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Insonic Enterprise

The VoiceXML Strategy

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Speech Recognition Solutions

The Voice Web Vision
♦ In the future, people will browse on the Voice Web as they do it today with a Web
Browser on the internet
Voice Messaging
anytime, anywhere, Intelligent Dialtone
from any phone “What can I do for you?”
Portal Local-based Information

Caller Voice
Voice Information
Service Transaction

♦ Base technology used:

Speaker Verification Speech Recognition Speech Synthesis

Who is calling? Natural Language Understanding Text-to-Speech
Prerecorded Prompts

© by Insonic AG, 28. June 2002 Slide 2

The Voice Web Potential
♦ Explosive growth of the World Wide Web Source: Evan Group Research Study, February 1999

More than 260 million people use the Internet as an indispensable part of their daily
♦ Today’s Device Penetration Source: Goldman Sachs Investment Research

More then 20 million mobile (PDA, WAP, etc.) users

More then 240 million internet (PC) users

More then 1.3 billion telephone (wireline and cellular) users

♦ The richness of e-commerce combined with the ubiquity of the phone generates
a great business potential, the voice web

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Relationship between Web & Voice Web
♦ The Voice Web leverages the infrastructure of the World Wide Web

What's the
current price
VoiceXML Interpreter
of UBS
with support for:
Welcome to - ASR
Insonic Finance - DTMF
Phone user Voice - Audio
Network - Telephony
VoiceXML- Pages
Browser HTTP
Internet HTTP

HTML Application
Pages Servcer

J2EE-compliant Application Server with

- User Interfaces to content and transactions
- Service Logic (e.g. in servlets)
Web user - connection to backend e-commerce & CRM systems

© by Insonic AG, 28. June 2002 Slide 2

What is VoiceXML?
♦ It‘s the HTML of the Voice Web
♦ A voice markup language based on XML

♦ Example: Hello World in VoiceXML

<vxml version="1.0">
<block>Hello World!</block>

<vxml> is the top-level element that contains dialogs elements (etc.)

<form> is a dialog element that contains form items (etc.)
<block> is a form item that contains items such as text to be spoken

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History of VoiceXML
♦ 1995: First discussions at AT&T Research => Phone Web project
♦ Early 1999:
ƒ AT&T and Lucent have different dialects of Phone Markup Language (PML)
ƒ Motorola has VoxML
ƒ IBM has SpeechML
♦ AT&T, Lucent, Motorola and IBM start VoiceXML Forum
♦ March to August of 1999: VoiceXML 0.9 defined by VoiceXML Forum
♦ March 2000: VoiceXML 1.0
♦ May 2000: VoiceXML 1.0 "accepted" by the W3C
♦ January 2001: First draft of VoiceXML 2.0 by W3C's Voice Browser Working
♦ Final recommendation for VoiceXML 2.0 planned for Q1 2003

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VoiceXML Basics
♦ A VoiceXML application consists of:
ƒ A set of .vxml files


Dialog Dialog
1 2

ƒ Prompts, Grammars, ECMA Scripts

ƒ Java Server Pages, Servlets (if dynamic)
ƒ SpeechObjects

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VoiceXML Basics (2)
♦ A document contains a list of dialogs:





♦ A Dialog contains either a <form> or a <menu> element

ƒ A sophisticated menu will be implemented with a <form>
ƒ No automatic jump from dialog to dialog. Application ends when no more jumps follow

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Insonic Architecture Overview
Development Management
Development Voice System Management
Environment Java
XML Mgmt
Admin Statistic Console
Environment Console

Voice Tools
External Data Feeds
e.g. OnVista, Reuters
Insonic Finance

Interaction Manager
Standard Software Packages
Market e.g. SAP




E-commerce Platforms
Any other Multichanneling Systems
E-mail, Fax

Transaction Systems

Agent Workplace 3rd Party Products

Business Domains

Computer Telephony Billing Systems, Customer Relationship

Integration Others Management

© by Insonic AG, 28. June 2002 Slide 2

VoiceXML Browser
♦ Independency of base speech technology and runtime platform


Insonic Domains
ASR Verifier TTS
e.g. Finance

Insonic Enterprise Server

Speech Technology

HTTP Market
GPRS, UMTS Information
VoiceXML Browser
VoiceXML Quotes
E-mail, Fax Runtime Platform
VoIP Tel. Board IVR

Agent Workplace

Customer calling VoiceXML Server J2EE-compliant Application Server

© by Insonic AG, 28. June 2002 Slide 2

Reusable Speech Components
♦ Standard based Software: Java and VoiceXML

Packaged Custom Speech Applications
Speech Application
e.g. Finance Account Business
Currency Speech Components

Time Enterprise
& Correct Speech Components

Insonic Dialog VoiceXML

Enterprise Flow Page Speech Component
Speech Processing
Component Component Framework

VoiceXML Templates & Servlet Framework

JavaBean Components

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Insonic Servlet Framework
♦ Builds the base for the Insonic Speech Components
♦ Web application framework and component model
ƒ Low-level components that generate VoiceXML output from Java code
ƒ Template-based components
♦ Template engine for VoiceXML pages
♦ Provides support for:
ƒ Servlet session management
ƒ Internationalization
ƒ Exception handling

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Insonic Speech Components (1)
♦ Defines an easy to use JavaBeans component model
♦ Hides and manages the complexity of dynamic VoiceXML applications
ƒ State & Session management
ƒ Abstracts from the VoiceXML Version
ƒ Hides the VoiceXML Browser specifics
♦ Implements a clean MVC approach
ƒ Business logic and dialog flow control are only on the application server (Java)
ƒ Voice User Interface is defined in VoiceXML templates
♦ Allows to define hierarchical dialogs/dialog flows
ƒ Composite design pattern
ƒ Easy definition of state transitions
ƒ Clean exception propagation along the dialog hierarchy
ƒ Shortcuts between dialogs (with shortcut context data)

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Insonic Speech Components (2)
♦ Is based on the Insonic servlet framework
ƒ Generates VoiceXML output based on templates and corresponding JavaBeans
ƒ Speech Components wrap around such VoiceXML pages to hide complexity
ƒ A high level Speech Component can consist of multiple VoiceXML pages
ƒ Supports recognition and pure processing components
♦ Supports different extension / usage levels
ƒ Composition of pre-built Speech Components to create new components
ƒ Customization of existing Speech Components via property file
(prompts, grammars etc.)
ƒ Extension of existing Speech Components
ƒ Creation of new components based on VoiceXML templates / JavaBeans
♦ Provides reuseable components for rapid application development
ƒ Dialog Flow, Menu, Time/Date, Yes/No, Implicit Confirmation, Confirm & Correct,
Browsable List, CallTransfer, Authentication, ...

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Insonic Speech Component Model

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Insonic Finance
♦ Packaged speech application for the financial domain
♦ Provides Business Speech Components like:
ƒ Account Management
ƒ selection (inluding account disambiguation)
ƒ Account balance report
ƒ Recent transactions report
ƒ Money Transfer

ƒ Quotes
ƒ instrument/market place selection, including disambiguation

ƒ Trading
ƒ Buy/Sell Order (select instrument, market place, amount, validity, limit, accounts)
ƒ Pending orders report
ƒ Custody account information

ƒ etc.

© by Insonic AG, 28. June 2002 Slide 2

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