impaired/deat tai kérn diée Talk about yourself and your teacher. Lam young, average height, and average weight. My teacher isa. middle-aged, tall, thin man, Use the new language. Turn to Hobbies and Games, pages 162-163. Describe each person on the page. He's a beavyset, shor, senior citicen- 22 M6 Ta Toc Describing Hair Fe | exastPoo Bow Dav 1. short hair 8. bangs 15. black hair 22. comb toe ngdn X60 che trin oe den hai 2, shoulderlength hair 9 straight hair 16, blond hair A. cut hair tc dai ngang vai 6c théng tee ving at toe 3. long hair 10, wavy hair 17. brown hair B. perm hair oc dai te gon séng iéendu Udi te 4. part 11. curly hair 18, brush . set hair 8 duting madi tec quan luge kiu ban chat cousin te 5. mustache 12. bald 18, scissors D. color hait/dye hair ia mép bei dtu Keo inhudm 6c 6. beard 13. gray hair 20. blow dryer rau quai nén téc bee may say too 7, sideburns 14, red hair 2A. sollers te mal eo 5 dng cue toe More vocabulary Talk about your hair. hair stylist: a person who cuts, sets, and perms hair ‘My hair is Fong, straight, and brown. hair salon: the place where a hair stylist works 1 have long, straight, brawn hair. When I was a child my hair was short, curly, and blond, Family Gia Dinh Tom Lee’s Family eae iu 2. grandmother 3. grandfather 4. parents pe a) cha me Rose Chang Helen Daniel Tog 5: mother 6. father 10. aunt V1. uncle me cha % chi Alex Emily —, B sister 9. brother Pecan f om tel im “chi/em gar jem Rapier te 2. (Min an 9) grandson chau trai 3 ia’s (cla Min va Luy Berta 1 Mario Ana Garcia's 13. mother-in-law 14, father inlaw a bow MAE ‘ Carlos Tito 20, T's) site (cia Tito) vg 16: Brotherio Ew 19. husband anh 6 china Eddie Sara Felix 18. nephew 21. daughter chau gai chau trai eon ‘con tral More vocabulary Share your answers. Lily and Emily are Min and Lu’s granddaughters. 1, How many brothers and sisters do you have? Daniel is Min and L's son-in-law. 2, What number son or daughter are you? ‘Ana is Berta and Mario's daughter-indaw. 3. Do you have any children? Lisa Smith’s Family 23. married 25. single mother ae 26, single father me de:than cha de than 27. remartied Ty ‘ai-hon = ¥))) Carol Rick S Carol 28. stepfather ane a “2 Mary py 29, half brother 30, half sister 32, stepsister 33. stepbrother ‘em tai cing mg om géi cling me ‘em gaieung em tral cing | hdc cha khac cha ‘cha kc me shake me More vocabulary Carol is Dan's former wife. Rick is Carol's husband. Sue is Dan’s wife, Lisa is the stepdaughter of both Rick and Sue. Dan is Carol's former husband, 6:30AM. wake up = make lunch thie day am oom trea ° B. get up G. take the children to school Le go-to the market to day dita tré di igs dicho . take a shower H. take the bus to schoo! M. leave work tm I xe buft di hoc rel sé lam D. get dressed 1. drive to work/ go to work mac quin.4o i x0 di tam E. eat breakfast Jk be in school an diénrim/an sing hgeré tnrong Grammar point: 3rd person singular For lhe and she, we add + or -es to the verb, ‘These verbs are different (irregular): He/She wakes up. be He/She is in school at 10:00 a.m. He/She watches TV, have He/She has dinner at 6:30 p.m. 26 Se ee ee eee on Cong Viéc Hang Ngay Daily Routines N. clean the house R. have dinner V. read the paper ‘quet don nha an 16 oe bao ©. pick up the children 5. watch TV W. exercise én eon 6 pha gts Wd xem TW, tapthé dye P. cook dinner T. do homework X. go to bed nu com ti lim bai t8p Gira Q. come home /get home U, relax Y. gotosleep v8 nha Aghi ngot/xd hat Ginga re Talk about your daily routine. Share your answers. I take a shower in the morning. 1. Who makes dinner in your family? 1 go-to school in the evening 2, Who goes to the market? | go 10 bed at 11 o'ctock 3. Who goes to work? Life Events Dién Bién Trong Cudc Séng A. be born sanh ra B. start school Ibét dau

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